On Monday’s episode of Wake Up Legendary we interviewed Camila Montiel. Camila, born in Cuba, got started with Legendary in March. She found Legendary though Calvin Hill and has been utilizing the skills she’s learned in the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge ever since. Some of the biggest challenges she’s faced have been switching her mindset and telling her story through her content.

If you someone who is trying to switch your mindset to help you build your business, this interview is for you.

Switching Your Mindset

When you try out a new online business you might get negative feedback from family members and friends. They might not understand what your business is all about or how you’re making money with it. If you are new to affiliate marketing you might be wondering why your business didn’t take off right away, and you might feel the want to quit. This is normal, but a lot of people go wrong by giving up too quickly and moving onto the next business or ‘get rich quick’ idea without putting more time and thought into their online business that they’re already building. 

Mindset is an important part of affiliate marketing. To create a successful online business you have to be ready to accept the challenges you might face and figure out how you’re going to create solutions to your problems. Essentially, you have to be ready to put in some work in order to find success. Changing your thinking also changes your perspective. Here are 3 tips you can do to help switch your mindset:

Be Patient – Affiliate marketing is not something that you learn in one day. Not only does it take time to build up a following and learn skills, but it also takes a lot of patience. You won’t get rich overnight and it may even take a while to earn your first commission. That’s completely normal, and it is important to not give up. Only waiting a month into running your business and then trying to move onto something else will turn into a repetitive cycle. By being patient it will help you to take the time to grow your customer and follower list. 

Maintain Self Discipline – When you first begin your affiliate marketing business you might get distracted. It is very important to keep yourself focused and on task in order to grow your business. A great way to do this is by creating a schedule for yourself. By pre-planning your day and sticking to your schedule, you are leaving less room for distraction and bringing more organization into your life and business.

Get Creative – When a lot of people first start out in affiliate marketing they often wonder where to begin creating content. A great place to start is by looking at the popular content in your niche. If you are creating TikTok content, view the content that popular creators and other affiliate marketers are putting out in your niche and create videos that are similar to what’s popular, but with your own spin and creativity on them. This will help to boost your content into the algorithm. 

Telling Your Story

A huge part of gaining a following on social media is being relatable, and the best way to be relatable is to tell your story. Telling your story not only gives your audience something to relate to, but also shows them that you are a regular person and makes you more trustworthy to them. 

Storytelling is a great way to share your values as an affiliate marketer along with your expertise to your customers. Storytelling is probably something you already do in your everyday life. Telling your story of how you got where you are whether in your business or with a product, it is a great way to connect with your audience that feels natural.

Would you like to learn more about building your own profitable online business that you can do from home? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to learn how to earn money online from home.

