
Taking The Leap From Learner To Marketer

Always working too much, Amanda Vollmer began to realize she felt like she was never taking a break. On every vacation she was always doing something for work and never found          the time to be able to be fully present for her family because of that. She knew she needed to change that part of her life and began searching online for a solution. She found Legendary Marketer and the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge and decided to give it a try.


Prior to Legendary Marketer, Amanada didn’t know what affiliate marketing was. Despite being new at it she decided to get started with it anyway. Continuing on with solely being a mortgage agent was draining her with a 60+ weekly schedule after 20 years. Despite not having much technological knowledge, she went all in with Legendary because she could see how it had the potential to change her life.


From Learning To Doing  


Through Legendary Marketer Amanda discovered the Legendary community and Facebook group and was finding people that started out just like she had that had built their own businesses. She was able to start posting her content online and felt ready to get started through the encouragement of her peers in the community.


Amanda decided to just put her content out there, no matter how she felt about it or what it looked like. She kept hearing from the community to just start and worry about the rest after but kept giving herself excuses. Finally she made the decision to just start her business and she never looked back.


Just starting when you first start out with your business is the key part of launching. So many people wait for what they think is the right moment to post their first piece of content, that everything has to be just right. The most important part of starting your affiliate marketing business is to truly just start posting content online.


Posting, Not Perfecting


Before launching her business, Amanda could’ve probably taken around 50 videos in preparation to post her first one. She focused so much on the perfection of her content instead of just getting it out there. She felt robotic with each take, unable to feel genuine in her video because they just weren’t natural.


Amanda relaxed and just went with being herself in her content. She spoke to her camera like it was a friend or a client. “If the camera becomes somebody that needs my help vs me trying to sell something it just comes across so much more genuine,” Amanda said in her interview with Wake Up Legendary. 


Remaining authentic and being yourself is such an important part of your online business because that’s how you stay connected with your audience. Your audience will want to view your content and trust you more when you’re being yourself on camera and not pretending to be someone you're not. 

Revisiting Marketing Education


Amanda revisits her education through Legendary often. She finds herself going through the 15 Day Challenge over again because new content is added and it’s important to her to stay up to stay knowledgeable about the new ways she can help her business grow. 


The internet is always changing and so is affiliate marketing. Staying updated with Legendary’s  education will help guide your business in the right direction and give you more knowledge about affiliate marketing than you ever thought you’d have. “If you expect to just look at it once and know all the things you’re doing wrong because you're going to hear different things every time you listen to it,” Amanda said. 


The best way to get plugged back into the marketing world is to revisit your education and continue to try new things with your business. You may discover something new you didn’t hear before that will change your business for the better. Diving right into posting instead of waiting to perfect your content is not going to help you progress. Just start and see where it takes you!


Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.


Finding Motivation Through Mindset In Your Online Business

Alexa Winkiwiz is a former kindergarten teacher. Once she had her third child she knew that something in her life had to change. She wanted to be able to spend more time at home with her children and less time with other people’s children. Childcare was expensive and she began to run out of options. 


When she found Legendary Marketer, everything in her life changed. She realized this would be a business where she could create her own schedule and do work on her own time. She started dedicating herself to the course and the learning and would go through the education and content when her kids would go to bed. She kept showing up because there was something inside her that was pulling her to want to keep going. 

Having Awareness In Your Business


Something that has really changed for Alexa has been her amount of awareness she has had online in her business. Since starting online she has grown  to be more aware of how she shows up online and to her followers. 


Alexa shared that she feels like this business wakes her up to every aspect of her life. Her habits have changed from falling into bad habits to now noticing when she’s picking up a bad habit, being able to identify it and change it. 


Another way she is able to develop awareness in her business is by forming a connection with her community. By connecting with others in the Legendary Marketer community she is able to learn from them and share motivation and encouragement with them. This helps her to show up more present online and attract a wider audience.


Building a community will help you to connect with others who are in the same spot as you in your online journey. Finding encouragement through building community will help you to grow and feel uplifted. 

Leaving A Negative Mindset Behind


Alexa shared that mindset is the most important part of any journey. She used to blame everyone and everything for why things were difficult in her life. Once she realized it wasn’t everyone else, it was actually her mindset holding her back she was able to identify and change that. 


It’s easy to put blame on other people for things going wrong in your life but by adjusting your mindset and response to those situations. It's important to keep in mind that your mindset and response to how you deal with difficult situations can seriously contribute to the situation itself. 


Adjusting your mindset will help you be able to focus the responsibility on you and your business. Many people try to blame everything but themselves for what goes wrong in their online business. When you are able to identify where you are going wrong, take responsibility for it and try another way to remove the blame shift from others and put it back onto yourself. 


Being able to take responsibility in your business will help you grow your confidence. Alexa shared that the confidence doesn't come before you take responsibility for your business, but after. Once you are able to show up for your business and put in the hard work your confidence will grow. 


Being able to have awareness in your business, change your mindset, and take ownership and responsibility over your online business will help you to grow into a more confident marketer. By doing things like building connections with your community you can expand your knowledge and learn from other marketers. 


Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.


Turning Your Self Doubt Into A Success Story

On Monday December 4th Dave Sharpe sat down with Ginger Halbert to talk about her online business and how she is turning years of self doubt into achievement. Ginger is from Melbourne Australia and is a primary school teacher. After maternity leave she had to go back to work and knew she would much rather be at home with her newborn daughter. After putting her 8 month old daughter into daycare she knew that a change needed to be made in her life so that she could stay home with her and be a present Mom for her daughter. 


She came across Legendary and did the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge after starting a blog online. Once she started her affiliate marketing journey she felt like she had found what she was looking for.  


Identifying Limiting Beliefs In Your Journey


Growing up Ginger felt like she had to live the cookie cutter life of going to college and getting a 9-5 job after. She was always told that was the only way to live. Affiliate marketing was the hidden gem that had always been there but she hadn’t known about.


Growing up she always gave up on things quickly and never pushed through because of self doubt. Since starting her affiliate marketing journey she has taught herself to push through things even when they are hard or if she thinks she can’t do something.

Identifying what your limiting beliefs are. This may be something like how Ginger felt the only way to go through life was college onto a 9-5. What is holding you back from starting your online business and taking the plunge into digital marketing? Identifying what is holding you back and not allowing it to is where your digital marketing journey can truly begin to blossom.


For Ginger this looked like her being fearful to show her face online. Who would see her content? What if students and their parents saw it? Once she identified that limiting belief and chose to make her content anyway, she was able to move past it and see that it didn’t matter who saw her content, because the right people would find it.


Finding The Right Mindset For Your Business and Embracing Change


A big part of your marketing journey is finding the right mindset. Finding the right mindset to have in your business is shifting your mindset to knowing that no matter what, giving up on your business cannot be an option. You have to be willing to remove quitting from your list of options. 


Another part of this is embracing change both in your business and in the online space. The internet is ever changing and growing. Adapting to the possibility of aspects in your business changing often is all part of maintaining and building your business. Social media changes and things become popular and get old quickly. Always be ready and willing to embrace the changes that may come your way and be willing to change the way you make content. 


If something isn’t working for you, don’t give up. Trying new things is all part of the process. If you aren’t receiving engagement, try something new. This may be a new prop in your videos, a new angle or type of content, or something else. Trying new things in your content and embracing change allows for more people to find your content and connect with it. 


Navigating Online Negativity


Something that can really slow people down and prohibit their growth in the online space is negativity from viewers on social media. Everyone receives negativity online when they put themselves out there. Something that really helped Ginger overcome the negativity of others online was working on her self growth. By empowering herself she was able to stop caring about what others were saying about her online. 


Another way to deter hate from your page is by delivering consistent value to your audience and remaining authentic. When you remain authentic to yourself you can cultivate a positive online presence of people who really connect to your story and want the value that you are delivering. Engaging with your audience and being helpful and friendly can also help create a community that supports your business and counters negativity. 


Negative comments and criticism are not a reflection of your abilities and worth. Finding the right mindset and identifying your limiting beliefs will help your business to grow and thrive. Focusing on the positives in digital marketing and releasing the negatives or anxieties that come with starting and maintaining a new business will help you to not only develop yourself mentally, but allow your business to develop and grow as well. 


Would you like to find a profitable business you can do from home so you can bring in much more substantial income? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.

Removing Quitting As An Option In Your Digital Marketing Journey

Last week on Wake Up Legendary David Sharpe sat down with Cayla Ronke to talk about how she is finding success with her digital marketing business.


Building Authenticity and Relationships With Your Audience


Cayla shared with David Sharpe that one of the main ways she is finding success is through building relationships with her audience. She always strives to be as authentic as possible with her audience and is honest with them. The more comfortable she is with her audience, the more they interact with her content.


Being authentic with your audience is important because you want your viewers to trust you and relate to you. Being honest about where you are in your journey is what is going to get people to connect with you. When your audience sees your content they won’t want to see a perfect person, they want to see someone they can relate to who is just like them.


Sharing Your Story With Your Audience


Cayla left her desk job after it caused her to have a mental health spiral. She knew she couldn’t go back to it after the stress it had caused her. When she started her digital marketing business she didn’t think she had a story, but when she began to share with her audience about her mental health journey that led her to the online space, she was able to connect with her audience more than ever before.


Sharing your story is important because that is what your audience is going to feel inspired by. Everyone has a story, even if you don’t think you do. By sharing your story online you are able to connect with your audience on a more personal level. Share what brought you online and why you got started in the online space. 


By sharing about the challenges you’ve overcome and sharing what motivates you to keep your business going it humanizes you and also gives your audience the ability to connect with you on a deeper level. Sharing your story also helps people who might be in a similar situation realize that digital marketing is an option and inspires them to start a new path as well. 


Cayla strives to tell her story in a way that makes her audience feel less alone in how they are feeling. She wants her audience to know that they aren’t alone and that whatever they are struggling with they can get through it too and keep going. 


Removing Quitting From Your List of Options


When Cayla first started in her digital marketing journey, she wanted to quit many times. What kept her going was knowing that if she gave up, all of her hard work that she had put into her online business would have all been for nothing. Instead of giving up, she kept going and pushing herself to learn more each day. Cayla preps her content in advance to make it easier on herself so that she has content to post on days where she might not have the energy to create it. 


Cayla shared that you don’t have to have fancy equipment or make a super edited video to find success online. Don’t let a lack of fancy equipment or special effects in your videos be what stops you. Allow yourself to get creative and learn as you go. The more effort and time you put into your digital marketing business and learning how to navigate the digital world, it will be easier and feel more natural to create content.


When she decided to remove quitting from her list of options, Cayla made a goal for herself that she would continue her digital marketing journey for a year no matter what. Creating goals for yourself along the way is a great way to keep yourself motivated. 


Being authentic with your audience and sharing your story will help keep your viewers coming back to your content and feeling connected to you. Removing quitting as an option just like Cayla did will help ensure that your hard work pays off because just like she says, you can only move forward and keep learning every day.


Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.

Four Tips To Create A Thriving Online Business

This past Monday on Wake Up Legendary Dave Sharpe sat down with Em Walcott to talk about her journey of growing a successful digital marketing business. 


Em started out in a career as a private practice recreational therapist. She loved her job, but kept feeling like she had to choose between her career and her family. She was burnt out and felt like she had no time for herself. She had to make a choice to either continue down that path and put all of her time and effort into a job that couldn’t give her a life she wanted, or to move on.


Em left her job as a therapist and knew she would need to start doing something else to supplement the income she was missing. She signed up for the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge and started her digital marketing business. 


Manifesting What You Want And Making It Happen


Em knew she wanted to be able to bring more money into her family and had faith that she would have success with her business. Part of starting an online business is staying committed to it and manifesting the success that you want to see. When Em began to manifest her success she started to see results and kept seeing results. 


Creating small goals for yourself to accomplish is a great way to manifest your success. You have to want more out of life and take steps every day to make that happen. Write down your goals and make sure they are clear and attainable. When you have a goal you want to achieve it becomes easier to stay focused and motivated.  


Be Authentic With Your Audience 


When Em started creating videos on TikTok she saw that the people who were building the most connection with their audiences were the people who were just being themselves. Your audience is not going to connect with someone who is fake. You don’t have to worry about looking perfect or having a perfect background or setting. Your audience isn’t perfect so they won’t connect with someone who is perfect.


Be willing to be vulnerable with your audience. Tell them why you got started online and what brought you to digital marketing. Share about your everyday life and be honest. If you aren’t feeling 100% your audience will relate to that because there are days where they feel like that too. When other people see you being honest and vulnerable about how you feel they realize it’s okay for them to feel that way too. 


When Em started making TikTok videos she started having fun making them. Everything she said in her videos were her true feelings and she had never had an outlet like that for her emotions. The best part was that her audience related to and understood how she felt about leaving her job and moving online. 


Creating digital marketing content isn’t about how good you look or to show off for people, it’s your opportunity to show them who you really are and connect with your audience. Being authentic with your audience shows them that it’s okay to not be okay sometimes but that they can take action in their life to change their situation instead of feeling and staying stuck. 


Utilizing Your Community


Em shared with Dave Sharpe that she wishes others would utilize the online community we have like the Legendary Marketer Facebook group. There are so many people that helped to encourage and uplift her when she started. The others in the Facebook group helped show her that she was just like everyone else and that everyone was sharing the most authentic version of themselves.


Part of being authentic in your digital marketing business is building connections with others. Building a connection and community with other people will help you to learn strategies from other people just like you and be able to celebrate your wins together. Digital marketing isn’t a competition and building your community will give you the opportunity to learn and connect with other people in your niche.


Learn To Trust Yourself  


Em shared with Dave Sharpe that this is one of the first times where she feels like she can really listen to her own intuition and trust herself. She shared that its important to show up every day for your business and trust your decisions and be proud of that. You are the one who’s running your business so it’s important to trust yourself in the decisions you are making and be confident.


Sometimes it might feel hard to trust yourself with your business when others don’t understand it. Instead of sharing what your business is when people in your life ask, you can share with them what your goals are and find sometime that they will agree with you on. That might be wanting to go on more vacations or spend more time with your family. They might not understand what your business is but they will understand your want to bring more into your life. 


Manifesting what you want, being authentic with your audience, utilizing your community and learning to trust yourself are all great ways to help bring success to your digital marketing business. Staying true to yourself and being focused and motivated will help you grow your business and your connection with your audience at the same time.


Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.

Three Tips To Help You Grow Your Business To Its Fullest Potential

On last Monday’s episode of Wake Up Legendary David Sharpe sat down with Meagan Hall to talk about her journey of leaving her 9-5 and going full time with her online business.


Meagan knew that the 9-5 life wasn’t for her but she was unsure of how to get out of it without taking huge risks and making big investments. She heard about Legendary Marketer and the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge through TikTok and decided to try it out. Since starting she has been able to quit her job and she now makes twice the annual income she was making before.

Staying Consistent Within Your Digital Marketing Business 


Meagan shared that even though you may not feel like it, one of the most important parts of your digital marketing business is showing up for it every day. This means answering messages, creating content, and building a relationship with your audience. Showing up for your business also looks like doing research, and actively engaging in the platforms so that you can always be ready to adapt to any changes, since social media is unpredictable. 


Meagan says that not seeing results every day really made it difficult for her to continue to stay consistent. It is hard to stay motivated and not fall behind when you aren’t seeing any immediate changes. Building a digital marketing business is not an overnight process. It requires hard work. This is not something that you will get instant gratification out of. You are working towards something long term with long term benefits. 


Maintaining Authenticity With Your Audience


Another thing that Meagan shared is a huge part of her online business is staying authentic with her audience. People like to know that they are talking and listening to a normal person who is just like them. The more your audience can relate to you, the more they will build trust with you. Your audience is less likely to invest in your product or business if they don’t feel a sense of trust with you.


The more authentic you are with your audience the more variety of people you will attract. One way to build a relationship with your audience is by going live. Going live will help you to show your audience that you are a regular person. Talk to your audience like you are talking to a friend. Share your story and why you came online to make money. People will connect to your story and relate to it. 


Manifesting Your Path To Success


For Meagan, manifesting what she wanted to happen was a big part of her journey. She said that being confident about her business and speaking into existence that she was going to quit her job this year was what helped her to stay motivated. She stayed focused on the idea that she wanted each month of her journey to look different than the last.


Staying confident in your business will help you to show others that you are serious about it. Sometimes family and friends may not understand what you’re doing right away. Usually they will come around once they hear the success you are having with your business. Tell them that you’ve started your side hustle, this is what you’re going to do with it, and this is what you’re going to do because of it and be confident in what you say. By doing this you are manifesting and creating goals for yourself.


Staying consistent with your content, building a connection with your audience through your authenticity, and manifesting your success are all ways to help build and grow your business. Stay true to yourself and create valuable content for your audience that they can connect with. By doing this you will help to grow strong relationships with your audience and build a strong business at the same time. 


Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.

Four Tips To Start Your Digital Marketing Business For Beginners

On this week’s episode of Wake Up Legendary David Sharpe sat down with Kimberly Bollom to talk about how she went from becoming a nurse to becoming a digital marketer. Kimberly started as a nurse and then got involved in the nurse corps in the military, where she met her husband as well.

 In 2020 she became an educator to teach other graduates to be nurses, and a year and a half later she found herself working over 60 hours a week with little to no time to herself. Kelly asked for a pay raise and was denied, and that was when she knew she needed a change. She knew she wanted some form of passive income, and more importantly, some of her time back. She put in the research and that’s when she found the 15 day business builder challenge. 

Tip #1: Be A Learner First

When you first start out in affiliate marketing, you aren’t going to know everything there is to know about affiliate marketing. That’s why it’s important to be a learner first before doing anything. Allow yourself to really soak up all of the information. Go through the course you are taking so that you can then learn that valuable information and be able to use it. 

When you’re showing the product that you’re promoting, tell your audience how it works. Be knowledgeable about your product or service that you’re promoting. Talk about the specifics of the product and tell your audience how that product or service helped you. Tell your audience how your product or service can help them or solve a problem that they have. 

Tip #2: Create Authentic Content

One huge tip that Kimberly shared was to always be authentic when making content. People will relate to you more when you are completely your authentic self. There is no need to pretend to be someone you aren’t or pretend to know everything there is to know about marketing or your niche. It’s okay to continue to be a learner when starting your business. 

Tell your story in your content and explain what brought you to wanting to start your own business and bring in more income. Your audience will relate to what you’re saying because they too would like more income.Your audience will trust you more when they feel like they can relate to you and understand you, especially if you share similar experiences. 

Tip #3 Don’t Be Too Self Critical

When creating content and watching it over, you might find yourself being too critical and feeling like you have to re-make the content over and over because it’s just not “perfect”. You will always find things in your content that you don’t like, but try not to focus on the small details. Your audience isn’t going to criticize your every move and neither should you. You are your own worst critic. 

Sometimes the best thing to do after creating content is not watch it back, and just post it. You may even find that you feel more productive with that strategy. Another important piece is the speed of implementation. This means practicing making content quickly. Being able to quickly film a video in 1 take and post will save you time during content creation and help you to be more productive. Practice recording videos and content creation until you feel comfortable enough to create a video in 1 take and post it. 

Tip #4: Fail Forward Fast 

David Sharpe said that one strategy to have success in your business is to fail forward fast. Essentially, don’t be afraid to fail. Failure is an opportunity for growth and redirection in your business. Take advantage of your lack of knowledge and use your energy to soak up as much information as possible for your business. 

Test different strategies with your business and if something doesn’t work, don’t give up, try something new instead. Finding what works for your business and what type of content will bring you the most success. Figure out what type of content your audience likes to see from you, and even test new or different styles of content. 

Starting a new online business can feel tricky but once you figure out what your audience connects with it will help your business to grow. Connecting with your audience will give them the reassurance they need to trust you and build a connection with you. This way you can figure out how your product or service can help them. 

Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.

3 Mindset Shifts Needed to Move from Employee to Entrepreneur

A Plumber’s Daughter

Lacey Antonio’s father was a plumber for many years.

He was a hard-working man, squarely in the middle class. 

Someone who made enough to pay the bills but never had any extra.

He told Lacey, “Go to college. I don’t want you to struggle like I did.”

So that’s what she did…

And she started working in healthcare before she even graduated high school.

Fast forward 15 years, and now she’s a mom working as a physical therapy assistant. 

Despite going to college and getting a “good” job, she was STILL struggling to do anything extra…

Exactly what her father didn’t want for her.

“I just kept thinking to myself, ‘Is this what the rest of my life is going to be? To clock in and be so busy that I’m drowning most days? Do I have to do this for the next 40 years?’” 

That unsettling feeling is what led Lacey to explore work-from-home options, such as multi-level marketing companies (MLMs) and working as a virtual assistant. 

But these weren’t cutting it, either!

As it turns out, the problem wasn’t that the side hustles inherently didn’t work… 

Rather, Lacey had to first overcome her own limiting beliefs. 

During her interview on Wake Up Legendary, Lacey shared three enlightening shifts she made that helped pave her way to entrepreneurial success.

Mindset shift #1: From being a good employee to becoming an entrepreneur

Please hear this loud and clear, there is NOTHING wrong with being an employee. 

Again for the people in the back, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING AN EMPLOYEE.

The problem is that for some people, the employee mindset keeps them stuck in a job that drains them.

You might know the feeling!

And you might even crave direction from a boss or supervisor, even if only a little bit. 

Because as an employee, you aren’t responsible if things go south. Your boss is! 

On the flip side, you also don’t get to fully enjoy the fruits of your labor because you’re busy building someone else’s dream. 

When a person decides to buck that system and become an entrepreneur, there’s no one there telling you what to do.

No one is giving you tasks or assigning deadlines.

And the ONLY person who suffers if you don’t do the work is YOU…and potentially your family if they rely on your income. 

The employee mindset is what makes us show up, clock in, work, work, work, clock out, and repeat the next day and the next…

For the next 40+ years….

Which sounded TERRIBLE to Lacey! 

But she also found that breaking free from the employee mindset when first starting an online business was T-O-U-G-H. 

Why? Because Lacey, who like so many of us, had spent decades perfecting it.

Think about it, from the age of 5 we start doing work for the approval of others – our teachers, coaches, and parents. 

So when there’s no one else and it’s just you calling the shots… 

It can feel lonely and overwhelming.  


Remember, on the other side of that “safe and secure” job is actual freedom…

But it requires rewiring your brain. 

And once you commit to your own success, build new skills, and DO THE WORK needed to finally see results, you will. 

For Lacey, this took a while – more than 6 months from the time she started her online business to the time she started gaining traction. 

True, this change from employee to entrepreneur will not happen overnight, but it will happen over time. 

Mindset Shift #2: From “This doesn’t work,” to “How can I make this work?” 

Everyone who has ever tried to earn money online has DREAMED of becoming the next internet millionaire. 

Not that we actually believe it’ll happen to us, but gosh, don’t we all secretly hope it will? 

So when your business doesn’t grow as quickly as you’d hoped, or as quickly as the next person you see on social media, it’s frustrating. 

And it’s very easy to blame this “slow growth” (or whatever the problem is) on anyone and anything else besides yourself.

Truthfully, building a business online isn’t fair

And there are no guarantees that you’ll make any amount of money. 

So the only way to guarantee your growth, no matter how fast or slow, is to just…keep…going.

How do you do that?

Well, instead of asking your boss what you should do next, YOU figure it out.

Post a question online, call customer service, or look up an answer on YouTube.

The point is, as an entrepreneur, everything you need is right in front of you. 

You just have to put the pieces together in a way that works for your business. 

When Lacey realized THIS, things started changing for the better. 

Views on her content increased, engagement went up…as did her confidence in herself.

This did not happen overnight, remember? 

It happened over 6 months! 

But she did it by working through a lot of trial and error, going back to her training, and working on her mindset DAILY. 

You can do this, too, it just takes work and perseverance. 

Mindset shift #3: From shooting stars to small wins

In the late 1990s and early 2000s there was a show on tv called, “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?”

It was crazy popular, and even inspired an 8-time Academy Award winning film called Slumdog Millionaire

What’s the point? 

Well, the popularity of the show and the movie demonstrate just how much people across the world want to strike it rich. 

Who DOESN’T want to be the next millionaire?

But this “shoot for the stars” mindset is also what keeps millions of people stuck in their mundane 9-5s. 

Like if you can’t “have it all” in the snap of your fingers, why even try?

So here’s what to do instead.

Celebrate your wins. Even the small ones. Especially the small ones.

Like Dave said, “Let’s not rob ourselves of the credit we deserve from the small efforts we’ve made.”

You may not answer the million dollar question, find the burning bush, or catch a shooting star during your first week, first month, or even your first year in business!

But are you showing up in your business every day?

Are you putting in consistent effort?

Are you training your mind to be open to abundance instead of circling in self-doubt and limiting beliefs?

If so, results will come. 

If you take nothing else from this article, remember that your mindset determines your success. And you can start improving yours TODAY!

  1. Become an entrepreneur by taking the reins, solving problems for yourself, and figuring things out as you go. 
  2. Instead of saying phrases like, “This doesn’t work,” ask yourself, “How can I make this work?” 
  3. Shift your focus from catching shooting stars to celebrating your small wins. 

Lastly, make yourself proud not with results, but with the effort you put in…and your success will come in ways you never thought possible. 

As always, be Legendary. 

To catch the entire Wake Up Legendary interview with Lacey Antonio, watch the replay here or listen to the audio anywhere you get your podcasts. Be sure to tune in to Wake Up Legendary live every Monday to Friday at 10am eastern. 

From Blue-Collar Burnout to Internet Entrepreneur: An Un-fancy Road to Success

Contrary to a belief that MANY of us seem to have in our heads, the road to success isn’t fancy. 

It’s not paved with golden bricks…

And it definitely ain’t easy. 

In real life, pursuing a new path means you’ll have to make tough decisions. 

Overcome doubts. 

Battle your fears. 

And those are just your own! 

Nevermind what your loved ones think about your new venture. 

But according to Sean Sarantos, achieving success CAN BE simple…ya just gotta show up…

When the pressure cooker explodes

In early 2022, Sean was a blue-collar guy making good money as an electrical lineman.

This US Air Force veteran was married with a toddler and another baby on the way. 

He worked all the time, whenever asked. 

Nights. Weekends. Holidays. 24-hour shifts. 

Every storm, every emergency, every outage – Sean was out there battling the elements. 

And he justified his long working hours because that’s what a man does. 

He provides. Keeps a roof over his family’s heads. Puts food on the table.

Until one day, Sean’s son was sick. 

Sean asked his boss to stay home so he could take care of him. 

He didn’t think he was asking for too much, it was just a day. 

His boss’s response? 

“F*ck your kid. Get to work.”


That day, something inside Sean simultaneously snapped and lit a fire inside him. 

He started searching for new opportunities… 

And saw a video of a mom talking about how she made a 6-figure salary from home by promoting products on social media. 

In Sean’s words, the video was “poorly produced,” but it made him think! 

  • What if he could build his own business?
  • What if he could make good money and NOT have to work 90+ hours a week for it? 
  • What if he could spend more time with his family? 

With nothing to lose except a job that was sucking the life out of him, he finally said “f*ck it” and bought the 15 Day Challenge. 

And then Sean became OBSESSED.  

He squeezed in the course training and content creation into every spare moment of his day – on his commute, during his workouts, lunch breaks, every possible minute. 


Because he was determined to build a better life WITH his family rather than “provide for” his family as an absent father existing for a paycheck. 

So what does success look like in real life?

Whatever YOU want it to be, truthfully. It’s different from person to person. 

Regardless, achieving success boils down to not giving up when you feel like quitting. 

Quitting on yourself, that is. 

(Sidenote, Sean DID quit his “9-5” with a promise to his wife to earn back his salary within a few months, which he did.)

Like all entrepreneurs, Sean learned a few lessons the hard way…

Here are three of his most basic secrets to building a multiple 6-figure business in under a year: 

  1. Be simple and clear in your messaging. 
  2. Lead your viewers down a well-defined path ONE STEP AT A TIME. 
  3. Remember what it’s like to be the person on the other side of the screen, and speak to that person.

Don’t overcomplicate things!

Just focus on the one who needs to hear your message…

The person with a problem who’s desperate to solve it, and you have the solution. 

Above all else, be generous. 

Sean shows up differently in his business because he thinks differently about people.

He knows that the more humanity he shows…

The more love and care that he pours into his coaching clients…

And the more genuine connections he forms with others help set him apart from the crowd.

What a difference a year makes. 

You aren’t likely to see Sean driving around in fast cars or jet-setting around the world.

And that’s intentional because the reason he started his business was to spend more time with his family…

NOT working all the time

NOT trading his time for money

NOT spending all day on his phone

This is his version of success – quality family time. 

Sean shows up fully and authentically as himself, a guy who loves his wife, kids, working out, and helping others reach their own potential. 

But just like thousands of other entrepreneurs, he, too, had to get out of his own way and move past his own skepticism…

That starting an online business and making a good living from home was simply too good to be true.  

Being skeptical is good, healthy actually. 

But it can become a hindrance if it stops us from ever starting. 

That means it’s up to us to do the research and find out what is real. 

So as you look around the internet, ask yourself, how ARE people building online businesses? 

What DO they do to earn real, legitimate income online?  

How ARE they earning enough to cut down to part-time hours, or to quit their job altogether? 

Once we get past the skepticism and change into research mode, that’s where the magic starts to happen. 

And like in Sean’s experience, once you start seeing the possibilities out there, it becomes impossible to un-see them.

The road to success might not be fancy or glamorous, but it is simple: 

  • Show up consistently, every single day. 
  • Be generous and honest. 
  • And even when you want to quit, keep going.

To hear the full Wake Up Legendary interview with Sean Sarantos, you can catch the replay right here. Tune in live on Facebook every Monday-Friday at 10 am Eastern to hear another great interview with members of the Legendary community. And if you can’t join live, be sure to subscribe to Wake Up Legendary with Dave Sharpe on your favorite podcast platform! 

Real Talk: Leaving an “Important” Job to Become an Online Entrepreneur

Caroline Hannay had never heard the words “affiliate marketing” before September of 2022. 

Her first introduction was seeing a mom talking about it on Instagram one day…

But she didn’t think much of it other than, “eh, probably another internet scam.” 

At the time, Caroline was 7 months pregnant with her second son and finishing up her master’s degree in mental health counseling. 

She had a LOT going on with work, school and her growing family…

But she also had a feeling that something BIG was about to happen. 

Flash forward six months later, and Caroline has earned more than a half-million dollars from her new online business. (No we do not guarantee results, and these results are strictly unique to Caroline and her story.)

Her success has been almost unbelievable – especially to her.

But it hasn’t come without some criticism…

  • “You shouldn’t just quit your job!”
  • “What about your clients?” 
  • “Your work is really important!” 

It begs the question:

How many other counselors—as well as teachers, healthcare workers, police officers, and other frontline, essential workers—are faced with this same dilemma? 

How many people are tired of working crazy hours for low pay and ever-shrinking benefits…but feel guilty knowing their work IS important and serves a bigger purpose?

Caroline loved her job and found fulfillment in helping people…

But she couldn’t shake the feeling that raising her family was just as important.

So how DO you reconcile leaving an “important” job for a more lucrative, flexible and creative one? 

In Caroline’s case, it’s all about what you DO with your newfound skills and resources. 

Starting Fresh

Before starting her online business, Caroline was NOT a “social media person.” 

She didn’t even have a TikTok account before the fall of ’22.

Her first few videos were just “practice ones” to try out the app and see what would happen. 

Much to her surprise, when she checked her account a week later, there were VIEWS!

People had WATCHED! 

And despite her seemingly natural “I’ve got this” exterior, Caroline was just as scared to talk on camera, post content, and put her true self out there as so many others who are just getting started with their online business. 

In fact, she said, “I almost didn’t start because of my own negative self-talk, being self-critical about how I looked, my voice, any mistakes I made.”


Putting yourself “out there” for the world to see on the Internet to see is daunting, and it’s not for everyone. 

But Caroline soon learned that getting over her fear of being judged by strangers was well worth the effort. 

And once she viewed online digital marketing as a business opportunity, she made a mental shift towards doing everything she could to be successful.

Namely, showing her true colors in her content. 

“I gotta be the real Caroline! I’m wild and crazy and animated. I show myself in my videos, the good and the bad. People connect with the actual human on the other end of the phone.” 

Creative outlet

Quick question: How many children do you know that are creative?

Probably ALL of them. 

Kids’ innate curiosity and desire to learn and figure out new things is just part of who they are.

But as for adults, well, creativity is regularly “taught out” of us. 

In fact, our education system is built to produce workers, not thinkers.

Caroline shared this exact sentiment – 

“I feel like I’m a creative person, but it’s been locked away. It was sucked out of me when I went to college, so focused on school, school, school.” 

As an online business owner and content creator, she now gets to let her creativity shine: 

“I love making videos! It’s my favorite part of the whole process.”

REMEMBER! Making significant, life-changing income rarely happens this quickly, and there are NO guarantees that anyone will make even $1 by learning skills or purchasing a course. 

But it can happen, and Caroline is living proof!

So what else has changed since she began her journey into digital marketing?   

“When I say this has changed my life, I’m not referring to the financial side of things. 

I feel like a different person. 

My self-confidence is soaring, and not in a cocky way. 

My self-esteem is there.

To be able to understand the different ways that there are to make money online, to put it into practice, to see it become successful, and then turn around and mentor others, and see them be successful…

I just feel on top of the world with all that!”

If NOTHING else, building an online business has given Caroline OPTIONS in how to spend her time. 

Now she can contribute to her former professional field in new and different ways. 

“What you can do when you have time freedom is support the cause in other ways, either through volunteering or donating time or money.”

One idea she’s toying with is to create an online community dedicated to serving the mental health and substance use community in new ways. 

She and her husband have also recently purchased their dream home and have hopes of becoming foster parents in the future…

Which will be infinitely easier with her income and flexibility. 

The biggest shift for Caroline over the past six months is simply that her mind is now open to every possibility.

So if you are stuck in a job (no matter how important!) and are interested in what an online business could do for you, take note:

  1. Remember your “why” for starting in the first place. What’s driving you? What will keep you motivated to push through during the difficult times? What are you really working for?

  2. Educate yourself on the possibilities of what’s out there! Digital or affiliate marketing is just one of the many ways to earn income online. You might need to get some additional training just like you would with any other new venture, activity or career.

  3. Set your fears and nerves aside, and just show up as yourself. Consistently. Every day. 

At the end of the day, the only person who can choose to stay at or leave a job is you. 

That also means, the only person who can choose to build an online business (or not) is you!

Get crystal clear on what you value, and the path will be revealed just like it was for Caroline.

To hear her full interview, listen to the Wake Up Legendary show with Dave Sharpe. Catch fresh interviews every Monday through Friday at 10am eastern time on Facebook. And, be sure to hit “subscribe” on your favorite podcast platform so you never miss an episode! 

As always, Be Legendary.

From “Why Me?” to “Why NOT Me?”

“I am never going to have what I want if I don’t put in the effort.”

-Christy Krogman


You know this is true. 

I know this is true. 

We all know this is true.

Because it’s the truth! 

Achieving something that’s healthier, stronger, bigger, better, name your “-er”…it takes a LOT of work.

And it’s intimidating. 

Might feel like the mountain you’re facing will take forever to climb…

And quitting that climb is the obvious thing to do when the going gets tough. 

So why would we humans create anything new, especially when it’s hard? 

To be honest, most people DO quit! 

But for those entrepreneurs who work to achieve something larger than themselves, they find a way to keep going…  


Start with your WHY

What is your reason, your “why” for working so hard to build an online business? 

Answer this question before you even start:

What will keep you going, creating, and serving others on the days when you just don’t want to?

For one recent guest on Wake Up Legendary with Dave Sharpe, her “why” is both heartbreaking and inspirational. 

Christy Krogman is an HR professional and mom to two girls. 

In 2015, she became pregnant with triplets, but she lost her twin sons. One in utero at 24 weeks and her other son died shortly after his birth.

Every day, she works to honor their memory.

What drives Christy in her business is the overarching goal of helping other families to never have to experience a loss like her family went through. 

To do this, she’s building her business in order to raise funds for research and education programs that’ll help shed light on twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, as well as pregnancy and infant loss.

Christy’s business is bigger than her, bigger than her family even. 

Does she have hard days?

Absolutely, and in fact she’s taken breaks in her business. 

But she’s never given up…

The memories of her sons keep her going. 

So what’s strong enough to keep YOU going on the hardest of days? 

Write it down and post it. 

Frame a picture of it. 

Remind yourself DAILY what you’re really working for, and you’ll stick to it until the only option is success. 


Break free from the chains

Once you know WHAT you’re working for, ya gotta step outside your comfort zone. 

And this means breaking the chains of what’s holding you back. 

Have you ever heard of Baby Elephant Syndrome?

When baby elephants are born in captivity, the caretakers tie a chain or rope around their ankle. 

That way, the babies stay close since they can only move within the radius of the chain. 

As they grow up – even when they’re strong enough to push over trees, carry massive loads in their trunks, and surely break a little chain or rope from their ankle – elephants still think they can only go as far as that chain. 

We do this to ourselves, too. 

Like Christy said, we grow up thinking that “you have to go to college. Or have to learn a trade. Have to work a 9-5 and work 40 hours a week.”

The truth is, we don’t have to live like that…

But it takes some work to overcome that mindset that’s probably been ingrained in us since early childhood. 

This is because our brains actively try to prevent us from breaking free from that chain, “protecting” us from perceived discomfort. 

What have these “chains” looked like for Christy and for so many in the Legendary community?

  • Self-doubt
  • Fear of failure
  • Worry about what friends and family might think
  • Belief that online businesses are “scams”
  • Imposter syndrome
  • Not feeling like we have anything to contribute
  • Shame or embarrassment

And how do successful people overcome these negative feelings?

Baby steps. Maybe even baby elephant steps. 

One piece of advice is to simply practice taking that chain off, even for an hour. 

Pretend that nothing is holding you back – what could you accomplish in that hour? 

Tip-toe a little bit outside of your comfort zone and make one small step forward. 

Those baby steps added up will lead you towards your ultimate goal. 

What is “normal” when starting an online business?

Contrary to popular belief, “normal” is NOT making commissions out of the gate! 

Stories like Christy’s are MUCH more common than quick success – 

  • taking the longer road…
  • starting and stopping, then starting up again… 
  • facing internal and external roadblocks… 

And if you’re thinking, “But it looks like everyone else is ___ (fill in the blank). What am I doing wrong?”

Unless you quit altogether, you’re doing nothing wrong. 

You might need to make some adjustments, but being in the game means you’re already winning. 

Christy has been discouraged in the past. 

She has worked through Baby Elephant and Imposter syndromes.

But the thing is, she takes a break and then COMES BACK TO IT.

She’s never given up. 


Because of her WHY! 

The memories of her sons and the drive to help other families.

And THAT’S the difference between Christy and others who throw in the towel on their business after a few days, weeks, or months of “not seeing success”. 

That “stick-to-itiveness” is the differentiating factor for every successful entrepreneur. 

Again, is doing hard things fun? 

Depends on your definition of “fun”. 

Is it easy? 


But is it worth it? 

Ask ANYONE who’s stuck in the game long enough, and their answer will almost surely be a resounding, “yes.” 

Changing your internal narrative

Comparisonitis is the death of so many early entrepreneurs! 

There’s a fine line between looking to others for inspiration, and looking at others in comparison. 

You can’t compare your day 1 to someone else’s day 100. 

You can’t even compare your day 100 to someone else’s day 100! 

Because YOUR journey is unique and special to you.

So instead of comparing yourself to others or thinking to yourself, “Why me?”

Asking yourself, “Why NOT me?”

Remember, you are NOT a baby elephant.

And there is NOTHING chained around your ankle! 

Just go do something to start to make a change today…and then do it again tomorrow. 

Life begins outside your comfort zone and beyond the chains we’ve grown up thinking are still attached to our ankles. 

You’ve got this. 

Now go out there and Be Legendary.

To listen to Christy’s full interview, catch the replay here or on your favorite podcast platform. Catch the latest episodes of Wake Up Legendary with Dave Sharpe for your daily dose of inspiration! Tune in LIVE every single Monday-Friday at 10am eastern. 

Let’s Get Ready to Rumblllllllllle: Affiliate Marketing Versus Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)

If you ever pop into one of the Legendary Facebook groups or tune in to Wake Up Legendary (a live daily podcast held every single weekday at 10am eastern), you might see questions in the comments like…

  • Is Legendary an MLM? 
  • Do you have to build a team?
  • Is it a pyramid? 

(Quick answers are no, nope, and definitely not!)

But LOTS of people are asking these questions, not just one or two. 

So to address the elephant in the room, let’s take a closer look at the differences between these two business models: 

  • affiliate marketing (also called freelance digital marketing). 
  • network marketing (also called multi-level marketing or MLM for short)

During a recent interview on Wake Up Legendary with Dave Sharpe, sisters Kimi O’Neill and Trish Verzera brought a very unique perspective. 

Together, they’ve built successful businesses in both the network marketing world and through affiliate marketing. 

So what’s the difference? 

Let’s start with the basics. 

An affiliate marketer promotes a product or service on behalf of a company. 

When a customer makes a purchase through that affiliate’s unique link, the affiliate earns a commission. 

The commission is sort of like a “thank you” gift from the company for generating a sale.

And it’s a win-win-win:

  • For companies, there is no upfront cost – they only pay out commissions after a sale is made. 
  • For the affiliate, there is no inventory, shipping, or customer service – they simply share the product with their network and show how it solves a specific problem.
  • For the customer who purchases the product, there is no additional cost to them, and there might even be a discount. 

For example, have you ever heard an influencer say something like, “Use code ‘Laura20’ for 20% off your first purchase!”? 

That affiliate is giving an added incentive to purchase through her link. 

And that unique code helps the company keep track of exactly how much to pay her. 

Network Marketing is great for individuals who are able to build large teams:

  • Network marketing or MLM companies benefit by having sales reps sell physical products.
  • Independent representatives are often required to purchase and/or keep inventory on hand.
  • Customers can be recruited to become sales reps themselves, thus expanding the network. 

Sales reps earn commissions from any products they sell as well as from products their team members sell. 

So there are multiple people earning commissions on every sale. 

The more people you recruit to join your team, the more money you can make. 

What can go “wrong” within these business models?

For affiliates just getting started, it can take weeks or months to start seeing results. 

There’s a heavier lift at first, and many affiliates simply lose patience and “quit before the miracle happens,” as Dave likes to say. 

In network marketing, if you’re not great at recruiting people, you’ll have a hard time making good money. 

Also, with a more significant investment into product and inventory, many sales reps actually lose money when they join an MLM. 

Remember, any business can change structures or even close at any time… 

But how you’re impacted as an affiliate versus an independent sales rep are very different. 

For Trish and Kimi, they went through one of these “worst-case scenarios” with their MLM. 

After building up a very successful network marketing business, the company they worked with changed their compensation structure. 

The company went from being a Network Marketing company to an affiliate-based company… 

Which meant overnight, the thousands of people on Kimi and Trish’s team became their direct competition just like that. 

The good news for the sisters was that they happen to be mindset coaches as well. 

So they didn’t view this setback as anything more than a challenge to overcome. 

A learning opportunity.

What did they learn? 

Ironically, they started to learn affiliate marketing! 

(They also learned that they’re super resilient, capable of doing hard things, and able to achieve anything they set their minds to…all stories for another day.) 

What are the benefits of each business model?

One of the main benefits of affiliate marketing is that it’s almost a “set it and forget it” type of business. We like to call it “semi-passive” income. 

That’s because once your systems are set up, they run 24/7/365 in the background while you’re doing other things. 

The active work is simply generating traffic to your offer, which is best done daily. 

But even posting content can be mostly scheduled ahead of time. 

As Trish said, one of the biggest benefits of affiliate marketing is simply “doing what you need to do and walking away.” 

So how about network marketing?

Legendary CEO, Dave Sharpe got his start in network marketing because it was one of the few businesses available to him as a recovering addict with a criminal record. 

It’s great that anyone can get into it. 

And as the sisters experienced, network marketing can be lucrative, especially if you build a huge team. 

But network marketing also requires a LOT of effort and follow-up with members, which some might see as a drawback.  

In fact, Trish has to constantly check in with her team members. 

The work is NEVER done, and there’s no walking away from it.  

And if the company changes or closes permanently? 

Let’s say a company suddenly shuts its doors, never to open again. 

If you were one of their affiliates, you’d simply take your skills and apply them to a new product or service. 

Build a new funnel, set up a new series of emails, and drive traffic to your new offer. 

But, if you had built your entire business around that one company, yeesh. 

You’d be more or less out of luck. 

Yes, you could certainly apply your skills to a new company, but your team and everything you had built would not transfer over. 

So, which business model is better?  

There’s no better or worse here – it’s simply a personal preference. 

Both affiliate marketing and network marketing are real, legitimate business models with benefits and challenges to each. 

And in the end, you can be successful at anything you set your mind to!

Becoming an entrepreneur requires effort, consistency, and likely some training and support along the way. 

This is true whether you build a digital marketing business, an MLM, or even a brick-and-mortar business. 

Weigh your options to see what might work best for YOU in your situation. 

Want to learn more about what kinds of businesses are possible? 

Tune in to Wake Up Legendary live with Dave Sharpe every weekday morning at 10am eastern, or catch a replay on your favorite podcast platform. 

And as always, stay legendary. 

Legendary Marketer Student Spotlight: Silver Linings with Becca Dunkin

Becca Dunkin started out down a pretty familiar path: 

Go to college, get good grades, start working in your field. 

And she did it in a big way – as a single mom taking on a bunch of student debt to become a chiropractor. 

But about six months into her career, her enthusiasm started to fade. 

“Is this it?” She wondered. “Am I really going to do this for the next 30+ years?”

About a year into working, she was full-on depressed at the thought of doing the same thing over and over… 

DREADING going to work the next day… 

HATING to go back in and treat patients after her lunch breaks…

And feeling GUILTY that her depression was affecting her time and attention with her daughter. 

So what do you do when you’re in a funk?

Becca began scrolling TikTok trying to numb her mind a bit…

And up popped a former nanny who was making six figures online through digital marketing. 

Just like every other person thinking about starting something new, Becca was unsure about it.

She’d never done anything online before! 

And was it even real? 

“We’re so ingrained to think that we have to trade our time for money. So as soon as see someone coming up with this ‘new’ way to make money online, people shout, ‘SCAM!’”

So she watched for a couple of months…

And learned that affiliate marketing is a very real business model that’s been around since the 1980s. 

While the business model isn’t new, modern technology makes it accessible to anyone who wants to learn. 

Taking a leap of faith

How many people out there WANT to leave their jobs, but either don’t or won’t because they’re already so far down a particular path? 

And what happens to the folks who, like Becca, have invested a significant amount of time, energy and/or money into building something that they end up hating? 

It’s depressing to think about. 

If this is you, write down this golden nugget right now: 

“It’s OK not to use your degree. It’s OK not to go to school, or to switch your path if it turns into something you’re not passionate about.”

Becca left a job after just a couple years EVEN THOUGH she’d invested 8 years into schooling and had spent $200 thousand dollars on her education. 

Daammmn! Gutsy, right? 

But what if she hadn’t!? 

She’d probably still be depressed, treating patients, and scrolling TikTok…

Instead of living life on her own terms. 

Has her journey been an easy one? 


Nothing worthwhile ever is. 

But Becca KNEW that working as a chiropractor wasn’t going to work for her long term and she had to make a change. 

So not IF, but when you feel like quitting…

Repeat what Becca would say to herself: 

“You’re going to do this. You are not quitting. Remember the reasons you’re doing this.” 

It worked – Becca never quit, even with few results to show for her efforts during those first couple weeks and months. 

She had to work through her feelings of self-doubt, “comparisonitis,” and the belief that it was going to take forever to become successful.


Since she started in October of 2022, entrepreneurship has opened up an entirely new world to her. 

“Six months ago, I would’ve said I’m 100% not creative. I was 100% into math and science only. But now, I’ve released this creative side of my brain that I never knew I had!”

And that mindset shift hasn’t been the only benefit…

Showing up in her business consistently has helped her earn a multiple 6-figure income.

Now listen, Becca’s results are not typical and there is no guarantee that you will earn even a single dollar by purchasing a course or starting an online business.  

But to see someone like Becca – a regular person who simply wanted more out of her life – succeed in such spectacular fashion…

Let’s bottle up her success and let it be a motivator to stop scrolling, take action, and learn something new today. 

Because even making a fraction of what Becca’s been able to earn as a digital marketer would be life changing income for a lot of people. 

How has life changed for her? 

  • Becca left her job as a chiropractor and now is able to greet her daughter off the bus after school every day. 
  • She’s planned multiple vacations over the next several months
  • And she now has the ability to plan her days as she wishes, working more on some days and less on others. 

Hear that? 

Becca lives on her own terms.

Not surprising, others have started to notice. 

Her friends have said things like, “Becca you look so happy!”

And she is happy. 

No, money doesn’t buy happiness…

But it does buy options. 

Having enough money to live comfortably means your job, boss, or company no longer gets to dictate your family’s schedule.  

And for Becca, earning income through digital marketing has created a life that is more relaxing. 

She’s simply not so stressed all the time. 

Remember, she’s no better, worse, or different than anyone else…

But she is a fine example of what happens when you take the bull by the horns and make something happen. 

Becca believes that everything happens for a reason, from having her daughter at 19, to going to school, to working at a job she ended up hating…

Because it all led to where she is today – building a successful business, living her dream life, and raising her daughter on her own terms. 

We all know what happens if you don’t make any changes in your life…

Nothing changes! 

Yep, you’ll basically be in the exact same place a year from now as you are today. 

But what if you allowed yourself to dream a little bit…? 

And what silver linings will you find along your way? 

For an extra dose of inspiration, listen to the full interview between Becca Dunkin and Dave Sharpe on Wake Up Legendary, or catch the replay on your favorite podcast platform.  

Quit Thinking, Start Doing

When starting an online business, it’s way too easy to get sucked into the rabbit hole of shiny objects…

and gurus…

And “lotions, potions and pills…”

Show of hands, how many of us have gotten caught up in the “researching” steps of starting a business only to wait and wait and wait and think, ooh let me do this other thing first and then I’ll execute…!? 

Probably too many to count.  

So this post is for you if you’re thinking about thinking about starting a business… 

For the folks who are feeling scared, anxious, worried, embarrassed, not techy enough, too old, too young, too whatever… 

You need to hear this: 

“You are the only one that’s going to make YOU successful.”

These wise words come from Wake Up Legendary guest, Elain Alcorn, a dental hygienist, personal trainer, and recent empty nester with an entrepreneurial spirit. 

What does she mean? 

She means you are literally the only person who can build your dream business. 

And, you’re also the ONLY person preventing you from building a successful online business. 

Yeesh. When you put it that way…

What do you need to do today to get your business going? 

Here are 7 tips for getting started: 

(Actually started.) 

(Like, for real this time.)

  1. Build a side hustle just for yourself! 

Find something you love and want to work on regularly that’s just for you.
Elain works in a dental office. But she’s also a personal trainer and digital marketer – two things she loves and finds a lot of joy in doing.
Stuck on where to start? 

Think about teaching something you’re awesome at, promoting a product that’s solved a problem for you, or sharing your journey as you learn something new. 

There are a million and one ways to do this. 

  1. Don’t keep your new adventure a secret! 

No, this doesn't mean you have to tell everyone and their brother. 

But like Elain said, “I had invested in my future without including the most important part of my future.”

Include your core people – family, a close friend or two – in what you’re doing so that they can support you. 

Elain hid what she was doing for months and got a slow start because of it.

  1. No matter what, commit to improving your skills and especially your mindset.

Whatever business you want to start, most likely you’ll need some sort of additional support to learn something brand new. 

When (not if) you get stuck, refer back to your training, reach out to your community with specific questions, and just keep going. 

  1.  Start small and celebrate each win. 

There’s no special “backstage pass” to success. 

You simply get better at running your business the more you do it.  

  1.  When you hear negative comments online or in person, ask yourself, what can I learn from this experience? 

Sometimes we allow innocent or naive comments to derail our progress. 

Or, someone might say something that makes us question if we’re doing the right thing.

Reframe negativity by acknowledging that person’s concern and thanking them for sharing. 

No need to get defensive. Instead, try to have patience for people who don’t see things the way you do…and learn from them.

  1.  Show up regularly as your organic, real self. 

Be transparent. Don’t be fake! 

This is good advice for an internet-based business as well as in real life.

  1.  Define your “why” and share it with your audience. 

Like the great poet, Oscar Wilde said, “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” 

Your personal experience is what will attract your people to you! Share your journey and especially why you do what you do. 

Through entrepreneurship, you’ll learn to shift your thinking and turn what you thought was a problem into a strength…

To turn your mess into your message.

And if you’re feeling scared or lost or overwhelmed, that’s ok! 

Every single successful person you see out there was once in your exact same shoes…

Questioning if they could do this…

Wondering if they were going to fail…

And scared to look like a fool for even trying. 

The difference between them and you is time. Time and effort, really. 

The successful people you see online have simply stayed in the game long enough, and they keep showing up.

Even when they’re scared. 

Even when they want to quit. 

You will never have all the answers, nor will you ever feel completely “comfortable” all the time.

Even superwoman Elain has days when she wants to quit!

But she doesn’t. 

And when challenges come along (which they will!), stop yourself from chasing that next shiny new object and simply get to work! 

What a great opportunity to learn something new yourself. 

As always, Be Legendary. 

Three Tips For Getting Started For A New Digital Marketer

This might be obvious, but trying something you’ve never done before is going to be awkward.

It will be overwhelming. 

It’s supposed to be, after all it’s NEW!

But the thing is, you won’t be new at it forever. Through practice and dedication, total newbies can learn to master a new set of skills.  

No one knows this better than Kayla Hutchins, a nurse, mom of two small children, and recent guest on Wake Up Legendary with Legendary Marketer founder and CEO, Dave Sharpe. 

As a new mom, she struggled to know what to do with this brand new baby girl…

And as a new nurse during the pandemic, she struggled to help her patients when literally no one knew what the hell was going on…

And as an entrepreneur building an online business, well, she struggled with that at first, too, setting the training aside for a while before coming back to it a couple months later. 

But she’s never quit! 

And that’s what sets Kayla apart from others. She simply cares too much about her family, her patients, and the people she helps through her online business, to give up. 

How she got started

Kayla nearly died after giving birth to her daughter. 

Then, she and her partner faced numerous issues trying to raise their daughter –

…working opposite shifts to take care of this baby girl, who was often home sick from daycare. 

…and continuing to pay the daycare to “hold her spot,” even though she was home with them most of the time. 

When her second child was born in 2022, Kayla knew she needed to find something more flexible for her growing family. 

Flash forward to January 2023 – Kayla simply hit “post” on her digital marketing business and started seeing results very quickly…

As in, she received her first high-ticket commission in just 8 days! 

Full disclaimer: Kayla’s results and any other results shared here are not meant to imply or guarantee that you will generate a similar result after purchasing any products/services from Legendary. The average person who purchases any how-to product online makes little to no money (and that includes our products).

But even though she’s still quite new in her digital marketing career, Kayla is crushing it. 

How does she put herself out there with such confidence as a newbie? 

Follow these 3 tips: 

  1. Be crystal clear on your “why”
  2. Address your target audience with laser focus
  3. Tap into your inner skills

Being an entrepreneur is NOT easy, and it can feel lonely at times especially when working online.  

In fact Kayla talked candidly about dealing with postpartum depression after her son was born in 2022. About self-doubt, internet trolls, and getting through days that she didn’t want to do anything at all. 

It was during those tough moments that her “why” helped her push through:

  • Wanting to spend more time as a family
  • Providing unique life experiences for her kids
  • Working to live instead of living to work. 

You see, it’s easy to quit when you’re just doing something for a little bit of extra money on the side… 

But when you’re committed to making real change in your life, it’s impossible to quit. 

Focus on your audience

Once that internal “true north” is set, it’s time to look outward. 

  • Who is your audience? 
  • What problem(s) are they facing? 
  • How can you help them? 

Kayla knew that there were a ton of other moms dealing with the same pressures, worries and fears that she had…

And that’s exactly whom she speaks to in her content now. 

Her casual yet brutally honest approach has resonated with moms everywhere, and they are showing up for it. 

Remember, Kayla is still relatively new to the online marketing world with just a couple months of experience. 

So how does she project such confidence?

This is where she digs deep into her experience as a nurse. 

While working on the nursing floor, she is cool as a cucumber. 

“I never let a patient or family member know if I don’t know what’s going on. All that does is invoke panic and mistrust. I say, ‘You know what? I’m going to figure it out and get right back to you.”

She uses that same exact mindset when creating content or interacting with her audience. 

From the get-go, Kayla has “acted as if” she’d already found success, she does a ton of research constantly, and is not afraid to call on her support network whenever she has a question.  

Kayla’s story is remarkable, and there’s something we can all learn from her: 

No matter what, being NEW at something is going to be uncomfortable. 

But don't let the fear of failure or discomfort prevent you from being new at something again! 

Just try it. Do the thing. Take the steps.

And as always, Be Legendary

How To Build An Online Business With Your Spouse

On Thursday’s episode of Wake Up Legendary David Sharpe sat down with Kenneth and Laurie Kleman to talk about their online business and how they now work together to make it even stronger and more successful. 

If you are somebody who is looking to build a business with your spouse, this interview is for you.

Kenneth first began looking for a side hustle after experiencing health problems from working a physical job for most of his life. While working as an electrician for 16 years Kenneth was electrocuted with 69,000 bolts of electricity. 13 years later he began to experience heart problems caused by the accident and has now had eight heart attacks, two quarrell bypasses, and 25 stents put into his heart. Kenneth is now trying to get a heart transplant and because of this, he was told it would no longer be safe for him to have a physical job. 

Laurie suggested Kenneth try digital marketing. He didn’t know much about digital marketing but his wife helped him learn how to navigate google so that he could do the research on it. He knew that affiliate marketing was real and could be an option for extra income, but knew he needed someone to teach him how to do it. Kenneth found Legendary Marketer and the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge and got started on his learning straight away.

Gaining Your Spouse’s Support In Your Online Business

Both Kenneth and Laurie knew that they were going to need to work from home in the near future so that Kenneth could attend his doctors appointments and prepare for the possibility of a heart transplant. Once Laurie saw that Kenneth was beginning to make commissions off of his online affiliate marketing business, she decided she wanted to do it as well. 

Kenneth shared with David Sharpe that the best way to get your spouse to support you is to show them the money that you are making with your business. Once they see that it is real and that you are actually making money off of it, they will be more likely to support you. 

Kenneth said that he doesn't think he would be able to have a successful business without his wife. She does the content ideas and copywriting for their landing pages and social media content while Kenneth is the more technical one and builds the sales funnels. The great thing about working together for them is that their personalities both balance each other and give their audience something to connect with. 

Going Live On Social Media To Attract More Engagement

When Kenneth and Laurie started going live on TikTok, the momentum started to pick up with their business. Going live together began to attract more couples just like them that were looking for an opportunity to work together and bring in more income. They wanted people to see them together online and see that they were having success working together as a couple, and wanted to show others that it was possible for them to do the same. “People see us as a team,” Kenneth said.

When other people see Kenneth and Laurie going live together on TikTok they realize that this is something possible that they can do, especially if an older couple from Texas is able to do it. Going live on TikTok is what gives your audience the ability to connect with you and ask you questions in real time. This will give your audience the opportunity to see you as a real person so that they can see that you are just like them. 

Be Authentic With Your Audience

Laurie shared with David Sharpe that when people are going to make an investment, they usually want to invest with someone that they are familiar with, even if that’s just over the internet. They wanted to attract more people to their business and decided to center their content around how they could help people rather than how many commissions they could make. 

Kenneth and Laurie made it their goal to try and help their clients with their situation that may have led them online to look for a way to bring in more income. They shared that a great way to attract people to your page is through the power of storytelling. Talking to your audience about what led you online and looking to make more money yourself will give them something to relate to. A lot of people can relate to needing extra income for some reason and they are more likely to listen to you if they realize you were once in the same place that they are now financially.

Being genuine with your audience is key to creating a personal connection with them. Explain to them what you’re doing in your online business and why you’re doing it. The things you might feel embarrassed about when telling your story are the things that people will relate to the most. Your viewers aren’t looking for a perfect person to identify with, they are looking for someone who is real and just like them. People want to be able to say their truth and find someone that they feel like can really understand their situation, something they might not have in their regular day jobs. 

Kenneth said that one thing that helps his audience connect with him is seeing how passionate about the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge and how it helped him. He started seeing results once he got passionate about that and wants to share that with his audience. 

Laurie and Kenneth shared that one piece of advice they would give to someone just starting out in their business is to step out of your comfort zone. “Give up the short term comfort for the long term win,” Laurie said. Don’t be afraid to talk to your audience about what led you online and let them see the real you. You never know who you might reach with your inspiration.

Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.

Uncover The Skills You Have And Turn Them Into A Thriving Online Business

On Thursday’s episode of Wake Up Legendary David Sharpe interviewed Krista Lockwood about her online business. Krista has been running her online digital marketing business for 4 years. In her business, Motherhood Simplified, she offers courses, coaching, and guidance to help moms declutter and organize their homes. 

Krista is a mother of 5 kids, which means that she knows the struggle of having to balance organization with having children. Children can be messy and things can start to pile up around the house, especially when you feel like you might not have time to clean them. Krista wants to help her clients create a peaceful, creative, and easy to clean home. 

Krista wanted to create a business model that would allow her to work from home so that she could spend more time with her children while also having a consistent income flow. She really wanted a business model that would work around her life and schedule, not the opposite. 

Since starting her business in 2018, Krista has grown a following of over 55,000 people. She not only runs an Instagram page for her business, she also runs a Facebook group for her clients and does a podcast as well.

Finding What Works For Your Business

When Krista first started her business she realized she really needed to find what works for her and her customers and clients. She first chose one platform to use to promote her business. She chose Facebook so that her customers and clients could collaborate and share photos of their homes and spaces during their decluttering and organizational process. 

In order to figure out what her clients needed from her and from the course, she had to do market research. This meant that she had to talk to them one on one in a Zoom call and ask them questions about what problems they were experiencing, what frustrations they had, and what they needed from her to help them in their journey. 

She really wanted to focus on the market research in her one on one interview sessions with her clients so she offered a free course as incentive to her clients to take the time out of their day to help her with her research so that she could better help them. 

Doing market research for your business and simply interviewing your clients about what their needs and expectations are is a great way to gauge what your business and your clients both need. A lot of your clients may have a similar need that you can address more in depth in a course or training.

Creating Boundaries In Your Community

When Krista created her Facebook group she wanted to create a welcoming space where people could come to talk about and share their home spaces. She wanted to make sure people in her group would be treated with kindness and not be judged. Her clients share photos of their messy homes in the group which can feel like a vulnerable position to be in. She makes a point to set rules within her group so that anyone who joins it feels safe. 

Krista aims to let her customers know that there is a connection to her clients environment and their stuff that also influences and affects how they feel on a daily basis. Sometimes the problems her clients are having can be outside of what she's able to help them and she has to communicate that to them. 

Creating an environment where your customers and clients feel safe and trusting of you is important. The more your customers feel safe the more likely they are to buy from you and also talk about your products and services to others. 

Growing Your Skills To Further Grow Your Business

In December Krista realized that one huge thing that was creating a barrier for her in her business was that she was not very skilled at copywriting. She decided to take a course on copywriting to help her learn and improve her skills. When she first began her business her audience was small enough that she could just communicate and sell within her Facebook group. Now that her business is growing even more she knew she needed to grow her copywriting skills. 

Copywriting is a huge skill that is necessary to have in order to have success with your business. Copywriting is language specifically designed to take action and buy things, which is precisely what you want your customers to do. Writing a copy has a specific intention rather than just regularly writing about your product or business. 

You want your readers to take specific action, which is why it's important to always use compelling copy in your marketing. This is also a strong and essential skill to have and use if you plan to create or have an email list. 

Use The Block Button Freely

One piece of advice Krista shared with David Sharpe is to not be afraid to use the block button. Know how you want to be treated online with your business, customers, and anyone viewing your content and enforce those boundaries. This is especially important for Krista within her Facebook group, as she always wants to protect the integrity of her clients. 

If somebody is crossing your business boundaries, messaging your clients in your Facebook group and trying to sell to them, sending you hate, or any other type of treatment that you aren’t okay with, don't hesitate to use the block button. Protecting your space online is important and will not only help you, but also protect your customers from unwanted messages inside of your Facebook group or social media space.

Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.

Three Tips To Build Your Online Business and Leave Your 9-5

On Monday’s episode of Wake Up Legendary David Sharpe interviewed Cintia Morato. She first heard about affiliate marketing from a friend of hers in Brazil and started looking for a way to get started. She found Legendary Marketer and the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge at the end of December in 2021 and had started it by March of 2022. 

When Cintia first had her daughter her priorities changed and she knew she was going to need to spend a lot more time at home. She wanted a flexible schedule so that she could spend more time at home with her daughter and less time at work but still bring in a consistent income. 

Finding Your Space

When you first start out in your affiliate marketing business, you’re going to want to find a niche that you feel fits you the most. A lot of people choose the make money online niche but you can choose just about any niche to focus on. Your niche should be a topic that you are knowledgeable about and intrigues you to learn more about and teach about. Don’t choose a topic or niche that you feel like you won’t enjoy working with.

Once you choose your niche the next thing to do is find people in your niche to connect with. You will want to connect with people whose struggles and pain you are familiar with and can relate to. This way you can reach your audience in a way they will really resonate with and understand. 

Focus on the types of people you want to attract. You have a specific type of person who you are gearing your product and/or content towards. This is the type of person who will relate to your content and have a problem that you have the solution for with your product or service that you are promoting. 

Always Test New Methods

Cintia shared with David Sharpe that one of the best ways to always attract new people to your business and content is by always testing out new things. This can mean a variety of things, including testing out different content in different niches and reaching out to new audiences. 

Even if something you are doing is working, don’t be afraid to test and try out something new. If you are already bringing in viewers on your content from one niche, don’t be afraid to try another one out. Yes, you can work in multiple niches at the same time. You can test out different styles of content as well to see which styles work best for your accounts in the niche you have chosen.

Another thing Cintia shared is to test out different niches of people. What she means by this is to not just focus on content that reaches stay at home moms or dads, but also content that reaches working moms, people who might not have children, older people, younger people, and more. The more people you test out reaching with your content, the more likely it is you will attract and resonate with people you might not have even expected to resonate or connect with.

Get Creative With Your Content

When creating videos and making content for your business one thing you have to do to keep your viewer’s attention is get creative. If every video you make is you staring at the camera and speaking in a monotone voice, that may get very old to your viewers very quickly. Try filming in different locations and angles to bring variety to your content.

Another way to get creative with your content is by creating different styles of content. This could mean switching it up, and creating a video where you’re reviewing a product or answering popular questions from your niche. Find topics through searching the comments of other popular videos in your niche. That’s also a great way to find questions that people in your niche want answered that others may have missed in their content creation. 

Don’t Ask For Unwanted Opinions

When you first start your business it’s very likely that your friends and family aren’t going to be very understanding because it’s a new concept for them. You might find yourself wanting to ask their opinions when you create content before posting it, but it’s best not to ask for any opinions.

When you ask for an opinion on your content, especially with a subject your friends' family aren’t familiar with or knowledgeable about, you might not get the honest answer you’re looking for. THis can lead you to feeling discouraged or like you may not want to continue. Instead of asking their opinion, post the content you’re asking about anyway. If you don’t see it picking up in the algorithm, change it up and tweak it. Continue to test your content and you will find something that really resonates with your audience. 

Cintia’s advice for anyone first starting out with their online business is to focus on being yourself. Don’t look at other people’s success in your niche and focus on being just like them, but instead focus on being your most authentic self. People will connect with you because they relate to you. You will have a better chance at forming strong relationships with your customers when you are your most authentic self.

Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.

Three Tips For Starting An Online Business Using Instagram

On Tuesday’s episode of Wake Up Legendary David Sharpe sat down with Anna Vigule to discuss how she is building her brand and online business on Instagram. Anna started her online business in January of 2021 during the pandemic and has been growing it ever since. She started the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge when she found it through TikTok and has been doing digital marketing full time since then. 

Monetizing Your Interests

Anna shared that when starting your online business it’s best to pick a niche that interests you. When choosing a niche you don’t have to just stick to the make money online niche, you can choose whichever niche you feel like you will work best with and be able to talk about. You can even choose multiple niches and make content about multiple subjects.

Anna has worked in three niches since starting her business. Those have been the fashion niche, beauty niche, and the make money online niche. She felt like she has had the most success in the make money online niche since that’s the one she felt the most connection to. 

Coming Up With Ideas For Creating Content

When Anna comes up with ideas for her content she often likes to research which topics are currently in demand. She uses a site called answerthepublic.com to generate ideas for her content. She gathers ideas from the topics being asked about and creates ideas based on those topics.

Another way to choose topics for content creation ideas is by viewing the comments on popular videos or popular channels in your niche. Oftentimes creators can overlook their comments and you may find questions that their audience wants answered or more topics they want covered. This gives you the opportunity to make a video on a subject other creators might have overlooked or haven't spoken about as much.

Changing Your Way of Thinking

A great way to get yourself motivated for your content creation and online business is to change the way you think and talk to yourself. Instead of focusing on things you are overcoming in your business, focus on how you can provide for your customers. Instead of talking to yourself and telling yourself that you’re struggling, tell yourself you have obstacles you are overcoming. Changing the way you talk to yourself is going to help to change and grow your confidence. 

Changing the way you speak to yourself can be going to allow you to move past your limiting beliefs that hold you back from moving forward with your business. Don’t just rephrase your words, but also follow your words up with action. Changing your way of thinking will help to motivate you. 

Another way to change your thinking is by leaving reminders for yourself. These can even be small motivational messages you leave on Post-It notes for yourself. Reminding yourself to not give up and to continue to be creative with your online business will help your path to success.

Using Storytelling To Show Your Success

Storytelling in marketing is one of the most powerful ways to connect with your audience. A story someone can connect with is what will catch their attention and help them to connect with you. People like to see content that they can relate to and feel like they really understand the meaning behind it.

People are very likely to connect with content that they can see a part of themselves in. A type of content that really works well with customers is content where people are helping others. Helping other people will really get to a person’s heart, especially because it’s very relatable. It can be something as simple as taking your family or friends out to dinner and saving the receipt to use as a prop and story later on in your content.

 A story as simple as being able to take your family out to dinner is something that people can connect with on an emotional level. They see the success and things you are able to do to give back to your family and community and want to be able to do those things in their lives as well. Find small ways to show how you’re doing things for others. There is always a way to be creative and show off your success in a non-bragging way. 

Anna’s message to the audience is to take the opportunity to soak up the information that you’re given. There is a huge opportunity to build a business online and learn a new way of marketing. You can find what makes you happy and monetize that. Create a content creation schedule for yourself and continue to create content and find new ways to motivate yourself each day. You can follow Anna on Instagram at @digital.factor.media to learn more tips about how to grow your online business through Instagram. 

Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.


Using Digital Marketing To Boost Your Business

Last week on Wake up Legendary we interviewed Anna Wald to talk about her successful online business.. Anna started scrolling TikTok and found Legendary Marketer and the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge. She had always wanted to start an online business but could never find the right fit. She felt like the challenge opened up her eyes and showed her the ways in which both her online business as well as her brick and mortar business has the opportunity to grow.

If you are someone who wants to create an online business with information you already have, this interview is for you.

Targeting Your Customers With Your Content

Anna started her online business about 8 months ago and decided to dedicate all of her time towards her business. Her business is all about digital marketing, email marketing, and copywriting. Anna sends out emails every day to her email list and tries to create as much connection to her viewers and customers as possible.

Before finding Legendary, Anna used paid advertising, hired marketers, and paid someone to do most of the work for her with her brick and mortar business owning a kitchen and bathroom showroom. Outsourcing work can be costly and Anna realized she could do a lot of the content creation and work herself for her business. She knew all of her clients that she was dealing with and felt it was better for her to do the advertising and email writing herself to better connect with them. 

Anna started categorizing her email list by gender and other factors and sends out emails to each list category that she feels would catch their attention the best. She sends emails about organizers, products that help you clean around the house, and other home organizational content. She advertises and recommends different products and DIY projects as well to grab her recipient’s attention. 

Sorting through your email list and really taking the extra step to connect with your readers and customers will increase your chances of making a sale and help you build your relationship with your customers. They will feel like you really know and understand them and what type of content they like to see. 

Creating Products With Your Knowledge

Anna has now taken her business opportunity to the next level and started an online coaching and consulting business. She wants to use the information she has learned with Legendary growing her own business to help other small business owners grow their business as well. 

Anna has always been a tech savvy person but feels like the information she has learned through Legendary has been life changing for her. She has been able to learn new skills and not only apply those skills to the business that she already had, but she has now been able to start a completely separate online business where she helps others learn. 

Using the skills you learn in the 15 Day Challenge, you can create other online products and coaching to start your own online business as well. There are multiple ways to market your information some of which include coaching and consulting, online courses, e-books, and informational videos. 

Track Your Progress Over Time

The 15 Day Business Builder Challenge was the first online business venture that Anna has tried. During the training she tried to implement everything that she was learning. When it came time to have a zoom call with her business plan advisor she felt nervous, but when it was time to have the zoom call she decided to just do it. It turned out to be life changing for her. 

Even though Anna was nervous, once she got on the call she felt like she was talking to a friend. It can feel scary to get on a video call with a stranger and talk about a subject you are new to, but once you get on the call and are face to face with the other person it will become much easier. Taking that step to get on a zoom call is a win for you, and it’s important to celebrate all the small wins along the way to feel encouragement and track your progress. 

Anna felt a little embarrassed by the first videos she made but decided not to delete them. Deleting your videos deletes some of your authenticity. Your viewers like to see where you started and have something to relate to when they are first starting out. Your viewers being able to see your older videos builds more trust because they can see that your content wasn’t always perfect.

Building Authenticity In Your Content

Anna plans to teach her kids affiliate marketing and the skills she has learned in the future when they are older. Anna was a single mother for 11 years and struggled often to make ends meet. Now she would never have to work multiple jobs to support her family and wants to pass the knowledge she has learned onto her children. 

Anna says that building her business has been a process but she has never given up. A big part of what has helped her be successful is being authentic. Being yourself in your content is the best way to connect with your audience. 

People want to see someone they can relate to and trust. Your audience won’t feel like they are really able to connect with you if you aren’t being completely yourself in your content. Tell your story and what brought you to wanting to make more money. Other people will be able to relate to you because so many people are in the same situation.

Anna’s biggest piece of advice for anyone first starting out with their online business is to not give up. Continue doing the 15 Day Challenge and building your knowledge. Find people in the community to talk to when you are stuck and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Don’t give up, and release the idea of quitting as an option. 

Follow Anna on TikTok at @makemoneywithannaw and on Instagram at @makemoneywithannaw2 to learn more tips about how to grow your online business and incorporate your digital marketing knowledge base into your content creation. 

Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.


Three Steps To A Successful Side Hustle

This week on Wake Up Legendary David Sharpe sat down with Kirsten Ojala to talk about how she has built a side hustle for herself and how she has built up a following over the past three months. Kirsten is from New Jersey and works as a full time dental assistant. She realized she wanted to create a fulfilling and successful life for herself after getting sober from alcohol 2.5 years ago. She wanted to work on her own success instead of her boss’ success. 

If you are someone who is looking to build a successful side hustle online this interview is for you.

Balancing Your Work Schedule

Before Kirsten creates her content each week she plans out what content she wants to make and maps out how long that will take her to complete. Pre-planning your content schedule is a great way to stay structured and on task. Map out the content that you want to make and how much content you want to post each day and when you want to post it. By planning out your content schedule and creating a to-do list for yourself you’ve lessened the possibility of getting distracted by consuming content rather than creating it.

Kirsten stays consistent with her content creation schedule. Having a set day that you create content on will help you to balance out your schedule. You won’t have to create videos and come up with ideas each day, you can pre-plan the content you want to create and then create it all at once. This way you can schedule it to post automatically and it will take up less of your time in your everyday life and schedule.

Stop Self Comparison 

Kristen shared with David Sharpe that comparison is the thief of joy. It is normal to see others having success and want that success for yourself as well. Comparing your success and content to theirs will only leave you feeling overwhelmed, confused, and disappointed. 

Instead of comparing other content creators’ work to your own, try using their work as inspiration for our content. Analyze what other popular and successful content creators are doing to bring them success with their content and try to recreate that content with your own personality and style. 

Self comparison will only hurt you in the long run. Trying to be anything but yourself is what lessens your authenticity in your content. Your authenticity and trustworthiness is what draws people to your content and makes people want to do business with you. If you compare yourself to other content creators and try to be just like them then you’re taking your focus away from what it should really be on, which is you and your success. 

Connecting With Your Followers

Kirsten consistently posts content to her TikTok and Instagram pages. She keeps up with her content posting schedule and makes sure she is always posting content for her followers and new viewers. Her followers always know what days to expect content from her. Your followers are more likely to build trust with you if you are able to hold yourself accountable. 

Kirsten shared with David Sharpe that she would host Zoom meetings with her customers to answer questions for them and explain what she’s learned and see if they think affiliate marketing would be a good fit for them. Kirsten has met with people over zoom to talk about her business several times. She doesn’t mind meeting with people on Zoom to talk about her business because it’s benefiting both her and the other person.

Kirsten has the willingness and dedication to do what it takes to be successful and to start building a process. It’s not just about how you interact with your audience, it’s about what they’re getting from you in the process. Your potential customers are more likely to buy if they feel like they’re getting true value from your content. 

There are multiple places to hear value from in Legendary and there is always a place to gather new inspiration or information to tweak your content and create new ideas. In the beginning Kisten said it might have been easier to give up but giving up would have left her feeling the same way she did before she ever started. The pain she had before she started her online business was so significant that she was willing to change what she did with her everyday life and try something completely new. 

Kirsten looks forward to leaving her full time job within the next year and to be operating her online business full time instead. Follow Kirsten on TikTok at @KO_reccomends and Instagram at @koreccomends to learn more about Kirsten’s side hustle and her tips to building a successful one.

Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.

Three Tips To Catch Attention On TikTok

This week on Wake Up Legendary David Sharpe sat down with Sarah Thompson to discuss how she left her day job to become a full time affiliate marketer. Sarah worked in physical therapy and often found herself coming home from work in pain from her physically demanding job. 

Sarah realized she couldn’t continue to work in healthcare forever and needed a change. She began to look for how to make money online and discovered Legendary Marketer and affiliate marketing. She has now made the switch from working her daily 9-5 to becoming a full time digital marketer. 

If you are someone who wants to catch your viewer’s attention on TikTok this article is for you.

Getting The Viewer To Stop Scrolling

Sarah shared with David Sharpe that the main reason people get on TikTok is to scroll though their For You Page. Your main goal when creating content is to get your viewer to stop scrolling. A great way to do that is to be passionate about what you’re talking about. Your viewer is more likely to pay attention to something if they believe its really something that will help them. The best way to show your viewer that the information you are sharing is valuable is to be passionate about what you’re talking about. 

Choose a niche you care about and are going to find exciting. Don’t choose to start your affiliate marketing about something you don’t enjoy or have passion for yourself. Sarah is passionate about her affiliate marketing business because it changed her life and she wants to help others to change their lives positively as well.

Another tip Sarah shared with David Sharpe is to talk about your pain points and why you wanted to start making money. People want something to relate to and connect to and you are more likely to gain your viewer’s trust and attention by talking about something they relate to by talking about what led you to digital marketing.

Sarah also shared that you should do your best to not repeat yourself in your videos. You want to get to the point so you can quickly catch your viewer’s attention so that they stop scrolling through their feed. You have to catch their attention quick so it’s best to use the least amount of words possible to get your message across in your videos.

Choosing The Right Niche

Sarah shared with David Sharpe that a lot of people tend to go straight into the making money online niche but it’s important to really think about what niche you want to go into so that you are working with a subject that you’re passionate about.

You want to be able to pick a niche that you are passionate about when talking about it. When you talk about your niche you should feel excited about it and want to share it with other people. 

When you choose your niche it doesn’t have to be something you know every detail of and are an expert about. You can provide education to your audience as you get the education and learn yourself. You want to have a niche and product that you can talk passionately and confidently about.

Create Honest Content

When creating content for your social media, make sure that the content you’re making is always honest. Be honest about your product and your experience with your product. There is no need to lie when you make content. You should always be honest with your audience and create a trustworthy relationship with them.

When making content you should always try to make it something your audience can relate to. A great way to do that is through storytelling. You can use real world examples of your day to day life when you’re storytelling in your content. You don’t always have to talk about a story that has to do with your life, you can also share a story about someone you know as long as you can tie it back into your content and product.

Another great way to create honest content is through testimonials. As people buy and use your product and talk about it, save what they share so that your viewers can refer back to it to always get an honest review of your product. Find new ways to share your message in your videos so that you can connect with your audience in new ways. You don’t have to come up with a unique story every time you create a video, you can even just use a simple story from your daily life to connect with your viewers.

Find Sarah on TikTok @makemoneywithsaraht to learn more about how to create social media content that gets your viewer to stop scrolling and catch their attention with your content. 

Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.


Starting Your Business Using Skills You Already Have

This week on Wake Up Legendary David Sharpe interviewed Maggie Berghoff. Maggie is the founder and CEO of Celproceo, a health consulting company rooted in functional medicine and trusted by celebrities, professional athletes, and CEOs.  Maggie is also the co-founder and CEO of a business and marketing company she launched and runs with her husband. 

If you are someone who wants to turn the skills you already have into a profit, this interview is for you.

Maggie was originally a nurse practitioner but after experiencing health problems and becoming a mother she realized the thing she wanted most was to be able to leave her 9-5 and never look back. She wanted a new lifestyle and to start her own health consulting business. 

Believing In Yourself Is The Most Important Factor

Maggie shared with Dave that the most important part of building her business was believing in herself. If you don’t believe that you can build your business it is hard for other people to believe in your business as well. 

When Maggie would post on social media her clients would message her to tell her how helpful she was and that is what made her realize that what she was doing was really helping people in their daily lives. She saw her clients getting results and that’s what gave her the confidence to keep going in her online business.

One great way to keep your confidence up is to practice words of affirmation with yourself. This will help you to stay motivated even if you face a challenging week or month. Reminding yourself that you aren’t going to be any less successful than anyone else in your niche and that you are on the right path in your business is important because it’s easy to get caught up in the number of views or likes on your posts.

Another way to stay motivated and believe in yourself is to set daily goals that you know you can reach. By completing those goals each day you are proving your progress to yourself and achieving growth within your business. 

Don’t Wait To Start

Another important thing Maggie shared with Dave about her business is that if someone is contemplating starting their online business, don’t hesitate, just start. Even if you’re scared or worried you have to take it day by day and trust the process. Even if you feel like your  business idea won’t work or isn’t a good idea, someone out there is going to find your content relatable. 

When you start your business you develop skills that are transferable from niche to niche. This means that you can essentially create an online business using one or more of the four core business models of digital products, coaching, courses, and affiliate marketing for any niche that you choose and become an expert on. 

Marketing Is An Essential Skill

Maggie shared that it’s important to recognize marketing as an essential skill. Marketing is a skill that you can keep building and never stop learning because there are always new things to learn and new ways to adjust your content to better suit your audience and algorithm. 

Marketing is a skill that can be carried over from niche to niche and brings consumers and products together. Marketing is the promotion of buying or selling a product. This is an essential skill because you have to know how to market your products in order to grow a successful business. Sharing valuable information with your customers and showing them how your product can benefit them is what will help your business to succeed.

Driving Traffic To Your Content

When starting your online business your focus should be on driving traffic to your content. When Maggie creates Instagram and TikTok content for her business she usually does shorter content pieces that have a strong hook to get the viewer or reader’s attention, a quick middle section, and a strong call to action. 

One of the biggest mistakes Maggie sees people make is not having a strong call to action. Without a strong call to action at the end of your content it is less likely that someone will make a purchase or sign up for your product. A call to action encourages your viewer or reader to take action and without a clear one your potential customer may struggle to see why they should purchase your product or service.

Building rapport and getting to know your customers is another way to drive traffic to your content. People are more likely to purchase from someone that they trust. Being yourself and being honest are the best ways to gain your potential customer’s trust and reassure them that your main goal is to help them with a problem that they have.

Getting Comfortable Going Live

Going live on TikTok or Instagram is a great way to drive traffic to your content and also build your talking skills. Going live may be a bit uncomfortable for you at first but it’s a great way to learn how to step out of your comfort zone. 

A great way to get comfortable going live is to just hit the button and start talking as though you’re talking to a friend. You don’t have to put pressure on yourself to be perfect. Your viewers are not focused on how you look or what you’re doing, they want to know more about your business and the content you create.

Maggie shared that it’s not just about opportunity, but also about responsibility. It is your responsibility to get your business and products in the media and to be seen and heard by potential customers. Your product can’t be purchased if others don’t know it exists. You have to talk about what you do on your live streams because then people will get to know you better, trust you, and want to purchase your product. If you’re not putting your content out there in the media and going live you won’t get as much positive feedback and will lead to discouragement. 

Map Out Your Values

One huge thing that helped Maggie was mapping out her values. Focus on what you need to do right now to get where you want to be. That might mean leaving your 9-5 job or having a specific flow of income that you’d like to see each month. Find your core values and write them down.

It’s important to map your values out and what your message is to your audience because you want to have a goal to work towards. Entrepreneurship is not just about building a business but also about self growth. Build your business around your life and what you want your future to look like. This will mean that you will have to learn how to start fresh, get out of your comfort zone, and be a student willing to learn about how to grow your business and also yourself again.

Find Maggie on TikTok and Instagram at @maggie_berghoff to learn more about her parenting coaching business and more tips on how you can grow business using skills you already have.

Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.

Using Your passion To Grow Your Business

This week on Wake Up Legendary David Sharpe sat down with Dan Cunningham to talk about his organization affiliate marketing business. Dan is from southwest Michigan and has been into organizing since he was very young and would always be cleaning and organizing his belongings. 

If you are someone who wants to take something you are already passionate about and make money from it this interview is for you.

Learning The Ins And Outs Of TikTok

Dan spent a lot of time in the service industry and has been a health and wellness coach as well as a certified life coach. He wanted to combine his three passions of organizing, cooking, and coaching into one single business. When he started watching Wake Up Legendary and did the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge he was able to start his online business and combine his three passions.

Dan shared what really helped him is learning the ins and outs of TikTok and how to build his business through social media. From learning how to make videos that take off in the algorithm to learning how to go live and get his face on camera, Dan dove into learning the skills needed for his social channels to grow. 

Something he appreciates about Legendary is that there is a community of people who are willing to help guide him and show him how to do things he struggled with or give him advice when he needed. Any time he feels stuck or might not understand how to do something there is always the Legendary community of people who are willing to help him. 

Getting Comfortable Being On Camera 

Dan shared with David Sharpe that one of the strongest skills he has developed was gaining the confidence to put his face on camera in his TikTok videos. He also shared that he now has built up a lot of confidence he didn’t have before. 

Getting comfortable showing your face on camera is something a lot of people struggle with. One way to start easing yourself into being comfortable on camera is by filming yourself without posting it and just practicing. Have the camera facing you so that you can begin to get comfortable seeing yourself on camera while filming and it will begin to feel more natural.

Another way to get comfortable with being behind the camera is by going live. Once you have a thousand followers on TikTok you are able to go live to your audience and new viewers. Even if it's only for a few minutes, going live will help you be more comfortable being on camera because it will be like you are just having a normal conversation with your audience. 

Blending Education And Passion Together

As children and young adults we all had things we were passionate about and interested in. We tend to lose focus of those things and passions as we settle into adulthood and don’t typically do anything with them. We lose sight of the things that excite us. 

Dan shared with David Sharpe that to help his viewers get inspired and revisit their passions he asks them to do an exercise where his viewers think about their childhood passions and what really excited them when they were younger. He encourages his viewers to use those passions within their affiliate marketing business and to get creative with them.

Since beginning Legendary, Dan has had many opportunities presented to him that he never thought would be possible. He now hosts organization classes and workshops at his local library and has also been contacted by health and wellness companies to become a content creator and influencer in partnership with them. “These things are overwhelmingly positive for me but they’ve come at a rate that I just can’t imagine,” Dan said. 

By getting comfortable on camera and turning your passions into your online business you can blend your passion and education together to make money and help inspire other people to do the same. 

Follow Dan on TikTok @the.organizer.man

Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.

How To Build Success With Your Story

This week on Wake Up Legendary we interviewed Emily Walcott. Emily got started with her affiliate marketing business in March of last year. She decided that regardless of what happened she was going to stick with trying out affiliate marketing for at least six months. She homeschools her children and really wanted to be able to bring in extra income and spend more time with her kids. 

She had never used TikTok or tried affiliate marketing previously but knew that it was something she wanted to learn how to do. Almost a year later she says that affiliate marketing and the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge changed her life.

If you are someone who is brand new to digital marketing and wants to learn more, this interview is for you.

Sharing Your Story With Your Audience

The key to creating online content especially on TikTok is storytelling. Using storytelling and creating content about your everyday life is the main way to connect with your audience. People enjoy watching content that they can relate to. Telling a story in your TikTok videos gives you the ability to create an emotional connection with your viewers.

Teaching through storytelling is something we are normally used to because that is how we are taught to learn. People remember information better when it is told in the form of a story because they can relate to it better or put themselves in another person’s point of view. 

Emily shared that the storytelling you do in your TikTok videos can just be about your everyday life. That means that you can talk about everyday problems that you have and your solutions to them. “Your everyday real life is your content,” Emily said. Just like in reality tv shows people like to watch other people in their everyday lives so that they have something to relate to. 

Creating Relatable Content

When creating content that people can relate to you want to be able to connect with your audience emotionally. Put your most authentic real everyday life in your TikTok videos. This means that if you have kids at home to take care of, don’t be afraid to include yourself cleaning up a mess your kids make or folding the laundry in a video or when you go live. 

Another piece of advice Emily gave was to not defend your hardships. You don’t have to tell people how you got to a point of struggling or explain why you had to overcome an obstacle that you may have faced. Don’t be afraid to say that you went through a struggle because there will be people who will relate to it and that becomes a part of your story.

When you first begin creating videos try looking through the popular content creators in your niche and replicating their popular videos with your own spin. Adding your own personalization to your videos will help your videos to gain views. 

Creating Consistent Content

The best way to get comfortable with posting content is to post it consistently. Don’t set unrealistic goals for yourself with posting, but try to choose a posting schedule for yourself and stay on top of it. This could be posting every day, every other day, or even on certain days. 

Even if you feel like a video that you’ve made is bad quality, post it anyway. When Emily first began posting TikTok videos she was posting them regardless of if they had bad audio or blurry visuals. The most important thing for her to do was post the videos she created as consistently as she possibly could. This gave her practice and made her hold herself accountable to posting on a consistent schedule.

A piece of advice that Emily shared was to post the video without watching it. We are our own worst critics and will pick apart our videos, meanwhile our viewers won’t even notice the very things we critique ourselves over. So many people make great videos and never post them. Just post the videos you create and someone will connect with it and relate to it. 

One last piece of advice Emily shared for someone who is just starting out with the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge is to go back and rewatch parts of the challenge when you feel overwhelmed. Even if you feel like you might want to walk away or give up, the things you are frustrated or struggling with won’t suddenly make sense to you just because you gave up. The challenge will break down the information and teach you what you should be doing and how you should be doing it. 

Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.

How To Go Live Like A Pro

This week on Wake Up Legendary David Sharpe sat down with Jessica Cardenas to talk about her teaching experience and her tips for going live on TikTok. She spoke about leaving her teaching job to become a full time affiliate marketer and how she uses going live to deliver a powerful message to her audience.

If you’re someone who struggles with being comfortable with getting on camera or are just starting out, this interview is for you.

When Jessica became a parent she decided the best way to have the same school schedule as her son was to become a teacher. She learned art technology with her degree and learned how to do coding, build websites, and how to implement technology in the classroom. She was never taught about affiliate marketing or digital marketing and it wasn’t until she found Legendary that she knew it existed as a way to make money online.

Jessica goes live on TikTok every day. Prior to teaching she worked in television and media broadcasting and carried the skills she learned from that job over to her affiliate marketing business. 

Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

When Jessica first started out she compared herself a lot to other digital marketers on TikTok and wondered why she didn’t feel like she was as successful as other women in the digital marketing niche and wondered why they were doing better than her. This is a common worry when getting into affiliate marketing, and it’s hard to not compare yourself when first starting out. 

The first thing to remember is that having less followers than others does not mean that you aren’t going to make money. It’s okay to have less followers, what’s important is that those followers are good quality interested people. Your followers care what you have to say and in the beginning it's normal to only start out with a few. Having less followers does not mean that the quality or consistency of your content should change. 

Getting Camera Ready

One piece of advice that Jessica shared was to talk to your camera as though you’re talking to your friend. People get nervous when they have to be themselves on camera, but your audience isn’t there to judge you, they are there to learn. 

The affiliate marketing community, especially the one at Legendary, is full of people who are willing to give you advice and help you along the way. If you aren’t completely comfortable with going live yet, you could ask a peer to go live with you so you feel less alone and can practice having a conversation with another person and the audience. 

Prepare To Go Live

When getting ready to go live a way to prepare to get on camera is to think of possible questions your audience might ask you. Write down how you would answer those questions. The best way to answer them is to be 100% honest with your audience and yourself. Be prepared to guide your audience through your answers. 

Be Authentic With Your Audience

Jessica shared that she often has her children with her in her live streams and that it’s perfectly okay to have your kids in the same room as you. There’s no reason to hide that you have kids and you can go live from the comfort of your home and everyday life. 

A lot of people might think that they have to be a certain type of successful or have a certain type of online experience to do affiliate marketing and to be successful in it, but the truth is that you don’t. All you have to do is be yourself and you will appeal to people who gravitate towards you. Just relax and talk to your audience the way you would in a conversation with someone that you know.

Practice Going Live

When you first begin going live on TikTok or Instagram there might not be anyone in the audience right away. Instead of waiting for someone to join, just start talking and use that time to practice. The first few times you go live you might not have people that stay watching you, and other people might come and go during your live stream. 

Start talking as soon as you go live and don’t stop or break the presentation until your live is over. It might even help to plan and write out your topics and what you want to talk about ahead of time.

Lastly, for those not quite ready to go live is to record videos of yourself practicing going live or even to just set up the camera to practice without recording so that you are more used to the camera being on you. 

Using Props In Your Live Stream

Another piece of advice is to keep your hands busy. This could be a flip chart, Ipad, white board, notepad and pen, or anything else. People are used to being taught with props and often enjoy them when learning. 

Another thing you can do is a hobby like painting or knitting during your live stream. Having a signature item that is featured in your live streams is also something that could help you stand out to your audience. 

Connecting With Your Audience

Your audience likes to feel connected to you. A great way to personalize the experience for your audience members is to write down their names and TikTok or Instagram handles so that when they appear on your live streams you can welcome them back. 

Another way to connect with your audience is by asking them questions. Ask them what their current job is and what they want to change most, what they are unhappy about and what they are looking for help with. Your audience will usually lead the conversation, for them it's much easier to listen to a conversation than a lecture.

When Jessica finds out who’s on her live and asks them questions, especially the new people, it's easier for her to figure out what subjects to talk about and who might be new to affiliate marketing or going live. 

Whether you are new to going live or just looking to connect with your audience, you can use these tips to help make your live stream as effective as possible.

Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.

The Key To Posting Content Online In 2023

On this week’s episode of Wake Up Legendary David Sharpe interviewed Jessica Zion. Jessica was an esthetician for 12 years but felt like she was constantly trading her time for money. She didn’t feel in control of her own income and work hours. With a busy home filled with 5 growing kids, she wanted to be able to spend more time with them. Within two months of beginning her affiliate marketing journey she was able to leave her job and replace her income from her esthetician job because of her affiliate marketing.

If you are someone who wants to be able to be in control of your own income and work hours this interview is for you.

The Three C’s 

Jessica shared that in order to be successful in her affiliate marketing business she follows her 3 c’s: create consistent content. 

Creating consistent content is vital to your success. This will not only help you be accountable to your followers, but creating consistent content is what will attract more followers to you. Your content gets pushed into the algorithm and the more content you push out, the more likely it is for your videos to take off and go viral. 

When you start posting content you should set a goal amount of posts for yourself to make each day or week so that you can keep up with posting your content consistently. It may also help to film several videos in advance. If you already have content built up and ready to post, that’s less pressure on you to film videos each day. 

There may be weeks when your content doesn't get as many views as it did another week. Regardless of how many views it's getting, it's important to still stay consistent with posting your content. Your content can gather thousands of views overnight and you never know which videos will attract more viewers. 

Different Types of Content

There are three different types of content you can make: story telling, results based, and educational. Posting different types of content and mixing it up will keep your viewers interested and will reach them in multiple ways whether that be through a lesson or a story. 

Viewers love to hear a good story. Becoming a good storyteller in your content is key to growing an engaged audience. When you’re telling a story in your content people will watch longer especially if there is suspense built up before the outcome or end of the story. Apps like TikTok and Instagram keep track of how long each video is watched for and use that to determine how to push it in the algorithm. Longer watch times means your content will be pushed out to more people.

It’s easy to create storytelling content because that's something you have personal experience with and have already lived through. Jessica shared with David Sharpe that storytelling content is not something that should be copied from another person because it's your own story that you're telling.

Repurposing Content On Multiple Platforms

Along with consistently posting content, repurposing your content is a great way to keep traffic flowing to your social media pages. There are 4 free apps that you can use to repurpose content on. TikTok, Instagram reels, YouTube shorts, and Pinterest stories. 

Social media algorithms are really favoring short form video content right now. You have different audiences across each platform and you want your content to reach as many people as possible. Reposing your content to each of your accounts on these social media apps will help you to gather more of a following and gather more customers and leads.

Being Authentic To Your Audience

When creating content it is best to just be yourself and be honest with your viewers. Use subjects that you really connect with when you make your content. By using subjects that you connect with and know about, it builds trust with your audience because they are more likely to buy something from you or that you’re promoting if you’ve already tried it out yourself. 

Another piece of advice that Jessica shared during her interview with David Sharpe was to not compare yourself to others because that can really slow down your progress. Just because another affiliate marketer or content creator has been around longer than you or may have more followers than you, does not mean that you aren’t creating good enough content or aren’t making progress. What matters is your consistency to create content and focusing on how you present your content to your viewer. 

Whether you are new to creating content and just getting started or you’re looking for advice on how to make your content more effective, using these tips will help you to push your content out to a wider audience.

Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.

The Key To Making Short Form Content Go Viral

This week on Wake Up Legendary David Sharpe interviewed Alex Ford. Alex is from Australia and recently attended and spoke at the Legendary Mastermind in Orlando, Florida. He spoke about directing energy in his business and the type of person you want to show up as in your business.

If you are someone who struggles with content creativity or wants to take your business to the next level of success, this interview is for you.

Directing Your Energy and Focusing on Your Online Business

Before Alex got into online business he was working a job he hated and loved the idea of working from home and being able to be available for his family. He faced some challenges in the beginning of his online career. He tried a lot of different business opportunities going from business to business. He wanted to just find the one thing that would work for him but just kept getting distracted. We’re going to dive into how you can transition from dabbling into your business to becoming the master.

Another piece of advice he gave is to ignore all gurus and ads. Online marketers know how to sell and will make you feel like you need to purchase all of their products to be successful at running your business. Blocking out all of the outside distractions was what Alex said made him feel like he gained momentum.

Showing Up In Your Business

When people first come into the online business community they are surrounded by a lot of other internet marketers, along with a lot of people they think are doing better than them. There are three types of people that you can show up as in your business. 

The first person people often show up as in their business is the dabbler. The dabbler is the person who is always jumping from business to business. This type of person is always hoping they will get lucky and find something that will make them money quickly and easily. Usually a dabbler will quit their business within the first few months and move onto something else.

The next type of person that people show up as in their business in the stressor. This type of person is always stressed instead of using resources or asking questions. They may figure it out but once moving onto the next challenge within their business they repeat the stressful process. This type of person will have success over the long term but is extremely stressed, and that is not a healthy and fun way to build your business.

The person you want to aim to be and become is the master. The master is not someone who quits, but someone who works through their challenges and continues. The master looks for advice and seeks out knowledge by watching video tutorials or asking questions and for advice from other people in their online business niche. This type of person will usually see the most success and results. 

Facing challenges and problems in your online business is normal. The key thing to do when facing a problem or challenge in your business is to seek out the knowledge to fix that problem. Once you do that you gain more knowledge yourself and are able to overcome that obstacle and move onto your next level of success.

Creating Your Own Content Creation Method

Alex was at one point overwhelmed with the amount of content he was trying to put out. He was doing YouTube, Instagram, a podcast, and more and trying to keep up with it all at once. He decided to stop overwhelming himself and only focus on one social media source. 

He noticed everyone was focusing on Instagram reels and TikTok and started doing it himself because it was working for everyone else. He didn’t want to be like everyone else but wanted to bring his own personality into his content. He began watching what type of content other people were making and put his own spin on it. Within a week his TikTok account grew from 1,350 followers to over 100,000 followers.

You don’t need a fancy camera and editing tools or extra lights, you just need your phone to create content. Keeping track of the popular accounts from your niche and the videos they create that take off will help you get an idea of the content you can make. Use the subject or sounds from others’ popular videos and add your own style to it.

Another tip that Alex and  David Sharpe spoke about is to use props in your content. Using props is engaging and if you can use one in the first three seconds of your video it will grab your viewer’s attention.

Have Fun With The Work That You Do

One of the most important tips shared during this interview is remember to have fun! 

“If it’s not fun, it’s not going to get done,” Alex said. 

We as people don’t want to do things that we don’t enjoy. Adding some fun  creativity to your content and getting yourself excited about your business will help it feel so much more enjoyable and motivational.

Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.

Tips To Overcome Your Fear Of Showing Your Face Online

This week on Wake Up Legendary David Sharpe sat down with William Glover to talk about his online business journey. William, originally from Texas, is an education teacher who realized he wanted to travel. He started teaching students in Japan and Korea and eventually moved to Thailand, where he now lives.

William found Legendary accidentally online several years ago but was involved in other online businesses before he eventually made his way back to Legendary. He saw people doing the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge and decided to give it a try. To his surprise, he learned a lot more during the 15 Day Challenge than he ever thought he would. He had seen videos on YouTube about building an online business and affiliate marketing, but there was information in the challenge that he just felt he couldn’t get anywhere else.

William has recently just been exploring TikTok and learning about affiliate marketing. Since taking the challenge and also purchasing the Business Blueprints he feels much more motivated to do and learn more than ever before. He realized that as a teacher he hasn’t been as connected with the online world, and in order to teach other people he has to learn online business information himself. 

If you are someone who struggles with getting comfortable with showing your face on camera or creating consistent content, this interview is for you.

Using Storytelling To Connect To Your Audience

Something that has opened his eyes and has made him want to be more productive in his business is the art of storytelling, and how he feels like he can tell his story to a complete stranger online and they can really empathize with him and feel what he’s feeling. 

Storytelling can be one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience. Storytelling is also something that you likely already do in your everyday life to connect with others. Stories create strong, emotional connections with others. Through storytelling you are able to communicate the value of your product or service while also giving your audience, customer, or listener something that they can relate to. 

It’s important to connect with your audience and give them something that they can relate to. This not only helps you be viewed as authentic, but also someone that your audience can trust and build a connection with. You can present a problem and the solution for it within a story and your customer will likely be able to relate to it in some way or empathize with it. 

Overcoming The Fear Of Being On Camera

One challenge William shared with David Sharpe that he is overcoming is getting over his fear of being on camera. He doesn’t enjoy the way he looks or sounds on camera and is still trying to get used to making TikTok videos of himself.

Getting used to showing your face on camera can be difficult, and the first video you make is always most difficult. A great way to begin to overcome the camera fear is by going live. By going live there is no room for editing the video because it is all being filmed in real time. The more often that you go live, the more comfortable you will get being on camera. 

Another thing to help you get comfortable behind the camera is to remember that everyone starts somewhere. The people on TikTok that you see with thousands of followers all started out with the same amount of followers that you began with: zero. At the end of the day, people do not think about you as much as you think they do, and you are your worst critic. 

Creating Consistent Content

One piece of advice William shared with David Sharpe is to create consistent content. Find popular accounts in your niche on TikTok and see what hashtags and sounds they are using to create content. View their popular videos and try to recreate them with your own personal touch. 

Another thing to look out for is what style of videos popular accounts in your niche are using to create content. This could be conversational which means talking to the camera, a still image with text, or even using a green screen. Once you see what styles of content are working for successful accounts in your niche it will help you to have a better understanding of what type of content to create.

William says that it’s important to post content consistently. Try posting at least one to three videos a day on your TikTok account until it becomes like second nature. This will help you to become more used to creating videos and also help you build a consistent content creation schedule. 

When first starting out in your affiliate marketing business, it might be hard to come up with ideas to create content, and it might feel uncomfortable to get in front of the camera and show your face. Using these tips from William will help you to get comfortable with your camera and content creation. 

Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.

Controlling Your Own Narrative: How To Turn Your Mess Into A Message

This week on Wake Up Legendary David Sharpe sat down with Kelle Roberts (@buildingyouonline on TikTok and Instagram) to talk with her about her online business and how she got started. Kelle is a high school entrepreneurship class teacher with a mission: to teach her students how to make money online.

If you’re someone who wants to learn how to make money online but have no idea where to begin, this interview is for you.

Kelle is an entrepreneurship teacher for high school students, and usually teaches her students how to start up a brick and mortar type business in her classes. Everything from what type of business to start to who the target customers are and how to attract them is taught in Kelle’s classes. One subject her students found a particular interest in over the last several years has been how to start a business and make money online. Kelle’s answer? Just like most people, she didn’t have one. 

That didn’t stop Kelle from finding the answer, though. After countless hours of research and dedication to providing a good answer for her students, she came across Legendary Marketer and the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge. Eager to learn, she invested, and not just for herself. She decided to take her Legendary journey and turn it into a legendary lesson for her students that they will never forget.

Kelle spoke to her students about what she was doing and learning each day with the 15 Day Challenge, and after day 2 she was ready to purchase the Blueprints. She felt as though this was a small investment to create an online business, especially because of how much money it takes to create a brick and mortar type business. This was an investment she felt was more than worth it to make.

Kelle has always been the type of teacher that isn’t afraid to try something new and fail at it. She likes trying out new things and reflecting on them. “I’m not afraid to go out on a whim and try something new, especially if it benefits my kids,” Kelle said. When she first began her online business journey she had already told her students that she likely wouldn’t make any money doing this. To her surprise, she was wrong.

Kelle students made it a goal of theirs to get her TikTok famous and she now has over 55k followers on her account. On the day of her very first commission that she earned, she came into class beaming, excited to tell her students that it did actually work and she had made money. She learned how to monetize her content and taught her students how to do the same.

Knowing What To Do Once You’ve Caught Your Audience’s Attention

When she spoke to her students about who her target audience should be, she decided it should be educators. Many educators aren’t happy with their education system. She had just been through two of the most difficult teaching years of her career during the Covid-19 pandemic and was hoping she would get a pay raise like the school districts around her, but she did not. She wasn’t alone in her disappointment, and many other educators felt the same. 

Kelle had done online work before, such as MLMs, and the last four years she had been working a part time job at a sporting goods store. A lot of educators and teachers nowadays have to work a part time job along with their teaching job to be able to survive. But Kelle didn’t want to just survive, she wanted to be able to go out and live her life.

She loves her teaching her students, and says that Legendary has given her a lot of empowerment. “Education is in a place where it needs a lot of help and I’m just trying to show kids what they can do to better their lives without having to spend a billion dollars at college,” Kelle said. 

She told David Sharpe that because she is an elective teacher she has a lot more creative control in her classroom and has the freedom to introduce new things. She wants to teach her students things that will not only apply to their lives, but will apply to their education as well. “If they can’t see the fact that it benefits them in some way they just aren’t going to be interested in it,” Kelle said. A big part of that for her is being able to show her students that there are other career paths than just going to college and getting a degree. 

Finding The Time To Create An Online Business

When Kelle first started out in her online business she wondered how she would be able to fit it into her already busy work schedule. She found it to be surprisingly easy. She was able to do this around her full time job and be successful at it, at the same time. “You do have the time, you just have to prioritize it,” Kelle said. 

The internet has become a part of everyday life for most students and children, and they will find information online whether they are exposing themselves to it or someone else is. That’s why Kelle feels it’s so important to teach them these things now. We have to talk about the things kids want to talk about and things that are relevant to them,” Kelle told David Sharpe. 

Being Your Most Authentic Self In Your Business

Kelle creates a lot of conversational videos on TikTok, and is more comfortable doing videos like that so that she can show both the positives and the negatives of her online business and her career in general. She talks to her students a lot in her classroom about these subjects as well. Kelle tells David Sharpe that it's important to show both sides to everything so that she is being as authentic as possible to her followers and also her students. 

Students and children are looking to connect to adult figures that they feel like they can trust, and her students won’t be able to trust her if she isn’t being her most authentic self. She teaches through storytelling a lot of the time and enjoys storytelling in her content. She feels like her viewers and students can understand her content best if they have a story to relate to it. 

Her student’s values and opinions matter to her and she stops class regularly to talk to her students about important things like getting an apartment after high school and other real world skills and information they will need. 

Kelle doesn’t usually view herself as an emotional person but recently she has found herself opening up and getting emotional in her videos. She shared with David Sharpe that her father had recently passed and that her online business gave her the opportunity to be with him in his last few weeks of life. 

Not only did it help her create the income she would have missed out on with her teaching job from taking the time off, it also became something that she was able to bond with her father over. They spoke a lot about her online business and gave her an opportunity to make her father proud before he passed away.

Kelle told David Sharpe that even though she has three college degrees she would have never been able to do the things she has done with her online business in the education world. This has given her more opportunity and inspiration than she ever would have imagined. Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.

Three Tips To Help You Switch Your Mindset

On Monday’s episode of Wake Up Legendary we interviewed Camila Montiel. Camila, born in Cuba, got started with Legendary in March. She found Legendary though Calvin Hill and has been utilizing the skills she’s learned in the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge ever since. Some of the biggest challenges she’s faced have been switching her mindset and telling her story through her content.

If you someone who is trying to switch your mindset to help you build your business, this interview is for you.

Switching Your Mindset

When you try out a new online business you might get negative feedback from family members and friends. They might not understand what your business is all about or how you’re making money with it. If you are new to affiliate marketing you might be wondering why your business didn’t take off right away, and you might feel the want to quit. This is normal, but a lot of people go wrong by giving up too quickly and moving onto the next business or ‘get rich quick’ idea without putting more time and thought into their online business that they’re already building. 

Mindset is an important part of affiliate marketing. To create a successful online business you have to be ready to accept the challenges you might face and figure out how you’re going to create solutions to your problems. Essentially, you have to be ready to put in some work in order to find success. Changing your thinking also changes your perspective. Here are 3 tips you can do to help switch your mindset:

Be Patient – Affiliate marketing is not something that you learn in one day. Not only does it take time to build up a following and learn skills, but it also takes a lot of patience. You won’t get rich overnight and it may even take a while to earn your first commission. That’s completely normal, and it is important to not give up. Only waiting a month into running your business and then trying to move onto something else will turn into a repetitive cycle. By being patient it will help you to take the time to grow your customer and follower list. 

Maintain Self Discipline – When you first begin your affiliate marketing business you might get distracted. It is very important to keep yourself focused and on task in order to grow your business. A great way to do this is by creating a schedule for yourself. By pre-planning your day and sticking to your schedule, you are leaving less room for distraction and bringing more organization into your life and business.

Get Creative – When a lot of people first start out in affiliate marketing they often wonder where to begin creating content. A great place to start is by looking at the popular content in your niche. If you are creating TikTok content, view the content that popular creators and other affiliate marketers are putting out in your niche and create videos that are similar to what’s popular, but with your own spin and creativity on them. This will help to boost your content into the algorithm. 

Telling Your Story

A huge part of gaining a following on social media is being relatable, and the best way to be relatable is to tell your story. Telling your story not only gives your audience something to relate to, but also shows them that you are a regular person and makes you more trustworthy to them. 

Storytelling is a great way to share your values as an affiliate marketer along with your expertise to your customers. Storytelling is probably something you already do in your everyday life. Telling your story of how you got where you are whether in your business or with a product, it is a great way to connect with your audience that feels natural.

Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.

How To Break Away From Overthinking

This week on Wake Up Legendary David Sharpe met with Tanya Lena to talk about her beauty coaching business. Tanya focuses on inner beauty with her customers and clients rather than outer beauty. Tanya is a Transformation Coach that specializes in self-projection.

Tanya originally wanted to be a therapist or psychologist but ended up finding herself in hairdressing. In 2014 she began to get into mental health and spirituality with her business, and started up her own website from scratch. 

If you are someone who struggles with overthinking or stress about your business this interview is for you.

Never Be Afraid To Fail

Tanya’s first venture as an entrepreneur, she opened up a total beauty spa for inner and outer beauty and spirituality. She created a TikTok page to promote her business and the account was not very popular. Instead of giving up, Tanya decided to delete the account and try again, and this time she succeeded. She gained about 500k followers within two years. Her account took off and she began getting requests for partnerships with different companies and other offers. 

You Have To Do The Inner Work And The Outer Work

Tanya shared with David Sharpe that in order to succeed with her business, she had to do the inner work along with the outer work. This meant instead of asking herself how she was going to monetize her business she first had to create it, she needed to provide value and safe space to share and grow a following. Her TikTok growth helped her to gather clients for her coaching portion of her business. Instead of getting too ahead of herself, she wrote down all of the things she wanted to do with her business so that she could do them each one by one. One of those things was writing a book, which she will be coming out with in the next year.

Another part of the inner work is setting boundaries in your business and with yourself. This can mean many things, like not taking on too many clients, or creating a set schedule for yourself. Sometimes we think that our business or method isn’t working when it is ourselves who is not putting in the work to ensure that it is successful. 

Tanya also shared that one thing she does to contribute to her inner work is giving herself positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are phrases you can repeat to help yourself overcome challenging life obstacles. You might feel weird about it at first but after a while of repeating your affirmations it will help you start to believe what you are telling yourself. “(Affirmations are) reminding your mind of what your soul already knows,” Tanya said.

Tanya told Dave that by repeating affirmations each day help build habits for her in her business. This helps her to subconsciously make herself get up every day and do the work she has planned for herself each day instead of procrastinating or putting it off. This helps reprogram your mind to start working a different way so that you don’t give up when things start to go wrong.

Using Your Senses 

When first starting out it might be difficult not to compare yourself to others or over think about your content creation. Another tip for beginners that Tanya shared with David Sharpe is to ground yourself when you start to feel stressed out. This means using your senses to close your eyes and ask yourself what you can see, hear, touch, feel, and smell. This will calm your brain down so that you will no longer be in a stressed or overthinking state of mind. “​​We come into the business world and we can sometimes get attracted to unhealthy people, places and things and need to find the things that are healthy for us,” David Sharpe said.

Finding Balance In Your Work Life

Tanya shared with Dave that by slowly reprogramming your brain it will reduce stress in your work life. A lot of people who start out in affiliate marketing often become frustrated and want to give up. It’s important to embrace the struggles that you go through and allow yourself to have them. 

Nothing is perfect 100% of the time and when you begin to accept there will be roadblocks and struggles. Once we embrace them, they will come as less of a surprise when they do happen. David Sharpe shared with Tanya that he always tries to stay close to his personal growth and have balance in his work life.

Recognizing Negativity 

Tanya’s new book is about self projection and taking responsibility. She says that it’s important to recognize the people in your life who might be toxic and bring you down, and that when you do the inner work it is much easier to recognize who is in your life to just bring you down or sabotage you as opposed to people who are just having negative emotions. 

When starting out in your business it can be difficult to not get overwhelmed or to not overthink everything. By utilizing these skills and helping to ground yourself and stay in tune with your personal growth it will help you to grow with your business.

Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.

Kick Your Camera Fear To The Curb

On this week’s episode of Wake Up Legendary David Sharpe sat down with Curt Hadley to talk about his affiliate marketing business. Curt spent a large portion of his life afraid to be in front of the camera, and in this interview he shares how he overcame that fear.

If you’re someone who might have some fear or skepticism about getting in front of the camera, this interview is for you.

Getting Comfortable Behind The Camera

Curt Hadley, also known as @thatoldbaldaffiliateguy on TikTok is from southern Oregon. When creating his TikTok account he originally wanted a unique and memorable username and decided that he would put a personal spin on his username. For years he has worked in the television and radio industry and has done mostly behind the scenes editing, writing, and promoting. Curt no longer wanted to be a behind the scenes guy, and wanted to face his fear of being in front of the camera. 

Curt explained that the reason he was always so afraid of being on camera wasn’t because of his appearance or the lack of hair on his head, but because there was something inside him that was holding him back from being comfortable on camera. He was worried about what others might think about him.

Something that really helped Curt to over his fear of being on camera was remembering that everyone starts somewhere, and that perfectionism is not the goal. “Eventually I came to this realization that people don’t think about me as much as I think they think about me,” Curt said.

It Only Works If You Work It

Curt realized the idea that people wouldn’t like him was all in his head, when in reality, his viewers ended up liking his TikTok content more than he ever thought that they would. He now has 51.9K followers on his account and over 84.9K likes on his videos. 

One huge tip that Curt shared with David Sharpe is the business models he tried in his past didn’t work because he didn’t work on them. So many people sign up for things or buy courses and never start them, or they put zero effort into them and claim they don’t work. The reason you might be telling yourself that something didn’t work is because you didn’t put the work or effort into it that’s required to be successful. 

Setting Boundaries Within Your Business

Curt also brought up how important it is to set boundaries within your business. This might mean setting boundaries with your customers or even people who are committed to misunderstanding your affiliate marketing business. Curt said that he has been asked many times before by customers and viewers about private coaching sessions, but has set a boundary to not offer coaching sessions yet. 

Instead of coaching sessions, Curt has actually created a Facebook group so that he can help multiple people at once. He often posts short training videos, videos from his TikTok live sessions, and even infographics for his Facebook group members. He wanted to create a Facebook group because it would be better for him to answer questions for his viewers and followers who might all have the same question or would like to learn more about a specific topic. “I want to set boundaries but I want to be available,” Curt said. He shared that there is a fine line between being as helpful as you can with people and taking up less time helping them. 

Creating A Strong Call To Action

David Sharpe shared that having a strong call to action at the end of your video is a key factor in guiding traffic to your site or email list. Saying “click the link in my bio” is an overused phrase and oftentimes viewers already know where to find the link. It’s more important to give them a reason as to why they should click it, rather than telling them where to find it.  “There’s always a different and more powerful way to approach what we’re doing,” Dave said. 

Another tip that David Sharpe shared was to not reveal the name or company for your product or business right away in a video, and allow for suspense to be built by the viewer. If people see your product straight away it may deter them from viewing the rest of your video because they will pre-judge it. “If we tell them what it is, they go and they google it themselves,” Dave said. 

When first starting out in your online business you might find it difficult to get in front of the camera, or even set boundaries within your business. Applying these tips will help you to learn how to get comfortable with creating content. 

Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.

10 Marketing Secrets To Boost Your Online Video Content

This week on Wake Up Legendary David Sharpe interviewed Rad Detchev about his Chinese medicine and acupoints online business. Rad uses TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube to grow his online business and share the information he has gathered about Chinese medicine and acupoints to help people in their daily lives. 

Born in Bulgaria, he now travels the world living a minimalist lifestyle while creating online content. He has been doing his chinese medicine and acupoints online business for the last five years. It took him four years to build his YouTube subscriber list up to 50,000 but only one year to gain half a million followers across TikTok and Instagram. 

Rad shared his top 10 marketing tips with David Sharpe on how he built his successful online business. If you are interested in learning about how to strengthen your video content strategies and learn how to make your content go viral, this interview is for you. 

Tip #1: Pick The Best Platform(s) For Your Business. When choosing a platform for your business, Rad says that it’s important to keep in mind which platforms get content to an audience quickly. “Short form content will get you farther faster,” Rad said. TikTok is a great platform for this because it will boost your video out to people immediately after you upload. Instagram is also a good platform for this. While Instagram may work a little slower at showing your content to viewers, their reels feature is another way to quickly get your short form video content out to viewers. YouTube is best for long form video content and takes practice to create videos. When starting out at making content, TikTok and Instagram are the best platforms to put content out from. 

Tip #2: Research Popular Content In Your Niche. When creating content Rad says to research the content in your niche. From there you’ll want to see what videos are popular, and analyze what the creators of the popular videos in your niche are doing in their videos and what funnels and lead magnets they have. Once you see what made those videos popular, try recreating them and putting your own spin on them. 

Tip #3: Have Good Video Presence. When watching Rad’s videos, you might think he’s an extroverted person. This is because he maintains a good video presence. He says it’s important to watch your video back and ask yourself how you feel about the video, and if you were the viewer, would this be something you would want to watch? Rad says that a lot of people watch themselves on selfie mode and that can completely connect you from your audience. When filming you should not only be looking directly at your camera lens, but also make sure that your camera lens is wiped off and clean, so that your video is in as much high definition as possible.

Tip #4: Keep Track of Your Video Analytics. When experimenting with different video and content creation styles you should keep track of your video analytics. This means keeping track of what works well in your videos and what is making them popular. This way you can replicate and re-create that experience in your other videos for your viewers. 

Tip #5: Don’t Change Your Message. When creating content online, you may sometimes find yourself bored of the message you are sending out to your viewers and want to change it. As you start growing your content and the algorithm starts to get to know who you are, the people who see your videos aren’t usually the people who are following you. This is because platforms like TikTok and Instagram will push your videos out to new people who haven’t seen your content or heard your message before. While you might be bored of your message, it might be just the thing the new content viewer needs to hear to follow you, or might be something they really resonate with. “We get tired and bored of our message before our audience does,” Rad said. Most of the people listening either don’t remember what you may have said in a past video or are completely new to your content, which is why you shouldn’t change the message of your video content. 

Tip #6: Stick To One Niche. If you are posting in too many niches, the algorithm may not know who to boost your content out to. Sticking to one niche is best because then the algorithm will better understand how to sort through your content and push it out to the right audience. Posting content in multiple niches on one account might be confusing for viewers as well. It is also best to stick to one niche so it is easier to keep track of your video analytics.

Tip #7: Batch Your Videos. When in the beginning stages of content creation, batching your videos is a great way to practice video skills. This means creating multiple videos in one content creation session. This will help you get comfortable behind the camera and speaking directly to your audience, and help strengthen your video content creation skills. Rad also recommends filming every day so it’s not difficult to come back to filming like it may be if you take time off from creating content. Rad films a video each morning, edits it, and then posts it. 

Tip #8: Create Connection With Your Viewers. One great way to create and maintain a personal connection with your audience is by going live. This will help create authenticity and trust between you and your followers/viewers. Be authentic and show your viewer that you are a real person that they can relate to and not just a face on their screen.

Tip #9: Separate Yourself From The Brand. Even though your brand might be all about you, it is important to keep in mind that your brand is for your business. You will still have a connection to your brand and content, but it will become much easier to post business related content on your platform. This way you can put intention behind your content because you want to use that content to help people, rather than posting content of yourself that might not have to do with your online business. 

Tip #10: Use Captions In Your Content. When you create video content it is vital to use captions. This is because the viewer of your content may not have their sound on, or could be someone who has a disability and cannot hear your video. Captions in your video are also important because not all countries have the royalties for the music you may be using. This means that the viewer might not have access to the audio in your video, and captions on your video will still help get the message across to the viewer without them having to hear it. You can create captions on your videos by using text and stickers, and also by using apps specifically made for creating captions. Rad suggests using the apps CapCut and Captions. 

Whether you’re reaching a new audience or your current viewers and followers, these tips will come in handy when creating online video content across short form video social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. If you would like to learn more about building your own profitable online business from home I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.

How To Convert Your Views Into Leads And Sales

On Tuesday’s episode of Wake Up Legendary David Sharpe met with Rad Detchev to talk about his journey building his acupoints and Chinese medicine online business. He has been operating his online business for 5 years now. Born in Bulgaria, he now travels all over the world living a minimalist lifestyle and creating online content. Rad uses several platforms for his business including TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. 

If you are interested in learning about how to strengthen your video content strategies and learn how to make your content go viral, this interview is for you. 

10 years ago Rad got into personal training and became very interested and passionate about the health and wellness space. Five years ago he started his YouTube channel and later on his friend showed him TikTok. It took him four years to gain 50,000 subscribers on YouTube and only half a year to grow half a million followers on TikTok and Instagram. Rad shared with David Sharpe that if he did not have a following already on social media, he has a process for how to gain followers and grow a successful online business.

Rad shared a great way to start building a following on TikTok or Instagram is to search videos in your niche and find the popular ones. View the funnels and lead magnets that the content creator of the popular videos from your niche have on their page. From there, see what videos made their account popular and from there you can brainstorm and re-create those videos with your own spin on them.

With TikTok growing in popularity every day, it is definitely the platform to put content out from if you want to get your content out to viewers quickly. Instagram is also another great platform to use because of reels, but might be a little slower with follower gain than TikTok. “Short form content will get you farther faster,” Rad said.

Establishing Video Presence

When watching Rad’s content videos he appears to be a very extroverted person but in reality, he feels as though he is more of an introvert. His viewers however, see the extroverted side of him on social media. This is because he wants his content to be appealing to his viewers. One tip he gave David Sharpe about this is to ask yourself if you would want to watch the video you put out if you were the viewer, and if the content makes you feel good. 

Rad says that a lot of people watch themselves on selfie mode through their camera and that can completely disconnect them from their audience. When making a video, you should be looking directly at your camera, and making sure you have a clean lens by wiping your lens off prior to filming so that your video will be in much more high definition. 

When speaking, use your hands and animate yourself. Make sure the camera has you cropped correctly depending on the platform that you are using. Instagram and TikTok both have a different video layout and sidebar with buttons, so it’s important to make sure your video is not being covered by them. 

Jump cutting, which is cutting out the dead space between words in a video, can be annoying to some viewers but can also be helpful in moving your video along and keeping the viewer’s attention. Watch time in videos plays a key factor because TikTok and Instagram track video watch time for the algorithm. Keeping your viewer interested in your video for as long as possible will help it to reach more people. 

Dave says that learning how to maintain video presence and learning how to act in videos is similar to taking acting classes or learning a new skill, and to not beat yourself up if your videos are not perfect. 

Keeping Track of Video Analytics

As you experiment with different styles of videos it is essential to keep track of and go through your video analytics. Keep track of which videos were popular and what you did in them that might have kept the viewer’s attention, that way you can re-create that experience in other videos. 

Rad says that as your videos gain popularity and the algorithm begins to know who you are, it is very likely that a lot of the people who will see your videos will be people who aren’t already following you or who may have not seen your content before. “We get tired and bored of our message before our audience does,” Rad said. As a content creator, you might get bored of your own message and feel the want to change it, but there are many people who don’t remember what you’ve said in past videos or might even be new audience members. If the message is working, don’t change it. 

Rad also tells David Sharpe that sticking to one niche is the best way to stay in the algorithm. If you bounce around to too many different niches your content platform may not know who to push your content out to. If you are in the beginning stage of making videos Rad recommends batching videos, which is making multiple videos in one content creation session, to practice your video creation skills. He recommends filming video content every day so it’s easier to come back to filming rather than taking a break from it. He films a video every morning, edits it, and then uploads it to make sure he is showing up every day. 

Making Effective Content

When creating videos Rad says that there are three types of videos that are effective. The first is viral videos, videos that quickly catch the viewers attention and bring them into your content. The second is long form explanation, which means really breaking down the content in your video and explaining it. The last is personal content, which is sharing a personal connection with your viewer. 

Going live on social media is a great way to boost your content and gain followers. This will help create personal connection and authenticity with your viewer interacting with you in real time, rather than just watching a video of you. 

Rad doesn’t do any paid marketing, he only succeeds on his ability to create and draw people in, otherwise known as sweat equity. This year he published a book he sells on Amazon and he also recently put out a top 5 acupoints guide as well as an e-book.

Using Captions In Video Content 

One key thing that Rad advises is to always make sure you have captions in your videos. Captions are important because a lot of social media users may not always be able to have sound turned on when viewing video content. Captions also help adhere to people with disabilities, such as deaf people who may not be able to hear a video, but can read a caption. If there is no caption on your video, a viewer might swipe past it. 

There are several ways to put captions on your videos, such as using a sticker with text or using an app that helps your captions stand out. An app Rad suggests using is CapCut. This app is free and may take a little bit of learning to use, but using the import bold font feature on the app can really help your captions stand out. Another app he suggests is Captions. This app is also free and will make your captions pop out. 

Rad suggests to make sure that there are as many things as possible in your video that will work in your favor. This includes captions, good lighting, the subject, audio, and quick cuts. The more quality your video has, the better chance of your video going viral and gaining traction. 

If you are using music in your video it is important to consider that not every country has royalties to certain music. This means that someone who views your video content in another country may not have access to the music in your video, and therefore may not be able to hear the audio from it. This is another reason why captions are essential for your video content. 

Creating video content takes time, practice, and skill. Applying these tips will help you boost your video content into the algorithm. You can follow Rad on TikTok and Instagram at @radradoslav

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Three Tips For Getting Your First Online Affiliate Marketing Commission

On Monday’s episode of Wake Up Legendary David Sharpe interviewed Joshua Dennis to talk about how he started his online affiliate marketing business side hustle. Joshua is a bartender who lives in Oregon. Joshua first found Legendary through Darryl Gray Jr. on TikTok. He had heard about affiliate marketing and gave it a try a while back, but did the 15-day business builder challenge in 2021 and got hooked when he made his first commission 2 months later. 

When Joshua was first starting out he had to face several challenges. Those included getting distracted with strategy, being afraid to be a newbie, and navigating criticisms, and more. If you’re someone who is just starting out in your affiliate marketing business, this interview is for you. 

Joshua shared his affiliate marketing tips with David Sharpe for anyone who is just starting out with marketing and is trying to get that very first commission. A lot of stress and impatience can happen when just starting out, but it’s important to be patient and try new things within your affiliate marketing business to see what works.

Tip #1- Stick to one strategy at a time. When first starting out with your affiliate marketing business you may grow impatient, just like Joshua did, but it’s important to not jump from strategy to strategy. It’s crucial to see how each strategy is performing. Stick with the strategy you have been testing out and see how it performs over the course of several weeks or a month. Keep track of what’s performing well and what isn’t. This is a great way to test your content creation with your audience and see what builds the most viewers. You won’t know what is actually working if you don’t take the time to test your individual strategies out instead of rushing through them. 

Tip #2- Don’t be afraid to be a newbie. When starting out a lot of people can feel apprehensive or even afraid. It can be uncomfortable being a beginner again, but a lot of the skills it takes to be an affiliate marketer, you likely already have. You can apply skills and situations from your everyday life into affiliate marketing, especially by story telling. Customers and viewers want to relate to the content, and a great way is through turning situations from your everyday life into a story that you can use to market your product. “A lot of people are scared to be a newbie, if you can be successful as a newbie you can be successful no matter what,” Joshua said.

Tip #3- Simplify your content. Joshua told David Sharpe that the most successful sales funnel he had run in the last year was a simple, 1 sentence on the page, the next page with a box to put a name and email, and the third page being another 1 sentence. When a website or sales funnel page has too many words, pictures, or content, it can be overwhelming for the viewer's eyes and they are less likely to put in their contact information. Keeping a landing page simple with few sentences and pictures builds suspense and doesn’t overwhelm the visitor. “Simplifying the copy on your landing page can be a real game changer,” David Sharpe said.

One tip that David Sharpe contributed was to be authentic while making content. “Your mind is making you look bad,” Dave said. You can turn any situation into a story or something that is relatable. Don’t try to pretend to be someone that you aren’t in your content, only be your most authentic self because your audience will be able to connect with you so much better.

Building Good Will In The Marketplace

When building a relationship with your customers you will want your name associated with being trustworthy. The more people that trust you online, the more people that will be likely to open your emails, watch your YouTube videos, and view your short form content. “The number one thing that you have to  remember is that your reputation and the trust of your audience and those who are watching you is the most important thing that you have,” David Sharpe said.

When marketing a product, market the product with how it makes you feel. If you spend your entire video talking about your product, you will end up feeling like a used car salesman. Talk about how your product makes you feel, and how the product will make your customer feel. 

Starting a new online affiliate marketing business can be tricky at first, but applying these tips to your business will help you to get the hang of it and get that first commission. 

Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.

Marketing Tips To Build Your Unique Brand

On Tuesday’s episode of Wake Up Legendary David Sharpe sat down with Jacob Lucas to talk about his personal dating coach business. He has been a personal dating coach for three years and has built a following of our 630k! He’s learned alot about content creation to get to that level and shares his marketing tips with David.

If you are thinking of monetizing your unique skills this interview is for you. 

Jacob used to want to be a professional boxer but when he became very ill several years ago he realized there were many things he wanted to do with his life that he hadn’t gotten the chance to do yet, one of those things being an online dating coach. He realized he had value to offer and could really help someone out with their dating life. He had seen that dating coach services were something people were already searching for online. His customers could learn about dating in the comfort of their own home, and Jacob would become their personal wingman. “If you’ve got a problem so do a million (other) people,” Jacob said.

Building A Following In Your Niche

No matter how unique or similar your unique offer is, you have to know how to market it and how to create content. “The first thing is to help people, the second thing is how to make a living out of helping people,” Jacob said. One of the biggest challenges people face is actually picking a niche, Jacob told David Sharpe. 

Jacob shared these 5 tips with David Sharpe for creating content that stands out.

Tip #1 – Speak with authority. When creating content, state who you are and what your professional is. For example, Jacob would say “Hi I’m Jacob and I’m a professional dating coach”. This makes you sound confident to the viewer and will appeal more to them. 

Tip #2 – Speak numerically. When creating content speak with numerals, for example “3 tips to make ___” or “5 signs you are ___”. Jacob says to use the numbers 3, 5, and 10. People like to feel like they are completing something, and usually the best is saved for last in content so the viewer stays watching until the end.

Tip #3 – Use truisms. You want to make your reader think but not make them feel stupid. This makes your viewer not feel cornered and shows them that you have empathy.

Tip #4 – Jacob shared that when making content, inflections can make a big difference in your content creation. 

Tip #5 – Putting the main subject in a larger or bolder text size will help draw the reader’s eyes to it and make them think about the content.

Building Up Confidence 

In any industry or niche it is hard to not compare yourself to other people, especially if they've been making content in your niche longer than you have. Constantly comparing yourself to others who might appear like they are more successful than you is what can slow you down or make you feel stuck and won’t allow you to have room for growth.

In terms of building confidence and taking action, it can be crucial to never ask the opinions of your friends and family when it comes to your business. Those people are not in your niche, nor do they have the experience or background to have a well opinionated answer about your work. If you ask their opinions and they give you an answer based on their opinion, they could advise you to do something that wouldn’t be good for your business. “Don’t ask anyone, just do it,” Jacob said, “None of the small things you do in your video matter if you’re just going to give into limiting beliefs.” When you have people in your inner circles who are supporting your business and decisions, that’s who your true friends are.

How To Build Social Value

“When your value goes up, you get paid for what you do, what you say, and who you are,” Jacob shared with David Sharpe. Trying to be valuable to everyone is not going to work, which is why it’s so important to choose a niche and build value within the niche that you choose. 

A huge way to build value is by taking the time to respond to engagement on your posts. Creating the feel of human touch with your viewers and followers will help build trust between you and them and also show your followers that you are a person just like them who struggled with a problem just like they are. Over time value builds because you establish a sense of friendship and personal touch with your followers. “That’s how you build social value, you have to have that human touch,” Jacob said, “Even if your first comment is a negative one, respond to it because everything is a learning experience.”

Increasing Viewers Through Algorithm

Jacob and David then dove into the one thing that’s important when reviewing your content- make sure that people are watching your videos all the way through to the end. If they aren't, something needs to be adjusted. It’s a fantastic metric to guide you for future content creation. 

One way to make sure people are watching your video all the way to the end is to end the video sharply. A great way to do this is by cutting the last syllable out of your last word in your video. 

Another great reminder is to always have subtitles on your video. A lot of times people will rely on subtitles if they are in a situation where they cannot play a video out loud, whether it be at work or somewhere else. The use of subtitles on your videos ensures it’s more accessible to people who may not have the ability to use audio. 

The length of a video is also something important to factor in when it comes to algorithms. If a video is too long, the viewer may not want to watch it all the way through, especially on a site or app like TikTok where people are used to seeing short form video content. Jacob found  that his sweet spot and preferred length to make videos is between 40-45 seconds. That’s where people will watch it to the end and you will deliver valuable content,” Jacob said. 

Any business you’re in, your main concern should be to help or deliver a product. You must be the best version of yourself to care about your customer. The best marketing you can get is word of mouth, and the best way to leave an impression on your customer is to show them that you genuinely care for them. “If it’s just about money you’re not going to make it,” Jacob said. 

Money can be a gauge of value. There’s already a genuine understanding of people that if you provide a service, that people will give you money for the service that you are providing. The more value you provide to your viewers, the more they will view your content and have more to take away from it, which will keep them coming back. 

Building a successful business like Jacob's requires skill, time, and patience, but can be a great way to bring in income and deliver value to customers. It’s a great way to share experiences and help people. 

Would you like to find a profitable business you can do from home so you can bring in much more substantial income? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.

Tips For Going Live On TikTok

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends? It's Dave sharp Welcome to wake up legendarium digging through my murse here, like an old man looking for my headphones. Alright my friends. Well we have a guest this morning who's gone from the IT industry to the digital marketing industry and we're going to talk amongst other things a little bit about what that transition has been like in any advice that he has for anybody who's making any kind of transition. So with that said, rich, welcome to the show.

Rich: Hi, thanks for having me. What's going on? What's good?

Dave: Hey man, great to have you where you calling from

Rich: I'm calling from Texas, man.

Dave: Okay, okay. We're in Texas.

Rich: I mean, Houston, Houston. Yeah, no, it was funny. I used to be in Cali and then we decided to move to Texas. So here we are.

Dave: All right. All right. There you go. So how in the heck did you go from the IT industry and what does that exactly mean? What were you doing? Give us you know, some? You know, give us some context about what your life was like. before. You know you, you got involved with this online marketing world. And what were you looking for? 

Rich: What got me into it was so you know, I have an IT background and doing it for 23 years or something like that, right? But my big thing was in what I talked about my lives a lot of times is um, that do that. I can take advice, I can take advice, I can take direction. I'm always looking for counsel, but you can't dictate to me so you will do this, that type of thing. And so what happened was, you know, the place of my employment, we were there. And then at one point there was like, Okay, there's a policy they implemented, and they were like, You must do this policy and I'm like, but it goes against what I personally feel and I was like, here's the reasons it goes against it. And they gave the option to some of us when they implemented the policy, it was either do the policy, it was either do the policy, resign or be terminated. So I was just like, Well, I was like, you know, and then some of the people there that didn't want to see me like what do you what are you going to do? And so, as I kind of took a break from the hiatus, and when I was doing that, I was just like, well, you know what I am? What should I do next? Right? Do I want to start my own business? Do I want to, you know, I've really just kind of taken some time reflecting whatever minute and one day, ironically enough, one day my wife has always been an entrepreneur. Right. And so then like, as I was helping her and everything ironically, it turned out that it was kind of like, you know, what, I can see myself doing something like this, but then the question became, alright, what do I do? Like what would be the thing that I would get involved in what would be the and then all of a sudden, I started to come across, like just messing around with tick tock one day, and well the crazy story behind it is my wife's my brother in law, since somebody he saw on Tik Tok to us, and then we started it was a legendary marketer person and we were checking it out. And I was just like, I can do this. And I was like, okay, look, I don't have my own business. I don't have my own product. So then I was like, I was like, I'm used to being online anyway. Because that was like, you know, I'm somebody who was always right. Once I started to kind of do some research when you guys started to research some other people like in the field, I was like, You know what, I'll give it a try. And then plus, the big thing was I'm seeing different people do it like, you know, I'm seeing single moms stay at home moms, I'm seeing, you know, people in their 60s and I was like, All right, that was like yeah basically,

Dave: Yeah, that's really cool yeah, both here at Legendary and also, you know, I think really internet marketing in general and especially entrepreneurship. I mean, you meet so many cool people. What I find in entrepreneurship is like, a lot of the life, political life or like, even the cultural ones that you know, like, it's kind of like growing up in a neighborhood or a city and not ever leaving it. Like entrepreneurs. So often when you meet them, they've been more well traveled. But have you found that the vibe of people here is different from the vibe of people in your typical corporate environment? And how would you describe it? Yeah, actually, it's

Rich: So like, the crazy part was, I used to work for a fortune 500 company, and then I transitioned to another organization. But when I left, right, and in that organization, it was very much lacking, like people were in there, but then you would find out they were into so many other things. And a lot of times people weren't just their job, right. But then it was weird. It was almost like going from that. 500 going to that organism with things like transit because, so many people who are either just like me, or people who like, you know, their experiences was, oh, yeah, I was doing this and I'm going here and I just talked to this person then. Oh, and then like, for example, I met some of the coolest people that are like, into some, like, stuff you would think would be the weirdest thing I've ever played, then. You know, it's like, you get in the group and where you know, awesome. I kind of give you that book when you go in saying, oh, yeah, I want to try this. And, you know, if somebody is not used to dealing with somebody who's a little kinky, they're gonna say, like, why would you do that? 

Dave: Yeah, like there's not a whole lot of stereotypes. There's not as much stereotype, and that kind of stuff. Like, right, yeah, no, and we all you know, we all experienced that differently. But it was just, I mean, like, one example for me it was just my background man. I mean, being a recovering addict, having a few charges on my record, you know what I mean, from when I was using, and, and just, I mean, I got arrested when I was 18. Dude, I didn't even get my adult self a shot. You know? It was just all dumb stuff related to my addiction, just, you know, fleeing and eluding one time I ran. One time I used a license that wasn't mine. So my point is, is that in the moment but but you know, online when people don't like it, but it's not a way to turn my mess into a message anyways. But I really love the diversity of our community, but also love the way that entrepreneurs just really, like it's almost like a it's almost like it's almost like, in many ways, just how I wish all of society was you know what I mean?

Rich: Yeah, because it's funny, you mentioned that because I remember I was on so I'm a part of another community where like, it's a group entrepreneurs, they get together every morning and everything. And so the crazy thing was, and again, all types of backgrounds. Like I have a college degree I have, you know, I'm like, you know, very straight laced. And a sense of college degree did follow the whole process, right? But I'm sitting there and I'm listening to this dude. He's like, multi seven figure earner. And he talked about like, you know, similar background to yours. He was like, Oh, I got in trouble. I did this. I was locked into this and then the big thing to me was like, every one of us were dialed into him because it was almost like, Okay, this is part of your story. But this is not who you are. And you are where I want to go. So it's like we were just all so locked into what he had to say when he had like, everything we teach you like if you want to be successful, and whatever. Like you said, it's so funny because that type of person typically typically wouldn't be able to even get in the door.

Dave: Yeah. And that's a lot of the challenges with our our I guess I won't get into the health conversation because I'm just so not qualified there. But in so many other instances, you know, like one great example was when I was going through treatment and all the people who were highly educated and worked really hard for those degrees, but had no addiction experience. It was hard for me to get anything out of them, hard for me to connect with them. Whereas I walked into the office of the person who had the bare minimum degrees. I mean, you just got enough to get in the door but they're they got 10 years of sobriety, right and man, those were the people that I was fixated on, you know what I mean? So connect with that person, right? Exactly, man. Exactly. So I like how I like our community but most of entrepreneurship can't say all but most of entrepreneurship Well, I used to say that it's more inclusive rather than exclusive. And that's what I thought I was going to leave it was like all the marketers over the years have kind of used the angle of like exclusive group and exclusive club and all this kind of shit and the truth is, is that like, what people really want is for things to be inclusive right? Not have to have a criteria or be a certain level or whatever. We've tried to do that here at legendary and I think me being open with my story in my background, leaves room for people to also feel comfortable in their own skin. What's your approach in connecting with your audience? What's your approach to help them trust you, level with them and connect with them despite, you know, differences that you may have to where people you know, people are judgmental, they like to look at us they like to say, Oh, I can't learn anything from that person. He's too. All too sure. too old, too young, too black for money too, that you know people are always How about even more kind of him before you know, so I just can't deal with him that way and try to turn the mess into a message. What are some of the things that you've done?

Rich: Well, you know, in my case, like even along those lines, I'm a pretty open person, right? So like a lot of times I go live every day, right? And so when I'm going live a lot of times what I say to people is, first thing I'll say I'll tell people about my background, right? Just like I say, Oh yeah, I have a college degree this and the other. But then the first thing I said I was like, Look, my goal is not to debate whether or not you should go to college or not. I was like you do what's best for you. So for me, going to college was what worked but if going to college doesn't work for you don't do that as it but I said I will say this much whenever you do, because I always tell people like the big thing is I was like alright, I'm gonna tell you how to make some money. I was like, cool, but you have to have a certain mindset first. One of the things I'll say is like you, whether you I'll even say like you know, if I'm talking about literally other affiliate offers, I'll even say like, look, I would love for you to come and invest and do it through me. Yeah, I would love that. If you say you're investing in yourself, so find

something to invest in. You walk away from this life. Think of what you can invest in whether it's a book and I'll even say like yo, go read Rich Dad, Poor Dad, right? I was like, go read. These are some of my favorites as I go do something to invest in myself because the first thing I say and I think I connect with people with this is like I'll say, Look, you don't want to be like a month from now, two months from now a year. From now, thinking like you're in the same spot as it looks, if you came to my life more than likely you're looking for something to do differently. And if you're looking for something to do different, these are some of the things I suggest to you right as like yo I'm about building community I'm not sharing so like for me like first and foremost even sometimes you know when you get the trolls it's always hysterical gray and even with them. 

Rich: Oh yeah. And but I like whatever you like sometimes even with the trolls I'll be like, Okay, I said, I'll tell you what, if you can have an open mind just listen to me for about five minutes. I'm like yo, you do this you will make money from this, of like that even before I even talk about any offers or anything like that. So the thing is, it is like my natural personality is I want to get to know you. I want to get more of a natural vibe of I just like hanging out with people. So like, say for example, your background that wouldn't shy me away from you. That would actually bring me towards it. I'm like, Oh, tell me more. I'm sitting there like, you know, I didn't realize before and that's true.

Dave:  For everybody, right? I mean, the pastor who's sitting on the stage, and I'm just using this as an example, who has the background of being going to prison, and all this. Those are always the more interesting, powerful, you know, preachers for example in the religious field and I gave the therapist an example of a person who's dealing with drug addicts. You look at somebody who is the CEO of a company, they've worked for a nonprofit working in addiction and in home in chronic homelessness and mental illness. It was kind of a three prong approach, but the CEO there. This was when I met her, the CEO there started as the janitor, so the whole company really admired the guy. And there's a lot to say about that. those basic things that you know, are just how you connect with people? This is really the thing that is more important than the mechanics is to have the mechanic set up properly. Absolutely. If you think that just Oh, Kate, tell me where to point and click and then I'm going to hit a button every day or you know, it's not absolutely we've, we can pin and click that's a thing. Nowadays, I still encourage everyone to learn how to connect with people in the ways that we're talking about here. One great way to connect with people that's super practical based on an example you just said was like if you're alive and there's a troll for example.

Dave: But anyways, yeah, it's like man will often be we think our reaction is to get defensive and nasty. And that's exactly what most people see everybody else because any time that you say something nasty to somebody or do it drive by on men that 9.9 times out of 10 They're gonna hit you with some nastiness right back. Right. And the difference between connecting with people and becoming trustworthy is that they want to invest their money with you and follow what you have to say. Is that you? You react differently. You react with leadership and those things don't move you in. They don't move your beliefs in what you're saying. And I think that's what the big one if, if I if somebody is explaining something to me, and then I ask a question, or even say something that's slightly rude, and it throws them there thing they started getting nasty, passionate and out it was really that convicted about what they're talking about because Oh, so a lot of times the things that we do, we should actually do the opposite. Because we were trained by people who were broke. Were trained by people who all got who could not level up in their jobs, who could not run successful businesses. And maybe these people were our parents. God bless them. That's fine. We still love them. But if we want to get a different result, we have to do something different. And that practical example How deep can we go with this one example of how you react to somebody on a live in a comment says so much about how far you're gonna go in this business. Do you agree?

Rich: I agree, even one guy one time he came at me and he goes, like, you know, he's listened to me. He was like, well, he said, Well, I've heard other people do legendaries like why should I go with you? Right? And I didn't even take it anywhere. I just thought well, I said, here's how it works, right? So you can go with me or you can go with someone else. So think of it like this man. I was like if you're at a car dealership, if you like if you're trying to buy a Nissan there's multiple things on car dealerships, right. I was like maybe you vibe and you bought because you liked how this dealership treated you versus this one. I was like, whether it's me or whether it's someone else. I was like, Cool. And I go back to the thing of saying, Hey, I just want you to invest in yourself. And like in that moment, dude like, he was like because it was thought I just lost myself.

Dave: Oh, man. I mean, being a parent is phenomenal. They just, you know, they're there. We got to embrace the tech you know, we got to embrace the tech the kids are gonna deal with the tech the whole the whole whole logistics have boundaries around the thing. My job as a parent is to keep those boundaries around. Oh, yeah. Kids are kids, this is life. And this is entrepreneurship, right? It's like you know, you can't plan what's going to happen in your business. You can't plan what's going to happen in your life. And so how do you embrace everything not being perfect in your videos and everything not being perfect in your lives? Like so many people are so afraid to even get started because again, they think it has to be a perfect presentation.

Rich: I got a survey yesterday. It's actually somebody I know is their brand and everything, but very much and I say this on the lines a lot of times like yeah, just get started. I was like if you waited for it to be perfect, if you wait for it to have out like you'll never do it. I was like Don't overthink it. Just do it. Right. And so my wife one day she's like, like, Well, what do you do for a living are shooting videos to post content? Right? I like the way she lives. Why? Because here's the thing. On the live show, I was like, I'm going I'm be myself naturally. I'm a talker. So I'm like, I'm joking around. I'm having a good time. Like if I mess up, so be it. I'm still going with the content of like, you gotta shoot it over and over. 

Dave: Ain't nobody gonna see your first few anyway. That's what we always think we're about to give a presidential address like the whole world's gonna watch it. It's like, I had to realize I'm not that important. If I say if I screw up on a live too. It's not like the end of the world either. Like I really had it goes back to the liking gap. It's a, it's a, it's a phenomenon of where we and everybody can Google it, man. I mean, I'll show it to you right now. Just so you all know that you know, this is a real thing that we deal with. And it's on Wikipedia. It must be true. 

Rich: Right. really accurate.

Dave: The liking gap is the disparity between how much a person believes that another person likes them and that person's actual opinions. Most studies have found that most people underestimate how much other people like them and enjoy their company. Right? And that's why so many people are getting rich. They are getting rich, just sitting around talking. And why is that? Folks? The reason why that is, is because if you actually start talking and doing the thing that snowballed from people who don't like you are going to come through and say something mean, if they're a mean person, and then they're going to move on. That's human beings. Human beings have been doing this tar and feathering people get you laughing at other people's expense, sitting in coliseums watching people fight a bowl to their death. Human beings have derived pleasure. I'll never forget. I was walking my dad and I were on a job one day, and we were we were walking under this big building that was up on stilts. But there was this huge pipe that was going across the way and he's walking with a drink in his hand, not paying it to him, and hit his head. Hard thing it was like have you ever seen somebody hit their head but they don't? It just stopped them from just dropping to his knees right? Man I should have been right therefore, I could not stop laughing. I was like you probably got a concussion. But I was deriving pleasure from his pain. I couldn't help it. I'm not a bad person. It's just a natural reaction. It's a human reaction. So when we do it's just like death. It's like a phenomenon. We came to understand it. I love my dad snapped out and was like, like, holy shard Are you alright, got that, really at first. And I've always done this about. Like, I've always if he was doing something that he looked frustrated or whatever, I would laugh like it. Maybe I just felt safe to beat myself with him. But either way. This is life and this is what's gonna happen. It's what's going to happen out on the internet as well. And so, you know, when we when we, you know, are able to, you know, kind of expect that and you know, the reason why people are getting rich sitting there talking online is because if you stay persistent, your words and your and you can comment on that. But when we say persistent and consistent, the people who do resonate with us do find us. That's right. And and that's where the magic happens. And you have to sit through a bit of the uncomfortability of getting the campaign and your business up off the ground. To find your message, find your confidence, find your flow, and that might take a matter of days, weeks or even months. But that is required in order for you to feel comfortable. This is how you're going to do that. You're going to get more comfortable with your message that you feel comfortable enough to where it actually becomes fun for you because you stop caring about what everybody thinks so much because you realize they're not paying your bills, and you're talking your flavor of shipping, you talk and you know what people are gonna resonate with it. 

Rich: My first commission came and I was just like, I just looked now I looked up, and I was just like, Yo, I can do this. Um, it was oh, it was just like it was just like that. And then like I said, right, the craziest thing was, I remember I had one guy on the line, and he's like, Yo, man, how do I grow the follow up? Like, he'll just show up? He was like, it's only me and my mama and that's it. Like it was like people like it's like four of us. as broad as they were when I started out. I was like, and this was one of my I had like, 20 people on that. I said, I said when I started, it was 10 And I said, there's me and my wife was there. And I was like you said, but whether it's 10 or 100 you show up you show up. I bet you keep doing the same thing. And like how I will connect with people if I'm a native New Yorker. I moved from New York to LA. I moved from LA to Texas. I also went to school in Virginia. So I started like, as soon as people start coming on and they tell me where they're from. I'm like, yo, I'm from here. I was like, Yo, I grew up here. I'm here and so I started noticing that I was like, hey, just to let you know, my background is in it. I play it's not even in marketing. So I'm like, hopefully you can do this as well and then I started talking and then used that to my advantage. Right. And then the other thing I tell people isn't, I think the thing that connects me is I'm a husband and a father. And like you know, and like you said, I can't tell you how many times my son has walked in on Me Doing Something Right. And one of the things I tell people like the thing that resonated with me the most was especially what we're going to do every day, right? There are times where I would wake up in the morning before they got up. It's dark. I go to work, and then I come home. It's dark. Yeah, I'm home. I walk in the door and they're gonna go to bed and I'm like, yo, I was like, Okay, I gotta do something different. Because my boy has a crazy personality, right? So I love hanging out with them. So I was just like, Okay, I gotta do something. But ya know, that's the big thing for me, like, I was wild because you use the persistent and consistent because I tell people I'm like yo, if you show up, people just rock you.

Dave: It's great. Like, right? We really have to pay for advertising. It's the great it's you had to before if you wanted to get big reach or you had to be really persistent and consistent on YouTube man, before the short form video explosion and I know a lot of y'all think it's about tick tock it Annabelle, TikTok man. Not even been here in a couple years. But the game's changed the short form content in the way that they're pushed the way that now what tick tock did was break an algorithm and set a standard it's kind of like it's like a cute little cost of drug companies use of medications that you're over. You feel like you're overpaying for it, go to cost plus drugs, and type in your medication and see if you can get it from him through him for cheaper, but He's disrupting that industry. And the way that he's doing it is offering the medications cash is having some insurance companies now want to be a part of it. But he just basically likes saving people just gobs of money. So now all the sudden all the like, like Labour's European Union, which every layer every person every role, everybody has to take a fee along the way, your grandmother or you or me or whoever has to pay this stupid premium for medication and in their studies. They show many Americans choose food and have to choose between food and medication right now. And so the same thing happened with TikTok like up until this point, you know there was a late majority or do you have Sony lock? You had either horrible to create content that brought people to the platform and then they'll split that the the advertising for you if you monetize the channel and turn on that you want to run ads on the channel, but otherwise you had to pay for advertising and Brent and I can remember when Facebook like we all had built in 2000 and like nine and 10 and 11 but and we had good organic reach, but then all the sudden it just it just it just disappeared like I don't want a beautiful up now they wanted you to pay right right. So that's a little history of what's happened with Facebook for example, and in other social media, Instagram, Facebook own Instagram, right even Snapchat when it came out. It wasn't hot because it had a unique algorithm. It was hot because they had the disappearing messages. That means right right. Kids wanted to be on it right? Well when TikTok kale and now I'm putting shoving video and it's gonna push them we're gonna push it out to cold audiences and tested with cold audiences to see if it does well. And if it does continue to push it out. That was a game changer. That was a game changer. And we've never had anything like that. That's why we're in this season right now. Just a little bit of a history lesson for everybody. And, you know, I understand a lot of y'all are like I posted videos for two weeks and whatever but it's still talking about how we know but that's how TikTok changed the game. So whether they're around in another year, it's irrelevant, because now all the sudden what we expect as as as users is to be able to have our content reach people who are more than those who are just following us.

Rich: Right? Yeah, no actually so it's funny because the crazy thing is this last year has been about trying to become a marketer more than anything. And so like I study a lot of the guys in the community, in the women too I have to say that like the women that go in it, I study them I study with guys, obviously they're like, Oh, this is why you're successful. And so like, you know, and like one of the things I'll say in my life, I'm like, oh, okay, you're seeing I'm like you're seeing this aspect. You're seeing the videos, the short form videos, I said, but one of the things I'll even say in my lives, I'd like tell you more. And you know, I started looking at it like you said, just like tick tock is doing his thing now. But then even from there, it's like okay, well, whether it's tick tock whether it's Instagram, whether it's YouTube or Facebook, I'm like, Okay, now I'm starting to put the puzzles together. Now I'm starting to see like, okay, it doesn't matter what platform you're on. With you kind of like you start to develop the skills like really start to develop and understand and then embrace the community as well because they're crazy people and many times I've been on, like one of the q&a calls and people in the chat. They're like, Oh, this is what I did that helped me to get forward and do this and try this. Oh, you want me to come live here? I'll come into your life and get it and that's the thing that's been key for me. Like that's been the game.

Dave: Well, people, the thing that is, is the magic is that as you just pointed out, we have a community right like a leader, your factory, that if you come hang out in it and around it for about I mean, if you come hang out in here for a year, and you don't have to do anything special, just show up and listen and just take action but it's not like you've got to participate. You don't have to pick up cigarette butts. You don't have to put tears away. I remember when I first started going to 12 step meetings and stuff and I'm trying to, you know, figure out if I want to actually stay clean and sober. And I want to pick up cigarette butts and shit to do it. But that was that was that I learned that self selfless. My health was the way to stay clean, you know, and I've realized the way to make money is the same way stop worrying about my own selfish needs, and go out there and over deliver. And so you know the lives it's like we go live we should only be doing 10 to 15 minute interviews every day like I wouldn't be good enough, but man, it's like we do 45 to an hour because it's like, let's talk until we get up to a point where it'd be too like it's a lot like people walk away like Damn, man man, like that was a lot of value. It's the way to win. It's the formula to win it's you know over delivering that value in but anyways it all starts with coming and hanging out and listening. You just have to listen and be in the community and watch others and every time you hear it observant and listen and learn and then make sure that the actions that you're taking are purposeful.

Rich: Well actually yeah, that's funny you hit it right on the head when you say that because even you know when I do live a lot of times the first thing I'll even say is during the land like look, even if you wouldn't even be wrapped with me right? Like, go to your research, go Google go do this right. I was like go check it out. Because I was like, I don't want you to listen to this. And I said if you do it, do your research. And then another thing I tell people is all my lines. A lot of times I'll give people at least three or four different ways that they can make money online. I'm like, yeah, well if you do this, you can start making money and I was like this is straight up like this isn't me giving some value to you guys, right? And then the first thing I say is uh, but like you don't execute as like all that because some people then you know, they'll say they're being supportive. They'll be like, yeah, knowledge is power. And I go no, I was like potential power. You don't you don't it's no good to you as so then it's wasted knowledge. I said like right now you guys some of you guys that want to make money. I was like, if you execute on the things I just told you. I was like, you could actually start doing well online I've like but I was like yeah, to do it. And like when I first went to a call, I just sat there and listened. I was just like, man, it's a lot of information just for the first day in like, hanging out even if you hang out, but if you're hanging out, he's there. Well, you have no choice but to just get better because you're surrounded by people with like minded people. And you're just absorbing everything. And then learning to binge

Dave: I mean, you want to get good at anything. Like for example, like I was investing started investing several years ago, and I wanted to do more than just real estate like my wife and I had started buying like total party C's, right right within the city like we don't have some great like for us lifestyle is as important as trying to take some gamble to get the highest return right like buying properties other places throughout the country like we're just buying properties within our own neighborhood. And in but we wanted to get into more so I went in. I hired a stockbroker and accompany and I know he didn't want to manage it. Oh, I didn't know. Okay, and guess what I did? I just started stocking money away on that. It didn't matter. I didn't think the fees didn't matter at the beginning to me, right? Because I didn't have any money in it anyways. You see what I'm saying? So it was like I could have sat there and like going on a learning binge or whatever, to make a new video before I got started, but what happened was I kind of went away a few million dollars right Right. Right, right. And now all of a sudden man this one and a half percent that he's charging me that's a pretty damn big fee. So here's what I did. I went on a learning binge. I said, Hey, hold on a second. I mean, let me educate myself about the financial man you know, the broker space, the wealth management space and what happens now, through Bingi be binging on Warren Buffett from Charlie Munger from you know, Pete, like, not money managers, entrepreneurs, like Warren Buffett, who there's a difference between how Warren invest in stock and company and how the average person invests the average person invest in stocks. Like it's a gamble, or like it's like it's a casino like just hope it goes up but like his hands in his impact. Grow. He's got more of an advantage there. But the thing that I learned was that the average money manager can't beat the market. There's a thing called an index fund. That just follows the market. And it invests in all like for example, it's an index one that follows the s&p 500 and evenly invests in all the top five companies and can be found 500 in just your diversified diversified across those companies. I think Vanguard is the company that invented them. It's a next to nothing fee and you're not constant. The reason why I don't buy crypto is because back when I owned crypto back in 2017, checking it constantly refresh and see if it went down $8 But it was right. Yeah, the same thing happens with investments when we're buying from time to time I learned in the market, so my investment is radically shifted after going on that learning binge in learning about what ETFs and index funds were which the basically the same thing and how they were different than an active manager from a company like Steve fall or Merrill Lynch or or Goldman Sachs or whoever's who's going to be managing your portfolio. to one and a half, even to portfolio value. You're gonna pay that fee, whether that balance goes up or whether the market goes down. Right? How did I learn about that? How did I learn about that? With Victoria? It's not important to me about it's not important for me to see that's the difference between the and what I'm trying to explain to people right now is that's where the different from from Warren Buffett but no for me, it's a said find your core competency, your circle of competence that you understand, and that you knows via safe, solid strategy, whether it be for your investments, whether it be for your business, and for your investments. For me, my safe strategy that I understand, is real real estate indexing. And that's it. You go and listen to anybody who's got a lot of money who's not trying to sell you their service to manage your portfolio, they'll likely give you similar advice because the number one rule of investing is never lose money. And the second rule is if you ever forget, refer back to rule number one. So so so many for secret explosions of return or ROI and sometimes, instead of just saying timeout what's going to work for me that I understand, in that I know I can be persistent and consistent over time. And I'm not going to one day wake up and say you know what, I'm bored of doing this and I don't want to switch directions. What comes up for you as I talk about that, that persistence and consistency from that angle.

Rich: Later I actually watched a video with Warren Buffett one day kind of like he was kind of how he's the exact term you use, but it was kinda like it's the transferring from from non it's like people are ignorant people to the intelligent people how like when he gets transferred, right, because it's almost like you got to basically like you said, you can't be like up down up down with like a fingering approach to that.

Dave: Yeah, get away. And he says that you don't have to be smart to be a wealthy investor. Because a lot of times, the smarter you are, the more you think you can beat the market and predictable trade happens. But it's more about emotional tolerance in not when a struggle comes up, or the market gets a little bit like selling and panicking.

Rich: Yeah, no, that's, like, my natural. My perspective. Like, my wife always makes me laugh. She's like, why aren't you upset? I was like, that's not gonna make a difference. Like, we're good. She looks at me, she's like, we're good. I'm like, we're good. 

Dave: Well, I wish I was like that because I'm not my emotions go up and down and blow with the wind. I need a strategy that I know that's why this is important for me, maybe don't feel kinda you know, who does as stable, right? Conscious of myself that I might get a feeling like after this or just an eye or like with investments like I might panic and have the tendency to sell. And so that's why index funds instead of owning individuals would be a better play for me because it's a longer term boring strategy, you know? That's exactly right.

Rich: Like I invest in crypto, but like thing I remember like, you know, first when I got into it, somebody said, You need to have a very calm personality if you're going to invest in crypto, right because yeah, like you said, it can it will fluctuate and so I would laugh because I would just kind of go and look up. I'm like, Alright, cool, cool, cool. And then when it goes down, I'm like, all right. Like, people, like even on the lives I tell people I'm like, yo, the big thing I talked to people about I'm like, yo the way the economy is when we hear about recession and all of that. I was like, hey, starting like you said binge learning, then I was like, Yo, this is the time to invest. This is the time to learn about real estate stock crypto, whatever it is. Because, you know, as well even say I'm like you, whether you invest with me or not as like, find something to invest and I was like, learn how to take your money, and then learn how to use it to work for you. Don't let it be like, you know, I was like, we're all lives our money has been unemployed. So start having your money work for you and figure out just like whether it's like learning something like you said, then I'll turn around and be like African xx and that's the thing to learn. You learn a thing that you've learned.

Dave: Yeah. Like I remember even one time like the hysterical thing, how I started going live. One week, we were in the q&a. And Matt goes, Hey, if you guys want to do better, go live. I think the next day I started going live and I've been going live like ever since then. What's been something else? That you've been below live? I wouldn't know how that impacted going through blueprints attending those calls? How has that helped?

Rich: A great deal actually because, first and foremost, like a natural way to think is just kind of like Yeah, is this something that can isn't something that comes from so, you know, I was kind of like all in on it right? And you know, at the very least I was making my money's worth back right? And I've gotten more than that, right? So I'll be like, I'm gonna get that but but the way it's helped a lot is like one. Mattis phenomenal. And then he's always been responsive. And even when he can't get back to you, he's like, go get one of these guys and they'll help you and then like, for example, I had a couple of sessions. were emailing back and forth. And because my life has improved, so much better just having a conversation with me, not having to have some feedback, right? Just some feedback, because one day I was just like, I thought I was sitting on a q&a and I just go, I bet you they'll notice, and so I said to him, I was like, Yo, is there any chance I can get you to audit my life and he's like, I can't do it. You did great.

Rich: And instantly the thing, he said I started to do those things. Also, I just saw my live just start to go up. And then the other thing was I started to just a couple more naturally while I was speaking. And then the big thing too. There's the community of the people that support you, but then there's the community of the people who are doing it with you. Again basis, you had like an account name and they start following you then all sudden you start seeing them come up in your life. So then the next thing you do is going on with your lives, which is like everybody starts supporting each other because everybody has different levels in their journey. But you know, in the end, everybody wants everyone else to do well. And like even I'll see sometimes like you know, man can't get all the questions. Can I like do this like yeah the big thing too, you know, with the blueprints for me like the big thing was being able to go back and like say even when I went through all the blueprints as I went through them, like like, Okay, well you go through the first time then I was like, you know doing to get started go right away. Right. But then it was like this point in time. You know what I think about that and blueprints let me go back and rewatch because this makes sense to me.

Dave: That's valuable. It's kind of like reading can you see something the second time you didn't see it? You know, or you understand it differently or more now, because you've got more experience or more context, you know, it's really a really simple thing. But we, we, we don't give ourselves in advance. Sometimes. You know, it's it's we're gonna microwave it the want to come back here, because of Uber, Uber Eats because I mean you know, now we're paying people to deliver the fast food to our door, you know what I mean? And I'm not saying I'm not right there with everybody. I'm right there with I mean, that's just where we're at. So we still have to still make sure that we have realistic expectations on how long and what it's going to take to be successful. In any case because you're becoming crazy to go to work that's going to route to your door, quite. However, you know. This is it. This is this is this is this is as the people that I've seen anywhere that are new, succeeding doing something that is a sustainable business truly a sustainable, the skill sets are trends, trends, they can transfer they're transferable to other industries, too, to stack off on those inside of your email. Follow Up series to create multiple streams of income from within the same business product systems, not. As an affiliate product, you're promoting it gets you and your ability to be able to create content and then generate traffic to any offer. That was crazy. I remember one day you know your life so you can get any question right? They asked me something and I sat there for a minute. And I said it's not as simple as a class you Right? Like I was you do that? And like and it was a space I never was in but then that's when it hit where, like you said, if you focus on developing the skill set, like really study the skill set right? Not just go and say okay, yeah, I'm going to do this video. It goes viral. It's like no, no start to really understand why. I was just like I said it was like the second he's like, Oh, you really are getting more of an understanding because it's like, you start to really get that skill set. Because even one time I give example, I was like, Well, I was like if I was in this, this offer this offer this offer and this offer, wrap it up into this, and everybody on the line was just like oh, and so that was really least you know, q&a is getting to bond with the within the community itself and everything.

Dave: Sometimes hearing the same thing over and over again, a lot of the reason why we keep it simple, the reason why I'm talking about the same things now that I was talking about 550 episodes ago. Let me know if you go back and listen to a lot of those episodes, I'm talking about the same things, man the same stuff long. And it's timeless. Number two, because people need to hear the same thing over again. Yeah, like so many of us think we need to plan. I'm tired of hearing that. This before. Whatever. You didn't hear it if you may have a weak Milan sometime. Why? Why? Because you're, you know, there's, there's this great, there's this great. There's this great story about Picasso that somebody told that they or who was famous maybe it was Mozart, he created the symphonies, and wrote symphonies. Well, somebody was like, oh, no, teach me how to write symphonies like you. You've been writing them well and he says, but I wouldn't ask him then I wouldn't ask him anybody to show me. Why, you know, that people aren't doing so, you know, they say they are results. Right? 

Dave: Are you a hip hop fan?

Rich: Yes

Dave: Oh, me too. I mean, I'm in my 90s. Baby. I mean, I didn't grow up with Metallica and Nirvana. I mean, I did but I grew up with Tupac. But I watched this documentary about a little baby. The other day on Amazon. A lot of people don't like his rap, they say it's mumble rap. It's this and that. But the truth is, the cat can rap and and he's good. And he got good because he spent more time in studio in the in early part of history has been doing it for a couple of years. But he's got more out than anybody. He's 20 Most songs now and there was a lot of controversy because he didn't get a Grammy or even a nomination for any released a kick ass song about the kind of racial tension and any quality and so forth that came out of the George Floyd incident. The light that was shined on that and a powerful song out that didn't get that love bullshit anyways, because the people it's by some board that nobody knows what any good product is more than anybody else, you know. So it's like, it's like, you know, there's no minimum we're in this microwave Society of where your Big Mac gets delivered. There's no shortcuts to success and the longer that we're looking in, looking at. fairy tale, the perfect Guru, the perfect mentor, course, whatever. The longer we're prolonging our suffering. At least determine the perfect mentor for me the perfect mentors that I've met before willing to do the work.

Rich: I might not be the person for you. If you think it's gonna happen overnight. I might not be the person for you. And like you said, right. Like I look at it like this. Like I said before, the funny thing is like did you get it? Did you hear it? Jim on this line. I heard him say he was like, Yeah, you read it. You heard it. I'm pretty sure if I was looking at like one of my lives back in June versus two different people but if I had been like, Well, I'm gonna wait. Perfect and then go, well, here's what would happen. If I was to just be perfect in what I say it's perfect.

Dave: Then you can even think of something that you don't know until you do it. A lot of times we think we know it because we've listened. But you don't know anything until you've applied that. I don't. You don't know anything until you've actually taken that knowledge and applied it. You heard it. You heard it and so that's why the response was actually so funny. When you're talking to somebody I know I know shit. Because you ain't done. You've heard we hope you should. Say, I've heard that. And that's literally how, like that level of being specific. I talked about that. That's the type of talk. How do you know we hear these things? What is self talk? Well, that's self-talk. The word that comes out of my mouth. That where I'm talking about myself is self talk. Let me say that again. The word out of my mouth or other for example, if I'm like II sorry, is gone and that's my message to my at home around the dinner table every night. Come on, man. Into my sending. Oh yeah, you know what I mean? So it's, how I live is a really big deal. And it's really the difference between being a victim or a victory in your life and everything as a boss if you want to, you know, talk about hip hop. I think it was Snoop. That said, the cost to be the boss. You gotta pay the cost to be the boss baby. Why did you enjoy the boss right? Like, because and here's the thing you can't buy your way in. Write about the cost. Ain't got nothing to do with money. And another big misconception about successes. I bought the thing while I picked the vaping and isn't that I just want to be sure that if I buy it, and it's like, I don't know what you're gonna do with this. What do you tell me? There was a guy on the line one time he was just like, guarantee me this will work further guarantees you anything,

Rich: I can't guarantee how much work you're going to put in. I can't guarantee if you're going to study again. See if you're going to extend like I don't. We're talking and like you and I are talking we're standing face to face well, virtually face to face, right. But when I'm on my live, I don't see these until you look at I was like, dude, like a record of people who've done it. And as if you've listened and it was like if you look at it and you say there are people that are successful doing this. So for me that was like having like, say for example, I see no one else doing it. So you do right I'll be like, Yo, this dude did it. I do it. But now how did he do it? Literally. This is what I need to do. So clearly, he was like, Can you guarantee me? I was like bruh I don't know you I don't know what your habits are. Let me do a live example because Zurich says, can I talk with you about the blog where she wants to talk to Sarah? And actually is somebody really good to talk to. I actually know Sarah. She came to the mastermind. Hi, Sarah. But here, so this is a very typical thing. Hey, somebody. The blue bar. Here's one thing that I wanted to do is make 550 interviews here, hour long conversations where you can hear people who you know, have taken the education and done something with them and the majority of them have bought so alone. And using a recommendation or referral or somebody is not is not a not an abnormal thing. But so often, we have to just make sure that we're not looking for somebody to give us permission to do something in and I don't want to cause a reach, Mr. Honor even can learn and hang out in our community. But you just happen to be asking this question as we're talking about. And you'll I find myself kind of, I gotta I gotta I gotta I gotta be aware and looking for somebody to cosign for someone get some feedback, because if I'm looking for somebody to make the decision for me, versus what I need to do if I feel not equipped to make a decision that needs to be a red that's a red light needs to go off well up. But if I feel like I'm not able to make a decision, like I'm like in limbo, and first of all, my critical skills need to develop something and what probably needs to have to learn to trust ourselves or because each one of us, everything that we need to be successful, literally everything you already have inside of you oh some of the mechanical knowledge that we're going to help her Legendary with. One of the things that is so important when we get started is to work to trust ourselves more than people. I don't mean you know, you know, that other people mentors, you know, people like that. You know what, my best mentors are not people that I actually hired to mentor people that I taught a course or somebody like Warren Buffett their their video tations of what success or what learning how to be successful looks like it's not a magical burning bush. It's not like the perfect thing that's going to happen. It doesn't always have to be like sometimes it can feel weird. Anyway, man, dude. Thanks for coming on. Come back again, bro. Thank you so much for your time today. Oh yeah. Have a great Friday. We'll see you back here again in another episode on Monday. When we get legend rich. Follow him on Instagram @runthisplayLLC. And when he's on @runthisplay. Thanks again my brother. Y'all go on Get out of here. We'll see you on Monday.

How To Monetize Multiple Social Media Platforms

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends this is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary we have yet another exciting guest this morning. Somebody who I'm thrilled to get the chance to talk to. And as you can see, education leads to more opportunities. And I don't know if I've ever heard a truer statement than that. Stacy, welcome to the show. Hi Dave. How are you? I'm wonderful. How are you? I'm feeling like I'm waking up and now I'm adding the Legendary part to it. Where are you calling from?

Stacy: I am just south of Branson, Missouri on Table Rock Lake.

Dave: Wow, very interesting. Very interesting. A place I've not been to yet.

Stacy: There’s great fishing here too

Dave: Wow you know, I like fishing. So, so what led you first of all online and what then? led you to Legendary

Stacy: So a little backstory. I had surgery last year and sat at home for six weeks recuperating. I have a job where I'm in sales and when I'm not they're not making money. And so I sat home for six weeks and binged Netflix and played games on my phone and wasted six weeks of my life. And then this year I found out I had to have another surgery and I decided at that moment that I was gonna do that again. I was going to actually learn something, do something, maybe find another stream of income. And so I got you know, TikTok and looking at all the different things people were doing to make money and they all sounded like a lot of work. You know, dropshipping and Etsy and all that seven years ago. Sounds like a lot of work. And then I ran across this it was like I checked all the boxes. You know, that's, that's something I can do in and then for our success.

Dave: We saw some things in those business models, just from your own critical thinking or just from your own common sense that you then heard me sort of validating once you started going through our training. How'd that make you feel when when you were like wow, my gut feeling told me that those business models, the Drop Shipping, you know some of physical products, online businesses you can do? Well my gut told me that those might be harder or just more flex to kind of get up and get going did you feel validated like I can trust my gut like I know more than I may be giving myself credit for and I say that just because so many of us, devalue ourselves when we get started. And don't realize that the experience that we have from previous jobs and just our life actually applies here too. So you find yourself going through this training now to where you're learning about not how to do physical online, physical product online business but information and knowledge product businesses. What was that like for you?

Stacy: Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. And can tell you a quick story about my dad. So 20 plus years ago, he tried to get into real estate and buy and sell houses. I buy ugly houses and ugly yellow signs all over the place. And he got it. I got it last time. I'm gonna sit down and spend it. He started spending, you know, 1000s and 1000s of dollars on coaches and mentors and masterminds and going into these events. And I thought he lost his mind. And he tried to get me involved and I just never understood it. It was a lot of cold calling. I wasn't interested. And so when I was going through the training was like light bulbs going off in my head like he was he knew something back that I didn't and I just I never could put the pieces together until I did the challenge and it just lightbulbs into pieces started coming together and I just realized that the potential and the opportunity and that I never I never knew how to start before you know he would always bring me a book. Rich Dad, Poor Dad and he brought me that book to read and he was always pushing me to do something, but I never knew how to get started. You know?

Dave: That's first of all, a really cool story and you should tell that a million more times, okay. We're not here to like we're here for two reasons people. Number one is we're here to tell our story to all of you listening. But like all of you, listening may do absolutely nothing with what we say. And so we have to make this time valuable for us too. And a lot of times what comes out of these conversations is Marketing Gold. When we talk to other marketers and when we can talk to other people who call it a coach, call it a mentor, whatever, but who can draw the magic out of us versus trying to coach you on how they think you should do something. And I think that's what I'm hearing has happened to you. You know that you had magic dad was one of the you have magic dad assaulted you and wanted to try to give you everything he had and he knew, but here's what came up for me when I was when I was hearing that story was they didn't have the platforms and the tools that we have now today. And if they did, they may have been much more successful. But now how does that make you like what? What comes up for you? What do you feel when you think about that, like all the driving ambition that your dad had? And how that's different than you know. Like today we have, in some ways, so much more opportunity, but a lot of us lack the mindset stuff that sometimes previous generations had. What, why and how can we bring this all together so we can all previous generations who have great drive and also new generations who have great opportunity? How do we make sense of all of this and most of all walk away from this conversation. realizing the potential of what we have in front of us, that's the biggest thing that any of our airmen or people from previous generations would want for us right now. It's just to say, look, y'all got tools that we didn't have back in my day, back in their day, passing out business cards was the strategy. And now they like we got you know, all these we got TikTok, how do you make sense of it all in how can you share what you see as far as this opportunity from with everybody listening? 

Stacy: Well, I mean, I think mindset is a big part of it. But back then he had to actually physically go to an event. Or a mastermind is something to learn. And I didn't have that I didn't go with him. I didn't. I didn't see that. Now with everything online. You have more direction, you understand better how to get started and reach more people. He only had his neighborhood. Yeah. And his phone was just in the local phonebook and if he was calling or reaching anybody beyond his own city, they looked at him like he was crazy, because that's just not the way business worked back then.

But, you know, the training was so awesome for me because I mean, I am a notetaker I have two notebooks full from from going through the training and and that's that's so valuable to me because I use that I watch like a blood Jerry and I take notes and I took notes for all the training and I use that for content. And so without that I wouldn't have any direction.

Dave: Well, that's fantastic. We're glad that you got that direction. What's it been like when you went from learning to now focusing on earning.

Stacy: It's been crazy. It's grown way faster than I ever thought. And it's just that I pinch myself every day. It's like, I always wanted to do something and it sounded great the theory and the mindset of passive income but I never knew how to implement it until now. And so I mean actually implementing it. It's free. It's knowing that I'm never gonna have to struggle again and I'm gonna have to. I don't have the skills so that I can make money in the time I want. That's been so awesome.

Dave: It's very empowering. We'll talk about this specific, kind of what you're doing here in a second so people can kind of get some visuals and of course will point you to Stacy's, you know TikTok channels multiple. Okay, that's that, that should be a thing that everybody pays attention to is, hey, look, social media accounts are not your buddies. They're not your friends. Don't get too emotionally attached to them. We're in a weird crazy time right now to have an account take off like crazy. Later, you know, it gets disabled. We're in crazy times. It's called the wild wild west. Okay, and welcome to entrepreneurship. Okay, if you don't like excitement and you don't like to wake up every day and have something new happening, then you know, this might not be for you. Right? But if you'd like unlimited upside, if you like to come to work every day and usually the commute is, you know, 20 feet from your bed to your desk. If you like those benefits, But maybe a little bit more volatility. The downside of a business is that nothing, it's not guaranteed. Like your paycheck is every week from your company or is it so so Wow, you got right on. Basically went right for TikTok, right.

Stacy: Yeah, started on TikTok

Dave: And I noticed that you have an account, and an approach where you're talking about helping people find deals and save money. Can you talk to us about where that idea came from to share that sort of content and how that's been working out because that's a little bit of a different angle.

Stacy: So I've always been very slow, by necessity more than anything. I was a stay at home mom for 11 years before I'm in the job that I have now. My kids are older now but so was always out of necessity to be frugal. I was a coupon shopper and that's one thing my dad always kept telling me is I do something with that you have so much knowledge and are so good at that. Write a book and do something but I never knew how to start, you know? And so I've always shopped like that and so I was wondering how people got all these coupon codes. And then I finally figured it out after going through the training that they're there. They're an affiliate for Amazon or whoever and that's how they're getting the promo codes.

Dave: Huge breakthrough for you. Always looking at how can I save money and realizing that many of the ways that you're saving money are coming from people who are making money from it. 

Stacy: And so, so I started that thinking, you know, at least I get access to the coupon codes to use myself even if it doesn't take off. And so I started that and I started a second Tik Tok just just sharing deals and in helping to mix my patch I love saving money, you know, and making money to that. And so I started that and it just took off. I mean, my Facebook group just hit 9000 this morning and it's been two months.

Dave: And that's that group like those people who you're talking about you know, basically how, how to what are some of the other content topics you're talking about with that audience? Is there anything else? Or give us a little bit more context for some examples because I think a lot of people have creativity, brain fart when we start and it's like, man, you know, and I and when we overcome it and just start kind of opening our mouth. And I just saw a post in our group yesterday that said, Man, I can't believe I sat on the sidelines for a couple of months and thought that I didn't have anything to say now you can't shut me up. What's it been like for you coming up with the ideas? And then what other kinds of topics are you talking about under this kind of saving niche profile?

Stacy: Well, I mean, I think that's the key is you have to find something that I mean I feel like stopping is my superpower. I mean you have to find what your superpower is. What's your What are you good at, what do you know a lot about and then you're passionate about it and then it doesn't feel like work and then excites? I'm asked to sit and look for an online shop all day long.

I'm good at that. I can see I can look at something and say yeah, that's a really good deal or that's you know, that's overpriced and it looks like a good deal but it's not. And so I can I can I can I can tell and so I posting these things that I find that are good deals or you know coupon codes that to use on Amazon products to save people 70 80% And so a lot of times people will see things like that they will they will buy things they don't need just because people's people shop a job and make money.

Dave: That's really, really something really cool. It's a really cool angle.

Stacy: That to answer your question, I mean as far as the content that I'm doing and they're just I can help them save money. And then I just get on and I show my Facebook group I looked at I introduced myself and so I'm I'm here to save money and I flipped the camera and I I show my Facebook group and the different best deals that I think are people that are buying so and then people just go over to my Facebook group and shop.


Dave: Unbelievable. I mean Stacy you're just blowing my mind this morning. It's unbelievable because you know why? Because it's simple. Is it? My phone around? I mean, that could mean one of two things. It could mean you're actually savvy enough with the app to be able to find the little button on the app where it actually flips the camera around. Or for God's sakes it means that you just flip the damn camera around in our point. I mean, however you got to get it done to get it started. The bottom line is low production. It's all been done on a I mean look at my daughter put I don't know if you can see that Legendary dad though. I mean, like I'm just saying this is my phone. It's my you know what I mean? It's my It's everybody's got their phone. It's kind of almost like an extension of your human body now, and this is what it takes nowadays to make money online. It does not take complicated coding. It does not take, you know, complicated knowledge. It actually takes you to take in a complicated idea which really affiliate marketing or selling information products online is a pretty advanced idea. You know what I mean? Because of your packaging, but you completely simplify it by just keeping the production low in marketing it with just your cell phone and yourself and then driving people to your funnel. And I mean that's the magic when you drive when you have somewhere to send somebody and also, you're learning other ways to monetize, which is basically doing affiliate marketing with Amazon, which is pretty, which is pretty brilliant. And quite frankly, you can go to any of my friends. Did you know that when you see celebrities online, or you you're listening to a podcast and they say, Hey, you know, our sponsor is you know, Gillette razors the best man you can get in just head on over there to the Gillette website, and just putting code Legendary and they save 10% Right. That's affiliate marketing, all your favorites, do you think they're I mean, that's, that's advertising in 2022. No longer is it you know, some celebrity running, David Hasselhoff running on your TV screen, or whoever advertising Old Spice deodorant, and that's what Al advertising looks like. It's not advertising looks, the more native it looks and the more that it doesn't look like advertising in 2022, the more effective it is. That's why so much business and commerce is happening with individual regular people on platforms, like TikTok, are you surprised by how much influence in business income from creating a free social media account when you use it correctly?

Stacy: Yeah, it's insane. The people that I'm I'm in front of them, and I've never there's never been a better time and with the deals group, I'm sprinkling in some, you know, I'm making extra money to help my family so I don't have to be you know, struggling so if this interests you, there's a link in my link tree to show you how I started doing this too. So I'm kind of connected. Both of them, you know, probably Legendary on the one and deals with the other.

Dave: Two streams of income from within the same business versus multiple streams of income from multiple businesses, which is a huge pet peeve of mine. And it's it's the number one way I see people going broke in becoming unsuccessful is taking on too many things, and getting spread too thin and getting overwhelmed and getting pulled away from what you were doing. How many can relate to that anybody has the feeling of being honest and awake enough to type that comment down below because I know I've been there. And so creating multiple streams of income from within the same business keeps me focused on that business. But it also protects that business. It builds a moat around that business sort of like Apple has done the most powerful company in the world. They have multiple streams of income from within the same business they have iPhones, iPads, iMac streaming, streaming service, music, service, all kinds of different services. And so this idea of being able to create multiple streams of income from within the same business, the other example would be a physical trainer or a personal trainer who instead of only doing one on one sessions and saying this sucks, I need to change careers, you know, I need to get into something different. So what do they do? They go back to college for 40 or 50,004 years, six years, and then what usually they don't follow through or finish with that. And so maybe they ended up going and doing waitering or something in the service industry and never really got ahead.

Stacy: So yeah, you saying that brought back something that I wanted to talk about to me. The biggest reason that I started this was to try to retire my husband and my husband is 55 and has been in construction for 30 years. He's an electrician, so he runs his own business and he's high stress . It's hard on you know, physically hard. And you know, it's tough. It's definitely a business. And so when I was the first couple of days of that training and especially when when you told that story about selling your knowledge in Home Depot that was just like whoa, the knowledge in his head for being a master electrician and 30 years in construction the knowledge into his head I can monetize now and market and we can he can stay home we can we can do real estate we still like it flip houses or or just turn the knowledge into his head into into digital products that that we can market and have income without him having to go break is back everyday working.

Dave: I mean, just like they're there. I mean, one of the one of my favorite affiliate marketing campaigns is the Bucks woodworking campaign we should walk and talk about and the only thing missing from that campaign is like a live person like that whoever was the affiliate who really scaled that bucks woodworking you'll find the Facebook page, probably still up and we show it in the affiliate marketing business as well. But the only thing that was missing was just a personality like a spokesperson. So it's amazing when, if you were to like any buddy, it doesn't matter. It could just be something that you do could be one of your tick tock niches. Because I think when you're new there's nothing wrong with starting a couple and creating content. And seeing what you really like and what you really enjoy talking about because half the battle is you're going to be more creative and you're going to be more you know, I mean, for me when I got started 12 years ago it was it was it was you know, making money was every I mean I don't know I just that made a lot of sense to me and but there's so many of you who have so much different knowledge than I had when I started I was 24 Understand I didn't have I don't know, I didn't know shit. I didn't know my ass from a hole in the ground. So it's not like I had a bunch of world expertise out of you who have a lot of peace and knowledge that if today I was starting and I had been doing construction for the past 2030 years, whatever. And I was older. I might start by talking about how I might get into that niche and just you know what, even if I was still working, I might just do little videos every day and drop little nuggets. And there's a lot of affiliate products out there the DIY, the product that bucks would work in was promoting those woodworking plans. And so there's a lot of do it yourself or do it you know, kind of construction based or even people who like to just tinker at home and do things themselves. There's a lot of products out there. And one other thing that I was gonna gonna point out was that any product, most companies even if they don't have an affiliate program, or most preferred or most service providers, most businesses we had a we had a lady a couple of years ago who went to a jiu jitsu instructor something and said I love your your training and stuff so much would you would you make an affiliate program and then she went on to do some obscene amount of commissions something like $100,000 in commissions if I remember correctly from selling this thing that didn't even have a program in the first place. And don't quote me on those, those numbers. I'm just doing the best I can to remember, but it was impactful. It was quite the result. And you know a lot of times we just assume that if it doesn't exist, it's not possible and number one, most of the time it does exist. If we look hard enough, and number two if it doesn't exist, become a dealmaker. You know, kept by our clique. So you're starting to get the juices flowing about your husband's knowledge and how you may be able to package that in a course coaching program, or even as an affiliate marketer, but that's something that you see and you'd like to get him involved. or retire him. Which would you define retirement for us because most of up until this point in retirement has been I guess stopped working Senate home to me though retired. I kind of retired. I mean I'm either at my other house or my work house. So in a way this digital lifestyle where we're working from home is a lot of people's new definition of retirement. How do you define it?

Stacy: Okay, great. I agree. That retirement to me is not having to physically go to a place and do work, you know, for me, I have to go to my job, which I love. And and but but I have to be there every day to make money. You know, whereas just Yeah, I can, I can be on vacation, I can be anywhere and so say for him, you know, we can if we can, you know, work online from anywhere I mean, that's retirement to me. Yeah.

Dave: You've got another TikTok channel online. And so just playing in the space animals, I'm sure you've seen a lot of the you know, the a lot of the volatility on TikTok and social media with people you know, might get an account that's I don't know what you call it deactivated and shut you know, sometimes we get it back we go appeal we fight for it. Sometimes we don't obviously, I'm showing multiple accounts because it's a good strategy for growth, but it's also a good strategy for diversification. Is that how you're looking at it and then what other ways are you looking at both growing but also protecting what you have?

Stacy: Yeah, so I've got those two and and I've got a Facebook page and Facebook group. I do Facebook reels on my personal account and my business account. I have Instagram and Pinterest . I do it all. Sometimes it's time consuming and I don't do it all of it every day but I'm on multiple different occasions because I don't I don't want to lose anything. I don't want to, you know, depend on TikTok.

Dave: Yeah, and, you know, TikTok is going through a process over the next couple of years to where, you know, the government is going to determine whether they're going to allow TikTok to stay in America. A lot of people don't realize that. But every social media company goes through what it's called a sepsis. Three sepsis review. And it's from government agencies and boards and there's lots of people out there that can explain it a lot more than I can. One of them is the Snapchat CEO and founder and I listened to an interview from a record conference that just recently happened. And that's where I heard what I just heard and learned about the sepsis review. And sometimes when you listen to the CEOs of these companies during these conferences and events, you can actually hear your owner going on about how they think like, for example, Snapchats, not on board about the metaverse, right? That's a Facebook pitch, the metaverse, the metaverse and and if you listen to Snapchats founder, he's going well. We think that people are going to want to live in reality versus putting a pair of goggles on though, you know, hanging out in virtual reality. This is capitalism at its finest. And it's capitalism in a major way. But my point here is, is that it's not like if we if we rise up and look at the bigger picture, sometimes we get a different we get a different perspective and realize, oh, man, it's not just tiktoks picking on me and like all these companies, everybody has a different agenda, and all the way up even to the CEOs of these tech companies. They're shifting and positioning and paint playing cat and mouse and you have to make sure that you get yours while all this crap is going on and they're getting theirs because trust me folks, they're getting theirs. They're getting Facebook, Zuckerberg has got and he just announced he's got another baby on the way or our first baby they're pregnant. They're building their dreams to trust me. Regardless if your kid is sitting on the couch over their audit on their iPad, scrolling through social media for 12 hours a day. That's why they're gonna come to your house and make sure your kids are having a balanced script. That's your responsibility. And guess what? They're gonna while your kids are on there, we're on, they're scrolling through social media. They're making money. They're making money because advertisers are paying them to put ads in front of you. And so the question is, in this day and age, you know, are we going to let social media use us are we going to use social media and so I go back to the the multiple accounts, the strategy, the diversification, this you have to approach business in 2020 online with diversification the same way that you would approach sort of like an investment portfolio, because at any time a stock market could crash, you know what I mean? Or a stock could crash or whatever, in a stock would be like a social media account that you have, you know, at any time that might cry, you need to be well diversified. That's kind of the mindset that I have about business nowadays. Because it's cutthroat. You know, it's political. People are nasty out there. You know, you really got to prepare yourself a little bit and that's why I think these conversations are valuable because let's talk about it and be honest about it and prepare ourselves. Because a lot of us, man, it's going to. It's like going into war out there, man. I mean, we're not only at war with these damn platforms, but we're at war with all these other idiots out here who are projecting their negativity and stuff onto us. We got to figure out how to use that as fuel instead of let that terror. I'm writing up for you as I talked a little bit, which is uncomfortable truths. But when we talk about them in plan, form, and strategize form we can be prepared for the things that come up versus being shocked and surprised and defeated. Do you agree?

Stacy: Oh, absolutely. I mean, with anything in life, you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket. So Omnipresence is so important. 

Dave: That's why the email list is so important. You can't put the growth of your business in the hands of a corporation. It's just out themselves, so they don't give a damn about you. And I don't mean to be so blunt, but I'm just trying to keep it super real because Do we not all have important shit we could be doing besides this? So let's be honest and let's take it if we're going to sit around and listen to people talk. Let's make sure they're telling the truth in being concise and clear about it. And so the next thing I want to ask you about because this is what I think the other biggest thing that causes people to fail, is that they start listening to too many gurus. They start following too many people and now all of a sudden they get pulled in a million different directions. And what I found now I do have a base foundation of knowledge but so to most all of you if you've gone through, even at the very least that challenge, let alone if you've dove into the blueprints, you all have a base foundation of knowledge as well. What I found is that my income continues to go up in my life. And so it ends up hurting a lot of people because we're really, we're really ambitious, but we're naive. And so before you know it, you know we've got all this crap going on, and it's almost like overwhelming defeat. So how do you avoid some of those pitfalls, some of those shiny objects, some of those gurus and goblins who may not, you know, may or may present well, but in the long term, it's just a lot of wasted time. For them then to have another launch or another product or another strategy or another trend thing that they're doing. And I know a lot of people who have felt really defeated by being spread too thin like that. How do you avoid that?

Stacy: And yeah, I fell into that for a minute. I think it's because I didn't feel like I had enough knowledge or information to actually start. I wanted more, I wanted more. I wanted all the information and then I finally realized that you don't have to have, you don't have to have everything perfect to start and then you learn as you go. Chase Chase action, not perfection. So yeah, it took me a minute a week or two. I fell into that and then I finally decided, You know what I you know, I have all of this information right here. I need to focus and I need to implement what I've already learned. And then if I need to learn more, I'll do it as I go, but I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna keep buying these different courses and keep education great, but without action. It's worthless.

Dave: Well, I always my strategy about deciding if I'm going to learn from somebody or not, is I look at their life. And I say and I look at what they're doing now they're saying so, for a lot of people come into our community, and they'll get hit up by somebody on a social media platform. Somebody will reach out to them. They'll cold outreach, they'll say you're not getting the support you need. I'll be your host. I'll be your coach. But if we timeout a second just look at how this cat is living his life. He's got to go and reach out to people that's called the 2020 Hoover knocking on a door that's the bottom of the barrel. That's not what we want to be doing with our land. That's one of the reasons why I got out of MLM because I didn't want to cold call out and want to prospect people I didn't want to talk to friends and family. I didn't want to do three way calls. I hate being on the phone. And I finally got honest about that. I finally got honest about that. I actually don't like talking on the phone. I don't like being on the phone. I don't want anybody in this company to continue to run this operation here at Legendary. There's usually one executive call per week and the rest of everything could be done in Slack via text. And so why do I think Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger are interesting because of their life, the quality of their life? Why do I not follow Tony Robbins? Not because I don't think he's an incredible human being but because I don't want his life. I don't want to be traveling around all the time. I don't want to, I just want to travel for leisure not for work. I've already done that all by the way. I've done big events before and had a pretty big company before where we sold information. When we do huge events and every 90 days we're putting 4000 people in a room. It was exciting the first couple of times and then it was a job. I want to be at home. So I gotta want to help people live. I gotta watch how people live. And you know, I gotta be real. I gotta be real careful. Because a lot of people talk a lot of good shit. But social media is deceiving some days. So that's why and I heard this another day. Last week on the show. Somebody said, I didn't even look at anybody in my niche. I tried to avoid this kind of following and so that's something that a lot of us do. When we first get started. We look around and we imitate what we see, we model what we see. What is obvious is that you found your groove with that different angle that we talked about before. Is there any other tips that you would give people to be able to find their own voice or their own message or become a little bit more comfortable in their own skin? As they're creating? 

Stacy: And yeah, like I said, you know, with the training, I took lots of notes and I did the same thing. When I first started I had no idea I'd never made any content before so I kind of modeled other people but you know that that felt kind of fake to me. And my goal from the beginning was to be just real and authentic and just be myself. So the videos that I make are just me talking and telling my story and telling and celebrating my small wins and my big wins. Just just relating to people that has that has done so much better than the than the pointing or that just the words on the screen are the trending sounds gonna still do those because you have to but this job performance wall for me so I mean, you got to find your own voice and you got to not be afraid to try to relate to people because you got to if you're not, if they don't think you're real then they're not going to be interested. 

Dave: Yeah. Yeah, for sure for sure. For finding your voice and not I mean, it's not like you have to go nowadays. You don't have to go on constant brands in talking every video but sprinkling in Scotland of your personal self so people feel like they know who is the person behind creating the content like they know you a little bit goes a long way. Would you agree? 

Stacy: Absolutely. Yeah, I've had so many people say you know, just just just message me or comment on my video saying, this is the most real video I've ever seen. This is Wow, thank you, you know, because you know, most people you know, don't break it down like you have or don't you know, don't care.

Dave: When you know I was watching Survivor the first episode of the new season of Survivor with my wife Erin last night and we've been known to go on vacation and just then just sit around and binge watch like Survivor for example, or we did it one time with walking dead. I don't watch a lot of TV but I'll watch two shows that I've watched with my wife. Sort of. So I was thinking about, like, what my strategy would be if I was going on survivor and thank God I'm not in that I don't I don't want to go work that hard for the potential of a million dollars. That's what this industry has done for me by the way. It's made me when I look at Survivor I'm purely there for the entertainment and have absolutely no desire to go on the show. Whereas some people want to go on a shot at a million dollars. I'm like, I don't, I'm good. But anyways, anyways, so I was like, what would my strategy be? And I thought about like, I thought about all the games that we play as human beings you know? What I mean is to try to get people to like us. You know the takeaway is playing hard to get the don't let them know how smart you are. Don't let them know how dumb you're a all this bullshit. I mean, we have all the games and you know what never, I've never, ever said or heard anybody say, man, he's just too kind. He's just too kind. I've never heard anybody say that. And so I said that my faith, my strategy would just be kindness. It would just really be kindness. Now it's not that I wouldn't be aware and that I wouldn't be you know, still run into negotiating alliances and all that. But nothing, nothing ever came from biting at somebody or telling them about themselves for being nasty. Nobody that has never worked in the game of persuasion. But so many of us bite at people so many of us. We like to tell people about ourselves or we get angered by when people are mean and then we get anger back. We think that's the you know, because we get triggered up. And so delighting the customer is a piece of advice that Warren Buffett gives to all his businesses. And I find that to just be true in life and business that when you focus on kindness, really just making people feel safe, cared for and like you're going to be kind to them no matter what they do. You're not going to shame or blame or you're going to be kind to them, and they feel that you know, that goes just as far as I think he's delivering high value content. I think behind this and coming across as just a decent good person that wants to help and you had said that a second ago and that's what made me think of that. Do you Do you believe that in do you do you are you aware of or or what advice would you give to people who who may find may think that sometimes it's it would be good to to fight with people in comments, or to get or to, you know, allow somebody to get them frustrated are mean and you know what I mean? Like to do anything or show anything but kindness to your audience. Could you speak because you just seem like such a kind gentle person and you also mentioned that a second ago.

Just like what you said earlier, you look at people's life when you decide whether or not you want to do business with them. And so it's the same thing. I remember one of the first videos of the challenge you asked: what do you want to be known for? So I want to be known for it. I mean it doesn't visit and doesn't do any good to fight with people. I mean, sales, want to find a problem, intensify the problem, you know, show them how your product will solve the problem. And that's going to be helping people solve their problems and their pain points and the things that they're struggling with and helping people not fighting with them. It's true. And as Jeff said, when you kill people with kindness, folks don't know how to respond. They really don't. I mean, because so many people and this is one of the things that we forget. So when people are angry, they're they're upset, they're frustrated and they are looking for somebody to fight with. You're looking for somebody to blame. They're looking for somebody to to kind of you know, set up and then when that person lashes back out at them. Now it's your fault, and you're a bad person. You're a bad guy or a bad woman and they knew it. They knew it. And oftentimes I think people test other people just unconsciously, maybe because they have been burned in the past. So when we respond with kindness when we respond gently, when we look at our audience like Man, these people are fragile man. That it really is a shift because you step into a leadership mindset more so than just I see these comments on our Facebook groups all the time. Like I've been posting videos for, you know, two weeks now. Feels like I saw this one feels like somebody said feels like forever, brother that you posted that I'm not trying to shame or blame you. But look, I mean, it's you're just getting started, man. You're just getting started and you can turn that frustration into let me let me be us. Let me let me relate with other people who are frustrated and let them know hey, I I'm frustrated. I've been frustrated. I can be frustrated from time to time. I know you're frustrated too. Here's what I'm doing about my frustration. You just became valuable you went from not valuable. It just to like and that doesn't mean you're not a valuable human being. I'm just saying in the marketplace, you have to bring a product or a service to be a value in order to barter trade to have something to sell. And so it's like people think well, I don't know what to sell. I don't know what to say. It's like you if you're a bump on a log, if you're complaining. You're deadweight to the marketplace to the economy. Do you understand your consumer if you figure out how to even take your own mess and turn it into a message? Dammit, you just you're now a value. It's that simple. Sometimes a positive attitude is valued in 2022.

Stacy: Yeah, selling is nothing but a transference of emotion and the emotion that you have is you know, it's gonna make or break whether it's good or bad.

Dave: Yeah, it's gonna make or break you and what you get in return right? It's amazing. That's why when we talk about this being an inside game and success really being most about the dynamics and not the mechanics. It's something, sometimes you know, people say they, you know, one of the things that I that I, that i i It's so funny. You know, one of the things that I gave a recommendation to to a student a while ago was I looked at his content and it was all positive. All and he wasn't getting trapped. He was like trying just up and I said, well, there could also be times when you're too positive, right? You got to mix in a little bit of reality and a little bit of humor, right? You got to balance your stuff and get real. In 2022 you can just be full of motivational quotes because now you just You look like a nameless, faceless. Just a conveyor belt of memes in that state. That's fake. Right? So we have to weave in struggle, and that's why I say your struggles can be your biggest strengths. Those are the things that people can relate to. Have you found that to be true and how would you define or explain being relatable to people that you know who are new the power of being relatable versus you know, trying to look perfect?

Stacy: Yeah. Me people want to see real life I mean, I used to you know, have to you know, have you know, I'll you know I'll be you know Preston snap did have a video but now I'm listening to the lake and I'll do a video and sometimes those will perform better than the ones that I was all pretty, you know, and so it's like people want to see real life and they want to see that you're a real person and that's how they're going to relate to you.

Dave: Well, gosh, you have given an incredible amount of value this morning. The beautiful thing is that you know, when you do the work initially it becomes this kind of compounding thing that not only creates income, but now you have something to teach and talk about and you're kind of like, like an authority like an influencer in a way in this industry. And it's just amazing to me that you can become literally, you go from zero to hero, you know what I mean in just a matter of time, you know, and you may not be a hero to everybody but to somebody to somebody or multiple people. You are a hero. You know what I mean? Like you have introduced them to something that was so valuable, whether it be some knowledge or some information that they didn't have, or maybe it's been significant savings through a tough time that you're like literally a hero and you were like nobody to them, just not too long ago, you know what I mean? And it wasn't that they found you, you found them like you did the work to put yourself out there to get what you're now what you have and what you're building so good for you congrats and hopefully we'll come back and keep it with us.

Stacy: Yeah. And then the thing is, I'm influencing my kids to my kids or young adults. And at first when I first started this, they meant they didn't have a whole lot of faith in me. They were like moms doing it. It's probably too late to get into it, you know? Because they're young adults in it. So they went on tick tock, you know, and so now, three months later, they see how much success I've had, and they're like, Okay, what, what's the like?

Dave: Let's end with that. And for all of you who you know, are are that whether you have kids that are anywhere from 10 to up they're probably going to be giving you a little bit of a side eye when you say that you're going to be marketing on whether it be tick tock Instagram, whatever, but we got the strategies in the secrets make you look like a rock star. So hang in there. All right, Stacy, take care. My best to your family and we'll talk to you soon. Okay. 

Stacy: Thank you. 

Dave: Alright, see you. Alright my friends. Really cool conversation. Go and follow her and you can check out both of her profiles. I'm gonna flash them up online at the lake. This is her first TikTok profile she shared with us today and the second is online at the lake. And so well, it's amazing what can happen in just a short period of time. And especially if those of you who have the skills in different areas of your life or knowledge that you don't really know what to do with but you know, it's valuable. What I believe is that as you get into this process, like Stacey, you'll start to see not only how a lot of people out on YouTube and on Facebook and Instagram and TikTok are making money in ways that you didn't see before. But also how you can get your piece of pie because remember Zuckerberg, you know all these cats, they're getting theirs, right? And there's a they want you they actually want you to get yours too. That's the thing. They want you to come create content on the platform and they'll pay you for it. Not only can you do affiliate marketing, or you can sell your own course coaching program or event. They will also they're all starting programs, YouTube's already had it for a long time. Well, they'll pay you if your videos get a lot of views. So there's income and income streams that can be created from your business that you don't even know and that you'll learn and be made aware of as you go. A lot of opportunities. tons more than any of us can take advantage of. Trust me. Just get started. Get out of your own way. Start getting ready to get ready and get in the game. We'll see you back here for another episode tomorrow.

How To Launch An Online Business At Any Age

Below is the transcription for this episode:

JoAnn:  everyone. Happy Wednesday is September 21. Almost gearing up towards the end of the month heading into a beautiful fall October weather here in the next one week and a half or so. My name is JoAnn. I'm the marketing manager here at legendary marketer and I am so excited to be here. Behind the scenes it's been a little bit of a crazy morning. We had a last minute cancellation and we have a new guest that said he could come on about 10 minutes ago so he hopped in the shower quickly and put on his legendary shirt and joined us this morning. So like it's live, live TV, live interviews, things happen. So definitely put some hand emoji collapse together for me, and help me welcome our last minute guests this morning. Jim, Jim, how's it going?

Jim:Oh, right. We're here. We're alive. It's great to be here. My wife said make sure I slow down and let you talk so I can hear you first. So my kids have a 10 minute rule. I call my wife's friends for like 10 minutes and then there's a cut off. I don't think they understand that 10 minutes. I think it's like five to seven they start to tell you how to me but it doesn't matter. So here we live.

JoAnn:  I am so great. I'm so excited. You're here. I'm filling in for Matt. He's here under the weather this morning. So we're kind of juggling things all over the place, but it's all good. I took a look at your content and all of that good stuff and I'm super excited. Sometimes. Well, it's nice to bring on someone I know you're a little bit older but not

Jim: just my box. That's right. I still feel like I'll call it the legal way to go into the store. I'd look around to see if anybody's watching me to buy it and I am still young . You know I don't know if I. I don't know if I ever made it past 19. You know it took me until I was 20.

JoAnn:  I love it. I love it. Alright, so share with all of us. How you got to where you are right now. How did you find legendary? What were you looking for all that good stuff?

Jim:Well, you want to start with just that party. You want to start in the beginning.

JoAnn:  Oh, go for the beginning. Let's hear it. All right.

Jim:When I was a kid my dad was World War Two. That Navy guy and he was a frogman. So frogman is the guy that was the predecessor to the seals. So he always was an entrepreneur. He was an entrepreneur spirit. I will say when we weren't we I grew up along the coast. I was born in Dallas, Texas, in Parkland Hospital, the same hospital they took John F. Kennedy to after the assassination by Lee Harvey Oswald and I they they took him to that hospital. Well, it became famous so they made a movie called parkland. And it talks about the aftermath of what happened. You know, when they all the FBI and everybody came and said why did this happen? Well, how did you set the precedent? And so I was born in Dallas and then raised along the coast. My dad always had, he was an entrepreneur, you know, he had these businesses. He had a park when a hurricane came and took out the entire park and then it was gone. Then it started like a carnival, and a tornado came and took it out. And so then we moved up north in 1968 started a restaurant business. We had our barbecue sauce, Texas Rhodes barbecue sauce, and my dad, the governor of Texas, had his governor's brother come up with this barbecue sauce. So my dad sort of settled down a little bit and had a restaurant. Well, I'm not exaggerating here in 1968 in the fall I was in first grade. earthquakes came in Illinois, Southern Illinois and level the school it was on a Sunday but big national news if it was on a Monday, but it was a Sunday. And the business, the restaurant, all the windows cracked, all the plates fell off the shelves and then we headed up north. Then he had a swap shop and auction type Swap Shop so when he called it he was even gonna have Johnny cast. My dad and Johnny Cash, his dad, were friends. And so he was going to have Johnny come and actually sell and you know the auctioneer and you could, you know, say this piece of paper here has Johnny's is Johnny Cash was auctioneering and somebody would buy it for $1- $5. You know, so that ended that business. And then he started one of the most unique businesses in 1972. It was called metallic recycling systems and the way that we do recycling nowadays, that no, I would be sitting on a big boat right now in the Gulf of Mexico. You don't mean, it would have been a completely different life, even put my name on the chips with him. And then, when I was 13 He passed away and so 1975 and, you know, so then, you know, I you know, they didn't have computers in schools when I was in school. So in 1980 I graduated, and I went to electronics school, the BRI. I wanted to really know electronics and I always had a tech sense but I really wanted to do it for musical engineering, something like that. I didn't, I didn't, you know, so I was 18 and I didn't get a job. Which job stands for just over broke. I'm telling you for other people out there that they really want an acronym. I'll tell you what, when I was 33 I, you know, I lived in California, and I went to California and Silicon Valley, and we you know, the economy in the Midwest was tough. The automobile industry really took a hit Detroit, all that blew into Chicago. You know, I'm talking about the parts and you know, all the parts that go to the automobile industry, so there was a lot of lack of employment. So I went to Silicon Valley. I went to Silicon Valley to meet Bill Gates. Steve Wozniak and Steven Jobs. That was my goal. I was going there to hang out with them guys, be their friends, buddies, whatever, and do electronics and really, that was my goal. But I went out there and guess what happened? I went to Vance micro devices and got laid off. It wasn't even real. I didn't even really have the job. So I worked in subcontracting through the bank and doing things that you know, this and that never have had. I had a nine five job and then you know, suddenly, It was time to settle down. So I moved back to the Midwest, wherever there was my mom and you know, family members, so to have children in that, and I was 33. And that's when I did it. That's why I did the hardest thing almost ever. I'd never forget the day I went and I went and I came up to this time clock. And I went in. I'm looking at this time clock and I would put my hand out and I pulled it back. I was looking at that time clock you know, and I was like, Man, this is it. I gotta have a haircut and get a real job and this is really happening. I know. The guy behind the testing let me help you. I'm closest now to then I've ever had to actually be at a 930 to 930 job but I you know there will I clocked in and, and I've been broke since until now. And now. You know, I don't I don't throw money around into the fire pit yet. But what I have learned the secret to making money is don't spend it. Don't buy that Corvette 1959 Corvette with the top off now. Invest your money. Invest in yourself. Invest in what you can do. What you can help other people do and and then I've always had a servant attitude. I love serving people. I love helping people. I love coaching. I mean I've coached football and I help myself and three other guys who started an entire league in the area. If he doesn't like Pop Warner, Pop Warner is for the younger.

Jim:And at first I was like well they're kind of young, small, you know, but then I saw the alternatives to the coaches that would go instead of me. And I realized I have to go because I want to help these kids get mentally and physically fit and protect themselves from injury and that type of thing. So I already coach basketball. I'd already coached baseball, and I don't know anything about baseball. You know they wouldn't let me play. Replay. He always taught me he made me learn things when I was kid and said now baseball is not going to help you. My dad was right. He's an entrepreneur. You know he was right. I mean, but I still can hit the ball on six foot six. I can hit the ball farther. 

JoAnn:  How did you initially hear about legendary?

Jim:Okay, I'm gonna get close. I'm getting close. And you know, finally settled down that clock the job started doing that. And then and then I got laid off. And then found another job that was outdoors. I liked it for a while. And then the company folded so then I worked for Big Brother overlord. All right, that's the best I can say. And that's really a nine to five job. So, I've been doing that. I met a woman of my dreams and went to divorce in 2010 and then but that's usually you think like, why God why did why did what did I do wrong? You know, where did I fail? You know failure, all that. But it wasn't that I hit the jackpot. I married the woman I met, the woman of my dreams. married her and she is the real deal here. She is a real entrepreneur. One day during the pandemic she got she got injured in a job she's school teacher she grew up in Barcelona and she she got her scholarship when she was 15 and to Barcelona and Spain and was a school teacher and a principal for about 23 years there, went to watermark Tuck School for about seven years. Then came and found me. That was the only purpose. I mean I'm absolutely positive about it. We're both positive of it. She had no reason to be in Davenport, Iowa. And we met in a Starbucks and fell madly in love. And still in love to this day. So happy right now you have no idea. We're happy to be here. We're happy to be with you. And we're happy with the legendary timespan , you know. And so my wife, my wife, started searching for something more. She had an injury and she had her shoulder fixed and that was painful and she didn't really want to go back to her job. She didn't want to go back, you know, surgeon and she searched and we found something that cost a bunch of money. Right? And I said no, I don't think there's enough there. I don't think that's and I'm not sure if that is the source of what we're looking for. And she came across Brian and I, she followed up on it and started it and I said okay, she goes I really trust this guy. And okay, I said okay, let's you know, and then it was like the rug got pulled out from under the table. Because all of a sudden this guy Dave Sharpe shows up. I'm like, Wait, this is Brian. This is Dave. I mean, what's going on here? So I was really skeptical at first. I was like, something's up here. And then my dad was five foot seven. And I'm gonna say Dave and my dad are very similar in many ways, and I started watching him and and I'll tell you what, Dave is might be one of the best content speakers that has really been out there. They really can put so much out while he's talking to me you can understand and you can relate to it. And all of a sudden I said hey, I like this and then the more I did it, the more I started believing in myself. Yes. And then I realized, what the heck am I doing? Why am I doing this nine to five job? Why? It was never me that day that I posted that time clock was a big mistake. It was a really different thing. i i Yes, it puts some food on the table. But if I went on vacation, I would use a credit card. Then what I do is pay that credit card down all year until Christmas. And then I wanted to have Christmas so the kids have to put more than you pay it all down. And you don't really get it paid down. You know what I mean? And so that's what my job stands for. And so then I then the first guy was mad, Matt came on. And Matt is a good person. And everybody else in legendary is a good person. But Matt is innocent and good. He's just innocent. You know? I mean he says things like, don't worry about it. You know, when you're going through the blueprints and the training. He says don't worry about that you'll be alright don't you know and don't suffer for that don't suffer. And those little things that he said helped me so much not to suffer not to, to think oh I can't do this you know it's to me for my break. I've only got two brain cells for seven days left. I have to download a bunch of information on one upload overcharged, I'm burning these cells so bad. I don't want to lose them. You know, call me down and he calmed me down and then they would fire me up and then back down and then they would really fire you know, I mean what as I was learning that he was more like so I could learn this much then with him I was able to learn them next few steps to go up and he would really push me to the art farther up and and my wife and things got really good from there. You know? And so go ahead and ask the question.

JoAnn:  When did you start legendary? Did you guys go through the challenge a year ago, two years ago, three months ago? What was that date?

Jim:October 2020. There it is. This is my beautiful entrepreneur wife.

Jim:Guys, well, we are two different here but he's the same. He's an unplugged man. I am. Hot Man is on his punch. My wife's on her second campaign right now. And when I first heard about Facebook and campaigns through math, I was like, man, no way. You know you start putting money into this and your ads and stuff and you don't know what you're doing. You may just pump out a bunch of money. And my wife has to by working with Canva and all the things my wife really, really has gotten her videos.

Jim:He's really cool and legendary too.

JoAnn:  I love doing paid ads on top of organic Correct.

Jim:I learned from her I sit back and really help her and she helps me how's that

JoAnn:  work? I love that it's even work that's

Jim:like this room. You know this room my wife set up. You know, there's a chalkboard over this way. Okay, that way. I know this is weird. It's backwards on the video. You know, this is a desk here. We have another one downstairs and that we both can work at the same time. It's really

JoAnn:  Okay, so let's talk about that. She found the challenge you were skeptical of a little bit and then dove in. How was it working alongside your partner in the same house? Did you guys need to find okay, this is your space my space or is it really collaborative and teamwork? What's it? What's it like? Working together?

Jim:It's so much fun. I've never had any fun. I've had a lot of fun, but it's clean fun. While we're talking you know, we love like yesterday. My next video is okay, we were driving down the road yesterday. We were heading to a place where my wife we're going to a wedding in a couple of weeks. And my wife got a dress and she bought it offline. And so this dress is a little big for she's very petite, beautiful, and super gorgeous. And so we knew the seamstress that was in a town which is this thing even really a town where there's no gas station. There's no okay. No, you know, but it's got about 20-30 houses. You know, it's that in Illinois, you know, it's by the river. And we don't that we're driving down the road. It's just what we see. Now we're in the Midwest, we're in Northern Illinois. We're in cornfields. We saw a zebra. I mean these people on a farm had a zebra so guess what we do? We stop. I turn the drive right into the dance back and get back up and pull over and we take videos of this Libra in so that my next video will be one I'm not sure exactly the next one not after this. I'm so supercharged right now that I don't know what I'll do next, you know, you know but the thing is, we took a video of that CEBRA then we came on down the road and there were a bunch of little billy goats. So we stopped and filmed down. You know, we went to this place called the house on the rock. And this is a really centric guy that builds all these carousels and things in his house and he really wants to share with nobody. It's an amazing place. You ever get the chance to see it. It's in Wisconsin. And that place was just phenomenal and we did a lot of videos there. And so what we found is we end like today if we didn't have this we're gonna go to the lake. There's a lake right outside of town here, a park called Rock wood and get our boat and do videos there. So what we found is we'd love to go places and do our videos. So we laugh, we laugh so hard because it's so silly making videos, you know. Here it is. Okay, so

JoAnn:  let me stop you know because you said something that I really want our viewers and our listeners to take it. There are many people starting out on their journey, and they just sit in one room in one place. And all of their videos are in the same place and they're talking about the same thing, guys and Jim sharing what he and his wife are planning. They're building out strategies. They're thinking of content ideas, they're thinking outside the box. How can we look different? How can we show up differently than everyone else? winging it right they don't care about what anyone else thinks they're gonna go in the lake. They're gonna make TikTok videos on a boat later today. Listen to what he's saying as he's sharing his story. What he's what they're both really doing. They are thinking outside of the box. How can we show up online differently, but authentically to what we love, what we enjoy and that is such a gift that you're sharing with our audience this morning. That's huge. And I love that and I know someone made a comment because you said chalkboard. I don't care with a chalkboard whiteboard iPad. You guys are planning. You're building out a strategy. And that's what is crucial here. You aren't just throwing a random video and hoping it sticks, you're building on a long game. You guys are masterful at what you're building and it's beautiful and it's authentic to you and I frickin love it. So awesome. Kudos. I hope everyone really grabs that this morning from you guys.

Jim:I want to say something sometime, like simple far in my course man. I love to cook. He loves to but sometimes he's cooking. I go there. We put a tripod in the kitchen and we made one video like that. Cooking together. We like dancing but we cannot dance it really but we put it where music is. And when more and this is for video. We also where we put the cameras there and we made one video. So where we go with something we do together is video because we share our life and we know that these lives are not age, sometimes it's not easy. See, for the Mornay for many problems, but last is nice the shelter life and any element see thing and I you know and I know what kids are killed loves what I do. And we enjoy spending some time together and he likes to talk about my life. Full time I have two three life I talked about him as smhc For us it's a It's a gift. Yeah, I think you and I think Dave and all legends because we are being blessed by everybody that does this. It will happen you will make you just keep trying and go back to the blueprints and if you know me, me I get confused or think something I just go to the blueprints and I restarted then it comes back or I watch drew or watch matt watch you know I've watched these and then go to other people's videos and watch them and look around and learn. Joshua Smith had a definitely big effect on me. 

JoAnn:  This it's not an optional so I hope I think you aren't using those words and I hope everyone is really catching on to what you're using. I am going to do this. So let's figure it out. Right. Oh, I hit a roadblock today. Awesome. Let's figure out how to get past it. What do I need to learn to change? What do I need to pivot? There's never a struggle today or this video isn't going so I'm just going to pause for the next three weeks and then think about it for a while you don't do that you just go Okay, let's try something different. Alright, let's go back to my education. Let's see what I missed. What's the next step that I can apply? And that's the difference between being successful and not. It's the drive, the consistency and the mindset, that determination. I am going to do this. I'm going to figure it out. I'm going to use my resources and I'm going to keep going. I'm gonna keep going and match your energy. Committing to that journey with your wife is beautiful. I love it. I love it.

Jim:She has been very successful. Number one. She was a school teacher. So you're when she says she does two or three lives a day. Well, I love it because I sit back now and she does some in Spanish. I've always wanted that staff and her and so you know this preference. I don't know who actually but I do know there's a big demand in Spanish online and my wife is part of that. She's International. He is getting clients from all over. She just had a client from the Ukraine or not Ukraine in the UK. And I've got some from the Ukraine that that you know, because they have to worry about things like getting able to use the internet because they the other team I don't want to say things get us in trouble but the other team will find out where they are by zero and and that they're using a phone, a telecommunication communication device, and they can find the signal neck to track people. So I'm talking and helping people in the Ukraine to try to kiss and have food. You know, this ain't about it ain't about just, you know, making money. It's about putting food down sometimes, you know, I mean when I do a live show and Nick comes on, you know, this gets almost political, which is hard for me. I'm not political. I mean, you know, I type policemen, I mean, if I see something bad going on, I'm gonna help you know, and that's just the way I've been all my life. But

JoAnn:  I also think that the goal, your drive to serve is really why it's not necessarily just to make money. It's you who loves to teach you love to code. Love to serve you love to help. So you're using your platform to do that. It's my own way and that's really cool. For sure.

Jim:chance to sign out that little form but that's what I do for a living.

JoAnn:  For living, Jim, what did you do before?

Jim:Work with robotics. Now I teach robotics. I teach kids for free. For free. I teach kids how to build robots, and how the basics you know, just the beginning part that basic tells the motors and the servos. And the computers work together to make the arm move and how it works with robotics. Now, in the application of the real world, I did it in like so automation, why would you have automation? Because I worked in negative 20. Why do you work in negative 20 You say, because ice cream biodegrades at negative 10. And that blew my mind when I learned that when I was doing my job. Make it 20 Man, my joints, my knees are everything. It's killing me. And thanks to legendary Thank you, Dave. Thank you, Matt. Thank you drew. 20 no more. Do you understand my job making machines work with computers to be completely automated? You know , the beautiful thing I learned early was from the engineer that built this, you know, $22 million robot that I work with. And he is here. I saw him one day. I caught you know, he didn't know I was there. And I saw this guy not on the camera and so I ran down. And I knew who he was. I figured out that he was the engineer, the designer and the architect of this particular robot. And I said, Hey, check it out. ” You might move on because you're using these proximity switches that came in on the Mayflower Well, this guy spoke barely English, right? Get my job. He didn't even have a clue what I'm saying. And but these passages were made in the 80s You know, they aren't the new ones that are made modern time. Why are we using these but he did. He stopped me right there. He stopped. No, that is this machine runs perfectly in a perfect world. There it is. I think you did it. I was so happy. Always have a job because it isn't perfect.

JoAnn:  Exactly. Exactly. Right. I mean, that's I let's let's end with that as the last takeaway stop looking for perfect, it doesn't exist. So we've got to just put things out there. And just keep going. take imperfect action perfectly. It's probably the best way. So I didn't get a chance to grab your socials. can people follow you? So I think I have your Tik Tok to makemoneyonlinewithJim. Is that correct? Yes. Let me share that. And then you also do are you also creating content for Facebook? Yes,

Jim:and Instagram and

JoAnn:  Facebook we just can just search your name, it's Jim ferry, tick tock you can follow Jim and make some money online with Jim. So definitely go give him a follow. I love your energy. I love the partnership that you and your wife have not only in life and in marriage but also in business and you find the joy guys find joy every day with Wally and it's just so cool and beautiful to see. I love it. I love it. Love it. Love it.

Jim:It's amazing. Chris: Did that ring a bell to you? They are. When I first saw Dave the first person was a pastor, and that had a line that I loved. And then I saw this before Chris and Susan and we followed them for quite a while and they would drive their car. Just pull out their tripod, chairs and do videos everywhere. And that was very inspirational. We follow them and realize it is a great opportunity as a couple to become entrepreneurs together. You know, and then my wife found that it was easier for her to do it in Spanish. And grew up in Europe. She has European Spanish and is a teacher. So I recommend all of you out there. You've had to be a picky eater. I did training and I've been teaching people how to build robots. I've been coaching, use those teaching benefits that you've had in the in and enrich make them more and serve be a server. I serve people you know, I find it hard to help my friends. It's like you know I don't want to see him fail. You know with a nine to five job you're you know you're you're restricted. You're going against somebody else's rules and expectations. And you know when you're yourself. You get a little nervous and say hey man, I gotta do something and use that energy of nervousness and push through multiple videos. Do it in different ways. Don't be the same. There'll be just a tiny bit of Joshua Smith. I mean, he really does show you a lot of good ways to do things and that's where I've seen the big change in my videos is by doing a little shorter and a lot of content and that content and get them to have to watch it two or three times. Do you want to? You want a gold nugget?

JoAnn:  Yep. Let's hear it. We've dropped a lot already if people have been listening, so let's hear it. Let's hear one final golden nugget.

Jim:This is my wife. She came up with this a couple days ago. She goes Do you know it's an AI algorithm that is running tick tock and what does that mean? That means Watch, watch it, it's big brother watching you and they are watching all your video context, what you're looking at, what you're doing, everything. So to go to the guidelines, the rules of Tic Toc, and we do it every day. Because you know, you're looking at the rules and you're complying. So a lot of people get in with the Tick Tock police and they get in trouble. So go to these active guidelines. Just we go on there and we punch it in and sit down and have dinner and my wife's videos went from 500 or so set to five times out. I don't know how all this changes and how it all might change for you. And everybody's different AI is different and all that kind of stuff. That's what they are. Your videos aren't going great. Then make a little tweak here, tweak and pay attention and watch other people's videos do these giant tell me

JoAnn:  I mean variants out on that so I always say niche but but you know this potato potato tomato tomato.

Jim:You were surprised. Give me today. Did you expect this? You didn't know don't You don't know when somebody we were it's real. It's real. It's real. out there. I know you're struggling, you're under pressure, you need money. Dave has said don't give up. Because the day you give up the next day you were gonna make my money. I'm gonna tell you made the money you just don't know. It's common, it's a blessing. But keep working. Keep striving keep doing videos, find different ways to do videos, you know, and do different things. I'm completely different person. I didn't have this facial hair. When I started. I didn't have long hair and everything and I got to be part of legendary and during that time, which I thank God every day you know because it gave me and direction and and thankful to this day I can sit here and give you hours more. My wife said slow down. Give me

JoAnn:  I really appreciate you coming in and helping us out this morning. I just really appreciate you and your energy sharing your insight, your strategy with all of us that we definitely have to have you back on the show in the coming months your wife needs to join you full time on this thing in little quick little seconds. I'm gonna have you both on and I really appreciate it and I appreciate your time and energy alone guys too. I love your energy, your outlook on life. 

Jim: It is beautiful and what a great way to kick off the week. So thank you, you know, it was a pleasure to be here. I hope I get a chance to be interviewed by both Matt and Dave and you know, I would love to come back. Give them guys I've got I've got something so worth Dave wants to hear I promise client that she will not believe that he or she might not throw his hat. Want us to meet this guy.

JoAnn:  Any moment that brings a hat throwdown

Jim:It's phenomenal. I mean, he might throw the hat I mean, but it's amazing. The people that we've had, that we've helped, and my wife is just, you know, she's on a level that I get to try to achieve. And that's what's really nice, is there's no animosity, we both keep pushing each other. She's my boss pushed me, you know, to get up in the morning and so, you know, did you do your videos today, you know, that I mean, I love I'm not good enough. You know, it's like, you're right. You know focus, because you know me I'm nonchalant. I live like you know, every day is the greatest day ever. Let's enjoy the day and do your work and that's what legendary is about. That's what doing this is about. It's never been in the history of mankind anything like this. So you know you're getting an opportunity that's been years and years that people have suffered by having to do nine to five jobs and had no other choice to survive. And so you know, with this, it's not just survival. It's life. It's life, legendary life in life with legendary armor right here. You know, there it is. I got the merch.

Jim:I love it.

JoAnn:  Anyone can buy Be Legendary dot shop, grab one of our T-shirts. And Jim thanks again for coming on the show today. It was a pleasure. And have a great day and stay legendary as always.

Jim:All right, guys.

JoAnn:  Wow, what a great Wednesday for your energy and definitely go back and watch that replay and grab all of those nuggets that he and his wife shared with us this morning throughout the episode. And as always stay legendary. Have a great day. We'll be back tomorrow. 

How To Build A Brand Around Your Passion

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave:  Hey what's going on my friend Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary and as you can see, we're back again. Wow. I mean, what a miracle just when they thought we were gonna fall off the face and that marketing was going to explode and disappear and just be some fat. Well, it's only getting stronger. And this morning is proof that we have a fantastic guest and actually, excuse me. Excuse How dare I? We have two guests this morning. Excuse me, buddy the pup is okay. And Cindy. Is the other YouTuber. Welcome to the show. Hello. How are you? Cindy: We're good. Very cool. We dressed up professionally for you.

Dave: I feel underdressed. Personally, I mean, I feel like I don't come in here. Well, first of all, hello, buddy. And thank you both for joining us on the show this morning. Well, thank you for having us. And if buddy gets you know anxious at any time I would completely understand if he had to take off or if he has other appointments even I mean I don't know he may be. He seems like a very serious individual. So if he's got other things to do, that's not going to bother me. But Cindy, thanks so much for coming on. When did you go through our 15 Day Challenge?

Cindy: I did it last year. I can't remember exactly when but I did it last year.

Dave:  Okay. And what did you do? What were you looking for when you were on the internet and either found it purposefully or stumbled upon us?

Cindy: I basically stumbled upon it. I had. I had a business that I had to close and then I had to find something else to do so I've never had a nine to five job like ever. So I didn't think at 50 It was good to find out. So I was doing other things. I did Instacart shopping. Did you know things like that? I tried 10 MLMs and I was terrible at all of them. And then I came across this and I'm like, Oh, this seems like a good fit. So that's how I found you

Dave:  So you've had the entrepreneur bug, if you will, your whole life.

Cindy: Yes, I left college. I remember they always said you know, do what you love. And this was in about 87 And so I'm like well I love to shop so I started a personal shopping business. Problem is I didn't know how to market it. So I only had a couple of customers but I called it tailored shopping services. I had brochures printed up. I mean, you took that very literally. I did.

Dave:  See that wasn't quite what they meant. But yeah, so I was driving down the street. A couple of days ago when I saw a little girl sitting out selling lemonade or something like that. And it reminded me of my daughter. She said that it's very frustrating when you are a very young kid because the sales are very far and few you know what I mean? So what was it like going through the 15 Day Challenge? I mean, it's not that you're not complete. You're not totally new to personal development and learning stuff. In your own way. I would assume you've made your way since you dropped out of college, somehow some way over the past decade. or so. So, you know, what was it like going through our training?

Cindy: Well, I think what was interesting the first day was that it wasn't even like a light bulb. It was like a light bulb explosion because you talked about the website and you know, collecting emails and things and I published equestrian magazines for like 15 years. And we sold products that were like our custom logos and things we had, you know, things made. I never collected a single email. So I was like, oh my god, I have 15 years of gold. And I just didn't know what to do with it. So that's amazing.

Dave:  And what did you do? What kind of business? 

Cindy: I used to ride show horses and hunters and jumpers. So I published two magazines. I started them and published them for a while, one I sold after about 12 years and then I kept the other one. I did it for about 15 years total.

Dave:  I was curious about you know if it did become a sellable business for you towards the end, and it sounds like it did. You know I feel your pain though because once we look back on things, probably the question that I would be asking is how much more could I have got for the business? If I had a database of customers if I was marketing upselling them cross selling them to other affiliate offers down selling them to other subscription services or information courses. I mean for people who read things it's a perfect opportunity for a lot of these dying magazines to introduce other forms of education or knowledge that those customers have already proven that they enjoy.

Cindy: 1,000% I mean and the customers we have really loyal customers I mean we had a really good our we were sort of a unique magazine. So the customers were very loyal to us. And you're right. I mean, I mean, I just can't even imagine what it could have been if all I had to do is take day one of the training and I could have had an impact . I wish I had found it 15 years sooner and it would have changed my whole, you know, business. Yeah, or life. You know, not too badly.

Dave: Money, money. You know, money can change somebody's life. And, but you know what? Soak in internal, you know, soak in internal shifts, and when you sold that business, I bet you had a lot of confidence and you had you had you know, at least some belief that hey, wow, I just completed a business, you know, launched it, sold it etc. Let's talk about now coming in and getting started and then you know, you gravitated towards animals once again. Talk to us about how that's transpired.

Cindy: Well, actually, after I sold it, I did feel good about it. But the one that I kept, again, just lacking some business common sense, I guess, continued in the wrong direction with it. I should have looked at the sides about being more online. Being front, you know, in print was really not the way to go. And had I been looking at it differently. I would have gone the route like exactly what I learned in the training. I would have done the online thing I would have really started to expand when it changed a lot of things. So when I found legendary I was actually feeling pretty horrible about myself because I'm not used to failing. Like, I always feel like if you just try harder you can succeed. So when I had to close that other magazine because I had to, that was kind of a smack in the face because you're not. I wasn't used to having to accept defeat, you know that way?

Dave:  Sure, sure. That was simply a lack of knowledge. And I think that's a great example of when it will run dry? When will the power run dry? Right when willpower is not enough? Yeah, right? Because you just made an interesting comment. I've always believed that if I just work harder I could succeed. Yes, and not in the digital economy. Because the digital economy is such a different shift. That doesn't just take effort. It also takes the knowledge and the know how, you know how can I take all of this, this content that's in print, and simply translated over to digital? What does that look like? You know, now you've gotten your eyes open to what that looks like. And so how, how did you come to partnering with Buddy the pup?

Cindy: Well, when I first started to do live I it would make me nervous because I was like I had a few trolls come on and you know at first you're not used to it. So I found that when he was with me that I was more comfortable. And then I started putting clothes on him. And then people kept coming on just to see what he would wear. They didn't want to watch me. They just wanted to see what outfit he had on so if you happen to look at his account, you will see some of his wardrobe. It includes a tuxedo with tails. So he started to go on with me and then I realized that you guys kept talking about you know, you've got to give value and if you know the song a little drummer boy you know, I've got a gift to give. So I kept thinking, what value do I have? Because I'm so new to this. But then I realized with Buddy the value was it made people happy. It showed people a different thing you could do. It made me think it was just a totally different mindset. So then I kind of shifted. I still do my account, but he's definitely grown faster than mine.

Dave:  Very interesting. Very interesting. Yeah. Wow. value can be made. Let's talk about that for a second. You just dropped a very ambiguous golden bar. So that making people happy can provide value. Can you say more about that? Because we always tend to overanalyze and overthink things and you just presented a very simple idea. Say more about that and if you will, because I think that's big for people to really get on this episode, if they can, that it's not just about wowing people with your knowledge, it's simply how you leave people making them feel once they've watched your content.

Cindy: Well, I was very surprised at the following that he's developed. There are people that come to his page and say they just come here to get a smile in the morning or they come you know, when they're having a bad day and everything about him I tried to try to be very careful. It's all very positive. You know, like I said, I think there's just a lot of different kinds of value in people like me when you're doing it, you don't realize that you know, everybody's different people are gonna vibe with you differently, you know what I mean? And they're gonna connect differently and I know maybe there's other affiliates like me, that are not the Superfast ones and I'm gonna slow the bus and everything took me longer. You know, I struggle with some of the stuff like you have to find your way like what is good for you and what you have to give it not to copy other people. If that makes any sense.

Dave:  It does. I mean it's difficult. It's so difficult , it's so simple that it's hard to understand, right? Because when we come into anywhere that's new, as human beings, the first thing that we do is look around and learn and start to copy. It's natural. It's normal to do that when we are babies. We look around at the people who are walking though, and wonder. And then we try and it's like we're only simply looking at other people and copying them. So now we come in, and then we get trained our whole life not to use our brains, you know, to just sort of take orders and critical thinking skill development lacked in my education. So you're right, we come here and it's like, be creative, find our own voice or message. It's difficult. So what are some of the ways that you would suggest a you know people to find their creative side and like how have you I mean, obviously one thing is, you found a prop just so happens to be your dog and then the content kind of turned into the dog but I've used props a lot in mic, video creation and in my content to help me to feel more comfortable whether it be a whiteboard, a microphone that sitting in front of me that I can just kind of grab if I get nervous or whatever. How have you settled in? You mentioned grabbing the dog, is there anything else that you've done to help you kind of tap into your own creativity and confidence?

Cindy: Just doing it I think and I stopped one of the hardest things for me and I had to. I followed a lot of other affiliates because I wanted to get knowledge but I found for me sometimes it made me compare myself to them. And when I wasn't doing what they were, you know what I mean? I felt like I had to just step back and I'd say like, Okay, I'm me and I'm learning to do other things like I do some Amazon things. I do stuff with him. He wants to have an adventure newsletter. He's just starting. 

Dave: You're incredible. You are.

Cindy: He wants me to contact him. They're fighting me to give me good contact at Airbnb. What I really want him to be able to do is focus on pet friendly travel. 

Dave: And to the city they're like yes, like you're his man. Like he's like an old man like Warren Buffett.

Cindy: If you see any of his videos, he's learned when I kind of pose him, he stays in this is his, he treats anything and that's kind of why we started with a company called Zeus Snoots. That was his first commission was to do snoots which are these little knit hats. And then we realized that you know, an $11 product was not going to buy him his $28 bag of tricks. 

Dave:  He needed to step it up and bring in more pagan on purpose because he's got to bring the whole big trust you gotta bring in the whole fish. So he likes it. So is that some of the things that you've you've monetized is kind of showing treats and doing the little explanation sort of like what you just did was very valuable. And then linking to like, how are you monetizing the content?

Cindy: That's how I have started but what I am doing is a little more like thinking about him. I figured his adventure newsletter because a lot of his people just want to come and see him. And I have had people you know, they see his treats, they ask what they are because they love him so much. But again, that's way too small to actually do what he needs to do to you know, buy all his clothes. So you should see his outfits. He's got hundreds of clothes, and he has shoes too. He has shoes. He even has a pair of Chuck Taylors he has Converse Chuck Taylors. So, what I realized from the adventure newsletter, going back to the add value, he's a rescue dog. So I realized that from the My Magazine days if I do the newsletter, it's from his perspective. It's coming from him, not me writing it. And it's about things that he does. He has a car, he does all kinds of things he literally legit as a car and that I can feature like a rescue dog each newsletter, make it not salesy and then bring in like the travel. Everybody that has their pets wants to know where they can travel, where they can stay. And then I mean, I figured we could go into like airline things. 

Dave: Those of you who are not dog owners may roll your eyes at what Cindy is saying right now. But if you are a dog owner, or you know what, this is a serious niche. This is a serious group of people who do not treat their dogs like dogs. They treat their dogs like children. 

Cindy: Yeah. Well some of the high end companies he wants to get in again this is like bigger things like do your like Ralph Lauren has a beautiful cashmere sweater but it's like $185 Right now he's not shopping there but he hopes to Sure. I mean, there's a really high end company called Chanel. All of them have a pep line Louis Vuitton. Yeah, yeah, but I figured he has to get a good enough following and being a pup sequencer I felt like I had to do the work first. Like don't just hold my dog up and say I expect somebody to buy his product like he had to become a brand in a way that you know what I mean? He has to develop that I think

Dave:  Sorry, I'm you know, I totally I totally I totally love your long term vision or viewpoint. It's really It's I can see that you stepped away from the chaos that was creating in your own head, trying to sort of do what everybody else was doing. You got overwhelmed with that. You said, Hey, I need to find my own message. And this is what's this is what's come out of you when you sort of let down all of you know when you when you let go of all of the comparison itis I would assume this may be something that blossomed into, you know, a billion dollar brand. This may be something that's a launchpad into a new idea. But it's very clear to me that you've got the hang of the digital marketing stuff. Would that be accurate to say?

Cindy: I'm learning but I for sure, but I would not have opened my eyes to it the way that I did. I would never have thought of this if I hadn't taken the training. I just don't know. It was very hard to get through my head. Like I said, I kept coming from the place of work harder, work harder, like I just didn't understand it enough. And it's been life changing. I mean it's huge to me.

Dave:  Yeah, it's amazing what knowledge can do.

Cindy: It’s like the right knowledge.

Dave:  Well, the wrong knowledge as well. You know, knowledge is so powerful that we really underestimate its impact and how much it can change. You know, I was watching a documentary last night about an up and coming rapper who, you know, is basically blown up and in one line hit me. It was like he said at the end of the documentary that it was a whole loser. He didn't realize that it's a whole nother world. Growing up just a couple of streets over. You know what I mean? And, yeah, it was powerful. You know, he, the whole idea was that and that was the name of the documentary. And, you know, he was, you know, no longer kind of trapped, which is something that you know, a lot of people in the hip hop culture call, like a drug house like a Trump house, you know, so it was a clever use of words to call the documentary untrapped and kind of talk about this ex African American kind of dope boy who grew up in the slums in didn't know anything else existed because that was sort of where he grew up. And then kind of growing up in the knowledge of seeing the world in realizing that even in his own City, Atlanta, just a couple of streets over there were people living a completely different life. And now that he has that knowledge, it's like the world is his oyster. And I think that's our message here. Legend is that it's not really you that has to change like you do. developing good habits, discipline, consistency, those are all but really start with like here because it's hard to get your body to do something that it doesn't really understand yet. It's kind of like why am I doing this? But that's why we call the blueprints, the blueprints because it really is a difference between just swinging a hammer and understanding how to build the whole house. You know, when you're just swinging a hammer, it gets exhausting. And when you understand where you're going in what you're building, you can get more excited about it. And that's kind of what I hear you explaining this is that I saw where I went wrong with the written horse business where everything was print and nothing was digital. And now I see that I'm completely digital, all of the possibilities that I can do with another animal in a content driven business. And that's simply purely because you have new knowledge.

Cindy: Yes. Yes. It is. It's so eye opening though. And I think the hard thing is, you know, you realize when you're kind of grinding when you're struggling, it's hard to open your mind because sometimes you just survive. Just getting by is all you can think about. 

Dave:  It's true. We get life is hard, man, and we are surviving every day. And yes, absolutely. We're usually not going to just come to these conclusions kind of on our own. Like when we come into an environment like legendary and we're going through training if we want to get the most out of it. It's really important that we give ourselves time to go through the process, really let the information sink in and come back a few times and really listen to what people are saying before we prejudge it. Because the most powerful thing working against all of us is our limiting beliefs that we picked up from prior people, places or things in our life. Yeah.

Cindy: Well, like when I stopped using MLMs in my head, I was like, oh, okay, here we go again. I'm gonna suck at this one too, because, you know, I did 10 of them. And I was terrible. And I mean, it just wasn't a fit for me. And then when my husband, which is my Tiktok name, is making money, honey, which was a joke, because when I told my husband I was gonna do yet another thing. He's like, Oh my god, really? Why don't you just get a job? And I'm like that, because I don't want a regular job. I've never had one and he's a job guy. He's a nine to fiver job guy. He doesn't get this but he's finally seeing it now. 

Dave:  Yeah, yeah. Well, hopefully a lot of our clients are seeing it here too. You know, because a lot of people come in and have very limited visibility, about how far you can take this, how creative you can do, where did these skills and this knowledge really apply? Just in you know, promoting legendary marketer or working in the make money online niche? No, it's not. That's just what a lot of us see because we turn around in sort of, well, in many respects, we were already looking at that content on TikTok. And so TikTok continues to feed that so our world gets very, like kind of isolated in focus because of algorithms. And that's the problem with all of the world. You're not careful. The internet will surround you with nothing but your own eye. And then you'll really be backed into a corner. When you're only believing your own ideas, and you forget that there's a whole world with a bunch of people who have a bunch of other beliefs. Then guess what, you start to suck at selling, and you start to suck at being able to get along with people and persuade people because guess what? Not everybody has the same belief that you do. And so this is you're bringing out a lot of a lot of powerful stuff here.

Cindy: When I asked you a question, please when you started because I know your background. What made you see this and realize because you went through it, I mean, the same thing. You had to look at it and suddenly say, well we'll wait, wait a minute, this is better than physically working out. They're like, what did it for you?

Dave: Well, I was doing MLMs. I was telling them to lose and chasing. So I was on a construction site with my father in 2008. And there was a guy that kept coming by that we had previously worked on his house. His name was John, he joined an MLM. We were working at a home a couple of houses down on the street and John kept coming by every day on his lunch break and saying, This is the best thing since sliced bread. It was a cell phone MLM or refer three it was something and so I ordered the phone. I joined the business. All the money from that one construction job in the company went out of business before I got the phone. Oh, man. Yeah, but I had the bug. You know I had the bug. I had the bug of entrepreneurship. And so I got on the internet, and I started to learn how I can kind of take in MLM business because I did a little thing joining another one too. I think I ended up joining Numis. Network which was a numismatic coin and no longer in business. And you know, I came online looking how to generate leads basically, because I was passing out business cards I was collecting business cards. I thought the secret is don't pass them out. Collect them. Because then I can follow up with you. I swear to God, this is one of my things. I mean, these are some of the hundreds of business cards that I collected in 2008-2009. Again, to try to then follow up with people and none of it worked. I put magnets on the side of my truck to drive around. I thought that's the secret I'll be driving. I'll get more calls but none of it worked until I learned how to place it . Back then it was organic marketing that was not as powerful as it is now. So I started with Facebook ads and marketing training, how to generate leads online training. Other MLM errs

Cindy: Oh, I liked that. Instead of you chasing that,

Dave:  Well I became the hunted instead of the hunter and I still use that phrase to this day. I learned how to become the hunted instead of the hunter. And any business where you're the hunter, any business where you got to DM people you got to reach out to people when you got a cold coffee. That's why I say a lot of y'all come in the Facebook group and all this and you have people who are reaching out to you saying they want to be your coach. The only thing they can teach you is how to turn around and do cold out. That's all they know. So you have to be careful any business where you're the hunter is not a fun business. Anybody the hunted, you'd have to create, you have to find platforms or find specific leveraged activities like running an ad that's a leveraged activity because you got to pay for it but it's just it gets pumped out 1000 people you don't have to do the manual work. Speak one to many. That was the secret that I realized was I got to speak one to many to get people in and at least get them initially qualified. And then I can if I'm going to talk to him on the phone or whatever. I'm talking to really highly qualified people. So that was a little bit of my journey.

Cindy: That makes total sense though, but I think I was listening to you. One of the things too when I first started going back to being other people. If you don't know when you're in school and you're learning information when you just try to memorize it, you don't actually digest it and like to own the information. But once you legit understand, then it's so much easier to produce content because you get what you're trying to say. Instead of like when I first started I did pointing and I did this stuff. And I was just trying to copy because I didn't. I didn't feel it yet. I didn't get it. Does that make sense?

Dave: Totally get it. I mean, a lot of our students have to learn with their bodies. You can't learn with your mind. You have to learn by doing it. It's yeah, there's no way around it and that's why they do it yourself who route the people out on the internet who are teaching Internet marketing as if it's a lotto or a four slot machine. It is You're only wasting your time by doing that because yeah, do it. You gotta do it. I'll show you this one thing. This was my initial. This was my initial interview. You know back in 2010 of that particular company where I was an affiliate and selling some of that MLM stuff. This was when I was the member of the month 2010 This is 12 years ago, okay. 12 years ago. This was an interview that I did where I became the member of the bunch for that particular company. So I actually kept marketing to MLM errs until I had some results in that short of where my career launched from and I think that there's a lot there's a lot to say about creating a success story as an affiliate. You know, it's, you know, a lot of us are interested in multiple streams of income, but sometimes it's good to promote something and you can create a certain type of result within that company or community or within that affiliate program. And that was one of the things that I was able to do. Here I was able to become the Muslim. I was able to get a couple of awards and acknowledgments and I was able to use that to boost my confidence. And I was able to use that to boost and build my credibility on the internet as well. So you know, I started with that offer in 2009. And you can see that I'm getting interviewed here November 7 2010. So, you know, there was some time and dedication that was put into that. But anyways, enough about me before we wrap up. Do you have any other questions that you want to ask me?

Cindy: Well, I just find it interesting. Because like you, you went from because like this summer, I decided that I wanted organic stuff I decided to take a little mini mental break, maybe not on purpose. I did a roadside garden stand. And it all was lovely in the spring when the weather was beautiful, but when it was 90 degrees day after day after day, and I'm out there sweating, and I'm like, cup you know, it really makes you remember it made me remember why I really want to learn this. That's not the way I mean I grew a beautiful beach thing. When that was one of the things you got to look at the numbers, you've got to look at the business and I realized physically, I could only grow so much. You can't charge $30 A tomato like you can only make so much money and it just reminded me there's so much bigger out there. You know like I mean physical is great, but

Dave:  It was exhausting. Well, that's the benefit of information. The benefit of information in selling information is that you can charge a premium for it right and the reason why you can do that is because to the person who doesn't need that information, it's completely valueless. They wouldn't pay a penny for it. And for the person who really wants the information and also needs it. They're willing to pay a premium for it. And that was what I realized was that the importance of picking a niche in dialing it in in speaking to a specific audience in really understanding their pain points, and then being able to present a solution that could solve even if it was one problem. One problem like for an MLM or to be able to generate leads online. That's just one problem. You know what I mean? So if you can solve one problem, all in on that it's really something and the other thing that I realized which I'll just drop on everybody, is that I realized the biggest audience was always going to be the people who are looking to get started. The people who are thinking or getting ready to give anything worth thinking about it. And so I see a lot of people coming on and they're marketing specifically to affiliate marketers, and they're using all that specific language. Well, if you're in this niche, and you're marketing to them, and I'm only speaking from my experience, I'm not saying everybody needs to go and maybe make money online it with a Christian example that speak to their pain speak to their every day probably don't get so caught up on industry jargon, that you forget that the majority of your audience doesn't understand art and so I think the same thing applies in all the niches that people mostly come online because they want like you said a release of dopamine, they want to quick joy they want to escape. They don't even come on tick tock to learn. If you're dropping mad knowledge on it's kind of like, may not be ready for that. But storytelling entertainment curiosity is the way to tease people in or Chum the Waters to get them in. And then you offer them something in exchange for their email address. Which begins the relationship. That's really the beginning of the relationship when they say yes, you may enter into my private inbox.

Cindy: What do you think? What would you say then for him that that's the right direction for the adventure newsletter because that's kind of where I got that idea obviously from going through the training that I need to get him in. I need to collect that. But I didn't want his content to look. I didn't want his content to be salesy. But once I draw them in if I do it in a way that is very fun, and it Do you think that's the right direction?

Dave:  I do think that you can create anything like there's no real wrong direction as long as you're following the basics of the business model, which the basics of any business model online and really any business in 2022 should be to build your database and send them some sort of a value ladder over time. Right. So, you know, value first email, and then everything should be education based sales, you know, just like we do here. Right? There. It's kind of the same. This literally applies in any niche and what would I do in exchange for their email? Just really simple, maybe test a couple of different lead magnets like these are the five best places to travel with. In America, or you know, something that you know, what's really valuable, short, easy, quick exchange, and I'll send you more, you know, cool guides like this in the future or something like that. And you can order them you want after the on the landing page, you could offer that there's so many different things that you can do Yeah, I mean, it's it's it's really incredible, but I think you have to ask yourself really when we're there's like the reason why people spend money in the Make Money Online. niche is because there's an ROI attached to it. They can logically justify it. You know what I mean? Like emotionally I want this in life. I want a better market. I want to get rid of the pain, but it's going to cost money. Oh crap. Okay, well, I can make the money back and then we start to logically. So the question is people are going to be very emotional about their dogs. When it comes time to ask for me and James for somebody's going to be a logical moment where people are going to have to justify the price. And the question is, how do you do that? One way that you can do that is in one way that a lot of companies do that is well, the money that you're going to save is going to make way more than what you're going to spend on this subscription. Right. The other thing is that an idea is how to never board your dog. You know, there's so many different things that I think people would enjoy. But one thing I don't want to I don't want to miss here is just the justification of justifying the purchase logic. And so there it can't just be entertainment, unless there's a bunch of people who are not, but I think there's too much animal content that's free. So how can you justify it with your specific knowledge to both entertain them, but also to provide real financial savings or something else that's going to move the needle for them so they can logically justify the sale? Does that make sense?

Cindy: Yes. Do you think it also, I thought about not only his stuff, but I don't know if there was a way to introduce how to if you want to make your pet? Yeah. Is there a way that you think slip in where it doesn't come across salesy, but like a lot of people would like to do this?

Dave:  The trick to making a lot of money in sales and marketing is learning how to tie current events, stories, or just things that seem unrelated into your product to your offer. And what I mean by that is, analogies, parables, stories are the most powerful way to get somebody to understand what you're talking about. It's why parables and things have been spoken and used in religious texts and so forth for 1000s of years. Because people remember stories. It's why people you know, why their stories and children's books and so forth, and we watch movies and it's why we attach to those things because we can process stories a lot better than we can process just random information. You know what I mean? Because we're emotional and survival based beings, that are also connected or we are. Connection is important to us human beings as well. So data, it's not, we don't hold feelings and stuff like that. So I think that I think that I think that being able to tie in points into what you're doing and in stories and things of that nature into what you're doing and sort of in sort of, so for example, it'd be like Hey, buddy, here, look, you know, I live a really good life in I don't know, I tend to be sort of the the coming I'm imagining has this personality that he may or may not have, but hey, it's buddy here in the email writing. And you know what, I'm a gangster pimp player Mac. And I live an amazing life. I mean, seriously, I got more clothes than most of the guys in my neighborhood. You know what I mean? And I eat. I mean, it's like, it's like, I feel like I've got a Michelin chef in the kitchen. I mean, I'm constantly snacking on the best salmon in the world. It's unbelievable. And in order for me to continue to live this life so my mom my mom's you continue to make lots of money. And there's a couple of ways in which she does that. You see that? You see how the transit so it's this used humorous and I just use it but what I did was I created a transition to introduce and talk about ways to make money online. And what I mean by your, I've always said that your income is simply it's in direct proportion to your creativity. In that's why we don't mark it here, like, oh, we'll do all the things in 14 because, like those ideas of telling that story and then tying it into your product, or using a current event and tying it into your product or your service is you know, really the real trick to taking your sales and your marketing to the next level because now you can relate to so many different we can do content and that's the power of analogies. If I talk to an 18 year old kid in Wyoming, a 54 year old 55 year old guy in LA I need to use different stories. I need to use a different analogy to connect with that individual. That's why those are so important.

Cindy: I love that. I just got that was so huge, because that is exactly it and that is his personality. He's a terrier. So he's what I love so it transitions beautifully without coming across as hey, let me tell you something.

Dave:  Totally, totally. And that also, if it doesn't make you laugh, and you don't have fun writing it and doing it. It's not going to be funny to people. It's like a lot of times we're mad because our content is not taken off, but you're in 2022 and like content is king. Content is queen. So you have to put forth a little bit more that's why analogies and I talked about this in the blueprint analogies. parables. Stories are so important. Also, I think the cool thing is you're almost like a pen name, but it's clearly another you know, it's an animal you get to you could if you wanted to be more bougie than you would normally be yourself if you were talking, you know what I mean? And so I think that's kind of a fun part about it. There was a guy named Kelly Felix, who did a promotion called the rich jerk, and it's where he sold an internet marketing training but he hired an actor in the rich jerk who walked around like, you guys could not be successful as I am. You know, you know, he's got models around him and he's just talking down to people like he said better because he's rich, the rich jerk, but he's gonna do you peasants a favor, and he's gonna let you into his course. So you can learn the same skills, and it was funny as shit and he just sold tons. And so, you know, again, creativity, if your creativity is low, your views are going to be low, your income is going to be low, you have to be, that's the key. There's nowhere in the world and 2022 to where you know, just pressing a button is going to make you rich anywhere on this globe and we are too much of an advanced species for you to have such low expectations of anybody who's listening. So, you know, it's about being entertaining. It's about being polarizing, you can stick to your values, but anything that when somebody comes on your video, it throws them off a little bit or it's just you telling a story that just doesn't sound like everybody else. That's the point.

Cindy: I think that's the hard part too, like me. From the magazine, I became very generic because I didn't want to polarize anyone, and that's a mistake, because then your personality doesn't come out. I mean, you don't have to go on and intentionally antagonize people. But you have to, you can't just be tan, you can't be generic about everything because you're bored.

Dave: It's better to just be you and I mean, you know, there's a lot of I'm not a big politics and religion guy, but I mean, there's a lot of people who have used politics and religion to polarize people in 2022. You know, they take up political sovereignty. They call out the, you know, the freedoms seekers or the Patriots or whatever. Like I don't get into all that because I tend to not get wrapped up in any politics only values right? But it's true, it polarizes people. It gives people either a live or live view and we're also afraid to be hated, or excuse me, they get people to either love you. We're also afraid to be hated, but we don't realize how much we can be loved.

Cindy: I think they are afraid to be hated, afraid to make a mistake, afraid. There's all of those fears, especially you know, starting out and something like you said, you're afraid. I was afraid of what people would think of me. I didn't want my friends to see I was doing something else because I was like, Oh my God, they're gonna go here. You know, you get caught up. They don't think about me. I don't know why I think they do. They don't waste their day. But you get caught up in your own mind. You know, you do. Like, they don't care what they're doing.

Dave:  They don't, they don't and you are a piece of entertainment for them for a second where they talk some sort of smack to their husband about you. Who gives a shit. It's like that's just them. It doesn't affect you. Maybe they're projecting their disappointment and their own wealth. But if we just all imagine for a second that the whole world that the whole world just for like just sits in that for five or 10 minutes. And what's first, can you imagine the worst possible thing that could happen? In sort of, sort of condition your skin that way, you know, to toughen up and thicken up your skin. And also if you can reframe, I think the most powerful way to deal with hate is to reframe things and to really realize that when somebody's speaking, hate on to you, that they're just simply disappointed in themselves, and they'd rather take it out on somebody else than say, and so that's a huge reframe that allows you to not get caught up anyway, because, as you probably know, we're hard enough on ourselves if you just kind of drifted out, we're on worst critic.

Cindy: Yeah, I agree, I think. Yeah, I think I want more people. You talked about your mindset if more people started there, and I think what I found very important for me because like I said, my husband, he's a good guy, but he's not of the same mindset as I am. You have to fill your mind with good stuff. You will have the light coming at you know, listen to a podcast, listen to a show, listen to an audio book, keep putting good content in and it'll balance it out, but you have to put the good in I think, you know, I listened to a ton of Vox.

Dave:  The reason why I do this show is because I think that listening to real conversations is the most powerful way to both learn but also learn mentally but also learn at a physical level. Because, you know, again, it's not about what somebody tells you, it's about how it makes you feel. And what we need as entrepreneurs is competence. And so the question really here is this right here. If you listen to people who lack confidence in themselves and lack conviction, when they speak, you will, you will adapt that if you listen to people who have confidence, they speak who have conviction, and it doesn't mean that people who don't have competence, it's not a good or bad. It's not better or worse. It's just if you have a specific target, meaning you want to become more confident, and that is the number one thing that we all need to do to become successful as entrepreneurs. I believe personally, the most powerful way to do that, don't listen to confident people speak because when you listen and watch and that's why I'm on camera every day when you know, I'm not confident about everything that I speak about why I don't have a podcast or a show on every niche. But when you listen to somebody speak with confidence and conviction about what they're talking about. You become more emboldened. You become more confident and I've got a great example to prove the point. World War. The Nazis, who in their right mind would think that doing what he says is in any way a good idea, but because he spoke it was such confidence influenced an entire country to do unspeakable unspeakable not a whole lot of people. unspeakable acts now, was every single one of those people born evil. I don't think so. I don't believe so. I'm not trying to minimize or justify their behavior. But what I'm saying is that, when we listen to matters, we want to develop our confidence, then we need to listen to other human beings speak about the things that we want to do. Make them make sense to us. Help us to believe in ourselves a little bit more and again, based on the example I just gave, that really can go either way. So we also have to be careful.

Cindy: But it is believed, I mean, believing that you can do it. Yeah, getting little success by stacking bins. Like I started doing some Amazon stuff. I have a page called daisies deals. And it's kind of silly. I do promo codes and discounts, low commissions. I mean, I just started it not long ago, I made I don't know 30 commissions or something. They're small, but it stacks the winds every day because I'm learning. I'm learning what people like. I'm learning how to bring people into my group. I'm learning how to do stuff. So it might be a $2 commission but it's proven over and over that I can do this and that and I made money with legendary I've made money promoting it. I like it so I'm starting to go, okay, I'm not, I'm no expert, but I'm getting it like he's made money. I mean, it's exciting.

Dave:  It is exciting and gives me confidence. That's the big thing that we have to remember that when we hear this beginning it's less about building income and more about building confidence. And if we look at it like that, that was one of the big takeaways of that documentary that I watched last night on that rapper Lil Baby. It's called untrapped. And what the real takeaway that I had from that particular documentary was how good he got just in a couple like a year at rapping. Like he wasn't a rapper. He wasn't a rapper at all, wasn't kind of a street hustler and he got out of prison and they sat out on the streets, you know what I mean? Get to create income in a different way. And so he practiced, work being worked on everybody, and you could tell the difference between like his first album and his third album or fourth album, these like two albums a year. So he was really practicing and rapping a lot and his competence from the first to like the third album, because he outworked everybody so fast. People were like this guy's now one of the best rappers in the world. Right and so that building of confidence versus building of income in that first year, I think is such a great focus. Because if you can build your confidence it's one thing like even if you can become the most competent plumber in the world that's really what you need. Because when you walk up to a job. There's a lot of power in saying I'm not too cheap in town, but I'll do it right. Yep. If I don't do it right. I'll come back and fix it for free. Yep, that's the plumber that I want. Not the guy who says I'll be the cheapest in town. We'll be in and out fast.

Cindy: It is. It's a very short story. I had to share what I found in a field. Do you know much about shows versus like hunters indoors? Because you're in Florida. 

Dave:  There’s a lot of shows my six year old did throughout all of 2014-2021 didn't get into showing but learned how to write and we spent many many hours at an equestrian bar. 

Cindy: I only paid $2,300 because he turned out to be one of the most amazing show horses. Do you know what the Devon Horse Show is? Have you heard of Devon? It's the oldest and one of the biggest outdoor horse shows it's been. I think it's over 100 years old. They usually bring in like the top 30 horses from the country. You have to qualify. So we drove in and I had a crappy old horse trailer. I have a horse that I paid $2,300 for. And I'm looking around at these hundreds of 1000s of dollars worth of horses, big name trainers, people and my horse and I want to add what was amazing. I borrowed competence because I didn't have it in myself. But I had it in him. And I borrowed it and I feel like in this you know, however you have to feel confident at first and then you do it and the confidence will develop like if people are struggling. Go Live or like find someone to go on live with you. Like if you're struggling in your first life I know so many people have gone on with me because I just talked too much. But they need to borrow it. You know what I mean? And like, just just do it and you'll get good at discovering he started he wasn't a rapper, but he did it he practiced. And now he's amazing.

Dave:  Yeah, yeah, exactly. And then you know, it's it's, it's really something because you develop confidence rather quickly. It is interesting, the biggest leap that anybody makes is getting started. You borrow confidence quickly, and you're right. You can borrow it from other people Jay Leno said to set one time that he's in this guy is if I'm going to take success advice from anybody. Jay is so successful. He was so successful for so many days. And now he's got the best collection of classic cars in the world. Like Jay Leno's Garage is a TV show and he said that you don't have to believe in yourself, you just have to when you're getting started get other people to believe in you. And man that's some powerful wisdom because if I waited until I believed in myself, I would never I would never get started. I did not believe in myself when I got started. There are days when I struggle with self esteem even to this day, it's not as bad as it used to be but I am a human being with a rough past and a lot of things that I've had to work through and overcome. And so do you. So all those who sit there and say a lot to juggle? No, you got it all if you've been through just as much stuff as I have. So don't minimize your own problems. All of you out there listening and what you've been through. But yeah, I didn't have any belief in myself. And so I started to just focus on delivering value. Trying to show that there was a better way to do MLM show people there was a way to earn, like, that's how I started like it was with that kind of it was with that energy. And my confidence grew over time because I saw that people were believing in what I was doing. And I kind of use that as your as my I mean, that's what you have to do. You can't use mentors who can ask a mentor if you're doing it well enough. You got to go ask them. Your mentor is not going to pay you, you're paying him. You have to go ask the marketplace to believe in you and work on getting them to believe in you. And man you once once one person believes one person. Thank you that was from and you can have 100 negative comments, but it's all it takes a lot of times just one person to DM you say that changed my life. Thank you for the school. You're like, oh, yeah, okay, let's go. You know.

Cindy: It feels good.

Dave:  It's addicting.

Cindy: Yeah. In a good way, but I do I think you know, like you said, you have to, you have to look around and like I think that brought up a point of content in the beginning when I was getting low views on my content. You had to be honest with yourself and say okay, if they're not watching it, it's because I'm freaking boring. Like you got to like you say be honest with yourself, but you have to be honest, like, if it sucks, it sucks. You know, don't cry about it. I realized that about my weight. I've always been chubby, and I used to get upset about it. Like if someone would say something and I finally was like, You know what, it's not emotional. Like if my dog was on weight, I would just be like, okay, dude, we're gonna give you some different food. You don't cry about it. You know what? I kind of made a change. And I'm like, you can't get emotional about all of that stuff, though. You know? 

Dave:  Too, isn't it? Yeah. It's like, yeah, sorry. No, I mean, it's exhausting and I am constantly a wave pool for everybody's comments, like based on what you say, sending a wave of sadness or a wave of anxiety. I have to. Yeah, I have to. I have to really, really put a lot of weight on the positive belief build moments and supporters. And I have to really put zero belief on the haters in the negative. And if I can find somebody that believes in me, and that's why I think this community can be so powerful for each one of us, is because we can always find one person in this community that can believe in us like if you're working, you can find one person that can believe in you. And even if you don't have that person at home, I realized my wife couldn't be everything for me. Like she can't be my cheerleader and my rock and my lover and my best friend and an amazing mom and like I gotta have realistic expectations. So I got to also be willing to be an adult and not complain about everybody in my life, not supporting me, but go and find people who do support me and feed off of their beliefs if I can't, because you know what? Our spouses love us deeply and eventually they'll come around, but I have to be responsible for my own success. And if you're not going to give me the belief in you for or that I need or that I want. I have to be a big boy or big girl and go for those. And that's what I did in the sense like when I started my wife didn't know what the hell I did. We were just recently getting clean. So it wasn't like I had a track record of being some great business person. And she didn't. She knew what she was like, that's great. And I had numismatic coins from that MLM. There was a moment that I couldn't pay my half of the bill. And she said, I don't give a shit ghost, take those numismatic coins to the jewelry store. ” I was like, Oh God, this is something that is my business. Which, you know, she was just in reality. Yeah, you know, a lot of times as entrepreneurs, we get in the cloud. You know, so my, it's about also pointing at expectations in the proper places. And there are people. It was a couple of years, and my wife's always been the foundation and it was probably a couple of years before my wife really got it. It was like this is a career for you. 

Cindy: Keep doing it. 

Dave:  Work in the same room together every day and we're on a different you know, in a different place.

Cindy: But you're a great example for people that I mean I you know, I think a lot of people appreciate that about your story is that you're honest with it, you you don't hide it, you tell people because it is your story and it shows you set your mind to it you get the right education, you open your mind to ideas, and then you do the work. You can look at what you did.

Dave:  Yeah, I think it's and it all happened. Honestly, I didn't plan any of it. I mean, I just really put them the same way that each one of us has success. It's not a secret or anything but it's all we've talked about today and a great example I agree with a lot with you, buddy, I'm sure this guy is a real professor. I mean, I really know how to sit there through an interview. And it's got that media trained,

Cindy: But he's a maniac when he's not when he's not here. He's funny when I tell you. He's like a maniac. He's so good, though. When he feels like you have one. I know you gotta go boardshorts Do you think it's beneficial for his life? He wants to have some buddy buddy stuff like cards with like, I have all these cute pictures of him, some like sort of buddy merch but not tacky like, you know, not not tacky stuff. He wants to have some nice things to like companies like Tito's vodka and they give a portion of their proceeds to a rescue. Do you think that that gives a portion of his earnings to a rescue?

Dave:  I mean, my experience as a thing behind me or as a part of my office is that it didn't move the needle because our people and they're only going to be motivated by something that they want to. Oftentimes they want to put their money towards the charity that they want to make sure that money was to and I think that when you start to do a charity thing, you also open up your business for yourself. 

Cindy: Yes, I never thought about that. Yeah, you're right, it opens up a huge they want to know where you're spending your money. If he wants to donate then he just went donation out of his arm. Okay, see, I'm glad I asked you that.

Dave:  Actually I did marketing for me when I did it selling the product. If it's a charity only event, if it's something like that, that's different auction, but if it's a I'm going to, I felt that some of the companies that have done a charitable thing like toms, they make a pair of shoes and they get us away or there's some companies that make socks for repair, they sell they give one away. I took the growth of those companies if that actually made sense if that's been a long term good strategy, but it never dawned on me to want to buy the shoes. I bought one pair one time in my sweaty feet so that I never bought another pair.

Cindy:That's true. I never thought about that. Does it make me buy the product? The only one that I like is Tito's vodka because they have an actual dog rescue. So that's a different, right, you're right. I never looked like, Oh, I'm gonna buy these cards because they donate money to the kitty rescue or something. You're right. Yeah.

Dave:  And, you know, Rolex is a great example of that like Rolex. A. Hans will offend or like to create a foundation and in less than a business to the foundation. So it's a nonprofit, and Rolex themselves does a lot of environmental work. Cool. It makes you feel good about buying a watch from them. Because there's that element on top of the watch. But yes, you're right. They've, they are the foundation verb. I think there's different psychology as you just pointed out, so let's do a follow up to come back and bring more questions. Anyone who's featured on the show can fire off any questions. And yeah, buddy.

Cindy:He wants to know if you make legendary shirts in his size.

Dave:  Not that I know of. There's a possibility that we could put it on the wish list and could have done the merch.

Cindy: So much. It has been so awesome. Oh, can I make you say analogies by No, no, I picture what I learned were really seen in Wizard of Oz where she black and white. She opens the door and everything is in color. Remember that scene? That's what learning this has been for me. 

Dave:  It’s like a whole new world. So Well, thank you. Great to talk to both of you and keep up there. Legendary. See you, buddy. We'll talk to you later. We'll follow you on social and support you again so follow your journey. Okay.

Cindy: Thank you so much. It's been a pleasure. Thanks.

Dave:  Take care, Cindy. All right. There you have it. Wow. A totally different totally, totally different angle on what we're teaching here and how it can be used. So let that marinate. Second. There were a lot of nuggets that just came up sort of spontaneously as well throughout this episode, so definitely worth a read. Listen. And we'll see you back here for another episode. Tomorrow. If you want to make sure you never miss an episode. Then you can subscribe to our texting list and you can just text the words Wu l uppercase, I don't even think it has to be case sensitive to the number on your screen. We'll shoot a little text message right before we go live. Just click the button and go right over to our live video. So make sure that you do that. We'll never spam or send any crap. I mean, maybe sell something or offer something one day to that list, but we haven't yet in a couple years so it'd be pretty good. Alright my friends. Yeah. Wow, what an episode if you want to be featured. If you have a business that you've launched, it's in a weird niche and you've gone through our training and you think that you could offer some value back and have a cool conversation. Then go and apply and fill out our questionnaire to be featured on the show and again, Cindy, and thanks again to of course her influencer buddy. Alright, see you guys later. Have a great day. Get out of here. Be Legendary.

How To Handle Negativity On Social Media

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave:  Hey what's going on my friends happy Monday and welcome to wake up legendary. My name is Dave Sharpe today and I'm going to be very hydrated. This is only one of three drinks that are standing by. And so I hope you have some half man or whatever keeps you going as well. And we'll have a fantastic guest once again. I'm really excited to talk to another one of our fantastic members, legendary marketers. Here's an Army vet and nurse who has built her business and had some results early and 42,000 views on a first reel. Wow. Holy smokes. We're setting the expectations really high. Let's welcome Stephanie to the show. Those are some fantastic results. I'm sure not not an overnight success. Although I'm excited to hear all about your journey, and tell us where you're calling in from.

Stephanie:  I'm calling them from Missouri, southwest Missouri. I have lived here my whole life. Yeah, yeah, I was in Kansas for a little bit but

Dave:  I got you Yeah, me as well. I've been in the same city. Even my children two of my three kids are born in the same hospital that I  was born in.

Stephanie: There you go. That's awesome.

Dave:  I can relate to the hometown thing. So tell us your legendary story. How did you find us and what were you looking for?

Stephanie:  Well, you know, funny thing. I really wasn't even looking for a side hustle or anything. So that's kind of a different, you know, kind of perspective for us, you know, and I was just scrolling along Facebook reels one day and it was different things. I was like, wow, that's really interesting. What in the world is she talking about? So it was kind of a little, you know, kind of trying to figure things out there. So checked up, see what she had to offer. And that's kind of how I ended up here. But I mean, a little more backstory before that. Yeah, that one thing that kept us all in our houses for a long time and just kind of messed with everybody's financial situation a little bit. built up a little bit of hey, you know, let's check this out because I had a certain specialty that I worked in, and then it was kind of low census for just different like facilities they were kind of saving up money for like worst case scenario, things so then they tend to cut positions or not post new jobs. So then I went back and worked as an RN for a little bit because I'm, I'm a nurse practitioner. So I went back and worked on the floor during that time frame. And it was a really good experience though helping other people that were really sick and all and then I have a good stable NP job now, but then just different things that accrue like debt and school loans that are already there that just kind of puts a damper on things also. And it's like, Man, how am I going to manage all that and then my favorite was scrolling through the Facebook girls. I wasn't even on Tik Tok or anything. So I was just like, wow, let's check that out. 

Dave: So you became more open to opportunity because you're in the medical field. And you were there to help there to serve. And it's just not. It's not an abundance and there's not enough stability and there's not enough security for you. You did like any human being would do if you were your prey or even like you said, looking for something but you are entertaining yourself. You are open minded to other possibilities. And so the millimeters that you would be calling or starting an online business.

Stephanie:  I mean, Honestly, that was really interesting to me. It's not to say like, learn all about this, you know, so it's more than just working your nine to five I mean, you can still have your passion like said nursing is my passion. And I love helping people. And also I was a nurse practitioner when I worked as an RN

Dave: Yeah. And don't you find coming from a place of being of service and leadership in your other role? Not so amazing. That is so this, those same just good personal skills and communication skills, just quality leadership skills. People feel competent, making people feel cared for making people feel seen, not being you know, like a lot of times we see people on the internet who are they seem like they're mean or passive aggressive or whatever, but really bringing that good compassion and that good solid quality service based leadership over into now this business don't you see? Also as I see how if you can just focus on really those qualities in those skills in this business, nearly half the battle would you agree with that? 

Stephanie:  Oh, yeah, absolutely. For sure. Yeah. And like we just let you know by the way people show like come on and get all those little golden nuggets of information to apply to everything. And so the 50,000 year old secret here, mainly just communication, just relates with other people.

Dave:  I mean, in you know, nursing, I really have learned a big lesson. In the past, I'd say, you know, since we launched this business, this is sort of like, I learned so much now in the second part of my career. I don't know if it's the second half of this is, you know, when I started I, I had all this impostor syndrome and all of the kind of trying to get comfortable in my own skin and figure out what my message was and really decide do I want to know that much about what am I risking versus what am I getting for doing that and, and but now in this kind of phase in my career after I've settled down a little bit, I really was that, you know, I really start to understand like people like Warren Buffett, who says the number one secret is to delight the customer. That is such a simple thing, but there's so much to it because my ego gets in my way. If my ego gets in my way, and I can do what they say, cut off your nose to spite your face. It's kind of like where I'm the one I'm my own worst enemy. So like, like for example, if I'm creating content, a good practical example would be if I'm creating content, somebody leaves a negative message and then I get nasty in the comments back to that person, or get passive aggressive or feel that I need to go in and make that person look dumb by leaving a more meaningful way in it's like that just that's not delighting the customer that's letting my ego kind of get in the way and it's taken a long time for me to run that. How are you with your background in the medical field as well as the mayor? How are you navigating? You know, kind of bringing a message out to potable water. You're not really in the safety of a medical office, where everything's confidential, you're kind of being yourself out there. There's other people putting themselves out there. How is this different and how are you dealing with it?

Stephanie:  Well, like you said, you know, there are the people with their negative comments and things so that is, that is a little challenging. I think I find the best thing to do with some of those with the negativity just kind of, you know, try to answer it the best you can or something nice to say just kind of you know, let it die. Just kind of, but yeah, just trying to reach out the best I can but some people just want to be negative. Unfortunately, you find that anywhere. When taking care of people in the medical field. Sometimes they just but then just like listening, listening is a real key that I find well, just try and get to the root of the problem and just, you know, explore different avenues might be upsetting them or this and that. And I've done that with my DMs I guess to just try to see where they're coming from and like, you know, what, what are you worried about? or worried about the legitimacy of stuff and I'm like, hey, check me out. I've got a Facebook group. I've got this and that, you know, don't be afraid, you know, I will answer whatever questions I'm being transparent about. Whatever, whatever you want to know.

Dave:  Yeah. And in what I hear you saying and kind of what I sense from your energy, is that it you know, you've from your experience in the military and in the medical field. What I would assume has been really valuable is learning how to temper your emotions, and stay present and not take things personal. You know, a patient for example, I can only imagine some of the things that you've experienced with patience. And so you've got a skill that you've developed to deal with people on many different emotional levels and what I'm hearing you describe is how you're now applying that here and when somebody lashes out maybe with anger, which is probably just fear, you're kind of coming back not throwing something mean back at them or whatever, but saying, Hey, what's going on? I'm sorry, you feel that way? Or kind of trying to soften the situation a little bit. Is that what I'm hearing?

Stephanie:  Right, exactly. And mean? Yeah, that's really the main thing. It's not like a problem with you. It's like maybe a problem with like, past maybe for example, gurus of like people trying to say that they're trying to teach people different affiliate marketing things and they have 1000s of problems with that or you know, and then they're kind of a little jaded from that. So yeah, that's one thing that I get down to the bottom of and that's where that's coming from. 

Dave:  Well, I always say that we can use our experience from past jobs being parents to do all this stuff. In this business, because of the business of people in sort of building relationships, and just providing value, which is something that a lot of us are not used to because we're mechanical or we kind of look at jobs as like, I'm here to do the thing but not interact. With the people. And the challenge is, is that commerce business is all and I know we're all afraid that one day games or robots are going to take over all of our jobs, but it's just not possible. Because critical thinking we have brains that can't be replaced. Compassion can't be replaced, those things can't be replaced. And so you know, I just it's, it's, it's very, it's very interesting to me, because what I found is all of my past skills that I've developed in other areas or use, everything overlaps is the point that I'm trying to make and that's why I'm so big on resource development, no matter what it looks like for you, because it will spill over good half, spill over good quality, spill over the things that you love. That is your employer's job right now. They're useful. Don't you know, sometimes we get this like, I hate the job. I want to fight the boss and it's like, but how you do one thing is how you do everything. So in order to make a dignified transition into entrepreneurship, you have to make a deal and feel good about yourself. You have to make a dignified exit from your job. And I know we all love to fantasize about going into our boss and saying you're fired. And that's fine. You can do that. I just always say make sure you can live with it. You know what I mean? Anyways, I digress just a bit. So tell us what happened with your journey kind of going through some of the started

Stephanie:  Well, you know, just really the main thing is like eating, eating our own cooking, you know, whatever we teach we do. So I think that's, you know, a very important part of affiliate marketing itself. Just being able to stand behind your products and things and decade into day that was just amazing. It was just so much information. So it's just got to write it all down. You know, it gets me all excited. There's all sorts of stuff and like all possibilities, I'm like, Oh my gosh, like I can read a nursing book. I can take a nursing course too now, but it's so I can focus on the affiliate marketing part and promoting whatever, somebody else's product and get that down. Get all the relationships down, being able to apply what you've already done to this new skill set. And yeah, so that was really the big thing there. Learn how to get leads. Traffic first. 

Dave:  Great example of how a woman used an ad about nursing in the Facebook section of the affiliate marketing business blueprint. So make sure that you check that out, if you haven't already, because, you know, a lot of times we can speak if we're if I'm a construction worker, I can write an ad or I can speak to other construction workers and in really, really dial in you know, when in be very, very relatable when I talk to them. But what the interesting thing is, is that other people who hear it they say Well Would it apply me as an architect would it apply to me I'm a lawyer for people get great people in the in the Facebook funnel section of the affiliate marketing business blueprint, where a girl used an ad and she said attention nurses and she and she was talking specifically to nerve and shoot, she's standing in her scrubs. And she dropped a comment below and an ad. She ran it as an ad and instead of just trying to get the click, she was going for the engagement. And she said drop a comment below if you want me to send you information. And since we're full of a doctor, would this apply to me? I'm a plumber. Would this apply? Right? Oh, because it was just targeted and in a long time. feel excluded. They want to be included. You know what I mean? So it's a unique angle. I just want to mention that to make sure that you check it out because well, let me ask you, are you speaking at all to people in the medical field in your marketing or are you being general and not speaking specifically to people in the medical field? Do you talk at all about your experience or how do you relate that into this business? Or Or do you compartmentalize?

Stephanie:  I do a little bit of explanation like in my story. But kind of mainly kind of more broad like people that have been to college that have student debt. I find that to be a big pain point. I've heard a lot of people say things about you know, hey, I've got all these loans. And what do I do? I manage that. Yeah, but then those payments are pretty hefty sometimes. 

Dave:  yeah. Okay, so that's a huge thing that you see that you can make a connection with as you can. A lot of people can relate to that specific pain point is big time student debt. What about credit card debt do you talk about? Because I think that it's much again, it goes back to marketing being more effective when you talk to people's pains rather than when you try to talk about things and have because again, remember, you can have you know, I mean, I can have six packs or six pack. I can have a six pack, you know, whatever I can have, you know, all these other things. That's fine. I'm gonna sit right here. Cool. I'm gonna talk about that. But let me tell you if I get a toothache, My ass is in that dentist's chair. Right. So it's kind of like when we sell pleasure. It's not as powerful as if we sell reading of the pain. And you know, one of the things that I think legendary marketers talk about the resection of the business brands, and I go through sort of the history in that first section some of those legendary marketers, what they know is that sometimes people don't know how to also have to agitate them and get their face and if you can do it in a way that's not as like, Hey, here's your pain to make them feel shame. If you can kind of tell stories. You weave it in and right it's it's a it's a it's a magical formula that gets people to I think, I think the big thing that makes it all work is if you wrap the pain in your own story so they can identify with it, rather than trying to say you're wrong or you're bad, and here's why. I can fix you. Do you agree with that? It's really powerful when you make things inclusive, you know, and even if you look at all of the offers on the internet, they make it seem like you can join an exclusive secret society of gurus and it's like, the truth is people don't really want that. They want to look at America, like it is the birthplace of lots of different cultures and races. And religions. And guess what? It's the crown jewel of the planet because of that, and people want that inclusive feeling that everybody's not at a certain level and they're gonna walk in and be like this. You know, loser. How do you make people feel comfortable? How do you create a welcoming space in your community? Stephanie:anie and you mentioned a Facebook group. And so how do you work? How you make people feel welcome and a part of and comfortable to reach out or to join your Facebook group. And to take the next step?

Stephanie:  Yeah, well, I would say, you know, first off laying things

Dave:  That's going to be a safety thing.

Stephanie:  You know, no, hate speech, that kind of thing. And then great other roles before they go into the Facebook group. And, you know, like any of that, even this group, I think that just creates an aura of security with that. And then just being welcoming when people join, just kind of making it a post and welcoming them there. And, yeah, I'm just trying to still kind of get the hang of things and bounce in that with everything else. But yeah, just kind of being upfront. Yeah, saying it's gonna be a safe place and facilitating conversation that way. Yeah.

Dave:  What's your main things that you focus on in your in your, in your marketing in your content creation in terms of E? How are you coming up with ideas? How are you and what did the first few videos feel like or how are they different from the ones that you're doing now?

Stephanie:  Well, the first few were kind of uncomfortable. You know, they were like it's you're not really used to seeing yourself initially honestly, because like, oh, that's what I look like and that's kind of a little scary. Our own worst critic Chanel, so he just kind of

Dave:  Really are. Just when we're on video, you know, like an audience like an interview or a zoom or whatever. We're just looking at ourselves the whole time. We're not even looking at the other people. Let's just hope we're all and I was trying to explain that to my daughter yesterday. We were walking up to a little birthday party and she was like, you were a little late and she was like, I feel embarrassed. I was like, I know. I felt a lot embarrassed and it's weird because as an adult, I don't feel like that anymore. What I kind of realized was everybody else was, you know, feeling embarrassed or worried about themselves as well. You know, I realized everybody wasn't looking at me. So she was like, I think, you know, you try to talk and explain things like that to a six year old and at the end, she's kind of like, I still feel embarrassed. But I'm sorry. So you're not sure if they are uncomfortable. And how are those different from what's coming out of you now and onto the internet?

Stephanie:  Yeah, I think just I mean, repetition is key and consistency. is key. Just kind of any new skill you learn in life is just you kind of gotta keep doing it. Keep doing it to get more comfortable with it. Just like any new nursing skills, you know, you got to practice your IVs until you get on we got to practice all your spec in your bags and all communication you got to practice that. So just as I keep going along, it's easier and easier. You just gotta think everything is content, you know, like, hey, you know, at a theme park, let's do like the horizon of the rights, that's content or put some words on that or, you know, you're just walking along on your walk walking your dog. I've done that. That's content to throw some words on that and then the actual words I've. I've really learned that from all the education that I've gotten from, from the blueprints and everything because that's where that comes from, honestly. And then reaching out with your mentors and other people that you meet along the way in this amazing community. You know, that we bounce ideas off each other and figure out stuff that way. It's like hey, this really worked for me you want to do that? And yeah, repurposing the content being omnipresent on all the platforms and

Dave:  Speaking, you know, we titled this live show the real that got 42,000 views, as always supposed to happen, always gonna happen. It's not meat. This is just the big disclaimer, the Big Dave Sharpe disclaimer as you know. I actually hate massive results like on the first day or first try or whatever, because then you know, people's mind gets. It's like, it's like the expectation is set high. And then I think they're a failure like when it doesn't, you know, so, that's the disclaimer. Anyways, I still want to celebrate your success because you've taken all of the steps and done all of the work. And I would assume that the Facebook world 42,000 On the first one was after you had already been creating content on tick tock, but tell us what happened. That's right. Yeah. My guess is that what happened? Tell us how the 42,000 views on the first Facebook really came about?

Stephanie:  Yeah, for sure. Yeah. So I was, you know, concentrating on that solely. I even have a couple other tiktoks accounts. They weren't really taking as much in the first one I'm like, okay, so then I saw that we were having the Facebook real challenge in our Facebook group with Josh. So then I was just like, let's give that a try. Because I didn't. Yeah, I was just like, well, let's just make a whole new account because I mean, I've just had so many I don't know. I mean, I know sometimes people use their original one but just like with all notifications being much personal and business.

Dave:  Well, you probably have nursing friends and all that over there. Right. So it totally makes sense. So you bring in a new account.

Stephanie:  Yeah, and just made it a personal one. And then I'm like, Oh, let's see how many views I give this one. You know, it's kind of getting a little exciting. So then I was just like, repurposing my content from the other ones. like, Ooh, hey, look at that one. And Facebook kind of throws you a little bit like, oh my gosh, I've only got like 100 views and you look on the next day, it's got like, 600 and then it's got oh my gosh, we've got all these comments on the spirit. First one, wow. What is going on here? It's just kind of like a whole new wild adventure and it's and it just kept going. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it still kind of comes on now. Now, it's like a few months ago. So

Dave:  You never know. Never know. You could get such excitement from a business. Right? It's like, you know, I don't know how often you said that in your nursing career. I thought I would assume there were more noises like, oh, but you have more stories from there than I do. Well, we won't ask you about them because of confidentiality.

Stephanie:  Want to read the book? Yeah, there you go.

Dave:  And of course, just us, you know, what are they like? Just make names for everybody, you know, and so you can tell the stories.

Stephanie:  There you go. Well, I

Dave:  think that your internet marketing career is probably going to be just or more interesting as you're, of course, I haven't heard much about your your military time but I think that the internet marketing, lifestyle gives you an opportunity to not just have experiences in work, which are fun and which are cool, but also the freedom to go and have experiences elsewhere. You know, so what are some of the things that you want to do where you now see yourself doing here, either now or in the near future that you would not have been able to do? Had you started to create another source of income that was entrepreneurial meaning it was unlimited, you really have no, there's no cap? There's no ceiling, you don't have to ask for a raise. You just can take one whenever you want one or whenever you're willing to give yourself one. So what are some of the things that you have planned you're excited about you're planning now that would not have been possible before?

Stephanie:  Um, like I was saying It's learning about the core four with, you know, doing your own courses, your own whatever, writing a book, those kinds of things that were inspired by this course. Because that brought that up Yeah, but and just maintaining consistency because I mean, you just that that really is the magic thing is just post and it's not going to keep getting your your videos out and then nobody's gonna say get new followers or engagement and just really two to three a day for whatever platform and repurposing and even reposting I've reposted because I've learned that from different Joe's in the past that you get success from reposting and reposting your popular ones that was a popular one that I reposted from our first one for Facebook reels. And that's how we have some more successful

Dave:  We have a question . It is a good question. Did you create the Facebook reel on Facebook or was it a repurpose video from Tik Tok? So this one when you know viral initially was just a simple repurpose of a tic toc video? Yeah, that's all it was.

Stephanie:  That's how I made it made it more exciting to him like wow, I didn't even know that when new.

Dave:  Well, it's amazing. I've I've This is one of the concepts that I have you to to let's continue to be true. And that is that really these days your your your your if you're a business and you have an online presence in a way you have to look at yourself like a media company. Because so much of our business is just simply very based on creating content. It's like the whole world is in the content business now. And you know, there's a lot of experts and professionals and people who are resistant to that, and that's fine. I mean, it's kind of like how Warren Buffett often says I want to figure out which way the tide is going and swim with it. Then trying to swim against it. So somebody who comes from your world, which is mainly medical, but also is military. What is it like for you now to be in a digital way at Digital? You're a digital content creator, how is that for you and how are you okay with that or is that exciting? To you? Did you ever see that coming?

Stephanie:  I don't think I saw that coming honestly. Yeah, for sure. I mean, I have my other favorite influencers that I would watch. I mean, they're not and they're actually affiliate marketers in a way you know that there's sneaky little offers hidden in there. Like I didn't even see that before. You right?

Dave:  Yeah, where's the disclosure here?

Stephanie:  Had to hide somewhere but I didn't read it because that's what we do. But it's there. So I'm like, Wow, my eyes are just open to just what is going on here. That is so cool. Yes, the possibilities are endless. I mean, one of my favorite influencers has soaps that she likes you know, but I know I know. So are lotions potions and powders and those aren't always as big but she's like a big influencer so for her you know it could she could get a whole bunch in like one video so for without

Dave:  a doubt and yeah mainly i The lotions, potions and pills, things are mainly for you know, MLMs you know, which can be which can be which are a whole nother conversation honestly. Yeah, I have absolutely zero issue with being an affiliate for a physical product. It's the manufacturing and the creating and the shipping if you own the product, or an affiliate in somebody else is, if you're just sending traffic and they're doing all the making of the product, the shipping. Look, I'm just trying to make it easy for everybody. You know, that's all this is about. It's about ease of getting into the business and ease of operating the business in actually higher profit margins. I feel like the core four is like the Wall Street of our economy. Because the Wall Street is a play Wall Street is a place where you can sort of bend reality and make profits that don't make sense. You know what I mean? Like it's just how are these people making all this money? It's because it's because they literally bend reality on Wall Street. I mean money and compound interest in managing people's money. When you tell you no and then you get too big that you can't fail. So the government comes in and bails you out. It's crazy. The core four is kind of like bending reality. It's like the business model. That's always been reality. For the average person. There is no other business model that you can get into. And you can make unlimited upside. When, with the low headaches that you have. With everything being digital and handling, manufacturing and shipping zero supply chain check channel and you don't have to have a rah rah supporting team I mean m&m challenge, you don't have to. You don't have to go to rah rah events. You don't have to take three way calls. You don't have to do home and hotel meetings. There's none of that stuff. You can just be in your underwear the entire time. Put on a shirt. But if you wanted to just not actually get dressed, you could operate this business that way. Can be a double edged sword too. Because you could go for days without a showe What else can we learn from your journey? That would be valuable. What else would you like to say to folks before we let you get back to your busy life? Your life is busier than my life. I want to make sure that I honor your time. So what else could we learn from what else do you want to share with us Stephanie:anie?

Stephanie:  Another thing that kind of opened my eyes to is that you know, some people are like, oh, you know, it's just saturated. You know, all of the body's promote this. Everybody's promoting that but it's just ticked off alone. There's a billion people there. There's a huge audience and I've also used that as a talking point with people in my messages as well. They're like, Oh, my gosh, you know, there's so many, many it's like, but it's like the grains of sand tour. There's just so much opportunity. They're such a big audience and yeah, and then and that's also another thing that really surprised me and my marketing is like, some of my success has come from like email for like, wow, where'd that come from? It's just so interesting. Just like the news. Just like a new science. You know, I'm used to all the nursing science and all physiology and things like that. But then the science of technology and affiliate marketing, it's like, wow, that's really interesting. Because yeah, a lot of times people don't buy up friends just you know, later on is when they kind of make a decision. That's how I was, I was just like, I wasn't looking for this. I'm just a little bit. I gotta figure this out more because I have to use my critical thinking. I had to lay everything out. I have to oversell them. Yeah, I'm gonna have

Dave:  I haven't joked with my wife because she's an analyzer. And there were some funny cartoons that were on some time when our six year old was like two, and it was like this little robot that was like, start analyzing and it's still a joke. I literally just sent it to her the other night, started analyzing because she's an analyzer, I got it and analyzed ourselves. Analyze into paralysis.

Stephanie:  Yeah, and that's one thing you don't want to do with your NCLEX nursing tests, because it's just like some people. That's a big thing I went over with some students. Don't read too much into the question about the information that is there. Go with that, you know, you can't be like, Oh, but what about you know, what if they have Sally that this and that no, we don't care about Sally. She's not in the question. You know, whatever the nursing question is, that is what you need to focus on.

Dave:  And that's, that's the big secret about this business. The big secret about investing is that it's simple. And the rest of the world has to overcomplicate it, so they can have a purpose so they can have a reason to charge you money. And that's what I learned. About, you know, Wall Street. The reason why they make money, I want you to understand this and anybody who wrote this is going to be a gift. If I would have gotten this early. I'd have even more money than I have now, early in my career, meaning if y'all understand this, now, you can start saving smart and investing intelligently, but I didn't really understand how to invest money, you know, because the, the the, you know, the the Marketplace makes it complicated. They they make it they make you think that you're too dumb. You know what I mean? Like you'll screw it up if you do it by yourself and you need some guy who's going to do it with you or for you they want they want you to be dumb, they, they want you to think you're dumb. So they can say give me your money and I'll charge you a percent of your 2% of your whole portfolio to manage to pick stocks. And the truth of the matter is you don't need them. To do that. You could just invest in index funds. Index Fund at Vanguard is a simple thing that when you buy it, it just invests evenly inside of the whole say s&p stock market or the entire American stock market. And it's the average you know, money managers cannot beat that. He can't beat it. It can't get you better returns in that simple it tracks the s&p 500 it just invests the money evenly across all the companies. well diversified. The Company Vanguard created it in the 70s and it was just you know, the bottom line is that Wall Street makes the money that they do managing people's money because people are not they don't just go do the reading themselves to learn about the simple little financial tools that are available to all of us. Any one of us can invest in an index fund. I'm sure this is not financial advice. I'm just giving you an example based on my personal experience, but any one of us has access to those financial tools. index funds over at Vanguard every single one of us, even though it's basically the same thing. Any one of us has access to any one of those financial tools but the money managers don't want us to know that we couldn't make money same thing in all of life. There's always somebody who's going to try to make it more complex than it needs to be. That's how they somehow pay for themselves. When the truth is, is that it's simple. There, there really is no secrets. There's basic mechanics to tell like when you are doing construction work, you need to understand how to operate a hammer, a drill a circular saw in a saws so you don't kill yourself. And you need to understand how to read blueprints, but the rest is working with people in basic emotional intelligence and common sense and critical thinking skills. Absolutely. And in any time that we get sucked into somebody who tries to overcomplicate it or tell us that there's something wrong with us and we the meme or whatever. That's why I'm so against people who abuse power and so against people who try to create dependent entrepreneurs, legendary is pinboard. Legendary is not just we have entrepreneurs who start here and they spring out into the marketplace. And they go do all kinds of amazing things. Right? But that's because that's what's possible. what's possible when we keep it simple, and we just execute the same way that investing is simple to what you know, people get into, you know, one of the big side hustles over the last couple of years has been day trading, you know, coming day trade cutting trade crypto, and it's like people think that that's all making money has to be that complicated. All these other things out here are not good enough. So I need to go day trade. And that's the stupidest. That's the stupidest thing you could do. Because the chances of you making money as a day trader are as good as the chances of you making money to add a slot machine in Las Vegas. Long term might make a buck here and a buck there. But let's be honest, not a single billionaire made money because he sat there and traded back and forth. It's not about timing the market folks. It's about time in the market. This business is the same way. It's about consistency and playing the long game and doing what you're doing. Stephanie so I commend you and I think it's a wonderful example. Of not only these transferable skills that you can transfer to existing careers into this. But then of course, you can transfer these skills into other places as well, specifically from affiliate marketing to sounds like you want to potentially create some courses coaching or events for other nurses. Is that what I was hearing earlier in the conversation? Well, listen, I know you've got to be alive on a busy day. And so thank you for your time and please come back and do it again. If you feel compelled to when we reach out and probably will ask you to do a follow up update with you.

Stephanie:  Sounds great. Want to thank you so much. This has been great and thank you for having me. Big fan of the community and it's just so supportive and yeah, sorts of good information. You don't find that to where, you know, you buy education and then you kind of on your own, honestly.

Dave:  Yeah. Yeah, it's, it's difficult. Even sometimes I've heard those stories of people feeling like that in a traditional university. I think that's changing, but it is certainly nice when we can find somewhere that is more inclusive than a lot of universities which are exclusive. Right. Right. And we can, you know, become a part of and learn some credible skills. So thanks for pointing that out. And yeah, we'll talk to you really soon.

Stephanie:  Thank you, Dave. It's been an honor. I appreciate it. Have a great day.

Dave:  All right, my friends. You can find her. We've got her handle there down at the bottom of your screen @affiliatenursemom, Nurse mom took me a minute to read to get my eyesight straight. Wow, here we go. Again, another week, folks. It's a beautiful thing. And there's going to be lots of great guests this week. And thank you again Stephanie for an incredible episode, and sharing your story. And then of course, your service, and probably even your service in the medical field. It's so essential. So essential. So thank you. All right, my friends. Take care. Have a great Monday. Get out of here. Be Legendary. Peace.

How To Handle Negativity Online

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave:  What's going on my friends? It’s Dave Sharpe Welcome to Wake Up Legendary hope you got your coffee I'm waking up legendary right along with you and this morning. I'm really excited about this guest and the reason why is because well, she's got a very special story. I was able to meet her in person and she's come a long way. Please help me welcome Paulette to the show. Paula, how are you?

Paulette:Good morning. How are you? How is everybody?

Dave:  Good. To see you again. Great to see you again. Line attendee and and now this is I think the second time you've been on the show, is that right?

Paulette:Yeah, this is my second time.

Dave:  So tell us for those who've never heard your story. The cool thing about the show is people can go back and we don't take episodes down. We don't hide anything we suit. I mean, if somebody turns back in that previous episode and kind of, you know, track somebody's story, but give us the nutshell version of your legendary story, if you will, how you found us for people who don't know you, 

Paulette: how I ended up here is I was trying to become a nurse for I don't know, like, five, six years and you get to the point where you apply to nursing school is applying getting denied blanket and I'm like, Okay, I have to figure out something else because I was working so much within like 16 hour days working two to three jobs and I'm like, Okay, I have money but I don't have time. So i stumbled on TikTok, you know, like everybody else. And I found a video from Andre. I'm watching this, but I saw his tiktok. So I watched that video. I watched, you know, went through his tic stock profile and I decided to start the challenge. And you know, it was scary and I was super nervous. And then from there I decided to invest in myself. I've never imagined a horse was actually the very last bit ever. And it was an amazing experience and I loved it. I actually got to meet Andre because I think he was speaking so I thought it was very cool. Obviously I got to meet you and I learned a lot from there and I got accepted into nursing school like literally a month after I decided to do affiliate marketing and go all in on myself. So I was like, Oh, shoot. So now I do both because I feel like you need to finish everything you start and I started this when I started nursing. So kind of my journey and how I ended up here.

Dave:  Wow, isn't that something that when you started this like that other opportunity popped up to and it was kind of like Wow, all goods coming at you at once?

Paulette:Yeah, it's pretty scary. Not gonna lie, but here I am doing it. So it works out.

Dave:  Where do you think your life would be if you hadn't done both of these things? I mean, you applied to nursing school, but then you started an online business. Where do you think your life would be if you hadn't started this business?

Paulette:Probably working more and in nursing school. Because I work less as a bartender, I'm a bartender but I only bartend two days out of the week. So it gives me flexibility to go to school and still have money to pay my bills and then they were doing my side hustle, which is affiliate marketing on the side to pay for my wedding. I'm actually getting married and pay for my like that so

Dave:  Like my savings. Your fiance, the gentleman that I met. Yes. Okay, that was a roll of the dice there. But great. That's fantastic. I'm glad to know you both. You know, I remember him very clearly as a big guy. Yes. Tall. I was looking. I'm tall. I felt like I was looking at him.

Paulette:Okay, yeah, everybody's always scared of him and I'm like he's really nice. He just

Dave:  big beard very and I'm like he was sitting right in the front row trying right they're sitting Yeah, he's sitting right in the front row at the mastermind kind of staring at me and I'm kind of like, is this guy going to kill me or is he here too? We'll find out.

Paulette:He's actually a teddy bear. 

Dave:  He was fantastic. So what happened and once you did, what sort of initial feelings thoughts? Do you remember going through your head that maybe that was something that was new to you that you were unfamiliar with? But What lesson did you learn from that first journey? Or that first kind of chapter of your online journey? And what could you share with our audience about what they might go through in those first early months or two?

Paulette:So my actual first journey, I had purchased the course to try to become a self published author. And that didn't work out because it can pick a niche. And I was like, everything's integrated into doing that. And then I saw that's when I found around like a month later I found you know, TikTok and affiliate marketing. And I was talking to the advisor, which I think is the community that you have a legendary is I feel like very strong if you go out and you seek for help because a lot of people would I would notice a difference is with legendary I was able to communicate and you know, talk to that plan advisor which you don't really have in a lot of other courses. So I think this is like a big value that you get, and just going out and seeing if you need it, you know, there's people there to help you and I felt scared, you know, just getting started. I didn't know what to do. So I would just come on, you know, come on Facebook and watch the wakeup legendaries. I would do that every single morning I think. I don't know if you remember. I think Tyler actually told you that I would always watch that he would be annoyed to secure your voice like while he was sleeping. But I just you know, that's something that really kept me motivated. So I just think that's something you know, if you're new to getting started, just stay motivated and just kind of close yourself off from people that you know are not going to give you the feedback that you want. You know like if you have family that are against it or friends that are against it are just people that you know, are always reacting and being negative to what you're doing and you know, they're gonna stay focused on what you're doing and just, you know, stay with your community that is going to support you with that. That's something that was really valuable for me.

Dave:  Do you have people in your life who you know, if you brought it to them, they would have given you either a critical or a just in some way and unsupportive. So what you're saying is you've now learned how to be more selective with what you share with certain people in your life. Is that what you're alluding to?

Paulette:No, not yes, I'm saying when you're starting off, yes, right now I don't care and everybody knows how to do affiliate marketing. I put it on my Facebook reel. So I just had to step like it was okay. But at the beginning if you're just getting started and you know, it's completely new for you, you don't know it's probably the first online business you've ever owned. You're going to be sensitive to that kind of stuff. So you should just not put yourself out there and then you know, as you grow and you learn and get better, then you'd be like, okay, you know what, I really don't care what people think of me and I'm just going to be me

Dave:  Very clear about that. Thank you and I totally agree because you know, it really in the beginning it's you're right we are extra sensitive. And that's exactly what it is. We're extra sensitive because we're doing something new. And the truth is, we don't know if it's gonna work out. We don't know anything about the unknown. We just don't know about it. We don't know if we're gonna walk out. That's life. And so what I hear you saying is, in that beginning, early journey, when you're extra sensitive in your business is extra fragile, and it is like a baby, right? It really is more fragile with our business and with ourselves. In that early stage before we feel like we're a little bit more sturdy on our legs. And a little bit more that I think the thing for me is that like you be I've I've grown into a point to where I don't really care what people think. But nor am I looking for their approval.

Paulette:Yeah. And that's something you have to work on, I think especially if you're not used to that. And it goes back to liking your mindset and personal growth, which you have to build on because you know, like you don't know what you don't know. So you just don't know. And where are you going to put yourself in a situation that you know might make you feel worse and might harm you or me altogether you're just gonna get upset because you know, like somebody said something and you're just gonna quit altogether. You never know what

Dave:  What would have happened in our family must be the most triggering for me. They know how to push our buttons. So most of us want their approval. It's built into our nature to go to them and say, hey, you know, mom, dad, family member, whatever, Uncle cousin, hey, look at what I'm doing. And the challenge is that they all have their own limiting beliefs.

Paulette:So they take it out on us, but kinda like that my parents are very supportive. Like everybody in my email like, Yeah, but you never know. Like whenever people are mean or rude to me, you know, like at the bar, I'm just like, You know what, they're just taking it out on me like I didn't do anything to them. And it's okay, just walk away. Yeah.

Dave:  That really takes a lot of good experience or something because I know a lot of people who are a lot older than you who don't know that who are unaware of that. Every single time somebody throws out a little bit of bait and let's talk, let's apply this to the business. It's like, every time somebody throws out a comment, that's an egg, you know, seven and take that comment and really take it on you know, what, how did you deal with some of that, and it can be nasty on the internet in the world. How did you deal with some of that out there from strangers on the internet?

Paulette: I just don't respond. You know, it's like, what am I going to give you my energy or I'll respond one time and then that's it. Because if you keep it going on, they're like, Oh, she responded, and then you go back and forth, back and forth. So you're feeding into it. I mean, you're feeding the algorithm, but you also might be hurting yourself. You have to have tough skin and if you know you don't have tough skin, then just, you know, let it go or you can delete it. I mean, I don't delete it. I just let it be. I think one of my videos on Instagram went viral and I was looking, and it had five comments and all of those comments were hate comments, and I was like, wow, that's cool. And I just got out of that. I admire it.

Dave:  It's just like, that was so funny what you just said. It's just like it's shocking. Just like you know, you're a good person, you know your tribe about stuff. And people can be mean and nasty. And you just sit there looking at that kind of like, like it's almost like looking at an ice cream cone that just melted it just kind of looking at it like now that was good and at one time. The sun just made this peer shit. And like you I know that feeling you put out a video, you try hard and somebody just takes a shit on it out on the internet. That is that it can be a hard blow. And it's not as easy as you just made it sound. However, I believe that that's how you are because of what you're describing, you've seen it and felt it and dealt with it in the hospitality industry. I'm sure you just described a situation. Who knows did you have anything that's happened in your childhood that's helped you and prepared you in your life for entrepreneurship. 

Paulette: so I came from Ecuador when I was seven here, and I was speaking Ecuadorian Spanish and in California or Los Angeles everyone speaks, you know, mostly Mexican Spanish, so we get bullied a lot because my Spanish was different you know, like the menial stuff like that. So I went through a lot of depression at like nine years old. I didn't know what depression was back then. I would lock myself in the bathroom and wouldn't open the door. I would say I hate living here. And so I had to work through the bullying when I was I'm gonna say from like, third grade to fifth fifth grade. And we moved cities because it was bad. My mom's like, No, we can't keep staying here because they're also gonna end up pregnant or something. I was like, okay, whatever. So we moved. And I feel like that fresh start for me really is what made me stronger. Because obviously like I would talk to my mom, I you know, we didn't have a lot of income. So everything we did was like us living in the library, because that's just what we would do as a form of like, childcare, I guess or like, you know, so I would just, you know, I learned through that just talking to my mom and she's like you know, what, people are gonna say things about you and that's okay. And you just let it be. And whatever they say like know in your heart that that's not what you believe, but just don't feed back into it. And that kind of just stuck with me and every time people you know say things to me, especially if you like I kind of grew that over the years like you said, in the hospitality industry. I learned to just not take things personally and just let them be you know, people are angry, let them be angry and you just mind your own business because, I mean, at the end, they're still going to be angry,

Dave:  You know? Yeah, you're right. You're not. You're gonna get angry. I'm going to come along and somehow save this person from being angry from a, maybe a life's worth of anger or life's worth of trauma, or who knows what somebody went through. But wow, I'm so fascinated in immigrant stories because they are like, they're what you let you go through. I have a barber who emigrated and is now just got citizenship from Cuba. The stories are unbelievable. I mean, the stories of somebody like yourself coming from a different country, learning a new language, we've got Camila from brazil, people from all over the world. Some of us have come to America. There's been people who have emigrated like yourself to America, and that's part of your amazing story and part of who you are and inspiring and there's a lot that those of us who aren't immigrants, or at least not in our lifetime, you know, we were, we could learn we could learn from that. I mean, there's just so much because you not only did you have to learn new language sounds like you did learn new language there's so many lessons and how much you correct some of your skills, some of your ability to do this, your ability to persevere, your ability to overcome challenges connected to what you learned early in life and some of the struggles that you went through.

Paulette:Honestly, I would say struggling because I would struggle like learning English. I would struggle with math. I would go get tutoring when I was going to community college. Do my five prerequisite years that I mentioned prior? I would just learn how to use the library as a preschool essentially, I learned to use my resources to get help. When I couldn't get things done. So that came from childhood all the way until even now, you know, like seeking for help. And that's just kind of what's kept me like ready but just, I guess maybe gritty like kept me motivated and kept me going to work through my struggles. And I went through a phase where I just didn't care. I was like, I'm not gonna go to college. I'm not gonna do anything. I'm just gonna be me. And I was just, you know, partying, drinking, doing the whole, you know, I don't care about life. And I think after that I decided, you know, like, I saw all my friends graduate and everybody doing stuff and I'm like, What am I doing with my life? Like I'm doing nothing with my life and I decided to work out and I feel like working out, plus my previous experiences and struggles are what led me to grow my mindset, which kind of leads me to where I'm at now. Because you struggle working out too. You know, you can do this rep and you're like, Oh, well just do it. And then you do it and you get better and better and better. And as you go, you know, you progress videos, and I'm like, wow, I was wobbly there. And now I can do like, you know, lift and not be wobbly. Same way, but it's better and it's just kind of what you do with anything in life. So

Dave:  You know why I love these episodes. This is because we get to hear somebody's story who is a real hero, a real inspiration but walks around like a normal person. And most likely a lot of us just underestimate our own power and our own value. And when I when I you know I'm I'm sitting here asking Paulette about how the experiences in her life have helped her business and we've got some clear examples. But now I want to ask him, you know, how have your experiences prepared you for this moment? Because if you think back to your life, there's a lot of things that you've struggled through. You got through them. Tough, crazy stuff. And if you think about how those situations gave you skills you just mentioned what it was beautifully said: resourcefulness. You learned how to be resourceful because you had limited resources. Or you're studying at the library or wherever. And I wonder what we could all borrow from that story this morning. The power of these conversations in these episodes is that most likely each one of you has your own resourcefulness to and also have a lot of unique qualities that you have because you struggle Bertram Tough shit. Period. And this is just another struggle in your life. This is just another struggle. And here's another thing that I borrowed from Jay Leno and it's not that you have to particularly believe in yourself. You have to get others to believe in you. That's really what this business is about. Because it once because a lot of times when you do something in life and I really think this is what life is about. When you do something like this beyond what you think you can do most of the time. And it turns out good. Like say for example, we make a sale like I've heard of, you know, making a sale on the phone and somebody said yes, and they're like I can't believe they said right. And but enough of these it's really about getting other people to believe in us and because if you spend all this time trying to get yourself getting ready to believe in yourself, you may never do it. You're never gonna feel ready. You're just not but it's like, Am I willing to start? Okay, that's all I need. Because if I start there's gonna be other people because we live in a society. I surround myself and I put forth the effort. They're going to start believing it; they just are people who like to see people trying, people who like to see people giving value. Just like when you went to the gym or started working out, people

Paulette: make it I say that to everybody everywhere and they're like why? And I'm like, I'm not saying to fake it, but just pretend to give yourself the power to have the confidence even if you don't have a huge brain that you do have and then you do have it. Yeah, you know,

Dave:  I'm telling you this quote from Jay Leno made so much sense because he's like, you know, in business and in sales. I've always been the number one piece of advice that I've given people is to create a product and create a business that other people can believe in. Do you believe it? You can't just be the only one who believes in yourself and you believe in what you're doing. Your ultimate job should be to get other people to believe in you. You're helping get other people to believe in what you're doing because you're helping and serving and providing a good service or product. You are going to start believing in yourself. And the main reason is just like when we're babies, we look around and we get feedback from people around us. Oh, this is okay. Now they give us energy. Yes, it's okay. And so when others when you're building your business and other people use you, you're going to look at them just like we did when we're younger and say, Oh, this is good. You want yeah, and you're going to start believing in yourself. And so what is my point? Here? My point is is that as an entrepreneur starting something, you most likely all you listening have skills that just like Paulette described, that you can turn those struggles into those strengths those situations into, like you've got skills you've survived through shit, a and a and the number one goal that we all should have would be to buy valuable products and services and mainly our service, as affiliates anyways is content. But we don't need to have, we don't need to believe in ourselves and believe in what we're doing so much. And I'm not sure that no we need to go out and get other people to receive value in believing what we're doing. And that will grow our belief and could you describe how you know you've built your audience and what your relationship is with your audience now like how I content versus really looking at their audience, like, like a group of people they want to have a relationship with for a long time. And so I just wonder how your relationship has evolved or what takeaways you have about building relationships with your audience.

Paulette: Since I'm in school right now, I don't necessarily spend that much time on social media scores. That's my priority right now. So this is literally just on the side, but I try to connect with all of my followers through Instagram, Instagram stories, because it's a way that you can post what you're doing on a daily basis. Question or respond to mine and then I just, you know, I talk to them in the DMS through that way, but I don't necessarily go super out of my way to you know, be like, Hey, do this, like comment through things as well. Sometimes they comment, sometimes they don't like it. I think somebody just messaged me like earlier today, and I was like, Oh, hey, let's be friends. I'm like, Alright, let's be friends. Yeah, so I feel like that's how I am able to communicate with them a little better. Because you know, with my schedule, it is very hard for me. Yeah. 

Dave: I don't ever talk to a client or a lead one on one ever and and and you know, so I don't particularly think that we need to have or nor is it required. You know, I mean, and I'm glad you're saying this and pointing this out because this business can be run. There's ways that we can build relationships with our audience by just simply speaking one to many. That's the whole hack here. That's the whole trick here. That's the whole secret to this is it we're not doing it even in the blueprints in the coaching consulting blueprint. I will talk about the difference between one-on -one coaching and group coaching. One on One anything can be you know, it can be it's not as leveraged if you're a solopreneur as using these platforms to speak one to many.

Paulette:It's kind of like that's what I do.

Dave:  Kind of my point in a sense that you're able to do all of these things. While you know, going to nursing school and working in a bartending job on the hard days a week.

Paulette:Well, I guess not hard. It's challenging to change my mindset and it's something that I have struggled with in the past but I'm getting better with that like struggling from you know, like, I'm a student whatever they tell me whatever my school tells me I have to go I have to be there classes from you know, nine to 11 Well, it's gonna go to two and that's it. You know, you gotta take it. The hospital is five in the morning, you're done at 5pm. You weren't going to paper for like 16-20 hours when you turn it in here, like you get to see. You know, like, just those needs. Like okay, now I'm going to be an entrepreneur. Now I'm going to forget all about that school stuff. And I'm going to think about like, okay, what can I do today to move my business forward or to like show somebody something or whatever it is that I'm doing, just kind of switching hats between entrepreneur and student entrepreneurs to her because, you know, in the end, like, it's me, it's who I am. And I don't sound like I'm like, oh, no, like I'm secretly a nursing student. Like, I openly tell everybody like, Hey, I'm in school, and I'm doing this. And like, if I can do this, you know, you can probably do this too. I mean, maybe it is out there for you, if you're willing to take it.

Dave:  And I commend you and think it's really interesting and amazing that you're doing multiple things and pursuing multiple dreams at one time. I mean, whenever in human mankind in our, in our human existence, has a person ever been able to have truly streams of income coming in from multiple places. And had to do multiple things of this nature to run a business, I mean, because we call it a side hustle but you really do. It's a business and you I mean, you can write things off if you have an LLC or a corporation. It's a business and you're running a business. You're going to nursing school, you're working a bartending job one or two and you're getting ready for a wedding. It's really you're working out in your I mean, it's really amazing. Do you ever look at Oh, wow. Like how did it become so full? 

Paulette: I do that all the time. I've learned that I actually failed one of my nursing classes because of time management.I have a Google Calendar. I can probably just show it on my phone and I have everything scheduled. I'm going to do so you can see it's very colorful. When I'm working on my business time. My school time, my work time because I just lived there when I studied, like everything put out for me and it did take me a while to know, like really schedule like okay, I'm gonna do laundry today. It's kind of annoying and it's kind of like, you know, like, like, I'm that person. But it's what's helped me do everything that I'm doing. Because it's yeah, it's a lot and that's a good way to manage your time if you're, you know if you're in school or your job.

Dave:  Yeah, yeah. So it's not about things that we need to do more to become successful. A lot of times we're just doing the wrong things. Are there things that we need to stop doing? And so a great example would be people going crazy over morning routines, and there are some people who spend two hours in the morning, you know, praying and meditating and doing all this stuff, and that's fine. But most entrepreneurs who are successful that I know just wake up and just have coffee and just go to work. They might read a little bit or do something in the morning. But the point of that is that what do I need to do? More routine? No, my advice would be, you know, cut some stuff out of your work. You know, I'm sorry to be so old school here, but that's just my point. Know What works for you, you know, and if you've developed something and you've got something that works, that's great, but my point is not so much the morning routine. My point is really going back to your calendar and you all bought the result in momentum. that Paul is getting, and you're not just getting it in your business or financial life. You're getting it in your physical life too, because you're applying the same sort of organization and discipline and so forth around you're exercising from what I heard, right? You're improving multiple areas of your life at one time. There's something that we can learn from you. And the biggest takeaway so far was you holding a calendar shows how organized and disciplined you are about your time that was really impactful.

Paulette: I had to learn from my mistakes so not gonna do that again.

Dave:  What was the mistake? What did you learn?

Paulette: Well, I failed one of my classes at one point, so I was very upset. But then you know, I was like, You know what you learn from your mistakes. It's all right. And then I had to do Yeah, I mean, I have more time to plan my wedding because they had to like I had to had a really long summer so I'm like, okay, I can look at this I can at least have that I failed, or I can be like Hey, I have more time to plan my wedding. Now I don't have to be super, you know, crush the wedding plan in two months because I'm gonna get married on a weekend in between school to add on to what I'm doing. So it just makes everything a little bit better, you know? And I'm like, Now, I know what to do. And now I started you know, time blocking and I'd have you know, this calendar here that really helps me out. And it's just different ways you know that I can just like get back to being resourceful and just kind of make it work for myself. So

Dave:  What a great lesson Both are latching onto a system, a simple system and you gave us an example of a tool that's free to everybody. And you can have it on your computer on your phone. But it's also about relaxing in the idea that this is good enough for me right now. Like I don't need to keep looking for another system. I don't need to have what you need. Yeah, everything that you need. And I think that that's a real challenge to humans is when we think it's good enough to want what our neighbor has

Paulette:Like you should never compare yourself to other people because you don't live their life. You don't have their experiences you can be like, Oh, well, you know, make me money and I started making money and we're like, you know, because like you said back to like, learning a skill. It's a skill. You're not just gonna, you know, start something and then be a pro, you know, in like two weeks or whatever. Like, it doesn't take learning, it does take trying, failing , trying again, and just not giving up because if you give up then that's when you're done. You know, like, that's really when you fail. Yeah. And it's just hard like whatever progress you make for me like I'm in school right now. Sometimes I'll put one video a day. Sometimes I don't repost, old you know, viral videos, and then they'll go viral. And then, like, you know, you just have to learn how to keep pushing yourself forward and keep progressing even when it gets hard.

Dave:  Well, you've laid out some incredible, incredible stuff this morning. I mean, things that I didn't expect. And I'm really just, I'm really just blown away by how you develop systems for yourself that work for you and they aren't perfect and how you embrace your sort of your humaneness, your perfectly imperfect self. And there's just so much that I take away from this conversation this morning and I couldn't be happier for you and your husband in your upcoming wedding. So congrats.

Paulette:I'm excited. I feel like anybody can do this. It just takes courage and you have to be brave. To just, you know, go out and do it because it is scary and nobody you know, you're always thinking about what other people are gonna think about you. But you have to realize that you know, whatever you do in life, it's going to be hard. Whether you do it for us or you do it for yourself. It's just going to be hard and life always just throws things at you but you have to be you know, you have to think to yourself like what do I want for my life because in the end you're the one paying your own bills nobody's you know judging you but in the end, you just have to say like, you know, I'm gonna do this for me and that's

Dave:  Yeah, and really, it's a harsh reality when we really come to terms with the fact that nobody's coming to save us. Yeah. Yeah, no, it's tough. It's like dang, you know, like, I think we all went through in 2020 and 2021. I mean, anybody got one or 1/2 $1200 checks. That was your rest. That was your rescue. That was the Coast Guard sending the helicopter. You know what I mean?But it's really something to see how you've, you know how you've, how you've turned really nothing into something you know what I mean? And that's really what entrepreneurship is about. We all start with nothing. We come in the same front door and we usually all got our own, you know, laundry bag of limiting beliefs and negative self image and all this stuff and

Paulette:that board experience that we had at the mastermind for everybody that doesn't know it's, they've made us hold up a board like this with their limiting beliefs, and then we had to crush it, you know, just like karate chop. And I feel like I really held onto that and it really just made me remember like, Okay, this is what you think that you can't do. But you can do it like you you can break through that and just do whatever you want, because you really can do what

Dave:  You've proven that to us this morning as well. Thank you for also using your life as an example for your words. We've got your Tiktok and Instagram so people can find you, follow you, support you and you know be a part of your network and maybe we can make it a third time. Maybe after your wedding. You know, maybe when are you getting married again?

Paulette:April, April. First,

Dave:  You two are something to do. That is really really funny, man. That's cool. That's really cool. tell Tyler that I said good luck and congratulations and really enjoyed the ball. Yeah. Talk to you hopefully soon for a third episode. And, and thanks for all the time and the value this morning. Appreciate it. Thank you. I see Alright my friends. Go and follow Paulette as well . We've got our screen name up on the screen. @Paulettenicolee what an amazing guest and what an amazing story. It's like just a recap for those of you who didn't catch it. She was our mastermind. Back in December of 2021. She came and saw what they're feeling and, and now she's continuing down the journey continuing to build on what she learned. And man, it's really really cool to see and if you want to catch her first episode, you can go back and find it in Wake Up Legendary like she's also got another episode somewhere in the archives. So have a fantastic Thursday. We'll see you back here tomorrow for another episode for those of you who are enrolled into this decade in a day workshop tomorrow. So I'm looking forward to seeing everybody on that. Get the hell out of here and go have a good gas legendary day. We'll see you tomorrow for another episode.

How To Build An Online Coaching Business

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends? It's Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary and I'm waking up legendary just as we speak making my point about feeling great right about morning living and breathing a little compound our company our company and it's about our factory people from all different walks of life. And so this morning you're going to hear about working in the education industry and we can hear what she thinks about what we're up to.  

Kim: I'm good, Dave. Thank you. How are you?

Dave: You're so welcome. I'm fantastic. As I said on my second recruiting cup of coffee this morning when I saw Kevin Hart last night. So I got out of the house and did like a normal human activity instead of just staying isolated. Like we've been trained to break free from those, those societal norms but anyways, how are you?

Kim: I'm doing great today. I actually had two cups of coffee myself and now I'm trying to drink some water so I can hydrate a little bit.

Dave: Yeah. Are you a coffee drinker all throughout the day?

Kim: No, no, I have two cups in the morning and then that's it. That's that's as otherwise I'm just like, you know, pull me down off the ceiling because I just interferes with everything. But do I have to have it in the morning to have it stored? I like to periodically drink it throughout the day and I would say that I probably have a little bit of an unhealthy relationship with caffeine right now. But what do you need for you to be perfect and everything that you do in life? You know, I can't be nice, right?

Dave: That's my job. I'm not perfect and everywhere else but I try. So you're a 30 year education but tell us what you did. Before you started or what you're still doing. Tell us your Legendary story and a brief history of who you were before you started this.

Kim: Like you said I've been in education for 30 years. I was a classroom teacher. I taught art and technology, and then just kind of went into other areas. So I've more or less worked in education. And then I kind of kind of burned out and in osing or wasn't very long but it was about 6 weeks.

That happened and I was laid off for being non essential. And that was the real message to me. So in 2021 I decided that okay, you know, this can be taken away at any moment. I have family support. So I started looking around for something to do and I figured it's going to probably be an online job because I can't, you know, take on another, you know, full or part time job. So I thought you know, starting in business would be perfect, I didn't know what I was going to do. And then my daughter got me on TikTok, put the app on my phone and said, Mom, you gotta see this and she was already doing TikToks. So I started watching and, you know, one thing led to another and one day I started to hear oh, affiliate marketing and like, what is that I had never heard of before. I had done it years ago. I had done I was in a multilevel marketing company. And that really, like that wasn't for me. So I thought I hope that's it now but I kept going back and people were saying, you know, they were having great results. So I saved Stacy La. I saved her video and kept going back to it and finally decided okay, well it's only $7. If it's not great, then I will proceed. As an educator, I can tell you that way. I know a good curriculum. Engaging I know when and then the only thing so I did not know. I was a complete newbie. But I learned enough by the end of the challenge that I felt like Okay, I think I can do this and and then invested in additional education and went through through that went through the blueprints and then started putting everything together and by I think I started promoting in June. of 2021. And the rest is history.  I mean isn't that just a great example every day I just hope to be a shining example of how imperfect this this this needs to be. You know, it just needs to be imperfect. It needs to be imperfect. Actually, it can't be perfect. Not only does that not exist, but it couldn't be it looks weird but congrats on that. How does that feel to be an educator or in the education space for as long as you have been? And now to be taking part in, you know, global education what is that like? 


Kim: I didn't expect to love it as much as I did. This gets me excited. This gets me out of bed in the morning. I cannot wait to do this. This business. I do it before I start working. I'm fortunate because I can work from home most days. So I'll get up an hour earlier and I work and then the minute my day is done. I'm back at it like I'm every day I'm doing something new, and I you know learning something new. So I'm 62 and being able to learn something new and then they say keeps your brain sharp and all that. Yeah, that's been awesome. And not only that I've been successful. So you know putting that on top of learning new skills and being able to transfer everything is just Yeah, I can't I'm just I'm just amazed because you know having that necessary. 

Dave: I brought this up, I think two days ago your fire number which is a formula that some folks use to determine what their retirement number is. And that's whatever your annual expenses will be in your retirement. Having 25 years of that saved up in and for example, some sort of an interest earning account and so an investment account in index funds or something right. And so, if you can live on you, that's one number and that's what the traditional kind of, I guess American has been taught because you it's still legitimate. It's valid, right? But what what's different about our industry, what's different about what we do is that for a lot of us when we fire our boss and we quit having to leave the house to go and work it all of a sudden it's almost semi retirement at home I mean one could could consider me being retired or semi retired because of my lifestyle. I am actually in both of the homes that I live in, our office home and our main home. There's retired individuals that live all around the My Home in my neighborhood, because you're in Florida. I'm in Florida. 

Kim: Yeah, and I'm here every day to work differently and you could get a new site on our already defined net. Which is nice doing for the last 30 years and now because I've always wanted to be an entrepreneur, I always felt that there was an inner entrepreneur in me. But now being able to take, take that and do that full time is also going to allow me to do other things. So before I became an educator, I was an artist, I still am still an artist. And so this is going to give me a chance to be able to do that as well. So having, you know, the, the means to be able to, to do that, and at the level that I I've always wanted to so that yeah, so that's gonna allow me to have that more more of that time freedom to pursue what I want to pursue and travel and you know, do other things. But the beauty of doing this business is that you know, you do have that and so right now I'm putting in you know, 12 hour days every day. But that's okay, because I know what's coming. I know what the end result is going to be and I can't wait. You know, it's very exciting.

Dave: Well, the end result is you being the you having the ability to earn an income independently in from the internet, and not have to rely on your job that you're employed currently for income is that would that be fair to say that that's kind of the new definition of retirement in a sense is cutting ties with whatever the kind of job that we had or that we have to go to in, in in, it's almost like, it's almost like becoming an entrepreneur in working from home or working virtually. And especially if you're doing it for yourself has become the new retirement in a way.

Kim: I think that's true. I think that's true. When you look at the statistics right now, 54% of especially women, who are near retirement age, don't plan on retiring. 100 said they plan on continuing to work and in many cases are starting their own businesses. And that's and, you know, I say most of my clients are the same age as I am and they have the same goal as well. They want to retire with a nine to five, but they also kind of yeah, we just don't want to sit there watching Netflix, you know, and not doing anything else and one of the comedians laughs And I said, I went to the Kevin Hart comedy show in case I didn't mention that like, I'm sure I did, but still waking up still waking up legendary here. He was like, Yeah, watch Netflix. That was the joke like, you know, and it's true. I mean, gosh, what is there for us to do, especially if what happened in 2020, and we're all now locked in. I feel so bad for people who kind of like my grandfather. He had the same misfortune, but he passed away right at retirement. Age. And think about all the people who were affected by what happened or maybe even passed away in the past couple of years and, and had worked their whole life and this happens all the time. But I just think about what happened, how, you know, this most recent big Earth changing event and I'm just not seeing certain keywords, because I don't know if videos get flagged on it. I don't want warnings put down below the video so I can just not use those specific words. But that really changed so many of our lives. How did that impact you? How did we go through with the global event that happened? How did that impact you? And what do you know now? What is your outlook different now? And maybe how is there more urgency around it than there was before everything happened?

Kim: Oh, great question. So because I was laid off during the pandemic because of that, and I could see it coming like in January of 2020. I remember saying to a friend of mine, he's like, I don't like this , this is not good. This is going to change us. So this is gonna change the world. And that was January 2021. Sure enough. Yeah, now being laid off and then transitioning back to work. Work and you know, that's before I was able, you know, and now it's like, I've worked from home most of the time. So that changed and I have been very, very fortunate that no one in my family nor I have had COVID which you know, everyone, pretty much everyone I know has had it. You know, and it's gone through my entire office and I also tutor students at the local community. College and writing and been doing that for three years and pretty much everybody there has had it to at the community college so I've been very fortunate and I you know, I don't I I'm grateful every single day that I wake up healthy and you know, that's so it's it hasn't impacted me I don't think as much as as it has other people then again yet you know, you don't know what tomorrow is gonna bring. 

Dave: So well how has it affected you mentally because that you know, you mentioned earlier in the show that you be you know, were deemed non essential by your employee. And so, you know, we're, the reason why I'm asking this question is because now we're settling back into a little bit more of normal life, even though maybe we're on the verge of recession. There's always something looming. By the way, by the way, I just want to tell everybody in all the years of me doing this business and being in this industry, not a single economic event has negatively impacted my business, meaning that the only thing that's impacted my business is my output and the reason why that is is because the internet has always been 12 years or bandwidth their patients that happened so for tuition problems mean, obviously the world is seen some of the places where social media can in the internet can negatively impact our children for example, right? And it can negatively impact us the same way our self esteem if we're not careful if we just use it to compare, but for the most part this industry in this business has always has always flourished through any sort of economic event in any sort of different markets. And this specific business model has flourished because it's completely independent of any supply chain, or manufacturing process. And so it's flourished even more so. And it's one of the reasons why we're in was it luck? I mean, no, it was just what I've always done, but when we went through this most recent event and all the ECOM guys and all the people were selling physical products on the internet, could no longer do that business but the information in the courses, coaching events and affiliate model continued to flourish. I was like, Look at this. We're in the right place. You know, people say you're lucky right well am I prepared just met opportunity. You know, preparation simply met opportunity and so we never know when our you know when our time is going to come but it's it's so great to be in position to capitalize and so, you know, now that you're in the internet business you're you have a you have a a business that is operational on the web, but there are many, much more scare and confidence is busy because there's a lot of people who don't know what it's gonna be like when they start the business. They've not done it before or they're, they're, they're negotiating with themselves right now. So would you talk to us a little bit about how you feel now, compared to how you felt? Like when you signed up and when you got started? How would you describe a little bit of that unsureness and that lack of confidence or some of the things that were coming up and use some of those limiting beliefs and then let us know how you feel now with those same pieces. That was problematic, maybe for you wouldn't get started.

Kim: So I was just thinking about this this morning. Like I said before, I've been working at the same job for a long time. And so just to give you some context, I have tried to advance in that. That space, and I've never been allowed to you know, and it's I mean, for various reasons I'm not you know, saying it's anybody's fault, but my own but I wanted to move into leadership and was never able to since I've been doing this this was when I first got started I wasn't sure where that was gonna take me or where any of this was gonna take me but I've discovered this leadership potential this leadership quality that I did not know I had. So it has changed so much like that But patience and all different you know, just just amazing. Then, you know that aspect of it.

Dave: I did not have I mean the Internet has has broken, yours has broken down boundaries has and in that sense, I think has changed all of us to the point where we've you know, it's just fluid we don't have you know, we don't have those restrictions anymore, because and there are downsides to that as well, obviously. But in terms of business, not a lot. No, in fact, if anything, it has improved dramatically. I mean, how I want to point out a couple of specific things that you said right there. You said a couple of very powerful things, but I just want to say that I mean, I think a lot of us realize that we like people a lot less than we thought we did, or at least the ones that we had to be around every day. It was like we got away from those and our life expectancy goes up 20 years for God's sake, you know, at least that's how we feel. But man, you said a couple of really important powerful things out there. One of them was how you took responsibility for you not moving forward in that company. I just wanted to point that out because you then went on to say I discovered a leadership quality inside myself. I didn't know I had it well. You just demonstrated exactly what I want to point out for everybody. But it because I started the decade and I'm not sure how you take accountability or anything, I mean, my wife is growing at her own rate and she's always proven to improve and make changes and grow and and I needed to just more focus on myself and where I needed to grow and stop pointing the finger because when you point the finger out you got three pointing back at yourself and that very long before I love it, very line that you said which was I take responsibility for that. You know, I don't blame anybody for that. That attitude Kim and everybody listening to the most important step that a human being will ever make in their entire life with their business. Their marriage, their children, everything. That one leadership quality, that one wonderful, beautiful human characteristic of humility and personal responsibility. Humility, meaning that I'm not right about everything. Now I got a lot to learn. I can learn a lot. I am wrong a lot. I need to grow. I need to change, right? Could you say more about how you have realized that you had this inner leadership quality about yourself that you did not know you had. The reason why I'm asking about this is because I've said this a lot. You will discover this in entrepreneurship and going to a leader as a potential inside of yourself that you did not know that you had in you just said that. Could you give us some examples and maybe you could tie it into kind of your routine or like what a day looks like for you like how did you discover that you have this leadership quality inside of yourself that you didn't know you had at? You said you were 62 You've already had a full career. And could you help us to understand how we too, can discover this awesome badass leader inside of ourselves that we did not know was there?

Kim: Well, I'm gonna, I'm gonna just take it back to and I've told people this before and I've mentioned it in my lives and this is 100% the truth. When I went through that 15 Day Challenge, one of the things that because I guess one of the things that I experienced, was it because I didn't know or I can do don't don't even think about this you know, I started you know, continuing to do that, but then I signed up for a coaching program with one of the most amazing humans in that I've met in this last year and a half and that was Barb McGowen, And she inspired me to bring that leadership quality out. Because I was still thinking, you know, back back at the non essential thing like Who, me? And she helped me to believe that that was possible. Could you tell people right now, how could you summarize how that happened? Could you describe that yourself, because the quality that's going to take your leadership to the next level is for you to be able to describe your transformation and put it into simple terms for others. So what could others do to inspire confidence in themselves? Because I think it's all about being willing to open your mind up. The truth is that we don't grow unless we embrace being uncomfortable and letting go of those fears and insecurities, you're still going to be afraid. But that's okay. Just lean into it. And, you know, that's when you discover who you really are, and what your potential is. We can do anything we want. Honestly, I mean, you know you want to make a million dollars, you could do it. I mean, if you want to run a marathon, I've ran two half marathons, never somebody would be able to do that. But the leadership thing is, that was a surprise to me. Yeah. When I had people say to me, you know, that you're a leader and I'm like, you know, really, you know, I'm looking over my shoulder like

Dave: Anybody can become a leader. I think there's also a, you know, what you are selling to our service that you're selling was one of the things that was understandable making sure your Acacia stores your mentor well. It wasn't the, you know, it wasn't the teacher that was unsure of themselves and kind of walked quietly and didn't want to make any noise or it was the teacher that made you feel confident that made you forget about time and just learn in the moment you were having fun. That is confidence, you know, and so this for me, one of the things that has helped my confidence is stopping believing everybody around me in all their disempowering limiting beliefs. I used to really go and, and I used to really, you know, I used to really think that a lot of people had things figured out that I didn't have figured out. And what I realized was they were figuring shit out as they were going just like I am and then I didn't end up on a pet. One of the things that gave was going with other people that I was putting I met him and I shook their hand and they holy crap this is a regular human beings like I am you know, and that's when I realize that success is in here. It's not just about what I do. And I'm telling you on the internet, it's deceiving because we put people up on a pedestal and we, we we you know, we're watching them on screens in our in our our we've always idolized people who are on our screens. And so we look at ourselves in our reality here at home, and we compare it to what we see somebody else doing on a screen. It's just a little snapshot of their life. Like when I hold up this phone, you're not seeing the big picture even right now you're only seeing a small square of my background, you're not seeing my whole life. And so those are some of the things that boosted my confidence and were actually also sticking around in the business and in the industry. People will something stupid or I'll you know, I'll say something Something will slip whatever, I'll make an ass of myself. Just you stick around long enough to just see it all the way through and see the full picture instead of just a snapshot. And when you do for me, that's kind of humanizing the process and that's given me more confidence. Another thing that's really helped me is getting clear, speaking clearly. And in, in, in striving for clarity, instead of complexity. You know, we always want to complicate our marketing, our funnels, our message content, but really we need to be striving for clarity. Is this clear? Is this clear? When somebody watches a 15 second video, when somebody lands on my landing page, are they clear about what I'm saying and what I want them to do or what they're going to get out of it? By being clear here, having the means if you put email with clearly, clearly that my confidence. The final thing that boosted my confidence was the fact that I started making money and I started to believe in myself. And that was one of the final things that boosted my confidence because like I heard Jay Leno say one time he's always told people if you want to be successful, don't worry about believing in yourself. Worry about getting other people to believe in you and your product. And if you worry about that, then your belief will build in yourself because the world will tell you that what you're now doing is a valuable contribution. So to any one of those things stand out or resonate with you more than the other about an experience that you had maybe with earning your first commission or how that boosts your confidence or anything else that I just listed out as far as those confidence boosters in my journey. I mean I was going to as I was like

Kim: We compare ourselves to everyone and we see ourselves as lacking and the truth is like you just said, Everybody's human. So you're human if you have human flaws. You have human traits and you need to give yourself grace and forgive yourself. You know, one of the things that that I try to instill in my people that I work with my, my clients is that they're, you know, the first thing we do is we do a limiting beliefs exercise and, you know, we try to dispel that and I don't want to hear I don't want to hear people saying, you know, you know, I'm stupid or I you know, I failed at this or anything like that. Because the truth is, you don't fail at anything unless you quit and then that's when you know, self picked off the lead so I quit and it held me back and a lot of in a lot of ways, because I didn't finish that. So when I started this business, I said this, you're doing this and you are not with it are not going to stop you are going to do this. You're going to see this out. You're going to give yourself a year if nothing happens after that year, well then you can pivot but unfortunately, it's all worked out. Great. The other thing that you said that made me think about being able to laugh at yourself and I've always said that if you can laugh at yourself. There's a lot of good material there. That endless and so just getting on tick tock you know, showing your face showing that you're vulnerable showing that you are okay with putting all your all your dirty laundry right out there. You know make your mess in the park building you know and now I love to show my face. My first few videos were not showing my face and then I just said okay, well, you know, that's silly. Just do it. rip the band aid off.

Dave: Those are some wise words. And there are certain things that you fail or you lose competitions, races, things like that. But folks of the same race, the same race and that's why the only way to fail really is to quit and I do know people who have done this for significant periods of time and finally had a breakthrough and it's like that's not something you can say with a lot of things. It's like you know, with a job if you can't say that, you know, but isn't as you can say, like an infant. it so that your businesses the same way you only lose when you sell or quit. You know what I mean? And so as long as you don't quit, you have a chance for that business like a great stock. As long as you're going into a business that you know is a good business. And this is a good business. There's no doubt about that. This is this is not even something that I invented or that I I mean, this is something that's worldwide. It's something that is something that is the rest of the world is now catching on to and quite frankly it's funny because the rest of the world is now everybody's starting to be a lot more open about the fact that it's pretty realistic for an individual to even get ahead nowadays without a side hustle especially if we actually recession every time meet other humans becoming Upon a Dream conversation to have us there. We're calling it a side hustle. Because a second job is no longer something that people are. They don't know they don't have to go get a second job. You can have a second job. But there's other options now, in what I'm making the point that I'm making is that for a long time, and I want you to think about how times were different. I was listening to a Holocaust survivor. talk the other day. And we're talking about how as you know, as the Nazis were going from city to city, that people were telling them that it was happening, but they did not believe them. And that was 70 years. What was that? 1950 When exactly did that happen? Maybe strapping


It was early. Because we were safer. We don't have to just rely on what somebody is telling us in our local city or school. Another example that's not as extreme as the one that I just gave would be how, when we're growing up and we grew up in a town or a city or a school and they say what policy are you going to as if that's the only option? Right? Okay. Make it seem or they always made it seem maybe there has been less options up until that point. But now, kids in high school when somebody says what college are you going to? They got a lot more options, a lot more things. And they want to be YouTubers. They want to be influencers. They want to be affiliate marketers. They want to have side hustles they want to travel and work remotely lot times are great for because we hadn't warned you that Amazon was going to look at how much opportunity that we have today compared to previous generations and pebble in the past and so as we wrap up today, that's my kind of like plea to people is like look at the difference in the opportunity that we have compared to people and past it or maybe even that you thought you had before you found legendary and started listening to these conversations. What thought do you want to leave folks with this morning to ponder over the weekend? 

Kim: The fact that we have all these opportunities, you know, not just not just myself but my daughters are 19 So I have twin daughters. And they graduated from high school last year. And they both took a gap year because that last year was because the pandemic was really hard on them. But none of our like the you know, look we want we want what we're going to try to push them and they didn't want to go I was never going to push them in that direction because of the fact that they do have so many other opportunities and my daughter, one of my daughters wants to join me in my business she wants to be wants to help me. And I think that's awesome because she's seeing that potential and she's seeing mom doing something different than mom has ever done before and getting outside of my comfort zone and has you know, and she's seeing because when I first started doing this, of course they were like moms getting on TikTok oh my god, you know, we're so embarrassed to tell her friends and now it's like my mom has 109,000 followers on TikTok. So yeah, the artist who not only is starting agency sees this but she's thing that's wildly successful for fathers is a doctor and he's like, why aren't you going to college and she says I don't want to go to college. I don't have to. Because I'm doing this, you know, and I'm going to be way more successful at this than I ever could be by going to college. And by the way, I don't want to dissuade anyone from going to college if that is your path. If that's your path, by all means go because you're going to learn a lot. I have 14 years of post secondary education way more than anyone should ever have. But every single thing that I've learned, I can take that and apply those to other things. So you'll never see education, you'll ever have a big vision. You're going to always be able to learn that we have these big brains, right? We're smart monkeys. But you know, these big brains evolved so that we could have unlimited potential. So do it. You know, don't don't think that because you're in space or if you know that right now you're in this space that you don't have the potential to break out of that and to do more because you always have that option and you have that potential. Everybody does it no matter where they are in their lives. They always have that potential. And I'm seeing that business you know? Being, like you said, the Internet has changed us all but it's changed us in the sense that you know, we do have this vast ocean of opportunity No, and not take advantage of it. That's and that's I guess what I wanted to leave with everybody I wanted to tell you and uh, you and I have something in common that that I wanted to tell you about because you talk about your recovery. And, and I'm so inspired by that because you know, I've listened to you talk about it a number of times and you know, you changed your life because you wanted to get clean. I’m a recovering alcoholic and you have shown me why I want to stay sober. Maybe it would have happened anyway, but it made me make that decision that you know, I had to make that change in my life and it says it's been amazing as hell I've made all the difference.

Dave: Incredible. Thank you for sharing that. That's really cool. I have found it to be the most inspiring content if you will. Never never ceases to amaze me. Just how unique we all are from different walks of life. And this whole thing that's happened the last couple of years has pushed so many people into our world that we would have normally never got to be, you know, worked in all these legitimate industries like education and like you know, like, like, you know, accounting and law in the medical field we've had because of what's happened last couple of years. So many folks from other industries who had careers and other fields come into the space. And Kim is a fantastic example of that.Because that's when you have the motivation. So if you're excited right now, if you see the vision, clear about where you want to go with your life and what you can maybe do with this, just get started and don't stop. And you'll see how things will open up and what things begin to look like for you. Right, but you don't know yet. You only know your own struggle and you only know your current existence. So it's hard to imagine what it will be like, and that's why we're mostly motivated by our pain. But I challenge you all to think about what will empower the driver don't know how it's going to change you until you experience it. And Kim found this whole new set of confidence that she didn't know that she had. I wonder what you'll find. Stay Legendary. Have a great weekend and we'll see you on Monday.

The Secret To Convert Sales Online

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Hello everybody welcome to another episode of wakeup legendary It's Wednesday, September 14. My name is Matt if you don't already know me, I'm the CMO, the Chief Marketing Officer here at Legendary, and we are live. We go live every single Monday through Friday at 10am. Eastern. And we call it Wake Up Legendary because we want to give people in our community an opportunity to wake up, not Fox News or CNN or on you could call you on fake news, whatever, but you can wake up with somebody who's inspiring who's having a lot of success. You can see what they're doing, you can listen to what's driving them and use it as a little bit of motivation and inspiration for yourself. So let’s welcome today’s guest. Good to have you on. How are you?

Steven: I'm fantastic. Another beautiful day in Michigan. How are you doing?

Matt:  Yeah, good here. We're finally getting out of the hundreds. So it's like man, it's like 79 degrees. So for people who haven’t met you, tell us a little bit about yourself.

Steven: Yeah, I started this journey, just like December. This has been about eight months in the making nine months now. And if you guys don't know me, I'm Steve. I run a company called Cash Flow Marketer. I started with Legendary back in October and did nothing with it until December where I wanted to live in mind, and there we were, you know, we were real quiet. We were sitting in the back of the room. And I just decided that they broke through a board that day. I was making $15 an hour if you can believe that. I worked from home but it was not fun. I was making hundreds of calls a day. And I told myself that's it and as soon as I left the event, I got to work. I even got to work during the event and 16 days later, I walked away from my job and haven't gone back since. And I've been fortunate enough to earn a lot of different awards and build an amazing business here and most importantly, have more time spent with family and more time with our son all the time in the world. 

Matt: That's super cool, man. Hold on. Our echo echo kind of just goes in and out and then that's okay. We'll get the mute thing. So actually, Can you unmute yourself? I'm gonna just control the mute action on my end. But if you mute yourself, then it won't let me unmute you. So it's like a whole damn thing over here. But anyway, yeah, I mean, when you sat at the mastermind, and I just, you were so unassuming not that it was a weird thing or anything but it was just like oh man, I wonder what this guy's up to you know, and it was easy. Just run basically spread data that mastermind and go crazy so that was cool. I think for me watching you go from that place to speaking with a lot of conviction at the mastermind was really cool too. I felt like you were you had a ton of conviction and a ton of energy and excitement and not just conviction but clarity. Like you were really clear about hey, here's exactly what I did. Here's what I thought was awesome. I'll come speak at masterminds to people who are you know, beginners or just starting to figure things out? They might be five or six years down the road, and they've lost touch sometimes with the moment somebody starts and what are the important actions and I think you hadn't lost touch by that point in that mastermind. You still haven't lost touch with that now. But that's that man. That's just such a really powerful experience to hear somebody speak to people who need to know their mate right now. And yeah, that was just super cool to me. And I thought it was a unique experience, such a rare experience. But doing that all so fast and having such explosive growth. What was that like? I mean, what was that? Like? What were some things that you did that you felt like were keys to your success? And then also like, what were some things you wish you maybe hadn't done or maybe would do differently?

Steven: I've made an eight month eight month journey. I'm going to start there because I think a lot of people talk about their successes and how they did it. It's important to track traps. If you're learning digital marketing, or digital marketing moves, fast, as late stuff at the mastermind previously that I had shared with others, some of the top elite believe and so what I'm about I'm about to share with you. It's going to be the most impactful Wake Up Legendary entire year. So here's what I need to know to know I want to start by saying the most people out in the marketing thing. I felt I learned about sales. So sales lead sales. If you don't know what a sales funnel is, this was one of the biggest mistakes I made just recently.

Matt:  Sorry about the audio guys. We'll get him back. We'll get him back. You guys thought you were the only people in the world with techie issues right. We'll get him back on because I'm excited to hear from Steve about what's been impacting his business and what failures he's had and what things he would like to do differently, but it could be where we played around with a lot of the audio and a lot of the stuff so we'll get him back in he's gonna come back and on a laptop or something. We'll find out. We'll see what he comes back on. But Steve, yeah, when he came to the mastermind and spoke he came down to Orlando and literally just months after his experience and he, man he took off he set some record that we've ever seen in terms of just leads in sales and he's been consistent ever since then sometimes when people take off and have a huge round of success. It tapers off a little bit over time and he hasn't really tapered the ordering system which is maybe more impressive than anything else is that level of consistency over time, and he's a beast of a marketer. One thing that I'd like to do, here's what I'd like to do for you all to type in a question that you might have for Steve and as he comes in, when I think might be cool, is sharing a few of the questions that you wonder about. Well, you know, Steve, you've you went out and this isn't a full income disclaimer. Most people who purchase any sort of training online aren't going to earn six figures online. But Steve has and he's set up a successful online business, what would you like to hear from? I mean, what questions would you have for him? What kind of things are you wondering about his success and what he's done to achieve that success? I'd love not just for me to have my questions out for him, but also for you guys, as well as excuse me, type them in the comments if you've got any. Keith wants to know what's his routine for staying motivated and keeping the fire alive? What's the most important thing that's contributed to your journey?  How many niches did Steve start? What was the current use? That's a good question. Let's let's when he gets back in here, and let's ask him a few of these questions. Let's see. Let's pop over here. For Steve, what was the biggest lesson you learned at the beginning of your journey? What is your favorite platform? What platform was he successful on? He had a lot of success on Facebook. Maybe we can talk a little bit about that too. What does consistency look like? What's his daily routine? Oh, that's good. How long did it take to get your first 1000 subscribers? tools and apps? Are you following the strategy? Are you posting your TikToks on other social media platforms? How do you keep yourself motivated especially? Well, I think the thing that is part of Steve's success and some of the success that I see from people who come to our masterminds is what Steve did is take exactly what he boiled down. He kind of sat in the back and he was just sitting taking notes throughout this mastermind that we had. And what Steve did was he kind of boiled it down to an action plan. Boiled down, what do I need to do? He got a real action plan in place and he said, Okay, look, here's the thing. I know exactly what it is that I need to do. I know exactly day by day, I need to create X amount of video pieces of content. I know where I'm gonna get my inspiration for that content. I know what's worked in the past. And I'm gonna boil it down to an action plan and then he actually just stuck with it for about 90 days, said hey, I'm gonna give this a real hard shot for I don't know if he said he was going to commit to 90 days, or 180 days or what it was but yeah, How did he conquer audio problems? Yeah, I mean, good. Question. We're about to find out I hope. Well, let's see. Can we get a copy of his action plan? You know? We probably don't have that one. Like he I mean, he probably doesn't have that like scan or something, but maybe we could unpack exactly what it is that he did. He definitely is omnipresent. That is for sure. He's all over the place. He's creating content everywhere.


He didn't really enter in a special mentor program that was a secret Mentor Program. He had purchased our mastermind so he really just went through the blueprints. And that's how he met. With that. I think How did you ramp up and sustain your video production content machine, man, I mean, he just went after it. He just went after it. This is too good to not hear it right. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, we'll get through the techie stuff. stuff. is easy. The more you're in this industry. The techy stuff that eventually becomes easy. I shouldn't say that. It just is easy, but the techie stuff is, if you'll eventually figure that out to the point where it doesn't seem like or feel that heavier, feel that overwhelming. You'll eventually push through that. So I wouldn't worry too much about the techie stuff. You'll eventually power through it. But let's see here. Let's see if we got it. Let's see if we got it. Bang. Steve, what up?

Steve: Hey, hear me better?

Matt:  Loud and clear. Fantastic. Loud and clear. Let's see. Hang on a second. Can you go to your video settings down at the bottom and just make sure you're on 1080. Either of those will work out we're rockin and rollin man. The audio sounds beautiful. All right. Love it. We're back as Navy we're back, Steve I threw an audible in and here's what I did. I actually asked if I pulled our entire audience here. And I said, Hey, what do you guys want to know for Steve and I got lots of questions. And I'd love to do a quick fire question session with Steve if that's cool with you.

Steven: Awesome. I love it. All right.

Matt:  We're gonna keep you on your toes. Let's see what happens. All right, bang. Here we go. I'm curious about this. What's your routine for staying? motivated and keeping the fire alive every day? Do you have anything? What's the secret sauce, Steve?

Steve: Oh, man. It's an amazing question. You know what? Number one, it's my son. More than anything. I wake up every day with the ability to wake up every single day and see family. It's a constant reminder of this mission. And then that's just what gets me started getting fired up every day. Once I get in here and actually start interacting with our community. It's the people every single day. Once you build your community, you start building people, core people who rely on you. You can't quit on them. You actually have a sense of accountability from the people who are expecting your best from the people who are relying on you to build those relationships. You can't leave them hanging were the two things that really motivate me every single day. Wow. That's cool.

Matt:  I love it. How when you are first getting started, how do you go? How did you get followers?

Steven: You know what? So I'll tell you exactly how I got followers and then I'll tell you what I do nowadays because there's a massive difference. I started in December, mid December after going to the weight of legendary and I had zero followers. None of you knew me in December. Even fewer people knew me in October when I signed up for this but forget every day hasn't. Every single person starts with zero followers. So if you're thinking you need a big following, you don't know if every single person started zero at some point even the biggest people like the Kardashians started at zero. And answer your question. I started off, I left the legendary and some of the advice that was at the master was make three to four videos every single day. That was how I started out. I poured out content. I researched three to four videos every single day. I did that for about seven months. Up until recently I made almost 900 videos since then. She knows I'm not telling you guys to do that. Because I realized that that approach isn't isn't the right approach. The thing is that you don't need volume with your videos to build followers. What more people need is not volume but value. The difference between what I used to do and what I do now. What I used to do was focus on a sales funnel approach. I was focused on finding a big group of people here getting them subscribed, having a little bit of a smaller group, helping convert even a smaller amount you know forms like an upside down pyramid. And I used video three to four videos a day to reach that massive group of people to get them subscribed email to start converting sales and realized what happens when you focus on the sales funnel upside down approach is that you end up with a very transactional relationship with your leads so mad if I could I want to take I want to take a little bit extra time I want to show you an example of this. Yeah, so I have a class here. Let's say I've got this class and I've got this water bottle. Let's say this water bottle is leaking. These are all of the leads that you have right here. This is like your pipeline. And then the little tip of the water bottle here is your sales funnel. So I started out and I was trying to reach all of these people, this big pool of people filling up the water bottle and curator. You're filling up your pipeline with people. What I would do is I would funnel them through like this into the glass and this class right here. Think of this kind of like this is kind of like the people who have purchased from us. These are the transactional people who have actually made a purchase. So you've got your class. These are the people who have bought from you. But here's the issue- the water can't go up and back into your pipeline. That's extremely important, because this means the people in the class, they're just there. The problem with that is that they're just stale, stagnant. You're not getting it, you're not delivering any additional value to them. And so you're out again and you're off looking for new leads. Again, you're off paying money for paid ads, you're doing more videos to reach more of these people. That's the wrong approach. You're reaching these people you want to take to be able to take these people in the class who have already purchased from you to be able to recycle them back up into your pipeline. Yep. What's really important about this is that the way I just described is not a sales funnel. It's called a flywheel. And the flywheel design for marketing is pretty. It's about the most cutting edge marketing that's happening right now. And its marketing is moving in a direction where you no longer are running people through a funnel to get a transaction to go back to strangers and try to sell them again. What you're doing with a flywheel is you're taking the people who have already purchased from you. You're engaging with them through conversation, then you're delighting them and giving them so much that they're actually going out and they're telling their friends about you they're telling their family about you. and word of mouth is actually starting to fill this up for you. Sort of mouth is filling it up and purchasing it for you and it empowers you it allows you to be able to work less, you get to work less because you're delighted customers are going out and they're telling all their friends or telling all their family about you and their friends and family are going out purchasing from you. They're joining your community. They're engaging with you. So you actually have to do less work than people who are focused on that sales funnel, people who are focused on constantly going out and getting new leads. It's not about going out and getting new leads. It's about engaging your existing leads. Only creating content that attracts people. I mentioned a flywheel circle. It starts up here to attract people with your video content, for example, and then you're going to engage them in actual conversations. really find out their pain points, find out their struggles, and they're going along the flywheel. You're going to delight them with the solution that you have. So I want you guys to write down and remember that I want to attract people with your videos with your content. Your goal is not to create a video on what you're not selling them on your offer with your video. The only thing you're doing with whatever piece of content you create a blog or video is to attract them and you attract them by giving them so much value upfront. Create content to start conversations with people. That's the only reason to create content. So I started off to recap three to four videos real hard. Now, I create maybe one video a day and I'll only make content. If it is valuable. And I only make it to start conversations with people. 

Matt:  What do you mean by that?

Steven: I mean that when I create a piece of content, I don't I don't create any more sort of cryptic secret, you know, oh, find out what this is. It's not valuable enough to me. I create a piece of content that solves a problem right there on the spot. For instance, I created a piece of content just recently, and it's the seven places to promote your affiliate links to actually make money. Instant it's an instant piece delivers instant value and starts conversations in let's say comments on Facebook. From there. I find out each and every person's pain point. In my community. We have a system if you're not having conversations every single day with people, if you're not asking them, What are you looking to achieve, what are you looking to accomplish? What are your pain points and you're not finding these things out? That's why you're not. That's why your business is not growing, because through meaningful conversations you're not building enough connections with people. You're not engaging with enough people every single day. When you give people an interest in others and you get them results. Everything else ticket sales take care of themselves. People go out and talk about you. They rave about you. You don't have to buy advertising. You don't have to work really hard. You just have conversations all day basically, in Messenger and you build a business off of having conversations and building relationships. And it's so much more meaningful to connect then just drive them through a sales funnel, send them over to an affiliate link and then on to the next stranger. 

Matt: That makes sense. I mean, even to a certain extent it is. I mean it never really has been people are always going to turn to that model. What so when you're out there when you say first of all creating value solving a problem. Give us an example that like they like let's take like a niche of like, like, if I'm if I'm gonna fill it like I'm a like, I'm a digital marketer and I'm in the weight loss niche. And I'm creating videos and engaging with people. Give me an example of kind of like a piece of content I could create that would solve a problem. I think that's why those are your words, solve a problem. And then when you say engage with people, let's define that for the new people to our community who aren't sure what that means. What do you mean? Engage with people? Because I think that that's a valid question. What would you walk us through that process?

Steven: Okay, so you're in the weight loss niche. The first thing I'm going to do is, I'm going to go out if I have no, I have if I haven't had those conversations if you're brand new, you can go out to Google and use tool free tools, such as one called SM look up what people are asking about Google. What sort of questions are they typing into Google? What are the most popular questions? One of them is probably how do I lose weight quickly? You do from there if you write down that problem hot that question How do I lose weight quickly? And then you create let's say a video, video, then teach somebody a quick tip to lose weight quickly. Teach him something about you know, some simple like ketosis. Teach him something that gives them an instant result. Maybe you tell them you know what? This one exercise helped me lose 15 pounds in 20 days. Give them that video. Instantly. And then that starts the conversation. Got it. From there. You want to do is as you start all these problems in video, people are going to come to you and they're going to ask you questions when they're asking you questions. Take note of what questions are getting asked the most in that niche. And then what you want to do is create an actual document, let's say like a PDF solving that looks right up front. Tell them exactly what to do. Make it so good man. You can do this in a Word document but make that document so good that people think I should be paying money for this right now. CAC, the value stack, actually solves a problem. Don't leave them hanging at the end and say oh, if you want more information here, head over to my funnel to actually solve problems. When you engage, what I mean by engaging is simply conversations. Now the headline for this video for the event. For this video, I had said the 50,000 year old secret to make money online. That 50,000 year old secret I was talking about in his language. A lot of things change in marketing, a lot of things change in life, conversation and human connection does not change. That is something that is necessary in business business is people yeah and engaging just means having conversations with people every single day. Trusted in them. It means whether it's through messenger if you prefer the phone, if you prefer email, wherever I would say email is the best personally. Having conversations every single day with people engaging with people, if they've reached out to you see you as an authority. They see you as an influencer even if you only have authority and an influencer. And it means a lot when you reach out to them. And you engage with them and you influence the authority, actually ask them what's going on with you and how can I help solve your greatest problem? They tell you your greatest, their greatest problem. You create a solution for it. I just need to lose this weight, create a solution, go research a solution right next to them and say hey, you know what? I have this for you and I want to give this to you. I want you to have this. This will help you solve that problem you're having when it solves that problem. When you know a well researched thing, you create it and you help them solve that problem. Tell everybody about where they're gonna go. If the person for instance wants to lose some weight because they have a wedding coming up in six months, and they lose that weight and you help them do it and tell everybody at that wedding, about you, about your company, about that product. They're going to share everything they have, they're going to spill it all people are saying hey, you look amazing. How did you lose that weight? Wow, you look great. Oh my gosh, it was Matt Hetzel and his weight loss program that changed my life. You need this guy and I've had amazing conversations with him. He's like a friend to me. You can reach out to him and he responds. He's kind of once. They will talk about you and rave about you as promoters and when you have an army of promoters people promoting you for free. Less to do less work your promoters go out and they tell other people about you and the virtuous cycle begins again. Because then they tell someone about you. You solve that person's problem. And then that person goes to people and it's not their problem, and they go and tell people and that's how you start to work less, learn more, and deliver a ton of value to a ton of people. Every single day. You work less and earn more and you get to deliver value, what I mean what could be better than having that sort of impact on people. And still get to do the things you want with the people that you love the most.

Matt:  Yes. And that's how you experience all that exponential growth because you're focused more on what you said. Something about getting people's interest or being interested in them. And that goes to something that Dave often says which is focused more on the interest stated and less on being interesting. Like people always want to be like, oh, I need to be like the Kardashians or something you know, like oh, I've got to do something crazy. But the truth is just being really interested in what people actually are, what are the real problems that they want solved and how can you be the solution to that? Me earlier this week said that on Monday, we had a lady who's been coaching in the well, she's in the kind of parenting niche. And so she does coaching with moms to declutter their houses and she's got a really successful business in that coaching industry. And she said, How can I? How can I? What problems do they have? How can I solve them and how can I show them that I'm the one to solve it now, right now? Yeah. And, and I like how that leads into the whole conversation piece. Especially for people who are newer, and they're a beginner, right. So the reason I think that's so important, I'm just expounding on what you just said. But the reason I feel like that's certain is as you get started, and you're getting moving you are actually wondering how do people word their problems? How do people state their problems? And if you get into conversation with 10 people guess what, you know, you go back to your marketing, and your videos and your funnel and your all of your emails and everything can actually take that language from your conversations and put it into your marketing. And now suddenly, you're speaking the same language as a normal person rather than using marketing lingo, like industry lingo, that no one really understands. Every industry has their own kind of lingo. They use it. But now you're speaking normal people speak like normal. You said the word. Yeah, and normal spoken language or normal type language. Man, I think that that's so powerful. So as you're as you're starting out, and you're creating content that solves people's problems, and they're bringing them into conversation with you, here's the nuts and bolts piece that I think a lot of people are wondering which is if I go out and create a piece of content, how I gave watches my video.

Matt:  Get to engage with me to reach out to say something to me, like what do I do? Do I? Do I say something in my video that it's a call to action? Do I put something in the comments that says hey, here's what I want you to do. How do you Steve communicate to your audience and say if you basically if you'd like to learn more, I can help you. Here's what you do next. 

Steven: Well, the structure of a successful video, basically it's four parts. You have the hook in the beginning of the problem. You're addressing how to solve the solution but he's gone particularly well.

Matt: Actually. I'm glad that he got booted there for a second because the hook for those of you who are newer, you might not know what a hook is. A hook is a beginning where you bring somebody in and you sort of capture their attention. Then you've got the hook for the problem, keep going.

Steven: You got the hook, bring them in capture their attention, as Matt said, you've got the problem that you're addressing you want to use the exact words of the people who have already messaged you whatever the problem is, with how you're going to solve it the solution and then you've had the call to action at the end of the action. You should be that your community is already asking you for so if they're if they're saying to you How do I get started? Make your call to action to get started with their exact words back in the call to action to get started, just leave a comment to get started. DM, send a DM simple stuff. And if you prefer it. People are just gonna naturally you know, social media, people are gonna naturally reach out and say, hey, you know what, I heard you say that and I wanted to know more about this. Can you expound on it? Can you tell me a little bit more? On top of that it's almost a natural flow. So don't don't obsess over the call to action. Don't obsess over the wording, just people do. That's what a call to action is. Make sure that you solve a problem in that video. And that content spends most of the time solving that problem.

Matt: Yeah, I think that that makes sense. I think I think it and that's such a beautiful thing. I mean, if you can really solve somebody spawns in man, that's powerful. Because if you can do it once, then people are going to have more and more belief, a deeper level of belief. And I think what's the word? I think here's a powerful word that comes to mind as you explain this is the word certainty. Meaning when people have certainty, that is basically the holy grail of marketing. When somebody feels a level of certainty when you solve their problem or use of maybe they don't have one problem, but you solve one of their problems. And you're like, wow, that I was just somebody wondering this. I haven't been able to solve this. And I feel like he just solved my problem. Yeah. Now could he solve more problems? No, he wants now he's got for instance, a product or something. Wow, interesting. I have a level of certainty that you know that he's already solved my problem for free. There's maybe something else and then boom, they purchase and again level of certainty, is now you're solving multiple of their problems. Anyway, I just think that that's a powerful idea and a powerful man. 

Steven: So it is in a lot of niches out there, where you guys will see life come to you. They've already seen a lot of other things online about that particular thing. Most likely, you're probably not the first person they've seen. And in my experience, a lot of people doing affiliate marketing one niches out there. They're really not delivering a lot of value. Post on that sales funnel I mentioned earlier, how do I get the most leads and get to build an email list and drive down as many conversions as I can down here. And then once people buy from them, they don't hear from them or even at the top, maybe someone reaches out and says, Hey, you know, how can I lose weight coming up in six months, and that influencer that person never responds to them, forwards them over to a virtual assistant, or sends them through an automated bot. I wanted to tell you guys this too, is that through this journey over the past eight months, a huge mistake I made. I set up a very intricate artificial AI bot system in our community and Facebook Messenger actually us I used a program to set it up is pretty complicated led through all kinds of trainings and things it was called the cashflow bot, and what I found from doing that for about a month and a half was that engagement not only dropped, but it came from a very bottom unit. And it showed people were angry. It didn't work. Well it was very mechanical, you know, somebody would reach out and say, it would say screw screw you you're you're a scam or whatever they say. And then the bot would reach out to him and say, Hey, this is Steve. Great to you. How are you doing and what can I solve for you? It just didn't didn't make sense. There wasn't a human connection. And so the mistake I made was trying to make it more efficient for myself and for our business. The expense of our prospects at the expense of everybody in the company. I went to make it more efficient for myself with some automated systems that just did not work well. So if you're thinking how can I automate this as much as possible? It's good. Don't Don't search for all the don't try to make your life simpler. Prospects' lives are really difficult. Because if you remember that attractive, engaged delight, you're going to cause a lot of friction. In those three things. You're going to cause a lot of friction after you attract them. Engagement is going to cause a lot of friction and you're not going to delight people, which is going to stall your business growth. So you have to have those conversations with people, those genuinely interested conversations with others. And don't seek to automate things so much and make your life so convenient that you're hurting people who you could be helping.

Matt:  In our world, the only way we were able to really get those bots to work, and we ended up running into lots of issues with the bots. Facebook didn't love that number one. But yeah, the only way we were really able to get those to work I steal from you know, a small level of engagement to start, like just one touch that was really vague and and they like fun, basically funneling people based on another response into real conversations, using it as basically just a tiny little gate to push open. And that was really the only way but Yeah, same thing. It's like, you know, you're gonna get so many responses that are just human and not really conversational at all. I feel like you know, I feel like in my experience in my world, as I want you and others to create content that drives leads and solves problems and lots of people are really interested. I feel like there's this sort of hidden secret

Matt: That a lot of people who start out and really grow and grow fast, is they're willing to take the time to do type of engagement and there's a lot of people on here right now, for instance, who are like, No, I would take the time, I just can't figure out how to how to get people to respond to me. You know, and I think I'm being really straightforward and really clear. I keep getting these. I keep getting people, we keep getting people on the show, and a common theme that keeps coming up is the late layer thing. People keep coming back to the show and saying, I just learned to become really clear with people and your version of that seems to be I learned to help solve people's problems, rather than being cubed. And you know, rather than being sort of a little confusing or a little vague with my videos, I learned to become really clear with people and what happens in that case is the level of clarity that increases conversion rates. Yeah, I mean, there's, there's the people who are coming through our cloud. That's why a lot of times when people create long form content, but it's a little bit more vague and it's a little bit more kind of curiosity based like on YouTube. Since they dry they have high numbers of traffic, or actual conversions are very, very tiny tons of leads. Very small amounts of sales. So I just find that interesting. I find that really interesting. Because yeah, I don't know I think that there's a little hidden gem in there about marketing and about

Steven: Yeah, for you know, what I see in university too, in a lot of different markets, is I see people create content. So I do a lot of research. And one thing I see a lot is I see the piece of content, I go down and I look through the comments. And there are a lot of customers and clients complaining in their comments. You know, I'm here again, I've reached out five times. I don't hear anything. I can't stand this never responds. It'll be, you know, 10s or dozens or hundreds of comments that never respond to me. Never hear from them. They told me to comment when I come in and I don't hear from them. That's a great example of these people just sitting at the bottom and not they're not delivering any value back to the top. That they're not refilling the person's business and they're not delivering the value. They're just sitting there and they're actually hurting that business. You know, the funny words, but if they're not teaching with people, if you're not reaching out to them, if you're not if your comments are filled with your responses, for instance, then those people are just there, they're wasted energy, and that's where a lot of sales are lost. And that's where a lot of the help that they deserve. So I just wanted to add that little caveat.

Matt: That's good, man. That's really good. I don't know if I could have said it any better than that? Because the epic eggs are just going to wrap up our show because I just looked at the camera and I just said, I just said I couldn't have said it any better than that. And that was a great note to end on. Do we make it through all the different techie whatever bullshit, I guess what? Here's a little learning lesson for everybody who's here. Number one thing really matters. Yeah, Mike just said it. Like I said that was a total Mic drop. It actually doesn't matter, especially in the world of online especially when you're getting started, especially when you're just it's your first time doing anything online. Like maybe you're getting a real gym, meeting coach or, you know, whatever. Next week, we have somebody on who's who's grown at 9000 follower accounts. In the dog training niche and has lots of affiliate traffic and all this kind of stuff. Whatever you're getting started with doesn't matter.

Matt: The most important thing is to remember that the techie shit, the logistics of your funnel, all of that stuff you can work out as long as you focus on solving people's problems. And if you focus your focus and time and attention on that alone, man that isn't absolute, like straight away. That is the solution. So Steve, thanks for coming back on. We'll have you back on again, of course, in a couple months if you'd like to come back on and we'll get even more gold nuggets from you. As you learn and keep growing and keep building your business. You're about to hit another humongous milestone with us and that's cool. And you've got a rockin ‘business.

Steven: So I'm looking forward to now. I'll see you in December too, it’s going to be amazing.

Matt:  Hell yeah. Let's do it. Alright, guys. Let's see. Where can we follow Steve? Should we have people find you on Facebook?

Steven: You know, Facebook's the best. I prefer it because we can have conversations that way.

Matt:  Beautiful. Love that. All right. Thanks. A lot. Peace out. And I'll get people over to your Facebook. Thanks, man. All right, guys. Alright. Peace out everybody. Have a great rest of your Wednesday. We will see you back here at the same time like tomorrow at 10am. Eastern. Go find Steve on Facebook at Cash Flow marketer. And we’ll see you back here tomorrow.

How To Use Social Media To Grow Your Business

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends it's Dave Sharpe/ Welcome to Wake Up Legendary I'm gonna be waking up legendary here with you this morning fresh and first cup of coffee my friends fresh and first it's not like I got three cuts so far so we are going to wake up legendary. Alrighty let's welcome our guest onto the show today who as you can see by the title tunnel vision has well been something that she's used. Let's discuss the pros and cons Robin Welcome to the show.

Robyn: Hi, thanks for having me. I'm so excited to be here.

Dave: Hey, you're You're welcome. I'm really excited to tunnel vision with you. And JoAnn then took that this weekend and sent out a whole email about it. Which I thought was kind of cool about this idea of you know, three moguls sitting at the table with one of their fathers who happen to be buff, Buffett Munger and Bill Gates and Gates' father asked, you know, what's the number one thing that you would attribute all your success to? And each one of them all at the same time said focus, you know, and focus is another word or I guess, you know, for tunnel vision. So, talk to us a little bit about your story. How you started with legendary and what is tunnel vision played, you know, what part has it played in your journey?

Robyn: Yeah, absolutely. Um, so I signed up for the 15 Day Challenge. Last year, it was late September. I didn't really want to get through October until November. And where I came from with like, the tunnel vision and stuff I think over the last year or so. You always kind of see a lot of ebbs and flows like you have highs you have lows. You know, sometimes you don't really know what that's attributed to, but obviously you're going to stay consistent is the best thing that you can do. And for me like when you're when you're at a high, you're like, Yeah, this is amazing. And you're riding the wave and then when you have a low, you know, you kind of bring it back down you try to focus like okay, what am I doing wrong right now? You know, like, okay, how can I make this so that if you have tunnel vision and one thing, you could end up wasting so much time on it, like even even recently, like there was I couldn't get a link to work and I'm like, I know how to do this, this this, this thing ever but I wasted, you know, hours that I should have just walked away from and then come back because it literally clicked like a couple of days later and I'm like that. So for me like it was kind of just in the last couple weeks like a revelation of you know tunnel vision can be a really great thing if you use it correctly, like, you know, or inciting. Like a goal every week like this week to you know, post my real bad Facebook three times a day and stay consistent like that's a small goal. But if you're tunnel vision on the same thing every week, then you're not you know, you're not really learning, you're not really growing. So like when to use it and when not to use it because sometimes it's good and sometimes it's bad. Yeah.

Dave: Well, I like the thought process of, you know, when I'm having a challenge, it's time to really kind of focus on hunker down, if you will. There's all kinds of things that people have said. I love linguistics, communication words, I love how people use simple little things to communicate big meaning Right? Like, like the example that I just gave hunker down. You know, that could mean if I if dad's if Dad taller and y'all better hunker down, that might mean like a hurricane is coming and we're all about to die. The little phrases that we use, hunker down laser, zero in focus, all have a big meaning but we sort of throw them around nonchalantly quite a bit. What do you think, people? What do you think people that are saying that don't see the opportunity that are frustrated in their first 30 or 60 days kind of getting things up and running and they're maybe not quite looking at things the way you're you're talking about what do you think they don't know that you now know you got they think they would have thought of those chapters wish they hadn't. 

Robyn: If you stick with it, the benefit is huge, you know some people it takes a month, which is you know, in my mind, that's a very short amount of time. Some people take six months. Some people take a year, but it's if you stay consistent, it will happen if you're doing everything that you're supposed to be doing you know, you're following the proven system. Following the blueprints, if you have the blueprints, you're reaching out to your mentors, if you're doing all of those things, and they say you know you're doing a good job, just stay consistent. It will come because even if I'm by no means an expert whatsoever, even though I've been through it almost a year now, you know and you learn, there's highs and there's lows, and you don't get to the lows because you're doing it wrong. It's just how it works. You know the algorithm changes.

Dave: Constantly looking to see if you have updated Commission's leads, or we're getting hung up on those numbers, is that what you were alluding to?

Robyn: They're not Yeah, you're fine. But yeah, don't get hung up on the little things like that and just keep going because you know, you know, if you're being yourself if you're being genuine, if you're having you know, real conversations with people and really creating those relationships. You're still building your brand and you're going in the right direction. And sometimes it just takes a little bit longer, but it will come. 

Dave: Well, it's true. You know, it's true. It will come as somebody says, who's supposed to be your mentor. You are supposed to be your mentor.

Robyn: Facebook group and I relied on it so much, like even just looking through other people's comments. Usually I find my answers right there. I don't even have to post anything because somebody's already asked that question.

Dave: You know, I heard Warren Buffett say that he told the story cuz you know you know, people always ask them hey, how do you know how can I get rich? How, what am I doing wrong? All this kind of stuff. And he said, Well, it'd be better for me to illustrate this with a story, you know, because he gives them the things that he's done. And that's not, you know, people are always like, what's the secret? You know what I mean? Like, what's just, he's like, Well, I did the simple thing and there, he's like, Well, let me tell you, let me illustrate this with a story. He said, You know, people came to, I think he's an example. He said, people came to Mozart and said, you know, hey, I'm 21-25. It can teach me how to write full symphonies. You know, and Mozart said that's too much like I you know, the basics are there. It's just you gotta practice and all this kind of stuff. And they said, some of them were also younger. And he said, Well, it's probably not not good for you to start, you know, try to try to do whole symphonies right now at your age. And they said, Well, you started when you were 11. And he said, but I wasn't going around asking everybody how to do it. You know what I mean, right?

I was just trying, you know, I was just, I was just doing it, you know, and I think that the reason why is just a little bit just OnLive you know, just kind of scraping the sides a little bit. But the reason why I tell that story is just because you know, mentors online. Our opinion of mentors online is you gotta be careful. Be careful. You gotta be careful who you listen to. You got to be careful who you got to be careful. You know, tunnel vision is one of those things that can work wonderfully if the vision is set on the right. Goal. And the right people, you know what I mean? It's like, it's like it's hard to stay with a good business for a long time. Because we're always looking for the high highs or lows that draw on the excitement, and sometimes a good business just kind of doesn't even feel like it's growing until you look back and go, Wow, I can't believe how far I've come and look at how my life has changed and I didn't even realize it, you know, and that's actually one of the in terms of the tunnel vision piece. There is an aspect I think of, of really, really embracing the boring embracing the monotonous in terms of metaphors, really seeking out people this has been a big strategy for me, that are not teaching me to add more shit to my plate, but are actually encouraging the ways that really, really benefit your business in how in my experience, my wealth has built my relationship my marriage has flourished. It's it's me focusing on really simplest, simple, timeless principles that have worked for previous generations that it's just a different application. Now. It's like TikTok it's like I see somebody saying, oh, you know, like, Andrea, and I'm not picking on you, but she says I'm very disappointed about tick tock. It's like, well, if this was 1983, you'd probably be saying that about the phone book, or you'd probably be saying that about billboards or whatever. It's all the same. It's like if that's what you're gonna do is it's just a platform itself, instead of realizing that no matter what you do, it's going to be cat and mouse, there's going to be challenges in your ability to be successful is not about your ability to be able to just walk in and just follow directions and have it all go perfectly every month. the ability to succeed is to actually find mentors in places that you wouldn't suspect finding a mentor. It's why I don't sell my coaching anymore because I'm not anybody's one automobile. But I do a free show that if you actually listen to it, instead of bothering with the the, if you listen to the nuggets, the mentorship that comes out of this is it's you can't even put a price tag on it like there's five episodes or more of regular people in their first year who lay out exactly what they've struggled with overcome all this kind of stuff, right? And so, again, our ability to be able to get through these challenges and have success in our business is not particularly dependent on us. Like it's not about the platform. It's not about when the challenge, how do you deal with all forms of advertising all for and I know you're not a quitter. Don't worry i It's not about that. It's about just learning how to be an entrepreneur versus just being an employee. In you, Andrea, me, probably robbing everybody else. We've all been trained to be employees. We've all been trained so we just look at a problem. And we just stare at that problem until our supervisor comes over and helps us or until our teacher comes over and helps us right or what do we do in school? We put up our hands. Yeah, but in entrepreneurship, imagine how you train yourself. You put yourself in a house or in a room by yourself with more limited resources, meaning that there's not your boss sitting right next to you. And you have to be resourceful. You have to go through the education which is really laid out and when we dig we find that most people who say I'm not getting results, they haven't done the work, meaning that when we get into entrepreneurship, a lot of if we have an employee mindset, mostly which we all do, it's it's just the way we will essentially feel stuck, because we'll feel like I got my hand up and the teachers not coming over here. And you see that's like and that's why a lot of people will fall into the nets of the Guru who's like, I'm going to do it all for you. I'm going to do it all for you. So anyways, what comes up for you, as I say some of those things?

Robyn: Yeah. So one good one and that just like I when we're talking about like the ebbs and flows of things, I think, after being in it for a little bit more time now I have absolutely come to appreciate when I'm on the downward side of things, because I feel like I have more time to grow and learn instead of just constantly. You know, every moment I have is talking to people and responding to DMS and responding to comments and things like that. I feel like I have more time to actually, you know, dig more into it and do more more things with it. And I come to appreciate that because I know that the highs are gonna come right back. Where because it's, so we're going to come where I have, you know, at the end of the day, I have a lot more dance to respond to, and that's going to take a lot of my time versus working on myself and my brands and creating more, you know, unique content. So just finding those like opportunities where you're like, Okay, I do have more time today, like what can i What can we focus on and like setting those small little goals for you, even if it's just that one day, like that's your goal for the day, that's great, you know, learn something new, dive into things that you wanted to, you know, expand that you have instead of, you know, the times when it's crazy and you don't have all that extra time to like learn a new platform or something like that.

Dave: So you're using Instagram quite a bit. It looks like you've got a lot of activity on TikTok on Instagram. What's on fire for you right now. You had mentioned Instagram on your questionnaire and, but things may change from week to week. 

Robyn: Yeah, for sure. So on Instagram, I think I think in the beginning I really kind of downplayed Instagram and I was like that's a place to put my link and I'm going to start on Tik Tok and just tell everyone to go to my link and Instagram and it took me months, maybe even like a six month apart. I don't know why I'm not utilizing this platform. I'm on here every day. I'm not posting on it. And so I started to do that. And you know I stay consistent with it. And I repurposed my all of my content that I already had, so I could really like hit it drawn, and post multiple videos a day instead of just a couple. And all of a sudden out of nowhere, it just took off. Like I went from under 1000 hours. In general go for like 24,000 and, like, what did you do? How did you do that? And I'm like, I don't know. It's not that I did anything special. I showed up as myself. And I you know, I use the content that I knew performed well outerwear and I stayed consistent with it. And I provided value with what I was saying to people and I you know, I respond to every DM that comes my way and I made sure you know people that I'm helping them if they need me, you're like, I need your help. And I'm like, Okay, well, where are you with your journey? And they're like, Well, I sign up for the challenge. I'm like, Oh, great. Where are you? They haven't started yet. And then like, like, can't help you if you're not ready to go. So, you know, obviously you're gonna have those but then you're gonna have the other ones where they just need a little encouragement and then they're gonna take off too. So just creating relationships with those people and staying consistent with it and making sure that yours is yours. Because we all fall into those kind of traps where you copy somebody else's video and you're like, that's a great idea. I want to do that too. And, but maybe it's not really you. So just making sure that not do that like maybe here and there. I think it is okay to stay on trend, but just making sure that you're not losing sight of who you are and showing up with you.

Dave: Yeah, I mean, it's, it's hard to put your finger on when you're you know, again, like you said, it's kind of like explaining exactly. Well, it's kind of like it's kind of like it's kind of like explaining investing, you know, here's the here's here's why. I've been immersed in listening to Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger and guys like this a lot lately, because they're so rich and so old that they just tell they just say it like it is. And what is is that in both investing and also in marketing, there is no exact formula. You pick diversity by throwing enough spaghetti at the wall and you do it in an intelligent way. That something is bound to work for any marketer. I know. You know, there's mentors in gurus and goblins out there on the internet who have the exact formula and x plus y equals Z every time. In truth, 99% of people who get started actually don't. There's always there's always a there's always a nuance, there's always variables. The market entrepreneurship is full of variables. And so that's what I like about Buffett and Munger. Those guys are just, they're very honest about how luck has played a part in all of the action that they've taken. We say that again. How luck has played a part in all of the action that they've taken. And Buffett will sit here and talk about the money that he's lost when he's been sitting around as he calls it, sucking his thumb on a deal. And what that means is just not doing anything, just not taking any action just sucking your thumb and I think that that's a really kind of a way of saying I'm sitting on your ass not doing anything that you know what I mean. That's what he calls it. It's the old Oracle of Omaha saying sucking your thumb. And I think that you know, I gotta be careful that I'm not sitting around sucking my thumb. You know, I bought a course I haven't started with and I want somebody to come, you know, do it for me or tell me how I saw somebody. I saw somebody who was in our group about a week ago or so, if there was anybody local to them that could come over and show them how to use Clickfunnels and stuff and here's the thing that that is, that's very old school, have you? And I would challenge anybody who feels like that because there's nothing wrong with that. It's the older generation who feel more comfortable. We do it with our parents, personally and it's fine here's my here's my, here's my challenge to each one of you. Whatever you're feeling to do, just try to do the opposite of it. You know, if you feel compelled to want to have somebody come sit down and do it for you or do it with you. Try to do it yourself, and then something that you would normally always do yourself. I wonder if you could outsource that. You see what I'm saying? It's about Yeah, entrepreneurship, in some ways is about oh my god, I always put my shoe on the right foot. Let me start putting my shoe on the left foot, just getting a little bit uncomfortable in doing the exact opposite of what brought you to entrepreneurship in the first place. You know, like nobody came to entrepreneurship because they were like, I'm crushing it and you know, they're like, hey, I want to start. I'm not talking to my boss. I'm not getting paid enough. I don't feel recognized for I'm never gonna get rich like this, right. So to get something different, you have to do something dramatically different. And we have to be careful. 

Dave: What else can we learn from you and your story? What else can we learn from what you've been through here over the last year, which has probably been such an important little journey to you starting a business learning skills, putting yourself out there? What's your What's some of your greatest lessons that you've taken? Away from this over the last year?

Robyn: I would say one of the biggest things is, I live like I said, I still work full time. My goal for myself when I started this was to do like a minimum. While I was at my job, just because I like, you know, I have responsibilities and then I needed to make sure that I felt comfortable before I left that, you know. So that was my goal as it was a year and that's what I promised myself, support me for a year and if this doesn't work out, like I'll do something different. I'm just curious about how that proposition or negotiation or conversation happened. So that was I think we both kind of agreed on it, because right away I had a super high in the first couple of months starting early. This would be awesome if I could leave my job right now. But you know, it's only a few months in. And, you know, let's just kind of set a timeline and see how things go. Let's see the consistency of it and how you know, after a year, you know, then we would at least have a very good idea of, you know, how it compares to my income that I make. But that's just what we came up with. But he is crazy supportive and like we're getting close to the year timeline. So we keep talking about this platform. And I'm like, you know, I wasn't working. We're getting close to that. Okay. I am working.

Dave: Would you mind telling us your profession outside of this? I might have missed it.

Robyn: Sure. No, that's fine. So I'm the store manager for a retail pharmacy. But it's hard to kind of just, you know, walk away from that and you know, when you're home you're, you're not always home because if you're number one, somebody always needs to contact you with something. So it just makes, you know, family time hard and like holidays hard because you're just you're open 24/7 all the time every year. 

Dave: So my idea when you say quit your show quitting your job is sort of the milestone and that's a separate milestone than early retirement. Is that a different thing for you? What does that look like? Because I think one of the things that I'm interested in beginning to talk about with people in the community is what more where are we working towards? What are we working towards retiring a spouse? Are we working towards retiring both of us both or just me if I'm single, or me and my children? And what does that look like? How much do I need to have saved up? Where should I have it saved? So it's working in a safe way? And I have to be careful. I'm not a financial adviser because of financial advice, because there's laws about that and I have to make sure that I don't come across as I'm giving financial advice, but there's a lot of formulas I'll give a lot. I'll give you all I don't just sell them other people sell this. But I'd like to talk about it because I think it's really something that's valuable and it's lost a lot for us to come up with a retirement number, which is having basically your annual 25 years of your annual savings socked away, and annual savings might doesn't particularly mean what you're or excuse me, you your annual spending socked away and so what so that doesn't particularly spending now. You know, for me, let's say that I wanted to have, you know, I wanted to have $10,000 a month that was that I had in my retirement. You know, I would say 10,000 times 12 which is $120,000. Okay, so that would that's my let's just say that I spend more than 10,000 a month but let's just say you want 10,000 A month in retirement. This formula is. So that's my annual and then I multiply that by 25. And I've got 3 million, I've got 3 million. So I know that sounds like a big number. But now if I want to have $10,000 that I can pull out because the idea is you're pulling 4% of your portfolio each year. Your portfolio is making on average, the stocks in the s&p 500 has done about 10% each year for the past 100 years. So if you're making 10% on your money and you're pulling out 4% You can live on that. And so it's like well, maybe you need less than that. Maybe you want to semi-retirement so you know what I mean? It's just the ways in which you can begin to look at what how do I begin to look at what does retire redefine retirement, and then into both cash generating machines that can make because you can never save that much. At most jobs. You have to nowadays have some sort of a side hustle of some sort or making great money at your job. And so, knowing that, now I have or at least if I start looking at things like that now I can start to close and not just talk about quitting the job, but now have even bigger visions or goals. Because I'm starting to, I'm starting to crunch some numbers and I'm starting to look at how much I spend and how much I can live off of and we realize geez, I may be able to accomplish this a lot faster than I thought he was for you as I just go through.

Robyn: So I kind of equate like leaving my job and retiring and kind of put it in a little older Yeah, because I'm like, Yeah, I'm gonna keep doing this. Like my idea of retiring is just retiring from a nine to five. And my husband, he's like, once you do that, you know, you're gonna have more time. Maybe I'll start this too. And then maybe we'll both get to retire together and just do this. And for me that would be amazing because what's the point of being home and being able to travel all the time if my husband can't come with us, you know?

Dave: That's it's much different number that requires much less savings, right? Because it really I mean, I can't really use my own example because I pretty much basically sold my truck my 1993 Ford f150 Back in the day, and I think I made 1000 or so bucks from that and pretty much, you know, started my business as it was. But so it's not like I had a huge savings. And I actually think that that kind of feed to my fire helped a little bit. But yet, it's a much less it's a much different number of you're going to be traveling because or you're going to be just coming home because now all of a sudden you could almost argue that you know you now have more time you know, I've worked at a collection to bring that number up even more and now you might be able to see how much you can really make when you actually have the time. And here's the other thing that I wouldn't underestimate is a little bit of wire to your feet. There's nothing wrong with a little bit of poker that passes up and executes every day. Would you agree?

Robyn: Absolutely. 100% 100% Because I know the last 10 months or so I've been doing this. I still have a paycheck coming in and it's still a good paycheck. I don't have to do this. But this is what I want to do, like I don't want to do that. And for me, like that's been like giving me a lot of motivation to make sure that I keep it. But also like, throughout the last 10 months or so, you get the points and you're like I'm gonna, I'm gonna go really hard this week, and I'm gonna post you know, five things of content a day. And you literally have moments where you can do that and it would really help you but that's not sustainable. And burnout is a real thing. And you get to a point like if you do that for a couple of weeks where you're trying to create like new content every day for like five posts a day like that. And you're like No, I need a couple of days off and so it can kind of like in the long run it doesn't help you because then you need a couple of days to clear your head a little bit. So I definitely learned those things and I think obviously like having my job as a fallback like you know, I don't need to do this right now. I still have a paycheck. It's okay for me at that point like that 12 month mark and we actually talk about it and decide like okay, is this it like am I gonna do it? Absolutely. Let's go to light a fire and be like, No, I have to actually have to do this every day. Like this is my number one thing and it's gonna work. And I know my husband. It's just getting to that point where we're like, okay, let's do it. Just pull the cord.

Dave: Well, I want to give you guys some context and reference around what I was just referring to, which is called the Fire number and I'm going to actually put up I'm actually going to put a link to a time. It's timeline.com. How to find your fire number and that was the equation that I was just using. I didn't invent it. It wasn't something that I pulled out of my ass. It was something Yeah, if I didn't pull it out of my ass Yeah. It would have been like, Well, that was pretty good. They've and occasionally laugh like that. It's like well, but this is a legitimate thing. It's something that a lot of people teach and talk about. And I think the difference between that kind of it's called your fire number. And it's just it's kind of like, I don't know where that fire came from, how much you need to fire your boss or whatever, but it's your fire number. And it's that 25 years of funding saved ideally into some sort of an investment portfolio. Like an index fund or something like a Vanguard Index Fund or something that's simple. That just tracks the stock market and has low fees. But yes, we're different. He says that we don't want to stop working. We just want to stop working in the way that we've been working, which is driving in our car or sitting in traffic going to a bunch of strangers, I think. So like we were all afraid of robots taking our jobs, but now in a way. It's kind of like take up right because man How do you feel about this though? How do you feel about this? I believe I was just in an interview yesterday. And I don't do many of those and it's something really cool that's coming out so but I said hey, man, no, and I and I think it was spawned. From a conversation I had yesterday on wakeup legendary, but I said, my side hustle or entrepreneurial skills have been the difference maker in my life. No job that I could have ever gotten would have been able to provide those styles. And nowadays, even if you have a degree and you have a great job, it's difficult to get ahead without a side hustle without something extra whether you're flipping houses, or whether you've got a second job. Do you find that to be true? I'm just a random person with a random family. Where did you say you guys live?

Robyn: Wisconsin

Dave: Okay, is it like would you agree with that, that it's difficult nowadays to not to just pay your bills I'm talking about to actually get ahead without a second job or a side hustle.

Robyn: 100% Yeah, I think especially this last year. We go on, like, family vacation a year and I mean, COVID was weird for everybody. But this last year, it didn't hurt uh, you know, I don't know why people do that. They're like, you know, we're going on this vacation. We're gonna spend, you know, five to eight grand on and off for like 678 months or more like it just goes to a credit card or something. So to be able to do that without hurting us and not skipping a beat and we've done it even more. So this year has just been huge. And that would not have happened if I said right now. Just the opportunities are incredible.

Dave: And you're kind of alluding to right not not building up debt. Right. Right. Yeah. Just being able to go on vacation and pay for it and not have to pay for it for the next eight months. Is that leading to? Absolutely yeah. And debt is such a stressful thing right when you know that because when we would we all love the idea of earning interest on our money but not paying interest on our credit cards. The exact founding interest compounded is one of the one of the phenomenons of the world. You know what all of you entrepreneurs and marketers need to do is go find yourself an investment calculator. I'll do it right here and start really understanding what compound interest really you know, really can do for you. Because with your because it works the same the other way if I've got a if I've got a sum of say $20,000 That I save this year, and for me, you know, I listen all the Guru's I say okay, what do I do with my money? How do I invest in Bitcoin? Does Dogecoin know? All this other shit? No. Lamborghinis and Bugattis, no Rolexes and all that shit. No, right? No, not yet. I take my money and I go and open up a standard, you know, account and I put my savings into a stent. I have a bank of america bank account, and I just opened up a Merrill Edge investment account. Vanguard indexes because Vanguard, total stock market indexes have historically grown that tracks the entire stock market, and I can maybe earn 10% on my money 9% 8% Because historic 100 years that's what the stock market's done. Now say I put in May I save $20,000. And I'm gonna let that marinate for 10 years at a return rate of 10%. And you know what? I'm not going to make another contribution to this ever. Look, I'm now going to have from that 20,000 I'm going to have in 10 years $51 I'm going to have made more interest on that than the than the than the starting amount. And these numbers get more and more insane. Let's say you were able to save up $100,000 Now your interest is you know $159,000 In what if you were to say $100,000 A year and put $100,000 into an account, say you do like me and buy a Vanguard Index Fund or something like that simple, safe sound, because I'm making all this money from my cash cow business. And I make an additional $1,000 contribution for the next 10 years. At the end of the year. I calculated that and now I've got $1.8 million. And it's just unbelievable. You know, it's unbelievable the way that compound interest works in this my friends is what I do with my money that I earned from my marketing business. So it will still be there. And you want this working like that. But here's what happens with credit cards. See this interest right here? The same thing happens with the phenomenon of compound interest, okay? The phenomenon of compound interest works the same exact way on your credit cards. This event coming later is a really good tool for you to for us all to understand how money can grow. If we just do things the safe, smart and long term way and this is not investment advice. I'm not a financial adviser. I'm just talking about how compound interest works in some of the things that I do to make sure that compound interest is working in my favor for the dollars that I already made, versus living that life how you were just describing Robin which is really a life hack for getting ahead. 

Robyn: Yeah. So my daughter just turned 18 This year, and she's going to school this month, starting college and she just got her first credit card. We had this entire talk about this. Oh, I think about how to use credit cards wisely and how to not use credit cards wisely. So yeah, it's just crazy. Pressure. Well, we got it for me

Dave: We have to realize that we're all just praying to most people as prey. And we are and it's a good thing you're protecting your child. When we turn 18 These big institutions full BOD our children's mailbox, ours all offers free money, all this shit we have a predatory society financially, that creates people factors. Because that's what we needed back many, many a couple of generations ago. Through the world wars and so forth. We needed people especially coming out of a massive recession, which was the Great Depression. We needed people to get back into the wars, all of these principles, all these philosophies worked but there were no tech companies. Everything was a brick and mortar store. And all of the all of these prints they really applied then, but now we'll find instances have evolved the way that banks have evolved they've evolved their marketing strategies. Debt has become something that you know, it's now looked at as a positive thing. You want to have some plan, don't try to twist this shit Mr. Look, I mean, I don't care if people want to All right, where are you living? Where did you get all these gurus out here who are talking all this shit. Let me tell you something. Stress Piedmont for me to know that if something happened to me on speaking to all you men right now, for something happened to me and to know that my home is paid off, that I have a life insurance policy to my family if something was to happen to me. I'm just I'm not saying that I couldn't speak for women. I'm just saying I'm speaking from it. I'm just speaking for two men. How we feel like we want to pretend I'm sure you feel like listen, that's a big deal. That's part of our politics. If you want to feel all these men out here trying to figure out how to become more manly, more Alpha. It's like, just take care of your shit. Just take care of your shit and be the most Alpha dude you've ever met. Your wife will be changing around the house. It's on the table. I'm talking shit now. But do you agree?

Robyn: I do agree. Absolutely. Absolutely. 

Dave: Yeah, it's definitely such a guy thing I think for sure. Like and obviously as a woman, you still want to provide for your family. You want to enter your family and your kids. But there's just that male nature that likes to see all these guys figuring out how to be more manly and be more alpha. And it's like Well, dude, you can see our society works on a monetary system. It's a lot of I mean, we're just a number society. So you can mean money gives you resources. So if you want to step into your manly nature, be more masculine, get debated, get activated, right, because that's what entrepreneurship is about. It's about hunting, you know, and looking for opportunities. It can be about gathering so it's not that it's not about community building up some of those other things, but in a way, it's you gotta go out and you gotta hunt, you gotta go get it. We've covered a lot of things, man. This is a unique conversation and I'm enjoying it and I'm hoping that we can do it again in the near future.

Robyn: Thank you so much for having me on.

Dave: Oh, welcome. You're so welcome. What would you leave our, our, your community, our audience with what sort of final thought would you like to? What sort of seed Do you want to leave in their head? Till the next time you're back on the show? Yeah.

Robyn: One comment six to nine really quick just because I feel like I see it all the time where people are like, you know, I can't be successful like I don't know the candidates or I don't have a certain look or sound like this. And it's not about that. It's not about that and getting on camera is not the easiest thing ever either. And nobody is good at it. The first time they do it, it takes practice. And you everyone has been so just show up as yourself. And every time it's gonna get easier and you're gonna get better and you're gonna find your people, your audience. It will happen for you.

Dave: Most of the time, it doesn't feel like any money. But it is sort of like a human being you don't really notice that you're growing until somebody says, hey, oh my God. You know, and it's like, I did myself grow and growing six inches didn't feel like a simple thing. But it's so true. So thanks for those words. of wisdom and yeah, give our best to your family. And we'll see in the next episode. Okay.

Robyn: Thank you. 

Dave: Alright Robyn, take care. You too. All right, my friends. You can follow Robin. Of course we've had her TikTok handle @sidehustlehackswrobin Her Instagram is @makingmoneywrobyn 

You know when we have a guest on and they are clearly somebody that has a normal life, a regular life and they lay out in great and transparent detail paths chiseled away at their sculpture, and it's like sitting in art class. Everybody's sculpture looks a little bit different, you know? Sure. You know most of the time we're sitting there looking at our sculptures and we're looking at the other person's we're saying there's looks better, but they're looking at RSA and ours looks better. It's just the human condition, you know, but each morning we get to hear about how somebody is chiseling away at their dirt or the course you get to keep it you've made it you get to be proud of it, and nobody can take that away. Oh, and you get to keep the money that you make just I guess a little cherry on top. So have a fantastic day, my friends. We'll see you back here for another episode tomorrow. As usual, get out of here, peace.

Declutter Coach Shares Marketing Strategies

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey, what's up everybody I'm jumping out of my seat. I'm excited about this morning because we're going to show you someone who is already using the business model, or the business models, the core four that we teach here at legendary, and she's built up a wonderful, beautiful business and here's the cool thing. We can all see from this morning's guests that I didn't invent these strategies, nor have I ever tried to take credit for them. I've just been when I go to an actual life and I'm an educator, I will draw people from the world they are doing and so welcome Krista, where are you calling in from?

Krista: I am in Ohio.

Dave:  Okay nice. Rainy. Yeah, we're in Florida, so St. Petersburg, Florida. And, and so yeah. Cool. So we're in the country. We're not traveling at all. Have you worked with this business? Because it's spiritual. Have you worked and lived anywhere else?

Krista: Yeah, actually, I was born and raised in Alaska and then in 2013 My husband and I moved actually to Florida and we were right around the corner from you in Riverview. So we went to Idaho, Southern California. Now we're in Ohio, and probably staying here because our kids age. They need stability. I wish I was in Florida.

Dave:  No, I get it about staying put even though we run this virtual business that we really can work from anywhere, travel and kind of be a lot more flexible. The rest of the world is kind of catching up to what we've been doing right now. Depending on when you started. I've been doing this for 10 years. But you're right when when you have children sometimes, like my wife and I have to decided to plan you know, to not travel and not to kind of to just vacation and trout, you know, that way versus the kind of some folks who take it to an extreme and live on the road with their kids.

Krista: Yeah, we tried that too. It was not over. Yeah, like we were like we can do it for a year and we made it like five months. It's not it's not what it seems like and even with my job being so flexible, like it was it just wasn't for me. 

Dave: Obviously it's for other people, but for us I was like we just need routes and then we can go like you said we can travel for fun instead of like traveling to move and abroad ourselves or like better I'm really got started doing this. I was getting clean and worked with my Dad at 24 and now I’m 38. And so I didn't like that. Didn't want to be outside in the hot Florida sun. And so I found this and it changed my life and now I'm up. Like I said a teacher, an educator, I guess if you say I don't call myself a mentor, a guru, just somebody who has some information that's learned how to package it, and you know, make a living off of it. What's your story? How did you get into this?

Krista: Yeah, well, first congrats on your sobriety because I know that's a huge show. I love that. I did not know that part of your story. And yeah, I think that's amazing. But I'm a teacher, a teacher by trade. I went to school to be a teacher and I, the year I graduated, got my first teaching job. I realized very quickly it was not for me. I was looking around at these other teachers who had been teaching for, like decades and that made me freak out. I did not want to be in the same room every day, doing the same thing every day. And so I actually went out and opened up my own small preschool. And that was my first and Alaska that was my first experience in entrepreneurship and realizing that I'm not meant to be an employee. And then like I said in 2013, my husband and I moved from Alaska. I definitely don't recommend people only having a suitcase of stuff. But yeah, we got to Florida and life got really easy. I had left my business behind and so I had to work. I was doing two teaching jobs basically for private schools to make ends meet. Just because I had to do what I had to do and in that time because my house was so supportive of me I actually had time and energy and space like after the kids went to bed to daydream and plan and experiment with things and figure out what I actually wanted to do. And I started a few blogs, you know do I want to do teaching blogs or do I want to do parenting blogs. I didn't like those because I don't know I just didn't. And then about in 2017 I got pregnant with our fourth baby. We have five kids total. 

Dave: God bless you. I know it's a lot you do. I mean my wife and I have two small ones at home and we're I mean it's just like a full time job. I mean it really is unbelievable. But well it's a wonderful thing that we have you on the call this morning because not only can you show us about your business you can also teach us your parenting trick so continue.

Krista: Yeah, yeah, I mean, and with that many kids I realized that if I wanted to have a career for myself, and I wanted to provide for my kids myself, I had to figure out a creative way to do it and that Yeah, so I got pregnant I joined a Facebook group of other moms who were due at the same time and we all got really close. And after we had our babies, we started doing this thing called House tours where we would go live inside of the Facebook group and show each other our houses so that we could all feel better like you know, we're drowning in these messes and toys and chaos and when it got to be my turn. They were all like Krista, like we all agree we wouldn't stage our houses we would just show the real message. Because my house is pretty clean for having four kids. And it was then that I realized you know watching videos of their houses not in a judgmental way, but that that used to be our house too. Like we used to have never ending dishes like laundry. Living out of laundry baskets or laundry on the couch or laundry on the beds or whatever, toys everywhere just all all of the time. And just ask them, “ Do you want me to help you figure out how to have less stuff because that was really the key. You know, I could learn that in hindsight I didn't become really great at cleaning my house or having a chore chart. I just had less stuff to manage. So that was my thing. I kind of knew it intuitively and opened up a finger on how to learn to overlap and band members versus going about four years.

Dave:  Just so we understand the big picture. How did you begin to monetize the business and how do you monetize the business now?

Krista: So I have only ever had evergreen courses. And when I opened up my Facebook group at that time, like I said, I had dabbled in blogging and podcasting. And I knew that I found something I could do long term, but I also knew that I didn't have time or the bandwidth to do one-on-one coaching with people. It didn't make sense to do that virtually. It's easier to do it with them. And so I put them into the group. And I just asked them, here's some ground rules for how we're going to treat each other. It's kind of a sensitive subject when we're sharing our homes and moms especially internalize that and make it mean something about them. So rose for decency, respect, showed them how to ask questions, knowing that they would start interacting with each other but I could use that as my market research for what they are struggling with? What are they, you know, what are their pain points? What are their hurdles? What are their roadblocks: create dialogue around it and then offer them solutions in the form of AI random as live challenges first, kind of like what you do. And now just to get people through it and figure out how to walk them through the process and troubleshoot it and make sure I actually know what I'm doing and it's making sense. Did that for free a couple times and then packaged it up into a little mini course. I think the first one I sold was $7 just to see if I can sell and I made like $100 in a day and I was like I did it like this is it?

Krista: Yeah, and then just continue to get people into that like that tiny thing and letting it grow and asking them the questions encouraging them to interact with each other and creating the solutions and now I still sell sell the same course it's been updated and revised continuously because that's what you have to do and it's a $300 course now. And I've seen what I've felt. Yeah. And is that your only offer? Is that the only thing you have any affiliate offers? Do you have any other streams of income within the same business?

Krista: You don't want to do your whole house but typically of course and of course that's what they need. Things like that. It's a little bit of an income. But then what actually ended up happening organically was the moms liked it so much that they're actually affiliates for me, and they just recommend it to their friends and they don't have most of them don't have businesses themselves. They're just recommending it to their neighbor.

Dave: Well, that's how we all start, right? We start by kind of tapping into our kind of warm market. And then that either runs out we've sold everybody or they've just we've sold them everything we've ever had for sale and they've supported us and we kind of said Well, maybe it's time we'll go out and learn how to get some real customers here. Or we just have a bad experience. A lot of us have had bad experiences with any home businesses or anything that left a bad taste in your mouth or something that you fail at that maybe maybe it hurts your confidence. It hurts your confidence that you can actually do this. 

Krista: And I think the biggest thing for me was the failed blogs, failed blogs that I had before, where I didn't know what I was doing I would just do kind of embarrassing things like write these blogs. I didn't know what I was writing about. And I would like to take pictures from Google and use them on my blog and people are like, You can't do that. Like that's actually, you know, a form of online that I'm like, like I didn't know that just trying to.

Dave: This letter is at the beginning of your career, then you're not being aggressive.

Krista: Right. Yeah. And I think for me, the hardest part is finding the balance of like putting myself out there as a mom sharing parts of my story as a mom, and then opening myself up to be critiqued for that which I think is one of the reasons I didn't like doing parenting. I was mostly the parents name was like religion, and politics like deeply personal. And you know, people who watch me and say things to me, yeah. 

Dave: I'm struggling with different things at this point than you were at the beginning. Right. I mean, a lot of our people are struggling with kind of just getting over the initial fear of launching something or getting on video. And one of the points I love that you brought that up, because one of the points that I always make is get used to being uncomfortable and overcoming challenges because once you overcome that challenge of getting on video, whatever you're afraid of, you're certainly going to have other things that are going to pop up such as the example that you just gave, which is a much deeper it's like Gosh, people are not getting results or they're not right you begin to take things personal and it's it the problems never stopped. But I think, how have you reframed? Did you always have a positive outlook or how have you looked at challenges so that they didn't break you down? But instead they in a way broke you down but built but you allowed them to build you up?

Krista: Yeah, so yes, there I think there's always a degree of the people who buy your stuff who just aren't gonna get results, and it's nothing to do with the product that you have. And I've definitely had that a couple times. I've had people who you know, will buy it and then because it's an online product, take it all and then file a dispute with PayPal. Just like what the heck like why would you do that? And then they'll send an email, you know about how terrible it was or something. It hasn't happened a lot. It's very small. But like you said, you're always about some percentage and those are judging and then I think that there is a percentage that you will always have where your content is great, right? And people and I've learned how to kind of reframe it for those moms, especially because they're like, I got this I know that it would work. I know that if I could just figure out how to do it. It would be amazing, but I just can't figure out how to do it. And I think that's part of the process with anything like sometimes you have to experiment like maybe you needed a one on one person or maybe you know our case of what I do. You need somebody to come into your house actually with you and to do it with you and that's okay. But I've been able to create an environment in response to that where I've been able to, you know, set up a co-authoring calendar with them so they can get together with other moms and do it together. You know, because I can't actually go to their houses with them but I can create, you know, an added layer of accountability for the people who are already there in the you know, in the ecosystem that I've created, so, yeah, yeah.

Dave: How important do you think a lot of our students and clients are using short form video because that's what's hot right now, you know, TikTok Instagram reels, Facebook rails. These are these are all strategies that were not around when I first started and I oftentimes find myself talking in a way that like a grandpa would like back in my day, we used to have to walk both ways uphill, but it's true when I started pretty much the only option was for horrible immunity to video, blah, blah. First of all, can you remind me when you look back at what it's been like, and what you make? Where do you think it's going or how do you make sense of all the changes that happen in this business because there is there's so many changes. And a lot of the old principles and strategies that have always worked still work. And so it's, it's like, I get it. We get a lot of clients who get caught up in the mechanics. I call it the mechanics of how this platform works or whatever. Versus the dynamics which is a lot of what you're talking about? How to Win Friends and Influence People, you know, how do I make people feel comfortable? How do I communicate, whether it be in person or on video? A lot of it's the same stuff. How do I make people feel comfortable and safe to want to learn from me? So even though a lot of things have changed on the Internet, what is still the same? What do people need to know to be able to succeed back when you started but also, what do they need to know to succeed? What is the same now that they can use to succeed that will always be a timeless principle?

Krista: So I think the thing that is always going to be the same and I love this question, because I've been diving into how to figure out how to use reels and all that in my business too, but even a bit deeper, that you need. To know that you understand barriers you know, do you understand what their day to day life looks like? For moms especially I know you have kids, right? So, you know, people need to know that you understand running a business with kids and that's a different thing than running a business without kids. And you know that you understand them, and they need to know that. You understand their problem, right? It's not enough to just understand them as a person. They need to know that you understand their problem, and they need to believe that you are the person to solve their problem and they need to believe that you are the person to solve their problem now, not later because you can convince them on those first three things, and they're gonna go find somebody else to solve it now. So those are the things that I think are always timeless and when it comes to the logistics of platforms, I started my current business in 2018. But prior to that, you know, I had dabbled in blogging and podcasting. And things were longer from then. And I think that everybody should start with creating longer form content, not necessarily because people are going to go watch all of that content, but because it's gonna give you experience and actually speaking out your message. Like I can listen back to my podcast, my very first podcast, it would be 30 minutes and now I can say the exact same thing to 10.

Dave: Didn't have to get it, sometimes you're communicating. I'd say mine's got more clear. I'm messaging. Wow. It's like I didn't realize how unclear I was about who I was trying to talk to what I was trying to say, and what I thought that the solution was it meaning that you know, not only was I was I unclear about my customer, but I was doing so many different things over here in my business that I wasn't really showing the marketplace, any consistency that they could trust or rely on. So I want to one key word and we interview students on the show every day and of course you're an outsider, you're not you're somebody who we went and sought out who didn't particularly come up through the legendary community, but we thought it would be a valuable conversation to bring in somebody who's already running our business model out, you know, with some slight tweaks, you're doing some of the older school strategies, and that's cool, and they're working for you and guess what, they still work. If anybody wants to go and start a YouTube channel or go and start a blog. However, you know, there's this you know, the principles are the same, the media, a lot. A lot of this comes down to not shooting the perfect quality of a solution you could sell to people's forgive my language. Bullshit built in bullshit detector starts going off when that is your marketing message. So how did you get comfortable in your own skin or because I don't care if you're talking to moms or you're talking to entrepreneurs, I sit right here, sometimes in a shirt that I just picked up off of the floor. You saw me breaking into my office house this morning trying to get on this. This call and I mean, it's taken me a while to really get comfortable in my own skin and just sit here everyday not need to be out you know, going live in front of the G Wagen. And being the MC because I felt Newars But human beings want to put on that front to come across better, more often. All knowing more, more of an expert, whatever. Now I tell affiliate marketers, you don't need to be the expert. It's not good. 

Krista: I think the biggest driver behind that was that I had to um, I you know, we had four kids and I yanked myself out of teaching pretty suddenly because I didn't want to do that. We still needed an income. My husband, you know, he had a job, or he's always been an entrepreneur too. And I was like, I was helping him, you know, to kind of support that business to get it up and running. And then we had the baby, the fourth baby, we have five total and I couldn't help them anymore. Because he's in insurance. It's more professional and like they can't hear babies in the background. Like it's not gonna work. There. There are certain industries that they're like oh, you know, the old people shut those kids up and everybody's like, we don't even care about kids anymore. And yeah, so I mean, it was a little, a lot of desperation. I think I had to figure something out. And I had to figure something out creatively. And like I said, I had that moment in that due date group of friends. But it really was like we got to get Alaska to Florida. We're too broke to bring it literally across the continent. We're starting over and it was the best thing ever for my motherhood. And like I said, I accumulated more stuff because once you pay some stuff, it's not enough. But yeah, I accidentally figured it out. And I was like, this is a thing. I know I can do it. And I know that I don't know, I have one baby. And then I got pregnant. Pretty soon we had to go under to my surprise, and I was like, I really have to figure this out. And so it was like, I'm gonna go live every day because I'm gonna have to communicate my message. I have to figure out how to get to know these people.

Dave: And so I like going, I'm going live. Yes, yes, my thing because you're your assets there. You can't run, you can't, we're here. You we can't go Oh, stop. We'll do this over and you know what? After a session or two, you just feel just as comfortable going to a little bit unexplained planet who gets to play some prominent role; it just gets easier. Do you have a better way to explain that to our clients who have yet to take that. Then it just gets easier when you do it. And it's gonna be awkward and uncomfortable at first. I don't know. I want to sugarcoat that I want to be like, Fine, you guys. It's no big deal. But the truth is, is they get to do and it's like they start sweating and they go to the bathroom and it's like, it does suck the first couple of times you're scared shitless and then

Krista: I think I think it is probably one of the most vulnerable ways to put yourself out there online because it's in real time. But it's one of the most powerful like you said, yeah, it's scary but like what, what is actually going out like what is the worst thing that's gonna happen? I will tell you I went live. Breastfeeding my baby. So the worst that could possibly happen? happens. Okay, like I just You don't need to know the details. It just happened. Okay. And it wasn't a big deal. No.

Dave: It's kind of how I got started. I started kind of writing and I realized that the words on the page matters. And back. Sorry, I've got some work going on. So hopefully, it's not kids. It's just blowers and stuff outside. There are people doing work outside as I'm trying to like a break in my office house and they're looking at me. I look half homeless. They're going, is this guy supposed to be here? You know, is this guy so I was gonna say something, but it was about hooks. Yeah. So I realized that the words on the page matter like the copy, it mattered, and I actually could say less if my writing was good, it was better, right? I didn't have to say as much and I even realized that if I want it to be really, if I want it to be really unpop every time I do something, our script. You okay? I preferred them and then I rehearsed the voiceover and then we put graphics over it. So you've, you've used writing the written word in your blog post, in a way that you deliver your content. How have you used copy or words to persuade? And what is your outlook? On the importance of copy and learning copy learning to write persuasively whether that be on a sales page and you're selling a course or whether that be via your emails, or even your sales, your social media posts? What's been copywriting? What role has it played in? Your business and how has your relationship developed with it?

Krista: This is a fun question. Because I've actually that's this year has me been or has been me distilling, basically four years of my content and like you would write write long, long, long long things and increase my sales that have done a lot better this year, is finding those key points that kind of go back to what we were talking about, like what do people need? Like what are the things that are always the same? They need to be understood? And so I use reels actually, you know, obviously reels are great to create engagement and gain awareness, but I use reels to practice. My messaging tells me of what I want to say so that my audience feels like I either understand them or I understand their problem. But I use my reels to kind of distill my messaging. How fast can I get to the point like how quickly can I make my audience either feel understood? How can I make them feel like I understand their problem? How can I help them feel like I have a solution to their problem right now? And I can say that I can say what I used to say in 30 minutes and 30 seconds. I kind of practice that and then I can play with that and expand on that in, you know, sales pages that need to be a little bit longer, emails that need to be a little bit, you know, engaging blog posts that need to be longer so that I can get better SEO. Reach right. So yeah, copy is is a breathing thing, but sit down times not so bad and yeah, I think that would be even the headline in your in your video is is important, even the headline on your on your reel, you know we underestimate the power of words and because we're such a video centric online marketplace and everything is dominated by video video video you know whether it's long form video on YouTube now short form video which is video video video, and we are as a community of marketers we are overlooking and forgetting the power of copy. And it's just it's not anybody's fault and nobody's doing anything wrong. It's just that the video works so well. And we tend to as human beings want to sensationalize something and it to be kind of our one hit wonder. And it's it's not it's as you said even era said videos can be scripted and headlines are important and can be is a message you taught you webinars in you know I would get make a big deal in my house like I'm a hotshot and everybody needs to be quiet started at eight o'clock because I'm doing a webinar and then I'd start it and you know, nobody would show up. And but I'd still deliver it because I had too much pride to tell my wife that nobody was on so I'd be like, a packed house tonight. You know, and I deliver the whole thing. You know what I mean? And there's a lot. That's one of the things that I relate to, and I really celebrate the Gary Vee, which is create the content and post it even if it's for one person, you know, even if even if only one person views it and I think a lot of us get so discouraged because we we've already our whole line of that feeling. Very embarrassing, very discouraging, but again, just like taking it as an opportunity to practice I think is very helpful. And the way that I stopped myself from comparing people was for about the first like 18 months of my business. I did not follow a simple person who was in the same area as me, you know? 

Dave: Hold on a second-boulder right there. I mean that that was something I had to throw the hat on. I mean, to me why? Well, I mean, first of all, whenever I mean there's a real gem. I got it, just celebrate it. That was it. But you know, here's the thing. It's just You said something right there and I don't want you to stop the thought but you don't follow any money in the same niche. And I did the same thing when I started. 

Krista: Well, I would like to say I was doing it on purpose, but the reason I did that is because it did fill me with a lot of insecurity filled me with a lot of doubt. It made me question those strong opinions and beliefs that I have now, which were getting, you know, I watch other people and be like, Oh, well, they do it this way or they talk about it this way or they have this opinion. Maybe I should also have that and I just wanted to get very clear on my own messaging. And I wanted to be able to infuse it with my story and my experience of moving Alaska to Florida, right. Like that's a good story in itself. Then I started looking to see what other people do. You know, for the purpose of collaborations, you know, what kind of gaps can we fill for each other? How can we pollinate markets and things like that? I forgot what I was saying. But it was, yeah, it was too easy to kind of take that on and I didn't want to do that. I didn't want to feel bad about myself. I didn't want to feel like I was behind. Especially because I was doing this. You know I had a baby when I started she was six months old and I got pregnant and so I was doing it while I was pregnant and breastfeeding again. Like my attorney has been slower dealing with life and feelings and everything after about four frustration levels tend. to pile on the inadequacies and how we're not good enough and how we don't have enough followers, love, love, love, love. The suggestion in the idea and the reminder of really cutting out the noise from your own niche because you're right. It's so much it's so much more difficult to compare yourself to somebody in a different niche. Men are probably just as bad or worse than I would guess then it's really and written the same exact things and it was just kind of confirmation like I'm so glad that I cut that noise out so that I could get really clear on my message so that because eventually you get to a point where you do need to branch out and talk to people in the same arena as you just for growth opportunities, collaborations style opportunities. And I think that if I hadn't done that there would be no way for me to stand out because we would all be regurgitating the same message basically. And I know so clearly now how I can rent it myself from people who are doing the same things, sell, you know, the same type of course who talk about the same kind of thing in my own unique way and it all comes down to that copy, whether it's your written copy or a video topic

Dave: You know, we've got a tagline on the front of our website, which is, you know, online marketing delivered simply and with integrity and I think I wrote that line six years ago, something like that. It's still true today that I haven't thought of a better one. You know, it's not deviating away from those ideas and sticking with them a lot of times and I like what you said. Getting quiet, quieting your space and cutting out the noise can get clear on what you want to say and what you want your message to be. A lot of people just say, Krista, teach me the strategy. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it. Almost like this. Click on reserves like people have printed pinching things from if they've been I don't know what they come with an attitude a lot of people come with an attitude of and I'm sure they do it in the parenting space as well, which is just Yeah. And what I tell people is you got to participate in your own success. You can't get mad about the results you didn't get from the work you didn't do. How do you explain the work to your clients or to your audience? And also remind them that it's going to be hard but it will be worth it. 

Krista: Create content. Even if it's for one person, you're gonna create content, even if it's for nobody, because online content is almost all of it is evergreen to some degree. And that's how you get started. You just write the stuff, you just write the post, you make the email, you write the blog, you make the page, you record the video, you go live, you just do it and build that momentum. And I know that's really hard for a lot of people and I've got my own experiences with this to where you know there are some times that it's like you've just had to do something you just can't think how to take stock. Thinking it was gonna be the person that made me successful and it was like that did not work. And it's because I hired them with the intention of thinking. They'll just do this for me and it will work. And that wasn't enough you know? So yeah, just any small thing you can do. You can't create anything if you're not moving. You can't and it doesn't mean that you have to reference or run like I definitely couldn't do that. To that degree when I'm, you know, literally giving birth. I had to slow down but there were still things I could do. 

Dave: Right. I was still able to create engagement within my community. I was still able to focus on the water. It was just a moment there's a lot of people who said, Well, I've been doing this for two weeks or I've been doing this for two months or whatever it is. And or I've been doing it for nine months but if we take a deeper look, there's no consistency. It's sporadic. It's a splatter here. It's a dabble there. It's something you remembered so you logged in and did something and maybe you were excited about it for three days. But then and if we're you know once we dig we can get to the truth but that doesn't matter. Everybody has to live with their own truth right we have to our successes in part gonna be dependent upon how honest we are you know how long people that were. Obviously getting started or starting over taking the first step is the biggest step. But this consistency piece you'll put into it. What's an Do you have any examples how persistence has paid off in a massive way for your business?

Krista: Yes. Yeah, consistency is definitely essential. When I first started my business, I committed to like five every single day Monday through Friday, every single day for 90 days. And I committed to that because I was like I want this to work. I was good, intuitive and logical. And I had an intuitive feeling of like, this is what I'm gonna do. That sticks. I enjoy it. I'm good at it. I believe in it. So I'm gonna stick with it. And so yeah, I committed to doing a live video every day for 90 days. And I knew that it would be a changement I knew that it would run to people without I don't know why I went to do it, and I ended up loving it so much. seeing so much traction that I stuck with it until I got pregnant. And then I got tired. And actually no it was, it was I actually had her I set a goal because eventually I was doing these live videos and people were like, where's the replay for that video you talked about? And I'm like, I don't know you're gonna have to look through Facebook groups and so that's why I started my podcasts so that they can easily find the episodes we're looking for. And then I set a goal to record 100 podcasts when our fifth baby did that. And then I had to figure out what might even be and I decided to deviate other actions to that as your business grows you start to have to change things you know hiring help, hiring people to make better you know, better quality podcasts, things like that, but the I think the biggest takeaways and it's consistent with some other things I've been thinking or studying lately but your your your point that you're making the tease out of what you just said when you were talking about consistency, also alluded to it earlier conversation and that's removing things or reverse or add adding groups.

Dave: It's also clear that we're to be sitting here saying and look like you're well rested as you go forth. You have to be using some strategies. Okay. And this is my takeaway from my conversation with you today. Is that both in your parenting strategies as well as your marketing strategies? It's really about what can I continue to take away that can come you're out my business and where I can find what can I do is as far as your marketing Anyway, look, what can I build to MIT to or on a regular into truly, you miss it, and then you realize, Oh, I better put that back but I bet your experience with yourself and your clients is that you take you get to weigh things out if somebody's got kid but also you'll take things out of your business and realize my accurate here. When I walk into that house, sometimes men are on my p's and q's. I got to be fully suited with all my armor of tools and resources. So I know that I want to be the best dad that is not affected by that. No they are frustrated by all these other cluttering bull crap things around. And then I ended up taking it out on my kids. I end up saying the phenomenon then they really, really do what's the secret is it's what you're not doing? The secret is what you’re not doing.

Krista: That's exactly it. And there's say, well, I'll talk about it from the business in the home perspective, but one of them is that getting rid of some home makes it hard to love your family. Right because like you said, these messes drive us crazy and then we take it out on the people instead of taking out on the stuff and get rid of the pointless stuff that stuff doesn't have feelings that people do. The same is true in your dad. Same is true in our business like for moms and parents.

Dave: I watched a lot of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger the last couple of months just trying to make myself more and more. I just listen to guys who have lived to be 90 and 98 and are so rich and so old that they don't give a shit anymore and they're just the only can be let's just at least go out there right now.  Look, I've sold them all. I've bought them all. In my 12 year career I've seen the gutters of the internet and I've seen the top of the mountain and you know what? I just choose to just not participate in any of it. You know, because what I've realized is all the glitz and glamor, all the fame all the you know the the just be the trash and the flat data before for for sorting out you might be many minutes late And what I needed to do was to reset and start over and do what I wanted to do what I own that season of st when going through a season of removing and decluttering and focusing on what's important and that is loving people using things and that's the same philosophy that we teach here legendary don't all emotional about your platform about a book about if they ticked you off or don't be like oh, did I do something other it's just an algorithm just on lunch been started their business support board made me step more or less supported as I'm doing something, not go to her and be like you know, a lot of support from you lately. Since I've been. You know, I mean, folks, if you can't walk, you can't sell your husband. You can't persuade and influence anyone else's golf. Is this the basics of like Buffett and Munger that's why I like the principles you're talking about. Not all the crap. The latest guru. We went through this pandemic. They're just you know, going into a classroom and teaching is an absolutely wonderful profession.. Wow. Where are you going with all this? And where do you add that your life would be if you hadn't started this?

Krista: I see myself continuing the way that I have already. Because it's so simple and I can sustain it that way. I will keep teaching and doing this but I want to branch off into teaching people how to organize their  lives. I love my work and I love motherhood. I think it's a great way to build sustainable families as well with flexibility. If you have a lot of kids who like child care, it's very difficult. Like if I can help other people start looking into an idea in their head of trouble for them. Maybe show them some steps along the way. I would love that. Like decluttering which is like to me I'm always like, I teach to declutter, and like that sounds weird. It's so much more than that. But I would have figured out some way to still do it through, you know, intimacy which was one of the things you know, shouldn't be a midwife should do, like midwife we are doing we are doulas and I'm going to tell you something they are life they changed our birth experience.

Dave: I remember being going with one of my plumber friends and we got down in the back of a of a takeout Chinese food restaurant that grease trap it overflowed down in a manhole and I had a I had a spiritual awakening you know as I was I had my boots in the down in the sewer and I'm I mean I'm in every thing under the sun. I realized that just wasn’t what I wanted to do with my life anymore.  Because the secret is, if you can figure out how to sell or coaching or events or be an affiliate marketer, and I just say those because that's what I teach. I don't know E-commerce. I don't know how long that's going to be around. Is it a female only group?

Krista: Dads are welcome. At the beginning when I first started. I kind of felt out the community to see like do you guys want dads? In here? Like what do you guys want and a little while everybody wanted it just moms because I had started working for friends and we were doing big things and then as it grew they wanted to get dad’s opinions on things and now there’s dad’s who want to do this and support the mothers in their lives.

Dave: We've had your information up so people know where to find your motherhood simplified Facebook group and then simplified. And hey, man, did you tell your husband I said hello even though you know he's not here and doesn't need to be part of this business. You're the sole face of it and the sole kind of operator. Is there anybody else who are you a solopreneur in this business kind of growing I had had a bit of a baby we can get some training

Krista: I’ve had people come in and do things but it’s been  robust and running to hire somebody. I want my husband to come in and do all the time because I'm like a man, and I need a lot of support from my dad.

Dave: Yeah, for sure. But you know, man wow. Never underestimate the power of speaking to both mothers and fathers and never underestimate your, your potential and I know you know that and you founders are mentioned as a way to work out but each journey is different and unique.

Krista: Yeah. There's so many more things we could talk about because this is kind of where we're at to with like, what are our like freedoms for this? Like, I want him in more. You know, I don't want to be somebody who's like, I'm going to spin. I don't want to do that.

Dave: Yeah, I will definitely follow up. I'd love to talk to you again. And yeah, be Legendary. Stay Legendary, and we'll talk to you soon. Okay, thanks. I see Christa. Alright my friends. What a powerful conversation, what a rule example of somebody's principles, and they're complicated. Instead of finding out how there's a guy named Dan Sullivan, another business consulting group and community called strategic he wrote a book called who not how and sometimes it's about finding out a lot of times it's final Who is the person who can help you? And and in that with that philosophy people become really valuable in you take a lot of the stress off of your own shoulders because you don't always need to find out the how that's one of the reasons why we can we have because we, we've happened to be the hoopoe, a lot of fun you know these are strategies that were more worked really, really I want to thank commodity simplified for coming on and delivering so much value today. It's really incredible. Speaking of if you're brand new, we've got some, we recently had a massive, you know, accomplishment on becoming the sixth fastest education company that's privately held in America. Have a great day be Legendary. We'll see you back here tomorrow for another episode at 10am. Eastern time, get out of here. Peace.

How To Go Viral Across Multiple Platforms


Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave:  What's going on guys this is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary. I don't know about you but I need to wake up Legendary this morning because I woke up kind of average and that's not okay. But I got a guy this morning who's going to help us wake up legendary that's for sure. And I know he talked to him before so here's yet another person who you know you can go back in time and you can see, you know what they had to say before and kind of track their progress and yeah so RJ Welcome to the show brother once again.

RJ:Thanks for having me back. You're welcome and

Dave: You're welcome and you do have your coffee I have. I have mine about what happened on the boat.They've adopted that phrase I guess so good for them.

RJ:  And there's another really good one. I also sell merch on Amazon and one of my shirts says I'm really sorry for what I said. Honey I'm really sorry for what I said about the boat launch. You know? It's like chaos, you know? tests every marriage. So my wife and I go every time we go to watch this thing because it's big. We're like, you know, this is gonna be the best marriage test for us. When we are through. We laugh about it. And it's always something that happens but yeah,

RJ: for you that you have your wife out there and that you guys are you know, working on your marriage together and that way, Man, she's my rock. I'm not gonna I'm not gonna lie. She's my rock. 

Dave:  Me too, man. I can relate to that. I'm very grateful to have met a good person. You know, I've been listening to a lot of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger tapes of audios and very boring annual meetings. Like yesterday I watched about two or three hours of their 2022 annual meeting and here it's just these two, you know, ones 91 ones 98 And they're just sitting there. Just no script. Same same thing that we do here. No scripting, no nothing. They get up in their sixth biggest company in the world or something. I mean, he's there. Berkshire owns a lot of apples and a lot of Coca Cola. I mean, they're big, but they just get up on stage and just kind of talk and answer questions and one thing that both of them say is that your life partner is a much bigger decision than any business decision that you'll ever make.

RJ: There's tiktoks in fact, I almost do what the guy the other day said exactly that, that decision, and I was married once before and without vilifying her in any way. To great kids out of that marriage. But, boy, I'm telling you, it took me 10 years to stick around. My wife sticks around for 10 years for me. I just said you know when I make a mistake, I'm okay with that. I just don't make that same mistake. And I'm as loyal as all dogs. None of that stuff, but she's finally like, it's been 10 years, man. Either just put a ring on this or lose it. I'm like, Well, okay, yeah. So I had to learn from that, you know, that whole thing and the best decision I've ever made. So 

Dave: Well marrying my wife was the best idea i had as well. And, and, you know, I think that for those of you out there who are like, you know, wanting your marriage or your relationship to improve or you're wanting that perfect person that soulmate, you're wondering when it's your turn to have somebody and there's a solution for you no matter what situation you're in. Yes, that is to raise your value and that is to keep your side of the street clean. And that is to focus 100% on you. Whether you are married or whether you are looking four years old and you're single, because if you raise your value and if you focus exclusively on your side of the street, what does that mean? That means your business or your Wow also not making people pay for you focusing on your business, right but it's on a hey, what are the best things any man can do is sneak out of the house, okay, and go to therapy.

RJ:  I find. It's like, if I can trim what I bring to the relationship and how I can handle mine. I don't have a whole lot of control over Dave. You know how this is a great segue into what we're going to be, you know, into this great business that we're in but I've been waiting my whole life to find affiliate marketing. I'm not kidding. It's like that button clicks just like every box check for me, right? Like I don't have to deal with customer service anymore. I don't have to. I just have to be super informative, and I've got to prove my point to people. I have to give them validity and their purchase in confidence. That's my job. To explain that 57 years old to your wife. I'm going to go on the internet. And I'm going to go on tiktok and Tell people about my life and little clips and I'm going to segue into the things that I believe in. And do you know what kind of life it takes to go there? I mean, because she knows I'm not going to drop the ball with my other stuff. She knows if let's say I had a really bad month or something. You know, I have my contracting company. I just picked up another couple jobs. I'm kind of let go of what's important to me. Go I have this is my main focus. And but for a lifetime, that's an NSL thing. With all the respect of my first wife, she didn't have that. That vision no matter how even if it didn't affect her financially, she couldn't handle the non predictability of it.

Dave:  I can only speak for a man or let me just speak for a man when a man takes care of his business and a wife or a partner can feel secure, that you're not going to drop your other responsibilities if you're gonna do this. Yes. That's what you just said. And I think no matter if your partner is a visionary or she's a non visionary, like my wife is my wife has no entrepreneurial thinker. She's not a she's not none of that. None of that. was happy at her job at a homeless shelter brother my wife was completely pissed at me. we would get in fights after she had quit that job, because I was like, quit your job and we'll come home and you know, and then she you know, when we when I would be an asshole she'd be like, I don't know why you asked me to quit my job. But here's my point is is that you said your wife knows that you're not going to drop the ball and the other things and I think if you're looking for your spouse's support, if you're looking to persuade and influence your spouse and get them on your on your, on your team number one, don't make you doing this business be something that she has to pay for or he has to pay for. Don't make it a burden to them. Because now all of a sudden you've started this new business and you're never around. You're always edgy. You're snapping Leave me alone, all this kind of stuff. What do you think in your family's mind that business is going to become a thing that's stealing my husband or stealing my dad? It's going to be an evil thing. So here's the magic, the magic to building a business and I didn't learn this until 10 years after I started the business. I did this dumb shit for a long time. I thought that my business was so important to what I was doing and I was making a lot of money. Personally, I made it made it fit my you know, I'm always walking around on the phone in the house and all this shit and I'm just dominating the space. But now what happens is now I don't even know my wife and I work together but I only want my kids to know that I do the business because I don't want it to burden them. See if something's in my life, and I and I'm saying this is going to be my freedom. But it's a burden to everybody else. Of course, they're not going to support me and they're gonna hate it. Right. And so I also have to learn how to grow up. If I'm going to do this thing that's not going to bring an immediate revenue then don't go quit in freaking your family out. 

RJ: I'll segue into my tick tock a few days you know, I all of a sudden gotten a lot of traction. I've got several videos with multiple million views. And not the ones that I thought that we're going to do millions of course. I'm getting hundreds of new followers a day, sometimes 1000s. And I got on yesterday and I set up a little studio here dude, you'd love it. I got this giant big screen. It's like actually six hours right? That's good and so not to wear my glasses. I got a 40 inch screen right here and I can show I can teach. I can say hey, my whole thing is I welcome anybody on there just to disprove me. I want to go on. I want you to test everything I say because when I got on here, a lot of people didn't tell me the truth. Right? Well, when I say things, that gal I know her name. names aren't so great for me but I know every GM or Brazilian. That's so fantastic. And you have no idea. She's just wonderful. And I said she was crushing it right? Yeah. And I'm on this. I'm on this Tech Talk, man. I got the slide going. People are just flooding in as follows . People are sending me stuff there. I've never even heard of it. I don't even know what that means. Like the ding ding dang diamonds and and all of a sudden I'm in the middle of this thing like rose from all chromogen really just talking Let's get you jacked out of this idea that your fear is going to protect you. Your fear is lying to you. Only true if you believe it right. If you believe if you believe you can't do something I'm not going to talk you out of it. You know? So anyways, I'm just jazzing it up and I'm like, I finally get it I finally end the vibe with this live thing. I'm going to do this three times a day because I'm like pennies from my next level with legendary. I'm losing things right and so I want to educate people. I want to get to this next place and all of a sudden it's just like literally shutting me off mid life. Like you're a bad person and you have done all these and then they send me a list of things I could have possibly done and with all due respect to them. I'm not as clear and just bad about them. I want to be accurate and constructive here. But after working seven months on this and now I'm becoming more omnipresent thanks to Matthew or actually Josh and you. I'm getting more and more but my main account is still TikTok and so I've never encountered anything where you're always in trouble and you have to prove your way out of trouble. You know what I'm saying? You were assumed guilty. You're already guilty. It's just with this. It could be this. This number of 1000 things that you did and I'm like, Just tell me the thing that I did and I won't do it

Dave:  Yeah, we're in a massive brawl. We're in explosion mode right now. I mean, everybody uses TikToks in explosion mode. Everybody's in explosion mode and it's they're just trying to keep up and figure out you got people on your live I think the thing with us marketers, they're there. Because the platform is being sensitive to people reporting stuff. I mean, ultimately, that's what's happening. That's why if you get an account flagged that's why that's why it's getting flagged because people are reporting it. And who knows what other technology may be once somebody reports it they go and they scan all the video and see it was it was a you would you would spell it out killing right. Maybe that was a word that I don't know. But I think for all of us, because these platforms are so sensitive. And because more than anything, I think that, you know, large masses do not respond well to motivation. They, they, they interpret motivation as somebody who's trying to scam them, right. Like you're trying to say it's okay, you can do it because there's there's something there's catch, and that's what I would say 99% of people think right 1% of people as you and I that's the people who respond to a message and are willing to you know, maybe it's more than one person willing to give somebody a chance or to look at it or we're open minded to business opportunities or whatever Have you ever noticed that the accounts that are just meme accounts and there's no inspirational content at all, though, they're just funny, and they're humorous, and sometimes they're a little bit negative. You know what I mean? They're almost self deprecating, and they're, you know, it's just these meme accounts. They just go crazy. And so I think the question is, you know, how can, how can we, how can we introduce our message to the masses in a way that, you know, maybe they'll, they'll receive it a little bit more, and I don't know what that is for each person. It's all about volumes, right? So it's turning the volume on maybe the humor, or turning up the volume on maybe, you know, on maybe pointing out the deficits of what you're doing right? So you add a little balance and not just make it look like it's all great right? But it's about the levels of volume of your message in what do you determine up and what do you need to turn down to to, you know, figure out this middle ground with with your audience, you know, where they you're not pleasing everybody, but you're also not you're also not getting you're also not triggering certain people to where they're like, I don't believe it. This is unbelievable. It must be a scam or something like that. And I'm not talking about you specifically But I do think overall, when we start marketing, we want to go out there and convince them to try to change everything and say you know Oh, you guys got to just see this. This is the best thing ever. What you're doing is stupid. Just look 20 years into the and that can be sometimes I think a little jarring for people and hard for them to believe. And so I think that that's another reason why the claims don't work. Big claims don't work. The masses don't believe them. But if you were to say look, here's a way to make an extra $20 A day online. The more we bring everything down to a really believable stay. Add a little bit of the tone down the inspirational motivational stuff. Tune Up the humor, tune up the storytelling stuff to eat. You know what I mean? I mean,

RJ:  Well, you want him to be able to digest it, right? Yes, there. What we forget is what I have forgotten in the past. You know, they're coming so many people are coming into this for the first time. And so, we're cumulative. You and I are already well, you're 1000 steps down the road I maybe 100 Okay, or 50 but what I sell or what I market I don't sell anything. I'm an affiliate marketer with validity, transparency, and free education. And if I might tell people Yeah, I because I'm pretty. So it's like, well, if other people are doing this, why can't you know why John can't kill papa Don's out there? Let's see here Mr. To use that word. I just use a lot of old school terminology and that's what I got to work on. But if he's out doing it, and these 15 year old kids don't want it. Why couldn’t I so what do they all do and where is the year comes to commercial for legendary marketing. I'm not being emotionally paid here, folks. A plus B equals C and it's all a simple man like me. One is I want you to just tell me, I don't. I don't want to have to go figure out someone else telling me the truth. So right now I've changed. You know, I used to do a lot of this stuff originally. That a lot of people do. You know you, I was excited that somebody did right and I have done pretty confident in that name. Because I've done everything man. I'm 12 years old. I've been in business my whole life. I've had several businesses. I've been

Dave: that is a mainstream term. Now. It is a term that people get side hustle like a mainstream term. It's not just it's not industry jargon anymore. 

RJ:  But now I just I want and so I'm borrowing from the information that I know and you should always speak what you know, if you if you don't know anything of the companies that you're recommending, or or, you know, don't don't let people think that you're associated with that company or if you're coming with information. I'm really careful about wanting to have a personal experience with that, just like my affiliates that the companies that I represent, I feel very strongly about. I feel very strongly about what they're after. I feel very strongly about Clickfunnels. And I could tell people 1000 reasons why. And I can tell them the history of the company. I can tell them about the owner of that company. And so when when you have that on your arm with that kind of information and you have a computer and a 40 inch screen behind it, you can just pull up let's go on. Let's go check it out. Yeah, because I thought it was just too good to be true. Well, it's not too good to be true for me. It's not good, too good to be true for the gal in Peru. It's not too good to be true for Josh. And so my job is to make them believe that they have that person inside okay. And what was such a mouthful five minutes ago, is most people won't do anything with this information. But if I can get them to hope in this situation with just a small investment. This teeny really didn't even see if that's something that might be right for them. It may kick their optimism for some other part of their life. That said, less than thinking well, people can do real things. 

Dave: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. We're never going to stop being haters and people who are envious. You know, Charlie Munger talks about envy and he's in Buffett to says it's the number one thing you should delete from your personality I envy you. You know what I mean? And I mean, he refers to seven deadly sins. And even though I think they're both agnostic, but just to kind of relate how important it is, it's like, you know, man, this this, this envy thing is a big deal. And that's all it is. I mean, somebody says, What are they flagging accounts on on any platform? Is because of envy. That's all it is. I mean, whether it's an envy of the person who's sitting in a cubicle somewhere, you know, who says, I don't like this video, that it's usually user generated haters, who or whatever. We don't really know but we don't really care to know because it's a game and you have to learn how to play the game. It's just like Buffett and that is making it absolutely unfair. It just obscene right now the money what good is it going to do for me to try to be envious about it or whatever. It's just it's or even. It's just a game to them. It's not even a it's just, it's like, it's like playing chess. It's like playing checkers. I don't want the poker chips but it's not like that at all. It's like playing chess. It's a game and you just have to strategically continue to build your, your, your machine, your digital real estate. And it can oftentimes be a game of Whack a Mole, unfortunately. I mean, they're in this digital world where you're creating a free account on a platform, you know, like Facebook or Instagram. You didn't pay for it. So don't complain. It's just you okay? Yeah, you posted a bunch of videos, but if you're smart, you save all those videos. And you now you have a 50 videos. Okay, you'll build an account on that account that pumps lots of traffic, but the truth is, even a tick tock account doesn't do you any good. If you have a million followers if you're not continuing to publish content, it doesn't matter if you lose the account or not. It's nailing the content. It's never in the content. It's learning how to create a marketing message or write a marketing message just like a comedian. It's learning to write a joke and deliver the joke and make people laugh. Well, this is learning to write an ad on Tik Tok. That's true, right? Because we are just writing stuff right on the screen. It's learning to write an ad and to publish that ad and to get people's attention. It is what a lot of people do. If your message works, it does not matter if you have zero followers anymore. It doesn't matter because if the message is good, and people respond to it, they're going to these platforms nowadays and are gonna push it out to more people. A follower count is not as important as just good content that gets pushed out. Sadly, it's not as important any more and I'd like you to talk about that. A little bit. We're titled here 50,000 flowers in 48 hours. I love and I hate these kinds of examples. I love them because I'm like, crazy look at it and I hate it because it might give a false expectation to a person that they're going to get a huge result and when they don't, then they get disappointed but that does tell us how the hell you did it

RJ:  I'll back up and I'm gonna address what you just said because I'm not envious of their success, meaning I want those good things for them. But even my boy ian, He's the one that talked me into doing this. Okay. And so, so it's hard not to compare your success with theirs and I've had I just, I'm thrilled. I'm doing well, still more inconsistent than I am when I'm building exactly what and I understand that but it's funny because I caught myself doing that. I'd go look at Amy or Phil and all these people that I really like. And it's like, well, how can mine not turn at the same as theirs and then I had to get back? Phil said it best. He said, I had to get rid of all that and I had to become a teacher. And that's my new role. I thought it would be a fun way to live your life so as far as the videos I'm at, I'm at that place where I want to go. One of my students if you're here, Cam Hi. Him and his wife have become I feel like I've known him like I've known him my whole life. We're kind of very similar people, with similar backgrounds. You know, and he just got his first commission the other day he just started and so it was just like casts you know, so proof of concept, but I'm at the point where after the Josh Smith, five day challenge and that just that changed my whole perspective. Omnipresence and and I had to do what he did and and see outside of myself and realize that these other platforms are places that I need to be for this reason. And then I see Stacy law, you know, I see Bob Hosek you know, I see all these people on multiple platforms, and I'm watching on my, I use ConvertKit, but I also use my Click Funnels a lot, and I go in there and now I'm on there every day and there's just all these leads and it's like, well, they couldn't be from all from Tik. Tok. It's this giant jump, right? It's from that Omnipresence and it's from these other places, and they may not be clicking me with likes. resonated with my message and they're coming in to find out more about what I'm talking about, which is my goal. Because the more people I get in the pipeline interested if I do my job correctly, and I take away their fear, and then there's, there's conversions there. And I'm not I'm not going to just focus on the money. Money's part of it. Yeah. But if I if I pull that focus on the off the money and because and don't people I want for you what I what I'm experiencing this, you know, and if you resonate with that, and you answer all their questions, there's certain people that aren't going to ever take a chance and might just like the idea of this people who buy the blueprints that feel that way that's which is crazy. So but by the time they get done with me, that's still there so they have to live with themselves in five years. And they'll go online. We're respectfully with all these people, and I understand they’re scared but I've been that way my whole life for three years. To make a profit in my contracting company. I had to work two jobs while I had my company, three years, and that's another explanation I could do. I could do it. I just do it the whole time. And when I try to explain to people as a business owner, you know, okay, one of my trucks is one of my trucks. If you just take out just to fill it up with gas, it is more than most of the items that you feature on this channel through legendary battle, an insurance bond licensing up and up and down, and you can get into this business and then you have payments on stuff every month. This is for almost nothing. And so it's your time and it's your time and your ability to just like you said, Exactly. Just continue to tweak things and bring your soul. who You are to that digital tweet, and never lie. And I found what you said is so true. A salesy stuff I just do, it's just a turn off. I know some of these people are making gazillions of dollars and I'd love to be there too, but when they openly see this 75k I made last month internet That's just too much for my brain and that's great. Now there's people that do it really effectively. a blogger, started a few years ago as a waiter and now he makes a lot of money on YouTube. And he's on the other platforms but he's really turned it into a machine and to the importance of what we're doing small, short, short form video. But the big ever evergreen which is is is really being implemented on YouTube and a blog and a play, play a blog, to where they can't shut me down rarely or to have a really hard time I can segue on know, and

Dave:  I want to Talk to you for a moment everybody just segwaying or really piggybacking on what you said about the long term because you were like, well, it took me three years in my I think you have a land unless I've done more than that. Okay, so yeah, it may have taken three years to turn a profit. But that doesn't mean you didn't make any money that time folks. This was not used by business owners. You probably still took a salary, right? I mean, it's not like you live homeless to pay yourself. Pay yourself right, people. Let's clarify. The business didn't make a profit. There's a difference between being an employee in your business and then the leftover profit at the end of the day.That's what I think. We really we really, I didn't even realize that it was like, Okay, I own a business. How do I treat myself in this business, especially as it starts to grow? And it's like, well, you treat yourself if you have a business like a landscaping business, or even if you want yourself in this business the same way you pay yourself, look at your salary or look at your living expenses. You pay yourself enough to be able to live but then the rest you have an option. Either leave it in the business, reinvest it, buy more equipment, in the case of landscapers, lawn equipment and mowers, things of that nature. So when you pull that job you don't like right you know, you don't like the guy who's you know, this is his first job. You got some equipment for this business because it's got such high, such low overhead and high profit margin potential. What I would recommend to everybody, right on, give you some actionable is look at what you would what you need from this business, not what you want. Not what you what you you know what you like, but what you need from this busy week, pay yourself that maybe it's 250 bucks, maybe it's $100 maybe you don't need anything, I don't know. But then you take the remainder. You take now you also need to assign each month, look at how much you made. Figure out what tax bracket you are putting in a separate bank account each month. Make sure you don't have a big tax bill at the end of the year. But after you've paid the business bank account, you've moved that money into your p&l. It's $200 you're just getting started $200 But $500 leftover from this week. I got a 200 dollars salary or my supplemental income but I got $500 left. This is where the magic happens. This is where the magic happens. So you take that $500 And you go and open up a Vanguard Index that tracks the total stock market. Don't take it to an investment planner who's going to charge you 2% of your total balance where they make money or not. Don't put it in Bitcoin. Don't do something else stupid. Go open up a bank card that tracks the entire stock market and just take half of that $500 And just put it away in the stock market in an index fund that you're going to let sit for the next 10 years. If you don't believe that's the best way to invest your money. In the stock. Then go listen to hours and hours of annual reports and annual meetings and audios from buffet and other people like I have right now. I can tell you that. Even the world says what I'm going to do and every single dollar and profit from Berkshire Hathaway goes to charity and the money that's leftover from my wife. They're putting in an index and they're just gonna leave it there for her because that's what I want done for her. So that's what you do. Now all of a sudden you got that $500 you split it in half you put 250 to a vanguard index fund that tracks the total stock market. This is not financial advice by the way. You listen to me your mind, bro.This is just what im doing im another high school dropout, not financial advice. But hey, and now even got $250 leftover inside of a damn business bank account in your business has got a little bit of cash and you know, you wanted to buy some some traffic or some advertising or you wanted to so it's like you got to learn how to operate inside of a business and maybe we'll do a training on the on the basics and fundamentals.A lot to learn and it's not as bad as it seems like everybody looks at a business and they hear things like this. Make a profit for three years and you start to see they really are good for you as boring and not good. And that's why we go to retail therapy. We just say fuck it I don't understand it anyways. To shopping and spend my money because that makes people feel better. Right? And or just stay in our current situation always looking for that next miracle. Well, it's kind of like the end of the movie and Dumb and Dumber. Walking down at night. Seeing that Jim Carrey and Jeff Dunham are walking down the highway at the end of the movie and they're like, Well, you know, but what an adventure and bustle of bikini babes comes riding down the highway and they go they open the door they go we looking for two guys to rub oil on us all insurance would you guys be interested or and they go you know what? Just back that way towards that town we just came from. There's a bunch of people that they're probably fine two good guys to help you out. Right. Okay.

RJ:  What you said is great and I'm glad you pulled that out. Because when it really is a leap of faith commitment. And so we all know there are different forms of religion in the world. There's different forms of self love. There's never been anybody's faith in them in a million years. But for me, my soul is connected. And so if I, I believe I say I'm going to do this thing. This thing that not a lot of people did. And I don't care what anybody says. And I don't care what the haters say, I don't care what the circumstances are. Like I said, I didn't make a profit for three years. You can't survive three years on credit. But I worked other jobs where it's that leap of faith and what happens with that in those three years is my options got better. And then you see the market like I do with markets like Matthew was what Dave was talking about that great. Click that little line between the lines, that little piece of meat that hangs in there, you know, I'm like that's what they were talking about. There's another inside business

Dave:is your landscaping business at a point to where if you wanted to sell it 

RJ:  Other people that see me at my age. I've had people because I have very enviable contracts with large Yeah, but I've pared down. I haven't had to even go out because I have wonderful people. Small company but I overpay them and Their problems aren't made up. These people say that's my only guarantee  Expect bad news. Yeah, I can help you fix it. A lot of people for obvious reasons in business. They don't. They don't trust their boss. The boss hasn't. They don't care about Worsham. All I know is I've met his dad in Georgia and as long as I've met his mom I know it's past as well. And it's unusual, I know. But no matter what the news is, we can deal with it. If we got\facts that we're dealing with, for obvious reasons, but that leap of faith is what gets you going and you and that's that mindset people. Just because we're all a mindset is faith in faith. You can do something, right? If you believe you say you can't. You're not gonna and if you believe I'm full of whatever because I'm telling you this work for me. And you're scared because I a lot of older people that are technically challenged. Moms 92 years old and she can just go and buy a well disordered iPad figured out that's the kind of person so you get one life. What are you gonna do just going to Robert park ? A lot of people's 401 k's are gone. You know, a lot of people's pensions, you know a lot of people are getting released, you know? He's like, my wife just got brain cancer. I just paid for my wife's brain cancer. Back then I got a heart attack and my job of 25 years let me go and, and you want to feel humbled by your reality, I don't have right. And so he's looking into believing and I'm just gonna give him an option when I find I find that if I am or they come to me and I want them I want them to go. I trust that dude. Because he tells me the truth. See what he Yeah, and and so that's all I'm gonna trust. And the upsell super straight. Video man. 

Dave: There's a great way to market and persuade. And it's to do exactly what you're saying. And it's what I also recognize in Warren Buffett. Right when I get obsessed with it, I really do get upset. I kind of all in full immersion, and I've done it with a couple of things over the last year to fully immersion on watches, the fishing, full Immersion Now on investing. Just because when you do something for me, there's no sense in doing it unless I have a chance to master it. There's no There's no sense in doing some of it. Because I'm first of all only going to do things that I'm interested in, not going to do anything but I'm not interested in is not right. Number two is if I prove that number two is if I'm interested in it and I want to get out of it. I'm not going to have acid. Why? Well, because I want to get the maximum out of it. And so I think with a lot of what talking about initially said how do you become really persuasive? Well, the way that you do it is you just totally, totally immerse yourself. In the world of whatever you're doing and this is how to get great at anything is just anything. You just fully immerse yourself in the end if you fully shelter the world meeting, if you want to be great at this coming listen to these shows because I promise you after 90 days, you will be talking shit. Like it's like it's second nature, personally. Yeah. And here's the other thing. It's going out, it's teaching but then it's not being afraid to just give somebody a call to action. And Warren Buffett and I had originally brought him up because I said I've been fully immersed in this and really what I noticed after listening and watching for example you see it in the annual meeting, we got 12,000 of his own shareholder is in the room and he and Charlie are sitting up with another A couple of old dudes and chairs. And he's up there he's talking about, you know, their $5 billion investment but he's also given updates about how much he See's Candies are selling out there in the hallway. Like let me break records and that's a company that Berkshire owns, See's Candy, just just a good business they own and he's given. He's like, hey, we'll go we got three minutes left out there so rapidly again, but then, but then he does three hours of just value value. But you know there's one out there in the you know, convention center boats and all the other businesses that he owns they've got tables and things set up out there. This is smart, deliver slow to value so honest, you said honest. He's so honest. No, no, no swindling, no horseshit answers. Always blunt facts no bullshit and I'm telling you man, I'm starting to communicate left because my wife demanded from me because I was this. Then I'd always have a marketing pitch. And she's like, look, but buffet. But you're saying rj  is not just true for you It is also true for successful people in the world, how they operate, and how they influence and persuade and become teach deliver value be honest as shit, I mean, totally honest. But then not be afraid to give a call to action.

RJ: That's just a mouthful on its end. It's exactly true. Look at perhaps the most successful affiliate marketer in the world Oprah seriously. And this is a quote. This is a quote from her that I'll never forget. When she started buying them and liked three of them and, and then they started to do really, really well. And that was what they said, Well, how can you be so effective? They're all different news, your own she's got like blind. All these things are proving. But she goes and we'll find something to do . I might as well be the best at it. Because just like what you just said this massive focus and not being afraid of letting the information about it not just putting your blinders on. And I understand the importance of focus because I'm all over the treasure. But not only to to sell that space and say yeah, I am a student here and I'm gonna learn this I'm going to learn from the best people all all the all the everybody with the giant brands, you know, Warren Buffett includes and Warren is talking to him like like, I know him like I'm going to call him tomorrow, right? All my videos, you'll see him, you'll see Warren quotes everywhere. And I think to add to what you said is provable honesty. So not to believe me, but if you're down I want you to be able to get down with our conversation and call BS and go Let's check this out. 

Dave: Yeah, that's why I love these interviews. It's like Go Go look at what he said. You know, it's kind of like it's kind of like I take the position of I'm not the magic man. I'm just showing You magic. And that's what we have. Truth is not magic. I'm a part of the magic. I'm a part of it. And if this wouldn't work with you literally work without a guest. If I just came here and most doesn't like most content you need to bring in other people you know what I mean? Like Oprah. Oprah did exactly what you did and exactly what I did and exactly what all of us are doing, which is she built a personal brand in Gmail. That's what she did for us. She had a tiktok channel that just happened to be channel eight, right, but back then that was one tiktok. That was the only place to create. Nowadays, everybody's got to open that. Okay, so there's lots of Oprah's out there as little jewels in as powerful and 20 years as Oprah is right now. It's just a fact. But Oprah just created streams with business. She just said Oprah Winfrey Incorporated is the business and there's the TV show. There's the magazines and there's multiple streams of income within the same business under the same brand. And it's the same exact thing that any one of us can do with the core four because that's mainly what she's working with as well as coaching and events. I mean, the content as her strategy it’s what we do just kind of on a larger scale and a more full scale. 

RJ: Luckily what we do just kind of on a larger scale in a more commercial scale, well I use wake up live as a lot of us are now. Amy, Phil. Because it is such a special thing, this is really a special thing. And I learned all my industry jargon from it right? Sometimes you guys say stuff and what the hell's that? You know, I know what SEO is but there's a few guys that I had. That's like oh well now I know the industry term for that. People that are new here right now, it's like what short form is long form? What's the difference? What do you need this for? Why did YouTube pay? So when you get into an industry and you start to master it, you see the areas of oversight and she could not get that view about climbing a pretty big mountain. So she's halfway up and she's just so over that next mountain right and she's like, Oh, that's that's something nobody else got to see. I had to climb this and believe in myself enough to see that opportunity. And then she has some extra data. 

Dave: This woman was perfectly able to get up there and see that there's other people up there that she didn't know were there and they're kind of like hey, yes, it was you're going to tell the story. I didn't want to interrupt but I've had that thought because I mean you're even climbing up and it's like, I don't really know where I'm going but then you kind of get up there and then a bunch of other people up there chillin like that's a great what's up? It's true. Because for me, for me, it's like, what a lot of people don't understand while they're out buying, you know, all searching for the perfect mentor and all this kind of stuff and thinking that you know, somebody else is going to be their Savior. It's like, look, man it's like, if you're religious, like you stated you are you've already got a savior. You don't need it. You don't need somebody on this earth to see what I'm saying? So it's like it's like, it's like you if you're agnostic or atheist, then you certainly don't believe in a savior right? So it's like you don't stop treating human beings like they're gonna be your guru or your or the person who you've always been looking for. It's like a lot of it you have to get out there and just, you know, immerse yourself in it and learn as you go and show up to the calls like you're saying, and learn the jargon. 90 days in you will know, so much more than you could ever imagine. And then and then you might be saying, well, I don't feel like that yet. Well give it another 90 days. I'm not saying 90 years. Most of us can't sit still and do the same thing for 90 days consistently. And we just simply complain about the results that we don't get from what we didn't do and we do that about our marriage. We do that about our business. We do that about our job. We complain about our job as if our boss or something owes us something. And that's just not how capitalism works. You know, it's not written in the fine print of capitalism or the large print that you know, you should be overpaid or, or recognized to a certain degree or anything like that. It's about commerce, value, and transactions. And so, you know, this, I think, a lot of this like with Warren's investing principles, it's just you got to learn to cut out the noise. You got to learn to stop looking for the secret you got to learn to stop, you know, chasing the, you know, the beautiful dragging into the alley and then it turns around and can bite your head off. You know, you got to stop getting caught up with people in their private message thinking that you're gonna get some inside scoop. Yeah, you're gonna get an inside scoop. They're gonna take the big scoop out of your wallet. You know, it's like, it's like I gotta stop always looking for the shortcut and realize that work is the shortcut. Just doing the work is the shortcut, and within just a short period of time, and by short, I mean, you know, a couple of years to, for me, it's been 10 years, I have accumulated more stuff. I have made more money. I have way more than I want or need. And I'm grateful for everything that I have. But my point is, is that if you stop obsessing about the you know did I make a penny today and work or did I lose you know, all that you we step over dollars to pick up dimes all the time.

RJ: And we look to avoid the work to find and we work harder trying to avoid the work. It is the reason you want to get a shift in perspective. The reason why I'm focused is not because I'm any different than anybody else. It's going to be the way that I do something when I do it. I do it all in. So for me, for me what I've learned about myself is I've started enough shit and didn't finish that now, I don't even bother looking at anything.

Dave: Just nothing, because I know how much work it's going to take to succeed. If I wanted to do that thing. And, um, I just know that I don't have time to pursue that right now. And what I'm doing, I've made a decision that this is the path that I'm following, and it's exhausting to chase rabbits into holes. It's just exhausting. I don't have time to do it anymore. You know, I don't have time to sit through somebody's bullshit sales pitch. And I got one coming up today. It's like, I gotta you know, I gotta get sit on the phone with an investment guy who I'm probably not going to use, but he's going to tell me how much better investing in a diversified portfolio in pain was 1% to like, look, it's like okay, why am I doing this what I know that the best place for my money is just continuing to buy rental properties like I'm doing in stock and my money away in index funds, insane focus on cash flow in my business. That's what my focus needs to be not on all these other distractions because not only you RJ, but me too. Can go down a rabbit hole, but I think I've burned myself enough that I know I'm not going to follow through with the majority of things that I start. So why even started, why not just pour all of that was the thing that changed my marriage too. It was like for so many years, I wasn't sure that I wanted to commit. So I always had this little piece of my brain that was just like, I don't know, I don't know if I really want to commit and you know what? It killed my ability to to get all the things that I want, getting laid getting paid all that right, because you're not going to be romantic when she senses that and you're not going to be fully making the most money because your heads not fully in the game and you don't feel supported by your spouse. And so I was at a disadvantage for years because of my own inability to just say, Look, everything I have and I need is right here. I just need to get everything out of it. I need to stop eating out of a trash can. When I have T bone steak right here at home. You see what I'm saying? And that's a metaphor, right? Mentally eating out of the garbage can while I'm going to travel the world spread my seat. This is a male thought. I'm just telling you real shit. But my urge changed what I just committed. And I said, Look, I have everything. I don't even know the potential of this marriage. I've not even scratched because of my inability to commit. And because of her in your business it is the same thing. Your business is an entity that sits there that says I will go as hard as you want to go. But most of us just never commit because we always have that piece that's like, I don't really want to commit or maybe this rabbit hole over here or Maine or whatever. But I shared this yesterday and then I'll give you the final thought and we'll wrap up. Bill Bill Gates. I think Monger was there with Buffett we're all sitting at a table. Gates ‘ dad asked what's the number one thing you guys would attribute to your success, all three of them at one time immediately said focus.

RJ: What I hope not. It's going to be hard to follow up on that but I'm gonna add to it. If somebody went to my tip well, it's on my TikTok. I put it on one of my personal accounts and grew legs because it resonates with so many people. And Phillips was a world famous football coach, right? And he said, you know people felt we're all going to fail. He goes That's perfectly fine. He goes you only start failing when you start blaming other people for your failure. That's when you fail. I wish I could claim it as my own, but it just resonates with so many people and makes a difference.

Dave: Can you say that again? I just want to make sure that I heard that so clearly. I mean coming around and he's got all of his you know football abilities. He just said you people make mistakes all the time. He continues to make them, he said but you're only a failure when you start blaming other people for your demise. Just goes back on you, you know, what are you gonna do? These are obstacles man, what you get one line and it could end tomorrow. And it becomes very evident when you're 57 and you have people dropping or I'm in charge of I've got all these friends for 30,40,50 years I've lost several. And their lesson to me is I gotta pack these guys around with me because I live in for them now too and they'd love to be here. They'd love to have an argument with their wife again. They'd love to be able to have a challenge and maybe start something new. My thing that hit me up several weeks ago is my job is to get them to believe in their life again. That's my I'm a digital marketer, affiliate marketer whatever title you want to get me to sign. I'm going to tell you the truth. Dave: Nobody's getting out of this son of a bitch alive. I can promise you that. 

RJ: But there's an ER nurse specialized in death and it was on one of my one of my tech talks and she said and she compiled this information for years and years and years and years. Every single person with very few exceptions on their deathbed is I really wish I would have taken a chance on myself and pursue the thing that I really want out of my life. And so my job is to say hey, you know I've failed a ton in my life. I went to five different colleges and I'm not a doctor, okay? I was chasing girls. And it's just that simple. I didn't want to grow up. And so I made mistakes, and I've learned from those mistakes. And if you still got a live like the beauty of this business, I just wanted to talk about this. You could be handicapped, you could have you know, depression and things that you deal with mentally you know, it's a big part of that a lot of us are struggling right now, right? If you can just get the strength to go in front of your computer and learn a few things and do a few things on your own. I don't know of any other way that you could use this tool and make your life better. It's accessible. That's what I love about it to everyone doesn't matter what your color is doesn't matter what your sex is doesn't matter what your faith is. It's accessible so my job is to make them believe and even if they don't do this I want them to believe in themselves enough to try something. That's my job. Well, it's a great mission and a degree of focus to have.

Dave: It is also a great therapeutic mission. That for me, I believe being in the state of mind in the state of heart that I am every day in this business, which is not something that a lot of us really put a lot of value on. Right it's like we complain like a son of a bitch about how toxic we feel at our job. But then when we get in our business, we don't give it enough credit for how it can make us feel or how we do feel like what you just said you gave it credit for, but I want to give it some credit. Because I realized that I haven't done that over the past 10 years a lot. But the truth is, I believe that this business has added to my life expectancy because I'm actually happy as hell every day and I'm not in toxic you know resentment. I'm not feeling dominated or controlled by anybody. I actually believe as I work in a space with my wife every day. 

RJ: Yeah, I mean, and I get I'm working from home in my in actually a second home. So it's even like a dream. And I just could look at what I mean. It's just a really I think is going to add to my life expectancy because you're my how long I live because I just I could see myself sort of like I see Buffett and Munger at 9196 or eight or whatever he is to end up on that table still working. I can see my now I can't see myself continuing to sit stand at a Walmart door or cashier or down to my knees installing tile or any of this other stuff. But I can see myself as a crusty old man. Still talking shit on the internet. If they stop motivating and teaching, you know what I mean? If they stop talking tomorrow and stop teaching tomorrow. Do you see the twinkle in Warren Buffett's when he talks about what he's built? It's just captivating. It's humble. The money Yeah, that's that's become a big that's maybe that's the result. If you would have made a fraction as much he'd still be on there and be just as excited about it. And he lives in the same house that he had with his wife that he bought in the 60s. He's a philanthropist. He's a guy. My dad just died at 94 and he had the same exact sparkling as if you don't have something that you can go to if I'm if I never made a gazillion dollars.

I would do this business work because of how it makes me feel and the fact that I don't have a boss. And that complaining is a disease and I and I've caught that terminology out of my vernacular because it gives it power. And all complaining is an excuse not to do something about your situation. And so when I asked my friend about a good friend that I've known since second grade, and he's big on excuses, and so I finally just in a very gentle, loving way so well, you know the best revenge is living well, what are you doing? To make your life better? 

Dave: And it's it's pretty dysfunctional situation. I'll admit it. Yeah, well, we all do have either a vision or a potential to have a dysfunctional situation or had one in the past and learn how to set boundaries or cut people out and I think that's being honest with what you're talking about. And saying what you mean and mean what you say and not being mean when you say it is what what a gift that both therapy and my recovery and this business has really taught me how to how to be honest with people like you're talking about not be afraid of the truth don't be afraid to give honest feedback. And also I'm it's been an age thing. Both those tools with me growing older have made me be much more on purpose with even who I'm spending time around. So knock has been spending time around somebody without being honest. I love that. And that is really what a friend is, isn't it? And it's also if I'm going to be of service to anybody here each morning or in this community. It's by that honestly I call it care for entation because I don't want to walk around confronting everybody, but it's very way it's like people with their own, you know, with their own with their own stuff just by sharing my own stuff. You know what I mean? Like that's the best way that I've found and I love doing it via video because I don't have to like one-on-one stuff. It's better to do it on video to let people listen and let it sink in. Yeah, rather than being in their face. I've even, you know, obviously it's such a great characteristic to be honest with people and to do it in a caring way. You might be the only friend in their world who's doing that and you also might be the only person in their world Argenta you might be the only person in a lot of your audience and followers' world who's being honest with them the way that you'd be honest as well. Never underestimate the impact that we can have in our followers' lives. 

RJ: I don't care about someone if someone has shown me over and over that they want to be frustrated but I love them anyways, let's say they're my family members or people that are close to me and I see something that's a pattern in their life and I expect it from them to me, too. If you really love me as a friend, as a partner, whatever. And you see me suffering all the time. It's your obligation. I feel gently that it's not easy to have those conversations. But if you love them, you're willing to have that and then they can do what they want with it. I have a friend that's dying because he has a real addiction. And his hips are gone. Everything was going all of us love him. He's the most magnanimous, wonderful person you'll ever meet. He has this addiction to food that you're and his prognosis is horrible. And we're all fighting with it right now. We've all told him but the only way I can function now if something God forbid, you know does happen with him is I gave it I put the bat out there and look at it because I love that person and I had that difficult conversation. And so now he knows where I'm out. We've tried to get him help. You can only lead a horse to water. And so if I don't, if I don't care about somebody at all, I'm not gonna say anything you know, if there's people that are divisive or mean or that's part of their there, they're just not ready to hear it yet. I really care about and I want to convey that to the people that are on here because I hear people like that guy with his cancer story, his wife and all these all these things. You know that that guy is looking for a ray of sunshine to live. I hope I can give them just a little bit of hope that doesn't have to be with legendary or Click Funnels or meaning. 

Dave: He may take that up and start you know, building something out of his garage that he's always wanting to build or and sell you know, or let me share a maybe have a similar story. And then we really will wrap up. It's not a long story. It's just one day I was at an event we were hosting. And this was a long time ago. Back in 2013. Or so I was hosting an event and this is before legendary doing courses coaching and events back then as well. But there was a guy we were at an event and a guy stood up and totally blindsided me. The man said you know he was sharing and he said look, I was driving down the road. And I worked at a hospital and was on my way with a bag full of medication and I was gonna I was gonna, you know, I was gonna end it all. He said I got a flat tire. And as I was sitting there waiting for help to arrive, put in an audio of you. He was speaking to me. And he said in that audio, something that you said made me decide that I didn't want to go home and do that. And today, you know I stand here in front of you with X result x result x result. And of course I'm here to share and it hasn't happened a lot of times, you know what I mean? That is that impactful, like, serious of a situation. But, I mean I've had a lot of that's inspiring and you know, I've heard a lot of things but that was really, really a powerful one to hear. And so, we never know man how what we say and what we do, is going to impact somebody and as, as human beings who communicate with each other through words through body language through looks that are not genuinely wanting to help somebody genuinely wanting to produce some content because you you think it will be helpful share you'll give a call to action at the end but you're not doing it because you think that that one video is going to make you rich. It's just a contribution to the value that you're delivering to people because you want to do it you know, you want to win and we help people. And I think for me the results of that strategy. The results of what we're talking about. This whole episode has been about which is really ultimately how you, you know gained all these followers in 48 hours and you've lost the account you built it back you're just you're you're you're you're you're you're building the business because the business is not an account for you. The business is your message the business is you have lots of pieces of the business is your email address all these things but ultimately the business is your message who you are your brand and the fact that people are impacted by what you're doing and what you're saying. And then it's not just a bait and switch. It's not just a hey, here's some shitty video that I and I hope you click it I hope you buy why are people buying? That's just not how any commerce works. And we sit and we see it in the group. It's like I've you know, people are clicking the link but they're not buying it. It's like, well, people don't just you know, it takes it takes a certain amount of effort and contribution and also I have to if if I have a selfless in a selfish meter, if my selfish meters all the way up and I selfless meters all the way down not gonna make any money back here that bullshit we all have a our whole life. We're walking lie detectors like meat fighters, man.

RJ: And when you hear that, hear bullshit. Right? And when I was conveying stuff when I first started making, I thought, well, things were true, but I didn't experience them. So I just felt like I was bullshit, that imposter syndrome. So it's like I'm going to talk about this stuff. I really, really know and I'm going to convey my heart to their heart and then they can make a decision and if they can come back later I'm gonna say the same messages and I'm gonna say them honestly and clearly. And we all hear it.

Dave:  And some of these kids I know are making a gazillion dollars, you know, but I get on there and then my stomach just turns. It's like, dude, well, there's a power in them hearing a consistent message and I hope that's what makeup legend is because you might be entertained by the antics or being authentic and that's fine. I'm just being myself. Whatever the comments are. But the truth is what we're teaching here is basic principles. It's really solid foundational stuff that works in pretty much any industry without even getting into the specifics, at least not in this conversation. Right and, and so it's it's a no it's yeah, these are timeless principles and they work I've said this on other shows. What we're talking about today is just really trying to care about people and really pour value into them. While not being afraid to give a call to action is the same skill set in it's really communication skills and people skills is really what it is. And Warren Buffett said that you can increase college students and people how many times he's been asked what's the best stock to pick? His answer to that is the best investment you can make. And if you simply improve your communication skills, you can increase the money that you bring in by 50% Just by talking to college kids. So just by focusing on communication. So while everybody's looking for the magic button, and some of us have looked for that for 51 years, I know people in this industry who have been buying, you know, make money quick, you know systems and all this bullshit for 20 years and all this stuff get rich quick, where's the easy button? But man, it's sticking to the basics. It's sticky the big six and not leaving them. And that's what's hard. It's not hard to be assessed. The entrepreneur, it's not hard to do what I do every day. The reason why people can't do it is because they're not willing to do it consistently. And if you look at the notes, you go back to look at the very first one in March of 2020. And I know that's when we started because that's when you know the world is going crazy. And as I moved my decision was gotta go in not. This is another Warren Buffett thing when everybody's afraid, be bold. Okay, so everybody was freaking out and my move the words that matter in your business, all this other shit that you do 99% stuff doesn't matter. The big decision. So in March of 2020 we were doing a daily show, but I wasn't active in it. And so I said, I'm gonna be activated because nobody's doing that. Nobody's got their guy. You know whoever the all knowing who you're paying $50,000 to touch the throat. He ain't getting out and talking shit every day. So I said let me get out there and talk shit and just teach in just tell stories every day to let them see years of me talking. And at first, I didn't think that if we didn't look that far into the future. But here we are two half years later, and it's not that this show is great or anything like that. It's great, but it's great because it's been going for so long. That's what's great about it's great that there's a history it's great that it's something that you can look back on with Berkshire Hathaway's you can open up their annual report and read and you can see 30 years of investment results and how he's beat the market with you know, 30% compounds versus 10% annual comp. I mean it's but how did he do the same way that I've done it the same way but he's just successful like Oprah is over time, the same way the interest compounds and it does go Google investment calculator. And put it in the 250 that I said earlier, times 10%. You're gonna contribute that every month and see what that is at the end of 20 years with 10% compounding interest. It's insane because of the phenomenon of compounding. Now success is the same way success in businesses is the same way the phenomenon of compound. The compounding phenomenon happens the same way in business where as you do something long enough, it begins to compound and pick up momentum. It's something that you can't explain. It. It's hard to tell people by telling all of you right now that it happens, but it's hard for you to hear. Because hindsight is always 2020. It's hard for us to look into the future and imagine or trust or any of us can only understand what's right in front of us. But look at what others have done with that simple role of consistency and simplicity. Look at what I've produced Warren Buffett bought his first stock at 11 years old. The reason why he has a net worth of 60 billion is not big or whatever it is, is not because he's a brilliant investor. It's because he's been more patient because he's been put because he's not Charlie's. And there's three things that an investor needs. I can't remember the first two, they're very basic, but the last one is rational. You have to have rationale. Because when the market dips, you can't freak out and sell you have to hold for a long time. So the same thing that happens in a business when I lose an account or a video doesn't go viral or whatever that happens. It's the same thing with an investor with Warren. If he would have sold he'd be another Tom, Dick or Harry living in a basic neighborhood in Omaha, Nebraska, not the Oracle of Omaha, but because he used the basic principle of making a decision today to quit. Let's put that off to tomorrow. And let's just ride this one out. Let's keep doing what we're supposed to be doing what we've been doing. Let's just keep doing it. Let's ride it out, let's say and guess what in 2022 He's 91 years old, got more money than God himself. You know, and he's honest about it. He can be honest about it because there's no tricks. No.

RJ: Well I know we're wrapping up here being here I'm I've got a couple I've got a backup account which is my side hustle.do my main account I changed the name it's learning earn with RJ on TikTok be up there on with RJ I think we had some people try to get that. And it didn't. Well, I'm currently dealing with Jeff doc. So I've got two accounts. That one's got about 56,000 on it and I think this one's got a few 1000 But I'll be back on you'll see me you can't get rid of me. I'm gonna be omnipresent. You see me on tick tock. I'll be on Facebook real.

Dave: Oh, hey, well, we'll hopefully have you back on the show here in a very short period of time. I love talking to you. But I have to make sure I don't schedule anything within an hour and a half because for Christmas sake we sit here and talk for you. No, absolutely. It's what we've been doing for 90 minutes feels like nine minutes so Hey, take care out here. We've just lifted the game out for you right now. Give me so much game in 90 minutes. It's unbelievable. Because that's the name of the game. It's about delivering value and making an investment. That investment will come back tenfold. It will come back tenfold. So a lot of games today that were laid out take it, deploy it, implement it, use it. Really appreciate each one of you and not because you're buying stuff from us or even because who you are, because who you are. I like to have friends. And a lot of you have become great friends of mine are people that I see your names here every day. I love it. I love it. I met a lot of you. I just wanted to give you a little shout out and just let you know that you're appreciated enough. And yeah, use it because I know it's free. The show is for you right so sometimes when we don't pay attention, this stuff man is like really just shit. It's the good shit.

And it's such a difficult thing to avoid these shiny objects and these people who try to, you know, try to look all successful on social media and try to lure you in and it's like, you know what, man? Stick to the basics, just stick to the principles and play the long game and this will work out way better than you can ever imagine. Trying to find some shortcut. So anyways, Darius Good to see you too, man. Another guy that I've met at the events and mastermind and a man just appreciate all you so have a great week and I think pricing. See back here on Monday for another episode. We'll have another great guest on Monday. And yeah, remember we're going to be coming out with some new some, some more announcements about some more. We're all going to be getting awards and maybe even some spots in some upcoming magazines who we don't want. We don't want to jinx yourself but there's a lot of cool things that people are starting to pick up on. Legendary Marketer was the 63rd fastest growing privately held education company in America last year, 63rd fastest is privately held by the Inc 5000. We were part of the Inc 5000 fastest held company so you know we're of course going to talk about that and remind everybody that it's just a trend. This is the way that the market is moving. And you know, I was here 10 years ago and a lot of people work from home and all those terms were taboo. It was like you know what you mean, what happened in 2020 and 2021 changed everything and now people want to be home they want to stay home they're used to watching content on the internet and will go live on social media. So this new way that we're doing business and we want to learn and we want to shop and you combine it with these timeless principles that we're talking about almost every day here on the show, and you don't need to chase snakes down a hole anymore. You don't need to be curious. And I even laid out just the really simple kind of way in which I view investing today, not investment advice of course, but the way I view investing, it all boils down to simplicity. And if you can't understand it or explain it, don't do it. And if somebody can't explain it to you in simple terms, don't do it. Don't even waste your time on it. Right? Don't even waste your time on it. Just stay focused on the simple stuff that you can see that works you know that works. And magical outcomes and magical things are like living for the lotto and never hitting it. You know what I mean? I think the outcasts group said that living for the lotto never hit it. And it's like it's true. A lot of people live for the lotto and everything they do they just want to hit the jackpot and when they don't it's like ah, such a disappointment or must be a scam or there must be something wrong with me. There's nothing wrong with you. Just looking for like the jackpot, that easy button and if you just transition just a little bit just committing to be here for the long term your business and your brand not literally or your business and commit to that to the long term and somebody here for the next year with our make a dime or not because I'm just gonna go out and build and build my reputation and build my audience. You will, I think you'll be surprised by the result. I can't promise any results and quite frankly, I don't want to. I mean, there's enough stuff that's around us. I don't need to. I don't need to make a bunch of big lumps saying oh, this is gonna happen for sure because honestly, I don't know that that's gonna happen for sure for you. But my experience is that 99% of people can't follow through and do something consistently for 90 days.  So that's the first hurdle is actually picking something you can do something in 90 days is not going to do it. I'm just using that as an example. I usually ask people how long are you willing to commit to building your business before you quit or decide to do something different? How long are you willing to commit to building your business sustain focused on exactly what you're doing right now before you decide to quit? Or get distracted and do something else? How long are you willing to commit to just that? That's a hard question to ask or answer, you know, is how long am I willing to commit before I quit or or or deviate? Well a year is what I would suggest. And you might say, well, what am I doing? Well, if you want to create multiple streams of income, multiple streams of income all fine, you can create multiple streams of income from the same business, right? We all have that inside blueprints. The fishing formula, okay. A lot of you if you can go back I just updated the day five business plan class in the challenge. Go through and watch that again. There's a lot of great information right in that day five classes create multiple streams of insane business. I want to leave you with that question. RJ dropped so much value in this was an incredibly long episode. And how long are you willing to commit to this before quitting or waiting to do something else? And that's an important question and something for you to think about. Because unless you commit to something, for the long term, no investment strategy is going to work for the short term. No, no, no business strategy is going to work for the short term. I mean, you might make a buck or two, but it's not going to bring the result. Big compounding results in an extended period of time. That's anything that's a relationship. That's anything you know, sure. You might make a quick cash grab here and there and you can do that anyways. I mean, if there's a bag, you grab that fine, but how long are you willing to commit to this before? You quit or deviate is an important question. And so many other nuggets go back to listen to this throughout the weekend. We'll see you back here for another episode. And on another episode on Monday, get outta here peace.

The Biggest Affiliate Marketing Tip

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave:  Hey, what is going on My friends I am Dave Sharpe this is Wake Up Legendary. Let me turn my music down in the background unless you guys want to. Okay, we'll leave it on the low, low background. I think we need to be fully focused here on this message from Michael this morning. I'm excited. I'm excited to hear from this gentleman he was on before okay with Matt so once again we have another guest who you can go back in time and you can see their journey and kind of track their progress. I think that is one of the coolest things. So anyways, help me welcome Michael to the show. Hey, brother. How are you?

Michael:  Hey, man, I'm good. Thank you for having me here

Dave:  again. Absolutely. Man. You met with Matt last time. And now you're meeting with me? How long ago was that that you were on before with Matt?

Michael:  I think it was in January.

Dave:  Okay. Okay. And how long have you actually been involved with legendary?

Michael:  I found it for the first time in August last year. And but really take action in November, December. 

Dave:  So what were you looking for when you were looking for legendary what was missing from your life and what attracted you to want to start going through our challenge and learning these skills?

Michael:  For me, it was probably the way I found it legendary. I found legendary through Andrei German, Jewish and we kind of have the same background. I'm a restaurant manager here too. And I'm missing the time with my family, my kids. And this is my main reason to give everything I have to get more time with them. Yeah, and

Dave:  you're aware right now you're living in Germany.

Michael: Yeah, in Germany.

Dave:  Okay. Wow. Wow. That's a really really cool man to end you look like you've your dress just like a lot of guys in America. You got a cap on New York. I mean, I wouldn't have thought this I mean, I had to get a haircut because I was so great. I thought my God my wife said I'm getting grandpa vibes from you over there. So. So what happened when you started going through the challenge and then you actually started picking up the skills in real life? I mean, did you think hey, I can do this or what were your initial thoughts when you started going through the challenge?

Michael: At first I was not sure what I could expect. But after a few days, weeks for exit as I started in November, completely, I understand that it's not. You don't have to be a professor or doctor to understand everything that's going on. And that I can do this pretty well 

Dave:  Yeah, Andre is a great example and also somebody who's from a different country than America which I'm American I'm I'm speaking clearly I'm you know, when you watch a video of me, you can tell I'm probably from America. I don't have a you know, I don't have a German accent or peruvian accent or anything like that. So I would think that if you're from a different country like Germany, the first thing you might think is can I actually do this if I'm not American? Is

Michael:  That thought that went through your head? It was the biggest problem. Also for many people I spoke to is the language barrier. Yeah. For me in Germany, I have in the radius of 1000 kilometers, eight different languages. So many people I talk to, not sure if they can do it in English or in America as well. Wherever it is because it is clear for me, if I do it in English, I will reach more people and I will do it in German, because it's limited by the language barrier. So it's kind of the first step to take them.

Dave:  Now, do you think that's also true in every niche though? Do you think that that, that working in the English market, let's say if you were doing something in weight loss, or you're doing something in you know, diabetes, you had some sort of an e book or a course or something that you were selling to people to help them with something in the health niche Do you think that would also be true to target the English market versus the German market?

Michael:  Not really, because I think the educational part is understanding. If you don't understand it right, on your own in English, you can not translate it into your own language. And that's the big problem. I think, if you work in the MMO niche, so many people don't get that right and

Dave:  Yeah, and then make money online is what Michaels refers to when he says MMO so you know some of the jargon, the industry jargon in it, but this was your first kind of online business that you've you've done or was it? It was it was your first

Michael:  It was my first time seeing everything. As I scroll on tick tock and I Yeah, though everybody knows the last two years weren't good for the hospitality guys. In Germany, for example, we got closed many months or restaurants. And so I took the step and go all in on it.

Dave:  So what's different now as a result, or let me ask this, where do you think you would be if you hadn't enrolled in our challenge, gotten this education, developed the skills and started the business that you have now?

Michael:  It helped me a lot in paying debts really fast, because they got bigger sets and the pandemic and that's the reason why I started this everything. So I have no clear way to get out of it all and it hits me a lot. And potentially the next step would be to replace my nine to five and to have more time ignored and for my family

Dave:  Do you have any regrets over the last six months? No regrets? No.

Michael:  Absolutely not sure in the beginning it was sometimes pretty hard because you don't get the results. Sure, as a beginner, you compare yourself to every big guy out there and we'll help get those results there and I'm not getting the same results. But if you've got over these days, weeks for some time, and it will compound in the end your artwork will be spent off and the reason why I love legendary you got so many people who are happy to hear and the educational part is extremely high.

Dave:  So what would you say to somebody who's listening to this who's on the fence right now with either further committing in any way to their business to their skills into really doing this with all their heart and their mind?

Michael:  For me it was to take action and be consistent. Take it consistent, otherwise it won't work and don't take it if you have to take it seriously. And that's the part many people don't get if you enroll in something you have to take action to don't magically happen. Only because you buy something you have to do the work for it to make it happen. 

Dave:  What was the biggest place that you put the work in when you first started when you started marketing and now where are you putting the most work? Where's your focus?

Michael:  First, copywriting was my initial biggest problem. I think the biggest problem I have to learn and that's the biggest part of the blueprints for example, that helped me so much to get all together and find my own way into my marketing in that place.

Dave:  He was really working on copywriting and working on that written word.

Michael:  Yeah, yeah, exactly. For me it isn't a problem to make a five second video on Tiktok or anything that's not the problem for me. For me it was written books, how to storytelling and how I can resonate with people with my story and get it older. It's my biggest problem.

Dave:  Was the copywriters playbook helpful for you?

Michael:  Yeah, it's for me the biggest part of everything you have to give there helped me so much. That was my top one section.

Dave:  Wonderful. If anybody is wondering where that is, it's the last or second to last section. I think. I think it's elapsed, though, in the affiliate marketing business blueprint. You know, why is it in the affiliate marketing business blueprint because even if you want to start your own course coaching program or event eventually down the road, we suggest that you start with affiliate marketing because it's easier to sell somebody else's product first and only focus on what Michael is talking about which Yeah, is copy it's it's it's it's that's the most important part of your business. So what would you say to people Michael, who are spending you know, all their time focusing on setting up their funnel and spending no little to no time focusing on the copy in the words that go on the page.

Michael:  As I started, I took the freedom of finance from you and only concentrated on my copy. My emails are sent out daily to my leads where it gets a reasonable question from them back how I can improve in everything and that's how I work. 

Dave: yeah you gotta focus on the skills not the commodity, you know, the funnel in setting up a funnel. It's, obviously , sort of like unpackaging a chainsaw. It is a tool you do need to get it out and open it up and make sure you know how to work it. But it's not the thing that you need to sit there and obsess on, it's not your entire business. You can be you can be you can be an app, you can be an arborist you can you can cut down trees and you know are you going to sit there and just, you know, fumble with your chainsaw all day? Are you going to go out and sell and market you know, I mean, the chainsaw doesn't even come into play until you've got people who are wanting to look at you and listen to you. You know what I mean? So that's why a lot of people will will focus on audience first before funnel, you know, but it's it's it's fine to just set up a simple funnel and in transition, to start learning the psychology of how to persuade people and the beautiful thing about the written word I think in copy, which is again, we're using some jargon here for those of you who are new, Michael earlier said MMO niche that means the make money online niche I'm saying right now I'm using the word you know, copy well what is copy it's it's, it's, it's words that are written to sell, not words that are written to entertain. words that are written to entertain would be more creative writing or novel writing or things of that nature. This is a sales copy and why they call it a copy. I don't know but that's the word that we write that we as marketers, we don't really need to bother too much with creative writing and too much with any of that other stuff. The majority of all of your content if you only focus on writing, copy and learning how to hook people's attention and get them to, you know, continue down, click, you know, that's enough that will spill over into your videos, you'll suddenly start understanding how to get people's attention more in your video because a video is important to a headline on a sales page. Right? Let's look at it Michael. If you go if you go to our if you go to any landing page out there okay. Well, the thing about the landing page or even the sales page, right, if you look at the copy on this page, just like any other page, and I'll share my screen here All right, let's look at this. There's a headline right here, right? Okay, that's the first thing that's the headline. That's the hook. That's the thing that even in my tic tac videos or even in any other video, I have to have something that I say that catches people's attention and that also communicates my big idea. That's the hook you know. And then, you know, usually in landing pages or whatever, you've got some content, some story or some teaching and then you give a call to action, right? So if you learn how to write a copy, like you're talking about, and you learn how to be persuasive in the written word, that approach translates over so wonderfully to video. And as we're talking about it right now, I think one of the reasons why I was decent on video early in my career, Michael, was because I focused on learning how to write copy early the same way that you're doing.

Michael:  That's the biggest key for me. But the biggest tip I can give everyone who starts

Dave:  It's a beautiful, wonderful, powerful tip. And the beautiful thing is that you know the training that you are talking about and that you went through is back there and available to anybody. So what is on your goal list? I mean, here you are really about seven months into you're really starting your business. You've talked to us a little bit about the strategy. It looks like you've got TikTok going on. You've got Instagram, you've also got a YouTube channel. So tell us about kind of your strategy and kind of what you're up to from from a high level so we can understand sort of what you're up to soon.

Michael: Yeah, first I started with tiktok which is for me, the easiest way to make videos to go live there. And the easiest part for me then was to leverage these videos I found there with apps like synaptic deletes watermark from my created videos on Tiktok and repurpose those on other different platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook reads, I now and YouTube shots for example, these five on my platforms I'm working on and it's pretty simple. You do one video and get five out of it. And that's the easiest part to do for me and the way now, I started my YouTube channel. The first long form content is two weeks ago because I wasn't as I said, not the biggest fan of speaking English in law form or something because I learned English only a little bit from school interest came from watching TV shows I couldn't wait for in Germany so I learned English and it's got stackless But now I got as I said in my first appearance here is always something to overcome your fears and it's a step to take action and you will never know what's around the corner if you don't take the step.

Dave:  I think about you. I think about your journey and being German and that being your first language and how much harder you've had to work than I did in the beginning. Everything is English and I really want to. My hat's off to you, brother and anybody else who's put in that extra work to have to work inside of something that's not your first language.

Michael:  Thank you very much.

Dave:  It's really honorable and it's really, you know, I my barber just left he's a he's, well he says he's an American. Now he just got his citizenship but he's from Cuba. And it's just it's a wonderful thing for me to meet people and see people from different countries and different walks of life who have had very different and in some cases more difficult challenges than I have and I've had tough challenges man there's no doubt in my life but but I've really seen some people overcome some amazing things to be successful in this business, both language barriers, massive fears of getting in front of camera. You know, the commitment that it takes to really stop being so self obsessed with how you look and everything like that and just all about you and be more focused on just serving your clients and what's best for people and how you can help people like what sort of internal struggles have you gone through that you could say that you're now you've now conquered or you are conquering that maybe people wouldn't know about you by just watching your videos. 

Michael:  yeah The biggest part was to reframe my mindset. Got a little bit difficult to size. I lost my mom as I was struggling and that's why I made a pretty friend to get these. Work hard. Get your job, do your thing. And then you will get a reward for it. And that's something I needed to learn to retrain as I got into the challenge, the biggest part for me was it would get me my first click. And from there on I got to read my books now about the same topic and everything. And I started to realize that I do something that I have to do something different. If I want to start this and get this point conquered, I would say choose the levels that I don't fear the biggest things that were for in the beginning. On tiktok you do a little video about what's going on at the start you stress out about creating content or something else. It's a process that will come with time and as I started I was on one video per day. And in the meantime, It's only a learning curve you have to accept and then that's your goal you want to achieve and that's the part you I consider myself it's gonna it's it shows.

Dave:  It really shows that your work shows that you've conquered that and I also have talked to so many people over the years who have had, who English was not their first language and who had to overcome a lot more. Getting comfortable on camera and all that because not only are you dealing with the same fears that all of us have in the uncomfortability but you're also dealing with the insecurity of your accent, or feeling like maybe your English is not clear enough for whatever and I just want to tell you right now as an American and if my opinion is valued by you or anybody else that as an American, it's interesting to listen to you talk and talk in English, because it just it's just different man. It's just so different. You know what I mean? So when I hear like Andrea from Peru, she spoke at our man there's so many people man there's so many people I mean, obviously Andre, you know as well from but there's so many people from different countries who have accents and I think the accent and our differences I would imagine it once once you they feel like right now there are at the beginning like they're a huge liability like they're a bad thing but what will happen if you this is what's happened with me. My struggles have all turned into my great strengths. You know my mess has turned into my message. It was my mess. When I first got started I was obviously ashamed and embarrassed about my history with drug addiction and homelessness. And I was a high school dropout and all this shit teenage father, and I'm like, Oh God, you know, I'm the last person you know that anybody's gonna want to listen to. And you know, I just have learned how to turn those struggles into strength because I've learned that being vulnerable even though I might feel small. It makes me look big. versus trying to love versus trying to look bad that really makes you look small, you know? And so I wanted to ask you this, I thought it was a good question. Did you find it hard to reach a US audience on Tiktok and Instagram being in Germany?

Michael:  Yes, I had some problems at the beginning. But after some testing, I've got myself a card from America. And since then I broke this VPN connection and it's made it easier for me to reach the US audience.

Dave:  Yeah, so you use the VPN on your computer to block the fact that you were in Germany. Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's called Cat and Mouse, baby. It's really what it's called, you know? And you gotta you know, these, I've said this before, these platforms don't have feelings. They don't, they don't, they don't have feelings. They're not hurt that you're trying to gain them. They're just like, oh, you know, whatever. They're just, they're robots. They're trying to catch you doing something and they're gonna flag your account, whatever. So, you know, a lot of people I think have used VPNs. I'm not sure if you can use a mobile VPN. Can you use a VPN? On mobile as well? Okay. Now what company are you using for that? Express VPN from VPN? From the one format I think I got one. Of those videos. Just holding a mobile app and it worked pretty perfectly fine for me. Yeah, I used one. And I think I still have a subscription to hide my ass, is what it's called. Hide my  ass. Yeah. Yeah, it's funny, man. But it's yeah, it's what it's called hardmeyer. And it's a VPN service. A virtual private network is what VPN stands for. But yeah, hide my ass, or express VPN, as you said, Yeah. For those of you who are in different countries, here's the bottom line. There's no guru out there that's going to tell you like I'm about to tell you. Okay, and right in front of Michael. All right. You're gonna have it harder, man. You're just gonna have it harder. You know what, if you're from Germany or you're from some of these other countries, you're used to that. You're used to being harder, aren't you? You're used to working harder. You're gonna work hard and you can do it. And so what when you get to the top of the mountain, it'll feel that much better man. And I think your story is a great example of that. And I can't. I can't imagine or I can't imagine that there's a whole lot of Germans for you to network with, or are there other internet marketers in Germany for you to network with?

Michael:  Yeah, for example. Christian, you got him last week. Or something? He's not far away from me.

Dave:  Yes, I think I saw him actually in the comments.  Well, you know, I'm just blown away. By how, how global this can be, and how, really at the end of the day, you know, there may be your own ins you know, your own thoughts about your accent or your or whatever. You might have to use a VPN to reach an audience with a little bit more money or who speaks English or whatever, whatever. But I'll tell you what, the ease and simplicity of getting this business set up and started in any place around the world is really something and I think that when I think about the reason why people do not want to really go back to work like they did before, everything happened, at least here in America. We're all realizing that things like this exist to where we actually can stay home and have a legitimate business that we feel proud of. That we can run completely from our home office. On the internet. We don't have to chase friends and family. We don't have to knock door to door, we don't have to go out and host home and hotel meetings. None of that. Stuff. We can work exclusively from our home office in the safety and privacy of our own home and at our own pace. And we can work as hard as we want if we only want to make a small income. Well, we can put forth a small effort but as you said, if you want to scale and you want to make more, we've got people in our community. The numbers that I see on a regular basis are insane. So if you want those larger numbers, then you work hard. You put in the work, you know what the beautiful thing is? Is your fridges right, you know 20 feet tall, be you just go take a nap. Do you want to take a shower once a week? You go take a shower? When I here's the truth, I'm a lot wealthier now than I was when I started and I'm a lot more. I have a lot. You know I have a more organized life now. It's more scheduled. I got you know, I'm over a decade into this man but when I started I had a computer on a desk in my living room. It was on the other side. My dining room patient was right there and my couch was right there. And I just went all the time. One moment it's my living. Thank you  I'm still working in a living room. Yeah, another house that is my other house that I live around is around the corner and I just come over here and work but you know hey, here's here's the deal, man. At the beginning. What else do you have to do? This business can change your life. It can compete in the skills that can change your life. The truth is, I got there by pouring every extra second that I had into this at the beginning. Sometimes I still do . I read the business plan class recently. I told my wife I got to work late. I got to stay at the office. I gotta sleep on the couch, whatever I do, whatever I have to do if I get to work a 20 hour day, but then what medication and I can just do whatever I want. So that extra responsibility comes with responsibility. Everybody wants freedom but doesn't want responsibility. Take responsibility for it like you're doing at the beginning. And just work your ass off and learn everything you can learn and just fully immerse yourself totally focus on these skills. And this business. Man, it'll be the best investment you'll ever make in your entire life. You'll never Bitcoin real estate, I don't give a shit. It'll never even touch the returns that you'll make on the skills.

Michael: Yep, that's it

Dave:  So everyone's Brother, what words what, what, what other wisdom would you leave for our audience today? What else? What should people know about you and your journey before we end today?

Michael: My biggest part is to put in the book and stay consistent. That's my key sentence I always give because nothing happens overnight. Nothing. Nothing good comes overnight and That's my biggest statement. 

Dave:  Couldn't have said it. Better. And if you listen to a lot of old, very old, successful people like Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, they're really interesting guys. You know, they own Berkshire Hathaway, which is a company in Omaha, Nebraska, here in the United States. And, you know, they just talk about the same things that you're talking about right now. Is focus consistency, man, you know, they were all Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett and Bill Gates. Were sitting at the dinner table one time with Billy's father, in all the guys he said, What do you think? What do you think's the number one thing that you would credit to your success? Now here's three of the most successful wealthy people in the world. And they all immediately said the same word. They dropped the F bomb. They said Focus. Focus is the number one thing that I could credit to all my sickness and all three of them at the same time, said that word. And you did too and you said it too. And so those timeless principles of focus and being consistent are so much more powerful than trying to be the best or trying to be trying to think that you gotta be so good at something or whatever. No, no, no. All the cute hot dog tricks. All the people who look like they go straight up. Well guess what? They come straight down to the grass just as hard as they go up. It's so much better to just focus over time and just have a steady business that just grows and just keeps growing and keeps growing and keeps paying you month after month. It's so much better than any other thing and it comes from those principles you're talking about. And they did to focus, focus, focus, man. She said, Well, brother, man, I hope you'll come back for a third time because it sure is inspiring to talk to you. Always open for it. Again. Well, we'll share your Instagram link as well. When we close and keep up the great work brother be legendary and I'll talk Thank you YouTube. Everybody All right, my friends, man. Oh man. Oh my god. You know, I got to stop doing these shows in the morning. I get too fired up. You know I really do. You can catch Michael on instagram @michaelvanlieshout and I'm an American completely butchering that but you can read it on the screen. @michaelvanlieshout that's him on Instagram. And over on Tik Tok. You can find them with the same spelling without the dots. Well, here we are. We're at the close of another show at the beginning of another day, you know, so at least if you're in America, if you're in Germany, your day is already in full swing. It's over. It's almost over actually. But yeah, thanks for tuning in. We'll see you back here tomorrow for another episode. Another guest, another story and more that we can learn from whoever we're going to talk to tomorrow. Who is it? I have no idea what I'll find out tomorrow.

How To Start Creating TikTok Content

Start Creating TikTok Content on this episode of Wake Up Legendary. Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt:  Hello, everybody happy. Wednesday, September 7, I forgot what day it was Wednesday, September 7, we're live for another episode of wake up legendary. You're doing well. If you're tuning in for the first time, congrats and welcome. We do this every single Monday through Friday at 10am. Eastern. And it's a way for us to offer a little bit of inspiration, a little motivation to wake up not with Fox News or CNN but with somebody who's actually you know, kicking some ass with his business or her business. And it's a way for us to bring on guests totally unscripted. So sometimes people are like, hey, you know, is this all just like scripted out and you've got all this? No, I met our guests today. I met him like three seconds ago. And that's about it. So we've got cool guests. We bring our guests every single day. So make sure that you make it a point to tune in every single day. In fact, if you want, you can text the letters W L. Each open a text message type in W U L, and send that message to 813-296-8553. You can see it on the screen right now as well. And you'll get just a simple little text message every single morning when we go live. And here's, here's exactly what it looks like. Boom, there it is. And that's all that happens. We don't try to sell you anything. We don't have other stuff. We're trying to sell you, we just simply go live and send you a little message saying hey, tune in. So whether you're at work, whether you're on a walk with your dog, whether you're laying in bed in the morning, and you still haven't woken up, whatever I mean at 7am Where I'm from over here in Phoenix so you can tune in every single morning, listen to another awesome guest and today's guest His name is Michael Michael, what's up? How are you?

Michael:  What's going on, man? How are you?

Matt:  I'm good. I'm doing well. Where are you currently calling in from?

Michael:  I'm currently calling in from Mississippi. Southaven, Mississippi right outside of Memphis, Tennessee. 

Matt:  Right on Well, welcome to the show pumped to have you having us on? Yeah, of course. We've got a man we've got. You have so many followers. On Tik Tok I'm excited to talk about that. And I'm just excited to talk about your journey and stuff of coming online and building huge followings. You've got it looks like you've got a family. I don't know. Like I don't know you that well. But yeah, tell us first before we dive into all of that. Tell us a little bit about how you found lead. Like when did you find legendary How did you find us? What's been your journey online so far?

Michael:  Okay, so a little backstory about me. I am is there by you know Michael Jones now and I am a husband and a father to two boys. They're eight and five. I am from Chicago, Illinois. But now I reside in Mississippi but I am from Chicago, Illinois. And I started my online journey back in 2019. When I was working in the warehouse field I was putting in about 50/60 hours a week. And I was really desiring to have more time with my family with my wife and my kids. So I went to the internet and I, you know, Googled as much as many people do. I Googled how to make money online and I came across you know, opportunities to do so I got introduced to you know, digital marketing, affiliate marketing. So I first started out in 2019 kind of struggled a little bit and then took a little break and then came back because you know, I still believed in the business model still believed in that process just had to figure out what I was doing wrong and that's when I came across your guys’ training program, which is 100% Amazing. I came across it in 2020 right around I believe it was like September is of Sept 2020. I got into it. And you know, from there, I just started taking off and you know, I think around the holiday around Thanksgiving is when I started to take it really seriously. I got into the training and I dove into it. I started implementing the strategies that's taught inside of there. And ever since then, has been able to take off and you know, being able to build a massive following and you know, being consistent.

Matt:  Cool, man, that's so cool. And 357,002 That's a lot. That's impressive. What's What's the I mean that's just one channel. But from going to going through the training. Before that, had you ever done anything online? Did you maybe try drop shipping or did you buy any other courses or try anything else?

Michael:  Yes, I hadn't tried any of the business models. I could say I probably tried Amazon FBA or blog. I really got into it, but I really didn't implement any of the strategies and so blogging but I was real close to starting blogging. I really haven't done any drop shipping or anything like that, but I had bought a ton of courses

Matt:  But what kind of stuff like what was that journey like buying courses trying different stuff?

Michael:  Well, the journey of buying different courses. The biggest thing is getting into it and actually learning it and implementing it and not focusing on trying to make money and that's one mistake that I definitely made when I first started buying a course about definitely being eager at the time of you know, wanting to make money. There's a lot of bonuses and to the point where we don't even access the training is right there in front of you. You don't access it, you don't open it up and you just go out there and you start trying to market something that you really don't have any education on. And I don't have any. I didn't develop the skills. So I definitely teach that to my audience. Let them know that that's one biggest mistake that I made when I first started out. And now you know, I preach as far as getting into the training. Your bias is good to buy training but you have to go through it and you have to implement what's inside of it by buying it and just having it on your computer just having a you know a book or whatever if you don't open it up. If you don't learn from it, then it's not going to be of any use at all.

Matt:  Yeah, it's sort of like a math textbook or something right? It's like you can buy the textbook, but if you don't go through it and don't do the problems and you know, don't actually try to solve something it's like what Yeah,

Michael:  yeah. So that was one thing that I did when I first started out, which I know you know, like people may fall in that category and some of the training that I did get from watching YouTube, you know, I was big into buying solo ads and that did not work. I lost a ton of money in the process of doing so. kind of join the club, join the club, kind of like got me all over like, you know, lost my confidence and my ability to grow into business because I was losing so much money because I didn't have the knowledge it was just what I was learning or was being told from somebody people go out there and buy solo ads and it's like no, like no.

Matt:  Yeah, I always tell a story about how I bought some I bought about $1,000 worth of solo ads and I didn't even really know what solo ads were and put them on a credit card and I never saw a single lead not even I don't I don't even know if I ever saw single click come from that. Yeah, you learn right. So you learn and you discover and some of that is you know, you spend money that you wish you didn't and some of it is you spend time that you wish you didn't right sometimes people are like sometimes people feel like you know wow what a scam I got scammed because you know, I spent money on solo ads, but you know, a lot of times people don't realize we're scared that we do a lot of stupid stuff that takes a lot of time that we're scamming ourselves basically our whole lives sometimes when we're scrolling on Tik Tok because time, time is worth money way, way more than money but it's just funny how our brain does that as soon as we lose a little bit of money, it's like wow, like, my confidence is lower my you know all of that. But then like, we'll go out and like, waste a night out at a bar. We'll go out and like and scroll tick tock for two or three hours every day doing absolutely nothing. And it's like, you know, like, maybe you should be mad at yourself for scamming yourself.

Michael:  Absolutely. Absolutely.

Matt:  What's what's been, what's been the journey of getting started? Online, opening up like tick tock accounts and social media and like, how is that content creation gone on WhatsApp and like?

Michael:  Well, when I first started, I had no social media presence at all. I was not even big on social media. I was afraid to get on camera. It was something that I refused one of the reasons why I kept buying so as you say, you spent 1000. How about five or six? Like literally because I was reluctant to, you know, show my face or get in trouble with other methods and other strategies, right. And so, back when I got so that my back up against the wall, I have lost my job, but I was on unemployment. And it was like okay, well let me dive into this training. Let me go ahead and implement you know, some of the strategies in there and of course, it was like okay, well getting out there and content creation and learning about it. And I was like, I was I was not wanting to show my face, but my back was against the wall and I knew that I couldn't look my wife and I knew I couldn't look my children in the face and tell them that dad was not going to try his hardest with the information that he knew that he had they could utilize to get us out of a situation that we were in at the time. So I met like I tell my audience now. And it's kind of touching as I speak on it because it was like, when I got out there started creating content like I was I did not want to show my face for several reasons. One, I didn't even have any teeth. And to tell that story and to have enough courage, you know, right now, you know, to tell that story where when I first started, I was sober, like down and out. Like I didn't even have you know, I didn't want to be on camera because of my presence, my physical presence, how I look, but I couldn't look at my family and tell them you know, I couldn't I couldn't let us go out like that. So I have to put their pride aside. I have to not care what somebody else thinks about me. And I had to get up and start creating the content and it was ugly. And I said now I shared with my audience when I go live. I was still on my very first video. It was totally ugly, ugly and then you can even probably see if you really zoned in or zoom in on me and be like, Oh man, he didn't have any seats. But like, yeah, I don't have a problem sharing that story now with my audience or with people. Because it doesn't matter where you are right now. It's about where you're trying to go and what others think about you and you'll be left behind and be stuck in the mud somewhere wondering about what Johnny and Susan is thinking about you and you know, they don't care anything about you at all. So the process of producing the content was, you know, I didn't have any knowledge about it. I just started creating content and sharing my story. And then as I started to grow and become better with content creation, I literally will go out there and I will see some of the successful people that was an industry that was making noise and I will go out there and I would you know see how they were creating content and get tips and get strategies and kind of model the success of others that was proven to be great content creators and from there, that's where you know 357,000 followers standout today plus other accounts as well.

Matt:  that's crazy. Just because, like when you get started on those platforms like to build number one to build a 337,000 follower account. I don't know if everybody just got the big gold nugget that you just dropped but it's sometimes just as simple as really monitoring and watching what are the strategies not necessarily like, like, you know, different people are going to share different parts of their journey in the content creation strategy in their world, right. And this happens at various different niches and industries. For instance, I've seen people there's this renowned pizza. I don't know if it's called chef or whatever, but there's this famous pizza chef in Phoenix and his name is Chris Bianco and he's an Italian guy. He's a great chef, but like, but like him. He'll post occasional videos about things like you know, hey, started and started in pizza, you know, 35 years ago, whatever. And now he's got some of the best, definitely the best pizza in Phoenix, but he's also got like, he's, he's pretty renowned. Like people will travel and they'll come to pizzeria bianco, because that's like, when fired pizza that you're gonna die for. And, but like, he'll take for instance, I've noticed on like, you know, his Instagram or whatever, he'll take pieces of content that are unique to him and his place and stuff. And there's tons of little content creation nuggets in polling from Okay, so he, he now is in a place where he can tell his story and he's got a bunch of results, but a new but a new pizza restaurateur. can also look at how he markets that on social media, how he tells the story of life, the food that he creates, the ingredients that he sources and he might not have the results of a 35 year pizza or pizzeria restaurateur. But I like that you point out there's lots of content nuggets built into that whole thing and and you've basically built a multi 100,000 person following from just being smart and being an engineer and looking at the different pieces that people that other successful people have. Done in their social channels to build a huge following and you've done the exact same thing basically right?

Michael:  Absolutely. I literally did just that. You know, I will go out there and I will look at some of the successful people in the industry. And you know, I gave an example of some artists I don't I don't keep the secret of how I did it. I literally shared it with my audience and it was like, you know, it's I'm live because I go live on Tik Tok. And then I show my audience exactly an example in a different niche. Here's a fitness person. Here's another fitness person. And you can see the resemblance in the deep end of videos. And you can see the similarities, but there's, they're there. They're almost seasoning on it. There's their own sauce on it. And this is just how simple it can be for you to go out there and just find five or 10 people within you who know your industry within your niche and see how you can go out there and just get us. The biggest thing is to get inspiration from them. See how they're, you know, you know growing and see what they're doing and see how you can come up with ideas as well as all as well as being creative in your own way too as well. And putting your own stuff like that on it.

Matt:  100% 100% and it's excuse me, it's I feel like though the other thing I wouldn't comment on was showing your bad videos or showing your first videos man smart so smart, because people every single time that I get an email from somebody that says yeah, but I don't have 100,000 followers, you know, like how they've been doing it for two years and they've got 300,000 followers like how can I ever do that? And every single time I say remember they had a day one? Yes, I went wherever they're at right now. Everybody has a day one where they're sitting in front of their computer or their phone. They're looking at their phone and sarin into that TikTok app. And they're like I don't know what the hell I'm doing. Even have a training even if it all lays it out perfectly. Yeah, there's a moment of implementation where we all look into the camera phone, the blog post, whatever. And we're like, shit like, I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know how this is gonna work, but I gotta figure it out. Because like, it's either this or I quit. And that's a really sobering moment. So to show your beginning moments where it's like dude, honestly kind of embarrassing, whatever. It just removes all of the shame and weird feelings from it. It's like it just strips it all away. And it's, you know, it just reminds me of like, when Dave was getting started and he got clean. And, you know, he hadn't told a lot of people about a story. And they started sharing his story because it just removed all of the weird hidden things about it. And it was just like, hey, let me this is just who I am. Right? My journey, my story. This is what it's like. And then people came to really appreciate that they were like, I respect that honesty and that realness. And some big reason why legendaries are as successful as it is, is because people are drawn to the sort of like, real vulnerable, raw transparency. What um, as you create content you've been creating content for, like, how long have you had these tick tock channels open and stuff?

Michael:  Well, I have two open Well, I think really three but two of them that I'm actively you know, comes in because definitely on my head, the very first one which one is the 350 some 1000 I had that one open as early as 2020 like December I think I created my very first video two days before Christmas. So when you know when people are out with their family, of course I was too but like I said, I was at this breakfast at this point. My back was against the wall that you know, I had to you know, they had to do something so yeah, I was starting around Christmas time. I think I just like my very first video, which is because I said I've been sharing it with my audience, especially as of late and showing them their very first video. I'm not mistaken. It's like December 23 of 2020. And I think January like seven to 12 was when I took it seriously. And that's it every single day. I've been just putting out videos. So basically for almost two years that I've had that account and as well as I'm not sure when my Instagram account got created. It was a little bit out there I probably got. I focused on Tik Tok and mastered that first and then I went on to Instagram. I created an Instagram account as well. And so growing that as well, but I've been creating content for almost two years now. Geez, man, that's crazy.

Matt:  For people who are newer or aren't really familiar with creating content or, like Dude, there's people watching this today who just bought the challenge today, like the first episode, they're watching, right? For those kinds of people, like what would you say to them when they look at you like, man, he's been doing this for two years. Like, that's a lot of content. How can I ever do that? Because that even to me if, as you say it feels daunting, like how would you encourage or give a little bit of like, hope to those people who are just getting started and it feels like a big hurdle to jump

Michael:  Well, one is definitely you know, believe me your ability to do so that's first and foremost. I believe you'd have to believe that you can go out there and do it. If you think that you can't, then there's gonna be there's gonna reflect that. So you have to trust yourself. You have to believe in yourself and your ability to do so even if you don't see the plan in front of you of how to do it. You have to believe no matter what I'm doing in my day to day Sally did it. They're no different than I am not gonna go out there and do it. So I will say to people just get started in believing in yourself. And most importantly, never get too satisfied or complacent or get full from what you have accomplished after you have seen you know you accomplish three 100 videos and use words like Don't, don't, don't slow down. At that point. It's not time to take your foot off the gas, and often will make that mistake and even in my process with this, I could admit that I've made that mistake and that's something that I don't always, you know what I wouldn't most people probably would not share it but you know, I've I've made that mistake is learned and grown from that mistake to just continue to you know, remain consistent no matter how successful you have. Become at this point. You just continue to keep pushing and never give up and you know, don't stop don't get too full, you know, and unsatisfied and your success that you're not hungry so always always have that hunger and that's why they always say well what is your why always think about why you're doing it just because even when you get you know, when you don't feel like it or when you get tired or when you feel like oh I can just close now I could just sit back I didn't. I didn't know how to get a video that hit 1.3 million. I could just sit back and not post videos for two weeks like no don't. Don't Don't Make that mistake, continue to keep pressing on and really definitely meant to, you know to put your foot on the gas and go so I just I will definitely believe in yourself and stay consistent and don't get don't get to pull yourself at all.

Matt:  Yeah, and don't take yourself too seriously. Yeah, man, but, um, so do you still work the same job that you did when you started this right?

Michael:  No, I don't work. No, not not for anybody else now. I've been working. I lost my job during the run around the pandemic time.

Matt:  You said that you said that. Yeah.

Michael:  I lost my job then was on unemployment. And so you know, I was on planet for a while kind of sitting there for a while and then it just started to exhaust it was like, Okay, what are you going to do now? You're going to go back to our nine to five, or are you going to like what are you going to do now because you're about to receive your last unemployment check. So what are your thoughts on why unemployment has ended? Yes, this is it now. So it's time to wake up Mr. Mike. So what are you? What are you going to do? Are you going to go out there back into the workforce? Where are you? You know, don't really like it and you already had a taste and you already experienced what it's like to wake up and see your wife every morning and then go to bed every morning. You know what it's like to wake up to your kids in the morning and be there when they go to bed and drop them off at school and feed them and you're there you're there and one has given them the meals and you know you're not hearing about how somebody else like you're there with them. You're able to go outside and play with them. You know what it's like the things that you desire and wanting to play and the reasons why you want to come online and start a business. You just experienced that by default from being unemployed for about a year now. So are you going to go out there and work on a blog or are you going to go and apply the training that you have because you have the training? Are you going to apply what you have? So that's when I say you know what, I don't want that this is what I want to do with my family. And that's why I took this series and never looked back.

Matt:  That's cool. Yeah, I Yeah. That's super cool, man. And you've got a lot of success. I mean, you really have had a lot of success over the last whatever like two years now. Two years. Two and a half years have passed since the last three years.

Michael:  Well, yeah, thanks. Yeah, I tell people I started about three years ago, but when I really reached my breakthrough was when I got access to you guys's training when I was when I reached my breakthrough online because once again when I started in 2019 I was reluctant to do some of the strategies that actually you know, not you know, they actually were I was spending about a year spinning my wheels, trying to buy solo ads and stuff like that. None of that stuff works for me. So when I got access to your training, you got to just train and I didn't hear anything about solo ads. You know, anybody heard that term and when I got access to oil, it's about getting access to the right training. I really believe in that. That's why I'm you know, I'm a big proponent of you guys' training and why you know, recommend it to those who are interested in starting an online business. And once I started, you know, getting out there and implementing it and creating content and overcoming my biggest fear and one of my big areas is getting out there and showing yourself and putting your face out there and creating content once all with a met. I mean, it was like that was like the secret sauce almost. It's never just overcoming fear.

Matt:  Yeah, that yeah, that's funny. The eye because I kind of remember that. It just brings up a memory for me when I first saw it online and man, I was just so hesitant and so introverted. I was so scared to put myself on video or to create content with my name on it or whatever, you know, just like cool, man. That's so cool. And now you're humming, you're cruising. For people who are just about to hit post. I'm gonna give you the last word with them. They're just about to hit the post for the first time. What would you tell those people? They're a little hesitant, a little scared. I'm a little overwhelmed. They're not sure what their aunt or uncle is gonna say or their cousin or whatever. We're gonna go viral and they're a tick tock sensation. What would you say to those people to give them a little encouragement and a little inspiration?

Michael:  Well, what I would say to them is think why you already created a piece of content, right? Are you about to? It's just about putting that post that present post but thinking about literally like, why are you doing this? Like why do you want to go out there and create content or why you want to go out there and, you know, post videos. Just think about why you want to do it and don't worry about what other people may think of you only care about who the people you are trying to help like who do you want to help you know, and why do you want to help them your whole reason as to why you're starting is of course you want to start a business but you know you have to understand in business, you gotta be helping somebody. So win them by solving some problem or some sort. So why are you doing this? And don't worry about what others are thinking. One of the things that I tell my audience is that I had, I had the analogy where when I was asking myself was I going to go out there and start creating content. So i told myself, I said if my family was it me and my family was on a five by four wooden plank and I was on one side of my wife and my kids was on the other side of this five by four wooden plank, and I had to create content to go and save more by had to press posts to go and save them and they are there by foot in the air right and we beat up right like they they are hot five storeys high. Like I got to just watch my family, like just suffer because I'm scared or am I going to walk across that five by four wooden plank and go and say to my wife and my kids and that was the turning factor in me pressing the post that was okay. The post is going to create content that's going to help save my business and creating content is going to help grow a business and creating content is going to help me out of this nine to five job that helped me build a dream life and I want everything to be constant. Then an essay by my family, then that's what I'm going to do. And when I did that, that's when I was able to, you know, bring us out of it and bring us out of a situation that we were in at the time. So I would say just post it. They definitely think of a reason. I have your reason and your reason for doing this and let that be stronger than your fears like you have to have your goals and your, you know, his aspirations. All of those things have to be bigger than your fears and being with my wife, kids and seeing them and not having a job tell me when I can see them and you only get two hours today because you got to be here but tenants well knowing that I couldn't go to my my son's you know basketball game or you know, baseball game or things like that because I have to choose between going to work and providing food on the table like I didn't want what school they can go to work are we can drive because of the income that we have, what house we can live in, what neighborhood we can live in. I didn't want to give you that kind of control over you know me and my mom did have a situation, especially when I've always dreamed of doing big things for my wife and my kids. So that's why I do what I do. And why say someone else who's looking to get started? What's your biggest reason and you know, let it be stronger. Let your true goals and aspirations be bigger than any fear that you have a precedent post but that is not that bad. And you look back a couple of months later, you will and you can laugh about like I laugh about it now. I'll easily go to my audience and I'd like to look at this video. Like, like look at this crappy video. Like seriously, like I had no teeth in my mouth. You mean to tell me you can't pose with full, bright white teeth and stuff like there is like I had like real be like No, you press posts. You gotta go press it.

Matt:  Just gotta hit the post. You just got it. Oh, cool, man. What I hear you saying is you know if you got those big dreams, you got those big aspirations or if you've got any dreams, any aspirations at all. You gotta let them feed those you got to the only way through that is to hit posts the only way to make them actually go is to hit posts.

Michael:  Yes. That's cool. I love it. I love it.

Matt:  Where should people follow you? Where's the best place? Do you want to send them to Instagram or the TIC tock or where should they follow you?

Michael:  I'm creating a new tick tock while I'm trying to grow a new tick tock right now so that MichaelJones_official and So you're gonna watch building another account. I'm just building another account, you're going to be able to watch my journey as I've done in my journey. And in the process of building this one you can actually come along for the ride and see how I'm doing this and get inspiration and hope that it gives you motivation. Just go ahead and be yourself and go out there and not worry about what others think about you because you are great and you can do this just the biggest thing is just believing in yourself 

Matt:  Hell yeah. I love it. Michael, thanks, man. Appreciate that. And I appreciate the encouragement and and it's cool to see somebody who's been around like, as long as you have like, that's not all that common and it's really cool to see somebody you know, bring this heart of, you know, their life work. It's not work, but it's, you know, this new business into their identity and who they are and that's really cool and I love it. Thanks for sharing.

Michael:  Absolutely. Thanks for having me. I really appreciate that.

Matt:  We'd love to have you back to shoot us a message in a couple months. You could just hit up Roxy and a couple months and let us know how these accounts go. And let us know how you're building and stuff. We'd love to just revisit it and come back to it. And kind of help document your journey along the way for our audience because that's so powerful.

Michael:  Yes, yes. Thank you. Cool.

Matt:  Alright guys. I have TikTok here on the screen. Go give him a follow up. It's MichaelJones_fficial. So really easy. Find him on TikTok say, Hey, I found your wakeup legendary and we'll be back here tomorrow. Same time, same place. but we'll be back here tomorrow, Thursday. September 8, same time, same place is 10am. Eastern on our Facebook fan page. We're live every single Monday through Friday. Peace out everybody. See you soon.

How To Grow A Massive Instagram Following

Massive Instagram Following with David Sharpe. Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave:  Hey what's going on my friends this is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary. I'm absolutely thrilled to be back here. I've been on a little trip here with my wife over the last week for her birthday. We took our daughter as well so I'm back in the saddle. Okay, I'm back in the saddle but things were never better even when I was gone. As you know, we've had some amazing guests and you know Matt, and Joanne, and if I'm not around somebody who's always going to pick up the slack, that's for sure. We're not going to miss this show. And so right back at it here. Actually, we had a show yesterday, as well. So go and go and catch all those replays as I'm going to do to catch it up over the next week. too. I'm getting back. Like when I go on vacation, I really turn it off. You know what I mean? So that's how I stay energized and stay high. And it's not always easy. By the way, It's not always easy. So it's easy to delete apps off your phone, and really kind of turn it off but I do and I'm getting better at it. Okay, as time goes on, okay, with really turning it off when I go on vacation. It's an important thing. It's taken me over 10 years in this business to really learn how important that is. Okay, so, anyway, I feel good. I'm glad to be back and one of my favorite guests of all time is actually on the show this morning. Okay, somebody who I've watched just absolutely explode. And she is a real powerhouse. Okay, so Mila, welcome to the show. Again, how are you?

Mila:  Hi, David. Thank you for having me here again for the third time.

Dave:  And it's so good. Yeah, so so good to see you. And, you know, tell us the nutshell version of your story for those who haven't heard it before. It's so powerful. And you know, I love your motivation. And there's things that I learned something new about you every time. I mean, I realized you have a sister. Yes, sometimes I believe she's either a twin or she's not a twin.

Mila:  No, I actually have two sisters and we are like two years apart from each other. And yeah,

Dave:  Okay, so Anyway, she's not a twin but she's actually been marketing from y. So I mean, there's so much going on with you. This completely seems like it's changed you and your family's life. So tell us, tell us how so tell us where you were before you actually got started and found legendary in the skills and then tell us where you're at now.

Mila:  Yes. Quickly. nutshell, as you said about my story, I'm from Brazil. I came to United States in 2016. Impressive I graduated in Business Administration. And I came to United States and I was an attorney for over four years. Like I take care of kids. I love kids and everything but that was never like what I wanted to do in my life. So I tried to start other things like go to beauty field and I did some classes and I tried to apply for other jobs like in my field, but without English my English wasn't perfect. I don't have much experience. So no company wanted to give me an opportunity. And that's how I started like, searching for ways to make money online are all like wasted that I could like, do something and that's how I found the digital marketing and I tried some some of the methods because internet is full of opportunities. There's so many things you can do. And I tried, I tried some and I made some money and I lost a bunch and last year actually that's when I found out about legendary marketer and I saw on TikTok people talking about it and I was like okay, like, so let me try for myself. And yeah, that's how I started and like, these completely changed my whole life like forever. I never ever imagined I would reach what I'm reaching now like I wouldn't have imagined and change my family still because I'm bringing my family to the business, showing them all the power and how amazing the internet is. How amazing is this opportunity and yeah, and I like with everything I'm being able to help my mom back home and yeah, it's by the way, that it's been like up and down. As I as I I don't know if you know, but like last week, I just lost my main account, my main source of traffic. That was Instagram for the second time this month, this year. So it's like, ups and downs because with like, with all that success and things like that, it comes out like, people that don't like you and problems and these and I guess it's part of the entrepreneurship journey. Like it's never gonna be perfect. You're always gonna encounter like problems and yeah,

Dave:  not not especially when we're in the times that we're in right now where nobody's ever done what we're doing before everybody is just trying to figure it out. Nobody's ever done anything like we're doing right now. The Internet and the Internet have not existed. Just last year, the last couple of years. I mean, hundreds of millions of people have come on to the internet completely flooded all of these apps, probably a lot of us are some of them, you know, and and in the apps like TikTok and Facebook and Instagram are also trying to direct how to operate their business and you know it's it's they're not they're not God Facebook and TikTok is not God, they don't determine your life. They just they're just trying to operate their business too and it's it's, it's just part of the times right now we're we're all just trying to figure things out and make the best with what we have. Of course, that's why it's so important to build assets. It's so important to really think right now since things are, you know, we're all in this new frontier. We're all in this new just try to play the game. By the rules. Just try it right now. I think it's super important to try to fly under the radar. And just put out just content that maybe is not going to be the most viral content or it's not going to be the most explosive content, but it's just consistent content that you know is going to make both the platform happy and you know, it's gonna make people happy. In Toronto, you know what I mean? We're just going through a time to where right now on all the platforms. It's just good to be aware that, you know, people that the platforms are also trying to figure out how they're going to monitor their platform and their AI saw a person just get their account deactivated who is you know, just in a completely different industry the other day is just and he'll get it back.

Mila:  It's everybody and like all every niche and everything like that and it's things that you actually don't have control over because it doesn't matter. You don't have control who is watching you. And sometimes people just want them like here for no reason. They want to do whatever it can to just take you down.

Dave:  Yeah, still even with all that happening, it's just insane. How if you don't let those things take you out, how much you can change your life. You know, and I think you're the perfect example of that because the same you know, these are the challenges that we promised that you would have when you first signed up. You know, we ‘ve been talking about this and you know, you can confirm that or deny that. But I've been talking about this same kind of stuff that happens, my messages never changed. And it's about preparing for those challenges. And that's why I think your attitude towards a lot of these are not like oh, this is over. It's like, Oh, this one's this one hurts. And now let me figure out how to avoid it next time or how to get back on and keep writing and so anyways, I'm proud of you for continuing through all of your challenges. Tell us how you got your sister involved in how that's because I think your original motivation was to help your mom back in Brazil, right but now you've got your sister. Tell us how you've gotten family and how this has helped them. You've gotten family involved and then what's happened since

Mila:  My sister started in the beginning of this year, her and her then her husband and was trying to get out. He was just like he was leaving the Navy. And then like there were leaving away struggling with like pain because so expensive there and like so much and I never opened too much like about what I do and I like my life to my family they know like oh, she she walks in with additional marketing but I don't like Oh, I'm making these I'm doing you know I can never and then I can see her because like my mom was here was in January my mom was here. And I was telling her that it's an amazing program and like a lot of people is changing lives for a lot of people and like I'm here you see like that's like what I'm doing I think you guys could do too. And then I actually just started hurting her husband and yeah, it's changing my whole life for my family. Everything.

Dave:  Yeah, yeah. It's amazing. It's amazing. It doesn't you know, it doesn't matter what people think or what they say. It's so funny it just doesn't even matter what other clients here and legendary say, You know what I mean? It's just there's there's, there's people who have come in and they just took the information and in your case, you helped change your life and now it's it's helped you helping change your sister's life. Same for me. I mean, when I started this business and when I started developing these skills, there were people both there. I mean, there were not only friends and family that that say I didn't get any of my friends or family involved me my wife and I ended up being working together in business but none of my other friends or family and they'll even be clients who are doubtful, as you know, you'll be ever be in school and just sit next to somebody who's just on a totally different wavelength than you are. You know what I mean? I mean, just back in grade school. So there's even going to be people here in this very program who are who you are no doubt. They get in and try to pick everything apart. And then there's, there's people like yourself, who I'm sure you had your doubts and skepticism, or you're a human being. I'm sure you had. But what do you think is different between folks who can't seem to get past their own doubts and skepticisms in their own thoughts? What do you do because if you had those same thoughts and you had skepticisms What have you done differently? Do you think more than people who are so doubtful and so skeptical and they let it stop them? What have you done differently that's let you be successful?

Mila:  I don't know. I think a lot. It's mindset of course in the beginning was like ah, I think I don't know if this came true. It seems too good to be true and the like, but I as I keep seeing like if someone is doing I can do too. So I think little by little I started changing my mindset and just like I don't whatever, like people are saying outside. I'm just going to focus here like when I'm like this what I have to do, and I think I miss the which time I just changed my mindset to be like more focused and consistent, consistent, I think like some like it's not really to hear like and a lot of people are conscious that but it's true like I lost that a TikTok account I lost two times this year I lost my Instagram account. I'm having to start over again for the third time. Where did you actually like? It's part of the journey like you encounter problems and you just feel like I'm, I'm just I feel like I changed so much that I'm just gonna focus here. I need to be like, that's what I need to do. And I don't wait because, like anything else, a lot of people feel like they just wait to be like someone and come and grab their hands. And just be like, okay, you know, they are not to like, they don't know how to be taking an initiative. Something. They wait for people and they're like, a lot. I try to help as much as I can. So as many people as I can, but sometimes I get some questions that the social like it's just they could just type on Google or something like that. I feel like people are waiting for someone to grab their hands if you read these things out, you know, instead of like, okay, yeah. You know, I don't know.

Dave:  Instead of trying, I mean, that's just trying.

Mila:  yeah like I'm gonna watch the problem. I'm gonna watch it again the challenge and I'm gonna, I'm gonna watch for the third time because the first time I watched the challenge it was like I didn't know what was the what was funnel or what, nothing like these words, but you keep like, watching in, you know, and

Dave:  You eventually it becomes second nature, doesn't it? Yeah, it becomes like a couple of months in and in all of those things that you didn't know. You do. You're doing them in your sleep. It was like, it's like you know what, like the end that's the crazy thing like anything in life is all everybody has to do is just do this for a couple of months. Just just just just seriously, just totally immerse yourself if you want to be great if you didn't want to be good, and you want to just know what you're doing without stop having students and everybody just do this full throttle for a couple of months where you're actually in think like playing with your funnel builder. You're you're you're you're recording videos, and you're you're posting them and you're in you're trying you're editing you're following our training you're doing what we say to do. You actually going through the training like like new man, I'm telling you, you're right couple of months in and you you know, you know all of this in your account teaching people you're showing people and I think that's the point that we've all got to get to, to where we know enough to where we're like, oh, yeah, let me where we feel like we could show somebody else how to do something. Do you agree? I agree. Nothing special about that. It's just you've already done it. It's not that you're an expert. It's not that you're a master. It's not that you've been doing this for 50 years. It's just that you've done it for a couple of weeks or maybe a couple of months or whatever. And you just know what you're doing. And you can show somebody

Mila:  Yeah, and just like when I started I literally like okay, I'm gonna I didn't I barely was scrolling on social media. Like I cut all my love, all my free time, every time that I could, okay, I'm gonna learn this. I'm gonna watch, I'm gonna, I'm gonna build my skills and that's where the beginning is going to be overwhelming and complicated for everyone, because it's a new thing. Everything that you're gonna start that is new is gonna be like, overwhelming it's gonna be you're confused and everything but if you are consistent enough if you push enough like to Okay, I'm gonna learn I'm gonna learn and you know, in like, little by little Oh, that's how it kind of works funnel sales. works. It gets easier and simpler and easier. And now and today skills that you'll be able to like, that's the good thing about rebel programming everything because that's what I tell people because of the skills you built. You can use it for everything. Like every business because everything is on the internet. So yeah, I lost the two accounts, but I didn't lose my skills. So like that's something that no one can take it off for me. I have the skills I have the knowledge so I'm going to start over again and as time as needed I hope not I don't guess again but you know that's what I feel today skills. That's mine and no one can take from me.

Dave:  Yeah, and you're not you're not you're not mean you're not starting over again. We have to not we have to not put so much with no value on an account. You know, and I think that's one of the what's one of the real, that's one of the difficult things to do. But it's one of the important things to do is to really and I've said this before, but it's to really look at these accounts and these tools like tools, and they're not people. They're not people that don't have feelings. None of none of our TikTok accounts. None of our Instagram accounts. None of our Facebook accounts. None of them have feelings. None of them are people. They're just they're just, they're just code that a bunch of people coded in somewhere. And it's all you're doing is you're setting up an account and counting the accounts if you want to start a new account, and most likely when an account gets blocked, or it's just flagged somebody reported or whatever and there, they just took it down. They're gonna do a manual review, trust me and it's somebody who's making minimum wage or maybe a little bit more to sit there and review your account and make a decision. Trust me it's a game of cat and mouse. And I used to be less. I wasn't too strong about how I feel about this but I feel strongly about it now. Because I see so many people right now who have flooded the internet and are trying to figure things out and have never seen anything like this before they get an account shut down. They're like, Oh, my God, the internet's broken or the internet hates me or whatever. And it's like, no, it's like, I got my first account shut down by Google AdWords back in 2009. Okay, because I don't even know what I did wrong. They just flagged the account. I can never I can never advertise running again. And then I got more accounts flagged from Facebook when I was running ads in 2010. I was running Facebook ads in 2010 Two other network marketers because I was a failing miserable network marketer who is running around chasing friends and family. Okay. And I came on the internet. And I got involved in training and started to learn how to generate leads and then I became an affiliate for that trick because that's, and then I started marketing it to other network marketers and I lost more Facebook ads accounts back in 2010 That I can tell you, but I also didn't know what I was doing. neither. I was learning and I was using company logos as my image. You know, I was doing all kinds of things that you know, and I'm not saying that anybody's doing anything wrong and to lose their accounts or anything else. But this, what you just said is the most important thing that's ever been said on wakeup legendary is that none of it matters except the skills that you have inside of your brain that nobody can take from you. Nobody can take that from you my wife and I were listening last yesterday to a interview with a lady who was a Holocaust Auschwitz survivor and she said as her as they were walking into Auschwitz, her mother said they can never take from you what's in here. They can take everything from your clothes, they can even take me and they did. She lost her mother right as they went right as they went into the camp. They split her in her mouth but her mother said they can never take one in here. And that I think is what a lot of us don't understand, but you have figured it out my friend. You have realized that what you put in here really really matters. Would you tell how much it matters to the people who are listening. I mean, how much that matters right here

Mila:  The most powerful thing is like everything that you have because you can lose. I can lose the money that I made. I can lose their counters. I lost some but once I built the skills and once you have the knowledge like you can't, you can't know what nobody can take this away from you like that's the most I think it's the best investment you can do for yourself with investing in knowledge, invest in education, invest in yourself, right? Because once you have that, nobody can stop you

Dave:  So tell us about what you've done with Instagram and what you found out about Instagram over the last couple of months. You've it's beautiful because we're looking at an account right and you know, just over 500 followers, and for those of us who want to go and follow your journey we can we can see what you're about to do to bring this count and any other account that you work from back into the 1000s of followers. So what are you going to do? What have you done but what are you what more importantly, what are you going to do to grow your next Instagram account?

Mila:  Yeah, I started this account on Friday and I think Instagram and as any social media, it's built for a community is built to be like a community not to be like sales leads not to be just like post sales and say your sales you know, it's build a community and to be as human as possible, you know, so I try to use every kind of post. They offer every feature they offer as possible. I use heels because he uses them the most to bring new people.

Dave:  That's a tool to bring new people who are not already following you.

Mila:  Yes, that's the format, the contact content format, that Instagram is pushing more well now it's meals. So I use the wheels to bring more people to bring more leads and I use Instagram stories to connect these people with me. So I don't show it just to like, try to sell them whatever I'm promoting, you know, like, I don't try to sell them on. Just sell them. I post things about my personal life as opposed to like, okay, you know, like, pitch little pieces that's like, it's gonna connect to my audience. They see that I'm not a scammer. I'm not like a random person. I have a family. I have a husband. I have a dog, you know and I and that's what I do in that, like I create some sort of like a system because especially now that you don't have control of social media, and like they said they're still trying to figure it out to be to these lottery people in trying to figure it out how to run their own business, so I can't count on only one thing. Only on Instagram, you know, so I have a TikTok account. That's how I actually started building a following because I believe TikTok is the easiest way to start building a following and from TikTok I use TikTok to help grow my Instagram account. So I have all these two that I build. I focus on growing my email list and then I have my Facebook and then all these little all these platforms are connected. You know, and I mean, I guess it helped me grow my Instagram account. But on Instagram, as I said, like I try to use every tool that they offer you know and building a community not to gesture like I'll say your say your sales, affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing, and I try to like, show little things about personal life that helps like create and protection because I think that's how when people actually trust you and they they buy from you isn't away now. Like they have a connection with you.

Dave:  Yeah, yeah. Ultimately, I think one of the big things that people are trying to figure out once they become interested in something is Is it real, you know, is it real? And so there's kind of The Attractor Factor and in it, you know, I'll pull out this, this document, which is the fishing formula document. And anybody can access this by going through the challenge on day five. In the business plan class, you can access this, this particular little graphic here about the fishing formula, but yeah, it's like there's a couple of things that you have to decide on. In order to, you know, in order to decide, you know, who you're going to target and how you're going to get them in the boat, you know, I'm having a difficult time pulling that up, my computer running slow but but essentially you're gonna bring people to the boat, you're going to Chum the water similar to how they would throw you know, blood or fish guts or fish food to bring the sharks to the boat. You didn't get people to your boat, and that's with the value. You certainly weren't saying I'm gonna sell something. I have something for sale. You know, that doesn't bring consumers and people you know, you guys have teaching free stuff that's going to help I'm funny Afrin and over here on this account, and you can learn that you know what I mean? People are like, Oh, okay, cool, like free stuff. Funny. Yeah, I like that, you know, and it's like, and then how am I going to get them in the boat? Well, how am I? What am I going to use for bass? Maybe I'm using free training, maybe I'm using a free PDF giveaway. I'm mixing that up to over time I'm mixing it up making it more personalized and then well how do I get them in the boat with a well I use a two page bridge but it's it's going through the process and really saying how am i How am I going to Chum the Waters first and bring people to the boat? Then what am I going to use to convert them to get them to give me their email address? And then you know, how do I introduce them to whatever product I'm introducing them to on the bridge page? There's not a lot of moving parts. It's actually rather simple. But I think too many of us try to perfect our little funnel or we want to perfect our bridge page video or we want to, you know, we want to obsess about the fact that we haven't we don't have many emails and our follow up series or whatever, instead of just getting good enough and then beginning to start marketing, which is creating content, running ads. And so what sort of advice would you give people to get into action to income producing activities?

Mila:  I think people just need to not like waiting for having everything figured out or waiting for having the perfect conditions and you know, like, feeling like Oh, I'm feeling like to do something like don't think and just do it. You know it starts with the things that you have. Because I think that's what makes a difference to people. A lot of people have success in sewing, and it's like a lot of people. Okay, I'm waiting for the perfect moment. Moment. I'm waiting for them. To have the perfect tools. I can not. I don't have the perfect tools. That's what I have. That's what I'm gonna do with what I have. People overthink a lot and I think Something I think it's important also is like, test, test everything that you can test during meals, test different types of content, test doing covers so I don't know how to say yes on Instagram, try doing different types of content. Try doing something like a different lead, lead magnetic like or call to actions, test everything because you never know like, it's made sometimes like little things that you change. That's gonna be the game changer for you, you know? 

Dave:  So Becca said hey, I've noticed a lot of people are checking my link but are not opting in in your funnel. They're not giving you their email address, right? So check this out. Let me go back and actually show this, do a little teaching here for those of you who are listening in and help you to kind of see where things may be, where they may not be working for you. And so let me share my screen so you can see what I'm looking at here. All right. Let's see. Let's do just the window here. All right, you can see that Yeah. All right. So when you're when you're when you're going through trying to figure out what's wrong, like what's not working. It's really easy to kind of use this, this little thing, this fishing formula to kind of do a process of elimination, right? So if you go over here to the like if you have no idea who you're talking like who you're talking to who your target audiences, then you need to figure that out. That's your species, right? That's like fishing like you need to know what fish you're going to fish for. Because you don't want to be you don't you don't want to bring bread if they like to eat hot dogs, you know what I mean? Or you don't want to bring shrimp. If they only eat squid, you know what I mean? So we need to know who we're targeting so we can go to the appropriate place where they live, we can bring the right chum, use the right bait, bring the right reel, right so it's really important. To know who we're targeting. Next, where do they hang out? Well, like if I'm targeting people who want to make more money than they're probably everywhere. You know what I mean? Or if I want to target people who are losing weight, want to lose weight or if I want to target people who I mean it'll help me to, okay, these people might more be on Pinterest or these people might more be on Facebook groups. So you can decide, hey, where do these people hang out at? And these people are on TikTok like crazy, because everybody else is doing it so I can see that they're getting customers from TikTok. Whatever. Chum, chum is your content. How can you get them to the vote? So you know in in the case of the lady who asked the question, I think it was was it Becca? Sorry, was it Yeah, Becca? So, in Becca's case? It's like, how do you get them to the boat? Well, you sounds like you're getting them to the boat right now. They're clicking your link. How can you get them in the boat? That's the big question your baits not good enough. Your baits not good right now. It happens to be where I have that little red bone fish that right there that's reminding us right there your baits not good enough. You need to change your bait. So I want you to imagine that you're fishing and you're continuing to throw down a shrimp and you bring that shirt you know fish are down there. But you keep bringing that shrimp backup and it's a full shrimp and you're going, why are they not biting it? Why are they not eating it? People around me are pulling up shrimp or fish in the same boat but they're not eating. Hold on What kind of bait are they fishing with? Oh, they're giving away a free PDF for you. So just put something else on the hook you want. I mean, and it doesn't have to be a big to do. You don't have to let everybody know and ask. You don't have to ask anybody. You don't have to tell anybody. Just switch it just change it to something else change the headline. If you're a blueprints member, come on to the blueprints call and get feedback from our CMO. If you're a marketers club member go get feedback from Drew. Use our resources change up your landing page so you can offer a better bait. Okay and then your real well if you're if they're opting in but not buying, then how can you funnel them better? Maybe you're not using the right funnel. Maybe you need to switch up something on your bridge page. You know what I mean? So this process allows you to kind of ask yourself, Okay, how far are they coming into your funnel? Where are you losing them? And that's probably the thing even if you go all the way to getting them to buy the result? Well, what else can you sell for more money? It's a reminder, what else can you sell for more money right? So that's why this illustration in this particular fishing formula can be helpful and Becca, hopefully that was helpful to you to just simply know that you're not doing anything wrong. There's nothing wrong with you. There's nothing wrong with your potential. It's just a simple thing that you got to just change the bait on your hook. You know and I bet if you throw a different bait out there, you're probably going to get a couple of bites. Mila, what would you add to what I just said?

Mila:  I think that's, that's perfect. I think she needs to like maybe and I don't know if she's offering any sort of like putting any call to action like offering any free ebook or free video free something you know, like maybe the call to action or something that needs to be on the on the opt in page that then it's gonna like yeah, you're gonna go to the next step.

Dave:  Test test.

Mila:  Is that sorry to cut you off today, but there's one thing that I do and this helps also if she's using Click Funnels, click funnels, they offer you something like a split test. And you can have a two page and then one page you can put like the free lead magnetic or the other one you keep it the way you're using. So ClickFunnels is going to show you which one is going to fall. Well. So then you're going to know what's the where you like losing them or Yeah,

Dave:  So and I bet a bunch of people maybe were thinking, I wonder how you do that. Anybody think that? As you're sitting there listening to me, let's say you know, Clickfunnels has a split testing feature. Anybody thinking to themselves I wonder if I need a coach for that. Let me show you. Let me show you. I just got out the whole Google and guess what? I just did split test pages and click funnels ClickFunnels support came right up right now Mila the reason why I'm bringing this up is because you said a few minutes. So the number one thing you see out there with people is they're not. They don't take enough initiative. You said you see that all the time. People are not taking enough initiative. So here you go. You can go right here and figure out how to do that. split test. Well, man, there's even a video there's even

Mila:  I try to help everybody but sometimes like it's something on click funnels and they literally have a chapter by that and every time that I have any sort of problem, I call them like I I call them on day shet and they serve my like, little things that you know, like you can do and having much initiative. I don't know. Sorry,

Dave:  I'm just trying to just say out here, it's hard, but it's so easy. It's hard, but it's so easy people you know, I mean, it's, it's one of the things that I think is true, is you gotta Well, you got to get hungry but you gotta stay hungry. And how do you get hungry? Well, the only way to get hungry is to get hungry. You know what I mean? You get hungry, you get in pain, you're hungry and that makes you do something. But what I see is that either people don't recognize their pain, or they're not in enough pain to get the motivation to do some of this. Sometimes our life is just okay. And we get complacent. We just get comfortable. It's like we want change, but it's not really bad enough. And there's a lot of things that I could say like, Hey, you know, don't let things get bad enough to where you have to do something. But what do you tell yourself? When you know about why this is so important to learn like if you had your child or your sister, whoever and you are obviously your sister you're sending them down. And well what would you say to somebody to try to convince them that right now Matt is really important to learn these skills because of what's coming in the future. Going back to picks and shovels. We're not going back to manual labor. We're going back to robots are going to steal your job. We're going towards everything. We're going towards the metaverse, we're going towards freaking cartoon farms. Animals. We're all sitting in a room Mark Zuckerberg says we're going to be in the middle. We're going to be cartoon characters. I mean, we're going towards the place where they're selling pictures of hand drawn horses for $300,000 because they're NF T's. I mean, we're going towards a place where people are spending billions of dollars on a coin that you can't hold. I mean, the world is crazy. The world is crazy. So in one sentence or once in one in one breath I mean, what do you tell yourself and what did you tell your sister about? Why like and I mean, deep down not the bullshit like, Oh, why? Like for me, it's like, I don't want any other man to be telling my family where they got to live. What they got to do. Like that's like, for me, that's really that's kind of become important to me. You know what I mean? Because I really, really realize how sick the world is. And how effed up the world is and I don't want nobody dominating my family. You know what I mean? I don't want anybody telling us where we got to live or work or drive or where my kids got to go to school or what they got to believe in. So it's that we're in money gives us that freedom to be able to have that flexibility and that control whether you like it or not, so for me, it's about being able to care for my family and not have not put them in a place where they're abused or misused. Right. And I think a lot of people in this world will abuse and misuse people, because they're not not as powerful or whatever. And we've seen that in history, right? We've seen people take advantage of people. I'm not I. I'm a real big believer in not abusing power. So I of course don't want my children or my family to be abused by people. That drives me to want to and I also just love the process. I don't think I can ever have a I can never have a lid on my creativity. For me, I have to be free to create. That's just something that I know about myself. But you know, what do you do? What is driving you? What do you think internally right deep down inside, is driving you

Mila:  You know, David, I was lost professionally for so long and coming to a new country and you have to start everything from from scratch and like you depending on people to give you an opportunity to like you actually show your potential to show you who you are and like people the companies just couldn't give me like my potential and who I am and like the fact that I I found these I fell in love with these and like the world is digital. The world is digital. Nobody, like most people, watches TV anymore and even likes TV they watch on Netflix or things like that that's connected to the internet. So the fact that I know what I went through and not wanting to depend on people to give me like, okay, so I don't want to depend on companies, you know, like, I know what I want to throw. Like, I fell in love with this. Like I make my opportunity, I make it like I don't want to depend on others. For me to be able to make money or live the life I want. And yeah, that's like what really drives me, like I don't want to depend on any company and even like sometimes you get a job but like, you're not useful for them anymore and then the other day you are out of there. So is that i For me that's what drives me and and Yeah,

Dave:  Well, thanks for coming on and telling your story for a third time without it's just so inspirational. Mila, it's so inspirational. I just I just I just thank you, I thank you for believing in yourself and then taking the amount of action that you've taken. And the attitude that you have is very inspiring. There's so much to learn, not from listening to you teach but just listening to you talk. There's so much to learn. So thanks for coming on and being willing to talk about it. I get a lot. I get something every time I see you tell your husband that I said hello to your sister, that I said hello to your mother in Brazil, that we said hello. We're rooting for her. I think you're trying to get her to America eventually. At least that's what I think I remember. So hey retire her well, I have no doubt that you and your sister, your mother are very lucky to have you too. So keep up the great work and maybe fourth time.

Mila:  Yeah, thank you so much, David for having me here and creating this amazing program and opportunity that's changed my life and changed me. So many lives out there. And like you have no idea like the fact that you have instant family in my story like Mira, we thank you so much.

Dave:  You're welcome. Thanks for saying that. It's really kind and thanks for believing and yeah, it's a partnership, right? We create and then somebody has to take it and run with it and use it and so it's a wonderful partnership that a creator and a client gets like I'm I was the creator you happen to be the client. And now you've you've your wings to where you can be a creator and go get clients and it's really cool. So thanks for saying that and we'll see you really soon hopefully, okay.

Mila:  Yeah, thank you. Thank you so much, David.

Dave:  All right, my friends. There it is. Wow. What can I say? I mean, have a client like Mila come back for a third time on the show to share her. Her strategies and her story in just taking the time is a beautiful thing for our community. It's a beautiful thing for legends. It's a beautiful thing, hopefully you individually this morning to hear that and to see that and you can even go back and you can go through our interviews or wake up legendary. And you can see Mila she can see herself back in those earlier episodes. You can watch the journey. It's so real. It's real. It's right there. You can watch it. There's no There's no smoking mirrors. There's no sleight of hand. I'm not a magic man. It's just, it's right there for you to see and watch with your own eyes and then you can decide what you want to do with that information from there.make sure to follow her on instagram @milamarksonofficial I just hope you'll be Legendary. We'll see you back here tomorrow. For another episode. Peace.

TikTok Content Strategy Secrets

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt:  What's going on everybody? Happy Labor Day. If you're joining us live, drop a little comment and let us know where you're tuning in from. It's always fun to see where people are tuning in from and if this is your first time we go live every single Monday through Friday at 10am. Eastern, and we have that really since we were doing this for a long time before COVID and everything but when the pandemic hit, we started going live every single Monday through Friday at 10am. Eastern and just started interviewing people just like hey, how's it going? What's new in your business? How did you start your little, you know, work from home style business, how did it work? How did you learn, you know, and just unpacking strategies and stuff like that. And, we've got another great pair of guests today. A couple so this will be a fun and really interesting episode, I think, who's crushing it? I'm not actually sure where they're from or where they're at because I signed in a few minutes late. It was just like you're ready to go live. So let's bring in Bruna and Donnie How are you guys

Bruna:  I’m From Brazil

Donny:  I'm from Washington. But we originally met and got married in Los Angeles. 

Matt:  Well, we've got people from all over the world and all over I mean, certainly over the United States, but man our community is pretty large and pretty vast. All over the place. And it's fun to see people from just all over the world to can learn and discover how to, you know, make money on the internet like get their little, you know, it's sort of like a big pie and you've kind of cut out your slice of the pie and there's enough pie for everybody. So you guys can tell us a little bit about you guys. Tell us, bring us into your world. How did you start online? What gave you the idea to start doing content creation? Online and you guys have about a billion social media channels that you guys are now let's just about how you got started and how did you find us and had you tried anything before that?

Bruna:  Wellyou guys know my sister Camila she's, yeah, she's doing great. for a long time. She was trying to, you know, make me go inside this thing because, as you know, I'm an immigrant. It's really hard for me to bring my professional career to the United States. It's a lot of process you gotta go through I am graduating architecture. Yeah. So I have my license, English, you know, but in here it's a long, long, long rock won't. So yeah. We decided after watching her going crazy up on this business and then we decided to try Donny at the time. He was just changing. Leave you that. Maybe he was. He's a veteran. So yeah, kinda like let's let's try

Matt:  That's really cool.

Donny:  Oh, yeah. Military. I was in the Navy. So I did a deployment and stuff like that. So I was on an aircraft carrier in the fifth and seventh fleet. So Asian and Arab countries. did a tour. So I came back and I was like, Okay, once you're in the Navy or the military in general, it's come back and it's like, okay, what am I going to do now? You know, so, I started. We started doing this actually and I started working at an Air Force base here as a contractor. Yeah, we moved here to Las Vegas, and I started working on an Air Force base as a contractor, but at first I was doing this full time, and it was working really well for us. And then I was like, okay, maybe I can, you know, do this as a side hustle. So I actually started working on the base and doing this part time. And it wasn't working pretty well as when I was doing it full time. So I actually stopped doing that and I'm doing this full t