legendary marketer

How To Build Your Lifestyle Brand Online As A Blogger


Below is the transcription of this episode:

Dave: Hey what’s up my friends this is Dave Sharpe. WElcome to Wake Up Legendary. Today we have a guest that is a blogger. Everyone help me give a warm Legendary welcome to Sandra. Welcome to the show. Where are you calling from? 

Sandra: North Carolina.

Dave: Okay, okay. Love North Carolina. It's beautiful. So the lighting is the best. Yeah, that's okay. That's okay. So tell us a little bit about how you found legendary What were you intentionally looking for something unintentionally found us and what has happened since you? You did? We did our paths crossed and we and we've been working together here you've been going through our training and so forth. 

Sandra: Yeah, I started my entrepreneurial journey years ago. It was just the way it came across accidentally and then I went to school, I did all that. And then I started affiliate marketing. And when I was trying to figure it out on my own, and I'm struggling and struggling, and I finally wasn't up until I think last August, September, when I stumbled across Legendary I started doing more research and like, something's got to happen and nothing's working for me. I mean, it's working, but not if not as I expected. And, you know, it was stressful because it's been over five years that I've been trying to make this work. And when I stumbled across Legendary It was after learning the high ticket programs. That's when I send them to give it a shot. And the fact is, you know, although I'm trying to build up my style and my blog, my blog I have more there's more to my story regarding my life and you know, trying to make money online trying to after being just you know, gender discriminated at work and trying to make, you know, making the same amount of money every year. While working. And being a single mom. So on top of that, trying to hold down the fort and do everything by myself. I'm a winning child, so it was a struggle. And, you know, when I finally came across this, I said, let me try this and I swear, it just blew me away. I mean, it was just ridiculous. And when I tried it, it didn't take more than a week, maybe within a week. I had one video go viral. It wasn't even intentional. It was just like, let's see. Because it had meaning it resonated with me, the program and helping people make money because I want people to be able to live their dreams and be able to do what they want to do without being subjected to a job, making chump change every year getting that sense of the cent raise if you get that to someone else's dreams. So when I realized that just sort of just took off and I just started from there took off from there and I was like well keep doing this and it worked out. 

Dave: Cool, cool. Well, that's awesome. So besides just blogging, you've now started to add other strategies in basically instead of, I guess, boxing yourself into only vegan lifestyle type content. You're also adding in another layer of, you know, building financial freedom for yourself. And instead of it being all about either money or all about vegan or whatever. It's about Sandra right to yourself being able to continue to create content on these platforms, like tick tock that are about you. And then you can direct people to these various different buckets based on what it is that you're talking about in that content video or what it is that you're talking about that week or month. Is that that sort of what you're saying? 

Sandra: Well, it all ties in because it's a lifestyle, you know, and you know, everything I posted on my blog is around the vegan lifestyle. It's not just food and people confused that they think it's just food and it's not just food, it's about lifestyle, it's mind body, spirit, everything comes together and so how you live your life, you know, what you do in your life, whether it's a job whether it's not these things tie into a lifestyle and that is my my intention. is to teach people so I started adding in entrepreneurial articles and self help because all that allows you to create the lifestyle that you want. And although like travel and food and wellness, all that does look nice but also to, you know, stressors and what stress is the foundation of everything that goes wrong in your life. And if you don't have that under control, you're not going to live, you're not able to create the life that you want. And that is my intention to help people do that. And yes, wherever I post my platforms, I lead them to that because I have multiple, several different types of content on my blog, that helps people create that lifestyle that they want. 

Dave: Oh, so maybe you might direct them to a vegan article based on something that you're talking on a TikTok video or maybe you might direct them to a make money online article in which an article you're going to maybe sell some sort of make money online training or program or something like that. So diversifying your income streams that way by basically using your blog as a hub is that kind of what you're saying? 

Sandra: That's why I'm creating my blog as it is the hub of everything and put everything in there where it's a hub.

 Dave: What additional pieces have you added to your business besides just other additional streams of income through different niches and so forth. What other things have you added to your business that you've learned from going through training and being part of a community here that you didn't have before that was maybe a missing piece? 

Sandra: I think the biggest thing was the final system and I didn't really mean that I mean I heard it here and there but I haven't really picked that up and different pieces that come together to funnel people into your list or into your your to what you're trying to sell them. It's not even about selling. I don't even want people to think that. I think that it's more about adding value and giving people what you know, giving them a result that they want to achieve. And yes, you're gonna make money from it, but it's not just selling just anything. It's selling something that's meaningful, something that you connect with and that you resonate with and that way people see that passion and see that connection. What you're trying to share with them. 

Dave: Yeah, sure, sure. Yeah, no, I agree. I don't think you need to be good at sales to be a great entrepreneur and a great messenger. Or marketer or promoter of things. So in terms of that, what those light bulbs or that went off for you in terms of kind of building on old systems and actually building lists and stuff like that. What I assume is that your understanding of online marketing before was that well if I put up a website and start writing articles and stuff on my blog, well if you build it, they will come right in then when they do come they'll buy right. 

Sandra: That's always the mentality right? 

Dave: Yeah. But the problem is that with marketing, what we learn, and what we now know, is that we always have to have contingency plans, because most of the time, unfortunately, human beings don't do what we want them to do. So we actually have to build, we have to strip things down. We have to simplify things. We have to make irresistible offers by giving away such good bait big Isn't that what you do when you fish you don't put down some little piece of trash in No you go and you either catch or pay for shrimp which are one two or $3 apiece, and you throw down a big fat juicy shrimp because that's the irresistible bait of grouper. Can't resist, right? So use the same strategy on a different species: a human being, you offer something that is so irresistible that's so valuable to them in that moment that they'll give you their email in exchange for it. And then you start to build your email list but again, digressing back to kind of the mainstream understanding of online marketing is throwing up a website. You build it, they will come in when they come of course they'll buy but it doesn't happen.

Sandra: Another thing I've learned though, too, is know when you start to look at it from your point of view and not just that a lot of times we want when we're starting out we want to just throw stuff out there, you know and expect it to have to come like you said but if you put yourself in the other side on the other side and look at it from that perspective, what would you expect what would you want to see what what attracts you was going and when you look at from that end goal to realize I wouldn't have I don't this go onto a website and buy something unless it's something that really attracts me or something that that is that I'm resonating with. So putting yourself on the other side and seeing it from that angle. What would you expect? What would you do? How would you buy something that leads you to buy something that leads you to connect with someone and think about it from that angle? That works 100%. 

Dave: Well, I'd much rather be wallowed in wined and dined with with and I'd rather be over deliver to so that means that if I'm in the market or open or interested in something, I'd like to sit down I'd like to be entertained and I'd like to be educated. So I if I do decide to make a purchase, I'm crystal clear and confident that I'm I'm buying something that I actually want and what I think the disconnect between this old let's call it old school and new school I don't know how else to define to differentiate them but just the old put up a website if you build it they will come versus building sales funnels in real marketing systems. Building relationships, building relationships, building relationships, that's the key building relationships with people so that they trust you. When you build a relationship automatically. I want to be real clear about this everybody you're not building a relationship, always all the time one on one talking with people, you're building the relationship, the same way that we're building a relationship with you right now. Because you're watching the content here and getting to know us and the more that you hear or watch us the more you know us, hopefully, you know, like and trust us maybe you don't but in a way, you're going to be more familiar with us. What I was going to say Sandra was that when you just have a website with a bunch of stuff for sale on it, actually creating what you don't want which is if you don't want it to be salesy. You're actually making sales because you're not delivering any value. You're just pulling up oh pop in your trunk and saying all the shirts for sale versus putting them into a training webinar, a training video and saying Let me teach you something over the next 10 minutes. And in over those next 10 minutes you actually do deliver on that promise of teaching them something right. And then of course you will probably make them an offer for a training course or in our case a challenge or something like that. But the difference here is instead of me saying what have I say let me educate you and entertain you here for 10 minutes or so. So you can see whether you jive with me and like me, and then you can determine whether this is actually what you want versus just buying something on the fly. And I think what people don't realize is that I think it's just because they don't know about sales funnels and sales systems. It wasn’t that the case with you? You just didn't know about it. 

Sandra: I knew about it, you know you hear that term and you know, I did a lot of research and I looked into stuff and again I tried to figure out, you know these things on my own. And it's challenging. There's so many pieces to the puzzle and I can only repeat that in my videos I say you know there's a lot of pieces to the puzzle. It's overwhelming and, you know, to try to figure it out yourself. You're wasting a lot of time. So when I realized what, what it is that bring it all together, you know, bring all those pieces together then, you know, once I learned more, you know on a deeper level what that meant that it all makes sense, you know and I was like well that explains it.

Dave: Well it makes a lot of sense to instead of running around like a chicken with your head cut off like I used to collecting business cards and doing all this I mean at first I handed them out then I would collect them that you know because then I could at least call people I had their number to now being online in just posting a video or a post driving people to a landing page and building that email list of the hundreds or 1000s of people to where now whenever I want to contact you, but also you 1000 Folks, I just write a message and hit broadcast and it sends to all of those people. And that piece alone is so powerful the ability to be able to reach out. We've got a guest Josh Smith who's coming on as our mastermind, we're going to do a virtual mastermind for our mastermind ticket holders. He's going to teach how he's used his email list, which is an underrated asset. We always just hook it up. We don't really focus on writing, good quality value driven with a good call to action actually having an intention. Why are we sending these emails? What do we ultimately promote in going to sell? But he has used his email list that actually laid dormant for a year or so as he built his business and just drove traffic. He was always only focused on getting new customers. But if you remember the three Jay Abraham ways that you can make money in a business, you can get new customers is what most businesses focus on solely just to get new customers. You can do repeat business with those customers. You can sell high ticket items, product services to those customers. So there's actually two ways in which money is made from the same customer and what a lot of times we want to do is we want to run out and just go get new customers. But what Josh has done with his email, which again, what I'm pointing to here is the power of these marketing systems and how you can use them versus old school strategies like just through a website or whatever. Josh has used this to reinvigorate his business where his front end traffic sources recently have sort of slowed down a little bit. He has this dormant email list that he realized he hasn't been nurturing. Over the past couple of months he has grown himself back into a strong five figure income. It's those kinds of things that make these strategies so powerful that have been something pulling you away about the power of what it can do. Is it the power of virality on TikTok, is it your email list? What is when something that's really worked for you and you say wow, this is really powerful and I'd like to share it with other people to make sure they know about it too. 

Sandra: It's been video and connecting with people on that level. I used to just post and ghost. I would just post and that's it. And thinking of posts we just find the video has been the most powerful.

Dave: What does post and ghost mean?  

Sandra: A lot of people think those people just post and then they don't come back. They don't know they don't acknowledge people's comments or they don't come back. They post one day and wait a week before they post another one. Again, you know it's not consistent.

Dave: The power of video. What about video? I mean, how do you get good at video? How have you gotten those videos because I mean we hear this over and over and over again. It's just something that plagues people. They worry about what other people are gonna think. They worry about their family, their friends if somebody finds their thing, on and on. And it's just a big mental mine if you know what, so how to overcome that into now being such an evangelist for video. Honestly, you know, you can't think about what other people are going to say or who's gonna see it or what you can't think about that you have to block that out. Because I've had a lot of criticism, not from anybody but from my parents. My mom specifically. Now she understands that there's no stopping me, that it's not going to happen. So what it is, is she'll criticize Mrs. How it's been all my life. As a child, she'll criticize either what I'm wearing or what I'm doing or whatever, you know any. And so it's always judgmental criticism of how I appear or what I'm talking about or, and so I have to block that out for a long time that stopped me from going on video. And even now, I know I still struggle with some things but I still do it. I do it because I feel that let me backtrack a little bit. When I started the TikTok videos I found myself repeating and doing what everybody else is doing and I didn't want to be that person. I wanted to set myself aside apart from everyone else and I wanted to really connect with people on a deeper level and share more pieces of my story in my life and how I came about this and that's what I'm trying to do now. So the idea of video is not just creating a video and just putting a video out there. The idea of video is connecting with people on a deeper level so that they resonate with what you're talking about. That way there you get them attracted like, okay, you know, and they see the passion in you. They see when you're speaking they see your passion, they see that you're real and authentic. And that's what you have to portray not just the repeated video or not just the same thing over and over again. You want to create genuineness, you want to create value, you want to create connection and that is the idea of video and that is what I've learned. And it has felt great because I've had people tell me thank you for being real. Thank you for being truthful. Thank you for knowing, people appreciate it. I have had no negative feedback. Nothing about you know, scam, nothing I've had and I'm grateful. And, you know, so it's all about how you portray yourself. Be real, be authentic and just be you and not try to be like everybody else you have to set yourself apart from everyone else. 

Dave: I hear you . It's tough to find your own voice and have enough ideas just starting because a lot of times people get no and you just have to start. 

Sandra: Just put something out there. Be yourself, just do it and we'll all unfold from there.

Dave: I agree. You do just have to start. And you gotta walk through that valley of despair that first 30 days have heard Brian Brewer say that at a mastermind the other week or a couple of weeks ago we had him talking about the valley of despair in the first 30 days. And that's kind of what it is. It's not the first 30 days from when you buy. It's the first 30 days from when you start to do it because you're going to be doing it. It might even take longer than that. For some of us it takes longer than that stage to where you're just awkward. You're uncomfortable. You start something new, you're questioning everything. Can I do this? Is this the right thing? You start to pick apart everything I mean, our brains make 6000 thoughts per day. You don't think there's going to be a couple of 1000 Doubtful thoughts inside your head every day for the first couple of weeks of you starting something new and big and scary and important and has huge upside but also can hurt your precious little ego. There's going to be a couple of 1000 thoughts and that bad boy but you know again, you said it you gotta get up there and do it before you know it. It becomes second nature and a lot of the things that I want us to sweat over and I did. 

Sandra: Nowadays. I just get it in go I don't even think about it. No double takes. I do know if I start a video it's fumbling but it doesn't matter. I just keep going because I don't have the time or energy to do the record 50 times. Yeah, it's tough and you know, in a lot of videos it's gonna suck. I mean, you're gonna you're not gonna be 100% And you can't dwell on those failures and you can't dwell on Oh, man, that video was shit. Keep going, make the next one best and look at what other people are doing, the highly successful people, how are they doing their videos and guide yourself but make it your own? You know, and just keep going, don't stop regardless and look back and say and dwell on those bad videos. Just keep going. Keep creating because that's how you're going to get good at it. 

Dave: Have you done any lives? Have you gone to live at all?

Sandra: I’m going to be honest. That's actually a big struggle. One of my biggest struggles is going to just fear the uncomfortability. What am I going to talk about? How am I going to keep it interesting? It used to be what am I going to talk about and what am I going to say and worry about? Because I think you just have to be yourself, go on there and be and go with it. And I thought it likely I've thought about doing wise my biggest struggle is no I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be honest here. My biggest struggle is aging. Now, I am aging and so you know, I don't like the way I look on video. So, like I said, to be honest I use filters. My videos are filtered because I don't like the way I look on video. And so this right here, me being live is a big big big big thing for me because I usually never do this. 

Dave: There's women who would die for your looks. You know, and that's just the power of some of these limiting beliefs that we have when we talk about limiting beliefs and how they show up and affect us in our business people have a hard time making the connection between personal and business. You know how those two are so closely tied. They're really not separate. You just name it. I mean it's just something that is completely unrelated to your business, but it's something that dramatically affects your business, you mean in your business? And it's not something that's going to change yourself today. But just the way it gets worked on. And improved, it heals it because wounds like that, whether they're psychological or emotional, are like physical wounds. They don't go away, they'll scar over. You know, you see this thing right here and you'll always be there. But you learn to work with it. You learn to accept it, you learn to have awareness for it. And then when you know that it's popping up keeping you from doing something that you know you want to do, like going live or whatever. You remind yourself that hey, you know those thoughts? Of I'm not good enough. I'm not beautiful. Those are not mine. Those are somebody else's, you know, and that's their opinion, right? And reminding yourself of that. I'm working through these things.

Sandra: That’s going to be a big step forward and sure helps a lot and I've been contemplating this for the past couple of weeks, I've been contemplating it. I even created my Instagram account for Legendary just so I can go on there and use the filters. How pathetic is that? 

Dave: I've used the Instagram filters before like just been on Instagram to use it. I get it. We all do the same weird shit. But the thing is, you got to figure out how to win the game. Because if you allow yourself whatever mental limiting beliefs that you have, that are not even yours, to stop you from doing something that's really helpful or really profitable or whatever. Then you're you're you're you're losing the game you understand. So regardless of how you need to look at it, you know, for me, that's helpful. I like to look at things like games because then it's curious and I'm more motivated. And it's, you know, I just it's a way that I frame things. But however you have to look at it, you know, ultimately it's just a great example of you know, you're in business, the buck stops with you, however far you want to grow is likely how uncomfortable you're going to be for a period of time as you go through that valley of despair and then when you come out of it, you'll be a you know, will benefit from it. You know, but you have we all have these.

We all have these triggers or these skeletons in the closet, these limiting beliefs that we bump up against and business gives you an opportunity to decide whether you want to confront it or not. Okay, well listen. It's Friday. What are you going on today? How are you? What is it in the life of Sandra hadden balance? You know, when do you get on time for your business? And what usually does it look like and you just give us a nutshell version as we kind of bring today's show in for a landing.

Sandra: My schedule is really all over the place because I quit my corporate job about five years ago. And I do Uber Eats the key. That's the fluid coming in. And so my schedule is all over the place. And so in between there's I create videos I post my blogs it's hard to really be to create a good but I you know I I'll be posting my blog today I catch up with that and then I'll be creating videos and doing that but that's that's pretty much what I do. It's hustling, it's a hustle every day. I got you what is good for you, you know good for you for like really, really being open minded to some new strategies with your blog and with what you were doing before. I'm glad you found value here and it was helpful to and congratulations on the success and the results that you've had so far just in such a short period of time. I mean, that hopefully, I would think you're excited about the future. Is that right? 

Sandra: Yeah, absolutely. Because I mean, what I've made so far with Legendary has been unexpected. I mean, and you know, just the way things just come. I mean, and I'm not putting 100% effort in. So it's crazy. So that's why I want people to know that you just have to start, don't worry about what you have and what you don't have. I don't have every piece in place. I don't have all these. I don't have the whole funnel system in place. I mean, I just do. I started out with what I had and just went with it. Put a link in there and just start doing it. Just start providing value and that's what you have to do. And, and that's that's the idea. Just go with it. Just start and keep moving. Yeah. So I am grateful and I'm glad I stumbled across this community. It's a great community. So I'm really happy about it and I'm excited for, you know, to keep building and growing and moving forward. 

Dave: Yeah, yeah. Well, I am too. I am too. I am the result. Let's make them intentional and not unexpected because you know, the beauty of this is that sure, the first couple are a surprise. And then you set up processes and systems whether that's just daily, posting daily email to your list, what to wear, those types of things become more predictable. And then you look back over the last six months and notice that hey, I make you know, five sales here a day five sales here a day usually generate about 100 front end leads in and now all of a sudden, you've got data and history and you can track and you know what I mean? It's just cool to me, it's just a cool, cool thing to be able to have all that accessible on a laptop or even a cell phone can do from anywhere in the world. It's like your life now everywhere you go, Oh, I have to you know, let me capture this clip or let me know this. 

Sandra: So yeah, it has become intense and started going out to try you know wishy washy when I started seeing how it unfolded. I'm like no, no, no, I'm really becoming more intentional. How to take a step back to really analyze and not just go now. I'm excited. It's exciting. It's very exciting.

Dave: I'm still excited. Well over a decade after I got started and excited about this business model, the same business model that we teach, we eat our own cooking here. I've been using this business model so many things that I would be doing and it's still this and it's just because the business model is so highly leveraged. It's fun. It's got low overhead, it's low stress. You mentioned stress earlier. It's low stress. I mean people don't take risks, low risk and low stress. It is like people really don't understand if you understood how low risk and low stress this can be. You would jump absolutely head first or that first 30 days to get through that valley of despair so you can actually run this thing and enjoy it. But yes, low stress, low risk people. Really, you know, there's a lot of people out there that have complained about $7 For God's sake. I know

it's predictable it's like they just have no idea zero self awareness about other options. What else is out there? Other bullshit they probably spent money on, you know, waste I have. I wasted money in the past. Particularly when people do it you waste Money and you have a hard time paying $7 really not a big deal. Even $2,500 For our Blueprints or one of our Blueprints is a drop in the bucket compared to university education. You take marketing, there's stuff in masters level courses for marketing degrees at colleges, but the content doesn't touch our content. It doesn't touch what we're talking about and what we're teaching. It is a shame. 

Sandra: People don't look at it that way. They immediately think Oh, it's a scam. You know, although I have what I said, I haven't heard that on my end, but I see it. 

Dave: People automatically think that they're out there. We got to do a better job. You know, it's not their fault. I mean, ultimately, we have to take better, more responsibility for people. I'm glad people are not saying that to you. Because if they're saying that on your content, if if people are saying so and I don't care what you're doing, probably selling if you're selling, you know, parental information products if you're selling I mean if people are saying negative feedback on your content, you got to do better wanna people but the truth is we have to take ultimate responsibility for that. We're not a community, we're communicating the message in a schemee way. Slimy something that you're doing saying how you're delivering it is coming across slimy, scheming, as I like to say, and I think that it's because I see it there's a lot of repeated videos of the same over and over again and I and I think that's important to realize you can't keep repeating somebody else's stuff. You have to make it your own and create your own videos. Sandra: Because when you do that and shift the content around, you don't look like a scammer. You don't look pleasee and that's what people are seeing. Oh, I see the same video, you just put the same word on your video that somebody else did you know, and you have to stop doing that. You cannot do that because it does not work and it makes legendary look bad to know 

Dave: Hello, did we all do that? We all hear that. So come on. Now get it together. There's a point at which you have to start to develop your own voice in your own message and it's real, only hurting you not to do that. I totally get it and I totally understand that we all want to copy and model and all this when we get started for the first week or so. You have to start to develop your own voice. I totally agree. With that. Part of your brain may not have been used a lot lately. Maybe you were taking orders from a boss or you weren't thinking you know, I know I get it society's built away that in big, you know, they don't want us to think but hey, we gotta get some WD 40 back in that brain muscle part that does the critical thinking and may in think ourselves, you know come look at something in really it's a lot easier than then we're making it out to be honestly saying it is all it is it's just adding your own twist on something you don't even have to come up with original ideas. But I agree don't copy stuff word for word because it makes you look bad and you'll likely get your account shut down because of it. 

Sandra: Another thing also is if you research some of these things that you want to create, recreate a video around, realize that it's not legit or it's not real So do your research before you read post something because there's some things that it's for example if you're posting Oh these jobs are available you know you can apply to them right now and make all this money now and when you look at that they're not hiring they're not doing any of that they're you know, do some research before you repost because you're creating value on your account. You're building your account up and getting your reputation and the reputation of what you're promoting. And so when you do research and really create value and be authentic around your videos, you're gonna you're gonna it's gonna it's gonna explode.

Dave: You're gonna take it much further than you are now. And just because it's something original, you know, it's, you know, a lot of people get their start from modeling slash copying other people's videos, and it's a great way to get off the ground. But again, to be clear with everybody, if that is what you do all the time on an ongoing basis. You are going to sound like everybody else and people are going to interpret that as your scamming. You're something that you're doing sounds weird, fishy. It just sounds like scam is a word that people use when they don't understand what's going on, but it feels fishy. They won't understand why you're saying the same thing. A bunch of other people. You got to think about it from their perspective, as Sandra just said. Think about the user's experience they're getting on TikTok. And they've just scrolled through for eight or nine minutes before you got there. And they heard a couple of other videos that are damn near word for word exactly like what you're saying. And by the time they get to your video, they've already heard it twice. Maybe they're going to take some anger out on your video. So they're going to get down there in the comments and say, Damn, scammer, what the hell? I've already seen the same video from two other people, right? Whereas if you put a little bit of effort, you can even talk about a similar theme or make the same point. Instead of using our story, you use your own story. You know, you find a similar story in your life to the story they told or you just deliver it in a slightly different way you're in now all of a sudden, that's a step in the right direction. To where it feels more original or authentic. And I think that's what you're talking about in Sandra, I think it's much needed to be said and I think you're spot on. 

Sandra: Another thing I want to say is just because the video has reached 1 million views and went viral, doesn't mean that if you replicate that video, yours is going to go viral as well. It doesn't work. To replicate, you know, don't replicate other people's work, create your own work. Let people see who you are and you know, you're going to get attention, you're going to get traction. 

Dave: Well I think creativity is difficult for people. I mean, I think coming up with completely original ideas is difficult. 

Sandra: It’s not easy because it takes time to create. Also something that's easy to look at what it is yeah, look at other nonmatching don't look at other people's maybe that's fine. Just try to twist it around and try to make it your own instead of trying. You know, instead of doing it word for word instead of repeating it creating your own that has a guide.

Dave: We all use other videos as guides. I mean, it's, you know, it's like old art. When somebody says what was your inspiration? Right? Every artist has usually an inspiration for a painting. And that doesn't mean that they paint it word for word like that. It simply means that it was something that inspired the thought or inspire the idea to paint that thing and I think that's where we need to get to is we need to find inspiration where we were open we're looking at other people's content in in we're open to you to find inspiration for new ideas or to put our own twist on something that is you said, not copied and that is what takes work. You got to crank up that old rusty brain a little bit and be open to having a little creativity circulating in your brain. You know. So nice Sandra, listen, it's been great getting to know you in talking and sharing. What would you say finally to somebody who's considering going through the 15 Day Challenge. Somebody who's you know what, somebody who's thinking about joining our community here and legendary based on what you've got out of it. And what would you tell that person if that's going to be a good decision or based on your experience or not? 

Sandra: I think that Legendary is a great program. I think I would say be patient. Don't expect to bring all the pieces together at once. I started without doing that and I succeeded. To this day, I still haven't put everything together, you know and I still get you know and I still see results. So don't feel like you have to have all the pieces of the funnel 100% together with your email list or your autoresponder. You don't have to have all that just started. Just start working it out and as time progresses and as you start gaining money, then you start to use that money to reinvest it in building. But just start, don't let anything hold you back and be patient and get involved and listen to other people and get inspired by what other people are saying and every every week of legendary every comment every there's there's clues. Come up, read up, be inspired and that's going to take you that's going to reach success. 

Dave: Really, really great point, really great point. There are clues if you want to. If you're willing to listen for them, if you're willing to ask for them. They are here and a short chapter out of your life of focused immersion. Nine to 12 months is what can produce a lifetime of fruit. And whatever life you have left it would be worth learning the skills to make it a better quality of life. And so Sandra, keep leading the way on that. We're looking forward to learning more from you. Give us final thoughts here and then we'll wrap up. 

Sandra: One thing I want to say I want to add is consistency is key. Now consistency is key. You won't get anywhere without consistency. Because I fell off the boat for a little bit and I took a step back and trying to get back on it's tough. So be consistent every day and keep moving. Don't stop and be intentional. Be intentional with what you're sharing and be authentic. Be yourself and succeed. Thanks. 

Dave: Hey, you're welcome and thank you and I hope you go live more. @Bohogirlboss on TikTok you can also be found at Sandracompillo.com That's your blog. And yeah, thanks for your knowledge or experience. I'm looking forward to watching you find your voice even more and really come out with the best content and ideas that you have. As you step into the best version of yourself listening to your inner voice and your inner Norstar someone else's and yeah, stay legendary. Keep up the good work. All right, thanks. Alright Sandra, we'll talk to you later. My friends Friday, February 4 2022 means that we're approximately 35 days into this year and so much time so, so early in the game, whether you're starting today or starting over today, to make this year the best year of your life. Online sales are absolutely exploding. We just had our biggest month as we're going into our sixth year of business. This year, our anniversary is in March I believe. And we just had in January our biggest record month of all time. So like sales are exploding now is an absolutely smart time to get started and take this seriously because it's just right now this is where everybody's at and where buddy's going so think about that that that marinate check out a couple of episodes of Wake Up Legendary over on our podcast you can check that out. You know by going to Apple or any of your podcast platforms type it in wakeup legendary. We also leave the replays up here on the Facebook page and also on our YouTube channel. Just type in my name on YouTube to find our channel and get started making a powerful decision today to do something that puts you outside of your comfort zone. And that puts you on the path to getting the results that you want. Maybe that's enrolling in our Blueprints. Maybe that's getting started with the challenge. Maybe that's reengaging restarting today. Maybe that's using the weekend as a launch pad, whatever it is for you to you know, use this moment as a reset and make sure that you finish strong and or reset what you you need to do in your business so you can keep the train rolling I say this all the time, the biggest and much only way to fail is to quit. And so the number one job kind of like your number one rule of investing by Warren Buffett is don't lose money. Well ours here is don't quit right because if you quit that's pretty much the only way that you can lose we need a chance to see how your seeds are going to grow and you do too. And that takes a little bit of time. So settle in, put your seatbelt on and get ready for the ride. And yeah, we will see you back here on Monday at 10am. Eastern Time for another episode of wakeup legendary get outta here have a great weekend. 

The Secrets To Online Success For Couples

Below is the transcription of this episode:

Matt: Hello, everyone. Happy Wednesday. Today is February 2, we got a new month. Hopefully your second month of the year started off well. If you don't already know me, my name is Matt. I'm the CMO here at Legendary. I host every Wednesday typically and I'll fill in every now and then outside of that too, but typically I'm here every Wednesday and we've got awesome guests lined up. We always bring in live guests from our community or from our affiliate base or something like that every single Monday through Friday at 10am Eastern if you're newer you can sign up to get text message reminders. All you have to do is send a simple little text message with the letters WUL to (813)-296-8553. And that will get you a text message reminder every single time that we're alive. We don't sell anything through that. So you're free to sign up for those and don't worry about getting a bunch of spam and stuff like that. So for those of you who are here with us live, we encourage you to engage with us in the chat and we'll try to engage a little bit with you if that makes sense. Let's bring in our guests Dave and Gina what's happening.

Dave: Good morning, everyone. Morning.

Matt: So tell us a little bit about you guys. Where are you guys calling in from? What's your story?

Dave: So we're in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We actually got started in November of 2020. With the challenge. We ran into a bit of a rollercoaster ride with some family issues that you know kind of had to take precedence over starting an online business but we actually got back into the swing of things and 2021 and we started doing all this in August of 2021.

Matt: Cool. So you took a little bit of time off when you started. And then you were like Alright, we're back baby. And here we go kind of thing. I like it. Cool. So spam calls here. So you guys are on TikTok. You're on Instagram. I'm curious when you started, did you just buy our course in November or did you actually start some of the training or like was that splintered? 

Dave: So we basically went all in back in 2020 in November 2020. And we loved it. I mean it was you know when we saw the introductory video with Dave I mean, I don't know who could watch that and not want to run through a brick wall for the guy. We kind of looked at each other and said you know what, this is something that no, we think we can do and we figured you know if we're gonna do it, we're gonna go all in and haven't really looked back.

Matt: Really cool. I love that. I also just wanted to take a second and pause just because I feel like sometimes in the content creation world or especially in this industry, right like the industry where people are learning how to make money online or build a business or whatever. There's a lot of weird shaming that happens like, Oh, you got you stopped or you quit or whatever. And I think sometimes people just forget, and it's a sales tactic, right? But sometimes people forget that, you know, life is pretty long. Generally not you know, there's obviously tragic things, whatever, but, but like, generally speaking like you got a lot of time, you know, and I think sometimes people need that's a message of relief to people, or like a breath of fresh air to people in this industry. Because, man when you've got when you've got years and years and years ahead of you. I mean, you guys only delayed for nine months or something like 9, 10 months and it's like in the grand scheme. It's just such not a big deal. You know, and, you know, for those two people or for YouTube people Sure, I mean, maybe a loss in a few months but in reality like you know, if stuff comes up and you know, you gotta be easy on yourself. You have to give yourself a little bit of grace to just, you're on your own journey. And so that's cool that you guys were able to come back, re approach it, re engage in and actually be really successful too, which is even cooler. So that's really cool. Tell us a little bit about how you guys started to generate a little bit of money in August and kind of September and October and it's really kind of snowballed a little bit since then I would say but you guys are just you're creating content on social media. I think that you've also got a little bit of a Facebook group going on too. And so you're kind of just working multiple different angles and building a community I would say right, your Facebook groups are newer but again, like there's always a day one for people and people forget that. But tell us a little bit about how the content creation has gone was that a struggle was how's that

Dave: So I mean, I'm sure people have noticed that it's Dave and Gina. But for the most part, you guys get the pleasure of seeing this ugly mug. The majority of the time and for me personally that that was a big thing. The idea of doing it wasn't a problem for me, it was the fact that I'm going to hit one little button and it has the potential for millions of people to be able to see it. But you know, as with anything new the more you do it, the more comfortable you do it, the easier it gets. And you know what, it's a business this is how we're gonna build and grow and get people on board with it too. So it's what you do for work.

Matt: Yeah, I love it. And it is kind of true, maybe not millions. Well, it has the potential for millions but I know that you guys have had hundreds and hundreds of 1000s of people see your guys' videos, which is kind of crazy to think about right. I mean, we live in a very weird world. It's a fun world, but it's a weird one. Was that day one hitting post. Now, actually, I'm really curious about your first 60 days. I'm curious about those first couple of months where things are a little bit slower and for you to unpack, maybe there's a dynamic between the two of you. That's kind of like dude, like, I don't know if this is working, like are we gonna like is this? Are we picking up steam? Are we not? What was that like?

Dave: Yeah, I mean, I knew right from the get go that it was going to be something that was going to take some time to refine and kind of hone in what our message was going to be to people because walking into it, almost completely blind. There's going to be hurdles and things that you just have to work around and almost learn on the fly. And that's what we've done. We've reached out to people too, and I've gotten some fantastic support and it's just a great community across the board for anybody that's doing this type of stuff. It's pretty awesome.

Gina: He’s more patient than I am so he's the one telling me. We're not going to do this overnight. We're in it for the long haul.

Matt: Yeah, and you're like hey yeah, well, that's that's a good partnership to have. Right? I'm a bit the same way too. With my spouse, Katherine. So in a lot of ways. She's like, like, let's make this work. Like what are we doing here? Like, what's the point? Like, like, come on, come on. And I don't know I don't. Maybe it's not even really that I have a lot of patience but it's maybe it's just more like I'm a little bit more in it for the journey and for the experience, I guess. But yeah, that's funny. It's a good combo to have because it sort of reminds the more patient person of like, I do think kind of a little bit of steady pressure. It is honestly healthy, you know, and maybe it doesn't always you know, I think for me, sometimes it's just it's, it's kids sometimes like getting on my nerves, but that little healthy push of pressure has always been helpful for me. So cool. That's funny. So then you guys have gotten just over the course of your journey a little bit more traction, what's been instrumental in getting traction on let's say, TikTok or Instagram, especially tick tock is you've had a lot of growth there, but what strategies have you deployed to figure out the algorithm right to figure out how to create content?

Dave: You know, I think, speaking on both our behalf so I think it's more being willing to be honest and upfront with people and answering the questions that they have geared around, you know, what the business model is. I think you know, anybody that would go through our profile right now, you would probably notice that most of the popularity on certain videos is specifically geared towards you know, explaining what things are and how they work and how you can actually do them.

Matt: Yeah, that's cool. And so when you're going in and creating content every day, what do you do first of all, do you have content that you create every day or is it sporadic? Or your system and how did you figure out that system?

Dave: Oh, honestly, it's a mixture. And I know that probably a terrible thing to say, but nothing is a terrible thing to say. But it's a real life thing. I mean, there's there's days when I'm like, You know what, I'm going to sit in a room and just hammer out some out of traps and just have them ready and go and then there's times and I'm sitting there and you just kind of get inspired by almost anything and it's like, you know what, I can make this work and out comes the phone, pop the app on and just go to town with it. So it's a healthy one, I would say between batching and creating on the fly.

Matt: Yeah, yeah. Cool. I, you know, what I used to do when I was when I was getting started, and sometimes it's helpful with a lot of times it's not, I would, I would hear somebody on one of the shows, say something like, you know, you have to create five pieces of content a day, right? Or you have to create 10 piece content. They like it as a law like it was in the Constitution. And I was just like, okay, all right, like this is gospel right. But then what I found is, and I didn't know at the time, because I was still figuring out who I was and my personality and how I operate and function well, so I had insecurities that I felt insecure by what other people would say. And so I just always tried to do something that someone else was doing and it never felt right. And it was kind of relieving for me to hear you guys just be like, you know, it's real life. Like some things we kill it. Some days we put out 10 pieces of batch content. Some days you put out one or not, you know, and that's kind of life. I think that systems are good and helpful. But I think also knowing who you are and knowing your structure and just kind of how you're built is really helpful and refreshing to a lot of people. It's refreshing to me, and I'm sure it is to a lot of people who are listening because man there's there's, it's it's a struggle when you're trying to fit a square inside of a circular hole like just doesn't really work and it doesn't fit and people are confused about why it doesn't fit and why it doesn't quite resonate. So. That's cool. I actually liked that. He said, You know, maybe this is bad to say but I just I don't really think anything's bad to say you know, I mean it's like it's life. We have, you know, sort of this, this one opportunity to go at it and you're balancing you guys are both balancing jobs, right? Yeah. I think that's like the most relatable thing of all time, which is, you know, a married couple who's balancing full time jobs and and now starting to make money on the internet, which is really, really cool and you know, I always I always tell people to, I'll get off my little rant here, but I always tell people, you know, to me, everything that people will come on the show and they'll say things like, well, they'll say things like you know this I know this might be bad to say, or sometimes people always say they'll say something like yeah, I still have that full time job. You know, like it's like it's a prison sentence or something. And you know, even with full time jobs, like I just remember and sync back of how much my full time jobs were when I was getting started. gave me the ability to do test and trial paid ads and build some marketing skills. Right. And so I think I used to be hard on myself about that. But man, I now see how much a full time job is a blessing to have and it can feed into your business. It can provide safety and security, which is good. I mean, some entrepreneurs in this industry are crazy like this legit crazy. Like hey, I made 50 bucks yesterday and I quit my job. Please don't do that. I was not bold, entrepreneurial. That might just be stupidity, you know? No, I I say that only half truthfully. But for you guys. How on earth do you guys find the time to build out stuff? And I'm also curious how the Facebook group idea came about and when did you start that and how's that going?

Gina: So, the Facebook group is pretty new. We just kind of started it I'd say what like two three weeks ago?

Dave: Yeah. And it's pretty green in you know, from talking to you know, mentors and friends we've made on this journey. It just became more and more clear that you know, people need a safe place to go to to ask questions, get help, get guidance, more direction. And, you know, we figured, you know, it's not a new concept. So you know, this is the next step. Right?

Matt: Yeah, totally. Totally.

Gina: The time. Oh, boy. His schedules are a lot more lenient than mine. That's why you see his face a lot more than mine. Make it work.

Matt: Yeah, you'll make it work. Yeah. And you've just got to figure out a good flow and a good system. Yeah, it just makes sense. I mean, over time, that sort of settles in. We've got I've witnessed and and been around a lot of different married couples who or even just partners or spouses or even just business partners who do this together as friends, or do any sort of business together as friends and it's sort of like, you sit down, and and most days in the beginning, you're you're just figuring out, what the hell do we need to do? And then it's like, do you want to do it? Do you want to do it? It's like, yeah, I can do whatever. And then you sort of figure out roles and who's got more time and energy to devote to that kind of thing. But I think I think the Facebook group you guys have I think less than 20 people in that Facebook group. And I wanted to say that out loud and acknowledge that because there's also a lot of people on this call, who are like, oh, there's you mean, you mean, there's people who are on this show who don't have 1000 people in their Facebook group, right and I think people often miss the steps along the way to six figures. People often miss the steps along the way to getting your first $10,000 a month or something like that. And there's steps and there's growth stages there and you can be successful on the internet. And you can be making money on the internet and not have a massively huge following. You got 16,000 on your tick tock, a little over and quite a few on Instagram. I didn't look but you've also got your Facebook group that you've just started to. And as that builds and grows and as you're able to sort of help and educate people through that group. That'll become a really, really powerful social testimonial. You know, for you guys and for your brand and everything like that. What uh, what in terms of building your audience what's our you have an email list too, and how is that you email out to your list?

Dave: Yeah, we do have an email list. I think the last day will be the other day we were just under 600. 

Matt: Wow. That's awesome. That's growing quickly.

Dave: Never would have guessed that. I mean, Jesus, it's, it's a roller coaster ride, but, man, it's those small goals that you hit. I mean, anybody watching now or watching wants to replay them embrace those goals because that's that shot in the arm that just makes you want to hit that next one and just keep building and growing and I'm ready to run through a wall right now.

Matt: Well, I just feel like Yeah, I mean, when you've got an email list of that amount. And you've got followers at the level that you have started a group. That to me says if we can do that, we can certainly go to any height and anything. No question about it. It's a replicable, replicable result, a result you've got that you can do over and over again. You can accomplish that again and again, which I think is really powerful, really cool. Because it gives you hope, but also, it's not just blind hope anymore. You guys are actually having success. You guys are actually seeing it come through Right. Which is really, that is more powerful than anything else I think. So tell me a little bit about the future. You guys are still working full time jobs. You're putting money in the bank account that way which is great. And he's got this sort of sprouted online business that's popped through the ground and it's kind of like every go like I'm alive, you know? And tell us a little bit about the future and sort of do you have dreams and goals and aspirations for the future and what you want for the business but then also what you want for your lives after the business becomes even more successful too.

Dave: Oh yeah, without a doubt, I mean, our my my number one main goal is to be able to grow this to the point where you know the the pretty one of the couples no longer has to you know, punch into that time clock in you know, I can retire Gino basically that that's absolutely major goal number one. And, you know, I'll be happy when we don't, but when we get to that point. And then if things allow themselves to be then, you know, I guess the ultimate goal would be to where I can hang up my gloves to and we're both doing this entrepreneurial journey full time and taking it as far as we can. But um yeah, I mean that's really it for us. We want to be able to walk away from that grind and hopefully inspire people to do the same thing and let them know that this is something that can be achieved. And how far away it might seem. You just take one step at a time and you're going to get there.

Matt: I love it. That's super cool. And yeah, I like Brad said this in the chat too, when not if and I like that clarification. I almost like it better than just saying it as normal because it it sort of allows a little insight into how you're beginning to reframe stuff, or maybe you already have but just starting to reframe that statement even I'm just like, No, it's if it's or it's not if it's when and that's really cool. And it's probably you know, it's probably really, really cool to have somebody alongside of you who's fighting and grinding as much you know, as you are and they're like, you know, it's real in the trenches kind of thing every day. And it's like, it's like, hey, it's not it's just win, which is, you know, here's the thing like, that has become a little bit of like a cliche phrase, or a kind of a cliche thing in our industry will it's not if it's when, you know, you will be successful, whatever. But um, the more that I've been in this industry, where we're at today, right now

By every metric that I can track, which is not a lot, but by every metric that I can track, I'm seeing more people have success on the internet, especially in our community than I have since I've started back in 2010. So that's a solid, let's call it like 11 or 12 years, and it has gotten exponentially easier to do so over the last 12 years. And the funny part is 10 years ago, I got the same thing. That I get today from people in terms of excuses of why it's not gonna work well. It's saturated. It's like, Guys, I mean, maybe I wouldn't believe you or maybe I would believe that, except that everybody said that 10 years ago, and nothing's changed in the last 10 years except people are making more money on the internet than they were 10 years ago. That's the only difference like, I just don't think it is you know, and I get the same things over and over and over again. It's alright, at some point, like somebody just needs to slap this person. No, it just doesn't work that way. But I do think that the whole when and not if thing is more definitely more true now than it ever could be or ever has been that I've seen. And even in the exact metrics that I look at, I see that there's more people who are verifiably they saw what I can everything that I can track finding success on the internet than they were 10 years ago or ever before that I've seen. And I think it's just a testament to that mentality. And I think it helps verify that mentality. Not that again, not that I'm guaranteeing that people are going to make money if they never stopped or whatever. But generally, I think most people that I see are the average person out there who's like, Hey, I'm gonna figure this out. They've been successful at their jobs, right? They've been successful in the work that they do outside of the internet. And David always says this phrase to masterminds. He's like, Hey, you didn't just come here to somehow get dumb overnight. Like, you've been smart. We've paid the bills, maybe bought a house, maybe paid rent every month, you pay your bill, like, you put food on the table and you eat like you're a functional human being for the most part. Like you've learned how to solve problems and become a little bit of an engineer of life. This is just another piece and facet of that, except now you're not going to work and a boss isn't telling you what to do. You've certainly got to instruct yourself. You're an entrepreneur. Business Owner. So now you've got to consistently go at this because you got no one to answer to. And it's just an interesting thing, where when there's a boss, it's like, well, you know how I got hits or the boss. I mean, somebody is going to get me in trouble. But then it's us. And it's like, well, you know, are you going to get yourself in trouble? Are you going to be the one breathing down your neck like, hey, hey, like, you're going to get to work today? Or what are you doing, you know, and we sabotage ourselves more than we're willing to sabotage our boss, social constructs or whatever, but to tie that all back a little bit of a rant there, but to tie that all back, the when not if kind of thing is more true today. And I love that you've adopted that mentality for your business because, man, is it true for most people who just continue to work and learn and figure it out and implement what they learn? And the internet is a wildly profitable place to be learning skills these days. It's crazy.

Dave: Yeah, I mean, that's something that we try to kind of remind ourselves to, to, it's been drawn in your head by others to always be learning and it couldn't be more accurate. Like you have to learn and grow and know not only for your business, but as a person too. And that all shows through your content and the messaging. 

Gina: What's nice about us too is we have the accountability of each other and whether you want to do it or not, yeah, like you said, you don't have a boss. So he does have that self discipline to Yeah, you don't might not want to do anything that day. You're not feeling it, that you have to do anyway. Especially if you have that angle. Yep.

Matt: Yeah, totally. Especially I love that you guys have this like a boss employee. Dynamic is hilarious. I know. It's just as awesome. And I like that you guys have found a good sort of rhythm to do all that. That's super cool. For everybody who's here, I'll let you guys have the last word for everybody who's here new people, especially people who are just newer to our community. Like they're like, this is the first week of listener episodes I've ever seen. What would you tell those people who are still in the phase of figuring out like, Could I actually pull this off? Could I actually make a little bit of money online? Maybe quit my job someday, maybe develop a full time business? What would you say to those people?

Dave: Oh, 1,000%. I mean, you got to the point that you're at, for a reason. Make that reason a reality. I mean, it can happen. I mean, we're proof positive that you know, the system that you guys taught us works, and you just have to implement it and just be consistent with it and know that it's something that's going to take some time and effort on your end to make happen. But if you wanna, if you want it, it's all there to take. Just get after it. Don't Don't give up. Reach out to people.

Matt: You're going to get in valleys. You're going to have the highs that just keep pushing through because it works that's cool as really cool. And even if you got to take nine months off you guys are living proof that eight legendary still gonna be here nine months later, like it's gonna be okay, life's gonna be okay. If you need to take some time off for yourself or for personal stuff, you just need a a one month like dang, I gotta I gotta go up into the mountains. I got to rent an Airbnb and disappear for a little bit. Come back refreshed, like just still be here, guys. It's not a big deal. So absolutely. Well cool, guys. Thanks. So much for coming on. Thanks for taking time and making time out of your day. We know you've got other stuff going on. So we're really thankful that you guys are willing to come on and share with us because every single time that somebody comes on it's it's always helpful to me. It's always helpful to our community. So thanks, guys.

Dave: Oh, thank you. We appreciate it. 1,000%

Gina: This is one of his goals from day one not gonna lie. That was one of the very first things he said is I will be on Wake Up Legendary someday,

but before the commission. It was these guys who needed to know who we are. Exam. That's so cool.

Matt: Is this the best? Is this your best handle here? Yes. All right, cool. Well, thanks, guys. Have a good rest of your day today Wednesday and touch base with us in a couple months shoot us a message or an email and just let us know how things are going. We'd love to have you back on.

Dave: Absolutely Thanks, man. Thank you.

Matt: Alright guys, right here on the screen. You can see it if you look at it's @dave.and.gina you guys can follow them on Instagram you can follow them on TikTok. They're on Instagram and Tiktok is the best place to find and follow them. And like I always tell you when you go when you go find them and follow them. Give them a little bit of support. Comment, let them know hey, I found you on Wake Up Legendary. Tell them something that was inspirational about the episode. And you guys are awesome. You're gonna want to follow them. You don't want to follow them and see where their journey leaves because I think they're going to be big. So thanks, guys. I appreciate it so much for coming on for everybody who tuned in. Thanks so much. If you want to find us on Apple podcasts, Spotify, you can even watch videos on Spotify. If you want, you can always watch us on Facebook at 10am. Eastern every single Monday through Friday. Go give Dave and Gina a follow and we'll be back here tomorrow same time at the same place 10am Eastern.

The Beginners Strategy To Crush Social Media

Below is the transcription of this episode:

JoAnn: Hello, everyone and wake up. Welcome to wake up legendary. My name is JoAnn. I am a member of the marketing team here today and I will be your host of today's episode of wake up legendary. We have an awesome awesome guest today. I'm super excited for you to meet her. Her name is Bianca and let me welcome Bianca to the show. Hello. How are you doing today? 

Bianca: I'm doing really well. I'm doing really well. How about you?

JoAnn: I am doing awesome. So as always, if you are new to the show, you can definitely get reminders to check us out and whenever we go live you can text WUL to  (813)-296-8553. And get a quick reminder when we go live Monday through Friday, so be sure if you aren't getting these reminders definitely sign up for them. So Bianca, I'm super excited. How about you share with us really quick, why you picked today as your interview day and why that was important to you.

Bianca: Yeah, absolutely. So today is actually the seven year anniversary of the passing of my father. And you know, for the past six years, it's been something that of course has been a really sad day. And when I was invited on the show and I saw the date I just took that as a sign and put that today and moving forward it will be a day of celebration, as opposed to a sad day.

JoAnn: Oh, I love that. Obviously my condolences for your loss. But I love when you can turn any moment into a positive one and a celebration of life. That's amazing. So go back with us a little bit and share with us about your experience of watching your dad doing the nine to five and how you came about to starting your own online business.

Bianca: Yeah, absolutely. And I'd love to share a little bit of background of you know, where he came from and how he even got here, you know, to begin with, so, my dad grew up in rural Mexico and he was the oldest of seven children. And when he was four years old, he started working part time. So my dad was working on a pig farm and then he also was doing milk deliveries just to help support the family. And then when my dad was in the fifth grade, he actually had to leave school so that he could work full time so that my dad was 10 when he started full time work. And you know he had been doing that nine to five ever since except for my dad it was more so 4am until 6pm. So 12 plus hour shifts were something he was very much used to. And when he first came to America when he was 19 he was working three jobs. And then by the time that he started, you know, a family with my mother and we were all born. He was working one job, but it was seven days a week. So his work ethic has always been very strong. He's always had that mentality of needing to work to really support the family. That was his love language, that was the way that he communicated how much he cared. And that work ethic really passed on to me in so many different ways and I don't do manual labor like my dad did. But you know, just always being ready to rock and roll. Get things done. And push myself you know no matter what.

JoAnn: oh I love that. And those are qualities all of us need in our business, especially when starting out. So fast forward a little bit to what led you here and actually taking the leap of faith and starting something online.

Bianca: Yeah, absolutely. So there really was, I think, just a slew of things that had happened in my life and my family's life that kind of led me to this point. And it really started with when I was doing the nine to five and I unfortunately was not treated very well by my employer. This wasn't just me, it was the entire employee body. And it took me to be pregnant with my twins to really understand that. I had a high risk pregnancy and I was denied accommodations to work from home two to three days a week. So that I have less stress in my body and less stress for the babies. And then you know a lot of things happen. I watched my kids, you know, fight for their lives in the NICU for two and a half months, got back to work and just thought there's so much more to life than this. I need to be home with my kids. And then it was just a chain of events that kind of led them to me telling my husband one day said we need to we need to change this because I had the golden handcuffs at work, which means it's an HR term where they give you you know, a salary more inflated than technically the value of the role. So it makes it a lot harder for you to go somewhere else. And that happened to me and I couldn't stand feeling like I was a prisoner. And so um, we decided to sell our house and use the equity. We moved to Ireland. My husband is Irish and his family's there. They hadn't met our kids yet. And so we actually were planning to stay there permanently. We only stayed there for six months and my husband convinced us to move back to America. So we moved back this June and you know, it's like we went from having like a house and two cars and all middle class family to moving into a very small apartment and kind of like restarting our life and so it was just like taking these massive leaps of faith things that would probably scare other people and we knew that I knew that my you know, my family was likely really scared for us and the decisions we were making. And you know, then I found this TikTok video in October this past October talking about passive income talking about earning money while you sleep and I was like okay, you know what I've taken so many like big leaps of faith at this point like what is one more and what is $7 And that's how it started. 

JoAnn: Wow, What a story. So now that you have shared I read in the quick questionnaire that it was really that nine to five. What is it that you really hate, disliked in what you saw from your dad and from your own experience that you're like, I can't go back to that. 

Bianca: Yeah, yeah, that's a great question. You know, with my mother, I think that if he was such a strong worker, but at the end of the day, he really saw his, you know, leadership as people that he always needed to respect because they were giving him money. So it wasn't like I'm earning this and I deserve this. They're giving it to me. And I think that that mentality did pass on to me to some extent and of course it took me to have kids to search and understand, but you know, there's something that's not right here. The thing that really was unsettling to me beyond them denying my accommodation, you know, for my pregnancy, was having to ask them permission to go to the doctor. But this isn't just me. This is anybody who's in a nine to five. When you have children or even if you don't have children, you still have to ask permission to live your life. And that guilt that looms over your head when you go on your vacation and you feel like oh, I just need to check my email and I gotta make sure to stay on top of everything. Because you know that when you go back to work, just mounds and mounds of emails and you know, tasks and things to get done. It's like that's just that's not a way to live. That's like having that anxiety, having that fear and that feels like all of those things. Like why should we feel that way? And so like when this opportunity presented itself to, to have passive income to be my own boss to no longer have to ask that permission to not feel guilty to take my children to therapy. It was like Why wouldn't I do this?

JoAnn: Wow. Okay, so then here's my next question. Yeah. I'm sure there's some fear involved. Some concern you're going in, you're going to jump in both feet. Did you overcome that? Like I'm not going to do the nine to five. I don't have a million dollars in the bank. But I need to do this. I need to go down this path and start this journey. How did you do it?

Bianca: You know, what I learned from my dad is about being really resourceful. And one of the biggest, like things that I ever took from his life was that when he came to America and he didn't know English, he didn't know where to go to learn it. But he figured it out. He actually learned from Sesame Street, one of the things that are right in front of your face that's so easy and accessible, and you don't think about it and it's like that creative resourcefulness I used that I like, how Can I channel this into my life? Um, so I, you know, talked with my husband and he is a stay at home dad. He is with the kids to allow me to do things like this. And I started doing contracting work, because to me, there was just so much more flexibility I was able to say when am I available? And, you know, each week I'd have a set schedule, I can, you know, change it around based on whatever my kids might need that week. So that really gave me a ton of flexibility to be able to do this and honestly like I would not be able to do this without my husband like that's for sure. You know, he's just an amazing person and he's my rock and he loves this idea. So he's, you know, loves seeing my success so far and it's great and it's nice to know that I still have, you know, extra income coming in. I kind of learned that from, you know, the 15 day business builder challenge. We talked about multiple streams of income and how important that is. So having, you know, the two contractor roles plus this has just been really helpful.

JoAnn: Yeah, so it really sounds like it's not you're asking yourself, How can I do this? Being resourceful is so key, not just in your art business that we're starting anything we do. It really comes down to Alright, how badly do I want this? How do I make it happen and really just putting your blinders on if I'm going to figure this out. What can I do to make this work? And having a supportive husband, okay, so you went through the challenge? Were there any big aha moments for you when you were going through it?

Bianca: You know, a lot. I think that one of the things that really stuck out the most was about the mindset piece. That was just, you know, something I feel like Dave really just like hammered home and, you know, when it was talked about with Rich Dad, Poor Dad, and you know, recommended to read that I did. And there was just so much reflection that I did after reading that book and of course, after just taking the challenge in general, and I did think to myself, like, do I have a rich dad? Do I have a poor dad way like Robert  And I thought about it, it's like, well, technically, I mean, literally, my dad was really poor and like, you know, obviously like, built a really great life. Um, but like he never put me in a box to say Bianca you need to go to college and you need to do this like this is the only way to do it. It was like anything that I did was amazing to him, right? And he always just encouraged me to go out and do whatever I wanted to do to chase my dreams. He actually wanted me to be a singer, but he was a big dreamer, and I loved that about him and that I think just being able to really relate back to my personal life with taking the 15 Day Challenge just meant so much to me, because I just connected with it really, really well. And my mind was shifting and it was opening to the possibilities of leaving that kind of, you know, societal norm of going to your educational institution, getting your degree potentially even going further and doing graduate studies. You know, I got two master's degrees and I was very much aligned with the norm. And I still do not feel self fulfilled after all of that. And it's like we really, I think, embrace that, that for your educational institution track. And it's okay for us to put ourselves in student debt. And to have that, again, just, you know, looming over our heads for a good chunk of our lives thereafter, and thinking man, I've been successful, but then we're presented with this idea of, you can start to change your life in a minimum of 15 days, and just completely, you know, actually get a great income based on how much effort you put into your business and we get scared. Why is that? And if those were the big things that were kind of like running through my head as I was taking the course.

JoAnn: So for you, what was your why is that why do i Why do I have fear? Why do we as a society have fear? What do you think that was for you?

Bianca: A lot of it has to do with external factors. At least you know, for me it was the fear of judgment of what people would say to me because I've always cared about what other people think. And I'm the kind of person that you know, I would never want to hurt my family. I would never want them to feel disappointed in me. You know, all of those things, and I think a lot of people can relate to that. And that's really where the fear stemmed. And it was also the fear of failure of you know, doing something like this and failing but, you know, taking that same you know, frame of mind, you could go through four years of college and technically fail. By not pursuing a career that was aligned with your major. Alright, so you just have to put it into perspective.

JoAnn: Right? Okay, so we finished the challenge. We're learning everything. You've got a little fear, but you're all in, you're gonna figure this out. Yes, and I know people are asking about it in the comments. How did you overcome that fear to take action to poster first tick tock to really go all in with it and show up for your business?

Bianca: I mean, I mean, this is again, where you know, my, my father's story just, it pushed me. It pushed me to just keep going because this was a man who dedicated his life to supporting his family. And you know, my father died in a very tragic work accident. And so that is really been the biggest driving factor for me. is knowing that, what he was subjected to and what happened to him in the end, and I just thought to myself, only live once and if I continue to let fear drive me and be the author to my book of life, then when do I get to live? And so it was just a lot like talking with my husband and saying, like, here are my thoughts. I need you to hear my thoughts out loud. Like do you think that we can do this because I think that I can do this if you believe in me I believe in me like that kind of thing. And I just thought today's the day to take the plunge now I did. I purchased the business blueprints and that there was just so much more resources and education for me to access which I loved and I love that you can actually learn and you know, build the plane as you fly at the same time you can rock and roll and that was just so great for me to really start to put things into action. And you know, I did like drafts, you know, with my Tik Toks. And I thought okay, like today's the date that you're gonna put this Tik Tok out. And finally, I just really thought about everything. And I'm like, You know what, my dad did so much more and he sacrificed so much for us. Like I can do this Tik Tok and so I posted it and once I posted it, I posted three more that night because I was just so determined to like really just drive it home and put myself out there and it changed everything. It's like once you really take that even that first baby step, everything else follows suit.

JoAnn: Right and the world didn't end, the trolls did show actually. But let's go back to something that you said at the start of that, fear as the author of our book of life. Yes. That's, that's big. I mean, I think so many of us, that is who is the author of our life that's deciding things for us that is deciding our next step. And I said okay, that that the motion to control us,

Bianca: right, right. And sometimes we just don't even realize it because we think our comfort is a you know safe place but sometimes our comfort is in fear. And that's really I think what was happening to me before I left my nine to five you know, I thought I have a good paying job. We have strong benefits. The kids can access great doctors and all those things. It was like, but really I was making excuses. And I was driven by fear. I felt that I was a prisoner of my job. And it just had to do something to shatter it and to just start over. 

JoAnn: Wow, wow.Holy schmoly I mean, that's, I think that you nailed on the head exactly what majority of people are nervous about and really control whether or not they are willing to take action to really go all in with us. So to that person that's watching right now, and it's like she's describing where I'm at right now. How do I do this? How do I go all in with this? What's your piece of advice for that?

Bianca: My biggest piece of advice is definitely always self reflecting. Ask yourself Why am I still in my nine to five and then oh because I have you know job security. Why do you have job security and sometimes when you scale it down that much you start to realize that it's not really a reason. There's something else there and I think just self reflection is so important. Talking it, talking to someone, finding a confidant. Sometimes it's not our family when it comes to something this big, you know, taking a plunge and that's unfortunate to say but sometimes it's not. So finding that one person that you can trust. I mean, we do also have, you know, the marketer Facebook group. I think that's an awesome resource for people to ask a question like that and hear a lot of people also tell their story. It's so important. But being able to find that community of like minded individuals so that you don't feel like you're alone. And then just kind of going from there and sometimes we're not ready right away. But if you start doing the work by asking yourself the question, and by reflecting that is a step in the right direction.

JoAnn: Awesome, awesome. All right. So you are showing up on TikTok? Right and you're a little bit just starting out on Instagram but your main traffic source is TikTok, how's it going? How's that experience going for you?

Bianca: You know, it's going as well as it can right now. I haven't gone viral or anything at that point, but I'm okay with that. Because to me, I'm learning every single time that I post a TikTok I do still self-reflect . I do practice what I preach. And I try to understand you know more about things like the videos that have gone viral studying them and being able to, you know, do my own version of it. Seeing what you know, followers are most receptive to I think is really important. And just continuing to put out content. Now I do have, you know, two and a half year old twin boys. And it does get a little bit hard sometimes definitely. One of my sons, you know, was just diagnosed with autism and they both are in therapy. They were born very early in life. And so you know, juggling all of that does get really hard but time management has been so important for me to find that block of time that I can dedicate each day worth. I have a larger window over weekends, you know, saving videos of my draft and then posting them as I can throughout the week. So it's just I found time and time again, look, that consistency is just so important to not to let the numbers get you down. Because overall you're getting yourself out there and you're working on getting that organic traffic.

JoAnn: Right. Wow, that was huge. And that's really what it's all about being consistent. Yeah, time management. When you have the time and the drive or that creative spirit. Do a whole bunch of different videos. Put them in your drafts, So who is your avatar? Who what's the audience you're trying to reach?

Bianca: Um, I resonate most with individuals who do have children and you know, are looking for that way to possibly escape the nine to five so that they can have the flexibility to be home with our kiddos or even just be more present in their lives and they can right now. I definitely find that to be so important just of course with everything that has happened in my life. But I'm also opening or excuse me, I'm also open to helping you know other individuals because for me, you know, I've been an HR for 10 years and so helping everyone has always been my thing. But of course I resonate most with the individuals who do have little ones at home and are looking to have that flexibility.

JoAnn: Right. I love it perfectly. Do you put them on your videos or keep them off the screen?

Bianca: I put my son in one video and it did actually work out really well. Sometimes it's hard since he keeps reaching for the camera and I'm like, Oh, no. I mean, they've been in the room a lot when I make TikToks and for those ones of course I just mute the original sound and just kind of like you know, I'm pointing at Scotts nobody knows that my kids are screaming and jumping on the bed. Well it's been so it works.

JoAnn: have a video camera on them showing this being an entrepreneur running your business making content wins in the background, right keeping it authentic and real to the story. It's also an example of because back to what we talked about at the start, there's always a way you just figure it out. This is my roadblock. This is my roadblock. I can't do this. I don't have enough time. I have toddlers. I have this. I have that and this is my life and we're gonna roll and make it the best. It worked the best way possible. So for anyone feeling like they just don't have time. That's kind of common. I don't. I don't have time. I don't know how to make this work. I know you're dealing with a lot of juggling. So how do you practice time management?

Bianca: Yeah, it's a good question. You know, I think that with my sons and especially my you know, my son who was recently diagnosed with autism, I mean he's had it all his life we've noticed that. So the reason I bring that up is because sometimes he has good hours and bad hours and sometimes he has good days and bad days and that does dictate what happens in our schedule that day. So, you know, for me, it's always like you have to be able to roll with the punches and just say these are the things that I know I have to get done today. Absolutely. And then you just find ways to fit them in. I mean, last night is a really good example. My son was having so many meltdowns. Throughout the day. And of course, I was also doing my contracted work. And we went for a car ride late at night and I knew I still had to post them so I know as soon as they went to bed, I went and I did my Tik Toks because I'm like, I have to get these done. It's important for my business and I just have to keep my eye on the prize and you just always have to ask yourself, Why am I doing this? And I think that's always just a huge motivator and I remember on wakeup legendary just like a few episodes back somebody was talking about motivation plus discipline, that that's really what makes success and I completely just resonated with that. And I think that's just important to reiterate to people out there that if you want this bad enough, you can be motivated and you can discipline yourself to really drive this home. Right.

JoAnn: so I am going to put up right now where everyone can find you on TikTok @theresyncedmama, Give her some love, give her a follow, start watching her videos and it was so awesome to have you on today aka any last words shared with our audience, who are also just starting out where you are. You're newer to this. So any last piece of advice before we go for anyone starting out?

Bianca: Yeah, definitely. There's no time like the present really just put the excuses aside and maybe today is your day. Don't let anyone get in your way. Don't let fear drive your life. Please, please don't because you only live once. And so break down those barriers no matter what and you will find the opportunity.

JoAnn: Wow. Amazing and perfect and I can't wait to have you back on for another visit when you even further post on how things are going. I'll definitely be watching as well. I'm so excited for you and thank you so much for coming on the show today.

Bianca: Absolutely. Thank you JoAnn.

JoAnn: All right, everyone, definitely go follow Bianca. It is on Tik Tok. You will not be disappointed. I love her energy.  So everyone have a great day we will be back on live tomorrow and see you then take care, bye.

Overcoming Fear To Start Your Online Business

Below is the transcription of this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends this is Dave Sharpe and welcome to Wake Up Legendary. Today we're going to be talking to Kelly, who is going to touch forests of course overcoming fear to start your online business. This is obviously a topic that you know relates to all of us whether we want to admit it or not. I want to remind everyone if you're brand new to the show, you know you're wondering what we are doing? What's this all about? What is this live wake up legendary? What do these people think they are? Every single day. We have folks that come out who have purchased our education through our courses, and they share their experience with it. unfiltered, totally transparently, there's no setting them up in telling them what questions we're gonna ask him or anything like that. They could come on and totally trash us if they want to. We deal with it at the moment. It's sort of like playing sports. You can't predict the game. You just go out and play. And that's how I like to do business, kind of like a sport. Just go play. You know, you can't control all of the scenarios all the time. And so and so, what I'd like to ask you, as you're listening, logging on, first and foremost, have you gone through our education? Have you taken our 15 Day Challenge? Have you enrolled in our business blueprints because if you haven't, might want to be something you consider doing because all of these folks have done at least one or both of those programs. The second thing is can you find another guru company person you know who is actually interviewing their clients on a daily basis, right, because that's the thing that, as far as I know, doesn't happen anywhere else. So put your seatbelt on. Get ready for a great week of interviews. A great week of shows plug in every day at 10am Eastern time. You can text WUL to (813)-296-8553 And you get a simple little text message reminder that looks like this “stay at home mom waited three months to finally post her foot in the door” right so it's just a look in a link right there. And you can hop right on no spam, no BS. We're not gonna shove our products that are training down your throat because you know what if you don't want it, you don't want it. If you want to buy it and then dig into it three months later, that's fine. We're not going to come chase you. And that's one of the services that we don't provide is daily door knock service to where we're going to come in, you know, pay, you know, make sure that you've gotten up to your computer and you know, let's let's open up that challenge you know, we're not going to do that. We're not going to do any sort of coddling chasing, but you know what? We'd like to have you everyday here's why, not because you're going to pump up our ego or quite frankly, even our bank accounts it doesn't matter whether you buy or not. But you will after you hear these conversations just like I do after some time, I'm a completely different person you will be too and that's why I come on these shows every day because I want to be listening and learning. Because that's how I stay sharp and no pun intended. But if you want to grow, make this a part of your daily routine. That's what I'm saying. With that being said Kelly, welcome to the show.

Kelly: Thanks. Thanks for having me. Great to be here.

Dave: You're very very welcome. Where are you calling from?

Kelly: Veazie Maine Yeah we’re about mid-state

Dave: Okay, cool. Cool. So Maine Wow, what how in the heck did you get started online and eventually find legendary

Kelly: I don't remember exactly what brought me to TikTok but I had heard that it was a fun, fun app to check out for various reasons. And I guess when things were a little slow during shutdown and whatnot, so I thought, well, let's check it out. And a lot of individuals had been talking about this 15 day business builder challenge and you know how inexpensive it was to check it out? And hearing about it so much it worked because I was like, very intrigued. I took it. I took the bait but it's the best thing I've ever done. Yeah, I'd, like I said, started seeing them. Got the challenge started in June. I really tried to perfect everything before posting my first Tik Tok and that was a waste of three months. I regret that. But there is nothing you can do about that now. I just don't recommend you sit on it and wait for things to be perfect because you can still learn what you're learning and the community is fantastic. They just are so willing to help with any questions. It's great.

Dave: Yeah, well, three months is a very short period of time anyways, I know it feels like a lot or it might sound like a lot in your first six months. But you look back a couple of years. That three month period will be the speck.

Kelly: Right. Exactly.

Dave: Okay, so you got started. What about going through the 15 day challenge because you said that was life changing? What about that started to turn on some of these aha moments? For you? And what were they?

Kelly: It just was so thorough, you know, you're thinking you know, how thorough can this be? It's, you know, they're just going to touch on maybe a little they're going to scratch the surface, but I was just amazed every day. It was so thorough, and yet not encompassing your whole day. You were able to get, you know, do that hour, hour and a half lesson and it just the excitement grew each day for me, like my advisor I was like, can you just unlock the rest of the days I just I've wanted to do it. I want to finish. I'm super excited. It was awesome.

Dave: Nice, nice. Who was your advisor? Do you remember?

Kelly: Bonnie King Yeah, she's awesome. She's a powerhouse.

Dave: So we titled this overcoming fear to start your online business. You know what it looks like you've done a few things in the past. Maybe a little network marketing. We tried some Amazon HBA and drop shipping. But both are a waste of time and money. So I mean, what it seems like you're somewhat maybe not fearless, but you're not afraid to try things. What fears came up with you for this?

Kelly: Probably fear of failure. Like this would just be another thing that I tried that didn't work out.

Dave: The things that you've done in the past failures.

Kelly: Well, they weren't successful, I guess in my mind because they didn't really I wasn't able to produce an income, per se for them. They were either programs that just didn't have the support tied in or there was just really no return on investment. So yeah, I guess I could kind of look at those as failures on my part.

Dave: So you were afraid of you know, this just being another thing. That you are going to have to throw over in that failure category and it's just going to be more time wasted.

Kelly: Yeah, yeah. But that changed almost instantly. You know, I just felt so different than anything. I tried. You know, in the past, it felt super genuine. It just felt different from the start, and I was super skeptical. I have to be honest, you know, just I guess being burnt. So it's prior to that the things that you said in your head like about your like, now we'll actually was super impressed. I mean, the obstacles you've overcome, and it was, it was really cool to see.

Dave: What are the red flags you were looking for? I mean, being skeptical. What were some of the things that you were looking for and I'm you know, I'm only asking because, well, I mean, it's just a question that you might not normally hear asked like, what were some of the red flags that you were looking for? What were some of the things that you were skeptical about?

Kelly: Yeah, the well being like the car salesman. You know, Spiel or something once you got it and that everything that looked great on the outside maybe wasn't that way on the inside, per se. Like it would feel authentic. But that never happened. It just it really enforced my feeling of this is the right thing, you know, each day,

Dave: So maybe that you were just going to go to a party that really sucks and you're not going to be able to get out or something like that. I get it. I mean, well, that's great. And that ended up not being the case, right? You had the opposite experience and that's fantastic. Kudos. You know, I don't know it's almost in this industry right these days with all these you know, social media, bros and everything and all the Lambos and the bullshit I guess that's out there. I mean, in a sense, you know, we shouldn't be congratulating and patting ourselves on the back for doing what we're supposed to do, but it almost ends up happening like that nowadays, because, you know, there's so many people out there who are just either unqualified aren't ready. Right? I think it's less that people are bad people in genuinely trying to take people I think, I think certainly some people are just, I guess, genuinely bad people and maybe it's easy to take people you don't have to look them in the eye or whatever. But I also think a lot of people are just really under qualified and have no idea what they're doing. You know, I mean, coaching people in creating this sort of a community with environment, it takes skill and experience to know how to facilitate this. And I think one of the reasons may be just me. I'm biased of course, but I think that people are growing here and succeeding is because there's an environment here where they can, you know, really learn and expand in their own way and feel comfortable and safe to do it. And you know, not like network marketing for me I remember you said you'd been with Herbalife at one time. For me it was a lot about flash and trash, you know, like selling the dream and living the night. here's an example going to an event in being shamed because you sat in coach and first class Aaron, I mean, producer, you know, like, you need to live a certain way and like, be someone different than you are and I think that you know, that just doesn't exist as much here in this space. At least not in our community, that sort of stuff is really frowned upon. So I think people have more space to grow. Do you feel that way? Like you're like, there's room for you. There's people who are like you here. It's quite a diversified group. What other things have stood out to you about the community and maybe others not about me? Of course, this is not about me, that has been beneficial to you.

Kelly: Yeah, I was just gonna say the diversity of I mean, you have all ages. It's just that it's not an obstacle. You know, your age. If you're young or old. Doesn't matter. You can still succeed. And that's something I saw right off the bat too.

Dave: Yeah, there's right. I mean, we were on the wakeup show every day. So exactly. Go and follow these people. And see that they don't disappear off the face of the earth tomorrow. We didn't just hire they're not, you know, this isn't TMZ we didn't hire you know, actors to come on and do the show. And then you go and you follow their TikTok and then all of a sudden note there's no activity ever again. When you can follow each person's journey and see what they're doing and see how they're building their business. And to me, it really is unique, it really is a unique advantage, I guess, if you will, because, you know, we learn from each other we learn both from being told, being taught in a classroom or whatever. You know, I mean, that's typically how humans have learned up until this point. But we also learn when we go out on the playground and we see the person doing the thing, throwing the ball, climbing the monkey bars, and that's where I think kids learn quicker. And I think the same is with adults. And so now you're here on this app field to be somebody who was, you know, not able to get it off the ground, but then you did and now you're having success and you're here on the show.

Kelly: Yeah, it's just kind of surreal for sure. This was definitely a goal of mine. I looked up to anybody that had been on before you know, thinking that's going to be me one of these days. I'm gonna make it on there and I just had a high regard for, you know, the company and seeing the results of everyone else. It's great to be a part of that. Yeah.

Dave: So what are some of the things that have been really helpful for you like when you learned that started focusing on doing this thing? things really started to change for you? What would you say That thing was or those two things?

Kelly: Yeah, I'm sure. I can say when I started treating this opportunity, like the business it is, then it all changed for sure. I was committed every day to have my same routine. I was literally treating it like a business because it is and before when I maybe was a little unsure myself. Maybe not setting up that routine just yet. It definitely was not as productive or, you know, monetarily even. You know, you just really have to treat it like a business because it is and once you do, you're gonna see results.

Dave: I had this visual, right as you were saying that in what I thought about was the way you walk into a room, you know, do you know how you walk into a room when you own the place versus the way you walk into a room when you don't? And it's your first time. They're so much different, right? And I feel like if you're not walking into your business every day like you own the place, but you're walking into your business every day, like it's something that somebody else owns, and it's like your first time there or whatever, you know how you enter that room so differently. Yeah, like I just think that you got to walk into your business and approach your business every day like you own the place. And that's just a different feeling in a different mindset. And all of that. Am I supposed to be here. Am I supposed to post this? Am I supposed to say this? It's like Hell yeah, I'm supposed to I own this place. Right? Exactly. extends to you. I'm just trying to think of an analogy that people can relate to that simple enough. You know what I mean? That you really get it? It's like yeah, I know that difference from when I walk into a room and I own the place this lounge walk in with swag and with my robe hanging half off and plop down on the couch. I don't care what anybody is thinking or saying or a fart right in the living room. You know what I mean? Just, it's just how you treat the place when you own it versus when.

Kelly: Exactly It has a whole new meaning at that point. I would also say that consistency, you know, shows up every day. Don't, you know, always show up for sure. And mindset is a huge one as well. Just believing in yourself, and there's going to be hiccups and that can be scary to think about, you know, what if this happens, or what if I, you know, stumble and you just gotta pick yourself right back up, and you're going to learn from that. You're gonna make your business better and you'll be better as a person because of it. So it's not all a loss, you know, it's those hiccups are learning opportunities. So, yeah.

Dave: And Aren't they all right? I mean, are all hiccups learning opportunities. I mean, you know, I actually heard something that the day that I thought was really true, which is you don't really learn a single thing from your successes, you learn everything from your failures, and I just thought, Man, how about that? You know, I mean, how about that? I mean, I wouldn't. I wouldn't say you don't learn anything from your successes. you learn so much more from your failures. Do you agree with that? 

Kelly: Oh, completely. Yeah, because you don't ever want to make that mistake again. Yeah, you're using all your resources to try to find an answer for that. And that's liberating as well. Like realizing, Oh, wait, I learned these these skills, these incredible skills to get myself out of, you know, a hiccup. And if I can't, then there's a huge community of individuals that are more than willing to to help.

David: And Athena wants to get catastrophic here. She says, “I would like to know what was the worst thing that has happened on her journey and what did she do to overcome it?”


Kelly: It was losing my TikTok account Well, it was the fact that I didn't I didn't lose it but got locked out and I tried many different ways. One that I hadn't tried yet. resetting my Apple ID or logging. In that way. And for some reason, that worked

Dave: So you got it back up then?

Kelly: Yeah, well, I didn't, I didn't lose my account. I'm not sure how I was unable to post but I was still seeing myself on Tik Tok. So I knew I wasn't banned. I just have some little arrows here. But that was probably the worst because I'm thinking I'm losing all this time. These individuals that are you know, maybe trying to ask questions, and I have no I can't get to them. So I've learned not to put all my eggs in one basket. That was that learning lesson

Dave: reading means never rely on just one source of traffic. Amy wants to know, did she get the blueprints?

Kelly: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. I was and I would recommend it. To anyone. It just built these skills on what I had already learned in the challenge. It just made it more clear and I found it to be worth its weight in gold for sure. I know not everybody buys it. But I did choose to Yeah, and I don't regret it for a second.

Dave: And there's a reason why everyone should not buy it. They're there if you're not if you don't want to take this thing to a more serious level. Then why buy it why get in it doesn't make sense. It's only something you should do if you want to commit to this and do this on a more serious ongoing level from a browser surfing kind of surf the web, kind of poking the bear a little bit or tiptoeing around dipping your toe in the pool. I mean, look, you know, your investment, any one person's investment is not going to change the quality of my lifestyle. So it's not like I'm sitting here telling you not to buy and that somehow hurting me or us I mean, the truth of the matter is any person who says their product is right for everyone. It is wrong, it's lying, or is uninformed. What we have is not for everyone. If you want to build a business online, using your phone, using your laptop, selling other people's products and then eventually potentially packaging your own information products and slowing them down in the form of courses, coaching or events, our information and our programs are right for you and our communities. will support you in a way that quite frankly the community is just a free bonus but there's a lot of value just in that that could be charged for and or turned into some sort of a subscription monthly thing mastermind but it's not it's just a support system. It's a leg of a bar stool that helps you to be able when you finally sit down in the captain's chair, you've got a firm you've got a solid foundation. It's Star, it's the right information from the right people in the right environment. You know you have to be getting the right information from the right people in the right environment. And this business model has been the best business model for a newbie, an average person or somebody who wants to just if even if I needed money quickly and wanted to build up a 10,20, $30,000 a month income affiliate marketing would be how I would do it. Not anything else. Not anything locally, not anything else online. And so there's definitely the power of the business model in the systems themselves. They work, they're proven. It's it's, you know, it really has to be a decision within you, the person who's you know, entering your credit card into the checkout page today because you're going to make a powerful decision if that's you, right. You got to say hey, look, I don't have to break my back. This is not me taking on a 40 hour a week job. But I need to put some time and energy into this and I need to stay consistent with this. See through. If I do that. The wild thing here is that you will likely succeed. The reason why you're likely to succeed is because the majority of people who start this quit. So it's almost a survival of the fittest. Who can not quit the longest? You know what I mean? Does that make sense to you?

Kelly: Yeah. Yeah, for sure.

Dave: Yeah. A lot of people's biggest fear is that they're going to, you know, somehow be played out of the game or compete or buried or so you know what I mean? Like, we feel like we're getting into the ring with a giant who's going to knock us out in the first round, and it's going to be it's almost like and I saw somebody who said, Oh, I haven't posted yet or that I've gone through training I've posted yet I haven't started marketing. Well, it's because you're looking at your first post or your first action, as if you're going to get into a boxing ring with Mike Tyson. And there's going to be four tornadoes going off inside of the boxing ring that you're going to have to hit as you hit the post, ducking right hooks and dealing with looks I promise you as soon as you post you can look around and it should be different in your life at your house. It's true. Nothing's actually gonna happen. All the drama is happening right up here. What happened for you to overcome that fear of your first initial marketing pieces and posts and what happened after you did them? Did your computer explode? Did what you fear happen?

Kelly: I had imposter syndrome and I still work on that. Especially in the very beginning, wondering what I have to offer people when I don't even have all the answers. But I've since learned that we definitely do have a lot to offer. We're you know we're selling ourselves short if we think that we don't have anything to offer. So working on my imposter syndrome has helped immensely. Just not being you know, not putting that pressure on yourself.

Dave: Yeah, yeah, I think that that's probably one of the most common thoughts that people have when they first get started is you know who's gonna listen to me when when there's you know, all these other people out here who have a similar and you know what, you can go into any business, any industry and think that and fail that is a guaranteed way. And you know what that story would fit in any industry if I went to a trade show and I was selling, I don't know boats? Okay, let's say I went to a boat show. And what am I going to do? Stand at the door and say, to each of the sales guys who walked through the door, how many years do you have too much experience? Oh, 20 years? 30 years? 10 years? years. Okay. And it's my first month. No such May. Maybe we can sit out all the boats today. I mean, that it's almost it's like, if we think about the idea of saying that in any other business or situation it'd be crazy but that is one of the most common things we said ourselves online is yours all these other and I think it's because the internet feels like such a small place Kelly because it's just right here on your phone. But you don't realize that the internet is the size of a boat show in a convention center times a billion. It's a massive asset. So the opportunity that's there where do you see yourself going over the next year? What is your goal? What would you like to accomplish? What’s your vision for 2022.

Kelly: Yeah, I am just going to continue on tick tock. Get more of a presence on Instagram and Pinterest. I have done too much with both of those platforms just yet. But I plan to have a YouTube channel and just try to improve my business every day to make it better than it was the day before. And that could be just through education or just taking action in some way shape or form. And it's just that each day gives me so much more self confidence like yeah, I've got this I am doing and it's just you can't help but feel like you get in somewhere you know. And I plan to obviously grow my business monetarily.

Dave: nice. Nice me to Kelly to you got a fantastic attitude and I love what you're doing and what your your story and just everything it's it's and I think there's a lot of people out there who you know you can reach people who may be you know, I don't know who you're who did you decided you had said that in your questionnaire who did you decide that was your kind of target customer.

Kelly: yeah, definitely stay at home moms because I have so much I mean, that's I resonate completely with them. That's what I've been for 20 years. So yeah, if I can help them, you know, maybe see things a little differently and have, like, have it all you can, you can take care of your kids at home. You don't have to go outside the house to work. But you could also make money, you know in your spare time. You know, around their schedule. Then I wish I had come across this so many years ago.

Dave: Well, well. How old are you? Do you have children that you're currently homeschooling?

Kelly: Thank God I don't have to homeschool. I have a senior in high school and my oldest is 20. So I'm on the last leg of stay at home mom.

Dave: But I’m thinking you're younger than you are. Well, good for you. I have a feeling by the time all my kids are, you know, in their 18,19, 20 I'm going to look like I'm 90 now I already look like I'm 70 seriously the Grays the wrinkles are out here.

Kelly: They're here they're definitely here with me 

Dave: I mean in 10 years my kids are gonna be 15 like my five year old and my one year old will be 11 so wow they grow fast. So Atomy there in terms of when your last ones came. So you got all that work done a little bit earlier. I'm going to be an old man. I already feel old And then they'll probably have kids and I'll be thrown right back into the ring. Isn't that how it works? Why is it like why am I realizing today that life's not fair.

Kelly: I know it's totally different. 

Dave: When do we stop taking care of kids?

Kelly: Well, you can at least send them off with their parents when you have your time. It's not a 24/7 thing.

Dave: Exactly. Yeah. Well, if you want to know more about Kelly and her kids and her age and all of these other go follow her on Tik Tok @solutions4youtoo and Kelly, Come back and see us, keep us posted on your journey and keep up the good work. All right.

Kelly: Thank you. So much for having me. Alright, see ya. Bye.

Dave: All right, my friends. Have a fantastic Monday. Please go and follow Kelly as I said on TikTok and Instagram to lift her up. Comment on her stuff like her stuff. You know, show her support and put that positive supportive energy out into our community in the marketplace. And watch it come back tenfold, stay legendary, my friends. We'll see you back here for another episode. Tomorrow. As usual 10am Eastern Time

How Providing Value With Facebook Groups Can Lead To Big Wins


Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends? This is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary, this morning we have a fantastic guest somebody who is wearing matching gear with me. Let me welcome Michelle. 

Michelle: Hey guys.

Dave:Calling in from Canada?

Michelle: Absolutely pretty cold here minus point two. 

Dave: Wow. Yeah. I'm so sorry to hear that. I mean, I was just in Denver last week and I mean it was bone chilling cold. It was about 25.

Michelle: I'm an outdoor education teacher, so I'm outside all the time. Rain, snow. There's no bad weather, only inappropriate clothing. 

Dave: Wow. I'm sure that's a regularly used line. For me. Yeah. Background obviously you just let us know you're a teacher. How did you get into this whole online world? How did you find Legendary?

Michelle:  It was probably like October of last year. And I was sitting on my couch scrolling through Instagram. And I saw Stacy La’s videos and I was like, she's Canadian. She's average normal, you know, like me, and I was I started watching all her stuff. And like I tell everybody when I go live on TikTok, how the algorithm just throws you more as soon as you like to watch whatever, you just get more stuff. So more of her stuff just kept coming through my stream and wasn't even on TikTok at that point. Oh, and I knew I was interested and I just started watching your videos. And I talked to my husband about it. I was like, so I have this really cool idea. And he is laughing at me. He's like, really? Are you sure? And I said Honey, there's so much money to be made online. You just need to get the right education and get started on it. And I'm willing to give it a try. And he's like, can I quit my job if you do really well? And I said, Yeah, because I love my job. I'm not quitting. I mean, I have the best job in the world and outdoor ed teacher and do that. So you know, like, I love what I do. But I have extra time in my day. So in July I did the 15 day business builder challenge, and I was hooked. I was like, Oh dude, this is my jam. And I bought the complete package that completes blueprints on day five and I was like, oh, like everything is useful. I just, you know, like you have to start small. You have to start with one thing and that's why affiliate marketing is such a great thing for people to get started if they don't know much about the online world. And the education is excellent. And I was like the complete package is good. Because I know I'll be using it later. Like this is my start. But this is my start. I'm going further like I'm not done until I'm done with debt. So I just, you know, went through the 15 Day Challenge and started posting on tech. I've never had a tech restarted and I think I'm doing okay, like 126,000 followers or something like that. And yeah, I've just, I've met some amazing people. Barb McGowan who you have had on a few times. She's a real good buddy of mine. And if I was going to tell anybody anything about thinking about getting started, I would just say like, the community is so good. It's so supportive. You just, you know, like you have the opportunity to join lives on TikTok all the time. You know, we see an affiliate marketer you're interested in you hop in a live class and they're so supportive and they tell you stuff and they share their secrets and there's not too many industries like that, Dave, I don't think.

Dave: Well, people can find you at @broadmindedmoneymaker on TikTok 

Michelle: That’s my maiden name. I always have a story to tell when I go live.

Dave: I love how you can find the silver lining in anything. That's what a great marketer does is they find the perspective the frame you got to find the angle and both to persuade others but also to persuade yourself. If I can't persuade myself to do something to get started to follow through, then help if I can convince myself I'm worthy to buy something for, you know, how do I expect to convince others that they are worth it or that I am worth it? I mean, ultimately, I might. I'm the person that I need to persuade more than anything so Oh, I love your way that you see things. Your perspective, it's obvious you know, that when you have the attitude, what I like to try to do when I'm talking with people every day, I'm talking to clients and affiliates and I'm, I'm, you know, really getting to see an inside view more than anybody. There's probably not as many you know, nobody shows up to this show more consistently than me. You know what I mean? And so I see a lot of it and I'm always looking for what is

you know, what is the consistent things that I see in successful people and one of them is what you just did, which was be able to find the silver lining in everything, be able to see the situation as glass half full, because what you're doing there is you're essentially persuading yourself in that moment, you know, because you could certainly say well, the glasses half empty, you know, and you could persuade yourself of that begin to go into telling yourself the story of why it's half empty. And when I talk to successful people, this is what really has shown me that you don't need any previous experience to be a successful person. You have it in you and you can develop it. It's not predetermined or predestined, you know. And this, this business shows me that every day and so, hopefully, you all heard that and understand what we're talking about right now, which is the ability to be able to see things through a certain angle, or finding the silver lining, which gives you the ability to be able to, I think see that the teachable moment in everything. Look at everything as an opportunity instead of as a hindrance and how has that how have you adjusted or was there an adjustment there from going from employee and you still are you say you love your job working with kids. And doing, you know, physical education? Was there a transition of going to entrepreneur to where ultimately you were the one in charge? I mean, you're not even handed a schedule, at least with your job. You've got a schedule I would think we're not aware of. Were you to tell your husband I have your support, but now it's ultimately up to you to follow through. What has that been like for you? 

Michelle: Well, it's not really my first venture and entrepreneurship, but it's more like it's my first online. My husband and I had a restaurant for eight years and we have like a 300 seat Italian restaurant. He ran it. I supported any way I could. I waited, I painted and I designed the menu. So I'm totally familiar with working on the front end and you're the one that reaps the benefits but also that you set the hours. You know, my husband's a plumber, and he works a lot of hours and I always felt like there was something that I needed that I wanted to do. Like I knew I had a set of marketable skills, but I didn't know what it was and like the training that I got through Legendary kind of opened my eyes to that because the teaching skills that I have are marketable. And being able to find some time in my schedule to put, you know, two hours a day into getting those skills either working on affiliate marketing or you know I have a Facebook group where I'm nurturing my leads and warming them up and moving them towards conversions. But also in teaching. I teach English as well and that's really a favorite of a lot of kids. And I always say it's my number one lesson because I also coach. I coach athletics, cross country running track and field badminton and soccer. And he says, You know, I've missed X number of shots. I've been chosen to win the game and lost X number of times. And he just goes on and he lists failure, failure, failure, failure failure. He's like, but I succeeded because I failed. You don't learn anything from being successful. Success teaches us nothing except what is awesome and then you fall flat on your face and then you have to learn how to pick yourself up again. And failure teaches us more about ourselves and teaches us more about how to find the right path and how to be successful in anything else. And so, in, you know, the adventures that I've had with my husband when we have the restaurant and trying different things in my approach to teaching and how I deal with kids and how I coach athletes, failures is the necessary part of success and if you are too afraid to fail and put yourself out there and try stuff, you're not successful because you're gonna be so afraid to do anything. 

Dave: You know, you're the second person that I've heard say that quote here in the last week that you don't learn anything from your successes. You only learn things from your failures. And it's really interesting. It's a very interesting quote. We, I think as human beings, are constantly wanting to turn the other cheek, look away, act like it didn't happen, all of our failures. Instead of hashing them out, looking at them, unpacking them, seeing what went wrong or seeing what I couldn't have done better see where I missed something or see where my blind spot is. To really dissect to really do an autopsy on my thinking, in a sense because it's a beautiful thing you know, you die one physical death one time in your life but you know a thought dies 6000 times a day it's no big deal. So for me to analyze my thinking in doing it without being embarrassed about it is as if my failure to make a decision that led to a failure is somehow surprising. I mean, again with a brain that kicks out $6,000 per day it's you know, you're going to have some some some shitty thoughts in there. I mean, you're just going to have some shitty fire. A lot of them are going to be old thoughts and thinking that was passed on in some way that it's not even yours. You know? So that's why having awareness about this stuff is important so I can begin to unpack in separate, what are my belief systems about me and about the world and what is moms or dads or whoever I grew up with, talking about limiting beliefs or this blah, blah blah. But, you know, I think you make a great point there. With that, and I love it, that you don't you don't learn anything from your successes, only your failures. So how do we embrace that more? I mean, how do we embrace failing more? I mean, I've I've gotten I can tell you, I do it now is for me, I'm a massive action taker for lack of better words, meaning that I don't think about anything any more of my career. Unless I'm brainstorming something specific nowadays, everything in my career that I do in my business, I just do it. I've already done the preparation work so I'm ready for things. This wake up show I get on and I talk just there is no preparation I just these conversations are wherever they go. But for me, the way that I overcome a lot of that analysis paralysis is in being afraid to take action because of all the scary things out there that could happen. You know, I'm just at a point now where I don't even think about it. I don't think about what I just get on and go. I don't know how to explain how I operate. But most people couldn't operate like me, but they're also it works for me and what I mean by that is I do very little prep time. I don't need a whole lot of getting ready to get ready. I've stripped down all the barriers in front of me creating content going live marketing, if I need to throw on a camera real quick, and that was that. I stopped worrying about what I was going to wear all the time a couple of years ago. I just started wearing the same thing on camera all the time. So therefore I didn't need a shower didn't need to have my hair combed right? Seriously. I took a look at my life. I said I've been doing this for 10 years, almost a couple years ago. What's our current day around in the morning trying to get worried about what shirt I'm gonna wear and worrying about if my hair is combed in the proper place. And so what I did was I just shaved my head and that was one of the ways that I got into massive action, eliminated barriers so I can go live every day and be mentally present. Because you know if you go live, you know it's what you say you know, you want to make it, there's no do overs is what I'm saying. 

Michelle: It's the cannonball moments. Yeah. So you know, like, I'm an outdoors person. I'm outside all the time. We spent a lot of time at camp. I hunted fish. And one of our favorite things to do in our camp is go to the swimming rock and jump off. And you know, like when I have two boys, my oldest is 19 My youngest is going to wow. And when we go to Camp one of the biggest milestones for them was being able to cannonball off the rock right because like a 15 to like 10 foot drop. And that's like something that takes courage like you have courage. Like when you commit to a cannonball, there's no going back. Right? The only thing you have time to do is plug your nose and then it's exhilarating. It's that rush of jumping in. I'm kind of like you. I don't do a lot of prep and planning. I just like to jump. And I've been teaching and coaching for long enough that I don't need to be fancy or have stuff set up because I know like, learning comes in as you're going through and you just pick it so when I decided I was gonna start this Seven Bucks is nothing right for the business builder challenge but it was a huge cannonball moment for me because I was like, jumping into something brand new. 47 years old, never done anything like this before. And I was like, Okay, here we go. You know, and jump in. And then when I bought the blueprints it was the same thing. It was like a huge cannonball and then I was like, Hey, dude, you just spent a shit ton of money on yourself. Now it's time to like the Grammys to say like shit or get off the bus. Michelle. So, you know, I was like, It's time to get off the public. We got to go and I just have to, like, make a commitment and just like go with it. And so for me, that's what I'm an action taker. And, you know, when I first started I looked back at my first videos on Tik Tok and I was like, you know, like, I tried to be so perfect and the hair makeup, whatever. And then afterwards, I was just like screw it. Actually, I can say that. I said, I was like, whatever, you know, and I'll hop on TikTok and do a live. When I get out of bed every morning my hair's an appointment. I got a cup of coffee and went down to do a workout in 20 minutes, but it's just like, I find it doesn't matter anymore. Like if you're authentic and you are real. And you are talking to people from your heart, and you're being honest, that you're going to connect with people and they're going to learn from you're going to have you have a story to tell it's worth. You're going to find your people. You're either going to be like talking about nope, not interested and I don't want those people I just want the people that are interested in me and my story and learning and the possibility their life could change with a little bit of action and a little bit of cannonball. 

Dave: Well I love that analogy. I think many others did to you, you know, this, this. This is one of the strategies that you wrote down was the Facebook group strategy. And there are a couple of things that you can tell us about that. a particular strategy that is working really well. How did you stumble upon it? And you know, how's that been going for you? Has it affected your bottom line and how you are tracking how it's affecting your bottom line to know what's working so you continue to want to do it. 

Michelle: The Facebook group is good. I think about 3000 people right now. And when I say that sometimes people need more encouragement. You can't expect that you're going to have your sales coming directly off whatever social media platform you're on. And so you have to build a connection with people. And one of the ways that you can get them to know, like and trust you is to give them more exposure to you and in a group where you can, you know, have live training and show people how to figure out how to do your sales funnel, whatever. The more time you spend with them the more you make a connection with them, the more you show them what it's like to do what you're doing, the more likely they are going to be to say okay, I'm in or can you tell me a little bit more about that? And so you just have to find the things that's working for you and make that connection with people because the most important thing that you can do is be authentic and real and connect with people. And you know, when you post videos on TikTok people are like, Why do you want to help me? I'm sure there's something in it for you. Like yeah, of course there's going to be something in it for me eventually. When I got started, there were so many people who were good to me, who you know, I reached out to and I asked questions and answered questions. And like they didn't ask them to pay them. They didn't ask for anything. They just share. And I just think you know, I want to pay it back and pay it forward so that other people can get started. Because it's life changing. We see that you've got an income coming in. That's letting your husband replace his job. That's a good thing when you know that's our end goal. I want him to work for me. Like can I quit my job and be your employee? I'm like, I don't know if you want me to be your boss. But Facebook groups are important for building community and increasing the likelihood that people are going to and have exposure to your message. 

Dave: I had a student maybe six months ago that was getting started. Also ran into Barb McGowan was a lady that you mentioned earlier. And she was sending you know this lady was sending people to forums because she thought oh, well I'm not ready and qualified yet to have a group of my own. What I'm here to ask is, you know, was that something that came up for you and how have you given yourself permission to go ahead and be a leader to people?

Michelle: So that was another cannibal moment. And I just, I've been teaching for 27 years and I've been coaching for 27 years, and my job is people who I teach English to kids who hate English and don't want to read who don't want to write essays. And so I've learned a lot about people. I know how to connect to people. And so for me, the Facebook group was a natural extension. I came up with it on my own. I knew that people who did this had Facebook or so I was like, Well, I'm going to do it. And I you know, put the structure in place. And it's a learn as you go thing, but for me, it gives me an opportunity to connect with and it gives me an opportunity to share what I have. And you know, ultimately down the road there are things that I want to do. Like in the blueprints package. There's a coaching blueprint, there's a digital masterminds product blueprint and I go to those all the time, because those are helping me to get stuff set up in my Facebook group so that I can expand my offer. Affiliate marketing was my introduction to that and for that I'm very grateful like everything I learned from Legendary is I'm using it all the time. And the Facebook group is a way for me to take those other pieces that I have and start putting them in place. I did a training the other day with Doug Boeing and he was you know, talking about challenges and teaching and and there's so many people that have gotten their start in Legendary who have gone on to do really amazing things, and the education comes from you, from what you've said, all those products that are so great. Like, and having a Facebook group allows me to tell people about them too. So if you get people in your Facebook group and you're talking to them and you're warming them up and you're showing them things, it's easy for you to say to them like this is the next step. If you're interested, go check this out. Look at what you can get when you go to legendary looking. Yes for $7 you get this insanely valuable deal and you learned all this stuff, but afterwards there's even more that you can learn. And you know there's like the marketers club and there's like all this what do you guys call it like the Netflix of marketing? All things I've gone through and watched videos and taken notes and the education is what I use to make that Facebook group work for me. 

Dave: A couple of comments struck a couple of things in my head. One lady, Shannon said I don't even know what I do or share in a Facebook group and I wanted to toss it over to you, of course, to know how you would respond to that. One thing I wanted to say real quick was that there is a big difference in being a keynote speaker and a limelight hogger and a facilitator. And let me even put it more simply. There's a difference between being the star and being the guru and being a facilitator. And I think one of the biggest shifts that I've made in my career is going from being the star to being a facilitator. You know, what I didn't realize when I first got started was it was more profitable to be a facilitator than to be the star to be the guru. Because if I'm a facilitator, I can lean on the group and I can lean on others for information. I give myself now permission to learn from you. Who is a student of mine, right? I mean, if we were to look at this from a just a strictly technical, you're a student at Legendary I taught you stuff, but that limits me that limits me you know, because now all of a sudden, I have to live up to this expectation that maybe it's even one that I put in my own head. Well, I have to have stuff to teach and I have to continue to be this guru. And it doesn't leave room for me to learn and it doesn't leave room for you to shine. And the one of the best things that you can do in your Facebook group is learn how to be facilitator which means that you don't need all the limelight that your job is to start conversations and then if the conversation gets derailed, or people start getting negative or trigger that you can you can bring it back on track. And you know, I've applied that in in a lot of things that I've done in my income has only gone up, you know, instead of needing to be the person who's always the star of everything or who has all the answers to all the questions is all I am is a cog in the wheel. I'm a facilitator of something and people are paying nowadays for communities that are meant to have in your own Facebook group or community. People want to be a part of something. So when you can offer them your community in say you're an affiliate of legendary you can say hey bigger community you can be a part of or if you're in the DIY niche or the parenting niche, wow, what a phase a Facebook group or something like that to get people coming together to answer quickly. It also lightens the load for you as the affiliate or the course creator or the coach, right because now all of a sudden you've got the group who's contributing to the answers of the questions and I'm telling you something.

Two things there's nothing that will help you more as a content creator than having a community of people who are also willing to help. Number two, there's nothing more profitable than community building. And that's one of the things that people don't really understand about what I do online is that I go above and beyond just creating information products I go above and beyond just doing affiliate marketing, really build community and in the reason why those communities are so important is because people will stick with something if they're sticking together with something and they will feel there will be more excitement to get started if there's more social proof of other people doing it as well. It's just basic human psychology. Right? So there's nothing easier for all of you, which leads me to my second question. And I thought this was a good one. Of course, Shannon said I don't even know what I do for a share in a Facebook group. But then Kurt said, you know, Michelle, what are you doing on social media to send people to your group essentially to get them to come into your group. And those thoughts that I just said about CES in, I want to try to eliminate the fear that you may have of starting a group of human because you think you need a new guru, but instead what do you do on social media to send and or attract people to into your group and then we can talk about some of the other stuff. 

Michelle: So two things. The best thing you could do inside your group is ask questions and ask. Ask people what their pain points are like. What are you struggling with? With? What do you want to know? What's the thing that you're most interested in learning about? Because if they tell you, you can either go to all the education that you have, and start you know, pulling things out? help answer that question. By answering the questions and solving their problems you're giving them a reason to know, like and trust and to come to an authority and you're not setting yourself up as this big crazy guru. Giving it social proof is that you can answer that for them. And to get people into my group. When I post on my social media, that you can help them by actually helping them. I'm not just saying I'm a guru. I'm not. I've been doing this since July. But I can certainly point you in the right direction. And I will do my damnedest to make sure I answer the question for you. Because when I had questions and I asked people, they helped me out so I'm going to help you out. And then to get people in the group. When I have when you design a video to put up on you know, YouTube or TikTok or Instagram or whatever you call time section and the call chain usually comes at the end of your, your story and then your call to action and a lot of times my call to action is just come join my Facebook group. I have a series of videos and some worksheets that it's like a free course that complements the seven day business builder challenge and I offer people the option to come into my course. Come into my Facebook group and take my free course. And like in that free course every link, you click if you I'm saying like best education to start with a 15 day business builder challenge and that gives people a starting point. So I'm helping them. I'm teaching them what I know. I'm giving them exposure to my links for legendary so that they could see how to get to where I am and how I started. I talk about how it started all the time. And that it was the $7 that changed my life because it really was and that's so I get people to come into my game by offering them something you have to over deliver and under promise. That's it and if you give them way more than they were ever expecting, so come into my group take just one. I will answer it or somebody in my group will answer it. As I am not the holder of all answers the font abundant acknowledges no other stuff. I don't know if I'm gonna throw it up there. People that don't and I'm not afraid to say I don't think I know the answer, but I'll find out about it. And then when you give people that value if you give them an incentive to join, you know that's the way that you make those connections. That's the way to prove. You don't just state you prove that you know what you're doing. And when they're looking for more answers. They will come and ask you because you've given it to them for free for way more than what they thought they were getting. And that's the value of the Facebook group of endless people who say like, was it Shannon, who said she didn't understand what you would even talk about? You talk about the fact that you don't know what the hell you're doing first, right? You're like, Yeah, this is new, but I'm figuring it out. And here's my successes so far. And success isn't always money. Success might be elite like the first time I got a lead. I was promoting 15 seconds back 20 cents, or 40 cents 30 cents. And I like to run outside cartwheels and the kids are like Mom, are you okay? Because I fell and hit my head. And I was like, I got a commission and they're like oh, how much did you get? I was like, already a sensor. But I'm like, No, it's proof. It's a milestone. It works. It happened. If this happened. The big ones are going to happen. I just have to be patient. And like for some people, they'd be like, oh, like it was 40 cents. But I'm like, dude, I got 40 cents. I didn't have that before. And you know, I'm just gonna keep grinding. And so when you start off and you're new and you think you have nothing to talk about, well, if you totally act up your funnel, and had links going somewhere else or copied somebody else's affiliate link shared with your group, you're gonna be like, yeah, shit, man. bad stuff happens but you gotta figure it out. Like I was proud of myself because something like that happened. But I was proud of myself because I figured it out. I went back and looked at it. I figured out that we talked about failing forward, like you have to fail to be successful. And I was like, wow, I'll never make that mistake again. And I don't because I always check that because I remember that one time that I did that one stupid thing that cost me probably leads whatever, whatever, whatever. And I shared that with people. I shared it in line. So when I was talking to them, I shared it on my videos. And, like, imperfect people make mistakes all the time. And failure is part of being successful. You talk to anybody who's a millionaire, trillionaire, gazillionaire whatever. They're gonna say, oh, yeah, I screwed up big time. But they keep going. And they pick themselves up, dust themselves off, learn from that shit and then keep going. 

Dave: Yeah. I couldn't agree more and one of the best things that you can do for your group is you can help people feel supported and figure out what their questions actually are. Okay, and let me explain what I mean by this. Most of the time when somebody gets started, at least I know it did what I got in the century. I felt all this pressure as you as it's come up already today to be again, it's all all knowing guru and my people, the people that I was running into the people that I was selling affiliate products for, they didn't need an all knowing guru. They just needed somebody who could help them figure out what their questions actually were, you know. And so, as the facilitator of a group what what is oftentimes the best value that you can give somebody is to teach them how to ask better, more powerful, more clear questions, and having a problem sharing my screen but I have a one full exercise or system to to help you to get anything that you want and or to to help you help someone else to get anything that they want. And it's called the How To Get What yYou Want By Asking Better Questions And Getting Better Answers exercise. And imagine if you were doing this with somebody else for a second instead of just with yourself, you know what I mean? Because obviously, you can do this with yourself to help you get more clarity about what you know, what you're trying to ask. So ultimately you can get a better answer back. Because a lot of times we enroll in coaching programs, but we don't know how to actually be a student, you know, and I think that's a big problem. And I think I don't know where we learned that from or we didn't learn that from but what I learned when I was young was if I answered a question in the middle of the class, if I'm putting myself out there, I could be laughing. People that kids are immature, they're mean. So we kind of learn to not ask questions and just sit in the back of the classroom, but that doesn't get you very far if you paid $2,500 for a course or whatever, and you want to get the most out of it. So what I always tell people to do is first to get clear, get clear on what your question actually is. Fine, clarify that. So you can read it and know exactly what you're asking. Or you know that if you put that question in front of somebody else, they would be crystal clear about what you're asking if there's any room for What do you mean by that? Or I don't understand or whatever, then you're not going to get the answer that you want. You're not going to get the support that you need. So let's say that you know somebody you have 20 people in your Facebook group, you might say, hey, what's everybody's biggest hurdle? Ask me your questions. And let's try to clarify and simplify what it is. So we can actually get you some help today. And in those he is what they're struggling with. They don't even understand what they're struggling with. So, how can you write how can it coach the next the next thing is, this is this is step number two, briefly in clearly explain what you've tried our writing. So I can't help you unless you tell me what you've tried already, because I don't want to suggest something you've already done. So help somebody by step two, asking them to clearly and briefly explain what they've already tried. Next, outline what you think the solution might be. So now you're going to do some thinking on your own. I'm not going to do all the thinking for you. Next, ask respectfully and humbly for feedback. If somebody has time to help, they, you know if they don't have time to help, don't take it personally. Just make sure you put into action what you've been suggested. And thank the person for their advice, but also ultimately take responsibility for the outcome no matter how it worked. My point here is this and I wanted to give you those extra, those couple of steps because they'll help you to help your students or your community members ask questions. But ultimately, one of the best services that you can offer somebody is to help them to get clarity on what it is that they actually know that they need help with. Because a lot of times somebody just doesn't know how to ask, doesn't get clear. And instead of being a guru, the wisest teachers in the world, the wisest mentors in the world, the most helpful people in the world are never the ones who have all the information in just offload, you know, terabytes of useless data to its people who have a way of putting it back on you. When giving you permission to figure it out on your own. 

Michelle: Yep. And a lot of people do that for them, not gonna get anywhere. And you have to live their life and you don't have their experiences and people want easy. It's like you get a lot of tire kickers in groups too. You have to dig deep. You have to look at how you are, you have to look at your failures. And you can't just be this person that thinks they're going to get into something for nothing. Because it doesn't work like that. Even if you start off with the 15 Day Challenge, do you spend your seven bucks and you never go farther than that? If you invest in learning in any free way that you can, you're still putting a lot like you're still spending something you're either spending money or time and some people just aren't willing to do that and they look to somebody like a guru to be like, Okay, press this, patch this, buy this or this and you're gonna be rich. No, it doesn't work like that. You have to ask questions and that clarity and asking questions and knowing what the problem is, is the biggest the biggest one because, you know, there's people that I've helped and, and they're so unclear in their head of what they're even asking. You can't even answer their questions for them because they don't know what they're asking. So you're trying to give them some things that are a little bit more like breaking it down for them. So you can help. 

Dave: You know, another thing that the common person in this industry who buys , you know, businesses, business opportunities, how to make money, online information, etc. And I think this is a common human trait, but I do know this about the avatar in this niche is that they feel unsupported. You know, they feel like things they've tried in the past, the person who they bought it from the guru, whoever it was, didn't support them, you know, a lot. Yeah. And essentially what they're saying is they didn't do it for me, you know, I had unrealistic expectations. And I, I took from something that they said along the way that they were going to do it for me, they didn't and now I feel like you know, I got taken advantage of so they don't feel supported. So instantly, if you are talking to the marketplace, and you're saying to them, Have you felt unsupported in things in the past? Now offering that community is a huge missing piece, and I call my sales process that's proprietary to us here and me at Legendary and I don't teach anywhere, I might one day, what's called the puzzle process. Big ideas, you're looking for the missing piece. And one of the biggest missing pieces with people who are potential customers. You know, avatars in this niche feel unsupported. So if you can make them feel supported not by answering all their questions, because if you answer all their questions and do all their work, you're just the person they begin to bully like, like the kid does everybody's homework at school. They have to respect you, you have to earn their respect. And the way that you earn people's respect is you ask them powerful questions. And then you let them give them space to be able to figure it out on their own. Nobody respects somebody who's constantly about advice and unasked for advice in, in leaning in, in sort of always pressuring themselves in forcing themselves on to people. Nobody with that sort of a personality has any real influence over people; they might have the influence of a handful, but not a large quantity. Nobody likes that what people want is they want to grow. They feel happy when they grow. Studies have shown people feel happy when they're growing, versus when they're making more money than they've ever made because the idea of feeling like and growing and progressing in life is what makes a human being. So, you know, by being somebody a facilitator of a group, you have an opportunity to touch all these pieces to help to both speak somebody's language and say, I know you may have felt unsupported in the past, right? Yes. And I'd like to help

you feel more supported but not by giving you all the answers to the questions because I don't have them either. But by May, helping you may be helping you be clear on what your questions are. Right? So you accurately diagnose your problem. And maybe we can write an accurate but right now, this is for every newbie who's listening to this call, and I'm only able to say this after over a decade of experience. Your problem is simply that you don't know how to diagnose your problem. That's it. That's it. You don't know how to diagnose your problem. So you're You're the doctor who's both diagnosing and prescribing and that's why it's a shit show. Right? That's how your financial situation in your business is a shit show. Because you're trying to both diagnose and prescribe medication for the problem. And that's why I'm saying to all of you who are wondering what to do right now? Well, you don't have to be a doctor but be an advocate for people in these Facebook groups in your Facebook group or in other Facebook groups. On TikTok wherever you're marketing and be an advocate for them to help them to get clarity on what it is that they want to help them to get clarity on what it is where they're struggling with help. They get clarity with ultimately what their fears are. And you want to do powerful work that's influential with people, put down the tech talk for a day and talk to people about what is holding them back. What's their fears, what are they afraid of having that passion? Now you get to facilitate and when you share your answer I don't have to give you a bunch of feedback and solve your problem. I just have to say thank you for sharing that was really powerful. I feel like I know you a lot more now. 

Michelle: Right, and that's what you talked about in your Facebook groups. Yeah, you just have to be real. You have to be a person. 

Dave: Yeah. Great conversation. I can go on and on about this because I mean, there's nothing ever what it seems. And here's what I mean by that. You know, we could say hey, you know, today we are going to be talking about Facebook groups. Michelle is just absolutely crushing it. But there's always an underlying success factor. It's never the strategy. It's always the work you do with people because it's all about people all the time. It's just a medium. It's a different platform. But it's how you connect with people and that's why we have to learn how to be facilitators and persuaders. Rather than be dominant type personalities be people who are who's who's the person that you are, you're your most insecure is probably your most loudest and arrogant. If I was going to guess because most people we overcompensate by being, you know, loud and arrogant when we feel our most insecure. So, you know what? What I say is that this business needs more people who'll get further if you help people to, you know, to facilitate their process, instead of helping guide their process and just be a part of their support group. Instead of having to be their doctor and try to be everything to everyone. Your Facebook group can be a place where you simply bring people together and occasionally remind them that you're the host of the group. 

Michelle: Yeah, I like it, that's what you have to do. You have to give people an opportunity to share and they're more comfortable sharing if you share and if you know, admit that there are things that you don't know. Are there things you're struggling with? Because everybody's been through stuff. You've been through stuff. Places, I never want to go again. I've been through things and I know what it's like to be, you know, I miss that car payment, I'm behind on my taxes. I did this, I did that. And when they can see that you're that real person and that you're not afraid to show that stuff. They feel more comfortable asking the questions and then you can get away from that feeling of not knowing what you’re asking. But it's like just being honest and real and sharing. And that's what you use your Facebook for. It really is about supporting it and having a place where people feel comfortable ask questions, because I always say to the kids in my class, like please don't be afraid to ask the question because if you're asking probably five bucks in class who just couldn't get up the guts to ask a question but they need to hear the answer to correct.

Dave: Correct. Well, Michelle, wow. Powerful conversation. Looking forward to a follow up. If you do well back and keep us posted on your journey. 

Michelle: Anytime. I'd love to come back, Dave. Thank you for having me today. Stay warm up there and minus 22. And your husband is just an awesome dude. Tell him I said hi. And we'll talk. Sounds good. We'll come on out. We'll come on a Legendary weekend. I'll bring it along so you can get all pumped up. Sounds fantastic. We'd love to meet him. We'll have many plumber stories to share with each other. I've got a couple of good ones that he'd get a good kick out of. Thanks, Dave. Have a good day. All right my friends my friends my friends follow Michelle @broadmindedmoneymaker. Michelle from Canada, crushing it with both tick tock in the Facebook groups. She's up to 126,000 on TikTok. So awesome conversation this morning. Have a fake. Have a fat weekend. It is Friday. It is coming up on the end of the first month of 2020 to the 28th day and it's a fantastic time to check in and say, you know how's that? How's those 2022 goals going? You know, where's my business app? How many days have I put off going through the training? I mean, just the 15 Day Challenge is a great game of follow throughness. Have you finished that? Is that something we come back to that's okay, come back to and pick it up where you left off. But the meaning of the year has brought a big influx of new customers to legendary and I think it's a sign of a lot of people having new year's resolutions but my challenge or invitation to you would be to don't let that illusion that be a transformation and your future first and dive in and commit and use this weekend maybe to go back as we kind of tried to get you to do and we send out the weekly recap email and listen to this some of the episodes even if you go back on the podcast, I was just looking at the podcasts the other day and go back through some of the older episodes and listen to the audios. It's just as good. And we put the replays of this show obviously leave them here on the Facebook page over on my YouTube channel. You can look me up David Sharpe, or on Wake Up Legendary podcasts. So it's all over. It's there for you and I mean these interviews are gold. You're hearing from people grabbing little nuggets of wisdom and experience just like we did with Michelle telling us how she was successful with what she's doing with her Facebook group, how is she being a leader or a facilitator when she, you know, only got started just a few months ago? You know those questions get answered in these morning sessions. And, you know, a lot of times if you don't pay you don't pay attention but I just challenge you to lean in right now a little bit more than ever before because, you know, we're coming up on the end of that first month of 2022. And that's where everybody starts to forget about those resolutions and big goals they set for themselves just 28 days ago. Do some knock out some things off your to do list, and let's get ready to crush February and I'll see you guys on Monday. Get outta here. Peace.

How Going Live Can Bring In Big Results

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends? This is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary and this morning we have a guest that once again proves I think as we hear over and over again. They live on a regular basis. So I'm excited to hear her story. Amy, welcome to the show.

Amy: Hey y'all, so are you.

Dave: Where are you calling in from

Amy: I'm in Georgia, South Georgia.

Dave: Okay, great. So how did you get into all of this and eventually find legendary?

Amy: Well, I was just scrolling on TikTok back in August. I was just looking for funny videos. I was the only reason I was on Tik Tok to birth in the first place. And I came across a girl who was talking about her affiliate marketing business and she stopped me in my tracks. The first thing that she said was Okay, y'all, this video is going to be a little longer than normal because I don't want to leave anything out and that really intrigued me. So I just stopped and listened to her and then I hit it again and then I hit it again. So I didn't know what affiliate marketing was. And I had to go look up the definition of it. And once I found that out, I was like, oh, yeah, okay, okay, um, I could do that. So I just got some more information and took the 15 Day Challenge. Here. I am so excited about it. 

Dave: Really. Oh my gosh. Wow. 

Amy: Delirious. I'm so excited about it.

Dave: Wow. How's that? How's that feel to be so excited about something like that? I mean, is that normal for you? Or do you feel renewed?

Amy: I mean, about a lot of things a lot of the time, but I was not excited about my job and I had it for a long, long time. I was just, it felt like dropping 250 pound weights to let go of that business. And start this. I have been Yeah, I have been reenergized and renewed spirit. You know, I look forward to going to work every morning now. I really do. And before it was really, really a struggle. It really was just something I just didn't look forward to and didn't have any hope that it would really get any better. And I just was really just sick of it.

Dave: No, are you still at this job? Are you still now? You've quit it now?

Amy: Yeah, I quit.

Dave: So are you supporting yourself through your online business now?

Amy: Yeah, well, I'm also married. So that helps but yeah, I mean, I'm able to if I were a single mom again, which I have been before, I would be doing right now. Well, just this business, absolutely. Just fine. I kept seeing other people on TikTok, and that's really the only platform I've been on so far. But I kept seeing other people talk about their success and you know, just just all the videos that they made and I really followed five or six people super closely. And I just kept watching what they were doing and then I you know, it was on the Legendary website and I could see every single thing they were saying was true. Not that I really doubted them, but it was just like if they can do this then I'm gonna learn what they learned. The same way they learned it and I'm going to do it.

Dave: Well, no, what was it that you first took our challenge?

Amy: I first heard Jessica on TikTok back at the very end of August. And so I took the 15 Day Challenge. What I’m really saying is I heard about it at the end of August. I got a 15 day challenge and got training in September. I took the month of September, really to learn everything and get it set up and then in October I started really marketing on TikTok well, so it's just been amazingly spectacular. And I know, like we are right, but I'm serious. It's just because for over 20 years, I was in direct sales. Really just I felt like I was in a marriage where there's no chemistry. It was just not my deal. You know? I'm one that perseveres and I kept thinking I'm gonna be you know, I'm gonna try everything to make it work

Dave: And was that 20 years with the same company? Yeah. Wow, you are loyal.

Amy: Persevere I don't quit. Thank God COVID came around. I don't mean any disrespect to anybody who had a hard time you know, or lost somebody special because of that. I don't mean that. I just mean that that caused a change in the way I was doing my job. And it took it virtual and I was like, I've been living in a super small world, in this direct sales business, where it's face to face people in my town. They either come to my house or I go to theirs and I'm so ready to get away from this. I was so excited to find out. There was another opportunity where I could still work from home and still have unlimited income and still be my own boss. I was just like, Oh, I wish I'd known about this 10 years ago. I really, really do.

Dave: Well, so what are you enjoying about this so much, versus things you've done? Because I mean, you've done you've had a dabble in entrepreneurship. There were direct sales and you're doing your home meetings and you're, you know, you're I mean, obviously you You did what you had to do and now you're, you know, basically the difference is is now you're not really having to meet with people and he I mean, you can tell your store. I know for me, I don't even have to get dressed. I mean, but you know, uh, you know, basically what you're doing is you're just marketing using your cell phone now in your selling. I mean, obviously it's a different business model, but in your own words, what is so much better about what you're doing now than what you've done in the past?

Amy: Well, network marketing is calling friends and family. And do I even need to say more? I mean, it was just telling them I have this product or these products. I don't know if you've tried them. I'd love for you to take a look at them. The stupid phone calls which I felt like that was my job every day was to make those stupid phone calls. And I felt like oh man, these people don't want to hear from me or they're just doing it because they feel sorry for me or because I know my mom. Or do you know what school my dad is or something like that. And I just didn't like the feeling of trying to talk somebody into something. And for I share my story, I share the information. I create curiosity about it all and the ones who are interested. They come out of the woodwork and they say hey, tell me more. I want to know more. So it's not selling. I don't feel like it's selling in the same way that it was my other job. I'm not trying I'm not trying to change anybody's mind. I'm just trying to find people who are looking for a change already.

Dave: Well, okay, nice. So what is your what is your you know, TikTok strategy, I guess. Is this something that will talk to us a little bit? I mean, we've titled this show going live, but we've mentioned that in the title it is the show. So talk to us about your going live strategy or if there's a strategy really at all that you even have. Sometimes you don't, that's fine, too. You just kind of flip on the camera. Talk to us a little bit about how you came upon this, what you've been doing that's been basically working for you. 

Amy: The first time I was on this show was back in November, and I was like a deer in the headlights. I was like, wow, they want me to be on the show. And I didn't know why. I was just like, I'm just so new at it. I felt like everybody that had been on the show had so much to contribute. And I didn't have much to contribute. And so one of the things Matt said to me on that show was I know you're going to like to go and live as soon as you can and at the time only had like 130 followers or something, something like that. So I was able to get to 1000 you know, pretty quickly after that first like Legendary show, and I was scared to death to hit live on that camera. And I was just like, I'm just doing it. I'm just doing it. And I look back at my very first one and you can tell I'm like, nervous. You can tell I'm kind of stiff and tense and I'm just like, I'm just gonna prepare for the haters. I'm prepared for the people who say Oh, you know, various comments. I'm just I'm just gonna just go for it. So I just decided from the start. I'm going to be 100% honest about every single thing I say. 100% authentic as I can be. And I'm just going to tell people what I've learned. I don't have justice. But what I know and talk to them like their sisters and brothers. I would tell them if they are my brother and so say about a lot and I'll go

Dave: 11am Eastern. Okay, yeah. Wow. Nuggets being dry. Just don't know if anybody is picking up on that. But go ahead, continue. I don't want to interrupt everything. That's it.

Amy: I go for a couple of hours and people you know, hop on and hop off. I answered their questions. I have my iPad, which now I don't know where it is. But I have my iPad that I hold up and I show him where my link is, you know, click on the little picture on my TikTok profile. Here's my link click on my link. You know, this is you know, and but but the majority of the conversation that I have when I'm live is just answering their questions. I will look up an article like there's a recent article by Shannon Smith, you probably know about it. The 24 year old waitress who lost her job because of the pandemic. And then, you know, I go through, I go through stories like that I talked about. She's got five tips of what she recommends that you do when you start an affiliate marketing business and I felt like I wrote the article myself. It's exactly how I feel. I just share stories like that. I answered the people who think it's a scam, and who want to knock it down and that I'm a scammer, and I just kindly respond and give them the facts. And for two hours a day, that's what I do.

Dave: Yeah, I did see that article from Shannon. was a great strategy from an affiliate standpoint. I mean, to become a contributor on a site like CNBC. You know, is a is a pretty big deal. And just so everybody knows and understands that, you know, you can become a writer on the sites, like Entrepreneur like CNBC, and we recently saw one of the most creative marketing strategies that we've seen in a long time. From this affiliate name Shannon Smith. She had published an article on cnbc.com. Now, the cool thing is, this may not be your story, but oftentimes it's even more powerful when it's somebody else's story and you can share it right. Right. And she does have great tips here. She does mention even us legendary marketer and you know, this is a great this is a great article she did herself a great and amazing you know benefit with this. I mean, this isn't an awesome achievement, for her to have become a writer on and I think we may have had her on the show also. I know we have because I believe I remember talking to her. But, but anyways, I mean, the point is, I just wanted to reference this because you had a reference or kind of give us some context but you know yeah, she's become a contributor for CNBC. And in wrote this awesome article about affiliate marketing, mentioned us in the marketing of course, got her affiliate link in the in the, in the in the article so you'd want to you know, if you were using this as a tool, you'd want to share your own link. But it's a cool it's a cool thing because now we you can realize that there's a couple of takeaways Number one is I can leverage other people's when I'm in a community and I'm in a a community of really savvy marketers I can use their tools right without while still earning business in my you know, for myself because I'm sharing my link, which is ultimately what's generating sales but I can still use this as a sales tool to share my screen during a video or during a live or whatever and tell her story. That's the big thing is tell her story. And then it backs it up because it's on CNBC. So it's got legitimacy, right you know, or more legitimacy right? The other thing is, just to remember and think about all the articles and content that you see out there on the internet, somebody wrote it and put it there. So the other question is, as you know, she became a contributor here at CNBC. I wonder how that's done. I'm sure if I poked around on the site enough. This is one of those endlessly scrolling things. I'm sure if I poked around enough. I could probably find out. You know how to become a contributor of, you know, CNBC, similar to entrepreneur.com Inc, inc.com. You know, Forbes, all those sites. They all have contributors on them. But anyways, back to you. So you use I just wanted to point that out because you use all kinds of different talking points. or stories or in this case, an article that another person wrote, to help give you content for your lives.

Amy: That's right. Okay. I mean, of course I use your story. I use stories of other affiliate marketers that I know and see. And you know what I have and what I have seen them do. I talk about the Forbes magazine article, this is the knowledge industry's going to be a $325 billion industry, but 2025 You know, I just pull all those articles because I love to read and so I just share what I've learned. 

Dave: I mean, I think your direct sales experience gave you a bit of storytelling experience that is useful. You know, it's useful one on one. It's useful in small groups if you're in somebody's home or a hotel or whatever. But it's also useful digitally. You can also say, tell stories and communicate. And I've always said and agreed with the idea that why wouldn't I want to talk one to many? One on one. And then ultimately, why wouldn't I want to have videos that are playing on multiple platforms that people are watching while hearing me talk, even when I'm laying in bed sleeping, right? I wouldn't. I mean, ultimately, that's leverage. And I also came up in network marketing, direct sales, and I thought, well, if I can just get three who get three who gets three, you know, I'm gonna be rich. But the problem was, is that, you know, you're like herding cats. You know, you're trying to get human beings to develop skill sets, and then you're relying on them or basically, if they don't do anything in your team, then it's all up to you. And then you've you really, you're kind of self employed that if you don't work and sell retail, lotions, potions and pills, or whatever it is that you're selling, you don't really you don't really eat, but the reason why you signed up with direct sales in the first place, was because of the idea of earning off the efforts of others. And that's why when I first saw my first direct sales network marketing presentation, they started drawing the circles and I just thought, Man, if I could just get Bob in Dan and Susan under me all working, and I could be you know, earning off of their efforts. That's real leverage that creates passive income. Well, again, that didn't happen. But what I discovered was something that was much better and that was how to create leverage in passive traffic income. Off of videos and off of lives and off of webinars, because now all of a sudden, I can use videos, put them up online, people watch them 24/7 Or I do a live show which I do one to 245 LIVE guests that we have on right now. One to end there'll be 1000s more who watched the replay, listened to the podcast, all that right. That's leverage. Yeah. Would you agree with that?

Amy: I definitely would agree with that. And it's this whole business model. It's just such a relief, to find this opportunity and to be able to work this business. And my husband asked me the same thing one time he said, listen what's the big deal? Why do you like it so much more? I've had other people ask me that and it's just you still get to have all the freedom and all the abilities to work I have. My dad has Parkinson's. My mom has Alzheimer's. I go and sit with them in the mornings I get to work while I'm with them. I get to work when I'm everywhere and just income potential, no matter where you're sitting with your phone because that's what I do 99% of my business with, it's just so free and to know that I don't have to recruit people. And I don't have to count on what other people are doing. I just I just, it's just such a breath of fresh air. It is such a godsend.

Dave: That piece there about being able to sit with your parents, that's a piece right there. When you said that, I'm sure you're going through that right now. So it's just something that you're going through but hearing that was powerful to hear. So you know, who wouldn't? Who doesn't want me when I heard that I thought who doesn't want the freedom to be able to sit with their parents if they're ill?

Amy: Or your kids or your kids, right, I mean, have the freedom just to be with who is important to you whenever you choose to and not go well, I have to wait till I get off at five and I'll be over I just think that that's this is priceless to be able to say I call the shots. Yeah, no. So freedom I don't want to ever give up.

Dave: And I think the other thing is the difference between network marketing direct sales, and higher ticket affiliate marketing or higher ticket digital products, like what we teach to kind of create here for information, you know, selling information. When we went, I had this idea that if I could make a little bit off of a lot of people's efforts, you know, that was the kind of MLM dream that direct sales dream was. But what I realized was, I mean, that the Amazon business model is a little bit off a lot of people's efforts and that's a big, big, big thing to try to accomplish as a single person. That's it. So what I need to do is I need to get a lot off of a few people, you know what I mean? Yeah, people. So instead of a bunch of people who I can make a penny off of, because they're just dipping their toes. They're paying for something they forgot they were paying for or whatever. I want to intentionally sell powerful results driven training, coaching experiences, actually, I'm selling transformation. Right. That's what people ultimately want to change. Right. And from that I can find and sort maybe a smaller percentage of people who are going to pay more money. For a more intimate, more advanced, you know, experience. And, you know, to me, people are paying for education experience, and those are investments that they make in their life, versus just a bottle of shampoo, a lotion, potion, pill, a new vitamin, whatever like that, which you know, whatever you're selling, no hate on it. We've all sold a lot of things. I don't have to have it there. That's one of the coolest things that you can actually market out here in the world. I mean, quite frankly, and in that people are already preconditioned to buy because they're conditioned to go to college and pay for education and continued education and stuff like that. Oh, you know, I think I relate a lot to your network marketing background and your experience in the challenges that you have with that. It's just it's a it's a trip but but but, but it developed certain skills that you know, it gives you certain experience that you know, maybe those of you who have not had other businesses that you've worked Maybe you feel like this is hard but you you don't have anything to compare it to. Right so you have something to compare it to with your past experience. So what now, what is in the near future for you?

Amy: Well, I believe with all my heart I believe every time I get on live stream and I talk to people and then they directly message me they email me or you know we actually talk on the phone because we do all of that. When I tell them that this is a business model that you know, there's a few things I wish I had known about affiliate marketing before I started, but it's nothing that would have changed anything. I was still done. But the number one thing I wish I had known was that it existed. I was just like somebody I wish I had somebody told me that a decade ago, I'd have jumped on it so fast. I just didn't know about it. So I really almost feel like I'm on a mission to let people know if you're in a crappy financial situation or you don't have savings or you've been going down the wrong path or loads of debt. There's another option out there. At least look at it, intelligent people don't make decisions without finding all the facts. Finding out all the facts, facts, facts about this. This could change your life. It has changed my life. I really did a transformation in 2021 because of this business. I was absolutely tired of just tolerating mediocrity. I felt so mediocre in my job even though I had, you know, moved up to a leadership position and I had free cars because of it over the years. I still felt like I was just stuck in a rut. I wasn't growing. I wasn't making any progress. So my mission I just feel like is to just let people know, this may not be for you. I don't know but you deserve to find out to at least find out all the facts about it. Because what if this is a thing that could change everything for you? It may not be but how do you know until you at least look at it. So that's my mission right now. I'm not seeing a whole lot further than that right now. Yeah, I'm just going about it just sharing this. This information, this opportunity, hoping that other people will find the same financial freedom and just the joy in life again. If they don't have it because of this opportunity, and maybe I sound like Pollyanna, but it has changed so much for me that I feel like I can say hey, you've got to look at this if I mean if they come to me and say they're interested. I'll say I don't go after them say hey, you got to look at this like I used to back in sales. That's my mission for now.

Dave: Well, that's great. I I don't I also don't fall down anybody comes down within the three feet rule you know if they're within my business, leaving drop cards at the gas pump notes, you know

Yeah, no, I got lots of experience and stories, but we'll stay on topic. You know, that's a great mission. I love it. I think that you're a great example. Of how you can take a good attitude, coupled with really making the best out of the whole experience that's happened over 2020 in 2021. And now, you know, continuing in 2022 where we're all going more virtual. Let's just put it like that. You want to call it a lockdown. You want to call it new paranoia. I know about you. I'm a hypochondriac now afraid to leave the house. No, I leave the house all the time. I just got back from Denver, Colorado. I know I didn't go to Colorado. But my point here is that you're making the best out of a situation. I also happen to believe that you are using the smartest business model. I think that you're doing all those things. But on top of that you know that the grass is not greener on the other side. So you're focused and grateful for where you're at and what you have. And also think of another thing that's important to point out about this versus other business ventures and opportunities that I've done in the past, where I felt like there was a ceiling on my growth. I'll never forget this time that I was at a Network Marketing Conference and I had the fastest growing team in the company. I had broken ranks and because I wasn't doing it the way that they wanted me to do it wasn't doing the offline, you know I was generating leads online placing ads creating content in building communities and so forth. And doing conference calls and webinars. And when we came to the conference, they kind of threw us under the bus, another older leader of you know another rep and he threw us under the bus and said this is how not to do it. You know, as if our online marketing was the wrong way. They were really threatened by them. And I realized at that moment I said, Man, I said it wouldn't matter if I was making tons of money here. I was making decent money at that time. That feeling of not being able to grow or not being able to, you know, get out and try new things. There's a lot of network marketing companies that will get angry if you have other streams of income. You know, things of that nature. You know, um, you know, if you're, if you're signed up as an affiliate with different things, or you're, you know, you have other businesses for God's sakes, you know, so, but anyways, I can relate to that feeling of not feeling like you're growing and it doesn't always have to do with money. Now sometimes it has to do with the feeling that you're able to grow and be creative and have a shot at affecting your own income. That's right. You know, have a shot at building something or being able to just make your own choice, you know, we signed up, we made the decision when we signed that independent contractor, you know, sign up form and went through that process and said,  I'm not no I'm not looking for a salary. I'm not looking for an hourly wage. I'm looking to just venture out and I'll make the money I'll eat what I kill, right, I'll hunt it and I'll eat what I kill. That was a decision that you know, you are basically saying that, you know, you're going to, you're going to, you're going to only eat what you kill, you're not going to have somebody who's going to be feeding you a weekly salary or something like that. Right. So anyways, so anyways, we earned the, the, you know, we earned the right to want to be I think part of what comes along that is that if you're going to take that you want to be able to be creative and have freedom and not feel like you're you're being boxed in. Ultimately what

Amy: I really felt like I reached the limit, you know, as far as I looked at 2021 when it came along, and I thought this year I can't imagine why it would look any different than the last one. I'm not to find something different this year to be something different and I looked at other opportunities and I even signed up for one and then got a refund. Pretty quick. I was like no, I don't want to get things from China and put them in a warehouse. No, I don't wanna do that. So I just looked at other things and when I heard about this, I heard Jessica talk and just something inside me just went ding! That's it. And I told my husband was like, I'm doing this. He's like, okay, that's like, No, I mean it. He goes, alright, I said, you know, that means we're gonna have to buy a car now because I hadn't had a car payment in over 20 years. So we bought a car a couple weeks ago and it was actually fun. I'm like, I'm so excited. To have a car payment. Because that means now I'm in this business. It's just different. It's a different life for me now. Yeah. And I love it. Absolutely love it. And I love the training. And I tell everybody on the live stream whenever I'm talking to anybody that messages me. I started with zero knowledge of this business. I didn't even really know what affiliate marketing was. I'd heard of it before but I'd never looked at it. And the training that I got here taught me absolutely everything that I know, to this point, and got me where I am. I just feel like I hit the jackpot because I know that I've had three emails from people over the last couple of weeks who have told me and I didn't know him. I still don't like they told me they kind of decided to go their own way and just try to figure this out on their own and now they feel like they've wasted some time and so I really feel like from the start learning about Legendary from the very beginning and taking this path to learn, you know, to get the education. I hit the jackpot. 

Dave: Those are kind of kind words.

Amy: I mean, and that's you and that's Matt. Yeah, really excellent. Really Excellent.

Dave: Well, you know, there really is a way to go out there and waste a bunch of time online isn't there if you don't, if you don't understand how the game is played and how to set up pieces. You can ultimately find yourself using social media only as a way to suck your time and consume your energy and attention. Versus we all know we're going to screw around on social media a little bit. I mean, because there but I also if I can be kicking off, you know, 5, 10, 15, 20,000 a month or more from a business that I'm also operating by creating content creators in that same space. Why not do it, especially when the other big nugget that you dropped was I don't need to know everything. I mean, I share what I've learned so far, but I think that enough people don't realize that there's more power and success you have more influence and persuasion. When you don't know it all. We have instead of if you're explaining trying to be the All Knowing guru and you think you gotta be so successful in you can't you there's you're more influential if you're more lat what's How do you How would you say if you're more kind of laid back and like you're not mister missus expert about everything. Could you say more about that?

Amy: Well, I had somebody ask me a lot about coaching and I said no, I don't do coaching. I saw. I don't have enough experience in this to feel like I'm the coach. But that's why I said that's why I get on here every day, every day for a couple hours. Just to tell you what I do know I don't have all the answers. But if I can I'll show you where to get them. And I'll lead you in the right direction.

Dave: Usually it's somewhere where you have an affiliate link going somewhere. 

Amy: What do you mean? 

Dave: I'm going to show you where I mean it, let's just say that you're an affiliate for Legendary. Okay, let's just say which is just one option. At any affiliate marketer has and in the entire world. Look, the place that you're going to get the help is to go buy this training. Now I can tell you my story, my experience, but ultimately what I mean is where we help people is we teach them appetizer, bite sized nuggets of information that they can consume and get excited about and say if you'd like more of that, if that was helpful to you, and you'd like to learn more of that. Go take this awesome training. It's a few dollars, it'll let you dip your toe in determine whether it's a great fit for you or not. So I mean that we use by helping people our role is to figure out what is the best fit for them and give them enough information ultimately, even if we're only promoting one product to disqualify themselves. Right. That's how we are, that's how we do sort of ethical sales in how we also don't piss people off by wasting their time, trying to act like what we have is for everybody. And I also heard you mentioning that too, that in your content you say big deal. If it's not for you. It's not for you. This is not going to be for everybody, you know, this is for people who are going to Who you know, have an entrepreneurial kind of spirit within them. They're willing to take some risk and not be needed or you know, need to have a salary or hourly pay up front. This is for somebody who you know, is going to be open to free traffic strategies in working with your mobile phone, right and maybe filming some videos or practicing your texting and copy skills. But it's not going to be I mean if you are somebody who wants to interact with friends and family and wants to make lists. You know, this is undoing from reverse psychology right now but yeah, I mean if you want to drive around like I used to with a magnet on the side of my truck, you know that said refer three get yours free, you know, and I was selling phones. I was selling cell phones from my 1991 Ford F150. I had to start with a screwdriver as if somebody would ever want to buy a cell phone through me versus going down to their very reputable T Mobile sprint or at&t dealership. But I didn't understand that at the time. So I drove around with a magnet on the side of my truck for multiple months wondering why my business was so anyways, if that's what you want to do, then this would not be for you.

Amy: Right. And if you have to pay off a credit card next Thursday, this is not for you either. I mean, this is going to take some time and a good pill. You're gonna have to learn some skills, you're gonna have to apply them. It's not enough to know well, you have to apply what you learn and you stay consistent. 

Dave: Isn't there a lot of people out there that are probably even listening to this that have a lot of skills, or excuse me that have a lot of information? Yeah, and even know what to do but are not applying them. So they don't get credit for it.

Amy: Knowledge is not power. 

Dave: So just if for any of you who are sitting on the sidelines, we know that over half of I mean it's always a large percentage of people who are ready to get ready. So imagine, imagine that you went through an entire class, okay, like, I don't know, you paid whatever you pay multiple $1,000 for a class at college, and you you got all the way up to, you know, getting ready to take your bachelor's degree test to whatever your final test is, I have no clue because but whatever your test is to finish and collect that and then go out and start making money. And so you did the whatever how many every years you did, you know of learning and sitting through class but then you just stopped right there and didn't take the test and then go and get the so that's similar to the insanity of saying I'm gonna, you know, really do something in the I'm going to go through the trainings and I'm gonna because we know for God's sakes, people, they'll sit through those trainings, but I mean, when it comes time to apply that stuff it's like, you know, trying to it's it's like trying to, you know, steal can't pry away candy from a toddler's hands, isn't it?

Amy: Yeah, I mean, they even the people that start the 15 Day Challenge and never start up never even get to day one. Yeah, I mean, it's just like, that's not gonna get you anywhere. 

Dave: Well, I I always say that. Success is a lot easier than you think because all you gotta do is start. I mean, there's a large percentage of people if you have if you're ever selling a product, whether it's as an affiliate or URL where you can track the, you know, when somebody buys you know, how many of them actually log in, you'll see that there's a large percentage on with anything that people buy, whether it's an e book course, you know, we all seven, so we don't go to all this kind of stuff. Look, there's a large percentage of people that buy a course that don't even log in. I don't know what they, you know, I know actually, actually I do know, right because you buy it at the moment. I bought a copywriting course a couple of weeks ago. So I got and it was I dropped 10 grand on this course. So people are, you know, act like a couple of 100 or a couple $1,000. In this world it is a big deal. It's nothing. I spent $10,000 on a course you know, the guy that the regular course was 6000 the upsell was 4000 Put that in your pipe and smoke it I mean, that was it was an awesome offering. And I bought it because I think he's a great teacher. He's a smart copywriter. So I bought his course. And it was the Chris had dad pig method copywriting course, and I didn't log into it, I bought it and I didn't log into it. I sent it to my son to go through it, but I didn't log into it yet. So my point here is that, you know, I think there's two types of people. There's people like me who buy stuff and have it but spending money on training education is nothing to me because it's an investment. I don't ever look at that. Like that's a big life changing decision because it's really not. So I know that some of you who have bought our Blueprints at 2500 or something, you act like that or that feels like a big investment. I'm not here to minimize it. I'm just here to say that getting success so successfully that $2,500 investment in yourself is something that is not a life changing decision in terms of scary, but it's something that you do just like automatic. This is just re-upping my education savings account and it's just something that I do without blinking an eye. You know, I am reinvesting in myself. But you know, and then there's the other group of people and this is where I think most of you who are listening have a chance to decide what side you want to be on. The bigger percentage of people will buy something just never even logged into it. Say they'll get back to it. They don't have anything else going on. They start a lot of things and don't finish a lot of things. And I think that describes a large portion of the population including myself at times. And so you know, what, I think the ultimate question that that we have to ask is if I how do I get my ass in gear to get motivated into find a reason a why whatever, to find my fuel to get this thing up and off the ground because it takes some emotional energy to get this thing go. And it's not just all you know, it's not just all this physical fuel of doing the actions. There is some emotional energy because I'm doing some shit I've never done before. But what do we leave people with in terms of getting over that internal in personal interaction?

Amy: The thing that just keeps coming through my head for my own sake and for anybody else who's not you know, not performing or producing or creating the result they want is to raise your flippin standards. Just raise your standards. In your own mind. Say I will no longer tolerate this thing. Whether it's my money situation, my relationship, my career, my health, whatever I've been doing, just raise your standards and say you know, today's the day that I make a change because I've thought about it all the time. I'm always looking for opportunities to change it. Here was one I took now. I mean, pay attention to what you have paid attention to because in a moment you spend something a seven even if it was $7 You spend something because it felt like your Spirit told you this is a possibility. So take action to raise your standards for yourself and for your life because when you do you affect everybody that's important to you that's in your family or whoever you're connected with. You make a big difference when you raise the standard for your own selfie and make a difference for the ones you care about too.

Dave: Wow that's a powerful statement. Raise your standards. Amy, that's fantastic. Look, I'm gonna send people to go follow you and connect with you more over on your TikTok channel. Make Money With Amy online. And Amy, thanks for your wonderful energy and spirit and your awesome experience. Congrats on your success. And let's do round three soon.

Amy: I'd love to thank you for the invitation. Thank you so much for everything. All right, Amy. We'll talk to you soon. All right, bye.

Dave: Bye. All right, bye friends. You can go and follow Amy at as I said make money. With Amy online, make money with Amy online. You can look her up and follow her on TikTok. Connect with her and lift her up like her stuff comment on her post. And engage with them. That's one of the best ways that you can support people and connect with people and ultimately build relationships. You know, a lot of people are wondering how do I fit in? Where do I get in and fit in and how I build relationships and how do I add value? Well, one way to add value and build relationships is just always comment in like people stuff when they put it out. You know what I mean? Drop a comment, drop a like on their post. Because that that that builds up their their engagement and that ultimately instead of going and ask them, buddy, what can you do for me? How can you help me I just invite those of you who are new to the community to when you find somebody that you resonate with or you connect with somebody here in the community and you decide to follow them that's the best way that you can begin to develop a relationship is to is to like their stuff, comment on their stuff. Let them notice you that way. You know, and always I always I like to say that on a regular basis because we have these amazing guests who are just members of our community who are students who went through our courses and we invite them onto our show about their experience. I mean it's it's really who are ultimately our guest our is our clients, our students. But when we bring them on my fear is always that they get bombarded with questions and stuff like that and, and ultimately that that just makes people feel overwhelmed anyways, when we go and bombard them, and I want what's best for all of you who are listening, I want you to get the most out of this community and experience I just thought that might be helpful. There's an easy way to build goodwill and friendship and to build relationships with others online especially in an online community like this. And it's really to, to like people's stuff and engage on their posts and in comment on them. Comment nice things affirmations like oh, great pose, like I really enjoy, you know, I mean, like, just lifting people up. You get that back 10 times. So imagine if you did that for people, if you're feeling new, and you want to be more a part of the community, you'd go and do that, you know, on on 20 people's stuff per day, you're gonna develop some pretty good goodwill coming back to you and support from people and that's ultimately how you kind of build relationships in this online community. I don't know how we're going to do it in the Metaverse, you know, we'll, maybe we'll come around and we'll all be cartoon characters. You know, for me, that doesn't sound that exciting. I don't want some cartoon dog in a thing so I don't know how I feel about that. Don't really care about it, you know, because ultimately I like reality. I like this kind of real interaction. I still like live events, webinars, live streams, stuff like this. Alright, we'll end on that note. My friends have a fantastic Thursday. We will talk to you later and get out of here. Be Legendary. 

Why You Don’t Have To Be An Entrepreneur To Get Started With Affiliate Marketing

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Hey what's going on everybody when I say it's Wednesday January 26, we are live as always, we go live every Monday through Friday at 10am. Eastern. We've been doing this for quite a long time actually. Specifically, we started this in around March or April of 2020. And it just caught on. We are killing it, crushing it. And it was funny when we started it was just kind of a question we get maybe once a week or twice a week or something. And then really since then, the community is just really taken off. And we've got lots of success stories. So we go live every Monday through Friday at 10am. Eastern, if you're new and watching the replay or watching us live, you can actually send a text message to us to get a reminder every morning. You can text the letters WUL stands for Wake Up legendary, WUL to 8132968553. And every single Monday through Friday at 10am. Eastern you're going to get pinged with a text message, it's going to give you a link directly into our Facebook streams. So you don't have to go looking for it every day. You can just jump right in. And it's super easy. It's really convenient. If you're unable or maybe you got to work during this time or something like that. You can also find us on the Spotify podcast. You can actually watch on Spotify, too. They just started a video feature there and you can tune in on Apple podcasts, Stitcher, different things like that. So just go to whatever your favorite podcasts that you have, And just search wakeup legendary, pretty simple. But anyway, we're gonna bring in a returning guest. Mike Mefford and what's going on? 

Mike: Thanks for having me on again.

Matt:So you were in. You were on the show in October, right? So remind everybody where you're from, and maybe it's been a while ago, I feel like I kind of remember a little bit about your story and stuff. But there's a lot of new people here, who’ve never met you or heard of you or anything. So tell everybody a little bit about your journey, how you found legendary and what your journeys have been like, up until now.

Mike: I live in the Kansas City Metro Area. I worked in IT for 25 plus years, I thought I had a pretty safe job. Turns out I did not. So in November of 2020, I was informed that my position was being eliminated and that they weren't going to offer my skill set to the company anymore. So that eliminated my job. Luckily, I had until January of 2021. So they gave me like three months there to prepare myself. So I have started looking for another job. I still get my email reminders of jobs that are out there because I just want it to be a reminder that Hey, I don't want to go back to that nine to five life. So I still leave them in my inbox. I still get them every day. These are the job postings out there. So yeah, this little reminder to myself, Hey, I don't want to go back to that nine to five. So anyways, I had been following a few people on tick tock and different platforms on you know, this kind of side hustle and stuff. So you know, I decided to jump in. And, you know, I took the seven day challenge and By day three, I pretty much knew that this was something that interested me. It was totally outside of my comfort zone. I had never done a video filming whatever from the ground up. I grew 130,000 in like a three month period so that’s my story. You know, I lost my job. I needed something to pay the bills. So I jumped into doing this.

Matt: Very cool. See you've got you've got a pretty solid like business that you've now got going but you were never the business entrepreneurial type. Like totally new.

Mike: I've never owned Business in my life, I've never done anything like this. I was a nine to five guy, you know, I got up and went to work every day.

Matt: And you're also a little bit on Instagram too. How's that? 

Mike: It's good.I really just started concentrating on trying to grow it. But yeah, it's definitely starting to take off a little bit. I've posted a little bit more videos on YouTube and Pinterest. I repurpose live videos on all platforms. 

Matt: So good, good. And what he means for those of you who are newer and kind of wondering, what does he mean by repurpose is he's taking content that he's produced, and on tick tock, and then downloading that video, removing watermarks, putting it on different social media channels. So he can create one piece of content and reused it on multiple different social media platforms. So he's not endlessly creating videos all day can just create a piece of content, repurpose that over and over and over again. So. Very cool, Mike. Very cool. So in your questionnaire, I was kind of curious, you mentioned something about building a business through DMS. So what I thought would be interesting is if you could talk us through a little bit about your content creation process, but then also taking, let's say, your followers and turning them into leads, turning them into buying customers, and what's your process then like for that as you grow?

Mike: So basically, I do fun things every morning, I use a scheduled block. So I set, you know, time periods aside, and I do content at that time, it could be you know, the typical, hey, click on the link in my bio, or it could be Hey, comment, and we'll have a conversation we'll have that just turned into a big, big thing for me is the DM conversations, I probably started doing this totally wrong. I totally tried to push, hey, click on my link, and it just didn't work very well. Just didn't buy in. So I started doing the DM thing. And I could spend all day answering DMS probably right now. So I started that conversation with them. If you know, I get to know them, you know, what their pain points are? You know, how can I help them? You know, is my product even a right fit for them? So, that's how my DMing conversations usually go. And then, you know, I send them off to my landing page, right? I offer a free ebook, and I capture their emails and names so I can have future follow ups with them and then hand them off to Dave at that point.

Matt: Nice. So you've reminded me that you might have just said this. But how long ago did you first find our challenge?

Mike: I started in March of 2021.

Matt: Okay, cool. I always think when people make it a year, it's like, it's a big milestone. It's like 10 years, and it's like affiliate marketing years are like dog years. It's just like, it's a lot longer than you might expect. Or you might think So you also got our Blueprints, you've been through a lot of our training coming from more of a corporate world or corporate style world, I guess you might say. How, what was that? Like? Was it hard because some of the entrepreneurial parts can be a little bit overwhelming for people. What was that like?

Mike: So the software side of it, setting up the funnel was, that wasn't all that difficult for me because I do have an IT background. But it's very beginner friendly. That was the easiest part in the support community that's out there. It was awesome. You know, everything was step by step, you guys laid it out perfectly. You didn't really have to go searching around for a whole lot of answers, followed the blueprints and your instructions. It worked. So I didn't really struggle with that. The hardest part was the video part. I was not comfortable on camera. I'm still a little shaky at it at times. 

Matt: So there's like a lot. I mean, there's a lot of people on here, they'll say the same. For instance, we'll have like, we'll have a young girl on the show, like your early 20s or something. And you'll see a bunch of you'll see a bunch of old guys in here in the chat just like yeah, but she's cute. She's attractive. You know, it's not fair. I could never go on video. I have a face for radio, you know, all this stuff. And, and tell us a little bit about how you were able to overcome that and get it you've been doing this for like, you know, almost a year now. And to go from that sort of like maybe more introverted or maybe a little bit more shy kind of camera presence to going, like, Hey, I'm gonna go on camera and I'm going to deliver with confidence. That's a big shift internally, I found because I was the same way. how did you sort of work through that internal world and start creating content? Take us back to your very first videos on Tik Tok, and what that was like?

Mike: I was right there with you. I don't know how many retakes I tried to do to make them perfect. And that's one thing I learned right off the bat is they don't need to be perfect, perfect. You're not filming a, you know, a TV commercial? I mean, you're kind of sorta but not really. I mean, you don't have to be perfect at what you're doing. I just finally said, Screw it, I'm just going for it. You know, I just started, I started out with, you know, you know, three to five videos a day. So believe me, that was? That was a lot in the beginning. So it does take a while to get comfortable doing it. But you overcame it. And the more and more you do it, the more and more comfortable you get it. I think I'm at like six or 700 Tick Tock videos now. So

Matt: That's crazy. Yeah, it does get, I felt like it does get a little bit easier over time. And maybe yeah, unless I'm in a meeting, or I feel really on the spot, or I feel like I'm in a meeting. You know, I don't know, maybe like a celebrity or something I'm not super familiar with. I virtually like, I don't know, I think my life is pretty dry right now. Like, I'm just like, I'm not, I don't know, it's, you can just kind of show up. And boom, you're on video. Alright, let's go. But I think it's, it's just how, you know, when you're in those first days, I always like to go back to those very first beginning days. It's interesting in those first days, where you conceptualize yourself as a static person who's not capable of change, right? You're always saying things like, Yeah, but I don't have charisma, or I shy away from the camera, or I'm an introvert, or I've got a face for radio, all this stuff. And the perception of that is just that, you know what, I'm not capable. I'm not capable of this, or it could never happen for me or something like that. But as I think over the years of how much I've shifted as a person, and I've changed internally to be more, not extroverted, it hasn't really changed anything. But like Spencer just said in the comments, turn your weaknesses into strengths, right? So I think what a lot of introverts do in the world of Tik Tok and Instagram is they have a level of honesty and transparency, because it takes so much to get through to people it takes so much just to even upload a video people can feel that. Now, I think that for a lot of people, when they speak with sort of that nervousness, that way, lack of confidence, they end up not generating a lot of leads and sales, that starts to come. Later on, we've started to speak with real confidence, right? So what helped you with going into that place of confidence? Did you see your shift in terms of yourself? Was it just in the business area? Did you experience it and relationships? Did you and then how did people experience any change from people and how did they respond to you at all, especially with your followers?

Mike: So when I started getting like feedback on my posts and stuff that that definitely helped my confidence, you know, hey, people are you know, buying into what I'm saying people are commenting, you know, you know, when you start getting the the haters on your posts then you know you've made it on TikTok, so, you're definitely gonna get the haters that come in and you know, this is a scam and all that I just kind of ignore him and move on. So yeah, but confidence wise, you know, my wife tells me I do find even my 17 year old daughter said, Hey, Dad, I can't believe all my friends see you on Tik Tok when they see your TikTok famous and stuff like that, because the amount of followers you have, it's funny, because that helps build your confidence, you know, 17 year old kids are telling you, that's cool that you're on Tik Tok that helps, you know, not that I'm really selling to them.

Matt: But yeah, totally. And I think that one thing that I think is really cool is that I love what I witnessed from my parents when I was growing up. My dad had a job and still works. He's worked this job now for probably close to 40 years. And, my mom is a little bit more entrepreneurial. She just had trouble finding good daycare and whatever. And so she started her own hair salon, in our house. And in the front room of our house, literally the front end where you walk in and My dad plumbed out the sink and chair and put a couple of hair dryers in there. And poof, she was off and running. And, she crushed it. But when I was little, maybe in fourth or fifth grade, she forced me to start a paper route in our town of 450 people. And she would get up with me every morning at 5am, we would hop on bikes, we bought baskets for the front of our bikes, and put frickin newspapers in there. And we'd started the paper. I mean, and, and it's just funny to me how I look back sometimes. And I think to myself, I look at somebody like you, or I look at anybody in our community. And I look at them and say, you know, so much drive and entrepreneurial creativity and energy and all this stuff. And, man, I feel like some days I don't have that, when I look back on my last 10 years of all the ventures I've started and all the ways I've been successful, and even just, you know, kind of, in a sense, carved out some form of like, role here at legendary. I mean, with the help of our team, and then finding me a role here too. But it's been very non-traditional, like not traditional at all. I don't even think I applied for a job here. And I messaged and I got hooked up through a friend, right, it was just weird. But I look back. And I think to my mom, and I think about what that example did for me setting sort of a work ethic thing of like, Hey, you might be in fifth grade, but like Get your ass on this, like you're waking up at 5am. And I've basically woken up at 5am and been grinding. Ever since I got done with college. All through college, I worked a job and started entrepreneurial, all through college. And after all of it probably leads back to that. I say that all because, you know, one of the things I think that parents underrate a lot is what the people working on, say, what what your friends and family and their friends, you know, seeing somebody who's did it for 25 years, and maybe struggled initially with some of the charisma and I'm on camera, this is no this, like, consider that and grow through that is a really emotional and really like transformational thing to see. So I think that's really cool. And I just wanted to say that I say that a lot to parents when their kids are commenting about, you know, Jay Z or TikTok famous for all this stuff, like, you know, and that really shapes a person. It's really shaped me and I think that that's just it's a really cool testament to you growing through a lot of whatever it is insecurities and stuff but that's really cool, Mike. 

Mike: Well, thank you very much. I appreciate that. Yeah. 

Matt: As you've gotten going now, like as you move into the new year, like what's what's been on your mind in terms of like are you just continuing to do what you've been doing and what is work? Do you have plans to expand? I don't know if you have interest in doing coaching or what this year is going to look like?

Mike: I do actually have an interest in coaching eventually. I would like to do that. I don't know if I'm to that point right now that I'm ready to start doing that. But I did get myself a coach and mentor. So it really helps me build that part of my business. It's kind of like I've just started as a paper right now. So, you know, I eventually want to do that. But right now I'm continuing to do what I'm doing. My plan is working. I didn't grow up as an entrepreneur, I was a tech person. And so this, like, you know, I jumped outside of like, everybody I know, lived with work, worked a nine to five job that was the way you've made money you went to work every day. And that's not the case anymore. You don't have to do that. I lay in bed every morning and start my day answering DMS and emails and stuff in bed. So I don't have to get up, get dressed and go to work. 

Matt: Yeah, I would say, You know what, the thing that we just tell people is, you know, just don't screw it up. You know, I mean, if you got something that's working, we've sort of figured out a formula to make a couple of $1000 or more online, like, Hey, first things first, if you're in a build up something else, just make sure the first part doesn't stop working. And, you know, that's cool. And I also like that you've got, you know, you went out sought out somebody to get some mentorship from, we had this we have this girl who just, um, I know that she went over the years in her business, and decided to buy our Blueprints, and hadn't bought them before she found us nine months ago or something. And, and I was like, Wow, that's pretty interesting. And actually, we've now had two different people that I know, who are six figure affiliate marketers, whether with us and other companies. I mean, they've got a lot of other streams of income, too. But most of them have hit six figures with us and purchase the blueprint after the fact. And, you know, that's why that's why, you know, I've paid a lot of money, investing in myself, but I've also paid a lot in time. And what people can't invest in money, you can obviously invest in time. You know, Elon Musk always talks about how, look, there's, there's a certain amount of hours in a week, and if I work 100 hours a week, and everybody else is working 30 I'm going to beat him, eventually, I'm just going to learn more, I'm going to experience more. It's just a formula. Not that I'm a big advocate of working 100 hour weeks, but But I do think that sometimes when people have sort of, you know, made it, one of the things that always pissed me off was when people made it, and they're like, oh, yeah, just just, you know, 30 minutes, you know, 20 minutes here and there, like, just whatever. And I'm like, I'm like, if you're hungry, and you're really, really hungry and ready to go after it. Like, you should get in there and use every bit of energy that you've got, especially if it's making you happy and fueling, I see all these posts on Twitter and Instagram about, you know, mental health and, and, you know, it's not always just about grinding, and I'm, like, totally for you. But don't tell me that, like, I'm hungry, and I'm having fallen, and you've got habits that you do, or you've got hobbies that you do, maybe you go golfing, maybe go hiking, whatever my hobby is just trying to make more money and free myself financially. And I love that. And, and so I just, you know, for our community, you know, do what's right for you, do what's right for your energy levels. I've been in and out of a flow for the last 10 years where the first five years I could wake up, go around, sleep just jacked and pumped up on energy. I need eight to nine. I gotta have like 8 hours or I can't even function. I'm like I hit 1am And I'm like, Oh my gosh, I'm in such a bad mood. You know? I don't know where I was going with that rant but

Mike: I just get you know, if you're not grinding because I feel it. If you're not working on your business everyday. You don't want it bad enough. That's my philosophy if you're not working on it, and you don't want it bad enough. So I'm down here every day

Matt: Especially, especially when you're first getting started and it's like there's This, you know, some people don't believe in momentum. But there is a little bit that can happen with these with these. With an online business or with a following like building a following building a list starting to get sales, when you first start, there's a little bit of momentum that you've got to create. It's, it's a big boulder that sitting there and it's not moving, and you've got to put in extra effort versus a couple, you know, let's say, a couple years down the road, you might not need to put in quite as much effort, you need to put in effort, but like, you can, it's already moving, there's a little bit of the ball rolling. And so in the early days, that takes effort, every single day, you got to be showing up, you got to be grinding, you got to be pushing, and eventually that ball and that takes look some people it's a week. Some people it's five months, sometimes it's, you know, we've had people I've seen people go to six figures, 90 days, this is not all that common. It's not the norm. But yeah, it's definitely happened. And I've watched it happen. But for most people, that's usually not the case. For most people. It's like, for most people, it's a little bit slower. And David, he just said something here, he said, treat it like a job. Well, at the at our masterminds what Dave says is, he says, you know, if you were the chief marketing officer, if you were the chief executive officer, or let's just call it up, if you were the Marketing Manager for your own business, or for the for the business of somebody else, would you hire yourself, like, Would you hire yourself for this job based on how you're showing up on a day to day basis? Because sometimes, as an entrepreneur, I don't have any category that understand what I'm doing. I don't, what am I doing here? I don't, I'm just, I'm just creating content? Well, no, you're the marketing manager of your business. And as a CEO, you sit down and look at yourself and say, well, like, your performance here. You're not showing up. Where are you? What's going on, ma'am? And then you're like, Damn, you're right. Like, if this was a job, I'd have a job description. I know what I need to do every day. I know, I have a checklist of stuff I need to complete every day. And then you do a little, you know, you do a little mirror therapy. And you give yourself a good hard look in the mirror and say, Geez, I guess I don't deserve a race here. I'm not sure I do. Do I don't I don't know if I deserve to get a promotion. You know, all this is a powerful question.

Mike:  Sometimes you're gonna have it down. And, you know, that's the point where you don't have to dig a little harder. Back to that core of commissions or whatever it may be.

Matt: Yeah, totally. Totally 100% So for people who are here, law, a lot of people who are new, a lot of people who are just discovering legendary and really just think beyond even legendary, they literally just discovering, like, hey, there people, ordinary people out there who are making money on the internet. Like there's this massive pool of money on the internet. And there's people who are just normal freakin ‘it guys. Frickin you know, nannies, like restaurant workers and grocery store clerks that are just like just taking a loan nice and just carving out a tiny slice of that pie and saying, you know, what, if all these people have a little slice of the pie, I'm gonna pull it out my own slice, let me come up to the table and cut my own slice. What would you say to those people to sort of give them a little bit of inspiration, a little bit of your take on making money on the internet.

Mike: Normal people can do this. It all comes down to being you know, if you want it bad enough, you're going to go get it to be consistent with what you're doing. You don't have to quit your nine to five. start this you can start this as a side thing and you know, build it on the side and then when you reach that point that you know you're consistently making that income to replace your nine to five then you think about quitting your job I was forced into, you know, not having a nine to five so but yeah. You believe in yourself and you know, you don't have to be an entrepreneur to do this. 

Matt: I like that a lot. And quote, you don't have to be an entrepreneur to do this. That's really powerful. I think. Yeah. This isn't your typical way to try to sell that. You don't have you don't have to have any experience to do this. It's funny, I found this site where you can sort and leave our audience best. I found a site where you could sort tweets back. So it goes backwards in time. So you can see people's first tweets without having to scroll right? And actually, it might just be on the Twitter site. I'm not going to do it right now. But you can sort for and you go back and look at the first couple of months and even first year of his Twitter account. There. It's crickets, people. He's just sitting there posting, typing, typing about all this different stuff. And then you start to see a little bit of traction, he gets a couple likes, he gets a couple comments. And he puts out this mass amount of content until one day, you know, he gets 40 comments on his right. And people are like, Whoa, this is a hot take. This is interesting. And then they start following. And then he keeps he's like, Oh, I discovered something here. Right. And there's this big buildup of discoveries. But my point is, there's always a day zero for everybody. For dave for you, for me. You know, for everybody who's sitting watching the comments, we say it to whoever's listening, whether the watch live or replay or whatever, there's always the day zero. whether you're getting laid off from your job or whether you're quitting your job or whatever. As a reminder, there's always that day zero where you've got to, you don't have an option. You gotta figure it out. That's it. That's the only option. You have to figure it out. So thanks, man, is the best way for people to find you on Tik Tok @mikemefford6

Mike: That's the best place to find me

Matt: I'm gonna throw up your handle. It is now on the screen. And, Mike, thanks for coming on, man. 

Mike: I really appreciate it.

Matt: Yeah, let's touch base again, for a lot of us who come from a background of I don't really own a business. I don't. I'm not a business owner. It's just a good way to get an inspirational boost every day to see somebody creating content and to look back and know That guy's day zero was about a year ago or less. And it's really powerful. It's very inspirational because you know more people that you follow. Were in your niche or who started out kind of in the place that you did. You'll begin to pick up on stories and you'll begin to see yourself in their stories. And it'll help boost your confidence and help get you going, but give him a follow and and support Mike posts on his comment or sorry, comment on his post and let him know what was good from today. Let him know. What was impactful and let him know that you saw on wakeup legendary. We'll be back here tomorrow. Dave will be back here. Thursday and Friday, hosting. I was covering on Tuesday and then I typically host on Wednesdays. He'll be back here Thursday Friday. We'll be back guests and great stories for Thursday and Friday. Peace out everybody. Have a good rest of your Wednesday. See you back here tomorrow.

A 3 Step Formula That Works For Affiliate Marketing Beginners

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Hey everybody Happy Tuesday. My name is Matt and I am here in Phoenix, Arizona. So for me, it's 8am. For most of you, it's probably 10am Eastern which is when we go live. We do these every single Monday through Friday at 10am. Eastern. So if you're newer and you're just tuning in with us or maybe you're watching this replay, you can text the letters WUL to (813)-296-8553. And that will get you a quick text reminder, every time that we go live. So we're going to share a little bit about his formula for affiliate success. He's been around the block a couple of times. And I'm excited to chat with him all the way from Jamaica. We have Anton with us today. We've got great guests that come on every single Monday through Friday. We do it on holidays, we do it every day. So you can always rely on us being here with another guest industry. so you can text the letters WUL to (813)-296-8553. And you can always find it here if you don't want to watch it on Facebook or don't want to watch it on YouTube. You can always tune in on Spotify, Apple podcasts, wherever you can. So,Anton, what's up? 

Anton: Morning Morning Morning. How's everybody doing this morning? 

Matt: I'm good. I think everybody else is good. Let us know in the comments how everybody's doing. So you're calling in from Jamaica?

Anton: I'm actually in Florida. I'm based in Florida. But I am from Jamaica. Florida. Yeah, it's a bit chilly here in Florida. A lot colder than I would like it to be yesterday was like 36 degrees. So in Central Florida, it kind of sucked. But other than that we're good to go. 

Matt: Cool, man. Cool. So tell me a little bit about you and your journey from how long ago did you come to the States and what was that like? And, you know, give us a little backstory about you. How do you end up as an affiliate marketer? 

Anton: So I'm in the States. I did what most say to do, you know, go to college, work hard and get a degree So I did that and two years into my professional career. I was in a mall one day and reading an article and the article said that, you know, this guy earned like $3 million a year. They're talking about that and I did the math and I was like, if I worked for 30 years, and literally didn't spend a penny to average all the salary increases and stuff. That's probably what I would make. After 30 years. If I literally spent no money on rent, or, or food or anything, the best case scenario and I'm saying to myself, this sucks. That's not necessarily what I want to do. And so, you know, a year and a half, two years into my career. I basically just quit. I was like, You know what? This is not the lifestyle that I want. You know, at the time, I'm like I'm young enough. So if things go terribly wrong, I have some time to recover. So I had this dream. I'm going to tell my boss I quit. Literally, like three days before I had it all planned out. He calls me in his office. And he's like, Hey, look, I gotta tell you something. I was like, what? Like, yeah, I'm leaving the company. And I said, No, just literally took the air out. And you're like, yeah, so they're probably gonna look to promote, right? Yeah. So now I have a problem, because I’m about to quit. Right? But I'm about to get a promotion. Now, I wouldn't recommend your viewers do this. Okay. So they should take me as a warning of what not to do, right? So I quit my job. And I started to travel. And you see what happens if you quit your job, have no income and travel the world for months on end. You run out of money. I mean, it sucks. But you know, um, so I came back to the States and was like, Alright, I need to do something right. And so I went to apply for knowledge. And literally the moment I walked in on the guy I looked at it as a job right. So this is a formality. I'm looking at you, you got a job. I was like, you know, what, do I really want this job? And the answer was enough. I don't go back to the nine to five. And so I started to look like everybody else. I started literally Googling how to make money online. You know, what do you do you know, what should I do with my life? Like I was asked. And a friend of mine told me about affiliate marketing because I had tried everything. And then I stumbled across affiliate marketing when I was pretty much down to my last pretty much done with my last four to $5. And I started it and then essentially within a year had built a seven figure business basically building the plane while flying. So in a nutshell that's how I got started affiliate marketing, and I learned a lot of stuff along the way that I think we could get into later but in a nutshell, that's how it started.

Matt: Wow, that's cool. I think there's a lot to be learned about that because there's a lot of people who and i had a good mentor of mine teach me that, you know, he would he would always say, look, the mistake that most people make when they want to build a course or they want to start a business is they set up everything in every possible scenario that could ever be set up, and then they discover that none of it works right. So start at square one and make sure each piece works and sort of build it out as you go, which is kind of the analogy that you were saying and it helps you get out of the sort of stagnant inaction state of not doing anything, and it helps you actually get going.

Anton: Exactly. No, you know, if I were starting from scratch, and not quitting my job I think that the best way to do it is to think big picture hey, look, this is my goal. Right? How many people are in the chat right now? Let me just type goals if you have a specific goal that you'd like to get out of your life, right. First issue that most people run across is I say to them, okay, what's your goal? What're you trying to get out of this business? I just want you to work. I just want to succeed. I just, I just wanted to, I want to make money. Right? So I can't go to the bank and write you a check to make money, right? So there's no specificity. There's no hey, look, I need, you know, when I started, I was like, Look, I need to be able to cover my bills, which at the time was like two grand. I need $2,000 A month out of this thing or maybe right. And so that's, you know, if you don't have a specific goal, you're like a leaf in the wind just flowing all over the place, and you have no direction. And so that's like, the main thing. It's the starting point. If you're doing business right now, you don't have a goal. You basically just float through life. And I did that for years, right? I did that for years before I realized that you know you have to have a target. You would never leave your home and not have an idea of where you're going right. There's always an end in mind so you know how to get there. But for some reason, most people will leave their home and just jump in the car and drive. like you have no target. Like it makes no sense. Now if you are that type of person who's super organized, and you have everything in your life planned out. God bless you, right? But I wasn't that type of person. So I just jumped in the car. I had to figure out that oh man. This makes no sense. I'm running out of gas and I still don't have a destination. 

Matt: So what's the what's so you jump in the car and you just start driving which what's the connection piece that you made to go from that place to, You've got sort of your three step formula that you're now using to take us inside of that journey where you go from? I'm just figuring this out and building on the cars that I'm learning. I'm learning. I'm learning, I'm learning. And then you go, Oh my gosh, I think I figured out the formula to this whole thing.

Anton: So, you know, there's certain there's a saying you know, the carrot or the steak, right? You can either get the carrot or you can get the steak. Now some people respond to the carrot and other people respond to the steak right? see the craziest thing for me because again, for those of you who have been around for a while, because I was fortunate enough for my first campaign to blow up. So again, here's a funny thing. Because they're making money today does not mean you're going to make money tomorrow. Right? And so, because I was new, I literally do nothing like for all the people listening on this right now. The fact that you know what affiliate marketing is and you're plugged into this community means that you know, infinitely more than I did when I started because my introduction was there's this thing called affiliate marketing people will pay you a commission to promote their products, right. I'm down to my budget. I can make $50 a day for three days after that. I quit like I'm running out of money. I'm broke. Right? My rent is paid, everything is paid. And I have quantified miles left for the month. And that's it. Right so that just to give you some perspective in terms of the context, this was huge . This leads me to realize that I would go and you know, after making a ton of money traveling and stuff. What a lot of people back in the day got Google banned, Facebook banned my account. I got you know, my email, like everything just got was caved in. And, you know, when again, when you're traveling and you spend a lot of money, and then all of a sudden, you look in your account and you see zeros, and well, no, this is not, this is not supposed to work right when you're doing the work. And then they live happily ever after. Right? It's not and then Google banned is a cult, or Facebook banned is like now that's not the story supposed to go and so that's when I realized, you know what, after getting it and then having that happen, I needed to take a step back and say okay, if I'm going to do this I can't just be like bumper cars, right? You know, hitting into all objects. I need to have a clear plan. And part of the challenge was, I'm a simple guy. I'm probably the most simple guy that you will ever meet. And so I realized that if I'm buying a new car on the phone or something, yeah, I want to do everything I want to be able to, you know, make me breakfast and talk to NASA and all of that stuff. But if I have to have a system that's gonna put food on the table, and, you know, give me clothes on my back and feed my family and stuff. Give me the simplest, most basic brain dead version that works. And that's what I called the three step formula essentially. I need something that's super basic. I'm not trying to impress anybody. I'm not trying to tell anybody how smart I am. I just want something so basic that even the average person can do it. And that's kind of, you know, the evolution of how it came about. 

Matt: So bring us inside of what happened. I mean, how did you deploy it? How does it work? 

Anton: Okay, so, alright, guys, you know, if you're not paying attention right now, if you have something out in the background, if you're watching cats riding bicycles doing backflips. Now is the time to put that on pause and pay attention, right? Because I'm going to save you a lot of time and angst and grief. Okay, this is this is 10 years and literally hundreds of 1000s of dollars

That helped me figure this out. So I'm that type of person who realizes that I suck at a lot of things. And so, I said I need something simple. As the saying goes, it is impossible to implement what you don't understand. Right? And that's a problem that when they try and learn all this stuff, they don't understand it. They're trying to implement it, and then all of a sudden, they get tied into knots because it just completely conflicts, right. If you've ever tried to explain something to someone that you didn't understand, you know, how did that turn out? Probably not well, so I realized that I went in and I started to analyze a bunch of businesses. I bought a whole bunch of courses and I just really just went deep into Okay, trying to understand this. And what are the similarities that I saw for every business doesn't matter what big small mom and pop you know, no matter what type of business there are three things that everyone has to do to be successful. There are just three things: small, big doesn't matter. You need to lead in order to make offers and you follow up in your business, every single day, you need to be doing at least one if not all of these three things, getting leads, making offers and following up. Okay. So again, you're going to get leads, you're going to make offers, you're going to follow up. This works even if you're average. Now, How do you actually implement this? This is where you need two different things. You see. I don't know about you, but for example, going back to if I say to you this person is a Michael Jordan of their industry. What does that mean to you? They’re goats. They're as good as it gets, right? It's that person is as good as it gets. Now the Michael Jordan, I think everyone would agree that Michael Jordan of whatever industry will be successful regardless, you know, regardless of the challenges and anything they will be successful. What about everybody else? Right? What if you're not Michael Jordan or affiliate marketing? What if you're not the Michael Jordan of consulting or whatever it is? Yeah, how can you be successful because I don't want to have to be the Michael Jordan of my industry to be successful. I want to be able to be Bob Smith, right? The person who is shooting hoops in your backyard. That's what I want. If I'm doing a business, that's what I want. Again, if you're if this is resonating, just go ahead and type yes, but that's what I wanted. So I realized that okay, if I want to be successful, in this whole scenario, I am going to have to do a high ticket because profitability buys you a lot in this business. Now, if you're selling if you're buying something for $1, you're selling it for $1.05. You got to be good, right? You have got to be really good at what you're doing. Because any mistake, any little deviation from perfect means that you're going to be, you know, breaking even more than likely you're going to be losing. Right, right. But if I can buy something for $1 and sell it for 20 or 50. Guess what if I spend $1 on marketing, that doesn't work and I spend another dollar another dollar. I spent $3 And I gotta have $47 in profit to do a lot with that.

Right? I can, I can do a lot. I can run ads and put the wrong link, which I have done a billion times after 10 years. I still do it right. Why am I not getting any clicks? Because the link is wrong, right? Like I still make the most basic mistakes, even after 10 years. So I realized that hey, if I have a high profit margin, man, I can be the Bob Smith and I would still be crushing it. Right? And so hey, if I'm getting leads, the type of leads that I'm getting, right, if I'm making offers, obviously it is high ticket offers, right? And in the industry, the thing that's been lacking is there aren't that many good high ticket affiliate offers doing this, right. There are a lot of low ticket and stuff but you know, when I started this, and I sent out an email and a couple people signed up and then I saw somebody come in and it says you have you know, a commission on the guy cool, you know, $7 or 18 or whatever it was. And then a couple weeks later you see a commission where you have 200 or 250 at a time because I think the program was set up like , yeah, the pro affiliate regular one, right? So I saw 250 And I was like, oh, okay, I didn't. I wasn't paying attention like that. So I went and got an affiliate upgrade. And then it happened again. But this time it was 1000 like I literally just sent some. I got some leads and I didn't have to make the offers. I really spent a lot of time following up because guys did it for me. But it showed that that made it even easier. Because I have to just know how to get leads. Right? And so that's kind of the evolution of hey, you want to set up a system with such a built in advantage that it works, even if you're average. and that's what I specialize in. Right? I want a simple conversion, right? I don't want the okay astrophysicist you know, Guide to affiliate right? I want you to know the simple, basic. Hey, this is so basic that your eight year old could run the business. So that's kind of how I adopted the three step formula and said, Hey, if I apply this to the high ticket rather than because people are trying to do the low ticket, you know, lead wire and all that stuff. And that's great when you have your stuff dialed in. But as a newbie, it's hard to get it dialed in because you have to spend a lot of money testing all the different elements. This one's already tested out for you. So you're getting the best of both worlds. You're getting, you know, hey, you can come in at the low ticket amount. Teaser amount, but then again, you get upset and all that stuff. So you're plugging into a system and a community. That already works. Right? 

Matt: Yeah, that's the power of getting into some form. Some form of community, some form of not having to guess or just hope and wish that it works and you know, sounds a lot like your experiences a lot like my experience getting started which was just, it just just kind of floundering around creating all sorts of blogs and all sorts of stuff. But once I found I got into this small little group at the launch of a product in 2012, and having that little accountability group or like a little bit of community, and people telling me, Hey, I've tried this this work, hey, I tried this, this didn't work. And I was able to look at other people's marketing. Basically, I could just look, you know, it was a small group of about 10 people, but I could sit and look at all of their marketing to say, this is interesting. I see what's going on. And now in our community, especially as it is a community where we've got hundreds of people on Tik Tok on Instagram and YouTube. And you can literally just go to anybody's channel and just sit there and look and study their marketing and get a huge leg up just by like really focusing in and then here's the really cool part is over the last few years, what's happened is we've sort of done our best and I'm not going to take full credit for this but we've done our best to try to get high quality friendly affiliate marketers in our community and what you'll hear on this show every single day as people come on, and they just say, and I just I messaged this person who you know, they're killing it. They're just absolutely killing it. They're doing five figures a month, whatever. And they actually message back. I couldn't. They actually just sent me a message back and they were like Yeah, dude, like, here's the emails I use. You can take them to the custom. It takes so much in the learning process out of it. Right. We teach the basics and the challenge with deeper stuff in the blueprints, but once you get sort of a whole swirling community, it's just crazy. 

Anton: It's one of those things where affiliate marketing can be a lonely space, right because you're on your own where you are in front of a computer. And when I started out, again, the community wasn't strong, right? You're just isolated. You had isolated pockets of people doing their own thing. And so it was, it was, you know, sink or swim type of situation, right? You really had to have the discipline and the self ration of belief. And sometimes, all you need to hear is a success story, right? Sometimes, you need like, hey, you know, and the whole purpose, you know, of shows like this is like, hey, sometimes it's not the tactics or the strategy. You just need to hear someone be like, yeah, man, I'm crushing it. I mean, you doubled on your efforts, right? Because it's the whole social proof type of situation. If your neighbor buys a brand new car, or a boat or something, and you're like, we have the same job, are they getting all this stuff? And I'm not only in that competitive competition and allowing you to write. I'm going to redouble my efforts. Oh, I failed six times. Okay, I'll get up and try it one more time, because someone else is crushing. I know. It's possible, I believe, right. if we do not attempt what we do not believe, right? We don't do things that are impossible. If I tell you, hey, I want you to, you know, stand on the ground and jump on top of your roof. You're gonna be like, Nah, I'm gonna try it. I know, it's impossible, right? I want to stand on the ground and jump on top of the Empire State Building. Well, that's stupid, right? I'm not going to try it. Right? There's zero belief. And so the less belief you have is the less action you take, the more belief you have stands to reason. So if you have a ton of humans to take a ton of action, and guess what, the more action you take, the more results you get. Now people think that taking action means that you have to get it right or get everything perfect, right that is so not the case. Right? The reality is if you're starting over again, you know, don't blame me, it is the laws of physics, the laws of nature, not my fault, right? So sorry, guys, if you're a beginner, brace yourself, right? Oh no, you're getting advice without a license, right? This is a situation where when you start with this or anything else it's going to suck, right? You are going to suck? Totally. That's life. Right? But that's okay. Because guess what? One day you wont suck and that’s what’s important and really We all go through the same process. I remember sitting in to visit someone and they have a huge oil company. And they're in a meeting and I'll just they're they're talking about different strategies and this huge company, and you're like, Okay, we're going to try this and we're going to attempt that right this way. And I'm like, try to attempt a test. When you talking about you don't have the kind of like, they're just spitballing ideas, and I get to realize that this huge company runs the same way that you and I run our things we don't, we don't always have everything figured out when when you're an employee and decisions come from the top down if you feel as if everything has to be figured out. Before you can start. The higher up the ladder you go you realize that you just brainstorming stuff. Hey, let's try this. Let's test that. So if you're starting with no I can save you a lot of angst and anguish. You're going to suck okay. Again, you know you are going to suck. But the reality is, the more you do it, the less you suck until one day you're going to realize that I don't suck. Actually. I'm now crushing it. And the people who try to circumvent that are absolutely getting crushed and another secret is half of my successes, if not more, have come you know, right after a catastrophic failure, or as a direct result of me just messing something up the first time I ever scaled a campaign. I was running some Facebook ads. And I went to set up everything and my intention was to put my budget was the lifetime decided last week but my attention was put a budget of $200 right and I did it went to bed I was in a third world country so the internet was not the greatest I went to bed and there was annoying feeling that you know something is not right. So I got up when I tried to check that everything on the internet wasn’t working, so I couldn't check to confirm my campaign, tried to get in, couldn't work privately and tried to get up in the morning. tried again, no internet, so I'm like, I gotta go to a cafe because something I just had that my spidey sense keeps going up. And then when I finally got a chance to check it I had accidentally put my budget not as $200 but $20000 it spent damn near $3,000 in one morning. And I'm like so now I'm looking at my backend. Again, this was early in the day. I'm looking at my backend and I'm trying to figure out what type of hit I took cause I'm just like what happened. And then I saw that I doubled what I spent and made three grand in one day. You make three grand in a day, Change life real quick, right? The moral of this story is not to go raise your budgets. You know, through the roof. Okay, that is not the takeaway. The takeaway is, hey, I made a mistake. And I learned that okay, scaling doesn't have to be what everybody says it is. The only way to find out where the boundaries and the lines are is to test it. So again, I just know the moral of all of this is, Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Just because mistakes that you make are how you learn. That's how you grow and not make mistakes and not grow. So that's, you know, in a nutshell a little nugget of advice that I wish I had known when I was starting out. 

Matt: I agree, man. And the funny part is, if I was going to ask you, as we start to wrap up, I was gonna ask you, you know, what advice would you give and I feel like without even asking, like you said it already at the end there you can't be afraid to make mistakes. And I, you know, from my perspective to just pile on, but I always tell people, you know, I used the analogy of like, when I was a kid I used to hang out in a sandbox right outside our front door. Kind of on the side. And, and there's a point where, you know, I would go out and I would, I would have total innocence as a little kid and I would be able to try things working with guilt or shame. Somebody told me you're not very good at this. And to me, it was the first time just looking around and realizing, Oh, you mean like, maybe maybe I'm not good enough for or maybe I'm not. Maybe I'm not as good as Joey or Lisa or something at building a sand house. I'd never thought of that. I always just thought I'm just playing around, you know, and I think that people need to return to that sense of innocence. In their business when they're first getting started. 

Anton: You hit the nail on the head, you still think about a child right? Think about like a four year old right? And maybe all parents are on the line. Think about a four year old you go to the store and they ask you for candy. Right Can I get some candy? No. No one can tell me if they stop and like Alright cool. Or like can I guess again? Like the relentless like no means nothing right? If you're a parent, you know, you don't for children. At that age, the relentless  urge to get it is asking and I'm going to ask until you know they say yes or it is literally just you know, they’ll curse you out. That is relentlessness that we're able to keep and as you grow unfortunately, you kind of society. Everybody kind of just beats that out of you with perseverance, right? So, you know, the last golden nugget I'll leave with you guys is this will help you. Right when you're not what do I do? I can't figure this out. What do I do, right? The answer is simple. Do more of what works. And less of what knows. Okay, don't know what works. We have to test until you find it all. At the end of the day, whatever decision that you're faced with, do more of what works and less of what doesn't, and that will propel your business. And that's really all you need. 

Matt: Anton I feel like you've dropped a lot of golden nuggets for us. For people who want to find you and you're talking about maybe launching and a little bit of your story and journey on YouTube. Is that the best place for people to find you? 

Anton: Yeah, so what I'm going to be doing is for anybody who is introverted, you know, I am the most introverted person that you'll ever meet, like, literally, I thought about doing just this interview for a long time, right? I'm really introverted. I don't use social media. I like to be behind the desk, doing my own thing. But in the past 10,11 years, 12 years as an online marketer, I have traveled the world and I've had some of the craziest things happen to me. I've been asked to speak on stage in front of audiences that are, you know, 1000s of people, right? I've had the craziest experiences. And so what I've done is, instead of making the traditional this is how you put up a Facebook at, I decided to distill a lot of them into just stories of, hey, I was in Africa one time, I got mobbed by a group of monkeys, right. And here's the takeaway, or, you know, I was hanging out with somebody in Hong Kong and you're trying to go to China. And they couldn't get to the airport and then it turns out that the visa was fake, right? Like just the craziest things happen. Once you're, you have that time freedom to travel, and live life and experience life. And so if you want to, you know, once I launch it, it's going to be coming here in a couple of days. And the language you're taking more action and that's why you're listening to this right now. My storage store tomorrow is the same store as yesterday, it is just at the end of the day. You can do this right. And so I'm putting a slightly different spin on it because I'm showing you behind the scenes of what it is like to live an affiliate marketing lifestyle. You know, for years, I have traveled a lot and been everywhere. I mean, I've stories from South America, North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, all over the place. So if you want to kind of just live vicariously through someone else, I hear the craziest stuff that happens and I love it. 

Matt: Everybody go give him a visit at youtube.com/antondale Anton, thanks for today. Hey, we would love for you to hit us up in a couple months. Keep us updated. We'd love to have you back on. Some beautiful stuff. Follow his journey. Subscribe, comment on his videos, let him know hey, here's what I loved about your wakeup legendary talk. Hopefully we'll get to hear from him again in a couple months and have him back on and see how his journeys changed or what's new. And yeah, have a great rest of your Tuesday, guys, and we'll be back here again tomorrow at 10am Eastern. Have a great rest of your day. 

The Guide To Designing Your Own Lifestyle

 Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Wow. Matt did you really headline this show David sharps insider secrets of the universe. Wow You really did that. Are you going to come out and you've taken now that you've done this to the headline Are you going to come out and take responsibility for this? That's what I'm supposed to be left here with talking about secrets in the no I don't have secrets of the universe. I have. What were my secrets about? I have secrets about something though. I don't know. Oh, right. I've got secrets about designing your life in a way that is specific to how you want to live it. I've got some secrets to that. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary, my friends. It's Dave Sharpe here and Matt had so we had a guest that canceled this morning. So basically, we were left with a big pile of shit. And we're going to turn it into some magic this morning. And you know, I think these are usually when the best magic is created. What do you think? 

Matt: That would be something both you and I would say

Dave: Well, I mean, here's my experience. And why actually say that? For anybody who's just coming on here brand new, what the hell is he talking about? Is this guy got a little Irish Bailey's in his coffee this morning or something? You know what I mean to get a little flask you know, he goes off camera there for a second and hits the flask, you know, what I mean? No. You know, a lot of my best marketing campaigns have always happened from just something that I tried something that I was forced into doing. Because I was left with no other option. Right? Like I was supposed to do something and I was supposed to go live with somebody and at the very last minute they canceled, I'm forced to wing it. And usually my best stuff comes from just straight off of the heart. You know, off the top of the dome piece and not when I've rehearsed it 50,000 times inside of my head. Because then a lot of times if I don't have a deadline, I just kind of rework it and perfect it until it's you know, it loses all of its dazzle, you know what I mean? But if I'm if I've got, you know, five minutes to where Oh shit, you know, somebody is not showing up or I got to do this and there's an actual deadline there and it makes me just kind of put, you know, move into action. A lot of times those have been when my best content has happened, it's been when my most successful sales launches have happened. It's also been when I see a lot of people in our community who when they have a video that goes viral. It's not one that they spend hours and hours editing. It's the one that they just had to throw up within 15 seconds. And what does that tell us about I mean, what can we learn from that? What do you think?

Matt: In the marketing world, that means marketing to test. Usually the stuff that I think is going to make a big change or impact just doesn't do a lot sometimes. I shouldn't say usually but maybe all of life is a test. Like wow, marketing is just an analogy for life, right? 

Dave: You're just really going, you're going deep, man. I mean, where can one even go with a response like that? You know, it's just wow, shall I be a mere mortal and respond about marketing or if I don't step my game up to talk about the powers and secrets of the universe, which is what I'm supposed to be talking about on this episode. Then I do show my vulnerability. If I don't, you're asking me to step up and speak about the secrets of the universe that I know about. Right? When I don't know if I want to come out with them here just for free on the show. You know, I mean, I at least think I might want to save those for our blueprint students.

You know what I mean? Here's, here's one of the secrets of the universe that I know. And it's really what we were going to talk about this morning, which was how do you design your life and I bet a lot of you all, including myself, in some way, even still today, are living a life that somebody else designed. A life that somebody else designed. Well for, for example, for example. Yeah, you want to go deep, y'all want the deepness. Alright, check this out paddock on the wrist. We're jumping into the pool here. This is the Gulf of Mexico. We're going offshore. So yeah, I live in Florida, where I was born, and now I've lived here all my life. And I've never really lived anywhere else. And I traveled a little bit when I was young, but I hadn't really seen a lot of the country or even a lot of my state, you know, is this really where I want to live? So now I'm 38 years old. I just so happen to also live here in Florida again, but part of that was part of that part of my life was designed for me in a sense because I was born into that land. So some of what I mean is, is direct and some of its indirect. So the direct part of having somebody else design your life is something physical like that where you live, the indirect was how people will maybe affect us mentally or emotionally. We don't see that or feel that directly it's more indirect. So these are a lot of the beliefs that we have about money. These are a lot of the things that you know, we carry into our adult life. These are even things like thinking that having a corporate job in a 401k and working 40 or 60 hours a week for a company for you know, with a goal of I don't know, you know, driving into the city every day, you know, with it's just sitting in traffic, having somebody tell you when your lunch break is going back to your cubicle, that sort of life, I think, you know, is is we think that's the that's the American dream. And so that would be an indirect way that somebody else has designed my life if I actually believe that spending all this time which ends up being 80 to 100 hours a week when you factor in travel and driving into an office and stuff like that. I think there's big benefits now that what's happened over the past two years. More people are working from home and I think that's a big deal. That's worth a lot of money for people if they can work from home so we're finding middle ground. But again, if I am completely closed off to thinking that there just might be a chance that this whole belief I got about living the American dream is also false, which would be an indirect way that somebody else has designed my life. My wife and I went to Colorado this last week and we were going to look at property up there and potentially buy something for later on in life or something you know, if we loved it out there, we were looking at the boulder area. We know we like to ski out there. But we potentially want to own property out there. And so we flew out to Denver this past week just both picked up our shit, you know, and just flew out there. We have a nanny who is able to watch after our kids and or family. Thankfully, we still have around lots of family actually. And you know businesses run in we're 100% all online so everybody's working from home. Within legendary, right? So that part of my life has been designed right to where, you know, if I need to get up and go somewhere there is not a big open hole inside of a company because I'm not in the physical office where I think that was a big design factor back in 2000. And, like 18 I wanted to potentially build Legendary from a place of, you know, everybody's going to be in an office and I'm going to ask people to move to Florida and all this kind of stuff. And that was a big, big decision not to do that to design otherwise to design and keep everybody online. Virtual. And so anyways, you know you so all that's in place so I can go out to Colorado this last week and look at property and you know, get out there and freeze my absolute ASOF freeze my absolute ass off in real lies in order to realize I don't want to own property. At least right now if I don't have to in weather where the cold is absolute shit because I'm not even honestly used to navigating in that world. Right where? I mean, let me tell you, I'm as sunny as a Florida boy. And yeah. And so when I'm walking around those streets of Denver, you know, cuz we checked out, you know, we went into Denver strength. I've done an event in Denver. 4500 people back in 2013 in Denver. I've done Habitat for Humanity in Denver. I've spent a little bit of time out in Denver. I've done I've gotten seen in various different places, you know, I've taken my father skiing, you know, in Denver, which always scared me. I'm not I'm not bad. I'm not bad. Yeah, yeah, I can get down the hill without absolutely killing myself. Which is kind of the big thing. You just got to stay away. Look, I went up to Denver and we were going to potentially purchase at the very least a piece of property out there. Because maybe property is going to be much more expensive. 20 years down the road or something like that. A lot of our houses in real estate are in Florida, right? So we're thinking what if it's underwater, you know what I mean? But anyways, the point was we went up there to Colorado this last weekend and scoped out the area. It just felt the air in some of the coldest months and was, is that what I decided? Here's what I think about how I'm designing my life. Here's what I said. To my wife. I said I would rather hop around as I get older and or when we're traveling and or as we need to move around. I would rather have assets and things that I can liquidate, but our investments that are growing, right. So my two main places that I have investments are, you know, real estate in equities, you know what I mean? I have some other assets that are you know, I store value and some cash which is again a store value right now. It's gone down in value a little bit but it's a store of value of other things that have gone up in value. So it's it's it all evens itself out. All my stuff in the last two years has gone much higher in value versus the cash that's gone lower in value. But anyways, my point is, I said to my wife, I'd rather travel than go own a piece of property in a land that's cold as hell where I'm not used to living. I'd rather travel from a four star five star hotel to a four or five star hotel and stay in those sort of amenities. You know, as long as they're available, you know, versus planning my retirement you know, or my in 20 years or 15 years or whatever. Quite frankly, let's hope that we have an abundance of money in the plan. Is that what I do? When I look 15 years down the road I'll have the ability to be able to stay in hotels, if you know if they're still comparable to how they are right now. Right? You know, you can stay in a nice hotel room for, you know, $500 a night, you know, maybe a little bit more but the point is here is that hey, look, I like being home. And if I'm not home, I'd rather be hotel hopping is what I'd rather be doing. And you know what, in 15 or 20 years we don't know what the plan is going to look like or where we're going to need to be one of the safest places because you know what, we were looking at Colorado like oh, that's gonna be a safe place in 15 years. At 20 years and God there's wildfires up there that just stopped burning so nobody has a crystal ball. But what I did was I financially planned my money, our money by saying look, do we want to buy a piece of land in a place that's cold as hell? And maybe we bought 100 acres? 500 acres, right? I mean, who knows how much maybe we just buy 10 But, you know, maybe we buy a huge plot of land. But do we want to buy it in this area that is so cold that you walk outside? And you can't even think like me, I can't operate in that sort of climate, you know, so it was powerful in terms of designing your life. Because a lot of times we make decisions without being able to test things. And that's what college asks us to do. Right? It asked us to make a decision about what we want to do for the rest of our lives on day one, and who the hell can decide that? And that's one of the reasons why when people come into Legendary we say hey, look, sign up for our Blueprints. It's 2500 bucks. Look, it feels like a lot of money but in the grand scheme of things, compare it up. We humans love to compare stuff. So compare it to a college education and degree compare it to any other shit that you're going to do at a hotdog stand, you know, a laundry mat, what business are you going to do? It's going to have such low startup costs. Maybe you've got a couple of software tools here and there. 100 100 and some change a month operate the business. If you think that's a lot you don't understand or have any experience with business and that's okay. But be open to that thought. Not that you know, when you don't know, because that's a very low starting cost to learn in, get started. And so when we bring people into the blueprints, we introduce them to multiple niches. Let's show you how to make money in multiple niches. So you can try that. You can try making money by selling marketing products in that niche before you ultimately pick a niche again. It's about designing things. What I did last week was I flew out to Colorado to explore and look at the area and feel the climate so I can decide on a design. What I wanted. Not just being forced to live somewhere that I don't want to live or forced to write and I guess my point here is that when this is a different way of living, than the way that most of us are hanging on only doing what we can do we're not doing what we want to do. We're doing only what we simply can do. And what is the thing that allows you to do more? Well, fortunately or unfortunately, however one you want to look at it. It's making more money. We it's not tied down to a location dependent job, period. 

So those are the two things that need to happen. And now you have the ability to be more free to design and start having these conversations with your spouse, with you know, with yourself. Am I living where I want to live? Am I living how I want to live? Do I feel stuck somewhere? In a city? You know, all by myself? And do I feel forced here? Do I feel you know, backed into a wall do I feel like I can't escape? I mean, I don't know, maybe if you had all the money that you needed, you'd stay exactly where you are, but maybe not. But you've never been able to have that conversation because you've not been in control of designing your own life. I guess that's my point and I was not in control of designing my life because I was broke, you know, construction working right after being homeless. And addicted to gambling with some of some power from our products and I was addicted to which had brought me basically to the pits of despair. And you know, I'm not saying that clearly it's obvious I didn't have choices. But I mean, I think we don't acknowledge and we don't we don't normalize the fact that being free in this country is up to your own understanding and definition of what free is because I mean we have a lot of freedoms. There's no doubt. But I mean, the truth of the matter is, is that there is financial ceilings, that if you don't have location, free location, independent employment, whether that's for yourself or somebody else, and you don't have adequate funding and money to be able to travel in live where you want and kind of take vacations and stuff like that, then you know, you're I mean, yes, you are free and there are other levels of freedom that you're not enjoying. 

Matt: Yep. different levels, different layers. Yeah, I mean, so I don't know. Yeah, we talked about this, like Katherine and I talked about this this whole last year, which is just like, dude, the only like, there's just like, not even in a political sense just in like total personal autonomy sounds like really like going after opportunity that's gonna have the opportunity to make you more money and to have that ability is really your only way to ensure like real autonomy, maybe not to the degree that like, again, certain people have different layers or levels that they need or that they desire for that freedom, but to figure out determine what yours is. And then yeah, and then and the only solution the only thing really is just more money, like having the ability and resources, maybe resources to larger but yeah, having the money and resources and the ability to do whatever I mean, you think about like people who have private jets during the pandemic, like can still get around can still move around, even if, you know their flights are closed or you know, whatever. 

Dave: Yeah, well, I just went flying with a friend the other day and and what what I after after getting done flying, you know, me I start looking around the you know, I start looking around the the airport and I say you know hey you know how much how much are these planes, you know what I mean? And, I'll actually show you guys what I'm talking about here. So there was me hanging out on my buddy's plane and driving it. I was flying it for you know, probably the better part of two hours. And I mean it's a small plane, you know, it's it but it still could fit you in three other people. So there I think there's room for at least two other people in the back.

But anyways, I mean, I started looking around at planes when I got back and we and we flew back in there I was we actually flew around my house and my wife brought my son out and he because he always points up into the sky and whenever a plane goes by and you know, he really he really acknowledges playing so he likes planes. And so we did a couple of circles around the house. But anyways, my point is that you know when we came back to the, when we came back to the airport, you know, I started looking around and I was like hey, you know how much are these planes man? And he was saying numbers that were, you know, shocking to me. You know what I mean? That wasn't like oh, that's what oh, I could never have that. You know? Realistically there within that moment, I could see myself owning one of those planes. Now. There's a difference between one of those Cessnas I think they're called in a in a in a you know, a private charter plane I mean, those, those babies can run 50 $100 million. You know what I mean? These planes that I was in, you could get for a million bucks, you know what I mean? So, so, so anyways, it was just, it was interesting to be in an airport with planes that you know, if I wanted to, if I wanted to pilot myself around, get my pilot's license which only takes 40 hours, okay. Only Takes 40 hours to get your pilot's license by plane. I know. It's crazy. I know it's crazy. But if you have the money and do it. 40 hours, you're up there quite a bit. I mean, if I flew two hours that day, that's 20 trips like that. I mean, I'm gonna learn some stuff. I know. Trust me, it's scary. Here's my point, designing your life. The truth is that, look, folks, how many of you have never ridden in first class on a plane? Just how many of you have never ridden in first class on a plane. First class on a plane is a very different experience than riding a riding coach. You know, one of the things that's different about riding first class on a plane is that you've got a lot more Rome, Rome. You know, I was on a flight one time. Oh my gosh, I was in one of those three person seats, you know, three person rows. And oh my god, it was like human jello, you know, all the overspill from the woman that was sitting next to me, and just the, the human odors and just the noises and the sounds, and it was bad. It was bad. I'm not saying that I'm too bougie or better than riding coach. I'm just saying that I'll never forget that ride from Tampa to Vegas. When I got there, and I had this woman's body, you know, sweat all over me. Because, you know, we were tight. You know, basically, I think she was sitting in the middle. And I was sitting on one side and there was somebody else sitting on the other side. Who wouldn't be disappointed in that situation? You would be disappointed that they were in that situation. So, anyways, I said to myself, you know, if I could just never have to ride in coach again. And I try to ride first class pretty much every you know, every time I fly, it's just a different experience. You know, I used to go to restaurants and every single time I'd look all down the right hand side of the mat, you know, where the prices are over on the right hand side. You know, versus looking at food. How much is this? How much is that if I went to a nice steak restaurant, I didn't want to poke around too much. I might, you know, bring out the big numbers. You know, the special kind of, you know, I was in Denver and we were in a restaurant the other night. I got the $180 Tomahawk ribeye, my wife actually was kind enough to share that with me. She usually doesn't like that fatty of a steak. But you know what I'm saying? I was actually walking through an airport and I think it was a connecting flight from Dallas. One year I was actually going with my father to Colorado to ski and we had like an hour and a half or, or something like that two hours layover, because we were laying over on our way to Colorado. To go skiing. And I said, Well, what do you want to do? I don't know. You know, he didn't travel much. I said, Hey, let's pop over here into the little massage spot and let's just get a quick little massage. You know, like, and I think it was just one of those where you kneel down on it. You know what I mean? You don't even have to fully lay down. My dad had never had a massage. My dad had never had a massage. I mean, this was I don't know this was a few years ago. But anyway, he just turned 66 I mean, this was probably he was 60 ish. Let's just round around. 60 years old, never had a massage. 

Matt: The best, dude

Dave: At that point, I just thought about the holy shit moment I had had in my life and I was probably this when I was 31, 30, 32 years old. I had had 1000 massages in my life up until then. I mean, I don't even get them that much anymore because of what's happened over the past couple years. 

Matt: I used to get them a couple of times a week. Yeah. I'm still a couple times a month on those life changing. I doubt my hair. I don't think either my parents have ever had a massage. Ever. Foxy said my husband's never had one. We got gift cards to do a couple spa day for Christmas. I'm excited to take them. Well, you know, I just talked about designing your life this morning people and you know I just got back from Colorado. I was out there looking at land. Do I want to buy property out there? Do I want to own property? Do I want to travel and do I want to visit out there now would it just be for later but I had to go out there and actually scope the land out. I had to scope the cold bone chilling as frigid air on my bones to remind me of that. I didn't want to do that. I mean, basically that I didn't want to do that. And you know, I hung out though, man. I hung out at the Brown Palace Hotel. And there's a cigar bar there. Oh my gosh. It's like an old speakeasy. So I basically hung out there for hours on end. The majority of the week, days that I was there. You would have loved it. 

Matt: Dude I know where that is. I know right where that is on the corner. It's like an old timey looking thing. Looks like an old hotel. Hotel icon bronze brown looking. 

Dave: Yes, it's called the Brown Palace Hotel and it's an old, very old hotel. 

Matt: All these people from Canada and North Dakota and South Dakota are saying it’s even cold in Colorado. 

Dave: Yeah, I froze my ass off. I froze my absolute ass off. So here's where I was, well, this is what you know where I was hanging out at it's called the Churchill bar. Look at that. Come on, straight out like old school. There were some good conversations and cigars there. Oh, man. I'm telling you. It was special. It was a special place. And here's the main lobby of this hotel, the Brown Palace Hotel. This is the main lobby but they've got live music out there. pianos. This is the actual brown hotel right here. Brown Palace Hotel. This is an iconic hotel in Denver. We didn't stay there, we sat when we did. An event back with a former company. We had 45 ish 100 People in Denver. We stayed at this hotel. I wasn't relaxing smoking cigars like I was last week but it's a cool spot in that cigar. That cigar Churchill bar is inside of this hotel. And you can still smoke inside and see the main lobby is kind of, you know, under the main kind of it's the main portion of the first floor. There's the Churchill bar and it's a separate room that they actually do serve food in, but you can smoke in it. And I'm going to tell you something. I was right over here. Sitting right by the door for a couple of days and then it sat on the couch one evening, it was just Yeah. It was wonderful. Wonderful. I want to go back. But anyways, you know, I invite all of you who are listening because I'm showing you this kind of stuff because you know, I'm hanging out there on a weekday and I don't boast or brag or really talk about lifestyle design. That much. Because, you know, you don't know what you don't know and you're more motivated honestly from the pains inside of your life than you are from any sort of goals or whatever that you might have because it's hard to feel what those goals will feel like when you achieve them. But you can feel the pain that you have in your life that you want to stop right now. You can feel that right now. And so you can use that pain that you want to stop as a motivator to get your business off the ground and not quit basically. That's my opinion anyways, but I mean, I think it's important to talk about some of the ways in which human beings are living out there and ask yourself, did I really design this? Did I ask for this? Who designed this life that I'm living right now? Did my parents design it?  Did my guidance counselor at high school design it? Did I design it? is where I'm living. One of the exercises that we ask people to do when they buy the blueprints is to clean out your wallet. Because a lot of times you'll go through your wallet and there'll be shit in there that you don’t want. It's like I don't want this in here. But people end up clearing tons of receipts or women will go through their person, half the person that they're willing to throw away. And it's like, who shit is this? I mean, it's a deeper metaphor for who installed the software that's running your operating system, you know, who designed and installed the software that's running your operating system. But if we can first start and look around at our life in some of the direct impacts of life design, either by others or by ourselves, those direct impacts are things we can see and feel where we live, who we're with, how we live with them, how we take care of that space, who we invite into that space, who we don't invite into that space, right? Those are all ways in which we design our lives. A lot of times we have people in our lives constantly in our space that we don't want in our space. Why? Who's designing that? Why don't you have to take charge of that and have people in your space who you want in your space and if you don't have you can't create space then you need to figure out how to fund getting out of that situation. And then there's the indirect things like how we think about stuff and those are a you know, those are a different level or layer but anyways, my point is, is folks, you we got to take it off autopilot and start to question who's designing our life who wire where why are we where we're at? And also what's going on up here? Is that also installed by somebody else and can we begin to challenge that with the help of professional professionals and people who some of us need to go deeper than others. Some of us need to go deep into therapy, other kinds of things in order to help have help navigating. Therapists start to look around do I want to be here, right? You know, do I want to live here? Here in five years, start to think about those things and begin to design your life and we can get macro and micro we can get more micro by saying how do I design my day? Who's in control of my day? Who tells me where to be Claire? How do I stop them from telling me where to be? Exact this minute this minute this minute, how do I stop them from doing that as soon as possible? How do I get more creative freedom? How do I get right? So obviously I can go more macro with this. I can go more micro but a lot of times my point here is how many of us are just running on autopilot not questioning it and just haven't stopped to say okay, who's designing this day? who's designing this month? designing this year? I mean, we even just when you say that I think about the clothes that are in my closet. 

Matt: I think about doing this weird thing. Right you want to get a little weird with it, but I think about this weird thing that my dad used to do. My dad used to wear underwear until they had holes. Like just it's just they're just rags, right? Yeah. And it's just they're just cloth. And not using very much toothpaste and squeezing every tiny thing of toothpaste out of the tube and like, you know, I just had this it's the questioning thing. I had this question in my mind. I was like, dude, like, toothpaste costs $2 Like, you're squeezing out like, maybe a half a cent worth of like, whatever the hell this stuff is like just throw it away bro. Like just in little things like that. So it trickles down. Right it just trickles down to like, dude, no, like you didn't just the little broke mentality things that like somebody designed for me over the course of years, years, years years of just you know, lower middle class stuff. And yeah, it's been freeing, even just, you know, for me in a lot of ways just to have those little things sort of relieved and like, I don't know, but you know what, you know, what I find interesting is that that takes work and it takes energy and sometimes to do that work is harder than settling into that. That's why you're talking about therapy and stuff. It's like I found a lot of ways like adjusting and shifting and making those decisions is like I've not used my brain and am not ready for this. I'm not I'm not prepared for this. This is hard. And so it's easier to kind of settle back. 

Dave: Yeah, yeah. Well, I think I think more of us end up like our parents than we want to admit. You know, that's a big thing. It's why the progressive commercials who do who have had the guy with their soldiers, with the parent coaching how you know, when with all the folks who are, you know, becoming like their parents. Well my favorite is is is when the guy Scott the plumber and he's standing over him in the in the in the kitchen, in the parent, the God in the coach comes up and says, You hired him you're not helping him because he's hired the plumber to come in and fix the shit because he couldn't fix it but he's standing over him tell him what to do. Reminds me a lot of my life. It reminded me a lot of my life. You know, I've got my dad, you know, construction sites, that kind of stuff. The blind leading the blind. We used to call it you know, two monkeys fucking a football. You know, imagine some of the things that happen in a residential construction site. You are trying to get a bathtub out of somebody's bathroom, that you just broke in half a cast iron, or whatever, you know, or a ceramic tub or what I mean it's chaos. It's chaos. So you know but but but anyways it's interesting. I know you've done a lot of work on your money mindset stuff. And people think it's just like a seminar. You're right. It is hard work. It's hard work. But one of the reasons why we do this show every morning is because when you listen to this sort of the stories that we talk about and share each day with the guests that we have on it along with bite sized pieces of kind of explanation, even though we're telling stories today as well. There's also some explanation here, which is that you know, look, you're here because you want money and you want to have a business that spits out money. But look, why do you want money? And when you get money if you don't, if you're not thinking a couple of steps ahead, you might get some of that money. And then you'll be just as broke as every other lotto winner who won the lotto and then didn't have any money a year later because they didn't have a plan. Because they weren't thinking a couple of steps ahead. And what I'm telling you is, is that there's, there's, you know, the more you can begin even now when you when you have less, it's easier to design your life when you have less than trying to figure out how to design it when you have more. You know, it gets out of control when you have more, right that's why the more you have the simpler the strategy you got to have, in my opinion, you know, the more wealth I accumulate over the years and I've been accumulating wealth now for you know, 12 years ish. You know, which is not a long time in comparison to a lot of people with how long they've been. I mean, literally 12/13 years ago, I got clean and basically went from being negative up to even.

I mean, so that was that was literally my baseline and so I have to keep my strategy simple now because it's the bigger the more you accumulate, the more you earn, it could get out of hand then you start having things that are losing money and you know, you got crypto and NFT's and all this. I'm not saying that stuff's bad, but I gotta have a very simple strategy. I put money into it, and I pick equities through a guy that helps me and manages my money. He's a financial planner. And so I'll send him money and he'll pick stocks for me. And then the other thing that I'll do is I'll buy real estate rental homes. That's my strategy to keep things really simple. The more that I have, because that way I don't get too spread out. I'm safe at the moment. But what if you don't have any of that to worry about right now? What if you're just trying to maybe get your life back when you say okay, what am I doing? What am I doing on my weekdays with my time because your time is your most important thing that can generate the most revenue and the most income for you is your time. Right? That can generate income fast, faster than any investment can. So I say what am I doing with my time? Oh, shit, okay, I'm spending 6070 hours of my week. At a job. And then I'm also working 10 hours on the weekend on that as well. How can I get some of that time back? Can I add any time to that to work on my own thing on my own on my own business or work at trying to get out of that or can I? Can I shave some of those hours back so I can potentially work on my own business. Right? So for those of you who are saying, well, I don't have real estate investments and I don't have other things that I can start designing. Yes, you can. You can start designing how you spend your time because your time is your greatest income generator. You think that you don't have anything and you don't have any opportunity because you don't have any money? Or you don't have any skills? We'll learn the damn skills and then start applying those skills in using them in you. Putting in time using those skills will generate more money than any investment ever could. And then you take the money that you earn and you begin to put it away in investments. For some of you who have never saved any money before.

Maybe you buy a home and put $1,000 a month away in some sort of an ETF or with some buying some sort of stocks equities, you know, consult a financial planner and buy have them set you up a little plan and begin to build building assets buying investments, building an investment portfolio, in save $1,000 A month by the end of 2022. You've become a homeowner and you've got $12,000 saved inside of an investment portfolio. I mean, here's my thought: this is what it looks like to build. Well you start out in the lowest bracket. Ronnie Haji says I'm poor and I need help, brother. You got to help yourself, players help themselves. You got to help yourself. Show me I'm looking at you look like you're 45/50 years old. What do you mean you know that you can share with us that we can pay you for even on this planet longer than I have you figured some things out. You've seen some things that you know some things. What we teach here at legendary is how to package your information into either a course, a coaching program or an event or being an affiliate of an information product because you can sell your information for money. So you don't need help. I need help and millions of other people out there need help. So you need to figure out what you can help people with and then how to package it and sell it in reasonably high value areas. Stable offers that people get lots of value and are happy to pay you for preferably and at least a high ticket offer and maybe a high ticket and a low ticket offer. So you have two options. You don't need help because we need help and you just have to figure out how you can help us all right. Matt, what are the final thoughts you have to take us home. 

Matt: I don't know if I could have said it better than you just said it. You don't need help. We need help. That great reframe was rather powerful. That was a power that was a powerful moment. Was this real man, it's real, is real. I had all sorts of internal baggage and bullshit that told me that that wasn’t true, but it's just true. It is. 

Dave: It is what we know, really the gift here is how do I package things and make offers. That's one of the things and I think the difference between marketing is the difference between business building and what we think we need to learn. We think we need to learn networking and sales. And what we really need to learn is we need to learn to offer creation and persuasion. Because when I got into Network Marketing, I started getting involved in these various companies and the offers kind of pretty much sucked. That's why you always had to sell it to make money. perspective because the product sucked. So I never was. I never really learned about an irresistible offer. I only learned about just recruiting and stuff like that. And when I really started to practice copywriting and started to look, you know, started to do affiliate marketing myself, and I started to create my own information products. This is when I started to understand the power of offer creation, because I had to take a couple of elements of service, something that I could do for you and I had to be able to articulate clearly what it was and what it was going to do for you. And then I had to package a few things into a nice little package that felt complete and put a price tag on it and present it in a way you know, giving you guarantees and maybe adding a couple of bonuses and giving you a time to respond for it to be still valid. I had to then present that for money and present it hopefully in a way that it was going to be more valuable that you're gonna see that there was more value than the money that I was asking for. And what we know now is when we do presentations, you know that a certain percentage of people say yes to them. There's a large percentage who say no, and there's a certain percentage who say yes so what's my point here? My point is not that, you know, it's not about getting too lost in the data. It's what I need to learn. I need to learn how to take what I know and to articulate it into words, copy what it is and what it can do for you. And then package a few service elements into a little package until it feels complete and put a price tag on it and then present that persuasively in a way that makes it seem irresistible. Because it's actually a good offer. So nobody is broke. Nobody is poor. Nobody, none of you need help. You just don't know how to use the powers that you already have in a way that's profitable for you. You already have the powers, you just don't have the skills. So it's almost like you have the horsepower, you have the energy but you don't have the wheels in the frame. You're just an engine that is setting there. You know you need wheels and frames in the wheel and frame is just learning what we teach here at legendary which is we're teaching you how to make offers. We're teaching you how to use even how to generate a lead. That's an offer, hey, I'll give you something in exchange for your email address. Well, there's a specific way to do that. You only put a little bit of copy on the page so you don't overwhelm them, confuse them, drown them out. And then you just ask them for their email and tell them you'll send them or they can download what it is that you're giving away. It's a formula you know, so anyways, yeah, keep listening to these on a daily basis, folks when you do the software that was downloaded by somebody else, you know, we'll give you our software and you can listen to it. And if it feels good and you feel like it's empowering, then you can continue to install the software and take the updates and if not, well move on and go find the guru that you're looking for. I don't know. But we're going to have real people just so our guests didn't show up today. So we just said, `Let's go live for an hour and two minutes.’ All right. See you guys back here tomorrow. Be well get out of here. Stay Legendary.

Why Consistency Yields Big Results

Below is the transcription for this episode:

JoAnn: Welcome to Wake Up Legendary, I’m so excited to have you here. So share with all of us a little bit about how you came into marketing. 

Kelsey: Yeah, for sure. For sure. So, some background about me. I went into the workforce doing accounting work. And my first job was like a smaller type but the hours were absolutely insane and it was an hour away from my home. So I would be gone 12/13 hours a day especially during the busy season. And I just knew I couldn't handle that much longer. So then being in the military I moved to New Location looking for a new job. Same thing I got a job but the hours were crazy. And I said you know next place we go I'm not doing this again, like this is just too much for me. So now we relocated to Germany. And it was right when COVID hit right in the middle of COVID really so finding a job was super, super difficult. You know, there's a language barrier. There's limited availability for military spouses. Basically all the obstacles I had to get over in one day. It was crazy. One day I had an ultimate breakdown. I was just like, crying in my bed, but I was scrolling through TikTok and I saw a video of a mom who had two kids. Her name was Stasia and I immediately was like okay like I need to do this this is like a sign you know as I'm breaking down in bed like this is totally a sign. So ideally I signed up for a 15 day challenge for the whole two days. I got the blue. I did everything I said you know it seemed like I haven't had a job in like seven months. I was like you know this. This is basically I just took it as I was so stressed about not having a job, having money and not having income like it pushed me to show up every single day. I feel that's really really helps people to get the ball rolling is like that push and being consistent. And yeah, here I am now. 

JoAnn: Awesome. So share with us what being consistent means to you, like what does that look like in your business in your day, your week and all of that? 

Kelsey: Yeah, so in the beginning especially because I was doing this like only this in the beginning. Like I said the first two months I was only doing the affiliate marketing business at home. I would I swear I would log in every single day and post I mainly tick tock three videos every single day I would draft videos for a day that I didn't want to make videos and you know, some days I batch like days of content one day and just change my shirt or like put up my hair and some so it looks like that day but I'm not. I don't know how that looks better when you kind of change your outfits and videos. I don't know. I just did that. But it's just, you can't really say there's no dog, but you can't just forget about it here and there and be like oh, you know, I'll do it later. I'll do it later. Like no, like, be prepared for you know, be prepared to still post still messages to people still you know show your face. Or if you're not showing your face you know, still post your pins on Pinterest or something in your Facebook community. In the beginning when you're building your audience and building your community. You just have to show up really.

JoAnn: Right like you’re saying don’t even worry about the results.

Kelsey: Right like in the beginning I think my first commission was like a dollar. But you have to look at those results in the beginning and know more is coming. Celebrating those small victories along the way is so important.

JoAnn: So what do you think have been your biggest obstacles?

Kelsey: Just the different language barriers. I'm in Germany and it was weird at first because my videos would only show to Germans they would only show in the country of Germany. So I had to find it after a month and I found a loophole around that whole obstacle. But now when I post, I try to normally set an alarm for like one or 2am so I can just have a video drafted and I'll just post them and just go back to bed. Because I like to spread out my videos throughout the day when I am posting. Especially with messaging people too. 

JoAnn: I can understand that. So it takes a little bit longer to get back to them. So you started on TikTok? Is that correct? You’re meeting and expanding your business on other platforms. How did you decide to make that shift to start to scale, grow and expand? 

Kelsey: So I decided to make that shift once actually Legendary they put like a little contest on Instagram reels contest posting two or three times a day. Like it was a huge opportunity. I would say I don’t want to say pushing Instagram because I know it's like volleyball, but I focus more of my efforts on TikTok. 

JoAnn: Like okay, do you direct them from your TikTok to message you on IG? 

Kelsey: Yes. In my videos to DMS have is to getting a button on TikTok where you can leave your Instagram near like Follow button is so as long as like button is there we can always like make a video showing people like on TikTok how to navigate. 

JoAnn: So what advice would you give someone just starting out?

Kelsey: Don’t make excuses because like when I first started I was whim like I gave it my all for the whole semester. Just like you know this app came up where I had like the wrong link in my funnel for like two weeks. I was like oh my God, I'm such a mess but like I was just starting out and like those mistakes will happen or you're like doesn't work or you know something? It's like experiencing you're trying something new for the first time ever. In the beginning I spent like five hours like my first time ever like, expecting it to be perfect. It’s okay to make mistakes here and there because it helps you learn.

JoAnn: And that’s huge for our audience to hear because mistakes are not a stop sign. The only way to learn and to progress is to make mistakes and figure out what’s going on. But it’s been great to chat with you today. Talk to us about your goals and what you have coming up just before we leave. 

Kelsey: I noticed something different about me posting on TikTok, a new thing I do now is posting consistently for like a week and a half straight and then I don’t post. And I’ve noticed my videos get pushed out more rather than me posting every day. I have maybe 25/30 videos drafted because I’m just about to start posting again. It’s a new thing I’m doing and just started this year. I'm not sure if maybe someone wants to try that as well. Maybe a break from posting and I don't know if it works for me. But I'll keep you updated if that continues to work. But no some golden years are because I started early and like marketing. Maybe I want to double what I made last year in a way, so because I worked from June to December, I want to double that. That’s my current goal.

JoAnn: I love it so as you reach that goal we’ll have to have you come back on. Everyone follow Kelsey on TikTok here at Kelsey_Lynnn. Give her some love here and we'll see it was awesome having you on and chatting with you this morning. Keep me posted on how things are going. And I hope you have a fantastic weekend everyone. Thanks for joining us on Wake Up Legendary we will see you on Monday!

What To Do If your Growth Feels Slower Than Usual

 Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Greetings everybody. Welcome in, Happy Thursday. It is now Thursday January 20. We're live. My name is Matt if you don't already know me, welcome to another powerful episode of Wake Up Legendary. We've got another awesome guest. If you are unfamiliar with our show, we go live every single Monday through Friday at 10am Eastern and we bring on a guest somebody who's a client or maybe their affiliate who they're killing it with their marketing. We bring them on so that they can share a bit of their story, their journey, where they've been, where they're going. And yeah, you can also find these recordings on Facebook, on our Facebook fan. Page. And you can also find us on Spotify on Apple on YouTube. So lots of different places, basically wherever you'd like to get your content. Like. There's some there's some podcasts that I've listened to just on Spotify. There's a couple that I like to actually kind of watch and engage with on YouTube. So wherever you'd like to get your content is great with us. If you are also if you're newer and haven't heard this yet, you can text the letters WUL to (813)-296-8553. And that will get you a text message notification. Everything's live. So every Monday through Friday, you're gonna get a text message at 10am. Eastern, giving you a link to come straight into the live and join us live on Facebook. It's a cool way for you to never miss out on a single episode. You don't have to do it. We won't sell you stuff through text messages. We're not going to, you know, come back or need to buy our latest and greatest new product or anything like that. We're not going to sell your information. It's just simply so that we can get the show into as many ear holes as possible. And that's it so we've got a great dude, I'm excited to chat with him. His name's Phillip, he's always in line with us. Can you give us a little wave or a little clap emoji to help welcome Philip to the show. 

Phillip: What's going on? 

Matt: I'm doing great. I don't know how everybody else is doing but it's good. I said early morning over here. So you're in Texas. We're part of Texas?

Phillip: Actually, I'm in the heartbeat of Texas angels in Texas. 30 minutes of repair and I apparently is like, I don't know, maybe 10 or 20 minutes for big cities. That depends on traffic.

Matt: Well, cool. I like that. You know, part of what I like about this show is that we've just got people from all over the world, you know, all over the world with all these different backgrounds, histories, stories, and you know, it's just a fun thing to see where everybody comes from. I mean, some people come from money. Some people come from trucker families, some people it's just crazy. Some people are homeless, all kinds of stuff. Man's nuts. We've got this one guy. I don't know if you saw him but back in the day. Six months ago or so. Eight months ago, we had this guy Chris, young, young kid, and his. He was born with a sort of like, I don't even know how to describe it. But basically, he couldn't smile, can't smile, right? So you can laugh and he can like, when he's happy, like he's happy, and he's laughing like he can't smile. And, man, he went on TikTok, and, you know, most people would look at that and be like, you know, I will always mean that this guy is like the most like just a no excuses like whatever man I was born with. He always wanted to change it. So we started an online business to try to change that and then to get surgery cost like six figures to get surgery and now on the show, he was like, You know what, actually, I don't think I'm going to get the surgery. You know, kind of part of me. It's just kind of an interesting journey. So your journey, though, comes from a family of truckers. What do you do for a living? What do you work in? What do you do for a living? Like? That's all I can say.

Phillip: Actually, I I started out in culinary arts. I've been in a restaurant since I was 13. My grandfather owned a chain of restaurants in Florida. He was a chef, you know, and I pretty much grew up in a kitchen. I did that all the way until I was probably, I don't know, I want to say like 26, 27 And then I decided to make a career change and get my CDL which was interesting. So I ended up doing that. So I ended up moving to a different industry, which was the industrial industry, and I've pretty much done everything you can think of. I've been a welder's apprentice carpenter's apprentice. I mean, I've become a jack of all trades. And then finally I ended up getting into environmental cleaning. That was a mistake. Because environmental cleaning was not a great job, but I did. Probably one of the lowest forms of jobs you can do in the plants, which is basically a hydro blaster. Similarly, I guess you could say well, pretty much minute maids to the plants anytime a mess happens, or chemical spill or whatever. We're the first people they call because we are the ones that have the equipment. To clean up. Get that for three years backbreaking work, man it was labor's work, I hated it. And then I ended up getting my CDL because I you know, people, you know, all the vets were always tell me, you know, they're like, Yeah, you know, get your CDL and pays more and it's, you know, if you have a CDL you're below man. I mean, I pretty much you know, like you're the most valuable so I went ahead and I did it you know, I got my class A and basically did vacuum trucks. That's what I did. I drive vacuum trucks. You call and I’ll come clean it up. That's really much more, pretty much.

I mean, I've done dude, I've done some of the most messed up jobs you could ever possibly fathom in your mind, man. I mean, it's not fun. I hated it. I did it because I was in the environmental cleaning industry for about 10 years. I have been on and off different companies in the industrial industries, very, very competitive very through training. It's very, very political. And I, within that 10 years gained a reputation. You know, just like they actually I'll go back to that, but basically I gained a reputation for no BS. And you know, I became a high dollar type of driver. A lot of companies won't touch me because I cost too much but, you know, it just wasn't enough for me because I started. I recently got into affiliate marketing around last year, like May or so. Okay. Before that. I'd actually researched affiliate marketing for about a year before actually making the move to actually get into it. Because I kind of had to get some ducks in line before I made that decision. But yeah, man, I mean, you know, I recently just basically left the industry. I didn't want to do it anymore. I just couldn't take it and so I decided I was like, You know what, I'm the type of person when I make a decision. I'm very cold, very calculated, and always do my research, my hometown. no stone unturned. So, you know, when I decided to jump into this, it was all hands, man. I was like, You know what? I'm doing it to sit. Let's go, you know, I had a good, good, nice chunk saved up for some capital and I was like, You know what, I'm gonna take this, I'm gonna use it. You know, I'm gonna do it. You know? And I actually get that question all the time. And like, a lot of people say, you know, why did you pick you know, legendary marketer and I was like, Well, I mean, it's like the University of affiliate marketing. I mean, I've seen a lot of other people's programs, but like, you know, one of the things that attracted me to legendary marketer was the fact that all these people that have all these big names and all this, they all came from Legendary. So it's like, go to the source. You know, I want to know everything there is to know about affiliate marketing. Legendary Marketer is where it's at, you know, I mean, so, yeah, I mean, ever since then. I've been doing it. It's been in our line. Illustrated videos, man, it's been a rocky road, dude. I've been trying to make this work.

Matt: And when you said it's been a rocky road. What part of our training are you referencing there?

Phillip: Oh, just Well, I mean, you know, they talked about you know, how, you know, that little point of you know, like the depression gets right there where it's like, you first start out you're making stuff and you know, things are looking really good. And then you go into that dip where it's like, you just can't, it's hard to get out of it. You know, and I've been trying, I've been trying a lot of different stuff. You know, like, as you know, I've got a TikTok. I've been on Facebook, I just recently started on Pinterest. So I'm kind of, you know, experimenting with that. You know, I've also decided to do a cooking show on TikTok to, you know, kind of do that and see where that goes. So I'm kind of just, you know, playing with different things, trying to see where I fit in and stuff like that. You know, a lot of people that I teach I have about four or five mentees and I tell them all the time I'm like, you know, don't limit yourself to what you can do in this business because there are many things that you can do because when when people go in they they take the course they're like oh, I got to do to make money online.

So you know, there's hundreds of niches out there you can make money with totally where people have a problem with is that they like to choke too many places. And I try not to jump to the places but because someone asked me, “ well, you're doing the cooking show, you know you're jumping in I was like, no, no, I said that. That's like a little project. I should still stick with the Make Money Online. Nice. And that's fine because I like business and I like marketing, but sure. I also like what they say in the training. Go with something that you're passionate about. I love it, you know, there it is. I mean, and I like the fact that I'm not in a restaurant, so I don't have that pressure at that time. You know, I'm saying like that, that stress of like, I feel like I'm at a job and I have to like, you know, do that. So, I really like cooking show. There's just so much freedom to be creative, and do whatever it is that you want to do. You know. So you know, I tell people I tell people that thoroughly you know, don't if the make money online niche is not because I know a lot. There's a lot of affiliate marketers that say, Yeah, business, you know, make money online. Yes, that's true. It's a billion dollar business. But there are other niches out there that are making money, probably some of them maybe even more. So. You know, go with what you're passionate about, but know that you know, you can always go back to that leads to, you know, that's something that you want to start up too. 

Matt: Totally the mind needs to be, like, expanded a little bit. And part of it. Part of it is just the more that you're in this industry arbitrary isn't, you know, you need to force people to do that. Part of it is just people are just exploring, you know, it's like, it's like imagining walking into a 100 foot by 100 foot sandbox, and there's a million toys in the sandbox. It's like kids are gonna walk around and just kind of like grab this, grab this, throw one down, throw the next one down, until they finally gravitate to a place where it's like, oh, this I like this corner of the sandbox. And that's part of that sort of, it's like a built in thing about, you know, our training is we by definition are a place where people start, right, so like, there's a lot of people who will promote us disappear for six months. There's a lot of people who will not promote us ever Awesome. That's cool. So a lot of people who never sign up as an affiliate for us as people who promote stuff in health and wellness. We have one lady who's made six figures in self incense as an affiliate basically as a lead generator, self defense, because she has this powerful story about how she was mugged. So yeah, I mean, there's so many different niches and really, it just takes a tiny bit of creative energy to be like, Okay, how would I apply this to me? And that's a dynamic piece that's harder to teach, I think and harder to make that connection but yeah, I like the way that you put that that's really powerful.

Phillip: The funny part about it is it's like the mind frame that everybody has is they have that doubt, like, well, I don't know if I'll be good at it. The point is that you're doing something to like, you know, I mean, if making money online is not your, you like your thing like you like it like me, I like business and marketing, but I don't know I like cooking a lot more and I'm really good at it. So it's like, if you were to put it on a percentage it would be like 100% You know, culinary arts marketing at about 90% You know, I mean honestly, I'm not because I preach this on my channel all the time on my TikTok, I'm, I'm no guru, I don't seem to be any expert. I'm a student. You know, we all, all this industry teaches us stuff all day long every day. So, you know, I don't ever I learned from other people. I'm very observant, you know, and, you know, so So I mean, yeah, you know, don't feel like you have to say stop in that niche. You know, and I emphasize that quite a lot, because I see so many people that really do start out whether it be legendary or Jonathan Montoya or Brian row or whatever. You know, I see so many people that they get stuck in it and then what will happen is, they're like oh, what's not working? You know, it's, it's not you know, it's I'm not making the numbers and, you know, you know, all this and I'm like, What are you doing what you're passionate about? Because dude you're passionate about you'll see those numbers because you have more and not just that, to be honest with you. Like, you notice a lot of my tech talk and I get this from a lot of creators actually. A whole bunch of people were there. They'll tell me all the time you're doing too much inspirational stuff. Yeah, but you also have to understand, I like doing inspirational stuff and being creative there. But also not everybody wants to hear about selling them, of course all the time. Sometimes it's good to kind of go outside your box and just kind of play around with you know, because that's how you start to understand what works and what doesn't, you know, and as an entrepreneur, that's basically what it is. It's a trial and error thing where we experiment with something, see what the results are, and if they're good, keep it, if it's bad, get rid of it, you know, I mean, that's basically the credo. I mean, you can't stay doing one thing, and if it's not working, still keep doing it. So

you're not going to get any worse. You're going to be spinning your wheels with that. So, you know, it's kind of just a touch and go type thing.

Matt: Yeah, yeah, I think. I think it's like, when some of these like, Hey, you're doing too much of this on your TikTok . They sound and nothing gets people who get advice, whatever. But it sounds really great until one of one of those things that you're doing is really working. And then suddenly, it's like, oh, well, that advice was kind of shitty, you know, having the wherewithal to stick with something crazy. Yeah, stick with something. If you've got a proof of concept you're following, you know, I think, I think sometimes it gets a little bit blindly blind. online and on TikTok and Instagram, right? Which is, so we're seeing like our approach to all of that is less like, hey, let's invent something and let's formulate and fix something brand new. Usually, like what we do, we basically see what's working and just reveal it to a large number of people. So it's just identifying what's working right now. What worked yesterday, what's working today. What worked a year ago is that store today and then just continually putting that into practice. And doing it ourselves and then bringing it to the marketplace and bringing it to our affiliates, whatever. But yeah, so what's the see you bought our challenge back earlier last year, God started getting going and then and then now you've got a TikTok channel, you're running almost 10,000 followers. What's that journey on TikTok been like? 

Phillip: Actually, I have no idea what happened? What it was that I did like the training said, I mean, I just started pumping out content and just just getting content out there and I struggled for a little bit. By chance, I blew up and didn't mean I did my first video. I guess I can consider it viral because I've never had a video that got that many views and likes. So I considered it to be viral. I think it was a video that I did where it was a pretty emotional video like in this wasn't anything that I was expecting. I actually didn't expect to blow up or anything with it. It was just some random things that happened. My daughter came up to me and she said would you do it or something? And then she said, now mind you both of my children are autistic, they're high functioning autistic. So they look at things a lot differently. And she asked me something, she asked me a question. He said, What are you doing? She said Daddy's got to help the TV people? And I said, Yeah, Daddy's gotta go help the TV people. And it was just really emotional for me because I guess, I guess it was kind of like at a bad moment because I was a little you know, in my own head too much. And I just was crying man and I just didn't realize that the camera was still rolling. You know, whenever I said that. And then whenever I went back to go edit it, I was like, sure I really put this on there. Oh, and I said, alright, well, you know, I guess I could just edit it and just, you know, really just tell the truth in the video. That's what she said. And that's, you know, that's what happened and so, it just blew up. People just started following me and you know, people from the autistic you know, side of TikTok started following me. You know, a lot of single parents and stuff like that. And before you knew it, I mean, I was up to almost three 4000 people. And you know, it just kept on going in and I was like, okay, cool, you know, and then, you know, so I just kept on pumping content out like that, you know, and I did a follow up video to explain to people like I didn't mean for that to blow up and what that was, it was just one of those emotional things for me, but also know I have to document my journey, you know, so that people you know, I'm all about authenticity. I don't know why this blew up. Like it. But it was this now I didn't know that this person had like almost a little over half a million followers on TikTok. I had no idea. I just saw the video and edited it. And it was the bonus video too. It was her doing like saying okay, well you have $2,300 for the month and you have to spend it you know basically on utilities and all this stuff and you know, left over to edit. Apparently the video had a lot of views and it just kept on going man I went from like 4000 followers to like all the way up to 9k. Now and you know, like I said it was a fluke thing. I didn't know I did you know because normally whenever I flipped through TikTok I just I just to add and comment on different things. I mean, I don't really, you know, I'm not looking to be one of those, you know, instead of viral type of people, you know, I'm just my two cents in here and there. That's it, you know. And so, I mean, it was interesting, but it also had a downside to it because all the people you know, and now I started to understand what a lot of these other other people were saying a lot of these other marketers, it had a downside because now my channel is not doing very well. I'm stuck at 9k. I've been putting out content constantly six videos a day almost. And, you know, basically what it is, is all those followers that follow me weren't into what I was into. They were just into the video, you know, so they weren't really into the make money online stuff like what I do, um, you know, so it kind of it had its pluses and minuses, you know, it's clear how many followers but got a lot of people that weren't quality people, you know, they weren't really into the same thing I was into so Chow stuff, you know, but I decided to make a separate channel just to kind of like play around and experiment. I'm also moving to YouTube and I'm doing some YouTube stuff on there. That's basically what I've been working on. I'm just recently getting over COVID. So I'm getting back on the grind with that and trying to do some more content creation. So it's, it's a process it's, you know, it takes work so,

Matt: We've had a lot of people who have had that kind of experience of virality and blowing up and then it seemed to slow down, but I also I wouldn't underwrite that. I wouldn't underwrite that. Oh, yeah. Because we've also I've, I've specifically worked with people who had that, hit that and hit big numbers like I'm talking 80k 100k and had that blip for a couple months. And then their channel just felt like it was dead. And then boom, they hit a couple more and the amount of leads and sales coming from that is a lot. I mean, you even experienced sales because of that junk. But I think it is an interesting observation because I'm not the world's foremost expert, for sure, but I do get the opportunity to basically review and look over virtually every single affiliate channel and stuff like that for a really long time. And I had for a really long time, and I think many big large affiliates have grown huge audiences and built six figure multiple six figure businesses with some of those types of videos. Now the trick is that it's a limiting belief to say those people aren't interested. That's a limiting belief because I know the video that you did was about money and finance and not having enough money and how much the money adds up. I watched a really good video of a really good duet. It is amazing, though, that a duet like that can get 200,000 views right? I just wanted to hammer that point home. I think that that limiting belief is common in the social media community where people think that somehow those people are interested but the truth is, that a lot of times what needs to happen after a moment of virality are two things. I think one is going live because I've seen people very specifically, like for instance, there's this guy, he even went extremely viral with 10 million views on a video. And what he does is he goes live every day. So there's a ton of people getting into his atmosphere because he hits this 10 million viewed video about working from home. It's all about just basically working from home. And he hits this viral moment of virality. Now there's a lot of the same exact thing that would happen with your videos. Like goes viral. A lot of people who are mildly not really interested in affiliate marketing, right but it's not the right way to go about saying affiliate marketing all the time. It's more like if you're in this niche in this industry, she's talking about side hustle or you should be using words in current contexts that are hot affiliate marketing has a lot of negative connotations because it has an affiliation with network marketing, right? So rather than saying things like work from home, is it more approachable? But anyway, my point is, for somebody like Ian, he goes live for a couple hours a day and what he does is now all of those followers, he brings them into the conversation. The other thing is that some people don't want to go live or don't don't want to do that or don't believe in that or something. The other thing is he posts a lot about his life and his journey, which I think you do really well and I think I think it's a limiting belief to say, well, these people are really interested in now my channel said, I just don't I've seen too many examples of people who, who specifically said initially to go viral and converted the audience through really good storytelling and marketing. I think the skills of storytelling and marketing and connection, being able to be a connectable person to people. I think that is the secret sauce of connecting virality to conversion to the sales and I don't think that I know that because for a great a good period of the last six months, Ian was a number one person in our company as affiliates of front end sales. And he did that primarily by hitting that virality and he grew a six figure business from it, right so I've watched it multiple different times. Even Calvin Hill, if you go way, way, way back, he's done some of those videos about, you know, making $100 a day on Amazon. A lot of people hate on those videos, think they're shitty at whatever, clickbait or whatever but he's now got an audience of 1.2 million people. And he goes live every single night for a couple hours. And he don't have 84,000 likes on his live the live 800 concurrent video viewers or more for the whole two, three hours that he's live and he can hurt a big handful of those people into buyers because he's just he's so good at making that connection between why do they who is this Calvin guy? So my point in saying that is both for you and for everybody else listening because there's a lot of people who hit that moment of virality and wonder like, what's going to happen next, you know, is my channel dead? Is my TikTok dead? All these different things that are all solved by building the storytelling and specifically like the attachment, the ability to attach, right? 

Phillip: Oh, yeah, definitely. Definitely. And that's one thing that I noticed on TikTok is the storytelling part. You know, like, I've had a couple of videos where I've actually told for like, I recently did one about a confrontation I had actually this one was a sticky one. And you can go back and watch it and everything it was about this. I encountered she she she wanted to buy legendary right but she but I didn't know I thought it was for her but it comes to find out who's her son and know that until like a little bit later on down when I start talking to her and we'll see blew up on me she got mad. And I was like, ma'am, I said I understand your dilemma, I said, but I would rather sell the program to you. You can show it to your son if you want but I can't sell it directly because she wanted me to sell it directly to her son. I said he’s minor and I said I can't do that. Like, you know, and I told everybody in those videos like you know, how it went down. And then I had a couple of DMS and they were telling me like well, you know, I don't understand why you can't, you know, sell it to a minor. I was like well, I said for the simple fact is I said you know, take for example. So what if he doesn't make money with this and then she turns around and tries to sue the company or sue me? I said I'm not guaranteeing he's gonna be a millionaire overnight. I'm just saying this is a training course that can teach you for what it is, you know but she doesn't take it like that. She takes it as Oh, if he is going to be a millionaire overnight. That's not the way it happens. So it's like I told a few of my followers that they're like, oh, yeah, I understand now and I said you know, I wanted to do a part two to it, but I was kind of like a dead issue because it's like she blocked me. I mean, I tried to explain it to her and killer with kindness, but it just hadn't happened. She blocked me, you know, whatever. I was like, you know you can be mad all you want, you know? 

Matt: Yeah, that's a wild placement. You get some crazy people there. 

Phillip: I get some seriously nutty messages like this, for example if I get questioned about this all the time, Greg. Flag I'm like where'd you get that? The same place all right next to the stuff there's no secret sauce trust me. 

Matt: Right. Oh my god. We had this guy. We had this guy named Shawn Lowry. He's been in many of our mastermind events. And, man, you should connect with this guy dude. I mean, he is just. He is hilarious and he goes fishing and hosts like he has a Facebook group, all private messages. You got to join this little phase. It's all just about fishing. And I get some stuff. He's just like a commit. He'll go out on his boat. I'll put it in a private chat. for you but the dude is just a funny marketer but he's grown a group on Facebook 3200 people or something. And, and you know, pre pandemic we were talking about him doing some events out in Houston, North Carolina. out in the sticks and and he was gonna I mean, February six. We had a mastermind in Orlando and we were game planning how he would sell tickets to a fishing trip. Right. So part of our business blueprints are events and masterminds. So his business blueprint was going to be I'm going to sell events basically. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to fly people out, they're going to pay 2500 bucks, because people pay him to go fishing with him already. And so he's going to rent out a little cabin on Airbnb for the weekend. And people are going to fly out, they're going to get picked up at the airport. It's like getting to the airport event. 30 minutes from there, we'll be on the water and we'll grill steaks and burgers and dogs every night have some beers. Go out every morning all day long. Video and photograph the whole thing. Anyway, he's a cool guy. You connect with him just because you guys probably enjoy each other a lot. So anyway, what I wanted to do though, is in the world of you're sort of I feel like. He's got a scattered funny accent. He's always on the beach. So here's what I love to do. But what I want to do is give you the last word or community to people who are newer to people who are just getting started. And I feel like you've got a good message of inspiration and motivation. You've been through a lot. You've been through a lot and you've also overcome a lot. I think that that's even more powerful. So tell us tell people who are newer, you know, give them a little bit of your perspective and a little bit of, hey, here's what I would do if I were in your shoes, just getting started creating content and that kind of thing.

Phillip: If I had any message it would be don't give up. I see too many people that give up in this industry and make money. You can make six figures if hundreds of people have already done it. But one of my messages is don't be afraid to try things. A lot of people are too afraid to experiment to try stuff to do trial and error. Because of doubt, people will have a problem with doubt. Okay. doubt yourself all the time. Love matters. In fact, I read an article I did a video on. I read an article, people doubt themselves over 100 times every day 100 plus times. Now those 100 doubts will keep you from making good decisions. Decisions that could probably change your life. And, you know, I can't express that enough. You know, I really hope that a lot of you get a lot of you know, outside of here, get outside of your box your bubble too many people stay in their bubble every day. Okay, start thinking outside the box because let me tell you something. This industry has so many possibilities. And that's one of the best things I love about it is there's so many opportunities for you to do any type of niche you want. You know, I hear it all the time whenever people say oh, you can be anything you want when you grow up. They tell their kids that all time well in this industry who actually do it just depends on you. how badly you want it. How bad do you want to get out there and actually do what you are passionate about? That's all it is. You know, and the craziest part about this is it's not like a nine to five where you're, you're told to do one position and that's the only thing you do and you just, they tell you there's a whole world of opportunity in this industry. You know, get outside the box, start making a difference and start experimenting with things. Make other TikTok channels that do different stuff. Make other Facebook pages that talk about other things, do different types of blogs. There's all kinds of different things you can do and the possibilities are just endless. If I could really express anything it would be that you know it'd be just don't give up. Serve and see what works for you.

Matt: You know I love that message. Thanks for coming on. I'm going to put up your TikTok so people can go connect with you and message you and say hey, thanks for the thanks for the motivation this morning. Thanks a lot for coming on man.

Phillip: I appreciate it man. Hope to see you again. 

Matt: Absolutely. Alright, I'm going to put up his TikTok. We put up people's TikToks so that you go follow them and give them a little bit of encouragement. @ BLbossinbusiness Go give him a follow and let me know what was impactful from today? What was helpful, what inspired you and we'll be back here at the same time, same place tomorrow 10am Eastern for another edition of Wake Up Legendary.

How A Mindset Shift Pays Off

 Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: It is Wednesday, June 19. You might be watching live with us. You might be watching this replay. Whether you're watching live or as a replay if you're here with us on Facebook, leave us a comment and let us know where you're tuning in from just people who tune in from all over the world and it's always fun to see where people are tuning in from, especially because we've got a guest today who's from a different part of the world. And, and I am and most of our community here is US based. So let us know in the context where you're tuning in from we've got Louisiana and Iowa in the house. We've got where else where else? Middle Tennessee what's happening. British Columbia I think that's British London, Texas. Houston. Alright, sweet. So every single Monday through Friday 10am Eastern, we go live and these comments are coming in here live. You can watch on Facebook Live and then the replays are made available on Spotify on Apple podcasts and then also on YouTube, so you can find us pretty or also on some other different podcast platforms too. But we bring on a new guest every single Monday through Friday. Doesn't matter if it's a holiday, it doesn't matter and today we've got an awesome guest, Michael, all the way from Germany. What's happening?

Michael: Hey, thanks for bringing me on.

Matt: I'm pumped that you're here and I'm excited to hear your story and a little bit of your journey. So you're over in Germany. You were doing full time work or food management and still are is that right? 

Michael: Yeah.

Matt: Okay, cool. Awesome. And what kind of food?

Michael: It's a little restaurant with a little bit of everything.

Matt: Cool. Well, this is your little side hustle. You are a husband here. Tell us a little bit about here's what I want to know a little bit about how you found us. It’s a little more rare to have somebody who's from overseas because so much of our reach out to a United States or Canada based audience, North American audience and tell him about how you found us. Were you looking for us or what was the deal?

Michael: The deal was that you could raise up to the average guy, work hard and get a good job to get great. So I was living the last 10 years working in different hotels as a waiter and ironically at the end of 2019, I got a promotion to a restaurant manager. And a few months later, the first lockdown came here in Germany. So it was kind of hard to bring everything on with money. I was losing money and to provide for my family. I was scrolling through TikTok like everyone and came across Andre’s page in August/September, I joined Legendary and since then, my journey has taken off.

Matt: Cool. That's awesome. I love that. You just happen to find Andre like it just came across randomly?

Michael: Randomly. I didn't search anything like that and it popped off and yeah, I got interested.

Matt: It's crazy, right? It's crazy. This is this former restaurant manager because he is also. So it's just funny, right? I mean, think about how far away you are in the world. And you know, your paths have literally never once crossed 1000s and 1000s of miles away, and he uploads a video into his phone and somebody halfway across the world finds it and buys something because of his recommendation. It's still a little mind boggling, but Okay, so you find him and and what is there something inspiring about a story or what what caught your attention?

Michael: With the same background I think it was a bit of that, that inspired me to do it. And then I started to learn the things and stayed consistent because everything comes with time.

Matt: It's sort of like if he can do it, why can’t I? When I went to my first mastermind in 2011. I just looked around the room and it wasn't. I wasn't trying to put anybody down but I was like, really? Like, Oh, these guys aren't wearing capes, right? This isn't Superman, or something. They're just normal human beings just like me and that was a big takeaway for me. And so I totally get that I understand it very in a very real way. So you came online about August of last year?

Michael: I have struggled in August and September to start procrastinating more and more but then I thought about what would happen and I started through, staying consistent and doing my content, working on my copywriting. From day to day you will improve and that's the way to go. 

Matt: Yep. And when you come online you start to think. Can you correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you purchased our Blueprints and started creating content. So right now Brianne just commented, procrastination is my channel. So right now at least you're creating content on multiple different social platforms, Tik Tok, Instagram, Pinterest. What of those? Have you enjoyed them? Tell me just a bit about your content creation. How did you start and what's that better? Like?

Michael: At first I was like, one watch you and think about it, laugh about it or whatever. And now, I have really found every day to make simple 15 second or 10 second videos and it's not work. It's fun to me to make the content. And pretty simple to get out. And everything's going onto these multiple platforms.

Matt: Yep, when you first started was it easy? Or is it hard?

Michael: Yeah, yeah. My wife was the first commenter on every video and yeah, but she gives me the courage and  pushes me more and more. And so I got the confidence to stand through and since then, I’ve never missed. 

Matt: That’s cool we have such an interesting mix of people who, first time people they're like, oh, I'm never gonna tell my spouse about this till I start making a little bit of money until it starts working. And then there's other people with their spouses, you just said it's kind of their base here are their biggest sports. That's really cool. That's, it's really great to have so you're working all that content creation in and then also doing a restaurant manager job. I don't know if that's the same here in the US but in the US a restaurant manager works a lot.

Michael: Yes, me too. Yeah, I shifted a little bit because in the restaurant, I work now. It's from 8am to 20 PM. And before that, before my son was born, I worked in a hotel with a night shift and everything's so good in response to weddings. And this wasn't going to work for me as my two kids were born and I want to have the time and for my wife was the kind of switch in my life. And I luckily got into this restaurant where I can flex my time but most of the time I'm there from 6am to five 6pm. So today I was doing from six to three. Half an hour later I'm at home now and yeah, but that's the main goal.

Matt: So you're in the afternoon, right? 

Michael: Yes, currently. 

Matt: For restaurant workers, it's been a really interesting hard year or two. But I feel like I had a brother in law stationed in the military in Germany for a good portion of 2020 and it sounded like things were a bit more intense there with lock downs and stuff like that. Did that impact you? I'm guessing that had that effect on your restaurant. What happened?

Michael: In 2020 we were closed from March to July. We only got the work a little bit and only needed to take off and model also business a little bit. To make a little bit of money. Then the winter was kind of better. But after Christmas, there's a single lockdown in Germany. And that was to last until February. 

Matt: Okay. So about a month, two months, till January and February last year. 

Michael: I wanted to provide better for my family. And that was the kind of thinking for me to bring it on, and it was pretty hard with everything in the restaurant to manage and go on strike as well. But it worked. And happily it worked. It was a hard time. A few weeks, months and days, but it worked. I got so much from the blueprints or from the 15 Day Challenge. I haven't found anything in Germany that has the same value. 

Matt: Yeah, cool. And it took a little while. I mean, a little while. Sometimes it takes people a long time, but it took you a little bit of time. First content creation to you know, let's say making your first 1000 You're talking August, September, October, November, December, almost six months to hit that to hit that kind of like a milestone I guess. And just so everybody who's on the show. We're not making wild outrageous income claims, given Michael's example. So I'm not saying that that's realistic or you should expect that. But in his case, it just took a little while and you know, I just wanted to say kudos to you for keeping after it and going after it because it's sort of like a little. The way it was described to me was like sometimes with an online business, it's like there's a little image of a really huge dam and there's a leak and there's just water dripping out of one side. But over time, if that water just keeps you know what's going to happen, it's going to start to get started to stream and then it's going to eventually break through right. And I thought that analogy was helpful for me you know, about 10 years ago, 11 years ago, when I first heard that because I was like hey, you know what? Yeah, I am getting a lead here and they're like there is a drip. Something's right. I just haven't quite broken through yet. So, you know, that's really cool. And I think you're just getting started I think the cool part about your story and journey and stuff is like you're just scratching the surface of your potential to you know, and sometimes people don't come on the show or they'll post in our groups or something and I finally got 20 leads you know, I've only made 100 bucks. I've only made 10 bucks, whatever. I've only made 1000 bucks, right? And everything is just everything. We talk a lot about mechanics and dynamics but everything is really how you put on the glasses that you put on right so how do you see that? Right? If you see it through a lens of like, wow, I suck and I'm not good enough or I can't do this. Or I'm still only here. You're gonna feel that all the time and it'll come through in your marketing to you. There's a totally different set of classes you can put on. And sometimes Dave in training to actually put sunglasses on he's like, Hey, I've got my marketing class. And and you can see it through a lens of like, wow, think of all of the growth and potential that's ahead of me because really that's that's what humans are wired to feel most engaged, happy alive when we are when we're constantly going after the next hurdle after the next thing to overcome, right so you got so much of that out in front of you, which is really cool.

Michael: Yeah, that's the point. Every video from you or Dave says to stay consistent and you will get their way. For example, this my first live ever. I learned in the last months, you have to overcome these steps to take a step forward. 

Matt: Right. Exactly. And I you know, I sort of feel like you know, going live might be a little bit of a trick or a hack that you can start doing more often on your TikTok on Instagram, right. In fact, you can probably go live on multiple at once. I think. I think one big hack for people with a little bit of a smaller following is if you can get past the awkwardness of having only a couple people or zero people in your life, you know, grow in it, and then go live and really teach, like really bring some energy. I was just frequenting random people's lives or affiliates' lives and stuff. And you know, last night, this guy Calvin Hill, I don't know if you've heard of him. He was on live last night. He pulled out like 20 old songs like really old songs right and, and pulled out like, do you remember the old computer discs pulled out this old computer this and and you know I said the storage on it was two megabytes and and he starts going through all of these phones and stuff and then he just pulls out and pulls out the iPhone. And he just says look, all of that all of the decades of innovation has been put into one single device. And this one single device is a device where you can begin to build a totally separate side income using just this device. And he's good at his lives because he's done them for so long. Now, he keeps doing them every night. I think there's a little trick in that in terms of really nurturing that audience and people begin to really enjoy you. So I'm going to put out a challenge to you to try that live element right so you're not going to just go live once a week. I go live on Monday nights, right? And I think people underestimate that, for instance. Well, I think what people underestimate about that is the amount of engagement they can get and the bond you can build up with their audience. The other thing is on TikTok you can use green screen as your background right. Are you familiar with how to use a green screen as a background behind you? Yeah. So like, what I've been seeing works really well for a lot of people as they put a green screen behind. Well, you don't put a green screen, you only need a white background or something. But he is a green screen background and he actually likes a header above your head, right? Top three ways to make money in 2022 right top top three dog training courses in 2022 Right, something like that. Right? And so then, when people have, they're scrolling, they can get a quick headline, I know what we're talking about. Ooh, that's interesting. I want to dive in. Right. And you want to know a really powerful secret is we see a lot of people who bump up their versions of a lot just by doing that. There's my challenge to you this year. Because you're in Germany. I wanted to know if you have played around with posting at different times of the day. What have you learned about that? Give some advice or just maybe not advice but what have you learned because we have a lot of people in Europe and in the UK and Australia all over the world who are trying to figure that out.

Michael: I tried VPN to connect to other types of the word and try different times here as well without a VPN and come to notice it doesn't really work better for me. On TikTok for example. It's completely different. Not different to what time I post it, most of the time, I always get from my time, nine to 11pm is my time on TikTok and this doesn't change when I use it. And that's those of your spot and to get the most traffic there and that's not not at all different on Instagram or Pinterest. That's the same way for me.

Matt: Makes sense. Interesting. It's interesting from my perspective on that because I have such a wide range of people who email me every day and a lot of people are talking about that or people post in the groups. And there's just such a wide range of results. But sometimes the VPN works, sometimes it doesn't. But I do find one thing that seems to be a commonality across many different people and countries is finding a good time to post and staying consistent with that. 

Michael: That was my thinking as well. And I can't change the algorithm or something. So do what's best for me. Or what's working best for me. So what I can change work on.

Matt: Totally. And, you know, what's one other little thing? I've had this conversation with people from the UK. I think I've had this conversation with people from the Netherlands too. they're always asking, Well, how do we tap into the American audience? And the first, the first thing that I asked the first thing that I say is, well, what's wrong with your audience? Right? It might take a little bit more time for the people who are on your email list to buy and take a little  more time for them to be open to the idea because it's not as common there to learn and to be patient this way. So there might be a little bit more of a warming up period. But once people are warmed up to the idea, I don't think there's a huge difference between, say, a buyer in Germany and a buyer here in the US. In the world of stocks or investments, they would say there's less than market cap there, meaning there's just less capital going around in the marketplace and the market force but I think there's also less competition. And I think that there's very little competition in your geographical area. So the fact that maybe TikTok is more likely to show your stuff there in Europe than they are here. I don't know. I get that there's less people available and it might be in some way beneficial to tap into 300 million people in the US that also just think about the sheer amount of affiliate affiliate marketers content creators here in the US too. It's a different ballgame.

Michael: For people who messaged me, the biggest barrier is the language for them. It's a skill you learn on the way and my English isn't perfect, but I understand everything and try to keep it up. So working on your skills is something I would suggest to everyone day after day.

Matt: Yep, totally. I love that. And it's funny because when we talk about building your skills online, I don't really think of English as you know, like the language. It's so true.

Michael: So for here in Germany, okay, English is common sense for us. But for older people it may not be the case, but it’s important to just keep working on your skills and be consistent.

Matt: Yeah, makes sense. Makes perfect sense. So, with where you're at now, you're still content creators still building your content creation platforms. I mean, you're still creating content on TikTok, on Instagram or Pinterest. What do you feel like is what bit of advice would you give to someone who is newer to content creation? People who are just getting started creating content are nervous. I think you can remember back 6 months ago when you were about to hit post. What advice would you give to those people?

Michael: Don't be afraid to fail. Failure is a good teacher to you and you will make your own experience out of it. Do your thing. That's the point I want to suggest. The only way to make it is to start. The way is to improve and that’s the goal. 

Matt: Cool Michael, I'm glad that we got to meet today. Thanks for taking time out of your day. Got a lot of things going on man. Thanks for taking time to hang out with us. I'm gonna put up your Instagram so people can go and give you a follow and connect with you. 

Michael: Have a good rest of your day and have a good evening.

Matt: Thanks so much. Alright guys, so his Instagram is down below for those of you listening and not watching It's @michael.van.lieshout 

So everybody go give him a follow the whole point of us putting up people's social profiles and saying you guys can go and follow and connect and let him know. Hey, here's, here's what was most valuable to me today. Here's what I found most impactful and you can also find him on TikTok. @michaelvanlieshout You can find him on TikTok as well. We're going to be back here same time, same place as always. Tomorrow 10am Eastern.I’ll be here and Friday, Dave will be hosting again. As usual, so 10am Eastern tune in. See you guys later. Peace out. Have a good rest your Wednesday.

How To Have A Breakthrough With Your Content Creation

Below is the transcription for this episode: 

Matt: Greetings everybody, welcome in. My name is Matt, if you don't already know I’m the CMO here at Legendary. And we've got another awesome guest for wakeup legendary as most of you who are newer, this is our daily show that we do every single Monday through Friday at 10am. Eastern. We do this, we started doing this, maybe two ish years ago, sometime around the start of the pandemic. And Dave typically hosts most days and this weekend hosting as a guest host, I typically just post on Wednesdays out of town on a little vacation. So anyway, if you are newer and haven't been alerted yet, you can text the left, you can text WUL to (813)-296-8553. And every single warning that we go live, you're going to get a little text message reminder that just says hey, by the way, don't forget, we're going live join us. And it's just an easy way for you to wake up. And there's a lot of ways for you to wake up, you can wake up reading, listening to cable television, or network television talking about the local news and you know, all the car crashes that happened last night. Or you can wake up with Wake Up legendary, and get a story of another person who's seeing some fun, and maybe even dive into some of their strategy and get a little nugget for your own marketing. Some of these episodes, we talked about it behind the scenes, some of these episodes should be like, we should charge money for them. For as many as we do, and as many golden nuggets as get dropped. You know, but it's a totally free thing just for being a part of our community. You can feel free to invite friends and family. It's a cool show to watch. And it's cool to see real people sort of unfiltered, unscripted about their experience both of Legendary and also just in general. Their experience making money on the internet, many, many of them for the first time. Not everybody but most people for the very first time. And so today, we have another awesome guest. And if you're in if you're here, live with us, and you're in the comments, give us a little hand clap emoji or something. And welcome to our guest who I met at a mastermind about a month ago, a little over a month ago. Steve, what's up? 

Steve: Hey, thanks so much for having me. 

Matt: Of course, thanks for taking the time to come on. So you're in Michigan, I'm guessing it's cold and snowy there. I'm not jealous at all. 

Steve: Yep, it's always cold and snowing, probably eight to nine months of the year here and nothing to see right out the window. 

Matt: So I read through a little bit of your questionnaire. I'm excited to dive into both some of the mechanical parts of what you're doing and also some of the magnetic parts that came as a result of the mastermind. But take us back. What do you do for a living and what? What got you looking for something online? Tell us a bit about you know what, what started the smart to start something online. 

Steve: Oh, it really started back in 2016. I was in the military at the time, looking to make a little extra money when I was off duty. And I found out I had never heard of it before. Never heard of network marketing. But I knew so little about this game that I thought I was going to get a job interview when I met the person who was recruiting me for network marketing. So that was really where a lot of it started online. My marketing journey. And as you know, I've failed more times than I could possibly count going through this journey since 2016. But then, you know, I spent five, six figures in education. Really, everything changed once I found out about Legendary and the education and Honestly, I just found out about you guys, I think at the beginning of October of 2021. So it hasn't been long. But to be sitting here in front of you just in January, after that is just, it's incredible. Unbelievable. And I'm so grateful.

Matt: Super cool. I did this really funny that you mentioned the job posting thing, because I did that back in the day. Like 10 years ago, I was the one on Craigslist and stuff posting job posting marketing Companies hilarious. So you found Legendary in October? 

Steve: I found Legendary at the beginning of October 2021. When I found out about you guys, and never never heard of anything you guys were doing before, and that was just amazing. What was that like diving into the training? Like what? He never tried anything like that before? What was it like to dive in and start, the amazing part about it was that the 15 day challenge was better than anything I had ever paid for previously. I mean, I had gone, I had done what a lot of people don't. I went into debt to get education with a past, you know, maxed out credit cards for it. And yet, I find you guys I find this 15 Day Challenge and even four days in I think when I finally met my business plan advisor, shout out Antonio, I, it just changed, it was something different. I couldn't quite explain it. But the system started clicking. And it started working. And that was just it. I know I'm on board. Let's see how far we can take this. 

Matt: Super cool. For somebody who's newer to our training and stuff in your blog, and you go through the BPA thing, was it always curious, did it freak you out? Or was it like, were you like, Dang, this is super cool. Because sometimes like, I wonder in my head like I like I don't know, if I want to hop on a call with a total stranger. Was it weird? Like, how was Antonio? 

Steve: Yeah. So I first don't, this is different. They, you know, every day they lock it, I can't just jump through and skip through to the end of the 15 days. And yeah, hopping on the Zoom call made me a little nervous. Just like this, you know, my heart was beating a little faster. But then it didn't take long, Antonio and I started talking and I was thinking what a lot of people might think, Oh, they're going to hard sell me on something. And, you know, then he started asking about my family. He started asking about kids. And it was just a cool conversation. Yeah, it was super, super laid back. It was easy. And that's what I loved about it.

Matt: That's cool. That's awesome. And I think that's most people's experience, you know, what's funny is we have all these business plan advisors and, and literally sometimes, yeah, cuz we have, we have more expensive training that they can help you purchase if you want to. You don't have to, though. And, and but it's funny, because on some of our calls, right, so on some of our vision calls, and some of our company calls. It's funny, because this is the only company I've ever heard salespeople brag about and talk about how they actually refused to sell somebody something. They rough it, it doesn't seem like the best time, you know, whether it's financial stuff, or you know, emotionally they're kind of all over the place. And, and that was happening the other day, maybe a month or two ago on one of our calls. And I was like, this is such a unique culture of people who, you know, it's our whole culture. It's our whole culture, I think, from a place where your classes are full. And you're not desperate as a company or you're not desperate as a person, you know, do things like that, but our industry tends to invite a lot of people who are desperate for things and so they make big income claims and they make, you know, all this stuff, and it gets me into trouble. But I'm glad that you've had that experience with your BPA because yeah, I think a lot of times people are nervous, but once they actually get on a call, they're like, this is really cool. Like it's a very unique part about the legendary business and community is that you can actually get on a call with somebody if they can't help you with something. Make sure that you know somebody in our company can. Which is a really nice thing to have as you get started with your business. So, okay, so you go through all of that and you actually become part of our mastermind community, it costs a couple grand. And tell us about the mastermind. So, in December, we had a mastermind in Orlando, we met at that mastermind.  Tell us about the days leading up to it. 

Steve: So the month and a half before the mastermind? What were your thoughts on starting your business, and then tell us about the mastermind and what happened after. So here's the crazy part that I mentioned. I started in October, after I started in October, I got you know, the blueprints, mastermind, everything. And I didn't do a single thing with any of that, until after the mastermind finished. Oh, nothing happened in those two months. Leading up to that, yeah, a few days before that, I'll give you guys a little backstory. My wife, at the time of that mastermind, she's actually seven months pregnant. And she came along with me, to support me at this mastermind with a company that just about a month and a half, two months ago, neither of us had ever heard about. So huge shout out to my wife, just for Alyssa for coming with me to sit supporting me through all the education just being there and engaging, playing full out too. But a few days before that, you know, I was pumped, I was excited. I had been to growth conferences before in the past. And previous growth conferences were kinda like, we're just room to sell you something at the end of an hour presentation. And I kind of thought, I wonder if this is gonna be the same experience if they're gonna have something that they're gonna, you know, sell me at the end? Oh, I'll never forget when I think he was standing up there at one point. And he said, All right, you know, run to the back of the room. There I get your sandwiches. Yeah, nothing to sell you. And I thought that was so cool. He did that. It was just education, it was community. And I mean, leading up to that, you know, I didn't know what to expect. I only had my previous experiences. But what's just pumped man, so excited to fly from Michigan to get some nice weather out in Orlando. And some great people change their lives. 

Matt: And it's so funny. Man, we're just always used to going into those types of events. And I've been to those types of events. It's been a little while. But I remember the first event that I went to where every single speaker sold something, whether it was 50 bucks, or whether it was 500 bucks, or 1000 bucks. And it was you know, the goal of just getting everybody to the front of the room. You know, create the buyers rush to get everybody to the front of the room. I feel like yeah, not to like not to brag on Legendary like that. But yeah, it's a fun experience when it's really refreshing when it's like, oh, we literally have nothing else to sell you even if we wanted to. We just don't have anything else. To sell you. We're here to be a help to you in the room with people who are like minded and can help, you know, sort of inspire you. And then so you go through that weekend, you do the little board break thing, we did a board. And then and then you go home, and something's a little different at home, something's a little bit changed, what changed or what shifted? 

Steve: Well, I'm glad you mentioned the board break too, because that's part of it. So when you did the boards and we brought the boards there were already things that we no longer want to happen. And all I wrote on my board was that the job broke through it. And I came back and I was hit. I just hit the ground running. Even when I was at the conference, I was doing three or four videos a night on social media. And two weeks after coming back from the conference, I was able to honestly step away from my job and say, Wait a minute, I'm making more with this. And I was there and I was actually able to step away. So now I do this full time. I'm here sharing your guys' message and sharing education with people every single day creating content, and it's just so it's so much fun. So that's where I'm at now. I was able to actually bring If you're bored and leave that job in real life, I can't imagine another company, I would have been able to do it so quickly except what they're in your guys's system. It's just amazing. That's really cool. Matt: Congrats, man. That seems, and you're, you're smoking hot right now as an affiliate, I mean, just full disclosure that everybody speaks to one of our affiliates. And, and since then and basically in the last really 30 days, I mean, you're making really good money. I guarantee it's more money than if you are making a new job. Yeah, yeah. So congrats on that, make sure you save for taxes. Okay, I'm not a financial adviser. And you’ve been working really hard. And it's, it's cool to see how, you know, I tell people, if you do it, right, if you show up and you implement you do it right. These masterminds are things that can cement the reality of that identity into you. So like, before, people go to a mastermind or get in the room with somebody like Dave and hear from somebody like Dave and also sit down and hear from, you know, Ryan and Megan, I saw them comment on this live just a second ago, they spoke, and they've been doing this now for I mean, they really, really consistent with this business with affiliate marketing now for over a year. And I think over here, and they hit Platinum with us, made six figures and got rings at this last mastermind. And, and they're killing it, and oh my gosh, where was I going with that? Oh, they just need to sort of ingrained the identity of affiliate marketer, internet marketer, whatever you want to call it freelance Digital Marketer into who they are and cemented right now, sometimes it sticks for people, sometimes it doesn't. But I know for a fact that, you know, getting into that room, having your wife there too. Knowing and man expecting a kid on the way and like a lot at stake and to have that shift happen at the mastermind to write that down on the fork break. And that's crazy. It's really cool. 

Steve: Thank you. It's incredible. And, you know, this is our first kid. So just a quick story. What's our goal? My goal, ultimately, and everything we do is that I always wanted to be there for him. My son that's coming, especially being from the military, so many pictures where I wasn't in a photo, my family, and you just never get that time back with those people that you love so much. And that's really our commitment to him is that I never have a photo. Never miss a precious moment in his life. Because I was trading my time for something. I was somewhere that I just did not want to be. 

Matt: Yeah, that makes perfect sense to me. And that's a beautiful commitment. I like that a lot. When you're shifting gears, let's shift gears now. So in your marketing stuff, tell us a little bit about what you've got going on. You're working on different platforms that tell us what's worked best. And then bring us in from a marketing perspective. Tell us what you're most excited about. When you wake up in the morning. What are you doing? What's your day? Like? What's been your consistent sort of mode of operating?

Steve: Yeah. Oh, what actually was one of your tips, and I think it was it was the Decade In A Day I was in and you brought up modeling success, modeling what already worked, don't try to reinvent the wheel. And so I go up to social media every day. And when I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is actually journal in the morning in the evening. And to your point and consistency. I found that journaling every single day and being able to show up and write has helped me to be able to be more consistent every day in creating content. Because if I can sit up and I can write I can make some videos and I can engage with people. So that's how I start my day journaling. I meditate in the morning, I stay away from my phone first thing in the morning, and I just think about my day, and I breathe, and imagine the kind of day I want to have. And then after that, you know, I spend some time with the family, and then I start to start to get to work. And when I do the same things every single day, consistently, I think that is such an important point. If I had to pick one thing that probably brings the most success, it's being consistent, intentional with everything that you're doing every single day, everything that I'm doing, so I do the same things every single day. Sacred call, yeah, I wake up in it's, it's three, I create three to four pieces of content through social media, every single day, based on topics that have already proven themselves on social media to be successful. So that is what we mean by that exactly. 

Matt: What do you mean by proving that they've been successful already? What do you tell people? Exactly? 

Steve: Exactly what I mean is that I go out, and before I ever create a piece of content, I go on to TikTok, I go into Facebook, I go to Instagram, and I look up my niche, and look at what's already proven to have a ton of views, a ton of comments, people positively engaged with it. And when I find those videos, save three or four of them. And I just started to create a similar sort of feel to a video around the same topic. So if the topic was dog training, and how to make your dog sit, I would look for the most popular videos on that. And then I start to create a piece of content that kind of feels like that piece of content, because if it was successful once, it has a higher likelihood of being successful once again. 

Matt: Perfect. That's exactly that, a great routine. And I also just wanted to say one other thing. I wanted to go back to your comment about doing the same thing every day. You know, I think that's important for people who are just getting started. But I also think, you know, if you do the same thing every single day for let's say, 60 days, 90 days, and you're not getting results, it's important to change those habits and shift those habits. In your case, if you've got such a great daily routine, and you got such a great man, I know, I would, there's so many, there's so many things about that, that I would get better, huge takeaways from it. But you know, I always I always jumped to even thinking about putting that into a PDF, right and giving that away to people. Here's my daily, here's my, here's my morning routine, my daily routine as affiliate marketer that helped me or you know, whatever. It's just such a powerful thing. But it's a good giveaway in your email sequence, right? But here's the thing is, a lot of times what people do when they get their first 5, 10 grand in working, they get shiny object syndrome, they certainly look, they start to look Whoa, what's he did? What's he doing? What's he doing? Maybe I could try something else. And here's the thing, I always tell people when you've got something that's working, right, expand business, expand the business on top of your daily routine to never lose that routine, right? So you found something that's like, wow, this is income generating. Number one, you've got to realize that not a lot of people get to that point. It's a unique thing. It feels like to you because it's so quick. We're talking three months, that you're rocking, rolling, that, you know, wow, this is the norm. It's not the norm, right lottery, struggling a lot of people, you know, really, really trying to really try to figure it out still. And so yeah, I think you realize how good you're doing and how quick that happened. And then also claim to that routine and don't stop what's working. We found both affiliates and then also just in our own business like this applies business wise, but also to affiliates. It's like, you find a winning formula to find something that's working well to do that thing going because that's your cash revenue. That's your whole revenue of your business. That is the thing driving your business forward. And then everything else you want to do. You block out time separate from that routine, and you add it on top of Business. 

Steve: That makes sense. Yeah, no, I completely. I completely agree that it's, as long as it's working. I think Dave said to the mastermind, too, if it's working, and just keep working on it.

Matt: Isn't that cool, man? So tell us when you're creating content, I'm curious, just based on what I know of you and having met you, was that transition getting into content creation hard? Did it come naturally? What do you feel like was the trick to sort of breaking through in your content creation? It was, well, I had a few. I had a few realizations as I was, as I was learning to create content. Because you're researching things that are already out, there are other successful pieces of content. It almost became like learning as you earn. situation where I would see some of these videos and I love what they're doing. And I wouldn't know exactly how they do that. Maybe I don't know how they added that text. So I get to go out and research. How did they have that text in that particular tick tock video in that way? And they asked us fast, being the time to go window, get there, not go freaking out and saying, Oh, my gosh, I'm not a guru. I know how to do this. I can't do this, right? I don't know what I'm doing. What did you do? He went straight to Google. How do I and then insert what you don't? Right? 

Steve: Yeah. Yeah, that's so important to realize that. Once I stopped working in a job, it's, you're here every day, you're the boss, you're making the decisions. You're in here, you have to, we have to figure it out. Of course, we have resources. But we always if we're going to reach out to someone, we're going to ask for help. A firm believer that I should have a list of steps of things I've already tried. So I'm not coming. I'm coming. I'm showing him I'm making an effort. I just need a little. I need a little leg up. Right, exactly. Yeah. And I think I think that's a big one. I think also just sharing, you know, think that giving people you know, people you like help from showing that level of effort. And telling people here's what I tried, we kind of covered this mastermind to write telling people what exactly you tried telling people what exactly what didn't work, right. 

Matt: Yeah. I think that's cool. What, uh, what's been the biggest struggle in your content creation? 

Steve: You know, the biggest the biggest struggle in my content creation, I find is

Well, starting out, you know, it was consistent. Every day it was waking up, you know, even though I have a routine, of course, life. Life comes in. No stopping it. But it's, it's continuing committing to your content creation. Despite whatever is happening that day. In life, if you have four hours, where you're going to go and spend time with family or something happens that you never expected. It's waking up a couple, maybe an hour earlier, going to bed an hour later, just to make sure you can batch and put together that content. And you can continue your streak every single day of sharing your passion and sharing your message with people. So that's been the hardest part is getting in the routine, getting consistency and still being able to produce despite what life brings in sometimes. 

Matt: Interesting, super cool. So I'm pretty curious. Like, on top of what you're doing, TikTok and content creation. What's the key to your Facebook access because I was a little bit interested in you'd grown that and stuff, what's what's been your experience with that? 

Steve: Facebook, so cyber curious, I grew a Facebook page really quick. I grew from zero followers to about 22,000 Since December 23 of 2021. 

Matt: What did you do? 

Steve: So, here, here come the nuggets, you know, let's let's take them to church. Facebook is amazing. And I saw a video not too long ago where someone said don't ever use Facebook and affiliate marketing I'll tell you, it hasn't been my experience that big blue, Big Blue is alive and well. And my this, this has been really just the heart of everything we're doing has been Facebook. So I, I put on Facebook and Facebook, I believe is better than a talk for really getting to know people. And that has been a word that is Facebook. I never let a message or a comment go unnoticed and go unanswered. And I reach out to people and I ask them, What are you looking to achieve? What are you looking to accomplish, and we have full conversations and I will really spend the majority of my day after content creation, just answering messages and just getting to know people on Facebook. So that's, that's been so powerful for effort, engagement, and all of that, but most importantly, connecting with other human beings from everywhere from Canada to Australia. And when they send a message saying, Hey, this is Steve, and I'm here to help us here. That's, that's just been the greatest key to it is connecting with human beings on Facebook. Never Never give up on them. So if you if you wanted a nugget, really, the greatest thing I've learned from Facebook and creating this page is connect with people as much as possible, because the mission is more important than the commission

Matt: That's a big nugget. I like that a lot, as should be your tagline. Yeah, and you know, Facebook's also, you know, Facebook, or you have Instagram rails, which is now really tied into Facebook rails, and they might not be quite as powerful as they might not be quite as powerful as TikTok in terms of organic reach. But if you don't think that there's people at Facebook, who are going to figure that out. I mean, Facebook's gonna figure that out at some point. And so yeah, I think that getting on having that content there and gauging with people because people are used to engagement on Facebook, especially some some, like, people who were like, let's say 30 to 70 years old, are used to the engagement that happens through Facebook than they are on to jock. It's more familiar to them. And you can reach them easier that way. Man, that's super cool, dude, I know what you're doing there. And we'll put up links to your stuff so people can check it out. I'll put it in the chat, actually, right now, put it up, put in a link to your Facebook, and people can go check you out. If you're watching this, and you're gonna, you're gonna hop on and find Steve's Facebook, I just put it in there now, but you can just search Cash Flow Marketer on Facebook and you could probably find it.  And also put your TikTok up here in a second spin on the volume. And do I love it, I love what you're doing. And just for everybody who's here, we can dive deep into all of your strategy, all this stuff. Yeah, but what I'm going to tell everybody to do is be a good marketer, follow your advice and go figure it out by looking at your page and diving into what's going on on the page. And sometimes less is more in this kind of scenario. To want to tell me exactly what to do. But that reduces the amount of critical thinking that happens and people become not very good problem solvers. Our culture, and especially our education system has taught us to not be very good critical thinkers. And that what I want everybody to do is go to his Facebook page, I want you to find it. And I want you to. I want you to scroll through and I want you to do some investigative work on him and what he's been doing on that Facebook page, because there's probably a lot of cool nuggets there. So Steve, thanks to my brother. Thanks for coming on. I'm glad we got to see each other again. This is really cool. Keep going at it and we'd love to have you on again in two or three months and just catch up and see what's up. 

Steve: Hey, any time I can. I can share anything, it's really wonderful to be here and it's you know, it's so great to see you again Matt and just to be a part of this community. I love it. I love what you guys are doing. I really appreciate you so much. 

Matt: Well, thanks for coming on man. Really appreciate Thanks for the kind words. 

Steve: Absolutely. Thank you. Alright guys, I'm going to put up his TikTok right here. It's @thecashflowmarketer, you can follow him on TikTok. And you know what I always tell people to do: leave a comment and say, Hey man, wake up legendary and let him know what was impactful? What made you think differently? Okay, let him know. And we're going to be back here at the same time, same place at 10am. Eastern every single weekday. Monday through Friday, had we even had a show on Christmas, I think. I think we've maybe pre recorded that one the day before, but we literally, well, Christmas on Saturday, we did one on Christmas Eve. Every single Monday through Friday, even on a big national holiday. We're going to pre-record an episode the day before so you can get a dose of it. And everybody who's in the chat will be here and live with you. So it's a really fun community to be a part of. It's unique. It's different from anything else you're going to find online. And it's better than most everything you're applying online too. So everyone have a great rest of your Tuesday. Follow Steve @thecashflowmarketer on TikTok and see you back here tomorrow. Peace out everybody. 

How To Get Huge Results By Leveraging Your Email Follow Up

 Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Good morning everybody. Welcome in, it is 8am my time 10am Eastern time. And my name is Matt if you don't already know me, I am a CMO here at legendary. Dave. His wife took off for the week on a little vacation together. So I'm hosting most of the week. He'll be back on Friday to host and if you don't already know about it, we send out a text message every single morning when we go live and it basically just gives you a little heads up on what's coming and what we're going to cover on the show, who our guest is. And then we even have a little link you can just tap it and come right into the Facebook live with us. So I highly recommend you get signed up for those. If you're watching this as a replay you can actually just hit pause on the video right now you can text the letters  WUL to (813)-296-8553. That'll get you on our text message list to get a reminder every time we go live. I can't guarantee forever but as of right now we don't do any selling through that text message. route so you don't have to worry about us getting on some lists where we're going to try to send you a million offers a day and spam your messages. We just send out a text every single morning at 10am Eastern. Hey, join us live and it's a nice way to start off your morning and get it kicked off with you know rather than diving into the rabbit hole of Twitter about you know, all sorts of stuff that's gonna piss you off in the morning. It's better to join something like this operational that you're going to hear from real people who are getting big time results and have a bit to share. So we've got an awesome guest today. I'm excited to bring on Dan from Utah Dan, what's going on? 

Dan: Just trying to wake up still a little early for me, I guess early for you too. But this is a little early. 

Matt: Yeah, I'm kind of decently a morning person. I spent so many years working in coffee that I just never stopped waking up early, I think but yeah, cool. So you're in Utah. Tell us a little bit about well just bring us into your world a little bit to your urine tell us a little bit about you and your journey to coming into marketing because it's not really your style. 

Dan: Yeah, so I mean, like I said, I've been in tech, basically since I was 16 been doing programming and it work and you know, the weird Gremlin guy in the corner, you know, in a dark room typing odd things and no one knows about and I guess a few years ago I kind of had some shifts in my career. I was part of the sales organization helping them sell and I realized that, you know, I kind of like making a little bit more money, made a little bit more money in sales and started getting interested in starting my own business. And about two years ago. My son was born premature via emergency C section. And hospital bills started stacking up right. I have a really good job. My wife works for the hospital, she's a nurse. But even after all of that, we had just tons and tons of bills and I decided you know I really need another way to make money. I need to make more money to figure this out. So I started looking online, looking for a way to make some extra money. I tried things before finding affiliate marketing and started trying to figure it out. Right. It's a classic story that Dave tells you on YouTube, where everyone has conflicting information, or finding some old training program where they say hell the only way to make affiliate marketing money is start a blog and sell stuff on Amazon or sell Amazon stuff for $1 A piece every single time. So I struggled with that for 18 months, almost two years until I think I saw somebody on TikTok talking about Legendary Marketer. The intro video and you know, it kind of opened my eyes to the possibilities. You know, it's like it clicked for me. 

Matt: Cool, super cool. I'm so curious, like, during the 18 months that you were buying the course, were you buying courses going through stuff trying to set up some blog and tech and stuff and like, what was that? Like? What kinds of stuff were you into or what was that journey? Dan: Like because it's very disorienting. I went through that too. It's like super disorienting because you're like, Is this really the thing is this? Yeah, yeah. So it really did start with just conflicting info on YouTube. And then I found what looked like a really good course. And, yeah, I took this course and I read through the whole thing and it's like I know, it just seemed I didn't realize how old school it was. It was honestly I think it was a five or six, maybe even seven year old course that I had gotten looped into and yeah, it was just super duper frustrating, I guess. Right? Because I'm not a big writer. I can write a story here and there but it was like hey, you need to read 1000 word articles three times a week for six months, and you might get some traffic here or there and get some stuff. Get some stuff right. So I was cranking out articles. I was trying to learn stuff and become a subject matter expert on these things to try and get some commissions on stuff. And really it was just an exercise in futility. I don't think I got a single affiliate sale in that hole in that whole process of doing the blog. I think I got one accidentally on Twitter on like money Twitter one day, you know, but other than that, it was just just nothing right? Total futility. 

Matt: Yeah, I had the same experience. I mean, I don't actually know if I like purchasing courses on blogging and stuff or what that was exactly, but I had, you know, basically the exact same thing happened where I was, you know, deep into the whole like I was so deep into blogging. I have my own blog. I even created a blogging course because I was able to rank pages on Google so quickly, way back in the day 10 years ago, but it was also slow and even the lead flow in sales that came from that was like maybe maybe a liter to a day or something right. And, you know, but it was, it was worth it for me because I had such a high ticket product but anyway, I feel like that process is so it's just like crawling you know what I mean? And for a lot of people that's really like, if you started 10 years ago, that's what you should have expected. It's that kind of growth, that kind of slow. thought, like, Hey, we're really growing something. Nowadays I feel like you know, so fast forward 18 months and you find Legendary in October. Nowadays, it's much different. So you've grown a channel to 12,000 Really quickly, and you're using some good email marketing and stuff. What I'm just so curious about with that process of switching over to TikTok was like did you have any internal duties. Am I really going to do this or was it pretty? Yeah, it was a massive struggle. I mean, I just make videos right like in general, I'm not super comfortable in front of the camera camera guy, right. Like I like I said, I was the Gremlin in the back room, right for the longest time at work. And so, you know, I went through the course, and I was like, Man, this makes so much sense, the whole high ticket thing, the whole email afterwards. And then it was, you know, the best way to do it is just promote your own name. Right, have your own personal brand and get on TikTok, get on Facebook, get on these things and present yourself right. And so it was this internal battle honestly for a month probably after I finished the courses to just convince myself like how can I do this without doing this right? How can I do it without doing it? And I really just kind of had to commit to it. You know, there's only one way to do it and to just do it, stop trying to stop trying to get around it or get away from it. Just dive in. And that's what I'm doing. Cool. That's awesome. And I you know, I always notice when people get sort of big results on tick tock like you had a couple videos go super viral, or at least one video goes super viral and then he posted again, what was the thought process there? 

Dan: Yeah, just posting it twice. I actually think that on one of the TikTok courses within Legendary. You guys use some examples of some super successful marketers who had a super successful video, waited at least two weeks and then posted another one and TikTok had that you know like over a year in review kind of program where they were encouraging you to repost your videos and so I thought it's a perfect opportunity to just post it again and go for it. 

Matt: Yeah, totally was so for you because at one point it got 892,000 And then the second time he posted that you got 52,000 Does that sound right? 

Dan: Yeah, that sounds right. 

Matt: That's your second most watched video ever. My guess is from those two videos like that's the majority of your 10 or 12,000 followers. 

Dan: Yeah, a massive number and then write a couple of a couple of the comments on it. Right. So I read some strategies about what I think someone called a comment circling where you have a viral video and then you do video replies within that so that your comments and then it kind of circles back on itself. So yeah, I think most I think really four videos is where most of my big chunks of followers came from, because I had one go viral and I tried to optimize it as it happened.

Matt: Yeah, that's perfect. I think between that and going live are probably the two best things that anybody can do. When you get a video that goes to 800 900,000 views like that is a great time to immediately run to the Live button and hop on live because so many people are discovering new rights. It's like wow, who's this guy up to some interesting video and then it's like, oh my god, Dan's live. Like, let's hop on a line with this guy. Let's see. What's going on. And after all that you still have a full time job right? 

Dan: Yep, I have a full time job and my wife actually works nights and weekends and so she nights and weekends I'm a full time dad until they totally go to bed then I can work on my my how many kids you have? Just two, okay? But they're like two and four or five. So it's the handful. 

Matt: That's crazy. That's super cool. So you mentioned a little bit about how you've got sort of a virality aspect on TikTok, which is driving lead flow on the front end. So, front end lead flow, a lot of it's being pushed through social media. Then after they're in your world and after they're in your atmosphere. You're doing follow up via email. What have you learned about following up with people via email and WhatsApp? 

Dan: Yeah, kind of the super interesting thing is I kind of thought email was dead. And I always saw that kind of thing. And you know, people like oh, you can't you can't do this via email. Every single High Ticket affiliate sale like that has been through an email campaign. They were someone who came into my funnel. They didn't necessarily purchase right off the bat, but they got an email, a follow up email that I had in my campaign and then came through and ended up purchasing something right. And so yeah, I've just seen a lot of success with my email campaign and, and I had to do a lot of optimization on my email campaign too, right. I think when I first started, I thought okay, this is just copy paste. And you know, at first that was okay, it was getting a little bit of success. And as I look more and more at it, I realized, you know, I need to personalize every single one of these emails. I need to even intersperse my own story. I think there's a storytelling course that Dave has. Just another one of those eye openers, it's like all the Legendary training. It's like every single time I watch an eye opening strategy I didn't even think about. And so after I watched some of those storytelling videos from Dave, I started intermixing my own personal story just throughout the campaign, and I think he got people to get to know me a little bit better. Had a little higher engagement on my emails and a lot more success. 

Matt: Yeah, that's cool. We always talk about in Legendary we were talking about how we're always asking, asking ourselves, what are the what are the big levers that we can pull

to make the biggest impact? So like with email marketing, you know, if you can, if you can increase your open rates from 3% to 18%. Like that's a 6x improvement. And all you did likely was change something with your headline or change something in the subject line or something right and totally, I think what you said there is really helpful for people in copy and paste in the beginning, give me some templates, give me some scripts, whatever and then and then longer term, as you get in 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, however long it takes you is fine, but as you get into it, you've really got to optimize those to you and to what matters to you, whether it's your story or whether it's you do a more sort of reporting style, like, like a lot of times when people haven't had success and let's take the Make Money Online or welfare relationships, niche or something but they feel passionate about it. A lot of times what will happen is they get imposter syndrome and they feel like well, I can't really optimize my emails because I haven't No. But getting in even getting into a reporter style voice where you're like, just reporting on people who have had success with XYZ product, it makes a lot easier because now you're just like, Oh, I'm a journalist for The New York Times area, you know, and I'm now just gonna type out like hey, have you heard about this guide? You know, like Aaron Yett like Here's his story, you know, here's his experience, and then it's just like, Oh, cool. This is awesome. You know? So, I think people underrate that a lot and it's a skill where if you build that skill, you can Okay, so now I can increase the open rates, but then once people actually get into the emails, there's a bit more meat and substance there for them to chew on and to really dig into and it makes sense to me what why most of your high ticket sales come from that because those are people who who didn't just maybe click and run through and purchase and and just start going into it and they're just kind of frantically looking around, right? And that's not all people but it can be some people. And then in your case, you've got people who have gone through your funnel, maybe took a look, took a peek, and then went into their inbox and they're like, remember that? Okay, and now they're really diving deep. And there's a sense of attachment, I think I think of it in terms of attachment, which is a psychological term. They start to become attached to you on your journey and they start to trust optimal things. Which is a really big thing. And that's cool that you're seeing success with that. What do you have from the email marketing angles? Do you have any tips or advice that you would give to people? What specifically have you done to sort of increase that engagement? 

Dan: Well, the first thing that I did that actually, I saw the first marking permit was I actually just added a picture of myself. So simple, like just I like and honestly a lot of it was. I subscribed to a lot of other Legendary Marketer, marketers and other affiliate marketers, and I started just reading all of their emails. And I saw the people that I could just, it seemed like they were having success based on what I saw on their social media. They all have a picture of themselves in their email. So that's the very first thing that I did. And it instantly doubled my open rate. So yeah, I mean, just make it seem like it's you right? I think you know, like the whole attachment thing. Like people will buy stuff from a stranger they want to buy something from even if it's the same product, the same pitch. If they know someone, they're going to buy it right. So I think that was just making it more personal. 

Matt: Yeah, picture stuff like that. little nugget, if it's, it's you, you're just like you're doing the swipe file thing that we tell people to do all the time, which is just like, hey, just get on it. You know, don't not for the sake of purchasing we get on as many people's lists in your niche as possible. And what do they say? What are they doing? What's their voice? What are they? What are their angles? How do they present this to people like it's just a it's such a basic, such a basic but very smart approach to especially because you can leverage so much of your time by not sort of like sitting on YouTube, and YouTubing like, how do I help? How do I make my email marketing convert better? You know, it's like, well, this person is going to answer your question for a specific niche that probably won't fit your niche. So go to the people who are dominating your niche and see what's working. And then what you can really do is you can take and you can figure out how do I even beat that? Like, how do I get even better? It's just research and development right? Like if I was starting a pizza shop, I'd go to every pizza shop in the entire city. I would take very specific notes. In fact I met a young couple who own a coffee shop here in Phoenix and they said, You know what we do every single month. We drive to Los Angeles and we hit a pig. We stayed there for one day, stayed overnight, came back the next day, and we hit up about 10 coffee shops that day. That we get there. And we just popped around to them and we sat for an hour and we took notes all day long. And we take notes on everything that's working. Here's what's stupid. Here's what's great. Here's a painting idea. Here's a lighting idea and they just make their coffee shop better and better and better. But they're bringing a taste and a flavour of, of Los Angeles here in Phoenix, which is a little bit more modern, it's a little bit more I mean, LA is a little bit more modern and a little bit more upscale. And so they do really well because they bring all of these elements and they've studied them and they create this swipe file, they take photos, they create the swipe file of ideas. So they're like Well, now let's look at getting some new furniture.  What was your favorite furniture that we saw in the shops? Then they can ask the owner of that company. Hey, where did you get those chairs in your coffee shop? Those are really cool where you guys? And the same thing is true here. Both with content both with email marketing, like you're saying, you can get into these you can get into these email sequences and you're like, oh, that's smart. That was so savvy or all that. That email subject line that was so smart. And a lot of times people feel like they're inventing the wheel, but you don't have to try to invent the wheel here. You just have to simply find what's already working and that will get you your start. Then maybe as you develop skills and you start to think outside the box because you're comfortable, then maybe you step into a place where you create totally unique, totally brand new ideas. But for the most part, there's nothing new under the sun. I mean, there's millions of affiliate partners out there who've been doing this for over a decade, way over a decade. And there's enough marketing material out there and smart, cool angles that you don't really have to get back creative. You just have to follow direct response marketing for the most part. What's your take? I mean, how many emails do you have? Do you have automated emails that go out? How many emails do you have set up? Dan: So I have a couple different campaigns that I move people, I manually move people between campaigns based on a couple of factors. I think in total, I maybe have like 25 set up mixing bears. Will that make money online niche offers? Yes. A lot of those emails are the medieval children of a couple different affiliate marketers that I saw on actually this show, Wake Up Legendary. I watch these people that are having success, and I find them on TikTok and I subscribe and then I read their emails and I think exactly what you said right it's not reinventing the wheel it's just maybe adding racing stripes on there's like some level like what walls Yeah. Matt: Nice. I was just emailing the other day with a guy who just recently had a platinum affiliate with us and and I was like, Man, I'm so curious had such a huge last like month and he was like dude, I've been I've been at this for over a year and basically for the last year I've been kind of ignoring my email list. He's got well over 10,000 people on his email list. And he's been creating content stuff with us like, you know what, I've just, I think I'm sitting on a goldmine and he did the same thing, he started moving from those scripts, to developing his own email marketing his own voice his own messaging in that and dude, his results are huge. I mean, just with us alone as an affiliate, he said six figures but a lot of that has come in the last 30 days where he's just exploded and all that list that was sitting there, kind of underutilized, kind of forgotten about he's like, we have a blast, and it's exploded, which is really, really cool. And I think people underrate that a lot. Yes, do I think that text message marketing has a place of course, but I think people are really underrating that basically, you know, that element of email marketing, getting into people's inbox and then setting yourself apart from all the other nonsense that people get their email inbox every single day. These people are now so conditioned to just archive or delete all their email as soon as it comes in there. For people who are newer to the game, you're part of our Blueprints community and for people who are newer to affiliate marketing, and now you're an affiliate of our company as well. So just full disclaimer there, but for people who are newer to our company and newer to this whole affiliate marketing thing what would you say to them or what do you say to some of those people who email you back and are like hey, I know this seems just nervous like it's it's weird to buy a course online. I'm not used to that, this seems a little bit like it's out of my wheelhouse. 

Dan: What would you say? I mean, a lot of it's just it was out of my wheelhouse to write like it was it's one of those things that it's like it is a little bit weird, and that's a little bit scary at first if it's something you don't understand, but it's, you know, again, that's where I think it comes back for me at least to my story. I was kind of scared at first to write. I didn't know what I was doing at first either. And I did make the mistake of diving in to maybe the wrong things right without guidance without someone telling me what to do. And so, you know, I think a lot of it's like, hey, you know this, this is a proven system. There are 1000s of people that this works for. And there's a massive community of people I think that's another piece of it, too is those other YouTube videos and courses that I took. There was a community there, but not really right. You can actually ask anyone any questions and that's another major thing without without legendary is there there's several Facebook groups and all different levels of questions and people with access and you can ask any question from the basics of the mechanics of getting things set up to you know, what's your what's your content strategy, and there's always somebody there to jump in and and help you right, so it's got it's just kind of that reassuring. It's like it's scary, but you have support. 

Matt: Totally. I think there's a lot of courses out there. There's a lot of, you know, gurus out there, whatever. But yeah, we've got 40,000 people or something in our Facebook group. There's a lot of people who think it's reviewed as 4.9 out of five stars for a reason. And on Facebook. There's a lot of different places you could review. But yeah, just have that community alone. There. It was. You know, really like a big time scam or something. You would know you would hear about it everywhere. But for the most part our community is very friendly and we embrace the newbies. We don't like newbies, but we embrace them, and there's a lot of help. There's a lot of support, even people who email me, I'll respond to that pretty quick. And we've had Yeah, we've just I think that I think that's I think you're right I think that one really underrated piece of this particular experience. I'll call it like an experience or program is the element of having really quality people and I think we've got lucky but I think we also put it out into the marketplace and have attracted a lot of people like you and just a ton of people who are community who, you know, when they get an email from somebody in a lot of other worlds people are like, Who is this joker like, Get away from me? And in our world, it's like, yeah, I can help no problem. We've got a lot of people who get a lot of value and self worth from helping others which is really cool. 

Dan: I would say that you know, the way you guys run the Facebook groups and moderate the whole organization is like a spirit of collaboration for sure. Like no one's no one's smacking each other down or, you know, like a good stay in your lane. And the thing is like, Hey, man, I started somewhere to where I feel like everyone's jumping in to say like, Hey, I'll help.

Matt: Well, cool. Is this the best place for people to folly? Yes, that's my primary TikTok. Yep, screen. I love it. Well, thanks for everything. We're going to get people to go give you a follow and send you a message of inspiration today, but thanks for everything. Thanks for sharing some secrets on email marketing, a little strategy there and if you ever need anything hit us up. We'd love to chat in a couple months and just see where you're at to catch up. 

Dan: Sounds great.

Matt: Cool. Thanks, Dan. All right, thanks. Alright guys, so you know a big part of why we bring people on the show is we want you to go follow them so follow Dan at @dantopia1. Go give him a follow and then you know also just comment on one of his most recent videos say hey, saw you on Wake Up Legendary right or hey I really liked wait you said about XYZ on Wake Up Legendary and maybe rewatch this get get a little bit of a tip or get a good gold nugget about you know, how do I get inspiration mega marketing. But give Dan a little follow and heck go opt into his list and look at what he's doing in his emails, right. So here, if you're a marketer, check this out. If you're a marketer, and somebody comes on a show and says, you know, I've started to get really good results from my email marketing. Here's a hint, right? Okay. If he's getting good results from Marketing, and he just revealed that, right, yes, you can listen to the words he says on this, but you know what a good marketer does. He dives to the students' funnel and they go look at everything he's doing. And they read his email every single day and they study and they say, Well, what's he really doing? Right? To become a good student of marketing. Okay, so back here tomorrow 10am. Eastern. Everybody, have a good rest of your Monday. And we'll be back here again at the same time, same place on Facebook. Legendary Marketer Official on facebook. We'll be back here at 10am Eastern.

The Secret To Generating Traffic From Pinterest & Blog Posts

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: This is Dave Sharpe, welcome to Wake Up Legendary. This morning. We welcome a hairdresser turned online entrepreneur who has and is doing quite a few things; blogging, TikToking, and using Pinterest where we will hear a little bit about her story. Lisa, welcome to the show.

Lisa: Hey, thanks for having me.

Dave: Yeah, where are you? Where are you calling in from?

Lisa: Los Angeles. 

Dave: Okay, nice. So tell us a little bit about your journey and ultimately led you to find us.

Lisa: Yeah, sure. So basically, I was a hairdresser for 10 years straight out of high school. I didn't want to go to college. So I just went to hairdressing school and did that and I live in Los Angeles. And it was great. I loved it. I mean, I was young and I was basically already a freelancer because I always kind of made my own schedule and everything.  I absolutely loved my clients, but I was still living paycheck to paycheck because LA is so expensive. And obviously when the pandemic hit, just at the drop of a hatch, I was out of work, and then I realized, Oh, I'm out of work, so I'm not making any money and I remember getting that email from my boss saying that we were going to close for two weeks and I was like, Okay, I literally have two weeks of savings or, you know, leftover money and after that, I have nothing so that was kind of like, okay, you need to get it together. So I took that time during lockdown to kind of reevaluate everything and started reading so that I could educate myself and go back to work, but I was still trying to figure out what I could do because I didn't go to college. So I was just freaked out. I was like, I have no education. And so I didn't really know what to do and I came across TikTok

Dave: And there's basically no other place to go at that point, right? It's in the middle of a global shutdown. You know, we don't know if it’s the end of the world or not. But I mean, as long as we're still here you've got to eat and the landlord's at least calling telling you, hey, rent still needs to be paid, right? But you've just been sent down, sent home deemed non essential. And you're kind of, you know, between a rock and a hard place. The only place to turn is the internet, the dark web at that point, right?

Lisa: I know and I wasn't, other than like online shopping and stuff I didn’t use. I didn't even have a laptop and literally bought my first one for my birthday in August 2021. And I figured out digital marketing. I got certified in Google certifications. And I just wanted to either do freelance work or work for a company and then again, on Tiktok, I found you guys and I was like, Okay, great. I could either do this on the side or it could just find another freelance thing, you know, I had no idea where this was gonna take me and I just decided to go for it. I had my own studio doing hair and I was just like, I got to give this up because I'm just one of those people that I have to give it everything I have or it's just not gonna work out for me. So yeah, I had no job. So this is the only thing that I had to work for me because I had nothing else.

Dave: Unfortunately, and this is just, sort of reality of you know, the world is just that, unless you're using your pain when you're in a really tough spot, a lot of times you don't do anything about your situation. And no matter what it is, you know what I mean? If it's, you know, I mean, yeah, money, for example. I mean, I'll just use the one that we're talking about. I mean, I've seen people come in, particularly for many years before the pandemic who still had cushy jobs and just, you know, wanted to just have more money, but they weren't really running out of money. So it was just kind of a side hustle hobby. I'll get to it when I get to it and, you know, but I'll tell you what, these last 20 months when people were put in a position like you're describing, where it's like, okay, I got nothing now. You know that's a really scary place, where you almost go into survival mode, and you're right, it's either you do it or you starve. And I'll tell you, I don't know. I mean, there's a lot of people succeeding right. Now it's hard for me because I don't have tons of data to look back at, compared to but I just feel like there's a real there's a real it's hard to put your finger on it. But I say this time and time again. What is causing you pain? Can you amplify that in your life and use it as motivation, even if you have to manufacture it a little bit, even if you have to, because I just believe as long as human beings are complacent and don't really have to change it's hard to change. You had real pain. Now you folks out there might also have real pain, but if you are somewhat complacent, then you might want to start trying to take a look at what the hell hurts and would you like to stop hurting in your life because you really can use that as some pretty serious motivation. Do you agree with that?

Lisa: Yeah, I do. Yeah, I feel like I was okay with settling. I was okay with living paycheck to paycheck because I was like I live in Los Angeles. I have a great apartment

Dave: You've got a great life. Your job doesn't suck. You probably enjoy your work. 

Lisa: Yeah, yeah. 

Dave: But all of a sudden when Armageddon comes in, it's like it's the end of the world. You know, it's scary. It's like, look, you can still live and you can still eat and you can still have a life but you just have to do it at home. And you can't leave your house to go to work and therefore you're not going to get paid. So just hang tight.

Lisa: Right? And that's what it was. It was cool like you know, we'll let you know.

Dave: Right? And you know what, it's been great. Kind of like No, nobody's really at fault because well, the government's doing the shutdowns and all this and that so there's been no real you know, okay, so the government shut us down. So they're gonna send us a check. Right so you know, they send out $1,200 checks six months apart, like what's that supposed to do for anybody? You know what I mean? So I think a lot of people have been pushed into whether it be driving for Uber whether it be you know, whether it be going online, whether it be sticking with and following through a course that you bought because if you parted with your money, maybe that maybe you don't have more income coming in right now because you lost your job like, I don't know, I just I feel like like there's been a lot of people who have been in that spot and can relate to that and it's, it's a powerful thing when you can use your your situation as a motivator to get out of it to better your life. In there's some real consequences on the other side of you not taking action,

Lisa: Absolutely. Yeah.

Dave: A lot of times, there's no consequences, right, because we still got the job or whatever. So we don't, we're not really going to starve. But I mean, if we waste a few $100 Or a few $1,000 on something, we can always just say, well, I'll get back to it later. You know, that's usually what we tell ourselves. So how has the business model resonated with you? How have you, I guess, what has meant what makes the most sense about this business model and what attracted you to want to come go through our learning process and continue to follow through from there?

Lisa: Well, I love that 15 Day Challenge. The fact that you had a live person that you could talk to and ask questions was amazing. And I mean, you really learned skills that I can use forever, like let's say if an affiliate product falls off, okay, I know that knowledge and I can just go and find another one. So it's, it's it really it's not just something that I can do right? Now for maybe like a year or two. It's something that I can build upon my skills forever. And that's, that's something great that I other than like hairdressing, like, it's something that I can do like even if I get hurt or whatever the situation like with hairdressing I felt like, if my body breaks down on me, then my body breaks down on me like I'm only 30 and I already had problems with my body. Like, and that was another thing that I was like, Okay, I need to figure out something else. And with this, I feel like I have different I feel like I have different things to do like I'm kind of going crazy in my head brainstorming like okay other than affiliate marketing what okay, do my own digital products, my own like coaching set, you know, so it's, it's, like different forms of income, which I never thought was possible. I was like, Okay, you have a job, and you get a paycheck. And that's it. I didn't know about passive income. I didn't. I mean, I knew about investing but I didn't know how to go about that. So it just kind of opened up a whole other world for me, especially because I was new to online. So it's been kind of surreal. Yeah,

Dave: That's cool. That's cool. That's really cool. So have you found how you have transitioned through, maybe doing some things that are out of your comfort zone? I don't know what's been out of your comfort zone. Why don't you tell us some of the things that have been out of your comfort zone and then what are you doing to move through them versus avoid them?

Lisa:  Everything's out of my comfort zone. I mean, like I said, I was not tech savvy at all. So the good thing that I knew about digital marketing was I took Google certification. So I knew the basics of digital marketing, which was super beneficial. And it was, it was free. So that was amazing. But I, I kind of realized that you have to get out of your comfort. So like, like, obviously my comfort zone was doing hair, it was doing things that I knew and that was working for me. So if you have to get uncomfortable, to move forward and to do different things or else you're just gonna stay complacent. So yeah, like social media was kind of pointed to I mean, I have social media, but I wasn't really good at it. And I'm still not great at it. I like working on that, which is why I mainly do Pinterest, because it's not a social platform, which is like, yes, thank you. So social media online, the tech stuff like building the funnels, like it was just, it was so foreign to me and thank God there's Google for any kind of video training like I take because it just didn't know anything.

Dave: Yeah. So what are you doing with Pinterest?

Lisa: So I use Pinterest to drive traffic to my blog. And when I made my posts that was how I started my own online business with affiliate marketing through you guys.

Dave: Okay. And you're just basically posting on Instagram and kind of driving traffic to your blog?

Lisa: Yes, I had to do it the fast way because organic traffic in Pinterest takes a little time. So I do run Pinterest Ads.

Dave: Oh, you do run Pinterest ads. Wow. Interesting. It's fascinating. Pinterest is a beast.

Lisa: It's a really good platform.

Dave: Yeah. Wow. So I'm kind of looking at your Pinterest page. And I'm seeing just endless of what looks like very similar content here. And you've just, it looks like it just goes on and on and on. Like how many posts you've made. Wow, it's unbelievable. Are all these individual posts on Pinterest?

Lisa: Yeah, so there's an app that you can set up. But so far, I've just been doing it all myself. So yeah, Canva and Pinterest have been my best friends.

Dave: Okay, so you make all these images inside of Canva. And then you just kind of post them on to your Pinterest profile with no, not even I mean a very short caption and then you link over to your blog. And this is where people you know are diving deeper into your topic. And then you've got affiliate links embedded. The author, the post.

Lisa: Yes

Dave: Interesting. Interesting. So it's kind of a little bit more like a, this is this is a great example of delivering value in the written form, long form content in even, I mean when I say long form content, it's really just forgetting even whether it's short or long form. I mean, because this is a rather quick read so it's not like it's a you know, viewer to read this out. It probably takes three to five minutes. So I mean, you can post a video on TikTok now that's three minutes long, I think. So this is really the opposite of doing video content. I mean, if you're doing video content, you're probably doing video content on TikTok Instagram, maybe YouTube or at least repurposing your TikToks over on YouTube shorts. But with you, there's not a single bit of video involved. You are simply creating images that are speaking to a very specific audience which is online business. And in mindset people, people who are looking to make more money, people who are looking to entrepreneurship or open entrepreneurship open to multiple streams of income opportunity seekers, as I call them. And you just create a simple little, little, little kind of almost like add it but it just looks like it doesn't look threatening like an ad it looks like a little meme. And it's very beneficial. Strong headline in the image how to make 25 to $50 per hour with online social media. somebody sees that they click it and you know, nice little caption and you've got it linked out to a capture page. Who knows, sometimes you go to a capture page, sometimes you go directly to a blog post but the bottom line is that it's a very simple process and I'm dissecting it. I'm seeing what you're doing here. And there's not a single place in which ultimately, you are putting your face on camera whatsoever throughout this strategy. Is that right?

Lisa: Yeah, and I do have a TikTok but that's slowly growing because again, I'm still kind of trying to figure out social media. So that's why I chose to do a blog because I actually enjoy writing. So that was something as much as I want to get out of my comfort zone, I still want to focus on the things that I'm good at.

Dave: I like that. And I'm pointing this out specifically because you know, this is a great way to get things started. If you're, if you're wanting to if you if you are a writer or do enjoy writing, or just want to have an alternative strategy from going and being on video, you know, this is a fantastic this is a fantastic strategy that is still gaining I mean we've only I mean you've you've it's not about follower count here, but 214,000 monthly views on this profile. And you've got very few followers. It's a comment of where this content is getting out and who's seen it organically and also the ads that you're running here on Pinterest, right? Yeah. Very fascinating. Very, very interesting. And then you've set up this blog to thrive financially with Lisa and it looks like it's just a WordPress blog. And you've uploaded some sort of a theme to it. Is that right? Okay, and you got five or six blog posts, something like that doesn't appear like there's like there's too many. Is that right?

Lisa: Yeah, so more like the modern blog. If you don't post blogs, like two to three times a week. It's you just have your core posts.

Dave: Yeah, I mean, you provide value, you've got about four or five real angels or things that you need to say and you've created them into long form blog posts here on a blog that you own. And in so what you do is instead of focusing on tons and tons of blog posts, in trying to rank those in Google, instead of you're doing four or five, five main pillar pieces of content right here that that basically will answer or provide the angle of everything that you need to say in order to get somebody interested in what you're selling. And instead, you're focusing on driving traffic, by putting the majority of your efforts out here on Pinterest in running ads to those pieces of content that then send those people on into your funnels. So it's almost like the blog acts as the bridge page funnel. It's basically a landing page to where when somebody clicks one of these they, in many of your posts, land over on one of these blog posts, which your main core products that you're promoting are embedded all throughout these blog posts. Yes, yeah. It's a great strategy. I think this is a fantastic alternative to the traditional SEO work that we've done for a long time with blogs, which is much slower you're trying to write, you know, you're creating the blog posts and then you're trying to rank it in Google. And that can be a really slow process versus what you've done here, which is your four or five pillar pieces of content. And inside of those pieces of content, you've got all of your affiliate tools and products that you're promoting. You're linking out to them in your just then got moot focusing on creating a crap pile of traffic generating assets out here, which might be posted on Pinterest, in your case, it's posted on Pinterest and ads. It could also easily be TikTok videos but what I see is happening here is you're starting them off with reading a text ad. And then you're moving them on to a model where they read and so you're keeping that consistency or that congruence of reading all the way through the funnel versus taking them from written ads to videos which may be a little bit throw them off for a loop or or or whatever, not be as effective.

Lisa: Right. Yeah, it's been interesting. learning all about Pinterest and Google and stuff. And it is really hard to rank on Google. So because I used to run Google ads. You know it, you just have to, like crazy, stand out. So Pinterest gives you one of my favorite parts about Pinterest is that your pin could still come up a year later, two years later, like it doesn't other than Instagram or Facebook where it just gets lost like two hours after you post it. Yeah, this stays depending on what people are searching for. Depending on how good your pin does. So that's another reason why I love it.

Dave: So Pinterest, just to just to give a little bit of context about how Pinterest works, Facebook usually is going to push when you post something on Facebook once once it's going to basically be pushed down into the feed. And so if you know if you post something and it doesn't really get any initial traction, I mean it's pretty much down in the feed. It's a page, it's a feed right. And what Pinterest is interesting because where it seems like they get a lot of their content is repurposing old content back up into a page because I'm seeing content here from people who I both follow but also from people who I don't follow, which is where the opportunity is with Pinterest and TikTok is that and I think with Instagram reels too, but with Facebook, I'm not going to see anything from anybody unless I follow them. Or I'm friends with them. Right, whereas on Pinterest, I'm going to see content from people. This is almost like the for you page. I'm going to see content that Pinterest is pushing up things I might like. Similar to TikToks for you page or Instagram’s Discover or their reels page. So I think that's a unique distinction. And it's kind of how, you know how I think people are getting more of their content seen like you just mentioned because of the way that the platform works and the way that the algorithm works. It's better for marketing the cold traffic. Whereas Facebook is better if you've got a warm audience that you want to continue to deliver value to and want to continue to focus on that warm audience, then that's a little bit more how Facebook works. What other tips or insights do you have that might make Pinterest make more sense for everybody listening?

Lisa: So one of the things that kind of struck me was Pinterest is essentially Google for images. And in my business I do, I am more for the blog. I am specifically attracting women because I want to help women change their life kind of the way that I did you know, I you know, I grew up with the notion like just just work and you know, pick up a paycheck and maybe you'll retire with a pension. So I think of myself as a minority, I think that's still common. I don't know why. My mother is very old fashioned. I wanted to focus more on women so women are more drawn to images. So that's another reason why I chose Pinterest because women are on Pinterest like crazy. And you know they're at home, especially like moms that want to do side hustles or make extra income like that. They can easily find my page and blog. So yeah, Pinterest, Pinterest has been really really beneficial for me and I will continue to try to grow with it and love it. But yeah, that's a game changer right there is that it's basically Google pictures and so again, your pins stay relevant even your I see I see pins from like 2018. So the fact that you can make an affiliate, commission or sale from like a post that was like three years old is pretty awesome. Yeah, I don't think you can really do that with any other platforms. Yeah. And so just giving a page, you know, just creating a page where they feel like they can refer back to it and get inspired with others because I also can have relevant pins like just the other side hustles other jobs. Another thing of mine is mindset shift. So more like affirmations just really more inspiration.

Dave: Yeah it's fascinating how with a platform like this, this is really metal sleeper form. And like the majority of people who are using Pinterest, I'm not going to say everybody because there's not a ton of them, but the majority of people who are using Pinterest are seeing or saying the same thing. You know what I mean? It's a sleeper, it's under- appreciated. It's underutilized because what you do with Pinterest is not only post images, it is like what you see but also videos right? So you can see the videos that you know, and this is an ad right. And I think that the other cool thing about Pinterest is look just look at how not to look on this platform. I mean, so it's like it's like for example like this is just a natural post that the person didn't pay for and then it's sitting right next to a Penny Hoarder. Add in the Penny Hoarder is a $20 million a year affiliate business basically, for things in their ads. Simply say four things you can spend money on that will actually make you richer, right? I mean, what a great ad. Right? And you would never even know that that's an ad like if you're just a regular person who's not even paying attention, but what do they do they do to able that throughout this they have a lot of feeling embedded in their post and this is how they make their money that they Penny Hoarder, I don't believe sells anything. It's all just a massive affiliate business in every single blog. It's a massive blog. In with tons of posts have affiliate credit all throughout it. Yours is just a micro blog that's just got four or five pieces of pillar content on it and that's that's fine, too. That's a really manageable strategy. But the next level is doing what Penny Hoarder is doing. It's interesting too. If you just look at the platform, from the mark, you're a marketer's eyes. You can see why it's so powerful for just regular people. You can see why the ads work because they're literally just. It doesn't even look like an ad. It just looks like a regular pin. Just next to the stay at home mom from Nebraska and here's an ad from Northern royal right you know what I mean? So it's a very, it's a very they've really set it up. They've really set it up intelligently and right here you can see a video from somebody who wants to make money by listening to me listening to music, right? This is likely going to be a video you see. It's just a simple little thing that this lady took her video from TikTok, put it right here to see where her link is. Maybe she was just sending people to that site but it's a really easy platform to use, isn't it?

Lisa: Yeah, and like you said it is very organic. Like even when I'm getting my related pins. I'll see my ad pop up and it's exciting. But it just blows with everything. So it doesn't it doesn't feel like it's like a sleazy salesman. And another thing I love about it is that it's not a social platform so you don't have to be Miss popularity. You don't have to have a million followers and people to take you seriously as long as you provide good content. People will follow you or like you as long as you inspire people with the pins that you're pinning. They will follow you and they so it doesn't have to be, you know, like, like an influencer game where you're trying to like get.

Dave: I know that which is just so it's such a turn off for so many people, right? The whole social media. I mean, it just reminds you of, you know, high school or something. You know where you're competing for people's attention or approval or whatever you know, you're somehow you know, basically, you know, he is making himself out to be how many likes you get or how many followers you have. And then that can be difficult. I think that mental part of social media in marketing nowadays is that we get too wrapped up in numbers and then personalize them. So I like this as a strategy because you don't have a lot of that social, that socializing aspect that I think can throw people off a little bit, right? It can because if you just have a job to do, and nobody's standing over you and you don't, you know, socializing and you know, it doesn't feel like it's socializing. A lot of times you just are more you just do the job and then you are done with it. Whereas sometimes it can be a mindset game. If it feels like you're socializing and it feels like you're, especially if your childhood wasn't, you know, you did at school or the most popular kid that can bring some of those memories and feelings back is what I'm saying. That's a real thing. You agree with that?

Lisa: Yeah, I do. I mean, don't get me wrong. I I do want to utilize social media. Absolutely. But for people like me that wasn't really great. at it. And that I did have to like, work on this quickly. Pinterest was just like yeah, yeah, it's a great alternative. You know, if your camera is shy or anything like that.

Dave: Excellent points, triggers, you know, I mean, just little trauma triggers of apps to be aware of, when you're coming on to social media. Don't go into high school mode, and start taking on how many likes you got as that's how worthy you are. You know, it's just a side note. It's not the main focus of what we're talking about. I just thought that it was it , that's something that is just another mental barrier we have to overcome in this business, I think and it's, if as long as you know about it going in, I think it's easy to overcome. But when it slaps you and all of a sudden you're getting nasty comments on your TikToks. And you're like, oh my god, people are so mean, you know, and then you're triggered like you're in high school, you know? But anyways, what else would you say? What else would you tell yourself? Wouldn't that you know, now that you didn't know when you were starting out?

Lisa: For me, the biggest thing I had to overcome was my mindset. I feel like I had just that mindset of like, just settle for good enough. You know, like, what, like, Who are you to ask for this crazy dream life that you want. So that was other than like, all the tech stuff like that was the biggest thing that I had to overcome. Just, that's another thing that I focus on on my blog because that was trying to get out of my head and getting rid of all that negativity, trying to manifest and do meditations and just change my mindset because it's like it will make you fail. If you think that you can't do this if you believe that you aren't capable of achieving success. It is us and they will kind of pull you and hinder you. I remember I went to this little training that I took this woman, she said that she does Pinterest as well. And she said that she was running her Pinterest ads and all of a sudden all her ads got wiped out and she got shut out and she had to restart and it was and she kind of said that. She thought it was because of her mindset that she didn't actually truly think that she could succeed. And that's something that I had to overcome. Even with this show. I was kind of hesitant to do it because I was like oh, I don't know if I'm like there yet. I don't know if I can speak as an authority. And literally, I did not have commissions for a couple of days. And then I was washing the dishes and I was like oh my god, I did this to myself. I because I went in that. Like I'm not ready I am not successful enough. I'm not there enough. Like I was continuing to wait for something to happen. And it's not about waiting for something to happen. It's just being the best version of yourself every single day. Work on yourself every day. 


Dave: Yeah, I'm not ready. I mean, that's one of the most common myths, lies, and just absolute business killers. I mean, it's when you start saying that you're a couple of steps away from just going ahead and grabbing your tombstone, and laying your pretty little business dream down in a grave to die. And that unfortunately happens. I mean, you have a beautiful dream, you should probably look at it like it's a person. Imagine that. Fortunately every single day people bury their business dreams. They take their tombstone, and they basically lay their dream down and die to die. Or they just take it behind the barn and shoot it themselves. You know, I mean, I don't know what's worse is when you just outright quit or when it gets taken away from you. And you don't even know what's happening. You know, you don't even know why you're self sabotaging. But I do. I do think one of the quickest ways to determine whether you're self sabotaging is: are you telling yourself that you're not ready yet? That if you are telling people I'm not ready to do that yet. Then you are 1,000% self sabotaging in that moment because with a simple reframe. You could just as easily be using that precious air and energy that you're using just to say those words. You can be saying, I'm right on the brink of a breakthrough. I just got to keep taking massive action. And with that massive action, probably 80% is going to be learning and 20% is going to hit the bull's eye because that's the law of averages I mean, usually you take you at the beginning if you take lots of action even as you've been in business for a while. Not everything works. So you got enough stuff to where you get that video that goes viral. You get that post that blows up. That's how you create success. It's that nine out of 10 things suck. And they get just average views or average leads or they just kind of are a regular piece of content. And then one out of every 10 pieces of content that you put out and I'm just ranging this blows up and you might ride that wave. I know I got we got people here in this community that ride the wave of a video going viral on TikTok with a million or 2 million views takes them up to 30 40,000 followers builds their list to their first 10,000 you know for a while and then all of a sudden, you know, months down the road, they you know, 30 more pieces of content. We get another humdinger that goes viral. Right. Well, you know, that's a great example of, of just the more I do it and it's a numbers game. I got to put out enough stuff. So what is my point that if I'm telling myself I'm not ready, as if I'm going to be ready and everything that I'm going to do is going to be a great success. That is a trap. Does that make sense? What's coming up for you as I say that?

Lisa: Yeah, I mean, that was kind of a wake up call for me. Just wait, and I heard myself saying it, or at least thinking as to like, oh, I can't wait to have this amount of money or I can't wait to be like a size six you know, like it's I'm just like, No, I need to stop waiting and and that's what's ultimately is going to kill me is just the waiting. I mean, even before when I was a hairdresser, it was like that I just thought that it was just gonna fall into place one day like okay, you know, one day I'll have a house and stuff I didn't realize like I have to put in the work to actually achieve that. It's not just gonna magically happen because I'm 35 or 40 or, you know, whatever. So, again, where I am like I had to get out of my comfort zone and do stuff that I completely haven't done before. And I have to be consistent. Like I said, I am on TikTok. I'm kind of on a slow start to that. But if that's not I'm not gonna let that stop me. Like I know that it's gonna work out. I know that I'm going to improve my skills. So it's not like oh, maybe I'll just give up right now. Maybe I'll visit that later. Like no, you just have to stay consistent. You have to work through it and just know that if you put everything that you have into it like it is going to work out like you can't you can't you have to fail at certain things to learn stuff. But I mean, you have to fail essentially to succeed.

Dave: I think that is one of the things that is missing from so many people's plans for success is that I have to be intentional with my actions. I can't just as you were just saying live my life and just oh, one day my partner of my dreams, gonna land in my lap and yeah, I'm entitled to a house because I'm 35 years old. But, you know, sometimes we say well, when I'm 35 and I'll surely get married in my own home. But if you're not intentional, if you're 30 and you're that, let's just say hypothetically you are saying well if you didn't put intention that I like I'm going to keep my heart and eyes open for my soulmate. And I'm going to keep my I'm going to go talk to some mortgage companies and figure out what rates are and talk to some realtors and understand exactly how much I can afford and I mean you may be able to afford a house right now and you're not buying it because you're not being intentional with researching. What is it going to take to be a homeowner? A lot of times, I see this with people that are in my life. They know a little bit about a lot of things. They're like whenever a topic comes up they got something to say about you know what I mean? Like as if they know something about the topic. And the truth is that these are the type of people that never get anything done. They never achieve anything because they just know they just are all they do their talk and they don't take any action and they don't take any intentional action. And so it's like, you know, the human being can trick itself into thinking that it's taking action. Because we're such good manipulators and communicators. We can manipulate ourselves into feeling like we're doing something because oh, maybe we're talking about it and explaining it to our families or whatever it is. But the truth is, is that until we take intentional action to speak what we want into existence, and then back that up with action. We literally join the masses of people who sit around in bars, and at breakfast diners, talking shit and not ever doing anything. And make ourselves feel good for not doing anything. And again, we can do that because we can whisper sweet nothings right into our own little ears. And the truth is without action it won’t happen

Lisa: It’s great to want things but you have to go and do it, that was a game changer for me. I convinced myself that since I live in L.A. That was enough but no, I want a house with a yard for my dog to play in. 

Dave: I mean, I see other things in your future and I'm sure you're already beginning to use some of these practices. And I mean, if you know how to do it, I believe my buddy sparked a bunch of controversy the other day I saw him make a post on social media and he said would you be attracted to a woman if she didn't cook her clean and you know, everybody was like, misogynistic and all this and his rationale for it for saying no, I wouldn't be interested in a woman who doesn't cook or clean, he said, well, how you do one thing is how you do everything. He kind of saved his ass on the misogynistic part, right and he kind of brought back the old entrepreneur. You know, he was like, well, I believe how you do one thing is how you do everything. So if you and so he kind of tried to backpedal himself out of that after being attacked comments, but there's, there's truth to that, you know, and I believe there's always truth on both sides. You know, there's truth to everybody's opinion. Everybody's got a little bit of truth. But you know, how you do one thing is kind of how you do everything. And, you know,I see people with great businesses, they have great marriages, they have great relationships, they have great relationships with their kids. You know, I don't usually see people who are successful in business and everything else is shit, because how you do one thing is really how you do everything. With building a business and learning marketing it takes a certain amount of effort and commitment. I can imagine if I was 30 or 35 looking for a mate I would be intentional about it now based on how I used to act . I didn't know how anything would happen but things would happen. But you know anyways, so you seem like you're in that phase, where there was a part of your life where it was just like I'm going to LA I'm gonna have fun. But now you're kind of like I want to be a lot more intentional with things. Would you say that’s a fair assessment of the chapter of your life that you're in right now.

Lisa: Yeah I was born and raised here, I hate to say it too like, like the pandemic just changed everything for me so I again I mean, I loved la like I still love LA like.

Dave: So it's really that that shifted your outlook more than anything else.

Lisa: Yeah I mean I turned 30 and realized I knew I didn't want to be a hairdresser for the rest of my life because I don't want to sound bad but my mother is a massage therapist. And I just, I hate to say it but I kind of didn't want to follow in her footsteps because I'm she doesn't plan she doesn't have a pension or anything like that. So I was on that same boat like it was just very scary. For me. I knew that wasn't what I wanted to do for the rest of my life now, and kind of when the world stopped and made me realize all these things that I loved about L.A. yeah, they're great, but I don't really need them like, I do want a really nice home to come home to I do want certain things that I thought that were just pipe dreams or I thought I couldn't get into even just that waiting or I just again I didn't think that I deserved it. So it was just a game changer to me. So now I'm just in that headspace like, I want these things. How do I get them? Like I do want a really nice house. I'm an HDTV addict. So I do want a beautifully remodeled home. I'm very picky. So I want that and it's okay. And so it's great. How do I work to get there? Like I want to retire at 50. How do I get there? Like how can I live off dividends and interest and all that stuff? So it's I'm very much in that mode like in that trench and like okay, I want these things. I deserve them. Let me go after them and get them and figure out that way because I want to travel and I want to do all these things. 

Dave: Well, you know what, what's interesting is that we live in a world full of average. I mean if there was one way that you can describe the majority of people, it's just average. You know, there's just nothing wrong with it. I don't want to I don't want to. But average is just human nature. It's just doing what you have to do to get by. Human beings are typically lazy paths of least resistance. And it's understandable. I have certain parts of my life that are like that, you know? And I have it does bring you a bit more relaxation and peace when you are a bit more financially stable and a little bit more settled down in your life. But you know, in eight years a good long trust me grinding the past eight years from 30 to 38. I've been grinding hard, you know, so I'm tired right? I got two little ones at home. I'm tired. I legitimately I'm tired. But yeah, there's a lot of average in this world and what I was gonna say was that you can just fuck average and be Legendary. I know that makes no sense but it makes sense why we say it right because the only thing you really have to do to be successful and I know this is gonna sound oversimplified is just not quit is not just not be average. Right? You will really eventually succeed. And think how do I still work, still build their business, still posting content generating like that? Well, they're still in the game. They're still in the game, and they're in there making money and just they're getting better because when you practice you get better at stuff. And every single person who's quit well, they're not doing it anymore. They're back doing whatever they were doing or they're hopping from thing to thing. So part of just being successful, what I'm trying to say is actually sticking with something for multiple years, giving yourself time for that build up to begin to compound and begin to pick up like an avid like a snowball effect. Your success feels very small. In its hockey window it's hard to see the successes because they feel so insignificant but the failures feel so big. But the snowball eventually a month after month after month picks up more steam in those winds feel bigger now. They start to feel bigger. It's more money. It's more noticeable. More people are saying things about you. You're having your first $10,000 Month $30,000 Month 40 Like these things are happening. And now you've got momentum where the only way to truly screw it up is to actually just start shutting down your email list in it right because you've got enough momentum now you've got enough following an email list and you've got a system to where if you're creating content or putting out what you the value that you put out. People would actually ask where she went? What happened to her right and that usually takes a good solid. If you're learning in implementing, that takes six to 12 months to achieve that when you're really grooving like seriously you're grooving. And unfortunately most people can't even and I think I'm going to start talking about this more because this succeeding is not a mystery. Most people can't even finish the 15 Day Challenge, folks. I mean, let alone take any action I'm talking about, just sit down and watch some videos. Just can you sit down and watch them like you don't even need to go out on the court and shoot three pointers in a real life game. Just sit in the tape room and watch some tape. That's all we're asking. Most people can't do that. But they want to be successful, just when we start to break it down like that success is easy. Surely you see how framing this right now also because I want to have empowering thoughts in my head. I don't want to have big scary thoughts. Success is easy, because the main thing that I have to not do is I have to not quit and I have to finish things and I have to follow through in order to finish what I signed up for. And that seems to me like a very manageable outlook on building this business. What comes up for you as I say that?

Lisa: I mean, I agree out like you literally just have to like not quit and stay consistent and just try to get uncomfortable. I remember I was in the break room one time and I'll never forget this. It was kind of crazy. My boss was talking to her assistant and her assistant was older. And I don't know what was said I can't remember but when she left the room, I remember my boss saying, you know there's always gonna be those people that just stay assistants. And I was like, wow, that was kind of like I was like, like Yeah, and I wouldn't say she was like, shit talking about her. But it was uncalled for. It's like, there's just some people that are okay with that and it was kind of sad for me and I think it was like then I realized for me that was hard to overcome because I always thought like oh like you shouldn't ask for more like, again, like who are you to want all these nice things and all this stuff. And I don't know maybe it's just because the way I grew up my mom's super old school. My babysitter so whenever I go on tour, I drop my daughter off and she's like, Oh, you're so fancy. And I'm like, I'm like going on trips like for like living my life like and it was just kind of like oh, but that's okay, like, nothing wrong with


Dave: There's no wrong with being rich. There's nothing wrong with being wealthy. There's nothing wrong with wanting nice things to be bougie like go get your nails done, to get your hair done to get Botox if you want it to you know what I mean? whatever your thing is to get your you know what I mean to go get a massage once or twice a week to you know, want to stay in four and five star hotels to want to go and eat in nice restaurants want to valet your car, you know, to to want to ride first class on a plane to want to wear a 15 or 30 or $50,000 watch on your wrist. There's nothing there's nothing wrong with that. And I see this time and time again day after day where the rich are villainized and pay their fair share of taxes whether it's a politician who says or whether it is you know, your mother or your father who's saying you think we're rich. What do you think you're bougie you're so fancy you can't afford that we can't afford that. You know, we're just so and then we've got the average of all of our friends, you know, the majority of my friends as much as I love them. They're not. I'm relaxing Now I'll be honest with you that I'm just spitting fireball aspects right now. When they were all working and kind of chilling back in our late 20s and early 30s I was working my ass off so I made a lot of social sacrifices. But now that I'm older, they're working their asses off and I'm chilling a lot more. Because I've already put the work in early and I'm not as frantic living paycheck to paycheck even remotely close. Matter of fact, I do a lot of things in my life that nobody knows about because I don't want to hear the lack in the How I can say this respectfully, but the poor minded bullshit is how I say that respectfully. I don't want to hear people bullshit their limiting beliefs. I don't want to hear their opinions about you know, it's kind of where I'm at because you know when you work for something you earn it. Look, they're in a better mood. There's not a better feeling when I go and I you know, I stay in a $1,000 a night hotel room or or drive an $800 a day rental car or whatever the kind of crazy shit that I'm doing. Right? I don't want to hear about it. I don't want to hear it. I'm saying this because you know my aunt and uncle sold a business that actually had an insurance business. And we went on a trip recently to a funeral in Alabama because we had a family member who died and when I got there and bought the plane tickets and everything. And then when we got to the end I paid her back. What? Nope, I never let anybody buy me anything for the most part but when we got there, I rented the car. And then she wanted to split so she said send me the bill. You know and we'll split everything down. I usually don't even do that. I just pay for you know, mostly my family member stuff. But anyways, she wanted to do she wanted to split so anyways, Erin sends her over the car bill. It was $800 a day. I love every single one of my family members. But I'm telling you that's you know, it's just it's hilarious and it's just I don't want to hear it either. I'm really just ranting but I mean, I think that you know, it's difficult to be a go-getter and a high achiever when you're surrounded by so much average even if you love them. You're surrounded by so much average. It takes a lot of courage to do that, but I think it's easier when you find creative people like us who, you know, are sort of, at least for the most part, all on the same page. 


Lisa: Yeah, I think, unfortunately, I think it's the people that villainize like rich people that are just scared to achieve that. Or they're just, they don't actually do the work because of course they want it like of course they want a nice house and things and you don't have to be crazy luxury. You just want a nice life for yourself. You want to be comfortable. And yeah, I just like that I don't want to pay taxes. So I want to prove myself, but all the expenses and my best like I don't want to pay taxes like that and be like, Oh, you gotta pay tax like why? That's like, that's my money. I worked for it. 

Dave: So like, you do have to pay taxes.

Lisa: Oh, of course. I'm just saying that Rich Dad Poor Dad, but it completely changed my life. And so when he was talking about taxes, I was like, oh, yeah, like, like, people villainize like rich people, because they're like, oh, people don't pay tax and like no they just have resources and educate themselves. Because it's just crazy. Like, it's insane.

Dave: Well, the way these guys don't pay taxes is they don't take a salary and so all their wealth is tied up in their stock and you don't have to pay tax until you sell stock. So you know, if Elon Musk needed money tomorrow and even really tweeted about this, that if he sold off $10 million in stock or some crazy, so much more than that, I think he owns I don't know how much of his different companies but he was talking about a huge number. And if he would have if he would have sold off that amount of stock, he would have paid an extraordinary amount of taxes as lower taxes on capital gains than then oftentimes we do on income because capital gains gains taxes triple 8% was tax, federal income tax for his his tax bracket, my tax bracket is is nearly 40% And if you're living in California, you've got state income tax on top of that, and that's why you get up into 50 plus percent with California.

Lisa: California is insane. And now that I'm getting more into real estate and figuring out all this stuff, and I was like what you want to tax me for this like, it's crazy.

Dave: Yeah, yeah. So well, this is awesome. We've got I could obviously just talk shit. But, you know, thanks for coming on. Thanks for showing us your really exciting Pinterest stuff. We want to keep learning from you, keep following you, see what you're doing, how you can, you know, help the rest of the community. Remember that no matter where you're at, as long as you're doing something and you're learning there's things that you can teach me to anybody else. So make sure that you never ever believe the law, that you're not ready for something because you also crushed it today as well. So thanks. Thanks for coming by.

Lisa: Thank you. Yeah, I'm happy to be here. Hopefully I'd motivate people and inspire people. 

Dave: Without a doubt you did. Without a doubt you did. Alright, Lisa, have a great Friday. Stay Legendary. We'll talk to you soon. All right, you can follow Lisa on thrivefinanciallywithlisa.com and If you go there, you'll see you know her Pinterest and Tik Tok stuff is and all that her Pinterest handle is the same thing. @thrivefinanciallywithlisa. So if you're looking for her, that's where you're going to find or at least her blog thrive financially with Lisa and thrive financially with Lisa on Pinterest, and then TikTok is actually going to thrive financially. So that's kind of a cool handle that she got to thrive financially. She's just kind of getting their TikTok stuff off the ground. But really, really incredible insights on Pinterest and in doing what she's doing fantastic conversation this morning, and we'll be back on Monday with another episode to make a serious decision and invest in yourself. Today. You haven't yet nobody's coming to rescue and be the bearer of bad news. I hope that these conversations wake you up right now, take your tombstone and lay your dream down in a grave to die. But even if you have to recess to take that son of a gun every day for the first week or so, get it up, get it going. Because without intention. You're not going to achieve something, find some pain in your life that you want to stop, let it motivate you and be intentional with this thing. And we'll see you guys back for another episode. On Monday 10am Eastern time.

Trading A Full Time Job For An Online Lifestyle

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends welcome to Wake Up Legendary. This is Dave Sharpe and this morning we have another unique and exciting guests somebody who's a student a client as always, that's what's different about this show is instead of interviewing gurus and goblins and just having, you know, who knows, you know, all these podcasts with all these, excuse me, these big gurus, I want to hear from people who just got started. I want to hear from people who are brand new, not people who you know they've been in the game for 50 years. I want to know what it's like to be fresh, because the majority of people who are seeking businesses and additional income are inexperienced in doing it. So what more can we do that would be more authentic and relatable to you listening than to have people who are brand new, and just getting started recently going through our education and getting things up and cranking. So we're going to be welcoming Mr. Johnathan, all the way from the United Kingdom. Jonathan McCrindle would seem to be pronouncing that right. Welcome to the show, buddy.

John: Thanks for having me. Yeah, you pronounced it perfectly. 

Dave: Okay. So tell us a little bit about you know, what it was like before you came online, found us and started building your business, you know, what happened? How did you find Legendary and a little bit about what you're doing now? Give us a nutshell version.

John: So I'm a pharmacist by profession. And generally we're a family of five. So I'm the sole breadwinner, working between 70 and 78 hours a week to support my family. And I found that I'm spending more time working than actually spending time with my family and children growing up and I'm missing a lot of that so I decided I needed to find an alternative. Spending one evening, as most of us do, flipping through TikTok, I came across one of your other students, affiliate Jen, and clicked on her link and she introduced me to Legendary. And the journey after that has been absolutely amazing. I've learned so much. What you guys teach us is that the big thing is there's somebody holding your hand all the way. You can ask questions to the community. I've contacted Drew. I've contacted Matt. I watch the training every week, sometimes live. If I can't do a live training, I watch the replay. I watch these shows. So that's my story in a nutshell.

Dave: So congratulations on your journey and wanting more and going for more. You know, you can lead a horse to water but he ultimately has to drink. And so also, as I was listening to knowing that you've done a significant amount of school, I mean, it at least takes a master's degree to be a pharmacist. Am I right, damn near a doctorate? I would assume additional certifications and things of that nature. Are we have is this educational experience in what would you say about it? Or traditional education experience?

John: I think from here, it gives you practical ability. I mean, when you're pharmacists, you go to university, you study, you learn your trade, which I'm so passionate about and I enjoy doing. But the thing is, you only develop that trade as time goes on. Now, I think there's a bit of the same here we develop as we go along. But what's so lovely about here is that there's so much hands on. So somebody is actually literally shown you how to do it and how to get going fast. And I think that's the difference. You know, if I compare myself to now and nearly just under 30 years ago when I first qualified I'm a totally different pharmacist now. Yeah, and I'm sure that's the same with Legendary but and whatever field we go into, but it was the opportunity to be able to learn something quickly that can actually provide.

Dave: Let me say this as well because a lot of times when you get involved in some sort of program or you're learning a business or something of that nature right? You invest in yourself by buying that and you want to get a result. Your expectation is that you're going to be successful with that business. Similarly with you going to university, your expectation is that you're going to get out of that you're going to graduate and then you're going to get a job in that field. It's going to be high pain, and you're going to have a successful life. The tragedy and unfortunate part I think about traditional education if you don't specialize like you did, is that a lot of times it is rather useless in my opinion. It's rather tremendously more expensive than a course like this, even our Blueprints at $2,500. And unfortunately, I know a lot of people who don't graduate in work in their field and they end up going back to the restaurant business or whatever else because maybe they can't find a job. So now we also talk about online business in the fact that when you invite the other, what do people do? And then eventually maybe a pandemic hits they get called nonessential. Whatever, maybe you didn't, maybe you didn't. And now they're on their phone at home scrolling through God knows what looking for something. And when you invest in that something, you expect it to work. And one of the things that I think is different is that I'm not just sitting here trying to lead questions to toot my own horn. I actually believe in what we're doing here. The reason why we have so many successful people in this community is because the right information from the right people in the right environment is very important because the place a person is going to thrive to the fullest extent, if you look in any culture, it's within a tribe or a group. And without community, if you try to do something on your own, you're going to be unsuccessful. So the magic of legend, I think, and again I'm happy to be alive. You could say whatever the hell you want. This is my opinion. I think when somebody comes in, they go through the education system. They go through our process which is set up specifically to offer support but not be smothering. Then they spit you out into the community if you actually become a part of this tribe or community in which you can look and watch at other people who are older or just been doing it for longer. And that process is really powerful and teaches a person a skill. Rather than a lot of times these programs have unqualified facilitators or teachers and or no support community. Do you agree with all that?

John: I agree with that and what I found really important, another one of them is not a mentor, but somebody I follow is Andre and I listen to all these training sessions. I go in and watch it. I watched everything he does. I watch a few other students who are more advanced. And something else I do is I watch the leaderboard when you post that and I'll see how well people are doing. I don't watch and see what they are doing. I try to find out what they are doing on TikTok. I try to find out what they're doing on other platforms. And that way I learned to be able to do what they do. That's the copy that's the big advantage. I think we have it. Yeah, we were able to copy people.

Dave: Yeah, I mean, if you want to just speak in plain language, I mean, that's ultimately what you can do. And ultimately if we speak about human behavior and how people learn the fastest they do look at them, the older people in their tribe or their family or their community and they learn from them first by copying them. You know, I mean, if we're honest about you know, just cutting right through the bullshit, you know, yeah. I mean, people who are young in the game, they get started by copying other people. And then the hope is that you find your own voice in your own message and you embrace your own personality or you create your character. You know, some people are a little bit more vibrant on camera than in real life. You know, it's a job. It's a performance in a sense. I mean, if you're creating content, you know, your part of your job title is to, you know, make it both entertaining, as well as educational and you always want to keep that in mind. But how has it gone from being somebody who was a pharmacist pretty much behind the only cameras you were ever on probably with security cameras, to now going in doing something way outside of your comfort zone?

John: Well, it was really difficult when I first started with TikTok because that's where I started. I was very self conscious, who's going to see me what's going to happen, you know, what response I get. And I just decided that I have to think to myself, Why am I doing this? And it didn't matter at the end, when I finally started on tick tock, what anybody said to me, I thought to myself, it doesn't matter. And you know, when you start forgetting the first couple of followers and things start to climb, and it just, it just builds your confidence. I'll be honest with you, there were times when you actually hit a new low. You think, what are waiting for things to start happening, whatever. And what gave me the push to know if I can tell any new people, when you're standing there in the beginning and things aren't really getting going and they're not happening. Let me tell you something. I was sick for seven days. I was out of it. I couldn't do anything. Getting back to my tic stock account, and then grew by three 400 people while I did nothing. And then recently, not so long ago, I had a video that went viral, absolutely viral. From time to time. I don't even do anything for two to three days. It just skyrockets with followers that just keep doing more followers just keep coming. So something to remember is whatever you put on there can be watched so far later, that you weren't even and that's enabled me from working with I was on down to three days a week now.

Dave: What? Get out of here, how?

John: I’m working Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Dave: That's the headline right there. I mean, there's a hope for anybody who is looking for that hope shot. 

John: That's all I can say, it doesn't matter how tough it is. Keep going, keep going. Keep going. Because when the light bulb goes on, that's what I call the light bulb moment when it happens. Everything just fell into place.

Dave: Yeah, that's incredible. I mean, that's really something to be able to sit here. How long has that taken?

John: Well, I started literally in May. Two months of twiddling my thumbs and thinking about it very, really started in July. And it's since July.

Dave: That's about exactly six months. Yeah. Wow. How? It's a question that I think is worth asking. If you've landed here all the stars are aligning for you saying jump in and get started. What do you have to lose? I mean, what do you have to gain? It's just it's almost like it's a no brainer. Why wouldn't you just go in so many of us come in and take multiple months. And you know, what's even more sad is that there's 1000s of people who sign wills and I'm only speaking of our data, so I can't speak about other courses or things that people buy out there. I'm just speaking about the data that we track which is on the purchase of our own learning programs and courses. There's a lot of people who buy it and don't even log in. I mean, they just buy it and they don't even log in when it actually starts, let alone finishing and I'm telling you people want to build a successful business. And we say, Okay, we've got a 15 day challenge. Can you do something for 15 days? And you know what, Jonathan? There's a lot I don't remember. I think it's a majority but I can't remember. Maybe it's not a majority. I really can't remember what the number is. But it is a shit pile of people who buy in, don't even log in and then what you're saying is the opposite of that. Is actually Hey, go at your own pace, but finish and then give yourself six to 12 months. And you may also experience a similar breakthrough as somebody who's gone from working 80 hours a week two now down to three

John: And I was doing that while I was working those hours so remember I started while I was working for hours. I took a couple of hours every day. And I did and you know the best thing you can do is make a schedule. Say this is what I will do. I will get up at six in the morning, from six to 8:00 I was researching various things that I was going to do. Then around 12  or 1:00 during the day. I actually posted a few videos, then ran about in the evening. About 10:00 I posted a few videos so it was a schedule I followed and I followed it religiously every single day.

Dave: Well, I'll tell you what, you know, everything here is lined up to get you on a schedule and on a routine. You know it's it's moving through consistently getting chunks of education spoon fed to you.

John: That training with Matt every week. You know the live training he does. And we all come to Brent's on Thursday at three o'clock. And we can ask you questions and things. I mean, I was going through a bit of a downstage and I thought to myself “Is something going to happen?” And Matt just looked at it for me and said you gave me a few topics. And I changed the way I was doing things and then suddenly it changed. The whole account has moved. That was amazing. It's just having somebody just have a quick look at it. You know, I've got Elvira as my business consultant. He was great because I went to him first and I said to him, What do I do? And speak to Matt. Yeah, and then he said to me, why don't you check it out, and I said to Drew and I had a session with Drew, and we set up a few things. And you know, that's the nice thing is you have the support to ask somebody what am I doing wrong? What do you think I'm not doing the right way?

Dave: Let me let me drop a little secret right here on everybody who's listening is that we hear a lot of negative stories and excuses from a lot of people. If you have excuses right now and you have reasons why you can't, you know, jump in full throttle, okay? We're not here to shame you and make you feel bad about that. We're just saying be honest with where you're at. Right? Because you're either in or you're out. You can't be half assed with your goals. if it's a hobby, you'll get to it when you get to it. Essentially, it's the peloton or the or the or the exercise bicycle out in the garage and it's got laundry hanging all over it. That's what happens to things that are just done with no intention. But if you know, the other side of that is person after person after person. Jonathan says the same thing man the actual coaching the organized, it's organized chaos, but it's organized, right? In a way that we've got coaching on an ongoing basis. In the people who say I use that Thursday calls with Matt I used that I was getting I was having a little bit of a downturn in my business. And I hopped on a call and I asked a question and we even told you and showed you how to ask questions. We even teach you questions so you can actually get the support that you need. We cover all of that in decade in a day and get you because a lot of times a lot of times

John: They blew my mind. Yeah, it totally blew my mind that I had to go and speak to Drew afterwards. Because there's just so much information that you give that my mind was mush afterwards it's awesome. It's there's so much information, 

Dave: But the people, the people who are successful and I hear this time after town, this is a big nugget, folks, is that when they buy something, say for example they enroll in our business blueprints program and they use the simple safe, non threatening, not even difficult to use. I mean you don't even have to do any work. It's not like going to the gym and lifting heavy stuff around. It's just literally clicking from your phone or your computer on a zoom call and just opening your mouth and asking the questions if you don't know how to ask a question we show you exactly how to ask the questions in a way that will that will, you know help you to get the the result you want versus feeling unsupported. That's a big nugget. That's a big wake up call. Right? Is because when I hear somebody who's using the tools, I start to see patterns, right I start to see patterns amongst people on the show, who I talked to who are successful and they say wow, I enrolled in the program and actually show up to the coaching calls and ask questions. Hey, look, you can screenshot this and have this right here right now. Because you know what? Here's the truth of the matter is I don't even have a mindset of lack. I don't care if you want to take it. I hope you go through something and take it seriously and if you got to come to this show, but are going through of course somewhere else. But you tune in here because every morning we're dropping value and nuggets and that's fine. You can learn how to get what you want by asking better questions and getting better answers. Whether you enroll in our education or whether you go do something somewhere else. I want you to win. That's why we're doing this show five days a week, every morning live talking to students dropping value. A lot of people minimize and underestimate what we're just delivering here from a value perspective every morning for free because sometimes you don't pay attention to what you don't pay for. Jonathan, do you agree with that?

John: I agree. Totally. Totally. I mean, the thing is that you have so much information available to us. That's now in the blueprints but I just sometimes have to go over it over and over again. And sometimes I go back to the 15 days and go through certain things again Yeah. You know, when I initially set up all my things like funnels and all that type of stuff. I did that with a coaching call with Drew. Just because as I say decadent today blew my mind. I couldn't do it afterwards. I just put it together. And I have a recording of that. You know many times I still watch it to this day. 

Dave: Jonathan, I think overall I can remember when I had a lack of being willing to invest in myself. And now today what I realize is I really don't have to sink that hard very often because what I do is anywhere that I want to be good at something with the best people in the best environment to do it. And I've learned that because as I get older, I don't have the energy that I used to have to just continue to run through a brick wall. After brick wall after brick wall. I had unlimited energy. I didn't have little kids I had to take care of. I didn't have all the time in the world to sit around and just you know, scroll endlessly. Because I had no big responsibilities in oil. I had the rest of my life in front of me. But as I've gotten older I need to ensure that if I spend my time doing something, I'm going to get a result with it. And so, you know, that's why this is important, I think because you know we've had a world that has recently, in many cases been deemed non essential meaning now Jonathan, you were working as a pharmacist inside of a pharmacy you are frontline baby. Essential F but you know what it was just like you and just like me, who did get told you're not essential you need to go home. Right, well we'll have the government send you a check. You know what I mean? And you know, if you want you know if you want to take back the reins if you want to control your destiny in your future. I mean this morning has been a blueprint for how to do that if you listened closely, because what I think is really special. This is what I think the biggest learning moments happen. It's not when you're thinking analytically. It's when you open your head, open your ears and in your heart to listen to a message. That is both inspirational but also in that conversation are clues, actual pins like GPS, pinpoints, I'll help you out to be successful. And you laid it out right here this morning. You had your pain that you tapped into and you said okay, I'm going to use this. That pain was pushing. And then you were looking for a solution scroll a little bit but open. Okay, but looking right. And all of a sudden you found something you found us You got serious you went through you you bought you will screw it around for a little bit took your time at at the beginning but didn't leave, you didn't abandon and then went through the training, invested in yourself, followed up with a you know, multiple the coaching calls that we do every Thursday or an occasional coaching session with somebody like drew on our team for 100 bucks. I don't know what we're even charging for those nowadays, but we should probably be charging twice as much as we are. I don't know if he's 100, 150, 200, I don't know but let's call it 500 an hour because I know it's not even close to 500 an hour, but let's call it 500 an hour. So now you've got 3000 in and you've got you know you've got an 80 hour work week that you're trying to fix. And you start learning, even teaching to teach within six months, you've gone from 8080 hours per week down to three days. And if you look at the total investment of money and time it's so much smaller than that traditional path and I'm not here to bash traditional university in college, but I'm just here to say, let's compare apples to apples. It's pretty it's the closest thing to another to an Apple as you're going to get we're doing unconventional learning digitally delivered right to wherever you're at. You don't have to come to a classroom. We're not using old updated material because it's not printed in books. So you don't have to use it beyond its expiration. Because you don't want to write a new book every six months. That makes sense to me. Of course books are outdated, you know the world changes fast. So now it's all digital material. We're talking about things that happen every morning together with a group of people as they happen, and what's hot today. It's just a different ballgame. If you look at all of the elements, the money investment, the time investment. What we're doing in teaching what it's, it's to me, ultimately, I got to go with this route of education. It's hard for me nowadays to stand behind an 18 year old kid unless they know exactly what they want to do. Go get in $50,000 worth of debt on a journey that they don't know where that destination is going to land them.

John: I mean, I think you know, if you look at the initial investment we make, it's so minimal compared to the potential that you can make.

Dave: I think so. I mean, I think I know it feels like a big number, like people come and everybody's same thing. It's like $7. You know, you get into the challenge. What could you know, what, look, I don't have a Starbucks coffee for the day or whatever. And then they get up to cease one of our more advanced programs and I'm not saying everybody I mean there's a good percentage. I want to use this. There's a lot of people who are just waiting and to that I say think about some of the shit you've spent money on. In your life, think about what things cost haulage. You know? How if you want to start a business I remember wanting to start a construction business and it was going to be at least $50,000 Just in trucks and equipment to get off the ground. Plus state licensing and all this other stuff.

John: When I think about when I went into the MLM business, many moons ago, the amount I invested into that, and the amount of work it took, and then of course you were going to friends and family and all that, that's where you started and that was the embarrassing part. I remember running around car parks in the middle of the night putting little stickers across the people who would contact me. I don't have to do that anymore. I can sit in my lounge at home. If I'm having a break at work, I can quickly go out and do something, you know, this is what I want. Another thing I can say to people once you've learned the skills, it takes you a fraction of the time to do what you're doing in the beginning.

Dave: Yeah, Oh, totally. Totally. You get so much faster and better. It becomes second nature. Yeah, I mean, when you're doing stuff at first it sucks. And it's like this totally new thing. It's just like the first 30 days of anything. It's up. Remember, it's not like working out because you're not even you're not even expending much energy and it's not like you're working out it's just a brain. You know, it's just you just got to click around on your phone and maybe watch some videos and stuff. I think more than anything we have to tone and tame our ADHD or ADD you know, in our in our distraction, because, you know, the challenge is can you stay disciplined, at least in the beginning to sit down and even finish a damn video without clicking back over to wherever the hell else you are wasting time? You know, and can I actually watch something and spend 30 minutes an hour a day watching something that's that good for me? You know what I mean? watching something in my life

John: The challenge I have is I have stopped learning now. In the beginning, it was difficult to actually you're sitting down with a grind, you're learning something new and everything but now it's so exciting that I'm looking for the next nugget I'm looking for the next thing the next thing you know to stop and I have to sometimes turn around to myself and say, No, you're not doing that now. Leave the home and enjoy some time off. 

Dave: Oh the challenge is a gift and a curse and this is how life works. Nothing's ever always good or all always bad. This thing is a miracle worker. This thing has changed the lives of people in ways that are way far and beyond. Ultimately if we're going to credit something, you know if you want to look at the tool, I mean, it's got to be the iPhone. I mean now you can basically run your business from your phone. You can do 80 to 90 tasks now from your phone. I mean for the most part, there's a lot of life changing inventions. There's a lot of cool strategies that we use in a lot of you know, sales funnels are a great invention and stuff like that. But man, this thing is a gift and a curse. You're saying that it's hard to stop working, you know, because you got ideas going on. You know, I mean nowadays the phone's always there. Yeah, so the challenge is and that's where I'm getting to the curse thing thing is a gift in so many ways. And I don't think I changed it. I don't think I will turn it back the way it was. Because it's so small and convenient. I can carry my work around with me wherever I go. And it's literally in order to get a break. You have to like to play intentionally about setting your phone down or just as the ringer and the notifications going on. As much as you try to go through your phone and turn all the notifications off Jonathan you never can because they always got some slimy ass new update to do then you know all your notifications go back on and you're like I thought I just turned everything off. I'm telling you. It's the you know, there's like 1000 buttons you have to push to actually turn all your notifications off. So the only way I really mean it is that my phone's been on silent for 10 years, like since the first because I mean I already want to pick it up enough . I don't need additional notifications going off to make me want to pick it up more. So yeah, I understand. I gotta be intentional about setting you know, this wonderful gift down. Because also, I need to let my brain go to the pharmacy where you've left the building, you know what I mean? It's you walking away from a physical thing. And once you take that lab code off your Jonathan, but man, you carry this thing around so you got to be a little bit more intentional. You got to grow up and that's one of the things that I think I realized I had to do if I wanted to be in business for myself, I couldn't be somebody who my thing was back when i was 22, 23, 24 years old i got clean  i wanted to go into online business while i was doing construction with my dad, I got, like my concern that just the way of how I act and in terms of my my habits and ultimately being more disciplined you know when somebody is not telling you what time you have to be at work and if you want to keep your job now you have to tell yourself that, I like to sum it up with saying this with more freedom comes more responsibility do you agree with that?

John: Absolutely. That was my driving force was freedom

Dave: This has been a great chat. I know I've learned a lot. @Johnosuggest is where we can find you. Our hope is is that today you make a decision about significantly this journey, and if we can feature on the show, fantastic if not, if we can help you change your life in a better way by helping you develop skills that you can in run businesses that are easy and simple to kind of get up and running compared to other things and do it from home. In you being you determine your essential or non essential don't let somebody else determine you do. I guarantee you live a happier life. Alright my friends, get out of here. We'll see you back here for another episode tomorrow. Peace.

The Viral TikTok Formula

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Hello everybody, welcome in. Happy Wednesday everybody. It is Wednesday, January 12. We're live and we've got an awesome guest. I'm excited to hear from her all the way up in Canada. Her name's Jill. We're going to bring her on in a second if you are newer to our community a couple quick things. First of all, you can text the letters WUL to get a text message reminder every time we go live to send a text with the message of the text, just say WUL to (813)-296-8553. You'll get a text message reminder every single day Monday through Friday when we go live Alright, and that just makes sure that you don't miss an episode. All right, the other thing if you would like to get some merch a lot of people ask is How do I get merch? Where do I get merch? You can get shirts just like this. At  belegendary.shop, we are not trying to make a bunch of money off of our merch. It's not a big revenue stream for us, but we do love when people are supporting our gear. So you can find that right there on the legendary Nacho. Okay, so let's introduce and for those of you who were here with us live if you can give us some sort of clapping emoji or some sort of wave or hello to our guest, Jill what is up?

Jill: How’s it going?

Matt: It's good that things are going well. I'm still getting going. I'm choking on a smoothie. And yeah, tell us a little bit about you. I'm excited that you're on the show. You'd like to kill it lately. You're on fire 150,000 subscribers in like three months or something. Tell us about how you found Legendary. Have you tried any other things? What's the journey been like so far? 

Jill: It's been crazy. I had struggled with addiction issues over the past few years. And in early form 21 I got sober and I took probably like eight months off to get sober and when the summer was coming to an end and I was like, it was time for me to go back to my job. I just felt that I had overcome something so huge and I had this blank slate of a life in front of me that you know, it was like the world was mine all of a sudden and I didn't want to just have an average like nine to five. I worked hard to get where I am and like I want to make the most of it right so I started researching into what the best online business models were and I tried a few different things I kind of I had a mentor that was teaching me how to do drop shipping and Amazon FBA and you know I'll pull NFC boom now I've been kind of looking into that but I what I found legendary and I took the course I it really just like the best way to put it is that it really opened my eyes to how easy it actually could be to you know, set yourself up online and start you know, promoting and making money and like it just it was probably one of the best things that I ever did. So yeah, I'm really glad that I found Legendary and that's one of the reasons why I like to promote it because I want other people who were in the same situation that I was in, you know, not knowing where to start and having no experience whatsoever. I want to be able to show them the way like someone else showed me the way so

Matt: Yeah, very cool. I love that. I love that. So you found us in October. How long have you been sober by the way?

Jill: This month on the 25th. It'll be nine months.

Matt: Cool. Congrats. I think we know a lot about sobriety. We have a lot of people who are drawn to our community. I think Dave's story of a recovering addict and yeah, that's really cool. And it's one of the more enjoyable things for me about our community. Having people who are on that journey, even though I've never had that journey specifically. It's just so powerful I don't know there's just something really powerful about the combination of you know, that personal development aspect it's kind of doesn't do it justice. They call it personal development because it's actually just like a full life change, you know, and that combined with the full life change of creating a really cool, profitable online business that changes somebody's life completely. And you're now making really life changing money in the last 30 days. You're killing it. And so my question is, when you found legendary in October, what was that like getting into the training, discovering our community and what stood out to you?

Jill: So like when I say I had no experience with online business, I really mean like I had I had no idea. You know what the possibilities were and that's one of the things that I try to explain to people when I promote the course is that like, not only do you learn a ton of amazing stuff about affiliate marketing, but just the like foundational knowledge that I learned about starting an online business like, like I didn't even know what copywriting was. I had no idea and like as an affiliate marketer, especially that's a huge part of your business, you know, and it's a huge part of any online business really like that's, that's like a core factor that you have to, you know, get better at to, you know, promote and get more traction. And attract more leads. Right. So yeah, like, going through the course. And like I think one of the best parts was that you like it, it's not like something where someone signs up and you've got their money now and it's like goodbye forever. Like, you have to, you know, you meet with a business advisor and you can ask them anything you want and they walk you through a bunch of different stuff. And I think that as well as the community that I was, you know, signing up to be a part of and that continues to help me every single day with you know, various things pertaining to either you know, the affiliate marketing process or even social media because, you know, as an affiliate marketer, social media is if you don't want to be paying for ads, social media is the most like integral part of your business, right? Like, you need to understand the algorithms on each platform and what you're, you know, you need a specific strategy for each platform. And that's something that I'm really still working on. I've mostly just been focusing on tick tock for now, because that's, you know, where I've had a lot of growth which is, I mean, that to that ticked off is like a once in a lifetime opportunity right now for everyone, right? So yeah, like just just the amount of like communication there was with the cheat with the team at Legendary and with the community Legendary community. That was what set it apart for me.

Matt: Yeah, that's what sets it apart for everybody. It seems like it is especially with promoting and stuff on social media and creating. Well, I would say, especially when people have problems or issues or headaches or they can't quite figure it out. Man, you can just ask if a couple people in our community had success and it's like, oh, my gosh, they responded to me. This is crazy. Yeah. It's an interesting thing. It's a very unique thing. I mean, it doesn't really exist in the world of dropshipping and Amazon. In those communities. It's very like you hold whatever you learn. It's like this is cutthroat and I'm not giving you away any secrets or nothing. But I think the nice part is our industry, this industry because I've been around for so long. I've been in this industry for 10 years. I think there were days when people would do that. And I've been part of communities that work like that in this industry and in this business model. And I think specifically a few things play into that one. I think the opportunity is just so big, that it's like it, yeah, the opportunity on TikTok and other social media platforms specifically TikTok right now, I'd say it is so massive that it's like there's really not that much competition. It's just it's just there's endless people joining TikTok every single day so there's a brand every morning that you wake up, you wake up with this brand new massive pool of people who have never heard or seen or or discovered anything to do with affiliate marketing or anything really, I mean, if you think about like, dog training, I mean, there's dog owners joining TikTok. Every single day anyone who has ever purchased a course online and then likes, you know, it's there and you're in front of them immediately. So I just think the opportunity is so big, that it just causes most people in our community to just be like, hey, there's barely any competition the way that it is. It's just not that big of a deal. And I really appreciate you know, for any of our affiliates, or any of our clients who are helping others, we really appreciate that on our end, because it makes the synergy of our group and our community. So much better. There's bigger communities out there online, but man is it it's really hard to find something like that. That's really cool. Yeah. When you begin in the let's shift to content world, because you're caught you're doing really well. In terms of just growth. And sometimes people nowadays are like, well, the growth is slower. I've been hearing this for probably six months. Well, the Tick Tock growth is slower now the algorithm change, the algorithm changed and now views are there and like and this happens every single month, and it has been for the last a year and a half. I get these messages I get posted in the Facebook group and all this stuff and oh my gosh, it's over. TikTok is done. And then somebody like you comes along and starts posting videos in late October of 2020 or 2021. So two and a half three months ago. Yeah. And you're 150,000 followers, and blowing up I mean videos with hundreds of 1000s one video with million over a million views. And just tons and tons and tons of lead flow. What is that content creation part Ben like for you? It has been difficult. Has it been a struggle?

Jill: So to be quite honest, content creation is like my favorite part of this entire journey. Yes. And honestly, I don't know. I mean, if you've been doing this for a while, you might have it like, you know, there are definitely specific strategies that will help you you know, like having using specific hooks and, you know, there's like a whole easter egg thing now that people are doing where they like add something into their video that like, that makes people want to comment and be like, what's going on there, you know, but, but realistically, we're really all just winging it. You don't I mean, we are winging it, for the most part, especially at the beginning. You know, you're like, so my biggest thing was okay, I don't want to put my face on camera. I don't want to put myself out there until everything's perfect, you know? And God was just like, No, that's not how it works. You know what I mean? And you're first of all, if you go that route, you're never gonna get the experience you need to like, level up first of all, and second of all, people want to come on that journey with you, you know, like people want to see like, like, you go from A to B and he like, you know, what you did to get there and all that different kind of stuff. Right? So it's, it's really just about trial and error and figuring out what works for you. Right, like, and there's, there's, you know, there's a bunch of different strategies that you can kind of incorporate. But realistically, you're not going to learn as much as you will just start to just start, you know what I mean? Like, that's the bottom of that. Anyway, what I have learned, and that's, that's been the thing that, you know, helps me kind of get out of my head when it comes to making content if I don't know, good enough for that kind of thing. Right. Like, and also, like we were saying before, each platform has a very different strategy, right, like so. Thanks again, you've got your feed where all of the people that you follow, come up. It's not like, you know, tick tock. You there's no speed with only people that you follow. So there's your video strategy, your short video strategy needs to be a lot different and you're going to end up repeating your so you want to repeat yourself a lot more because there's a lot of your followers that won't see all of your videos. And there's a lot of new people who are seeing your video for the first time every single time you post right and as we incorporate marketing the rule of sevens you know, people need to hear your message seven times before they feel comfortable enough knowing you like you and trusting you to you know, get something that you're recommending a try, right so it's all about like for tick tock that for me, it's all about repetition, figuring out which videos are doing well trying to recreate that, you know, like that video that you were just talking about that hit over a million views. Like it's so crazy to me how like and you probably know this to having the content on Tik Tok, but it's like you'll spend an hour on a video and it'll get no views and then you'll pop one off in like a second and it goes viral and it's like, okay, you know, and that that video that has over a million views. It wasn't necessarily specifically focusing on affiliate marketing. It was within my niche of you know, making money online or making money in that financial mindset and stuff. And it was so shaky. I didn't even have a tripod yet.  And but something resonated, you know, it resonated and that was that was that it kind of just blew up and that's, that's, I think the most you know, the stuff that has the biggest takeaways is you know, stuff like that when you don't put so much like so much into it and and have the expectations that are gonna you know, that it's gonna do really, really well, but it doesn't because that's another big part of this is managing expectations and emotions because yes, it's a very real thing, like getting likes and followers and it's scientifically proven that this gives you a hit of dopamine in your in your mind, you know, so I was riding that wave for a while, I would open my Tiktok every hour, hundreds of new followers and then once it slowed down, I'm like, oh, you know, and so that's another thing I've been learning to kind of manage those levels. Because, you know, it's not, not every day not every video is going to be like that, you know, and you need to be able to, you know, post and be able to okay, re-strategize. Where am I at and where do I want to go? What's my message?

Matt: Oh, so much good. So much good stuff right there. In the way that you talk, I can tell that you're really into marketing, like for somebody who's not that somebody who's newer to like the marketing industry to be talking about knowledge and trust to be talking about the law of sevens like all of that stuff. And I can just tell that that's at the top of your mind and you've sort of just, you've gone headfirst straight into it. The funny part is, sometimes we talk about things like, I don't know, I'm not trying to pin you down. It's like having an addictive personality. Can you just talk about like, I've talked about this with a few different people who've gone into recovery but are in this industry and and like it's just it's it's a, it's a cool thing for me to watch somebody harness that part of their personality and do something super productive, right? 

Jill: Like, what if I could take that whole, like, that whole piece of me in and sort of supercharge it into like a business where I can become, you know, sort of if I have that piece of me that still needs to be fed or something? Like what if I just became a freak of marketing, you know, total, like go crazy into marketing and sales and how do I get more leads in something that's like this is one of monetary value and it's a skill that like will pay me forever and ever and ever, because these skills are transferable.

Matt: Totally. And I could not agree with that, more like one of my other things other than content creation, another one of my favorite parts of being in this industry. Is that it's constantly changing. 

Jill: Right and, and I, throughout recovery, I got used to self development, you know, trying to read something new every day, learn something new every day about the world or about myself, and I definitely have transferred those skills over to my business like I love each day, you know, I'll go and google I'm looking around, I'm reading the blog posts watching the videos, a ton of the people that I follow, I feel like tick tock algorithm is so specific. I need like different accounts for like when I want to watch different things because if you wants too much of one thing, that's all you're gonna see, you know, in so my personal account is you know, what got me where I found the original person who actually recommended you know, was promoting legendary so my personal account that's where I see all my business stuff and it's like, I love just you know, taking an hour the and I love to do it, but it's also a really good idea if you're, you know, affiliate marketer, Digital Marketer, marketer, if you're in this industry, to kind of take some time each week and just look through, you know what other people are doing. Look through the accounts that give you tips on tick tock ones that help you grow, help strategize. Like that is I feel like it's so important, you know, so yeah, like just really headfirst into everything wanted.

Matt: Yeah, like, I like that. When you're creating content, do you have some form of like structure? Are you relatively unstructured? Do you like to plan stuff out? Do you shoot from the hip?

Jill: I'm still working on getting that organized. So far, I mean, I have a general idea of the way that my videos are structured. So basically, it's like, give the hook the attention. grabber, that thing that's going to make them keep watching and then all of the information kind of in a backwards order so that you're building up to the big golden nugget, and then a call to action. So that's my main video frame for most of my videos. Anyway, most of my informational ones anyway, if it's you know, sometimes I'll jump on a trend or you know, trending Shan a huge, huge way to get growth. But I do for the most part, find that I work well under pressure. And I kind of just, I, I'm working on this because it's actually not really productive for other people. But I am a bit of a procrastinator, and I do like to do things a little bit last minute and I find that that for whatever reason, works well for me. But I am working on a new strategy for each social media platform right now. And that whole strategy involves having to be more organized and more you know, managing my time better so yeah, for now definitely shooting from the hip. Yes, working on that. 

Matt: That's, that's a little less fun as far as there's there's different personalities and you have to figure out what are the what are the realms in life where that's okay to do and what are the realms where it's like, this is not serving me and I like what you just said, like there's certain areas in my life that is not serving me. Yeah. And that's like, that's really good self awareness because I've had the same thing where it's like, okay, I get this part. I get that I want to function this way. But I actually need some coaching and some development to like to grow I guess, but I have that same thing where like, I really enjoy shooting from the hip. I have a hard time getting into a set structure. Probably because of some of my upbringing. I don't know. I don't know why that is. But I very much resonate with that. The reason I asked that question is just because there's a lot of people on here who have different types of personalities, and it's helpful. I think it's helpful for me, knowing that there's other people out there like me, or like also, maybe a little shoot from the hip and have had huge success because there's also a lot of people who are out there who do all of the structure and stuff all the time and when they're doing all the structure, structure, structure structure. I'm like, I don't even know how the hell they do that. Yeah, clearly, this is my excuse to not be successful. And the more that we chat with people like you, there's lots of people like you have that too. It's just cool, and it's powerful for our whole community to see that. I'm curious. Have you ever used a little tool called TrendTok?

Jill: Yes. I use TrendTok. I'm Yeah, I pay for TrendTok. I love it.

Matt: Okay. Yeah. Jamie just asked Is it worth it? Do you think so?

Jill: I guess personally, I do think so. I know a ton of others so I originally downloaded it and was using the free version but you just don't get the same kind of value, you know. And I I mean, I was using the free version and then the more and more I saw other creators who were super successful. Talking about it, I was like, Okay, I'm just gonna I just got to do it and so once I subscribed and now I use it regularly if I want to, you know, trending sounds like that and it's great. It's awesome. So I would recommend it for sure.

Matt: Nice. Yeah. I've seen a lot of people in our community use that and I think probably the best I haven't. I just downloaded most of them. Try them a little bit. But yeah, cool. That's awesome. What I'm curious for, you know, for for people who are coming into our industry, people who are thinking about starting their first tick tock people who are just about to hit post, the first TikTok, what advice do you have to give them both from like a strategic standpoint, like of actual posting, and then also from a mindset standpoint of like, I'm nervous. I feel a little bit overwhelmed as I'm about to hit post like, what would you give advice to those people on in those two categories?

Jill: So okay, for the technical side, definitely follow. I mean, they're just like we were talking about, there's certain strategies that you can use that will help no matter what. So that is incorporating a mix of hashtags, right? some bigger ones, some smaller ones, but make sure that they are relevant to your niche because you want to make sure that your content is getting pushed out to the right people, and by bigger hashtags and smaller hashtags. Let's break this down. So you should hashtags that have a ton of views. Millions and smaller that have how many, like hundreds of 1000s I mean, I just started actually, the other day, I'm doing a little bit of a test right now. I just started a new hashtag and I've been using it to post and so far I'm the only one who's used it, but that's a little test that I'm doing right now, but yes, exactly. Once with millions ones with hundreds of 1000s. And, you know, make sure you try and mix that up a little bit and, you know, also trending down. That's a huge one. Yeah, but really I feel like the most important part because we're all about mental health, right? Like we got it like that. That's a huge part of social media, whether we want to admit it or not, right. When I first posted my first video, literally every 10 minutes, opening it checking views, you know, like I was so like, exactly, like all day, right? And honestly, probably not even for my first video for the first like because I started right off the bat posting videos every day. So for the first probably week, it took me a minute and it's gonna take you a minute to kind of get used to having to like, reel it in and be like, okay, not everyone's gonna be a banger. Right, like, right so I think just and this is this is what I think I saw. I always have this thing lately where I always get messages that are like, you know, so can you give us like a weekend to my content creation journey and I had reread something that I wrote down while doing the course. And I think I think that it sums it up perfectly and it's that just focus on creating value. If you're creating value and not focusing on can I get how much money can I make? No, that is ultimately what's going to help your videos do better in the long run and that you know, going along with that will ease your mind a little bit and you know, you'll know that if you are giving that value. I personally believe it's just a numbers game and at some point, you're being consistent. You're creating value. It's gonna happen you know, like, and I don't know if that's just me being you know, and I actually posted a video about this the other day like I feel like one of the reasons I am I have been so successful is pleased to happen is because I'm a little delusional like that like I like I think at the back of my mind, no matter what I'm like, well, it's gonna work out. It's gonna happen. It's just, that's the only question, right? So that's, I mean, that's what works for me personally, and maybe maybe that could work for someone else too. I don't know. But that's, I feel like a huge part. It for me is managing the expectations and just focusing on really creating a community that you are showing how to do something and teaching them you know what you wish you would have known when you were that right?

Matt: Oh, yeah. Oh, that last piece is everything. Yeah. Tell them what you wish you would know. Exactly. And, I wanted to also see that part about just focusing on giving value so important. It's such an interesting thing. Because there's also marketers out there and people out there in this community who are like, for instance, if he posted a video about you know how to make money online working from Apple or, you know, make money typing or something like people are like, Well, you're not actually giving real value but the trick of the value in this industry, if you're in the Make Money Online industry or something is mostly helping people realize that oh my gosh, it's it's about opening the mind. It's about opening like, wow, you mean to tell me that there's an approachable way that I could make some money online or that there's an approachable way that I could train my dog or there's an approachable way that I could lose weight or there's an approachable way that I could, you know, insert whatever change in their life they're trying to get that I could find, boyfriend, girlfriend, whatever. And I just think that a really key piece of marketing is just opening somebody's mind, sparking some curiosity, people overthink, sometimes the content that they put out. You should make the goal of your content the goal of marketing content online should be a lot lower actually than what people make it out to be. They try to sell the entire experience as sort of like yeah, like, like, it's day voice is sort of like trying to hit a home run on the first date. It's like, hello, we just frickin met. Like, let's just have dinner and chat for a second, like lower the bar, lower the standard. And what I mean by that is just your goal should only be to open people's mind in your content. You don't need to give away that every single video doesn't have to be the world's best piece of content. It just doesn't and it doesn't have to teach absolutely everything inside of it. In fact, he is just one little thing that the goal is like how I never thought about life like that. That can be the goal of your content. And then later on in the funnel, and later on the affiliate product itself can do all of the work of selling and actually teaching and educating to the deepest level. But people generally don't like starting in that place. Our brains aren't wired to start in that place and go headfirst deep dive. We always have that starting point. And then as we learn and grow sometimes we forget what that starting point was like and that was your point was, hey, teach yourself what you wish you would have known. So you got to go back to this is a this is the thing that we do you know in the business plan class on day five in the challenge where we talk through like niche selection and who is your ideal avatar, your ideal avatar is, you know, usually if you've bought a course or you've you've had a transformation with dog training or something, it's that particular person before they discovered, oh my god, like I can have a different way. You know,

Jill: Yes, I could not have said that better myself. It is. And you know what, I think that's one of the things that I kind of got lost in a little bit when I first started because I, when I started, I was like, Okay, I'm gonna model my page after all the other people who promote legendary. I'm going to talk about different side hustles you know, but at a certain point, I was like, Okay, how do I convey to people that because I was getting a lot of comments, asking specifically about these side hustles right, and then I was starting to kind of realize, okay, but that's not the point. The point is not for you to get, you know, I'm just trying to show that I was actually making a video explaining that like, this page isn't for you to do every single one of the side hustles that I'm telling you about, you know what I mean? Like, if anything, you know, try something new that works for you, and then and then with that, more recently, I'm like, You know what, I need to focus more on affiliate marketing here. So I'm kind of revamping my strategy a little bit. I don't think about going forward unless something like really, you know, good that I want to let everyone know about. I'm gonna focus more I think on you know, financial mindset affiliate marketing, and just like you said, trying to open people's minds to the possibility because just like you said, I I have no idea like I didn't, I had no idea I really knew nothing. To beginner Right. And, and that's the beauty of tic toc is like you're you're you're catering to a bunch of different people who are in a bunch of different areas in their journey, right. So they like we need to always be nurturing the people who are beginners but also the people who know a little bit about it, but want to know more, and then also the people who know a ton about it, and they've started and they want to, you know, so it's like so many moving parts all the time. And, I mean, unless you've been in marketing, or I don't even know if there's anything else like this that could give you the experience that you need. You know what I mean? Like this is kind of unprecedented, right? So it's really just all about learning as you go right? Like, that's what it comes down to kind of right?

Matt: Oh, totally, totally. And that's like Why yes, yes. That's why when I get the question, a lot of times I get the question. In fact, I have one sitting in my email right now that says hey, I just need this. I need the exact steps. What today is my step one? What today is my step two? And it's a valid question, because of how we're taught to learn. But my response to people these days is more of like, Hey, you, you're now at the point where you've got the business model. You've got the entire marketing strategy. You've got tons of ideas. About how to do this. Now you have to go out and you have to cut your teeth, and you've got to get in the game. And whether that's starting to place ads, or whether they're starting to create content, but you've got to decide exactly what you're going to promote. And then you want to actually make it happen because you've got everything that you need. But there's no replacement for that little period of time where you're, where you're, you have to figure it out and what I've learned through what I've learned through I mean, I've owned probably like four different businesses and then also my wife owns a business right now. And she's doing really well. What I've learned is like, yes, you can have a business plan. Yes, you can have that set in place. Yes, you can have all of that stuff ready and in place. But the moment that the business starts, it's a free for all. Yeah, it's a. You've got problems you've never thought you were going to have and you've absolutely got to figure out those problems for yourself. You've got to be innovative. You've got to be an engineer, and you've got to be able to figure it out. And the cool part is that it feels overwhelming to most people. But the cool part is, is that you've actually if you look back on life, you've actually figured it out your entire life. Totally. Your whole life is just you figuring it out, over and over and over again. And if you look at this business or any online business that you're going to start through the lens of you figured it out, you've already figured it out. All you've done your whole life is figure out life. Now it's just time to do it in this arena. That's everything for me and for me, it's comforting, but for everybody who's getting started out there who's watching this, that should be the most comforting thing ever. Because your whole life you've been successful at one thing, figuring it out.

Jill: Yeah, that's that. Huge, huge like, and you're right that I think that might be one of the most frequently asked questions in my DMs is like, Okay, I've done the challenge. I'm ready to go now what you know, and I also get a lot of people, how do I promote my affiliate link? And I was actually thinking about this this morning. I'm like, do I make a video explaining that like this Tik Tok account is an example of how to promote an affiliate like you don't even I am an affiliate, you know, for this course that taught me all these amazing things. And that's why I'm here. Totally, you know, and it's like, and that's one of the things that kind of makes me realize that like, there's, like, there are people who are and a lot of the times people who follow me, you know, they've been following me for maybe a month, whatever. But they still, you know, they still need to be kind of explained to and they need to learn more and understand more and that's why, you know, they're they're following me, but they probably, if they're asking those questions, they might not have done the course yet. You know, because, and that's, I always just refer people to the course you know, take the course and then if you still have questions, then comment. And then, you know, we can brainstorm and that's, that's one of the biggest things right? I love connecting with people over DMS, chatting with them about possibilities and brainstorming ideas. And, you know, because that's, that's like a huge part of this, like, I love the tweet. I love the connection with the people right? Like, I'm here to help. That's, that's the main. That's the mission statement that I always have to, in my mind, go back to right like I am here to help and that is ultimately what is going to propel my success.

Matt: I personally think totally, that's exactly what it is. Yeah. Day. This is powerful. This is good stuff. If you know what I feel like I love most about our interview today as I just feel like it's obvious before he said, he said something you said, you know this, this is a favorite. This is my favorite part about the online business. It is sort of creating the content, and it's obvious to me why now because I feel like your energy and your ability to sort of communicate clearly is really unmatched. It's really powerful. So keep going in the content world because that's a that's a that's something I feel like it takes people a long time to find their voice and sort of find how to do that clearly and, and you are absolutely just doing that in such a powerful way it shows I mean, you've got so many he got so much traction on TikTok. And social media. You've got so many leads and sales pouring in. You're just doing a really good job. Any final words for people who are just getting started with legendary or just figuring out how to start creating content or thinking about getting started but are a little bit still on the fence?

Jill: Honestly, I feel like my best advice, which is exactly what I ended up doing in the end, was just starting, you know, like you. I think it might have even been used in one of the Wake Up Legendary lives but you're never going to learn watching from the sidelines. You know, you're never going to get better watching from the sidelines. You just have to get in the game and you know what, if you start posting and you know, it's been and like the other thing is that we get so impatient, right? Like it's like, you know, a week goes by and I took one posting two videos every day for seven days. It's 14 videos, you know, why isn't anything happening? But at the end of the day, given a month, give it too much, you know, and if things really aren't still happening then okay, maybe it's time to take a step back and figure it out. But you know, you're never you. You're never gonna figure it out if you don't start so just just start just just start what's the worst that can happen? You know?

Matt: Oh, good question. Yeah, good question. What's the worst that could happen?

Jill: Thank you so much, Matt.

Matt: Oh, thanks for coming on. This was great. Thank you. This was inspirational to me. So I got more out of this than everybody here. I felt like I was like, damn, every time it was just a gold nugget after gold nugget. 

Jill: Thank you so much. Thank you guys. Have a good day today.

Matt: You too. Hey, guys. You can follow Jill so her handle for tick tock on Instagram is on the screen right now. So just go give her a following. What I always tell people is look, when people are on this show and we put up their social media handles the goal is that you follow that you attend their lives that you hop on their videos and like them and comment them and say hey, Jill, Okay, hope you're doing well. Hey Jill, I saw you on Wake Up Legendary. Make sure that you are dialed into her channel and give more than you receive out there. Right. It's a shorter call business. Give more than you receive. And typically that'll come back to you in some form. But mostly give without the expectation of it, of it coming back to you without strings attached. That it comes back to you. Give a lot of likes. Give a lot of comments. Tell Jill what your favorite part about today's show was. We'll be back here tomorrow, tomorrow, Thursday, same time, same place 10am Eastern for wakeup legendary peace out everybody. See Have a good rest of your Wednesday. 

How To Blow Up Your TikTok Channel Without Paying Money

 Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Good morning. Good morning. Everybody. What's happening? My name is Matt. We are live for Wake Up Legendary is January 11. And we've got another awesome guest here today we're going on almost two straight years of bringing guests onto our show, featuring their success, telling their story and just showing off. What an amazing community exists here and I'm excited for today's interview. She's young, she's from Houston, Texas, and she's just got a very interesting journey and story seems really passionate to me and her sort of journey to success has been really quick. So I'm excited to bring Nayeli on the show. 

Nayeli: Hey, guys. What's going on?

Matt: You're in Houston, right?

Nayeli: Yes, I'm in Houston. It is 9am over here, so I'm excited to see you guys.

Matt: Nice we're excited to have for those of us who are just getting to know you and just getting introduced to you tell us a little bit about you and your story and your journey. And just tell us about how you found legendary because you were trying other things, right?

Nayeli: Yes. So I'm actually 22 years old. My birthday is this weekend. So I've always had this mindset like I didn't want to work a nine to five, you know, but you know, my parents were like, no, go to college, go to college. I'm like, Okay, let me study something easy. So I study psychology, worked with kids with autism. I actually loved it. I loved it. But here in Houston, the turnover rate for that was insane because the pay sucked and I had just moved out at 18 So I was like, No, I need to do more for myself. So I've never lasted a year at a job. I was never satisfied. I was wanting more and more. And so I was fed up with the company. I was like, You know what? I cannot just wake up every single day for 60 years of my life and do the same routine. I looked into Forex first. Forex was not for me. I don't know because I'm not into the math stuff, but I hated it. It sucked like I didn't understand anything. I was like, What is this? It was like a foreign language to me. So I basically paid like 1000 something for the course and it just failed. Like, in a month it failed. I was like dang it. And my mom was like, she never was like Oh, see you're you're wasting money. She was just like, Okay, well maybe try something else. I was like okay, so I found Amazon spent another 2000. And I think the course lasted for a week. And after that, like my mentor is just mentoring me. I didn't know what to do. I had to find a product and I spent about at least 5k with ads and everything in a month or two and it just went down the drain in four months. I probably made $30 like you know from people buying the products that was it. And I was like no I can’t do this. Like me, keep looking and then this is what COVID hit. And I came across a stick talk about you guys and I was like, look, third time's a charm. Let me just let me do it. And I was like, What the heck, I already probably spent 10k trying to figure things out. So I was like, Okay, let me give this a try. And you know, I was kind of skeptical. I was like, Oh my God, I don't I don't want to lose more money. But I was like, at this point. I don't care. I don't want to work nine to five anymore. I need to find something that works for me. And I found this and for anyone I loved it. I loved it and I think the reason why I loved it was because I was already starting YouTube. I already have my YouTube channel. So here I was like oh my god I love social media. This is easy for me like all I had to do really is be consistent. Make TikTok and I love doing that already. So it just came natural to me and ever since that, like I fell in love with the program and everything.

Matt: Wow, interesting. That's super interesting. So um what? You had a YouTube video already?

Nayeli: I made my YouTube channel because I wanted to talk about, like storytime, I was in a domestic abuse relationship. So I wanted to tell my story and you know, I didn't think it was gonna blow up and get like a million views in one day. And I was like, oh my god, like oh my god. 

Matt: Like you were just kind of like posting about that and in your journey. You got a million views in a day? 

Nayeli: Yes. I really started it and probably without this I would have made I like I already had like 7000 subscribers on tick tock or followers. And then once I started this, like I'm almost at 12,000 already. So

Matt: Wow, that's crazy. So you've leveraged what type of content was that? Just like just funny content, was it just personal content? 

Nayeli: Like TikTok are you to tick tock was just like my YouTube like, I guess like trailers type of thing like hey, go subscribe to my channel. I just did this. Usually my YouTube channel which is mostly about my personal life vlogs daily vlogs storytimes and stuff like that. And now like I'm kind of transitioning my channel to this like, oh, how to make money online or you know things like that.

Matt: A lot of people ask me this, about like starting some sort of channel on TikTok or really on any social media. Like, how, how has that gone? Have you had any like, I mean, has it worked? Because people asked me about taking personal channels and transitioning them to let's say, a certain niche like weight loss or like making money online or something like that. Get down. Well, okay, did that work?

Nayeli: I was actually scared because I was like, Okay, I know some people know me from my brand, my name, you know, so I was like, will people still follow me or like the stuff I'm putting because now it's a different niche, you know? And I was like, you know, if the people want to follow they're gonna follow if they don't, they don't. And I thought about doing a separate you know, account like my personal and then my business type of account. And I didn't know why I would basically start all over. I already have a following. And you know, they don't like seeing it. They can unsubscribe or, you know, unfollow, so I was like, let me just give it a try. Let me do it on my personal channel, and if it doesn't go well I can always just, you know, start all over and create a business account, but I feel like it is going pretty good. I guess because I've already had those followers and they trust me and they don't say, Oh, it's a scam. They're kind of just like, Oh, I've seen her. She's been very loyal to us. She's been very honest. So she wouldn't be putting out a scam you know? And I think that's what was growing my channel as well. Just being authentic and honest. And you know, people are gonna follow people are gonna unsubscribe if they don't like what you're putting out so I think go for it. If you want to stick with your personal channel, stick with it and if not, make a business account because I've thought about doing multiple accounts, because you never know TikTok can, like, ban you on this account. And you know, you have backup accounts.

Matt: Yeah, yeah. So yeah, it's such a hit and miss thing and I yeah, I kind of feel like having those multiple different channels and accounts, helps when that happens, or if that happens, that people are suddenly just like, I have no idea where to find this person. Yeah. I feel like marketers would be smart to you know, drive leads from each of their different each of their different platforms, get them into an email, and then spread around how you can find that follow us like, Hey, make sure to follow us on Instagram, YouTube. So as I'm looking at your YouTube, like, how did you learn all these skills like you're really good with thumbnails? Do you make your thumbnails?

Nayeli: Yes, I learned it from scratch. I started with like, I forgot I was editing on iMovie on my iPhone. And I've always wanted to use you I don't know. I just feel good being on camera. I feel like that's like my happy place. So my parents got me a camera and from there I just started learning how to do thumbnails. And I think that's what I got. I guess I learned like from being on camera I learned what people want to see what people don't want to see. And it is hard, it is hard to please people for them to watch the whole video and stuff like that, but it's possible.

It was so big. 

Matt: Okay, so they get you a camera, you just like to start creating content. Like what did you do to learn things like, you know, creating thumbnails on YouTube because your thumbnails on YouTube are pretty good. Like, how did you get that inspiration? And then like, what types do you use? Canva like, what do you use?

Nayeli: So I was searching on YouTube like hey, how do you make a thumbnail? How do you make it sound like you know the YouTube thumbnail on the back and stuff like that. It will be like hours watching the videos learning step by step. Like I'll have it on my computer, and like I'm on my phone like this, but I do use Canva. I do everything on my phone, especially the thumbnails, the videos, obviously I edit them like on my Mac Pro. But yeah, pretty much like I just do it on my phone Canva pics are things like that you can Google things and all those apps pop up.

Matt: I wanted to ask that because people ask us or me a lot and I knew your answer was slow. I didn't know I just punched that your answer was basically I figured it out. And that's such a powerful thing I think people to see is like somebody does something really great like YouTube thumbnails or even just content creation or video editing. Like to be just like, No, I didn't go to school for that. No, I don't have a design degree. I'm not a graphic designer. I just Google searched and you know, sometimes I've told my wife this before. I was like, you know, there's a lot of high paid skills and I'm sure I'm a smart marketer. And I've learned a lot of things like, the ability to Google search and figure it out is probably the best skill for entrepreneurs. Go to Google and then to know how to type in and how to get the result you want fast because it speeds like I've always I've actually considered creating a course like called How to take them. And like just because I feel like the speed with which you can do that is the speed with which you can figure problems out and you can get it done. And if you can increase that tool like for an entrepreneur that's invaluable because it's just time saved over and over and over again. I don't think it would sell very well but I have thought about it. So in your world of TikTok Okay, so, tell us when you started creating tic toc for affiliate marketing like for your like you're trying to market and sell a business or a course like how long ago did you start and what is that? What's that? Like how long did it take you to start generating commissions and leads and commissions?

Nayeli: So I started at the beginning of December so it's already been a month that I've started on TikTok and you know, like I said on my YouTube channel, I was very authentic, very honest, and I kind of put my story into play all the time. It's on tick tock. I was like, I need to do the same thing I have. Can I have these people relate? To me? How can I make the like, how can I make these people buy what I'm putting out there you know? So I just started having fun with it. I was okay, and I also like to get ideas from other people. I will see other affiliate marketers like okay, let me see what they do. And how can I make it better? How can I make it mine? You know, not copy it step by step, but how can I make it mine, you know? So I put my story into play. And I just started being very consistent. I would post three times a day. Sometimes now I'm posting like four times a day just to keep that you know the views going the likes. And from day one. As soon as I posted my TikTok I think I probably got my first commission. And I was so excited. It wasn't much but I was like oh my god like this is crazy because I've never seen that in Forex. I didn't see that on Amazon. And I was always just disappointed. Three, four months go by and I'm just like I don't see anything. And where was the first day? I was like, oh my god, like I was also shocked. And I was like I noticed that a lot. But hey, that's the start like it gave me more I guess power like more like ambition to just keep going. 

Matt: Totally. Yeah. And I feel like it. You know getting a result is always getting a result. More or less getting a result fast. But getting a result is always just like and it's just such a powerful thing. Because it changes something in you. It changes something about you. I don't really know how to explain it really. But it's just really powerful.

Nayeli: I feel like it changes the way you grind, I guess because like when I saw it, I was like oh yeah, let's keep going. Let's keep going. You know, it just gives you fuel or something like gas. 

Matt: Totally. Yeah, I get it. Yeah, there's it takes a toll I think for people sometimes when the results are slower, and it's like hey, why is this working for everybody else? I don't get it. Is there something wrong with me like what's going on? But I also think that people need to be conditioned a little bit to understand that you had a little bit of like, a fast forward because you built a little bit of an audience, but I think that for other people, you know, the expectation shouldn't typically be that you're going to post a video and see it commissioned the next hour. You know, like that's, it's a little unrealistic. It's not that uncommon that somebody is going to begin doing that quickly because of the power of social media and how fast to talk growth can be but I think tempering expectations helps and allows you to expect a little bit of a longer attorney which is usually the case. When you started creating content in this niche Did you find it easier or harder or different or because yeah, you might be good at creating content, but you know, getting ideas from other markers and actually implementing and implementing them in the video content video form. Isn't that easy to do, especially just to jump right into it. Did you find that easier or harder? Was there any struggle to that?

Nayeli: Sometimes, like it would be easy and sometimes it'd be hard depending on what I was trying to do. Sometimes I could even put my story out there like okay, how can I make this mine? And this is where I had to brainstorm like okay, how can I make this authentic? Like how can I make this mine? And sometimes I'll get frustrated. Okay, I don't like it going well. I don't like it like let me let me refilm it and it's just like and then the whole day I'm just like okay, you know, whatever. Let me take a 10 minute break and let me come back. And then I'll be fine, you know, but like I said, I was just trying to put my story in. It is sometimes hard to look at other affiliate marketers and I'm just like, okay, that's theirs, how do I make it mine?  I'm brainstorming, probably five to 15 minutes and I'm just like, okay, and then once I have my thoughts together, I'm like, Okay, well, this can be the caption. This can be like the storyline or whatever. And this will make people follow or clip, you know?

Matt: Yeah, totally. Do you use this tool? Do you use this tool ever called Sort For TikTok, or that?

Nayeli: I think I saw it when we were looking through the Decade In A Day if I'm not mistaken. Matt: Okay. Yeah, cool. I'll show you my screen real quick. I think I should be able to share my screen with you. I always only say that just because they're young. There's this tool called Sort For TikTok. Which is up here and the pop up is not showing. Let me share my full screen

because we've had a lot of people who have had a lot of luck with this. And area. Okay, you can still see my screen okay. Okay, can you see this sword for TikTok? Yes. Okay. So this, it just goes on Google Chrome on your desktop, and you can hit start. And what it'll do is it'll sort people's videos by the most watched to least watched automatically. So you can see the most watched stuff, right? And so what's cool about that is you can, you can then from your perspective, you can take and what people have done is create a little spreadsheet and they've actually organized that spreadsheet by most watched the least watching games. So you know if you're going around looking for inspiration from people in your niche, which you shouldn't do, find inspiration. That's the easiest way to find content, right? And you basically create what's called a swipe file. And most great marketers use swipe files for decades and decades. But a swipe file is basically when you need some inspiration, you have a place you can go and that route of doing it is so much more efficient and optimized because once you once you start going through those, you can also get a check of like, Hey, I basically created something similar to this. Here's how I would afford it. Then you can kind of track your views. And then you have this list that's like this one had 800,000 views. This one had 12 million views or whatever. And what it does is it allows you to be able to get ideas quicker than just scrolling through hashtag stuff on tick tock kind of wasting time trying to figure it out. You actually do a hard brainstorm session on your computer, which also just as a side note, you know, we have an interesting relationship to our phones. I think like the way that we scroll and interact and stuff. And I think sometimes that's hard to like, maintain focus and maintain the ability to like, I'm doing business now, right? But there's a different thing when I'm like on a computer like I'm on a desktop and I'm like I'm sorting for tick tock and I'm putting things into a spreadsheet feels like a business so I'm able to stay a bit more focus on like a quarter ADHD so for me these little tips and tricks are really helpful and I find that a lot of other people in our industry.

Nayeli: It is helpful a lot because when I am on my phone and I see other things I'm like, oh, there we go check this out. And then like I go back, I'm like okay, what was I doing? Like, gonna get lost. I feel like the stuff that you just showed me that's so much easier than just scrolling and trying to find something. Right here I can see what has good views. How can I relate it to my story, put it on the spreadsheet, check it off if I've already done it. So that's so much easier. I need to say during that.

Matt: Yeah, it's a good trick. Especially for people who are like, trying to stay efficient, have a job, you know, like, you don't have that much time to try to stay efficient. Yeah, and you know, if you really think about it, you think about like affiliates like Stacy law, or like Calvin Phil or like big affiliates who have done multiple six figures and have done most of it from their TikToks When you do a Sort For TikTok. You're searching through so many videos, I mean, 1000s of videos in some cases, and you're and you're just cherry picking the very top performing ones. And so you're getting a real look into like, what really worked for them. I think the only downside of that strategy is that you know, on TikTok the ones that you're finding by swiping and scrolling are usually the ones that are performing best right now like current. And so you know, you got to decipher something that was two years ago gonna work for me? It doesn't hurt to try for sure. But you have to kind of decipher and be smart about that. So you're doing content about four times a day or so. Are you still working at a job? Are you not working a job anymore?

Nayeli: So I do body sculpting on the side. I started doing it because my friend needed help with COVID hit on a distress. So I was like, Yeah, I'll help you. But that's basically what I do on the side. But this is basically my full time job. I'm always gonna do it. As soon as I wake up, I try to Google the times that are best to post on TikTok and I'm posting, you know, in the morning, in the afternoon, midday and then like nighttime. 

Matt: Wow, that's super cool. I do find that finding the right time is kind of a consistent theme of people who have found, you know, have hit the algorithm really well. Sometimes people are just posting at the same time every day or the same couple of times stopped working and they literally just post in the middle of the night. I've heard people posting at 1am and it just boomed. They don't know why they happened. They'll get half a million views and their TikToks exploded and you know, leads are just pouring in. It is really you know, I think as with anything, there's a formula, I think there's general guidelines to start with, but there's always as a business owner, there's always going to be some degree of you have to figure it out. You have to be able to find solutions you have to be able to and I just wanted to say you know you really well done on your ability to get followers on multiple different platforms, and to tell your story and to be authentic. I think you're good proof. And are you okay if we also shared your YouTube? Yeah, that's cool. Because I also feel like the long form content and the short form content of your YouTube would be really valuable for people because some people don't believe that their story's worth it. But I was at a mastermind a month ago, and there's ladies there who you know had battled through a lot of years of addiction, you know, that had, you know, things like their spouse passed away or, you know, lost their house, whatever. And some of them were just like, Yeah, nobody wants to hear about me, you know, and and I think you know, when I go to your YouTube channel, and you've got just real raw content about that, and, you know, storytime and you know, that video storytime for me, or you tell us to Korean like it just everybody sees it, and I'm sure you've got lots of people who messaged or commented and are like, hey, you know, this meant a lot to me, you know? Yes. And I think sometimes the content goes deeper than just, you know, how do I make money online? Sometimes people want to see and know somebody and make a human connection. And I think it's really cool to do that, so props to you.

Nayeli: Thank you.

Matt:  I'll give you the last word to our community to everybody here. Got a lot of people in life but we've also got, you know, usually 1000s of people who will watch this after listening to the podcasts wherever. You know, there's a lot of people who listen to this who are newer or seeking that first commission or trying to create content and we're trying to quit their job or whatever. What would you say to those people who are just getting started just try to figure it out and what would be your encouragement to them?

Nayeli: So I think about going, keep going because it's always going to be hard in the beginning, and don't expect to blow up. Because when you expect it, I feel like it doesn't happen. And when you don't expect it. That's when you're like, oh my god, it happened, you know? So do not give up. Keep going. Keep being consistent. Consistency is key on any platform. Whether that's YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, look, I've never had a Facebook and I made it for this and I just started posting the rules and I made a mad I think, almost 1000 followers on the rules. So it's possible to start from zero and, you know, who cares if you're, you know, 18 Who cares if you're 60 years old doing this? Anything and everything is possible. You just really have to grind and really want to see a difference. Like if you do not want to work a nine to five for the rest of your life. This is going to be like you know how you breathe in every day. This is basically going to be part of that. Like when I tell myself I cannot want a nine to five I tell myself I don't want that. So what can I do? You know, avoiding a nine to five is grinding, inconsistent, never giving up even if you have zero followers by Friday, you might have 10 followers you know that's that's a start. That's something or even if you have that one viewer who's always viewing your stuff like hey, that is something that's something to be proud of. So guys, just keep going and never give up. Just be consistent. And you'll see a difference. You'll see a difference. Trust me.

Matt: I love it so much. Yeah, I think it's a powerful thing to always remember for literally everybody. There was always day one. Every person Mark Zuckerberg, Nayeli, me, Dave, everybody has the day, everybody, Elon Musk, everybody doesn't matter. So yeah, I think that that's, I think less important than a good reminder. Really. That's really solid. Appreciate that. 

Nayeli: Be yourself because a lot of people like that if people see that you're like, oh, no, she's faking it. Like they're, they're just gonna hate on you and, and you will have hate comments, but who cares? They're still watching.

Matt: Totally. Yeah, they're still watching. And you know what's really powerful about that? Even in the hate comments, a lot of times I think to myself, I've just found it. Powerful to reframe that in a way of just remembering. Some people are just initiating a place in life. They're just in a hard place. They're just going through something. Maybe they've been abused. Maybe they've been hurt. Maybe they've been, you know, laid off their job and they needed to take it off on somebody right? And so I think sometimes, you know, we overthink and overanalyze what people might say about us, say about our business, say about our personal life, whatever. But at the end of the day, some of those many, many of those people, you know, there's this phrase hurt people hurt people. And, you know, broken people. Are people and eat thinking about people less as, as bad people or mean or angry or whatever and more hurt and broken and struggling, which is what they are, allows a little bit of empathy. And it certainly allows us, you know, if we're creating content certainly allows us to just be like, damn, you know, what, I don't know what that guy's got going on. You know, and what a defusing response. I mean, for somebody who's looking to just get in literally, they want to pick up shit and throw it at you. hoping you're going to throw that back, you know? And to get that response. It's just like, man, you're right. I'm hurting. And when people who are hurting, they have that reflected or mirrored back to them. It's called mirroring, which you know, from psychology, it diffuses everything, shame and guilt. All of those emotions can't live in the life it can only live when they're covered up. So that's cool. I like that and I love that approach. Love your mindset. And yeah, I'm just excited for him, excited for your journey and where this will lead and congrats on finally trying something forex trading and this is a lot more simple edit. And the cool part is like it just fits right in your wheelhouse and for watching today, like, you know, I'm struggling a little bit figuring out what works for me. I just think the best thing that you can possibly do would just be to try things without the feeling of like, maybe I'm going to be ashamed or guilty or something if I quit or if I if I don't fully follow through or whatever. Like look, when you first start out in this you don't need to feel a bunch of shame and guilt over like I tried something to work like move on. It's a big deal. You're going to try new things. You're going to try hard things. Some of this is going to work, some of it's not you just need to be able to discern about quitting because that scares me because it's like this legit not a good fit for me and I know myself and I know this is fake yet. For somebody who's created a bunch of content or somebody who feels and believes that they can learn it. It's just a great fit. It makes sense that it was such a good fit and so cool. Hey, you're killing it. And you know what I tell everybody who's killing it. You know? If I could go back to my 22 year old self and say, you know, Hey, dude, you're killing it. What I would tell that person would be when you find something that works, don't stop. So you know if I want to try something new or I want to try something extra or try something a little different. I'm going to keep my system in place. What am I? What have I done this work so far? Don't stop that because that's the revenue of the business. Yes, or something else if I want to later down the road, but it can't be at the detriment to my businesses working for me right now. SEO is my livelihood, you know, and so that would be my encouragement to you if you're open to hearing. 

Nayelli: Thank you so much for your support.

Matt: We're happy to help and if you ever need me think let us know. We'd love for you to check back in here in a couple of months and have you back on if you're open to it and awesome. Well, thanks, Nayelli. Have a good rest of your day.

Nayelli: Thank you guys. Bye. 

Matt: I’m gonna put up her social handles here. You can go follow her. I believe that I dropped in the excuse me, the comments. have dropped her YouTube as well in the comments so you can go watch some of the more long form content. @Nayelicarbajal_ TikTok and Instagram. You can also go into the comments on your YouTube as well. You can just search for her on YouTube, and it'll come up I'm sure. But yeah, another powerful episode. Make sure to go give her a follow up on Tik Tok and on Instagram. Let her know by the way, the reason that we send out her handles and send up people's handles is so that you can be a positive encouragement to people inside of our community. So you know if you go out and you do that, you know start building good business karma by you know, encouraging or saying hey, I found you on Wake Up Legendary I saw your episode here's what inspired me. You know, I liked this part of the episode. And make sure to show some love. You can text the letters WUL. So Wake Up Legendary, WUL (813)-296-8553 and every time that we go live wake up legendary. Send out a little text that has a Facebook link in it. So you can literally just tap it. You're tapped right into the Facebook Live that we do every Monday through Friday. We've been doing it for a long time. But we've been doing it specifically with people inside of our communities as guests for about two years, nearly two years and we've got a long list of people who are at least three weeks out right now. And I don't think that this is going to stop. I think that there's new people coming into our community every day who are or are leveraging what they're learning and turning it into financial success. So guys, we're gonna wrap up for the day. We'll be back here. I'll be back here tomorrow, same time, same place. And then Dave will be back here Thursday, Friday to close out the week. Have a great rest of your week. 2022 is going to be a really big year for us online for everybody who's online.

How To Stop Spending Time With Your Boss And Start Spending Time With Your Family

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on, family? Welcome to Wake Up Legendary this morning we have a dad. So the dads will, you know, see if we can help this father of three boys. Previously he was a restaurant manager for 10 years out of college and is now a full time entrepreneur and let's see how we found us Byron, welcome to the show, brother. Hey dude, I am so excited to be here. Thank you for inviting me. You're very welcome. And you're very welcome. So you're the father of three boys. What's that like? 

Byron: Well, it's like a barrel monkey's type of thing. You know? There's always something going on but we're extremely blessed and just very, very happy. 

Dave: So where are you calling in from Byron? 

Byron: I am based out of eastern Iowa. 

Dave: Oh wow. Wow, you're the second human alone Oh from Iowa. I didn't actually know there were that many humans from Iowa. I thought it was just you know, plains and hills and kind of sheep and stuff but I guess there's actual human beings that live out. 

Byron: I mean, we have few people here, not a whole lot. Especially this time of year. It's like minus two degrees outside so I know where you're at. It's warm. So if you can send some of that warm weather up here we'd greatly appreciate it. 

Dave: I look for a sweatshirt whenever the AC goes down about 70 degrees. Make you feel good or make you feel bad but that’s what’s going on here.

Byron:  I can't resonate with that pain point of the earth first.

Dave: It's unique. It's unique. Well, how did you find the Legendary brother? What were you looking for? Were you not looking for something and somehow you saw something that you didn't know that you were looking for talk to us a little bit about, like, what brought you online? How did you go from restaurant manager to entrepreneur? And then eventually what led you to us? 

Byron: Yeah, absolutely. So it's a very, very long kind of emotional roller coaster. But we'll, we'll go ahead and start. So I graduated from college in 2011. And I've always been interested in entrepreneurship, my parents, they own their own small business. So it was, it was an amazing experience, because we always had mom and dad at home. And so when we ended up or when I graduated from college, that's what I wanted to do. But, you know, I didn't have the resources, money wise, I didn't really have the time. And so then I moved back home, near Washington, Iowa, his job as a restaurant manager, at a local pizza place. And so I told myself, that's what I was gonna do for a while. So some money and gotta get things going. You know, just one thing after another, you know, two, three years later than I decided, you know, this is probably where I was gonna play my flag. Because, you know, I mean, I didn't mind it. But you know, it wasn't really fulfilling at the same time. But I kept at it. And then, you know, next thing I know, it's like, seven, eight years, I got married, I had kids. And I noticed as I was advancing in the, the, quote, unquote, corporate ladder, I was spending more and more time away from my kiddos. And, you know, seven o'clock in the morning leave for work turned into six, I was spending 12, 13 hours a day at work, to the point where I was waking up before my kids got up. And then I was coming home way late after my kids were already asleep. And then at that point, I realized something had to change. And that was a couple of years ago, when I came to that realization, and then I started dipping my toes in, like online business, look at drop shipping, and just just a variety of different options. I wasn't very familiar with affiliate marketing. I've heard of it. But I wasn't quite ready to make that jump. So again, I was toe dipping in different avenues. It wasn't until about April of last year, I got a call from my family, that my mom ended up collapsing. And she got rushed to the hospital, we found out that she had cancer. And she ended up passing away five days after, oh my god, I'm sorry. It was a very sudden moment, when I got that phone call that my mom passed. I knew at that point, that was a eye awakening moment for me, because I knew at that point, like how fragile life was, you know, I mean, you're growing up, you're seeing, you know, different adults and you know, grandparents, they fully passed away, you don't really think too much about it. And then when it becomes a more intermediate family, and then you begin to realize just how fragile life is. My kids are getting older. I wasn't spending any time with my family. And what was the straw that broke the camel's back was I got no remorse or no sympathy for my employer. Because we were really short-handed at that point. I just felt like I was mentally checked down. Like I've been doing this for 10 years. I've got really nothing to show for it. And I wasn't really spending any time with my family, or my kids and something. So at that point, after my mom's funeral, we ended up my wife, she's from Kentucky. So we traveled down to Kentucky for about a week to get away from it. And I was on TikTok because I'm sure this is how all the stories began. You know, I was on TikTok. I was scrolling through it. I came across it. I believe it's Sarah Raven. And I was watching some TikTok videos of Ravel Raven.  And I was like, You know what? I'm like this, this, this has to be something that God put in front of me. You know, this is, this is something that, you know, could kind of appeal to me. So then I decided to just jump in just see where it took me. It was only seven bucks. Is it from there? Yeah, I decided just to kind of put my head down, I left my restaurant management job, I had some money in my savings. I said,  if not now, then never, you know. And since the last 10 months, I've just been killing it. And, you know, I've never stepped foot into another restaurant manager job. In fact, I made a comment to my wife on New Year's Eve, that this was my first year that I was able to go to a new year's event without having to worry about him too worried or anything with the restaurants I manage. 

Dave: Oh, and your darkness, through darkness appears some light, basically, is what I'm hearing, you know, in your story. And I want to send my condolences, of course, that's traumatic and shocking. And what's you know, what's in, in grieving is something that we all can relate to. But you're right, when it hits close to home, and it's with parents or loved ones that are so close and so immediate, it's it's just, it's, it's something that words can't do anything for a person just has to walk through that, right. And it's only empathy. And we can relate to that. And there's nothing that can make one feel better about that support. And that's what you didn't feel and what you didn't get from your employer. And I just would like everybody to just think about that for a second. You know, this past 18 to 24 months, was a time when a lot of people were deemed non essential. Here are people who have paid their taxes, here are people who have paid into the system, who have made their, you know, bosses, wealthy, who have worked and worked and worked. Like you said, for 10 years, I just had another friend of mine get laid off immediately after six in an HR position, effective immediately. She said, Well, do you mind if I come back tomorrow, because I've got a lot of stuff to clear out of my desk out of my office. And they said you can come back on Friday, after 5pm We're your stuff out. That was after 26 years of service. There. Thank you. That was just a bullshit reason. It was one of those restructuring type excuses. They didn't even have the Coronas to speak straight, and tell her what was really going on. She thinks it was just a resentment or something that upper management or something had with her because she's outspoken, but she's good at what she does and has a lot of integrity 10 years, and they didn't have the they didn't have the humanity and the decency to give you sympathy and give you space and give you their their condolences. And I often say that we have to find our motivation from our pain, not from our goal. You know, because we can sit around and I know, this is another thing that humans can relate to, is we we you know, we've been dreaming and we've been talking big game for years about the things that we want and it's so easy to fantasize about those things. But those things don't motivate people. What motivates people is to get out of paint to make things stop. And so you Byron used a you know something that quite frankly could have drove you further into that complacency and even sadness or depression of well this is my destiny you know, after the situation with mom but you use that as a sign and of course you're you're open minded for you know, new opportunity to come through your through your door and onto your desk but wow, I just it's it's it's just wonder to those of you listening, what pain in your life? Are you ignoring what you could use as motivation right now? And that my friend is called turning a mess into a message. That's called turning a struggle into a strength. That's called tourney break down, break down into how does that how does that feel? Knowing that you did that versus? And again, it would be totally understandable. If after the situation happened with mom, you had a breakdown? And you it would be totally understandable if you did that. But how does it feel? Maybe even in mom's legacy, you used that whole situation as a reason to break through, move closer to your family, adjust your life, pivot things almost in her honor. I mean, does that feed your self esteem? Does that make you describe how that feels? 

Byron: Yeah. Yeah, you're absolutely right, it does feed my inner strength. And it feeds my why. And what I want to accomplish, I see myself now compared to where I was a few years ago, you know, I was sidelined. For less, I knew that there was a lot more in me. But I guess I didn't really know how to harness that strength and bring it to life. Now, I'm not going to say it was easy. Like, there were a lot of moments, very dark moments, but I, I was very fortunate that you know, I have a spouse, I have my three boys for strength. And I look to them for strength. And I see myself living a life now that, you know, I can provide financially for my family for one, but then also to be there, you know, for full support. You know, now I can wake up, I can make breakfast, I can take the kids to school, you know, I can go to T ball games, I can, you know, pick them up. It's an amazing experience in one that I would have not had, if it would have not been through with my mom's passing. So I mean, it's like I said it was a struggle, but it was a necessary struggle that kind of kicked me in my bud to realize that what I was doing was not enough. And it wasn't my calling in life. 

Dave: Sure. You know, and like I said, doing it for 10 years, I got complacent, you know, again, I thought that's where it's gonna play by play. But there's something inside me that was telling me that I was meant to do more. In here, you also did, you also were doing what society has told you is a great accomplishment middle management at a job. I mean, you've got a management position, you're called your boss, you know, I mean to go to those, when I was a kid growing up, I mean, it was either be a baseball player, or it was become a manager. You know, I mean, to me, that's what society sort of gives us the message that you've you've kind of made it, but then the math doesn't quite add up. When you get there, you know what I mean? Whether it's hours at home versus hours at work, whether it's a month left, at the end of when the money runs out, the numbers don't add up. And so what I want to acknowledge you for is using certain things that happen along the way, the signs in framing those signs as, Wow, maybe this is a sign, you know, that's called framing that's called perspective. And a lot of us struggle, because we choose to see things in a certain way, the way that you saw your employer was assigned to you you perceive that a certain way. Well, I'm not getting any sympathy or empathy or empathy here. These people are unsupportive, and probably don't have my back and not who I want to continue to work for versus maybe they're right, you know, maybe I need to get over this faster and just get back in there. You know, the thing with being on tick tock and seeing that video by Sarah and saying, you know, instead of well, all this must be a scam or this month? Oh, yeah. You know, you said, Well, maybe this is a sign. You know, and I think framing and how we choose to see things is either glass half empty glass half full, you know, do we want to focus on the struggle? Or do we want to focus on how to turn that struggle into a strength? You know, same thing as people who stay in victim stance versus turning that situation and where you may have been a victim in turning that into a victory for a victorious situation? That's a choice. You know, we you, you absolutely were a victim of, or maybe some callousness at your employer. And instead of staying in that you chose to take back your power and become victorious. And that, I think, is the underlying dynamics and entrepreneurship of Byron that not a lot of people understand. I wonder if you could do just what comes up for you, as I say what I just said, do you have any perspective on that mindset piece of this game and how it's so important?

Byron: Yeah, absolutely. Well, I know, like I said, being in the middle level of management. In the restaurant business, I had a salary, I had benefits, I had all that. So I was, quote, unquote, chasing the American dream. But realizing that I could take back my own time, to, you know, start leveraging my time in entrepreneurship to make money online, so that I could have more time with my family and my kids, you know, just separating time and money. And just focusing on delivering value. And providing a solution ultimately, has led me to have the mindset I have now. But ultimately, you know, being able to show up every single day, and serving and helping others has really given me a sense of ownership and pride as an entrepreneur. And that's something that, you know, like I said, you know, burgers and fries, I did that for like, 10 years. So you really don't get a sense of fulfillment, all that. But when you can help people to create and scale profitable online businesses so that they can live that life that you're living now, it's a whole different game changer. And, you know, I see that everyday like, with me helping dads, you know, we shared similar pain points, you know, I have those pleasure points out there. And looking forward to it. We have a strong chemistry, just because of, you know, where we're coming from and what we all wanted to achieve, essentially, yeah. 

Dave: Yeah, very, very good. That sense of purpose is important. And something that's often missing, you know, is more important to people, at least in salary and hourly positions all over America, at least as recognition over money. And I think that also plays into having purpose, you know, with your job, both being recognized and appreciated. But also feeling purpose in fulfillment is something that's missing from a lot of jobs. And when you get into entrepreneurship, and sounds like what you're doing is working in the online business, slash make money online space, and you're helping people to start businesses and kind of following your footsteps. And, yeah, that, you know, seeing somebody succeed, seeing people have that first kind of that being restored with hope, is, there's really no fee, there's no feeling like, I mean, there's no, it's, it's because you know, what's at the end of that, you know, what comes with that is more time with their loved ones, more income, more freedom. And, you know, you do fulfillment in comparison to how much money you make from someone as a customer as a referral. If you're doing affiliate marketing, the fulfillment is much higher than even the money that you make, you know, which I think is a great thing, if your fulfillment is greater even than the money that you make, you will continue to be pulled back to that until your, your money starts to equal the fulfillment, and that's when, or even, or even, you know, go above and beyond the fulfillment, you know, which is when things get really exciting. Let's talk a little bit about your omnipresence and kind of what you've learned or what that means to you. Check that word in your, your questionnaire that you sent us a couple of questions that we asked you and I, I just wonder, what does that mean to you? What does that look like to you in? Sort of? What are you doing now that maybe you would have advised your brand new self that you didn't know when you first started? 

Byron: Yeah, that's a good question. So what I would advise my newer version, or who I was then, to where I'm at now, I would advise them to really just focus on creating an omnipresence. And so I'm on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and I just started up YouTube. And it's important to put yourself out there and a lot of people struggle putting their face out on the camera. And I was, I was kind of the same way to like, I really didn't want to put myself out there. Again, I was a restaurant manager. So I didn't really have a lot of online marketing skills. And then if I put myself out there like what should I say, you know, that sort of stuff. But you know, once you create an omni presence when you put yourself out on multiple platforms, then just nailing down your niche understanding like who you're targeting, understand their pain points. and then delivering content based on their pleasure points or what they wanted to accomplish. So, when I first started, I was like any other affiliate marketer, I was just creating content, kind of like spaghetti to the wall, essentially just hoping something will stick. And it wasn't until I started creating content based around, you know, Dad winners, like helping dads become dad printers, and understanding like, the same pain points I had, you know, struggling to waking up kids, my kids, you know, good morning, they're not even awake, and I go to work. And, you know, I'm calling them to say, hey, you know, it might be 10, 15 minutes. You know, just delivering on those pain points and serving. 

Dave: Wow, wow, that really is as big as a big old boulder there of value. And that's it. That's it? I mean, because you're speaking more to somebody, specifically. And I'll tell you what, you know, there's a lot of people who have kids. And quite frankly, what I know about human beings is whether they fit the bill of who you're talking to or not, if you're saying things that they can report or can't relate to, at one point in what you're saying, are making them think cut, I wish I would have done more of that. When I was younger, I wish I would have, you know, we have a lot of guys who are grandpa's, who say they want to, they want to learn skills, and they want to start a business to be able to share with their son or their kids and even their grandkids. Yes. And so the reason why I say if some of you were thinking, Well, what if I talk, or what if I talk to dads, I'd be leaving 20 other people out. So the more specific you can be, the more you're going to reach those that you are trying to talk to. And the more the more even others that might not fit the identity are going to be like, well, could you help moms too, right? They'll start asking themselves, they'll feel excluded, and they'll want to be included. Okay, that's some of some unique marketing psychology that I've learned and realized over the years, is that if you're talking to a specific person, and they feel excluded, then they will want to be included. And they will begin to ask themselves questions in their mind. Like, well, I know I'm older than the people that you're talking to. But I like to be included in this, you know, because nobody wants to be left out. And I've seen this happen in a couple of different ads that I've seen over the years, I'll give you an example. One was an ad on Facebook where a girl was talking, she was in the make money online niche. And she and I actually have this ad in the blueprint, I share this ad down in the Facebook funnel strategy. She says “attention, nurses”. And then it's all in she's got a picture of herself in a nurse outfit. And then basically her message is a message that anybody can relate to, right? Because she's talking about working a lot of hours at a job, not spending time with family. And so down in the cup, she goes her ad was type info down below if you'd like more information I'll send you so of course, her ad just was blowing up with comments. And people were like, Well, hey, could you help a carpenter too? Could you help a lawyer? Because nobody wants to be excluded. They said, Hey, this sounds like it. It relates, it could relate to me as well. And they'll literally type it in. So I wanted to validate that and I wanted to also address that objection with some of you because many times when we think about niching down, we think well, what about all the other people we're leaving out, but when somebody feels excluded, they will mentally try to do gymnastics to make themselves included, they will come up with some reason about something that they can relate to, or almost, they begin to sell themselves and try to sell you on why they should fit into your group or tribe or why they belong with you. So when you say omnipresent, let's dig in a little bit. Do you post the same content? Do you make a TikTok video and then you repurpose it over on Instagram? How are you creating content and then is it unique for each platform? Can you say a little bit more about that? 

Byron: So it's not unique. All my content is very targeted specific towards yield dads that want to become dadpreneurs. So what I do is I create all my content over on TikTok. And then I go ahead, get the watermark removed, and then I cross post on YouTube shorts right now I think I have about 200 subs on my YouTube channel just on YouTube shorts. So okay, now that on Instagram, and then also on Facebook as well, what I have done is I've tied my Instagram, to my personal Facebook page, just for the organic reach. And then when I post up on my Instagram that automatically shows up on my Facebook. So there's not a lot of room involved with it. So it's just presenting the material targeting the right niche, and then just showing up every single day consistently providing solutions to certain pain points of your ideal clientele. Dave: Are you doing anything on Pinterest? 

Byron: I tried Pinterest and Pinterest, but I just haven't had a lot of traction with Pinterest. And I've just been you know, I've just been kind of hyper focused on those four platforms.

Dave: Are you posting the same exact video over on Pinterest or is that what you were doing? Byron: Yes.I have done that. But like I said, I just haven't had. I'm not excluding Pinterest, by all means, like, Pinterest. There's some affiliate marketers I work with, you know, they do real rather well, on Pinterest. I just don't have a lot of experience and exposure with Pinterest. Yes, really speak to that platform. But I've had a lot of luck with TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook. 

Dave: I wouldn't call it luck, my brother. It sounds like it sounds like you're putting the work in? Byron: Well, yes. This is one thing I also want to mention on Facebook, too, because I get a lot of people when I talk to them in Zooms. They feel that Facebook is kind of like a dying platform. And just given the importance of leveraging Facebook, in their Facebook groups has been a huge game changer. So like I'm involved with like 10 Different dag groups on Facebook I'm actively involved with. So to this, this, this is the way I can get in, create some sort of authority figure, and then establish that know, like and trust factor to then build my business. But not you know, not I don't wanna use the term siphoning prospects from those Facebook groups, but to overall just build my community in that sense. Well, we know we know all about siphoning out of Facebook groups, because there's a lot of people trying to siphon out of our Facebook groups. Yeah, I mean, we're all kind of familiar with it. So

Dave: Yeah, we know the game, we know the game. And we like to play the game too, it's a little bit, it's a little game of cat and mouse. See, it's all fun and games until you build your own Facebook group. And then you have people such, you know, being the siphon, but it's all throughout our career, we're all going to be the cat. And we're all going to be the mouse, you know, it goes full circle, it's and then at your house, you know, so we're the cat, or we have a big group. So we're the cat, we've got a lot of mice in there. And, and then you know, we're the mice, other other places on Facebook, when we're running ads, we're trying not to get slapped by the big cat. When we're on tick tock, and we're running ads, we're trying not to get slapped by the big cat. So you know, a lot of marketing is a game of playing cat and mouse and we have to embrace all the differences. How can I say this, all the different layers and all the good and bad with this business? You know, I think that's one of the things that entrepreneurship and kind of being your own boss, we don't talk about enough. Sometimes you gotta make tough decisions, you know, sometimes, at the end of the day, when nobody else is there to make the decision, you have to make it, you know, or when you're working for yourself, and you're just getting started out. And this may be the case for many, many years. You know, you may just be a solopreneur, right? Yeah. You may not have staff or even a virtual assistant, I know plenty of people who are making great money who don't have any assistance or any staff whatsoever. But you know, what you will have, you will have multiple hats that you have to wear. Yes, you will have to make decisions. And I wonder, you know, coming from a manager restaurant manager position, I would assume you made decisions. But I wonder what you have to say about that. You know, because I have so many people I know so many people and that's just such a big challenge but it's not really talked about is being indecisive and not being able to make a decision and stick with that decision. So a lot of times we jump from Business to Business or we shy away from tough decisions. What would you say to people say to yourself how you view that it's a topic of going from an employee who may not be very used to making decisions. And a lot of dads, hey, even, you know, our wives say, What do you want to have for dinner? Well, whatever you want to have, yeah, you know, we're not very well versed at making decisions. And then you say, you get into business for yourself. And now all of a sudden, the buck stops with you every day, all day, and you have to make lots of decisions throughout the day. What comes up for you, as I say that? Yeah, I mean, that's, that's, that's an interesting question. 

Byron: So, yeah, as a restaurant manager, you know, I was in charge of making a lot of decisions, rather, that's operational, or if it's personnel, whatever it might be, obviously, my decisions as a restaurant manager impacts by the mind probability in the restaurant. But the difference between being a restaurant manager, and that decision making habits compared to being an entrepreneurial, entrepreneurial position, you know, stay at night, because with, in retrospect, yes, you have some sort of structure, some protocol that you would have to follow. And entrepreneurship, I mean, your next decision you can make can either, like, challenge you to have a 10k a month, or you can be completely broke. So you have to be a bit more decisive, Dave: Don't freak out over what he just said, right? It's just, you could just go totally broke and potentially die in your head and actually explode and come off of your shoulders, but no big deal. 

Byron: I mean, I don't want to be dramatic about it at all. But I mean, at the end of the day, you know, I mean, our decisions are habits decided on, like, how we're going to be in the next week, you know, a month, a year from now. So what we are doing today, ultimately, channels while we're going to be in the next, you know, X amount of months, whatever. But, you know, with making a decision, it's I look at how that decision is going to impact my family, I don't really look at so much on, you know, myself, like, I look at my wife, my kids, like if I wake up every day, and I show up consistently on TikTok and Instagram. And you know, I just like put my nose to the ground, and I just start grinding and grinding, you know, what could that wait to do? And about a month, a year from now? You know, could it mean more vacations, could it mean that I can start putting money away for their savings and their college tuition, like, my decisions are just for me, but it's also for my family and my kids, and you know, better in their future. So when I take that spotlight off myself, and put it on the ones I do love and care for, it changes the perspective, it also changes the urgency of the matter to, you know, I'm not, you know, well, I got, I gotta, you know, pay these bills. And, you know, that's, that's, that's it. But, you know, I also focus on, you know, the lasting effect decisions. So, I mean, hopefully that answers that question.

Dave: It answers it perfectly, because it's what came up for you when I asked it, and I and I love taking yourself out of the equation, you know, so often, we don't do things for ourselves. And I can answer why that is, but I'll tell you what, you know, if our granddaughter calls or all our son needs something, or you know, a friend, you know, needs something. That's why accountability and accountability partners are so powerful, because oftentimes we'll do something for somebody else that we won't do for ourselves. And I don't see that as a guide. You know, I don't judge that because we all have that to a certain degree, or have had it. It's a real, it's a real high level, I'd say high awareness and in very, I think it takes work in development to get to a place where we're doing things for ourselves out of self love and self care, you know that that that is that is a real gift if you get to that place. But oftentimes we struggle with that. That's why you know, that's why we end up in the places that we do is because a lot of times we don't feel we deserve better, I guess. But what you're doing is you're putting you're taking yourself out of the equation. I hear that I think that's a tool we could all use, because there's somebody in our lives a lot of times. If we can vocalize our accountability, if we can, I call it making a public declaration. And I think it's a really powerful thing. Because until you make your presence in your purpose vocalized and known as long as it's in here, you can hide from it, and you can quit on it. And nobody will know. Please tell me that everybody who's listening and understands, and it's picking up what I'm putting down, because as long as I keep it inside, as long as I keep it to myself, nobody has to know. Nobody has to know nobody, and nobody can hold me accountable. And then I don't have to answer for anything. You know, in a lot of times, if I can just make the declaration, even if I don't think anybody's listening, what happens is, is now all of a sudden, I feel more accountable, because I see, your is a lot of fantasy, there's over 6500 thoughts our brains make each day. So there's all kinds of thoughts that I have, that you don't know about. And a lot of times those thoughts will shit, you don't want to know about a lot of them, right, but they just come in, and they come out. And it's not really a big deal. My brains just think you know that. So things are not really real when they happen here. That's why mindset work is mostly all bullshit. Because our brain is just it's a muscle, it's just it's a it's a, it's a it's an operating system, it just makes thoughts, right. And that's why only actions in speaking verbalizing something is an action, I take it out of the software, I take it out of the computer, which is just fantasy. And it's just the operating system, it's the code, and I put it out into the real world, I put it down on paper, I make a post in a Facebook group. However, I can make myself accountable and do that public declaration. Like if I say it to my kids, if I say it to my family at the dinner table, ooh, now, that's heavy duty stuff, I've got to be real. That's why on the opposite side, the deepest, most powerful way to heal trauma, to heal things that you know that are haunting us doing our job, is to talk through them. That's how processing works. We process things to make sense of them. And a lot of times we don't process and we're not effective with doing it on our own. We can't, we can't be because the thoughts get jumbled inside of our head. That's why great ideas often happen between two people, or three peoples, why a lot of great partnerships. If you look at any great business, they didn't happen alone, they happened when two people came together. That's how healing happens. That's how breakthroughs happen. That's how ideas start. Because once you get it out of here, it becomes real when you put it out there. So I would just encourage all of you who are listening to make a public declaration today about what you're doing, because that's going to move you closer to your goal is going to make it real, okay, versus just this thing inside of your head. And when you put it out there and you publicly declare it, you write it down, you type it in a Facebook group, you discuss it with somebody, anybody. It makes it real. And now all of a sudden you feel accountable to it, because it's and it's not like one of these things that we do where we sweep it under the rug, that's what we do with a lot of our problems, we just sweep them under the rug, meaning we don't talk about them. So therefore we don't ever believe that they're real when they really are. So Byron, what would you say to somebody who might be considering taking the 15 day challenge or going through our training in joining our community based on your experience, buddy? 

Byron: Yeah, it's a game changer, I highly recommend it. I make it a personal goal. I go and revisit the 15 Day Challenge at least once every few months. Just to refresh on the information but like I said, being a and I've had people ask me that sign up was legendary, you know, isn't worth I'm like, you know, I spent 10 years as a restaurant manager, like I don't have any extended marketing, online business education. Like I can show you how to make burger fries, you know, because that's why I did for 10 years, but going into Legendary the 15 Day Challenge. Was I skeptical at first? Yes, the but spending that $7 has really moved me up, push my needle to the next level in my online like I was able to, you know quit my job and stay self employed because of the systems and the foundations that legendary has provided for me And then you know, I'm just continuously showing up every single day, you know, watching your guys's trainings being active in the community you know it's it's a real game changer and I highly encourage people that they're on the fence you know it's only seven bucks you know you know don't don't be like me like I couldn't started a couple years ago when I said you know, you know I wanted to get out of the restaurant space I'm tired you know I don't want to tiptoe around you know take the plunge make it happen it's changed my life it definitely can change yours. Dave: Yeah, nice man. Well bro you know I'm still sending my best to your family, your children and keep up the fantastic work there in Iowa even though it's minus two degrees brother. You know, maybe we can get you down to an event or something, get some sunshine on your back you can make it a you know, a family vacation or something. Go to take your kids to Disney or something now that you got some extra time and some extra funds coming in. You know what I mean? Those are the kind of cool things that we get to do now. And I hope you'll come back here in a couple of months and keep us posted on your journey. 

Byron: I would absolutely love that. 

Dave: Alright, Byron will have a fantastic Monday my brother and I will send everybody to give you the following connect with you on TikTok and Instagram. And stay legendary my brother Bye. Take care. See you later. Alright, my friends. You can go and give Byron a follow at @byronpringleofficial. And I think I feel like I say this on so many different episodes. But these shows are like such a gift, even to me to be able to sit through people’s stories and their strategies and what they did to be able to get started and have success. I mean, the reason why these are so powerful, even for me, is because as complicated and as advanced as you think that you need to be, you don't. And if you never leave the basics, you never have to come back to the basics. And the basics are what make you money. Everything else is a distraction. And a lot of times, the more successful we get, the more years in this business we get, we start adding tons of shit to our plate that we don't need. And if you don't leave the basics, you don't have to come back to them. One of the basics for me is listening to people's stories every morning, listening to their strategies about how they got started. And you know, there's always a theme, and it's, you know what, I really started embracing the basics of being consistent with focusing on traffic, a focus on value generation of turning my pains and my struggles into my strengths. So if you're not yet, sign up to our text message list to get a text message. Look, there's not even anything for sale. For God's sake, I want to sell something. But all I have for you is to sign up to the text message list. Text WUL to (813)-296-8553. Just to get a little simple text message reminder about when we go live every morning. And you want to take things to the end, get in there, especially if you're going through the challenge right now. And take action and our business blueprints, get deeper with more accountability into our community. Put a little skin in the game. Take your education seriously. Invest in yourself for maybe the first time ever or in a long time. You deserve it, you're worth it. And the majority of the people that you see who have come through this process, all of them have taken their education seriously. It's a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things. So be Legendary my friends, get out of here, and we'll see you for another episode tomorrow at 10am Eastern Time. Peace.

The Do’s & Don’ts For a New Affiliate Marketer In 2022

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends this is Dave Sharpe, welcome to Wake Up Legendary and as you can see from the description today recovering addict now has fast growing digital biz all right all right my kind of guy, welcome to the show brother.

Brendan: Thank you, how’s it going?

Dave: Good brother, good, where are you calling in from?

Brendan: New Jersey

Dave: Okay that's where my wife's from she's from the hills the name of the city that she's from anyway she's from Jersey, Morristown.

Brendan: Morristown is close it's like 20 minutes away

Dave: Yeah, well, that's cool, man. That's cool. So what led you online and what would you do or what else do you do? And what ultimately led you here and how did you find us? 

Brendan: So let's see how far back I should go.  I used to work in construction. So I got right out of high school and went into construction jobs and made decent money. But it was kind of a job that I can bounce back and forth in because I struggled with addiction issues for years. But I always liked it. I always had trouble holding a job. Not because like I don't work hard because I do, but more because like I was just something very unfulfilling about working for like a grocery store, which I worked at or doing construction just like I was doing like the same thing over and over not really contributing anything great to the world. So something very unfulfilling. And that kind of added to my addiction in a way when I look in hindsight at it, um, but I think it was I was 25 now so I think it was 22 when I found affiliate marketing, which almost three years ago at this point, but it kind of because of issues I was struggling with I bounced in and out but it just kind of seemed like I mean it's it's a great concept. It seemed it was something I was really interested in. It's something I've bounced back and forth with but because I was in and out of life, you could say cuz I was a delinquent growing up. I didn't really get serious with it until about a year and a half, maybe two years ago. And when I started, it was kind of just like the two options I presented with it was like, make a blog and wait six months and rank in Google and do all this kind of stuff, or learn how to run ads. So I chose the ad method thinking it would be easy so I didn't really know anything about it. So I had learned for free exactly no extra money. So it was like YouTube University, watching videos, Google stuff, sift through that information, that kind of stuff. And eventually learn how to run ads. So fortunately, I've been able to kind of not work a job for the past year and a half, two years. But like it's not it was never consistent. Like so like it's either like I'm doing really well and I can make really good money or like, not make really good money at all and it depends on how much money you have to actually jump in advertising every single month. So I kind of wanted to do something that wasn't relying on that. That made money without like, the investment like having to put down $1,000 to get 2000 or 3000 or whatever it was. So that was about three months ago, when I decided to create my Tiktok and do this organically. Which led me to you guys and actually found you guys by accident. I was watching a video. I forget who I forget whose video it was on YouTube and there was a little thing in the description where it said learn how to use tic toc to generate leads and link to second free leads. Is that what it's called? Yeah, it was the length of 15 second free leads and I kind of joined in this was a while ago so maybe like eight months ago. I just kind of threw you guys on the backburner. But I was always like TikTok when people would talk about TikTok because I guess it’s for kids and people dance on it. It's weird. You know what I mean? But I didn't realize how fast you could really use it to build a following and to get leads and monetize. It's fast because I was gonna go the YouTube route. When I decided I wanted to build a personal brand and put my face on the internet and do all this stuff. Um, but I mean, my youtube channel is still growing but it's very slow. My TikTok just kind of exploded. 

Dave: That's cool, man, there are a lot of similarities in our story there for sure.

Brendan: Yeah, I was rough. I was bad when I was younger. At first I didn't want to tell people where I came from what I've been through but I get a lot of it especially now as I'm growing on TikTok and more people are seeing my stuff. I get a lot of like, oh, well, you could do it, but like I can't, you know, I mean like I can't figure that stuff out. And I'm just kind of like, dude, like if you knew me when I was 19, 20, 21 You asked like the people around me my own family. Like they would have had negative things to say about me like I was not I was a degenerate. I did not make good decisions. I never held down a job. Everything about my life was chaotic. Right and I feel like if I'm able to do this, anyone that wants to do this can do it as well. But it's like that's that's that's just that's that's why I decided to share my story. I kind of sometimes feel like it has a negative connotation to it, but I really don't care at this point. Because I'm so far from it.

Dave: Interesting, you're 25 I mean, you're the same exact age that I started in this business and started really opening up about that around in my history. You know, on the streets and you know in and out of jail and you know, get Yeah, just just really brutal stuff. Yeah, and I was very much so afraid. My wife just peeked around at your face. He said that you kind of look like me when I was 25. But yeah, I mean, the thing that I think is worth noting for everybody listening is that what I did, what I'm sure you've done Brendan is you realize that you're a survivor. In order to get through those circumstances, you had to have a certain savvy survival skill. And now we use that. I mean I realized I was a great marketer. I was out there involved in lots of, you know, business that was not, you know, particularly above board. You know, I mean sure that I was, you know, I was hustling and making sure I was always fed and I was on my own when I left home at 14. You know, so I had been surviving and hustling for 10 years by the time I got clean and started on in this business. And so what I did was I realized I was a better marketer than I thought I knew, because I had been marketing and selling and doing business now may not have been above board. The truth is, I had quite the hustle in quite the salesmanship, and quite the survivorship. All those skills are already developed and I simply use them for good and to be productive instead of using them for illegal activities and for activities that were going to get me thrown in jail. Right and what I think my message to everybody listening who can't relate to that exact story is look back on your life and think about all the things that you have survived. Think about the childhood that you survived, think about the relationships that you survived, think about jobs that you survived, in certain situations, traumatic situations that you that you survived, you use specific survival skill sets, whether it be hustling, whether it be whatever it was to get through that situation. And so a lot of us come into this and we're like, I don't know if I can do this and it's like, well, look at the shit you've already done. Look at the shift that you've already gotten through and survive. You can make a couple of fucking videos and post them on TikTok and in it's like, Get over yourself. Right? You already survived so much shit. Why are you even doubting yourself right now? You know what I mean?

Brendan: A lot of people do that. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know necessarily what that comes in. For me. It was so going through in and out of jail. Going to rehab stuff like that. I heard a lot I had to forcefully sit through a lot of na before I took on anything that they were saying to me. So I always say relating to what you just said that if you took 10% of what you put in like your addiction and doing the things you had to do. You can do incredible things in life, I think it was 10% that was something they always throw around but it's it's a good concept because it's like that's that's how I kind of got away it wasn't so much to programs and stuff like that it was more of like taking my energy and directing it towards something positive because I have like this drive when I do something and I want to do it and I want to do it best and I want to succeed at the highest level. It's just naturally in me.

Dave: Anybody who's at least listening to this show, and I don't think it's every human being because there are some true lazy slobs in this world to do anything and everything to do nothing. But I mean they will work their ass off trying to do nothing. It's actually kind of kind of a hard route and they would have to work exactly what I know there is only who's involved in this community I believe absolutely has that gene and as that DNA in them, that when we put our mind to something we will get obsessed about it and we will you know because most people this is not their first business that they've tried this is like their 50th. And it’s like why haven’t you quit yet?  Because you're an obsessed crazy son of a bitch who just hasn't taken hasn't been in the right environment where somebody just shoots you straight and says look, the shits gonna take six months to a year. To really take off. You need to focus and be consistent. And you need to change a lot about yourself not just thinking that the business model is going to change your life but you need to change you to change your life as your business grows. And I think that's one of the reasons why we have a lot of people succeeding in this community is because we're not just prop we're not just saying well the business will fix you in the business will fix your life. No, you need to see that you rise, you fix your as you grow your business, you need to fix you. You need to look at what are the things that have been holding you back. What is the mic? I just gave this great example on the deck and it just kicked off. I said just simply the way that we speak to ourselves. And I asked all the ladies on the webinar I said, ladies, a lot of us we call ourselves newbies. I'm a newbie and we act like newbies. If we call ourselves a newbie then we act like a newbie. A newbie reacts reserved, is scared to take action, is timid and says I'm not ready to post videos and market yet. And what if you were to say, a Legendary event and we were all standing around in a circle and you are right there ladies. Another lady walked out because ladies are in competition with ladies and guys are in competition with guys. So another lady walked up and she said and she said, well how are you doing newbie? What would you say women? If some lady walked up and just looked over at you and said how you doing newbie? Are you just a newbie around here? How would you feel, how would you act, number some fightin words and then right there say hell no. You know what I mean? And the same would go for a guy like if somebody just came up to you saying we're all standing around in a circle at a Legendary event. And and and somebody was like what's up newbie?  So I mean, mindset to me in you said a lot of people do that don't recognize that they have skills and have survived a lot of shit and because we've got we've got so many different behaviors that that that are sort of ingrained in us that that are sort of debilitating and self sabotaging behaviors that make us stop make a second guess make us indecisive. And one of them is, you know, how we talk to ourselves. And so, you know, I say to people as you're going through as you're building your business as you're taking action, one way to work on your mindset simultaneously is to pay attention to how you talk to yourself. And if you talk to yourself in a negative way, and if you describe yourself to others in a not so positive way, you know, like talking down to yourself. Then, you know, that's a place to focus because you will act exactly how you'd speak about yourself. You know, you're not going to say I'm you know, another way to say I'm a newbie is I'm just getting started but I'm cranking, right. I mean, you got to speak into existence, what you want to happen right now. I think that's a simple way to store to begin to, to, you know, take different actions and sort of believe in yourself, even when you don't really believe in yourself or when you're second guessing. So what are some of the things that you do and tell yourself that that has helped or what goes on inside of your head because a lot of this game as we know is mindset. So what are they with you specifically? Or is there something else also that you focus on? 

Brendan: Of course, my biggest recently in the past year or two is just kind of what I look at like, because a lot of people think like I can't do that where I just kind of remove that, from my mind completely. Like I can't do that yet. You know what I mean? Because it's kind of like and I tell people all the time because you see like, like Results may vary how we do this, like you might not do the same but like build a business like this, especially with one that has low startup costs, and you're not dumping a ton of money into it. You're making TikTok videos or YouTube videos or you're writing a blog because it's only a matter of time before you start to see results. Right? Like you're not going to do this for a year and post videos on it and nothing is gonna happen. So it's not like I don't limit myself to really anything and it works out a lot better. I think with the mindset the mindset stuff is tricky because a lot of people that are in this and entrepreneurs they think it's a bunch of bullshit, like I'm gonna talk about mindset for an hour. You know what I mean? But it is kind of like the first step and kind of the foundation that you build your business on because we don't think you can do it you're not going to do and like speaking into existence stuff that that stuff really works. And it took me a while to buy into it as well. Just look at stuff like I'm not going to quit until this happens because it's going to happen. It might take me more work than it took him or her and that's the other thing. I don't compare myself to anybody. I don't know. I think people tend to do that a lot. I kind of just look at what I'm doing, where I want to go and how many get there instead of like, like maybe look at how someone else did it for inspiration, but I kind of understand now that my path is unique. And like I have to do what I have to do to get there so I don't really compare myself and that's kind of how I look at it.

Dave: Yeah, that's great. Comparisonitis is another killer. I mean,

Brendan: Yeah, it's bad. You can do that all day.. 

Dave: Yeah. And there's a lot of places to do it. I mean, you can do it everywhere all day. And you can it's very insidious too because I can tell myself Well, I'm just doing research, right. But it's hard to not get sucked into either whatever the person's marketing that you're researching, because they're probably a pretty good marketer. So, first thing that you could potentially get sucked into is their marketing and the second thing is, is beginning to talk down to yourself, and you begin back going back to what we just said, which is how you talk about yourself, saying, Oh, I can never be like this person, or here's another one that I think is very, very common. Well, people are already saying what I'm going to say so why would I say it right? Who's gonna listen to me? There's hundreds already out here that are saying the same thing that I'm going to say. Why would anybody want to listen to it from me? Right. And that's another way that we sabotage our success.

Brendan: There's a million excuses, I see them all day. But if you go through TikTok, you type in hashtag, affiliate marketing or digital marketing, what you just said proves false. There's 10,000 people making the exact same content and they all have to be making something because they continue to do it every day. Um, what I what I personally did and I think that's why I've been able to pick up so quickly and even though I mean my accounts, not huge, but I've I've sold a lot of stuff for an account with like, 10,000 followers that kind of look for like, a hole in the market. I'm in, like, kinda like, like, you'd say, like a red ocean inside of a blue ocean. Like I kind of look like, okay, everybody's doing this. Then I'm reading through the comments and I'm like, what, like, people don't like these aspects of what they're doing. So let me appeal to these people that already know about the business are already interested, but are just turned off by the majority the majority of the content that they're seeing, and I've been able to attract people that don't even have to do much talking to right people that might even already know about legendary, some promote, like, people that already know about the business they already know. But they're hesitant because of a lot of nonsense or whatever they're seeing they don't like, right? And if I can just appeal to those people, they're very easy customers and very easy people to deal with.

Dave:  I think nowadays, there's so much to learn in C about your target customer. You really don't look very far. I mean, back in a certain day if we wanted to learn if we were, if we were writing copy and trying to market which thank God we weren't because I mean, you talk about sucks. You talk about failure rates. I mean, think about the 60s or the 50s. Being 25 and wanting to start a business I mean, your options are so limited, and if you wanted to be a marketer and you wanted to write copy and use your words and in marketing to persuade people and you'd have to write a damn letter, send it out to a specific zip code, you know, for them to savor it and put it in the newspaper or whatever. And, you know, you know nowadays it's, it's so much it's so much easier to to learn about your audience. You know, you just mentioned something that was so easy. And it just was going and reading comments and events, looking at what people are doing in those comments. What are they saying and what are their objections? And right then and there in that little bit of time. You are learning so much about your target customer. That, I mean, just, I think sometimes, Brendan it's so easy. It is. You know what I mean? When it's sort of like it's sort of like back when we were in, you know, when we are in barbaric times and before modern society, we had to go out there and work our asses off for our food. We had to go out there and hunt and farm and walk miles and ride horses and all this kind of shit. And now we just, you know, and obesity was probably not that much of an issue. 

Brendan: It was probably non-existent. 

Dave: And now, it's like we got sugar. We got McDonald's on every corner. I mean, things are so convenient. I mean, it's a lot easier to be fat when you're rich. That I mean that's one we can eat good food, you know, but I'm just saying that to make my own dad bod fat ass feel better. But I mean, the truth is, that you know, marketing online is actually easier than it's ever been. Now, and and because people don't have anything to contrast it against. They just fall into that, oh, this is so hard. I can't do it. And it really is so much easier. And you describe some of those things that you were doing before you were blown away by what's actually possible with platforms like TikTok?

Brendan: Absolutely. Absolutely. Um, it's like, and I know it's not gonna last forever, because like, at some point, Instagram was like that, but TikToks like man can make a new account.

Dave: And what if there's a new platform that's 10 times better? That's the thing, it probably will be.

Absolutely I have full trust there will be there's always been I've always had that same thought that you do too. And it has a little bit to do with my past where I'm always looking in the mirror. The rearview mirror. I'm always thinking, oh fuck, this isn't the last the other shoes gonna drop other shoe to drop? That paranoid mentality that it's going to go away? And there's always a new opportunity.

Brendan: Oh, yeah. And that's usually the place to be a new opportunity. I mean, if it wasn't for TikTok I would have started a YouTube channel and I probably wouldn't be where I am as fast as I got there. Because it's just like when I see this happen all the time I talk to people they got brand new accounts, they post like three videos and all of a sudden they got 2000 followers. It's like unheard of before TikTok and they didn't realize that I used to trash it like my fiance was on TikTok. Like get off that app. It's making you stupid. You know what I mean? Like fast paced like she has no attention span. You can't show her something that's more than like 30 seconds. She's just like, doesn't want to see it because she's scrolling on TikTok, but it's a goldmine, man.

Dave: It's interesting. It's interesting seeing you know, all these traffic gurus and all these big time marketers now popping up saying, you know, you got to get on TikTok and it's like, you know, we've been on TikTok for damn near two years now. People are just continuing to exploit it and, and getting their piece of the pie and taking that same content that they're creating on TikTok and just run it through Snaptik or whatever and then just repurposing that content over and over and over on the YouTube shorts. And even on their Facebook story.

Brendan: Facebook's got reels now to oh, do it on Instagram. It gives you the check if it says they put it on Facebook to OSHA. Well, they're all trying to compete with tick tock and that's the short form video period right now is through the roof you post I mean, even Pinterest. I get like 200,000 impressions on Pinterest every month without even posting that much stuff because they're all pushing short form videos. 

Dave: They know that users are getting shorter and shorter attention spans

Brendan: That's what's going on. I see it and people around me I'm like, check this out. Anyone want to watch a 45 second video? Like they just don't have, like they're already trying to find the next thing it's changing the way marketing is going to be and are not going to watch longer videos and read long form sales letters and stuff like that. 

Dave: Well believe, you know, I have all I've said that too. I mean, but the truth is, people are still watching sales videos. They're doing webinars. And I think the challenge is that initial hook. I think it's getting that hook inside out and getting bitten down on it. And actually get a little bit invested in something and or for them to come back to it like you said you did remember, so you'll they'll buy it quick and then they'll go back out into the the ocean swimming around and be like Damn that hook that was in my mouth and that boat that I was on it was actually kind of warm and cozy and legit. Let me go back and check that out. See if there's something to that. And, you know, then they'll get back involved in going through the training and so forth. But we know one thing for a fact is that is that short for content like you set out to get that initial hook in them. It is where you got to be right now. And even on TikTok going with the shorter videos to get the email address. The other thing that's really important is if you can get somebody to follow you and or get on your email address from your short form content. You know, you're really those are the people who are winning because then you can follow up with them via email and you get them to follow you. I saw a guy the other day that posted a video that says here's six ways here's six gun companies. He was sitting in his, you know, his house out in the middle of the woods, you can tell he was a second amendment guy, you know, and, you know, how does America guy and so forth and was so obviously that was probably the audience, people who were also attracted to his stuff. And he said, Well, here's six gun companies that'll pay you to, you know, to market and put their products and he listed out six gun companies, and you had 1.1 million views. On the video within two or three days. Crazy. It was just a 15 second video where he didn't say a single word he played a country music song in the background. 15 second video where he did not say a word. Yes, it wasn't something that he sat there in bullshit around with for hours and hours overthinking and there's so many many videos together real quick. And then three minutes, three days had 1.1 million followers on views on his channel and had like 30,000 followers, you know, it's just it's insanity. I mean, it's like the crack epidemic. You know, I mean, all of a sudden, just one day the game changed. You know, people are just the whole country's mess. I mean, it's like, it's like that in the marketing world for people for brand new people. And what's happened is, is all the, you know, the coaches and consultants and the gurus are struggling out there right now in great years because they're, they're not moving with the market and moving with the times, and they're there and everybody's still trying to make Facebook ads only work and you got to be diversified nowadays. Taking advantage of some of these platforms that will get you off the ground fast, like TikTok, Instagram reels, Pinterest. So what would you tell yourself now or to anybody who's brand new, based on what you know?

Brendan: What I would tell anybody that's brand new, um, I think so. I mean, first of all, it's never been easier than right now. To start a marketing business like it's never been easier and that's the thing like a lot of people talking about TikTok because it's really like, like anybody you can make an account you post some videos, maybe you'll grow slower. Maybe you'll explode but it's comparable to like, when I found out about this business. It was like learning ads, which takes takes a long time or create a blog and wait a year for your authority and your rankings and backlink your site on 1000 different websites like and what I always tell people because I get a lot of people that messaged me and asked me questions just just start making content on platforms like TikTok platforms like Pinterest just it takes 10 minutes. I mean, I could post three videos in 10 minutes like there's really no excuse I get oh, I work full time or this or that. I mean even if you put up a video a day, that will take you five whole minutes. Like it's really like it's not as complicated as it used to be. I mean I make YouTube. It takes me four hours to make a YouTube video between editing and splicing stuff out and like adding B roll and doing all this stuff. That's a complicated process. But like now, I mean, I see him pop up. I see new affiliates pop up every day. They got 200 Flowers two days later, and I saw that their videos got 30,000 views. One video with 30,000 views starts a whole chain reaction. I mean, TikTok three months ago I got 2000 some email leads. I got 1000s and 1000s of dollars that those accounts made. It's nuts and like in hindsight, like if I started any other way I wouldn't probably be where I'm at. I mean I started my YouTube channel at the same time I got a couple 100 subscribers but now also, I'm starting to use TikTok to grow my YouTube channel because they let you put your channel on the YouTube button right next to your profile and you could just send people there

and they don't have to really need you to to

If people see my videos I can just use my bigger TikTok account with further reach and send people and it kinda makes it all it's like the driving force of my entire business.

Dave: What would you say to people based on some of your other experience with gurus and goblins and courses and everything else out there YouTube university about going through and taking the time and the money to at least spend $7 and go through our 15 Day Challenge?

Brendan: Well there's a lot of nonsense first of all, unfortunately, there's a lot of people out there that want to bait you into watching their stuff and sell you something without help me in any sort of way. It's unfortunate, but there's a lot of nonsense. So what I tell people is I think basically what it'll come down to is you're gonna invest a lot of time or you're gonna have to invest some money right that's that's kind of a you're investing regardless if you want to spend 10s and hundreds of hours sifting through YouTube videos and Google because you don't have the money and that's what you have to do. It took me forever but a money investment will just get you the right information, which if I had the money when I started, that's what I would have done. I've done it since then, where I bought into different things just so I don't have to then again 10s hundred hours finding the right information, deciding who's full of it. And who knows what they're talking about. Sometimes you get it wrong, you get that information, but unfortunately there's a lot of nonsense. There's a lot of people that take advantage of markets. There's a lot of clickbait but that's just how it is. The reason I rolled with you guys is because not only do you have training top of the line, but it's like the community behind Legendary is something you don't see very often. You look at a lot of these other people running courses and stuff. It's just a lot of like, you know, there's no real community or the community is like behind a paywall like $2,000 and nobody knows anything about it until they get in where it's like, I don't know, but people just they just come in a Legendary. You guys are letting people in for the next and often and giving them everything they need to start. I don't really see that anywhere else. And again, I stumbled on you guys by accident. But yeah, that's kind of what I get is it comes down you're gonna invest time or you're gonna invest money. If you don't have the money then you don't really have a choice but yeah, for $7 you can't really go wrong.

Dave: Yeah, and I think the community piece is undervalued simply because of the opportunity to be able to tap into other people, see what they're doing, and hear so many success stories like what were we to do to show everything? It's like if you need belief, and if you need to instantly boost your belief in your ability to be successful in this business just watch the show five days a week for a month. Just Just watch the show five days a week for a month here person after person with no bullshit with no pre-scripting. No, you know, we got on and I joke to you that we were alive. We weren't really then we went alive. You know? There's no bullshit. There's no pre-scripting. There's no I don't even talk I don't even know who the hell I'm talking to until I literally log on. And I see I read a little bit of what you sent us in our little questionnaire. Sometimes I don't even have a chance to read that because I'm coming off of another call or something. I'm just like, holy shit reading it as I'm welcoming the person to the show or whatever you know. So if you don't believe you can be successful in this business. Watch this show for a couple of weeks. to people's stores or go back you want to do you want to even have to wait a month. The weekend is coming up. Go back and look at the last previous 20 episodes and watch them. You could do it in a day. You could if you wanted to just binge on it and your belief level in your ability to be successful. This will skyrocket because you will be listening to people who are just like you who look like you. You can even scroll back through months and months and find people that look exactly like you who are the exact same age because we got a wide range of diversity and every walk of life. Every race, every culture, damn near every continent. Brendan: Yeah, it's cool. This is cool. It's like a case study every day. Most people you don't see this. You guys do like a case study five days a week. Yeah, we got a different person that comes on and they're doing good and everybody's different. I mean, I see people from all walks of life, people from Africa, Nigeria, they're all over the place. Right and got the dude from Iceland I just saw on TikTok the other day. It's doing phenomenal like they're all over. So like, this business is exploding. Maybe it's the pandemic, I don't know what happened, but it's like an uptake in like us, maybe it's the market.

Dave: I'll give you the masterful hook of the first quarter. Of 2022 and beyond. When you get sent home and you're deemed non essential, right? And then they tell you when they tell you, we'll take care of you and they send you a shitty $1,200 check, that you can't do anything that buy toilet paper that's not even actually on the shelves. You're not gonna feed your kids. You're not gonna pay your rent or your mortgage. And now all of a sudden you're left to your own devices you're asking if it's humble real quick. And you say hold on a second, maybe what I believe the past 20 or 30 years about is just be a good little boy. Be a good little girl, get good grades, get a good job, go to work, you know, be there on time, right? Don't listen. Yes boss. Yes boss. Yes boss and all this stuff, you know, pension, you know, retirement. Maybe all that shit isn't the only way. Maybe I was deceived somewhere along the lines of them when they started asking me what college do you want to go to? What do you want to be when you grow up? And most of us were only given one option. And if we did anything besides go to college, graduate high school and go to college and then get a corporate job. We weren't on the right. You know, and now all of a sudden something happens where all those same people who told us that we needed to be on that track suddenly deem us non essential in sending us home don't make your ass think that'll make your ass be open to opportunity.

Brendan: That's what I did. It makes a lot of sense. A No it's fine. It's fine. A lot of my friends went to college, they're in debt. I feel like even though I dealt with a lot of trials and tribulations along the way, I'm in a better spot than my friends who went to college for four years and four years plus and got degrees that are useless and all this kind of stuff. I mean, if you want to be a doctor and you want to be a lawyer you go to college. That's what you got to do. But if you're not sure and you pick a random major a lot of times it's useless. I got a buddy with a sociology degree. What the hell are you going to do with a sociology degree? Nothing isn't done with it. I don't think I'm better off than what I did.  They like to let people do that. Oh, yeah, you get you get your sociology degree,

Dave: I just saw somebody recently that I know get a degree in social media, a master's degree. And I'm like, why don't I need a book. You could have spent $7 You know, or at the very least $2500 if you're really serious, and to our Blueprints, and you know, really save yourself a couple of couple of 50 or $100,000 in my mind, choose your life, you know, before you can get started and then you got to what, you know, go take an internship and all this. Look, I think that we've permanently turned a corner. It'll be fit, it'll be I don't think anybody's ever going to forget this in me as a marketer. You be damn sure. I'm never gonna let anybody forget this. Right? I'm never gonna let up because that's what savvy marketers do is you use time and you use events in situations to frame things for people so they can see the pain that they may or may not be feeling.  Why should they take action in pursuing what you're marketing in the value in the solutions that you have. So this is a critical time not only with the platforms, but also with what's happening in the market in the world, that the hooks in the way that you can frame things to people is man it's unlike anything that we've ever seen before. It's just and I remember having to use back in 2009 You know, angles like that weren't that weren't nearly as potent or powerful, you know, like the similar angles but I didn't have it actually just happen you know. It was more like, what if this ever happens? Which people would get scared and take action like yeah, maybe I do need to have a plan B. But recently, they just actually got set home in case some really bad shit did just happen. 

Brendan:  You don't have to paint a picture. It's already painting. Pictures are already at home. So it's all the more reason right now. Everybody needs to go super hard because everybody's in such current pain right now that they'll be a lot more open than any other time in history. 

Dave: Absolutely. My brother, been good chatting and let me know if there's anything that I can do for you. 

Brendan: For sure. I appreciate the invite.

Dave: We'll talk to you soon, buddy. And take care.

You guys can follow Brendan over on his Tik Tok at Brendan Sawyer official. I'm going to spell that out in case you're listening to this on the podcast or anything. @Brendansawyerofficial. You can go and follow him, comment on his stuff, like his stuff, lift him up, support him. That's one of the things that we do here for each other inside of this community, is we show each other support, comment on each other's stuff, lift each other's stuff up, like it, you know, show show everybody support. Sure. A lot of times we want to go we want to reach out to people and get in the DMS and that's fine. But also make sure that we don't just take that as a contributing gift to others in this community because again, the more that I put out there, the more energy the more value the more goodwill that I put out there into the community and into the marketplace. The more is going to come back to me. Remember, as we said, five days a week, rain, sun, shine, holiday doesn't matter. And you can text. I get the reminder, I'm on the text list also, every morning you can text the letters WUL 281-329-6855 30. And we'll send you a little reminder each morning about when we go live with a link to join. My friends have a fantastic Friday, do something powerful to move into your weekend. And this might be one of those episodes that you go back and listen to again. There was a lot of value that was dropped and a lot of angle specific content on this call about what language you can use and angles you can use based on what's going on today. That will work really well. inside of your content. You have to put people in their face, no matter what market or what niche you're in. You have to put people's pain in their face. You gotta remind them they'll forget they want to forget they want to escape it. But the truth of the matter is they're on TikTok, they're on Instagram, they're on Pinterest in the first place to escape it. So if they go there and you remind them of it right in an educational way, entertained, feel edutainment, you remind them of it then boom, you're hooked. You're hooked. So use what's going on in this world in this marketplace, not to be a victim of it, but to capitalize off of it. Right and to market further yourself, in your life and in your business. Okay, it's all about painting a picture for people and reminding them of their pain and what's going on and why they should take action. So you get out of here have a great day. Be Legendary peace.

The Trick To Going Live On TikTok

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Hello everybody, welcome to another edition of Wake Up Legendary. My name's Matt if you don't know me, I host on Wednesdays. I'm the CMO here at legendary and we've got another awesome guest. If you're newer to our community if you're newer to our world, you can tune in to these episodes every single day, Monday through Friday at 10am Eastern and when we go live, we bring on a guest, somebody from our community, maybe it's an affiliate of ours, maybe it's just somebody who's out there and getting results with our training. But basically the goal is to bring you into their world and to show you inspirational stories of people who are entrepreneurial. Some of them aren't really even all that entrepreneurial. So I just happened to stumble upon this because they lost their job or, like Amanda, quit their job, and I'm excited to hear her story and how she got started online. So Amanda, what's happening? 

Amanda: Hi, how's everyone? Everyone's good today?

Matt: Awesome. Where are you currently calling in from?

Amanda: So I'm from Massachusetts, and I'm just sitting at home trying to stay away from the kids.

Matt: Awesome. Very cool. So I thought one of the interesting things and for those of you who are maybe tuning in for the first time or a little newer, I thought one interesting thing about your story and your questionnaire we have all of our guests fill out a questionnaire that that basically gives us a little bit of Intel or just introduces us to you. And you said that you quit your job earlier this summer in 2020 or 2021. And you started the challenge around the same day so I could tell you how you quit your job and how you found legendary and why you decided to quit your job. And then how legendary fit into that whole puzzle, I guess.

Amanda: Well, let me tell a little backstory. I've been at the same job for about 15 years. It was a residential home for Teen Girls. And these were troubled teens, so it wasn't always easy to deal with. And for I would say 10 or 12 of those 15 years I was struggling with what I want to do with my life. Do I want to go to school? What kind of career do I want and I can never think of anything that I was passionate about to do. But I was so stressed out at work. No, it was my life. It was just a lot of stress and then summer. They were changing my position a little bit and I wasn't appreciating it very much. And I was on vacation. And my friends like oh, you're going to go camping with us at the end of the year. Oh yeah, I'll go and say well, what happens if you have to work is that I'll quit. And how easy it was to say, I sent my boss an email right then that I won't come back after vacation. Have a nice life, basically.  And then I say a couple days before I actually quit I was just browsing on TikTok and I came across Legendary. I didn't even know what it was. I never heard of it before. I quit my job. So it was kind of like this serendipity thing, but when I did I really had to do something. I can't just sit here and I don't want to go back to work at some other job I'm not happy with either. So let me give this feel good try and see where it goes. That's what I did. I just dove into it. And I spent as much effort as I could. I continue to learn and grow so I'm happy.

Matt: Yeah for sure. When you first liked to purchase the challenge had you purchased anything like this before? Like, but I mean, have you ever considered making money on the internet? Like is that a thing? Have you ever tried anything like that?

Amanda: The only things that I had tried were things like Etsy or Redbubble and because I'm an artist, I like to draw, I like to paint and do all those things. And I thought well someone might like my stuff, but the problem is no one ever saw my stuff. You know what I mean? get locked in it. So I never really made more than a handful of dollars. You know,

Matt: Like you have this great product but it's like who's getting How do I get people's eyeballs

on it? 

Amanda: Exactly. one more picture and a whole list of other pictures and

Matt: Yeah. So I feel I kind of feel like the that's like the I mean, this isn't meant to be like a shot of you or anything but like the starving artists thing, which is like, Hey, I've got this great product, but like how do I actually market it and put it in front of people and like, get sales basically. So you started he sold some stuff on Etsy and then you sort of made the shift or made the turn to trying to sell stuff online, social media and stuff like that. What's that process been like?

Amanda: Basically, it's trying to figure out my schedule and learning what it is I need to do and how to do it. Because there's no really one way to do it and it's different for everybody. So I'm trying to find my groove and how I want to do it. And how I want to come across to people and I'm still working on that.

Matt: Of course, you know, we don't even we don't even expect people to come on this to be like, I've got this master you know, it's like people who come on the show or like, are like pretty new like pretty brand new to this thing. And that's the cool part. Like that's exciting to me.  How long have you been on TikTok? What's that? What's that journey of getting on TikTok and posting videos been like, like what's the last six months been like?

Amanda: Well before I quit my job. All the girls that my work would have TikTok and I would hear it all the time and I kind of in the back of my head like to make fun of them. Like this is what you do all day. Like go on. TikTok and my friends' video Yeah. My friend sent me this video and I couldn't watch it until I downloaded TikTok. I'm like alright, let me see what this is all about. Try didn't I just know as I call three hours, four hours later, I'm often TikTok.

Matt: I have a buddy who told me that he's like the first time that I downloaded TikTok. I was on it for six hours and I had to delete the app. The first time I felt so out of control I just had to go and actually delete the app.

Amanda: Yeah, it gets very addicting. But yeah, but that's how I found Legendary just saw these people like oh, I made this money or you know, I'm living this lifestyle and it just kept catching my attention and I didn't bind on to it right away. But since I stopped walking I was like, You know what, let me see what this is all about.

Matt: Super cool. And what I mean when you did that, how long ago was that? And then also what's what's your what's your I mean, do you create a certain amount per day or do you like maybe take a day or two off here or there or how do you go about that like how do you plan and structure that or do you?

Amanda: That's something I'm still working on. I first started. I want to say I started around the same time you guys did the Instagram challenge. That was probably like my first week. So that was back in August. I want to say yes to something then I think then I was posted like four or five times and then things slowed down for me a little bit so I was only posting like three times a day. Then I saw some other people here talking about how they post like eight times a day and they're just getting tons of results when you try to post eight times a day is a little bit too much for me. So now I'm trying to keep it around six or so. I will try to create them in batches. I'll write as much as I can. I'll record as many as I can and so what I'm looking for as much as I can and that day and then put them out and whatever I have left over I can save. Yeah, it is a lot for one day. I do try to create them in batches. I will save them and take a couple days off because I'm burnt out from the other days you know, I will have those days and always try to keep extra in my drafts. Wait, something comes up. I'm not stressing out thinking oh, I can't do this because I have to make a video or no it's just easier to have extras in your drafts.

Matt: Totally is. Here's an interesting thing. Have you ever tried reposting your most popular video?

Amanda: I have tried taking the same video that has already been posted. Take it from my gallery, whatever's in my camera, you know, and repost that that doesn't work for me. But if I redo the videos, yeah, they will if I resell them over.

Matt: Yeah, okay, cool. Yeah, I've had a couple people in our community. One guy Spencer, who  reposted the same video about creating kids books on Amazon Kindle. And he posted it once and then posted it like two more times. And the same exact video. All the caption said was this video did Will's the first time and he got like million views the first time he got another million the next time and then like 500,000 The next time and it was like and I was just blown away by that it was because it's such an easy way to repurpose content, but I do kind of feel like I do kind of feel like it's it's a really good idea to do that re record thing. But I think what people don't realize is that if somebody finds me three months ago, and somebody new finds me, Person B finds me three months later, like let's say they found me yesterday. This person probably didn't see all this content three months ago and saying and they probably won't scroll and create six a day, which by the way, that is insane. That is really impressive. But, you know, I just think that people, what happens is they look back and they'll be like, Oh, I made that video already. I did that like five months ago. I did that four months ago. And I think that people who are creating content should just realize like, there's a lot of people who have joined or senior or became a follower of yours who have not seen that and would probably do really well again and generate you a whole handful of followers and leads and engagement again, you know what I mean?

Amanda: Oh, yeah, that's definitely a good idea. And I do utilize that. I'll go through my roles and I'll see like, oh, this video did really well. Let me see if I could recreate it. I haven't quite figured out how to repost them and get views because I don't know TikTok doesn’t like it when I do that. 

Matt: The case might be that something the case might be that they've updated their algorithm to not do that. The growth of that quite as much anymore so that could be the case, but also, now, I don't know. I mean, I've seen people take basically the same Yo, this girl who was on yesterday, her name is Camila and she'll record the same video twice. Like back to back. She'll post one to one channel and she'll post one to the other channel. And she'll and she said this multiple times, like, you know, on a random day one might get like 50,000 views and then on the other account, it might get 200 views and the exact same video so it's like you're dealing with a lot of different things when you post content and sometimes people get too hard on themselves, because you might just be dealing with might just be dealing with the time of day that you post you might be dealing with the algorithm you might be dealing with. We're a bit of downtime in the amount of viewers who are on the app like there's a lot that goes into it. And the only real way to determine if you're going to be successful or not is just to keep going and posting that amount. Each day is a good way to do that because you're posting enough where it's like, hey, if I do this for like a year and I'm not successful, like this is not for me, at least the content creation route. You can do ads or you can do different forms of marketing, but at least in that realm, you would have a clear answer right? Some people come to me after a month or two and they're like, Hey, I posted like 12 videos. It's like well, that you need more. You don't have a big enough sample size for me to even tell you what to do better. So you're creating content your last two weeks have really taken off. You've had amazing results over the last couple of weeks. Are you generating a lot of leads? Or are your sales and stuff coming mostly from, like, a smaller amount of leads that you're cultivating and turning into sales? Like what's that been


Amanda: That's part of the thing I'm still working on. How to talk to people and introduce them to things I struggle with. I want to say some videos get really big and I'll get a ton of leads from them. And like I've generated some members from that. But really, I just try to help people as best as I can. And like I said, some of the videos just take off and I get a lot of attention and there'll be like a week or two or more where it's not much of anything but because other videos did so well. Still generating traffic and people to come in and see my page and things like that. So I haven't quite figured everything out yet but I’m learning.

Matt: And kudos to you because I think there's a lot of places in an affiliates journey where they can slow down or even quit and you started in August, September. In that range, you went all of September, all of October, all of November, and most of December, a good chunk of December, not most but a good chunk of December without really big commissions and you were grinding and making sales. But it was a little bit slow, right a little slower. And there's that tip that's a little bit more typical for people. And sometimes we get these amazing success stories of six figures in three months. Right like, like that's a crazy result. And yeah, your result has been more typical. And what you've done is just continually grind and continually go after it. And it's paid off really well in the last couple of weeks where things have really taken off in a bigger sense, right. And when you're trying to when you're trying to get like for instance coaching or something that's more high ticket something that's cost more money, you need a bigger pool of of small ticket customers or leads right and so sometimes people get discouraged when they when they get 10 people to purchase a product for 30 bucks or something and nothing happens for for larger upsells well, you kind of have to grind and you kind of have to generate a bigger pool of leads and sales in order for you to then produce larger ticket commissions and a lot of people don't have the patience to wait for that. But you know you're in a place now we're like going from this online thing generating a couple 100 bucks a month to a couple 1000 bucks. And that's a big difference right, like that could pay a mortgage that could pay your car bill, you know, like that's living. Yeah, that's an actual living income. And probably more than you were making at the residential facility if I had to guess. Or very close.

Amanda: Yeah. Like I said, I was there for 15 years. So it wasn't too bad. I wasn't that great either. And this past month, I definitely exceeded what I would have made at my other job.

Matt: And the others and look, it's probably a bit and there's also you know, downsides to the fact that it's a bit more up and down. Right. So like, you know, there's more volatility maybe in a business than there is in a salary job. Like that's obvious. But there's also you know, my wife works in mental health. I know what a residential facility is like. And she used to work at the inpatient hospital that would send kids to the residential facility. So yeah, the stress, the anxiety, the you're walking into massive amounts of chaos every single day guaranteed. And because of that, so, you know, you're just kind of I'm just drawing a contrast with like, you know, former life current life like, certainly creating six tic tock videos a day is easier from a mental and emotional standpoint than walking into that every single day for 15 years, that's for sure. So, I also just always tell people like you have all you have to remember and consider that the entrepreneurial journey is one where you put yourself in control, right, so like, so you choose to keep going month after month after month before you have this massive result. That is a thing that only can happen in entrepreneurship. You can't do that and work in a mental health residential facility. There's only so much you can do you have to go ask and beg for a raise. A lot of times people don't give you that raise. And like that happened to my wife so she quit as well and started her own therapy practice. She's like this, I'm going to do my own thing. It's worked out really well. But there's only one way to get there. That's usually through entrepreneurship. It's usually through starting your own thing and becoming your own boss and taking over that. That onus of control. So with where you're currently out right now, and things starting to get rolling, I wanted to ask you if you've ever gone live on TikTok.

Amanda: I have, but not very recently, I don't seem to be caught and then I want to say okay, you know how it is when you're first starting out? I only have a couple people in there. If anybody at all. And I would seem to always get people who are some that might be dental interests. More often than not I get people who are just trying to get a rise out of me or say something rude or whatever, and I do my best to ignore them. But after 15/20 minutes, I feel like I've told my whole story and I'm just rambling on. That's something I have to work on. But yeah, I hear lines are definitely official in the way you should go. That's my personal struggle right there. 

Matt: The lives are tricky, especially with I would say especially with a round of Montefalco around 14-15,000 followers, especially around that many followers. Their lives are tricky because of that exact reason. You get around, you get around, let's say zero people to five people for a good portion. Sometimes it bumps up to 1020 but it's a smaller amount. But the one thing I would say is it allows you it provides you the opportunity to connect with and here's what you will see. Here's what you will see from lives. And I And I'm telling everybody you know basically when you get 1000 followers, you should go live and you should just you should basically commit to going live being part of your your daily operating routine the same way that creating six videos is and taking 30 to 60 minutes to muddy something because I specific and here's why the I don't have like any hidden agenda here. The only reason is I see a lot of people who get 10, 20, 30, 50,000 followers and when they start going live their purchases meaning the amount of customers that they get grows a lot for any given product, any product, any service coaching consulting our affiliates here at Legendary all of it. And in fact it was so drastic about a year ago to the point where this one girl, who was at our mastermind this last week came, she had like 50 or 100,000 followers or something and she could barely get us she could barely drive a sale from all of those followers. She started going live and she would do three five sales. Every single time she went live. It really started generating a lot of really quality customers. It transformed the whole business. And I think that pushing through that initial sort of level of fear or whatever anxiety I encourage people to watch Ian the entrepreneur guy on tick tock and the Power Of Publish Calvin Hill on TikTok because they go they go live almost every day and when they go live, it's just it's really powerful. And they do a good job and you can tell and you can learn a lot from how they go live and what they say and think and the way that they teach because what you can do then is it gives you filler time to not just be focused on the on the questions and what people are saying in the chat. So it would it would you know basically what Calvin does is he has enough content where he's just going and talking about crypto and talking about how you need to generate income from a digital business in order to invest in crypto and there's a bear market. And so he's just talking, talking, talking, talking until he sees a comment that he wants to engage. Right so rather than just sitting and engaging in comments and this like well, I have to get to this next comment. You know, I have to answer this question. He's just going live and he's just sitting talking about crypto and he's pointing his phone around and he's pointing his phone at the crypto charts and all this stuff. And then he's like, hey, you know, we're about to enter a bear market and you've got to have you've got to have a good

you got to have a good income in place cash flowing, or even invest when it goes down when the markets go down. That's when wealth is created. And then and then he points people to our challenge. And you can see in the chat right now there's people saying Calvin's badass, I came in Calvin I bought the challenge together. Like he's got 1.2 million followers, so it's a little bit different, right? He has 45,000 45,000 People watch this live, but it all started and began exactly where you're at. So there's my challenge to you. It is to go into those things with simple little maybe mini lessons like things remember that many people don't know that you make money on the internet right? So the niche and industry you're playing it's so you can go live and have a have a green screen above you and just basically say like, you know, top five business models with 2022 and and you could just sit there and be like, Hey, here's your number one, you know, and it's like, and then people as are tuning in, you can go through them again and you can as you're halfway through you can be like, Hey, we're on number three, but number five and number four, we're XYZ for those of you who just joined and then we're commenting. You can engage, you might only have 10 minutes of content, but you can drag that live out to 30 to 60 minutes just by engaging those little questions as you go. Anyway, but I'm telling you that those lives, especially after you get a video that gets 10s of 1000s of views. Go live right in the midst of that influx of all those new followers if they just hit follow on you, and now you go live. Guess who's gonna show up in their live? 

Amanda: Yeah, that's a great idea. Come up with a lesson plan and do that. And yeah, that's a great idea.

Matt: Crazy. I mean, you can literally just take a sheet of paper right here and just write down you know, top top three business models of 2022 You know, or top three ways to make money online 2022 And frickin you could do, you know, freelance digital marketing, you do only fans and you could do, you could do drop shipping, you know, and like, and you could just be like, hey, here you go. Like, here's three ways to do it, and I'll talk through each of them to talk about their business models and how you make money with them. Different ways to generate traffic and market your business stuff like that. For everybody who's listening this this live thing is such a powerful way for you to engage even when there's only a couple people on the start that thing grows and when it grows, it gains a lot of steam and a lot of traction and it helps your

channel to the health of the channel. Anyway, sorry for the rant. I just get really passionate about that and I think it's a really underrated thing. It's a really underrated thing. What um, what for So, for people, I'll give you the last word after my huge rant here, but for people who are new people who are getting started, people who are maybe posting that first video, they got it in the drafts, but they haven't hit posts yet. What would you say to those people? How would you coach them if they were sitting down talking with us around?

Amanda: Just do it, just be your silly self or however it is even if you make a mistake, put it out there anyway, because people are gonna appreciate you for who you are. I've done the same thing. I've posted my videos where I just get tongue tied and it doesn't matter. Just put it out there and keep going and be consistent like they say and do it every day. So don't give up.

Matt: Totally, cool. Well, I'm going to put your TikTok handle up here. People have been clamoring in the comments to get access to that. So Samantha for coming on and staying in touch with us. I mean, let us know how things are going. Let us know if we can help you in any way. And we'd love to have you back on in a couple months and see how things are going.

Amanda: I would love to do that. Thank you very much for having me.

Matt: Cool, of course. All right guys. I'm gonna put her on, oh I already did. Right here, make money with a mandolin. Also put it in the chat here and if you see her go live, all right. We better tune the hell in and give her some love. Send her some gifts in life. All right. And make sure to give her a follow and tell her that you saw her on wakeup legendary. And, the whole point of this community is just to lift other people up to lift each other up to be a supportive community for people and Amanda's on the way up so you're gonna want to watch her videos. I've seen a few of her videos yesterday and today and she's on to something so you might want to watch her videos and take some notes. Because she's killing it. And so we'll be back here guys tomorrow and Friday, same time, same place. 10am Eastern thanks again Amanda for coming on. We will be oh one final thing if you want a text message reminder before we leave. We send out a text message every single Monday through Friday at 10am. Eastern and it gives a little bit of a hint about what's coming on the show and it'll also give you a little link you can just tap to enter into the live video. So it makes it a little bit easier. But we're always on Facebook. You can just go into our Facebook group and we post it in there as well. So though give Amanda a follow on TikTok it's also in the chat. It's @makemoneywithamandalynn.

How To Make Massive Moves With Your Affiliate Marketing Business While In College

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what’s going on everybody this is Dave Sharpe, welcome to Wake Up Legendary. As you can see by the description is making massive moves even though he's in college with his online biz, Ben, welcome to the show, buddy. 

Ben: Glad to be here. Thanks for having me. 

Dave: Hey, you're welcome. We're really live now, man. Sounds good. I joked with Ben a second ago and said we're live but we weren't really live sometimes. You know it's just the dad and me the dad jokes. 

Ben: Oh yeah. My dad always had those you have to make if you’re dad.

Dave: Yeah, I used to be cool at one time in my life but it dissipates and then you don't realize you aren't cool anymore? You think you're cooler than you are kind of I guess how it happens. And then I kind of look around and I'm just kind of like well that was awkward so kinda like right now. So what led you to online brother? I mean, what brought you ultimately to Legendary How did you find us? Give us a brief nutshell version of how you got started and how you fumbled or stumbled upon and found us.

Ben: So basically, I think about what I want to say like five or six months ago, probably. I think I just found you guys on Instagram with someone just talking about the 15 day challenge I am in. So I mean, I'm in college and I'm studying Business. And I was kind of looking at, you know, an opportunity where I could kind of do something myself, do something on the side maybe. So I just saw this guy talking about the 15 Day Challenge. And he was like, it's only seven bucks. And I was honestly at that point, like, really? Like, what do I have to lose at this point? I might as well try a 15 day challenge for $7 and I absolutely loved it. I went through the whole challenge and it was amazing. So kind of how everything started just from Instagram. 

Dave: So now like how are you still on the same path in college derailed your I mean, how are things different in terms of your outlook on life in business than they were before? 

Ben: So it has derailed my plans a little bit.  I always kind of knew that I wanted to, like, have my own business or kind of be my own boss. That was always kind of my vision. But you know, my parents really pushed me they're like, just go to college. You know, get a degree at least have that as kind of a fallback plan. And so I was like, Okay, fine. I'll go to college. My goal, this is my last semester starting this month. So my goal would be at the end just to kind of have the online business be making enough money. Or I could just do it full time. If that will happen. And I don't know, I might have to get a job and still do this part time until I'm able to build it up enough. But that would be my ultimate goal. I just didn't really think it was possible before taking the challenge that I could like, do it myself. I saw other people doing it, but I was like, can I really do it? I'm not sure. And then after going through the challenge, taking the training and kind of actually taking action on things like, Hey, I could really do this. This is a real possibility for me, I could actually, you know, make this happen and it could be a real thing for me. 

Dave: So that must feel I mean, that must feel exciting. And also maybe even a little bit scary. I don't know You tell me. How does that feel?

Ben: Mainly exciting. Yeah, I mean, it is, in some sense, scary. But more than anything, I'm just excited to kind of get after it and keep going. You know, I've had some decent results already. It's exciting when you get your first sale online, I still remember it. It was only like 18 bucks, but I was like, hey, this actually works, I could actually do this. So it's just exciting to just know that the business model actually works and that you can actually have legitimate success with it if you're just willing to work at it. So I'm just excited to just keep going down and keep learning and just figuring out how to keep building it up. 

Dave: How are things different for you after you made that first sale? What did that do to your belief level? Or what did that do to you? Mentally?

Ben: For me personally, I mean, it changes everything. Because in the past I had tried taking online courses and doing different things to make money online. Like I think I did like an E commerce course. And I paid a lot of money for it. And it just wasn't what I thought it was going to be. So I think what it does for you when you get your first sale online is it solidifies the belief that it's actually possible for you to do it, especially as a complete beginner without really any prior experience. I still remember I was actually on my way to work. I still remember it, and I got the email that I had made a sale and they, you know, it wasn't a lot of money. But even if it's not a lot of money, the fact that you can get a sale proves that the business model works and it does solidify your belief that hey, I can do this, this business works. And it also encourages you to keep going like in those times where maybe you're not making a lot of sales or you know, things just aren't going so well for you. You're kind of struggling with things. It gives you encouragement to be like, hey, this works. I just got to do the bad stuff to get to the good stuff.

Dave: Yeah, and have you just gotten one sale or have you gotten two sales or more?

Ben: I've gotten more sales. 

Dave: What did some of the bad stuff that you've had to push for?

Ben: Just just for me personally, I never was really experienced with social media. So for me, personally, like I had never really, I guess been into social media, or thought that I could use social media as a way you know, like, promote products or use it actually to build a business so for me, the hard part was actually learning especially with TikTok like actually learning how to create content. And then you know, a lot of videos that just you know, flopped and I'm like, What the heck? And I don't think a lot of people actually realize that social media is like a learned skill. You can actually learn how to do social media and actually learn how to consistently market to someone so I think it was using social media and kind of work on my marketing and how to use that and just experimenting with different things and seeing like, what are people responding to? What are people not responding to you? So just kind of, you know, trial and error just to kind of see and figure out what's working what's not working, how do I create content? How do I, you know, create a good message that people relate to? So just kind of figuring out that whole side of things. 

Dave: I think that's a powerful statement that you just said that social media and marketing, you know, basically it's it's it's but just sticking with that specific point, social media as a learned skill. Like you're not just born as a social media influencer. You’re not  just gifted 100,000 subscribers. The majority of everybody actually everybody, I don't know a single person who started out marketing using social media. Who, who, who was good at first like who was legitimately what they were doing, you know, it is a learned skill and I think that's I think the hurdle is, is, is, first of all, understanding that everybody starts at zero followers. And then the second hurdle is asking or believing that I can do it and you've mentioned a couple of little milestones so far, that you've that you've personally used to keep going. The first was getting started with the training, going through the training, really taking it in and getting excited about it. The next was taking action, getting your first sale. That was another big milestone you said that gave you a lot of motivation. Now as you've gotten these first few validating sales and you've made I don't know how much money you've made, because I wasn't told at first, but I assume you've done okay, fairly well so far enough to be on the show enough for us to reach out to you. What are you now focused on learning or developing or what phase of the business would you say that you're in now? 

Ben: Again, since  my struggle was in social media, I would say that's mastering that skill. Like as we learn about marketing and we learn how to do things like email marketing, I look at my you know, like, seems like not to get technical, but my like, my click through rates and things of that nature. And those are all pretty good. You know, and I know that I'm promoting education, that's fantastic. So I know I have something great that I'm promoting. I know that I have good symptoms. And so it's just a matter of me. Now, I just need to get that message out there. That's really what I need to focus on. I know, I know everything else in the businesses is where it needs to be. So for me, it's just going to continue to kind of hammer away at social media and just kind of study it and learn. And then look at the other people, you know, who are doing kind of similar things to me, who are doing better than me and saying, what are they doing? Why are they ahead of me? How can I kind of learn from them, imitate them and learn the skills that they have that maybe I don't, so it's just kind of I think it's just that same thing of just kind of staying focused on just getting that message out there communicating clearly and just login using social media to do that.

Dave: You just dropped a major, major, major nugget and I want to point it out and that was that you are taking ridiculous personal responsibility for your success, you know and have competence you're not second guessing the sales funnel of the product that you're promoting or the product that you're promoting, you're not second guessing your autoresponder and the technology is you set it up one time to test it and usually when you you have a problem. It's very rare that systems or software break down so you've set those pieces in place. And now your total focus and attention is creating content. That is better, more entertaining and more educational. Your total focus is on you rather than second guessing what you're promoting and resetting up and checking your funnels and stuff like that. That's what I hear that you're focusing on one thing which is creating more, more karma and better content. Is that what I'm hearing? Ben: Yep, that's correct. 

Dave: Yeah. And I think that's a big nugget because so many of us get started and then we just are indecisive, second guessing things. Instead of saying, You know what, let me really hone in on one thing, and this is the matter that has been for a long time, if not forever in this business. That's really what it's all about, especially if you're doing affiliate marketing. If you're doing affiliate marketing the beautiful part is you don't have to be the expert. You don't have to set up the funnels and the technology in the back office and create products and film things. You just have to focus on the front end traffic source. And there's so many powerful traffic sources starting with TikTok, Instagram, Youtube. I mean, those are with those three video platforms that you've got Pinterest, you can repost your videos on as well. I mean, you've got an assortment of platforms where you can take one piece of content and you can drive legitimate traffic like never before and so I think your eyes are in the right place. I think you've got your eye on the right ball instead of 15 Balls trying to play 15 different sports and I'm looking forward to where this goes for you. What advice would you give yourself? If you knew what you know now, Ben to yourself when you were just starting out?

Ben: Start sooner.  I think like you just kind of said people, especially with things online, there's so many ways to make money online, you know, whether it's being an affiliate or whatever, you know, being a coach or consultant or whatever you want. To do. There's so many different ways to make money online. But I think sometimes we go almost like an analysis by paralysis kind of thing where they just get so overwhelmed. One person's telling him you should do this. This is the best thing when another person tells them not to do this. This is the best thing. Another person is insane. No, this is the best thing because I had success with it. What I recommend to people is to just pick one thing. One thing and just decide that one thing is what you're going to go all in on and you're just gonna start. Now like I said, this is a proven business model. It works over and over and over. Again for the people who are willing to do the work to get the proper education and get the proper training. You just have to be willing to go and do that work and you have to be willing to, you know, put in the effort. And like I said, push through the failures, and frankly just be a little uncomfortable. Like I was super uncomfortable when I first started posting on social media. I feel so awkward in front of the camera. What's going to listen to what I have to say? So I would say just start and surround yourself with good people and a good community who are going to help you and care about you. And just go for it. And that's the thing I thought about it's like most people that are looking for an opportunity like this are already in a place where typically, you know, they're not making the money they want to make or they hate their job. And frankly, they're kind of miserable, or they're just not happy with where they're going to be. It's like let's say you go out and you try a new business opportunity. And let's say you fail. So the worst that could happen. You're just going to be in the same miserable place that you already are at. And nothing's really going to change for you. Or everything could change for you. You could start this business and you could get really successful. In the end you could have a life you know in a year two years down the line that you never imagined beforehand. So I would say just stop over analyzing it and just go for it. 

Dave: Brother, I'm gonna leave it right there. That was so well said and so articulate and so just sensical. We've got your TikTok profile up here for people to go and follow you and support you. And I hope that you'll come back here in maybe a month or two and let us know how you're doing and show us where you're at. 

Ben: Thanks for having me, Dave. 

Dave: All right, Ben, we'll talk to you later my brother. Okay. Take care.  Alright, my friends, man, just solid, clear advice from somebody who's new, who's just getting started, who's still focused on something else, going into college, but like somebody said, is wise beyond his years, sees what he needs to do and is clear about it. So please go give Ben a follow at TikTok @Benwtheaffiliate and my friends. We will see you back here tomorrow for another episode. Be Legendary. Get out of here. And have a great Thursday. See you.

How To Grow Your Online Business And Exceed Your Own Expectations

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends, Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary and I want to start off by saying how excited I am to have yet another female rock star on the show this morning. Last week we actually had all females. The entire week was all females. Okay. Right, all male rock stars. All right. And, you know yesterday of course I spoke with Eric but this morning we're back on the female bandwagon. And we are excited to welcome once again, back to the show. Camila what's going on Camila?

Camila: Good morning. Thank you so much for having me here. Again.

Dave: You're so welcome. Are you currently in Brazil? Are you in the US?

Camila: Yeah, I live in Las Vegas. Yeah, I'm in the US now.

Dave: Alright, fantastic. But yeah, you're from Brazil. Your story starts there. Give us a little background history for anybody. Who didn't catch the first episode with you? Give them a little snapshot of, you know, how you came about on, you know, into online marketing from being a nanny. And then eventually you found Legendary.

Camila: Yeah, so I'm from Brazil. And I came to the USA in 2016. I worked as a nanny for over four years, but I never wanted to be a nanny for the rest of my life. You know, even though I love kids and everything I always wanted to have my own business to work for myself, but I never I never knew what I was going to do, how I was going to do and I tried other ways to make money online. I tried drop shipping, and I did drop shipping for a while. And it was at the beginning but then I lost a lot of money. And so the last year I searched for on, on your TikTok, I saw some people talking about affiliate marketing about the challenge and things like that and that's how I ended up with Legendary Marketer but that's how I transition for many to being a digital marketer working online. And yeah, that's a I'm so happy to to share and like to talk about this because I know how powerful is to work with internet like, how powerful it how literally can change anybody's life I was lost for so long I professionally because it's really hard for you to start your wife in another country in another language. And I was so lost professionally and I didn't know because before I tried to apply for other jobs as I graduated in Business Administration in Brazil, but because I didn't have perfect English and not much experience like I struggled so bad to find another job other than being a nanny. So I was like, okay, like I must have something that I can do. And that's a little bit of my story.

Dave: So you found Legendary in July of last year. Was it June or July?

Camila: Yeah, I actually stopped, I found out in July. I remember because it was at the end of July, that was nearer to the end, and I remember because I went to LA to see my sister. And I remember doing one of the one day from the challenge in LA I was watching. So it was the end of July and I started making content.

Dave: Wow. So how has life changed for you since then?

Camila: So much because in the beginning it is kind of like you kind of Of course each person will get you will have your own results will have different experience and everything. But at the beginning it was a little bit slower. But once it starts getting going each month is like doing better and then it's like okay, if I just do this amount of money for my thing. It's gonna be good for me. I don't need more than that. And then I do that in one week or one month or one day and so oh my god this is crazy how, how the potential we have with the internet, you know, with the business model, which is actually like, it's crazy how you can scale the business. Sometimes when I talk I tell my husband because when I first started I remember when I got myself on to create my first video. He was actually because I was always a shy person like I'm not very good with cameras like I'm. I'm shy. And I got the cell phone to kind of try it. My husband saw it and he kind of made fun of me like, Are you kidding like he's gonna go to the TikTok like, he made fun of me and I said, Trust me, I know I need to do this. Like, trust me. It's okay, like, he kind of made fun of me and then like okay, so prove me wrong to then. And then now like I'm, I'm actually making more money than him and just look at these like, look how much we made today. I proved him wrong.

Dave: That must feel good. That's bitter sweet, isn't it? That's bitter sweet. I don't know if you use it. In Brazil, but bitter sweet. It's kind of yeah, it's you know, sometimes friends and family spouses and their initial reaction is like, what are you doing? Like, it's just, you know, and those opinions are powerful. They're powerful. They impact us, you know, because we want unlimited unconditional support and love from everybody and control people's actions. I think probably all of us get that and that initial reaction or most of us get that I think it's rare to find somebody who spells just from day one, especially if you're struggling financially or in life and you say, oh, yeah, hey, I'm just gonna, you know, hop on, you know, the internet. I'm gonna just, you know, start doing you know, they're not going to go oh, that's awesome. That's a great idea. Yeah, you should totally just do something that's completely out of the box and that's going to get us out of the situation. So I think it probably stops a lot of people at the beginning.

Camila: Exactly. Because also, I feel for most people it's kind of crazy to think that you actually can make money online. You actually can post a video that can change your life completely. You know, and it's kind of crazy for people to to realize this, if they don't actually believe you know, if they don't actually see working and that's not why like most of people are sometimes you post some videos something like oh, it's a scam or this and that because they don't they don't know they don't they have no knowledge. They don't have anything. So they just judge but yeah, it's powerful like the internet, it's here and can change anybody's life that actually is willing to put in the work to to study to you know, like to put the hard work.

Dave: So yeah, well that's interesting because Matt and I had noticed that you came back a little bit later and purchased the blueprints and kind of it seems like you invested in your education. What was the driving force? What made you do that?

Camila: I think one thing that I realized, like, the more the more i learned, the more I invest in my education, the more I you know, this is a business that the internet it's it's a great way for you to start to walk in to have your own online business, but it's something that's changed very quickly. You know, like, now TikTok is trending, you can hop on to things but soon, another thing is going to come and like it changed very quickly. So the more I learn, the more I invest in education, the more I will, I will learn in the skills that I I build I can apply this point a job you know, like I can I can be most of people don't know how to manage a social media account doesn't know how to drive traffic for for for the business, don't know how to do paid ads. Most people don't do that. So you'll know this excuse if you have this knowledge, but have no idea how valuable this is, you know you can either apply it to your own business or for other other things. So that's what I think. That's why sometimes people say, oh, is this for free or is this like no, if you're going to be a doctor, for example, how much will you have to invest? Like how the time you have to invest the money you have to invest everything that's the same thing. You know, like if I, if I want to become a digital marketer, if I want to become affiliate marketer I need to invest in knowledge. Nobody will get anywhere if you don't have knowledge if you don't know what you saw, how I see these things. I like investing in education and I think you build skills, you have knowledge and also you can network.

Dave: Coaching. Yeah, it's in math. Now the income disclaimer is that Camila’s results are not typical and most people who start any business who buy any information products make no money at all. I tend to believe that that's because they do nothing with it. But that's the income disclaimer. However, with that being said, you know, I would assume you've chosen the make money online niche, you are an affiliate of legendary and you're probably going to hit platinum this month. So for anybody who knows what that rank means. That's a big, big, big milestone. So I'm not going to. I'm not going to congratulate you yet because you're not there. I'll congratulate you for your I think your seven or 8x gold here. But how does it feel to be on the brink of and or already crossing six figures here with your business when you just started six months ago seven months ago or something like that? I mean, that must feel so empowering in Are you scared that you might lose it all now and that it's it's a it's a it's just, uh, you know, a hope or something? Or are you excited about the future like that, that's a big change.

Camila: Yeah, it's a big change. It's a mix of feelings because sometimes I even talk with my husband like, I don't know, I'm afraid this is just like some sort of luck that I got to like, I don't know if Disney will continue to do it. And then I put my mind, my mind so like, I'm gonna, I'm gonna keep walking. I'm gonna keep trying my best and I'm excited of course. What I like is what the future holds for me. But I just like sometimes it's yeah, it's kind of like a mix of feeling because I felt like my life now is gonna slow down or like, I'm not going to be able to keep doing these or like, I don't know, but I tried to put in my mind like what I have to do I need to just like keep learning, keep applying the knowledge and giving my best you know, like putting putting in action and I doing my best and that's what I try to do you know, like, I I tried to just think about like that.

Dave: Yeah, well, that's interesting. I asked that question. And as you were answering I thought about, you know, everybody who's who just gets started in many of you who are watching who have your own, you know, have your own. You know, have your own fears, like your your, you know, your fears, the things that you're afraid of Camila are just as powerful as the things that somebody who's just getting started are afraid of like the fear is, is equally as powerful. It's just being afraid of different things. So my point is, there's always going to be fear, fear, there's always going to be fear, right and that's I purposefully asked that question because I hoped you would be honest. And you were because we're always afraid of something. We're afraid that somebody is going to take it away. We're going to lose it. We were just lucky. So even when we become successful, there's still fear. Yeah. So when you're just getting started, you're afraid of, you know people's opinions about you or you're afraid of rejection, or you're afraid it is not like fear is ever going to go away. It's always going to be there. It's just going to change into different things. So what I've learned from talking to 1000’s in working with 1000’s of successful entrepreneurs all over the world is that it's about managing fear. It's about dealing with fear. It's not about removing fear. It's about walking through fear. It's about channeling your mess, and your fear into a message using your emotional depression or anger and turning that into passion. You know, it's transforming emotions and using them for your good instead of for your demise. Do you agree with that?

Camila: I totally agree. You know, it's like a Brazilian expression. I don't know if it's here in the USA but in Brazil we say something. If there is fear, go with fear. But don't let that fear stop you. And like I'm the perfect example for that because I am the middle child. You know, I have two more sisters, one older one younger and I am the one that was always afraid of everything. I still don't have my drivers license, but I'm facing my fear. And this year, I'm gonna get my driver's license, you know, I also have. I was always so concerned with what people will think about me, what you know, like what people will judge what they always like. I was always the girl with fear, the girl that was insecure, always. Like most people thought I wouldn't. I wouldn't like to go anywhere because the way I was until like, okay if you are afraid of people judging you, but you want to do something you want to use your social account to do create an account separate. That's what I did. I created a separate account for my personal account. Nobody needs to see what you know, like my thing so like my family and friends. So manage that, manage that feel like what people will think about you and what they fear. None of these will actually make you money, we will actually make you successful or anything like that. So that's how I learned to do it. You know, I learned how, okay, people will judge me anyways people view wherever you know, I will always have fear. But I have to go with the fear like I have to manage it. As you said it's this.

Dave: Well, an interesting test that I've done over the past year. I have not posted on my personal Facebook account. In the past year. I've only put on my personal Instagram account. I've only done the business business pages, right. So we're our business pages. So we do the show everyday live here with the Legendary Marketer. fanpage. And then we take this show and we put it out on the Wake Up Legendary podcast. We put it on YouTube. And you know what, in 2021 my income went right to the moon. It's not like I lost money. It's not like I made less money because I wasn't marketing to my friends and family. That's my you know what I mean? Like my friends, family are not gonna they don't give a shit about what I'm doing. Like the only thing I am to my friends and family is gossip. That's all I am not. They're not going to send me money. They're not going to buy my stuff because they feel like it's just how it works like they know your dirty laundry. When you know somebody personally, the more personal you are with somebody oftentimes the less business you're going to do with that. Because it becomes you know, especially if you see them all the time. You know what I mean? It's just that I got friends that asked me about business and I say I don't talk to him about it. Because I don't want to deal with the 1000 questions. I don't need to prove myself or explain myself to anybody. That's what friends want. They want to sit down and all right, tell me what you're doing, you know, as if I'm supposed to now explain myself, right. So I think what TikTok has done differently than Facebook is TikTok has allowed somebody who up until this point, TikTok and Instagram and I think YouTube as well, but has allowed people like you and I who traditionally MySpace accounts and Facebook accounts to where we could. It was only our friends and family that we could reach. Now all of a sudden you can post a video on Tik Tok and it goes on the for you page and it gets pushed out to a whole new cold audience. Yeah, that's all people. average, everyday ordinary people are getting on posting for we just saw a guy who had top front end sales the other day. He'd been posting on TikTok for 12 days. And he had a video that went viral at 1.1 million views in two or three days. And his life changed about 10 to 12 days. And then the platforms are different and it's important to understand that what's different between what we're doing and what everybody else is doing and what like a lot of us have done in the past with with kind of marketing to friends and family or doing network marketing or anything like that is we're not marketing to our friends and family are specifically creating content. That's edutainment. It's educational, and it's entertaining in using platforms that put it in front of cold cold audiences versus marketing to our friends and family. So add anything you want to what I just said. But I'd like you to tell us what you know now that you would tell yourself about marketing on TikTok, if you could take what you know now and talk to yourself on day one?

Camila:  It's funny you say that, David, because I actually get a lot of questions like people. Oh, but I don't want to mock it for my friends. I don't want to bother my friends, my family. And like I don't do that. I don't I don't bother my family at all. Like I never tried to sell anything for my family or friends. So you don't need to. If you're afraid to like your, for your family, for your friends to whatever they're going to say, create everything, everything separate. You don't wish that's the way to eat it. You have the potential to reach billions and billions of people. Like why are you gonna focus on your family and friends because actually most of the time we don't get support from them, you know, like, maybe from family but friends most of them don't want to see you like or successful or whatever. Like it's hard. It's complicated. So like that right there. 

Dave: When you start becoming more successful than they do, that's that you can, you can get up to them, but don't you dare go past them because now all of a sudden, they start feeling threatened. Yeah, a lot of people don't want to talk about that.

Camila: Yeah, it's a fact. So I create everything separately. Nobody needs you so I know not none of your friends and family. Nice to see what you are doing. You know, like, nice to know what you're doing. If you were concerned about that, and like with TikTok that's like, it's crazy. Like the guy you said in 12 days one video went viral. And that's all you need. You need one video. To go viral and you'll change your life. Like you change your life. You change everything you know, so that's the power and people are still like, concerned about starting anything like TikTok. It's the best way to start, and what I do on TikTok, I post three to five times a day, at least I try to post like three to five times a day. And I try to like to see through my feed my full you page and see videos that are when it's on fire. Oh, not only my niche, but sometimes like some other niche but I see that that kind of video went viral. So I try to apply that. Okay, so how can I take that type of video and put on my own nation and change and put like how the message I want to pass. That's what I'm doing on TikTok and one thing that I noticed is sometimes some accounts on TikTok, for some reason never goes like it never grows. You know?  I don't know if that content is already created or banned or something like that, but some accounts never seem to grow. So that's why I always recommend and tell people to have another account and have a second account because sometimes you can do the same exact video you send like you use the same hashtag and everything the same. And the goal is different for each account. So that's like, I think it's important to like you have at least more than one because sometimes it does like it changes like how they deliver their content. It's different accounts. 

Dave: Well you practice what you preach you guys can follow Camila on TikTok and also on TikTok and Instagram. The first one is @Brazilianbossbae. 

Camila: Yeah, it's my TikTok but my Instagram now I changed the user name because I changed my link. So my Instagram is @wealthmente. In Brazilian mente means mind. I put wealth mind like that because I wanted to bring some culture and like a part of me and I always want to like bring some Brazilian culture into my life. 

Dave: That's really cool. Definitely. So you're not you're not emotionally attached to any account. You just have accounts if you use them. And if you lose one or one loses steam, it's not like you know, that was my baby. It's an account. 

Camila: For Instagram. I just have my personal account and the professional account that is the wealth manager for Instagram. I don't I don't get super attached to accounts. I still didn't like to lose them completely. There were some accounts that it was like every video was getting taken down. And even though I didn't, I didn't do anything wrong today. I'm not like doing anything that is against the guidelines. But for some reason like when it comes to algorithms and like a computer. You can't rely on these sometimes like they check to take down the video. That's why I appealed and can't put it back so while like if you have a business account you need to have a backup. So if I was okay, I already did once I can do twice, I can do it another time. 

Dave: And if you've saved all your content you might even have more growth the second time. Somebody had commented Wow. I never thought about being emotionally attached to my account. But I think we get emotionally attached to our our businesses and the things that are inside of our businesses, the social media profiles, you know, we act as if they're our children, we act as if we're they're our husbands or wife's like we're going to be married to them for the rest of our lives. No, you're likely going to lose it. You know, you should go into it thinking like that. So if you ever do lose it, not like this big heartbreak, you know, emotionally shattering thing. It's just okay, it hurts. That sucks. I didn't want that to happen. Oh, and I'm going to move forward and this is not going to keep is not going to hold me down. You know, because I'm not so emotionally attached to my account. I think I think again, going back into managing our emotions, managing how we, how we see ourselves, how we see the business. And it's the dynamics, it's the mechanics is what everybody thinks of the businesses, but it's only a part of the business. The mechanics is only the tip of the iceberg. It's what most of us see. So we think that's the entire business. You know how to set up your funnel, how to, you know, set up connectors. The third part of the iceberg that you don't see that's below water is how do we manage our emotions, our mindset, our psychology, and then how do we influence others? Because we know ourselves, you know, and we understand human nature and we're aware of our own emotions and how we're feeling about things. So we then are able to communicate in a way that other people can relate to and identify with, that's the larger part of this business and being successful with it and I think any business and and I think something simple like asking your yourself and emotionally attached to my social media account is a good way to just kind of gauge you know, how, where are you at emotionally if you lost that social media account, would it break you, you know, would it emotionally break you or would you be able to have you saved your content? Have you saved all your videos? Would it hurt? And then would you be able to move on either that day or the next? I think that's a quick little way to gauge where your emotions are at, are they in a healthy place to where sure something like that is definitely going to hurt. But you're able to move on or are you so are you so I think another way to put this is I'm so I'm so focused on the outcome. And the truth is that you can't really control the outcome. When you create a piece of content or you create an ad, you post it. You can't control the outcome. The market does what they want with it. They either love it or they hate it. And so then you keep creating until you get a winner. But yeah, troll how people react to your stuff. So I think if I asked myself am I emotionally attached to my social media account? I can also then ask myself am I emotionally attached? Am I Am I you know, am I my Am I basing how I feel on how people react to my content? Because if they don't like my first few videos that I put out, am I good? Just going to tell myself Well, I must suck might as well not even try. We all suck at the beginning. Every successful business was turned down dozens or hundreds or 1000s of times at the beginning or they failed hundreds of times at the beginning. And the successful ones are those who were not attached to the outcome, but kept trying and putting new ideas in front of customers until it finally took off. Do you agree with that?

Camila: Totally agree that's that's the difference. I think for people who actually get there, and like for people like don't make whatever it's like be consistent. Like some people who started the TikTok and like some videos like don't grow, don't go viral or anything and say okay, this is not for me and they try it and they drop it you know at the beginning my videos my I still think my videos were not very good. But I just like I'm just gonna keep you know, like, when you work for yourself, when you have your own business you work for yourself. That's how we need to learn that you know, you're the one who needs to show up your videos. are not going, you're not going via your content or whatever is not working. You are responsible for that. You are the one who needs to be okay. So what can I do differently? This one went by this one performed better like why did it perform better? You know, like you are responsible, you need to show up every day because some people also like to post one video today and another video two days later. It doesn't have any constants. Like results come with consistency, you show up every day. You take a walk every day, you learn everyday life, you know, that's how I see and that's what we need to do. If you are working for yourself, nobody you don't have like somebody Oh, for yo Joshua last time we were count you know? Oh, you just like you're the one who needs to work okay. I lost the account. I did one time. I'm gonna do it again. What can I do differently?

Dave: Yeah, it's nobody's. I think the big message that everybody needs to really kind of take this in is that nobody's coming to rescue you. But he's coming to rescue you. If you want to be a part of this community, then we welcome you in. But even we're not going to come to your house every morning. Jam, get out of bed. It's time to get up. Get to your computer. You know, open up your laptop. No, we can't do that. You know, the government's not coming to rescue you. Even in America, the American dream, you know where even the government here they're not coming to rescue you. In hundreds of millions of people over the last 18 months. Their own boss, their own company, their own employer called them non essential where they were considered non essential in that home by the government and by the companies. Right? So nobody's coming to rescue you. And if we're not convinced of that, now, after what's happened over the last almost two years, then I'm not sure anything can convince you. You know, I'm not, I'm not really sure anything can convince you, you know? I used to talk, you know, five years ago, six years ago, I'd say the internet's the future you need to have at least at minimum if you have a nine to five job with a big corporation you at least at a minimum need to have a passive or active second stream of income, preferably. From online and everybody said Oh, Dave Come on, get a job you know, get a real job. Get a real gig. You know, I'm focused. You know, I'm focused on the future. I'm focused on pension plans, 401ks and the future that you're focused on? Well, then this thing comes in March of 2020. And everybody gets sent home. And now all of a sudden, work from home, everybody understands that term now? Yeah, well, what everybody wants to do now. Everybody wants to work on their own in their own clothes, too. If they're not working online, if you haven't found a way to earn money online. What most people are doing is they're driving Ubers and they're delivering food and basically their their, their pizza boys. They're basically delivering food, keeping people in burgers to people, and thank God for that for a lot of people. Thank God for Uber and Lyft and DoorDash and bite squad and UberEATS thank God for that. Because of that, you know that what we call the gig kind of jobs, you know, are at least a little bit closer to working from home but you're still not there. Right? You're still not in full control. So I think that it's really important for us to understand that. What happened in the last almost two years is likely going to happen again. I don't know if it's going to be the same exact thing. But we're not out of this yet. People are still being sent home. You think it's over and all of a sudden it's not over. There's another variant, there's another new wave. So, you know, right now is really a time to Wake Up Legendary and understand that nobody's coming to rescue you. Camila, thank you for coming on the show. Again, leave us with some final thoughts here. And just so you know, I really appreciate your time. 

Camila: Thank you so much, David for having me here. And that's what I think it is like, everything is online, the company, the business that's not doesn't have a presence online. It's gonna be out of business as soon as an Internet by now and it's the future like and people need to wake up and actually take advantage of this. You know, there's so many ways out there and like, internet, it's so much easier for you to start and create independence like this. That you know, you can work for yourself, you can be responsible for yourself because as you said, like nobody's gonna rescue it's you, and you, and if you're not going to put in the work if you're not gonna wake up every day and put in the work. Nothing's gonna happen. So like, you're the one who needs to, you know, to carry yourself and come to rescue yourself. And that's it then. Thank you so much for this amazing, amazing opportunity for creating this amazing program that's changing so many lives and including mine. 

Dave: Thanks for seeing the vision and thanks for you know, bring in your culture and your wonderful energy into our community and onto the show. It's appreciated that diversity is important here. We want people to see themselves on the show we want people to see themselves when they watch videos we don't want it to all just be guys are all just be white guys are all just be you know, we want it there to be a a an assortment of different cultures and different skin colors in different religions and different you know sexes and all this that we want. We want a wide variety of diversity here. And you bring such an important piece of both your gender, but also your Brazilian culture. So thank you so much. And I look forward to round three real soon. 

Camila: Yeah, me too. Thank you so much, David, thank you.

Dave: I'll talk to you soon. All right, my friends. Brazilians, as Camila said, Do rock. Alright, so please go to the show Camila. Show your support for her on her TikTok on her Instagram. You know, she's got a wonderful accent. My Brazilian accent sucks. So, you know, it's hard for me to pronounce even her wealth mente, but I think that's how she pronounced it or it's pronounced in Brazil. My friends, it's Tuesday. It's January 4 2022, four days into the brand new year. So much time, so much time to make this the most successful, profitable, prosperous year of your life. Please take your education, take your time, take your future seriously. And if you have not made a powerful decision to get started and to take action, after so many people each and every day that we bring on the show are given real life testimonials. With no scripts, no BS, all real. Gosh, man, I just invite you to, you know, drink some coffee, wake up, you know, wake up, look around, understand what's happening inside of our marketplace in our country in our world right now. And then save yourself for God's sakes. You know, save yourself. Don't rely on anybody else to do it for you or be in control of your future. Save yourself develop the skills that you need to be able to be independent not not dependent. Be Legendary. Get out of here have a fantastic Tuesday and we'll talk to you all tomorrow.

The Simple Strategy To Help You Quit Your Day Job

Below is the transcription of this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends? This is Dave Sharpe, welcome to Wake Up Legendary returning guests this morning gentleman's name is Eric some of you may know who he is. We turn my AC down because I'm sure it's gonna get hot in here. All right so get a text message reminder every morning. Build this into your routine when we go live. We send a text message right out. This is my AC screen but it'll be landing here in my inbox here any moment. Look at that. Look at that. Just got it. Under the link right there. All we do every day is just setting you know five days a week is just setting that no other nonsense no other spam can text the letters WUL to (813)-296-8553. And build that into your routine. Build the show into your routine. And what I've said before is if you listen to you know what's being said and what's being talked about for a significant period of time. You will be a different person. You will be a different person and I think this morning's guest is a great example of that. Eric, welcome to the show my brother. 

Eric: Hey, what's going on, Dave? How are you doing this morning? 

Dave: Excellent, man. I'm a little I'm a little I'm a little groggy, you know, but that's why I do this show is so I can Wake Up Legendary you know it's you know, likely you know, when you're in this business, it doesn't matter all the days run together anyways. 

Eric: But today is a special day especially for everybody out there but you know I choose the beginning of the week. 

Dave: That's cool. Yeah, yeah. So catch everybody up to you know your background how you found us hate you know, what you were doing before this just give us a little nutshell snapshot of, you know, before we talk about how life has changed for you, and it has dramatically you're going to talk about that I know but give us a snapshot so people can see where you came from. Relate a bit to some of the pain right and let's not talk about all the glory without some of the you know, some of the some of that darkness you know what I mean and let people do that. Real quick, Eric. 

Eric: So, I started basically about a year ago, okay. And before that journey, I was in and out of prison. I've been to prison five times for five DUIs. My first DUI was in Arizona for the second one. They set me up, you know, their DUI camps. I'm not like some big car criminal or nothing, but I had a problem with addiction and drinking and I don't construct my entire life. And typically what comes with construction is financial problems, some kind of no drug or addiction problem, and, you know, definitely some kind of criminal history of some sort, typically, and so I read in that on that criteria. And so anyways, fast forward you know, I just kind of live this life of you know, working all the time in the mines, working construction, always being gone, but always had this addiction problem, and, you know, facing the roadblocks of letting my loved ones down. You know, I was a selfish individual who only cared about myself. I didn't look around me and take advantage of all the blessings and look at the small things and take you know, be grateful for the small things in life then. And you know, I get out of prison and make it to 2020 at this time. I have 13 months clean and sober. I'm in prison. I work out, you know, three heavy three, three fit, like 100 pounds five, seven, not you know, not ideal way but either way I get out super healthy. And that's what it's all about. And I had this objective in prison to better my life all around, you know from smoking, quit smoking to work out every day to you know finances doesn't matter I didn't have online, do something different I was always had in the back of my mind, no matter what I was probably gonna die. Seven years old still working construction because I had no retirement to this, you know, now bet then. If I were to die, honestly, there wouldn't be too many people that went to my funeral, and that’s God's honest truth. Today, you know, there's only been about a year. I could say that there's quite a bit of people that would show up at my funeral. And so with that being said, I have struggled since I got out of prison. I worked really hard. 60-80 hours a week, sometimes construction, and at the time I was doing flagging and now you know I'm scrolling Facebook one day and I think I came, I don't know. It wasn't Tyler. It was somebody's Facebook post in regards to Legendary Marketer. It's like, hey, check out this training. Like check out the training. I kind of watched the video and then I didn't buy it. I didn't I wasn't convinced I jumped on YouTube. I started researching. And yeah, it's been crazy. I searched YouTube and I found all these other people and I started playing with these ideas. So I searched YouTube for four months straight, sitting for five months straight and just trying to put the pieces together. I started figuring out things here and there, but for the most part, it was a struggle. And then I figured out that I'm a strong person. I've already overcome a lot in my life, and I don't need to invest any kind of money into that program. So anyways, I ended up investing $7 And from that point, like my life has catapulted to the next dimension while working a nine to five and no and the roadblocks I was struggling with was no time with family I was I was gone majority of my life, in prison, and pretty much you know, if I was gone, I was on the road. And so I have two kids. I'm married. And so with that being said, I didn't want to get out of prison and live that same destructive life going back into construction because I know where it gets me. I’d like to be one of the fellows. I’d like to go drinking after work. But I wanted something different. And so, you know, from that point forward, you know, I took advantage of the seven day or the 15 day training for seven bucks and, like, played around with it here and there. I didn't really apply myself, but I'll tell you what, since then, it's been about a year now. My life has actually changed but it's just crazy. You know, it's unbelievable when I tell people that they know the trolls out there online they don't believe it. You know they are constantly questioning you and your integrity and you know how transparent you are, but either way, it's all real and your life can literally change in the blink of an eye. It was one one video or one post or just one idea. 

Dave: Yeah, it's amazing how much I can relate to your story. You know, with addiction and and you know construction and it's it's interesting that hearing my initial story first in the sales video that you didn't just buy right, right that moment. I think that I don't. I don't know what you would attribute that to but either I mean, you said I think you said it you said you know maybe I didn't feel like either I was worthy of investing in myself or I felt like I could just do it on my own. But either way, it was interesting because, you know, we have such similar backgrounds, but yeah, it's it's really it's really it's really amazing. You know, with a record with a past addiction, with you know, coming from construction. I think that you've put you've punched holes in all of the typical objections that somebody has, you know, like I need to be tech savvy, I need to have degrees I need to be this you know, you know, clean slate citizen in order to be I mean, that the beautiful thing is is that that when we when we open up our closet and say you know what, here are my skeletons number one it takes away from being able to use those skeletons against you. And it sets you free to be able to talk with so much more confidence and conviction and that's what I see you doing. And the second thing is, people also have skeletons in their closet, we all do. So when you open up and you say hey, here are my skeletons in my closet and tell your story like you do. It's amazing how it becomes magnetic, isn't it? It's almost magnetic marketing.

Would you agree with that? At first, were you hesitant about being so honest with your past? Eric: Yeah, about magnetic marketing. It's 100% You know, even positive they attract and like it's just crazy how you could tell your story and just be authentic and people will gravitate to you because they've been through those roadblocks or travel tribulations in your life. And was it hard for me to come out with my story, right, again? Absolutely. Because I've dealt with so many people pre judging me throughout my life. You know, you know, I didn't typically care too much in society itself, but I was putting myself out there online and I was actually exposing myself in front of literally millions of people and telling my story, right, so I hadn't really, really focus on what I really wanted to tell at first, I didn't want to let all of the eggs out the basket because I don't want to scare people away. I will know, because there's still stuff I'm probably going to gradually bring out just to keep you guys entertained. Everything out because I would have a lot of followers today because they only see the bad and not good. They wouldn't see the hero's journey. Right? And so I think for a person that either been in the struggle in you know, in trouble or drinking or any kind of addiction it doesn't matter what it is we all have a story and we can resonate with so many people out there that can that we can talk to on a personable level without actually talking to that person and just by your storytelling.

Dave: 100% Yeah, yeah. It's interesting. You mentioned the hero's journey. And that's exactly what that's exactly for the most part. I mean, that's exactly what we've all been watching in sort of listening to our whole lives. If you think back to the childhood stories that you listened to, if you think of the movies that you watch, these people that are heroes to you, you know, think about your favorite thing about your favorite movie, think about your favorite character within that movie. Think about the sopranos, right? I mean, think about, you know, think about think about Scarface, Tony Montana, you know, think about think about you know, think about all just whatever your whatever you're somebody who comes to mind of a movie, maybe it was I mean, I like I like mob movies, I like mafia movies. So I mean, super entertained by those I just watched Lewinsky or I just watched another one on Amazon Prime the other night it was really good. It was about the original founders of the American crime syndicate and just you know, I have no criminal history that's even remotely close to what, you know, a lot of these mobsters have done, but there's a human side to them as well. You know, there's a human side to them. And most of what we do is simply just survival skills. You know, it's just surviving or it's all we knew it was what was modeled for us when we were growing up, and we weren't exposed to a different better way. We didn't have role models, whatever the case may be. But the beautiful thing about the hero's journey in learning how to tell your story, I like to say what it was like, What happened and what it's like now. And that was the way that I was taught originally, not even in business just in recovery programs and stuff like that, about how to tell my story, what it was like what happened and what it's like now and if you dig into some of these, the plots of of movies that we've been watching for years, it's all the same kind of script. It's that the the hero was originally a loser, you know, or was originally just an average guy or girl was somebody who was looked down on was somebody who was made fun of right, and then and then discovered a superpower or found a guide or had a mission, right came up against some sort of big hurdle they had to overcome. And then they tried and failed, right at first but then they found some sort of a guide or some sort of a mentor or some sort of, you know, some sort of a secret Right? Or, or realize they had a secret power or something. And then all of a sudden they went and saved the world or whatever it is, it's always the same like if you look at the all the, you know the Marvel movies, all of these different Disney movies, they're all kind of the same plot. And yeah, Rockies, a great movie that somebody mentioned in the comments.

So a lot of us are hesitant to tell our story, but the truth is, is that a there's two choices a you don't have to tell your story and you don't have to go into being so transparent about things in the past you can still be successful even if you choose not to do that, but to if you do choose to do that. Then embracing your realness and embracing the fact that you have a mess. A mess either we are overcoming or overcame it is one of the most inspirational things for people to listen to, in our in our in have now gone from the big screen into real life and you actually become sort of like a movie star on TikTok or Instagram. People look up to you, because they're sitting there watching your videos the same way that they've sat and watched movies on the TV screen. Have you been surprised by the reaction that you are now getting from people when you acknowledge them or comment back almost as if they have you now on a pedestal, and you know that you're just an average guy, but are you amazed what I'm trying to communicate to our listeners is the power that anyone has at their fingertips to become an influencer by simply just creating content?

Eric: Absolutely. So let me kind of back up a little bit and be ousted from this business if you have a criminal history or a backstory like mine, because everything else story you could be the frontline worker, right? You're a traveling nurse. I just started working with a traveling nurse. She's, you know, making 4k a week but she's gone all the time. Right? She has no time and family. She's constantly working and true to my ministry. mandates I guess you could say to keep it less political or the jab, right anyways in those 1000’s of people out there that are experiencing the same thing. There's millions of nurses out there that are experiencing the same thing. So if you look at your journey up to that point, okay, you started out in grade school you were doing well you done sports, you had a falling out here and there you got your job in this and you jumped into the medical industry and the for the next 25 years. That's your story. Your story is being in the middle of industry for 25 years and having these roadblocks waking up early, sitting in traffic not being written close to family. All of these things, whatever a struggle a nurse would go through. You can relate that so just to cover just to clear that up. You don't have to have a criminal history to tell your story. You can be a hero in anybody's eyes. And to answer your second question. Um, yes, I do respond. And when I first thought I would respond to every message but as time goes on, you started getting gravity on Tik Tok. You'll literally get 1000s of messages a day hundreds if not 1000s a day, especially for video. goes viral. And when you do respond back, you typically when you see the message, it's like, Hey, Eric, I've been watching for a long period of time I see your story from the beginning. You went from a trailer to building an office yada yada yada. And I don't know if you're gonna respond back to this message or not, but I just wanna let you know that you're you're inspiring me blah, blah, blah. I probably should have just screenshot a whole bunch of these things. But yeah. I'm back to the benchmark. Right? Yeah, it does put you on that pedestal. And what happens at that point being that I took on the role of role of being a mentor and a coach. I found that I I take it personal when I see people and I see their story, and I really want I see success in everybody. Right? I see success in every person because everybody has a story. Right? And so you know, there's two ways you can look at this the way I teach or the way I the way I like learned, right from like, you know, the story and then AA, is you don't want to sell anything, anybody. All you're doing is helping people who have come boundaries and roadblocks in their life, right? If they're tired to go in that nine to five, right? Show them another way, show them a solution to their problem, right or you can be the salesy type or you know, there's different types of ways you can go about this but feel more comfortable so you don't feel like what is that an imposter? Tell your story, right? You don't have to say I made $10,000 a month. I'm blind this month. And when you actually didn't write then you start feeling guilty about what you're saying. Tell your story from the heart telling you people will resonate with you and you will catch fire. I started this tick tock six months ago, and I have 100,000 followers. Then we'll get into that but either way, tell your story, guys and everybody has. 

Dave: Yeah, speaking of your TikTok you guys can check him out at passive income Eric, and what has been something that you know now about creating content because I mean, really it all starts with with with with running ads, and whether you're running those ads and you're paying for them or whether you're posting videos in their organic in you're putting in the sweat equity versus, you know, paying to get them boosted in put in front of people. Either way, it's

an advertisement. Let's not get it twisted. I mean, either way, it's an advertisement, and they're both fine. They're both fine at a certain point. You can do only you can do only free only paid or you can do both. As a matter of fact, we're running ads right now on tick tock. We're running ads on Google. I mean, we're we're you know we do Facebook advertising, and we do this show which is free every day in which we you know, we put out on podcast and on our blog. So I mean, yes, many of our affiliates, many of our many of our students over the past couple of years have gravitated towards TikTok. Matt just sent me a snapshot of a gentleman that's a member of our community. Because you can make videos like this, I'm sure you have tons of these as well but I just thought I wanted to give this guy a shout out here real quick, because he did this as such I wanted to just show the power of TikTok look at this. He's if you're watching and you're in the community. Major shout out to Jay McMullen, I'm sure you can relate to this Eric. But he put up a video within, you know, 24 hours, actually. Let's see. So it's been up there for a couple of days. It's the second today of January 3 Okay, so this has been up for three ish days. And it's at 1.1 million views, right. And he's talking about firearm companies that have affiliate programs that will pay you to promote them and never said a single word. Okay, and just put up a cool song in the background and sat there and nodded his head. Right, and has 1.1 million views on this video. You know, you talked about building a channel here and we've got your channel up on the screen here for months building up over 100,000 followers. I have never seen anything like this in my life. The opportunity that we have in front of us now. And there have been people erroneously saying that over the past couple of months I've said oh TikTok is saturated. It's unbelievable and it's only gonna get bigger and better. I have never been anything like this. People wake up, telling you. It's unbelievable what's possible. Or tell us a little bit about your experience with creating content in TikTok in just how absolutely unbelievable this opportunity to go from swinging a hammer to throwing up a 15 second video and having sales coming in. You know around the clock while you're sleeping you don't have to leave your house. I mean, it's just it's unlike anything that I've ever seen before. 

Eric: Yeah, for sure. And to go back to the mat respect to that guy in his video. Probably fairly new. I'm not sure he probably barely knows. And that one video is just like I bet you on that. One video he probably accumulated three to $5,000 in commissions give or take on That's right. That me free? Yeah, I'm not sure but that's how it set me free. In my video when I told my story, I'm not sure if you want to play it.  That's like one of my very videos really hit 2 million views. And literally that's what kind of catapulted my life. And now when you're telling your story, I don't need to tell your story every time right.

Dave: Okay, this guy, his first video that he posted was on December 17. So within roughly about 10 days, his life completely changed. And you can see at the very beginning he wasn't posting videos with his face. And then he probably said you know what, screw it. Right. I'm gonna put myself out there. I'm gonna put my face out there. And then within a couple of days, okay, he's got a video that's got 1.1 million views and took his account to 32,000 followers. Now you're the one that you were talking about was?

Eric: I built 60 to 60,000 followers in less than 30 days when I first started based off of one video. You don't have to tell your story every video and the way I help and we do my own videos is I go through it every morning. Here's my schedule. The night before I get six main things that I need to get done for the day. And then the next morning I'll start out my day. I wake up at 4am and at 4:30 I hit the gym around 5:30, I go do my workout. I come home and I scroll TikTok for about 15 minutes. And all I'm doing is I have another phone that I'm actually going through TikTok. I'm trying to find something that's trending okay by here the same, say trending like three or four pins. And I look at those people's accounts and notice they have a lot of followers. They're onto something right so I'll take my other phone and I'll actually save that song on the phone that I usually do my kick rocks on and record the whole video. Now it doesn't have to be in my niche. This could be something completely different.  I get content and examples from other niches because they're all original pretty much like I don't look. I don't look at anybody that makes money online, typically. I don't really look because that's what everybody else is doing. I try to separate myself and be different and unique so 15 minutes in the morning I'll scroll TikTok. That's all I give myself. I'll gather as many videos as I possibly can. 

Dave: Okay 15 minutes, that's all he gives himself. That's it. 15 minutes.

Eric: That's what ideas I have for breakfast I visit with my wife. I don't even check my Legendary Marketer account to see if I can make any sales for the day. Or set myself up mentally as a downfall in morning so I make no sales during the night and that's on my mind all day. And then in 45 minutes, I'll get my in office then I play through an email that I've spent 45 minutes building. That's it. 45 minutes, no matter how many I get done, edited, completely done. That should be three or four for the day. And then that's not including the Sunday when I do that. My first task. I batch out content, I still got 20 videos in there from quite a week ago and just kind of go through and pick the top one or I'll make another one inspiring. And then I'll say so the next day I'll spend about 40 minutes or 35 minutes on each task. So a task in the morning can be like okay, write emails or you know, do ad copy something like that. 45 minutes, 30 minutes, don't take a five minute break. My mind is your mind's muscle, right? And as you work your muscle, your brain you burn calories, just like a muscle when you go to the gym, right? So if you sit down and you sit there and focus for four hours straight on one object, within 45 minutes you're focusing on TikTok over here, you got Instagram over here. It's not going correctly for you. So we're at the beginning training your muscles and your brain to work at 25 minute increments. Take a five minute break, you form you for tasks, and then you take a 30 minute break. So my cast would be a tick tock hour and count one of my tasks that's just morning scrolling 40 minutes or like email writing and then I do maybe 30 minutes or 40 minutes of Facebook group engagement, you know, responding to DMS stuff like that, 45 minutes that's all I give myself and I jumped to something else. Maybe like engaging in my Facebook group you know, no matter what it is, but I've set myself up the schedule, usually four to 6 tasks a day and I find that my business has a little bit each done each single day, not nothing done in one single day. So for a person that's beginning, and they're overwhelmed on a plan on what to do each day, prioritize yourself, what's what's priority for the next for the next day, six things and then whatever you don't get done on that, then that day, you follow it over to the next day. That's priority number one for the next day. Just keep going and then you'll get stronger. When I go to the gym, I don't go there to train my muscles. I go there and I train my brain. Right, it's a mental thing it puts them right when you fall for it when you fall, don't fall backwards, fall forward, right reach out to a community, reach out to a Legendary Marketer when you're feeling down. Come on the show. When you're feeling down. Jump only TikTok . I'm full of energy. Can you tell? Okay, now when I find my content, I grab my videos. I keep them stored here for memory. So I'm not writing these down. Then if I want to come to my office and write my own scripts, according to that video, then I'll do it. When it comes to treatment because of that person's bit like in their profile, I'll use tick tock sort or for software TikTok. It's an app that you can actually sort people's valuable videos to the top. Utilize you know, you can see you can see somebody's most popular videos are on there. Alright. And for there's three main components of a TikTok video, right? You have your hook, which is the most important thing. The second thing you're gonna have, you're gonna have your hook your body which is telling the story because your hooks got to hook the person then your body's got to keep their pizza the person's attention through that short term content short form content, tick tock Instagram reels, YouTube shorts doesn't matter. Watch time is what they really want to focus on because TikTok is a platform for people to engage on as far as like the usual experience right? People aren't getting on TikTok to learn how to make money online. I promise you they're getting on TikTok No. To scroll, to laugh, to stitch right after full names. So with that being said, let's make your content extraordinary. So when people get that watch time you actually plant seeds in this cold market, you plant seeds, warm them up for your content that sprouts and then they become a raving fan after that point. So basically, hook, body, and call to action now your call to action at the end if you'd like to click on a link for you guys are under 1000 followers, I recommend building your following first. Build that trust like not authenticity, and that trend. Right utilizing only the trending sounds on your personal account. Don't jump to business. I tried it. I had several accounts that grew very slowly. But either way jump on your personal account, talk about your story, talk about what you're trying to do. And every time you learn something if you guys learned something on this, on this live show today, I want you to go and build a TikTok about what you've learned, like you are teaching somebody else, what that's going to do for a new person. Everybody starts out here, right and the people that you talk to maybe a couple chapters below you, right and so when you start putting out information like okay, this is how you connect your autoresponder and your AWeber or air drops and I've learned this today. You know, the most important parts of a video is your hook, your body and your call to action. So if you made a TikTok about that, now you're looking like an authority figure in your space with people that are like minded people that are a couple chapters below you the people that a couple chatting while you might just pass by your video, they might just get left but the ones that are below you know your community so every time you people are are not at your level yet they haven't gotten started right 100% And so when you do this, you start pivoting to position yourself as an authority figure in your space. Now you don't have to talk about your finances, how much you make you just talk about being transparent building value, and then you walk into your office each day not feeling like a counterfeit, but actually you know what, I'm going to help somebody today I'm going to help them overcome their goals and overcome they're waking up super early. I'm going to help them, you know, stop, you know, leaving their family six months of time to go work. I'm going to help with their financial freedom. I'm going to help with their roadblocks, right if you think like that and worry and focus about the first commission, right, essentially take that equation and just worry about helping somebody change their situation for the better. I promise you it will get better for you. They will. 

Dave: Yeah, it did for me. One major thing I want to point out on the highlight that you said was that the when we're starting out we're afraid to talk about our small our small wins, you know, like like maybe maybe I'm gonna I'm gonna go into the make money online niche which by the way, you can go into not the only niche you go into can go into any niche that you want. We just happen to have a lot of people that go into the make money online niche because it's it's kind of what they saw and that they you know, it's it's, it's something that is profitable and it's something that is fairly easy to talk about because everybody wants to everybody wants to you know, make more money and have more freedom right so it's it's a it's a fairly easy topic to talk about. So a lot of people get started and then they haven't made any money and they feel like as you said they feel fraudulent they feel like an imposter. You said counterfeit. Right? They feel they feel fake, right, because they think that they need big results to be able to inspire somebody. And so they're what they do is they take no action because they feel like they're stuck between a rock and a hard place but what you said was talk about using matter how impactful you think it's going to be because the majority of people on TikTok haven't even gotten started yet. They're not trying to get business information. They're there trying to escape their reality. They're on there scrolling, trying to make time go by at their job. They're there, they're on there because you know, they're at dinner with their family. And, you know, you see it all the time. It's a challenge not to be on your phone when you're sitting at it with your friends and family. You know what I mean? Because it's like reality can be hard. This is not reality. What this is, this is virtual reality. Right? It's not real reality. It's not what's happening in front of our face, which oftentimes can be hard and boring, right? Not enough money. The reality of most people's lives is that there are no more months at the end of the money, not their money at the end of the month. Right? So they can hear somebody who is speaking not like an expert, like a real, everyday common person who says, you know, hey, look, I just started a business. I generated five leads today. Want to see how I did it? Click the link in my bio. I'll show you how I'm doing it. We don't always have to talk about $5,000 per day. We don't always have to talk about making tons of money. A lot of times we can talk about small wins and things that we learned. We can talk about how I built a funnel today. In 30 minutes. Let me show you how right sometimes we can talk about those things if they're just as powerful or more powerful than then these big numbers that people might even be skeptical about like, oh, believe you, right? It's pretty easy to believe that somebody generated five leads in a day. It's not always easy to believe that somebody made the day because when you start talking about those things that they've never even done, it becomes this sort of this this big, almost like too good to be true. Right? And so you go back to that learn, do teach concept and that in that you preach, you teach, you talk about and you've done. Talk just briefly about that point in your own words and reiterate for people one more time that the majority of people on TikTok aren’t business experts, who would love to transform and change their life. They're there for some entertainment. And if you have the right hook, and you're authentic enough in your entertainment, you mix entertainment with your education, edutainment, then it doesn't matter if you're in your first week like BJ who we just saw, has a video with 1.1 million views within 10 days. We just have to be able to find the courage to be able to put the camera up in front of your face and get started. Would you agree with that? 

Eric: Yeah 100% When I in my talks I help people that are camera shy to not necessarily look at the camera but actually have another person there have the camera off to the side if you're trying to talk about your story. That's what you want to do. And the process is duplicatable. Your story is duplicatable, right? You know it's just the type of marketing you can actually teach somebody else so if you get comfortable on camera, you don't have to, you don't have to show your face in this business. And if you're not in the know the Make Money niche you don't have to basically if you if you're in the money, make money niche, you don't have to go and flash money. You just got to tell your story and be authentic. And so as you're making these videos and you're coming to the point where hey, I need to you know, show my face on camera, I'm ready to break through this plateau. You can start stacking up drafts and US practicing even having a conversation with Aunt Louise, you know, talking to her, Hey, this is the fastest way to make $5,000 This way together and three easy steps and you can be looking at the camera number step number one you could take the camera out of the equation. Take the phone now you could be doing it like an educational thing just showing or just educating on the screen or computer right? So there's so many ways to do it. Don't let that stop you and if you're in the health niche.

If you haven't made any money in that niche, just talk about what that product or service or whatever it is, what kind of roadblock it can help for somebody's psychology right some people have like collagen in their skin some kind of problem. There's their calling. And so if you take this product, you know you can actually help with it. So say admin, I've been having problems with my collagen for 15 years. As soon as I started taking this simple product, I noticed a big dramatic change in my life. If you want more information, just go ahead and comment. Because what happens is rather than sending people your link every time you want to build your tic toc by likes, comments, views, shares, all that stuff. You can hit those rounds that's like a recipe for virality and the way it works is your video is going to go out to your followers first and what's whatever they're out for further out. From what I've noticed. There's no set stone on how this algorithm works. It's designed because it's an algorithm to keep us on our toes. And it changes all the time by itself either way. And so but I've noticed is the watch time, your hook your body and your call to action. And so it is, you don't have to be in the money making niche, you can be in any niche. Just talk about how you can overcome some of these roadblocks with your product or service and also talk about your failures and not just your wins because we are human. We are connecting with individuals that are on TikTok that are human. They're people with feelings. I mean, so if we can connect with those people and show our wins and our losses, they can be more relatable, right? But then at the end of that loss, it's not really a loss, it's just kind of like a stumble, show them how you fell forward and you became that authority right? Rather than falling backwards and giving up you fell forward and dove deeper. Hey, I'm telling you what. I'm all about giving free value at any point anytime. And I got some stuff going on for this year. It's gonna be astronomical. 

Dave: Sweet brother. Well, listen, man. It's inspiring. And it's a wonderful story that I love to hear. Thanks for coming back on the show for Is this your second or third time on? Okay, that you guys know I started in a trailer. The first show I was in was in a five by five space. I had a wooden desk and this came from the thrift store. My computer from 2014 was a hand me down and my webcam came from the same bookstore I got my desktop and then that was in like the bedroom of the trailer. It's nice but me and my wife shared a room and so for 11 months for like yeah, for a lot of months I struggled in there and then actually built this place. It's actually a tiny home for workers. So we got this thing completely gutted. If you guys know my story, I ended up building this out, trim it out. The only thing we haven't done, it's like on a vision board right here. educational stuff here. And then one thing I haven't done as a trim yet on my windows because that train is right here. It's snowing outside.

Dave: Where do you live?

Eric: I live in Libby, Montana. Really? Libby Montana? Yeah. 2500 people there's nothing here. Wow. To go to Walmart in an hour and 45 minutes like when I got my logic Okay, I got my braces this year for my knee surgery. My wife retired so she could homeschool my son. My grill has been fucked up for a long time speak my language but looks like I've been chewing on rocks and shit right and so I've been having this complex my whole life and you get on camera and TikTok with a grill that looks like this. It's been difficult, right? As soon as I make some good money, I'm gonna get braces. I manifested everything through a vision board. Me my wife, and this is our second vision board. You mean that there's a $2 million home on that one. But either way I've never missed braces or knee surgery. Don’t fucking give up. Don't push for it might happen sooner, might happen later but it's good. Yeah, that happens. You put them on Alright, I'll let me go now. I'm done talking. I'm fired up for today, man. It’s a great day.

Dave: This is a great day. You remind me of me when I got started, man. I mean, just you know, just grinding you know? Just driving and driving and old Ruskin. The other day, it just looked so small. You know what I mean? Like it's it's just, it didn't take, it didn't take 10 years. I've been doing this for over 10 years but life started to change dramatically within a couple of years. Within 24 months, I was in a neighborhood where, you know, people were looking at me saying this young kid must be a drug dealer or something. Right? Because, you know, he never leaves his house and you know, there's no way you know, he can afford to live here but yeah, it's it's it was about 24 months and my life dramatically changed. I was in a completely different neighborhood, driving a Range Rover. You know, it was 2010 ish and I went and I bought a used Range Rover for like 13 or 14 grand. So here I am driving my dream car, you know, and I'm renting my dream house. You know what I mean? That was even before I actually owned the house. By now I own almost 10 homes, you know, many of them are rentals, but it's amazing, man. I mean, you were just talking about working on the wood desk and working on the laptop that you got from the thrift store. I mean, those are all things that I did. I worked on dressers, I have had a dresser that was a desk. And the truth is that nowadays I don't really need anything that's special. I've gone up the production line of having all this fancy video equipment and shit. And now I just use the webcam on my computer because I've realized after 10 years that, you know, nobody cares about the production value. They just care about the quality of the content, the realness of you who's delivering the content. They don't need you to be perfect, they want you to be perfect. They just want you to be real, and that's definitely what you are my brother so I'm looking forward to round three in the very near future so be Legendary. Stay Legendary my brother, okay, and if anything else you can just just just hit me up, hit us up and we'll get it to you but keep up the good work, man. Keep doing it. 

Eric: Thank you very much. You guys have a blessed day, everybody out there. 

Dave: Alright, my friends give Eric a follow up passive income Eric and, you know, the very least at the very minimum. You know, lift him up and support his journey. And that's what we do. In this community we support each other. We lift people up through commenting on their stuff through liking their stuff or sending them good energy, you know, through sending them a DM and saying hey, appreciate all your nuggets in so forth. You know what I mean? Just what I'm saying. it's not just about taking it's also about giving and lifting each other up, no matter who you are or where you're at in the journey. If you're brand new, you can still lift me up, right? I appreciate every time that somebody sends a like or you know drops a comment or comes on in tunes into the show because it keeps me moving forward. Right. It lets me know that my work matters. And so that's how we support each other. So make sure that you support Eric as well to be supported by Eric and we'll see you tomorrow for another episode. Get out of here. Peace.

How To Use Multiple Channels To Get Massive Results

 Below is the transcription of this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends? This is Dave Sharpe. Wake Up Legendary is what I'm doing right along with the rest of you this morning. We have an amazing, amazing accomplishment that Matt right before we went live pointed out to me and it's the show for this week full shows, okay Monday through Friday have been nothing but women. Nothing but women. Okay? I want you to think about that for a second. In a, you know, in a well quite frankly. You know men think that they rule the world anyways. But I can tell you for a long time even in our community. You know, a lot of the people that we were showcasing were men, you know, we're men, we're guys, and that scale has tipped in a major way recently and I just want to give all of you ladies out there in the community a major shout out. And now would you please help me welcome the fifth amazing, Legendary woman of this week to the show, Andrew what's going on Andrea?

Andrea: Hi, Dave. Yeah, I'm glad that this family of women, it was also one of the reasons why I decided to join and to promote the program because it was pretty diverse. There were a lot of women of color. There was a lot of inclusion. So I'm happy to see that.

Dave: Yeah, it's interesting that you actually noticed that when you were looking into us and deciding to be a part of our community that there was a diverse group of people here.

Andrea: Yeah, no, just like people promoting TikTok. And so also in the Facebook group, I noticed that you could see at least from my perspective. Yeah, that was one of the reasons I made me feel more inclined and more happy to be a part of the community. Yeah, but it's also fine also to be like, you know, like a trailblazer and to like, make space for other people. But it was already happening.

Dave: Yeah, I mean, it's, it's one of the things that we've we we take seriously inside our company. You know, we have women in leadership roles inside of our company in the operation side of our company. We have people from, you know, all nationalities, backgrounds, cultures, all throughout our company on the internal side. So, you know, I think that if you look at both the community and the staff, you know, it's it's, I think it's a I think it's an example of what the world looks like. And I think it's also an example of where we're headed in this world. We are headed more in a place where we're working together globally, versus nationally, because the internet gives us that ability. Do you agree? 

Andrea: Yeah. Me for example, I'm not, I'm not from the US, and there's a lot of programs that don't allow people that are not from the from the US and when I when I talk to people, like there's a lot of people from other countries that want to join and want to promote it. And there's also a big advantage because you guys are open to a lot of countries like just a few that are not possible yet. But yeah, I also think that's great.

Dave: So where are you from? Peru, right?

Andrea: Yeah, I'm from Peru, and I'm improving now. Yes, I've been here since the pandemic and hopefully I can start travelling next year.

Dave: That was the last big life and I took it to Peru. We went and flew into Lima. Then we went out to Cusco, and then we went out to Machu Picchu and had an absolute adventure. It was wonderful.

Andrea: And you didn't know it wasn't gonna be the last one. 

Dave: Yeah. Alright, so tell us. Tell us about how to use it. Basically tell us about how you found Legendary, give us a little bit of your origin story, a nutshell version of it. So we can know more about you and then how did you find us in what made you get started going through our training, and then deciding to be part of our community?

Andrea: Okay, well kinda like to sum it up, I used to work as a publicist for around 12 years. I studied, I went to college for advertising and I used to work as a publicist. And I always wanted to do something different and not have a nine to five like most of us. So I started looking into different side hustles, and I first started with other things actually started with Amazon. Private Label. So I did that for a while. It kind of went well, but they ended up closing my account. I realized that it was not a very sustainable business because you don't really have control over it and they don't really have a very good seller support.

Dave: You got your Amazon store shut?

Andrea: Yeah. I got shut down based on a false claim. And I had to pay for lawyers and I had to pay to remove my inventory. It wasn't very profitable at the end. So I obviously didn't want to continue with that. So I kept looking and then since I have some inventory from that business that I had to move, they are looking into drop shipping because I didn't have the inventory with me. It was in our house. So I'm delving into it and to drop shipping. I did a little bit of that kind of along with Facebook ads. I was doing ads because I was feeling very comfortable there to do my own content. So I started with that, but that also was not very profitable, because with the ads and all the shipping and the protocols, it was not very sustainable. So that's when I found out about affiliate marketing. I felt like it was kind of like always kind of like putting out fires that you were not building anything. And I wanted to build something like that can grow over time and become more passive. So that's when I started. I first created a blog actually, so I have a few blogs. I started building those to SEO and to Pinterest. And then along the way I was promoting digital marketing software mostly like ClickFunnels in my software then I found Legendary. And I thought it was a good program. I also wanted to teach people how to do this, but I didn't have my own program at the moment. So I saw it and I felt like I wasn't gonna be able to do something better by myself because like a huge company already has like the whole system. So that's when I decided to promote Legendary.

Dave: Nice so you have the experience of losing Amazon accounts, you have the experience of seeing other business models. You have this experience of sort of being in the digital marketing world. I mean, you even went to school for it. You've got you know, you've got a lot of experience. You've got a lot of knowledge and now your air landing and you're in Legendary Marketer’s, one of the programs that you're involved in that you're promoting. You also which we're we're happy and proud of that. I mean just the fact that you know you see so much value here after knowing all the other things you could be doing. I think that says a lot. I'm just humble bragging about what I'm doing. So thank you and congrats to the Legendary team in the community for being attractive to somebody who's already a seasoned veteran. Now let's talk a little bit about how you've learned from your mistakes, learn from things in the past if you have set up multiple channels of multiple streams of traffic. So no matter what happens, you're always secure and in your business. can continue to keep running no matter what talk to us about like what made you begin to set up those multiple streams of traffic, what those streams are, and you know what you know now that you would have taught yourself at the very beginning if you knew.

Andrea: Okay, yes, I have all these experiences and all of these mistakes that I learn from I realize that having just one source of income or just one source of traffic was always kind of risky because like you're never like in full control of your social media or even your ads accounts, or an Amazon business for example. So I was always really scared of that happening again. So I decided that I wanted to be like a more safe system where you are always secure no matter what happened. So that's when I started creating, like my blog because I know that your own website is something that is kind of hard for people to take away from you. It's gonna happen but it's like a secure thing. And then I started creating different sources of traffic for that which involve like I was doing Pinterest. That is one of the main things that I started using.

Dave: We keep hearing about Pinterest a lot this week and I want everybody to pay attention because Pinterest I think is an undervalued platform.

Andrea: I also use Instagram. Real well Instagram. I have a few TikTok accounts, because we know that they can also close your account pretty often. So I have a few Facebook accounts that have luckily haven't closed yet but thanks for not being able to post for a few days so that our email will seal they also get traffic from Google. But it also starts next year. So I think that seems like a little bit over but for people at first because it's like well I have to do all of this I wouldn't like to be successful. I have like, like a profitable business but I kind of just one and then like to continue to add more you know and I also think it's good to have a short term graphic but like TikTok and rails you can see results pretty pretty quickly and that's encouraging for beginners. But also you don't want to be tied to having to post everyday so that's why I also have other sources of more passive traffic like Pinterest.

Dave: Well, here's what what you know, for the new people who are just starting out, the easiest thing to do is is to get on a platform like TikTok and then repurpose you know, repurpose that content right from tick tock on to Instagram, you know, take that use one of these snap tick software's to pull the just create the video right and TikTok and then use a you know, one of the software programs like SnapTik or something to take off the the, the branding the TikTok branding, and then just repurpose that same video on Instagram reels, repurpose that same video on Pinterest. Repurpose that same video on YouTube. And right there you're using the same one piece of content and you're posted on four different places. So you know, that would be I think today, in you know, now almost in less than 24 hours 2022 We're in a place where all the platforms in some way are mimicking each other. You know, they're copying each other. They're trying to keep up, they're competing for us. So we're more in control than we've ever been before. Because if you know there's other choices, you know what I mean?

Andrea: Yeah, whoever is making the content has the attention or has the power because they

it's not the platform anymore because the platforms are so similar. TikTok is really powerful. But the truth is, you know, Andre, you were just talking about Andre. He's also from Peru. He's been kicking major ass. I mean, he's built the majority of his business from Instagram reel. And then there's people who are building their business from Twitter, you know, in our business business blueprints that we sell our flagship training program. We've got thorough training on each one of these platforms with thorough examples of how you can start on Facebook, how you can start on Twitter. I mean, you know how you can do this even if you don't want to put your face out there like Twitter's a great place to start. It. There's so much you can do but yes, I appreciate you pointing out the fact that if you're brand new and you're feeling like oh, I need to be having a blog or a YouTube channel for TikTok channels, Instagram, but you don't need all that to make six figures as an affiliate marketer selling information selling other people's products. You can repurpose the same piece of content across four or five different platforms. And, you know, it's almost like just creating a fire and then you just throw gasoline on it. And it's a really simple thing to do.

Andrea: Like the same content that maybe performs pretty well on TikTok doesn't perform that well on Instagram, or vice versa. But you are posting on multiple sides, you have more opportunities for that content to do well. So even even if it's not going to well in one place, it's going to like free you'll have people

Dave: And you're collecting emails so you're building yet something else that can't be taken from you. You know, your blogging is an example of something that you own as long as you continue to keep paying that you know for your hosting. Yeah, I mean, unless you're creating illegal content.  I mean, that's something that you're paying for. It's a private service and you're paying for your own hosting, just like Facebook pays for its own hosting. So the email

That's like $3 a month so if I find it overwhelming, I just have your own website, but it's pretty cheap. Yeah. And it's very, even if you are sorry, even if you are not like like an expert, you can still like you've got even post like the same content and you can adapt it and if you make like a tic tock video, you can still like, type it and kind of like, try the same idea into a blog post or into into Instagram.

Dave: Right or get it transcribed. What we do with this show is we do this show live every day. And then we take this content, it lives here on Facebook, right? It's so it stays on Facebook. We also post this video on YouTube. We then also take the audio of this and we put it on all the podcast platforms. And then we take the video and we transcribe it and we put it on our blog and a lot of people don't even realize that, you know we've got we've got literally if you go over to our, our blog, we've got we've got 1000’s, I don't know probably a probably 1000 blog posts or more. You know what I mean? I mean, we've looked at how long content rich these blog posts are. So we're also being trafficked, you know from multiple sources from this show. Which mostly This show is made to serve our community here, you know, but it's also bringing in traffic and if you noticed, you know, that traffic that it's bringing in, we have what do we have right up here at the beginning of you know, we have a button that says, you know, get to get a free training with some wisdom copy in that will take you to an opt in page. So it's all of the traffic that we're getting. The top of the funnel is wide, and it always funnels down into the same place. And by the way, those blog posts are just for you affiliates, if you ever want to use those blog posts, you just have to put a question mark and your affiliate ID at the end. And all those blog posts are also affiliate cookies. So you can also if you want to ever use those blog posts in your email, follow up series or anything like that. You can just use your little question mark, you know, a big question mark, whatever it is. It's Question mark. I think an ID equals and then your affiliate you just put that your affiliate ID that you put at the end of the blog post. And now that you can email that out and that's cookied to you. So just a kind of little nugget for those of you who are affiliates.

Andrea: Yeah, you can also use that for Pinterest because on Pinterest, we're going to talk a little bit that you need to have a lot of URLs so you can post frequently they don't like when you post the same address like very often and you need to post like frequently as well. So you can use that and you have conflicts of URLs to post and they can all be like when people you know make content. You can use that to post something there as we do it.

Dave: So you're saying that Pinterest likes you to post content that goes out to different places? Is that what you're saying?

Andrea: No, like I get a lot of questions. of people because they will only have like their funnel. And I tell them that they need to post often but they can't post the same websites the same address all the time because it is going to look like a span so you cannot post your final URL all that every day. So you don't have our URLs. You have your posts, you have Instagram links you can post like Legendary.

Dave: Yeah and just to be super clear, so people don't have questions that go flooding into customer support about how to do that. Just if you happen to be an affiliate, what you do is you go back in here into your funnels, the best way to go to affiliate links. The best way to know what your affiliate ID is it's right there. So ?AID=106 is mine. I would go right here to that particular blog post and you can see it's already got ?AID= so I'm just going to paste that right onto the end of the blog post. And now this particular blog post since I've added that question mark AID=106. That's mine. So add yours. Now that particular blog post, I can take that link and now that blog post, let's say I posted it on Facebook, just for example. That blog post is now an affiliate track. Okay, so that's just a quick tutorial. Of how that worked. 

Andrea: Like I was just thinking about the possibilities that you have with this like format that you guys have? You can use that for Twitter, you can just like, like a small description and just like send people to the local so they can read more. Or you can even just Google ads because you like so much content and like so many different topics. You can target a lot of like different keywords and just send people to the blog post and do you have to have a blog?

Dave: Yeah, exactly. I mean, there's so much there's so many peer reviewed or if you want to get into affiliate marketing and if you want to be in the make money online niche, you know, you don't have to focus so many different niches we talk about that a lot you know if you if you listen, I was in the business blueprints group last night answering questions to a gentleman I think named Stacy if I remember he was going into the diabetes niche and I was giving answering some questions you know, so all these principles they apply to every single niche. We have a lot of students who start in the Make Money Online or business opportunity niche promoting products like legendary and others when they get started. It's fantastic. I've stayed in this niche for 10 years because I love it. And I love sharing the idea of freedom and I love watching somebody, you know, make their first commission and then quit their job and I just love this industry. I feel that it’s an industry that's really riddled with a lot of sketchiness. I feel that our community also provides a safe place that people can learn about how to build a real business online.  You know, it's not an overnight thing. It's not something that's going to happen, you know, just just within the click of a couple of clicks of your mouse that you can build something that's real and you can do something that's sustainable, like you said, and you can do it with the support of an amazing community and a diverse community. And that's important.

Andrea: Yeah, a lot of people don't want to get into the money. Making it because they feel like they wouldn't sell folder like show their faces, way content, and that's what kind of like keep them away from affiliate marketing but once they realize that they are already like consuming and loving other products that they can share, then, yeah, it's also more approachable for everybody because you know, everybody wants to create content, change people's lives like this.

Dave: So if somebody was sitting on a checkout page, and they and they were making a decision about, you know, going through our training and really diving headfirst, what would your testimonial, what would your personal testimony be and what would your advice be about them getting involved here with Legendary?

Andrea: I will share my experience of how happy and excited I am that I took the training and that I can share it with everybody like Legendary is like a big part of my products. So I started training because I learned a lot from it. And essentially it's not like the 50 Day Challenge. So it's just a small investment. I think nobody has ever seen that. The challenge, even if they would take also, I guess that's for everyone. But yeah, I think it's a lot of such affordable challenges that anyone can benefit from. So I think yeah, take it I'll say take it and it's like a new year and a lot of people are having their resolutions and everybody is trying to not go back to their office jobs. So it's a great opportunity if you're trying to change what your home is going to be next year.

Dave: Well, you are an inspiration. Andrea, thank you so much for your time this morning all the way from Peru. We love to meet and talk with our members in our family here, that community that's all over the world. So thank you for, you know, taking the time out of your day to spend with us and share some of your value and experience. It's been a wealth of experience in just a short period of time. And come back here in a couple of months who keep us posted on your journey. 

Andrea: Thank you, Happy New Year.

Dave: All right. Happy New Year Andrea. We'll talk to you later. All right, my friends. You can go and follow Andrea at Andrea underscore business hacks. All right, she's on tick tock. Obviously she's on other platforms as well, but you can find her at Andrea underscore business hacks. Now. One of the things on the where my phone is oh, it's in my pocket. One of the things that also in terms of your in terms of just your routine, right, your routine, I would recommend is also get a text reminder, this protection binder right there. It's just a simple little thing. Okay, simple little thing that we send every morning at 10am Eastern time, you know Monday through Friday when we go live so you can get a quick notification and and you can there's a link that comes with it. You can just hop right on the show. You can hop on it obviously from your phone or you can get a reminder that we're going live on you know on your in jump on your computer and watch it but either way text WUL to (813)-296-8553. So we can have you join us every morning, or as many mornings as you can. And I promise you I promise you that if you tune into the show every day throughout 2022 By the end of 2022 you will be a completely different person because you will have listened to so many different people you can no longer say I don't have a support system. I don't have people that understand me. I don't have friends in this business. I don't have anybody who's doing the same thing. Because five days a week. We are going to sit with men, women from the United States of America and all around the world, different races, different religions. We are going to different ages we are going to show you it's possible for you no matter who you are, where you're at where you come from, what you've been through what you're doing right now it's possible for you to have freedom to build a business that you love to have a life in a business that you love, through work through effort. Just like anything, nothing is handed to you. Nothing's free. But I will guarantee that if you tune into this show and you get involved in our community, and you take our training, every single person that you see that is successful on the show has gone through our training. There's no secret we don't email them a secret strategy. They've gone through our training and they've applied it. So I guarantee you that if you combine taking the training seriously and put it into action, with showing up and listening to the successful people every morning that we have on the show. At the end of the year even sooner, you will be a completely mentally and emotionally different person moving towards the best version of yourself. You can do that simply by texting WUL to (813)-296-8553 Get that text message reminder, it's like I'm selling nothing here only just to get on our text message list so we can give you a gentle, gentle reminder every morning to show up to help you build a routine. And I promise you I guarantee you this. It will help you grow. It will help you transform into the best version of you. So you can live the life that you deserve to eliminate the pain in your life, whether it's debt, whether it's unhappiness with a job you hate, whether it's just more all around fulfillment, you can eliminate the pain in your life and start moving towards the life that you deserve. So text that number to get on that reminder list every morning to come join us five days a week and my friend. It is just hours away from a new year. This is a time that when you look back you say did I do what I wanted to do? Did I do what I said I was going to do and how can I make sure then the next year on December 31st 2022. I don't have the same pain and regret that I have. Maybe today as I look back.

Or if you accomplished goals. Then you pat yourself, you say hell yeah. How can I do it again? And maybe how can I do it better and easier? Bigger. Now's the time to reflect and make commitments to yourself about what this next year is going to look like. Okay, again, you can follow our guest Andrea, fifth woman on the show this week. All women, all women on the show this week you can follow her on TikTok at Andrea underscore business hacks on TikTok and here's the corniest joke that we all love to say. Get out of here be Legendary.


How to Generate A 5 Figure Income As A Stay At Home Mom

 Below is the transcription of this episode:

Dave: What is up my friends this is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary another episode, another absolutely fantastic powerhouse of a guest. We just texted this out. Jessica's a powerhouse mom who's created a six figure online business in 2021. All while taking care of five kids. Wow, I need to hear how she's done this. If you're not on our text message list by the way, literally just texted it out. Go ahead and text WUL 813-296-8553. Text just the words WUL to that number on the screen right now. And Jessica, welcome to the show and how the hell do you do it?

Jessica: I'm hiding in the car right now because when I actually asked me to do this date, I wasn't thinking that the kids were on holiday break. And so my husband is off and all the kids had friends sleepover and it's a little wild at my house right now.

Dave: So Wow. You know, Matt just told me that you're $2,500 away from becoming a platinum affiliate with us. $2,500 in commissions away. Congratulations on that. Wow, what an accomplishment. Did you ever think that was going to happen? And how fast has it happened for you?

Jessica: Oh, I just started the last week of June. So it's only been six months. It's only been six months. At the beginning of 2021 I got TikTok, my 13 year old was like hey, why don't you get TikTok? And I was like, okay, so I did. And then I started scrolling and I said that I didn't even know what affiliate marketing was. Honestly, until I got on there. I started seeing people talk about the 15 Day Challenge. All these great things and I was like well if they can do it, then why can't I do it? So I tried. I was consistent. I learned everything there was to learn and here we are. 

Dave: Wow. How's it feel? 

Jessica:It's great. It's great. Like I used to have my own aesthetics company. And that was something that I wasn't really as much as I love doing. I wasn't trying to go back to that after we had baby number five. We just had baby number five in February. So it was really great to not have to do that now I'm just home. Yeah, um, my kids are like, Oh, look, mom's making a TikTok and they think it's hysterical, my husband at first but he's learned quickly that I kind of figured out what I was doing.

Dave: Right right. You know he's now he's your greatest evangelist, right. 

Jessica: Yeah, he told me he's like here he's like, take your coffee. He's like why don't you go hang on the car. It's quiet. And I was like, That's a great idea. I might not come back in.

Dave: Yes, you deserve that. So I want to make a big income disclaimer because we just made a claim as if that's normal or something that's not normal. making six figures in six or basically Yes, making six figures in six months is basically what you do. And that's not counting other affiliate commissions in other, you know, income streams or whatever. That's just what I know about and I just want to be crystal clear for anybody watching anybody who thinks that I'm hiding things up saying, Oh, hey, just you know, just because the results are totally typical. They're not, you know, she has gotten to work. Most people who start any online business, any business whatsoever. Make no money at all. Period. That's the income disclaimer. Is that like, is that straight shooting enough for you all? Are you tired of hearing from all the gurus and goblins on Instagram and even probably TikTok that oh, just you know, you know, start your Amazon store and you'll be a millionaire by the end of the year, or by the end of the month? Look, this stuff takes work. Jessica just told you that. But what I like to do and what I think is really cool about this, is that within Legendary, there's some magic here and it's a combination. I think of the people that we attract, it starts with you, mixed in combined with the training mixed and combined with a community that Jessica I'm going to be honest with you. I didn't even know who you work with. You've made six figures. This is the first time I'm meeting you and have heard of you. Now I'm never gonna forget you. But that's how many people we do have that are succeeding in our community and I I think it's a mixture of you, and the training and the community. What has been most magical and powerful for you when you found Legendary and things started to take movement? 

Jessica: Seeing it work, because like you said you see people on all these different social media platforms tick tock, Instagram, YouTube everywhere talking about affiliate marketing, Amazon, all those things. And it's like, it kind of in the beginning, like it sounded too good to be true. And that's what a lot of people think because a lot of people make it sound easy. And you learn the right way from the right people, and you're consistent and you really put into action what you learned, then, I mean, your results can be anything you kind of want them to be but you have to like to put in the work and you have to be consistent with it.

Dave: Yeah. Talk about the training experience, if you will, getting involved in actually starting, for example, the challenge, you know, we have a lot of people who buy stuff, and there's almost 8 billion people on this planet. humans in general have a tendency to start but not follow through his stuff. It's not, it's not anything new here. But we can see the statistics behind the scenes that people will buy the challenge, not even start. Talk about your experience of getting started and then what it was like to learn in sort of this unconventional way not to in the classroom. And how we made it easy and hard for you. What was that experience like?

Jessica: So for me to learn the challenge itself has so many great resources and tools and taking all those things and setting up my online business. Doing my email autoresponder, my funnel builder, figuring out what a sales funnel was, how to build them properly and really make them work the right way. Seeing all of that comes together. And then taking what I learned with Legendary being able to become an affiliate for other products and companies. It teaches you it's not it doesn't just teach you affiliate, it doesn't teach you to be an affiliate marketer for one product or service. It teaches you the business of affiliate marketing. I mean your opportunities are endless and starting from nothing. I started my TikTok at zero obviously like everybody does. And even so one of my accounts has like 30-40,000 And then I started a backup account that only has I think 15,000 maybe, but I mean, you just need to be clear with your audience and you need to communicate with them and be honest with them. I mean, I think that's part of my success that I've had with Legendary is I have a pretty good relationship with a lot of customers.

Dave: What does that mean when you say be clear with my customers, and I have a good relationship. Can you give us some context so people can understand what I specifically mean?

Jessica: I'm not like a fluffer, like I don't like to tell them things to like, try and make them think one thing or another. I’m very cut and dry. When it comes to things like when people have questions like you said, my results aren't typical. Not everyone who starts this is going to have success that the person next to them does, but it's possible. If you're consistent and part of my email campaign and stuff like that and my TikToks my email is accessible to anybody who has questions. Instagram my DM is accessible to anybody who has questions. I respond to people all the time. I help people set up their sales funnels. I've helped people integrate their domain names to their Clickfunnels so there to make everything work like some people just need a little bit more help. And I think it's nice to be able to help them because I'd like to see others be successful with this. Just because it's had such an impact on me. We're now able to stay home with the kids and be available. Everybody should be able to start a second stream of income and be successful with it.

Dave: And I think a lot of people have liked the past over the past year, almost two years where the majority of the world but definitely the majority of our country was told that they were not essential to go home to wait for a check from the government and it's coming. It's keep waiting, keep staying home, right keep waiting, which look I'm not here to get into the controversy of what's going on. I'm not here to take sides, or what I'm here to say is that if you're still sitting around thinking about your job, your corporate gig, if you're still sitting around thinking that anything in life is safe, and that anyone's coming to rescue you and you're not woke about that one specific thing, then I have actually no hope for you. And Jessica, I've been preaching this for over 10 years. Now in March 2020 when the shit hit the fan, you know, it went from what I did was oh, this is a scam. Oh, Dave Oh, what is it that gets a real job to know everybody's like, how can I make money online? You see what I’m saying?

Jessica: How can you make money and be home if you're quarantined for however many days and not have to worry about losing money. A lot of businesses I think are restructuring, realizing that they don't need as many employees as they have, and they can save money that way. And not as many people are needed. A lot of companies are going remote.

Dave: This was the catalyst that moved us into artificial intelligence. This was the catalyst that moved us into everybody going virtual. People are not going back to the office because the people that you know, managers realize that the people can actually do their job from home and if they can't do their job from home, then they don't want them. But Adam, go and find somebody else who will do it from home who's hungrier. This is really truly a time and I'm getting dramatic because we've got a guest on this morning, folks, who's done something that's extraordinary, extra ordinary, done it with five kids has all of the odds and the distractions and the excuses and let me tell you something, if you even have one child, if you have two children at home, then you know that when you're home, it is nearly impossible to find time for yourself. You literally have to be on point because you have kids that you have to keep alive. So we have the person here on the show who has overcome odds that I am so astounded by because I have a one year old and a five year old at home. So that's why I'm literally getting blown away by what you've done. But folks, if you are still waiting for somebody to come to rescue you I don't care if you think it's a Republican, a Democrat, your local official. You know, Elon Musk, they are not coming.

Jessica: You have to, there's a difference between like, finding the time and making the time. Make the time because if you don't make the time, nothing's gonna change. Nothing's gonna change you're gonna be in the same position that you're in now. Six months from now, a year from now. I mean, in six months. To me, I've done big things, but six months oh, I would have never saw that me saying on social media and you know, trying to help others learn to start an online business would ever turn into this. You just don't know what's comfortable. At first, I looked at some of my original TikToks And I didn't know if I wanted to laugh or cry. But you have to make the content and don't be scared to make the content. Like who cares? But who thinks two or three months in? It would be like my son's baseball games, and friends and stuff, people from our town. It'd be like, Hey, I saw you on tic tac. And it is what it is. I'm not I don't feel one way or the other about it. What I do is what I do, and it's been wonderful and I wouldn't change any of it. It just makes you more confident in posting and makes you more comfortable. Sometimes it's cringy in the beginning, but you get too comfortable, make it and you'll get comfortable with it. 

Dave: So people hold their phones up to their face. People holding their phones up to their face nowadays is a normal thing. guys and gals. It's a normal thing. People are FaceTiming, people are taking selfies, people are zooms. Get over yourself. I'm being real direct this morning because this is called Wake Up Legendary. The hope is that you wake up and one of these episodes is one of these episodes that we do five days a week with a new student who's somebody made a comment that I want to take her class. She took the challenge with the training. That's the class she took. You know, it's funny how people are like, always feel like they're missing something and what you're missing is just the decision inside of you. Once you get the knowledge to go and apply it, take a risk and you start to do what you learned. Would you agree that people are always feeling like there's a secret that they don't have or they're being left out of, or is it being kept from them? And the truth is, is that you took the same training and went through the same process within this community that every other person went through. Did we give you a secret email with a secret strategy?

Jessica:No secret sauce. Crazy. It's just you have to like, I don't know, like you have to put in the effort. You have to put in the effort. It's not going to magically happen. You have to spend the time you have to be consistent. You have to pay attention. I tell people all the time who have signed up. Take your time with the challenge. Yes, it's a 15 day challenge. No, you don't have to do it in 15 days. If you need to go back and rewatch day three or day seven. Or you have questions. Take notes, write things down. Don't just keep moving forward if you don't understand what happened previously, because then you're gonna end up in a hole where you understand nothing, and it's gonna be like, What did I just say? Like, take your time, everyone has their own pace. Everyone has their own way that they do things and absorb information. Make it yours, own it, make it your own. Take your time, ask the questions. Hopefully the person who you know signed up under you or who you got to sign up whatever you're accessible to answer their questions and to actually help them that it makes a big difference, a big difference.

Dave: We also have an advisor who will be there to work with you. There's no other company that does what we do. There's no other company that's going to train our students and our clients the way that we do and I'm just saying if you find one, please send them to me because I want to learn from them. But I know that we have a lot of people who are stalking our lives and stalking our stuff because they're trying to figure out how we have so many people succeeding in this community? And the truth is, we have great students and clients like yourself that come through and then start often. Also in the make money online niche go out and educate, they learn, do and teach like you've done now you're now teaching within six months and quicker than that within probably a month. You learned, did, and began teaching within that niche. And so now we have other people who are, you know, going through our training with a couple great clients who learn to teach with great training, great community and recipe there that allows for you to hopefully stop searching for the secret. I had a call yesterday with our team here. Within Legendary we've got about 80 or so full time team members here to support all of our clients and our affiliates. And I said, you know the way that I've built my wealth is through focusing, focusing on a cash cow income stream and working at that cash cow front end income stream until it grows big enough that I have extra money that I can invest on the back end into things like real estate into things like the stock market, right? And if you want to go and you know, roll the dice on crypto or NFT's or whatever, you're flipping watches, I don't know. That's more of a non that's more of an active thing. But my point is that I have an active cash cow on the front end. And most people are obsessed with multiple streams of income, but they ain't got the first stream yet. Right. And so you got to get that first stream streaming and I don't mean a drip. I mean get it to stream it to where it's pumping out. strong, healthy five figures per month. And then you begin diversifying your portfolio, paying off your house, buying stocks in other real estate rentals like I started to do as well. And then before you know it within a couple of years, you've built a small empire. And this is the other thing that I said and Jessica, I want to know your response to this. Yesterday I told our team and I want to tell everybody who's listening right now, most people overestimate what they can do in six months and underestimate what they can do in three to five years. Right. So what I mean by that is they have unrealistic expectations about what they can do in, you know, three to six months, but they have what you'd be blown away if you stuck with something for a year or two, even what you could accomplish in that time. What comes up for you when you hear that?

Jessica:I say that people don't really don't realize how much they can get done. If you stick with something just for like oh, I stuck with this for six months. If I wasn't getting the results right away I would have stuck with it. I would have because I told myself I was gonna give myself a year you're gonna tell you what happens and then go from there. I gave myself that one year cushion. I was like I'm going to do it every day. I'm going to be committed and whatever happens happens and then we'll go from there. And in six months this is what I've done. So now me like that gives me like, like the little fire to keep it moving here. And then you go and you do other things in three to five years, it's like you said you take some now you take some of what you make as you go along. And you do invest into other things. Like make your money work for you, invest it into other things, things like long term things, pay off debt, start to knock away things and then you realize too that the money you have when you have no debt and you have things paid off and now you have things saved. Now you just have more money in general because you're not paying interest on things and you're not like paying so many things per month. And that's why you take a second stream of income. And like you said you get it going, nurture it and you would study and then you continue to build, but you gotta start small and you know be happy with little accomplishments and then you will get bigger ones.

Dave: You just set a whole did a lot right there. You set a lot. You did. Did too much for free. Honestly, I mean this episode today is if a person or a human being with a heartbeat is not inspired. The human being with a heartbeat is not ready to rock. If a human being with a heartbeat on you knows this day getting ready to move into a new year is not ready to make this the best year of your life. Then I wondered if you're a human with a heartbeat, because I'm so fired up right now. I mean, just from the things that because you take me back to the beginning of when I started and I had all those little decisions along the way. Jessica, the same ones that you did which are you know, if this does happen if I don't get results within the first couple of months, what am I going to do? And you said it, you said it loud and clear. You said that I am going to stick with this for a year because I believe in myself and I'm going to keep believing or acting as if I believe until I do believe until the results come. Yeah, fake it till you make it or faith it till you make it. Yeah, whatever makes you feel better about you know, talking to yourself. But the bottom line is you're taking me back to you know, over a decade ago when I was in the same seat that you're in just getting started. And I had to make the decision if I'm not a millionaire or a hundred thousandaire in three months. Am I going to keep going if I haven't made a dime with my business in two, three months? Am I good? What is my commitment level to making this work to adjusting, taking responsibility to growing to not to not making an excuse or playing the victim that Oh, I didn't get the support or oh, you know, this person's fault or that person's fault or what what like how willing Am I to grow to learn to take responsibility and commit to being consistent? And I had that tough decision to make. And I'm telling you it was the one of the best decisions that I ever made because today I sit in the seat that you just described to where I don't have debt, haven't had debt in a long time. Have all the money that I make. I told everybody on our team call yesterday that I could live a comfortable life on the investments that I have right now. If I didn't have a cash cow stream of income. I could live on the investments that I've made because along the way I've done exactly what you did and put away, I love what you said about your kids to setting up an OT Roth ROA for each of them in putting $100 a month you know what that's going to be when they're 30 When they're 40-50? That's going to be a couple of million dollars or more, right? That's how you build and create generational wealth. I mean, the whole life in business gameplans has been laid out for you along with the inspiration in 29 minutes. Jessica, give us some final thoughts and then I'm going to, you know, post your TikTok link so people can follow you in support you tell us just give us some final words of encouragement and talk to us if we were brand new today. What would you say to yourself if you knew what you knew now, when you first started?

Jessica: We live in a time right now where you have access to millions of people on a daily basis seeing your content. 10 years ago there was no TikTok there was no there was none of this like you can literally make a video. You could throw it out there and millions of people could see it. Millions of people. You have access to unlimited amounts of people your target audience is out there. Pick your niche, learn consistently and make the content as this is kind of like I don't think they'll ever be like another TikTok or another. I don't know. It's just we're in a time right now where being able to get your message out there and get your product and you know, create your own little online space. It's like never going to happen again. Like take it and run with it. Just try because nobody can fault you for trying and chances of you failing. If you really try or are very slim. And if you fail then you learn and you do it again. But do something do something everybody wants to you know have a better life and make more money and go on vacation and do all these things not have debt while these things. You have a whole new year ever. You can kind of start on the right foot and be consistent. Give it six months, six months, that's the first half of the year and see what happens. You don't know unless you try. And that's what made me try because I didn't know unless I tried. And here we are.

Dave: And here we are. Mic drop right hold on. Boom, right. Listen, go enjoy your family and have a happy new year and that you deserve all the prosperity and the wealth and the happiness that you are building and earning right now and come back in a couple of months and show us where you're at then. 

Jessica: Thanks. 

Dave: Alright, see ya. All right, you can follow Jessica; she's got two accounts. The first one is @affiliatemama02 on TikTok. The second one is @makemoneywith_jess. All right. So you can follow her at those. Both of those. Those addresses. Let me try to put them in one here. And right so there you go. I affiliate mama oh two and make money underscore make money with underscore just you can reach out. You can follow you know you can watch what she's doing. But here's the best way for you to attract the success that she's earned and that she's created is to support her just like any other person in this community for you. If you see their content, comment on it, great stuff. Like it, that's how we support each other inside of this community. The Facebook groups, you know, a lot of times I sort of, you know, I sort of fear for some of the guests that we have, like they're going to get bombarded with questions and stuff like, just remember that these folks have lives that we bring on and although, you know, they're creating extraordinary results because they're taking extraordinary action. You know, they're also real people with real lives. So what I invite you to do is really listen to this episode. We listen to maybe you know, today's there's really listened to it. A couple of times over the next couple of days over the weekend, and let everything that was said on this episode sink into your DNA, like really listen to the words, relate them to your life, ask yourself, can I give myself six to 12 months to change my life? Can I commit, can I be consistent? Can I just try? Write one of the things that I have that I say to my five year old and I've said it since she was you know could talk is keep trying just keep trying. Keep trying. That's what Jessica did. With five kids at home all the odds against all the distractions in her way all of the the reasons to quit the reasons to say hey, I just want to be a stay at home mom, honey go. She said look, I want to I want to do I want to be more productive. I want more for my kids. I want more for my family. You know, she had that that entrepreneurial spirit and she you know didn't want to go back to what she was doing before she learned she woke up from what happened last year and this year with we know what you know what we've all been through. And nobody's coming to rescue like said today over and over again. So please, I beg you for your own family in future listening really listen to this episode a couple of times and let it sink into not just your head don't just let it you know sometimes our best thinking got us right where it's at. Just turn the brain off and let it sink into your heart and feel it in get in touch with your why and get in touch with like the pain that you want to eliminate in your life sometimes that's the deeper and more powerful why that we need to get in touch with not that we want yachts and cars and all this other shit that we want this pain to stop this debt to go away sometimes the Y needs to be the pain, not the pleasure a and sometimes if we make that simple switch, we can we can flip a switch and suppose that will give us a an inner motivation and allow us to step into the best version of ourselves that we didn't even know was there. Our job isn't to be your guru, your Savior. I don't want to be that I don't even care if you remember my name. I just want to be somebody in your life who helped you go into you and realize that you have what it takes and that you have more inside of you that you can do this that you can be an independent, not dependent, independent entrepreneur, who's financially free, be legendary and get the hell out of here and go do something badass and Legendary with your day. We'll see you back here again for another episode. Tomorrow. Peace.

Why You Shouldn’t Give up Before The Miracle Happens

 Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Hey everybody, happy Wednesday. It is December 29. And we are live. We've got another awesome guest if you're newer, we go live every single Monday through Friday at 10am eastern time. So on my side of the country, it's 8am. For Olivia and everybody else who is on the east coast, it's 10am Eastern. We go live every single day. We even send out a little text message reminder. If you're newer and just signing on for the first time. You can text the letters, you can see it on the screen, gray, there, WUL to 813-296-8553. And you'll get a short little I just got mine right now. You'll get a short little text message with a link. You can just tap that little link right there. It'll pop your right into Facebook live. It's awesome. And it's super easy. And we don't send you a bunch of messages trying to sell your stuff. It's just a quick little reminder, this is a join the live let's get it go and it's a good way to get a little inspiration. Little motivation before you start your day or maybe if you're mowing the lawn or scooping snow or who knows what you're doing, but you can turn it on or on Spotify, Apple podcasts, all kinds of stuff. So you can always get your dose every single day, a short little 30 minute to 60 minute if we go a long time, a dose of inspiration from somebody who's building a business just like you want to. So these are real people. This isn't scripted. I mean we'll bring Olivia in here in just a second. But it's definitely not scripted. I mean, we sign in a couple of minutes before going live. And it's like you're ready. His audio is so good. Yep, it's cool. Let's do it. So we do that because we want it to feel raw and authentic. And candid, not scripted and weird. Yeah. So anyway, let's bring on our guests for today. And if everybody who's in the comments, give us a little, give us a little hand clap emojis and say welcome to the show to Olivia. What's happening?

Olivia: Hey, how are you?

Matt: I'm good. My mornings. Good so far. How about yours?

Olivia: Yep, same here. It's raining here today. So kind of a gloomy day, but

Matt: Yeah, it's been like that here too. It's interesting. It never rains here in Phoenix, but it's been rainy and dreary here and it's been good because typically the rest of the year is just scorching hot and sunny and nonstop sun so it's kind of like when you get a little bit of dreary cloudy gray here. It's like soaking it all in and so you can get it all it's alright. Well, you're in North Carolina. And you found us back in June. I think if I read that, right? 

Olivia: Yeah, June. cool. 

Matt: Tell us a little bit about how you found us. Tell us about what you currently do for work and what got you looking or maybe you weren't looking. Maybe you just got interrupted by somebody on TikTok who introduced you to us or something. Tell us a little bit about how you found us.

Olivia: Yeah, so it was actually on TikTok. And I wasn't necessarily looking right in the moment but doing something on my own has always been a passion. And during COVID I got laid off from my job and I really was trying to spend my whole time finding something to do and I just felt like, I don't know what it is that I could do. I don't have a lot of money to start anything up in terms of, you know, a shop or inventory or things like that. But nothing really came from that. I ended up going back to work. And then there was just one night I was sitting on the couch scrolling through TikTok and this one came up that just really caught my eye and it drew me in and it was just I don't even think she was talking. I think it was just text on the screen. Have you known you want to have time freedom and financial freedom? Start your own business and work wherever you want. Work one to two hours a day. I was like oh my god, yeah, Sign me up. Yeah. I followed her her funnel click the link did the 15 Day Challenge and here I am.

Matt: Cool. Had you Okay, so you were nice. Firstly, the ad was new like seeing anything like a course. That's a digital course like this before.

Olivia: I probably had seen maybe one or two and I will be honest as soon as I got to the checkout page, and it was like, oh, enter all of your card information for this course. But it wasn't upfront about how much it cost. I just clicked out of it. And then when I came across this one, it said it's only $7. I was like alright, well. The worst case is I don't get Starbucks tomorrow. I learned something new and maybe I won't learn anything but $7 is worth that risk for me. 

Matt: Yeah, I think that that's, I think in the in the video Dave says that like you can get started for less than a pair of wranglers at Walmart or something like that isn't the most like but it's just the most redneck thing ever like okay yeah let's Wrangler Jeans. But I think this Starbucks analogy hits broader culture a little bit better. Yeah, you can go and get a grande vanilla latte or whatever and you're out like six bucks or something and Yeah, after tip maybe six, seven bucks and or you could get a whole education that teaches you how to start actually generating traffic on the internet. How do I put together a sales funnel to sell products, stuff like that? Yeah, it's kind of a steal. It's a good deal. When you were going through the challenge. What came up for you like what was? Was there anything surprising? Was there anything interesting in particular Did you gravitate more towards like you know, cuz some people come on here and they're like, I really gravitated towards like reading Rich Dad Poor Dad or for other people that's not as big of a thing is more like wow, I'd never know how to sell product or sales funnel or how to drive traffic on TikTok or whatever. Is there anything that stood out to you, in particular, like this was really powerful?

Olivia: Well, I I definitely will say Rich Dad, Poor Dad, when I read it through the challenge this time. I think that was the third time that I had read the book. It was completely different for me at this time, and I think I just had a different perspective on it. okay, this is you know, it's not something that it's not something to take lightly and just read through and kind of check off my reading list. It really hit home for me that time but what I think stuck out to me the most was just that the course was teaching you how to build a business and that sales funnel really opened my eyes to see how many times that happens in my everyday life. Everything that I see on the internet, and I was relating back to it. Oh my gosh, I just learned about that in the course. And you know, here I am seeing it online again. So I think that was the biggest thing like, wow, this is actually doable. There's so many people that do it and it's not it's not out of reach.

Matt: Yeah, interesting. Wow. That was your third time on that book. The book is so good. 

Olivia: I know. 

Matt: I think I've read it twice. The principle of like paying yourself first I remember like, thinking through that and like what a revolutionary idea that was to me and at the end, like basically learning how to generate cash flow and acquire assets but but paying yourself first and forcing yourself even if you're wealthy into a place where you're like, Oh, this is a little tight. Like, I paid myself a lot this month and now I don't have a lot of leftover money, but like I'm doing decent. And it was just so weird. Yeah, it was just very bizarre or not bizarre. It was a very powerful transformation for me. That's cool. How old were you when you first read that? Book?

Olivia: I think I was maybe 26. My husband actually read it and he was like, Olivia, you have to read this book and it didn't really sink in with me. I think I was kind of just okay, yeah, I read it. I read it again. When I was 20. Actually, I read it again during quarantine. So when I was 28. And then I listened to it through an audio book when I started to like anything. 

Matt: That's awesome. That's super cool. I feel like it's amazing to me how widespread that book is. It's nuts. So you go through the challenge you're part of our Blueprints community to build your business on tick tock. What do you have as a background on social media? Have you been on social media? I mean, like most people have been on social media but had you been like a content creator before? Are you on most social media platforms? What's that been like?

Olivia: Yeah, so it was actually terrifying. And I had a TikTok, but like, I didn't post anything on it. It was just to watch other TikToks. So when I started this, I just became paralyzed when it came to the point where I needed to start. I needed to start putting myself out there. I did not want to start with Facebook ads. At the very beginning. I thought, you know, let me just try this organically. I'd seen a lot of people on this show. Just talk about how great tic toc is and just part of the blueprints and everything in the training that TikTok is a perfect free channel for you to start. And I just remember I was sitting up here and in my office and I was like, Alright, I need to fill this. So I'm just gonna do it and I filmed. I actually watched a legend wake up legendary and it was a girl. I can't remember her name, but she started on TikTok by just posting her story. This is who I am, what I'm doing where I came from, and this is my journey. So follow along. So I tried to do something very similar to that. And I remember my heart was beating so fast as I pressed post, but once I did, I just felt like, Okay, who cares at all? You know, it doesn't matter. I'm going to reach somebody and I think that's where I started. And if I scroll back down to the first tech talk that I was posting, it's so bad but it's just a learning process. So now I've seen you know I'm there. I dedicate time to being on my business TikTok so that I can see what trends are going on and how people are editing videos and just trying to follow and copy that to make my videos better. Every day.

Matt: Yeah, that's cool. I felt like scrolling back through your old videos. We had a guest on I think last week and we were talking about how you know our like everybody's first videos you could scroll through like some of our affiliates or even like big content creators. You can scroll through some of their very first videos like if you scroll far enough, I mean, some people create a lot of ideas, but you scroll far enough and get to the beginning. some of that stuff is just like, you're like, are you serious? Like this is where you started. But the truth is, it is like most people don't do that. Like unless you're a content creator. And you're like doing investigative work. Most people don't do that, most people don't scroll all the way. And so it's like, it becomes this incentive to just create more content and put more content out there. Because they're like, Yeah, let's put more stuff on top of all those old videos that I don't want anybody to see. Yeah, let's just cover those.

Olivia: Yeah, exactly.

Matt: So on a daily basis now Are you well you've got you've got a lot of a lot of content and you've done a really good job. Are you super active as of today. You're also looking at starting an online store, maybe. But you went through an interesting journey. And you mentioned it in the questionnaire about like, you were just about to wonder like, is this gonna work? This doesn't seem like it's working and then you hit this big high ticket commission. Talk to us about that, because I'm curious about that feeling because a lot of people have that feeling. It might be the most relatable feeling in this whole industry is like so much work so much work so much work. I've pushed, I pushed, I pushed like I just feel like I'm not seeing it. And it's that analogy of the other book is Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. Or, I'm sorry, not thinking Grow Rich where he talks about the person who's digging for gold and stops just a few feet short of a huge gold mine. And yeah, I'm just curious about what you think. You know about your journey of, you know, feeling a little bit lost of like, maybe this is over, maybe this isn't gonna work and then boom, you hit a big commission and suddenly, things are like changed a little bit. But what was that like?

Olivia: Yeah, it was honestly really encouraging. I was starting so I started my TikTok as a business account which was growing super super slow. So I dedicated probably like two weeks I was I switched back to a personal account and I just really dedicated myself to I had about 500 followers so I was like right my mission for the next two weeks is to get 1000 followers on my personal side of tic toc so that I can put my link in my bio and I just thought okay, once I do that, like everything's just gonna fall into place. It's just gonna, my Commission's are gonna be rolling in. And so I actually did that in about four days. I grew to 1000 followers, which was awesome. And then I just thought, Okay, I gotta keep this momentum going. I was posting four or five times a day and just really like pushing out content doing trends and organic videos. And then I was getting leads. They were coming in all this, but nobody was clicking through. No one was even buying the Seven Day Course. 15 Day Challenge. So I just started to think like, well, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know why, you know, I'm spending a lot of time on this and nothing's coming of it and I still can stay consistent with it. I actually asked for some help and feedback on the Facebook group and had a lot of really helpful tips. People said, I'll go through your funnel, I'll give you some tips and tricks, which was really helpful and helped me kind of clean everything up and which definitely brought in some leads and some smaller ticket commissions. And then I was at work one day and my husband called and he said, did you check your email? And I said, no, why? And he was like, we're just going to look at it. And I saw that commission come through and I was like, I'm taking my lunch. break right now. And I like coming straight home. We were celebrating. I was like, oh my gosh, it's you know, it's paid off finally, but it was a lead that I had. I remember when they came through. I remember looking at the name and it was somebody very similar to someone I knew. So I thought it was one of my friends and I was like oh my gosh, now people are gonna know that I'm doing this but it was and and then it came through on the on that high ticket commission so she had gone through the whole funnel and and everything and ended up purchasing the blueprints. And yeah, and it just gave me motivation. I was like, alright, you know, I don't know what video she saw. Or kind of what it was that hit home and she saw one of my videos and followed me and started seeing a bunch more but something stuck that I did for her. And so that was my motivation to keep going. So I'm still posting still following trends trying to find you know, I've got my favorite tech talkers that I follow and I try to kind of recreate things that I that they've done that's gone viral. Yeah. And yeah, that commission it was I wouldn't say I was almost ready to give up but I was kind of at the verge of Alright, maybe I should explore other things and start trying to find other sources of income.

Matt: Yeah, I think that makes sense. And you're, it's in you because you're in that process of trying to figure out like well, what's gonna fit me what's gonna work for me? What's gonna actually help me generate an income? I think that's a big thing too. Very cool. That's yeah, what a cool story. What a cool moment to like, I think back to buy Yeah, I had I just had a similar moment. I was working at a coffee shop and I've been working at this for like two years or something. I mean, I didn't have tick tock at that time and tick tock is kind of like a hack. These days I like to speed up the process quite a bit. But I had a moment where I had a $3,000 commission where I was promoting a travel product. And, man, yeah, I had a $3,000 commission. And I had that day $0 in my bank account, like, wow, I remember like the staircase I was on. I remember looking at my Chase app, I snapped a screenshot of my bank account and sent it to my mentor who was helping me get started. And I was just like, Dude, I just made this. I finally closed my first sale and like, finally like made a big commission here. And it just so happened today. I was like, rent it. This is this weird random expense that it was just like, it was a cool moment where I was like, you said the words I think the words you said were like finally paid off. Like work, energy, and effort. And I think the cool part too, is like, yes, it finally paid off. But if you think of it in the grand scheme, like did you go to college? 

Olivia: Yes. 

Matt: I think I think in the grand scheme of like, going into college, spending four years in college learning a lot about things. Like just, you know, when I was in college, I learned a lot about stuff that I would never ever think about ever again. Which is fine. Like I get the point that there's something to college but like, for me, it wasn't some degree that was like, I'm going to be a doctor or I'm going to be a dentist or I'm going to be a pharmacy tech or something. You know, like, it wasn't something that I absolutely needed to go get a degree to get a specific job. It was just like here I am for four years. Got my degree. Cool. You know, and 99% of the stuff that I learned in classes there, and I'll never ever reference, probably ever again. There's a few things that I did learn that were more like logic and how to think critically and how to like it like those kinds of things. I wish I would have spent more time on it but I will say you know if you purchase this in June, you're a great example of this. You purchase this in June, six months, right? It does feel like a long time but in the grand scheme, you'd look around at different education systems. You look around at different ways that you could invest your time and money and energy to have something start paying you back in six months after the fact. Our industry in particular really hypes up like being able to make money and being able to get a result fast and I get that people do that and people talk that way. But the truth is, six months is very fast, especially for a 29 year old like I'm only 32 like for people our age, like worse so young. I listen a lot of times to Gary Vee who's like to like, if you're 40 you're just like a baby like you're barely getting started. If you're under 30. It's like you've got all the time in the world to try things and fail and so six months in that grand scheme is like, what a great six months of time spent learning like real world skills. Because when I got started back when I was 22 I learned Google ads and I learned Facebook ads and I wasn't making any money from any of that. I was like driving Uber so that I could run ads and fail and lose all that money. But I learned all those skills and you're learning those on TikTok now and you're learning them on. I don't know if you're on other platforms too.

Olivia: I use Pinterest but TikTok is definitely my main one.

Matt: Yeah, like just learning those skills and being able to create content and identify and study and figure those out, I think is just insanely powerful. And it's a good use of your time because you can use it in a million different ways.

Olivia: Right. And like you said, six months in the grand scheme of things is not a long time and I think what I always try to remember and just bring back to myself is that this is not you know, a get rich, quick kind of thing. It's like I am trying to build something for the future. And if it took me six months to make a high ticket commission well I've done it now so now I know that I can do it again and at six months really isn't isn't that long, but hopefully this is what you know my future holds.

Matt: Yeah, totally. And if we do our decade in a day workshop, I always I always tell people, at least recently. I don't know if I would have said this six months ago if you were on it, but when we do that workshop I always tell people things like paid ads and driving traffic and building funnels and stuff like that. Like over the last five years. I've had moments in times where I was between jobs or I lost a job or I was between business ventures or something. And I could literally open a spreadsheet today. Collect businesses around like Phoenix or around the world really but like a little easier if it's local and you're local. And I could sign people up today for retainers to run ads for them to drive Google traffic to their business or their website to create marketing deals for them. And use good direct response marketing and I've done it multiple times. And it's all because this industry taught me real skills that are transferable between different businesses between different business models and stuff like that. And it's cool, I think to me, I think it's cool that you're months into this and months down the road and you've clearly had to battle through like really sitting down and trying to figure this out. So people get on and like their first week they make a bunch of commissions. And it's like dude, really, like you suck I kind of hate you and for you and other people it just takes like a few months. Some people it takes a year or so. But I think it's cool whenever I see somebody who's getting into that sort of real sort of not crisis but like real wondering like is this frickin gonna work like, what the heck is going on? And to see a random person you've never met because of your automated funnel, your automated business, your ability to generate traffic and attract people to your story, your journey, everything like that, and then to have that payday is such a cool thing. I love it. It's an inspiring thing.

Olivia: And with TikTok too, it's like I don't you know, there's videos that I'm like, I'll just post it I don't care, and I think that's that was a huge turnaround for me was that I spent so much time trying to make every single video perfect that I was spending too much time on that instead of one video as opposed to posting like four or five that one of them might work but the one that I spent so much time working on then no one sees it.

Matt: I feel that that's a common story. Do you have like, do you have a routine or like, do you have any sort of structure like do you try to post a certain amount of times each day or are you more like kind of loosey goosey all over the place? 

Olivia: Yeah, so I'm actually off work this week. So I'm a little out of my rhythm. But I film all of my tech talks while I'm driving to work. I have about a 10 minute drive. So as I'm getting ready in the morning, I just tried to think about a couple of different things that I want to say and talk about and then on my drive I just filmed like five or six when I'm sitting in the parking lot or even on my lunch break. I will just get them ready, put my captions on, do all of that stuff. And then I try to just post like every two or three hours throughout the day, but they're already ready to go. So all I have to do is log into the app and then hit post and then I just leave it if that's what works for me because I don't for me it doesn't work to just film everything on like Sunday or Saturday and get everything ready for the week. I just can't think that way. So I always just try to think of okay, what are my thoughts this morning as I'm getting ready about the business about what I'm doing? How can I help somebody today and then I just go from there.

Matt: Nice. Yeah, that's super cool. I just think it's important to do, at least my thought on it is I just feel like it's important to do you and specifically to like find a structure just to find a rhythm. Maybe no structure freaks me out. But yeah, to find a rhythm that's just like, hey, this just works for me. This is how I do it. This is my flow. This is how I get going. This is how I do it. So that's cool. And we've got so many people doing that. Like they'll be eating a sandwich in their car making TikTok because they were like man, I just sit at my desk all day thinking about this. You know, this little thing I read and think and grow rich or they're sitting at their desk. There are people who work in warehouses, who like to run forklifts, but they have headphones and all days they're like, they'll listen to the show. They'll listen to, like, Rich Dad Poor Dad and they're sitting there at their job and they're like, kind of can't wait to get out of here. But for now I'm gonna be listening to my frickin audio books and like just putting good stuff in their ears at all times. I used to do that all the time. All the time. I had so many I spent so much money on audio books, just every single type of business management, leadership, marketing, sales, you name it, everything just how all day every day. And that was my thing. It was like this. It was keeping me in a world of like abundance. It was keeping me in a world of I want to do my own thing and I need to surround my mind with that or I felt like I would kind of risk falling into the just mundane nine to five just this is what I do now. And there's days where I definitely like you know, settled into that but you know, eventually kept pulling and kept pulling and kept pulling out of that. What's what's been for you like what's been your biggest struggle like has there been a real hurdle or something that's been in particular like really? Maybe something that has made you feel stuck at all through this process? Have you felt like there's been a big hurdle in particular that you're still going to overcome or maybe have overcome that is felt big to you?

Olivia:  Yeah, I honestly just think it's myself. It's my self doubt of you know, I have to get in front of the camera and do this and I have always wanted to be my dedication was that I'm not going to put out false information. So everything that I put on my tech talk is true. I still have my nine to five. This does not replace my income. It's what I hope it does eventually, but it's not doing that right now. But I think just the fear of being online and in front of people, what are people going to say and how am I going to handle that? It's just the knee to my own thoughts of like, this is never gonna work. It works for all these other people, but it's not going to do it for me and I don't know maybe I'll try it I guess and if I fail then whatever it wasn't for me, but just telling myself like, I'm never going to know until I try it and do it and and it's it's not failed me so far. So I would definitely say that it's something that I still battle with, as you know, I'm making TikToks. I look back at it. I'm like oh, that was dumb, but it wasn't dumb to the people who liked it or started following me and and all that so just trying to get out of my own head sometimes.

Matt: Heck yeah, it's just so weird that we do that. I don't know. I don't know what that is. Yeah, I do that too. And it is just a very weird thing. I sort of think of it like when I was little I had lots of moments when I was little where I felt like the world was ending. I felt like everything was crap. You know, it was like, my sixth grade girlfriend dumped me or something you know, and the world's just crumbling, right? And it's like, oh my god, the world is ending. I'm such a loser. Everyone's good. You know, you go down this whole spiral. And then like, literally, you know, five hours later or maybe it's a couple of weeks later, it literally just doesn't even matter. It's sort of vanished from our existence. And we put this weird pressure on ourselves like, oh my gosh, what if Aunt Lucy finds out about my business or whatever and like most cases, it's just really funny, most people that I know like, found out that I was like an affiliate marketer or even in network marketing, which like MLM and network marketing is way more taboo than referral based affiliate marketing or something. But most of the time what I found and this is true with like, shame and feeling bad about like, or nervous or like, you know, like, we're not good enough or something. Like when people that cared about me  learned about what I did and that like, I make an income online and I work for various companies. I'm an affiliate marketer, something like dude, that's impressive, like good for you, that's pretty badass. You learned skills by yourself and now like you just basically answered nobody and just like, do your thing online and that's really cool. Like, how the hell did you do that? Like, they're mostly just super impressed. I find that it's really cool that you're true to your story. And like, I think there's a big difference when people start looking for how to model after other people's videos? I think one thing that they do is they immediately go to like, oh, I don't have that big kick ass story. You know, like I haven't done $30,000 online or something. And I think that they cave to either like, yeah, trying to make it seem like they do. Or they try to make it seem like something that it's not or they go the other route where they're like, Well, I can't. I just can't create any videos because I don't have anything. I haven't done anything. You know, it's one of those two.

Olivia: There was one video that I posted where I talked about the expenses that I have each month to run my funnels and all of that. And someone commented on it and said, what is your return on investment? What are you making, you know, every month and when that comment came through? I was like, man, I knew someone was gonna ask me this and at that point, I hadn't really made any I just had made like some $2 commissions and stuff. So I thought I could do this two ways. I can just ignore that comment and pretend I didn't see it or I can respond to it. And it's probably going to hit home to some people. So I made a responding video to that. And I just said, you know, I knew this comment was going to come in. And here's my transparency I have made, I think it was maybe $100 at that point just on just small ticket things that had added up to that but that had been over the course of five months. So I said I'm not seeing a huge return yet. But here's what I'm working towards. And people were you know, commenting and messaging like, you know, thank you for your transparency and I got huge amount of followers that day and kind of that week that I posted that TikTok and it just reinforced that being real and not trying to embellish that, you know, oh, I quit my job in a month after I started this and this is what I do full time now. And I know that's the case for some people, but it's not for me and I'm not going to paint that picture.

Matt: Totally and you don't need to start a big deal. If people put this weird pressure on themselves, it's like, it's just it's not even a big deal. No one cares. It's totally Yeah. That's super cool. Well, I love that and I think that here's my thought. I think in some cases, when people do that, they might have a slightly slower growth trajectory. And what I've seen people do throughout the last 10 years. I've seen them cultivate like lists and followers that are more loyal, that are more engaged, that are more sort of connected, attached to the person and the business. And it usually results in just more longevity. So it is a thing where sometimes that's a little slower to really wrap up from a revenue perspective and in your business. But the longevity of it and ability to keep and hold a TikTok account tends to be a little bit better. And then as it grows, and as it gets a little bit of legs, it starts to really take off because that core group that you've built right away, you were truthful to them. You answered them with respect and dignity and you were real with them. And people appreciate and respect that they have an intuition as they watch your videos where they're like, this Olivia, she's real.

Olivia: Exactly.

Matt: Yeah, well, cool. Well, Olivia, I had no idea what to expect. And this was really, really cool. And thanks for coming on and taking a little time from your job or while you're off today but just from life and everything and stay in our world, stay in our community. Come back in a couple of months and let us know what's new, how things are going and we'd love to have you back on and come back and share more with us. 

Olivia: Yeah, absolutely. Thank you for having me on the show today.

Matt: Totally, is this the best place for people to find you? Yes, that's my tech top. Alright. Thanks again, Olivia. See and yeah, keep in touch. We'll reach back out in a couple months and see where you're at.

Olivia: Awesome. Thanks, Matt.

Matt: All right, guys. Hey, so I want you to go give Olivia a follow. Our community is meant to lift people up so you can give her a follow and then go and comment. Let her know. Was there anything that stood out from today's episode? Was there anything in particular you resonated with and made a little connection there? Make a little connection maybe she'll follow you back who knows not gonna guarantee she's gonna go through every comment, but make a little connection and and follow Olivia and and like her videos and watch her videos and help lift her channel up because someday it's going to be you who's on this show. And you're going to want that to come back to you. And business Karma is a real thing. So what you're going to put out there, the work, the effort, the time, the energy, what you put out there comes back to you in some format or in some form. It's sort of building relational capital with each other. So give Olivia a follow @carney_underscore approved and we'll meet again tomorrow, same time, same place as always 10am Eastern Time for another edition of wake up legendary. And if you did not get the handle on the screen, I just put it in the chat on our Facebook feed here. So Alright, peace out everybody. We'll be back here tomorrow Thursday for another edition of Wake Up Legendary.

How To Turn Your Struggles Into Strengths With Affiliate Marketing

Below is the transcription for this episode: 

Matt: Greetings everybody. Welcome. Happy Tuesday. I am guest hosting today for Dave. It is 8:02am Where I'm from 10am. Eastern. And we're live baby. We are live. Happy Tuesday. Good to see you all. Okay, for everybody who's here. Let's bring on the guest for the day. Lia, what's happening? 

Lia: Good morning. 

Matt: Where are you calling in from this morning?

Lia: I am in the Bay Area in California. 

Matt: Cool. Right on. Very cool. Phoenix is half half the time we're half the year we're in the pacific time half the year we're in Mountain Time. So right now is mountain time. It's a little easier but yeah, this year I’m waking up for these damn things at 7am. Cool. Yeah, I visited this in the Bay Area back when we were thinking about moving out to Oakland in 2016. I think we wanted to move to San Francisco but it was like wow, so the original Oakland is also expensive. And so we were like you know what, we're gonna just opt for Phoenix and not pay a gajillion dollars in rent. Anyway, Cool. Well, thanks for coming on the show today. I'm excited to just talk about your journey and story and you've got so much going on and you've got a big kind of why about why you're getting going with online marketing and digital marketing and stuff. So this is cool. And I'm excited for our chat. As I was kind of looking through your I mean, you're just your whole journey of starting with legendary and figuring out how to get going and just bring our audience into your world. A little bit. So go all the way I mean, you can go back as far as you want. In life story if you want. Sometimes that sounds crazy, but you know a lot of times people have little entrepreneurial moments throughout their life that kind of lead them to this place. But tell people a little bit about your story and your journey and maybe your husband and I think that's powerful and, and tell us how you found Legendary. 

Lia: Well I've been trying to do online for the longest time regardless, like I've tried Shopify drop drop shipping, even Amazon FBA. Everybody is totally dedicated to it because I've always worked nine to five and a few years ago, my husband was diagnosed with Parkinson's. And so I knew that I needed to figure out a way to make this work. And I got lucky enough to stumble across Stacy La. She's on YouTube, and just started following her and watching her videos on YouTube, which brought me into Legendary thinking and so my goal was because I have a husband who has Parkinson's, he and I want to travel and we want to enjoy life and spend great time together while he's able to do that. And so that's my why. And so Legendary was a blessing. 

Matt: That's super cool. I love that. And then you found this, how long ago was that? 

Lia: This year and it's funny because Stacey talks about, you know, one of her videos she's like, the way that I'm getting free tracking traffic is TikTok is craziness for kids, you know. And so once I started doing TikTok, and I did create this as my second account, through trial and error, but a second account is going really strong and my husband and I, once the world opens up again, we're gonna hit the road. 

Matt: Nice, awesome. So you're still doing a nine to five because you've got like you can work from home and everything. 

Lia: Yeah. So because we're in the Bay Area, we haven't been called back in the minute we get called back in pretty much when the world ends up and that's what I'm giving notice. 

Matt: Okay, yeah, got it. So, I mean, you're doing really well, like you're making good money. You are, you're doing super well. So congrats on that. That's awesome, your last month for you crushing it. Let's then like, what's been you know, as you started on TikTok, this is just hilarious to me because just so many freaking people on TikTok, it's crazy. And, you know, obviously go back 10 years ago and be like, dude, like, everybody and their dog is getting TikTok and making $1,000 Or more like so fast. I just, I can't even my brain is like this is how is this possible? But just the pure amount of like impressions and traffic coming from TikTok is crazy. Tell us about your first account. Tell us about what it was like to start creating content on TikTok. I'm so curious. Were you nervous? Was it overwhelming? Like how did that go? And then tell us about the transition to the second account. We have lots of people who go through multiple accounts and tell us about the whole situation. 

Lia: So I mean, that was awkward. It was super, super awkward. And I just kind of had to force myself to do it. And get over that mindset, you know? I'm not being spied on. It was weird. And you know, getting inspiration from other people. In the second account. I was lucky enough when I started that account at about the same time that you guys launched the TikTok training. The free training really showed us how to find inspiration from other creators and not reinvent the wheel. And so I started doing that and that's when my account really blew up. But I also did it like having fun right? So you have to be yourself. And then so now enjoy it. Like I mix in stuff that makes me happy every day. Because if you don't, you're not going to enjoy it. 

Matt: Totally, totally. And that's a big key to those fools. Like that's a big one that I probably could have gone into more detail on but I'm glad that you just applied that because it is a little bit of common sense. Like, hey, you need to figure out ways to like enjoy this have fun with it like making really your own and like I think that one one thing that people struggle with that is unspoken thing is like a little bit of a lack of belief in their in themselves of like, Am I funny? Am I cute? Am I like you know, can I have fun? With this? You know, like, can I be playful? And I think that like sometimes people go through well, I shouldn't say people go through, I should just say like I for a long time lost a sense of playfulness, in content and in like, just marketing and stuff that I do because I lived life. I lived a lot of life with this thing called internalized shame, which is just like, I didn't leave, I was enough. I didn't believe that I was good enough, that I was lovable. Like all of these things. I just, I would never say them but I felt them. And so what happened was, in marketing at my work, I just had no sense of creativity or that I can be funny or that I can be entertaining or that people would enjoy it, you know? So it's just a funny thing where like, I feel people have lost a sense of play and if they could just unpack that or uncover that or sort of remove strip away that like fear of whatever they are fearful of. They'd be able to really make it their own. They'd be able to make it fun and engaging and I don't know if it would be exciting. What do you think? 

Lia: Oh, I agree. I agree. 100% and even it's a mindset thing too, because at first like when you get like your first haters to that are just like you have to realize too, that when you get your first haters you're doing you're doing great when people actually care enough to tell you that puts you down it means that you are you're on the right track, right, you've actually gained everybody's attention. And so that helps a lot and I can just kind of laugh at it. I mean, it makes me sad in a way for them but I can laugh at it too and realize, okay, I'm doing all right. I've got haters. I've got people making fake accounts to make money online. 

Matt: Totally. And I don't know why. Yeah, I don't know why some people, you know, feel the need to do that or something or I don't know. But it is funny because once you start to get people's attention and they start noticing some people are like, Oh my gosh, did I do something wrong? Because that's the gut response, but in the world of content, that's the total opposite like, there's this one dude, he I don't know what nationality this guy is, but he does this stupid dance. And he has a fanny pack on the front. He does this dance. And, and he like, it's the only content that he does. He only does this and he goes out in public and does this stupid dance. I guarantee if you've been on Tik Tok, you've seen this guy because he's on the front page all the time. And his glasses are hanging really low on his face and it just bothers people so much. And he just non stop. All he does is content now as he just replies with videos to those people's content telling him to stop and never do another video on TikTok. Like, he doesn't talk to them. He doesn't engage with him. He just does comment replies. And you know what's funny is that now people are like, people like comment on his videos, and they'll just be like, they'll intentionally reply with outrageous comments because they want to be the next one that he does. They want to be like the next comment or that he does a video reply to and so like they just want to see their own comment on his thing. But now he's built this entire brand just on being playful with the haters. And like just kind of thrown it in their face in this ironic way. I don't know. It's just such a it's like it's just such a mindset shift to see that all as not just like scientifically, this is engagement and great for the algorithm but also in just a more overall like just playful way like geez is this really this serious? We're just on TikTok. It's just a frickin social media app guys. Like, let's just have some fun with this and have fun with it. And we can all kind of laugh at it rather than it being this super polarizing. thing. I think that's the approach. Dave talked about this yesterday on the show. I think that approach gives people this feeling. I'm not desperate. I'm not like this sales person who's trying to non stop pitch you. It gives more of this like I'm operating out of abundance and my cups overflowing. And I have fun with this. This is a new thing for me, but I'm having fun with it. And you know, I like these that I feel bad for you a little bit, but it's okay. Like we're just gonna have fun and play around. And even even at that you know, like, sometimes I'll respond a little bit to you know, I'm not I'm not getting rich off of $7 I'm actually doing this to help people because I'm excited how it's working for me.

Lia: Yeah, I mean, if you think I'm getting rich off of the seven bucks you got some other things going. 

Matt: When you're out creating content? Do you have a type of content creator? Yeah, I always find that it's interesting. There's like, there's some who are just super structured. They have set days where they do their thing. There's others who are just like nope, I get up on a whim to create like a little series of five videos. I'll just create them randomly and post them. Do you have a schedule that you've built out or what's your what's your vibe? Like? No, my husband tells me all the time I'm like a cooked up squirrel for the place so if I see something that makes me happy I'll immediately like to go do that. So I don't I will batch out from time to time. And I try to post something every day right now because it's been the holidays. Actually TikTok has, you know, the question right now. So I've just been reposting and I haven't been doing anything because I'm just enjoying myself which is the great thing that you can do that that's the best thing about this business community is that you can do that. But no, I don't do what makes me happy when I'm not feeling happy. If I'm not feeling it, I'm not going to force it because it's not going to be genuine. 

Matt: Yeah, I get that. That makes sense. A coked out squirrel. That is hilarious. I feel like my wife would describe me like that sometimes. Where I'm like I just function. It is what I was telling somebody the other day. Oh, we were on. We were on like a team meeting in Legendary and I was like telling people I'm like this close to ADHD. I'm not there. I don't think I went through some diagnostic questions but pretty damn close. And because like I'll have you know, I've got 18 tabs open on my computer at all times. And I can just boom one to the next to the next to the next and the next thing women and I'm refinancing my mortgage. The next minute I'm like running ads on TikTok. The next minute I'm writing an email the next minute I'm like, you know, and it's just like I think if somebody sat down next to me who has like, just intense structure, like that's how they function and operate, they would be like, Oh my God, I need a cigarette like I have to get out of here right now. I feel like I'm watching something illegal. But for me I'm just like I operate that way my brain functions and fires that way I'm sure I could learn a different style and structure but yeah, it just something doesn't feel right or real or genuine and when it does feel that way then boom. I'm into this flow state where I'm like, here we go. Now it's time to roll. And I think that's really powerful. The reason I asked the question is because I think it's powerful because we have so many different types of people come on the show, and people need permission to be like, hey, guess what you don't have to be this certain style of person. You don't have to be see back in the day when I visited Italy like four years ago that I learned that back in the day like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, a lot of these people who are artists basically they didn't finish most of their work like Michelangelo when you go look at the huge David statue in in Florence. You walk in and are lined up in rows leading up to that are all of his unfinished versions that he just like have tons of different sculptures that are completely unfinished and formless. And the way they describe it is like, you know, currently, like current day, these guys would all be prescribed ADHD and put on medication. And today, you know, coked out squirrels today or back in that day, it was just viewed as creative. You were just a creative person, you were just a person with a huge imagination that had no shame about starting something and not finishing it. You didn't get called a shiny object chaser, you know, it was mostly just like hey, you know, I'm I have a creative part of me or who I am is very creative. And that's who I am. 

Lia: I do have to make myself do the parts of the business that are fun to me, right so I do have to schedule time to build my funnels and you know, the other the other non TikTok stuff.

Matt: So yeah, yeah, I think that there's an argument to be made about reposting to reels and reposting to shorts and reposting Pinterest, just because there's enough evidence of those producing something and helping and you're already doing the work anyway. So might as well but I do feel I still the vast majority of evidence that I've seen is still that like, it seems as if TikTok reach just their sheer reach as a brand new beginner seems to be the highest on TikTok from just a purely organic standpoint, I think that that's true. Have you done any sort of posting to other platforms with your existing content yet? 

Lia: So not promoting Legendary but I do post to have other accounts. And I do so and I'm doing pretty well with some of those, especially on Pinterest. 

Matt: Cool. That's awesome. I love it. We're gonna have to do Sunday we're gonna have to do training on Pinterest because there are a good amount of people who are doing really well on Pinterest, I think and I've sort of figured out the ways to post and the ways to go about that. So that's cool. Okay, so there's a lot of new people who watch this. There's a lot of people who are kind of brand new like Hey, I just found you guys yesterday. And they're starting to go through the challenge. They're also watching some of these shows, and they're like, Okay, interesting. Like, how do I get on TikTok in social media and start to begin, like putting out content and how do I get going with that? Do I need to wait to get permission to start posting? Can you talk to those people? Just about like, you know, what advice would you have for those people? What advice would you have as people are going through the challenge and then also starting to start to create content and they've never done it before? 

Lia: So even if you're going through the challenge, I think the best thing to do is just to start creating your TikTok account, right? Because you have to get to those 1000 subscribers. The biggest mistake that I made initially was doing a business account so I can post my link. That's the first thing that will get you banned. So much that you can't do. I learned that the hard way so don't do that. Okay. But just start getting comfortable because after you go through the challenge, and you start realizing the tools that you have, yep, you already have that base and that comfortability just hit the ground running. And I think that's the best thing to do. Just overcoming that TikTok hurdle, I think, is the biggest hurdle and that's just a huge thing. That's a huge thing that you have to get through. 

Matt: Yep. Cool. I agree with that. I think that I will personally have grown accounts. I tell people that I've personally grown more than one account on a business account fast with very few videos, but I always give a caveat. But I do think that you're right that starting with a creator account or a personal account right away is the best way to go about it. And I also think the reason that I give that caveat to people is because I tell people to look at it, forget about the account style, forget about the hashtags, forget about all that stuff. What you'll find works by far the best is actually creating engaging content. Like that sounds so simple. It sounds so stripped out and basic and whatever but the truth is, it is like if you can create interesting edutainment like you can educate somebody, but you can also do it in a way where they're like, I like I kind of like this person. This is interesting. And you have your kind of personality spin, you'd let your personality come through the video. You can blow up on TikTok fast. So yeah, I agree with that. And I also agree, because I get some people who ask me that kind of what he said was like, I get people who ask, you know, hey, what do I do next? Like am I allowed to just start to think like, you're allowed to do anything. You can do absolutely anything you want. Like, no one's holding you back. No one's telling you what to do. This isn't like a job or this isn't like school. You just start your account, you begin generating a little bit of followers. You post and you realize, wow, there are actually people who see my videos. This is crazy. That's another reason that I tell people to start on TikTok is like, you're gonna have humans watch your videos like real friends are going to watch your very first video immediately when you hit post. And yeah, it's gonna not explode, but like, if you stick with it long enough, you're gonna have a video eventually that'll break through. Get 100,000 views or something like that, but maybe 100,000 views and that one video alone can save you. You know, 10,000 or 20,000 followers, and your life can be changed overnight. It’s crazy. You wake up the next morning and you're like 99 Plus. It's like, what just happened? Did I like to break something? Is this okay? Like what's going on here? Right, right. Because you've had a couple of videos that have gone like well over 100,000 even into 200,000 and when those videos start going, you know, that's when I tell people when you get a video that starts taking off and you see it taken off. There's a couple things you should do. You should start posting a lot of videos to your page that are about you and that are really curated to tell your story and your journey right because they just discovered you now give them more and then also go live and turn followers into paying customers. There's nothing that does that like going alive. That is where I've seen so many people go from like hey, I've got a I've got 50,000 followers I've got 100,000 followers and they don't seem to be converting like they do for other people are like I can't, I can't get those people to buy something from me. Go live for a couple hours. Just talk about your journey. Talk about what you're working on. Talk about what's worked and what hasn't and give people an actual story to connect to and tell them what to do next. Like I've told people to you know how when you go live, you can do a green screen behind you. Like I've told people just go live and be like me like learn how to and then whatever you're selling. Learn how to train your dog from home, learn how to make an income online, learn how to lose 10 pounds this month, right? And then that and then just tap the link in my bio and that could just be sitting above your head as a headline, like a, like a roadside, you know, and, and like then people as they're scrolling are like, Oh, I know what this is about cool. Lia. I know Lia, or you know, I know Robin. And, and it's it man is it like there's just so much power in people being able to to make the jump from seeing you on video to seeing you in a live format and they're like, Oh, I'm actually live with this person. She's not just a weird scammer who's, you know, posting these random videos from her basement or something? You know, like she's just like, she's a normal person. This takes it to a different take on the relationship from a cold to kind of warm to like, oh, like I could see this person maybe being a friend or like you know, it's like a totally different vibe. I mean, I mean, I haven't gone live yet. I've been watching people's lives. I have certain people that I consider mentors. Like Magallon and yeah, and yeah, like they're great. Calvin Hill's lives are amazing. And so I've been watching them. But no, I mean, I'm not going to be Calvin. Right?

Matt: Why would you say that? 

Lia: Well, because, I mean, I'm going to be Lia right? I mean, he’s so cool. He’s just so cool. 

Matt: Yeah, but he's had years and like literally decades of being like a producer and being in rooms of people that are like, you know, like like he's just not he's just the limelight doesn't really scare him just because of his sheer the sheer amount of time that he spent in front of people I think. So I get that. 

Lia: Yeah, he teaches I mean, he really does teach and so mighty met some sort of sparks that she really teaches so. So yeah, that is one thing. I'm kind of planning out a strategy to go live. And the ones that resonate with me and the ones that I enjoy watching are. I like when people tell their stories. But I really like how they teach. 

Matt: Yeah, totally. I could not agree with you more. And I'm glad that you've grasped on to that and like you hold on to that. Because honestly, that is one of the very biggest things that people who are successful, they'll do one of two things that a lot of people will not necessarily teach as much, but they'll spend time connecting with people. And then to the other style is that they teach and they teach very basic stripped down, and what they'll do is like, I don't know if you've noticed this on Calvin's live, but when he goes live, what he'll do is is he'll he'll talk through the same thing, the same concept over and over because people come and people go and people come and people go, so he talks about the stock market and crypto like non stop and everybody's like, where's he going with it? What's he trying to sell me? What's he going to do? And he talks about how there's a bear market coming and then when the bear market comes, he's like, You need money to invest. This is how people get really wealthy. You need money to invest. Here's how to invest. There's a great $7 digital course you can learn how to make money online to have your own little side hustle online. I've been killing it by doing this exact business model. And here's where you can go to purchase this little $7 course. And it's like the most I'm like, wow, that's genius, but it's really simple. He's taking something that he's super interested in and loves to talk about. And then he's just like, Alright, I'm just gonna sit around and talk about this because I like to spend all day talking about crypto anyway, like, go just go live and do it here with everybody else. And then yeah, over the course of a couple hours, he has 50,000 People who watch and then a certain amount of those people just flood in and purchase whatever he's got to sell. And then other people like him and I think Ian Mccluer. He goes live every day around this time in the morning, and he's more like he's a bit more like a connector like I've seen I see him call people out by name like, Hey, I saw you yesterday. And they're like, oh, that's weird. And he's like, Well, we, you know, we chatted about XYZ yesterday and I saw your name, you know, welcome back. And they're like, are you serious? And it's just simply like him being mindful and aware. And people love that people like in a world where we just don't really connect with people all that much. And we felt very disconnected to like pop onto somebody TikTok live and be called out not like called out but like be recognized and branched out yeah, he's really cool too. I've watched him because he also tells stories like his former life because his former life was pretty entertaining. When people are like, when people are like oh, man, I just don't know how to tell my story or whatever. I'm like, go look at his thing. And for those of you who are wondering, his handle is the entrepreneur guy. I'll put it in the chat, but he has this Yeah. So he does this thing where he tells a day in the life of a bodyguard, and it's just a simple way to tell stories that are kind of funny or interesting. But all of those videos get watched so much like they get so much for your time. It's crazy. And people just love that story of that journey and like the thoughts back on like old memories and stuff and even retell some of them. Because people haven't seen them before, people, you know, just following them today didn't see the one from a year ago. So it's like I could just easily retell that story. What would you do if you were to go live? Well, when you go live have you thought about or like or considered what you'll talk about or have you given that much thought at all? 

Lia: So I mean, probably when I do go live and start going live. That's where I will share my story because I think that that is better suited in a live type environment. And what my why is it's my way is to put in a 15 second video. So I'm sure that will resonate with people because  everybody has their things. Everybody has their why’s and so that is out. But I do also just want to teach because I also know that I struggle with everybody else. And so that's really what I want to do. 

Matt: Yeah, and you can tell that journey about starting Shopify and stuff. Like I think people underrate their ability to like to tell little things like that, like for you or for me, like when I started I started with an MLM and travel industry, and I just had no clue what I was doing. Like I didn't really know but that journey of like me starting an MLM, failing, like, totally botching. I felt like everything. Like I could tell that story on a tick tock live and I have on webinars back in the day, so many times, like just explaining that journey, and people were like, Oh, dude, me too. And like even you know, you could go live and you can be like, Why Shopify Sucks, or like, you know, Quit Doing Shopify, you know, like something that's like, whoa, you know, like, what are you talking about? Like, what do you mean stop Shopify? What are you talking about? And you can create something pretty polarizing and just tell your story about like, you know, yeah, I started the Shopify store. That was gonna get rich didn't work out, you know, and like, and just, like, have fun with it. And, and, and people would see that headline as they're scrolling, come up on their freakin page because they'd be like, oh, whoa, whoa, hold on a second. You know, how did I find this person? I think I like finding little moments like that with your shifts. That would be really cool. And I'll be looking out for I would love to win and just watch and enjoy and be part of it. 

Lia: Thank you. 

Matt: That'd be awesome. Cool. Any final words for I'll give you the final word for people who are here who are you know, they've got their TikTok created, but they haven't quite posted in their drafts folder is big, but they're, they haven't quite posted any any tips or thoughts like get started and getting going. 

Lia: Just just post it just, you know, just just look at what makes you think just what makes you happy. First and foremost. Makes you happy because people will pick up on it. That's, that's the most important thing people will know if you're happy. Just be happy. What makes you happy? I like that. I like that people do have that intuition. And they can tell they can get a sense and I like that advice a lot because I get a lot of I get a lot of emails and messages about like will critique my tick tock or what can I do better on my TikTok or like, what do I need to improve and it's hard to pinpoint that feeling I get when I watch somebody's content, they feel scared or they feel fearful and I'm like, I don't want that emotion. Like I know I would even come here to watch that. I want to feel happy. I want to feel like they're alive and they're living and there's something meaningful to share. 

Matt: I love that so much. Thank you so much for sharing that today. 

Lia: Thank you for having so of course come back in a couple months. Let us know how things are going. We'll probably see you ramped up to gold here pretty soon and then we'll reach out and come back after I go live and yeah, blow up. Nice. Let's go. I love it. All right, cool. Nice meeting you and thanks.

Matt: Alright guys, I'm gonna put our TikTok up here on the screen for you to go follow her. To @makemoneywithlia. You can see her there and also put it in the chat. Just in case some of you are watching the replay and just want to copy and paste it or whatever. Go give her a follow our community is all about supporting people not tearing people down not you know making stupid comments on people's videos. Just go comment on a video or two of her say hey, so you want to Wake Up Legendary, great episode tell her a little bit about what was inspiring what was about. Maybe Maybe she said something today that you know you had a little like aha moment and go comment on her video and let her know that because for Lia and if for any creators here knowing you know what resonated and what hit you know, when she starts to go live, maybe now she talks more about that. Because she got good feedback from you all about what you know about her story or about her journey was powerful or impactful. So go give Lia a follow on Tiktok be supportive, like her videos. That's what we do with each other when we bring people on this show. We're here to just support and lift people up. So we'll be back here, same place, same time tomorrow. I'll be back on Wednesday. Tomorrow the 29th we've got another awesome guest lined up and we've got a stack week. In fact, you know the really cool part. I'll end with this this week. I think it is one of the first if not the first ever week that we've got an entire week just of women. And there was a time back when I first started with legendary that we had like there was like no women who were like killing it. It was like just a bunch of dudes. It was weird awkward energy. And I'm just so happy and it's it's so much more fun with like this balance of like, there's guys there's girls there's young there's old there's just a such a good mixture but this week is just is a complete week of nothing but women because women simply just be killing it in our industry right now. So kudos to the ladies who are out there dominating go and you'll be on the show next. Although we've got quite a lineup or booked out quite a few weeks but we'll always be reaching out if you're killing it or crushing it and you're doing super well and we haven't heard about you let us know and send us an email to support at Legendary marketer calm or if you want to recommend some money for the show. Let us know. And we'll be back here tomorrow at 10am Eastern as always with another guest we'll see you then

How To Go From 0 To 69K Followers In Just 4 Months

Below is the transcription for this episode: 

Dave: What's going on my friends? This is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to another episode of backyard Wake Up Legendary. Welcome to my backyard. Welcome to our family and community. We do this every day as you know rain shine holiday, if it's a Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, we're going to be live. So in just four months, Kelsey has discovered digital marketing and began her journey. She's getting some results this morning. We're going to hear from her to help me please welcome Kelsey to the show. 

Kelsey: Hi, good morning. 

Dave: Hey, how are you? 

Kelsey: Good. Good. How are you? Happy holidays.

Dave: Happy holidays. Happy holidays. I'm fantastic. We had a little bit of a hectic holiday hosting, basically three nights in a row but my wife and I are surviving. You know, we're still standing, all the kids are still alive. And we're getting through it. How about yourself? How was your holiday? Yeah, good.

Kelsey: It was really chill. I don't have any kids myself, but my boyfriend does. So we have them their first week of their two week break. And then we did it like Christmas at the princess and did all kinds of Kid fun stuff. And now they're with their mother. And then we just have time with each other at night.

Dave: Gotta love that. I mean, oh, yeah, yes. We've got a five year old and a one year old in the house and I'm telling you it's a full time job. So the beautiful thing is, which is why we're here is that we want to be able to spend more time with family. We want to be able to as much as they can exhaust us and wear us down and you know, you know, and in laws and extended family. They're like fish, they start to stink after three or four days. You got to kick them out. You know, if they come to visit, you can't get rid of them and they exhaust the hell out of you. But you can't get rid of anything you love. But ultimately, you want to spend more time with the people that you want to spend time with, your boyfriend it sounds like and your friends and doing the things that you want. So tell us a little bit about how you found Legendary, why it interests you and what are you looking to achieve with all of this?

Kelsey: So I touched a little bit on like direct sales, but I was just not great at it and it used to frustrate me because I'm like, I see friends of mine that are killing it in direct sales. I was like why can't I? And I stopped doing it like a year or two ago. And then I even tried to jump back in it, I was doing health supplements and I had even lost some weight.

Dave: You did befores and after and all of that on your Facebook profile.

Kesley: Yeah, it was on Facebook, and I would try so I was like okay, when TikTok came along, I was kind of late to the TikTok game I guess like I just got in there like this summer and sounds like I can do this. I was like, I know I can work from home. I know if I was like that's where this world is heading. I am a big shopper. It's kind of a problem. But I buy everything online. I do everything online. That's just how things are convenient. Yeah. So I rarely go into a store that's worse. And so it's just like I was like, I know I can do this and my boyfriend is older than I am. He's 20 years my senior and he wants to retire early. But he got lucky. And he does really well in the corporate world. He works very high up in marketing for not marketing, but in like consulting firms. So he wants to retire soon. So it's like I want to have more money for us on top of his retirement so we can go travel and go do and just do more and I don't have to

go you can so you can shop. You can continue to shop, right? I mean, yeah, I mean, but for real. Dave: Like you want to have your own stream of income to add on and so you can continue the lifestyle that you have now is kind of what I'm hearing

Kesley: And I knew like I found Legendary on TikTok actually from a girl named Kelsey. I had her on here before Kelsey. Hansel. I love her. Okay, and so keep in touch with her too. He helped me she still like helps guide me through sometimes and will make me feel better if I'm like, this isn't working Why isn't working because it was like in my case, it was kind of taking a little bit extra time for it to like to see more results that I was seeing other people have sooner. Right like in September October had a death in the family. So I took some time off. So I use like take, definitely keep that in consideration of like three, four weeks that I wasn't like on my game doing stuff right and after that, like, I just like put blinders on and I just started going crazy with it. Dave: I mean you can and you see it every single day within this community. Things that I noticed were different in what we're doing compared to many MLMs that I had seen or been involved with as it always seemed to be the same couple of leaders. The same people on stage are getting the recognition all the time just telling you to prospect more calls more, do more three way calls, make your list get back in touch with those friends and family who said no. And they harass people. And basically, you know, become a pro bowler in the NFL with no friends left. And what I see with this is that we don't have any big egos, no mass of superstars even though there's been some millionaires and some people who have made you know, it's just extraordinary money. We have a lot of people who are succeeding, making life changing money. Maybe that's a few extra 1000 A month, maybe that's 10,000 a month, whatever. But what do you see that's different for those who have tried other things like MLM specifically in the past? What do you think or feel that it's different and that gives you more of an edge with this versus that business model?

Kesley: I think it depends on Excuse me, what platform you use, like with Facebook, you're reaching out to, like your demographic, I think makes a difference. And like Facebook, you use it you start with friends and family things like that and Instagram too. With Instagram reels. You can branch out more because they copy it and talk a lot, but I think it is just timing, I think it is effort and consistency. I think people, including myself, like to quit too soon, or lessen their effort too soon. When they could be right around the corner from blowing up.

Dave: There's a couple things that came up for me as you were answering my question. What I think that the challenge with business models like MLM is yes, the first instinct is to go to Facebook. And that's just the 2021 version of making a list of your friends and family, physically calling or showing up on their door. Because all of you people on Facebook are your friends and fail, right? So you're posting you're posting, you're posting and, you know, you're like, Hey, I just started a business. Your post gets two likes, you know, somebody says they just got a job and their post gets 200 likes. It's hard to get friends and family to not be skeptical of what you're doing because a lot of times they know your dirty laundry. They know you know you can't put on a front you can't like be like oh I'm a successful entrepreneur, like they know you they know who you are they know your story. People like to buy from people who they perceive a successful and quite frankly, people would even though they they will not be honest about this, the numbers show that people would rather do business with people that they know like and trust, who they don't have a personal connection with and know all their dirty laundry versus their friends.

Kelsey: Yeah, that's a type of conflict of interest.

Dave: It does. It does also because you know your friends and family's dirty laundry. .

And also your friends and family relationships become awkward because they feel they start to avoid you because every time they think that you're going to get together you're going to be talking and trying to pitch them and that's why I'm always and you are, right. Because we pitch if we're doing MLM to anybody within 3 feet, you know I used to leave. You get a lot of pity sales and if you do get support from friends and family a lot of times like let's say they sign up they don't usually do anything. They just bought something as a pity sale. The other challenge and I always say this okay, this is just a general business rule. Whether you guys are just tuning in to listen to legendary and get value and don't apply it to your business, whatever. But if your business relies on the support of friends and family, it will not succeed and it won't scale. Because if you don't believe me just go try which many of us have, you have to and I think this is what you hit on with TikTok. What TikTok has done for a lot of people and also learning how to run ads YouTube's done the same thing is it's allowed you to tap into a cold audience, a fresh audience who doesn't know all your dirty laundry who doesn't know you, they just what you get, you get a chance to make a first impression. You get a chance to deliver value, you get a chance to say something that catches their interest without all the additional judgment. And if you can build your business off of cold, like if you can tap into the big blue ocean, instead of trying to build your business in your little tiny pond in your backyard. That's where businesses scale.  Do you agree? What comes up for you as I kind of lay that out the way that I just did?

Kelsey: Yeah, like I have 69,000 Strangers on my page. That all they know is like what I show them like you said they don't know me unless I answer some questions that they have and make them feel more comfortable or whatever but they like you said they don't know anything. You're not bothering them and they aren't ticked off they come to you. I'm not reaching out to anybody. Like I'm posting a video that's how I'm reaching out but I'm not like hey, how are you? Like none of that.

Dave: Right, right. And that's the worst, like if your business model relies on you, small talk, wasting time with small talk before and then you gotta come with the right hook with a friend or family member. God that's a miserable business. It's just for me. It used to make me feel slimy, right? So in a sense, everybody should write this down. You need to have a business where you become the hunted rather than the hunter, right? Yeah, sounds like you've done information

and me questions and all that like, and like I'm asking them one thing. I've even had people tell me they're like, oh, you know, thanks for not bothering me. You didn't get back or I didn't get back to you so soon. But I had talked to 300-500 people, no lie since then. I didn't even remember. So it's like to them they're like, Oh, you're not spamming me. Like I really like that. So yeah, it's really good.

Dave: And when you seem busy, like I'm just giving you guys straight talk like this is no BS on the show ever. This is always the real deal. What marketing to a cold audience allows you to do is seen busier right? And here's the other thing that people want to do: they want to do business with people that are busy. So if you have a reason, you're busy for a reason. 

The people who are busy don't want to do business. If they feel like you're sitting around waiting on them. A lot of times. If you build up that audience, take a little bit of time to get back to him. You know what I mean? Like, like, or immediately respond, but then leave the message there for a half a day or a day or 24 hours. Like like fell asleep

and want more and more and more. And we don't get this like, guys don't get this like women get it the plane is hard to get. You know what I mean? Like if you relate this to relationships, yeah, the plain us guys were idiots. We were desperate. It's like no, that's that's how guys act. You know what I mean? So we have to dial it back, especially if we've ever been desperate in other business models. Or if we've that's why I say we got to relieve ourselves and let all of that desperate energy go so you can males I'm speaking to, you know your dominant energy and also females because men and women both have, you know, alpha and beta, you know, masculine and feminine energy. Okay. We have to, we have to, we have to remain in control. You know what I mean? We can't be out of control. And the thing that makes you attractive in business and marketing is the same thing that makes you attractive in, in relationships, right or when people are chasing mates. And that's somebody who doesn't need you right? Exactly what I mean in like, like, I'm not saying I'm not saying that women have to be masculine. That's not what I'm saying. Maybe that wasn't the right analogy. I'm trying to find the words and I think I found them in just being I want to plain speak this so people understand this. You'll get the most results when you don't need them to.

Kelsey: Yeah, for sure. I don't need you. I want you.

Dave: You'll get the most results when you don't care if the person that you're chatting with on TikTok buys or not. Because you've got 1000s of other people. Okay, and if you relate that to personal relationships, right, who worked for guys, who are the sexiest women who are WHO ARE THE who are the women that if we're in a dating scenario, who are the women that guys go absolutely crazy over? Is it the woman who's knocking on the door calling texting all day long? Right, and you can put that on men to who's the men that drive you crazy, right?

Kesley: The one who won't even give you the time of day. 

Dave: Why? Because males were hunters. We enjoy that Chase. Yeah, and women also, I can't speak for you, but I think I enjoy the mysterious man. The one who it's why women have always gone for bad boys. And the mysterious guy, the guy who's not always available like you know, like it's just a dynamic of human nature and I'm not here to explain why it is. But this you can be respectful is still mysterious and hard to get to. You can be kind. I'm not saying be arrogant. I'm not saying be you know, stick, you know, stick your nose up and like, like, I don't mean like just the beauty when you're working with a larger audience like you are now. You do have it, you legitimately don't care if one person buys because you've got 69,000 People who are seeing your content plus, more followers are adding on and following and seeing your content every day, right?

Kesley: I still have people I like who still need to reach out to that or write to me, I don't care. It's just on to the next one. But also like if then if they don't want that, then I don't want them like if we don't have the same interest then that's completely fine.

Dave: You know, this has been a great principle for me, and a lot of areas of life, you know, it is, you know, learning how to really surrender that. That fear of loss, that fear of missing out, that fear of losing a sale. You know, and I've, I've had to I've had to really, I've had to really faith it till I make it you know what I mean? Like, and I think that's a different way for people to, to to maybe to maybe understand this principle because fake it till you make it rubs a lot of people the wrong way, but fake it till you make it means that I'm going to just act as if I'm already successful. I'm going to act as if I'm already a million. I'm going to act as if I already have hundreds of 1000s of people that want to do business with me every day. And I'm going to fake that until I make it. I don't have to fake it until I'm. I don't have to act it will you know, I don't have to tell people a million out to the lie, but I can fake it till I make it because I know that's where I'm going to get to. So I can already begin acting like that and thinking like that and speaking with that same confidence and when you do when you fake it till you make it. Now all of a sudden you get in front of that camera and you can deliver value and all of a sudden you can get in front of that camera and you can speak with a bit more confidence. How have you either dealt with overcoming any fears of being on camera or any other types of imposter syndrome?

Kelsey: Yeah, I was nervous to do TikTok Okay, so when I was getting back into direct sales, I knew nothing about TikTok, but I wanted to learn it. And TikTok is like a totally different platform than any other social media that we have today. So I wanted to learn it and the editing and just everything. I didn't know one thing so I kind of did a shortcut and hired a mentorship which is kind of pricey, but there's I'm sure there's cheaper and more different ones out there today and learned just all the ins and outs of tick tock and the editing that made me more comfortable and just doing it like you just have to just do it. And you're the only person that knows what is in your head thinking that you're not confident doing this or whatever like those other people have no idea. They don't know that that's what you're thinking. They think if anything, you're the most confident person and they wish they could be like you. They have no idea. And I you know I always feel so confident in my videos, but I just had I started listening to a lot of Gary Vee, and like Eric Thomas, and they would just say you have to just fall in love with the process of what you're doing. You have to figure out how to do that. Because one like the more you do, the better you're going to get. I've so many videos on my page like I put out five to 10 a day. Yesterday. I repurpose and repurpose and it doesn't matter I just put it out because I'm like, you never know when the next one's gonna blow up. It doesn't matter how confident you were feeling at the time you video it doesn't matter. And that worship that he told me he was like you need to be posting like six or eight times a day you need to be posting more than you are. I don't care how much you're posting. And everybody analyzes. I overanalyze everything and it's like your songs that you attach to it, I think do make the difference. Like you go with the trendy ones. hashtags. Yeah, I tend to use a lot of the same hashtag, some of the the couple that you had on a couple of days ago. They were saying the same thing like using the same hashtags that seem to be working for me right now. And they're all just affiliated with what's in my videos. I tend to throw some of the most popular ones in there. But there's, those hashtags are so saturated, that it's not really doing much. I really want to see how you imitate other people. Like imitation is the highest form of flattery with TikTok. They want to see how you create these silly dances popular just this week. And they want to see what you do with this music. But I don't dance in my videos and you won't see me dancing but I'll use the sound so I'll make it my own. I just post and post and post. The more you do, the more comfortable you'll feel. And now I don't even care. I don't care. I don't do all these crazy transitions. I don't edit all day long. I do a big quantity of them and I repost a ton but it works. The shorter the video the better. With TikTok you want your watch time to be at its most. I'll keep that same music to them or I'll just scratch that video for repurposing and not do it another time. Or when I'm repurposing it and I repurposed like once a month because I'd had so many new followers I posted so much then since then that nobody's noticing that I'm redoing so much stuff. I’m so petrified that TikTok is going to delete my profile like it's sent to a lot of people. So I started saving my content off TikTok which I don't know if you've ever heard of that and it just you can save any kind of anything off TikTok like any video if you want like just to save it, because you know hearts something like your heart so many and it just goes down, you'll lose it. So what I do is so I'm really structured. So Monday and Tuesday like today, I have to be filming quite a bit and tomorrow filming quite a bit and that'll set me up for my whole week. And I'll go through old videos in my mind and just see how the videos were before but it also doesn't matter because they're just gonna do better because you have more followers. You're getting more reach each day, whether you realize it or not, and then save those in Snaptik and then that way, no matter what, like yesterday when I put on my videos while I was doing that I went to the gym, like I cleaned out my entire kitchen, went to Goodwill, took all the stuff there, came back had dinner with my boyfriend like had a whole day and everything was just right, I put out a video an hour is it and they all got 3,4,9, thousand  views like each one didn't matter. And I had people commenting to me, they're like, Oh, I'm kind of skeptical. I need you to, you know, give me a little pep talk me talk to me. So I talked to her and she's like I keep seeing all your videos and you know, I'm thinking it's a sign and I was like it is and it's like the more they see your face. And when they see you're gonna get more followers inevitably and then when they go to your page and they're like wow, she's got 70,000 followers and almost fair right he went away. Yeah, that feels like its own little bit of trust versus if you have like five more followers, which I started for. Just post those posts and it doesn't matter. Like how to make it fun. Like if you're funny, be funny, like I'm really funny, but I'm not going to be like I don't use my voice as much yet on my videos, but I'm going to but it's just fine. 

Dave: It's funny that you say that you don't talk and use your voice much. I mean, you're definitely not afraid to talk. So, you know, I'm going to be interested to see some tests when you do start talking more in your videos. Where when somebody goes through your funnel, can they see you talk? I mean, did you set up your landing page in your bridge page? And do you have a video on your bridge page where they can hear more from you? Do you have a video on your bridge page that makes it so they can hear you? 

Kelsey: No, I don't have my voice on my page. I'm gonna do a story on mine and pin it to the top and explain everything because I always have a lot of people and they're like, how and how and how and they won't like to go straight to like, like the link in your bio or whatever. It's like, what do you do? How do I do anything? They just act like they don't know how to do it. Right? So when I post so much and these people are like how I'm interested I respond to all of them which some people don't do. But I do because TikTok will push out more of your stuff. The more you comment back, the more people comment, the more likes, it pushes out your stuff even more. And that's what you want. You want things to be just shoved in as many faces as you can get.

Dave: Yeah, I totally agree. You know, it's funny that you talk about posting so much. You know, I'm also thinking about how the Learn, do teach concept where you've been a student and now you're sitting here teaching us and the way that you've been able to teach us so much on this show today because you've done so much. You learned you did and now you're teaching and so for those of you who want to get as knowledgeable and be able to speak about this stuff as confidently as Kelsey has done today, well then you have to take as much action as she's taken. And so has that action that you've taken all this action that you've taken in four months or so. Has it hurt you? Are you bleeding? I just want to try to help people with the fear that they have of taking action. What is the best advice you can give them or you would have given yourself at the very beginning about taking action so they can get through that initial month or two of despair and get to a place to where you're at towards second nature. It feels like good leads are flowing. You're making money. What would you tell people who are having a hard time getting started?

Kelsey: I think you just have to just do it and I know everybody says that and it's easier said than done. But just set aside some time, that's why I do my stuff like Monday Tuesday that way when my week is busy and things in the wake of something you don't want to do, you'll put everything else in front of me to not do it. So if you just make sure you set aside time to do it and then just hit send. Just do it because it doesn't matter what other people think and other people are not thinking what you're thinking. They're not. They're just not. You think they're thinking a certain way but it's not true. They're they're thinking the opposite actually. And just the more that you do and even if you think it's silly or stupid, like be glad that it's silly or stupid and just go tick tock is so not serious. You have to make it fun. And just batch all your stuff. And then you'll have it and you'll feel so much better after you do it. I promise you you'll be like wow I did that. It wasn't that bad. I pushed through it. I'm glad and then once you get those interests and the leads and you start with the small commission's and you get to the bigger ones, you're gonna be like it's because that's silly stupid video.

Dave: I think one of the best helpers with anxiety and fear is to remember that people are just as selfish as you are. So like self consumed. So you know, what's the thing that you ask when you're watching something? You ask the same thing that I asked, what's in this for me? The people who are watching your videos are asking the same thing. They're not going oh, look at her hair, her voice or oh, this that. Oh, they're not critiquing you. They didn't get on TikTok or Instagram or social media to critique. That's them projecting their own safe self hatred onto you but ultimately, they're self consumed. They're not judging. They're not. It's not that you know what you can easily block people if they're nasty. They're only asking what's in just for me. And if you can deliver a laugh, a bit of value, and catch their attention, you win. 

Kelsey: And what's in it for them in my opinion, it is their opportunity to learn high income skills and change their situation which is why they're watching my videos to the end in the first place. Yeah, they're not watching it because of my hair or whatever, I think right there why they're curious. And like, as in analyzing all this in December, all my views went down. I was like, really? And it was because TIkTok was pushing out more Christmas ads for people to buy stuff and then doing like the year in review, what was your viral video in 2021? They're pushing for less content from smaller creators. So I was like, how do we push past this and I joined that can't beat them join them and I went and I did like my I did a couple of my big posts for the year and I pushed that out but it wasn't even getting like that much attention. So I was like, it's Christmas Because Christmas and then starting Christmas Eve or Christmas night. I was like, Okay, people are going to be done with their presence and all their family stuff. They're gonna be on their phone, they're gonna be sitting on the couch with their family, they're going to be bored. They're gonna be looking around the post. So on Christmas Eve, I probably posted five videos in the afternoon or Christmas day and then they got a lot of us a lot of interest because also keep in mind New Year's and everybody's new year new me. Here I am. What do you want to do with your finances? So let me talk to you. So it's like a prime opportunity right now January coming up because everybody starts to do their self reflection. And what they're going to do differently this year. And, you know, financially especially, so use your advantage.

Dave: Right now, there's always a time if you're a good marketer that you can bring a time of the year as a good time to buy or get started with transformation and changing their life. But New Years is awesome. Like such a huge opportunity. Like today, not not all the way like you can always talk about how you want next year to be different from the year before you can always talk about any time throughout the year. Finish the rest of this year strong, start the first of this year strong. How do you want to make 2022 different from 2021? You have to make a big change now's the time, see there's always an opportunity to frame a month or a time of the year as a big opportunity if you're clever enough. But the first of the year when people are that sort of I'm going to make a big change. I'm going to make a big decision if you guys are not going crazy right now. Like not ballistic like screaming from the rooftops like now's the time to get started and set yourself up for a big 2022. Like if you're not howling that message and making people laugh but that message is just constantly reminded and staying in front of people that message like you're missing so much opportunity. I'm so glad you brought that up. 

Kelsey: It's so true. Like take everything you just said and condense it down and turn it into a video. Everybody's looking to change everything next year. They want better, they want different but don't know how. Yeah, show them. Tell them.

Dave: So let me ask you so you know of all the things that you've done in the past and ways you've trained and opportunities you've seen. Give us a little testimonial, give us a little like what would you tell somebody who might be on the fence about going through our challenge, going through our training, becoming a part of our community? What would your experience have been like?

Kelsey: I would tell them that if you are looking for a change and you are looking to better yourself and he wants to do more and have more financial freedom, which is the goal in life for everybody who you talked to. You have to not think everything is a scam and take it in as an opportunity. If it doesn't work out then it doesn't work out. But once it does, what if you blow up like crazy and live your dreams? Like what if you actually did like you for example. You're the perfect example. Everything that you've overcome to where you are right now. Yeah, I could do the same thing. I know, working my way to try to do the same thing.

Dave: What would you say about the 15 Day Challenge, some small entry point financially, big, big value a lot to learn? What would you say about somebody taking the plunge to at least give themselves a chance go through the challenge, talk to an advisor soak up everything they can to learn, coached to just soak up all of the value that they can get for that $7 What would you say to somebody who might be on the fence about that Mike might be watching right now. And he's on the checkout page?

Kelsey: I got this in like August and I was like, I either want to go back to school and do something or I want to find a way to work from home. I really wanted to work from home. I didn't really want to go back to school but I was really considering it. So when I found a 15 day challenge I took it I literally started right away. I just did that 15 Day Challenge in like six days. I made sure I had my funnel up by the day. It was kind of like a weird goal for no real reason but I wanted to do it and prove to myself that I could, that it was different from direct sales. And I was like why? Okay, so I'm going to take out loans and pay for school long term. sounded awful. I really didn't want to do it. I was like I want to work from home. And anything that would be going to school would not have anything to do with me working from home. It would be me going into a job you go into work at a hospital to know do something like that. It was like I wanted that from a money perspective. years down the line when I would start making that money after school. Or I was like I want to try this. You wouldn't invest like I did the blueprints personally, but you'd invest in that which is way cheaper than school will ever be. I don't care what school you're going to that basically costs, I don't know, like what is the class cost and a college a class, a class you know and I've already made money. And I've already learned so much along the way. And in the 15 days there is a lot of information. It's overwhelming. But you could always and I always tell people this like you can rewatch those days you could take notes you can always refer back to them everything but you have like you have to see if that's what you really want to do because the 15 Day Challenge is awesome and all extra information tutorials how tos everything in those are really helpful, especially if you need that help like I did I needed that help those tutorials. The only thing I did skip was the TikTok part. But other than that only because I had got the knowledge before but I paid for that knowledge too. But it was worth it. It sped up everything for me.

Dave: Nice. We are so excited to watch your journey. I'm so hoping that you'll carve time in your life now that you know your time is so structured. And you're also playing a lot though you're you're shopping you're playing you're doing your things you're living your life, and I love to see that. So please here in a couple of months, come back, keep us posted on your journey. It's been a pleasure to spend some time with you this morning. And we're going to put up your tick tock handle so people can go and follow you and they can lift you up and they can support you and comment on your stuff. And that's what we do here at Legendary. That's how we can help each other. So thank you for your time today. Tell your boyfriend we said Hi, happy holidays from our family to yours. And I'll talk to you soon. All right.

Kelsey: Thank you so much for having me. It's such a pleasure. 

Dave: You're welcome. We'll talk to you later. All right, my friends. Another episode Another day, another Monday and hey, just like I said a second ago is the end of the I'm going to do different right now today. This second tip like this second. What are you going to do now coming off of this show? In this moment, to change everything to change 2022 From what it could be to what you want it to be? How are you going to take control? Maybe you need to invest in yourself. Maybe you need to instead of worrying about everybody else and all the Christmas presents that you did or didn't buy or the money that you may or may not spend going back to college which is a guarantee you're going to be 2030 4050 $60,000 Maybe you need to take a couple of grand and put it into yourself and learn the high income skills that you need to give yourself a new career a new path a new passion, a new journey. It's amazing the return on investment we get from investing in ourselves. You hear it day after day. You see the testimonials you hear people every single person has the same thing to say I took the challenge I went through the blueprints, I applied what I learned. And now this is what has happened. And we're not talking about four years. We're talking about four months. We're talking about three months. We're talking about Scylla we're talking about a quarter to half the way through 2022 Your life could be completely different. Are you going to sit on the fence? Are you going to watch another year passed by this was 2021 Even though it was a struggle for a lot of people was the best year for a lot of digital marketers ever. I know it was one of the best for us for me ever. Why did I get lucky? No. Preparation meets opportunity and right now is the best time to get started online with a business like selling information as an affiliate creating your own course coaching program or event exactly what we teach here. Not selling products from China, not you know selling candles on Etsy even though I'm not putting those businesses down, but selling information doing affiliate marketing. This is the way of the future look at Airbnb. Look at you know, Uber, all these business models are the middleman they're the marketing arm of the company, right they don't own the cars they don't own the hotels get in and up with the teams and take action get your credit card out today and stop worrying about spending it on everybody else and swipe it through your self. Spend something on you to invest in your future to make 2022 the way that you want it in the way that you deserve it. All right. Get out of here and do that. Now. Make a commitment to yourself. And thanks again, Kelsey, for your wonderful, amazing advice in time. We'll see you guys back here for another episode tomorrow. Get out of here. Be Legendary

How To Have The Ultimate 6 Figure Journey

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hello What's going on my friends welcome to Wake Up Legendary, to a special Christmas Eve episode and I'm going to be just kind of walking and pacing around which is kind of what I usually do when you don't see me sitting in my seat every day on the show. Usually if I'm ever talking to somebody on the phone, which I try to avoid at all costs, to be honest with you.

Because, I don't know, I tried to learn a long time ago to, you know, have as much leverage as possible and quite frankly, the only reason to get on a call is to talk to somebody that I really love or that's really important to me, or to close a sale. And so, this is what I do when I am talking so you're going to get a little bit of me pacing here in my backyard. And so you know, maybe I can show you around a little bit back here as well throughout the show. Or you'll just see it in the background. But again, not about me. The show is not about me. This show is about a guest, a student, a client, a marketer, who is willing to spend her time this morning with us only 21 years old and she's already six figures, six figures inside of her marketing business. So let's welcome Taylor to the show. 

Taylor: Hi, everybody.

Dave: Hey, what's going on? How are you?

Taylor:I'm good. How are you?

Dave:It's not too distracting that I'm walking around.

Taylor:you're all good over there.

Dave:You see that? This is my kids play house area back over here. So there's a glimpse of that. So I know you're only 21 But you know, kids goals there for you in artificial turf over there. Which by the way for any of you who are struggling with your grass, throw some turf down. You don't have to mow it. You just have to blow it. And those of you who joke just put your mind in the gutter. Get your mind out of the gutter for God's sakes, you know, come back into reality here. Okay, I'll be appropriate no more inappropriate dad jokes from me. Taylor tells us how you found legendary.

Taylor: I found legendary through tick tock which is probably how a lot of people are finding it these days. So that is where I found you guys.

Dave: Okay, and what were you looking for us and when exactly was that? What kind of year slash month

Taylor: That was this year. And I was not looking for anything of the sort actually it just kind of fell into my lap and I rolled with it. So was definitely to be

Dave: So six figures later inside of your business this year. Are you glad that that fell in your lap?

Taylor: It totally changed my life? It feels good. 

Dave: You could say like set that question up. So tell us what else is going on in your life and how this has changed it now. I think that what else was going on in your life and how this has changed I guess might be a better way to ask the question.

Taylor: At the time I was thinking about going back to college. I had completed two years but had taken a semester off to try out some other things and they weren't really out so I was kind of just looking for a way to make some money online and thinking about going back to school the next semester and Yeah, completely turned out way better than I thought a lot quicker than I thought and believe that I did not need school. And the freedom that this gives me really did change my life because of all the things right now just being able to do what I want to do with my day and work on myself. So the biggest piece of it, I think,


Dave: so you were already in school? Is that what you're saying? You were in college and how far how far in more you

Taylor: I did two years of undergrad. So now I was thinking of finishing it because I thought I needed to and then lo and behold legendary marketer proved to me that I did so.

Dave: Here is the guy who you know your deputy dad never wanted you to meet and hate at first and then thankful shit later on. He's like alright, I like this guy. Now six figures later is like Alright, welcome

Taylor: might be all right.

Dave: another awkward dad joke. I'm 38 years old Taylor. I have multiple children and at this point, any source of humor that I can potentially get a laugh out of my house instead of being a laughing stock at my house, which I usually am. It is a win for me. So. So we're parents, we're family members. We're friends. We're anybody else involved in this process and or supportive or critical of it?

Taylor: I think at first I remember when I told my friends about it. They were definitely a little skeptical. But I didn't actually tell my parents until I pretty much liked doing it. so after that they’re extremely supportive and mind blown

Dave: Were they supportive because you were because you were making money? I mean, is that like, did you have to show them? Like, how did you go about that?

Taylor: I'm surrounded by very good and supportive people so they would have supported me either way, but I think the money was definitely, like, verified. For them, I was on the right track. And it was a good decision for me so but either way- 

Dave: How did you go about showing them that money? Was it kind of just like uh, let me sit you down and open up my computer and show you or is it was just kind of one of those indirect things to where you just kind of totally knew what you were doing but didn't want to make it so obvious that you were showing them how much money you were making.

Taylor: That's kind of like my struggle and everything like my friends, like bringing it up in front of other people. And I'm pretty humble, so I like to downplay it but I probably should show off a little more because it is a huge accomplishment. For my dad, I kind of laid it all out there and I was like, This is what I'm doing. What do you think? He loved it. He's an entrepreneur's though he

Dave:Oh, we're okay. Nice. So you really kind of probably were impressing him and we're like, holy, he was like, I didn't know you had it in you. I didn't know you were listening to all those calls and talks that I've been having all these years. Yeah, you're showing some entrepreneurial savvy here and I'm proud of my baby girl. 

Taylor:Yeah. I Love it for sure. 

Dave: Cool, cool. Cool. Yeah. So you seem like the person who might if you are going to do a brag would do a humble brag, but you know, yeah, I mean, I'd like to encourage you to stay humble, but also allow that, you know, your success to build your confidence more than anything, you know, because it's not really about becoming arrogant and cocky, looking down on others. It's actually the more successful we become, the more we also remember what came from and we don't talk down to people we are, you know, humble about it, is the way that we keep what we've earned. That's what I've learned. Instead of when I get so full of myself, and thankfully, I haven't done that. And I think a lot of that is because I've got a fantastic wife, and I've got good, you know, like I'm still deep in my roots with my parents, you know, like my family and stuff. So I didn't run off and, you know, isolate myself to where I could start to believe my own bullshit. You know what I mean, which I think is a lot of people's problems, especially when they make it in their start to become successful. They begin to take all the credit for their success. And quite frankly, they start to believe their own bullshit. And that's when self sabotage in six months or a year later, they've lost it all. And they're going through how I got here.

Taylor: Right and if I can just at least use it to inspire other people. I think that has a huge impact so

Dave: you're working in the make money online niche, is that right? 

Taylor: Yeah, yeah. 

Dave: So I mean, really, at the end of the day, the more normal and the more grounded you can stay. If, if you're then talking to people who are not rich who are not in the place they want to be, they're in a place that they don't want to be anymore. And I talked about this on yesterday's show with Brandon and Dijunae, a. I talked about, you know, a lot of times when we start to create content, we start talking about positives and goals and all this stuff and as all people want. Number one, they didn't even come on TikTok or Instagram to be things to be taught or to preach to. They came on to be entertained. But if you are going to, if you are going to eventually lead to a hopeful, inspirational ending in your content, you have to start with the struggle and the pain, something that they can relate to. Does that make sense? And tell us about your content, strategy, and what has worked for you? Has it been kind of like what I just described, or how would you describe it?

Taylor: I would say exactly honestly, like telling my story kind of just I don't know, I don't I used to when I first started to try to make a bunch of videos about other side hustles online and stuff. And really all it did was kind of get me a bunch of followers that really weren't interested in affiliate marketing. And so I really started to dial down just specifically with affiliate marketing, only discussing that and mainly using my videos just to kind of inspire people. So something enough to where they will leave a comment or maybe they will send me a message. That's really just my strategy is sending something that is eye catching or super relatable to where they think, you know, maybe I could do this, you know, so that's really my shot.

Dave: Can we flash Taylor's TikTok handle up just for 30 seconds, so people could write it down. I want you to stay focused on what's being said here, though. I'm not sure if we have your TikTok profile, 

Taylor: I am on my third account with TikTok because they have definitely given me some trouble with Shadow banning and stuff like that. But this current @Taylortheaffiliate

Dave: Ok so look I want to because we've mentioned six figures and we've got it. I want to just give a quick disclaimer. Most people who take any course with any information, start any business online, make no money at all. Period. I just want to be clear about that because we are talking about significant results with Taylor and I want to make sure that I give a super crystal clear disclaimer. Now I tend to believe that the same reason why people get there is the same reason why people get no results when they sign up for a gym membership. You know they get excited at the first of the year and then you know two years later they go Holy shit, why am I still paying $20 a month for my lie. But now that we've got that disclaimer out of the way there's no deceptive Oh, you guys are definitely going to if you just spend $7 You're going to get Taylor's result. We've got that disclaimer out of the way. What I'm really interested in right now is the fact that like another member of our community, Sarah Ravel and several other people who have had accounts shut down. You've been able to make six figures in less than a year and you're on your third account which means that whether somebody reported you as spam because they're a hater or you know what pain in our ass jealous and be whatever, or whether it was tic TOCs algorithm just made a mistake. Doesn't matter. The point is you persevere. So can you talk to us about this journey of not only it's not just been Ooh, to the moon success. You just mentioned some major challenges that you've overcome. Can you just give us the nutshell version of what that should look like and how you still have been able to be successful? So successful? 

Taylor:Yeah, of course. I actually use tic toc as my main source of traffic. So when this happened, it definitely felt like I was really struggling. I don't know if it was a total roller coaster. I was doing great and sales and then like all of a sudden it was like nothing. I think I just had to keep the mindset that if it is then it'll continue to grow even on another account because that's the great thing about exposure. And I just kind of kept that in the back of my head. Like, it wasn't luck that I was able to do this well, and I could do it again. So I've had to do it again. And again. Yeah, I just stopped just waiting for a lot of followers because at the end of the day, it could all be taken away. And so I just kind of like to keep the mindset that my content is good and no matter if I do get shut down. It'll still get exposure even on a brand new. Oh, that's just kind of

got to 

Dave: two gold boulders right there. The first one is the fact that it's not the account. It's you. So if you happen to lose an account anywhere, in any way on social media or any time, always remember that it was your skill, set your content that got you that account. Don't put the power on the account. Keep the power in your own self and self esteem to know that that yes, is gonna slow you down. But you absolutely can build that back and you can even as a marketer, right? Make that a part of your story. Make that a part of the inspiration, make that a part of a teachable moment. I think we all need to learn a lot more about what a teachable moment means and how to turn difficult situations into teachable moments. And what you did right there was you simply in your own business persevered through that challenge, and you just made that teachable moment for us. And I assume you made that a teachable moment for your followers. Is that right? And would you add anything else to that?

Taylor: No, I think they're pretty spot on.

Dave: Okay, here's the second thing I want to ask you. I was with Brandon and DJ yesterday. And you know, a couple that's just getting started and started but they're getting results and she's a stay at home mom. He's a cement worker and they're getting things going and what she was getting the best results with was taking content posting it initially on tick tock then repurposing it you know, taking the watermark off with one of the actions you can use to take the watermark off repurposing on Instagram, and then also repurposing it on Pinterest and YouTube shorts, but she was getting the most results. With posts on Pinterest. Are you doing that?

Taylor: Okay, that's really great to hear because I kind of have ditched my toes in the water with it. I'm still trying to figure it out. Like I don't see a whole lot of content in my niche on Pinterest. So maybe I need to look for more of that. So I can get a better feel. I did try to post a few things. I'm not really sure yet how to maneuver that the best way but that's great

Dave: watch yesterday's episode, watch yesterday's episode, she shared her profile. This is how why this community is so powerful, you know is because every single day, you know we're coming on having guests in asking the right questions and understanding how they're getting results and we can help each other so for you somebody who has this phenomenal experience and see how I'm framing that not this horrible, horrendous experience of losing multiple accounts, but you have this beautiful experience that you can share with us. And we've talked about how to turn that reframe into a teachable moment. And we've also talked about what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur, which is perseverance and you being on the show right now, hearing somebody else's experience who doesn't even have the same level of monetary success that you have yet dropped a nugget yesterday. That could potentially change everything for you and you don't know if Tik Tok is going to become or stay your number one source shit Pinterest might end up being your number one source so please taylor go back to yesterday watch that episode because you might be able to add another stream of traffic that will change a lot of things for you.

Taylor:Yeah, no, that's totally inspiring for me because I don't know if people were really getting a lot of success from that. And so it's good to hear.

Dave: Yeah, yeah. I love that. The show is about us learning and I love this show is about no matter what success level you've reached. We can share ideas with each other that opens you to know each other's minds and gives us ideas. So if somebody was sitting on a checkout page, what would you say about a legendary marketer like if you had 30 seconds to convince them based on your experience, your monetary success, how it's changed your life? What would you say to that person?

Taylor: I would probably talk about how supportive of a team legendary is and how confident you guys kept me throughout the whole thing because I think that was super valuable and powerful for me to start my journey with a team that really had confidence in what I could do. And it gave me confidence in myself and specifically, my business advisor door. He was great at me, super confident. And also just like giving me that extra value of reading Rich Dad Poor Dad, like you guys totally wanted to change my mindset as you're teaching me. And that really had a huge impact on the ability for me to be able to actually push through the times that I didn't feel so confident but probably just the support of the team is really having a teacher that cares about your results is important.

Dave: And that resulted in six figures in what nine months.

Taylor: Actually, it was six and a half. So

Dave: six and a half months. 


Dave:Six figures in six and a half months.

Taylor:It's incredible.

Dave: And by the way, the results are not typical. Most people make no money at all, by any way. But this is different. This is different when you take the information and you apply it. And this is what can happen. You're 21 years old, right? It's just I don't know I get so angry sometimes that I know so many 19,20,21,22,23 year olds are stuck sitting in a classroom with no real direction with no real with somebody who's guiding them like a guidance counselor or some sort of a you know, colleges have sales people to that sell you on going to their college they come they visit the high schools. And I'm not saying that is not the right thing for a lot of people that you know I don't want somebody not operating on my heart who just took a course on, you know, for a $7 challenge. You know what I mean? Like, there are certain things that require long training and this is not one of them, like making money online. Building a business online is not one of them. For $7 you can take a 15 day challenge that will open your whole world in sure we have more advanced training that's a bit more expensive if you want to make that jump if you want something that's more advanced. But for those of you who are on the fence $7 Take the challenge or if you're in, retake the challenge. Sometimes you're starting to restart your business, sometimes you're restarting your business and that's okay too. No matter how many businesses you think you've failed. They've not been failures. They've been learning lessons in maybe all those situations that prepared you for this moment to be supported by us in this community and this information with this business model. Right Taylor I mean, this is not going running around Marshalls trying to find a teddy bear that you can repost on Amazon and make five cents. You know, we're selling the same damn thing that multibillion dollar universities are selling, which is education. It's a proven model and for decades and decades and decades and centuries. People have been pre programmed to buy education to better themselves. Plus when they buy it, we can instantly deliver it to them with no overhead cost with no manufacturing. We don't have to ship it to them. We deliver it instantly which lowers our overhead and raises our profit margins. Listen to this tune. For over a decade since I've been doing this business model. I've never found a business model that's been smarter than this, that's been more profitable than this. And here's my big crystal ball prediction. The next 10 years regardless of meta NFTS, crypto, all this stuff, all these things that we think that people are trying to pitch to us as the next big thing. Here's my prediction- the next 10 years, there will not be another better business model than the core for selling information, either as a coach doing coaching, courses or events live or virtual, or being an affiliate marketer and selling somebody else's courses coaching or events and if of course you want to sell as an affiliate, a physical product, that's fine, but next 10 years similar to the last 10 years, there will not be a better business model for a normal person who's streaming a freaking show in his backyard. Who's talking to a 21 year old woman who's located in Oklahoma. My friends, there will not be a better opportunity than the one that we have that we are mastering here and that we're utilizing and it doesn't matter if you're 21 it doesn't matter if you're 60 or 71. It's available to you in my hope. My prayer is that right here today and it happens to be Christmas Eve for those who celebrate Christmas we're just a few days away from 2022 and how different Taylor are you looking at 2022 than thinking back to those final days of 2020 looking at 2021?

Taylor: Such a crazy difference I look at my future, my life and just money in general and this completely different way. And it's great. I'm coming into this year very excited. Yeah, not dreading a semester of school. Not dreading all the work serving tables.

Dave: And here's another thing regardless of what the next variant or whatever pops up, not that we don't have compassion for people who have to go and put themselves at risk beyond the frontline. I'm grateful to all of our first responders and our first line of defense in the middle schools and our essential workers and are not as I'm grateful. And I'm mostly grateful and humbled that I have information that maybe they don't, but it does not matter what next thing pops up. As long as it's not like a frickin zombie apocalypse or an asteroid is going to hit the damn planet and we're all done. No matter what pops up. You can stay right there in your safe home in Oklahoma. And you can continue to run your business. I love that. I love that. I love it. Most days I'm in sweatpants and tank tops thrown on the same shirt. I had the last four days to do this show and then I just ripped it off, throw on a tank top. And that time in my life. You know what I mean? It's a beautiful thing. So hey, thanks for your time. I would assume you guys are celebrating Christmas here?

Taylor: Yes

Dave: So are you at fam like are you with is or is all your family in Oklahoma or did you try doing any traveling?

Taylor: Most of my immediate family is here so no travel.

Dave: Well tell you pops. I said what's up? Maybe he's, maybe he's watching right now, maybe he'll watch later. Who knows, but tell him I said hello from dad to dad. And keep up the fantastic work, stay Legendary, Taylor, keep growing with us, keep growing within yourself and within your own business. Please come back in the next couple of months and keep us posted on your journey. 

Taylor: Okay, thank you for having me.

Dave: All right, we'll see you later. But let's put Taylor's TikTok handle or whatever she gave us her kick candle back up on the screen. Please go support her and lift her up. You know, once again, this is how we support each other when you see somebody posted in creating a piece of content. You know, lift them up, you know, comment on their stuff, great stuff, you know, like their stuff like this is this is a community that has so many people. And I know so many of you are following each other and especially when we put somebody link up on the wakeup show, it's such an opportunity to be able to go in and support them and you know, how do you get what you want if you want, you know to connect to them. You want to be more of a part of their world and deliver value to them first, instead of just running and bombarding their DMs and asking them for questions or answers to your questions like this is a big shift that I had to have. I wanted to get more from people and I wanted to get more value from people that I needed to be valuable first to them. And so a great opportunity for you to be valuable to people is to comment on their stuff, like their stuff, be active and engage with their stuff. And then they'll notice you and we send them a message if you have a question. They're going to be much more excited to help you and answer you because you've delivered value to them. I don't know. I just thought of that because I know so many of us, you know we throw everybody's handles up. And my hope is just that when we do your first thought is hey, how can I support this person? I know that may not be your first thought but I invite you to have that as a first thought. Because just like Christmas, it's like, you know, when I was a kid all I could think about was getting gifts, but that was an immature mindset. You know, as an adult. What I'm most excited about is giving gifts and I get a lot of value from that. I get a lot of internal happiness from that. And what happens is, I get a lot of love back, you know, I get a lot of value back because I'm not just always thinking about myself. So anyways, I guess that was kind of an interesting analogy. Like because it's Christmas Eve for those who celebrate Christmas to think about, you know, adding value to people's lives online and in this community instead of just only worrying about what presence they're going to give you. If we can be more service oriented, if we can be more value oriented, if we can be more supportive to our fellow community members, fellow Legends in this family, then that will come back to you tenfold. So that's my gift for you today, as well as this wonderful content that Taylor gave us. And I hope that you're inspired by that. We'll see you back here on Monday. Okay for another episode, signing out from my humble abode here in Florida. Have a fantastic Christmas if you celebrate Christmas, God bless you and everyone please keep up the fantastic work let's keep rockin and finish 2021 Legendary.

How to Repurpose Content For ANY Social Media Platform

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What is going on my friends, this is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary, another show just keeps on going. It's like it never gets canceled. You know why it never gets canceled? Because we don't answer to anyone. That's why it never gets canceled. So even if the content did suck, we couldn't get canceled because we're entrepreneurs and we would find another way but the content doesn't suck. It's awesome and it's awesome because of our guests. And our guests this morning. are a husband and wife team who started to have an amazing story and seem like fantastic people. We're gonna get to know him right along with you this morning. Brandon and Dijunae. And I heard that you are expecting another bundle of joy as Brandon put it here in the coming months?

Dijunae: Next month.

Dave: Wow that that baked potato is ready to come out of the oven now how many have you had so far?

Di: Two other daughters and this will be your third

Dave: The world needs girl dads. Nothing wrong with it. So you know I loved your little right and you wrote a little story when we asked you to be on the show. What? You are currently working for a cement company Brandon. Di, are you a stay at home mom or what? Remind me what you're also doing besides running your online business anything.

Dave: And I'm not trying to minimize that. stay at home mom because especially if you got two little ones and you got one in the oven. I'm gonna tell you something. I know Brandon comes home every day and complains about how his feet hurt but he's preaching to the wrong choir isn't because Job ain't a joke. I'm with my kids for like, two hours and I'm overwhelmed. I'm like where's the nanny? You know what I mean? So what stuck out to me about your little write in that you gave us which was really helpful for me to get to know you is you know you both work 60 hours a week. You want to quit your job, although you're grateful for it, it seems Brandon, you said that you came online during the events that have happened over the past year and there was one specific thing that stuck out to me is that you said I researched and looked into other ways but Legendary stuck out to us and honestly seemed like the most legit and achievable. Especially with us being beginner's and not knowing much. We were willing to learn so that we could build the life that we really wanted and felt we deserved. So talk to us a little bit about that beginning of wanting and looking for something and then what ultimately attracted you to us. 

Brandon: So we're lucky that I work. I have worked seven days a week ever since the pandemic started. We got just thrown into the whirlwind of seven days, 10 hours or 12. Whatever it takes. So being at work every day and then having our second daughter which she's only a year old. And just being at work all day and missing out and watching her learn how to walk and do all this stuff with the baby. It really hit home with me and just seeing it over video chat and stuff. So I started getting online, started first off, started just reading and getting my mind right and I said so I bought a couple of different kinds of books and started reading and then I started following different pages on Instagram and stuff like that, just to kind of prolong that and other stuff started coming on. Well kept seeing stuff about e-commerce drop shipping. We even got her involved with doing epoxy art because we’ve seen a lot of that as well. So we built up a whole little epoxy art business and everything like that. Didn't really do all that great. We didn't know what we're doing with it first of all, but yeah, I just kept seeing stuff pop up with affiliate marketing. Andre was one of the main ones that I followed and was following his stuff. And with affiliate marketing, we didn't do a whole lot of research on what it was when we first started. Kind of just look at a couple of different ones. Seen Legendary seeing the reviews from people who were just Googling it. Yeah, and then kind of just jumped right in with this looks like the best option for us. We can afford it because the main thing is very affordable. And man it just took off after that. Once we repaired we procrastinated a little bit. At first when we got the program we didn't really do much with it at first and then finally we buckled down and started hitting it and it's been working great for us ever since. 

Dave: Awesome. Di, Can you give us your perspective on that same question.

Di: Kinda like when he said at first I was like, I got to get back to work you know, finances were getting tight and then I found out I was expecting again. So something has to give whether I can work at home or just something. But he was like, No, I want you to focus on kids. Which is completely fine with me that I just wanted us to, you know be okay like we were making it but we were sacrificing a lot and I just didn't want us to be in that spot anymore. Yeah. So when he showed me affiliate marketing you know, I'm the Research nerd. So I did all my research. Before I do anything. I was like, okay, you know, I like where this is going like I can do it on my own time. I don't have to worry about being on someone else's spot. Especially with a toddler running everywhere and screaming in the background. I don't have to worry about it either . It seems like something that you know, it's a lifelong process, something that we can build and then share with our kids and then they can do it if they want to. And that's what I really really liked about it, the flexibility I really want to travel. So the fact that I can travel and work was like a big thing for me.

Dave: Yeah, yeah. So I love where both of your heads are at because you understand there's some immediate results that can happen and have happened for you. And you also know that it's a long term game and you're looking ahead versus just looking at what's why, you know, am I going to be a winner in 30 days, you know, which we all know is an unrealistic expectation. I'm not saying it can't happen. I'm just saying it's very unrealistic. When exactly did you sign up for the challenge? When was that kind of day that you pulled the trigger on that? One, I think she's right at the end of July ish. And you procrastinated a little bit, so you kind of signed up and then didn't really start going through the training. What brought you back? I mean, do you remember having a moment of clarity or something that you talked about or what ultimately brought you back to focus? 

Brandon: For me it was dealing with the stuff I deal with that work with people, the management team there, it's kind of everywhere. So they're kind of scattered and don't know what they're doing a lot of times, so it's just I got tired of that. It's like, I got we got to do something about this. We got to dig in and get this going so we can do something better and I don't have to deal with the stuff I deal with there anymore. 

Dave: So pain motivated you? Isn't that interesting to everybody who's listening. If you're wondering where you're going to get your motivation from? Stop looking for your stop looking at your goals. Now that might sound odd at first. But when you're looking at your goals, it's not even something that you relate to because you've never achieved it. You don't even know what it's like, what it's going to be like to have those things. So it's hard for that to pull you in action. Eventually it will write eventually, when you get to a certain phase, you can begin to be more specific about your goals. But at the beginning, the most powerful way to get into action is dial into your pain. What hurts? What do you want to stop? You know, nobody ever goes to the doctor when they're feeling good, and says Hey, Doc, I wonder how I can just be more healthy?

You know, but I'm telling you what, when you get a canker sore in your mouth like I do right now, that's painful to eat. That thing is top of mind every day, I was just in the dentist's chair already this morning. Okay, and I said, Hey, look, what's up with my mouth? Right? So I think that's an important thing for us to kind of just bring to everybody's attention what you just said because sometimes we're looking for motivation in the wrong place. And if we can just ask ourselves, what's hurting? What do I want to stop and focus on? That might seem like well, why shouldn't we just sweep that under the rug and pretend that's not happening? No focus on that. Talk about it. Feel the pain. And Brandon, you said that you use that as a way to get back in action. And now that was July-ish. What has happened in How has life changed? If you could describe that briefly, since you made that decision to take it seriously and focus? 

Brandon: Well, I mean, you can see the light at the end of the tunnel right now. Like we haven't made a ton of money but we have been making increases. You know, we've been building it up and it shows you that this can be done and I can supplement my income. And she can be doing the income is low and we can work together and I won't have to be in that situation. I don't have to work till seven eight o'clock at night and miss all day with my kids seeing them for an hour. That goes with the pain thing again missing out on the time when you get there too. But you can see light at the end of the tunnel and it's a great feeling knowing that you can have a means to an end with that kind of life. Dijunaecan you answer the same question to you what has changed since you both began to focus on getting more serious? How would you describe how things have changed? Whether it be you know knowing that this is real and can happen because of initial Commission's rolling in whether it's a mindset shift, what has changed within you and you think within your maybe your marriage or whatever, since you guys got focused

Di: I definitely would say our mindset changed. Because at first you know skeptical, kind of worried, jumping into something totally new that I had not really a lot of information on until he did the challenge. But it's helped us stay focused. It helped us stay motivated. And, you know, just look forward to your likes. I'm actually excited about where we're heading and it's because of what we're doing. At first I was always nervous and had anxiety about the future. And where we were going and how we got there. But I think this was a great first stepping stone to get us on the right path to where we want it to be for us and our kids and then us being on the same page has made us better marriage partners. Because now we're like two peas in the pod. You know, if I ever get discouraged he's there to lift me up. 

Dave: What sort of advice would you give to other partners out there and Dijunaewhat ultimately did Brandon do? To pull you in to get your support initially because a lot of times there can be a lot of conflict there, husbands who are trying to provide and we want to go and find solutions. You know, we bring these things to our wives or our spouses the way that we present it and also creates conflict or mistrust, and then we end up feeling unsupported. So can you talk us through a little bit about how Brandon was able to bring you in or what that looked like for you now ultimately, to be on the same page?

Di: Communication and trust, you know, you're a team, you got to work together and like, you're gonna take some risks in life. You know, that's part of it. I mean, if you make it you know, that's great. If you don't, you don't at the end of the day, you still have each other and, you know, that's what makes it even better. It is having each other to support, you know, he'll support me through anything. I'll support him through anything. I’m very stubborn, I've always been independent. And that actually helped me become more reliable.

Dave: It makes sense to me, Brandon, let me shift that question to you. What do you think your strategy is when you're presenting something to your wife to get her on board to get her support? How do you present that? Do you talk to her before you buy? What is your strategy as a husband to get your wife to support you in a new venture where there's going to be risks, there's going to be more time there's going to be more investment upfront. How do you go about getting her on board and getting her to be supportive and eventually be a part of?

Brandon: I definitely talk to her first with her and like she said, She's more of the research one, me I jumped headfirst in.

Dave: I think a lot of guys are like that. So that's why I'm asking you guys who like to shoot first, and then bring it home and tell our wives Hey, I just spent a couple of $1,000 or Hey, I just signed up and I'm starting a new business and our wives feel thrown off. Right like Wait, hold on a second. Now I don't trust you because I feel like you’re dropping this on me even though this is a positive thing. So continue with your kind of strategy. 

Brandon: When I had a feeling about it, you know I wanted to jump right in but I talked to her first I kind of brought to her attention some research points to where she could look at it and feel more comfortable but I also tried to paint a picture for her of what it could do for us and how it could change our lives and me being at home more will help out and I tried all day and it seemed to work out pretty good. 

Dave: You sold right? Okay, this is another thing that I think y'all need to just keep in mind what you know, again, when we are if we can't sell our husbands or our wives, why do we think that we are going to go out there and market and convert anybody else? out there? So we really need to learn how to have empathy and compassion and build trust in our homes first. One of the biggest power moves that I ever learned was to say first and foremost, honey isn't a good time to talk because I want to talk to you about some I'd come running in the house. She's got kids on both hips, you know, and I'm like, hey, I got an idea. It's like, another thing is I used to always bring my stuff to her, not taking into consideration where she was meant at mentally and emotionally. You know, when I learned to ask her, Hey, is it a good time to talk to you about something that's on my head that's in my heart, you know, I want to make sure it's a time that you can focus on. Right away. Wi Fi feels respected like time is respected and she's not just there to be my, you know, a sounding board at my disposal. I started to focus on making her feel supported, instead of always complaining that she wasn't supporting me. So I started using a specific language like babe it seems like you're having a tough day today. How can I make you feel more loved and supported? Now this is completely separate from business stuff. But what it does is it begins to create an equal dynamic in the relationship where whether she wants to participate in my business or not. She knows that I'm willing to ask her how I can love and support her no matter what she's doing. What I did at first was I just did all of what I just said, and I would complain. Well, I feel like you don't support me and I feel like you don't believe in my dreams. And I realized that was being selfish. I needed to grow up emotionally. And I needed personally my own self to learn how to be you know, to treat her as an equal. And one of the things that I wanted to show you I think this will make sense because I sort of grew up in this business. This was me, when I first started out, you know, like you can see me now. I'm 38 and I look like I'm 50 you know, just I don't know, you know, but this was me when I started out. I was 24, 25 so I mean I was also young. But I also believe that no matter how old we are, we can always improve within our relationships. But again, back to my point that it starts at home. Us being successful has a lot to do with you know, us not having additional stress at home. If we have additional stress we have conflict with our spouses at home. Brandon, does that not add an immense amount of pressure to you, no matter what work you're doing, whether it's cement, whether it's online if you are not on the same page. If you guys are arguing or fighting that you don't it feels like you are almost unproductive and not able to focus. 

Brandon: Oh definitely because you're focused on what's going on now. You're not focused on the business itself. You focus on what happened outside of the business. It was one of my sole points here is she kept saying she wanted to help out financially though she wasn't doing enough and I kept telling her that she was but this was that was another selling point was hey, we can both do this. We can both do it. We can both have income coming in from this. So that was another selling point right there was or why not help out me listening to that. And maybe putting that in the conversation as well. 

Dave: Yeah. So tell us a little bit about you've been doing some TikTok and Instagram. She's been doing some Pinterest. Tell us a little bit about how that's going like give us one or two things that you've learned that you could share with the audience. Maybe some advice you would have given yourself when you first started out.

Brandon: With TikTok, I would say the hashtag is a very important thing. And keeping the light and fun heart trying to have a little bit of fun with it. Don't be serious on that because that doesn't work very far with it. We're trying to keep your hashtags consistent. Because if you keep switching your hashtags, it seems like you don't get a lot out of it.

Dave: Yeah. I really, I really resonate with that. There's an old saying that comes to mind if you take yourself too seriously, nobody else will. And you know a lot of times we get online and we want to be you know, we want to spread positivity. So we come out here with these motivational messages and then we're like, why is dude over here who's pessimistic, negative and just sharing memes? Why is his stuff blowing up in why over here am I spreading positivity and motivation and motivational quotes and so forth? And why is my stuff not why is my stuff dying? I wanted to touch on that point, though, about if you're out there trying to be too positive and too serious. I know this sounds weird and odd. But it's like people almost don't want that people don't want that. It's almost like toxic positivity. You know what I mean? Like it just for some reason. You have to find a balance in humor and also self deprecating humor making fun of yourself, not taking yourself too seriously. And just again, I don't know how to make this more simple, but be careful of being too positive. Because people that's not real life. People are not happy, joyous, happy and lucky every day. They're going through shit and I'm honestly pulling up their phone to feel validated that other people are also struggling. That's how they feel supported, saying positive messages here and there. But just be careful not to be too positive. If your positivity and your motivational messages are taking off and doing well, great, but I had a guy in our blueprints and coaching recently who was doing a lot of positive motivational content going nowhere. And he just toned that down, added more humor, added more sarcasm added a little bit more self deprecating humor making fun of himself. And he is just being more real, you know, balancing his struggles with his wins. And his content just started to blow up. Dijunaegive us some advice on Pinterest, which is something that we don't hear like tons about but give us a little bit of advice about how you've been making that work and what would you tell yourself when you first got started with that platform that you know now that you didn't know then?

Di: Just stay genuine and you know, just be 100% honest, because that's what a lot of people are looking for. Especially with, you know, a lot of scamming and stuff going around. You know, it's not a problem to share your story or to share some of your struggles, you know, there's a new be surprised how many people you actually relate to on a day to day basis. So they completely understand where you're coming from. And Pinterest threw me off completely because Pinterest is the last place I would have thought to put any type of content on besides my DIY projects. So, I’m actually doing a lot better on Pinterest and I am on any other social media platform. So that is something that everybody should look into. 

Dave: Now are you just creating graphics, are you posting pictures, are you using a tool like Canva to create like, what sort of content? What sort of images I guess, or are you also doing videos? Are you posting on Pinterest?

Di: I'm repurposing my own videos from TikTok and then putting them on Pinterest as well.

Dave: Wow. That is it. Really? That is really so if all you're doing is repurposing your videos from Instagram and TikTok. I assume you're posting Are you taking off the watermark through one of the apps that takes off the watermark from Tik Tok, right and then you just keep seeing that same video on Instagram. And then you're saying you're posting that same video on Pinterest. Is that right? No. Pinterest is where you're getting the most traction?

Di: Yes.

Dave: Y'all. It's so funny because we do the same thing here with a show. Like I do the show live which I love because it's just consistent. It's at the same time like it's just such a system and I try to model that but also want to point that out to everybody is that like for me, this is such a system I do it live. Then we take this content and transcribe it we posted on our blog, so it becomes blog content. We also post the video on YouTube and we also post the video on the blog post so on our legendary marketer comm if you go there, there's a blog with all of these episodes where the YouTube video and the transcriptions are getting all that good SEO content in that traffic from there. We then also leave them on Facebook so they're here. We then also take these interviews and put them on a podcast. So if all we're doing is repurposing and is all you're doing different that is such an awesome hack that I don't hear people doing enough is simply repurposing yours. Everybody's doing TikTok and Instagram, but then taking it one step further and just repurposing the same piece on Pinterest. 

Brandon: We're also doing it with the YouTube shorts. Now. we're repurposing them there as well too. So we got four different things: she does Facebook and mobile. We got four or five different platforms we just went around repurposing. 

Dave: Doesn't that save time, like isn't that the bottom line is is that you don't need to make multiple pieces of content per day and sitting there you know, just endlessly creating content, make good content, awesome content put more work into the content, so it's better quality, and then put it everywhere. So you're omnipresent because all you're trying to do is get that prospect to see your face, or have an opportunity to see your face every day. As long as you stay in front of them. That's how you build relationships. That's how you build knowledge and trust. That's how eventually you get those multiple exposures to where they're like, you know what, eff it. I'm going to see what this person's talking about. Hit the link to go buy from you. 

I’m gonna let you get back to your beautiful family. You guys are incredible. I love love, love, the relationship synergy that you have going on. Here. I love how you brought her into the fold and then how she did her own research and thinking and then she made a choice to come together with you versus this anything being forceful or there's just a beautiful synergy that I think we all can take a lot away from this morning from your story. And congrats on taking action. If I look over here at my crystal ball which I have. I foresee a lot of prosperity in 2022 for both of you. So please, please please no matter what you do, no matter how bad of a day you have, don't quit. Because people need to hear from you. And in return of you delivering that value, you're going to be rewarded highly. And you know, this is just the beginning. So thank you for your time. Thank you for making time, even today, which I would assume you have off and this is valued family time.

Di: Thank you. We appreciate it. And thank you for the opportunity and for your wonderful 15 Day Challenge Without you none of this would have been possible for it. So we really want to thank you for that. 

Dave: You're so welcome. Stay awesome. Stay Beautiful. Stay Legendary both of you. And I'll talk to you soon. All right. Take care. All right, my friends, you can follow Brandon on TikTok. @makemoneywithbeardguy And you can follow Dijunaeon I guess all the platforms @Deethemarketer. Go check it out,especially when she's getting tons of results with Pinterest. You know what, how she's doing that. It's just a simple little add on. It's just a simple little tweak. Right and that may be a breakthrough for those of you who took the time to tune into the show or listen to the replay on a podcast or whatever, man, like, I know that sometimes we don't pay attention when we don't pay for something. But I'm telling you, there's gold in these shows every day and that's why I'm so grateful and motivated to continue to do these because not only do they give people like Brandon and Dijunaeand opportunity to, you know, do something maybe outside of their comfort zone or get recognition, but also they give back to us and show us and talk to us about what they're doing. And I know there's always only going to be a small percentage of people who actually take action on the stuff. That's why it's not a big deal, right? Not a big deal. You know, most people are just listening and that's okay. We welcome you to listen in. You know, just continue to have those mental shifts until you feel prepared. To take action. But man, what a simple little tweak that one can make by just adding that additional platform repurposing content in so much gold there in the relationship. Just story. I hope you all have a fantastic Thursday. We're also going to be back here tomorrow for Christmas Eve. It is Friday. And remember I told you rain, shine, Christmas, New Year's, whatever the holiday is. If it's Monday through Friday, we're going to be here delivering consistency leading the way in doing what we teach and preach. So we'll see you back here tomorrow for another episode. Happy holidays. You're not here. Have a great day. Peace.

Should You use Your Pets In Your Marketing?

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on Legendary fam? This is Dave Sharpe back in the captain's seat here and welcome to Wake Up Legendary this morning. We have an awesome guest who I just recently spent some time around. She was at the mastermind that we just had a couple of weeks ago. And yeah, she is from Ecuador and has been in the US ever since she was seven. So I'm sure there's so much to learn about her story there and what she went through and she was working three jobs feeling overworked. So she quit two of them. And that's when she found Legendary. So let's hear the rest of the story. Paulette, welcome to the show.

Paulette: Hi, Dave. It's nice to be here. Very exciting.

Dave: Awesome. I'm excited to chat with you. So where are you calling in from?

Paulette: California. So it's actually 7am for me right now.

Dave: So you were the ones who said you took the red eye with your Fiance. 

Paulette: My fiance yes. It was really nice to get to go to the mastermind just gonna meet everybody and just kind of invest in myself. I think it's just very rewarding. A lot of people are a lot scared to spend money but if it's gonna pay off in the long run, and just leaving there just gives me a whole nother like aspect and like a mindset shift and just like opening up my world a little bit more, if that makes sense.

Dave: Yeah, totally. So say more about that. How did it open your world up more? How did it change your mindset?

Paulette: So specifically, like when we did the limiting beliefs like with a board that's something to me that's not like nerdy but just like a sit like more of a therapeutic session. Yeah, that seriously just kind of opened up my mind because one of the things that I wrote on there was just like, I feel like I'm not doing enough. And that's something that I feel like a lot of people can relate to like, it's like no matter how much you work or how many hours you put in, like you still feel like it's not enough and just kind of realizing that you are doing enough and just kind of believing in yourself and getting confidence. I think it's what it is like to be more confident about what you're doing. And telling yourself that it's enough just accepting that and just working through that and learning is just already so much of a difference and it just creates so much change for you like mentally you're for me as a person specifically.

Dave: Awesome, I'm glad you feel that and I think that for me and not feeling like I was doing enough, or when I am feeling like I'm not doing enough. It also comes from a deeper place of not feeling like I am enough. If I was to dig deeper, you know, I'm, I'm simply just attaching what I'm doing to my self worth, you know, but it really ultimately is about my self worth. And me just being enough. You mentioned therapy and therapeutic. I mean, is that something that you have been aware of working on self esteem working on feeling enough and do you also make that connection with the fact that you had, you know, felt like you were not doing enough do make that connection to your own self esteem and also feeling like you are enough?

Paulette: Yeah, so kind of goes back to like, when I was little when it came from Ecuador to California, iSo Mexican Spanish from Ecuadorian Spanish was very different. So it kind of got over me a lot when I was little and so I had to go through a lot of bullying and my parents kind of didn't know what to do or how to help me because they didn't speak English. So we just moved to a different city where I was able to kind of grow out of that. Like a lot of the feelings of me feeling like I'm not doing enough, or they go back to that feeling like oh, I'm bullied or people are making fun of me because of this move. I overwork or I do this too much and I'm gonna feel better. So that kind of does is kind of what I realized. And it's just working a lot on your confidence and when I started working out three years ago, like going to the gym consistently, and like this, the same thing with affiliate marketing, just being consistent. I just started to kind of work on my inner self, and like, grow through the process. And then finding Legendary just helps you grow so much more as a person. It's not just affiliate marketing.

Dave: Yeah, for sure. And I mean, I'm asking this and digging in you know, touching on that more because so many of our members come into our community and begin to go through our training and they want to launch their business there. They're so caught up in the mechanics of, you know, why am I why am I not getting results? Why am I not and when we look at what they're doing, they're not taking specific actions, say not getting in front of the camera, not posting enough in marketing. Not writing enough emails. Okay, well, that's a symptom. of something that's deeper. That's not the problem. The problem is that with that email, you feel that it's not good enough, with that video, you feel that you're not good enough in what you create is not good enough. So the biggest takeaway that I want all of our community members, all of our Legendary family to understand here is as you begin to go and build your business, the things that you feel are not going well, if you really look at your business and you say, Okay, where are the holes that it's it's not just, it's not always about just, oh, I need to do more of that. Let me dig deeper and see where the root of that is coming from and ask myself why do I not hit Send or why am I not emailing my list and if I can address the fact that I feel that my emails, we're not good enough that I can talk about that, and then we can get somewhere. But if you just say, it's like a cut or a sore and say it's infected, if the doctor just says we'll just keep putting a bandaid on it, just keep putting a bandaid on it, you know, just the same way. They will just email your list more just, but you never, never, you know, you never get down to the root and take the antibiotic or you never address the infection, then continuing to put a bandaid on it or saying just be more consistent is not going to fix the problem. We have to be honest and try to figure out where the problem is coming from. And that's why I love that you touched on your takeaways that were your takeaways from the mastermind.

Paulette: Also just kind of set in the year like wherever you're at like for me I started four months ago so I don't expect to know completely everything you know, just kind of accepting that you're on your own journey and just focus on your own growth and your own successes. Not just expect to like you know, people expect to pay $7 And then just make a lot of money in that like why am I not rich like because it's not or scheme it's not a scam like you actually have to work and learn and fail forward. What you say all the time, just fail forward. Like learning from your mistakes. Not a mistake. It's a lesson. Yeah. And I can really just kind of accept that. And once you kind of accept that and change your mindset to everything that you do as you're actually learning and you're not like oh, I'm a failure and I suck. Once you get that out of your head it’s just amazing. 

Dave: Yeah, it really is. It really is it when you know this is the dynamics and the mechanics. I talk about this a lot and it's it's the image that I I hope to ingrain in, everyone's in everyone's head, which is, you know, the, you know, the image of the iceberg, you know, and the tip of the iceberg being that you know that you know that those mechanics you know, and then the the bottom or lower portion of the iceberg being that being those dynamics and those dynamics are what we're talking about right here those dynamics are you know, the psychology and the emotional growth that we need to have. If we want to really take our business to places and levels that it's never gone before with all the things that that many of us have tried. A lot of people have tried different things over the course of many years. And they start over and over and over again. And they, you know, continue to end up or at least feel like they're back in the same place over and over again. And you know, it can be frustrating. This is how entrepreneurship works. The 1% understand that there's the mechanics which is again for us the autoresponder, the software connecting the things it's the mechanical pieces, and in the 1% You know, the wealthy, the successful, whatever you want to call it. also address the dynamics and change within me to ask where my challenges really come from? Am I just addressing the symptoms? And part of the symptom solutions would be well, maybe this business isn't right. Let me just go start another one. And then the same thing happens over and over again.

Paulette: I've actually done that before. I tried to become a self published author and tried to sell books online and I bought this course before Legendary. I bought a course and was like oh you know make me money back and after like one month of trying I decided that it was too hard. And I quit. So it's just kind of funny because I can totally relate that to what you were saying. And I actually did MLM before and I didn't like it because the whole thing of writing everybody that you know no matter who it is just write it down on the paper. AAnd then you have to call them. It is so uncomfortable. I did not do that. I didn't like that. That aspect was okay, I don't know. I really don't want to bother everybody that I know and be like hey you want to get this and this is why you should get it felt like I was spamming them but in person.

Dave: And I think that's an example of where the mechanics just kind of suck. You know if your business I said this last week on a wake up show if your business the success of your business relies on your friends and family supporting your business, then that is not a good business plan. So you know that I've done tons of MLM. I've made money in MLM. I'm not here to bash MLM, but the mechanics of MLM, quite frankly, those mechanics anyway suck. And there are ways to generate leads online for your MLM. But yeah, so that's an example of bad mechanics. And quite frankly, though, you know, there's still that, that that kind of emotional or psychological barrier that we're talking about, even in that I'm sure you fell. Yeah. Which was like I'm not good enough or I'm not going to do this good enough. Right? Yeah, sure. I don't want to bother them. But I think after a couple of businesses, we ask ourselves, Is there a pattern here? And the first pattern is I'm jumping around from thing to thing, but what am I feeling each time I start a business and if I'm feeling like I'm never doing enough, it's never good enough. I'm not good enough. Then that's a pattern that if you address that, that's an example of addressing the dynamics. And this is when you, as an entrepreneur, begin to shift for you, the same for me, that now that I've addressed this work, I am enough and whatever I do is exactly what I'm supposed to do today. As long as I give it my best effort. It's enough. Eventually, I'll stop putting so much pressure on myself because that takes a lot of energy. And I'll just put the energy in the places in the income producing activities, and I'll press send it'll just be the best that it can be for that day. And that will lead me to success and that will build my confidence in eventually all it for you the same way that it has for me, you could take away my current business, and I still know with absolute certainty that because of the skills, both mechanical but also those dynamic skills that you could take everything away from me that I have today. And I would be able to start another successful business probably in any niche because of this work that I've done of addressing both the symptoms but also the root of my old sabotaging patterns, and that's how success is born.

Paulette: Yeah, I'm actually not quitting work, but I'm only going to work like one day out of the week, and I'm going to take a month break from my regular bartending job, that's what I do. So I'm so excited because that just opens up so much more time for me to set up like a schedule with my schedule. So like my stuff, I'll wake up and not sleep but she's on and off. But I'm super excited. To set the schedule like you were saying just set up a schedule that works for me and set up a time so that I can work you know, on my business and then times that I can just work you know, just my regular life. And I just I was telling Matt before this I was like I feel like I'm quitting my job but not really and just kind of doing affiliate marketing like full time which is super exciting for me because it's what I've dreamt up so long and it's nice to like actually learn like through the mastermind, just what was the limiting belief just kind of learning and focusing on myself and just kind of just keep going every single day and just being consistent and learning what what's working for me what's not like, what I can change what can I add? And it's just I don't know, it's just super amazing. I'm super thankful and excited. Yeah, I'm excited to be on the show. 

Dave: Saying yes more, I think is awesome. And that's, that's one way to, you know, that's one way to grow. You know, first of all, because now you're more comfortable, you know and believe that you can get on the spot and do a wonderful job. You can deliver, you can speak, you can answer questions, you can be interviewed. You can also interview. So you know, those of you who are listening, this is a great example of, you know, if you if you also don't like to put yourself on the spot, you know, oftentimes there are opportunities where people will ask you to do something or there's opportunities where you're sitting in a room, like for example, I think you're in LA which you're very I'm sure aware of of recovery meetings and just recovery culture and you've whether you've seen it on TV or you have friends that are involved or whatever. So a lot of times I'll go to a meeting, a 12 step meeting, and they'll open the floor up for open sharing, and then nobody will share and I'll take it upon myself to be the first one to open my mouth and put something out there. Because nobody wants to go first. Right, nobody wants to be first. Nobody wants to put themselves out there first. But that would be a great example of a time where I will make myself uncomfortable, and there's not a whole lot of risk. It's not like we're going to lose income and lose our job, lose our home. You're taking a little emotional risk. And there's growth that comes from that. Now you know, that if ever there's a time in a situation where you know, where you can be the first or there's a kind of that awkward silence when you're sitting in a group with people that it's okay you can go for be the leader, you can speak up, and those are like the offseason, that's like the practice. You know, when somebody asks you to be on the Wake Up show, you know, often we'll invite people to be on the Wake Up show. And occasionally we'll get somebody who says no, thank you. We've invited people who have done well, down to the mastermind to share and speak and some of them not many, but some have said no, thank you and it's just I've never seen somebody who did something that scared them and after they did it they said I wish I hadn't done that. That was the worst thing. But I've heard a million times when somebody did something that they didn't want to do that they were scared and afraid to do. I've heard a million times people say, I'm so thankful that I did that. I'm so thankful that I went there. I'm so thankful that I said yes.

Paulette: Yeah, it's all about getting outside your comfort zone and just being comfortable. with it. Like I used to never go live and now I go live every day and I get to be like, wow, like I would never think if you told me like, Oh, you're going to be making TikToks and going live and posting on Instagram and doing all this. Like what? No, I would never do that. So it's just crazy the long way that you know, just coming just through just learning through Legendary Marketer and learning just through the mastermind itself is just amazing.

Well, you become an inspiration for other people who feel the same way. And I think this myth it's a lie that you have to have this A type of personality. This big, extroverted personality or that you have to have a certain specific kind of personality to be successful at marketing is just a big lie, especially in 2021 where social media is so prevalent and people are buying so much from other ordinary people, that people want to see that your real people want to know that you have insecurities. People want to know that you're being courageous. People want to be inspired by the fact that you're putting yourself out there I see these women who are you know, taking pictures of their bodies that you know, over the decades have not been the bodies that you've seen in the magazines you know, people who in most magazines in most of society and the ads look like they have an eating disorder. You know, it's impossible to be that skinny. I mean, for God's sake, you have to really be doing way too much or you have to have an eating disorder. And so I see women putting pictures of themselves in their bodies, whether they had, you know, maybe a pregnancy to where their skin didn't come back the way that it was before or whatever. which is how most normal bodies look, you know what I mean? Yeah, they're your little little love handles here, a little love handle there. It's unbelievable this dad but I mean it just keeps getting better and better. But people just when they see that would go back to the example of the woman who's, you know, taking a picture of her body in a bikini and it's got stretch marks so it's kind of stuff. You know, man that's got to be for the first time she ever did that. The scariest thing ever. But you know, what happens is I've seen tons of them, their profiles, they just blow up because people are so inspired by the fact that they're willing to be courageous quite frankly, because they're looking and feeling the same way. Do I have to be perfect to influence people? No. The more perfect I am, the less people can relate because we're all imperfect. So anyways, back to my point, which is that you know, not only saying yes helps to more situations and opportunities that are uncomfortable that will eventually not be uncomfortable, the more you do them. The second point is is that people are inspired by your normalness by your realness by the fact that you have human emotions the fact that you might trip up or slip up when you're talking and stumble or stutter or the fact that you might say, hey, I'm nervous, or, you know, it's just that is one of the most actually influential things you can do. Because people want to do business with people that they can relate to and that they feel like are like them.

Paulette: Yeah, and I think that people just want to see your struggles. They don't just want to see your wins or how much money you made. They want to see like, hey, this was hard for me, but you know, I did it. You can do it too. And just kind of just sharing everything that you've learned so far, because you're kind of taking your followers on a journey through your life. And I feel like just relating to them and I don't know if you know, but actually send up to on through Andre’s TikTok. And the reason I was able to relate to him is because he worked in the restaurant industry, and he lived in California and I was like, Okay, if he can work in a restaurant industry and go to bed at like, three, four in the morning, which is the same time that I go to bed like I can definitely and that's just kind of how I was able to relate with him and how I feel like I can relate to you know, other people that watch my content because I'm able to be like, Hey, I'm a normal person, or work you know, a regular job, I get paid, and like not perfect. Here are my struggles, these are my wins if you want to do this too. I just want to put the belief in people that they can actually do something that they plan to do, but just kind of just go a little bit beyond that and just kind of show them that like it doesn't have to be perfect. You're not you know, like you said you're not a model. You're just a regular average person. You just need to motivate them and show them who you are and how they can, you know, pretty much do the same but it's all about how much they want to change their life because nobody is going to go ahead and change it for them.

Dave: Yeah. And this relates to any niche by the way people so you may be thinking this only relates to the make money online niche or whatever but it doesn't I mean, it relates to whether you're in the real estate the you're talking and speaking to realtors, you're in dog training you're in you know the baby niche, some any other segment of health, wealth, relationships, anything this stuff all applies, it all works, especially in 2021 moving into 2022. There's never been a time where we want to connect and relate to each other. And those we do business with than right now. And even the people who we do business with at big companies, everybody knows I'm a fan of watches and I've got you know, relationships with with with salespeople, and the I want to know that they're a real person, I want to know, their family, their spouse, they I share pictures of my kids and I go there and hang out in the store when I when they call and say one of my watches came in or whatever. You know, she can make mistakes. She can screw up. We text back and forth sometimes. That is relationship building. And that is one of the hardest things admittedly is to be vulnerable in order to learn how to balance, you know, how much of your life you're going to share. If that is something that you have to decide, are you going to share pictures and videos of your kids? How far into your life are you going to take people but I think the most important part about it is to stay on message. If you have a TikTok channel for example, or an Instagram account that you're keeping on message if you are going to use different stories or show talk about different areas of your life. As long as you tie it back into the original topic. You're fine.

Paulette: Definitely. I just did that yesterday. I went to a cat cafe. I don't know if you've heard of those, it's like where you know with cats and all these cats that you can adopt them there but they've been saved from euthanasia. You literally just go and use it and these fluffy pillows and you hang out with the cats and you pet them and you play with them. It's so funny. So I literally just made a TikTok about that. And I was like hey, here I am playing the cat you know, like you can adopt them they're so cute. And you know, this is why I love working from anywhere in the world because you can do this from anywhere that you want to do and just you know just work wherever you want. So I tried that in just kind of just showing my personality, who I am as a person obviously like cats because I went to a cat cafe at the end time with what I do. And I'm like, Hey, you can do this too. You can work from wherever you want. You don't go to a certain place and work there.

Dave: Yeah. I love that. And I mean there's there's there's there's billions of people in the world who love cats. One thing that works really well is bringing your animals or your pets into your content and allowing your audience to know who they are. Your cat cafe story made me think of this. You have to decide those of you who are marketing into, you know, tying in your personal life to your content and so forth. You have to decide how much you want to bring your kids and I would be careful with that. I just saw somebody get an account banned because they thought that it might be because they had a lot of videos with their children and weren't somebody in our community. It was somebody else that I saw on social media. I would just be careful with bringing your children into your content. Number one, the main reason I stopped doing it was because I want to give my child a choice whether they want to be in my content or not. And they can't make that choice yet. So at a later time when they're older or they're adults they can make that choice. I'm not saying you should follow my lead on that. That's just a choice that I've made. I also really only do this show as content because I'm running an operating company here. If I was out on TikTok, you know, creating content as an affiliate and that's all I was doing every day. I might be different. I might approach that differently but what I will say is there's absolutely no harm in bringing your pets into your content. Okay. So kids much more of a I feel like a bigger decision whether you're going to bring them in your pets, no brainer. If you have pets, first and foremost, allow your audience to know who your pets are by bringing them in almost as characters of your show. Whether it's a cat, whether it's a dog, first of all, because animals do hilarious things, they just are funny as shit just They'll just be laying there and maybe there's so many creative things you can do with your animals on Instagram, TikTok and stuff like that. Second of all, it humanizes you. It shows that you're a lover of animals and I don't like it even for those who don't have a house full of pets. I appreciate people who do know that they are caring, loving people and it just lets me know more about them. Third thing is that yeah, if I do have cats and or dogs, and you have a cat or dog, there's an instant connection right? So if you are not including your dogs and cats somehow, some way and I'm not saying it's got to be in every video, or you need to decide how you want that but I'm just for those of you who who have not at least considered utilizing your dog as a co star you’ve got to consider that.

Paulette: Do you have any pets?

Dave: I have a pit and in no way shape or form do I think pits are bad or all pits are but my dog lunged a couple of times at my toddler when when she was over just and I don't I just think he was afraid in scared and just didn't know what this little person was. And so we didn't get to ship him over to grandpa's house. And so now he lives with my dad and is named King. He's getting old. He's got bad hips and stuff. He thinks he can do a lot more than he can. He's not accepting his old age. He's mentally young, physically old, but that is my animal. Notice that I'm the only other animal in the house.

Paulette:  And it's like you're not old. You're just telling yourself that you're old. So you're feeling old and you're giving yourself those negative thoughts about yourself. So just like that, that's something else that I kind of just took away just to change that mindset then change the way that you think.

Dave: Yeah, and I mean I did an entire presentation if you remember. We are what we speak in basically the wrath of the newbie complex and how big of a problem it is. You know, I'm not going to go through the entire presentation right now or the entire you know, everything that I went over at the mastermind but you know this I call it the wrath of the newbie complex and you are what you say you are and when I was back working, construction and starting out online, I had all the same mentor limiting beliefs that most of us have, which is I'm just a broke high school dropout, you know, recovering drug addict, recently homeless guy. Who the hell is going to listen to me? I don't have any clout, no creds, no degrees. I have no business experience. I mean, I had some of the biggest limiting beliefs that that one could have. But what I began to do was I began to speak into existence, who I wanted to be in what I wanted to have, and what what, you know, I also was very careful about what I said in our house. You know, I made an agreement with my wife that we weren't going to say we can't afford something, we were just going to say, hey, we need to be more resourceful so we can get the resources, the money to be able to afford that. You know, I didn't call myself a newbie, you know, I didn't refer to myself as a newbie. I didn't call myself a newbie. I was very careful about how I spoke about myself. And I still am. Because when we say things, limiting things about ourselves, then it's one of the it's one of the you know, it's one of the fastest ways to embed that belief. If I've got people all around me who are saying you're a loser, you'll never be shit, I'm saying I'm a badass, I'm a winner. I can do this and I will rise up from the ashes like the damn Phoenix. If I say that, it will combat all of the negativity and criticism that's coming from other people. However, if I succumb to criticism and or negativity that I heard in general or about me, in the current present, or in my past, if I surrender to that, and I repeat that over and over to myself, well, I'm doomed. I'm doomed to fail. Because yeah, I'm never going to be more than what I say I am. I have to speak what I want into existence. And then my actions will follow my words, and that's when I can act myself and speak myself into a new way of thinking, but I'm never going to get there if I refer to myself as newbie so that's the number one tip because I don't have a whole lot of time to go over the entire lesson and the empowered self speaker exercise that we did at the mastermind, you'll have to come to the mastermind and experience that for yourself next time we do one. But what I would suggest to everybody is to stop referring to yourself less than what you want to be referred to as if you don't want to be a newbie, then stop calling yourself a newbie. If you don't want to be just starting out. Don't refer to yourself as just starting out. If you don't want to be a failure. Don't refer to yourself as a failure. Refer to yourself as what you want you to be in the future. Okay? So you're not a millionaire, but you're a future millionaire. Okay, so you're not a master marketer, but you're an up and coming master marketer. Does that make sense?

Paulette: Yeah, that's exactly what it is. And it's just working through that every single day and just catching yourself saying, you know, like negative things and just rewording them to change them.

Dave: Reframing, I can reframe a situation just by you know, putting it into a different context or a different perspective. You know, reframing is very simply exactly what I did with that example about not being so I told my wife, let's make a grid. We're not going to say that we can afford something. let's reframe it. Let's put this picture as the truth, which is that we don't have the money right now to buy that. Let’s put that out of this ugly, disempowering frame of we can afford it and let's put it in a more empowering frame of we just don't have the resources yet for that, but we can get them because we're resourceful. Final words from you to anybody who's listening, thinking about getting started with our challenge, or even our Blueprints in coming to a mastermind?

Paulette: I would say just kind of focus on yourself. Focus on your growth and don't try to compare yourself to other people because you're on your own journey. So just focus on your own journey and take like baby steps, if you think about the big picture and what your goal is, and you're going to get overwhelmed, but if you just step back and he said that's like your main goal and you set up smaller, shorter goals, that over time will lead to that main goal that you have. If you will get there just don't compare yourself to other people. And don't try to just think about things like, oh, not making any money, just focus on little changes that you can do and how you can improve every single day. So in the long term, you're going to look back and look at you know, see how much you've learned, how much you've grown basically, just putting that into action just blows my mind. It's pretty cool.

Dave: This is my dermatologist. I got to pick this up. I'm talking to you later Paulette. All right, my friends. Go follow Paulette. We'll see you back tomorrow. For another episode. Peace.

The Secret To Getting Results Without Making videos

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Hello, everybody, welcome back. It is Tuesday December 21st. And we're live. We had a little bit of a technical headache there for a second, but we're back and we're rocking. So, as always, we've got a fun guest today. He is a returning guest I believe. I'll find out here in just a second but I'm pretty sure we've had him on before. I'm pretty sure I remember episode two and he's got a powerful track record of a history in the digital marketing space. And I'm excited to chat with him today. And if you are newer to our community, or if you're newer to these lives, typically we go live every Monday through Friday at 10am. eastern. Every day at 10am Eastern we go live on Facebook, we bring in a new guest, we talk about their experience with Legendary or their experienced digital marketing stuff like that, and we just unpack their strategies and what they're up to. It's a way for us to get a little bit of inspiration, a little motivation as we get our week going. And especially right now I feel like it's really important as we're gearing up for a new year and when you get into a new year, especially in the online space, there's a lot of buying there's a lot of commerce that happens and people are excited to set new goals to try new things and so it's a great time to be an online business owner in this in the stage where you're gonna go from end of year to New Year and fresh energy and so anyway I’m excited that you guys all made it here live with us again, we got started just a few minutes late. So if you're just joining us, we just started and if you don't mind, leave us a little comment in the comment section with a wave or clap emoji or something and help me welcome on today's guest you see that I pronounced that right.

Jussi: Yeah, you'll see Yeah. Perfect, awesome.

Matt: All the way from Finland. Tell us a little bit about yourself. Tell us you were on the show. months back. And but for those of there's there's lots of new people here obviously you've never met you don't know you. Tell us a little bit about you and your story and your journey. You were in it and then you've done a lot online. 

Jussi: This is my second time on the show. It was almost one year ago. Last January was the first time that I have been an online entrepreneur. Almost before he was, I was an IT guy in a big big company in Finland but I didn't turn into an entrepreneur. Four years ago on the first day I did some Amazon FBA and that turned out to be a little bit difficult and so I started my own blog and I've done some consulting as well. But this year, I'm mostly concentrating on my blog. I haven't done so much coaching anymore. 

Matt: So you did a little bit of coaching, previous and prior but now you're focused mostly on your blog. We talked about I think it wasn't me, but I think it was you and Dave talked about, you know, basically making money without making a bunch of videos. Tell us things like what you do and also how do people go find your blog?

Jussi: Yeah, it's my name. 

Matt: How did you learn SEO? What was what got you into it? I used to be into it back in the day too.

Jussi: I didn't know a lot about online marketing when I started my blog. So I have learned mainly from year to year. I have also purchased some courses. But mainly by mail by doing it myself and trial and error. Yeah, that's the best way to maybe learn.

Matt: Yeah, that sounds about right. I started in 2011. I started my own blog, and I thought man, this is going to be the best blog ever. And it was just all about like, an MLM product that I like trying to sell or whatever. And, you know, I got a few pages ranked and then I created this course called The first page formula. I don't sell it anymore, but it was back in the day before Google Panda and all that stuff. And it was just funny because yeah, it's just a total trial and error. You start installing some seo wordpress plugins, you watch a couple YouTube videos, maybe I bought a course. And I was like, man, I'm full in on this SEO thing like I am. I'm completely in. I'm, I'm going to figure this out. And I can rank pages pretty quickly. You know, now it takes a little bit more time. But I mean, if you write a really, really good piece of content, and a really good article, it doesn't take that long and you can get a lot of free traffic from that kind of thing.

Jussi: Yeah, it usually lasts maybe, maybe, maybe one month or so. It's going to be around. It will be about a month. When you hit first base and once it's there it can stay for a very, very long time. Maybe maybe even a year, two years and unable to get passive traffic all that all the time and you can make a decent amount of money with with passive income when you when you rank on Google, yeah, I like it very much because I don't I don't have to do anything like stocks or Instagramming results or stuff like that. Right? It's my cup of tea, you know, to write blogs and try to run my stuff on Google.

Matt: Yeah. I feel like there's a lot of people in our community who might gravitate towards that but just because they've only seen people who have been on tick tock or making YouTubes they assume they must do that too. Now there's nothing wrong with creating it. I mean, video content is a great way to go viral.

Jussi: Of course.

Matt: Yeah, but I do feel like there's a lot of people who gravitate more towards your sort of line of thinking and stuff and towards that strategy and specifically, and I think that a lot of them miss out on that. And the other thing I was gonna say is I don't know if you think this is true, too. But I think in the world of TikTok and short video content, the art of writing and creating a really great piece of content has sort of been lost, because people now use transcribers. They use all sorts of AI to write articles for them and all sorts of this like technology that, you know, they claim is going to write an article that's amazing, and it'll be just like a human but the truth is not really. And then it doesn't it doesn't really produce the response of a really quality human written article. And I think that there's a big opportunity there. At least that's my thought. What

what do you think? 

Jussi: Yeah, that's correct. Absolutely. All right. And yeah, I think this is really hard, you know, to rank on Google with a website but it is doable. And once you do that, it's it is you know, it's long, it's a long term business and, but it's I think it's more maybe a more sustainable business model than you know, making all the TikTok and Instagram reels and the sort sub base of business content. That is of course, only my opinion, but in fact that that is how I see things, at least right now.

Matt: Yeah, I think that makes sense. I feel like with the writing of the content and creating content specifically in that way, I think you're able to do a few things that you're not able to do necessarily on video, but there's pros and cons to each side. I think that you get some real intimacy and closeness with people and they can see you right. But I do think that especially with a review type article, which is what you know, you said if you google search for Legendary Marketer 15 Day Challenge, you'll see my blog is there on the first page, and I did some nice work on that. That's awesome. And it's pretty high too. It's not just like the bottom one on the first page. But you can you can bring them into your world and you can really, really educate them in a format where they're looking for that, like, if somebody goes and searches that number one, you're not just barging in in front of them, you know, sort of doing interruption marketing, you're, you're more so you're just positioning yourself in front of somebody who's already looking for that. So there's a big difference there. They're probably already warmed up or even in hot traffic, and you're just simply positioning yourself right in front of them for the exact keywords they're searching for already. As we're, you know, on TikTok, you can get in front, probably reach is going to be bigger, you're going to have you're going to get yourself in front of more people. But then, after you get yourself in front of all those people, there's only a very small percentage of those people who are even remotely interested. And so it's just a different game.

Jussi: Not only totally different from that, it's absolutely absolutely correct. So I think it is at least warm traffic. And they assume they know Legendary Marketer and they want to know a little bit more about Legendary Marketer and your challenge and therefore they are maybe more willing to enter in during your ecosystem than maybe perhaps with TikTok.

Matt: Yeah. And the other thing that I was just that struck me about sort of the review style article thing is, we get a lot of people who come to us and they say, you know, because they're new. They don't really know what to post or their content. They feel like they're a newbie; they feel like they're just brand new to their whole business. So it's like, well, what do I even post about? What do I talk about, you know, like, I'm not the action. 

Jussi: That was my problem. Oh, so I didn't even know but, you know, every day, you know, to do a different kind of video. I didn't know I didn't know what to say in those videos. So therefore, I tried it but that didn't work for me because in TikTok, the audience is mainly from America. Many are living in the US and TikToks then you are living in Europe, even into Europe. But especially in Finland. 

Matt: And it's so powerful because, as a reviewer like Dave would talk about this, in the sense of like, if you're a reviewer, you're basically just a reporter like you think of yourself as just reporting the facts right. Which then changes your whole outlook on the content. Because you don't have to know absolutely everything. You just have to be able to report and review what it is that you're seeing and experiencing. And that is anybody can do that. Right? So anybody can write that style of review. Anybody can write that style of a report, basically, of maybe it's a product or maybe it's a webinar, or maybe it's whatever, you know, I don't know what it is, but there's people who have created entire TikToks, entire blogs, entire YouTube channels, just around unboxing things. I know this lady on TikTok who does products from Amazon, you didn't know you needed and she just it's just products that she just loves and just shows them off on her TikTok and makes and makes Amazon commissions. I just really like the aspect of having a really well balanced blog. It's the number one content you always control and there's people out there who have lost TikTok channels, there's people out there who have lost all sorts of stuff. And you know, you're not unless you're fringy you're not going to lose your blog, you know, especially if you're writing good content, too. If you're writing well reviewed content, it's got images, maybe some videos tucked into the content. It's written with the right structure, meaning the right SEO. You know, that stuff is going to sit there and rank for years without doing a single thing. I think that's really powerful. I think more people you know, if they had the long term outlook, would choose that route, or at least add that route to their existing marketing. 

Jussi: Every block is kind of like a mini business. So I have I have many, many affiliate programs that I am in and so Legendary Marketer is only only one of them, but of course, it's one of the best affiliate programs I've ever tried, but it's only one I can write more content upon and join into more affiliate programs and make more money that way. So I don't have to, you know, depend on only one affiliate program.

Matt: Totally, totally. Are you mostly doing just reviews?

Jussi: Yeah, yeah, reviews and listicles.

Matt: Do you have any kind of formula? Do you have a structure that you try to follow? And how did you come up with that?

Jussi: Yeah, I have a certain outline, I follow all my reviews and all my listicles and I don't know how I came up with that. But it's you know, evolved when I have become better and brighter now than what I was when I started. And now, I have a certain structure there and I think I have seen that. That is very good and Kugler even loves my articles and sometimes ranks them really high. So I don't need to say that anymore. I think I have found it already.

Matt: Nice. Yeah. And for those of you who are like, you know, sitting here watching, you're like, Well, what do you know what he does? Let's see, well, his blog link is right there on the screen, you can go to his blog, and then you can click on one of his articles, seven best Amazon research tools 2022 And then just go look, I mean, just go look at one of the best Amazon research tools. And then he's just going to show you exactly his formula in the way that he writes in the way that he puts together his articles and goes through a few of his articles. You can kind of see the formula for the actual articles that you're writing. I mean, you do some good research on those. And then you put together a pretty good art. Are you writing all the content yourself?

Jussi: No, not anymore. No.

Matt: How did you find a writer?

Jussi: I have a job listing on one One website, and I got over 70 Answers to it. 

Matt: Nice. That's awesome. So do you do the initial research then on like what you want the article to be about and then you send it to your writer?

Jussi: Yeah, I did. 

Matt: Yeah. Cool. That makes sense. Cool. That's awesome. It's a heck of a lot better. Once you've got things rolling and you've got a little bit of income from the stuff you're doing to be able to do that. That's super awesome. When did you start doing that?

Jussi: Just recently. 

Matt: Very nice. So you're so I'm looking at your blog. How many of these do you pump out a week?

Jussi: I'm trying to maybe do two good blog posts per week now or something like that. 

Matt: Cool. I like that we've got somebody on who isn't just another TikTok or not that there's anything wrong, I like bringing a little diversity to that.

Matt: So what's what's next, what's next on the horizon? What's the next way to continue to put out blog posts? Are you thinking of doing more blogs?

Jussi: Yeah, I think I'm trying to scale my blog to the next level and write more content and also build backlinks to my blog. So that is equally important. Right? When you're trying to rank your stuff on Google's unit, you need content and links, content sub links, and that's that's the secret sauce of a successful blog.

Matt: Cool. That's awesome. Well, man, thanks for coming on this morning. Thanks for showing us another different route a little bit more behind the scenes. A lot of times people come up to me and they're like, Well, how do I do this without showing my face on video? And this is a really perfect example of how I got started and how I made my first few dollars online. And you know, I think everybody would, would be really you know for all the video marketers out there that I know that have lost their entire channel. Man, people do well to learn long term skills like blogging and SEO and to commit to building a blog that's going to be there forever, and playing that long term game. It's such a smart thing to network. Thanks for coming on Jussi, and for everybody who's here, go to his blog, maybe leave a comment saying, Hey, I saw you on Wake Up Legendary. I think actually on his blog, there's probably a way for you to follow or get updates on his blog too. Not sure if that's actually the case or not, but don't what I want you to do is I want you to go study that blog and study the way that he does. Reviews write best asset management software SCR serve surfer SEO review, Alli dropship review, right and and to look into that setting up a blog is not that hard. And creating these types of articles is not that hard, but if you do it the right way. You're able to get traffic from one piece of content for months and even in some cases, years. On the decade in a day we were working through. We were actually doing a search for a dog training review. And we found that this guy had a blog and also a YouTube video from 2013 still ranking on the first page of Google. And it's those little pieces of content he created years ago that are still bringing in leads. It's still, you know, feeling his business. So thanks again Jussi, and for everybody who's here. We'll be back here tomorrow, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday for more Wake Up Legendary, thanks again you see for coming on and have a great rest of your Tuesday.

The TikTok Strategy That WORKS

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Greetings everybody welcome on Happy Monday, December 20. I am guest hosting for Dave this morning. But it’s good to see you guys as you're coming in and let us know where you're tuning in from and how was your weekend? Let us know. We had a great weekend. Let's see what I do this weekend? I don't know. I mostly just did nothing and later on I got a good nap yesterday. That was cool. Some good relaxation. So anyway, welcome to everybody who's here. We've got an awesome guest as usual. We do this show every Monday through Friday at 10am Eastern we go live it's never scripted. In fact, typically I get a little questionnaire with the guest info and just a little blurb about them so I can come in and I'm not just completely flying in the dark. And today I don't even have that so I was like, are you ready to go live? We're just gonna hit live and we're gonna hit it go. So I'm excited to learn about Cindy. She's from Jersey. And we're just going to chat for a little while this morning about her and her journey and she's tried a lot of different things online. So let's bring in Cindy, what's happening?

Cindy: Hi. Thanks for having me. 

Matt: Of course. Thanks for coming on. 

Matt: Thanks for taking the time. So you said before, you've tried a lot of different stuff. Why don't you bring our guests and our community into your world and just tell us a little bit about you. Tell us you know, do you work a job? Have you tried other things to make money online? What does that look like? And how did you find us?

Cindy: Well, I've never actually had a nine to five job after I left college, I think without my junior year because I decided to you know they always say like, do what you love and I love shopping. And it was around I think it was the late 80s. And so I left to start a personal shopping business. And I didn't know anything about marketing. So I only had a couple customers. That wasn't really a good thing, but it seemed like a great idea. And then I went on and rode horses, I rode show horses for years. And so I traveled and that was fine. And then I decided to start publishing a magazine in 2003 and I had no idea about that. But somehow for 15 years we managed to have a good run. So I sold one of the magazines in about 2017. That's when I closed the second magazine. So that's when I really decided I needed to find something else and I knew my husband is kind of like a nine five job guy. He's like, we'll get a job and I'm like, No, I've never had a job. I'm 55 Now I've never had a job. Why would I? So I'm like no but I tried. It's embarrassing to say how many MLMs I’ve tried.

Matt: Tell us 

Cindy: 10. I mean, I tried everything. And then how I found you guys was I had the magazine. I still own the one and I still have all the social media and all the contacts and I thought well that's a waste of a lot of people what but I don't want to start printing again. So I thought maybe I’ll go back to digitally printing. And I know how to do that. I could have all kinds of links and connect to things and do a lot of stuff with it. The only thing I knew about affiliate marketing was like MLMs have affiliate programs. That's all I thought that was all they were like, just a part of an MLM. Yeah, I started looking it up and you might be too young but have you ever watched the Wizard of Oz? 

Matt: Yes. 

Cindy: Okay. Remember the scene where Dorothy opens the door and it goes from black and white to color? Yep, remember that? Well, that's when I started looking up affiliate marketing. I'm like, Oh my god. This is like, this is a thing. This isn't like, like, it's nothing like I thought so then I started looking and of course on TikTok. I saw a guy named Matt Chambers I think was the same. And oh, you know, you can make money doing this and you can promote companies that you like, and I'm like, Oh my God, that's so much better than what I was doing. And so I I saw it that day, and then I went to bed and then it was like the middle of night I woke up and I'm like, No, I have to do this. And I jumped up and I got my credit card. And I signed up and I started the next day. So that's the short out here.

Matt: Wow, that's crazy. That's crazy. That's cool. Take us. I'm just so curious about sort of the MLM days. Not to like to take you back there. But I do find that a lot of people try out different things before they come here. So for instance, like for you, it might have been that but for other people it was like drop shipping or some sort of an E-commerce store like that. What would you feel was attractive about that business model? And what were you looking for? Or what were you hoping to get out of that business?

Cindy: Well, I think I liked the idea that you had sort of built in support because the way it's structured, they want you to succeed so they're going to help you. I like the idea of that. Obviously I've been able to generate income, you know, somewhat passive income you know, so that part all seems great. The part you know, it's never that it doesn't work. I mean, I saw people that won't answer the phone. Well, that they think oh god, she's like me, they weren't my good friends, but you know, they tell you, you bother everybody. And every conversation is like, How can I slip this in and how and again, I don't know, it just felt so uncomfortable. But I did love the idea of it. I mean, and I know people do great at it. I know some people are I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that type of business. Totally was a terrible fit for me. 

Matt: Yeah, it makes sense. That particular thing is tricky. And Dave always says that. Dave always asks, so are you in the NFL yet? And people kind of look at him like what NFL and he said that he says the no friends left club which is that whole analogy of you know what's your marketing strategy? Well pick up the phone, or pick up a pen and paper and start writing down everybody you know, and then start calling, and do your home party and it is exhausting. It's exhausting. I think it's taxing on relationships too. And yeah, that makes sense. But I do think you're right. So you're so you're seeking for something right you're seeking for a way to make money online or at least somewhat passively, right, you're thinking outside the box. You're trying to find something that's a little more passive and doesn't require you to be hands on every waking moment. So you discover Legendary, you discover the challenge. I’m curious if you've bought any other information products like this before Legendary?

Cindy: No. I try not to watch things, that was one of the things I learned when I first started. But I was watching this guy Ian and he said don’t look at a lot of stuff because you get confused. So Ian, who is from Legendary, I follow his stuff and he made a comment from today that it's like a driver's license. You don't go get a second one. Once you go you learn to drive and get your driver's license, and then you practice and you go out there and I thought that's exactly it. Why  would I try to get more from different places when this is working? I mean, I'm totally new at it, but I have made commissions, which is the most exciting thing. You know, it's amazing.

Matt: Yeah, just to see it work, right? Just to actually like to see it work and to be like oh, okay, this does work.

Cindy: You just get an email and you're like, Oh my God.

Matt: Yeah, so you've never seen any, or bought any training like this before. You sign in and you look at the challenge. Tell me, did you know any of the information inside the challenge? Was this totally new? What were your thoughts and feelings and what was your experience like going through a training like that?

Cindy: It is totally new. I did it. This is advice to people that do it. I get so excited seeing it that I'm like, oh my god I like this. This makes sense. It feels right, like I can do this. So I kind of blew through the course without having to go back and go through the steps. And the funnels are challenging for me because I'm not terribly detail oriented. If I see it, I like it. The information, it talks about over delivering, I mean, that course is so packed full. I could recommend it to anybody and say what you get is so much more and that kind of course and information you can use in anything, you know, it can help you in other areas.

Matt: Yeah, that's a good point. We've had people who've taken what they've learned in the challenge, and they've gotten better positions in their jobs while they're trying to build their entrepreneurial thing. Some of them work in like an H back company or some of them work in these various niches and industries where lead generation is the most important thing if you can figure that out. There's plenty of guys you can hire to do electric work or, you know, H back work or plumbing or whatever getting the leads of actually learning the marketing is, is where all the money's at and yeah, I think you're right. We call those transferable skills. So like skills that can be used in a myriad of different ways to help grow any business and really to help grow a person too, because we do focus so much on you know, not just the mechanics but also the dynamics of how do you think differently about money? How do you think differently about all of this stuff? So are you on social media? Do you market at all? Are you what, what what because I don't have a questionnaire typically I have like some social media links or something. I'm flying in the dark. Have you tried any social media? How have you marketed your business so far? Cindy: Well, I am. I'm a beginner on TikTok. I'm terrible. I post a lot of TikToks and I'm getting better. I'm getting better. And you know what, I'm starting to be able to identify some of the things I like about how certain things work. But yeah, I'm pretty awful at TikTok, but I post there regularly.

Matt: You're too hard on yourself, what's your what's your handle?

Cindy: Okay, now that's another thing. Okay. So my husband like I said all along, he's been like, get a job. That would be the most painful thing for me, a nine to five job. It would just crush me. So what I do right now though, which is kind of funny, is Instacart shopping. That's how I avoid getting a real job. So I shop for people but it avoids me having to get a real job. So the name came from this whole process. So it's kind of silly. It's @makinmoneyhoney, because it's a joke towards my husband that I'm making money. So I did get one really good commission, and when that came through, I was able to show him that and he was actually speechless for a minute. I said, I'm making money, honey.

Matt: That’s awesome, you’re not doing bad. You’ve got 654 followers. I mean, listen, you can always be hard on yourself. And you could say that at 10,000 followers, you can say that 50,000 followers. I know people who have so I wouldn't I wouldn't get to like I would just remove that negative talk or whatever speak I mean, anybody who's posted as many videos as you have, and has that amount of history there. I mean, you're doing something right, because you've actually the amount of people who think about this who purchase our challenge or any how to product, then the amount of people who actually open it. There's a huge fraction of people who don't even go in and don't even log in once. Then there's a huge portion of people who don't finish, then there's a huge portion of people who finish and never do anything. Right. So we need to contextualize it in the grand scheme of the world. Like you're in a pretty small percentage of people who have actually really taken some action and did something that was hard and vulnerable and scary and all of those things, right. I mean, that doesn't come easy to anybody, especially not when you're brand new to social media. You don't really do a lot on social media or at least TikTok. So, you know, I, I think that it's like, if you say, you know, I really suck at TikTok. You know, you should always follow that up by saying something like, you know, I think I suck at tick tock today. But you know, give me a few months, give me a couple weeks, you know, I'll be 10 times better than I am today. Because it helps reframe, you know, it helps to reframe the journey of being a content creator as a process rather than just as like I am good or I am not good. It's like, No, you're just in the process of becoming good.

Cindy: That's true. I sometimes try to go back when I see successful people, and I go all the way back to some of their initial videos and it makes me feel better because in the beginning, they're kind of random. They're not, you know what I mean? They're not as good either. So I'm like, okay, and I figure I'm gonna accelerate the process by myself. At first I tried to do three a day and then I'm like, well, that's not enough. So some days I'll do as many as like, six one day I did 10. And I'm like, You know what I mean? It has to accelerate the process right? I just do more. I mean, yeah, something will be good.

Matt: Yeah, well, no, I mean, I, you're right. And also, you know, I was just gonna say, in that world of like, TikTok if you go back to everybody's first videos, they all suck. They're all terrible. They look ridiculous. And there's people out there in the affiliate marketing world who are like, you know, who will say things like, you know, you're gonna ruin your reputation by posting certain types of videos or you're gonna ruin your chances of going viral or you're gonna you're gonna kill your channel or whatever. And the truth is, if you scroll back far enough on anybody's videos far enough, you realize everybody's got bad videos, everybody's trying different stuff. And when you realize that there's so many of those out there, you start to realize it's like those aren't even bad videos. There's just videos. I mean, everybody's doing this. Everybody's trying to figure out what content is going to fit them well. Everybody's trying to figure out what content they feel comfortable creating, and eventually a couple of them go really viral, you get, you know, a bunch of followers that come through, just in a huge bunch and things are off and running. And I think most people don't hang around long enough to see that miracle happen. But yeah, I totally agree with that and I think people put way too much stress and anxiety on themselves. I mean, if you post a couple videos a day, all the crappy videos from your very beginning are going to be gone and so far down the timeline that most people aren't going to scroll that far. It just won't even matter. I used this analogy when I was little, I think we all do this, but like anytime that we're sort of traumatized or anything 10 We're really humiliated when we're little. We just sort of feel like the world is ending. Like, it just feels like the world is crashing down and the world is ending. How am I ever going to survive this? And, and then, you know, like, a month later, it doesn't even matter more or less you know, I think back on some memories 20 years later, it's like, nobody even why who cares? Like, one time I was on a swing on the playground and I was trying to do a flip and my pants got caught and sort of started to fall down on the playground. I felt so humiliated that people could see my underwear. I thought, this is for sure the end, I have to move and get out of my hometown. And not only does it not not matter now. It didn't matter 10 minutes after that. No one ever said anything about it. It was just like, whatever. Who cares? Not a big deal. And I think people need to take that same approach with content and this business is like, look, whatever I'm doing today, if I end up waking up in five days and thinking, wow, that was lame. Like, who cares? No one's gonna see it. No one's gonna know. And I think it's been becoming okay being in process, which is a hard thing to do. 

Cindy: Well, I think it's interesting too, because you see so many, very young you know, really pretty people, they dance great, you know, and you see that, you know, and you know, being older and whatever. Sometimes it's hard to go, Okay, I'm gonna, I'm just gonna put myself out there, but then I realize there's a lot of people like me, that are in the same place just because we're older. I mean, we're, we're still we may still be looking for something we still want to connect to, you know, you're going to connect to some people. that you know, there's going to somebody might say something or whatever, and you're going to relate to them differently. So don't be embarrassed, and I'm committed. I know this sounds really silly. But I really believe and if you call it karma, the universe, God, whatever people want to put it on. Knowing nothing about the bit of success that I've had so far, knowing nothing. I feel like that sort of sounds like a sign. I feel like this is the right thing. And now I'm willing to do it. I had you know what I mean, show me that it works. This 1,000% works. So now I'm willing to do everything, you know, to make it happen. You know what I mean? I go back in the trainings, and do the Instagram training and TikTok trainings, and I've gone back and watched those. And, I mean, there's so much information, you know, it's really good. The hardest thing too, I think, was in the magazine business when I did it. There was no like, there was no step by step process to follow. You know, I had to learn to figure things out. I got really good at getting creative, and that's what I don’t need to do. And I have to keep reminding myself when I'm doing this you don't have to come up with anything. It's already there. Always follow the steps. You don't reinvent anything. And that's why I always have to pull back because I'm so used to trying to figure things out. Matt: Yeah, totally. 

Cindy: It's amazing. I think that you know, I think it's amazing.

Matt: Yeah, it's within a framework, right? It's within this framework of like, here's how this works. Here's how you create content. Here's how you can start getting followers. Here's how you can blow up on social media, and we live in this world. Right now where there's just so much potential there's so much opportunity. You know, over the last 10 years I've heard countless times how the opportunity is going away. Right? How it's becoming saturated. Now everyone knows about affiliate marketing, everyone knows about all you know, all this stuff. And it's just funny to me because I constantly wake up every single day. And there's just more opportunity. There's more chances there's more and it's always the case. There's more people getting online. There's more people getting on the internet. There's people from all across the globe who have never even heard of the internet, who are signing on for the very first time and are non-stop. And it's yeah, it's the modern day Gold Rush is really what this is. The internet is the modern day Gold Rush and people think that we're done or that it's over or it's, you know that it's too late or something like that and it just couldn't be further from the opposite. It is just getting started. So anyway, yeah, I'm really passionate about that because when you have some sort of a system and a community where you can learn a program where you can learn, that doesn't cost you a $40,000 a university degree, you can pay seven bucks. And sort of figure it out and get going. Yeah, it's hard to find something like that online.

Cindy: It's pretty impossible. Yeah. And the problem, too, is everybody once you start looking at it, then you see like everybody, there's many, many people that are trying to put out programs, but they don't have the track record and the history that you guys do. And you know, the success of how many people I mean, you look at how many people you guys have helped that have absolutely massively changed their lives, and I think it's, I think it’s pretty cool and pretty amazing. I'm so glad I found you guys. I would have been bummed if I found somebody you don't know because you don't know when you're looking. You just randomly come across something and if you don't know anything about it, you know, you could stumble on anything. But I'm amazed by people I've talked to that have no idea what affiliate marketing is and for some reason that's the name they think it's network marketing. I don't know why I guess it's because they just hear that, and they automatically think oh my god, another MLM joined another one like a 51. I'm like, no, no, this is something totally different. 

Matt: Yeah, it's pretty common, because technically, like MLM is our referral marketing kind of so it is a little bit of a form of affiliate marketing, but it's, yeah, it's a false. It's a false thing to assume that all affiliate marketing is MLM. All of MLM is affiliate marketing sort of by definition, but it doesn't really go back the other way. That is funny though people do that. And yeah, I don't know. On social media, I've been telling people a lot to not even use the phrase affiliate marketing. I've even just been telling them to use certain phrases that are more popular in pop culture. So things like side hustle or even work from home. Not that it's a hard and fast rule that you must follow. But you'll have less of those objections. So I typically tell people like people are really looking to start affiliate marketing number one because they don't know what the hell it is. They are looking for something like a side hustle because they're used to that terminology. They're used to something like you know, I'm going to I'm going to get on my I'm going to get on my side hustle, and I'm going to drive for Uber or I'm going to whatever, you know, like the day I used to drive for Uber, you do Instacart everybody's thinking about or doing some sort of side hustle. And so when you bring that up or that term or you can use a term like yeah, like working from home or work from home, something like that. It's a more approachable name. It's a more approachable, understood name that people can easily understand. Yeah, that people can easily. They have connotations. With things that they trust or things that they've tried before. And so it's a little bit easier of a mental step for them. Does that make sense?

Cindy:  I never thought about it because you're right, they're not looking for affiliate marketing. They're looking for a way to make extra money or side money. So they're looking for the side hustle, I never thought about it that way. They're not Yeah, I'm gonna start filling in marketing today because, like you said, they don't know what it is. So why would you be looking for that? Yeah. Okay, I'm gonna change that.

Matt: I think a lot of people I mean, you probably have seen a lot of people model that where they make videos that talk a lot about affiliate marketing, but to be honest, I think most of the most in most cases, those are pretty much just hurt people's channels more than helped because they, their viewers and audience and people that gets on a free page and they don't really enjoy about affiliate marketing all the time because they're confused and they think it's MLM and then they think it's a scam, right? So they're like, I did not come on here to hear about somebody brand new MLM like, and then they're going to report your channel. So as we're in the side, hustle land, I mean, that can happen too. But it's less likely to happen right away and usually not as fast.

Cindy: That's one thing I've been challenged by with the TikTok like the ratio of like our consistent like, I probably am overdoing the then the affiliate marketing stuff. So what kind of ratio do you like, do you mix it with fun stuff? And then business stuff like how would you suggest that?

Matt: Yeah, for sure. So I would, I would, the way that I explained this to people is I create, or I would create some form of video, that's an attempt to go viral. So that's modeling after some other people's videos to look at it and see like, hey, what kind of videos that I have on their channel that are going viral and maybe I can make something close to that or something that hits the same hook. And so yeah, I'll do one of those and then I'll fill in the next five videos with more like stories about me. Or funny stuff if you like fun stuff or you know if you've ever seen Ian's channel he talks about a day in the life of a bodyguard, right? People just love those videos. There's stories about his past, their stories about and, you know, before he started telling those stories, no one cared, no one listened but now people really like that. And people find his stories really interesting and that's the case with most of our lives, I think, because most of us assume that no one wants to hear it or no one really cares. And the truth is unless you build an audience one's listening. So that's why I tell people to create videos that can help go viral and grow your channel and then fill them in with a bunch of content about you, your story, your journey, where you're at, what's the journey been like so far? Tell them about your first $1,000 You made on the internet, right? Tell them about the first lead you generated. Tell them about your transition from your former publishing stuff. To now and what you're doing now and why this is so important to you stuff like that. And then go live. Go live.

Cindy: Once I get to 1000.

Matt: Yeah, well, you'll get there. I keep posting videos. And you'll have a viral video hit and you'll get to 10,000 You know, fast happens all the time. But yeah, I would, I would say put a big focus on one video and then fill in with three to five filler pieces that are very specific to you that are more vulnerable that help them connect to that audience, right? Because after a couple of those videos go viral, they're going to look at other videos on your channel and they're going to want to connect to you. They're going to want to hear from you. They're going to not just only want to hear about you know side hustle videos that can make them you know, $50 a day in their sleep or something, you know, like eventually they get worn down on that same content, that same messaging so if you bring that in, it helps sort of balance it out.

Cindy: Yeah, absolutely. So ratio. Now the ones that you are sort of talking about yourself a little bit how long would you make them?

Matt: Like 30 to 60 seconds.

Cindy: Okay, so just do little bite sized pieces.

Matt: You could go longer if you wanted. I don't think there's any right or wrong answer to that.

Cindy: Okay. I always thought they had to come back to the business. So you're saying I like that ratio, total sense.

Matt: In fact, it just sometimes you know, it's this. It's this thing about Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook that Gary Vee talks about, you know, you give a bunch of value and then finally, you know, right up you ask, but I think that assuming that it all has to tie back or you have to give some business call to action every time is probably just not true. There's no right or wrong. Even what I told you today isn't gospel. Some people might look at that and be like, well, okay, that's interesting. But the truth is, if you can, you can sort of set out however you want to do it. But I think personally, not everything has to tie back to your business or your call to action on your business. That's just me though. I personally think that you can have a series of series of five to 10 videos that just start you know, hey, I was just thinking about two, I just had two thoughts on thinking Grow Rich today, right or like, here's two ways that I've shifted my mindset around money in the last year, right or just stuff like that. That is more mindset that allows you to post more content when you realize that anything is up for grabs, and you can post whatever the heck you want.

Cindy: It takes the pressure off that and makes it more fun, right? I mean, the mindset is huge. I had to do so much mindset when I closed business to get to the right. I mean, mindset is huge. You feel like all of a sudden you don't know who you are, you have no idea. I mean, I always knew what I wanted to do. And then all of a sudden I'm lost. Furniture I was, I mean, I was doing all kinds of weird things. I mean, you know, whatever. Like I said, Whatever you can do. Awesome advice I liked and you're right, like you can talk about mindset. You can talk about good books, you can talk about, you know, things that have helped you as far as your process. Awesome. Thank you, that is valuable.

Matt: Yeah. And, again, it's the kind of thing that we talked about earlier is like sometimes, you know, you post some stuff and you're just like dang I don't think that landed or whatever. Don't delete it. Don't delete it. And this is a message for everybody out there who's watching this, never delete stuff because sometimes I can hurt your channel. If you want to set the privacy to private so that you only see it, you can do that. But just remember in a month, it won't matter. In a month. It'll be buried in your timeline somewhere, no one will see it even if they do who cares. Like sometimes a lot of the a lot of the engagement even if it's negative or even if it's just silly helps the channel so don't underrate videos that you think might not be the best, but do get some engagement and and help grow your channel.

Cindy: So that's awesome. I mean I have set some to private. So what do you think of the duets? Are they helpful? 

Matt: Yeah, Stitches are really good. Well, they can both be fine. But stitches are I think a little bit better because of what you can do. The reason stitches are so powerful and people should do stitches way more is because at the very beginning clip if you find a video that's gone viral has millions of views right. Typically you do not go viral with millions of views unless those first few seconds like the first few seconds are really good, right? So if you see a video that's blown up, typically you've got a really good intro or hook. And so what you want to do is stitch that and pull that first three to five seconds and so for instance, we had one that was we ran an ad with it actually. It was this lady saying, Hey, if you could give one piece of advice to young men in their early 20s, what would you say? And then that's where we cut it off and then we had Dave come in and he said, you know basically don't take out college loans for college. Work a few years, you know, get some get your feet wet working, figure out maybe a trade or something that you want to do to learn some skills. And oh, by the way, maybe start an online business where you have zero overhead. But it was because of that intro ad or that video ended up doing so well for us. But yeah, I would do a lot of stitches and also the cool part about stitches is it helps give you lots of content ideas that are just easy to do. Super simple.

Cindy: That's great. I never thought about that. I only did one stitch. I did more of the defects but that makes total sense because you're right. If they're, they've already done the heart he made in the beginning. You know that's the hard part to getting people to stop you know? 

Matt: Yeah, yeah, the stitches are like it's just it's so unfair for content creators like it's, it's underutilized by content creators because somebody has done a good bit or a good portion of the work from before you even you know, start creating any content somebody has already done a lot of the hard work to make that video go viral, to make that video become popular. And now all you have to do is just have your little hot take.

Cindy: Okay, I know what I'm gonna be doing. I know we're about done but that for the lives are they helpful? Do you use them more for getting followers?

Matt: Yeah, they're more of like, you know, so you use like the viral video type stuff in stitches to get your audience use stories and stuff about you and your journey to help to help warm up that audience to take it from a cold audience who doesn't know you to like, oh, this is interesting. I kind of know Cindy now. And then and also you can convert people that way too. But the last piece going live is a place where you can teach, you can tell more about yourself and your story and your journey and give people a specific call to action. So a good couple examples is like Calvin Hill, he'll go live and he'll spend hours talking about crypto. And people are like, why is he just talking about Kryptos and selling crypto and then what he does is he talks and he talks and talks and talks and talks for hours about bare markets, right about how the markets are going to go down. And then he says you know, you need money to invest in a bare market. You're going to need to have cash on hand to invest in a bear market. So if you're sitting here and you're like, well, I need more cash and wouldn't be able to invest even if the bear market smacked me in the face today. He then says you need to start building your digital business. And then he takes them into his little lead magnet which is a free ebook. And then on the back end of that is his Legendary affiliate link. And the same thing about Ian, he'll go on there and he'll have more intimate conversations with people like he'll bring them into his live or not bring them into his live but he like, you know, the other day I saw him. He knows people by name and he's like, Hey, I saw you in here the other day, you know, I thought he said you were starting to challenge I didn't see your name, you know, pop through and they were like you know who I am? But he does that thing where he really connects with his audience and people feel like dang, this is different. You know what I mean?

Cindy: Yeah, I go I try to watch him. I try to be very specific and I just do the one increment course. And then I try not to follow too many people so that I don't get overwhelmed and he seems to do everything exactly the way you know the process that we're supposed to do kind of but add his total personal touch to it. So I'm like, I think he's a good one to watch.

Matt: Yeah, he's a great one to watch. He's a super savvy creator, is very heartfelt too which I think helps a lot with allowing people to connect to him and stuff. Yeah, and he's just, he's killing it. He's, you know, he's doing really, really well and has changed his life completely. With digital marketing, so, alright, we should call this thing a wrap here. Do you have anything for people who are out there? Who are maybe newer to our community, just getting started thinking about posting their first TikTok video, any words of encouragement?

Cindy: Just follow the process and just own it. Don't be embarrassed. I embarrass myself sometimes. But I'm like, You know what, like you said, nobody cares. And somebody is gonna see it and say, Damn, if she could do it, I could friggin do it, you know. So, I mean, I'm just so glad to have found you guys. And thank you so much for letting me come on here. This is awesome.

Matt: Yeah, of course. We're just pumped that you wanted to come on. So thank you for taking the time. Alright, I'm going to let you go and then I'll wrap this thing up here for us here. Here is her TikTok. Just go give her a follow on TikTok. It's @makinmoneyhoney. And give her a follow comment on her video. Let her know that you saw her and Wake Up Legendary. And we'll be back here. I'll be back tomorrow, same time, same place at 10am. Eastern for another edition of wake up legendary. Go give Cindy a follow and blow her TikTok up so she can get to 1000 followers. She can start to go live. Alright guys, take it easy. Have a good rest of your Monday. We'll see you back here tomorrow. At 10am Eastern peace

How To Have A Massive Breakthrough With Your Affiliate Marketing Business

 Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friend? This is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary. We've got a blue collar breakthrough baby. Whoo I can relate to that. That's for darn sure. I'm blue collar all the way, man. I'm telling you I don't think I've. I don't know if I've ever worn a white collar anyways CJ Welcome to the show, brother.

CJ: Thanks for having me, Dave. Finally, get on here. This is a big goal of mine. actually be here. It's pretty cool.

Hey, man, you're welcome. You actually do have a blue collar on today. So that's kind of cool.

CJ: That's all I've ever known. 

Dave: Where are you calling in from? 

CJ: Georgia. Northwest Georgia. 

Dave: Cool. Cool. I was just in Georgia not too long ago just hanging out. Yeah. Okay, cool. I had to fix the audio, the video settings so I don't like to touch too much because I might break something. Or I should wrap it in the middle of it. Yeah, well, I'm not very technically savvy. Actually. People think I'm like a technician. I don't know what people think, but I'm a technical dumbass. So anyways…

CJ: Which is a perfect example because that's the first complaint you get from our by I can't do this because I'm not technical. Yeah, you really don't have to be. Not at all.

Dave: Yeah, actually, I think the more tech I think the more people know about things. Sometimes they just over complicate it and I think the best way sometimes to be successful is just keep it simple. Just keep it simple. You know, I mean, the best chefs the best carpenters that I worked with the best best business owners best marketers, I mean, countless examples in this community of people who are succeeding are succeeding because they're just you know, if you don't leave the basics, you don't have to go back to.

CJ: That's been a prime example that to just, every time overcomplicate, and then I have to just nuke everything and start from the beginning and take it back. Simple. Like I said, the complicated just, you can really over complicate this if you want to.

Dave: Yeah. So tell us how you like a little bit of a nutshell version of your story and how you found Legendary.

CJ: So I started out back in the swamp guests really. When everything starts, we won't get too much into that but when everything drives everything online, it really wakes you up and sees the opportunity that's out there and that there is money. So just like everybody else, it starts with just the simple Google to make money online. lead to some print on demand. Try that a little bit. Research dropship and didn't want to tackle that and then I found affiliate marketing and went through YouTube channels and things like that try to do things on my own starting an Amazon affiliate account and tried for six or eight months before I actually ran across Megan run Hobbs and got in with them and talk to them and they led me to legendary and then everything just ramped at a huge pace since then. It was a 15 day challenge. Everything was like a big light bulb went off once I started to see the way that you presented things. Somehow this makes so much more sense.

Dave: Then then then the other things that you did?

CJ: Just trying to throw a link out on your personal Facebook and hope that you know friends and family buy. I've done some network marketing stuff and am trying to approach this with that type of mindset of, hey, buy this product so I can make $3 off. You're never gonna get rich $3

Dave: Then you get the pity sales and it's like, yeah, I mean, I've said this and I've kind of been on this kick a little bit lately. If your business depends on you doing friend business with friends and family, you will never have a business that will make you rich. That's where you might make a couple of bucks here and there. You might have a business that gets by. You might have an old mom and pop shop or something sort of business but I mean the truth of the matter is, is that even many of those businesses, there's local mom and pop who just do business by referrals, people are living, if anything, they're self employed, meaning that they have a job if they don't work, they don't get paid. So you have to have a bit, you have to have systems and or people and we're both working for you. And it can't be dependent upon friends and family chasing neighbors, friends of friends, referrals from parents, I mean all that stuff is a means to an end, it's going to end fast, it's going to end badly and it's going to end in disappointment.

CJ: And that's where the value of the email list comes into play. I mean, I can't stress that enough, but you know, not having to do those direct marketing directional links are you talking about having systems that work for you that once I realized what can be done with the emails and how the just kind of take off and become basically an employee for you, your email becomes your really your first employee is just top selling work.

Dave: Content is, you know, video that takes off, whether it be on YouTube or TikTok. That becomes like a little army of salespeople, you know, who are knocking on doors, right? And a list is also an army of marketing and sales people and now you've gone and duplicated yourself truly duplicated yourself, not with people, but with systems in with technology that's predictable. And that works the same time over and over again. And that's one of the reasons why I love just driving traffic to a sales video because that video presents it the same way every time over and over. And I can have millions or 1000s of people watching at the same time versus trying to have a person doing a presentation who every time it's going to be different. Maybe they're not feeling good that day. And it doesn't get done as passionately. This ability to have content systems you know, emails, content on platforms and videos, doing the selling and telling pitching marketing for you, man for blue collar guys like us who are used to if I don't get out on the job site swing the hammer in build the thing I don't get paid is pretty game changing.

Right and I still work my full time job 10 hours a day there from six to 430. If nothing breaks, if some breaks can be longer, be able to define any other systems that have things the way that you showed or set them up. It allows me to still get this role and to get it profitable while working, which wouldn't be possible if I was having to make, you know, direct sales calls that I just don't have time for. there's no way I could possibly do it. But to be able to do this and work those kinds of hours to us. It's incredible.

Dave: Yeah. So, what have been some of the major breakthroughs that you've had that were the most eye opening for you compared to knowledge that you've, you know, learned or knew about making money and about business? What you mentioned some of the aha moments you had in the 15 Day Challenge and so forth. What have been some of those major highlight lightbulb moments for you?

CJ: Like you said, just the ability for your content to sell for you you own your own was the big thing like to be able to have that working in the background because I'm there. You know, one of the things that limited me was time. I thought you know, with the money I'm making, I have to maintain my job that I have now. I'll never be able to do business on the side because I just don't have the time to invest and the ability to batch produce content and do things and have things work and make it realistic. It makes it you know, I can do this. And so once you started I started doing it, you know my TikTok When I first took off and did things using the strategies, the content creation strategies went from like zero up to 20,000 pretty fast. over about a month and a half. It takes off and then you start getting people to come in and just use the tools that have been given and all of a sudden you know the first commission comes in and then you get 10 commissions and then hot tickets coming in. It's all happening in the background. I guess the biggest aha moment for me was waking up in the morning and seeing you know that that hard ticket came through when you knew the work had been done through it like you said through the content. I didn't I didn't have sales pitching but I didn't have to do anything. Just using the systems and everything has been taught you wake up your phone to see that first hard ticket sale comes through. That's the moment where you're like okay, you know, this is real, this works. everything that's been said that isn't it isn't just a bunch of gimmicks or anything like that. This is a game and that's when it becomes more realistic.

Dave: Yeah, I think you're right about that. You know, you can't really compare any bit of knowledge or things that you hear to the moment when you make significant income. In that instant. Your belief system shifts so far. In one direction. You're never the same again. You know what I mean? It's it's, I mean, I know this. It's like losing your virginity, man. You know, it really is. It's like becoming a man. It's like becoming a woman. It's like becoming, it's like having something happen. That's life and just trying to think of other things that are life. It's like having a child, it's like, one of those moments now is in the room for both of my, all of my children being born. It's that moment that is life changing, similar to with when that email notification shows up for a significant sized commission. You're just never the same again, and it's like, I wish we could transfer that experience. But you really got to earn that experience. You have to go through the training, and then you gotta take action. You gotta earn that experience, but it's worth it. And I try to tell people but I think it's more powerful when it comes from people like you and they hear it from students who started from scratch, and you've got to put the work into you know, it's not a get rich quick scheme and everything like that. But people you know, jump something in one day I mean, it takes work, it takes setting your systems up following the training, doing everything that you've been shown to do and getting it in place but then it happens I think. I don't remember what part of the 15 Day Challenge exam but you shared an ATS video if you want it as bad as you want to breathe that. I don't think that really comes through until you hit that big commission. You're like, okay, you know, give me more oxygen at that point. I want more. I want more of that. And that's when it really comes like the burn of the lifeboats mentality of Muhammad Ali and I want to do this more bit more and then that's when it really takes off because your whole mindset changes. I agree that it becomes your oxygen and you will do anything for it. You know like your work ethic, your seriousness, your focus completely changes. It moves from a hobby. You know, I remember when I was a kid, I had a couple of hobbies, you know, mowing lawns, collecting cans, you know, one time I mowed a lawn this guy took me two days to mow his lawn because it was so thick, and then he paid me in off change dimes and nickels those were hobbies, you know, collected, you know, collect the cans and would take them to the recycling thing collecting change. That's another hobby, you know what I mean? And then you go pour it in the machine of the public to your supermarket and it spits you out. But those are hobbies, you know, those are whatever, you know, I got some change here and got a couple of bucks. But when you earn $1,000 plus commission $500 Even commission I mean, it's so and you do it on your own. I mean, even if all the hours that you put in up until that point are only equal, you know 25 cents per hour or whatever it is. It's such a powerful moment. And I think that is such a clear focus for people to go into this weekend with is that you have to work until that happens, because you will never be the same again. And I can specifically submit that memory also inside of your DNA and you will remember it Intel for forever. You know I mean I can remember what I just showed up on the leaderboards one time for getting some you know being high in a community of generating leads. I hadn't even made sales yet. That milestone I was running around the house in my underwear at 12 o'clock midnight. Everybody was sleeping. Who's the wild man now? Like the movie Rudy you know, like shut up. But I was like, I haven't made any money yet. But it was like that first. That first commission. You know, I actually happened to have right up here. Always, always not too far away. Isn't this interesting? I actually took a picture and I wonder if you did. Now I know your first commission probably wasn't a fiscal check. Can you see that? 

CJ: Yeah. 

Dave: So those were my first very first commissions. Now my very first commissions were about $2.50. Okay, very, very small. But I got the mail out in a check and looked at the grin on my face. I mean, that was a life changing defining moment, I think because it was a physical check and had my name on it. And I kept very, very few checks, if any up until that point that had my name on you know what I mean? So official, dude, you know, I wonder if you're taking pictures. How are you? Embracing the journey here at the beginning, do you realize how important it is to your overall journey over time?

CJ: Yeah, I'm in a couple of different communities, which is something I would stress to anybody that's listening to this like, get involved. This the affiliate marketing community legendaries community and affiliate marketing community as a whole was just like, there are so many people that have got your back and if you get stuck that that will help you but yeah, that's kind of thing it's just sharing it amongst peers and sharing your victories with each other and kind of helping each other. Sharing it that way. And then going back to that that small commission that you said you got, that is it's kind of a roller coaster, you know that the big Commission's great you know, you get that it's good, but you know, getting the first lead and then you get 100 leads and you're getting small commissions. It's like that emotion, it's just kind of rising and rising and then when you hit that heartache, and it's just like you say that it's hard to really explain it to you do it, but if there's been where they haven't got that just keep grinding the process works. And there's sometimes people just stick it here and stick to the process, but stick to the process. There's a lot of people that have made a lot of money with this process. But yeah, I just tried to screenshot stuff, keep stuff I have a Google Drive that I just keep things like that and to go back and share with other people. You know, talking to somebody else and they're having doubts or whatever about No, I'm just a regular electrician I'm not a not a sales guy with zero sales background. I don't. It's not always that I didn't want to be in sales. Sales seemed scammy or slimy. You know, like a used car salesman or something along those lines. I never thought of myself being in sales or marketing or anything. So if I can do it, that would be the biggest message. If I can do it, anybody can do I know that's one of your things, too. You preach a lot to that. You know if you can do it, anybody can but I'm the same way. I've always worked from my hands. And to be doing this is amazing.

Dave: Yeah, yeah. I like your name Blue Collar Breakthrough. You guys can check him out on TikTok. Let me get your arrows from yesterday. Blue Collar Breakthrough. All right. Got it. So that's you. You've got a modest following out there on TikTok as well. You know, another thing that I talked with Sarah yesterday about Sarah who started, you know, four months ago is quitting her job now, and she has a modest following as well of I think 34,000 followers on TikTok, which can happen overnight nowadays. It's insane. So what's your message to people who think that they need a list of 100,000 people and hundreds of 1000s of followers onTikTok to be able to make you know, significant income as something that's, you know, something that's worthy of putting in the work.

CJ: For me I started with zero following. I mean, I didn't have an email list. I didn't have my first social or real so other than the little goofy videos here and there but I started the blue collar break through TikTok when I took Legendary and then start the TikTok then I started in October I think was my first video, a post it's I mean, I'm proof that I started use the process and went with it. You don't have to have it and all it takes is one person locking your message and there's your first commission and then your second cause will come with the second person. It's really that easy. Just bigger sales, spread your message and there I think that was another big aha moment. I know we're getting a little off track with that. But well, thinking you know, nobody wants to hear my story. You know, I haven't done anything, haven't done anything great and it's something talking to people in the community. You will be surprised when you start to share your story. How many people relate to your story, whatever it is, when, wherever your background is just be yourself and share your story. And then you'll find people like you. And that's the cool thing about social media and the way that algorithms work is if you're being honest and sharing your story. It's like the community just kind of develops around your story. And whatever it is you have to share. And then you build that no luck trust factor, you know, just sharing your story and people like what you have and that's going to make them want to take your advice on whatever it is that you're promoting.

Dave: And I think that one thing that's cool for a guy like you who does have expertise in a certain vertical is that, you know, you hear a lot of people on our show, of course as affiliates for legendary and so forth. But, and that's fine. I mean a lot of people get started and just because they love our training, love our community, love our stuff and just want to share with people it doesn't mean that's the only thing that people do. But what I also wondered if you could just touch on is seeing the opportunity in to use the skill sets in any niche for example, how to help electricians learn faster, be safer, and be more earn more at their job or how to grow an electrician business how to get more leads, for your, for your contractor business. Do you see how these skills are what I call transferable skills, and unlike many degrees that we might get in college or something or even going as an electrician, you know, those some of the skills are transferable. But quite frankly, if you're going to move into a new vertical, you're going to have to learn that trade all over again. Whereas the skills that you're learning here, can transfer into so many different places. Even if you know that if you know God came down from the heavens and said CJ you can never do affiliate marketing ever again. But you can use these skills any other way that you want. They transfer over into hundreds of different other ways. Have you begun to see that power and how would you describe that for somebody who thinks that is new and thinks that Oh, I can only use this to promote Legendary or something similar?

But yeah, absolutely not just promote Legendary there. I mean, if you really get out there, I tell people all the time, Google, whatever you can think of that you would buy and then affiliate program and there's I mean, you can literally whatever you're interested in if you're interested in you know soccer if you're a sock, you could sell soccer balls. So you can build a whole business around whatever you want to do using these skills. But then, I mean, there's a lot of people that have made millions of dollars doing this. It's just marketing agencies just doing exactly what you said, you know, no matter what product you have, if you can't get your product out to people and nobody knows about it, you're not you know, it goes back to what you said in the beginning with a mom and pop store. If all they're selling is the only people that know their businesses, friends and family, they're not gonna be in business. So, you know if you took these skills and you bill you know, you got a wedding to pay downs or or grant Ganic traffic and run and push ads out for an electrical company or a plumbing company or whatever. Those companies don't stay in business if they don't make sales. And that's what this is doing and it's marketing the sales you can literally use it on anybody that has to sell anything the skills can be used. So this process is absolutely processed.

Dave: And you know more specifically, can you see this image again? Yeah, the core for what I'm somewhat against is the kind of marketing agencies that have been taught online over the past few years, as you know, fads and gimmicks by people like Tai Lopez and stuff. I don't think the ties are particularly bad, but it's not easy to run an agency. You know, because what you're doing is you're going out and you're getting clients and you're having to get those clients and you're serving those clients. But what is a lot more I'm not gonna say easy but a lot more simple. is to create a course for a contractor to show them how to get more leads. And I think this is what I want everybody to really understand is these core four ways to sell information. Selling information is a lot different than selling services. selling services means that you're going to hire me to run your ads or something like that, where I'm going to be a marketing agency. And the power of the core four is that these are the four different ways to package information and you could do it in any vertical, any niche and it allows you to deliver that information or of course as an affiliate, sell somebody else's information. And you're just delivering the content on say a zoom where you're delivering the content on say pre recorded videos, and there's no delivery meaning that you don't have to do anything for the client after that. That's the real power. And of course, if we talk about affiliate marketing, CJ, I mean, the power of affiliate marketing is the fact that you know, the only thing you're focusing on is the marketing and you don't even have to do customer support, have any merchant processing or anything. So there's so many levels to what we teach here at Legendary and I think that the more that you all for listening, just stick around, the bigger your visions going to get in, the more that you're going to understand what you can do with this information both as an affiliate but also if you want to sell your own information and the fact that you can do any niche, the same principles apply. Those never change. It's just what niche vertical Do you want to be in? 

CJ: And yeah, the coaching side of it too. is another big aha moment of just realizing how valuable the skills are. You're learning by doing this. I've already made money in coaching. been at this for three months and you're not an expert by any means. But you're always just a little bit ahead of somebody else and people will pay you for that knowledge. So that's another one of the core forces that you can use. And I'm using it on a weekly basis just every time I learn something, that's something I can pass on to somebody else and they'll pay you for it because it's valuable information. So, like you said, using those core four you can really build a good business and good brand.

Dave: Well bro, keep up the great work man. I mean, just you know I'm really proud of you love to see guys who are hard working guys like me, like my father is like like many men in my family are who are who are you know, not limiting themselves who are open minded who realize and remember that, you know, we you know, from generation to generation, we can change directions, it's okay. And we might even be doing future generations a huge favor by doing so. So I just really got a lot of respect for you. I know that you're going to change a lot of people's lives. And congrats on starting from scratch and building what you've built so far. And just kicking a lot of ass, stay Legendary, my brother. 

CJ: Yeah, man, I appreciate you having me on and hopefully next I talk to you it will be at one of your masterminds. 

Dave:  Sounds good, man. All right, brother. We'll have a Good Friday. I'll talk to you soon, see ya. My friends you can go follow CJ at @bluecollarbreakthrough just exactly spelled how it sounds. Go check him out on TikTok, lift him up, and support him. You know, the best way to support somebody is to leave them a comment to like their stuff. Now. We don't always support people just by direct messaging. You know, that creates more work for them. But by lifting up their content, you know, commenting on great stuff, really love your, you know, liking their stuff, like lifting people up in providing them supporting them with social proof. And then the more people you do that within this community on their content, the more they're going to do it back on your content, which we really can help each other out a lot by doing that. It's a big strategy that you may add to your game plan just today just by doing things like that. But more so than anything getting to the training. If you're not in the blueprints we're just doing a decade in a day today. For all of our new blueprint students are so powerful to game changing. I mean, Sarah, who was on the show yesterday, if you didn't listen to that episode, go back and listen to that she you know, I asked her, you know, how are you quitting your job in four months, she said, literally went into the blueprints followed exactly what it said and took action on that. And so don't over complicate it. Do not overcomplicate it, my friends, and please remember also what CJ and I talked about that there's nothing more powerful there's nothing that's going to change your life more than when you earn that first commission and when you do it'll never be the same again. Alright, you'll never be able to unsee or annfield that so keep working until that happens. And then I promise you you won't need any more motivation. Alright, have a great weekend. Be Legendary, my friends. We'll see you back here for yet another episode on Monday. Check us out you can go listen to these episodes on podcasts just look us up. Wake Up Legendary. You can check all the past episodes on the Facebook page. We even upload them to my YouTube channel. And please text WUL the letters WUL to the number on your screen. So you can get a reminder for us to go live every single day and just click a link and join us. All right, WUL to 813-296-8553. All right. I'll talk to you later, my friends. Get out of here. Have a great day.


How To Create A Profitable online business With A Huge Following

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends this is Dave Sharpe, welcome to Wake Up Legendary in as you can see by the title of this show this episode this morning. We have a wonderful guest Sarah, and freedom has been achieved. She's gonna tell us how she did it. Sarah, welcome to the show.

Sara: Thank you. Good to be back on.

Dave: Hey, you're very welcome and good to see you back and so freedom has been achieved. Tom, why don't you give us a little bit of the backstory about how you originally found legendary to catch people. Up and then we can come and bring ourselves to the present day.

Sara: Yeah, so in August of this year, I was on TikTok found an older woman probably around my parents age saying that she had quit her nine to five job was working when she want whenever she wanted and making 1000s online and I was like okay, if this woman can do it, what is stopping me from doing it? So I took a leap of faith, bought it for $7 and have never looked back. It was the best investment I have ever made for myself. Leading to the present moment. Tomorrow is my last day at nine to five so I'm pretty excited about that. So starting Monday it’s just me and I working for myself when I want how I want where I want liberating.

Dave: I wouldn't be able to tell by the smile and all that you were happy and thrilled. Yeah, yeah. So how's it feel?

Sara: Literally like a breath of fresh air like chains have been broken off of me that I have achieved and continue to scale my business. I'm just so excited for this next chapter in life.

Dave: I am too. I am thrilled for you to experience that way of living and being that I think we were born to have and be and what are you looking forward to most?

Sarah: I'm looking forward most to owning my time. So figuring out my own morning routines. Being able to travel and help other people who want to be you know, financially free or you know, start their own business just help people individually work their way up to you know where I am, I can help people you know, on the path that I was on to where I am now. So just helping them with the learning curve for sure.

Dave: So imagine that you hadn't taken action. And when you did originally had taken our 15 day business builder challenge that was when that was

the middle of August and then I posted my first content at the beginning of September.

Sara: So in the middle of August this year. Yes. So hold on. So will will will will. Whoa, whoa, whoa. So wait. So I want everybody to be super clear about this. And I want to be super clear about this. So August of 2021, too. I'm bad at math and a ninth grade dropout. So I'm going to use my fingers here in August, September, October, November, December. So we're talking about not even four months that you've gone from being skeptical as you said you saw a woman around your mother's age online talking about being marketing online and building a business and this challenge thing and this legendary thing and this weird guy named Dave and all this stuff, right? And you're like, Hey, hold on a second. And then you ended up like taking the leap. Whoo seven out you're like okay, it took you forever though that $7 To peel that out of your off your credit card was as if we were you know, right pulling up pulling up a band aid that was going to pull your offer so isn't it funny how you know sometimes spending that that $7 is but anyways from August the middle of August to now the middle of December so it has been roughly four months you've completely transformed your life. And you're about to put in your notice and completely quit your job and go full time for months. Yeah. Let's just take that in for a second. And let's have a moment of silence for your past life Yeah, cuz you didn't take your tombstone you didn't take your you gave your job your to the tombstone, right? I talked about this with our mastermind. That's so many people in this industry. Take their tombstone in their in they lay their dreams down to die in the graveyard of entrepreneurship. And they say I'll take my tombstone, and you didn't take your tombstone, you're given your old job, you're given your old boss, you're given that past life, the tombstone and you are rising up like the phoenix from the ashes to do your thing. And that is just so I get all those facts right for months and all that other. The other drama that I've just included? 

Sara: Yeah, my two weeks were put in almost two weeks ago. So Tomorrow's my last day and I'm just looking forward to this new adventure of life. I get to tell who and what when to do because I'm in charge. It's awesome.

Dave: Yeah, so what about that lady who is your mother's age? I mean, what does that tell you about us? Being out there and doing this no matter what age you are, where you're at, where you come from, what you look like you know what your beliefs are? What would be what have you learned from this experience?

Sara: What I've learned is definitely you know, you are your worst enemy. You are putting yourself in front of your goals and your dreams. So if you don't change your mindset of hey, like I can do this and get away from the what ifs and I can't and that what other people think about you, it doesn't really matter as long as you're doing what's best for you, and what you want to do and so once I put all that aside and actually just learned the skill, took action and was consistent with action. That's all I've ever done in my results show. I mean, if you go into the program, knowing that you're going to commit yourself an hour a day to learn and take action as you're learning there's no doubt in my mind that you will succeed but you are in charge. And if you aren't going to put in the time or take the action, well then of course you're gonna fail. So you really have to look in the mirror and figure out okay, am I going to commit myself to this? Am I going to put in the time and effort and potentially change my entire life? Because it can be done. 

Dave: Yeah, I totally agree with that. I totally agree with that. And we'll talk about your strategy here in a second. I know you've got a tick tock. You've been doing some Instagram marketing. It's not like you've exploded your channels to hundreds of 1000’s of followers and you're this big guru now. You've got a modest tick tock channel of 34 ish 1000 followers, which really nowadays you're one video away from anybody getting 30 or 40,000 followers on on TikTok, I mean, I'm sure any day now as your content gets better, your account is just gonna snowball. You've got a modest eight what is it? Eight almost nine, are we talking Instagram?

Sara: Yeah, like almost 900. 

Dave: That's modest. 

Sara: I'm happy. I mean, the people that are following me or you know, intrigued and, you know, communicate back and forth. So I do love the community that has followed me.

Dave: Yeah, I mean, we'll put all of your links up here in a moment, but I want people to really hear this and really realize that you can, you can really build freedom in a chief. I mean, Sarah is quitting her job tomorrow, everybody. She's quitting her job tomorrow. She put in our two weeks notice, and she has a modest following on Tik Tok of 34,000 followers. And as of right now 895 followers on Instagram. So it doesn't take you, it's about the strategy, and it's about are you monetizing your audience? You can the I know people who can make more money with a list of 1000 people than many do with an email list. Of 50,000 Because it's about how you build relationships and communities and how much they trust you. So what are some of your tips about how to build a business with a modest sized following? What have you done to be able to turn that modest sized following into buyers and into consistent profit?

Sara: Okay, yeah, so I was new to TikTok in August of this year. I didn't post anything. I had zero followers. So I have grown that account from zero to 34,000 in this time span. So consistency and action are the two number one things that I would say are the most important, aside from learning the skill because you have to learn to be able to produce but you switch the mindset from consuming you know whatever's on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook to to being the producer of it. So I purposely just go on my phone now to post and I'm very in and out and then I have a set time frame in my day of when I go on to respond to comments and to respond to emails. So I'm taking action growing from zero to 34 was just consistency posting, you know, in the beginning three times a day and now I've cut back to two times a day because I also take really good control of the drafts in Tik Tok and Instagram so I have content that I produce on one day, but then I have you know, 15 to 20 videos ready to go out so I just, you know, monetize my time and have a alarm systems going off to Hey, this is what you should post each day every day so I don't miss a beat. That's helped.

Dave: So what I'm hearing is you are so on purpose with your time and so on purpose with how you use your devices such as your phone, so you ensure that your devices and these platforms don't use you. Absolutely. Okay. I think that's huge. And I really hope that is really heard clearly by everyone. So what are some of the things that you have done in terms of your content in terms of getting people to, you know, to consume the content and then actually turn into a lead to you because a lot of people will have videos and be getting views, but they're not not actually turning those views into leads.

Sara: Gotcha. So I definitely utilized the blueprints from legendary and then I would always go back and walk through the TikTok aspect as it has really good resources. And tips on what to produce for your content as well as the same thing for Instagram. And so I use those and then I never break the wheel. I just make my own spin on the wheel that's already working. So I go out there and look at the creators that are producing. Well, you know, maybe I am in the next step or ahead of me in this game or in this entrepreneurial pathway. So I look at them, see what they're doing, what's working already, and then I just make it not essentially copy but make it my own. So not breaking the wheel. You don't have to reinvent anything and that has been also a major key point for how people are engaging in the content and then actually taking steps to clicking the link in my bio and then seeing that, you know, my results produce. I mean, it just makes sense. 

Dave: Well you mentioned the blueprints and you know I know we do this show every day it's free. And maybe there's some of you who have taken the challenge and think that you know, the challenge is you know, the challenge and maybe this free show and you've kind of got maybe a freebie seeker mindset to where you're going to try to build a business by just kind of hanging out on the college campus versus actually getting in class. And maybe you're viewing the investment into the blueprints as something that's cost rather than an investment. But what you just outlined was that you started our training four months ago, you bought our Blueprints. You've used the exact steps in the exact instruction, step by step without deviating and by managing your time which ultimately is your responsibility. I mean it does not unfortunately, we can't do this. The blueprints don't come along with a personal accountability person that's gonna fly out to your house and sit next to you on the couch and say, Alright, Sarah, it's time to get up and you know, it you have to actually do your part, right so you've taken the step by step instruction from the blueprints that we provided an outline there, combine that with good time management, and be really being a creator and not a consumer and in basically it sounds like from those two ingredients. What you've cooked up here is freedom. In my right, yeah, I couldn't have said it better. And why do you think so many people will spend so much time trying to avoid what they view as a cost. Instead of just putting the money where their mouth is sitting in class, learning the skill sets in the strategies. Why will people spend so many months Why will people spend so many years freebie seeking YouTube? Diving, Guru jumping, instead of just when they see it day after day, especially in a community like this and legendary? Why do you think what you think is holding people back and what do you tell people about the ROI that you've gotten from that blueprint investment?

Sara: Yeah, so the one word that keeps coming to my mind is fear. People are fearful. They don't want to, you know, spend the money to purchase the blueprints because what if it doesn't work? What if they don't succeed? And then they just lost that money, right? So they're not thinking it as if they're in control because if you're in control and you're putting your money where your mouth is, then there should be no need that you're not going to succeed because you already have in the back of your head like I'm purchasing this I'm investing in myself there's no way for me not to there's no way for me not to check sale because I've invested time and my hard earned money into this. That's exactly how I thought about it. I was like, Okay, there's just no way that I'm going to fail because this is my money. This is my time. This is my life. And I wanted more than what this world has told us about, you know, to I went to college I got a degree I got a job. And you know, now minimum wage is $15 an hour. I didn't make $15 an hour until I was at my full time salary job that I am now resigning because I had made in three months more money in this side hustle business than I had in my three months salary that I went to school for. And I went to school for business management. I took marketing classes, but never once that I hear what affiliate marketing was. And I don't think it's a coincidence that they don't teach that because it's lucrative. They want you to be in the rat race of life for your entire life. You can work for somebody else instead of making money work for you. And people don't understand that you have to grasp that concept. And that other mindset that's just not out there. It's the unknown. And once people realize that there's a different way to live your life, not by somebody else's terms or time then we're going to be living in a world that's just full of abundance and opportunity for everyone. 

Dave: So I think we're moving in that direction. I think that's why you're seeing the job numbers go down. People are figuring out ways to stay and be able to work from home or work for companies like legendary where we allow we don't micromanage our people. We hire top notch people who are intrapreneurial, which means that they're entrepreneurial, but one who works inside of a team. And they're just moving away from, as you said, the rat race in the factory worker scheme that I believe in this country and a lot of the world but I'm going to speak specifically about America, the American dream, okay. Is a lot and that is the American Dream is a is is a mountain of debt in the world on top of you, by the time you're 30 Okay, and you want to have kids and you're you're you've got $100,000 in student loans, you've got a job that you can't afford to to to support kids. You don't live in the neighborhood that you want to live in and all you did your entire life was follow everybody else's instructions about what you should do. And they told you that if you just do this, you're going to live the American dream. And you're not living the American dream. You're living the American nightmare. And the powers that be whether it be the government heads of big corporations, I don't know I don't give a shit. I have known about this scheme for decades. Okay, this scam of starting us out little Johnny sitting in the front of the room being trained to sit there and take instruction from a boss, a teacher, right? And then graduate college takes on debt, takes on credit cards to where now I've got so much debt by the time I graduate college. I have to take whatever I can get. I have to take whatever I can get, because I have no confidence. I can't breathe. I'm already in debt. So I have to take whatever I can get. And then I get stuck in the rat race. And by the time I meet somebody, if I have a family, I don't have time and energy to focus on learning how to build a business. So my friends, you're hearing it laid out in plain speak if this doesn't speak to you this morning, nothing will nothing will if this doesn't speak to you this morning. Stop watching our shows. Stop being a part of our community. Just go back and just live that American nightmare and stop looking around. Because this doesn't convince you what we're saying here this morning laying it out in such plain speak with results like Sara’s of course but what what hundreds of days, day after day of putting people in front of you who said, Look, I stopped walking around on campus. And instead I bought the class and I sat in class and I learned the strategies and then I put them to work and now I'm free. If this doesn't speak to you this morning, stop watching. Like stop tuning in, stop playing with yourself. Because it's not going to get any more clear than this. And it's not going to get any more real than this. What comes up for you as I say all that Sarah?

Sara: So if I was 18, again, just graduated high school, figuring out what I was going to do if I would have known about affiliate marketing five, six years ago, I would have never went to college. Never because I couldn't imagine what I would have gotten done in four years and then the four after that I've been out where I would be at right now. So if I could just tell anybody who's thinking about maybe going to college, don't know what they want to do hate school, like pay the $7 and then invest in yourself to learn the high paying skills to make your own business. I mean, I'm living proof that this works. So if you and I can speak about until we're blue in the face and some people aren't going to understand but the people that this resonates with, I think will put a fire in them to skyrocket and you know, flip that switch in their mind to go after what their purpose in life is for because it's not for it's not working for somebody else until they're 65 and then they can't maybe retire. But if not then they're too old to go traveling do things that they wanted when they could have when they were in their 20s When they were mid 30s.

Dave: I think it’s also about happiness. And I think it's also about feeling good about what you're doing in knowing that you're moving in a direction that is going to be rewarding, and that you're going to ultimately when you lay your head down at night feel good about and not dread waking up the next day do you agree with that?

Sara: Oh 1,000% Yes, I am looking forward to each and every morning. And it's just getting more and more surreal as tomorrow comes so yeah, I couldn't agree


Dave: Yeah, yeah. Well, listen, there are a lot of things we could get into a lot of details. But you know what, you already said it, the details are in the training. That's where you got the information. And so there's really no need to you know, rehash that it's kind of like the the the you know, the entrance to freedom is for you to put some skin in the game like everybody else has and if you don't want to do that, you know if you don't if you just want to hang out on campus in free be YouTube dot you know the YouTube Live dive down into the rabbit holes and jumping from webinar to webinar and you want to continue to do what Sarah I heard you so clearly say that I own my time on my devices. I only get on my devices to create not to consume because the truth is, we have 1000s of ideas like if you really apply yourself, you've got 1000s of ideas, just simply from the training that you've gone through in attending these wakeup lives. You don't need any more ideas. You don't need any more. You don't need to do any research and development alone. We lie to ourselves tail I'm scrolling because I'm doing you know what the truth of the matter is, is that our problem as entrepreneurs is not ideas. We got ideas for days. Our problem is execution. And I heard very clearly about today from you. So thank you about how you manage your time and if you all miss that this might be the episode that you need to go back and re-listen to just like on the way to the office or my other house this morning. I really listened to a song a few times. So if you're capable of re-listening to music a song maybe some of y'all are bumper that Mariah Carey All I Want For Christmas whatever you got on repeat. This might be the episode that you need to go back and re-listen to to light that fire under your ass to remind you that there is no secret the secret is to invest in the training, listen to the training, use the training, and then manage your time in don't let the platform's use you. Can I drop a mic right there? Sarah, thank you for your time and thank you for your wonderful energy and your amazing action that you've taken so we can have such an inspirational show. I can't wait to have you back. I love everything about you and I want to try to give you as much of a platform as I possibly can. I just messaged Matt, as we were talking and I said that this chick is gold. She's awesome. It's not because you're there's anything like that anybody else is not capable of, it's that you just are a prime example of what's possible. When you just have an open mind. You put your skepticism aside, you open your mind up, you take training, you follow the instructions, you also go with your gut you say hey, are these guys like right? You followed your intuition? And you got connected in the right community, took our training and put it into action? Four months later, you're quitting your job? Are those results typical? No. Does that happen for most people? No. And that's what we're trying to change here is because that can happen for you or anyone else. And so Sarah, it did happen for you. And you know why? Because of you Because you did the deal. And so I hope that today you can take in from me those words, add it to your self esteem, add it to your confidence and know that I am both impressed and proud of you and can't wait to continue to work with you. Help you and give you a platform to speak and inspire people like you did this morning.

Sara: Thank you so much, Dave. It's really really much appreciated. I love Legendary, I’m very, very grateful for it. 

Dave: We are grateful that you're here and that you found us so thank you to the older lady, as you said Who is your mother's age who ultimately you saw something that pointed you in this direction. All right. We'll talk to you soon. 

Sara: Thank you. Bye. All right, you can go and follow Sarah on TikTok at Sara Simmons underscore underscore, okay, @sarasimmons__ there's a double underscore there at the end at Sara Simmons underscore underscore, folks. I feel like Ric Flair. Whoa, baby. I'm fired up. I'm fired up. I don't know about you. Fired up this morning, baby. Let go. Who's ready? Come on now. This is one of those that you need to re-listen to, my friends. Peace and love. Be Legendary. Get your asses out of here. Let's have a kick. Ass Thursday. Peace.


The Secret to Staying Consistent In Affiliate Marketing Social Media Posting

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Hey. Hey Greetings, everybody. Welcome in. Happy Wednesday, December 15. My name is Matt, if you don't already know me, I am here. I'm live. And we've got awesome guests. To this. We go live every Monday, Friday at 10am Eastern time. And so I'm out here in Phoenix at 8am. And we go live, we bring on a new guest every single day. We've been doing this for nearly two years, every single day. People in our community affiliates of ours, people who have taken our challenge with purchasing our blueprints and got started advertising or whatever. And long story short. There's just a lot of people who are doing cool stuff. And I'm going to bring on Chris here. So if you can, if you're in the comments, help me welcome on to the show, Chris.

Chris: What's up, everyone? Thanks for having me on the show.

Matt: Heck, yeah. Heck yeah. Where are you calling in from? 

Chris: I'm from Marlton, New Jersey, on the east coast.

Matt: Right on. Awesome. Okay. So tell us a little bit about your world, your journey going from? Well, you still have a full time job, which is cool. By the way. A lot of people hate that. I think using a full time job to help fund a side hustle is smart. That's just my opinion. But you're so you tell us how you got started online. Tell us how you service and drop shipping. I think I read through a little bit about your questionnaire. Yeah, tell us why you got started in the onset. What were you after? What were you seeking?

Chris: So obviously back in 2020, we had a little issue with a pandemic. It didn't affect me with my livelihood. I was still working. But I asked myself, There's got to be a better way to generate some kind of an income from home. I mean, I work with my hands, I'm an electrician like a mechanic, so I'm always out in the grind of working with my hands. So eventually I said to myself, I need to develop something where I can work from home, and I can start making an income from home. So what I did was started doing some research and started dropshipping. And when I was dropshipping, there were a lot of negative comments about it, but I wanted to try it. So I used eBay for drop shipping and I was pretty successful with it. Like right off the right out of the gate. It actually worked really well for me. And now I wasn't only doing drop shipping. I was actually buying and reselling. So I started like an ecommerce Store with Shopify when I moved on to eBay and then, like one day, I'm just scrolling through tick tock, just like everybody else. And you hear about this affiliate marketing program. And yeah, I clicked on it and one thing led to another and yeah, here, here I am really? 

Matt: Dang good. That's crazy. Yeah, I mean, that's cool that you had access to with the Drop Shipping. Tell us about what was your experience in terms of workload and just overall and you don't have to hate it. I don't bring people on that just talk about dropshipping, but more to talk honestly about it. What was your experience with it?

Chris: Honestly, it's a lot of work. Especially when, I mean, you got all these orders to fill, and you got to make sure you're sending them to the right address. I mean, you got to stay on top of it. You gotta be on top of if the wholesaler has a sale or the price. You got to make them adjustments on a on a daily basis. You really got to pay attention to, to that. That process because because you can lose a lot of money if you're not paying attention to it. So you Because I don't recommend it for beginners, just because it is a lot. It is a lot of work. 

Matt: Yeah, it is a ton of work. I used to not really drop shipping but wholesaling. I used to buy these TI 89 calculators when I was in high school. And I took my parents debit card, bought them in bulk on eBay, and then I would sell them individually on eBay. And I have always been dropshipping. I was always like, man, that would have been so much easier. So, okay, so you're popping around on TikTok, you find TikTok. Yeah, you find Legendary, you find our challenge, you start getting into our challenge, you start going through the 15 Day Challenge. What was that experience? Like? Was that all new content to you? Have you heard some of this stuff before?

Chris: So I knew a little bit about affiliate marketing. So I did have a little basic background on it, because of me, going through drop shipping and E commerce stores. So I had a little bit of background for it just because that's how I started with drop shipping. So I didn't know what I was doing. But, I really didn't have any clue what I was doing. So at least I thought I did go through the process. And I mean, I had helped along the way. And, and I just mean I probably want to say I started back in. I want to say I started back in June. I went through the process of using TikTok to run and get a lot of traffic. And I wasn't really having success. In the beginning. It was actually the heart. So then I was actually taken. I was watching some of your videos, I kept asking myself, What am I doing wrong? Because everyone else seems like they're doing it right? But what am I doing wrong? Two weeks. If it doesn't, if it doesn't work in two weeks, I need to scrap it and move on to the next thing. So finally, I was like I need to go back in and I need to really watch Matt's videos of how to properly do this. And I'm not even kidding, dude, as soon as I liked it, I watched the video from start to finish and went through everything. It was like, like, boom. Like, yeah, it was kind of unbelievable. I mean, it just happened to me recently, like all through the summer, I was probably pushing out about I don't know, I would say maybe three, four videos a day. Not getting too many views. The same thing everybody else has a problem with, or most people have a problem with. But, yeah, so once I watched some of those training videos, I mean, it really brought me to the next level.

Matt: That's cool, man. That's really cool. And what happened when you got on TikTok? So you've been on TikTok and social media a little bit. Yes. As opposed to drop shipping. This is if you go on social media and try to start video content and stuff. It's a different ballgame was it? Was it easy? What was that? Like?

Chris: No, it was very, it wasn't easy, because I mean to videotape yourself talking to a piece of plastic, and then watching it. It's a little grimy. It really is. Especially if it's your first time doing but but I mean, you have to step outside that box and you have to step outside that comfort zone for you to succeed, especially in this kind of business.

Matt: What was that? What was that first video like?

Chris:  I mean, it was me talking really fast. Throw my hands in the air. Yeah, not really good money. 

Matt: Did you feel like over time, it's gotten easier, but also, what have you I mean, what's your routine? Like? Do you create a couple videos a day or what's your routine look like?

Chris: So what I do, so I have to be, I'd be my nine to five at 630 in the morning. So 40 Push out work and then I'll respond to a couple people that messaged me. We're all if I have time I'll push out a couple more videos. So yeah, I might store 30 in the morning to start pumping out videos just because I work full time as well. 

Matt: Wow. That's crazy, man. Yeah, I'm hungry. It's a regiment at all. I love that hunger. I I did this Same thing when I was working in coffee, I'd be there at 630 to start coffee roasting and I did the same thing. 4:30am Wake up call, grind and hustle. I go to work every minute during my lunch hour. Definitely guys. The guys that I would work with at the warehouse there, they all passed their cars and went down to Wendy's. I had a salad that I kept in the fridge. plug in my phone charger. I was just locked in. I was listening to training, listening to the stuff that was pushing me. And you know, those guys, they're still there? Yeah, they'll be there, they'll be private forever. It takes that hustle, it takes that sort of spirit of like, I want more and I'm hungry. And then you know, when I get back home from work, I would like I get done with work around three or something. And it back at it. And it was just that I just had the energy for it. When you've got the energy for it. You got to go in. 

Chris: Absolutely. Yeah, you got to be driven.

Matt: Yeah, that's cool. That's cool. For the people who are on here who are trying to create content. What's been your most successful sort of video style? What have you found success in?

Chris: With a nice hook so they stay until the end of the video.

Matt: What do you mean by hook? 

Chris: How to like right away to get to the point. Big bold print. How to generate figures from the comfort of your own home? Things like that. Something big and bold. 

Matt: Absolutely. Okay, and then, and then bring them in with a hook. What's next?

Chris: So then you deliver. So you bring them in with the hook. And then you kind of walk along the process? You want to keep it high energy all the time. Fast paced? 

Matt: Absolutely. Yes, fast pace, because realistically, I mean, TikTok really destroyed almost everybody because our level of concentration literally lasted 15 seconds anyway. So you gotta be quick. And speak clear and speak. Believe in yourself, that's all you gotta do is just believe in yourself that you can actually do it. And I'm like, you know, like, you know, coming in with a sort of, really captivating focus is key. And usually. Yeah, we can say for 30 seconds, man is everything, you have to capture their attention. Also got to deliver something that's a value and I usually tell people to make that edutainment educational, entertaining. And you know, I've also had videos where I ended the video before a call to action, and I was like mid word on the last one. And then it just ends. People end up watching again, because they're like did I miss something there? There’s little viral hacks you can do too.

Chris: Yeah, yeah, I’ll keep that in mind.

Matt: Yeah. You gotta play around with it. And I think I think one thing that you know, I guess this is just coming up for me right now because I'm, I've been sort of thinking about it. But one thing that I've been thinking about is how, largely, people underestimate their creative abilities, especially when they're new. Right? So what people in this industry do a lot of times is they just look at what other people are doing. And then they are wrong with that. But I will say people who have really taken off in our community and grow exponentially not just linear but hockey stick growth curve. They’ve taken ideas from other places and industries and modeled content after other people but what they've done is elevated or taken it to a really funny or creative space and when I see it it's not that hard but they really take a belief in their creativity. Like this guy Ian for example. He stuck a little apple on his finger and people were like what the hell's he doing? Which gave him a couple 100,000 followers in the course a month. And not just him, his front end sales by at least five if not 10x. So it wasn't a good idea that was really powerful. That was a video that learned that and we'll see if it works. And I'm going to cut a hole in this apple and put my finger on it like this and flip it behind my head. For those of you who are out there watching this thinking about how do I create some really valuable content, just don't underestimate yourself and your ability to do so eight people assume that they can't do something as good as you know, somebody who has 100,000 or 500,000 followers or something, that's just not the truth, right? Truth is, you could probably do it better. There's actually as much as there's a bunch of creativity in the business sense where people are actually running businesses. When people get really creative, they explode. I've seen dentists, chiropractors, ah fat guys, construction guys, every niche industry on TikTok, and those are those people who are creative and make it a little bit fun. Absolutely. Especially the dentists and lawyers and stuff, they make it fun when their business blows up, right. And I think that people need to tap in more to that fun element of TikTok, while also being a great marketer, that sort of the magic formula is bringing fun and just happiness and joy to people. You're also being calculated specifically. Clear market or to what right up to you, as I say that.

Matt: What comes up for you as I say that?

Chris: Yeah, I mean, I would definitely say creativity is definitely key. I mean, it really, it takes one video for you to really take off like you were saying, but yeah, being creative and not thinking of new ideas. And, being on top of that. I mean, the key is being creative.

Matt: Yeah, for sure. I think Russell Brunson says something like Are you familiar with Russell Brunson? He's the owner of Clickfunnels. He says his big thing is you're only one funnel away. Right? Right. And I ‘ve recently started in our team saying you're only one video away. isn't true. You really are. I mean? go in a week, go from zero to maybe in a couple of weeks. But oh no, I've seen people grow 10s of 1000s of followers a little bit. It's been a couple months since I did that, but I just have one video way. You're one video from going viral away and everything exploding. And it's just a very unique platform. It's a very unique time. So for people who are, I want to give you the ability to speak to people who are just starting, maybe they've tried drop shipping, I can't tell you the amount of times that people have come on the show for them like, I started with drop shipping, I started to drop shipping. So common, but they're just getting started. I want to give you the last word to speak to them and give us a little bit of inspiration to not stop to stay hungry for those people who are just starting. Maybe they tried dropshipping or Amazon or E commerce or something like that. What would you say to those people?

Chris: Don't give up. Just because you're posting three videos a day, and you're only getting 50 views doesn't mean anything, you're just you're just starting the process. The process just started. As long as you stick with it, you show up every single day, you don't get discouraged, and you keep putting out content every single day, you're going to be successful.

Matt: It is true with a little bit of consistency, especially over time, I find that staying consistent over time, especially in this industry where people come and go so frequently. Being consistent over time is a big thing. Well, Chris, thanks for taking time out of your morning and in the midst of a full time job in the midst of all sorts of life going on. Yeah, we really appreciate that. And we'd love to have you come back. Your business is still crushing. If you want to come back in a couple months, and we can check in and see how things are going we'd love that. 

Chris: Yeah, I’d love that too. So Chris, thanks for coming on man. Hey, thanks for having me

and guys stick with it. Don't give up. 

Matt: Awesome All right. Kill some allergies today. Guys, I'm going to put up Chris's TikTok here. You can go follow him and let him know that you found him on our show.

Give him a follow on TikTok @CJT8619 He's a good dude. Good deed to follow. Make sure to follow him on TikTok and also put it in the comments just in case you lose it. And yeah, we'll be back here at the same time, same place tomorrow. 10am Eastern. Peace out everybody.



A New Take On Fake It Till you Make It

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends? It's Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary. Yeah, yeah. All right, my friends. Look, we have a guest this morning. Her name is Robin. She has a new take on fake it until you make it. Alright. As you can see this morning, I'm showing off some beautiful art from my daughter. She gave it to me recently for my birthday so please enjoy it. And also help me welcome to the show. Robin. What's up? You're really live this time.

Robin: Yes. Really live. Really here.

Dave: Welcome to the show. My family is from upstate New York. Part of it anyways, my mother's side. Jamestown Where are you calling in from?

Robin: Awesome so I'm actually I'm from upstate New York but I live in Wisconsin in Madison

Dave: Have you been there all your life

Robin: I lived in New York pretty much my whole life.

Dave: Tell us how you found legendary and a little bit about who you are?

Robin: Yeah, absolutely. So my daughter is 17 year old. She obviously loves TikTok as like any other teenager, I think so she kind of introduced me to tic tac earlier this year, I would say and then I just kind of started going on there a little bit more. And then I saw people making money there. And I was like, This can't be real. And I'm just gonna keep ignoring it. So I did for a really long time. And then I started to, you know, get more interested. And the more I looked into it, and like looked into the programs and stuff, that's when I found legendary. There was one person in particular that I kept following, and I'm like, she is such a real person. Like she's not scammy or anything. Like I can't believe that she's putting all this out there if it's not real. So she's the one that got me to sign up. So, yeah. 

Dave: And who is that? 

Robin: Jessica Zion

Dave: She was just mentioned yesterday. She was just mentioned yesterday. And I know Jessica, I just anyways. Well, that's awesome. She must be kicking some major tail out there and, and touching some hearts and some minds of some folks. So. So what happened once you signed up and began going through the challenge?

Robin: Yeah. Um, so I signed up. Gosh, I want to say it was like late September. And my current job is like, regular job. I work a lot. I'm like a pharmacy retail manager. And it's very demanding. So I was like, I don't know if I'd really devote even an hour or two or two a day to it. So I was really nervous starting so I signed up and then I didn't even start for probably like a week later. So I Yeah, so I finally did.

Dave: So you just kind of signed up like you bought it and then you just like clicked out. And then you were like, I'll get back to this kind of thing. 

Robin: Well, I think I signed up. And in my mind, I was like, if I do this, I know that I'm going to have to come back and actually follow through with it. Instead of if I just keep scrolling. Like it was one of those times where I was like, You know what I'm doing it. So I signed up. And like I obviously didn't start right away, but I knew I couldn't. It was probably like a Monday or Tuesday or something I don't know. And so then yeah, it was probably a week or so later than I was like right today is today like this is When I'm going to start, and that I did pretty decent at doing it like once a day after that, but then, like waiting for the decade in the day, I think it was like, had like a week in between. So it probably took like, a little over three weeks to get through all the training and stuff.

But yeah, that was that's kind of how I got started. It was like, I knew I wanted to do it. And I think just that first little step really pushed me to kind of get going instead of snapping like the scroll.

Dave: Right, right, right, the old scroliosis. Has anybody ever come? Do you have any medication for that at the pharmacy? That diagnosis, the old scroliosis? Because I think we could all use a couple of doses of that each day.

Robin: Yeah. If there was, it would be out of stock daily.

Right, right, right. Like go to the farmers and be like, my thumb just won't stop doing this here. Dave: We need to put our thumbs, we put our hands and our thumbs in like, in like those thumb braces. Yes. Wow, that I better quit sharing that might be a million dollar idea. Like I come on, like, and I'm like, Are you struggling with the unstoppable scroll? Well, you may be suffering from scroliosis and we have the gear, put your hand in this thing. And your fingers can move, but your thumb can oh my gosh, seller, it would be absolutely two easy payments of $19.95. And if you buy now we'll double your order, one for you and one for your spouse.

And not only that, you're gonna throw in another one too. Yeah, my wife Yeah, she's talking about the things you can lock your phone in a box, and you can open it for a certain amount of time. But like, I know, people who have done that, and then broke into the box. So, okay, so like this, fake it till you make it thing. You know, we titled this show a new take on fake it to make it. So explain to us what you mean by that.

Robin: So like I said, my current job is pretty demanding. And I probably worked like, I don't know, a really easy week, it's 40 hours, maybe 45. But then it just goes up from there. So I would say especially in the beginning, there were times where I would get frustrated, like I wanted to put more time into this and into learning in and out really quickly. That even though you think you have time to do it, you have to be mentally ready to learn and to like, like, receive that information so that it's actually valuable to you. So I feel like I spent too much time getting frustrated and you know, getting down on myself for that and then learned how to turn it positive. And so that's where like the fake it till you make it kind of comes in, like instead of being negative, and having that mentality that, you know, this is harder than you think it is. Or it's gonna take more time than you think it will. As soon as I turned it into a positive like, Okay, I have the half an hour, I can truly devote myself to, you know, me doing a video or relearning this bit. And that's what I can do today. So as soon as I was I kind of changed it to just be positive about it instead of being negative. Like I wasn't getting further really only like baby steps and but it still changed everything because I was retaining what I was learning and then growing from that instead of just getting frustrated with things

Dave: Yeah. So basically in our our use let me let me repeat back to to see if I am understanding kind of how you're you're the context of what you're saying. Are you saying that basically even though I'm frustrated even though this is difficult and hard? Basically, I'm I'm going to just kind of pretend it's fun in pretend that I'm happy doing it. And then it somehow if I speak that into existence in pretend that it's fun Like, eventually, after a couple of minutes or whatever, it becomes fun, because I'm unlike almost going back into my I don't know, inner child and like, pretend it like is that what you're saying is that the perspective that you're kind of viewing things through?

Robin: I think kind of that's kind of exactly what I'm saying, like, because I think the more that I was positive about it, like, I could see that I was making progress. And even though maybe it wasn't exactly where I wanted to be, it will still progress. Whereas before, like, I was being really negative about it. I wasn't making progress, I was just feeling defeated, you know. And I would just, you know, make it a point to stay positive, and just to try to learn one thing, like every day, and even now, I still do that, because, obviously, there's so much more that I can learn, I think everyone can always learn more, that that's what's so great about this community. And, you know, the Facebook group, for me, has been like the best source to go to, it's amazing. You can go in there and just search keywords, and that will bring up loads of discussions, and then you realize you're not on an island by yourself. And there's other people that had the same questions that you did, and maybe you don't even have to post in there, because they've already answered it for you. 

Dave: Also, as you said that your blueprint student, is that right? 

Robin: Yep. 

Dave: So if you go into the replays of the weekly coaching calls, you know, you can also search that page. And you can even do a quick search command F. And that'll bring up a little search bar on your, you know, your screen. And if you got a bridge page or an email question you could quickly in likely, there's already also a training on that. Over 100 replays of those weekly training calls. So for those of you who are blueprints, students, there's a lot more gold in there. Sometimes the gold comes from just the discussions or the training calls. It's not always in a video where it's like me training and just speaking, it's a lot. There's a lot of gold in those Thursday coaching calls in the discussion. And you're right, Robin, somebody has had there's not an if it's who had the question, and how recently was it and exactly what you're dealing with. And I'm glad that you're finding it just simply in the Facebook community, which we have a couple. We have one that's kind of a general public, we have one for the blueprints, and then we have one for affiliates. So we also try to keep our Facebook groups here at Legendary, very specific and on topic. So keep in mind, if you're new to the community, we do have those three, Facebook community groups. So you could be a little bit more laser targeted with your question, depending on what it's about. Absolutely, yes.

Robin: I should have mentioned that. Also, I think there were a couple times that even when I went into Facebook to search for something, it was redirected. Like the conversation that I was following redirected you back to the blueprints, and I was like, Okay, so that's exactly where that is. And then I could go back to that piece too. Whereas I wouldn't even have thought of that before just going back. But sometimes it's like, it's a lot of information and destroying neckpieces Search and narrow it down really helps.

Dave: Yeah, yeah, I think the way that we've ended up being able to structure our education, you're fine. Relax, like, whatever sounds and things that are happening in your life, like are totally cool. And you can mute yourself out on this as well if you want to do so just but no, totally, totally chill. It's all good. If your dog barks or your phone goes off or whatever I'm I'm not gonna I'm not the the Angry Grandpa over here who's kind of we want people to know that this is real and this is live and this is what you know, we, we I want to with this show, allow everybody to be more comfortable with themselves on camera and know that perfectionism is one of the number one things that will kill both your happiness in life because I've struggled with that in my life. And I and I'm really really growing through a lot of perfectionism right now and have been recently but also in your business, trying to put out content that's perfect trying to make the perfect video trying to it doesn't exist the perfect relationship the perfect Perfect video, the perfect landing page, like, the perfect, anything does not exist. And I think that, you know, the quicker that we can, you know, accept that and not just accept it but embrace it, like celebrate it, like really film it in, put it out, like the speed of implementation is a lot of times one of the, the biggest, I think steps that we can take in terms of, okay, this now that I'm recording and uploading without watching it and picking it apart and cringing, and blah, blah, blah, because you know what, I'll cringe at my own content too. I don't go and rewatch these lives. I don't go in to rewatch my videos, I record them once. Because we all cringe at our own stuff, our voice, we've been picking ourselves apart our whole life, we can be completely beautiful. And, and, you know, with with, just like you, Robin, I mean, you know, somebody, somebody would look at you and say cut and people have, I've seen the comment, she's beautiful, you're beautiful. But I bet that all through your life, there's been certain things that you've picked apart about yourself, right lately, and, and we all do that. And so the quicker when we get into this marketing game that we can create and launch, like get it out, like just post it don't get and I think that a little bit of a challenge with tick tock and some of these things where we're going back through editing things, is it we're almost forced to rewatch them, which can be a barrier to ours posting it. But man, I'm telling you, the one of the biggest if everybody can just grasp that like that one concept of speed, success follows speed. And nowadays, it's about especially with TikTok putting out three to five pieces of content per day. So, you know, if you want to have a full time job, or you just want to work less hours, creating and then just posting versus picking it apart, and re-recording all this stuff is absolutely a major success hack to get eaten results faster.

Robin: Absolutely. I think the time that I spent on like in the very beginning making videos, it just blows my mind to think back like man, I could have made like, three or four videos and that time that it took me to edit one video, and nobody cares. Nobody cares if your hair is parted weird. Like, they don't notice that it doesn't matter. You know, and that's just, that's a huge piece too, to learn and hopefully embrace like very early on so that you don't waste all that time. Because that's you're not going to get that back.

Dave: Totally. And like, just just for me, I like to be totally transparent and even call out the things that I've done that have helped me. You know, my old self would have been ill or no way that's not possible. Like I used to even as a guy like when I was going to record a video, I thought that I would want to pick out an outfit and you have a different outfit and every video and all this different country. I mean, I'm telling you, you know, it's not just women who feel like they need to get ready for the camera. It's also men. I mean, men deal with that as well. Clean shaven, you know, oh, I got a zit. I haven't had a shower yet today. Right. And when I started doing the Wake Up Legendary show, because we had always done it. But when I took it over and started doing it every day besides Wednesday, when Matt does it, I can't remember exactly at what point when I was like, Okay, this is too stressful. And I just was like, I'm wearing the same shirt every day. And I'm gonna wear a hat every day. Because I don't want to worry about how I look at my hair or what I'm gonna wear. And that's what I've done. For literally two years I've worn a black shirt or would have worn a Be Legendary hat. Sometimes the shirt is the same shirt and it's just laying on the couch that I wore three days in a row. And I just pick it up and put it on. I don't care anymore. I don't care if I'm clean shaven. I don't care if I got a big gnarly zit like I do right now on my neck that feels like there's three ingrown hairs in it. Do you know what I mean? I don't care anymore. You know what I mean? And I think and you know what, the content is better, we've been more successful with it. And I'm just having fun, and people love it. And they can tell that I'm more relaxed. You know what I mean? That's been my experience with getting comfortable in the speed of implementation piece. I would imagine, you know, you are not really being a fan of probably wearing a hat. Right?

Robin: Not usually no.

Dave: How do you deal with that? I mean, how do you deal with the feeling like you need to get ready for, you know, all that kind of stuff? Like, are you? Are you battling with that at all? Like, what right now is keeping you from publishing? Fast as fast as you could possibly be? And what do you think that you could do in the next week? Or a month or so to? To kind of speed that up?

Robin: Absolutely. I think from where I started to where I am now, I think I've improved drastically and care about what I look like on camera. But I can definitely still improve. Like, I remember the first time that I did a video without makeup on. And I was like, Oh my gosh, this is horrendous. And I just hit the post. And it was fine. And I'm like, like, Why? Why do we care about that so much, you know. So I think, I think it's just going to be like a continuous kind of progress to improve on it. And you're, you're probably going to get better every day. But now, I give myself time limits, and I tried. I have a 17 year old and a two year old and the two year old is refusing to nap on the weekends now. So I used to do a lot of videos on the weekends. And even some of the last ones I just posted, you can see he's like, on the side of me, because he snuck in last night, get a video and I'm like, all right. But it's, you know, I tried to do them in groups, and I'm like, I haven't any more and I'm going to do, you know, shoot 10 videos, at least an hour. And then I can go back and edit them when we're, you know, watching TV at night or something like that. But I like just setting that time and knowing what my goal is for that time and being like, alright, can't worry about that, because I got three more to do at least that helped me to not spend too much time on it.

Dave: Yeah, it's a goal. I love it. And I think that it makes you more relatable and more. More real, you've got kids, you know, especially if you're in the make money online, side hustle, entrepreneur niche. And you're talking about building a business, having time freedom, being home with your kids, like, like, stop trying to hide your kids from like, talking to all of us, you know, like we don't need to hide our kids in the fact that we're at home in life is happening inside of our home. You know, I'm not saying go put your kids on camera. If you don't, we'll put it but if a kid runs by in the background or climbs up on you during a video, it actually only makes the video cuter. Yeah, actually only makes the video like more relatable, and relatable.

Robin: Yes, exactly. Makes you look like a real person. Because those are the people you're trying to talk to, oh, they're real people, and they want to make more money or want to start making money online because they're probably not ready. Oh, they want to find a way to work that into their everyday life. And that's Yeah, I agree.

Dave: Totally. Well. Gosh, thank you for a really powerful conversation this morning. And I know that you're breaking out of your comfort zones. You said that in the email that you wrote us when we invited you on the show. And you know, it looks great on you. You know, it looks like you're getting outside of it. I know this show was probably even you stepping outside of your comfort zone. So it looks fantastic on you. You're doing a fantastic job. Keep up the great work. We got your TikTok. People can go and reach out and follow you and support you and lift you up and gain inspiration from you and follow your journey. And please come back and keep us posted here in a couple of months on how it's going.

Robin: Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me, this was awesome.

All right. Robin will talk to you soon. Okay, see. All right, my friends. You can go and follow Robin on TikTok @sidehustlehackswrobin short for with Robin. Yeah, wow, a lot of powerful, a lot of powerful topics there in that conversation from the fake it till you make it, which to me is about getting a different perspective, you know. And even Yeah, I mean, tapping into your inner child and just pretending, you know, I think sometimes we forget, like, what it's like to both pretend and what it's like to dream, and what it's like to play. You know, a lot of times, I tell and have been told, learn how to play, learn how to play again, you know, you don't always have to work, everything doesn't always have to be hard and miserable. We forget how to play and be playful. And I think that's one of the biggest things that we can take away and implement into our marketing is just playfulness, and, and pretending. And we don't have to lie. But we can be whoever we want, you can be the most confident version of yourself, you can be the most, you know, outrageous version of yourself, you can be the happiest version of yourself, you know, like you can be that you can give yourself permission to pretend at first, to be the most confident, most successful, most happiest version of yourself. And then what's weird about it is that, you know, some really smart scientists that know a lot about brains have told us recently that we can rewire our brain, if we act yourself into a new way of thinking will eventually start believing that about ourselves, that we actually are the happiest version of ourselves the most confident version of ourselves. So, yeah, really listen to this one. If if that resonates with you, and really give Robin a follow and follow along with her journey and see how she's doing it, because I can tell you that her primary job is working, you know, managing pharmacies, and in all that stuff, those people are stressed out, I see it. I was just in the pharmacy the other day, and it's a demanding job. And so every day, we're seeing people, you know, plus two year old, 17 year old. Come on, we're seeing people who are building businesses who also have lots of other things going on in their lives, and they're still doing it. And they're coming up with creative ways to do it and be happy about it in bringing out their most confident and happy versions of themselves. I mean, there is so much gold in this conversation. And in these conversations that we're having every day with our actual students and clients. It's just unbelievable. So make sure that you text WUL to 813-296-8553. I'll leave that up on the screen. So you can get a little notification in the morning. It's a reminder, it's a text message that'll send you right here to the show every morning on Facebook and make it a routine to tune in and listen in common and engage and and just soak up all of this gold because it's so powerful to immerse yourself in this community. For a significant amount of time you will come out on the other side, a changed person, the best version of yourself why? Because every day you're listening to powerful, powerful, inspirational invaluable conversations and content that will help you break through your limiting beliefs. And that my friend is how you become the best version of yourself. Be Legendary my friends, get out of here. We'll see you back here for another episode tomorrow.


How to Create KILLER Posts For Social Media


Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What is up, my friends welcome to wake up legendary. My name is Dave Sharpe and it is Monday and we've got yet another guest, another student to talk to, to have a conversation with see how she's doing with our training, see how she's doing with her business and that's what this show it's all about. It's not about having gurus on and, you know, just talking over people's heads and talking, you know about how many jet planes they’re riding in, you know, unrelated in their life. This is about relating to the person who's trying to build a business from the ground up and hearing from people who are just only a few steps ahead just a few months ahead, or a few years ahead so we can deliver real tangible, practical nuggets in tips and experience in stories to help move you along past that first phase of your business whether you're starting or you just need to start over so with that being said, Help me please welcome to the show this morning. Jessica. What's up, Jessica?

Jessica: Hi, how are you?

Dave: I'm fantastic. So you're a full time surgery physician assistant. Is that correct? 

Jessica: Yep. 

Dave: And you still do that full time, right?

Jessica: Yeah. For now.

Dave: What's your goal?

Jessica: Well, I have two young boys, four and 13 months old. I do like my job. I'm not going to bash it or anything like that. I went to school to become a physician assistant. I think it's pretty cool. I work with open heart surgery patients. And I just feel that I do want to continue doing some kind of health care. But I definitely don't want to do it full time. I don't think right now is the time to leave the healthcare industry because it's so needed, but I do need to be home with my kids a little bit more. So my goal ultimately is to do you know, have a little bit of both worlds. You know, I still want to take care of my patients, but I still want to take care of my kids, you know, more.

Dave: Yeah, that's great. That's awesome. And I love that you have a sense of you have a sense of purpose for your work that you do. And I'm sure that that's probably going to carry over to your online business as well. So tell us about that. Tell us how you found us. Tell us how you got started.

Jessica: Like most people are finding it, on TikTok. I actually started following and I know she's been on a lot of the shows and she's been doing really well Jessa Zion. And she's been amazing. We actually formed a little bit of a friendship as well which is pretty motivating and I learned a lot from her. So then I decided to sign up and then I did the challenge back in the summer, like towards the end of the summer. Once the full started, I kinda lifted off a little bit more with it. Once I got used to it and kind of you know was a little bit more comfortable with it. So you know, it's been awesome.

Dave: Yeah, Jessica, you know, I'm gonna be honest with you. We have so many people in our community who are crushing it, that it's hard for me to keep track of everybody. I mean, I'm serious, like, and I'm not. I'm not saying that to joke around. I'm saying you know, there's a lot of I think training and companies out there that I've been a part of before. I don't know what your experience is and sort of the you know, in the the online training or network marketing or the whatever, you know, business training gurus they usually are prancing across the same testimonials the same success stories over and over and over again. And it's always the same faces. It's literally overwhelming for me to keep up with everybody who's succeeding and crushing. So I am so thrilled that you found somebody in Jessica that you know was inspiring to you. And now I'm sure that you are going to turn around and be inspiring and are being inspiring to other people. So how was that? And how has that been like going from student or consumer, one who was being inspired, one who was then consuming content and then getting training to now transitioning to taking action and being that creator who is delivering value and inspiration to others?

Jessica: Well, in the beginning it was a little like I had a little come out of my shell a little bit. I'm usually like the shy type and it was a little hard for me. So I think that it took me a little bit to kind of jump into it. But then you know once I just I you know and I just say just but I do see a lot of people who have done the 15 Day Challenge and who do online marketing and stuff. I do learn a little bit from each and every one of them and I found that the more I know more people are asking me about it and then I'm learning even more by teaching them.

Dave: Nugget alert, nugget alert.

Jessica: So I do talk to people in Facebook groups and stuff. I do like a lot of mom groups and people who are kind in my situation. Actually I'm one of my bigger successes. Finding people who are interested in affiliate marketing are one of the PA mom groups that I am part of on Facebook. And you know, kind of in the same situation as me they love medicine. They love their patients but they're all moms and they want to be home more. And I actually found

in those groups to connect with them and make that transition over from talking about medicine and your jobs to talking about online marketing. So there's a group that close that's called it's a PA mom group with side hustles and a lot of them have like, whatever kind of side hustle that they do and and I've been a part of it I've done and melons in the past and obviously never really was successful with it because of you know, some you know, whatever reason it was for me I know it's you know they could be really successful for other people but for me, I just didn't get it. So every once in a while people are looking for ideas for side hustles I kind of like mentioned. I do where I create, like the canvas, some posts, and then I'll just post it in the group as well. And you know, a lot of people actually take to it.

Dave: Yeah. Canva you mean? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. What a great tool. That is, isn't it? I mean you can take control of your entire designing and creating post so you're using Canva. And what would an example of a Canva post that's done well for you look like or what would it say on it?

Jessica: So there I did a few of them actually. Sometimes when I'm at work if you have downtime, I'll just click create some and I'll basically you know you don't want to give the whole story away on like one post, obviously you want people to ask him more about it. So I would write a little bit about like what I do as far as how I learned affiliate marketing and I would write basically, you know how much time it would take me to do for like a few days and per day and you know, and just the opportunity of staying home in a blur basically, you know, in one to two sentences and make it look pretty and you know, some people like oh, what is this all about? I kind of keep trying to keep them guessing because I feel like the more I chat with people, they're more intrigued about learning about it. So that's how I do it.

Dave: Yeah, nice. So yeah, so Canva like, is such an amazing, it's such an amazing tool like it really is. It's truly unbelievable. Like it's, it's amazing how much stuff we actually create and use from Canva as well. It's hilarious. I'll just show you guys real quick. Like if you're not using Canva then you know what I mean? I don't know. I don't know why you're not. So you can see that we've created in Canva like a bunch of our a bunch of our like, name tags and stuff that we've used event images itinerary like I mean, obviously post and stuff like that. You know, various different images and things. This was an ad that we had made as a quick example of something that we did for a Facebook ad or something like that. But just to kind of show people how like fast it is, you can go in here, Facebook post, it just says right there Facebook post, you can pick a Do you usually pick one of these or do you just make it even simpler and uglier than do not try to get into all these different

Jessica: I don’t really use those, I kind of just create something myself. Like I make it look pretty but simple too, because I feel like you know you don't want to you know, distract and run either you want to kind of go to the point but with them like kind of looking for more. Yeah, so that's what I do. And I also actually also post them whatever I make a post in the group, also post it on Pinterest as well.

Dave: I gotcha. I gotcha. So I'm just scrolling through some text here to try to find something that's super clear because I agree. Like Like, like, you know, ugly converts. And what we mean by that when when marketers say ugly converts, is that is that it's not about how like a lot of times if you were to go into some of these templates in use some of these cheesy templates like that you would make maybe make for a party invitation or something and then you try to use that as a way to, you know, bait people on or use it as as what as I call chumming the waters you know, to get people to come to your content and pay attention. It's like bringing fish to your bow. These things come off as corny and they come off as just non personal because they look like a template. So a lot of times I do the same thing. I go right for something clear, you know, something that can be easily read. So for you, you might write what might be some of the copy that you've used on some of these posts inside of these groups to get people's attention.

Jessica: So what I would I would do is on like the top of write, you know, affiliate marketing and then I would write basically how much time I usually spend on it, which is usually about an hour to two hours a day I tried to do and I feel like we're you know, we're spent once two hours a day on your side hustle can convert into a full time hustle. Right, something like I kind of like to write a little bit about like the course and the 15 day challenge but I wouldn't write like 15 days or whatever I just write. I would write like, learn how I learned in a two week time frame. And that's pretty much it. I don't like to write that much on it. And then other people be like, what's affiliate marketing? How did you do? What did you do? And I think the idea that I mean for me at least the fact that I can only add that I spend an hour to two hours a day and so you know, I mean I'm still new I'm still as successful as I want to be yet but I know I'm getting there. I think that a lot of moms need to, you know, need to see that. They don't have to, you know, spend every waking moment trying to, you know, do a side hustle, which I was doing and I was doing MLMs. It's like every minute that I could be on my phone I was trying to make a sale. And I felt like that's why it didn't really work. And then it was I was struggling, being home you know, even like spending time with my husband or, you know, being at work. I would try to like you know, do what I can at work and I feel like it was hard for me and I feel like when my mom sees that they don't need to spend all day every day you know, doing a side hustle to make it work. I feel like that kind of, you know, hits people right in the face. I don't have all day to do this. But if I could spend an hour to two hours a day on it and make me successful then, you know, I'll try it and so far that's been working.

Dave: Cool. Yeah, so I'm just like, I love to play with words. You know what I mean? Like, I love to play with words. So like, one of the things that I would, you know, I would encourage everybody here to do is just, you don't get good at writing ads. And this is really an ad like I look at everything as an ad because everything that I'm doing we may be free. It may look like it may look like it's just free content like but it's it's it has a purpose. Right. So I could come in here and I could make 20 variations of this. You know, I spend one to two hours a day working on my side hustle and soon it will be my full time hustle. And it's not MLM Shopify.

Amazon or a hotdog stand right. Like, like or, or and I could duplicate this real quick or or baking cookies.

Dave: Right? So I could duplicate this again, I spend one to two hours a day working on my site and it's not MLM Shopify Amazon or chasing or pitching friends and family. So listen to the sound that she just made. Jessica, you just laughed because you can relate to that. Yeah, right. You can relate to pitching friends and family any ending ending up in the NFL, right? No friends left the club. And so an ugly ad like this? No, I don't have to. I don't think this is a cure in the first thing that somebody is going to think when they when they when they when they when they read this is what is it right yet because you're not telling them what it is this image is simply created to attract attention to pull somebody in. Right. And in the post that you posted, this will be the image of the post. And as they like the text when you go to post it on Facebook. You could just simply say something like, happy to chat. I see so many moms struggling in here and not making progress with the side hustles that they have. Let me know if I can help with something like that. You know what I mean? Yeah, it's so simple. That's just curiosity based. I think you would agree with us. Too many people do too much in their content. They oversell, they over explain, and they give away the goods and as a woman. I never I never understood this until my wife had to literally break it down. For me. She's like, she's like, babe. I don't like to wear, you know, clothes that reveal everything because I like to leave something for the imagination. And I was like, Oh, wow. Right and I got it. You know what I mean? And I think that that same concept I'm speaking to us dumb as fellas here who need the shit broken down, you know a little bit simpler, right? We it's like we you know, we need it broken down on a fifth grade level but it doesn't that makes sense. Like it's like leaving something for the imagination and not doing too much. But anyways, what do you think of my work here? Just within a couple of moments does it align with kind of what you're doing?

Jessica: Yeah, pretty much. I like the fact that it kind of leaves people guessing and I actually, I mean, there was one day like so many people had messaged me on that one post that Facebook blocked me from messaging people like that because there's like so many people wanted to know what I was doing and and how I was making money. So yeah, it was you know, I do like that. I mean, I tried to, I post on TikTok. I post on Instagram. It's just one of those other ways and, and I feel like with doing it that way, you kind of talk to people TikTok, you don't really get a chance to chat with them and people unless they're messaging you. And I like chatting with people. I like talking to them about it because I feel like not enough people understand what affiliate marketing is. And they're, you know, too quick to kind of just scroll past it. So if you leave them guessing you chat with a dog. Oh, I didn't know that. Or, oh, that sounds really cool and really interesting and then I'll send them my link and you know, hey, message me on whatever or I'll even tell them all. Feel free to contact me. I don't know, I don't mind talking to people if they need help. And you know, one friend who did sign up for the 15 Day Challenge and she even purchased the blueprints. Like I'll just check in with her from time to time Hey, do you need help with anything? How are you doing? You know, and he kind of just likes, you create relationships that way and I feel like you're more like, for me it was a little bit more successful and in a sense, where like, I feel like they trusted me as well.

Dave: No, no, totally. That's awesome. That's awesome. Check this one out. I told you I just love words and I could just play around with these with copy. This is just what I struggled for so long until I finally stopped chasing friends and family and learned how to become the hunted instead of the hunter. Doesn't that resonate?

Jessica: That does really 

Dave: I don't know man like are y'all are y'all getting value from this? I'm just going to stop sharing all these behind the scenes cop however, is everybody in what's up guys in the comments. Are y'all are y'all picking up what we're putting down here? Because we're dropping? These aren't nuggets. These are boulders missing. These are avalanches. I mean, Jessica's here is letting us into her strategy in we're writing copy live. I mean, come on now. Come on now. So um, any other things that you would share with your early self you know, that you that you know, now that you didn't know then or that you would advise yourself if you were just getting started marketing today?

Jessica: To stay consistent. For me in the beginning, I did the 15 day challenge but doing my posts and reaching out, you know, in kind of advertising. I didn't, it wasn't consistent in the very beginning. And then once I started saying, You know what, screw this, I gotta stay consistent. I got to do this. I invested and invested in myself. And once I started getting consistent, I started seeing a big difference. So I'm just gonna continue doing that and making sure I have time, you know, at least an hour even if it's a half hour just to do a few posts a day. You know, I just have to stay consistent and continue doing what I'm doing.

Dave: Yeah, and I love the fact that you said that you just you know, if you have time at work, you just sit down and play around on Canva I mean, just like what I just did. And in case you're just tuning in. We took you right there to Canva and we did it right in front of you. Row copy right in front of you ended it in minutes, and that post and that was then ready, right and if I go in if I want if I go back to Canva. Okay, I could grab that. I could grab that. Okay, and I can download it right here. You know what I mean? I can download it right here. I can either download all of the pages, or I could download like say I really like not one not two because it says right here I just want to grab for the right real quick. Just give me the page number. Just give me page number four. You know, and boom, done. Download. And there it is, you know, I got it right there. It's ready to be posted. I could post that right now. It's ready to go. And it's so fast and you know what I got from that I got not only a cool little ad that I could use real quick a cool little thing that just like in something like this is so much more. I like this is what we mean when we marketers say ugly. converts better because what is the beauty, the brilliance of an ad like this an image like this using it on a Facebook ad or using it inside of a Facebook group if that's what you're if that face if you're only allowed to do that within groups. You know what I mean? The brilliance of this is that it's just so it's like it boggles your mind because there's the it's all about the words like there's no design here. So it's almost like a hook that design itself is like a hook. It hooks you in and makes you stop reading it versus being appealing to your eyes. Like how something could be well designed or whatever and it's just kind of like oh, that's pretty and then you move on. You don't even pay attention to the words. And the words are what are most important, not the design. So that's what we want people to do is read the words on our ad versus make a judgment or be like the design is nice. So it's actually better to, you know, make uglier ads, which take and you know what I did for a long time. I just pulled up Keynote or PowerPoint and I would do this in PowerPoint. Like I could go back 10 years, Jessica and I before Canva we had tools that allowed you to work so quickly in them and do so much like Canva like I literally designed ads and images and all kinds of things that I did. I would just pull up the keynote and I would design it right inside of the keynote. You know what I mean? Grab, I grab a blank page, you know, and, and, and I do the same exact thing and if you like I could I could pull up a shake right here, you know, and then I could put my copy right there inside the shape. And it's like, as all I gotta do is just then take a quick screenshot of it. And it's like that's how I used to do it and still do sometimes, because I don't need all these fancy tools. I don't need a graphic designer. I don't need you. I don't need a team like we literally do not even have a graphic designer at Legendary marker that works here. Yeah, we don't. We don't need it.

Jessica: No, I think that the simple like I said the more simple it is the more that they're intrigued but you would think it would be the opposite but I feel like when they see so much then they just keep going and they'll keep scrolling kind of like arm whatever they want to try.

Dave: Yeah it humanizes you to like when you use templated stuff with templated stock images and stock graphics. If there's no place for somebody to make a personal connection with you, which is why I never ever in the history of my marketing. Have you ever used a stock image or a stock graphic like a picture of somebody else or a picture of another face? When I say stock image? I mean like when you buy a frame it comes with a stock image of a family that's not your family, you know what I mean? So what do you do to make it personal, you put a picture of you or your family in there. And so I've never added if I needed a graphic that didn't have a picture of something that was about my life, if I was using some sort of a picture. So if I was mixing it up and putting my you know, if I used a picture of me or I was using a photo, it would always be of me it would never be of something else or someone else unless it was a an unusual example or I was using a graphic to try to catch somebody's attention. So anyways, this has led to a really interesting conversation. I really appreciate you taking action in you doing what you've done so we could have this powerful conversation this morning and give back to our community and like I'm just I'm really really thankful and grateful to you. 

Jessica: No thank you. I'm grateful to be here. I was a little nervous. But then, you know, I figured, you know, why not? And if I can help other people. I know there's a lot more people in the world that are just like me and whoever else signed up for the 15 Day Challenge who wants to make a difference in their lives. Others? We're here to help each other out. I'm sure. 

Dave: So what would you say to somebody who's sitting on that checkout page saying, is this real? Can I, you know, get results with this? Should I do this?

Jessica: Well, it's real. It's definitely real and I questioned it myself. That's why it probably took me a little bit of time to even sign up for it. But I was seeing so many people that were finding success and I actually chatted with that girl just before I even signed up and just you know, people want to see real results and that's what I wanted to see. And once I saw the real results of other people, that's what got me going and she didn't sugarcoat anything. She basically told me Listen, you got to work but you know, it's real. It definitely is real and if anybody else is watching, it is definitely real. I definitely became a little bit more successful from the beginning and I do plan on continuing the success and hopefully you know, keep working on my favor, as long as I keep working but nothing comes easy either.

Dave: So, very good points will keep up the great work. I know. You will crush it and I know that you are on the right path because you're learning the skills not just the hype in the not just let's go make a list of friends and family and it's not successful. To Be successful in business you have to be able to convert cold prospects. You cannot rely on building your business based on the pity of friends and family. You cannot do it. It's not a real thing. That is not a real business. Okay, any sale that I ever made in network marketing when I was doing it, they'll make your list of friends and family, let's do your launch party, all that kind of stuff. was all just petty sales. Yeah, meaning that my friends and family felt obligated to support my business. And you never ever will scale or be successful. If people feel obligated to support your business. You have to deliver value and you have to know how to convert people once you have their attention into leads and then into sales. The beauty about affiliate marketing is you don't need to convert them into sales. You just need to convert them into leads and simply get them to opt into an email list. That's it. That's your only job is just to simply create content for billions of people on the internet. Not a single friend or family should be marketing to the billions of people on the internet who all have something that's valuable, say things that pique their curiosity, tell stories that they can relate to and say I have found the solution to this pain to this struggle. And if you want it, it's here and in open that floodgate of leads and then if you're doing affiliate marketing person who is the product owner, worry about converting the sale and then if you ever want to go on to sell your own course or coaching program or something, you can then develop those skills to write copy and deliver courses in training and coaching. But the beautiful thing about what we teach with selling information, the core four ways start with affiliate marketing and learn the skills of generating leads at a million dollar scale. So Jessica, thanks for your time. I know you have a busy life and thank you so much for carving a little bit of time to share with us today.

Jessica: Oh, thank you for having me. I really do appreciate it and hope to be back soon.

Dave: For sure. I want you to come back and keep us posted. All right. Okay,

sounds good. 

Jessica: Thank you again.

Dave: See you later. All right. My friends. You can find Jessica as well on TikTok @mamajessie6. We didn't even talk about tick tock but we didn't even talk about Dig Dug with Jessica. Okay because why? Well, she's fishing in multiple pots. She's not relying on just one strategy. She's fishing in multiple pots. Another brilliant thing that Jessica's doing that we didn't even get to but I'm pointing that out. And for those of you who are still listening, who didn't scroll on, right, who didn't get scroliosis in the middle of the episode, right? That's another valuable point that we can all take away from today's show. Don't just fish in multiple ponds. That wouldn't make a whole lot of sense. Like I'm a fisherman. I love to fish if I went to the same exact spot every day, and that's all I ever did. Would that make sense? Long term now maybe there's going to be fish there every time I go there. But should I also be looking for any other honey holes that I could start that and what's my What if I actually needed to catch fish to eat? Right? Well, I would I should have as many different multiple. We all need to stop worrying about multiple streams of income. And because most of us ain't got that first stream streaming yet and start worrying about multiple streams of traffic. Write that down. Tattoo that on your head. Put that on a sticky note and stick it right to your desk. multiple streams of traffic is the key to freedom in online marketing. Mic drop, I'm out. Get out of here. We'll see you tomorrow. Peace. Be Legendary. I have a great Monday. And thank you Jessica. Again for a fantastic episode. Go and follow her. We'll see you back here for another episode tomorrow. Peace.

The Secret To Making Youtube Content That Doesn’t Expire

Below is the transcription of this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends? Welcome, Welcome my friends. If you didn't know who we are you’re gonna know by the end of today. This show has morphed into something that's amazing not because of me but because of the guests that we have on. Speaking of guests that we have on. today. We have a friend of mine and a student, a learner here, a member of our community, and he's fantastic. He's got a fantastic story, and he's going to show you how he's blown up his YouTube channel. Judd. Welcome to the show, brother. 

Judd: Hey, Dave, how are you doing? Thank you so much. 

Dave: You're very welcome. And you're very welcome. Well, golly, you know, I know you. You know me. You've seen you worked with us a little bit on our team and our organization here. You've seen the behind the scenes of legendary so you know, all of our dirty secrets. And you know, if anybody could probably give us a review and be able to say what you think about me and us, then probably be you so when we talk about, you know, getting on these shows and actually talking to our people and like, you know, no BS and bullshit. I mean, it's, it's, you know, you're not being paid to be here. You can say what the hell you want to say I am gonna say, but I just I just know that you've been, you know, in our community now and even seeing the insides of our family here is you worked with us on our advisor team here for a period of time. And when I saw your name this morning, it was good to see it and I'm really looking forward to catching up with you today, man. So yeah, so tell us tell everybody kind of who you are, your nutshell version of your story and what led you ultimately to Legendary? 

Judd: Yeah, no, and first and foremost, thank you. So much. I love Legendary. I'm psyched to be here. Yeah, as you can see, I'm 49 years old. I'm actually hitting 50 next month. So I'm not looking forward to that kind of thing. But, you know, I I you know, I graduated when I went to college, I did the typical go to school, get a job, all that kind of stuff, right? You know, I was brought up in a Midwestern family where you know, you that's what you do. You go to school, you get your grades and you follow that path and then you get a job and you clock in and you come home and that's life right? And it's nothing wrong with that. But I knew pretty early on it wasn't right for me. And I graduated college in 1994. So no cell phones, no computers, nothing you know, you had to go to the library and sign up to use the old school typing machine to do your homework, and you had to tear the paper from the event a little to the side, and then hand your paper in that way. So fast forward. You know, I moved to Chicago after college. And I had a lot of sales roles, typical selling software as a service and things like that. But pretty much always like a commission based job. You know, I was I knew, you know, I knew I wasn't cut out for the regular kind of work and I didn't have any kind of massive degree or specialty training or anything I just had my personality to go off of, so I took sales roles, and those are tough. You know, when you're when you gotta make commission, so, you know, I you know, it was very hard for me to keep a job. And Tanya, that, you know, in my early 30s You know, I was a heavy drinker most of my life and in my early 30s You know, I went to this was probably 33. And I was going from job to job and my health wasn't doing well. And I went in to see my doctor and I was like, What the heck is going on? I'm 33 years old. And he ran some tests, and he looked at me and he said, you know, how much are you drinking? I'm like, What do you mean? He's like, Well, you know, tell me how much I'm like, I don't know, a couple beers a week. And, of course, right away, he's like, you know, quit.

Now, he basically said, I'll double that. Whatever you just told me. So he's like, you know, you got the body of a 75 year old man, your livers failing. You got to change route. And that really kind of went down you know, not only I was depressed because I hated what I was doing for a living, and then my body was failing. So it took me about a year or two. I figured it out. I got help for my drinking. I've been sober ever since and for 15 years. And it was funny because since I couldn't keep a job, a quote unquote job job. The only job I could get was selling shoes in Chicago and no offense to people who sell shoes, but you know, there's like the old joke about the used car salesman or the shoe salesman, so I was selling shoes, women's shoes, and I couldn't I couldn't get a job. And when I got out of treatment, the doctor said to me, he's like, No, I don't want you to do anything too stressful. I want you to take care of yourself. I want you to get a job where you don't have to think about something just really, really easy. Tell you what, see if you can get a job as a shoe salesman. I was like Alright, perfect. I'm already selling and so I spent quite a few years in the retail world but for the retail world you're not getting paid hourly, you're getting paid salary. So I was working. He said he can earn 40 grand a year. And I worked every holiday. I worked every weekend, every Saturday and every Sunday. And you know recently engaged at the time I knew we were going to want to have a family and do all those great things. I'm like, This is no life. I can't live this life. And you know, I tried some entrepreneurial stuff, but it was all brick and mortar. And it was just ridiculous. You know, here I was trying to go from the nine to five world to be an entrepreneur but being in a brick and mortar business, and spending 1000s and 1000s of dollars for overhead. I'm paying employees and at the end of the day, I'm taking home less than what I made before spending twice the amount of time so I feel like a lot of people I went to see well what's out there in the online world like what can I find and you know, we had our first against doctor's recommendations. 

Dave: Right? Exactly. And you know, I mean, let me go let me go online and go down this rabbit hole.

Judd: You said low stress. So let me find let me start my own online business. So right, you said just the truth here. So I was in my 40s at the time and I had my first son. So we were paying and we had a sitter. We were paying for my wife's school teacher, and they were paying more money than I'm making. So that's how I became a stay at home dad.

This door is just hilarious and epic you know just and that's how I began it's true, man. It's true. And so as a stay at home dad, I was going crazy. And two, I needed to make money. My wife's like you still have to find a way to make money. And that's how I am and that's why I drove yet no brakes, right. She's wonderful. But you know, and we just bought a new place in the city. I mean, we had all these things going on, we had a mortgage, we had everything going on with a new baby. It was not I didn't time it very well. my entrepreneurial journey, but you know I wanted first and you know, we needed the money obviously but also for my own sanity. I needed an outlet. I needed a creative outlet. I needed something right to be whole and that's why I went online and I dabbled in everything from Facebook ads. I did Amazon FBA. I sold restaurant parts which was a joke. You know, I was selling $500 fan motors and making $13 I mean so that's you know for anybody out there looking at Amazon FBA I'm just I'm not saying is telling you what happened to me. So I learned the hard way. You know, I did Amazon FBA, Facebook, everything right. And while I was doing the Facebook ads is where I started to learn more about the affiliate model and promoting other people's products and how you can know, you could do it in anything right? There's affiliate products everywhere and I tell my audience all the time, Walmart Best Buy Nike. Do you like to cook? Do you like to sing? Do you play piano? There's an affiliate product right you can promote it you can create a wonderful business, from your passion from your interest, which is so, so freakin cool. And I had no idea what it was. And somebody's like, well, I don't know. I just send my clients to the website and they sign up. They're like, No, dude, you got to be an affiliate for these people. I'm like, what is an affiliate? You know? And I didn't understand so and when I learned like, okay, I can help people in restaurants I can help all different types of stuff. But so I started to learn all about digital marketing, online marketing everything I could, and I was just so amazed. That takes this, what interests me up here, what was exciting to me and builds a business around it. And that's how I ended up finding legendary was actually from someone. Someone who I met at an event about two or three years prior, I was part of this Facebook group and he's like, Jed, you got to check out you know, Dave Sharpe and Legendary. And I think I have been with, you know, with you guys only in a working capacity behind the scenes, but what's it been about two years now? And it was from legendary that I started to learn about YouTube, and how to build an audience from Nathan. Lucas. You know, I must have watched his videos. Watch him. Start over and watch him start over. Watch him start over. Yeah, and that's how I got now to my channel, which is I think we're almost at 140 K now, subscribers, which is great. I never thought I'd get past 1000 subscribers. 

Dave: Right? Right. Yeah. Nathan is somebody who's made an income disclaimer. This is not average, typical. It's not what anyone should expect. You should expect no money following our advice. How about that? How about that disclaimer? million dollars. So with our just as an affiliate for us, you know, just as an affiliate for us made a million bucks. Crazy, you know, to change somebody's life, you know, and yeah, right. I mean, each one teaches one you know, to learn to teach you. It's crazy. It's awesome that you're growing your YouTube channel, especially with so much hype around. TikTok right now, you know what I mean? Like that you're showing that YouTube is still at the 800 pound gorilla, you know, and and it's not, it's not gone. It's not not working. 

Judd: Right. So yeah, no, yeah, absolutely. And, and, you know, one of the biggest things you probably know, you hear this all the time, the shiny object syndrome, right. And even after you know, doing this for several years, and I've learned, you know, and it's taken me a long time to get to where I'm at, I still have the shiny object syndrome, but now for me, it's different now. It's traffic shiny object syndrome. Like learning about TikTok, learning about Instagram really is learning about this podcast, and really what it comes down to, but what it comes down to is all those things are great, and they all drive traffic. It's really about you and your audience. And you know, if you're promoting a product or service or maybe you're doing coaching or you got a digital course, whatever it may be, number one is what are your strengths and where does your audience hang out? Right. So I found that I tried TikTok and I had a little bit of success, but I was putting now then I started to put more and more of my efforts into TikTok and I was taken away from my YouTube and I was like, Okay, I got to focus on one thing, I got to master it. I got to grow, grow, grow, and I you know, and that's when I really you know, six months ago said months ago is like, Okay, I'm only going to focus on YouTube. I'm going to master this. I'm going to grow it and that's where my people are. So that's where I am. 

Dave: Yeah, yeah. It's amazing. We'll put judge Judd basically. It's just you can just search his name on YouTube and you can go find his channel that way and subscribe and kind of see what he's doing and how he's doing it and so forth. And you had mentioned another name that's a big player in our community. Big Mark. He did a training at our mastermind that we have added to our business blueprints as part of the core curriculum of how to grow a YouTube channel. And that training, I would say is one of if not the best YouTube training I've ever watched because he was so specific. It kind of broke down exactly what he does at the intro. I mean, he gave a graphics on like this part of the video. He does this in this part of the video. The end part of the video he does this and just walks through in basically about an hour and a half a just basically a real masterclass of just basically what he does. I mean, he wasn't teaching philosophy or theory that's inside of the blueprint. So if you and I, you had mentioned that before we came on live, you said well, that that training I watched, it was eye opening. It was powerful for me. So if you own the blueprints, I would advise you to check that out. If you don't own the blueprints, I would consider the ROI, the return on investment, that one of the big one of the big transitions that we have to make the transformations that our mind set. I don't know what he wants to hear about the mindset stuff. But it is viewing stuff as an investment and not as a cost. Your car is a cost or is an investment I don't know. It gets me around to where I need to go. And it gets me in style and it makes me feel good. So some people would call cars a depreciating asset. I mean, it's definitely more of a depreciating asset than a training course that can teach me how to generate income. But having that shift from viewing everything as a cost and the first thing we do is price shop. You know, there's a lot of people who go and eat based on how much it costs they going live based on how much it cost and you coupons because they want to save a couple of dollars and all these things and all your entire life would change if you focus more on the top line instead of how much you can save. Right if we all just focus more on making more money and how do we develop skills to be able to make more money. All of that time that we spent cutting coupons and figuring out how to save money would all go away, they would instantly go away just like that. And I think that as a society we're asked backwards in terms of what you know, we're always about the budget and we're always about saving and we're in a lot of that comes from I think Depression era parents and grandparents and how right I think it's important to learn the value of $1. But I'll tell you what, if you're making 20,000, 30,000 a month, 50,000 a month, $100 long. it doesn't matter anymore. It doesn't matter. You stop looking at the right side of the menu when you go out to dinner. So what's my point is that, you know, there's one section of those blueprints that is so powerful that can create such an ROI in your business.

And the only thing that may be stopping some of you from investing in yourself in going from you know surviving to thriving is just how you view the exchange of money to get that training program. Is it a cost or as an investment? 

Judd: Yeah, and it's funny you mentioned Dave because I share with my audience a lot of time and I get emails, which is really great. I love it now. I'm starting to get emails every day people are emailing me asking for help and I'm getting good stuff too. Hey man, I you know, thank you so much for recommending X, Y, & Z Thank you so much for the video on this. It really helped me and I'm starting my business. I mean, it's just that is just, I tell my wife everyday I'm like, you know, she's kind of like, okay, great. But it's super exciting to me, you know, to read that stuff and I always reply, you know, but it's funny when, about you know, investing or purchasing and training and, you know, I always say this to people, I like to shoot straight. And I think that's why I you know, kind of, you know, was always really drawn to you, Dave and your community, you know, there's no BS here it is what it is and I tell people straight up I'm like, Okay, well, you know, do you go out on the weekends? Oh, yeah, go out Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Okay, do you smoke? Oh, yeah, I smoked two packs a day. Okay. And you play video games? Oh, yeah, I play Xbox, and I buy five games a month. I'm like, Okay, well you could have bought 25 courses on how to better yourself and this, this and this, or whatever it may be, you know, or training or this or that. So, back to the, you know, it's like you got to what's important to you, right? And, and, you know, I don't know maybe you have to sacrifice or you know, it's a member, you know, being younger, it's like, well, I had to give up x, y and z if I wanted this at the end of the month because I was living on 50 bucks or so think about it and and like you said before, Dave, I mean, just that one nugget that one hour of training for me changed my whole life. And and but but also is another for my audience all the time. is, you know, the skills that you learn here are Legendary. These are skills that are going to last you the rest of your life. I mean, these are skills that you are not going to get anywhere. I don't care what you say you're not going to get it and you know, who knows colleges may start offering it in the future but it's still not going to be the same as is being in the dirt in the grid with somebody like Dave and Nathan and Mark and Brian Brewer and all these great people that have been on here who have who are in their, you know, screw in the screwdriver. And that's what's so great, it's raw, it's real. And these are real skills that are that anybody can do, right? You just gotta be willing to learn. Take the time be patient. And it's amazing. It's it's fun. I mean, I have a blast. I have a blast learning I have a blast implementing what I learned. And now I'm having a blast seeing my business grow. 

Dave: It's the most fun thing that you could do is in what I've realized Judd I don't know about you, is that when I'm not growing, I'm not happy. So my happiness is in direct proportion to the amount that I've grown recently. Not particularly in direct proportion, how much money I'm making, how much I feel like I'm growing. And I know that sounds that might sound difficult to somebody who's so broke. They can't afford to pay attention. I understand that I've been there, right? Don't got them hot to piss in or a window to throw it out of you know what I mean? You know, I'm picking pennies up the other day I was at a I was at a Moe's burrito place. And I looked down and there was a quarter on the floor. And in my eye I instinctually wanted to pick it up. And then reality kicked in. And I played the tape through and realized that thing is just going to become a nuisance to me. I'm going to pick it up then I'm gonna have to put it somewhere and then it's gonna clunk around and it's gonna be it's gonna make a mark on my car. Like, I just left it there, man. I mean, I'm not saying that's a major defining moment. But getting to a place to where you know, getting to a place to where Yeah, I don't have to pick up. I don't have to pick up pennies is nice but again, the money makes more money doesn't make me more happy. Growing makes me more happy. And it sounds and seems like you know you have at almost 50 But you're growing and you're you're learning in I think with most people's jobs that they're stuck, and they're like there's nowhere else I can grow to talk a little bit about how quickly you can grow hair, how fast things can happen in your business, and how much you know how much happiness looks more specifics and how it relates to you in terms of like what the last couple of years have looked like in terms of your growth and in terms of your happiness curve. And even in terms of you being able to find joy and profits, of course, through one of the most difficult times that you've ever visited as a site. 

Judd: Yeah, no, that's great. And I think a lot of times, you know, we don't talk about the the personal gratification we get right from from this business or any business right? Is how does it make us feel and how does it change us as a person right? And for me, I mean, I struggled my whole life trying to figure out what the heck am I good at? What the heck do I not only what am I good at but what are what am I enjoy doing? That I can actually make a living from? That's hard. I mean, you'll wrack your brain forever. And it's funny my my mom, yes, I still have a mom at 50 God bless. Right? So my mom the other day called me up on the phone and she goes I just want to call and say I am so proud of you and I am so happy for you and she goes even though it took you till 49 years old or whatever to figure it out. She's like, I'm so happy you did. And she's like, You got a wonderful wife and a family and all this stuff. And I was like, You know what, Mom? It is pretty cool. And she's like, I can hear it in your voice. I could see it in your face. And that's really because we you know, it was you know, we didn't live my wife and I and when we met and we met 10 years, so it's been you know, we were October was 10 years together. You know, and we got married late in the game. But when we first got going it was , you know, we want what we want and we knew we wanted to have kids and we were living in the city which isn't cheap in Chicago and and even though we had a roof over our head, we had groceries. That was it. There was nothing else outside of that. Do you know what I mean? And we would save up every year to go to Florida every year. I don't know if you're a Florida guy. We go down to Longboat Key and near Sarasota. You know that? Yeah, we went and that was our big deal. No, there wasn't much going on. And when I first started my business, you know and somebody told me a long time ago they're like you need to tell yours so this is for all my people out there. If you have a spouse, if you're living with somebody you have to fill them in on what you're doing. You know, let them be aware that hey, I'm learning this and you know, just stick with me. Because you know that going through that learning phase, right? You're learning, you're applying, you're making mistakes, but you're learning from those mistakes and it's actually a really cool thing to make mistakes. I know it sounds weird, but it's cool to like it. Oh man, I screwed that up. Okay, now I know not to do that and to do this. So the first you know, a couple years were a little hectic. And then like you said, all of a sudden I kind of started to see little things happening. Right? I started to get emails from people asking me questions. I got emails from people wanting me to do stuff with them or maybe be on a podcast or whatever. So little kind of signs of, I don't know if you call it success or whatever started to happen. And then for me, the YouTube channel kind of started to grow. And my wife's like, holy crap, you know, this, something's really going on here. And I was like, I think so. I think yeah. I know, I know. I know. It took a couple years but it's going. Yeah. And so again, like you said, it's like even though now the money started to pick up, which is obviously fantastic and great. But, you know, I think I was watching Stacy La’s Wake Up Legendary. Maybe it was one of her older ones the other day talking about how nothing's really changed. We just, you know, we're happier and like you said, and maybe I can get organic groceries today and of yesterday's bruised apples or I don't know, I mean, instead of chopping Swanson's word dense, make sense?

Right. So those are like the little things that happen and then and than just the mental man I'm telling you, it's like the mental. Like finally, you know, like I said, in my 40s, late 40s I figured it out. I found it. This is great. You know, everything's great. The kids are happy. Man. You know, we've always been happy people. But it's just there's a different kind of happy, right? There's a more comfortable, calm, relaxed happiness now. 

Dave: Yeah. Yeah, I think after you fall in love with growing and you begin to grow, you fall in love with that process. What is growing? What do I mean by that? And sticking with something it means sticking through us. We were just at the mastermind in Orlando in Brian Brewer talked about the valley of despair those first 30 days to where you feel like there's a brain splatter all over your computer screen. You're totally overwhelmed. You're like, oh my gosh, you know, I can't do this. And if you get through, you know, it's those first 30 days in that first year. You know, that's where most graveyards are full of people's during and when they turned in in a tombstone and said, you know, all I'm done, I can't do this. You know, if you get through that and you fall in love with the process of growing, then the money comes in when you are growing and you're making money. I think that's what equals the joy that you're describing. Yeah, absolutely. And that's that and I think that you know, isn't the number one thing there's two reasons people fail online number one is they just don't get started. Number two is they quit right? They give up. Judd: They give up too early if I give up a year after because you know, a year after my, my first year into building my business online, I mean, I maybe had a couple 100 bucks to which what went into savings. It wasn't like I was heading down to Gibson's to get a steak or something. 

Dave: So you're just trying to float back up to that breakeven by being still under. 

Judd: Exactly. And people kept telling me and I used to, you know, and I was part of a lot of Facebook groups, and that's another big thing why legendaries Great. If you have a community of people that are going through the same thing. And you got to take advantage of that. I mean, Facebook groups are so valuable, but you got to get in there you got to participate. You know, you got to you got to give before you know you got to give before you ask don't be afraid you might think you have nothing to offer but you do. And you know real quick what Brian was saying within 30 day I don't know why I say that. I always say 90 to my audience, and that's just me but I say you know what, you know, you can't remember how I how I put it but it's something like you know, if you give up on day 89 You know what if you woke up day 90 And that was your first commission, you know what I mean? You know, the first three months, you know, it's gonna take you three months, you can rock and roll, so you could wake up on day 90 And have your first commission. How cool is that? I remember for me my first commission ever online and at 30 I sold an Amazon book. I can't remember how I did it, and I remember getting a little ding ding ding 13 cents I thought I was going to cry. Because I was so excited. Then I didn't have anything else happen in my business for like six months. If I gave up, where would I be? I'd be right back. Pissin and moanin upset, bitter at the world, but I kept going yeah, you got it. You got to stick with it. You have to surround yourself with like minded people. That's another big thing and that's why the groups are so powerful. You got to be around people who've been there and done that and then you got to be around people who are going through the same thing as you. 

Dave: I wonder how many of you are going to be excited to take a picture of yourself with your first commission. You know, I mean, yeah, like or how many of you could go back and recreate that moment because, for me, I've made whatever the multiple is. It's 10:35am Eastern time. This was my very first commission ever. Okay, I got him a check. Look like a baby. Okay. But I don't remember where the picture was taken on what camera or whatever. I don't remember. It doesn't matter. It's just the mat that we captured the moment I had my wife take it, and I was so proud. And, and even though even today I've made, you know, a multitude of multiples. Plus, what this check is before 10:30 In the morning, just right I mean, that's where I'm at today compared to then. But I captured this moment in that this commission was way more important than any money that I make today. Because it was the first you know, and I captured it and I've taken pictures of the car that I drove back then. I've taken pictures. I've cherished it. I didn't take them because I knew that I was going to use them or they were going to be important. But like I have one or two pictures of me working construction, you know, I have one or two pictures of my truck. I drove back then and I had to start with a screwdriver. You know, I have one picture of me holding up the checks of my first commissions. And I always urge people to, you know, take pictures of where you're at right now. Take pictures of what your life looks like. Right now take pictures of you working on your laptop in this kind of beginning phase of struggling. I mean I've got some funny pictures of what it looks like. I mean, my desk was just right in the middle of our living room. So we had you know, in one room there was our kitchen table. My desk, and then the couch and the TV. So I mean it was as they call it a clusterfuck you know what I mean? That's what the beginning looks like now I have a separate house that I work out of, you know don't give up before the miracle happens. 

Judd: Exactly. No, that's what I think you were alluding to with the 89th and the 90 day. Yeah, miracle. That's what I meant here, right? Miracle. Yeah. But it's true though. The mindset is so so huge, anywhere anywhere in life, but especially when you're starting your you know, because you're a little scared, you're timid but you know, you gotta you gotta trust the process and you gotta you gotta, you got to take the time that's needed to learn, right? And I can't remember if you said it or how it works, but something about like, you know, making money online product of, of what you're all the other things you're going to learn and do, you know, and it's like, now with the YouTube channel. I love doing it. I love helping people and I love you know, recommending this and that and that's wonderful. And then yes, I get paid as well. You know, I have a way to monetize my channel and monetize my business and my emails and I've got everything automated and set up. And then the money is the byproduct of what I love to do and allows me to keep doing that. And that's what's so wonderful about this business, but the first thing is you got to What does Brian call it the Death Valley, valley of despair, the valley of despair, right? So you gotta get through that valley of despair, but trust that on the other end of the valley of despair is a big jug of water. Right and you'll get there you'll get all over your head right? And then you have more than you then you need you know more than you more than you know what to do with it's like it's kind of like the concept of compound interest you know, a YouTube channel right? 

Dave: When you get a channel going, especially on YouTube. Because YouTube can do what I love about YouTube is that YouTube will continue to put your videos in front of people long after you've created them. So the difference between tick tock will kind of do that too because their algorithm is unique, but unlike your Facebook newsfeed where something dies after. Basically if nobody likes it or engages with it, it dies within a couple of minutes and it's the only way for them to see it just to go to your channel. YouTube will come especially if it's good watch time and people are engaging with it and so forth. One of the funniest stories, another guy who's made a million dollars as an affiliate here at legendary J Brown.

He's got like 20 videos on his YouTube channel. And I mean, he's still making money from his videos on his YouTube channel. And he has uploaded one video in the last year and a half he resurfaced uploaded one video nine months ago it got you know, 1.3 million views. And he's just cruising. You know what I mean? I mean talk about I mean even Brian Berto at the mastermind said he only got 4046 hours this this summer I was like holy crap you know, but I would I would put him next to Jay and in in think that Jays work less because I mean, you know the power of YouTube is that it's a search engine. But so people can search your stuff often when they're in more of a hot and bothered buying mode. versus you know, people go there to learn, they go to their shop. They go to their research to make decisions, but YouTube will also continue to recommend your videos and recommend them. And of course, when people search on the first page of that search, of that, of that, you know of that search page, and your videos will continue to rack up views sort of like compound interest. And that was the point that I was making a minute ago was when you give yourself a chance to be able to get going in this business path that Val pass that valley of despair, pass that kind of miracle moment where you have a breakthrough whether it's your first commission or whatever it is, then the business begins to gain momentum and then it begins to compound. Sort of like a YouTube channel you begin at a certain point from past videos that you've created, gain 50 subscribers today 100 hours a day. 100 subscribers a day I know people who have 100,000. I don't know if you've tracked all that or work how many subscribers you are adding per day but I know a lot of channels that are adding 1000s of subscribers per day. And it's not particularly because they're still uploading, it's because of the compound momentum that the channel the business now has from the previous work they put in when they felt like they weren't making any progress. 

Judd: Yeah, in all the all the growth that I've had with my channel and I Dave, I think we were kind of telling you a little bit before we got on the call is you know, one, you know one or there's a couple of videos that kind of took off and and one of the videos is over a year old almost two years, maybe you're gonna have a year and a half or something and just that one video sponsible for 40,000 plus subscribers. And so, you know, so that really kind of kicked the momentum of things, but at the same time, you know, I know that okay, I need to kind of keep this party going and I got to be smart about it and, and so so I'm planting seeds now for next year. And the year after that and the year after that. I didn't put out a video today and then all of a sudden go Alright, let's see, you know I mean, yeah, there's, there's some, there's strategy to it. Honestly. I have a strategy for it, but I know that okay, I just planted that little seed over here. We'll come back and check on it for a couple months, and it's gonna keep going and going and that's the really wonderful thing about YouTube. I mean, assuming that you're making content will last the test of time, right. You know, I do see a lot of YouTubers, they're going for the quick buck or the quick fix or the this or that. It's like okay, great. Maybe you've made a little bit of money today because you got 20,000 views but then where's that video worthless six months from now, a year from now? You know, there's no value. Yeah, and like you said, Dave, I mean, people, obviously, I'm assuming everybody knows, you know, Google owns YouTube. Google is the number one search engine in the world. YouTube is the second and guess what when people want to learn how to do something, they go to YouTube. How to put I just, I just went on YouTube yesterday because I want to learn how to install a dimmer switch, how to install a different switch, and I found this guy's channel almost a million views on how to install a dimmer switch and then right below that with a link to show me where I can go get that dimmer switch, and then play an affiliate. Hopefully, yeah. Yeah, I mean, just people go there. You know how to do this, where I can do this and so on. So YouTube's great to provide value education. I mean, you're teaching people right if you do it the right way. And that's what I'm learning more and more with my channel, I'm really kind of starting to change things is, you know, you, you know, the days of just stuffing in a bunch of keywords and tags and manipulating and all that. I'm learning more and more, although some of that stuff's still important, you know, obviously gonna have some discoverability. But what's more important now I'm learning is the journey from the thumbnail to the title to the video. So you have to be your because when you do a thumbnail you're not doing something for the YouTube algorithm. You're doing the thumbnail for a human being. Yeah, when you write a title, you're not doing a title for the algorithm. You're doing it for a human being. So it's like, when you read a title your viewer shouldn't have to feel like a moron. Do you know what I mean? They just be like, okay, yeah, I know that buddy. You just told me you know, you don't insult me, you know. So there's so I'm learning more and more about the journey from the thumbnail to the title to the video. And making sure that so now what I do is I'm really careful and I'll do my thumbnail on my title before I even do the video. Whereas before I just made a video, threw it up there and I'd do a quick thumbnail and come up with what I thought was a catchy title and I'd stuffed it with all the keywords and it's like, Why didn't that video do well? Well, because human beings are looking at it and they can tell that you're just trying to so you know, you're always learning you're always growing, you know, you'll never master this, whatever that this or that may be whether it's tick tock or this you're always learning you're always growing, what's working today may not be working next year and so on. So, so I like to think long term, right? I'm never about you know, I used to be about the quick fix back in the day, right? I want to get drunk yesterday. Now. It's like I'm thinking, Where can I be six months from now? What can I do today that's going to help me out six months or a year from now? 

Dave: Well, I  love it. I totally agree with it. I just want to point out in case anybody is unclear about where to find this specific info. On our business blueprints, you can go right in here to the affiliate marketing business blueprint and scroll down and find the YouTube funnel. And not only will we you know, not only will we you know, give you the overall strategy, show you how to do the the sort of mechanics of setting up your your list and so forth. But will will there's that training that we were talking about with Big Mark. There's fantastic training about doing, doing videos with voiceovers where you want and then stick training and there by Thomas Garrets, about all the things that you're talking about with thumbnails, equipment, planning, branding, all that kind of stuff. And it's it's all right there. I mean, it's laid out there literally for the taking. There's also YouTube that you could go out there and go down the YouTube rabbit hole. But for me, you know, and that's what many people do because they look at training. Again, as I said earlier, more as a cost. Estimate. I can't convince you any more. If that's the way you look at training. I can't it's almost like I you know, if you want to hold on to your misery that hard. I can't be the one who's going to come and try to rip it away from you. But here's the one thing I will say it's a lot more fun to be a creator than a consumer on YouTube. It's a lot more fun to be a creator in making money and monetizing because oh, by the way, YouTube will also pay you. Okay, they'll split the advertising profits with you. So besides all this money that can be made in the form of simply doing affiliate marketing from your YouTube channel. YouTube will also split profits. And there's no rules as to how many different YouTube channels you can have. You can have a business, you can have a business with editors, you can begin to hire virtual assistants. You can buy you can sell each entrepreneur a friend of mine recently bought a YouTube channel for a million dollars and it pumps out over six figures in profit to him each month that YouTube channel has already paid for for itself a strong six figure income stream and he's simply posting old clips of old shows that are geared towards people baby boomers that grew up loving Lucille Ball and things like that. I mean the weirdest, tiniest little niche you just mentioned, one about a dimmer if the guy's got a million subscribers, YouTube alone, YouTube alone is paying him likely five figures per month, simply just from you know, being able to advertise on his channel. You know those little videos that pop up when you watch a video for the first couple of seconds. That's the advertising. That's where YouTube and Google make all their money from that advertising and they'll literally because they want to, they want you to continue to upload videos so they can continue to charge advertisers to advertise. And then that's how their business model works. So I just love it. I love that we're talking about YouTube today. I love that this is something that you've run with. I love that it's bringing you both profits, but also like mom said, in your life is bringing you joy. I do have it on your face. And it's been fantastic to catch up, brother. 

Judd: Thank you. You too, man. Always a pleasure and I'm happy to be here and yeah, you know, like I said before, Legendary was a blessing in disguise. Learned and kind of got to the ecosystem as you will a couple years ago. So I'm thrilled to be here and thank you so much.

Dave: Yeah, yeah. Well, thrilled to know you. And yeah, now you can come back every couple of months hopefully and keep us posted on your journey and we'll watch you grow. 

Judd: I would love to thank you so much. Alright, talk to you soon brother. Take care everybody. Thank you. 

Dave: All right, you guys, as I've been posting here, and if you're listening to this episode, you can look it up on YouTube, follow them, check them out. Subscribe to his channel, all that good jazz, just type in his name Judd Allbring. That's how you spell @Juddalbring doing some big things on YouTube and deadly form to ignore? Friday my friends, it is the 10th of December 2022 is right around the corner. What are you doing right now? To set 2020 up to be your best year that you've ever had in your entire life doesn't matter how old you are. Whether you're 2242 49 about to be 50 like Judd, whether you're 6979 in your 80s It's never too early and it's never too late. Please know that you deserve it. Believe in yourself or allow us to believe in you until you do and allow us to support you every step of the way along this journey. Okay. Welcome to the community if you're new, welcome back, and thanks for tuning in. Thanks for commenting. All those comments are are fuel to us to let us know that feedback. Thank you for the thing just I just want to give you all a shout out who who watch and listen and comment and like these things. It's really appreciated. And we'll see you back here for yet another episode on Monday 10am Eastern time. You can even subscribe. You can text WUL to the number on the screen 813-296-8553 it'll send you a non spammy, totally cool, very short little description with a link five days a week so you can jump right on the show. I get my text message every morning one text a day keeps the forgetful mind away. And and yeah, make this a part of your daily routine. All right, get out of here. Love you all. Stay Legendary. Peace



How to Use Trends on Tiktok

Below is the transcription of this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends? This is Dave Sharpe, welcome to Wake Up Legendary and this morning for our 30 and unders are we going to? Are those millennials? I don't know. I'm 30 and over now so I can't be a part of that group anymore. But pay close attention because this 24 year old marketer exploded in the first two months, Shannon, how did you do it?

Shannon: Oh, with TikTok.

Dave: Welcome to the show all the way from New Jersey right?

Shannon: Actually New York right now. 

Dave: Okay. Okay, so you're from New Jersey though?

Shannon: Yes, I'm from New Jersey. I'm actually after I started affiliate marketing. I was making enough money that I was able to move to New York and get a nice apartment here. So now I'm settled up in the city.

Dave: So you wanted to get out of Jersey? 

Shannon: Yes

Dave: My wife's from Jersey. Where in Jersey are you from?

Shannon: Down the shore. So like Central Jersey. I know. They say central it doesn't exist but Central Jersey.

Dave: Okay, okay. You wanted to go to New York, right?

Shannon: Yeah, cause I actually, I went to college in San Diego. So I was out there for five years. And then once COVID hit, I decided to come home kind of wait out the pandemics. I don't want to pay those Diego rat races. And then I was kind of itching to just get out of Jersey. Again. So New York seems like a good option. So here I am.

Dave: So instead go and pay those New York prices. Which have always been high. 

Shannon: Honestly, they've all Yeah, now they've always been high and San Diego is pretty high too. So it wasn't like too much of a shock. Like I feel like if I went from paying rent, like somewhere in the Midwest, and then I'm moving to New York, like seeing these grades.

Did you consider Indiana I mean, I heard that's hot. Man. You're in the morning in your business. You know what you can afford, right? Right. So yeah, gratifications on living your dreams.

Dave:  New York. One of my favorite cities in the world. Seriously? I love New York. So what were you doing before you found legendary and how did you find us?

Shannon: So I'll kind of rewind so when the pandemic first hits, I'm a personal trainer. I was in San Diego. I was personal training out of a gym, then obviously that shut down I couldn't do in person training anymore. So my goal has always been to graduate college to have an online business. I wanted to have freedom. I wanted to be able to remotely set my own hours. So I was like, this is the perfect time to let me build an online fitness business. So I worked with three different business coaches. I spent about a little over a year and a half trying to build that and at the end of the day, it just was not what I had expected. So I thought I was going to have freedom. I thought it was going to be like a walk in the park but I was glued to my phone and laptop for like 10 hours every day constantly chasing clients doing my lead jet, my marketing my content creation, my sales like everything. And so finally in June, I was just so burned out. I was like this is not what I expected. This is also kind of making me hate personal training, which I love. So I think I need to take a step back from it. So that was in June. And I knew that I wanted to move to the city. But I had no income at that point. But I was like I know I'm gonna move no matter what. Like that's already decided. I just have to Yeah, I was just like, I have to figure out how I'm gonna be able to do it. Um, so I was on Tik Tok one day and I followed another girl who was in Legendary m\>arketer and I kept seeing her stuff and seeing herself and seeing her stuff. And at that point, I was like, I guess I have nothing to lose like I keep seeing all these people talking about affiliate marketing. I was like I have nothing to lose at this point. Like I know that I want to be able to work remotely. I want to be able to work for a few hours a day and have my business kind of run itself. And that's kind of what it seems like this business model was all about. So I signed on to the 15 day challenge I loved that I loved to kind of like that. Like I said the business model of all of this and my business advisor Grant was amazing, super helpful with everything. So I ended up signing onto the blue branch and from there everything has just taken off and been steadily increasing over the last I started at the end of July for about five months.

Dave: Wow. So you're crushing it now and you're not homeless in New York?

Shannon: Yeah, not homeless in New York crashing in the house. I would say that I've had really, really good success with the whole program.

Dave: Well, that's fantastic. Congratulations. But so this is this is there's a lot of lessons I think in what you just said just to kind of tease apart for people. But the first one is that whenever you're going to start a business, it's very, it's very, it can be very misleading because you think that you're just gonna walk in and be the boss and you're just gonna have passive income you're going to have freedom I'm going to you know not work for anybody anymore. I'm going to be able to call the shots but if you but you only eat what you hunt and kill right I mean not to be morbid, but you literally are in charge of feeding yourself. So now you don't have leads being fed to now you don't have customer service being taken care of for you. Now you don't have all these other things that maybe you had previously in your job and that we also have in affiliate marketing and I'll get to that here in a second. But whenever you're running an agency or whenever you're running a business, even with full transparency, if you're creating your own course, your own coaching program or your own event, which in a sense, you were kind of running your own coaching program. You're in charge of all the facets of the business, right? Whereas in what you were talking about, I had to get clients and now I have to take I have to actually I've got clients yeah, I've got clients, but now I gotta serve those clients. So now I have no more time to go get clients, it becomes this sort of you become it's really easy to get overwhelmed. 

Shannon: 100% And I think another thing going off of that, that I learned with that that helped me be successful with this is when I first started so I had gone through three different business coaching programs like fitness business coaches, specifically. And I think obviously online and these days everybody likes to glamorize everything. Same thing with affiliate marketing, it's like making $10,000 a month of passive income with the fitness business. It's like the same thing as XYZ and they make it seem like it's a walk in the park. It's so easy, and it's not. So I think that learning that from that experience, and bringing that into this and really kind of knowing I need to show up I need to put in the work every day and I need to learn and grow helped me immensely because like I know that it is possible what I can be doing. But I know from experience, it's not going to happen unless you actually put in the time and work and effort.

Dave: Marketers are going to sell unrealistic expectations. So, because even if you so you turn around and we're selling make money online training products, Legendary whatever it is, if you went out and said hey, you know what, this is gonna require more commitment than anything you've ever done. This is gonna require you know, this is gonna require you just, you know, stay home on Fridays, but some nights is gonna require you to, you know, fork over, you know, some serious time and money if you're committed and you want to do this, like that's not a sexy sales message. And that's the same with everything. You know what I mean? Like, that's the same with everything. Marketing is selling the best case scenario, and then giving the disclosure, you know how with the medications that they put on the commercials on TV, it's like, you see the people running through a field of flowers, and then they're like, this also could kill you. You could have permitted 15,000 heart attacks in the next hour. You know, so, it's selling the unrealistic, it's selling the best case scenario. And, and I think what I've tried to do over the years is I've tried to find some middle ground in still marketing with hype and excitement, not not hype, like the way you would think of hype. I mean, passion. But marketing. I think when you think the way to bring it to the center is to be more authentic and more transparent. And for us, we've been able to just showcase a bunch of success stories like having actually interviewed our clients. That's been the way that I think we've been able to say, hey, look, we don't really need to use hype because we just talk to our students and talk to our clients. Yeah. But what I was getting at was the fact that affiliate marketing I think is the only business model that allows you to really have one singular focus, which is marketing and not have to worry about all the other facets of the business, all the customer service, all the product creation. That's kind of what I was getting at. Yeah, so at least there's that right at least your only focus right now starting out as affiliate marketing. If you want to go to coaches, courses, events in the future, I have confidence you can do that. But I feel like it gives you a little bit more breathing room to only have to focus on one facet of the business, which is the marketing and if you never want to leave that you don't have to and it's not you don't have to worry about like if you want to spend 10 Hours a Day Marketing, that's great, but usually you don't have to.

Shannon: Yeah, definitely. And I feel like myself as a marketer, because when I first started I had no idea how to market like I had a little bit of knowledge from my previous business, but still I wasn't good at it. So I think having that kind of one singular focus has helped me so much to become a better marketer which can be applied to other things that obviously just affiliate marketing so I feel like that has been great.

Dave: Yeah, yeah, for sure. So what were some of the lightbulb moments as you're going through that? I mean, what are some of the things that were aha moments for you?

I think so when I first started affiliate marketing, honestly I had really no idea. So I think just learning about how basically every company has affiliate programs, so you can promote basically any products that you might find today like most people have an affiliate program, which is super cool. I also think it's awesome how you can promote multiple programs at once you have like no limit on it. And then I think the biggest thing for me, as I previously mentioned, going through the trainings, was learning how much power tic toc has and how much you can leverage leverage that to be successful and 2021

Shannon: Yeah, yeah, it's insane. And there'll be something else that comes along. It's more powerful than this. I mean, before it was Instagram before it was Facebook before it was LinkedIn. And you know that all the marketers kind of come in and, you know.

Dave: Absolutely, you know, the one thing I agree with Gary Vee is that marketers screw everything up. Because we just, you know, we just we, we take over it like vultures on a dead carcass. You know what I mean? It's, it's, it's unbelievable, but TikTok. They're figuring out how to have stain power there. And it's just as powerful today as it was a couple of years ago. Which is, which means that you know, it's the easiest platform that I've ever seen that somebody could get on and start marketing with. There will be something else that comes along and it's just as easy that's just more powerful. But since TikTok is here, what are some of the things that have worked for you? What are some of the things that you could bullet point to say these things are really these are strategies or these are things not to do or or whatever that that you could kind of summarize in a couple of bullet points for us. 

Shannon: Yeah, definitely. So I think the thing that has helped me the most on TikTok is seeing what is viral and what the trends are and hopping on that so I personally follow a lot of accounts of people who like specifically hunting for the trends. They'll say this is on the come up this week, like he's this sound and apply it this way, or just scrolling down my TikTok feed, I'm always looking for different sounds, and seeing how I can apply that to my business. So I think that probably figuring out viral trends and viral sounds has been the biggest game changer for me because I'll spend like two minutes on a video with a viral sound not thinking it's going to do anything and it's going to have a billion views. And then I spend like half an hour on a video I guess like 10. So also going off of those views aren't important. It's more important to be consistent or to be consistent than to focus on the amount of views that each video is getting, but I think for me like I said, using viral sounds, trends and videos has been the biggest thing for me that's helped.

Dave: And with these, you're not just like, tell how you are using the viral sounds and trends, are you integrating that into your topic? So you're not just using them in dancing or doing something that's just kind of funny and hoping that goes viral? You're, you're integrating that particular trend which the trend might mean like a specific movement right or a specific talk give us some more specifics so we can have some clarity.

Shannon: For like viral sounds. For example, a lot of them will play music or it'll play like sequences of music and during one like you say something that you're happy about and then the next one, you say something that sits in the back of your mind that was like because that's just an example. But so I would find something like that. And I would see how I can apply it to my business.

Dave: Yeah, so you can apply it to your topic, right? Yeah.

Shannon: So I can apply it to whatever topic that I'm talking about. So that way because there's no point in getting a viral video if it's not going to be helping your business at the end of the day. So if I post one with just like dancing to a viral trend, like that's not helping me that's also attracting the wrong audience that I want. So I always try to apply everything to whatever topic that I'm talking about. Or if it's a sound and I don't really know how to apply it to something like business related. I'd just like to make a post talking about something because my niche is how to make money online. So I'll make a post talking about something in my niche and then I'll just have that music playing in the background.

Dave: Yeah, sounds It's interesting. It's interesting how just using sounds you know, trendy sounds, and, and so forth. I think I talked about this with the mastermind. That you're you're and I kind of drew the chart out kind of like it's like it's like an it's like an L and you know, like the higher like say creativity is over here. And then your income is down here. And it's like one of those charts like you'd see like with the stock market or or whatever Bitcoin or whatever. The higher the higher your income goes based on your creativity. So like your creativity, if your creativity is over here, your income if your creativity sucks, and like you it's just you'll see your income will always flatline and stay low. So like with a lot of this stuff. It's really about finding, it's really about finding how I can integrate these trends and these songs into my topic? And how can I even put my own little spin on it? You know, I'll never forget who's a part of our communities crushing it lately, you know, had a video that had some ungodly amount of millions of views. He used a great hook. He was talking about Apple jobs that we're hiring for $18 An hour or something but he started the video off with an apple on his finger and it just, you know, he drilled a little hole in the Apple or whatever, and then had an MD just thought it was really cool. And those, those creative little little pieces, catch somebody's attention and get them to pay attention. So you know, there's a lot of guys and gals, particularly in fitness, who show off their bodies to get people's attention. But since you're and make money online, and that's not the attention that you're particularly looking to get. You're also having to be creative with how you use trends, how you create content, what would you or what would you either add to that but I also wonder what would you say to yourself, or or do differently what since based on what you know, now vs when you started?

Shannon: I think based on what I know now versus what I started I think one big thing that I've learned is the TikTok Gods are hard to please. So they like to flag you for any and everything. So I think that I've learned a lot about certain words that you want to avoid or certain texts that you want. To avoid putting it on the screen. Because sometimes, like I, that algorithm is just so crazy. And so sometimes my videos get flagged for no reason or I'll repost an old video, and that gets flagged and taken down when the original one didn't. So I think it's been a learning curve of learning how to keep Tik Tok happy. So that was a big thing. Also, I think, in the beginning, I didn't really know about the virality factor and trying to, like I said, use those sounds and trends to get everything going. So I think if I was to start from square one again, I would be more cognizant of the words that I use hashtags that I use everything like that, so that way, not getting flagged and like not allowed to post for a few days. And then think that's the biggest thing because I think from day one, I've been pretty consistent on it was say three to five times a day and using the relevant hashtags, which is always good. So I think the biggest thing I said is just keeping TikTok happy and staying on a good base with them.

Dave: So do you have a backup backup account going or do you have multiple channels going right now? When are you also downloading the videos that you're posting onto your own phone or devices?

Melissa: Yeah, so I always download my videos. I have them just auto saved to my phone and then I'll go and snap text. I can take off the watermarks that way I can repost them on Instagram because on Instagram I'm really lazy with my account. All I do is repost my reels. I don't post any pictures like that. So I always have them saved. I actually just made a backup account like a week ago so I was like I think it would be good to just start reposting on there just to have it just in case because you know like TikTok so hit or miss don't mistake my account on Monday. So I just made a backup one just to be safe, but I'm still posting on my main one.

Dave: Do you have a different perspective now about how you could be more leveraged in the fitness niche now that you've gone through? Our training is kind of, you know, marketing the way that you are now versus the one on one kind of serving clients doing personal training? Maybe virtually or whatever. Do you see how you could go into any niche that you wanted to, especially when you're passionate about fitness differently and with more leverage, meaning that doing things one to many versus one on one versus how you saw things before?

Shannon: Yeah, definitely. I think that I have a whole new perspective on good marketing and that was one of the biggest like I should have mentioned that aha moments. When I first started was going through all of the marketing trainings that you guys have compared to my previous business coaches and what I learned with them, I was like, I feel like I have been just like duped for the last year and a half like all of the marketing advice that I've given, obviously was not successful. Business didn't do too great. But going through the program and learning your guys' marketing advice, I was like, I wish I would have known this a year and a half ago because then my fitness essence probably would have been thriving. So I think that I have definitely learned how to go into any niche that I want, and how to really attract the right clients that I want. And also another big thing going hand in hand with that is content creation for your nation for your target audience, which I think I have a way better idea of how to do

Dave: Yeah. It's really nowadays on social media that is even more so about edutainment than ever before. Like especially on the front end like on TikTok like going into long spiels or pitching your products or I see people on Facebook who are pitching fitness services and and you know it just comes across as pitchy. When you really have to suck people into your world. And the way that you do that is edutainment, the education that you are doing has to be done in an entertaining way. The way that we luckily are able to do that on TikTok is with a lot of these trends and sounds and we can join in. It's a lot easier than if you don't even have to be a copywriter like you don't even have to be able to do long form video. Like we once had to do when we had YouTube only as a video platform service. So you know yeah, like you can do a you can be in the fitness niche and never even talk to a single client. Because you're just creating edutainment content on say tick tock or on say Instagram and then pointing people to different affiliate offers maybe dropping your own ebook or something. Maybe doing a webinar that you sell, and you do once or twice a month that you sell for 37 or $99 a month and you give people some one of your secret strategies or something like that. I mean, the one on one model is powerful as it can be in some kind of areas like therapy or like psychiatry or certainly like or like, you know, you're getting your body operated on in some way, shape or form. You need to physically be there and you need to be one on one with somebody. But I mean even telemedicine. is going digital and even workouts nowadays are going. I get up when I get on my peloton. And you know, I'm watching a ditch. I'm watching one person doing the exercise leading the class to many live people. And then there's tons of people like me who usually are catching the replay. Like the game has just officially changed in so many niches and a lot of people have not yet caught up. 

Shannon: Yeah, definitely. And I think going off of something else that you said. That really struck me as well as you came in kind of factor of it. With my previous marketing. It was all just education, education education, because it was so difficult in the way that it was explained to me I guess it was very difficult to grasp the concept of how to entertain and educate. So with your program I feel like everything was just laid out so easily. Like it was just so easy to understand from day one. So the whole edutainment kind of factor. I think that that has been the biggest kind of game changer for me finding the balance between both entertainment and education. I think that is another thing that has helped me completely skyrocket instead of just all focusing on these are the facts I want you to learn. Yeah, keeping it fun because nobody likes to be throwing facts all day and nobody likes to be educated all day long. So that whole factor and how easy you make it to understand and apply was like one of the biggest game changers.

Dave: If they want to be educated, they'll raise their hand and say, Yeah, I want your education like I'm willing to pay for it. But ultimately, the reason why they're on any social media platform is to be entertained. Yeah. So that has to be the number one thing and one of the great pieces of feedback that like Sarah Ravel got this weekend from Brian Brewer at our mastermind was that as Brian was watching her original account, that's why I ask if you had a backup account too because she lost a big account. He said it felt like a soap opera. And like the more that you make your content in your journey, feel like a soap opera meaning that you add an element you tell the story if you can control the story or it can be your personal life like, you know what I mean? Like it doesn't it doesn't have to be your personal life. Like you can create the narrative like you can write the script of whatever you show on social media. Because well that's what people have been doing with sitcoms and movies and shows forever, right? It's only recently that reality TV became popular and even that, you know, is a bit scripted. So all of that is there for entertainment on the front end and then monetize on the back end. Look at the other I think or Kaylee Jenner, whatever that has the billion dollar makeup brand on the back end like the cheese never pitching. She's never pitching makeup. She's never pitched makeup. She's only entertained. And she's only been you know, whatever. But she's never, it's that her channels have never been out of makeup. It's just that she sucked people in with her content. And then she just Oh happens. Here's the makeup that I use. And like that's how she's built a billion dollar company. So I think I really understand that, that you know how there're many different ways to entertain. It doesn't have to just be dancing on video. With the journey it can be with your story it can be with where you're going. Yeah, we're all part of the soap opera part of the show that people come back and tune into to kind of follow your journey if you will.

Shannon: Yeah, definitely. And I think going off of that something I can relate to my fitness business. And this is like people want the life that you're living like the lifestyle that you're living. It's not so much about how much money you can make. It's about having freedom. It's about being able to go on vacation and not have to request PTO. It's about being able to be in control of your own income honestly. So people aren't so interested in what you do. But they're interested in how they can get to have that freedom in that life experience as well.

Dave: Yeah, that's a great point. That's a great point there they're not interested in the how, you know, they're interested in the what and the why right in the who in the hope there's a great book by a guy named who, who not how he's it. He owns Strategic Coach. It's kind of a coach for CEOs and executives and business owners. His name's Dan. I forget his last name, but the concept is who do you need in your life? Who do you need in your business? To help you get to where you want to go? Not how. Right and it's not that I need to figure out and learn a skill. It's not that I need to figure it all out myself. It's Who do I need to hire? Who do I need to either hire as a coach or who do I need to hire as a person in my business? And in this case, from an onlooker to a marketer or somebody who's on social media? It's way more than who you are, who you know, who you are in your life, in and like what you're doing and how you deliver the content. Versus like they woke up and said, Oh, I need to learn affiliate but they don't give a shit. If you would tell them if they like you. And you were like, look, I'm going to show you the easiest way to make a million dollars here is all you need is a hotdog stand and I'm going to show you how to just post it up on the corner down on it's only going to cost you a couple $1,000 to buy and I got I'm telling you, you are going to live the happiest life and make a million people would be starting hot dog businesses all over it the How does it matter? Yeah, it's the who in how the who delivers the content to in half and how the who delivers the lifestyle you're so right about that. That's like a very big boulder asking for a golden nugget that you just dropped right there because he erases your business model. Nobody cares about all the details of your drop shipping or affiliate marketing or Amazon like people are willing to do anything if they trust you. And if it seems like you have what they want.

Shannon: Yeah, definitely. And I think going off of that as well and something that I usually do for people on my success is to build that like no like trust factor. Always say in my videos or comment back to people and message me on my instagram if you want any help with it. Um, so I feel like all day long. I have conversations with people on my Instagram asking me questions about my experience. And so I feel like that's what I leverage to build that knowledge and trust factor and it's done really well for me because a lot of people are skeptical about things. So just having a one on one conversation with them, letting them know that I'm like a real person. Really has helped me.

Dave: Yeah, very cool. Very cool. Well, thank you for your time today, Shannon, it's been very enlightening to talk to you. And I think even though I started off talking about you know, 30 and unders like there's nuggets that all ages can take from you and it just is such a great example that no matter who I am, no matter how old I am, no matter where I come from, I can learn from anybody. And if I want to be successful in this business, I humble myself and be open to wherever the nuggets are gonna come from and you drop a lot today. So thanks for your time. Keep up the great work. Stay legendary and if you will come back and keep us posted here in a couple of months.

Shannon: Definitely. Thank you for having me on. I'm glad that I could drop some little nuggets of wisdom. I know everybody on here always helps me out tons with all their advice, so I'm happy to get practice.

Dave: Yeah, cool. Cool. Stay cool. Stay Legendary. We'll talk to you soon. Okay. All right. You can go and follow Shannon on TikTok and Instagram at hustlewithshan. And clearly, hearing her talk about what she does and seeing what she does. We'll probably put together a perfect picture to explain it even more. And clearly she is somebody who is awesome and totally deserves to be lifted up and supported. How do we support each other? Well, we like each other stuff. We comment on each other's stuff. You know what I mean? Like, drop somebody a comment. You know what I mean? Even don't be don't be a ghost out there, like support fellow members of this community. Just by trying to make them look better out there on the internet. You know what I mean? Giving them some support, you know, don't just DM them. Don't just pm them. You know what I mean? Like going leave a public comment on their stuff like that helps. That's a game changer. Like that's a commitment that I'd like everybody to make who's listening and watching right now and I'm going to be pushing this even more and more and more. Because everybody goes and they follow people and they're like, oh, what's their what's their handle? Like I want to go in stock their stuff and all this no, go and support their stuff. Go and publicly let them know. Not even just on the show. We love the comments and the feedback. I try to read as many as I can but go and support the actual person by leaving them a public comment letting them know how awesome they are. And she's certainly worthy and deserving of that so get out of here my friends we'll see you back here tomorrow for another episode of Wake Up Legendary get out of here. Stay great, be Legendary. And we'll talk to you later. Peace.


The SIMPLE Strategy to Get Started on TikTok Live

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Hey, everybody, welcome to Wednesday, what is today, Wednesday, December 8, we're live. And we've got another awesome guests. I just got back this last week from our mastermind in Florida, which was awesome, fun time, smoked a few cigars, let me turn my phone off here. And just got to hang out with people. And it was a very fun time. And yeah, so as typical if you're newer to our community, or excuse me, first time when we say we go live every Monday through Friday, at 10am, Eastern rain or shine. You know, sometimes if it's like a huge national holiday, maybe we'll pre record an episode. But these generally are not pre recorded. We're here live, I can see all the comments. And yeah, there's a lot of companies in this industry, companies just in general, who create products and don't feel good about them, or maybe don't love them, and would never get on a call like this with their clients. In fact, they would run the opposite direction, and try to avoid this at all costs. But we've got really great clients and people in our community. And so I'm going to welcome Melissa. And if all of you all can give us a little wave and say hi to Melissa moments, that would be awesome, Melissa, how's it going?

Melissa: What's happening? I am just really excited to be here. So thank you so much for inviting me. 

Matt: Cool, awesome. So bring us into your world a little bit. Bring us into your seems like you've got just a lot going on between like, being a mom trying to do this building out your social media, all that kind of stuff, and your almost 3000 followers congrats on that. And you're working and grinding. And so tell us a little bit about, you know, you're just bringing us into like your past work and kind of what that's been like you're a mom, and then you've got just lots of different stuff. Tell us a little bit about that?

Melissa: Well, you're absolutely correct, I do have a lot going on. But I've always had this dream of having an online or having my own business. And for whatever reason, I have always liked to talk myself out of it or found an excuse to like, not like, go forward with it. So, you know, I have spent the past 20 years working in corporate America. And, yeah, and, you know, I've just got to the point where I, I think I use this word, I saw it somewhere and it couldn't work. I kind of within the past few years have had what I call like a pandemic epiphany, there is just way more to life. Then working all the time, I spent my entire career working for someone else giving them 100%. And then, you know, based on you know, whatever their, you know, thoughts or opinions are, I might get a two or 3%, you know, increase every year. But yet, in most cases, you know, you're taking on more and more work. So you start to become really dissatisfied with what you're doing. And before this, you know, you kind of feel like you know, well, I have a family, you know, I need to work, this is what I have to do. But I think we're all starting to come to the realization there are so many opportunities outside of working in corporate America. And honestly, like just the past two years have really opened my eyes to that. And so, you know, my husband and I have been doing some other things on the side to make some additional income. And we have some rental properties. And that became a nightmare during COVID to try to manage and it just got to the point where it was becoming too high maintenance. So we said you know what, let me sell these. And then I'm going to find an opportunity to invest in something and really have something that I can do in my spare time. That's not going to monopolize my time because spending time with my family is the number one priority. And so I, my husband, who has no social media whatsoever, somebody sent him a video this summer, and he ended up downloading this tic tock app. And then he sent me a video and I'm like, did you just send me a TikTok Like video? Like, are you there? And he's like, there's like some really interesting things on there. And I'm like, that's just for, like, kids that are like dancing and stuff. And so, long story short, I got sucked into it. And then he sent me one of these videos of someone that was promoting the 15 day challenge. And I was intrigued by it, but didn't do anything about it. Like a lot of people. interested, you know, I watched the video, and I think I even said to my head, I was like, Does this seem too good to be true? You know, because if this is true, why aren't more people doing this? So I sat back, you know, and I watched a couple people on, on TikTok, and like, kind of watching their journey. And I started seeing that they were having success, and it kind of started getting me more and more intrigued. So I decided, you know, my husband, he's like, Have you signed up for that? 15 Day Challenge? Oh, you know, he's like, Listen, $7 Like, what are you doing? Like, check it out, like, you know, not even two lattes, like, so. I did it. And then as soon as I started, I was just like, oh, my gosh, like, Why did I not do this sooner, because I could immediately see, like, the light bulb just went off, it was like, Okay, I totally understand how this works. It wasn't what I thought it was. And I just started getting really excited about it. And I never got to that moment, like, with every other opportunity that I have tried, you know, or thought about doing, I have ways, like something like that is just like, holding me back from like, moving forward. And, you know, kind of what I learned. And that challenge is, you know, a lot of that is those self limiting beliefs that I'm putting on myself, like, I'm holding myself back. And so basically, you know, once I realized that, and as I was going through this challenge, like, I knew that this can be successful. And I knew, like, I, I just had this gut instinct, that this was it, that this was an awesome opportunity. And I would be crazy not not to try this. Because there aren't a lot of opportunities to own your own business, where, you know, like, the investment is fractional, you know, compared to, you know, when we're buying rental properties, we're spending, you know, quite a bit of money on that, to be able to invest in something, not have any overhead, and you just don't get a lot of opportunities like that. And so, I took a leap of faith, and here I am, and I am blown away by the results that I've seen in such a short period of time.

Matt: Cool. Wow, that's really cool. And I feel like you're Yeah, one of the one of the powerful things. One of the powerful things about this particular moment in time, geez, there's a lot there to unpack. Yeah, actually wanted to hit on your new limiting beliefs thing. So at some point down the road, are you planning to attend one of our masterminds?

Melissa: I am and I was so disappointed, because

Matt: Because I saw that you purchased our masterminds? That's why I was asking.

Melissa: I did, I did. And soon as, like, I saw, like, I was like, Please don't be like the weekend of December. It's like the only weekend I have something going on. And I was like, oh, so I had bought like, a year and a half ago tickets to take my children on, like the Polar Express and gotten canceled last year. And so it was a rescheduled thing. And it's kind of like they're six and eight. So if we don't do it now, like, we're gonna miss the window. So we did that. And, you know, I hated to miss it. But I don't know how often you do it, but I am praying for the next one.

We do and like, we'll do him every, I don't know, four to six months, so there's plenty of opportunities. 

Matt: Cool. That'll be awesome. I usually go to those and so yeah, I just wanted to say though, on the on the limiting beliefs thing, it's such a cool it's such a cool thing that you said that because we just we did so much work around limiting beliefs at this last mastermind and people were really opened up Yeah, we talked about marketing. Yes, we talked about how to grow on Instagram. But we had after day one where we really unpacked a lot of limiting beliefs. We did some. We did some board shopping. So people wrote their number one limiting belief on a board on like, a piece of wood and, you know, chopped through it. And, and got to take that board home and look at it and say, you know, like, these limiting beliefs can be defeated or can be pushed away. And that's cool. Because also, I mean, it's vulnerable to try something like this, you know, especially, I spoke with a few people who have done 25 years at FedEx, there was a guy 25 years at FedEx, who, who came to this mastermind, and it's just, it's a, it's a hard, vulnerable thing. Sometimes it's a little overwhelming to go online, and try something like this after having been an employee for so long.

Melissa: Oh, absolutely. So I, prior to this, I had, I have social media, I have like private accounts, but I am such a generic poster, I don't put it you can't tell anything. Other than I love my kids, you know, they're, they're in sports, they're doing this, like it's very generic. And when I kind of started doing this, and I was like, Oh my gosh, like, if I really want to do this, I'm probably going to have to use TikTok, because that is just such a huge platform right now. And that thought was terrifying. And this is absolutely true. But I was like, like, so my husband, you know, he's very supportive and very encouraging. I was like, hey, I'll do like all that, like, I'll do all the training and like, I'll tell you, and then you do the videos, because like, you're just like, way more like charismatic, you know, you're good looking like, people are just gonna, like, love you more than they're gonna love me. And he's like, You can do this. And so I was like, I really stalled on it. Because I was at a point where I had everything done. And like, I just needed to do that. Yeah. And I did, and it was cringy. And just like, then, like, the more you do it, and like, you can probably see a difference, like from my first set of videos. So I went live, posted the first one on October 7, like, you can just see, like, like, I'm much more natural and coming across, like much more, you know, authentic, and I'm much more relaxed, you know, because I wasn't even a person. Like, I don't like take selfies, I don't think videos of myself, like I'm, I'm not really that, err, you know, I'm just slightly older than a millennial, so I didn't grow up doing that kind of stuff. So it's very unnatural. Yeah. And then I was like, why are people like, there's so many people doing this? Like, why? You know, it's kind of like it still having some of those, like, why would people choose to follow me, you know, what's different about my story, and I think the fact is, is what makes me kind of stand out is, I'm like, a lot of people out there, you know, I am, you know, working in corporate America, not getting out of it, you know, what I'm putting into it. And being busy, and I think we've learned the past few years, you know, having the opportunities to spend more time with your family, like, I want that, like I don't want to be chained to a desk, you know, eight to five, you know, and not having a say so and how I'm, you know, spending my time. You know, and, and, you know, a lot of people think, you know, I've talked to people, you know, in conversations, and I think some people are thinking, Oh, okay, I'll do this, and it's just gonna be like, easy money just like coming to me. Well, it is you do have to put in work, like you're going to get out of it, what you put into it. And I'm willing to do that work on my own terms, and on my own timeline. You know, for me, I do most of this. You know, when my kids are either at school or after they go to bed, you send out an email about challenging us to go live. And once I hit that 1000 And it said that I can feel it. I was like, Oh, I am not going to live like there's no way I'm going to do that. I just think it would be like a rambling hot mess. But I did it. And then like I was like, Oh, this isn't so bad. And like, oh my gosh, people are actually watching

that wild.

Yeah. So but I'll do that, you know, after they're in bed and, um, you know, I will find the time to make it work.

Matt: Yeah. Oh, man. I am glad that you sort of experimented with that because I will say that there's sort of this final it's like a final frontier or something. of building or taking some form of an audience and converting them. And it's how you pre frame and it's how you buy pre-framing. I mean, it's how you take your audience, people who are looking and how you condition them before they see any form of offer. And so you're almost 3000 followers with sales trickling in and, and the lives are a really great way to build that long term asset meaning lists that you know you like you trust to. And I just think, you know, at least in my experience, people with smaller lists who have done that type of work, can can basically I've seen people I've seen this happen, where people sell to that list, any product they want for the next 10 years, and they just purchase because they feel like they know you like and that sounds weird in and of itself, because it's like, Who are these strangers? But there's, there's some real truth to it. I know this. She's in our community, her name's Andrea. And I've known her for 10 years. And back in the day, they would do these like product launches, where affiliate marketers would compete to see who could do the most sales for this new product. Let's say it's a product that teaches Google ads or something, and she would chew it out to sell people with lists that were 10, 20, 30 times her huge email lists huge followings. But it's because she did things like that, where she would actually just go live and just, it was like an investment, sort of like you reap what you sow kind of deal. I'm curious. There's a really good question here. From al Mira, who asked, Can I ask what your content for your first live was? 

Melissa: That's a good question. So I just try to keep it really real. I basically came on here and said, Hey, I'm new to this. Just try this, I didn't even know like on the first live, like how to end it really awkward there at the end. But I just kind of was like, this free, like, still, I, you know, I just kind of started talking about, you know, why I was doing it, I don't have a script, I don't have anything planned, I just start talking about things like what I'm doing now is I'm more like, so I you know, I follow a couple people on TikTok, like, just different strategies on like, what works and like one of them was talking about how to present like, information or trending information from your niche. So I did like seven trends that are, you know, anticipated for 2022. So I would do a couple of those videos, and then I would like to live, I would just talk in more detail, because I do know, I taught, I taught there too long. And I'm trying to learn how to condense them down to a shorter, you know, more like less than 30 seconds, less than 15 seconds. And then using the live to really expand on those. And so what I'm my plan is to like making those instead of like, just randomly popping online, making those more of a schedule with like, you know, with an actual topic. So and, you know, and then like, kind of maybe getting into trying to find, like the right time, you know, that works for like my audience. And so that's kind of it's, it's honestly, like, it's an experiment, you know, same with the videos and posting content, you know, I'm still in the new stage, I'm trying to figure out what's working what's not, you know, what are people connecting with and responding to? And, you know, I think that thing is to, like, I thought I'd take it really personally, like, if people were like, you know, just maybe a knee like, oh, you know, like, but I feel like, and this has just been my experience, but I feel like Overall, like I was really nervous about putting myself out there on social media, because it it makes you like you said vulnerable and it kind of opens the door for like, you know, criticism or like, you know, things that you know, I don't you know, unkind comments and but I will say in my experience, like it has been really a very positive experience and I haven't really had it today I haven't had any really negative responses. Some of the lies you can tell like people are pretty comments to try to like, distract you. And once you kind of get past that and just learn to Ignore it. You know, that's, that's the only thing that's come across. So it's been really positive. And I think the biggest thing for me is that just doing this, I think corporate America kind of diminished my self confidence a little bit, because of just everything going on, you know, I came into corporate America, I was academically very successful. And, you know, I went, you know, to college, like on a full scholarship. So I, you know, got that degree, went into corporate America, and just expected success, because that's, I thought, you know, oh, if I work hard, and I do this, and I stand out, you know, like, things are just going to fall in my lap. Well, it didn't work that way. And, you know, you learned some really tough lessons. And, you know, just some of the companies that I worked for, were very toxic. And I have found, just taking the step and believing in myself to do this, it has been so empowering. And it has given me just in this short period of time, a huge boost in my self confidence. And that alone, you can't put a value on that. And as a result, like other aspects of my life, or being positively impacted because of that, that for me right now is one of the biggest things that I have gotten from this whole experience. And just, it's really empowering to see results, you know, and I don't know if this means anything, but when you when I went live and tick tock put, you know, rising star, I think, don't tell me like everyone has that. But I'm just like, oh my gosh, like they think they think I'm going to become something. So it's, it's really, it's really been very empowering. So I have really enjoyed it. And

you know, I wish more people that are kind of on the fence will just take that chance on themselves.

Matt: Yeah, totally, totally, totally. I feel like, man, there's so much good stuff there. And I feel like there's something so empowering about everything that you just said, I was just going to try to wrap it up. But I was going to try to summarize it, but there's just not. That's really cool. And I've seen that so many times that I know that that's true. And it's not just like BS, because there is something real that gets lost in sort of the corporate and even just in general, sometimes jobs when people work them for a long time. And it's sort of like, okay, here we go. Again, I've lost a little bit of my self esteem or a little bit of my confidence or something. That's cool that you're regaining that. And I also wanted to just, I also wanted to just share this real quick, if this is cool, I don't know if you'll be able to see this. But can you kind of see this drawing? 

Melissa: Yes. 

Matt: Okay, so I want to just say in terms of your live, I've given this idea to people before, and it's been really helpful. So basically, I don't know how to erase that now. But to create a new one, on the on in terms of the lives and stuff, right, like, there's certain times throughout the day where you might be able to go live. So let's maybe say like, I mean, I know you've got a job. So we'll just give this with a grain of salt, but maybe it's early morning, maybe it's maybe it's noon, over a lunch break, or something for 30 minutes, or maybe it's at night, but you can try and trial each of these times, right. And basically, what you want to do is just measure how many viewers you get in total. So like, let's say we get 100 here, 400 here and, and 800 here, I'm just making this up but and you can test over the course of like a week or two. And really, if you track this in a spreadsheet or something or even just on paper, you can start to select days and times that work best or even, you know, two or three, not three, but you could you could track the top two times and try to go live at one of those times on a certain day each week or something like that. But then the other thing is that I wanted to just mention and give a little tip on as well if you're open to it. It's just it's just that when you go live one of the one of the most powerful things is really Yes, you can do some teaching and explanation and that's cool. One of the big things that I've seen as I wouldn't hesitate about talking too much, and don't get insecure about talking too much. Or over talking people actually love that. People love to get on with lives where they feel like somebody, because all all I get from like you, you do talk a lot right here. And I just don't think that's a bad thing. Like most people will hear me say that, like, Wow, what an asshole. But I'm just all I feel is like energy and excitement. And it's just this energetic. I'm excited about something in life. And when you think about it, lots of people lack that or they don't have that going on in their life because they've worked a corporate job for 20 years. And there's a little bit of this, like, lack of excitement, I didn't do that. But at my first job I worked as an assistant in a registrar's office at my college. And these people have worked 30 years of this job. And let me just tell you, there is no excitement in that office. No, zero excitement. It is the same thing. Every day, every month, the same frustrations, the same problems, the same bullshit. And it's like, wow, you come here every morning at 8:30am. And you leave here every day at 430 or 5pm. And it's the same damn thing. And for, like, literally, for some people, that's okay. And that's fine. For me. I was like, Are you kidding me? Like there's zero chance I'm doing this. And I think more and more people feel that way. Because there's now an option. I think most of the people I was working with that office thought about it didn't actually they didn't know there were more options. It's like, this is what you do. And so I just feel like that energy and excitement. And if you were to speak long, and you went for two hours or something, and you're feeling all like, all like nervous about like, oh my, I just went live just went for so long. Most people would just be like, This is awesome. Like, I'm just happy, they probably wouldn't say it, but they would feel it, it would be an unconscious feeling that they would have about feeling like they're in the presence of somebody who's just exciting and happy and like, energetic to go after something in life. That's the kind of that's what that's a leader. Like, that's somebody that that people want to follow. They don't want to follow people who have half assed excitement, or, you know, sort of this weird in between excitement level. So yeah, I just wanted to say that because I do feel like you've got just like this, it feels like you're, you're almost ready to just sort of grab the camera. I'm really excited. And I love that. And I think that that's cool. And I like that in our community. And that energy is great. And, and also just in general with your lives. i The last thing I want to say just on like a note of what I've seen, and this applies to both webinars, but also in, in, in, especially in lives where people are in the grand scheme of where people are at, they're still a little cold, they're still not fully warmed up to the idea. So meaning they're still very new, you're going to get tons of people who are brand new and you don't know too in depth if you do if you do some sort of lesson. Don't go crazy deep into the weeds where people are like, Wow, I'm so lost. People don't need to learn every detail of business before they purchase a course to learn that stuff on business, right? So, for dog training. They don't need to learn every nuance of dog psychology before they purchase a course on dog psychology. If they're going to purchase a course on how to train their dog. You want to stick to the principles that help them believe they could train their dog. Right, that dogs are trainable that there's an emotional benefit for them to have their dog trained so they don't go biting the freakin mailman same thing with like, same thing with like, the Make Money Online industry and niche people want to go into these like crazy detailed webinar funnels. Here's how you build all of this down and here's my stream of all of this stuff. And people are just like, what are we even talking about? Like what? What integration is, like people need first the belief that they could do it, the belief that that it's possible and that emotional benefit that if they were to try it, there might be a feeling of fulfillment and some sort of shift and change. It's really about creating an emotional shift. Not that you're trying to emotionally manipulate people but just by sharing your story right like, just by Sharing your energy or something like that communicates it's a transference of feeling. You're transferring it through the phone into somebody else's life to allow them to feel that sense of hope, that sense of impact your words have, a sense of like, sort of self confidence again, just feel like it's so powerful. So that's really cool. 

Melissa: That's really good advice, thank you.

Matt: And outside of the live, there's, I mean, inside of a live, there's not a lot of other boundaries outside of that good high energy, a sense of self confidence, a sense of a sense of a sense of not only self confidence, but confidence in what you're talking about confidence in terms of any sort of product or service that you're trying to sell, or that you want to talk about, or that you want to offer to people. That's a big one. And I see a lot of people with a lot of followers, they try to go live, and they try to do this and that, but there's a sense that people get as they look at you through the camera, and they sense this, they sense this person might not believe this fully. And if that happens, it's over. They need a sense of confidence, which confidence comes from somebody with a sense of leadership and a sense of belief in what they're doing and what they're saying. And that's probably more than anything, I mean, you can have an average slide deck that you're presenting on in your PowerPoint, and, and but if you have a sense of confidence, people feel that and the feeling is, is the big one. So what, uh, what comes up for you, as I say that anything?

Melissa: No, I totally, I totally understand where you're coming from. Because I think, you know, to the people that I was following, you know, that I was like, considering doing this. And, you know, I was looking at people that, you know, came across to me, you know, I was kind of looking for it, because sometimes out on social media, you're not sure what you can believe. So I was looking for, you know, authenticity, you know, basically someone, it just felt like they were, you know, being honest about you know, their experience and their results. And, you know, that excitement, you know, about like, oh my gosh, you know, I'm new at this, and I've already seen these kind of results. And that was motivating. And, you know, that's probably what pushed me over the edge, because it wasn't the $7 that was holding me back. Right? Like, do I do I want to do this, like, do I believe in this? And, you know, finally, I was like, I'm going to just try it out. And, you know, because of my schedule, you know, I'm doing these like, very late at night, you know, 11 o'clock at night, you know, folding laundry, you know, with my air pods in, like watching it on the laptop. And all of a sudden, I'm just like, oh my gosh, you know, like I said, like it, the light bulb went off, because I didn't have a preconceived idea of what affiliate marketing was, or, you know, a lot of limiting beliefs on you know, whether or not I could do an online business, and starting to recognize that and like, oh, like, and then you know, not that to get too deep. But you know, understanding, you know, for my path, like why I felt the way, you know, I did about certain things, recognizing that and then starting to shift that mindset. It's liberating, and I can't unlearn it now. So I can't go back. I can only go forward with this. And that's, that's what I'm trying to trying to do. Because like I said, I love doing this, I enjoy it. You know, I have been doing my current job. You know, I've been in the same industry for a long time and don't burn out on it. It's not challenging. It's not motivating. But this is exciting, because there's just so much potential and like, you start seeing different things and you're like, oh, but then I gotta like, discipline myself. I'm like, listen, you're new. You gotta just like, you know, stay in the same lane for a little bit. Yeah, where you start getting outside of that, because then you're gonna, like, you're not gonna be able to do it. So that's kind of what I'm focusing on. And just, you know, I have a long term plan and, you know, every day I'm just chipping away. 

Matt: So, yeah. Now that's really cool. And that's really, really powerful. Because, man, the the amount of time and energy people spend trying to just sort out in their mind, like, where am I in this where and and that getting this sense of like, when you said, Melissa, you're new. Like, that's such a powerful statement because is, you know, when people are overwhelmed, how much there is to learn and all of that stuff. I had this conversation, this person, and this would be the last story I'll tell about this, but about the mastermind, but this guy came up to me and he said, Hey, you know, is there somebody here who I could meet with? Who could give me, you know, just an exact checklist of like what to do? And I said, I said, Hey, I get why you want that. But no, we don't have. We have some general checklists, things that you could check off and things that you could kind of keep you on track. But no, we don't have that. Here's why. Because in the world, and of business, which is different than school, and it's different than being an employee, basically, I've owned a couple businesses, my wife owns a business right now. And basically, it every day is you wake up, and you're lucky, if things are in a bit of chaos. Exactly. You're lucky if you can go in, things run smoothly, and you go out, especially in a new business, not in a business that's been running for a while. But in a newer business, that things are chaotic, you're losing, you're losing ad accounts, you're losing social media accounts, you're you're trying this type of content and that type of content, and you're you feel scattered internally and all of this stuff. And I said, look, the best skill that you can learn is to is to give yourself permission and say, I'm just new to this, I'm figuring it out, it's gonna be okay, I'm smart, I'm confident, I've figured out other things in life, like somebody who's who's figured out how to stay in a company for 20 years, that's not easy. That's not something to just sneeze out. I mean, that's, that's like a skill that's built, that you learn how to operate and function inside of that environment. And now you're learning to function and thrive in a different environment, which is extremely hard. But you've got to be sort of, like gentle on yourself in order to sort of give yourself permission. So people are so hard on themselves, like, Oh, my God, I'm a loser. Like, I can't figure this out, I'll never figure this out. But the reality is, like, you know, a kid who sits on a bike for their first time, like, ma'am, they're, they're going headfirst straight into the grass, you know, like, multiple times. And eventually, they're like, Okay, alright, I got to figure this out, I got to get on, get on the bike. And the kid who falls off the bike doesn't feel like embarrassed or ashamed, unless the person who's helping them makes them. But that's because of other people's projections onto that kid, that the kid is a kid just falls over on their bike, and they're like, are, get back on, you know, it's like, all right, or that hurt. And now I need like, some mandates, but I'll pop back on and try this again. And usually, they do that without any sense of like, wondering, Am I good enough for? Am I enough? Or can I pull this off or whatever. It's just, it's only a sense of external voices and things, you know, that are telling us, we're not good enough, or we can't do it, or I'm new or whatever. And and I think that that's sad, but also, you know, at least we have a community here where people can get get validation and revalidation that like, no, like, anybody can do this, you can you can pull this off, and you don't have to feel bad about it taking longer than other people or whatever.

Melissa: Right? Yeah. And you kind of have to get over like that fear of failure, and just kind of like, tell yourself, like, I probably will fail in certain things. And the thing is, and what I always try to keep in mind is I've learned some of my biggest lessons from my failures. And so, you know, I try to look at it less as a failure and more as, like a learning opportunity. But, but that's hard to get to that, you know, mindset for some people. Yeah,

Matt: Totally. My mentor told me to fail fast, you're gonna fail, fail fast, fail hard, because the longer you extend the failure, the worse that hurts. fail fast and fail hard, get it over with and then success. And you're starting to see success, which is clear. So yeah, um, for those of us we'll kind of wrap up with this, and I'll let you have the last word for those people who are sitting here who are newer, they've never tried this before. They have similar stuff. Maybe they've worked in a job for a while and they're trying to figure this out. On that note of getting rid of fear of failure What's What's some things that you've told yourself to help defeat limiting beliefs? What are some actions you've taken to push through those limiting beliefs?

Melissa: So I would say that the biggest thing that I have done and I have been very, very focused. So since I've started this process and started the 15 day challenge, I have tried to speak only in terms of like, being positive, like I've only said positive things about it, I haven't said, I can't do this, what if this doesn't work, you know, I have tried to keep the narrative in my head, very positive. And I feel like, you know, there's a lot of truth to, you know, some of what people say about like the manifest being, you know, just what you speak becomes reality. And so I have tried to speak very positively about myself about the experience, you know, I have a very strong feeling that this is an awesome opportunity. And I just, I just tried to keep the narrative very positive. The other thing that I have done is I've created a vision board on things that I want to achieve. So I had, you know, goals for this year, which I've already checked a lot of, and, you know, I have even bigger goals for 2022. And then the third thing that I would have to say and this just because of my business background is you absolutely have to have a plan. You have to be adaptable and flexible, because that plan might change and evolve as you know, grow and your business changes, but you have to have a plan. You can't just like go into it, and like wing it and kind of hope you know that things start falling into place, you do have to have an action plan. And you know, I think that's critical in terms of being successful.

Matt: I love it. That's super. Thank you so much for coming on. We would love it if you send us an update in a couple months. Here's where I'm at. Let's get you back on the show.

Melissa: I think a lot, yeah, thank you so much. Have a good afternoon.

Matt: Alright everybody, I'm gonna put up her TikTok go give her a follow up and and leave a little comment on on like her most recent video and let her know that you saw her on lon Wake Up Legendary and attender lives and this whole community is meant to just sort of be a positive impact on each other and on our community. So you know, if you come on to a Facebook Live just be like, you know, you can leave a nice comment, just be like, nice job, Melissa. This is awesome. Congrats way to go a lot. You know, we're sort of each other's cheerleaders here in our community. They're just not going to find very many other places. Yes, there's good mentors. Yes, there's good coaches. And we don't and that's cool. But our community is a place where we bring positive energy to each other and to everybody who's in our community so guys, we'll be back here at the same time. The same place tomorrow as we always are. 10am Eastern for Wake Up Legendary. Go give her a follow and also put it down here in the chat just so we don't lose it. So cool. Go follow her on TikTok. We'll see you guys back here tomorrow.

Why Mindset Is The Biggest Factor In Your Business Taking Off

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends? This is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary and we just finished up an amazing mastermind weekend back in the saddle here. And something that we say quite often. If you know a construction worker can do it anybody can you know a stay at home mom can do it. Anybody can today, Sean. He's an oil worker. And if you read the title, if an oil worker can do it, anybody can. Let's hear his story. Sean Smith, welcome to the show, brother.

Sean: Hey, how are you? 

Dave: Good, man. I'm fantastic. Where are you calling in from?

Sean: Actually from Claremore Oklahoma. And back to work. I actually had to take my lunch break, too because I just, you know, can't. I don't have any days off. So it's one of those deals that you know, do what you gotta  do and am excited to be on here. 

Dave: Yeah. Wow. That's cool. And I would assume that not having any days off somehow ties into why you're building a business on the side online. Is that right? Is that you know, more family time, you know, because it's just the world's crazy deal going on. And there's a lot of people struggling out there and I was one of them. 

Dave: So tell us about that. Tell us how you found Legendary.

Sean:  I was actually just scrolling through TikTok and I came across you know, Brian Brewer and all actually all the ones that have on your mastermind, this this recent mastermind, and, you know, it just was like, Man, I don't know if I can. I don't know if I can do this. Because, you know, I had no computer skills whatsoever. I mean, is I look dumb when it comes to looking at a computer screen. And for me to come out of my shell and do you know, the things that I'm doing now? Even my wife and kids laugh because they've never seen me break out of my shell like that and to have the opportunity to have financial freedom. That is something that just blew my mind. And that's why I kind of it kind of led me to that and that's where I ended up that was legendary. I mean, I'm just after going through the 15 Day Challenge. It was. I mean, there's a lot of information in those 15 days. I mean, it's actually more than you can actually handle really, and then stellar. Yeah. Yeah, well, I always tell people it's better to be overwhelmed and underwhelmed. 

Dave: Oh, yeah, for sure. You know, people are always complaining about being overwhelmed. And it's like, well, have you ever considered the opposite of overwhelm? It's underwhelming means you're not very impressed with what you're doing and you're not being stretched. So it sounds like you are being stretched a little bit. You're, you're using new muscles. You're trying new things. You know, even the families looking at you. It sounds like they're supportive, but they're just shocked. What is it like for you to work some of these new muscles and I can relate to that coming from construction for some of these folks who are listening who are feeling like they can't do it because they're working muscles that have never been worked before. And it's going to take some time to build them up. How has that been like for you? 

Sean: Yeah, you know, just putting my face out there on you know, social media is a big deal for me because I'm used to just be in hands on being the grunt work guy out there in the field or you know, working on equipment stuff like that and to step out of my comfort zone and and make videos and tell people you know, kind of share my story. You know, you get a ton of people that relate to and I didn't realize that whenever I first started I was just thinking, you know, I've tried so many get rich quick schemes, and you don't I don't know what I'm going to do. And I was like, I'm gonna try it. You know, and my wife, she was like, it can't hurt. I mean, it's only $7. You might as well just go ahead and do it. And in a month's time, it was like, got this email from you guys saying that. Be on  Wake Up Legendary. I'm like, it just blew my mind. I was so excited. And I was like this is I can't fathom how much I appreciate everything that legendary done for me, you know, because, you know, whenever, you know that high ticket commission comes in and my wife was like I showed her I was like, am I reading this? Right? And, you know, is this just a joke? And she's like, Oh, my gosh, this is actually real. You know, and then the kids are like, you know, you just made a TikTok and this is what you got. I'm like, No, it's not that simple. But yeah, it's like that, you know, and they're like, Wow, and then they started getting supportive with me, you know? It's crazy how just one video can change your whole life like, I woke up that morning and had literally like, 3000 followers overnight. And then and then I had so many comments, I was getting overwhelmed and my mentor was like, just calm down, take a breath. Or, you know, just go through it. Take your time, you know, every couple hours, do a few and you know, comment and you know, help people and it's just been uphill ever since and I've just been like crazy going up to the top of this mountain. It's so good.

Dave: You just dropped a major nugget. And I just I'm not sure if everybody you dropped a few and I'm really your story. is very inspiring. Just the way that you tell it is very inspiring, because it's so real. It's so human. And I think that's exactly what you were talking about just a moment ago. Where you were like, I can't believe that so many people can relate. It's you know, the more real you are, the more down to earth the more just average normal of a life that you've lived, at least that you're living when you're getting started. It's one of the reasons why I just sit at the same desk every day and aren't out trying to be Mr. Mr. Lamborghini Mr. All this and that is because even if I do have some of those things, even if I can afford some of those things, they're not what the majority of people can relate to anyway, so it really does me no good to get on camera and flash them all up in debt because I mean, people just end up looking at use more skeptically that maybe they're rented or maybe they're not yours or maybe you're somehow just trying to use them as a way to pull the old banana in the tailpipe. Anyways, what does that do? Are you starting to see that now? Whereas maybe in the beginning you looked at Well, I'm just an average person who's worked in an oil field so I could never do that. Are you starting to look at some of those things that you once looked at as struggles now as strengths like hey, people are relating to me because I am keeping it real because I am probably pretty close to a lot of the challenges that they're all facing as well?

Sean: Yeah, yeah, I fell into that same trap that you were talking about with you know, people promoting their you know, their lifestyle and everything and all this all this glamor and everything. I'm like, Man, I just wish I could have that. And then, you know, legendary didn't have all that they just had the they're telling it like it is and, and my mentor he was like, you know, that's what you need to be as real and for me to be real to get us in and you can see my error here my accent you know, I'm pretty country redneck type person, you know, so for me to be on Tik Tok and explain it myself. It was hard at the start, you know, but then now it's getting to a point where it's just second nature to me. It's becoming really easy for me now.

Dave: How long has that taken? Getting comfortable just that we've taught, you know, just the time in which you've gone to go from where it was really difficult to where it's become second nature. 

Sean: You know, this is my second almost third month. So it I mean, it happened quickly. But as far as getting, I'm still not comfortable with some things. You know, there's some that won't do you know, and I won't. I don't. You got to open up to people and a lot of people want to see that you open it up. And for me, I'm this soft spoken type of person. You know, if I started talking real, you know, and I got emotional and I started getting teary eyed and stuff because I'm like this is me, you know. So it went well. 

Dave: I just wanted to point out that you know, that that timeline man of you, you know going from being real uncomfortable to to being like second nature was was just a few short 60 to 90 days. I mean, that's really a very short period of time in the grand scheme of things, to work at something to develop a skill that can provide you freedom, you know, and really communicating with people online, especially where we're going. I mean, for God's sakes, Metaverse, and all this, like, I don't know what all this shit means. I don't know where exactly, it's all going. But what I do know is where we're at right now, to simply be able to have a conversation with somebody on camera or even easier, right because what we're doing right now is live and I'd say this is one of the more difficult things to do. You're just recording the video, and you're speaking to the camera. And you have a chance to do it over but going from totally new and awkward and uncomfortable and it being the 50th nature to do it now becoming second nature being able to do that in 3060 to 90 days. I guess I'd like to pose it to everybody who's listening to it like, Do you have 60 to 90 days to develop a skill? They could give you freedom for the rest of your living life and help you build a business that you could then pass on even to future generations just like you were talking about with your kids?  What sort of future do you think you're opening up for your children by showing them that an oil field works or that's not the only path for them? Sean: You know, that was my main focus, you know, I was scared to let myself down and let my kids and my wife down, you know, because that was one of those deals that you know, it was either make it or break it and she said, just don't do it. You know, you can do it, you know, and just the encouragement from them kept me going and whenever they seemed, you know what was going on? And they were like, they were like, Man, can I do that? I'm like, well, you're still young, but you know, you can do it eventually. And you know, they're all They're all on board with that. They do TikTok and everything and all kinds of computer stuff. So they're really good at it. And I just tell them all the time, you know what my struggles are? No, you don't have to do that if you learn the right skills and you know, set yourself up and so that's the one thing I'm trying to do is just show you guys that somebody that's out here working their butt off every single day and still comes home and does this work. 

Dave: Oh, what a powerful, what a powerful, you know what a powerful demonstration example. I mean. What are you smiling about? What's coming for you? 

Sean: Oh, I'm just excited for everything. You know. I was so nervous about going on here. I couldn't even sleep last night. Because this is nerve racking. Like you said the live deal is even more nerve wracking than just posting a video. 

Dave: Yeah, yeah. But it's so bad. You know, you get it's,you know, to me, it's all about framing. And I told the story to the mastermind this weekend. You know, there was a lady who was a public speaker and every time she saw a microphone , I knew that she was about ready to go on stage. She got all sweaty and knots in her stomach, and that's how she knew she was going to have a breakdown. And then you go over here and you interview a guy like Bondo, the lead singer of YouTube and before he got on stage, microphone, he got all sweaty knots in his stomach and that's how he knew he was alive and getting ready to crush it. You know, it's it's, it's the same scenario and it's just all about sometimes how we look at it, and how we choose to look at some of the symptoms that we're having, you know, some of this nervousness some of this, you know, sweating as some of this knots in the stomach is just letting me know that, you know, I'm alive. You know, I'm getting ready to rock this if I had no feelings, maybe I might need to check my policy. And I think this business has a lot of those things. It's a lot of those coming up against things that are new, that are going to make us nervous, and how we choose to perceive those feelings, those normal human feelings, that fear you know, that that that that insecurity, even that imposter syndrome, you don't think that great and successful people all across the, you know, the timeline of, of humans have at when they were new felt like they didn't belong in the room of the great you know what I mean? Like it we've all had these imposter syndromes we've all felt like, do I really deserve to be this? Do I really, am I really qualified to speak right now, whether it's on your tick tock about marketing or about parenting or whatever your niches or whether it's about, you know, you're a brand new attorney at a law firm, it's yours. Time to introduce yourself or your time to speak up at the first meeting. You know, I'm sure you've felt like that at some points on the oilfield. You got all those legends out there who you've you who've been there for 30, 40 years. Here, you're the new guy. There was probably some imposter syndrome at the beginning. There is probably a little bit of newbie insecurity and stuff. And, you know, we it's just that I think with our business online, it's that it's an optional thing. We make it optional. So we let that push us back into quitting or stopping. Whereas, you know, you said and you said this a few moments ago that you made this. You had a different mindset. It was this now or never. Is that a mindset that you had that you felt was helpful and could you explain that a little bit more, because you do still have a job? You do still have another source of income that you could say, oh, well, I got another source of income. I don't really have to do this. But somehow you pre positioned it in your head with your business that you don't have a plan B. How did you see that? How did you sing that, that gave you that ability to to keep going?

Sean: You know, it's one of those deals that I've always had the kind of a mindset of if I put my mind to something I'm gonna do it regardless if I fail 15, 20, 30 times, gonna make it happen one way or another. And I put that in place with a lot of other, you know, get rich quick schemes. And, you know, I've failed and I've tried again and failed and tried again, you know, and, and that's what my grandma used to do. So it was one of those deals that it kind of runs in the family that you follow into these schemes and stuff. And whenever I got on the legendary it was like, you know, everything just started coming together and, and all that knowledge in the 15 Day Challenge and all the training and stuff is like it was overwhelming. I was like, I gotta figure this out. And you know, having a mentor that was helping me put those pieces together just because I'm more of a hands-on person, so if I can't do hands on then I don't learn as quickly, you know, and that's probably certainly anybody out there. You know, a lot of them like to do hands on. And that was my main focus. If I'm going to do this, I'm going to 110% in it and that's all I want to do. And I did. I watched countless YouTube videos and Google things and everything imaginable to find out everything I could possibly find out before I even got in the legendary because I wanted to make sure I had a plan for this thing.

Dave: I got you, I got you. Well, the only thing I would say to anybody who's listening who's brand new, is maybe save yourself a little bit of time of Googling and thinking you're going to figure everything out before you get started because there's you're going to come in and you're going to find that if you just take it one step at a time and you figure things out as they come up. It's a lot easier than trying to figure everything out or think that you figured everything out before you get started. And I think that ends up holding a lot of people back. You're lucky that you continued and followed through with it. Because the majority of the rabbit holes that people go down into on YouTube and Google actually keep them in a cycle of excitement and then overwhelm and then self sabotage and then and then do it all over again. So just know that you know, the truth is there's enough people in this community that if you need additional help, you need insight. You need somebody to help you. Anybody can be a mentor to you at any time. And that's what I think one of the things that people get for me, let me explain to you how I use mentors. Sean, you could be my mentor today, because I need help with how to make a video go more viral. Because I've been posted on TikTok and I just, you know, what, I need to figure out what can I do to make it go viral? I could reach out to you and you could mentor me at this moment. You know, and sometimes I have multiple mentors in a day. You know, and I think this is also one of the things that holds people back is they think that they need. You know, they hear folks talking on these shows and they think that I need my situation to look exactly like that. And stay flexible folks as you're listening. Take the meat and leave the bones. Know that your story as much as your story that you're telling is inspirational in tongue and just amazing. And you should be so proud. Your story is not going to look like the next guys. It's going to look a little bit different. And there's some things that people can do that I'm sure you wish you knew. At the beginning, you might do a little bit differently so speak to your brand new day one self in knowing what you know now, what is something that you would have done differently? 

Sean: I definitely wouldn't have waited as I was trying to get to the point where I'm at now. I would have gone ahead and just went through the challenge and did the research through that and instead of because like you said there the YouTube and everything will take you down past it will hold you down. You know they'll give you that up to that point and then stop, you know, and whenever I had that one viral video, you know, I was talking about single mothers and stuff like that. And it was a single mother who said hey, you know, you're the first person that's ever explained this to me correctly. And I'm like, No, I did it correctly. You know, I just did it, you know, and that right there blew up all over TikTok. And, speaking of Megan and Ryan , they're the ones that commented on my Deal and like, I got so excited because I was like I thought they were famous. That's how it was because I was like oh my gosh, they comment they say good job. You know, do you ever need any help? Just let me know. Oh, my gosh, there's actually people out here that I see making all kinds of money that will help me and I'm like I'm not anybody special. You know and if that's what changed a lot of my mindset to go with don't have to have a lot of knowledge. You just have to know the right things to tell people that help them get through the process that they're trying to get through. Because everybody's struggle is different and I can speak the truth every single day that somebody is going to say all that they're gonna find and pick everything and find that one thing that really sparked their interest and like a person I actually relate to, you know.

Dave: So true brother, so true. Well, listen, I want to leave you a little little time to actually, you know, eat your lunch so you know I thank you so much man for you know being willing to carve out time on your lunch break to chat with me and with us. And congratulations on your success. Congratulations on the beginning of your journey. And you know, stay Legendary brother keep up. Keep up the fantastic work. Tell the family I said hello. 

Sean: Okay. Sure. Well, thank you for everything. 

Dave: You’re welcome, Sean. You're welcome. Keep it up, buddy and come back and keep us posted here in a few months. All right. Well, thank you. Alright, so I'll talk to you later, buddy. I'd say you could go follow Shawn at @stepaboveaffiliate. He's on TikTok and Instagram. That's his handle  @stepaboveaffiliate. Alright, my friends. Back in the saddle back to business as usual. You know, I just had a fantastic mastermind in Orlando. As Sean mentioned, you know, Brian Brewer, and Megan and Ryan Hubbs, Austin Becker. We had Sarah Ravel there we had Andre. Andre why his last name always is a challenge for me but he's been kicking tail. Yeah, we had just an amazing group . We had a fantastic time. There's different levels for you to know to interact with us whether it's just watching the show every day. Obviously going through the challenge, going through some of our training and getting on live coaching calls or coming to a mastermind you know that we just want to work with you. We don't want to sell you something and then go hide which is what I see so often happening on the internet. So we want to work with you. We want to support you and there's so many people in this community who are here to help, who are here to support and who are here to kind of lift you up as you run into both challenges, but also all your successes to celebrate with you. So get out of here have a legendary day. We'll see you back here for another episode. Tomorrow. We'll do something great. Go be great. Be Legendary. Peace.

3 Tips To Grow A Successful Online Business

Below is the transcription of this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends this is Dave sharp Welcome to Wake Up Legendary. I am thrilled to be with you coming from our mansion here in Orlando. We just finished up our Legendary Marketer mastermind and it's been a fantastic weekend. So many breakthroughs, so much incredible content, incredible connections. But we have business as usual. So help me please welcome to the show. Jackie Bertram. Jackie, what's going on? Welcome to the show.

Jackie: Hi, thanks. for having me.

Dave: Hey, you're totally welcome so we have you know, mark on the show single mom feels with multiple business models but succeeds with this. Tell us just briefly a little bit about your story and what led you to Legendary?

Jackie: Yeah, so I think I've always had kind of an entrepreneurial spirit, but growing up kind of humbly, I valued security more than anything. So when I was choosing a career path, I really wanted something that was secure where I could still be people because I didn't necessarily want to get into something salesy or marketing, which here I am. But I'm actually helping people. Now. I didn't realize at the time that you could still do that and make an impact. So I went into nursing, and that wasn't an easy path. It hasn't been I've been a nurse for over 10 years. I've gotten into management over the past couple of years. But probably for at least five years or so I've tried several different routes of getting out of nursing in general because it's a tough field, especially as a mom. I did. I went through multilevel marketing, publishing, I had my own life, coaching business for personal brands, and I had my own personal brand. But then what happened was I went through a divorce a couple years ago, and I felt like in my personal brand, the thing I struggled with the most was being super transparent about everything going on in my life and kind of relating that to how I could get better in business etc. But I didn't feel like doing that. I didn't really want to put all my current events, I guess on the table when that was happening. And so my brand actually kind of started to fizzle away, and I didn't want to go. I didn't want to have a personal brand for a while even though I had a lot of success with that. And there is so much power in telling your story. I just wasn't there yet. At that time, and I know you've had a lot of success just in telling your story. But it is a very vulnerable place to be especially when you're going through something you're in the thick of something.

Dave: Oh, for sure when you're going through it. Absolutely. Absolutely.

Jackie: I think it's easier when you kind of like gotten a step ahead and can look back and share your insights. But I kind of just gave it up for a while and focused on my kids and the career I had and then I started getting an itch again. And I was looking back into what methods I could use to make some money on the side that could grow into a business that could potentially get me away from my career which is highly demanding, highly stressful. And I was just searching through a Facebook group one day and people were talking about how they make money online and kind of the typical answers came up like Oh, Social Media Manager Oh, I'm in multilevel marketing, etc. And then someone was like, Oh, I do high ticket affiliate marketing. Like I make 1000s of dollars. a month. I don't know why you guys are even any of these business models. And I was like what? Because I've done affiliate marketing in the past just with an Amazon affiliate. I actually got kicked off of Amazon affiliates, after like a few weeks because they have really strict rules. I didn't know that. I didn't realize you couldn't post in certain places like social media, like in Facebook groups. So I just kind of figured Oh, that's not right for me a few years ago, but then I started Googling more, watching some YouTube videos and really getting into it and came across your program through Stacy La. And I think the important thing to note there is that if I would have just seen your sales page to begin with, I might have been skeptical, but I think the power in these and having affiliates is that you get to find somebody who you connect with like me just because of there's more similar to you or they speak to you in the language that you need to hear and she kind of introduced me to legendary marketer in a way that made sense to me. That really drew me to it and then I just made a decision that I'm gonna go for this I don't have much time I really don't I'm not like all of the people that are on this show and might have like a few hours a day or you know, got laid off like I do not have much time but I use the time I do have very efficiently and I've found a lot of success pretty quickly because of it.

Dave: Yeah, yeah well first of all, Stacy La She's incredible. She was supposed to be here at this mansion. I'm sitting up in this kind of room I guess if you will. As the cleaning crews kind of cleaned up behind us all throughout the house. But she was supposed to be here. But for whatever reason, because of some things that are going on right now in the world. She wasn't able to come into Canada. And she's awesome. I had an awesome conversation with her on the show a couple of weeks ago. And it was an awesome episode. So if you are wondering, you know who Stacy is and what her story is and why she may have connected with Jackie, I would scroll back through our Wake Up shows and go find Stacey La’s show a couple of weeks ago and listen to it because it was really powerful. I love that. You know, I love that you said you may not have connected or even been skeptical if you just saw the VSL in the sales page. It was the affiliate that bridged the gap for you. That's what I think is true that everybody's not going to connect with me initially if they saw my content or material, especially in that context on the sales page. So I think that was a great point. And, you know, also I don't take that personally. It's just like all of you who are wondering, you know, why aren't people responding to my content? Well, you just haven't reached enough people to find your slice of the pie. You have Jackie, you've used your time wisely. You've built your TikTok up to about 40,000 followers. Now your marketing. We're going to put your TikTok candle side hustle back clean up on the screen. Give us a couple of tips. I'm going to have to jet here within a couple of minutes to kind of move out of the way for kind of cleaning crews and stuff here but I'd rather show up than cancel right. We do the show five days a week, rain shine or whether we're just ending independence. So give us a couple of tips about how you've been able to use your time so wisely.

Jackie: I think doing the research first ahead of time watching the trainings, figuring out watching some people who are making it work and hooking the audience first and foremost, I have a variety of videos that are shorter if I do shorter videos, I always hook them, give them a little mystery and then give that to call to action at the end. If I do longer videos like a minute. Ish. I will make sure to jam pack full of like step by step instructions and to get very clear, eliminate any gaps of time, make it pretty fast paced and keep them intrigued. And then again call to action at the end and engage with content, comments.

Dave: Sounds like you really got into the Learn, do teach and took that you know seriously. And I think there's a couple of things that I've seen make people successful quicker. It's number one, you've either got your back against the law and you got no Plan B scenario two is that you have very little time. And you're either going to make use of that time like you're talking about or you're just going to say I don't have time. So how long do you have each day and what does that time look like how you're spending it.

Jackie: I would say an average of an hour a day to be honest, but I can't say it's an hour every day because there have been weeks where there have been like five days and I've had zero time to do literally anything. And then I've had like a weekend where I pour like a full day into just learning, making sure my funnels are airtight and making content kind of making my next plan. I think having a plan is also important but not being scared to pivot in that plan too. So I would say probably on average an hour a day.

Dave: Yeah, yeah, it's been flexible. You know, I had somebody tell me early on in my recovery journey, not just in my market journey. He said, You know, being rigid. Means you're brittle. You break easily. You flake easily. Being flexible, you're able to adjust and be flexible. Pivot some of these words, it doesn't mean throw the baby out with the bathwater. It just means make subtle adjustments, small adjustments, tweak your messaging a little bit, tweak your approach to your videos a little bit, try something new before you just throw the entire business out and say hey, this isn't for me. Give us one final piece of wisdom that you would have given yourself when you first started that you know now.

Jackie: I think I would say that you don't have to be a complete expert to start with, you just have to be one step ahead of your audience. So as long as you're one step ahead of them, you can still teach them something and then as you grow your audience also tends to grow with you and it's ready for that next step. So don't be scared and intimidated by all these people who are making it are doing really well. You can be just as equally successful. But the important part is understanding that you just have to be the person that like the three months ago version of you would need

Dave: Or even the person last week, right last week, yeah. didn't always need to mean months or years. It culd mean weeks or days.

Jackie: Absolutely. I learned so much just in like one day of being focused sometimes. So don't be intimidated by other people's progress. Or think that you're a failure because of their successes. There's no correlation. You are on your own track you can glean from other people but don't get off track by the negative comments that you get. There's a lot of those. It's very intimidating at the beginning, but you have to learn to let go of that and let go of the successes of other people that you might be intimidated by. 

Dave: Great advice, great advice. If everybody took that to heart, we would have an entire 100% success. So well. Jackie, thank you for your time. i love to have you back. This is going to be a little bit of a shorter show day just because we're wrapping up an event here and we have to keep it moving. But please please come back and give us an update in a month. Or two. I'd love to learn more about you. I'd love to hear more of your story or more of your wisdom and I have a feeling in just a couple of more months you're going to be 3x 4x 5x where you are right now because you've already made some amazing progress. So keep up the good work. Thanks for your time this morning.

Jackie: Alright, bye

Dave: Okay, all right, see ya Jackie. All right, my friends, please follow Jackie and connect with her. Her TikTok is up on the screen there. Side Hustle dot queen. Okay, side hustle dot queen in case you're. You're listening to this on the podcast. Look, we just finished up. We just finished up an incredible mastermind. I mean, I broadcasted live in the room on Friday. If you didn't catch that. Just scroll either up or down on this page wherever you're watching this to check it out. This weekend has been fantastic. So one of the things that we're about here at legendary is actually talking in meetings and actually working with our clients instead of Hawking pitching, closing and then blocking or hiding, which so often is what people's experiences with buying from gurus online. And so please get closer and get more connected in the community. We are as real as authentic, as transparent as it gets. We're also going to tell you, if we don't know for example, if I don't know the answer to a question, I may not know it but we'll get it for you. Somebody in this community knows it and we can help you get to the next level. You're always going to be willing to walk beside you. Not in front of you, not behind you but walking beside you and there's a lot of us here who can help a lot of us here who can support so I look forward to meeting you all and talking with so many of you in the coming months. And hopefully in the next couple of years. You know, but please lean in. That's my message for you this morning. Lean in and know that, you know, this community, this platform, this company, what we're doing here gives you every chance to succeed. Because it's not just about a piece of information. It's not just about the secret that I'm going to somehow reveal to you when you get to a certain point. It's everything here: the right people, the right information in the right environment. And we're just going to keep coming back every day. And believing in you and believing that you can do it until you believe in yourself and that you can do it yourself. That's when it clicks. Alright, so my friends, I love you all. Thank you. Thank you so much, Jackie. Thanks again. Please go give her a follow and connect with her and lift her up and support home. At sidehustlequeen over on TikTok. We'll see you back here tomorrow. Get out of here. Love you, stay Legendary. Peace.


Wake Up With The Legendary Mastermind In Orlando, FL

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends this is Dave Sharpe, welcome to Wake Up Legendary and we are woke as hell here in Orlando, Florida.

I don't know if you can hear that or not but 60, 70,50 Somewhere in there, I'm a bad accounting dropout and we are going to be masterminding we're going to be learning and we're going to be teaching will be growing this weekend. And really honestly the only thing that's missing here is your ass sitting at home on your couch because you decided not to come. But I was just talking about the show to everybody here in the room. What this show has done for me and what I hope it's done for them, which is back in March of 2020. We started this show with me being the host. We were doing it with other folks hosting the show, in our team, in our company, but I started hosting the show and it was a big commitment. Right, because well shit oh, show up for something every day at the same time. You know, no matter where I was at. Sometimes I've streamed this show from the mountains of Georgia. Sometimes I stream it from my backyard. Sometimes I’ve streamed it from my car. Sometimes, not most of the time. I've just been right at my desk, wearing the same exact shirt every day and the same hat. Right? I actually don't wash the shirt that's gross. I do wash it though. Anyways, I will talk to you all today here briefly about our events. To give you a little bit of a taste and a look into our event. I hope that all of our folks here, if you're sitting at home, you've been you know marketing, you've been building your business. You've been signing up for support. 

You've been watching webinars, you've been reading emails I mean, it's like webinar after guru after course and then while you're doing your research and development scrolling through TikTok or you know, Facebook or whatever. Before you know it you're on a new webinar and signing up for something new and it's like maybe this is it. Maybe it's doing you know last time I did drop shipping with Shopify, but maybe this time it's doing drop shipping with groov cart or some other software, right, like maybe it's a different software but but anyway, I've been sitting at home, working as a self employed person, because that's really what we all are, right. Remember in the Cashflow Quadrant where the left side is, you know, you're employed or you're self employed. And then over on the other side, it's where you know, that's where you want to be as a business owner, and an investor, what makes a business owner is that you have people working with or for you, and you have systems that are in place. So most of us when we start are self employed, right? We're self employed, and so you've been sitting at home and you've been kind of doing most of everything alone, right and you're by yourself and you're surrounded by family and friends who don't know what the hell we’re doing, right and for most of us were high, like we're like smoking crack or something. It's like, you know, we're like somebody coming in quick, you know, get off the porn site, just pretend like you're just messing around. I mean, or whatever, right? I mean, you know, then she'll walk in and think everything's normal, you know, whatever. But it's like, it's like when we finally get out and we come to an event. I think one of the biggest one of the biggest impacts that I have is just kind of talking to people who have, you know, a lot of the same experiences, even if they aren't all positive experiences, even if they're, like some challenges, you know, and some of the things that we can laugh at ourselves about, like the endless signing up for this and that evolved and all right, you get you find your tribe, you know, you find people and then you also here's the other thing is that you get in a room and you start to see people who maybe you put on a pedestal on the internet and when you see them in person, you're like shit, oh shit, like if they can do it, I can do it.  

And you start to humanize people instead of idolize. You realize that you realize that even me, you know, like my ability to kind of get up and just start talking and, you know, I mean, I literally rolled out of bed like, nine minutes ago.

You know what I mean? You guys are all like struggling Uber's you probably thought I'm like prepping ready for you. You know, like, doing my meditation. No, I'm sleeping until the very last minute. Right. But why? I go live every day. I practice. I've been talking and speaking and creating content for over a decade. So I mean, to be able to turn on the camera and just start talking. It's something that this isn't, this doesn't come natural to me. This is something that I've done. And I've worked on and I've been you know, I you know, I practice and now like if something doesn't land right or it doesn't sound right or whatever. Like I don't stop and turn off the camera. Especially if I’m live, I can't write another way to get good at speaking fast. Be live, right, we're live, right? And so, when we come to events, we get to hear those stories, meet people and really learn the behind the scenes of their success versus just, you know, kind of thinking that they were born like that or made like that or it's Maybelline, isn't it? Right. She wasn't he was you know, it's all a matter of most of the time being a lot uglier behind the looks out you know, interface and it's usually a scramble and oftentimes a panic, you know, things are a mess, and we just try to clean up whatever's in the frame of the camera. Right. You know, that's kind of that's kind of what it is. 

So, yeah, these events are as much as the content that is shared, you know, as much as the content that's shared. We are going to be sharing a lot of amazing content, and we're going to be sharing a lot of strategies. We're going to deliver an immense amount of training this weekend that I think will be highly like changing for everybody on the road. It's also the connection. So if you're watching this from home right now and you're thinking hey, what is the thing that I need to do? Moving forward the next time I get an opportunity to maybe kind of push me over that edge? I would encourage you to try to connect to build a support system to get more involved. Maybe that means coming to an event and meeting people. Maybe that just means getting out of your comfort zone in networking a little bit and kind of building a small little support system that you can kind of be accountable to communicate with. Because in all transparency, you guys know that I'm a recovering drug addict, right? So the truth is, is that over the past you know, decade plus as I've navigated my recovering and trying to stay clean, and I have an addict, personality and I could pick right up where I left off at any time if I was to start, you know, messing around if you will. You know, but I have to stay, I have to stay diligent mostly with my support. 

You know, it's not just about me driving the train. It's about you know, sometimes I gotta get out of the captain's chair and I gotta find me a co-pilot. And that's what you know, that's what you know, sometimes it can be hard to trust people and sometimes it can be hard to meet people. Sometimes it can be hard to connect with people. And sometimes it can be hard to feel like an equal, right? Human beings have a tendency to either feel greater than or less. Right, we have a hard time just feeling equal to other people because we want to feel airier is what the ego wants. But ultimately we end up feeling it is ultimately what happened. So it's hard to reach out to people. I get that, that's why I'm telling you to do it. Right? Because it's important. For me, for example, my recovery. The number one thing that's helped me to keep my life on track over the past decade plus is having support people having people that I can run things by having people that I can get feedback from you're looking at a lot of people in the room in here that I may get to get a lot of limelight from you listeners but there is a real, you know, fuel in the engine and the ones who keep me accountable here in this business. I'm not greater than as because I have some title that says your whatever else it is, I'm just as liable to make mistakes. I'm just as you know, prone to do things or or make bad decisions or whatever. So my point is that how to getting in the middle of the boat, everybody here. If you're yourselves a huge round of applause, I know that it was a big deal to get. So go ahead, give yourselves a hand.

And you sitting at home I don't want you to feel shame or guilt for not being here. That's not what I want. I want you to think about moving forward, getting more involved. Right. For some of you what that's going to mean is just attending the show every day at 10am Eastern time for the next 30 days. Like just set a routine, set an alarm and tune into the show every day for the next 30 days. If you know, take the guests that are on and go and shoot them a message after and say hey, thanks for the content. I really appreciate it, you know, or feel the energy of the community around you, all a bunch of people who are doing the same thing we try to model like what happens in this room on the show. So for some of you who are really locked up or feeling paralyzed or watching this, that's going to be my first suggestion. Just watch the show every day like set an alarm and tune in and build a routine around your business. Now if you can't make it live, we have it on podcast. We have it on YouTube, you can come right back to the Facebook show. But watch the show every day and build that into your routine. And what will happen I promise you is you'll begin to get a million ideas. But you will begin to get inspiration that will encourage you to then start building your own support network, building a growth community and ultimately getting started in marketing. That's all that's the ultimate goal is to get you in action. And then here's where the magic goes on over the difference. I'm not David Copperfield. Okay, I'm David Sharpe. But the magic happens and this also happened to me in recovery. Right. What happened to me in recovery was I stopped making it all about myself and I started to look for other people that I help. And when I started to look for other people that I could help instead of just making it all about me. Now all of a sudden, I had a massive shift. And I started to and it wasn't pretty. It wasn't like now I know y'all see like these 12 step meetings, like on TV or Breaking Bad or whatever to where people are sitting in a room and it looks awkward. And it's like that, like it's actually pretty awesome. 12 step fellowships are actually pretty cool. There's some cool paths of places and there's like pools and a lot of them will hurt you. So just consider 4000 fellowships you might be addicted to something you want to check it out but anyways, but yeah, it's not like I all of a sudden one day just kind of came in walking in like, hey, you know what's going on? I'm ready to help somebody. Tell Yeah, no, it wasn't like that. It was just at first it was just like, hey, I picked up the air. You know, can I serve the meeting? Can I serve somebody else? Can I pick up cigarette butts like something like that, like an attitude of service. Right? And then what happened was, I would leave the meeting instead of feeling like oh my god, if I can stay clean today, and I don't know if I can make it, I would be fulfilled with gratitude that I delivered some value and I was able to, like, just contribute right? And I know as you listen to this, it sounds simple, right? But what happens is, getting into the marketing thing that I just mentioned a second ago, is actually really difficult, right? Because we struggle with this mindset of like, do I really know enough like and I really, I'm still struggling like, I'm still a newbie, can I stay clean today? You know, and I believe making a commission today here, Lord, I'll get down on my knees, you know, and it's like, that's not how it works. God doesn't care about you making a commission that's not on his agenda, right? Or her gender, whatever you believe, right? What, What, what, what matters is that we have a transformation to where we get into service and we start helping people. So you know, for those of you who are listening, as you're looking to become a part of the community at birds, what I would then invite you to do after your 30 days or three days or even right away, is ask yourself, How can I start serving? How can I start serving? Right? Because the ultimate skill set that you'll learn here is not knowing how to be a great art, even though we're all marketers. The ultimate skill set you'll learn is service and leadership. That's the ultimate skill set you'll learn. Right? Because when you start to develop that that's when you know, that's when that's when people will follow it, you know, have what it takes to build your own. You know, and ultimately, you know, that's where, if I was to say, somebody was to say, Dave, what's been one of the biggest best things you've been you've been responsible for a lot of money and building community. Right? But it wasn't that I just came in and just was like, Okay, I know how to build communities. I'm gonna make a decision to build it for myself now. It was those baby steps at first of just first learning how to go from needing somebody to help me get out of my struggle, right? And then making the transition to saying ah, hold on, I'm going to have a shift and reframe this. And I'm going to see how I can serve this space? This place these people? Okay, so also for those of you in the room this weekend, I'm going to invite you to have an adoption that same month, right? I know you all came here for yourself. I know you all came here to learn something. I know you all came here to take something away to learn and soak up as much as you want. But I wonder how much you can give. I wonder how much you can give to what you have to offer. And that doesn't mean that I need to go around. Be like how can I help rocking and rolling but I'm here to serve like it doesn't have to be that awkward. You know what I mean? Like it's just a reframe, just putting how I see myself and the situation. I'm just putting it in a different frame. And I tell you, when I go to places now it's a lot less awkward, right? I don't have to work like being a part of communities for me, and when I go into a new place, it's not that weird for me because I've got that. I'm seeing things through How can I go there and contribute? Not just how can I go there? Right. So it makes me a lot more comfortable being a part of these. I think we need to really learn how to be a part of communities and products you know, because I think that stock back if you think about our ancestors, we were very tribe oriented. And now if we're really honest about our life, we might have one good friend who knows something about our inner life but many of us don't. And we used to live in tribes and we used to live in communities where everybody knew everything. And it wasn't gossip, it was just the village that was raising the child. 

And so we have to relearn how to be a part of communities and relearn how to be how to try ultimately, if we also want to lead our own communities and our own tribe, and if we want to get into another topic, lead our families and you know, as a man, this is something that I think about how do I lead my family that I believe I do one things how you do everything? Right? So if I can, if I can improve my leadership skill sets here in this community, I'm likely going to be able to do it for my grandkids. I'm going to likely be able to show up as a different grandfather for my grandkids. Then somebody who you know, may be who is uncomfortable with connection or community, right? Or who have for many years like me, was very selfish minded. And I only thought about myself all the time. I wouldn't consider myself a narcissist, but I wouldn't be too far away from it. You know, because everything was about me, right? This is one of the big shifts that we have to make to be successful as a business person as a marketer, but also as a leader of a family as a member of a family. And so hey, I'm talking about a lot of things for you here. All right, we're getting the shift to get deep. I got my boots on. I'm ready to go and right. The problem is, is that you all at home, can't really go with it because we're gonna we're gonna shut the camera off your moment and we're gonna spend this weekend here together, and those who are in the room, and, you know, the folks in the room are here, they're going to be, you know, they're either going to be empowered in breaking through by the end of the weekend. Or, you know, we're going to lock all the doors here pretty soon. They're going to be looking for a window to crawl out. I don't know you know, they'll let you know what ends up happening. But if you're sitting at home and you're wondering, you know, hey, is this real? Is this a community that I should be a part of? What do you all think?

Yes. All right. So give yourself a chance. Give yourself a break my friend, put down the mouse, stop clicking and scrolling and signing up for new webinars. Right unsubscribe from some email lists. This weekend, get some clarity and simplicity in your life and whatever training that you're going through, you're with Legendary wherever you're at in a conversation with your advisor. Focus on that and give it your 100 percent and if you do without distraction, I think you might be surprised what happened. Alright, my friends, get out of here. We love you. Stay Legendary. We'll see you back here on Monday for another episode.


How To Drive Traffic To Your Online Business

Below is the transcription of this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends? This is Dave Sharpe Welcome to wake up legendary. Yes, I am wearing a white shirt this morning. Hello. Just changing it up. I got a mastermind to attend to cut things off tomorrow morning in Orlando, Florida. You're going to be there. I'm looking forward to meeting you, seeing you and having a powerful weekend. This morning we're going to hear from one of our students here, one of our members of this family and community. Fabi, all the way from Germany. Welcome to the to the show, my friend

Fabi: Thank you very much.

Dave: Am I correct in saying that you're calling in from Germany?

Fabi: Yeah, that's correct. From Germany, Munich. 

Dave: Wow. Wow. Incredible, incredible the worldwide effect of this business and how you can do business with people all over the world and connect with people all over the world. So tell us a little bit about your story and how you found Legendary Marketer.

How To Improve Your Online Content And Start Earning

Below is the transcription for this episode: 

Matt: What’s up everybody? It is the first of the month. December 1, hope you're doing well. We are 100% live. I just got my text message that says what does it say? I get a text message every morning from David himself. Benny’s been working for quite some time trying to make this work. And he's got a little online business that he's got rocking and rolling now, and I'm excited to unpack a little bit about his journey because I know that he's been and this guy's been working crankin he's been on our Blueprints calls for a long time. I mean, a really long time. He's a great example of somebody who's been consistent, hard grind and going after it. Man he's just been around our world for like, honestly you know, I'll let him tell his story. I don't need to go into this but honestly Check this out. I didn't even I didn't even know about Legendary Marketer when you had purchased our Blueprints dude. I didn't even know they existed. I have known Dave from like empower stuff, but you've been around our community for three years. That's crazy.

Benjamin: Yeah, when I first joined it, I was just kind of like, taking my time and learning everything and at the time, I was working as a tow truck driver so I pretty much put in the time that I had like free time. Just basically up until recently, I really started to focus and that's what helped me grow a lot on TikTok and allow me to see a lot more results.

Matt: So bring us back into Alright, it's April 2018. And you hear about this company, Legendary Marketer. I came around and became part of the legendary team, late 2018. So not that long after you but so funny to bring us into your world back in 2018 tow truck drivers tell us about just what was life like Then what were you looking for? And how things are since then, and what's your journey been like over the last three years?

Benjamin: Back in 2018 While I was working as a tow truck driver full time, five days a week and I was just basically looking for any other way to make money online. I started looking online before just typing in what most people do on Google and YouTube, how to make money online. And I saw people talking about drop shipping, Amazon FBA, print on demand and affiliate marketing. So at the time, I was kind of messing around with the idea of creating my own custom clothing brand and I just needed to learn how to market it. So that's what kind of led me into the affiliate marketing part. So I started looking more and more into it and basically, it caught my interest. So that's when I actually stumbled on Nathan Lucas's videos on YouTube. And I just kept watching these videos and watching them and then I just finally said, You know what? I want to check yourself and so that's when I started and that's when I joined Legendary. 

Matt: That's awesome. So you find legendary tried some other stuff and other stuff? What was there anything in particular, like, tell us about what your experience at legendary has been like and just, you know, what's your? What's it been like?

Benjamin: It's been pretty cool. I mean, I've learned I mean, way more than just what most people do is just looking on YouTube trying to learn new skills. I mean, they teach you basically everything that you need like the fundamentals, the basics, the foundations to start an online business. And I haven't really found that anywhere else.

Matt: That's cool. I've seen you. I mean, I've seen and chatted with you. Every Thursday we do business blueprints, webinars. I can't even remember how long ago but it's probably been like two years or so ago. We started doing those so you bought the blueprints? 2018 We weren't even doing those webinars. We've been a part of the thing. And just because you've been a part of our community for so long. That piece got added on and so did the decade and a day which was something that you didn't even have access to when you purchased. All of that has been just sort of added by guests' value. And we haven't called you up and been like, Hey, by the way, you've got to pay another $500 for this or Yeah, no one's no one from our team. Right is calling you up and being like, Hey, you want to buy something else? You want to buy something more? You wanna pay us for extra add on to the blueprints right now that I know of?

Benjamin: No, it's yeah, that's a good point about the blueprints. Like well, once you invest in the blueprints you guys pretty much just, I guess, grandfathered me into any future updates to the blueprints?

Matt: Yeah, which we do with everybody. I mean, like, we just sometimes we'll just add stuff on into the blueprints. When Dave this last January updated the entire business blueprints course the affiliate, the affiliate marketing business blueprint. Everybody just got it uploaded in their back office for free and it was like hey, by the way, this is brand new. This is the best training Dave's ever done in his career online. kariega You know, you didn't sell a 2.0 or something else or whatever. We could have done a launch around it. We could have done a lot of stuff. But we just it was like here just let's keep this thing let's make this the best. We can possibly make it so anyway. For you with where you're at now. Like, tell us you're sort of had there been struggles over the last couple years. Have you? Have you tried different things and what's working for you now?

Benjamin: Yeah, there's definitely been struggles. When I attended a decade in the day, I started running Facebook ads to Clickbank offers and I've had my account banned like four times. So it's just a matter of learning from mistakes, just overcoming problems and basically just moving forward. And what's helped me a lot lately these past couple months is Eric Forner has been mentoring me and he's helped me pretty much grow my followers on TikTok from like 17,000 to 100,000 in the last two months. Awesome. And that was also due to because back in September, my youtube channel was suspended. So yeah, so that gave me more time to focus on my TikTok account.

Matt: So you were putting a lot of time into YouTube.

Benjamin: Yeah. So I just recently got it unsuspended like two weeks ago. So I got to focus on that as well. Yeah. So yeah, there’s been some struggles.

Matt: Yeah, there's been well, there's always lots of struggles and there's always people in our community who are willing to help people like Eric, people like Brian, people like Sarah people, like Stacy Calvin. Lots of people who have had success and are still doing really well and are just willing to help people and do a good job at that. End of the story. What's your journey on TikTok? So you're creating videos, you're making videos you're posting. Was there anything that was key or that changed or any big shifts that you did in your content that helped you grow so much over the last two months?

Benjamin: What I've noticed is that those How to videos like up to two lakh in blueprints, both those are pretty good. They get a lot of views and followers, you're in there. But what I've noticed is that when you tell your story, or you have a video that has some type of emotional hook, people really gravitate towards that more because people like to follow other people's journey. They like to see what's going to happen next. Kind of like when people watch a movie, wanting to know how it's going to end. You know, I mean? So yeah, so it's my main takeaway from that.

Matt: Have you been putting together like a string of multiple videos or what have you been doing?

Benjamin: I have a lot of videos right now on TikTok. So, my strategy now is that throughout the week, I'll create three new ones a day and then I'll post two new ones every day and then one of them is going to be a repost. So after a while, I'm just kind of building up a library of TikTok videos. 

Matt: Yeah, that makes sense. What Um, is there any part in particular that you feel like it's gotten the most engagement on your videos and stuff? Or like what? What do you focus on? What do you tell people? What do you explain?

Benjamin: I just kind of like to break it down as far as affiliate marketing but like, I make it simple. I don't say I tried to avoid saying like, here's some affiliate programs that you can sign up for. I just, I kind of rephrase it and say all these companies will pay you to send them new customers and then I just go into the company. And then I just pretty much explain the process but just for people who don't know what affiliate marketing is.

Matt: Bingo, so not talking a bunch of insider language, but instead speaking, yeah, a little bit more to like what people are, like, like what they're used to hearing about, right. So making it sound like something they already understand. There's this concept that when I started 10 years ago, I started reading some of the best old school copywriters in the world. And one of them I'm blanking on the name said, you know, you have to enter the conversation that's already going on inside the prospects mind. And so if you're, if you're putting out videos hoping to sort of get some response from people who might be interested, you gotta ask yourself, what are they already thinking about or what language would they already understand? So I love that because there's a lot of people out there who just post non-stop talking about the niche inside or terms of their industry that other people just don't know about. That happens a lot in weight loss. That happens a lot in lots of industries, but the industry you're in is the Make Money Online industry or affiliate marketing industry and that happens a lot in that industry where people start talking about like, number one way to get started with affiliate marketing and it's like, no one on tick tock wants to know that they want to know that that's not a benefit to them. Right or, or here's some really bad marketing. Here's how to get one year of coaching with me for half price, right? No one wants coaching with you for half price. Right? They want a benefit. They want an emotional benefit or, or in your case, like if you're talking about making money they want a fiscal benefit. Right. So like, here's how I've I was formerly a tow truck driver three years ago. And here's how I built my little piece of the online pie over the last three years. Check this out. Right and giving people some sort of emotional benefit a little bit of a feeling of like, what am I going to get out of this? Right? Yes, you're sharing your story, but also, if you're gonna if you're gonna spin and start to go towards like, here's a call to action that should be based around terms that people are already aware of, and making it something that's understandable. It's why people in this industry are successful in many ways, what they'll do is they'll frame things in terms like big companies, right? So it's super smart. That you're doing this, like, Hey, here's a company that will pay you to bring them new leads or new customers, right then it's like, oh, Amazon pay me like, Okay, now I'm listening, right? Because there's different things that are going on inside the person's mind when you're doing marketing. There's, they're thinking, is this credible? Is this a scam? Is this real? Is this something I can do? Is it legit? Are there other people doing it? They want to know all of these different things and they're scanning? It's like a scanner, the old school scanners. It's like they're scan scan scan scan that either comes out clear, and it makes sense or it comes out. I don't know this doesn't seem that legit. And I'll just tell you the scanner is like the scanners going down. It's like if you're just talking about network marketing, affiliate marketing and all that stuff. They're like cheese, dude. You know, the amount of scams and like bad people I've met in that industry. I'm not interested. You know what I mean?

Benjamin:  I think that's why it's important to break it down into simpler terms, and I try to avoid the curse of knowledge. So what a lot of people do as they learn business, they learn the lingo, and then they expect or they just think that everybody's going to understand what they're saying. So that's what I tried to do is avoid the curse of knowledge.

Matt: Yeah, right. Right. Right. And, and I I agree that I do that. I tried to do that a lot of my training, but I think sometimes I even struggle with that. That's a good reminder for me, because the times where I've put out training or those times that I've helped somebody with training or I've, we've put out a course or something like that. The times where it's been most impactful or it's had the most impact is where every point where I've made a point or I've talked through a topic, I've unpacked exactly what each of those terms means, and why it matters and so Damn, that was a good reminder. It looks like I learned something this morning. So over the last couple of years, you're building this out 100,000 followers look, however the hell you get to 100,000 followers is a big accomplishment. You've learned something about the social media algorithm. You've learned how to tap into that. But you've also forgotten about all that junk. You've also learned how to tell your story and be authentic and connect with people, probably that's my guess. And from what I know of you for the past couple of years, like I would say there's probably a good chance that you've had to learn something that didn't come easily and you've had to learn it. You said you were nervous to come on today's show. So like maybe that's been a little bit of nervousness. Or you know, whatever. But how is that part of it being the part where you're connecting with people, real people sharing a bit of your journey and story? What's that been like? 

Benjamin: No, it's been pretty…It's been kind of tough actually telling my story. That's something that I really had trouble with mostly because it's not that I don't think I don't have a story. It's just, uh, I feel like if I tell my story, it feels like I'm looking for sympathy or I'm trying to get somebody to feel sorry for me. So I try to incorporate it more into my deals, but I'm not trying to make every video just about my story. 

Matt: Yeah, yeah, you don't have to. I mean, even doing videos, even doing stuff about your story, even doing stuff about other people's story and journey. I feel like this sort of melting pot of different types of content can be really helpful. For instance, like, there's a guy Ian who does that and he does his videos or day in the life of a bodyguard, right? And he does those and he tells funny, interesting stories about his days as a bodyguard, and it's his way of having fun with it, but also allowing people to attach them and people in, in particular content creators undervalue that ability for people to connect to them or be attachable there's this like psychology term called, or a theory called attachment theory, and making yourself attachable and giving people ways sort of like sticking out tentacles and allowing people to grab on and be like, hey, I want to take me along for the ride, you know, is super key super important. But also you can create different styles of content based on the algorithm and what's going on in the algorithm to get more of those followers right so it's, it's a both and combination. And also, then the last piece is, how do I convert these people? Right, like how do I get them to take meaningful action and help build my business and also help start their business and get themselves going? So yeah, super cool. I love it. I love it. That's awesome. What what, in terms of like, where you're going? In terms of like, what you're doing, where you're going? What's the plan moving forward? Like what are you going to do moving forward? What's Yeah, what's what's, what's the next step?

Benjamin: I'm gonna keep on doing what I'm doing on TikTok and then also continue to build my YouTube channel and then also, I want to start moving into mentoring and coaching. Because I also have a Facebook group that I direct people to, and I'm starting to go live a little bit more on my tick tock account. So I actually went live yesterday and I was just hanging out. I was just like, pretty much posting stuff. video on my YouTube channel. And then people are coming in asking me questions, and asking me like, oh, what's the best way to make money online? Or, like, what is it like? I posted a video about a sales funnel, and then I just went over it like in my life, and people were just like, saying, Oh, that's pretty valuable. Thank you, you know, thanks for the information. So that's something I'm looking forward to going into as well. Just mentoring and teaching other people.

Matt: So awesome. That's cool. mentoring and teaching other people is yeah, something I was just actually saying. She said that I just jumped quickly over to your Facebook. He only made that a month ago, and it's already got 63 people. So nice work. It's awesome. And I feel like you know, from what I know of you from the time that we've, I mean, it's not like we chat all the time or anything but just from what I know of you. You're such a quick implementer like You're so quick to implement things and you can. It's not like you just implement it and then quit or something like you really stick with stuff you really are learning really really valuable skills and, and earning while learning. Right. And I will say that it's great to hear that you're going live more as well because for anybody who wants to know What do I see on my end when I watch people make a ton of sales. They're going to live because it breaks this psychological thing. I won't get too far into this but the psychological element of seeing someone's life that you've been following for a couple of weeks or a couple of months or whatever, man, there is a big psychological wall that is broken down when somebody sees you and experiences you in a live format. Especially. I don't know what it is but especially on TikTok especially on TikTok where it feels like it's just real raw, candid conversation. You can you can touch and and almost like reach out and touch somebody it's just super cool. So I'm glad to hear that. That's something that for people who do that regularly, in particular people who have done that in a while for me on a daily basis, I've seen them go to six figures faster than anybody else I've ever seen. Online ever like mind numbing fast, where they spend an hour to three hours a day on a live at the same time or around the same time, maybe not every day, but most days and it's it's, it spins my mind when I have messages with Dave in our Slack channel. Where we're just like, What the hell is happening, like, how is this possible? And we just think back, you know, to 10 years ago or like how we do not have this but it's just an opportunity that's that's, that's in front of people right now. So I'm glad you're taking advantage of it because that's huge. For anybody who's sitting here, who's thinking about, for anybody who's sitting here and is thinking about how do I get started, how do I get going online? How do I get moving? What would you say to them? If they're thinking of putting in their first video or their stuff in their drafts on TikTok, and they're waiting to hit post because they're nervous. What would you say to those people?

Benjamin: I mean, I want to say what everybody else is, it's just posted you know, like my videos weren't good at all. I don't think I mean, don't go like my TikTok and go all the way to my first videos because they're terrible. But I just posted them and I just had the mentality like, nobody's gonna see these. So I just kept posting and posting and then eventually I got better. I learned pretty much the tips that you've taught us. Thursday webinars like to start off with the hood, giving a call to action, and I just got better over time. So just, I mean, yeah, it is kind of scary to post and just think about what other people are going to think about, like oh, this person on Tik Tok, you know, but just post it, I mean, I mean, you're going to get better after after a while.

Matt: Totally hit post, and post keep hitting posts. And the cool part is, is he posted so many times? That honestly to like scroll to get to your first videos would just be like, the goal. Right. So it's like part of it is like if you're barest about the old stuff that you've put up. It's just like, just keep making more and just bury that shit down at the bottom. Like, just bury it doesn't matter. Cool, man. That's awesome. Well, thanks for coming on today. If you need anything, let us know. We're happy to help, obviously you know where to find me. And, and if you let me see if I can put up your tick tock, there we go. And, yeah, come you'll always be around so I, you know, sometimes if it's the first time meeting somebody I'm like, Hey, come back around, but you're always around. We'd love to have you back on here in a couple months and see how things are going. 

Benjamin: Definitely. Thanks for having me on.

Matt: Again, anytime. All right, guys. Give him a follow. All right. You can see his link and also just put it in the chat. Just in case but it's Benjamin.  How do I pronounce your last name? Benjamin: Zuniga

Matt: Zuniga. @BenjaminZuniga1, all right. I put it in the chat there as well. So you can give him a follow but watch his stuff. He's been around for such a long time. And he's a good dude. He's just a good guy. And that's like, you know, yes, he is probably a lot of marketers out there. They can follow you, but this guy's got a lot of humility. He showed a lot of resilience. It's actually pretty rare to find somebody who's hung around in this industry for that long three and a half years that's in like, marketing years or in like online digital. Space years. That's like three decades. So kudos to you, Benny. You've been cool and it's been fun having you around in our world for such a long time. And just as a few final notes, guys, if you want you can text the letters WUL to 813-296-8553. If you text the letters WUL we will send you a text message every morning reminding you that we're going live. If you guys want any merchant advice that says like Be Legendary or F average Be Legendary you can go to the Legendary shop. And that's all we got for the day. I'm going to put his handle on it for more time. You can find many on TikTok, go give him a follow and get into his world plug in. And he's a good dude, help me out. And yeah, we'll be back here tomorrow, same time, same place. Tomorrow is Thursday, and I'll be flying out tomorrow afternoon to go to our mastermind in Florida, which is over this weekend. Our masterminds are awesome. You're gonna see some photos and videos from there. We might even go live from the mastermind on Friday. So if you're here watching right now, tune in live at 10am Eastern on Friday because I think we're probably going to go live from our mastermind mansion on Friday. It's going to be bombed so Alright, see you guys. Peace. Out


Why You Should Never Stop Learning Despite Life’s Challenges

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends this is Dave Sharp and welcome to another episode of wake up legendary. We have a guest this morning who after four and a half heart attacks, my Lord, is still building his business persevering through and and doing his thing. So let's hear a story about Kalei, welcome to the show my friend.

Kalei: Good morning. Good to be here. Thank you for having me on.

Dave: Hey, it's our pleasure. It's our pleasure. So obviously the big kind of the big headline here is after four and a half heart attacks you're still keeping on I mean you look like a young guy. Tell us tell us your story.

Kalei: Yeah, well. This is the most upright I've been in the past two weeks actually. Yeah, I did have two heart attacks, just about two weeks ago, kind of back to back his genetics and actually, you know, actually exercise that you eat well. And it's just kind of luck of the draw with the genetics there. So I just gotta keep pushing on business and providing for the family. You know? 

Dave: There you go. Well, yeah, I totally get that I have some cardiac or cardiovascular stuff in my genetics as well. So I gotta stay on top of that. So, you know, obviously, there's, you know, we all have our own set of reasons, excuses. I mean, gosh, man, if anybody had a reason to quit, it might be it might be you. I mean, just whether it's like hey, oh, this is too stressful or whatever. But I mean, what? Talk to us about what's going through your head and kind of how you're viewing your life in business and even having this odd to overcome here with genetics in in, you know, fear, right fear about potentially giving yourself another heart attack and how do you how do you balance the stress in the what I call future tripping of the business? In being an entrepreneur and so forth?

Kalei: Exactly. I mean, you know, none of us know our future of course, but, you know, hopefully my future does not have more heart attacks. I will do whatever I can to be healthy and alive because if I'm not healthy and alive, I can't build the business. So yeah, just really getting out of my life. Anything that is stressful. Whether it be you know, I quit a stressful job back in 2019, which is a good move. I, you know, I do enjoy building a business online, you know, affiliate marketing, because it does provide some income. And so I'm just, I just keep on building that. It's not stressful. So yeah, that seems to be a good route for me to go.

Dave: Well, that's great. Um, you know, some people would say that it is stressful. So, how are you? How, I mean, if they say that this is stressful, there's a good chance they say that uh, that a lot of things are stressful, but, you know, you used to be a substitute teacher, right? Is that the job that you're talking about that you quit back in 2019?

Kalei: Oh, actually, I've had a number of jobs and I'm actually still a substitute teacher, okay, which I really enjoy. Okay. The job I quit back in 2019 was a part time job with a building supply supplier building supplier. And, you know, they like the color orange. Really, you know, I don't want to mention their names. But I did quit, which was very stressful for me. I gotcha.

Dave: So tell us how you found Legendary in kind of what you were looking for or what you didn't know you were looking for in kind of what has happened since you went through our challenge and started learning here in our community.

Kalei: Okay, well, you know, like all of us years ago, you know, I typed into Google or whatever search search I was using, you know how to make money online. So I, you know, I went through all the different things that you find, you know, different multi levels and stuff like that, and I believe I came across something from Brian Brewer. I came across something on YouTube. Because I was always looking for ways to improve myself and I ran across him. And I think I did first find out about legendary marketer I'm not sure who it was that I first signed up through. I could tell you Yeah. There's a lot of people out there promoting Legendary Marketer affiliate marketing.

Dave: So being a substitute teacher being an educator. I mean, how do you come? How do you compare or how would you? How would you, what would you say about our unconventional or unorthodox or this unorthodox style of learning? You know, so many people just to get them over the hump of just kind of opening their mind to something other than just the traditional way of doing things, going to school, going to college, getting a job, etc. Nowadays, an orthodox learning where you're going to YouTube or taking a course online, a lot of people look at that, like, hey, you know, that might not be legit or whatever. How do you view that being somebody who I would say is as qualified to speak on the topic, has anybody been a teacher? What do you say about this kind of unorthodox education, self education and where that can take you?

Kalei: You know, I think I think a lot of people kind of dismiss this unorthodox type of education. Not at a, you know, university or college, and maybe they don't take it seriously. But what I found is, it definitely is a good training program, and it's definitely well organized. And that's what I liked about it. And it's actually very easy to send people you know, to the, you know, through my funnel to legendary So, and you know, it's not complicated, you know, it's a step by step process, where they can actually learn about affiliate marketing and it can apply to different types of businesses as well.

Dave: Yeah, different niches and so forth. Right. So, um, so you just mentioned that you signed up and became an affiliate for legendary you decided you wanted to kind of make your content in your you wanted to you want it to build in the with the wealth niche or the make money online niche, and you made a high ticket commission. When you were in the hospital or something, or when you went into debt, can you tell us about that? And kind of what that was like?

Kalei: Yeah, actually, that was awesome. You know, I was creating a lot of content and I was getting sales here and there. You know, and I knew I was going to eventually get a big sale if I just kept on pushing and kept on creating that content on TikTok mainly. And then I had to take a break, and there was a bunch of Well, ironically, or go into a little more detail. I was actually doing a cardiac rehab program. And so I was putting in a lot of time there. And, you know, I was really trying to focus on my health and this was all before these recent two heart attacks, which is kind of a weird coincidence. So, yeah, that commission, that really big ticket commission, high ticket commission came in when I wasn't doing anything. And to me that was like, wow, that is like passive income. Because it just came in while I was doing absolutely nothing. Right. Or you were taking care of yourself. Right? 

Dave: Yeah, think that you have to experience that to really know what that that feels like and what that's like to be completely away from your computer completely away from all just anything that has to do with your business and have 1000 or multi 1000 or multiple multi $1,000 payments or commissions come in and it's it's like wow, you know, I remember the first time that I made $1,000 In a week online, and I can still remember that I was meeting my wife's parents, not for the first time but but it was one of the first times and we were going to the beach and I just was a little bit feeling kind of, you know, cocky. And also sort of blown away. And also like, is this real, you know, I just I can remember the feeling I was so proud of myself and I was so proud because I was struggling to make, you know, three $400 a week. As a construction worker, basically as a laborer. And here I made $1,000 In a week, and I was just blown away by it. So I know that feeling feels for me even like it was yesterday as well. And the beautiful thing is that that doesn't have to stop. I mean, your first one I think builds enough belief and excitement to it's kind of like it's kind of like turbo fuel. You know, like it really well for you did it what did it do for you did it make you say okay, look, I need to continue to stay focused and consistent because I just I want this to happen more often. Is that what it did for you or say more specifically about how maybe it shifted your mindset?

Kalei: You know, that feeling that I was dealing with, I can remember when I saw it, and it just takes a while for it to register. And I was like, Oh my gosh, like I made this huge, high ticket commission. I ran through the house, and everybody thought something was wrong with me, because I was around the house. And I said no, it's a good thing. That I'm running around the house. Yeah, he didn't realize what was going on at first. But yeah, that definitely motivated me to do more to create more content. But then it was kind of cut a little short because then I was in the hospital. You know, and I could and I just had to take just a good pause there. You know,

Dave: Yeah. Wow. I can imagine that it was tough to be in the hospital after that happened and trying to recover and you want to continue to mark it, but it's like you need to just chill and in heels so I'm so glad that you're back on your feet. And you said that this is actually the first time that you've been up and and and you know because of that my friend I want to you know, let you get back in. You know, I don't want to. I don't want you to spend too much time with me here this morning because I want to make sure that you get back and take care of yourself and if you have anything else to do on your business today. I want to leave time for that so you can still continue to do the appropriate self care that you need. And so would you have any final words for anybody, you know, that is maybe facing their own challenges. Maybe it's not healthy, maybe it's not as dramatic as what you've experienced, but what would you say to somebody who is feeling the pressure or feeling some fear and doesn't quite know if they want to keep going? Kalei: Yeah, well it's definitely worth taking a look. You know, affiliate marketing is actually not for everybody. You know, I wanted to kind of refer back to something you said earlier that some people feel that affiliate marketing is stressful. You know, I've done a lot of different things to try to make money. At one time I was learning to be a day trader. For me, that was extremely stressful and not good for my heart and I had to ensure it couldn't do it. could not do that. You know, is this a very time sensitive type of decision making, you know, but what I love about affiliate marketing is you set things up, and then you wait and you watch and things happen. You know, it's not a time sensitive and stressful situation where you're going to, you know, lose 1000s of dollars and all those kinds of things. You definitely have control of the situation more than other types of businesses. 

Dave: Oh, yeah. Well, you were talking about because I had meant I had mentioned the business being stressful. So I think the other things that you've done that were much more stressful and I can also relate to that as well. You know, checking crypto every two seconds and there's things that are much more stressful day trading, as you mentioned.

Kalei: It gets your heart going. That kind of stuff. You know, another big thing of mine that other people might be able to relate to is you know, I always tell my kids and I always tell myself, and I always tell my students that we are lifelong learners. We're lifelong learners. And so we're always learning and as soon as we stop learning, then it's like we start degrading. We start dying almost. Because, you know, none of us know everything. So we always got to keep on learning. And I think that's an important lesson for all of us. And part of that what I wanted to mention too, is that you know, there's a lot of negative sources of, you know, there's a lot of negative in our lives. And the thing is, we can allow them to be there, or we can, you know, get rid of them basically. So, you know it could be a distraction. It could be negative people. It could be people in your life. It could be people online, who are just being negative, and for some weird reason they don't want to see you succeed. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's jealousy. Maybe it's just a problem that they have or what, but, you know, don't let that bother you. Kind of kind of let it be like, water off a duck's back. Don't let it affect you. If it's someone in your life, you have to create some distance there. I've had to do that. And, you know, don't don't look at yourself as a bad person. If you have to distance yourself from someone who's negative. It's actually very important to do that. It relieves stress and gives you some opportunity for growth. Yeah.

Dave: Such good points mean having boundaries with people who are toxic and or unsupportive. I like how you use the word distance doesn't mean that you need to totally cut them out but having boundaries and or distance to manage stress. You know, whether you're prone to whatever I mean, stress just in general is no fun. I mean, it's no fun and I think one of the reasons that one of the things we're all we're all after is less stress all around, you know, less stress in our business, less stress in our family, less stress in our relationships and so forth. So, one wonderful point, and I think it's also important. You said affiliate marketing isn't for everybody. I think that's true. I think it's important to go into things with your eyes wide open and just really be realistic about what you're going into. I don't have anything to do. I don't have anything bad to say about day trading or crypto or anything like that. I just know. Basically from experience how I react and how I operate within those scenarios because my brain can be obsessive. You know, I made $20,000 or something from Bitcoin back in 2017. It was the most stressful money I ever made, you know, because I was checking it every 10 seconds. You know. So now I have investments that are more passive. I have investments that I let other people manage people who are experts who have been doing it for 2030 years who have a proven track record and or I put it into real estate with a 15 or 20 year plan versus something that I have a huge loan coming due and I need to sell the house in 30 days. You know, those would be an example of a stressful environment for me, so wonderful, wonderful points. Thanks for sharing your time this morning brother and I. I really wish you the best of health and the best of wealth and and take care of yourself and come back and keep us posted here in a couple of months and let us know where you're at and how you're doing. 

Kalei: Thank you, I appreciate being on the show. Thank you. 

Dave: You're very welcome. And thank you for your time Kalei. So get well brother and we'll talk to you soon. All right.

Kalei: Okay, take care. Have a great day.

Dave: All right, my friends. Wonderful, wonderful life experience and advice from somebody who really has the, you know, the, the experience to share with us what it's like to overcome health challenges and what it's like to deal with things that in some cases you have no control over, right. It's about making the best with what you have, you know, and then making, you know, it's about making decisions to make your life the way that you want it. You know, and again, whether that's you know, I think I think a lot of us stay in jobs and in toxic work situations that are stressful and around people for way longer than we want to. And we may not be prone to, you know, having a heart attack or something like that. But I believe stress can shave years off of our lives. I mean, just period. I mean he you know, whether it just whether it just you know, you know whether it just cuts life short because you've just spent so many years stressing out or what if you know the other ironic thing is is that oftentimes, you know, we we end up just living long miserable lives, that's the other. That's the other flipside, right I mean, we end up living long, miserable lives. And, you know, neither is where I want to end up. I think making important life decisions about work environments, about relationships with people to lower stress to make every moment count none of us know how long we have on this planet. And as Chloe says in ultimately his goal, he wrote to us too, before we did the show, was to make every moment count, you know, and I think hearing from somebody who really has been through some some tough stuff and came out of it, you know, rose up like a phoenix from the ashes to now share wonderful wisdom is something that for me, you know, I really, I really, I really listened closely to, because I believe also what you just said about being a lifelong learner. I think it's really important. And I think the best time to listen is when somebody's sharing their real world experience, you know, not just their opinions, everybody's got opinions, but their real world experience. Been through it really. To me, it's the most sacred thing we can do with each other is we share our real own honest, vulnerable, intimate, that's intimacy into me, you see, you know, sounds kind of corny, but it's really true. You know, that intimate sharing of real life situations and challenges and struggles and quite frankly, that's really what we do every day on the show. So come back, join us tomorrow. For another episode. Matt will be with you as always on Wednesday. And for those of you coming into the mastermind this weekend. We're looking forward to seeing you okay, we're going to be kicking off on Friday morning. And it is going to be an amazing time in Orlando, Florida. So I'm looking forward to seeing you all there. Alright, my friends, get out of here. Be well, be safe, be Legendary. And we'll talk to you soon. All right. Peace. 

How To Use Micro Webinars To Promote And Give Value In Your Business

 Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends? Welcome to wake up legendary buddy Dave sharp if you don't know me, and I have a guest today, and his name is Paul Griffith, and he has a Well, first and foremost, he's an incredible marketer. He also has a secret micro webinar strategy. He's talked to us about it before now. When I hear that somebody is still using a strategy, what that tells me is, wait for it. It's working. It's working. Okay, it's working. Right? I got a smile out of Paul there. What's going on my brother, welcome to the show.

Paul: Thanks for having me on. I'm excited about this. How are you doing?

Dave: It's good to talk to you again. I'm great. I am. It's all good. It's all good. Okay, we're doing our thing. We're dumping computers, webcams. It's all good. Like, hey, so listen, is that the truth or what man, when you see an ad that's been running month after month or year after year, there's one thing that you can know for sure is that ad is working for that person.

Paul: 100%.

Dave: So as much as it is you as the whoever is a TV watcher or radio listener or Facebook scroller, you may say, Oh, I've seen that ad millions of times. And let's just say that you're a marketer. And you're saying often, instead, I'd like to. I don't know if I've got a nearby Of course, I got if I put on my marketing shades, right, if I, what I can instead say to myself is that boy must be working. There's something that I can learn. And I can remember when I had you on the show, what was it a year ago? 

Paul: Yeah, we got on the show pretty quick, after you know, getting into learning what I've learned. It probably was about a year ago. Yeah. Almost. Europe. Yeah.

Dave: And you're still kind of perfecting and running a lot of the same things that you did back then

Paul: Continuously learning, but I'm doing the exact same method that I was using. And it was less than a year because I think I learned from you guys and came on, like around January. So it's been less than a year for sure. 

Dave: All right. All right. So we're going to be talking about that micro webinar strategy. We're going to be talking about what you've been doing. And you're going to be teaching our audience the nutshell version of how they can use it too. And of course, we'll give them your links, and they can go check you out as well. But for those who don't know who you are, take people back just a little bit and give them that snapshot. As to how you got started. I found Legendary back in January of this year.

Paul: So I'm a regular guy, I worked a management job at one of the largest retailers in the US, a largely intelligent world. And I ended up quitting my job I started a digital marketing agency, I was doing drop shipping, I was doing all of these things off tried it were entrepreneur minded, or we want to get a race. We've all dabbled in a lot of different things. And honestly, I said, very and probably years ago, honestly, I've seen the ClickFunnels community, I've seen a lot of different things. And I never took action. And then over the pandemic, my digital marketing agency advertising for brick and mortar locations, obviously those doors closed. So I pivoted to affiliate marketing, as we all know, everything's digital and elearning space is huge. And I wanted to get into legendary a year ago, and I started learning from the community, I started learning and that and then I found my way, which was educating people through what I call a micro webinar. And I do that through a live training on tick tock as we are all having a lot of success on that platform.

Dave: Yeah, so what has this transformation life change, I mean, what is different about your life now then back right before you kind of got started, you know, lost your job or your agency, all those businesses went down in your agency, I would assume there was a bit of panic and scrambling there. Anyways, take us through just how your life is now and how it has changed compared to that time.

Paul: I think that a lot of people when they get started, they are looking for income, right? And I was looking for freedom. So when I started I actually quit my job before I found legendary and I was just doing it and stuff to make a living but I enjoyed the freedom so much and then I got into my agency and it was going okay, but it was a roller coaster, you know, it wasn't consistent. Then when I found the training, I went through the training I took. You know, I won't say any numbers, but I'm doing really, really well. You know, I'm able to take that money, invest in other things and really put it back into my business. And I think that with the training, and now that I have all this freedom, I can not only help my mom and my family around and do the things that I want to do, cars, traveling, and it's all because of the training that I went through here. So what I like to say is being consistent and doing what I actually do every day as educating people through micro webinars has allowed me to get a know how and trust where people are inboxing me and contacting me on levels, even if they don't actually convert into actual commissions or anything. I feel like I have more impact over people than I do, then anything I've ever done before. And it's because I'm really out there educating and trying to change people's lives. So right now, for me it is much more important from an income because I didn't start this for money in the first place. I started it for freedom. So how did I get to connect people? Now, on that level? I have a lot of fun, honestly.

Dave: Yeah, that's great. Do you find affiliate marketing to be less stressful than the agency work you were doing before?

Paul: Locally, absolutely. agency work, you have to understand, working with businesses and clients, they're busy working in their business. So they have this idea of what they need to happen and what they want us as marketers to go out there and try to do what we think we'll work in the business and actually get their results. So it's always a conflict, to try to not only get results, do what they ask you to do. And sometimes you lose clients that way. Because if it doesn't work, you're not going to keep that client. But if you don't do what they tell you to do, it's going to cause friction at the beginning of your interaction. So it's a real struggle with affiliate marketing, low barrier to entry, no products or services, I cannot go out there and promote things that I know that people have success with. Without this education, it wouldn't have been possible. So I have to love the fact that I'm here and I'm one here for less than a year. And it's absolutely amazing for the results that I got. So I'm grateful as ever.

Dave: I think one of the things that people you know, when they get into the social media marketing agencies, which Ty Lopez was pushing that, and you know, now he's, you know, I made a post in our Facebook group about Black Friday how we don't discount our products here and Legendary, and that $2,000 course that he was selling, I'm not mad at I think he's a he's a stud he's a hustler. He's a great entrepreneur. He's doing some big things, but that Social Media Marketing Agency course and what's also ironic is he was making his money selling courses keeping that in mind. Don't watch what people say. Or don't listen to what they say. Watch what they do. Paul, are you still with us? Matt, if you can have him leave and then come back in. Yeah. So check this out. I don't want to lose my train of thought and we'll try to get Paul back in you know, I was talking about Ty and a couple of years ago he was selling a social media marketing course that's been recently discounted. Now he's selling it for, you know, a couple 100 bucks. But what happened was because he had such a big reach we had all these people now starting social media marketing agencies and and and the problem was is that they went from wanting to quit their job to then now they're, they're going out there and if they were able to close clients say it was a local business now you don't just have one boss at your job. But you have to remember when you're getting clients now you have multiple bosses, okay, from all of those different clients. Right, Okay. Looks like we got Paul back. Paul, what what I was saying was basically was that what I think a lot of people don't realize with agency work like marketing agency, which is fine if you I know a lot of people who use these skills to go out and run Facebook ads for people or do copywriting for people and become a XYZ Sultans or paid ads expert or copywriting expert. The problem though is you have to realize that say you have a job and you want to quit it at that job. You have one boss. Well, for each one of those clients, they're a boss. So if you have 10 clients, you have 10 bosses, right? And, you know, sure you can still have boundaries you can but sometimes managing both this marketing and sales of getting that client but then also the delivery on the back end is too much for a brand new person. So a lot of these business models where they're like newbie, friendly or not Really newbie friendly. And the reason why selling other people's products as an affiliate is the most newbie friendly business model, because you only need to focus on one thing, which is selling other people's products doing the marketing, you don't have to worry about the product. And it's not, although I don't, I'm not, I'm not dissing network marketing, it isn't network marketing, right? It isn't, we're going out and recruiting friends and family pushing lotions, potions, or pills or whatever kind of products that that company offers. We're a freelance affiliate, so we get to market and promote multiple different products. And again, we're not even worried about the merchant processing or the customer service, which those two things alone are massive, only the marketing. And so that leads us into your strategy, which is this micro webinar, so talk to us a little bit of how you discovered this.

Paul: So if anybody is in the course creation elearning space, we understand that one of the most successful ways to promote something is through a webinar, but a lot of low end offers that you have, it's kind of not, I would say worth it, if you will, but I go live a few years ago, people were like, if you're a marketer, if you're this time now there go live on Facebook once a day, and they're saying this because we have the reach, and for me, on TikTok, when I go live, I do a presentation. And it's clunky, it's literally me turning around my camera, showing different levels of how to introduce people into this space. And there's a lot of people out there that use hashtags and different things about affiliate marketing. When they get into the space, I show the process of whatever product, whatever service that I am looking at, I show the process and let people understand what it is. And then I bridge that gap from them being successful by letting them know how to learn. So I don't say anything about my product or service until the end of my presentation. People are staying there as long as my presentation goes, they're probably interested in learning more. And then that is when I let them know, Hey, this is how you want to get into the space if you want to learn more, or this is the product that can solve this problem for you.

Dave: Or the training that can solve this problem more.

Paul: Absolutely. So when people get in that space, I literally that micro webinar is me literally teaching them when what they're going to be doing or how to learn or go through a training. And I pull up different tabs on the computer, I show them what the beginning of it is getting in space, how to find traffic, how to leverage other people's videos and things like that, how to learn how to connect with people to get them to like know you interest rate, and then I actually point them to whatever program and at that point, people are usually begging for me. Like I've had days where without high tickets, I'm doing very high numbers because of the amount of people who lie and that my webinars are working for me 100%. So I've been doing some presentations on my own to show people how to do it. And people have been inviting me and other groups and asking me to do things. And for me it's mind blowing, because at this point, it is literally me going out there to try to teach not very technical as you guys can see our boss, internet service or whatever it is, I don't think

Dave: You dumped your webcam at the beginning of the live, we were wondering if Paul was even going to come because of technical difficulties , but you're just like me, dude, I can hardly set up my iCloud and get them all connected and stuff. And I don't know, if I set up a new phone, if I'm going to lose all my pictures, I don't really still understand all that stuff yet. They made a lot of these simple things when you get a new iPhone where you just hold it over. And it just I don't know, it just talks to the other film for people like me. And I think people really think that I'm a technical genius, they, you know, they think that I'm this coding guru. And the truth is, you know, I log into Aweber ClickFunnels, and I get a headache, too. I mean, it's not like I love doing that stuff. I just set it up once. Make sure to test it, make sure it works and then turn to the content creation and the teaching in the value of vein and just send people into that funnel, some will have some wall who cares who's next.

Paul: And another thing I tell people, a lot of people here have different strategies to what they do. Micro webinar has been working for me consistently and there's up and down months. I lost a family member throughout this time and I just didn't have the energy to do my method. But I had to remember that staying consistent and really understanding that life will happen and I have a duty to go out there and do what I love. I wholeheartedly believe that there was a webinar that I probably was on five, six years ago, and I was looking at the process and mimicking the movement and understanding what was going on there. And I went through so many different trainings, even if they were webinars where I didn't have the money to actually invest in when I had the opportunity, I went out there and figured out a way to invest in myself, I went out there to say, hey, and even about money that I'm putting out there, it's been 60, 70 $100,000 in college, and no offense to college, I won't tell anybody not to go to it. But the culture is very, very odd how we are willing to go straight out of high school, wet behind the ears, not knowing what we're doing the banks, handiness, 1000s, and 1000s of dollars for something that is not guaranteed, especially if you're not going into medical, I'm not trying to preach here. But if you're not going into all of this stuff, yet and still, some people are very afraid to invest in a non-traditional education, it blows my mind. So when I go out there, sometimes I'm not even talking about the actual product that I'm promoting. I'm talking about what got me to take that decision. And if people know anything about sales or anything like that, we move on emotion. And when I can connect with people on how, what kind of emotion that they have, because they felt like me when I said that, I think a lot people, a lot of people get into it with a more emotional standpoint, which is going to be going longer than a logical, there's many different things out there to sound logical to do. But when you move that logical understanding with emotion, people get fired up and they get ready to go. So those are one of my things that during my life webinar is after all the logic is done, and the training is here and all that I let them know my purpose, my why what got me into this, and it moves them in a way to really take action. So that would be one of the biggest tips for me is don't be extremely logical. When you're going into things. People don't buy off logic, they move to emotions. And if you can just connect on a level and stop trying to necessarily make it seem like everything is sweet. Everything is amazing. I believe if people tell their genuine story, people really connect with them. You'll be surprised how many were in places, Jessica. And now they're getting fired up because they feel that they can have the success or the freedom that you are that you've got with the same process. If that makes sense. Hopefully it wasn't too much.

Dave: No, no, I was I was I was I was, it was not too much at all. And as a matter of fact, there's several things that I want to work off what you just said, first and foremost, what you were just talking about was, you know, non traditional education. Now I did an interview that went live on Thanksgiving with Dana here. I don't know if anybody who's listening in on today saw this interview with Dana, but she's an education administrator in Massachusetts. And well, quite frankly, if, you know, if you can't take it from her, who can you take it for? Right? It's just somebody who runs and designs public education programs here, although she is doing her best to be of service to the public and a great citizen, and is obviously passionate about education. She's also what, what is she doing in her other time in her personal time? Well, she's using non traditional education, which she went through our 15 Day Challenge. Now she's turning around, and she's doing affiliate marketing and in moving towards, you know, selling information in non traditional ways. The other thing that I brought up on that particular interview with her was this, this graphic from Eugene Swartz, which is the five levels of customer awareness. And, basically, it's the kind of people who are totally unaware of even what the hell you talk about to people who are aware of the specific, say, course product or company that you might be promoting. Okay, and so everybody falls into one of these categories. It what I'm hearing from you is that you're talking mostly been like to people who are most aware, but what you're doing on these webinars is you're just talking to people who are unaware that that what you're talking about May that what you're eventually going to promote to them may even exist. And the only thing that they may be aware of is that they have stress in pain around their job or what they're doing or the amount of money that they have saved or how much you know, they have saved them. And, and and you're also talking about sort of the traditional system of education and so forth, you're getting into technical details of software, etc. You're because After all, and you tell me, Paul, you've been doing these micro webinars on TikTok now for a year, the majority are the majority of the people that you're running into. Somewhat unaware or simply problem aware of the meaning that they're, they just want a solution to their problem, but they're there, they're they're not even really clear about what the problem is. And other solutions are available. For example, they may not even know what affiliate marketing is.

Paul: But I'll tell you what, 90 I would almost say 95% of my followers have no clue what affiliate marketing is, I think people obviously, you have, you know, fitness, industry, relationships, health, wealth, and you have things that are generally the population wanting to improve on their, you want to improve on your finances, you want to work on your relationships, you want to improve on your, your health. So for me, when I go, when I go live, the one thing that I always establish, before I do anything, is let them know who I am, what I've done, where I am now in freedom and how I did it. And I'm going to show you how I was able to escape the nine to five, learn a new skill set through non traditional education. And oh thing that I asked right after that is to engage where my audience is coming from. Have you ever heard of dropshipping? Have you ever heard of affiliate marketing? Have you ever heard, and almost all the time, 90% of them have never heard of affiliate marketing? So I'm like, Well, let me show you how without a product or service, blah, blah, blah, you can actually leverage big companies like Amazon, Target, Walmart, I go and pull up tabs of all these programs. So I can validate that this is something that it's real, because these people come in and they're telling me, oh, this might be a scam. This is multilevel marketing. I'm like, stick around guys. And I promise you, you'll be grateful after this presentation, I have nothing to pitch to you guys unless you want to learn more. And from there, everyone's relaxed, their guard is down, I can get into the presentation.

Dave: And oh, by the way, at the end of this, this like live session, because we don't even use what what I want people to realize is that people who are listening on your lives, don't even know the jargon probably if you say webinar, they wouldn't, they wouldn't even know what you're talking about. And so, you know, just saying, you know, what I love about affiliate marketing is also the ability to say, and hey, when we're done today, there's nothing for sale. I personally have nothing to sell you. I'll point you to some different places that you can go and potentially take a course. But I personally have nothing to sell you. So now you're like all the pressure is off of you. And I think for those who feel awkward about being salesy. It doesn't get any easier than that.

Paul: People are begging me at the end of my webinars, how do you learn? How do you learn? Let me learn and I'll be honest, I have a unique following. And the algorithm on TikTok is very, very unique. And I think I have like 66% women. And when I talk to my peers and other people that percentage. How interesting, and I think I said this the first time we met, but at one point, I was like almost 70%. And I'm like, not that handsome. I'm definitely not like you know what I mean?

Dave: Give yourself a little bit more credit now. That I'm not, I'm not into guys, but I'll tell you, you ain’t ugly brother.

Paul: I appreciate it, brother, I appreciate it. So I had to pivot my jargon and the way I talk to people on some things, and I even make content, believe it or not, I have not made a video on TikTok in probably 10 days, I don't have to because I understand that the algorithm and how my live webinars gave me three to 500 to 700 followers every single day, the way I structure it. And this is what people don't understand about the algorithm. When you go live. Your life's going to go out to different people, there's no hashtags, they're not going to go out to people that are most likely to stay on in their lives. So for me, 90% of them don't know about affiliate marketing. So at the beginning, I make sure I get them to engage. Hey, tap that screen, I'm going to show you guys exactly how I was able to do XYZ and monetize. And I'm going to do this for free to show you guys because I want to be like I want to be known I want to be trusted I literally say that I want to program it into their head that that's my goal at the end of the day is for you guys to help me build my personal brand. So one day I can hop on stage and I can motivate, I can inspire, I can teach people how to become free because the world is going digital. And right now we're in a weird space. So it motivates people to do all the things that I want them to do. Let me know where they're from. Let me know what they're, they're not in all that engagement in those comments. The other day I had 1000 people in my life and I didn't make a video for seven days. 1000 people and

Dave: That’s insane. Do you know how hard it is to get 1000 people like on a zoom or a Gotowebinar? 

Paul: It is impossible. The fact that I can get people near the end of my life, I usually have about 100 people in there. And that's okay with me. Because 15-20 People listen to me, if I was in a room somewhere, and there were that many people, I probably would be like, holy shoot, these people want to hear me speak about stuff. And I am not the brightest person, guys, I, I hate to say this, but I read it like a fourth fifth grade reading level. In my senior year in high school, I also graduated all academic. So put things in perspective, I'm not going to let my little things cause me to be your or fail at things, I'm going to figure out a solution and go forward. And for me, freedom is so important that I've figured out a way to make this work for me. 

Dave: And I don't know how long maybe tick tock will be this great as ads get on a platform. I tell everybody right now, it is a great time to get on here and start pivoting people from TikTok from Instagram to YouTube, or whatever you guys want to do. This is the time to be alive, like what is on your email list in your Facebook group, I mean, as many places as you can get them in, sort of have them. So you want to connect. Yeah, you're obviously not going to own your Facebook group or your TikTok profile. But get them on that email list, get them on a community text message list. I mean, there's so many different ways, and it's getting cheaper and cheaper to be able to use these tools. I want to go back to just a few details for people who are thinking you know how you've given so many great tips about how to introduce the webinar and sort of kick it off. We've also gone over the fact that we're not really doing a lot of technical jargon, for example, breaking down landing pages and breaking down autoresponders. And all of those different tools. If you want it to bring out a diagram of how something works, that might be fine. But oftentimes, the more detailed you get into it, the more questions somebody is going to have or the more confused they're going to be if they want to buy the course. For example, our business blueprints you want. If you invest a significant amount of time and money and say, I really want to do this, we're going to take you in, we're going to show you a finger by clicking step by step how to set everything up. But up until that point, we here at legendary who are converting more, I mean, as high as any other offer that's out there online for as long as we've been doing it. We're not converting that high because we're getting people lost in the weeds. We're converting that high, because we are also telling stories. And we're helping people to understand the big picture that, look, there is a big shift that's happening right now it's digital. It's got to do with information. And it's easy, and it's simple to get started. And you can start with a really easy business model. And you can even do other things from there, which is where we came up with a core four ways of selling information. And just getting people to understand that pointing out to them. Look, watch what people do, not what they say. So let's go to amazon.com let's scroll down to the bottom of the screen if in let's look by chance. I don't know. Do you think that actually, let's type in Amazon. Let's just type it in right here. Okay, wait affiliate program dot Amazon, hold on a second. So Amazon's affiliate program Welcome to one of the largest affiliate programs in the world. The Amazon Associates Program helps content creators, publishers and bloggers, TikTokers, Instagramers, Facebookers and just human beings or their cell phone, be able to monetize their traffic with millions of products and programs available on it on Amazon. Associates use easy link building tools to direct their audience to the recommendations and earn from qualifying purchases and programs that challenge each one of you. And I'm just pretending that I was doing a micro webinar. I challenge any of you to go to any of the large sites anywhere on the internet, scroll down to the bottom of the site. You can even go Command F and you can type in An affiliate. And you can see, well look at that become an affiliate right peasy.

Paul: So right there before you even click on that link. So right there one of the things that I do, I go to Amazon, everybody shopping on Amazon and I say, Hey look, we're gonna scroll to the bottom because you guys are already buying things you want to do, I'm going to show you how to get paid. And then I show them that thing that says make money with us, of course want to make money with the biggest online retailer in the world, they're begging you guys to make money with it. You can sell your product here. You know, this is my, this is my spiel, if you will, you can sell your product on here, you can develop that you can do all that stuff. But if you're anything like me, you don't have a product, you haven't developed the app, you're not a coder, you can leverage their product to become an affiliate for free. I click when I like to go there. And then what I do is I go to hashtags in TikTok, and I show them people that are showing their face and not showing their face opening the boxes and reviewing products. I do some numbers with them. I get them excited about that. And then from there, go over there and I say look, Now me personally, I like promoting digital products in the information age, they solve a big problem. They really help people, whether it's relationships, whether it's fitness, whether it's how to actually be an affiliate, and I go through that spiel, and I show them digital marketplace. I show them Clickbank. I showed them Digi store 24, then I let them know I said I'm giving you guys a lot of fish. But I want to teach you how to fish. So I'm not here. Just being that person when I'm going you don't know what to do. This is a digital marketplace for affiliate products. So when you search that in Google, you're gonna find more websites like this, and you can do that research. Then I go in there and even after that, they're like, Well, how will we promote these digital products? I said you can leverage other people's content. There's things called stitches, duets, then I go into products, like maybe a keto diet, especially right now I'm talking about health and fitness. I asked people in my life, I'm saying, Hey, you're gonna have a New Year's resolution, what's the number one thing you guys want to solve? Everyone's saying health or make money. Perfect. I show them a health or keto diet program. And I show them exactly how I would leverage existing videos on the internet by using either us or actually showing, hey, this is a keto friendly cookbook that I use. And here are some of the best recipes that I found on TikTok. That video, I give them the credit. And I tell them how to actually start that business. After I get done with this, this is at that point where people are like, Hey, how do I learn how to do this step by step. And I say, Well, if you want to learn exactly how I learned, this is the program I got to. And to go back to the point that you were saying about jargon, you'll have one or two people, a few people are like, Well, you got to set up an email list, you got to do that. So I look. And I start talking about all the other small little technical things, I'm going to discourage people and make them feel that they can't get started. Because of those things. I'd rather cross those bridges when you get there. Because if you start now, then you can pivot and start learning those other things. But if I tell you guys, so much really technical stuff that you don't understand, it's going to stop you in your tracks. That is why I'm pointing you to such a low offer that you can learn the foundation of this, and you have more education, if you happen to want to get into this full time. And when I say that guard goes down, people convert. And it's exciting for me, because I know on the other side, it's education, what it did for me, and if they work hard, they stay consistent, consistent, and they follow this path. Detach yourself from the end goal, just by the process. Anyone can be successful doing this, I want to say that, again, following the process and detaching yourself from the end result in the goal, you will be successful. The issue a lot of people have is they do this consistent work consistently. Some people say in two weeks, they haven't had any conversions. And then they get discouraged and they quit. It might not happen in your first week. Like other people, it might take a while to get people to know you like you and trust you. But the body of work that you do is going to compound and you're going to get those results. a little long winded. But I want to make sure people understand that.

Dave: Yeah. Yeah. There is a lot of gold in there, it is hard to really add to that. Then, you know, I think one other thing that has been helpful in my webinars is whether it be little lives that I've done and quite frankly, each one of these this morning that I do on wakeup legendary kind of a micro webinar, right. What we're doing here is we're educating a lot of the new people who are new to the community who are kind of scoping us out just going through the challenge. Why do you think I'm doing these every morning? I mean, do you think I'm doing these because I just you know I have nothing better to do or I am getting paid by Sirius radio and I know I'm doing these because I want to demonstrate to people who are existing or who are new. That a we Got a lot of people in our community and you can get a lot of different perspectives and see a lot of success stories. So that's number one, there's huge social proof. That's number two is, is that each and every morning, you know, I'm having conversations like this, educating folks, not particularly on the mechanics and details of things. That's not what these, this is a this is, although it's a value based show, what I'm trying to do is I'm staying at a high level, and I'm, I'm helping to, I'm helping people understand that this is a real business model. And I'm helping, of course, pointing a lot of our community to different people in the community to network with and learn from as well. But that's what I'm doing. I'm bringing up graphics, and showing little, you know, walkthroughs, like we're doing here, these are all micro webinars. And, and I don't five days a week, you know what I mean? That does Wednesday, but that along with our other advertising, along with our other things that we're doing here, as well as having affiliates, we're also doing, essentially micro webinars by going live and the truth, here's the truth, I don't prepare for these lives in the morning, I don't, it's not like, there's a big production team that's behind the scenes, I pull up to the table running over here this morning, just finishing up a yogurt, you know, having a coffee, you know, and and I'm going to just kind of go through whatever comes up, whatever questions come up, it, the point is showing up, and I'm showing people more than anything that what I've done using this business model, what I've done has changed my life. And it's changed the lives of 1000s of others. And overall, that's the biggest point that you're trying to make, is that what you're with these micro webinars also with your content, that what you have is real, in what you have to say and what you'll show them and where you can point them can change their life, because it's changed years and 1000s of other people too. Only not to teach the mechanics and get into all of the little details. And the truth about even webinars where you're selling a multi $1,000 product, when you get into the weeds, you actually hurt the sale. Because again, if you teach too much on the webinar, then they're going to go and try to implement what you've taught them versus buy. Or you're going to bring up questions and cause confusion and overwhelm. So your best strategy on any webinar, whether it's a live micro webinar, like you're doing on tick tock, if it's what like what we're doing here, or even if it's a, you know, webinar, where you're pitching a multi $1,000 product, you do not want to get into details, because you will overwhelm people and they will feel like it's too hard. You want to sell the story, you want to sell the testimonials more than anything. You want to show them the potential and that it's real. And then say, Would you like me to help you get started with this? If so, then let me talk about where we can send you to do that.

Paul: 100%. And I think people overcome complicated things. And there's a lot of people that get in this space. And they want to talk about the jargon because they're proud that they know this stuff. And they don't understand it. It's really alienating people. And they're following because they're like, they're watching this stuff. And I see a lot of people. And it all works for everybody differently. Like if you go through all these weight legendaries and you look at people, people talk about different strategies, some are the same. I think that I found out early on that I just like talking to people, you know, and I don't mind going live. It actually strokes my ego to get to talk to people, because the people that I'm talking to that's above me, I'm obviously trying to get there. And then the people that are next to me or want to learn what I've learned, they're really looking up to me when I come on, and people are like excited about this. And really, people are talking about my energy. And I'm like I'm getting from you guys. And you guys are not engaging and saying things. It's crazy to me. So for anybody that's going out there and you're proud about what they learn and they want to get into this. Leave the technical jargon out here. And I think you're trying to home in on that because the more you sound technical, you're going to get people to say, Hey, this is too much for me. This is how to make a website. I don't have to understand how to do this. And some people don't even know what funnel builders are. And you guys are talking about, like, oh, do I need a website? No, you don't need a site you were going to get a funnel builder and you're going to have this and I'm like, What the heck is a funnel? What is a builder? might be easier than somebody building a website from code, but they don't even understand what that is. So That's one of the conversations that I have when I'm around people. I'm like, anybody come in and start talking about technical stuff, because they're proud of what they've learned. I'm like, You're just confusing people at this point, let me show you how simple this can be for TikTok, and those pages, and I show everybody how they can leverage other content and mimic unnecessarily copy at all, but model other people's success, they get excited about it, because that's, that's one of the one you know that, that is, I'm going to do this. And I'm gonna promote this. And this is how I'm gonna get eyeballs on that offer. And it converts. So yeah, don't overcomplicate this, it is not that complicated. And you guys, at the end of the day, you're learning marketing skills. So you can go out there and one day, you might start your own product or service and, and I think affiliate marketing, I can do this for the rest of my life. But you never know what kind of passions you'll find when you start making some really good income, and you start doing multiple streams that spill all our dreams. So yeah, I think I think it's really important to go out there and, and then start doing affiliate marketing. I love it. I'm so grateful, honestly. multiple streams, what was that multiple takes multiple streams to fulfill the dreams, right? You have to have multiple different income streams to get what you want in life. And I think that that's very important. So a lot of people that get into affiliate marketing, I think that's the only thing they can do. I'm starting a brand right now, that is a clothing brand new apparel brand. And I am sourcing trash from the ocean, we've been into apparel. And this is not like slang was plugged in because I don't have a website or anything up. But I'm sourcing trash and trying to make a sustainable clothing brand by reducing the energy and the consumption of water for my clothing. And I'm really passionate about cleaning up the ocean, I know if we lose the ocean, we lose our life. And a lot of people are not paying attention to this. And I think it's a great time to get into this because I'm able to take my profits from my affiliate marketing business to dump a niche. And I would not have been able to do that if it wasn't for affiliate marketing. So I get to follow my true passion. Because I'm making income from this. And I believe I'm going to manifest a $100 million apparel brand through this actually and it's all because of Legendaries education and what I can do here as an affiliate marketer, changing other people's lives, and creating some really active income in the process. 

Dave: I am right behind you supporting that vision every step of the way, bro,

Paul: I appreciate it man.

Dave: Like, this is what I do this is why I do this is why I'm here is because I have you know, I hear dreams and visions, like what you just shared. And I want to try to help make that become a reality. Like, that's, that's how I fill my heart. And where I get my joy, you know, is from 1%

Paul: You're 100%. It's like every time I wanted to invest in this, it's like life happens and other things. And when you have just one job and an income, that job is nine to five, pay all your bills, wherever it is your side business. Start thinking about, you know, wealth, like everybody, some people get into this and that they can get rich quick, one of the things that I love, I think it's like a four and a five. And it talks about how to master the inner games of wealth. And I have the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. And it was on my desk the first time I went through the training and I'm like, this is a sign for me because this is what I understand that elusive but also attainable generational wealth, you can create that income. And you can start looking at things like I don't want a Lamborghini. I mean, it'd be nice, but I don't care about that stuff as much as the next person. But I do want to create products and services that impact the world in a positive way. And I think this program literally does that. And it's also positioning to me to do what I want to do on the back end because well, affiliate marketing, so yeah.

Dave: Well, gosh, I love the ocean. I mean, I'm right now in the process of shopping trying to pick out a boat that I like, just a fishing boat like nothing crazy. Not a big yacht. I'm also not like I'd rather rent somebody out if I'm going to go out on a yacht. I don't want that kind of maintenance. You know what I mean? I'm uh, I don't you know, I want to control things. I don't want to own everything. You know what I mean? I'm kind of more of that sort of wealth builder. I don't need lots of maintenance on a bunch of things I'd rather invest in. Yeah, like you said generational wealth and to just be smart with my money, teach my kids good values and stuff like that. But I am jumping a fishing boat because now that I've got my kids kind of to a place to where in this business to a place to where I have a little bit of time to be able to go back out and get into the ocean. It's one of my favorite places to be. And so, I love that we share that. You know, that love for the ocean.

Paul: For sure. I grew up in Michigan so the Lake Michigan was like the ocean for me if you've ever been to Lake Michigan If you haven't been there day, you have to go in the summers most beautiful thing, whether you're going up to capacity, Charlotte Boyd, Traverse City, or you're just going to like Grand Haven, but you can see 15 feet 20 feet clear through this lake up north and it will amaze you. If you start looking into it. I think it's rated like, third best beach for music and upper north Michigan, Northern Michigan, the third best beach in the world. So yeah, yeah, that's my TikTok right there, you can go follow me, like I said, my content is, it is interesting compared to the other affiliate marketers that you might, but I tried to do a really good job with connecting through my life. So like I said, I haven't posted a video, and probably 10 days or something like that. But I go live almost every day connecting with my people. So

Dave: It's kind of fascinating to think that Matt sent an email out because on Thanksgiving, we had that episode with Dana, the educator, the administrative educator from Massachusetts, we pre recorded that. And then we hit live on Thanksgiving, it was live, you know, so it looked live, right? Because you can do that on stream yards here on Facebook. And, Matt wrote, we can send out really powerful emails because we send out the replays of all these every week to our entire community. And he was talking about just the power of in that case, I spent the day before Thanksgiving, an extra half hour doing that interview. And people want to live as if it was live. And I don't know what I was doing. Right. But I was alive. And just to think for you in this business, not to say that you're not doing other things, I don't know. But you could be doing other things after you go live for 30 or 45 minutes during the day or an hour or whatever it is. And you say you haven't made a video on TikTok for 10 days. I mean, if you wanted to, and it sounded like you had some healing and grieving you needed to do this this year. Also, I love that this business model allows you that sort of time freedom when you set up a system like you've looked up to be able to not just ignore the business because this isn't a unit, because it's automated.

Paul: Yeah. So it's interesting that you say that I told myself and a lot of people try to do things really advanced, I told myself, I can make $100,000. And in a year that I'm going to take that process that I proved that it's successful, to run some type of ads and make this where it's even more automated. So I can focus on my apparel brand. And I'm going to do that. I literally told myself, I was not going to open up any of my awards, or plaques or anything that I got during this process until I literally have them in the boxes behind me still, like I don't care about them as much. I love them. And I'm proud of them. But I don't want to have my brain think I accomplished something. You're still working bro. Like still working like I mean, literally those boxes are right there behind oppo. So for me, those accomplishments are great. But I have a lot of work to do. And I'm learning and I'm feeling men to really understand what it is to build up big. I am fascinated by what you accomplished, honestly. And every time I'm thinking about it, I'm looking at things I'm like, how do people do this? How is this working and I'm, I'm really, really excited about her and I want to. I can't explain how grateful I am that I went through this program that people are on the fence and they're watching this video. Stop it You spend so much a year you went through education. The reason that you're on here watching this is because you feel either avoid or side you are saying like I want something more, I need to have some type of purpose and I want to create. And this is one of the best ways you can do it without having to go out there and don't know I just would. I've done drop shipping, running ads to horrible products that I spent more than the blueprint has cost me you know, so like, you might spend $1,000 testing a product that doesn't work, and your second, your third and your fourth product and then you say it doesn't work. It's not that you might not have found a successful product. In affiliate marketing, you can find products that are already converting and attach yourself to the process that they already have in place by understanding the marketing aspect of itself. That's how I feel about it, man. I'm grateful for nothing else. I'm trying to remind myself that every day

Dave: Yeah, well a good theme coming off in the holiday season. I do want to let everybody know and also congratulate you for hitting platinum rank, which would put you at that six figure earning Mark within a year. It's not a guarantee of income that anybody else is going to do the same, although we have many folks who have done that. But I just, you know, as you were talking and you said that I'd like to make 100k a year and I know you have other mult. I know you have other income streams, and you're doing other things, but just with us, the income that I know, it just was ironic. I went over and I looked at your back office in case you had hit Platinum with 100k in earnings on November 3.

Paul: Thank you, man.

Dave: That's a good way to end that's a good note to end on. We didn't even throw that out there at the beginning. No, y'all know that right here? In just right off of the back of him saying he had that goal, what if I can just earn 100,000? Well, I know. Because you have multiple streams that you've surpassed that you've made just from the income that I know about. So again, that's no guarantee most people who try online who joined any gym who invest in buying courses in our businesses, they all fail, mostly because they quit and don't do anything with it. Maybe they don't feel supported, whatever. But you did it. And we have a lot of people that have done it. And if you want it bad enough? Well, I don't think I need to add to anything that you've said. Because you've made the point clear. And the truth is, if any of you who are listening, want it. It's here, it's here for the grabbing and coming up at the beginning of another year. My question to you is, how is this going to be different than all the years before? And how can this be a defining moment in your life? How can this be a fork in the road for you not not to continue to do the same thing expecting to design. But to make a different decision, a powerful decision, and not a decision that requires a ton of work, we're not talking about going to the gym, and working out every day, I know, everybody's big, I'm talking about sitting your ass down at your desk. And just staying there for a while. Until you can give yourself a chance to actually get some results. And then you build on those results you get excited than you but I'm not even talking about you even got to lift the dumbbell you can eat whatever you want eat five guys in fat is as you want, I mean dad bought to make enough money, then you can take some time off and go to the gym and hire a nutritionist and you can have a you can challenge yourself to lose and all that weight that you gained from sitting your truth is that that, you know, I'm not going to say that health and fitness is not a great goal to have being healthy, is being wealthy. But I want to be financially free and get your time back.

Paul: Money is a tool if you can, if you can leverage it to get your time. It's the one thing that you guys can't get back is your time. So I'm more inclined to tell you guys to get your freedom and like you said, you are spending eight to 10 hours a day, 12 hours a day at a job fulfilling a person's dream who started that business that you're working eight to 10 hours fulfilling their dream and we get home and we're like, oh, I'm exhausted. I'm sitting on the couch, I'm gonna do this. I'm literally closing with this. But you should work at least two hours a day on your own dream. If you can dedicate eight to 10 to 12 hours for someone else's dream. Just keep that in your mind. You're going to work to fulfill someone else's dream. They started a business and they hired you guys to help them get their next Lamborghini or or whatever it is go out there and spend two hours on your own dream and figure out a way to make yourself because this is proof every single day you guys go live with people that are successful in it that have stayed consistent. And these are normal everyday average people like myself, so I'm rooting for every single one of you guys watching this video and I'm grateful for Dave sharp and legendary. I really appreciate you guys.

Dave: Alright brother, I will talk to you soon. We'll see you soon. Keep up the great work and I'm looking forward to talking to you to back on the show sooner than another year. We'll have you back hopefully in a couple of months. Absolutely. Take care brother. All right, but Alright my friends, you can see his TikTok handle and you can absolutely be Paul a part of your network and a part of your community as Paul's a part of our community here. @Paullivefreefrancis, the man with a plan this Monday and the man that you all heard it from the horse's mouth. It is possible that One year transition doesn't matter where you're at where you came from what you did before this it's possible we're not here to blow smoke up any answers we're not here with smoke and mirrors, here today gone tomorrow, banana in the tailpipe and all the other tricks in stuff that the goblins are using out there. I made a post in the Facebook group, it triggered a couple of people about not doing Black Friday. Well, you know what ain't gonna be no damn Cyber Monday deals either because you know what? Why would I want a product that one of our other customers paid full price for learn to know your value. This is not retail. We're not selling a t-shirt here. We're selling information that will change your life if you apply it and we're going to keep talking about it until you believe it. I love you. Get into the blueprints, finish the challenge. And my friends we'll see you back here for another episode tomorrow. Get out of here, be Legendary.

How To Get Back on Your Feet After Losing Your Job

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends? This is Dave sharp Welcome to wake up legendary this morning. We have a guest on and oh by the way, everybody who celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday. Happy Thanksgiving, hopefully you all had a fantastic holiday and I am grateful for you all. No doubt about it. Very grateful to everybody in our company. nearly 80 people who work day in and day out to serve all of our customers. And of course each one of you in our community, very grateful to you all this morning. We're going to be talking to a gentleman who lost two jobs in two years, but now he's back on his feet. Let's hear his story. Joachim. Welcome to the show.

Joachim: Well, thank you so much. I'm actually very honored that you have me there.

Dave: It's our pleasure, my friend. We want to hear your story. We've noticed you and we want to hear you know where you came from, you know what happened along the way and where you're at now. So take us back a little bit and let us know where you came from the nutshell version and how you found Legendary.

Joachim: Well, the nutshell version. My digital marketing journey actually started in 2017 which was a really bad year. For me. Essentially what happened is that I was at a real estate business and the government started suddenly adding new regulations. And that was a small you know, it was a one man show basically. So essentially what happened is it was just like so much regulation that put an incredible burden, just admin, administrative stuff, which was crazy, and I just couldn't handle it anymore.

Is this the American government or the German government? 

Joachim: The German government.

Dave: Okay, because you're calling in from Germany right now, right?

Joachim: Yes, That's right. I’m German, and I'm calling right now from Germany. Where it's cold. Yeah, we have minus degrees, not like Florida. Anyway, so the German government started to Well, essentially what they're trying to do is they tried to knock out all the smaller guys so that the big corporations have a have a field day, and pretty much made me go belly up. And at the same time, my marriage was falling apart. My dad died. So 2017 was one of those years where you're going okay, I don't need ever I don't need that ever again. So, but I still had to make money you know, I mean, okay, marriage was falling apart, but I still had to provide for my wife and kid and so I started trying to figure out okay, I gotta go to online. I mean, that's probably the future and I attended webinars and you know how it goes, you you invest stuff, and unfortunately, I didn't meet you back then. So, because, well, I messed around for about a year and got nowhere and I was just ending up in debt and Well, truth told, you know, a little bit too much alcohol came on top of that. So I was in a pretty bad place and then anyhow, so I kind of at some point, I decided that's it. I went to get a job. Actually, I was working in I mean, it was still my own company, but, you know, it was sort of corporations for web design business. And I've been little darling along and it just didn't go anywhere. Really. And anyhow, I saw in the end of 2019. I got a little money together and then I started massive marketing campaign. And it looked really good. So you know, it was 2020 and it's like the beginning of the year. I had contracts lined up as ever contract sign. So it was awesome. And then boom, lockdown. So a middle of March 2020. We went into lockdown in Germany, and literally on that day, I lost every single contract. That was lined up. I mean, every company went like, we don't know what's going to happen. All the fairs are canceled. All the exhibitions, everything we had planned, it's all in note. So we cannot invest right now. So it was literally that locked on. Like knocked me out of business, which was kind of tough, you know, when you just invested in marketing and just, I mean, just to gain momentum, it was like, Whoa, right. Anyhow. What can I say? I mean, I've been an entrepreneur all my life. So failure is not an option. So, you know, you move around a bit and you know, you do what you do, you know, and hit a couple of walls and whatever but eventually you just gotta pull yourself together. And so then I started communicating and you know, trying to find out what, what can I do and somehow I bumped into an old buddy of mine and he said, Hey, by the way, I really need somebody to help me with my consultancy business. And I happen to be trained in administrative technologies as well as PR and marketing. So I'm quite knowledgeable in this stuff. And I was like, awesome. I'm looking for a job, you know. match made in heaven, you know, and it was going well. It was really going well. I mean, you know, I had lots of orders and all that stuff, but then we went into the next lockdown. I was just getting a bit too much and somehow, two big customers just split. Because, you know, they went into financial trouble because of the lockdown. I mean, it's just a chain reaction. Yeah. So in June this year, I got that dreaded phone call. And I was like, You're welcome. Sorry, but you know, I can't do anything. You know, I lost my customers and how he would actually say goodbye, you know. So, I mean, I was I was, you could say I was a little bit pissed off. I mean, I was really not happy. I mean, I've never been a big fan of the government. But what they made out of this thing is just beyond ridiculous. So it was clear to me now that I mean, you know, I am out of a need to be digital 100% legally independent of any government regulation whatsoever. I mean, you know, of course it can still switch up the internet somehow, but truth told, you know, at this stage in my life, I mean, I just turned 58. I started from scratch a couple of times, so that's fine. But it's got to be the last time you know, I mean, I'm like, I don't want to go through that again. 

Dave: Yeah. So how did you find us? How did you run into legendary and what happened from there? 

Joachim: Well, I started searching social media. And I wasn't TikTok. I mean, really, I went on TikTok because I was bored. You know, I just wanted to get entertained a little bit. But at the same time, you know, I was looking for digital stuff. And then I came across the channel of just Jessica SEO and I, you know, I followed the link and I saw your video, so it was a no brainer. I mean, I didn't. I didn't think twice about buying the 15 Day Challenge. I mean, that was sort of, I mean, come on for seven bucks. I mean, it's like, you know, what, what could possibly go wrong? And literally on the second day, I was like, okay, okay. Finally, I met the right guy. I mean, I was just close, you know, there was like, I don't You didn't have to talk much to me. It was more like, okay, how can I figure out the financing? But, you know, I was just moving around a little bit and stuff like that. It just, I knew that's it, you know, and, well, I never looked back, so I haven't done anything else. Ever since.

Dave: Wow. And when was that?

Joachim: It was, I believe 15th When I started the 15 Day Challenge. Yeah, actually today is kind of a special day for me because I just launched my first own product.

Dave: Wow. Very good. Awesome. What is that? Is that a course or a consulting offer? What is it? 

Joachim: Well, actually, I can tell you about that part that's in the plans, but actually, you know, having been, I'm still in the position where finances are pretty tight. So I had to do quite some juggling to pay the blueprints. Even though for me, it was like no question. I got to have them. It was like, Okay, I need these blueprints. So I go to move or whatever it takes to get them. In fact, the matter has already made the money back. So it's like, you know, it's really a no brainer, but what really annoyed me was the high cost for the funnels, like click funnels, like if you're a total newbie, it's like, oh my god, you need the funnel. You need the autoresponder and you need this and that and all this little stuff. It's kind of adding up, you know, especially when you're like, you don't know what you're doing. So I decided I'm going to create a funnel system with WordPress. So and that's to a fifth of the cost. Of Click Funnels. So we're in what sort of a plugin that goes with WordPress.

Joachim: Yeah, there are various plugins and I mean, I used a Weber so that I mean, you still need an autoresponder.

Dave: Yeah, I mean, a Weber has landing pages, get responses has landing pages. I first started out with WordPress using an Optimized Press landing page builder. There's all kinds of different tools. I mean, all you have to do is, you know, go out and do a little bit of research. We recommend Clickfunnels because it's just plug and play and it'll allow you to build your funnels and then sell your products and kind of do all that stuff. But, you know, it's like, it's like, you know, these tools are becoming a dime a dozen out here now, and yeah, that's right. You know what I mean? They're becoming a commodity in a sense, they're, they're, you know, there are so many of them. Just like Brian Geisler says opt in monster. I mean, there's, there's, there's tons of them, you know, and then Tammy says Clickfunnels makes it easy. You know, it's all about perspective. You know, every business you're gonna have your tools that you got to pay for, and quite frankly, I think compared to everything else out there, there's not that many tools that you need to buy, but, you know, to somebody who's brand new Sure, it can feel like you know what else do I need but but so you've you've you bought the blueprint, change your feedback your you say you've not done anything else since then it sounds like you've found your groove.

Joachim: I definitely. I definitely have, I mean, it's like, to me, that's I mean, honestly, what I mean I get asked this question a lot on social media these days. You know, should I buy the blueprints? i It's expensive. Are they so pushy and this and that and I'm like, relax. Can I tell you exactly why you should actually buy them. And that's the, from what I can tell, the one thing that makes all the difference. I mean, to me personally, these Thursday's zoom calls are the most important ones like, I mean, literally when I started the 15 day challenge, I set up my TikTok account. So I was like okay, I'm gonna get going, you know, videos did. And I mean, literally, nothing happened. I mean, I don't know how many videos I posted, 20? 30? And I had, like, 200 followers or something like that. I mean, it's pathetic, like nothing happened. And I was really getting concerned about this because I'm, I mean, patience isn't my greatest virtue. Persistence. Yes. But keep going on the same thing and nothing changes. I'm going no, no, no, no, no, that that cannot be, you know, if I continue with this in this speed, I'm going to be 1000 followers in a year or so you know, so there had to be some change something that changes something and exactly at that point, Matt made that video, that training that Tiktok training and literally on Thursday I made two videos miniverse about these How to videos so that you actually you know, attract interest. And I posted these two videos on Friday night. By Sunday I had 5,000 followers. I mean, it was incredible. I mean, it was just unbelievable. So and, you know, now I have over a million views and 15,000 followers. I mean, there are people that are smashing my production by 1000 But you know for me, it was not so important to now go brutally far. Because I can count the different problems because I'm sitting in Germany. Yeah. And I mean, I spent at least three or four weeks trying to trick the algorithm, you know, getting a US SIM card and I mean, I tried every trick to pretend that I'm in the US to get the US guys because I have 90% people from Germany, right? And what my one product so far was Legendary. Which is all in English. So that's quite a barrier, you know, because Germans speak a bit of English but right, doing a massive course like this is a whole different ball game, you know? 

Dave: So, yeah, so but you persisted on and, but I want to go back to a second ago, just talking about that live training that you mentioned on Thursday, you know, one of the things that I am known for, I think, and I I want to continue to be known for this is is being brutally honest about the industry and about how how most companies in gurus operate in this industry. So we know, because I want to make sure that we never become that and I want to call it out so people because I don't care if people don't buy from us doesn't, it's not going to make Sakana make or break my lifestyle or anything else. But oftentimes, people want to venture out, they want to see other things they want to see if the grass is greener on the other side. And what often and I don't have a problem with that, because I understand that's a human tendency. And what happens is, is somebody will buy a course or training from, you know, some company and then they'll have a outside trainer come in who's a good communicator who's a great, he's a great salesperson, because oftentimes, when you buy, you know, even a high ticket training, it's an opportunity to sell a customer something else. Right. And of course, one of the things that's unique about legendary here and I can't take credit for this, it just happens to work like this is that we actually have a chief marketing officer who's actually a fantastic trainer as well. So he's not only you know, he's not only running marketing campaigns on a daily basis, we have TikTok channels that we're testing things on, and we actually get to come over and share those exact things. Same with Drew, we have an in house marketing coach here with Drew, and he's working with ClickFunnels and AWeber and these things every single day. And so and then me, you know, I've been doing this for over a decade. And, look, I'm here every day doing consistent content, syndicating it out to podcasts, you know repurposing it to different channels. And you know, there's an old saying, I don't know if you say this in Germany, but we eat what we eat our own cooking, right? So, you know, there's a lot of restaurants who wouldn't need what they're serving, right? But we're practicing the model that we teach, you know, we're not and there's a lot of contradictions on the internet. Right now. There's a lot of people who are selling courses about doing drop shipping. Now they're not doing drop shipping themselves, but they're selling the course which is what we teach selling information, right? There's a course on dropshipping they're not really doing a whole lot of Amazon but they're selling the course on how to do Amazon FBA and all these things. Why? Because selling information is and always will be the highest profitable. Business model on the internet, because there's no manufacturing production shipping, holding cost, and there's very little overhead that you need in Joachim, you just mentioned that, you know, moving up from affiliate marketing to having your own course and or coaching program and even doing your own event you know well, there's also an you know, you can stay an affiliate for as long as you want. You know, we've got high earning affiliates in our community who that's all they do. Or you could step up to selling your own course or as you said, zoom. Again, I say this all the time. One of my favorite hybrid models these days is simply selling a one day workshop where you deliver it live, you sell it all month, or you sell it for two weeks and then you deliver it live similar to what we do with a decade and a day training that comes with the blueprints. There's so many options, and it requires no overhead, no shipping, no manufacturing. You don't have to worry about it getting stuck in a barge off the coast of California or off the coast of Germany or wherever. Because as soon as you buy it, instantly it's delivered to you. And I made it. I spent the time, not the money. I spent the time making the course or setting up the marketing campaign and I gotta sell it over and over and over and over again. Joachim, I don't know if you've seen a lot in your 58 years but to me, I've never seen a business model and I've been doing this for over a decade. I've never seen a business model that's better than this and that smarter than this. Have you?

Joachim: Honestly, that's like I mean, really my hat is off to you the way you created this because as I said in 2017 I spent quite some time with various people. I don't want to badmouth anybody but yeah, like known gurus.

Dave: I call them the gurus and the goblins. You spend some time and money with some of the gurus and the goblins out there. Right exactly right. They sit on top of the mountain and never get down and talk to their customers or clients. They never do a live stream but they're, they're considered experts. Right?

Joachim: Exactly. Exactly. So I mean, you know, the definition of expert is the guy who screams the loudest and you know, that's something you know, we Germans are anyway not really going for that. It's just we have a different need. And that's one of the things that I'm running into. No matter what I promote, you know, legendary or otherwise. But the simple truth is, and that's what I felt from that. On that second day of the challenge. I I just I don't know, I looked at you the way you operate and you talk and what you do, and it wasn't oh my god, look at me, I'm the greatest and you know, I'm the coolest and I'm the smartest No, you just actually said what's, you know, what's important, you know, and and that that's to me, I mean, honestly, that one, that one zoom call from Matt. Okay, that one zoom call was more worth to me then the two and a half $1,000 I paid for the blueprints because it made that money right back. I mean, that one you know, little training. And I mean, that's one of 200 videos I mean, I haven't even talked, haven't even got into the blueprints for real. Because it's just so much to learn and so much to do and, you know, but these zoom calls every week they give because it's, I mean, obviously the social media scene out there is changing every day by the minute. I mean, literally, the training you did in January is today pretty much obsolete already. If you look at TikTok, you know. I mean, they're, they're constantly changing everything, because obviously, they're competing in an arena between themselves. So the rules are constantly changing. And that's of course, the problem. And if you then borrow the course I mean, I actually started last year during the lockdown. I started a Facebook ads training course. And you know, the guy calls himself the Facebook, ad ninja and all that and I'm sure he's successful. Obviously, if you have a team of people, and you're on the market, you're going to make a ton of money. But for a newbie, his course was two years old. You know, it was completely useless because the software had changed so dramatically nothing matched anymore with what he was talking about. So what's the point? You know, I mean, you updated the blueprints during the lockdown I mean, you can hear it in the videos. Each video he talks about you talk about the lockdown and COVID and all that shit. So you know, this isn't the five year old. You know, five years ago, you know, you worked a little bit and now you're sitting in the Bahamas and drinking my tires. You know, you can see, you know, you're there. You guys are like what you said, you know, you're you're eating what you're cooking, and I really liked that and I'm still I keep telling all the guys you know, I don't know so much money and I'm like, This isn't how much money. This is. I mean, affiliate marketing or digital marketing, no matter what you call it. That's the business model of the future. I'm completely convinced. I mean, no matter how much everybody is, me and ying yang Yeah, but that will be the future. I mean, in the end to me, like every company on the planet will eventually have their own affiliate program because it's actually brilliant when you think about it.

I mean, most of them do. Most of them do and don't even realize in Germany, it's

still very little. we're way behind you see, because they don't understand. I mean, obviously if you're, you have an army of people who do the marketing for you, you don't have to spend one dime on advertisement, nothing. It's a free advertisement. I mean, it's like if you're a big company, and you're not grasping that and starting your affiliate program, I think you're completely behind. It's like everybody is going yeah yeah yeah about NFT's and this and that. Well, if it would be so unimportant then Zuckerberg wouldn't put out when you just put it out. I mean, you know, it's like, this is the future, blockchain is the future. We may not like it. It doesn't matter if we like it. Better embrace it, and you know, win with it. And that's what I realized about affiliate marketing. And, I mean, I'm so thankful that you put up that program, because it's like, the minute I started, I dropped everything else. I was like, Okay, that's it. I don't need all the other distractions. You know, I was looking at what can I do? Like having lost my job twice in two years? I was really like, I mean, you get a little tense at that point, you know, so I didn't want to do the old stuff, like revamp that old business stuff, which is, you know, would just be desperate. So, now with this, I'm like, okay, boom, you know, I mean, it's been quite a tough cycle, because shit is a lot to learn. I mean, I did underestimate the amount I had to learn for sure. I mean, you know it 58 You're not that. I mean, I'm not a technology challenge per se, but I mean, my eight year old son is better with his iPhone than I am. I mean, with my thumbs. The first video I mean, my God. It was like, challenging you know? 

Dave: I mean, I'm 38. I just turned 38 The other day, and I feel that way too. And you know what, here's the dirty little secret. And I say this quite often that I'm not technically I mean, if you know the reason why I stream everyday just from my webcam, I've got this. I've got this microphone, but it literally is just set up directly into my computer in there's a little I don't even know what you would call it some sort of thing that it plugs into over there and there's some knobs and stuff, but I wouldn't dare go messing with those knobs because I don't I don't know how what they even do, you know, you know, syncing my iCloud calendar can be a challenge. I mean, sharing my Google Calendar with other people can be a challenge. But the thing about the blueprints in what I teach inside of the blueprints and I was actually just looking at them as you were talking, you know, there's, there's, there's portions of this, of this, of this content. That is that it is timeless in when you want and I designed this course to be exactly that. Right. So if you log in to the affiliate marketing business blueprint, you know, there's timeless material in here that if you understand this material, and I'm speaking to everybody here, you will never, ever want for money again, because you will know how to generate money. It won't be a mystery to you. And, you know, I explained the affiliate marketing business blueprint here, how it works, how the three phases starting out at the beginning work we have a decade in a day live workshop that you can attend as many times as you want, but where we get you right into the fire, you know, live and we sort of hold you hostage on a live coaching session right away, and then starting with number you know module number two, sitting on a goldmine you know, I actually go into talking about the history of direct response marketing. I go into talking about the legends, the copywriters, the gentlemen who were marketing back in the 50s and 60s, Eugene Swartz, all these people who were writing letters.

Joachim: I actually enjoyed that part quite a bit. I have to say, it was very interesting to actually learn about the history of these things. And like, I mean, I like that part to understand the bigger picture because, you know, I like to always look at the bigger thing.

Dave: Well, that's the blueprint. You're looking at the blueprint versus just figuring out how to swing a hammer and I think that what most people do is they just want to get in just give me the hammer and show me which nail to hit. And it's like, well, that's a minimum wage job. But if you know how to read the blueprint, you know how the game works. You know where the game came from and how it started. How is that because my point is, the principles that those guys used back in the 50’s 60’s 70’s and 80’s are the same principles that we use now. So even though some of the technology and down here in the Facebook funnel the TikTok funnel the YouTube funnel the Instagram funnel, you know, even though down in these sections, there might be small components of the sections that change in terms of algorithms. The fishing formula that I teach right here will never ever change. It will never change in the history of this industry in the history of direct response marketers and copywriters will never change, because it doesn't matter whether you're in the metaverse or whether you're on the internet, or even whether you're in a business offline in your marketing via direct mail, inviting people in in using those principles to close them. They will always be the same because they always have been the same and here's the big point that I want everybody to take away. Over the years, there's been platforms that have not only changed but TikTok emerged. It was a brand new platform. Quite frankly Instagram was not even around when I started. It was my MySpace and Facebook was where it was becoming cool to be and so then we all went over to Facebook. So Instagram, TikTok, all these other platforms have emerged in you know what? The same exact principles in terms of creating marketing material in terms of writing or filming an ad and that ad would be considered a paid or free ad, right? Even if we're uploading a video to TikTok I still consider that an ad, right? It's a value driven ad, but it is an ad because you are asking for them to do something at the end. The principles across that timeline of all those different platforms have always stayed the same. It's just true all the nuances of the platform of understanding how to use the platform, but you can't go and put a shitty ad on TikTok if it works. You cannot do it. You cannot do it.

Joachim: Right. But you know, that was actually my biggest problem. I was battering my head against the last couple of years, and only through the constant repetition like on the blueprints, but especially from these zoom calls. I finally, I mean, you know, I'm a bit trained in PR and marketing and sales. So I always, I mean, I was doing well. You know, I was having six figure businesses and I'm talking profit, not turnover, but you know, with the old ad type style, you know, like direct marketing, like distributing flyers, and now this value driven thing. I gotta tell you, that was I mean, I had to completely change my whole outlook because I was just like, not getting it. You know? How does this work? How was it supposed to work? I mean, if you don't have life communication, I don't think you will ever get it. Because only in a life communication somebody goes yeah, I understand. That's what you like to do. But this is not good because of this exact thing. And then you go online and you see a video and he says, Yeah, you see this is a mistake. And then you go ahhhh. I would never get that from a mere video that was recorded by somebody just do what I say. If you don't understand it, you will never get it.

Dave: Yeah, I think I think we undervalue the power of getting feedback and live coaching, and the combination the combination of watching videos or going through a course, combined with live feedback and conversation about real world situations, even if it's not yours, you can still relate to it because you still have the same questions. And then you combine that with community. You combine that with all of the folks that we have within this community. We're having conversations every day. There's people on here who are going to be learning from this interview for months and years to come. So you combine everything that we have here in folks, this is what I think Joel Kim and I would really want you to know is that if you want to succeed if you really want to make you know, 2022 Your biggest year ever. And I say you know I'm saying this a little bit biased, but I'm also saying this because I've seen everything in the industry. There is no better time. In place to do it. It's just not true.

Joachim: I actually would like to add one more thing which actually impressed me a lot personally because I've valued that kind of thing a lot. Because when I made my first commission, you actually sent me a quick video. And, I mean, honestly, I find that quite extraordinary because if the CEO of a company was, you know, making so many millions, I mean, obviously your day is probably a lot less fun these days when you were purely a marketer, I could imagine because at that level when they all were all kinds of dry things, but I know how busy you probably are and you know taking the timer and recording a quick video I thought that was really, really really special. I mean, you know, it was really like, Wow, these guys care. I'm not just a number. I'm not just one of 100,000 affiliates. No, no, I actually care and that to me, is like that's the biggest value that I'm actually looking for anywhere. And I hate to be just a number. I think everybody does.

Dave: Well, my friend, thank you for your time today. Thank you for your story. Thank you for your you know your wonderful feedback, and I know that you're a man who is probably, you know, not easy to impress and you know, you're an intelligent guy, you're probably highly critical and you expect a lot out of yourself and you expect a lot out of others, especially that you invest money with. So I'm glad that we've been able to deliver for you so far. I'm glad that you've been able to also take this and run and have success and I just I'm going to be excited to watch your journey here over the next few months and if you would, please come back and keep us posted here in a few months and let us know where you're at.

Joachim: I'm certainly looking forward to that. I have a personal goal and that is one day I want to get that Rolex from you.

Dave: I'd be happy to put it on your wrist my friend. All right, well Joachim, thank you again, man. And, you know, happy end of the year. Happy holidays to you and your loved ones and we'll talk to you soon, buddy.

Joachim: Thank you so much for having me.

Dave: All right, take care. Bye bye. Okay, bye bye. Alright my friends. Well, here we sit here in November. What is it? November 26. Okay, it is so close to the end of the year and there will be so many so many folks who set them out so who set themselves up, you know, for a powerful 2022 You have everything here. At least I think you do. I think you do. Right? That you need to be able to do that. So stay plugged in. Let's rock it. We'll be back here for another episode on Monday live and my friends. Get out of here. Have a great Friday, have a Legendary weekend and we'll see you back here Monday. Peace.

The Content Strategy For 200K Followers

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey, what's going on my friends? Happy Thanksgiving. giving you this session today in pre recorded fashion is we actually did pre record this but I want to point out that that's the power of the internet. That is the power of the internet. As you're watching this right now, who knows, maybe I slept in today. Maybe I'm in my backyard playing with my kiddos. Who knows, I live in Florida. Maybe I jumped in the pool. But the power of this online marketing thing we do is that you can have 1000’s, 10’s of 1000’s. Hundreds, millions of people watching your videos and content buying from you doing all sorts of business with you, even if you're not currently present and or live within their in person. So just a thought to think about as I bring on our guests for this show, I believe all the way from Massachusetts. Dana, what's going on? Good morning. Massachusetts. Am I right?

Dana: Yeah, we're from Massachusetts. Yeah, Boston. Okay.

Dave: Oh, wow, Boston. Awesome. This is one city that embarrassingly I have not been to yet I've been all over the country. So gotta come visit. Yo they're nice. Nice. Nice. So tell us how you found Legendary what? What brought you here, what led you here? And, you know, give us that nutshell backstory. So we can learn a little bit more about you.

Dana: So what brought me to Legendary is, you know, obviously, the pandemic I'm sure you know, everyone's been saying that pandemic and the online space and I started looking for ways to make money online and I bought into other courses and things that just just didn't work out. And I was getting really frustrated. I had mentors that advised me to, you know, start eBay stores to help pay for ads. It just didn't feel right so I just happened upon tick tock. I've never even had a tick tock before in my life. But someone told me to check it out. And then I happened upon someone that we all know, Calvin Hill. I jumped in on one of his lives and the information that he gave was just amazing. And I just I went immediately all in on Legendary, so

Dave: Nice, nice. Yeah, he's a cool dude and super smart and has a great ability to be able to make you know complicated ideas. Really simple. We love Calvin so much. So what has your experience been? If I'm not mistaken, you're an educator. Administrator. Is that what your career is? And has been up until this point? 

Dana: Yes. 

Dave: You have a lot to live up to. I kind of feel intimidated.

Dana: Certainly not all that. So I started my background in special education. You know, I primarily work with kids who have, you know, autism, developmental delays, those kinds of things. I moved up the ladder, you know, doing all the things you're supposed to do, went to college a couple of times, got different degrees and, and then eventually advanced myself to become an administrator. So now I oversee classrooms and supervise teachers and really just help to design programs. public school, but I'm the administrator. Yeah, so that's what I do, that's my nine to five. 

Dave: Okay. So, what has your experience been like with going through this education, this experience and learning something that's not offline really at all except when we meet for events, but it's completely online?

Dana: Honestly, it's a whole world. It was really extremely challenging because I had no I didn't. I never even heard of digital marketing. I didn't even know what affiliate marketing is. You know, less. I saw little, you know, things about it here and there, but I didn't know it just seemed like a whole nother world. And as I started to really dive in and learn it was just like, it felt like I was getting a doctoral degree and a whole other avenue and it was tough in the beginning, but I think because I made it. I made it more complicated than it needed to be. To see if that makes sense. What I'm saying is we made it way more complicated than it needed to be. I made it way more complicated. And when I decided to really just break it down, take it step by step and really like to sort of keep myself on track. It just became natural. Really, it didn't, it became natural at once I got past my, you know, confidence of just hitting records, getting the content out there. And rather than kind of speaking to the camera, just like talk to people just just get on a line, talk to people and the rest will really just flow. And what I didn't learn or didn't know, honestly, I learned it as it came up, if that makes sense. Like I took the information that I needed to know like in that week, that month, and that's all I focused on, and then as it started to evolve then I had to dive in on other aspects and that's really what made it so much easier for me.

Dave: Well, I love that and as somebody who designs education programs, if my lord my friends, if you can't take it from her I mean that's how she's done it then what more can we say? I mean, I think I think when you go into something new people have a tendency to go through the entire thing. And I've even seen these comments. Well, I've binge watched every video and now I'm confused and overwhelmed and that makes sense. This is not a Netflix series. You know, this is not something that you can passively just sit back and just, you know, almost go into a trance like when we watch videos, movies, entertainment, we're in a trance state so we're not in an active state. We're not even retaining information. You know, we're just passively relaxing. And we might remember a scene or two or how funny the movie was, but we're not going to remember the details and, and so a lot of what you just said about taking it step by step implementing one thing, you know, getting that kind of down. And really, I think the other thing is giving yourself a break and realizing that you don't need to know it all in. If you're starting out as an affiliate marketer. It's actually better if you're not an expert, because you're just recommending products you are not in the guru seat. You are not the expert, you are simply talking about things, dropping small gems of value, but ultimately you're recommending products in solutions. And I do think that oftentimes affiliate marketers overlook that and try it too hard and put too much pressure on themselves to be the expert. Does that resonate with you?

Dana: That's absolutely correct. It becomes like this. This is like nine to five thinking versus an entrepreneurial mindset because a nine to fiver goes into it. Well, give me all the information and training so I can get to work right and that's where I can do my job. what I need to versus like you said just really taking it slow taking your time and the thing is I think I started to see the biggest growth in my channel and things when I just started resonating with people not trying to be the Know It All right, because I don't I didn't know what I didn't know what I was just


Dave: And you know what, you know, I don't either isn't it, isn't it? So it's so nice for me to say that because now I don't have to have all the answers for you, even as my client because ultimately, I'm in the trenches with you. I'm doing content every day. I'm just my job as an educator building courses in doing coaching is to pave a road and then set up opportunities for you really to figure out what makes the most sense for you while giving you boundaries. Like hey, here's the field let's play. Oh you did you that's how that play went well let's talk about it didn't go well. Did it go bad? Or you want my opinion, my feedback, like even the guru doesn't need to know everything and I think you probably know that or have experienced with some of the best teachers that you've seen, probably have that same approach. They're not waving a finger at the front of the classroom. They're sitting down beside the child and saying, Well, what do you think?

Dana: Yep, that's exactly right. Yeah. And that's what really resonates, you know, and it takes a lot of the pressure off of you as a beginner, you know, when you're just taking it step by step, and realizing you're not supposed to have all the answers, man, you're just supposed to get out there. Share the opportunity and more importantly, more importantly, share your own story, right when people see themselves and I, the more that I learned, you know what Dana? is just trying to be whatever, just share your story. Share yourself and let people see themselves in you. Right and your journey and that's when it just everything clicked and changed. And then I was able to just hit records, just relax and have fun. 

Dave: Have fun like you do on Facetime with friends. I mean, really, it's, it's simple. Well, I put your TikTok handle up there. And you have grown your TikTok channel to over 200,000 followers. Yes, folks. I did say 200,000 followers. Congratulations.

Dana: Thank you. 

Dave: How does that feel to have gone from watching somebody who's you know you're you're impressed by and he is impressive to now knowing that people are likely watching you feeling the same way.

Dana: Yeah, it's some days still when I go into my tick tock channel. I still can't believe it. But it's, you know, like I said, I think it's just one of those things where I just stopped getting out of my own way and just tried to tell my story and just stay focused on helping people truly just stay focused on helping people, giving them value, giving them information. And I think that's just where the channel really just took off and go up and I just I just doubled down on that right rather than trying to stay on trend or virality or views just kept getting out there and giving my message and helping people and you know, there were some days I woke up and I would literally see, like the follower count. Jumping. Wow, that's it's it's a blessing. It's an honor truly, you know, many people really believe in what you have to try to help them improve their lives. It's really an honor.

Dave: Yeah, I feel the same way. I feel the same way not coming from an education career as an educator and as somebody who is you know, if I think of what is the most opposite on the spectrum, from sales and marketing, it would probably be a teacher. Or somebody in the education profession. So how have you blended in and gotten comfortable with making recommendations in giving calls to action and being I would assume direct and clear after you deliver value or tell whatever story then you know, there is a time when every great marketer must ask for something or give a call to action? How have you navigated that?

Dana: So while I was teaching, you know, like most teachers do, they either have another job during the summer or they look for multiple streams of income and there was a time where I was really into network marketing. You know, I had worked with a couple a couple of different companies, you know, I would do the home parties, I would, you know, bring all the stuff and, and so I was kind of used to having sort of that call to action at the end in terms of you know, an exchange of value, if that makes sense. But what I tried to stay focused on is again, the story in the message, so the call to action was really blended in with the actual message. And I also, you know, tried not to, you know, stay focused on selling, you know, just giving people what they need to hear, giving them the next step. And really that was it. The call to action is just the next step, either like and follow or you know, what have you but it wasn't really about trying to sell them it was just next steps of giving them more information. And so that just became really natural and easy for me to do. 

Dave: Yeah, got it. I'm reading what you wrote here to us that most affiliates have no clear understanding of what to post and how to post to gain momentum and ultimately sell whatever it is that they're selling. Now maybe they're an affiliate for legendary and they're selling our products. Maybe they're an affiliate for some other company or in some other niche. Talk to us about how you have developed a content strategy, and some helpful tips that would help you know our community and folks in our community get more clear and be more effective.

Dana: So the first thing I would say is they need to be very clear on who they're speaking to. Right so they need to know you know, just because they're an affiliate like you said for legendary what have you they need to be very clear on who their target customer is and who they're speaking to. And then know the pain points and problems of the person that they're trying to speak to. And so I built my content strategy, there's really, you know, six main problems that I'm trying to solve within my content. And I rotate through that week after week after week. Dave: So would you give us an example of what one or two of those problems are that's powerful.

Dana: So one or two of the problems are, you know, my target customers are really moms and nine to fivers who are trying to build multiple streams of income but just have very little time. So they want to make more money. They're just beat and done at the end of the day. And so I stay on message with trying to show them how they can accomplish their goals in a little time and work efficiently to actually derive extra streams of income, right? So I just stay on message with the problem.

Dave: And I Interrupted you. I'm so sorry. I just want but I wish you would continue with your flow of thoughts from the original question because I felt badly interrupted. I wanted an example. But please continue telling us kind of how you approach the way you solve, one is Get clear. Step two that you said is you made a list of problems that your target customer has if you rotate your content to address those problems? 

Dana: Yes, yeah. And so that's what I do. I plan it out by the week so that the problems basically stay the same, but my content strategy is by the week, and so I rotate through the problem. So I'm basically not saying the same message, same story, same call to action, because you know that people get sick of hearing that especially after they're following you, they already heard you say that message. But if you continue to kind of rotate through lack of time, lack of money, how to get started, first steps in starting and tools, right, those are really my pillars, and I just rotate through that. And I try to make sure that my content is sort of evolving as my audience evolves. That's the other thing is you're not just I don't just represent defaults right? And so I sprinkle a little bit of you know, someone who is just being made aware of affiliate marketing or digital marketing and then someone who's gotten started and then someone who's now kind of in the trenches and stuck, right, so that's what I rotate through and then you know, obviously you got to sprinkle in staying on trend with TikTok, right. Hashtags and sounds and that's really the core strategy that led me to, you know, lower my channel as quickly as I was able to do.

Dave: What you're saying, that is what helped you to blow up your channel the way that you have? 

Dana: Yes

Dave: Can you say more about that?

Dana: So you know, with TikTok, it's all about trends, right? TikTok is all about, you know, keeping with what keeps people on the platform. And so from week to week, I started rotating and identifying what was hitting what was not only hitting for my audience and resonating with them, but what was also resonating with the algorithm. At the end of the day, you know, there's two people that you got to please you got to please your target customer and you got to please the algorithm. And so looking at you know, what's trending in terms of the hot sounds that were coming up on the for you page, and I would jump on those, and then also what was just trending with regards to you know, hashtags and things of that nature and maximizing on that as well. And then the last thing is always looking at the watch time and the duration of the videos that I would post so what I found was when you can really find the sweet spot, right between content that resonates and then keeping the algorithm happy. And once you once I found that once I hit that I just stayed on message and I just doubled down on it, and that's how I was able to really kind of move so quickly through legendary as well as resonating with my ideal audience.

Dave: Well, that's really, really powerful information. I wanted to go back to something that you said that reminded me of a concept that was originally kind of clarified or whatever created by Eugene Swartz. Can you see that again? Yeah, so you were talking about speaking to people and evolving your content. So speaking to people at different levels, and this concept that Eugene Swartz kind of coined, will in his book, breakthrough advertising, which is like one of the best marketing books of all time. And the reason is, is because of things like this. There's five stages for all of our customers. The first is they're completely unaware of anything, and they need to be educated, demonstrated and entertained. Some are problem aware, so they're aware for example, if we take, like, people who can potentially be our target customers, or your target customers, if you're promoting Legendary, for example, that the next stage would be problem aware. So they're aware that they don't have enough time, aware that they don't have enough money, but they don't know how to. I don't know what to do about it. Right. content in the marketing that would work best with them would be to stress those pains. Right? Yeah. Push those buttons that you have arranged struggling with time so they can go yes, I am. And then the next is solution aware. So they are aware that it's kind of like somebody who wants to lose weight. They're probably not about and they're also aware that there are solutions, okay, there's diets, there's gym, there's exercises. And for these people, you want to prove that your product, your gym, your diet is the right size. These are people that are already somewhat aware of affiliate marketing and have heard it from other people. And then there's people who are, you know, the last two are your solution aware and most aware, which are people who are already even familiar with your company with the product that you're promoting and stuff like this. So I almost feel like those last two like it's like it's like you can really boil this down to like kind of three stages like it's like the unaware and problem aware, when you really just need to stress and press pains. They're solution aware, where they're familiar with affiliate marketing. And then there's kind of the people who are already heard of whatever product or company you're promoting. But if you're looking to be able to model what Dana's talking about, and I think it's so important that you do this, because in each one of your audiences, there's going to be people's people who are in all of these stages. And if you're only and always talking about just problems, like hey, are you looking you're struggling with time? Are you struggling for money? Well, let me talk to you about affiliate marketing. And if they already know about it, then you're probably not going to resonate the most with them. Right. It's it's about I love your I love how you're planning your content by rotating those those six main problems you say that your target customer has, as well as rotating content for those people who are unaware, then who are solution aware and then who are most aware of who maybe they've heard you talking about a specific product, it's really spot on. And hopefully this was sort of helpful with what you were already saying for those who are watching. Yeah, so awesome.

Dana: Yeah, that's absolutely it, and I think even more so now, you know, for the audience who's watching is, you know, the algorithm has, I'm gonna say slowed down a little bit, right. Since the holidays are coming into play. You're not hitting the for you page. If you're on TikTok as much as you were. So the audience is half the people that you're following that are following you right now. Right now. It's about community building. It's about nurturing. It's about educating truly right. And bringing them through those stages, because most, most often is the videos that you're posting, aren't jumping out to new audiences and staying within your community first. And so people really need to be aware of that as they're creating content so that they continue to stay on message and more importantly, give value. So I love that you just put that presentation up. Because people really need to, I would say, start to learn that you know, as much as possible and really be as strong as they can and understand that process of how to take their ideal target customer through that journey to really be helpful in order for the content to resonate. Dave: What I just did by kind of showing that graphic like what we're doing, a lot of times people are watching us deliver value and then they're like, I wonder how I should deliver value. Well, we're doing it right now. So each of these little concepts and points that we're talking about could be a 60 second TikTok could be a three minute Instagram post could be a five minute YouTube video, right? You could expand on a little bit. Me, just as you were talking, I Googled Eugene sorts breakthrough advertising five levels of awareness, right. And I grabbed that and I snapped and I screenshotted it and I pulled it up on my computer like that fast. I didn't just not have all of these things. That I'm like, the magical David Copperfield where I'm like, Oh, you're talking about this. Are you talking about it? Like that's not like behind the scenes because I have evolved my learning and reading and studying. I know so I can go grab it. But you know what, if you're watching this, you could sound just as cool as I just did before you knew that I just went and Google that and screenshots like, do you know what it looked like behind the scenes? You can look just as cool as I just looked by just going and doing that and screenshotting yourself. And then talking about that to your audience. It's like it's not that hard to live out all you when you realize that if you're still watching 24 minutes, and it's because you're getting value, so how can you use the things that are being modeled for you that I'm modeling for folks every five days? A week that you're modeling for your 200 Plus 1000 followers every single day? Right? We overcomplicate it, don't we do that? We overcomplicate it, right and that's why I like to talk about the ugly behind the scenes and be transparent with people because I want you to know that no one knows. You got to give yourself permission. And I've already given you permission, but when you finally give yourself permission to just go into the kitchen I have I can be a much better cook. Because when I go into the kitchen, I think I have to be perfect and I have to read the recipe. And all this kind of stuff. But you know what, and I don't know how you are in the kitchen, Dana but the best chefs and cooks and the people in my family they go and sprinkle a little bit and a little bit of that, you know?

Dana: And that's exactly what it is with regards to creating the content. Like I was saying when we first started the conversation is Don't overthink it get out of your own way. You know and I love it again that you put the presentation up because you know as if you decide to sell Legendary whatever it is and affiliate marketer you have to remember where you were when you first started right? You were going through all of those phases or I was going through all those phases. So when I step back and really look at problems that I'm trying to solve, that's your job as you're just having conversations with people to help them solve their problems. It's literally kind of that simple. help people solve their problems and have a simple conversation. Don't worry about trying to sell, we're trying to convince or be perfect. Just have a conversation.

Dave: Yeah, this was a perfectly imperfect conversation and delivery of value today. Thank you for your time, Happy Holidays to you and your family. And thank you for sharing this time and in sharing with our audience. And please come back and keep us posted on your journey and help me to deliver more value to our community as you did today.

Dana: Thank you so much. It was an honor. Thanks for having me. Happy Holidays to you too.

Dave: Alright, see you later. Alright, my friends go and give Dana a follow on TikTok and her Instagram. It's right there on the screen. If you're listening to this, maybe on a podcast @makemoneywithDanaD. Let me tell you something. If you can take learning tips from a woman a professional educator in person who designs education programs that boy it's time we all got to hang it up. Okay. She laid out some beautiful, beautiful tips that are worth a realist and and just a real Listen, but to implement have a wonderful holiday Thanksgiving. I'm grateful for you. I'm grateful for our community what we have here. It's changing lives, but it's changing lives because you are deciding to show up and change your life and that's why it's changing lives. It's not just because of us or because here is because you are right legendary in you are locking arms to transform your life for the better and this next year. You know this holiday season in 22. Can be will be should be your best year ever. And we're going to support you every step of the way. Alright, peace. Have a great dinner. Eat a lot. No, don't listen to people who say Don't eat too much. Eat a lot. All right. Enjoy yourself. Enjoy family. Enjoy friends. And we'll see you back here. Tomorrow for another episode.

Should You Copy TikTok Videos?

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt:  It's Wednesday, November 24. We're live. I just got my text message here. There we go. And if you are just tuning in with us, let us know in the comments. Where are you tuning in from? We've got an awesome guest as always we go live every Monday through Friday. Rory doing well to see you in here. I'm not sure how to pronounce this. Vernon, Lacey. I think I got that right. What's up Good morning. Let us know where you're tuning in from. We find out every single Monday through Friday at 10am Eastern and we do these live. When I literally got into the room and was like a drone let's go live and then I had to fix my hair a little bit. And then we're here. So we've got a great show planned for you today. We'll be here again tomorrow. We have an episode for you tomorrow as well. On Thanksgiving morning. We know all of you are just chillin sitting around sitting around the TV doing nothing. So let's bring in our guests for the day. Joerome, what's happening? How’s it going? 

Jerome: Good. 

Matt: So you're up in New York, right? 

Jerome: Yeah.

Matt: Okay, cool. Right on what part? 

Jerome: Actually in New York City. 

Matt: What part of New York City? 

Jerome: The Bronx. 

Matt: Cool. All right. Tell us a little bit about you're working as a mechanic. You've got lots of things. I mean, you work a lot. 

Jerome: Yes. 60 to 70 hours a week. 

Matt: You work a lot and tell us a little bit about that. And what led you to looking online for something like Legendary and what was that journey like? 

Jerome: Alright, well, I work in a plant University. So we essentially provide all the heating and cooling for the entire group. Okay. And then what got me started looking to make money online was like a few years ago, I was promised the promotion and the promotion ever came through. So I was just like, really upset and hurt by it because you know, like, I really believe them. And then like I told myself that I don't want to rely on somebody else's words, like the future. So I figured out how to start my online journey and find a way to make my own money without having to rely on somebody else's promises. 

Matt: Dang that’s deep. So man, I hate that man, I'm such an upward person that like I've had that happen. Not exactly promised a promotion. But you know, in my life, I've had similar things like that where it's like, it's yeah, for me, it wasn't as much in like, in your case, getting a promise or promotion. Mine was more like there was just no more upward motion. It was just like, that's just what it was. Which sucked. So and it led me out of jobs that you know, I think a lot of other people could have been happy or satisfied with you know, it just wasn't gonna be that thing. So you started looking online and I was like, I was kind of taking a look back and I was just kind of like, check out what you've been up to and everything. So when did you find Legendary and how did you stumble upon us like how did you find us? 

Jerome: Basically, I honestly found Legendary a few years ago. I struggled with the whole like, affiliate marketing side. It's all like, this isn't for me. And then I came back to it, like two months ago. And then I saw your training about tick tock and I was like, Oh, let me give it a shot. Okay. And then it just started working for me. 

Matt: Wow. Interesting. So you found us like two you said two years ago? 

Jerome: Yeah. Like when I first started looking to make money online. 

Matt: That's crazy, man. So yeah, we probably bought our training, maybe hit the challenge or something. And what like, what recently was it the whole like getting promised or promotion thing? Or what recently sparked you to kind of just come back and log in? 

Jerome: I was either on TikTok or YouTube and I saw somebody tweet it and I was like you know what, let me give it another shot. Like what do I have to lose? And then I and then your training came on and I was like, Alright, TikTok is a new platform. It's really popular right now. What I have to lose, you know, it's a game to shoot. Yeah.

Matt: Wow. That's so crazy. I just, ah, man, such a powerful platform, but it is cool to see people who, you know, started back in 2019. And because a lot of times there's an interesting takeaway for me, at least, like in this industry, for us to do training. What we see is a lot of people come in, they start something and they never finish, right. And the short term like mentality there is to write those people off as losers or tire kickers or you know, whatever. And it's like, which a lot of people who are newer in this industry do. And then they'll say that about people, but over the last, I don't know, five to 10 years that I've been in this industry, I've had to learn and grow and evolve and it's because of stories like that. It's because of people who've started and it's just not the right time. And it's not right. Something doesn't click and that's okay. And I think that people too often jump to this, you know, oh, just you're just shiny object syndrome tire kicker. You know, and they jump into all of these assumptions about people. But the truth is, here you are two years later and making money with an online business. And if you just, I don't know, maybe you needed that time. Maybe you didn't. I don't know, who knows, but here you are. And I think for a lot of people, that's an inspirational story in that people need to give themselves permission to do this at their own speed in their own way at their own pace. Not be pushed or forced or you know what I'm saying? 

Jerome: Yeah, no, I totally get it. 

Matt: Do you feel like anything's different now versus two years ago? I'm not afraid to be on camera anymore. Like I would say, I changed things. Two years ago, you would have been terrified or yeah, like I didn't want to be on camera. I tried to do it like a blog. And like, that didn't work out for me. Then I was like, oh, American, try YouTube. And every time I tried to start with YouTube, like, just something was holding me back. And I guess I just grew as a person over those two years and I was like, You know what? I got to try it. This is some of my career. I enjoy my career, but it's not something that I want to do forever. Yeah. So if I can stop being afraid and try something like free me of it, then it's worth the risk. Oh, I love that. I love that. I do feel like you know, you said I'm not scared to be on camera anymore. Let's take that a layer deeper. Do you feel like something internally shifted and made you that way or what do you feel like happened?

Jerome: Honestly, I'm not really sure. Like, I started making a couple TikTok videos, and I would constantly go back and forth all I like. It's not perfect. It's not perfect. It's not perfect. And I realized, like, I've been going for weeks and I haven't posted anything because it's not perfect. Like nothing is going to be perfect. So I made a video. If I like 90% of it. I'll post it. Like I got to stop holding myself back. 

Matt: Yeah, so you've got 8,000-ish followers. And you? I mean, how did you do that? How did you manage 20,000 followers in a pretty short amount of time, right? You haven't been on TikTok that long? 

Jerome: Yeah, it's been about two months. But um, it's just a lot of posting, and I try to be consistent. I mean, sometimes I get caught up with work when I don't post for a while. But when I get a chance, I try to post at least two or three videos, or on my days off, I'll try to make maybe like nine or 12 drafts, and I try to post them throughout the day while I'm at work. Just keep going in the system. So really savvy. Yeah, that's a really savvy approach. I know lots of affiliates and affiliate marketers who will do that, or content creators though. And you'll know it because you'll see him in the same outfit in like five straight videos. But there's also this interesting strategy behind that too. Sometimes people will wear outfits like a tank top or a long sleeve like a certain color. And it's really interesting because a lot of times people will see it and they'll know or they'll have the same background right like a really bright color background or something like that. Not everybody but like there's this there's this affiliate marketer Sarah Ravel who she would do videos just in her living room, and she have always had the same camera angle and everything from her living room. So every time like You're like I know that living room. Feels a bit weird, right like inviting people into your living room, but it was just like, cheers just like in pjs or just like casual clothes and just like she would just come in and like make videos or whatever. She was actually our fastest ever to get to six figures doing that. Oh, yeah. Crazy to think you know that. It's insane to think so you saw my training on creating videos like are you talking about how to create how to style videos, how to style videos, and I also watched the 15 second leads training. 

Jerome: Yeah, good training. Yeah, but that was the one that got me started. 

Matt: Cool. Yeah, because that one is a bit more straightforward. Like here's exactly what to start doing. The crazy part about that. And a lot of people don't believe me but the crazy part about that is that whole idea and a lot of that strategy and everything that that training started. I mean, we started that training so long, like our community has been on TikTok for at least two years. And most other companies are just now discovering TikTok, which is crazy. And a lot of them still aren't even there. Right? It's like, yeah, you got to be on Facebook. You've got to be on Instagram, but I mean, the amount of growth that can happen for companies on TikTok, it's insane. So you could start creating some How To videos. I'm curious. Have you ever tried going live? 

Jerome: No, that's something I haven't tried yet, which is, I feel like that would be the next step to taking it to the next level because I follow along with some content creators on Tik Tok. And what you should do is like post a video and then go live right after and present helps with the algorithm and getting more people to see you. So that's something I got to try. 

Matt: Listen. I'm going to drop a huge golden nugget and a big part of my job and what I do at Legendary is I literally just observe, so I observe, I pull in lots and lots of lots of information. And then I try to figure out trends and patterns. So one of the trends and patterns that I found and by the way in our back office, I put in a new training underneath the original one about how to get started on tic toc. There's another one that focuses a little bit on how to go live so make sure to watch that. I just dropped it in there. But then if I go and look specifically at affiliates who have done massive amounts of sales in a fast amount of time, not just growth on Instagram, not on tick tock or Instagram for that matter, but also converting all those followers into purchases. They're people who are going live, right so Sarah was one of the fastest ever she would go live daily. Calvin Hill, I don't know if you've seen him on TikTok, man goes live all the time. And he's just out there ranting and raving about crypto and stocks and bear markets and all this stuff, getting in the sandbox and did you know this isn't financial advice? And it's good stuff, though. And but the big takeaway there is that, you know, what he does is he's really smart. He ties it back, right? He ties it all back and says hey, look, you got to be ready for a bear market. So what he says is you have to be ready for a bear market when the bear market comes, are you going to have money set aside? You can be ready because that's when people become rich. Do they invest in bear markets when the markets are down? That's when he should be buying. So he talks about all these trends, but what he's doing is he's tapping into what people are already thinking about right? So a lot of times people will go online and they'll just sit there and rant about affiliate marketing affiliate market, you know, like buy my course buy my course. But he spends an hour and a half talking about crypto and stocks and things that people are like, it's so viral in our culture, that people are just like they're ready to rock they're they're already pumped about this. They want to know about all these different things: tell me about XRP, tell me about sandbox, tell me about should I invest in Apple and all this stuff right and then he goes, You got to be, you gotta be able to invest in bear markets. Guess what you need to learn a side hustle so you can make some money. And you can do that online. Check this out. And then he points us to our training. This dude does so many sales. It's crazy. But he builds and builds and builds and he goes to live a lot. Same thing with Ian mccluer Ian is the entrepreneur guy on tick tock and he goes live for a couple hours daily for he calls it coffee time. And he just chats with people, levels with people and the amount of front end sales that come from that are nuts, mind boggling. And so all that as I identify these kinds of things, I have a couple of takeaways. One is you can get this fast growth and the sales will come in, but they will come in at a much more rapid rate. And I mean much more when somebody actually goes in and they go live and they go live regularly. It's a big thing. 

Jerome: Okay, that makes sense. I'll try to incorporate that. Yeah, I will. 

Matt: I mean, I feel like one thing that I would do is is maybe try to carve out to start 30 to 60 minutes and you got to commit to it because I I've started recommending this to people and they get weirded out when they go live right so it's kind of like remember back in 2019 When you were like scared to go on video. It's a different realm, right? So a lot of people that come in and they're scared to go on video. They're scared to share to go live there. Okay, now with posting videos, but now live is like, oh my gosh, you know, like, you're on the spot a little bit, right? And people think oh my gosh, I'm gonna have to answer questions and I'm gonna have to know everything. The truth is you don't have to know everything. But people come back to me and what they say is they're like, Okay, like, I tried going live two or three times, and then I just stopped because it was just like it's too much. But I think that people need to when they're trying that out and going live, they need to commit to going live, right. So here's a good strategy. You had a video that went to 1.1 million views. You had another one 297,000 views and you've got many of them that have gone over 10,000 views. So one little trick for you, is when you post those types of videos sign up these are how to videos right those are intended to get your followers to go up right I need any more engagement. I need more followers. So whoever told you going live right after posting is right. But ideally you go live after posting a video as it's starting to take off. Right so you post a video and you're down or at like 5000 views already. You can tell now at this point once videos are taken off, right? So when those start to take off, you go in and hit live because now with new peep you're on the for you page people are discovering new channels they're like well this is cool. Boom. I'm gonna tap on his profile. Oh my god, this guy's alive. Let's check this out. Right? See now you've got like you give them a little little dose. It's a little tiny. It's like a micro dose. And now you're giving them the whole thing and alive right now. They're like oh my gosh, I had no clue who you are. It's like a hyper it's like a it's like a What's the thing? Elon Musk is the Hyperloop where you can get in there and it'll take your car from like LA to San Francisco in like an hour or something. It's like a Hyperloop going from cold traffic to hot traffic. Right? You can get on there for your page. They're cold. You warm them up through the quick little video. Maybe they watch one or two other ones and then they see that you're alive. And then poof, here we go. I'm ready to buy. And I see this over and over and over again. But I think the main thing is getting you know, at least like two to three weeks of consistency takes 21 days to build a habit. So people say but a couple weeks of doing you know at least 15 to 30 minutes just to get used to it right just to be like hey, just popping on. How's it going? Everybody? I want to talk about XYZ right? I want to talk about and I wouldn't get into the nuts and bolts of like here's how to set up your funnel. Right? I wouldn't do that. I would just talk about how the power of the Internet has opened up the capacity for people to start online businesses and it's and the opportunities bigger and better than ever and here's how to get started right? People ask me how I get started. Here's exactly how you get started. Right and and do more of that but give value give value give value. Hey, there's a link in my bio give value give value give value. Go to the link in my bio, right? So anyway, I don't know how I got into this rant about going live, but I just never think it's just something that you know, I feel like I'm lucky to see and be able to identify trends because I see things on a very big level both in our company and industry wide. And I see what's working and I see what's not working and going live man is something I've seen that has worked better than anything else now you still have to get the followers you still have to get the traffic you still have to create How to videos to get your followers up but those aren't the end all be all the end. When you go live or you create a lot of video content and interest insurance people into you in your journey and helps build your brand. That's how you convert people. But some people try to just convert people, some people try to just get the followers but you've got to, you've got to combine those two strategies going live is is probably the best way to do that. Do you have any thoughts or feedback on that? 

Jerome: No, I think I think you're right, because there's this other guy that I've seen that also promotes Legendary, like Paul De Francis. And almost every day I log on I see that he's live. I see that he's live. 

Matt: He just went platinum with us.. Killing it for a long time. He's a beast. So definitely like what you're saying. Is it true? I see. I see where it stops for sure. It's a secret sauce. What um, what so when you're coming up with content ideas, tell people who are here, what kind of stuff do you do to get content ideas? What do you find in terms of engagement and people responding to you and stuff? What's been some of your best content in terms of building relationships, building your brand? What have you found works, what doesn't work? What I see is that people like the origin story I've been getting like a decent amount of content, like comments on that, like you just want to know like, where you started and how you got started. So then they can kind of see that like we're, I'm a normal person just like they are. So I feel like that kind of like, brings it in like it. It lessens the barrier where you don't feel like it's an anomaly to make money online. Like I'm just a regular guy. Yeah, I agree so much with that. And that's a big that's a big piece about like, why when we do these lives, I'm always constantly talking about like, what did people do for jobs or what do they do for jobs currently, and we talk a lot about that because it identifies people with something that they know otherwise. It's like, it's just a bunch of people out there in some outerspace internet world who, you know, found a magical potion to make money online. I mean, and for me, I like to know that somebody who's a mechanic, I want to know somebody who's an engineer or plumber, I want to know somebody the sales guy, you know, like, I want to know that that person is is struggling with the same things I am, I want to know that they've been through the same stuff that I've been through because it really does break down this barrier of trust a lot you know, I'm saying what I'm what in your world in your life and everything. What do you feel has been most impactful? You talked about the 15 second free leads? Are you? Do you strategize with other people? Do you just watch other people's content and get ideas? How are you coming up with content ideas? 

Jerome: Yeah, it's mostly like watching other people's videos. And seeing how I can put my own spin on it. 

Matt: Figuring out ways to leverage a result that somebody else has got in your own voice in your own tone with your own style. 

Jerome: Sometimes I've seen that we can both say the same message. But there are certain things that somebody will like about the other person more than they can resonate with that person better. 

Matt: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I kind of feel the same way. That's what I teach and I think the people in some ways have misunderstood what I mean by that. Some people are like, Oh, you just want people to copy videos. Well, not really. The point is that you find specifics like the set structure of a video, and how it goes and how it runs. But also, thankfully, TikTok algorithm is pretty predictable. Like TikTok’s algorithm. If one person creates a video and it goes viral, there's a decent chance that if somebody creates something similar with a similar headline or you know even a headline that has even just some resemblance to it, it's gonna go viral, too. It just happens. That's how it works. So for the most part, I think that people go out and the way that that gets misconstrued, I think is when people just do that. Right, and they approach this and look at this as just a cookie cutter. Okay, that's the answer. I just have to do that only and I'll be good. But it's more complicated than that, right? I mean, it's, you're running a business. And some people just think that it's just like, oh, just create one video. And I'm gonna be rich. Had just doesn't work that way. There's a lot of consistency over time that goes into it. There's people like Paul, he's a great example. He's been. Paul has been going at this for a long time and he grinds hard most people, and there's no question why he can make a full time income online. It's because the dude wakes up every day and just gets after it. He just goes and he goes hard. And I think that I think that people are misunderstanding the amount of work but like, seriously, how many hours a day does this take you? 

Jerome: Honestly, if I'm really focused, I can do it like an hour a day? 

Matt: An hour, maybe two a day. Yeah. So I talk about grinding and hustling and all this stuff, but it's not like I'm talking about 10 hours a day. I'm just talking about like hey, just focus, find a couple video ideas, create them, get them posted and move on with your life. Yeah, that's a really powerful message. I think that a lot of people need to hear that hey, this is doable. This is possible. 

Jerome: I mean, I work like 60 hours a week, and I'm still making content. 

Matt: Yeah, of course, and doing it really well. I mean, look, it's not easy to get 10,000. It's not easy to get 1000. It's not easy to get 10,000 followers. It's definitely not easy to be pushing 30,000 followers. So you know you've done a few things really, really well. And I feel like you're just getting honestly, I just feel like you're just getting started. So I'm excited to see what's coming next week. For anybody who's here, right, so maybe they've tried different things online, maybe they maybe two years ago, they bought some challenge and didn't do anything with it. What would you say to those people who are just getting started? They're about to hit a post on TikTok. They're worried they're nervous. What would you say to those people? 

Jerome: Just get out and do it. Like you'll get over being afraid. My first few videos I was terrified. And now I don't think twice while posting. Like you get used to it. Like even before I came live with Matt, I was nervous. And now I'm perfectly calm. So you get used to it. Cool. I love it. And I feel like that's so true, man. I just, we do this weird thing. I'll close with this. We do this weird thing right where we sit and we worry about what people are going to think or say to us or what if you know on glare or Uncle Larry sees this or you know, whatever my aunt or uncle or grandpa or grandma or my kids, whatever. And then what happens is and I used to worry about that 10 years ago, I really worried about that. It's a little better on tick tock because of TikTok. You can actually get displayed throughout the whole nation. But like before that whole algorithm hit. It was just like you had to post on Facebook and hope your friends shared it

it was like there's no way to do this other than just chat with your friends and family. But I think you know, in the world I used to do this 10 years ago and I used to worry. But now here I am 10 years later and I want to just assure everybody, like it doesn't matter. Like no one cares. Only you care like your friends' family, even if they were to see everything, all your videos and make fun of you and laugh like you look 10 years down the road and none of it matters and all the fake stories that you're telling yourself in your head about, oh my gosh, what would happen? You know, all this fear that you've got built up. It won't matter. It probably won't matter in 10 minutes. It for sure won't matter in 10 months. And it definitely will not matter in 10 years, that's for sure. And even if it didn't matter in 10 years, it won't matter when you're in the grave because that's where we're all going right so this whole weird fear thing just doesn't make any sense. It doesn't serve anybody. So, anyway, I love the message from Hey, we would hear back from you in a couple months. Let us know how things are going. Check out that new training to go live let me know how that goes. You would be a great personality on TikTok live like I can get the sense from you. Like you have sort of the juice that you need. To get you know to hop on live and just and just spit ball with people I can already sense it if you do it it would serve people really well your followers would love it and I think you kill it so I would you know watch Power Of Publish watch Paul watch some of those guys and watch what they do on their lives. I mean watch how they go about it. Really study by listening to them. If you're at work, put in an air pod and listen to their lives and really feel how they do that. There's so many secrets you can take away and apply it in your own lives and you'll kill it dude, you will kill it. Thank you, man. Appreciate it. I'll definitely try it. Alright, and we'd love to have you back on in a couple months. So let's get things rocking and rolling and keep them going and we'd love to have you back. 

Jerome: Definitely. Thank you, man. Appreciate it. 

Matt: See ya Jerome. Alright guys, we'll be back here again at the same time, same place tomorrow. Okay, tomorrow. Now I'm going to give you a full disclosure tomorrow. We are going to be live on Facebook but as you'll see on the video we did pre recorded a couple days in advance because we don't want to have to go live while we're eating. You know, Dave's eaten endless Turkey bites with his family or whatever mashed potato stuff in his face. So we pre recorded that one yesterday and we'll go live with it tomorrow. And as you'll see tomorrow, the beautiful part about going live on the internet and having internet businesses with friends and family. You can be hanging with your kid in the backyard. You can be doing whatever you want to do and you can still go live. Last piece is Go follow Jerome on his TikTok right here. You can follow him at Jerometheaffiliate. Screengrab, that'll also put it in the comments here around the affiliate. You can go follow him on tick tock, go check him out. He's doing a really great job. He's killing it and hope y'all have a happy Thanksgiving. We'll see you back here tomorrow. 10am Eastern. We'll see you Friday as well. Dave is not going to have a turkey drumstick in his mouth unfortunately. Although, who knows? Who knows? We'll see. Alright guys, take it easy. Go follow Jerome on TikTok. Go find him right now. Let them know you saw them on Wake Up Legendary. We'll see you guys all back here. Tomorrow. Peace.

How To Overcome Nonstop Obstacles And Build Your Business

 Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends this is Dave Sharpe, welcome to Wake Up Legendary and this morning we have a special guest who is coming from the fitness space found legendary marketer and is going to tell us his story and what he's been up to with that being said Sean Murphy Welcome to the show buddy. 

Sean: Appreciate you, appreciate this opportunity, Dave. Very very welcome strong man. You know, I can definitely relate, you know, I have to lay off the weights because, you know, I was getting too strong so I don't know. My wife just told us how you found Legendary my friend. Sean: Yeah. So I guess the journey really started. The discovery of Legendary was last year when COVID came around and the government shut our doors down for a little bit. And that was a realization that I really just didn't have complete control of my business the way that I thought I did. Not always known about affiliate marketing but I never took it seriously and never really dove into it. Anything like that. So but I decided you know, I just wanted a new vehicle towards freedom. Not always trading my hours for dollars, that kind of thing because when you're running a gym, you don't do personal training. It's up early in the morning, trains or clients, maybe have a little afternoon break and then you're right back again in the afternoon. So you're working, you know, before and after hours, around client schedules, things like that. And so, when COVID actually happened, I was actually, you know, a blessing in disguise. The way I look at it now is engaged in the opportunity to kind of take a break from this hectic lifestyle that I've been involved with for several years. And I just got online I was like, well what's out there like I know people are making money online and people are you know, making a wave of it. And I looked at everything then also you know, Amazon FBA, drop shipping models, T shirts, like whatever. And it was during that search, I don't really know where it came from. Maybe it was TikTok. Maybe it was Instagram. I really can't remember. But I just came across affiliate marketing and I started just investigating it and once I discovered Legendary Marketer through that route. What drew me in I'll be honest with the professionalism of the program, because I've been involved with several different coaching programs, mentor ships. I've been in business for myself for 16 years. So just everything that I saw with Legendary just spoke volumes to me about the professionalism and I was like, this is legit marketing like this is everything that you know, that's within the the online space or even offline space when it comes to marketing. And I just took a chance on it from that point. 

Dave: So did we live up to our name? 

Sean: Oh, 100% 100%. And that's, that's really what I try to coach people on now. Whenever I talk about Legendary is that if you want a real business model, you have to learn marketing and behind any successful business, marketing is the lifeblood of it. And so what I like about legendary is you're not just teaching marketing, like you're not just teaching affiliate marketing, which I feel like is an entry level to you know, get in there, like newbies, get our feet wet in the business because if you don't have the skill set of marketing, we're never going to have a business because people will know about or anything like that. But on the flip side of it, you're also teaching other high income skills that people would take and just take that one skill and either launch a course from it or launch their own business or help out mom and pop shops down the road. 

Dave: Right. You can learn copywriting for example and see a mom and pop shop that doesn't really have an Instagram presence or social media presence, say hey, what if I took over your social media account? I'll do some copywriting for your posts. We'll get more traffic into your restaurant, and things of that nature. So this is just not affiliate marketing. When it comes to legendary marketers, there's high income skills. And that's what I love about it. So you've applied those skills. You're obviously doing a bit of affiliate marketing and how else are you using these sort of newly developed and still developing skills? 

Sean: Yeah, that's great. Um, yeah, so I'm definitely you know, promoting affiliate marketing primarily on my social media accounts. But I'm actually kind of on my whiteboard up here, I'm actually developing my own coaching program, which is called the all online and it has kind of the health and fitness aspect to it, but it's more about growing one's faith and really just whatever, because my own struggles in life where I dealt with a very victim oriented mindset, which led me down this downward spiral into suicide, you know, deep dark depression and trying to take my life in January of 2017. I know what people are looking for when I look it up on Google, for example. It's like one of the top search keywords out there is faith and how to restore one's faith. And so the program that I'm working on right now is called salvation strength. And so it's tying in that deep work if you will have self reflection and modern tools that go into that and then of course, like I said, striking the finish is gonna be a component of it. But I'm using a lot of things taught within Legendary Marketer to make this program running here, which will be my own coaching program, things of that nature. 

Dave: So nice. Nice. Well, I think that what you're talking about here is really a big deal because affiliate marketing, although it's an amazing standalone business model, and it's something that you really could run as a full time business for as long as you want. And there's many, many, many, many, many people that do just that. The idea here is bigger at legendary than just affiliate marketing. It's about the core four ways to sell information. And I think a lot of times we forget about that. We forget that there's, there's, there's, there's so many different ways to monetize information just to give everyone here a visual of what I'm talking about. Of what Shawn's talking about, is, when you look at the when you look at, you know how money is made online and what are the easiest and simplest business models to run. It's not the ones that you mentioned that you tried. It's not the dropshipping it's not the it's not the Amazon businesses that rely on physical products to be shipped in oftentimes be bought ahead of time and stocked up on Oh, it's not the businesses where you go to Marshalls or TJ Maxx or whatever and try to find deals where you're running around like quite frankly, a chicken with your head cut off trying to find some toy you can resell on on Amazon but you've already put the money out for these core four ways of selling information are ways that you can package information with no real commitment upfront which is really something that no business model out there really offers. You know, with every other business model even construction, I remember I needed a truck I needed the tools I needed to have presentation and quite frankly we worry about sometimes how we look on on camera, but I can remember worried about how I looked pulling up in my 1994 to 150 that I had to start with a screwdriver. You know, I would often park that truck around the corner from places that I was going in because I didn't want people to see what I was driving, you know, so it's kind of like picking your problem. You know what, what do you want to make a big deal out of and you want to make a big deal out of potentially getting on video and in and you know, or do you want to make a big deal out of what kind of vehicle you need to buy which is going to cost you five to 10, 15 $30,000 but I love Sean, how you're taking your previous knowledge and you're packaging it okay into a coaching program that you can quite frankly go from doing one on one personal training to one to many in one of my favorite hybrid bit of models to sell information is just simply selling a say for example, one day workshop on Zoom to where you sell it all month long, with say for $9.97 or $4.97 or $2.97 or whatever it is. And then one Saturday you deliver that workshop you know for three and a half hours in the morning, take a lunch break three and a half hours in the afternoon. And here you've avoided even recording any videos you've you've avoided all of that planning and then oh I want to add this you got to remake the videos now you're just you're selling all month long. And then you're delivering that content in one weekend or one day of the week. Now that's just one way that you can sell information and make people happy. But Shawn, you're going from thinking about doing the one on one model to the one on many models and that's got to be exciting for you, right?

Sean: It really is. It's very exciting. I love that you’re you know touch on that because I think a lot of people when they think about hey, I got to build this course are all the inner works that go into it. Actually just working with clients with coaching and recording everything. You're building your course at the same time. Totally. Rather than you know, spend all this time and effort like I got to make sure the course is there and you put all that time and energy into it. Well that doesn't sell what they are something that nobody actually wants, like group coaching, first, record all that stuff and then you can go you can always go back and edit that stuff and make it a little more polished and presentable to actually have a court stare. And so now you're winning in all different avenues. And so with me what I'm doing over here is I'm starting with, you know, a blog and the blog is kind of building that value ladder, if you will, where the blog is the introduction that's the free content that people can know, like and trust. Me and within the blog or affiliate links like hey, do you want this to be one develop personal development? Here's this program. Do you want to, you know, get a fitness program here's like there's affiliate, implement links, like all that stuff, right? 

Dave: Combining the business models to find it all. 

Sean: One on one coaching, if you will, right. And actually, it's going to be actually masterminds and events that are going to be held within my gym, but it's all personal for them. So that's kind of the end goal. But the first is just it's layered on all of this stuff that I'm talking about. Even though I've heard about it I've seen other coaches do it I've seen other business models do it. Nobody ever taught me the structured manner that Legendary Marketer did. So I'm literally just taking what I've learned into blueprints and applying it and I'm just my renewed energy. And my excitement for business is like I just came to realize this year. Kind of burned out and I was kind of stagnant. I was kind of just going, you know, what does God want for me next in my current business model, and I am extremely burnout but this is gonna be a new fulfillment and new purpose in my life, which I absolutely love. 

Dave: That’s fantastic Sean, I'm so happy for you. I know that feeling. I really do. I know that feeling. I think we all know that feeling. In some things like maybe your marriage gets renewed because of something that you know, you feel passionate, you've got something new you can do together. You've discovered something new or your business, right? You reinvent your business after being burned out. And I love that. You know, I love that you're integrating instead of abandoning, you know, a lot of times when entrepreneurs get burnt out or frustrated with their business and I want to buy listen this closely because this is probably one of the one of the top reasons why I see people fail is they have a business that has momentum or that they're making money in order at least if they're making progress. And let's say for example, many of you who are new here, Sean in your case, you have a fitness business that you may not want to be doing anymore, but it still is a source of income and it still is a viable business. When you still have tons of connections and relationships and there's an asset there now, what many people would do is well, I'm totally burned out on this. I'm just going to abandon it and I'm going to go over here and start something totally new. And boy, that's a just flat out stupid thing to do. People do it in this business to you. You start out and you get a little momentum. You don't know you're making progress because you're looking for the big burning bush. And I'll speak in faith or some biblical terms. You're looking for the burning bush, but you're missing because you're looking for the big burning bush. You're missing the small signs along the road of progress. And so we abandon our business to go over and start something new then we get caught in a vicious cycle of starting something new over and over again. And I love how you're integrating you're saying okay, I burned out a little bit. How can I evolve my life in my business versus just abandoning land.

Sean: 100% And in the when I talk about you know, the burnout, it was you know, just constantly putting in so much effort where you didn't really feel like you're getting any traction and really, I was in this mindset. I talked about the victim mindset. I was in this mindset that I'm showing up, I'm doing this work, I deserve this because like I deserve the outcome. I deserve whatever it was and I wanted out of it because I'm doing the work so to speak. I feel like a lot of people get trapped into that as well. Instead of looking at what I deserve because I'm doing x y, z, just put your head down, do the work. You know?

Dave: Go all in what you're passionate about and fuck the outcome like fuck the results. Don't even don't focus on that. Because when you start putting your focus over there, you're getting all bogged down with the stories that you start trading like, well, maybe I need to be doing something different. Maybe this business model isn't for me, maybe this isn't working because you're just so focused on what you want to be here that you're not realizing that you're not realizing the impact that you're making on other people's lives. At the end of the day. That's really where fulfillment and purpose comes from. I believe I failed. I feel like we're put on this earth to serve others and be a savage servant. And when you can find something that you're passionate about doing. This comes in any industry. It doesn't matter what industry you're doing, but when you can kind of put the focus on this is who this is the client I want to serve, this is who I want to help. And these are going to be the things I want to do that enable me to serve that purpose. And you don't worry about the money you don't worry about the outcome so to speak, to just focus on how I can impact an individual's life, man like everything else is just smooth sailing from there. But there's putting the head down and doing the work though. I want to point out something that I think is so important and when we say don't think about the money here's what I've learned that we need to do. We need to learn this. I believe the biggest one of the biggest skills we need to evolve is to learn how to ask for the money at the right time. Right? And what that means. What that means is, when we say don't worry about the money I think that can be for the brand new person they might think well hey, that's what I'm here for. Like what do you mean like don't worry about the money like, I'm not I didn't sign up to start a nonprofit business. But you have to learn how you have to learn the right time to ask keywords in all caps. Ask for the money. Not the key, not the right time to wait, wait, hold on here's a good one in the Christian or faith community. Pray for the money and let it come into my life if I pray it'll come to me. Right it'll I'm waiting for it to land in my if I serve enough if I pray enough, if I do enough, it's going to land in my lap and I know that my needs will get met Well hey, guess what? Reality Check. Human beings are not just going to oh my gosh, look at that nice man over there doing all that praying and all that serving and let's go over there and give him some money and pay his mortgage and pay for his car. Ah, that doesn't happen. Right? Right. If you believe that God is a part of the plan and integrated into your finances, then you know what God gave you. A mouth baby a mouth, okay? You got to learn how to use it. You got to learn how to use it right? So we need to learn when to ask for the money right after we deliver the value. Then we say if you want more of that. Let me show you how we can work together and I can help you to get more of the results you want. Boom, you ask for the sale but you gotta do it at the right time.

Sean: Oh, I believe that 100% Absolutely. I wouldn't have a business if we weren't asking for you know, you know money in return for the service right? Like I'm not I'm not running the charity like you just said by any means by that but I at the same time it is about it was just not so focused on I need this. Like it's the vs serving as the way I look at it. Like if you're on I need this over here. I need the money. I need this in order to be fulfilled in order to, you know, just stay into this business model, if you will. And you're always going to be looking for the next thing and you're always going to be spinning your wheels. 

Dave: And it's all and it's also very closely tied into that victim mindset. And we may not realize that we've developed a victim mindset, but the victim mindset is a mindset that's very needy is a mindset that's very selfish, you know, and it ‘s completely just to be clear, separate this from any trauma or anything else like that. We're talking about just taking responsibility for our life, our finances, and if we have the capability, which I believe each one of us does, if we have the capability to provide for ourselves then you know, there's your VIP door and then there's your victim in the VIP door. It was victorious. mindset and approach is one in which you are saying look I'm here to serve and my time is valuable. And I'm going to do a fantastic job topping class. I'm going to give you the best experience I can give you. Let's talk about price up front, right I want to be totally transparent. If you want the cheapest if you want to go with that just that you know you're going to get what you pay for look shopped around I'll be here right with it but I'm here to serve and hey, guess what I'll serve first you pay after or, or whatever the Win win scenario is the victim is going to say I need somebody to help me I'm not getting the support that I need. I you know these is this is a scam or these people you know we start criticizing others because we're not willing to show up and the truth is, is that nobody is going to work harder on us our business our fitness, then we're willing to work but I'll tell you what, Shawn and I bet you're this kind of coach too. I've met a lot of coaches and got a lot of coaches that will go just as hard as I will go, but ain't gonna go harder than I'm willing to go. 

Sean: You can lead a horse to water but you're saying as a coach, like there's a difference between being a coach and kind of a guru. I feel like the guru will tell you what to do. Step by step. It's just like you need to do this, you need to do what a coach will give you and ask you to write questions so you can figure it out for yourself. 

Dave: Agreed. 

Sean: And when you figure it out for yourself that empowers the individual, that's empowerment. And so like I can tell somebody hey, if you want to lose weight, you need to eat like this. Like, here's your food plan, do these exercises, blah, blah, blah. Well, what happens when they go on vacation? What happens when they struggle? What happens when the injured shoulder thinks like that? They never learned how to overcome any obstacles and so now they're less empowered. But if I give them Hey, like, what do you think about this? And I make them think about what's the right solution for them and empower them at that point, to make the decisions for themselves. When you empower people. That's when you move the needle forward. That's when you have a lifestyle change for somebody versus just just follow this system over here and everything's gonna be okay. No, it's not. That's why people fail because they try it. And they aren't, they don't figure out how to overcome outsourcing or figure out how to, you know, they just bought into a system or a coach or a Google or something like that. And then they say, Well, that didn't work. No, you didn't work. You weren't empowered. To be able to do the work. 

Dave: Yeah. And unfortunately, because we're so conditioned to have a victim mindset and that doesn't mean that look, we all have the capability to have a victim mindset. So it's not like I'm speaking over here like I'm better or I'm not totally susceptible to that because I'm also I have to really challenge myself to take responsibility and that's what leadership is all about. Leadership is not about never having a victim mindset, never having insecurities, never being scared. Leadership is not about that. Leadership is about having all of that stuff in choosing to walk through it anyways, choosing honesty, choosing self responsibility. And I think that's the real under like, you know, there's a current and water and oftentimes you don't see it, right. The way the water looks calm, but there's a current under the if you jump in, it might take you away. It's sort of like the glacier, right? You see the tip but you don't see the large part. I think that's when I talk about the mechanics and the dynamics. The mechanics are that top part of the water, that tip of the glacier that you see that you think that's the full business, that's everything, right, the kind of mechanical let's set up my funnel, like that's the business, but the part of the business that really separates those who the victims from the Vic doors, I believe is what we're talking about that undercurrent that large part of the glacier which is really taking the steps every day not to have feelings of fear it not to try to even deny that I'm scared or in feeling insecure feeling like I want to be a victim today, you know, but it's it's having those feelings in deciding to show up in deciding to keep going. 

Sean: That's what separates the successful from the unsuccessful because everybody just like I said, has to balance we all feel inadequate. We all feel the imposter syndrome. We all feel like I'm not good enough to teach somebody else these things we all feel like we all have, you know these negative thoughts, these negative thoughts like nobody ever overcomes those things truly what defines success for what makes a person successful? Despite those feelings, you show up and you do the work anyway, despite the villains despite what's going on. And when I really recognize that that's where I was when I started being able to speak my truth and telling people I don't have it all together. Like I'll be the first one to tell you don't have everything together. There's things in my life that I am not showing up more than I am still working on and I need it and I need to do better with just because I can just because the gym is just an everyday thing for me and I got that part together. There's other things in my life that you're probably doing a whole lot better than I am. So I will share with you what I'm struggling with and just to help you motivate yourself to get your assets to the gym. I just want people to know that nobody's perfect. And we're all in this game together so to speak, but when you weren't able to just again show up despite the feelings that you're having as well as be real with people and be authentic with people and not have this know it all attitude like Mr. Perfect or whatever. That's what people will connect with you, that's what people will trust you and that said know like and trust factor, right. And so Frank Kern calls it you know, it's your it's your core values like your it's your, what is the core influence? Because you're speaking you have that complete alignment, and people will line up with you because of your core enclosed. They could care less about the words you're speaking but they could see that you're real, that you're authentic and eight they had that connection with you that's what will draw them to do business with you and stick around with you and things of that nature. So there's a lot to it. 

Dave: Well, I mean, you know, I always I always I always like to hear more from somebody when they say they're going to be working and coaching people on things that are deeper than surface things, you know, like, you're going to be coaching fitness or you're going to be coaching, marketing or something that's that's one thing, but if you're going to be coaching people on an emotional level and going a bit deeper than the surface you know, it's really important have to have, you know, to have at least worked on yourself a bit. And I can tell from talking to you that you are an honest person and that's what makes a great coach, like you said, and I I think you're going to do great, Shawn, and I think that you're going to help a lot of people and I'm really excited about that. And, you know, I'm just excited about your future. If there's anything that I can do to continue me or Matt Right continue to help you evolve your program and deliver it to help as many people as possible then please let us know. I appreciate your time today. And if there's any final words that you want to leave our listeners in the many people who are going to even listen to this replay. Then please share with us. Just a final thought. 

Sean: Yeah, you know, there's so much I could say but I'll leave it at this. I will say this to just try to help anybody who might be struggling with imposter syndrome, maybe the victim mindset, maybe even like, you know, cannot make business work like a lot of people looking at online side hustles business things that nature, and they probably have this feeling of am I good enough to do this? I would say don't even focus on if you're good enough. Drop the ego and just learn from others. Surround yourself with others who have been there and done that book. We all have this perception that we are the next biggest and greatest thing sometimes. And it's like, here's the thing, like no matter what, this is not always out there, no matter what struggle you're facing. Somebody somewhere has already been there and done that. So find a book that talks about this subject that read about their story. Find the coach or mentor who's already gotten a business model. It's something that you already want something that you want for yourself, find the person who's already done it and model after them. You know, learn from them. Like you don't have to figure everything else out on your own. And I feel like we can drop that ego that I gotta figure it all out myself, then you and you're able to just help yourself to say I need help, then that's when you can just move the needle forward to be much more successful. And that's something that I had to do. That was something that I had to learn a long time ago as I don't have it all figured out. I'm not the hot shot in the room. I can, I can, I can. I can ask for help and it's okay for a man to ask for help. So that's what I'm gonna leave that I would not. 

Dave: I could not have said that better. I love what you just said. It's so true. And it's been true in my life. And thank you thank you for that and thank you for sharing such beautiful truth and that is what makes this community special. I would literally you know, it would not be even remotely close to what it is if we did not have people coming on sharing this type of value and truth like what you've done with us this morning, so please come back. If you'd be willing and keep us posted here every couple of months, I look forward to hopefully meeting you in person one day as well. 

Sean: Without a doubt, I appreciate you Dave. Like I said, for anybody who's looking for a real business model, learn from Legendary Marketer because again, it's not just about affiliate marketing, but it's so much more it's so much deeper rooted into going beyond the 15-Day Challenge. Look at the high income skills, you can apply it to everything in your life and hey, if you need any work on mindset or anything like that, hit me up. We'll go with that.

Dave: Sounds good buddy. Well, listen, we've got your TikTok up there and I'm sure you've gained plenty of fans and friends today so be well my brother. Have a great holiday and we'll talk to you soon. All right. Bless you, Dave, thank you so much. Alright, buddy. Take care. All right, my friends. Listen. Powerful, powerful, powerful information this morning. Just worth a listen. We're worth you going back and reviewing that episode. And in just really taking in the things that we just talked about. It'll be so beneficial and helpful. And it may just be that secret, that key that unlocks what you feel like you've been missing because the dynamics again that large part of the glacier that you don't see are oftentimes the piece that people when they put that together and put some attention and focus on those pieces that we talked about today the taking responsibility in different ways that we are a victim even though we may not feel like it when we go deep and we get and we get honest. And we have somebody care fronting us, right. It's not about confronting but care front, you know, in challenging us and it doesn't have to be one on one. It can be conversations like this that challenge us to take a deeper look and be more honest with ourselves. It changes everything to get out of here. We'll see you back here for another episode tomorrow. And we are also going to be going live on Thanksgiving as well. Alright, so we are here five days a week, no matter what's going on. And my friends stay legendary. All right. Be Legendary and get out of here. Peace.


How To Build Your Digital Empire Without Showing Your Face

Below is the. transcription for this episode: 

Dave: Hey there my friends. This is Dave Sharpe, welcome to Wake Up Legendary. I'm still waking up. Legendary Of course. It's a wonderful Monday morning. And listen, we have somebody from Trinidad and Tobago Tobago, excuse me, Trinidad and Tobago here this morning. And I am really excited about talking to Daniel because this is actually going to be his first time really putting his face out there on social media. So we're going to hear what that's all about, like what he's doing, how he got started. And I actually believe that this is my first time talking to somebody from Trinidad and Tobago. So with that being said, Please give a warm legendary marketer Welcome to my friend. Daniel. 

Daniel: What's up, everyone, how are you? How are you Dave?

Dave: I don't know how everyone's doing but I'm doing fantastic. Talk to you my friend. It looks like everybody's doing great. So are we currently talking to you in Trinidad and Tobago right now? 

Daniel: Yeah. 

Dave: Okay, fantastic. It looks like you got decent Wi Fi. Has that ever been an issue down there?

Daniel: No, it hasn't. It hasn't. Okay. No, you just have to find a good internet provider.

Okay. It's like anywhere, right? Yeah. There's good and there's bad providers everywhere. 

Dave: Awesome. Well, I love taking cruises down and into the Caribbean. Have we ever been to Trinidad and Tobago honey? I feel like we've stopped off there before. Isn't that where we rode those four wheelers on that excursion?

Daniel: Okay. Ha, that sounds like Coastal because I've done that in Coastal. 

Dave: Okay. Okay. I love it down there though, man. I know it's your home and you're probably like, oh, you know, but I love it down here too. Awesome, man. Awesome. It's really beautiful. And if anybody has not been to the Caribbean, bend down to, you know, St. Thomas St. Maarten. You know, these are some of the popular thoughts. Yeah. Then you get into the little islands. Trinidad and Tobago is considered a smaller island, isn't it? Isn't it smaller? 

Daniel: I think it's bigger. It's bigger than St. Martin's. It is. It's bigger than St Maarten and saying how about I believe so. 

Dave: Okay, so, look, I slept through geography classes. 

Daniel: I think I didn't do that well in geography class.

Dave: So what led you online, my friend?

Daniel: Well, it started when I was young, when my dad used to invest in computers and for me when I was young, and I just liked using the internet to do things. And when I was about 25, I got tired of looking for people and I just decided to learn how to do it on the internet and to make money online. But the first thought, it first started with me trying to motivate myself so I started and then from there I just kept motivating myself with the posts and then after other people started falling then I might fall and kept growing and growing and growing. To where it is now that I just do this full time.

Dave: And you mentioned that this is the first time that you've ever shown your face on the internet. So up until that What are you doing that's not allowing that that you're not showing your face? Are you just using it? Are you marketing and you're basically doing Instagram right now?

Daniel: Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn. I also have a YouTube video, but I only did one video because I got really sick in June where I was in hospital for like 40 days. Yeah. So Daniel: I kind of had the video side and then I just stopped because it kind of affected how much I'm earning. So I'm now

Dave: I've actually just changed my underwear because I had realized that you've done all this and built 314,000 followers on Instagram so while you were talking there, I just had an accident with my pants and had to go change my underwear back. I'll talk about that there in a second. But how are you doing TikTok without showing your face?

Daniel: I'm just doing things like pictures and stuff. 

Dave: I know. It's easy, but you know, here you got to talk to me sometimes like I'm a grandpa, you know? Like alright Dave, here's how you do it.  So dude, you're doing pretty good without showing your face. Online. Oh, yeah. You're a gangster so you were doing drop shipping and stuff like that before production? Okay, what happened with that and then how do you find Legendary?

Daniel: I always tried to look at different videos and then things on YouTube. And I don't remember who it was in the video I was looking at. 

Dave: YouTube University? 

Daniel: Yeah.

Dave: Youtube University just for anybody who doesn't know what that is. It's endless videos that always end with a call to action marketers who are trying to sell stuff.

Daniel: So I found Legendary and I did the program. And it really taught me stuff that I didn't know. And then I was like, okay, maybe I can try to share this with my followers. And that's what I do. So I have an email list. I think we have about 15,000 people right now. And we try to send in different emails and we ask them okay, do you want to learn how to learn how to use the Law of Attraction better? Do you want to learn how to make money online? And if they want to learn how to make money online, that's why I sell them Legendary. And that's so that's what I do.

Make most of my sales on my email list and I send emails like once or twice a day. 

Dave: You send emails once or twice a day?

Daniel: Yeah. Every day. I don't miss days doing this. And I post like eight times a day.

Dave: On Instagram and TikTok?

Daniel: TikTok is like twice but Instagram was like the other pages I have because I have a lot more pages I probably post but I have people laughing with me working. So we probably post like on Instagram or like 35 or 50 times a day.

You got people with this you. This isn’t the same I'm gonna post while I'm on the


Daniel: I can do everything with all my ideas, I just can’t do it by myself.

Dave: So yes, I mean, they say we're just getting the tip of the iceberg here with you. I mean, your boss, your boss hoggin’ this business right now. Anybody who thinks that you're and I think that's an important point to make that you've you you're not just some hobbyist here, this is your life. Full time yeah, this is what I do. This is so you basically up up until this point when what I would assume before you got on TikTok Instagram, which was pretty much exclusively what you were doing?

Daniel: Yeah, no, well, I was on TikTok. I was on Twitter and Facebook but I didn't have much luck with YouTube and Facebook growing. But I have a book club where I sell where I just let that bring in something you know, on Facebook. Yeah, I just keep trying to grow and teach as much as I can and learn as much as I can on all the platforms that I could.

Dave: So Instagram, though, has been where you've mainly  where you've grown followers and where you've grown pages and different niches. So maybe you could talk a little bit about what, what it is, what it takes and what do you need to focus on in order to grow. I'm going to call this a generic page because none of these pages are using your face, right? Yeah. So what does it take and what does someone need to focus on if they really want to be successful to grow in a page, say, on a page where they're not using their face? Okay, where theme based, what does somebody really need to focus on and what are the real I guess, if you will, quotation marks one of the real secrets to doing that.

Daniel: Okay, well, you need to do what I will do, I will, I will, let's say if I want to talk about football, playing American football, yeah. American football. Okay. I will talk about let's say the Patriots, and I will only do posts on certain caps in places where I like on the Patriots, and that's as deep as deep as I go with it. I want to have a nice time as much as I can. So I will be using different other pages. And then I just, I just do that focus. I do it as much as I post as much as I can. Listen, I read all of the every time Instagram updates it to Tim themselves and tell you what you need to do to grow. I always read that and I'll go in that direction. And really, yeah,

Instagram tells you what to do. Yeah, you just have to read, you just have to pay attention. That is, pay attention to the little stuff.

Dave: So instead of all these, you know, gurus and everything out there that say that their expert Instagram growth, hackers and all this kind of stuff. You just read what Instagram tells you it needs to grow?

Daniel: Yeah.

Dave: Unbelievable. It's sometimes it's just you know, it's hard to wrap your head around how simple it can be.

Daniel: Yeah. If it’s too complicated. I don't do it. Yes, it's just over my head. That is, don't do it. It was too complicated. It's like oh my gosh, I can't do this. And if they do, then I'll just let them do it. 

Dave: How many people do you have working for you at this point?

Daniel: I think five.

Dave: Yeah, do you have so you hire and you have people right there in Trinidad and Tobago, who are you? 

Daniel: Yeah.

Dave: Unbelievable man. And so I mean, but that is the primary purpose of your business is to grow social media channels and then monetize the social media.

Daniel: Yeah.

Dave: Unbelievable. I mean, who would have thought that's a business, you know what I mean? Oh, yeah. People don't get it. I would assume they are people in Trinidad and Tobago. Are you? Do you know anybody else who's doing so you're like, your closed lips, right? You're like, Hey, you don't even let anybody know what you do. 

Daniel: Not at all, no one knows I just except for people who need to know. It's the first time I talked about it, you know? 

Dave: Wow. So yeah. Well, no wonder you were a little nervous, man. I mean, I'm trying to put myself in your shoes. You know, because it's like I've been. I've been in front of a camera for over 10 years. You know, here you are, you've been building your business. You've discovered this. You learned all this stuff on your own. You're totally self taught. You're doing something there that, you know, how, what's the what's the population of your country?

Daniel: I think 1.2 million.

Dave: How about where you live? Is it a smaller town or village or city or what?

It's like it's, it's where I live. It's pretty big. It's, like, pretty big. 

Dave: But still, I mean, you're it's not like you're going it's not like there's a bunch of internet marketers who live with your air the only one? 

Daniel: Yeah. I'm just a drop out. I am just a dropout who just found this online. 

Dave: Are you glad you did?

Daniel: Yeah. I can work from home. I just work from home all the time.

Dave: You kind of do whatever the hell you want. Right? Yeah. What else do you like to do besides to be on the internet and building channels?

Daniel: Oh, I just I also have a phone business where cell phones yeah, that's all I do for fun. And yeah, I'm getting into real estate soon. So they're learning about that. But my dad was into construction. I actually worked for him just like you. That's what made me want to sell it know your story. I was like, wow, it's really similar. Right? So cool. My dad is teaching construction. I'm like, yeah.

Dave: Did you like it or hate it?

Daniel:  I just like working with my dad. I like to be fully honest. I just Yeah, I like working with him. Yeah, that's what that's what I did. And then I was like, okay, but wait. I can do something with real estate and let him go into the next.

Dave: My goal is to never pick up a hammer ever again.

Daniel: Oh, yeah. I never I never did that only like if he wants to come by my apartment and help me do things then I'll have to do it if he wants me to.

Dave: Exactly like my story, my dad. He does stuff for it. He likes it though. My dad likes it. My dad loves to get in there and figure it out. Yeah, crazy stuff. But yeah, no, I wanted to get out of that. You know, I wanted to get out of that. I saw I saw greener pastures in Yeah, in the internet marketing space and the ability to make more money and yeah, I wanted to get I wanted to get out of construction you know but but real estate you so now you want to get into real estate does that mean investing in in flipping houses buying apartment? What does that mean for you?

Daniel: Rental. I tried to do cash flow. I don't really care about making a big amount like cash flow or whatever every month.

Dave: Can you say cash flow again? Cash Flow. I'm going to put it close to my ears because that's money. By the way, do you like the shirt? Yeah. I wear it every day. This never washes. No, I'm just joking. I have like 15 of these but if you've ever you know that I wear this pretty much the shirt every day. So you can go scroll through the episodes and say yeah, god damn does Dave have any other clothes.

Daniel: That's what you should do. If I was selling clothes, I'd be doing the same thing. 

Dave: Well, we're not really selling clothes. Oh, we do but it's not a profit margin for us. It's not a profit center for us. We just do it because you know somebody might want to have some gear. Email my wife and she'll send you one. Okay, yeah, sure. Cool. Now you anybody else if you're an if you haven't made it to the show. It's BeLegendary.shop Okay, we're gonna send you some swag brother. Just send you some swag. We're gonna send you some ads, some shirts and stuff. 

Daniel: That'd be great.

Dave: Well, man, what else can you share with our audience? Who's you know, thinking that you're pretty awesome.

Daniel: I’m just some normal guy.

Dave: Well, you're awesome to us. I mean, you're a normal guy to the people that think you're a normal guy. But to us, we think you're pretty awesome because we're all a bunch of people who are doing the same. We're doing the same thing you are but you're doing it in a just a really cool way. YYeah, so what else can you share with our audience? I mean, you're building just for anybody who thinks we're bullshitting around and is wondering why I'm you know, why I'm, you know, freaking out is because, I mean, just this one Instagram channel right here has 314,000 followers on it. And you know, Daniel has, you know, 25 other channels that he's, you know, he has other for employees working on building right now. And, you know, what he does is he emails his audience and he says, hey, you know, subconscious. There's always a way that you can make money or tie in subconscious thinkers. Hey, once you develop your subconscious thinking, and you and you want to learn to make money online, then you can listen to it's like water, you know, like butter, right? It's just such a simple transition. So your What else can you share with people about whether it be say somebody does not want to show their face on TikTok or Instagram or whatever, or they want to try building a new channel without showing their face? You've already given us one valuable golden nugget, which is niche niche niche, so you gave an example about don't just make it about football, make it about a specific team, or even about a specific player on the team. What else would you say would be another rule that you follow or something?

Daniel: Post as much as you can? Everyone else doesn't.

Dave: Really?

Daniel: Yeah, if you can post everyone then will automatically see you and that's how I grow.

I post as much as I can.

Dave: You said eight times a day on your Instagram pages. Yeah. Each. So so what else okay, niching down posting as much as you can. What else would you say has been the secret to success?

Daniel: I think that's hard work and focus.

Dave: How long did it take you to grow that subconscious channel?

Daniel: I think four years of working everyday on it. 

Dave: Really? 

Daniel: Yes. 

Dave: Every day at work? 

Daniel: Yes 

Dave: Like hard work. You know what I mean?

Daniel: Yeah. That's what I do. I don't know how to do it any other way. So yeah,

Dave: Well, you know the internet in the end, a lot of a lot of people have been ruined because they've been lied to by gurus who say that they can just buy a sub feed and log in and there's a button they can push and they just get rich. You know, they have no world.

Daniel: Yeah, yeah. So I like this program so much. Because you teach things like, can I just say something which was real? Yeah. The value ladder. I was like, Wow, that's so interesting. And from looking at that from the current portfolio, from your video, for many videos, I was like, wow, I can do this. And I actually put this into my email list, and my funnels and everything. It's really, it's really, it's amazing.

Dave: What else have you used from what you've learned here too? I mean, what other value Have you gotten here in case others have missed that specific nugget that you took away?

Daniel: Next, the value ladder really spoke to me and it's really the value ladder that changed how I looked at everything. Yeah, it changed how I looked at everything. But even when I’m doing dropshipping it changed how I do my upsells. that spoke to me. 

Dave: So are you selling your own? Are you selling or when you say up sales, are you selling your own?

Daniel: Both? That's the next thing I can do. 

Dave: Yeah. Are you selling courses or physical products?

Daniel: Physical products. I don't know if I want to, if I have to sell a course I'll have to do a video showing people how.

Dave: I got you, I understand. I understand. So you're selling. You've got a page that is specific to something, some topic and then you're selling a physical product. From that page sending into Amazon or something like that.

Daniel: No, I own my own website because I have other people that have different websites.

Dave: Okay. Well, listen, I mean, this is the way you build your business is super, is super interesting. And you know

Daniel: I want to learn more from you honestly.

Dave: What can I help you with?

Daniel: I mean, can you give me advice for how I can be able to get people to buy more of Legendary and like, take on the program?

Dave: Well, would you like what I what, what I think you should do is you can just listen because you can watch the replay and then it just suits you. So take it into the head and heart what I think would be helpful because I mean, look people are saying Daniel's amazing, you know people love you.

Daniel: Oh really? Thanks guys.

Dave: They love you. They love you. They're getting a lot out of this. What I would do is I know that it's hard for you to insert your face and you don't want to really do that. But what I think would sell a lot more is if you did introduce yourself at some point in say for example on a bridge page or just sent out an email with your personal story. Okay, and you came across I'm talking about just for that specific niche. Just try it with that niche in that product. Because I think that your story and the way that you do things is really mostly your story. Okay, I grew up in Trinidad and Tobago. I'll tell you when most people think now, this may be untrue but when most people think about Trinidad and Tobago I wasn't even sure how good your internet was down there. Yeah. A lot of people think how in the hell is this guy who's on an island in the middle of the Caribbean? If he can do it, anybody can do it, right? Because I mean, most people are sitting in some big country like America with all the resources in the world at their hands. And here you are. You grew up on an island. I mean, just thinking about people getting stuff there. I mean, it's like it's just mind boggling. It's boggling. And I give you all the credit in the world. Because I know that even though you have an amazing life and probably an amazing family and amazing culture, that there are other people who have more opportunity than you do, and have made something out of your life and out of yourself. That's beyond amazing. And so I give you a lot of credit for that. That story is also really inspirational. So is your humble personality. And so what I would do is at some point, whether you're sending them to a landing page and you have an opportunity to introduce yourself briefly on each page. What I think would be as important as effective is if you collected their email right away, sent them a my story, email and whether you wrote it out and included a picture of yourself. You need to show your face and you need to show more about your family. What do you want? Why are you doing this? Like for example, the reason why I included that video about buying my dad a truck was because that showed the real humanity of me and my family. Right because I had my debt. No, I didn't even mean that wasn't a son. Like that was just something that I actually did and we just filmed it. It ended up being awesome. But my point is, is that when we tell our story, we have to we have to do it in a way that is inspirational to others in makes them say, wow, you know, here's somebody who first of all I know like and trust, right and the more real and the more humble and the more just authentically are what you don't have a problem with that, the more they're going to know like and trust us, but also if we can spin in some inspiration, right if we can spin in some inspiration. So what's your inspiration? Your inspiration is you know, that you were on the path to work and construction are probably doing all the other things that people do in Trinidad and Tobago, that a lot of them are probably, you know, not doing as well as you are. For me. My path was construction. I was going to be kind of a probably a broke construction worker living paycheck to paycheck. But I decided to do internet marketing that changed my life. So it's the what it was like before all this happened and what it's like now kind of progress of the story when you tell it and I think that if you add more more images and add more, maybe even a video maybe even a portion of this interview or this interview itself. say look, you guys want to know the real me you got to look I did an interview with the owner. You know what I mean? Like, I think you need to let people know who you are a little bit behind the scenes so they can bond and make a bit of a more of a relationship with you and I think you'll see, I think you'll see increased success. Okay. And I think you're smart enough to figure out how to do that in your own way. Yeah. I think the challenge that a lot of people have is because you know, there's lots of these pages that are just a brand or a theme but don't have a face behind them and we love to like those pages we love to we'd love to screenshot and we love to share them. You know what I mean? Because it's a good quote or whatever. But in terms of buying from them. Yeah. All you're not the only one I mean every person that I've ever talked to who grows pages with no face on them.

You may be able to grow faster. Yeah, but the challenge is always converting the followers into sales. It's always the challenge. So you have to figure out some way to introduce yourself and introduce your story more vividly, and do it a couple of times, not just once you may need to do it. You know, you may need to do it 2, 3, 4, 5 times. You know what I mean in the email sequence to make it really sink in, tell him the behind the story of the building the channel, you know, people like the grind story. Let them understand. So now when they see your page, that it's not just the page but they know the story behind them. Hey, if you understand well understand that inside look, I mean for me, when I buy a watch, say for example, it's just a watch that is sitting on the rack. It's just another watch. You say oh that watches $15,000 I say for what right? But you tell them the heritage of the story. You tell me that if you tell me how the factory uniquely puts the dials together. You tell me that it's been in business since 1892 that it's still family owned. And operated. You tell me it's hand polish. You tell me all those pieces about the story. Now I see that watch and I see it totally differently. Just makes sense. So what you want, I think is when somehow and I would even do this with I would try to figure out how to do this with every page. Yeah, at some point. You want people to know that there's a real person behind the page and even the story behind the page because it's just kind of like Tesla would be nothing without Elon Musk like it wouldn't be and the reason why is because when you think about Tesla you think about this weird guy who doesn't really give a fuck about you know, doesn't give a damn about all the rules, right? And he's kind of a, you know, he's an entrepreneur man. Yeah. You think about what you think about the leader of the company. I think Amazon even has a little bit of that with Jeff Bezos. But you need to insert you in your story, or at least the story of the page. A little bit. More into each page and I think you'll see your sales go up dramatically, man.

Daniel: Okay, I will do it.

Dave: All right, do you have any other questions that I can help you with?

Daniel: I think that I'm going to work on that. I'm going to think about what you just said. 

Dave: All right, buddy. Well, thanks for your time today. You did fantastic. And thank you so much for sharing your story in your work with us. 

Daniel: Yeah, thank you. All right. Okay, okay.

Dave: All right. My friends. You can go and follow Daniel at subconscious thinkers, which is a great title, great handle there on Instagram, and connect with him there and follow his work at least on that one channel. He says he's got many more and I believe him. This is a guy who is putting hard work in long long term success over short term, unrealistic expectations, right. You know, a lot of us want to just try something for three days or three weeks and, you know, this guy has been in for the long term and now he's got a full time business with employees and everything else that are sitting there working for him, helping him build these channels. It should also open your eyes. I think a little bit about the idea of building multiple channels . There's no rules about having just one Instagram profile or one TikTok profile. You know, if you guys want to make this a full time job and not just a hobby that you're kind of doing Oh, um, I posted my two videos for the day on TikTok. I mean, think about what you think about Daniel next time. You, you, you have that thought because not only he but his other four employees are posting across all of his channels. Eight posts per day at minimum wage. Just think about that. This is an episode that I think if if everybody in our community took the principles of what Daniel just shared, which is complete and pure gold and applied that to their you, everybody's mind and possibility should have just expanded 100 fold, about what's possible out here, and how little of the market you may be tapping into. Right and we went from we lost about 40 viewers just in the last five minutes. And Daniel, we're missing this analysis right now. But if you're still here and you're listening to this I hope that that opens your eyes to the possibility of what you can do and how much you should be leaving on the table by simply doing your work. Another thing is What if you lose a channel I mean, we could go on and on about this all day long, but I'm telling you what Daniel shared was truly fantastic in groundbreaking as Dragon says, and my friends have a fantastic Legendary day get out of here and go be great All right. See y'all.

How to Monetize YOUR Niche

Below is the transcription for this episode: 

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends this is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary and this morning our guest is you know somebody who has a title like billions of people out there. I'm thinking it's called mom and she's been a mom for a full time. stay at home mom for 20 years. And, you know, has recently figured out and discovered a new way to build self worth and profit, which is, you know, a pretty cool thing outside of motherhood, right. And on top of motherhood, which, which I would say there's plenty of self worth to be found in parenthood. I don't know if there's too much profit to be found there. So anyways, we'll hear her story, Beth, welcome to the show. 

Beth: Hi!

Dave: Hi. Did I get all that right? Does that encapsulate what you're sure you'll give us the details but the high level of what's happened with you over the past year or so?

Beth: Yeah, yeah, that's pretty much you nailed it. Yep.

Dave: Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. So when did you get started? I mean, when did you find Legendary Marketer and where did you get the first kind of education or training experience to learn how to build a business online?

Beth: Yeah, so I found Legendary in I want to say it was the end of July. I saw a TikTok video like many people have, and I kind of watched her videos for maybe a couple of weeks. And then I paid just $7. I'm just going to try it. So yeah, that's how that got going. The affiliate marketing part. The reason why I was looking into affiliate marketing in the first place is because I had started writing a book earlier this year. So I wanted to kind of support that book with some affiliate links in the back of the book, actually links to my blog, but just for recommending products that have to do with my book, so I didn't know how to do affiliate marketing. So that was kind of how that all rolled together. So yeah, so I have to, I guess, go to work right now. So a fairly new but yeah,

Dave: Nice. So, are you tell us what has developed since you went through some education here at Legendary and kind of now have two ventures going and I would assume those two ventures are doing, you know, pursuing the book, project in business and what goes along with that in whatever that niches and if you want to share more about that and then the second thing, which I'm assuming is just doing affiliate marketing in a another niche, so get tell us tell us how that these two businesses have evolved since July?

Beth: Yeah, so my book actually is for parents geared towards moms more than dads but dads can obviously be a part of it, but it's a book that kind of walks you through how to explain to your daughter what puberty is, like. I know a lot of moms that find that awkward and then there's a lot of moms who are like college, no big deal. That was me. I was like, oh, it's no big deal. Like, I'm very open with my roles and my sons as well. And so I just wanted to share that knowledge with a lot of moms who struggle with that. So within that book, I talk about all things puberty. And in the back of the book, I have recommendations of products that my girls and I have used or that we have heard are great that have to do with puberty like skincare, menstrual products. You know, deodorant, that kind of stuff. So, that is, you know, obviously separate from what I do with legendary. I do with my tick tock account, I'm more geared towards wealth and learning how to make money online, so I kind of have them separate but yet, what I learned at legendary is spreading across another niche. So that's been wonderful because I would have been totally clueless on how I would have done it all wrong. So

Dave: So I'm curious how you're setting up your parenting, your book and how you're using affiliate marketing. So in the back of the book, are you sending Where are you sending people to in the book do you send them to individual links?

Beth: No, I send them to my website, which I created a blog post, which then I have the links there that way I can continue to update or remove. I wasn't too sure KDP would love it if I would throw in affiliate links in the back of my book. I didn't know if they would kick that so I didn't want to risk that but they're okay with linking, you know, websites and blogs and whatnot. So, that's what I did. I linked. I linked my website, which is actually the blog and then I also linked my Facebook group for that particular issue. 

Dave: So, nice. So are you building an email list? In turn up for your parenting stuff?

Beth: Yep. Yep, I started doing that. Probably soon as I started the Facebook group. So I want to say around April, I started doing that and I created a lead magnet. So I offered it for free so that I could snag their email.

Dave: Could we know your website address

Beth: Yeah, it's Beth recommends.com. Okay.

Dave: And I'm also bringing up your book here, which is changes in me that's the title of the book here that the changes in me during pewter be puberty parents edition how to talk to your daughter about girls hormones. Physical development and periods. Very niche specific and it's offered it's available for zero you know, for free on Kindle.

Beth: Yes. Yep. Up until Saturday, I think it's for free on Kindle.

Dave: Okay. So this is recently this is a new Is this a is this a relaunch or is this a new launch?

I just watched it this past weekend. Wow. Congrats. Yeah, Friday night. I meant to watch it on Monday, but he's like, Here you go. And so they threw it there already Friday night for me. So

Wow. So if anybody has a child who is in puberty, well, she will be hitting puberty here in the next I don't know when when do girls usually hit puberty?

Beth: I mean, it can range from six to 14. So I mean, my older daughter started a little younger. I think she was around eight or nine showing signs and then my second daughter started showing signs more like 12.

Dave: Yeah, sure understood because this can be hormones, physical development in periods and physical development can come in many forms.

Beth: Yes. Yeah. I mean, it's understood growing height wise and you know, all the other stuff.

Dave: Sure, sure. Sure. Okay, well, this is awesome. Congrats on the launch of that book. We'll go now in the back of your book. So awesome. So what is the link? Do you just send them directly to Beth recommends in the book?

Beth: I send them directly to the blog posts. So if you go to the blog, I only have one post right now. Just because I just launched it. So that's Yeah, okay. That's basically

Dave: Right. Right. Right. Right, right. So we're so this is where you're collecting. Where's your lead magnet that sort of perked my ears up? We're

Beth: So I have it in the beginning of my book and in the end of my book, a gift, and then I also have it on my Facebook page.

Dave: Where you can claim your free gift from this website.

Beth: And all it is is just a list that you can create like a little kit that girls can keep in their backpack, ready for their period. So yeah, that's just a list that my girls and I kind of came up with things and it's in some of its like, you know, like oil blotches for when your face gets oily during the day and your face or chapstick? It's it's all the things not just not just period products, but

Dave: Yeah. Interesting. Well, this is very cool. So is your book launching strategy on? Because I mean, there may be people here who eventually obviously talk about affiliate marketing so much, and would love to hear your thoughts on that here in a moment. But, I mean, there's people and I would assume those of you, maybe who are listening, who are thinking, you know, I'd maybe like to write a book one day and what does that look like? And what are all the different options that I have to launch and market that book? So you've chosen Amazon, why did you choose Amazon versus selling it via your own website in doing the checkout in the delivery or even delivering it via ebook through your own website?

Beth: So I chose Amazon because it's the largest bookstore in the world. It's easy and accessible. I don't have to print it on demand. So I don't have to have stock at my house or you know, buy books and then try to have local stores carry it or I don't have to harass anybody like that. I mean, one of the big reasons is because Amazon is the ultimate bookstore. And yeah, it just, it's just the first 30 days that you launch Amazon also boosts your book and the algorithm the first 30 days are huge. I'm on the backside of it. Like doing promos, like I'm lining them up, almost. Okay, so this whole week is just free promos and then it goes to 99 cent promos. I'm contacting a bunch of other like book companies, some of them are blogs, some of our newsletters. And so I yeah, I'm kind of investing into that. So they will promote my book and it'll bring traffic to Amazon. So, so yeah, that's why I chose Amazon. I just felt it was the easiest route. Yeah. Once my book has been on there for I want to say about a month, maybe a little longer. I can go and get an ISBN number and then it can be worldwide.

Dave: Nice, nice. Yeah. I was deciding. We were deciding back when we launched a couple of books over the past several years, I mean, how we want to sell those books and we've chosen the route of selling them on our own. You know, through you know, through just sales pages, sales funnels, and in the likes to be able to, you know, kind of have a little bit more control over the checkout process. And also the customer, the customer data, you know, so there's, there's, there's different there's different ways. This would be an example of a sales page that we created that gave us the ability to, you know, sell art and we sold both physical books and ebooks. Right now, we are selling in the e book or have a funnel for an e book for $1.99 that allows us to, you know, control the checkout process and we use it simply as a loss leader. And so there's different ways to sell books. Books are really in the category of selling information. It's a bit more of a, it's a bit more of an advanced strategy and in my opinion, selling a book is simply an authority tool. It's a tool that allows you to be more of an authority in a specific niche and you can use it and others will use it in your introduction. Hey, my name is Dave Sharpe, author of right or hey, this is Beth, author of, you know, conversations with kids or whatever, you know, whatever your book is, and, and, and so what is your thought process in using your book here? Within this side of your business, this kind of channel of your business, what is your kind of short term and long term strategy and how does it play into your overall business plan?

Beth: So long term I plan on producing multiple books. I have a book in my head of what I want to just do like for the girls specifically, and then get started on that maybe next early spring probably. And then launch that maybe next summer and then I can bundle them up. You can sell it for a little bit more than you would for just the one and yeah, I just feel like I can just create a whole series because after that I can head into the boys arena since I have two boys as well. So long term that I'm just gonna keep writing books. I'm passionate about this area. Like you said in being an authority figure. I mean, obviously I'm not a professional by any means, but I'm having experience just with my own kids. I feel like I'm pretty knowledgeable. And I feel like the people in my Facebook group trust me. I haven't led them astray yet. So yeah, that's where I'm going long term with that.

Dave: Okay, so you actually are looking at using your books as the main thing that helps people understand. I mean, do you is this a more of a passion project or do you plan on turning this this side of your business this particular business into a significant profit stream?

Beth: Yeah, I plan on having both streams of income, this one on my publishing side of the business and then my affiliate marketing side. So yeah, so that's, that's my plan. Um, obviously, in the grand scheme of things, I want to make money. So everybody does. So I do have a goal in that. With that in mind, I have kind of like a long term goal, like, you know, a couple years from now, I told my husband, this is what I'm going to be making. You can hold me to it, so. Yeah, so my husband just recently, he's 44. But he just recently retired. Yeah, I know. But then here we are. We're both sitting here looking at each other. Right. So that was another reason why I'm like, Okay, I, I'm going to pick up the tail end here and status quo status, I guess through to retirement.

Dave: That's okay. So do you plan on doing any courses, coaching or events on the back end of this book as kind of your front-facing entry level product? Into this particular business?

Beth: So I hadn't thought about that initially until I took your course. I really haven't put much thought into it other than just that I could do that someday. I have a lot you know, between the affiliate marketing side, and then getting my book launched and publishing launch now that I haven't really thought about that in depth. But yes, I definitely thought that would be something that I could look into. 

Dave: Absolutely. I mean, I just want to spit a couple of ideas at you because well, quite frankly, this is what I do and what I love to do, right. So if you're open to them.

Beth: Of course, yeah. Okay. So, one of the things that I think would be would be really interesting in this type of business where you're where you're planning on writing a series of books about children, and you know, if you're going to have multiple topics even across both for both girls and boys, you know, I would take either a systematic approach, or I would focus primarily in on 101. of, I guess, client or or, or, you know, kind of target customer and ultimately the target customer has to be right. The parents I mean, the target customer is not the children, they're, you know, they're not, they're not the ones who have money, they're not the ones who are who are ultimately even going to buy this. So, so there's a couple of ideas. The first one would be the traditional kind of value ladder, ascension model. of, you know, somebody buys the book, and you really have a solid way to drive them to get their contact information now with Amazon. Correct me if I'm wrong, one of the downsides is that you don't get that customer data. Is that right?

Beth: That's correct. Yes, I have those free gifts. Front and back of my book just hoping that people will give me their email. So you can I mean, I'm hoping so. 

Dave: Yeah, yeah, it ultimately that's, that's that's what you want. And I think one of the keys to writing books is to really offer like, irresistible gifts to where you know, when somebody purchases that book, they have to get that free gift. And so, you know, for the first thing is is that the question that in some of the data that you can look at is you may not be able to track it the right way, the way that you're doing it because you're doing it by sending them to kind of a public blog post, right? You may want to consider sending them to a link to where you can specifically track Okay, these are the people that are coming from the book because this is the only place I have this link, you know, yeah so because you know what I mean? Because right now, it's gonna be hard to tell how good you really your lead magnet is because it's on your physical blog, and other people could be finding that and opting into those so it's there's no real way to track what the conversion rate is, from the book into the into the free gift. Does that make sense? Totally. So back to sort of the the way to, to monetize these books is to either hone in on a specific type of of target customer, which might be moms of teenage girls, you might find those are more responsive and willing to kind of pay and in, willing to invest in learning more how to be better parents and how to help equip their children to be you know, feel more safe and more. Just, you know, the world is a scary place. We're all I know. I'm scared for my daughter and I want her to be as safe and prepared as possible. So having some sort of a course that you offer, and of course that a lot of that's dependent upon getting those email addresses because without getting those email addresses, you have no real way to contact those people. So that front end lead magnet that's why I spend a moment just just talking about that because I believe especially with print on demand, and with Kindle, which is a digital format, you would be able to edit that book is that right?

Beth: Yeah, I can edit the book. Absolutely. Yes.

Dave: Yeah. So if you wanted to test a new lead magnet, or a new offer there as your free gift, you could run this for three months, and then you could test something different, and maybe send them to a link that only is available inside of the book, right? So you could then track Okay, here's how many book sales I've done. And here's how many people have opted into this book only for a specific domain. So I know that these are the people who are converting from the book, right. And then of course, you could take them up as some sort of an ascension model, one of my favorites. One of my favorite things to do are just one day workshops, right so for $99 or for $197. Or whatever price point you feel would be comfortable for these people to convert. You could put on a one day per month workshop, right to where you just deliver the content live. And there's been a lady who my wife and I have gotten a couple of her webinars and they were even shorter webinars. They weren't even full day workshops. They were just a couple of our webinars that she sold us a workshop she sold it for 49 or 99 or something like that and you've got the replay and it's a really easy way to deliver kind of a combination of course and coaching because it's also easier on you you There's nothing that you need to pre record and if you love the way that you the workshop when you can then turn that into a course that you can sell on autopilot later. Does that make sense?

Beth: Totally. Yeah, that's a great idea.

Dave: I think the use of webinars in the ability to be able to sell content on a webinar nowadays is almost a better way to sell courses and coaching than ever before. Because what I find is especially now with people being in their homes more than ever, and I think this is going to continue to stay the same. I don't think it's ever going to go back to normal again the way it was. I think people enjoy that live interaction. There should be more excitement. People seem to finish things more when there's a live environment versus when there's a bunch of videos to go through. And that's why we try to combine the two like with our Blueprints program to where we have videos but we also have live elements you know what I mean? The other thing would be just, you know, the other approach would be to just do that sort of thing for each and every book, whether it be you put on for each book, you do a workshop you do a live workshop, you may be delivered that a couple of times live until you really feel like you got the one that this is the one that I wish that I could get everybody to see. And then you just insert that into your follow up series, and you sell it via email to everybody who purchased the book or everybody who purchased the book who then opted into your email list. You just You just market it to them as this sort of free course and a either more advanced or more kind of breakdown live I'm going to explain this stuff to you or you can even say hey, I'm going to give you the both the synopsis of everything that's in the book, and I'm going to teach you something else in this workshop. You know that? You know for example, one of the workshops that we bought from Dr. Becky, we bought a workshop about big feelings in kids because we have a five year old girl who's got big feelings. She's got big feelings, you know, big emotions. And this particular doctor explains that children have some kind of bigger feeling than others. And how do you work with those? How do you not make them feel ashamed about having big feelings? How do you nurture those and help them put those big emotions into productive, you know, into productive ways. And so yeah, that was an example of a workshop now she has a more generalized parenting kind of social media profile. And so forth and probably some books that are across multiple topics. But my point is, my opinion with busy parents is that selling workshops and selling webinars in that price point of 49 to $99 is the sweet spot. What comes up for you as I spitball some of those ideas at you?

Beth: I'm just soaking it all in. This is like a free lesson. I'm loving it so yeah, making mental notes. Obviously I'll rewatch this whole video again to yeah, write it all down. But definitely. I like that. I like what you said with the whole webinars and the smaller ones even and getting it very specific. 

Dave: You could even do multiple I mean, one of the highest converting offers that I've ever seen and done is just to email my email list and do a $37 workshop. You know what I mean? That's a workshop where you just prepare a bit. You're going to talk, you're going to you know, you're going to answer some questions at the end. It can be, you know, 60 to 90 minutes. It doesn't have to be super long, because quite frankly people you know, they want you to deliver as much value in as little time as possible because after all, they have jobs and they're busy parents, right. So so, you know, probably in this niche, the shorter the better. Right because people have less time and reminding them in that initial marketing that you know, hey, you can do this. You're going to get the replay so you can listen to this even later and do it at eight o'clock at night after the kids go to bed. Right? So you know you can really kind of focus the details of when you're going to do the workshop specific to them. But it's it's the other beautiful thing about those kinds of lower cost workshops that you can use to you know, because a $37 workshop that's $37 You know, that's that's like selling me especially if you're offering the book for $0 or $1.99 or, you know, that's that's, that's nearly 16 books, you know, from one sale of a workshop and if you get, you know, 100 people to respond to a couple of workshop per month, you're talking about, you know, four 8, 12 16 thousand in additional revenue on top of your from doing maybe one workshop per week, you know.

Beth: That gets me excited for it.

Dave: Yeah, if you can, I mean, a good goal is to try to sell whenever you're selling something, 100 of something, right. It's a realistic number. It's not something that's overwhelming. It makes it worth your time. So if I'm selling something for say 37 or $47, then I can get 100 people on that. That means that maybe you've got a couple of hours of preparation. You've got an hour of marketing from writing all the emails that you're going to use to promote that and the other beautiful thing about selling something that is happening at a specific day and time is there's a built in urgency, right, which means that you have to buy by this date, or it goes away. You miss out, you miss out. It's built in FOMO and so you don't have to create fake scarcity or fake you know, urgency, it's built right in and it gets it helps you build momentum via those emails right on up to an hour or two before the workshop because, you know, it's like it's coming. We're getting ready to start this is your last chance to jump on. You know, yeah. So, yeah, those are probably the most fun ways to kind of monetize something in a niche where people are there. You know, I have no idea how people would spend money in this sort of niche. If this, that would be an interesting test for you to run. I know that people are used to spending more money in the business and wealth niche because they attach an ROI to that investment. Right. So it's easier for somebody to justify spending 1000 or 2000 or 3000 or 5000 or $10,000 on coaching or an event or a course or something because there's an ROI attached it but in you may find that there are moms who are you know, willing to invest in some sort of a a coaching more access to you right to where it's almost like a kind of mastermind or coaching program to where you get on they either have you know, 24/7 access to text or email you or you get on once per month and answer questions. I know that another type of coach that my wife and I hired in the parenting space was a sleep coach. And when we had our son, he slept differently than our daughter and we were freaking out a little bit and so we hired this sleep coach and she was one of the perks of her business, or the perks of her offer was that you got her phone number to text her. And that was kind of cool. We didn't overwhelm her. We weren't you know, right but but she made herself available for a certain amount of time so she was walking you through her 30 or 60 or 90 day kind of program to text her if you had any questions even in the middle of the night, you know? Yeah, that's so good. Yeah. So anyways, I think the I was doing this those workshops would definitely be something that I would start to do in people you know, subscribing to my little from from buying the book, you know, in but that all goes to lead magnet being sexy enough and irresistible to get them to go over and opt into your email list. Now there's another way to build an email and you know this it's not just all about buying and selling books. Doing TikTok, it's also about marketing outside. So are you doing content on just TikTok?

Beth: So my TikTok is mostly just making money online. I did throw a couple in there when I was getting ready to launch it just because I have the audience I'm like, well maybe there's a couple months in there. I'll just throw it out there but I I don't have a specific account for this niche. I have thrown it out on Pinterest and on my Instagram as well. Again, it's not directed towards the right people right now. That is all just about how to make money online. So yeah,

yeah. Well, that's cool. That's fine. I mean, I just wondered if you had

just my Facebook group is all Yeah, I have 150 in my Facebook group. And I think about 60 or 70 of my email list so nothing gigantic, but I just started.

Dave: I'm going to show you I'm going to show you this girls, just so you can and I know you obviously have other people in your in your you know your your sphere of influence there to be able to, to have examples of what other people are doing in the parenting niche because you said that you were going to reach out to people to help you promote your book and so forth. But this Dr. Becky lady is a lady that we've actually bought programs for similar programs to what I was just talking about. And her name is Dr. Dr. Becky Kennedy. And her profile on Instagram I'm having a hard time focusing on here but yeah, so her name is Dr. Becky Kennedy and she's got a significant following on Instagram and often you know promote these workshops. And it would be potentially somebody to look at who's monetizing an audience in the parenting niche

Beth: For sure. Absolutely. I'll check it out.

Dave: Very cool. So you're also working in the wealth niche and, and tell us a little bit about how that's going for you. You're on TikTok. You're out there. You went from consumer to creator. So you're you're you've built up a little TikTok audience here you're about to break 10,000 probably any minute or any day and who knows you know, nowadays one video could take you to damn near 100,000 followers on TikTok overnight if you have something go viral, but talk to us about you know how that's going for you and and why you are also working in the wealth niche.

Beth: I'm enjoying it to begin with. It freaked me out to throw my face out there. I felt kind of stupid because my kids have TikToks and teach me a little bit and then their kids or their friends found it and they're like, oh my gosh, your mom's on TikTok. So, I am having a lot of fun with it. I do a combination of fun stuff that you know may draw somebody into my account to look through it more. And then I do obviously promote Legendary the course, the business builder challenge and then other ways to make money. No. I I don't really have a specific reason why I chose that niche other than just it came easy to me just because of the course that I took from you. So that's kind of why I went that route. 

Dave: What I'm noticing about you is you've got a whole damn thing of you know, these lead magnets here. I went to your profile. And you know you've got you know, in your in your recommended stuff here. Makes you right here. Which, you know, I don't know that I'm a huge fan of taking somebody just to a bunch of different I would you know what if I was you just a little split test for you. I would take somebody like for example directly to this page, right? I would take somebody directly to this page. And the reason why is because you're probably going to see higher opt-ins and you're probably going to follow up with people even in an initial email and say hey, go check out all my recommended products and stuff. I think you risk not collecting the email because when you send them to a page like this, there's just too many choices and oftentimes people don't know where to start and they're relying on you for specific guidance. Go here and do this first. Does that make sense? Yep. Yeah, because you're a writer, you have this wonderful ability. I would assume that your free ebook for beginner affiliate marketers is something that did you put together?

Beth: Yeah. I did. And actually it goes right to the Legendary funnel. I actually had a tag so I can see in the back end if that's because I have the ebook also available on the 15 day business builder challenge link. You'll also see it there and so it doesn't, it's okay. Same place. It's just on the backend it's tagged so I know if they took if they opted in on the ebook link or the other one. So I do have that kind of separation. But ultimately they all go to the same place.

Dave: So this is a big thing that I've seen people doing over the past year or two is using these link trees using these. These these you know even Dr. Becky does it and I just think she would collect more leads these beacons pages you know these link trees. If you just send somebody to a singular opt in page right? Because it's like, people, they don't know where to go. They don't know and this is beautiful. This is wonderful, right? But if I'm brand new, and you got to think about you when you were brand new, did you even know what any of this stuff meant? I didn't know what Click Funnels. I didn't know what website hosting. I didn't know what leads even a Weber email mark. I mean, these were all terms that were over my head. And so what happens is when we get a little bit of experience or education, you know we forget what it was like when we first saw that video on wherever we saw it and how all this terminology was just completely foreign to us. And then you know, we get into it three or six months or we want to start marketing and then we you know, we kind of expect that their wisdom is our wisdom. Does that make sense? I've always found it better and I found it more effective to drive people specifically to a page to where there's one choice, which is put in your dad GM email and your name right here, right and and start here. And I would even like put in giant letters right here. Start here. You know what I mean? Like here's where to start. And I think even people's website to do that. It makes more sense because most of the people who come to a website, it's either going to be their first and last time that they come or they're going to be you know, a Returning Visitor in the majority of people are going to be there last time their first and their last time because it's like wandering into a store Beth. It's like going to Walmart or or like Target in not knowing what you're buying. Like not it's like, that's the best analogy. It's like you go to Target, but you have no idea what you're there for. You know, so I would recommend that to everybody who's listening to ditch the beacon ditch the link tree and I know you see other people doing it. And the problem is you do not know what their numbers are in their business and likely the only reason why they're doing it is because they saw somebody else doing it.

Beth: Yeah. And I had a link tree for a while and I know a lot of people don't love the link tree, they don't love to click on that. So that's why I linked it to my website. But yeah, I can definitely tell.

Dave: The reason why I don't like Link trees is because I go there and there's 50 there's 15 options there that I got to go through and you know who in the hell goes to somebody sling trade. It's like, subscribe to my YouTube here. Here's my podcast. Here's my free book. Here's my website. Here's my Amazon thing. Here's this: what do you think about people going and like they're on their phones and then they click it and they go one by one and no, nobody does that. Your best hope is that somebody is going to do one of those things and likely the thing that they're going to do you're not going to collect the email, they're going to go to your YouTube channel. They're going to go wherever over here. And so, you know, start here. Here's where to start, whether it be on your website or or here's where to start as a first step off of my TikTok profile, if everybody in our community did that. You're all like our entire community lead generation, conversion to statistics would just just quickly go up, you know, because we would now be collecting a lot more leads because it would be the only choice that seems like Well, I'm giving people less options. I want them to have more options, you know, and it's like really for them it's more overwhelming to have more options. So anyways, I'm harping. I hope I don't sound preachy or teaching.

Beth: No no, not at all.

Dave: So what do you know, feeling awkward, being embarrassed by your children and your kids friends, finding your TikToks these are some of the things that real people are dealing with. So how are you dealing with this in how you are over right but to some people it is a bigger deal and they're not able to get over it right. What are some of the tips or the advice that you have? Having children and having people and even a retired husband? When will you and your husband retire? Why are you doing this? Right, but the general criticism,


Beth: I guess I've always had that. I don't wanna say I always have the personality. I don't care what people think. But I do get to the point where it's like, you know what, you're gonna have your opinion of me, good, bad or ugly, and I can't change that or prevent you from thinking one way or the other. So I'm going to have fun with what I'm doing. And if you think I'm an idiot scroll by. That's kind of where I got to after about a month of doing this. I started doing some stupid dances like to begin with I was doing a lot of like, pointing and, you know, to bubbles or words or whatever. And I found that when I started doing stupid dances, which I don't get a ton of use, but my views went up way more and I kind of like an idiot like, whatever popular dances in like the Applebee's song you know, I did that one. It was horrible. Awful. My bedroom was trashed. I'm like, You know what, I don't care. I'm just gonna throw this out there and you know, I'm an idiot. I'm clearly not experienced in dancing. So you don't have to be experienced in and I used, you know, affiliate marketing, you can take this course in and try it and you don't have to have any experience. And it's okay, so that's kind of how I twisted that into what my niche was. But yeah, so that's kind of where I am with all TikTok things like, I don't care. I posted what happened just last night. Actually, this is pretty embarrassing. I just grew a gigantic zit on my face, and I threw a bandaid on it and made a huge deal. Like I'm going to live tomorrow. And I decided to grow this huge set. What an idiot, should I just let it all out? Or should I just keep a bandaid on it? You know, like, Who would do that? Nobody probably. I'm like, I'll just do it. Who cares? So that had nothing to do with a good hook or it's a good hook, you know? Stopping and watching. It's like Dr. Pimple Popper. You know, you just can't stop watching it, you know? Right, exactly. So I mean, whatever if my foolishness brings somebody to my page. 

Dave: That's cool. I mean I did the dance a couple weeks ago with a white shirt and socks.

Beth: Yeah, so it's just to have fun with it. It's all like it's all I can, you know, suggest to people is just just your part. You'll reach more people if they can see that you're being comfortable. You're having fun with it. If you're uncomfortable and you know that they're like, Oh, this is weird.

Yeah, it's what's awkward online. What's awkward in real life is awkward online too. I mean, human beings. Yeah. So it's like I think yeah, there's a lot of there's a lot of wisdom and a lot of there's a lot of success hiding behind just letting go surrendering to being yourself being real being exactly who you are, and how you are behind the scenes like when you're talking shit with your girlfriends? Are you talking shit with your husband or you're just gossiping? You're pulled up to the table with an empty cup ready to sit tea? You know what I mean? And talk shit. It's like who you are there is how people want to experience you because they want to feel like they're speaking to their best friend. Right? And if you talk to them, like they're your best friend, like, when I really legitimately feel like that, like on the show, like I legit This is how I am. You know what I mean? It's like, you know, I usually just roll out of bed in the morning and just I'd love to tell you that I get all dressed and shower shave and I'm ready you know, bright eyed and bushy tailed but, you know, most days I'm you know, I'm fumbling to the desk, you know, and I'm I got my smoothie which is my breakfast I got my you know, coffee over here. You know, I took a shower last night but I'm not showered today. I've barely brushed my teeth. And I just hope that even today I get a workout. You know, these are some of the hopes that I have for my day. And you know that I can get it together enough, you know, to just just do what I'm supposed to do you know what I mean? And that's the reality I think that people want to hear. And I think a lot of us have done it for a long time. I know what this is like to really feel like you have to put your best. What do they say: put your best foot forward or something? Like it's like fuck that like I my best foot is that I haven't had my best feet in a long time. I mean my feet are the foot I'm putting forward now is corn filled toenails just like a pterodactyl petted over the sandals. I mean, they're just looked down like oh shit, man. That boy needs some love. So, Jacqueline asked Dave, are you saying ditch the link tree completely? Or are you saying use a link tree like page on a website after the single page opt in to capture their email? What I'm saying is that multiple options on any page is going to lower conversions, period. So what we teach is a single option: opt in page, okay, enter email, leave, die, we don't give a damn but there's only one thing to do. Flick us off. Tell us to go to hell. There's one thing to do though on this page. It's to opt in or fuck off basically, you know? Sorry, this just became you know, this just went from PG to R. But anyways, yeah, so what do you do once they opt in? Well, no, that's not where you hit them with 20,000 options. No, you don't just want to move the cluttered shit. You know, one page over. We want to eliminate that idea altogether. Every page where you want somebody to do something, the more options that's why blog posts with tons of affiliate links inside of the blog posts are also likely not going to convert as well. Right? Somebody is going to probably do one thing out of that page. And it's just because people get pulled in different directions, right in people's attention. I mean, they've got 20 tabs open. They've got multiple devices sitting around for you to keep their attention. It has to be super focused in the moment that they feel confused, like, what am I doing? How did I get here? They're they're going to leave they're going to go do they're gonna go back to Facebook or what tick tock where it's a simple option scroll, you can only do one thing, right? Or, or where they're just more familiar with. So opt in page single option. There's only one choice then we bring them to a bridge page to where we have either some text or a video. And there's one option to continue on to wherever you're recommending them to, and hopefully where you're recommending them to the products that you're promoting. uses those same direct response principles and direct response marketing is just that you're looking for a singular direct response and immediate not not like what we're looking to do with direct response marketing. We're looking to move them along a process until they buy and with no options along the way. Every email has one link. Every opt in page has one option. Every bridge page has one option. Every sales page has one option. More choices is not better. And this is where society in traditional I think retail is very different than like online marketing specifically. And I also think it's very different from many successful businesses around like five guys selling hamburgers and hotdogs, and they're really successful. Taco Bell sells tacos. Chick fil A sells you know, they don't. And then you see the new restaurant that popped up. You know, I got one here on a corner in our town right by our house. It's been 50,000 things because you walk in there and there's 50,000 things on the menu, and they can't keep up with that. You know it's too many choices for the person who comes in to sit down and it's too much stuff to keep fresh in the freezer. The Cheesecake Factory menu is like that big and you've been there before

and I don't know how they do it. I think it's because people think of them and relate cheesecake to them. So there is a bit of a singular focus there. And they have specialty items. Otherwise I don't think if that was just a random thing I think that's where they nailed that business. If it was just random, whatever the food factory, I think that business would have failed. Okay. That's my opinion. That's my professional expert opinion. Thanks for asking. But yeah, so hopefully that answers your question, Jacqueline. Anything else that you Beth would leave us with today, in terms of just an aha moment, a takeaway that you've learned over the past six months that you feel is like, Hey, this is something that I'd like to leave you with today?

Beth: I guess it would just be if you're a stay at home mom and you. You've not worked for years, I haven't worked for over 20 years. You feel like your only option is to work at a fast food place or be a receptionist and just start. You don't have to do that like you have more potential and you're more knowledgeable in your life than anybody else and you can use that and expand it. So whether that be you know, kind of what I did with parenting or whatever you're good and smart at like everybody has something. And I just think a lot of moms just feel like they're just stuck and they're just this is what this is what I'm doing this is it. I'm just raising the kids. And that's not true. You don't have to, I mean, it took me a long time to figure out that I ‘m just making lunches and doing laundry and getting groceries. So. So yeah, I guess that's what I would say to the moms anyway, that's what I would what I would say is

Dave: Yeah, Amen, sister. Amen, sister and take that damn challenge and get in there and apply that stuff. And do it man do it or do it woman. Right. Screw the guys. My daughter said girls rule. Boys rule the other day. I said that's a good one. It's a good one. I said I had many girls say that to me when I was growing up. Always hurts. You know when you're when you're a little boy, those boys drool. All right. Well, Beth, thanks for your time today and thanks for your work and giving us something to have a different perspective on and good luck with your books and maybe selling some of those workshops on the back end. And of course doing the wealth and making money online side of your business and I know that you will succeed with what you have committed to your husband and probably blow through your goals. Yeah,

yeah, there we go. 

Beth: Thank you. Alright,

Dave: Talk to you soon, Beth. 

Beth: Yep, you too. Bye. Bye. 

Dave: All right, my friends. That was really cool. That was super cool. So you can of course follow her as I've had the banner up, Beth recommends on TikTok. She is still there. I want to just pull her back on one time real quick. Would you tell the parents who may want to join your Facebook group what that is?

Beth: Yeah, it's called mom support through puberty.

There it is. So if you want to join her Facebook group where I'm sure you'll get lots of value, mom's support through puberty on Facebook. Alright, thanks. Alright, so yeah, lots of ways to connect with her. And of course, if you have a daughter who you want to, you know, genuinely get some support and some guidance and some feedback and some ideas, then go follow or join her Facebook group. I've had her book up here. I think that's a wonderful idea. In great info, and something that I'm going to be ready for here. Pretty soon as well. Not you know, myself going through puberty of course, but having a daughter that will and surprisingly right I mean, golly, when she said that number six or 14 I almost you know, I almost had to. I was like no not yet not too soon, right too soon. But that's the difference between being prepared and not prepared. So you know, whether you're a parent who you know, wanting to be prepared or whether you're an entrepreneur and a marketer who wants to be prepared. You know, this is the power of community, this is the power of knowledge. This is the power of feedback. And today, as I think it's always been, it's important to be in communities in getting knowledge and education from other people. And that's why we do exactly what we do. So if you have not, you know, got into our blueprint, if you have not had a chance to attend one of our masterminds all these things are on the table for you to further your in your education journey for you to further your accountability and involvement like in this badass community that we have here. Just like Beth's growing community that she has for moms, and you know, you never know what you're going to hear or see or learn from people, of course, in our community, and that's why we do this show. So we got one more episode this week, tomorrow, Friday. We'll see you there. Get out of here. Have a fantastic day signing out. Be Legendary. Much love and we'll talk to you soon. Bye.


Leveraging A New Business Model For Massive Results


Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt Heltzel: Today we are live. It is Wednesday. My computer's completely frozen. So I think it's the 17th but who the heck cares? It's Wednesday. Welcome in, I am Matt. I'm the CMO here at legendary we are live and if you are tuning in live with us, let us know where you're tuning in from. It's always fun to see where people are tuning in from. Usually people all over the world tune into this and we'll have a couple 100 or so or something like that on these live and then a few 1000 More watches as a replay. You probably already know the drill but for those of you who are newer, every single Monday through Friday for the past, I would say about well we've been doing this for years and years but Dave and I have been going live personally for the last about 18 to 20 months, something like that since last March or April. And we've got people from Charlotte, LA, Iowa, Tennessee, Atlanta, North Carolina. We've got the Netherlands in the house. See, it's people from all over. The internet doesn't discriminate. Based on location. Anybody from anywhere, can hop on and get a little morning inspiration. We've been doing these for a really long time and they're powerful. It's a cool thing for me personally, to be able to see and witness people's stories, their journeys, what they've experienced and then and then what they've been doing and what they're up to right now. And this morning, we've got another awesome guest. I'm excited to bring him on and never chatted with him. I literally sided. I was trying to sign into this thing. Usually I do this from my computer. And I just showed him basically I was like doing a spinning wheel of Death on my iMac. And, anyway, let's bring in Matt. What’s upman? How's it going?

Matt Chambers: I'm doing well. How are you? Doing? Well, thank you. 

Matt Heltzel: Where are you calling in from?

Matt Chambers: Minneapolis. area in the Great North.

Matt Heltzel: Nice starting to get a little chilly up there. A couple years ago. I have family there and a couple years ago we went and visited some sort of resort kind of thing. That's a couple hours north of Minneapolis and it's like you get further north of that. It's just like and it was like negative 15 degrees every day. And I was like look, I grew up in South Dakota so I got to the Midwest but I was just like this brutal. Cold. It's like showing your bones. It's insane. You have to want this for sure. Yeah, that's true. Well, and this summer and like you know spring fall is just epic. It's beautiful. But anyways, I was kind of reading through your questionnaire and reading through some stuff. I thought it would be interesting if you would share a little bit about maybe did what you do full time or you don't have to go super into that but just give us a little background on you and kind of what your interests hobbies and stuff like that are but it's specifically I thought it'd be interesting just to hear a little bit about your story with with E commerce and your journey in that realm in that arena. And just like how did that go, and why did you get into that and tell us a little bit about now while you're trying out a new business model?

Matt Chambers: Yeah. So probably about 10 years ago, I had lunch with a buddy of mine. He had kind of this new thing called a side hustle going on where he was, you know doing some fulfillment by Amazon. And he was importing stuff straight from China and really making a living at it. And he had grown up in the consumer electronics world and really was trying to hone his skills on how to leverage the manufacturing in China and Amazon's network of billions of customers. So as we're chatting over lunch, just gonna flip this computer around and show me his true earnings on a monthly basis. And you know, he was selling some small little security alarm or something at the time and it was doing you know, $100,000 a month in sales, and I'm like, how I need to know and, you know, over the next couple of weeks, he kind of answered a bunch of my questions for me what he's doing and it eventually led me to kind of kicking off doing it myself. I didn't follow any of this advice, in terms of, you know, buy small products and find stuff that's easy to ship. I went into it with a coworker of mine and he and I both started searching for products and he came up with I believe it is actually his wife that came up with the idea of making a beanbag for babies. And I'm thinking, okay, whatever, we'll give it a shot. And he actually finds a manufacturer that says, I'll send you 50 units for free just to just call you and it's expected that they were fully stuffed and ready to Ship onto the customer. It arrived in a box that was about 12 by 12 by 12. And it was 50 empty shelves and we were complete noobs and didn't know what to do and we started researching how do we fill these things? How do we ship these things? On behold our buy in foam from Kmart at the time to fill them and go around the local office depot to buy boxes and FedEx. We put them on Amazon and set up a Facebook page and literally had zero followers. I mean, it was absolutely nothing. We sold out in two days. It was just one of those things. It was a product that just was in an underserved market at the time and got Facebook at that point back in 2013. It wasn’t the advertising juggernaut it is today. Still by throwing some ads out there and you know, even just unpaid ads. Were able to find some quick success with it. You know, we started ordering, you know, different colors, different patterns. You know, I converted my unfinished basement into a warehouse. And within six months, I had hired my sister in law to fill the beanbags. And, you know, multiple different people within my family helping me out to just keep up with it. I was still working full time and still working full time today is just one of those things where it kind of really took off and you know, within that first year you know we've done probably a quarter million dollars in sales on Amazon and something that was just from a whim. It wasn't anything that we were planning or at any experience and we continue to grow that business. It was very successful. We had retail buyers coming to us from Walmart and Target and some larger big box retailers. That, you know, had seen the product and, you know, whatever reports they were looking at, and they wanted it in their their stores and we continued you know, growing that business over the years and then come to about 2017 Facebook changed some algorithm and they're no longer you know, even no matter how much we pay for advertising, we've got zero traffic, like almost overnight. You know, and we struggled putting it together for a couple more years and, you know, eventually my partner moved away and he didn't want to be a part of the business and I'd moved it. We had grown it you know, we think we had three different warehouses over the years. I brought it back home and was out of my garage for a while and it just came time I ended up liquidating everything. Another buddy of mine wanted to give it a shot. So he’s a web designer by trade, so still trying to make it work and figure out how to navigate higher SEO and everything else but then over the years, you know I kind of like it probably went out for almost 10 years and years and we got used to having that side hustle and that extra income coming in and you know, when I sold the business last year, it kind of gave me some free time to start looking and you know, personally I had never even been on TikTok until my daughter got an iPad and said hey, can I have tic tock and like clumsy okay, but I'm gonna watch what you're doing and one more time you know scrolling through videos and Catholics just flipping through what's your dances and our Washington or driveways and whatnot could do that? Upon somebody one time saying hey, you want to make X 1000s of dollars a month working part time I'm like, I’ll bite you know, and, you know, down the journey I went, you know, with, you know, watching the video from Dave and you know, really understanding the education behind it. You know, trying to apply that to what I've known from the past it from ecommerce, and I long time ago, I actually worked for a large e commerce facilitator that had a whole affiliate marketing department and we glide, knew what they did I understand it, but never really applied it and, you know, I started in Denver, my my journey and my my tic tock time, if you will, you know, became just watching everybody that I could within the industry to start learning and start seeing how they're doing things and what they're doing and who's successful and what's making them successful. And, you know, finally ended up going through the 15 Day Challenge and you know, really just tried soaking it up watching multiple episodes several times just to make sure I'm understanding things. And then it was just a matter of kicking myself in the butt to apply it. And I'm glad that you know, it's been less than two months, I'd say, since you really started promoting things. And you know, I'm enjoying what I'm doing and I'm seeing the successes, you know, by applying what I'm learning, so it's really been fun.

Matt Heltzel: Yeah, I feel like you're pretty creative, you've got some creative content. I think that in a way you're utilizing things like stitches or doing stuff like that. And also, yeah, the content that you're putting out is pretty unique in itself. And I think it's getting a lot of views because of that, but I mean, you've really grown to you're not quite at 30,000, right? You're like 27 which is awesome. That's super cool. And you've had a couple videos that are really blown off, but one in particular talks about retail affiliate programs you can join today. Isn't that funny that just a simple video like that can just take off? 

Matt Chambers: Yeah, it was one of those things I posted probably five minutes before we left for one of my daughter's softball tournaments. And literally by the time I got to the tournament, watching the first game I looked down at 50,000 views and I'm like, What did I just do? You know, where did I click wrong? But, you know, that really kind of obviously led to a lot of my followers. You know, trying to recreate those same moments over and over again now and you know, really you know, instead of going after, I think a lot of just a massive amount of views. And firstly, trying to find the right ones, you know, people that really want to educate themselves on you know, how can they do the same thing, you know, how can they create some sort of whether it's a side hustle or full time income by leveraging, you know, social media and online platforms? And really enjoying that mentorship? You know, I'm with some people and, you know, they may not all be subscribers right away. A lot of people go into you know, these sorts of things, thinking it's going to be, you know, cost them a lot of money or they have to dedicate, you know, eight hours a day to this and really try to just educate them that you don't need to. Yeah, it's certainly not something that you have to, you know, put your life savings into a new business. And you can start slow and you can grow things, you know, at your own speed. And, you know, I learned from a lot of failures, you know, I've been kicked off TikTok so many times the last two months. I can't even count it. And you know, I'm probably right at that point where they're just gonna ban me for life. But I didn't realize sales funnels and affiliate marketing was so sad to talk about, but I guess you know.

Matt Heltzel: Well, it's, yeah, there's the it's mostly usually it's just people who are annoyed from seeing it, start reporting, and it's not necessarily that it's actually against a sort of terms, and then you get enough of those. But I wanted to go back to you know, I think that there's an interesting flow, so to speak, of creating those more viral high viewed videos, and then following it with lives and following it with more high level high value, but yesterday, I thought it was really interesting that Dave was talking with a guy who's just exploded and also, not only exploded, but just has done it in a really unique way. Where he's had a couple of those high viewed videos. For instance, a lot of his growth over the last month has been after he did a video that got 10 million times where he did a little work from home for Apple video and he had an apple on his finger. He slipped the apple off of his finger, and it was kind of a funny, like, humorous thing. And he had 10 million views and turned into a ton of followers. And some people are skeptical about that. They say oh, yeah, but those don't actually turn into sales. Now in his case, he's been going live two to three hours a day and being real with people being vulnerable with people and combining those elements, the right one and the other don't really work independent of each other. So if it's all just this, like high level education that's almost beyond what people who are new can grasp. Or even understand, or if it's just virality. Neither of those really work explicitly. It has to be both right? Like this guy. Austin just got off Ian's live show, like, typically guys like Calvin Hill, they'll go live for hours in a day. And they'll have, you know, 50 to 200 viewers at one time. But then at the end of it when they actually hit and it says you know, 45,000 people get this live and that's a really powerful thing. I mean, that's a lot of freaking people. When they get to see you in a live environment, or even just in an environment where you're creating videos, like you talked about, that is just more kind of straightforward content. Because when you get on the for you page to that degree, like your video that has $600,000 You are guaranteed to find people who are not interested in this who have never heard of it, right. And so what happens in our community and in this niche in particular, is that people start telling themselves like, it's like everybody's standing in a circle looking at each other. We're all talking about like, oh, what's happening? And everybody's like, Yeah, everybody's sick of these videos. And you know, it's not about going viral. But the truth of the matter is, is that, you know, one of those 600,000 followers or 600,000 Viewers, probably a lot of them had never heard of any way to make money. Online in their lives before. And that's a powerful idea that a lot of times we end up forgetting, and underwriting I would say undervaluing massively undervalued.

Matt chambers: if I look at my master to-do list of everything I want to do with my businesses, going live carving out that time just to be able to do it on a regular basis because I enjoyed a lot of them I watched a lot of those comments on a lot of them. I've just never done it and I know it has huge powers within the community, especially the checkout platform. You know, it's one of the things that you know, even my, you know, if you look back at my early videos, I wasn't putting my face out there. So, you know, like you said, it's that vulnerability factor. And, you know, I've gotten over that ugly mug out there and let people ask me if they want but, you know, it's one of the things I just need to do it and, and be comfortable with it and not worry about, you know, the 95% of the people that are gonna laugh at it, you know, focus on the 5% of people that are going to take something away from it.

Matt Heltzel: It's impressive to me the journey, just that short journey that you've taken from sort of starting out testing the waters with somebody as they just didn't really like it, didn't show your face and you were like, Hey, let me edit some videos. And now here you are today live, you know, Wake Up Legendary. Just kind of cool honestly, you know.

Matt chambers: It is and you know I was talking to my wife, my daughter about it. You're going to go live on their show. And chuckles And she's 12 and thinks that TikTok started out because I got invited to this. So I guess you know, in her eyes, I'm cool. 

Matt Heltzel: You are! I also tell a lot of my parents. I'm not a parent, but I tell a lot of parents this all the time. I feel like seeing like parents doing things that are stretching me like that maybe they kind of know or understand is like a little uncomfortable. I mean, and that's a really powerful thing to watch. I feel like so I just feel like that's a really cool thing for her to be a part of and for her to like to see or experience or hear about you know, it is a real vulnerable thing to go on. Any sort of social media, you know, we're all we're all insecure and like, God, what are people gonna say? Yeah, that's cool. Yeah, like a lot of what I'm so just on and we're just kind of keeping in mind at times for your sort of, you know, content creation strategy and sort of your routine and stuff. I mean, I tell people if it doesn't feel right or feel good, you know, test out the waters. Occasionally. But ultimately, don't push yourself to do something that you hate. You know, the reason Ian or somebody like that goes live so often for so long. It just feeds him you know, and it's like, for some people, it just doesn't do that and that's okay. But also sometimes we just don't do stuff because it just is comfortable. We just need to figure it out. But I like the approach that I've seen a lot of people doing where it's like, Hey, we're just gonna get coffee together. You know, I'm gonna go live on Tik Tok. I just brewed up my pot of coffee. I'm gonna sit here, we're gonna chat for 20 minutes and then I'm gonna peace out to work you know or something like that. I'm gonna peace out to my other job or I'm gonna peace out and I got to create videos, but we're gonna hang out for 20 minutes. You're here for a round, hop on let's chat. You know, and they'll answer questions. They'll just chat about life and it's crazy how that small stuff that's seemingly insignificant ends up being the stuff that really moves people and speaks to their heart rather than just to their mind. But in terms of your routine and stuff and what you're doing, Would it be found to be impactful from a content creation strategy standpoint? And then I'll kind of give you the last word to like everybody who's here. What, what's something you would recommend to people who are getting started creating content? There's a lot of people here and we're trying to figure it out trying to figure out what fits. What would you recommend based on sort of what you've experienced on what you found for somebody who's getting started?

Matt chambers: I think the thing that I'm finding that works for me is kind of the pain point of being stuck in that nine to five job and really just hating, hating Sunday. Nights on Monday mornings, living for Friday afternoons and really just trying to help educate people that there's something else out there that they can be doing that can replace that, you know, that grind? You know, I've always been one that I work a full time job and I don't mind working a full time job. But eventually I don't want to find that kind of thing. That ultimate side hustle that turns into a career. And again, I'm really trying to focus my business towards that and you know, the stay at home moms stay at home dads. You know the people that are slaving away, you know, at their eight to six, it's no longer night. And over the last two years, we're all been working at night from home, you know, answering emails at midnight, doing stuff that we normally wouldn't have done before. And I'm really trying to find that piece and as well as how can I help share that with others and really help people understand that there is something else out there.

Matt Heltzel: Man, that's so true. I even have, I mean, I even have friends who have worked at Office Depot. And over the pandemic Yeah, they find themselves working just weird hours. They have no ability to disconnect. My buddy who's freaking like the most would love to work from home all the time. He told me the other day was just like, Man, I don't like this anymore. Like I miss my people. I miss collaborating. This is stupid.

I think so many of us are like that, just striving to go back to an office and see other people. 

Matt Heltzel: Yeah, or just or you know, and that and also just to leave it all behind to it just like hey, I want to do my own thing or have a side income that I've got coming in. That doesn't make me so dependent on it. Alright, well Matt, you've got stuff to get to. I've got stuff to get to. Thank you so much for coming on. I really enjoyed it. I love watching people's journey throughout going on tick tock figuring out content. And that was really cool for me to be able to go through your TikTok channel and take a look at those and everybody else will too because I'll put up your handle and I'll let you get rolling.

Matt chambers: I appreciate it, thanks for having me.

Matt Heltzel: Totally. Guys. I'm going to put up his right here so Empower underscore your underscore future. You can find him on TikTok give him a follow and then you know what I usually tell people to do is go comment on a video and let him know Hey, I saw you on wakeup legendary Hey, I you know I was watching. Tell him one thing you took away from today's interview. He's got a run. He's got a meeting coming up. He's a busy dude. And I also have lots of meetings in the morning. So we're gonna hop off the back here tomorrow, same time, same place. 10am. Eastern. We're here Monday through Friday. Empower underscore your earnings for future and also if you are newer to our community, you can text WUL to (813)-296-8553. If you send the letters WUL. You can get a text message reminder, every single thing when we're going live. There'll be a little link to our Facebook you can literally just tap it. It'll send you right into Facebook and you can watch our lives. So again, if you want to follow that empower underscore your underscore future and we'll be back here again.

How To Massively Explode your Online Business

 Below is the transcription for this episode: 

Dave: What's going on my friends? This is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary and this morning we have a returning guest to the show who you may recognize because he's absolutely blowing up online. Without further ado, help me welcome Baron Ian McLaury to the show what's up my brother, welcome back.

Ian: What’s up Dave, appreciate you inviting me here again today, appreciate that.

Dave: Hey man listen, it's our pleasure and I'm excited to know you can catch up with you. You know you have two kinds of two first names, Baron and Ian. What do your friends call you?

Ian: Well the only reason I put Baron in there was that I was looking after some royal family there. That's not my first name. It's just a parent. That someone's passport. That's all that's about. So he is the name I said.

Dave: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't. I didn't understand that because of American naiveness I thought maybe Baron was your first name and Ian was your middle name or something.

Ian: No, the only reason I was looking after the royal family's photographs is that people know for a long time about one of the daughters of a party. And as you do as little children, they went to a party jumping around on a bouncy castle. And then she kind of swallowed her tongue. So like any person would do. You just look after the child. And then the child was fine. She had cyanosis but it was fine then went back to the parents and debriefed them and all that sort of thing. So we're up to their daughter, she is only six and then I came back a week later and they made me a parent some sort of night or something like that in the royal but so different in England but in another country with Africa.

Dave: Okay, okay. I understand it's sort of like getting knighted and then becoming like Sir Elton John. Okay. Understood. Understood. We're awesome. Awesome. He and Well, listen, man. We had you on the show. What was it about six months ago? Yeah. Something like that. Yeah. July times all run together here over the last year anyways, but man, you were in a you were in a you know, you had come out of a tough spot. You know, you had really dealt with and you were really honest. And it was that you were very vulnerable. It was very inspirational. You know, you talked about some of the depression that you dealt with and just you had an incredible story. I remember you talking about something about catching up with a child or daughter or something like that. I feel like it was just a great episode. And maybe you could just touch briefly on that. But what's happened over the last six months for you has been astounding. You had a month last month that I know of just in the money that I know that you earned in your business. It was astounding. It was staggering. It was money that most people make in a year. You know, it was the average income of most Americans in one year and that by no way, shape or form. Let's give a big income disclaimer. Ian's been absolutely crushing it that doesn't guarantee any income to anyone. But it has been incredible to watch. So why don't you give us a little bit of a backstory and then bring us to the present day.

Ian: Well, you know, when I first started, it was a long process because it's something new online marketing and affiliate marketing was quite a new thing. To me. And moving from the body guarding life to my new life as a granddad and kind of being at home with my little people. It was quite a transition for a new career. So, but I think by being vulnerable on my tip top, and I'm on Instagram, I think the key part about if anyone asks me What's the key part of my TikTok it would be going live I would say because anyone can put beautiful videos up on their TikTok and nice music and nice filters and stuff like that. But I think when you connect on a personal level, they see if your smiles reach your eyes and they can see you're a real person is quite an eye opener for a lot of people that you know, I've put up quite a few videos trying to stay consistent all the way through. And yeah, I've had some good hits on my site, but I've also been trying to do some split testing in the back of the funnel and stuff like that which has worked out pretty well. 

Dave: So had you ever done any sort of online marketing, affiliate marketing anything before you started learning with us and then getting started marketing?

Ian: No absolutely nothing online. No tech skills, nothing. I couldn't even buy a router from my home and I had to call up a tech support and even set it up. So it was something as basic as that. And when my family were saying to me, Doug, you need to put everything in your iCloud and you can download it and all that I was like well hang on, calm down farmers all my life.

Dave: Right? I mean, you know, I hear that too. And I'm thinking my first thought is, you know, let's come back down to earth I totally understand. So that was when did you get started in actually entering an intake of the 15 Day Online Business Builder challenge?

Ian: The first day of July this year.

Dave: Now this year. Amazing.

Ian: I remember the date because on the 17th of July of this year, I actually was in a quiet bad place as I mentioned, and writing notes to my family because I was in a bad place. A loser and a very broken man. I'll be honest with you so I know the dates pretty well. So when someone popped up on my TikTok on the for you page on the 18th Okay, I made a transition I thought okay, well, we'll give it a go because it's my last roll of the dice now. And I paid $7 for the 15 Day Challenge and then here we are. I didn't have any tech skills before I didn't know what was going on. I didn't know anything about affiliate marketing and didn't know how to funnel an autoresponder sequence. I didn't actually do anything at all. So that's how powerful that 15 Day Challenge is. It's an amazing thing to have. You know, anyone that's tuning in, sees that this is everything I talked about in my life all the time and all the details all come from that 15 Day Challenge. Amazing thing.

Dave: Just to be clear, and I want to circle back to this. I mean, essentially, rock bottom for you writing notes to your family. You were in a damn near suicidal state. I mean you were at the lowest of the lows and in I mean, depressed is an understatement. It sounds like.

Ian: Yeah, a bit of a bit of change. 

Dave: Yeah, I understand. But wow, what a turnaround story,

Ian: Just a little change because I let my family down a lot. And I'm sorry, but I didn't mean for everyone to tune in to see pain.

Ian: It's okay brother, okay. It's okay. This is appreciated. This is honesty and vulnerability. And I think this is why people connect with you so much because you're not afraid to show your heart.

It's just that when someone mentioned that you're rock bottom, and then you know it's there's nothing left. There's nothing left in the tank anymore. Everything has been chipped away at you your whole life, your whole existence and your purpose is just broken away. And all of a sudden someone pops up, well, is this going to be real? Then you put it all in. I'm all in with everything when it comes to Legendary and it's paid off. I get it for the brand and yourselves and it's given me a lease of life but it's also taken away my imposter syndrome. And it's also allowed me to have confidence and someone says, you know, doing a 15 day challenge is fantastic. You're going to learn all these skills to be an affiliate marketer, but it's actually bigger than that and also gives you the confidence to come out to talk to people and you know, just connect on a real level, rather than just do a course thank you very much. It's a course in the family.

Dave: Well, what makes this powerful is the sort of shares you know, these sort of stories like yours, we're lucky to have a community of go getters and we're able to feature somebody every day which is why I feel like we watch what makes us so special. And when people you know, bear their heart and soul like you do, like you've done like you're doing right now. You know, that's what makes it a lot more than money. And it just so happens that, you know, we're not just a community full of people who are saying, hey, it's more than money. I mean, you've actually had a financial transformation you've had you know, you've gone on to make life changing money at least in my eyes. How has that combined? How has the financial aspect combined with the personal transformation that you've gone through? How has that changed things for you over the last six months?

Ian: Well, when the 17th of July was here and I was in a bad place. I couldn't pay my phone bill. I was in such a bad place because you know, money is tight, living paycheck to paycheck, it's very difficult to get out of that dark place. And when your mind's telling you that you're never gonna make it. You might get into that place where yeah, you're right. And this is where I deserve to be for the rest of my days. So that's where I was at, but the financial transformation has been very life changing. I'm able to help my daughter, she's got Crohn's, so she's moved out now she's moved down to a place in Devon. So we helped her with a bit of things for her new home. But also, you know, just doing normal things like I went to Costco the other day and went in there for a chicken and all of a sudden came out with a couple $100 worth of stuff. And the transformation there is I was able to pay off my car for the first time in about a year. That's the pain. That's part of it. That's just life changing stuff. Yeah. Yeah, he's a powerful man. Good stuff. But I think the financial thing is coming in. And it's, as I say, it's bigger than the financial thing. It's actually the connection with people. People come into my lives and talk about their pain and their depression, that PTSD and my stories are difficult, but there's also other people that got life changing stories as well. They came into my live and there was someone for me that day that said to me do you mind if I be honest, your life is a joke. So he said, I've got PTSD and I said, why? And he says, I lost three wives. They all passed away in four years. And you know, people come in for real stories and they've got some real broken people that come in, and it's nice to chat to them and see where they're going with their lives and give them some help and tips and advice to move forward. Amazing. 

Dave: Yeah. Well, I think you've embodied the, the, the, the idea that you grow so much faster when you get into a place where you're helping others instead of always looking to be the one who's getting help. Not that we don't need, I mean, even me, I've been in a position for the last many years of helping others, getting to serve others or having the ability to mentor others. That doesn't mean that I still don't seek out support and help. But the piece that's helped me grow the part of my life in business that's helped me grow more than anything, is you know, when I turn my focus away from me for a moment, and get into somebody else's shoes, get into their life, get into what it's like to be them for a moment and see if I can give them a few words of inspiration, or just an ear or a couple words of encouragement, you know, or appointment section of something that was helpful for me. And I think this business model if we go back to even when I first got started, you know, I was just coming off of a similar place where you were, I was addicted to drugs and alcohol. I had a heroin addiction, an IV needle addiction, I was deep into the levels the bottoms had trapdoors, I kept going further and further. And when I got clean and in February of 2008, it wasn't you know, long after I started to kind of want to do things with my life because the fog started to settle just a little bit. And, I was trying to stay clean. I was trying to stay clean from a very powerful addiction. And this business model specifically allowed me to be able to get into service with others, and share my story, just exactly like you're talking about right now. And as a result of that, that is when I started to also succeed in making money. When I stopped being a victim you know, when I stopped always in only looking for what you could do for me and how you could help me in thinking and I know depression and in thinking poor me are not the same thing. They're very different. Depression is very real, and I don't want to minimize that. But I can often also get into a selfish poor me attitude. And when I get into service to others, and when I tried to add value to other people's lives, what it does is it gets me out of my own problems, in turn, allows me to serve other people. And my income is in direct proportion to the value that I bring to other people's lives in whether we know it, or not being of service to other people. Giving them encouragement, giving them inspiration in delivering value in the form of new skills or new opportunities is adding value to people's lives. And ironically, incomes go up and that is exactly what I see happening with you.

Ian: So when basically that I decided to go on, go on live and talk to a lot of people in the barebones about license and chat with them on a personal level. People come in and they want to talk about their lives and how they're changing stuff. But I get a lot of messages now. And I walk around my local town and people come up to me. They say, Hey, you and I said yeah, I am. You are motivational and I watched you in your lives because your motivation was like, Well, I started as an affiliate marketer, on the 17th of July, I wasn't going to be here. And now all of a sudden people are saying, Hey, you're such a motivational person that comes on the live and I actually tune in every day just to see your face. Just have a little pick me up. I'm like, Wow, I couldn’t even pick myself up in July, and now I'm picking other people up. How special is that?

Dave: Yeah, it's incredible. The most motivational people are the people who try who aren't trying to be motivational. And I think for those of you who are wondering, oh, well do I have to be some motivational speaker or I could never motivate others. The people who are the most inspirational and motivational to others are people who are not trying to be motivational. You know what I mean? And I think the people who are trying to be motivational speakers or even who are motivational speakers, most of the time, people look at them as corny. And they're not really that into, you know, so keep that in mind when you think about what we're talking about care. You got me now. I mean, it always, you know, it always I always will remember one time I was sitting in a hotel room in Toronto with my wife and I couldn't get the TV to work. And I thought, oh, you know, I was technically overwhelmed. You know what I mean? Because I also get technically overwhelmed. And I called down to the front desk, and I said, you know, can you send up maintenance or, and they said, oh, we'll send an engineer up right away. Oh, you know what I mean, they're gonna send an engineer, okay. The guy comes up, and he looks at the TV, and he unplugs it and plugs it back in and it was fixed. And I’m going oh God, you know? Sometimes the typical things we overlook it takes an engineer to come in and

tenure degree to do that. Sometimes, you know, people can't log on or whatever. And it's kind of like a widget, log off and log back on restart. The computer. Hard Reset reboot.

I need to do that with my brain.

Ian: Yeah. So well, you know, when you said that, you know, your addiction was different to depression. I don't know if it is actually I think we're all in a broken place. Sometimes we get a bit lost in our lives. And sometimes we get to challenging ourselves and thinking well, this is my future and this is where I'm supposed to be and you started challenging yourself as a person and your purpose. So I don't think your addictions are any different than depression. I'll be honest with you, I think, for pain, different degrees of anger.

Dave: Yeah, the feelings are the same. And that, I think, is one of the big psychological pieces that I learned about marketing. That was that the circumstance is irrelevant. The feelings are the same, just like you just said. So if I talk about being a construction worker, I had a drug addiction. You were a bodyguard struggling with depression before you started it, like it's the same pain as you say, so people can relate it to their lives. And when I hear people say, Well, I don't have a story or I don't have anything that I can talk about. It's like, you have struggled and suffered through so many things in your life. Are you still here? Did you survive? Did you maybe even thrive during those situations? Well, that's the kind of shit that great stories are made out of books are written about that movies are made about in the the art of marketing, which is something that I'm so fascinated by you the art of marketing is making, you know, complicated things simple and I'll never forget when I saw that video about the Apple video, when you had the apple on your finger, man. It was so that was the best like there's all these different ways that we teach things like hook story offer, and then the story, the hero's journey. You know what it was like. Hey, you know, we talked about, you know, catching people's attention with a hook and all this stuff. And then in May you just what you've done and I think something that's so powerful about your content, is that you make complicated ideas really simple and I just wondered how I mean, can you talk to us about how you come up with content ideas, and then how you execute them in a way that seems simple for you to do and also comes across simple is it? Take what you're doing or you pretty much I mean, talk to us about over the last six months how you've come to create content that is really engaging and takes complicated ideas and makes them simple.

Ian: Now I think that's a you know, TikTok is a great platform biggest platform in the world you know for for for traffic free, and the Instagrams very special, but I think that I don't take many takes I just normally do as I do a video, or maybe do 10, 15 videos a day. Just little things, just standing in different positions and then I'll add music. The killer part. People get into a TikTok straight away when they hear the first tune and they go oh, I love that song. Could be a romantic song. It could be a rock song. It could be anything but they get taken in by music. I love music myself. And then I put in a few words, but the words sometimes can trigger an emotion so people think you know it's like you turn around and say six months ago is broken. They go wow, this this because he's broken and so my so let's see how he did it. So I think people like to connect on a personal level with their videos. I tried to make some of them funny. I've got a few new funny ones coming. But also I think there's a bit of a switch at the moment. People want some more entertainment. And I think sometimes when I'm doing a transition at the moment, where people are entertaining, I'm trying to entertain them. But I also want to teach people you know, because a lot of comments I'm getting at the moment you know just in a day, I probably get maybe 450,000 messages in my demo TikToks And I can't respond to them all but the majority of the conversations are, can you show us never tell us you never show us? I do but people don't seem to want to go any further. Apart from watching the video they want videos of me explaining exactly the nuts and bolts but it's all in my profile. I just want people who don't seem to want to click on it all the time.

Dave: That's the nature of human beings they want to deliver to him on a silver platter. And that's the, you know, that's on us as marketers to move them along and give them as you know, as we call them lead magnets. You know, we have to, we have to, we have to you know, it's almost like kind of in the old cartoons where they would leave the pieces of cheese you know? Like keep following. You know, you have to you have to leave the crumbs you have to continue to put the the the cheese, carrot stick or whatever you want to call it you know value whatever you have to continue to place it in make it appealing enough to click when you click the link here's what you'll get, you know, and sometimes of course our videos guy go viral and we don't have a clear strong call to action and then we go dammit, I wish I would have put a more strong call to action in that in that video. But, but Okay, so you're seeing a trend right now where overall people are wanting to be more entertained or can you say more about that so I can understand a little bit more about what you mean. Yeah.

Ian: So people want to come in and they obviously see the video and that's the hook isn't it? Like a lot of people talk about but I think they want to be entertained a little bit. And then they want the nuts and bolts of it at the end. Okay, thanks very much. It's funny. I want to see you entertain me but anyway let's cut to the chase people So, basically what you're saying is they want it all. I say to people that they say Oh, I'm not sure about this. I saw that your videos are fantastic. I've seen it for 35 years. I'm still not sure. And, you know, if I'm going to do it, that's okay. Well, you know, it's like you go around their houses and knock on the doors and say, Look, I saw you in my life the other day and time to go, time to make the change. I'd love to be able to do that. But there's obviously just too many people that are procrastinating kills your dreams

you know? 

Dave: Yeah, this is funny. You're funny, man. Yeah, you're funny. You're funny. You're a funny guy, man. I'm glad that you know you decided to stick with us here and do this thing and become a part of our family here because boy you are you bring a lot of joy. I can't imagine I can see you know, I think when I think when you are honest and accept the places that you've been in except the depths that you've been in how much pain you've been in certain times in your life. And you're honest about that instead of trying to sweep it under the rug and instead of trying to act you know, like it's almost like I think we carry around a big bag of rocks. And when we're honest about it and when we begin to you know, when we begin to sort of share and get a lot of that inner shit out. What happens is we begin to kind of drop the bag of rocks that we've been carrying around and we become lighter you know, we become lighter. People we become funnier, we become happier, we become more joyful. And some of the funniest people in the world in some of the most joyful people in the world are people who have experienced deep pain you know, if you think about some comedians or some actors or some of our most, you know, beloved people, they they were funny and they were also experiencing deep pain or did experience deep pain at some points and in their life. And it said, Does it mean that you know if you're funny, you're going to end up dying or committing suicide or something like that. But what I invite all of you who are listening to do is to think about and answer this question, have you been through deep pain? Do you know what it's like? To really to really hurt to really suffer to really struggle? And if you do, are you still carrying around that bag of rocks that is weighing you down? And what if you let all that go and released that by beginning to talk about it or share about it? And I wonder, I wonder if you would all become light as a feather. And when you become light as a feather, because you've dropped that bag of rocks. I think that you would be amazed at how much you actually even like yourself, but also how much people will like you. And I think we're also afraid of a bit of rejection online. But what overwhelms that rejection are those negative hateful comments are the positive comments. So how has that positive feedback to you impacted or inspired you to create more content to even be more bold by becoming or thinking I'm going to entertain these people? 

Ian: Yeah, the thing is, always quite telling people straight by the train that you know we did a six day challenge gives you a lot more than just a training course to learn affiliate marketing and all the other things that go into it, but it gives you confidence. Okay, so before I started the training course on the 17th of July, before that, I wasn't able to go out, I couldn't go shopping, I couldn't go to the grocery store and I couldn't get in the car. I was absolutely useless in every way. And if I did go to the grocery store, I'd be walking around in this cloud of doom. I always go back to Charlie Brown when I was a little boy. I used to see Charlie Brown used to hang around with a boy and is covered in a mist to remember him.

Dave: Yeah, I think it was something like I think Linus was his brother. I was just reading the Charlie Brown book with my daughter the other day, but I know exactly who you're talking about.

Ian: So I will come to the grocery store or to the shopping mall or whatever I'm doing and people used to walk past me. I can say anything, but because I had this aura of darkness and pain, they could see it. So do the training course. And I became more confident and I saw things coming in like commissions are connected with somebody and fantastic, wonderful people. And then I went to the grocery store the other day still in the queue with my shopping like we do. And the lady came up to me says do you want to have such an open face and nice to see you today? I was like, I didn't know this lady. I didn't even know this lady at all. And I thought I just stood there for a second because we can take these things for granted when you're in a dark place. Sure. It was such a powerful thing for me and I did I'll be honest, I went in the car and sat in her law talk to myself because you know, things are changing in my life and people come up and say hey, so before they avoid me because I was just cloud of of darkness about and but when I'm connected with people on my lives, and obviously tick tock and email and all that sort of thing. People are reaching out and saying looking and I need just to can you be my mentor? Can you talk to me about my depression? Can we just talk just for a couple of minutes, have a coffee and that seems to transplant and then if I take the next step they see you know you are being positive and that's a seriously big thing being positive or didn't realize but nice that can actually finish off you know, mindset.

Dave: Yeah, well, I think here's the big hit that if everybody who's listening understands this, and I believe in you have understood this and and I feel like this was again when my business started to take a real shift as well was when I realized that I was not really in the business of of selling products, right selling training or selling lotions, potions and pills and all the other many things that I've tried. What I was in the business of doing was uplifting people. That was what I was in the business of doing and if you think about it every every I think people go to church, all across the world, not because that's where God is. I mean, if you're a believer in God, don't you believe that God is everywhere. God is not just hanging out in the church one day a week for one hour that day.

Ian: He's in the wake of Legendary right now.

Dave: Well, sure, and people go to church to have an uplifting message. They go to church to hear something inspiring, right? To fellowship for connection. And it's the same exact reason why people get involved in most things right? Because they feel more alive when they're doing that or they feel more inspired and attracted to whoever the leader is. And so, I mean, look at what I mean, there's been some dark examples of that to where people believed in something and then the leader turned, you know, evil like the Jim Jones thing. Were those optic right to remember that? Yeah. So knowing that I'm not in the business of selling a product. This is not even about really, like as much as people say, teach me the nuts and bolts. I would encourage you to not get into nuts and bolts on the videos because what people need is a kick in the ass in a poll on the heart, right? They need some inspiration. They need some motivation and they need to be spoken to from the heart to the heart. And they're looking for that uplifting message. Right? And I think for so many people who come in and just start kind of copycat marketing looking at what other people do and just trying to do the same thing and then they say I don't know why my videos aren't taken off. I don't know why my marketing is not taken up. Well, it's because people don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care. Yeah, let me say that again. They don't care how much you know. Until they know how much you care. Yeah. And if they believe that you care, you truly give a shit. You actually give a damn about their well being in the quality of their life. It doesn't matter whether you were recruiting them into an MLM, whether you are getting them started with a lemonade stand business, whether you are promoting affiliate marketing training, it really doesn't matter. If they believe in you, and they believe that you care, they are willing to follow you to the ends of the earth. Now it just so happens that I believe we teach the best business model that somebody can do. But I guarantee you that if you were promoting how to build a lemonade stand, and they knew how much you care, and they believed in you and they believed in the words and they felt energized and empowered when you were speaking, instead of being talked down to or controlled or demeaned, or all of the other things that we see so often in society that's when you that's when it clicks with them, that's when they'll follow you to the ends of the earth. And I think that your secret sauce and I just want everybody to understand that it doesn't. It's not about how much you know, it's about how much you care.

Ian: I mean, as I say, I didn't know anything before I started this journey. And you know, I'm quite honest with a lot of people that I don't know a lot of the nuts and bolts. All I know is the training course works and you implement everything they teach you. Invest in yourself a little bit by yourself a few extras while you're in your training course you can make a life changing difference. But the biggest thing is, you know, the personal connection with people. I want everyone to make it. There's enough money in this industry for every single person to make it in their lives. But you know, I can't pop around their house and take them out and say look, let's go we've got to go do it. You got to get it a little bit as well. But I'm here all the way along the journey. For these people. They want me to help. They want to come in and have a talk. I give them my mobile number. So they can give me a call or a text and say hey, listen, I saw you on your live the other day. Can you just give me some help? Because I need a push. Yeah, I can do that as well. But the personal thing is very special to me because everyone's very special on the TikToks coming in on this. Obviously all the Legendary family. But you know what's powerful about it is that 21 days ago, only 31,000 followers 21 days ago now over half a million people are coming in. So now for every single person that comes in, they're all friends. And it's not my TikTok, it's theirs so that's what ‘s important.

Dave: Yeah. Do you believe that? Someone really is one video away from completely blowing up their business?

Ian: I don't agree. Not. I don't think so. I think it's about longevity. And they see your turn up every day. They see you dedicated and I'm very dedicated to the legendary brand all the way and always will be because this is what saved me and this is why I'm here as a person, not as in a person just coming into work but actually as a human not not passing away. It's what I'm saying. And that's how powerful Legendary is for me. So I will talk about it all day long forever because this is what made me who I am today. But I do think that if you turn up every single day consistently, and you've got videos you're putting out and you go on the FYP all the time on the TikTok and they see wow, this guy's on my phone more than me. Wow. Check it out.

Dave: So you believe it's kind of like investing. It's better to focus on time in the market rather than timing the market. Right instead of looking for that one big hit you feel the better approach is not to focus on that at all. But just focus on being consistent in showing up every day. Okay, that makes a lot of sense. Talk to me a little bit about going live. Matt just sent me over your income with Legendary over the past 30 days. And I'm like, I'm freaking out because it's so extraordinary. And it's it's just I know what it's like to have a big month like that for like the first time online. And, you know, it's life changing. So I want to congratulate you on that.

Ian: You know, but I think that I think is, you know, I feel ashamed of myself in a way because, you know, I'm like a lot of people. We get stuck in a job that we've been doing for a long time. We've been in an employer for a long period of time, and you actually stand there doing anything that's my lot. And this is what I'm supposed to do because my dad and my granddad said, You've got to work for a company for 10, 20, 30, 40 years. They retire, sit on your porch with the corn on the cob, and that's the end of that. Nowadays, those things don't happen and losing my job was a blessing in a way and forced me into a situation where I had to. Well, I went downhill. But if I'd have not lost my job as a bodyguard for two years for those people, I would still be doing it now. Working 21 hour a day seven days a week living with the clients in their house. So you know, it kind of saved me on many levels. So being broken and losing everything is losing my money. But you know, I was earning $80,000 A month working 21 hour days, seven days a week living with people in their house. And never have I been home at all. I wasn't home for well for 20 years. I was only home for three Christmases and 20 years. That's how passionate I was about my industry. People are saying what's going on? Well, I work a few hours a day. I'm going to live for quite a few hours because I can relax at home. While making 14-15k A week. It's a ridiculous amount of money. And everyone can do it. Everyone can do it. It's just such a beautiful thing.

Dave: So talk to me a little bit about going live because it seems like for you some of the videos that have done really well that you've posted. It seems like going live has helped you convert a lot more of those views into sales. Do you believe that? Is that? I mean, is that why you're going to live? Talk to us about why you go live so often, and how you're able to do it. I think a lot of people have a fear of going live because they're like, Well, what would I talk about and I don't know anything or whatever. So how have you gone from just starting six months ago to you know, being able to talk on a live go live? And again, why do you go live so often? Tell us a little bit about your thought process in that strategy.

Ian: I do believe that people like to connect with someone. As I say people can put videos up all day 6, 7, 20, 30 videos a day and go okay, they're a bit of the same, but, you know, it's a bit of entertainment in there. You might pop your cat in there for a bit of fun, but it's not until you become live when you connect with people on a real level and they see your emotions the way you speak. It's like I'm new here right now. We could be sitting in a coffee shop, having a coffee together, looking across the table to each other, having a talk and I think people want to feel that connection with people, especially when they're going to part with their money and change with their lives. They want to see that person's real person. They're talking properly. I think that's the key thing. I think connection and the lives I go long lives long time because obviously people come and go, some people come and see me in the morning and and in the afternoon. They can't make it all depend, but I like to get everyone to come in to see their lives throughout the day and get the message I'm hoping someone will pop in on my life. In the two or three hours I go live. We talk about PTSD, depression, my mum's dementia or my daughter my daughter's Crohn's or you know, passive income, or TikTok or whatever you talk about anything in that life is just about I'm not just here to talk about money, because I believe that money, people love to have money and it's fantastic to have. But, you know, in my opinion, money doesn't make you happy. It gives you options in life. And when you have options  you become free when you're free what are you as a person? Just a better kind of person to yourself and also other people around the thing?

Dave: So do you feel more comfortable now that you're doing lives and have been doing them for some time versus when you first got started?

Ian: Yeah, because when I first started high imposter syndrome, and my mind was telling me a dark place you can't do it. No one's listening to you. You're an old man now. No one wants to see an old man on the ticket dogs. That old all of a sudden, you know your brain is telling you you can't do it. It's like a lot of things in life as you know, you can talk yourself out of it very fast. And if you get your mind set up and all of a sudden, it is difficult at the start because you're not talking to anybody. And then the odd person will come in. I do have to switch off. Sometimes some of the comments come in at the moment and very difficult and like any industry will get haters popping in to say a couple of two pounds worth or two cents worse, whatever it is, but you have to block that out and that's what I've got some moderators in there now because it's getting a bit bigger than it used to be.

Dave: Yeah, like you're speaking real talk. Like you're, you know, you're sitting on the live. There's nobody. There's zero viewers right and then one person pops in and says some hateful shit, how did you get through that you know cuz that is difficult shit?

Ian: This one guy came on and says oh Colonel Sanders is in the house. But that's the first thing I got. But you know, this life, isn't it not everyone that claps is your friend. Right? Right. 

Dave: Some of your biggest supporters would be the first one to stab you in the back.

Ian: Yeah. Over the last couple of months it has been difficult, but what can you do when you see things when you're low and you're broken? People are there to help you put your arm around you. And then you progress to a level. They're like, wow, this is cool. I'm really pleased for you and then you do a bit better. It's like oh, maybe a bit different. Like, don't you go growing too fast on me.


Dave: Yeah, that's funny. That's funny. That's hard. That's a hard thing about life. I've had to deal with that on some levels. Yeah, maybe it's more my head than anything. I don't know. But I think a lot of people go through it though, Dave. I think a lot of people feel that sometimes. No walks of life. You know, you could be a millionaire trillionaire around this world. They're all the same. They'll go through the same pain and they all have the same difficulties hence why I was in an industry for 20 years looking after people that had you know threats in their lives. You don't hire a bodyguard unless you've got some sort of threat going on. 

Dave: Well man wow. I mean, this is good shit. It really is. It's real. I'm just what is your message for people who are you know, just getting started and who are dealing with some of the stuff that we're talking about, you know, the and I've told my story of, you know, 100 times on here people are probably tired of hearing it but about you know, when so, you know, with that said, let me tell it again. That's really what this is all about. Right? It's to tell the same story until it finally clicks for people. And at the end of the day, you really the only thing that you have is your own story. You know what I mean? And, and, you know, when people think about me, they don't they don't remember some training that I did, you know, eight years ago that was so fantastic. It was like, you know, the slides and the you know, the detail of, you know, in the Facebook ads, nobody remembers that they remember the whole that's that dude who was a junkie who worked construction and then you know, changed his life and became an online marketing millionaire. You know what I mean? Like, they don't they don't remember

the freaking you know, the Facebook post that was so in depth that gave the organic marketing

strategy they don't they don't remember that. They remember the story in the heart, in the feelings in the images of what your life was like, where you came from, and then where you got to. they don't remember the training course, they don't remember all the ads. They don't remember all the things that's happened in their lives, but they all always will remember how it made them feel. 

Ian: That's what I feel. They'll remember the experience of how it made them feel at that point. reminds them of the situation they're in. So you know, if I was going to give anyone advice on here that's looking to start their affiliate marketing journey with Legendary or you know, there'd be days where you will wake up one morning evening, why I can't think of anything I can't think of content. I'm not sure what I'm going to do if you get a bit of fog, you know, just sit down and have a think about what would you like to see, what message would you like to see? And if you'd become open and free and just let it flow with some nice music. I think that you know, it will come but you know, there'll be days I didn't. I didn't receive any commissions for the first four weeks. And that was a difficult part because we all like to put time into a training course and see some reward. We'd like children in some ways. You know, your dad came in, did this coloring for you, dad, oh, good boy, or good son, whatever you're doing, I think is the same if you do a 15 day training course and dedicate yourself to it and implement everything they teach you on the course. But you want to see results, but you have to be patient. Patience is key, I think in this industry. And if I can become an affiliate marketer for patients, I think we will be having this live on

Dave: Well, I don't know how many people would buy that though. You know? It's, you know, it's if you're willing to do the opposite of what everybody else is doing. You know, I think that's how to win in anything. And that's why I always talk about outlasting people because the majority of people won't stick with something. The majority of people and I hear this all the time. It's like people you know from affiliates. My customers are not starving the challenge. They're not finished. Well, welcome to humanity. You know what I mean? Where people buy shit and don't finish it, where people buy a gym membership and never even go to the gym, where people look at their credit card bill. And look at all the subscriptions and all the kind of stuff that they had that they signed up for that they never used and they're like, holy shit, no wonder I'm broke. I'm paying for all this stuff I'm not using anymore, who cannot relate to that? Right? So for us as business owners, there's a lot to be said about outlasting people about just sticking it and that's one of the reasons it sounds so simple, but we have something like every single person who comes on the show is always like consistency. Stick with it. Be You know, like you said today show up every day. Don't just look for the one hit wonder right show up every day and be in it for the long term. It's why people say that over and over again because it's true and it's based on their experience. And so if you're somebody who's been looking for the one hit you know, for the one hit wonder for the magical trick for the secret commission button, and you've been buying course after course or following guru after guru, you know, put down your, you know, put down just basically you're beating yourself up you're put down the stick, you know, in with something for a little while and give it an honest effort. You know, an honest effort to me is nine to 12 months, you know what I mean? Give yourself some time, give big fish and even if you don't get it in the bow. It's that big hit that brings you back. It's just like golfing. You know I I can shoot 18 holes and have one good shot the entire day. And it's like, I mean, I'm onto something here, you know, but the rest of the day sucked. But it's that we won you know, you got to give your time to have given yourself some wins. And they will they will keep you coming back and

Ian: I do think that's a key thing. People get too fixated on their TikToks and the video views and things like that. And I think my secret at the time was just to put videos out of what I felt passionate about and what I liked and the message I wanted to put out and just put it out. I didn't care what times I put it out. I didn't care what time of day I watched my video or whatever you know people will tell you you need to put out this time you need to do this. This time you need to put one every hour you need to do six you need to do four doesn't matter just put out and if you get 10 views, who cares? He was put out, don't care about just putting it out. Someone will click on that, someone will see your message and someone will be desperate to see your message somewhere along the line somewhere just to put it out. And don't Don't Don't worry about all that.

Dave: I totally agree with that. I have a dirty little secret in the last you know decade of doing this. You know I could have made way more money or whatever if I was an analytics nerd and you know I Follow the latest and greatest. You know what's hard and oh go over here and do this or try to time things like you say and I hear people say ask this question all the time. When's the best time to post on social media? As if you post your shitty content at 5pm versus you know, 4pm it's gonna make a big difference. If your shit sucks, it sucks. You know what I mean? If it's just robotic, it's gonna suck at first. That's the thing that sucked at first. You're sucked at first. We all suck that first. Just anything that you do at the beginning, you're going to suck. But if you keep doing it, you keep practicing and get better. And it doesn't matter whether you put it out at 4pm or 5pm. It doesn't matter if it's good stuff. People are going to eat it up.

Ian: Yeah, people will forget sometimes they say okay, I live in the USA, or I live in Canada. So I'll post my videos when everyone's sitting down afterward that come back from the freeway. I've done the grocery shopping in the city at seven, eight o'clock at night. But what about people in Japan? What about people in Europe? We've got people in New Zealand, they're having breakfast, they're doing their thing. It's a worldwide global industry on ticky tock and people can actually connect any single time from around the world. So if you're posting videos at seven, eight o'clock at night, Eastern Standard Time, then it's six o'clock in the morning in Sydney, but you know, it doesn't matter. Put it out. Just get it up. Yeah.

Dave: My brother, listen, I appreciate your time. Congrats on your momentum that you have going on right now. Don't stop, just keep doing what you're doing. Keep spreading this message that you have that's so powerful and I want to tell you I want to validate you that it is so powerful the way that you open your heart and you wear your heart on your sleeve and in you people can tell that you care. And they don't. I don't think people even care how much you know you know what I mean? Like if you're the first to admit that I'm not you know, I think that's a lot of I think that's really valuable. And it's a great strategy to be like, Look, I am not a tech genius. I'm not you know, there's a lot of stuff I don't understand. I just know it works. So go check it out. I mean, that's the essence of a good affiliate marketer. You're not positioning yourself as the expert. You're simply saying look, I can do this. I've done this. And I don't, I just got started. I am new. I don't know a lot about the nuts and bolts but it works. So go check it out. When you start to try to be the expert when you're doing affiliate marketing, you take the attention off of the product that you're promoting and you bring it on to yourself and it messes up the flow of the affiliate marketing process. You know because you are recommending you are promoting something when the focus is on that. It's not on you and the greatest affiliate marketers in the world are the experts because that's not how you position yourself as an affiliate. you position yourself as look. I mean, I've learned a lot. I'm better than I was at the beginning. But I don't know most of all of this stuff like it's all new and I don't quite frankly want to learn it. I just know that I learned how to set it up. And I don't want that anymore and I focus on X, Y and Z which is marketing right not dilly dallying around with Bing. I'm not we're not learning how to be a software engineer here. We're not learning how to code websites for God's sake. You know, we set up a few pieces of software and then we focus on marketing and promoting and basically just talking in a leveraged way using these platforms that, you know, turns one view into 100 views into 100,000 views. And it's actually pretty simple that you've mastered that. Ian, you've mastered that. And what I find what I find is that when people start when they have success, and then if they start to kind of level out or whatever, it's where they know they learn too much. And when they get there they lose touch with that newbie language and that newbie message, right? So there's a challenge of learning too much. There's a challenge of speaking over people's heads that as you learn more, you get to speak in a more complicated language. So even as you continue to learn more, it's really important that we all focus on speaking plainly to people speaking in a language that they understand and not speaking over their head and I think you do that powerfully. And I think it's important for us to understand what works for us, because it's not just dumb luck. You know, you are speaking plainly and simply from the heart and it's touching people and it's reaching people, and it's moving them in the direction that you're pointing them towards.

Ian: People seem to always be over analyzing things over analyzing the video over analyzing timings. It gets very complicated and don't overthink it. You know, sometimes the basics and the 15 day training is enough. It is enough. I'm telling you it is enough for people to change their lives. You don't have to have or what if it doesn't do this? What does it plateau? What we're gonna do, it works, you don't have to have shiny object syndrome. You don't have to go to the next quick fix because you think it is quick, just stay the course for longevity. People will come if you stay consistent and turn up every day and they will come and visit you and then when they visit you they see you as a real person. You connect them. They'll come with you as you say anywhere you want to go to very special people.

Dave: Well said my friend, well we've got your link up, people can connect with you, support you lift you up, continue to you know support you and your mission and your journey and the value that you're bringing and I know you'll continue to you and support back so thanks brother so much. Thanks for your time today. And I'll talk to you really soon

Ian: Very kind Dave. I appreciate everybody at the legendary team and Max and all the Roxy are great people and very kind. And thank you for my friend by the way.

Dave: You're welcome my friend. Keep up the great work, buddy. Thank you, my friend. You can see why he's somebody who you would definitely want to have in your family in your network. So go and connect with him and learn and watch and see and model, you know, model what works in this would be a conversation that would be worth listening to again, because there were some nuggets that were dropped here. Mostly around simplicity and the power of speaking from the heart the power of speaking in plain language the power of not over speaking or confusing people with things keeping your language simple keeping your message simple, and keeping your message mostly about your inspiration and speaking honestly about real topics that people are you heard he was talking about, hey, what are my life? Well, my mother's dementia, my depression in near suicide, my daughter's Crohn's disease, and not about the specifics of those things about the difficulty the emotion How am I managing that? Because people also say, Oh, I'm going through something similar. And wow, he's even dealing with this and he's also building his business and he seems to be somebody who's finding happiness out of all these difficult things. That's real life shit. That people get value from those sorts of honest conversations. And so if you're looking for a topic, you're looking for things to talk about, you're looking for things to go live about. You know, Don't over analyze it and don't try to speak about things that you don't know about. Talk about things that are relevant in your life and ask yourself can people relate to this and make it relatable to them? You'll find yourself starting to connect with a lot more people and be a lot more influential. Alright, with that being said, my friends, I will connect back with you. We will connect back with you tomorrow. As always, give him a follow, send him some love for a lot of value today and we'll see you guys back here tomorrow for another episode. Peace.

How To Make your First big Commission As A Single Father Working A Full Time job

 Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: What's going on everybody? Happy Monday. Good to see you. It's November. We are live. It is 100% live. I just got my text message that notifies me that we are going live. And yeah, welcome in. If you're here and tuning in with us, let us know where you're tuning in from. I love seeing all the different places around the world that people are tuning in and love this morning as we enroll in we've got an awesome guest I believe up from the north east in PA. Man he's got a lot on his plate. He's working hard. And I'm excited about his journey coming online and his story and that's what these that's what these episodes are all about is that you know this weekend I wrote a little wrote a little recap basically of our last week in Wake Up Legendary and, you know, it was lawyers, doctors, bartenders, engineers, plumbers, like all sorts of people from all sorts of different backgrounds that are coming online and discovering this and it's not exclusive to a certain few people anymore. It's anybody. Anybody with a laptop and a cell phone. So we're gonna welcome the guy, the man, the feature from today. Jeffrey, what's up dude? 

Jeff: Matt, how are you? 

Matt: I'm good. I'm doing well. How are you? 

Jeff: Good, good. 

Matt: Awesome. Well, I was just kind of reading a little bit about you in the little questionnaire and stuff. And I just, you know, I want to put it in your court and just tell us a little bit about you, man. I mean, tell us about you and your journey. You found us in August. I think that you have done maybe some things like dropshipping or something like that E-commerce something before us. So take us back all the way back to your first little you know, search online. What do you do for a job? Take us into your world? 

Jeff: Well, right now I drive a tractor trailer for a local company. I'm home every day besides one night. I'm out of town one night. And it's just 60 hours a week. It's just becoming too much. I don't have time when I get home to really do anything I want. Because by the time I get home, it's time to go to bed to get up to get ready for the next morning. And then on top of that I have a three year old son. He's a handful but he's also my little buddy. So I'm not at work spending time with him. I don't really get to go out much anymore. And I just wanted to do something where I could have more time for myself and more time for my family, my friends, and even my son. So I started looking around and I got into that Amazon FBA. I didn't really know what I was doing. The training wasn't really. I don't know if I just didn't look into it enough. It lasted maybe a week or two weeks at most. And then I gave up on that. So then I just kept working, doing what I was doing and I started getting set up with it even more. So I got on TikTok scrolling through TikTok and I came across Eric Forener. Yeah, I just came across his videos and I was like, You know what, I'll give this a shot. I'll go through his link to see what I can figure out. See if it's something really for me. So I did. I got into it. started looking more into it. And I was like, Well, I really you know, this is actually a lot more detailed than what Amazon was. So I'm going to get a hold of Eric and see if he can help me figure out where to get started. So I did. Great guy, great mentor. One of the nicest guys I've ever met. And he just helped me get to where I'm at. The community for Legendary is phenomenal. The training and the education is mind blowing. Like I never thought I was gonna learn as much as I did. But I did and I don't regret it. Do not regret it for one second. 

Matt: That's cool. That's awesome. It is one of the things people come online and they come on to the show, rather and that's one thing they always say is you know the community man just as so. It's crazy. So, I love that and also another thing that a lot of people tend to mention is is

the whole ECOM thing ecommerce dropshipping all that stuff. They're just it's like, Dude, everybody tries that and then they realize, I don't have to buy all this product. I'm gonna have to try to figure this out, like figure out logistics and shipping and all this stuff. And it becomes a total nightmare. Not saying that you can't make that business model work but man. Is it tough for a total newbie and beginner to break into so you have found a way to come online, get some early traction, just figure the thing out, which I think is really important. Just find it and you even cut you even got your dude right here. He's on the show. You know you've even got a little bit of results too quickly and right away, which I also find is really powerful as well. Although there you go dial in the lights back a little bit, trying to find a window right in front of me. So you've even found a way to get a little bit of results right away, which I think kind of helps to just prove the concept. You know what I mean? Like, help kind of like okay, I I see the sales coming in. I see the leads and sales coming in and this helps me a little bit believe in the business model, especially when you're not dropping a bunch of money on paid ads. paid traffic. You're creating content that's generating that for free. Right, just cool. And so you came online you started creating content. How did that go? What was that like? Did you enjoy it? Did you hate it? Was it a struggle? 

Jeff: It was a struggle at first. Just really figuring out tic toc. That's my main platform, figuring out how to make videos. That was really the struggle. Not knowing really what you know what to do, how to make content but each video I made the easier God because I got more practice at it. So it just kind of became almost second nature after so long and it just became easy. My biggest struggle was just content, figuring out what kind of content to make, how to do it, how long the video should be knowing if it was going to work or not. Worrying about views like oh, if this video didn't get a lot of views, what do I do? Was it a good video was it not? But that's something that after a little bit you didn't really worry about. I wasn't really worried about the viewers. I was just more worried about getting content out there for my followers to see and to learn to show them that they can do the same thing that I'm doing and take control of their life and just be able to live a better life in the end. As long as they work, consistency is key. That's for sure. As long as you stay consistent, everything will come. 

Matt: Yeah, it makes sense. When you say consistent, what um, what do you mean? Um, so if you make a plan to say I'm going to make three to five videos, good videos a day. Stick with that. I mean, I slacked off a couple times. And it kind of shows when you do but as long as you stay consistent as long as you stay with those three videos a day and keep that going, your results will come. Results will come. Yeah, don't give up. Yeah, right. Yes. What um, what for you was the content creation piece, just something that you talked through with Eric and our community and people like that or how did you get ideas or like you know, you starting out day one?

Jeff: I get this question all the time. He started on day one, like what am I supposed to post like, I don't know what to post. A bunch of different people, a bunch of different people doing the same thing. It was one of them. Sully was worth another. I talked to him a couple times. I talked to a couple other TikTokers like where do you get your ideas? You know, how do you do this? Then I just kind of took all those ideas that everybody gave me and kind of just started putting stuff together. And then once I got that I was like I know what to do now. And if I ever ran out of ideas, Eric was the first person I went to. He was always there, always answering phone calls, messages. He was right there next to me the entire time. And it was crazy. I couldn't recall. I can't thank him enough for everything he's done for me. 

Matt: Yeah, awesome, man. That's really really cool. And part of your journey, part of your process you came through our challenge. I think it might be wrong, but I think you purchased our Blueprints. How is going through those blueprints? And form your bigger picture of the business, have the entire business model and everything like that. 

Jeff: Those blueprints went into way more detail. It just literally gave you everything. Like everything you needed to get up and running. More than what's more than what the challenge so those blueprints definitely helped out a lot more. 

Matt: You just took the challenge to more depth in more detail. Yeah, that's nice. What? So in your experience you're sort of Alright, you're only dude you're only like August September October November three months it not even. That's pretty crazy, like a lot of business owners to turn around any sort of money or start generating sales or revenue from the time you make a business plan to actually launch a business and buy all your equipment and get everything in order like it usually takes a really long time? 

Jeff: Well, I already had a PC. Me and my friends are actually into PC gaming and stuff. So we already had a PC built and everything so I already had that aspect. It's just getting like the education and the training and the stuff that I needed to get started and finding out where to start but once I got a hold of Eric, and once he and I started talking and stuff it just took off. It started getting easier and easier each day. 

Matt: Nice cool. Did you feel like you had an internal game then for you? Do you feel like you've had any internal blocks or internal struggles or or like difficulties or self doubt or anything?

Jeff: At first yeah. Definitely I know the kind of motivation. Well, I want to say motivation was a big thing, but it wasn't at the same time. Because it's just when you don't know what to do, if you don't know what to do, you kind of lose motivation on it. But as long as you, even if you start doubting if I am stuck with it, keep doing it, even if I did have a couple thoughts like this isn't gonna work. This isn't it's not going to work out. I kept doing what I was doing. And then I started seeing more results and it kind of lifted me up a little bit more. I did have some stuff at home that I had to figure out about a month ago. So I kind of took a little bit of time away, but started getting back into it. And I'm glad I did. Everybody Eric even told me he's like I miss talking to you. Miss seeing you online and stuff. And so what feels good to start getting back into and start getting back to it. I definitely missed it. And now I'm ready to rock and roll even more than I was before. 

Matt: Nice. I like it. Yeah, I feel like a little side benefit of having people around who just you know will shoot you a message or just be like in your around like hanging out like a lot of people did. They'll buy something from us like buy some, they'll buy any courses. This truth will go back all the way to when I started online like they'll buy some sort of product or service online. And they'll literally do nothing with it. Like not a majority of people but a lot of people like a very high percentage of people and they'll literally purchase they will do zero with it. Not one thing. They won't log in, they'll delete the email that gave them their logins and they'll do nothing and they won't hear from anybody. They will chat with anybody. They'll never, it's just like yeah, I think I bought some course. I don't know, five months ago I never did anything with it. And I do think that one thing, I think that one thing that's really unique about like this particular industry, this space and even really like our company in general, although I always make it clear like, you know, the effort that somebody like Eric or somebody like Brian or somebody like we've got lots of affiliates who were really helpful. The effort they gave I don't take credit for but because they do a lot and I'm really thankful for that. But it is really unique that in the course of over the last five years creating this community or at least creating the space for this community to exist. Lots of people have purchased and kind of you know, took a break for a month or something right, forgot about it or had something come up and they get these you know, just like kind messages not scammy or you know spam sales or anything like that. It's more just like, hey, we're Yeah, like what's going on? And it's like it's a totally different experience when you feel like you have buddies that are like texting you you know or messaging you on Facebook or something like hey, what's going on man? You know, like a round like what? I find what it does is it's another piece that sort of cements this online space into your identity. It makes it a part of who you are, rather than this tiny little 1% of who you are makes it you know, with 30% of who you are right or 50% and now it's like wow, this is actually a part of my life, rather than just sort of a smaller. It's like a side piece. You know, it's like it's actually a big core thing to who you are so that's really cool. 

Jeff: Yeah, yeah. It was kind of like, really refreshing in a way when Eric started messaging me. He started getting concerned. He was like, Where have you been, you know, Messina online? And I was like, wow, I really you know, like it's just that that's the kind of stuff that gives you positivity and makes you want to go even harder at it. When you see someone in this space because they don't, nobody in this space has to care about you. You know they can, they don't have to be concerned about you or anything but when you see people that reach out to you from the online space, and they just want to make sure you're okay. It's just like you said, it's just different. It's different from your family and friends that you see everyday. Upset messaging you saying? Yeah, it's just hard to explain what it is about. It's just different. It's more representative. 

Matt: Yeah, it taps into human psychology. It taps into how we're wired to exist and be together and stuff like that. That's right, deeper. Wow, that's so deep. Yeah. Craig just said it turns it into a reality rather than just a fake thing. Yeah. Yeah, it is interesting. And it's kind of the same thing. To a smaller degree. It's the same thing that happened to me in 2011 when I was just starting, and it was a side thing for me. I was Moonlighting. I had a full time job much like you're doing. I had a full time job but I was doing my business on the side. I'd wake up at 4am, work for two hours, go to my job, come home, literally pass out on the floor. Not because of drugs or like alcohol or anything. I was just so exhausted. And then and then I would like to take a nap for a couple of hours and then get right back to it. And I would keep going and keep going and keep going. And then it was this side thing all the time. It felt like it was just me out there. And what I did is I went to this live event down in Orlando. It was called living the dream. And it's an event from another company in this space. They've been around for a long time. And I remember flying down there and this is actually the first time Dave and I's paths crossed. I didn't know him. I didn't meet him there. But we were at the same event and he launched one of his huge companies at that event. And, and for me though, there were three young kids, three young guys about my age. We spent we spent much of the weekend together but we spent a good amount of time just smoking cigars at Disney out on this little patio and

and I met a lot of people that I had heard of online and I met them and I and it cemented that it did that thing that you were talking about where it's this different thing because I'm messaging people and we have accountability. And I met them online. But then I met them in person and my commitment, my sort of level of buy in went from like 10% 20% to like 80% like then no, this is actually more of me than this nine to five thing that I'm doing. This is more of me now. And that shift was really huge. 

Jeff: Yeah, and I think I think part of it is because when you meet those people from the online space, you realize that I guess it's more of like a reassurance that it's real, that it's not because it's so hard to believe stuff online nowadays, because it's just it's hard to trust people. But when you talk to someone online for so long and you start learning more about them, and then like you do when you meet them in person, it's just a reassurance that it's actually real. And I think it's like subconsciously in the back of your mind you share the same hobbies or however you want to say it and you just connect with them better than you do like some of your family because you don't always share common things with your family members and stuff. But when you meet these people online that you share, like you have common goals or you have common likes and dislikes. It's just different. You connect with them in a different way than you normally do with other people. 

Matt: Yep, completely agree with that. That is so massive. And finding those and this all sounds you know, a lot of people are like well hey, tell us how to post me on tick tock in and the truth of the matter. The reason I do that a lot actually I do explain how to post videos on tick tock I do explain how to go viral on TikTok but a big piece of why I talked so much about this why Dave and I spend so much time talking about this piece of identity and connecting the whole entrepreneur is because I literally watch and coach and help people on zoom all the time. Whoever creates viral videos have a little moment of blip. $5,000, $10,000, $50,000 and then they just disappear. And I'm like, like, You're doing so well. Like you just hit 10 grand like, where did you go? And it's because this little side thing was just this little side thing for them and the moment they hit any friction the moment they hit any hardship, guess what gets cut out. It's the little side stuff, right? They go back to their job. They convince themselves it was just a little luck and poof, they're gone. Right. And, and for most people, the more that this gets hammered in, it's a piece of who I am now I'm in marketer, right? The moment somebody says I'm a marketer it is a real difference maker. A lot of times people introduce themselves in terms of what their nine to five is which there's nothing wrong with that. We have people who have made do we have had people who have made I'm not kidding you a million dollars as an affiliate with us while they had a job, full time in the military. That's crazy. And he's like, Dude, I like my job. I came home after my job and I spent two hours making YouTube videos and editing them and posting and I do it every single day. But I like what I do. And he realized that this piece has to eventually quit his job. But he realized it had to become a deep, internalized piece of him. And as long as it was externalized it would never become a priority and became internalized. It became the priority. The single priority is building that and it's just cool to hear you know yet another story about how somebody is connected to somebody in our community. And it's and it's changing, even just changing who they are. Right. It's creating these internal shifts, just through relationships. 

Jeff: That's so cool. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, when I first started I was gonna be I didn't really know what I wanted to do with it. I mean, I definitely wanted to

find something to replace my normal job. But I wasn't sure where to start. And then after I started doing it for so long, I was like I really like doing this, like this is what I like to do. And I just like to say I fell in love with it, but I don't want to make it sound weird. But yeah, I just enjoyed it. I enjoyed that. Sure. I enjoy talking to people like Eric. I enjoyed watching all the lives and talking to everybody else on tick tock Cocteau, finding out we all have the same common goals and we all have the same interests. And it just became a bigger part of who I am and what I like to do and I never thought in a million years that this is something I would enjoy doing. Yeah, totally. Yeah, that's Wow, that's so fascinating. I have so many similar experiences to everything that you're saying. It's yeah, it's just really funny. 

Matt: Yeah. Anyway, I don't need to get any of my first video as I was delaying and delaying and delaying shooting a video. It was kind of funny. It was like 2011 or 2012. We just moved from Chicago to Denver, and I was 22. And so like I was just at a college I didn't even really understand like the internet marketing industry. I was like, I was just like, Yeah, I'm just gonna read a bunch of books. I bought some cigars, and I would sit outside our apartment, and I would smoke a cigar and I read my books about how I was going to get rich, but I wasn't doing anything. I didn't like posting gods. I didn't like blogging. I wasn't really doing anything. I just thought that at some point. is magical, like a money machine would start printing money for me and are out attracted into the universe, right. And so I got into this launch of a company. They were launching a new product, sometimes companies just don't exist for a long time. They just launched as a new company. And that's like, it's that's it, it's over after that. And so, as part of it, they did a huge video contest. And it was like you submit your video they would embed it on a page and then people would like to get more like Facebook traction. So they embedded a Facebook like under it and you would hit like based on which one you'd like. So I participated and I ended up winning an award but it was the first video I ever did and I probably shot it like I think I took like eight hours to get the right shot. I was actually biking down the road and I just remember this day because I ended up messaging a bunch of people to go like my video that I would never message. I would never probably tell people that I was doing some weird online scam thing. You know, like it's the kind of thing where people are just like really like what the hell's wrong with you? But I just started doing it. It was kind of the moment where I was like, I wanted it more than I wanted people to like me or care about my reputation and I just wanted it really bad. And you know I like some random award for video, whatever. But what I did throughout that process is I build relationships with people who are also doing it. And I probably like I don't know if I destroyed any relationships, but what I did was I sort of weeded out the people who were like, Dude, this is weird. Never messaged me again. I was like, Cool, no problem. It's going to be a part of who my identity is for the rest of time. So like, that's fine. I am sorry about it. I won't do it anymore. But then the people who are like, Hey, this is cool. Like what are you doing? You know, not even for me to like getting a sale from them or anything but mostly just like dude, I like that you're doing your own thing like this is cool, like, good for you like I'd never would have imagined you'd get on video you're so introverted. And slowly like I started to build that level of confidence to create more content started to get embedded in me anyway. I just whatever you said before that made me think of that moment and it's just funny how we start stepping out of our comfort zone in little ways. Start creating content and how all of those things that relationships, making a little money generate leads, you know, getting that firstly that getting that first night ticket sale, right? All the things they sort of build this identity and start to craft who you are and I can see what I can hear that like I've heard you explain that today. Like I can hear that identity piecing together and kind of coming together and that's really cool to see.

Jeff: Yeah, and if you want a like that, parts of that identity that you're figuring out, you might not have even known that that was going to be a part of you until it came to light. Like that's what happened to me like I had no idea that I was going to enjoy this as much as I actually do. Until I started doing it the more I did it the more I was like I really liked this. This is awesome. This is cool. It's fun to come into a space and it's so hard to find that nowadays where you come into a space where there's such a community that everybody wants you to succeed. Like nobody, no one is an enemy with each other, especially this community. Everyone wants you to succeed. They'll do whatever they can to help you to get you through your struggles and your blocks and whatever it is you need help with. Everyone will. I'm not saying that they'll drop what they're doing, but some of them will, some people will drop what they're doing to help you get through. Because the best part about that community is that you all share the same interests. Everyone was where you are at one point or another so they know what it's like to struggle at that exact point. So when they see you struggling with what they struggled with, they're like I'm going to help him. I'm going to help him or her get through it so they can keep going. Yes, it's the best feeling ever when someone just drops it and comes and helps you you didn't even expect it. Matt: Yeah, so my God, there's so many good nuggets in there. It's so true. Everything is because what that reminded me of or made me think of, is that a lot of times in, in work like if you're at a nine to five or you're at a job or something. People are competing against each other for promotions, like people actually, they're like sometimes sabotaging you or like trying to figure out a way to like, take you down, right or like one up the sky. 

Jeff: Yeah. And I think that's part of the problem with nine to five jobs now. That's why most of them aren't even worth it anymore because you're constantly feeling like you have to compete with someone else. You're just trying to do your job. Yes. And then when you're on this face you're not competing with it. I mean, you're competing in a way but it's like it's nothing compared to a normal nine to five job trying to succeed. 

Matt: Totally, totally. It's it's you're you are you're not the space is so freaking big, like people don't understand. It's so big. There's so many people in this industry. And there's so many people flooding in, like just the amount of people who are getting discovered on Tik Tok or on Instagram or whatever is nuts. And I think that what people need to realize is the ability to sort of collaborate in that way. Well, I can't say it's the only thing I hate making blanket statements like that. For me what I've seen, this is the only thing that I've seen where people actually like, fully and completely can collaborate and there's no sort of competition that's going to hurt anybody. All that it ever has done, at least from what I've seen, is it's raised everything. The best example is Eric Right. The best examples are Eric and you. I've also seen it with a girl named Taylor. And I've seen it but I don't know. I don't know. I'm going to list them all but I've literally seen it across so many different people. And when people come together, number one, the first one ends up blowing up and then the second one the person who learns from them the mentee ends up blowing up sometimes even more sometimes goes way beyond the first person and and there's so many people out in every whether it's weight loss dog training. There's so many people on this platform on Instagram, that there's just never you might come across somebody seeing videos or whatever. But what happens is people go on TikTok and they start liking videos in affiliate marketing or in digital marketing or in dropshipping and what happens is they start seeing the same videos and they start seeing the same people and what happens in their head is the wrong assumption about that. They start assuming that oh, it's flooded and it's and it's there's so much competition and everybody's doing the same thing when that's not the case. We're just seeing the videos at their talks showing them because they're liking all these other videos about affiliate marketing, so they're going to show them more videos have to do with

that. Bingo. And there's billions of people out here who have never seen a video like that. Never seen a weight loss video, never seen a dog training video. Never seen an affiliate marketing video ever. All of these niches and I've never seen a pool cleaning video. Never seen a carpet cleaning video, like all of these different services and ah fact video, none of that. And suddenly boom, it clicks and you've tapped in now and let's say I'm an H fat guy and I'm selling a course on getting an H back leads, right? And I see a bunch of other guys doing it and I'm like damn, it's saturated. There's no way I can do this. That's not true. Seeing it because you're so interested in you've got a whole market of people you can market to start putting out your content, TikTok finally just overtook YouTube for monthly active users. That is huge. Crazy It's so crazy. And I'm not slowing down. The crazy part is like if you are tapped in, in our world, everybody thinks everybody's on tick tock in the real world you go out to the real world. And just chat with people like my friends and family and people and like there's still so many people who have no no they have no idea what TikTok is little girls dancing like to be honest before I finished with a TikTok and started scrolling through like before I even made an account. 

Jeff: I thought it was like a dating app. Like I thought I would see Facebook. I'm like it just looks like it's a dating app. And then I downloaded it and I was like okay, this is like not even close to what I was thinking about this you know? 

Matt: Yeah, it's a wild world man. It's a wild world. Well, I'm, I'm glad that whatever you know, you had go on or whatever you were going through and stuff over the last month that you've, you know, you've kind of got sorted out and it seems like it's a great time for you to have been on the show and come and share. We had a lot of people on today and we always have at least a couple 1000 Watch as a replay too. So thanks for sharing your story. And this is really cool for me and honestly inspiring to me that I needed that this morning. So thanks man. You're welcome. Yeah, thanks. For anybody who's here anybody who's watching what would you say to those people who are just watching now just starting to get going maybe they're starting the challenge today. And they just happen to stumble upon this or maybe they're maybe they're just posting their first TikTok video. What's your encouragement to them? 

Jeff: Stay consistent guys. Find the motivation if you find yourself lacking in motivation. Just stick with it. I promise you it will stay consistent. Keep making content. Reach out to any of us if you're having issues or you need a little bit of encouragement. Reach out to anybody in this space and we will help you.

Matt: Well, cool man. I've got your TikTok and  Instagram. You can also find you on YouTube right? Yep. Cool. Thanks for coming on. Appreciate that. And hey, check in with us. I like to tell people this but a lot of people never do. I mean, check in with us. If you want to send us an email send me an email Matt at legendarymarketer.com Got questions whatever. We'd love to touch base and just like to give you any feedback or help you any way we can. We'll do Cool. Awesome. Have a good rest on your Monday, YouTube. Guys go go give him a follow. Go to his TikTok, go to his Instagram, give him a follow and also comment on a couple videos that you like if you like them. And leave him a comment letting him know you saw him on the show and get in his world. He's the collaborative type. You heard him talk about it all morning. He's a collaborative type who's willing to help and you know, I think the really cool part is if you guys are all if you're struggling or you're wondering, you know, how am I going to figure this out? The really cool part I feel like is when somebody goes from I got a lot of help and I got help from a mentor to now I'm helping others and I think I see Jeffrey being right in that transitory space of going from I got some help and I got some results to now. I'm going to start helping others and that's the real moment where things start to shift. That's the real moment where it's like oh my gosh, now people like they're getting they need help for me. Okay, now it's like gotta so if you guys are, you know trying to figure it out. First of all, we have business plan advisors in the 15 Day Challenge, who will get you an answer or if you can't get an answer, they're gonna send me an email and they'll have me answer the question for them. And I'm always around. I'm always willing to help and so if you ever have any questions you can reach out to Jeffrey you can reach out to us you can reach out to our support team. You're surrounded by an entire community of just totally real normal human beings. Like I'm just a real frickin dude. I'm 32 and I live in Phoenix. Like I've just if you met me in person, like this dude's just like, he's a total Joe like he's just a normal dude, going to be at the mastermind here and a couple of weeks and I'm just going to be. We're out of here for Monday, Dave, we'll be back tomorrow. I'll be back Wednesday, and we might be doing I'm not sure we might be doing live interviews from the mastermind. We're gonna be working on that. We'll see. I'm not sure about that quite yet, but I'll let you know. Peace out.

How To Start Working From Home As A Stay At Home Mom


Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Every once in a while my friends, every once in a while we have somebody who has tried other things before to make money online. You know sometimes they've searched for months. Sometimes they've searched for years. Rarely do we have somebody who's tried other things before they found Legendary Marketer. Yeah, right. Come on, we can all relate to that, for God's sakes, can't we? This morning we have somebody who has searched for years to make money from home and in her own business. And it seems like at least from what she's told us that she finally found the answer. We'll hear it directly from her. Kate, welcome to the show. Hey, nobody can relate on this show who is either sitting in this chair or listening to trying other things before and I'm not really working out. So I'd like to welcome you as our very first guest who's ever had that going on in your life.

Kate: Oh, thank you so much. I feel so honored to be the only one

Dave: Really the only one. Yes, the only one. So. Yes. Welcome to the club. You're in the right place. There are many entrepreneurs you know, some call us entrepreneurs, right? Because we want to be entrepreneurs. You know, but but it takes the, I guess the right timing in some cases. It takes the right opportunity. So we'll hear about what has made this this time here at Legendary, I assume. I'm also assuming what you've been looking for, or at least something that's finally worked for you so give us a little bit of the backstory

Kate: I’ve been a stay at home mom for seven years. And back in March 2020 When the pandemic hit, you know, we thought for two weeks and had a great time. Well, I got unexpectedly pregnant. My third and then I was like, oh now we really got to figure something out. My husband was like, you know, just going on TikTok. It's fun. They're funny videos, and I was like, No, that's for teenagers. So I ended up getting on it. And, you know, found some girl talking about all the money she was making with affiliate marketing. I had never heard of affiliate marketing like it's been around for how long and I've never ever heard of it. So I watched people make money like a lot of people here. I watch people make money and I think I would say it's amazing because you're watching real time. And so you're seeing every day like okay, they're making stuff and they're progressing and you're, you're still in the same spot. So like, are you going to do something or are you just going to keep watching them do it? I bought the 15 day business builder challenge in April, and I I didn't actually make my first TikTok or take action until August.

Dave: So that's April, April. Let's rub that. Oh, but April, May, June, July, August for what? And you know what? Look, we all think we're unique. But you're not the only one. So but that's a regret. Okay, so you said you have it and what's happened since? Did you say August?

Kate: So I started posting like once a day and talked through August like kinda you know, here and there. And my husband was again like you need to be posting more every day. And I was like, whatever. And I really beat the drum. He's a teacher so he likes to be a teacher you know, let's be Wes. Alright, Wes. Yeah, so I actually sent one of my videos, my crazy Labor Day weekend, and that's when I started like, okay, okay. And I started ever since then posting consistently, and trying to help people to be honest like, I just remember being where everybody else is. And needing that one video that was motivating. You know, like, no one's coming to do this for you. Like, step up and do it. You're not gonna get anywhere.

Dave: Do you believe when it comes to creating content and marketing you're only one video away from really kind of your business taking off? 

Kate: Yes, I do. Because that was what did it for me. I realized, oh my gosh, I can actually reach people and people want to hear what I have to say. And you know, I get feedback now sometimes where people like I really needed to hear that today. Thank you so much. And that's huge for me. Like, I love talking to people and helping people. So I wanted to be a counselor.

Dave: Yeah. Well, in a sense, you kind of are like, you're counseling people. I mean, counseling people have had different counselors, such a broad term. So of course, there's many different lanes that you can go to but ultimately you're helping people you know, and or lower their suffering and finding peace. And, you know, give hope, you know, offer tools, you know, offer experience. And in the sense of course, we don't want to label ourselves that if we're not licensed and qualified and all the enemy we can get in big trouble but in a sense you know, I've always looked at marketing as I'm doing the one thing that I actually can transfer to people, which is I can give them hope. The all the other things a human being has to actually develop on their own they have to get on their own you know, hopes the one thing that you don't have to work for, to kind of get right like you you the listener, you know, you have to work to go develop copywriting skills or work to develop organization skills, or those type but hope is the one thing that you don't have to you can just sit there and listen and I can give it to

Kate: Yeah, and I can choose to take it or not take it and that's a choice. That's amazing. That's what drew me to your program is honestly the motivation and how to go in another direction. It doesn't have to be this one way. It was an incredible message for me. I really grasp it and I took it and ran with it. I mean it never heard anything like that before it changed everything for you. Yeah, They changed everything for me. I've no not you know, like I knew all these things had to change. But honestly, I never knew I never thought about passive income and multiple streams of income. Like I feel ridiculous. I've been through college. I've been through all of it. Like I feel ridiculous for not even considering that for myself. You know, I don't know. And now I have multiple streams of income and I'm starting. I'm starting affiliate marketing in my own way with parenting. I have a lot of experience with kids and parents, and I think I have a lot to offer in that aspect. In the digital world. You know, parents always need advice. Kids are crazy.

Dave: Wow, that's amazing. That's amazing. So that's the vision and direction that you've taken your businesses to serve other parents.

Kate: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I, you know, you think about, you know, like, oh, blog takes forever and is at an app or a website or whatever. Well, this isn't isn't a sprint, it is a marathon. So the fact that I was given the tools to figure out how to actually start that process was incredible for me. Like I just didn't know where to start. I didn't know how to even go about, you know, starting that. So this whole entire process has been eye opening.

Dave: So you needed that you needed that that that start that both the high level dynamics in but you also needed the mechanics and is that what you found as you were going through even initially the challenge?

Kate: Yeah, moments. Yeah. The aha moments were okay. That's how you you, you get somebody to the point of trusting you, and then they're listening to you and they're, they're, they're, they're going on your recommendations because you've now you've now created a path for them to see it unfold and I didn't know how you went from a to b. Online, to show people that, you know, and I do think too, you know, TikTok has been a huge I mean, it's been a huge way to really get people to listen in real time so, you know, those two things combined. I think we're just what I needed, you know?

Dave: Have you tuned in and listened to other people like how much I know you're a busy mom, which is the busiest job in the world. Have you had time also to kind of tune in to the community and listen to other stories? And if so, how has that been a part of your journey?

Kate: I tried to tune in when I can 10 8:10am his playground outside, you know, we're doing that kind of stuff. So what I'll do a lot of times, I'll just put it on my phone I'll listen. And it's incredible to me how many regular people have found your program and been successful with changing their lives in this way. And I take from it that these are regular people. They have regular jobs or they are stay at home moms, they're trying to figure out how to not pay for daycare. Daycare is like two mortgage payments. It's crazy. And so I think for moms a lot there's this Okay, do I go out and get the job and my whole entire paycheck goes towards daycare and I'm missing out on that. Time like is or do we bite the bullet and go down to one income home and struggle. And it doesn't have to it doesn't have to be that way I'm seeing now. It doesn't have to be?

Dave: Yeah, yeah, that's fine. Thank you for that. Well, thanks for taking the info and running with it and coming back and telling us how it applies in the real world in your wet in in your life because that's what completes this whole thing if I was just ranting and raving it No, everybody was listening, but nobody was applying it all be just kidding. None of it would be as powerful. It's like, it's like a marriage. It's like a relationship. It takes two people you know, one who's speaking in teaching and sharing and one who's listening and applying. So yeah, this is really amazing. And I think this is such a big deal for your speaking in such plain language today, up to two people's real life problems I saw yesterday a post by somebody who is a friend of mine and that's what hurts and he's like is that does anybody pay a living wage and people were like, well, this place is hiring and this place is hiring. And he's like, you know, that's that's they don't pay enough money for me to be able to survive, you know, basically, and, and I just thought Damn, you know that you know, because in America here we've we've also had massive the cost of living cost of living inflation. Inflation has gone up 6% With no with no. Raises. Well, no. Well, yeah, inflation is something that's like a natural phenomenon that takes off and there's Yeah, just getting the government to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour is literally like pulling teeth. But who wants I mean, yeah, it's like, who wants to be, you know, in that position, right. It's like, want to be there, you know? And so, I just had mixed feelings when I saw this guy's post because here he was, and I felt empathy for him. And I felt terrible for him because I know he's got children. And on the other hand, I said, we have a choice and I just thought about why I started as an entrepreneur. Like I don't get into that preachy anymore. I used to when I was young, and I had less empathy. I was just, I was just dumber, you know, honestly, and I was like an entrepreneur. just pounding the table, but, I mean, the truth is, is that everybody's not cut out for this. You know, everybody's in it. Mostly. It's like mentally it's not physically. Like, yeah, it's like being a parent. I mean, it's like, out for that mentally. You know what I mean, but I'm working on it. 

Kate: Yeah, that's an unfolding thing every day. That's like, yeah, it's gonna happen today. We're gonna find out.

Dave: Exactly. Sometimes my motto is just keep the kids alive.

Kate: Yes, that's it. Yeah, we survived today. That's a big thing. Yeah, they want to do that. My second is, I don't know if it's seriously a second child. thing. I never thought it was but man, he fits the mold. He is. He is wild. And I also was like, you know, I started making TikToks about the ER visits. How am I gonna pay for ER visits? You know, we're gonna have three boys. Someone's gonna break an arm. And I've got to figure out a way to.

Dave: My son, I've got an 11 month old he likes to ride around in this little kind of heart. It's because it gives them more freedom. He can stand up in it. As he's being pushed Well, anyways, he's never fallen out of it while we were moving. But the other day, we were standing still and he just reached over to get something in, literally just toppled or right over. Boom, hit this head. And I'm talking about leaving a mark.

Kate: Yeah. Yeah. And it's terrifying as a parent because you had moments like that were like, Well, how did that happen? Like what I've never had I know.

Dave: Well, and we were contemplating taking them to the emergency room. Yeah, I know. And going back to your comment about how am I going to pay for that? I mean, thankfully today because of this business, it's that's that's not a concern, but I can remember when I can remember as if it was yesterday when it was and when one medical bill would wipe our entire family with damn near we'd have to decide do we want to have a home or do we want to pay this medical bill? And I think we can all relate to robbing Peter to pay Paul shuffling around bills like how can they get away with not paying the electric bill?

Kate: Yeah. And you know what? I have friends whose parents are in their 60s and are still doing that. And I said to myself, I don't want to be in my 60s still doing that. I don't, I don't want to do that. But the only way you're gonna change that is if you dive into something and you make it work, like I don't know, like, you know, I went I went to college. I got my second psychology degree, right. I think the first two years of college were like, incredible for the experience because I was out on my own. I had a party and hung out. It was a great experience. But then all of a sudden, they're like, What do you wanna do with your life? And you're like, Well, you didn't really talk to me about that at first. The first year I was there. And I didn't realize that, you know, I really need my masters to do what I want to do with this degree. And then babies happened and life happens and you know, it's just, it adds up and I'm paying on student loans. That I've not gotten that return on so.

Dave: We're so quick to call some courses online a scam and I don't mean you are we're me, but like, you know society.

Kate:  Yeah, but like I was, I was skeptical. If you're not skeptical. I think that you might be too naive. You should have a little bit of skepticism. But you have to do your own research and based on the research you do, either decide you're going to try it out, go for it or you're going to continue to think that things are a scam and not not progress.

Dave: But we go into college because it's been pounded. Into us since we were a little kid with zero skepticism, right? Nobody. I feel like there's a little bit of manipulation. Maybe more than a little bit of like, like, yeah, just like manipulation. And it's like a systemic problem. Because there are some people who need to go to college and in your case, to work with people if you end up ever being a therapist, now that you're doing this, which you know, who knows. But yeah, to work with people's emotions and their hearts and their trauma, or work on somebody's physical body. There are things that yes, I would like you to have like eight to 12 years of college. But like for every single kid coming out of high school, and their kids who literally feel shame, like they Oh yeah, game because they don't go to college. They didn't get a scholarship or whatever. And

Caroline Okay, so we have Duke, UNC and NC State. When you go to high school around here, where are you going to college is the question. It's not, are you? So I get that

now. How do we transition to this place now? When is the world going to catch up? You know, because it's such a, you know, in my opinion, it's such a broken system. We need to be talking to kids, as the kids are already finding this out, quite frankly, nowadays. I don't even think it's probably going to be a natural evolution. Because kids already know you can make money online and build a business because, I just talked to a 20 year old this weekend. And I never met her before we just started talking and she brought up ecommerce and all these other things. And that's already out there for that age group. Like they already don't need to do anything. Like I know it's not it's not going to be some, you know, 86 year old senator who's going to come and it's right. It's a natural evolution. That's just gonna happen. 

Kate: Yeah, yeah, they're already seeing it. They're already I know, I know. 1920 they're in college and they're, they're making this money while they're involved. Like they're not bartending, you know, I mean, they're there. They're in their dorms like, yeah, flipping sneakers or whatever.

Dave: Yeah, I have a kid down. The street. He's in college now. But he's started and he found a product. He's been pushing the product and he's making it. I mean, it's crazy. It's crazy. He didn't mean as normal looking at him as we're like, like spending our last money on diapers.

Kate: We talk about diapers. Oh my god, like another mortgage.

Dave: I know. I know in our let's just not. I just wasn't happy that I have, you know, some money coming in and have saved a lot of money from this business and all that because it's expensive. As shit to just live the American dream. You know what I mean? Just have kids in a house. Without a picket fence. You know what I mean? It's only expensive. It's only getting out of home. Just think about the folks' homes here where I live. have a single family like two bedrooms, one bath or three to like, if you want to really really live it up. We're talking it used to be 200 ish 250 It is now four to 450 Yeah, like that is a starter home now and there's a lot of people who believe that it's not going back. So I mean, it's kind of like it's kind of like the price keeps going up. And you it's like we can either sit around and complain about how prices are going up and think it's a bubble and wait for it to come back down. Or we can roll the dice because this may be the new bottom. You know what I mean? Like this may be the new bottom for us to live the American dream. And the longer that you wait to get that income cranking and build that business that is that cash cow for you. The longer you're rolling the dice on potentially not being able to buy that home and start that family or grow your family. If that's the position you're in then we can talk about all the other facts of luxury items and keeping and maintaining like now you've got the house now you got the kids but now you have to maintain it. Like it never ends. Absolutely. Yeah, yeah. When your AC breaks down or you need a new car or whatever, right.

Kate: It's like it's happened. 

Dave: Yes, no, I I know. I know that we live in Florida. You know when this AC goes out down here it's hell it's an actual hell like. So, where have you and you seem like I can imagine that. That it's not been incredibly difficult, but that's my assumption for you. Talk to us about some of the challenges and about how you found comfort in creating content. How have you become comfortable with it or are you not comfortable with it yet?

Kate: So I've gotten more comfortable riding a bike like once you do it a bunch of times it becomes second nature a little bit. So the content making has actually come a lot easier. But it took me a full month to get used to like, you know, like I over analyze every video that had to be perfect, you know, and now it's just like, people just want to hear your message. So, you know, make it fun. The most difficult thing for me was getting over the technical stuff, you know, and it's once you do it like the funnel building and the email autoresponder and once you do it you're like I really did not need to make that much of a big deal about this like it. I just needed to give it the time. Right, I would go in and I would start and I would be like now I’ll tomorrow and instead of just just sitting down and doing it, right so that that's one thing I wanted to get across is like, I think that my my business changed to once I once I actually created my email sequence and set that up. Right, I didn't do that for a while. I actually just just, you know, put my funnel out. And so that's the biggest advice I kept telling myself like, you're not going to be successful until you go the full route. You know, you got to set this up, you gotta do it. And so once I did that, it also became more personal to, you know, when I started getting emails from people, I was actually starting to help them right because they had access to me now. That wasn't just TikTok. It was we're emailing now and I have a problem with this. And I would say Oh, I had that same problem. This is what I did to fix it or this is what I did. The beauty about this business is there's so many different everyone's at different levels right and it just depends on where you want to go with it. How much time you have to put into it and what time you want to put into it. And so for me, it's just been like a slow build up until it became like, let's go and now I'm like crankin now.

Dave: You said a lot of important things. But a couple that I heard that I just want to hit on are. I didn't I didn't really. It really didn't take off until I kind of took ownership and just said, Hey, I'm going to personalize this to me, right because until you do that you I feel like you just have like this cookie cutter thing that's just like business in a box. You know how there's some assholes out there who want to sell up your business or budget you get it in it's literally just, you know, it's there's no it's not yours. You know what I mean? It's not yours, right? And it's nice to use templates. But to write and put your own spin or Spiel or personality or some of your story in there is literally when it's your business when you both feel more ownership. over it but also begins to take off because people identify it feels more personal feels more real, right? It's not just generic. Me too. I've seen this before. It's the wow this is this person's personal story that they're more interesting. And it's not because of their personality or whatever. Like somebody who's thinking will ever beat a person. It's like when somebody reads an email and they start getting stuff that's more personalized to you. It just feels different. And I think when we talk about the show over again, you hear students and clients here saying, Well, you got to just just I just decided to be more real. Well, I think this is a practical example of that. It's not just how I'm showing up on video or whatever, but it's also taking that ownership and just kind of doing the best you can write. I mean, I assume Kate you're not considering yourself at this point. A world class copywriter. You just took a stab at it and probably were like, Wow, that's pretty good, right? Kate: Yeah, exactly. And you know what, the only thing I can do from here is keep working. on it and keep building it and keep getting better. That's it. I started right. When you start you have a baseline, your foundation. So now there's no going before that. It's just going forward. Yeah. And I think that people just want to relate a lot and when you and, and there's so many different ways to relate to people. You know, like I don't have a construction background. I have no idea what that work is like, but I know my toddler is having a tantrum when my baby is screaming and how hard that can be. So like people just want to relate and I think when you and I actually posted a video about this the other day. People that are on you're doing this are making theirs real, this is a real result because they're putting the work in. Just find the person you relate with and go with them. You know, don't skip around to a bunch of a bunch of things. Stick with what's proven and what you like, and you can relate to it.

Dave: Yeah, follow less people for inspiration. Right? I mean, is that kind of what you're saying?

Kate: I think you get confused when you're, you're you're watching all these different people. And you're you're you're you're you're you're watching all these different even business models, right because there's business models, when you decide that you're going to go with the one, you know, stick with the one and then follow one or two people that are doing well. You know, like don't get overwhelmed with all the opinions from so many other things.

Dave: I think that's a massive God, this is everything. I mean, I actually think what you just said there's been so many things in this episode that are that are powerful and I'm glad people are hearing you say but this what you just said, has so much power and importance. Okay and let me give you an example of how this applies to my life. I have just as many options to follow people and to get into things as anybody else. Okay, and with all of the newest hottest trends like what cryptocurrency is doing, these new NFT's all these new stock trading bots and all this kind of stuff that's come out. You know, there's just as many get rich quick gimmicks and even get rich quick maybe, maybe get rich quick opportunities and things that come across my you know, my desktop every single day just as everybody else. And interesting people to follow in terms of workout fitness, interesting people to follow in terms of right, it's so easy to hit that follow button and it's so hard to hit that unfollow button. But I have for example, in the area of streams of income I have I have two ways in which I invest my money. I invest in real estate and I invest in the stock market. I have some other things that I do to kind of hold money like maybe buy some watches or whatever I buy the right ones so they hold their value but my investment strategy is very simple. I don't own a single piece of crypto, I don't own a single NFT. I don't own any of this new stuff or do any of this New Age stuff that's coming out that would require me to kind of start my learning curve all over again. Right then, invest tons of time and probably even money to learn that thing. Why? Even though I see people all the time saying you know, Bitcoin and Sheba coin and Doge coins go into or NFT's these little you know, I just weighed 200,000 on a JPEG you know, like all that stuff. Even though I see it, I ignore it all. Why? Well, some people might be saying, well, you could make money off of that day. Why wouldn't you make money in anything? That you possibly can because of focus, because I understand that there's always more to the game than what initially meets the eye. And I understand if I want to become good I want to become an expert. I want to make real money at that. I need to really invest time now. Some of you guys know that I like wristwatches there, I have spent an incredible amount of time learning which ones hold their value in which ones don't. That's kind of a hobby for me. It's not really a business. I'm not in it to make money. But my point is, every single thing that you do is going to require work and timing for me. I have blinders on some of the things that I do if I unfollow people. I unfollow people on Instagram. I unfollow people on Facebook. I unfollow people for 20 tweets, to the tune of 1000s of people on my personal Facebook page because I go on there because we have Facebook groups and stuff. I unfollow people to the tune of 1000s because I didn't want to slosh through other bullshit to be able to get to a post from a friend that I liked or to get to one of my groups right. I unfollow people on Instagram. I don't have a big following like, TikTok I'm personally not. This is my content strategy right here and doing the show every day. So I'm not there constantly. Now Matt is our CMO. He's researching how we run ads there. But my point is what you just said about focusing and only following a couple of people's fitness. Okay, I'm interested in one fitness guy right now who is inspirational to me and who has this kind of ancestral approach to diet and workout and that's interesting to me, and it works for all the gym rats. That I could do following who have you know, they're posting their workouts and stuff. Look, that tip gets overwhelming because before you know it, I've got 15 or 20 different guys saved in their workouts saved in my thing, and it's just where do I even start and then you shut down

Kate: Because now you're overwhelmed. And I don't even know where to go because I've gotten all these different opinions and all these different, you know, you know, strategies, instead of just saying, Okay, I like this and I'm going with this.

Dave: Yeah, you have more ideas than you realize. And I'm speaking to everybody who would just be within your head already via the training that you've already gone through. Like a lot of us we wake up like if anything, what if you're if you think that you need to follow a bunch of people and be taking in tons of information every day because that's giving you ideas. Look, just from now on just talk, just start jotting down ideas. Like whenever you have a video idea for tic toc or something, jot it down. That's what I did and here's the other cool thing. Keep a notepad and a pen that's old fashioned or a no. Every time you're thinking or doing something, write down an idea and you say you do that.

Kate: I have a little pink notebook that is my affiliate marketing notebook. And I've had it from the very beginning and I started using it for Okay. These are three ideas that I want to get out today or tomorrow, whatever, I draft a lot of videos and then the content behind them. I've already written now and I am old school like you know my husband's constantly like would you use your phone for your calendar and I'm like I mean a real calendar. I need to like writing it so I don't know if that strategy works for me.

Dave: Cool. Yeah, well listen, you've you've aside from your parenting goals and visions in doing work inside of the parenting niche you also have a make money online niche and we've we've given everybody your TikTok handle so they can go in like follow you find you connect with you support you. Listen, I hear you've got the busiest job in the world. Thank you so much for your time today.

Kate: Thank you for having me. Y'all are very motivational. So I really appreciate you having me and continuing to do this. I watched this and I think a lot of people really do and it sends an amazing message and it keeps you motivated. So thank you.

Dave: You know what the biggest secret that I have is, it keeps me motivated. You know what I mean? Yeah, and that's an interesting kind of choice. Is it a dichotomy? Irony? Is it what you know, whatever it is, I'm a ninth grade dropout. I go with big words sometimes. But my point is, is that, you know, a lot of times we're waiting for somebody else to help us in our business, like who I need that special mentor. And it's like, the best way that I've learned to help in order to get help is to help others. And I learned that in recovery, right. I was like, How do I make this recovery thing work? Like how do I stay sober? Back in 2008? Somebody, one of my sponsors or some I can't remember who like so many people say this. I've heard it all over, but they were like, go find somebody to help. Stop making it all about you. Right, stop needing to stop being somebody that always helps you. And you know what, because it's never going to be enough. Go find somebody to help. And it'll just be your world. 

Kate: You're gonna say that right? And you're like, okay, but then once you start doing it, you're like, Oh, I get it. I get it. Even with starting affiliate marketing, like I'm helping people. I'm not a genius with this. I don't I don't, I'm a beginner. And I'm finding that well, while helping others it is helping me to help others better. Right, because like, I'm getting feedback from people. That was really helpful. Good. Good to know. Thank you for letting me know. You know, that's the biggest thing. That's huge. 

Dave: Yeah, well tell Wes. We said hello as well. 

Kate: Well, he's watching the children right now. I might not be back for a while.

Dave: Good luck with it all. Let me know how we can help and I can keep you posted every couple of months on your journey if you would, because I enjoy talking to you. Well, thank

you so much. It was really nice talking with you guys.

Kate: And thank you for having me. It was amazing. Thanks for everything.

Dave: Stay Legendary, see ya. Alright my friends, fun conversation. Great person. Definitely, definitely right that diamond is starting to shine, but she's a diamond in the rough that's gonna grow and grow and grow and it'll be fun to watch her journey. Be a part of it, support her and learn from her. Remember I say this every day. How do we support each other? Well, it's not that hard, right? And you get out of the universe or whatever you want to, however, focus on who you want to get but I believe you get back what you put out right? So go in support and share how we support each other. We like each other's stuff. We comment on each other's stuff. We know we connect and we send somebody a message. It's not always like hey, how can you help me but hey, that video your contents really rockin Keep up the good work, right? I mean, those are the things that I would encourage you folks on how to support each other it just raises your vibrations, man. You know what I mean? It'll raise the level of attraction that you have, right, that Attractor Factor about you. So once again, Kate, fantastic message, great conversation, give her a follow. Show her some support. And yeah, we'll be back here tomorrow for another episode of Wake Up Legendary. Get outta here. Peace. 

The Strategy For Handling Negative TikTok Comments

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Hello Hello everybody Happy Wednesday. It's November 10. We're totally live. I am live here. This is not unlike that we are live and I just got my text message. In fact, text message reminder that says we're going live right now. So, if you're tuning in nice to see welcome in and if you're just joining us or you're joining us via replay let us know in the comments that you're joining via replay. Brad's in the house crystals in the house. Oh, actually, Marie is in the house. I read that wrong. What's up guys? Good to see you. And we've got another awesome guest today if you are newer to our community, we do this every single day at 10am. Eastern Monday through Friday, just as a powerful sort of wake up testimonial, a way to share somebody's story share their journey, and it's really really powerful today we've got another awesome guest. I'm excited to have her on. We have not met we shared about, I don't know 10 seconds of conversation before going live. So I'm excited to hear a little bit about her journey and all of that stuff. So I'm just really excited to hear how she heard about, you know, freelance digital marketing. She heard about it around the same time I did when I was about 19 or 20 years and things so without further ado, let's bring in Sony. Did I pronounce that right? And almost almost Yeah, it's pronounced Sandy. Sandy. Okay, cool. Awesome. Welcome. To the show. How are you?

Sanni: I'm good. How are you? 

Matt: I'm good. I'm doing well. So you are all the way in Finland. And you're only 19 which I think is really cool. We have people who come on the show. Such a wide range of ages. 19. It's probably one of the youngest, and we're 81 years old. So like literally the whole spectrum. Tell us a little bit about you. Tell us about your life up until now. Tell us about your experience with education. And how did you find, I mean, how did you find the legendary? How did that all work?

Sanni: Well, it's a pretty traditional story. So I graduated from secondary school last spring. It's like a college during the USA graduates in spring and working at this daycare facility that was really my first taste of a nine to five job. And at this moment, I'm in my own apartment. Okay. And when I had the first taste and I didn't quit my job and I was unemployed for a couple of months. And that was the moment when I realized that nine to five jobs aren't the ones I want to be doing. I don't want to be doing that for the rest of my life.  Like when I was unemployed I had a lot of time in my hands and I was spending a lot of time on social media. Right and scrolling through Instagram and that same the same and I came across Andreas is the combat page or some of these reels. And I never actually when I see affiliate marketers and when I see their reels I don't. I didn't really watch them because I wasn't interested. But there was something in Andres message that really caught my eye and I just went through his profile and I saw this link in his bio and you know what, I didn't do any research or anything about what affiliate marketing is. I just jumped right in. I went through with them. I started the 15 Day Challenge. And it took me that full 15 days to realize what affiliate marketing is. I didn't, it was so damn confusing. And I'm still learning. Sure it was, it was really a huge leap for me in my life.

Matt: That's really cool. That's really cool and, man how lucky, right? You know, I found that I found that really young too. And, I am really committed to building a lot of skills but how lucky are you? Right? At 90 And there's a lot of people I meet a lot who are like 55, 40 who were like, Oh, if I could have just found this before I had, you know, built a career for the last 30 years. But regardless, I find I I feel like whenever somebody discovers it at any point, I mean it's just it's yeah, it's it's great to find regardless and it's always the lens, you look at it through so, okay, so it took you the whole 15 days to really figure it out. And I I feel like that's a lot of people. I mean, I think conceptually it's just such a vastly different way of understanding. So it takes you the whole 15 days. And so what was sort of, you know, the takeaway as you're going through it, you're thinking through how am I going to use this? What am I going to, just like what am I going to do with this? Like, did you have any idea what your thoughts were?

Sanni: Well, when I started well, the first thought was that I had no idea what it was. And then on top of that I had a small barrier between the languages because I'm not I'm not English, so I don't speak it really, really well. So it took me a longer time to understand what was going on. But I feel like what was his name? Yeah, I know. He spoke very clearly, and it really helped me to go through when on top of them, business plan advisors that I had, who taught me a lot and really, really helped me to get started.

Matt: That's really cool. And what was your experience like with your advisor? How did that go? Did you feel like I'm always just curious, like, how do people enjoy that? Do people not like what you know how it had that go?

Sanni:  Actually, when I started that was pretty lost. But when I realized that I would have my own personal advisor. It really changed things for me. I understand that. My advisor was Bill Mac. Yeah, he was so great. He had so many questions. He answered none of them all. And even though I didn't speak very clearly because it was a new situation for me. He understood and took the time to understand and because I was so so lost. He was very patient and helped me and yeah, it's unbelievable that we have that kind of support. Like your own business plan visor, you can meet on Zoom. It's great. I think it's one of the best benefits that you have in the 15 Day Challenge.

Matt: Yeah, it is definitely a cool thing for sure. It's a very unique thing. I a lot of companies, like we have a lot of competitors who try to try to you know, try to compete with us and stuff and they see a lot but the actual execution of having, you know, 50 or however many advisors that we have, and to get them all matched up with a person who purchased our challenge is difficult. For sure. But yeah, yeah, that's cool. I like that. I think in most cases, you know, a lot of our advisors, they have a lot of eyes, they're assigned to a lot of people you know, so they do their best to absolutely get back to everybody but certainly stuff falls through the cracks occasionally and you've got to follow them but you know, I think for the most part, I've I've also heard that similarly is like people who are brand new to this and for me, I've been doing this for 10 years and sometimes for me, it gets a little bit I forget what it's like to be on day one. Like I forget sometimes what it's like to be that very first day or that very first couple of weeks and having somebody alongside you I'd never had that. So I was just trying to like you know, watch YouTube videos or whatever and figure it out. But yeah, having somebody alongside you is such a powerful thing to kind of keep the wheels turning but then also you're like, Man, I don't know I've got a lot of different, well, you've got a lot of different voices, you got people who are selling other stuff talking to you got just all kinds of stuff. So I'm glad to hear that that was a good experience for you. So you finish wrapping up the challenge. You're on the blueprints as well I think and what so if you were, have you dove into the blueprints at all?

Sanni: Yeah, of course I went through them all. There were a lot of videos from you. I was listening to a lot of your voice back then. And it really has helped me to get started. And we had what was called decade, decade in a day. And I didn't really understand the comp concept at first. So I taught them everything to do by myself with the help of the blueprints and the help of the internet. And then I signed up at the gate to get in the day. And then I realized that it goes through them all. So I will have to learn everything by myself because you would have he would have been there. Right? So yeah, totally. Yeah.

Matt: Yeah, it's, um, it's, it is full blown and hides a lot of information. So you went through all of the blueprints already?

Sanni: Yeah. Not that Facebook. Funnel one. beside one another on Facebook, but everything else? Yeah,

Matt: That's really cool. Yeah, I feel like one of the big things is to do so you said it all on Facebook. Do you feel like that's common in your generation?

Sanni: Yeah, I actually joined Facebook only for the groups that Legendary has, so I don't use it. I chat with my Grandpa, but nothing else. Something from Legendary or something from my grandpa. Nothing else on Facebook.

Matt: Yeah, I think that that's becoming more common.

Sanni: I am also TikTok and we're on Instagram or Snapchat or Facebook.

Matt: Yeah. Nice. I feel like in the blueprints one of the big things. So where have you gravitated towards? Is it like more Instagram? Is it more tick tock? What have you gone on for social media?

Sanni: But actually, I'm mostly on tick tock. They're there. I have the biggest audience. And as I am from Finland, my audience is 99% Finnish, they're in TikTok. So they're on Instagram. My audience isn't as big but we have a full range of people all around the world. So I can't really mix them. Because the audience is so different. 

Matt: Yeah, interesting. So your strategy has been not to guess what some of that was. Sometimes what people do is they try to figure out a way to get the American audience and your strategy has been more straightforward. Just whatever audience the algorithm is going to give me. I'm going to take that and I'm going to run with it right.

Sanni: Yeah, actually, that's something I want to talk about. At first. It was a real shock for me that my audience would be only finished because I I know that Finland is a small country, and I wouldn't have that kind of big audience that Americans have. They can just go viral and have 1000s of followers that I can do that. So but then I started to think and I realized that they're the USA you have so much competition. You have a lot of affiliate marketers, but it seems like we have none. I haven't come across any affiliate marketing here. So I understood that things are exactly the target audience that I should be targeting. 

Matt: So yeah, Well, I would echo that I would say a few things. One is a lot of times people look through that lens of pessimism, which is like, oh, there's too much competition or oh, I can never do that or whatever, man. It's as if you have this whole audience now you have to do the work. There's going to be more work of education from you, right? You're gonna have to educate them more on that. But wow, you have access to an audience of people who are completely new, who aren't and they don't have a million other voices yelling at them are a million other marketers in this industry yelling and telling everybody to listen to that and all this kind of stuff. I like that approach a lot. If I was in your shoes, that's exactly the approach that I would take because I feel like the opportunity there is even bigger, even greater. And I do think I think in that realm, you're going to deal with maybe, maybe a bit slower growth, which is kind of what you were talking about, which is the whole virality piece but I do also feel like the opportunity in general is probably bigger. I don't know what's bigger but I think people view it as sort of an all or nothing thing. Either. You're in the states in Canada, and you get that whole audience or you have nothing but that's just not really true. I think you'd go after the audience that you're surrounded by. And you We cater and get your marketing to be on par with something that they're going to listen to and pay attention to basically. Because what I think is true is in 5, 10, 20 years, you could literally build an entire empire that you can build for yourself something that is incredibly powerful as a digital educator as somebody who's got a huge following. I mean, you could be like, I don't want to say a Kardashian but like you can be like the Kardashians or whatever, in Finland, or, you know, in Europe, where you're teaching and educating. And you walk around. We just had a guy the other day yesterday Maybe he was like, Yeah, I went to my grocery store, my hometown and this guy was like, Are you that bald guy on TikTok? And I think that that happens more than we realize. But I think you know. How big is Helsinki?

Sanni: It's not that big of a population I don't know. You should Google it.

Matt: Population is 600,000. So not that big but not that small either. And I'm sure that it's not just people in Helsinki seeing but also it's all over but you've got enough people for sure. And right now is the perfect time because more people than ever are staying at home. Working from home, right that type of content is really blowing up in front of people. What in terms of are you getting? Engagement? How has been the engagement from people about this? What do people comment on? Do people message you? What's that been like?

Sanni: Well, actually, there's, there's good and bad sides when I have this small country audience. So the Finnish take the UK it's known in, in our country that finished takes out is very, very negative. And it can really, really, people don't don't go to take that only because it's so damn negative. So I have been and because affiliate marketing is such a new concept here in Finland. I really had to really educate people, because if I don't educate them, they immediately think that it's a scam. And I just get so many negative comments on that. You're a scammer, and that's not legitimate and you're just trying to steal people's money. But when I explained to them that this is totally legitimate, they understand and maybe maybe get interested, but the thing is that those who aren't ready to change the path of life, they immediately think they say that you are not literate and they walk to you or something. Yeah. And then one thing I want to talk about is that money culture here in Finland is connected to that, that negativity. So here in Finland, we don't talk openly about money. So it really builds a wall between me and my audience because I have to be very subtle when I talk about money because people immediately think that it's not that respectful. And I think that's a huge difference between the USA and Finland. So yes, there in the USA, you can so openly talk about money. And when I started my user name was to make money with some new which, which is very popular. And I realized that as a red flag, they didn't even Click My Account because they immediately saw the money there and they Yeah, and I had to change and they might have right there. Because I need to connect with my audience. I need to actually I couldn't just go as low. As I first did. I had to understand the needs of my audience. And it has been interesting, and something I have to work on. 

Matt: Wow, fascinating. So a totally different world, but also look at you being a great marketer who's realizing and hearing you know what people are saying. So what are people saying? What are they scared of? What are they and you're so locked into not just copying what everybody else is doing. But really figuring out how to build your own brand and build your own thing that's actually going to work to your audience that you're speaking to, which is marketing one on one, which is get out of your own head and what you think is going to work or what somebody else is going to tell you is going to work and get into the minds of the people what are what's there's this old copywriting quote from a really good copywriter he says the first step of writing copy is to enter the conversation that's already happening inside the mind of your prospect so somebody who's you're trying to get to purchase something from you or become a customer client. Just there's already a mind track going right so tick tock was bad. TikTok is negative TikTok is all of this right? And you just need to enter that conversation right? So maybe that's just a matter of you know, changing the title of your thing, but also maybe you start videos by saying something like jeez, can you believe all of the negativity on this app? It's crazy, you know, and spanking right into the conversation, because now you've just joined that conversation that everybody's already having, and they're more likely to listen to you after you do that.  You've really picked up on that. That's impressive. Yeah. That's great. So in your journey of creating content, you've got a variety of likes, some of it is like you starting the video and then it cuts over to like other stock images or video clips. What's been your sort of what are some takeaways that you've had from creating content and what's worked and what hasn't? And what are you still learning?

Sanni: The thing is that I started by doing the basic educating videos and those types of things. And I saw that they don't they don't perform well because people come to dicta to be entertained. So I started doing these videos where I sell emotions where I sell this type of lifestyle that people are dreaming of, and I immediately saw that they are the best performing videos. And it was so people I still get comments and why like why do you have so many the same type of videos and just like just because you watch them the most? It's because of you. And even though I tried to be educational, I want to get people to understand what I do, but they don't really get me the followers or engagement that I need. So people ask me, “ Why aren't you educating us? Even though you say you are just it's kind of a tricky question, because I'm trying to do them both. But it's hard to stay in the same niche where I am, if I had to do them all, but I'm trying to find all of them. And I think some work and some don't. But what I know doesn't work are the educational videos but I still do them.

Matt: Yeah, well, there's a combination of Yeah, that's really well said. There's a combination of sort of creating content that's going to get viewed and you have to cater to that to a certain extent. But you can't always do that. And then there's the other side of providing value and giving her a little bit about your story and sharing and being a real human and stuff like that. I think both of those things are you know, I was wondering was I think Monday we were talking through on our wakeup show a little bit about how to like create one video that drives traffic stirs sort of new engagement, created a couple of videos, three to five videos that are more, hey, here's my journey. Here's my story. Here's what I'm learning. Here's what I've just figured out and then doing another one to keep that audience growing. And as soon as you get one, I've got a lot of views here. You can do a few things you can go live. You can create a few more videos that explain that first video, you can create a YouTube video that gives more details, all kinds of stuff like that, but I think finding ways to grow the audience but also nurture the audience grows, nurture, nurture. It does a few things. If you're only doing growth style videos, just videos to go viral. Eventually that's just going to burn out the weeds will eventually fall off because people are like, I get it. I get it. I've already seen it. But if you do a good ad ad but if you only nurture videos, you sit there and do you know videos for the next year with 100 people watching and you make no money, right so you don't generate any real traffic. So there's this combination of generating a bunch of engagement so that means views, likes followers, traffic, and then there's nurture, which means generating actual sales, like how do people actually engage in their wallet with you? Right and there's, there's just two types of people right so some people have a problem with this whole following and getting engagement because they feel like I'm not being genuine or something. And then the other side is people who generate a lot of traffic and a lot of followers want to stir the pot on everything, but don't believe in themselves and their self worth enough to call people to actually take action or they don't have the level of belief to say hey, here's exactly what you should do next and the best marketers, the people who perform the best that I've ever seen, especially in the affiliate marketing space are people who just are able to create virality who know what people watch and want to watch and they build a huge audience. And then they are the very best at just telling people exactly what to do. Here is exactly what you should do today with a conviction and a belief not in not of like hey, is just going to solve every problem of yours overnight. But what it means is if there's a level of conviction that hey, this is the right next step for you. I believe that and maybe I'm wrong if I'm wrong, we can just refund that's okay. But I believe that for me, this was the right step. And it's probably the right step for somebody who's brand new, whether it's in dog training or whether it's online or whether it's in crypto or whatever industry somebody is in giving somebody that level of conviction and hey, this is probably the right step. Those are the people who make a lot in sales. And they're able to convert those audiences over what that was a kind of a rant but what comes up for you?

Sanni: Just there was this thing then, well, you know that my audience is Finnish. So I have always been doing a bit of English because I know that everyone can watch them. But last night I made my first video on Finnish because I want to try it out because I have friends that do talk in Finnish and they have millions of views, which is unbelievable and I could never do that by speaking English to my fitness watchers. Right so I made my first finished video where I cleared out what affiliate marketing is and if there were people engaging with it so much more, which really, I'm so confused because I didn't know what I should do right now because I use my TikToks in my reels too. So if I did a video in Finnish on TikTok and videos in English, on Instagram, there would be so much work. I don't know what to do. So I have a big decision to make. So like, Yeah, think about it.

Matt: Yeah, well, and the nice part is is like there's people out there who are like, who really judge you know, the type of content that people create or like tell people you're doing the right thing or doing the wrong thing, but the truth is, is you could probably go multiple different directions with this. It'll probably work. Usually, it's just consistency and outlasting people as what really works. But so you just did that first one. I want to go back to that first one, and you're getting quite a bit of views on it. I've seen that on your Tik Tok getting quite a bit of views on it. What's your takeaway from that? What's the type of engagement you're getting?

Sanni: Well,  I got a couple of comments. But the thing is that people don't, if people have something positive to say in TikTok, they don't do it there. They do it privately on the DMS. So I got a lot of people tagging me ready, which is my call to action and I'm coming to tell them what affiliate marketing is and I saw that they are friends. So it really did work. But on the other hand, I really prefer making TikToks in English, but I have to listen to my audience and what they think and what would be best for me to make sales, not to be a salesman.

Matt: Yeah, I think that makes sense. And I mean, some of those voices can be loud, but also, you know, when you're doubling your income on the internet, who cares right no matter you know, I should say who cares? But you know, even people who make a lot of money and you know, are some of the most wealthy famous people in America, for instance, still really, really care about what people say about them? And, you know, we're only human. So you know, it's like, if you just get nothing but 10 comments that are all like, you suck then you know, it's hard to kind of differentiate and be like, Okay, I guess I guess I do.

Sanni: I feel like it's so important that you have the people who support you, you're at someone you're close with, because when you get those comments you aren't supposed to handle them find yourself as as I did, at first, I was just like, I was like deleting the comments because I didn't want anyone to see them. But then I have met my friend, one friend via my business, and he has really helped me to understand that I'm doing this for me and the haters are the ones who aren't going to be financially free by their 70's. So, I'm the one doing the work here and I should celebrate it and I should really take credit for it. And I should never listen to the ones who haven't ever tried anything like this.

Matt: Oh, I love that. I really love that. And yeah, I really love that and I and what I really feel like is it reminds me of Gary Vee and he's always talking about how empathy always you know he's like, Yeah, I have a lot of haters. But what people don't understand is, you know, in five or 10 years, I'm going to post a video about how my life right now is, exactly what I want. Right? And that's really all that matters is that people who try to speak into our lives, deserve to speak and we don't need to listen to them. 

Sanni: We don't, it doesn't really matter. It can inform. So I think from people who are meaningful to us than people who are worth listening to, because they have a helpful voice, you know, if they're making something in our content or something that's a different story. But generally, for people who don't understand, taking the empathetic approach is a much healthier way to go about it. Because taking that empathetic approach. What that does for what that does for us internally is it allows us to just sort of, there's this there's this big, it's like a temperature, it's like a thermometer, there's this big like, it's almost like our blood pressure just starts to rise. And we get like all freaked out and and taking the empathetic approach if something Brene Brown, I heard her say a long time ago is basically that people are doing the best they can. So she said at one point, I started to believe that people are doing the best they can. And that changes everything right? Because now if you've got people who are haters in the comments, and if I believe that everybody is just doing the best that they can, it makes me you know, rather than feeling anything about me, I don't even feel anything about me. It just makes me feel like if that person had to comment on my stuff, say gotta be going through something, you know, like they've got to be something's really off for them. That's, you know, and now suddenly, it's just like, Okay, I guess like, or, Oh, create a little like a video response to them and just be like, Hey, I hope you're doing okay. Like, I was like, I was a pretty mean comment. I just hope you're doing all right. Like, I hope that this isn't like your whole day is just feeling shitty and shitting on people online like literally bother me but geez, like, I hope you're alright. You know, and, and that really that empathetic response for most people is like they've never experienced that the reason that they're shitting on everybody's videos is because all they've experienced their whole life is people doing that to them, right? It's just like, non stop cycle right? So people have their whole life with their parents and tell them they're not good enough and they suck and they should be ashamed of themselves and all this stuff and then they just do it to you and do it to everybody else. So it gives them the power back and it goes to their behavior. And the one thing that I think we all should remember is that I did this at first, but every time you reply to their comments of the haters you give them more power to do what they are doing. So it's just best to not not give them any attention. Because if you reply, they're going to reply again. And this never ending cycle. And you just have to be the powerful person behind the comments.

Matt: Yeah, that's right. And yeah, unless they're asking you something specific about your product or something, but in most cases, they're not. They're just spewing nonsense and he kind of just, you know APR or whatever they call them keyboard warriors, right. They're back behind their keyboard or type in the you know, there are some keyboards and, you know, for the most part, it's just people are a lot more aggressive and big online than they actually are in person.

Sanni: It's just Yeah. Like you said, sometimes negative comments are really helpful. Because they tell you straightly the things that you are not willing to think about like I had one one hater was like, Why Why aren't you sick? Why are you saying that you are educating us even though you have no educating videos, and that was my key to make them and I understood that you are telling me what I should do and I'm going to catch it.

Matt: I see. Yeah. Interesting. super interesting. Makes sense. Cool. Wow, that's really insightful. So, okay, so I'm gonna start to wrap this up here. But what I thought would be cool is if you could give a little bit of encouragement or maybe a little inspiration to people. We have a lot of people who watch this live and a lot of people are watching the replay. And, and many of them are just getting started. They're in the challenge. They're getting going, maybe they just started. What would you say to those people who are just getting going, maybe they're a little nervous, maybe a little bit worried? They're hearing about haters, and they're like, Hey, I just started the challenge of not reading craters yet. What would you say to those people who are just getting going?

Sanni: Well, what I always say to my followers is that the first step is really the hardest because it's so easy to skip doing something like this, but there's so much potential in online income. It's so it's so it's the future, and you should never skip it because you have this opportunity. Here. You and but if you like if you have the mindset, what's needed there, so it's gonna be easy for you. If you have the dreams and you have the what you're dreaming of, it's going to happen for you if you just take the first step. And it just becomes easier, the more you do it. And you're just, it's easy.

Matt: Yeah. And it's, it becomes more simple as with anything in life, that's really good feedback. As you go and as you get used to things, it's easier, and the easiest time to quit and to call it quits is right in the beginning. Right so I think back to when I was in high school and I I don't know do you have Are you familiar with something called calculus? Okay, so I quit calculus. I got about three weeks in and I was like, Are you kidding me? Like I'm not going to be in that position. I'm never going to use this which I haven't still, I have not used that. I mean, maybe I look back and maybe there's some benefit, like critical thinking maybe? Or maybe I just don't know actually, I don't think so. But I just dropped out and it is in those first three weeks where it's like you really have the option of doing one or the other and probably around week three or five or seven I probably would have broken through and I probably would have got it. I just didn't see the benefit of doing that because there wasn't really any What am I gonna Am I gonna make more money in a job? Am I gonna like what I am benefiting from this? This is high school this is so stupid. And I was generally a student or whatever and I was getting like a D or I don't know a C loss outs like this is dumb. I don't. I'm not doing this. So but I think in those early days is the easiest time to just be like, You know what? But when you push through, I'm a bad example of this clearly but when you push through, and you keep going what happens is all of that confusion confusing? All the confusing, confusing. Equations and all of that stuff. That's overwhelming and now we've got letters and all of this becomes just more natural. 

Sanni: It has become the norm. Okay, x equals y minus b squared. Okay, it's not that confusing. Most people are like talking about the same thing on day one. You login in there like sales funnels and traffic with traffic. Are we driving cars? What are we doing here? Right, all of it becomes now 10 years later. All of that is second nature. And it's because I kept going and kept pushing in, kept learning and kept expanding my knowledge and building skills. And it's literally my comfort zone. It's so important.

Matt: Yes, bingo. Get out of your comfort zone. That's the idea here. Well cool. I'm so happy it makes me happy to see people who are really young and new and fresh in their journey who are building skills and wherever this leads to wherever path that takes you. The cool part about this this this moment in your journey is that the skills you're building are so transferable and also you're becoming is so transferable as the soft skills but also the hard skills and soft skills or you know, you get this cater from a car that was just a complete jackass. And you know, it doesn't deserve an ounce of your time. And you learn to build that tough skin that most people would never learn in life, right? And then the hard skills are you're learning actually how to sit down and create video content, which is you know, for somebody if you go out and try to get a marketing job or trying to get hired or something, they're gonna say, Oh, you've got a marketing degree from whatever the University of Washington or something. Okay, cool, or they're gonna look at Sani who's got a freaking two year track record in history has built her own following on tick tock to whatever fit 50,000 or 100,000 or a million followers on tick tock and, and is like Sanni: Yeah, put me up against any marketing major in the world and I'll kill like, I'll destroy them because I've been actually doing it. And yeah, I think that's really powerful. And it's ISP skills in the world. Yeah, and I actually get job offerings for things I do. Have my own business people see my Instagram account and come to the DMS and say that I want to hire you. Can you do my social media if you're so good at it? Yeah, it has so many opportunities.

Matt: And that's, that's a big takeaway. That's a big story of a lot of people who come through Legendary is, you know, we'll meet them one or two times sometimes on these shows, and never hear from him again. And then email a year or two later down the road. And somebody built this random business like somebody who doesn't even have to do with high ticket affiliate marketing. They built this like random business or restaurant business or something or an ADS agency right or something random and they're like, you know, I learned my first skill of launching an ad at legendary, and then it took me down this rabbit hole and here I am today and I feel like I've kind of found my fit. And it all starts with building skills and getting your feet wet and really learning as a beginner with a community of people who can really help you. Which it sounds like you found so exciting about that. Thanks for coming on today too. By the way, it was nice meeting you.

Sanni: Nice meeting you too. 

Matt: And if you're open to it, and you're still rocking and rolling, we'd love to have you come back on, you know, in a couple months and just check in and see how things are going.

Sanni: That's great. I will be back soon.

Matt: Awesome. Thanks again. See? All right. Hey, everybody, make sure to give a follow right here. You can see her TikTok on Instagram right down here. Sani I'm not going to try to pronounce your last name. I just would , I would completely butcher it and I just am not going to do it. So go give her a follow though. And you know, for everybody who's here in the United States. You can probably help her out a little bit by giving a follow up and giving her a little bit more traction here in the US. Which would be great and a huge side benefit for her. So for everybody who's here. We'll be back here tomorrow, same time, same place. 10am Eastern, peace out everybody have a good rest of your Wednesday.

Why It’s Important To Build A Relationship With Your Customers

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends? This is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary as you can see in the title today, which I think is rather catchy and I didn't come up with it, actually our guest marketed former full time electrician lights it up with both all my marketing TikTok. I just love the creativity in that title. I think I'm gonna be excited and jewelry you I am excited but I think I'm gonna get a lot of value out of here in the sky share this morning so would everybody help me give a warm legendary Welcome to mark what's going on my brother

Mark: Hey, thanks for having me on Dave. It's a pleasure. This is actually I was telling Mater there this is one of my goals and I'm checking off me to be on the show here with you.

Dave: Nice. Hey, my pleasure, brother. My pleasure to have you so, you know, the we can't we're you know cut from the same cloth. We're both from the trades. You seem to know, it sounds like you're a little bit more formal with an actual trade. I was kind of a jack of all trades, master of none. Back when I was working construction, I'd kind of go wherever the money was. We'd do bathroom and kitchen remodel. So we did a little bit of everything. But my dad was a master plumber and he just kind of rolled his skills over into carpentry and and and you know, tile work and so forth. He's actually a master craftsman. But I'm the one who's less handy. He's super crafty. But tell us how you got here brother. I mean what led you from a lack? Basically metaphorically speaking, one side of the world is pretty much workwise to the other offline to online.

Mark: Well, I'm an electrician by trade, doing that job for about 15 years now and I'm currently still doing that job. So I know a lot of videos that say you know you are planning on quitting your nine to five job but I'm not planning on quitting my nine to five job. I've got a really good job. And I enjoy the work that I do. How I came across affiliate marketing well, just like a lot of people. My daughter was on Tik Tok and musically and all that stuff before doing the dances and everything and I didn't really think much of it. Ironically, a buddy of mine pushed Tech Talk to my interest there and showed me you know, there's at least good looking girls on here dancing the way you should see this. So that's how it started. I was flicking through and watching girls dance and then next thing you know, I came across a gentleman that really got my interest and started watching a few of his videos and doing some research about affiliate marketing. And then I jumped right in, and I haven't looked back since and it's kind of been a difference for me. It's really made a big change.

Dave: Nice. Nice. When did you get started?

Mark: I started back in the middle of June. So just before the summer started,

Dave: Okay, had you ever done any sort of online marketing any sort of anything like this before?

Mark: No experience at all. Like I said, I've been a tradesman for the last 15 years. Before that. I worked in the tourism industry here in Niagara Falls. Did that for a few years and then before that I worked all over the world on cruise ships. So no no marketing experience at all.

Dave: So what were you going through our 15 Day Challenge ? What was it about it that sort of lit you up?

Mark: You know what, like, I got really excited about it. Like I said, Because I saw other affiliates making some good money and I thought, this is something that I want to do. I mentioned it to my wife, I got my wife involved in it and we started doing a challenge together. We had an excellent business adviser that put me onto some of your videos here as well too. That got me in touch with some other guests that you've had a Wake Up Legendary and it just really got me excited and my wife wasn't so sure at first, but she's definitely on board now. And I just haven't looked back since.

Dave: Why is she so on board now?

Mark: Because she started to see the success coming and she started to see the money rolling in too. So that's why she's not bored.

Dave: It's amazing how that works, isn't it? I mean absolutely. Less of this and more of this. And it's, you know, there's a little bit of comedy. See, I am a funny guy. Yeah, I think, you know, sometimes I feel like I'm the funniest guy. No, but then like, I'll roll something out to my family and it'll just be like dead silence and I'll just be like, and then you know, I'm like maybe I start to second guess myself. I'm like, that was funny, you know? And then you know so anyways, it's probably because they've heard my jokes 1000 times. So I always say that it's easier to get a new audience than it is to get new material. You know what I mean? You know, I try to roll out to different people to see if I can work on them. So as you know, I can relate to this man. What I know, just kind of, I actually did still love construction even at heart just because I was appreciative of it. As you know, I was able to work with my dad and so forth. But one thing that I noticed about something that you said a second ago was that you're able to speak to other people and talk to them about potentially quitting their nine to five or if they want to quit their nine to five but you you don't want to quit your nine to five you love what you do. And you have no shame about your job. I think that is so big because I think so many folks who come in and start an online business or start with something like this. They almost have it's like they have shame in having a job. Instead of just a drive or a motivation to want to get out of it. It's almost like their shame there. versus just leaving that job as like a goal, something that you're motivated towards. And I think that's a shame. I think that really affects somebody's self esteem and keeps them from being able to go out there and create content, because they think well who's gonna listen to me? I'm not, you know, I still have a job. Can you talk to us about that and help us to understand how you do that? What are your thought processes, and help some of these folks who do have some of that shame or guilt or embarrassment around? Having a job but still also marketing online to people who may want to quit their job, even if they want to quit their job too.

Mark: There are a lot of people out there that do want to quit their job and that's one of the target points that I've hit on. Like a lot of people reach out to me, but part of me having my job and number one of the number one reasons why I'm not going to quit my job is because I really appreciate the camaraderie I have with my fellow employees. It's that touch point of being able to get out of the house and talking to other people face to face. Now, what I've discovered too in affiliate marketing now is developing that connection. With people and not just responding by comments to any questions that they ask on any of my videos, but also developing a connection like I said, like reaching out and having a video chat with them just kind of like what we're doing right now. And I find that that's the camaraderie right there that really helps the most and it really helps people trust you. And that's what I should have. What I wish I would have learned back in June, it didn't really help me click until about August, September when I started getting a little bit more successful. But that was the one of the key points that I really hit on.

Can you say more about that? It just give us some more context and examples of what it was like before that clicked for you and what it was like after that click for you.

Yeah, like Dave, when I started when I took the challenge, like first of all, I said I came across this gentleman on TikTok that was making money with affiliate marketing and I said, You know what, like, if this guy can do it, I can do it. And I'm sure a lot of other people have said that as well too. And, and I said, like, you know what, I probably got some humor as well too, that I can put into these videos, but

I really wanted to how do I want to say this, I'm losing my train of thought here

Dave: You had your own sort of imposter syndrome, right? That started to kick in that self doubt, right?

Mark: Is that Yes. Like it's not as simple as just clicking on the link in my bio, you know, like that's, that's kind of what I was thinking it was all about. When I started off. I was like, You know what, it's just getting people to click on the link in your pile. I can definitely do that. But it's not just about doing that, you know, like, yes, I've had people go through and purchase a challenge that haven't even made contact with you. And those are the real killers. But the ones that have questions, those are the ones you're gonna definitely want to reach out to and like I said, the felt that connection with them, make them feel like they can trust you and that you're not going anywhere. You know, like I don't want to, I don't want to see you spend your $7 and then you're never going to hear from me again. Like I always let people know that I'm here to assist them with any questions or comments that they have with regards to the challenge and I'll be here along the way to answer those questions for them.

Dave: And this applies to anything, any niche, any product that you're promoting, I mean, for so many folks a little bit of contact in a chat or a message or an email that they send you before they buy. It's very common. I mean, people just kind of check in and there's ways to do customer support and sales at the same time. You know, and if we really want to kind of treat our business like a business, categorize conversations that we're having the real US customers or in their sales, and I think a lot of people think that they you know, have to do one or the other like I'm either in customer support or I'm answering questions all day and just kind of directing people to other things and and you know, just just basically busy work, but I think one of the keys that was was sort of groundbreaking for me was to realize that I could do customer support and sales at the same time. I got kind of good at including calls to action in my messages, right? As well as in my video content as well as in my email. So if somebody would reach out and say, Hey, is this really real? Or I got a specific question about how does this all work? Right? I wouldn't just, you know, give them some value answer. I would, I would, I would respond and say and kind of validate their curiosity by saying hey, that's a really great, great question. And so it's not that it is rather complicated, right? But there's some steps that you can take to make it really simple and you can start out really simple and the reason why I recommend this training is because it takes you through one two, right? And then I'll say feel free to check it out if you feel called to do so if not, thanks for checking out my content, right. So that's a way I think so many of us, when we start getting messages, we just feel an obligation to just sort of respond right and don't want to be pushy or salesy, but there is a way to be totally respectful in and have great manners and be, you know, compassionate and pleasant in the DMS or the messages as you say when people start to reach out, but also give gentle nudges and have conviction about what it is that you're promoting and include that in your message. Is that something that you kind of started to do as well as incorporate that sales and customer support and what did that look like?

Mark: Yes, you're right, like a big part of that is love. Follow us. Just following up with any lien sia has what's a great part about this affiliate setup errors and lets you go through and see everybody, every all of your members and where they are in the challenge. If you can follow up with them like there are a lot of people Dave that have purchased the challenge, but then they don't start so that's why I always like to give that little nudge to them and reach back out to them via email and say, hey, look, this is just a private message coming from me. This isn't one of my email blasts. This is just a private message just to let you know that you know, I'm here in case you have any trouble you've already paid for the challenge. Let's start and see if we can make a difference.

Dave: Yeah, I think that really understanding that somebody is really a lead when whenever they reach out okay, first and foremost, whatever they reach out via like a direct message on a platform like TikTok they also really become a lead when they buy something for like $7 or $5 or $10. Like that's not like if we really think about it in terms of the big picture like that's not really a huge income producing sale. Like you know, in order to make tons of money off of a couple of dollars for every purchase. You got to be Walmart or Amazon. That's their business model is they make new pennies off of a million purchases per second, right. What we want to do is we want to move people through a value ladder, right and ascension process, and we start them off with something that's low ticket, high value just to get them an appetizer to see to let them decide whether it's a good fit for them or not, you know, here's a taste or something to get you started. It's sort of like coming into a bar or a restaurant and having a drink. Do you like to sit at the bar? Do you like the atmosphere or do you want a bowl because you know, you're not really feeling or the appetizers are cold so let's not have dinner here. You know, it's kind of like that and we move them through that ascension process and let sort of a sales system or a sales process take over at that point. But really, I think without just you know, I'm not trying to dehumanize people but in a sales sense some of us who come from an employee background to where we maybe we weren't in sales. We have a hard time kind of really viewing when somebody reaches out to us as a lead or somebody buys something like a low cost, you know, course or something as a lead but they really are. What does lead mean? It means they're hot, they're there, you know that they're ready you know what I mean? They're they're not reaching out because they just have nothing else to do. They're reaching out because they're interested or they're buying something for a couple of dollars, because they're interested. And that additional follow up. I'm glad you brought that up because I think that is so key and likely market something that the majority of marketers are not doing. Is that what you find as well?

Absolutely. And like I said again, that's just something that I just started doing recently and I've noticed such a big difference by doing the follow up. Another thing you touched on too was giving value. So what I've also incorporated now is giving a free gift like you talk about in the challenge there as well too. So I like to I incorporate just something small like a little six pamphlet ebook, like it's not gonna win a Pulitzer or anything, but it's just something to give people a little bit of information and like I said value, and that's one of the most important

things and how did you, what is the eBook that you give away about and how and I'm asking you because you know, so many folks feel unqualified to write out Oh, who am I right? And how did you feel qualified? How did you look? I mean, did that even enter your mind as you tell us how that as Dan Kennedy originally called it, how did you develop that lead magnet?

Mark: That was just from doing the training and learning what I had to do in order to provide value also to by being an affiliate. I'm sure every other affiliate has done this as well, too. You want to look at what other successful affiliates are doing. And by clicking on their link and signing up for their emails, receiving their emails and seeing what they might be doing differently seeing that other affiliates are giving out ebooks as well too. So that's something that I kind of wanted to just, I wouldn't necessarily say copy but kind of put it in my own words and see if it can be successful for me and it definitely has.

Dave: Yeah, so do you give that away on your opt in page?

Yes. As soon as you sign up for your account, put your name and your email address. That's one of the first things that comes through is that email and it'll just be a link that they can click on to get that free eBook. And you advertise that free eBook on the actual landing page, or is it just a free bonus that they don't have yet. 

Mark: I'm in the process of making another landing page, but right now I'm just sticking with the basics. So I'm gonna kind of split the test shortly and see how that works for me, but right now it's kind of something that I just advertise on my life and he's like, TikTok and gets people interested.

Dave: Yeah, it's, it's, it's brilliant. It really is smart. Because when you can tell somebody that hey, I've you know, I've got I've got a free ebook for you. I've got something that's basically a kind of, you know, a 20 minute read. That will give you a full overview of this. One of the most brilliant funnels and simplest funnels in all of time is simply just either offering that free ebook, you know, somewhere on the front end, whether it's in a video or whether it's kind of on your landing page. And then basically, I don't know if you do this on your bridge page per se your ebook, your bonus ebook will be delivered to your inbox in the next 30 minutes. While you wait, watch the video below, right. So check this out. Check this out. The reason why you want to say that is because instead they're just checking their email and they're not going through the fun onto whatever it is that you're that you're promoting. Right. So what I like to do when I deliver those sort of ebooks as bonuses or kind of lead magnets, I like to delay that first email going out for 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes. So it gives them time to actually go through and watch my bridge page video in my sales page video because if you think about it, you need to know how long it takes to watch the videos of the products that you're promoting. Let's say you're promoting some sort of, you know, a jewelry cleaning product and that in that sales video is only five minutes. Well, you know that within 15 minutes that person has had a full chance to be able to watch that sales video and kind of make a decision whether they're going to buy now if you're promoting something like for example, our 15 Day Challenge. There's a 25 roughly 25 minute long video there, right so after somebody opts in to your landing page, how long has your bridge video, let's say that that's two minutes, 30 minutes. So if we've got 25 plus three, we've got nearly a half an hour that after somebody opts in, they need clear total focus they need at So again, if we've offered them an ebook and then they opt in and then they're going searching their inbox for that ebook. We just may not have as much of a chance to give, you know, total focus on that sales. I don't know if that's helpful to you at all. Yes, it really is, you know, direct response marketing is about if I was to really boil it down. It's about singular focus. And the big difference of why, you know, small time marketers like us have the ability to make millions and millions of dollars per year doing this little thing we call digital marketing, you know, usually selling information products, is because of the way that we market, okay, it's it's not because of anything else. It's because of the way that we market and the difference of how we market is about singular focus, versus this kind of traditional New Age marketing of just basically having a website with 100 Different things for somebody to do read your about me page, you know, go in and check out your product page with all of your products right? I mean, we do like most all of our sales and our sales funnels, not on our legendary marketer corporate website, right because most people think that that oh, gosh, you know, I've, I've had somebody working on my website for you know, six months, it's finally ready and I can be in business and then they've not done shit for six months and now all of a sudden they think they put their website up with 1000 Different things for people to go and check out on the website, click around and then they still make no sales and that's usually after they spent $15,000 on the website. Six months bullshit around now they're like, Okay, I got a marketing problem here. No, I don't have a product problem because nobody's even seeing the product. Nobody's even bought the product. Right? So direct response marketing is really about singular focus. It's about it's about it's about really clarity, right? So if I'm doing a Tiktok video, I want a clear message. I don't want to go in a bunch of different directions. I want a clear call to action when somebody comes to a landing page. I want a clear message with a clear, you know, call to action. There's one thing to do: it's either basically opt in or leave right? When somebody comes to my bridge page, and that's one of the reasons why I've always hated these link tree things, he asked me to okay, because somebody comes to your link tree and you've got your five different options there. Well, if they knew what they needed to do, they wouldn't have been watching your shit in the first place. Right? They're looking to you for direction, right? So we have to give them that singular focus one, step by step right, one step at a time on this page. You're going to kind of buy into the big idea a little bit more and enter your email for access on this page. Right? I want you to know that I'm going to send you an e book but that's going to say that my system takes 30 minutes to send it out. Watch this video and then click the button below to continue once you're done with right cellular focus. So anyways, I'm ranting about that a little bit, but hopefully it was valuable. 

Mark: It's all good info though. 

Dave: Well, if you brought me out on your job, you know, I'd probably kill myself. But I do a little something about this because I've been doing it for 10 years for God's sake. And now I pick up a hammer and I feel like I'm, you know, on some different planets. Sometimes I just rather hire somebody to do that. It's fair. You know, I just questioned whether I was actually ever in construction or not, because I'm literally I can be so clumsy. And my wife likes to make fun of me. She's like, she used to be you know, trying to do something and she's standing over me pissing me off as I'm fumbling around with it, but yeah, man. So what else? What else? What other tips? What other stories do you have that, you know, have been major milestones or breakthroughs for you on this journey, the short journey for you so far.

Mark: It's just what everybody says, Dave, it's about consistency. You've got to show up every day. Now, like I know, everybody's had to deal with the TikTok bans or you know, your account got shut down for a couple of days because you posted something that maybe they should know or had some community violations. Unfortunately, those are the breaks and you have to overcome those. But still, you have to show up every day posts consistently and and after four weeks, like after about a month's time. You will start seeing the auction and it will just start rolling downhill like a snowball. It's an amazing thing like TikTok, an amazing platform for advertising your business. I like to use other forms of social media as well too, but really TikTok the main one, and there's people all over the world and that's the great thing about tick tock is you can reach out and develop that connection with just pretty much anywhere in the world.

Dave: So how have you gone from somebody who never made a piece of content likely in your life besides you know, taking a selfie and sending it somewhere, to going now to having and finding ideas to be able to make these short little content videos. And what are the majority? What would you say your secret to creating content is for Mark?

Mark: The secrets to writing a good copy, you have to write good copy just like he's just like you address in the tree. I've started to incorporate that a little bit better by doing a little bit more studies and reading books about copywriting. That's definitely helped. But again, like I a lot of us, we looked at what everybody else is doing and what seems to be working for everybody else. And I go with that. And there's really no secret to it. I know all the other affiliates out there we all copy a whole bunch of other material and that seems to be working for me and I don't know what else to say earlier but that ‘s been a good ride so far. Yeah, we'll just get better.

Dave: It's sort of like you know, my buddy over there ClickFunnels calls it Funnel Hacking and it's almost content hacking, you know? I mean, the entire, you know, the entire basically, you know, meaning behind Funnel Hacking was going find the funnel that's working and basically kind of make it your own. You know, don't copy it word for word. And don't you know, don't get into any sort of unethical where you're plagiarizing anybody or in some cases illegal. But you know, get that it's sort of like an artist who gets where to get your inspiration from, you know, basically the naked lady was laying in front of me and I painted her that she was my inspiration. Or I was sitting in front of a beautiful landscape or a beautiful beach and that was I mean, in met. Sometimes people will paint something that looks totally different than whatever their inspiration was. But every artist has for most every piece of art, some sort of an inspiration and I kind of look at marketing nowadays as simplified inspiration because you can look around there's so many different examples. I mean, it's like if anybody thinks that you know, they can't do this, that all you gotta do is go on to say tick tock, basically tick tock for 15 minutes, and you see somebody who you know, and this is no disrespect to them. It's more credit to them because they're an action taker, but they're dumber than you. They're uglier than you. They're fatter than you, they're skinnier than you, they're shorter than you, they're taller than you, you know all the little things that you may be sitting there picking off about yourself as aligning to this or I'm to that or I'm too unqualified. You got people out there who just got started and literally the next week, they've gone through some training. They've gotten some initial foundation and they're beginning marketing there. We've got people here in our community who are watching these shows, who are going through our training, who ‘s initial content, they're taking what they learned and putting it in their own words and then they start to find inspiration from other people out there on social media. So what you're saying there's brilliance in the simple answer, I get it, I understand it and I think that it just leaves somebody who really wants this really with no excuses. In unlimited inspiration. Would you agree with that? 

Mark: Absolutely something I always say to people imitation is the highest form of flattery. When I started my TikTok account I had four followers and now I'm almost up to 20,000. So it takes a little bit of time. But before you know it, it'll blow up like my 12 year old daughter who's on TikTok 23 and a half hours a day. It just blows her mind how the followers I've been able to incorporate and they seem to get a lot of her friends that like to join my lives as well too. They think it's a big kick and, and they're all really interested in what I'm doing too. So it's been fun. It's kind of been able, like it's brought me back to like when I was in college, I took Television and Radio Broadcasting. So it's kind of brought me back to my radio broadcasting days of being able to be on the radio and speak to people and it's been about 25 years since I've been there. But hey, it's like my flame again.

Dave: Nice man. So if somebody you know, maybe somebody who knows you and who's been following you on Tik Tok or somebody who's just landed here on this alive and is wondering, you know, maybe they're skeptical. They're sitting on the fence, like, based on like, what's happened in your life? Over the last when did you take the challenge?

Mark: I took the challenge back and you started getting into running my own business. I incorporated that like I said in the middle of June, and I haven't looked back since . One of the mind blowing things that happened to me was about a month ago, I was at the gas station fueling up my work vehicle. And the guy the next day over he looked over at me goes, Hey, you're that bald guy on TikTok that's making money. And it was kind of like it was like my 15 minutes of fame. It just really hit home and they made me feel good. And like I said, if I can do it, just about anybody out there can do it. All you have to do is just take, just take a little bit of time like I wasn't really when I started off. I was doing one two hours a day with my side hustle. Now I'm incorporated a little bit more because I'm getting a lot. I'm getting it. I'm way more busy than I was. When I started. I'm answering more emails, reaching out to people having video chats with people every day. It's just you know, it's fun and my wife says to me every day she's like, you're really enjoying this. I can tell and, you know, it's not a hobby, like keep like you said, you can't treat this as a hobby. You got to treat this as a business. And as long as you understand that, you'll be successful. You just don't quit, keep going. It'll work for you. You've got a great product you're in place, the product sells itself, just keep going and stick with it.

Dave: Well hey dude. Awesome, awesome. Keep it up. Congrats. You know, love to see somebody who you know. I just love to see somebody who doesn't want to leave their job just loves this and this is so worth their time, both from a happiness standpoint and also a financial standpoint, that you just you know, who knows where it'll take you where you'll be in six months. We'll check back in three to six months to see where you're at, but I'm just thrilled. It's such a different kind of message this morning just about, you know, this is possible. It's fun, it can be fun. It is fun. Like don't take it so seriously. And you know, I've always lived by or tried to don't take myself so seriously or else nobody else will. You know, if you get in there and if you take action like it'll come and it'll come just let it come to and you just you just embody that this morning Mark. So keep up the great work, brother and thanks for coming on, man. 

Mark: No problem. I know. Hopefully, I'll see you at one of your masterminds. In the near future. I'm really looking forward to one of those two. That's another one of my goals. So we'll see.

Dave: Can't wait man can't wait to hang out. Okay. I'll talk to you soon. Mark, see. I might make friends, go and check mark out and follow him on TikTok. You can see his handle there. So Mar productions, s o m m a r production. So more productions that's going to be his tick tock handle and you can check his content out there, you know, lift him up, support him, like his stuff, comment on his stuff. That's how we support each other in this community is we have an online community okay, that that's what this is and the way that we communicate and support each other is by liking and commenting and you know, if we see somebody going live or we see a video that somebody posted on tick tock don't just watch it and scroll by leave a comment and say great content, awesome creator, like something like that like to where you lift somebody up from this community and what will happen also which is which is interesting. People will begin to do the same thing back to you. You know, and you're more you're more quicker. You'll more quickly. I'm a little tired this morning. You're quickly building your connections, right? Because you know, what's the most important thing to somebody when they post a piece of content is that people engage with it. So if you're somebody who's sitting there engaging with somebody like Mark's content or any of our guests here, anybody from this community, you become somebody who they notice and somebody who's important to them, and then they even start commenting back on your stuff. And that's how relationships are born. And that's how we support each other. We have an advantage here. So we know each other and we can support each other when we see each other out there online. So do that. We'll meet you back here. For another episode. As Mark mentioned, we do have a mastermind coming up all last week. We interviewed speakers and talked about the mastermind. If you're not registered yet, go to your back office. If you own a mastermind ticket of course, go to your back office register now if you want to come spots are almost filled up my friends get out of here. We'll see you back here. Tomorrow at 10am. Eastern time. For another episode.

How To Create Better Hooks For TikTok Videos

 Below is the transcription of this episode: 

Matt: Welcome in. Happy Monday. Good to see you. We've got an awesome guest. Somebody I'm excited to chat with somebody who's got a very interesting background because that's kind of where I got started. But I'll let her tell the story. Amy, what's going on? 

Amy: Hey, ya’ll.

Matt: How's it going?

Amy: I'm great. How are you?

Matt: I'm doing great. Do well. What's new, where are you calling in from?

Amy: I'm from South Georgia.

Matt: Okay, South Georgia. Nice. Alright. So tell us a little bit about you, your story, your journey. You started in network marketing and you've been doing that a long time. Okay, so, number one, how did you make it in that industry? Super blog. And number two? What's kind of been, you know, like, I'm guessing you're pretty successful and doing well in it. So tell us a little bit: what's your secret? And then also, tell us about you know, your introduction or discovery of you know, freelance digital marketing or digital marketing.

Amy: Okay. Well, I was, I lived in Panama City, Florida years and years ago and I got started in real estate there. And I didn't love it because I really didn't feel like I had the freedom and I just freedom was so important to me to be able to have you know, the ability to come and go and be with my family. And so I was working in real estate, as you know, as an agent, of course, and somebody approached me about another direct selling business. And so I started it because I thought if I saw an ad for this company in a newspaper or online or something, of course, online wasn't even a thing at that time, but I thought if I saw an ad for this company, it would be absolutely perfect. So I just started even though it was super duper outside of my comfort zone. It really was I had anxiety up the wazoo, but I started it because it just was such a great opportunity. And, you know, I know it sounds absolutely crazy to have done something for 20 odd years and had anxiety about it pretty much every day. But I did and I did it because I just thought there is nothing better I couldn't find anything better. That would offer me the ability to make a really good income and have the freedom that I wanted and so many other perks. I mean, I had free cars, I had all kinds of perks. And I looked for other opportunities just in case there was something out there I thought I wanted to be no open minded. But all these years went by and I never found anything that that to me could compare even though I had a hard time doing it. I forced myself to just suck it up every day and do it. But I finally got to the point in the last few years where I'm like, I don't have joy second it up anymore. I just don't have joy here anymore. And yeah, I made it six. It was a successful run. Obviously I wouldn't have stayed in it that long if I hadn't had some success, but it really just came down to the joy factor. There was no joy there was no joy. So last year when COVID hit it was such and I don't mean this respectfully to anybody who's suffered because of COVID but for me it was a humongous blessing because of the way it changed the business that I was in we were forced to go virtual. I didn't know how much I would love that. I had no idea how much I loved that. And so when we got into love about that I loved not having to have people come to my house. I love not having to clean up because people are coming over and it's not like people have come over. It's just, you know, you plan for people to come over and sometimes they show up and sometimes they don't and you know I'd have to boot my husband out and you know, I just I just loved that I also love that I can reach people nationwide that are even before it was only local people, you know, only as far as I could drive or they could drive to me and I live in southwest Georgia. And I don't know if you know a lot about Southwest Georgia but anyway, it's not a big metropolis or anything with you know, so I love that I could meet people in Pennsylvania in Minnesota and all of these places that I never would have been able to do had it not gone virtual. So when I took the business virtual last year, by the end of 2020 I was like you know what, there's a bigger world out there. I've been living in such a small world. And it's humongous. I wish I had started this what we're doing here 10 years ago, at least, and I just didn't know about it. Be honest with you. I was on TikTok looking for entertainment, literally only looking for funny videos. Where's the funny ones? Where's the funny ones in so I came across a girl talking about her affiliate marketing business and I literally said What the heck is that? I didn't know what affiliate marketing was. And so I had to look up the definition. I was like, Okay, and so I watched her take the 15 day business challenge. And by day four, I was like, Okay, I'm done with this other thing I've done for 25 years. I'm done. I'm doing this now. And that's literally how it went. And so here I am. It’s good to be here.

Matt: Wow. That's super cool. It's like it's yeah, it's crazy for me to think about that history and all of that direct sales and yeah, I think sometimes you're like, Man, I wish I had discovered this sooner but also there's probably just a lot of, I think people it's all just kind of like the lens that we look at their stuff, right. So like, you know, there's always the there's always a way to look at that and be like, well, wish I would have wished I would have right but then like, when you actually look at you I think when you actually sit down and look at like, how am I going to craft a story and how am I gonna craft sort of my journey and what and even outside of the marketing angle just really like what is my story? What is my journey and that's a really powerful, compelling one of the discoveries of you know, how to go online and how to take one's existing business on the internet. And also, you know, that's one thing which I find to be really powerful and empowering to people and the other one is, is from the marketing angle, right, so like from the marketing things and if you're marketing something in the make money online niche or something like that. I mean, just imagine, you know, unpacking 25 years for people, here's how I used to sell, here's what it looked like here's and here's the success that I had it, here's how it worked. And now all of that I've just opened up the whole world because I can now take everything that I was doing and start a new existing business model on the internet, which is the most powerful platform ever changing literally has changed everybody's income over the last like 18 months. Everybody went online. Everybody's online now. Yeah. Yeah, it's, well, it's super fascinating, super fascinating. So, you know, the first thing I hear with what you said is I hear a lot of experience in the sort of direct sales. Is that right? Yeah. So you're bringing people to your house, you're doing products, demos, stuff like that, right?

Amy: That's right. And I'm also a sales director. So I was also training other women, mostly some men to do the same thing.

Matt: Yeah, right. Yes. And so tons of you are more extroverted?

Amy: Actually, I'm an introvert, but I am a goofy introvert. I mean, I'm like I love to just when I say I was looking for entertainment, I just love to be stupid, silly. And, and my sisters, I have two older sisters. And they both told me I need to tone it down a little bit in these videos and try to you know, you're really not that I'm funny. I'm not, I mean, not that I'm hilarious or anything, but I just like to be goofy and my oldest sister's like, you need to be a little bit more professional. I'm like, damn. And then my middle sister was like, you just sound kind of salesy because you're really animated. And I'm like, Well, I'm just I don't know how to be. I've got the TikTok algorithm and I have not made friends yet. So I'm trying to figure out what to do to get this to get this right, but what did you ask me?

Matt: Well, I was just kind of asking about your, your history in direct sales because I was curious, there's probably going to be at some point down the road a little bit of overlap, where you know, where a lot of those skills that you end up becoming really helpful.

Amy: I hope so. I mean, I know I've done it for 25 years, for some reason. I know because I mean, I prayed a lot, a lot over the years. This was supposed to be doing more than just me doing it's also been doing and I always felt like staying here. Stay here. Stay here and it was almost like I've got a virus coming and then you're gonna see a new path in your you know, before you and so that that really is what happened, but also I have and I want to encourage anybody else who's new to maybe think about this mindset. I have the mindset that you don't quit just because it's hard. And even though that was really hard for me it really really was i You don't quit because it's hard. you persevere and you just keep going because around the corner who knows what is right around the corner, but if you quit you miss it. And so you know I've got that same mentality here now like this was so all of this completely new. Like I said, I didn't even know what affiliate marketing was. And thank God for the blueprint map because you are taking the time to go step by step, in detailed detail. You know how to set this stuff up? I don't know. I don't know how I would have done it without that. I wouldn't have had a clue.

Matt: It's yeah, sometimes I underwrite that because I've done that so many times and then people say that. 

Amy: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, you're right. It was like I seriously didn't have any idea what to do. So that was the biggest benefit to me. 

Matt: I was thinking you know, as I go through, as I go through, like, when I think about because I started in direct sales to when I think about direct sales, and some of the people that I've known who've come from that industry into this industry. There's a pretty big learning curve, especially with the marketing piece. Now, I think this might sound a little counterintuitive, because direct sales is very different from marketing. So Marketing involves a lot of curiosity, and it involves anti selling it involves more peeking curiosity and direct sales is something I studied for years and especially direct response marketing is really particular about driving to a sale. It's about giving people a clear path to a sale, as clear as humanly possible and telling them exactly what to do. And giving them one option. You got one option, here it is. Here's how to get started today. Are you ready? And I studied that and studied that and studied that. But then what I realized and this might be helpful for you because I because I had to go through this learning curve and a lot of other people and this should probably help you on tick tock is sorry, I've got a dog who is just going nuts. I've got a so I had to go through this learning curve. Many others who have been in direct sales or network marketing had to go through this where you have to go through a phase where you totally stop talking about the product. Right? So there's zero talk about the product and it's more so about just opening curiosity, right. Soƒ for instance, like one thing that I've seen do really well for people over the last let's say a year and a half 18 months I think over the last year and a half on tick tock in this industry. So specifically in the Make Money Online industry, but also in the weight loss industry and also in the dog training industry is more so doing how to style content so and what I mean by that for everybody who's watching is you start out your video with a very specific, engaging sort of hook right? I'm going to show you one thing I only show them one thing to show you one thing, sometimes people go into I'm gonna show you five side hustles or whatever. But if you can nail down your niche and and you can you can sort of learn from other people in the industry who are having success. For instance, I was reading about two electric vehicle companies that have launched in the last year. Who are basically just taking the playbook that Tesla already took and are replicating it. Did their cars look exactly the same? No. Are they the exact same model? No. They are. They're the same price. No, but generally the playbook. They look at Tesla with a 1 trillion whatever market cap and they're like, well, that seemed to work. So we're going to do the same thing. The same can be true of this or really any business model. But especially this one with content creation, so the TIC tock algorithms love you yet. Here's something to try the first thing is and I'll put your tick tock up here in just a second. The first thing is stop talking about affiliate marketing. That word scares people. So, rather than talking about affiliate marketing, what you can talk about is you can talk about words that are more common in our industry. So for instance, side hustle was a big one last year, and that one's even starting to go out a little bit but it still works right here's a great side hustle you can do from home that has little competition. Let me show you how. Right like a good little hook like that really helps with the second one I find to be working even better right now is work from home. Right? So early on in the pandemic. Everybody thought, Oh, this is going to be temporary. So all right. I'm gonna side hustle. Now everybody's friend, everybody, like you, has at least a couple days work from home. I mean, unless you're in manufacturing you're going to work from home at least a couple days a week. So now for instance, this guy he had put out a video he's got 10 million views on it. He grew multiple 100 1000s of followers in about a month. I think he's got half a million followers now. And he launched out this video that's just 18 Something about $18 An hour working from Apple from home and it's just a short little video. Actually put an apple on his finger. He got creative with it right so he said other people do a similar video. So you kind of hold an apple and put it on his finger and he's like at Hey, Joey, you know, apples hiring people to $18 an hour. I've seen other people do that and get millions of views with that specific video. And they always put a little kind of cool spin on it or tell a bit about their story or something like that, but you know, it's the same kind of hook and angle in the same playbook, right? But between those two, what people typically do is a structure like this. They'll start out with something like a quick hook that's three to five seconds. Hey, here's a quick side hustle. I just came across I wanted to share it with you. It can earn you know, whatever if the side hustles like realistically you can make like $25 an hour, whatever. $100 a day or $75 a day check this out or whatever. Give them some sort of hook but also a benefit that's in it for me right so it's not just a side hustle. It's a side hustle that can help you. Here's exactly how right you've got about you got like three to five seconds max. And then on the and then after that all that they do all that they do or maybe you've seen this but all that they do is they do know hold their phone up like this and they'll say here's a side hustle, blah, blah, blah, or, Hey, here's how to make $18 An hour working for Apple from home. And then they'll flip the camera around, right? So they'll hit like flip and then they'll show their screen right and they walk you through and it's just a step one, step two, step three step four kind of thing. And these be quick and it needs to be fast. And that they just say something like unfollow for more. Now, those videos are really good for follower building. Right? So for building your list of followers, those are really good for that you've got to sprinkle in along with that. You also have to sprinkle in your own story, right? So your own journey and you've got a compelling one of worth 25 years worth of direct selling about doing sort of your own side, you know, and you can, the way that you word that in and massage that in for people it's going to be really important because you've got this really unique story 25 years of that history. So now you've got great stories you can tell it you've got interesting little nuggets that you can unpack right for this same guy he and then I was telling you about him. He used to be a bodyguard. So this is a fun idea that you could use. He used to be a bodyguard and what does he say? What's his tagline? He uses keys he says something like the air I've got him right here um the headline he uses his day in the life of a bodyguard. So on his video the thumbnail that he puts on his video says a day in the life of a bodyguard he's not been to 60 of those videos. So it says day in the life of a bodyguard part 59 Day in the Life of bodyguard part 58 Right. So he started at one and then now he's at 59. So that's a day in the life of a network marketer. Right day in the life of an ex MLM or writer, you know, something like that right?

Amy: With the network marketer. Right?

Matt: Yeah, yeah. And so then people, they know that you were formerly that and people who were formerly that which there's a lot of them are going to be like, Oh man, here we go. You know, this is gonna be funny and you can tell jokes and you can and the point of those videos is just to endear people, you know, to sort of make you feel real with people. So you know, you do something like that, then you do just, you know, random content. That's more telling your story and telling your journey and hey, here's what's up today. You do, let's say a couple of those two or three, and then you sprinkle in another sort of video that's meant to build that following. And as soon as you get one of those to go viral that's when you post, you know, something like a day in the life of an X network marketer, you know, a day in the life of an affiliate marketer. You know, here's something, you know, three things I wish I knew before I got started online, you know, and you talk through, you know, over the last 25 years, I've been working in direct sales and doing nothing but selling people come to my house all the time, and oh my gosh, then one day, I stumbled on this stupid tic tock video and I figure out I can just do all this online, right? You know the story about how everything's going online and everything's moving online and you can start your own stocks online today. Something like that. Right. But those ones are really key after you get them because you will get one of those videos to go super viral. I don't really have a question about that. And so what I mean by super viral, I mean, like maybe 50,000 views or 100,000 or maybe a million views or something. But when that happens, right after that the trick to actually converting them into sales is and here's where you have a one up on everybody else in this industry. I guarantee it because what I see people doing is the top affiliates. I wrote about this yesterday in our weekly roundup of the top affiliates going live. Now, you might not have to go live every single day. But I will tell you that the top earners go live at the same time every day. They'll do like coffee with Ian or they'll do you know Hey, waking up waking up in the morning coffee. And you know if you've got 500,000 followers or million followers or whatever you might have every day somewhere in the range of 10,000 to 50,000 people who tap on your live and join your life, even though it only says maybe 100 people are viewing concurrently over the course of an hour or two. And that's the place you should not be selling or doing any form of selling in your video posts. But in your lives. That's the place where you bring all of that direct sales experience and all of that knowledge and all of your ability to unpack things for people clearly and present to people. Right. I mean, my goodness, if there's anybody in this entire industry who could do that, I can't think of anybody who could do it better than you could and that's where you go live and you just hold up that phone or you get a little stand for your phone, you set it up on your desk, and you just start answering people's questions. And the big thing is you call out every new viewer by name and you say hey, what's up? How's it going? Good to see you. Thanks for joining you know and you kind of just welcome into the room. It says if you're doing a home party, that's all like an Arbonne home party. And I don't know. Yeah. And you and you welcome people in and you and here's the trick, because when they see that viral video, they're gonna think well, okay, you know, I've been I've done this before. I've been to a home party with somebody like Amy before. I don't trust it. But then they get online and it's like, well, this is different. Like she's a real person. She's really nice. She's kind. I get it, they ask questions, you actually respond and then it's a totally different game. So so you're gonna, you're gonna get you're gonna get bombarded with followers once you get one of those to go live, and then comes the lives and then comes all of that stuff later. Which I think for you will be much more seamless. The first part for you to focus on is just that virality piece and really get yours to go viral and getting that traffic and getting that that will happen like and I would say that if we go hard for a couple months, and it doesn't days, you might have to create a new account, but I don't think I don't think that that will happen. I think most times people think they need to create a new account because their shadow is banned. I think that they just haven't really hit the algorithm quite perfectly.

Amy: Those are great tips. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much.

Matt: If I think you've got when I look at your when I looked at your channel and stuff feels like you've got a really good start. And I think right about now is time and the reason I say I don't think you'll need a new you've got over 1000 views on one of your videos. I think a lot of times the people who need to start a new channel are the people who start out and they have like 10 views or 80 views on every video and it looks pretty clear that the algorithms are holding them at a capped amount of views in your case. I wouldn't I wouldn't listen to the people who say you need less enthusiasm or anything like that just keep being you. But I wouldn't do it is that How to style content that is stuff that goes by that's what people watch over and over and over again. And just make how to style content however you feel comfortable or however you feel.

Amy: I feel a little bit unsure about copying other people's videos and I mean I know we're supposed to put our own spin on it and that kind of thing, but I've got to get it in my head that that's truly okay to pull up successful accounts and find their videos that have done really well and just recreate it I have that's okay.

Matt: Yeah. So. So, the other way to go about that is more of a reporter style. Right? And so, if you think about there's people online, there's people on TikTok who have accounts where literally all they do is like report their there's news outlets and then there's like anchors and reporters who are independent reporters and stuff, right and so they they'll say, you know, breaking reported by AP news or whatever you can, you can create those styles of videos by saying something like, Hey, I just came across this this like side hustle and I just heard about this and I wanted to share this with you check this out. This is really weird. What do you think about this? Now notice the spin on that right? I heard about this. I just stumbled upon this. This is interesting. I thought this was a little weird. What do you think? Right? So now so because there is some people who are like, well, if I haven't tried every single side hustle that I talked about in my videos in my marketing, you know, it seems like that's like misleading or something which, but whatever moral world someone's living in if they have a issue with the morality of that, whatever, you know, that that's whatever, you can even just put a little disclaimer in your video that just says, I haven't I don't do this side hustle, right? Like, you can say something like disclaimer, I don't do this side hustle. I've never tried this. Like I read something you could put on there. It's not that big of a deal. Like people don't really care that much. They're more interested in just people losing sight of the fact that what all you're trying to do is open the mind of somebody to the possibility that you could potentially, you know, make money online or lose weight faster or train your dog to not bark at the mailman or whatever. But in your case, that I think that it's getting i And maybe that's my fault, but I think I sometimes I don't portray as well, that there's different ways to approach that style of content. Not to mention the fact that if you think about another one that's gone really viral is like making $25 an hour for Tesla working from working remotely from Tesla or something like that. If you were to drill down to the very core of like that video, which has been created by probably, I don't know 100 people or more on tick tock probably way more I don't I have no clue. If you drill down to that, really all that it is is literally just telling somebody about a job listing on a website. Like yeah, the level of proprietary pneus in that type of a video or that style of content is there isn't any, like, there isn't any proprietary Enos and a lot of that is getting lost that proprietary Ness for content for digital art and stuff which is why NFT's are becoming so popular is because a lot of that is like who owns this? No one even knows anymore, right? And TikTok muddled all the waters on that. But we have this sort of antiquated idea that somehow that's a copyrighted thing from a movie or from a TV show, but that's just not how social media works right now. Now we have to be careful that we don't exactly like we're not stealing. So what some people will do is they'll create an account. They'll download other people's videos and post them as their own. That is wrong, for sure. But you can also just change your headline a little bit right? So if I'm going to go out and I'm going to find the one about Apple or something like that. If I'm going to go and show or redo that one. The way that he even introduced it makes it a totally different piece of content. It's not even recognizable, aside from the beginning saying something about $18 an hour from Apple, right. The way that you could do that is you can break down what's what's $18 An hour times like 25, so 25 hours a week, right? You could create a new piece of content, that's okay, so 25 times 18. So that'd be $450 a week. So it's really simple to be like, you know, did you know that there's uh, you could say the headline could be, here's a simple way to make 40 or $50 A week from Apple remotely, and only working 25 hours a week, you know, or something like that right? Work. You could say, could you actually be able to work 25 hours a week? I make $450 from working from home from Apple or working remotely from Apple, or something like that. Right now. It's not $18 an hour from Apple. It's $450 a week from Apple working part time working less than 30 hours a week. Let me show you how right now the words aren't even remotely the same. It's just talking about that similar thing, you know, so, um, I think that the objection you're feeling internally, I don't want to just skip over and say it's not legit because I think what you're getting at is like kind of a legit feeling like, the feeling isn't so so much that it's like, no, this is morally wrong. It just feels like it's lacking some novelty. And that element I think is true. And the reason that's true is because you're right, it is lacking a little novelty and that's why some people when they create these videos, it doesn't work. It doesn't do the same thing. Because they didn't put it up on their finger like and didn't make a funny joke out of it or they didn't you know, there's a difference once you get thoughtful about how do I put my spin on it? And how do I do that? I don't know if that makes sense. What? What's coming up for you.

Amy: I feel exactly everything that you said. And I agree. I mean, that I think that's it. I just felt like it's nothing new. It's something everybody's seen before because the people that I'm following I see nothing but these types of videos constantly because that's who I'm following. But I've got to remember not everybody in the world is seeing these same videos because not everybody's following. You know, the people like us who are affiliate marketers.

Matt: That is, that is your first huge takeaway. That is a huge takeaway, because there are billions of people joining TikTok today who will discover your videos and this is going to be the first one they see. Right and the thing I do is I go back to my first moment 10 years ago when I first got introduced to MLM and it was the first time somebody it was just when MLM was starting to come online or introducing me to this. Man, it was some sort of leverage system and they started showing the pyramid and they started showing how the all the trickle down. And you can do this all online and I was like, I am going to be so rich. And and but so all of that like I didn't really want to be in that MLM maybe and I didn't know and like, like, well, I don't know if all of it really fit and there was lots of companies putting out these kind of videos, but that was the one I saw first. And I remember the chair I was sitting in. I remember the room. I remember. my dorm room was 701 I everything. I remember everything. And I remember calling my friends and they're like do this pyramid scheme. And I was like, I don't think but what happened was that moment my mind was opened, right and anybody could have made that video. Lots of companies did make a video that was very similar, but they split their spin on it, put their own spin on it, kind of put a new headline on it. But it was network marketing, right? But it was the one I saw changed my life forever. And it's not so much that that video was super unique or super, you know, that it was perfect. It was kind of a lame video honestly. But it was that moment where my mind got opened to the fact of like, oh, people like me, are making some money out there online. Or I could work from home with Apple or I could work for Tesla, like the most successful one of the most successful companies ever work for $25 an hour from home like that's crazy. And then they're gonna be like this. This lady's interesting. I'm gonna follow her and then guess what? Amy goes live the next day and she says, you know, a lot of people saw my video about working for Tesla, you know way better option than working for $25 an hour. Check this out. Right? And now they're like, Wow, right? See, some people have that internal like, that little that like hesitation because it's like, well, I'm working for Tesla, like what does that have to do with me and my business you know, but the reality is you're just opening that little that little sliver of like, oh, wow, this is cool. This is interesting. Wow. How did I get into this world? Like I've been in? I've been in the TikTok cartel. I've been on TikTok. I've been in all kinds of tick tock. Yeah. But now they find themselves, you know, tick tock tossing one little, you know, video out in front of people from Amy and saying, you know, all these people would never see a video on digital marketing or making money on the internet or something. And guess what? a percentage of those people are going to stick, they're going to follow you. They're going to watch your stuff. And then you're going to go live or tech, even if you don't ever go live. There's a lot of people who never go live. I would love to do that. But you have time. hours, right? 

Amy: Yeah,

Matt: Well, you'll get there.

Amy: I'll get there maybe by June. I want to do that. I'm ready. I'm ready to go live.

Matt: So yeah, you'll get there. You'll get there. But there's a reason I think that you've got to break through this first one, because it's gonna make you a more well rounded marketer. Because you've got all of these skills. It's like you're overloaded in just so many skills that end around the relational aspect of this business around building and around, selling and around, just sort of that whole structural build. And then this first piece, this front piece is a totally new ballgame, which is exciting, right? Like, I feel like I have, I have a lot of people who have worked careers for 15/20 years or something and they come to me and they're like, I wish I would have done this much. 20 I was like, Yeah, but the other benefit. I feel like that you know, somebody who's at 20 or 30 doesn't get to feel necessarily which neither right or wrong, but is the fact that there's a new challenge is like people finding new challenges in every stage of life and new things to run after a new skills they have to form and even even feeling like you know, you've put out a lot of videos and you said the TikTok algorithm doesn't like me yet. Like that there's nothing better than that. I tell people that every day who come to me and they're like I just can't break through. I'm like, this is the best. This is the best case, right? Because now when you do break through that and succeed, you've got this huge skill set that you had to, you know, just crawl through mud to get to, you know, and you've built a new skill and you feel revived. Like there's this new challenge ahead. There's this news that's so good for the human spirit. It's so good for us as humans to always renew and revive that feeling that there's something new ahead, so I don't know. I just but you're also talking like the ultimate optimist here. 

Amy: I'm the same way I feel very, very optimistic about all of this. But the thing that is so exciting is that after 25 years of drudging through the mud, like you said, I couldn't find anything else that I really felt was worth my time until this is it. So I will persevere. And, you know, hopefully a year from now, I'll come back on here and I'll say things

back on way before that, but we're gonna put up your TikTok so that people so we can get that following up a little bit. And have a bunch of people follow your page.

Amy: Thank you all!

Matt: And I think and I think you'll absolutely breakthrough that that followers, I think you'll probably my guess is in three months, you'll look back and say 1000 followers, like really, I was concerned about that, you know, it's always kind of these like weird barriers that we make up in our head and it's like you break through it, you're like, oh, wow, okay, it was just, okay. I got this. Amy: You know, I remember celebrating with my son when I had about nine hours around so yeah, I appreciate every one of them.

Matt: That's awesome. Well, when you're at 50,000 followers, I'm sure it'll be. I'm sure it'll be a totally different game. Yeah.

Amy: But thank you. I wrote them down and they were so helpful.

Matt: Cool. We're always just here to help. So I'm always around and our team is always around. So thanks for coming on. And if you have questions in the meantime. Enough, well, happy to help. Thanks for coming on, See ya. All right, y'all have a great day. Alright guys, make sure to give me a follow make money with Amy online you can give her a follow there to make money with Amy online. Give her a follow and also leave a comment on a couple of her videos, give it a little boost, give it a little jolt that always helps with the TikTok algorithm and encourage Amy to keep going to keep pushing through. We're gonna have lots of people. We have lots of people watching this live but we also have a couple 1000 who usually watch after the fact so you're watching this as a replay. Grab this handle and give it a watch. So, guys, we're going to be back here. I believe Dave is going to be back here tomorrow. I was just covering for him this morning. But I think he'll be back here tomorrow at 10am. Eastern Same time, same place as always for Wake Up Legendary. I'll be back here hosting on Wednesday and then Dave will wrap up the week and that is a wrap. Have a good one everybody.

Making The Best Decision For Yourself And Your Business: 6-Figure Mastermind Week


Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends this is Dave Sharpe, welcome to Wake Up Legendary and we have a phenomenal guest this morning Stacy law so many of you know who she is. Without further ado we're running a few minutes late. Help me welcome to the show. Stacey La what's going on Stacey?

Stacey: Hey everyone. Hey, Dave, how are you?

Dave: I'm hanging out in Orlando. I'm not in my usual spot. Like I'm hiding in a basement somewhere. But, you know, at least a Wi Fi connection is good, I think. And so that's really all that matters. You know?

Stacey: That's right. That's right. 

Dave: You're in Quebec, Montreal.

Stacey: Close to Toronto. Yeah.

Dave: Okay. Okay. That's right. That's right. We were talking about the last trip that my wife and I took up too. Nice. So you are rockin’, you are going to be speaking to our mastermind. I'm so excited to hang out with you. Are you excited to come down here to Florida?

Stacey: I'm super excited. I can't wait. It's cold here now so it'll be great.

Dave: Hopefully it's not rainy then it's going to be, it's going to be a nice fall season. Nice winter season down here and we're gonna have fun. These masterminds are great. We do a mat for those of you who don't know, who do you know, 15 20,000 square foot mansions, and they're, they're just a lot of fun. We're gonna have some awesome guests. Stacy. Brian or Andre. Sarah Ravel is going to be there. There's going to be a lot of our teammates there, a lot of our advisors there and it's going to be a great time. So have you thought at all about what you want to know about what you want to train on?

Stacey: Yeah, I think I have. I mean, when I think I know what I want to talk about. It's pretty clear. It's kind of the basis of how I run my own business. That's really all that I can talk about is my experience in what I've learned and what I know and how I operate. So I know exactly what I'm going to talk about. And I'm excited to share it if it's not really like one specific thing. It's kind of just like my system and I'm excited to share it because I know a lot of people think things have to be complicated, but it doesn't, it doesn't have to be complicated. You can make you know your life and your business. As simple as you want. And you can be profitable at the same time. So excited to share that.

Dave: So tell us back a little bit just for people who don't know, you know, who you are and how you started with all those just give us that nutshell version of where you came from.

Stacey: Yeah, so I mean, I was like you know how everyone kind of starts their journey. I was working nine to five, sometimes more than nine to five I worked 12 hour shifts. They rotated from day to night and it was at a nuclear station. So my journey started because I also have a young daughter and as a mom, it's really hard work. Those long shifts and being away from your family and you miss out on so much and you miss out on things like birthdays and holidays and everything because I mean, you have to be at work because I mean you have to pay the bills, and I think everyone can relate to that. And then you know, a few years ago I started seeing different ways to make money online and that's I know, I started searching for that because I wanted to stay home and the only way I knew to do that was to try to use the internet to to make money in some way. I didn't really know how to do it, but I was starting on my journey to figure that out. Similar to you know, Andre kind of said the same thing to I started with dropshipping as well which is much more complicated and I think a lot of people realize it is it's much more expensive that a lot of people explained that it is and it didn't really work the way I wanted it to and it didn't provide the life that I really thought I wanted because I was still working so many hours I was working my shift, like like 12 hour shifts, but like come home and work, you know, hours on this and I need to get two hours sleep. So, you know, I kind of struggled with that for a while. And eventually I was like, You know what I don't have time to do, and I don't suggest anyone necessarily follows what I do because this is my own story. So I'm just telling it like it is, but eventually I was like I can't work 12 hour shifts and tried to start a business at the same time. Like I'm killing myself like my health was awful. I was exhausted. I still kind of spent time with my daughter and two hours of sleep was just awful. So I just decided to quit my job and go for it. Like I just decided to go all in I'm like if I don't do this now I'm going to like kick myself later in in and wish that I did. So I did what you know I don't necessarily suggest this. I just decided to go for it. I trusted myself and like I'll figure it out. And my husband was super supportive too and was like thank you just do it. Like we got this we'll figure it out. So um, I kind of struggled along for a couple years trying to figure trying different things like all kinds of different ways to make money online and then December last year, I came across legendary in affiliate marketing and I knew what affiliate marketing was. But it was just kind of like the last thing I hadn't tried yet for whatever reason and and I think it was meant to be because once i i decided to kind of go all in with the 15 Day Challenge. I decided to go for it. I was like what do I really have to lose at this point? I've tried everything out. I learned that like I just kind of said before running an online business doesn't have to be complicated. When you have like a process that works like what they show like in the 15 Day Challenge in in with affiliate marketing in general. If you have a business that runs well like that you can have like a great income and free time at the same time. So I mean, it's kind of all history now, since I started the 15 Day Challenge in December and now we're What 1011 months down the road for almost a year to when I started and like my life is it's completely changed and and it's been like a journey of learning, right? Because when you take any training course, you learn what you're supposed to do but then your job after that to continue learning and building on that and perfecting that process because it's up to you to make sure that you get what you want. And you need to always be like growing and learning and becoming a better person especially when you're building your own business. And try to do that for yourself because there's no boss that's going to tell you you know what, you gotta get up, you got to be here at this time. You need to do this for your business that doesn't exist when you quit your job and you're running your own business. So you need to be the one that's on top of that. So maybe a little bit more than a nutshell but that's kind of my story. 

Dave: There wasn't a word wasn't a word too long, or word too short. Perfect. It's yours and all that in fact to be your story.

Stacey: It feels amazing, because I think a lot of people can even relate to that when you're going through it. So when you first decide to do something new no matter what it is, in my case, it was starting this new online business idea when you decided to do that. It's a big mental struggle because you don't know if you're doing it right, right. You're following steps but you don't have the proof that you are necessarily doing you're doing it right you know it's possible because you see that it's working for other people but you're just going through the beginning motion so to go through 11 months and see that the following the steps that are set out for you and being you know, consistent and dedicated to that, that it can result in something amazing is such a great feeling because a lot of people I talked to just don't believe that it can like work.   Everyone uses that thing like will it work and that's not really like that concept is like false belief like everything works. But what you need to do is be dedicated and consistent and work through it. No matter what because if you don't go through the post that process like from beginning to end, it will never ever work. It won't work. So to see that when you actually do follow something through and it results in exactly what you want. And more is like an amazing feeling. It's great.

Dave: You have I mean your your with with the skills that you've developed obviously the hard work that you've put in I mean you're legitimately on your way to basically millionaire status I mean to build a millionaire business to generating a million dollars in in your in your, you know, solopreneur kind of button. I mean, you have no employees, you have no office building that I know of you have no you know, it's just it's such an unconventional business model. You have no you know, tools or equipment that you need. To buy like a restaurant and you're not going to be profitable for two or three years, like so many brick and mortar businesses. I mean, how does that feel to know? I mean, you've already accomplished huge, huge numbers. And I mean, both from your audience that you've built, also income that you've generated. I mean, how are you in your family taking all of that in?

Stacey: It's kind of surreal, really because we still live like we did before. Like we're not big on like, like flaunting and anything like that we're very like conservative that way because we we just want to live a life or we can just beat up and I think like knowing that we can like what you just said like what like we're about to achieve I say we because I mean I'm in the front of the camera but like my husband is definitely behind the scenes so like if it wasn't for him, I swear I wouldn't be where I am today use my my work. With them for sure. But I mean, knowing that you can accomplish that. And what we're about to accomplish is such a great feeling because we've always talked like, like, my husband's name is Craig, Craig and I have always dreamed of and knew what we were capable of, but we just didn't find the right path to get us there. And seeing that we're on that path like we're well down that path and we're we're able to achieve the things that we've always dreamed of is is very kind of surreal, because you know, I know a lot of people kind of like once they start making a lot of income they change their lives and they're like buying expensive stuff and sometimes they you know, kind of lose track of like reality and, and things like that. But, you know, we really try to stay grounded and be realistic because we know that like the work we put in now, if we're trying to build a foundation for our future for ourselves like our kids, we want to make sure that it's there forever. Like it's not really for us that we're doing it. It's for like, you know, our future generations of our family that we're hoping to build this for. So we're putting in the work now to really work hard to lay this out and hopefully solidify something that maybe you know, my daughter can take over one day or at least learn from and create something of her own using like the tools and using what she sees us doing every day. So if a lot hasn't really changed in our day to day life, we are still regular people. I mean like I get up every day in the same house, I drive the same car, I think about the other schools and the difference is I have so much more time to enjoy those things. And I didn't get to enjoy any of that before like we actually just renovated our house as well. And in working at my job I never would have been able to afford that ever, ever like it. It's kind of like I can't even put words to what it feels like but having the time to enjoy these things. It is better than the money in a way because you could have all the money in the world and if you don't have time to enjoy it, then what is the point? Right? So you need to find that balance between income and quality of life. That's what I think we're doing right now.

Dave: So do you have any new when you say I'm building something for my kids and building something for future generations? I mean, I think a lot of times that it is in for me. In the past I've heard people say that it sounded ambiguous. One of the things that my wife and I have begun to look at is like 15/20 years down the road. What is the world going to look like? You know where we live right now in Florida? Is there a possibility that that could be you know, underwater, that hurricanes could be not category fours and fives but sixes sevens and eights and it's no longer even a safe place to live. We don't know that that's going to happen for sure. Maybe that might be extreme thinking. But we've got a lot of, you know, real estate rental properties, our primary homes there so we're going in January and we're looking for some property in a different state somewhere. We're going to be looking for some homes in the mountains. To where we could potentially, you know, go there, retire, go there if need be, or also set up a place for our children in the future. That is already established in case there's a need to move out of where we live right now. I know that you had mentioned turning the business over and I kind of fantasize about that to my kids. I have no idea. Right? But have you have any other things come up for you and Craig about what other ways you could create both generational wealth but also, you know, pass along something that is valuable to future generations? I mean, and I don't want to minimize just skills and values in information. But what other conversations have you had or have had in the past that are now more of a reality like what are your goals now that you've started to accomplish some of them as Maslow, as Maslow says in his hierarchy, right until you meet your basic needs. You can't begin to make you can't move on to the next level to kind of focus on some of those higher level needs. Now that you've met and exceeded a lot of your basic needs, you know that for so many of us it was a struggle at one time. What are some of your bigger goals now like what do you want to do in the next year or five years or 10 years that may or may not even be business related, but because of your success, you're now able to talk about or even plan.

Stacey: So, I mean, it's funny that you're even saying what you said about potentially looking at like relocating in real estate and things like that, because I mean for us and what you just said kind of like hit the nail on the head because I actually had this conversation with husband just a couple of weeks ago and I said like now that we know how to generate income because and we've we've not really perfected it, because if you're always constantly learning, but when you do step one, which is having the ability to generate income when you need it and like you said fill your needs, that gives you the ability to then now grow the income who's generating it is one thing, but then if you really want to build something that is really valuable for for years to come, you need to learn how to also grow the income that you're that you're generating because if you just you can only generate so much right. So we've been thinking of many different things that well maybe not many, but like at least a few key ones that we're looking at. Now that we have like the income that we can actually invest into things like real estate and and maybe not necessarily even living here in Canada all like forever because I mean, Canada is great, but I mean, these last couple years that really put things in perspective and you need to sort of keep your eye on where the opportunities are and where you can take your income and play it in the best place. So real estate is definitely one, maybe not necessarily here in Canada, maybe in the state. And also my husband is very into it. He really enjoys learning about investing in different things as well. So having kind of a chunk of your income that you are willing to invest into something and just let it roll or you know see what happens with it. Not a lot of people have that ability to do that. Like when you have a savings account. A lot of most people your savings account is like for the rainy day emergency fund. And you don't touch it right because you kind of leave it but when you have the ability to create income when you need it. You can take a chunk of money that you can say I'm going to maybe take a risk on and put it into something that I'm not sure of and it could turn into something else. So that's something that we were never able to talk about before. We never had those conversations before because we like I mean, we barely had a savings account for like it didn't really exist. So like that has changed everything and it gives you a peace of mind knowing that even if you know all of that doesn't work if everything feels around, I still have the skills I know to just do it again. I can start over anytime and that's a great feeling. And we can do it all over and we'll be good no matter what.

Dave: Yeah, and you've learned and developed all these skills in the last 11 months. Yeah, most of you who are wondering, you know, how long is it going to take me to develop skills to enter into a new market or career and start? You know, here is a great example and you see these day after day as we're as we're interviewing people here on the show live five days a week. Stacey's story is beyond inspirational and it's truly an example of what you can do if you're super focused. And you take this in treating your business like a business and like a hobby, but you see this every day and we hear this over and over Stacey that people have started three months ago or four months ago. And maybe there's something that's magical and unique about Legendary I don't know because I'm not paying attention to what everybody else is doing. But we have a lot of people who in the 3469 month period have gone through our training and have taken those skills and truly built something that is not just a couple of dollars here or there. That's a significant income stream significant windfall, but most importantly, what you what you talked about is a skills that you cannot take away and that is also what I think so many of us underrate and undervalue is the fact that even if you took everything away from me today, even if you took everything away from you, Stacey today, you and together with with your your partner, your husband, you know how to go in generate revenue, you know how to generate leads, basically, you know how to generate leads, and you know, how to generate sales and quite frankly, as I was talking about in a decade in a day training for new blueprint students this morning, these are skills that you can actually take to any industry promoting any product and make it a success. It's not you know, marketing always takes work. You have to find angles, you have to understand the psychology of who you're talking about. So it's there's there's there's both mechanics and dynamics of this process. But the truth is, I call these transferable skills, because Stacey, even if somebody said, Whoever would be too powerful to come in and say, Okay, you can never work on the internet ever again. You have to go and start an offline business, right? You could take the lead generation and marketing skills that you've learned and developed over the last 11 months. And you could be much more successful with that business than if you didn't have those skills. And thankfully, there's nobody that powerful yet yet who can tell you that you can't use the internet. So, you have this power, you have the skills, you have these powerful platforms that you know, even if you and this happens all the time, like we lose a channel or we something happens where you know, we have to pivot or we have to, you know, something, something stops working as well and we have to go and start marketing on another platform. Whatever you have the timeless principles, the skills that it requires to generate leads to first understand who your target customer is. speak that language that hits makes them feel understood. generate those leads, collect emails, build a list, and then pass them along. To to at the very minimum. If you weren't selling a coach course, or a coaching program course or doing an event, pass it along to a product that you're an affiliate of, and have a stream or multiple streams of income that is so underrated. I think people just have this mindset of like, get rich quick in the middle and understand the long term value of possessing the skills.

Stacey: Absolutely like I did not agree more with that when I talk to people in their first question: do you know about money? Like how much can you really make that much? I always have to stop and say, Okay, first like it's definitely possible, but you're like you're missing the big picture. Like those questions are very near-sighted because when you learn something like that, like what you just explained, and you literally have the ability to take that anywhere like you just said and in generating revenue, like those skills are assets that are so much more valuable. than the money because Okay, yeah, sure. Let's just say you just follow steps mindlessly without taking in what that what you're actually doing and you didn't learn and here you go, like here's however much money right, that money will be gone and then what do you do? What do you do, you know, that's gone like you don't have those steps to take again. So I mean, the skills alone are much more valuable than any money that anyone can give you because then you can do it on your own. You don't have to wait with your hands out for somebody to put money in there like paying your bills like you can do that for yourself and it's a forever thing, right? It's something that you can always do continually. So I try to, you know, put that into perspective for people when they're just so focused on, you know, how quickly I can make the money because it's not about that. It should never be about that. And if that's what your main focus is, you most likely won't succeed either because you're not focusing on the right thing when you're going through the journey of starting your business. Because when you're starting a business, that should never be how much money we're making today. It should always be how much more am I improving my business? What additional things that I learned today that I could put towards the business later to improve it? And what other opportunities have I looked for today that I could maybe get into later? And how am I continually improving my business and myself along the way, because when you focus on those things, you will generate income naturally without even really focusing on it because it will come to you when you're focused on that and actually genuinely helping people solve their problem because that's really the heart of any business, solving a problem. And helping people do that like that is when you will succeed. It really doesn't have anything to do with focusing on money.

Dave: You can see my email, right. Yeah, I can see it. Yep. So what you said is, it's all just so perfect. And it's I hope that I hope everybody we said that in a way that you were able to really hear it because it's just such an important part of this whole, this whole process. And I know it feels like what the hell are you talking about? Don't focus on the money and we're not particularly saying, just do things mindlessly. Even if they don't make money, surely pivot if what you're doing isn't working. But what we're saying is focus on, on adding value, on understanding the needs and the pain points of your customer. So when they hear you speak, they can say wow this person really understands me. And once you get that language down, you know, generating leads building an audience converting sales becomes much easier because people can sniff and smell whether you're being desperate and just trying to sell them something versus whether you're really you know, whether you really understand that I want to go back to something that we were touching on a second ago was this Maslow's hierarchy of needs and the fact that where most of us are is just in these kind of two first two categories of of life and we never get out of them, which is just trying to meet our physic physiological and our safety needs. And kind of what the what the concept of this this, which this guy this guy you know, Abraham Maslow was definitely somebody who kind of, you know, learned a lot borrowed a lot from a lot of, you know, psychology, legends like Sigmund Freud and auto rank and Carl Rogers and I could go into a whole I'm going to be releasing a really in depth training on a lot of a lot of these concepts here really soon. But what I want to talk to you guys just briefly about that I think will resonate with a lot of you is that, you know, a lot of us are just trying to meet these basic needs and his concept his philosophy is like what you can't really move on to creating space and focusing on some of these other needs until you meet the need below it. So we can't really focus on love and belonging, like friendship, intimacy, family sense of connection, because we're always so busy trying to meet our safety needs, like our employment or resources. You know what I mean? Like our money we're trying to, like what happens in this modern society is everybody's so focused on physiological and safety needs, that you know, the divorce rate is well over 50% You know, kids are growing up without their parents and it's not just because their parents left home, it's because they're always at work. You know, we have a society full of people with low self esteem and why Instagram and social media blew up so big is because everybody's trying to take selfies and get status and recognition and self actualization like the desire to become the best version of yourself. And doing true inner work never really happens because well, I mean, we can't even get past our safety needs because we're always working trying to make money. And what happens is, these first three to four needs are like really deficiency needs, so your motivation decreases as your needs are met. So for a lot of people, like once if you're always just focused on money, and then you get a little bit of money. Like if that's the only way, if you're not moving up trying to take the next step in where you can like, like once you meet your money needs you were talking about like really leaning into family and stuff. Well, the motivation for getting more of these needs. If you don't continue to grow, it kind of decreases whereas the motivation increases once these needs are met. Like once your self esteem and your self actualization needs are met. You actually know, if you can focus on that on a regular basis, your motivation to continue to do that increases, right so it's kind of like this, it's kind of like this you know, this is weird, like it's like a backwards its backwards in a sentence. You can also see, this is I think, a great great graphic that shows you that you know, your psychological, your physiological and your safety needs. Are more of your surviving needs, right? Whereas these love, belonging, esteem and self actualization are more of your thriving needs. And the reason why and maybe you guys can relate to this who are listening and I know I can't write because I mean, I was in surviving mode for so long because I could never get past those physiological and those safety needs and if I go back to my addiction days, like back in pre 2008 Like I wasn't even in the safety I was just in the physiological like shelter and food. You know what I mean? Like before we got clean and started putting my life back together. But for those of you who are wondering why you like it, why it feels difficult to get out of just always chasing money. You know, it's because we have until we meet that need, we can't lean into some of these other needs because those are based on needs. You know what I mean? The air, water, food, shelter, sleep, clothing, reproduction, that's a basic need till that need is met. That's going to be the predominant need that you have to focus on in your life. And then once you do that, you move to safety, your personal security, your employment resources, health property, like until those needs are met. That's going to be the primary need that you focus on. So it's going to be very difficult to move in to focus on family, and in a sense of connection and then into esteem and self actualization. And that sucks, right? That sucks. Because I, you know, the people for me when I when I was focused on just making money and but only my personal security and so forth, like of course I had low self esteem, because, you know, I would never really I was never able to focus on meeting that need of focusing on building my self respect my self esteem, my status, my freedom, right? Isn't that interesting that freedom is connected to a steam like having freedom, the freedom to be able to do what you want and move about as you wish is connected to a steam versus being told to sit in a cubicle. Or report to a job and clock in right. Of course that's attached to esteem because that's not how we were designed to be, you know what I mean? We were designed to roam freely and have freedom. So like what I'm hearing from you, is I'm hearing that now that you've met like a lot of like that, that need basically that safety need that financial need that that that you know that need to have safety with within your property, you know, within your career you've met that need now you're moving into, you know, family to intimacy to self esteem, right? Even self awareness and self actualization to where you're getting with your husband and you're looking into the future does that resonate with you and did that graphic of when we look at it from that perspective, does that make sense?

Stacey: Absolutely, because like in let me know if you can hear me cuz I think my head's just turned off. But like, that chart is exactly like it's funny seeing that because that is exactly how it felt. It felt like it was constantly a struggle in the order of like that, that pyramid is, is is almost like what my journey looked like. I mean, I'm definitely not anywhere near the top yet. I mean, I'm working my way up there. But when you're constantly just wondering how you're going to pay your bills, and what are you going to do it's like it's impossible to even think about anything above that stuff. You just can't even if you try for a minute. Maybe you could distract yourself with something, you know for short term but in the back of school for me anyways, in the back of my mind, I'm constantly thinking of that. And it's kind of a funny process when you actually make it to a step you've never been to before because it's almost like that way of thinking is a habit too because when you know that you are you know you're good with you know, you your safety is good. Like your needs are met. And now you have like you said the freedom to think about your relationship and what you're going to do with your time. You have to almost train your mind to not think about those bottom two steps anymore. Because you're so used to doing that that it's really hard to not worry and that's kind of some that's one of my personal struggles like a being like really open is is like the worry of you know what's going to happen I'm I was always I've always been that warrior, but I think I'm realizing now that it's a habit. So that whole path up to the top of the triangle is really like a personal journey you have to take because the smaller the step, the more difficult it becomes mentally. So the bottom two, I would say are kind of like it's almost like a physical struggle because you're going out you're doing the work to get past those steps to actually step up to the next one. But once you get past the personal you know, the safety and the physiological needs, the everything above that is all a mental thing. So it's a shift. So it's, it's like this whole experience has been so amazing because you learn so much about yourself and what you're capable of and that things that you didn't think maybe you you had the ability to do, like maybe you thought you weren't really great at relationships, or maybe you thought, you know, you weren't great at interacting with people or things like that. But really what it was is that you didn't have the freedom to actually think about those things and give yourself permission to do that. So, so many great things come from, you know, you know, and everyone says, oh, you know, like, it's just starting an online business but it's so much more than that. It's fulfilling every part of your needs. Like it's fulfilling everything. It gives you the ability to be who I think you're actually meant to be and you see your real personality and your strengths come out when you are able to actually just step up and meet those needs that you've been struggling with for so long. So it's just like I'm beyond thankful for this. Everything that I've learned and everything that all of the people that I've met and helped me along this path during this, you know, last 11 months. It's things that I never ever thought I would ever be able to do and it comes from hard work because it isn't easy to step up past those last two steps like you just said those are the most difficult things to do. But if you're willing to really put in that work and dedicate an amount of time and is a short amount of time, in the grand scheme of life to really like if you know somebody told me it would take a year you have to work your butt off for entire year but if you do that you will have like, what you always dreamed up like would it be worth it? And of course I don't know anyone who would say Oh, I know and maybe there's people who would say no to that. But to me, like a year of investment in working my time is so much it's worth it like it's worth like I can't even really explain it but like I think you kind of see where I'm going with this. It's just an amazing feeling.

Dave: Well, I'm gonna say exactly where you're going and I see where you are and I see how your words match your actions. And to me that's what's inspirational and what shows me and I think everybody else like what's possible with this and so, like I just I want to give I want to give everybody so much of you but I also want to I want to encourage those of you who are you know coming to the mastermind to get registered and come and you know, meet you in person and listen to you talk in person and like kind of sit next to us and be in the same room with us. And see that we're just, you know, regular people who sometimes, you know, you know, it may seem like we're, you know, I don't know, I don't know how it seems when you're looking at somebody online or whatever. I think we can tend to put people on a pedestal, but we're really just, you know, I know Stacey when I meet you, you know, just a regular person just like me like anybody else and I know that some of you who have mastermind tickets, you know making that decision to come it's you know, it's it can be it can be a scary one like to come like might feel intimidated or something I just want to assure everyone that you know, this oftentimes when you get in the room with people who are succeeding at high levels in and you see that they're really no different than you you know, they're really they just it's it's in here and the thing that's different it's just in here there's there's been some small tweaks. There's been some you know, maybe that person has worked hard enough to get through but and you're going to talk about your day to day kind of operations and process. You've used that to get past that kind of grind and need to meet your financial needs. So now you've grown in other areas you've you've evolved now you're starting to lean in, and when you bond more and spend more time with your family, you become a more well rounded person, you have less guilt and shame because you're not, you know, away from them so much. So you begin to speak with more confidence because you know, you're taking care of the things you're putting your priorities in order you know what I mean? You're in you're in, then you're building your self esteem because you have freedom. And I'll tell you if you folks want to have just like in that Maslow's hierarchy pyramid said if you want to have the ultimate confidence if you want to be able to believe in yourself and you look at are you here, Stacy or some of these other folks talking and you think they sound so sure of themselves? How do they sound so sure about what they're talking about, and they speak with such conviction? Well, it's because they've gotten to this place to where they've been able to access some levels of freedom. And with freedom comes just great like it says esteem and you feel more powerful you feel more like You're almost like your ancestral self you know what I mean? Like you're you're not, you're not shackled by the the cubicles in the chains in the punch clocks, you know, in the bosses, the jobs in the traffic of today's society, and I'm telling you that can really that can that can man that can bring a brother and a sister down, man that can make us feel just like the world's on top of us. And when you get you start to push that off of you and gain back some of that freedom. You feel more like you're on top of the world, not egotistical, but just more empowered, right.

Stacey: Oh absolutely. Like it's like being able to when that moment when you achieve the thing that you kind of always been holding up there right like you've been reaching for like that moment, and it doesn't matter what it is, whether it's something small like it can be like, it honestly can be anything, but when you get that like that feeling like the day that I walked on my job, like I'll never forget that like looking at that that nuclear station behind me I'm driving away and knowing that I never have to go in there, wear work boots, put on a plastic like never do any of that again, was so liberating. And I didn't even have anything I didn't. I wasn't making any. I didn't know what I was going to do. Tomorrow when I'm locked in there. But just being able to do that is just like a boost to your inner self right? Knowing that you actually can make a decision for yourself. It's possible because people tell you your whole life. It's not that they tell you you have to follow the system. Do all these things. Get a job you know, work to your hover over time, then when you retire. You get to make choices for yourself but not until that. So when you actually finally realize that you are quite capable of making decisions for yourself that are in the best interest of yourself. That feeling alone is bigger than anything else and that is what's going to drive you forward when you realize that you are capable of choosing for yourself and making decisions to choose what your future is going to look like. That is where your strength and where your drive comes from in at least for me that's where it what it is for me knowing that I can provide for my family in the way that I want to and I can create the future that I want to see for myself is is what keeps me going and really drives me because you don't a lot of the times you just don't realize that when you're just going through the motions of regular life and going to your job and getting up and driving in traffic like you said and sitting there and the same thing every single day that you didn't necessarily choose you're just doing it because you have to. So I mean that's a lot of it is just coming to that realization and I think when people like finally succeed it's when they finally that clicks when they finally realize I am capable of doing this and I can make decisions for myself and I can do what I want.

Dave: Yeah, it's not just an empowering moment. It's a way to literally take back your power, you know, and move back into a sort of mindset of owning your life. You know, and we all tie this back to the skills that we're developing here. I mean, it's all just about stepping out of what the stripping off of the road that others have paved for me, right which is basically a road from you know, high school to college. That's the next step on the road to the factory, you know, in the factory can be the New Dealer plan, it can be just the EPA office, it can be the, you know, it could be the grocery store, it can be what other other, you know, Job is there on it along the way. There's exits, you know what I mean? There's exits off of that, and those exits are scary. Those exits, you know, in many cases, they're they're they're mirages right because there's people out there sure many of us have tried lots of different things. But but when you you know when you sit on these shows every day and you tap into this community that we have here, and you hear this day after day, and you see people did morning after morning, and all of the stories of people who have essentially kind of taken that exit off that highway Have you know had somebody else paid me that's that systematic. You know, I think maybe, yeah, there's definitely I gotta use the right words too, because for some people, it's right like we, this is not right for everybody. You know? Like, this is not right for everybody. But I mean, if you're sitting here and you're listening to Stacey and me this morning, and you're shaking your head and you're going oh, my language like and I think a lot of for a lot of us our whole lives, we felt like we didn't speak like the same language like they were talking literally a different like we're sitting here, going into an office with a boss and they're all kind of joking around the watercooler and I'm sitting I remember me, I'm sitting around going, how do I get out of here? Like how do I get out of here? I never want to be comfortable here. I never want to be comfortable at nine to five. I never want to be comfortable and complacent. Because eventually I'm going to forget you know, like I'm gonna lose that, that drive and that motivation. I think that's what happens after decades and decades of being in that environment. That sort of society has been built for us . We stopped when I was five years old. She's like such a big dreamer, like you can look and naturally we are dreamers. Naturally we want to build naturally, we want to be free. And I think just from over years of just this sort of societal, you know, kind of road to, you know, a prison without walls. We, we kind of lose that, that, that dream that dreamer inside of us, and we'll get that back and or we get around people who are talking the language that we're talking, if this is getting fired up in you, then you're probably meant to be here. You're probably meant to hear this message. So don't stop until you fulfill those needs at the bottom. So you can get into those families so you can get into those self esteem needs. So you can begin to not just not just benefit from the physical rewards of this like the money in the house, but until you can, as you said, the experience some of that that esteem growth right some of that, the freedom that is for me, I think been one of my most empowering, you know, experiences that I've ever had. It's just a matter of fact, I was talking with my wife the other day and we you know, we were we were all we're always so aware of any situation that I might get into to where I feel like I'm sort of being told what to do you know what I mean? Not Not that I'm not able to follow rules enough that I might not able to be a good citizen, because I can follow you know, societies, like for example, like, you know, over the last couple of over the last couple of years, like I've gone along with doing what I can to keep people safe, right? I'm not talking about that stuff. I'm talking about like, on a day to day basis, like with work and stuff like that, like I want to feel free. I want to be able to be creative, I want to be able to make my own hours, and even if it's a struggle, focusing and being committed and being disciplined at the beginning, like I want to have a chance to be able to develop those skills. And for me, it took a little bit longer to develop like structure and like I didn't get my wife's help, honestly because she's really structured and organized, but I want to be the one who has a chance to develop that. You know what I mean? Like I don't want to be told you have to be here at nine and you're like, I don't want to be told that I want to develop that structure in that plan. If I'm going to work out I'm going to eat better. Like I want to develop that. I want to have a shot to design that lifestyle versus you know, having somebody tell me when to eat or when workout you know, and yeah, you know what I mean? Stacey: So yeah, I've been really empowering for me, and I feel it adds so much to my self esteem. So yeah, it's almost like it gets to the point. Yeah, it's like it gets uncomfortable when you've been. It's uncomfortable when you almost try to fit yourself back into that box. Again, you don't fit anymore. You just don't fit and that's the easiest way I can explain it is just, you don't fit so it's just not even worth it to try to go down that path because you know, I know who I am now and I know what I'm capable of. So I'm not. I would never like there's no, I would never go back. There's no way I couldn't. I'm not that same person.

Dave: Well, listen, I could obviously talk with you for hours about this stuff, because it's just so interesting. I think there's a level to this, right. I mean, I think one of the one of the really cool things that we do around here is we talk about the different levels not just you know not we were teaching people how to fish versus just giving them fish I think why this is I think that's that's my hunch. This is my guess why we have a lot of successful people who are growing. We're learning we're earning in lots of different levels and lots of different ways just because we're focused not just on the mechanics, but also on the dynamics and that's what I'm going to be talking about. A lot of the mastermind coming up is going to be a lot of these dynamic pieces. I'm going to bust out some of my training that I haven't done before that I've been developing sort of behind the scenes and go over some of the concepts that have helped me to grow to these next levels and achieve things that I wouldn't have ever guessed were possible. So, again, I could talk with you about this for a long time, but I'm going to let you go because we have to leave a little to be desired for those of you to remember, you know, and I'm just Stacey. I'm looking forward to seeing you there and thanks for your time today and, and just just stay Legendary and keep rockin. 

Stacey: Okay, all right, thanks. Can’t wait to see you guys in person!

Dave: Alright, see you later. All right, you can go and follow Stacy at the link here that I'm showing on the screen and she is a force of nature? Yeah, I mean, she's awesome. She really she really is and it's so cool to see to have these conversations, you know, kind of behind the scenes with all these great entrepreneurs and marketers in our community because, you know, it's one thing to watch them do their thing and it's another thing to hear the the journey behind you know, their business and how they got to where they're at and kind of, you know what, it's what it's like, and, you know, it's just it's really cool, like, as you can see, like, it's really cool. Like I get so fired up to hear these stories of that kind of startup entrepreneur who you know, just 11 months ago, you know, got started so, and now has rocketed. So go get registered. If you have a mastermind ticket. We'll see you in Orlando. I'm actually right around the corner from where we're going to be just right here this weekend. So it's awesome here. It's going to be a great event. There's obviously the house, the surroundings, the environment is going to be great, but the best is the people, the people who are going to be there, you will feel safe, you will feel connected, you will feel a part of because that's the vibe that we have within our community. And within our family. And so come with an open heart and with an open mind get registered today while spots are still available. You have to have a mastermind ticket. And yeah, we'll see you there and we'll see on Monday. Peace out, get out of here. Love you all bye.

Three Things You Should Know before you get Started: 6-Figure Mastermind Week

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends? This is Dave. Another episode here live as we do five days a week, and we've been focusing this week on our mastermind that's coming up December 3, fourth, and fifth. And if you check the comment, pinned comment right down below, you can actually find a link to go over to our mastermind sort of info page sales page, whatever you want to call it. There's not actually anything for sale though. If you have a mastermind ticket, you can register this week and do it as soon as possible because seats are filling up. And it's registration on a first come first serve basis. Now, we've been having like all of our speakers and stuff this week, and we're going to continue that theme today with the person who ironically was the quickest to ever hit the platinum rank in our affiliate program. Help me welcome to the show. Sarah Robin. What's going on Sarah? 

Sarah: Hi, how are you? 

Dave: How does that feat feel to hear me say the person who was fastest to ever hit the platinum rank in our affiliate program?

Sarah: Um, kind of mind blowing like I still don't really think about it too much about how crazy it actually is.

Dave: Yeah, it's fascinating how, you know, how really there is no there is no sort of, like set template or set experience that's mandatory. I mean, anybody can literally come into this world and completely blow it up at any time. And I hope that that's a lot of inspiration for those of you who are feeling like you're ready to get started or you're ready to start over, which some of us have to do, you know, sometimes just a daily commitment. So I'm looking forward to hanging out with you. Are you looking forward to coming to Orlando?

Sarah: Yes, I'm so excited.

Dave: Yeah, yeah, it's gonna be, it's gonna be a good time. This is going to be your first. Is this going to be your first ever internet marketing live event?

Sarah: Yes.

Dave: Yeah. So that's interesting. You know, there's quite a few people who are going to be actually speaking who this is going to be their first Legendary event. And, you know, I don't forget if I asked Austin, I think he's been to some events. Brian has definitely been to some events. Andrei, I don't think he's ever been to any internet marketing event. And you too, so how do you feel that like your very first actual internet marketing event, you're also going to be speaking and sharing some of your strategies and your story?

Sarah: Um, it's a little nerve wracking, of course, just because I am new to the industry, so I'm coming into this, you know, kind of like the baby of the group almost. But at the same time, it's super exciting because I feel like me and Andre being such beginners still have this different perspective than we already were deep into it. So I'm really excited to be able to share that with people because it's something that I can do with the accomplishments that I've done. I can connect with people that have been doing this for a while and people that are just brand new and be able to just help them learn and grow.

Dave: Yeah, yeah, no, I agree. I actually think that it's actually really important to sort of keep a beginner's mindset. And I do think that there's a difference between a beginner's mindset and a newbie, right like a lot of times people call themselves a newbie. I think that that's sort of a demeaning label. And it's not as empowering of a label. I do believe that like what we say to ourselves and labels that we give ourselves are important. But having a beginner's mindset means that you like to keep it fresh. And for me, one of the reasons why I continue to create content and continue to do this show and try to stay in the trenches as much as possible because I do want to stay connected to that not only that beginner's mindset, you know, of always being open to learning, but also I want to stay closely connected to my kind of target customer. You know what I mean? Which if somebody just freshly bought one of my products, that means that that person is like my ideal customer. So there's also a lot of value for you, or anyone else who's listening to get closely connected with other people and figure out why they bought what made them buy, what's their story, what are their pain points. So this is going to give you a unique angle and quite possibly an edge to be able to have some of those conversations not only just to offer value, like from you to them, but also for you to have like one on one face to face conversations interactions with people who are actually kind of your your kind of target prospect, your target customer that you're actually going for, you know what I mean?

Sarah: Yeah, it's really exciting. I'm excited. Just not only even meeting other affiliates, but just everybody in general that's attending. It's going to be a lot of fun.

Dave: So tell us a little bit about your story. Like just for people who don't know you, just kind of what happened. I think you're only into this about a year, maybe a little over a year. How long

a little under a year March is when I officially started as an affiliate.

Sarah: Okay, so just for people who are new who have never heard your story and like how, where you came from and how you got started, like give us the nutshell version. Yeah.

So I was working at a grocery store, a local grocery store in the seafood department. I was working six days a week, sometimes 14 to 18 days in a row before the next day off just because I was trying to make ends meet. It wasn't really cutting it so I started looking into things online to, you know, make something on the side. And I came across a 15 day challenge, went through it in about I think it was the exact 15 days and then started in March as an affiliate and just started posting and things went from there.

Dave: So in the grocery store not only in the grocery store, but in the seafood department. Are you still doing that job or have you kind of moved on from that?

Sarah: I moved on and I ended up being able to quit my job. I believe it was in the beginning of July when I officially quit. I probably could have done it a little sooner. But of course I was worried just in general that you know the imposter mindset. But once I got out of that funk, I was able to quit and go full time online.

Dave: So not only in the grocery store, but in the seafood department like How did you land there?

Sarah: Initially, I was hired for produce, but they weren't giving me hours so I needed more hours to make more money, and they had an opening in their seafood department and you know, I enjoy seafood being from Florida. That's like a big thing here. So I was like, you know, okay, I guess I can learn something about and be able to maybe cook something up at home and it was fun. I enjoyed it. It was cold all the time though.

Dave: Right. Right. Right. And did you ever like to go home smelling like fish every day?

Sarah: No, I had a method where I wore a sweatshirt and apron and I liked to leave those at work and would come right in the door and like to make sure my shoes were left outside. So I definitely worked around that but I also worked in a restaurant a long time ago. So you you kind of learned how to not come home smelling like

Dave: Right, right, right like a grease trap. Or like a dead fish whatever I came home from fishing, you know I had to take all my my you know my fishing clothes off in the garage. You know what I mean? And put a towel around me and then go either jump in the pool or jump in the shower. So I didn't. I didn't work in a fish department or grocery store but I got a little experience with that. So, so awesome. So did you when you were when you were when you were? Oh I was gonna ask you this, did you go to college? 

Sarah: Yes, I did. 

Dave: You did go to college.

Sarah: I graduated in December of 2020.

Dave: Okay, so do you have a bachelor's degree?

Sarah: It's an Associate's.

Dave: Okay. Okay.

Sarah: I have charted a bachelor's degree but once I started this I was kind of like, well, let's hold off 1000s of dollars on hold off. Yeah, but the books are expensive. So I was kind of like, I can make this work. You know, maybe I can just function up the degree I have.

Dave: So what is your viewpoint now on college in that like now that you are doing this like what do you have plans to go back or you've definitely not leaned back like what's your opinion on it now that you have other experience doing?

Sarah: I think one of the big kind of wake up moments, starting all of this was that you don't have to go out immediately after high school and get a degree. And that's not me taking away because that's what I did. That's not me taking away from getting a degree I do think that like it probably wouldn't be a good idea to at least have like some experience with classes, you know, even if you only have like a semester. So as far as going all the way through like associate's bachelor's, master's doctorate, all all the way through. I feel like you can hold off on that until you figure out something or if you do figure out something that you love. So it's almost like my perspective switches from the only option is college to a kind of mindset of like, yeah, I could help but you know, you have choices. It's not, you know, end of the world if you end up not going. I've had plenty of friends who have come to me asking me about what I do. And if I would go back if I would not go to college, and I will say that I probably still would have just for the experience and the things that I did learn. But I wouldn't sit here and say that, Oh 100% College was necessary for me to be able to do my job and be successful. It helps. Yeah, but it's not, you know, one of those things that drilled into us where it's like, you will not be successful if you don't get a degree.

Dave: Do you have student loans from that associate's degree?

Sarah: I don't actually. I was fortunate enough here in Florida. They have a thing called Florida Prepaid.

Dave: I did that. I did not know I have that for my kids, actually, for my oldest. Not for my youngest yet but I did, so you had that.

Sarah: I had that and then I have some scholarship money from doing a few essay contests as well and then I was working two jobs when I graduated high school, so I was lucky and thankful. grateful that I didn't go and do you know any student that

Dave: Yeah, yeah. And I wasn't really. I wasn't at all trying to leave that question in your trash in college. Like because you're, you have a fresher perspective than a lot of people and you definitely have a better perspective than I do. Have you ever gone to college? I'm just interested to know what people's opinions are of going to college. You know what's cuz I feel like and again, I didn't even have this experience, but I feel like kids are sort of, I think you said this sort of pigeon holed or or kind of made made to believe that that's the only choice right because you get built up about that as matter of fact, I even might find out my fight. Last night, Daddy, did you go to college? I was like, No. And then she was like, Mommy, did you go to college? And she was like, yeah, and then she was like, Why didn't daddy go to college? You know? And she was like, well go ask daddy. I'm not gonna explain to him his choices. So yeah, like I just I just feel like, you know, I don't know, I just I just wish that kids weren't as I guess, made out made to believe that that's like the only option but I do still feel like there's an important transitionary period like you said, that like 19, 20, even 21 Like those two or three years to kind of go and have almost wish like it was less about just going from the high school classroom into the college classroom, and more about, like exploration and adventure and even traveling, like I wish that there was that was our culture and our society because I think at that age, what's really important is to is to kind of explore and try different things right?

Sarah: Yeah. 100% It is something that I have a younger sister. She just turned 17 in September so she's really getting the like freshers experience between her and I for what it is that high. Schools are talking about and they still are just the same. It's like you have to do everything for college. Because if you don't, then what are you going to do, you know, work at, you know, and there's nothing wrong with it, but work at fast food your whole life and it's like that's not necessarily the case. But that's still something built in and I try to express to her like my opinions and experiences of yes like getting a degree you know, especially if it was made available to us option like it is her and I with the Florida Prepaid you know, take advantage of that experience, but you don't need to kind of beat yourself down with a hammer that you know, if you don't get that degree, you're not going to be successful in anything. I always went through high school and even through college before finding affiliate marketing. Always thought that my mindset was crazy about wanting to be able to work, to enjoy life, to travel, to spend time with family. Because it was just not the norm. And I really wish it would be a faster transition for you know, young, younger people coming out into the world from high school that there are other options out there that can allow you to do that.

Dave: What do you believe is the norm? And you're talking about basically social messaging, right? Okay, what do you think is the norm because I'm just wondering even how many other people might be able to say, Well, yeah, that seems like that's been the messaging I've got too.

Sarah: For me personally, definitely if you know, you're going to graduate high school, you're going to go to college. Even if you just get your A at first you have to have a degree as a base to be successful, then you need to find that full time job with a company that you can really grow with and build a career around. And once you do that, then you've made it but then you have to work until retirement fills up, build up that 401k and make sure they have great benefits and then you can retire and that's when you can, you know, do things that are fun, etc. in life. And I viewed it from my parents as well. However, they did always incorporate like we did take time off and you know, go spend time with family and do stuff. But I saw how difficult it was to be able to take three or four days off to go see my grandparents. And that just never didn't seem right. And I thought I was crazy because that norm was always shoved down your throat of just like, Nope, you're going to have that job and you're going to be working all those days nine to five and you'll retire eventually but I always was like this doesn't see right doesn't feel right if I want to go visit my grandparents or you know take some time off to go watch my sister at a swim meet. I should be able to do that.

Dave: Yeah not have to basically beg or feel shame about it right or guilt about it. It's without going into the long story I was talking to my wife about or my wife was talking to me about a situation that happened back when her mom was employed as a teacher, and it was just unbelievable. I mean, and obviously this was, this was 40 years ago. But I mean, the way that we thought about things like what you're talking about when you can have fun, for example, stay on topic, when you can have fun. I mean, you're sitting there telling a 16, 17, 18 year old kid that well, here's what you're going to basically do for the next like 30/40 years of your life and then when you're 70 That's when you can have fun. No wonder there's so much rebellion, you know, no wonder there's so many you know, I don't know I mean, just I think we're beginning to see this culture of people kids pushing back on and in figuring out ways, especially with the internet now to be able to live life and make money at the same time. And I think that that's, you know, that's the the ultimate, if we even think back to our ancestors, you know, I mean, what were they doing even as they were hunting and they were gathering and they were farming, they were still with family, you know, they were with their tribe. They didn't go and clock into some bush, you know, sit in a bush all day, unless they were hunting, you know, but they didn't go in to become sort of robots. It was important. For them to think it was important for them to have family tradition to have you know culture in so forth. 

Erin: Sarah.

Dave: Welcome to the show. This is my wife Erin Sharpe, everyone.

Erin: When you went to school, did you have to pick a major like before school started? I’m a few years older than you but did you have to pick it before the first day?

Sarah: They had an option where you could pick undecided but by the end of the first semester, you had to pick something and I another you know fortunate things like the Florida Prepaid my mom was like okay if you want to do medical do something medical don't want to do something medical pick a business major because yeah, so I ended up I ended up picking like business management. And I had gotten a few classes done for a minor and hospitality like later on, if I went back, which I might go back to in the future, who knows? Yeah, it kind of just depends on where things go. But yeah, when I remember filling out the paperwork with my parents before, you know, picking classes for my first semester, and they were like what you want to do and I was like I hadn’t thought it out. 

Erin: They are still doing it that way. Like you know, I graduated in 2004. So I mean, I was it was 99 when I started college, and I remember that experience and then feeling like I got the feeling they were annoyed, or like exasperated, and I also looked around and everybody else seemed to know but their parents probably or maybe they didn't know maybe they had passion about something but I didn't know until the guy's like, Well, what do you like to do? Unlike I don't know, what do you mean? Like? So he's like, Well, what is your job to do? And I said, I want to know why people do what they do. And they were like, okay, so you'll need your insight. I'm like, All right. And I ended up being something I was really interested in. I mean, I have my master's. I'm not knocking school, but I just think the process is definitely broken. Because thinking about you changes your mind. How much money would be wasted because then you got to like to do all different prereqs and stuff. 

Sarah: And I remember asking at one point because you know randomly as a kid coming into the world you like to change your mind about things all the time. I was like this. What if I went into this major and she was like, you'd basically have to start school over and I was like, exactly. That seems like not a lot is that we got arduous things, but if you couldn't afford that, you know. Erin: Anyway, sorry, to butt in. Bye Sarah! I'll see you next month.

Dave: There Yeah, and that actually my wife is like a pro like she actually enjoys teaching and like school and stuff. So actually hearing that like perspective from my wife, like the bit of griping you know about how the process works is coming from somebody who actually enjoyed going to school, was good at school, and even one day has a dream about potentially being a professor. You know what I mean? Like we have we have retirement dreams, and ironically hers are, you know, and maybe by then I'll convince her to you know, have her own events or course or you know, I don't know, but regardless she wants to she envisioned in her in her What do they call them golden or silver years like being a professor, you know what I mean? And it's just interesting, you know, it's interesting, because the truth is, is that, you know, we have a society that trains us to be order takers and trains us to be you know, just just just take orders, you know what I mean? Essentially factory workers, you know, and it's critical thinking skills are not taught in school, you know, so when we come into this online world, basically, the reason why so many marketers, quote unquote, marketers, really, these are the scumbags I think, are the ones who are like, Oh, we're gonna do it all for you. And we're going to, you know, tell you just just click by click, we're going to, it's basically all going to be done for you. You know, and people eat that up because, you know, we've been trained not to think we have been playing it right. So, like when we have students come into our program, when we say, Well, look, here's the blueprint, we're gonna we're gonna train you and we want to train you to be independent, not independent. We do have, I mean, I think we've got a pretty pretty, pretty amazing success rate with a very low complaint rate, right? But you can tell there's a little bit of friction or a little bit of resistance when you first start giving people that message because they're like, Hey, hold on a second, like this is different. I have to make the decisions. I have to be responsible versus the boss or whether it be the boss standing at the door waiting for you to clock in, or the clock in the machine, waiting there for you to clock in. And all these sort of things that are there to hold you accountable and also give you your orders for the day. That's sort of what we're used to. Well, I'm just here to do my job. You know what I mean? Like, we sort of develop that attitude of, well, I don't really care what happens as long as I just do my job. Entrepreneurship is the exact opposite of that. So have you enjoyed that process of entrepreneurship and sort of what comes along with that? Or was that a difficult transition? For you?

Sarah: I think it's both. It was definitely a difficult transition. Because I mean, even when I started before launching as an affiliate, and as an entrepreneur, I still sat there with doubts of just like, how far does this go, you know, because that's stuff that society tells you was so drilled into my head. Once I like it, I commit to it, I guess, and I quit my job. It was definitely a transition where I'd wake up and I was like, Okay, what do I want to do today? And sometimes there were moments where I just kind of sat there in the living room was like, Okay, let's go make content. It was definitely weird to be able to decide what my schedule or like my daily itinerary was. But now that it's been a while, I really don't ever imagine going back, unable to do a whole bunch of things, whether it's, you know, grandma calls, and she's like, Hey, can you come up for a few days? And I'm like, Yeah, I just need the Internet. You know, a WiFi password and bring my laptop and maybe like an hour or two and I can do whatever you guys need me to do. Or my sister's like, Hey, do you want to come with me and some friends to the movies? Yeah, no problem. You know, my mom is asking for help because they have a whole bunch of dogs. Hey, can you help me get this dog, you know, to the vet for their checkup? No problem. I'll just push myself back to later in the afternoon being able to make those decisions and really make it so I'm making money work for me. And I'm working to live instead of just working to keep the wheel turning is something I don't I don't ever imagine giving that.

Dave: So speaking of your daily itinerary, what has sort of become what has become high priority activities in what has become low priority activities for you on a daily basis?

Sarah: High priority is definitely my home and my family. That's just me. So obviously, the more time you put into your business as an entrepreneur, the more you'll get out of it. You know, but I made like, strict kind of rule for myself where it's like on weekends, my boyfriend and my family and my sister don't have work or school so I'm not doing anything on the weekend so I can spend time with them. During the week it's definitely you know, the household I have pets, family, you know, my own personal health and well being and then it'll transition into Okay, let's do the work stuff for the day or the week. You know, if I end up back, creating things, and then it just kind of goes into finance too.

Dave: And that's I'm glad that you said that because that was not what I was thinking about when I asked it but what you the answer that you gave was wonderful and perfect and an additional, you know, insight into your kind of life priorities, which I think are really important. And I think sometimes when we start a business it becomes all about us. We're willing to do anything to succeed and oftentimes sometimes family life and sometimes relationships stuff gets sacrificed a little bit. You know what I mean? What I'd like to ask now is what are your priorities in terms of marketing activities or business activities on a daily basis versus low priority items that you realized cash this isn't really that important for me to focus on and maybe then I thought it was important to begin or whatever. So high priority kind of business marketing activities on a day to day basis versus low priority?

Sarah: I'm kind of you know, still developing over time because there's a lot of different ways you can go about it because being an entrepreneur in this industry, you can do anything that you want the way you want to do it. I think for me, I put a high priority on communication and being real like being myself to people. The wearing talk on life in this interview in my emails in my responses to comments and DMS is always how I would talk to my friends and family. You know, maybe a little more big girl words like professional words in there. But I don't change. The main messaging for I think one of my top priorities in marketing is definitely my communication with people. And then it would go into you know, okay, what kind of content and how frequent the content, but I feel like some of the things with social media that's kind of dangerous is that we get caught up with following views, likes and stuff like that. And of course, it is beneficial to the business as far as growth of the social media account, but if you're focusing more on your messaging to people and to kind of virtually reach through that screen and help people along I feel like those numbers don't have to be crazy.

Dave: Yeah, I agree. I agree. And you have some experience, and I want you to talk about that a little bit at the mastermind. Just for those of you who are just tuning in Sarah is the fastest affiliate here at legendary and again, not all customers who come through and buy our training our products become affiliates of Legendary. She just happened to want to become an affiliate of legendary and sort of promote our products. And she was the fastest ever to hit the platinum rank, which is a pretty huge accomplishment and you've had some ups and downs. It's not all been, it's not all been running through a field of rosy flowers. You've had accounts shadowbanned you've had to, in a sense, you know, pivot, not completely start over but you've had you've had some moments that probably took your breath away, and you had to say, hey, you know, what am I going to do now? So, I thought there was a great question here. And maybe this might be a way that you could weave that in. We'll take one question Jason minor asked Sarah, what's your aha moment that changed everything for you? And what are three things you wish you knew when you first started that you can give to the complete newbie? 

Sarah: I think my aha moment was the first time I received an email response. So we set up our email automation system force, I use Aweber. And I had someone reply to one of my automated emails and just kind of told me their story, asked me questions and just was looking for more insight but I think receiving that email because the lady had mentioned in it of how much of an inspiration my story was to her. I think that was my aha moment of just kind of like, it doesn't have to all be about business. That was kind of my aha moment as an entrepreneur. Of course, you know, we need to make money to survive, but being able to help someone along and change someone else's mindset or help them develop a new mindset or new skill base is kind of what the goal is. So I think that was my aha moment of kind of combining. Yeah, you've got your finances worked out of course because you need to survive. But being able to make a difference for someone and help them through something that was difficult for you, was one of the most I think, just mind blowing moments. When I first started. Three things that I wish I knew when I first started, definitely wouldn't be that, like, the followers and the likes. And the view is not everything. You know, it's, you know, an aspect of your business that can be important but you know, you don't if you're having videos or posts that aren't going viral, that doesn't mean that things aren't good for you. It just means keep going. You know, it's kind of like getting back up on the horse. Another one would be don't let the hate that's going to come in. Change your morals, your ideas and your messaging. I had internet people hate and I also had people in, you know, the real world.

Dave: IRL?

Sarah: Yeah, IRL. And IRL had, you know, comments and things and opinions to say and you can take it into consideration if you want to, but really knowing what you're doing and doing it how you want to do it is kind of like the golden thing to keep telling yourself for sure. It's not letting those people who are either jealous or just upset with things that are going for them. affect how you're doing things. A third thing would probably be to have fun with it. Don't put so much pressure on yourself when creating content. I think that a lot of people are like oh, I've got to make this many videos. Yeah, have fun with it. You're setting up your phone, as if you're making TikToks and videos with your friends. You know, not putting so much heavy stress on it actually can make for better content. 

Dave: Yeah, I totally agree with that. I totally agree with that. Well, Jason, hopefully that was helpful. I want to go back to the aha moment that you said that you had and just just share some thoughts that I had that came up for me as you were saying that you know, I You mentioned basically that having somebody respond that piece of content or something that you've said really kind of impacted them and in a sense would have changed their life or change their perspective. Right.

And what came up for me when you said that was that I really believe that buying something can be a spiritual exchange, you know, and it is a spiritual exchange. And I mean, I try to not buy anything that doesn't give me spiritual value. And what do I mean by that doesn't mean that I buy it and all you know, I'm sitting there praying to the, you know, the good Lord up above, I've just, that's not what I mean. I don't mean like in the like, in the like, prac like, like the religious sense. I mean, that, like if I buy something, it's because I want to, I want to buy something from people that I feel share values that I have, or that I aspire to have. I want to buy something from people who have a mission to deliver good value and help people and help them transform. Like I want to give those people money, you know, what I mean? And in return in exchange, you know, I want to receive something that's going to improve my life. You know what I mean? To give me happiness, to give me joy, to give me skill sets? You know, so it's one of the reasons why I know why I got clean. You know what I mean back in 2008, because, I mean, the obvious ones, the external you know, consequences of having a drug and alcohol addiction are obvious, you may become homeless, you may go to jail you met but also it kind of eats away inside at your self esteem, your self worth at, you know, and I want to be a part of things I want to buy into communities and I want to pay my fair share, like I want to pay my membership fee. I don't want it for free like for me buying something is also a spiritual act of integrity because I'm buying my seat you know, I'm buying my entrance. I'm not just creeping through. So when I'm there, like I bought my seat, you know what I mean? Like me, if somebody comes up and asks for my ticket, I'm not sitting in somebody else's seat. You know, I can say no, I got a ticket for this. Like I bought it, you know what I mean? Like me, I worked for the money and then I bought the seat and, and I'm here to contribute or I'm here to enjoy the show or whatever. And for me, that was actually one of the things that I learned in recovery. In 12 Step stuff, or there's this tradition, there's 12 steps and 12 traditions, you know, even though I don't know if you've ever heard of that before, but the seven wonders of the tradition is, you know, being fully self supporting, you know, declining outside contributions. And that was like a big lesson for me, you know what I mean? Because I had lived a lot of my life welcoming handouts, you know what I mean? Like in I was even told well don't Well look, the gift horse in the mouse. Now what I learned was earning something like really earning it is a kind of a spiritual act or Pain, my pain for my ticket, like not always looking for something for free. And I think that that, you know, this whole exchange when you step into your power, when you realize that you have value in wisdom in things that you can share with people that can help them even if they're simple, you know, even if it's setting up an autoresponder but if it's done with the intention that I want to help you and I want to bring value to your life, and I want to help you succeed in exchange for that you can buy something from it. You don't have to, but you can write and I invite that because that's your way of saying things to me. Right? And it's like this, this spiritual exchange. I just happen to be a weirdo who believes that and I believe that I believe in karma. And I believe that what I put out into the world is what I'm going to get back, you know, and I don't know I maybe speak in a different language. Maybe nobody who's listened, maybe you and I are just the weirdos, maybe nobody listening here can resonate with it. I don't know. Maybe you can. Let us know in the comments whether that makes sense to you or not, but I just tend to believe that, you know, the more the more value I deliver and the more my intention is to help I'm actually in the the easier I make it for people to give me money in exchange for them out and I welcome that and I don't just be like, Oh no, you know, don't worry about it, no hay but you're welcome to also return that spiritual currency in the form of these silly little paper things that we pass around. But you can get here if you'd like to, if you'd like to support me, then I actually support me and support you at the same time going buy this product, you know what I mean? Does that resonate with you at all?

Sarah: Oh, yeah. 100% You know, being able to join a community that is not only going to like lift you up but you're gonna learn things along the way I think is absolutely crucial. Absolutely crucial. Because if not, you can learn all these skills of how to build things and stuff like that, and that's great, but if you don't have that community, like you said behind you, that you're a part of the you have your seat and, you know, you could end up being lost by the end of the day.

Yeah, yeah. And it's, it's so helpful to be with other people on the journey, and I know that a lot of people are grateful that they're on the journey with you. And so I am thrilled. I'm excited. I'm pumped up to hang out with you. Like, really? I think you're an incredible young person. Like seriously, I love your story. I think you're so brilliant. I think you're intelligent. I think you're just you're brave, and you're paving the way for a lot of entrepreneurs, male and female in this game. So keep up the great work. I'll see you in Orlando in a few weeks. Okay, and thanks for your time today.

Sarah: Thank you so much. I'll see you guys then. Or is there peace out? Alright my friends.

Dave: Well, I'm gonna put her IG handle you can go over to give us this for you to follow. If you want to follow IG, @theblondeaffiliate. You can go check her out, be a part of her network, her community and my friends, look. If you have a mastermind ticket, go ahead and you want to come okay, we'll be doing everything that we can to keep the entire group as safe as possible. So yes, we do believe in trying to keep people safe. And we want to respect everybody's wishes and personal choices. So although we're not mandating anybody to do anything, we're going to provide all sorts of safety accessories including masks if you want to wear them. There'll be COVID test on site if you want to take one or if somebody is not feeling well of course we ask you to stay home if you're not feeling well. We'll have thermometers to be able to know we'll just not be invasive right on the forehead. And it's going to be a fantastic weekend. I mean, this has been over a year and a half since we've done our last mastermind and These truly are, I believe, the best experiences in this industry. Because they're intimate. There's gonna be you know, a small to medium sized group of folks there probably, you know, 30 to 35. I don't know how we're going to close registration as soon as we're almost fully booked. Of course, there'll be lots of our team there. Maybe even your business plan advisor likes tons of our team, lots of incredible top earners, top affiliates, top marketers from the industry. So going registered, we look forward to seeing you there. And you know, if you can't make the mastermind or you're not a ticket holder of the mastermind, stay close to the community keep learning keep growing to keep earning and we'll continue continue to do what we do on a daily basis to help lift you up and support you every step of the way. Alright, my friends, those of you who are coming we'll see in Orlando we're gonna roll the real the testimonial we'll hear in just a moment and we'll see you back here for another episode. Tomorrow. Get out of here, peace out.

Why Affiliate Marketing Is your Best Side Hustle Option: 6-Figure Mastermind Week

 Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends this is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary and Six Figure Mastermind Week, why do we call it that? Well because we know most people have a goal of making six figures and everybody that you're listening to is building a six figure multiple six figure on their way to a seven figure business this week and those who are speaking at the mastermind and those who will be masterminding with in Orlando on December 3, fourth and fifth of this year, are all going to essentially have what you want and that doesn't mean in every respect of life, but you know, when I got clean back in 2008 I was looking for a sponsor or mentor. It's kind of typically what you do when you're going down a path that you've not gone before and they said find somebody who has what you want and if you want, what they want, or if you want, what they have, do what they do. And so, this week, we're going to try to give you a deeper look at what they do. And then of course at the mastermind, as I said in the in the letter that I wrote you which will link to that if you look in the pin down in the comment section that I believe that people just speak a little bit more or with less filters right let's put it like that in person in a mastermind. So I found that you get a little bit more behind the scenes a little bit more real talk a little bit more. This is what happened a little bit more of the Hey, it looked on purpose, but it was actually a big mistake and I ran with it, you know, the real stories, the juicy stuff, you know, which I have many of as well and I oftentimes share sitting around a table at a mastermind or as I'm smoking a cigar or whatever right or in front of the room and today's guest is no stranger to all kinds of different experiences as an online marketer. He's somebody who is well known within our community and quite frankly, well known at this point. All over the internet. So if you all would help me welcome Brian Brewer. What's up brother? 

Brian: Hey, what's going on? Dave, thanks for having me on here today. Thanks for everyone who's tuning in on the live and of course watching the replay later on as well. Good to be here. Dave: Yeah man, I'm looking forward to hanging out in Orlando

Brian: So excited, I got my plane ticket. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it.

Dave: What are you looking forward to most?

Brian: You know, in person, that there's just something magical about it. You know, it was an in person event. Well, two months ago now it was in September and excited to be at another one. And this is just a different dynamic. There's different things that happen like you said, people are more real, more raw. You get the opportunity to really ask people questions about their business. what's working what's not working, and you really get the good stuff because, you know, we're here on content and trying to add value and stuff like that. We're trying to help people get results and we're trying to get reached, let's be honest, you know, so it's a little bit more buzzy when you get the man right. That's when stuff gets real and that's when the life changing action happens. So I know I'm gonna learn a ton. You know, I know I'm invited. There's a speaker and it's a tremendous honor and I really appreciate it. I plan on bringing a ton because I know I'm going to learn a ton while I'm there. So I'm super excited. 

Dave: Yeah, when you're putting out content, you're focused on marketing. You're focused on generating leads and sales. I mean, ultimately, whether we, you know, whether we all want to believe it or not. I mean, oftentimes, and I know Brian's your content is so good that a lot of times if somebody is watching it, they feel like you're talking right directly to them. But the truth is that you're a fellow creator, in each one of you who are here who likes it in our community or fellow creators. The truth of the matter is that Brian is talking to you but he is talking to other people talking to consumers who are thinking about becoming creators. We're thinking about building a business online. And so there's a different conversation with a bunch of creators you get in a room, versus if it was just one Creator, and then all consumers right. If you're at say, for example, a Tony Robbins event right? He's not there with the same mindset as everybody else in the room. He's there to basically deliver a bunch of value that's his TikTok, his TikTok is the stage and he's gonna deliver a bunch of value and ultimately he's going to make a pitch on Saturday night. How do I know? Well, because I've been there for right and it was literally a six hour pitch, you know what I mean? I mean, it started after dinner and he actually gave us action at like 11pm at night. And I don't know if his strategy was to just get us so exhausted that we were just like, Okay, we'll buy let us out of the room, but either way, it was very effective. And when you get if it was all just a bunch of like Tony and you and me and you know Dean Graziosi and Russell Brunson or whoever a bunch of creators in the room, there's going to be a different conversation and that's kind of the field that I get at our masterminds. We've got a lot of creators in the room and people are kind of sharing secrets and so forth. I know you were at the Clickfunnels event, not too long ago, and this is going to be a bit different. It's going to be smaller. It's going to be at a big mansion in Orlando. You know, it's a different vibe. Brian, I know this is also going to be your first mastermind it's a little bit of a different vibe to to bring people into an environment that can help them dream a little bit, you know, to look around at a house like that and say, I could live in this one day, you know what I mean?

Brian: Yeah, that's it. And that's, that's I mean, that's what's so cool is you come out of those events, you come out of there inspired because, you know, obviously, I love my family, but none of them do what I do, obviously, I love my close friends, but none of them are in the same business that I'm in. And when you start talking to people who are either in the same business or aspiring to do very well in the same business, it's a different dynamic and you end up coming away like you said, dreaming a little bit bigger and a lot of times, that's what it takes because if your goal is to make 1000 a month, you'll probably hit it if your goal is to make 100,000 a month you'll probably hit it so you know obviously it's gonna take a little bit longer but that's what that's what can happen when you get in a room with all those type of people just start setting the bigger goals. 

Dave: Yeah, so what are you thinking about? holding back the curtain on the upcoming mastermind? 

Brian: Yeah, it's gonna be great stuff. I'm super excited. You know, obviously I love getting on camera. Nowadays. Let's not get it twisted here when I first started getting on camera back in late 2016. I absolutely hated it. And I was terrible at it. But now I really love going out there delivering the value. But But But speaking in person is gonna be amazing and there's going to be a lot of good stuff. And I really have a more principle focused right like there's always tactics, there's things that are working right now. But when you can break it down to principles, tried and true things that help you become a better marketer, a better entrepreneur, a better seller. You know that that's really what changes lives. So I'm really gonna dive into that, you know, it's funny you were talking about earlier in this live here today and you were talking about value and content and all that stuff and things change a little bit your marketing. I will most definitely talk a lot about value at the mastermind because this idea that I've started to become obsessed with a little bit is the idea that not all value is created equal. And I think that's what's lost on a lot of newer marketers and newer entrepreneurs. They see the value that I try to bring they see the value that you bring not only with your paid products Dave and and everything that legendary marketer has, they see the value that you bring, you know, on these, you know, daily lives or five day a week lives and just all the stuff you're doing to try to help people out. I know Matt, when that goes live with special training, you know, that's, that's, that's great. But there's a little bit of confusion, I think, to what value really does and in what value actually moves the needle in your business. So what I mean by that is people see these values, these people create value, so they think okay, cool. I'm gonna go put together this worksheet that helps people well, I'm going to go give people my seven secrets for for creating tic tac to go viral and I'm going to hand this out and I'm going to send them an email list and I'm going to offer this as a lead magnet on tic tac and I'm offer this as a lead magnet, a Facebook group or reengagement, my Facebook group, and then they wonder why people don't buy why they don't make more money every time they release more value. In really well focus on and I want to focus on and help people understand is value really, is to sell in the simplest way to think about this value has to break down false beliefs and rebuild them with new ones that give people the confidence and give people the desire to buy the things that we want them to buy. Because if we don't sell if we're not, you know, helping people move up the value ladder if we're promoting Legendary Marketer if we're not selling that high ticket stuff at the end of the day, we're just not going to make a whole lot of money. And that's unfortunate. You draw I mean that is a killer little motto or something that I think can really stick to the brain. All value is not created equal. 

Dave: And you're right. Value is, you know, value is a big ambiguous word that is thrown around a lot that a lot of people think that they understand what it means. But if what you're saying or what you're teaching, or what you're training or what story you're telling inside of a piece of content does not frame the next step properly. It's not going to be effective. And that's why I think a lot of people when they first get into the kind of copycat marketing game, which happens a lot when people first get started. And in sort of, I think try to avoid actually getting good training and understanding the principles like you were talking about. Because if I go in and I just start throwing spaghetti at the wall, look at what other people are doing and just try to copy I might get lucky here might get lucky there but I didn't really know why it worked. And if it fails, it becomes even more frustrating. And so these principles that are around and have been around since the dawn of time, I mean even before the internet when guys were writing sales letters that were going out to mailboxes and people had to sit down and read the sales letter and they had to they had to you know then then mail a check back with you know, cut the little piece of paper out and say check I want this Here's the address to send a little info pamphlet or book or or VHS tape or eight track tape or whatever it is that I'm buying. Right, send it back to this home address. Then they ship the check off and they wait another 14 or 21 days for the product to get there. I mean that requires a different element of salesmanship. And ultimately, I mean, we'll have to sell, we don't have to become great at selling. Right? But I do believe there's an element of salesmanship to where you have to know, you have to sell somebody on your idea. And I think that's why people from Gora financial which is like a big umbrella of, you know, information marketing financial products, different newsletters. This is a company that's doing upwards of a billion dollars in sales. And if you Google agora, you're not gonna find anything because agora owns a bunch of different mini brands Right? Like I believe Stansbury research, and like the Palm Beach letter. If you go look at those, you'll see what I'm talking about if you kind of get into their funnels and such but these are these are these are companies that use nothing but direct response copy nothing but copy in any time in nothing but their whole business model is driving paid traffic to a landing page. To a sales page that sells a $49 usually $39, $49 $69 one year membership to a newsletter, which just gets sent out every month. And then there's various upsells and then you just get hammered with emails for the next two years, selling $2,000 products, other information products right from the email. So you look at a business like that and you ask, you know, they don't, they're not even really generating traffic from TikTok. They're not even on Instagram. These are guys whose sole focus is copy and they deliver. They're big ideas, right? What is the big idea that I can that I can that I can lay out using stories using examples using data from the past and all of that is basically going to be embedded in my sales letter to where at the end I'm going to ask for a purchase. And I think that because we see so many Brian like content creators out there nowadays online. Who are only creating content just to go viral just to get views we confuse content creation and adding value with that with true direct response marketing salesmanship which has value and stories and all already embedded. That's a part of direct response. salesmanship. And when you look at the greats like the John Carlton's the Gary Halbert, the David Bencivenga has the the, you know, the Eugene Swartz that Dan Kennedy's you look at even the modern day legends who have created offers if you go and look at any of my sales videos or any other great sales video webinar that you sit through, there's a portion the majority of that portion is its its its value, but what it really is, is it selling somebody on the big idea through stories and examples. And it's framing that offers for them to buy it. Do you agree with that? And that is absolutely 100% That's exactly what I'm talking about. So it's interesting when you start talking about how you make that simple, Brian? 

Brian: Yeah, so simple. Yeah. So I'll give you an example of something

that I do in my marketing on the back end. That is a perfect example of what we're talking about here. But before we do that, you know, when you talk about, you know, agora publishing stuff like that where you say, they are, you know, selling a $49 product. Let's say and then hammer you with emails to sell $2,000 products on the back end. If we look at a principle of that, really, what's the point of that front end product just to generate leads, hopefully at breakeven to generate leads for free they're more than happy to spend $49 to acquire a buyer for a $49 product. Honestly, they're probably spending $1,000 or $400 to acquire the buyer. But that's not the point. The point I want to get at is the principle where when you're creating TikTok, all you're doing is you're just acquiring a lead at breakeven. Obviously there's some time investment but the cost for that lead is ultimately zero. However you do that advertising where you're paying and selling the self liquidating offer or generating content. The bottom line is the principle is we're generating leads at breakeven. So if you want to make some money, there's got to be some back end stuff, right? We're gonna have to sell stuff via email. We're gonna have to get people to move up the value ladder, we're gonna have to sell additional products. And, for example, when you're talking about how we make that simple, right, that creating that content that sells adding that value, one of the emails I send in when I'm talking about simple series here, this just full disclosure, this promotes Legendary Marketer. This is using a simple two page bridge page funnel that that many people have seen and a lot of people are using. Somewhere down the road, I don't know off the top of my head, if it's day six or day seven or day nine. There's a training video and that's what it is. It's a training video. That's what I call it. It's a video. It's a training that's hosted on my website. Below that video. There's a button with an affiliate link to the checkout page for legendary marketer and inside that videos about eight or nine minutes I talk about what type of side hustles you're going to want if you're a beginner. And I start in that training by talking about the problems and identifying the problems. What's the problem? Well, you're busy if you're working a full time job, you can't very well go start an agency where you got to go take out a bunch of clients because how are you ever going to service those clients right? From there, I run through a very simple whiteboard presentation and some people on this call may have seen this. I just have this whiteboard here. And I draw it out in real time. Basically, I break down business into five segments. There's cross product creation. Their sales, there's marketing, there's customer service and there's fulfillment. And all I do is go through that training is show how a traditional business model I use the air quotes in the in the train the traditional business model, whether it's physical product, ecommerce or whether it's creating a coaching company or an agency all is good in the beginning, you're focusing on sales, then you're focusing on marketing, or excuse me, you're focusing on product creation, then you're focusing on marketing, the product created or the or the agency, then great, we're focusing 100% of our energy on marketing. But what happens is after that you're selling now you're worried about fulfillment of the product. Now you have customer service issues. And basically in that training, all I do is show how everything that comes into play in a quote unquote, traditional business takes away from the revenue generating activity, which is marketing and then eventually sales. And I show that how are you ever going to get over the hump if you can't focus every time you make a little bit of money, you get taken away from revenue generating activity. So then to your conversely, I show the affiliate marketing model where we don't have to create products we start on day one, we focus 100% of our energy on marketing. We let you know the third party company we're dealing with handles the sales, the fulfilment additional product creation to increase the lifetime value of the customer, all we have to do is focus on marketing. So that's really cool. That's training that's teaching people things but really all I'm doing is I'm making affiliate marketing the only business model that they can possibly do. Right now. Now obviously we know that's not true. But the point of that presentation, the point of that eight minute training is to say if you want to get started right now from scratch, you must start making some money on the side you want to get a side of the only thing that's gonna work for you is affiliate marketing. Now I don't say that, but that is how I'm preparing the people with the training and oh by the way, if you want the best affiliate marketing training, here you go. So at that point, there is no decision to be made. It's either I'm in or I'm out. It's not what do I need to do? What do I need to buy? It's like, okay, cool. This is what I want. This is what I have to do. This is what I need to buy.

Dave: Yeah, you're teeing it up. You're like a lawyer who's building and making a case. Right? It's now I think we all need to think of ourselves. Sometimes it's like, look, you've got a jury and your jury is your customer, your potential customer who's sitting there scrolling or tick tock or Instagram or Facebook or wherever you're marketing. They're the jury. Okay? They're gonna decide whether you're guilty of some bullshit, okay? You're guilty of you look like a scammer. You're guilty of having no value and not building a case or you're not guilty, right? You're innocent, right? You're You're they want to, they want to celebrate they join you. They say he's let the man free. He's got freedom. Give him freedom. Right. I want freedom. Twos matter of fact. Right. So you are the one you need to get out of that jury. You need to get out of that jury seat and you also need to get off that witness stand. A lot of us are on the witness stand on the defensive, trying to blame like what happened in why this is this. We got we we allow our audience to become the the prosecutor who's who's, you know, we get on the defense. We need to be the attorney. You know what I mean? We need to be the attorney who's building the case. Right? Who's building the case and if you listen to any great attorney, and their opening statement, they begin to build the case by by framing the big idea, which is you know, if it doesn't fit a quiz or whatever is right there. There's some big idea that every piece of content has now for us, and those of you who are promoting legendary, it's a fairly big it's a fairly simple big idea and Brian just made right which is the difference between selling physical products in selling information is night and day. And if you can't just automatically commonsensical II see that then just just use some common sense. I mean, it's it's like you're you're fulfilling physical products that have to be mailed and shipped and delivered in from China or Mexico or wherever. Or you're, you're in business with Amazon, who, quite frankly, just cut down affiliate commissions, like a significant amount. I think we're down to 3% and some categories. We think Jeff Bezos Gibson, is he going live every day? You know what I mean? Does he give a damn he's but he's going to space with William Shatner, okay. They don't need you. You know what I mean? They don't need you. So it's about finding companies out there who can deliver and if you want to sell physical products, that's fine. But getting in the business of physical products or getting in the business of servicing clients, local clients, who expect now that they're paying you a couple of $100 a month, right? You better be working 24 hours a day for me in general, right? I mean, do you want a boss or do you want to be the boss, right? So what we do is as freelancers right, who can basically go around to any company and pick and choose who we want to send our traffic to. We can send our traffic to them. And ideally, I prefer to sell information products because the person can get access to the training or get access to whatever they bought right away. There's in there for the company containing higher commissions, because there's less overhead right now the challenge becomes right, how do I you know, how do I fit this sort of case, into a, you know, into a 62nd, TikTok and so forth. And that's where it really just becomes a lot of testing. It becomes right. I have to try different things. I have to know, I have to find my group and I have to be building upon something more than just, for example, a TikTok profile. You just mentioned your email list, and I think it's underrated. We don't talk about those types of things. Enough Brian, like the email list, the Facebook group, the other supporting features where you're able to deliver more value, aka continue to build your case. In other places where you customer may feel a little bit more intimate with you. It's kind of like TikToks like friends having a conversation with me in front of 20 people on the email list. It may feel like it's just you and me. Right. And so I think there's also an element of making sure that we're reaching people to continue to build our case in more places than just a 62nd clip because Brian, you can I can write as long as an email, or I can write an email that sends people to like you said a video to where I can hold them hostage for eight minutes because that video is posted on a standalone page on my website. Now all of a sudden, I don't have to try to make my case in 60 seconds. I now have an opportunity to make my case over the course of eight minutes, or over the course of a five minute read email. So hopefully some of you folks are starting to get the idea that if you're aren't going viral on tick tock and week one. It's probably a good thing, because that's probably going to give you unrealistic expectations about what this business is even about. 

Brian: You're absolutely right. I was talking to someone the other day and they were seeing renewers in the game and they've seen a little bit of success but certainly not the sustainable and consistent success they want to achieve and they're well on their way but we were talking about length of emails and her concerns. I don't like reading long emails. Said well, that's fine. You don't have to communicate everything in an email if you don't personally like long emails you want to write and that's fine. But then you have to send them to a longer training session. The bottom line is you have to hold them hostage so to speak for a significant enough amount of time so you can actually make your case and people a lot of times the objection is but so many people aren't going to sit through these entire videos or somebody people aren't going to read these entire emails. And okay, yeah, some might not but you know, who does the buyers, the buyer sits through them and so that's what that's who we're focused on. And,

you know, I think you see that a lot with the copycat marketing that you were talking about earlier in the live here where anybody who wants to promote the same things that I can promote or I am promoting can go look at my tic tac and see which TikTok are performing well, then pretty much recreate the TikToks. And more often than not, it seems like on the TikTok platform. They do pretty well. That's great. You may generate as many leads as me. You may even generate as many front end sales as me but what's being lost in this whole copycat marketing are the principles. If you're not doing those trainings on the back end that help build the case, as you say, strengthen the case, then they're not going to move up the value ladder. It's easy to spend seven bucks or 10 bucks on a front end product that feels like progress. People feel great when they buy into something. But if they don't actually go through, do the work and continue to believe in the opportunity, then they're not going to buy the next thing and if they're not buying the next thing. 

Dave: We're just we're just not gonna We're just not gonna make a whole lot of money. Well, we're on track this year to do $20 million in sales. Just you know, I mean, I don't have anything to hide here, you know, you know, I mean, find another company out there that's doing that many sales that that big volume selling just all information, right? It's hard to find. And all of those sales are generated from presentations that are 25 minutes to two and a half hours long. You know, so there's a lot there if we say how does that apply to our business as affiliates, whether we're sending traffic to Legendary, a company like Legendary, whether we're selling, you know, whether we're selling, You know, dog training, parenting, whatever it is. I think if we go back to your original point about what you're going to talk about at the mastermind, because as you folks can see Brian and I can I mean we can just go right down any rabbit hole that has to do with marketing. It's just, you know, it's in our DNA. I mean, we get a lot of fun, free hours, but I want to get back to what you said you're going to talk about at the mastermind, which is the principles and what Brian and I are both trying to say. And I'm speaking for you here, Brian you can add to it. Is it that a lot of you are asking, Well, what what, what do I talk about in an email, you know, how do I go from copy and pasting templates? And just sort of throwing spaghetti at the wall not really understanding what I'm doing right to actually understanding what I'm doing. So I can. I can not just be a carpenter swinging a hammer but I can actually be the boss of my business reading the blueprint, understanding the blueprint and then being able to communicate it to my leads in a way that makes it make sense to them. So they go yeah, like I get this right. If that is all you're trying to do, I think we can relate this to people who are in the construction business. If it is all I'm ever trying to do is just grab a quick check to get a six pack in a pack of cigarettes every day. Then I'm going to be willing to do day labor and just go out and swing a hammer. And that's going to be my life. I'm going to be living paycheck to paycheck for the rest of my life. And guess what? There's a lot of marketers online who are also living paycheck to paycheck, because all they want to do is they want to just get a six pack in a pack of cigarettes and I'm Metaphorically speaking, right like I'm not saying that each one of you all drink and smoke. If you do, that's fine. I don't care. No judgement for me. But my point is, don't be a day laborer. Don't be a guy or a gal who's just working two jobs swinging a hammer but never really learning how the blueprint works. And I think if we go back to what your original point was, which is what you're going to talk about at the mastermind, and I'm excited to take notes and see your perspective is is is the principles and understanding the principles and understanding how the principles of this game works and the psychology of producing content and how to weave in stories, when to use analogies. How to make a case in 60 seconds or make a case in eight minutes in weave in some of that solid timeless salesmanship and marketing chip that has been used since the you know, since the direct response marketing was basically invented since the first I mean, you know, in the 1900s 2020 when tick tock was invented was not the first time that anybody ever started selling, you know, information or or selling stuff via direct response marketing. Again, we go back, and there were books that were written in the 1950s. There is Eugene Schwartz, there is Gary Halbert. There are some of these folks that we could go back forward, who understood and even taught and quite frankly, in the business blueprint, I actually go over the history of direct response marketing and give tons of examples. So our clients and our students can actually begin to understand that what we're doing here is not something that was invented when tick tock came up the success of our business and our top affiliates and our top students is not because some new age platform came up that all of a sudden made it possible and before we were all just scrounging around for crumbs. No. We were applying the same timeless principles to other platforms. Whether it was YouTube, whether it was Facebook, whether it was whether it was paid ads, whether it was mail, and that's what I think I'm so excited about this this topic, what personally because if tick tock went down tomorrow, there'd be a bunch of day labor marketers, who were only focused on getting a six pack of beer and a pack of cigarettes who go oh shit. Marketing Online is over. I'm sure legendary is going to go tank and then all of a sudden, they'll see a little blip right to where a little bit of our traffic goes. And then they'll see us just continue to grow because it's not a platform that's made us successful. It is the principles that we understand, Brian and you know, that we could apply to any platform.

Brian: It's just the only difference is where's the attention? And that's where you're going to take your principles and go make some money. And that's what it comes down to. You know, when we talk about he said something about writing emails, you know, how do you go from the point where you're just a, you know, a day laborer marketer or a copycat marketer to actually writing emails, and I think I just kind of made a few notes while you're talking about that. And it really comes down to I think three things and it's pain points, desires and metaphors. And what I mean by that is, if we understand what people want to get away from, right their boss, the fact that they can't take vacations, the fact that they're living paycheck, whatever it is, whatever their pain points, okay, if we can, if we can understand that. And then also understand what people really want. I tell you right now, it's not money. It's what the money provides to create a security all that people really want. Then once we understand those things now we just wrap them into metaphors or stories. And really, the thing about email marketing and marketing in general is we don't have to reinvent the wheel every single time we write an email. We don't have to reinvent the wheel every time we make a tic tac toe. Most people know who Gary Vaynerchuk is, Gary Vee, because he's pretty big on social media. If you really dive into his content, he seems to do the same six things over and over and over and over and over again. And that's self admitted. Because he's like, people call me boring. What do we do? Like no, it's these six things that you need to know are seven things or two things or whatever. But it's just really wrapping these pain points and desires into different stories, different metaphors. Once you understand what people really want to get away from, and where they really want to go. Then it's just fun telling different stories. You know, tell a story that somewhat loosely, relates to your point from your life just to get people interested. Just get people involved just to get people to remember you because guess what they might not buy on the first email that you send in they're probably not going to but if they if you told an interesting story, or they remembered you and say, Hey, Brian Brewer I read one of his emails was pretty good. Guess what they're gonna open the next email. And then you can attack a different pain point or a different desire or break another false belief with a story with the training, and eventually, you're going to get them and it's not if they're going to buy it's when they're going to buy some. I don't know if you want Dave, you want to do this really quick. This might be some actionable stuff that can help. About a month ago, I emailed my list and I really just wanted to get into their desires and their pain points. It took a lot of responses that I got. It kind of jotted down some patterns if you want to share that really quick. I don't know if anyone wants to watch this live or watch this replay. Maybe you can start a comment and you could take notes really quickly if you're on a laptop or desktop or something that's really easy to type. Basically, the three main things that I focused on are what I was asking people, what's holding them back and the struggles. What are you struggling with? So I'll just kind of go through these really quickly. So the first heading would be what do people really want and this is not me trying to decide what people want. This is from the words of the folks and people who want to do their own thing. They don't want to be held accountable to a boss. Honestly, people want to be rich and not work. Okay. People want to make progress. And that came up time and time and time and time and time. Again, people want to make progress. They want to see results. They don't necessarily have to go start making million dollars tomorrow. They just want to make some progress. They want to feel like they are ready and well prepared. They want to know how to get traffic from social platforms. And what was really interesting to me and I don't want this to come across as cocky or arrogant, but this can relate to everybody who's watching this because so many people said they just wanted to be like me. Right? They wanted that life that I had. And even if you're just getting started even if you're not making you know, six figures or whatever you whatever, whatever it is you think I'm doing. If you're out there making progress, if you're out there as someone who's learning affiliate marketing, guess what? People want that. I already told you people really want progress. So share that in your story. Share that new content, share that journey. And guess what? I understand that people are going to want to be like you even if you're just getting started, even if you've got to make your first commission. If people are paying attention to you, they're gonna want to be like you so help them get to the point where they can where they can do that. Whatever it is for you. What's holding people back this could be another comment or another heading. What's holding people back? Fear. Fear is the number one thing holding people back from creating content getting started. belief that this thing will actually work for them. Lack of confidence. Scared to try something new, right?

Dave: People are scared that they're gonna sign up for a course and left hung out to dry when in my promotion of Legendary Marketer, I talk about the community. I talk about the updates to the blueprints. I talk about the five days a week live just to help people understand that when they sign up, they're going to be taking care of what's holding them back. People still believe that imposter syndrome is real. These are things that people are struggling with so we can help them overcome these things and then show them what they need to do next, which is obviously buying the thing that we're promoting. Then we're going to be somewhere and finally struggle. What are people really struggling with? A lot of people tell me they're making good money. They're making six figures at their job. But they're not happy. Okay, so how can we relate that into stories? Because if we get inside the conversation that's already going on in people's heads, they're gonna be likely to pay attention to us because they're, they're gonna look at that person and think I was struggling with that person. I'm going to listen to them. I'm going to go get on their email list. I'm eventually gonna buy that thing that they're selling. If you understand these things, you can use them as a weapon as long as you do so ethically. People struggle with stepping in uncomfortable situations, indecision confusion, shiny object syndrome. One of my trainings, basically talks about shiny object syndrome. And what you can do to avoid it and that does great for conversions into things like blueprints. And a lot of people struggle with COVID changing their situation. Kind of the last one I had, they were in one situation now COVID Completely changed it now. They just don't know what to do. So I know what those quickly but if you kind of rewatch this and really kind of take those notes or find someone in the comment who took those notes and figure out like those are the things that people want and work them into your stories and your content and just get people not to say that you don't have to go there and say hey, this thing I'm selling is the greatest thing on earth. It's gonna change your life. We have to get people to say hey, this guy understands me or this girl understands me, and they can probably help me. Then they're going to start paying attention. Then they're going to get in your training, your emails gonna go by the thing that could tell him to buy. I love it. I mean, I heard Oprah say one time and I've never forgotten it at a live event. Actually. I went with my wife and I was probably one of, you know, 100 men instead of a room of 10,000. A state auditorium of 10 or 15,000 women. Quite frankly, I think more men should pay attention to what she's doing because she's a brilliant marketer, and she brilliantly brilliantly makes women particularly but in general everybody but makes women feel her and seen and understood and that's what she said. She said all people want is to feel seen. And that's my entire intention when I'm telling a story or when I'm framing something or when I'm speaking about one of these lives. I want my audience to feel like I'm one of them. Like, I want them to be like yes, this is my dude kind of like if you're listening to a sports podcast, and you felt like the guy or the gal who was talking wasn't really a sports nut. Didn't really get fired up. I mean, you see me sitting here getting a dead GM fired up. And it's like, you know that quite frankly right? Even sports dude, I wouldn't get this fired up. I mean, I liked sports but I'm more of a playoff like championship watching cup kind of guy that's probably because of time. But marketing man marketing because it's changed my life so much because it's made a basically a dysfunctional, ex homeless recovering drug and alcohol addict who was a high school dropout in a in a not that great construction worker into a multimillionaire right i mean into somebody who who has more time freedom and options than I know what to do with sometimes it's a it's almost a burden. It's like shit, it's like, you know, kind of lay what I need some I need to, you know, I need to fill some of this time you know, because listen, when you start to really build a business and you have investments going and you and your business become systematize it's like should I need to get a hobby you know, I need to, you know, I need to really, you know, work can't just be everything to me, I need and I can do this, you know, the one year I went fishing, like 50 times, like at least once a week you know, now I've been obsessing about watches and mixing some golf here and there, but I promise I'm gonna I'm gonna get a hobby to fill some of my extra time that I have because as you know, when you develop systems and when you when you when you get good people great offers around you. You don't have to work as hard. You know, when you understand the principles like what you're talking about, you don't have to grind as hard because your content becomes superhuman. Why? Because when you're speaking, people really really really feel seen, heard and understood. So you don't have to. It's like I believe today my superpower is that I'm almost like one take Drake right I get in the booth, I record it or I write the copy one time, and I don't have to keep doing it over and over and over again because I know my customer so well. I know their pain points. So well. I know exactly how to speak to them. And I know exactly how to build my case in Bridge, that pain point to the solution, which oh, by the way, I've also uncovered and discovered so I've got personal experience with both the pain points, and the X, you know, and the solution. And as all I have to do is build that case, build that bridge over in any video that I make in any conversation that I have in any webinar or sales video. And so, you know, I'm excited to dig into more of this obviously over the weekend in Orlando. We're going to be talking about this in a much deeper way with live feedback and people in the room. And so I didn't encourage all of you who are registered for the mastermind to go ahead and or who have who have a ticket to go ahead and register click the link down in the in the comment section, you can go over to that page, it should open in a new window, and you can read through and then you can click the link down at the bottom of the page which will take you once you log in, it'll take you to it'll take you directly to the registration page. And when you get to the registration page, fill out your information. And on that next page will ask you your dietary, you know request and restrictions and all of that and give you an informational pamphlet about look, you know nearby hotels and so forth. And you'll have all the information that you need. And oh by the way, if you have a mastermind ticket, there's no additional purchase necessary. So we're not actually selling anything, which is kind of weird. We're not, we've already purchased it right. And now even though we delivered way moreover 2020 In the beginning of 2021 with all those virtual masterminds that we were just an additional bonus, because that's how we like to roll we weren't able to do these live masterminds so we did lots of virtual masterminds. This is our first back in person mastermind. I understand that some of you guys are maybe used to staying home now or you know, unsure about traveling and when it comes to your personal health, that's something that you're going to have to make a decision about. We will have masking coded tests there if anybody wants to take them. We're not mandating anybody do anything. We just request if you don't feel good, stay home, we'll probably take temperatures or whatever, anything that's non invasive, and that's respectful of everybody's personal space there. We'll do everything that we can to make it as safe as possible. And again, just ask that you stay home if you're feeling unwell, but get registered because I think the bigger thing that that people are feeling is, you know, I've tried things before and it hasn't worked out the way that I sold it to my wife or folded to my husband was going to work out or or I failed with things in the past and do I really want to put more time and energy into this. And the truth is, I believe right before you're feeling like you're having a breakdown or about to quit is a chance to break through. You know, and it's another moment to add to your story where I was just about to quit and then I discovered the real meat and potatoes and secrets to this business. And I'd like you to know, they all become parts of your story. So for those of you who are feeling like oh, I don't know this is a stretch or this is a you know, whatever it is you know whether it's the support of your family that you don't feel like you have and you need to go get humble like I talked about on yesterday's live and have a conversation and say I'm committed to this and I need your support or whether it's you need to kick your own self in the ass literally, you know, bend your leg and give your acid actual kick. And remind yourself that right before breakthroughs often breakdowns feel like they're going to happen. And this is truly a moment for you to add to your story to where maybe you almost quit or maybe you were feeling like you weren't going to make it and I assure you that if you come with an open mind just like everything else that we do and ready to learn and apply, then you will get more out of being in this room over 40 days with us than you could ever imagine. And the only people who are going to miss out are those who you know who let fear or who let you know those feelings. I think they're all derived from fear, kind of overtake you know, like fear that you're not good enough for fear that you can't do this or fear that you're going to fail. Let us continue to believe in you until you believe in yourself and understand that it takes time. It takes time to both learn the skills but most of all, like Brian said, learn the principles and really build back up that self esteem from maybe a job or maybe a society that you've been a part of. That's quite frankly probably chipped away at that self esteem over the last 10, 20 or 30 years. So Brian, I am so thrilled to both hear you share but also just hanging out with you. Thanks for your time today. As always, it's way more than I ever expected. It's just in your nature. And any final words for our listeners about getting your land or just digging in, in failing forward in keeping going in their business.

Brian: Yeah, you know, one thing you talked about, I remember what you said if you call them a one take Jake or whatever, whatever you call it. You know I see that now to where you know I used to be I spent literally a week, a week and a half writing one webinar or sales letter. Now I talked about the whiteboard training, I go up, throw it up there and eight minutes it converts like crazy. I watched back and they had pretty good and it's because I put in the work for years and years and years and years and years and years and years right so that is part of the process and like you said, you're gonna get more in three days at a mastermind than you will three months watching videos. It's just something about it that can't be explained if you've done your research and and and you're afraid to travel in that respect. But don't let fear keep you from coming down and attending what's going to be an amazing event. I hope to see you there.

Dave: My brother will see you there thanks for your time today as always stay Legendary brother and we'll talk to you soon. Bye. Thank you. Bye. Alright my friends. Get to the mastermind. Listen, I'm gonna throw Brian's TikTok up as well. Just because he's somebody you should have in your network. And whether it's your personal network that you're you know, you're gonna have a chance to be able to hang out with him and learn from him in Orlando or whether it's of course continuing to follow him online. He's just a wealth of knowledge, a wealth of experience, somebody could be doing anything really in the online space. And we're really blessed to be able to have him in our community because he really is super experienced with selling, you know doing multiple different business models online. And the fact that he's, you know, a focused affiliate marketer who's sort of setting the pace and setting the tone for so many of our members in our community and stuff. We're really really blessed to be around somebody like that. I mean, for many of you, you know, the It's who you are around in the early days, I was listening to the Braves first baseman last night Friday. Some of you guys may know who I'm talking about. But anyways, he was talking about basically how he went through. He's been and they just won the World Series last night. By the way, they beat the Houston Astros seven did nothing last night and they took the trophy last night but he was doing an interview in which the interviewers were asking him like, you know, how does this feel sticking through this? You know, you were with the team back for 15 years back when the team sucked, you know, when you guys were the worst team in the league and he said, Well, I was a route. I was around the team though, back in, you know, in the early days in the minor leagues and so forth. And I did get to be around that last group of guys who did take it in to win a championship some of the guys like Chipper Jones, who is the breaks third baseman for a long time. And some of these other guys back if some of you remember when the Atlanta Braves were an awesome team when they had you know John Smoltz and Tom Glavine And anyways, he said that I was around these guys earlier, who had won championships in who didn't know how to win, and they taught me how to win. They taught me how to be a winner. That was his response. It wasn't that oh, I've worked so hard. This group of guys is so great. And we're just kept it was that it was that he was able to become a leader, even in carrying the breaks through a really tough time over a period of about five years, when they were a great team 15/16 years ago, and then they really took a big slump. And he said, because the guys that I was around, when I first was young and early in my career, taught me how to win. They taught me how to be a winner. And I think that it's really undervalued and really underrated. The ability to be around people like Brian Brewer, right, be around him because he can teach you how to win. Just like he did for Freddy, the first baseman of the Atlanta Braves, who just won the World Series last night. He credited success to those early mentors who knew how to win and even when he wasn't winning, even when he wasn't a winner, right? They taught him how to win. Sometimes we need to be taught how to win. We need to be taught how to be a winner, doesn't mean to have anything to do with who we are as people but we need to understand what it takes to play this game. We need to understand what it takes to be a winner, as a business owner, to be a winner as an online marketer to create winning offers. What is the mindset, what is psychology and what are the principles that we need to understand. So we can win, no matter of TikToks here, Facebook, meta YouTube, whatever it is, you think that the opportunities are going to get smaller folks over the next couple of years? No, they're going to get bigger. Right now we're at the we some people think we're at the top of the mountain it's only going to go what are you are you crazy? Has it ever gotten smaller the opportunity ever gotten smaller? No. It's only gotten bigger. So if you're wondering, you know, if you want to look at this business like Bitcoin or something, let me explain it to you in other terms. We're at the bottom. We're at the bottom right now. It's not peaked yet. It's not saturated. The opportunity does not run out here. It's just getting started. So learn how to win now around people who can teach you how to become a world champion, just like those guys at the beginning of Friday, how to become a World Series world champion. We got to be taught how to win in this game. How do you do that? You get around people who are winning. And you have them explain the roadmap, the blueprints, the dynamics of this game. Alright my friends. I'll see those of you who are coming to Orlando. Okay, I'll see the rest of you tomorrow for another episode registered if you have a ticket. Stay Legendary my friends get out of here. Have a great day. Bye bye. Peace

How To Set Your Goals And Achieve Them: 6 Figure Mastermind Week

Below is the transcription for this episode:


Dave: What's going on my friends this is Dave Sharpe Welcome to another episode of Wake Up Legendary but it's special this week we call the six figure week well, quite frankly because, you know we couldn't really think of anything else. So why not just call it six make your way? Well, quite frankly, that's what most people want when they start a business any business offline brick and mortar online, they want to get to the place to where they're making six figures, six figures a year. is roughly about 80 Something $100 per month, so it's just under $10,000 per month. And you know, most people look at $10,000 per month and they think, well, that's, that's the place that if I can get to 10,000 a month, then I'm going to be right, you know, I'm going to be comfortable. Well, we're going to hear from somebody today, a gentleman named Andre, who actually over the past year has been able to not generate six figures once but actually twice. Okay, so and more all right. Now, before we introduce Andre, big income disclaimer, those results aren't typical. The average person who starts any business online, makes no money at all. I don't know how much money you're going to make. I don't know what skills or what dedication you're gonna have to be very, very clear about all of that. So we make sure that we don't mislead anybody to think that all you gotta do is press a button and hit go and just six fingers just gonna pop out of your computer. We all know that that's not true. So with that, being said, let's meet the man who has generated six figures not once, but twice. Okay. And more since December of last year. It's my privilege to introduce yet another speaker who's going to be our upcoming mastermind, here and that's the whole premise. That's the whole theme of this week is we're introducing you to the speakers who are going to be speaking in training at our upcoming mastermind in Orlando, Florida. On December 3, fourth, and fifth. Andre Andre Andre Welcome to the show. My brother.

Andrei: Thank you so much. How's it going?

Dave: Hey, man, it's going fantastic. Even better now that I get to connect with you. You know, I missed you on the last Wake Up Show that you did. This is your second time on the show. You were with Matt last time so I'm just excited to meet you. I've heard so much about you. Matt has told me so much about you and just your story of what you've been able to accomplish over the past year. First of all, how does it feel?

Andrei: Oh, my guy is setting accomplishment. My family's happy. I'm super happy. I definitely just hit 30 years. Old. So right hitting that mark? I feel like I accomplished so much. You know, it wasn't easy to get to this point. But it's amazing, honestly. 

Dave: So tell us a little bit about your story. Just give us the nutshell version for anybody who doesn't know who you are and how you got started with how you found us. And yeah, just let us get to know you a little bit of you know, where you came from and where it all started. 

Andrei: Yeah, so my whole story started in September, actually, my whole online trying to find something that works online. In September. I was doing drop shipping so I came across drop shipping first. I think a lot of people here drop shipping before anybody anything else I did for a couple months and he wasn't gay. I got a couple results, but I realized that you needed a lot of capital which I did not have to get going to make it sustainable basically so I tried it for two months from there. I stopped doing it. I mean, I was just scrolling through TikTok, you know, like everybody says that and then I found affiliate marketing and they just are super excited about it. I did not take action right away. And it took me maybe like two weeks three weeks. I was just scrolling, you know. At the moment, I did have a family emergency. So I had to stay home with my wife to take care of them. And I was just focusing on Okay, well, what am I going to do? You know, I am not working right now. To stay home. I had to find different ways to make it work. And then that's when I found affiliate marketing I ended up ticking so I bought a challenge and then started learning basically from there. So yeah, from there. I made sure everything was set up correctly. No need to learn the funnels, email autoresponder and how to set everything up, just honestly it's really I think, he noticed, especially for a beginner to learn all of that. But when you're training, it's amazing. As soon as everything was set up correctly, I found out what I actually liked doing which was creating content. So from there, I just focused on that basically.

Dave: You haven’t looked back, you haven't looked back, I mean, you've achieved with us as an affiliate two times platinum over the course of the last year basically in 11 months, right?

Andrei: It took me less than a month.

Dave: And then of course you have some other income streams with various things that whether it be software autoresponders or other things that you're promoting to customers that they may also be interested in. And that's just fantastic, man. I mean, where do you live right now? 

Andrei: I live in San Antonio. San Antonio, Texas. 

Dave: Okay. Where are you from? Are you originally from Mexico? 

Andrei: I’m from Peru

Dave: You're from Peru.

Andrei: Yes. So I made it here when I was 14 years old.

Dave: What, you did?

Andrei: My family and I, Correct.

Dave: Wow. So that's what I was. That's what I was wondering. So the last big vacation that I took with my wife was to Peru and actually flew and flew into Lima and then went out to the big city that is out by Machu Picchu. Cusco Cusco Yeah, we spent some time out in Cusco and then we went over to Machu Picchu. And, you know, I did some hiking and it was magical. It's a really magical place. So you immigrated here at 14 Did you know Did you know? Nothing. So what did your parents do when you came over? What did they do for work and what did a little of what your childhood look like? Just you know a little bit of when you were 14 and when you first came over here what did that kind of look like? 

Andrei: I mean, a lot honestly. But my dad had a really good job. He was a regional manager for I don't know if you remember the brand Nabisco I didn't know he became Kraft. He was a regional manager for the whole northern area of the EU. So we always were traveling from place A to place B but we had a good life growing up. It was amazing. Now, things happen in Peru. Things were that great with the military and whatever is going on with the country. So we decided to leave an exam here. And then this changed completely. I mean, my mom had to start working because she was a stay at home mom. She started cleaning houses like that directly from business. He was also cleaning houses and doing installation for offices. And then I was just basically going to school. I mean, I started in middle school. Like I said, I don't know any English. No, I didn't know anything. I only knew how to say I don't speak English. No, that was the Yeah, I went out four years in high school. I did a little bit of college, but I realized he wasn't for me. I didn't make bad choices, like going out, you know, going. I was fired so I didn't get a chance to complete my college role. But there is no way I was going to call it to become a manager basically like a business manager. I think at that point, I was working at a restaurant and then I worked my way up from the beginning all the way to management. So I ended up accomplishing that was my, I guess one of my first goals in life. Now I've been given about a year of what I wanted to be and then soon I realized, oh my god, like it's a lot of work. You know, I did it for eight years.

Dave: A restaurant you're eight years as a restaurant manager?

Andrei: Did it for eight years. Crazy hours, working so many hours. I ended up meeting my wife so I'm super thankful we had a child. My daughter is five now, but all those five years oh my god, I miss so much. You know, I missed holidays. I miss birthdays. This had to work. You know, he was there's no days off for you know, restaurant, you know, you just have to keep going. And yeah, eventually I knew this wasn't gonna last you know, and I wasn't happy myself. Like I love what I was doing but I was not happy. I was not content anymore. And then I needed some. I knew something needed to change. And I started doing this. I started focusing on this even more.

Dave: So I just, I want you to talk a little bit about your history in your, where you came from and what that was like because we have people all over the world here that are listening. We have people who are in Italy and who are in you know all countries in Europe, you know, Australia, South America. And you know they're they're wondering you know, do I have to do I have to come to America, you know, to succeed and what I think has changed about the you know, opportunity in 2021 Is that Well you may not be exactly where you want to be right now. And that may even be that may go for you if you live in America as well, I don't know. But you can tap into the internet and use the opportunity to be able to jump on these platforms like Legendary our community and tick tock and Instagram and all these platforms and build a business that can generate the resources to you. You don't have to go to the money. You know, you don't have to come to America to succeed. You can do it from wherever you are in the world. And I just want everybody to realize that this opportunity is global. It's worldwide. And not only can you do it from anywhere in the world, you can generate customers from anywhere in the world as well. Oh yeah, you know, and I'm sure you've seen that. Are you overwhelmed by the amount of people that are now following you that are now listening to you that are messaging you saying, Andre your contents change in my life, you're inspiring me? You know, are you just, would you ever have thought that this was possible?

Andrei: Honestly, no. Honestly, I never knew I never thought I was going to inspire people like how I have been inspiring people. I get messages all day. Not all day, but like I do get some messages saying you know, I can't wait to meet you in December. And I'm like, what? Like, what what? This mindset is kind of new. You know, like people are people who want to see me who want to see what I have to say now. So it's just it just blows my mind. You know, like how far I've come to this point.

Dave: Do you think you're that much different than everybody else in this community who's trying to build a business and who's, you know, do you think that there's? Do you think that you have something special or different that they don't have? 

Andrei: Not at all. Not at all, like I feel like I'm like the average guy that the thing that I know that I have is I always want more basically, like, I don't have that mentality where, okay, I'm content. I'm happy here. You know, like, I always want the next step. I always want to keep learning within me. So that mindset, not everybody has it, you know, and I'll give an example for example, I tried to get my wife into affiliate marketing as well, you know, cuz I still felt good. It was correct. So she started doing it. She's here for a couple months. She did really well. I mean, she was getting good results, but then she does not have that same mindset as lacking entrepreneur mindset. And then that's okay, that's totally fine. You know? But at least she tried it. 

Dave: Do you really think that it boils down to mindset?

Andrei: I think so. I think he's, it's really big. What I tell people is something new. Basically, when somebody says something on the internet, it's a little scary to me. Those are seeing but then I just tell them to just, you know, close your eyes for a second and look around. I mean, totally terrible. Opening a rifle. I look around to see where you are right now. And then ask yourself, you know, you have to hear what can you do differently, you know, and then this is the perfect opportunity, you know, people are scared to take a chance. But then those people that are not scared to take a chance, they're just basically building their curriculum in order just learning that keep learning and yet it's like the resume you know, they just keep growing and growing and growing. It doesn't matter what you do. As you know, as long as you say yes to the opportunity, you're gonna keep growing.

Dave: Yeah. But you think that the difference really with you is that it's you. You feel like you've never, you never want to stop growing. Like it's never enough you feel like when you look at whether it be your wife and I can relate to that my wife's not an entrepreneur either. She's become more entrepreneurial, but she she's not as much of a kind of hardcore hard wired entrepreneur like like but you know, when you look around at people, you think that the difference really is that you feel like you're never done and growing. And that's a perfect segue into and I want you to confirm that but that's a perfect segue into this mastermind because we have people who are coming from all over the country and all over the world to fly in and we rewrite, we usually do these every, you know, every every three or four months because of what's happened. Yeah, we've not been able to do them but but it takes commitment and it takes somebody really wanting to grow and be around people like you that they can pick up different nuggets and different ideas from how important I mean, did you ever do any events when you were doing drop shipping, or did you not and did you feel like that was maybe a missing piece?

Andrei: Maybe? Yeah, I honestly never did drop shipping. I mean, sorry. I never went to like it, I never took a course for drop shipping. I never I never talked to anybody about it. It was just basically me doing the research. Yeah.

Dave: So are you excited? Personally, I know that you're going to be speaking here and yeah, and sharing and teaching at the mastermind. But are you also excited just from a perspective of coming as a student, or as somebody who's going to be also looking to pick up different ideas and different nuggets to take home to apply to your business? 

Andrei: And that's been one of the main reasons why I'm going because I want to learn more like I want to I want to see what happened and learn basically,

Dave: Right there everybody, Andre speaking and he's somebody who we're extremely excited to have come and speak. But the main motivation for you to come is you want to come in, you want to learn.

Andrei: I want to learn. I said it's an opportunity that I cannot make as soon as I got that email, I was like, I'm there, you know, I'm gonna be there. And then I'm super excited. I mean, I'm excited to share my secrets to how I was able to get to this point as well.

Dave: Yeah, well, I'm excited to learn them because I mean, it's very, very rare that I see somebody who creates content like you do that goes, as you know, goes viral and generates as many sales. I see people who create content and they may go viral, but they don't create sales. And what you've done is you've had this magical combination of being able to create content that both grows accounts and generates lots of followers. But also from that audience, you've been able to filter out and generate lots of buyers literally hundreds and hundreds. And hundreds of 1000s. I mean, if you've done with us two times platinum. I mean, you've done nearly a half a million dollars in total sales, right, roughly. So I mean, think about that. I mean, here's somebody who started after having a drop shipping business that didn't it didn't take off that you know, you never did any, never got the education, never got any mentorship kind of just went out there on your own and it didn't work out for whatever reason. You were a restaurant manager. You know you immigrated here at 14 didn't know English, right, became a restaurant manager and tried drop shipping. And then And then, you know, found us started what took the challenge started getting educated and started marketing. And here over the last 11 months, you've done over a half a million dollars in total sales. If we probably combine other things that you've sold as well. So how does somebody think this is the question that we all need to ask ourselves. If we're on the fence about coming to this mastermind, how does somebody generate, you know, basically create money out of thin air. I mean, it's like, you know, people, there's lots of people who are out there creating TikToks. There's lots of people who are out there posting on Instagram. There's lots of people who are even trying to build businesses on TikTok and Instagram and social media but there's a small percentage of people who are both building audiences, but generating hundreds of 1000s of dollars in sales from that audience. So, you know, for me, even though I've been doing this for 10 years and have done hundreds of millions of dollars in sales, what what applied yesterday may not apply today, or until when you're speaking what I'm going to be doing is listening very intently on what your strategies are because I may be able to apply that to things that I'm doing to be able to generate more sales from an audience because I think the important point that I'm trying to make here is there's there's there's audience building, but then there's monetizing that audience. And one thing that you've been really what you've done a great job at is monetizing your audience. And so what you're saying and I've got your verbal commitment right here on the show, is that you're going to reveal the secrets that you've used to be able to both grow your audience but also to monetize that audience and do hundreds of millions of dollars over a half a million dollars in sales conservatively from the audiences that you've built with getting an account shut down and banned. And then having to restart, right?

Andrei: Exactly. Yeah. So had I had an Instagram account of 35,000 followers, which I think for Instagram that's even way more than a big following you know, this is really hard. It's harder to gain more followers on Instagram. But yeah, it  got shut down actually on my birthday. Like he was completely on as well. What am I gonna do? You know, I ended up wanting to give a shout out to Matt actually, because I sent him an email. And then he replied back saying wow, okay, well, now it's time to work in like the real business starts now. And that actually motivated me even more. I ended up reading any of them. I think I started from zero. And then a month later, I grew to 10,000 followers, you know, so it's possible you know, anybody can do it even more, you could go through those hurdles. Just hop on again, keep going, basically don't stop, you know.

Dave: Yeah. Yeah, no, it's I mean, that's why I was telling you I've, I was talking to Matt as he was working with you and I mean, I think what is really what is really what is really enlightening. For me, that always seems to be true. It's a pattern amongst people who are succeeding if they are amazingly humble. They're amazingly just way above what you would think with willing to sit down and listen and ask questions and learn if they don't feel like they know it all. And then you got people who, you know, you talk to him or you but they've got an answer for everything. They've got it all figured out. But then you look at their results and they're not. The results are not there. You know what I mean? But they've got a big ego and they've got it all figured out. And, and I just, you know, if there was one thing that I would like, if I had one chance to, to say to my kids, hey, this is my last piece of wisdom. It would be a lifelong learner. Like, never get so big for your britches that you feel like you don't need to humble yourself and learn because even more so today, technology is changing so rapidly. Like platforms are changing so quickly, that you really have to be plugged into a community of people who are in the trenches. Doing it. So you can stay up with like, what's going on with this algorithm or what's the new hot? Is there a new hot platform that's taken off? It is really rocking and rolling right now. So for you, you know, we've talked a little bit about being that lifelong learner. What is something else like and I think my hope is, is that people are really going to stop looking for the secret. You know, waiting for the skies to depart and stone tablets to be delivered and you know, Jesus to come down and sprinkle magical fairy dust or whatever on them and now all of a sudden they're gonna be anointed with amazing money making skills. It doesn't happen like that. You know, sometimes, depending on whatever your spiritual belief is , the answer is right in front of you. A lot of times, we just miss it, you know, because we're looking for some big burning bush, you know, and, you know, right now, there's an opportunity for some of you to come down to Orlando in December and connect with a lot of really smart entrepreneurs. And the question is, are you going to do whatever it takes to get there? You know, I remember an event that I did, Andre, where, you know, a lady raised her hand in the middle of the event, and I said, I mean, you know, who, because sometimes I like to say, who traveled the farthest. And this lady said, I don't know about traveling the farthest, but it felt like forever because I I drove in my car and I'm sleeping in my car outside, it was out. She was like I'm sleeping in. I remember Sean Lowry, who's another guy in our community. I remember he sold his car to get to an event that I put on, so he sold his car, to get a plane ticket to be able to fly to this event. And, you know, I mean, there's just for you to talk, what is a sacrifice or what, what are some new sacrifices that you're making inside of your business, or inside of your life? To be able to make the business work? What is it, some sort of you not going out? What sort of sacrifices have you had to make in order to make this the success that it is for you? Yeah, I live.

Andrei: Going forward with this business. I knew I wanted to work full time. So I guess the sacrifice that I was making in the beginning was I was focusing a lot on the business and not on my family, my wife, my daughter. So those beginning months, he was really tough. You know, there was a lot of mental illness, like family issues. And stuff like that, but she understood my wife understood the end goal you gave me was okay, well, I'm going to stop doing this full time. I first started doing this full time, my relationships are growing with my wife. Yeah, I had a relationship with my daughter even more now you know, like I think I'm hearing you know, so I guess the sacrifice right now is not as bad as in the beginning. Right? But then look now where am I you know, like, all those sacrifices you needed to happen in order for us to still be together in order for us to get to the point that we are right now.

And I know what that's like, man, because I've had to sit my wife down and say, I know that I've tried things in the past before, and maybe they didn't work out, but I need your supportiveness like, I need to go to this event, or I need to buy this course. Or I need 90 days to where I need to basically lock myself in this office. When I get home from work, or maybe I don't have a job. Maybe some of you are sitting at home right now and you don't have a job. And it's like instead of you know, sometimes I think we're afraid to ask for our partner's support because maybe we've tried things in the past that didn't work out. And there's another guy named Andre Miller. He's a BPA. He also was and is a successful affiliate. He's somebody who started as a client. As a student here and then became an advisor on our team and wanted to work more closely with us. But when he was starting his business, he had come from Jamaica, and he was working on cruise ships and stuff and met his wife in the cruise business and, and they ended up getting together to come into America, and they were broke, man, they were broke. And basically, you know, Andre said I want to start an online business and she's like, you know, no, why don't you need to get a real job, man. I mean, you need to get into the system. She's like, You need to get into the system. That was a phrase that I'll never forget that she said, when Andre was telling that story. We need to get into the system, right? Because he had come from Jamaica, you know, and he wasn't really in the American system. And basically, he goes, Well, I don't want to do that. You know what I mean? Not that I don't want to pay my taxes, but I want to build a business. I want to start a business. Yeah. And she said, Well, I don't want you to do that. And he looked at her and he said, Well, do you have a better idea right now? Right? It wasn't rude. It wasn't rude, but do you have a better idea? If you don't, I need your support. And what I'm going to challenge some of you to do as you're listening to our Andre that we're talking to right now. And you're listening to some of these other examples that I'm giving you. I want to challenge some of you to really sit down with your spouses in re ask for support. You know, re you know, go back to them and say, Look, I may have been rude before or I may have been passive aggressive before, or I may have been defensive before, right because I felt insecure about what I've done in the past that didn't work out. I may have been defensive right? I may have been giving you the cold. Shoulder. As you know, I may have been distant over the last couple of months. But here's what I want. I want to be connected. And I need your support, because we're coming to the end of another year. We're in the beginning November 2 Today, we're coming to the end of another year. And guess what we're going to be back up on January 1 where everybody's going to be making their New Year's resolutions that's right around the corner that's two months away. And the last thing that you want is to be sitting in jail and on January 1 saying what I accomplished last year in order to say nothing. I didn't accomplish anything. Why did I accomplish anything? Well, because I didn't ask for what I need. I didn't go for what I wanted. Right if you're talking about that family unit. Andre and you're talking about at the beginning, you did sacrifice a little bit of time and you know, we live and we learn and we you guys, actually that was necessary. I had to do the same thing. Now what I didn't do Andre was I didn't sit my spouse down like I'm recommending everybody do because of my communication skills. So 10 years ago, I was you know, I was quite frankly I was a little asshole I didn't know how to I thought I was great at sales but I realized the biggest sale that I ever was gonna make was convincing my wife to support me that was the biggest that was the biggest you know, and then marry me, crazy. Seriously, you know, this guy's you know, this guy could either take us to the moon or you know, take us right down the elevator to hell, you know? But that's my challenge for a lot of you is to sit down and ask your spouse or whoever is in your corner there and say, Look, I do need to sacrifice some things like what Andre just said, I do need to sacrifice for 90 days. I do need to sacrifice even through the holidays some time to focus on my business and here's what I can promise you. I don't know what the outcome is gonna be. But I can promise you that I'm going to give it everything that I got. And then when you make that commitment and you are verbally accountable to somebody, particularly somebody that's as important as your spouse, when you're verbally accountable, then you follow through. Then you follow through and you take action, right whether it's in you do both you take action with your education, and you also take action with your business. And that's my challenge. And I think we're gonna meet a lot of people in December in Orlando, who made that commitment and who have had that conversation with their spouse, Andrei. And now you say that you're the benefits of making that early commitment and making those early sacrifices are the benefits far outweigh that little bit of pain in the beginning, right.

Andrei: Yeah, so now everything basically has paid off, you know, I'm able to have more time. Now when my wife gets home from work, I disconnect, you know, an hour before I would get home to work, keep working basically. Now she gets home. Everything is taking care of me and my daughter, our relationship has grown even more now. You know, now we have actually done something to connect, and it's kind of sad. How it had to happen. But it's just like if you never choose what life's gonna be, what kind of life you're going to leave, you know, I mean, you do but as a man for a year I was stuck there. You know, like, that was my stuff. I was getting money, I needed to pay things off. So I needed to stay there. You get me and then after that she supported me, um, something that I did with all of my goals. My personal goal was to make my wife go to school. So I will go to eBay. I'm gonna pay off our debt. I'm gonna pay your debt off. You know, I'm gonna buy you a house. I'm gonna do this for you. I'm gonna do that. And that was how I found my motivation. And that's what kept me going. Like, what my goals became her goals, basically.

Dave: Wow, wow. That's powerful, man. That's powerful. I think, you know, sometimes it's the I know it is I know it's the things we're talking about today that move the needle the most for people. It's the mindset that you mentioned early in the conversation. It's this really getting on the same page with our spouse that that nugget that tip that you just gave is, is amazing, because now all of a sudden, you know, if you have a spouse who's a little bit skeptical or who's really they're just scared, you know, really they're just scared. Yeah, it's not that they don't support us. It's that they're just unsure. They're scared. They want to make sure that we have a roof over our head. We want to make sure that there's food in the fridge. And so when we begin to future pace and paint goals, for for ourselves that are in alignment with them that also benefit them, you know, I don't I want to I want to start a business because I'm going to be famous one day I'm going to be speaking on stages honey, you'll see well that's that you know, that how does what's in it for her we have to be or what did it for him? If it's just all about you speaking on stages, but what you just said, Hey, one day I'm going to buy us a house. I want to buy you your dream home. You know I want to buy you your dream car. I want you to start thinking about the car that you want to drive because I want to buy you that car. That's what I'm working for. I want to pay off your debt. Those are some. Those are some things that you can begin to talk about with your spouse. That gets you guys on the same page. And so now all of a sudden, it's not just about you and your own selfish goals, like being famous on Instagram and because think about it as well. You start getting famous on social media and your spouse might be thinking shit you know, Hey, who are all I know my wife. I was just sitting on the computer, you know? And then all of a sudden my wife came to one of my first events . This was the first event I'd ever done and there were all these people there. They all knew my name. Other women coming up saying oh Dave, you know, can I get a picture and all this kind of? I was like, yeah, like, you know, I'm going absolutely am I worth going with though? You know, but it's he opened now 10 years later, you know, it's very different and he got very different very quickly. She understood, but still the point here is that I had to learn that if I wanted to be this great marketer, that I needed to learn how to create irresistible offers to get my spouse to get my family on my support. Train. And sometimes when you want to get to a mastermind event, sometimes folks when you want to invest in a course and you want to start a business or or you want to, you know you need 90 days or six months of total focus and for them to support you in that mission. You need to go sell them on that, you know, we just came in, I think that the best. The best conveyancer is obviously money. It's like you want to get your spouse to support you. Then you got to get some money flowing in but to get some money flowing in you need to be in go mode you need to be in flow mode. And I don't know about the rest of you but for me when I'm in conflict with Andrei with my wife, I'm not in flow mode. I'm not because I've got conflict in my house and if I've got conflict in the most important relationships in my life, there is no way that I can be in total flow mode in total go mode, I get negative, I get depressed, I get sad. Okay, so I need to be in alignment with these important relationships around me. So I can be in go mode and I can be in flow mode. And so Andre today folks has given you some incredible tips along with some of the challenges that I've given you to get in alignment with your relationships, get in alignment with your spouse, you know, if you want to come to this mastermind, sit them down and tell them what is going to be in it for them for you to come to this mastermind, what's in it for them, not just what's in it for you, what's in it for them to come to this mastermind and get registered in come down and meet Andre meet the other speakers meet up me hang out for the weekend. And Andrei I'm just I can't wait to hang out with you my friend and I can't wait and learn from you brother. 

Andrei: Yes, I'm super excited to meet you in person actually. It's gonna be a blast.

Dave: Alright man, well have a great day brother. All right, keep up the great work super proud of you incredible story like super inspirational man. We'll put up your handle there so people could go and follow you on TikTok and Instagram and get connected in your network as well. And stay Legendary. We'll see you at the mastermind.

Andrei: Thank you, that's what I think I'll see you guys there.

Dave: All right. All right, my friends. There is a pinned comment. Okay, there's a pin comment. You can go to that page, read about the mastermind. Get registered. This is for those of you who have bought the mastermind, okay. So you already have mastermind access or mastermind. You know, you've already purchased your ticket. You've already bought the mastermind. And now all you have to do is you just register, there's no additional purchase that's necessary. If you want to come to the mastermind, you can reach out to your advisor and see if we have spots available. We may not be opening up any other tickets right now. It's kind of on an hourly basis as people register. But if you already have a mastermind ticket, we are holding registration space for you to go get registered. Alright, so hit that link. You'll log into your back office, you'll fill out the registration information. You're going to give us your dietary stuff like all so we can make it a comfortable and amazing experience. We're going to feed you lunch and so forth at the event. We'll give you hotel recommendations and so forth to tell you where to fly into all that stuff. So hit the link down in the comment to go over to that page, read about the mastermind, and then click the link to log into our back office and get registered. We'll see you back here for another episode. Tomorrow my friends will have another guest who's going to be speaking at the mastermind. We'll save it so you can go to the page and see who the speakers are. But you can guess we're gonna have it tomorrow. We'll see you back here for another episode. I want to thank Andre again for half the story. Have a great day folks. Get out of here. Stay Legendary and go get registered for the event.


Marketing Secrets From Austin Becker: 6-Figure Mastermind Week

 Below is the transcription for this episode: 

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends? This is Dave Sharpe Welcome to Wake Up Legendary and this is officially six figure mastermind week. Why do we call it that? Well because every single guest that you're going to be speaking or listening to speak this week has has a six figure multiple six figure even soaring into the seven figure mark and it's going to be it's gonna be great episode after a great episode and all of these folks this week are also going to be speaking at the upcoming masterminds that we're having on December 3 through the fifth. Okay, so you can register for that in your back office. And we're gonna have an incredible group in an incredible setting as we always do, and I can't wait to get back live in person with so many of you. So with that being said, our first guest kick this week off the one the only many of you folks know who this man is already. In some ways he needs no introduction. Austin Becker what's going on my brother?

Austin: What's up? What's up? What's up, Dave, thanks for having me. Thanks for being on. Glad to be here.

Dave: Yeah, man. I'm excited to hang out in Orlando here in a few weeks, December 3 through the fifth man. You know, this is going to be your first mastermind here with us. Because it's been a couple you know, it's it's we all know what's gone on over the past year and a half so we haven't been able to get together live but these are some of the coolest parts of Legendary Marketer What are you looking forward to the most?

Austin: Dude networking just getting together, getting everybody in the same room with the same community like minded people trying to aspire to grow the businesses aspiring opportunity was just starting right? I just love the atmosphere personally. In person, right? It's totally different. I know we've transitioned a lot in the past few years, a lot of virtual and a lot of people seem to like it. So it's not a bad thing. But it's just a whole different thing. When you do things in person. You actually see people's hands, you meet them, you have different conversations, and that just brings a different fulfillment to you. Right? People go home with a whole different outlook on where they're going to go in the future, what the plans are and stuff like that. So I'm just looking forward to actually meeting everybody in the community and stuff like that. Help people grow

Dave: How has, you know, do you have some sort of an event scenario or story or somewhere that you had a breakthrough from some sort of an in person meeting where you kind of got away from the internet and got away from sort of the screen time or the watching or connecting and learning online? versus you know, something that happened at an event or happened even just in a moment with two people in real life versus online?

Austin: I can't pinpoint one exactly because there's so many, but yes, like just in general, like one of my very first events ever I went to a mastermind with some like minded Social Media Marketing Agency experts. And like, it was my first one. I paid like 5000 bucks to go to this event. And it wasn't just… First off, being around people. It opened up my eyes a lot more than seeing because we can always see ads. We always see influencers, to actually meet people and then realize that the like, literally show you the business, the relationship that was built so like what happened was not personally like even though I just had this belief in myself and just actually like high ticket kind of like like what we do in affiliate marketing industry, high ticket just some traffic and marketing in general. Like business owners, we sell websites for $1,000, $5,000 and sometimes $15,000. More like I didn't believe that you could charge that much money for something. Prior to meeting people in person, like younger people actually doing it. There's people out there that will pay that and it's not about the cost of things. It's just about the relationships and the customers you require. Because you have people that like I've got a Range Rover I think you probably do too. And it's just a different customer. They require that when you get a customer, they're usually more invested in themselves. They want to take better care of us and they don't have the expectation of fulfillment is different, right? Because a lot of people come into this industry with the wrong expectations and that's the data being crushed when you go to these live events, right? Because you get to hear the real story behind the scenes and what it really takes and all that kind of stuff. Right? So it just gets crushed with some of the things and then also crushes disbelief because you get to really see this stuff. Right? You get to see what goes into filming and you take anything from anybody and you actually go home with intention, then you can see if it works or not for your business, right and so I just really liked it in person meetings. I can't pinpoint one directly. But I know that it changed my life. 

Dave: Well, I know that was an on the spot question. I mean, kinda like everything else here on you know, I mean, there's nothing that's scripted. So sometimes I just dropped questions on people that they're, you know, that they're not prepared for but yeah, I mean, I get it I agree. I tend to believe that basic human nature is that people share more secrets in truce in cap, you know, in casual conversations in person than they do on the internet. It's just human nature, sort of like when you're with your good friends. You tend to talk more honestly, you tend to talk more openly to each other than you do on social media. You know, you share juicy secrets, you share gossip, you share exactly how you do things versus what you portray on social media. Where everything is always happy. Everything is always perfect. And really you're only seeing the show sort of like you write you came from E commerce. You know when the pandemic hit you transition to affiliate marketing found us went and exploded your business you know hit Platinum with us. I don't know how fast but it was pretty fast right?

Austin: We're with you guys 70 So when you correctly was just shocked by when we did that? Three months. 

Dave: Okay, so you're you're crushing you're you're well on your way, but

when all this happened so fast, you just kind of came in like if you were looking at it from the outside looking in, you know, you made it look really easy. You know, you make it look like it's no big deal like you know, sort of like it's effortless. But behind the scenes there's a lot more going on. There's a lot there, right? So that would be an example and you and I are talking about it just right now, just on the internet. We will talk about it even more on an intimate level here at the mastermind But that's an example of kind of what I mean by things that the intention of a mastermind is sort of like what happens when you have friends that are sitting around gossiping, basically talking, talking shit, you know, talking about the UPS talking about the downs, versus the showmanship, the performance the execution that will be seen online, how different is what we see online, and how effortless you make it look versus what goes on behind the scenes?

Austin: It's why everyone in the room knows we don't post on film until we review it 12 times. Right? So like when you put stuff out on the internet, like it's always we always try to perfect it versus so like we're spending so much time behind the scenes perfecting these doing all this work and it looks effortlessly but that's because that's what we posted posted the video we posted the version of our video that looks natural right so there's so much that does go on behind the scenes that you won't see whether it be writing emails writing copy, studying intently doing your business actually executing works on integrating different pieces to the business so you can grow up sustainable, right? Yeah. We can post videos and maybe we'll work to make them work but there's a lot of these people who don't see for the version to happen. There's still a lot of pieces that come to play outside of just marketing material. We can market all day and not get conversions, right so like there's so many other pieces that a lot of people would look at and like you said people think it comes naturally especially when people see success quickly in a certain industry. Like tick tock, for example. We all know our followers in months, like five months, six months, right? It seems effortless but what people see is that we all hit plateaus. We all hit the same levels, right? Like my account has been shadow banned since July 1st 100%. Like I have done in the for you page on any video ever since July 1st. Yes, I have other accounts, but that right there, it upsets me. I'm like how can I get someone to see my posts so we all experience it at every level. Whether you're a beginner you're not getting traction or you have a viral infection like it makes me not want to post and makes you want to want to do it. So there's always these battles that hold up even if it does look good, we'll still be our own. What was your take? Tell me because I know it's not going to be abuse and so I don't want to do it right. So that battle stays with us the whole entire entrepreneurial journey. It's not as easy as a book. Sometimes people think it is really not as long as you know what you're going out from what your why is.

Dave: Yeah. And I was looking at that. What I could see a bit behind you is the success of the price list there. You know, there you go, man. It's like here's, here's the price. It's not $9.95, it's not three easy payments in 1999. It's not $7. It's not $2,500. It's not 4500 Money, essentially and this is what I think everybody's gonna learn from this mastermind when we sit in a room with us for three days. Over the weekend. What you're going to discover is that money is a small price that you pay just to show yourself that you're serious, the other skill sets the other and whether it be the psychology, the skill sets that you can develop all of which are in your total control. We can give you some of the pieces and kind of gets you started down the road. And everybody is capable and has the potential of succeeding in developing these skills in these characteristics. But what everybody's gonna see who's in that room. You're coming up in December for fourth and fifth is going to see that you me everybody up the Brian Brewers’ of the world the Stacy La’s of the world, the Sarah Ravel’s, the Andre’s and all of the other heavy hitters, you're gonna see that we really are no different than you we just are paying the price right we're paying the price. And so we just listed a couple of things and your pain right now your pain, persistence, right because it would be so easy to quit your pain. A couple of others you know, your pain, your pain, sort of humility, right? You're deflating the ego, right? Because here's half a million followers having to know in a sense, having to pivot in that's what entrepreneurship is about. Right? It's about what do I do now that things aren't going exactly as planned? And some would think often at your level, the you know, the your skills and your ability to be able to kind of create income and traffic as well as you do. I think most people would think that you don't have any challenges. It's just all Range Rovers and mansions and all this kind of stuff. So what I'm most one of the things that I'm most excited about, talking about this upcoming. Not just our successes, but the challenges and how you overcome how you're overcoming this time right now, where you had such a big run up on your TikTok profile, you got a shadow ban, and how are you pivoting? Are you doing we're going to talk about that but I just want to give people a history of yourself here with the E comm. Just nutshell your sort of your story where you came from, what you were doing before you started affiliate marketing joined our community, and then sort of in a nutshell, what that journey has looked like just with a couple of the ups and downs?

Austin: Absolutely. Yeah. So for anybody that doesn't know I started in ecommerce. Much like everybody else helping money online. My daughter was just born right. And the job I was taking I just accepted a job in the oil and gas refinery industry. When I first started I didn't want to do this job right but it took the job at the same time on sorting out all the different things Amazon drop shipping anything like that. I started with Amazon FBA. Yes, it's a good business. Yes, it was capital intensive. Luckily, I had a job that made me six figures a year. So first things first. I first bought a course on this back when courses were not as known as they are today Started the course, got some information, or more, or a little bit more information and then I started implementing all this stuff. I already knew this but Alibaba problems right? So I started doing it right. So I'm starting to spend the dollars here $5,000 On a product, get it shipped to my house and realize the quality is not good, right? But the very first issue I had I had fallen in and I don't know, I'm just holding tours. I don't have a mentor. I don't have a coach. It's just the very first thing. The very first issue I have is manufacturing. The first there's a delay that takes three to four to six months. To get shipped and imported. And then there's taxes and all kinds of delivery companies that I have no idea but this one's right. Like hey, your shipment is right but like okay, cool, where is it? Oh it’s on an import dock somewhere in a different state. I'm like, okay, not a freight forwarder or somebody that you get the freight off.

Dave: Right now it's sitting in a ship on the coast of California. Can you imagine how many dropshippers right now have their product sitting on the coast of California or can’t get it in from China. 

Austin: We are sold out with a lot of our products and we are still active on Amazon. And it sucks. I have so many friends in the industry that activity sites are the pivotal moment right now. For our E commerce in goods is pivoting from sourcing in China to us pivoting in Mexico and driving across the board. We don't have the same, we'll keep it simple. It's all these different facilities out there as far as manufacturing plants, so we're limited on what we can produce. But as far as our goals we can pull it off it's still good across all shipments but it's just insane that the Reliance people had on those ships getting over here now like you said they can't and then air freight isn't just more expensive now because fuels up in shipping by air is expensive, especially if it weighs or ways in your mouth or any piece of science right? So much in my very first policy in Amazon. I didn't know how to have a suffocation warning label affixed to the bag. So I'm stranded with 5,000 units of product like $1.50 pieces like 70-500 bucks of product. It took six months to get to Amazon now since I'm getting emails by Amazon Oh, we can sell a product. There's no suffocation label on the polybag. I'm like why? So now I'm having to go through loopholes to pay Amazon to stick the stickers. On there to then sell the product to them four months later, six months later, we first page on Amazon we get traction and then we assume Right? So there's like a design. So we had a design patent infringement on our first product. And I'm like, okay, cool, but it started with ceaseand desist letters. I didn't know what this was. So those like those quickly changed to something else. Then we launched after all of that stuff settled down. I really want to make more products. And then I launched a supplement company right. We launched a supplement company in 2017. And again, finally got some traction, on Amazon that's a problem. on Amazon and you get recognized. Sometimes I was on Shopify, nobody knew about me before but the recognition on Amazon, then the big players, they're like, Oh, hey, look, you know, patented since 2008, on the branding of your supplement company. I'm like so now it's a whole brand new. It wasn't just a small thing. It was like hey, you have to rebrand everything. So we got sued for patent design for tax. On rights to our supplement company. So that was the second show. Your second ecommerce store closed now. Not including all the Drop Shipping failures we had where we spent 1000’s of dollars to drop ship stuff from who knows where they would be if something nice happened. You don't know the customers are getting into that. That was the journey for E-commerce. Yeah, we made money but we lost a lot of money. And it's been a journey. And then like you said once we started with pivoted obviously that ran out for four years and pivoting to affiliate marketing just made sense. With everything going on in the industry, the timing was right, the market's good fulfillments differed in switching over to high ticket and digital. It's just where everything's going right by our understanding of keys and digital products. Even our land is digital these days, right? So it just makes sense. So again, just following the entrepreneurial journey, even when times require you to pivot it's just what we have to do and that's what we have to do. Right and that's what we'll continue to do for all of us here for the rest of life.

Dave: Yeah, so you come in you do you become an affiliate for Legendary you do 70 grand in commissions in three, four months. Did you say you kind of knocked that out pretty quick. income disclaimer, that's not typical. Okay, so that's not the average. That's not the average result that people get. The average result is zero. Okay, so just the average result is you lose money and never take financial advice from me ever again. Right? That's the average result. Stan Stan, super clean and compliant here. But uh, but yeah, you you you you kind of discover the potential of digital products and in marketing without all the fulfillment hassles and headaches and yeah, it's not that drop shipping. It's not that Amazon doesn't have potential but I mean, it's nice to hear. And like you said, You even got some apparel stuff that is still cranking and you still got a hand in that in that business, but it's nice to hear it from somebody who actually has experience versus me. I've never done drop shipping, or e-commerce. So if I'm sitting up here bashing it. It might be because I know some people but you're speaking firsthand experience you know, and so, you know, I appreciate that transparency. So, so question, are you doing NFTs and stuff like that as well? Are you into all that?

Austin: Yes. cryptos and NFT’s, I’ve been into that since about 2016 as well.

Dave: Have you made some pretty good money with that or has that been up and down and all around? Has the profit been worth some of the stress? Like for me it was a very stressful thing being involved in crypto. I don't know if it's the same for you, but what's been your experience?

Austin: So I treat crypto like any investment. So when I first started it was stressful. Now it's not as much because now it won't do any rolling faster is investing by all right. I'm not trying to turn a box into the wealthiest are the two I guess wealthiest. The largest portfolio is based on very bored studies are people that also passwords to log into their stocks or people that know festival holdings towards portfolios and history right in those are the types right so investing for the long term that is how I treat crypto because I actually crypto as the future, because that's my belief right to each his own but I believe that's where crypto will go. So in 2017 when we had the first run up 40, 20, 1000 Bitcoin that's when I lost a lot of money because I tried to time the market and then I'm like I'm not an investor. I was spending all my time in E commerce trying to tie markets in a trade and stuff like I did wasn't I didn't know what I was doing right? Yes, you can make money doing that. Yes, you can make money doing anything, but it's not suited for me. It wasn't. So since I was all that money. I've only ever since then I've never sell so it's made it easier for me to like so I know that NFT games a little bit different because with the new NFT craze we do want to buy and sell right now as like you buy pumps for like 50 grand or like 200 or 300 but it's just understanding really what again, what you do when you buy an NF T is you're buying into a community like a mastermind you're buying a network of people that help like that to get around the right people that's all the same thing because can't grow by yourself and money is useless money is literally just perceived value of what's of greater value. Which are networking opportunities, right? It's just people. So understanding that as far as my strategy, I buy a union in like Shiva, like I know that's a thing right now I bought Shiva a couple months back I told people to buy Shiva and play K. And then people ask me Hey, when are you selling? When do you sell them when I'm like, do I invest? I don't sell most people when it's a penny. Also, I'll liquidate a little bit. So like I still sell, like I'm not trying to make money to pay my bills. I do that every day. Like so, my investments weren't there to pay my bills. They're there to set my kids up. Right?

Dave: Yeah. Interesting. Interesting. Yeah, I I I made I made $20,000 on Bitcoin back in like 2017 and it was literally the most stressful 20,000 in my entire life because like I was I was checking it so much. And just, you know, oh my god, you know, you see all the people everybody you know, it's up, it's down. It's, I mean, it's literally to me, it is it is the most stressful thing and maybe that's just my personality. So yeah, I haven't I don't do any crypto. I don't do any NF T's any of that shit. And maybe you'll convince me otherwise at the mastermind, right? That's what masterminds are about. Right because, you know, I may be missing the boat, but, but I'm uncomfortable in my lane. You know what I mean? In my lane is real estate and, and, and in stocks and a couple of other stores of value because I don't I don't think we always need to be making money with our money. Sometimes we just need to keep our money from losing money right now. Right now right now and with a lot I mean, most of us would be a lot more rich if we just hadn't given all of our money away. Right in don't businesses in training with people who weren't didn't really know what they were doing, or or really by buying, you know, starting something and then and then stopping it and starting something else and then stopping it I saw a comment there about somebody's got you know, three bedrooms full of products that they're trying to drop ship or Amazon or whatever, you know what I mean? Are some of the people who write I mean, we just we make sometimes we make irrational decisions. And sometimes we make dumb decisions as entrepreneurs just because we can be we can be impulsive, and we can be irrational. And we tend to not think things all the way through, right, so I used to be really impulsive. And now I tend to move really slow with decisions, you know. So, so yeah, so like, but this is so you may pick up a few nuggets from my investment strategy because I turn my estate into like, eight or nine pieces of real estate, with not much more money out of pocket. You know what I mean? And because my wife and I have this, this kind of savvy little real estate strategy to acquire rentals, you know what I mean? And we started acquiring rentals back a while ago. So now you know, our house, which is a million dollar home, it's risen from, you know, 100% In five years, we've got you know, a million dollar home that's paid off all of our stuff. All of our cars are, you know, we've got a lease for cars paid off. Those are both strategic. We don't have a lease because We can't pay it off. All of our real estate is pretty is pretty leverage so we're not, we don't have tons of money tied up in that. We have, you know, money over here in the stock market. That's just you know, that's been climbing in for me, that's my lane, you know, that's it's not stressful to me in the way that I've set that up by letting my wife give her the real estate stuff because she's smarter with it. You know, she's smarter with she's better at finding tenants. She's more organized, you know, in working together in partnership with my wife, to be able to execute on our investments and also leaning on her personality which is slower and more analytical and logical versus my, my personality is more impulsive and addictive and risk, high risk tolerance, right. So for me in our marriage, I'm the one with a high risk tolerance that has always made it rain on the front end. And she's the one on the backend who sort of helps drive investments because we want lower risk tolerance with investments because we don't want to lose all the money that we made. And what I see a lot of times with entrepreneurs is that they, they'll make some money, but then the same, they'll take that same thought process that made the money which was probably super risk tolerant, and then they'll turn around and try to invest that money with that same mindset and oftentimes go off and lose it. You know. So these are some of the things you'll share some of your strategy with me about NFT's and crypto and how do you run your investments and how do you turn? How do you either keep $1or how do you turn $1 into two? I'll share with you some of my strategies and we'll do it in front of everybody in the room. So all of you who were there, can hear how you know, probably two totally different strategies have learned a lot along the way and made some pretty decent money. Austin, how old are you? 

Austin: 30 

Dave: You're 30 dude? I mean, you know, and also the other thing that we're going to I'm going to be picking your brain about a little bit is your fitness. You know you were talking about counting calories. Now I just started because I got just sick and tired of all this extra baby weight that I put on, you know, especially during our last son when he was born 11 months ago. So papa Dave just got back in the gym and in the kitchen. Okay, it's been a full week now. Okay. And you know me, extreme all the way. I'm either all in or I'm all out and I've been all out five guys. Batman city for the yo Yeah, baby. All of it. Give me all of it. Just eat all the lunch meat at night, cheese, pizza, everything because I'm all out. So now I'm all in and I want to hear about your fitness strategy because the first thing that I noticed when I came on was you look slimming trim different than you look last time so you're also on top of and a real high achiever when it comes to your health. You want to just say a couple of words about that without giving away all of your secrets. But I want to understand a little bit about Has that always been something that you've been on top of or are you counting calories? Like you were talking about that? Like what does your strategy look like? 

Austin: Yeah, so like as far as fitness goes. I've been in business for a very, very long time. And in fact, we're actually launching our fitness consulting business. My girlfriend is here this week, right? She's gonna be at the forefront of it and all of that monitoring because she's like you and your wife, right? She's all analytical, she's I'm aggressive. I'm gonna help people and we're just customers. Money, right? She's gonna fulfill me actually, the analytics, the data in the running and stuff of it, but I've been at this war since I was like, honestly, like 15 years. It's been a thing of mine. We were both actually very athletic. And that all started because being borderline diabetic, my mom's type one grandma type one. So friends and family. And currently I just came in. I'm pre diabetic. I've been battling it for 15 years. So I just choose a normal, healthy diet. There's times when we go off track like last year when we were just focused on business 100% As we were pivoting in automating autonomous business model, like then I was spending a lot more time on a computer just eating whatever was quick and then pretty nice like you just eating whatever pizza or a piece of it's easier to do. Now she cooks anything, she weighs all of our food. And we eat really, really good. Like I'm talking about pancakes for dinner every night with protein like bagels, we eat about 400 calories a day right now, and we're progressing. 4000 So I eat a ton of food. I'm not heavy. I'm only 190 pounds right? My body fat is 10% So we're frugal. We'll progress up that way and then we'll cut a 16 week open. A 12 week cut for the summer of next year. But I've actively been at it for about 15 years and we just go through cycles this a little bit where sometimes we'll go out and we'll just take a week or two off, eat whatever we want and then move forward and get back on track count macros because there's no calories of what you're actually eating the percentage of each of the carbs, proteins and then putting it together and eating the right types of hormones. That's actually all that I like. I actually like it a lot. So we're actually pivoting down. We were starting that industry as well, for that business really reverted on and automated as well. And then we by far as investments and stuff goes like you said, you do rentals we also do cars we do car rentals. I started that recently we're doing our course and we're trying to build that out. 

Dave: Like on Toro and stuff. Yeah, you're a serial entrepreneur. I mean, you know, it's interesting, we'll talk about that too at the mastermind because I mean, for some people that works for people like me, it doesn't work. You know what I mean? Like having tons of stuff going on. I think we're going to learn. I think we're going to learn a lot about each other. We're going to learn a lot about a lot of various topics. And I think what a lot of people who are attending this are going to really kind of discover is that there's a lot more to being a successful entrepreneur than just you know marketing. It's really also about health and fitness and how you approach how you do things, how you do everything kind of I guess to say is simply also how you feel is how you feel both energetically but also how you feel about yourself. And one of the things I know about me and I think this is probably true for everybody is when I feel good when I feel my kind of best self like I'm got my swagger right? I got a few cuts on the tries and the biceps. If you know what I mean, right when I throw that tank top on, and that's just it's just a straight arm kind of like it is right now. It's just like, you know, I mean like there's it's just kind of a straight arm. Right but there's some cuts and I got to develop them, you know, but when I see Yeah, I mean look at my dog when he puts on a tank top it's like it's like shredder up in this bitch. You know what I mean? So when I'm looking and feeling my best, that's when I'm most confident. So if I want to be better on camera, right if I want to be more confident on camera, if I want to be more confident with clients, if I want to be more confident during my sales calls, if that's what I'm doing if I'm closing high ticket clients over the phone into a fitness consulting business, or if I'm again recording TikTok videos, man, the better I feel about myself both with energy but also feeling my best swaggered self, the more confident I'm going to be the more I'm going to execute. The more rested I am, the more clear and focused I'm going to be. And another reason to discover is that the more balanced I am in my family life and by balancing both non you know non working activities and working activities, the more happy I am and the more successful I am and I don't know about all of you regardless of what age you are, but what I've realized is that I want to enjoy my life. Now no matter what my income level is, part of this transition from employee to entrepreneur and running my own business is about freedom, and it's about happiness. And so it's not just about working myself to death, right? I don't want to work 18 hours a day. Even in my own business. I want to have a nice balance and when I sit down to do my work, I want to be focused, I want to know what I'm doing. I'm confident I want to knock out my workout. And then I want to make sure that I transition to family time or to like fun activities and stuff. So I can enjoy the journey in get out of this. What I believe is vicious, it's like chasing the carrot at the end of the stick. It's like Oh, when I get this much money and I'm this successful, then I'll be happy and all enjoy life and the truth is, we can enjoy it all along the journey. Right? We can't enjoy it. But it's it's it. It takes focus, I have to have intention and I have to have a plan to be able to do that. So those are some of the things I think that people are gonna see that it's not just it's not just going to come and grind grind grind.

Austin: Yeah, I want to say like whenever people create that expectation, right, if they create a fictitious expectation on like, say, like grinding to make a million bucks or something they creep with this expectation that they arbitrarily made up, that's going to be the builder, right? Like, once I hit a million bucks, I'm going to feel better, I'm going to feel great. So the point is you want because if you create an expectation, and there's this deficiency from this expectation that you created, you're not going to keep yourself in a slump the whole time. If you ever achieve that level that you expected. There was already an expected loss. There's never any fulfilment from it. So you're like, it's still like, you wanted to be happy all the time. That's how I'm like you. We spend most of our time like our days must have one o'clock. We did the gym like that, like that's our routine. I don't work. At one o'clock me and her go to the gym, we do our thing, spend time with the kids. We spend our day living life, right? And we just enjoy our time after that in the mornings. I'll work and it's very intentional, right? Everything I do is with intent. I don't want to sit down without intention. That doesn't make sense. That's a big thing. They do a lot of things without attention. Do they never actually achieve anything? They didn't have any attempt to achieve by the time they were finished with whatever it is to do and watching YouTube watching the course and not executing it right. So yeah, I just jumped in there.

Dave: There's a lot there's a lot so much to talk about and you know so much to learn about each other and to learn from each other. And so I'm excited man about you know, December 3 fourth and fifth. I'm super stoked to hang out with you and have you down. And I appreciate your time today bro. And I'll let you get back to your work that I know you have scheduled for today. So you can make sure that you hit that one o'clock gym time so you don't have to sacrifice that with the wifey. And you know just you know just just bring all of the amazing Austin Becker energy with you when you come down and let's just have a kick ass a kick ass mastermind.

Austin: We're gonna be there, we're gonna love it. We're gonna we're gonna we're gonna show everybody that they only have to get rich once right and then when the proper investment strategies you to live the rest of your life, that's it, you'll make enough money to invest properly, and then your investments. Most people forget that, like you said, instead of taking that money and starting a new business, put a million bucks in the right, right? Right ETF right. If you can pay yourself your bills, and you're still gonna make more money than what's your interest rate.

Dave: Yeah, I think people don't realize that they know that they don't need $20 million, right? You need enough to start earning interest on it and most of you at most people's age, which is most everybody in this community, besides you are in their 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s Right, and we've got some 20 and 30. Who are you know, we've got we've got a few who are focused right and some that are that are, you know, trying to get there but I mean for most people, you're absolutely right man. And so we're going to give them our strategies, they can take the meat leave the bones, and, and I think walk away with with a lot of ideas and a lot of clarity and a lot of confidence from seeing that. We're also just regular people, ordinary people doing extraordinary things. You know what I mean?

Austin: That's it.

Dave: All right, bro. We'll take care of man. And we'll see you here in a few weeks. All right, brother.

Austin: Thanks for having me. Thanks, everybody. We'll be we'll

Dave: See ya Austin, take care. All right, my friends. We are going to play a couple of words from some folks who have been to some masterminds in the past. Now as we sort of transition and end this episode this morning. For Monday. Each day of the week, we're gonna have another guest speaker who's going to be the mastermind. So go and register right now. There's only so many spots. Okay? This is for those of you who have already purchased the mastermind, okay, so it's not it's not for sale. Go and register if you've already purchased the mastermind right in your back office. If you're having any. You can go to legendarymarketer.com forward slash mastermind. believe that's going to take you into our back office and register. 

Matt: It's actually gonna take them to the page that I set up. 

Dave: Okay, fantastic. So it will take you to the page that you can kind of read through some details about the mastermind. It has a video of how to register and I look forward to seeing you guys. Our masterminds are, you know, they are the best experiences inside of this industry. And it's not just because, you know, it's not just because of, you know, there's a bunch of flash and trash, you know what I mean? Like most events are kind of all flash and trash, and then you get their quote and you get pitched for three days. You know what I mean? There's not going to be anything for sale. You know, it's going to be straight helping you take things to the next level, because that's what these masterminds are all about. They're not about, you know, getting a bunch of people in the room pitching from the front of the room. Like, like so many events are. That's fine. That's just a different model. That's not our business model. We want to help you to grow. We want to help you take your psychology to the next level. We want to help you take your skills to the next level. We want to help you take your income and investment strategies to the next level. So go check out legendarymarketer.com forward/mastermind. Listen to a few people who have been to a mastermind in the past. We'll see it tomorrow. And we'll see those of you who are coming at the upcoming mastermind in Orlando, Florida December 3rd-5th. Peace.

How To Go 100% Online Regardless of Age

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Welcome to Wake Up Legendary This is Dave Sharpe and once again this morning we have a fantastic guest returning guests and somebody who's had some some amazing success excited for those of you who don't know Bob to meet him this morning with that being said, Please help me. Welcome to the show. Bob Hosek, how's it going, brother?

Bob: It's doing good. Thanks for having me back. It's great to be here. Dave.

Dave: Hey, man, so you're calling in from Quebec? Is that correct?

Bob: Montreal, Montreal, Quebec in Canada.

Dave: Okay, fantastic. This is your second time here on the show. Right?

Bob: Yeah. Second time. Exactly. Yes.

Dave: Okay. You remember how long ago that was?

Bob: Oh god that must have been, I would say probably 989 months ago, something like that. Okay.

Dave: All right. Well tell those who don't know your story. How you got started, now, we've headlined it after 30 years. In business, Bob's now gone 100% online. So there is a happy ending to this story. So tell us in a nutshell, where it started, how you found us, and then what's happened since you got started?

Bob: Absolutely. Okay. So as you mentioned, I've been in business for many, many years. Because of where I live. I got to say the pandemic was almost a blessing for me because the government here forced us to shut down our company. We didn't know for how long because it was considered a non essential business. So basically, I switched gears and I said, well, I need to find something else to do to make money. Something that can only be affected by all weird stuff like this. So it was almost like by accident, I stumbled onto affiliate marketing because I wasn't looking for specific things. I had tried other things online. Things where I didn't make money I actually lost money. I came across the offer to stack the page where your video is, and I'll play one thing that got me kind of curious and interesting is in that video, I noticed there was somebody from Shark Tank. Gotcha. Yeah. And when I saw that the first thing snapped because I know those guys Oh, four eyes and this guy is even remotely involved in this. It's got to be something. So that led me down to just you know, I started with the course that sounded very interesting. I figured $7 Who can invest $7 takes the course to learn how to do this. Right. And that was kind of the beginning of the journey. And from there I just kind of started. I took what I learned and applied it, I became an affiliate for legendary. I purchased one of the blueprints which I think is key. Obviously, if you want to scale quickly and build fast, I think that must have saved me six to eight months. Just in terms of building the business because everything I learned from that blueprint, I just plugged it into the business that I had already set up and it just started to go. So the first time we met it was kind of the beginning of the journey and it was just starting to see a little bit of success, a little bit of you know, more money than what you can make. But from there now, it's just been a fantastic run. I mean, it's unbelievable. It's literally something you could do to replace your daytime job within a year if you take it seriously. And it's nowhere near an eight hour a day job. You know, you can do this a couple of hours a day as long as you're consistent and for me, I think that's the key. I do this seven days a week. I even find time on a Saturday or Sunday to put some time within a business. Yeah.

Dave: Well, I think that if we actually all of us sat down, you know those who are doing affiliate marketing and who are doing what, what so many of us are doing here what we're teaching here, you could you could actually if you were totally focused, do this in 30 to 60 minutes a day. totally focused. Now what I say totally focused, that's key because that means that's not including getting on and scrolling social media and doing research and development and getting lost down rabbit holes. I'm talking about Super focus, treating your business like a business not like a hobby. You know, we all have to, you know, we all have better days than others with that right where we're left. But I think the key part is is that you went from a business it was brick and mortar so you have experience with what it's like to to go in right to be there every day to have to leave home to drive 6 hours a week at minimum, I guarantee you 50, 60 hours a week was the minimum when things are going well.

Bob: We are joined well, right, exactly. Now transitioning gift curse, right blessing in disguise. Not everybody had that blessing but you did because you happen to just be open you know, instead of going on social media and complaining about the government. You said hey, look, let me try to make wine out of water here. You're out of what I can do. And here you are a man. I mean, who what they say you can't teach old dogs new tricks. And I know you're young at heart, but you're not a spring chicken for 60 years old. So I'm not a spring chicken. And it's absolutely true. But you know, the thing is, I want to just focus on the point that you said about, you know, focusing 30 to 60 minutes a day. I think that like you said, actual work that you put into a business like this, I think it would be 60 minutes a day you can do it when I'm talking about actual work. I'm talking about, you know, posting the videos, following up on emails, checking, you know, following up on DMS, replying to comments, maybe doing one or two YouTube videos a month and putting them on your YouTube channel. But a true entrepreneur as you know, they've like we can never turn it off right? Even when we're not working. The brains always work and like you said so even though it's actually an hour and a half max that they've been doing the work. But you're always thinking about the business. They're always looking for ideas, catching ideas here, catching ideas there. So when you become a real entrepreneur, you never really turn it off. But the actual work is not eight hours a day. It's really like you said about an hour, hour and a half a day. You can do this very, very easily. I agree with that. 100%.

Dave: There's some people who disagree in the comments, you know, that's okay. Right? If you think there is no way you can do this. You know, that's fine. You know, you can do whatever you want to do. Right? That's the beautiful thing. If you're, if you want to put in eight hours to this every day you can and I've been in this industry doing this for 10 years. And the most successful people that I know are not grinding every day. They're not grinding away. You know, having endless conversations in the DMS they're attracting people rather than trying to sell people all the time. And, you know, I know that for a lot of us. That's hard to imagine because we we sometimes feel like we're we need to push we need to sell we need to grind and the real when you go from you know the one on one kind of grind to when you begin building when you begin doing one to many, right which which one to many means that you know I'm speaking to many people I'm able to influence many people at without having individual conversations with them. That's when I take my actual content to the next level. That's when my content gets more interesting. We just had for example, a couple of people who are going just totally viral right now, may have experienced this too Bob, totally viral right now on TikTok, and there's driving more sales right now as affiliates for us. Then anyone who is grinding eight hours a day, as a matter of fact, they're now and I'm talking about those of you who are you know you know, grinding in the DMS all day long in there. Sure. That is a piece of this but when you begin to get better at creating content when you begin to get better at knowing what your message is and who your target customer is and how you create content that just just meshes with him goes viral. You're able to move people in ways that traditional selling strategies just aren't able to do and you know, you happen to come in right now where TikTok is hot. And all these things were a lot of teenagers and a lot of young people hanging out. What's been like for you to transition into this internet space and be doing something that was traditionally right and typically only for the younger generation?

Bob: Well, okay, I'm going to just touch on a couple of notes here and the first thing he said about you know, grinding in the DM one on one. You know, working one on one may be more efficient in terms of getting that one person. But I think affiliate marketing is a numbers game. It's a mass game. You're not going to make a lot of money working with one person at a time. What you want to do is get something out there that hits a lot of people at the same time. It's almost like you're fishing with a net and you're trying to get as much traffic as more people bigger as bigger audiences you can get out there to get through the system. So I kind of agree with that. I think that it's better to put something out there that can hit a lot of people and not burn out fast. If you try to start you know, one by one trying to convince people to do this. It gets very tiring. So the mass way is the way to go. Now in terms of how it feels for me to go on TikTok. You know, I'll be honest, I get a lot of hate pops. How's it going? Because I am a little bit of the older generation, right? But you know, when I look at my analytics people were saying that you can only track people like yourself and I found I built my analytics on tick tock and I'm, regardless of my age, what I do and maybe it's the videos I put out there, but I'm kind of right in that sweet spot. I got you know, the 20 to 40 year olds that are pretty much my biggest audience. And I had no time, no problem with it at all. I mean, I enjoyed it. In the beginning. It was hard, obviously. Being a person that's never been on camera, never really talked to people, never showed my face. I didn't like it. I was embarrassed and I was scared as heck to do it when I started. But you know, I said listen, I'm a businessman, I got to do something. I gotta take that first step. No one's gonna do it for me. No one's gonna go out there and make the money for me. No one's gonna set up the business for me. I can learn how to do it, but I gotta take what I learned and do it and I just you know, I took that step and I enjoy it. I actually look forward to doing the videos because it's almost like a thrill. It's like, throw this one out. Let's see what it does. Ah, I didn't do so well trying another one. Let's see what that does. And you just keep doing that and you experiment and you start understanding what works, what doesn't work. And yeah, I had a couple of videos go viral on some went over 4 million over 3 million views. So you know it just keeps going. It's persistence and consistency. Just don't give up. Just keep going. Keep going. If one doesn't do well, forget about it. Leave it there, do another one and do another one. Eventually they'll start hitting and your business will start rolling. It's like a wheel the more you keep rolling and it just keeps going and going. And I think that's been my secret is I just never give up period.

Dave: Yeah, yeah. It's so it's so interesting to see the the, I guess the patterns you know, between people no matter how old they are, you know, no matter where there are in the world, there's principles of work ethic in in trying until it works and not giving up and you know, just perfecting your craft you seem and I know so many people who just know it all. They've been in this industry for a couple of months or maybe one year and they got all the answers they know it all. You're somebody who has enough experience and I had to pick up on this as I got more successful. The more successful that I was the more that I knew the more that I realized I had to learn and I really had to humble myself. How has that played out in your business?

Bob: You know what, I'll be honest, switching gears like I had to do was actually refreshing because I've been doing the same thing for almost 30 years. Coming into something like this. It's almost like reigniting your energy kind of once you know you want to like it's a new challenge and I like challenges. I think challenges are always good. And on what you said about learning, I still learned today and I love learning from real people that have really been doing this like I look at like the Brian coolers and other people that have just, they know what they're doing. If I'm stuck, I go look at what they do. I learn from them. I take content from them, but I love it. It's a challenge. It's everyday it's another thing and it's just for me it's just made me almost like I got a new ticket to life. You know something else to do something fun and good, and it works and it's exciting. And it's just great to get up every day and just get back into it because it's really I'm very grateful that I did find this path. 

Dave: Yeah, it's, you know, I can. I can relate to that reigniting the, you know the passion when you're doing something new. And I think it's fairly, you know, interesting because you're up in Canada, and some of the restrictions have been like, like, crazy, man. I mean, you're, you're working because you weren't considered a cent. Like how there's so many people right now who this is always happening, who feel beat down and who feel not on top of the world but like the world's on top of them. How did you, I mean, how did you pick yourself back up after that happened?

Bob: I think this for me, they've the thing that has been that, you know, I, you know, been in business for so long. I think anybody who's been in business knows every business has its struggles, every business has its good times, and it's bad times. So I have learned to be I've learned like from being kicked down to get up and go again. Again, kick them, get up and go and get kicked down, get up and go again. And to me, this was just another kickdown. It was a hard one. Yeah, absolutely. But I said hey, man, I'm still young, even though I'm 63 I'm still young. I still got time, I can still go and you know, you have to kind of stop thinking about the neg or something about all the old vases that are important to me. It's always me. It's always been no, there's a lot of people in the world that are always going to have it worse than you. That's the way I always look at it. And I just said you know what? So this I can't do anymore. I'm going to find something else. And if you have that, that attitude of just you can do it. Just go out there and stop thinking of the negative stuff. Just think about how I can do this. I can learn new skills, I can apply new skills, I can do something different. And you know what? I think I've proved that to a lot of people. When I started a lot of my friends and family also what did you do? even waste your time? And I'll be honest, it took me five weeks to get my first commission after three weeks to say look, look three weeks you've made no money you're wasting your time but I just I'm stubborn. I said no, this works. I see people making money with this. I'm doing what they're doing. It's gonna happen. So keep pushing, pushing. And I've been like that whole life. And I think that's the mentality. You have to have the mentality that you know, you think all these people that are great, they were great automatically they feel 10,000 times before they finally made it. And that's just the way it is in life. You know, you have to realize you're always going to fail more than you're going to do well, but eventually you will do well if you've never give up. And that's the bottom line.

Dave: Yeah, well, how I got to know I mean, have you shared some of your numbers with your family? I mean, do they know what you've been able to do and produce?

Bob: You know what? My wife obviously knows. So obviously, my kids know, the rest of my family they have,

who are the ones who were like, hey, three weeks no money was that was that wife and kids? Absolutely. 

Dave: Okay, so how have you been? What has that what is that like now like honestly, but it's still honest to God for them.

Bob: It's still shocking disbelief every time I show them the bank account and then the boss has to come in. They're like, I don't, I don't know how you're doing this. I don't know. I don't believe it. I don't understand just but they just taught me just to keep going just dad just keep doing what you're doing. Keep doing what you're doing. So it went from nothing. I don't believe this. This is unbelievable. Sometimes I can't believe what I'm doing is making this

Dave: Just without getting into exact numbers. I just want to tell everybody who's listening. Bob's made some serious dough man. Like you've made some serious dough. You're 10 about 10 G's away from a big milestone as an affiliate with us which is platinum. And then you know, you've got other income streams, you've got software, you've got others you know, which is awesome, man. I mean, how long have you been actively doing this?

Bob: I took the challenge last year in July, and I would say probably started probably in September when I really started getting into it as an affiliate. So we're looking at 13 months now.

Dave: Okay, so 6 figures in your first year?

Bob: Easily Yeah. With all the products I'm promoting. Yeah, for sure. Absolutely. Absolutely. If you're any business, sorry, but when I started my business, it took me five years to start making a profit. When I first started 30 years ago.

Dave: I understand that Bob likes brick and mortar business and restaurants and paying for equipment and the fact that usually you may take home a paycheck but you're taking it out of your future pay.

Bob: Getting on that when I first started, it probably cost about 50,000 Just to get the money when you talk about what you got to put aside for rent. You got to buy furniture, a computer system, a phone system, all that stuff. And the first 18 months I didn't even take a salary. There was no money to take a salary. That's the reality of starting a business. People don't understand people think, oh, affiliate marketing, you know, I got to invest two $3,000 That's peanuts. That's peanuts. Right. Let me find a real business. You're looking at 50 $60,000 and like I said, most of the time in the first three to five years you won't even make a profit. You're just struggling to stay alive when people don't get that. And when you think you can invest a couple of $1,000 into knowledge, learn the skills and apply them, you can literally quit your job in 12 to 18 months if you do it properly. It's the mindset. 

Dave: Well, I want to give a quick disclaimer because I want to make sure that everybody knows that Bob's results are not typical. And the average person who starts any business online by any way of course or anything usually gets no results at all, period. Now my personal opinion is that I tend to believe that that's because people don't do anything similar to gym memberships and so on. But, you know, those who do those who stay humble those who learn those who put what they learned into action, you know, I tend to believe, of course, most or there's a lot of people out there who would be pessimistic who would disagree, but I tend to believe that the sky is kind of the limit and that's why I love entrepreneurship is because there's so much upside and there's so much possibility and you know the the the ID I think once you get a taste of this, and you had a taste of entrepreneurship long before because you were a business for 30 years, but those of you who are new have had a job for the past 30 years, or who have never experienced the freedom of being your own boss and kind of making your own hours and working from where you want or your home and calling the shots having the last say, it really is, you know, it can be scary at first because it's like oh shit, I'm the one who is responsible. But, freedom comes with a little bit of fear. Freedom comes with a little bit of responsibility. freedom comes, there's right. Freedom is balanced by other things. Right. So so, you know, once you get a taste of this, it's hard to go back, you know, and that's why I get excited for new entrepreneurs.

Bob: It's you know what, it's not 100 is almost impossible to go back because once you get used to working, when you want to work your schedule, you know, important things come up you have time for you can easily and you have time for family. My in-laws are elders, they're there in a car residence. My wife and I go visit them every second day because we have the time to do that. Before I didn't have the time for anything. But getting back to what you mentioned about you know, most people will not be successful and I agree 100% When I look at myself, like I said it took me five weeks before I saw my very first commission. I guarantee most people won't last three weeks more and I worked seven days a week. I put time in seven days a week for five weeks straight and our first division was $2.80. A lot of people are gonna look at that and say, boom, right there. Shut it down. I'm never doing this. It's not working. Because they don't give it the time. You got to give it time, business doesn't start. You don't start a business today and making $1,000 a month doesn't happen. It's got to build and you have to give it time to grow. And be consistent, be persistent. Never give up. Just keep doing the same thing over and over and over. And success will come and you know, if you can invest into a system and learn the skills, that you actually see other people doing exactly the same thing and they're making money. And you're not the only reason is because you know the stuff but you're not doing the stuff and that's the bottom line. The people that make money are the people that work the system, use what they want and the people that don't are the ones like you said yourself, you're going to complain, they're going to be negative, but they're not going to put in the time. It's the bottom line. That's what it is. You don't work. It's work. If you don't put in the work. You're not going to make the money. You're not just going to learn something and think money is going to appear in front of you. You got to put in the effort. And that's the bottom line. I think that's the problem. Most people realize that yes, it's, you know, a couple of hours a day, but you gotta put in that couple of hours a day and you got to work and most people don't do it and that's why they don't succeed. They don't, they don't give it the time and they don't give the effort, I think.

Dave: Coming from somebody who's seen a lot of things over many decades before, you know, been in business for 30 years before cell phones before social media. Do you think the attention span and the quickness to quit is faster than it once was?

Bob: I think so. I think the problem is the distractions are there. And also social media is as good as it can be. It can also be negative because you can get good vibes from social media and use it in sales for your business to make money. But you can also have the haters right, the naysayers, the people are gonna be out there all the time telling you what are you doing. This is useless and doesn't work. I've tried to, been there done that and it doesn't work, blah, blah, blah. And if you can put it in a negative away or push it away. Listen, you know, negative is always more powerful than positive somehow in people's lives. You know, bad things affect you more than good things and bad news bad vibes kind of hits you harder than good ones. So you got to kind of learn to push that aside and just you know, look at the people who are doing it. Look at the people that are successful and model them, don't look at the people that you know, all they do is talk negatively about everything that's going on around you because if they're negative in business, chances are everything else in your life is negative as well.

Dave: Yeah, it's not like they're just finding you and they've been positive all day and encouraging other people now all of a sudden they're being hateful or negative to you they've they're projecting their own her onto you and unfortunately, it can be sort of, I guess it can be heavy. It can be a bit overwhelming at first when you begin to put yourself out there and Craig some content and you are getting kind of so much of people's I guess shit, right? They're projecting their negativity onto you. How do you deal with that? I mean, you've mentioned a couple of things, but what would you say to people who are not have not yet developed that thick skin that you need to be in business? How did you develop that? I mean, what tips would you give to somebody who's new to try to thicken up that skin a little bit and not take things so personally?

Bob: I would you know what, the first thing I always tell people is this. Listen, you're always gonna have negative people. You're always gonna have people telling you that it won't work. It can't work. And what you gotta do is just focus like switching your focus, split your focus towards people that are actually doing it and are having success. Look at what they're doing, model what they do, and don't pay any attention to the haters. I know it's really a hard thing to do. Maybe it was easier for me because I've had so much of it in my life because when you're in business, you've always got negativity coming at you. You always have a problem. 

Dave: When you're dealing with customer support. And a customer's not happy with that highlight of the day. It's like how am I putting out fires, right?

Bob: Customers can be sometimes all my life. But the thing is when I've learned that you're always putting out fires, that's just what it is. And if you could just matt Like I always tell people like a lot of people always tell me Listen, you know, I don't know I'm negative. I'm afraid of people telling me to stop going to work. And I say why do you let other people dictate what you should do in your life, especially in the case like this, you know, you want to take a chance to learn affiliate marketing. You're talking about investing $7 At first, right just to dip your toe into the water to understand what it is. What have you got to lose? I mean, that's the Starbucks coffee right there. Go and take the challenge and then I always take it a little bit further. If there are people that are signing up for me, Ivan Thomas, I'll even help you if I can. If you have questions, I'm always available to answer questions and help you out. I have a YouTube channel where I've put a ton of videos out there that kind of explained a bit how the marketing works, how we do it, answer some of the questions but the best thing and I can tell people is just you know, just try the best you can to ignore the negativity because it's not going to help you in any way in life. No matter what you're doing. Try to look for positive people, follow positive people, listen to positive people, because they're positive because they're making a difference in their life. They're they're making it happen and if you can model what they're doing, and do it the way they do it, you should have no problem making it happen for yourself as well. But if you constantly listen to the negative people, you're just going to become one of them.

Dave: Great advice. So a lot of folks come online, start an online business and think in particular, in our community. Well it's all about the mechanics. I gotta master the sales funnels. I got to master all the tools and the software first before I can get started and really start being successful. I don't think that that's not important. I also am wondering what your take is when you got started and even to this day, Have you had you? Have you focused more on the tech side of things or have you focused more on the people and the message in the producing content side of things to tell us how you've balanced those two pieces?

Bob: Okay, I'm not a techy guy at all, being old school. My old business was never anything online. So Tech was not my thing. So I got a funnel. It's the same funnel I've been using since day one. I haven't changed anything. I don't even go in there and play with it because I'm afraid I'll switch something off and it won't work anymore. So I'm just glad it works. Wonders, the same emails, I just, you know what I mean? I just change the dates on them or whatever. And I don't touch that stuff because I keep thinking I might like to flick a switch and all of a sudden the system. My big thing is content, content, content. And communication with the people I think is the best way to do any kind of business, it's not showing off your tech skills and flashy and flashy back. It's communication, content, giving people what they want. Being true. Being transparent. That's really important. Don't try to make it look like you're somebody you're not or you're doing something that you're not doing. Be truthful. I mean, people ask me Hey, Bob, you know, how much did it cost you to get started? I tell him what I spent. How much did you make? I tell him what I mean. How long did it take you to make the commission? I told him Hey, it took me five weeks before $2.80. I'm not afraid if that turns somebody off. Let them turn it off. But I said but what about from that day on? I barely had that they were having me Commission's that's another thing I tell them, you see. So I think content is the most important thing and giving people what they need to help them get through the problem. So that's where I focus 90% of my energy into that, you know, I'm always looking for an idea. So I see something that I think is a good idea. That'll spark interest. I'm working down a goal. I'll make a video and I'll implement that idea into the video and I'll post it out there. And another little thing that I've learned because I had you know, everybody says use tick tock tick tock is a great platform for sure. But they also banned my account. I had 175,000 followers and they just completely banned it permanently. So I learned and it's another tip I tell everybody if you're going to get into any kind of marketing like this and using social media, make sure you have three, four or five different platforms and just keep those going because sooner or later one's going to get shut down but you'll have the the other backups to keep you going and that's really important too.

Dave: I'm just sitting here listening to you talking man and you know, I got you know, several family members in their 60s who say are 60 My dad's a little bit older than you. I just just find it just so fascinating here you went a year ago, you'd never really even been on social media. None of your business was ever on social media. And here you are given tips to our community, which is a marketing community about how to diversify your traffic sources and how to know content content content. I mean, do you ever just listen to yourself talking and just go? How the hell did I get like this is just unbelievable.

Bob: You know what, I'm gonna be honest with you. Every time I see one of those big commissions come through, I still look at it and I shake my head . I still I can't I can't believe this is happening. Especially because what I'm doing is so different from what I was used to doing. My business was old school. It was face to face on the phone meeting people showing them samples, you know, the antique contract. And here you don't even sell anyway, you don't even talk to the clients. You just basically promote someone else's business. And then you send people there and they take over and they do all that work for you. All the work I used to be doing is being done for me and all I do is send people there and say take a look what they got, they have good products, they can help you out. So yeah, it is kind of still a little bit of a dream. I'll be honest, like, I still wake up sometimes and I just feel like I still can't believe it's working. But it's working. So I'm just gonna keep doing what I'm doing and just keep doing it because it's a lot of fun. You know, at first it was scary, but now it's just a lot of fun.

Dave: Or you're an absolute wealth of, of wisdom and experience. And here's my final question for you this morning is what would you say to people out there who are in their 50s 60s maybe even their 70s and they think you know hey, I the young folks are taking over there's I you know out there in the corporate world and out there and we all know what else is going on out there. And this internet stuff is over my head and they're just feeling bogged down and they're feeling hopeless. What would you say? Specifically to that age demographic, those folks who we have so many of them in this community who are looking to start over who want to, you know, to have something to usher them into those years that really we all deserve to enjoy the most right? But maybe they don't have enough savings or maybe they don't have they don't have the security that they want or maybe they don't want to fully stop working, but they just are so unsure if they can do it.

Bob: Ah, Colonel Sanders. There's a guy who became famous and wealthy in his 80’s. I always say to people, you know what, it's never too late to start. You got one life to live. Whether you're 40, 50 or 60, you want to switch it up, make a change, you want to try something different. There's skills out there you can learn. They're not that complicated. It's not that difficult. It's just a matter of sometimes you have to come a little bit out of your comfort zone. But even though you're uncomfortable, if you've done it a little bit, you become comfortable doing it when I first started doing affiliate marketing going on camera stuff, it was like whoa, I don't like this. I don't want to do this. But if you can get the mindset of like, listen, it's my life. I want to try this. I want to push myself to make something good for myself. Just ignore that uncomfortableness for a little time. It will go away. I promise you if you just ignore it and just do the thing that you got to do. You will eventually become comfortable and it'll become like second nature to you. So what I would tell these people is just like there's no there's no no reason to be afraid. It's not like you're signing your life away. You're not investing $100,000 and taking a chance on something. You can invest a little bit of money, learn some skills, and go out there. Do what you've learned, process it. The great thing about the affiliate marketing community is there's so many people that are willing to help you. That's another thing I found that I've never seen in many other businesses. Most business people are trying to cut you down and take the business away from you. Here every time I had a problem I can turn to I won't name the people but there's so many people that I went to and asked and they were so willing and helpful and like they actually give you the answers on a plate. And that's the thing that I've started doing now too. I've started to like TikTok live and it's basically just q&a, affiliate marketing. If anybody has any questions pop on I try to answer them and help you out because I believe that if you can help people, it comes back to you. And that's what I would tell people starting out today listen, you know, something like this. There's a great community, they're willing to help, they're willing to show you how to do it, guide you along. You just need to take that first step and just say listen, I believe in myself, I can do it and, hey, I'm six years old, I can do it. I think anybody can do this because I am not a tech person. And I think a lot of people are afraid of the technical part of it. And it isn't that complicated. It's a one you know, once you've got it set up you really don't have to go back to it anymore. The rest of it is just, you know, content doing your thing. Promote and let the business run. 

Dave: Yeah, man. Well, I think you've got a few new fans, new followers, new new people that are you know, fans, you know, just just even me I'm just I'm a fan of yours, Bob. I just like that. The longer I'm in this game, the more I I like to look at people who are younger than me and older than me and just say, you know, what can I learn from them? You know, that's one of the reasons why I love doing this show is because I get to talk to people every single day. I get it reignites my fire, it keeps me excited. It gives me different perspectives. It makes me feel connected to the community. And, I get to hear these incredible stories, man. So thanks for doing what you do. And, you know, seeing our vision here and then running and creating your own vision man.

Bob: Yeah, well, thanks. Thanks. for having me on. I got to say thanks for putting this program together because it really for me was like I said, I've tried other things and never made money online. This thing just kind of clicked. I took the system. I worked on it. I still work. I do the same thing I'm doing today as I did 10 months ago. And if you just keep grinding out we'll it just works and it's a fantastic thing. And I'm grateful to you guys for putting this together.

Dave: Well, you're very welcome and you're very welcome. It's our pleasure and please come back for around three okay in the near future. I'm sure you'll have brain wiring. Yeah, you'll have broken some more milestones. Barriers, man. Tell your family we said Hello and thanks for now that you've won them over. And I'll talk to you soon, buddy.

Bob: Alright, thanks. So much, Dave.

Dave: See? All right, my friends. Go and follow Bob. I've got his tick tock up. His Instagram is a little bit different. So he's Bob Hosek on TikTok. So go and give him some support, give him some follows. Lean on him and lift him up. As we know, as we do here, that's what this is all about. It's supporting people. It's lifting people up. It's, you know, really cheering people on being each other's biggest fans. And, we'll be back on Monday for another episode. We've got a couple of weeks coming up. We're going to be doing a whole week on our mastermind. So we're going to be kind of talking about upcoming masterminds we're going to have guests on we're going to be speaking at the upcoming live mastermind that we're going to be doing in Orlando, Florida. Like Brian Brewer, Austin Becker, Sarah Ravel, Stacy La. These are just a couple of the people who are going to be in attendance to be sort of presenting so keep an eye out for that. If you are a mastermind member, go ahead and register if you won't come to that event in Orlando on December 3 through the fifth. And if you need more information, you can always reach out to support@legendarymarketer.com I want to thank just can I just between you and I guys a badass alright guys, absolute legend. Alright, so my friends. There's a lot of Legends out there in the comments that I haven't met yet. So thanks for listening and look forward to speaking with each one of you guys in the near future and gals. And have yourselves a kick ass weekend. 

How To Stop Feeling Boring: The Key To Confidence

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends? This is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up your ass Legendary baby. We've got yet another fantastic guest Tori. I was just talking to her here. Listen if you're a blueprints and mastermind member meaning that you have a ticket access to our masterminds we have one coming up December 3 through the fifth. We're going to be really talking about that a lot here over the next couple of weeks. And there's going to be some major FOMO if you want to come to that wait and then all the spots are you know, to be able to come are filled up so if you are a mastermind member, make sure that you go into your mastermind register and all the information will be on the you know the inside once you register if you have questions reach out to support at legendary marketer comm we have Brian Brewer Austin Becker, Stacy La, we have Sarah ravel. There is Andre, who was on the wake up show a couple of weeks ago who's been crushing of course myself Matt Hetzel. So many folks, people who come there who are six figure earners just come there to learn from seven figure people, I mean people who have made millions of dollars in this industry attend our masterminds to learn because they're really more than masterminds are experienced. So I'm looking forward to seeing everybody on December 3. With that being said, let's mastermind a little bit here on the internet Tori, welcome to the show. 

Tori: Hey, what's going on? 

Dave: How are you and where you calling in from

Tori: I'm great and I'm from Arkansas. Okay, so that's where you're from and where you're at, right? Yep, that's where I'm into.

Dave: Yeah. All right. Awesome. So what led you to Legendary? You are, you know, young in your journey of life here and you've got the whole you've got the world in your hands. So I mean, what has led you online and eventually to Legendary and in choosing to start an affiliate marketing business?

Tori: Well, I was just on TikTok one day and never heard that never heard that story. I mean, I just didn't like my job. You know, I just graduated college. A couple years ago and got a job. I was commuting and I was being micromanaged and I just hated everything about it. And I was like, doing my job. 

Dave: What are you still doing?

Tori: No, I work remotely now. But whenever I first had my first job,

Dave: So we can talk like legit shit about this job and that boss because you're no longer there so you can let it all out. Okay, all right.

Tori: All right. But I was constantly being micromanaged and I just hated being in a cubicle all day in the office. It was really small, and I couldn't walk around that much. And I just felt trapped. And I hated it so much. And so I was like, I cannot do this for 40 years, you know? Sounds like torture. 

Dave: And it does sound like it also sounds like Guantanamo Bay, are you sure you aren’t there?

Tori: I wasn't.

Dave: Is that shutdown now honey? Was that inappropriate? Did I push the line on that joke? Okay, my wife tries to reel me back in like if I get too close to the line of like, basically getting canceled or whatever she's like, Babe, that's not okay.

Tori: No, it's okay. That's exactly how I felt. And honestly, my online journey started whenever I was just on TikTok at work. And I was like, Oh my gosh, I just saw a regular girl like me and she made, you know, quite a bit of money promoting other people's products. And I was like, This is insane. You know, if she can do it, then I can definitely do it, you know? And so I took the training that she was like, if you want to learn how to do affiliate marketing, like me, you know, check out the link in my bio, and I did and I took, you know, the 15 day business builder challenge and I just absolutely blew my mind how you can earn money without clocking in, because that's the only way I knew how to make money and that's how I was raised. You know, you clock in, you know, you do an honest day's work and clock out and then you go home, and I just never I've seen people make money online, on the internet, but I don't know she just seemed pretty genuine and she just started and I was like, Okay, if she can do it, I can do it. So I took the challenge. And I was just absolutely blown away with all the information that was given to me. And I was like, This is what I want to do. This is what I want to do. This is legit, and I want to see where this takes me. So I decided right then and there to put all my effort into it, you know, and it's honestly been one of the best decisions of my life. Not even kidding.

Dave: Nice. Yeah, you made some money and you've proven that you know, it's not just a fantasy. Have actually gotten some real real emerald incomes. Yeah, real results. Yes. That's fantastic. Yeah, yeah. It's always a fantasy until you get that first like a deposit in your bank account or check in your hand and then you're like, holy shit. Right? Life, you know, this is real life. Like this is crazy. I didn't have to sell my soul or trade, you know, clock in or whatever. You know, I didn't have to. And I think it almost feels like cheating too, because you're like, golly, I've been listening to this whole you know, honest days. You know, an honest day's work for you know that. You know, good old saying and, and good old mindset and then you're like, holy shit I just made, you know $2,000 today and and I don't even know what I did. I didn't do anything. I basically was fooling around on my phone a little bit on TikTok and decided to stop creating or consuming and start creating a little, a little bit. Wow. Yes, awesome. Awesome. Well, I'm happy for you what has been? What are the big takeaways? I mean, you're you're, you're in your 20s, early 20s. So you've got you know, you've got so many, like I said, so many options. Did you say you even went to college? 

Tori: Yeah. 

Dave: And you have a degree in what

Tori: Business marketing

Dave: So that is interesting is shit. So what? Wait, hold on a second. So you went to college for how many years and I'm not going to totally make you feel total and absolute, you know, guilt and regret for but how much in student loans or did you pay or how did you finance that?

Tori: I didn't have to take any loans. Fortunately, because I lived at home and the university is about five or 10 minutes away from my house. So I just you know, commuted to school

and helped you out with the housing.

Dave: You didn’t pay for the school itself though?

Tori: Yeah, I had several scholarships that I had throughout my four years. Scholarships. Yeah. I had scholarships. Wow.

Dave: You're smart. She's smarter than I am. I don't know what I really even can talk about whether I mean she's got friggin academic scholarships and shit. You know, a degree in Business Marketing. Erin, maybe you should come over here and talk to her because you're a college graduate. I'm a friggin ninth grade dropout. I can't really spell my own name.

Tori: But Dave, let me tell you I learned more in a challenge than I did in all my four years of college. 

Dave: From an old alcoholic, ex addict teenage father. As a homeless guy who just you know, used to drive around in an old 1990s Ford f150 With this magnet on his car trying to get people to. That's fascinating. I mean, say more about that. How could you possibly have learned more in a 15 day challenge than in four years in college?

Tori: You think about it, the professor's there, you know they go to school for a long time in marketing or whatever. And, but the real thing is they don't have actual real marketing experience. They only teach what they've been taught. Right. So I didn't really learn a whole bunch from that. I learned how to be a good employee, you know. And the 15 Day Challenge taught me how I can make money for myself but not make other people rich, you know, so I didn't really know anything about direct marketing that much. And I learned that through the 15 day challenge, and I didn't know what affiliate marketing was.

Dave: Let's just talk about some of the things that are more prevalent nowadays in you know, in the in just in the marketing game. I mean, affiliate marketing really is something that every top person likes if you go to any company who is small or large, you know, popular, you know or little not not well known. You scroll down to the bottom of their site, you see a little link that says affiliates have an affiliate program now whether they're getting tons of traffic, whether they're getting tons of traffic from affiliates, or whether they haven't many affiliates. I mean, but they all have affiliate programs, and many of them are getting a lot of their sales from affiliates. I mean, you look at Amazon, and you know, I think that I don't know what the exact percentage is, but I would guess it's a pretty significant amount of their sales. I know. Companies like click funnels are getting tons of their you know, signups to their software through affiliates and many of the other products and programs that you see marketed online. So did they ever have anybody who came from the outside who was running successful marketing businesses in different areas kind of talk to you about entrepreneurs? 

Tori: No. Just people from big firms coming in, you know, giving their expertise in their marketing department, you know, so, not from the entrepreneurial, entrepreneurial aspects. No one for now.

Dave: I feel like I feel like the majority of or so many stories, I don't want to speculate or generalize but the stories that I hear are, you know, about like, what's being taught and the experience that I've had interviewing people who have marketing degrees who want jobs, they it's almost like the, the, they're talking about, like throwing like putting your banner up putting your phone number in. Your face up on a billboard, like that's the extent of the marketing depth, you know, and, I mean, I even have friends who they're starting to roll out these programs for you know, social media and social media marketing and social media communication. And I mean, I know people who are taking these courses and, you know, as much as I, as much as I like the people, I'm not seeing them doing much or able to do much or equipped with many skills to go out in the marketplace and actually either get a job or have some unique skill that is able to able to add a lot of value to a company. But I think going back to your original point there, or one of the points that you brought up, which is the only thing that I that I that I learned how to do was to make somebody else rich, but the truth is, is that we did even get a job in marketing. I mean, you said that you were doing data entry and stuff.

Tori: Yes. So my first job was with a billboard company. Talk about old school marketing.

Dave: Holy crap. Well, that's weird that I've mentioned billboards and you were with a billboard company.

Tori: Yes, that's ironic. But yeah, now I work remotely because what I first hated my real job, and I was like, well maybe if I work remotely, I'll be happier because, you know, I won't have to commute I won't have to have a manager like hovering over me, making sure that I'm working and stuff and I and that is it just makes me feel better. Like working remotely, but you know, lock in I still like working remotely. 

Dave: Well of course you do. I think a lot of people are, are I want everybody to realize the opportunity that we have at our hands is the reason why the reason why tech companies earnings are exploding and billionaires in Tech have made no more money than then all of America over this pandemic is because everybody's sitting at home companies like us have more than doubled in growth over the pandemic. Why? Because everybody's sitting at home, and they're on the internet or they're working from home and they don't want to go back into the office. So, you know, when's the best time to plant a tree 20 years ago, when's the second best time or 10 years ago in my case I got started 10 years ago. And although people have called me lucky, it's all that preparation which meets the opportunity like this pandemic, which I have a huge part of me that's empathetic to anybody who's had struggled throughout this pandemic gotten ill had financial insecurity or struggles. But the truth is, is that, you know, there we've all been presented with opportunities. You know, many of us have been presented with online opportunities in the past, and for whatever reason, we didn't seize them. And so now we're reaping what we sell, but when's the second best time and maybe not you? You're too young, but a lot of us who were in our 30s and 40s and 50s we have, but when's the second best time to plant a tree? Well, it's right now. Because not only is now this a great time to get started because we're really in the middle, or even the beginning of an upswing of just people staying nimble. Staying online, being online, wanting to work from home earn online. And you know, and I just, I just believe that, you know, this is a unique opportunity. You're not going to learn as you're saying the things that you need to take advantage of by going to some traditional school like diction, tactics that are either philosophical, or like the idea of it but not the application. And I think that the colleges in some respects, when people find out that you can learn this information, like the actual information that you need, there, they're going to be screwed. You know, now it's going to take a lot to unwind this big massive system that pumps people at the age of 18 into 40, 50, 60 $80,000 in debt and makes them feel like they're the only choice for them. It's going to take a lot to unwind that system because it's a big system. In its systemic, right. It's a full system, that that's worldwide right going to uni they call it in Australia. Going to university, going to college, we say here in America, but it's all part of our language and it's all part of, you know, it's all part of culture in society. But, you know, conversation after conversation, including the one that we're having this morning proves that you can learn the skills that you need to thrive in today's economy, online economy online. Now, whether that's taking the 15 day online business builder challenge or whether that's, you know, going through somebody else's course or whatever, finding some YouTube video or having you know, some aha moment I don't know finding following somebody on Facebook and they show you day trading or crypto or whatever. But the truth is, it's like there's more opportunity today than there's ever been. It just baffles me when people feel like they missed the boat or things are too saturated, or whatever. So tell us from your perspective, not being exposed to a bunch of shit over the past decade because you're fairly young. How do you see your future now? Where do you see things going?

Tori: I think the digital age is just going to keep blooming. It's just going to keep getting bigger and bigger. So if people think that they miss their opportunity, they are 100% Wrong. I started only four months ago. If I can do it, they can do it. I had no experience. I had no followers to begin with. I started from scratch. Like anyone can do this seriously, anyone. They just have to be consistent and put the work in and not give up if they didn't see results in a matter of like two weeks, you know, because you have to just keep putting the work and then people often quit before the magic even happens, you know and that's the important part is to just not give up. Like I said, if I can do it in four months, anyone can do it.

Dave: Well speaking of your TikTok, we're gonna go over here and look at your tick tock here real quick. Now you know those of you who are listening, I usually just throw people's handles up, but you know, don't, don't run off and go. We'll put her handle up and we're showing her TikTok here and you can go back and follow her after the show. Listen to what she's saying. I think there's some people who once we put somebody up they just run right over there. And just start and it's like listening to the strategy behind what people like Tory are doing to be able to grow from zero to 112,000 followers in profits coming into their business in four months or under. So what have you been doing, Tori that you've that you've learned that you've discovered over the past four months? That's really worked for you because just to remind anybody who just came on. Four months ago, you were scrolling through TikTok you were consuming you hating your job. You're sitting there with a four year degree, wondering what's next for you. And now you're on fire, about digital marketing about, you know, affiliate marketing, and you're starting to build your audience in your email list. So what have been some major aha moments or takeaways that have worked? You know, that has worked in your favor.

Tori: Right. So in the beginning whenever you don't know what you're doing, you often go to you know someone else in your niche and kind of look at their content that they are providing and you kind of see like, what's working with them and what's not working, and you can kind of find inspiration from those videos. And that's how you kind of get up and move and and get that so sorry. Oh, my phone just freaked out. Sorry, my phone is ringing out more but you really want to just find inspiration from other content creators within your niche so you can get that first 1000 followers and once you have your first 1000 followers, you can put your link in your bio, but you know once you kind of get going and you kind of understand how TikTok works you can start doing your own thing. You can start making your own like original content. And honestly I feel like that's where that's what people want to see. They want to see original content, and they want to see you being genuine. So if you're upfront with them and being genuine then people like that and are attracted to that from what I've noticed within my own content people really like you just being up and real with them and being super straightforward. And another thing is to reply to comments. So in TikTok, you know, there's a reply feature. So you can reply, a comment, like, make a video of the reply of a comment and just make a video of that. A lot of our content is about just answering questions or comments or something like that. And people just genuinely love that stuff.

Dave: It's interesting because we hear a lot of people who talk about, you know, being themselves and it's kind of like, you know, what does that mean? So a lot of people talk about hey, you know what? Be yourself, you know, I mean, we've been we've been we've been titled this show stop being something that you're not like, what does that mean? Because I'm, I would like to give this more context because we hear this a lot. This is such a big thing. And it's like I feel like the people who really have massive breakthroughs, this tends to be one of their biggest breakthroughs, like, I stopped trying to be something that I'm not like, what what does that specifically like with specific examples? What does that mean to you? Or one example like, what does that actually mean?

Tori: It means just stop caring about what other people think of you. And as soon as you can be yourself. That's, that's where the magic happens is being you and there's only one two, right so you telling your story, the way that you explain content, the way that you think about things, tell your audience and just be you and don't be so uptight. Don't you know, think about you know, not everyone's gonna like me, Stop. Show up, be you. And of course, you're not going to like you, but who cares, right? Who cares? And that's what I'm saying. Like, just be you. And that's seriously like where the magic happens. Don't be like somebody else. Be who? You know, show your personality. People love that.

Dave: So Sherry, Sherry Smith, says but I'm so boring. What would you say to Sherry?

Tori: No, you're not, you're not boring. Hey, I'm an introvert. I did not post any content before starting up my TikTok and stuff. So you could say that I was boring, right? 

Dave: Tori did you ever think that about yourself or think that like before you were getting started? Like I'm I'm like I'm just a regular boring pro who's gonna want to listen to me, right?

Tori: That's exactly what I thought. That's exactly what I thought. But that noise that's just, you know, just don't think about that stuff. It's holding you back. Seriously. It's holding you back from you just blowing up.

Dave: Like I think I think one of the biggest things that we have to remember in this is just it's become such it's becoming come so proven on the internet, if you pay close attention, is that the less perfect people are the more people like really bomb with them in you'll see videos going viral, not because they were perfectly produced but because they're just you know, powerful like moments or situations are things that happen with like a child or with like an animal or with like you and your, you see a couple of you know, older people dancing or something and they're not being perfect, they're not looking perfect. They're, you know, they might even look at the video and say, Oh, I look so bad there, but other people are watching them just living their life authentically in the moment. And when people see another person living their life authentically meaning with like light and without cares, and as if they have not a care in the world. That's so empowering and inspiring because most people, many of you included who are letting us know about your limiting beliefs and we appreciate that because because you as well as billions of other people out there are self conscious and insecure and so am I at times and so when we see somebody living comfortable in their skin, it's it's way more inspiring than a particular how they have their makeup on or if their hair is perfectly done because what we resonate with is that person spirit. And that's way more powerful than anything that can be manufactured or that can be done up right it's like human beings. I believe, in a sense that, you know, that marketing is connecting with people, especially in this sort of solopreneur-like influence or whatever you want to call it economy that we're in right now. It's it's really the most it's the people who let their spirit shine the most are those who really are building followings and making tons of money because people you know, here's what I can say this, I'm trying to also give it in a different angle to for those of you listening whew, it may not have clicked so far yet. But when you're sitting there thinking that you're boring or when you're letting you know you're you're closed off and you're afraid of what people think in your, you know, not being comfortable in your skin, you're tight and you're You're just afraid what you're really doing this year is you're covering your light, you know what I mean? Like pretend you have a flame inside and you're just covering your light, you're not letting people see your light. And what happens is when you let all the barriers in which the barriers are what the fear is the insecurities worried about what people think when we let all that go. It's kind of like letting a wall down to where now all of a sudden people can see right inside our flame, you know, right inside our candle that's burning bright, and their candle connects with our candle like their light sees our light and it has nothing to do with what we're wearing. Has nothing to do with how our hair is done has nothing to do with how much makeup we have on or what outfits we have on or how we're talking even, or even what we're saying sometimes, right? It's about the spirit connecting with the spirit and I don't mean in a religious way. I just mean that there is an energy that is passed between human beings and thankfully, it's able to be passed through digitally. It is able to be passed through digitally because you're still able to activate certain sensors or certain you know the five senses you can activate. sound you can activate, right? And that activates feeling right and it's still enough to activate people's emotions. And anyways you seemed like you were resonating with that. Do you feel like that's a good description?

Tori: One hundred percent, you hit it on the nail Dave that is just Yes, you said it perfectly. 100% Yeah.

Dave: Yeah, it's interesting. So how have you been some of the specific things that maybe you did like for me? I remember combing my hair a certain way. You know what I mean? Because I was a little bit sly, kinda like I felt like I was a little bit scrappy and not really kind of put together when I first started marketing online, kinda like I still am now, but I hide it better. But just not like I see guys with their hair perfect. They always got the perfect part and a nice gentleman's cut and a collared shirt on which I haven't had to call it but I'm talking about a nice fun collared shirt. It's like pressed and shit. And I'm like, How does this man do that? You know, like, how is he always looking so proper and good. And so I remember like trying to comb my hair a certain way and when I first got on you know, and then finally I was just like, This is exhausting, you know, and I told my, my, my real story of who I really was and why I'm doing this and where I came from, and that happened to be my biggest day of sales and everything else and that was sort of like a that was sort of like a shift for me. Was there a shift for you? Or is there something you can remember that happened over the last four months that shifted you from that carrying in being afraid and letting limit and not showing your light to when you you know, fuck it I'm gonna, I just kind of show my light and see what happens.

Tori: Yeah, so it all started with me just kind of testing out content. So I was like, You know what, I'm just gonna show the world a little bit of me, just a little bit of my personality and see how that goes. And I got a really good engagement. And, you know, I got more views and I was like, Okay, this is a good side, you know, people want I'm just being genuine people like, seem genuine people who are just straight up. And so I just started producing more content. You know, you're always like working on your craft. You're always seeing what's working, what's not working. And whenever you see something that's working, then don't stop. You know, Don't stop, keep doing the same things and so that's what I figured out was just like, being me is the biggest thing that made me have success. And having that engagement, so whenever still today, but especially when you're just starting out you really want to comment back with every single person. And if you have emails, if someone emails you, you know, answer those emails, answer all your DMS, you know, just show up for them because people like that one on one conversation. And I get just several thank yous a day just from me commenting back and replying to people answering questions because people love that. They're like, wow, she took the time to talk to me, you know, to answer my question, and they love that and that's how you build trust too. And that's how you kind of build a fanbase as well.

Dave: Sure, sure. It's crazy. It's crazy how you can, you know, actually have fans or whatever, you know, you go from being somebody who's just I don't know watching other people. And thinking they're icons and celebrities online and then you know, suddenly you have people in your DMS and on your comments who are like, wow, this was really helpful. Thank you, you know, this changed my life. I mean, you have some accolades and validation at the beginning and sometimes it even feels like you know who they talk to somebody but like, who are they? Who are they talking to? You know, you know, because, you know, ultimately at the end of the day, I mean, I don't ever feel like I'm doing anything special. You know, I don't. I don't feel like I'm doing anything super special, but it is just, it is special. It is special. Because when you're when you're reaching somebody who's like minded or who's willing to listen, and I think especially because in our lives so often, the folks who are closest to us don't listen as much you know, because the the word like are they hear us and see us so much our friends and family sometimes don't take us that seriously. I've had people who legitimately like I was just like a nephew or just what you know, whatever not really pay me much attention and then come to like a live event and see like 5000 people going fucking bananas, you know what I mean? And rock in a crowd and then all of a sudden, they're, you know, they treat me totally different, you know? Because it's like, oh, wow, you know, wow, this is you know, it's it's just it's fascinating, you know, and I think that feels I think that feels good to us, you know, after I think many of us also grew up just also maybe even being ignored or or or unnoticed a lot. If we grew up in big families or being told to be seen but not heard and things and so you know, when we start to find our voice, maybe we got bullied in school maybe we felt just you know, like, you know, I think I think school also teaches us at least at least the a lot of my school did you mentioned cubicle and I had a flashback to when I was in fifth grade, you know, when I was ADHD if I misbehaved, right, which was really just having high energy and I was curious and bored, right really more than anything. i They put me in this. I had this teacher that put me in this Cubby, which was a cubicle back up to the wall, and you had to crawl up under it and you sat there with your legs dangling now with these walls around and I couldn't see anything out in the classroom. I mean, talk about being fucking silenced. You know what I mean? Talk about being stifled. Talk about somebody putting your life out, man. You know, I mean, that's the type of shit that this bucking society does to us and it is about time to get angry. It's about time to channel all those emotions instead of beating ourselves up. Let's beat up some of these limiting bullshit ass beliefs that we've been raised with to think that our destiny is to sit it up fucking in a cubicle. You know, give me a break. Yeah, I mean, I mean I think about I think about my my, the our ancestors and people who roamed this earth for fucking millions of years who walked in beautiful mountains and trails in, hunted fucking will the beast in I mean went out there and gathered their families in were in tribes and just live in life, man, I mean, out there, enjoying the sunset bathing in the fucking rivers man, you know, and I mean, now all of a sudden, it's like, put me in a school for 12 years. And tell me to just raise my hand if I have something to say. I stand in line. I got so fucking tired of standing in lines. You know what I mean? I mean, I don't want to stand in line anymore. I wanna cut class. I want to leave. I want it right. And so I don't know maybe that's one of the reasons why I dropped out in ninth grade. Maybe that's one of the reasons why I, even with my dad, was grateful enough to have you know, him work construction to help you know, take me under his wing, but eventually I wanted to fly the nest. You don't want to leave the nest. I wanted to go explore. I wanted to see what is out there for us, man. You know?

Tori: Yeah, yeah, that's exactly how I felt. I was like, you know, my parents told me to go to school, get good grades, go to college, and find a good job. And I did all that. And I was bored. And I hated my work. I hated the job. And I was like, why did I do it? Everything I was supposed to do. And now I'm here and this just sucks. You know? This just sucks. I was like, there's more to life than this. I'm not supposed to live my life in a cubicle.

Dave: I want to tell you a funny story real quick. Legendary was growing three years ago to the point where like, I was like, oh shit, you know? Are we gonna start a you know, we can have an office like we had an office here in st P. And and it was big enough that like how was some people and I was like, Well, I mean, I feel like we're at this crossroads to where we're like, either gonna bring everybody into the office, right? Or we're gonna, you know, really commit to staying virtual. And I was like, you know, I had a buddy that is in town who's a good friend and he's got a pretty big company, and they're an SEO company. And he has this beautiful office with all these people that work in the office and, and I was like, yeah, maybe that's maybe maybe that's the right path. You know, maybe I need to grow up mature, have a real company and really get people in the office. So anyways, I finagled a couple people to start coming down move the guy from New York had had a couple of people hired a couple of people locally, some were still virtual, it had a couple of people locally, and started to kind of fill up the office and I gotta be honest, it was the worst. It was the worst thing that ever existed. And the reason why was because it was I. It was because I didn't, I didn't want to micromanage people. I don't want to work with people that want to work. I don't want to have a company where the only way that you're going to work is if I'm standing over your shoulder making sure that you do your work. You know what I mean? Like that those are not the people that I want working with me for me, whatever. I don't, I don't want those. So anyways, I just one day just told everybody to go home. I'm going to stay here in the office with my wife because I like being around my wife, and I like to hang out with her and work and stuff like that. We have separate spaces. And then eventually we moved out of that office into a house that's right around the corner from our other house. And we've got 70 People who work virtually all around the world. And that's just what we do. And we've never deviated from that and will never go back. And that's my office story. You know what I mean? That's my cubicle. That's the closest thing that I got to a cubicle, like an environment. And I was so turret-like, like just it gave me the creepies you know what I mean? It gave me the heebie jeebies to just see people walking in with like their lunch and their briefcase and they put it down and like they pulled up and got ready for like, I don't want him all it's like a fucking pizza mirror. It's like knowing that they just drove in traffic to care and that they were rushing to my God, I'm going to be late right and I got to stop for gas. You know? You know now I'm fumbling around at the gas tank, you know, trying to get gas so I can still, you know, get to the office on time and I'm just like, and I'm and I'm like, I'm looking at these people as they're walking in the door knowing that that's the type of shit that they just did. And I'm like, Oh my God, you know, I just was like this. I started to have feelings like the end of the world. I was like, Oh my God. But then the thing people do all this is the norm. Running out of the house in the morning. Getting dressed doing your makeup, I see a guy shaved in the car. It's insane.

Tori: Yeah, I only did it for a year and a half and that was enough for me. I'm like, No, this is not for me.

Dave: In this last 2020, 2021 It's like everybody's gone home. You know what I mean? Or a lot of people have gone home not everyone. And I'm really thankful for all the folks who can't write like like what we call essential workers, like the people who were down at Walgreens when I wanted to paint you know, Cherry Garcia at night because you know, I wanted to just be a fat slob during a pandemic and you know, they had check me out, you know, I mean, swipe my credit card, or the first or the you know, the police or the fire department. Look, you know, so don't don't cancel me. You know, I was like, I think that people went home and they're like, fuck it. I'm never going back. I'm not going back. I don't care. And now we're seeing it's like it's like there's like all these openings were like the economy is gonna come roaring back. You know, like the regular economy. We know the internet economy is roaring but people were like, Alright, we're good. Like, everybody back to work, everybody get back in your cars. Get back on the interstate. Get back to shaving in the car. Get back to brushing your teeth in the car, get back to a gas stop over. You're driving through Wendy's or McDonald's getting a baked something, piling it down. Half Round the greasy beard. You know, as you're as you're as you're driving, you know, get back to that and everybody's like, Man, I'm good. I don’t want to go back to that. Exactly. So anyways, I've ranted and raved this morning but I mean, golly, jeez. It's like you know, I'm happy for you for your success. I'm happy that you found us. We've connected with you and I'm looking forward to your journey and having you continue to keep us posted. And updated on how things go for you over the next couple of months and let me know if there's anything that I can I can do or we can do to help you out. Help you keep growing Okay, okay,

Tori: Thank you.

Dave: Alright Tori, we'll talk to you later. All right, my friends. You can follow Tori over on TikTok and Instagram at @vlhbiz on TikTok on Instagram. And, you know if that's if, once again if that story doesn't inspire you to you know, do something about you know, your situation, your life, your business, but take that leap of faith and most importantly, you know, if you already have started to remember that the best gift that you can really give your audience is for you to just kind of take a deep breath and not try to be something that you're not just it's not about you anyways, just deliver the information, deliver the value in an authentic way. Stop caring what people think we say this over and over again. And the day that you do that will be the day that you have a big breakthrough, as well. All right. We'll see you guys tomorrow. And gals, and everybody else. Talk to you soon. Love y'all stay Legendary.

How To Brainstorm Content Ideas For TikTok

Here is the transcription for this episode: 

Matt: What's going on everybody? Oh, let me grab my mic here. Oh there we go. That should be a little bit better. How's everybody doing? Welcome in. It's Wednesday, Wednesday, October 27. And we're totally live. I just got my little text message from Dave. That says his 25 year old CPAs joining us on Wake Up Legendary you can see right there and we're live baby. What we're going to do today is we're going to bring on a young guest who's taken a lot of action and has a full time job and stuff and it's holding down the floor, but it's figuring out the school and digital marketing thing too. And I'm not sure we didn't really shout before him but I think he's also in Phoenix just like me. So it's the valley brothers today.

Taylor: What's going on? Yeah, doing well. How are you doing? 

Matt: I'm good, man. I'm doing really well. So you're up here in Phoenix two, right?

Taylor: Yeah, yeah, I'm in the north part of Phoenix, but yeah, still in the valley. Very nice. My wife used to work up by the 17 and like the one on one up in north Phoenix. Yeah, that's basically right there. 

Matt: Now we're down a little bit closer to downtown but Yeah, same. Same thing. We got nice weather. Now I'm enjoying that. Cool. You're a CPA, right?

Taylor: That's correct. Yeah. I'm a CPA, full time. And then I just do kind of like the affiliate marketing thing is a time thing. 

Matt: Yeah. Nice. That's awesome. How long have you been doing your job as a CPA?

Taylor: Yes, I've been a CPA for three years and been licensed for two of them. So yeah, just kind of, you know, straight out of college. You graduated at 18 and then decided that was where I wanted to go. I'm from Washington State originally so kind of lived there. For the past seven years, my wife and I decided to move down to Phoenix. This summer during that 120 degree week. Yeah. Awesome. So you know, it's the Trial by Fire literally. And yes, then I still work full time, jobs and CPA. And yeah, I just worked fully remote. So like my whole office is kind of like just to my left here, I guess, on the screen. It might be to the right but So yeah, that's really that's the story. 

Matt: That’s crazy. So you, I mean, you've not been around in this online space very long, at least not in our space. Like you found our challenge in late August or early September?

Taylor: Yeah, exactly. So yeah, it was right after you know, we moved in June and basically we got down here and talked about passive streams of income. We've always looked at ways to make money on the side. My wife is kind of in that digital sphere. And so I was like, Well, hey, I saw this thing. I'm gonna give it a shot. And I know nothing about social media, like I'm not a social media guy. I wasn't beforehand. I'm just now starting to figure some stuff out. And like getting on and talking on camera and stuff was like, I'm a CPA, right like, that's way out of my comfort zone. That's right. Yeah. So no, it's been good but yeah, so I found this challenge in like, I think it was like the end of August decided to give it a shot. Go go all in on it. And by Yeah, my first month had a really successful first month for not knowing what it was or anything about it and growing both a tick tock and an Instagram page. I didn't have a TikTok prior to this venture so I only have a business TikTok, which was kind of weird. If I actually went I was like, Oh, this is what this is.

Matt: Right? That's so funny. Yeah. I think that we have a lot of people in our community who are now like, kind of TikTok famous or getting there and like they're just like, Dude, I don't know I'm not a social media. person. I didn't even have a Facebook like, didn't have a Facebook, didn't have an Instagram like, like Dude, I don't know I deleted all the apps. I downloaded this to start posting videos. So that's where I find that's actually a little bit rare. I would say to start generating so much lead flow and traffic and sales so fast, which is cool, but I also just want to give a disclaimer to everybody and just let you know, like, you know, his he got off to a fast hot start and it's growing really quick, which is awesome. And I think I always give disclaimers but I also, you know, just tell people like hey, the internet's kind of on fire right now like tick tock and Instagram and these social media platforms are absolutely flaming on fire right now. And it's a better time to get started and get going than ever has existed. Before you found us. You tried other stuff or no?

Taylor: Yeah, well, yeah. Yeah. So let's see about a year prior. So you know, summer of 2020 when we were on the lockdown phase, I started dabbling in like some Amazon FBA stuff that was kind of my first gig into the online realm. It didn't pan out for me, it was a little bit too time inclusive. Again, full time job, CPA, you know, my average is somewhere between eight to 13 hours for my job, so it just kind of was a little bit too much for me to juggle personally. So it kind of took a look at that. Obviously, I looked at drop shipping and was like that's kind of the same thing. I don't want to deal with that. And then kind of put a pause on it. We kind of went into research phase you know, we were in the process of getting ready to move my wife and I when I say we are in the process of getting ready to move and then buying a house and we're just like, you know, let's let's put a pause on it, at least for the time being and so yeah, FBA was my first introduction into the Hey, you can make money outside of this space. And then affiliate marketing that that niche that kind of filled the gap for me that was a lower time of entry for me to actually put in time but then also the same ability to get creative side of my brain and generate relationships but also use like the extra hour that I would spend either scrolling or like watching a Netflix show. Or something like that. I just turned it into something that was monetized so it's kind of fun. So yeah, so far. 

Matt: So man, there's a big takeaway there. I just I feel like I wish people would grasp that because I do. You've sort of developed your hobby. A little bit is like, how do I make more money? And that sounds weird, I think but like, I've been thinking back I had this thought yesterday, which is interesting. I was thinking through how I spend my time throughout the last like 12 years and I thought 20 So the times when I've been generating the least amount of money has been the times where I've been watching the most sports, the most television specifically like sporting events like random them, like baseball playoff games like the NLCS or something's like, I don't really care about baseball, but here I am, like drinking a couple beers out at a bar with with a buddy or something. Or watching baseball. It's like what the hell am I doing? You know, like, I don't care about this. I do like sports for this sports aspect. I just it was weird and I thought like you know, all these times that I'm watching the NBA Finals are watching and I don't watch a lot of sports. I just kind of watch the big events, right? Like I always watch a suit or watch some of the NBA finals or whatever. But I just thought back it was like you know, I've got buddies who they'll play, they'll, they'll eat weed edible and hop on the Xbox for four or five hours a night. And that's their hobby, and there's no money generation happening from that. And that's been the case at every stage of my life. That was the case in college, where I was working side jobs like trying to figure out digital skills and like trying to figure out how to make more money. My buddies are playing NBA 2k12 or 10 or whatever. And it's been the same throughout all that and I started to develop just My habit is how do I make more money thatmMy habit is how do I generate more cash? Because I think if you really put your head down to it and really start going, there's a myriad of ways to do that. And then the second piece is it sounds like you have a similar sort of thing, right? That's what I'm gleaning. And then the second thing that I thought was interesting is you know you maybe you started out with Amazon FBA and I think a lot of people have this interest in selling something physical that feels cool to them to sell or whatever. And I think sometimes like you've taken this route, and I think I've seen others do it. as well. Okay, AJ in our community became a I don't know maybe mid five figure maybe six figure I haven't followed up with him but marketer in the affiliate marketing space and then started selling his product called cocktail cards, and sells those on Amazon sold out he's generated a lot of money through that but that says more passion project that he just thinks is cool and fun and loves doing it and gets a high off of it. But he started out in the affiliate space selling digital courses online that helped generate cash flow to help start that Amazon business. And I don't think all Amazon businesses are bad or I don't think FBA is necessarily bad. But I do think given the amount of input both money and time and energy and risk, you got way more of all of those in the FBA space, and profit margins are lower. And in additional space where you're selling digital courses, digital products, way higher margins and the ability to generate a lot of free traffic, which is way lower risk. You can actually run paid ads, if you know what you're doing or you have good education or whatever, but for the most part. Yeah, I think those two things are true. And then look, I feel like for somebody to be 25 Man, I feel super young at 31. But to be 25 is like you know, it's nice because in the grand scheme you're just such an infant, you're so young that like you can do this for 10 years, generate whatever six figures or a million dollars or something if you really went for it, and then and then start a different business if you want it. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, it's just crazy. But it's just so interesting anyway. I went on a rant there, but what came up for you is that of saying that?

Taylor: No, yeah, I think this is like it's really good that you kind of touched on it right? It's like, before we kind of started the FBA thing. My wife and I obviously were like, doing a lot of research and we were trying to figure out ways to change our mindset because you know, both of us had full time jobs. She comes from a family of entrepreneurs. I don't and so we had this mindset change when I think it was I can't remember what exactly it was that said it but someone had told us once that basically you have to change from being a consumer to a supplier. And the minute that change happened in our head, it was like, that's why, you know, whether we're consuming social media or whether we're consuming like goods in the marketplace, whatever it is, right. The supplier side of things is the monetization side. And so then we started looking at all these different ways to do it. And then obviously, we read Rich Dad, Poor Dad in the spring, and we were all gung ho ready to rock and it was just like, Alright, how do we, how do we do it? And so basically, we sat down and wrote these goals: one year five, one year, three or five years and then reverse engineered our mindset to say, Okay, how are we going to get there? How do we fund this project? And that's when we found out honestly when I found legendary, was I was like, hey, this kind of fits that time piece where I can't really wait for my full time job just to pursue something that I don't even know anything about. Some do and their way they've got, you know, way more risk and risk Association than idea that's not my gig, but for us, it was like, hey, this fits that mold. Let's try and see how it works. And I remember, I'm getting through the program and my wife being like, you know, so what do you think and I was like, I think I'm gonna start TikTok account and she didn't need to so bad and it's been awesome since you know, and I think the community piece of of that even you know, whether it's on tick tock or Instagram or on the legendary page, I've grown to meet so many people where you know, we can kind of bounce ideas off each other and have that accountability, and push each other to just be like, hey, you know, here's this super cool sound. Here's this cool idea I had or here's what's been working for me and differentiate yourself, right? Like that's kind of a goal in the marketplace. So yeah, that's really what came up through that whole conversation.

Matt: Also man, really cool that you guys are kind of both in on that, on that transformation in that journey. And figuring that out. It's funny because, you know, you guys are sort of doing that figuring it out. Together kind of thing. For us, for me and my wife, Catherine, it was not really the same. It was I was discovering all of this and making these breakthroughs and she's like, I am never doing that. This is not my thing. I work inside the system. Not outside the system. And I was like, Cool, no problem. Turns out like, I guess eight years later or something. She started her own therapy practice because of all of her therapy. stuff was just like bad, bad management. super stressful getting shit about you know, taking paid time off. She's just like, are you serious? Like I earned paid time off. Come on. Couldn't take some holidays off, you know, the occasional weekend. It's like this is dumb. So here she is, right sounds her own practice and she's smoking it. She's killing it. But it's really transformational. It's very stressful, like starting a new business. But when the yeah when that flips from being a consumer to being a producer, being a supplier, right, putting things into the marketplace, I always tell people I would give this one bit of advice to people with when I would say, here's how you should start your day and I've said this for a lot of years, is the first thing you should do is not open your email. You shouldn't open social media right away in the morning. Just immediately the first thing you should do. Well, maybe you do have to open social media if you're a producer of content. But the first thing you should do is try to produce a piece of content that sets the tone for your day of you being a supplier. I'm using your word, they're not mine. Producer or business owner or something. But the same thing, right? Same thing is like setting the tone right? Don't don't wake up and let someone else dictate how you're going to spend your money or how you're going to feel right or any of those things like screw that doesn't matter. You wake up in the morning and do whatever routine you need to do to kind of get ready. The first action you should do shouldn't be consuming anything that's going to affect you or change your mindset or whatever. You should just produce and get in the habit of a I'm a producer now. I supply things I tell people what their agenda is not the other way around. It's a really powerful shift, man. I like that.

Taylor: That's really good. Yeah, you know, it starts for me. It's a morning routine right of like, every morning I get up and set my mindset in a certain way. And I have to do that because I have a full time job. So like, realistically I'm either producing content in the morning or late in the evenings, right? And so that's that exact mindset of wake up, set the mind, get it right and then know what you have ahead of yourself because if you walk into the day I'm planned. The day is gonna command you really fast and really hard and relentlessly. It's really what I experienced. But when I have a plan and have a set goal and know what's gonna happen, it's all on me to basically determine how effective I'm going to be when those things come up. That's right, so yeah, I love that. That's really good.

Matt: What's uh, what time do you get up in the morning?

Taylor: I usually get up so it kind of it kind of ebbs and flows, but typically I'm up by six in the morning, and then kind of do my thing throughout the morning start work around 7:30 It's a little bit different right now, just because of the season that I'm in with my full time jobs a little bit busier. But yeah, so some of those things kind of ebb and flow but usually by six I've gone through spells where I've been up way earlier and then way later and I just find that's like my middle ground.

Matt: Yeah, for sure. I again, like I'm not that much older than you or anything like that, but the difference in energy for me from 25 to 30 was massive. I used to be able to in a pinch if I needed to. A couple nights of four hours asleep, couple nights to six hours of sleep. Now it's like tears, if I wake up after six hours of sleep. It looks like I mean, it looks like I was just blackout drunk last night, even though I went to bed at night. It's just like, it looks like I was just hit by a train. And people are like, Dude, are you okay? I'm just like, I didn't get eight hours. I just can't do it. But I think I was still you know, people, anybody who's in their 20’s and what if you've got the energy, like generally, most bodies do. It's just, it's just an age thing. I think I mean, some older people have the energy to but the body just naturally is producing a lot of energy and it's ready to go and it's ready to work and yeah, it's cool to see that happening. It's cool to see people go into work like that because they are going to work like you are and hustle and grind and figuring things out because go a long time ahead but you've also got a lot of creative energy and creative power. That's really cool.

Taylor: Thanks, man. I appreciate it.

Matt: What's been the hardest challenge in the TikTok/Instagram? Then it is kind of easy to figure out meaning like the technical parts, or has that been harder has it hasn't been actually stepping out and creating content. What's been the toughest part?

Taylor: Yeah, the toughest part for me wasn't necessarily the usage of because when I first started I spent like two days researching how to post when the first one were to post that kind of thing. So like the usage of those social medias was not really my struggle point. My struggle point actually comes down to the creation of content. And so I want to find content that someone finds valuable and someone is able to look at things. This is my goal with my target audience and it's either Hey, I trust this guy. I want to see what he's got more for sparking a question of saying, what's this guy talking about? Those are kind of my two kickers and so when I make content I have to kind of delineate a plan with my content calendar to say, okay, hey, how do I get someone to think about this question, and maybe it's not in the first video they see, maybe it's the second or third or fourth and so that's actually my biggest struggle point is coming up with fresh ideas that I'm not, you know, copying and then kind of changing a little bit from somebody else's stuff but trying to be original differentiate myself. That was probably the part that I struggled with the most. Just because I was brand new into the sphere like I didn't post I posted you know, pictures on Instagram with my wife when we vacation and stuff but like I didn't do like a reel or a TikTok. I didn't obviously didn't do TikTok videos. And so, like there's a struggle point with coming up with fresh ideas and thinking like a creator and thinking like, Hey, I've got this super cool idea. I'm just gonna do it. And finding out what people find valuable, you know, like, one person can have one question, but that one question can go amongst 100 people, you know, so that was kind of the point that I had to get to probably in my first few weeks was like, okay, hey, this isn't just something I need to produce. Like, I'm actually trying to help somebody answer a question they've been thinking but they may or may not know that they're thinking that question yet. So as far as the usage of social media, I think I'm still learning it. I mean, I'm not a professional by any means. My Accounts are huge. But yeah, I think as far as the biggest struggle points, definitely on that content side is like, Hey, I've got a sound or I've got an idea. How do I actually implement this idea? Without dislike either talking to a camera or like having some fun elements to it? So yeah, for sure.

Matt: I think. I think that you know, 95% of content, or for, I think three out of four pieces of content need to be just hyper hyper originals that are fun, exciting, or just kind of upbeat and positive and teach something or or share some part of your journey or something. And I think you'd sprinkle in and mix in different pieces of content. For instance, this guy and he recently I did this funny video where it's like $18 An hour working for Apple and he had an apple on his finger. And, and he is just kind of funny the way that he's his personality style and stuff, but a lot of people have been that video but he decided to put a little spin on it had 10 million views and and like, and then outside of that most of these other contests are super unique, but those little bite size kind of types of videos can help just be a catalyst of growth. I think he went from like, anywhere from somewhere around less than 100,000 to maybe. I think now he's, what is he? He's like, see if I can see this. I think he's somewhere in the range of like, 400,000 followers. Yeah, a little over. 400,000 and that's been in about two weeks. I don't know if he's at five figures but yeah, he used that one kind of use that one style of video and was like, hey, wow, I've seen people get a lot of use from this. So he put a kind of funny spin on it. It's a little personality that he has. And then and then the rest of the videos is stuff he'll go live, which is where he does most of his selling or talking about products. Like that's really where he uses that as sort of a little webinar. And I think that that's a real contrast to that. Have you ever gone live?

Taylor: Yeah, yeah, our lives are incredible. The way to engage with your audience like directly First off, but like there's a lot of growth that happens in life. You know, someone legitimately can ask you a question and you can go through or you can do what I've done in the past is do a live where I'm walking through you know, concept of affiliate marketing, building a funnel or like these are the funnels, like programs that I've seen in use and how to use them how to sign up, you know, like walking down industry. Like my wife always likes, I do like beauty products. For one do alcohol for one do like all these different industries need to literally stick them in their lives? And there's a lot of people that do these things. So I think I have an incredible strategy if you use them consistently, especially they're, they're great for growth. 

Matt: Yeah, agreed and a lot of people I think a lot of people on, for instance, like I know, like Calvin Hill goes live a lot on TikTok, and I've seen his thing, but yesterday at 45,000 People viewed it live. Not everybody was concurrent. It was usually about 500 people at a time. But over the course of a couple hours and he's just talking about everything, he'll talk crypto, he'll talk, digital marketing, talk, all this stuff. He does this interesting thing where he ties in his interest with crypto with digital marketing and affiliate. So he's like talking through crypto, he's talking through how, you know, we're about to go through a bear market on stocks and crypto and all this stuff and, and he goes, you know, like, You got to have cash sitting around if you want to take advantage of a bear market. And he's like, You need to find a site. I mean, unless you got a bunch of cash laying around. You got a lot of cash laying around. And I spent all my money. I spent my Yeah, I spent my government checks already. So we're gonna have to figure it out. Right. So you need to figure out real skills you need to learn to do digital marketing. And so he kind of explains right and then goes and then he just below the phone, like he generates a ton of sales through his lives because people can feel sort of the real energy the real raw in person. It's different from just a pre-recorded video. It's different. It's a different field. People are, you know, really inclined to follow you into maybe comments or something or like your videos than they see in this live element. And you're like, dang, like, okay, he's a real dude. And he's bringing real energy here like this is different. I don't think I've seen this before. It's really powerful.

Taylor: Yeah, no, that's, that's good. I get that actually, what you just said, I get that a lot. Is this guy a real person? And that I think goes, you know, some might think Well, obviously, but others you know, there's people out there very skeptical about, you know, the online realm and rightfully so there's a lot of reasons to be but there are real people out there have real experiences really trying to help you. 

Matt: That’s awesome. So he's been a catalyst for real online sales, like live webinars. When I started in 2010 was a thing you would get on GoToWebinar you would sign in to the webinar and like, I don't know, like, shouldn't my hands like, oh my gosh, this guy's actually alive, real human being like, because I was only subscribing to people email lists, and I would see them on video here there but then, like they go live and it's just a dude sitting in his home. Office and Gilbert or Chandler? Whatever the first webinar was, I was like, holy smokes, like this guy's real. And even now today, it's the same thing that just breaks through this sort of fake. I'm unsure if you always wonder what the heck is Taylor doing? Like what's he really like? Right? So he's probably good at setting up and he's creating these videos, but then like, the video goes off and like, is this dude actually homeless? Is he a loser? Is he like, is he like a cool dude, I'd hang out with like, what's he really like? And so then you remove all of that production value, and it's just you're just sitting there chillin and people are like, interesting who's this cat like, what's going on here? And I just think people's intrigued level for lives is also just getting started like I witness you know on on any given day if you scroll through just lives on TikTok I mean, you have such a wide variety of human beings talking about everything under the sun, you could imagine I mean, people going live with yoga class people going live talk about crypto people don't

i want to talk about everything, politics, debating politics. Sports. I saw a TikTok channel, the only reason it exists is to go live and stream episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants. And there were like 18,000 Viewers, who were just sitting there commenting about the SpongeBob SquarePants episode on tick tock because they wanted to watch it all together and they thought it was hilarious. Like, there's, there's if you don't think there's an audience for you, you're crazy. There's an audience for everything. There's billions of people out there who would and would be happy to listen to you and your story and your journey. 

Taylor: Yeah, it's crazy. That's a really good point. I think that, you know, a lot of people ask me, you know, Hey, what should I sell? That's a big question like, What should I be, what am I even an affiliate for? And the biggest question is like, what are you interested in because there's a market at every level for every type of product, basically, that you can imagine. Not every one. Like, I was talking to my brother in law, and he's super into watches, and he was like, Is this a thing? And I was like, I don't know. Let's find out. You know, so I Google. And I was like, Yeah, apparently for like 40 companies. It's like a watch affiliate program. And it's crazy because there is someone out there who has the same interest as you whether it is something as simple as you know, SpongeBob SquarePants, where you're just live streaming an episode for somebody, or it's something as intense as like, like gaming. Or luxury vehicles or luxury products. There's a market at every level. And you just have to find that market and be able to speak to them, right and know how to market to that. That level of person.

Matt: Totally 100% could not have said better. That's exactly right. And figuring out how to market to those people figuring out how to how to, you don't really have to figure out how to find those people. I mean, tick tock does a good enough job and people do a good enough job curating what they like and swipe and all that stuff. I mean, it happens pretty quick. Yeah. Yes. So show as your daily routine as you're looking forward, down, down, sort of go down the pipe, I guess I would say what do you see as sort of your next steps are you are your next steps to keep doing what's working, and sort of build that out even more? I mean, you've got some high ticket stuff coming in. You've got good commissions and lead flow and everything like that. What do you see as sort of your next step in your journey and what's the next few months going to look like a quarter four?

Taylor: Yeah, so I think, yeah, it's a great question. So I mean, obviously still, it's a part time thing for me. So it's taking what's currently working in the business and then growing it. So what I've really tried to do over the last couple of weeks is really master you know, one skill, one, one product, one delivery method, and then take that after I've mastered it, move it to another product, but still continue with the same product line. So my goal over you know, the next basically two months of doing this is to have both feet in the water, be all in with it, but be expanding my horizons. And so my wife has helped us. I say this because she's totally in the space and like, we were talking about the concept of doing like a blog and a YouTube channel. And that kind of thing kind of walked me through more of the technical aspects. And she was like, okay, perfect blog, and I was like, I don't know how to make a blog. Like I barely know how to write a tech talk. And so I ‘m kind of going through this, this juggle right now. And so that's really what's going forward. It's expanding the brand and actually making it a business I think. Because right now, you know, the whole the brand my model is based on, you know, the other products, the digital space, the creator space, but I think that there's a ton of value that I've learned even from going through the Legendary course that was growing my own business and actually making this and a brand and something that is recognizable. And so it's kind of cool for me to see like, you know, three months ago when I started this thing, I was like, again, it sounds cool. I have no clue what to do. And then now looking forward, it's a very tangible thing for me to move into more of like that blog, YouTube space and say like, Okay, how do I start actually making this a little bit more of a breath thing and growing what my horizons are, and teaching on multiple facets or just in one niche, and then kind of just going down that, that path of expanding the business that's really where I'm at, and trying to just provide value for people in different ways on different platforms so that, you know, people can can hopefully get something valuable out of, you know, following me. You know, if I can help one person, that's really the goal with me, it's like if I can answer one question for one person, that's where my target is. For everything I do really. 

Matt: Yep, totally. I think that that, to me, seems like the right approach. I feel like turning it into real business is a good next sort of forward step. Meaning let's get a blog. Let's also go omnipresent with all of our content, YouTube shorts. Right? Instagram reels, reposting all of our stuff. He is already sort of omnipresent but becoming a little bit more aggressive on those and also building out a YouTube channel where maybe you can get some ad revenue going there and diversify that income across multiple different places, right. But also, here's the thing I always come back to with people. As the business grows itself. I always tell people, the biggest mistake I see people make is to stop doing what's working. Right. So as you add the layers and things on top of what you're doing, which you should do, they should be added layers, right? So as you're starting and you're getting going that cash flow can help fund everything else, right. You can help fund somebody to outsource. Hey, you find somebody on Upwork and you say I do, I'm going to buy this domain in my GoDaddy, I'm going to give you access to my GoDaddy, I need you to go and create an entire WordPress blog. Here's my brand. Here's my stuff. Here's everything. And then I need you to create a 30 minute video that shows me how this whole thing works. Can you do that? Right? Because you didn't quit your original thing. You've been making some high ticket sales, you know can take maybe 500 bucks or 250 bucks and having some college can set that all up for you while you're making money at your full time job and continuing on. What you're doing now and you're in your content creation on TikTok and stuff like that. I always just tell people don't stop what's working what's look around. Take a look at any revenue you brought in and say what brought this in? Okay? It was because I did this. Let's keep doing that. Let's keep bringing in revenue. And then that way as you expand, you're never sort of strapped on cash in the business. Right? You've still got your jobs and you guys are still cranking so that's all great. But yeah, that's my biggest encouragement. What I usually tell people and then I think you've just done and you've got such a good road ahead. I'm so excited for you. I'd love to have you back on the show. We sometimes ask people to come back in a couple months so probably hit you up maybe via email we've got a month or so waiting list. But we'd love to have you back on and check in and see how things are going.

Taylor: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, yeah. This was a blast, man. Nice to meet you. Yeah,

It's awesome. If you need anything in the meantime, let me know. I literally my job is just to help people and help them figure it out. So keep rockin and if you need anything, just hit me up.

Matt: Yeah, sounds good. 

Taylor: Thanks so much. Thanks for having me. Have a great rest of your Wednesday.

Matt: Thanks. Alright guys, hey, make sure to go give him a follow. I've had his tick tock up but Instagram is also right here. And just bounce over to both apps. Give him a follow on both those places. Content and yeah, maybe Melissa says maybe it will have that blog done by the next time. We'll see. But yeah, we'll have him back on and see what he's up to see what's new. See what's happening. And yeah, you guys have a good rest of your Wednesday. We'll be back here tomorrow. I believe Dave will be back here tomorrow and Friday.


How to Earn Your First High Ticket Commission FAST

Below is the transcription for this episode

Dave: What’s going on my friends, this is Dave sharp Welcome to Wake Up Legendary. And today we have an affiliate marketer inside of our community who is going to reveal the plan that earned him his first high ticket Commission, as well as my friends, I'm sure other nuggets, right, call us McDonald's because we serve up a lot of nuggets. Alex, welcome to the show. Brother, what's going on?

Alex: Alright, I can hardly hear anything right now.

Dave: Can you hear me brother? I can see you. 

Alex: Can you hear me? Yes I can. All right, you can hear me but I can't hear you. Of course we love technical difficulties. 

Matt: Hey Alex, get rid of that, get rid of the air pods. Ditch the air pods.

Yeah, ditch the air pods and turn the air pods off. That's better. Now, let's try this and it's just working better now. 

Better now thank you but can hardly hear you, Dave. Yeah, ditch the AirPods brother, turn the turn the volume up on your computer something

weird right now it's like having you in a very like, like very deep tone, might be my phone.

Dave: It is your phone, turn your Wifi off. Turn your Wifi off. 

Matt: Alex just leave and come back.

Dave: Leave. Get out of here. Come back and come back. Yeah. All right, listen my friends, what can we say here? You know what I mean, it's like, it's so beautiful I think to see the behind the scenes, just the, you know, the mess ups, the screw ups, you know.

Alex: I'm back. 

Dave: My man, overcoming challenges overcoming challenges Monday morning baby at all times.

Alex: It’s working now.

Dave: You've got a little delay on your end. So we were perfect without the air pods, but then you went and put the airpods back so I would take the air pods off. Is there any reason why you need to use the air pods? Can you turn the volume up on your computer? Sounds perfectly good, man. You reminded me of an old, an old Boomer who, you know like how, when you see like somebody who's, and I'm not trying to make fun of y'all boomers, but come on, like own y'all shit right some but their phone starts going off right like my dad or something but the phone starts going off in the pocket. And you know, man, that little just a little button you can just hit the little button on the side and the phone. What they do, what they do, right, what they do is all of a sudden be in like the middle of a meeting or the middle of a room or the DMV or something and the phone starts ringing up. Gotta walk outside with it. So anyways, well listen man, you're a young stunner How old are you?

Alex: 29 actually.

Dave: Okay not that young man, you are about to hit your 30’s But you are trying to do something right now right? What led you to Legendary, what led you to, you know, affiliate marketing?

Alex: So I've been in the affiliate marketing space for a couple of years now, I'm doing exactly what you had mentioned, which was doing YouTube University, and not getting anywhere. But learning kind of like what affiliate marketing is in a general sense. I tried it and failed, but it didn't, I didn't really get back into it until like my full time job, which I just came from I was interviewing somebody to be my assistant. And literally,

Dave: What do you mean, literally just this morning? 

Alex: Yes, just this morning.  And it was, it was the point where I kind of lost control at that job because I am part of the executive team. However, it was, to the point where it was just like, one aspect of my job title itself was like taken away without me saying so. So I just want to ask something with more control over, being able to say yes or no, and, like, nobody is saying or giving me dictation to do. So, that's why I came back into it and started again searching online kinda like with affiliate marketing because I like the business model itself, and then I came across legendary and I said okay let's see what happens and learn the skills and we're here now.

Dave: Alright so nice so you so when was that?

Alex: So that was about a little under two months ago.

Dave: Okay, so you you were just to be clear, you were doing affiliate marketing before two months ago or you, or you had just started two months ago,

Alex: I just started going all in two months ago.

Dave: Okay so before that, just dabbling dipping the old toe,

Alex: Just getting it just getting it with the toe nail, the edge of the toenail.

Dave: And you are killing me this morning, you killing me on the weekend vibes trying to get back into the week right and just, all this comedy. What do you got, oh ambulance. Man wait they're coming to take us away because they know we are we are out there, man, we are our body in these nuggets this morning to we're about to body these nuggets we're about to blow so they're getting, they're getting the 911 team around to pick up all the all the debris. So, I'm so, so two months ago, right after dipping the toenail, right, not even the whole toe, just the toenail. Right. And how long did you dip the toenail for, oh, oh man, oh, it's ours some, some weeks some, some years, months, or years?

Alex: Some years.

Dave: That toenail was soaking wet. That body was so dry, wasn't it? The toenail was soaking wet that the body was so dry. 

Alex: Oh my goodness, you could have put me in a rain shower.

Dave: So, what, what, like, what, what did that couple a year, what does that look like I mean what I just I'm trying to obviously relay, to those who are listening, because now, over the last two months, you're all in, and I would assume you wish that you went all in sooner now you didn't find you, You didn't find us right that's right? What was that coup[le of years like? Was it that you were jumping from thing to thingor you were too busy with life?

Alex: It looked like a bunch of excuses but it was more so me trying different things and not being committed to it. I tried personal training and was able to build an online training business. I tried dropshipping but it took forever and a day to get the product to the customers. There was nothing that was able to structure it, it was me dealing with the same type of weight but no structure.

Dave: Do you think the security of having income coming in kept you from going all in? If you still have that job what changed two months ago? I feel like with a lot of people who come in and start an online business they have a job so there’s really no pressure. 

Alex: I would say what happened to me in a great flex because I remember watching the first video thinking I need to be alone and be somewhere alone. Literally, I just sat there watching, sweat dripping down my body,

But what I just needed, I needed something to have that I can give to my little sister. I was thinking about my little sister at the time, right, she's in college right now. I went to college as well. But understanding and graduate understanding from college and where she's at. I'm thinking, what can I give to her? That's going to be more valuable than then what college was to me, and that's the headspace where I was when I, when I came across the video watching it and like understanding like okay, this is this this is what I've been looking for.

Dave: What is, what did I, what do you remember that I said in either the initial kind of sales video that sold the challenge or in the initial videos in the challenge that was an aha moment for you.

Alex: It was reassuring that I was able to do this on a two hour a day basis. It was the reassurance like there's there's other people out here that are just like me, who are able to do this on a part time basis because when I first started, I started to be a second income like a part time, but then I just followed the steps it became a little bit more than that. Yeah, that.

Dave: So now that you've, you've been doing this for two months, we'll put up your TikTok banner you've, you've gone through some training, you've got trained up a little bit. You started to market and you decided you wanted to be an affiliate to basically do affiliate marketing to make money online, right. And so you've got basically TikTok and Instagram that's rocking and rolling now for you. What, give us some tips on what you've done that's been helpful as a matter of fact I checked out your TikTok, just before we went live, and it looked like you were live on TikTok.

Alex: I am live right now on TikTok. 

Dave: What's going on everybody? Yeah, so. So what has been what has been helpful, what has been, you know, what have you discovered, that's been that you've said, Okay, this works I'm gonna do more of this?

Alex: It's this framework, I'm pretty sure you're very familiar with Russell Brunson and never heard of it. You never heard. Never heard a rustle. It's exactly what you wow okay

bro, I'm just joking, of course I have about a minute. Right, of course. The framework hook story offers. I read excellent secrets like years ago as well when I first learned about affiliate marketing. And everything that you were saying, everything that I read came kind of like a full circle. So then, like, like, kind of like the strategy what I do behind it, what really works, it's finding the things the hooks, the the the things that people are able to relate to, to say first and foremost, and then have the story the actual value within what I'm able to provide, whether it be somebody learning to try to learn how to grow their tic tock page, whether it be them trying to learn a little bit more about online side hustles. That's what the story's about, and then the offer is just simply just saying hey, come follow me on, come join me on my journey join your startup yours and that's the type of offer. That's what really works for me because at the end of the day I'm still offering, and giving out that valuable information that people are coming and people are searching for. 

Dave: Love it. So let's break that down in your kind of interpretation because I want this to be valuable for everybody who's listening and I think Russell's content in his training is, is, is, is good I mean it's great like he's a he's a, he's a super smart marketer, longtime friend of mine, and then their software. So let's talk about the hook first and then we'll talk about the story. I just want to get your perspective of it because you're somebody who is that, that clicked for you. So, so let's, let's try to interpret that and translate that for everybody listening, so they can take a few nuggets away and maybe implement this into their content. So, hook, define hook give us some examples of hooks in let's make it so simple that anybody can understand it if they were tuning in, into this for the first time today. Let's see if its hook story offers that kind of the framework of how you're creating your TikTok then talk about in describing give us some examples of the hook first.

Alex: So in the first three seconds, right, in the first sentence of whatever I'm talking about. I am literally saying like, if this is you x y z. This is why you should listen to this type of situation. Right, so it just immediately grabs now because the attention span of people up on TikTok or just people in general, it's that of a goldfish is less than a goldfish now. And so, it's more of getting straight to the point of why this video is important. And that's the hook itself is literally to grab people's attention. Like, for one of my series that I have up there is called. If I were to have $0 Where would I start, right, because that was this headspace that I was at one point of time like if I didn't have anything to do. So then there that is, itself,

Dave: Like to start an online business with zero dollars. And I wanted to start an online business, here's what I do. Great, great example. And just so everybody understands I mean I think it's pretty obvious but the hook is is really kind of like the hook in the lip right, how do you how do you get the hook, it's kind of like fishing man like I have this thing, this, this kind of framework called the fishing formula, and it's, it's, it's a little bit more in depth than hook story offer I teach it in the blueprints, but the, the, but the fit, you know, marketing is a lot like fishing man, you know, you have to understand who your species that you're going to target is like are you going to target, like, like bass in a pond, you need a specific kind of Bay, if you bring in, shrimp, they may not bite that man because they're not used to eating that bait, you know, it's kind of like we're over in the Asian Pacific, they may eat, you know, raw octopus where if somebody said a raw octopus in front of you or me, we might throw up, you know, like it's just not it. You know what I mean it's just not it's just not what we're used to eating so. So yeah, you got to know your species you got to know where they're at, you know, like where do they like, if I want bass, like if I say okay I feel like bass tonight, you know, or I want to I want to sell bass because it's one of the most lucrative fish that I can sell so I'm going to go catch them and sell them at a market like I need to first identify that species and I need to identify the ponds or the bodies of water that they're in. Then I need to identify the bait right so I can get them to bite and get that hook and so. So the hook is is really how do I get them to buy, how do I get them to stop scrolling in, in, you gave some great examples, you know, calling right out in the first three seconds, and telling them exactly what the video is, who it's for, what it will do for you. No. I saw a great video about from one of our, our, our affiliates, Ian, who did who talked about here's how to make $18 An hour working for apple from home, and he started out with a with an apple, he could have been a little hole in it and stuck his finger up, so he had an apple on his finger, and as he was saying here's how to make $18 an hour from Apple from home, he had the apple on his finger and then he threw it off his finger like into the back of the room. Yeah, so not only did he give a verbal hook, but he also gave a visual hook. Right. He gave a visual hook. You'll see a lot of people who, who give who use money as visual hooks, you'll see I can say, hey here's, you know, let me, let me if I was talking to people about flipping watches, right, I could say, Here's how to afford $100,000 Platinum Rolex, right, in this video for the next 30 seconds I'm going to show you how you can start selling watches to eventually either own the watch that you want your dream watch, or to make money from home selling watches right and so what am I doing, not only, and that was a long hook, but my point is, is I'm also using the visual cue of holding something up, Right or doing something that's both. Um obviously verbally, engaging them you've covered that. But if I can also visually engage them with something, if people are doing this all over TikTok, for example, like you see this all the time, people are giving visual cues. Those were two examples so let's move on to the story because we covered the hooks. Anything else to add to the hooks that you would say, on the story so hook. Now that I've got them, stop scrolling. Okay, Alex. Yep, story, if, TikTok to me in defining give me some examples of story because immediately. I'll tell you what I think if I was brand new, I would think, okay, so the story I mean I have to tell a story every time, it’s necessarily, all right, that's the main story.

Dave: Give us some examples.

Alex: So a story, I would say the story how I do it is the actual value of the video, why they are continuing to watch in the first place. And what I like to have in my value, it's either maybe a story because like early on in my page I was literally telling people to stop the story of why I started. But, in the story now what it's become. I like to make sure that there are actual actionable steps to whatever I'm saying, so that if somebody watches just one video they can literally watch it, take action, and then continue to see what I was talking about in that video I've noticed like within the space. It's not necessarily there. So I saw an open opportunity for me to be able to offer a different kind of value to that market and the market is asking us to give them actionable steps. So for example, let's say, content creation. So

Dave: Kind of like what we're doing right now.

Alex: Yeah, that's where I'm live right now so I can actually give a value to people like, like if people always ask me all the time now like, What is affiliate marketing or anything but what's the behind the scenes of it, this is the behind the scenes of it having conversations with other people.

Dave: Basically training. Training yeah I mean, listen, let's, if you are a trainer, and you wanted to sell personal training sessions, probably the big missing piece when you had initially tried to start that on the internet was most personal trainers would just think, okay, I want to start selling personal training sessions, via zoom or virtual training sessions or or meal plans that I can make for people and sell them, you know, just email them to them. But what they do is they go on to Facebook, usually, and they say, meal plans for sale, right, or they sell, they say, personal training sessions via zoom for sale right in, and then they sell none or the story might be if we were doing a TikTok, like this. Now that you know what you know now, if you wanted to sell personal training sessions, you might say, at the beginning to TikTok remember hooks. Here's three exercises you can do to get guns if you hold up that big, big ass gun that you got right there that I see. Right. Right. In five minutes a day. And then what do you do? You transition right into showing them the exercise. Right, so the story doesn't always have to be a talking story you're training them on something that makes them feel like, Ooh, that was really valuable. Alex: Right on. So that's what I have on my TikTok page even with personal training. That's the story in itself, the value of what they can walk away with, and and be able to receive the benefits from, what they really like, pick up and say I learned X Y and Z, and I can continue doing.

Dave: Yeah. It's also right Alex can be a story if you have us like some sort of an inspirational story you have something that you want to share from something that happened yesterday that you think would be useful. I know this one guy named liver King, and he's like, eats raw liver and is, is just this absolute beast, and he gets on every morning in, and mostly on Instagram, he may be on Tik Tok, but he says, you know hey I'm out getting sun on my face, feet on the ground, you know, and here's my win for the day. Send me back your win, right, or here's my win from yesterday, send me back your win right and it, and then he tells a story like here's what happened yesterday that was a win for, you know, I have had a lot of, like, I guess you could just say success of bonding in in kind of getting people to know a little bit more about me know like and trust me by also telling my sort of origin story of being starting out with nothing being recently homeless and addicted to drugs and alcohol before I got started 10 years ago, and being really at a bottom in my life, and in that was sort of my back against the wall moment, you know what I mean, I was working construction I did have another stream of income, but I, I, you know I had realized I had wasted so much time. And, I and I wanted to build a better future for myself, a better future for my future family and people could identify with that because they weren't particularly also recently homeless and drug and alcohol addicted but they could identify with the feelings of the story, which were I've wasted time. Even you said, You know, I've wasted time not building something, not being more in control. And that's what I've already liked. You wanted to feel more in control of your destiny, not just more control of your daily activities and what was happening within your job, also you wanted to feel more in control of your destiny, so people can relate to that. So we've given two examples now of a story, story is basically what's the story of this post, basically Okay give me the gist. Are you going to show me something to train me up on something real quick? Are you going to show me a demo of something? Are you going to share something that's inspirational, motivational, funny. That's going to get me angry, that's going to get me motivated. It can also be talking now let's talk about the offer. So, on TikTok, I mean if I'm brand new bro and I'm listening to this never heard a Wake Up Legendary I just stumbled across us I might think that what you mean right away is that you're going to pitch something right in the TikTok video for sale is is that what offer means?

Alex: No, Right, offering, I like to look at it, um, I will say like if my, if my job right now, they consider me to be a master sales. Right. And one thing that the sales train I go through with Zig Ziglar he's always saying, ask for the order right it doesn't matter what it is asking for the order could be simply if we were having a relationship if your boyfriend girlfriend or anything like that traditionally the boy asked, Can you be my girlfriend, right, that's not asking me for a sale is asking a question for an offer saying, Hey, would you with all the information that I'm giving you with the story that I just told you as I just hooked you When would you like to be my girlfriend type of thing and it's not, it's not sales, it could be as simply as saying like hey, comment on the post relate, if you relate to what I was just talking about, or it could be, hey doubletap this. If you found this funny, or if it's like this it's like if you want to do something different, click link in the bio, if you want to move forward with this if you want to learn a little bit more, it's offering somebody more information of the stuff that they already found valuable or valuable here.

Dave: Yes, agree totally. I find myself personally that the more nonchalant, my transition statement is, which is that transition statement is important because when you go from doing the story portion to now moving over to the, the offer. There's got to be some sort of a transition statement so hey okay here's the third exercise, you're going to do dumbbells, you're going to do five of these, you want to, you know, you want to have them at least 10 pounds, or 10% of your body weight. If you want more where that came from, and want to learn about how to build up other parts of your body, follow me here on TikTok, and get my free ebook in the link in my bio, right. So the transition statement was, if you want more where that came from. Right. And I feel like I feel like it's it's just it's such an important but it shouldn't be such an easy nonchalant statement that you say and I think a lot of people when they go from doing the story portion over to the offer, like they get awkward and they get tripped up because now they feel like they need to sell, and you're not selling, Like, you know, you're not so in you mentioned master salesman the master salesman never sells anything that only only invites only asks if they want more only ask if they want to take the Rolex home and make it their baby right not. Are you ready to purchase this like we get so awkwardly? We think that sales is kind of a stiff awkward thing where I'm like, Are you ready to buy, and it never has to be like that, it never should be like that, it should only be I'm teaching and training your stuff. And if you'd like most, if this was helpful to you, then feel free to go ahead and grab my ebook or feel free to go ahead and grab my free training to show you exactly the business model that I use to generate a active and passive income online, click the link in my bio, or follow me for more helpful tips like this, it's it's just, it's the more nonchalant, it is in the more that it's just offering more free value, the better you're going to do, whenever you start, and this goes for anybody I'm talking to our listeners here whenever you start finding yourself, promoting a product from your, from your social media channels or even your ads, you're going to find yourself struggling to get sales because nobody wants to buy, or nobody wants to be sold, everybody just wants to eventually if you lead them and give them enough free value. And then you lead them to a sales video like where we sell our challenge or any of the other direct response sales funnels that use good marketing, you leave them in there and they've already gotten several they already feel like they've gotten value, and then the great marketers and the great copywriters, even inside of our sales videos, we're delivering value, even before we make an offer. You'll notice that that's why our sales videos are 15, 20, 25 minutes long, because even for a couple dollar sale, I still want to make sure that I did that for you. In that video, that person is so overwhelmed with value and they feel like they really, and they're not even buying anything, they're not being sold on anything. They're just they've gotten value now from you, they've gotten value now from this video, and now this video is simply offering them more training, more value, right, and it's just a it's, it's all about moving them from the next, it's in using that sort of hook, which can be the bait to say hey look there's more value over here, there's more value over here, there's more in depending on how much value you can take today. Yeah, and there's a paywall here, right, so I mean you can continue to watch my tic toc and get value as I dish it out for free and if you want to go to the next level of value, deeper training if you want something that's more structured. Sure there's a paywall here, But it's just more value, right, so I'm going to simply acknowledge the paywall let you know what the price is, but it's all value, and I think that's the big difference, man, and you pointed out with even making offers is that we're never selling. We're only simply offering more either free value, or paid value, but it's all about, what is it going to do for them. I think that's the big problem. I was talking about this with my dad the other day, and I don't remember the exact context of the conversation. I can just remember, oh I remember what it was. I was, I sort of retired for a year back in 2014 and 15 Partly between those two years and when I came back, I had a reputation and I had been fairly successful I thought well I'll just throw my name out there and let people know I'm doing an event, and have some coaching packages and I'll just sell out immediately. That's what I thought, right, it was just it was, it was flawed thinking because I forgot that, even if people like you, if when you make them an offer, you don't make it crystal clear what's in it for them in what it's going to do for them, they can like you from a distance, but they're not going to part with their money. So I have to every single time that I market something, and even, of course, my free. I call the content out there sort of it's, it's, it's sort of it's sort of chumming the waters, right, like when we're when we're putting content on TikTokƒb, or whatever we're chumming the waters bringing fish to the boat, right and then we offer the bait right and we got to just make sure we offer the right bait for the for the right species, but I had to remember back when I, When I came back into business back in 2015, that people can like you man. People can love you, but when you go to then make them an offer, if there's, if it's not crystal clear what's in it for them. And you're only just trying so it would be kind of like you selling gym sessions insane. Oh my gosh, I'm like, nice to meet you, Alex. Let me show you around the gym. And as you went around the gym, you just really touted and improved on the facility right the versatility, the walls are so strong, and the equipment is brand new. And the people are so friendly now I'm, I'm listing features and benefits, but I'm not telling them what that's going to do for them, so nothing really was there for them. What's in it for them. So I can say these walls are strong that even if there's a hurricane, you can bring your family here, and you'll be safe. The equipment is so brand new, that it's actually easier to use so your workout goes smoother and you build 20% more muscle, because you're working with new equipment, plus it's not already littered with germs right. The people are so friendly here that when you come in you won't feel like people are staring at you and judging you, because maybe you think you're out of shape and they're in everybody else's in good shape, that's a problem that people have. That's why you see is a real is a real thing, people who are out of shape or hiding over in a corner on the on the on the treadmills and stuff, and not in the middle where the weights are, and I guarantee you it's because I can relate to this, maybe I'm not feeling like an animal. I'm not ripped like the other guys and gals who are in the middle, so our people are so friendly, they will feel a part of our family, and you'll feel supported when you come to this gym, because we have a family culture here that is everyone supports everyone, each one teaches one, and I think you'll find this, the, the, you'll feel the most welcome. Right, so I went from simply touting features and benefits which, which is basically looked at how great my product is to then relating it to what how that is going to create a result, and be directly beneficial to them, and again I digress back to my story about being reminded of that back in 2015. And, and, you know, ever since then. I have never, I always, I never just I never just assume the sale. And what I mean by that is, that's a common sales, saying just assume the sale just, but if you assume the sale but if you don't make it extra clear what's in it for them, you're going to be a frustrated person, Because you're assuming that everybody's sitting here trying to manifest, well, like there's no weeds in my yard, there's no weeds, there's a Lamborghini in my driveway, they're like I can do. People are gonna buy from me today people are gonna buy from me because I'm going to assume the sale right you're going to be frustrated, confused, whereas, stop assuming the sale and just make sure that everything that you do, you're thinking about how is this person going to walk away from this experience, even if they don't buy and feel like they got a lot of value from this, and that was a valuable experience because that's going to happen. And those people might not buy today, they might buy later, because you've continued to pour on the value. And so, again, ever since 2015 When I was reminded of that and again I just got, you know, a little contempt testicle I just thought well, you know, people know who I am, it's sort of like Elon Musk saying oh everybody knows who I am. I'm starting an electric vacuum cleaner company the vacuum cleaners are $1,000 apiece, they've got a five minute battery life, and, and people are going, I like you Ilan, but I don't want $1,000 vacuum that goes for five minutes, but it's gonna be it's gonna lessen my carbon footprint. Right, right. No, he said, I've got an electric, I got a vacuum that's $100 that will run for an hour. Right. And it'll be the most good for the environment and fast and awesome and cleans itself, and it will cut down. So he just touted features, benefits, and it will cut down on your electric bill, it will cut down on your carbon footprint. It folds up easily so you can store it without taking up space in your pantry. It's itself, and it's only $100 Right now I let them know what's in it for them so anyways I'm ranting here but you gave us that hook story offer thing. That's that formula is, is an effective formula, And it's simple, and you're using that. And that, that is what you're finding to be a great guide for you to create engaging content.

Alex: I think that's a big because at the very beginning because of how I really grew, the social media following to where it is now, I believe it's because I first went to the valley. What's it, what is it, it's where the customer that I'm marketing to. And then, because I focused heavily on that at the very beginning and still do, and then one post went viral just tick tock, TikTok is a great place for organic traffic. I had no idea. People don't know if you are alive right now if you have not started to take on Legendary. I don't know what you're waiting for, like, the place that traffic you're going to get to see the hotel so we can't give us some great. 

Dave: Well, man, they don't know they know they don't. I mean it's crazy man yo they don't, people are still like yo TikTok is like this thing for teenagers man you know what I mean and. And what I love about our community is we use social media and all that social media uses us. You know what I mean I mean that's the big thing, man. Look, if you're still looking at social media like this place that you know you're gonna get. You got to be on there to connect with human beings, just let me give you some straight talk. It's the anti social network, like if you want to connect with friends and family don't make them slosh through political propaganda they see pictures of your kids just text. You'll see relationships bloom, and you will see your happiness bloom and grow to heights that you've never seen it grow, and start using social media strictly for business, look at it strictly as this is a place that I'm generating leads for my business and I'm generating traffic into my sales funnels, and anything else I'm just I'm trying to be as clear as gay, because social media is a disease if you're looking at it from a personal, and you're trying to, like, Oh, let me go on here. The minute you go on here without your armor on. It's using you man.

Alex: I noticed when I first like, doing all this I noticed like my the relationships within person started becoming a lot more fruitful for me because I wasn't on my phone being like 100% Because I was only on my phone to make sure that my business was running, and then after that, I put it away. Everything's armar systemized and now I'm able to have conversations with friends and family and then even at my job and now it's driving even better than what it was before. It's like, it gave me that sense of headspace. I can breathe, and I can see life for what it is because I'm not having to worry about money coming in.

Dave: It's cool, it's cool. I mean, social media, obviously on the internet specifically, just as a whole has connected me with people like you all over the world and I've grown my network, and, and I've grown my, my business network, you know what I mean so I don't. The other cool thing that it's done is I don't have to. I don't have to muddy up my friend relationships my family relationships with all my business stuff, it's, it's, you know, honestly, you know, it just usually business stuff and business, and especially as you start to succeed and your friends are not making as much money as you are, You know I like to just keep business completely out of some relationships and just enjoy the people for what I have in common with them outside of business in just the fact that they're either family or longtime friends, or we just like to go out and have a good time or maybe we got recovery, or maybe you have fitness or healthy lifestyle in common with them or something. But, you know, man. Just when you said, just if you're not using tick tock, you know, it's just such a powerful tool. It's a powerful tool to suck a lot of your time. If you're, if you're on a consumer standpoint, and ironically we need consumers on there, in order to be creative in the market stuff to them, but I'd much rather be on the Creator side than the consumer side, you know of any day, you know, quite frankly, in any business that's not realistic, but because I am a consumer of fine luxury goods, I am writing vehicles, I am a consumer of, of, of good food I you know I am a consumer of a gym membership in my in my local city, you know, but it's it's powerful when you decide and I'm so glad that you did a couple of months ago decided to you know go on this journey and really, aside from other things you have going on in your life to really get down to work in use these powerful tools, it's sort of like having, you know, the power of a new killer. In a good way and then the new thriller bomb that blows up to most people but something that's his power that's new killer, it's just a simple sitting right here in your phone, and it's just it's just going unused, you know what I mean, it's just that's kind of what I look at it you people don't even realize the potential of their cell phones, if they choose to use them as creators. And you pick that up and you said hey look, I'm tired a dip in the toenail. I'm going to jump in the deep end and I'm going to start doing this and you're doing it, and you're doing it in something like LL Cool J, you're doing it. What would you say to somebody who's sitting like like about your experience with legendary you know your experience with the training somebody who might be watching this or even watching your tic tock, and is thinking about, hey, I might want to go through this 15 Day Challenge, what would you say to them in terms of your experience with our training, our community in giving your business and your boost to get started?

Alex: I will say the community aspect alone there. That's what I really like. If I have a question, right, if I have a question if I just want to go in there I can literally go into the community, somebody will be right there ready to answer because they've went through the same thing they've already seen some success so the community alone is able to be there as a source of accountability. Because as soon as I say something, I hold myself accountable but then I put it out there saying, What am I going to do?” Then I asked somebody else out there in the community who holds me accountable so I'm thinking, man, what did. What did Mary just say to me, what did I just say Mary that I said I was going to do. I'm not gonna let her down. And that's what the community itself, the Facebook group, the family that you've been on, been able to build. And then, in actuality, like training in itself because of how structured it is being somebody who's a very wired type of person. Right. The structure was able for me to sit down and just go at it on a step by step basis so I'm not having to rush, rush, rush, I can think, develop it, create it, make sure that it's good. Try it out and just taking my time instead of doing something that's rushed a kid falls apart just as fast as it came together, so that if anybody out there watching my picks up right now trying to figure out like, is this something that you want to be part of, If you want to be part of like a community that holds you accountable, and, and in it, able to give you structure exact details and try to just bridge something new, try to, if you are in the headspace of like saying, I want something new I'm not exactly sure but I can give something a try. I gave this a try three years ago, putting my toe in, but what this did, and I didn't even realize I pushed myself to go all in because I saw the vision and being in the community helped me clear that vision.

Dave: That's incredible, man, I'm, I'm so happy for you. And I'm happy for anybody who is watching or listening who is also going to follow in your footsteps because, you know, for us we put, We bring the students in marketers like you every day out here. And in trying to showcase a wide array of examples to say look, if this person can do it. Why can't you not, if this person could do it you can do it too like that, but why can't you, why not, why not now. And I think that's the powerful question, why not, you know, why not? Why not now? You know, why not, no. And you're a great example of that man so keep up the great work and come back. Keep us posted on your journey, brother. And as you guys are following Alex and haven’t got started with an online business and I'm gonna say this and I'm gonna step on Alex's toes, we love to have you in our community, but for God's sakes get started somewhere and then you can find us later you can find, we're here and now, whatever, it's not just all about just, oh come here and buy our training or go through our training what we, whatever you're going to build, we're not going to stop, even if you don't buy. Right, we're not going to stop dues, like hopefully our stories inspire you to take the next step of what that step is just, it's got to be forward, not backwards. Right. And you, you, you know you owned it so beautifully that it was seen with just excuses, that was the difference between two years of just kind of dipping your toenail and then two months of massive action. Now we're having you as a guest trainer and a guest speaker on the show because you've created results. It's like two months man.

Alex: Two months to two years, two months, two years it's, oh my goodness.

Dave: there's a powerful story and hook right there in that how I went from fumbling and bumbling and chasing shiny objects in making no money in my online business for up to two months of results in success and recognition, and a path to freedom, there's just there's something there, there's an angle there there's headlines there their stories there that you can tell because you think you're the only one who's been thinking about it, and kind of right so I just want you to marinate on that because the two years of failure to in two months, success.

Alex: There’s definitely going to be some content later on.

Dave: All right, brother. Listen, have a great day. Have a great week stay legendary, we'll talk to you soon. All right, thanks. Alright, Alex. If you can go full Alex we've had his banners up with his username's, Alexloudentheaffiliate. Okay. And, you know, lift him up, go support him, you know, go, go, let him know that you appreciate the value from today, kick it on Monday off in a powerful way. All right, We'll be back here tomorrow for another episode. We have a mastermind coming up in just over a month. So if you're a mastermind member make sure that you get ready for that. If you have questions, just hit us up at support at email, excuse me, support at legendary marketer, calm. I look forward to connecting with you in person. And, of course, see back here tomorrow for another episode. Get out of here. Peace.


Proof You Should Never Give Up

Below is the transcription for this episode: 


Dave: What's going on, my friends? This is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to another episode of Wake Up Legendary this morning we have Ricky on the show and as the title of the show says he's proof of why you shouldn't give up. Please help me welcome Ricky to the show what's up buddy.

Ricky: Hey, what's up pretty good and you?

Dave: Fantastic. Now you told me you're a little nervous, let's shake those nerves right out, man.

Ricky: Yeah, it's exciting to be here this morning. Bruce Bruce Bradshaw, my second language is French. I speak French. Hello everyone, you're going to see a French guy from Quebec Yeah.

Dave: There you go. Nothing wrong with a little nerves and a little excitement. So tell us, tell us how you, how you found us man you lost your job as a sales manager you've been in construction, I can relate to that for a long time. What happened, how did you find Legendary Marketer?

Ricky: Yeah, when they change, the big guy in the company. Things went, went down so I was searching for something. And first I found, I searched for drop shipping and I found drop shipping first. I learned a little bit from that. And at that time, my job was done, and my dad was at the end of his life so everything went wrong. So, when my dad passed away last December and I lost my job, last March. I found it. Suddenly, you know, the lights ever came on me, it was an affiliate marketing icon. So I was in a place called wealthy something, a guy who says you're not, you're in a good place here. Oh yeah, I said, Oh yeah, you sent me a link, and that's, bring me to Legendary Marketer and 22 minutes. After that, it was the beginning of the 15 Day Challenge.

Dave: Boy, well hey, we're glad to have you, and, and, and, and that's, that's, I'm sorry to hear about your father. I read that and, you know, we all at some point will have to go through that or have already gone through that and I'm not looking forward to that day in my future. And so you said that you weren't able to, you know, do some of the big things that you wanted to do for your dad but you, you now want to be able to take care of and do some of those big things for your mom.

Ricky: Yeah, that's right, yeah. When you bought a pickup truck for your daddy. That was one of my goals. Yeah, and he. Yeah, I can't, I can, I can do that but for my mom now I take care of her. And we're gonna go to the hockey game in Montreal together. I take care of her because, you know, you never know what's going on and what's going to happen later.

Dave: Yeah, well I've got a saying that I say, which is nervous. Get out of here alive. So, you know, the sooner, the sooner that we can stop living with regret I guess, the sooner that we can lean in, make the call spend the time with the people that we love, is is is better because then we just get to rack up that savings account, of, of, of, of memories and so forth. And so, yeah, this, that was a big driver for me. What, you know, was family, what else, what other things are motivating you to do this besides just wanting to take care of mom?

Ricky: Yeah, my family, for sure. My four why’s, I have my three kids. My twins, my little one and my wife, that does my biggest why because, yeah, he, I love, I love my family a lot so I want to take care of them and yeah that's my first why and I don't, I don't want to go back for another company or boss, a lot of company. Just call me and say, We want you and, but they don't want to pay, they don't want to pay. They wanted me to go two hours on the road, four hour back to back and no I said no, and they didn't want to pay so I got to stay home and I got to build my own business, for my family, my three kids, and my wife.

Dave: So you've, you've been able to, and we'll put up your banner right now go Ricky de you've been able to take your TikTokchannel to over 200,000 followers. Talk to us about how you've been able to do that.

Ricky: Yeah, that I don't have anything more than the others because I did the, you know, I took the 15 second lead I think for the beginning. After that I follow all the tips you guys give with Matt and the Thursday afternoon it Thursday afternoon at three o'clock. He taguth me a lot of tips to build a TikTok, I think that so all I do is put the 123 Step and call to action, and have fun with that because before May 29 of this year, for social media for me it was zero, and nothing at all for me and those social media in your house, just for my kid playing private together, you know, make some TikToks. So, they play together but once I heard, I started with Facebook, not Facebook. It was complicated for me. First the language and all this stuff and, and they were putting a stick and my will. So one day Matt and I said, Go on, TikTok. Okay. Go on,TikTok, so I tried TikTok, and I started was the worst one. I look at the others, other people that do the same thing and I put my spin in it. And after that, yeah, I just, all I did is do that but constantly, ha. In the beginning I did three to five videos a day. And it was English, I say, I was out of my comfort zone in the beginning in English, with the courses and all the stuff like that. It was a little bit struggling for me because, you know when you speak French, and you go ideas at all, you don't understand all the words they know, but inside of that business do you have words that, yeah, my partner, you know, Google, that's my partner now Google projection is my best friend. So, I started English. I said okay let's go. I build that but each day constantly I have the flu. You know I got the COVID-19 A few weeks ago, we do some video, and stuff like that and never give up and keep going and one time I had a video come viral and, well, it was awesome that, That's why I have a 2000 Something follower because of one video.

Dave: What's your most viewed video?

Ricky: It's five 5,500,000 views. The second one is, maybe 5000. Use only, but the 5.5 million is with 40,000 comments before I was in the rock man. I was in a rush and you know you can. On Instagram, I put, I tell people to DM me on Instagram because I can speak with a you know, push the button and I speak record and send the message so my tone is okay, but inside of the tick tock, and everything makes stuff and on TikTok, you know, you, you do something, you come back and everything gets mixed up so I don't like to talk for that. But, yeah, yeah.

Dave: The comments just get off, they don't, they're not in, they're not in numerical order or though.

Ricky: And 40,000 comments, do you have to do that 15 minutes to go on the bottom. Just to answer the question, or. Yeah, and I don't like to not answering somebody, I don't like that so I like to answer everybody, so yeah.

Dave: I just wanted to ask you just just as a side thing because of course we hear, you know, the news and all this kind of stuff about what's happening but so you, you caught the virus, and your family, I would assume also got it?

Ricky: My twins but they did, they did have nothing, you know they are positive, but I don't know, I'll say in English, they have nothing. There's no symptoms, no symptoms, no things there, and they were, you know, and a part of the house is laid over there. And me, I was air and 12 Bite well 33 hours, 35 minutes a day for two weeks, and I had a good bed of my twins, air, and my wife and my little one, negative. So, three. The family was split into three. And yeah, after 24 hour I was here and, oh man, people are in jail and stuff like that. For 25 years, for example, two weeks here so I was working on my business. Sleeping comeback. I was in a 12 by 12 room for two weeks. But I have a big man Fluke who just has the two vaccines. Yeah, so it was like, you know, a guy we are that always has a bigger flu than other people you know, man, man flu. Yeah.

Dave: Nice, nice. All right well cool I was just I was just curious about, you know what how your family did through that. So fantastic man Fantastic, well, that really is interesting. What, what would you say that, what other tips would you give people in terms of being consistent, you know, in terms of having consistent results and, like, what have you done, what did you do to get started creating content. Did you do a lot of pointing in it or did you start Are you are you You are you talking on videos now. Even today, you're not talking on videos.

Ricky: Oh, I start pointing because my English, you have a big accent but I don't care. Yeah, because of that business, I started talking in English before I was able to, you know, go out to the restaurant in color, a meal, but not the compensation. Because of that, I started my English at May 29 A couple of weeks after I was able to do some live and I say, yeah, come on, Ricky, let's go button, the button big button red button and go live, and, oh, he was, I was there for four hours in the night, I was not dealing with people all over the world. It was awesome and, yeah, people were great with me because I wasn't a friend so sometimes I didn't know a word. 

Dave: So hold on a second, let me, let me. Did you say you just started speaking English in May?

Ricky: Yeah, in the beginning of the year because I was learning dropshipping. And after that, after marketing the courses and stuff like that. Yeah, I start speaking in English with that business.

Dave: Unbelievable and believable. I mean, I just had a couple of excuses for today that I was going to that I was thinking about making, and you just absolutely wiped them out, you just you just absolutely terminated you kill those excuses. I mean, I just want to make sure everybody heard that, Ricky just started really speaking English. In May of this year. Get out of here.

Ricky: No average

Dave: Fuck out, he says no average right exit kicked off. Come on. I mean, you know, Ricky. Ricky. Ricky, it's like we can either have excuses, or we can get results man excuses or results, it's like you can't have both.

Ricky: Now, when I was a sales director, I had a team of 45 people, and on the whiteboard, it was written, no excuses that I took from the Montreal as one time that the general managers were written in, in the room. No excuses. So, yeah, no excuses and I read that in a lot of books, you know, and no excuse, I said, Come on, Ricky, kick my box and go ahead.

Dave: I'm just, I'm shitting myself over here, do you know that word shitting on yeah I'm shitting myself over here because I'm just, you know, Larry Acker says and I thought I had problems, I mean, really, it's like, it's like holy crap, I mean, I'm speechless. I don't even know, because that is one of the most powerful I mean I've we've had people on the show before who, you know, English is not their first language, but I mean, it's like to come on line to, to, to unfuckin real, I mean really, I mean it is, it's unbelievable. I mean, it's it's just taught, Ricky, what else would you, what else can you tell us about being about determination about, I mean, what, what else have you've had, you've had the virus this year, you've learnt you're learning and you're learning English and you're starting a business this year, online, you know you've, you've got a tick tock channel that you've taken a 200,000, and oh by the way. You've also got a French Tik Tok channel that you've just started that has 12,000 followers so you're now doing two channels one in English and one in French. 

Ricky: Yeah, and in French, you know what, I point something to, because I think in my head, if somebody was in an office, you know, where they have to be quiet, and they don't ever hear part, something like that. If I'm talking, they don't see what I'm talking so they're gonna screw up, maybe a chance to have a. Yeah, a lead over here. So that's why I continue to point at my stuff and have fun with it. But yeah, past August 18/17 I started my French. And you know, in French, that that popped up the third night I was in French. So people who are, what's that, because here in Quebec, Canada is actually quite big.. I think that he said you know, and I wasn't but you know what, it's not everybody, they are comfortable with English. 

Dave: Come here real quick. Hold on, this is my wife, this, this guy, this guy, this guy, this guy right here. He just started online, in, in, just learned English in May of this year, blowing up and taking his. He's got 200,000 followers on TikTok, I mean, I need you to take over the show so I can go change my underwear.

Erin: Wow Congratulations. 

Ricky: Thank you. But I learned a lot with you guys because I listen.  Thursday afternoon. I learned a lot with Drew. Drew is sn awesome dude, you're awesome and Bonnie came, you know, it was my client advisor at the beginning, and she was uh, encouraged me and she said, Don't bother with that you're doing great and yeah, it was

good. Start listening a lot of listening in English and I continue with that because after that when I come back in French. It was hard for me, you know, in French it is always bigger, I don't, I don't like, you know, English is smaller, phrases and French is three times smaller. So, I used to adjust myself with that but yeah, in French, like I said before, when I started in French. Everywhere else speaking French. And, but nobody wants to make any effort to learn English, and I said hey, learn it because it's an international language. The first language internationally you want to have a small business, keep in French. If you want a big one. A big territory, speak in English, we'll learn it. And sometimes people do it with, you know, with Google Prediction and stuff like that but, yeah, that's my, my case and friendship. 50% want to do something or they understand a little bit of English too. But the other 50% Don't know. 

Dave:  I agree with that, I mean, English is definitely the international language, and I think that a lot of us who speak English naturally take it for granted. You know we don't we don't realize how awesome it is yet, have that as our first language. I wanted to point out a thing of point that you made, which was that people might be in their office or a lot of people are probably in their office in, in, they may not be able to listen to audio Can you say more about that because I think that's a big tip that a lot of people may not have caught.

Ricky: Yeah, because when I started university for sure I was not talking in English but I did one, just to, again, get out of my comfort zone. I did it once in English but at one time I saw. I was my, my volume at zero and I saw that video pass on my for your page and I said if you don't have a title on it, and people are in an office somewhere at the doctor's place, with the boss and they don't have any ear pods. They're going to just scroll your video and I said, I gotta keep if I'm talking I gotta keep reading some stuff, you know, because for both people. I don't want maybe miss an opportunity with the just one lead maybe it's mean the difference to sell that, not to everything you know?

Dave: Yeah, yeah, I think a lot of people. Yeah, just we don't, we don't take that into consideration. Hold on a second. I've seen, can you mute yourself for. I think when, when, when I'm talking and, yeah, there's it sounds like there's typing if you're not, if you're not muted or whatever. I don't have anything to say, more than, than what you've already said. I mean it's absolutely just for me, it's absolutely incredible to think about, you know, somebody coming in and learning English and in getting in improving their English. And in building a business here in 2021, which for those of you who might be wondering 2021 has been the best online year for the majority of us who have been online for the past 10 years, because so many people are kind of, they're sitting at home and they don't want to go back to work and or they're still at home because of restrictions, and so they're forced to be on the internet. And I just, you know I was just kicking off a decade and a day training this morning with new business blueprint students, and I was saying to folks, you know, if we treat our business like a business, it will pay us like a business. If we treat our business like a hobby, it will pay us like a hobby and hobbies cost us money. I can, I can promise you that because I've, I've got a couple of hobbies, right, one of them's right there, and that that bad boy, and now all these, these are good. Usually if you buy the right ones you can get, you can get most of your money back but it's still a hobby, it's not something that I'm doing to make money with. Right. and I treat it like a hobby, it's not, I don't get up every day and, you know, think about what sort of business deals I can do with watches, although I do, I do fantasize about them a lot. As a matter of fact, I got one that's coming in today. But my point is that, when, when, when we get serious. We can, we can , we can decide that we want results, more than we want excuses. We will start to look at situations in our life and be more strong about them, we will look at the people in our life. We will say, why am I hanging out with you because you're keeping me poor. We will look at the friends that we've had that we spend so much time around that, that are negative and cynical and pessimistic, and they're there, they're always complaining, and we will finally ask ourselves, why am I spending so much time around you, you're keeping me from having the car that I want, you're keeping me from having the house that I want, you're keeping me from living in the neighborhood that I want, you're keeping me from sending my kids to the school that I want, you're keeping me poor. Eventually when we start to treat our business like a business. Instead of like a hobby, which costs us money. We will get serious and we will take a serious look at our lives, you know, we will take a seat. We will also begin to take responsibility and ultimately say, Why am I keeping me poor because there's nobody that's stopping me from walking away from this conversation. There's nobody that's stopping me from walking out on this job that I think there's nobody that's stopping me from saying, No, I can't come out and have beers, tonight I'm gonna, you know I'm gonna stay here and work on my business. There's nobody that ultimately, I realize how powerful I am. And just like you, Ricky and I'm fired up. As you know, I want to learn the language that is the most universal language. If I want to make the most money, I should learn English, because it's spoken in the biggest economies around the world.

I don't know that language. Although my language, I'm screwed, you know,

That's an easy thing to say, oh I don't know that language, it's not a language that I know I'm, you know, I don't, I can't know English. Right, I've heard that you know no English. But you said that, I'm going to learn the language in May of 2021. You changed everything for your life, for your family, for your mother and also in your father's memory. What powerful , what powerful. What a powerful decision. What a powerful, what a power move that you made, and that you can, even as you were dealing with, you know, the virus, and you're sitting in your bedroom, experiencing what it's like to almost be in jail, right, and you're sleeping in you're working and you're sleeping in you're building your business and you're resting and you're, you're taking care of your family, you're isolating your quarantining but you're still in there with your computer you said, hey, I'll be over here two weeks as long as I just give me my computer and my phone and make sure that I got a Wi Fi connection. Right, that's a powerful man. That's the kind of, you know, this is what keeps me coming back to this industry to this business to you people what makes me want to be connected. I said this this morning on the decade today I said, you know, when we started Legendary Marketer. I had some success, some significant success. I had my house was paid for, you know, My, my bills were mostly paid for my vehicles were paid for my, I had, you know, some I had done fairly well managing my money with previous Internet businesses previous things that I've done, and it wasn't like I started this business because I wanted to be a billionaire, you know, I started this business because I've missed. I missed working with a community of people to hear these stories because I know how to run a business on my own. I can do affiliate marketing. I can sell courses and do it totally on my own. But these stories working with people in hearing their stories on a daily basis in teaching, and then having people use that training and come back and share their stories, is literally the most rewarding thing, it's, it's just so powerful, and I'm sure that each one of you who are, you know, taking action and getting you begin to get feedback from people and they say the same thing they say, Wow, thanks for that video or Thanks for that tip it was life sharing a life changing. And, and, man, this, this is what gets me fired up and I just want to say that, you know Ricky you said that you were nervous and all this before the call but I guarantee you that I have gotten more out of this call than you have. Because I get inspired, I get inspired by this and I wonder how many of you who are watching, feel the same way. It's like, you know, surely we listen to people because we, we want, you know we want tips and stuff like that but sometimes the biggest thing that we can get is a big kick in the ass. That reminds us that, hey, look at what he overcame, look at what she overcame, I can overcome my challenges and I can overcome my struggles too and Ricky I just, I commend you for that. I'm so glad that you got through the sickness and everything this year you happen to, you know, I haven't had my turn yet, I haven't had my turn yet I've been mostly, you know, isolated for God's sakes, but I just want to congratulate you and I just thank you for coming on and sharing such an incredible testimonial with us this morning, man.

Ricky: Yeah, thank you. Thank you to you because, yeah, when you guys asked me to come in I said yeah, why it wasn't my paper you know on my objective my, my goals to be on the, on the show, because I see a lot of people go over there and nice people, I learned a tip wach day, I listened to something, ej, and yeah, it's awesome to be part of that today and, yes, thank you. It was a awesome.

Dave: Well listen, have a fantastic Friday, give your wife and kids our best. Thank you so much. Be Legendary buddy, stay Legendary.

Ricky: Yeah, thank you. Thank you, bye everyone. 

Dave: Have a nice day and good weekend. All right, we'll talk to you soon Ricky Thanks buddy. 

Ricky: Bye bye. There you have it, my friends. Listen, I want to let me, let me shoot. I want to make a plug about the mastermind. We have a mastermind coming up in December . The third, it starts on the third. I think we have sent emails out. Okay, we have sent emails out for you folks to register for that if you own the masterminds program, and you have a ticket to that, then you can come to that mastermind in December, and I just encourage you folks, we're going to be talking a lot more about it here leading up to it, and there's going to be some FOMO, fear of missing out some FOMO, right, that was a dad move I had to like spell it out what FOMO meant for you. But anyways, there's gonna be some FOMO, for some of you who don't register and then decide you want to come later when all the hype picks up about it we start talking about it more, so make sure that you register today for it, if you want to come. What is the email address? If they aren't just easy they can send an email to what events to register if they want information about registering. Okay support at legendary marketer, calm, if you don't know how to register. Last but not least, let's leave some shine, let's give Ricky, all the love all the, all the thank yous. Let's go follow him, let's lift him up. Let's, like, comment, you know I always say this, this is how we can support each other by liking, commenting, sharing, interacting with people stuff, even if it's just to leave them a comment, when we see them going live and just say love your stuff, you're incredible. Right. You know, even if you're not, you have to watch every single person in the communities content, but just to leave a little comment just to lift them up just to like him just to lift them up right just to show love, that's one of the ways that we can support each other, and send some good energy and vibes to other folks in this community. Listen, my friends, if you ain't inspired after today check your pulse, be legendary my friends, love you all get out of here have a fantastic Friday great weekend. We'll see you back here on Monday. Just keep kicking ass like Ricky, be like Ricky. Peace.

Dental Assistant Goes From Teeth To TikTok

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Hello Hello, Happy Wednesday. It is Wednesday, let's see October. I believe on the 20th I'm on my phone so I can't actually look. I typically look but we're live. And if you don't know who I am. My name is Matt and I am rocking the phone game today. The computer screen has started. We've got a really fun guest. I think her story and her journey is one of a lot of resilience and. And mostly I feel like an unexpected kind of discovery and unexpected route in life, and especially for work or income or whatever. A little more unexpected and that's always exciting to me because it's the unexpected that changes, it's the shifts that are created. You know in our external world that often impacts our internal world. And so, anyway, I'm excited about this conversation we're going to bring her in right now, her name is Lorna, and Laura, what's going on?

Lorna: Good morning.

Matt: Hey, where are you, where are you calling in from.

Lorna: I am in northeast Texas, 80 miles east of Dallas.

Matt: Okay, cool, awesome. And I was just kind of reading through a little bit of your questionnaire and I loved the title from teeth to tiktok so I really liked that a lot and I thought that that was like a nice touch. And also, You got a little bit of copywriting skill I see?

Lorna: Maybe.

Matt: I like it. So, bring us into your world a little bit, bring us into just your journey from, you know you worked a long time in the same career, and I was kind of like looking at your tic tock and just like checking it out and I thought man, you've done such a good job and really over the last month even smoking, maybe, month and a half, two months or so, but just doing really well and I'm like, Who is this person, I have never met this verse that I, you know, I'd never heard of your neighborhood. But, tell us a little bit about, you know, your journey as a dental assistant and all that and then working in the last year and a half, with some health stuff and you get started online. 

Lorna: I am. I was in the dental field for 31 years. I worked in several offices. The last one I was in, I was working on my 10th year, and 2020 was just a crazy year anyway, as you know it as it was. And in May of 2020, the Tuesday after Memorial Day I had woken up with this horrible pain in my arm and I've kind of dismissed it as I just slept wrong. And then that thought, well, I have this little grab right here on this left side of my chest and so of course, I've tried to talk myself in and out of what it could be, and was getting ready for work and I was going to go and, you know, just kind of arguing with myself back and forth, I ended up going and getting checked out. Come to find out, I had a heart attack, or I was having a heart attack, file. So, you know I recovered from that and went back to work and then in July I ended up having COVID in took me about three weeks to get over that. I wasn't quite sure I'm gonna get over it without being in the hospital but I found a doctor that kind of gave me some medication to get me through it and so I went. I got through that and then September, you know, dental, people probably don't realize how stressful Dental is. It's very stressful. I was working in a very high productive, fast paced office, and some things were happening that I thought you know what it's, I think it might be time just with everything that's happened in 2020 to maybe kind of bow out. And, you know, kind of take care of myself for just a little bit, and I had every intention of eventually having to go back to work but you know, dental field, maybe just, you know something here, here or there. I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do. So I took actually ended up taking a year off to kind of re, you know, kind of re, get in touch with myself, take care of myself mentally, emotionally, physically, and about, oh, I guess, June, somewhere around there this year I thought you know what, it's time for me to kind of start looking see what's out there because I just need to I need some income I need to contribute, you know, just, I've always contributed I've always had money and oh and so this last year, I'm like, I don't mind not having any money. So, I had had a couple of working interviews. I thought well, dental is all I know. So I thought well I'll go back and just go to a smaller office and you know just kind of work out the rest of my working career. And I was just about ready to accept a job, and I had gotten on TikTok. Because I, you know, I got on there for entertainment purposes. I like to look at, you know, home organization and that kind of stuff, but anyway I came across this young lady that was talking about how she was making money online and you know she was doing well and she was, you know, she just intrigued me. I don't know why she even showed up on my page but on my feed. But the first couple times I was like yeah whatever. Now, it is almost the same story that you hear everybody say it's kind of like, you know, whatever I, whatever. So she kept showing up and I finally started watching her videos and I thought you know what I do this, I think I can do this and so I enrolled in the course, and it was amazing. I was pleasantly surprised. The course was just, it wasn't anything that I expected. You know, I figured I would enroll in something and or enroll in the course and then it'd be like okay, you're on your own. And that was far from far from the case. 

Lorna: And I had no, like as I said, I've only known teeth that's all so you can ask me questions about dental health, all day long and I can answer you, but when it came to something like this I thought when I'm in the dark, but it didn't take long for, you know, to the pieces of the puzzle and everything's just start coming together and starting to make more sense and you know it just, it's just kind of snowballed from there. 

Matt: Cool. Yeah, that's so crazy how, you know, it's just, it's wild to me that so many people from so many different backgrounds in so many different walks of life can have such a similar experience of like, wow, I had no idea what I was like, what I was getting myself into. And then it turns into this big thing and, man, that's wild. What did you feel like, what's, I don't know it just seems interesting to me, like, having done that job for so long was it like was the entrepreneurial like shift was that just different or do you feel like it just kind of like, you rolled into it or how, like, how is that

it's been different, you know, because I've been an employee. My whole life I've always had to answer to somebody or ask, you know, before I did something I had to ask. I was shown, I mean, I don't know I just had my mindset I whenever I first started the course, there was something inside me, I think that just, it clicked and I was like I'm doing this, I'm doing it I'm not failing I told my buddy, I said, failure, failure is not an option I'm going to succeed at this and make a little bit but I'm going to, I'm going to succeed at it, and it's dication that I've gotten invested in some resource that was offered, and, you know, I just can't say I can't say enough good things about the course itself.

Matt: And you're doing super well too. I mean, yeah, of course is great but also you're starting to see an ROI you're starting to actually like, figure out how to become a marketer, you know, and that's what I always emphasize to people is like, you're going to learn these hard skills that there's sort of soft skills and hard skills, my guess is, as like a dental assistant you learnt a lot of soft skills, probably because you deal with people so much. And then these hard marketing skills, the cool part is that I found is like, I've been able to take those into so many different niches and industries but when I was getting started, it wasn't really like a earn as I learned kind of thing it was just like, I kept spending money on courses, trying to figure it out and I can never figure it out. And then, and just work kind of racked up a lot of debt trying to print stuff. And I think we're just in a unique period of time right now in history where it's just through social media and the way social media algorithms have changed. It really leveled the playing field, it's remarkable honestly sometimes. David I will sit on, you know, a meeting or something and just sit and be like, can you imagine 10 years ago if we had TikTok. II, but we, you know, it's easy to say that now but back in the day we had our own, you know, ways of hacking stuff but this is just, I mean, the ability to post 15/62 videos and get, you know, millions, we have this guy. Ian, who was just on the show a few weeks ago or a few months ago, had a really powerful story. He just shot up a video that got 9 million views. And I was, I was, I have multiple different channels in different niches. So like the, the new, the for you page looks very different on all those right because some of them are like health and fitness and he came up on every one of the, oh wow, it was, it was like he had, he had really penetrated the entire Tiktok market, just because it was so insanely viral but yeah, I just think, you know, just it just kind of a random dude out in the end he's in the UK, I mean he's halfway across the world. And like crazy, you know, I'm seeing his videos in multiple different niches, you know, the amount of discovery I think is just insane. But anyway, back to you know the app but you're doing really well, you're, you're seeing really good results you're over 30,000 followers. I'm so curious about your first couple of weeks on Tik Tok and on social media and what that was like, I mean how, How did you get convinced to start and was that tough.

Lorna: That was very tough. I'm a very private person, I guess, sure, I don't post on social media, my husband and I have a Facebook page. We have an Instagram page, I just get on there, kind of see what everybody else is doing. I never really posted anything. And then to have to start videos of myself and put myself out there was just so uncomfortable. You know, it really was. Yeah, and I go back and sometimes I still watch a video and I'm like, oh my gosh I'm so I'm embarrassed for myself and my husband and watch him and I'm like, don't watch them right here with me. You know, it's so funny. It's just been, it's been such a hurdle that I've really had to, to work to get over. Sure. Yeah, but I guess as, as time goes on, and you know I'm doing more. It's getting a little easier.

Matt: I felt like, maybe, I don't know if you felt this way to or not, but I felt a bit like those moments of like oh my gosh I can barely stand to watch myself which I also went through just kind of, because I started like making videos, my first videos online like back in the day 10 years ago I was really young right and it should be really easy but, you know, people have, it's not as much an aging it's more of just like an internal block, kind of, and, and it's just funny because over time. You know, I kept telling people, or people kept telling me I had like, good, good mentors and stuff where we're just like, dude, life is really short. You know embarrassing moments are what people think of you just does not matter, and they just, I don't know sometimes when people say that it's like yeah that's a nice saying but the truth is I really do care, like I really do care like what Larry, Uncle Larry or you know whatever thinks of me, and, and I don't know it's just interesting because eventually, I really felt like I was sort of able to shed that fully and just be like you know what, who cares, like, Yeah, you know, we're all going to the same place here like, it's, it's, you know, it just doesn't matter and so then I was able to sort of just let go a bit of some of that and just be like a you know what he says about or maybe I'm going to be a goofball today, maybe I'm gonna make fun of myself today whatever doesn't matter who cares, and that kind of energy allows for more creativity and to have a bit more fun and just kind of like, bring a playful side I think to content that people are really attracted to. That's what I found is people just want something different , they want something unique and novel and fun. Just different I think.

Lorna: Yeah, and I've had to learn to kind of relax a little bit, don't be so everything does have to be perfect, you know, nobody's perfect, so you know if you flub up or or you stutter. It's okay. Right. Yeah, yeah,

Matt: I think people really like that. 

Lorna: Yeah, and my husband and my mother both were like, I'm so proud of you, I would have never guessed that you would have done this and I'm like, I know. No, I would have never thought I do, I do. It's really been, it's really been fun. It's something completely different than what I've ever, you know, done, and it's been fun and it's been rewarding and challenging, obviously. Yep. But yeah, It's been, it's been, it's been good. 

Matt: I feel a bit like in the, in the process throughout that journey of, you know, sort of letting go and also it's cool that there's people around you that are like, wow, like, I'm proud of you like this is in they should be. You should feel proud. That is no small feat to create the amount of content that you've created. Just the. It's one thing that the content would actually be good, like that's a whole different ball game, but to actually just create. To start with, right, like that's a huge accomplishment to push through all the doubt and the first, you know few videos that are kind of like cheese, you know like how is this going to go, and then to keep going but also to keep improving your skills as you go, and that's a, that's a big thing that's really tough because then you're starting to work through self doubt and, like, she's like, What the heck and first time as an entrepreneur like there's always sort of like this doubt of like, oh my gosh like I don't think this is going to work, maybe it is and then more or you wake up and you're like this definitely work and the next day it's like, Nope, it's over done, you know, it's like this funny.

Lorna: And I've been on that roller coaster. I have and I'm just like, you know, you do a video and you're like, oh this is pretty good. And so you post it and it gets like 200 and something views, and then you put one out there and you're like, oh my gosh that's terrible and it gets 1000s and I'm just, I just sit now I'm like, What is that all about but, you know,

Totally, totally. Do you feel like it, how long is it taking you to get to 30 that you're at about 31,000 ish?

Lorna: Yes. 

Matt: Cool. How long has that taken?

I started really posting on Tik Tok on August the 25th. Okay, so I haven't quite been doing it for two months. Wow.

Lorna: Yeah, it’s pretty crazy if you really think about it like you're averaging about 500 to 600 followers a day. 

Matt: Yeah, well you know and it's funny because you know it averages that but it's just like our gap and I'll have so many more all of a sudden overnight and I'm just, it just totally floors me. Yeah, you know it, and then I have also found myself not going to bed at night because I'm constantly checking what's going on, what's going on you know and I'm like, I gotta stop that. 

Lorna: Well that comes over time I feel like as people develop skills and there's this interesting thing that yeah, there's a little bit of a span of time where it's like, it's, it's new and it's fresh and it's your whole world a little bit like oh my gosh this is crazy. And then eventually, he, you know, maybe you get feedback from your family or from, you know whatever from yourself, your body is like hey, just take a chill pill here like that thing will be here tomorrow morning, you know. Yeah, and that's what I've had to do. I've had to say you know what, turn the phone off, turn it over so if it lights up, I can't, you know, and just had to, I have to shut off, I have to turn off.

Yeah, for sure. Are you in your, in your journey to doing, man. And when I say an average of five to 600 a day that isn't really like you're getting every single day like five to 600 followers, my guess is we have a few videos that have really really popped off, and you get 10,000 followers from a single video.

Matt: Right, exactly, exactly. And so it's sort of like the, you know, in like a risky stock world like if people are picking small cap stocks which are, are really really micro cap stocks which are like small companies that are very high risk, you might buy 100 of them and two of them take off. And because they're so cheap you can buy them for cheap but you know you're going to lose on a bunch of them and you're going to win on a couple that are going to explode, and there's all your earnings, which is kind of the same thing, I mean you're going to put out a ton of content and you never know what's going to work. And then, lo and behold, you get one or two of those videos that really pop off. And you can grow an account really fast. I mean, this guy, he and again that I was referencing. In his run of a 9 million views, video, put a couple 100,000 followers in a matter of a few days, you know, and that's, that's a lot of followers andl a lot of sales, and a lot of commissions, all from a single video it's crazy, but what, what for you in those, in creating those videos did you find that kind of creating viral videos or having a video go viral, get 10,000 or 100,000 views or something was kind of the secret to growing that?

Lorna: Yes, yes, definitely. 

Matt: And your process are you creating a couple of day are you creating one a day, or like, do you have sort of a try and get two or three out per day or what do you what do you try to do,

Lorna: I try to do three a day at the minimum, I did have a span we had some. We had some things happen in our family so I kind of fell off the grid for a day or so. Just because it needed my attention. But no, I've always tried to at least do three. I've always tried to do three.

Yeah, I think that that's good. And the more that I've been watching people's performance on TikTok and other social stuff, the more I've been telling them hey look, some of you are trying to get five to 10 videos out a day because you think it's a volume thing and there's nothing wrong with a lot of volume but if it's lacking the, the quality, then all of these short bite sized things you're not getting watched and it's sending this feedback to TikTok saying like hey this person is just putting out a bunch of content, no one wants to watch. Yes, and I, you know I told I tell people I'm like, I, it's probably way more probably way more valuable for you to do one a day and have that one video every day, really curae spend a good amount of time editing and making sure the transitions are are fast and quick, and then people actually watch it, and then the feedback that comes back to TikTok is like hey, look like this person's videos are killing, you know like, like every one of these videos this person puts out does really well we should get them in the for you page a lot more because we've got a content creator here, and it's just a natural thing. This happens on every platform YouTube, Facebook, Facebook's not as good for organic content creation but Instagram, like all these platforms people tried to do these weird ninja tricks or whatever. The truth of the matter is that the real skill of being a good content creator changes everything.

Lorna: And that it and that is that is. That's very challenging. I mean, creating content is. That's hard. It can be very hard, you know, to know what to put out there. I've also noticed that if you're going to do like a sound or anything with it, any kind of music, you've, you know, if you use something that's viral on tick tock are popular on tick tock, that gets more views as well, which is weird to me, mine anyway, I'm just, that has nothing to do with the content, it's just, it's just the sound but yeah I will I have noticed that on a few.

Matt: Yep. Yeah, oh it's very true, I'm there. It's part of what they're trying to create it's part of the branding they're trying to create is trying to create this, this sort of fun, light hearted, and that's you know that's another piece of, of understanding content is understanding the platform of what they're after, you know like, what's their real goals and in their case, they want something that's kind of funny, fun, playful light hearted. And so, you know, I see a lot of Kant, I see. Yeah, I see a lot of content creators in our niche we're very serious, right like everything's kind of just serious, everything is like, like they don't really tell jokes in their thing or they don't laugh, and I'm just like, Guys, look in any niche or any industry this whole platform is to give people a good time, right, so. All right, now you've got your ego and your stress and your insecurity that are getting in the way of all of this stuff like let's just take a step back and have some fun, right, like, let's, let's just, you know, cuz, think of it I think people underrate what a follower really is like 30,000 followers is a lot of people went through your thing and hit follow and they're not just those, they're not random people. Like, who, who never sees your stuff again, they see your stuff, more than once, and they'll keep coming back to it. And so, sprinkling in just some fun stuff, right. So, you have the ability in a platform where you can warm up your leads through your social media channel where you can tell, you know, funny things that happened to you throughout the day or you know you can drop a little funny like like jokes or just kind of, you don't have to tell jokes but just funny anecdotes, anecdotes that help sort of people be like, oh, like, Hey Lauren is just like a normal person. Okay, isn't like some magical Marketing Robot or something it's just like, she's just a normal human, and it helps you normalize and sort of make you more approachable. Yeah, and I've just in the small amount of content that I've digested from you. I just felt that approachable Ness, which my guess is that's why, you know, you're able to convert so much of your traffic to sales just like you're, you seem approachable and it seems like this is believable. 

Lorna: You know I try, You know that. I don't, I, that's one thing I don't like either you know I have looked into other things in the past just out of curiosity and some of those, there's just like with it with, with the course. Yeah, whenever I Watch, Dave, you know, it's like, it's real. It's not commercialized, it doesn't feel advertised, you know, and that's what I think attracts people to this course. It's, real, and it works.

Matt: Right, you know, the strategies actually work. Yeah. Yeah, I think that makes us think that's been also, you know for a lot of people I think that's been the reality is just a discovery of like it's real, it's sort of rods down to earth, and it's interesting to if you go and sort of watch a lot of different people's sales videos in this industry for different products it's kind of a bit like, okay, either it's just this weirdly like, I don't know, just kind of weird story about the founder or something that's like I don't know how that's clickable, or it's just about how you're going to make a million dollars, you know, in the next 90 days or something like that or whatever and I think that a big key to sort of the reason why is primarily because it tells a story and edit inspires people and it connects to the part of people that is not just interested in transforming a pocket book or something which we definitely want to transform that, but also it speaks to kind of the whole of the entrepreneur of like us, that this piece can also impact and have sort of lasting influence on a lot of different parts of life, like, my guess is internally, you've also had a lot of internal growth. And if you were to reflect back on the last two or three or four months. We probably changed a lot, like probably had a lot of internal shifts and maybe more confidence or maybe just kind of like a, I don't know.

Lorna: Yeah, yeah, definitely. That has always been one thing that I've kind of struggled with is, you know, self confidence, you know, back when I was in my early 20s I had some things happen that, you know, appearance wise, that it just kind of shattered my self-confidence. And so doing this has kind of helped me kind of gain some of that back. You know, it's, it has it has been. I mean it's definitely, it's definitely grown, the school way to think of 53 to still grow which can be okay.

Matt: Yeah, I mean definitely anything's possible. Yeah and I, it's, yeah, that's interesting to me because, yeah, I just something about, I've actually coached, I would say a coach and I've been on Zoom calls over the last four years or so, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people, and I don't mean the webinars, that's that's in the high 10s of 1000s Probably, but I mean specifically like one on one, and a lot of them have been in later stages of life where that I think you're in, like, mid, like I think are like right now people are living so long like I tell, I tell people who were at 50 or whatever, it's like hey look like you've got a long ass time to live like seriously, Gary Vee is always like 40 is the new 20 Yeah, It's like there's so much and probably I don't, I have no clue but I try to like get in the head of other people and like you probably look back at 40, or like geez like that is young like 40 So yeah, and, like, you know, you look great energetic like, it just, yeah, I wouldn't. Yeah. Anyway, I think you look great and like you're killing it you're crushing it and it's got to be just such a fun, interesting experience. And I also feel like I personally like my experience of people who have done a job for like 20 years or you're over 20 years that you were doing that job. My, my internal reaction is like that has, I have such a level of respect for that because there's there's such like you build such a routine you build such a, Like a lifestyle of routine and you build such a common, like a common place for where you get your income, how it comes in, and I feel that after even just a couple years working in a job or working as a, as a consultant or whatever, that I imagine doing that over 2025 years 30 years it's like that's a long, long time, and you get set in the structure and you get set in that, to have that broken changed and shifted. I talk a lot about internal shifts and Dave talks a lot about that too, but I think as you progress, like, it has to become harder to break those shifts and to break those walls down and sort of reconstruct things and shift you know in like for yourself apart and change and adapt and like, you know, I even think my parents are way older than you, but I feel like to imagine them to do those shifts and what I know of them, after having lived much of their life doing the same job, I just like that is remarkable, like what a cool thing to like I just feel like I'm lucky because I'm like, That is a cool inspiring thing to look in on, and just be a part of it's really cool.

Lorna: Yeah, it. Well, you create habits too and routine, and it just all that is, you know, it all comes to a halt. Of course that was what I was doing. But, you know, still it takes some adjustments to fall into a different, you know, a different routine and which has been good because you know this is, I've always wanted to be at home with my kids when my kids were little. And so, that opportunity never did present itself because, you know, we didn't even have the internet really back then. But, Yeah, you know , for this opportunity to come now, now that I've got grandbabies and my girls are older, you know, I can still be there for them. But, I still make a good income. Yeah, yeah, it's great. At this stage in life, it's great. 

Matt: It's really cool and you're barely just getting started, I mean.

Lorna: Yeah, I've had to kind of conquer my imposter syndrome. You know I fall into that soloist. I'm doing this by myself. I'm not asking anybody for help, but you know, but I've kind of stepped back out of that and you know I've reached out to some people and that helps a ton. Yeah.

Matt: That's great. Yeah, and having even whether it's in our community or whether it's elsewhere or whatever, having that. Yeah, good.

Lorna: Definitely it's definitely been within our community. Yeah, I mean that's, that's another good thing about this is the community. It is so widespread, and everybody is so willing to help you know because we've all started somewhere, you know, and I've even actually had people say, will you help me and I'm like, I'll do my best, but I won't be in this two months so I mean I you know I told one day, one of my videos I said you know what if you ask the question, and I don't know the answer, we'll find the answer and we'll both learn it together. 

Matt: So, yeah, totally. Yeah, I, Yeah, it's funny because everybody who comes out Oh, not everybody but a lot of people who are newer to marketing, that's, that's the same feedback they give, which is, I probably wouldn't be here or have had the level of success that I've had without our community without the people who have been around us, who have helped me who have given a little bit of time and it's just fascinating how the community itself has become sort of just this revolving you give to me, and then I'll give to the next person, you know, it's, it's the expectation that if I've figured something out or if I've had a breakthrough or something and somebody is like hey what's working, I'm going to give them my breakthrough I'm going to let them know, and then they're going to go and have their own breakthrough and they're going to share that with somebody else it's just been this, this sort of trickle down effect which is really unique in a business owner sense in that most business owners sort of hold tight their secrets and they you know they have this fear based mentality. But what people that we interview on this all the time people are like, You know what, every time that I've done that every time that I've given to people or given back to people or shared secrets. I've always had better results I've always gotten I, because I think it releases something internally to it makes you more grateful, you remember about how the community helped you, and it and it shows up in an unconscious way and video content and blogging and all sorts of content but it really, it shows up in a way that I can't put words to, but it makes people different, and that is a real secret because I tell people to get to 10,000 online is a really tough it that's hard, that is really hard. But to get to six figures requires not just, well, it requires consistency over time. And then to keep something after six figures requires more of the soft skills, it requires more like just maturity and gratefulness and things that are a little less like hard skills, those are the things to get you to six figures but once you get there it's relational capital, it's, it's, what do people say about you, because then you might go start selling a $10,000 coaching package and people are looking up reviews on you and people are asking people, you know, what she like is she actually the truth is she not, is she, she mean is she, you know, like and then all that matters is what people say of you. And in that space. Yeah, that's what I love when I hear people who are, you know, our community is great and I'm now in a place where I can give back to. It makes all the difference because our training is great, and everything's great. And then, but once you get into the real sort of nuts and bolts of day to day things change, day to day what's working now, this worked for me and it didn't work for them. Yeah, having the ability to work shop ideas and a community is really powerful. Yeah, I agree. Yeah, I agree. Let's all have what you have the last word for everybody, what's for people who are newer, like, they created a TIkTok account this last week, or this last month, and they're just getting going, they're just getting started, maybe it's going a little slower than they expected. What would you say to those people?

Lorna: Well, from my personal standpoint, I know what it's like to feel like you're kind of at a standstill, you're not growing, but you got to stick with it and just be consistent because it's only going to take one video, maybe two, and the whole your whole business will change. I mean as soon as, as soon as you get those first few videos that go viral, everything changes. You just have to stick with it. Keep your mindset, focused, and it'll work. 

Matt: Cool. Well, you're very inspiring story to me to everybody who's here and keep going, keep rockin, we'll get, you know, you've got, you've got a long, sort of, there's, there's endless potential ahead, which is really nice about the online space is there's endless scale and there's endless growth and endless potential which is really unlike anything else, and we'll we'd love to have you back, maybe in a couple months. Sure. I would love to, again and give an update.

Lorna: Yeah, absolutely. I'd love that.

Matt: Awesome. All right, well thanks for coming on and everybody who's here. Her TikTok is right here. Go give a follow, leave a comment, let her know, hey, what was your favorite part about today's show. And, yeah, ever follow, watch your content, and tune in and be a positive sort of voice in the comments for her and help support her, and she'll do the same for you. So again thanks Lorna for coming on and for everybody who's here we're going to be back here tomorrow Dave will be back tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. As always, we've got lots of guests lined up, we'll be back here again 10am Eastern. Take it easy everybody see.

Top Lessons Learned online

 Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends David Sharpe here another episode of Wake Up Legendary you are going to meet Barb are going to don't already know her. She started her business 10 months ago, and we're going to be hearing from top lessons she's done pretty well as well. So we'll hear about her top lessons today. Let's go ahead and welcome Barb to the show. Hey, what's going on Barb?

Barb: Hey, Dave, how's it going?

Dave: Good to have you on. I know of you, you've, you've given a lot of value to a lot of people in this community. You know, and, as a matter of fact, we had a coaching client here not too long ago, who was you know, sending, because she was getting so much value from her. Hi, Susan, if you see this, she was sending her, you know, people into your groups and stuff. And I said, That's fantastic. And in the future, sooner than later, let's get to a point where you feel that you're doing it, you can deliver enough value that you can have your own group and start you know, start facilitating, just like BBs. So it's been great that you've had your own success. And there've been many people who have leaned on a lot of your teaching skills, right? Because you're also sort of where you come from. Right. So give us a little bit of your backstory and tell us sort of what led you to us, I believe in 10 months, so in roughly January?

Barb: Yeah, January. Yeah, I like to be verbose. So I'll try to keep it like Super Reader's Digest condensed version. 

Dave: What did you just say verbose?

Barb: Yeah, I like to, I like to over clarify and make sure people are really clear.

Dave: I’m a ninth grade drop out so if you use a word that I don't understand, I'm just going to stop you and say, can you make me use this word? Yeah. But go ahead and give us the reader give us the op, I guess the opposite of the verbose. 

Barb: So I've had a lot of, you know, jobs, I wouldn't call them careers or anything. I've worked in retail, I worked retail, blockbuster and borders made, they both rest in peace. I worked in investment management for seven years. And that is really, like we were talking about before we got started Dave, that's where my addiction and alcoholism really took off. And was where I was working in investment management. It was very, like 60 hours a week, plus an hour commute. And it's just really, really high stress. And then I left that job, and I became a teacher. So I was teaching stem, which is science, technology, engineering and math for primarily K through six. And like teaching and coaching and mentoring has always been a passion of mine actually, ever since I started working at blockbuster, when I just got thrown onto the register and told Kay to learn and that was not the best experience for me as a hyper introvert. And so that's kind of what ignited the passion of I want people to have a good onboarding experience and good training experience. And so I always have always kind of taken that with me like that passion to teach and help people who are terrified or feel like they can't do it. Like that's always just been really Strong in me. Anyway, with the whole, you know, pandemic happening, my job went from teaching, which I love to administrative stuff like, oh God grant writing. If anyone out there has ever written a grant, I, like let's start a support group. It's awful. grant writing budgets, financial statements, just like everything I hate sitting behind the desk, and nothing that I, like, was nearing retirement and was like, Oh, yeah, I'm gonna hand the keys over to you. And I was just like, starting to panic, because that was not the path that I wanted whatsoever. And I know, from being in recovery, and from having so many times in the past, ignored that feeling of panic, and pushing it down and being like, Oh, no, if I just deny this, it's gonna be okay. I knew that if I didn't come up with a plan B, and start doing something, taking action. To build that plan B, I was going to be in a position and six months after I had that, you know, started having that realization that I didn't, didn't like, my dog didn't want to go down that path. But I'd be in a position where I didn't have the emotional energy, and I just was so beat down that I'd be stuck. And so I made the decision to start looking at ways to make money online, you know, like, I always say, like any good millennial, and I looked on YouTube, and I found a YouTuber that actually has a very, he's also in recovery. And so his story really resonated with me. And he kept talking about his number one recommendation for how to learn to make money online. And so that's what led me to the 15 Day Challenge, and the rest is kind of history. I immediately saw the value and the model of high ticket affiliate marketing. And my perspective was, if he can do it, I can do it. You know, like, this is just some guy who used to be a, like a blackjack dealer at some Casino in Minnesota. And now he's Thomas Yeah. And now he's, you know, crushing it. And I feel like a level of trust for this guy. So if you can do it, I can do it. And this is gonna be my take out of my nine to five. And that belief, and that just absolute belief, really, is what has kind of carried me to this point. 

Dave: Well, incredible, incredible. I mean, there's so many things to unpack there. But I just want to congratulate you for, you know, setting an intention and turning it into a reality is that something that you've is a pattern for you is that something that is a is a is a new? Is it new in this season of your life? I mean, talk to us a little bit about mindset and how you either develop certain mindset approaches and always had them or how you knew, or some, or is this newly developed?

Barb: A little bit of column A, a little bit of column B. I've always, always been so stubborn and so persistent, almost to a fault. One of my basketball coaches was yelling at my team at halftime when I was in high school. And he was just yelling at everyone for being angry. Because when this is a blanket generalization, but when girls play Angry, they get pissy, and they don't play well. He's like, except for BB. Because when I get mad, I will run through a brick wall to spite you to achieve the thing that you said I couldn't achieve, you know. So I think part of it is that. But I think a lot of it is also you know, I think when we go through hard stuff, we have to either learn and grow or we die, and whether that's a physical or spiritual death or whatever. And so I think that this kind of hard stuff that I've had to go through, and learn the hard way that if you believe that, if I don't, I'll rephrase it with a nice statement, if I don't believe that I can be successful or that I can do something or that I'm not a natural or I'm not, you know, fill in the blank with whatever role or quality or whatever, then it's that belief that feeds my behavior. You know, it's not the other way around. We don't become a marketer. First, we don't become natural born runners. Like, running is so important to me. I hated running because I wasn't a natural runner. It wasn't naturally fast. I didn't like it. So I started running, because that was actually a really pivotal thing for me in terms of belief and mindset. I started running because I figured if I can learn to like this and learn to be skilled at it, I can take that to do you know anything, any quality, any strength, any skill. And then I started running five K's. I started running half marathons. And I was like, Okay. And that was like a really big turning point for me in my late 20s. To realize we're not naturally anything. You're not a natural marketer, Dave, like you pick those skills up, because you were looking around and learning these things as you went on through life and opening your eyes when Oh, like, I can take something from network marketing, or I can take something from this experience in Home Depot or whatever. And put all that all together, you know, nobody's a natural anything. We either pick things up as we go and are open to things or we just go through life with blinders on with the existing beliefs that were brought up with his kid and don't deviate from that. 

Dave: Yeah, I totally agree. So just to be clear, you are now full time online doing this.

Barb: Yeah. Yeah, I quit my nine to five. My last day was actually July 2. So that was pretty. I don't know. Good timing with independence in the United States. So about three and a half months.

Dave: Yeah. So tell us more about that. I mean, it was that that was obviously an intention that you had set something that you wanted to do a goal that you had. So tell us how you lead up to actually doing that. This is something that so many folks want to do. They want to quit their nine to five so how did you plan that? How did you make sure that you were secure enough? Was there a certain element of fear there what Talk to us a little bit about leading up in the in the hole? actually doing it because it's something that so many people dream or talk or threatened to do or whatever, or I know some who are who are even in a position to do it, and then are even afraid to do it? Because when is enough enough? Like, like, you know what I mean? So talk to us a little bit about you quitting your job.

Barb: Oh my goodness, well, I'll start by saying that and I've said this before but I think so much comes back to me being in recovery honestly, and the things that I've learned from really persisting in life with sobriety. And I was literally at the point where I choose between reaching out for help to start the process of being in recovery or dying physically, like that was where I was at, you know, several years ago and that like fear and like mortal terror like having to expose myself in that way like hey, I need help and I'm not this perfect put together adult that I've been pretending to be and really this admitting that deep dark shame, there was nothing scarier to me than that. And so anything else that's remotely scary, emotionally doesn't really compare to that. And so I guess fear for me was just a little bit of unease in comparison. So to backtrack a little bit so when i when i first I think I signed up for the 15 Day Challenge January 15 of this year and my goal was to quit my job within one year and so I had a long term vision like that was my goal one year so January 15 of 2022 so off the bat I had this belief that this was going to be my you know, the thing that I built over time to eventually make more than my nine to five and eventually allowed me to leave my nine to five and so I think having that belief was just a very strong presence for me. Number two, realizing that it wasn't going to be overnight and I wasn't waiting for like oh, when do I start making money it was like okay, something that everyone was telling me I need to build over time and just keep doing the right things like the next great thing the next great thing each and every day, and eventually it's going to pay off and kind of the analogy that I tell new affiliate marketers that are asking what am I gonna make my first commission like, don't worry about that worry about providing as much value as you can to your target audience. And then every you know, every piece of content that you make, you're like putting that in a piggy bank and eventually down the road you get to crack that open but know that your efforts are on offer, not like wasted, you know, That was the perspective that I took my first started. And I, it's ironic, I think that when you let go of that outcome, that that's when the magic happens, you know, when you let go of out and you are worried or concerned about providing the best content you can provide, and iterating you know, changing it up if your content is not performing the way you want it to. That's what you have control over you don't have control over if you make Commission's or views you okay, if you're not getting the views, engagement and following you want, do something different, iterate, you know, put out some work on just testing, see what works. And that was the perspective that I took. And ironically, I think because I let go of those outcomes, and was just focused on what I could control, you know, Serenity Prayer one on one. Like, within a month and a half or so, I was making as much with my affiliate marketing business as I was making my nine to five. And I remember, like receiving my first big commission and being like, Oh, my God, this is like something, this is real, like I could, I could actually quit my job sooner rather than later. And that momentum kind of carried and eventually I got to the point where like, I was so bitter and resentful of having to go to work 40 hours a week, when I was working 10 hours a week, 12 hours a week of my online business and making more than I was working full time. And so that bitterness and resentment was getting to a point where it was not healthy. And it was starting to kind of impact the rest of my life, you know, just being emotionally worked up and agitated all the time. Not having energy to do other things. And just living with bitterness and resentment. And I didn't like that. And a couple of close friends, like myself, who are also in an online business, really trust their opinions as pointed out. It's like an opportunity cost at this point, like, what are you losing, by continuing to work this 40 hour week job that is just draining you that you could be re allocating those efforts and that energy to your online business? Like what are you actually losing by continuing to stay stuck at that job? And that was very eye opening for me to think about it from that perspective.

Dave: Can you hear me? Yeah, can I get you to switch over to your phone because I think your internet is lagging or something's lagging with your WiFi if you could go to your phone and typically plug into your you're your you know, your data network or whatever your four or five g that might be better, because it your videos just lagging in, you're dropping such good information. David's got an issue with hers is it's the last stream and she's a streaming thing. So the stream is off Facebook completely. Oh, yeah. He says streaming our bandwidth. Okay, so just because it might come. I want to share a little bit of experience about quitting your job, right quitting my job. This is something that is a topic and I just wonder, you know, you guys, how many of you, that is a goal for you? How many of you don't want to go back to you knowing what you were doing pre-pandemic, what you know what, for a lot of people I think right now they just don't want to go back to what they were doing before now. You've had that experience being at home. And so I always tell people you know, it's Gonna be uncomfortable no matter what you choose. And ultimately it has to be a decision that you make, and a decision that you get to own right. Because nobody can tell you when the right time to do it is, nobody can tell you when you know, there is no perfect number also right arm that you're going to have in your bank account that's going to make you feel totally comfortable, there's likely going to be a lot of uncomfortability with any big change in your life ticularly walking away from a job or a career. But the reason why I'm sort of staying here just for an extra moment, is because BB This is something that so many people want, they want to transition over to doing this full time. And so could you just say a few words about it? Are you happy about your decision? Now that you've done it? How does it feel? And do you believe that it's real, I mean, just talk to us a little bit about now that you've actually found it?

Barb: Yeah, I am. So glad that I did it. In my experience, and I feel like this is true of so many things in my life, that when I make that leap of faith and operate, like with faith, despite having fear or whatever, good, like, great things happen. And that's where the magic happens for me. And I'm not saying like go jump off a cliff and just hope that someone catches you like that is obviously crazy. But when there's a reasonable expectation that you can do something and continue to work your butt off, and that your efforts will continue to yield that kind of result. I say if you are able to take that chance and take that risk, and that that calculated risk, then do it. Like don't let that fear hold you back. And if you have, you know, a proven business that has been getting results for you like the way that mine was, and you have done that consistently for months, there's gonna be risking anything, there's a risk in staying at your job, there's a risk in leaving that job, there's a risk in going getting a new job, there's a risk of being unemployed, there's a risk and everything like that's life like is lazy like that, you know, and it's just a matter of a risk you're willing to take and at what cost. 

Dave: You know, I think for me, the biggest thing that shifted mentally when I when I quit and went full time in my business was number one, I sort of erase my plan B so number two, I started to I stopped treating my business like a hobby and started treating my business like a business because now all of a sudden, it was my only source of income. So I did whatever it takes. And there's a cool Imagine Dragons song called whatever it takes my five year old loves and sings it while performing it last night, and you do what it takes. And I think this is a conversation in which certain people are ready for certain depths in levels of this conversation. And sometimes here on wakeup legendary, I want to try to not scare people away. But the truth of the matter is, most of the time I throw that out the window and just say you know what, this is going to be the hardest and and and most rewarding thing that you ever do. And it's going to take everything you got not so physically. Because I would say BB you're running was probably physically much more of a toll on you. But mentally not to say that running is not a mental challenge. But mentally, this is going to challenge all of your limiting beliefs. It is going to challenge that good old soundtrack that you've been playing for all these years that's kept you from having everything you want and being everything that you can be. So we've talked a little bit about some of your limiting beliefs. Is there anything else that you would say was a major limiting belief that you have overcome or are in the process of overcoming that has been life changing for you?

Barb: And I think a couple things came up. One is it's like, if you are on Tick Tock and you see those TikToks like oh, I became an entrepreneur. To have time freedom, and then now you work like 12 hours a day. So I think that's kind of a, I don't know, ingrained belief that I still carry and I'm trying working to get away from that is like the idea that hard work means working long, insane hours. That's absolutely not true. Like, and that's evidenced by the fact that I was able to build a business working 10 hours a week that was outperforming my nine to five income. So I think that by becoming more organized, and having better time management skills are helping me like developing those actual real world skills are helping me to overcome that limiting belief. And also just being aware, like, having that, that feeling of like, guilt or fear come up, like, I'm not working hard enough, right? Why am I not working right now? There's so much to do. Yeah, like, you can have to have you and work 24 hours a day and still not accomplish everything you need to, it's a matter of identifying the priorities and working on that stuff, diligently. And, and then realizing you're not going, I'm not going to accomplish everything I need to do on any given day, I need to accomplish what I need to do to keep my business moving forward. And the rest will have to wait, like I need to continue to build this business over time, and put systems in place and put automations in place to make it easier for me as I go. But I'm not going to do it overnight. And so that's like believing that I can fix everything or do everything in one day, or in one week or one month. That's something that if you're new, or if you're been around the block a couple times, like, I think that that belief will exist for you, as long as you don't address it, you know?

Dave: Well, I noticed that you said you're working one to four hours a day right now in your business. So I mean, it really is time management and making sure that you are, you know, in some way living your dream and not living a nightmare, or one thing that we used to say all the time in network marketing, right? When all the leaders were preaching the dream, but we knew they were doing three way calls 12 hours a day, we'd say they'd be preaching the dream, but living the nightmare, right? Yeah, I mean, I don't want to be, I don't want to be striving for a dream. And of course, talking about living a dream in my in my content, if that's what I'm talking about, if I'm working in the make money online niche, but i'm, I'm hunched over my computer for, for for, you know, 12 hours a day, every day, I will say this, though, Barb. In the beginning, I worked a lot of 12 hour days. And I will absolutely even to this day work 12 hour a day if I have to. or as many as I have to, if I have something that I'm working on. That is like I'm super hyper focused on, you know, like, I'm creating something or I'm building something. And I think the difference now is that I'm being pulled by my passion, I'm being pulled by my focus, I'm being pulled by my excitement. Versus that, that way in which I used to work, which was kind of just just grind mode. And for me, at the beginning of my business, I spent a lot of time scrolling and just wasting time, like in so I would be at my computer for 12 hours, but I really actually only got two or three hours of work done. That makes sense.

Barb: 100% Yeah, well, and something that was coming up as you're talking about working long hours is if I if I I mean, I'm not, I definitely work some long hours. Now, I do take a lot of breaks because I just need to. But when I work long hours now I'm building something for myself. And it's something I'm excited about. And it's something that it's like when I take it when I take action and I get an outcome and I know I created that outcome. No one else did. Nobody handed me that result. Nobody candidate made it easy for me. gave it to me in a little package. It's not like a bonus I would get from a job. That's something I created, like I made that result. And that is so much more exciting than getting a $5,000 bonus at work or you know something that's being handed to you. And you like it when I work in investment management. I think I got like a $20,000 bonus one year, and I was still bitter and resentful. Like, let that sink in, to get a $20,000 bonus and be like, as this, you know, like, so when I when I'm working now it's it's such a challenge because I think for those of us who were used to about the boss hovering over us, and giving us a to do list or giving us an agenda to work on, and you don't have that, suddenly, I used to be 100% self directed and your livelihood depends on it, you know, yeah. And that's something to adjust to. But the flip side of that is you get to build your business the way you want, and make the decisions completely autonomously.

Dave:  And that's like, one of the, one of the coolest, one of the truest, I don't know if it's, if it's, I've been angry at this at times. But with freedom comes responsibility. Right? And, I was the, I gotta be honest, I was the guy who wanted all the freedom in the world, but didn't want any of the responsibility. Right? So I can remember back working with my dad, well, I would be mad at him, right? Because we were waking up super early to get out to the job at the crack of dawn, or, you know, him standing over me and hovering and in, in, you know, trying to get me to, you know, do it his way, and not let me learn sort of on my own or whatever, like, give me more freedom, let me go out and bid jobs and run my own job and kind of all these things. But when something went wrong, Guess who I was on the phone calling? Right? You know, I was calling dad, because those, you know, those challenges were something that I didn't know how to deal with emotionally, yet, I would get overwhelmed and freak out, right? So with freedom comes responsibility. And for me, I had to embrace a lot of things that I didn't always think were of my personality, right? Like, like being structured, or planning or using a calendar when I first started, I would be so resentful at my wife. Because, you know, she wanted a bit more structure and a bit more kind of clear what's going to happen. How long are you going to be? I was talking to Brian Brewer on the show the other day. And he said that his wife calls that a fight a Brian for five minutes, right? And I mean, we have that in my home too. I mean, it's gotten us into some pretty heated debates and battles at times because I mean, I can remember back when we'd have date night, and I'd have a video some of y'all think that y'all have challenges with shooting videos at the beginning. Well, I didn't have a tripod or whatever, tripod, iPod whatever, you know, where you can sit your phone up. And as a matter of fact, we weren't using cell phones to always sound like a grandpa when I'm telling these stories about 10 years ago online. But I'd asked my wife to sit there and hold the camera, the little camera that I used, and I'm telling you, we mean date and I feel like I just need to shoot just a quick video real quick. Well, I didn't like the video. So we'd be there an hour later, her, you know, she's dressed up for a date, she's whole her arms sore, she's pissed off. Because I got to do one more, do one more, do one more. And it's like, there was no I had no concept of time, I had no concept of clear communication with my family about when I was working, when I was going to be done working when I wasn't working. And now we've got cell phones, right? So even now, sometimes, you know, it'll be family time. And if I'm checking something on my phone, or whatever, it's like, man, I even have my kids sometimes not a lot. So don't start in the old days. You shouldn't be on your kids, too, right? But it's like, it's like, now it's even harder to set boundaries and have structure because we can do so much of our business on our phone. Right? And it almost feels like we're always working. Right? So yeah, that was a lot of stuff. But my original point was, of course, with freedom comes responsibility. Do you seem like more of a natural planner? Or am I or am I not a natural anything? All right, I think there I go. Because I think and not to make a blank again, blanket generalization about an entire group of people but I think as like a recovering alcoholic, that that part of me exists and thrives in chaos and lack of structure. And so I think that's such a big part of me that I've had to develop structure and planning as a coping mechanism. To keep myself on the straight and narrow so to speak so I have like a whiteboard with all my week planned out and looking at it right now.

Dave: I do have like that's just an hour. I don't think that I just want to stop you right there because I want to plug into the audience here and just I'm curious. I think that you don't have to be an alcoholic or recovering alcoholic or kinetic to experience that. I think a lot of us thrive in chaos and in self sabotage and then come back from it. We almost get high off of it, right? Because we self destruct we there's chaos in our life, a lot of it is brought on by us, right? We love to blame it on others, but the truth is, is that we are the common denominator and all of our shit right? And then we we're back in this moment where we're coming back from something super focus, you know, in in, there's no better feeling than feeling like an underdog feeling like you're coming back from something right you know, I'm gonna get back on the wagon, I'm gonna get back on the treadmill, I'm gonna get back in the business, you know, all these things. And I tell you, for me, it's been a real challenge to learn how to maintain on an ongoing basis and not self sabotage, and not create chaos, to come back from right into sort of organize my life in a in do more self care and have more, have more structure and have more planning and kind of actually be like, I don't know, like, like a, like an adult, like what I imagine is like a regular function adult instead of like a person who lives in chaos, and is always kind of coming back from things and self sabotage. You know, I know, I just wonder how many of you can relate to that, even if you don't have a history of alcoholism or addiction, but I just think that's such a big thing. And it's so big to be aware of that. Even if you don't do anything about it right now. But just to be aware of how, what your challenges might be coming from in this business. Because if you're one that always is self sabotaging, self -destructing, and is used to chaos, building a business around a bow and having boundaries Instructure can be a real difficult thing to get used to.

Barb: 1,000% and I think, for me, it's been super important and like a big growth experience to be aware of what those tendencies are that I have to exist in chaos, or, or disorganization, or working long hours to compensate for the lack of organization and a lack of structure. So yeah, it's critical for me, too. And I feel like this is probably true for a lot of people to have things organized and to use, almost like an externalized. For example, they're like, I use a pomodoro timer. So it's like you set a timer and it, you're working for 25 minutes, and then you get a five minute break. And then the timer starts again. And we'll work for 25 minutes and get a five minute break. And that for me it's so effective. Because it's a little bit like I'm not motivating myself. I'm not like okay, Barb, we're gonna sit down and edit this YouTube video now. It's, well, I have to. It's almost like kind of leveraging that clocking in and clocking out mentality a little bit. But I have this external thing, my timer, this app telling me, okay, you need to start working. And here's your to-do list. And for me, that's really effective in helping me get started especially when I'm doing those things that I don't want to do like editing YouTube videos. But whatever I like, whatever I need to do, whether it's that app, or timer, or a whiteboard or whatever, to keep myself focused and get the results that I need to get, I will do, I'll figure it out. I'll figure out what that thing is or how I can iterate and improve. I'll do it, you know.

Dave: Yeah, yeah. So what is another big lesson that you've learned since being online you've I mean, 10 months is like is like, is like 70 months, you know, like it's like it's like Internet years are kind of like dogs you know what I mean? It's a it's it's damn near. You can call this a career. Almost. If you've been doing it for 10 months, you know, because I think the drop off right now Because people can do it just because they get distracted and sort of treat it like a hobby and move on to something else. But what is another big lesson that you've learned that you didn't know when you started, and that's been really helpful and eye opening?

Barb: Oh, man. I think that something that I'm surprised about is the necessity and value in I hate to use the word networking, but to develop relationships with other affiliate marketers, and other people in online business. Because affiliate marketing, it's not like network marketing, there's no one above you below you, you don't have a team, nothing like that. But developing relationships with other people who are on the same path as you, I think, is one of the most valuable things that I've learned, and that I have done in the past, you know, 10 months. And I think that the reason being is, when you form, like that support system with other humans, especially other like minded people that are on that same journey that you're on and want the same things that you want, you're leveling up the people in your life, you know, and if you're hanging around with, you know, or getting that feedback from family, or friends, or people at work, or whoever, oh, why are you doing that TikTok thing that's stupid, like that's gonna bring you down, you're not gonna bring them up to your level, they're gonna bring you down. And so you need to, like, I've needed to surround myself with those people that are on that same journey as me because they mean we bring each other up, you know, and one of my favorite quotes is that a burden shared is halved, and a joy shared is doubled. And so when you get to be in a community of people, or you know, have relationships with others that are on that same journey that you're on, and you get to share your struggles and things that you're working through, they get it. And so it makes sharing that with them less scary or less awful. And when you share those wins, they're rejoicing with you. And it's like, even sweeter. Yeah, and I think that's been one of the most surprising things for me, but also one of the most rewarding.

Dave: You said something that I think was a major nugget, and I don't want to minimize anything else you said, because it was all great. But remembering that you're not going to bring a critic or a doubter or a hater, right? up, you're not going to bring them up, you're not gonna, you're not gonna, you're not going to, you know, get them on your level, they are going to bring you down. Okay. And let me give you an example of how this works in another area of life. There's a lot of folks who get clean, right, who maybe have an issue with alcoholism, they get sober, and now all of a sudden, I want to go share this with my buddies at the bar, right? I mean, I just want them to see how good I feel and how good my life's going. So I'm gonna, you know what, I'm gonna stop by the bar today after work and let and let and let everybody no 9.9 times out of 10. Okay, that person, that guy who was so happy, is going to be having a beer with his old pals before he's going to get the rest of them sober. And that is true in any sort of growth activity. There's always going to be people who are not going to grow with you. And I think one of the biggest mistakes that we make, although I never want to try to shy anybody away from coming back and being an evangelist, right? Because you see this happen with Christians, too, right? They are born again. And now they want to convert everybody else, right? Or somebody discovers something new, you know, whether it's a new food or a new, you know, a new workout or a new one and they want to come and convert everybody else.

Barb: Expecting and this is another recovery, saying, x expectations are resentments waiting to happen. You know, having an expectation that a person is going to react a certain way that they're going to say a certain thing in support of your business is just a resentment in you. It's literally like eating, here's another one. It's literally like eating poison and expecting somebody else to die. 

Dave: Right. And I have had to learn that the hard way. I mean, it was heartbreaking for me at the beginning, to not feel overwhelming support from friends and family like why would they not be so thrown for me. And for whatever reason, maybe my growth made them remind them of what they weren't doing in their life, or maybe they just weren't into what I was doing. Or maybe they thought it was lame, or maybe I was being too positive, I don't know, who gives a damn. Either way, if I would have spent enough time around them trying to convince them, I would have eventually become cynical, and negative in quit before I've because those folks are still cynical, negative, critical, right, even 10 years later. So I think that that's a really big piece that you touched on, I wanted to ask you something else you have, I believe, the secret to your business is teaching. And I think this was a little bit natural for you, because you came from being a teacher, it is education based marketing, which is kind of a boring way of saying what we do. But it's the clearest, and I think the easiest way to understand how to sell more stuff and how to be more successful is education based marketing, right? Where you educate people, and then you invite them to learn more, or if they want more where that came from, or if they want a, you know, if they want a free ebook on how to train their dog, or if they want a free ebook on how to eat Halo, or if they want free training video or a free 15 day challenge on how to build a business online using this specific business model. I think for most people, it's a challenge getting out of it's even, you know, it's it's a, it's a horrible way to come into marketing. Because if you think that you have to just go out there and pitch and that's what it's about, it's just getting out there and selling and pitching. Well, I don't even like to do that. I mean, I don't like to sell, just straight selling sucks, you know, I want to educate people I want them to be, I want them to get value, whether they bought or not, because that makes it less awkward and more enjoyable for everybody. And I can feel good about making an impact. And ironically, people buy more that way. So I actually don't end up disappearing, disappointed. But you've done a couple of things. You've started a Facebook group to help people who are looking to actually specifically be an affiliate for legendary, helping people as they're starting the challenge, and so forth. You've done a lot of education based marketing videos on TikTok. Talk to us about it, give us your own version of what I just said, right? Add or takeaway, but I want you to help people understand that the best way to succeed with this is through education based marketing, and that they don't actually need to be a salesperson to be successful with this business.

Barb: Oh my god, yes. Something that was coming up as you were talking, Dave is like the idea of attraction versus promotion, which is another recovery thing. But that we it's like when you create fantastic content, you aren't made, you're not making an ad for like, if you're on TikTok, you're not creating a tick tock like, here's this product, buy it, it's in my bio. Like, that's not what you're doing. You're it's almost like you're making a TV show that your target audience wants to watch, they want to watch more and more episodes. And then like a documentary, let's say educational, really Fantastic Planet Earth, you know, and they're watching Planet Earth and seeing all these animals and this and that. And then it's like, you know, click the link in my bio, during this short commercial break, or XYZ product that relates to people that would want to watch Animal Planet or whatever.

Dave: Like to adopt a blue whale? 

Barb: Yeah, exactly. Or to donate to, you know, 50 cents a day or whatever. But it's like you're not, I'm not successful affiliate marketers aren't going out and making ads for the product they're promoting. They're maybe not even talking directly about the product they're promoting and every single video, they're creating content that speaks to the fears, problems and pain points of the people that they want to reach. Like, I want to reach people that were like Rob was a year ago where they wanted out of their current iteration of their life, but they didn't know what that looked like or how to get there. And so shoving like, you know, the 15 day challenge or shoving a clickfunnels training or you know, shoving this solution down people's throats and being salesy about it is not the way that you To sell things, the way that you reach the people and get them get their eyes on your content is creating stuff that is funny to them, entertaining to them, or both. That's the best combination, or something that's motivational and inspirational, something that pulls on our first strings, like something that connects emotionally to those people, ads and commercials. I mean, Superbowl commercials Don't get me wrong, but typically ads and commercials are not the things that you know, something really sales pitchy aren't the things that connect emotionally with people. It's creating real authentic content, where you're genuinely connecting with those emotions and your target audience. Because that used to be you, you know.

Dave: Well, what about this one? What about this one, go to meetings, go to AA meetings, Dave, go to AA meetings, it's like, yo, give it a break, like, Okay, I see I got a problem. But like, you know, get, but then all of a sudden, I decide one day on my own now, maybe I'll mosey in. And I hear somebody tell their story. In their story I can relate to them. And at the end, I say, God, it was like, he told my story, right. And then I come back, because I feel like these people might be my people, right? Like, they know where I was at. Same concept, right? It's like nobody ever, ever does anything, because you sit there and beat him over the head to buy it or do it. They do it because they see a, they see a payoff, they see a reward at the end. Or they can identify with the person who is talking about in using a story or using a metaphor using something that connected with them emotionally, or they felt understood, like oh my gosh, this person understands what my pain is, and isn't just trying to beat me over the head with something. But it's kind of like when you go to a doctor. And the doctor comes in and spends five minutes with you, and then writes you a script. And you just leave wondering if you've got the right medicine, because they really didn't even spend time with you to try to understand what your problem is to really try to diagnose the problem. And I think that's one of the reasons why we we there's so much mistrust in in medicine and doctors, that people you know, get prescriptions after having a heart attack, and then don't even go home and take medicine, their medicine, they want to take their own concoction of vitamins and minerals. You know, and then it happens again, it's like, you know, sometimes we think that, you know, because we don't feel heard, because we don't feel understood. And because we don't feel educated ourselves. We don't pull the trigger on stuff we don't buy, we don't, we're not fully bought in. And you know, I think that those were a couple of analogies that came up for me as I was thinking about this, specifically the recovery thing of getting beat beat beat over the head, I can remember having judges beat me over the head in you know, as well as I do you see the people come in to get their paper signed at the meeting, they're like, you know, because they'd been beat over the head and just all right, your your punishment is, you know, 60 hours community service 60 meetings over the next 60 days, see in two months, right. And, you know, if the person comes into it, and actually sits through it and hears something that they identify with, maybe they'll get sober and get some help. A lot of times, they just sneak in at the end right? And just get the paper signed. And because the delivery sucked, you know what I mean? The delivery sucked. And you've had a lot of a lot of, so how do you think that somebody can become more of a teacher and adapt more of those education based marketing skills? Even if they weren't, even if they don't have the T shirt?

Dave: Oh, man, that's a good one. That is a good one for you. Because you have that naturally, right? And somebody could say, well, Barb, you have a natural teaching natural smath role play, right? 

Barb: That's just it's like, I probably sucked when I first started. But that's because I was literally 19 years old when I first started, you know, thinking about how I can help train people? How can I help teach people so of course, I sucked, like, you know, and it's not that I was a bad person or it's not that I shouldn't have been teaching or whatever. I just needed to learn skills over time and keep iterating and keep improving. And we all I'll start somewhere. And so what I would tell people is, it is so it'll change the way that you think. If you take the perspective of learning, teaching, like, and that's like, I think it was like a civil war. I know Brian Brewer says that, but it's also like a civil war reference to surgeons back in, like in the Civil War to learn how to do surgeries in the field. They would like, watch one, do one and then teach one. I didn't know that. Yeah. And I think a lot of it was probably out of necessity, but Okay, interesting, right. But it changes your perspective on thinking about how and why you do things when you take the perspective of Oh, I need to pay attention. I'm going to teach someone this as if I were a teacher asking those comprehension questions like asking kids, okay, so tell me about what you just did. And having them have to do what? Like, think about what they just did, and then paraphrase it and explain it, that cements something in you that you don't get if you aren't turning back around, and like kind of organically putting your own version of that back out into the world. Like there's so much value in turning around and teaching something that you just learned. It cements it in you and it will, it just strengthens that as a skill.

Dave: Yeah, I agree with that. Yes. So agree with that. I think that's of everything. So today, I think that if ever if you guys can in gals can take one thing from prison, you know, people Oh, the audio is cutting down, the video is cutting out Well, you know what, sometimes you just got to set the video and just listened to the words. Because you because you left in, you might have missed a real golden nugget. And the grill. Golden Nugget I just heard was the faster, you can turn around and teach something that you just learned, the more it will cement it in your brain, it will cement it inside of your subconscious. Also, it helps you to immediately turn around and deliver value. And I think the majority of people do the opposite, learn stuff, and then do nothing with it because they're not ready yet. And then, by the time you've taken in much more information to get really ready, you forgot 90% of what you've recently learned. So I want to say that again. And hopefully it also gets permit actually Can you say that again? Because I hope it gives people permission to do it. Please say it one more time. So we really make sure that people hear that.

Barb: Yeah, gosh, it's so timely because I've had people who come to me and they're like yeah, I haven't started my facebook group I haven't you know started doing x y&z because I don't feel like I know enough, or I'm competent or capable enough, or whatever it is. If you don't learn something, and immediately turn around and share that, you're not only doing yourself a disservice, but you're doing other people a disservice. Because you're not teaching them as you go. 

Dave: And you don't need to be perfect or have it all down or whatever. If that was the case, we wouldn't exist as a species because nobody ever attains that. And we could never teach anything to anyone. So learn, do, and then turn around and teach people how to do it. And maybe stuff will come up that you don't know, or you have to go and search on Google and figure out you know, and that's I don't even care if you learn and teach it. Right? Just if you learn and teach it. I mean, that's what that's what the majority of America does in classrooms anyways, right? All across college and stuff. I mean, here I am assuming again. So I mean, you know, I'm getting I'm on my soapbox here, you know, but but come on. Do you think every single thing that's ever been taught every single person who's taught it has years or months or even weeks of experience with it? No. I mean, I'm a history teacher. Was I there? Was I there during that? No, I wasn't. I'm teaching something that I read. I'm teaching something that I learned that I learned I didn't go back in history. I wasn't there during that particular time, right. So I'm the best. My wife sometimes says that I should have been an attorney right? Because I come up with some of the most, most insane arguments for things but the only thing that I want to do and I know you want to do this too, is I just want people I want people to get results. I want people that spend their hard earned time and money here. In on yourself and in your business, I want you to see a result from it so you can easily have a community that is dependent on me or is dependent on you know whatever the next thing that's coming down the road that we're going to be releasing, but I don't give a damn if people never buy something from us again is I know how to go get more customers so it's not gonna it's not like I need to hold everybody hostage. I know and I also know reverse psychology here that the more results you get the more Shea you'll buy from us because you'll be like Yo, I like this stuff I'm getting results right the quicker you I almost think that that should be like the one thing we say on the show every day just over and over again every day it's the same thing people but like oh my God, he's so sexy to save same thing every day. You know? What it's like, teach something. Do it. Sure. Do it. Okay, do it. I don't want to be leaving that out. Like I'm just telling you to go teach stuff, do it okay. But learn it, do it and teach it immediately the same day, not a week later, not a month later the same day. And I think that people could come on this show and you could come on this show and learn something every day that you could turn around in teaching the same guy right the same day. It's just my opinion. I'll get off my soapbox now. So you know and I'm not going to reveal your name but you go by alias online right to protect your identity I just thought I'd mentioned that for men and women who want to feel more protected out there on online

Barb: My other account my manifestation account that was something I did to basically as an experiment to see if I could build a following without showing my face without using my name you know, just driving traffic by creating content and I think at one point so I was driving traffic on that account to this manifestation product but I was getting like a sale a day. And so for people who I know there are people who have reached out to me before and said, I can't show my face because of work like they work for the government or you know, XYZ whatever whatever reason they have like even if you're not using TikTok you can use Pinterest you can you know drive traffic on Pinterest and never show your face and there you could blog like there are just so many ways that you can have success with affiliate marketing that you don't have to put yourself front and center you know, so just wanted to throw that my two cents.

Dave: Yeah, so you this, this, this particular account that you have, in the manifestation niche, you are a manifestation content, which, you know, if anybody's unclear about what manifestation content is, I mean, just go to Instagram, go to TikTok and type in manifestation and you'll start getting bombarded with, you know, with with mantras and affirmations and manifesting and law of attraction stuff. And then you simply go over to a Click Funnels or a jvzoo, or something to find a product that connects on that topic. And, and you can easily have a new channel without showing your face up and running in a day. It's unbelievable. I mean, there's literally no barrier to entry in this business. And it literally costs $0 to go and start a business in a new niche. I mean, for me, the speed of implementation, if you implement right away, and the barrier to entry being so low, is almost a joke. And people don't take it seriously. Right? Because it's like, that's too good to be true. You know, I know that if I started a business, I need to go take a loan from somewhere and buy equipment. And that's the only I mean, that's just the only way I need a location and all this kind of stuff. When you tell somebody No, you literally ensure you can invest in education. We sell education. There's other programs out there that sell education. I wouldn't say it's on our level, but I mean that's just me. You invest in education, but in terms of getting started. It's literally the only cost is your uncomfortability in most cases. It’s pretty crazy. Well listen, I have enjoyed this even though we had some technical challenges and I think lost a bunch of people. We still got a core group on and I'm sure many will catch the replay and I'm excited about round two and continuing to get this is your first time on the show, isn't it? Yeah.

Barb: Second. The first time was with Matt.

Dave: Okay well I am excited about a a third episode here to continue to get updates on your journey and you know, congratulations on everything that you've accomplished here in 2021, quitting your job finding your your niche, you know, finding your your kind of tribe and, and I think in many respects, finding this version of yourself as as an independent business owner versus somebody who's always probably done a fantastic job but you've had, but now doing, doing a fantastic job on your own for yourself. And I know that's got to feel good. And I just I'm extremely happy for you and thankful for all the value that you've provided just to a lot of members in this community as well. 

Barb: Thanks, Dave. 

Dave: You're welcome. Well, we will chat with you really soon. All right. All right. Sounds good. All right. See you Barb.

Barb:  Bye. 

Dave: All right, my friends. You can follow her at barbmcgowen. And my friends have a fantastic Thursday. We'll be back for another episode tomorrow. Rain or shine technical difficulties do not matter. Not at all to me. Right. So if you know a little bit of fuzz or a little bit of lag was a challenge for some of you, I'm sorry. You know, sometimes that happens but you know the quality of the message the quality of the content, the quality of the experience and the nuggets that were dropped was was was was was unrivaled, right unrivaled with any YouTube video or any other thing out there any other podcast why cuz it's loving because it's just happened. It's happening right now. It's not something that happened five years ago. Right? So yeah, we'll be back here tomorrow with another episode. See you then. Get out of here. Have a fantastic Thursday. Be Legendary. And we'll see you tomorrow. Peace.

How to Go From Full Time Employee to Full Time Digital Marketer

Below is the transcription for this episode: 

Dave: What's going on, my friends, this is Dave Sharpe, welcome to Wake Up Legendary. This morning we had another guest. We are going to hear from who went from full time employee to full time online entrepreneur, please everyone, help me welcome Mike Mefford to the show what's up Mike.

Mike: Hey, what's going on, Dave.

Dave: Not much brother where you are calling from.

Mike: I live in the Kansas City Metro Area, Lee's Summit Missouri to be exact.

Dave: Okay, okay, and you've got the old wood wall behind you too man. Is that just what was there before your online business or is that something that you've recently installed.

Mike: That's something new. I'm in the process of remodeling my office right now. This has totally changed everything about me.

Dave: Nice man, well tell us about that, tell us how, give us a nutshell version so we can get to know you here in the first few minutes of the show, how you got here and how you started online.

Mike: Yeah, I actually lost my job at the end of January, so I kind of scrambled to find something that had been following a few people on tick tock, like everybody else and you know I decided to jump in and give this a try and from day one of the challenge I knew this was what I wanted to do. I did not want to go back to a nine to five job. I, you know, I like doing this. It was totally out of my realm of comfort, I had never done a TikTok. I'm still in amazement that I'm on the show with you today. I like to thank you for everything you've done for me and my family.

Dave: Hey man, You're welcome, buddy. Well, I didn't even know I did it, you know, so it's it's good to know it's one of the, one of the benefits of this show for me has, has been that I get to meet, you know, actual customers and students and some of our affiliates and, and actually, you know, get to hear how you've used our training how you've used our system how, you know, how your life has evolved changed, so you know I think I get as much out of this, as you do man so thanks for saying that. And glad you're here. So, was this the only training that you've, You had ever taken, was this the only online business that you had ever tried?

Mike: Yep, this is the only thing I've ever tried to do online. So, holy crap, man. Wow, and so I jumped in full steam so I got a very supportive wife behind me so that helps a lot. 

Dave: So, tell me about, like, tell me about that beginning process of you, have you clicked a link watching a sales video enrolling in the challenge watching that first day, I mean what was the things that were said, What did. What did I say? What did you hear that said that made you say, okay this is what I want to do, I mean what gives us insight into your head and what was your aha moment. What did you see that made you say, this makes sense?

Mike: Just what everybody else was saying on TikTok, how, how wonderful you were how, how the support community was a big piece of it for me, you know, you know, you know, because I had no experience so, you know, I didn't want to jump into this and then not have any support on the back end of it so and I've reached out to, you know, lots of people and all of that but just everything you said. I mean, you know, this is life changing. You know I wanted more time with my family. You know I was sick of commuting to work and working a nine to five. So, yeah, so.

Dave: So at the end of the day, I mean, the bottom line is is you just didn't want to go back to work, working for somebody else, and you were willing to have an open mind to something that made sense, something that would allow you to work from home to not have to go back to a full time position working somewhere else outside of the house in the middle of a, you know, in the middle of 2020 and 2020. We all know what's going on. You have to say it and have Facebook, you know, cancel our live video here because, you know, it is proven if you say certain words you will get. You will get penalised. I guess so we all know what's going on, right, we don't need to. We don't need to go into those details, we all know what's happening out there in the world. And, and you want no part of it, you want to build your own economy right at home is that pretty much the bottom line. That is the bottom line right there. Yeah, so if we cut through all the excuses my friends here if we cut through all this shit. The bottom line is, is that we all just want to be at home, have the ability to have unlimited upside, be in control of our time and are in our money, and in, do more of what we love, versus essentially taking orders, driving to a building that we don't want to be at taking orders from people that we don't want to take orders from.

Mike: Yep, I've spent 25 plus years doing work.

Dave: So you were working as a contractor or you were working 25 years at the same company?

Mike: I didn't work 25 years at the same company but I did. I was a system administrator for data analytics and reporting so that's what I spent my whole life doing.

Dave: Understood. So, you find this online marketing thing you go through the challenge you start taking some training, and what sort of hurdles, either mentally or what were some of the things that if you look back, you could say Mike, that could have took me out like that was a landmine that I, you know or that was a, you know, that was something that I, I almost let get the best of me or could have got the best of me, or that's something that I'm glad I overcame like what were some of the biggest hurdles and challenges that if you look back in the very beginning, if you're getting started, you, you're thankful that you overcame them and you realize they could have took you out.

Mike: The first one was the amount of information, the amount of information you provide is unreal. So processing all of that, you know, and only concentrating on the pieces that I needed to at that time, and then the big one is I wasn't comfortable on camera. That was not my cup of tea. You know, I've done 1000s of TikTok videos now I think so, it's really grown to.

Dave: So, you had to, you had to get, you had to decide what information that you wanted to pay attention to or you had to, you had to either look at being overwhelmed, as a, as a positive thing because it's better than being underwhelmed, or did you have to. Did you have to be really careful that you didn't get overwhelmed or how did you deal with the feeling of overwhelm at the beginning because you happen to mention, information overload, it's a common thing. Other people feel overwhelmed by other things, how did you deal with your specific flavor of overwhelm which was potentially going to come from information overload?

Mike: I picked up, I just started from the beginning and broken into small chunks and, you know, work through, you know the, you know that I did the blueprint so you know I, you know, I did each section and then, you know I practice that section and, yeah, so I didn't try to do it, do everything and then go back and try to implement everything at one time I did the Facebook section and then I, you know, I finished that. And so I did it in blocks. 

Dave: When you went through the blueprints was that that was this year of course right?

Mike:  Yeah, I did it. I think I did the 15 Day Challenge in March, and I immediately went into the blueprints after the two weeks of that do

you find the blueprints, the depth of the blueprints. When you look back at it you do you sort of, would you, would it be fair for you to describe it as kind of the, the challenge, although valuable being the shallow end of the pool, the blueprints, being the deep end of the pool?

Mike: Yeah, most definitely went through a lot deeper than the 15 Day Challenge part of it. 

Dave: Yeah, yeah, well that's what I was hoping you were gonna say but I opened up a bunch of shallow shit Dave and you're just too big. But, but, thankfully, thankfully here live on, you know, that's the whole thing with going live man I mean, you know, it's one way to get comfortable with, with the idea of, you know, messing up, of, of, you know, looking like an asshole in front of a bunch of people, whatever, getting over that real quick is just going live. Because, you know, here we are at, at, you know, look at your phones and tell me, does your phone say the same exact thing my phone knows yes we are live, is that, you know, get you comfortable being on camera and not worrying about every little thing if you do it enough time so have you begun to what is your strategy are you, obviously you've done some marketing on TikTok, are you also going live, and doing other things besides just posting videos on TikTok, give us a little idea of what your strategy looks like and we'll also post your link so people can check you out.

Mike: Yeah, I definitely do. I have TikTok live. I did a couple weeks of it, I didn't, I didn't. I didn't see a big benefit and I didn't get a whole lot more leads or sales. The biggest change for me here in the last two weeks is Tyler Well being marketer, gave me a kick in the butt and said you need to have one conversations with people that are reaching out to you, so I have really started doing that. It is crazy now I spend three to four hours a day, replying to DMS. TikTok and Instagram comments so, yeah, I'm getting my sales rate through the roof now and so.

Dave: Well golly gee willikers you know, that's, that's, that's the one thing that a lot of people are sort of unwilling to do who have that sort of expectation of, you know that that quote unquote automated business they've watched too many, you know, too many of those, too many of those rented Lambo gurus, with the push button system sales videos, and they've, they've got this idea that there's going to be some button that they're finally going to find once they pay, you know $37 For you will make money on online product on Clickbank or JVZoo or something, and that they're, they're going to discover that push button thing and the truth is is that, you know, I haven't found that yet it's like sort of like the pot at the end of the rainbow. And the more that I can blend here's been my secret I think sounds like you're saying the same thing is blending high touch with high tech.

Mike: Yeah, yeah, I fell into the trap of hey, click on my link and buy this product from me and opt in to my email list and.

Dave: So, what are some of your calls to action? Now, how are you getting people to reach out more so you can have more conversations via DM?

Mike: Well I, I changed my mindset, a little bit a couple of weeks ago where I know I'm not just posting about hey let's say you want to learn how to do affiliate marketing, I'm like, Hey, here's this side hustle or here's these work from home job, and at the end of my always put the call to action is hey if you want to learn how I make money online, click the link in my bio, but that's not my main focus of the TikTok at the beginning it's you know, if you want to work for Facebook remotely, this is how you can do it. So that's working pretty well for me or the last couple of weeks I know I've gained 77,000 followers on TikTok in the last two weeks so

Dave: Well that's pretty kick ass. So in opt in rates are crazy so crazy good or crazy bad?

Mike: No crazy good I'm at like 86% of people who hit my Ads and I were running some ads, Dave: And we're at 30% trying to figure out how to get to 60% Maybe we need to move we need to come and learn from you.

Mike: That's what my Clickfunnels stats are showing me and since I started October 3 that the options are like 86% O

Dave: Okay, well that's awesome bro, I mean, soak it up and enjoy every minute of 80 plus percent opt in rate percentages mean the beautiful thing about organic marketing free traffic. Not only is it free. Right, but it's warmer, right, because they, they've, they've likely seen a video or two or four or five from you before. And they, they, and a lot of times if they like something from you, they're gonna go and they're gonna watch a few more videos on your, on your, on your profile. I mean think about how you interact with other people's social media. Think about how you do that. A lot of times you're going to go over to somebody's profile like there's this joker let me go see if this is the only video on their profile, it's just something or let me see if this is like a real person and this is a real profile. I think when we talk about authenticity, or at least when I talk about authenticity. I think of it, less, as I have to, you know I have to be the same person I am, with my wife right because I'm a little dial down I'm not like super old mister wake up legendary with my kids and in life I, you know, because they'd be like, give us your inside voice that you know like tone it down a little bit I get all hyped up and excited because this is, I love this and in a different way that I love my kids if I'm hyped up and I'm outside playing with them and I'm gonna use my outside Wake Up Legendary voice I'm gonna get all fired up. But what being authentic to me being authentic online to me means is that people can find my real estate, online, whether it be my daily show, or whether it be my tick tock profile, whether it be my Facebook profile, and they can see a consistent pattern of me showing up with a consistent message delivering consistent value, and it's clear that I'm a real person, and that there's actual, there is a life, there's a human being behind some of these claims, this is not just a video that I threw up that I'm reading from a script that I have no idea what I'm talking about. I eat, sleep and breathe this stuff, what I'm sharing with you on this video, in terms of how online business has changed my life. You can see a track record of that if you go over to my profile and scroll through the history, right, and so I think that we have to remember, we have to remember that people do that, they don't always just, you know, click on on our, on our, you know, Profile link or right to the bio know they scroll they want to do some research, they want to find out who this joker is but after they've gone through and watched four or five videos, if your videos are quality stuff. They're going to be even more convinced and more excited to go click that link in your bio, or send you a DM right might say hey, this is this stuff oh real that you're talking about. 

Mike: If you do that with the consistency part though, you can show up one day and then take three days off and then show up again because that doesn't show consistency for your audience. 

Dave: Yeah, yeah, and people really, really are counting on you to not be consistent. They're counting on you to get distracted and not do the same. They're counting on you failing. Okay, this is what I think, one, it's hard for me to say this in making it clear because it's a complex thing and I think it all happens subconsciously. I don't think people purposefully want you to fail, or stop or get distracted. But I think that's what most people do is they get excited about something for a short period of time and the next week they're talking about something else, or they're doing something else, or they've quit. And that's probably how they operate a lot in their lives because most people are really good at starting things but not so good at finishing things. So when they see you day after day, or they go over to your tick tock Pro and you have three months, or you have six months of videos they're, they're like holy shit this person does this full time, this is what they do. Right.

Mike: Yep, exactly. Yeah, I do this, I post to TikToks a day. I use block scheduling. So, you know, I set a certain time every day to work on my content or my email sequence or something like that. 

Dave: Yeah, nice man. What other things have worked, that you would like to share with the community that you think would be valuable for them, what other tips, what other strategies that, that you think would be a value here in the next few minutes just because I have a couple of other questions that are not related specifically to your marketing?

Mike: Okay. Consistency is the big one, you know, showing up every day, producing good content that your audience is going to find valuable. The one on one conversations. You're very rarely going to get somebody, you might get them to buy your low ticket offer but without those one on one conversations I don't think you're gonna make many sales on high ticket so definitely have those one on one conversations. I think that those are my two big ones right now that I concentrate on not being consistent and, you know, having those conversations with people. 

Dave: Yeah. Cool man, well that's valuable and I love that you're talking about what's going on currently in your business. I do that too. You know I, I talked about kind of what's going on, like right now, And I love to hear that from people as well. You'd mentioned that your wife is really supportive and I just wanted to circle back on that and just ask, you know, how did you how did you how did you present this to her, and how did you get her support, you know, how did you win her support, what was it, is it a certain history that you have of communication is it that you guys had no other options mean how did you go, most people when they go to their spouses who have no experience doing an online business or something that's not traditional, they get a lot of pushback. So how did you win over the support of your wife and what tips would you give to our audience to win over the support of their spouses?

Mike: Well like I said she's always been supportive and whatever I wanted to do some of it. I want to buy a motorcycle. Okay, well, This was that I you know I showed her tic TOCs and Brian Brewer and stuff like that. She sat down and watched your sales pitch, so we don't know we have an open line of communications. I've had a couple of times during this that, you know, Maybe this isn't for me if you know I'm not generating any leads. Well, she's been right there behind me now. Let's give it another month and see what happens and keep doing your thing, you know you're getting better at the TikToks, your contents are getting better, you know. So yeah, she's super Yeah, and I didn't, we didn't want to. We were in a situation that I you know I needed an income to bring in some money to help pay the bills so you know that was a little, you know, we're going to make money doing this I go yeah we're gonna make some money eventually down the road but

Dave: I'd had that conversation, bro. I've had all that, you know, I've, I've been there, done that, man, I, when I started down this down this journey I got involved in network marketing first. And, you know like herbalife and you know Amway and those kind of things and, and, you know, I remember, you know, several of the company one company that I that I got involved in the product was a cell phone, and I paid, you know, $850 to join 500 of it was for the cell phone I never got the cell phone for the company shut down about two weeks after that and then another one was a lotion, lotion, skin lotion company so I have purple boxes and skin lotion, you know, under bed, and this one company was numismatic coins, right. So, I was paying 100 a month for these numismatic coins I thought it was bullion, I didn't understand the difference between, like, like a bullion coin which is, you're paying for the weight of the gold, whereas a collectible you're paying for the, like the collectability of it, and it's so these were $100 coins but they were only really worth like 25 or 30 bucks so anyways, I got I was in the company for a few months, and I hadn't made any money, and, you know, I was struggling one month to pay my rent, and thankfully I had at least enrolled in this numismatic coin company because I took him down to the pawn shop. And I was able to get some money back to be able to pay my rent, but, you know, God, I look at that. For me, you know, I'd asked you what were some of those times to where you look and you said, you know, maybe that that was a time that I overcame something I certainly could have quit. I mean, for me, that was a rock bottom. And that was before I got started in entrepreneurship, you know what I mean, I was already in entrepreneurship, I was already talking big shit about how I was going to succeed, I'm going to get rich with this and or I'm going to at least make some money with this I'm going to go full time and here I am pawning these numismatic coins to cover a portion of my part of the bills because this was before, before we were married the first or so or two of our relationship. But yeah, I mean, for whatever reason, both my, my then girlfriend, now wife being supportive, supportive and, and, in her own way, you know, she ended up buying me a computer because I was doing offline stuff in these network marketing companies, You know chasing down friends and family, being held in the doors pounding the phones pounding the pavement, dragging people to home and hotel meetings and stuff like that, trying to get them signed up. And, you know, after, after two out of three companies shut down and I had to pawn my numismatic coins. I was like okay this, I gotta find something else, but I didn't have a computer do. And so, you know, she took me to Best Buy and she bought me a computer for five or 600 bucks, and I paid it off 50 bucks a month, you know, over the next, however long it took me to pay it off, you know, the next year or so, and. And that was a computer that I worked on. And it was kind of my, my bread and butter as a matter of fact, and I encourage all of you to take some pictures, you know, this was back. This was back before we all just had. We all just had cameras on all of our cell phones, you know, and it was just so easy to take a picture of everything, but this is me sitting at that very computer, you know, with, you know, the. It was a Samsung you can see there, and I had the, I had it up on a, on a little stand there so I could, I guess see better or whatever and a little, little keyboard there, you know, detached from the thing and I had the nicotine patch on there, not sure if you can see that but I had the old quit smoking nicotine patch on the right shoulder there, you know the the desk was set up right in the middle of living room. There was no home office that was the home office. And, You know that was the computer that I had started my, you know, online marketing career with paying it off on my, my, my then girlfriend now wife's credit card $50 a month at a time. It was kind of like putting a piece of furniture on like one of those payment plans that, you know, whatever this furniture place is. And I looked back and I felt nowadays I buy a Mac computer it's, it's, you know when they whenever a new one comes out and it's no big deal but, I mean there was a time man to where that was the biggest purchase in my life at that moment, you know, it was just that computer to be able to work on. And so, yeah, I think it's important, Mike and everybody listening to stay close to your the beginnings of your story and to that struggle into what that look like and, in, I know it's hard to appreciate it at the beginning, you know, because it's tough, it sucks, you know, it's like this sucks. But you look back on it and that becomes the greatest story that you have, you know, when you become successful, you get to look back on that you get to talk about that you get to show pictures if you have it, those pictures of you working. I've got another funny one of mine I had got. I had finally got enough money that I felt comfortable enough to buy a, you know, I guess I'm a Mac/iMac guy, Right. And, but I, I guess, for whatever reason I didn't have a desk or something to set it on so I set it on this nightstand or whatever, it's like backwards sitting there in the corner, you know, and I'm just kind of sitting up hunched over it, you know that that would create massive neck and back pain for me, for me today you can tell, the pictures not very good, knows what it was taken on but, you know, the point is is that those beginnings are, are part of the most, or the most powerful part of your story, and they're what makes the journey, enjoyable and real as you as you grow in and kind of move away and move on. Those beginning So, anyways, your story of getting started reminded me of that and I appreciate that. My brother. I appreciate your time. It's been an honor to chat. Thanks for the kind words about our, our process and our system here, um, I've had a couple of folks on this week, it's well actually yesterday and today, who both said that they'd never done any other training, never done any other online business before. This was the first one, and they're off and running and kicking, kicking butt and taking names so what would you tell somebody who's on that day one, are thinking about getting involved here and might have some of that skepticism that some of us have at the beginning, based on your experience in what you've got out of this, What would you tell maybe yourself if you were sitting there at that at that day one again. What would you say to yourself?

Mike: Stick with it. No, don't, don't build that on day three and, you know, don't, don't think it's going to get too hard, there's plenty of support out there to help you with whatever problem you may have you don't have to be a tech whiz or anything to do this I mean, there's lots of help out there YouTube videos to help you along the way, you know just be consistent, you know, finish the 15 day challenge I have lots of people who don't finish the 15 day challenge so I reach out to them and, You know, tried to get them motivated started again and stuff like that but yeah you keep keep grinding.

Dave: Yeah, stick with it. It's amazing how many people will even buy something online and then not even log into it, it's unbelievable. It's crazy, folks, that is the norm, just so you understand that a lot, we've we've had a lot of our affiliates who have gone through the challenge and it's like, well, you're clearly new man you've not you'll, you don't know the behaviors of human beings, especially online, this is the norm that people buy something, and don't use it, it's like buying a gym membership, and not going. I've never done that, you know, I've for most of my adult life hadn't had a gym membership, and didn't go to the gym on a regular basis that I had a membership, you know there's probably been times that I've had multiple memberships, you know because we buy stuff. We in the heat of the moment, impulsive decisions, we, we have a moment of motivation or inspiration, you know, and, and we were my the only one who's just at some times in my life has been great at something and just bad at finishing, I can't be the only one, you know, through my decade of doing this. It's been unbelievable Mike I'm saying that it's, I'm obviously being sarcastic. Unbelievable how many people will buy something or not even log in and not even start or buy something and not go through it. And for me, I always like to see the silver lining in that. And for me what that shows me is that there's not that much competition. Most people are lazy, most people are distractible, most people, even if they're out, even if they can outsmart me out with me. They cannot last me. Right. It's like a game of survivor and sense, if you don't have, which I've not over the years have the technical skills, had the grammar the selling the, you know, a lot of these skills that keep a lot of us from being embarrassed I used to write emails out to my list and they'd send them back saying this is the worst thing I've ever read. Never email me again, you know, because the grammar was horrible and I was just a bad writer, but I've outlasted people, and I think we, on your note of consistency. Just remember folks when times get tough, when you feel like, I don't know if I'm ever going to blow this up and become successful with this. Those who are successful are not the smartest, they're not the best dressed, they're not most likely to. They didn't get that award and it's not because I certainly didn't get that award any time in school. It's not the people with the highest IQ, it's not even the most charismatic, right, because even those people are distractible. It's the people who do the deal, consistently, and stick with it on a daily basis, over a period of time, and that's with any business, that's not just this, that's with any business use you roll your hot dog stand up to that corner for long enough, or if you got to change course are fine, but eventually you're going to find a niche you're going to find a hot spot you're in, it's in it's going to blow up, but it's the folks who invest all this hot dogs gonna blow up I'm gonna get rich with this and they go out there for a week, and it's, you know, selling hot dogs and they're like I want maybe their wife says or whatever and they listen or maybe they're just all negative but to get down on themselves, but they quit too soon, you know,

Mike: They jump to the next shiny object.

Dave: Absolutely, absolutely. So all right, my brother will listen. Have a great day, tell your wife that we said hello. 

Mike: I will do that. 

Dave: Again, my friend. Thanks for supporting and knowing how important that is and please come back and keep us posted on your journey. All right, brother.

Mike: Well thank you very much.

Dave: Alright see Mike. All right my friends you can follow Mike, as I've put up here, a couple of times at Mikemefford6 on TikTok. And as always say, lift, lifted brother up, lift the sister up, leave them a comment like their stuff, that's how we can support each other in this community is by is by, you know, showing support is by sending positive energy is by collaborating and masterminding and learning from each other and just, again, it's all about collaboration not competition. Make a decision, you know, it's almost like, you know how many times for some of you sitting on the fence, do you have to see or hear some of these stories to go all in to really, you know, to really make a powerful decision I hope that today will be that day for you. And if it's not keep coming back, we'll keep talking and keep sharing stories, and trying to inspire and bring new hope where we are at in your journey with that being said, Get out of here, have a great Tuesday, Peace.

How Busy Mom’s Can Start A Profitable Online Business


Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on, my friends, this is Dave Sharpe Welcome to wake up legendary it's an allergenic Dave sharpest morning but no. Nonetheless, it is Dave Sharpe. So, my friends and my fathers, and my mothers, I'd like you to hear this morning from how a from a busy mom on how a busy mom can start a profitable business and oh by the way, in case you were listening to this and thinking, Well, I'm young, or I'm older I'm not a busy mom. Well if a busy mom can do it. Don't you think that you can do it too. Don't let a busy mom out work you don't let a busy mom out hustle you don't let a busy mom out succeed. Yeah. All right, I bet she will. Erica Welcome to the show.

Erica: Hi Dave How are you?

Dave: I'm great, I am fantastic besides a little bit of allergies but you know what, that's. We'll get through it. Right. We'll get through it. We'll get through it together. So where are you calling from?

Erica: I'm actually calling in from Phoenix Well, west of Phoenix but Phoenix, Arizona. 

Dave: Good old Phoenix, I got some friends out there in Phoenix, including the man, the myth, the legend Matt Hetzel. He is out in that area as well. Yeah. You know him, he's, he's been helping you to get some results in your business here inside of our community right?

Erica: Yeah a lot actually. 

Dave: Nice. So, well, tell us a lot. Is this your first time on the show?

Erica: No, I was on it probably about a year ago.

Dave: Okay, you know, I mean, that's like 300 people my age so forgive me. No worries. Forgive me, I, I really, you know, I know your name. I know who you are. Matt was talking about you in some of the sort of results that you were getting just within about 30 days ago on how you started to take off but, but take us back in, give us a little bit of how you got started, how you found Legendary just for anybody who doesn't know your story. 

Erica: Sure, so I've kind of always been wanting to kind of do things on my own and have my own business work from home. I've got two kids, I've got a husband. And so I've always been interested in making money online and making money from home. I've done a couple MLMs that didn't really work out in my favor and right before I started Legendary I was actually taking an Amazon FBA course. It really worried me because of the amount of money that you have to kind of put into purchasing products and hoping that they sell and if not then you're finding out a bunch of money and so I was really skeptical on it, even though I was taking the course it was something that, in my guts still kind of worried me and I'd actually found a video on TikTok. About the 15 day challenge, and loved the results that I was seeing from it actually did, did a bunch of Google searches on the company on you, probably about a good week or two before I actually decided to jump in and when I jumped in, I say that I fully jumped in, I jumped in with both feet, you know cancelled my Amazon FBA course and just ran with legendary. Shortly after I started, I did a tic toc video that blew up and so the first account that I had actually has almost 200,000 followers right now. That one kind of died down, I had a surgery and it kind of took me away from work a little bit. And when I came back, it was a little bit of a struggle. I was still making sales on stuff like that but it was just a little hard so the last couple of months I kind of kept out for a couple of months. And I reached out to Matt because I was having some issues and so I was like hey, you know, this is what's going on, this is where I'm struggling, what do I do, and so he sent me the training video and I created a whole separate tic tock account, and it kind of blew up from there.

Dave: Well sorry to your FBA Amazon drop shipping people there that we stole your heart away. What do you think the difference was between MLM or past network marketing ventures, the Amazon drop shipping, and then Legendary in what we teach here, what was the difference that got that, that sort of made you drop everything?

Erica: So I needed something that was not going to cost me a lot of money to start because I had done other ventures in the past and actually lost quite a bit of money with MLM happening to order different products every single month in order to even make Commission's was really difficult, and having to rely on other people, that whether they decided to work their business or not greatly impacted what I was able to get and I know a lot of people who actually have a lot of success with network marketing companies, I just wasn't one of those people and so when I started looking into Amazon FBA kind of fell back with the same any aspect of I didn't want to have to put in a bunch of money that I wasn't sure I was going to see a return on. Now I do think that Amazon FBA is a sustainable business. But as long as you have that capital in order to lose if that's something that the product that you purchased doesn't go over really well, And me being a mom of two my husband travels for work, we actually travel with him, I needed something that was a big risk and Legendary was a very reputable company, and the core foundations that Legendary teaches was everything for me and that's basically what got me off the ground and running.

Dave: Now you did still invest in education here there are probably people who are thinking so when you say get off the ground for cheap I think most of them are used to $37 Business In A Box on ZBZoo or WarriorForum on some of these underground push button systems that cost $27-37 bucks and then look at something that costs $3,700 and see that as a massive cost and while I don't want to minimize that, for people who that is a massive cost. I also know you may too. I don't know. Everybody's got a different, I guess, I guess thermostat for that. But for me, compared to for example the construction business that I was going to start before I came online, that was going to cost me 2500 Really just to sign up for the test to get my license, let alone all the tools, the truck, the school that it takes. I don't know all of the economics of Amazon FBA drop shipping, but I just wonder if you could speak just for a second. On the ROI, or the or the mindset that you have about investing in education, or at least investing education here.

Erica: Yeah, definitely, um, so when I had joined. Like I said I loved the way that everything was taught. I loved that it was very step by step, very easy to follow. I had questions of course, as you do with any new thing that you start that's pretty normal to kind of be a little hesitant to not really feel like you know everything and I'm definitely one of those people that I like to have all of the pieces of the puzzle. A lot of the times before I start, but this was a little different and so I kind of had to take myself back to almost the feeling of when you start school and you're learning a trade or you're learning to figure out what career you want to go into you don't always have all of those pieces, but you just keep moving forward. And for me, I felt that right off the bat as soon as I got into legendary $7 force that this was something that was going to not only take me to that next level in my business that I've always wanted, but that it was going to be something that would benefit me to invest into with Amazon FBA. The only difference is that you can purchase products, and you aren't really sure if they're going to sell, yes they have different things that you can do in order to figure out which products are the best products and which products people are wanting and ones in demand, but you kind of sometimes run that gamble of what if somebody doesn't buy it. What if this product doesn't sell the way that I needed to? What if the marketing that I'm doing for it doesn't attract those clients to get those products sold because it does, is going to take some time just like with anything. and so I was able to see a faster turnaround with Commission's coming in, sooner than I would have with Amazon FBA and a lot of that had to do with the foundation of Legendary itself and what it teaches at its core, and the step by step process of everything in general. And so for me it was highly beneficial for my business and where I wanted to go to invest in that.

Dave: I don't think a lot of people really understand this, this is something that I want to try to communicate and I'm interested in your perspective from somebody who knows a bit about sort of these Amazon and drop shipping style businesses because you have that firsthand recent experience for me. When I look at it, I want to build a business that's an asset that has the potential to make me money, even after I quit creating content, and also has the ability to develop a real asset like a customer list or a database that I can continue to market to over and over again. To me, and even if I want to build a reputable brand. For me, it's a lot easier to build a reputable brand using my, my knowledge and or the value that I can deliver and or my face right versus drop shipping, where you certainly can build a brand, you can take in get somebody to create you for example a watch, and you can put your own branding on it, and that's a lot of what some Amazon courses teach is the difference between, you know, just kind of drop shipping products and then creating your own branded products, that is your own brand, but to me that's a really, that seems like a really advanced strategy, It seems like, because I have to understand where to get that product. You know, I want to create my own branded phone case or my own branded watch or my own brand of whatever you know hats or whatever I need to source those products, I need to be able to, you know there's there's graphic design. I may need to buy a bunch of them. So, there's a, it's a bit of an advanced strategy to build my own brand, branded product. As far as dropshipping goes, you know, in most cases most courses are just teaching you how to find a shitty product over in somewhere like China and and buy it on Alibaba or whatever, and in your hope people actually just aren't so disgusted with the quality of the product that they refund in blow your Shopify store up. Or, as somebody shared recently there's the strategy where they teach you how to go run around in TJ Maxx and Marshalls, and try to scan stuff and buy stuff and then post it like garage saleing. To me, it seems like a no brainer to build something that I don't have to leave my house that I don't have to know sure if I want to invest in education that's fine but I don't have to put any money, up to be able to buy product and stock product or even manufacturer or create product as well. I can test a product instantly to see whether customers like it, because it's immediately delivered, if I'm selling an information product versus waiting for that product to be shipped from China. And I'm building a real asset with a list and a brand. Am I right about that from your perspective of having that recent FBA in Amazon and drop shipping experience?

Erica: Yeah. Actually it's like right on the head, the the biggest thing is is that with Legendary and with affiliate marketing and digital marketing in general, you are able to build a brand can be set aside from from something different as far as just whitelisting, which is basically what they call it, when you purchase a product and you put your name on and your label and stuff like that it's not actually products that you create. But then again, you also have that hassle of actually having product being able to stay on top of that and making sure that the warehouse doesn't run out of it and if it does run out of it you have to order it again and that takes time and then the shipping and then because it's coming from overseas, you have to deal with all of the, the exporting, and they've got all this other paperwork and stuff, you have to worry about it has to be inspected and just all of this stuff, whereas, affiliate marketing, digital marketing is very simple. Now, I mean simple as I can do it from my home computer, I can take my laptop with me and I can do this from anywhere in the world that I so choose, but there's not a billion things that I have to focus on it's getting out content, it's showing people what these products do and how they can solve problems for them and just engaging with people and giving them value as far as what this can do for them in the long run, and what this can do for them in life, and it just, it makes it simple. And that was something that I needed in my life because I already have so much going on with my kids and homeschool and my husband that I needed something that was simple that I didn't feel like I was being torn in 5000 different directions in order to do.

Dave: Not to mention the economics, right. And look, I think Erica has been clear, there's people out there and I want to be clear, too. There are people out there that are succeeding with selling products on Amazon, doing drop shipping, private label, all this kind of stuff. I'm not here to say that affiliate marketing is all good all the time, easy simple there's work involved, there, there is, there is mindset that you have to develop and I think that goes with any business but there's, there's things that you need to walk through, but they're all within your control. Right, versus things that are out of your control for me as a business owner. I would rather be in control of my hurdles, versus, then the things that are out of my control been over in some other country have been some export port where they're trying to import my fidget spinners or whatever, you know, it's just, or, you know I get enough refunds and Shopify shuts My, my, my store down because people are not receiving the product. And over there, getting them in it's total crap, you know, but again I want to be fair and I want to be clear, Amazon, I'm bringing this up because it's like seems like almost everybody has tried drop shipping or E commerce because it was so hot from about 2017 that almost every single person that comes online, in types How To Make Money Online gets, like, a barrage of E commerce stuff. And I'm not here to say that that can't work for you but I am here to say that in my opinion, the ease of entry, and that we haven't even talked about the economics of affiliate marketing or selling information products versus e-commerce in drop shipping on Amazon is night and day. Let me explain. So say that you're doing affiliate marketing, and you have a product that pays a high ticket commission as an affiliate, that is oftentimes equal to making dozens and dozens if not hundreds of sales of your fidget spinner, let's just use that as an example. Because if I'm making $1 or $2 $5 profit off of selling a product. You can do the math on that. Now, what if as I advance. I introduce a coaching program or a course of my own or whatever. Now I've got high ticket commissions or even mid range, low, high, and mid range commissions coming in from my affiliate efforts. And then let's say I sell one coaching packages per month at 5000 per month, right, you start to do those economics and you see just like like I explained in lots of videos in the challenge and so forth, is that the budget, the main reason why so many people don't succeed is the actual economics of their business, you literally, it's impossible, you're trying to be Walmart, who makes a small rip off of millions of products, that's the business model in making a small rip off of a couple of sales a day, with no mid or high ticket potential, the economics just, they just don't work.

Erica: Yeah, I agree completely, and that was kind of one of the things that I like I still really like, I mean, I, I've always been into product reviewing them for people. Because if it works for me, I know that somebody else is gonna like it, depending on what the product is or why I liked it, and I've always known about affiliate marketing, and know how to get into it, I didn't know how to start it, I didn't know I didn't know where to start. And so when I found this opportunity that was kind of one thing that I liked. This is amazing because I can share products that I already use, products that I already love from major companies that people already know who sells this and where it's from. That's all I have to do is talk about what it does for me, and somebody else is going to be interested because I was so I know that sharing and talking about products or services or software things that I use in my daily life whether it's for my business, whether it's for my kids, whether it's for my husband and my son, and, like, it's literally endless. But being able to share those with people and what those products have done for me. And seeing that people trust it because they already know the companies where they come from, that was huge, because I didn't have to worry about the products that I was ordering from China or wherever, being something that was going to be valuable for people, something that wasn't going to be cheap, or crappy. I didn't have to worry about building the downside of the brand, because the brand is already there. I'm just passing it through a funnel to share it with other people, which made it so much more simple.

Dave: If we talk about MLM which you and I both have some experience there. I think for me, I don't know about everybody listening, but for me the benefit of getting into a business that I don't have to go pitch my friends and family on is like everything in now, meeting some of you who are listening who have not done this before. You're just probably tuning us out. If you don't know you don't know, but let me tell you something. When I got started in just entrepreneurship in general, I got all excited about this new business that I was getting into that happened to be an MLM. And when I, When I signed up, I paid my money and I got my product and I was okay okay now how do we build the business, train me up in the in the answer was, make a list of your friends and family. I was like, Really, my friends and family won't let me mow their lawn for five or 10 dollars, like, let alone. Buy a skin cream for $40 that they are buying from Walmart for five, you know. So, you know, I got a few pity sales here and there, but, you know, it wasn't until multiple companies went out of business, Erica and I were literally left holding the bag. And by the way, I didn't have an email list, I didn't have an asset that I can start over with, because my whole asset was just, they owned it, if I brought a family or friends to sign up. They weren't teaching me to build an email list, they weren't teaching me to generate leads. All that customer list email information, phone number, all that just went down with the ship. So when that MLM Company went down. I was left holding the bag, I was left with nothing. I was left with nothing. And so, I almost quit like most people do say, This is bullshit, or this is a scam or whatever. And instead what I did, and I thank God every day, and I thank myself every day. I went online and I started to learn how to generate leads for mlm, by the way, because I was gonna do MLM again and I was like, Look, I just can't do this friends and family thing, but I am going to get rich doing this, right. So I went online and I got it. I started, how to generate leads for my MLM business, and I got in other MLM earners who were selling me trainings, doing affiliate marketing. And I was like, hold on. These guys are selling me picks and shovels man, not the actual gold, right, yeah. And that was exactly how they explained it to me they were like, look in the Gold Rush, there was, there was just as many people that made money or more from selling picks and shovels to people who were on their way to go dig for gold, versus, and so I was like, hold on a second. I can sell picks and shovels, I don't. Right, so I started to do what my first affiliate mentor was, turning around to other network marketers and selling them training on how to not chase your friends and family and it just grew from there. And here's the thing. I'm a big Amen from everybody in the back. I have not since that day pitched my friends and family, any damn business or product that I have sold. 

Erica: Yeah, same. Well I haven't. I haven't talked to my friends and family about this business, less they asked me hey what do you do for work. That's it, I don't talk to them about any of the products. I don't have to feel like I have to go to them to get a sale because I need to make a commission or I need to make. I need to go buy products. I don't do any of that which alone was life changing for me.

Dave: I know it, look what some days, especially in the beginning when times were tough like when I was just getting things off the ground. That alone. Just the fact that I did not have to go unless you say, a friend and family for a sale. That alone was enough, I was like okay, Dave. Just look at what is, let's be grateful to make a gratitude list, don't have to chase friends and family, don't have to go prospect people in Walmart, don't have to leave sticky notes on, you know gas station, pumps, you know, are you business options open. You know, don't have to do drop cards, you know where you drop your business card and they tell looks like $100 bill, then you don't have to here's my I don't have to put magnets on the side of my truck and drive around town, hoping that something somebody is going to call. Nobody ever called, nobody ever called, never made a single sale. Make loners miserable, Brad Tingley says MLM. Now look, I am also. Here's the other side of this, grateful to MLM and network marketing, that it gave me. It gave me. It gave me a taste of entrepreneurship. It really did. And there are people who make money there. I'm not saying there's not, there are people I mean there are people who want to pound the pavement, and I don't give a shit about losing friends, And then they just invite, they just recruit all their friends, I don't know how they do. Yeah. But for me, I just sucked at it, you know I just sucked at it, I needed something different. So I'm not bashing it, I'm grateful for it. But I'm also grateful every single day, even on, even on days where, you know, in the beginning, no commissions, no money, always just going to work, I had to remember. Where did I come from? I'm going somewhere, I'm building a business, I'm developing a skill. I need to stick with it and I need to also understand that the grass is not greener on the other side it's just artificial turf, and I need to stay focused, and so how, talk to us a little bit about what has been, you know, a lot of people say on the show consistency. A lot of people say, you know they have it. We hear that a lot of consistency is what has been your sort of secret to success here over the past year. What would you say if you look back you say, You know what these one or two things have really helped me to move my business forward?

Erica: My mindset is the biggest because I feel like as an entrepreneur mindset is huge, huge, like I cannot stress this enough how big mindset is because of the fact that a lot of the times you're doing this by yourself Yes, you've got resources yes you have legendary to lean on other affiliates that you can ask questions to but, essentially, this is your business, you are doing this 100% yourself. So make sure that you are remembering your why post stuff around it sounds cliche, because I know if you are an entrepreneur, this is something that you hear all the time, post stuff around your house to keep that fire going, because if not, you during those hard times are going to struggle, mentally, because you're like why am I doing this all I'm making is this much, all I'm making is this, I know that I can get further, why am I not getting there, you're going to have different seasons in your business where things are not always going to work for what you want it to, or if you're in a transition period, it's going to feel very hard. So mindset for me is the one of the biggest things that I continue to work on every single day, every single week. That helps me keep my business moving forward. Other than that 100% honest, it is my husband. There are times that I feel like I'm going to yank my hair out and I'm literally going to lose my head. And he's like, Babe, you've got this, sit down and figure out what you need to do, sit down and figure out where your holes are in your business and go and work on that to get that part moving forward, Because like I said I'm a very detailed person. So if I feel like there's a piece of the puzzle that I'm missing. I feel like all of it's going to fall apart, and a lot of the time, that's not the case, but that's just how I process things, and so he has to. He doesn't have to, but he does. He helps keep me grounded. He comes, he helps keep me focused on where I want to move in my life and my business and not just for me and him but for my kids, because I want to build a future for them that I never had. I want to build a future for them and show them that there are all of these possibilities that you can do to create income for yourself and your family that you can sustain long term, that they can get into later on, because that was never anything that I knew growing up it was you go to college, you get good grades, you get a good job, you work there for forever you retire, you have a couple of years maybe to yourself and to enjoy life. And then that's kind of it. I don't want that for my kids, I want my kids to understand that of the world that we're living in, and the digital age there are so many other possibilities and opportunities out there that affiliate marketing is literally just one of them. This has opened up my life so much more for my 12 year old son who's into gaming who now talks to different companies about becoming affiliates for the products that he uses on a daily basis. That's something that I never would have thought of. Five years ago when I was in network marketing. And it's just like it's mind blowing that these are the kinds of things that help keep me going in my business every day.

Dave: Yeah, I mean, I want to, I want to remind everybody what we what we teach here, and it is not simply just affiliate marketing. It is these core four businesses, These core four ways to sell information online, and what those core four ways are is coaching courses, events, and of course affiliate marketing, and affiliate marketing specifically, selling other companies courses, coaches coaching or events. Now, that doesn't mean that you couldn't be an affiliate for a physical product, if it aligned with your niche, you could certainly if you were in the dog training niche, be an affiliate for leashes dog toys. Organic dog treats, dog food. Right. But the main core income provider or profit center of your business is going to be that information product, whether it be a core coaching program course or event live or virtual why because if somebody has a problem, you, you can charge a premium price to solve that problem in the person who has that problem will pay that premium price. And it will be worth every dime to them. Now will it be worth every dime to the person who doesn't have the problem. No, it will be worthless. But we find a niche in a person with a problem and then we connect that person with a problem to a solution. And this business model is the hottest, and the most profitable, and the future of online marketing right now. It is the future, because all of these influencers, all of these people with these brands are realizing that they could package their information, or they could connect with people who have information packaged to sell to their audience for massive profits. All of these influencers that you see that have traditionally just made merch, that was kind of the, the, kind of what you did if you had developed an audience online, you just kind of sold merch, but they're all realizing, selling merge is just one stream of income, you know, it's just one way, and quite frankly, it's not even remotely the most profitable way, they begin to read they package their information and that's why a lot of these sites like Yahoo Demi and, like, I think it's called teachable, in all these other sites that allow you to package to create a course, you know, the hosting of that site. As a matter of fact your girl that I'm friends with will sell a million dollars of her course in less than a day. By opening it up in, in having a long waitlist, and then all of a sudden she opened it up for her followers, and it was open for a specific amount of time she was taking new students and she literally sold a million dollars worth of her course in in literally when she got shouted out by the owner of teachable or whatever the platform is she sells her course on, but what is the entry point into this business model, its affiliate marketing, it's selling somebody else's product why, because you can focus on one part of the business, the marketing department. You don't have to focus on the development or the creation or the creativity or the merchant processing or the sales or the customer support in folks like our guests yesterday Brian Brewer, who's a multiple six figure affiliate marketer, some folks just choose to stick with affiliate marketing because they don't want to create courses or do that back end delivery aspect of the business. So I think that what is important to remember is for everybody on here that this has not only been the simplest business model to get into. Over the course of the last decade since I've been online. It also is the business model of the future. You can put it in the same bucket as crypto as NF T's as some of these other things that in my opinion, are a lot more risky, and a lot more complicated to get into. This is right there with them. But it's proven, but there's low risk, but, but it, and, and there's all of these benefits, and I just think, when we really grasp the potential of the business model. Then, you know how hot it is, how it's not going away, how it's not saturated. We stopped, you know, telling ourselves all these limiting beliefs and all these bullshit stories, and really understand what is at our fingertips how blessed each one of us is to be here at this time. With this information, or you need to wait on a government check or whatever it is you need to beg for a penny raise you know every six months, that's the only way the 40 4040 plan. I think you can't help it to get excited about I mean, I, I'm 10 years 10 plus years into this Erica, and I'm more excited about this. Then I've ever been. 

Erica: Yeah, and that's kind of like one thing that I loved, even though I got into this with affiliate marketing because it was an easy way for me to understand, high income skills that you need in business in general, just in general with any kind of business you need to know how to build an email list you need to know how to market things you need to know how to talk to people and all, like, all of these things, I mean, I've had social media since I was a child. So, really don't think that social media is going to go anywhere, but understanding how to utilize social media for benefit going to set you up, literally for life, because the only thing that thing digital is going to happen is it's just going to continue, and the pandemic has put us more into that, than any time before, because so many people were stuck at home and because so many people didn't have jobs they were looking for ways to make money from home, they were looking for ways to support their family. And now that people have realized that they can make money online, they don't want to go back to a nine to five, they don't want to have to deal with that boss, or those crappy employees that you have to deal with that, just all of it, they don't want to deal with any of it anymore, they want to be able to be in charge of what happens with their life, how much money they can make and affiliate marketing, like you said, is literally just the tip of that iceberg, and you guys start with affiliate marketing and decide, Hey, I like affiliate marketing but I kind of want to go create my own course because I know affiliate marketing and I love products but I know how to build a house and I want to teach somebody that or I know how to, you know I'm a dad and so I can show people how to do basic maintenance on their car I know that during the pandemic, there was a dad who did that. He started with affiliate marketing, and talks about different products that you could purchase for cars that guy would make. There's so many different things that you can do with things online, and the high income skills that legendary teaches, it's endless. So just because you start with affiliate marketing doesn't mean that's where it has to stay, you can venture out into so many different things, but still use affiliate marketing as your core, and how you can help produce income in one stream.

Dave: And I think a lot of people are realizing that they don't have to go sit in a classroom or sign up for a four year degree to learn something, you know, they can just buy a course now many times people go right to YouTube and I think that's what has been the kind of go to for many years, it still is, but I think people are waking up to realize that, look, I can go to YouTube and I can get some generalized information but if I want specifics I need to find an expert and I need to sign up for their course, and I need to take that course or I need to I need to get involved in that community, or that which is usually consist of a Facebook group or a discord channel or a Slack channel or something or something that allows us to be a part of it online community. And I believe that people prefer that, why. Well, it's pretty common sense, you don't have to commit $40,000 to go and get a degree, learning from people that don't do it, who are teaching archaic methods from a textbook, right, that was written, 20 years ago. And, you know, in many cases you, you, you can start making money or start getting a result right away. It's just it's it's a no brainer, and I think society I think I, I do think that the system of, of, of kind of conveyor belting kids into college is too big to fail, almost kind of like how they talk about banks being too, like I think that is so ingrained in our society that is going to take many decades for that to be unwound in for it to be taught but there's already programs that are being introduced that are shorter, they're less expensive, that that help people to get the information faster, but I'm telling you people are waking up, they're waking up to the fact that they don't need to commit to six figures or near six figures of debt of debt at 18 years old in weight four to six is a matter of fact, just the other day we had Kelly Olson, she's an attorney. Right. She did all of the education, she got all of the, I believe, I'm assuming if I remember correctly, she has student loans. And she's doing online marketing, and as a matter of fact, she just quit her job, you know, gave her Two Weeks Notice he didn't she's about a year into this as well.

Erica: Yeah Kelly's awesome and I love hearing different stories about where people started and how they got into it because honestly I think that that's kind of when you're first getting started. That's how you connect with this business, that's how you understand and that's how you can rationalize that this is where I'm at. How can I get to here, because there's so many people with so many different backgrounds with so many different career choices and how they grew up in different ways that they learned about, you know, just, just, he can entrepreneur in general I'm not even talking about just making money online, I just mean being able to make money outside of a nine to five. That understanding where so many people come from helps you to understand that you can do more with your life than just work a nine to five. That is not the only way to make income anymore. And like you said, more people are understanding this and more people are coming around to the fact that there are multiple ways to do that and kind of something that I've started setting up in my own business is multiple streams of income because if something's not working, I want to know that that's not the only way that I'm going to bring in money, I want to bring in money in multiple aspects, not only because it's going to bring in more money, but because of the fact that I can do that. I don't have to just work. 8am to 5pm, Monday through Friday, with the same paycheck with the same 25 cent bonus every year or raise every year or hope that I'm going to get I don't know if I want to go make more money, I'm going to go out in another income stream, and potentially make that my full time job. I'm gonna go add in something else to bring in an extra 567 $100 a month or a week or whatever it is that I decide to do, and that's where all of this, like, that's I think where all of this kind of comes from the fact that your abilities to be able to do things with this business are limitless. You don't have a cap on what you can do, or the money that you can make, and the only person that's going to stop you from getting to that million dollars is yourself. So if you can learn how to kind of move out of your own way and just take that chance, just try it something and if it works great if it doesn't, oh well, try something else. But you have limitless opportunities that you can do in just making money online or just outside of a nine to five.

Dave: Yeah you can be a victim or a victor, you know, and I like what Jolene says, as well as what you just said life is so much more than working and paying bills in that, I mean, we, we are so programmed to just pay bills, you know, and I think that from so many people, that becomes their entire life. That just becomes. And it's not that that's their purpose, they just are consumed with it, because there's always more money at the end of the money, there's never more money at the end of the month, you know, and when you begin to reverse that, to where you start to relieve yourself of some of that pressure on that stress, and some of that comes with time, you know even doing this you're not going to immediately and that's what I want to be very, very, very transparent with everyone. This is not going to happen overnight. Anything worth building does not happen overnight. But the beautiful thing is, is that if you is really that you are building your own business and that I think is one of the big distinctions between this and MLM, specifically, is that, you know, we do not want you if you're an affiliate of legendary to go and put a Legendary Marketer wrap around your car, whereas an MLM company will say yeah go put that wrap around your car and drive around and advertise for us. If we are a product or a service that you want to partner with, we promote because you're marketing to people in the online space. Oh, no biggie. We're privileged. We'll try to do everything we can to be the smartest best partner for you to help you to make money. If you are in the same niche and partner with somebody else, hopefully they have that same passion to help you convert and make money. If you are an affiliate of somebody, some program or company in the parenting space or whatever, hopefully, you know, we can teach you how to connect with companies that value their affiliates that give you resources, and so forth. But ultimately, you're building your business because if at one point you say, You know what, I don't like Dave anymore, just something about his beer, it's getting too great for me I just don't like looking at it anymore. You know, it's, it, you know, you can just stop promoting, you know what I mean and just it's not like, oh my god my business, you know, or if you're involved I've seen people, you know come in and get involved with a company and start promoting their products and then realize, I don't want to represent this company they, they're not clear or they're, they're not consistent or they're sending mixed signals or they're ruining my, my marketing they're, they're screwing me up here or you know they're not delivering what they promised or they lack integrity or whatever it's not converting, you can shift you can pivot. Ultimately though, you're still building your incorporated, you're still building your business. And that my friends is the most empowering thing again it goes back to, you weren't born to just pay bills, you weren't, you weren't, you're not on it, I don't believe I mean if you think back to our ancestors, none of them were sitting around going and clocking in, they, I mean, maybe they they hunted for dinner and they ran from saber toothed tigers and stuff but ultimately they hung around with their family, they hung around in spent time with their, their, their kids and we think about the Native Americans here in this country and they were running around in on mountains in in Plains and in smoking probably tobacco and marijuana and just chilling out, you know, chilling out in, now we're in this society that like will train you to literally like why this movie, this, this series squid game, what went went crazy recently on Netflix, I think so many people related there's so under feeling like world's on top of them with data and stuff that oftentimes people are forced to think they just are often against their values, or that they would never do take jobs, they would never take take orders from police to do next. I mean, for me, That is enough to motivate me to disconnect from the matrix, and to design my own way that I want to live in, I can say I'm working. And here's the hit every single one of us can. And I think today between you and I, I don't want to toot my own horn, but we've given a lot of reasons, we've given a lot of perspectives of alternative choices. And if you listen to this show today and you say, you know what I couldn’t care less. More power to you I don't give a damn if you're like, Yo, you know what I listened to you, and I'm gonna go build my popsicle stand, or I'm gonna go start my hotdog stand or construction business or do my econ thing, more power to you. I don't give a damn, I'm not even going to tell you guys to buy our training because it's the best thing in the universe. I don't. But you know what hopefully today on this Friday we gave you, I know, Erica you gave me a lot to chew on. Over the weekend, you can listen, or re-listen to this and really establish what your why is and really understand what you have at your fingertips. And, and, and start or start over. Because sometimes we just need to start over. That's okay, and say you know what, I'm not going to give up on me. I'm not going to give up on me, because as you said, Erica, I'm worth it, my family's worth it. The people who have supported me are worth it. But most of all, I'm thinner, right, I'm worth it. And, and I just I just wonder if you could give us some final thoughts on, not on, on, on why Eric is worth it, And why, when we try to do things for everybody else, often talk until we really find that conviction, which I feel like you have found, and you demonstrate, you're just, I can hear it in your voice. Would you like to talk to people? Leave them with some final thoughts about why they are worth it in what has helped you to look in the mirror and say you know what, I love my husband, I'm appreciative of his support. I love my kids, I want the best for them, but ultimately, I am also worth it.

Erica: So a lot of, I think the realization that there's more in life that people should experience is the fact that you only have one life. That's it, you've got from the time that you were born to the time that you die and unfortunately, because of the fact that we don't know when that time is, I know that the last thing that I want for anybody is to spend that working your life away for somebody else, not being able to enjoy all of the amazing things that this world has to offer and yes. Mind you, the pandemic, created a couple issues with that, but we're slowly starting to get back into being able to travel again and being big able to get back into going outside and community people and doing things together like we should as humans, but I think that for everybody, you have the opportunity to be able to experience life on a completely different level than what your grandparents grew up knowing or what your parents grew up knowing, and that you don't just have to go to school to get a job that you kind of live or to work all the time and you miss out on your family and you miss out on all those important things in your life that you want to actually do. You don't have to do that there are other options, and being able to just introduce that opportunity to somebody else is everything for me, showing them and explaining to them that you don't have to work three four or five jobs in order to support your family and your kids that you don't have to miss out on those games, or those recitals at school or anything that your kids or your family or even just yourself that you know if you're younger kids, that you can go out and experience the world in ways that you never really imagined that you could all because of the fact that you were able to make money online, or because the fact that you were able to do something outside of the nine to five job. Understand that you have limitless opportunities in order to be able to make money. And it's not just tied down to one thing. You have so many things in this world that you guys can go and look at an experience, and just do it for yourself because you only have that one life. And if you died tomorrow, at least you can say that hey, I gave my life, everything that I can, everything that I did, everything that I wanted to do, to the most extent that I was able to do. Don't let today or what's going on, stop you from being able to experience everything in the world that you can.

Dave: Well said, perfectly said. And with that, Erica. It was a pleasure. 

Erica: Thank you so much. 

Dave: I'm glad I got to hang out with you. Because, yeah, you've brought a lot of motivation and encouragement I think to people. This morning, on this Friday, and it's been, it's been time well spent. So thank you, and we'll talk to you soon. Okay?

Erica: All right, sounds good.

Dave: All right, my friends, You can go follow Erica, as well. The, the, the handle, that's on the screen right now, underscore, Erica_Devver. Okay so, underscore, EricaDevver_ if you want to find her on Instagram. It's the same just to underscore Erica Devver. Okay, go connect with Erica, go lift her up, support her and allow her to continue to share this, this, this motivation, this encouragement that she shared this morning with you on an ongoing basis. And as always say I think this is so important to lift people up what you put out into the Internet into the, you know world, you get back, and, and the best way that we can support each other is to support each other's content out there to like it to comment on it to share it to, to, to do duets with it, all that kind of stuff, and allow that energy that you give out that, you know, that abundance mindset that you give out to come back to you and my friends, we will see you back here on Monday for another episode.

Marketing Secrets From A Multi 6-Figure Earner

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's up, my friends, this is Dave Sharp, welcome to Wake Up Legendary. Our guest today needs no introduction, most of you know who he is, you've seen him online, you've seen him marketing, and he's definitely one of the good guys, as we as we spend time in this industry just like any industry. You see, and you learn about people you see people having success, and then as you spend more time around them, you really get to get to understand who are the people who have good intentions, who are the people who do it right and still get massive results versus the people who just, you know, not particularly that they're bad people but they just, they, they just, they just don't do things right, they just don't have the best integrity or they just don't, and Brian's just not one of those guys he is one of those dudes who, you know, absolutely values profits but also values people, and we're going to talk about some of the secrets that he that float around inside of his head, and that he uses inside of his business some of the principles, the strategies and the philosophies that make his business, what it is. So with that being said, B bro or what's going on, brother?

Brian: Hey what's up Dave, thanks for having me on. Hey to everybody who's on here live watching the replay. You just appreciate everyone who's tuning in and, and jumping on with comments and all that stuff and just happy to be here again, Dave, thank you.

Dave: If anybody knows Brian. Let's give him a big huge digital Legendary round of applause in the comments, I know you've, you've probably got tons of people who already know you and follow you and you'll, you'll have tons more here. By the time this is over. If you guys want to find Brian out on TikTok, you can follow him, Brian Brewer official, and we'll leave that up for the majority of the show. So, you know, it's interesting man I was, I was. I saw somebody, you know, who had posted something on social media, actually this morning when I logged on for a moment. And basically what it said was, it was a meme of a bunch of porta potties on fire, and it said if 2021 was a scented candle, you know, And so, yeah. So, and I said to my wife, I said, you know, what's interesting is, is to some people, this year is, is, is, you know, one of the worst years of their lives. I mean they're they're caught up in, whether it be politics, or whether it be all these various topics that are outraging people in that they're spending time on social media fighting with people. Maybe they've not made any changes; the pandemic has not inspired them to make any changes in their job or their financial situation. They're just, they're the same person with the same negative perspective, as they were back in 2019 before all of this stuff happened and I said, Isn't it interesting, you know 2021 Besides all of the folks who have been affected by illness or financial stress. I have compassion for those folks, but I'm blessed and grateful to have a skill set in a business, and that not only allows us to have a fantastic year and take advantage of all these people coming online, but also gives me an opportunity to spend more time with my family. And, and I said, Aren't those two different realities? Right. Aren't those two different realities and. and I think that so many of us focus on the mechanics, which is just telling me where to click. Just tell me, You know what, just tell me exactly what to do and if it can be done for me, then that's fine. But, but don't want to work on this piece, you know this six cubic square in space that sits on top of our shoulders. That essentially is the software that runs everything, and we'll talk about some strategies but I wonder, just to kick this off. What, what is, if you were to say, the one of the most useful mindset tips or perspectives that you use, and that you have or that you've developed over the years, to use in your business. What do you think, one of those might be?

Brian: Yeah so mindset is, is, is interesting and gets talked about a lot from, from a buzzworthy standpoint but I don't think people end up diving into it like they really should. You know there is some benefit I think in the Hey tell me where to click. Tell me what to do in the very beginning, for instance pre-written email swipes if we can provide those for an absolute beginner, that helped facilitate the conversions on a specific product. That's great. Sometimes it's the Headstart that people need. But where we run into issues I think as as folks trying to become better entrepreneurs and trying to make more money and try to be more successful is what happens after the fact when we have to start thinking to ourselves thinking for ourselves, we have to start solving problems on our own and that's where mindset, you know, really, really, really comes into play. And when you talk about things like the pandemic and I don't know if I can say that without getting this shut off so I probably just screwed this whole thing up. Sorry about that, but anyways, the point I'm getting at is, you know yeah you can look at the dumpster fires or the, you know the house fires, and focus on that, but we have to remember that we're, you know, where we focus is where the our energy goes so we really have to focus on and what we can control and what we can do the opportunities and really who we can help and who we can serve so that's the first thing service has always been, you know, in the forefront of my mind at least since I started seeing consistent success maybe before I started seeing some consistent success. I was more focused on the money but beyond that, you know, I guess, the reason we don't we don't focus on our mindset as much as because that's not as exciting as when we launch a funnel we can physically see that. And when we start driving traffic to it and start generating leads we can physically see that and when we get that first commission or that first $1,000 day or that first $30,000 month or whatever our next goal is. That's amazing, that's tangible that gets us excited, you know, the mental stuff that's kind of the boring stuff, and you know as I said to you just a moment before we got started, you know, sometimes you know you gotta, you got to remember that boring pays the bills in a lot of ways.

Dave: And you did say that to me before I said, Brian, I said I want to twist your arm today and I want you to spill some of your secrets and he said well, you know, he said, well, one of my secrets, is that boring pays the bills, and I said well, will you explain that to us on the show so Tell, tell everybody, including myself, what you mean by that.

Brian: Yeah, absolutely. So, first of all, let me preface this with a big, important Hold on just a second, disregard everything I just said because as marketers, we can't be boring. It's just not going to work we need to use those exciting hooks to get the attention to stop stop the scroll to get people to click on our ads so we can then have an opportunity to relay a message and get people to start to consider our messaging which is all comes into into account when we're building congruent affiliate marketing campaigns. So we can't be bored. But when I think of boring pays the bills when I think about is the movie Rounders I don't know if you've ever seen the movie Rounders Dave it's with Mel Neiman and Edward Norton and it's, it's probably an old movie I'm probably dating myself but let's say it's 15-20 years old now, and it's about card players they're poker players right, and, you know, Matt Damon he's one of those guys he's like I'm out there and I'm gonna play big and I've got $30,000 which he calls three stacks a high society I'm gonna push it all in and go against the mad rush and and and see if I can't double up or triple up or you know, see if I can put them on tilt, and guess what happens he gets wiped out. Well, who does he call? Well he calls his friend condition, you know, he says, Man, I need some help, I need some money I need to restate because I'm wiped out I got to get back in the game. And, basically, to paraphrase, you know, is Brian gives him this story like hey guess what, you know what, I'm a grinder. You know I go up there. I do the work every day, I sit down at the poker table for five hours a day or three hours a day or whatever time I have, I don't bet big but I win and I grind and guess what my kids eat. And so that's kind of the the reality of the situation is yeah there's excitement there's awesome things that happen when you make your first $1,000 commission or your first $2,000 Commission, and you want to go attack that and when you see the opportunity for momentum that's when you have to step on the gas, absolutely have to step on the gas. Once you start to see a little bit of momentum, but it's the boring things it's the posting daily on tick tock, it's the checking your emails and see who reached out, it's the Ooh boy, I haven't gone viral in a week maybe instead of just doing the same old thing maybe I strategically test for different hooks and see what see what's working right now. Yeah, boy it's the weekend but you know, I could spend five minutes to create a post to my Facebook group or check in to see how everyone's doing right, those are the boring things that absolutely have to be done, day in and day out and like I said it could take two minutes, it could take five minutes, but they have to be done consistently over and over and over again and that's how you start to see the compound effect that's when things start to happen because that one check in an email that one response to that one email might net you $1,000 commission or $2,000 commission because people just wanted to check in and see. Hey Is this legit? Is somebody going to respond to me or am I going to be hung out to dry. So, yeah, that's kind of the whole, whole mentality that I think gets lost on us, exciting marketers from time to time.

Dave: I agree, and it also can be, there's two things that specifically came up for me when I was getting clean. In 2008, the thought of doing the daily necessities and rituals in order to do proper self care to take care of myself to get clean and sober for the rest of my life were overwhelming. And what I was told was will Dave just do it just for today, you know, and that was like something that was, was I could grasp, right, I was like, okay, and oh by the way, I don't even know if I'm gonna still want to be clean and sober tomorrow or next week or next New Year's Eve. So they said, don't worry about that. Just focus on today. And that's probably one of the hardest concepts, although it sounds simple, the hardest concepts I've ever wrapped my head around because it's not about getting overwhelmed with going in doing tick tock videos or going live every day at 10am with somebody for 30 to 60 minutes. It's not about thinking about doing that for the rest of my life. Oh my gosh, how am I ever going to go on vacation, how am I ever going to get a break, am I really oh my god, how are we ever going to find that many people I mean when I first, when we first started doing this, it was like, are we going to have that many people

panic sets in, right. And then as soon as we started reaching out, we're like, holy crap we got waiting lists, you know, a month long, you know, so that came up for me just because of my own experience, get just focusing on the activities that I have to do today. The grind the boring, whatever, right, because it's not always exciting, you know, it's not always like every day isn't first day, you know, the first day of any job is exciting, and then you're 30 days in and you start to get to know your boss and the person you sit next to and they all look like goblins and smell like fish you know you hate them all. But you were just excited about it. Three, you know 30 days ago. The other thing that you know that sort of came up for me was that, that I think that we are truly entrepreneurs, specifically, understanding our brain chemistry is really important. And the dopamine in the adrenaline in the serotonin and all of these exciting things. These chemicals that make us feel excited and happy and in love and all this kind of stuff. All go off at the beginning of anything, the beginning of a relationship, the beginning of a business, the beginning of buying a new course and that's why so often we see people get so excited buying something and then don't even log in, because just the simple act of purchasing can be addicting, you know, because it's the start of something new, it's like, open, it's like getting a package to em, from Amazon. And so recognizing that our brain is set up like that, that our body is set up like that to fire off those chemicals at the beginning, and that is going to wind down in in decrease, and we have to find ways to get excited to reignite the passion, and also to to operate in maintenance mode versus always in startup mode, and I think what many entrepreneurs do Brian, they start up, really exciting. Boom boom boom boom boom gets boring self sabotage, quit stopping right before the miracle happens, and then go along going along. Okay, starting something new, yes this is really exciting, you know, and then maintenance mode kicks in and it's like well that's boring. Boom, stop. Does that make sense to you, do you agree with that?

Brian: I mean that makes 100% sense and that's exactly what this whole game is all about, you know, I had the, the, opportunity a couple weeks ago I was, I attended the Clickfunnels Funnel Hacking live. Part of the reason I was there was also this offer is inspiration not bragging but I got to get this dream car award trophy which is really cool.

Dave: Humble brag. Hashtag humble brag.

Brian: Hump Day. Exactly, so you get those when you refer people to click funnels which produces a nice passive income stream there, but but the reason I wanted to bring that that particular event up is because the keynote speaker, the person who finished that off with Tony Robbins, and given the world in the state is right now and people are a little hesitant to be in crowds and all the logistics that come in to play when you're sending up event like that the bottom line is Tony Robbins doesn't perform or speak live. You know as much as it used to so I thought it was a tremendous honor and, and the ability to see him in the opportunity to see him was huge and you know, kind of, to talk about the mindset thing and everything you just covered, you know, a lot of what he talked about with knowing your why, you know, why do you want to do this because like you said in the beginning, it's going to be exciting when you buy that course or you invest for the first time or use launch a new funnel, right like that, that feels like progress and that feels exciting and that hits the dopamine and it's like, here we go, but, but that's going to fade like you just said it's going to win and that's some people self sabotage, sabotage, if you know your why, you know, why do you want to do this it's not because of the money, what is the money provide or, or maybe you you really want to truly help people and realize that the more you give, the more you get or whatever your why is, you know, if you want a bigger house or whatever it is, that's where you have to keep your focus on. And, you know, and that's, that's really where we as entrepreneurs and I didn't invent this this is coming from from great people like you have to get out of your head, and you have to get into your heart, and that's, and that's where, where your why comes from it comes from your heart and the coolest thing I heard Tony Robbins say is think about this when someone's pregnant when someone's going to have a baby, you know, how do you how do you determine if they're, you know, if they're pregnant with the exception of chemicals test Rapinoe stick with you this, you look for the heartbeat right so the heartbeat starts before the brain that's how we determine life, even from the youngest, eight weeks, nine weeks old, we're looking for a heartbeat and so if we can focus more in our heart, and get out of our head which is Tony Robbins says if you're in your head, you're dead. Get into the heart know the why, that's when we're going to be able to overcome those dopamine drop offs and we're going to be able to stay focused continue moving forward, and you know another thing that you said that was interesting was, you talked about day one, one of the most successful companies that that I can think of right now is obviously Tesla and Ilan musk, but I also think Amazon. If I'm not mistaken Amazon's Mantra metallicities It's always day one and to me that like got to keep the excitement we got to go out there and decide how are we going to build something great today, even if it's 90 days down the road 120 days down the road, what are we gonna do today that we can, we can build something great. And, you know, just to follow up on the first thought you had, you know, you talk about, you know, this show right like when you want to do this show, like, okay, all those things I got to do, how are we going to get all these guests, how are we going to, how are we going to keep this up, how am I going to go on vacation. Well, that is, you know, is just fear, manifesting itself in some sort of, of tangible way where we can see it, and that you know that's, that's everything if you feel like you have imposter syndrome if you feel like you can't do it if you're afraid to go on camera if you think you're not pretty enough to go on camera or handsome enough to go on camera, you don't think nobody's gonna pay attention, all it comes down to is fear. That's all it is is fear holding you back and just an example of this show, you go live, you have a little bit of faith to jump in. You do what you know can help the business grow and guess what, like you said you Here you are, you know 30 day waiting list to get out I know you contacted me about a month ago to get on the show so I know that's legit. I know it's a 30 day waiting list to get out. So, that's incredible. And, you know, I know that was kind of all over the place but I just wanted to know, because it was, I mean this mindset thing you know as we started talking about, you know, it's so important to really focus on.

Dave: Well, I wonder how many of you can relate to that you know who are listening, how many of you are great at starting things but, but, you know, not so great at finishing them. How many of you can identify that, you get really excited at the beginning of businesses or relationships, but, you know, you sort of that excitement wears off, and you get moving into maintenance mode of either a relationship or a business is something that isn't as it isn't. It isn't particularly your sweet spot are where you're comfortable at, you know, and the reason why this came up for me is because I was literally just talking with, with one of my, my coaches yesterday, and, and we were talking about that exact thing, you know, I, we were talking about the, the transition from startup mode to maintenance mode and startup mode could literally be one, two years, you know, it could be three years, but going into maintenance mode, Where, where things are, are somewhat stable or to where you've been doing things for a specific amount of time. And you, you feel like you know what I am having a hard time getting to the next level or whatever. And I feel like I'm sort of stagnant or, or, you know, you can use many things to describe it but, you know, it's, it's, I just, I just, I see this as being such a common thing with with entrepreneurs and it ties in perfectly with the, with the boring, the boring pays the board, and I liked the distinction between that doesn't mean we want to be boring in our marketing, but we want to embrace the boring activities. And I also think it's easier as you get older to do that too, right, it's like, it's like the, the, the, the older we get, the for me, the more routine and structure is important. In fact, some years ago, Brian, I don't know about you but I was a free spirit, I didn't want any structure, I didn't want any calendar. I didn't want any commitment, I didn't want anybody telling me where I needed to be and I didn't want to have to be anywhere at a specific time. And as I became an entrepreneur that became even more of a belief system about who I was and who my identity was. And that started to cause problems for me starting to cause problems in my business, and it started to cause problems in my marriage, because I'm, I've got kids now and I'm with dinners at a specific time and when dad strolls in 20 minutes later 30 minutes later, whatever because he was working and he was having, he was in flow state or whatever. Right, I mean, we can sit here and say that, you know, your wife or your spouse needs to support you but that's not real life, they do support you, but being a member of a family is something that I had to grow up and learn how to do especially with kids and being in a business in learning that creating specific structure, and oftentimes creating boundaries, like, Hey, I'm working right now. And no I can't come and meet you pick you up. No, I can't come and go to the grocery store with you right now, whatever it is, I needed to either get help with structure, and get help with routine, which I did in many, many ways from my wife and I also needed to learn how to set boundaries with my time, and respect my time, more CB, having structure and boundaries in working on a calendar working. I learned that there were ways that I could respect myself, and respect my time and by saying no to other people who wanted me to be on their agenda, versus what I was doing, or wanted me to come out and socialize versus what was really a priority. By saying no and setting those boundaries that was respecting myself, and it was respecting my family that was respecting my Why did you go through that process at all or are you still have that come up as something that you're working on regularly, how have you embrace structure have you embraced structure, and what are some ways that you set boundaries with your calendar and your time to respect your why?

Brain: You know, there's really two things that came up for me and I've been through both of them, and probably will still continue to still continue to go through them to some degree. But you talk about. Yeah, I don't remember the exact words you use but you talk about, you know, things start going and then you get into this self sabotage right you know Yeah, because you don't want to do the boring you feel stagnant you know you start looking around and and you know back in 2018 I think I talked about this, one of the last times I was on this this wake up legendary show is you know back in 2018 I successfully blew up a $50,000 month business because No, I got bored or whatever it was you know what I mean and I stopped doing the things that were working but yeah as far as,

Dave: You know, that goes, have that experience dude, You know, yeah, yeah, and I might want to come back to that in a second. I want to interrupt your flow but I just want to make a note of that, please keep going.

Brian: Yeah, we just we can, we can definitely dive into that because that's you know that's something that a lot of people face and it's part of the reality. And then the reality of business you know it's not like you make it and then all of a sudden, boom, It's done. I made it, I'm never going to struggle again. So that's why, even if you're just getting started, you know, I know there's a lot of different people on this call and a lot of different people watching this replay, we're going to be in various states, starting and growing their business. But even in the beginning like when you're first struggling and you're not making any money or you're having a hard time getting your funnel set up or whatever current struggles you have, you know, embrace that because you're always going to have the struggles and there's just going to be a different set of struggles and the only thing that happens is the struggles, don't, don't disappear, it's just the stakes race, you know now okay now the almost struggles, and all of a sudden I got $1,000 month car payments or you know whatever and then you know $4,000 month mortgage or whatever, you know, as you grow you know your expenses are going to get to keep pace to some degree. But anyway, back to your your time, you know, restricting your time or scheduling your time, you know, I was the same way to I was like, I don't want anybody to tell me what to do and when to do and when to show up and then when you start making money, it's like it like throws gasoline on the fire like holy crap, I don't have to listen to anybody anymore. You know, which, which is a whole nother story which we won't get into but anyway, the point is, is, is when you get so free spirited and freewheeling and this is relevant to people are just getting started as well you're just like, I'm just gonna roll in and work when I want to and not when I don't. You can really fall into the trap of like, like you said, a flow state. It's like okay now I'm working. Okay, I'm in that flow state so since I've set up this freedom or or or whatever. Now I'm working from 5pm When I get home from work until 130 or 230 in the morning, which is great, but the next day you're gonna be, you're gonna be burnt, and now all of a sudden you're gonna be like three days like man I put in a, an eight hour day after an eight hour day yesterday and you know it just kind of wears you out, whereas when I found is like when I started scheduling which I was just deathly afraid of. It was like, Oh, well I really don't have that much to do today, and it started to be like okay cool, I gotta do this, I gotta do this thing I did this, guess what, I can get that done in two hours, then if I want to go to lunch with my wife, I can, you know what I mean so that's scheduling which which so many of us are so afraid of, actually is a tool to keep us on track and keep us, keep us focused and it really increases the efficiency, I believe.

Dave: You know, one of the things that I did Brian is, like, in the My wife and I did and I really gotta give her a lot of credit for that. Hear that honey I'm giving you a lot of credit for this. You know I always got to earn those brownie points you know what I mean. Gotta gonna, you know, as a marketer got to let them know all the bonuses and let them know how good the offer is but my marketing business taught me that you know, always, always announce what you're doing. So, so they know, because those brownie points matter, they add up and then you can cash them in. So, so, yeah man like we started to do the same thing every week, right you want to talk about embracing the boring. Alright, I want to give this just to me because your concept of embracing the boring is probably one of the most powerful things that I've ever done. And this is another way that I did it Brian was when we, when we especially had two kids, but even when we only had one little one at home. We started to run our week, the same way, every week, so. On Tuesday we would have a late night and be able to do whatever we wanted. Friday the same way so our nanny would stay late those two days. Every day a nanny would come, we would leave the house at the same time, and we work in a separate building separate from home versus working at home. Yeah, it's just, it's just something that, you know, we, we love, we love it. We do, yeah, exactly, yeah we leave the house and no kids, all that is kind of like going to an office but you just got another house right. So. So anyways, eat every week looks the same, right every week looks the same, it's not like what are we doing next week, when are we going to get around time, when do we have a night for a day, every week, it's already scheduled dude, it's already done it the nanny has a schedule and it's the same every week, but I can do whatever I want in that time. But for me, I also have a problem with, with, with, with, with telling time in how long are things going to take, you know, meaning that I don't have a good sense of time, you know, I have a good sense of direction but I don't have a good sense of time, and it's one of my, my weaknesses Mike Mike sort of shortcomings. So, it's helped me to be able to say, to be able to know what to expect and then I can put the things that I want to do whether it's work related, whether it's recovery related whether it's, you know, personal development, whether it's social, in fun related, I can put them in those places throughout the week, and not have to wonder or go months on end without personal time, without going on a date with my wife, without taking care and doing self care and doing recovery or personal development stuff, because it's already scheduled right now when we go on vacation, that's a totally different story. The other thing is at home with our children. We've got a routine to wear every day we dinner at the same time, we give bass at the same time, we go to bed at the same time so our kids are not up in, you know, going crazy and not knowing what to expect it, those routines, again, have to give my wife a lot of credit for this, as an entrepreneur, I was so resistant to those for a long time, those routines have helped me to be more productive and also to spend less energy planning what I'm going to do, it's the same reason why I wear kind of the same outfit every day. It ends up being a good branding strategy but it's also I don't have to sit in front of the closet for 10 minutes trying to try shit on and figure out what I'm going to wear for that day. It's already done. It's why I drink the same smoothie every morning, it's already done. So all of these things that are already scheduled are already picked out and done for me. Allow me to put more energy and more time into my business. Now some might say Dave That sounds like a boring life. I can assure you it's not. It's actually a very relaxing life, because I'm not constantly wonder what I'm going to do today where I'm going to eat when I'm going to eat when we're going home when we're, I don't have to worry about all that stuff because it's already planned so I'm not saying that's a good fit for everybody. But Brian That's exactly in alignment with what you were talking about with embracing the board.

Brian: Absolutely and you know it's funny you mentioned that time management thing because it's the big joke in my family what a Brian five minutes is. Yeah, I'm sitting on the computer in the office. Dinner I can hear is getting ready or, or we're getting ready to leave to go to or whatever. Oh yeah, five minutes. My wife always tends to see me 15 And maybe nine. So it just got to maybe something that's similar with entrepreneurs. Yeah you know you know when you were talking about this and talking about the structure and before you even mentioned the clothing. I'm thinking about like the Mark Zuckerberg and the Steve, you know, the late Steve Jobs world, they pretty much look in the same way every single day and what they're trying to do is they're trying to reduce the number of decisions that they have to make in a day, that don't move their business. Because I think we only have a certain capacity for decisions in a day and I think we hit a threshold at some point where we've made too many decisions in one day, and many of those on you know what sort of toothpaste I'm going to use, what time I'm going to go to the gym what shirt I'm gonna wear, what I'm gonna have for breakfast, I eat the same thing for breakfast every day. You know, I don't buy a ton of clothes I buy nice clothes but I don't buy a ton of them that way I know Hey, boom, just kind of go down the road and I know what I'm gonna wear just basically the next one in order, and it's not something that I set out and said hey I need to do this in order to be successful. But as I became more successful, I started thinking, okay, what can I do to improve the efficiency, what can I do to move the needle so entrepreneurs also always looking to solve problems, how can we, can we solve problems. So, if you're a beginner and you're watching this and you're like that's great for you guys you have systems that are in place and systems that are working. Some people watching this live or watching this replay might think to themselves, Dave or Brian I don't even know like, I've never set up a funnel so I'm gonna dive in there and, and I'm not gonna know what to do. So here's a little tool that I think anyone can use. If you can't set routines quite yet because you don't know what the what the day is going to look like what you can do, I think, which is helpful is in the morning before you pick up your phone before you get started right take two minutes take 30 seconds take whatever you have to first put yourself in a proper state, and not a state of stress, because you don't want to make any decisions in the state of stress, we're going to put yourself in a proper state where you think about something you're thankful for. You can think of it as a gratitude moment or just, just, just, you know, physically, you know, put your hands over your testing, I'm thankful for this and that'll put you in a proper state, Then the next thing you need to do, or you can do is say, Hey, here's the three things that I absolutely need to accomplish today, in order to move my business forward. And that could be as simple as opening my Clickfunnels account, or they could be as simple as hey deciding which autoresponder I'm going to use, or, you know it can be as simple as hey, I'm gonna do, you know, day six of the 15 day business builder challenge or I'm gonna meet with my advisor, you know, it can be simple things, but just decide okay these are the three things that I'm going to do that are going to move the needle today and then guess what, like okay cool. When I'm done with that, I'm done. That's my reward or why I'm not going to get distracted and I'm not going to have people pull me away from what I need to do because I know these are the three things I have to do, and if you if you stack enough three things over time, guess what before you know you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish.

Dave: Yeah, and in really in order because what if you only can you know what if something does come up or that first thing takes you longer than expected, always start with the most important thing, I mean that's one of the things that I've learned is, is start with the most important thing that you have to do because that, that, I mean this is just such a golden Boulder, I mean, if you folks what Brian just said if you take one thing away from this call it that is such a golden nugget, make a list and then put that number one most important thing at the top, and, and just focus on that thing first, and if you knock it out great, you can move on but if you don't, and it takes longer, you can give yourself the time, and you don't have to rush yourself to do it, do it right, and it you know a lot of times when we think about it, we we overestimate what we can do in a short period of time and underestimate what we can do in a long period of time. And 365, powerful things in a year if you did 365 major moves over the course of a year. It's so much more than what most people do or accomplish because oftentimes people's list or wish list or to do list never even gets touched or they're just too busy getting ready to get ready. And they never even start. So if you start and you accomplish one thing per day. That's 365 accomplished, tasks, and that will move the needle in your business so far. So far, it's just, I'm telling you, it is so , so underestimated how much that moves the needle to accomplish one big thing per day so thanks for bringing that up. I wanted to touch on the $50,000 blown up business, because I think your experience in that is so valuable. I don't, I'm sure you've told the story before I don't particularly remember what it was, how it went down so I'd love to hear it again and I'd love for people to just just learn from your experience of being in this industry, and not just all what you do right all the time. I want to learn also from some of the mistakes that you've made in some of the things that you wouldn't particularly repeat so tell us about that story.

Brain: Yeah, I'm glad you touched on that and circled back to that and made a note of it when it came up because I think it's, it's really super relevant to the situation that a lot of people are probably facing in his group right now or going to face so this was. Yeah, dude, no exact dates on anything, you know, this decline kind of gets set in motion before the numbers really reveal themselves. And what I mean by that is you know you start to sabotage and things still go pretty well for a while before it really starts coming to a head there so you're just to kind of give the short version of it, you know, back in 2016 2017. You know, that's when I went all in on the kind of the model that I use now for anyone who's familiar with my business, lots of content on YouTube at this time. Now I do a lot of YouTube Tik Tok, Facebook but this was, this was back in 2016 2017 I was pretty heavy on YouTube, and it was my first go on YouTube was the first time I was putting my, my face out there I mean before that I was just behind the scenes product review blogs making some money but but nothing really significant. And it was in the E-commerce space and I had done some e-commerce and drop shipping in 2015 So I thought okay cool people really want to know what's going on here, people really are really interested in this. Let's start teaching it. I know Shopify has a great affiliate program. Let's create some courses and give them away for free and leverage, you know that affiliate program, other affiliate programs and things were going great, and you know it was the right time for me. You know, the E commerce and drop shipping interests was starting to explode in 2017, there weren't a whole lot of us on Youtube teaching it, and I mean money was flowing fast and lists were growing quickly and YouTube channels were getting, you know 100 subscribers 200 subscribers sometimes 1500 subscribers a day and things were things were going. Cool. And, you know, bye bye This is about November, September, October, November 20 2017 And I was like wow cool I can't believe this. You know I went from a waiter making 50/60 a year and I just, I just crossed $50,000 In a month and we're talking profit here at this point, and only wow this is amazing so obviously that kept me fueled for a little while but then the you know the board and start getting started to set in it's like okay I'm doing the same thing I don't feel like I'm growing now hey guess what, more people are coming to the YouTube platform and and talking about, you know this drop shipping thing so it's getting a little diluted so the combination of things happen and just to kind of jump forward a little bit basically I was like, I need to I need to pivot. Right, I need to do something different. And in doing so, I turned my back on a conversion process that I knew was working, I turned my back on and educated and even more ever more educated market that was interested in that drop shipping thing and I shifted to something I was like okay well let's teach email marketing or whatever I mean that just showed you how bored I was I just wanted to do anything different. And I think the first thing I realized is, I had all this fanfare and stuff because I was helping so many people and then when I switched topics Nobody followed. It was like, Oh, no one gives a shit about me, they give a crap about what they give a crap about right, you know, and it's like, Yeah, they're interested in dropshipping that stupid email marketing, and, you know, over time, you know, then you can't go back because you burned all your bridges or you cut your ties or you made your grand proclamation of dropshipping dead or whatever it was, and and you know, over the next year you know my business went down just about every month, consistently decreasing decrease and decrease. And a couple of quick lessons from that. First of all, if you go on to YouTube today there's still people starting to talk about drop shipping and ecommerce obviously it wasn't dying. So I probably jumped the gun. I see that a lot now. With tick tock, you know, it's like yeah, October 2020 Boy, it was a good time to be around. But if you missed it, it doesn't mean it's over, you know what I mean, you know, tick tock is still a great platform to get views. Just as YouTube is just as Facebook is if you do it the right way. You know, people are still interested in learning affiliate marketing if that's what you're promoting, you know it's people are still interested in it. But, you know, another thing that I kind of learned from that is, I lost focus on giving people helping people in a way they wanted to be helped. And once you lose focus on the customer and providing your value and really playing the game that needs to be played and then, then, everything can fall apart. So, if you're, if you're in a situation where maybe you've been promoting something for a little while and you had a little bit of success, if you're in that boat and it's starting to go down, guess what, it's not over. We still have confirmed proven conversion processes the same things that made you money, six months ago are still gonna work now you've kind of got a either reignite your spark or tap into your why, or something you said Dave on, I don't even know who you were talking to you as a random wake up legendary call that I, you know I don't have time to be on all of them but I do step in from time to time you said something about. You don't have to build, you know, I know you've said, you have to build another house, if you want to change it maybe just build a different door to the same house, and maybe build a different door to the same offer and I think that's something that could be super helpful for those who have seen a little bit of success and then with whatever they're promoting it starts to fade a little bit like Okay, Maybe not, find something different to promote. That's not validating the market that doesn't have a proven conversion process that was making money maybe instead. Just come at it from a different angle, reignite your passion, reignite the passion, curiosity and interest of your existing audience, which will then help bring in more like minded folks and things can be good and exciting again without blowing up your whole business.

Dave: This is. Wow, this is huge. Matt and I were talking yesterday about some, some ads just going over some ads that we're running and, and, you know, I, we so often when you're running a campaign or doing a specific strategy whether it's a paid strategy or a free strategy. If you're not quite hitting the numbers that you want to hit. I mean, the 10, especially if you're spending money on paid ads for example the tendency can be hard to kill it, you know it's not working right. And I went through the campaign and a funnel yesterday, and the big takeaway, the big change that we saw that we could make that would likely make a significant difference was just changing up the landing page, just changing the landing page. That was it, you know, to something that is that that has never been seen before. Right, that's just brand new, different headline, different color, Right. And sometimes it's just that simple. You know we were getting a 30% opt in rate on a specific landing page and I said, I'm pretty confident, we could double our conversion rate by split testing a different landing page, and in what that would do would double the amount of leads that we were getting. And that is a that's doubling your business in one

day, with more ad spend with no more, no more clicks, just better. Better. Five, like literally less than five minutes. It might take me longer to play around with headlines, than it is to copy and paste that headline onto the page, and maybe tweak the color or something. I mean that literally doing that inside of a Clickfunnels is, is a, is a 62nd thing, hit save, and it's done. So, yes, I believe we throw the baby out with the bathwater, we've, we absolutely cut our nose off to spite our face, we any and all things that describe us just quitting right before the miracle happens I mean really, and it's a, it's a, it's a very common thing that we do, I think that's a massive golden nugget. The other thing I took away from your story was, was that, yes, these, these, these, these business models like affiliate marketing these business models, like email marketing even, which essentially is, I mean is a kind of another way to say affiliate marketing, right, because you're just collecting emails and then emailing people offers. They've been around for longer than we've all been on the internet and they're going to be around for longer than we'll all be alive. I guarantee it, because it's just a proven business model that even large companies like Airbnb and Uber have, have, you know, have, have adopted, just in a slightly different way, it's connecting people who are in the market for a product with the company that sells that product in getting a broker's fee, a referral fee, an affiliate commission, it's all the same thing, right, getting a referral fee is something that has been around long before the internet in affiliate marketing is just the digital version of getting a referral fee for making.

Brian: It's, it's amazing so I don't know they, this is this is this is a new binder I just started, and this is, You know, I, I am always looking for the next big opportunity because that's what I do but I'm also smart enough now in a failed enough and have blown up enough businesses that were successful, to know Hey, don't, that this is work and still focus on it so for example if we're talking about how I promote Legendary Marketer how you promote Clickfunnels you think I'm gonna turn down, you know, do you think I'm gonna blow that business up anymore. Absolutely not. I'm just gonna work on making that as efficient as possible so it hums along so anyways, the point I'm getting at is, so now it's like okay cool. What else can we do on the back end right not changing my front end strategy but what we offer on the back end to increase the lifetime value of my leads and stuff like that when anyways I'm going through notes and I'm studying and all the grades and you're making different things, and the only thing I have in this big box here and I know you can't read it but I'll read it to you, and a reason I put a box out this this is kind of the key to the exponential business right, we're thinking, you know like the success Legendary Marketer has if we're thinking the success that Apple has and what it is it's the the key idea here is to put the distribution in the hands of the customers, right, if you can do that right like if if Apple fans are fanatical so the I'm on my Macbook and I have my iPhone, I have my air pods, you know, and I have all this stuff. And guess what if someone says what do you have I say I have an apple, you know what I mean. And that's how Apple fans are because it's a really, that the fans of Apple the customers handle a lot of the quote unquote distribution and in the way that they've created this community. Well that's what affiliate marketing is that physically puts the distribution in the hands of the customers by saying hey you like our product great go recommended to other people and we're going to pay your referral fee. So if you're in this affiliate marketing game or you're studying this affiliate marketing game, and you're like, Boy, this sounds like a passing fad, which it's not or this sounds like something that I could do for a couple weeks or a couple months and then I want to do something different. I would suggest maybe getting that thought out of your head because affiliate marketing is here to stay, it plus a distribution in the hands of the customers and that's the secret to an exponential business so it's a good business to be in and it took me a long time to get comfortable saying I'm an affiliate marketer, but guess what, I'm an affiliate marketer.

Dave: Yeah, I mean, it'd be silly, I have a pile of checks, amongst beyond the digital payouts we get, I don't know where they are my wife wants to pick them up but when we get, we get multiple checks per and I'm talking about physical checks still from various affiliate things whether it's, you know, products on Clickbank that we're testing and running to be able to teach our students, or whatever. Just getting checks for referring people wouldn't be nice if we got paid to talk about Apple products I mean in every time when we wore the airport, you know we're in front of a couple of 100 people right now and a couple of 1000, or more will minimum we'll see this replay, I mean, wouldn't it be nice if we, if we had, if we got paid for that, we don't. But one other thing that came up in your story for me and you. I knew what you were talking about but I want to make it. I want to elaborate, from my perspective, a little bit in case anybody else didn't know what you were talking about but at least this is what I thought you were talking about selling people what they want, not what you want for them, or not what you are passionate or whatever about was a big learning lesson for me back in 2015 ish. I was really really into kind of a sort of a heart centered, I guess that would be one buzzword, a, you know, a very, very personal development style business and I was selling that specifically my entire audience was all business opportunity seekers people who were basically proven to buy products to make money online, were less interested in personal development stuff. They would listen to it but they weren't proven to buy that. So I was trying to sell my audience of business opportunity seekers people were saying, I want to know how to make money online and I had already been successful selling them products of how to make money online, and I'm now turning and trying to pivot and sell them all kind of personal development style coaching, and they didn't, they didn't respond to it, they didn't buy it right, and I'm sitting around scratching my head going, Man, I mean this, this is, this is, I don't understand why they're not responding to this, but it basically was because I was trying to sell them what I wanted them to buy what I was interested in at that time, because I was going through a massive growth, growth spurt and transition in my life, and sort of stepping my recovery my personal development all that up another level. And so what was going on in my life entrepreneurs typically tend to project that on to their, in their in their business. Right. 

Brian: And I like to play with other people in this space. I like to see what they're posting on Facebook and like I know what they're thinking right now maybe that's the card player in me and I was like Yeah, I know, I know what you're going through right now.

Dave: I know exactly I know and it's like, entrepreneurs, typically online marketers and entrepreneurs in this space project what they're going through in their personal life onto their business, and it's not a smart thing to do, you know, being authentic and even being, you know, being yourself being genuine is is cool, that works that's a cool good thing to do be as genuine means you can give a shit about people, but but projecting what you're doing or going through or overcoming, or are interested specifically in your personal life on to your audience who is awkward that your audience is proven to be interested in something, and they're following you for a specific reason because you started talking about a specific topic. And when you transition to now talking about something different, or even promoting something that's different. They. They. it only makes sense that they're like, it's confusing to them, because if they wanted that they would have got it from somebody else, initially. So for me that was a big learning lesson because I, you know, I sold a few coaching packages and things but you know it was, it was just a struggle man and it was a struggle and I was like damn, I was like I just got done. You know my, I had a company before that there was a multi multi 100 million dollar meeting we were super successful and here I am, I thought, just like you did. Well, hey, I mean, they like me they'll buy anything because they're following me and they trust me and all this kind of stuff, but I had a huge reality check, and I was like, it is not about me, these, this is not, this is not Music Man, this is not like this is not entertainment like the movies, this is, this is topic related information marketing. And, you know, even if I was a country music artist and came out with a rap album, I may lose a lot of my audience. They may be in their head.

Brian: Most people wouldn't succeed at, you know the best way I can, I can put it is, you know, I don't, I don't eat fast food a whole lot but you know if I if I want, you know, a Big Mac or whatever I'm the I'm going to McDonald's well what would happen if McDonald's started, you know, cut their Big Mac out and started selling pizza would anybody go to him anymore, heck no, you know what I mean they'd be done for, and that's the exact same thing that I think you're talking about, and you know that's the beauty just to kind of tie it up is, is that's the beauty of affiliate marketing is you don't have to guess. Right, so when I, when I, when people asked me how do you find products to promote because I always start with the product so when I first started promoting legendary marketer, the first thing I did is like, Okay, let's get into the product let's learn the product. Let's see if this is something that, that, that we can we can we can get behind and we can believe in and obviously you know, fast forward it worked out great and then I built my campaign around and stuff like that. But what you know Pete What I say is, you know, start with the product because the offer is everything, find stuff that other people are promoting because it's validated guess what affiliates don't stick around promoting stuff that doesn't convert, and then, you know, from there, you know, make sure that there's enough people in the space seeing success and if that's the case, Hey guess what people want that product now figure out how you're going to promote it with your angle and I think that's the beauty of affiliate marketing like I just said you don't have to guess, you know what people want based on what what's selling. 

Dave: Well, brother. Man, this has been a masterclass, this is, this has been fantastic and super valuable. And I just can't. If you guys want to meet Brian, I believe you'll be our mastermind. In December, so we're looking forward to it. We've already got a. We've already got a packed registration list for that, and I'm thinking that if you win we do begin to promote that here in a couple of weeks, or talk about it in I think we may have you back on on a specific live just to kind of talk about that event, if you if you folks can get a seat to that mastermind to meet Brian, I would jump on that, I would jump on that as I said the registration list is already full, but we're going to call everybody, make sure that they're still coming in if some of those spots open up I would recommend that you jump on that. If you can.

Brian: There's something about being in that physical room if you can sit, I don't know if there's be a room but there's just something about surrounding yourself with that with people who are the same thing and doing the things that you want to do that's super, super,

Dave: For sure. I can't wait to do it, it's been, it's been too long, dealing with all this so, Dude, I gotta jump and I know you have amazing energy as well. And thanks so much for your time. Brian: Brother, it's always pleasure, always anything. 

Dave: Alright, Brian, we'll talk to you later Brother. Guy sounds great and thanks everybody who jumped on, we'll see you soon. Alright, go and follow Brian at BrianBrewerofficial on TIkTok, he is without a doubt, a legend. All right, without a doubt, that guy is a beast, and, and you just heard exactly why I say that so, my friends, we'll see you back here for another episode tomorrow, make an investment in yourself today do something that, That scares you a little bit do something that, that makes you step out of your comfort zone, and, and, and, and do today what others won't see you can have tomorrow, what others don't. But that said, peace, I got to run.

How To Get Started With Your Affiliate Marketing Business In 2021

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Hey everybody, welcome in, Happy Wednesday. It is Wednesday October 13 We are live for Wake Up Legendary This is not a recording, we are actually live. And good to see you guys, as you're coming in, let us know where you are tuning in from. We've got people who watch and attend from all over the world, typically a couple of 100 Live, and a couple 1000 after the fact. So if you're tuning in live with us, let us know where you're tuning in from every Monday through Friday we bring on a new guest. They share a bit about their marketing strategy, what they've been doing and how they've been generating traffic getting eyeballs on their website. We're all kind of fighting for attention online, and, and the people we bring on are doing really well with that. So, what we do typically is, we invite guests who are affiliates of ours, some of them are just clients of ours people, and through our training and had success in other industries. And we bring them on, and we kind of show off their success and highlight what they've been doing and what's working. So it turns into a little bit about what's working now. Little 30 minutes and that's kind of what we do so, we've got other awesome guests on let's not waste any time. If you guys can give us a clap emojis in the chat. Sarah what's up. Hi, how are you today?

Sarah: I'm great, how are you

Matt: I'm, I'm actually great. It's a good morning so far enough, it's crazy. I haven't got too far into the day. I was just telling Sarah that I'm on the West Coast. And yeah, it tells us a little bit about you and your journey and, you know, I usually like to have people sort of set up, you know, are you working a full time job, how did you discover sort of the online world. What's life and work balance like like those kinds of things, you know, how are you getting this whole thing started, and finding balance with other parts of your life.

Sarah: Yeah, okay. So, actually two months ago today, on the day I bought the Legendary Marketing program, they did blueprints and dove right in. I didn't waste any time and just started diving in and I still work full time but my goal is to quit that full time job. By the end of December, which is my birthday, that's my personal goal that I have and I'm rocking and rolling so far, on my way to that goal so I couldn't be more excited.

Matt: Dang. That's fast. 

Sarah:  I am yeah and you're helped and tipped through these every Thursday, that has helped me a lot when I was always stuck so highly recommended for somebody getting on doing that for sure.

Matt: Cool. That's awesome, that's cool, it's good to hear too. So you, you've got a full time job, and you're working that what was like the, I'm gonna, you know everybody has this first moment. Well, we I feel like we have two moments we have like, I want more, or I'm looking for more kind of thing, and then also like a discovery of, like, wow, I could make money online instead of going to a job. Interesting. What was like the first one, what was the initial like hey I want more and you started looking, or did it just pop in front of you on TikTok or what happened?

Sarah: So, I have been working from home since COVID happened, and I had just started with my company and then they were like, Yeah, we're not going to the office anymore so I have had the opportunity to be at home for a while now, which is how I've been able to do this and run a business. So we had to go back into the office in July, two dams a week, this past July, and that lasted for a month, thank God, but when we got back into the office I felt like I was in prison, I was in a cubicle couldn't talk to anybody couldn't see anything or do anything and I'm like, What am I doing with my spare time, what am I doing in my free time. And so how I discovered you guys was my sister is on Tik Tok, you know just posting funny videos with her friends and I forgot to, you know, log out of the app and so I went back on a few days later and saw somebody doing the same thing that I'm doing, and she was an older woman around my parents age and I'm like if this woman can do this, I can do this so I just started, you know, with the seven day challenge, or the 15 day challenge that cost seven bucks and I'm like, this is worth it. I got to day six, and that's when the blueprint arrived and I just stopped the 15 Day Challenge and dove right into okay let's start this. And so I created an actual LLC business, at the end like two weeks after that and I've just been going at it, doing the best I can to be successful and hit my goals.

Matt: Nice. That's awesome. GC you are. I can already tell like just energy wise like you are, Like, just screaming like just fired up ready to rock and you're doing well too, I mean you're making money you've turned it already into a profitable business, or close, I don't know other costs outside of just our blueprints and stuff but you're well on your way, I think, for sure, and I feel like you, you sort of watched sort of the model of like, okay, hey, look, somehow, there's a person out there online, who's, you know, doing pretty well for themselves wanting to get a full time job maybe not a full time income maybe not and I think I could probably do that I could think I could probably pull that off. So, in terms of balancing a full time job with that. Just, I feel like the whole work from home thing is such an opportunity for people, mostly because, you know, like I haven't really worked like an in person full time job and quite a few years but I remember many times, like when I would, I would try to work on like my side hustle stuff that I was doing. And I always was, because it's just who I am but. But I think I like having the flexibility of being able to work from home. You know, people can't micromanage you the way that maybe they would before or just even really like, you know, I always felt like there was a chance for me to get all of the work that I needed to get done for that day and five hours or six hours or something, or spread it out during times that I want. And, and, but you know, then you look lazy, even if you're just more efficient. I feel like the work from home thing, this whole last year and a half I've just seen people come on this show and just be like, Yeah, you know, I work from home, and there's more spare time, because I can get my stuff done faster and that I can move on to the next thing. My next thing is my side hustle and so that's cool, I like that. And yeah, what an interesting man, such an interesting person. Some people go looking for it, they type into Google, how do I make money online and other people just are scrolling tick tock, you know, the latest one that I've seen is about doing Airbnb ease. And, you know, it's another side hustle to make money, you know, buying Airbnb properties. When you first get the blueprints you dive in, you're, you're starting out. First of all, what, when you start creating content, was that tough? Did you find it easy? Was it difficult, was it. How has that been?

Sarah: So at first, it was definitely difficult for me. I was one that never posted on social media, not even like personal stuff I did. I was on TikTok and had no video so I actually had my five year old son. Tell me how to figure out how to put the music into. So for like three weeks I was just trying to put on a, like a demo almost to see if I could get followers. And so once I figured that out I just started, you know, making videos all the time so I would post three videos a day and then once I got on to the legendary Thursday weight blueprints and asked, you know, how do I get more followers and it would just like make one to two good content videos and post them you know once or twice a day, it depends. And so then when I started looking at the models of other people who were successful already doing this. I was just, you know, copying their videos, exactly and making them, you know my own so that has been such a huge help and creating my following and getting more success, and sales into my business.

Matt: Yeah, yeah, nice and you've got like, I feel like you've got a well 34,000 followers is definitely nothing to sneeze at, that's for sure. And you haven't actually had that. The funny part is that if you haven't made all that many videos right, it's not that much content so I feel like what you've done really worked. And I, I also feel a bit like, there's, There's what is for everybody who's here. I think that there's a really important thing, you know, copywriting is applicable to every copywriting skill of learning how to write, captivating headlines or attention grabbing headlines, and, you know, compelling sales copy and that's really what a TikTok video is. Most people don't realize that. And so when you go on into the TikTok world and you see certain pieces of content performing really well or certain, certain three second introductions to the videos we call those an attention grabbing headline or a hook. When you see those work for other people. Those are, those are similar and you can use very similar headlines yourself. And I tell people, Don't reinvent the wheel, it's not that hard. There's lots of industries and lots of niches, you could tap into, where you can use those same headlines. The same goes for stitches stitch style videos, but especially with the attention grabbing headline I think that's what you've done really well, and it takes a lot of the guesswork out of it now. I'll give that with a little caveat. I do think that sometimes if people go overload on those, it can weigh down the channel too. Right, it can actually put stress and strain on the channel so I feel like you've also mixed in just some good original content too, which I think is a big part of your success, and you're going live right so I think if just the whole channel is flooded with side hustle videos or online work videos or stuff like that, eventually down the road, it starts to see a little bit of a kind of slows down to a screeching halt, which even then still, you still have $80,000 He didn't have before. Right, so it's not all bad, but going live, which kudos to you that's a big one. I just saw, not to, you know, get sidetracked, but I just saw Calvin Hill was live yesterday, that guy that do goes live for like three hours at a time and just spitballs, all kinds of stocks and crypto and then goes into digital marketing and talks about, You know, talk to you about how to take advantage of the market by getting digital marketing skills. I think that live thing you're doing is really smart, so you went live yesterday, how'd that go?

Sarah: Good. So that was my second live I ever did and that was because of you, I'm like how do I get more sales you know I'm getting all these subscribers and followers but I'm not you know fulfilling the sale, and you're like, do the live so I'm like okay, here I go, terrified, but I, you know, if we're not out of our comfort zone, we're not growing right. So, I went on live, you know, thinking I was gonna do 30 minutes that was like Okay, Sarah, I can do this for 30 minutes, and then an hour went by and I'm like holy crap, I need to get back to like my actual job I need to log off so I'm like, I was just so grateful and I did, I mean I ended up getting a lot of followers after that sales work flowing in, so it really does work as long as you're taking the time to put in, you know, you will see results.

Matt: Yeah, and on that webinar strategy I was just looking for my little, I was looking for my little drawing pen but I don't have it so we do not get to see maths artistry today. I, on that webinar saw I sometimes tell people, You know back in the day when I started in 2009 10, we had to pay $100 a month for something like GoToWebinar, super old clunky webinar software, it was glitchy and it was a disaster. And to do all of that and set it all up, was a huge catch like production costs, you had to email out to your list and make anybody aware that it was even going on. And usually, like, if you're starting out, you're brand new, like that email list is like nobody, and you might be lucky to get a person or to just like to actually click in login on their desktop because no one had phones. So, you know, I think, in the grand scheme, there's just such a massive opportunity I've been screaming about this and I think people are almost getting annoyed but I've been screaming about how they stick talking is a greatest opportunity in digital marketing history still is and has been for the last two years, but the webinar strategy that going live strategy. When you combine that with sort of the viral traffic trends and you get some real viral moments going. The downside, or the kickback to that, is that people are like, Well, you're not really giving super high quality value to those people. I think one thing that you're doing. I think one thing that you're doing that's right, is that you're sparking curiosity with those style videos you're opening people's minds in there saying, oh my gosh like there's ways to make money online that's interesting, I'm going to follow Sara and, and figure out more, right. So, you can use easy style videos like that that are proven to go viral to build your following, right. And then the question I always get is, why am I building this following making videos that have nothing to do with what I'm offering, because those people are following you, not just because they want to do exactly what's inside of that video or that they're ever going to do it, probably never will. They might go try it out or they might, they start asking questions in your comments if you ever noticed that?

Sarah: Yeah

Matt: Yes, they start asking questions about specifics in the comments right that's the whole point is, you know, even if they never buy from you, even if you're opening people's minds, you're stretching and expanding you're breaking neural pathways in their mind, they're starting to say, Wow, this is interesting. And then after they start that, then oh my gosh. Hey Sara is live, right, and during the live, this is kind of the trick, during the live is really your place to be able to educate people and teach people and unpack questions, things like that. But if you can really run, and the more you do those lives like Calvin used to do them I think every day a lot of different people do these lives. You start to really drive sales, and that's the place for conversions, the big the big mistake I see people do is they try to sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, on their feed, Right, like when they post videos, and then people, their followers start to just like, oh, it's, it's Sarah. She's just gonna sell me today or it's Calvin he's just gonna sell me today or it's Brian. Okay here's another video selling me a stupid little thing right, but in the lives it's more intimate people don't actually really care, it's like, okay, yeah, no problem. So I feel like that's smart, I mean I suggested that to you. So I'm not trying to compliment myself but you taking action on that is a big one because if you're starting to see sales coming in after your second live, or your second day of having done a live. It's a real way to build and cultivate that audience which is really important for the algorithm, and protecting sort of your ability to get more followers and get views with the algorithm is important so even if it weren't driving sales it, that's super crucial to keep sort of a healthy status in TikTok algorithm, I don't know Is this making sense.

Sarah: Yeah, yeah, I wouldn't have done a live if I didn't think that it was gonna work, I mean, I was at a standstill and I'm like, What am I gonna do with all these subscribers and followers, you know, some are, you know, will click the link right then and there and sign up for that seven day, or the 15 day challenge but it's, you know, how do we get them to realize that there's more to that to learn and it doesn't just have to be with them making the online money niche you know it could be anything of something that they're already doing.

Matt: Totally, yeah, totally, absolutely. Yeah, I think that Well, I think that that's a big one but yeah I think having that discovery is a really big one too, it'll shape and change how you make content a little bit when you discover that make make you a little bit less, or make anybody let no I'm not saying you but make anybody less dependent on a certain style of video at Oak is like, you know one person who's a good example that is Tyler wise, he started making videos around like Google Chrome tools that are really helpful, and he what he found is there's sort of like, like little one off things that are a little less like just intense around making money, and are like, still getting the views people still view those virally sort of like those side hustle videos. And so he's mixed in some of those which are then like wow, this guy is a little more diverse than maybe I expected and and and he's also it's a way for him to bring in new people from different parts of the TikTok world, as opposed to in this industry. And again, your benefit there, sometimes people, there's an argument for just using hashtags to attract people who are just interested in affiliate marketing. So let's make an argument against that. Right. There's also an argument against having people who are always hearing about affiliate marketing, being pitched on it all the time on TikTok, and seeing these videos non stop, there's, there's an argument of going out and actually grabbing people from totally random different niches who aren't really interested in that sort of like you weren't really interested in that, you know beforehand, and pulling those people in and drawing interest and keeping your channel healthy that way driving more leads and sales that way too. So, anyway, for all of those reasons I just think it's interesting. Yeah, it's an interesting discovery, what, when you're out there and you're creating content and you do about one to two posts a day?

Sarah: So I was on like a retreat for four days so I have been lately posting to twice per day just to get my following and like drive back up, but usually it has been you know once per day probably for about three weeks now because it was a steady flow of followers and subscribers and sales I mean, I've only been doing this like I said, I probably posted my first video the end of September. So all of these followings are like less than, you know, two months, which is awesome so I'm already like halfway, it's only the 13th right so I'm only half. I'm already halfway to where I was in September. So I'm very, you know thankful and excited to, you know, be a part of this for sure. I would have. So, been angry at myself if I would have stopped and quit, you know, because it I mean in the beginning when you don't know what you're doing it, it is hard but you have to, you know, shut that voice down in your head that's telling you that you can't do it and this is hard and you're never going to make it. If I would have listened to that I would not be here right now speaking my own story too.

Matt: True, true, I love that. What's your district on the banner? Make sure guys to go follow Sarah there's two underscores after the name. If you search that on TikTok, you'll find it right away. What, so in terms of your daily like sort of mode of operation, I'm curious if you're, I see different styles of people but I'm curious about sort of your style. Are you more structured and have a set time of day when you're producing content, or are you a little bit more like kind of find the time in between. Because you have kids, right?

Sarah: So yeah, my fiance has a son, and I'm the one that, you know, takes care of it, make sure I get on and off the bus all that stuff so once you get on to school on Mondays is usually the day, if I'm feeling it if I'm not you know I have more other days in the week to make content and I'm always doing it while I'm working. So on top of getting paid to work and do all this and then I'm just getting extra pay on top of it, it's just great. So I always find the time while I'm working to do it. And then I really tried making my content one day per week, and then I'll have like seven to 10 videos in my draft and then I just start, you know, okay, this day is I'm gonna post this and I just set an alarm on my phone, and I literally never go on my phone unless it's for a purpose. You know because you can just sit there and be scrolling, you know and get consumed when I'm the one trying to be you know, the consumer, like not the consumer anymore I'm the one trying to sell people I'm the one that's you know being persistent and taking action for a purpose.

Matt: Yeah, you sound like you sound a lot like Dave Sharpe there.

Sarah: Thank you, That's such a nice compliment.

Matt: Yeah, it's, it sounds like something he would say almost exactly, he talks about, you know, we talked about in the decade in the day and then also in the blueprints just about like your, you know if I could say what you said in a different way, it's like, you don't want to be captive to somebody else's agenda so you know, you don't want to wake up and look in your inbox and read what everybody's agenda is for you for that day or read and hear about what everybody is going to sell you and what you need to buy this day, you know today, it's, it should be the opposite, you should hop on. And the only time so you hop on, especially social media is when you're specifically on purpose, you're looking for something, maybe you're strategizing a next video or whatever it is, but rather, you know, you have to make that shift, I'm really happy to hear you made that shift because that's a big mindset shift that makes people way more productive way way way more productive and changes the results and outcomes, a lot I think so that's cool. That's awesome.

Sarah: Yeah, then definitely a change for the better. And it all starts with your mind, you know your headspace if you're not there, mentally, you're not going to force yourself to do and step out of your comfort zone, you're always going to be comfortable, where you're at and you're not growing then.

Matt: Totally, totally. Dang, this is cool. What, what are you also on, like IG and doing stuff like that or as most of your stuff coming from TikTok?

Sarah: So, I am on Instagram as well so what I did probably like two weeks after I started dating. I think I hit 10,000 followers and I'm like okay what am I going to do to continue this success and like to drive other people in other ways. So that's when I started posting my content to TikTok, or I'm sorry to Instagram and all I do is take my old TikTok videos and post them to Instagram reels. So now, and I did post like because I had to make the shift between a personal account and then make it to, you know, a business account almost for my personal Instagram so I made my first post. That's personal today just because a lot of the followers that I still have are, you know, just friends and family who want to see what I'm doing but most of the content that I post now is only, you know, for my business. And that has helped me gain followers that way and sales. I Have two platforms that I'm working on and I'm always a step ahead in Instagram because it's old content that I've already done on my TikTok.

Matt: Super cool. I love it I love it, and I love your content, I love the channel, I think you're doing a great job, I think, you know, keep going with those lives I think that's a big thing. Those are going to be super impactful, super helpful and help position you so much, so just pumped to see that you're taking action on that, and I think everybody here can, absolutely. If you're going to take away a lesson here you're going to take away something big or something impactful. I am just impressed by your level of implementation and speed right so there's people who hang out for a while, there's people who hang out for six months 12 months a year, nothing wrong with that. But there is something to be said right we don't guarantee income outcomes in our training or anything but there is something to be said about like just being like hey you know what, screw it. I'm going for it. And I think people would be surprised at how fast they can see results online in any niche and in any industry, with just a bit of of real intention, and also like you've been really following and we've been very thoughtful about, you know, already in this show you've given like three different examples of things that I've just randomly dropped on like our Blueprints webinars that you're like alright let's do it. And rather than being like, Oh that's a good idea, you're like, Yeah, I'm doing that next week, you know.

Sarah: I literally would blog off the blueprint do that immediately and, you know, if I, if I wasn't gonna do it then when am I ever going to do it you know you got to take those steps. Actually, I don't think I should just do it.

Matt: Yeah, I mean it. There's something freed up in your headspace, that a lot of us wish we had freed up in our headspace because everyone out there is like yeah but you don't get it. You know I got all these mental blocks and all this stuff. 

Sarah: And, yeah if I can tell them all to just read the books that you guys recommended Rich Dad Poor Dad and then I found thinking Grow Rich, I mean I wasn't a book reader and I, one of my goals this year was to make sure that I was you know, continuing, you know, education, knowledge is power, so I probably read a good 20 books and those are all about business all about changing your mindset and I, I feel like if I wouldn't have done that, along this journey, because that was like a kind of like a mentor for me those books, it's like okay I am doing what I'm supposed to be doing it, you know, I, I'm only 25 and people are wishing that they would have been doing what I'm doing now 15 years ago, you know, anybody can do this, you just have to put in the effort and change your mindset to realize that you're the only person stopping you from doing it.

Matt: I couldn't agree any more. I feel like people doubt themselves so much, and it's so unnecessary there. Once you get an inside look, the biggest thing I did is, in 2011 I went to a live event that changed my life forever. I went to a live event, and I realized once I shook hands with some of these people. Some of the people I looked up to, and I was like, Are you kidding me not to like be mean to them, but I was like, This is it, like, really, like one of them, for instance, was a dude whose whole brand was around to, like, Like, they call them the van man, and he, he was like, basically you know his whole thing was going from a homeless van man to like an online, you know, six figure earner or whatever. And when I met him in person, I was a little bit like, Oh no, you're just a homeless dude, like you're legit just a homeless dude who's found a way to drive traffic on the internet. That's it, that that's all that's going on here, I was like, I can't. What the hell, right, and, and this and that was kind of the moment where I met all these people and I just realized like hey you know what, I feel like I've got all these insecurities, they've got them too. I feel like I've got all these weaknesses, they've got them too, and it's not better or worse, it's just different. We've all kind of got the different you know mindset stuff that we're all working through, but it is very true. Like, there's not any sort of better DNA that I've got the new or that you've got then Jessie or Becky or ed or whoever's in the chat here Kevin all these people. There isn't some magic potion or formula, you just work your ass off. Well, Sarah, I think we can leave people with that, I think your urge to get people into books like, what, what did you say Rich Dad Poor Dad, what else?

Sarah: Yeah. Think and Grow Rich and then the 10x rule by Grant Cardone. Oh, I highly recommend those books.

Matt: Yeah, I don't know if we recommend the 10 actual but in principle that that rule in general is a big mindset shift, I mean that is like a, that's a huge one and, you know, there's, yeah, that mindset is. It's incredible. It's incredible when it's deployed, so cool I love it, I love the book recommendations. Sarah, we're gonna get the heck out of here. If you need anything from us, let us know, we'll put you on the list to invite you back in a couple months, see where things are out okay.

Sarah: Okay, thank you so much, Matt,

Matt: Cool see ya. Guys give her a follow on TikTok. You can find her right there Sarah Simmons underscore, underscore, go follow her watch her lives tune into her lives, give her a little support on her on our TikTok lives, answer questions, or sorry, ask her questions on her live feed her some feeders and questions that she can answer and engage with and support or support others in their journey, and that sort of business karma, oftentimes comes back around, and in a lot of meaningful ways. So, to everybody who's out there keep rockin, have a good Wednesday we'll be back here tomorrow Dave we'll be back here tomorrow same time same place 10am Eastern, and the last name of that book was the 10x rule.


The Do’s and Don’ts Of TikTok

Below is the transcription for this episode: 

Dave: Hey what's going on everybody, this is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to another episode of Wake Up Legendary. You know what the routine is, let's jump into things we've got a returning guest this morning. Her name is Kelly Olsen, she's a rock star. She's awesome. She was on our show, whoo, I lose track of time but it was probably anywhere between six nine even 12 months ago. And as you can see from the title. If you're listening to this, I'll read it for you One Year and 100,000 Followers Later. Here's Kelly's Advice. Kelly, welcome to the show.

Kelly: Good morning. Thank you for having me.

I remember when you were on. You are a, if I'm, if I remember correctly, an attorney or were once an attorney and are not practicing anymore. You were recently divorced, and you were building and beginning new chapters in your life and you were somewhat at the beginning of that journey here you had found us. You're somewhat excited. And, you know, I don't have a crystal ball. I can never tell if people are going to stay excited, are going to stay in the game or are going to continue down the journey. And here you are one year later, and as we said one year 100,000 followers, and you're going to give us your advice today. Based on that experience, if I nailed everything. As far as the last time you were on in give, would you give our listeners a brief nutshell of what your beginning look like, just, just sort of encapsulate how you started.

Kelly: Yeah, that was a pretty good summary. Yeah, so I got divorce, almost three years ago and had a transition period where I really needed to find a job and figure out how I was going to provide for my kids. I have four kids. So it was, it was quite an uphill battle. And I knew I needed to be close to them, and be present. And so I started researching online, how I could make money online, how I could get work from home so I could still have proximity to, you know my kids and be able to take them to school and their activities and all that. And now I did, I did the usual Shopify store and then I found Legendary. And it was what is just one of those things that clicked in my head, it just made sense. I thought I could do this, I know I can do this. And so I jumped in and I’m here a year later.

Dave: And your expectations have been met, they've been exceeded. Give us, Give us a perspective about expectations versus reality.

Kelly: So that's an interesting question because I think a lot of people come into this expecting to make money very very quickly. And you can, but sustaining a lot of money quickly is difficult. So, my expectations have been blown out of the water. But it took a while to get here. So, I think my, my road my path might have been a little slower than some others because I was, you know, working a nine to five, with four kids as a single mom, so I think I was very precise and like I really planned out how I was going to leave my job, and how, like, what steps to take in my business to make it successful and sustainable. I think that's really important for people to understand that, you know. You just have to be realistic, you know, making a gazillion dollars your first, you know, three weeks, probably not realistic.

Dave: Sure. Well, it's interesting. Well let me ask this before I reply back with my thoughts on that. Have you met goals like transitioning out of your nine to five, and now working full time online?

Kelly: I put my two weeks in at my nine five, about a week and a half ago. So I'm done as of Friday. And I'm so excited. So excited.

Dave: Okay, okay, fantastic. Well let's, let's all give Kelly, a huge, you know, round of applause there, digital round of applause in the comments for putting in her two week notice. So here's my reply back to you and I just wonder what comes up for you as I say this, I have learned over a decade that short term goals. Usually, I make them unrealistic to big, long term goals I usually make them too small. And I think that's pretty common amongst most US entrepreneurs, we get into something and have big dreams and aspirations of making a lot of money fast, because sometimes we're in a pinch, we need it, and it ends up testing us, because it takes longer than that initial week or month, or even two months or three months or six months to really get cash flow going consistently, but what we can accomplish if we stick with it over, a year for example or 2418 months, or 24 months is, in my experience, beyond what I had initially, even thought was possible because when I stick with something, it builds up momentum, and it ends up, it ends up becoming like compound dividends from, if any of you have studied what, you know, what compound interest is with an investment, it's really kind of the eighth wonder of the world how, if you put $100,000 into an investment, and it makes 10% over 15 years, the amount of money that you'll have, and how much of that will be interest versus your initial principal, it's really fascinating. Right. And I believe that business success happens the same way, if you stay on the path, it feels like you're not earning anything for the first, like, little while, similar to an investment, it's like oh my gosh I only made. You know I only made $10,000 on this 100,000 The first year like, it's cool, but I wanted to I wanted to double my money, you know, but then all of a sudden you look at it over 10 years and it's like, holy crap, Like, I've got more from interest here than I do from principle. Do you agree with that with that perspective, does that align with your experience

Kelly: 100% 100% Yep. I don't think I mean I might have this backwards. But isn't it Tony Robbins who says, People underestimate what they can do in a year, and overestimate what they can do in like a day or a month.

Dave: It's actually Dave Sharpe Tony stole that from me. I don't know who it's from. But it's, it's really true, I mean, I think we've all sort of recycled and repurposed. A lot of these little quotes. Tony's probably repurpose a lot from the late Jim Rohn, who was his original mentor and many other people but it's all, anything that has that vibe yeah it's like you're not going to get rich quick. But you can get rich, realistically, and you can probably get rich quicker than the traditional path which leads me to my next sort of perspective shift on your journey. You know, you have been able to, you know, quit your job. Essentially we don't need to know the exact but get close or exceed replacing your income. Within a year, and I didn't go to college you did but getting a degree in law takes how many years.

Kelly: I mean, law school is three, but then you also need your undergraduate so that's at least another four.

Dave: Okay so we're talking, let's say seven years, and how much money on average, are you investing in that college degree. In those degrees.

Kelly: I mean, right now, I've, I mean when I was a lawyer I was making well over six figures. I am on track for doing this. And it's not in a high pressure Law Firm, where I'm working.

Dave: Where I'm going with this, but, like, you're it's like you're on the stand and I'm leading the question right of course you're familiar with that. But my point here is is that being a lawyer is being a doctor being a plumber being a carpenter being a secretary being a grocery store clerk, anything to where you're making an honest day's pay for an honest day's work is an honorable thing to do, and in no way shape or form, do I ever want to put anybody down who's works. A, who, who works to make a living. However, when we look at even a year, even 18 months, even two years to get on track, to even earn 50,000 A year or even earn 30,000 a year I know people who are surviving on 30 40,000 a year. I know people who are surviving barely on minimum wage, which is a little bit less than that, but we're talking six figures that you were precise and on purpose with your activities and just over a year or right around a year you're now, get on track to do six figures in a year and we look at that compared to the traditional path, which is student loans unforgivable debt right that can't go into a bankruptcy. It's the only type of debt that can fact check me right you're the attorney in fact check me I mean that's the only debt that cannot be forgiven in a bankruptcy from what I understand, and you know I think there's a lot of attorneys and a lot of architects and a lot of engineers and a lot of folks who are coming out of college right now with a mountain of debt, and especially from what we just came out of with this pandemic probably having a tough time even getting work, Right, even, even going and finding a place to work right and here we are with this amazing opportunity that you can be an attorney, you can be a plumber you can be a carpenter and if you get online and you get educated from the right people in the right environment. You have an opportunity to develop skills, put them into action and build a company and build a brand for yourself, and that's what you've done and it's what many other people have done so what, tell us based on now you've been doing this for a year. What do you know now that you didn't know before?

Kelly: So many things. 

Dave: Just fill them in, condense them and consolidate them for us into a couple of key points.

Kelly: So, one thing that I really struggled with for a while was, and I'm a huge mindset person. And it's, it's a struggle, knowing what you need to do and actually getting there. And so, the mindset is huge, like, and I knew that I guess that's one of the things that I kind of knew but it just took me a while to figure it out and how to get there. Imposter syndrome is very real. And I think even when the first, even the first time I was on the show. But I knew what I was doing but I didn't feel like people would actually look to me for advice or anything like that and be like an authority in the area. But, I mean, I'm, I'm not helping other people do this, and the competence builds, like, you know, I don't know, another, another influencer that I love always says success breeds success. And so once you start you just, you have to keep going and building on it, because it, like you said compounds. Another thing is reaching out to people and networking so if you see somebody that you know on TikTok or Instagram or on Wake Up Legendary or whatever and they resonate with you, reach out to them, like send them a DM like ask what their experience is, start making those connections because those are really important.

Dave: What if you're a what if you're somebody who is hesitant to reach out, what if you have this, what if you have this feeling or mindset that you're, that you don't want to bother somebody, or that people are too busy to, you know, respond to little me, I'm sure that when I'm sure we all feel that I feel that sometimes when I'm calling friends, when I'm calling just people just in my personal life like I don't want to bother them you know what I mean like, even though they may be thinking that too and a lot of people say that I know you're busy, I don't want to take too much. They say that to me too. And I'm like, Oh no, no worries dude I'm, I was just sitting here, you know, having a cup of coffee, you know, how, how have you overcome that or are you still, you still. How do you overcome that feeling, small, I guess in feeling like a small fish in a big sea with sharks and whales in like your like your like Nemo, you know you're like swimming around and like a little fish who's getting bounced all around feeling unnoticed and unseen, and maybe like you don't matter how, how, give us a perspective into somebody now who does get have people reaching out to you, and how do you feel when you see somebody who reaches out and wants to connect?

Kelly: So, I definitely still feel like that sometimes. I guess what I've sort of come to is, you reach out to people, and I mean if somebody reaches out to me, I love that, because then I can try to help them in some way, like, and I hope that I do. But it's, yes. When I reach out to other people. I just have it in my head that if they respond. That's like, that's great. Right and then that's sort of meant to be like if they don't respond, then that's okay like I don't take it personally, I think I used to take it personally. I don't take it personally. I, you know, maybe, Maybe they are too busy, maybe they miss the message, maybe reach out to them again, like I, it's, it's a tricky thing to overcome, but you just have to jump in. It's sort of like making your first TikTok, but you just have to, like, you just have to turn the camera and jump in and do it, and not worry so much about what other people are thinking. So people want to help.

Dave: So much of that is easier said than done. However, there is no easy way around it, you, you do build I, my way of saying, self esteem breeds self esteem is that self esteem is the bedrock of success. And back to your point, we can talk about the mechanics of marketing here in a second. But back to your point on the dynamics is that success. Success is the excuse me self esteem is the bedrock of success. And what that means to me is that if I, if I practice something and become better at it. I feel more confident. And the reason why I believe many people do not experience success similarly, they do not do things that are on their bucket list is because those things scare them. For example, jumping out of a plane, for example going on vacation to a different country, for example, walking up to the girl or the guy in a restaurant or the bar and saying hello. Can I get your number? We experience a lot of pain in loneliness and isolation, and a lot of what I consider, and I think many of us would say the worst in life is regret because we don't overcome the fears that we have about doing something, whether it's in. For many of us in business. How many of you I wonder just, if, if, if there would be some we could, we can know that we're in a safe place to be honest right now I would say that there's been one or two specific things that have held you back for years in your, in your online business, for example, getting in front of the camera. For example, running a Facebook ad, for example, launching a TikTok profile. Right. There's a lot of people who hide in education, who jump from course to course or guru to guru or, you know, they get all excited about starting one thing, but then when they're met with that. That challenge that they avoided in the last venture, they're met with it here again, it might have a little bit of a different gift wrapping on it but it's the same present. And it's just too scary to open it because you just don't know what's going to be inside. So you do nothing and then it's easier to just move on to the next guru or move on to the next course or move on to the Facebook feed or whatever. And we then, and that because that turns into a regret, right, Kelly, because it was like, dang, you know, here I am once again starting over with another business, because the last one I didn't just simply lean in to the fear in lean into the uncomfortability of doing some of these things. So what were some of those things that were what were the biggest things for you, the behaviors the activities in your business that you were that were painfully scary, that was it, video, was it reaching out to people one on one, was it buying a course like, what, what was the thing that you were like okay, this is fear mountain in it, and I keep avoiding it, but I need to conquer it.

Kelly: Okay, so I think that I definitely have the tendency to get stuck in education. Like, I definitely do that. And I actually remember very vividly a decade and a day at the very end, you came on, and you talked about this exact thing. And I remember like I made a comment and you, and then you addressed it, like while we were alive, because I know I do that, I know I do that like I don't, I, the amount of YouTube videos I have watched about all sorts of online you know Amazon FBA drop shipping was like everything I've, I've, binged it all. But, so when you sort of address that particular point head on and decade in a day, I was like, That's it, like I'm doing it like I'm just doing it and for me it was like I was always the kid in the back of the class that never said anything. Like, I like totally, I mentioned this on my. The first time I was on, I flew under the radar like nobody noticed me. So, getting on camera. We're, you know, people would see me was very, very difficult, but in that decade in a day like I made a promise to myself that within two weeks, I was going to be on tick tock, and I just did it like one Sunday, like, you know, took a shower when running outside to the backyard, my kids thought it was totally insane films like four or five peacocks, over and over and over again. I just started posting.

Dave: If I were, if I, if I remember correctly, You grew up in an abusive home, and your brother was abused and you flew under the radar. And that behavior is part of you, it became part of who you were as you got older, I'm sure you. I'm sure it was a survival mechanism that became an asset because you were able to study and get through school and obviously do a hell of a lot of schooling and graduate. And then when it was time to get into the real world in it, especially as an entrepreneur, that childhood survival mechanism that certainly was a survival mechanism and this is something that I think a lot of times, I look at trauma. And I agree and disagree with a lot of the approaches to trauma because it was a survival mechanism that kept me alive and kept me safe. As a child, but now it's no longer productive, but it's deeply ingrained in who I am, and I now need to overcome it. Did you have that awareness, that that was a part of your, you know who you were a survival mechanism that you needed to address in face as you were, as you were doing this

Kelly: 100% Yeah, I knew I mean I knew that I flew under the radar because, I mean people told me people didn't. People like thought I was you know the dumb kid in the back of the class, because I never said anything, which was not the case. So, I knew, I mean I knew it back then, and sort of as a result of my divorce and some of the things that kind of came out from that. Deciding how I was going to address some of the rumors and gossip and all that kind of stuff. It's another one of those things where I was like, oh, like I need, I need to I need to figure this out for myself, and then getting online and doing this, doing it. You know the 15 Day Challenge and in deciding that I'm going to implement it. And, you know, like, to hell with the fears like forget forget like this isn't working anymore and I need, I need to do something else like I need to be seen, I'm, you know I smart, I'm capable, there's no reason that I should be hiding in a corner anymore. And I pushed through it, and it was damn hard. And, you know, like, it took some therapy. And, you know, there are times I still think about it, you know, I still, I see and there's definitely days I'm still nervous getting on camera but it's a lot less. Yeah, it's a lot less and, You know, I'm a lot less worried now about what other people think of me. So, that has been a huge, life changing perspective for me, that came out of a 15 day challenge that I never, I never would have expected. Right, I mean you expect to like to learn how to make money online, but I've met countless people now that have had these major life transitions and fears overcome because of this program.

Dave: Yeah. Well, I think, first of all, congrats on that because that's leaning in and in coupling, you know, emotional in mindset work with getting out in the real world, in doing what my therapist calls corrective behavior, right, and corrective behavior is. For example, when I'm, when I've always had the, the, the sort of survival mechanism that's a result of childhood trauma of being quiet in flying under the radar. When I'm aware of that and I feel the feeling, and I feel like my eight year old self, or I feel like my 12 year old self, or for me a lot of it is my 1415 year old self, very rebellious and and also scared and confused in seeking safety but not knowing where to find it, and I'm feeling that, and I'm aware of that that's going on with me right now, basically the, the 14 year olds running the show right now. And instead, I invite my adult self to step into the room, I invite my adult self to step in to the situation, and let him take over and say Hey, little buddy I got this right, and then do it anyways, right move walk through it, you know in in almost invade, you just sit over there, you just sit over there in that chair you sit over in that couch, you're good, you're safe. I got this, the adult version of Dave has this, and, and then walks through whatever the situation is and does it anyways. With the feelings, and then eventually, because I can't think myself into a new way of acting, but I can act myself into a new way of thinking and feeling eventually if I repeat that corrective behavior and experience again and again and again. Eventually, the person who shows up first is not the 14 year old Dave anymore. It's the 37 year old Dave. It's the adult version, and that happens almost magically, you know, it's my brain rewiring itself, it's my, it's, it's me, healing, old trauma scars and I think that for many of us, we think that we are incapable, and we think that we are a failure, but very simply, it is old survival mechanisms that are no longer productive for this situation and likely it's the child version of ourselves, who's running the show. And we need to step in and take over the adult version of ourselves even if we are inexperienced and have never done it. We need to say, I'm gonna walk through this with you. And it's a conscious in as you said, an on purpose behavior, you said you were very precise and on purpose with your business. And I imagine this is an example of what that is and I like to add context, Because a lot of people try to be on purpose. They try to be precise, but it's old, skeletons, it's old trauma, it's old habits and behaviors that have now become the software, aka the unconscious programming of the software that's running the show. And we try, we do, I imagine that so many of you have tried so hard. You have tried business after business, you have tried thing after thing. It just always seems to result in the same result, which is some sort of a pattern, and I don't know what it looks like for you, but it's some sort of a pattern, Kelly could have easily been that you just said, You know what, I'm not an extrovert or whatever story you may have told yourself, but really that wasn't it at all. It was simply childhood trauma, showing up flying under the radar in your adult self needed to walk. Little six or seven or eight or however you old you were five year old Kelly through the situation. And now I would imagine, the adult version of Kelly shows up. Most days first. Is that right?

Kelly: 100% It's, it's, I mean like I said, it's just, it's life changing. It just really is. It's taking responsibility for behaviors that you have that, even if you don't even if you don't understand how they recreate how they were created, or why taking responsibility for those behaviors and how you're going to now address them, or work with them and make like there's certainly plenty of things from my childhood that I like. And, you know, left those perfectly intact because they work for me. But taking the responsibility to change the parts that don't work. That's, that's difficult, it's a really difficult and challenging thing, but, you know, if you want something that you've never had, you've got to do things that you've never done.

Dave: When I was getting clean, that I was 24 years old I had just gone in, dove into an addiction to places that I never would have imagined that I was gone I was coming out of the fog in February of 2008 going How did I get here, and I just couldn't make sense of it, you know, I came from a mostly good family, they had good values good parents, you know and I just couldn't make sense of it. And there were some specific trauma points that happened in my life. And, and I didn't learn about these till later. But somebody came up to me and said one of the most powerful things I've ever been told, which is of course me trying to get clean. It was my recovery, right. And they said, Dave, you're not responsible for what happened in the past, you're simply responsible for your healing in your future. And for me, that made a lot of sense because I didn't need to I need, I can put the hammer I could put the punching gloves down and stop beating myself up for the past, but I couldn't become curious and I can become diligent about figuring some things out and learning about myself, why are these patterns in my life, why does this keep happening over and over again and for many of you, it shows up in relationships, it's like why are relationships failing over and over again when I'm giving everything that I have. Right. Why do I continue to attract people who are abusive? Why do I continue to attract narcissists, why, or whatever, why do I show up and have certain behaviors we have to look at our side of the street to. But I think for me, in business, it shows up because I get to see people. I get to see patterns showing up in people. And, and, again, that for me is similar to you is the most powerful part of this process, because I don't get the money and then become the person I become the person and then I attract the money. And that's why so many folks who win the lotto are coming to a lot of money or broke some years later, quickly is because they didn't have the, they had all of their old habits that they, that made them broke right and that made them have a dysfunctional lifestyle and then they came in all this mean you think that money is gonna solve your problems. Right, I mean, I was listening to an interview with Mike Tyson and he said, Look, I made $400 million. And I even knew that many of the boxers that came before me, ended up broke as well, because there were many generations of boxers before Tyson. Tyson was hot in the 90s. And he said, but because of my upbringing, my financial literacy, because of my trauma in my habits and patterns, I could not stop myself. I could not help it. And now that I'm broke and I have a lot less money to manage. I'm going to therapy. I'm healing a lot of these parts and I'm a lot happier, and maybe I'll build it back, maybe I won't. But there's a big clue to success in those words, somebody who made $400 million, not generated in September but somebody who made $400 million in his broke now. This can be the most powerful process, and you can combine the success of your business, and the healing of trauma and old scars in development of the best version of yourself you can combine all of that together into this process and I think that's what keeps me passionate is not because one can make a million dollars because I honestly know that if you made a million dollars and you had shitty habits in old software that you're just going to lose it anyways and it's going to result in a lot of pain, but because here we talk about the shift that we're talking about right now, which may be encourages somebody to also look at this mental and emotional dynamic side versus just mechanics. I think that's for me what Legendary Marketer what this community is, what these conversations are, why they're so powerful. And I think what makes I think our success rates are higher than the average course or whatever company is because we're not just talking about, sell, sell, sell, you know, add, add, add skills skills skill, talk to more people were saying, what is inside of you, that is keeping you in a loop of self destruction. Why are you self sabotaging because the common denominator and all the businesses that you've done in the courses that you've done and relationships that you've been in is good old you incorporate it. And that's a tough pill to swallow, I think for a lot of people, but when you do, you take total and full responsibility. It's the most liberating experience, would you agree with that?

Kelly: 100% It's, it's almost like this sense of freedom, because you've just decided to like, you know, cut the cords with it, like, you know that that was tying me down and I'm gonna cut the cords and then you kind of are floating around like, well now I get to do anything. Like, I don't have that anger anymore so I mean, really, you just get to create what it is you do want. And that's empowering. 

Dave: It is. So, let's touch on your marketing here for a second. Since we've covered the dynamics, let's talk about some mechanics for a second. So you kind of dove right into tic tock marketing. And if I remember correctly, that's what you were doing initially. You've stayed pretty consistent with that. What would you say are a couple of big things that you learned that were the sort of things that you would recommend others avoid, and then we'll talk about a couple of things that you, that have worked the best for you, like if you had, if your kids were sitting here and they wanted to do the same business that you're doing, what would you what would be the couple of things that you would tell them to avoid say the two things so you could only give them two into two things to avoid, and two things that have worked really really well for you. And they're, they're sort of secrets to your success.

Kelly: One of the things to avoid, is trying to talk to everybody on tick tock, because if you try to talk to everybody you're talking to nobody. So, one of the things that has helped is to counter that is to sort of focus on who's sort of my target audience who, Who's is resonating with me. Who'd want to help, because that will target your message down and you'll attract those people that you want to work with. It's very easy to get caught up in the numbers game on TikTok like my video going viral is going but you know, very easy to get caught up in that. So, like the numbers don't really matter, like the leaderboards don't really matter they're not, they're not an accurate picture of how successful somebody is doing so focus in on, you know, not income claims not following numbers not virality but focusing on, who can I help and who resonates with me, and like really fine tune your messaging. And then the other thing that I think has helped a lot. And this I think this is a shift in how, at least for me, how TikTok seems to be headed is and. And right now I do still have the Legendary link in my bio, but directing people in my Facebook group where I can talk to people in DMS, and more directly and do live training, has been a, like that's been a game changer. So directing people sort of off of the viral platform into something that's a little more stable, like even Instagram is better in my opinion, being keeping people just on tick tock because you get reported. Many people have had accounts taken down lives get reported. It's much easier to live on Facebook and Instagram, and really connect with people in the DMS on Facebook and Instagram but it's much more user friendly and easier to talk to people. 

Dave: Yeah, I can see that it's interesting because I would have never guessed that as quick, you know, you call it as viral. I think it's the same thing viral fast quick like videos can take off people use the app super fast, right, like they're there, they're there, they're scrolling fast, you know what I mean quick thumb movement up boom boom boom boom boom boom, where you might, you might, you might scroll or or your blood pressure might be lower on like Facebook or Instagram and I'm not saying it's, it's super low because we all know, you know, you get it, you got to slosh through this is the one of the best things that I heard about social media, and particularly Facebook the other day was you got to slosh through everybody's propaganda and political bullshit to see pictures of your grandkids, you know, and eventually that's, you know, I think people are kind of tired of that, in a sense, but anyways, the point is, is it tick tock fast app, I would have never imagined that it drives the amount of sales that it does but it really does. Like, it's just so fascinating how people will buy off of TikTok. In my experience as much or more than any other app, but I want there's a reason why we do lives on Facebook, you know what I mean is because, you know, people tend to always be at least checking Facebook, it's still a pretty, you know people are gonna go on there and scroll through and check, but we also get people to subscribe to our text list as well so we can we can send a text notification. We've got 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of people on various different lists that we can reach out to them on, no regard, you know, based on what we're doing. And so, so yeah, I mean I can I can I can see the Facebook group thing I think. The downside of Facebook is that it's easy to get lost on the platform, in, in, in crap. But the truth is if you can get people interacting with your post, then your post will show up high on the newsfeed and your group posts will show up high on the newsfeed, if people are interacting with your group. And so my additional tips would be, and I know a few other people who are doing that by sending people to Facebook groups and beginning to build a community, maybe a mini or micro community within Facebook. In addition to collecting emails, in addition to collecting text if you're building a text list which I think is smart in community is, is the text platform we use, and it's fairly inexpensive to use, and it has super high open rates. But, but is to is to. My recommendation for the Facebook groups is to do things that are, it's the same as all platforms do something to get people to engage with your post it run, you know, ask questions to ask, you know, offer to do a free training on something specific that is super appealing to your target market. And then, to tell them to comment if you know yes and below what if I get 100 comments, I'll do it, you know, just to get people engaging with your posts so when you do go live or you post something in your Facebook group, you know people are seeing the post. Okay so you gave us kind of one on one, anything else that you would avoid doing. Now that you know one year later?

Kelly: I think one of the things is sort of shiny object syndrome. I think one thing to also be very careful of is how, how quickly you jump from program to program or try to add new affiliate offers in, like, don't add those in on the front end, like, you know, make sure that you're collecting emails and add, add your additional offers on the back end in emails because, I mean, I think we go over this and even in the training. If there's a lot of links in your profile, like in your bio, people don't know what to do, they don't know what to click First they don't know what it is or actually recommending, so keep it to one program that is your like upfront offer, and everything else in the email list. 

Dave: Yeah, and I would even add to that, I've seen people's profiles get harmed when they're pitching a product or program right from their profile. Right. Instead, offer a free training, offer a free download, offer something free for them to opt in. And then once you have their email address. Give them a call to action in your bridge page to click the link below, and even add curiosity to that don't go over selling on your bridge page video, because if you're doing affiliate marketing your number one goal is to get them to click your link. So they get tagged and cookie to your affiliate link so if they buy, You get credit, and I see so many people selling from their TikTok profile or their Instagram profile, selling the product or program. And it's like, is all people do there is they say, Well, what was it, let me watch it again, and then I'll go Google it or I'll keep it in the back of my mind and then if I hear other people talking about maybe eventually I'll go and buy it or click on it, but even if you're selling your own product, free, free, free, free, click the even make whatever the product is a free video. Like if you're sending somebody to a sales page, go watch this free video that will reveal the XYZ, the business model that I've used that will break down the number one income engine that I recommend that will that will show you exactly how the strategy that I use that I recommend to train my dog, the strategy that I use to get more sleep right, not go over and check out, you know, Dave's, you know, Money program or Jim's dog training because curiosity, there's two things that will get somebody to opt in or click More than anything, something free something valuable. And something that gets their curiosity. And what most people do is they, they just punch. All three of those right in the eye, right in like a tick tock video, I'm gonna tell you that it's a paid program, I'm going to tell you what it is, and I'm going to tell you the name of it right here. So why would they go opt in. Why would they watch your bridge page video? Why would they sit through the sales video, when you need them to sit through the sales video to get sold. So just something to piggyback on that, you know that recommendation that you just gave to avoid what you said. Don't leave too many, you know, offers on your link. Yeah, these, these damn link tree things are like, they're like a marketer's worst nightmare, because think about this logically. A person doesn't know who you are, what the hell you're talking about, doesn't know how to make money online, doesn't know how to get their child to sleep better at night, doesn't know how to get their dog trained, doesn't know how to read faster. And then you're going to bring them to a page that has five different options and say, well choose one, they're going to go, I have no idea I'm not doing that work back to scrolling

Kelly: 100% I did that, I buy 100% Did that if, like there's somebody whose video catches my attention and I click on their bio, and there's a whole bunch of things listed about

Dave: It's too, it's too overwhelming.

Kelly: Yeah. And it's not even clear what any of these things are like. None of the buttons actually are descriptive enough for me to know what. So yeah, that's definitely, like, limit the amount of upfront offers, and also like provide value, like, you know, DM people but don't be spammy about it, like this DM people and ask if they need any help with anything and then help them. Don't try to, don't try to constantly be selling people and throwing your links at them. Like if you just help people. You, you will be making money eventually

Dave: Prove that you can help them by actually helping them, a novel concept I know, right, but it's like proving that you can help them by actually helping them. The only thing that your perfect customer wants, and they will buy from you in the hundreds and the 1000’s of people will buy from you 1000’s of people, because they want to be helped. And if you can prove to them that you can help them by actually helping them, you will never work for money again. Yeah, you can prove to them that you can help them, not by convincing them, not by overselling them, not by some magical secret that you're going to learn. If you just find the right guru. But, by actually helping them. Right, by making videos that are helpful invaluable that show people things that explain complicated ideas simply so many of you are overlooking so many ideas that are so simple that you could explain that you learn right here from the show, then you could just, I mean there are literally 20 TikToks from this interview or more that you could go through rewatch, listen to the concept, pause, write it down, that's a video listen to the end, those are all would be valuable so many of you are like oh this is valuable. You know, I'm going to catch the replay you guys are. But listen, learn, do teach, right, this is all a, you know we do these shows because we want you to get value, but we also want to teach you things, each one, teach one so you can use this content these concepts to go and be more valuable in the marketplace, to be more valuable. So, any final words that you would leave you know our listeners our audience your, your friends, your community members here with for them to maybe somebody who's on the fence somebody who's just starting their journey, or you know somebody who's listening who's kind of at that, that, you know, break down or break through crossroads?

Kelly: Yeah, um, I mean the biggest thing is, like with this. There's so little risk to just trying it, like, just, just, just go to the training, try it, See if it resonates because if it does, it could be life changing. And if you see something you're like I am, I don't know, you really, you're not really out anything. It's, it's a whole community of people that are willing to help all the time, it's, it's fascinating to me to watch the community and how everybody rallies around people like you that is huge, and that will help carry you, when you're in the valley of despair and you're doubting yourself and you're not sure if it's gonna work. I've seen so many people reach out in that and there's literally like 10s or hundreds of comments under these posts of people supporting. So that is really, really huge, and, like, just what I said a few minutes ago, like for everybody else who's already doing it, just help people, like, just focus on helping people and providing value, and if you can help one other person believe in themselves, or earn a $2.80 cent commission. Like, that's the best commission of their life, like everybody, everybody remembers their first commission because it proves it solidifies that this actually works. And so you can help people get to that point, like, I mean now, that makes me so happy. I am so happy when somebody tells me that they've got a $2.90 cent commission, it's, it's, it's like brightens my whole day it's, it's, it's just so amazing because they did it. So just help people help people succeed and help people get there. So that's, that's really what I think, I mean that's really what this is all about. Yeah, and the rest takes care of itself.

Dave: Well congrats to you again on your two week notice, it's your job and you know I'm excited to see what happens. Yeah, you know you'll get a large part 40 hours or so of your life back, you know, which, gosh, big deal, you know it's a big deal if we think about it. Yeah, there's, there's, there's 120 hours in a week, right 40 hours a week, if we're working eight hours a day, I think my math right there 120 hours a week back, Or excuse me 40 hours out of 120 hours a week back that's 1/3 of your life, you know, and then if you if you put into, you know, travel times. Yeah you're over 1/3 of your, of your, of your life, you know, back and some of you are working, You know, 50, 60, 70 hours. But just imagine that, you know, just imagine getting all that time back in, being able to work from home or being able to work from your cell phone. And in travel around or, you know, respond to messages and make videos sitting at your local coffee shop or right before you get ready to walk into the grocery store, I know a lot of people who create in their car, like, and they just go to the store the grocery store then they make videos either going in or coming out. And just to integrate your business into your life. Not so they have to be separate right where you have to leave kids leave house, leave, where you're comfortable and safe at, but instead, stay in integrate and in build in design, your lifestyle, you know, even work while you travel, there's so much you can do with that level of flexibility so I'm excited to see where you go, what you do over the next 12 months come back again, you know, in the next, you know, four to six months if you will at least keep us posted and updated, I know you've been so valuable to so many people because I hear about it. I hear people saying oh Kelly Kelly helped me Kelly Olson this Kelly Olson that, so it's just amazing to see somebody go from, you know, no one knowing you, you know, being, you know, afraid to reach out to somebody to be somebody who people are looking up to and following and leading and and being a great example for your children. And, you know, really kicking off this next chapter of your life in an amazing way so keep up the great work. Thanks for coming on and delivering so much value and being a part of our community.

Kelly: Thank you very much. Thank you for having me. I'm like, really grateful for the whole opportunity, the whole, the whole, the whole thing that'd be a thing like it just really shifted my whole life so I'm very grateful every day.

Dave: Nice. All right Kelly will talk to you later. Okay, so yeah. Alright my friends, my friends, my friends, you can follow Kelly at Kelly_Olson on TikTok, if you haven't connected with her then do so she's 1,000% Amazing. Awesome, has always been and still is and I can imagine will just keep getting better and better as time goes on. So my friends, we will see you back here tomorrow for another episode. As always, right, five days a week, rain, snow, hail, allergies, COVID. I shouldn’t say that I might get flagged. It doesn't matter what's going on, man, we're here each and every day, showing you what's possible, reminding you, what's possible within you, and encouraging you to step into the best version of yourself, which by the way, is already there. I don't give you that I'm not, you know you're not your savior, I'm not your guru, we just have the tools the picks the shovels to go into the trenches of the belly of, you know, the core of your onion and help you to peel back some of the layers, so you can discover who you truly are and who you truly can be with some good support some good information in the right environment so you know how to Be Legendary. Have a fantastic day. We'll see you back here again tomorrow.

How To Have A Successful Affiliate Marketing Business While Still Working Your 9-5

Below is the transcription of this episode:

Matt: Hello everybody, welcome in. It is Monday October 11 And wow, I just thought I missed my brother's birthday today so I did not miss his birthday. All right, hope you're doing well. I'm pumped for today's show. Today's show is a story of a lot of grit, a lot of resilience, a lot of pushing out of comfort zones, a lot of just. And it's just a cool story overall I've been in contact with Kim, a little bit here and there and I'm really excited to have her on the show today so if you're newer to our community if you're newer to the show. You can text the letters, excuse me WUL to 813-296-8553 and I just got my text message right now. So you can see that he had a text message every single morning from us. And it just, we don't pitch you we're not selling stuff on our text message platform, at least not yet. And you can get a little text message. She takes the letters WUL. Make sure it doesn't AutoCorrect, and then we'll send you a little message every single morning, right before we go live. There's also a little Facebook link in there, you can just tap the link, it sends you right into the live, super convenient. So, if you're newer texts the letters WUL to 813-296-8553 And you all would put a little clap emoji or party emoji or celebration emoji or something in the chat to welcome Kim on the show, Kim, what's up?

Kim: Hey Matt, good to see you.

Matt: Good to see you too. I'm excited you're here, pumped that you're on the show.

Kim: Yeah. Me too.

Matt: You have been working hard and doing some really good marketing I don't know how long ago it was but I think you were on one of our webinars on Thursday, maybe, and we were going through your stuff, and this is like, early, early on, I think when I was like just he I think you had just started your content and you're starting to like make a little bit of a shift in terms of like editing and like you got a ring light and stuff and I was like, okay, dang, like she's, she's like actually going after this pretty well and it looks like she's doing a good job so I'm excited to see where it's went since then. Why don't you tell everybody here? Give him a little backstory, tell him a little bit about you, and, you know, you've got a little MLM experience back in the day you're working a full time job on all of that stuff. Just bring us into your world and how you came online.

Kim: So just to kind of piggyback on what you were just talking about. I was on that Thursday webinar, a long time ago, a few months ago and at that time I was, I think I was at 800 followers, and was, you know, how do I get more followers how to you know how do I get to 1000 and, you know you coached me through, you looked at my account you coached me through it and I don't know if you can see my account now but right now I'm in at 2.6 1000, followers on tick tock, and that was just in the last maybe three months so you know so yeah I have been working hard. So my journey into online, you know, having an online business started at the beginning of this year, but you mentioned MLM, and it was about, I don't know, maybe 18 years ago I was in an MLM company and the product was amazing. It was just a really great product but I kind of, you know, I knew that after that experience, I really never wanted to do another MLM, and not that that's not that they're bad I mean just wasn't for me, because I'm, I'm not really very good at going out and, you know, grabbing friends and family and saying hey, buy this awesome product, but I knew at some point I wanted to do an online sales, or an online business, and after COVID last year I was laid off for a while. And that really, you know, I thought my job was pretty secure and after that happened because I was one of 40 people that was laid off in an organization of about 500 people. It taught me that my job is not secure so I decided in 2021 that I was going to start something, a side hustle or something that was going to bring in income, just in case you know, going forward, that I would lose my job, and I don't think it's going to happen but you just never know. And in today's economy, anything could happen. So, so, you know I got started like a lot of people do, I was scrolling through TikTok. My daughter got me started on TikTok and just scrolling through there, and somehow stumbled on to the Make Money Online side of TikTok, and up popped. I don't know if I can say another marketer's name. Okay so Stacy La popped up and I was, you know instantly like, Oh, okay, what is this. And so I saved a video and I kept going back to it kept going back to it and then I finally just decided to pull the trigger and go ahead and don't take the 15 day business builder challenge. And, you know, I've been a, I've been a teacher and an educator for the last 30 years, kind of burned out on doing all that and so I'm really, I'm really ready for a change, and I got into the 15 day business builder challenge and it just opened my eyes to a whole nother world never done any marketing never done any sales. So, you know, I'm not only blown away by the value in the course. You know I, I joke and I say I didn't know a sales funnel from an oil funnel, you know, so it was, it was all new to me, and, and then I bought the blueprints and very, you know also felt that there was so much value in that as well as and still, still getting value from that, it's pretty amazing that you know just that, just that course and being able to take that, you know the Facebook community, and you know your training on Thursday afternoons and, you know, just really super supportive, I've never felt like I was doing it alone. I've always felt like I could reach out, I've reached out to draw a few times and he's been super helpful. So, yeah, it's been, It's been a great experience.

Matt: Cool. That's really really cool to hear. It's one thing that I think is very underrated is sort of just the ability to have somebody that get an answer somewhere, like, like, I don't I don't know, maybe it's not always on like a webinar, maybe it's not always in our Facebook groups but somehow, some way, there is sort of this energy and in our, in this community that's very helpful and very giving, I think so, yeah, that's really cool. What, uh, So when you first got started. Like, I just kind of drawing on a feeling I had from the first time that we were on that webinar and stuff and you're starting to create content, like, what was that a struggle like was it hard, was it different, because you're a teacher, so like, my guess is, I was a little bit surprised at how good your content looked and like just how smooth and cuz sometimes like people who have no experience with social media, they'll go on there and it's just kind of like, I don't know what to say, you know, and, and it's like, Hi, how's it going, and your content felt a little bit more like, Oh I think can kind of understand how people learn and digest information, which is literally your job so it makes sense but what can you talk a little bit about that.

Kim: Sure, so one of the things that I do in my nine to five, while I'm still there is I do promotional educational videos all day long. So, people give me the content that they want in their videos, and then I produce them on Camtasia, and I've been doing that while I've been doing multimedia. My undergrad was in 3d animation. That was back long time ago in the mid 90s And I graduated at the same time that Toy Story came out and let me tell you i was like completely blown away and and also humbled and I said, you know I'm never going to be, you know, I mean that was just I was editing on a you know a Pentium I don't remember what it was but it was, you know, it would take, like, four days to render 10 seconds of video. So, I've been doing this for a really long time so that, you know, asking me when you're asking me how do I make my videos look good. So I've been doing video for a really long time. So I know that very, very much back and back and forward. So, you know I take those ideas and that and apply that to what I'm doing on TikTok and it's paid off. You know, I've done a lot of, you know how to videos I've done, you know, just, I've done a lot of different things, and I started out, kind of trying to do these really slick. You know, you know, high production videos and I realized that very quickly that that was just nobody wants to see those so they really want to see, you know they want they want to see the stuff that's going to provide value, but also they, they, it doesn't matter if it's high production, they really kind of want to see the low production stuff and so you know I can do that.

Matt: Yeah, totally. and man, isn't that so interesting. I've always been fascinated by the idea, or just the reality. I don't know, sometimes grainy, sometimes weird looking videos that are just like, you know, low production value but there's something like just ooh that's interesting. So the human mind. That's just so fascinating. It's interesting too that that does not apply. It doesn't carry over into like cinema, like right in cinema if I see that I'm like, I'll walk out of the theater like this is not very, this isn't well done but on social it's so different, it's so interesting. What, like so. When you like to sit down, you're going to create some content or something. And you think through different skills that you've learned like what are some of those skills that you've learned I'm so fascinated by that because I'm, I'm mostly fascinated by like, like the intersection of people's existing skills and new skills that they're learning, and I think those are really underrated, I feel like yours might be in, in the video realm but like, people have all these different skills that they've learned and don't typically apply them into this space because this space feels so new and overwhelming. And coming online and creating TikTok and and trying to educate people or whatever feels a bit like like Dave always gives this description where you know when he was getting clean his, his, I don't know if you call it advisor mentor or whatever said like, hey, you know, yeah, yeah it was uh you know, you're not getting dumb you're just getting clean, and, and then he uses that same approach I first heard him say that at a mastermind a few years ago where he said, Hey look, you didn't come online and just suddenly get dumb overnight, like hey, you're a smart person you apply some of your skills to this and, and learn new skills. But anyway, I'm fascinated by your previous skills and how you've been able to apply them. What are some of the skills like in that production and in your background that you feel like has given you a little bit of a boost or a little bit of an advantage?

Kim: Well, no, so I do want to say that a lot of what I've learned about content creation I learned from you. So I, so I keep a spreadsheet, I do a lot of research. I'm kind of a data nerd, and so I call my data driven content creation. So I keep the spreadsheet I do, um, you know I go out. I look at other people's content all day long to try to get ideas, and then I try to put my own spin on that. And then, I think the other thing that's been really helpful is to, You know, besides the research being able to then recognize. Okay, this worked for somebody else. So will it work for me, is this something that I can do, and you know still seem authentic, but, you know, use those. Use those ideas. So that's one thing, like I do research all day long, and you know I, you know I'm not making, I'm not really doing my own research but I'm, you know, using other people's ideas I guess and then and then putting my own spin on them. And, then in terms of just content creation I don't know it's, you know, I'm also in addition to being an educator, I'm also a working artist for many years. And so I do have an art background as well so it, that all plays into it too and kind of, you know the video, knowing how to compose the shot knowing how to you know use camera angles and that which I haven't really explored a lot with but I think I'm going to start doing that just to make it a little bit more interesting. And then, you know, we were, you were talking about, low, low production, and I was thinking and tick tock that works really well but it doesn't work in YouTube and that's going to be my next foray is into YouTube and starting to create more explainer videos, and you know and that kind of thing so then they're going to be, you know, the long form video, I think, has, has potential. I think I've got the short form mastered at this point so now it's going to be going into long form which is more high production and does require a lot more work on the post production side.

Matt: Yes, at least somewhat more work for sure, yes. Yeah, I think. I think some people overcomplicate that because, again, the thing that always teaches that comes back to like hey it's, it is really truly the content that wins. But you're right, there is some content that's out there that's really good, but it's just like you watch it and it's like starting to fall asleep here you know and it's like, I think the content is good but like you've got to figure out how to produce this a little bit better and make this a little more engaging, I think, I think you're right. I am in the short form, so I wanted to go back to what you said about, you know, doing a bunch of research being data driven, or keeping a spreadsheet, and working through a spreadsheet or just even using it for reference right as like a little, like all good marketers have what's called a swipe file this is something that old school copywriters used to use, way back in the day, and all direct response copywriters that the really really good ones, who used to write magazine ads and stuff like that, they would keep a swipe file print it off in a little folder that they could just pull out and they're like, I need an idea for a headline I'm gonna go through oh my gosh what a great headline. And from that, they would then create ads and marketing content for that and I've told people on tick tock, I just, you know everybody who's on tick tock I've always just, you know, I feel like I'm beating a dead horse at this point but I just keep saying over and over. Hey look, the algorithm has already told you what's working, right so it's not that it's going to be 100% of the time right so sometimes you'll create a video that somebody may have gotten 2 million views and you'll get 200 views. There could be a lot that goes into that but in general, it's like the 10% rule like maybe one out of 10 hits but that one out of 10 is really worth it. And it's a much easier predictable game than just sort of, you know, guessing and hoping and wishing like maybe this will work today or maybe this will work. I don't know. It sets the odds in your favor a little bit, and then I think that doing that for a bit. I can see clearly I feel like where you're at in that stage of going into long form content because do that for a little bit, and you start to learn the niche and the industry, deeper and you gain a deeper knowledge and you start to really see some of the questions. You see, that's the big one is you start to get a lot of feedback fast and you start to get a lot of questions coming at you and you quickly learn what it is that people are really after. Yeah and so from there you can take all of that data and all that knowledge. Not to mention, you're also, you know, peaking curiosity with people, you're driving a bunch of curiosity, opening minds of people, what's possible. And then now you move into more long form content where you can drive people to a YouTube channel, and you can get news on that content for years, then you're in a place where it's like, okay, this actually feels like I'm leveraging my content, right, because in the Tick Tock world short form the contents leveraging you leveraging you and your energy and time and creative powers, but on on like the decade of the day, recently I started talking about this, this dog training guy. And this, This dog training guy discovered this summer. It has videos that rank on Google for a video he did in 2013 and 2015, and they still rank on the first page of Google, they have millions and millions of views and he has a little online dog training course and monthly subscription. And, and that's where you start to leverage the platform as opposed to the platform leveraging you I think and that seems to be where you're going.

Kim: And, most definitely, you know I'm looking at the long term. You know what I'm going to be able to do with this, and I, you know like i said i This opened up a whole new world for me. And I'm actually taking a digital marketing course right now that I mean I feel like affiliate marketing is just a piece of that so I'm learning about SEO and SEM and, you know, diving digging and more into email marketing, how can I make that work better for me, because I don't feel like I'm getting the results that I want from that so I think I need additional, you know, additional training in that and then copywriting you mentioned copywriting, so it's so critical, and I'm you know I'm just starting to dig into that as well. I've been a writer for, you know, I actually tutor writing at the local community college to students who are struggling in writing, but we don't teach copywriting, we teach academic writing. And so, you know I've been kind of, you know, dropping those nuggets in there with my students and like, you know, this is all well and good but when you graduate you're gonna need to learn copywriting because that's really where the money is. So, you've kind of dropped those nuggets in there but I do think that that's really critical to knowing how to write. Write a good copy, and I plan on leveraging that into eventually building courses as so that's, it's another skill that I have that I think I can apply to this business.

Matt: Yeah, the copywriting piece is just so funny to me because when I first was able to start playing at placing ads as a marketer, like, really all that I could place was Google ads like Facebook hadn't launched their platform yet. Tik Tok wasn't tick tock for eight years until it wasn't even invented, it wasn't even musically at that point, and all you could really use were attention grabbing headlines and your ads, that's really all you could do. And it's funny because of how that translates so well to video it's crazy to me. But he really is, whether it's creating a thumbnail, and a headline on YouTube, or whether it's, you know, on TikTok creating a really great three second intro like all of that stuff really applies. And I also wanted to say, you know, a lot of times, Kim, what I see people do. Around this time, which sounds crazy I mean I know there's gonna be people on here with 100 followers or 500 followers and they're gonna be like, what, why would people do this, but a lot of people stop what's working and they go to YouTube or they go to Instagram or they go to Pinterest or they go to, you know whatever other platform they feel like maybe I can get better results there. And then what ends up happening is they sort of stop the existing sort of engine that they've started, It's like they stop the car, they get out of the car, and they get into a different car and start to try to drive that one and expect this other one to just keep, keep doing their thing right. I think there's a big mistake that I see mostly for people who are starting to like you had your first high ticket sale last month, I think, and so far. 

Kim: Yes, that was really exciting.

Matt: That's really exciting, and I feel like to get that sort of boost of momentum, like my first one that I got. Oh my God, it was, I, I had zeroed. I actually had $0 in my bank account I wish I could find, I might still have the screenshot but I actually had zero. Granted, we were super young and you know in college grad school, whatever and it was just weird like, somehow I had an overdraft or something and I got a $3,000, like transfer and for me that was like two months worth of salary because I was working. Now, we're out barista jobs so I was like oh my god. But it was, I don't know it was just a moment of belief, but I feel like at that point, it's like sometimes there's like a man, this needs to go faster I need to speed this up I need it, but really it's kind of just at that, that sort of weekend now sort of climb point. And, and it's right then that people divert focus. So I just wanted to say with the YouTube thing that has to be sort of layered on top of what's already working non stop what's not and then, because that's a piece that a lot of people jump over and jump and jump and then they're like, man, I was doing really well before and now I feel like I've kind of lost all my momentum and it's like well yeah you gotta keep that existing cash flow coming in and add existing sort of on top of it so to speak. Does that make I don't know if that makes sense or is helpful.

Kim: Oh absolutely, yeah, I mean I totally agree with you, I like to say that this is a marathon and not a race, but it actually is a marathon after marathon after marathon, and you need to be consistent and stay focus I think, is it Calvin Hill that says, focus on one course or one thing until success and, you know, it's, it's, I think that's a good message, and what you're saying is definitely a good message you know if it's working, you know, don't fix it, but I also noticed Like recently I started posting posting but I started going into Twitter because I used to be super active on Twitter for another reason, but I thought you know I know Twitter I know, I know, Kind of, you know how to do you know how to make tweets and how to make them interesting. So that's like a whole other world, in and, you know, the money Twitter thing. There are people like, I mean the minute you get on there, they know you're a newbie and they just hit you with all of these courses that are, you know, come over here and will teach you how to use Twitter and there will be like 50 different courses, you know that you can't, you have to choose one if you're going to do this and I'm like, but I've already sell a course. So, you know, and then they're, then they're like, Oh, well, I have an engagement platform for you, you know for $25 a month so it's it's like yeah you can get distracted super easily, you know, doing the YouTube thing is really going to be a layered is definitely going to be a layered process, I only have so many hours a day to. To do this, because I'm still working my nine to five if I weren't that I think I you know I would do a lot more with it but it's right now it's just okay I have to choose, and I'm in sync with what's working and put most of my efforts into that and make sure that that keeps going.

Matt: Yeah, and you're already, you know, you said in your current 95 you're already using Camtasia. So like you've already got so like such a head start like that's so amazing, and just in terms of video production and editing like, you're gonna get on YouTube and you're gonna want to produce videos like you can just pop right into Camtasia and you already know what you're doing you know how to do everything I'm guessing, and that'll be huge, like that'll be really, really huge.

Kim: Yeah, yeah, yeah, Camtasia is really, I think for a beginner. It's a great program to learn, and it just has a lot of possibility, a lot of capabilities. It does have its limitations. You know there's some limitations to it but you know I think for a beginner, it's a great, great program to learn.

Matt: Yeah. Yeah, I agree I use ScreenFlow on Mac and Camtasia is basically the same thing they're very similar and it's just, it's almost like similar code or something. Yeah, I, it's, yeah, it's just an interesting game. I feel like you're one of the best things. The reason I really like when people start out on TikTok and then launch into their YouTube is over the last like two years I've seen people grow YouTube channels at such insanely fast rates. It's crazy. And the reason is, I've seen the ability like one thing that I would really look into if I were you is just how to create little bite size nuggets and drive people from your TikTok to your YouTube. It's just, it's, I've seen YouTube channels blow up at a rate that were before, this, this, TikTok took off in the last two years before that, it just took so freaking long, it was like, it's just so monotonous, it's like, never ending creating content, and it's like, Is this ever going to pay off and for some people it just doesn't. But if you're already doing the content you do a little 15 second teaser and you say full video in my YouTube channel, then people are like, Oh my gosh, if you can get one or two of those 15 seconds or a minute videos 30 seconds to go viral, and then you're pushing people to your YouTube. I've seen people get 1000s of subscribers in a matter of a couple of days on their YouTube because of that. So there's a really good strategy there that I feel like, you know you're data driven you study all this stuff, you'll figure that out for sure, but that's a really powerful one because, you know, then you can monetize your channel, then you can start earning revenue from YouTube. There's a lot that you can do there that's really powerful and turns into more of like an asset business as opposed to just a straight cash flow business of content creation to more like, building up something that can really be a long term asset because YouTube can man. Yeah, there's just, there's a, there's another layer you get into I feel like when you get into the YouTube world that's that's what I think I also just wanted to say that it's, it's, I think it's really cool that you're also getting into the SEO game and stuff like that and learning that skill because that's obviously crucial in YouTube, everything in YouTube land.

Kim: And, you know, Google ads and I mean all of that, you have to know SEO, I think, in order to really do this business. Well,

Matt: I think so. I think I do. Yeah, I think that that's a key piece, I think. I think it will. The only caveat I would say to that is, I think it gets overrated to a certain degree because people come to me all the time asking about their SEO asking about their titles their headlines their thumbnails, they're all this stuff and I'm like yeah, those are pieces to the puzzle, right, but right content sucks.

Kim: You still come back to the content, it still always comes back to the content you can grab somebody's attention, but you won't keep it if your content isn't isn't, you know, is subpar. Yeah,

Matt: Putting lipstick on a pig. Yeah, well cool, that's so exciting. I'm excited to see where that goes, because just, I'm just so fascinated by this online space and I'm fascinated by you and your journey and just, I don't know, I just see a lot of. Yeah, I don't know, you don't seem. I don't know how to say this, you don't seem overwhelmed or like the moments too big or something, where it seems like from the very getgo, it was like your expectation was success your expectation was big success. I'm going to do this and be successful. And, and I think that mentality that under, it's not. Notice how like today, you haven't sat here and talked for the whole 30 minutes about how mindset is so important that you know you just gotta push through, you just gotta do it and, and it's sort of just been this undercurrent that I've felt from you in our limited interactions and even today it's just been like, no I'm going to be successful figure this out, other people have done it. I'll figure it out. And I think it's just cool to see that from, you know somebody who's got a nine to five job, and I don't know maybe isn't quite as entrepreneurial as maybe other people, but you're doing the entrepreneurial thing and really blending your worlds I think to leverage something, you know, leverage a cool business online. That is the future. And I don't know, I think, excuse me, to me that that's just super impressive and cool and I like that a lot.

Kim: Oh, thank you. That's really nice of you to say that because, You know, I mean we all have that imposter syndrome and we all doubt ourselves and, you know, I will say, full disclosure, you know, so it took me two months before I actually even produced one video, and even started promoting legendary at all. And I didn't actually start until the beginning of June, I did, you know, the challenge and the blueprints in March, and it took me two months to, you know, to figure things out and I think I did have analysis paralysis, I didn't. You know I wanted to make sure everything was absolutely perfect before I started my fear was is that if I start driving traffic from Tik Tok and there's nowhere to go, you know, what do I do with that, you know, so I'm not collecting email addresses, I'm not, you know I don't have my funnel set up so. So that was, That was part of not getting started right away, but once I got rolling. Then I realized that, wow I really can do this. And, you know my trajectory is just gonna keep going up, and you know there's going to be setbacks, I'm going to fail. Things I know about it. You know when you realize that process, and it has to be part of the process of mistakes, you do need to  just look at it as a long haul. This is, you know, I tell people this is not a get rich quick scheme, it's gonna take more than, than, then you think it is, you know you're gonna have to spend two to three hours a day minimum in creating content, managing your email list, you know, responding to people on TikTok, I just did a video the other day where I was like, oh, boy I shouldn't have done that. And I asked people to type I’m In and the comments. And it just blew up, and so it went viral, I've got people from all over the world telling me I'm in. I couldn't keep up with it and I actually did a video saying I'm trying I'm trying but you know you guys are, you just are you know so amazing. And you know one thing that, you know I'm getting a lot of is people from countries that are blocked by legendary, and I don't know. You know, I mean I've been trying to figure out what to do with that. And, you know, because I, these people are so they're desperate and they don't have, they, you know a lot of them don't have credit cards they can access the course, and you know they're emailing they say ma'am I tried this and it doesn't work, I can't, you know, and it just breaks my heart. You know that I can't help those folks, because I'm trying to approach this business, from that, that standpoint, not so much about making money, obviously we all want to make money but trying to focus on how can I help people, you know, be successful and, you know, be able to, you know, improve their bottom line, by not doing with mine, so.

Matt: Yeah, totally. Yeah, that one's a tricky one, but I mean that's a whole nother conversation but it's a really tricky one, especially in this industry when you're selling digital products. Mostly just because merchant accounts get tricky when, if you ever get high refund rates or chargeback rates, which we thankfully don't have, right, that's good, that's good. Yeah, it's honestly, you know, a for anybody who might hate on our course or hate on our products, our refund rates are ridiculously low in this industry and chargebacks, are ridiculously low, but I think that that's not just our course but it's, I think our support team is really good. I think that they really are. We handle refunds quickly if they do come up, and we don't really. Yeah so, anyway, I just feel like our support team is a big piece of that, and our community's a big piece of that when people are getting help and feeling like they're being helped, it's, it's a bigger thing than just, oh I just bought this thing and you know most courses are like you just buy this thing and, you know, you don't really hear from anybody. You get a couple emails and whatever, but the, the whole like merchant processing and making sure that, you know, you're okay, especially in an industry that or in a niche, I should say niche industry that has a bad reputation, or can get a bad reputation. Number one, if they start to see a lot of refunds or chargebacks or something from you know India or some African country or something, then this suspicion level goes higher, And then, you might have to for instance have a certain amount of the money that you take in withheld in a reserve and or lots of different things. And so, right, mostly just figure it out and there's other people who will accept payments or do accept payments or whatever. And, you know, we can get into that, but mostly I would caution those people just because that typically doesn't last super long. And not in every case, I shouldn't say that and every case but it's just a higher risk thing that most people in this industry aren't aware of. So they go out and they create this course and it's just everything is great and then suddenly it's like, oh hey by the way, all that money in your PayPal account is gone. You know, and it's just, it just happens in this industry over and over so we're just trying to avoid that and just play ball in a very sort of green regulatory environment where we're just like, not willing to take any of those risks but I've told people in the past. You know I think there's things you could do. I do think, for instance, you know, if people really wanted to get into that and go down that route, you know, for instance, I know that there's people in, in certain African countries who very well and very easily, even expats who can purchase something from us and they're just like, dude, like, seriously. And, yeah. And what ends up happening is you so the route that I've told people to go is like look, create some sort of free ebook or free giveaway, maybe it's even, like, two or three videos that's it, that's a course and you just say hey look I get it I can't purchase this. Here's a little mini course that I've created for you that I feel like captures the heart of it, and is really more what I've learned and I put my spin on this whole thing. And then, you know what, on the back end, sell them coaching, Right or coaching through PayPal or something and just do it as a thing where it's like hey look, we can do 500 bucks or 1000 bucks for a couple sessions and I'll sit down with you and I'll help you out or something.

Kim: It's funny you mentioned that because that's exactly what I've started doing, you know, and, And so, you know, people that are, you know, they, I'm able to do a zoom call with them or I'm able to do, you know even a phone call with them, and so I've been offering free consultations. No, if you can't access the course I can help you I can help you get started, I can, you know, point to you some of the things that you can do and, you know, like you said, if it's a YouTube channel or, you know I'm helping a lady right now who has a hairstyling salon she does hair extensions. And, you know her, her business has been impacted by COVID, but she can't access the course and she emailed me and she said, Can you help me. So, so I'm, you know, I'm got in touch with her and you know she's and there's been a couple of other people who have also done that as well so I'm realizing that there's a, there's a possibility I can still help them, you know, even if it's outside of the Legendary Marketer space, I can still help them to do this business in, you know, with the tools and the access that they have. Yeah, so it is, you know, but you know again I don't have, like, I can't point to, I have all these years of experience, but I can show them what I've done and what's been success, yeah.

Matt: Yeah, you've got good success. I mean, anybody who's got 80,000 followers on TikTok has figured something out. That's for sure. And also, like, Yeah, I think people undersell themselves I really do. I think that one of the, one of the first and early lessons I learned, 10 or 11 years ago was just overselling that right, like for instance with coaching and stuff like you never know who's going to take it so you're better off just pricing it super high. So like, you know, let's say. Sell your coaching, the self, whatever sell five packages or Sunday five coaching sessions an hour long for like $2,000 or something if it's your only high ticket offer for like two grand and just be like, here's my price right, and, and then just put it out there and if people don't take it then. I'm not saying you should put it out there 2000 This is like an example but or $1,000 or something right, and really sit down and calculate what it would be worth for people to sit down and be like hey, here's an inside look on everything that I do absolutely everything one of my first mentors, he, he would fly people out to Phoenix for like a five grand or 10 grand thing, and all they would do is for two days, he said, You're gonna just work with me, you're just gonna sit next to me at my desk, and watch me work, and most people thought of 10 grand that was like that was like that was life changing. Like, I didn't realize how much energy and time and work went into this. I didn't realize how dedicated you were. This makes so much sense why so successful. I need to ramp up and that's something people can't witness until they sit next to you and they're like, oh my gosh this person works. And I just feel like people should oversell on the price of that. and then guess what, like, worst cases, everybody that you're sending it out to can't afford it, and you run a 50% off deal, you know, for a weekend or something and sell it for 1000 and see if you get any takers, but if you start low then it's harder to go up. And isn't it, people a little bit more like, oh okay now the price is $500 more because you're running out of your time right so if it's a time based thing started out high discount it runs specials on it, you know, and then I don't know. Anyway, I'm just, I'm, I'm spitballing but.

Well no, that makes perfect sense though Matt, you know, I think we create our own value, right, and if we undervalue ourselves. That's how other people see it too. And yeah, you know, I, I absolutely agree with that. I wasn't pricing my coaching at $2,000 but now you've mentioned it. Kim: You know, it makes sense and, you know, I'm, I'm, you know, I've had the mic make money from an online niche that I've been working for, for several months. So I'm going to continue to do that, but I'm also moving. I'm creating a new niche to help artists set up their businesses online. In the hardest social media. I've started a Facebook group because my significant other, as an artist, and I've been an artist and so I really recognize that people's

travel with us. They don't have an email list, they don't have, you know, they don't have a social media presence, they put a Facebook page, page up, and nobody comes to it they don't know how to run a campaign. They don't know how to do any of this stuff, so I can, I feel I can help them with that. So that's going to be, you know once I get this thing mastered and start creating, you know rug regular income that's going to be my, My next focus I think and that's I think it's a good niche because it's a largely unexplored niche.

Matt: Oh, wow. You are so right on that. I mean, there's few and far between, like, artists that I see who go on Instagram or onTikTok, and really kill it, but of all of the artists that are out there. Oh my gosh, what an untapped niche that is. Yeah, that's crazy super smart, I love it.

If you could give it to everybody who's here, maybe a little newer. They haven't jumped on TikTok, maybe they haven't created content, they're in their two month window of waiting to create their first video, if you could go back, what would you say to those people?

Kim: I'd say just jump on it, just start just just get, you know don't don't worry if you don't have your all set up yet just start building your followers list, and you know just start playing. Browse Content, you know, you don't have, I mean you don't have to have a call to action unless you've got a place to send them but you can start building followers and start, you know, get your feet wet with your content, I wish if I, if I could have done it all different way that's, that's what I would have done most definitely is to start just just creating content and not worry about whether you have someplace to send them yet. You know, once you get up to 1000 followers and you've got your funnel built and your autoresponder connected you you'll have someplace to send them then then you'll be able to put your link in your bio and the other thing is that you know your contents really important, but you really want to, you know, take advantage of some of the trends you want to take advantage of some of the music I use, I use an app that alerts me to trends and that, and so I'll trend talk trend talk cool. Yeah. It's fee based, but it's so worth it. You know, I've gotten some great ideas. And what it does is it shows you, you know here's, here's what people are doing with this particular sound, and you don't, then you can go into that and see all you know everything that you're on spin on, obviously, and use it for your business. Cap. So yeah, that's, That's, I would also recommend, and that people do that, and you know just get started, you know, don't, don't sit around for two months, like, I bought a gold nugget

with TrendTok.

Matt: I love that. Thank you for that. Yeah, Yeah that's you're so right just just get started. Start building that following people ask you, you know, hey, where can I buy something, you know, and you can figure it out that way. I think sometimes two people just forget. Like, like earlier on like two years ago when we were first getting started on the TikTok community and stuff.

You couldn't even put a link in the bio, like you could even even have. So people were putting the text on the video. Like, like, go to type in, you know, they would go find these domains that are easy to type in and type in like, you know, business builder 5000 .com or something like that, and they were

Kim: People still do that.

Matt: Right, no, it's just, you have to get started, like, you can't wait forever for all the stars to align and and honestly even get started and you get some people have FOMO, like, they think, Oh, I'm going to get 50,000 followers and then, you know, none of them are going to be able to buy anything from me with, like, just get started with your content and get your habit of one to three videos. Just getting into that habit and and in your spare time work on funnel, your funnel and get your sales funnel set up or whatever. And start generating leads but. Yeah, I couldn't agree more. It's really really pertinent advice.

Kim: Yeah, like I said if I could have done it all differently that's definitely what I would have done. And, but, you know, it all worked out so I mean it's still working out, and I'm just amazed I'm you know I'm at where I'm at right now. And they'll probably be over 100,000 By the end of the year, or sooner, because it just, you know I can do a viral video and. And I'll gain 20,000 followers just like overnight practically, which is just amazing and stunning to me that it happens. Matt: Yeah TikTok is, you know, you said it before but it's, I've never seen anything like it and I struggled for years on Twitter just trying to build up to 1000 followers and this is just not,

it's insane and some people thought I overhyped, you know, calling it the greatest opportunity online but it really wasn't an overhang. for the only people who were saying that didn't live through 2008 to 2000. What wherever TikTok started all of that time of any social media channel Youtube, Instagram, you name it took years and years to build to anything to 80,000 or 100,000 or, you know Calvin's got 1.2 million followers, you know Stacy's got 500,000 Like, that took years and years worth, and you'd be lucky if it turned into money, and the fact that that exists on TikTok and people are still sleeping on it is insane. So, Hey Kim, what we're going to do is put you on a list to have you back on if you'd like to come back on and message out to you, and I think everybody here got a lot of golden nuggets, we got a little tool that we can use, and we'd love to hear more about, you know how your current business is going how your future stuff with artists and stuff like that. That's the kind of stuff that we would like to have more of in our community. So I think that's cool I think you're following a pretty set path of like hey I've got this starting to figure out my digital skills. And now, how do I launch into a niche that you know maybe I've cared about for many years and I am an artist, I want to see that thrive so I think that identifying that niche and everything, I just love to hear more about that. So, love to have you back on. 

Kim: I can't wait, yeah that, that would be great. Thank you so much. Awesome, thanks for having me on. 

Matt: Yeah, see ya Kim. Alright guys, give him a follow, you can find him on TikTok I've had the handle up there, I got my dog going crazy out here, and you can find her on Instagram too, right there. So either way, follow on both go giver follow on both. And we'll be back here tomorrow same time it might be David might be me he's taking his little daughter on a little daddy daughter weekend, and might be me might be Dave but either way, we'll be here at 10am Eastern and with another awesome guests. Take it easy. See, have a good Monday, And, yeah.



How Starting A New TikTok Account Can Immediately Change Your Results

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on, my friends, this is Dave Sharpe, welcome to wake up legendary our Friday, October 8 episode, I mean we're one of the hundreds now with this. So I don't even know what episode it is but it's up there. I'm once again struggling with allergy issues so please bear with him in my sniffling and picking my nose and sopping up my snot and all that stuff I know that was graphic, but it's just the truth. And please everyone. Help me welcome a returning guest on the show. Elisa Kapelle right Elisa Kapelle

Elisa: It’s German

Dave: It’s German and you know, I'm just a good old American boy who just has a hard time with pronunciation so we're gonna stick with the first name, and I am so thrilled to have you back here, and you're such a bright shining light and are you always just happy and excited.

No. Always try to be happy. Well we have all the reasons to be happy, why not even talking live with you. We are matching. Today it's Friday. What would be better?

Dave: Well, the only thing that can be better for me is that if I wouldn't be having this allergy attack. Yeah, I can even get through that because, dammit, I know it'll be better, and I'm used to it in love, many people have it much worse. So, I am thrilled to have you back. Your, your first time being on the show was about six months ago or so is that right, let's say last Okay last last April? April of 2021? Okay, what if, if you all want to know. Elisa as, you know. I'm over here just sopping up, you know, snot. Sorry.

Elisa: I saw you on here the other day, and you were totally blowing your nose the same the whole time so bless you hope to get better.

Dave: I know but I was delivering that heat though. I know so I show up no matter how I feel. I had surgery two weeks ago and I had these big three and stents up my nose on each side. Maybe that's why I'm having allergies but I didn't show up during that but that was the only one time that I didn't show up. I think showing up and being consistent is a big deal. We talked about that a lot on the show. We talked about that a lot in this community. And that's part of what we're going to talk about with you this morning is how, you know, starting a TikTok account, you know, really changed the game for you right away and take action right away how taking action right away it's not so much about TikTok, sure, that's your story, but it's about getting into action and not just staying in learning mode but, you know, that people want to hear your original story, they can go back and watch that first episode but talk to us a little bit about what that means for you of getting into action right away starting to TikTok and start start marketing right away how that changed things for you?

Elisa: Everything changes everything. To be honest, I had the new, original content. TikTok was one year ago, when you started talking about that. I started my TikTok account, but I made so many mistakes on that account. That wasn't really, it was horrible and then as I have other sources of traffic to my business, I just left it out, because it wasn't working for me. Okay, so when Phil, a few weeks ago it was, I released my New York conflict TikTok on 22nd of September, it was short, two weeks ago, a new release, not the new training. I decided okay, now I'm going to do exactly what Matt is saying in this training. Now we'll grow this TikTok account, because it started two years ago, I started growing different platforms, okay guys never do that. Go for legendary teaching here, go for one and then grow the others. I did everything wrong. It's working but could be better, you know, audiences, not everything right. You can have your source of traffic and income coming through and make your sales with a small audience too. It's just, you just need to do the things on the back coughs very well, but an audience really helps to go and scale your business, that's true. So if you have an audience for example on TikTok people hear that we have, like, 100,000, subscribers already, You have this to show up. And then it's kale and has more traffic, more organic traffic to your offers, and that was my strategy at that moment when I decided to create a new account. Okay, so I was totally skeptical because it's already my second chance, my second time trying to do TikTok. And then it was on September 21 When I decided to start one and then I started already wrong because I didn't know that I needed my My phone number to connect with it to make it even that the algorithm works better. I just knew that after watching another training from that. But okay that's fine I decided to solve it. And I did it. And then on the second day in the second video. It was viral for 23,000 views today, and overnight I made over 1000 followers. So overnight I could already put my link there. And it was, my goodness, I've never seen something like that happening with me, I've seen it happening with other people, but nothing neat. It was something, it was a breakthrough, to be honest because everything that I saw that I, I've been seeing you and Matt say here every single day about you and about, about other people's and training us to make it happen, was really happening for me. So I guess, yeah, it was amazing. And after that I was blocked by TikTok. They block at one another. The second viral video that I thought they blocked, and I'm still waiting for the review. And I'm almost, almost with 2000 followers right now. Two weeks later.

Dave: Yeah, it's cool, it's cool. Yeah, no, that's the, there's one thing that I teach in the. I try to sprinkle it all over because a lot of people don't want to hear this because they just want to tell me what to click, tell me what to push. They don't want to hear about the psychology of this game. But, you know, I think a lot of success has to do with overcoming your own mindset, because when something's not working out or when all of a sudden something works really well. And then you get you get you get you get smashed you get blocked you get kicked off whatever, you know, it can, it can be either your break down or your breakthrough coming back from that can be your breakthrough or yeah just break down right that right there. And I remember when I was first starting affiliate marketing, this was back over 10 years ago, I was doing Facebook ads because Facebook ads was the only way back then to reach a lot of people fast, you know, there was no viral platforms back in 2008 and nine and 10 there was no TikTok, there was no Instagram. There was, there was Facebook was slower and snail shit, I mean YouTube was just, I probably YouTube is probably the best platform that I didn't take advantage of back 10 years ago, but I was doing Facebook ads and I was using company, like I was marketing network marketing training, and I would lose the company logo, you know, it so I was totally infringing on trademarks, and it worked like gangbusters. You know because all these people thought that I was the company, you know, offering them some special training to learn how to generate leads. So they were like, wow, you know, I didn't learn this in the back office, this must be some secret training or whatever. And I was generating leads like you wouldn't believe I was making sales, and I was doing affiliate marketing I was, I was selling training products and courses as an affiliate to all these network marketers of Amway and Herbalife and all these, so anyways I had a good three, four months, five month run of just building a list of 10,000 people, right, and making making multiple 1000 1000s of dollars profiting. I mean I was rocking and rolling I had leads coming in and back then for every email that came in and generated on my list I got an email notification for that every commission I mean, I was checking my emails and it was just flooded with leads and I it's just got me hyped I was like holy shit this is unbelievable. Right. And, all of a sudden I saw, you know, I started getting cease and desist letters from all these companies saying, Stop using our logos, you know, in all the sudden, within about a period of a couple of weeks, it all just stopped. It all just ended, because I kind of got busted. I wasn't even trying to do anything wrong. I didn't even know what trademark infringement was back then, like I was just young and dumb and just trying to get my business off the ground, and within a matter of a couple of weeks I just went from having this awesome thriving business that I was super excited about I'm selling, and people are loving the training and loving what I'm doing, by the way, they're not mad, but companies are mad. And what I had to do is I had to figure out, now what do I do, do I want to have a breakdown, or do I want to use this first big challenge in coming back from it as a way to have a breakthrough. And what I did was, because I had generated leads I started to learn, email marketing, and I started to learn how to market to my list and that's why it's important that we use these platforms we don't let these platforms use us. Facebook doesn't give a shit about Dave Sharpe, exactly gives a shit about Dave Sharpe, Instagram doesn't get it so I use these platforms like a son of a gun. I use them like they're a drug, right, yeah. Any day, it could get taken away from me. But what I'm doing simultaneously as I'm building email lists because if one of these gets shut down. Now I'm able to still have my email list, and I'm able to contact them, make sales, invite them to webinars, promote products to them, and so forth. And that's the name of the game every so often, we, you know, That's tends to happen over and over and over again, it's like, things work really well, things are really hot, and then all the marketers flood into the platform and ruin it. You know, and then something else comes up, but that it's not just you or me that's playing that game, it's also large media companies, it can't argue advertising agencies, we're all playing that game, that's, that's what happens in the United States of America is things happen to go wide open, then the government comes in and regulates them, or the company regulates them themselves as they see that users are kind of exploiting the opportunity,

Elisa: Email marketing is key. There's no leaving no business living without marketing nowadays. Yeah, yeah, totally right. And there's something very interesting when you reverse engineer. When you put in a marketing front, so you can from the back end. Right. Talk is just a small part of TikTok or whatever platform you're on, it's just a small part of the whole process. The most important part actually is what you are doing with your email marketing, since the last time that I was here in April. I remember that we talked about it in a marketing show because I was like making a huge amount of money with a small list. And my list is still not big. Okay, it's growing, but not that big. And since then, I changed my mail marketing. I put my effort on it because I knew I saw that the money was there. Another thing that everybody says I'm on is on the list. Okay, I have just 10 leads. So the money is still not entirely. When you start growing your list and start working on the reputation of your domain work in the emails that you are putting out there, and all the spam wars that you can't use and make it work for you, my dear, there's no way that you're not going to make money. And then at that time I was, I realized that I was doing, I was offering to my least other products, after having them there, obviously, and I was sending them, newsletters, was like putting all the leads in one list, and then I was sending our sin, a product that I was good on ClickBank, or warrior plus or anywhere else. And then I was writing emails and sending newsletters so only those that were in my list we're seeing that, emails, and I felt that lots of products like that. Then, a few months ago, two months ago, I decided on the products that's the most. And easily, without doing anything actually just having two or three nails, and then I put the emails in email sequences. So I create the flow in my mail in my email marketing. Now I have more than 300 emails, sent over automatically. So if I have one lead into my list today. Don't be too worried about them in less than 300 days. And I'm still working on it. I need to clean my list every time that I'm getting these leads, clean my list should pick the most opening rate possible. I have like a 70% open rate. First at least the first one that people are entering to my list, which is amazing. 70% is something that is very difficult to reach, imagine just to nurture with the good emails, then that's it. The money is on the list. And then the TikTok comes to bring the best quality of leads possible.

Dave: Or YouTube or Instagram wherever you're marketing at Twitter. But, yeah, TikTok is certainly a hotter way to generate traffic and leads. I'm showing here a graphic of what you just explained and I teach this in the blueprint. This is called your second helping campaign. And essentially, you know, lots of people call these different things they try to, you know make it their own, but the truth of the matter is, this is the fishing, this is a part of the fishing formula that I teach inside of the business blueprint. And part of it is the second LPD campaign, and generally in your traffic in your first helping is going to be whatever your first offer is, but just like any time you sit down for dinner, you might want seconds or thirds, and why shouldn't you offer your customers, seconds or thirds. So, so, for example say six emails go to follow up back to your first helping offer. And then the next six emails go to promote your second helping offer, and the next six emails go to promote your third helping offer, and then the next six emails or three emails or 10 emails go to promote your fourth helping offer. And yes, you can build out a follow up campaign that goes out automatically these emails go out automatically. That's the power of an autoresponder. An email service provider as they call technically but we call them autoresponders, because that's one of their main functions is the ability for you to be able to write an email and follow up and send them to somewhere else, some other product or service. And yes, you can build that autoresponder campaign out as long as you want it to be if you want it to be a year's worth of emails going out, you know marketing various different products. Imagine, you know, I was talking about this on the on the on the decade and a day this morning that I reminded people there's three different ways to make money in a business. Number one is getting new customers and what most businesses offer you as the opportunity to be able to make to get new customers and that's it right if you think about it, most dropshipping most Amazon most flipping businesses is all you're trying to do is just in all you can do is get that first customer. If you're not even really generating repeat business because let's be honest, most dropshipping most things out there that people are teaching is to get shipped products and sell them to people and just hope they don't refund them because when they get them they're so shitty. But there's two other main ways to make money in a business that's jet, getting redoing repeat business with the same customer or, or doing selling them something more expensive something high ticket. And so, you know, most people with most business models and I would even say, Elisa most affiliates, and even most course creators, you know, we're selling information products are leaving money on the table because they're not offering additional products and services to that same customer looking to get repeat sales, or to sell them higher ticket products and that is one way to take the value of a customer, meaning that when we, the way we look at the lifetime value of each customer is we look at how many customers have we, How much money have we made, talking about basically profit. Right, yeah, or or you could even look at it from a gross sales perspective, so you don't even have to look at it from your net sales you could just say how much overall money have I generated, how much is the total amount of sales that I have done. And let's say that it's 1000 square. And let's say that you, you know, you, have generated 1000 customers over the last 90 days to earn that $100,000 Then your average lifetime value of your customer over a 90 day period is $1,000. So there's a lot of information, a lot of things you can do with that information, you know that you can if you want to advertise you can spend up to $1,000 to generate a customer. A lot of this I teach in depth in the business blueprints, but the point is, Is that most of us are leaving a lot of money on the table because we're only focused on that first helping. And if they don't buy from that first helping we say well, something must not be working when really we have an unlimited amount of follow up offers follow up services, follow, follow up products that we could be offering via email to, you know, in our list, which could possibly get that person who didn't buy your first helping buy multiple other things, therefore making you more money.

Elisa: Yeah, and that's why you, you really need to work on your ideal customer avatar. If you really know the audience that you want to reach out to, you will understand that they have much more than just one problem that you can solve. So, for example, if you are in the fitness to health and fitness niche, you can go to Clickbank and find lots of products that you can relate to your audience. What I do when I'm searching for new products to promote to my list is. I checked the sales page in my self in the, in my avatars position, because my avatar is very similar to me. So that's why it's easy for me and then I watch the whole video, and I read all the sales page, and then I think, does that make sense for my audience. Will they like it or will they think okay it's a scam it's not something that is like, legit or something like that because if I feel something that doesn't match with me and the way that I nurture my audience in my lease and the way that I believe that they need to be treated. They deserve to be treated well, then I just don't promote. If no one resonates with me and at least I just don't promote, but you need to know exactly what, what are the people that you are trying to attract with your social media and with your traffic sources, And then it will be easier to make sense.

Dave: Yeah, no doubt, no doubt. On your mind well I love the I love the idea of going and looking at the sales page to, you know, and learn, you know, there's so much that we can learn from just going and looking at sales pages in, in going through people funnels, in just PR, you know, we, I think we so often approach marketing like consumers, you know, like, we just take endless courses, and we just we go to endless webinars and we're always learning, or we're always trying to find that next secret, and instead of looking at things from like a consumer perspective, we need to look at things from a creator perspective like a marketer like okay, what is this person do how are they are selling their product. Okay, they're using a webinar funnel, right, where they're using a video sales letter, which is what we use here at Legendary. Excuse me. If you come to our sales page you see a video sales letter it's a letter that was audio recorded with video graphics over and then we have a shorter form sales letter that pops up after the video is done, you know, how are people selling, and instead of just consuming endless courses and webinars and stuff like that, because you're always looking to learn how to be a better email marketer or better copywriter. Instead, you know, get, get, get used to looking at studying successful marketers marketing, and then implement trying that in your own business, and putting your own spin on it and seeing if that is something that will also work for you. Or, of course, I like what you said when you're looking for products to offer in your email autoresponder, go to various different products, and in, in, In, read the sales material watch the sales thing, like you're a customer, but also maintain the perspective of a marketer to say, Yeah, okay, I'm looking at this from two perspectives, number one, as a customer would I relate to this or would my avatar relate to this or would this touch on their pain points and offer them a solution that maybe I haven't already offered them somewhere in my product line. And also, also, is this a good funnel, are the mechanics here. To convert, If I send traffic to this are the mechanics of this sales process in this marketing funnel, are they here? So I actually can maximize my you know my, my opportunity I don't want to send people to something that's not going to convert, you know, so there. I like how you, how you don't be afraid to read a sales letter, or sit through a sales video and look at it from the perspective of your customer, stop, always being the customer. I guess that's what I'm trying to say, Stop always being the customer in look at it from a perspective of your customer and you as the marketer who is going to be sending them to this product or service, and in determine whether that's going to be a good fit for them and I say thing making that transition from consumer and you all always consuming being the consumer. Yeah, I mean the marketer and analyzing things from a marketing perspective, is a huge is a huge step in a huge mountain. It doesn't have to be a mountain, it can be a molehill but I think too many people in this industry take too long to make the transition from consumer. Yeah, around shopping and practicing getting ready to get ready to just getting in there taking action and putting it on your damn marketing glasses like a badass. Legendary marketing glasses and seeing the world through the lens of a marketer for God's sakes. 

Elisa: Yeah, definitely, yeah totally right and that's why we talk a lot about mindset here but right because my sense. That's not the way. If you don't, if you don't see affiliate marketing or, or your business, whatever it is, as a business, you are not going to make money, and I am always talking about this, this, this sales page that I've been researching. Guys, I do it for like one or two hours, when I'm researching one sales page in one sales page, we can see the sales page as a visitor, because sometimes visitors just take two minutes. See that page and decide if they will click on the bundle or leave, can't do that if you are trying to sell this product. This product as an affiliate marketer, you need to understand what is behind that video. If it's a good video, the copy is good in the first one minute and a half, two minutes, the copy must be the best ever. The quality of the page or the design and how, how are the words, what are the words that this person, this, this vendor is using, if it resonates with your coffee or not. If you're able to promote this, because guys it's not only about selling you, you are spending our time and your money. For me, for example, if I'm running ads, your time and money to send traffic to these pages so if you don't spend your time to see if it will be worth it or not. Oh, it's difficult to make it happen. That's why I guess. And it's a difficult thing for this switch is a very difficult thing, they will know that is something that I guess we always need to, to work on. I don't know about you but my dear this year have been has been very difficult for me in this area of mindset, because when you think that you are making money and then you just relax,

go down again. And then you need to rethink all the things and restructure things that are not working, and if you don't have the right mindset on that, you'll go even now, is a final.

Dave: You can’t relax, I mean you can't relax there's there's no, there's no I mean, you can't you can't. In my experience, you can't relax for long periods of time. 

Elisa: Keep learning is the key. 

Dave: Yeah, well, but be careful, because we just talked about learning and getting kind of sucked into consumer mode. Yeah, I want to go back, I want to go back a second. The other day I came across this girl's ad, and she is in a totally different niche. Okay, it's called the wing girl method. And it's this girl who's selling dating advice to men. Okay, it's brilliant, right, because who, who would you know most dating advice is just guys selling it to guys and it's when all of a sudden you come across a woman who's telling you how to get, you know, the perfect gait or the perfect mate in what is really going on inside woman's head, it just caught my attention and I think because she's running, I can go over here to her, her Facebook fan page. And I can click on her fan page and I can see under here page transparency what all ads, she's running ads from this page go to ad library, I can look at all of the different ads that she's running, because I think she's a savvy advertiser, so I can go over here it's not loading right now I don't know Oh, here it goes. I can look at all her different ads, you know, look at all these every single ad, I can look at and I can analyze, and I can take ideas from the dating niche, and the relationship and dating niche is the first niche back in 2009 that I actually caught my attention, not because I was looking for a date or may I was in a relationship but because I thought that it was just so fascinating that there were marketers that were selling, you know, relationship and dating products but anyways if I wanted to go. The other day I went and I clicked on her ad, and I sat and I watched the first couple of First I went to her, opt in page, it doesn't this look, doesn't this look familiar. Simple opt in page for any video from loving from world's number one wing girl reveals 99.7% of all women feel instant chemistry with a man who does this show me when it comes on, that's it that's called an irresistible curiosity based irresistible love. And look at this, learning the content omics page is very sensitive and may be removed Oh got over eight in today's October right. I mean, that's definitely something. Right, so I'm going to opt in here. Okay, and I'm going to show you in plus, look at this here she adds another irresistible offer. Enter your best email below and I'll send you the free training, pull ups and get a free bonus ebook 10 mistakes most men may make with women. So that's a great way to throw in just an additional little bonus to get somebody who may be feeling hesitant there to opt in to get them to opt in. So I click Show me the video. Now I come to this page. Does this look familiar to anyone?  It's a video sales letter. Okay, so it's it's her it on video, and likely she's going to have it's Clickbank. She's selling her own course. So here's my point. The other day I watched the video this is actually a different one, I watched a video of hers, but, but it was so compelling that the lead into the sales video was so compelling that I can easily repurpose that that lead in to make it my own because the psychology, even in a different niche because the words and the angles and the fear of loss and all that, that she was saying, can be easily transplanted into another niche with another offer but my point is is that, if I go to this and I look at this, I'm looking at this from the perspective of marketer I'm saying what is working on this, why is this lady advertising so much while she's advertising so much because it's working. No, amortizer continues to spend money on advertising unless it's working. I looked at her opt in page, there was five different takeaways that I could have, including, including, watch this. If I go to her opt in page. I could easily take. If I go over here to a, if I go over here to a Google Doc, and I just open a Google Doc. Right. And I just transplant that right there. And I just say okay, how can I how can I, repurpose this headline, you make it my own. Okay, so let me, let me just take it in the here's this is going to be my 99% of all women feel instant chemistry with a man who does this, how about this 99% Of all people who use this business model, find it have finally offered or more potential could even say who use this online business model find it to have highly profitable potential. I can get, I can get a lot more noncompliant with free video world's number one window reveals free video from world's number one online marketer, right, say you're a, you're an affiliate of legendary and you thought I was the world's number one online marketer you can easily say that 99% of all people who use this business model 99.7% Of all people who use this online business model, find the highly profitable potential 99% Of all people who, who watch this video, earn.

Elisa: Both their incomes and income stream. Now, once they're sure of their financial life.

Dave: So I mean, we can play around with this, right, yeah, they play around with this, but you see the point here, right 99.9% Of all people, who, who, who learn this strategy, find it to be the number one way to earn income online. Right. That's another one, okay 99% Of all people who learn this strategy find it to be the number one way to earn income online. And then watch this, what if I. What if I add a little sub headline that says, as a free video. It requires zero fancy tech skills or equipment. Okay and then you got the button right there, button just above, right, so here's my point is that instead of going around and looking at everything as if I'm the consumer in driving myself crazy with, with consuming everybody's webinars in sales videos and sales letters and getting on Facebook or TikTok and getting into the, you know, the guru gauntlet as I call it instead. Over time, the most successful people including myself. What we do is we analyze various offers, not from the perspective of a consumer but we analyze things from the perspective of a marketer and ask ourselves what is working for this person and how might I replicate it not copy it. But how might I repurpose it and one of the reasons why I always tell people and maybe if you've never heard me say this, you need to hear me saying this, this morning, is that I throughout my entire career, have rarely found inspiration from my industry, I always look outside of my industry, and this is a million dollar secret. If you guys really hear this, it will take you places that you have not been before because you will no longer your marketing will not look like everybody else's marketing, you're not look like you're the same person. Dude, offering the same thing that everybody else is offering, just like why just did it in five minutes in front of everybody. I went in, got a headline that I can use on an opt in page from a niche that is totally different and outside of the quote unquote make money online niche so now I'm able to introduce a offer or an angle, or a headline that all of these people out on TikTok or all of these people out on wherever are not seen why, because I got it from a completely different industry. Does this make sense, hopefully. How many of you heard, they're listening, how many of you heard what I just said like, is that valuable. No, I'm just, it's, it's fascinating. Elisa it's fascinating because sometimes you wouldn't. We don't pay you don't pay attention, and part of the benefit of this Wake Up Legendary is that we're here every day and we're showing people but you know what the downside is, is that it's free. And that sometimes they don't pay attention to what they're paying for. But this will stay in that little last 10 minutes, even demonstrating it for you. I've shown you. I've revealed to you in plain sight. How I find inspiration to write copy, and find inspiration to create content, and it's, it's a strategy that I've been using since the very beginning of business. And my hope is, is that you all will, and it goes through because you brought this up about looking at things from a marketer and creative creator perspective instead of a consumer perspective and when you look at it from that perspective, you can begin to find inspiration, duplicate headlines and then make them your own. And, and, in the world opens up to you you now become this person who's developing your own message and your own brand, and not looking like everybody else out there. That is a problem when you just sound like everybody else out there. There's nothing that's different about you in people if they feel like they've already seen what you're saying. Or they or they've seen what you're doing or heard what you're saying. They are. They're not unless they really resonate with you as a person, or they're not be as excited because they're, there's a part of your brain that novelty, when somebody feels like they are seeing something that's brand new there is a part of your brain that goes off in shoots various chemicals that get you excited and happy, because it's something that's brand new, and you can you experience this all the time when you see a woman walking down the mall with a purse you've already seen 1000 times, even if it's a Louis Vuitton, and you've seen that basic Louis Vuitton Brown, print, it's you've seen that before, but if you see a Louis purse that's got totally different you've never seen it before it's like, Damn, that's, it's just because of that novelty, you've not seen it before and there's a saying that even as an affiliate, you can promote the same product that everybody else is promoting. It's not about what you're promoting, it's about the hooks in the branding and the angles that you're using on the front end to get them into your world, most people are swiping away from you on TikTok. That's where you're losing them as right on the front end and right as they go your bridge page and your bridge, or your opt in page looks the same as 50,000 people, it's because there's no novelty, when they look at it, it just looks the same as everybody else. So I just invite you all no matter what phase you're at, to begin to tweak things, and add some original branding and look outside of our industry for inspiration, just like I did there within five minutes, and offer your audience a what I call a look, a different angle.

Elisa: You're absolutely right and I really need to do that, and that's something that I've been doing since I've decided to start this new channel, a new account on TikTok, about copy. I'm trying to get even better in my copy. I'm not that good but actually we need to improve it out, and Matt is amazing on copy right and you should walk with me, but Matt has always talked about a book, I don't know. Can I show a book here, you've been talking about this book for a while. This one I don't know if it's mirrored for you, the 16 word sales letter. My goodness. And it's amazing I didn't know about that. If all this Brazilian and I've been following him on Instagram now.

Dave: That guy's a beast copywriter.

Elisa: Unbelievable and this book, I don't know if it's more than 100 page and it's expensive, guys, it's expensive I taken a lot alone to buy this book, and it's something that has made my life completely changes because coffee is everything and Matt is always saying that here. Copy is everything, why don't you think that they saw this page and found it amazing, this fitness page, Because it could be amazing. You can't just click that, you need to click that button and master the opt in button the opt in a pop up. There's another unbelievable copy, copy is everything you're not gonna get sales without a good copy. That's why we need to learn and implement everything that we learn and this, this book, this game changer. Amazing. Fellowship. It’s more than 30 pounds, I just bought it's not a normal price for a book. But my dear is totally worth it.

Dave: So they're they're there I did break this book down my Cliff Notes, In, in early in the copy in the copy playbook. And so, that the book is great, you should own the book you should, I think that we should all we should all. We should all pay people for their value. I bought the book from Elvaldo. But if you, if I did just also put a link to the copy playbook that you can pick up and I've got Cliff's Notes in that in that product it's $1 Yeah. Who can invest in, ese. The cliff notes for that book, highlight some of the kind of the app just my Cliff Notes of that book. But anyways. Elisa: Yeah, like, you know, just learning this stuff, it's just we can go on.

Dave: You're a great guest, you're really fantastic and I just love talking to you . It really really gets me hyped up and I'm feeling better already. I'm still a little stuffy but much better already. So thank you so much, what would you tell somebody who is, you know, thinking about going through our challenge or thinking about investing in some education here, and who's might be on the fence or is just a lot of people are on the fence, it's it's I think I underestimate how many people are just on the fence here at to go through our training they just I think in life in general, what would you say, based on your experience here, going through training, go sitting on coaching webinars with us and stuff like that. What would you tell somebody who's been watching the shows or who's been kind of on the fence for a little while. What would you say to them, that might help them pull the trigger or make a decision about whichever way to go?

Elisa: There's something very important when he decided to go for a new venture as an online business, you need to see the value on the things to stop thinking about money, the value or the amount in money, how many, How much money are going to spend to have something you need to see the value on the things, if you see value on a training or here on Legendary, then you are in the right place. You don't see them just scroll down go leave and try to, but if you see the value. And I guess online business or everything that is online, regardless if it's a business or not because free content whatever you are, wherever you are congregating online. If you loosen up the value you don't stay. Try to see your online business, your new venture. What you can give to other people. But you have to share with people, and then you look for the price, or you don't even look for the price, other things, because if you already have the value, the price is just something that you need to trade. Right. So, yeah, I'd say, I'm talking about my own experience, I'm, I'm always, all the time that I'm researching new products, I've been thinking okay, this does it have a value. I don't care anymore, with the price on the product or the products that I've been promoting, I don't care anymore. If I see the value. I will promote them. So the product that I've been promoting can be 202 $150 or $1,000 or more. My people can see the value that I'm trying to share with them. You got it. I just switched your way of seeing things online, and then you will see that another world will open to you, then you will be in a better way than them. Now, if you're on the fence

Dave: Thank you for that, and obviously you can see I'm a little, I'm having, I need to go to do a neti pot and take a shower. Yeah. I try to get my head straight here that the allergies are just, they're going crazy, but that you have been fantastic, as I said, Thank you so much. I'm looking forward to a third round with you in the near future.

Elisa: It's a pleasure to be here with you, thank you.

Dave: Thank you. And I'll talk to you really soon okay Elisa?

Elisa: Guys, bye bye. Have a good weekend, everybody.

Dave: Yes, thank you so much. All right, my friends, as she said, Have a great weekend go and follow her. I've had her handle up there. It's _Elisakapelle_, that's my American pronunciation. You guys can screenshot that go follow her and write it down very quickly. I've had it all up, and, and yeah, add her to your support group and lift her up like her stuff comment. And that's what this community is all about. Yeah, we'll see you guys back here on Monday, have a fantastic weekend we'll do it again next week all over again. And, be Legendary, get out of here, have a fantastic Friday, and we'll see you really soon, bye bye. Peace.

How To Make Your First big Commission Online

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends welcome this is Dave Sharpe this morning we have, we have. Right. I'm gonna tell you something if you get a chance to be able to see this man, this man ain't playing with that beer game, you got to see what I'm talking about here a second ago I had a beer back in 2015 but Brett, he has a, he's a full time chiropractor as well. And he's starting his journey online so let's hear what he's got to say Brett Welcome to the show my brother.

Brett: Pleasure to be here to say the least. Thanks for having me. 

Dave: Hey, you're welcome, Man, you're welcome. Where are you calling from?

Brett: Actually if anyone's familiar with the flag behind me, I'm actually out in the suburbs of Chicago 30 miles west.

Dave: What is, what does the flag mean, is that something that's related to the state?

Brett: It’s the city flag, yeah.

Dave: Yeah. Well, I'm not sure. Well I'm not from Chicago so that's why I didn't recognize it.

Brett: Yeah, some people might recognize it, for sure. All right.

Dave: Well cool Brett man, well welcome, And, you know, glad to have you on. You're a full time chiropractor, what, what, what led you into the, the crazy world of online marketing, how did you get here, how did you find us and, you know what, what, what did that journey look like in a nutshell,

For sure. Well, TikTok, like most of us here. My wife had downloaded the app, and you know I just was on the couch, or on my chair, you know, watching TV or whatever and just constantly hearing her laugh, day in and day out, it's like okay well, Facebook's kind of depressing, getting away from that I could use a laugh so started going on TikTok. And, first it was kind of political. And I really had to actively search to get out of that algorithm. And then all of a sudden this make money online stuff started popping up, and slowly but surely more than seeing it more and more and more, and I watched it for months, you know, thinking about it, thinking about it. Should I do it, you know I want to do something else because of what I do. Those who make me money I trade time for money. That's just how it is, I could open my own practice, but it's not exactly very advantageous. Time for anyone to open anything new right now. So, I wanted something that I could passively, make some money with and look in, and obviously the more stuff you see the Facebook, or the Amazon FBA drop shipping all that stuff kind of looking into this, this affiliate marketing, seem to be the one. I mean, easy with my schedule, aren't as far as something that I can do where I don't, maybe have to obviously learn it all on the front end but get to a point where it can be, you know, one to two hours a day, you know, easy something to do on the side. So I kept seeing this 15 Day Challenge and it was this I think his name's Len, Hoy JR. He's the bald guy who moved to Thailand, and I remember seeing, he just on a whim, packed up three bags of his shit and hopped on a plane, sold everything and went to Thailand to just kind of live his dream and he's doing right over there. So I bought it from him. Then I sat on it for like two months and I didn't do I was like what am I doing, you know, and I finally started it got hooked up with Andre, who is watching, he's been a huge help and just kind of snowballed from there and I, I really, you know, I met with is it MLM, is it a scam is it this back because I don't just buy things just to get into things. Sure. And it was, and I got in and, I mean just the story was told, and just got hooked up with Andre went through the challenge brought into the education. You know many nights until 2am, watching videos, learning just constantly grinding at it, and now I feel like I'm to a pretty good point where I'm starting to implement new things and have been very blessed and obviously your story too is extremely inspirational as well. Very very similar in a sense made in different ways, and it's definitely been a shining light to say the least. Having this kind of be implemented right now. 

Dave: Yeah, a cool man made some money and felt hopeful about it. Yeah, you've made, you know the right decision as far as this season of your life anyways?

Brett: Absolutely, because me and my wife we like primarily, you know, passive income, it's cool waking up and seeing deposits in your bank, checking accounts, that's pretty cool. But you know me and my wife you know I'm a chiropractor, she's a therapist, the big thing that I was looking for is to have something else pay the student loans that eventually pay off the student loans and then, you know God that happens I'll be able to do whatever the hell I want to do. You know what I mean. After that, that was kind of the reason you know to free up more of our income with what we get with our bonus salaries with our jobs and then have something else take care of that and then hopefully really take care of that. And, kind of, you know, hopefully, that's the idea, as far as that goes, and then whatever happens after that happens is what it is. Yeah. Very similar stories more than you might even realize my wife is also got a degree in psychology didn't quite go into becoming a therapist, but she definitely did a lot of counseling in her, even with her bachelor's degree, she worked in different social service jobs, mainly at addiction and homeless shelter for a period of time as I was kind of building up business in, in, kind of, you know doing my thing for several years until finally I was able to retire her I guess if you will from that career and pay off all her student loans for her. And that was a big, that was a big thing because, you know, when she was going to college, her. I don't want to I don't want to incriminate her but she did, you know, she did kind of whatever it took to go to college. Her father was sort of a strange stim, and she needed student loans, and, and I'll just leave it at that. And, and so, you know. Now she works here with, with, we work together on a daily basis and it's, it's, it's interesting being in a relationship with a therapist too, though, isn't it, Matt also like that it's just been good for me though she's been really good for sure.

Dave: Yeah, I mean my wife's the best thing that ever happened to me and, frankly, she's, she blesses a lot of people with, with, with this infinite wisdom she tends to pull from her. I call her mother earth. But, but, dude, it's great. It's awesome. Somebody explains why she married Dave. I used to tell this. I used to tell this joke. That was like he was a client of hers, and then she was like Dave, would you please stop telling that joke that that just is the most embarrassing shit ever. You know, even though it's, It's a joke. But what so what, what, um, what has been the, what do you think the biggest thing right now that still keeping people from pursuing some sort of alternative income stream or business or side hustle whatever you want to call it, because it was a side hustle to me at first as well until it became a business and then it became a career. What do you think is holding people back, you mentioned a couple of things you sat on for two months. You watch for another three months. So, even you who's now rocking and rolling had lots of little moments that turned into two months, three months here. Why do you think people are still even after everything we've been through recently that has shown that nobody has security, and that anything could happen at any time. Why do you think that people are still full floundering, if you will, or one foot in one foot out, I mean, what, what could you say that other people might relate to, and then eventually maybe we could get them off the fence?

Brett: Comfort and familiarity, maybe lack of control, learning something new, and being scared because you don't know what the hell is going to happen until you do it and I appreciate all the time in my videos and you know that was the big thing, you know, you know, I'm from Iowa, you know, when we get off work, you know, we'd go to the bar, have some drinks and it was kind of like rinse and repeat, you know, doing that and then just being comfortable and my dad, you know he's worked his entire life, he's a farmer, never traveled or anything like that never got out of his comfort zone with anything different. My mom a speech pathologist, you know, worked her butt off for 30 plus years, you know, doing her thing but trying something new and start your own business is something I've never done, you know, I work for chiropractors I'm an associate chiropractor, you know, and just knowing that even want to start something like that, that's scary. That's not something that, you know, the weak at heart can get into running a chiropractic practice with insurance and Medicare and all that stuff that you have to deal with. So the unfamiliarity of me not knowing what the hell anything, how do I get traffic, how do I even a funnel, what is that like what do you know, how do you implement all this shit together. You know what I mean and it was, that was the biggest part of it, but I knew, because I, you know, got three degrees, a doctor, you know, did many things that I didn't think I could do before I did them. And it's like, I know I can do it, if these other people are doing it I know I can do it I'm not stupid. You know what I mean. So, it was just actually just putting that second foot in and just diving right in and actually doing it. And that's the thing I think is the biggest is unfamiliarity being scared.

Dave: Yeah, I, I like to, I like to say this, you got into business, you didn't get stupid, you know, because that's what somebody said to me when I was getting clean over, you know, some 13 years ago they said, well you got clean eating get stupid because all of a sudden, you know, here I am reppin and running, you know, doing all these hustles and surviving out there on the streets and then all of a sudden I get clean and I'm a normal member of society and I act like I'm dumb like I don't know where to get a meal from or what in my sponsor my mentor but he got clean he didn't get stupid. What would you do if I wasn't here to give you advice, you know, though I think that that's true when we go into new territory we especially if they're, you know, our people around that, you know, if we were alone on an island we would have to figure it out but for whatever reason, when we're going in new territory. Maybe it's the conditioning of the school system whenever to where we can get our hand slapped and get an F and get graded and we have to get validated by other people. But there's, there's, there's a tendency Yeah, too, not too, too, too tu video tiptoe like, Am I doing it right like in have all this sort of fear. And it really is. It really is a problem and I don't yet know how to overcome it except to put real people like yourself, that's why we do this show every day with our actual clients and affiliates instead of other gurus because it's like how are everyday people overcoming these challenges in these fears, and so what are some of the things you sold us some of the self talk. Well I can figure things out, you know, I've been through stuff before I've overcome. What else do you think, helped you to get off your own version of your own fence because that probably looked different than other people's and got moving through education, and then got movin into action.

Brett: Well I know I have a good story. You know, I know I can motivate people. I've really really really worked on being as positive as you can and really just the art of not giving a fuck. And just as far as taking those steps and initially doing it. You have to just put yourself into it, stop thinking about it because what can happen is you think you can, you know, learn all this stuff and even keep going even when I was starting the program oh I need to learn this and do this and do this a little bit more, and build up my comfort level and build up because the more I know I think the better I'll be as far as being ready goes, and, like, I can't, and I had a talk with you know someone who's you know I chat with and follows me about this whole thing. It's like you think you keep, you know, learning and learning, and that's gonna make you jump and that's gonna, you just have to go, you have to just put everything aside, you got to know that you're going to get uncomfortable as hell, I made my first video I mean I'm a very outspoken very, you know, in your face type. Dude I don't put up with any shit whatsoever. Very hard headed in a good way, I think, and I know I can talk to people I know if I can put myself out there and actually just do it. I know I can give a good product to people. And I know I can motivate people and helping someone like with what I do, you know, healing people with my hands, there's nothing more rewarding than that, helping people change their lives, you know, by doing this that was on the other end as far as making money yeah sure whatever that's that's great, that's obviously why we get into it but I am definitely tuned into helping people, you know, kind of do what I did get more confidence in themselves, and taking that jump and then seeing, you know, everything fall into place and like you said, if you help people get what they want, you'll get what you want, and I'm all about helping people try to get what they want as far as this goes and other things so it's just a matter of you just gotta like, Get over yourself and just dive right in. You're going to be uncomfortable, but you gotta do it, and you have to be consistent, very consistent too.

Dave: Is that something that you that you lacked at the beginning or at some point in the journey whether it was the education phase or more of your action taking phase, where did that being consistent, become a must for you to where you realized, oh this is an essential?

Brett: Yeah, I mean because, you know like on TikTok and you have been watching this show too and consistency that we're just keeps coming up, and they're right, the more you stay in front of people's face, the more they're going to see it, you know, you might not sell them on the first, second, third or 20th video, but you could get them on the 45th or 50th video. You know what I mean and trying to make at least a video a day, something, you know, When I was early on, making videos, it was like pointing and doing this and not speaking and not telling a story and not like letting my, my personality come through, which is also I think pretty valuable. Yeah but just getting to the point where you know you just gotta do it and I come home after work I got to drive home half hour, I already have in my head what I'm going to do I'll knock out a video, I've gotten to the point where I've I've taken, I've done so many TikTok, you know, it's like boom boom boom and it's like, oh, edit, edit, edit and it's like I'm teaching people I don't even know how to do any of that shift before more I did it the better it gotten the more automatic it gets to just build a new habit. I just matter is diving in and doing it, honestly, day in and day out, for sure.

Dave: Well for me accountability also equals consistency for me because I'm not a very consistent dude with things that I may not particularly enjoy doing or that are hard like so for example, working out, like if I don't have some sort of accountability piece built into that whether it's a trainer waiting on me or somebody that I'm checking in with on a daily basis or something that I'm doing, to stay accountable. I honestly at the age that I am now I used to have more motivation to do it, and but now I'm like I would much rather just sit around and work or do nothing than exercise that's just the cold hard facts, I'm not the guru who gets up here, and tells everybody to hammer it every day. I mean, look, those guys exist out there I guess but I'm not one of them. My reality is that I'm tired as shit. I have two little kids at home, running a business. My ass is tired, man. I'm just tired. I'm getting tired man, I mean I don't really, you know, I was talking to my buddy the other day, who's got what one of my daughter's five year old friends came over and he's just like, Yeah man, he's like I am exhausted. So, that accountability piece with his show this, you know, this is my accountability to create content on a daily basis. You know we're doing ads and so forth too and I have an accountability partner and Matt there for a lot of that stuff. So are you you're, it sounds to me like there's two things going on that are holding you accountable, number one, a routine, and number two you have now under value this everybody you have now built up an audience who's actually, you feel accountable to your audience to stream content is that is that on.

Brett: Yes, because they come to you and with, like how I was with, who inspired me, and you know yourself coming into the program and just continuing on what I was doing. Seeing those people, you know, do it. And, day in and day out, and they're just living examples, And you see the momentum they're building, and you see the content they're making, and the more you do it to like my videos, like I used to, you know, I can go off on tangents as you guys are probably seeing here, but you know, getting shorter content you know so you can play the algorithm learned how to develop through that, you know my contents gotten into more streaming stuff, more like you know choppy snappy videos you know stuff to get you just develop this stuff over time and as you do it like your comfort level, level builds in so many different avenues with all of this, you just get to the point like everyone said when they finally get to that point they're just doing it and they're doing it well, you get to that point where everything's working. And you're gonna have ups and downs for sure, you're 100% going to have ups and downs, peaks and valleys for sure. But the biggest thing too is I always really, really try to stay positive and the art of not giving you know, a fuck or putting too much thought into some of the not so good stuff to what's actually worked for me and just continue to try to learn and grow all the time.

Dave: So you've mentioned that book art of not giving a fuck a couple of times that is a book that was actually written?

Brett: Yes it’s a good YouTube video too, and I play that fairly consistently.

Dave: Okay, well maybe that'd be helpful for everybody who's paralyzed with giving a damn about what everybody thinks well there's levels there's given a dam and give it a fuck I think given a dam is where you're kind of concerned giving a fuck is where you're absolutely paralyzed by what everybody thinks you can't you give too many fucks. So how do you give less fucks? How do you care less what you learn from that book or what you have, what you have. What is from that book, and also from your own learning, you know, through doing this, how have you started to give less fucks? I mean what have been your major takeaways from either that book or whatever, that has helped you that might help those listening?

Brett: Well my profession to is really kind of, you have to have that mindset because I'm a chiropractor, it's not things that people have ever heard about the present 13% of the population sees a chiropractor, you know, so I'm like talking to people who, who come in, and I know I have a good product. I know what I got. I don't care if you want it or not, it's gotten to that point, if you want it, I'm going to ride with you. If you don't, I don't give a shit. I used to be when I was first out of practice if someone wanted to like you know come in and you thought they're going to be a good patient for the treatment plan and whatever then they cancel after a few visits and you're like, oh, you know, the hell. What did I do? You know why God what did I say what happened like why it's like, you know, sometimes this shit doesn't come down to you, it comes down to them and you need to keep putting your, you know your negative thoughts around what they're doing. Yeah, and so doing and being a chiropractor for 10 years and it being in a high volume practice seeing over 500 patients a week. You know, it's a rotating door, and we have great reviews, we have a great, you know, community, and we have a great foundation. And if you want what we got. You're going to come and find us and you're going to come ask us for it, you're going to get it. Same thing with this if you want what I have as far as coaching or anything like that. I'm going to give it to you and everything. If you don't, if you chat with a couple lines and like oh I'm just thinking about that I don't hear from you. It's not on me, it's on you, you know, I'll be here when you're ready to come around. Normally my mom also is big, she's an Italian hard, you know, hard headed Italian, great, great woman. She, my whole life showed the art of not giving that book, my career, my as my mom, you know, you know, it all kind of tied in together and to me just really developing, I don't give a damn what people think about anything. 

Dave: I want to point out the fact that, if you are riddled with people pleasing characteristics of your personality. It's not just this, it's not just your marketing business that's going to come out as you so clearly pointed out a chiropractor view illustrated the perfect example of how you could drive yourself absolutely crazy with giving a damn what, you know if somebody cancels Oh, what did I say what did I do, I must have, you know this or that.I did something wrong.

I mean, I'm not good enough, you know, maybe they went back to their old chiropractor, maybe they went on to find somebody else. But I just think that how we do one thing is how we do everything. And so if we're having certain personality shortcomings, or, or, or, you know, mindset issues come up in, in our, in our marketing business. It's not like we're going to go over here and do Amazon or we're gonna go over here and do drop shipping or we're gonna go over here and open a popsicle stand, and all of a sudden, we're just going to be successful because it's the business it's not us. No, we're gonna go open that popsicle stand in for every person that walks by, we're going to have that same likely reaction that I look at him on what is there something wrong with my stand is my hair. Do I have a booger hanging out of my nose, I mean there's going to be constant, what's, you know, this sort of patterns that are going to come up in so it's a great point and I think that if we're if we're all honest and we look back at our life, we'll see that the things that are coming up now in our business, although they may be more front and center because this will bring out all the things that you need to grow, all the things that you need to work on this business being an entrepreneur will. But if we look back over our lives, likely we have patterns, and we can do one of two things we can avoid in go in, say, it's the thing, it's a scam, it didn't work, I didn't get supported whatever in blame others or we can say shit, I am a people pleaser, I give a shit what people think way too much, it paralyzes me, then I get anxiety, then I get depression. Then I go into a cycle of looking for the next hot shiny thing, shiny object syndrome is is not, it's, it's, it's, it's merely a symptom of something, as you would probably say doc that shiny object syndrome is a symptom of something deeper that's going on inside of us that likely we are avoiding agree

Brett: 100% Absolutely. And, you know, when it comes. Like I say, you know, getting uncomfortable, and on that point with the Amazon FBA and you know, I see I started seeing and that's what I was kind of gearing my content. I was like you know trying to think of content, but let me show all these people I got a couple stories, you know, a couple you know some different ways to make money online, which is good and valuable but it can also attract kind of the wrong crowd. As far as that goes. I had an instance where I'm kind of getting off on a tangent here, I had gotten a really good viral video with doing voice overs, which is something I've kind of wanted to do for a long time and I was kind of attracting a different crowd, kind of a very bitchy crowd, and you know they were kind of crying about you know oh my god you didn't say that there was a, you know that there was a membership or blah blah blah and it's like okay sorry, you know, my bad. And then, you know, having people, not caring, you know, not caring what they think or you know, stuff like that because I could have got really derailed by some of the comments and the bullshit that was coming that way. But like I said I don't care, and even on the Amazon stuff, you know, going out and we actually did. I signed up for an Amazon affiliate account. My wife likes to go to TJ Maxx, Marshalls and all that stuff. I was there scanning stuff for two hours while she was looking at shit, and I didn't see anything that was like you see on TikTok, oh look at this $37 profit let's buy 10 of these things, let's put them in boxes magically and take them to UPS. And I was like doing that, it's like, this was two hours that I could have dedicated to doing something that I heavily invested in. With this affiliate marketing instead of getting all these distractions and you had a seminar I sat into on the way up to Wisconsin for a wedding and talked about honing in on those distractions and kind of really focusing on your purpose and what you really want to get out of this, as far as that goes.

Dave: Yeah. And I think the difference between building a business like that, and building a business like this, is that you're building a real asset with this business, okay you're building an audience, you're building an email list, you're building. What is so what makes sites and companies like Facebook so valuable, which is their database in your ability to be able to then follow up with that database and sell to them over and over and over again and build your business, three ways that you can build a business which is do get new customers do repeat business with customers or sell customers higher ticket services and products, you know somebody who buys, you know, let's take your wife for example say she got in and was promoting some, you know, personal development or overcoming addiction or putting your marriage back together. A low ticket product on the front end, and then she sells her therapeutic services or coaching services on the back end, selling some sort of a make money online offer on the front end and then selling you know courses coaching and events on the back end, even if those events were just virtual. So, it's an asset versus going around and scanning, like you said, a product that's flipping, that's called flipping and flipping is not a business flipping is this flipping is a you're self employed, that's on the left hand side of the Cashflow Quadrant, because the minute that you stop flipping is the minute that you stop making money.

And this stuff with your content and just being on the platforms that we are and like you said, building an email list and leads it's the gift that keeps on giving for both parties for you and for them. So yeah, yeah and it can be very passive.

Dave: And believe you me, everyone. You know, when you get into selling information and you get a new when you realize and that's one thing that I really this stood out to me at the beginning when you said I know I have a good product you weren't talking about your chiropractic services you were talking about you, in your ability to tell stories, your ability to deliver education and value, not with hands. Okay, with, with your mouth and, but not just I'm talking one on one, but talking one to many. And even having your videos viewed hundreds 1000s 10s of 1000s of times over and over again and that's one of the things that we forget about the power of video sometimes I think, is, is that, these videos in many that I've created, whether it be a sales video or video that we've posted on YouTube or whatever, get viewed, 10’s of 1000’s Our Wistia account that hosts, our challenge videos and our sales videos has millions and millions and millions of views, where I have been speaking to you and others while I was sleeping or laying on the floor with my nine month old son.

Brett: Yeah, I still get likes and comments and messages from old videos from month ago two months ago and still make, you know, inspire people and talk to people even make sales from videos, months ago, I mean you see just the likes to keep it's like oh I made that video, I used to have a really long beard, and I still see you know those little TikTok icons popping up with that, you know, Bengal beard that bald head, and it's like, oh, and then they messaged me or then they comment and then I engaged the comment then it turns into a message and it turns into some sort of inspiration, motivation or money. So that's, I mean it's like I said it's a gift that keeps on giving. And those, those videos are TikTok videos are going to kind of keep going, Instagram a little bit of a different story I've kind of noticed with Instagram there could be like a spike and then like that. not the case with TikTok and I recently just got on to Pinterest so you're kind of building that Omni presence that you're kind of been talking about just putting yourself out there on different platforms and just while you're doing that educate yourself on how all this shit works, and figuring things out as you go.

Dave: And you know that will be another one that comes along here within the next year or so, that's bigger, better, faster, quicker smarter, more viral that even TikTok is, you know, in that's the game I mean, since I've started all these platforms have either been invented and or changed so much with so many more components and functions, and now every all these platforms are crea are competing for our content, they're there, they're making because they realize, or excuse me, because we realize the power is in the people, it's kind of like how governments work right to where government will get it, you know, established and then, you know, people will remember that they have the power and then they'll but but your power only is only as powerful as how you sort of, you know, sort of how you move in organized together and what's happened is creators have learned from other creators, that's one of the values of this community is creators have learned from other creators, and so many of the, you know, many of the content creators have gone over to TikTok because there's been, you know, much more virality there than on, you know, Facebook and these other platforms. So now they're competing, and what's going to happen is is the pot, the opportunity is going to get sweeter and sweeter for us, Because if it's not, if that platform doesn't provide a good feed to where it's easy to upload to where our videos have a chance to get viewed if they're good into where they give us a good part of the revenue share. I mean YouTube gives you a part of the revenue share. Think about this, TikTok has not even done that yet. It's because creators haven't picked up on the fact that TikTok is building its platform from our content, eventually creators are going to start demanding that they share revenue with us so those of you who have built up a channel that maybe has 14 1550 or 100,000 followers, and you're getting a couple of 100,000 views per month, you may be making 10,000 a month, but then all of a sudden, let's say Rick Rock comes up in launches over here and they're paying them, they're just as viral, and they're paying content creators to create sharing average advertising revenue, content creators are going to go over there and TikTok is going to be forced, and you're going to suddenly get an extra 10,000 a month in income. Right, that's what's gonna happen.

Brett: It's a constantly moving field goal post, it's a moving target, and you have to be ready for how far it goes away or how far it goes over there. You don't even see it at that point in time, it's going to ever change the landscapes gonna ever develop, and that's like when I've, you know, I get to these little comfort levels where I think implement different things and recently, you know, TikTok to Instagram, then just start up on Pinterest, recycling content, you know, getting that tick save after remove the watermarks you know just repurposing re, you know, putting that material out there and letting it do the work and just try and try to stay engaged as much as you can with your comments and everything like that, but that's what I'm doing I'm, I've gotten to the point where I'm comfortable with doing that, you know I wasn't that something I could do maybe a month or two ago, you know, handling everything but as I've gotten more familiar. I've been taking those next steps to try to keep hitting that moving field goalpost right to try to keep hitting that moving target, because it's going to change again, the algorithm change for tic toc and everyone was like, broken, you know, and it's like, you can still get good views and shit you can still make sales like quit being negative about what you can handle re evaluate what you're doing, learn, and fucking move forward. That's what it just comes down to, and I've had to do that my entire life with everything, I mean it's just something that's definitely been entrenched in me and I'm a little easier for me to do that but you can anyone out there can do it for sure 100%

Dave: Generate leads, generate leads, as much as you can get everybody I think it's important for us as marketers and content creators to not just put content on a profile but also remember that we want to siphon leads off meaning that we don't want TikTok to simply own the data you want to own the data too. And that's a powerful part of these platforms as you can get somebody who is a simply a user, in which the platform connects you with, and pull them off of that platform to give you their email address, and or connect with you and give you their phone number, And or whatever write to her know you have a, you can get them subscribed to your community text message list just like we have every morning where we text people out. Because now what happens if all of a sudden TikTok goes down tomorrow what happens if your profile gets deleted tomorrow? Well, you can email your tire database and say, Hey, I've got a new profile over here. Or hey, I'm just going to email you for the next month or whatever. I think we don't put enough emphasis and this is my responsibility and I just want to make sure that I mentioned it this morning, too. Don't neglect your email list, don't neglect them out the idea of generating leads and get good at sending them, interesting, just as valuable information and make them feel like insider for being on your email list, like they're getting something above and beyond for being there so they pay attention and look forward to getting emails from you.

Dave: And I've gotten, you know, as far as, you know, using the funnels and build the email lists and the leads you know I will and I got AWeber, I will just, I'll randomly throw a broadcast out to my opt ins, people who haven't bought you know I got my email list you know I got people, you know for buying the challenge, often and in that buying. Let me email, Hey, how you guys been doing just want to extend you know I'm just thinking of you, you know, thinking about maybe you know taking that leap, I want you to know that I'm here for you, calls zooms, whatever, and I've had a commission pops up into the email, and then just sending out that broadcast or just staying in front of them, because sometimes you're not going to get the sale on the first try, but you can stay in front of them eventually you can it's like with my profession. If your patients like it if they fall off the wagon for a while they'll be back. You know what I mean, they're going to come back and, you know, you're just always just put out what you put out, do what you got to do, but stay in front of them as much as you can, because it could be that email or that video that finally inspires them to take that leap.

Dave: Well Doc it has been a pleasure. He's about to know what I'm about to go to the damn chiropractor. Yeah, I love my chiropractor, I love my chiropractor.

Brett: We all have a spine, we all need him. 

Dave: If somebody is on the fence right now, getting ready to enroll in our challenge, something that you went through and educated yourself with what would you say to that person, in terms of based on your experience the value that you got and what you might think they could get from it too. All the way from a little bit of learning to a life changing experience.?

Brett: Well, nothing's gonna happen if you obviously don't do shit about it. So you have to obviously get comfortable with being uncomfortable. And know that nothing's going to change if you don't do anything different. If you keep waking up and going to that same job, or doing that same thing that same Monday through Friday and the same weekends over and over and over again if you don't do anything different, nothing's gonna change. You owe it to yourself to find something out about yourself, and I did that. I didn't think I would ever be an online marketer or having an online business or even have a business they're called my own. And when you have it when you learn it and everything it's pretty fucking cool. It's pretty cool and it's pretty damn cool what you can do with it too. And you can do a lot of different things. You don't have it doesn't have to just be what this guy's doing or you can have your own hobby or you're on whatever and you can make it into something. I have a new project going on right now called Dr Brett’s corner I started last week started the TikToks are the Instagram, and it's me talking and given tips about diet exercises and that I've got products I got funnels and I'm trying to build a community on TikTok to get the link up I've already got products picked out like you know the TRS system, you know pro buy, you know, and then because people listen to what I tell them to buy, as you know as being patients, you know, it's like why don't I turn that and make it work for my profession, something I naturally do every day and get paid for it without actually having to use these guys. So, you owe it to yourself to try something new, and to, you got to believe in yourself and give yourself a chance, seriously

Dave: Awesome man. Well we can find your money online and affiliate marketing, content in channels at thatbeardedaffiliate What is your, what is the Doc, what is the chiropractor and what is that channel is or going to be.?

Brett: So it's basically going to be you know, motivation, inspiration,

Dave: Oh you don't have. We can't follow it.

Brett: It's up, you know, I do a lot of fasting, I do like you know dieting, you know, so my experiences with my dieting and stuff is still very fresh.

Dave: Sure. I was just wondering what the handle was so we could follow it.

Brett: So it's Drbrettsorner

Dave: Can you guys post that in the comments below so people can go look, I mean, if you're looking for, why not in this community is everyone is is is every kind of, I would say need or experience that you might be looking for, there's probably somebody in this community, who has it and why not follow and listen to somebody who also understands this other interesting and unique part of your life, which is what we do here as online marketers, so I'm going to be following you there Dr Brett's corner I'm just as interested there as I am, at that bearded affiliate, but I know you're a busy man. I'm gonna let you go, come back and keep us posted on your journey. I know this is just the beginning for you, brother.

Brett: It is and it's gonna be a great ride. I know it's gonna be. So, I'm excited.

Dave: Awesome. Awesome. All right, doc, we'll talk to you later, brother. Okay, thanks for coming on. All right, we'll see you. Thank you, see you buddy. All right, my friends, there you have it. Okay, from all ends of the spectrum, interesting folks, and, and I think for me I take away, whether it's somebody who's 18 years old in there just graduated college, whether it's somebody who's a chiropractor or a dentist or an attorney, we've had plumbers in carpenters in stay at home moms, you know it's it has nothing to do with who you are or where you came from, what you look like, sound like it has to do with what you want out of your future, and if you want something that's next level if you want something that has more freedom. If you want something that has more flexibility. And if, as Dr. Brett said, if you want something that gives you the ability to help more people on a larger scale, then maybe get off the fence, maybe get off the fence and give it everything you got. And see what happens and we'll be there to support you every step of the way. Be Legendary, stay Legendary get out of here. Have a great day and we'll see you back here tomorrow, Peace.

How To Use Free Facebook Marketing To Get High Ticket Sales

Below is the transcription for this episode: 

Matt: Hello everybody. It is Wednesday October 6. We're live. It is a beautiful day here in Phoenix, and even more beautiful day, where our guest is calling in from, which we'll find out here in just a second. For those of you who are just tuning in, maybe you're just scrolling Facebook and you're like oh my gosh. It's Legendary. What's up, good to see you happy to have you here. Every Monday through Friday at 10am Eastern we have a Wake Up Legendary show that we do with live guests, it's unrehearsed I mean I just walked into our little recording room online. We use the stream yard for that. I just walked in, and five minutes ago said, Hey, you ready to go live. So, we are going to live with Valentino, what's going on. I would tell everybody where you're at and where you're from and where you're at currently and if you could give us all a nice little view of that beautiful scenery again, that'd be great.

Valentino: For sure. Well I'm originally from Romania so that you had another guy from Romania like last week. Yeah. I was born and raised there and I went to college and university there but then I moved here in the south of Spain, like five years and a half, because of the weather, like we're in October and it's super super nice and we're gonna have a lot of super nice days by the end of the year. We always wish to live by the sea and here we are. Yeah, living here and working here and I'm just in Spain. So from where, from where I, I can see the African coast. Some people here on the beach, sunbathing. Others are already in the water so even the water is pretty cool. Now what's the winner, really nice. Yeah. Yeah. I'm glad to join you, glad to get the chance to speak. I don't know, let's crack on. 

Matt: I love it. Yeah, so. So you're in. Can you, can you tell us a little bit about what you're doing sort of as a job and how you're working this and are you full time online Do you have a job. What's your journey online?

Valentino: My journey online is pretty short. I just started like this is my first, my first venture online. I always had like this, this business. The other business has a business. I like supporting my wife and we started and when we were in Romania, we just went critical when we left we solved it. And I've always been like this type of, you know, doing business and hustling things and you know making commissions and other other things. I've always liked working in sales in radio, but I'm really passionate about tourism. That's why I came to Spain. I'm officially a licensed tour guide. I practiced for three years, but now I'm working full time. I'm working as a transport company and I'm managing all the logistics and all the operations so I'm like, Chief of traffic. The traffic officer and also I'm handling all the drivers and all the vehicles so the maintenance, small company, so I do a little bit of everything. I'm still working my full time job. Okay. I was off for one year because of COVID. Our business was shut down. It was the same way, when I started to see people promoting it. Little by little you know it got to me so I started the program and then I felt like, Okay, this is something that again I can do I like it because it's online, so I went pretty hard in June, July and August, June and July I was at home I didn't work at all so I had a lot of time to spend learning, studying, watch all the materials and stuff and then in August I began. I came back to work, but I still like every night when I get home like two or three tickets, join your workshop, which is amazing. Every time I see it, you know, every night the video to videos or watch this or posting and stuff like this and little by little it is starting to pick up and now in September. I'm working like, like in this bigger I'm working like 12/14 hours a day, because we're, we're working on transfers we work with a whole sector here and it's a big season for the golfers. So I'm all in the office but I still have like chairs like to post a message in a Facebook group, you know, ever converted minutes conversation with someone or a call or with people looking to start affiliate and I still, I mean why my Commission's with with legendary came in September when I was super super busy. You know, there were people that I talked to, I talked with in August or beginning of September. Then I forgot all about it and started working and I was like getting home at night, opening the computer, and I see an email with $500 Commission and another one $1000 Seems like okay do you got me for good. I'm not. Never gonna give up.

Matt: Yeah, yeah, the more you sort of just get, like, if there's a new well it's just, it starts to feel real, I think, would you agree?

Valentino: Your level let's say a fourth of faith in it it's going really really up on then yeah I mingle with everything with Facebook ads, we read everything's I make Commission's like with Facebook ads I did we click funnels, promoting the offer or promoting stuff like this it's like everything I saw in Legendary I have 100 ideas. The first possibility is that I have to quit my job. I'm going to be busy because I already have like, okay I want to do this. I want to do this long term. I think they pay out because, yeah, I see that they work and the strategy where we'll just need to hang on and not deliver every day. Give, give it time every day.

Matt: Yeah. So, in your, in your. We, for those of you who are newer to the show. We ask our guests for a little, a little questionnaire, and he didn't put a lot in there most guests just put a few sentences for each answer but you'd said that you're been doing some Facebook organic marketing and I thought, you know, all of the hype and buzz around, tick tock, which is great, but also be helpful for you to kind of explain a little bit about your strategy for how you go about generating leads on Facebook, and we can do like just a little mini lesson for people on just sort of your your strategy of maybe your guest posting, maybe your posting in groups, maybe it's your messenger. In a nutshell, we first sound cool if we were to go into that and then share how you've been able to do that.

Valentino: Yeah, so, I have a TikTok channel. I have around 4300 followers. Problem is, the location and I cannot cheat the algorithm too much, you know, so I get some viral videos and then they get stopped and then I need to reset the phone.

Matt: Yeah, for those of you who are wondering what he means there it's sometimes you'll get a lot more followers and likes and views on TikTok based on your physical location. So, if he's in Europe or Africa or, you know, wherever he's, it's going to be harder for him to get traffic from the United States is what he's getting at.

Valentino: Yeah. Sometimes I drink it and sometimes you know like the first three days, I posted all my views in the United States and I got like 1000’s or 10;s of 1000;s of views. But after two three days they just discover where I am and I'm not using any sim card, nothing the form is brand new. So I don't know how they can actually track my location, everything is turned off but yeah whatever. So I had to look for something else. You know I had to find another way, you know, it's like you always said it's just a small problem. There is always another solution. Yep. So what I do with Facebook for example, for now, like I know I have a Facebook cover and a bio and a link so, like, set up a funnel on my Facebook profile. But before this I did this, like, a week ago so but all my time doing organic marketing on Facebook was simply with my normal profile with no links to affiliate marketing and if no cover saying that I do affiliate marketing was simply in groups, replying to people and telling people what I do or how I can help them or like the training that I've got from the day about how to set up ads and how to, you know, use a funnel and stuff like this is where I see a lot of people are struggling and they're just trying to spend their leads and send messages and one of the things that I never did was send messages to someone without, without asking for permission or. Yeah, you know, it's like always okay, our reply to someone without implying anything. Okay, you need to do this or you have to do this or check these and we, if they want to contact me they want to message me then fine I'll, I'll, I'll try to help them but we get to the point where they asked me okay so what, how did you learn this, you know, how do you know so much stuff like this so that's what I tell them that, yeah, I've learned this from here and if you're really committed and you want to do something for real and have like a, you know, a good backup and someone who can help you out and always fish information and you should join it because it's it's it's really good. It's really powerful and it's really up to date, let's say,

Matt: Yeah, so if you're if you're an affiliate marketer right and you're in like a certain niche like weight loss or something, you can join groups around weight loss right that's what you're saying you can join these groups go into these groups and watch what people are posting, you can reply to them. And you can even reply hey look, I've got a great solution, it's helped a lot of people. When then do you say, do you reply in their comments on the posts. Yeah, okay, and you say, DM me if interested or do send me a DM.

Valentino: No, I just replied trying to help them like, you know, genuinely like I don't like for example I mean groups with coaches or Facebook ads or I know Clickbank groups or you know affiliate marketing groups. People ask, like, I don't know how to do this, how do I get my reason to promote the site. Why my account is blocked by my messages are blocked or, you know, just tell them okay you have to do this, this and then they start messaging me and what I tell them if you need more help, then feel free to message me and if they message me then I'll reply but I don't sound like. I mean, sometimes it's like someone enters a group and asking for help is a total newbie. And I just leave everyone comments and I just enter after you go through all the spam. If you aren't, you know, you can message me and I'll try to help you but I know because like I spoke with a lot of people and they only had like they post a question and they get like 15 messages from everyone trying to sell them something like being really pushy and people just say that they just don't, you know, they just don't respond to that anymore. You need to know to be sincere and be real. I'm not, you know I always say, like some, some of them are. But what do you gain from this and it's not about what I gain it's about the help that you can get. Right. And, you know, if you want to go ahead and you go in. The decision is yours. I'm not trying to sell you anything, I'm just introducing you to something that might really help you and teach you how to do things properly rather than looking for a short path or stuff like this.

Matt: Yeah, there's a few things to unpack about that strategy. So, one is the mindset that you took, right. So, here let me share my screen real quick, let me see if I can do this, share screen, and I'm gonna share my screen, but let me know if you can see this Valentine and if you can't, then I will just take it down. 

Valentino: Yeah, I can see it. Okay, it's probably a little small but you can see it. Okay, the first the first thing I think that to take away from that is your mindset and mentality right So Mote a lot of people are going online on TikTok and they're starting out right away generating leads by creating content on TikTok or on viral social media platforms right and because you were able to get quite the attraction because you're overseas, you just said okay, there has to be a way forward right when a lot of people contact me in that situation, they're like, it's all over. My business is dead, it's over. There's nothing else I can do right, and you didn't do that but number two is you. So you've got into that mindset of there has to be a way forward and you found a path forward that path in particular was through Facebook organic and it led to your first high tech mission. And then strategy, solve the exact problem that he was working with, that he was facing which is, you know, this is going to be skimpy in the world. He's located over here, and his audience he's trying to reach us over here and by posting on Tik Tok he's having a hard time doing that so he had to find a different way, a different way was Facebook. Facebook organic. So, in the Facebook organic strategy right on your profile. Tell me if I've got this right, you've got, you've got like a little bio, right, and you've got info about different products or services that you're offering in your niche. So, on this profile what do you do or what did you do that was important in your success like what, what's, what should people if they're if they're starting out on Facebook, what should they focus on on this, on it on their profile?

Valentino: Yeah, as I said my profile was the original profile so when I started I didn't change anything because I see a lot of people like when I joined study to join groups like all the others will again messaging me even in the legendary groups they messaged me they helped me with this. And they all have these fancy profiles and stuff. So I said I'm not going to do that. So I'm not going to have a Facebook profile, I'm not going to change anything at the moment, I'll just stay with my original profile so I didn't change anything for like two months and I have. So I just went with my normal profile with no nothing regarding affiliate with nothing regarding product or anything, everything was just commenting on. Yeah, it was just from commenting and trying to help people out in other posts and in other groups and I didn't do like guest post or nothing like this, just, you know, trying to be natural and do the thing that I believed in, and also I didn't want to spend money, creating a fancy Facebook cover. Right. Because, yeah, you know, For someone in the beginning that doesn't make anything like in the beginning. This is like okay I spend my money on this. Right, I was just trying to do it the easiest way possible. And yeah, it worked out. Now I do have a Facebook cover for my, my profile saying that, you know, I help beginners you know start an online digital business and they don't need no following and no experience. I have a link to my website which is my name spelling ecola.com That's a funnel there that's taking the legendary but I have like I say I borrowed some of the tools that other legendary affiliates use, and they're very successful. I've taken advantage of that. So yeah, it's, it's nothing fancy, it's just, you know, the information is there, you just have to start practicing and import it to us. And, yeah, if I have like several pages, different pages for different niches that I tried out like a family, a parenting page. And I've run some ads there for baby products and parenting products and stuff like this. Sure. But, yeah, they all require time so I see how they work and again, you know you join a group and you join a conversation, someone who just you know has trouble putting my baby to sleep or my baby's one year and doesn't sleep well. Well, I use this and this is very good and very good reviews so you know genetics.

Matt: So the main thing about this Facebook strategy is that you're finding solutions for people, right, so rather than pitching and selling and trying to create posts that spam your link instead you're matching offers to people who are actually looking right so people who are actually looking are seeking a solution. So you join these groups, and inside of these groups is, most people know, there's people posting all kinds of stuff, people posting How do I lose weight people put, you know, how do I get my one year old baby to go to sleep. And there's affiliate offers out there guys for everything, every niche, everything, I mean, there's affiliate marketing offers for courses on how to teach people how to shoot basketball better. Like, I could go to my local LA Fitness and, and, you know start poking fun of some guys who have a bad jumper and be like hey by the way, I got a great course for you and make a little affiliate commission look, I think the big takeaway for me is that you became a problem solver, right and this is a theme that I hear across lots of, lots of our top affiliates top affiliates in really any niche, they become a problem solver, and that rather than trying to spam their link or trying to hard sell anybody, they just simply look for people who are who are seeking something already, because then you can enter the conversation that's already going on. You don't have to spark up the conversation. You don't have to try to manipulate or twist somebody's arm or sell something to somebody they're not looking for. In this case, you're already just matching what people are already seeking with something that you think is going to do. Help them, you know what I mean.

Valentino: Yeah, it's, it's, it's how I understood affiliate marketing like you're you're you don't sell you solve problems. Someone told me this. Right. you're done saying you just solve problems. When you get to help someone to solve their problem, then yeah, they're gonna pay. And like in in the future, the bigger problem that you can get to solve or you will learn how to solve, you know, the more money you're gonna make, because you can charge more and more you can sell more expensive stuff or, you know, things that but some people they just put a high price on that problem. 

Matt: Yeah, sorry I didn't mean to cut you off, I just think, I think that one thing that this might just be like a full disclosure for everybody who's maybe a newer affiliate or you're an affiliate marketer or something. I do think it's important to kind of disclose this is going to require maybe a little bit more time, would you agree. Yeah, yeah, just a little bit more time and energy on your part. Simply because you're going to be sorting through posts, you're going to be looking through posts and not that there's anything wrong with that. Some people have more time available than money, like there's some people who are out of work or can't work. This type of strategy something like this is really valuable because you can spend a bit more time you have to sort through some groups, you have to look through grit, you have to join the groups you can actually hone your craft a little bit on how to message, how to talk with people how to reply and give, and you've got to give real value if you just try to skate around it like sometimes on tick tock, you can go out and create a video that goes viral, and it took, you know, 10 minutes to create and it's, you know, maybe there's some value in that you're showing people, Hey, you can make money on the internet. But in terms of this style of Marketing involves real value to people. Did you find that tough when you were new, or how did you go about that?

Valentino: I don't know, apparently for me this, this conversation type or, let's say, how to reply and how to speak with someone. It's what works with me, what works for me. You know, it's how, like, I don't know I haven't tried for example, because I want to try doing forums and get into forums and also engage. I just didn't, didn't have the time for that but yeah it's one of the things that I'm going to start doing because they also work really well with affiliate marketing and once again, people that are on forums they are looking for, for something. So when they get there they make an account, we ask a question because they want to know something. So, again, the customers are pre qualified let's say, if you see from a commercial point of view, you know they're pre qualified leads, because they are there because they have that problem they won't go on a forum about cars if they don't own a car, they go there because they have a problem with their car or something like this. So, but yeah I don't find it, yeah, it requires time to look for groups and to see a lot of spammy groups. I just don't waste any time. And when there are also groups or people, you can find genuine people with, with no desire to start a business and they're serious about it and yeah, Apparently I connect to this type of ad, I'm still in contact with a lot of them. A lot of people that I, you know that I introduced to Legendary, are still trying to help them and they still reach out to me. Yeah, with different things and I still, You know, with no strings attached, I try to help him the best way I can. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know like for me I, again, I'm looking at a lot of videos and I'm following a lot of successful people in the online medium let's say and I see what they do and some of them like sometimes they share three consulting and it's how I got it, you know, like, be honest, you know, don't try to push a sale don't  just try to help and just study let's say a little bit the human behavior because Yeah, apparently does the city, the more you study the behavior, the better you understand how, what are they looking for I mean I had like in one night. There was this guy asking about the commission here or something like this and I just left a comment like it was 12 o'clock at night or 1am and I just looked for something serious when I told him something like he was starting. Okay, I said just take a look at this and I sent him my link. Just take a look at this and then Google it if you don't believe that's something real that you, you, you can join in. When I woke up in the morning I had like four emails. He joined everything like the marketers club and so they just asked me, How do you do a funnel? How do you put it up there? Can you take a look. How do you suggest I change here or what's missing? And they just like every two weeks they ask me something and then they say, oh so listen I want to join this and if you can send me early all happy to join and you can make a commission. Yeah, because I'm gonna pay for it anyway. So, you know, that's another, let's say natural way of doing it because it's, you know, people know I mean you tell them that. No, you're an affiliate you might make a commission out of it but because you had them a lot and they're grateful and they want to give back.

Matt: Yeah, I feel like I just didn't take us off track, but I just wanted there's something way back where you were talking about even matching something that matched yourself with sort of that method. I think it's important for people to match your personality to a marketing method right there's a lot of people banging their head against the wall trying to make a marketing method work, that just doesn't fit their personality that well. And they're trying to force it because it's what everybody else is doing. But also, you know now that I say that, there's also an element of identifying what actually works right so it's not so much that you can just choose to do anything for your marketing. It's also you have to be able to leverage systems and technology, right so in your case you're leveraging systems. Existing sort of places where you can go find the conversation and find the conversation that's already happening, right, like we talked about earlier. So you're leveraging those but you're also, you found a marketing method that works for you. So there's two pieces to that one is, where are the, where the systems and where's the leverage, and then two is, which one fits me best or which one sort of meshes with the best? And if it’s Facebook is awesome, if it's TikTok awesome, if it's Instagram awesome, but you've got to be able to find that and it takes a little bit of experimentation and a little bit of trying.

Valentino: I follow people and they only do like TikTok or they only do like videos on TikTok and Instagram, and I see people that are only doing like Pinterest or not, you cannot do it all of them at the same time like my grandma and I'm going to do Facebook. I’m gonna do Pinterest then I got to stop the podcast and just, you know, it's when you start want to do it all, but it's better to master one of them and, you know, it's, it pays off quickly, then you can move on, start introducing another, another source of traffic or what yeah, I'll stick with Facebook for the

Matt: Cool, well it seems like it's serving you well you had a pretty big September so congrats on that balancing, if there's, there's new people out here. Two things. One is, where's the best place for them to follow you is that on TikTok, and then the second piece is, if there's people who are newer here who are just getting started online you've been online for a few months now. What would you say to those people who are here, or you know just trying to figure it out, and are wondering where to start for traffic? What, what would you say to those people?

Valentino: Well if they want to follow me then my handle on tick tock is valleynicola.com. And on Facebook, it's funny Nicola, you'll find a picture showing me in an orange suit. An orange shirt. I know if they want to start. See the majority for example, they stopped on TikTok, again I think for people based in the US and Canada. It's a very nice way. But my main advice is if they join something, if you join a program, whatever program it is, if you join something and you need to stick with it for some months, you cannot expect to be okay in one month or two months. Well I'm going to start running ads and I'm going to get rich. It doesn't work like that. So I've learned on my own, I got my account blocked. I've been through all of the deals you know, and it's, you just have to be patient, work for it and you know Don't try any shortcuts, just apply what you've been told like if you've, if you're gonna join Legendary. I think that's the best choice that you can make and stick with that program and rewatch the training. Everything is there. You just need to know I've been through it. I haven't been through it all, I admit I haven't finished all the materials in affiliate marketing. But, I watch something and when I see it again then a new idea or new concept, a new way of promoting something comes up in my mind, you know, and I start implementing with. You cannot expect okay so I'll do this and you do it two times and you're gonna get commissions or you're gonna get, you know, you just have to stick with one strategy or one constant constant thing for a long time, and you start to see where it's where is it working, what is not how someone should reply how best to what people respond to some of them will respond, some of them not, you know, fix me every or, Like,

Matt: Yeah, and I think, I think, yeah, I think that's really well said, I think, especially in the early days, but at times the expectation is you're going to get rich quick or something, or it's going to take off super fast and then you have, You know you message 10 people if nothing happens and you're like, oh my gosh, you know, and it's, that's just always how it goes. If you need anything, let me know, always available, and yes for sure and your value today.

Valentino: Oh, thank you and yeah I've reached out on email a couple of times and you reply. For me it's one of the most important things that you know you always, you can always ask someone and, and you get an answer, you know, it's all you join a workshop and you put your questions there or there is always someone backing you up and that is really important because things are changing algorithms are teaching, just need to keep like no have ever string re-united starting like okay I don't feel well now so I need some advice or where do I go have a place to go. You know, that's one of the nicest things with Legendary that I like. So yeah,

It's awesome. 

Matt: Nice meeting you in person. Um, yeah, we kind of talked about emailed a few times and. Nice to meet you in person. Have a good rest of your Wednesday. And, yeah, we'll have you back on maybe in a couple months.

Valentino: I hope so. Fingers crossed.

Matt: Awesome. Alright, see ya. Okay guys. Have a good rest of your Wednesday, make sure to give him a follow you can find him on Facebook or on tick tock. Give him a follow up saying you got a little bit of value today if you did guess. And, yeah, we'll be back here tomorrow day we'll be back here tomorrow, Thursday and Friday at 10am, Eastern Time. Same time, same place as always, we've got some awesome guests lined up and take it easy everybody see ya.

How To Launch A Business Online As A Full Time Mom

Below is the transcription for this episode: 

Dave: What's going on, my friends, this is Sharpe Welcome to as promise, as I promised this yesterday, another episode, another one, and this morning we have a nurse, as you can see in the headline and if for some reason, driving, listening to this, we have a lot of people who listen to this show every morning on their, on their way to work, you know, on their way running errands, exercising, washing dishes, you know, taking care of their kids, you know, keeping them alive if they're watching them at home. That's what I always say when somebody drops a friend off their, their child to play with my child I say, well, I'll keep them alive. But regardless of what you're doing out there. Welcome to the show, and this morning we have a. As you can see full time nurse, and mom, launching a thriving online business please help me welcome in the comments, a warm legendary welcome. What's up, Yolanda?

Yolanda: Hi, good morning.

Dave: How are you doing, and where are you calling in from?

Yolanda: I'm from Westchester, New York.

Dave: Okay, how far is that from Jamestown?

Yolanda: Ah, it's pretty far. I think I've actually never been to Jamestown.

Yolanda: Yeah, a lot of people haven't. That’s where my mom’s from.

Dave: That's where my mom is, so I'm like I'm like 45, maybe like 40 minutes away from the city. I'll name another little town in New York that you've probably never heard of, New York State Bemis Point you ever heard of. No, you know that's another tiny little town there it's on a lake called Chautauqua Lake, and I used to go up there and visit my aunt during the summers, and we drive up to Buffalo and watch the for Donia, actually, and watch the Buffalo Bills training camp this was back in their heyday, where they lost four Super Bowls on a route, remember that. Yep, that happened and that was what was making history.

Yolanda: I don't really keep up with football. I was at the Super Bowl, but that's about it.

Dave: Well we're doing good down here in Tampa I don't usually tune in either until the Superbowl but Tom Brady's keeping us all engaged down here so we stole him from up there in New England, and we've got him down here in Tampa now so. So anyway, speaking of, you know, domination, and crushing it, and, you know, do you know living out your dreams and winning championships, you're winning a few championships in your life here recently as well. Right, yes. Yeah, tell us about that tell us how you found legendary and and basically what led up to you even being open to learn from us, and to go through our training. How did you get here?

Yolanda: So I'm actually, I always knew that I didn't want to work for the rest of my life but and I and I tried different things in the past like in 2013 I tried a network marketing company. My uncle got me into it and I was really excited. I tried it for like a year but now I look back and I'm like okay I did the complete wrong way. I like at one point I think I went, I went, I went to the Bronx and me and my boyfriend at the time we just kept handing flyers out the entire day to invite people to a meeting, and no one came. Eventually I gave out.

Dave: Did you listen to yesterday's episode?

Yolanda: No, I didn't.

Dave: I went into all my network marketing horror stories but go on.

Yolanda: So, I ended up going back to school for nursing. It's actually my second degree, but, um, and I liked the profession but it is very stressful and in the back of my mind for like, since 2013 Up until 2019. I knew that it wasn't what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, like we have one life, so I knew I wanted to do something more with it. But then what happened was I had my daughter in 2019. So on maternity leave, every single day I used to just think about the fact that I have to go back to work. And I was just like, if I didn't. If I had a choice, I wouldn't, you know, go back to work and leave my daughter at home. So I started looking for ways to make money online, just like a lot of other people I just typed in Google, how to make money online, and a lot of different things came up and the first thing I found was Shopify. And I actually paid for some courses that didn't turn out very well either. And what happened was, I built a Shopify store. It was like a bunch of Disney products. I said let me do like a mom and me. You know, like a mom and me kind of clothing store, and I put a bunch of Disney products in there but I didn't know anything about copyrighting infringement or anything like that. So when I, you know, dug deeper into it and found out I can't do that I took the store down and then I tried different, you know I tried different things. I even tried. After the Shopify store I tried. Amazon FBA I didn't fully try it but I looked into it. I paid for a course for that. The course really didn't provide much information. So, anyway, fast forward to, like, now. My daughter just kept me going, but then I ended up, you know, getting pregnant again with my Irish twin. So I have two kids under three. And when I was on maternity leave with him, because I'm gonna rewind a little bit so I went back to work with my daughter and I kind of fell off trying to make money online because it just kind of got hectic being pregnant again with a kid and. But then when I was on maternity leave with my son, I said, I'm not gonna let this, you know, get in the way if you know my financial goals. I really do want to pursue it and I'm not going to use the fact that I'm a mom of two, as an excuse, so I just said, You know what, no matter what it takes and no matter how long it takes me. I'm going to pursue this, and I started to look, I started to hear about digital marketing, but I didn't really, I couldn't fully dive into it because I didn't really know what it was. So, long story short, I went to Etsy. So that was the first time that I started to see a little bit of success online was with her but I kind of attribute that to the holiday season I started late, in 2019, while I was on maternity leave with my second. Um, it was like a, what do you call it a print on demand Etsy shop, and I ran into some problems with it because I had to front the cost of the products first and then as he would pay me after. So then I was like, how could I, what's the easier way to do this so then I heard that you can put digital products on Etsy and I started to do that. But every single day I would Google and YouTube how to make an Etsy shop, I mean, how to, I mean affiliate marketing. So every day I would say, affiliate marketing, and YouTube. And these different videos will pop up but nothing that was like really clear something that I could really follow and say okay I can really get into this and know what I'm doing. Um, and then I didn't have a TikTok yet but then I came across a video one day when I typed affiliate marketing of, actually I know a lot of people on here know her Stacy La, and she saw I saw her video and I said, there has to be a reason why this particular video popped up because it was from three months back, and most of the videos that were popping up were very recent. And I was like, Okay, this one's coming in front of me let me watch it, and that's what I did. And then I found legendary and then I just really really just like the, just the whole. I guess you could say the culture of it. I've never asked to take courses in the past and this was the first course that I took that made me really want to go through each day with excitement. I was just like, I can't wait to get to day three, day four, day five. I've never taken a course and felt like that before, so I was just really excited about this whole thing. This particular adventure.

Dave: What do you think was different about legendary in our training the things that you've experienced in the past?

Yolanda: It could be the fact that it first, first and foremost, it could just be the challenge itself, just like the way that the challenge is set up, but there was so much value just for the $7 that I was just blown away like I've paid. You know hundreds for courses I never got as much value as I got in this $7 training so I was just like, I was just blown away by it. And I also, to be honest I also took to your spirit, because I heard your story and I was just like wow that's really amazing like just the fact from where you came from to where you are now, it was just so inspiring, and the community that you've built is just so everyone's just, It's just so easy to to find someone if you need help. And, you know, with other programs it's like crickets when you need help, it's, you can't really find, you know, that's what I found different I found that just the community, the fact that you're here. Every single day showing people that regular people can do this is just really amazing to me so that's what I found different.

Dave: No, that's awesome. Thank you. Yeah, it's easy to belong here I think is a way that I way that I hope people feel I hope people feel that it's easy to belong here, that you don't have to, you know, you don't have to have certain experience you don't have to be have look a certain way sound a certain way be from a certain place. But if somebody said hope you feel better, Dave, thank you, Yolanda, There's a Yolanda out there in the comments. Having a frickin allergy attack here. I was up at four o'clock in the morning, I couldn't breathe through my nose. I'm in us men you know we're a lot, whiny or I'm weaker than women when we get sick, you know, so, I'm. I mean, I'm just whining over here my wife's doing her best to take care of me but. So that's great, I'm glad that you feel. I'm glad that you feel like it's easy to be here, and you're motivated by your, you're still motivated, I think a lot of people have tried different things in the past, you're almost, you know I'm working with my son right now on doing some copywriting and copywriting, and it's it's interesting because you sort of describe the typical avatar of, of, you know, somebody who's interested in making money like a business opportunity seeker, I had the same exact journey. I did network marketing after network marketing company back in like 2009. And, you know, did all the same stuff that you just mentioned, I mean I put signs in my yard. I remember I used to live on a main drag street and I thought, oh, you know, I finally realized that I was like oh my god. Hundreds 1000’s of people drive by here every day I'm gonna put a sign in the yard, and I got my own billboard here, and I'd wake up every morning and some kid had walked down the street and kick the sign and it was in there, ripped it up and tore it in the garbage can and you know I couldn't even afford to keep signs in the yard, because they were like $5 a piece at Home Depot. But, you know, none of that stuff worked, but I kept trying, you know, I kept trying, I kept going after the dream. And I wonder if you could describe what that's like, because there's people, and I saw some comments and I just know who we are, we, we never give up, but also, it begins to feel heavy like maybe we'll never succeed. Come scared, and there's really no way to succeed if we lack confidence and we feel badly about ourselves, we have the spirit that we have to continue to build our confidence, even if we don't succeed in past ventures. So how have you been able to do that through past failures, how to keep your spirits strong, and still continue to go after your dreams and even find the motivation and the self esteem and the confidence to now do this venture, which you are finding some success with?

Yolanda: You know, I, so, you know, you hear these things where they say you have to have a strong why, and anything happens at the time it's supposed to happen because like I said, I started my journey, I guess you could say started my journey but, obviously, like I fell off but I didn't have a strong why back then, I thought I did, but if I did, I guess I would have kept going at it. When I had my kids in 2019 That's, that's when I was like, I don't care how long it takes me. If either. I will do this for the next three, even five years or I'm gonna be on my job for the next 40 years. And I don't want to do that, because like I said, we only get one life, and I just feel like we weren't put, we weren't placed on Earth. To do that, and you know there are some people who are okay with that and that's fine but for people like me, I just think just having that strong Why is what keeps you going, like you know that it's possible you see people doing it every day. And you know that the only way that you fail is if you give up so that's what keeps me going. Knowing that I want to provide the type of life that I guess I didn't get to have when I was growing up for my kids. It's just having that why.

Dave: Yeah, that's interesting. I was just talking to my wife about that, of, of the idea of giving our kids something that we didn't have, that's a strong motivator. You know that's a strong motivator, there. They're there. I think that, I think that, you know, we've been told that for many years, especially if you've been around network marketing and stuff, find your why, find your why. And and, you know, it's kind of like, it's kind of like sometimes when you hear people talking about like, pray, you know, finding God, you know, the way some people describe it, it's almost like they actually saw a burning bush in your in you and so all of a sudden, now, you know, you're walking around looking for a burning bush and you're going, you know, I'm not, I can't find God. You know I don't see any burning bushes where, you know, maybe so. Maybe you, you might realize that you can find God just sitting under an oak tree, at a certain point in life when you just stop comparing yourself to others. So I would like to say to everybody listening that you follow me in your Why does not have to look like somebody else finding their Why does not have to sound like somebody else finding their why, and you can evolve your why, over time, you know it you might start building your business because you want to provide for your family or you might want to give your kids something that you didn't have. But your WHY might become that you just don't want to quit. Right, given up on things, so that, that you, you become, you want to do it for yourself. Now you speak about my story in my past that first, I wanted to get clean from drugs and alcohol in 2008 because I wanted to stop going to jail, that I wanted to stop having consequences. Right. But I wanted to stay clean, because it gave me a life, a quality of life, it gave me self esteem, a feeling about myself that I'd never had before. So that motivation that desire for why I was doing it evolved and I think we have to give ourselves permission for our journey to look unique. And to be our own, and I think so often, we can even listen to an inspiring show like this every day where people in every day, because we're so hard on ourselves we can walk away saying, well my story doesn't sound like your alarm bells are my why doesn't sound like Yolanda's just have to give ourselves permission to eat the meat leave the bones in kind of walk our own journey Do you does that resonate with you and was there a certain point where you said, I'm going to stop watching everybody else I'm going to stop comparing myself to other people on social media. I'm just gonna put my head down, I want to focus on what I'm doing? Did you have a moment like that or a time lately or recently like that and sort of what did that look like?

Yolanda: Yeah, because when I first started making videos I had a previous TikTok account, actually I had two other TikTok accounts and the first one, literally when I posted something, it wouldn't even get past seven views I don't really know why, but I tried it for like two weeks at first, and then after two weeks i i started another account and then this account ended up blowing up, but it was, it was not my business related. So then those viewers weren't interested in what I was posting and then I started to start reaching the for you page. And then I was just followers dropping off like flies. So, um, anyway I was comparing myself, in the beginning, to other people who post and I'm like, Well, why am I not getting the same results that they're getting. But I also have to take and I started to take into account the fact that our stories are not the same, our lifestyles are not the same. So, I just had to focus on what I was doing and so, yeah, I stopped comparing myself to others because it's, it's, it can kill your motivation when you do that, so. 

Dave: So how do you find inspiration and ideas for marketing and content without getting sucked into comparisonitis?

Yolanda: Well, first of all I think the TikTok algorithm, really knows my weakness which is music and dance, and that's, I get sucked into that and sometimes I have to stop myself and be like okay I'm not here for this, But, but in terms of just realizing that everyone's story is different. I have two kids under two. So, it's really hard for me to even make content I am consistent with posting at least three times a day, but it's, it's still a challenge because what a lot of people might not know, may I kind of figure it out as I say this is if you see my TikTok  videos and at least one of my kids are on my hip, just out of the frame, in my videos because I have like very extra loving kids. So, I guess you can call them clingy. But, so one of them is like me in the video.

Dave: That's all I just say they love their mommy. Yeah.

Yolanda: So yeah, I mean it can still be a little hard to be like. What works for it will work for some people may not work for others like just the way that some people deliver is not going to be the same. So, just have to remind myself that's all, you know. 

Dave: Yeah, I you know I relate to that because you know there's there's these algorithms, gosh, we could go down, you know, down a rabbit hole with these algorithms in Facebook right now is facing a lot of heat over their algorithm there was recently a woman who worked for Facebook who blew the whistle, who now is coming out she's actually she's actually testifying in the Senate today, right now, and she's talking about how the algorithm speeds division. It feeds in and creates an echo chamber of the same. For example, say you're, you have one political view it just continues to feed you the same content of that same viewpoint. So you just get more isolated and more even angry at the at the at the at the opposition, right, and, and so anyways, why do I say that not not, I want to digress because of politics or anything else but because the, the algorithms are, even though they're artificial intelligence, they're not really that smart. They basically just feed us what we show them that we walked right, it's not, you know, they don't, they're not like the super. They don't have emotions in reasoning to say, Oh yeah, I mean this person clearly is making money online stuff so let me give them a little bit of classical music, let me give them some dance, yes I'll sprinkle in some money. No, you're just gonna make money online stuff, all up in your feed all the time. Go on the app. It's gonna feed you just that stuff in a try and make you feel like the market is saturated, and you're gonna hear a lot of the same thing is it's gonna feed you sort of what you're searching for, and even what you're posting about. One of the ways that I combat that is, I have, you know I have multiple accounts like say for example on Instagram, like I have an account that's totally dedicated towards wristwatches so a lot of times I just go on and that account because I post in search in follow people all that have to do with wristwatches. That's all that account sees in shows like where you page or Explore page, right, the stories it's all just nothing but wristwatches right, and, and it's a very isolated, kind of, you know, existence within that account. But I, I, sort of, I have to I have to I have to run my business, not let my business run me. And part of, part of being in business and doing digital marketing is being online, in being on the platforms that I post on that I mark it on. But I have to do that in a way that where I'm using the platform in the platform isn't using me. And so what does that mean, well, a couple of things give you a couple of strategies just the audience that I've also done. I've, I've, back a little while ago about a year ago on Facebook I was getting inundated with unbelievable bullcrap. I'm talking about the police, everybody's politics, everybody, I mean it was toxic. And so I said, you know how we have an addictive nature to just pick up our phone and post an app, you know, I noticed that about myself and every time I went on Facebook I would just scroll in unfollow people. So I spent about two weeks doing that and I unfollowed 1000s of people. So now when I go on Facebook. I don't have to use any apps, I just already spent a couple of weeks literally every time I went on I just unfollowed people, so I'll go on and I'll see our group posts and I'll see the kind of things from the people that I still want to see Instagram that followed, everybody. I don't use Instagram much to market on and so forth. You know, my marketing strategy is one in which at least I know everybody has a different marketing strategy right. But I'm going live every day at 10am Eastern Time, and I'm very dialed in very focused I have a system to be able to do that, we post it on YouTube podcast and on our blog and I don't spend a whole lot of time in sort of getting caught up in research, in development, where I can get into start saying oh my, my show doesn't have that and it doesn't have this and, oh that person's better and I just focus here on serving my audience. And that's really helpful. Um, so I just for those of you who are feeling that pole to you know get on and get lost in then you find yourself at the end of the day, what did I really get done well I spent actually got sucked into a TikTok hole looking at other content for two hours and comparing myself and I feel like shit, like, you know, we have to have boundaries and we have to be on purpose with our time now you said that you have your, your daughter on your head. How, in God's name, are you balancing. Are you doing this, let us understand. Just give us a few tips to be able to work as a, you have a full time job you have kids that love their mommy, when you're home they want to be around you all the time. How are you finding the time how give us, give us

Yolanda: That's how I find the time by hanging on my hip. Because to be honest like I said she's so lovable, or loving so she if I, if she sees me doing my TikTok videos. She wants me to hold her or she'll cry and then she's crying. I can't especially if I'm going to do a video where I'm talking. I can't really do that if she's crying so I just have her on my head, and she's out of the frame and she now she like mimics, she'll mimic me in front of the, What do you call it the lighting, and sometimes I do have to if I'm talking for a short while I have to say, quiet for this one quiet. So now she's telling me to be quiet whenever I talk. That's how I do it. It's either her or my son. I have them on my hip.

Dave: And how old are both of them again.

Yolanda: So she's two and my son is one. 

Dave: Oh goodness. We have a we have a nine month old at home and a five year old and I just had 10 months, excuse me, he's 10 months old I want to want to I don't want to take any time away from him on this earth, but he's 10 months old I can't imagine, kudos to you. And it really, it gives us an example of integrating your business into your life, which is something that you can do nowadays I think we all want more of. It's just how we do it, how we make it work, and you give us a good example of how to do that so thank you. Is there anything else that because I feel like I want to be very respectful of your time you're very busy person. Is there any other tips or things that you want to say and leave us with that might be helpful to people? Yolanda: So, when I, when I, when I tried to build my second TikTok account I just wanted to give a little. It's just, well, they already know, but just my little tip is, just be careful what you post one because, TikTok is like very not kind to some of their creators and they'll like take certain videos down but also just be mindful of the type of followers that you're getting because if they don't engage with your posts, your posts won't reach the for you page anymore and it's especially if you have a lot of followers because TikTok gauges how your current followers interact with your posts to see if it's good content and it could be them good content, but if you attracted the wrong followers, They're not going to engage with it and then it kind of messes up the account and the problem with TikTok is, it's just, it seems like it's just a little bit, even though it's easier to grow on TikTok. It's a little bit harder to revive a TikTok account than it is like an Instagram account so I've seen that.

Dave: We've seen a lot of marketers in our community, you know, we've seen people sort of take off into the stratosphere and then have a hard time getting their, their that particular account revived, that doesn't mean that your business is over, it doesn't mean that like succeed, it just means that you have to learn to again work the system, not let the system work, you. So what are some of just a tip or so, or two that you do to engage your followers with the videos that you post.

Yolanda: So everything is trial and error. And so going back to what you asked me about not getting sucked into a comparison hole. A lot of those videos I take as inspiration so I look at what's working and I try it, and if it doesn't work then I try something else. But I do follow some of the tips that you know we got through training here and try to put an engaging headline in the TikTok video. I can't hear you.

Dave: Sorry, I had myself muted so I wasn't sniffling, all up in the microphone, you know, engagement is pretty key on all platforms, I mean, all platforms are going to grade you hire your piece of content higher and show it to more people. If, if there's a couple of criteria that are pretty typical I think on all platforms, number one is watch time: do people watch the entire video or do they drop off halfway through if they drop off halfway through that tells the algorithm. People are not engaged in the full piece of content, therefore, it's, it's because you got to think about tick tock YouTube Facebook wants to keep you on the platform. So they want to put videos and content in front of you. Other people are watching all the way through, because you're more likely to watch that piece of content, all the way through versus a piece of content that people are not watching all the way through. Also that people are liking or showing any reaction to so they're hitting the like or heart, or on Facebook, they're hitting the SAT or at or in also commenting. So by asking questions in your video by asking people to leave a comment down below. What do you think about this, would you say, you know, is the sky blue or purple, let me know below. Right, I mean, those, and also go to buy links follow me. And if you want a free ebook about how to make money online, click the link inside of my bio, or whatever your niches of course, see I can give people multiple calls to action without making it overwhelming and confusing. Within just five seconds there at the end of the video. Yeah. If my video is about that topic. And then and then it asks people, you ask people what do you think, or the video sort of indirectly invites their opinion because people love. That's why people are on social media because they want to leave their opinions. They want to react. And so I also think that one other thing is we need to be open to negative feedback and even the hateful comments because they may hurt, right, if we want to take them personal, they are also in a, in a different way they're helping our videos, because they're waiting emotion in reaction, I don't know if

Yolanda: Yeah, check time values, watch time more than anything they value it more than, likes and comments, and even shares, because I've gotten videos that have horrible like percentage compared to the views. But if the watch time is very high, they'll just keep showing it to more people. So, just a way to get people to watch the video, at least you know all the way through, or at least most of the way through, if it's like a seven second video TikTok once, once, watches to watch it all the way through, or else they're not going to keep showing it to everyone so just keep the audience engaged because Watch time is like the most important with them.

Dave: Yeah, it's probably, I would say the most important on every platform, yeah, yeah not watching the video all the way through, it's the number one indicator that it's sort of like a movie. If, if you turn it off in the middle of the movie. It's clear that you weren't interested in the movie. Well anyways I look, you're busy and you've delivered and given us a lot this morning. Thank you for letting us into your life, in your business, in your home and sharing with us about your journey. I really appreciate it. I'm looking forward to staying posted and updated and having you back if you'd be willing and in thanks for your time today. 

Yolanda: Thank you. Alright, Yolanda will talk to you later, all right? 

Dave: All right, bye. All right my friends you can follow her at rose_yoli All right, we will be back for another episode. As always, baby. Tomorrow, take some action, and think about some of the things that I've said here in also that Yolanda said about finding your why and allowing your journey to look unique to yours, he doesn't have to look like somebody else's, and also find consider ways to integrate your current life into your business instead of trying to keep everything separate that was inspiring to me, hearing her talk about having her kid on her hip. If there's a will there's a way. Stay Legendary. We'll see you back here tomorrow for another episode. Get out of here and have a great day. Peace.

How To Have A Big Affiliate Marketing Breakthrough Regardless of How Long You’ve Been On or Off of Social Media

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey friends, this is Dave Sharpe, welcome to Wake Up Legendary if you ain't woke up Legendary so far, this beautiful wonderful Monday morning, you will by the end of this show, I want to welcome on as you can see in the title of today's show 10 years off social media, but our breakthrough came fast helped me welcome to the show, Lady. How are you, Lady?

Lady: Good, thank you. 

Dave: Where are you calling from? 

Lady: I'm in Sydney, Australia.

Dave: Wow, I'm sorry I interrupted. What were you gonna say before that,

Lady: I want to say thank you for this opportunity, thankful for. I'm here.

Dave: Yeah. Oh, you’re so welcome, thank you for being willing to come on. It's a pleasure to hear from our students, our members and you know that's what makes this show great is not me, even though my ego would love to tell me that it's, it's the, you know, it's the guests that we have here people like yourself were willing to come on and share so let's talk about a little bit about your story Lady I mean, it tell us what 10 years of social media look like being being off, and then now finding Legendary and, and how your life has changed since.

Lady: Yeah, when I had my, my, our first baby was like 2010 I totally turned off my social media because I've been reading a lot of stuff that's been depressing for me that time. And then, but at the same time I was looking for something to, like, earn online. So but nothing in social, not through social media. Yeah, try doing some networking stuff. I even went to this one company that they asked me to, to buy, please, and then some doing some cold calling, so I did that with my kit. I didn't like the product, honestly, and then I thought to myself, how would I be able to market this to other people, if I myself, I don't like it, I think, I don't want to, for them just to be in the company or buy my stuff just to me to have the commission so yeah, it's all for me. And so I kept on trying, almost every year. I've been looking for something to do online to earn online because I've got two kids now so I really wanted to be. I mean to stay with them. And then yeah, it was just last May that I was watching online, and I think it was a big mark in YouTube, I was just trying to look for, like, just to like a side hustle. So, I watched his YouTube video, it was really good and then towards the end he gave his suggestion of how he prepared online so I clicked the link and yeah, I think the rest is history.

Dave: Yeah, yeah. So, you're, you're, you're using Legendary Marketer in the training that you're, that you're using here that you're learning here, to, to basically get into affiliate marketing is that right you're selling other people's products in your you're working with. Excuse me. I had a massive allergy attack this morning so you'll have to excuse me. I woke up basically in a panic this morning because my eyes were itching and my throat was itching and I'm gargling without water and I'm free. Just bear with me here. I might be a little sneezy today but I'll try not to be dopey. so are you. So you’re doing affiliate marketing and what has. What has changed since you've gone through our training here? How is your, you know, tell us the story of what has happened and what has changed since May of this year.

Lady: Oh yeah, since May. So I found this opportunity, I said, Oh, it is really good affiliate marketing, but then we found out we were trying to get to look online, and then an article was researching about affiliate marketing, you know, a lot of stuff popping up on the internet so i got this. I just heard it. Shiny, shiny objects syndrome, so I got hooked up to, for, for almost two months, three months. So I said, I think this is not working for me, I like it. I like affiliate marketing but I think it's because of that shiny object syndrome, that's why it took a while for me to really get the results and then like after I think it was just, just at the end of August I said, I need to focus now. I was speaking to myself. So yeah, that's when I got the result in just within the amount that I got. I was really amazed. I think yes I think that's one of the key days you need to focus and just do so. 

Dave: Another thing, another thing that you wrote to us that you said that you had that had really changed your perspective was realizing, and you learn from going through our training and also being a part of the community here and listening to other people's experience that if you don't, that if you don't put yourself out there, and, and, in market yourself, then you're not your pop nobody's gonna know who you are, nobody's gonna know where to find you in we, you and I both know Lady, because I've done this in network marketing before to that chasing friends and family, and trying to sell my, You know I've got, I've got multiple friends in my life right now, and this happens over and over again, they get passionate about something, they get excited about something. And the first people that they go to are our friends and family. And those are the worst people to go to, because even though they're your friends and family, they're your loved ones, they almost never support your businesses right out of the gate, it's, it, they're the worst people to try to get as customers, and I want to just be super clear to any of you who are here today, who are wondering why you don't feel supported in your business ventures, and why you haven't felt supported in your business ventures by your friends and family over the years. I can't tell you why it is, I really honestly don't know. It's just, it's an experience that we've all had, when we've gone to our friends and family, and we try to sell them our products, our ideas or lotions, potions pills, whatever it is that we're selling. They're the last people to buy, they just give us all kinds of excuses, well maybe later, sometimes they make fun of us. They say, Oh, not this again, oh here he's dreaming again Dave just came to get a job, they try to avoid us, all the sudden, we become drafted into the NFL, lady. Do you know what the NFL is? Lady: No

Dave: It's not the National Football League, it's the no friends left, no friends left, right, so all of a sudden, We're the star in the NFL the no friends left club, and we're going, how did I. How have I pushed my friends away or why aren't my friends and family supporting me and my business, and it's it's it's a weird phenomenon. I don't know why it is, but they are the worst people to try to initially launch your business by doing business with his friends and family. That's why for me, lady, when I was 24-25 years old. I did the same thing. I took all my business ideas and products and services that I was trying to do back then and network marketing and so forth and talk to my friends and family, they all shut me down, they all said later they all said maybe another time they all said, I'll think about it, let me get back to you. I'll call you back. I'll have my dog call your dog, I got every excuse in the world. And then I came online, and I started marketing to people who had no idea who I was right. I didn't have all that previous friendship baggage, or they weren't, they didn't know who I really was. I could be a brand new person in their life, and for whatever reason, I had more success selling to strangers, people who I've never met before, because they couldn't prejudge me, they didn't feel like they already knew me, or they didn't know all my baggage or whatever. And so I started generating leads, and I basically built an online persona for myself, and I started generating leads in affiliate marketing, and then my life in my career took off from that, and it sounds like May of 2021, was that defining changing moment for you?

Lady: Yeah, it was because I think for me, affiliate marketing is different from the network marketing that I've been with some of our spin. Because in that affiliate they have a marketing strategy but yeah, they want to pull people in, I don't know that I have to buy these people online. And then I have to talk to them to buy my stuff and then I have to leave my friends, names and then relatives names and offer the product to them. 

Dave: Yeah, I know. I've been there, I've been there. I, you know what I know I started in network marketing, which basically is MLM for those of you who don't know, it's like Amway it's like Herbalife, it's like, you know, it's like where you build a team. And I heard it a million times in my life. Is this one of those pyramid things, you know, and that's, that's the thing that people default to seeing it's just a stupid thing that ignorant people say all the time because the truth is that their job is a pyramid scheme, you know, there's a guy at the top and everybody he's getting the most money, you know, the government is everything is a pyramid for God's sakes, but, but anyways. Yeah, I got into these network marketing companies when I was when I was young, and they gave me, you know, very, very little marketing knowledge they say oh we're gonna train you up and basically the training was go harass your friends and family, until they basically either, you know, hang up on you and don't want to be friends anymore or they finally buy. So I still remember my very first network marketing meeting, you know where I was presenting to friends and family. I invited a bunch of people, and two people showed up, the girl that I was dating at the time. And one of my mother's friends, And, and then, and you know my mother gave me a pity sale, my mother's friend gave me a pity sale, she bought something out of pity I think at the end of the presentation because she was so embarrassed for me. You know I was up in front of the room and I'm, you know this, I had a lady my sponsor trying to do this demonstration with McDonald's food and a pantyhose trying to squeeze it through like this is what your body is on fast, I mean it was a it was a disaster. Right. And I said, I have got to learn marketing somewhere because this ain't marketing. And when I came online and I found people like you and me who were talking about landing pages and generating leads through social media and generating, you know, cold leads and bringing them into a funnel and building an email list, I'm like holy shit. This is a world that I'm interested in right because I'm sick and tired of running around at network meetings, thinking that I gotta I'm going to be successful by handing out business cards and riding around town with a magnet on my truck, you know, I never got a single lead, and I rode around town with a magnet on my truck, Lady, for over a year. Nobody, not a single person ever called, said, I saw that magnet on your car that you were selling, you know, selling telecommunicator, you know, selling cell phone service. You know, I'd like to sign up with Never. Not a single one right I needed to learn online strategy so anyways I'm rambling about it because I can relate to it so much.

Lady: I've done that too. Putting flyers in the, in the mailbox.

Dave: Right. How about putting the full wrap on your car, you know, I see the people they put the full wrap on their car, you know, and it's like, with a company named blasted on the back mirror and it's like, oh my god, you know, I mean, it's like the worst, you know, it's the worst but yeah so you What were you you were putting fliers on mailboxes and there's all I know people who would put sticky notes on gas. Like at gas stations, you know, they would, you know like looking for extra income or, you know, want to lose weight in on us on a sticky note and put it on a gas on a gas pump for somebody who came in, and then of course there's prospect in places like Walmart where you bump into people on accident you're like, I'm sorry, you know what you look like a sharp person, you keep your business options open. Oh my God, it is unbelievable. Somebody should come up with and try to teach you here to build some of these companies but anyways, I digress. So, so, so, you're, you're, you've had some financial results just in the last you're doing affiliate marketing, you've done some for legendary you're also doing it for other companies as well. That's what I understand, and. And so, financial results have come since May, also some personal developments and personal growth has come to tell us some of the   big lessons that you've learned over the past couple of months that would maybe be helpful for those listening.

Lady: Yeah, because when I joined the legendary I read the book that you recommend that is rich that Robert Kiyosaki's book Rich Dad Poor Dad. Yeah and it changed my mind about being an employee, because I work as a nurse and then they have been working during this job for like almost 20 years or 18 years now. Yeah. Yeah. For me that was the only thing that I could do, to put food on the table but yeah, because as I said, for almost 10 years I've been looking for something that I can do at home or online but yeah there was no luck.

Dave: So what so basically you had a big breakthrough in understanding that, you know, having some leverage and using some systems versus just trading time for money is, is you know is a big is a big important, you know, pivot that you need to make at some point in your life, to not just rely on your own output, you know your own hours, if you will, but you have to get some leverage in the way that he describes it in that book is pretty is pretty clear and simple. You know you, you first start with a job, you're an employee, and then the next, and it's in it's a quadrant, you know, so there's, there's basically four slots, there's two on the left, two on the right it's like a square if you can picture up, across, you know, there's, there's, there's two slots, upper left, bottom left upper right, bottom right. If you're looking at it, the upper left is the employee, the bottom left is the self employed, and that left side is where you have no leverage, you know, and the right side is business owner and investor. And, and so a lot of a lot of us we go from employee then we go to self employed, which is still on that left side, and we think, you know, well now, I've left the I've left the nurse my nursing career I'm going to be at home on call nurse, just on my own, but I'm the only person in my business I'm self employed, and I'm just, you know, I've now got my own business, but you really still trading time for money, because until you become a business owner in the definition of a business owner, as he puts it, is that you use, you utilize people and systems. People in systems, okay, you have employees or teammates or virtual assistants or whatever or systems right systems can mean, you know, TikTok, you know I'm posting videos in generating traffic leverage, it's happening 24 Seven, an email list and a landing page is a system, you know, a high ticket sales system that you're an affiliate of that of the company that you partner with uses some sort of a sale system to be able to sell for all those, and then of course you have that last final box, which is investor, where then that money that you earn from your business, you take in you invest in real estate, you invest in stocks, and you invest in other asset classes that produce or, or at least hold your value, and help you earn more than inflation over the years. And so it yeah it's a big shift and he does a great job of telling the story about his father's right. His poor father and his rich father and the difference between the two. And I think we all have that person in our life if we think about our own story we know. You know for me I grew up learning a lot of poor lessons, you know, because the majority of people that I grew up around were on the left hand side of that Cashflow Quadrant, you know, they, you know, and I heard a lot of things growing up like we can't afford it and I'm not saying we were poor, I was a middle class family growing up but seeing, you know we still cut our own lawn and we you know we spent the weekend cleaning the house and we which are all good things, right, but I was talking to my oldest the other day and I said well you either, because he's renting out a house of mine, and I said well you either get your ass out there and mow that lawn because we got a letter from the city, they had, they had let the grow the lawn grow, and I said well you either get your ass out there and mow the lawn, or you give us $35 And we'll send our lawn service people over there every week and cut the lawn for you. Right. Do you eat. Do you want to use leverage and systems to get your lawn cut or so I'm trying to instill some of those lessons in my children, while still teaching them the value of $1 and the value of an honest day's work. So how do you foresee things will change with you communicating and teaching your children in the future, versus what you've done over the past 10 years, or even 20 years?

Lady: Yeah, when I learned about this I said, Oh, this is an opportunity for me to teach them as well this, the system. I mean, they're still young now but yeah, I would, trying to teach them this one.

Dave: How old are your kids?

Lady: 11 and nine.

Dave: Well, look, it's never been, ever. There are children watching us now. I don't know what motivates all of you listening, I don't know what motivates you, lady, but one thing that motivates me probably more than anything is if I want to I don't want to let my children down. I need to be having kids, I understand I'm not, I don't need to live up to unrealistic expectations, I'm going to do some damage to my children. I just hope it's not a lot right there is going to be something, all no parent is perfect. Okay, but I don't want to let my kids down. And one of the ways that I think we, that I, that I can let my kids down is not exposing them to different options. For example, the traditional education system says College is the only way. Right. I know that's not true. So I want to make it a point to be able to show them that there are other options that as they become adults, they have options, they're not forced to go in a certain direction that resonate with you, lady. Does that make sense? Yeah. Yeah, cuz you went to school right and you have a good career as a nurse, right, but you also are, you're also exhausted right?

Lady: Yeah I love working as a nurse, I mean, I'm still working as a nurse because I'm using the income earned to grow this business. And, yeah, and I. Which reminds me, one of my friends asked me, I mean we were talking about becoming a nurse and then I said, we remember the time that we were case when people ask us or in the interview. During the employment interview, he would ask us how, why did you want to become a nurse, we always say, Oh, we want to help people or we want to help other change people lives for how to see people, but then now, when we get the family like we get the obligations we have to pay the bills. If someone asked us Where are you, where are you working as a nurse, our answer is because we have to pay the bills. It's not, it's not that thing that we have to help people now. I don't like to be, I want to have the same feeling that when I go to work, I want to help people when someone asks me, I want to help people.

Dave: So, just wrapping up here. You said that English is your third language. And you said that, you know, you'd like to, you'd like to express thankfulness and gratitude here, and you said it was because if it wasn't for legendary marketer you would have lost your belief, and that you can earn online after all the bad experiences that you had before you were looking for integrity, honesty, in something with a genuine heart I just wondered if you could say, say that in your own words here, what how your spirit has been renewed in your hope and inspiration and motivation has been renewed. Since, going through our process and becoming a part of our community, and if you would recommend somebody who's brand new who might be on the fence here, if they're thinking about going through Legendary becoming a member of our community, what would you say to them?

Lady: Yeah, yeah, I really like being in this community because yeah, as he said, I've learned that there that legendary has the integrity of, I mean, when they're doing the marketing they have the integrity, I don’t want to be spamming people or scamming them, because I don't want, because I've been through that experience and I don't want others to be in that situation too.

Dave: Well thank you so much for your time lady I really appreciate it. Keep up the great work, and, you know, keep us posted on your journey. Okay.

Lady: It's my pleasure to be here. 

Dave: All right, great job, and we'll talk to you soon. All right. All right, see you. Thank you, Lady. All right my friends it's Monday, we have a big day today, let's get to it. Let's make it Legendary. See you back here tomorrow for another episode if you haven't made a big decision to invest in yourself and take action, get started and make today the day that you do that. We're rounding out the first week of the last quarter of this year. All right, now is the time to make it happen for yourself in your future. See you back here tomorrow at 10am Eastern Time for another episode. Get out of here, be Legendary. Peace.

How To Have Your Biggest Month In Affiliate Marketing

Below is the transcription for this episode: 

Dave: What's up friends and family legendary family this is Dave sharp Welcome to wake Up Legendary another day another episode and another dollar. We are going to be hearing from a repeat returning guest here. Okay, this is somebody that I know, I've been working with over the last nine months, six, nine months. She's a coaching client here at Legendary and she is a hard worker and I love seeing this process at the beginning that she’s doing. And that is the game. Do today what others won't say you can have tomorrow, what others don't. alright with that being said Lori Richardson, welcome to the show again. Good to see you. 

Lori: Good morning. It's great to be here. Thanks for having me back. 

Dave: And you are from Washington State. Right? So it's 7am there?

Lori: Oregon. And yes.

Dave: And it was Northwest. So okay, yes. Awesome. Well, welcome back. Thanks for getting up early. And, you know, being here, you showed me you have your Legendary hoodie on as well. So loving, loving, we'll have matching, matching hats and hoodies there. So, you know, give folks a brief snapshot. If they want to know your whole, I guess, three month milestone story, or so. So six months, wherever you were when we had you last, they can go back and search through the episodes and find your version of your story and what I like about life, but also this business is where things can change dramatically in a short period of time. Mostly, we feel like new people or like we've learned so much, certainly results can change. I don't typically find incomes go up within a six month period super dramatically. It's unless something happens that maybe you just have a great launch or you have a huge influx of income. Some particular unique reason but that's a gradual curve. And then it begins to compound after a certain amount of time. That's my experience anyways. But with growth and feeling like you're a new person or like what you knew three or six months ago, you almost are like I can't like how I even lived life back then how I even turned on my computer because I feel like I know so much more now. So give us the updated October 1st 2021.

Lori: Well, after a lot of the people are on here have talked about the training that was put in the back office. Once I put that into effect, everything, the whole game changed, it literally changed for me. Some people agree with it, some people don't. And I just have to know everyone's entitled to their journey. And this is my journey. And what it has done for me. My journey is by posting the How To videos on other side hustles as well as affiliate marketing has changed the game for me. I have, I planned it ahead of time. We've been talking about it in the blueprint meetings for four weeks about how you get traffic, this is how you drive people through your funnel. This I can't believe, you know, people talk shit about that all the time, do I really want to go that route. And I decided to try and I built a chunk of them and to put in my draft so that once I started doing it, I would just have that reserve started posting once a day. And it blew up. And I went from having some leads here and there you know, it was kind of a slow trickle to getting tons of leads daily, getting followers, I mean it literally the followers, I was getting at one point in time, like a 1000 followers an hour. And it was mind blowing. A lot of those followers were not necessarily looking for affiliate marketing and the first part of this last 35 days I was overwhelmed with what I do with all those other people? You know, those are how I can't just necessarily ignore them. I still need to address people that aren't interested in affiliate marketing. And so I literally just started owning it, you know, I'm here to help them. I'm not necessarily here only to shove Legendary Marketer down their throat. I am here to help people. And that's what I say in my videos. I say it on every live I address, all kinds of different ways to make money online. Sometimes I can help people. Sometimes they're like, Wow, it's so interesting, but it's not for me, and it's like that's awesome. Did you learn something today? You know? That was the biggest thing this month, I reconnected with people. And it has changed everything. I mean, I already had the mindset of I'm not in it for the money. Yes, the money is great. And that's awesome. And I you know, that was a big driving point for me to start with.

Lori: But they told me you're going like my business plan advisor Bonnie, she's like, you're going to be coaching you're going I'm like, right you know that's not me and that's what I'm doing. And that's not just with Legendary Marketer in affiliate marketing. 

Dave: And she's on. She says hello.

Lori: I love her. She was great. And it was really exciting. And I literally am spinning. Time on every live you know people are sending me direct direct messages that you know you're and I can't believe how much you're helping and this is great and a lot of them are signing up in a lot of them are just like wow you took that time to explain this to me and knowing are not going to buy and you still went out on and and helped me so it was that for me is worth everything. You know and the fact that the money is following that? That's just the icing on the cake

Dave: It will continue to, you have had the shift. And yeah. The shift is where you step just really into your best version of your future self. Okay and the reason why I say future self is because a lot of times you don’t believe it yet, like you aren’t fully convinced that you’re a Legendary badass but you’re going to act like it. I like it because you have to act yourself into a new way of thinking. You cannot sit around, think yourself into a new way of acting. For those, I would understand what I just said. But if you're more analytical, let me explain what I've meant. Everybody has their own version of imposter syndrome. And for most people who come into this industry, meaning that they want to start any sort of online business but in particular affiliate marketing or selling their own courses, coaching or event. What we teach you they're playing to the imposter syndrome syndrome and the biggest thing that holds them back is right between these six inches you know, it's about 12 I don't know, cubic inches I whatever the space is that holds that thing called a brain is the danger zone and that's my problem. It's our problems as human beings, it's not the business model, it's not the techniques or the strategies. It's not our phones. These things although can be Scary. They are friends. They give us more power and potential than we've ever had as individuals to make money and build a business, but it's right here. We feel scared. We feel like we're not real. We feel like who is going to want to think or listen to me. We think as you said, Bonnie said, you're going to be coaching you're going to be kicking I've seen it. I feel it. You're like yeah, right. We can't See that vision for ourselves because We don't know what we don't know. We don't know what we've not experienced yet, And so in Instead, we do this because transforming self is the hardest thing that a person will ever do. We jump from external solutions like the new business model, the new guru, the new hot this or that Facebook scrolling and then I'm into a new webinar funnel and then I'm buying a new thing. Here I'm going to start doing Amazon or drop shipping or whatever it is. But you've leaned in to be consistent, and although you were hungry at the beginning you had your own version of imposter syndrome. It was, shutts what we all do, which is will people really take me seriously?. Can I really do this? Can I be valuable? Can I deliver knowledge and actually, and I saw that you struggled with that and you stuck around long enough to have, it is not a breakdown but a breakthrough to where suddenly, not only things start to transform externally, and yes, it was a training or a technique. We can talk more about that in a second. But it was not leaving before the miracle happened. Because your biggest breakthroughs will happen right before you feel like you're having a breakdown. And I saw you a couple of times because we communicate. Having breakdowns, meaningful break depths, can I do this, I'm frustrated, I've not you know made any money this month, etc. And you leaned in and stuck with us. I want to first applaud you. And I second want to spell it out for everybody that the lorry today is not the lorry of two months ago. of three months ago. So for you folks who think that this has to take forever for you to step into your biggest bossiest badass Legendary self and start kicking ass and taking names? It doesn't. I give you full permission to do that shit. Today, nobody takes that permission or not is completely up to you. But I give everyone permission to do that, right? Because maybe you're waiting on somebody else to give you permission. Well, you've got it now you have to give yourself permission but Laurie does that feel like it fits for you what I just said?

Lori: Absolutely, absolutely. It's just like you said it's a shift and it's like, man, I felt it. It is literally night and day differen’t. And it's a lot of it is just being more comfortable in really truly, I mean I was giving my authentic self before this, but there was just the seed of doubt that you know why is it not growing? Why is it? Why am I stuck here? Those are just getting through that and knowing, totally knowing that I knew it wasn't going to happen overnight. I've been a business owner before. Before I was in my business for 23 years at my management job. That first year I made like two and a half dollars, two and a half dollars an hour compared to what I was making, you know in my real manage my job and that first year was awful and the fact I'm making what I am now, in that first year then I'm still learning all this stuff.

Dave: You’ve still got a full time job.

Lori: Yeah, I'm working roughly 50 hours a week and, you know, I've come home and I've got five cats at my house. Three of them are mine and two of them are my daughters and I don't ,you know my kids aren't here but five cats are pretty demanding too you know? And a dog he's just there to stir. Stir the cats up. 

Dave: Yeah, I think that sometimes we get a little because a lot of people say and I want to tell you like, people are like, I'm watching your videos all the time and people are always saying I love you Lori. Because all the time you're consistently helpful and love the Lord. I mean how did that feel? From going unknown and being that consumer, that watcher, that viewer to now being somebody who people are like, yeah, I recognize her stuff. I love her stuff. That's really helpful. She's awesome.

Lori: So it's mind blowing, but also along with those comments you get the haters.

Dave: You get the hairs, right? But you blew those off just a second ago like I heard you and you were like you which was really cool because two things stuck out. First of all you you you I can tell that you've now transformed from being an affiliate of a single company. Whether it be Legendary or any other company to be in business owner and Laurie incorporated. It's not that you're not an employee, you're not an affiliate of one company. You are Laurie incorporated and you have, your main product is the value you deliver on your platforms and then your email list though the things that where you make your money is after you deliver your product which is your value and your support and your encouragement or training you then can recommend other things back here that people can go in, learn more and go deeper in things that you recommend in this might be a fit or this might be a fit or my coaching might be a fit. That was one shift that I noticed just a second ago. The other shift was yeah, you said there's going to be soma haters and that used to drive you crazy and be so time consuming for you. What's changed?

Laurie: A lot. You and Matt have helped that change hugely as well as knowing just that it works you know, and being able to To live through that change and know that I’m helping. And seeing the people saying thank you, thank you, thank you. And the haters, and it's like, just tune them out. You know they are dealing with their shit, let them deal with it that's not yours. You know what, they're projecting their shit onto you. I mean that's their journey and their issues. They're voices coming from what's within them. Not so much what I'm doing and what I'm saying. But they're crap and they're just they need someplace to put that.

Dave:  Not gonna I'm not gonna be there garbage today, right? And I want you guys to think about that today. They’re like dogs. Some have rabies. That same way as people on the air rabies, some have, you know, upset stomachs and they're spewing diarrhea all over the place. Some are throwing up. You know, there's some healthy ones. Sure. There's some laid back and lazy ones. There's some encouraging you know, like there's some manic ones and some exciting ones. But you know what? You ain't shitting on me today like I'm not going to collect your shit and that's I think how you can comment and you can do what the platform allows you to do, but I'm not going to allow that shit to, I'm not going to open up for that to go down into my system and that's a hard thing to do at first. I don't want to minimize, but when we start getting a little bit of momentum and you see those comments in that hate start rolling in, we're scammers or whatever you’re promoting, every niche you're in, there's always going to be skeptics because people are now actually skeptical because They feel like they've been burned and you know, building trust is something that takes time. So people are not automatically going to trust you. So they're going to be skeptical and then they're having a bad day. They're gonna go on the internet. Like the good thing about driving in a car is that when somebody has road rage, they may have their windows up and you can't hear them. But you know you can't hear them on the internet. They can read every lie and just mean shit because people are mean and it takes a special sort of conditioning of your skin to thicken it up and also set sort of boundaries, I'm not going to take on your shit today. Block, delete, respond to some. It's always important to respond to some so you can see that you, you know, can rise above and yeah or take things with humor or allow the good and the bad. I actually think that’s a good thing. I see the shift. Any other nuggets or mindset tips you give people for just dealing with strangers and weirdos online?

Lori: Block is your best friend. It has been trying to, like you said, trying to respond to them kind of feeling out how bad it's going to be, the direction of the conversation will go on a public platform because I don't want it to go to a place where I'm looking like I'm having to defend myself or the product I'm promoting, but I also don't want to just let it stay there and let other people feed off of that, you know, and make it bigger than it is when I think I'm seeing some of that with this program. Afew haters out there are very vocal. On their lives and then on their posts, and people are buying into that shit and it's it's you know, that's when I realized I need to address that kind of thing. It needs to be addressed. It's not it's not going to go away but neither am I going to take it in and shiver in my boots. So yeah, and that was a shift for me. 

Dave: So right Right, right. Yeah, it's like some people you know, I'm honestly in some respect for the content that's being put out there in the ultimate target of people's you know, the people's, whatever, their skepticism, dislike, hate, distrust, whatever it is, you know. Maybe I can't say that because I've often I think a lot of times I also hear and see online that will I will like the company but how you're promoting is the problem how you’re promoting it. You know, so there's a variation of different things. complaints or or kind gripes that people have. People have but at the end of the day here what I learned from Donald Trump. And you know, I'm not a big political guy, honestly. And quite frankly, you know, I'm not a big fan of his. Or really any other politician to just be really frank with you. So I'm going to say this objectively but what I learned from him is that really any advertising in people talking about you is good. You know and we’ve heard that before but I really saw that, you know, I saw that kind of transformation with him, good or bad marketing can be good. If you use it cool. All right. For me People talk like shit and try to put our company down or what we're doing, I would have to make a decision on how much time do I want to spend on that person? And and most of the time I think at least where I'm at in my career now, I choose, I might even get fired up like I'm going to do something and I'm going to respond And turn it in into a plot twist and You know, try to start to plot a little bit, but then I'm just like I’ve got other shit to do.

Lori: Exactly.

Dave: I legitimately do have time. Well, I might get a little fired up or whatever. Then I actually just realized how much other shit I have to do and I'm like, I just don't have time. So in many, many times, I just don't get to it then it just is not as important tomorrow. Yeah, yeah yeah And in another way that I look at it again, going back to the Trump comment is that I just kind of look at good press or bad press it’s all press. Like if you're not doing too, Grant Cardones says this all the time. Other folks say this,  If you're not stirring the pot. you don't have people talking about you whether they're one liking, loving you or hating you If they're lukewarm about If there's just you know, if they’re apathetic towards you. Then you know what?

Lori: You need to stir shit up?

Dave: You're not making as much money or as much of an impact. You're not polarizing people enough. And I, you know, I really I really find that to be a helpful way to look at it, it just helps me to kind of not take everything on personally, anyway that's how I tend to view those types of things, any other thoughts or comments around dealing with haters or just dealing with these, the other thing is dealing, when you start to go live more often there’s More people in your audience. There's more things to do. How do you balance  where you put your focus, especially when you have another full time job? Are you balanced responding to comments or responding to DMs or writing your email for that day you're creating content. How do you actually find what is the priority for me today and even more importantly right now?

Lori:  Because I work full time I try to take advantage of every break I have at work every you know anytime I can get away from my actual work to respond as they're coming in, if at all possible. If it goes viral like some of them have, that's just not possible. But I will try to respond as they're coming in so we don't get And there's, you know, 60, 70, 80 people I need to be responding to. Sometimes It works. Sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes I can feed the animals sit down and start responding to the comments and the DMS and then all of a sudden it's 10 o'clock at night and I didn't eat dinner tonight. You know, I do what I can. I tried to go through the car And if if they're comments are really pertinent those are the ones that I'm going to answer first. I tried to do a chronological order. The reason I try to do it chronological is because otherwise I get lost

Dave: Look I, here's my hope for you is that you get so busy that responding to comments now in the near future is something that's impossible for you to do. Yeah that you're that you're creating you're creating new projects and new content new marketing becomes that becomes the excitement and the intrigue and the mystery of how that something new will work and new angles and all becomes the dominating thing on your plate. Yeah, and and when you have when you look at your day to day you become you prioritize creating more and more that up to the top.  And let me give you a practical example of what this would look like in your marketing so I'm doing a video and I might mention in my video or in my lives look I get so many messages each day there's no way for me to respond to them all there's so many there's I get so many comments each day there's no way right when you start to say that here's the psychology. Let me share with everybody if you don't know might be sharing something you know, but people don't want to work with people or follow people who have nothing to do, who are not doing any so what I used to do when I first started was you know, back in 2009 and 2010 Facebooking and all that stuff was not as prevalent. I would actually make a lot of phone calls like I would call a lot of leads, and I didn't get as many leads. So I would ask for the phone number on the landing page and I would call everybody who walked into my landing page and I would say hey, look I don't have a lot of time . I've got an appointment coming up here in five minutes, but I didn’t. You know like I didn't have anything going on? And some might say that's a lot. Yeah, I did. I don't lie today but I did back then, you know, and I said I was busier than I was, you know part of what I was doing was I was trying to ,I'm not I'm not advocating lying I'm just at the very beginning. I was getting lower and lower. I had nothing, I had no money coming in and I was young. And I had to be in look, I had to overcompensate because not only was I immature, but I also was young so people didn't trust me as much because I so young so I was overcompensating in ways I wouldn’t do anymore but I wasn’t intentionally trying to hurt anybody I don't think karma came out to really get me I didn't become really busy. I did become busy, my schedule did become busy. As Kurt said, I was acting as if. And and then eventually yeah, like I said I did have people my calendar did fill up but I would still call people who say look, I wanted to just reach out for a lot of time I have other things I need to get to other people that I need to get back to and that you know giving off that energy, versus giving off the energy of I have absolutely nothing going on. And sure, I'm here to do anything for you, as long as I can sit here and direct messages and go back and forth and any endeavor receptacle question that you have and offer a full overview of what's being sold and explained in a video I'm also about to go show you, to give you a full preview of that video right. The person who's willing to do that or puts off that energy is going to be a little less attractive than the person who was a lot busier, think about an attorney. If your life's on the luck of somebody saying you murdered somebody. Do you want the guy who's got no clients who's got no experience, or do you want the guy who's busy as hell hard to reach everybody knows and he or she is the top dog in their industry. They're expensive as shit. You might not know if you’d be able to get them. There's a I think there's an aura that I also There's that, that level business that I wish for you and everybody here on this call. There's also a boundary that I am not sitting here waiting for your direct message. I got a fucking life. I am not sitting here waiting for you to know over there in Vermont or wherever you're at or down the road I don't give a shit who's sitting here looking at my video or what I'm doing online. It is like a method. It seems he's not waiting for that guy just so I can sit here and explain myself. Right so there's also that having boundaries with my time and I'm just not going to be here for your every need. I'm here to deliver value on my terms, right and I'll be fair to you And I'll over deliver when I'm in the mode of delivering but when i'm not, I may not ever get back to you.

Lori:  I Make sure to Let people know that I'll get back to you as soon as I can. It may not be you know right away, but I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I'm working a full time job and I’ve got a lot of comments and a lot of emails and I've got a business to run but I  will get back to you as soon as they can. 

Dave: Robert Doyle. What's up, Robert? I see you. He says just say you have a very important meeting you cannot miss. That might be a meeting with your computer but it's still a meeting.

Lori: Or my five cats here.

Dave: Yes, I have a meeting that I need to get into with five other individuals In five minutes. Bonnie says boundaries are key. A lot of our folks inside of our company here who we're working with clients and students and helping them through the challenge and helping them decide if they want to go through the 15 day challenge. Take this more seriously, more accountability is talking to dozens if not multiple, dozens of people per day and we work on that. A lot. You know, it's never Something that we ever perfect. It's not something that we even strive for. We're always going to feel a little bit off, so we don't strive for perfect balance. We strive for boundaries and managing a calendar and putting the people who we feel are deserving of our time as highest priority. How do you become deserving of my time? Has nothing to do with who you are or what you look like, ithas to do with the level of effort that you put into things and the respect that you have for my craft in what I'm doing. I look at my marketing as art. So if you're going to spit on by painting, I'm not going to be as nice with you. I'm going to say stop spitting on my painting, dude, you know, asshole. Block delete or just whatever. But yeah, boundaries, boundaries, boundaries. What else has been important for you over the last 35 days and with your growth here in this last season?

Lori: I would say that the biggest shift was having the traffic, you gotta have the traffic coming through. Otherwise, you're not getting anywhere. The traffic is the biggest change and the going live consistently. With having that Traffic because that is giving you a much larger live audience whereas before I was getting, you know a handful, maybe of people coming on my lights maybe if I was lucky. And of those handfuls, I had a seven year old, a 13 year old and a 16 year old.  I don't have that anymore. So I Have fun Already leads on everyone. In life, I'm not saying that there aren't some people who come in here skeptical and they’re gonna give me crap anyway but it's a totally different audience and it's because I have the traffic and because they're coming back to learn what I have to say, and you can ask me really great questions. And some almost all of it has to do with affiliate marketing, but I also because I am putting those posts about other side hustles I do address them as well.  I make it known that I don't do every side hustle that I'm showing you. I am literally showing this. You know, my whole point of this new account is to show people how to make money online and you know, open their minds to think outside the box. People are wanting to spend money and you know with affiliate marketing if you don't have money and or affiliate marketing is not for you. print on demand is it. That's you may not earn as much that way. It may be totally different, but if you're creative or whatever, that could be a great way for you to learn, earn money online and yeah, I can show you a little bit about it, you know.

Dave: Getting some directions I can at least I can at least I can at least give the terminology of what it is so you can go do your research yourself in, I don't don't really understand the challenge that people have with with marketers who in this day and age are using the multiple side hustle kind of angle, as a there's a, why would anybody see that as a problem? I I'm going out TikTok Facebook, YouTube Instagram and I'm saying Look built an online business this is the business model I use however in this may be for you if you want to make money online, maybe affiliate marketing is for you as well if it is, this is a training I took it really helped, check it out. And there's other business models out there like print on demand, let me tell you about that one. It may be for you, it wasn't for me, but it might be worth checking out in your research or becoming a copywriter or doing gigs on Fiverr, or whatever it is, right? Going out and running for ads on Facebook prospecting local attorneys, plumbers, contractors and saying hey we'll handle your marketing for 2000 a month for we'll do it for free the first month and see if It works out just that one too. Okay, here's how to get your first client. It's your first time doing a testimonial which will then snowball into more clients. Go to five contractors, roofers, electricians per day and say my price. I charge 2000 a month but I'll do yours for free for the first month. If you love it on that 30 day mark. I'll take your credit card information today,  you can cancel and tell me that you don't want to continue, but I'll do the first month for free. All right, getting that tip alone could spark an idea for somebody even though that's not what I'm doing. Because I'm a marketer and because I think like a marketer because I develop the mindset of sales, of marketing, and of turning nothing into something right because that’s entrepreneurship. I have the ability to look at other things, even if I don't do them and act as a consultant, if I did do them this is how I would go about it. There's nothing wrong with that and if you need you can clip this part of this video out and download it from YouTube. You have my permission to use it. There's nothing wrong. Step into if that's the angle. Yeah good Golden Nugget. It's damn sure. Stop being scared of what other people think and start Looking at yourself as somebody who can help any business grow. My job is to pull people in the right direction and As you said, open their minds to the possibility of scrolling on TikTok and just consuming only waiting and dreading to go answer to a boss that you hate day after day, okay? is not the only way to live.

Lori: Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. And that's I mean, I'm getting people that are doing that. I have people that are reaching out to me and, you know, a young woman that has just got her LPC. She's going to be a licensed counselor, a therapist, and she's like, how do I? How do I even start? It seems like okay, I'm in the mental healthcare industry I can tell you, I shifted to that and I'm like, I know this is what we did when we had this new therapist come in. Come on and you know, I walked through some of the things he said I knew from my my day you know, and she's like, oh, and I didn't even think of that. And I'm like, you know, that had nothing to do with affiliate marketing, but I was able to pull affiliate marketing into it a little bit in how you're going to market your therapy to get your name out there and you know, and we talked a little bit about that, but It was actually pretty exciting to be able to help a young, new professional into what she had just been trained however many years to do, to help give her ideas to launch for her to be a great confidence builder. 

Dave: These professions and trade schools, all right, whether it be a college or trade school, the traditional ones teach you how to do this thing after you get the client. They teach you nothing about how to get clients. Let me walk that back a little bit. There's traditional ways like going to network meetings,  joining the chamber congress but something happened in 2020. This little thing that made everybody to where they actually couldn't even leave their houses coming into contact with other human beings. So they were all whether they had counseling therapy. Matter of fact, my therapist transitioned to zoom meetings. In person meetings to phone meetings. My couples coach for my wife and therapists transition to zoom meetings so that she already had clients. He already had us as clients. Those two people in his life. What if what if they didn't? What if you were a new therapist or counselor like you said? So the point is, is these strategies that we're learning and use I've always called them transferable skills, right transferable skills because they work in any industry and one of the reasons why I have now after over a decade of doing marketing the way that I have, I have all kinds of people in my life which I'm not saying I'm a fan of because they're just looking for free advice. But they are asking me Hey, I'm just starting a new business. Let's get together and have lunch. I'm like yeah, I can't be sorry but you know, you're a friend. I've been a friend for many years, call me on Friday at 2pm and we'll talk for 15 minutes and tell me what you're doing and I'll see if I can help. Because I feel like I was given this gift. This is how I choose to view it Lori, I was given this gift back in 2009, when I was working construction and grateful for what I did with my dad but I was really looking for something new or different. I didn't have a degree. I had some felonies from my years and addiction. So I couldn't even get a job at a you know many companies, you know because I had to check that off you know, are you a felon and you know. I feel so great. A light came upon this information, you know, and I studied and I became a student and I put all that effort and energy that I would have put into a trade school or put into a college. If I had gone a traditional route. I learned a skill or transferable skill now that's paid me 1000s of times more than I would have ever imagined or ever grown, if I would have gone a traditional route. So I feel like I have this treasure of knowledge and my hope every one of you understands the power of the knowledge that you have it just the simple idea of building a traffic source in a funnel that collects email so you can follow up with people or you to go and hand out business one of the biggest shifts with. Here's another tip, you make a TikTok or Instagram or YouTube video out of one shift that I had. And I've shared this for 10 years and it's always blowing people's minds instead of handing out business cards that no one would ever call. I never got a single call from a magnet that I put on the side of my truck or a business card that I printed out. And when we print out our business cards, we're in business you know, all I think about is what I'm going into business. Let's make a list of what we got to do to start our business. Let's get our website up and print our business cards. Now we're business and then we do that and then it's like You know, and then we hand the card out. And then it's you know, like tumbleweeds, and what I learned to do was when I was early in internet marketing and was struggling getting leads. I would ask for people because I knew how proud a son of a bitch was to hand out their business cards. Yeah, I've got a card in here. Pull out the wallet. All right, I got the card. I'd say Hey, can I add you to my email list? So I can follow up with you about strategies to grow your business. Yeah, no problem. That's cool. So I would take their information, add them to my email list but I would also now have their contact information. So I would call them.

Lori: Smart. Very smart.

Dave: You know, and so I've still got somewhere around here. Honey, do you know where the box of business cards is? Can you get, can you bring that to me real quick. Watch this I it's it's actually sitting right here we have archives of stuff that we used to that we had in our early days.

Lori: Hey, that's my card. No kidding.

Dave: Yeah, I got a few of my business cards in here too, you know business cards that I had printed but I never had, I didn't get to hand out. I got these printed, this was an MLM that I was in and you know I had to get, it was Wow Mobile. This was the company that I ordered the cell phone from that shutdown The company shut down. Literally went out of business and the owner of the company literally disappeared before I got the phone. I spent every dime I had back in 2009, but I was just so infatuated with it. Refer three get yours free. I was going to get Anyways, I'm rambling getting into the old archives like an old grandpa. So anyways, Lorie looks like this has been a pleasure. It's always great to connect with you and I am just proud and excited for you as the journey is just beginning so let's not act like it's over. It's coming to an end. We're like you've got to the top of the mountain you're just beginning to climb. So yeah oh yeah. Good work. And do  you want to give anybody a way to contact you here and talk to you. I didn't have a link to send people here. Just so you know there’s 5 fake accounts out with versions of that exact username. They all have my face, I’m being impersonated now yeah. I must be TikTok famous. There's five fake accounts for me. I blocked them and recorded them and I have five, only six total followers actually, you know that they've actually attracted. I’m the one that's actually active that there's videos on and that's me.

Dave: You are famous, you have made it. You've got impersonators out there. Well hey, have a great weekend. Have a great Friday. Stay Legendary my friend, I'll talk to you soon. 

Lori: That's great. Bye!

Dave: Peace my friend. It's Friday. Have a great day, have a great week. And I don't give many calls to action on the show to buy our stuff but have not proven yet that it's good shit. It's good stuff and you are worth investing in yourself. Right? So take a leap of faith and take a leap of conviction in the idea today, October 1 2021, that you are worth it and that you can do anything if you put your mind to the right information from the right people and the right support inside of the right environment. And with those three magical ingredients, you can know with a sprinkle of grit and determination. You can do anything, you can be any version of yourself that you want to be. The best of the worst. We all have that Every day and I believe Each one of you has the desire to be your best self. You're here and you don't need Get a motivational talk. That's why I don't do that often. You're already motivated. You just need the encouragement and the knowledge and then the follow through to put it into action and Lorie is a great example of what that looks like so go follow her to make money with Lorie on tik tok. Connect with her, learn from her model, what she's doing. My friends We'll see you back here on Monday for another episode of Wake Up Legendary.

How To Bring In A Six Figure Income Through Affiliate Marketing As A Married Couple



Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: I have been looking forward to this show all week. When I found out that we had Megan, Ryan Hobbs, on this Thursday. I said in my best Ric Flair. Woo! It's going to be a good day. Alright, with that being said, What's up people how. Y'all doing?

Megan: we're doing wonderful. Oh man, what a hype man. 

Dave: Yeah, yes, yes, gotta, gotta, gotta channel that in a Rick, you know, When I, when I need it. So look for those who don't know, or weren't around our new YouTube channel. It was my first time ever meeting you. This was what nine months ago? 

Ryan: Over a year and a half, it's been. 

Dave: Yeah, Okay, right, about a year. So over a year and let's call it in the middle of 2020. You're in a different spot in your house. Okay, I remember it like it was yesterday. Ryan was sitting there, reminding me very much of myself, you know, basically saying, honey. Just trust me. We're gonna do this, we're, we're gonna make it happen. And Megan was sitting over there, like, I'm here, and trusting my husband, and I'm not really sure what we're doing exactly, But I know we need to do something. And as Andre Miller, one of our BPaaS in his story. He and Brittany have a similar story to where Brittany was like, what do you do and you can't do this, and Andre said, What do you ever plan, and she said no. And, and. And so they began, as did you and you both were brand new, just getting started, and we talked, and Ryan, you kind of acted as if you were, you're already successful in a sense you had television, and an excitement for what you were doing, and Meg and I can tell that you were excited to learn and go along for the journey. Now we're in here a year later, and you guys have, it's almost been like, what it feels like like longer to me like you guys are like Staples now in this community, your staples on social media platforms you have people who look to you as leaders and mentors, and you have a following, and an audience. And, obviously, I'm telling a snapshot, a little bit of your story, but I just want to ask, first of all, How does that feel?

Megan: Never in my wildest dreams did I think that this would have been, where it is now. Never. I mean, we are blessed,

Ryan: Very blessed to be where we're at right now, Dave.

Megan: It’s taken a lot of frickin hard work, but it's been worth every up till 3am answering comments or stressing over this email or that email or taking an hour to edit a freaking TikTok video. It's all blood sweat and tears that we've put into this.

Ryan: So, yeah, as you stated, When we first got started. I remember that first call just as well, because we've just gotten our first commission. And so I think that's where my energy was coming from in that call, even though it was 12 bucks.

Megan: Just because it solidifies like this can work. This can work. And then it was shortly after that we had our first high ticket commission. I was upstairs in the kitchen making cocoa bombs to sell to try and get some extra income. I hit my knees, because I was just like, holy crap and then Matt told me once he said you know you're asking the right questions and it's gonna snowball, and when it starts to snowball. It does, and yeah, he was absolutely, absolutely right. So, it's just getting over those, those hurdles, asking the questions. And having that as Ryan says that I'll be damned. If you really want to make this work, you're gonna make it work. Yeah,

Dave: I can imagine, both of you are proud of each other. I can imagine that Ryan You're proud of your wife. I can also imagine that Megan, you're proud of Ryan, am I right?

Megan: Oh, yeah. 

Dave: Ryan, how does that feel to know where you guys were in probably some of the conversations that you had that we didn't see or hear that all of us married couples have and to and to know that you know you have Megan sitting by your side today, in, in tears, literally, in tears. With excitement and pride. How does that feel brother?

Ryan: Amazing. I remember the day that I lost my job. Last year, and you know that. A few minutes ago you were talking about that, and, you know, yes, I had an idea of what to do. And, you know you've made the comment about Meghan maybe not so much have any idea but actually when I got home after I cleaned out my office today I lost my job and I sat down on the couch and but it took me like 30 minutes to get home in that 30 minutes magnet already found like five or six places for me to put my resume or application and I mean, so as far as the plan goes she was thinking she and I remember telling her, okay that's fine. But I've been seeing this stuff on Tik Tok and online I think I want to start a business online and I can remember her, it's vivid in my head, she just kind of chuckled, and she goes, Yeah but you remember we got bills to pay her, like, I'm like, trust me I get I know what our responsibilities are, but, you know, and that's what started this whole thing. And just knowing that I have her support on this day, you know, and obviously it took some time it took some, you know, kind of explaining showing her some of the things that I had seen. And just talking about it together, and realizing that, alright, if this is really what's, what's best for us and for our family. Let's give it a try and she knew that those last few months, at my nine to five were miserable. And I wasn't happy and as she always tells people you know they liked me but, you know, they loved me but they didn't always like me because I was bringing that that toxic environment home with me as far as the mental and the tiredness and and stuff like that so for her to sit there on the couch and, and say, Okay, let's, let's see what we can do. Let's try this. That meant the world to me. And it has.

Megan: And then, you know. Fast forward seven months, he had actually put in, and we because we still hadn't made, like, really dollar one. Honestly, online, went through the 15 Day Challenge, things like that fast forward, he had actually put in an application at Home Depot, and he knew he was going to get the job as he had to insiders. And for me to sit there and the first time when he lost his job I had already sent him like I said, like he said like five job postings, and then he's like well I have this I have an interview and I just said, Hang on. We're okay for now, in the pit of my stomach, I know this is going to work. There's just something different about this there's something different about the training, the environment, the network, I'm like, I know this can work. And it wasn't, what, three days later, three days later he had a call with our mentor. Now, give him a swift kick in the ass. And it wasn't. Two weeks later, he had 10,000 followers on tape talking we're certain pulling, pulling money and keep

it, keep in mind for the first render I lost my job for about the first five six months we were trying to do drop shipping and ecommerce, and for those that don't know what that business model is, you know, go to Alibaba or AliExpress and get stuff from China and so you're right in the middle of a pandemic anywhere.

Dave: The only thing we got from China was a virus, right?

Ryan: So six months later, here it is, you know we have, we haven't really made a spike. We spent a bunch of money on ADS. And, yeah. And so, you know, I was actually scared to even tell Megan, that I paid $7 and signed up for the 15 day challenge, because I was like, what she's gonna see this as I'm just flailing around trying to find something that's going to work and I've done a 180 we were doing drop shipping now what was that what do we do, you know, I was afraid to you're like No, don't get a job. So, but, like she said, You know, we've had our ups and downs, obviously, as you know we're learning, still as new entrepreneurs that this is a roller coaster ride. And, you know, celebrate your wins when you have them, figure out how to get through your failures when you have those

Dave: As our job right, as I always, I always tell people to choose your adventure. Do you want to be on the adventure, as you know somebody working at a brick and mortar business and ice cream shop or Home Depot or whatever, or do, or do you want to be on the adventure of entrepreneurship. Neither is the right choice. It's about what is the right choice for you. And the beautiful thing is that we get to make that choice and. And when we own that choice and what I'm hearing, it's interesting because I was just leaving a comment on somebody who had made a post in our Blueprints Facebook group about, you know I still believe in LM and I still, you know, there's so many negative comments out here on the internet and so many people doing this strategy and that's, you know, and I said well, first of all, this is a business model that's bigger than LM. As a matter of fact for the last two years we've had, how to become an affiliate of our actual company down at the bottom of the site, a little link that you have to click, and people have found that and become because I think they want, they feel proud to represent those products and they know the sales material converts a business model here, we're teaching also strategies that you can use to sell information of your own or as an affiliate, there's tick tock, there's, there's, there's Twitter. However, the biggest thing that has made a difference in me is not believing in a company, but learning to believe in myself, and when you said Megan, stop. I feel differently about this one, and about what we're doing now. I wonder if there was also a shift in belief in you, and also in Ryan, that you knew that you could do this, because you had seen your work ethic, and you know who you are and who you can be at your best.

Megan: It went back down to, you know, the network of people that we were talking to and that we were seeing and what we're seeing on the white gap and we're like, I like this, this works. This is not some all smoke and mirrors smoke show, This works is a business model, it's not how to be an affiliate for legendary. It's exactly what you said you're teaching a business model. And that was what some of the grams and whatever that we had seen or researched. It wasn't that they were teaching that they were teaching how to do their product. Now we like to say that and that's why we keep bringing people into Legendary because okay well you, you learn this, you climb that first mountain, and then if you make money online is not your passion or fine. Take that out, plug in what you're going to do.

Ryan: Yeah, the strategy strategies in the business model are the same and we actually I'll be I'll say we actually struggled with that a little bit you know we rose to quick success with legendary. We're like, alright, things are going great, and we kind of got caught up and we, at one point time we had to learn to pivot, you know, and figure out okay how do we extract that product, if we're going to continue to promote that product and find other products that we could plug into this business model and this system that you taught, and you know we struggled with that for a little bit but we finally found our ground again with the help of, you know, mentors of ours, we were able to, yeah, we were able to, you know, get in there and make it successful. And we continue to make it successful and what you said as far as when she told me. No. All right, let's just hold off on that whole interview with Home Depot and things that, Again, it gave me a shock of support there. And, you know, determination that all right, she's willing to hang in here with me to do this, that means I need to get my ass in gear and get don't because I knew, I knew at the time what I needed to do and it was to make the videos that was what I struggled with the most when we first started, like, a lot of people. Yeah. And, you know, I like I said we got our own phone from somebody who is now our mentor, and he basically said, Look, this is what you need to do if you really, truly want to make this work. Here's what you need to do. How's golf that call I'm like, alright, I'll be damned. This is what I want to do. She supports me, if this is really what I need to do that I want to do it. Now that the videos were horrible and they suck yeah they were bad, but that everybody started out. 

Dave: Yeah, yeah, I'm beginning to run ads on TikTok. Now, because it's a great platform to run ads compliance is a little bit different than Facebook because it's a new platform so they're accepting more variations of different content so forth and, you know, I'm changing, I'm taking my hat from market or from CEO, and a business operator to back into marketer, and I swear to God, Ryan yesterday I was, you know, I'm recording tick tock videos man, on TikTok.

Ryan: I love it.

Dave: I've got the phone up, you know, I'm sitting here on the desk and you know I'm coming up with creative ideas in creative ways, you know, as a matter of fact, I'll show you here just super quick. You know, I was sending them over to Matt asking for his feedback, you know what I mean, like, Give me, give me feedback, you know, I'll show you our Slack channel right here. So, you know, here's, here's the folder to put them in so I just start, I don't even put them in the folder I just want them to see them real quick, but I'm just recording them. Right, you know, I'm just doing my thing, right, like, right, you know, um, yeah, I do and then and then I'm like hard to make these short you know me as being back on those, right I like them, I think there may be hair on the adze side, but I think they'll be completely fine let's watch them for a few days and see what we get. I'll keep you posted. The ability to rapidly test these is game changing. I said I won't stop creating just want to get a few going fast. He's like, hell yeah, here's the big kicker: people watch these videos and start with a really kick ass headline here's a side hustle with almost no competition or here's that right. So, yeah, my point is, is that right, Matt and I are. It's never ending. Get back into the game and try new strategies and try new things, and I think people look at me, I like to show those behind the scenes moments that literally just happened yesterday, because that's what it's like. This is the adventure that I chose, and it's a damn adventure every day right but you mentioned doing the videos in there yesterday and I'll be today also doing videos.

Ryan: Yeah, this strategy, the strategies change, I mean you have to kind of roll with the punches and roll with the tide there and figure out exactly, you know what's, what's going on right now, to be in front of everybody and try to be in front of everybody. And so, the strategies are constantly changing. You know, whether it's your video content or your messaging or you know how you're reaching people you know, it's always changing. And I think that's what's kind of fun about it. You know, when I first started making videos like I said, I couldn't string two words together that made sense on a video whenever I put my phone up and hit the record but I just sounded like a bumbling bumbling idiot. And so, what my strength was, was to like take some music and I could sit there and just point at things that would come up, and that's how I got comfortable with doing the videos I did for a couple of months like that. But before I finally got to the point where I would, you know, actually talk on camera, where I felt like it, you know, made sense or looked decent. 

Megan: I still can't be in the basement if he's talking. Yeah, he actually bought, okay, you know, he goes like recording studios if they had the red light on the studio they're recording. Yeah, this guy over here, bought a color changing bowl to put at the top of our basement stairs and when that suckers red I'm like, I'm not doing that. I’m not going down. 

Dave: That is the corniest thing I've heard in a long time. I love that.

MeganL We also have three kids. Yeah, during, you know and you know going forward. During the summer, you have kids you know how hard it is to get work done.

Dave: Listen to what we did, we bought a separate house to work. We can’t work out of our house.

Ryan: My wife but with our kids and you know, we talked about renting office space, yeah. So yeah our basement is this the studio this little corner of our basement here and we turned into our studio and it was it was getting to a point where, you know, our son and Megan would be at the top of the stairs over there and they'd be carrying on a full on conversation while I'm trying to record a video, and I don't always do where I'm recording already audio, so it's not that big video but those times that I am getting up the courage to record audio and I'm already nervous enough as it is and I've got the courage and then I'm like halfway through it and then somebody starts a conversation upstairs, I'm gonna start all over again. So I'm like how can I, I kept, I kept thinking about this and I'm a bit of a tech nerd, myself, so you know we have home automations with lightbulbs and stuff like that. I am so I'm like you know what, I've got these color changing lights right above me I can put one of those on the stairs, I can tell Alexa when I wanted to turn red when I'm recording and that can be their sign that, even though you know our smaller kids, it's a visual for them now. If they start to go down the stairs and they see that red lines. I can go down here.

Megan: For me it’s that technical like if people want to comment I can't see the comments cuz we haven't been right out but if people are like oh that's really good. You have to have that kind of frickin piece of paper and write or something and post it on your damn door that's gonna help you create the videos to get your thing going.

Dave: No, I mean, I don't know if you guys recall during Christmas. Our son was born in 2020 . I stayed home for a month. My wife and I stayed home. I stayed home for a month and she stayed for longer. With him there full time, because we're blessed with a fantastic nanny, as well who, you know, helped out with him at this point. But, um, and I was in the garage, you know, I was in the garage. And I was just a lot, I was the weirdest thing too because I got, you know, a huge spark of inspiration that a lot of awesome work was done over that time period. And I was, I was just in my garage, you know, and I didn't even, even, whatever 10 years into the game. I didn't let being in the garage stop me, you know, I didn't let, I didn't let it be obvious that when I'm on camera I'm in the garage. I didn't let it stop me. I didn't need a cool background, you know like, and this isn't even a cool background now I mean it's just a, just a wood wall it's it's I got a light socket there and a broken light in the back here actually

Ryan: Peel and stick flooring and glue on the wall is like 50 bucks.

Dave: Yeah, I love that you guys are finding space in your home in doing a real, you know, let's make it work. It's just so I think what the comments are saying is my people love these two, I mean, you guys have really gone from, you know, where everybody is in starts in just over a year to now becoming sort of like internet famous in a sense, in our, in the community, right, and so many people know who you are both in our community but also out there. How, how does that feel and how do you how do you manage that, you know it's not different in it, it's got to be, you know, maybe there's some pressure there or like how do you how do you feel about that, do you yesterday we were talking with a guy from Switzerland, who, you know, doesn't have the sort of personal brand that you guys have he focuses more on YouTube and kind of doing review and tutorial videos. And you guys definitely have more of a personal brand where people know who you are. Give us that angle and talk to us a little bit about what it's like to have that sort of a business.

Ryan: Real quick before we do that, actually, it's very ironic that Simon was on yesterday because Simon is actually the one that got me to purchase the 15 day challenge that was his review that actually got ready to sign on with Legendary.

Megan: How cool? 

Dave: To get those reviews right that's, I think that's one of the things that it's important to remember is that you know when somebody for example buys the blueprints or just listens to the show every day we try to meet people no matter where you're at financially here, we you can learn, you can grow here. If you want to. But it's not just tick tock, it's YouTube, and it's Twitter, and there's all these different strategies that we can use and approaches that we can use. Simon's happens to be less about personal brand and more just about the content. You were looking for that information, you googled it or YouTube did his video pop up, you felt you felt confident or informed enough from his video to click his affiliate link, you bought. He got paid. You guys have focused more on Tik Tok and in sort of building more of a personal brand, again and Ryan recommends. So, yeah I'm just interested to hear that perspective and what that's kind of been like running that kind of a business.

Megan: It’s funny, so he does a lot of the content, and if he has to take a break or something like that and I'm starting to content, the messages or the comments on those videos where like, where's Ryan? Is Ryan okay? What's happening? Like, thanks guys. But it is, we are Megan and Ryan so if one of us has a simple way or something. People know we've branded ourselves so that people can put a face to the name. We were trying to build something that people can trust. And now we're now hiring people to help us in that and we're very selective of who we're bringing in because they are the face of us. It's humbling, but it's scary as hell, because for somebody to trust us to help them get to their goals. It's, it's, it's a heavy burden to lift sometimes, it's like, are we doing enough for these people, are we giving them enough value. Are we doing this right?

Ryan: But I think also, you know, it still hasn't as much as we are out there and as much as you know, we've made a brand or a name for ourselves. It's still. I don't think it's really hit home. As far as the reach that it's, that it's gotten we ever have to lead up to us in public that's when it'll hit. Yeah, it was still at a point where we're trickling where people that we do know, will come up and say, Hey, I saw you guys doing such and such on Facebook, Or I saw you doing such and such on Tik Tok or, you know, things like that so I don't think it's really like hit us or sunk in that there's, there's much of a reach but like what Megan was saying though. We have people that reach out to us and obviously we help them. We help them with their goals and their struggles and figure out you know what we can do to help them. You know, we've helped people that got started in this journey, and have been able to walk away from their nine to five, to reach their goals and things like that and so at first, when we do you know start helping someone it's like, like Megan says it's almost, it feels like it's a heavy weight on our shoulders, just to realize, can we actually help this person do what they need to do but then we look back at what we've done. And that's really all we do Dave is we tell them our story we tell them how we started, what did we use, how did we do this, how did we do that, how do we get past that failure, and things like that it's all personal experiences, and it's, again, it's been an amazing ride, and we're building confidence every day with the people that are helping and the testimonies that we get from the people that we have helped people that we help walk away from their nine to five, or, I mean we've got some, some pretty interesting stories of people that reached out to us that we had no idea when they first reached out what their story was, I mean, we're learning now months later after they're finally starting to see success with affiliate marketing we're learning now that you know, they had just lost their house, their family was living in a car, you know, they were down to their last dollar, that's when they reached out to us. We didn't know that. We didn't know that at the time when they, when they reached out. No, we start working with and we get to where they need to be and then you know four months later after they're making, you know, two or $3,000 online, Then they open up and they're like yeah man if it hadn't been for you this is where we were at and so we have a list of people that have given us those types of stories and it just warms our heart to know that what we're doing is really helping people.

Dave: How do you feel?

Megan: When you Oh crier can't help it. They go softer, I mean, I believe that, but um, so when I hear things like that. I'm like, and then it goes back to, you know what we were kind of talking about at the beginning, these people's mental health was just gone to crap, and then they saw a tick tock of ours decide to follow decide to reach out and it's like, wow, we've had an impact on somebody's life. And again, we didn't know that at the time and a lot of the young people who are watching you might be making videos or pinning pins or tweeting or whatever it is, keep doing it, because you may not think you have an audience but you've got an audience, and what you're doing very well may, may help somebody.

Ryan: So it's just one thing that we've tried to do Dave. I was very impressed with you in the very beginning, when, when we purchased our Blueprints. It wasn't just a few minutes after that, I got a video recording, personally from you. And so, we always thought that that was absolutely amazing. And so the people that reach out. That same personal touch, reach out to them, you know, no matter if we've got, you know, 2000 comments on a video, we try to hit every 2000 comments and reach out to those people. Anybody that sends us a message, we message them back, and that is, you know, again by being able to do that and help those people whatever stories they may have wherever they're at in their life, trying to you know put that personal touch to help them most people and then again like I said, hearing those stories along the road, it just, it, it lends it lends validity to the entire process of what we're doing. Yeah we originally started this, so that we could, you know, make an income with it, but now it's become a true passion of ours, I believe, to help people. 

Megan: Well, It became income for us when we put the income aside and focus on providing value to people on the money thing I have to make this I have to make this put them aside. And I don't care if it's health, wealth, training, woodworking, it doesn't matter what you're promoting, provide value to people, make that your focus.

Ryan: Rand that was a hard thing for us to to do really, honestly, when we first started, you know, we were looking at the dollars of things, and we weren't doing that great and finally Meg and I we were sitting down at dinner one night, Everybody keeps telling us, if you put the money aside and just provide value and start helping people, the money will follow. And I'm like, that's just a bunch of baloney it can't work that way this is a business, you gotta have money to run a business that's what we do this for but we decided that night, that anybody that reached out to us, we would honestly just answer their questions start answering any question that somebody asked us, and start helping people and how we damn, I mean it that it's like everybody goes, you put the money as people provide value and money will follow. I don't understand why it works or how it works but I know it works. I'm a true believer in it now.

Dave: Yeah. Well, Tony Robbins says the secret to living is giving, I don't know if that's his quote or he just repeats it. The secret to succeeding is giving to the delivering value, that's, and I say it's the secret, because even though it's hidden in plain sight, even though everybody's always saying it to us. It's one of those simple things that takes for some of us a long time for it to really sink in, or a long time for us to truly believe it or like faith, a long time for us to truly trust it. And especially when we feel like the walls are caving in around us, like the bills don't stop coming. Well, how it's almost like an, like an oxymoron right like it doesn't make sense, it's like, well, how can I not worry about the money. If I have bills to pay. Okay let's get practical here, you know, And it's like, well, it's, it's not particularly that you don't worry about the money. You have to have a plan, over here, maybe you have to sell something, maybe you have to have a garage sale, maybe you have to take a loan from your mom like I did when I first got started. Maybe you have to sell your truck like I first did when I first got started $4,000 Maybe you have to. For me I was done with construction sell some tools. Maybe I have to not go out to dinner as much, maybe I have to look at where I can save money, maybe you have to cut coupons, you know, maybe I have to become a real budget conscious person, if any, to really learn what it means to live below my means. So I can not make not be desperate. And that's that desperate energy that I'm about to quit energy that I don't really believe in what I'm doing and believe in myself but I hope we won't believe it breaks, like a pile of I want everybody just to stick, like a pile of big juicy dog shit that I want you to buy this and believe in this, but I don't. And I want you to believe in me, but I don't believe in you. It doesn't matter if you have the greatest product in the world that reeks, and it's not a bad thing, you're not. You're not a pile of dog shit in it, people can smell that vibe from a mile away. So we have to shift away from looking at people as dollar signs, and instead, figure out how I can have more personal connections. Somebody in the comments said that right, that's I struggle with personal connection. I'm shifting that today. Thank you, Meghan and Ryan, because I only have two people that have ever reached out to me but you know what, I didn't reach back out to them. And what I think is that if only one person delivers to them. Like, it's 1000 people, if you only have one person on your webinar is to have zero by my wife to know that because Ryan I know how to I know that job of selling my wife on something. And, when I deliver that son of a gun webinar, zero or two next week when there was one who showed up, I'll go for a full hour for one person.

Megan: Yeah, yeah, yeah, we tell people that all the time we're like, terrified to go live on TikTok, I'm like, I never have any viewers like first of all, you might actually have viewers, they're just not in there, if they're not in your life, you're not going to see him on there, so they may be there, talk as if you're talking to 2050 100 people quit worrying about them views. Because even if you reach one person, and that one person buys. Okay, that's still one person. People depend too much on frickin algorithms and shit like that. Stop. Just do you. What's the value out there. 

Ryan: Same thing with views on videos people get so caught up, while this is the only had so many views. This video had only so many views, just do you. Be consistent, trust the process, and just keep going. Yeah, I mean that's, that's the best advice we can give anybody because many people get tied up with those views of their videos and you know they may put a lot of work and effort into a video and then they post and it doesn't get that many views just go on to the next video, or even make the next video.

Megan: Or they're like you were talking about, they give off that vibe of imposter syndrome. Oh fine if you don't want to go on a video saying well I may, you know, want to learn how to make $2,000 a week, and you haven't? Then don’t don't you just say something like, did you know it's possible to?

Dave: You know, we believe, my mentor, whatever, there's so many different players. We lack creativity, and we don't put in the work to practice for me, when I've got a low, you know, viewed or demand, sometimes I'll go harder and I'll be more like dramatic and more sort of passionate to know viewers, because I get to really try new things out, right, it's almost like I look at that as practice, if I've got nobody on alive. Well nobody's seen what I'm doing right now so let me rehearse, because I am live, so I am going to go. And let me rehearse, let me practice that's me out in the batting cages, taking swings, you know, that's my dad and I think back to when I was I was I was little and I get my dad, and my stepdad, a lot of credit for working with me and my mom, who I just saw her coming she's on hi mom would be at the baseball field too. And what am I doing? I'm out there taking practice, no audience, no game, nobody's watching. My dad's taking pitches, and I'm just, I'm going as hard as I can, like it's the bottom of the ninth, two out, and I got, I get all the pressure on me. And you know what, how I became good is all that practice, you know, if you're I was 10, 11, 12 years old. I was a smoking pitcher. That was what we practiced. 

Megan: How many swings, do you think you took for you, you hit that, hit that sweet spot. How many times did you take the house? 

Dave: A thousand.

Megan: Right? That's what we tell people, I've made five videos, I just don't get it. We can go like it's gonna take at least 100-200 videos before you feel comfortable, that's okay. We don't compare yourself to somebody that's been doing this for 10 freaking years or comparing this to somebody that's been doing it a year and you're just on day three of making videos,

Dave: You’re going into the challenge and you’re out here  trying to do some shit, and it's not working and you're like, that doesn't work, it's like, congratulations for swinging but bro you just picked up the club.

Ryan: Exactly, exactly. We tell people all the time that they are starting out, and there's a lot of people out there, they're just like I was when I first started nervous to get behind a camera, So look at your backyard. Go do 20 videos right now, one right after another. The 20th one is going to be better than the first one. The more of these, you know, you don't necessarily have to post them, but just get comfortable being behind that camera and doing what you need to do. Just be consistent and show up every day to do those things. I mean, you'll get better with anything, the more you put into it, you're going to get better at it. 

Dave: Yeah, yeah, for sure, and I really do believe that, like, that acting as if that is what I remember, sensing relating to you, Ryan, I was like, This guy, this, he gets the acting as if because a year ago when you were. Bill broke, busted disgusted, sitting around, didn't know what you were going to do at the next job at Home Depot, Meghan sat next to you going, I don't know if this is gonna work out. Who the hell's his name guy okay he's all right but, you know, we've seen a difference but I don't really know. Ryan, you're up there like you talking like a million. I mean, I'm like, This guy, he gets it right, he understands that you've got to act as if you're already successful. Even if inside, you're feeling nervous or afraid or insecure or uncomfortable in your skin. And so I just want to hit on that one more time. But one of the most important things. If you're going live or doing a video, is every video you're making is from a hacked stadium of 50,000 people, 1000 people, every video, and I mean, right now, we're performing in doing this with everything that we have in we would do the same if there was one, or if there was 160 202,000 2 million because it's not about them, it's about us, and how the standard that we hold ourselves to, and the main way that we have that, you know what, somebody may see the replay of this. This is also an opportunity for me to be able to get better, to tweak and perfect my story, and also to remember, I believe, and you guys tell me what your experience with this is, every time right here I tell my story. I remind myself of the things that I've overcome, and that makes me feel inspired and proud of myself. And I gain confidence from that.

Ryan: Definitely, yes. Oh yeah, every day, every stinking day, every time. Yeah, I mean, you know, we put out videos, everybody's gonna have videos that you know, may not do well, or you may put a post out that doesn't do well or something like that, and you have times where you start to maybe doubt yourself, but then like you just said, you start to think about, over all the accomplishments that you have been successful with over the, you know, over the last year, all the different things that we've done to be successful, you start to think about those and you just shrug it off. Alright, moving on to the next one, because that's what we do, that's what we have to do.

Megan:  First of all, here, those creators on TikTok, that you see are like viral video after a while video millions millions millions II know that they post videos that flop, they just private um so you can't say hello, because they don't want their audience seeing something that flopped. Now I'm not saying that, that people need to do that here. Because that, whatever. But, yeah, don't do that. You ain't that big yet, don't worry about it. It's even when we do get to a million viewers, or a million followers, or whatever.

Dave: Do that, because that's what you did yesterday anyways, traveling the world we live in today. 

Megan: That doesn't matter. So that's why I say quit comparing yourself to somebody like you. Do you know where you are, know where you came from and know where you want to go? You can't. You have to do you

Dave: It’s crazy nobody nobody remembers what you did yesterday, you know, I mean we get so caught up on every word that we say and everything we do is proof in the State of the Union address and we got the eyes of a world on us and we can't, you know, and then we forget that our, our, our authenticity and our being real. In today's internet world is actually what makes us more believable it's one of the reasons why I don't get fancy with my stuff and while I'm still on my computer webcam, I don't even have even have a special camera setup and I'm surprised I got this microphone I know it makes me look fancy but it's, I don't know even how it's working, I just plugged some stuff in, and it's, I swear to God, there is no, it's I've got this, this equalizer right here. You know, it's just, it's a card I just got from my mom because I bought her a car. Hi mom, I got your card. Thank you. Lines are right here it's and I don't know what I mean there's there's buttons on this thing, I could not tell you I have, there's one plug in, and there's one plug out in the back.

Ryan: Your IT person probably right now is going to pay for that now but then add your, you know, your, your own pet something camp right

Dave: Ryan I don't have an IT person, I am the judge, jury and executioner, and you don't always have to Hello, Matt He said there's the IT person. Yeah, yesterday as match, walking me through in giving me tips on, on, on making tic tock videos for ads, you know, I go, oh yeah okay I think for a few of these, I'm going to get like a, like one of those wide lens fish fisheye things I can put on my phone because I can get a, because I think that looks cool and then I'm going to get one of those selfie sticks, because I, and both Matt my wife was sitting over there tuition that Matt goes, Dave, you don't need to do that. You don't need it because I always have a tendency in limiters. I got 10s of 1000s of dollars worth of video equipment and in a room over there, that over the years, I would always be like, oh I gotta get something, I gotta upgrade audio equipment and I got to get a better camera for this and I got to get better. This and that drone and, you know, all this fancy shit that Cirrus. It's like a car that's got, you know 50 miles on it this stuff, sit. I don't know how to use it. It's never gotten used, and the thing that works is just going live or doing the video on the camera that's already inside the computer. And I don't have to be go to college, or take some courses on lynda.com or be some AV expert from learn how to or the lighting, I just, I don't even know what that light is, I obviously need another ball, I default versus the other day, I'm thinking, he wasn't here that, but this thing. I mean, in 10 years I haven't figured out the lighting Woody, I just put a light back there, looks good from Thomas' parents just have a light back there, but it's just, it's just, I don't need a fisheye. I don't need a selfie stick. I don't need it, my wife too was like no more, not a single nother thing from Amazon.

Megan: If you get a selfie stick, I will make fun of you for a while. I'm with Erin on that. But Ryan: You're exactly right. I mean, that we even. Yeah, we've spent some time putting some stuff together here in the studio. Yeah, that's who I am, but what I've learned.

Megan: He does the concerts and the shows and things like that they're in the stadiums, that's who he is.

Ryan: But what I've figured out is the more that I do here in my quote unquote studio. I get better results with things that I do on the fly, whether it's driving in the van and just hit the record button or walking through the backyard and hitting the record button, you're exactly right, people I think see that made up stuff like, you know this studio here, you know, they see that, but they prefer. The average everyday Joe that just picks up the camera and hits the record button. Why, because that relates to them. Yeah, and then that shows that they can do this.

Dave: I mean if I want to watch a highly produced series, or something like I'll turn on Netflix, but but but you know what I rather do, which is always annoying for me whenever I try to sit down and start watching something, maybe it's phone addiction I don't know but I get that damn phone in my hand, and then I grew up, I'd rather watch videos from regular people, you know what I mean like just I tend to kind of gravitate towards that I don't spend a whole lot of time watching TV. Maybe I don't know. I mean, my wife and I watch a show here or there together. But, you know, just that content of good, solid people that I, I either think are funny or knowledgeable or I can learn something from them is, I don't care what within that still, still takes time for me to learn that I still have to remind myself that I think it's a way for me with some of this video equipment and stuff, I don't know about you, out there what why you do it, but maybe it's a way for me to overcompensate to think that what I have to say is not good enough or is, you know, I mean like, I have to look, I have to look more professional or I have to be more professional than I am because I'm like the most unprofessional dude ever in terms of like, just, I mean right now. It's, it's, it's, with, with, this is me every day, and, you know, this is who I am to I want to be. I've never, ever changed. And, and so I don't know maybe it's a way for me to think that I got to learn about whatever. But, yeah, it's, it's been a, that's why I really, I say that self esteem is the bedrock of success it's not the only thing that matters Strategy Matters business model matters but the more we do get the more we get comfortable with our own message and our own voice, and we practice practice practice we build that self esteem and that confidence and that becomes the foundation and we know that we're good enough that we have, what we say is valuable mean something, and then our personality and the way that we look, and who we are, exactly as we are, is also good enough. You guys have been on that journey. 

Ryan: We're the same way as far as when it comes to watching TV, we don't, there's not really a whole lot of TV that we watch we're on our phones quite a bit, looking at things that I mean, for one thing. We've got a seven year old that she's just figured out the world of Survivor on CBS. She's all about this and we watch that you think about it, that is, that is, you know, that is real life people and you know so it's kind of similar to the same thing we're watching on our phones and stuff so but yeah it's the same way we spend time on our phones, looking for inspiration and following other people and getting knowledge from people that know like Megan said, when you start this out, find somebody that has the lifestyle that has the lifestyle that has the mentality that you want and go emulate them, you know, try to follow them and do that and so we do a lot of that, do you, right, find somebody to model yourself after.

Dave: So, you guys are fantastic models for us for this community, and we're going to try to show as many people this video as we possibly can. If you guys want to see a cool transformation, search back our YouTube Channel or Facebook page and find that first interview with Meghan and Ryan, so proud of you and happy for you too. And I know that your journey is just getting started.

Megan: And now you guys have us on TikTok down there, we're also Instagram. Follow us on Instagram to keep up the great work you do too, and give us a part three here.

Dave: Let's make it sooner than a year if you guys are not signed up for the mastermind you can meet. Megan and Ryan in person at one of the futures of, we're going to have as many masterminds as we can because just your story and your vibe, and your transformation is just so incredible. And, yeah, the future, this is just such a small, your success and where you're at and I know it's just a sprinkle just drop in the bucket for what the future holds for you too, so get excited, I know you are but really get excited because life gets better, freedom becomes more free, and you begin experiencing and doing things and be able to afford things and live a lifestyle that you never knew was even possible. That's been my experience so just a look into the future for you my Dave Sharpe crystal ball.

Ryan: All right, thanks a lot, they would appreciate it.

Dave: Alright guys, take care, see ya. Well there you have it, and then, if you're listening to this, for some reason, on our podcast which everybody remembers we take these, these shows, we leave them on Facebook. We also put them on our Legendary marketer, YouTube channel. We put them on our blog, we actually put the transcription on our blog. If you want to read, and you can search wake up legendary and find the podcast audio version if you're listening, there TikTok, and Instagram is Megan.Ryan_recommend they are fantastic, incredible people. You heard it from the horse's mouth, though yourself. Get out of here one more day left in the week, and I believe that's going to be our last Friday of this month, okay. Actually, tomorrow is going to be the first of October so let’s make it great, get out of here. Have a fantastic day. We'll talk to you later.

What Content Gets The Best Results And How To Post It

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What is going on my friends, this is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to wake up legendary I am back after a week of being out. I had nasal surgery, and it was because I had something called a deviated septum. And that was where basically my nasal canal was like a zigzag or a curve.

We actually breathe through my nose because I can do that now. I had 25% breathing capability on one side and 50 on the other so I finally got it fixed after almost 40 years of it being like that. And I can breathe now. So, my friends, we are bringing back a returning guest. Simon, who is a pilot, is making more money online than he does in his regular salary, and I'm excited to talk to him once again so you guys may recognize him. He's in the same spot he was last time, Simon. Welcome to the show, buddy.

Simon: Thank you very much for having me again.

Dave: Now are you in Norway or tell us where you're calling in from?

Simon: Switzerland.

Dave: Switzerland. Yeah and I want to go to Switzerland. It's one of my dream spots to travel to. I want to go there to pronounce Geneva or Geneve?

Simon: Depends on what language you're trying to pronounce it in. So in English it's Geneva, French, it's generic. And we are German because I'm in the German speaking part near Zurich. And we just say it again. So it's different ways of pronunciation. 

Dave: Okay, so I want to go to English speaking Geneva. I want to go to some of the watch manufacturers and just kind of do a tour of Switzerland, so I'll have to make it over there. Over the next 12 months hopefully. And maybe we can have coffee or something, my friend. 

Simon: Yeah, for sure. 

Dave: That's really cool. I think that's one of the things that is so cool about this business is that, you know, we may not know a single soul in our city, you know, who actually does what we do, but we know people all over the world and when we travel, there's usually always a friend that we know, in the country or the state that we're going to, so. So are you still are, because of what's been going on recently were you out of airline work and that's why take us in give us a brief kind of history of how you got started online, and what you've been doing here, that led you to legendary, and then ultimately, earning now more in your online business than you do as an, as a pilot.

Simon: Yeah, so the last time we talked, I was actually grounded from flying because of the Corona crisis. I don't know exactly when it was but I think it just started a couple of months back. When we talked then. And as of July this year I am actually flying again after like 15 months of being grounded. So during that time I did have a lot of time to focus on my business actually so that's also why I actually have been able to grow it to a point where I'm actually making significantly more online, then I'm making it my job but going back to when I started online. It was I think like four or five years back now when I first kind of got the idea that it was possible to make money online I actually was looking for a job at this time but I wasn't able to find any because I was studying a lot and then I was doing private training, when I had to break from studying, so I was looking for. I was just typing in YouTube how to make money online, and then you can see all these kind of gurus that tell you okay you can make money like this you can make money like this, and then I just simply tried a couple of things, and tried kind of growing Tumblr pages and then I went to trying to start a blog, then I tried to grow Instagram pages which is the first thing that has worked, which we've also talked about last time I was on here. But then at some point. I kind of fell into creating YouTube videos, then because I was creating videos for, for my clients who were buying those Instagram accounts of me because they were asking me how I can keep growing those accounts. So it's basically telling them how to put them in an automation software and automate everything so they keep growing, even after they have bought them from me, and that's when I realized there's a thing called affiliate marketing, where I was able to join the affiliate program of the software that I was using. And then, it is a tutorial that I've created on YouTube, I simply said, you can use the affiliate link down below in the description to get the software, and then I started seeing some commissions coming in over the couple of months that the these videos have been online and it wasn't that much in the beginning but the thing I realized is that it's so passive. And eventually, when you compare how much time you have put into creating this video, and then taking a look back on how much money this video has made over the course of like one year or two years. Then I noticed that I can put in like a day's base work, and I make, maybe, I don't $2,000 or even more. Over the course of a year or two, it doesn't seem like much in the beginning but after a lot of time has passed, you have more clicks on the video. This is a lot more lucrative than what I was doing at this point so now since then I've been focusing more on YouTube. And now I'm kind of looking back into getting into also starting a blog and kind of outsourcing more trying to optimize.

Dave: Well, you really just defined digital real estate. Very simply, right there. Yeah, I mean, it's sort of like, actual real estate where you, you buy a piece of property and you're at first you have $100,000 loan that you pulled out to buy the property, maybe you put a deposit down, so maybe you put 20,000 and you borrowed 80,000 And at first, you put a tenant in there, and you're not making any money. You know, it's like well you know I'm not getting rich. I'm not getting there, I'm not even rich in the first five years hell it's gonna take me 15 years to pay this mortgage off if I, you know, if I continue to pay the payments as they're structured on this 15 year mortgage but once I buy a house, and then I use the equity, a year in, maybe I'd make double payments, and I've got some equity now I can refinance the house, I pull out $20,000 Now I go put a deposit down on another house, and each year I do that, after five years I've got five houses, and then I start making double payments triple payments in the next five years I own all the houses outright. And then, after 10 years, I've got 10 or 15 houses that I own outright that are all paying me $1,000 A month in rent, and before you know it I'm rich.

Simon: Yeah, you're building cash flow, investing. 

Dave: It doesn't see it's doesn't feel fast at first in that story that I just told about real estate is something that I actually do. I can tell that I was able to say that because that is what I have actually done in real life with real estate, and what you described is exactly a perfect analogy, it could go either way for digital, real estate, it does not feel fast at first look at things. After a year, as you said and you look back and say, should know that video took me 15 minutes to make and it's made me $2,000 I just made basically, you know, if I was to run that on an hourly rate, I just made eight, you know that's an $8,000 an hour, work one or $2,000 an hour work great, no so I love your perspective of long term, looking at things and. And so, your YouTube channels have been mainly tutorial style videos, and also you got into some cryptocurrency and so forth. Tell us the content that's worked best for you.

Simon: Yeah, so I tried to make content that would work well for affiliate marketing, and to content that works really well my opinion, my experience is reviews and tutorials, and maybe like kind of explainer videos where the viewers that actually watch your video, they are kind of before they make the decision, do I want to go with this software or program or platform or whatever it is, and then they make the decision after watching your video, then you have the link right there, maybe they get an additional discount or something like that. So then you get a high conversion ratio from your videos and actually also make affiliate commissions, which is the main source of income when you start out because you don't have any ads on your videos because you don't have enough traffic and subscribers yet. So, this is kind of how I got into the tutorial review kind of video style. And another thing is that it's very, very evergrowing and very passive, so I have, I don't know like 65,000 subscribers on my channel, but when I upload a video. I only got a couple of 100 reviews because when I created a tutorial about how to create. I don't know of an online shop or something. How many of these subscribers. Want to know at that specific time, how to do that right now so it's not too much, but I don't really care about that. What I care about is that the video will be kind of relevant for a long time, and. And the cool thing is that I don't really have fans on my channel so I totally feel the pressure to need to, to having to upload like one video a week to video two videos a week, so that they won't forget me, Because most of my viewers that come from search, and suggested, and those are just the people that are looking to learn the things that I teach in my videos, and they usually don't know me when they first see my video. But that doesn't really matter because it's kind of just like a blog where they want to solve the problem and then I'm giving them the solution right there, and then they can leave again. Maybe some of them subscribe to my channel, some of them don't, that's fine because my traffic is pretty stable as well, which is very nice in this kind of niche that I'm that I'm doing and I'm also like free, because when you have like subscribers that are fans of you, then you always kind of have to keep making the content that works for your fans, otherwise you will see a sharp drop in views, the algorithm doesn't like you anymore, but with my channel, I know that I'm not getting many views in the beginning, I'm relying on the algorithm. Finding the right place on YouTube and on Google for my content so after some time, like, two to three months. Usually, the algorithm will know exactly where they should place my video, and then they will start getting used and he will kind of get abused pretty stable, so that it will bring in us for like two to three years, until I don't have to make a new tutorial because some things have changed.

Dave: This is a, I mean, you guys are you guys, hearing that, this is, this is a content creation mat mini masterclass session this morning that Simon's putting on, because he's telling you what's worked for him, but he's also explaining it so simply and clearly, so thank you, Simon for that, and I, I hope, sometimes, you know when, When people don't pay for things unfortunately they don't pay attention, you know, and that's one of the reasons why I don't believe that you should give everything away for free. Right. That's, especially if you're, you know, if you're, if you are a regular person who's not going to, you know, sell a bunch of books or has a different business, you know, like a Gary Vaynerchuk, you know, even All right, well he's got a agency and he sells books and all this other stuff, regular people need to get a certain amount away for free as you stated, And then, and then most purchases, although people do their research, when they buy it is going to be an impulse buy because they feel like they've become educated enough in that moment, to make a buying decision. That's usually what people are waiting for their waiting to feel like they're waiting to feel my experiences confident enough, and they're some sort of urgency. There's some sort of scarcity and in us the content creator or the reviewer have instilled enough confidence in that person to follow through and make the buying decision and then hopefully whatever, whatever, sales funnel that you've sent them to as an affiliate has a good sales video and sales process. And, you know you get paid for the work being put in. But what you just broke down there was so valuable in terms of creating like personal branding style heavy content versus value driven content. There are ways to insert your personal story in a, in a bit of personalization in your own twist or stick as as American as an American comedian say like a stamp like what's your step, What's your, what are you known for. There's a way to put that in, but not make that dominate the content, like for example in this show. I've been gone for a week, you know, the show doesn't rely on me because it's not about me, it's about the guests that we bring on their stories in their strategies and their success. But when I come back, you know I gave it to you. 32nd intro of what's been happening with me over the past week and then got right into the content and the value that you have as our guests to offer, and that seems to be true with YouTube and it's also showing to be true with tick tock and other platforms that you can focus on trying to be an entertainer and you can focus if that's the route you want to go if you want to eventually do comedy shows to where you're traveling around, and you want people to come to your, your, your comedy show them. Sure, try to be funny, tell jokes, you know, but if you want to sell affiliate products if you want to sell affiliate training. Then teach people. And when I say affiliate products I mean software's digital courses, books, things that people can buy online, give them an appetizer of value, or educate them on how that product or that course works, why they need it, give them a 30,000 foot perspective, give them a behind the scenes look without, you know, showing content that's behind the paywall, make it make sense why the content is right for them, or why it's not right for them, and make that the dominating focus give them something that can instill competence show them that they can do it, and then make it clear and easy for them to click your damn link, so they get to track to you. So if they do buy your ass gets paid, you know, and that is the name of the game and I. One other thing I did was, I subscribed to a couple of watches. Right, they like one run these watch dealer businesses like

they're, they're, you know there's authorized dealers like Rolex and then there's gray market deals. There's a whole freakin massive market of just people who buy and sell and trade like luxury watches that are not authorized dealers, and one of the ways that these guys have gotten customers is they do a YouTube show, but the YouTube show is all about family in a game of life, and like a vlog right, it's about their personal life, and it's more entertainment. So, one guy this last week didn't upload a video and I saw him, you know, be like, I'm getting a bunch of messages where you guys are pissed off that I didn't owe you anything like, you know, and thanks for the loyal ones but it was the sad thing that you talked about, that he had this big fan base that probably a lot of them weren't even doing business with him, they were just watching his content, because they feel entitled to be entertained by him. But, but it's it's what he's probably only doing business with a small percentage of that audience so he might get a lot of vanity metrics of likes and subscribers, but he's probably not making a huge live, probably a small one or 2% of the people that watch your show are actually but now that may be a lot for him. A lot of leads a lot of customers but the point is you don't need to do that, and that's what I love about what you said is that you, there is no pressure. If you miss a week or two, or even a month, you have videos that, over time, the strategy on a platform like YouTube, that's why you have to understand the platform that you're on the strategy on YouTube is over time, people are searching for that software, or I saw a video on your channel that says, what actually eight months ago. It's your second most viewed ever video on your channel, Google Ads tutorial 2021, step by step. You're relying and you know that people are going to come to YouTube just like you did in the beginning, and in search, Google Ads tutorial best strategy step by step of 2021, and you know that Google is is eventually, the more people watch that video, click on it and then watch all the way through. That tells Google they liked the video, the more Google is going to look that up on the first page, or that that video is going to get views and make you money over time. And that's the review and the sort of tutorial. Even side hustle, or what, you know, those videos where you're showing people how to do something, or doing a review of a product in person, or, or, or course or something. That is how that game is played, and it is very lucrative for a lot of people who understand it. What did I leave out?

Simon: I think that was a good summary. One thing I also wanted to mention is that when you're doing it. I think there's a difference between doing a tutorial and doing a review, and sometimes when you do a review, I mean, probably the extrinsic motivation of doing a review is eventually to get people to click on your affiliate link and you make some Commission's right so otherwise you wouldn't put in so much time creating a good review. That doesn't mean that the review has to be dishonest and you have to push people to a product that you maybe don't really believe in, but I sometimes felt kind of the, kind of, what's it called, you know you have a interest that people actually go for the product, and that's kind of a problem when you do a review because when you do review, people want to see somebody being totally disconnected to the product, so they can have an honest opinion. And that's a cool thing with tutorials because you don't have that problem, and you don't need to convince people to go for the product, people have already decided they want to go for the product, you just explain to them how to use the product, and that's kind of, you don't have that conflict of interest, where you actually do you want people to sign up, but you also want to have to be honest review. Now, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't create reviews, but if you kind of feel bad you have a bad feeling or something, doing a review. You can also go for tutorials, that's what I mainly do because I don't have to judge your product. Also, sometimes I do tutorials about software or platforms that I don't know, maybe they are better. There are better opportunities out there, but that's not my job in this video. In that video I simply explain how to use that specific product and how to use that platform or software. And that's a very cool thing you have an easy time creating that video, in my, in my experience, and also what you said with having fans, compared to having a channel where we simply upload like tutorials or evergreen videos, both strategies are good. I just think you have to decide on what kind of lifestyle or what kind of channel you want to run actually because for me, having a job. Next to doing my online business, I, I don't want to have, I don't want to feel the pressure and I don't want to have fans basically I don't want to feel the commitment and like you said, people do feel entitled to seeing like this weekly video of you even though they don't pay anything, and you can't turn it off. So you have to handle it. But I think if you do a channel where it's entertainment or you know you have to show up once a week at least. Then you should be able to do that otherwise it's very hard for you to grow, to maintain your, your base and for me, I like to have the freedom to be able to stop at any time have one that's why I went for the other way or the other way, having fans probably even have has more potential, but it's kind of a different animal there.

Dave: It is a different animal. And we're talking about, you know, We're talking about the grant cardones the Gary Vaynerchuk's of the world, you know, these in I mean there's a lot more lesser known content creators and marketers who have more personal branding style. Style stuff that it means it very much relies on you being charismatic, and it relies on you. You know, almost scripting your life in many ways, it's always been camera ready, you know, sort of, for me, I found that style of marketing. Always carrying my phone around and doing stories, you know, and trying to try and to capture cool moments, you know, I found myself sometimes missing those moments because I was too focused on trying to capture them, some audience who was just, you know, wasn't really going to make any money and for some reason I just had to keep feeding the content, animal. And, you know for me personally I have, like, I don't. I also care more about being rich and then being famous. Okay, not that I'm some money hungry. I just need to be a billionaire. I mean being a billionaire is cool. I don't need to be a billionaire though, I want to live. I want, excuse my French, anybody who's listening and, you know, forgive me but I want to fucking lifestyle. I want freedom. It's called the Big, my favorite, F word. Besides, the one I just said, Freedom. Can I get an amen in the comments anybody else likes for read, writing? I want freedom. What I realized was a lot of internet marketing strategies were a trap that I felt like I needed to do. I felt like I needed to be always updating. I mean I saw, I was just pumped on Facebook for a moment this morning, and was scrolling, and came across this, this woman that I, oh she's such a brilliant person, but she is the one who does these long posts on Facebook. She said she'd been up since three o'clock when she was doing a live show. And I thought this girl exhausted herself doing content that most people don't see in the newsfeed. Within five minutes. And when I realized the platforms in had in how they work and how to start creating content that as you said can be evergreen. And it's not just feeding the animal for the sake of feeding the animal. It's not just about trying to be famous, but being broke. And that's why I found a lot of these famous people who have hundreds of 1000’s of likes. That's why I say stop comparing yourself to other people who get a lot of likes, and they're really popular online because they might be making no money. They might be making no money, they're just famous or like the popular person who peaked in ninth grade, bullying people and now there's some asshole on the couch, who does nothing with their life. We can't compare ourselves to other people because they may not know, they may be lying. So I need to design my business in a way that suits the lifestyle that I want to live in for me that's why it's interesting on certain platforms, like, like my personal profile on Facebook in on my like personal profile on Instagram, as much as all the people say if you ain't building a personal brand you're missing out and I may be. I may be missing out on the future of whatever is going to happen. But you know what, I've been happier. I haven't posted a single thing on those particular profiles in 2021 and I've made just as much or more money as I've ever made. With my marketing activities.

Simon: Yeah, I'm exactly the same like you, I was a time when I was very, very active on Instagram and stuff, and people that preach, you have to build a personal brand I also see that a lot like the future is having a personal brand building an audience and stuff, which is, which isn't wrong but you have to know what you're getting into, because many people think I'm escaping the hamster wheel of doing a nine to five, but then you're entering the next one, of having to post one Instagram picture a day doing one YouTube video a day doing a couple of TikToks a day, which is another kind of hamster wheel where you can really get out because if you get out you will lose your audience. This is why you kind of have to decide which route you want to go, do you want to have a personal brand, a business where you are the face of the business, but can't ever get out of it, if you get out of it, the cash flow but stop as well because you can really sell it. If you go the other route where you're building a brand, where you're not the face of the business. Then you also have a lot of potential to make a lot of money, but then you have the freedom to leave the business at some point, when it's big enough that you can sell it. And that's also realization that I had, I don't know a couple of years into my journey, because I realized that I don't want to be famous, I don't want because I have also I took my instagram or my YouTube and stuff because I don't want to have people follow me on these pages, and because that's, then you get comments like all day asking you questions and you feel obligated to answer them. Because you want to be good to your followers right so I tried to kind of distance myself, like the longer I mean, this business, more I tried to distance myself, and kind of just stay at the key place where I'm actually where my expertise is needed. The same thing with outsourcing at some point. I mean it makes sense to, to, Maybe if you have a blog to hire somebody to write your content, so that at some point you are able to just manage your business, and don't work in your business anymore, which is kind of where I'm trying to move into in the next couple of years. And so yeah, at the beginning I have to make a decision, what lifestyle do you want to have because eventually your business. I think you once said that as well, your business should work for you, and not you shouldn't work for the business. In the grand scheme of things, of course you have to work for the business, otherwise you will die. But eventually, why are you building a business. One reason is you want to build value and you want to help people. Another reason is you want to build a great life and lifestyle for yourself. So make sure it's not kind of doomed to failure. Starting out because eventually you will have all these people following you but then you are kind of committed to them.

Dave: Learn the game, learn the game, and that's why we do these, these wakeup shows I mean, honestly, every morning and every day, iron sharpens iron, I'm getting, I talked to a guy like you halfway across the world, man this is incredible, isn't it, I mean this is what I love. You're sitting in Switzerland, which is a dream place of mind to go and hang out, you're a pilot just a cool dude, and we're talking about how to gain, how to win the game and that's what it is, understanding the game, it's sort of like, it's sort of like sitting around in the in the in the tape room, and looking at the soccer or football, who's the opponents, how can we win how understanding the game, you wouldn't go out on the field in a professional soccer or football league, without understanding the game without understanding your competition. And so, I only thing I'm inviting you all to do is understand today as Simon here has brought on a pretty different perspective than a lot of people that we've had on the show recently because tick tock has been so hot, like hot for so many new people because they're getting they're able to get a result fast there, and they, the content, sort of, it can't it has the potential to last for days or weeks or even months on that on that platform now. It can also die out, it's, it's, you know, I just saw somebody post yesterday that well I just, you know, following Matt's advice I just got a million views, like in 24 hours and then all of a sudden like I stopped getting views on the videos, so it's not guaranteed that it's going to be evergrowing content, but but TikTok has been a video platform that anybody can get started with. And that can produce a result for you really fast. And it can be one of those platforms that you need to sort of be present on. And that for me, honestly I think everybody should have a taste of that. I think everybody should do that at some point you decide, I love this, or I just heard this interview with this Simon cat and this is interesting. And let me think and learn more about designing my business and be more aware of the various options that I have, you talked about, eventually, how would a business operate without me or how might I be able to sell a business well, let me give you an example. There's a person who had a YouTube channel that was old clips of sitcoms from the 80’s. Like, I Love Lucy and stuff like that. And I Love Lucy, my grandmother loved Lucille Ball, who was the star of that show because they were from the same town. That's why I remember him telling me because I was like what the hell, because my buddy bought this YouTube channel for a million dollars from this guy. So I was like, Holy shit, I was like, tell me more about it so he was like yeah it's like old clips of old sitcoms and stuff. And I guess people from that, like, grew up in that era like to watch that kind of stuff and so it's just like the hell out of here, so you paid a million dollars for that. And he said yeah, because, because we make $100,000 the channel itself generates over $100,000 a month in ad revenue. So within 10 months we'll be breakeven and we think we can grow it to double and triple. Now he's been able to do that. So the other interesting thing is he bought that channel. So, think about this guy who started that channel. Sold it for a million dollars, made the money that he was making from the channel while it was operating, sold it then for a million dollars. That's a pretty good payout for a platform that allows you to create free content. Now my buddy owns it. It's creating now, multiple six figures per month in YouTube ad revenue for those who don't know what that means, YouTube, the ads that pop up on YouTube, as, as, when you own the channel you can decide whether you want those to play at the beginning the videos in YouTube will split that advertising revenue with you. That's, people like us who are advertising on YouTube will pay in YouTube that's where they make their billions of dollars and they'll split that revenue with you from that advertising. And here's what's interesting about that channel is all of the content that's run and posted on that channel is edited and kind of like curated from a few people, you know, who, who work. You know, I don't know if they work in India or the Philippines or something like that but they're basically basically virtual assistants, and obviously great at what they do, quite frankly I think a lot of people in the Philippines in India and in countries besides America can be better than people in America, like, frankly, but the entire channel is run by virtual assistants.

Simon: Do you have the name? Do you know the name of this channel?

Dave: I forgot what it is.

Simon: It's very interesting.

Dave: Isn’t it?

Simon: Because it's also something I've been looking into because I've seen many big channels getting a lot of views, and the major risk with these kinds of channels is that you get d monetized because you're using copyrighted content. 

Dave: Yeah, this is kind of the main thing that's also happened in the past couple of months and years, YouTube has been going off these channels, a lot more than they used to. I mean, there's people having like 10 to 20 channels. Just reposting content, and being able to play ads and getting 50% of the ad revenue, which, like you said is, sometimes over six figures a month, and I still see channels today reposting content, and they save ads on a channel which means they make money from YouTube channels. And if I had more time, and maybe also if I was starting out and I was like afraid to show my face on camera, I would really try this route of creating YouTube channels, kind of doing compilations doing top 10 videos and optimizing the process outsourcing the creation of the video, and then creating multiple channels, and what you're gaining that extra knowledge of how you can create a channel that is easy to maintain that you can outsource creating content but still is able to put ads, through to be able to be part of YouTube Partner Program and this is the channel, the channels. The challenge I think, because a lot of channels try to do that and then they get demonetised, then you have a lot of views but you don't really, it's hard to monetize them. The only thing you can do is put a link in description cells and merge the affiliate link, but mostly it doesn't work that well, you can post content that you know is, is not, is, is what they call royalty free. All right. And I'm not able to find the channel. I swore I had written it down from my buddy, but. But yeah, it's so I don't know if I if we were to look, I Love Lucy clips, and I may be able to find it. I mean there's, like if I was to scroll through I Love Lucy clips, I mean there's, you can see how many different clips and you can go and find various different channels. But what I wanted to show people or talk about real quick, was when there is tons of content on YouTube that you can find and repurpose, you can download it and repurpose it. And, and it is called something, I forget what it's creating comments, probably, creative comments. How do you get to that, how do you find that on YouTube?

Simon: You have to go to YouTube and then you go to a song, somewhere you can filter search results. And there you can type in that you only will see creative calm, so go to YouTube, type in some keyword go to Filters and then under features you will see Creative Comments. But in my experience, the videos you find there it's sometimes really hard to create a good video out of them. So I looked into this kind of business model, a while. Yeah, but I decided it's too. Too risky because I would probably get demonetised but I have to take another look at this type of channel that one could potentially do could potentially if it does work. If you can create viral content. It's very nice because you don't have to, it's very easy to outsource. You don't have to be the face, and it's very passive.

Dave: I just texted my buddy for what his YouTube channel called but yeah, I mean, like if you scroll through here just on these top on this particular topic. Yeah, I mean there's not they're, they're certainly not getting. You're not getting a lot of content from here but just know that they're, you know because I Love Lucy there was only a couple of clips on top so right, this just to be clear, all of this content under Creative Commons is royalty free content. And there is also, you know, royalty free videos and content. And I can I, if I wanted to be a detective, and I wanted to spend some time around this, I could research this and figure out, you know,

how to find royalty free videos. I'm not particularly saying that this is the route. I'm just, this is what people should do, I'm just giving you an example of another. Another pretty, pretty common, you know, pretty common strategy of content would be current event issues and things like that. I mean, there's, there's, there's a lot of ways to get into this, and create a channel I think the way that you're doing it with just simply your, your, you know your tutorials and your reviews of various different tools and in products. Looks like you had a channel that you were uploading with cryptocurrency. I don't know if you're still building that channel or not, but certainly, you know, the channel that you have there, on the, the medics media is, you know, a channel was 62,000 followers, it's got, you know, almost 3 million total views since 2018, which is pretty which is pretty powerful, you know, it's pretty powerful. That's a lot of free views, you know, free views on pawn on videos, and the truth is, if you continue to build this up. It will not only earn you ongoing revenue both from ads but also affiliate income if you're sending traffic to affiliate products, but it will become a sellable asset. Now, in order to make this a sellable asset. You may have to transition your face out from the thumbnails, right, which is something that's real, you know, go back to something more like this. Look at your top most popular videos. If you know, the data shows us that the majority of the top videos that you have do have your face on them, however there are some here that don't. Okay. And I'm sure that now, knowing what you know you can make a better thumbnail than this. Not that there's anything wrong with this thumbnail really but you could probably improve the clickability of this thumbnail with your design skills that you've improved over the years in make one, to where it's, it's an even test, Simon, having other people doing the videos for you to where it's not you anymore in seeing if you can eventually make that transition, right, or starting other channels as you as you said, you know, a few, a few minutes ago.

Simon: Yeah, so it's something I have to look into. At some time I started my cryptocurrency channel with. I still have my face on it. The reason being is that I split test the different thumbnails on TubeBuddy, which is an extension you can download for YouTube, if you go for the Legendary. I think it's called Legend for legends plan, you get the thumbnail split test feature, which is an awesome tool by the way, I've kind of been able to revive videos that haven't been getting any views to getting a lot of views now by simply split testing thumbnails getting another, another 1% click through rate, and that showed the algorithm that that's actually a clickable thumbnail and then started showing the video so

Dave: You have a video review of TubeBuddy?

Simon: Yeah, that's the last video, another review I did, tutorial I have a complete tutorial for

Dave: All right well here we go we're gonna post that we're gonna put it I mean not that folks can't go and get your can go and follow you but let me show you guys. Yep, the latest video you guys can go check that out. It's a great example of exactly what we've been talking about inaction. It's Simon's latest video here to buddy, it's a solid 56 minute tutorial. And there's his affiliate link so if he has convinced you or educated you enough that you know you're interested in that product, make sure that you click his link, and, and he'll get affiliate credit for that, and that'll be a way for you to experience, you know, how the process of, you know, building a YouTube channel, and then rec, you know, reviewing, I like I like the point that you made about trying to be unbiased, try to show the goods and the bads so people can get an honest review of what the product does and you know people want to know its strengths and its weaknesses they want to feel like they're, they're learning from somebody who's, I think, I think a common. I think a common mistake that people make is trying to oversell things and trying to make them sound like they're only all good. I see affiliates of ours doing that, no trying to make it seem like it's only all good, you know, when it may not be for everybody, and adding some of that sort of not getting down on what you're reviewing and saying, well it really sucks and, you know this, you know a lot of people think it sucks. I mean, you're probably not going to do too many affiliate sales that way, but just, you know, if you go and you look at some of these, these larger kind of reviewer or unboxers out if I view the Tesla S plaid I was considering being one of these, and I watched some review videos from some dudes like this guy right here, marquees, I think that's his name or Keith brown Yes, probably. Yeah, real, real smart cat, real smart cat, and, you know, he, you know he's got 14 million subscribers and if you watch one of his videos, it's not all good. He's like, you know, this, I don't like the steering wheel it's, we're like, you, you may love it. I don't personally like it, you know, it's taken some time to get used to him giving his honest opinion of his experience, and it makes him more believable because it's what he would share with his best friend, you know, so. But anyways, man we could talk about this stuff for so long, I just, I encourage everybody to go check out your channel, watch a few of your videos, both to learn about things, and subscribe to your channel. If you're gonna buy something that, like a two buddy or another product, buy through Simon, go through that process and feel and experience what it's like. And then, you know, you, you then have that knowledge of experience if you would like to go in and model that sort of a strategy and I just want to thank you again man for your time we'll have you on for part three, it's always, you know, I looked up at the clock at 10:25 and I was like, Crap by, maybe I'll wrap this up and it'd be a short one today and it's like I can't I can't stop talking to you because it's, it's just, you're smart, and you're, you're hungry and you and you've taken the time to think about what you want. And I really like to respect that a lot. Hey man, if you're willing, keep coming back and sharing this incredible experience that you have and if I come over to Switzerland I'll certainly hit you up.

Simon:  For sure, yeah let's meet up then. Can I say one more thing because, the thing you said about this YouTube channel that actually just reposts content like Lucy and stuff. I think that's a great thing to try and get going. If you are just starting out because I think many people listening here are looking for something that works trying to make their first dollars online, and honestly if I would start out now, because I know I would. I didn't want to put my face out there in the beginning. So, what I would do is I go around YouTube try to find channels that are actually doing this so try to find compilation channels, try to find, like I saw it into crypto space, people just doing a compilation of Michael sailor talking about Bitcoin, which really, they got the channel got a lot of you I think it's related. You are late for something like this. And you did. They try to change the content a bit so that YouTube doesn't D monetize them so you kind of find the patterns of how you can create a channel that you don't have to create content yourself you can do like compilations, and then you can still get ad revenue, and with YouTube. They just don't want you to do lazy content, they don't want you to pull something from another channel, put it on your channel and then get ad revenue so this is kind of not allowed on the platform, but there is a line between what is lazy content and what is just a compilation style content. And this is something that I wouldn't get into when I would start right now might get into it as well when I find some time for it so this is how I'm doing.

Dave: Well, I will try to find that YouTube channel that my buddy bought and come back and post it in the comments and shoot you a message, just so you can check it out as well and things we'll talk more about on the next you know Mark Three when we have you back. So,

if I get some more knowledge of this I will share it here. All right, man. We'll talk to you later. 

Simon: Okay, thanks for having me again.

Dave: Thanks man. All right my friends go check him out Simon at medics media, it we'll see you guys back here tomorrow for another episode. As usual, five days a week. Does this incredible value I'm here to learn? Just right alongside each one of you, be Legendary, get out of here. See you tomorrow.

Going From Accounting To Affiliate Marketing: What You Need To Know

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Good morning everybody. It is Tuesday September 28. I always have to look up at my screen and see what day it is to be happy to see you guys here. Let me adjust a little bit of a spike care thing going on here. There we go. Alright, good to see everybody here. Well, we've only got 11 People, people are coming on texts or giving us a comment, let us know where you're tuning in from. We've got Paul's in the house with Murray's in the house, good to see Murray again, I think you were here yesterday, what's up, and we think our text message just went out, so we'll have a lot more people joining now. Sarah, what's good to see you. Sonia, Paul, where are you guys tuning in from? It's always cool to see people tuning in from all over the world. And, yeah, we've got a great guest in the house for those of you who are newer who haven't watched rubes, What's up, who haven't watched wake up legendary before we go live every single Monday through Friday at 10pm Eastern here on our Facebook page, and afterwards we post it to Spotify and Apple podcasts and. Geez, where else you too, so it's kind of all over the place but the live version is always on our Facebook page okay so. All right, now we've got a lot more people in the comments, good to see everybody here. Awesome, awesome, good to see. So, each day we'll bring on a new guest or some sort of a guest, whether it's an affiliate of ours or just a client somebody who's purchased our Blueprints or something like that. And today I'm excited to bring on Dustin so for everybody who's in the chat if you can give me a little hand clap emoji, and welcome, Dustin on. Dustin what's going on?

Dustin: Hey how you doing,

Matt: I'm great. I'm great. So you're in South Africa, right.

Dustin: Yeah.

Matt: Awesome. Well thanks for what time it is there, it's got to be. Yeah. Yeah, I was gonna guess like six or seven viewers. Cool, well, why don't you let people here who are tuning into our show, let them into your world a little bit and kind of just tell us, what do you do for work right now you've got a full time job, family, you've got a lot of different stuff. And so this has been kind of a passion business for you. What, you know, what led you to serve it coming online, maybe take us back in like into your career and sort of your thoughts of doing something online?

Dustin: Well, consequently, I am the financial director for a national consulting director. We're a large national mall and nature is entrepreneurial. And being an accountant. You see a lot of business, but you don't actually get to be entrepreneurial, because you’re always getting into the numbers. And I would say about a year and a half ago, as we were coming out of covid I was thinking about just what kind of business I would want to go into. A lot of people were working from home. Businesses were closing, and even our business consulting engineering, a lot of projects were put on hold. A lot of budgets, and loss of jobs is gone from new brain rovers. I want to launch. May or May June last year I was trying to come to a position. I don't have that much. And I really only have an hour with the weekends. I’ve got boys. And there they keep me busy. I needed to find something in the house. I'm searching. It took until about January this year. I stumbled across a Facebook post making a pitch on doing a lifestyle business, doing it on Facebook, and actually something I'm passionate about which is writing. I'm able to do this online. And that's what sparked the interest in learning about affiliate profit in the first time that I'd ever heard about. And so that's, yeah that will continue researching and reading up on it. That’s where I started.

Matt: That's cool. In your journey of discovering sort of, what, how did you select a business model? Because you're already in consulting, basically. So, affiliate marketing, why didn't you go into launching a consulting business or something like that or what, what appealed about the affiliate marketing business specifically?

Dustin: A lot of things. Practically zero overhead. That's what appealed to me the most. Many businesses have fixed overheads like electricity, leases, and other things. If you're not making any money you can’t pay it. Today, with affiliate marketing, online business you just have to spend a little time. That's it. So your return on investment grade. It's a no brainer.

Matt: That’s so true. And you are an accountant. So my wife owns, like a real brick and mortar therapy practice right, and you know we do all the books for that, so I'm also a side accountant. Not really but my sister's a CPA, and, and, and so any questions I have I go to her I've really learned how to do, you know, decent, small business accounting, and I've just had. But here's what I'll say is, I would seem most people in this industry in the, in the digital marketing industry, affiliate marketing industry have no idea what the real margins of most businesses are, which are very small, and so my guess is, when you came online and you were like oh my god there is no overhead to this, especially if you can, organically, figure out how to organically without paying a ton in ads. How to generate new leads and customers predictably.

Dustin: And also when I discovered organic marketing and not having to pay for ads which was another thing I just couldn’t get over, it was amazing.

Matt: Yes. It's so true. I, yeah, for me, you know, we hosted this webinar a couple weeks ago for our affiliates, and, and we kept calling it the greatest opportunity ever in this industry. And that's because it is being able to sell even mid ticket or high ticket, digital products that are fully digital that have massive margins, is, is crazy and then on top of it, zero support, zero people to help you with merchant accounts. Zero legal fees, you know, to have consulting on the legalities of the business. I mean maybe you get a little, you do some reading or something online about, you know how to cover your asses as an affiliate marketer, but for the most part, like the big costs land on the actual business doing the fulfillment they handle all that the affiliate just has very, very little. It's, yeah, it's crazy. It is, I think you're right, I think it is, at least to my knowledge, the simplest sort of least amount of friction to get something started and get going and start selling something, I think that's true. Maybe the other one is like creating content getting paid by the content providers like just being a content creator alone and not dealing with sales funnels that couldn't be more, but your income is really capped in that scenario, and it's fully dependent on you being able to be, you know, in that world you've got to be a top 1% of content creators in the world, in order to pull it off as an affiliate.

Dustin: I understand and also if you want to go away for the weekend or a week you can just get up and go you don’t have to worry about requesting off. Ultimately everything just gets better and better.

Matt: What, what do you feel has been most successful for you and what do you do to drive leads and how's that gone and how have you learned that?

Dustin: Well, I have a mentor and I honestly believe everyone needs some sort of mentor or program that guides them, because no matter where you are on your journey you never stop learning. It doesn't matter where you are, you are always going to need someone to help you that can help you learn something you don’t know. So I started out doing a lot of paid ads, and it wasn’t the best investment for me so I started researching organic marketing and the Legendary Marketer program helped me learn to do organic marketing through trial and error and just trying out and learning about it and realized it was a lot easier to just do organic marketing and ou build your relationships with organic marketing and you start to learn and build relationships. With the pai ads type of marketing you get more leads coming in but people don’t really know who you are and you're not building your relationship.

Matt: Yeah, yeah that's a good point. I think a lot of people don't realize that with paid ads, your conversion rate on everything in your sales funnel is going to be a little bit lower and you have to build that into your costs. But yeah, if you can generate a highly qualified lead the way that you're talking about. We see people who have large TikTok channels who cultivate and curate those tick tock channels, and people who go live on tick tock or on Facebook or on YouTube, and they speak directly to their audience their conversion rates are 235 times higher than to cold traffic. And there's reasons for that, I mean, you're going to do a lot more work because you're going to be creating content for them, you're going to be going live with them, but I wrote about this in an email that we sent out as a weekly roundup, that it's called the mini webinar strategy. And, Yeah, you can do that in multiple different ways. You can do that through messaging people, you can do it through actually conducting a live webinar or going live on Tik Tok or whatever, but man, if you can break through the barrier. There's a lot of internal hurdles to getting on in life. You know a lot of people struggle with like oh my gosh there's nobody here there's nobody who's tuning in. Oh god, I'm nervous, you know, all that stuff but when people start to break through that and they go live. The results are crazy. They're crazy. And the sales pour in, so anybody who's on here as if it was a TikTok on Instagram or YouTube, I mean, just go live with like a quick little 10 minute training, like a, like a 10 like have something planned out like three things to consider when starting three things not to do. if starting an online business in 2021 and then just talk through three things and just go live, but the contents important but it's not nearly as important as just people feeling a level of transparency from you and feeling like wow, okay, this guy that I, you know, saw one time out there in outer space on the internet messaging me, or creating these tic tock videos is a real person. Answering my questions that's pretty cool. People love to win people. I've looked through comments before this one girl Sarah. She goes live a lot to her audience, and she stopped going live for a little bit, I think she had like COVID or something, and the comments on her on her channel were like, when are you going live again. I miss our lives, I miss your lives like everybody was just like, up in arms you know cuz she wasn't too anyway. So my point is, whether you're doing that as a live, that's just one example, or you're doing it through messaging or through however you choose to do it. I wanted to emphasize that when you sort of nurture that audience when it's real, when it's like, you know, when it's, when it's like, basically a human conversation. You can really warm up that lead and get a really highly qualified lead. I think that's true. Well I know that's true, I've seen that in practice, but also. Here's the next step to that, the next step is taking that feeling because really, that's a marketing and sales lesson for everybody. What you're doing Dustin is taking you're transferring a feeling to somebody right so you have a sense of confidence of clarity of knowledge. You have a feeling, and you are essentially transferring that feeling to another person. Now, that can be done in marketing automation as well, but it takes a little time and it takes a little bit of nuance. So, you know whether you do that through pre-recording webinars, or whatever it is, there's ways that you can do that in automation, which might be the next stage or the next level for you, if that makes sense. Cool. What do you what, what's like the future got for you like what is he so you're at this place now you're seeing some success, what's down the pipe so to speak. What are you excited for?

Dustin: There’s a lot to be excited about in this industry. I think the most exciting thing for me is meeting new people, I think that's the best thing about this. I enjoy meeting new people, you find a lot of people that need encouragement in the online community. Even if I don't get sales on them, just making sure I try to help them. But I think for me it’s just being in a different environment. Moving away from the corporate environment but at this point it’s not one of my goals, I do enjoy what I do, but this is just one of the passions I have. I can’t wait to get up and work on my affiliate marketing business. It’s a hobby and it’s a hobby that makes me money. Which is great because I can take my family on bigger holidays than what I have been. But I think for me it's just that opportunity to be able to in maybe five years time have the option to be able to say I’ve had enough of the corporate life, I want to settle down and work from home and spend more time with my family and it’s nice to have that option.  It’s almost like a retirement thing, because this is the kind of business you can do until you’re 100. I am currently talking to a guy going into the 15 day challenge that's 86 years old and he's so passionate and I couldn't believe it when he told me how old he was.

Matt: That's cool. That's cool. That's really cool. I feel like there's a lot to pull out there but I like what you said about. I liked what you said about the just the social element of the business meeting new people, like I think that this is such a side like it's really weird to me so like 11 years ago, this was 11 years ago, I was like this 22 year old kid 20, 21 year old kid, like, super young could barely grow facial hair like and. And this, this mentor of mine did a did a webinar, and it was called the fast JV formula fast joint venture formula, and he said, Hey look, many of you have skills, and you have the ability and you might even have an email list that you started to build, or you have a Facebook group, and, and they, you have a you have a good audience but maybe you don't have a product right now that you can promote in an instant, and produce some commissions, and then there's others of you who have a little product that you created because you and I can create this little product. And so we connected so anyway, it was all about sort of messaging people, You basically message and be like hey, do you have a list that you know maybe a joint venture and I have this product so I created this product called the first page formula, which was in SEO product teaching people how to rank their sites on Google, I learned really quickly how to rank sites on Google using SEO and I joint venture with this lady, Andrea. Andrea had a smaller list but just like you had really cultivated that list, so really built relationships, and that list was incredibly valuable. So, so maybe only like a couple 1000 people or something not like 10,000 people or 100,000, smaller list and. And that was the first like sales of my product that ever happened was we joint ventures, and also included a done for you, website that I built for her audience whoever bought the product so it was only a couple sales that came through but it generated and started, but was way better than that. Yes I got, I got a little bit of. I got a little bit of traction for you know a little excitement that I that I made some sales, but what happened was, Andrea and I kept in touch for years and still are to this day still friends 11 years later, and she was the one who introduced me to Dave and got me hooked up with legendary to start. Basically I started as a consultant to legendary in marketing and in education so just edging at creating training videos, basically, and it turned into this which is like, I've been here for three years now. It's my home. It's where I love to be and it all, you know, stemmed from that one relationship, and that same mentor who kind of made that connection for us, he said to me one time he said, Hey look, getting from getting from zero to six figures is about talent and skill. It's about learning hard skills and getting from six to seven figures is about relational capital. So, relational capital online in the form of who, along the path from $0 to six figures, who did you screw over, who did you shit talk. Who did you, you know what bridges you burned, because if you're lucky enough to make it to six figures. Right then, going from six to seven is going to require a lot of partnerships, it's going to require you to have a great reputation. It's going to require that you haven't, you know, should talk to a lot of people so then they go out and they're like, now this guy's not actually very good he's not a good guy. And I think a lot of people miss that element. I mean, a lot of people who are here, like, trying to get to six figures and I get that. I'm not trying to speak to the wrong audience or anything but I feel like that piece for me, became very true because every relationship that I had along the way, maybe with the exception of one or two that I had a learning lesson from where I screwed up or I kind of shared. I just made bad decisions, but for the most part, I have. Yeah, I have really been careful with relationships. And when I, When I got to the point three years ago where I was introduced to Dave and Hangouts. And I don't have any water, but when I was introduced, it was like he went around and asked, and was like, and he went around and asked, bad feedback right it was like, oh yeah. He's a good dude, like he could probably dress. He's a good guy. So anyway, all that to say, I just saw some comments, and basically, for anybody, I didn't make some weird comment about Bitcoin, I'm not watching so I don't know what's going on but no I did not make a comment about Bitcoin or anything so anyway, that's all. Keep going to us and. So, I'll give you the final word today. Speak to our audience, speak to the people who are just getting started, the people who are just trying to feel out the online space. What, what would you say to somebody who's maybe a little hesitant, a little skeptical. And, you know it is in your shoes, back when you first discovered Legendary in affiliate marketing, what would you say to that person?

Dustin: I would say just jump in the water, and go all in. It’s not easy, you have to have commitment, drive, determination and all those things. But if you stick it out it’s probably the best business you’ll ever come across. It doesn’t benefit me by saying that but being in business my whole life I've never seen a business model that helps people and builds relationships and you can also do part time which is really really great. And don’t give up, it doesn't happen overnight. A lot of people want to make that first sale. And they give up after a few weeks and I know people who have taken three months to make their first sale and then it just explodes. It’s all about preparation and learning and my advice is don’t give up, go all in.

Matt: I love it. Well thanks for coming on and taking a little bit of time out of your busy schedule, I love that. I just wanted to say I love that you're, I love the way that you said, I'm excited to work on my business and I always love getting out with people who are like. Now, when I get off my job, I'm excited. Back in the day like I was, I was the same thing for me like I was working in a coffee roasting warehouse. And, yeah, I, I basically, I would get up in the morning at 4am, I would work on my business for two hours I go to work, I would come home, I was so exhausted I would like pass out on my floor next to my dog for like 30 minutes, and then I'd work on my business the rest of the day, and I was watching Google Ads courses anyway, I just, but I felt the exact same way I frickin loved, I was absolutely in love with it and I just love that energy and, and I'm excited for it. If you need anything from us, just let us know. 

Dustin: Thank you for the opportunity.

Matt: Yeah, thanks for coming on. Alright guys if you want to get in touch with Dustin I didn't put his stuff up before but you can find him on Facebook, it's right there. You can add him on Facebook, let him know and say hey, we just, we just say yo and Wake Up Legendary and, and just, you know, give a little bit of feedback on the show. Tell him you know I was encouraged or felt inspired by your story so anyway guys thanks for popping on, I'll be back here again tomorrow, Wednesday, and then I think we're gonna have Dave back Thursday, Friday, through his little nose operation that he had done on his deviated septum so anyway. Dave, we'll be back, I think there's a Friday, we will, it'll be a touching go kind of feel it out kind of thing. otherwise, so for sure be back next week, I think, later this week he'll be back, and it good to see all you guys on here go give Dustin a little follow up. And, Yeah, take it easy. See you guys.

How To Make Time For Your Online Marketing Business

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Jalen: Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome, welcome, welcome to another. Wake Up Legendary Show. I know a little bit different. It's not Dave, and it's not Matt, so you got me, Andre, I'm super excited I’m the senior business plan advisor here at Legendary Marketer, and I have a special guest for you today so if you're just joining. Welcome, this is your very first time. I'm sure we're streaming on a lot of different platforms and one of the things as well that you can get is a text message that's sent directly to your phone. So we're going to put it up on the screen right here so all you have to do is just text, WUL 813-296-8553 So super pumped for this morning's Legendary Wake Up Show so I have a special guest, and she's coming all the way from Illinois. Ladies and gentlemen, Please help me welcome to the stage. Patrice. Hey Andre, how are you? I'm doing wonderful. How you doing, Patrice,

Patrice: Hi Andre how are you? I'm doing great. I'm so excited to be here. 

Andre: I'm excited for you to and that's what we're going to be talking about because there's still a lot of people that is on the fence, there's still a lot of people who is out there looking for something, and they don't really have the confidence of moving forward, and they don't know what Legendary Marketer is so that's what we're going to be talking about is your experience so far, what legendary marketer has done for you and your business, because I've read your little questionnaire that you filled out and as it says here from realtor, so you've been doing realtor right now you're doing online business which is super fun and exciting. And I do, you know, oftentimes, speak with realtors, all over the place. And, but I want to. I want to know about your experience so go ahead. This show is your So, talk.

Patrice: Okay, well, I have been thinking about an exit strategy. I'm retiring from real estate in three years when my husband has to mandatorily retire. And like all my clients, I want to move on. But what drew me to real estate was earning a total size limit. Right. And I needed some, I needed something like that. So like everybody. During lockdown, you know, stay at home orders, we're all rolling on. Right. And I saw this girl Come on my page. And she's, she's dancing and showing her bank account, okay. I'm in sales, I was a little skeptical, and I just, sort of, right, I saw it, kept popping up like for a long time. I finally reached out to her and said, Can you tell me what to do like I never ever heard of affiliate marketing. So, let's just say she was a little bit slow to respond. And she really told me what it was, she just kept telling me to take this course, but I'm like, but what's the course, and like, what do I get, who's doing the course, and it was like pulling teeth. So I'm in sales, it's hard to sell sales. It Sounds like now I can't even tell me what affiliate marketing is right, so I just kept scrolling, and I'm telling you I scrolled for a long time, and then BB Magallon showed up on my page. I'm like, she looks normal, Like into that dancing, and she's not showing me her bank account, and she just started talking about how her goal was to quit her nine to five job by the end of the year, and I just watched her. I didn't even engage, and then she kept popping up and then I think it was June, she's on here. She can correct me if I'm wrong but I didn't quit her job to do affiliate marketing so at that point I reached out and she was super kind to actually have a phone call with me and tell me what it was like oh I can do this. So then I signed up for the 50 Day Challenge and Stevie was my business coach, and I would check in with them. And he's like, how you doing, like, see that you gotta unlock the face back. Most 14 hour days selling real estate. I have to like, I have to have the material like when I'm free. And he would laugh, and then day five came and it was. So I went all in. So when I realized it was a legit option for me. Then it was all in all like a business mind, right, because I have other businesses. You have to treat this like a business. You know, so I set up my LLC, you know, I bought the blue sky, you know, bought the traffic university, because I'm high I just told me how it works, and I'll figure it out, but I needed all the materials. So that's what my journey was.

Jalen: I love that. Yeah, I love that, because you know most people online they know they will see somebody advertising something, the first person that did it, you know, she was being flashy and everything but she didn't relate to you. Right. You wanted someone real who probably just started and congratulations. But, you know, I've also seen her, you know, progress. Now she has quit her job and everything, which is amazing so she is a person who is taking action. A lot of people sign up for training programs or, you know, having gone through the training program, some people haven't even logged in, they have been. They don't even know their login information. So that's the first point of getting you to get started, you have to do something with information and not sit on it. So I love you, you know I love you, love the journey and everything so let's go back so you started in June, right, and send your pen. Okay, sounds really tight, and that is kind of like your, your new life as per se. Right. You'll never forget the date. So you started June 10 And what's your experience been because you obviously, we have other programs as well and we don't hide these things you know we have blueprints your cycle you said, we have extra training programs and if someone wants to learn more, they can sign up, they can tap into nobody's here to force anybody to do anything, it's just more knowledge, to really take you to the next level in your career, would you have taken us up on the offer because it made sense to you, and you can use the same information in multiple businesses just like he said, right, you can use it in your real estate business because if you're looking for more leads, inside a business to traffic university can teach you teach you how to get more clients how to get more leads, and it's going to help bring more business to you So, talk about the process he said you did the decade every day and what happened.

Patrice: Oh my god, it took me forever. It wasn't a day, and I made a joke. Someone asked them, so Facebook group, and I said I spend more time with Matt right now than my husband does rewatching the video. But what was super exciting, is you talk about mindset, and like launching a business, Matt, Matt had said something once and it really stuck out to me, he said some people have more time and money. And some people have more money than time, and you got to leverage your strength in that, and I believe in that area right. So, I wanted to lay a foundation for I know enough you need organically. But I have some earlier, I was familiar with Facebook, because I was paying a company to do sales funnel funnels for me to create seller leads. Oh my gosh, now I can do this like myself right because these skills are transferable. So I felt comfortable with Facebook ads. So that was the first thing I did because I was growing on Tik Tok and Instagram and all that other stuff. So I had a real estate tip back, and I made the mistake of joining one of those following chains. And what I didn't know is like when you do that your video will go out to those people first. And if they don't watch it, they sort of kill it, that's at least what I understand from the training that I've done. So I started a whole new tic tac channel. On June 10, we launched this to grow the organic leads. And I did my facebook so on July 10 I put my first Facebook ad out. I was determined not to be an affiliate for legendary until I earned commissions for other products, because I thought it gave me a little bit more credibility. So I launched my, let's do it for you campaign. Okay let's do alone, made my first commission sex and it wasn't huge, but like,

Jalen: Yeah, but still you know not cutting you off so he didn't so let's, let's go back and see you said you did the decade in the day. Right. And the next day you launch your ad.

Patrice: I launched my first satellite launch the first ad, you're just an action taken he said you know what I am, I'm going all in. I want to make sure that it works and, obviously, it worked. 

So that I was able to grow under man. Like, if you are being on wakeup legendary and you're not on those Thursday training sessions, you're missing out. So I would just I would rearrange my schedule, to try to be on the Thursday trainings as much as I can, and Matt does a great job on helping people grow their TikToks and he does that formula training, you know, that which was great so I was able to use what he taught me to grow my tic tac toe 1000 followers. So I launched my tic tac on June 10 I hit 11 105 followers on August 17. And then that's and then farm has always been in my life, so I joined a private Facebook group, you know and she just helped me and now I code to a zero, and it's been great because I just need to know how to scale this belly what I need to do I'll do it. I've never done a video, never used video on my real estate to do it. So this is like all new, like, Totally all new. So once I got 1000 followers I was able to put my link, like that's how our goal is right, there's a link up there. So I made my first commission on August 27. I was like, like when I wake up and I'm like checking it all the time like did I earn anything while I was sleeping. So it's real.

Jalen: I love that. I love that you said it is real but let's talk about it, you just mentioned something which a lot of people are afraid of. A lot of people are afraid of getting on camera. How did you overcome that because there's still a lot of people who say you know what, I don't want to make a video and don't want to put myself out there, which is great because I know BB has done it. I know a lot of affiliates and other industries who have done, successful, and they've never made a video before, you've never seen them, you don't know what they look like. Whoa, yeah I know what they look like they're on my Facebook page right there on my Facebook. I know what they look like. They've never created a video, never shown their face and I've done it well. Well, for some, for someone that is out there right now who said, You know what, maybe I should take that leap of faith and do a video, how do you overcome that. Can you talk a little bit about that?

Patrice: Yeah, I would say two things. So when COVID started I met a business strategist and we have a thing. And, Don is better than perfect. So when I was learning about affiliate marketing I'm like okay, if I'm gonna do this I have to be on camera because you have to connect with your playing club, building relationships and adding value right. So how do you do that, I know people can do it without being on video. So I just said it was my reason. Actually, I was so tired of working 12 to 14 hours. I have a great bank account for my real estate business, but I don't have time with my family. Like I never go on vacation. Never. My clients are always texting or calling. So, it was like they weren't on it, or I got over my fear and just made a video, I could only delete it. Right, but just try. Just do it. Okay, so now it's worth it sometimes to do it without makeup. You know, my hair is up in a flip. I'm like hey, this is my journey. And I want to state the whole channel is built on affiliate marketing legit or scam. That was my first video. People want to know. But then you had Amanda on here and I don't remember her last name, a couple weeks ago, and she was talking about how people want information. So everything I learned here I tried to try to try and she was saying like you got to like to offer to answer questions, everyone wants to answer questions. But not everyone's willing to jump on a phone call. So I made that little shift. Oh my gosh, I'm getting a lot of engagement. I have a growing private Facebook group. So it's just been such a.

You're taking you're taking action you're doing. I love what you do. I love how you said that

you just, just jumped into it.

Jalen: I think that right there deserves some emoji so send fire emojis down there in the comments, you know let Patrice know as well, because that right there was amazing. But what I would love to do is, you know, people that some of, some people are afraid of, you know, talking to like the business Coronavirus, which is your first call. So, what did you think about your first call with your business by an advisor who is Stevie, right? So, what was your first initial thought, let's talk about that.

Patrice: Okay, so being in sales, I knew that you guys are gonna, you know, share with the legendary platform right and I'm okay with that right, who does all that training. Okay my training wasn't $7 I had a 50% off coupon, my training, my jellen $3.59 I got. I knew that this is real, because I know people on my real estate sales funnel. They don't know me and they're inviting me into their house. So like I already knew, that works. So he was, he was great, like I was ready to go though, like I had already made my mind and I was already calling but he was super helpful. He kept telling me, just be patient, go through the days. Don't rush. You know I'm here if you have any questions, and then I'm like okay, when do I get via training. I was at the end like

I was gonna drop like wait, like can I just do that? But he was great. He answered a lot of you and hooked me up with Dan and I had to say and I forgot. I apologize for my LLC. 

Jalen: Okay, so your LLC, so you did the LLC and everything which is good. And speaking about LLC, a lot of people don't know that that is a tax, you know, it is like any purchases you buy a new computer to tax write off, you have an office in your home, also a tax write off, you can build business credit with your LLC, you can buy a vehicle like a vehicle in your business and sell your home many things.

Patrice: Okay, so I have I have a couple other businesses. I love passive income I love streams of income. I have a couple other LLC. But when I met Dan, the way his company did the LLC I've never seen it before. Like I paid more money to have LLC done, but I never got a book, and never got a call about like a seal. So like it's legit. And I just felt if I'm all in, like I need to have an LLC, because I need to protect myself, I need to protect my other investments. And to me it's like, if, if I'm all in. I'm all in. Right and that's what I have to do and it's a business. Now I get it. Some people can't afford them. And I hear that a lot like I can't afford the training, like even people on my picnic. Okay, when I say something, automatically, these are popular right now, people afford what they want, hands down, like there's a way. There's a way, like well we had no money, I thought, You know what I mean my, I know a couple was $50,000 in debt, they pay that off in eight months, they cut their budgets and they DoorDash and paid off their debt. Like there's, if there's a will there's a way. I just want to, and I want to encourage that like if you want it bad enough, you're an entrepreneur, figure out how to get it. That's our job. We're public figure that

Jalen: that's fire right there. There's fine, absolutely right, you're an entrepreneur as you say good I do get it, you know, sometimes it can become difficult. But if you keep pushing and you keep wanted it so bad. 

Patrice: There is always a way. Because if you don't make any change. You're going to be right where you are today, next year.

Jalen: Absolutely.

Patrice: I'm a certified mentor. I mentor a new real estate agent for my girlfriend. I just looked up the stat I mentored eight people out of the eight people only one completed the program. Going back to what you're saying. Like so. How much do you want it? Like,

It takes hard work.

Jalen: That's a little bit, unpack it makes it look like it's so easy, like I work one or two hours a day, okay well I'm doing something wrong because as I'm wanting I'm not working. It's a big puzzle and I have to put those pieces together right and I guess it's all about being real and being transparent so your content which, you know, if you want to go follow us on. Her TikTok handles there as well and she's also on Instagram. : So, I love how really transparent you are, and that's our culture here at legendary marketer, we're not going to hiding, we're not going to sugarcoat anything, and sometimes it may rub some people the wrong way, they may think that we're being arrogant but it's not, we're just being truthful, because there's a lot of people out there that will lie to you and just tell you that it won't work right or they will tell you that, you know, like I said earlier, we have other programs we have, the trainings, we're not going to force you to do anything. The 15 Day Challenge is super super valuable. There's a lot of students who have just used the 15 day challenge, and have done well with it. Others can, others need a little bit of hand holding. Some people just like to get straight to the point where they can figure out a way to do it. So, talk about your content, what do you talk about in videos to kind of let people know that, hey, this is something that you're going to have to put work in.

So, So, when I started I had no idea what to do. I haven't worked with that yet. So I started with it wasn't for Elementary. And then as I progressed I was only getting about three 400 views per video, nothing major. I would talk about what I learned, but I would, I started doing a 30 day update and 60 day off days, and people seem to engage in that. And then I got the next training about the How To video. So I did a how to side hustle video that I want to say sort of went viral, and it just is. And then I went back to normal content and, like, three 400 views. So then I used to set the GRE. I just repost with that same Bible study every two weeks, but it helped me build my page that's over 1000. I think I did that three times. And then I started asking if people want to have a conference. So I posted a serious video yesterday, and I had. So I've often had six conversations, always inviting them into my private Facebook group. Barb has taught me things like Instagram, and just had great attention getters. But you gotta build that relationship so you got to get them off platform, until a place where you can actually have a conversation.

Jalen: Awesome, awesome. So, was it easy just starting out to create content wasn't hard.

How did you do it?

Patrice: Okay so I have a sheet and I do 50 topics. And I plan that out. And if I get stuck, I go to what is it, ask the people. And I just Google affiliate marketing, and then I just created it, or I shared a victory, or if there's something I learned, I would add that in there. That's one thing, and like I love legendary. You know the other company I looked at, they wanted me to do a program. And then I had to pay extra to see the videos of that program for 30 days, like I'm not gonna go to lunch for 30 days, and I lead with value, so I love that you guys lead with value. So I like that, but anyway it's my direct, I just try to share my experience but now I'm asking hey if you have questions, let's chat. I've had a couple phone calls. One lady made a, you know, phone appointment and never showed up. I called her, you know, but like You're like people do what they want to do. Right, salty about that. Those aren't my ideal clients. So it's okay that they sort of follow up, we need to be in front of our ideal clients.

Basically they just need to keep on moving.

Patrice: So, that's how I do that and I'm not perfect at it, I'm learning every day. I know I use the sword for TikTok. And I'm watching other people's videos, seeing what they're doing and what they're not doing. I'm learning.

Jalen: I love that. I love that and so did you have any, like, internal blocks. And have you overcome it?

Patrice: Okay, so I started a journey on mindset probably about two years ago with a book called psycho cyber medics and that I read The Big Leap which is a self, like it's a self sabotage kind of thing. And then just dream big and now many Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. I started a challenge with a group, Earl Nightingale, the secret. The secret mystery. And basically the concept is you become what you think about all the time, and we do it with financial goals. So it's very interesting, like when you focus. When you focus on something. It's just you and you have your eyes wide open and you find it, just like when you launch a real estate career. You have to be talking real estate, you have to be looking, not, not in ways for clients but to get value. So it's the same way. So I don't struggle so much with my mindset, Other than I want to go faster, like when assigned when a difficult client texted me I'm like okay I need to go. Like, I just want to make faces. So that's probably my struggle. I just want to go a little bit faster, but it's all about my love. And what. So when I started real estate. I didn't know anything about real estate either, and I would get up in the morning and look in the mirror and I'm like, you're going to be a top producing listing agent. So I sit at my desk and I go okay what the top producing listing agent does. Oh she meets with sellers, why don't they have any sellers? So I worked on my, like, on my presentation right, you're always developing your skills. So the same thing with affiliates. You want to be a high ticket affiliate marketer, you have to think where my clients are. Like, I love that fishing training, that that's in the blueprint, your job and your bait. That's powerful.

Jalen: So, excellent, excellent question. So, are you a tech savvy person? That's what I wanted to know, because I know you know we have some people that struggle with setting up funnels, setting up, you know, their ads and everything I know you said you launched your very first app but were you tech savvy, or you have a little bit of idea or you struggle with it but you have to repeat, or watch a video like 100 times before you get it?

Patrice: That's a good question. So like I said I paid a company to do my sales funnel for me, so I had to put in my zip code, and pick the picture and run the split test. That's all I knew. All I knew was that I should be the oldest. So the decade of the day, I think of the second part of the video. I used to have the timer memorized. When Matt talks about how to do a Facebook ad. I must have watched that. I don't know how many times. And when he teaches on like the click funnels. I would just watch that pause it, do what he said, Watch it positivity said, Just keep working on. And when I got stuck. I just walk away a little bit, miles and other days, I'm missing something because I'm tired. And then I relaxed the video again. But now, but every victory, victory, like when I started, I knew something wasn't working, but I knew enough to know where to go to look to find out what wasn't connected right. To me that's progress. Right, if I want a Facebook ad, and I'm not making any money. That's a learning experience. I just paid for training for myself. That's sort of the mentality I have. And I'll figure that out. And you know when you weren't here for Facebook yet I had a complimentary call with Drew, and he taught me how to assess the ad. I feel like an expert right now in three months. And I know I'm not,

but See that right there is good and if anybody who's watching this right now, or maybe you watch the replay. 

Jalen: If I had told you that I wasn't tech savvy, would you believe me?

Patrice: No, probably not. 

Jalen: And exactly not everyone knows how to make money, so a lot of people think that they have to know it all. You have to be patient, which is. Give yourself time. Give yourself time. If you need to watch the videos 100 times, so be it. Take your time and go through the material, try to learn as much as possible because hey, I wasn't tech savvy I had to figure it out. A lot of times I had to throw my computer. I want to throw it through the window. I hear you are going through this, you got to understand, you can't compare yourself with the person who's been doing this for four or five years, or the person who's been doing this for a year, you're just starting to be patient, which is exactly which is sweet with a time, because guess what, we all had to go through the same struggles. 

Patrice: Exactly. And here's a tip though, like, if someone's not tech savvy, I would recommend watching the video first without doing anything, like just watch it. Don't take notes. Just watch what you guys are training, and then take a step back, and then watch it again right and just keep growing your knowledge base, and eventually, it will have recall that everyone learns at a different speed, that's fine. I love that I get to watch videos as many times as I need. Because, yeah, yeah these are all the skills to me. Even, even like the copyright. You know I'm playing with that and you just play a new game and you try, if you don't know what you don't know until you try. Right,

Jalen: Amazing, I love what you just said. You know what I'm gonna do, we're gonna wrap up with, I want you to give, you know, if someone who's brand new or someone who hasn't joined our community yet, or maybe going through the training or the 15 Day Challenge, maybe they're on day number one. Some haven't even logged in yet. What advice would you give them right now to start, you know, get the wheels turning to just start doing something, I want you to leave us with something solid. So in that way, if anybody out there that's on the fence, they're ready to get started?

Patrice: Okay, well the first thing I would do is take a leap of faith, and take the 15 Day Challenge, join the Facebook group, which is amazing. And here's a challenge to everyone, if you're stuck on something, don't ask the question in the group. Force yourself to train yourself and figure it out. So, search the group, you know how many times the same question is answered in our Facebook, search the group, the answer will be that you don't have to wait for someone to respond to the next morning, they answer somewhere in that. And then if you can't find it in our communities, amazing. So encourage us, you've surrounded yourself with people who are successful. That's the other thing you always become like the people you hang out with. Don't connect yourself with the naysayers, connect yourself with the people in the group that are willing to work it out, willing to help somebody. And, failure is not an option. That's what I would say, if you have to write that on a computer failure is not an option, you will succeed. And when you get stuck you look at that little saying. Absolutely. That would be my advice. Joining the community needs a challenge.

Jalen: Patrice, I think you have inspired a lot of people this morning. I, I want to say thank you so much for coming on. It was a pleasure having you. You're amazing, I love your energy, I love your vibe. Failure is not an option. So, I'll let you go. Have an amazing day. Everybody go follow Patrice on TikTok, go follow her on Instagram. The handles are on the screen, so you could do that so thank you so much Patrice.

Patrice: Thank you, thank you so much for having me. It was so much fun and nice meeting you. 

Jalen: Nice to meet you. See ya. So there it is, ladies and gentlemen, Patrice just dropped the bomb, she said, Billy is not an option. So there it is right there. I want you to just go out, take that leap of faith, do what you gotta do is necessary. Don't get into analysis paralysis. Remember, every week, Monday through Friday we have these legendary Wake Up show calls, And it's every morning at 10am Eastern time. So we set your timer, you can always watch the replay and if you watch the replay. Hashtag replay in the comments. Thanks for having me. My name is Andre, I'll catch you on another video. Bye for now.

How To Deal With Negativity On TikTok

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: What's up what's up what's up. All right, there we go. What's happening everybody, welcome to Happy Thursday. It is Thursday, September 23 And my name is Matt. I'm the CMO here at Legendary. If you didn't know that I was trying to pull up a brighter white screen I lost my mocks. This past weekend the light burned down so I had to order a new one, it hasn't come in yet. And anyway, hope you're doing well today let us know in the comments where you're tuning in from. And we've got an awesome show today. I'm pumped about our guest. His name is Mike Mike we’re gonna bring him on right away and just dive into it, Mike what’s going on?

Mike: What's up, good morning.

Matt: Mike, all the way from Reno, dude. How you doing,

Mike: I'm okay,

Matt: I'm glad that you're here. I think this is gonna be a good show and I thought it would be valuable. I was kind of just reading through your responses, that would be valuable as if you brought us into your world a little bit just, you know, you took me on a little journey mini journey in the questionnaire that we do about, you know, the job you started with, but I just kind of feel like it'd be helpful to sort of set the stage for you and your journey online if you took us back all the way to, you know, the local grocery store, way back in the day and just tell us a little bit about your work life and where that led you to today where you know you're online.

Mike: Well straight out of high school, I got a job at a local grocery store pretty much doing the grocery business for 30 years after that. I don't know the first 10 years I've worked with the local grocery store. I got fired from there when I was young. I got fired, took a year off work today. Basically, the manufacturer that did the manufacturing steps for hearts, and armouries and stuff like that was pretty cool. I worked there for a year, I got bored because there was no customer service for the top two. So I got out of that and went into the natural food business or grocery store in the country. So I've worked there for 20 years, and that's to say December, I think it was three days before New Year's. I was fired after 20 years. Wow. And, you know I'm not bitter about it, I'm just kind of like, you know, probably three years before that. I've lost my father to cancer and after that I would just kind of question like, this is what I wanted to do still in my life. The only thing I hadn't really done in the grocery business was become a store manager yet. And, you know, looking at all the store managers that were coming up and seeing how much stress that was involved in that, in that process. I decided not to go down that route anymore. And I really just lost interest in and work in the grocery business, because I've done it all and I've been working up here in Tahoe, which was really nice. But I just got bored of it, and you know it came down to me getting fired and I was like, see ya. You know, so, for like, I don't know, probably like last 10 years, you know, internet's been getting really wild, crazy and my friends, done some weird shit on it, which is good man, and made made some money, you know, and I've always been thinking like, man, if you could just get that one time when you're in the right place at the right time, and boom you have a little business going on the internet, you know, and never been really computer savvy or internet savvy, and you know I got on, got on, you know got online and was looking for four jobs online, that's what sparked the, the TikTok journey is as soon as you, you know, Google something. An algorithm is going to pick it up somewhere somehow and shove all this, you know advertising in your face. You know I was on TikTok for probably about three or four months. I would say now about a month, it was January. And my kids have been on it, you know, my kids are 21 and 20. I was like yeah I downloaded tick tock and they're just like, oh gosh Dad what are you doing? you know like, and I said well I have a question. Have you guys heard of affiliate marketing? And both of them are like no, you know, they probably don't pay attention that they scroll right past it. And so I was like seeing this like people are making money, making money. And I was like, You know what, I'm gonna check it out. So I googled Legendary because that's what was coming up with legendary, just to see if it was legit, not a scam I saw the reviews online and I was like, Sure, I'm gonna go back to whoever it was it, you know, had the, the 15 day challenge, you know, they were promoting on on video. I think it was, I think it's the best thing I've done so far in my life. So, I mean I'm not making big mad money right yet but yeah, I know it's coming, and, you know, consistency is definitely the key to this game here. Yeah, Because if you're not consistent, you'll give up. There's head games in there, you know like, I've talked to yourself. You know, like, every time it's a trip man it's a trip, it's a good journey right now. And that's, I think that's what I love the most is like, you know, working in a grocery store for 30 years. There's nothing more you're going to learn. Yes, that's why I think that's why I stopped caring, because there was nothing else I could learn. I think I could do it as a mentor, and I was fine, I was great at that. But for me to thrive. I need to learn. Right now. This is the internet and doing things that are totally out of my comfort zone. I'm thriving, I'm thriving inside because I'm learning something brand new, something new, and you know all the other things will come and they'll follow as long as I stay consistent.

Matt: Yeah, I feel like me a lot, a lot of good stuff there, I feel like the one big thing that kind of jumps out to me is not learning and growing and constantly keeping moving forward, and it's like there's this, there's this thing, I wonder if I can find this but I try to share my screen here real quick because I feel like what you said is basically this. In a nutshell, let me see if I can share this. This is just a poster here of this, see if I can copy the image address. Gosh, it's blurry as heck. All right, let's try this one. If this little finger. So this is just, I don't know if you've heard of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, but basically what it is. And they've got video ads and all kinds of stuff on this page. So basically, you can see at the very top, it's basically like the needs that humans have at a base layer you have just physical needs food, water warmth rest right then, safety and security beyond that if you've got a roof over your head now you know how do I find financial stability, how do I find relational stability. And then you go beyond that to a longing and intimacy, right, friendship, and then prestige and feeling of accomplishment and then sort of the final one after that is self actualization and achieving one's full potential, which involves a lot of what you were talking about growth, and forward, I always define that as like that I guess is forward progress, like the, the, the ability to feel like there's another step in front of you and another hurdle in front of you. And the moment that I think most humans where they get to the moment where they feel like. Jeez, there's no more hurdles for me, this is the final hurdle, you know maybe somewhere in your point in your 20 years at that grocery store, it's kind of like, alright, I don't have any other hurdle and I'm curious for everybody who's on here live with us if you, if you guys resonate with this with this idea that's, You know, the self actualization skill at the very top of this. This is, this is really key stuff, this is the deep stuff that you, you know, we sort of wander around life, throwing ourselves at this, throwing ourselves at that, and wondering why we feel the way we feel. Well, this explains a good bit of it. What do you think about this right? 

Mike: It's every bit of it. I think everybody needs some type of self fulfillment. Like a need or feeling a need to be doing something, you know, learning something. If you're not, you're just, you're stagnant, you know you're just sitting around waiting for something to happen. And that's an easy, easy thing to get into, you know, especially if you don't have a strong mind. You know, you just have to keep pushing forward with Microsoft, you know, or something else to learn.

Matt: Yeah, and even with the beautiful part about entrepreneurship. And the beautiful part about doing something yourself and online is a great example this is that hierarchy, I mean that there, there's never an end, you know, because, like, and this gets to the other part that he said which is, it's always sort of this mind game battle, and I just resonate with that so much dude because I even now for me man, even now. You know I've been in this, I've been in this industry. I first started getting to know this industry in 2009 and 10. And that feels way back. But even now, like, you know, that sense of doubt and sense of, you know, the self doubt that always creeps in, right, and that's usually my first sign that like hey I'm on to something. If I've got some sort of self doubt coming in, there's obviously I'm obviously jumping over a hurdle here, right, I'm obviously stretched to the point where I'm growing, I'm moving something muscles strange, you know or I'm being bent a little bit like am I kind of resist or am I gonna break, you know, and I just think that the way I look at this journey, and I'm glad that you see it that way because it's, I mean some days you wake up and it's not all that easy.

Mike: It's funny because every time I have that thought of like, oh, maybe I should, you know, keep this on the simmer the down low and and go back to get another nine to five, and continue doing this, or, or putting it all together and saying look this is not working for me it's not my thing. Don't swear that that morning I woke up and my first viral video went off. When I got like 600,000 views off of that, and like 40,000 followers, like in 24 hours. It was a trip, it was very humbling because once you hit that viral video, it's like, okay, now you got to answer all the comments. Now you have to step up to the plate and provide them with what you just, you know, gave that content. And in that first video, you know your phone, you have to get the set your phone in another room because it's going off every three seconds, you know, that was a tricky thing to, you know, never had that happen before. Then you know and then I had this, this really long spell of, I guess there was a point where tick tock, videos, I mean everybody was getting, like, two 300 views 300 views like come on, you know, I know this one will go viral. Come on, like, just like this weekend, I was like, and this is getting really slow, so I started, you know, I tried to do another tip top channel, because we had that training and I got a few views so it was really, really slow. And I, I hit a magical, magical video and boom I got another one that's getting almost 90,000 views right now. It only takes out one viral or just gets viral, and you start getting leads coming in and, you know members and then and then commissions, you know, so, it's fun, a lot of fun. 

Matt: Yeah, it's a little bit of a trick to figure out, I think, I think, you know, that whole span of time where a lot of that, you know, people started their views sort of went down and stuff, and, you know, people were like, oh, it's the algorithm, yeah it is kind of the algorithm but also there's, there's an during that span of time that a lot of people were doing a lot of the same stuff and a lot of the same stuff, I mean, they were posting screenshots of their back office or they were posting things that were not just borderline non compliant with TikToks terms but just not compliant with their terms. And so it was one of those things where the blame went on the algorithm. But what was happening at least at the beginning level of that was more that there were just outrageous income claims being made. And we were cracking down on that as a staff. I'm on it, affiliates, and message people like hey, Kimmy can't do that. We're gonna have to deactivate you. But also, you know, it's kind of funny that we have to do that because on the exact same front, the social media platforms sort of do that work for us. A lot of times, because they'll go on and just shadow vana channel, right, or they'll got allergies this morning, they'll shadow ban a channel, or they will shut your channel down completely, you know, one of those two things, and so when people want to run, and then it comes screeching.

Mike: Last week they. That's why I started a different channel because they they paused my channel for a couple days because I was in violation, and it was a it was a video that I had already posted like three other times, right, and then they showed me the other videos that were under, under their guidelines and they were again another video that I had posted on recycled, a couple of times, it's just it's just kind of funny how things work. But, you know, having a good time doing it.

Matt: It's a, I get allergies like once a month or something. And when they come, man, they hit. Yeah, I feel like I'm on the TikTok front. The thing that I notice. Can you tell me when you first got started with TikTok? Did you find it difficult? Was it hard? Have you done any sort of integrals before? 

Mike: No. I think I've talked to my daughter like three days in a row. I'm going to do it today. You know and I sit there and I put that damn camera in my face. And then this one day I just said, You know what, screw it I'm going to do a video I'm just going to post it I'm not going to, you know, like, look over on it, you know, three or four times or try to edit. I'm just going to post it, And again, it got a couple of 100 views. It was, you know the beginning it's, you know you're trying to think of being creative and trying to do stuff on your own and, you know, at that time I think. I was watching one of the Thursday webinars, and we went over. We had briefly gone over, you know, checking out other people's videos. And, and, you know, taking maybe one of theirs and making it your own. And that's what I did. And that's how I got my first viral, it wasn't, it was out of something that wasn't even a very first viral wasn't it was a, like a manifestation type thing like, you know, if you're seeing this today. You know you'll be the first millionaire in your family, and just that alone was like, you know, pretty incredible like total a lot of positive comments. Lots and lots of positive comments, but it was totally something not even relevant, you know, no to do what I was doing, you know, and it was kind of, it was kind of crazy. It is funny.

Matt: I feel like the interesting part about TikTok, is, you know, so, so here I get a lot of pushback, this is what I find interesting is that I get a lot of pushback on like itself. Sometimes people will hear that and they're like, well, those kinds of minute I mean why are you creating some sort of manifestation video, you know that doesn't, there's no doesn't make any sense. Why would you do that? It's not that helpful of content, you know, it's not actually good content, whatever. But my bet is, you made some money from posting that video right yes no question about it. And the other thing that's interesting about that is, forget about the money, right, so let's say, let's say, that's not actual valuable content, right. The critic standing out in the stands out in the arena says that it's not actually valuable for the people that you're hosting, but I would counter that by saying, and that holds a lot of people up from posting certain types of videos side hustle videos manifestation videos. Right. But here's the thing. I think it is valuable, and I think it's a very limited mindset to say oh that's not that valuable. The truth is, for most people who are scrolling on tick tock, right, for them to see that video and just even for a snap second let's say they watch it for one thing. They see me as the first millionaire of my family. Many people, most people in the world, have never once considered that idea, right. So now. Who are you, Mike or who am I, or who is anybody who's on this and why are watching as a replay, who are we to say, oh that's not valuable to them. Right, oh that's not valuable. That's some real valuable content. No, that's, that's BS is what that is, that's real small mindset thinking, because with a side hustle video for instance, right. That's incredibly valuable content if I walk them through how to create a t- shirt brand, you know, and it doesn't have to be people misunderstanding marketing for sales and delivery, right, sales and delivery. That's a whole different ball game. Yes, in sales and delivery you actually need to explain everything in detail, you need to go into everything in marketing, the whole point of marketing is just that you're creating a shark, right, you're just in the mind of somebody who's sitting across a screen, they're holding up their phone, right, and they're scrolling through TikTok and they see Mike and all that marketing is meant to do a piece of valuable content is something that sets off a spark, and it's an it's the spark of curiosity. This is interesting. Right, and suddenly that little spark goes off. That might be the most valuable piece of content anybody sees in their whole life, right, it might send them down this whole rabbit trail of discovery and finding out who they are and reading secrets of Millionaire Mind and purchasing a course, maybe Tony Robbins goes on this whole trade right and then 35 years from now, maybe they're the CEO of Microsoft or who knows right, and that could have been. I'm being a little hyperbolic but that could have all stemmed from them seeing one little weird manifestation tick tock from Mike, right, and I think that people really underrate that because there's a lot of haters and a lot of naysayers in the comments are from different companies or whatever, who are just who are so small minded and so sick of it are so you know jaded or whatever. But, to me. I've always lived in the mind, I always as a marketer, live in the mind of somebody who has no concept of what I'm trying to sell them. Right, so I don't speak in insider terms, I always speak in the terms and language of the person that was out there, and I'm always imagining what was it like for me, the very first day in 2009, where I watched this video I still remember where I watched it, watch this video in my dorm, and one could argue it wasn't valuable, But I saw 12 years later. And I remember where I was sitting, I remember watching the video, I remember I even called two of my buddies my best friends . They were at my wedding. And I said to these guys, you got to look at this, they're like wow, that is a pyramid scheme. And I was like, I'm going to be very rich.

Mike: And that's what I told them, and I, but I remember watching that video, and it wasn't so much that it was the specific opportunity, or that it was even that method of making money, right, it wasn't that it was dropshipping or that it was a certain side hustle or manifestation or any of that stuff. It was simply that I sat down and I watched, and I realized the internet can make money flow faster than anything in the history of mankind. And the odds of me being able to find a small snippet, a small segment of that and bring that to me are pretty damn good. 

Matt: Right. And that little spark still sits with me today, and those little side hustle videos on TikTok people hate on it. Number one, I've seen them build humongous businesses. Number two, they set a channel off and get your first couple of sales, super easy and using that method, honestly. And number three, I think what you were kind of hitting on is, or the last piece that I guess I was hitting on was just that they're, they create this real spark for people, a realization that oh my god, this exists, right, and you can do this with any product, you could do it in any niche dog training. You can do it in a mindset any anyway, I'm ranting, but I feel so passionate about this because there's a lot of mental games that people do when they're creating content and they shouldn't do mental games, they should just post content and try new things, there's no moral. There is no moral compass, when it comes to just creating content and trying content out, Like there's not a right or wrong or bad or good, and if you're listening to somebody out there who's saying that it's bad content or your shit for posting this kind of content you need to stop listening to them. That's a really small way of looking at it anyway, what comes up for you?

Mike: The haters the haters for sure. You know it's especially mean to get a viral video, they can they can be pretty rude out there, you know, the greatest thing, I think one of the greatest tools and tick tock, is that block button, you know, not, you know, through the years I've made even to this day I got a lot of self esteem issues. And that was my, I think my kids first real concern about videos was, you know, people that are going to respond to the video. And, you know, I've always told them I really don't care what people think, you know it's it's it's great that you know they they're gonna put that much effort into responding to something that I put out there, but that energy could be used somewhere else being, you know, more positive somewhere else. I just blocked them. I don't even engage with that kind of person. Pretty much, yeah I'd like to find him the mic to reach through the computer and maybe bring their neck a little bit but you know you can't do that. So, blocking them, and never seeing them again. Just as well, you know, the haters really can get to you and I know a lot of people, they'll post a video out there and, you know, all you haters out there and sometimes people are crying out there. I feel for him. At the same time it's like, don't, don't even add to that energy. When you, when you respond like that, it just, it just gives those, those haters what they wanted, they want to see you, you know, break down. They want to see you come after him like that, you know, I just don't deal with it. 

Matt: Yeah, yeah, and I also, but I also feel like that happens, you know, in communities too so not even haters right, but, but I see it happen sometimes in our Facebook group and I see, I just think you're so right and I, and I want to encourage everybody who's here to, you know, screw the hatred, right, but to also be really careful, just about like, whose advice you listen to, and even if that's the right even if I give you a weird guy even if at all hold myself accountable, even if I, you know, If I make you feel a certain way, or my training makes you feel like maybe I'm doing something wrong, maybe I'm, you know, if I make you second guess yourself right without making you feel empowered, you shouldn't listen to me. You shouldn't listen to me. You shouldn't listen to Dave, you shouldn't listen to us. If we make you feel that way, right, so just be careful about who you listen to who you let speak into your life, because if any of you who are on here Mike and whoever's listening to this and getting any sort of value, when you get into some sort of training or community and you certainly listening to people. It's a really powerful decision that you're making, right, if you choose to put them into a category where you're like, you listen to them and you affirm what they say things like that. It's it's a really, it doesn't feel that powerful but it's amazing how their words seep in, right, and you know I'm sure that that's really true of us here and legendary, there's been people who've been learning with me, alongside me and from me for three years now, and I just think that there's a real element where you need to protect yourself and your business, and add your content, and you need to if you've got to, you've got a path you're going down, you need to guard against any of that hater, Bs, any of the fake guru be served people to your right or wrong or this or that bad or all this stuff. If you're on a mission, you want to try something out, you want to go after something, it might be your spouse, maybe your husband, wife, whatever, boyfriend, girlfriend, just go for it. You don't have to feel bad about it, you don't have to feel negative about it. And anybody who thinks that you should or thinks they need to go. And I'm not saying literally go like kick them out of your house. I'm just saying, you need to put them in a different category of your brain, a different compartment where they don't get to speak to you, and if they're sitting outside of you. That's a super unhealthy thing, and I think that's really important for people to know , to realize, to sort of grasp onto because, I mean, we are fragile humans, we are very fragile. And the moment that that little seed of doubt starts to sink in starts to leak in. Right. It just, it can, it's like poison it just starts to poison everything, and we start to doubt everything, and that is a really, it's, it's my least favorite thing in the world that comes from insecure people, and it comes. And it hurts people, that's what it does. So anyway, I have going on this little tirade but I really liked what you said there about the haters and mocking people and just hitting the block button just moving on, because you need to surround yourself, and I believe this firmly, everybody here needs to surround themselves with people who are going to say, Hey, you, you can do this, you can do this you need to try new stuff you can do hard things, and you know there isn't a right or wrong on the kind of content you're creating or you're opting just try something, just go on inhibited, I compare it, like here's my last part of this rant okay and then I'll stop. I compare this to a little kid in a sandbox right so I used to play sandbox when I was little. And when I was two, three years old I would sit in the sandbox. And I would just play. No sense of, Am I doing something wrong, why would I be doing something wrong, innocent kid toddler sitting in the sandbox just playing with my Matchbox cars right. And I would do this at the silver times, and I would just sit there and play. And over time, parents, teachers, friends, siblings, usually trained me right, they projected all of their internal psychological stuff on me to doubt myself right or wonder if maybe I'm doing something wrong or I'm bad or something right. But there was a moment before all that, where I was just fully uninhibited. I had no chains, I had no wonder that maybe something for all year. Right. And, and for most entrepreneurs, if they can return to that place where there's no inhibitions, there's no wonder there's, there's no one. Nancy gonna think about this right or Uncle Terry what's he gonna think, you know, or Geez What about my kids. Oh my god I watch that guy on TikTok. Did I say I was, you know, My Content shit. Or, Oh, these haters in my comments are telling me that I'm, you know, whatever. Like, I'm old, or, you know, I'm a Raiders fan, which, by the way Raiders suck but Broncos fans. They're good this year. Anyway, like that's some leads from this hat. So, I think a return to the sandbox right is a powerful idea, and it's sort of something I've flown to every time I feel a sense of, I feel self doubt, right. I just wonder, is there something wrong, and immediately have to go back to that place and say, No, there isn't. There's nothing wrong with this, I'm just going to go in, I'm going to create this piece of content, I'm going to create this training, I'm going to write this email. There's nothing wrong, and you sort of take what Tammy just said, You're spot on unlearning right that's what it's called. It's called unlearning a lot of what we were taught when we were growing up. And when that happens, you start to release all of the nonsense people are putting on you because all they're doing is they're just putting on their, they their fears, their insecurities, their doubts, all of their negativity is just being tossed on to you, because you had the courage, the vulnerability, the willingness to say, You know what, fuck it, I'm going to go on TikTok, on a start posting videos. May that be uncomfortable but here we go. Yeah, no yeah and that sort of vulnerability doesn't deserve. Sometimes the negativity, it gets it deserves somebody to say, Dude, Mike bagman your man. You're freaking killing it dude, so powerful about our community at legendary is by and large, that's what you'll get is people who are, who look at that vulnerability and know how hard it is, and then can say, hey dude, nice work man, like you're going after it. So

anyway, the community is probably the top community I've ever been in, you know like, the positive people that reach out to you, it's pretty awesome. This community is pretty awesome. Mike: Yeah, I have got if I doubt if anybody gets this in any other, you know, business type like this. I don't, you know, I don't see that happening. Yeah, it is, I'd like to know because this is not you guys were the only, only group that I, you know, ever into, you know this, my first venture and I can't tell you how much I'm pleased. 

Matt: Yeah, well you'll probably get, you know, over the next few months or whatever you'll probably get a billion messages saying, you know, all of this kind of stuff, try this, do this, you know, this is so much better. And you know what, even if you were to go out and try a bunch of different other stuff I wouldn't hold it and hold it against you. But I do think there's some good, you know, there's some good value in, in committing to something for at least a certain period of time, whether that's six months or a year and saying I'm gonna smoke this, and then I'm going to see what else is out there, maybe I'll try another offer or you know whatever but Mike for somebody who's like sitting down. Alright. They just downloaded the TikTok app, they're looking at their phone, and they're like, all right, should I vote should anybody feel nervous. What would you say to that person?

Mike: Just do it. Just do it. Jumping off the playing field feet first. The more you think about it, the more chances that you're not going to do it. And I can tell you anything like a big time procrastinator here. And so one thing I do know I'm not being, I'm not a professional entering his business right now. And I'm really proud of that because I still have a couple of posters that I want to hang up in my room. I've been, you know, sitting in the right exact spot where I need to hang them, but they've been sitting there for a year. That's how bad of a procrastinator I am. But, but, yeah, you know if this is your first time. Just do it, you know and you know if it doesn't go viral. So what do other people do? You know that one doesn't go viral. So let's do another one. Just trash it out, you know, and eventually you get comfortable, you know, I can I get up every day at seven in the morning. I do my thing, I get right on the computer, I bust out three or four videos. Some of them I put in drafts for then I just watch him throughout the day and you know it's just get up, you just do it, you know, that's, that's the cool thing and it's, you know, surely it's a couple hours a day that you might be working throughout the day, on your phone from anywhere, you could be sitting in, in line for the movies and, you know, doing work at the same time, it'd be at the dentist's office, you know, with the waiting room and want some work there, you know, that's the cool thing about it too is like, you can never get yelled at by your significant other, because you're on your phone too much, you're just like, look, I'm doing my business right now you know like, how hard is that I you know, pretty cool. It's pretty cool.

Matt: Yeah, it's pretty cool. Well awesome man. Thank you so much again for coming on and hanging around we can chat for a few minutes afterwards. But, yeah, thanks for popping on and love to hear from you in a couple months and see how things are going. 

Mike: Hey, thank you. Thanks. Alright guys, hey, I'm gonna put his stuff back on the screen here. 

Matt: Go give him a follow and say thanks for the message today. Thanks for coming on. And for everybody who's here we've got a really special guest tomorrow. Somebody you maybe haven't seen host this show in over a year so both. Well, I've got a decade in the day so we needed a little guesthouse. Anyway, I'm not positive. What the hosting situations gonna be like but I'm pretty sure we're gonna have Andre on, maybe David will be able to make it I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure we're gonna have Andre on tomorrow. Guests hosting. He's awesome, you're gonna want to tune in, it's going to be a great time so that's all we got for Thursday, peace out, everybody. Have a good rest of your day. We'll see you again tomorrow. And every day, moving forward, Monday through Friday 10am Eastern we're always here.

Why You Should Go Live On TikTok

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Hello hello welcome in. It is Wednesday, September 22 And my name is Matt, I am hosting a typical host on Wednesdays. Dave and I host Dave typically house four days a week, I host one day a week. If you are just tuning in, just joining us, welcome. Typically we have a bunch of people who tune in live and then a bunch of people who tune in via replay so if you're alive, or you're on replay. Hi, good to see you welcome in. Let us know in the comments where you're tuning in from, and we have an awesome guest. For those of you don't know, typically on the shows unless something drastic happened last second or something. We have awesome guests that come on, whether they're people who have taken our challenge whether they are affiliates of ours or whatever they're just real people and so you know we don't actually script the shows at all we do ask a few questions we don't really script the show, I came on here two minutes ago, I said Hey Daniel, you're ready to go live and he said yeah, I said, awesome. So, Daniel. Welcome to the show my man, where are you, where are you calling in from?

Daniel: Hey, thank you so I'm calling from Livermore, California. Okay, as you can see it's still behind me it's like 7am over here.

Matt: Yeah well I'm on, I'm in Phoenix, I'm up at 7am to run. Yeah. And, yeah, I, so, yesterday on our distributor day, I have lights here in the office, or as like a ceiling fan light, and then I have the spotlight, kind of thing, it's like a, like a photo. Lighting thing. Both of those burned out yesterday, and I can't get the thing off the ceiling fan to replace the light so I'm basically in the darkness 26 inch screen I could just, you know basically pull open, you know, white Windows on it and it just glows a little bit so

Daniel: It's a good worker if it works, the show must go on.

Matt: It's a little ridiculous. Anyway, this isn't your first time?

Daniel:  Oh yeah, it's my first time on Legendary

Matt: Maybe you've been on before for the first time let's go dude. Okay, so walk us through. I don't know why your name sounds familiar or maybe you tuned into webinars, I don't know what it is I just that.

Daniel: I've been on the Thursday calls a few times. Okay, cool. It's been a while. That's what I kind of got and they stop asking questions.

Matt: Cool cool cool well that's good man, that's good. I like when you know the questions stop and then suddenly the money, they're doing well, you know, so, so tell me I'm mostly curious, like you said you tried some drop shipping, tell us just a little bit about your journey and when you can take us back to different jobs done and then why'd you. Why'd you try to do something online?

Daniel: Absolutely, I think it probably all should start where I felt I was doing really good in life with my career. What that really meant to me was that I was climbing the corporate ladder, earning a lot of good money, getting bonuses and doing all that, but I wasn't really enjoying life. Right, I mean my kids didn't really know me, barely ever all I had to be at work all the time that just sucked. And I got with my friends and he had to quit that live, and he started going online, and he was doing pretty good and I was looking at him and I was like oh damn like he's, he's doing this properly, what's wrong with me, right. So, I decided I have to do something. Okay, it goes, it goes much deeper than that like I ended up getting a divorce and stuff happened on the skip through that and trying to get to the top here, we got to drop shipping so I started trying to do that. And I kind of realized that it wasn't for me. I didn't really like the approach he didn't really speak to me, so I didn't, I stopped. And then after that I developed this lesson. I want to do e-commerce, so I got mine. I got with a company in China that manufactured for me and all that. And then what I learned after that, is that I was very good at marketing, so we've gotten very good at marketing right, Yes. And actually, even before those two that friend and I that I mentioned we started this application for the iPhone. That also failed because of marketing. And so, the common denominator to all that is marking. And at that point I realized, I need to learn marketing. And so it was shortly after that that I stumbled upon Legendary Marketer. And, you know, that was it, like the rest is history. It's just, it's been great. The tools I've been learning, so good.

Matt: That's really cool, man. That's, yeah, that's so fascinating because the whole. There's so many good businesses and business ideas out there that sort of die just this silent death, you know, it makes me think of Shark Tank. A lot of times people come on there and they're like, actually hang on let me pull my mic. There we went, I just realized that my microphone was like three feet away from me. It makes me think of Shark Tank, sometimes people will come on there and they're like, oh my gosh, this guy's brilliant. This is a superstar product. They have everything there, and they're like, how many, how many sales, do you have and they're like, you know, like, I can't sell myself out of a wet paper bag, like I have no sales like I can't generate a customer if I tried. And it just kind of makes me think of that not that you're, that bad or that drastic, but it's kind of the same thing.

Daniel: Yeah, no, absolutely. Doesn't matter, but everything that I've learned now. I'm going to be relaunching the glasses, because I had a website, out of funnel. So I've just created a funnel, I'll probably be launching this shortly. And with all the new techniques that I learned at Legendary. You know, we'll see how this goes in the second second round.

Matt: Yeah, for sure. I think that, I think one big piece of that is even just having your eyes open to different ways to market it right so like, forget about like how to absolutely execute marketing for every different style of product but it's more about like direct response marketing, how do you make somebody, Or how do you allow somebody to make a decision to purchase a product all right now snap in the moment, let's go. And you can do that on TikTok YouTube, you can do it on, you know, all these different platforms, but like I know you've got 71,000 followers on TikTok, for instance, like, like there isn't, it's not that far of a gap for you to then take that, you know, that experience you've got to create some virality, and go and do that on tick tock or create a TikTok ad, you know that's like, hey, check out these new glasses, you know what I'm saying and like I kind of respect that Outlook to where like, people take sort of the knowledge that they get here at Legendary and they will try different products or, you know, I sort of view it as, maybe, I don't know you can tell me how you view this but I sort of view it as just like a diversification of income, right, so like, the more that you're in the online space, the more you realize there's a lot of volatility and you've got to have a sense of cash flow that's driving that and keep that pipeline full and if you can do that, you're gonna have a really solid online sustainable business but then on the side of that, like, it's good as an entrepreneur, Especially an online entrepreneur to have your. I don't know have your, your, your feet or whatever in different sort of water, you know, trying different things and always keeping Did you know what I mean, I don't, I don't know if this is having that sort of multiple stream of income coming in I think helps people feel a bit more secure. I think the trick becomes, how do I not let go of what's working for me and just add this new thing on top of it, you know what I'm saying.

Daniel: I absolutely, completely agree with that. And that happened to me actually, as I started seeing some success with Legendary Marketer, right, I was like okay, this stuff is great, I'd like it. I'm doing it in other places. Yeah, I stopped working, right, and it very quickly became apparent. And so I said okay, hold on, scientists take a step back and rethink everything. And now you know I just kind of build systems for myself. Guys, this is, I need to do this, this is like the necessary thing that I have to do every day. And then I can add on to that, well it's various other things that I'm trying to do. Yeah. And it's just that discipline right you get that plan and it's almost really just like creating a habit, going through him that habit, then you know what happens is, and then it's gonna keep whatever been going on but but I completely agree with you that you have to keep planting seeds right like at the end of the day like we just went through a pandemic. We know how short lives can be. And so, if we don't keep planting seeds everywhere. Then, when something like that comes again. We won't be ready if we don't have one source of income. Let's try and look at it, and so we have to keep building multiple income sources.

Matt: Yeah, I think that, I think that's right. I think that there's, there's an element to which, you know, I yeah I was just looking at your tick tock, I just saw that, you know, 500,000 video on 500,000 views on your last video the video just did. And I think that, you know, people sometimes what happened is, let go of what's working right now and chase your pursuit of something that might even be hotter or something that might be new or fresh, but it's always it's always a good practice to sort of go back and look and just say like, what have I done in the last six months or last year that exponentially worked right that exponentially had a massive result for me personally or my business or whatever. Let's try that again, You know, like let's double down on that again but I, yeah. Anyway, I think what I see you doing really well is, is, I just feel like you're a model of consistency, and he said, you know even that you kind of got away from what was working but I don't think I know at least to me, I don't think you ever really got away from like the consistency of creating content and bettering yourself in that skill set. And when you get a, you know, video that's viewed 500,000 times I mean, you start to see some sales come in from that typically you know you start to see some sort of result from that typically. So when you just how long I wanted to just go back. How long ago did you discover Legendary?

Daniel: It was early in May.

Matt: So not that long, four or five months. Okay, yeah. So, when you do, you're looking at a market you're looking at, drop shipping, you're looking into maybe your own product, stuff like that. What in the last, let's say four months has been most difficult or like something that's been frustrating or like just like, I can't crack this code or, you know, what's the big hurdle


Daniel: Yeah, I would say the copyright, because with legendary I felt pretty techie so in terms of the back end I had everything done in like, my first weekend, and before the next game came, I already had an eBook out on Amazon, everything like like well that's looking really easy to me. And so when I got down to making the videos. First of all, I felt super awkward. So, getting the videos done was awkward, but then the copywriting went into the videos, I just couldn't get it right and I you know I tuned into those Thursdays, as much as I could shine. And yeah, I mean, as a matter of fact, while we're on that topic, I would definitely suggest that everybody watching, find that one video that did. Good for you, and copy everything about it, except for maybe the subject, as in like wear the same shirt, you know, start off with the same bloodline, use the same sound. You know what I mean, be as consistent as you possibly can with the one that works, because you don't know what something. And after that, yeah, just maybe change the subject, and you can go look at my profile. I think I have a video with 2.8 million views. And you'll see that the moment I got that one. I started making a bunch of other videos where I started the same way I use the same sort of words like, and they all did well, they all went viral.

Matt: It’s actually at a million views now.

Daniel: Oh, is it? Yeah, I actually was surprised when you said 70k I had like 60 something last night so it works right it grows?

Matt: Yeah, yeah for sure it does. I, it's, it's just a formula I think I mean it's, I think the crazy part is, you know, we're in the place where you're at, where, you know, sales start flowing in one or two a day, three, four a day stuff like that I think that, you know, it's, it's super key and important to dial into those things, how do you start a video, what did you do to start that video right like, what exactly is it the same shirt is it the same voice is it the same, you know like all of that stuff is at the same hook, and I liked. Also what you said I thought was crucial as the copywriting piece because there is an element to which a techie person, kind of a techie person like you, the techie person comes in and thinks oh this is just all about putting together websites pages together, okay I can do that. And then suddenly, you're like, you're a weekend and you realize like, oh this is actually a game of copywriting and using words and psychology. And that's really key, that's super important. And I like that a lot. Because, even on video people say, you know, copywriting isn't that about blogging or writing sales pages every headline that you've got on your TikTok, everything is all copy, it's, it's literally just all copywriting it's yeah it's super interesting. So, you you dive into the business blueprints, what piece what element, would you say about legendary helped most is that like the affiliate marketing blueprint or, you know what exactly helped you the most in that copywriting thing, or maybe it wasn't even legendary as much like our courses as much as it maybe was art community or what. What do you think helped most?

Daniel: I think honestly it was those Thursday, sort of training that we do training on Thursday.

Matt: Everybody who doesn't know our business blueprints buyers, people who purchase our business blueprints, you can get. They get free access every Thursday. I host a live webinar at 3pm Eastern every day. We've been doing it for two and a half years. So that's what he's referencing, I just wanted to clarify that so we don't have a bunch of people like hey how do I get on.

Daniel: Yeah, no thank you. Yeah, absolutely build with me. Because, don't get me wrong, I definitely watched like the copywriting videos I watched over like not just one time but like two, three times, and they're good and I took my notes and all that, but I think for me, my style of learning is when you were able to point us in the direction of Hey look at this video look how this was done with know that like that allows me to learn much quicker, and I'm able to really understand what's why that copy was so good. And so it was all the different accounts that we generally use examples of that stuff, that it's gold for me, and I'll watch it and I'll say okay, now I understand how that was implemented there and whatnot. How can I do the same, and Amazon? Yeah, and I mean I guess if you go a step further in the blueprints, we also have coaching, right. And so that's another one that I have kind of learned and implemented. I generally do that more on my Instagram side. But yeah, it's totally helped and I, I'm able to help. Because of all the learning with the copywriting, the techie stuff like it comes so easy to do that I feel like that I can help anyone on really quickly. Right. But I guess I'm the one that is so fascinated with the copywriting portion. I give it one point. 

Matt: Yeah, I think that I think it needs more importance, especially in, you know this this world and everybody who's watching this is all talking about. Well, everybody's only always just like well how do I just set it up so that I don't have to be there I, you know that I don't have in how do I get this automated passive income. And yes, elements of it are passive and automated right like, you know, you could be sitting here right now, and selling products selling all sorts of stuff making income, and you're just sitting here alive and not really selling anybody anything. But there's also elements of like it's a business, and I think sometimes people forget that piece, which is like hey, no this is actually a business like a business requires work, and attention and learning a new skill like copywriting. So, when you get online, you go on TikTok. And my guess is you were like okay, it seems like TikTok sounds like the place to go. Seems like where everybody's at with, let's try to figure this out, start creating videos, what, tell us a little bit about your routine, do you create like a video a day or less or do you ever quote live like what, what, what's your routine on TikTok like?

Daniel: Absolutely. So, I actually start my morning on Instagram. And so, I'll do a post on Instagram. And maybe about an hour after the post, I go on TikTok and I create a video. And then I download that video and we bring it over to Instagram. And my goal is to get three videos a day. And if it's not exactly three then at least get to decent quality ones. Okay. And then after that, I focused my energy on just Instagram throughout the day, because that's where I'm getting the DMS and that's where I'm getting the engagement, right, like, I, I do feel like TikTok is a bit more passive. If you have a video and I want to talk to touch TikTok, you're fine. But on Instagram like, there's, there's the ability to nurture your followers a lot more so it requires you to be there. Which I'm perfectly okay with because I feel like I continue to learn that much more. Alright from my followers, what they want, what they're looking for and things like that. But yeah, so, basically, the day he's like, generally my goal on TikTok. 

Matt: Cool. Yeah, I feel like I've seen a lot of people who have viral videos going, and you should test this here, let me, let me give you a little challenge you should test this sometime. Like for a month, like schedule a live once a week, like, not a long live you don't have to go live for hours but what, what a lot of people don't see on the back end that I see is a lot of conversions from live videos. So and in bunches so like people have, you know 100,000 followers or something, and they kind of watch your videos and whatever you say like hey, you know you actually post, or you put in your bio, like I go live every Wednesday at 7pm Eastern right or 10:10pm Eastern or something, and then what happens is is, people are gonna pop in and out and even yesterday's guests were talking with Jason here's kind of like yeah I didn't really love it because people went in and out, I think that that's cool, that's fine. You don't have to love it. You don't have to do it. But I think a really underrated piece of this whole thing is going live on tick tock, and teaching like for 10 minutes giving a little mini lesson right and actually putting something like, you can do a green screen of like a sales funnel above your head or something, you know like, you can get pretty interesting. Most people don't even do that but I think you could get really like some good copy and curiosity with a green screen, and with what I've seen work really well is, for instance the girl King, this was maybe late last year early this year, had a pretty huge following on TikTok was getting a lot of viral videos, she was like hey I can't make sales. I just, I'm not selling any product, and I said, and so we determined probably the best route to go live and sales just started pouring in. In her case, she didn't love going to live as much as she wanted to. She felt like it wasn't quite automated enough. But I was like, look, I mean if you can go live to five to 10x your sales, right, not just followers but they got people buying. I think it's worth it, you know if it's like 30 to 60 minutes a day or even if you do it once a week but I think she started doing it daily because it was like man I can, I can literally 5x My sales by going live. You should try that out. You don't have to do it, you don't have to do it every day, like, and especially if you don't like it, but what I tell people is like once a week for 30 to 60 minutes I mean that's nothing, you know, In comparison, and you can take all of those followers who are like, Dang, this is cool, I like this guy. And so I think that people under recall Jupiter. Okay, now this person was just this kind of fuzzy idea of the shell of a human, I've seen mixed cool videos so now it's like, oh my gosh I need to lean in and like, let me get a little like real knowledge here from Daniel. And you can see throughout the live like hey by the way, there's a link in my bio if you go in person seven bucks or, you know what your eyeglasses or whatever, you can get a free 15 minute coaching session with me, or you can get a free zoom call with me after you purchase send me an email, send me a TikTok DM whatever, I'll hop on a zoom give you a little 10 minute kind of motivational like hey, here's what I recommend that you do. And then that way there's incentive to buy right now. Right, and so I don't always tell people to go salesy, I tell people, on your timeline, don't go sales don't sell anything. That's just creating curiosity, it's opening people's minds, it's using really good copy to get people curious like What's this all about was this guy, a sketch talking about. But in lives, you can really connect with people and you can say hey, like, what are you here for man like what's going on, how are you doing, you know, like you're sitting here watching my live like what do you, what's up, you know, and you can get real, you know feedback in real time with people it's just, it's so powerful, I think it's really underrated for the amount of effort that goes into getting 70,000 followers on TikTok, but for me it's always like, why not just capitalize on that and go live once a week, and really make the most out of those people because you do the same on Instagram, the way you see or cultivating that following a little more. I think it is possible on TikTok to be sure to combine virality with indie, and, and actually connect and grow those sales a lot more. Does that make sense?

Daniel: Yeah, no, absolutely. I mean, as a matter of fact, I've been thinking about doing a live show on TikTok but haven't gotten around to it, but man after that speech, I absolutely have to go and say like, how do you not go live after hearing that?

Matt: Yeah, well some of our top people, that's what they do. Calvin's on that for a long time, but also, like, I'm just gonna like to give you, you know, embrace talking about the vaccine right, and when you vaccinate you're about to get a dose of what you might experience. And what I mean is I'm going to give you a little dose of what you might feel when you first go live so that when you feel like you're not like, oh my god this is awful. So, a lot of times, like the first live or the second live or the third live, it's very hard to get. It's at least for me and I know for a lot of other people it's really hard to get sort of real traction, and to get the feel of like how do I want to do this, like what exactly am I trying to do here, how am I going to, you know, so I would test out a few different things. One is I would just test out like a 10 minute lesson, like, and it can be super simple, like, here's how sales funnels are better than websites for selling shit online, right and then it's like, that's easy. You could probably sit and just talk about that for 10 minutes right, you spend the first five minutes talking about how, how companies are done, they're trying to sell stuff through websites and you can tell your own story about the eyeglass, and then you can go into like, but here's the sales funnel secret, right. So, one sales funnel secret that content extra sales put up, and you just teach up for 10 minutes and you go and the main thing you have to not worry about is people going in, out. Do people just come in, you know, and then it's like there's only two people here. You just have to go, and you have to do it for the sake of doing it. And if two out of 72,000 followers come on, and you feel stupid like you might feel stupid, but you just you have to go, right, and, and do that a few times to sort of break the ice for you personally, because there's this weirdness about having 72,000 followers and sort of looking like you got your stuff together, but then you're on a live for the first time and there's four people, right, yeah. 

Daniel: No, I totally agree. I've actually gone live a couple times already. It was early on. As a matter of fact, going live got me my very first commission.

Matt: See. Yeah, exactly. Oh, we lost him. Well, yeah. Going Live got him his very first commission, there you go that's all you need to know he'll probably hop right back in I bet his phone just died or something. Yeah, I think that, for those of you who are here. That's a big takeaway, that's a big nugget that is going to live out of frustration but also just in general, I've seen it over and over again, you know.

Daniel: I’m back but I don't know what happened.

Matt: That happened the other day to somebody so I don't know StreamYard has been crashing or something but going live got you your first commission keep going. 

Daniel: I got my first commission, and I can completely relate to everything we just said, I mean, when I first went live, I had two viewers and both those viewers were people that I knew who hadn't been invited to come over. And so it, there's a lot of anxiety there like, I just wanted to jump off that live, because I felt so awkward. Yeah those feelings are not good at all. Like you said, I think at that time I had maybe three 4000 followers on TikTok, but it was no one watching. But having said that, another thing that I noticed when I did go through those lines, is that if you have a viral video that's happening at that moment, you're more likely to catch people on those lines. Yep. At least that's what would have been for me, like, you know, I don't go from, no, no one doing my lives, to all of a sudden just tons of people and like you said, they may come in and leave, but at least there was this constant sort of flow of people that were there. And in addition to that you also don't see some of the people that are, you know, they're just kind of creeping but they're not really in the line like that, you know like when you're scrolling on TikTok, you have to press the video to actually jump into that room, right, where people can be watching without jumping in, just to see if they're interested in. And so that's why I do the same. So that's why, like whether I see zero views or nothing. I just continued doing what I was doing. And it took a couple months to get to the point where I was coming, he was speaking to myself, essentially. Right. But you have to do it right like one of the things that I said to someone else, where I have like a little group right where we all help each other out. Yeah. And something that I had mentioned is like thinking of how many are going to empty stadiums before they get their big break. Yeah, I take it as practice. Right, yeah, you're practicing you're practicing, how you deliver what you're the message that you're trying to deliver you're practicing, dealing with that anxiety in the moment. Right. You're practicing how to take proper breaks, I mean, I'll bring like a little cup of water, and whenever I have that like a mental fog where I don't even know what to say next. I just take a quick pause, take a sip of that water and then jump right back into it right, these little sort of techniques that allow you to do better lives and allow you to get to the point where you're very comfortable, even answering questions alive and just doing little impromptu tangents on someone said, just to drive engagement.

Matt: Yeah, I couldn't say it better. I couldn't say it better, but there are a lot of golden nuggets in there. I think one of the big ones is well and yeah I mean I said I was gonna vaccinate you, you've already got your first match. And I guess, you know, so I'm going to try to give you the booster. The, the, the thing about, you know how people are scrolling and they have to tap to actually watch live. I think that's a big thing, I think that's legit, I think, you know, there probably is like 1020 people, but man, the other one. Oh my gosh, the other one, the other golden nugget that you just dropped, is, is that when you have a viral video that I think that people need to be able to dial into like, just, there's a real element where you need to have sort of a sort of pulse like you need to be able to have a hand on the polls and know when you're popping off, and that's when you need to just be like, Hey, I just got, you know 10,000 followers today, like, in the midst of that, not after it, in the midst of all that, I need to do everything I can to capture this moment, right, because if it's going to come and go, maybe in some waves here and there. When I get a wave I need to ride that wave so I'm going to go live. Maybe I'll go live twice a day. Right, and I've seen people do. I've seen people go and live like Sarah Ravel used to go live daily, she's to go live daily, and just answer questions and just do q&a stuff, all kinds of, like, all kinds of very top platinum diamond earners, they go live a lot. And there's a secret to that I think there's a, there's an element to that which you know if people are going live on a daily basis, you sort of get your condition like okay this person's going live I see him once see him twice. Sam three times. Okay. Damn, this person is like five, a lot like this is a big thing for them, they're not here today, gone tomorrow kind of person want to tune in today, you know, maybe I got a question today too, you know, or something, you know, and I couldn't get just a little bit. You're sort of present at some point during the day and, anyway, I didn't know that we were going to get on this live train but here we are, you know, it's fine.

Daniel: I think it works. I think I needed to hear that again anyway to go back to live. Yeah.

Matt: And, yeah, for sure. What, um, if there's people here and I'll let you have the last word today what for people who are newer people who are maybe thinking about creating that first piece of content, what would you say to those people, you know if you had one minute, two minutes to give him some encouragement or to give them a tip?

Daniel: Absolutely. The first thing I would say is stop overthinking, and just make that first video, I can't stress that enough. I mean, you may plan everything that you're going to do with that first video, but at the end of the day, you know, social media has a shelf life, whatever you make six months from now, no one's going to go back to watch your first and second video, it's going to be forgotten so if it sucks, it won't matter. Just get it out there and get it out there, means that you're gonna see for yourself, like, oh I could have improved this and I could have improved that. Well now you're learning right, you feel forward. So then you make your next video you make all the improvements that you just thought, so stop overthinking. Just start, the sooner you start, the sooner you're gonna see success.

Matt: I love it. That's awesome, dude. Hey, thanks for coming on. Keep rockin it on that channel, you're obviously just getting started, that video's blowing up. And it's probably a great time for you to go live. But uh yeah hey, check back with us you know I, I always tell people, shoot me an email and in a month or two months or something and let us know how it's going. How can we help, how can we stay involved in your life and then we'd love to have you back on in a couple months, or 60 days 90 days and just see how things are going.

Daniel: Absolutely. Thanks for having me.

Matt: You bet. See it. Alright guys, hey, right here is his info, go give him a follow and send him a message be like hey man, When you go in line, but make sure to give him a follow up, follow up kind of on TikTok find him on Instagram. He's got a few videos that have gone super super viral on TikTok. And as always, we'll be live again tomorrow. I'll be guest posting tomorrow for Dave, and then on Friday as well 10am Eastern it's every single day. It's five days a week. We'll see you again tomorrow. 

How To Rebuild Your Life Through Affiliate Marketing When You Think You’ve Lost It All

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Hey good morning. Happy Tuesday. Good to see, well, I don't see anyone here quite yet but it will be good to see you when you join. It's 7:04 where I'm from on the West Coast. I'm in Phoenix, but we've got an awesome guest today. I'm guest hosting for Dave, this morning, and we'll be the remainder of the week. So, you're stuck with me. I'm sorry. We've got an awesome guest though Jason who's returning guests, and remembering Jason on, he's going to share a bit of his story of getting started online and he's just got a really interesting one. Yeah, Well, let him tell me I don't need to tell it, Jason what's going on?

Jason: Good to see you.

Matt: So, how long ago were you the first time, because you were on with Dave. A long time ago, right.

Jason: Yes, I can't remember April. I think back to April.

Matt: Yeah, I feel like, man, maybe you've done a lot of different stuff, and if you could just for those of us who maybe didn't hear the story or maybe didn't kind of hear where you came from and how you found online marketing and stuff like that. What, what's that been like,

Jason: Well, the story is back in November. I got code. And you know I was thinking that it was not going to be some big thing and ended up becoming a COVID long hauler, so I'm still getting symptoms, Even though I got to, like, the day before Thanksgiving last year. I'm still receiving the symptoms today. Wow, like crazy heart rates My heart stopped at one point, oxygen levels dipped and crazy low numbers. So I'm still having to fight those dilemmas today which is why I started looking for Business online, something that I could sit at home and do from home and not have to go crazy. Used to be a construction worker, worked in real estate, raced cars, and did so many different things, but that part of my life right now. I had to stop because I'm physically not able to do that. So I started getting a little bit better and feeling somewhat human. I got on TikTok, as a joke. Not a joke but the kid mostly to see what it was all about because my son was like oh I'm gonna download this app I was like well I gotta see what it's about first before I'm on what you know what they got on there so everybody talks about Legendary. So I like you know what, seven bucks, I'm gonna give it a go. So that's how I got my start 15 days I was like okay cool, and then and you know it just started building from there and I was like oh man I see all these opportunities and then I came up with my now system, which is like a niche, finding a niche. Finding opportunity, and then finding a win win for me. The next person, the customer and the business win win win. And I've been running. I've been running with that ever since and you know, I have my face brand, I have a faceless brand. I have about four or five different niches, currently running. Cool.

Matt: Awesome, what's that been like? I didn't know you were doing stuff like that.

Jason: Oh yeah, it's been, it's been interesting, really cool.

Matt: What's been one of your favorites or what's been like, surprising or interesting about that.

Jason: I think when I first started the no face niche I thought that was kind of cool now I am running ads to drive traffic that I'm not doing. I'm not driving it organically. But it's all female based and you would never know that the person who runs that company is a, almost 40 year old man. You know, I found a lot of problems in women between the ages of like 25 to about 55-60, and I found this really cool little niche. Sorry ladies but you guys like to spend

money. So I find that and you know creating all these really cool. I guess hooks and kind of combined really cool things like one of the things I combined was. What perfume goes with your zodiac sign. Okay, and you know just creating curiosity. That's just one of the little things that I've put together and thrown out there but

Matt: It's cool. That's cool. You're doing all kinds of marketing. 

Jason: Yeah, I'm in our RV niche still. I got away from day trading from now because it's so stressful in the markets changing so much I was like you know what, I need to get my heart to break. Give yourself a heart attack. Yeah, that's right so I remember the last time I was on the show I lost $38,000 in the market, because I wasn't paying attention.

Matt: Yeah, right. Yeah, I remember that you were Yeah cuz you were kind of sitting behind or in front of a computer that had a bunch of like day trading charts on it I think. Yeah, funny, That's so interesting. Yeah, that's an interesting I mean, I feel like anybody who goes online or starts watching some tech talks about making money online or something always sort of looks at that at least or maybe places a couple trades or, you know, gets a free stock on weeble or something, and, and they're like, Oh, this is interesting, and then, you know, they trade an option or something lose all their money and they're like what the hell just happened. And then, you know, they either double down and try again. Or, you know, they, they just are like this is not for me, but I do get the anxiety piece, because, like, I've definitely gone down that road of trying to pick stocks and stuff and it's just like, I know nothing, and I feel like the day trading is like that times, 100, where it's like happening super fast. Everything's Super Rapid, it's so volatile.

Jason: That was an insane point in my career. I mean, I have a screenshot where I literally bought 10,000 shares of a company, and sold 10,000 shares of Company in two seconds. And then that two seconds I was able to profit I was like two or $3,000, but if I would have held onto it for four seconds I would have lost keys. That's and I mean I got in thinking I was going to be in for a little bit, I was watching the charts and then I watched the monsters change like it just changed like that was, oh my God, and just instantly got out.

Matt: Sell all.

Jason: Unfortunately, like when I was, I traded a really fast platform. And I had to use hotkeys like if I wanted but I'm just pushing a button on the keyboard and you bought. Yeah, I need to get out. I could boom, I press a button and I'm out. Chase man. So it wasn't like okay let me put in the order and No, no I'll just press the button, and it happens.

Matt: Yeah, that takes a little more skill and development than I have, that's for sure. What so. So you're now you've got multiple different niches you're rockin ‘you're doing a lot of different stuff. What do you feel like is working best or like what are you doing that you feel like is working best and that you're gonna invest more time and energy into?

Jason: Right now I'm dividing my energy into trying to keep my organic side for the make money online niche, I like that niche. I feel like I can help a lot of people. I already have helped a lot of people in fact that was when I was on my deathbed. I had that dream. You need to help a million people and that's why I was like, How the hell am I supposed to do that, just a regular dude. Am I supposed to do it? And then I just kept on going, you need to help a million people you need to help them, people and I remember waking up in a pool of sweat going, well I'm still here. Maybe that's what I'm supposed to do. But how the hell am I supposed to do that so right so having that organic reach and being able to actually talk to people on a regular basis and help people on a daily basis is awesome and I love that and I love seeing people succeed. I love the faceless brand, Because I can run an ad, press a button and then boom, traffic is running. I'm not having to create TikToks, not sitting here managing Facebook stuff. I'm not doing Instagram. It's relatively easy and I've got that niche set up also for SEO for the future. Maybe it'll be like a bonus. So, do you find your wit, I'm just, this is mostly just my curiosity with your energy levels and stuff with kind of your long COVID hall like. Do you feel less energy than before? Is it harder to do the work that you do?

Jason: My biggest struggle is sitting at a desk, my old job. I was physical, like I was the Mason, I was the farmer, I was the electrician, I was the plumber, I was the roofer, I was the window guy. I literally did every single trade. So I was always up and down ladders, I was always on the go, always moving, and that was moving 12 hours plus a day. Now to sit in a chair that is for me is the hardest part. Yeah. Energy is fun. I do have days where it's really hard, like I got a cold. About a month ago, that cold flared up my immune system to go crazy. And I went through me right back to where I was before. And that took me out for about two weeks. I really wasn't able to do a lot for two weeks. But you know, it is what it is. Oh, glad you're here man. So, what I was talking about before so I had that organic reach. I have the paid ads, and now I just found a new little niche and I found a big problem. And I found the solutions and now I'm coming up with my own little mini course to come up with a solution that nobody else has and I'm like, Okay, cool, and it's a big problem.

Matt: I wanted to just say I wanted to just say, I get a lot of questions from people who asked me what niche, should I go into what niche should I choose what products should I promote, and I love what you just said there, I thought it was like, I didn't want to skip over it. He said, I found this kind of new thing I'm going to create because there's a big problem, and that's always the first thing that I come back to somebody with is like, Well, where do you see problems. Do you see a problem you could solve just really the decision of the niche is just like identify some sort of problem or something, you know that you feel like maybe I can have a voice on or maybe I can give some, you know, interesting, a course, but you know as an affiliate marketing, you don't have to give a course but you're now at the place where you're kind of like you've done affiliate marketing, you've made some good money you've sort of got your feet wet, more than your feet wet, I mean you've been your waist. Neck Deep like you've really done quite a bit of stuff.

Jason: Yeah definitely Still, you can still create your own gig, and still be an affiliate marketer.

Matt: Totally, totally. So what's, what's the deal, how much detail do you want to give on that?

I don’t want to give any yet. 

Matt: Okay, cool. I'm cool with that. And about a month or two stuff will start coming out and hopefully I'll be ready and really drive some care, hopefully you guys are curious because it's gonna solve almost every single person that has ever been through legendary, I am going to solve a monsters problem and I don't care if you own your own business, if you're in legendary if you're an affiliate marketer if you're a drop shipper, it doesn't matter, this problem exists for everybody. And I'm going to help solve it.

Matt: That's awesome, dude. That's great, that's how a lot of, I mean, I feel like, you know, that's, that's how, that's how Dave got his start, that's how I got my start like I probably know what you're thinking already, and I probably don't know exactly, but I probably know the route your thinking. And the problem you're thinking, you know like Dave stripped out his start promoting a product that was solely focused around helping network marketers get leads, what was their number one problem. How do I get leads right? How do I stop ringing people's doorbells and asking them if they want to join my business opportunity?

Matt: Cool man, that's so cool. That's awesome. Are you, are you going to build out logistic a small course or like, just like a little digital course and sell it online or give it away for free or something.

Jason: Yeah, it's just gonna be small. 

Matt: Perfect. That's awesome. Nothing I'm not gonna go crazy, it's one thing you have to fix. Jason: Yep. One thing is not going to be some big course. I'm not trying to be some guru, I'm not any guru. I'm nobody's guru, I'm just, I'm just a normal guy finding a problem and coming up with a solution.

Matt: No wonder people, I just feel like you're. Yeah, you're just such a relatable man you're just like, you're the ex construction worker is just like did. I got a level head on my shoulder. I know who I am, you know, and I think that that's probably a reason a lot of a lot of people like in the comments and stuff are just, yeah.

Jason: I can’t see the comments. I have no idea what y'all are saying.

Matt: They're saying you're awesome. 

Jason: Thank you guys.

Matt: Are you on a phone or computer?

Jason: I'm on my computer. 

Matt: Oh, yeah you should be able to see it.

Jason: I have to pull it up on Facebook.

Matt: No, it's just on the sidebar of the stream yard, Maybe as, hey, hey.

Jason: There it is, I got it.

Matt: Cool man, that's, that's awesome. And then, you know, I think the nice part is, so I was kind of looking at like the way that you offer different products and services and stuff like even, you know, I think there's a lot of good sort of Guru marketers who create something that's best solves a problem, everyone has, which the nice part about that is that sure everybody who follows you or watches your stuff is going to want that right so there's already built in demand and desire for it. And so then you have a more, it's more likely than on the front end, you'll have a higher converting lead magnet to generate more leads, because it's going to convert better it's going to be yours. And so then people come to the very first thing, let's say they tap the link in your Instagram bio or your TikTok bio or whatever. And the first thing to hit is like, here's my, you know, you could sell it or you can give it away for free. A lot of people just give it away for free as a lead magnet to generate leads and then you can just do that whole filtering you're already doing but can do that whole filtering thing where you sort of feed them into different offers, right. And the nice part about that too is you know after you generate that lead. You can have split tests going, you know, send person one to this offer, person two to this offer person three to this person for this offer, and you can really just sit down and look and just be like, dude, this offer converts, way better than this offer to this audience and this offer, you know, is there's a million ways to go about that and then you can choose kind of your evergreen offer and order them in, in order of conversions, and then put them in your email follow up sequence in that order. So you've got your best converting stuff going to your people right away?

Jason: That's it. 

Matt: Anyways, my brain just goes down this whole rabbit with your 100% What, um, what uh, so, in terms of that development and that offer and everything. Have you ever done anything that is gonna be your first time, like really developing a course?

Jason: It is. And because of my monster shiny object syndrome. I see you here with the same syndrome. I've taken a ton of different courses, and in fact I just took another one that was designed just to put an offer together and how to put an affiliate program and an offer together, so that is what I'm currently building from that course.

Matt: That’s something everybody needs man, something everybody needs and everybody's wondering, super smart, that's awesome. What, um, yeah, they're all like, what is it, what is it, Jason, what is it, guys.

Jason: You guys want a little bit of the inside scoop, Join me on my facebook brand page jmhustle on Facebook, go find it.

Matt: Yeah, I'll just put up with these if that’s cool and they can follow you like yours. Are they, is this the right handle?

Jason: Yeah, that's the right handle on my Instagram and TikTok, I need to change. In fact, it's going to change,

Matt: So go follow him before it changes, guys.

Jason: Just like many other people might talk about it. If I need to start a completely new account, I want to start from scratch. I made lots and lots of mistakes that almost everybody else made. And at the time, I didn't know they were mistakes. And because of that my account is trash. 

Matt: Now by trash you mean, you're just not getting views anymore they're not showing your videos to the for you page?

Jason: There's that. And then they took away the Creator account and then turned it into just the business account. Now all the trending sounds I can't use anymore there's a whole, there's a whole slew of things. And that's my fault, but I didn't know. So if you're doing what we do, we fail 80% of the time, and when 20% of the time, so all you people that are struggling and going, Oh man, it's just not working, you're gonna fail, most of the time. It's trial and error, figure out what works, figure out what doesn't work when it doesn't work, try something different.

Matt: Yeah, I just, I had Nate say, My TikToks doing great again just threaten them with a lawsuit, then they left me alone. I feel like that probably won't work for most people but you could try it, you can try it. I feel like the pan, the 80% thing that you said there is so true. I wanted to just acknowledge that I feel like that's really true. A lot of times people are looking at people on a leaderboard for various affiliate offer they're looking at people, you know, they found on Tik Tok or whatever who were, you know 500,000 followers and they just like well that guy, guy that gal, they just got it figured out, they just know exactly what's going on. They're bullet proof, whatever, but the truth behind the scene is, there's just a lot of shit going on. I mean there is failure after failure after failure after, oh my gosh, why did I do that, oh my gosh, you know, somebody have 400,000 followers, they could wake up tomorrow have channels gone, everything's gone, and that happens, you know, So it's more about, it's less about the ability to just copy what somebody else is doing, although to get a good start to get going, you know, look around at the industry and look and see what's working, but you do have to develop some measure of internal fortitude and skills, because those two things combined, you know when, when that day happens, you lose your whole TikTok channel. Like, you have to be able to start it all over again, you have to be able to innovate and learn from your mistakes and say well what did I do here I messed up something right. Everybody wants to blame it on tic tock. Well, there's probably some missteps along the way, that's what I appreciate about you and I like having you on this show for that reason, I also feel like, you know what I remember from our first show you were talking about different trades and how they never take responsibility and oh it's this plumbers, it's the plumbers fault, and it's the drywallers fault oh no it's the framers, you know all of this different stuff I remember you talking about that the first time you were on and I was like, you know, because I was going through some construction during that, I was like you know what this dude, right, no one takes responsibility for their fuck ups nobody, because I watched everybody point fingers. That guy's fault. No, that guy's fault. No no no, that guy is the architect, the architect didn't put it on the drawings. Oh, the drawings are wrong. Oh, and I, I just, I appreciated that you sort of took responsibility there. And it reminded me of that first time that we met because you did the same thing there, and that's probably the difference right?

Jason: I would imagine that like, listen, we all have mistakes, we all do good things, take responsibility for the good and the bad. Take responsibility when you start blaming other people that just doesn't go with good for anybody that's never a winning solution. Just take responsibility, good, bad or indifferent and move on. Now what I can say is from my failures, like I tried to help my inner circle my people, learn from my wins, but also learn from my failures so you don't do the same thing I did. Right. And all those people that are worried about their TikTok account completely being banned and that's your business has gone. Don't put everything on, tick tock, don't make TikTok, your only business model, and I'm not saying just go to TikTok and then Instagram, you guys need to think about the big picture. You think way, expand, see Nate is out here talking about green. Big content on YouTube and it's there forever. That's a great strategy but shouldn't be his only strategy, having a blog or something that's a great strategy to but it shouldn't be your only strategy having your Facebook, having your Instagram having your TikTok having all these things, maybe having an ad account, whatever your strategy that's all fine and dandy, broaden your horizon. That way if my TikTok gets banned tomorrow. Okay. I just move on and do something else. I have so many other income streams over here that it's fine it's a blip on my radar, versus I have 400,000 followers, I just lost everything overnight. And now I have nothing. That sucks.

Matt: Yep. Absolutely. Yep, unless you're playing the business model where it's like, I'm gonna ride this for three months and get extreme super growth, and then it's gonna my channels gonna die, I'm gonna chill for a month, and then I'm gonna do it again.

Jason: Grab that low hanging fruit, but what happens if you get sick and you disappear, and you're not creating any more TikToks, what now happens TikTok, obviously they'll push your stuff for up to three months but it's not like the first three, four days, Right. You guys stop, then your business stops. Yeah that is not passive. YouTube is passive, because it's there and it's there forever and you can set it up to rank SEO you can run ads to it there's a lot of things that you can do. Blogs are the same way but blogs take a long time to rank, but they're an amazing strategy, especially if you decide to run ads, there's so many different ways that you can do this business, do not stick to one because if that one thing changes or fails or whatever you are screwed. 

Matt: Yeah, absolutely. But here's, Here's the nuance to that because I completely agree with that and I think more people need to hear that, especially people who have started to make a little money, and the nuance, I feel like to that is that people sometimes hear that Jason and then what they say to me is they say, Well, I'm launching my YouTube, my TikTok my Instagram, my blog and paid ads. This week, I'm ready to go. And I'm like, Well, hold on a second here, like, let's start with one traffic method like let's generate a lead from Tik Tok right or let's generate $100 from your TikTok. And let's see what happens. And let's see if maybe we can generate 500 bucks a month from TikTok, and then one more. Let's do YouTube, or let's do Instagram or let's start your blog right, and don't stop, what's working but make something, make the easiest low hanging fruit work first because if you can't make that work first. It might be hard to make other marketing strategies work. Right so, tick tock is what I would say the lowest hanging fruit in marketing today. So, if you can't go on and create an attention grabbing headline on TikTok that gets viewed 10,000 times or 50,000 times. If you can't create one piece of compelling content that goes viral and gets a lot of traction, it's your first sale. It's gonna be hard as hell to do that on a YouTube video or with a blog post, right, because that requires a lot more work and a lot more attention. 

Jason: And frankly a lot more time, like you said like blog, you might sit on a blog for 6-12 months, you might sit on blog for two years before you produce

in your work and for SEO, where now I've got to the point where I can create a complete blog page from scratch from nothing to a complete functioning page, I can have it done in a day. Yeah, then the next day I'm running ads to it and boom I got 15,000 new leads by running ads days I'm rocking and rolling. So you can do that strategy but no that's not a free strategy. So if you guys are looking for the free thing, I mean, yes, the low hanging fruit from TikTok, Instagram, Pinterest, those things are amazing to get started. They're amazing, they kind of get your feet wet. Get yourself comfortable, you're going to be showing your face, get comfortable with it. I know there's a lot of new people here. I know when I first made my first Tiktok. It took me three hours to make a damn 45 second video, and flop and it was the worst. I was like, why did it take so long to do so bad. Oh my god. But you just gotta keep pushing everybody. Okay, what's my Facebook, my Facebook is Jay M hustle Jason miner JM Hustle. Go in there and I know a lot of people want stuff. So you were just talking about hooks, go into my guides and grab the five hooks. Yeah, you're gonna learn how to do hooks, you can learn how to do emails from my guides. You guys can learn so much from just the damn guides.

Matt: Nice. I love it, helping us out.

Jason: All those people that are saying, oh I don't know what I'm good at. I think there's like 2000 different hobbies. I have a list of like 2000 hobbies you guys can go through. If you can't find something that you're into from that list, just go back to bed because that's probably where you left.

Matt: I like it, I like it, so we kind of hit on this but I'll let you kind of close this out and have the final word but for people who are here. Alright so, you gave this advice about, hey, you're gonna have to figure out a way not to just have one thing you can't just have one tick tock channel that goes away. Number one is not passive. Number two, it goes away, guys. So for somebody who is newer, they're starting to create content, they're going to dip their toes in the water, they're going to try it out. And let's say you're at a Zoom meeting and I'm like hey, I don't. I just can't figure, I can't just have a huge block, what do you say?

Jason: If you have a huge block. I would start picking your brain, and try to figure out what works for you and what doesn't work for you. I would start trying to figure out what skills you currently have, like, whatever it is, maybe that maybe I've worked here I've done this, I've done this here my passions, here are my hobbies. And then I would kind of just start working and figuring out a strategy for you. If you're like I'm an introvert I do not want to make TikTok content, well then I'm not going to tell you to be the new TikTok guru, okay, that's not going to be for you. I'm probably going to throw you over here and teach you different side hustles that you can do to generate leads and get paid while generating leads but it's work. It's not like it's oh here, Lincoln bio right it is work, but I can show you how to do that, so you can figure out a different strategy kind of get your feet wet, and then figure out if you're on a bigger blog thing if you want to do the YouTube thing if you figure that out. If you wanted to do the organic strategy then yeah I would say jump in. Do your tick tock thing. Look at some of the absolute best of the best, and whatever it is, your niches and start recreating some of the stuff but a research before you recreate what they do because if they recreate it, if you're recreating something that had 2 million views from a year, year and a half ago, and that thing is no longer valid. Don't just recreate something that is no longer valid, do your research before you guys recreate.

Matt: Oh I like that a lot.

Jason: I've seen some of these people start recreating some of the old content where they're, you know, it's like, oh, here's a side hustle that nobody's talking about, but it's no longer valid today, so you're recreating that because that's what got hits, but then people start researching and you're going to notice real quick that your comments are, this is, this is crap, this doesn't work anymore bla bla bla bla bla. What does that now do to your reputation, okay you got some followers, what just happened to your reputation because you didn't do your due diligence, this and I'm guilty I did that when I first started I didn't know what I was doing.

Matt: That's a nugget there. Don't be saying what you're saying, do some research on it like maybe actually sign up for an accountant or at the very least, make sure the website is still alive.

Jason: Do your due diligence and if you're saying anything, that this is cool and that this works better do it first, either try it, do it whenever you find some success with it. Try it. Don't just be fake, don't be a fake guru, everybody is going to absolutely see right past you instantly if you're that fake guru, and your reputation is going to be crap. Absolute Crap. And I hate to see that happen to all these good people.

Matt: And then, and then what's the final piece to that Jason?

Jason: The final piece to that is, They end up getting what more reports of spam from the people who follow them, they get unfollowed they get all the negative checkmarks that you don't want to get on your channel, you get all the bad stuff and what is tick tock, then they come and say, Oh, seems like your followers don't really like you, something I gotta find words. And that's not you. So, what content have you created to actually help somebody? Have you created that makes you versus copying what everybody else is now doing so it's one video goes viral, and then everybody now sees like, oh look, this just went viral. Let's all do it now, everybody sees the same video.

Matt: Well, I will say people have built very large channels and made a lot of money doing it.

Jason: You absolutely can. 100%, but if that disappears, now what?

Matt: Yeah, yeah. Well I think about a few things. I think number one is, so do your research, but also make it your own right so when I used to do those kinds of videos what I would do is I would. Let's see if somebody did well with this guy Austin Becker. Maybe you've heard of him. He was big on TikTok. Oh yeah, still is, and did a video on, on, it was, how to create your own t-shirt brand without any inventory, just drop shipping. It was printed on demand. Yeah print on demand. And so, it was really kind of the same thing, ish. But, so basically, he would, he created this thing, and he had a t shirt company that was different than I have and I was like, Okay, this video really took off and I can take the same headline, I can take the same hook that he hooked people with, but I like this other service print for a little bit better. So I had used it for samples, once, but I hadn't read enough reviews. I was like, Look, this is a reputable company based in the US. Even there, they're good. So I created this video, same damn thing, but I switched it up a little bit, but he had a few little things throughout the video, I noticed that people would comment on, so I knew that that was something that got people's curiosity, so use those exact same damn things, but nobody ever came to me it was like, Oh, I've already seen this video before.

Jason: And you actually tried it, and you made sure that it was valid. 

Matt: Right, yeah, exactly.

Jason: That's fine and that's amazing. 

Matt: I don't know that you have to, I don't, I don't know I might push back just a little bit because I have seen some videos where I'm not sure you necessarily have to actually do all of it, because some of it is just legitimately like for instance there's like this, like, there's like this, you know, work for Tesla video or whatever like jaw or somebody is or literally just like that goes super viral or just like job listings, where to look for online work, you know, and it's like, well, that one you probably, I mean I guess maybe go make sure that they're still up or something. If you're gonna go that route. I think the big piece that I found where people were able to break through that whole thing like, well you're just creating videos is when they go live like Do you ever go live?

Jason: I used to. I have a problem sitting there talking to myself, and I have tried scripting it. Okay I can talk to you all day no problem like a whole group of people, no problem, sitting there talking to myself. When you just see people in and out just pop in and out and then it feels like you're telling a story are you going through and you're in the middle of a story, and then everybody that's now in the middle of the story and they don't understand what's going on. I have to start over again, but then again I get to the middle again.

Matt: Well yeah I get that, I just said, what we've done on on our Thursday blueprints webinars is we've had a lot of people that have come in like hey, just posted these videos, I, you know, I kind of did some research found was working, I got a bunch of views, I'm not converting them, and I said, Go schedule out a live that's weekly so people know on Monday night you're going live email out to your list. Hey, get on TikTok going live on Monday pm, and the sales start flowing because they were like, I'm going to give a 10 minute lesson, I'm going to, I'm going to teach you a little bit about sales funnels here, do this, do this, here's how you do this, here's how you put it together. Oh by the way, there's a link in my bio go check that out it's free training, blah blah blah. This goes way more in depth. They generate leads and start closing sales. Anyway, I just, I think that taking that approach taking the low hanging fruit, but also I wanted to juice reaffirm I thought that your idea of sort of matching what someone's already good at or their DNA a little bit to a certain strategy or a certain, you know, it can even be just as simple as starting with, like, a task on Fiverr, I think that sometimes just seeing a little bit of money flowing into a bank account is like, Hey, there's money out there, a real human put money into the internet thing, and I pulled the little lever, and that money came flowing out to me, and I know that that sounds over simplistic but I don't know for me the first time I got paid online I was like okay this isn't, at least now I know this isn't a total like BS, people are making things up like a fairy tale. There's actual real money transacting, I can get a piece of that. And I think, I think the first step, I think you're right, I think the first step to that is sort of matching who you are, to, you know, maybe an opportunity or maybe, you know, running some ads for a local business or doing a gig on Fiverr, or starting a TikTok channel or whatever, you know, I'm super introverted, but if I can go on video quickly today and probably get whatever that video is talking to you about Austin Becker, he had 200,000 views, I had 350,000 views on a channel I never ever used once doesn't exist anymore but I was just like, hey, I'm gonna try this out, see what happens. And I made sales on that channel for three months from that one video, it was just you know just sat there and got views and got views and views, and you're right after about three months it kind of goes away. But anyway, I liked that. I like that a lot. I like that advice. I think it's valid and I think it's really valuable for people who work, we have a lot of new people who listen to the show so I think it's really valuable.

Jason: So you're talking about the people going live like Chris Digi and Calvin, they do amazing with those things right. So, and I told you that it wasn't for me so I do something I do go live, but not on tech. Yeah, because I do better on a group basis, and I feel like I can actually communicate and talk to actual people and build a relationship. I go live every Tuesday on my Facebook group. I send them out a zoom call, and literally we come in there and I'll do a training, whether it's an email training, an organizational training of this training, and then I go through the room and get to know everybody. Figure out what their strengths are, play on their strengths, and then give them advice, ask them where they have succeeded and where they're failing and then help that everybody, and because I've created that group and now everybody sees each other. Everybody's talking to each other, I don't have that I could be like, oh I don't know I, I suck at that. I'm really terrible, somebody else in the room can be like, Oh, I'm really good at that, let me help you. So that's it, now community with, you know we're we're all sitting here helping each other and that you get that sense of community inside your Facebook group, right, where somebody is like I'm having this problem. I need the solution, it's the exact same, but we're doing it face to face versus a little Facebook group or whatever a little page, not page, but posts.

Matt: Yeah, yeah, I got you. I got you, man, it makes perfect sense. It fits who you are, fits what you believe into, if it's like, you know, sort of what your end goal is you want to build into people you want to pour into people like TikTok going live on tick tock is a very different ballgame, the way you're talking about, it makes person.

Jason: Yeah, I mean, that strategy 180% works. Yeah, okay. I've seen it with Sarah I see with Calvin I see it with Chris. Yeah. It doesn't work for me. And if something doesn't work for you guys in the audience. That's okay, find something else. There's other , there's way more ways than just the TikTok route. But TikTok is valid, TikTok is hot. Still, aren't you as a source of traffic, use, you really should.

Matt: Yep. Yeah, there's, yeah, even we don't want to get into but anyway do. Thank you so much guys you can go find him on Facebook you can go find him on TikTok on Instagram JMhustle and people have it coming up in the chat so just look in the chat. People are putting in the comments and do. Thanks. Good to see you, we'll bring it back.

Jason: Let's do it again.

Let's do it again, we'll do it a third time, it will be a third time right this is the second. All right. So, Jason, thanks for coming on, man. Have a good rest of your days today, Tuesday, and if you ever need anything. Hit us up.

Jason: All right. All right, cool. See ya everybody.

Matt: Alright guys, hey, give him a follow go like his stuff. Right here, jViking82 You can follow him on TikTok on Instagram you can go find him on Facebook. And he's just a good dude he's, you know, just a fair warning if you go into his community that's probably a good chance he's going to hold your feet to the fire and it's probably going to hold you accountable if you say you're going to do something he's probably going to make you do it. So, you know, if you, if accountability and you don't like somebody pushing you hard. Don't go. Following, but yeah I agree with Nate he's got a huge heart. He's a good dude. So, go, go follow him. Go give him a like, and tell him he saw him on the show, guys, we'll be back here tomorrow I'll be back here tomorrow. Same time, same place 10am Eastern. Peace out.

How To Reinvent Your Affiliate Marketing Wheel

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends? Happy Monday, this is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to wake up Legendary, and we have got another returning guest we had at least one returning guest last week, you know, this is, this is exciting for me because I often say to people at the end of the show come back and see us come back and keep us posted here, within a couple of months and let us know how you're doing. So, today we have Tyler Wise, and we're gonna get this six figure affiliate's thoughts on inventing the wheel. Tyler, welcome to the show, brother.

Tyler: Thanks for having me on  here again.

Dave: Hey, when did you remember when you were last, was it a few months ago, three, four months, something like that?

Tyler: I think honestly I just quit my nine to five job. And I think I think that was about. I was like May. So, I think it was like June, maybe, maybe even sooner than that. I don't know, but I mean it was only a couple months ago.

So, that, you know, there's, there's often people who asked, you know, do people really quit their nine to five, you know, doing this, and you were able to accomplish that give us a brief nutshell of how that happened for you when you found Legendary just give us a brief timeline of what your journeys been like just for anybody who didn't catch that first episode.

Tyler: Oh yeah, no problem. So I found out about Legendary in November and at that time I was still working my nine to five, I had been with my nine to five, almost about six months at that point. And you know I was looking for the next best thing I had already been trying to actually ask for months, If you watched the last interview, Dave. I did drop shipping nine different times, and then I was like okay I'm gonna try to switch gears and then try to do affiliate marketing, found Legendary had a couple, you know, rocky start, a couple months right and start in the beginning, and then in January I made my first 10,000 ecstatic. And then I was like, well, let's make sure that I can continually make income from this, not that it's like oh I just made this much money and it's gonna, I'm gonna fail now, you know, so I want to make sure it's consistent. And then, you know by about April May I was like you know what, it's time to leave. And honestly, I'm glad I did because those couple months after I left, I had breached all time highs for how much money I've made and so you know I think that having a nine to five was, you know, it was nice. It's a nice like, you know, I only parachute to have, but it was holding me back. But it was scary. I was definitely scared to do that, I was scared to take that leap and, you know, because actually I put my two weeks and I was having doubts. My girlfriend was like, you need to do it because I know you can succeed. If you just focus on it and give it. That's what I did and.

Dave: Congrats, man, I mean that's, that's, that's the journey that's the, that's what we all end this for. So congrats on that, how's that feeling?

Tyler: Oh, it feels great. Honestly, when I see those numbers I'm like okay that's. Wow.

Dave: Yeah, yeah, it shows what you can really accomplish when you kind of, I guess, unplug from the matrix, and take the red pill I guess instead of the blue pill. 

Tyler: Yeah I think that’s how it goes.

Dave: Yeah, I think so, because I mean we're really trying to do, do earn money a certain way, and unplug from that, I guess, that common system, and we utilize leverage utilize the internet and the ability to be able to have systems, and people working for us, even when we're not working, you know, it's, this is what's possible. It's possible. It's possible to be making money while you sleep. And that's something that is certainly hyped up, and it's, it's absolutely. That phrase is used and abused by every guru and Pinocchio marketer out there, you know, in the world but the truth is that, you know, every week, almost every day we have people here on the show, who are doing, who are either already moving in that direction. And it just goes to show that it's possible. And I think that that's really, that's all that I needed. I don't know about you, but it was all that I needed to know that it was possible, and where I was when I started, you know, I, I kind of looked around and said, Dave, what do you have diluted.

Tyler: Yeah, I mean honestly I just Yeah, that's exactly what I needed. It's like my first got that first commission was possible like I can do this, you know, and an extra day after I left my nine to five, you know I already had submitted in my brain, I'm like, I can't do this, I just have to dedicate more time I need to make sure my content is quality I need to make sure I can cover them as I keep doing what I'm already doing to succeed, it's. Once you find these systems working, there's no need to reinvent the wheel.

Dave: Alright, well let's talk about that so your, your whole strategy has in mindset has been don't reinvent the wheel. Talk to us a little bit about how I'm sure you heard that at some point and did it, stick right away and talk us through your journey of kind of understanding that success really in any industry, you don't need to reinvent the wheel I mean unless literally, you're, you're, you're going to space, right, right down into Earth, where no man has gone before. But even there you have somebody who has at least tried it before so you know, maybe some things and they don't work. So talk to us about your journey of either not reinventing the wheel right away, or going on this innovation journey of trying fancy things and then sort of finally surrendering to reinventing the wheel, what did your journey look like.

Tyler: So, I guess when I'm saying like reinvent the wheel to, like, when I was learning about the funnels, how to build these sales funnels. Hi. I was looking at all these top marketers and I in the last interview that I did with you. We talked about Tony, Tony Robbins, because we went to the same seminar. But one of my favorite quotes is that he's talking about how he felt about these successful marketers, or people in his field. They have these certain clues on why they're successful. And basically you just have to follow what's already working for people. Okay, so when I first started out, I took the 15 day challenge. You know I absorbed as much as I could and then I was like, What are these other top marketers that are promoting. No, well they're they're promoting Legendary promoting that sort of thing. So I just started studying. And then basically what I found out what worked, and I found that we didn't. And I was like well if it's already working for them. I need to just, just basically build upon what they're doing, put my own spin on it. And so in the beginning you know I was using, trying to find the perfect funnel, and no business affiliate was like you know I've made 10s of 1000s of dollars just using this funnel. So I was like okay well I guess I'll try to make a funnel, you know, similar to his you know, why not. And later on after I left my nine to five job I said okay well I'm gonna change my funding. Okay. And since we talked last, I'm prepping to this point. I haven't changed anything. Because if it was already working, all I needed to do was increase my input. So there's no reason to think the system's already working, and need to stick with it. You just need to improve upon it.

Yeah, and when you said, increase your input of content, what I also heard, and correct me if I'm wrong, content ultimately equals traffic. So I increase my input of traffic into that funnel. And if, then eventually, you know, not that humans are numbers, but my business becomes much more of a math equation than it becomes some, some, you know, some art or science or, like, you know, the big problem that I need to solve is just a math equation. And I begin to realize that Dave: I, you know, I'm getting a 50% conversion rate on my landing page, and I'm getting a, you know I'm getting, I'm getting 25% conversion rate of people that land on my bridge page we're actually clicking the button, which is my affiliate link going on to whatever I'm promoting. And so, that would mean that, you know, of those people who are clicking that button clicking my affiliate link, if I'm converting, you know 5% of those people, I can reverse engineer my success to know exactly how many leads I need to drive to that landing page per month. If I want to continue at the level that I'm at of earnings, or if I want to double or triple, and then it becomes simple, because I can create another your marketing on TikTok, and that's really where you kind of saw quite a bit of, of, of initial success and you're still there Right?

Tyler: Correct. So I mean yeah, I, I've kind of branched off. I found most of my success came from Instagram actually. 

Dave: Okay, okay. But my point was is that, you know, if I'm initially marketing on TikTok, and I'm driving 5000 hits to my landing page, every, and that doesn't mean you know, people who are watching my videos that doesn't mean that means peak hits to my landing page some way, somehow, I am getting people to click on emails, who I've just, I've initially generated them as a lead and I'm driving clicks or I'm driving fresh clicks from a sales tip top channel or something. I want to increase that from five to 10,000 unique kids to my landing page each month, by the way everybody there is a difference between total hits and unique hits, and, you know total hits might mean that the same person went back 10 or 20 times. I'm talking about unique kids, different people, unique kids. So if I want to go from 5000 to 10,000 unique kids, maybe I open up an Internet, and I take and repurpose that content onto Instagram. Maybe I, you know, do some, maybe I create another TikTok channel but the point is is that it becomes a math equation and I no longer have to sit around obsessing over my bridge page or obsessing over my bridge page, video, or obsessing, I find Pilar that the majority of people, tweak, and mess around with their funnel, when they don't have even enough traffic to do an actual test and get actual real data and feedback about whether it's working or not. Is that something that you believe in as well and how do you approach that, I mean, how to give us your experience with the fumbling and messing around and I really consider it just busy work right?

Tyler: Yeah. You know what's funny is like. I think from the beginning, I was constantly. I was constantly thinking it I was like okay well, something is my problem was traffic, and I realized that now, but looking back, I was like okay, well, maybe if I adjust how this looks, or maybe if I guess how my prepaid video is, maybe I said something here maybe that's what I was just over. So my problem was I wasn't getting enough traffic. And so, I was just primarily focusing on. TikTok. And then around December, I started posting on Instagram, I just worked sort of repurposing the content. And I started getting so much traffic. When I found out, oh, this is my funnel doesn't work, actually. But I, in the beginning though you just don't know, second guessing yourself and you're like okay, well, I was just getting to the point where I'm like every single day I was like, to go and check this maybe I need to change this and it just, I was just in my head so much and I think that was almost inhibiting my success as well because I just, something's gonna be wrong.

Dave: Yeah. And let's give an analogy so it makes sense to everybody. For 10, that you opened up a brick and mortar kind of corner store in some small town, and you, you know, kind of like a 7/11 or something or while one like a big city, you know, unfortunately there's not a whole lot of mom and pop corner stores but let's just pretend that you did you got a mom and pop corner store and you had jelly and bread, peanut butter, milk, and you wanted to grow that business. Well, let's say that you got the store all set. But nobody has a couple of customers here and there but not too many customers, maybe five a day, you know. And so instead of going out there and advertising. We're going out there and flying a friggin sign on the side of the road telling people you're open, or doing anything to get people to just simply walk through the door, you instead go and reorganize shelves all day, and sort of hide inside the business hide inside the store. Nobody really even knows that you exist, right, you're just kind of, well, maybe, maybe the thing that I need to do to grow my business is I need to put the bread over here and the milk over. Maybe that's what it is. Or maybe I need to write that that's kind of what we do as online marketers when we're fidgeting and messing around with these things on the back end, when instead we need to go and talk to people in town and say hey how much to put my name in business and let people know that I'm open up on that field. Hey, can I use science? Hey, I'm going to go out and put signs up down the highway and let people know when I'm over here, kind of like people do the drug sale right I'm going to go to. I'm going to go to a network meeting, or I'm gonna run ads on Facebook, or I'm going to fly a sign in a big, you know, in a big banana costume on the side of the road, and just do anything that I can to get attention to let people know that my businesses. That's I think the analogy, you know?

Tyler: Yeah, that's the best way to put it honestly.

Dave: Yeah, we mess around way too much with reorganizing our shelves, and I think it really all has to do with getting used to kind of seeing our voice on video and just kind of realizing that we're not the most important thing in the world. You know people are not sitting down, when they're watching a video they're not thinking. He didn't say that. I didn't like the weight being lifted on, They, they're not grading us like a paper, they're asking themselves what is in it for me. What about this person, it doesn't matter whether the person has a mental disability or physical disability when the person can barely talk with you, can't hear them speak when they speak low with their skinny big, tall small, doesn't matter. The only thing somebody is thinking of when they're watching or reading is. What the hell does this have to do with me? And what's in it for me. That's human nature. So how was that, clearly, if you're driving traffic and you're making money and you're having success, then you're giving people something that's valuable to them, explain in your own words how you figured out how to do that in your content to get people driving in going in hordes to your landing page in your funnel.

Tyler: So, basically, in the beginning, I was primarily arguing with every single affiliate marketer. And that's kind of just like saying oh well you know what we do with over $2,000 per month. Okay. And I do post sometimes on TikTok, but I've kind of moved away from that. I focus now on getting as much traffic as I possibly can. And what I have done to do that is kind of like read a series, something that people will come back to, so they can continually see my face and then eventually they're going to click on the link in my bio, and then we're going to talk about like okay, well, what's this guy how does he make money, how do we make all these videos constantly. And you want to make your audience kind of curious. You don't ever want to give them the answers, even if you give them everything, then that kind of ruins the entire sales funnel. Okay, so you want to make them curious, you want to make them feel like, what is the other end of this, what is it, what is this person promoting and hopefully you know that eventually they will buy it. But my main focus now is just creating content that is kind of entertaining or informative or valuable to them that people can use. So I mean I, one of my series that I post is that websites you need to know and interesting websites. Another one is like the Chrome extension, and I put different affiliate videos and in between nodes, you know, since the other videos coming to the traffic that may check out the affiliate video. Oh, well I want to do that, and then they would want my bio my bio.

Dave: It's amazing how, how, you know, we're always trying to come up with these, these wild unique concepts and stuff but it's, it's, I was watching this, I was doing some, just some kind of cooking in watching some famous legendary marketers and entrepreneurs, over time and even before over the weekend. And one of the things that they really do. And that works is speaking in super simple terms, and so for example it's even been proven on earnings calls with CEOs who talk and really complicated technical jargon, about that industry, those companies grow less and less people invest in the stock and less people get excited about than people who talk and CEOs and leaders and spokespeople of the company who talks in really simple terms, and not, there's no better like five minute speech. An example of this, and Steve Jobs back in the 80s I think when he introduced the ad thing was different. And what he explained to the audience was that nobody that that, you know, all of the best brands and most popular brands in the world don't talk about the details of the business, you know, Nike doesn't talk about the material and functions of shoes they celebrate world class athletes and world class athletics, and they make it really simple for people to get behind and really simple for people to understand, and how I relate that to content that does really good is that, if you can help somebody with a simple little tip, like you said, Hey, here's my top five Chrome extensions that have helped me to run a better business and make more money online, number one vote, you know, and you don't need to go into the technicalities of the of the app, you don't need to break down all of the, you know, you don't need to be an expert, you don't need to be a genius, on how that app works. You just need to explain that this app helped me to make more money and get more of my time back so I can have more time freedom, Number one, right. That would be a great example of a way to sort of pitch that particular app now. If you did a series of my top five apps, which would be a great example of what you just said I'm going to do a series and bring people back first video, I might say, here's how this thing, this particular app, helped me to make more money and get my time back. Number one, it helps me to not have to remember my passwords, and we all know that, and I'm thinking of LastPass, an app that I use. We all forget our passwords, and that alone has saved me hours and hours in a day. It's just not having to go remember passwords or reset my password, or search some stupid spreadsheet that I've made, like, which I've done three or four times over my life. Here's the new spreadsheet with all my passwords and oh by the way how absolutely ridiculously unsafe is that, like I'm just asking identity theft to be holding random spreadsheets of all my passwords on my computer, I don't even know how to work, Apple iCloud for God's sakes. So, you know, that's probably being published somewhere on the internet. Anyways, this app LastPass helps me friggin remember all my passwords, it's the best thing in the world. It's helped me make more money because it's safe, probably at least an hour of my time per day. That alone, like just telling stories being fun, just being ridiculous. That sort of stuff relates to people better than going in and trying to be all technical and make sure that you come back for my second half to tilt me. Tomorrow I'm going to be publishing that bad boy around noon Eastern time, I'll see you there oh by the way, check out the link in my bio, you'll see how I've been able to grow my business online, or whatever. Right, exactly. But anyways, does that resonate with you that sort of the simplicity message?

Tyler: Definitely I mean that's basically what I'm doing, you pretty much sum them up because like, what the audience comes back for you know you want to like build a internet relationship with them, you know, you're kind of trying to build trust. And if you're, you know, if they think that you're really, really helping them, you're building trust, and then they're going to be more inclined to go and buy whatever you're promoting or you know and help you out because you've helped them. 

Dave: Yeah, and I think it's more real. And when I say real, I don't mean like, I think I asked this to a lot of people, I say okay what do you think has been the number one contributor to your success and they're like just being real. And what, what I would say that that means to me is, is not particularly, you know, it's it's it's complicated, because, because you can be whoever you want to be on the internet. You don't you don't have to be lost and struggling, you know, and most people who are getting started are like, I'm struggling and I'm new, and I'm a newbie and, and really have this kind of mentality of like, you may feel. I'm not saying you're not new, all of you listening, I'm not saying that you're not new. I'm not saying that you're not don't feel like you're struggling, but for me, my authentic self that I want to portray, is I want to portray my most confident, I want to portray my funniest, I want to portray my most certain self. I don't want to lie and make it seem as if I never have any insecurities. But in order for me to get started creating content, I need to step into my surgeon and be confident. My most confident self, and at that point I can begin doing some self deprecating humor, which is kind of where you make fun of yourself a little bit. I find that to be very, very rapport building, because it shows that you don't take yourself too seriously. But I'm not going to beat myself up but I do want to portray confidence. I do want to communicate certainty to people because people respond and listen to certainty how Tyler overcame any sort of self-talk that nobody listened to or that, or to find your more confident voice?

Tyler: So it's interesting that a couple of years ago you know I was, I was almost afraid to be on camera and make these kinds of videos. So, you know, I just determined that I wanted to succeed, more than, like, my fear of what other people are going to think of it. Okay. And, you know, when I started making my TikToks I mean if you if I go back all the way to the beginning of my TikToks you can, I can definitely see like a shift in confidence and I think that's probably just because of my success with me at my affiliate programs and I kind of started to figure out how to become successful on these platforms, but basically I just kind of like put on a different face on the internet. Kind of like exactly what you said. You can be whoever you want to be on the internet. I wanted people to think of me as like these digital experts, even though I was learning alongside them. I wanted to be portrayed as this person who can help them and who was there to guide them. And so I just you know I was like okay well you know what I have to, if I'm going to succeed at this, I have to put my best face forward and be this person, I ended up ultimately I became that person. Yeah I do believe in that.

Dave: Yeah, yeah, I really think that that's, this is this is important and even those of you who say well I've gotten my success from being myself, if you if you if you listen to what we're saying right now and really really truly apply it, you'll be able to take things to the next level because you really can portray yourself as, and I wouldn't say it's a dramatic difference from who you are right now, but you can kind of take your confidence up a couple of notches, acting as if you are that digital expert, even though you're, you're just learning. For me, the way that I've been able to do that because, even to this day I'm not a digital expert like there's so many things are changing, but I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a fundamentals and the principles of direct response marketing affiliate marketing, like I'm an expert in that. But all the little nuances and things that are changing every day. I'm learning right alongside everybody and I, and I tend to act as a reporter more or more than, like, a great example. I think there's a couple of different personalities that you can be or care, or, or sort of characters that you can be online. As as a, as a creator you can be the kind of leader, the All Knowing always knowing that would be like your Tony Robbins and your Gary Vaynerchuk like those guys, those guys really when you're listening to them, you just kind of think God Himself delivered stone tablets to this guy, and he just knows everything in it is on the cutting edge of everything. Then you've got like your reporter who like is more like an Oprah who built her brand from learning from other people or discovering new things, those would be marketers like a Frank Kern, for example, his, his marketing has always been interesting to me because he's, he's one of the most successful marketers on the planet always have has been and has this mysterious allure that just makes people buy in his angle all the time is, I just made a new discovery, I just tried something. I had no idea that it was actually an accident. Okay, I put a button for people to buy on the page, I didn't mean to do that. And I generated like 1000 sales but I want to show you how I get that right and you're like, like you're you look you speak because he plays himself so down as if he's an investigative journalist who just discovered something, but the way in which he communicates it is with absolute certainty. So it's almost like he plays dumb, in a sense, like, like I just discovered this like everything every campaign that he runs is a test. He's like, so I'm doing a test today, and I'd like to see how it works, see how it resonates with the audience. So I want you to go check out this video and then you get to the page and the video is like a hardcore badass video sales letter right with an awesome offer, but the way that he gets you there is like hey this is a test. And then what he does is a couple of weeks later he comes back and he says hey I just generated $50,000 from this campaign this test that I ran, I want to walk you through everything that I did, and now you're like oh, I want to see that behind the scenes right, so he then walks you through everything, kind of, as you said, but not really giving you all the details and he says, if you'd like to attend this brand new consulting course that I just put together. I'll show you more in detail plus give you all the scripts, all the emails that I used, all the ads, I'll show you the offer on the back end. And that's $997 and it's a four week class, right, so it's always, this is a test, it's always like, it's the reporter, but it's, it's, it's coming across with certainty and I think that that's what more of all of us can take a can use because we don't need to be the leaders we don't need to be inventing the wheel per se, the cutting edge, inventors of strategies, But when we try something and it works, we can share that and that's actually if I think back over a decade ago, that's how I got, I built on my results was I say hey, I just tried this new strategy and generated five new leads. And that's double what I was generating before, and I'd like to show you how I did it right. And it's so I would, I would kind of lure people in with that bait of whatever the result that I got big or small, and then I would just kind of build on that until I was like, able to communicate even bigger results. Does that resonate with you?

Tyler: Well now I want to perform some tests, if you know what I’m talkin about.

Dave: Exactly dude.

Tyler: Yeah, that's, that's, that's, that's smart, wow. Yeah, I'm gonna do some research on that now.

Dave: Yeah, well, it's a way to not sort of have to reinvent the wheel, like, if, if I was you know if I was brand new and starting on TikTok today, there. You know, there's, there's so many different ways that I could begin to create content and not have to, and not deal with an overcome, let me say my what do we call that my, you know, kind of a newbie complex. You know what I mean. And one way that I could do that is, is, is, even if I don't know anything, say, I don't know, these top five apps. But if I saw somebody else create a video like that I could be like, Hey, there's this marketer that I follow, His name's Tyler and he made this video. Thanks Tyler, he made this video that really helped me share five apps and I want to share those apps with you today. And I've actually tested all of them and downloaded them today and here's the ways that they're already, they're already working right, let's say that I, let's say that I repurpose some content, and then the after I did that series, I can say, hey I did a marketing experiment on everybody last week where I shared a series of videos and here's how it worked out to either grow or not grow by TikTok traffic. Right. And so everything that you do, everything that you do you follow up with the results of that test or that campaign. So you're always, you're, you're giving people sort of a behind the scenes look at what you're doing. And, you know, it's just, people are super intrigued by that, you know.

Tyler: Well, I'm just, I'm interested in all of that. That is kind of like wow you know maybe I just need to rethink some of my strategy. That's all great information like I can just show my followers, they're interested in, you know, then they'll go and maybe trust me even more by somebody in my bio.

Dave: Well that's one of the things that you're trying to do right is build trust. So, if you're taking people sort of behind the scenes and you're, you're showing them, hey, you know, let me, let me show you what I just did over the past week, how it worked or working for, right, you know, Yeah, in a sense, you're kind of you're kind of saying, I'm willing to take you behind the scenes of my business and sort of show you it's just a way to mix up and be that reporter, you know, and kind of, you're not, you're not. It takes the pressure off of you to have to always act like everything is a massive success, because you might also report that something didn't work and here's what I learned, you know, and I know a lot of people are thinking that you know well what if it doesn't work well they report that you know, I learned, you know, and then people are getting value because ultimately, people want to know what's in it for what is in it for me. Why would I watch this? Well, if you're willing to take the behind the scenes of your business, even if it's only for a minute at a time and show me things that are working or not working, then you know in that's of course if you're working in the make money online niche or whatever, there's ways to do this in different niches of course but. But yeah, if you're teaching marketing and you're talking about marketing all the time that people are interested in also marketing or starting a business online, then taking them behind the scenes and showing them what's working and not working, insane in sort of using more of the language of this is a test, or I wanted to bring to you some genius idea, you guys could do it from this content that I'm talking about right now. You know you can you can be the reporter, you know, and I think that's a, that's a, that's an avatar or a character that you can kind of, you can kind of step into as a content creator, rather than needing to be the leader or the All Knowing guru who always knows everything and I'm sure there's some marketers out there that a lot of you look at and say, well how did they just come up with, I mean it's just like they, it's just like they have endless content they just have endless ideas it's like they just are always on the cutting edge. And that's a tall order to live up to, you know, whereas instead of you can take more of the reporter, like Oprah, you know, if you think about Oprah built her career not off of being the All Knowing or not after not off of being the expert there's only so many shows that you can do where you're the experts, another reason, in a sense, Tyler.

I'm the reporter here on this show. 

Tyler: Right, yeah, basically yeah I mean, you know. So it's like, allowing people to be, like, come, come watch this with me find out what I found out, alongside and the new building trust alone that in building a relationship with you following that way, that's, yeah, that's a great way to do it because I mean, I'll be honest, because I try to act like I'm the whole knowing. Digital Marketer is a tall order, I mean I have to find content to create. So that's something I'll definitely try to mix up in my heart. That's great.

Dave: Well, I think, I think that's great if you, if you really can, you know, if you can. If you can own that role. And in still, you know, in not be dishonest, you know, like, you know, when when people are owning that role, and they're just telling straight up lies, you know, that, then they're more of a con man than they are a real leader, but if you can own that role, I would say that I've been half leader, half, half reporter in my career because part of, part of my, my, I'd say confidence building has gotten to a point where I do feel confident talking about things that I do and actually teaching them as strategies, right like creating my own kind of strategies like this is what I do, then there's that other part where I'm reporting. That's like yourself, and learning what you're doing, and then trying to communicate that back to the audience but answer, ask the right questions to get the information back to the audience. But yeah I think it's a great place. Anything that we can do especially when we're just getting started out to relieve a little bit of that pressure of not to know everything and needing to be the expert and the successful Guru is a, I think is a plus strategy worth at least testing. Looks like we just lost Tyler, unfortunately, I don't know why that is. So, hopefully, well, you know what we're coming up with in the end, hopefully that was valuable to you folks. And yeah, so maybe his internet went out, maybe his power went out, maybe his internet crashed.

Matt: He was on his phone, and I have had before, where the phone gets so hot on stream yard that your phone just overheats. 

Dave: Oh, he's back, we thought your phone might have overheated or something.

Tyler: And I think that may be what happened to be honest. 

Dave: Well, you know, I've done a lot of talking, and you know I hope that it's been valuable to everybody and yourself included but what would you, what would you say, Man, I'm so happy for your success you're a humble guy and you're just you're, you're, you deserve everything that you have and I'm sure that the future is going to be super bright for you and get the sunglasses, you know, just the dad joke there but anyways man I mean, you definitely have, you definitely have a bright future, you definitely get this stuff, you know what I mean and you're willing to try new things, and I can see why you're successful, it's that doesn't seem like you get super overwhelmed and panic and instead you're just, you're curious, you're optimistic, you're willing to pivot try new ideas. And, and that's kind of what it takes man that call this through, don't panic, you know, through, through that, because you said you had a couple of challenging months at the beginning, you know 100%

Tyler: I mean, I mean I spent a lot of my time in the beginning, especially the first three to five months, I was just troubleshooting constantly. I was like what is going on what you're like, one of the seats is so bad. I just kept going back to the drawing board. And then, obviously, contribute that with some of me just overthinking about my funnel or my email marketing, And where I was kind of a self sabotage. So, why wouldn't I want to? There's really no need to reinvent the wheel. Just make your own, make it your style. Find what works for you, apply it, make it, make it work, you know. But, yeah, thanks so much. I mean I wouldn't be here honestly, if it wasn't for legendary marketer, I'm being honest. I was just trying every single side hustle that I could find online. I found Legendary. I'm so glad. But yeah, it's been a journey. I can't wait to see, you know, what's next, I can't wait to get to the next milestone, you know.

Dave: Yeah, there's, well if you tried to guess what the future would bring you, you would definitely shortchange yourself. Seriously, I mean you would I mean, if you stick with this, with the power of the leverage that this, this business and this business model offers. There's no one, including myself, that is able to accurately predict in like a reasonable you will always under shoot, you will always under. Guess how much you can achieve and what will actually happen, the money that you can make the lifestyle that you can have. And, and, You know I'm not. I'm not rolling out the pictures of the Lamborghinis and the mansions, you know here like to try, it's just, it's just because it takes work, you know, it takes, sticking with it and it takes time, things I muster. It takes time. You know, it takes time. All things take time, but this takes less time than most things in my opinion like college and building a career in a typical or standard blue pill profession, you know, where you just be a good little boy or girl, get your college degree, get out there and work up the corporate ladder. I mean, in my opinion that's a blue pill. It's a blue pill route man, and it's just there's, you know exactly. You can predict that, and you will often overshoot, what you can achieve in that in that route, whereas, with entrepreneurship, this business model, digital marketing, you will you will definitely undershoot your goals so looking forward a couple of more months, come back and see us brother and keep us posted it's super valuable content, and super valuable experience for me, man.

Tyler: Yeah, I appreciate you for having me on, but I just want to say one thing to you, you said you were talking about talking about college. And, you know, the blue pill and that route. Insert what's interesting is I always post questions, Q and A's on my Instagram stories that's kind of like how I built an engagement with my following someone was like, Do you have a college degree today. And I was like I do have a college degree, but my college degree, isn't the reason I was successful, of my discipline and my desire to succeed was, in fact most people that I know with a college degree, that are not like in the medical field, for example, are working at a retail job, or like a McDonald's. You know, so it just depends on how badly you want to succeed, you know, you determine your success, not a piece of paper. 

Dave: Yeah, great advice man and I couldn't agree more. It's unfortunate, it's sad, but sometimes it's the motivation, somebody needs to take to the Red Pill quickly. Okay, this, let's see, I had a little fun. I partied a lot. I survived. I got through but it's time to unplug from this game and head down the red pill road quickly, so you did that Congrats man, and, and we'll have you back soon if you'd be willing to come back. Alright, I'm always willing, I think. Thanks buddy. See you man. All right, my friends, well, you can find Tyler on Instagram, follow him like his content, leave comments supportive, lift them up and over on tick tock at Tylerzwise.exe My friends will be back here again, as always, tomorrow for another episode. Get out of here and have a fantastic day, be Legendary my friends. See you back here tomorrow.

The #1 Secret to Never-ending Confidence and Motivation

Below is the transcription for this episode:


Dave: My friends, good morning. So, thank you singular and plural, my friends, I am talking directly to you. And I'm also talking to our family here. Good morning to each one of you, good afternoon, good evening, it is, let's see, September 17 and I am fired up here's why. Our guest this morning canceled at the last minute, literally, literally, about two minutes before we were ready to go live. And I think that's a familiar situation for a lot of people in the spirit of the fact that it just didn't work out the way that you planned. And one of the things that I've sort of learned about entrepreneurship and marketing is that it's a lot of time and not going to work out the way that you plan to work out. So just again, and I'll reiterate this a couple of times over the next few minutes just so people understand what I'm talking about. Our guests this morning canceled at the very last minute. Now, a lot of people would, in that situation, especially if you're not conditioned, if you're not conditioned to adjust quickly. Okay, if you're not, if you're not used to having to, you know, think quickly on your feet and pivot, almost like it reminds me a lot like baseball. All right, like baseball what baseball taught me when I played baseball when I was young, especially being on the pitcher's mound and I throw a pitch, and somebody hits a line drive right directly back to my nose. I got to think fast, boom, I gotta catch that ball, I can't just lose oh god I don't even have time to think above about or not do, you know, you're seeing that Progressive Insurance commercial where the guys like coaches people on how not to be their parents, you know, always think that one's funny. 

So anyways, this morning, our guest canceled about two minutes before we went to live here, and, you know, because I've been in that situation so many different times. It's not a big deal to me. It's, it's, I can pretty much think on my feet. As a matter of fact, one of the things that I love to do, you know, as a mentor, right, there's a lot of people who call themselves mentors in this industry but really then go on to blow a bunch of smoke up people's asses, my job, I think, as a mentor if I'm going to be a mentor to anybody is telling you the absolute, son of a bitch and truth about what is really going on and what really happens day to day and not just pretend like it's going to be. Let's all hold hands and run through a field of flowers, it's going to be great, It's not, it's gonna be scary as shit sometimes in for, for you, if you're brand new and say, for the very first time you are doing some sort of an interview or you're doing a live webinar or you're going live on TikTok or something. And all of a sudden something happens, you know, your kids come busting in the door, or you can't get your slides to work on your computer or your internet goes out and you're five minutes late or 10 minutes late and you're all frazzled, how do you could, How do you keep your composure in that moment and how do you still follow through and deliver like a professional. That's the question. And I titled this episode. This number one secret to unlimited confidence and motivation, because the, the number one way to build confidence is to develop trust in yourself that you can pull through anything. And then once you do, you become inspired by yourself in your own story and you no longer have to rely on other people to inspire you. 

In other words, when you're at a gas station, you don't have to go to the gas station.

You can just fill up right at home. If you just fill up right at home. And for me, you know that is been one of the, I guess secrets of my success, you know, and it's not something that I purposely did I just look back on it now and I say, you know that's probably the number one way that I've developed confidence, and then also ignited motivation because I actually develop confidence through going through situations that were tough, and getting through them like somebody in once again if you're just coming on, or you're just tuning in, our guest canceled very last moment. I mean literally two minutes before we went live, and because I've been in this sort of a situation so many times, it's not really like a panic mode situation. I'm not going to cancel the show because our guests didn't show up. I used to do this show without a guest, you know, and I would just come up with things to talk about, come up with stories to tell, come up with value to deliver. You know, so again, the number one secret to confidence and motivation is, first and foremost, expecting things not to work out the way that you plan them. Expect also in your marketing that people are not going to do exactly what you want them to do. Right, that's life. Some call it Murphy's Law and get all negative about it like well, It's always something. You know we don't have to go to those extremes but the truth is that life is life, we're not actually in control. We're not in control of Mother Nature and we're not in control of the other 8 billion people on this planet. And so people are gonna do some crazy shit that you don't want them to do and you ain't gotta be in control level. The only thing you're in control of is your own self, and what you do. And so when somebody doesn't do what you want them to do, or what you planned on, or even what you agreed on. How many folks, or, or even yourself, do you know that when a business deal or something didn't turn out the way that you wanted it to turn out all the sudden that completely ruined their entire future they got depressed or they went into kind of this mode to where I, I knew, you know, people are just bad, or whatever it just kind of ruined them. Well that's a lack of acceptance, and Lisa said it right. People will disappoint you, in the guest this morning. 

I don't want to make it seem like he disappointed me. He didn’t, because, honestly, every single day when I wake up to run and operate and doom and build my business, I don't, I'm not relying on other people. If nobody shows up. Imagine this, if nobody showed up. Not a single one of you showed up. Okay, we got almost 170 people. We were seven or eight minutes late and we got 170 people on right now, if 170 of you, and they'll probably be 1000’s more than listen but imagine if not a single one of you did. Tomorrow, I woke up and just, I don't know none of you liked my haircut or my hat . You know, you're like oh this guy can tell he's got dragon breath I can't even I can't even watch him. I can't, I can't smell it but I can't watch him, right, and then none of you just showed up, none of the team of Legendary here showed up. What would I do, what I just, I guess it's all over. I guess it's all over you know nobody, nobody wants to listen and nobody showed up, nobody showed up to the party. I don't give a damn if you show up to the party or not I'm still turning 38 You know what I mean. Life goes on. Life goes on. And that's part of the, I don't know if it's, I don't know if it's Killer Instinct. It's certainly a learned behavior I can, I know it's not something I don't want anybody to think that this is something that I was born with or anybody else who's executing on a high level is born with. It's not something that you're born with. 

It's not something that you know is in your DNA, you either got it or you don't, you know, you're either a badass entrepreneur who can pivot and deal with ups and downs or you're not you're a loser. I don't believe that it's a learned behavior. And at first it hurts like a son of a bitch, you know, it's kind of like the first time you ever got your heart broke, you know, you were like the light you were suicidal you're like oh my god, life is over, you know and hopefully that was young, you were young when that happened, then, you know, over the next couple of years you you know you were like okay you know hey I'm going to win some I'm going to lose some, you know, I'm going to get dumped a few times, you know, not everybody's going to be for me.

And the same thing happens in marketing and sales which ultimately is the foundation of what we're all doing. You know if I based my kind of self esteem, off of the 97% or 96% of people who say no to my offers every day, because our like front end challenge converts at about 4% to cold traffic. That means only four out of 100 are saying yes and three or four out of 100 are saying yes. And I can take that in. Let that snowball and be like, 96 people out of 100 Don't buy don't like this, it must means I saw you no no I, when I started to realize that the conversion rates, I mean that's that's how marketing works I mean that's actually a fairly good conversion rate you start getting down into 1% one to 2% That's when it's like, Shit, I need to do something to improve this offer, you know, you start getting into three and 4% It's, it's like wow, this offers crushing it actually, it's a pure standing, the big picture. And I think sometimes, you know, we get, especially if we're new, we get kind of stuck in the moment and we make mountains out of molehills. And in the long term, in the long game one little day where something doesn't happen the way that you want it or once or twice or three times a day, when something doesn't happen the way that you want it, you know, my wife and I were reading just being silly last night and reading that the average person farts 10 to 20 times a day, you know, I'm thinking to myself, golly, all these beautiful human beings that I see all over the world. They're actually farting 10 to 20 times a day. I mean I know I fart 10 to 20 times a day. That's a minimum right but all of these people all over the world who are beautiful, smart 10 to 20 times a day. I mean, it's kind of like, there's a lot of shit, no pun intended, happening on a daily basis. And in, if I'm farting 10 to 20 times a day and I'm having. I think the average person has 1000’s of thoughts. I can't remember exactly how many thoughts. I think that you can just Google it, how many thoughts do I have a day. I think it's like 6000 or some crazy mess, you know, if I'm farting 10 to 20 times a day. If I'm having 1000’s of thoughts per day, if I'm having, you know, dozens, or, or hundreds of interactions, whatever, you know probably dozens of interactions with people each day. If I'm doing dozens of things in my business each day, there's a good chance that some shit is not going to go the way that I want it to go, and I need to expect that.

And the way that I'll build my confidence is by overcoming those just in the moment. Okay, keep going, you know, just like this morning the guy didn't show up, you know, really excited to talk to him just like everybody else, but he didn't show up and what am I going to do. Oh, cancel the show. No, I'm leaving. We're going this, I'm leaving 100 in, you guys, you know, you think I'm funny this morning. Great, I wish you know, I tried to be a comedian in the house and they're like, funny, like come here and you guys take a button. That's great. Sometimes you don't need to get new material, you just need to get a new audience, you know what I mean my wife heard me tell the same jokes 1000 times so I'm always just trying to find a new audience. Instead of getting new material. But, you know, building confidence, and then and then becoming inspired, really, I think the biggest secret to becoming inspired is really truly becoming inspired by your own story. And if you can overcome the low point where you're at, When you start because we all start a business or start a major life change. Because we want change, because we consider our lives at a low point, or like it could be much better. So, if you can overcome that moat at that point in your life, and build your life up to a place where you're doing better. That's gonna take a lot of little kinds of stops along the way to where you're overcoming shit, that, that didn't go your way, you know what I mean that's how you get to the top, that's how you become successful. And each one of those situations is going to build your kind of story and your pride in yourself. And eventually what will happen and this is kind of why I tell my story so much and why I use my story so much and I literally do I. I tell my story which basically, for me, my story is, you know I was homeless and addicted to drugs and alcohol. Back in 2008, and I got clean and I've been clean since then, and had a chance to build businesses, and really turn my struggles into my strengths and my mess into a message, and you can substitute, whatever my homelessness and addiction with your, wherever you're at right now is at one of the lowest points of my life. I was depressed, I was suicidal. I was going to a job every day and felt like an empty shell, whatever it is I was in mountains of debt, right, each one of you has that low point, right, that you can talk about, and then you begin to build your hero's journey, which is full of ups and downs, but, of what it is, over time, you're going up, right, because eventually you'll be in a better place, and you'll become inspired by yourself, and then you'll tell your story, not only because it's a great tool and it is, it's a great tool to build reports a great tool to market to your audience, it's, it's, for me, it's the number one most powerful thing that out of all the marketing stuff that I've taught the number one piece of feedback that I get from people is showing them how to go from just being a mechanical marketer, where do I point where do I click to understand the dynamics, your psychology and the psychology of others. 

And one of the best ways to, you know, hook into people, is with story and telling a hero's journey. But it's really cool when you come to, when you start getting inspired by your own story, and you actually look forward to telling your story, you actually get excited and pumped up when you tell your story. Why? Because you're inspired by how far you've come. And when that happens you never need to go to the gas tank. You don't need others to motivate you, you don't need others to pump you up, you don't need to go to other places. You don't need to watch endless YouTube videos, you don't need to watch endless motivations, this or that you don't need to become a seminar junkie to where you have to go to a seminar jump up and down to be inspired and motivated, it's built in.

So invite and look for and expect those moments that don't go the way that you want them to go, expect them. All right, know that they're coming. Here's another thing. I don't usually announce this because I like to speak to our general audience of marketers who are taking the skills that we teach and utilizing them and using them in various different niches, whether it's to make money online, whether it's the health niche, whether it's the, you know, some, we've got people in all kinds of different niches, using these skill sets promoting all kinds of different products today at 3pm Eastern time we're doing a webinar exclusively for our affiliates. Okay, people who said and decided that they wanted to become affiliates of Legendary and use our marketing systems and promote our products, okay and utilize all the tools that we provide, as a company to partner with our affiliates to help you convert sales, make money, build your business, build your list, and ultimately get to where you want to go. So if you're not an affiliate, okay you can actually go down and apply to be an affiliate, okay, and you will do that by simply going to our front of our site. And again, if you don't want to be an affiliate, you don't have to be an affiliate, okay, but if you want to you can go down, you can go right here to Legendary marketer, calm, and you can go down to the, to the bottom of the site and click affiliates right here and you can sign up to be an affiliate, you can either sign up for free, or you can sign up for pro, either one, and we'll email out today to all of the affiliates we've been emailing out, but we're going to email out a couple more times before 3pm Eastern time. If you're an active affiliate, an invite to that webinar. And on that webinar what we're going to talk about is the number one opportunity that's in front of all of our eyes right now and it's bigger and better than anything that's been, that's that's that's existed in at least the last decade since I've been online, and a lot of us are just not taking advantage of it the way that we can, so we're going to reveal what that opportunity is so it's crystal clear to you and then we're going to give you some training that has already just over the past week helped some of our affiliates to go from, you know, struggling to becoming number one in terms of most sales done in a day so it's really, I'm really excited about it so if you want to come to that webinar at 3pm Eastern time. For email and register for that webinar, or again, come to legendarymarketer.com scroll down to the bottom of the site you can click affiliates right here down at the bottom of the site. And this is usually how you find all of the affiliate programs for any company or product that you want to be an affiliate of usually, you go right to the front of the site scroll all the way down to the bottom and you'll see something that says affiliates or partners or affiliate program affiliate opportunity, something like that, and that's where you'll find the affiliate application but anyways I'm really excited about that if you didn't get that email. You can of course, you know, contact customer support at Legendary Marketer.com and we'll get through that link as well. And I'll see those of you who are affiliate on that webinar later this afternoon at 3pm Eastern Time and for the rest of you, I want to just invite you to expect those challenges and all of you really okay I invite you to expect those challenges to know that things are not going to go your way. And the more that you expect that, and then you overcome that, the better and quicker you'll build your confidence, and the quicker you'll get to that place that you want to go, so you can turn your struggles, into your strengths you can turn your mess into your message and you can turn this business, both into a source of profit, and a livelihood for yourself. And this is where it gets really cool, and where it gets fun, and where it gets meaningful. 

You turn it into the greatest source of inspiration that exists inside of your life. and that's where you really become an inspiration to yourself, you become an inspiration to others. You know, sometimes your family, you know, sometimes they come later. But especially you become to, you know that inspiration to people out in the world and you who's sitting there who's just, you know, thinking oh what do I have to offer all the sudden you start getting comments and messages and emails back from people saying, the value that you deliver it really changed my life. Thank you. Thank you for waking up and doing what you do. And then that just pours on and adds to your inspiration before you know it can nobody hold you down and.

Alright guys, get out of here. Have a fantastic Friday. See you. If you're an affiliate this afternoon at 3pm Eastern time. For the rest of you, we'll see you Monday at 10am Eastern Time for another episode.

The Secret To Gaining 50K Followers On TikTok

Below is the transcription for this episode: 

Dave: What's going on, my friends, this is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary let me lower my AC here actually worked out this morning. So, that’s why I'm late, why I'm sweating my ass off. Anyways, my friends. Always a great time to start over, you know, it's always a great time to start over so many of you are so worried that you may have fallen behind or something. And let me tell you something, that would be my, my health and conditioning right now so I actually on the old peloton bike this morning and got pumped up, got the old sweat pores, cleaned out, called the old sweat pour, they've got those babies actually moving and grooving a little bit but that being said, we've got a fantastic guest. She's smiling. Maybe she could relate. I don't know, ever fell behind on anything.

Kara: Oh my god. Yeah, yeah. Morning.

Dave: Good morning. Good morning. Now, just for pronunciation sake. Cara Khara with, which do you prefer, which is the correct one is Kara.

Kara: My ancestors would have called me Kra, because it was a very southern name but we'll go with care.

Dave: Okay, so where are you calling in from in Europe, Euro, you're also a, I want to say this before you bring us up to speed, you're a returning guest here on Wake Up Legendary so thanks for coming back I say that all the time come back and keep us posted, and here you are.

Kara: Yeah, yeah, it's really cool you know I'm calling from South Carolina, the low country I've actually we're in South Carolina but we're really near Savannah, Georgia. We're about 20, 30 minutes from Savannah, Georgia, where we are. So, you know, and we're right outside the Hilton Head, South Carolina too so we're kind of in between two pretty well known spots. And, and so, you know, coming back is really cool. You know it's telling that getting the invitation to come back was really exciting and kind of like perfect timing. You know how the universe or God or however you all, you know, call your call your forces in nature, I call it God but it's perfect timing because I've been really struggling with some stagnation. And just, that's just mental stuff like we talked about the last time I was on is the mental game of it and, you know, How, how important it is to keep all of this clear and going and everything and so I just thought you know what a great way to kind of like talk about it too and it gets helps me get out of my head but maybe I can help some other people get out of their head as well.

Dave: Yeah, I think that's a great point. I think a lot of us, myself included, strive for this perfect time. I was actually talking to somebody yesterday about another part of my life that I have really unrealistic expectations about as if I'm going to do it perfectly. And, you know, they're the only, there's two sides right you can either not do it or do it. Now, there, there is kind of a perfect way to not do it right, I can, I can just know that that's perfectly, perfectly done. You know, but when I, if I do it. It's never going to be perfect. There's never going to be a there's, I have yet to find in any area of my life ever to where I was absolutely, totally content and happy, and, and said, This is all this can be, you know, I have hit the top of the mountain, and I am just because then if I did, one might call that complacency. Right. And I've been personally complacent. as complacent, as I've ever been in some areas of my life. Over the course of the last year and a half, and I think that's just because I chose to focus on other things, you know, throughout the last 2020 and 2021 Instead of saying I'm going to get in the best shape of my life I said, I'm going to really lean into my family and my in my new son, and I'm going to really focus on balance there and, and, and, and I'm also going to be president in business and, but sort of as I said before, my health, suffered. You know some of my recovery stuff, many of you guys know I do 12 step recovery and that's one of the ways I've been sober for over a decade, that that suffered a little bit, you know, I think part of it was because I wasn't going to physical meetings and so forth, but But you You make a great point, You know, being stagnant. Does it mean that I can't do anything that I can't still show up and show out just because I feel stagnant. I'm going to feel stagnant, showing up and showing out, and there's just no easy and graceful transition to that. What would you share a little bit of your experience with that so we can understand what you mean?

Kara: Definitely, and you know it's perfect because it lines up with exactly what I was thinking, which again it's just sort of, you know, testament to the fact that this is this is such good time. Because, you know, I joined a network marketing company. I guess it's been 10 years. And I don't actively promote anymore. Although it's come up a couple times recently just, you know, hey, I'm doing this but I did that again too with a new mindset. Um, but it's in the health and wellness field, and I think one of my biggest struggles with that was always my consistency level with the health and wellness part of it. How can I promote this if I'm not actively doing it, how can I promote actively, you know, partaking in Look at me you know I put on weight instead of losing weight or I, you know, how can I tell everybody I have all this energy if I'm exhausted and feeling, you know, hyper critical, a little bit. Sure, but you also bring up a point of like, I, I like to believe about myself that every leader. but if you look at my actual action, and in my history. I'm definitely more of a Ruby. So what I mean by that is you know when I was doing the network marketing, marketing company, we would have, like, monthly events, and I would drive a couple hours to these monthly events and get psyched up. I mean, pump in everybody's excited and you know you go there and you're like, Yeah, this is gonna change everything. But you come home and routines are there, like, they're still there work is still there, everything that's still there is kind of is kind of still there. So the decision has to be made between, where am I going to make the changes that are necessary. And where am I going to be okay with what's happening right now, and then finding, you know how all that works for yourself and I get stuck in my head thinking that it's kind of an all or nothing scenario. So I've had to kind of struggle with those same patterns, even getting into this where this is much more. For me, I have found much more freedom in the ability to, like, you know, do the trainings and all that kind of stuff, it's been, it's been really cool to be able to plug in whenever I need to, but I also found that I got out of the habit of staying plugged in, I started to kind of lose that moment. And then I went back into the you know, even just the show right here, it's so crucial for somebody like me to stay plugged in and to really you know keep that excitement and keep that prior and learn something new every day. And, you know, gain little tips and tricks along the way and see what other people are doing because the reality of it is is that nothing is stopping any except for ourselves. Yeah, and so my biggest hurdle is what I deal with, you know, internally and the same old storylines and the same old junk that I carry around, and continue to have to unlearn patterns in order to replace them with new ones and I don't have an addiction story per se, to, to tell people that I've wrestled with. But I have to say that I, I know some people personally that have been part of my life, my, my son right now who's 17 is something that, you know, what I can say is that the path and the mindset of an addict, has a lot of ambitions, and so I can relate in some ways do where you just you fall back into these ruts. And you go. Yeah, see, I'm not good enough you see I'm never gonna, you know, and I'm never gonna look at that it's not gonna work and look at the, but all that garbage that you carry around inside yourself, and you have to get out of your own head, to get past it. You have to really, you have to really put yourself out there, like you said, the way to get out of the phone is to get out of the phone. The way out is the door that takes you out. Your only job is to step through it. 

Dave: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, and I'm, I think you said it perfectly with the, I tend to either be all. All in. It's like all or nothing, I think. Yeah, you know, if I'm, if I'm not and how that might relate to building a business online or building a business as an entrepreneur, you know, something that's more work from home, where you have, you know, where, where all of us are obviously, obviously, would, would be in that category versus going and doing something brick and mortar opening a restaurant but, you know, we look at other people and we, we say, look at how good they're doing that as a form of being that is that all or nothing mentality, or we look at them, and then compare ourselves and say, Well, I'm not even close to that so I might, I might as well not even try. You know, I might as well not or, and I believe we should only compete against ourselves. But if we hold ourselves to an unrealistic expectation, which is my product, I hold myself in some cases to an unrealistic expectation, where it's just, it's impossible, it's never going to be that perfect or that good all the time, it might be. This is the other thing, it could be beyond your wildest dreams. And then the next month, it's not exactly yes then it's like was that a fluke or ocean is that ever gonna happen again or there was my there was my chance I did, or something. Right, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's real, it's real, it's real, I think. I think it's a real act of self care. I think it's a real act of self respect. And I think it's a real Act of, you know, being in reality, which I think is another, you know, we talked about some of the, you mentioned some of the, you know, oh well I must be a piece of shit or I'm never going to, you know, I'm never going to be good enough. I think some of these pieces are just the human condition, you know, whether you added it or not, or whether you have this illness or that I think just the human condition. We all deal with a lot of this sort of self talk and so forth, but, but, yeah, you're here, you're on the show, I think, I think, in one way shape or form what you said at the beginning of this to kick this off, which was, hey, I feel like I've been a little bit of fun so this is great that I'm here. You know sometimes we ask people to come on the show and their responses. I don't really feel like I, I, I'm doing well with them to actually reward and and and have anything to say to anybody. And I think sometimes we miss the miracle, we miss the opportunity, because we're, we're holding ourselves to that unrealistic expectation. So it's kind of like what it's another example would be like we're looking for love, you know, maybe we've been single or divorced or something and a friend invites us to a party, and that's a great place to meet people and and instead we say no because we're, you know, Just feeling badly about maybe we put on some weight or maybe we're not really feeling are, we're not feeling at 10. Right. Five. So we're like, no I don't even want to go, you know, yeah, and it's a way to get pulled out of that is to say yes more say yes to the ideas that I have, because if you guys would comment in the comments and say do you have ideas, let me know in the comments if this is true for you, and please touch on this as well. Do you have ideas that you think of, but you don't follow through with, because for something in your head, you say, I couldn't pull that off, or I'm not ready to do that or I'm just not going to be good enough. Do you have those ideas?

Kara: Every day, every day. I mean, the reality is every day and I think anybody who's here has to at least have a tiny bit of a spark of entrepreneurial spirit. I'm so sorry I put my phone on, don't do it. I'm still getting all these notifications. Also, literally, like, I think that that anybody with the entrepreneurial spirit does a lot of those things, right, we hold ourselves to an unreasonable standard we see ourselves where we are and we see somebody who's at that endpoint, but most much of the time we don't see the inventory, we don't see the days that are parked, we don't see the days that you know you're rolling out a bedroom, I just can't today, like I just can't I don't even know what I would say to people, if I tried to get on online or on a talk or on whatever you know and and so the highs and lows, like you were talking about when I came on the show the first time because I reached out and tried to make this step because I'm super proud of it super excited. I had only made $2.80. I had made $2.80 but that took me from thinking it was possible to knowing it was possible, and realizing, you know that okay, somebody did the thing. If I asked them to do it. And I got something back out of it, like they said I would. And so that got me fired up, and then not terribly long after that, I wound up. I went viral on TikTok, which is known around the world. I can't even, I don't even know I couldn't even tell you, you know the perfect storm that created, other than again, I do believe in some forces that are beyond us, that you know kind of make things happen to give us what we needed, and so I needed that boost. I needed to see the reality of some things. I needed to see what was possible because if it had stayed, you know, under 1000 followers if it stayed, you know, right around 1000 followers. You know there's I'm the kind of person who, after a while, you know, it's like working out, you know you don't, you know, work out today Dave and see your six pack tomorrow. You know that's not how it works but that's why so many people go to the gym on January 1 and by January 10 They're done. Yeah. And so, it's, you know, it's that it's nothing that the results that you're looking for and those highs and lows are just part of, you know, they're just part of the journey. The first time I got a notification that I had made a high ticket condition. I cried, because it happened for me like it was finally real, and things were starting to come together. But I can tell you right now. I haven't gotten myself into a consistent position, to feel like I can step away yet from something that's safe here, and stuff like that, even though I say safe and secure. You know, nothing compared to what this business could do for me, but it's it's it's it's toeing that line between comfort and uncomfort it's towing that line between, you know, stepping through that door and say what's on the other side of this can be so much better if I just do the thing. The little things the workout each day. The videos each day, the little things that build up into those big things that are gonna flower. You know, yeah, we plant the seed, you don't see the plant until the season comes around, you know, any of those things are examples of what the long term can be, if you're willing to stick with it.

Dave: Yeah. Well, you mentioned the six pack, I literally have been working out, since I was late. Well, probably my early 20s When I was when I started working out, and I've never had a six pack. You know, I've never had a six pack. You know I mean, I've had, I've been leaner at certain times. Right now I'm the leanest I've ever been. And I'm also the oldest I've ever been. You know there's a lot of, There's a lot of things that, you know. Yeah. And, but I still, I still keep going. Not because I'm going to be the leanest guy in the world or not because I'm going to be the most shredded guy in the world. There's always going to be people out there that are more fit than I am, more shredded than I am, more muscular than I am, look better than I do at the pool whatever at the beach and blah blah blah. But I do it, I keep working out for example because I get a payoff from what I do, if I do it consistently enough, like say for example, 90 days, if I, if I work out consistently for 90 days which is a very difficult thing to do. Some of you who are workout, you know fanatics, you've, you've crossed over that hump, But that's literally, a very small percentage, the mass majority of people, which, with a lot of people think, oh, there's 2% of people that succeed in this industry and rest fail, and as if the rest of life is the same to there's 2% of people who have a gym membership at any large gym company. There's 2% of people that have a gym membership, that actually go on a regular basis, and are shredded in lean and fit 2% Right. Right now, I'm. I don't have those exact stats but you know what, those of you who say, only 2%. You don't have those exact stats either, so we're all sort of, yes. Right. But the truth is, that is, that is, everything. That is everything okay. 2% of people that go on a diet actually stick with a diet, long term experience results to probably, probably two to 5% of people in start therapy, actually finished therapy, go long term and experience true freedom from the trauma or, or the crisis that they were going through. Here's another one that I have personal experience with. I would say probably two-ish percent of people who try to get clean and sober that I've personally seen walk through the doors of a 12 step, Miss ground for a long period of time and experience long term sobriety. It's not just this. However, just because I don't, I'm not in the 2% of people that experience the absolute shredded muscular building. Does it mean that I'm just going to stop working out altogether because I have seen some results? And what I know is that it's not the gym equipment, and it's not the exercises that I'm doing that don't work, it's me. That's not working at all I think we all who have generated a lead online, or who have generated a commission online. Understand, if we're honest with ourselves, that the opportunity is there. Yeah, I'm the one who needs to change. Does that resonate with you?

Kara: 100,000 billion percent I mean, that is, That is the biggest key is definitely being willing to accept that because full responsibility for anything, whether it's sobriety, whether it's parenting your children, whether it's, what am I performing at my job, whether it's how my marriage is, whether it's, you know, my health and wellness, any of that full responsibility is extremely intimidating. So many of us live in that victim mindset of, you know, well, but looking at my day I'm so exhausted I just don't have the energy. The clarity or whatever and blah blah blah, all these excuses, and it isn't whether or not the excuses are valid. It's whether or not we're willing to get past that and actually do something different about it, is whether we're willing to you know to to do anything different. The only thing Jim Rohn says you know for things to change, you have to change. Yeah. It's that simple. And yet, how many of us have notes? I have a whole thing where I was writing down your thoughts in this conversation. And one of the things I wrote down literally five minutes before we started was getting stuck in dreamland. I love watching movies of people who overcome crazy obstacles to become great. And I love that storyline, I love that, You know that anybody could be a hero and Tality and anybody can step there. And I'm sort of addicted to it a little bit. The thing with it is, I get stuck there. It's easy to, it's easy to picture within a bubble. Because there's no work in a bubble. There's no struggle in the bubble, you know, you don't have to actively do anything when you can see it all in that bubble. I can see myself financially. I can see myself being able to travel the world like I want to take my children places they've never seen before, have the freedom to say, I just want to not work today. I just want to let you know I want to take a week off and go, go somewhere with my family, I just want to be able to go to a doctor's appointment without having to ask permission to do it. You know, I didn't see myself living that life getting from where I am here and doing little steps that have to happen to get myself there, and not the day in, day out, every hour, every moment decision that has to be made. The other thing I can encourage people with is, I've also learned that because my days could be exhausting, and having a family and having, you know, teenagers, where you just don't know what's going to walk in the door, per day and things like that. I can use my time wiser. I can use my weekends wiser and I can set up all my TikToks. For instance, on Saturday. But I also have to be willing to take Saturday. To do that, and not say, you know, I really just want the day, because it's Sunday. And so it's that it's finding those things, and then using them wisely, making the decision and saying, like a long term payoff. This is one day. I won't have to just use my Saturday to do this. If it's front end work for the back end.

Dave: And I think you described exactly the enemy, and the force. The enemy is being. Now, I would challenge you, you said, I'm not really an addict, but I believe we all are. Now this is just a little bit of a Doctor Dave here, so just forgive me, but, you know, everything I say is not medical advice and you could die if you listen to me so I'll just give that disclosure. But, you know, I think that's huge. There's a couple of really big themes that are not really kind of talked about right now. And here's what I mean is back in the like the, our, our parents generation, they mental health wasn't really talked about, you know, back then, you're an addict. I mean, they thought, you know you were a total criminal was still do have them, right, right, put you in the crazy house and just, you know, people, people would get locked away in strange jackets, I mean even going to see a therapist, he was like a shrink and you were considered a person, going to the doctor for God's sakes, was considered a weakness. So now, general mental health is like depression and things like that are becoming more kind of mainstream and we're talking about that more right addiction in it being more of an illness, versus a crime is becoming a little bit more socially kind of acceptable we're becoming aware but here's the new thing that nobody's acknowledging, is that we've got these things that are both the gift and the curse, we're addicted to these to social media, we're addicted just and I am to me it is a daily battle that I have to put up barriers and accountability and all this because I'm just as susceptible as anybody else. Here's the other thing. Being a fantasy addict. Okay, and you call it, like daydream and stuff like that, but it's, it's, it's been addicted to a sense of how things are supposed to be like for example, if we if we read enough books, or if we watch enough movies, and we begin to get primed with this when we're young, right. Yeah, little girls are supposed to be rescued by the white knight so now all of a sudden Yeah, we've got these predisposed expectations of what a relationship is supposed to be like and then all of a sudden we meet somebody and get married. And it's like, What in the hell is this, this is gonna be right. Because, what do we do, we go, we use things to escape, stop getting an affair. Some phones all the time, some are our reading addicts, they just escape into a book, escape into Netflix shows, right, never really addressing or communicating or saying these are my needs. These are my expectations. My wife and I had to spend our time together. We have a couples counseling session right after this. We do that every other Thursday. Just because sometimes we get unrealistic expectations. Sometimes we don't communicate our needs to each other. And so, that fantasy addict, right, and combined with an addiction to social media, you know, is a problem for entrepreneurs, especially because that's saying this is what it's supposed to be like. I do it, and this should happen. Right, yeah, yeah and it doesn't turn out like that and then all of a sudden, right, we start saying, it's not even worth it. This isn't working, blah, blah. Does that resonate?

Kara: So, my husband and I, we have been through a lot. We've only been together for 10 years but in 10 years we've been through a lot. And we're separated for some time, and we had to both be willing, that's that's a key factor, but we had to go to, you know, serious counseling, serious therapy, to be able to get through what we needed to get through to stay together and be together and get to the other side of that, but I will say this, like, I, all sorts of ideas about what he needed to do. Right, I mean, I can tell you exactly what my husband needed to change. But let me tell you what really happened. I had to take a long look in the mirror and realize that I was a huge part of the problem, because my expectations and he said it to me perfectly Monday, he's like here you get a picture in your head of what you think it's supposed to look like. You stay stuck there. And you're not willing to look at what it actually is, and literally just live with you. And I was like, like he's right. And that's just not my relationship, that's everything that's been my life. You know you get into a new job and you're all excited. And then after three years I'm like This sucks. What am I doing, and like everything that you know I get this, I do,

Dave: I hear shit most people get into after three days, right, it's like, it's fantasy that holy shit you know this isn't at all what I thought it was.

Kara: And I, and it's, it's such difficult things that came up well, while you were saying those things in line with as I said this little corner up in my bedroom we talked about. This is my Amazon reinforced because I got it off Amazon. And, yeah, and this is my little tree, you know that I got and everything I've set up my little core and everything but if I could flip my camera, I probably should because it's pretty depressing, you know, right in front of me is my bed. My bed right now has a massive pile of clean laundry on it that I hadn't liked for weeks and I mean, weeks because I wouldn't get home every day and I go, I could put laundry away, or I could try it on business. Which am I going to do. I could get away, or I've got to cook dinner and feed the children and get you know, get ready for bed and be like, What am I going to do. And so that's the other side of the reality that I think people are so afraid to. We live in this fantasy world with social media and Instagram and all this perfect stuff and you know I put on this, you know, but you know what, I wasn't in pajama bottoms. I wear pajama bottoms, Because you know. Well, yeah, but, I mean that's the thing. Nobody can see that so the reality of it is like what we see. And what's really happening are two very different things. So when we can start to reconcile that in our own mind, marriage is the ugly, sometimes messy, but absolutely worth it if you're willing to put the work in this relationship we've ever had because of the difference.

Dave: Yeah. I want to just transition right now into marketing because what we're talking about is, if we can understand the flip side, there's two sides of this coin. One side is to be realistic, as a business owner and operator in understanding my psychology, and I also. Now, I want to move over getting into customer psychology, and I want to use the things that work against me, right, this is that transition for, I want everybody to listen this very colossal because this is about to, if, if we can get everybody here in our community to understand this, we will. There is, there is nothing that will stop you. Here, let me try to say this as clearly as possible. So the transition from consumer to creator is where we begin to understand all these things that have worked against us, and we turn those struggles, into our strengths, and here's what I mean in practical, how does this apply practically. Well, I can create any reality that I want in my marketing. Right. I use these, this frame. Okay, that you see, because you're right, I don't see your laundry on your bed, and you don't know if I got laundry over there on the couch, you don't know what is around me and what the, but you know what, you also don't care, because what you want, what you want. As a consumer, is you want to be entertained and educated, you get the rest doesn't matter. You want a perfect picture inside of this frame you want, when we, when we go to the movies. Do what does the movie show the behind the scenes and ever know the movie is focused on the actors and the storyline and everything that's being acted out in plain out, no set mean that we can't be authentic. No, we're being authentic right now, what talking as a mastermind, as a community, how do we become better marketers and business owners. Well, we do that very simply, understanding the difference between fantasy and reality. And here's this plain and simple as I can tell you this. Reality is your life, and everything that happens in your world. When the camera is not on, or when you are not writing copy for your business. Fantasy is advertising, let me say that again. Fantasy is advertising. Okay, there's, I use this analogy a lot but I love Rolexes, I love Patrick Felipe's right, this is a watch called a Patek Phillipe Well, there's a, there's a tagline for this. Okay, they started using this back in the 60s or 70s, you'll never really own a paddock fleet, you purely look after it for the next generation. When I heard that, When I heard that bit. Right, that's it. I mean this is Harold, this is Aaron look right here, you know, this is, I mean, and so and so, the look, let me show you something. This is how the price condition and sell me the fantasy. This watch has a rubber strap literally in it but it is white gold right here but it's a rubber strap, I mean, it's handfish stuff. This is a Rolex, beautiful, it's even gotten diamonds. Okay, it's all steel, but there's a white gold bezel. The difference in price between these two watches. This watch right here is about five times more expensive than this Rolex. How did they do that? They talked about plugging your kids' ears for a second about dropping a bomb. Okay. they sold me a fucking fantasy. Okay, Mae sold me a fantasy. And you know what, I, why, because as a consumer, I love fantasy. I love fantasy. I want to go to the movies and be completely overtaken by the storyline, by the hero's journey. Right. I want to. When I watch a sales video or a sales letter, or I go in, watching an infomercial. I want you, when I give you a better example when I pull up. This is how I as a consumer want fantasy and love and go back for it over and over again when I pull up to the fast food line at McDonald's. I see that Big Mac, that son of a bitch is a perfect man. I mean, I'm like, Damn, that's the best looking burger I've ever seen. I got it in the box in the bag. It looks like a pile of shit, you know somebody just dumped somebody just dumped funds in sauce in lettuce and it's all over the place. Thank God it tastes good, because it tasted how it worked, I wouldn't go back, but you know what I eat, and then I, and then I go back up, you know, and I and I and I ordered another one, you know, this happens over and over again in my life, you know, you ever been at home at night with, with an infomercial comes on, and the guy does the chop thing and, or, I got sold the my pillow, you know by that guy that, you know, I got that thing, I mean, I was, I remember sitting in bed one time and I was like, oh my god this is the answer to all. I mean he just fluffed it and, you know. He's got the whole pips that guy. And then I got it home, and I'm like this is the most comfortable pillow. I've ever slept on, you know what I mean. But I bought the fantasy, and I wasn't mad about it just wasn't for me it was like cut up, right, you know, memory foam inside yeah it was it was every day though, saying I don't like quality and I'm not saying I don't want to get what I paid for cutting in the way, I experienced life, one of the reasons why I'm always looking for the next Netflix show I want fantasy I want things to be better than they are, when I'm in that when I'm in that consumer mindset, you know, it's one of the reasons why when advertising companies take pictures of things. You know, they get celebrities and they get the fitness person and they get, you know, you you buy the peloton bike I remember looking at those advertisements and the people just were so Sexy, Fit and all that, and then they bring it, you know they unbox the damn thing in my, in my, in my garage and it's just this bike that for several months just held close on it as a close, you know, because you have the fantasy that I bought in the images in the messaging was different. So here's what I'm saying that in order for us to succeed as marketers as advertisers. Okay, which, at the core we are we have to understand the difference between fantasy and reality and reality is our life, and that's running our business and that's all the things we've talked about not having an unrealistic expectation, it not needing to be perfect for us to continue to execute. But when it comes to us advertising, we have to flip the switch and we have to give consumers what they want, not what they need, what they want. Yeah, because what buys what they need. People buy what they want. People spend money on what they want. And that's why the world is as sick and twisted as it is, because people want to feel good, they want to be sexier, faster, richer overnight. They want to be shredded, they want to be a key man. Hold the man in the bedroom. The women want to be, you know, beautiful, and have the, you know, just, just, just dominate the room when they walk, I mean these are the things that we Why We Buy what we buy, you know, and so we have that in mind when, when we're marketing. I hope that that rant made sense because that is really my opinion. Ever since the beginning of my journey when I was broke and disgusted, Ted just got clean and was homeless. Not too long ago, I had to figure out who my inner hero was that I was going to be in my marketing. And when I sat down to write a copy to send out two emails when I got on video, I couldn't be the former drug addict ex homeless guy who didn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. I had to turn on that inner key to be what people want, which was, I had to sell a lot of fantasy, but I had to advertise and I had to market, in a way that we as consumers buy, and that is by selling people what they want. And on the back end, when I delivered my product, I gave them what they needed. Does that make sense?

Kara: Absolutely, I do thought but I did post my one of my tech talks to the Legendary affiliate Facebook page, just a day or two ago, and kind of called you out a little bit, because I said you know financial freedom is not about Lamborghinis and watches, and I said sorry Dave, but it's not something like financial freedom is being able to fill your gas tank, all the way up, and not having to stop it before that sometimes financial freedom is just being able to buy the groceries you want. And so I agree with you 100% And I think that we have to remember that the people that are out there that are our consumers that are whether you're promoting Legendary promoting make money online, you know, things like that just to talk on the show, alone, is to realize one, what drew us in, you know, the dream of financial freedom looks different for everybody. Yeah, I want to live in a really nice place and I want to have, you know, really nice things, but I want freedom to be able to travel. I want freedom, I'd rather live in a little house, and travel the world, because I'm not in the house all the time anyway. And you know, plus I don't love to clean my house, so I don't really want a big house because I don't want to clean it, and then Why waste money on somebody to pay to clean it. When I don't want to be there anyway I want to be traveling. So kind of defined. Excuse me. You have to define what that looks like, and then translate that into what your customers are looking for. Sometimes people just need to know, hey, I got the security, to be able to, like I said, fill up my gas tank or go to the gas station and not actually panic, you know, not actually panic when I'm running my cart at the grocery store and I've been there. And I know like you talked about being homeless and on the note of not having a window and not having to, you know, listen and all that, and close the video, right, there's, there's levels of it and so that fantasy, you know, is us as marketers, being able to talk to all the levels of those people, you know, and then the cars does not work for somebody who's homeless, necessarily, it just be flashing my grocery bag.

Dave: And you know what that would be a very powerful advertisement in the make money online niche. I think way too many of us is one of the reasons why I don't why I always try to stay close to the trenches. Never forget where I came from, talk to people, you know, I think a lot of people and in my position or whatever wouldn't bother to come on live and talk to our actual clients, you know, our clients are Pam's their minions that's literally what a lot of gurus think out there, they literally look at their clients as pieces of meat, you know as just, just, are they paying great if not move them on and I don't really care. But I know that for me to continue to be successful, I have to stay in. I have to stay very close to what it was like, when I first got started. And it's one of the reasons why I don't talk about extraordinary financial achievements or whatever that that frankly, I've been able to experience it over more than a decade in this industry, You know it's been a long time of of me doing this, but the grocery back is, you know, Hey, I didn't have to worry about whether mom's in my bank account when I wrote The when I, when I bought these groceries. That is an advertisement that would resonate with more people than if I went out to my driveway and said, Look at my Lamborghini, how it would just pull more heartstrings. And I think I played too many of us way too many of us want. And it's all or nothing. See, a few advertisements that go crazy out there with somebody with a Lamborghini and say, Well, I, if I can't do that, I'm not going to do anything, and completely overlook the creative angle, and the powerful angle of talking about things that every day people experience, like, you know, everyday challenges, like, yes, you name several right there. So I think my, my challenge to everybody on here this morning would be to use those exact examples and talk more about those exact challenges that people are facing on a daily basis, and instead of looking at one of the stories that I tell often and I never, I hope I never forget this because it's so powerful, is one that a client here in legendary share where he was able to buy his parents, dinner, you know, it was just such a powerful moment for him to be able to actually pay for dinner, and, and it wasn't, you know, buy in, you know, I shared a couple of days ago that I recently was able to buy my mom a car. Oh, That's fantastic. But this story about buying his parents dinner is honestly just as powerful. It's just as powerful. And the reason why it's just as powerful is because anybody can do it, anybody can do it. And anybody, anybody can relate to that feeling. It's hard to relate to doing big financial things if you're still feeling like the financial world is on top of you. So, and you brought up some, some fantastic points. You know we're coming up on top of the hour and remember I have an appointment here in eight minutes. Yeah, so leave us with some final thoughts, you know, we didn't even talk about your 50,000 followers on Tik Tok, and it might be different than what you think that's how we, you know, that's how we titled the show I hope we did I think we did, but maybe leave us with a final tip around how you've been able to build a following and essentially nowadays building a tic tock following is like building a list. I mean it's not an email, it's different, but it's a flip, I have a list of 50,000 people there that can advertise that a lot of them are going to send your videos when you post. How did you do that. How's that different than what people might think, just in a nutshell?

Kara: I think, in a nutshell, I would have to say that I stay very real, you know, and I think as that blew up. It blew my mind. I wasn't prepared for it but God was welcoming of it, you know, and I have to say I've gotten away from that a little bit. I stuck in the sales mindset, a lot of close a lot of videos about clicking my link click my link. And like we've talked about here, get back to the things that mean something to people, tell your story, share your message, because those are the things that are gonna resonate with people they want to know you, they want to see your transition from where you are to where you go, and because that helps believability, that builds you know credibility and people. The mindset part of it is crucial. I have to recommend the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker, and, and I need to link to the end, because it's overcoming, you know, all these self doubts and things that we believe. So I think that, you know it's just a continued growth of it, you know, it's, it's growing as a person that helps us grow as a marketer as a person, as somebody that people can relate to, as somebody in this community. And that never stopped growing. Even if you're growing quietly in the background right now that doesn't mean that tomorrow you won't blow up on TikTok, because you found a message that finally resonates with people.

Dave: Yeah. Well, keep on keep on keep it on keep on fighting the good fight and keep on doing you, it's, you know, you really have a powerful message, and a powerful way of communicating and you really can relate to so many people and I, so many people can relate to me included, so, you know, I'm really rooting for you. I'm so thankful you came back here for a second time you really sparked some interesting conversation. And so

Kara: When I leave my nine to five, when I believe my 95 I definitely want to do an interview so I'll keep you posted.

Dave: Well, I want you to, I want you to, you know, mail me, I want you to put the bat, you know, the, the bat light up there on the clouds, I want you to let us know, I want you to, I mean when when it doesn't even have to be that, see that's an all or nothing thing. Right. But I certainly want to have you on when that happens, but I see that I want you to continue to grow and know that here, all those milestones that you achieve are worthy of celebration and worthy of sharing, you know, and I think that's what I want to leave you with is some encouragement to, you know, yeah, that all milestones are they matter. They're, they're appreciated here, and by me, and, and, yeah, I want to have you back when you quit your nine to five, I also want to have you back just in a few months, even if you haven't quit your nine to five, because that may be, you know what I mean that that's how I That's reality. That's the reality, reality is that it's not going to happen on your timeline, it's going to happen, you know, it's going to happen at the universities or gods, right. It just never happens. But here's, here's also what I, what I've learned is that it's also never what I think it's going to be, if I try to predict the future, I will shortchange myself. So Kara: Definitely, definitely. 

Dave: All right, Kara, thank you for your time. I'll talk to you later. Keep up the good work. 

Kara: Okay. All right.

Dave: You see her, I see some people's and, you know, how do I follow her on tick tock, well her, her handles have been up there the entire show. It's Kara W Morrison. Okay, and that's Kay, if you're listening to this on podcast are something that karawmorrison and you can find her and follow her journey on TikTok, lift her up, comment, like, show your support. And, yeah, today was a powerful conversation worth a read, listen, because there were some real nuggets that were dropped. All right, my friends. We'll see you back here tomorrow. Get out of here, have a great Thursday, be Legendary. Peace.


How To Start A Successful Affiliate Marketing Side Hustle In your Fifties

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Hello hello everybody welcome in it is let's see what they say Wednesday, September 15 And let me adjust my microphone here a little bit. This may be loud. Okay. All right, my name is Matt. Welcome in, and if you're here if you're new, let us know where you're tuning in from. This is another edition of wake up legendary Dave hosts most days I host a couple days a week, or one day a week sometimes randomly host here and there just to help out. But welcome in pumped that you're here. We got Willie in the house we've got Colorlines in the house we've got Jessica from Pennsylvania, but Tracy Luna, good to see all of you, and we've got an awesome guest and if you're unfamiliar with our wakeup legendary show what we do is basically highlight people from around the world today from Australia, from Melbourne and. But we highlight people and their story and their journey and their where they're at and how they got here so in the comments if you're here with us live, and you're, you're tuned in, you're watching live on Facebook. Give us a little clapping emoji to welcome our guests Neil to the show. What's up, Neil?

Neil: I'm good, I'm doing well.

Matt: It's uh, what time is it over there.

Neil: Well, right now. It's past midnight.

Matt: Okay. Yeah, totally different timezone i It's 7am here so I get up at around 6am, but it's still a little early, because I'm on the West Coast, East Coast is 10am 7am here. But yeah, good to have you on. Thanks for coming on. Tell us a little bit about everybody who's, who's newer to the show or hasn't met you before. Tell us a little bit about you and your journey and life and where you've been and how you come online.

Neil: So yeah, I like to say I live in Victoria, or Melbourne, Victoria in Australia. you've been here 20 years, but I'm from Nottingham in England, originally. And, unfortunately, I did actually lose my sales position, I've been in sales for the last 30 years. An older seller. I lost the sales role in March last year 2020 due to care and I've been in sales, a long time, many direct sales so in selling my face to face. So selling my home improvements, he might be solar or artificial lawns and things like that. So I'm just going to shop around the world for shafted list propositions. Now I get what else I've been going to last. So, we went to lockdown and I was looking for things to do maybe a little bit online but not seriously just like, see what's around you know, see if the software can earn a little bit of money, don't float down to the last. So, long story short, I didn't do anything online. It's still around. So, I probably wasted a year. You know, because I've worked all that COVID All the time unfortunately in Melbourne, which is the most lockdown place in the world. So, it's a bit of an elephant in the room, so it was a case of not applying for a job, and then we'll be locked down again. That was just very messy. For many, many people, we're currently locked down as we speak. So, there's a case where you're going to do something where you've got some time for your family, and I started looking online a bit more seriously. And I discovered a little bit about how to earn money from affiliate marketing. And I actually found Legendary in February. 

Matt: So, during this year?

Neil: This year. Yes, yes so background on that I've never been an online business before very very new, inexperienced, no test skills. So to be completely New Delhi for me.

Matt: Interesting. That's Do you feel like there's been a pickup of or an increase maybe of, like, just people in Australia because you kind of talked about the lockdown like people in Australia, looking for something online, or like, I mean what else you gonna do right I mean, that definitely happened here in, in the States.

Neil: Yeah, I mean, it's definitely a lot done here. By convention, we'd be knocked down more than anyone else in the world. So yeah, people realize it's coming to an end, I've got to do something now. The general thoughts out there, there's a lot of people looking to give something online, and, you know, not necessarily legendary looking to do anything, so it's been a bit of a panic mode for a lot of people a lot. Hopefully, it'll be negative about the world, but things are looking up, you know, positive things will sort itself out people will be able to get back to work, and then go back to their jobs and you still got their own jobs, and those who happen hopefully it'll be a farm workers things pick up. But yeah.

Matt: Do they, do they like to compensate you or like, What, how do they keep people like paid there?

Neil: I mean, in my case, I wasn't in that I was selling solar panels, and I'd actually started that job in January of 2018. And unfortunately, when coke hit in March I was there long enough to get government support. So I think I got there in just three months or just under three months so the timing was really bad for me, because they've been an excellent time for the government to pay. The pay is so much of your actual wage 17% of your actual income. So unfortunately, I missed out on that service case that looks like you're being on your own, you know, and obviously a little bit of savings but that's disappeared over the journey. But fortunately the wife does work. The wife is a careworker, so she's been very busy. She's. She wasn't laid off at all obviously so she supported me and worked together.

Matt: Yeah, jeez that's crazy man. I mean, yeah, It has an intense kind of time and it's cool, I mean, it shouldn't say cool it's just, it's a, maybe some measure of silver lining. I don't know that, you know, the internet exists. You know I think back to, like, times in history and stuff like that kind of happened, it happened. We were just like, there was nothing, I mean there was nothing for anybody there was no way to make an extra income, it was all labor.

Neil: Absolutely. Yeah, I mean, like I say I'm 56 years old. So according to this online world relatively late. But as you say this is an apple 20, 30 years ago that people wouldn't talk about less of an opportunity to do something like this. So, the positive news is that an opportunity is out there for people to find something they want to do and I'm going through.

Matt: For sure. And I kind of feel like on your end, do you feel, I'm just curious how you feel about it but has it been hard. You're not like super old or anything so I'm not trying to like make you feel bad or anything because we've had, we've had 78 year olds, 82 year olds, I mean, you're a young spring chicken compared to them Gary Vee talks all the time about how people in their 40s and 50s and maybe still that gift 30, 40, 50 years ahead like there's so much time and Laurie just commented down here, she just said hey I started at 59. And I think, I think there's just a lot of potential, there's a lot of, but what I was what I was getting at was, Do you feel like coming online and learning these skills. Did you find it hard? Did you find it easy, was it easier than expected, how did you do it, how was your engagement with that?

Neil: Well keeping it simple man. It's unbelievable the information and the knowledge is out there. It's just a matter of finding it. So, the hardest thing I've found was messing about on YouTube, looking for different videos to get excited about particular business I might want to get involved with. And then suddenly you see another one and you know the old cliche, you're all over the place and, again, nothing. Right. So, I've definitely gone through that and at that point it's like Neil, come on. And he just usually got feelings, and go with it I mean that's, I'm so thankful for Legendary. At that time I thought because it brought it all together for me, and he was like, that's, that's it now, that's what I'm looking for so I'm only, you know, I'm actually all this. And that's the sort of decision, and mental seat I've only made pretty recently. Because I'm still in a lot of looking for a job mode and that type of thing I'm sort of without being too harsh on the world. Isn't it lovely and stroking is a case of law. So to me, That was good, knock on the door. My family is like this. Look in the mirror now. You know, men and women in crisis in government can't make a future with my family. So that’s up to me, that sort of felt like a big moment for me to wait and say, Guess what, now. Since then, things are starting to happen a little bit for me so it's just making that decision to go right. This is how I've got to take this seriously and go for it.

Matt: And I feel like, you know, my wife and I were talking about the string COVID and everything, and I, what I, what we determined is basically look, whether you like it or not, the real only way to sort of, you know, there's sort of this like lingering control and lingering sort of like, you know, you have you have certain freedoms or liberties, you know that America would call liberties that are taken away or sort of at least hindered. Right. And we sat and kind of looked around at the world and thought, you know, you know, who's, who's the people that this is relatively going to not impact, and there's some impact to every business to every job to all of that but it's the people who control their financial, You know well being, it's, it's the business owners, or even people who have real skill sets, where they can go out, and regardless of what's going on in the world be able to sort of create something, or own a business where they are in control to a certain extent, obviously, you know, there's, there's always sort of lingering control of other people and governments and taxes and stuff like that. But by and large we kind of determine Hey, the only way that we're going to, you know, avoid something like this, having so much impact on our lives is too basic. It's basically money. Like, it's basically having financial freedom.

Neil: Yes, I agree. I think there's more people who are waking up to that now. They are being restrained by decisions made by others, which is, I guess it's, it's been away for a long time, of course, but the good news is, as you mentioned before, there is now opportunities for people to look at other ways to have that safety that life for their family moving forward so it's exciting time really you know, not taking away from those obviously suffering, what's going on in the world. But there's some positivity there as well.

Matt: Yes, there is everything is everything is as you see it, right, everything is as you see it, everything, the truth of it is sort of your perspective, and that just is the reality. When you get onto something like TikTok and YouTube. Did you find it or how did you find it? Did you find it to be easy? Did you find it to be a struggle? I mean, what's that been like you got, what, four or 5000 followers on TikTok. You're getting going, what's, what's that deadline too tough to start creating content?

Neil: I explained to my older teenage daughters that I was going on TikTok and creating a lot of clarity around the house. But they’re not liking it so much now. All right. But yeah, we've looked at tick tock to realize that it serves a really good way, based upon information I found out and then discovered myself watching in the business I realized that's an extremely good way to put yourself out. So it's actually a question game, it's strange at the beginning. Yeah, and. But yeah, it's been great, like I say there's a lot of people who did a lot better than me on TikTok, looking, I've had growth, you know a little bit of growth of light. You know, a couple of videos were originally good for me so it's exciting. It is a learning curve. And you learn, you know, getting the message across clearer than initially did so on YouTube saying, you know these are areas I need to focus on. And YouTube as well, learning curve. Obviously it's a lot better for long, longer videos etc. And, but yet, that big learning curve, never done it before. So it's exciting.

Matt: Yeah, yeah, of course it is, it's exciting to learn a new skill, it's exciting to actually see some results too you know what I mean. Like, like, can I, as I was looking through your channel can I pull it open? Are you cool with that?

Neil: Absolutely. 

Matt: Cool. I was, I was wondering if you're open to me giving you a little bit of feedback on your channel even. Okay. I will. And the only reason that I offer this is just because I feel like you've got a really really great head start here and I think we can pour some gasoline on this. And for everybody who's here in the chat, and who's live with us or watching on a replay I'm going to give you a little free lesson here. On the second part of our lives today. But what I was thinking, so here's first I wanted to give you feedback on what I think you're doing really well. I see the theme happening with this 50 years old and out of work. So I think that that messaging resonates because if you scroll down there, there's, there's a one or two videos I feel like that have that name right here, are you 50 plus like me 131,000 views I think that's your most viewed video. Yes. And, and, if I were to use this little tool called. Are you aware of the tool called sort for TikTok?

Neil: No

Matt: Okay, so there's a tool on Google Chrome called Sort For TikTok, and it's a Google Chrome extension, and basically what it is, is it sorts your videos by most watched to least watched so now I've got your most watched videos here. Now, do you think it's any surprise that look at the top three videos so we kind of have an idea here Neal of what's working. And dude, you know, I haven't seen anybody do that before, and it actually worked. So, you know, first of all I think kudos to you because you found a little trend or you found a little, a hook, an angle that's really appealing to people right. So Here's what I think you can do better though. 

So this type of video right here, and I see this, I do at man I see this with people who come from sales, all the time. It's, It's the difference between sales and marketing, right. So what you're doing here in this video is you're doing sales. Now this video could really take off and I think you should keep the hook, but I think you should adjust some of the content. So here's what I mean. If I go to this guy's channel, his name is Spencer. Spencer, he's got 480,000 followers, she's a brilliant affiliate marketer, but if I sort his channel. I'm going to store his channel by most watched the least watched okay and I'm going to focus on a few of these, like, like, let's see. I don't see his 6,000,001. Let me see if it's here. Oh here we go. I don't think it's sorted pieces aside so here's one of his videos that has 6 million views now, just for context of what a 6 million view video would likely do, it would probably bring you close to $100,000 by itself, somewhere in the range of 50 to 150 200,000 followers that it'll depend on a lot of things but you will get if you get a video up to 6 million views, a year, you're easily going to have 100,000 followers, and you will have a lot in commissions you'll have a lot in traffic and revenue and sales. That much is, is pretty, pretty guaranteed. The short for tick tock kits is a Google Chrome extension. I just put it, I forgot to put it in the chat, but I just put it in the chat or the comments of this, you can just google search it and you'll find. Here, he has a similar hope to you kneeling in that he says, you know, the beginning of it starts with. Here's a side hustle zero competition. Right, so you could start out with something like, here's a side hustle for those of us who are over 50, Here's a side hustle 00 competition. He's being, he's doing marketing here right so what he's doing is he's creating a lot of like whoa, zero competition. Let me listen. Right, so what he's doing is he's not selling anything he's not telling people willing to take action. He's just opening people's minds to what's possible. And I think for your audience in particular, you can keep that angle, if you want it to you don't have to. If you don't have to stick with the 50 Plus crowd at all, but you can see here's what I would do Neal, if I would, I would test and try both ways. So, test the same video with the 50 Plus hook angle and then I would remove that completely and I would create video content just like what we're looking at here for Spencer, and I would create content here let me, I need to reshare this screen, bear with me one second. I need to make sure I've got some audio on this bad boy. Share. Okay. So what I would do is I would test them both, and I post basically the same video but I would have just slightly different intro right. And I would just watch what happens. Like I would post one one day, and then I'd wait 24 hours and post the next one the next day and it's like, maybe one gets 800,000 views and one gets 20,000 views. Well, I learned something there, right. But in this case, what's different from what you're doing is that he's going through a very specific formula for how to create videos specifically in this industry which is to make money online, but I also watched people do this in the dog training niche. I've also seen people do this in the health and fitness niche, Lots of different niches, you can do this in, but you give a hook, and you sort of give this curiosity base like, Oh, this is interesting, and you did that with your 50 Plus, but the reason this is going to be more powerful is because the hook isn't based solely on age, it's based on somebody looking for a side hustle. You see the difference. So now you've got the, the amount of people who are sitting watching is exactly the audience you want watching. And so you think through those first three seconds and it's like who I really want, I want. And in your case, maybe you're saying I want people who are over 50 And I want people who are looking for something online. Okay, so I'm going to do it. Here's it, here's a, here's the secret. Here's a super secret side hustle for people over 50 that most people don't know about has very little competition. Now, what you're gonna see Neil is that there's a formula where he's holding his camera I mean he's literally holding his phone right here and he should say like, Hey, here's the silence to your petition bla bla bla. And then he's going to, he's going to stop the video and he's going to flip the camera right. She's gonna do the little camera flip thing so that now it's on the back camera, and he's gonna point at his computer screen, he's gonna say first. You go here and you do this then you go and do this now. This is the big kicker that I tell everybody, all right, on our business blitz Thursdays I tell everybody this over and over and over, like, it's like banging a drum non stop, but I tell people this type of content isn't proprietary. Okay So think through that. I can create the exact same video and teach the exact same skill and all that I'm really doing is maybe mixing it. So here's a good example. This guy, Austin, he, he blew up TikTok, Last year in October or something September, and he had this video that went to 350,000 views and it was how to create an E commerce t shirt, or how to create a shirt business with zero inventory, and that was the video, and I created the exact same video, except I used a different website he used something like, I don't remember what it was but I was more familiar with Printful, and he used to default, so I was like you know what, I'm gonna make the same damn video, I'm just gonna switch it out, like, use a different service that I know. And so, literally, he had 250,000 views. I had 500,000 views on that video. But the trick there is to let the algorithm, whatever the algorithms already said works, just, just trust the algorithm, rather than trying to figure it out and reinvent the wheel right, so here's a good example now, after I've kind of ranted on this. Now check this out. Does the fact that Spencer has so many followers make 6 million views more likely less, so he had 6 million views but he, this was one of his earlier videos this is actually from last year. And it has been, trust me, views on TikTok videos have nothing to do with how many followers you have, if you're in the 6 million range. The only way to get to the 6 million range is if you've got a very, very, like, well done almost perfect video. So listen to this one, and check out what he does to really, really get views.

*video plays*

Now you see how he's jump cutting this, and can you hear this Neil?

Neil: Yes.

Matt: Okay. So they're quick, they're quick, it has to be quick and he uses his voice inflection, there's a, there's a C, everybody who's watching this, there's, there's little tiny skills where he said, and we have we've had him on wakeup legendary multiple times. And he sat down and he literally was like, What is everybody who's successful on tick tock in this niche, what are they doing, and he noticed inflection and you know what he noticed he knows they use the word side hustle, they don't sit and talk about affiliate marketing or network marketing. They don't talk about digital marketing, they talk about a side hustle because everyone in the world. They understand that lingo, they understand side hustle. Right, and I see people posting videos about here's how. Here's the number one way to do affiliate marketing like no one wants to do affiliate marketing, people want to side hustle. They want to feel like they're hustling. Right. That's admirable affiliate marketing is embarrassing culturally. So he does that, but he jump cuts twice, And this kind of this kind of like picking apart the video is key, because you really start it's no longer I'm looking for business opportunity or how to make money, I'm looking at how does this person create this. So, he does two little things where he kind of uses his voice and blockchain says, Hey, here's a side hustle with zero competition. And he uses kind of a voice where you're like, Hey, what the hell is going on here? You know, you kind of lean in like what is going on? All right, well we keep going.

*video plays*

Now, if you're watching this, no matter what niche you're in, getting weight loss dog training, frickin cocktail making cooking recipes and making money online doesn't matter, but here's the thing. Notice how fast he's going in whatever you're creating this video content for. It has to be fast and quick because the goal is watch time, so if you can get people to watch this and be like, I missed that one detail. He said, they're gonna watch the frickin video again, and if they watch it again, then that's when you start getting all those for you page fears.

Alright, keep going.

*video plays*

So he's, he's so the big kicker here, is he does this thing where you don't even have to do that and there's, there's, I wouldn't and the music is not important. I just want everybody to know the music and the hashtags and all that kind of stuff, it's not important, and I'm done. I'm done trying to skirt around this. I've been telling people, it's over and over and over again, when I, when I went out and created viral video I still do we still do to this day. We create channels on TikTok, and we do this in lots of niches and I'm telling you, the music, Isn't it the hash tags the description. All of that crap, it doesn't matter. I've posted videos that have got 500,000 views with no hashtags, no description in the video, and, and it was the first video to the channel. And it absolutely doesn't matter. All that matters is this little formula, and I'm just telling you yesterday. Yesterday, I had an email exchange with this girl, Eric. Alright so, Erica, probably pull this up. She was. She was. Let me see if I can pull, I want to pull this up and see if you just see this. I sent her an email because I kind of keep track of like, oh who's, who's driving sales for our company at Legendary right like who's newer affiliates kind of going at it, maybe we can highlight some of them to show off what they're doing. So check this out, let me see if I can pull this open. Alright, so she had a day where yesterday she was, she was basically at top all sales in terms of affiliates for challenge sales at our company now, guys, if you're not an affiliate for us that's okay it's not required or anything. And, and I sent her a short little video where basically Neil I just described what I described here, and I said hey, just go watch this video. And a week later, that was when she had a bunch of sales flowing in and I was like, Hey, what happened, you know something looks different here, because about six months ago she was crushing sales and it kind of slowed down over the last six months, she emailed me and said, Hey, can you give me a little guidance a little assistance, and basically what we just unpack there Spencer is exactly what she started doing posted a video about three days ago has 600,000 views, and, you know 20 ish sales in a day or something like that, maybe more than that, I'm not sure. And from basically that and a couple other videos but virtually every video on our channel. Well, you know what, let's just pull it open now if I'm going to be able to find her exact one.

Let me see if I can pull this up and I'll show you. She took this formula, and almost all of her videos have over 10,000 views on them easily. Oh yeah, here we go. I think she's got 30,000 followers. She had 30,000 followers. And she's only been posting for three days, real fears she has not. I think she has nine videos, watch this. Some people are like tick tock is dead. Okay, so anyway here's Erica. And, yeah, she has nine videos. Nine, I can't scroll any further 6,000, 12,000, 12,000, 67,000, 10,000, 605,000, 31,000 Right, and these ones that don't have it quite yet, they'll get there, right 30,000 In three days, my friend. And really, that's the formula. That's it, that's what she's doing is she's finding the side hustles she's creating, I don't know if she's doing the spreadsheet method but I've taught this method many times where you basically create a spreadsheet of any videos that you can find that are viewed over, let's say 500,000 times, start there and go find those videos and recreate them, but put your spin on them, put your personality, use your 50 year old kind of hook on that because that that's what you're passionate about, you feel passionate about it, and then no, we're the last piece that I will give you advice on as tinkle of that selling piece that you have, Because you're probably good at it, and you're probably have a lot of conviction about it, and take that to the lives. So, the place where you can start to do that kind of content is in your lives. And that's a place where it's okay because it's more like a webinar where you can really sit down and talk through like, hey, I really believe in this, or hey I want to sell, you know, coaching, this challenge or this, you know, whatever it is, but you can give a little bit more kind of real raw, and that's where I think that that 50 plus thing really work right, so a lot of people now go live with like a green screen behind them and then they have notes up above their head, and you can just be like, side hustle for 50 Plus, you know, best side hustle for if you're over 50 Right. And check this out, and then you could be live and people be like hey what's going on, you know like hey I love your videos like what are you talking about, because I've seen a lot of people who have viral content on Tik Tok and other channels and stuff that they, but they're like hey I just, I don't know they're not turning into sales I said have you gone live before, and suddenly it's like the faucet of sales flows, because now they've, they've sort of converted from a space of just I see them, creating these weird side hustle videos that are interesting but it just seems a little weird into now it's like, Hey, I've got a link in my bio dammit, go by, right now, you know, and they offer a bonus like a 15 minute coaching session or something like that. And they, they sort of stack the value and then they, you know, on a once a week webinar that's actually just a I'm just hitting go live on my frickin Tiktok, on a once once a week thing they might have a, you know, pile of 10 to 50. New customers that come in and, and now they're super highly engaged, they might do a little free 15 minute thing with you or with her. And now they're really hot, they're super engaged now you're going to get higher conversions on your high ticket sales as well on any coaching or anything like that that is sold on the back end, that makes sense.

Neil: Those you haven't heard before regarding the shows as well. And I know it's a chicken and egg scenario, you want to sort of get enough people some people come to see a lie but I just got to go for it to one person in the room, guess what you're going to meet somebody and have a chat with them, and we can practice, practicing and nothing else. So, I've definitely stopped doing that.

Matt: And I would just try to set it like for a certain time each week, you know, Dave and I both have funny stories about 10 years ago where we would schedule webinars and no one would show. And, at least, you know, in those cases, no one knew that no, but we would do the whole webinar, and like, but on TikTok the benefit is like, you can just choose one thing you want to teach right so like if you wanted to take a mini portion of like the 15 Day Challenge let's say whatever you're promoting if it's the challenge or if you're promoting a weight loss product, you can take a bite sized piece of it just kind of teach one principle, right, like you could even just teach like the difference between selling with a website versus selling with a sales funnel, right, and that one thing could be a good 10 minute lesson or five to 10 minute lesson. People overthink this, they think it needs to be this big grand presentation that comes on for five minutes and just, you know hey here's three reasons inside the house that a sales funnel works better than a website. And here's XYZ let me explain it what questions Yeah, you know, and then Pete by that time people start asking some questions, and you can expand and really just engage one on one with people, and that's where the power comes in, then they're like, take this guy's just given me. You know, this is actually valuable like this. Why is this guy doing this? This is really nice. And you go from sort of marketer to now a friend and sort of almost like, hey, This person's actually in it to help me out here, like this is interesting. See what I mean?

Neil: Absolutely that’s what excites me to be honest. I've learned so much since I've been doing this exciting part. Yeah, implemented. You know, that's like a wedge on the thin end of the wedge at the moment, so much. And that's so exciting. Finally, I love it. So, yeah, I've got to just clock in and get on with the girls live for example and then in between the eyes as I say.

Yeah. And, and I do want to just encourage you, because you know sometimes people. Sometimes people, they'll get on and they'll do, you know, they'll post videos for months and months and months and have zero, or very little traction. And it's just like their channel seems like it's not going. So, I don't see that on your channel. So what I want to just sort of hammer home is, you've got a channel with a bit of traction and every indication from that channel says it's primed and ready to go super viral there's nothing sort of holding it back. So, I would try a few things while being in Australia. I will try a few things I tried posting at different times during the day. Very different times, try to capture different audiences from around the world, some of the, some in the, in Australia, some maybe in the UK. And I would really try hard to post using sort of that formula that I laid out. And, and, you know, try out going, I would say that going live is a little less important than is that formula for creating real hyper viral growth is that will really set your channel off. And, you know, occasionally, you're going to have some of those when they go super viral, they're going to take them, they're going to delist them, you just have to do a simple appeal to it and it'll come right back. So just know that be ready for it, it happens, it happens on most. I shouldn't say most but a lot of viral videos, like people who wipe out on skateboards, like that happens all the time, people who, you know, get, like, it's like a fake dog attack or something, it gets taken down, like it just happens all the time so it's not a big deal but you just have to kind of keep pushing through that but I think your channel, what I wanted to convey was, I think your channels ready for it. And I think if you were to post that content. You know, I don't have any way to guarantee or anything but I think that you are primed and ready to rock. Yeah, I mean, you've done a really great job so far, you've posted a lot of content and you've been consistent,

Neil: Yes, if nothing else that I’ve been consistent, like the three to six months of growth in recent times I only had four followers for about a month. 4000 now to be fully taken, appreciate your sharing. 

Matt: Cool. Awesome. Anything that you would say, let's say to the 50 plus crowd, who's out there trying to create content, worried, nervous they feel a little insecure, what would, what, what would you say to those people who are just getting going?

Neil: You know, business,l take your business seriously, be careful as well. Emotionally joking, all sorts of little things and getting consistent. At the end of the day, you just don't really know which ones are going to go viral, and take off anyway so you've thrown out there, and wanted to work as well you get to keep going. 

Matt: I love it. I love it. 

Neil: You know, one thing I've learned from sales. So, other things as a sales role. The important thing for me is mindset. Just accept any sorts of doubts in your business. If you know that going into it in this flat period. You'll be the last thing on what was expected of this. I'm going to create a bullet to keep going. Toss and pick up and hopefully, and then capsule treatment is really foreign and when it's not a small sport and more experienced.

Matt: Yeah, and I think you know, the more, the more you focus on that skill and the more that you really start to develop that skill. It's just more fun when you wake up to 10,000 followers or, you know, whatever 30,000 followers like Eric in three days, but she's, you know, people, people got to realize she's been working on this for a while she's tried a lot of stuff that didn't work. And it was sort of like she needed a recalibration of like, what am I doing wrong here, what, you know, I need this sort of come back to the light a little bit of like, and then, you know, waking up to 30,000 followers that makes that gap, close a little bit, it becomes a lot more fun.

Neil: Yeah. There's nothing better than looking at that and seeing the growth overnight. Yeah, go ahead and follow so, and then obviously the growth of your portfolio down the line so it's exciting.

Matt: It is very exciting. Neil thanks for coming on. If you need anything from us and let us know. I'm going to close this baby out and then we can chat after the show. Yeah, thanks for coming on. Guys, make sure to go give Neil a follow. We're going to wrap this up, and we'll be back here tomorrow, they will be back tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. Same time, same place we've got guests lined up, they're going to be awesome. And you might do yourself well to just rewatch the show is, there is a lot of little powerful nuggets in here and you know I think some people, you know, have said, Oh TikTok’s not what I want so, TikTok might be hotter than it's ever been and it might just be heating up again.

So, let's keep it rockin, have a good rest your Wednesday, peace out everybody go give Neil a follow  Shenton123 Give him a follow and say hi on TikTok on YouTube as well. See you guys.



How To See Big Results In Just One Month

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on, my friends, this is Dave Sharpe, welcome to Wake Up Legendary, and we have this morning, another marketer who is marketing in a language that is not her first language. Okay, doing something that is uncomfortable doing something that is, you know, that, that is, she's chasing her dreams, basically, she's chasing her dreams, and I respect that. Who can't respect that. I'm excited to hear her story so with that being said, let's welcome Mila, to the show, how you doing Mila.

Mila: I'm good, thank you for having me here.

Dave: You're so welcome you're currently living in Las Vegas, is that right?

Mila: Yeah. I’m in Las Vegas but I'm from Brazil.

Dave: From Brazil, and that is your, that is your, your, obviously your first language, of course, how did you learn English, when did you learn English?

Mila: I learned when I came here in 2016 So I did this, I went to school for one year. A little bit over one year so that's how I learned English. And then I met my husband here in USA. So he helped me a lot like me.

He is American and was born here?

Mila: Yeah.

Dave: Okay. Nice, nice. Well awesome so what you've done a little bit of dropshipping. You've done some Amazon right now you're doing affiliate marketing, tell us what led you to legendary and starting here in becoming a member of our community?

Mila: So, yeah, I'm gonna tell a little bit like my story with the digital marketing, how I ended up like walking on line and stuff like that. So, as I said, I'm from Brazil and I came here in 2016. So I waited with not much experience, not the language. I worked here with me. But I, even though I love Brazil and everything but I, I always wanted something for my life, like something else. And I tried to apply for many jobs here in the USA but it was, I was struggling because nobody could give me an opportunity, you know, maybe not having much experience, English wasn't the best. And so I took some courses. I'm going to try to do something on my own, and I did some forceful eye lashes, and when I took the course I was searching for some ways to advertise my service. So that's how I found out about digital marketing, and immediately I fell in love with digital marketing like I just love doing it. I love learning. I love studying. So I would spend all my free time learning and studying. So that's how I found out to drop shipping but I always need to drop shipping to my country Brazil because it's my language and I am a home traveling person. So I had a great success in drop shipping or like 2019 where I stopped all this was great. 2020 also was great but this year with some changes on the currency, and on the business itself. I I lost a lot of money, and I, I just need to do something else to like to make money because like I was working by myself, you know, and then I just need something, and then my friend introduced me to affiliate marketing but I was doing in Brazil, again, like making money in Brazil currency but they use in dollars so it's like, he wasn't. He was the, they Matthew wouldn't do like clothes, you know. So that's how I like it. If I can do these in Brazil, organically because I was using TikTok, I can do this easily. And I saw people talking about these 15 days of challenges on TikTok. And that's how I found that like okay, I'm gonna I'm gonna try. You know if I can do this in Brazil, like, I can, I can do this in English, like, I'm gonna just try it and that's how I found out and I started.

Dave: Nice, nice. So what going through the 15 Day Challenge did you mean? What, as you're going through that training, what clicked for you and what you got, what got you excited about the business model?

Mila: How you can change to like people like you know like you. It's very because even though I had some experience with marketing everything affiliate marketing was very new to me, and also English was also English was very different for me you know so I thought the program was very beginning, beginner friendly. You know as much as you can. I don't know if it's like you can grow inside the program, I just like helping often. It's a really good program and it's changing. It's changed my life because I was able to make good money, you know and learn a lot, so.

Dave: Yeah. No, that's incredible. I wanted to make sure we also had your name here spelled correctly, that's your correct TikTok handles that right the Brazilianbossbay 

Mila: I actually have two. I have bought the BrazilianBoss and I have Brazilianboss day.

Dave: Okay. Okay, gotcha. All right, all right. Okay so we are going to take off the bay there. Okay. The Bay. All right, so. So, what have you done ? What do you think that you did on TikTok. Starting out within your first month and starting out marketing and so forth, that worked so well I mean why do you think, what do you think you did that helped you to get results so fast?

Mila: I think he's sharing my story. You know how, how, t shirt or marketing can change anybody's life I never thought I would be able to have the freedom that I have to have the, you know, the time, the time the money freedom that I have and it's like the greatest opportunity like in genetics, it's so big and can change like there's so many opportunities can change our lives. So I just share. I share my story, and I also, I tried to pay attention, like, what, people who have success on these, on the same meet from the same business that I am, what are they doing, you know, I kind of think they kind of success is traceable, you know, like, so that's what I, what I do like I try to pay attention with other people, that has success what they're doing that I can do because if someone is having success and someone is making money with this so like I, I know I can like, anybody can do it, you know.

Dave: Oh yeah, it's an interesting perspective to say that you can trace success, you know, when I was a little kid that's exactly how I started to learn how to how to draw was, was I would, I would, you know, as a matter of fact, our art teachers gave us tracing paper which was sort of see through paper and we were able to trace the picture that was laying under our tracing paper. And I think that there's a when you combine and I think this is the real key to marketing in any niche, any offer on any platform, meaning TikTok, Facebook, whatever, is to take what you see and what you notice is already working. And then as you say, sprinkle your own story in your own personality. In, if I'm a copywriter and here's the thing that everybody has to understand about marketing is, if I am a copywriter, or a marketing agency, and somebody hires me to come in, write an advertisement for their gym. Then I'm going to go into that gym, and I'm going to find somebody's story, who had their life changed by that gym. And then I'm going to scour the marketplace, and I'm going to find what sort of angles and ads are working to advertise gyms, and I want to combine that formula with that person's unique story from that specific gym, and boom. Voila. I have now a successful advertisement because I've combined. What is already working, what other people are already proving that's working for that particular niche and that particular offer with a unique story from that gym, and many stories if I can if I can pull out many clients from that gym, and have them tell me, Well, what do you love about this gym, what, you know, are the people nice is the equipment, new and clean. You know, Is it some sort of an accountability program or personal training sessions you use in the gym that helps you. Right. I can combine those stories with what I see in the marketplace that's already working, and now all of a sudden, I have a magical and unique, unique angle, but it's already tracing other folks' successful formulas that I see are helping other gyms succeed. I hope everybody hears that really crystal clear because it's not difficult, you know, it's it's we hear people all the time on the show, say, well I'm succeeding because I'm telling my story, but I think you put it very clearly for us this morning that you're taking what's already working and then sprinkling your own personal story on and when you combine those two things, that's when you see success, am I. Does this resonate with you. What do you what's coming up for you as I'm, what would you add to that?

Mila: I think most people struggle with these things because they try to reinvent them. They feel, you know, and that's how I that's what I learned. Like, she's I started with digital marketing that's where I learned, I don't have to reinvent the wheel, like the hard work is already there, like you see what it's working, it's working, you know, So what do we have to do is, like, as you said like see what is work in sprinkler your personality because I'm trying to find people who is planner. How can I say English? Oh my gosh, sometimes I I don't know the words but who even will match with me you know like, they will like my personality, and like the same ways, they will like mentally thought that personality other people's like content. And so, that is, there is room for everybody there is like space, but it's just like see what's working for your personality, and that's what I'm doing, you know,

Dave: Yeah, yeah. So, how are you? How are you using the comments that you get in that are either. Nice, or even the hateful ones the main ones, how are you dealing with that now that you're putting yourself out there. How are you dealing with being sort of exposed out on the internet, and then feeling maybe somewhat vulnerable, or just how do you deal with the people who are leaving nasty comments or not so nice in the comments of your content.

Mila: That's like my personality, the way I am, I tried to be as nice as I can with everybody because you know that's the way I am, even when I get bad comments like hateful comments. I try to be nice, like, they make some comments. Oh, thank you for your comments, that's not what it is but thank you, you know, like I just tried to be nice and they can and some of that so I could be really bad, then I just block in, and I end. And I do eat it, because one thing that I also noticed, I've seen a lot of people having success and like me being able to make money to do all the change that we want. And one thing that I noticed is, they don't care what people think about them like they don't care what they think about them like what people think about them is not going to pay the bills, it's not going to change their life. So that's why, because I always was a shy person, you know, and doing these English, that's not my first language, you know, it's like totally uncomfortable for me, but that's what I, I saw, if I don't do it if I keep like thinking about what people is gonna think about me, my bills are not going to get paid, so it doesn't matter what people are gonna think about me or if I make like embarrassing videos or whatever, you know, like, it's not going to change my bank account is not going to change. I just try to be nice with the hate, like with the haters because always gonna have, right, like, and try to help out as much as I can with people who approach me who you know who send me a DM or send a message saying want help, I try to help as much as I can.

Dave: What do you what do you, what have you tried that hasn't worked, what, what have you done, what is a learning lesson that you've had, that you, you did it, you're like, Oh, that you know, that's, I'm not going to do that again, or I learned a valuable lesson from that particular challenge what was a moment or something that you've had, which was frustrating or it didn't turn out the way that you wanted it to. And what did you learn from that?

Mila: I don't know maybe like when you tried so you want, he was so anxious to, you know, to, make money to make something work and then you just do something without thinking about it without, like, for example, I got some videos on TikTok, that was, that got shut down. And I learned from that that's like, because like we can, we want to post content we want to share every like we want to spread the word and everything, but sometimes we just don't think of what to say. Kinda like them, they guide the line or something like that and I just learned to like to be can to like, share, some, some things, you know, so I just like, Okay, I'm just try to, to pay attention more like on the on the on the platform I'm using. Right, yeah.

Dave: Okay, okay. I noticed that you have to TikTok channels. Tell us why you have why you have to, and it seems like you're posting identical content on each channel is that right?

Mila: Yeah, because, one, one thing that I noticed, working, which is to start, will deliver some videos, different from each with each partner for. So if I'm like, why now, I'm, I'm thankful that I work full time with this, so I just tried to, to create another account so I have more possibilities to, you know, to deliver my content to show my content. And they, like sometimes I spent I post the same, the same video and take stock and deliver the content differently. And the one thing that I like to do, I like to test a lot. That's I think also that is one key that everybody should do is like testing, sometimes, like you're the first, sometimes some hashtags we work sometimes not so I tried to like okay I'm going to post the same fear but these, these account I'm going to post these hashtags the other content we're gonna use another hashtags. So I tried to do a lot of tests you know, like some, some videos, I'm gonna admit, I'm going to put some call to action, and another field I'm going to put another call to action. Let's see which one's going to work better.

Dave: Wow. Man, that is a big old gold nugget right there. I mean, who would have thunk, I think you're the first person that I've ever seen, at least on this show, that takes two channels and posts identical content with slight changes, small tweaks, whether, whether it be to the hashtags or the call to action. And, and, is, is basically benefiting from double the views. I mean you could, you could almost do that on multiple different you can do that on, even more than two channels, and you could you could post different videos, he would, you know you could post the video that you posted last week today and you could switch around when the actual videos are posted. Wow, that's, I don't know if anybody else had a, had a, had a, you know, a brain explosion right there. But if you did have a brain explosion, drop the emoji, where your head explodes, yeah Austin Mayo thank you for that. He dropped the, the mind blown emoji there. It's so simple.

Yeah, it's simple and like you say Instagram has the same, because by now, TikTok is like, is a big deal, right, like, it's growing and growing. So, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest. Also, they're trying to compete with TikTok so they are also like having the same type of videos, like, same type of platform inside the app, you know So Instagram videos, YouTube, short and also interested with the thing idea. So, I take my time to make content on TikTok. So the video is already made. So I just try. I post on Instagram as well as I post to YouTube. And I was interested, as well because the views were already made, so I just need to like posts on the other different platforms that will help to spread the word.

Dave: Wow, that's that's that's really, that's really brilliant. It's a great example that sometimes the most, like, the best things that we can do are just the simplest. The simplest, you know, it doesn't, we don't have to, we don't have to try so hard, we don't have to. We don't have to complicate things we don't have to, you know, we don't have to stress ourselves out trying to create all of this different content for all of these different niches sometimes, we can just take the content that we create and tweak it slightly and post it on a different accounts like you're doing, and double or triple the amount of views and leads and traffic that we're getting. Simply with that small tweak I think that's maybe one of the top three to five tips that I've, I've maybe ever heard on this show, so thank you for that. I mean that's, Yeah, it's really amazing I mean it's just it. You know sometimes I think people are quick to judge, you know like, Oh, look at look at Mila, she's a beautiful young lady, of course, people want to, you know watch her videos and all this but, but behind that beauty is some brain, you know, you're, you're, you're using everything that you have to your advantage. And the first thing and the most brilliant thing is the ability to be able to set up as many accounts as you want to set up, you know, I mean, it's free, you know, it's also smart because you could lose an account. Well, no problem. I got other accounts over here, no big deal.

Mila: I’ll just create a third one. 

Dave: Right. So I was looking at your I was looking at your, your Instagram page and I saw you also have some, some graphics, what, tell us, tell us, are you using the strategy that we taught in our recent, recent Instagram training, or, like, how are you how are you creating what have you learned about Instagram let's start there, we've talked a little bit about TikTok. What have you learned about Instagram and how does Instagram fit into your overall strategy?

Mila:  I just wanted to deter the cheek talk and what I'm doing is I use that account to send people to my Instagram account so I can, I can. Yeah, so I can just help to grow my Instagram account, and what I do is I create content, you know that's like, educational, some things that I, that I'm learning some tips, some like, inspirational, and I just to adjust to. I like how so I'm . I think I'm a very curious person. So I, I like to mess up with some stuff so I, I put my, my content on like this post. And I yeah I just, like I said, I watch what people my niche is doing and having success. I tweak my passion, so like, my, my, my things, you know, and I just, I just try to, to create content, then go to the leaders that are ready to take stock so I post on TikTok as well.

Dave: Well these carousel, these carousel posts like this where there's more, it's almost like a book that you're turning the page to read these carousel posts on Instagram, are really doing well for people right now. You know it's a, you know, it's a lot, it's interesting because it keeps people engaged, it keeps people scrolling through your pictures to kind of read the next page. So you're creating all these carousel, that's what they're called carousel sure there's other words for it but carousel post your post, you're creating all these in Canva. And then you're just uploading them as a post  is that, is that right?

Mila: Yeah. 

Dave: Yeah, that's right. Nice, it's really really good stuff. I think you're probably going to grow this account, really big, and, and I'm excited for you. Are you also reposting your TikTok content here in reels? 

Mila: Yeah. So you're, you're doing reels, you're posting also your TikTok videos on Pinterest is that what you said. Yeah. And then you're doing them on YouTube as well.

Dave: Yeah. And now, when, when you have this mindset that you just need to see what's already working, and you just made your changes and tinker with your personality with your story because stuff, like everything makes easier, so I was able to create, to grow my, my Pinterest, my Pinterest is having like over 300,000 impressions in less than one month. So I think that's okay and I don't even like that I never made any, any, any Pinterest posts or anything like that. I just feel like my  Pinterest has this idea. That's kind of the same thing that chick populates into Instagram, and I know like all the accounts of all these companies they are trying to fight Wheaties. TikTok, you know, likes to keep people on the platform. So I, I created that they beat us on TikTok, and then I just false and all the other, other platforms.

Dave: Yeah, this was a quote that I sent to Matt. Yesterday, or over the weekend, and it, it's basically that TikTok overtakes YouTube in one specific metric. TiKTok is the first in the US, TikTok is the first US first to overtake YouTube. Kind of confusing but overtook YouTube in August last year. As of June, 2021, and as of June 2021 its users watched over 24 hours of content per month, compared with 22 hours and 40 minutes on YouTube. According to app analytics firm App Annie so. So Tik Tok, people on TikTok, are watching, you know, An hour and 20 minutes more content per month than they're watching on YouTube, I mean, it's absolutely insane. The amount of people who are using TikTok, and, and are watching TikTok, for those of you who think, you know tic TOCs dead, it's too late, blah blah blah. You know, it's just you're lying to yourself, and you're, you're making, you're creating a story you're telling yourself a story that's not true. You know. Yeah. TikTok is still the best kept secret, and the truth is is that most people are not utilizing it, they're underutilizing they're not utilizing it, but here you come, Mila here you come. And not only are you there, but you're, you've got multiple accounts, and you're blasting your content on to multiple accounts. It's just absolutely amazing and in, so it should be no mystery to anybody who's listening to the show this morning, why you've been able to create, you know, the success that you have here and in such a short amount of time. So, so talk to us for those people who are brand new in listening, or even need to be re inspired tell us how you know finding this community and finding this business model, and what you're doing now has, has changed your life and how excited you are I mean what do you, how, how do you feel about your future and how has this has this changed everything for you?

Mila: Well, it's changed everything because before when I was just doing drop shipping I was focused on Facebook ads Facebook ads and when I started learning and studying about affiliate marketing. It just opened my eyes to the amount of possibilities and strategies that we have to, you know, to, to send out to spread our word. So I stopped, I learned a lot in like one month that I started like I was able to make way more money than I was doing when I was doing drop shipping. So it says, I think it's a great it's a great community very beginner friendly because, like I said, even though I had, I come from, you know like dropship and all these all these business model was very new to me, like, email marketing, being able to build my least, that's why it's something I never thought and that's like, something that is also helpful because, like I said, maybe Tik Tok you can shut down my, my accounts or like Instagram, whatever, but if I have my email these super communicate with my leads. So it changed completely and I am so excited for the picture because if I just keep studying and doing my best as I'm doing. I just, I can only imagine where I'm going to be from six months from now to one year from now, you know, it's very exciting, very, very exciting. And I think, I don't know it's just like, I got so excited with the program and everything. I want to show people that they can change because they can, you know, like that's a great opportunity and it's not, it's not complicated. You know, it's very beginner friendly, so that's that.

Dave: Yeah, no it's  awesome, it's you know, your passion and your excitement is contagious. You know, it's, it's like, you know, everybody's everybody's been talking about, you know how we've been spreading viruses all over the world. Well, you're spreading an excitement and passion virus all over us this morning. And, and that's not, you know, that's, that's not something that I'm upset about. I'm very happy about that. And I hope that you'll continue to do that because I think there's a lot of people. I know there's a lot of people out there right now who are looking for somebody with passion and excitement, who can show them a solution to their problem in any niche by the way, my friends, because there's, there's hundreds of millions of people there's billions of people out there who are afraid to leave their house and they want to shop from home, they want to, but they want to learn from home, they want to make money, they want to train their dog from home, they want to they want to help their kids sleep better from home, they want to work out from home, they want to get their diet and nutrition plan at home. They don't want to go to the gym, they don't want to go to the grocery store, they don't want to go to the doctor, they want to have their consultations happen at home, they want to get their medications and prescriptions prescribed to them at home, you know, it's the world that we're living in today and it's either wake up and realize that it's in realize that you have the platform, you have the skills you have the tools you have the business model with next to nothing out of pocket besides whatever education you're going to invest in to learn how to do this with next to nothing out of pocket in terms of tools in things that you don't need a truck, you don't need a bunch of tools like I remember when I wanted to start a construction business, and I had, you know, I had to buy truck and tools and all this stuff. And with this, it's basically the passion and the excitement in the in the willingness to go out there and put what you learn into action, and anybody can start to do this no matter what financial level you're at, if you have the money to invest in education, do it, if you the best investment you'll ever make is in yourself, especially right now, but whatever financial level you're at, you can do this right now and I think Mila, you are a shining example and inspiration of that coming from Brazil, only learning English back in 2016 I mean, come on, standing ovation for you, tell your husband, I said hello our best to your family as well. And I'll leave you with the final word.

Mila: Yeah, thank you David, I just, I really, I think. I think people need to just like to have if they happen they're willing to really make this work, you know, just like wherever you study like the internet is so big. There's so many opportunities just like gold. And like you said, the best investment you can ever do is invest in education and invest in yourself. I think that's what makes a difference in my life because I started, I'm not afraid to invest in myself, I spent like you back in Brazil. I spent four years in University to graduate in Business Administration, that I learned, Like, I don't even remember, you know what I learned I was. I know, university like some people may for that, right by the like, I feel like I lost four years in my life so I paid four years, and I spent four years to study, why not, I'm not gonna invest in myself to learn some high skills that's like, it's on demand right now everybody is zoning, like I don't have normal TV at home, you know, so all the consumers, people eat on internet so we have to take advantage of this, you know, and anybody can start can start on this business, anybody, whatever like this the financial situation. So, that's it, that's it is like I'm not afraid to invest in myself, investing in the patient because I know this is gonna come up trumps from how you know it's no one. When you invest in knowledge is something nobody can ever do for you. Once you learn, nobody can do this for you. So if this is your life, it is the best investment you can ever have.

Couldn't have said it any better, I mean, we are on the same page, my friend. We are on the same page so keep up the great work, be Legendary, come back and keep us posted on your, on your journey. Okay, and stay Legendary Mila okay.

Mila: Thank you so much Dave.

Dave: Bye bye. All right, my friends, wow, I mean, Lee, man oh man, I mean just when I think I can't be any more inspired, it's believable. It's just, you know, it's, I'm just continuously blown away. I mean there are some days that I just, I come on the show and I'm like, No, I'm just, let me just, I'm not going to be inspired, it's just going to be another day at the office, you know, and I come here, and I talk to somebody like Mila, and I get fired up, you know, I mean just fired up. So, you know, I hope, I hope that does it for you as well, all you who are listening and commenting. Of course, please go follow Mila. Let's continue to lift her up and support her by commenting and liking and, and just, you know, showing your support for her content and her marketing, and I hope to one day have each one of you guys on the show and gals on the show as well. And, and, as she said, and as I said, the best investment you will ever make in yourself is to invest in your knowledge and your education and your personal growth, hands down, and there's nothing there is nothing and trust me, my friends I have bought so much stuff I bought total crap. And I've bought things that are expensive, that are, you know, luxury goods and shit. And let me tell you something. There is nothing: not a single car, not a single house, not a single piece of jewelry, not a single bag, yes ladies, not a single bag. Not a single dress, no single suit, not a single pair of shoes that will ever make you feel as fulfilled as investing into your own education, learning something, in turn around and putting it to use building something for yourself. There is nothing. Nothing in this world that will make you feel as empowered and as happy as happy is invested in yourself. So do that today, here at legendary marketer or somewhere else. I don't care, just get started doing, get out the wallet. Okay, get out the wallet, get out the credit card. Okay, get out the credit card, invest in you and stop hoarding and holding on to the money that you have, like, There's no morals, there's no other money in this world. Scared, money, don't make money. Have you ever heard that one? Well, you can absolutely apply that to your own personal growth, you gotta put some skin in the game, baby. If it's $1 Hey, that's it. If it's, if you know what this is and hey just let's pass the hat and put up, you know, put a couple of bucks in it, and let's hope that something happens, no. When you invest in your education. There is a tangible return because you get knowledge, and you can apply that knowledge to build something. So I hope that today was the motivation that you need to be able to do that, and if you've already invested into yourself and you've bought some education and you've bought some courses or some knowledge. Now is the day to use it, you know some people are addicted to buying stuff and then they never even log in. But, today is the day to put it to use my friends, be Legendary. Get out of here and make it a fantastic day and we'll see you all of you back here tomorrow for another episode.

How A Paramedic Saved His Own Life Through Affiliate Marketing

Below is the transcription for this episode: 

Dave: What's going on my friends, this is Dave Sharpe, I feel like a boxing announcer where he's like, let's get ready to rumble. And I don't know if you guys actually noticed, but that guy can I forget their names right now Matt would probably know their names but the brother of that guy who was getting ready to rumble does UFC and he has his own spiel, I forget what it is, but it's another it's not as good as let's get ready to rumble. It's just not. But anyways, I always remember the Tyson fights back in the day. Let's get ready to run. By the way, Evander Holyfield, God has asked him this weekend. Fortunately for old guys 58 years old. Matt, gonna bring him on for some commentary. Did you hear or see the highlights of that one? Now who did he fight? 

Matt: He fought some guy who kicked his ass. 

Dave: I mean, I don't know, Holyfield looked like he was literally on his heels. He's 58 years old. You know? 

Matt: Yeah. Do affiliate marketing and stay out of the ring. 

Dave: All right, you guys. We'll hear more from Matt on Wednesday. Don't miss Wednesday's. And of course, don't miss Thursday blueprint training for all of you blueprint students. Matt does a live coaching session for our blueprint students every Thursday at 3pm. Eastern Time. Also, we have a decade in a day coming up this Friday for any of you who have enrolled in the business blueprint, that training classes coming up on this Friday for those students who have enrolled in last week. If you would do that every two weeks or so. So get ready for that, that's an awesome day of training. And when you enroll in the business blueprints, we get you right into a full day where we hold you hostage, we sort of download from our brains into your brain, all the information that you need to get going now versus you know, sitting in the classroom, like many of the online courses will have you doing out there watching endless videos, we absolutely have course instruction in videos, but we also have a process that gets you right in to taking action in generating leads right away, okay for your business. So if you're in the business blueprints, get ready for that. You'll also see Matt on Friday, in the decades debate training. Listen, we had a guest that was coming out this morning, named Tyler. Okay, Tyler Van Kijken. And he's out in the middle of basically bfv Canada, and we don't know if he overslept, or if his Internet's not working. But anyways, we're not able to get ahold of him. And, and so he was going to talk about the fact that he was a, the fact that he was a paramedic, and basically has gone from, you know, saving other people's lives, to saving his own life. And, you know, that got me thinking a lot about just as I was reading that this morning, sort of preparing to speak with him, he got me thinking about how so many of us, you know, really spend our lives, saving everybody else, you know, and with, with children, we, of course, spend our life saving their lives, I saved my son's life, probably 50 times this weekend. He's nine months old, and he takes his nose dives off the bed, we go swimming in the pool, and I'm trying to teach him about ledges and drop offs. So he doesn't just, you know, walk off things and break his neck. But then we go, we go, we go to school, and we then, you know, behave ourselves, get good grades and listen to the teacher and we essentially save their jobs, right? Because if we don't listen, and we don't get good scores on our tests, those teachers will probably get replaced. And then we do the same in college. And then we go and we get jobs. And when we save our bosses, you know life essentially or you know, whoever we're working for, and in some cases we actually save other people's lives as Tyler does, in his paramedic job, and then some of us this is where it gets tricky. Become people please. In our lives, we've become Yes, you know, we've become Yes Men. Yes, women and we put everybody else first

Many, I think I know a lot of women who are like this, who sort of step into that role of caregivers, and after their children are, you know, up out of the house, or I know, one particular lady is who's our nanny, who, you know, actually got divorced after a very long marriage, and spent her whole life, you know, not only in in many jobs, where she helped other families, with their kids, and so forth, but also, of course, helped her family, raise her children. And then she got divorced, her ex husband acted very nasty, she actually just told me this morning that, you know, he took down pictures of their vacations and magnets and pins and sort of erased her out of the entire home. And, and, you know, many of us are left in our mid 40s, or 50s, or even 60s, taking care of people our entire lives, being caregivers, or always putting everybody else ahead of us. And, and, and finally, we wake up and we realize at a certain point, that Damn, it's, it's time for me to take care of myself, you know, sort of like in the airplane, how you, you know, how they instruct you to put the oxygen mask on yourself first, before you know, you can, you can only save others if you first save yourself. And I think that is very true. And it's a mindset that we have to adopt as entrepreneurs, that many of us have these goals and aspirations that we want to help people and we want to save the children and we want to donate to our churches or donate to causes or we want to help our food family members that we love. And it's just ever gonna happen unless you put the oxygen mask on yourself first. And I just actually had a fantastic experience doing this. You know, last week I shared this on one of the wakeup shows last week. But just last week, I was able to do something really special for somebody that I love. Let me pull up a picture of it. All right. And this is a great example of, you know, having the ability to do something nice for somebody that I love. Now, some of you have seen the picture of, or the video of my dad. me giving my dad a truck. And I have bought a car before I bought her a car back in 2013. But this car that I bought her the other day, this just happened last week. I bought her a BMW X three real real cool, real sexy car. And this is what she wanted. Also, by the way. When she said it was because at first she came over to my house and she was like well, I want to buy a new car. And I just wonder what your advice on what kind of car I should buy? And I said, Well, I said, you know, Erin and I. Erin is my wife. Erin and I were talking and, you know, we decided that we wanted to buy a car for you. And, you know, that initial shot that look on her face was really really fun and was really priceless. And so over the course of Wednesday, and Thursday, last week, you know, my mom and I drove around all over town, and we went car shopping. And, and we finally, you know, found the car that she absolutely loved. And it was this BMW brand new 2022 18 miles on it, you know, with all the warranties and all the bells and whistles and the rules either in the sport package. And, you know, I was actually proud of her for getting the sports package and everything because I would have thought she would have gone for support, you know, some of the, some of the more basic stuff. But anyways, here's my point: this car was possible for me to buy for my mom because, you know, I put the oxygen mask on myself first. You know, I, I took care of me, I went took care of my finances, I focused on my business. And as a matter of fact, back in the day, when I was very first starting now, my mom was the one. And I'm gonna go ahead and bring on our guest, because I see that he's here. Tyler, what's going on my brother? 

Tyler: Hey, how are you doing? 

Dave: Good. I'm glad you could join us. Listen, I'm telling a story about how I started to take care of myself, and sort of save my own life. And I was able to, to start, you know, helping and, you know, saving others, I guess if you will at least have some financial hardship. Right, you know, or, or some sort of struggle. Or in my mom's case, you know, she was the one who gave me a $10,000 loan back 10 or 12 years ago at this point. Actually, it was, yeah, it was 12 years ago, because it was 2011 it was actually 10 years ago. Exactly. And, and, you know, I was able to pay her that money back. And I and I bought her I bought her a car back in 2013 a Honda Pilot, but, you know, she, yeah, man, I mean, to be able to do this, for her was a great, you know, a great thing that made, of course, her really happy but also made me feel super fulfilled. And it was, it was really all because, you know, the analogy that I use Tyler was I put the oxygen mask on myself, you know how on the plane, they say that if you're going down, and then you can put it on others. And I think that not only do we build, you know, other people's businesses, we build other people's careers, but also Tyler touched on a lot of the and I think females experienced this maybe more than males because they take on more of a caretaker role. And then they sort of, you know, I gave the example of my nanny who got a divorce and that, you know, 50 something had been a caretaker her whole life and then all of a sudden her husband wanted to get a divorce. And she was like, Oh shit, what do I do? You know, I sweat my whole life taking care of people. You know? So anyways, brother, welcome to the show, man. You're all the way up with those cabin vibes. Love it. 

Tyler: Yep, I’m from Canada, living in the igloo. 

Dave: Nice, man. Nice. So tell us a little bit about your story, man. I mean, you know you're a paramedic at one point. I don't know if you still are, but tell us how what led you to find Legendary and starting with affiliate marketing.

Tyler: Yeah, so I was a paramedic up until about 2017 and injured in the service of a back injury. Which honestly just left me massively depressed and trying to figure out life. And you know, where I was going to do my next steps to end up in a sales position with a trucking company. And basically, the corporate world didn't really enjoy it all that much and sales was fine. But working in the corporate world just wasn't really going to be my thing long term. I can sense that right away. You know, the benefit of working in the ambulance service is kind of a four on four off schedule or, you know, make your own schedule kind of thing. Which I liked, obviously. And then yeah, obviously, you know, things the last couple of years have gone awry. And, you know, you'll see the writing on the wall and I was like, I gotta find something, you know, different that's going to, you know, help me make my own money versus relying on somebody else. To give me a paycheck or for a job to be there. So I decided to make the leap online and look at a few different strategies. Obviously, drop shipping Amazon FBA all the usual  types and saw someone talking about legendary on TikTok, as many of us did. And the rest is kind of history. I just sort of hit the ground running, I found myself some great mentors, and included obviously, and yeah, just started, just started going for it and trying to learn the space as fast as I possibly can. So I'm no, I'm no tech junkie, or computer guy, really, I'm doing all this for the first time. But I'm proof that if you put in the work, it can definitely happen.

Dave: So yeah, so what was that initial, take us back to that initial goal, like buying, enrolling into the challenge going through that just first very first look at like, committed learning? And what was that experience like for you? 

Tyler: Yeah, I mean, honestly, like, once I, once I did a little bit of research into affiliate marketing, and I sort of understand the business model behind it. It wasn't hard for me to, to enroll in the program, and, you know, to invest in myself, I'd already been working for the last year, up until then just, you know, on some mindset stuff and trying to pull myself out of this, you know, rut that I felt like I was in just leaving the service and stuff like that. And, you know, an opportunity is just what I needed. And, you know, once I had that feeling that, you know, this is something that I want to pursue, it was pretty much you know, everything was left in the dust.

Dave: So, so, you were already talking, were you already marketing at that point? Or were you still in what I would call sort of contemplation where you are thinking about it and sort of ready to do it, but you haven't really you hadn't really taken action yet? 

Tyler: Yeah, I hadn't really taken action yet. I mean, legendary was really my first kick in the pocket. And learning the whole, you know, affiliate marketing space and digital marketing space. Yeah.

Dave: So, thinking back to your first couple of weeks of enrolling, because, you know, a lot of times people come in their first couple of weeks are really engaged, they're really excited. And, and, you know, they either find ways to keep that excitement up and keep going, or they're sort of fizzle off and go on to the next shiny object. I know, nobody can relate to that. Right. Right. You know, we've all been there. What was it that kept you that actually helped you? Was it the community, was it hearing other people's stories, was it attending these Wake Up Legendary shows as well? What kept you engaged, got you inspired, and showed you that I can do this, it's not just other people, but I actually can see myself being successful with this.

Tyler: I think for me, a lot of it was the community. I took more of a backseat in the community in terms of like, you know, I read other people's comments in the Facebook groups and you know, see what other people were doing. You know, I found some, some great people to chat with, within the community. A couple select few, you know, my mentors included who I talked to almost almost every day you know, and they really helped me to get past some of those moments of doubt and fear and, you know, when when something wasn't working properly, you know, really just to dive in and you know, find a source that can either help me or just keep plugging away and figuring out what kind of thing yeah, the community is probably the most powerful aspect of this entire journey or system that we have in place here, especially at legendary. You know, I've I've also made some amazing friends along the way just talking to

some of these people and, you know, I can lean on any one of them and they can lean on me. For any kind of advice or help when things are, you know, sort of going sideways, or, you know, you've had a bad week, or things aren't going the way that you've planned. Everybody's got some great ideas out there.

Dave: That's, that's cool. I believe that that's one of the most important parts of, of any journey. And I, you know, whenever you want to accomplish something, I just think it's, you know, who is really saying, you know, you can define that differently, you can define that and say, well, like, I start, I didn't have anything given to me. But I mean, really, truly, if you think about it, nobody's really, truly self made. If you define it as if they did it all by themselves. It's, it's, it's whether when you're starting out, I think it's a support group, as you're talking about, and just finding a couple of people that you relate to, and putting some feelers out there and seeing if they respond. And if there's a relationship that can be built, it's kind of just like making friends in school, you know, you're not going to make friends with everybody, you're not going to make friends with everybody that you want to or reach out to. But eventually bonds will be built and connections will be made, and you'll make friends. And then as you grow a bigger business, the people that you put in place to, to help you run and operate that business, people that work for you, people that work that you work with on a daily basis, your team, those are the people that are going to help carry you to the next level. And I think that, I think that it's an often overlooked thing, and for some reason, whether it's human beings, just natural tendencies is to not ask for help, not reach out to others, because maybe they feel like they're bothering or somebody or they don't want to feel stupid, or they just go back to their childhood, when they were rejected, or it was difficult to make friends. And that keeps them from making those connections and building that support. Anything you would add to that does that, does that resonate with you?

Tyler: Yeah, definitely. One of the things is, it's not only about the community connection, but it's about the community, and the connection moving forward and on down the road. Because, you know, for a lot of people, affiliate marketing might not be the be all and end all business model that they stay in long term, being online. And, you know, I like I've already met some amazing people, you know, that we're talking about things, we have things in the works kind of thing, you know, to either help build our affiliate marketing businesses or you know, to segue into something else already. And, you know, those connections that you build are so powerful, just for business in general, especially in the online space. I think that, you know, you can move so much faster, when you have the right people in your corner. And again, it comes down to a lot of mindset stuff, right? You know, surround yourself with people who are going to elevate you versus bring you down. And, you know, in the future with those people and build different businesses and different brands, and you know, see how they're building different different companies. And yeah, it's just amazing.

Dave: Yeah, no, I that's been my experience to a tee is man coming in making connections with some people in, you know, communities, some that are still around some that are when I started online, just just as your says, vibing with other people, man, and, you know, find people that I do vibe with, and, and then, you know, the ideas start to, you know, because we're already if people and usually we have more ideas than we have time and lifetime, and, and, you know, then the synergy of talking with other people and we we think of collaborations or start companies or create courses or, or just be friends, you know, for a lot of people if I could go back one of the things that that I think I would have focused more on was just like, it was like everybody that I met in my early days, I was like, let's do some business together. Let's figure out a way to work together. And what nowadays, I really value just friends, people that I can just like who I know, I don't have any business or financial, anything in the mix. It's just they're doing their thing. I'm doing my thing. We're doing similar stuff. So we don't have to explain things to each other and we can almost finish each other's sentences. But the relationship is also not muddied up with being in business together. You know, I would say hard core when I started, I was like, we're either doing business together, we can't be friends. And now there is a middle ground. There are people I do business with. But there's also people that say I am perfect, don't want to do business with you. Because I don't want to take the chance of messing up this relationship. Okay, does that resonate with you? 

Tyler: Yeah, I mean, I haven't had a whole lot of those experiences yet myself, but I can definitely understand that feeling. You know, it's funny, it just reminds me of a story from my childhood. My dad is a business owner, an immigrant business owner moved here in 81. And, you know, him and a friend were in business together, they were, you know, the best of friends kind of thing. And, you know, business got muddied up and fell through and, and, you know, 21 years later, my parents decided to get divorced, and my dad decided to call up his old buddy and just say, Hey, this is what's happening. You know, they ended up rekindling a very good friendship, but they're not in business anymore. And they know, you know, business can't be done together. It's a friendship zone kind of thing no business is talking about. So yeah, I mean, I could definitely understand that. But you don't want to be doing business with every single person that you're in contact with. And yeah, you're left with very few friends and business partners, and it gets muddied up, right?

Dave: I wanted to ask you this, you know, as a new person, you're, you're a lot of people, and even some of the comments are, you know, I got pitched in, on Facebook. And I've often, I've often wondered, you know, if our, there's been times where I've just heard that so many times, I've almost felt like deleting the Facebook group, like just like, you know, because there's always people that are there that just automatically friend requests people, and then, you know, befriend them, or at least make them feel like they're being friends, be friendly in them. And then they, of course, you know, oh, by the way, you know, wanted to, and then they then they then they pitch them something which is naturally the spirit of capitalism and, and just, if you're coming into the marketing industry, you're going to get pitched on stuff. But I just wonder, did that happen to you? And how did you deal with it? And how did you sift through the folks that were pitching in the private message and still actually value the community that is here, and figure out how to take a positive from it?

Tyler: Yeah, so this might be a blunt answer, but before Legendary, I didn't have a Facebook and had a Facebook for probably 10 years. So I really started Facebook from ground zero. And pretty much anybody who is trying to friend request me when I first started my Facebook to you know, be able to join into some of the community. I was like, No way I do this like, delete, delete, delete, and I was blocking people. You know, and the people that I really started to, like, let into, you know, my Facebook were people that I was seeing on TikTok fellow, affiliate marketers, and I was seeing you doing, doing well in the space or up and coming, you know, I messaged him on TikTok kind of thing, you know, trying to start the conversation there. And then I would kind of bring it over to Facebook, and we sort of built our own little small community. I really like and still to this day, like, if somebody's friend requests me, I'll do a little background check, a little digging on him, see, see who else is friends with them, whatever. But generally, I don't need friends on Facebook, if it has too much to do with marketing. Interesting, like a lot of those people. And they're not bad people. They're just, I don't quite understand. You know what they're doing. But, yeah, they get very salesy very quickly. And some of them, you know, they're like, Oh, I see, you're starting out this and that, blah, blah, blah. It's like, yeah, I'm already doing what you're doing. But I do it differently. So don't come to that knee kind of thing. So I just turned it off, honestly. Yeah. I mean, this was not my favorite platform in general, like, who knows me knows that. I'm not a huge Facebook user. I, that platform gives me no joy. Dave: Right. I feel you bro, I feel you in such a conflict, right? Because like in the past, I've also wanted to take this show off Facebook, but it's like, it's like people are there. And it's just, it's the same thing with Facebook groups, dude, it's like, there's all these other platforms that have that, that you can be more in control of how the group works and interacts and be free of distraction. And you try to pull people and get people to join them. And it's like, it's like tumbleweeds, man, but you start a Facebook group, and people are all it's just like, it's like trying to get people to change a habit, dude. But I think from, I think from, like, you know, like, Oh, don't, you know, don't put your left shoe on first, when you've put it on that way for your whole life, you know, it's like trying to tell people to have dinner at the time they have dinner every day. It's really crazy how addicted we've become to Facebook, but I totally agree with that dude. And I want to say officially on the record myself, that I mean, we as a business, I think as as kind of a company community, like get value from Facebook, because we we stream on Facebook, I think we could stream on YouTube, or we could even stream from legendary marketer calm just the home page every day. Like we could do that. And that could be a test that we run one day, but so we do get some value, the Facebook group, I think it's more social proof for us as a company, you know, like that, Oh, we've got a bunch of people, or whatever. But I agree, dude, personally, Bro, I get zero like, value dude, from from in. At this point, whenever I'm going on Facebook, it's like a subconscious thing to where I'm just doing it out of like, almost this, this this sort of repetition or half, you know, I mean? That's just some real lash shit right there. 

Tyler: Yeah. Like, so many people are bothered by the whole social media aspect of it. And, you know, I mean, I wasn't a huge social media person, either. When I started, I would, like I said, kind of Facebook, I certainly didn't have a TikTok account that I was actively, like, posting content on, I was just, you know, watching funny videos, you know, Instagram is, is, you know, really low key, I had a Instagram account with just a bunch of family and friends on it. And that was it. And I posted what fit what social media platform is, I mean, this is such a, they're, they all have the ability to be toxic, right? They all have the ability to just waste your time suck your time. Dave:  And, it's really a What are they is that an oxymoron? where it's like, it's like this, you know, it's, it's almost like somebody said that necessary evil. It's like, we use these platforms as creators. But the moment, if we spend too much time, as consumers, it becomes we get into comparison. It becomes toxic from getting sucked into political bullshit, and propaganda. And I almost feel like all so you know, so. And that was my real spiel about Facebook, but like, the truth of the matter is, they all have that tendency if we're in consumer, like being hypnotized by these platforms, right?

Tyler: Yeah, I think it's something that you have to, like, recognize, and, like, almost just turn that side of your brain off. Like, the only thing that I really scroll through social media for is, you know, one to support some of the members of my community. And second is, you know, looking for interesting content ideas, or interesting copy or something like that. But, you know, it's, it's funny, actually, because someone that changed very early on for me, when I, when I was starting out with affiliate marketing with legendary is, you know, I used to listen to the radio going to work all the time, right. And I found myself not wanting to listen to the music, but wanting to listen to the commercials, because I wanted to hear what the market was, you know, within the commercial, right? I wanted to hear what some of the copy was, you know, what hooks they were using. And I scroll social media with the same kind of mindset, a marketer. I'm looking for things, I'm looking for ideas, I'm specifically scrolling for, you know, an idea of what I can do for myself in my business. I'm not scrolling for pleasure. So, yeah, I think that's the difference right there is when you have your mindset set on that goal.

Dave: Yeah, and being intentional, right. It's like I can, I can totally relate to. For me, if I could, there's some apps like mine, like, this was something I wanted to spend my time doing. I would just like to take and there is a Facebook Timeline Eradicator that you guys like for Facebook, if you wanted to download that, I think it's a Google Chrome extension. It only works on desktop, though, but you can actually eradicate your entire timeline. So when you go on, you'll see anybody's posts, your only option is to post and be a creator, if that's a platform that you market or post on. But I think for me, I gotta be real aware. And I gotta be real intentional with how I use platforms, if I'm going to go on. Like, I'm really into wristwatches like collecting watches and stuff, kind of like how some people are into collecting baseball cards, or whatever our work. And I've got a secret Instagram, that I have nothing but watch content on it, you know what I mean? And, and so anytime I want to mindlessly scroll, and kind of just look at people's stuff, like, I'll go on to that Instagram and just mindlessly scroll. But when I go on to any other platform, if I get a, I have to be intentional, I have to be aware that I can easily get sucked in and lose an hour or two, if I'm not careful. And I can easily take a couple of chips away from my self esteem if I'm not careful. Because if I'm looking at other people's shit, and then automatically that's making me judge a one doing better or worse than that it's a human thing. I can't shame myself for having a human reaction. We all have that when I go on Instagram, and I see dudes doing workouts and having like 12 packs, I'm gonna feel shitty about like my one pack, you know what I mean, about about, you know, the fact that I haven't had a six pack ever? You know, I thought I had one at one time, but I didn't. That was just me lying to myself. You know, if I, if I'm, you know, looking at, yeah, just, I mean, I can feel bad about my business, I can feel right. So I gotta be real, intentional and real aware about how I use these platforms. And I think going back to a challenge a lot of our folks have in this community is just when they start to get into the marketing communities, whether it be this one or others, they begin to get hit up by people who have already been doing this for a while. And their main strategy is to shark in groups. And to hit that is how they generate leads. And, and know that and have a plan, you know, have and I think was fantastic. And I also think the way that you're just like, I don't I don't accept anybody's I just delete people. I think it's just, yeah, I mean, I choose who I want to be friends with, right, it's just like your inbox. You know, over the course of the last couple of weeks, I've been unsubscribing tons of people shit in my inbox, because it's like, I didn't do that for a while. And all of a sudden, my inbox was flooded with so many other people's agendas that I needed to get back control of it. It's a necessary evil that I need to check my email. But I don't want to be flooded with everybody else's messaging, and agendas when I go in. So I need to take back control of my inbox. And that's kind of what I heard you say about Facebook, and probably social media in general, right?

Tyler: Yeah, yeah. I mean, and, like, I'm sure, I'm sure you have multiple, multiple emails like that, again, like anybody does. But you know, like, for new people coming in. And that's one of the things that I did as well, I started a couple of different emails, you know, ones for people like an email, through my email list, if they have any questions or whatever. And then, you know, I don't use that same email to sign up for somebody else, you know, he was there, you know, sending over emails, what kind of copy they're doing, he sent the email so that it doesn't, I can shut that one off for you know, 24 hours, or I can go and look at my red.on my iPhone, you know, what I mean, where I'm looking at this, at this red dot with, you know, 10 2030 5100 email messages on it. And I'm, like, totally overwhelmed by how many emails I have to read. You know, those emails can be read at any time. I really just want to know if there's important emails that are coming into my inbox and actually to attend to right now, versus having this tool through, you know, one inbox trying to find actual important messages.

Dave: Yeah. So yeah, I've done that too. It's just whatever works for you, man. I mean, there's no Absolute way to discipline yourself. I mean, it really, truly is a balancing act every day of just and you know what man, I mean, like the phase that I'm in right now, 10 years into this. And I'm not saying that I was always like this, although I do think when I unplugged and really got in touch with my own ideas and creativity, I was always the best and most profitable. But one thing that is so real for me right now is, the more I unplug and listen to my own ideas, and the more I get in touch with, with with my real, like, you know, my own ideas, my own angles, money, oh, my own content, all the wealth of knowledge that I have within myself, and ability to be able to because nobody can tell by knowledge in my value in my stories like I can. And the more I tune out everybody else's noise. There's a few things that I listened to a few people that I listened to. But I always take it with a grain of salt. And I might not blow up, my priority is to create space for me to be in touch with my ideas, and to use the value in the knowledge and the stories that I have and figure out how to use those stories. because nobody's telling that same story. And nobody's telling those same nuggets in that value the same way that I can do it. And so the more I block out the noise, I know there's a big tendency with content creators, because, well, you know, you have to continuously come up with ideas to look at everybody else, and just kind of redo their videos and stuff. And I think there's a place for that. But I also think that it's creating space for you to come up with your own ideas and focus on ways to tell your own story. And to give yourself a chance to tell it over and over again to get better at it is an absolute necessity no matter where you're at in the journey. So you said that you've had a lot of success with reels with IG reels. Talk to us a little bit about your content grading journey and how you've actually been marketing successfully, what have you done that's worked and what hasn't worked?

Tyler: For sure. I think you can build the hand with being able to decide for yourself without any sort of outside influence or animal outside. You know, people ask me all the time, how I how I ended up doing a lot of my content out on the boat and out of the water and, you know, doing the content the way I do and most of it was scrolling through tik tok and seeing that everybody was sitting in an office much like I'm sitting in right now, you know, and doing doing their TikTok doing their Instagram, and everybody was doing the same types of videos, you know, they might be a little bit different. And not not necessarily people are copying each other. But there's only so much you can do in such a small space. And I was like, You know what, I'm just gonna go and film my content outdoors on my boat and just do my thing, like I just did. And we'll just see what happens and a minute, after resonated with quite a few people, I mean, obviously a lot of, you know, blue collar workers out there who are, you know, that's what they do, they work five days a week to be able to go hunting and fishing with their kids are hunting and fishing with their buddies or, you know, whatever the case, right? And they're, they're looking at a blue collar guy like me, like, okay, like, you know, this guy can, can go online and make some money and eventually be able to quit his job six months down the road, like, Okay, this, this actually is, you know, something that I need to take a look at. So that's kind of where a lot of my little majority, I would say, probably 90 to 95% of my content is all filmed outdoors, on my boat on a hike or just doing whatever, just, you know, living my lifestyle the way I want to live. And yeah, I mean, I don't need a whole lot to survive. So yeah, I mean, I don't need like 50 or $60,000 a month to be able to survive. So what I'm making off of affiliate marketing right now is, you know, surpassing my nine to five income base for me. And that's, you know, if I can get a little bit further than that, I'm even happier. But, you know, all I really needed to do was to supplement my nine to five income and I was pulling the pin and I was out of there and now I can work and focus on my old thing. So yeah. Maybe not the smartest idea. Usually, most people strive to double their income before they do that. But I was like, No, I'm just going to do that. And then I'm going to leave because I I see that See being more my, my speed and life kind of thing.

I had sold my truck and had $1,000 to my name and said, I'm done doing construction and I'm going to go full time online. So, you know, yeah, it's hard to recommend for me from an ethical standpoint, you know, for people to quit their jobs or put themselves in a tough financial situation. As a matter of fact, I try to take a more, you know, a more a more kind of safe route, I don't want to be the guy who's responsible for people, you know, losing their shit basically all over the world, you know, because they're, they Dave Sharpe told him to, you know, what he did, and they, you know, throw out the plan B, you know, quit the job, fire the boss, go all in, you know, I mean, it's like, they go to their, their wives, you know, they come home to their wives or husbands and they're like, why would you David Sharpe told me to them, they're trying to find me and murder me. But yeah, man. So I mean, I think that's, I think that that's great. Like, how does that feel to now, you know, just a couple of years ago, your as, as, as a paramedic does saving people's lives, you transition to saying, Hey, I'm saving everybody else's life, but I'm my life feel, I feel like I'm drowning. I feel like I'm, there's no end in sight for me, I'm not able to do the things that I want to do as much as I want to do them, I'm not getting rich doing this. And so I'm gonna, I'm gonna eat my own life, and then live my own life the way that I want to live in, how does that feel no, be where you're at?

Tyler: It feels pretty awesome. I'm not going to lie. I mean, you know, like, I had 24 years to fully be able to, you know, quit my job one day with, with online business and online marketing, right. And, you know, I never expected to make multiple 1000’s of dollars a month. You know, within my first six months, you know, I was, I was like, if I can make 500 bucks a month for the next six months or a year and start figuring things out, like, I would have been happy with that. But, you know, I was fortunate that I found something that worked for me, I found content that works for me. And within six months, I was already supplementing my full wage. And I did it three months in a row. I think I did it three months in a row. And then that was it. I was like, I'm out of here. And it feels amazing. I mean, I just, I love having the freedom, you know, I got my dog here. And I can spend the day at home with him, I get to go on all the walks with him and stuff like that. Yesterday, we hiked up the mountain, and I got to go fish as much as I possibly can. I'm very fortunate to live in an amazing community just here around my house. My neighbors are all super green, I get to keep my boat in the water next door. So I can just pop over there. And you know, if I want to go, just have a mindset break or whatever, I can go do that for an hour and a half or whatever, I don't have to rely on a company to give me a paycheck and get to rely on myself which, yes, is very stressful. Don't kid yourself. Anybody out there one night quitting, your job is easy. And all of a sudden, the money's just gonna keep coming in. Like, it's funny. You date for somebody else. But I was I was watching some webinars or something like that live. And they were talking about the first one to three weeks after quitting your job. You know, initially, you quit your job, right? And you're like, yeah, I'm going to get so much work done. And I'm going to do all these things. And I'm going to do this. I'm, like, the first two weeks, I have to quit my job. I like nothing done. I was just enjoying the sheer fact. Like, oh, okay, like, whenever I look back, and I'm like, Oh, I haven't done anything, like, I gotta get on this now. Right? And then all of a sudden, that kind of light bulb clicked and the other real stress or they hit like, man, I haven't had a paycheck and two weeks, like, I gotta make that. So I think that happens to a lot of people. But you just have to recognize that it's happening and then you know, eventually, without too much time having passed you have to you know, put your nose to the grindstone and get her done and then start you know, seeing those commissions coming in see what you can do for yourself in terms of bringing in a paycheck, right. So yeah,

Well, you know what to do, right? I mean, I think a lot of people. Don't forget that after you do this for a period of time, it will become second nature, just like your job is when you walked into your job. Say for example, your paramedic job, you know everything and feel super confident and super laid back the first week or two. You're probably shitting your pants, right? Dave: Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't be, I don't care how ready I thought I am. If I'm going out on real calls, dealing with real people who are dying, or in some sort of an emergency. Yeah, dude, I'm like, I got I'm not gonna put an extra pair of underwear in my bag at all times. I'm really, you know, I'm like, dude, I can only imagine so. But it's not just that, I don't care if you're going into some clerical or some plumber construction, you're going to be freaking out at any time that you start something. But the beautiful thing about quitting your job and then fnr for a couple of weeks is that you knew what to do. You knew what you needed to do. You've done it. And you had a couple of months or a few months of proof. You had validated things you had had taken instruction, you had built community and support. And it was just simply time to stop effort off 24 hours a day and work a little bit each day. 

Dave: Definitely, definitely.

Tyler: God, it's great. It's been an awesome journey, honestly. And I mean, like I said, I got my start online with legendary, and I don't have anything bad to say about it. I mean, I really just, I took the information. And I just kind of hit the ground running. And I found that community that can help me and yeah, for anybody out there that's just like, they're struggling with trying to find the information or they're struggling with trying to, you know, build out their back office, whatever that looks like. There are people and there's a community out there that can help you whether it's within legendary or doing your own research outside of that community, just following up with you on tik tok and trying to reach out to those people and having a conversation. I mean, and that's, that's probably the number one thing you talk about on we have legendary is having that conversation with you, whether it's in a conversation to talk about the business and potentially get somebody involved or have a conversation with somebody else who's already doing kind of what you want to be doing. And, you know, figuring out how you can make it work for yourself in your business. I mean, having those conversations is probably the most important aspect of this digital business really.

Dave: And using common sense in those conversations, right. I mean, I had a sponsor one time, when I was getting cleaned back, you know, 13 years ago, many of you know, I got clean from a pretty crippling drug addiction and have been clean since then. But you know, I would call him he was like a sponsor or mentor, kind of, like we talked about having me, it's just somebody who came before me a predecessor, right? And I'd call him and I'd be like, Oh, I don't know what to do. And he'd be like, Dave, you got clean, you didn't get stupid, you know. And I think that same thing applies here. It's like you started a business, you didn't get stupid, you know, use common sense. You know, use your built in bullshit detector, you know, don't don't don't, all the sudden start a business and then become a victim. You know, don't start a business and act like you just fell off the turnip truck. You know, you bet. The majority of us have been out there hustling and talking shit and manipulating it, whatever we had to do to survive. And now it's time to actually, for me anyways, I realize a lot of my past had developed survival skills that I could use in business. And I could turn I could use the values that I also was raised with integrity and honesty and straight, straight shooter-ness and that I could use all that stuff. Now. I didn't have to. I didn't have to bullshit my way through life or anything. I could just, I could just be exactly who I always wanted to be, and knew I could be in and that's talking about turning your mess into your message and your struggles into your strengths. I think being an entrepreneur gives us the opportunity to do all of those things. And enjoy life and that's clearly what you've done, brother. So congrats, man. Thanks for coming on, even though we were a few minutes late here.  I would have talked about you, even if you weren't here and then we would have had John later but thanks for popping on. It was fun to come back. Keep us posted here in a couple of months if you would. 

Tyler: Awesome, for sure. Thank you so much for having me. I appreciate it. 

Dave: Alright, Tyler, see you, buddy. 

Tyler: Thanks. 

Dave: Alright, so go and follow Tyler and connect with him on both Instagram and Tiktok. He's wild man, underscore marketer, wild man, underscore marketer, and you can go on a journey with him out on his boat and in some of those beautiful, you know, spots that he is, is led live every day and you can, you know, make a determination whether you want to continue to live where you live, or as your online business grows, maybe you'll want to grow or go live somewhere like where he lives. I know I certainly at least want to go vacation there on a regular basis. Because Canada, and Canada in particular, but a lot of that. A lot of places around the world are so damn beautiful. And most of us will, you know, just don't even know they exist until you have the space and the financial abilities to go and see them. So, again, go follow him wild man underscore marketer. And the last thing that I have for you is text WUL to the number on your screen 813-296-8553. And every morning, we'll send you a little text message notification with a direct link right to the live and you can join us or not and wake up every day. Legendary. See you. We'll see you back here. Tomorrow, same place, same time. Get out of here. Have a great Monday. Be Legendary. And we'll see you tomorrow.