Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends? This is Dave. Another episode here live as we do five days a week, and we've been focusing this week on our mastermind that's coming up December 3, fourth, and fifth. And if you check the comment, pinned comment right down below, you can actually find a link to go over to our mastermind sort of info page sales page, whatever you want to call it. There's not actually anything for sale though. If you have a mastermind ticket, you can register this week and do it as soon as possible because seats are filling up. And it's registration on a first come first serve basis. Now, we've been having like all of our speakers and stuff this week, and we're going to continue that theme today with the person who ironically was the quickest to ever hit the platinum rank in our affiliate program. Help me welcome to the show. Sarah Robin. What's going on Sarah? 

Sarah: Hi, how are you? 

Dave: How does that feat feel to hear me say the person who was fastest to ever hit the platinum rank in our affiliate program?

Sarah: Um, kind of mind blowing like I still don't really think about it too much about how crazy it actually is.

Dave: Yeah, it's fascinating how, you know, how really there is no there is no sort of, like set template or set experience that's mandatory. I mean, anybody can literally come into this world and completely blow it up at any time. And I hope that that's a lot of inspiration for those of you who are feeling like you're ready to get started or you're ready to start over, which some of us have to do, you know, sometimes just a daily commitment. So I'm looking forward to hanging out with you. Are you looking forward to coming to Orlando?

Sarah: Yes, I'm so excited.

Dave: Yeah, yeah, it's gonna be, it's gonna be a good time. This is going to be your first. Is this going to be your first ever internet marketing live event?

Sarah: Yes.

Dave: Yeah. So that's interesting. You know, there's quite a few people who are going to be actually speaking who this is going to be their first Legendary event. And, you know, I don't forget if I asked Austin, I think he's been to some events. Brian has definitely been to some events. Andrei, I don't think he's ever been to any internet marketing event. And you too, so how do you feel that like your very first actual internet marketing event, you're also going to be speaking and sharing some of your strategies and your story?

Sarah: Um, it's a little nerve wracking, of course, just because I am new to the industry, so I'm coming into this, you know, kind of like the baby of the group almost. But at the same time, it's super exciting because I feel like me and Andre being such beginners still have this different perspective than we already were deep into it. So I'm really excited to be able to share that with people because it's something that I can do with the accomplishments that I've done. I can connect with people that have been doing this for a while and people that are just brand new and be able to just help them learn and grow.

Dave: Yeah, yeah, no, I agree. I actually think that it's actually really important to sort of keep a beginner's mindset. And I do think that there's a difference between a beginner's mindset and a newbie, right like a lot of times people call themselves a newbie. I think that that's sort of a demeaning label. And it's not as empowering of a label. I do believe that like what we say to ourselves and labels that we give ourselves are important. But having a beginner's mindset means that you like to keep it fresh. And for me, one of the reasons why I continue to create content and continue to do this show and try to stay in the trenches as much as possible because I do want to stay connected to that not only that beginner's mindset, you know, of always being open to learning, but also I want to stay closely connected to my kind of target customer. You know what I mean? Which if somebody just freshly bought one of my products, that means that that person is like my ideal customer. So there's also a lot of value for you, or anyone else who's listening to get closely connected with other people and figure out why they bought what made them buy, what's their story, what are their pain points. So this is going to give you a unique angle and quite possibly an edge to be able to have some of those conversations not only just to offer value, like from you to them, but also for you to have like one on one face to face conversations interactions with people who are actually kind of your your kind of target prospect, your target customer that you're actually going for, you know what I mean?

Sarah: Yeah, it's really exciting. I'm excited. Just not only even meeting other affiliates, but just everybody in general that's attending. It's going to be a lot of fun.

Dave: So tell us a little bit about your story. Like just for people who don't know you, just kind of what happened. I think you're only into this about a year, maybe a little over a year. How long

a little under a year March is when I officially started as an affiliate.

Sarah: Okay, so just for people who are new who have never heard your story and like how, where you came from and how you got started, like give us the nutshell version. Yeah.

So I was working at a grocery store, a local grocery store in the seafood department. I was working six days a week, sometimes 14 to 18 days in a row before the next day off just because I was trying to make ends meet. It wasn't really cutting it so I started looking into things online to, you know, make something on the side. And I came across a 15 day challenge, went through it in about I think it was the exact 15 days and then started in March as an affiliate and just started posting and things went from there.

Dave: So in the grocery store not only in the grocery store, but in the seafood department. Are you still doing that job or have you kind of moved on from that?

Sarah: I moved on and I ended up being able to quit my job. I believe it was in the beginning of July when I officially quit. I probably could have done it a little sooner. But of course I was worried just in general that you know the imposter mindset. But once I got out of that funk, I was able to quit and go full time online.

Dave: So not only in the grocery store, but in the seafood department like How did you land there?

Sarah: Initially, I was hired for produce, but they weren't giving me hours so I needed more hours to make more money, and they had an opening in their seafood department and you know, I enjoy seafood being from Florida. That's like a big thing here. So I was like, you know, okay, I guess I can learn something about and be able to maybe cook something up at home and it was fun. I enjoyed it. It was cold all the time though.

Dave: Right. Right. Right. And did you ever like to go home smelling like fish every day?

Sarah: No, I had a method where I wore a sweatshirt and apron and I liked to leave those at work and would come right in the door and like to make sure my shoes were left outside. So I definitely worked around that but I also worked in a restaurant a long time ago. So you you kind of learned how to not come home smelling like

Dave: Right, right, right like a grease trap. Or like a dead fish whatever I came home from fishing, you know I had to take all my my you know my fishing clothes off in the garage. You know what I mean? And put a towel around me and then go either jump in the pool or jump in the shower. So I didn't. I didn't work in a fish department or grocery store but I got a little experience with that. So, so awesome. So did you when you were when you were when you were? Oh I was gonna ask you this, did you go to college? 

Sarah: Yes, I did. 

Dave: You did go to college.

Sarah: I graduated in December of 2020.

Dave: Okay, so do you have a bachelor's degree?

Sarah: It's an Associate's.

Dave: Okay. Okay.

Sarah: I have charted a bachelor's degree but once I started this I was kind of like, well, let's hold off 1000s of dollars on hold off. Yeah, but the books are expensive. So I was kind of like, I can make this work. You know, maybe I can just function up the degree I have.

Dave: So what is your viewpoint now on college in that like now that you are doing this like what do you have plans to go back or you've definitely not leaned back like what's your opinion on it now that you have other experience doing?

Sarah: I think one of the big kind of wake up moments, starting all of this was that you don't have to go out immediately after high school and get a degree. And that's not me taking away because that's what I did. That's not me taking away from getting a degree I do think that like it probably wouldn't be a good idea to at least have like some experience with classes, you know, even if you only have like a semester. So as far as going all the way through like associate's bachelor's, master's doctorate, all all the way through. I feel like you can hold off on that until you figure out something or if you do figure out something that you love. So it's almost like my perspective switches from the only option is college to a kind of mindset of like, yeah, I could help but you know, you have choices. It's not, you know, end of the world if you end up not going. I've had plenty of friends who have come to me asking me about what I do. And if I would go back if I would not go to college, and I will say that I probably still would have just for the experience and the things that I did learn. But I wouldn't sit here and say that, Oh 100% College was necessary for me to be able to do my job and be successful. It helps. Yeah, but it's not, you know, one of those things that drilled into us where it's like, you will not be successful if you don't get a degree.

Dave: Do you have student loans from that associate's degree?

Sarah: I don't actually. I was fortunate enough here in Florida. They have a thing called Florida Prepaid.

Dave: I did that. I did not know I have that for my kids, actually, for my oldest. Not for my youngest yet but I did, so you had that.

Sarah: I had that and then I have some scholarship money from doing a few essay contests as well and then I was working two jobs when I graduated high school, so I was lucky and thankful. grateful that I didn't go and do you know any student that

Dave: Yeah, yeah. And I wasn't really. I wasn't at all trying to leave that question in your trash in college. Like because you're, you have a fresher perspective than a lot of people and you definitely have a better perspective than I do. Have you ever gone to college? I'm just interested to know what people's opinions are of going to college. You know what's cuz I feel like and again, I didn't even have this experience, but I feel like kids are sort of, I think you said this sort of pigeon holed or or kind of made made to believe that that's the only choice right because you get built up about that as matter of fact, I even might find out my fight. Last night, Daddy, did you go to college? I was like, No. And then she was like, Mommy, did you go to college? And she was like, yeah, and then she was like, Why didn't daddy go to college? You know? And she was like, well go ask daddy. I'm not gonna explain to him his choices. So yeah, like I just I just feel like, you know, I don't know, I just I just wish that kids weren't as I guess, made out made to believe that that's like the only option but I do still feel like there's an important transitionary period like you said, that like 19, 20, even 21 Like those two or three years to kind of go and have almost wish like it was less about just going from the high school classroom into the college classroom, and more about, like exploration and adventure and even traveling, like I wish that there was that was our culture and our society because I think at that age, what's really important is to is to kind of explore and try different things right?

Sarah: Yeah. 100% It is something that I have a younger sister. She just turned 17 in September so she's really getting the like freshers experience between her and I for what it is that high. Schools are talking about and they still are just the same. It's like you have to do everything for college. Because if you don't, then what are you going to do, you know, work at, you know, and there's nothing wrong with it, but work at fast food your whole life and it's like that's not necessarily the case. But that's still something built in and I try to express to her like my opinions and experiences of yes like getting a degree you know, especially if it was made available to us option like it is her and I with the Florida Prepaid you know, take advantage of that experience, but you don't need to kind of beat yourself down with a hammer that you know, if you don't get that degree, you're not going to be successful in anything. I always went through high school and even through college before finding affiliate marketing. Always thought that my mindset was crazy about wanting to be able to work, to enjoy life, to travel, to spend time with family. Because it was just not the norm. And I really wish it would be a faster transition for you know, young, younger people coming out into the world from high school that there are other options out there that can allow you to do that.

Dave: What do you believe is the norm? And you're talking about basically social messaging, right? Okay, what do you think is the norm because I'm just wondering even how many other people might be able to say, Well, yeah, that seems like that's been the messaging I've got too.

Sarah: For me personally, definitely if you know, you're going to graduate high school, you're going to go to college. Even if you just get your A at first you have to have a degree as a base to be successful, then you need to find that full time job with a company that you can really grow with and build a career around. And once you do that, then you've made it but then you have to work until retirement fills up, build up that 401k and make sure they have great benefits and then you can retire and that's when you can, you know, do things that are fun, etc. in life. And I viewed it from my parents as well. However, they did always incorporate like we did take time off and you know, go spend time with family and do stuff. But I saw how difficult it was to be able to take three or four days off to go see my grandparents. And that just never didn't seem right. And I thought I was crazy because that norm was always shoved down your throat of just like, Nope, you're going to have that job and you're going to be working all those days nine to five and you'll retire eventually but I always was like this doesn't see right doesn't feel right if I want to go visit my grandparents or you know take some time off to go watch my sister at a swim meet. I should be able to do that.

Dave: Yeah not have to basically beg or feel shame about it right or guilt about it. It's without going into the long story I was talking to my wife about or my wife was talking to me about a situation that happened back when her mom was employed as a teacher, and it was just unbelievable. I mean, and obviously this was, this was 40 years ago. But I mean, the way that we thought about things like what you're talking about when you can have fun, for example, stay on topic, when you can have fun. I mean, you're sitting there telling a 16, 17, 18 year old kid that well, here's what you're going to basically do for the next like 30/40 years of your life and then when you're 70 That's when you can have fun. No wonder there's so much rebellion, you know, no wonder there's so many you know, I don't know I mean, just I think we're beginning to see this culture of people kids pushing back on and in figuring out ways, especially with the internet now to be able to live life and make money at the same time. And I think that that's, you know, that's the the ultimate, if we even think back to our ancestors, you know, I mean, what were they doing even as they were hunting and they were gathering and they were farming, they were still with family, you know, they were with their tribe. They didn't go and clock into some bush, you know, sit in a bush all day, unless they were hunting, you know, but they didn't go in to become sort of robots. It was important. For them to think it was important for them to have family tradition to have you know culture in so forth. 

Erin: Sarah.

Dave: Welcome to the show. This is my wife Erin Sharpe, everyone.

Erin: When you went to school, did you have to pick a major like before school started? I’m a few years older than you but did you have to pick it before the first day?

Sarah: They had an option where you could pick undecided but by the end of the first semester, you had to pick something and I another you know fortunate things like the Florida Prepaid my mom was like okay if you want to do medical do something medical don't want to do something medical pick a business major because yeah, so I ended up I ended up picking like business management. And I had gotten a few classes done for a minor and hospitality like later on, if I went back, which I might go back to in the future, who knows? Yeah, it kind of just depends on where things go. But yeah, when I remember filling out the paperwork with my parents before, you know, picking classes for my first semester, and they were like what you want to do and I was like I hadn’t thought it out. 

Erin: They are still doing it that way. Like you know, I graduated in 2004. So I mean, I was it was 99 when I started college, and I remember that experience and then feeling like I got the feeling they were annoyed, or like exasperated, and I also looked around and everybody else seemed to know but their parents probably or maybe they didn't know maybe they had passion about something but I didn't know until the guy's like, Well, what do you like to do? Unlike I don't know, what do you mean? Like? So he's like, Well, what is your job to do? And I said, I want to know why people do what they do. And they were like, okay, so you'll need your insight. I'm like, All right. And I ended up being something I was really interested in. I mean, I have my master's. I'm not knocking school, but I just think the process is definitely broken. Because thinking about you changes your mind. How much money would be wasted because then you got to like to do all different prereqs and stuff. 

Sarah: And I remember asking at one point because you know randomly as a kid coming into the world you like to change your mind about things all the time. I was like this. What if I went into this major and she was like, you'd basically have to start school over and I was like, exactly. That seems like not a lot is that we got arduous things, but if you couldn't afford that, you know. Erin: Anyway, sorry, to butt in. Bye Sarah! I'll see you next month.

Dave: There Yeah, and that actually my wife is like a pro like she actually enjoys teaching and like school and stuff. So actually hearing that like perspective from my wife, like the bit of griping you know about how the process works is coming from somebody who actually enjoyed going to school, was good at school, and even one day has a dream about potentially being a professor. You know what I mean? Like we have we have retirement dreams, and ironically hers are, you know, and maybe by then I'll convince her to you know, have her own events or course or you know, I don't know, but regardless she wants to she envisioned in her in her What do they call them golden or silver years like being a professor, you know what I mean? And it's just interesting, you know, it's interesting, because the truth is, is that, you know, we have a society that trains us to be order takers and trains us to be you know, just just just take orders, you know what I mean? Essentially factory workers, you know, and it's critical thinking skills are not taught in school, you know, so when we come into this online world, basically, the reason why so many marketers, quote unquote, marketers, really, these are the scumbags I think, are the ones who are like, Oh, we're gonna do it all for you. And we're going to, you know, tell you just just click by click, we're going to, it's basically all going to be done for you. You know, and people eat that up because, you know, we've been trained not to think we have been playing it right. So, like when we have students come into our program, when we say, Well, look, here's the blueprint, we're gonna we're gonna train you and we want to train you to be independent, not independent. We do have, I mean, I think we've got a pretty pretty, pretty amazing success rate with a very low complaint rate, right? But you can tell there's a little bit of friction or a little bit of resistance when you first start giving people that message because they're like, Hey, hold on a second, like this is different. I have to make the decisions. I have to be responsible versus the boss or whether it be the boss standing at the door waiting for you to clock in, or the clock in the machine, waiting there for you to clock in. And all these sort of things that are there to hold you accountable and also give you your orders for the day. That's sort of what we're used to. Well, I'm just here to do my job. You know what I mean? Like, we sort of develop that attitude of, well, I don't really care what happens as long as I just do my job. Entrepreneurship is the exact opposite of that. So have you enjoyed that process of entrepreneurship and sort of what comes along with that? Or was that a difficult transition? For you?

Sarah: I think it's both. It was definitely a difficult transition. Because I mean, even when I started before launching as an affiliate, and as an entrepreneur, I still sat there with doubts of just like, how far does this go, you know, because that's stuff that society tells you was so drilled into my head. Once I like it, I commit to it, I guess, and I quit my job. It was definitely a transition where I'd wake up and I was like, Okay, what do I want to do today? And sometimes there were moments where I just kind of sat there in the living room was like, Okay, let's go make content. It was definitely weird to be able to decide what my schedule or like my daily itinerary was. But now that it's been a while, I really don't ever imagine going back, unable to do a whole bunch of things, whether it's, you know, grandma calls, and she's like, Hey, can you come up for a few days? And I'm like, Yeah, I just need the Internet. You know, a WiFi password and bring my laptop and maybe like an hour or two and I can do whatever you guys need me to do. Or my sister's like, Hey, do you want to come with me and some friends to the movies? Yeah, no problem. You know, my mom is asking for help because they have a whole bunch of dogs. Hey, can you help me get this dog, you know, to the vet for their checkup? No problem. I'll just push myself back to later in the afternoon being able to make those decisions and really make it so I'm making money work for me. And I'm working to live instead of just working to keep the wheel turning is something I don't I don't ever imagine giving that.

Dave: So speaking of your daily itinerary, what has sort of become what has become high priority activities in what has become low priority activities for you on a daily basis?

Sarah: High priority is definitely my home and my family. That's just me. So obviously, the more time you put into your business as an entrepreneur, the more you'll get out of it. You know, but I made like, strict kind of rule for myself where it's like on weekends, my boyfriend and my family and my sister don't have work or school so I'm not doing anything on the weekend so I can spend time with them. During the week it's definitely you know, the household I have pets, family, you know, my own personal health and well being and then it'll transition into Okay, let's do the work stuff for the day or the week. You know, if I end up back, creating things, and then it just kind of goes into finance too.

Dave: And that's I'm glad that you said that because that was not what I was thinking about when I asked it but what you the answer that you gave was wonderful and perfect and an additional, you know, insight into your kind of life priorities, which I think are really important. And I think sometimes when we start a business it becomes all about us. We're willing to do anything to succeed and oftentimes sometimes family life and sometimes relationships stuff gets sacrificed a little bit. You know what I mean? What I'd like to ask now is what are your priorities in terms of marketing activities or business activities on a daily basis versus low priority items that you realized cash this isn't really that important for me to focus on and maybe then I thought it was important to begin or whatever. So high priority kind of business marketing activities on a day to day basis versus low priority?

Sarah: I'm kind of you know, still developing over time because there's a lot of different ways you can go about it because being an entrepreneur in this industry, you can do anything that you want the way you want to do it. I think for me, I put a high priority on communication and being real like being myself to people. The wearing talk on life in this interview in my emails in my responses to comments and DMS is always how I would talk to my friends and family. You know, maybe a little more big girl words like professional words in there. But I don't change. The main messaging for I think one of my top priorities in marketing is definitely my communication with people. And then it would go into you know, okay, what kind of content and how frequent the content, but I feel like some of the things with social media that's kind of dangerous is that we get caught up with following views, likes and stuff like that. And of course, it is beneficial to the business as far as growth of the social media account, but if you're focusing more on your messaging to people and to kind of virtually reach through that screen and help people along I feel like those numbers don't have to be crazy.

Dave: Yeah, I agree. I agree. And you have some experience, and I want you to talk about that a little bit at the mastermind. Just for those of you who are just tuning in Sarah is the fastest affiliate here at legendary and again, not all customers who come through and buy our training our products become affiliates of Legendary. She just happened to want to become an affiliate of legendary and sort of promote our products. And she was the fastest ever to hit the platinum rank, which is a pretty huge accomplishment and you've had some ups and downs. It's not all been, it's not all been running through a field of rosy flowers. You've had accounts shadowbanned you've had to, in a sense, you know, pivot, not completely start over but you've had you've had some moments that probably took your breath away, and you had to say, hey, you know, what am I going to do now? So, I thought there was a great question here. And maybe this might be a way that you could weave that in. We'll take one question Jason minor asked Sarah, what's your aha moment that changed everything for you? And what are three things you wish you knew when you first started that you can give to the complete newbie? 

Sarah: I think my aha moment was the first time I received an email response. So we set up our email automation system force, I use Aweber. And I had someone reply to one of my automated emails and just kind of told me their story, asked me questions and just was looking for more insight but I think receiving that email because the lady had mentioned in it of how much of an inspiration my story was to her. I think that was my aha moment of just kind of like, it doesn't have to all be about business. That was kind of my aha moment as an entrepreneur. Of course, you know, we need to make money to survive, but being able to help someone along and change someone else's mindset or help them develop a new mindset or new skill base is kind of what the goal is. So I think that was my aha moment of kind of combining. Yeah, you've got your finances worked out of course because you need to survive. But being able to make a difference for someone and help them through something that was difficult for you, was one of the most I think, just mind blowing moments. When I first started. Three things that I wish I knew when I first started, definitely wouldn't be that, like, the followers and the likes. And the view is not everything. You know, it's, you know, an aspect of your business that can be important but you know, you don't if you're having videos or posts that aren't going viral, that doesn't mean that things aren't good for you. It just means keep going. You know, it's kind of like getting back up on the horse. Another one would be don't let the hate that's going to come in. Change your morals, your ideas and your messaging. I had internet people hate and I also had people in, you know, the real world.

Dave: IRL?

Sarah: Yeah, IRL. And IRL had, you know, comments and things and opinions to say and you can take it into consideration if you want to, but really knowing what you're doing and doing it how you want to do it is kind of like the golden thing to keep telling yourself for sure. It's not letting those people who are either jealous or just upset with things that are going for them. affect how you're doing things. A third thing would probably be to have fun with it. Don't put so much pressure on yourself when creating content. I think that a lot of people are like oh, I've got to make this many videos. Yeah, have fun with it. You're setting up your phone, as if you're making TikToks and videos with your friends. You know, not putting so much heavy stress on it actually can make for better content. 

Dave: Yeah, I totally agree with that. I totally agree with that. Well, Jason, hopefully that was helpful. I want to go back to the aha moment that you said that you had and just just share some thoughts that I had that came up for me as you were saying that you know, I You mentioned basically that having somebody respond that piece of content or something that you've said really kind of impacted them and in a sense would have changed their life or change their perspective. Right.

And what came up for me when you said that was that I really believe that buying something can be a spiritual exchange, you know, and it is a spiritual exchange. And I mean, I try to not buy anything that doesn't give me spiritual value. And what do I mean by that doesn't mean that I buy it and all you know, I'm sitting there praying to the, you know, the good Lord up above, I've just, that's not what I mean. I don't mean like in the like, in the like, prac like, like the religious sense. I mean, that, like if I buy something, it's because I want to, I want to buy something from people that I feel share values that I have, or that I aspire to have. I want to buy something from people who have a mission to deliver good value and help people and help them transform. Like I want to give those people money, you know, what I mean? And in return in exchange, you know, I want to receive something that's going to improve my life. You know what I mean? To give me happiness, to give me joy, to give me skill sets? You know, so it's one of the reasons why I know why I got clean. You know what I mean back in 2008, because, I mean, the obvious ones, the external you know, consequences of having a drug and alcohol addiction are obvious, you may become homeless, you may go to jail you met but also it kind of eats away inside at your self esteem, your self worth at, you know, and I want to be a part of things I want to buy into communities and I want to pay my fair share, like I want to pay my membership fee. I don't want it for free like for me buying something is also a spiritual act of integrity because I'm buying my seat you know, I'm buying my entrance. I'm not just creeping through. So when I'm there, like I bought my seat, you know what I mean? Like me, if somebody comes up and asks for my ticket, I'm not sitting in somebody else's seat. You know, I can say no, I got a ticket for this. Like I bought it, you know what I mean? Like me, I worked for the money and then I bought the seat and, and I'm here to contribute or I'm here to enjoy the show or whatever. And for me, that was actually one of the things that I learned in recovery. In 12 Step stuff, or there's this tradition, there's 12 steps and 12 traditions, you know, even though I don't know if you've ever heard of that before, but the seven wonders of the tradition is, you know, being fully self supporting, you know, declining outside contributions. And that was like a big lesson for me, you know what I mean? Because I had lived a lot of my life welcoming handouts, you know what I mean? Like in I was even told well don't Well look, the gift horse in the mouse. Now what I learned was earning something like really earning it is a kind of a spiritual act or Pain, my pain for my ticket, like not always looking for something for free. And I think that that, you know, this whole exchange when you step into your power, when you realize that you have value in wisdom in things that you can share with people that can help them even if they're simple, you know, even if it's setting up an autoresponder but if it's done with the intention that I want to help you and I want to bring value to your life, and I want to help you succeed in exchange for that you can buy something from it. You don't have to, but you can write and I invite that because that's your way of saying things to me. Right? And it's like this, this spiritual exchange. I just happen to be a weirdo who believes that and I believe that I believe in karma. And I believe that what I put out into the world is what I'm going to get back, you know, and I don't know I maybe speak in a different language. Maybe nobody who's listened, maybe you and I are just the weirdos, maybe nobody listening here can resonate with it. I don't know. Maybe you can. Let us know in the comments whether that makes sense to you or not, but I just tend to believe that, you know, the more the more value I deliver and the more my intention is to help I'm actually in the the easier I make it for people to give me money in exchange for them out and I welcome that and I don't just be like, Oh no, you know, don't worry about it, no hay but you're welcome to also return that spiritual currency in the form of these silly little paper things that we pass around. But you can get here if you'd like to, if you'd like to support me, then I actually support me and support you at the same time going buy this product, you know what I mean? Does that resonate with you at all?

Sarah: Oh, yeah. 100% You know, being able to join a community that is not only going to like lift you up but you're gonna learn things along the way I think is absolutely crucial. Absolutely crucial. Because if not, you can learn all these skills of how to build things and stuff like that, and that's great, but if you don't have that community, like you said behind you, that you're a part of the you have your seat and, you know, you could end up being lost by the end of the day.

Yeah, yeah. And it's, it's so helpful to be with other people on the journey, and I know that a lot of people are grateful that they're on the journey with you. And so I am thrilled. I'm excited. I'm pumped up to hang out with you. Like, really? I think you're an incredible young person. Like seriously, I love your story. I think you're so brilliant. I think you're intelligent. I think you're just you're brave, and you're paving the way for a lot of entrepreneurs, male and female in this game. So keep up the great work. I'll see you in Orlando in a few weeks. Okay, and thanks for your time today.

Sarah: Thank you so much. I'll see you guys then. Or is there peace out? Alright my friends.

Dave: Well, I'm gonna put her IG handle you can go over to give us this for you to follow. If you want to follow IG, @theblondeaffiliate. You can go check her out, be a part of her network, her community and my friends, look. If you have a mastermind ticket, go ahead and you want to come okay, we'll be doing everything that we can to keep the entire group as safe as possible. So yes, we do believe in trying to keep people safe. And we want to respect everybody's wishes and personal choices. So although we're not mandating anybody to do anything, we're going to provide all sorts of safety accessories including masks if you want to wear them. There'll be COVID test on site if you want to take one or if somebody is not feeling well of course we ask you to stay home if you're not feeling well. We'll have thermometers to be able to know we'll just not be invasive right on the forehead. And it's going to be a fantastic weekend. I mean, this has been over a year and a half since we've done our last mastermind and These truly are, I believe, the best experiences in this industry. Because they're intimate. There's gonna be you know, a small to medium sized group of folks there probably, you know, 30 to 35. I don't know how we're going to close registration as soon as we're almost fully booked. Of course, there'll be lots of our team there. Maybe even your business plan advisor likes tons of our team, lots of incredible top earners, top affiliates, top marketers from the industry. So going registered, we look forward to seeing you there. And you know, if you can't make the mastermind or you're not a ticket holder of the mastermind, stay close to the community keep learning keep growing to keep earning and we'll continue continue to do what we do on a daily basis to help lift you up and support you every step of the way. Alright, my friends, those of you who are coming we'll see in Orlando we're gonna roll the real the testimonial we'll hear in just a moment and we'll see you back here for another episode. Tomorrow. Get out of here, peace out.

