Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on, family? Welcome to Wake Up Legendary this morning we have a dad. So the dads will, you know, see if we can help this father of three boys. Previously he was a restaurant manager for 10 years out of college and is now a full time entrepreneur and let's see how we found us Byron, welcome to the show, brother. Hey dude, I am so excited to be here. Thank you for inviting me. You're very welcome. And you're very welcome. So you're the father of three boys. What's that like? 

Byron: Well, it's like a barrel monkey's type of thing. You know? There's always something going on but we're extremely blessed and just very, very happy. 

Dave: So where are you calling in from Byron? 

Byron: I am based out of eastern Iowa. 

Dave: Oh wow. Wow, you're the second human alone Oh from Iowa. I didn't actually know there were that many humans from Iowa. I thought it was just you know, plains and hills and kind of sheep and stuff but I guess there's actual human beings that live out. 

Byron: I mean, we have few people here, not a whole lot. Especially this time of year. It's like minus two degrees outside so I know where you're at. It's warm. So if you can send some of that warm weather up here we'd greatly appreciate it. 

Dave: I look for a sweatshirt whenever the AC goes down about 70 degrees. Make you feel good or make you feel bad but that’s what’s going on here.

Byron:  I can't resonate with that pain point of the earth first.

Dave: It's unique. It's unique. Well, how did you find the Legendary brother? What were you looking for? Were you not looking for something and somehow you saw something that you didn't know that you were looking for talk to us a little bit about, like, what brought you online? How did you go from restaurant manager to entrepreneur? And then eventually what led you to us? 

Byron: Yeah, absolutely. So it's a very, very long kind of emotional roller coaster. But we'll, we'll go ahead and start. So I graduated from college in 2011. And I've always been interested in entrepreneurship, my parents, they own their own small business. So it was, it was an amazing experience, because we always had mom and dad at home. And so when we ended up or when I graduated from college, that's what I wanted to do. But, you know, I didn't have the resources, money wise, I didn't really have the time. And so then I moved back home, near Washington, Iowa, his job as a restaurant manager, at a local pizza place. And so I told myself, that's what I was gonna do for a while. So some money and gotta get things going. You know, just one thing after another, you know, two, three years later than I decided, you know, this is probably where I was gonna play my flag. Because, you know, I mean, I didn't mind it. But you know, it wasn't really fulfilling at the same time. But I kept at it. And then, you know, next thing I know, it's like, seven, eight years, I got married, I had kids. And I noticed as I was advancing in the, the, quote, unquote, corporate ladder, I was spending more and more time away from my kiddos. And, you know, seven o'clock in the morning leave for work turned into six, I was spending 12, 13 hours a day at work, to the point where I was waking up before my kids got up. And then I was coming home way late after my kids were already asleep. And then at that point, I realized something had to change. And that was a couple of years ago, when I came to that realization, and then I started dipping my toes in, like online business, look at drop shipping, and just just a variety of different options. I wasn't very familiar with affiliate marketing. I've heard of it. But I wasn't quite ready to make that jump. So again, I was toe dipping in different avenues. It wasn't until about April of last year, I got a call from my family, that my mom ended up collapsing. And she got rushed to the hospital, we found out that she had cancer. And she ended up passing away five days after, oh my god, I'm sorry. It was a very sudden moment, when I got that phone call that my mom passed. I knew at that point, that was a eye awakening moment for me, because I knew at that point, like how fragile life was, you know, I mean, you're growing up, you're seeing, you know, different adults and you know, grandparents, they fully passed away, you don't really think too much about it. And then when it becomes a more intermediate family, and then you begin to realize just how fragile life is. My kids are getting older. I wasn't spending any time with my family. And what was the straw that broke the camel's back was I got no remorse or no sympathy for my employer. Because we were really short-handed at that point. I just felt like I was mentally checked down. Like I've been doing this for 10 years. I've got really nothing to show for it. And I wasn't really spending any time with my family, or my kids and something. So at that point, after my mom's funeral, we ended up my wife, she's from Kentucky. So we traveled down to Kentucky for about a week to get away from it. And I was on TikTok because I'm sure this is how all the stories began. You know, I was on TikTok. I was scrolling through it. I came across it. I believe it's Sarah Raven. And I was watching some TikTok videos of Ravel Raven.  And I was like, You know what? I'm like this, this, this has to be something that God put in front of me. You know, this is, this is something that, you know, could kind of appeal to me. So then I decided to just jump in just see where it took me. It was only seven bucks. Is it from there? Yeah, I decided just to kind of put my head down, I left my restaurant management job, I had some money in my savings. I said,  if not now, then never, you know. And since the last 10 months, I've just been killing it. And, you know, I've never stepped foot into another restaurant manager job. In fact, I made a comment to my wife on New Year's Eve, that this was my first year that I was able to go to a new year's event without having to worry about him too worried or anything with the restaurants I manage. 

Dave: Oh, and your darkness, through darkness appears some light, basically, is what I'm hearing, you know, in your story. And I want to send my condolences, of course, that's traumatic and shocking. And what's you know, what's in, in grieving is something that we all can relate to. But you're right, when it hits close to home, and it's with parents or loved ones that are so close and so immediate, it's it's just, it's, it's something that words can't do anything for a person just has to walk through that, right. And it's only empathy. And we can relate to that. And there's nothing that can make one feel better about that support. And that's what you didn't feel and what you didn't get from your employer. And I just would like everybody to just think about that for a second. You know, this past 18 to 24 months, was a time when a lot of people were deemed non essential. Here are people who have paid their taxes, here are people who have paid into the system, who have made their, you know, bosses, wealthy, who have worked and worked and worked. Like you said, for 10 years, I just had another friend of mine get laid off immediately after six in an HR position, effective immediately. She said, Well, do you mind if I come back tomorrow, because I've got a lot of stuff to clear out of my desk out of my office. And they said you can come back on Friday, after 5pm We're your stuff out. That was after 26 years of service. There. Thank you. That was just a bullshit reason. It was one of those restructuring type excuses. They didn't even have the Coronas to speak straight, and tell her what was really going on. She thinks it was just a resentment or something that upper management or something had with her because she's outspoken, but she's good at what she does and has a lot of integrity 10 years, and they didn't have the they didn't have the humanity and the decency to give you sympathy and give you space and give you their their condolences. And I often say that we have to find our motivation from our pain, not from our goal. You know, because we can sit around and I know, this is another thing that humans can relate to, is we we you know, we've been dreaming and we've been talking big game for years about the things that we want and it's so easy to fantasize about those things. But those things don't motivate people. What motivates people is to get out of paint to make things stop. And so you Byron used a you know something that quite frankly could have drove you further into that complacency and even sadness or depression of well this is my destiny you know, after the situation with mom but you use that as a sign and of course you're you're open minded for you know, new opportunity to come through your through your door and onto your desk but wow, I just it's it's it's just wonder to those of you listening, what pain in your life? Are you ignoring what you could use as motivation right now? And that my friend is called turning a mess into a message. That's called turning a struggle into a strength. That's called tourney break down, break down into how does that how does that feel? Knowing that you did that versus? And again, it would be totally understandable. If after the situation happened with mom, you had a breakdown? And you it would be totally understandable if you did that. But how does it feel? Maybe even in mom's legacy, you used that whole situation as a reason to break through, move closer to your family, adjust your life, pivot things almost in her honor. I mean, does that feed your self esteem? Does that make you describe how that feels? 

Byron: Yeah. Yeah, you're absolutely right, it does feed my inner strength. And it feeds my why. And what I want to accomplish, I see myself now compared to where I was a few years ago, you know, I was sidelined. For less, I knew that there was a lot more in me. But I guess I didn't really know how to harness that strength and bring it to life. Now, I'm not going to say it was easy. Like, there were a lot of moments, very dark moments, but I, I was very fortunate that you know, I have a spouse, I have my three boys for strength. And I look to them for strength. And I see myself living a life now that, you know, I can provide financially for my family for one, but then also to be there, you know, for full support. You know, now I can wake up, I can make breakfast, I can take the kids to school, you know, I can go to T ball games, I can, you know, pick them up. It's an amazing experience in one that I would have not had, if it would have not been through with my mom's passing. So I mean, it's like I said it was a struggle, but it was a necessary struggle that kind of kicked me in my bud to realize that what I was doing was not enough. And it wasn't my calling in life. 

Dave: Sure. You know, and like I said, doing it for 10 years, I got complacent, you know, again, I thought that's where it's gonna play by play. But there's something inside me that was telling me that I was meant to do more. In here, you also did, you also were doing what society has told you is a great accomplishment middle management at a job. I mean, you've got a management position, you're called your boss, you know, I mean to go to those, when I was a kid growing up, I mean, it was either be a baseball player, or it was become a manager. You know, I mean, to me, that's what society sort of gives us the message that you've you've kind of made it, but then the math doesn't quite add up. When you get there, you know what I mean? Whether it's hours at home versus hours at work, whether it's a month left, at the end of when the money runs out, the numbers don't add up. And so what I want to acknowledge you for is using certain things that happen along the way, the signs in framing those signs as, Wow, maybe this is a sign, you know, that's called framing that's called perspective. And a lot of us struggle, because we choose to see things in a certain way, the way that you saw your employer was assigned to you you perceive that a certain way. Well, I'm not getting any sympathy or empathy or empathy here. These people are unsupportive, and probably don't have my back and not who I want to continue to work for versus maybe they're right, you know, maybe I need to get over this faster and just get back in there. You know, the thing with being on tick tock and seeing that video by Sarah and saying, you know, instead of well, all this must be a scam or this month? Oh, yeah. You know, you said, Well, maybe this is a sign. You know, and I think framing and how we choose to see things is either glass half empty glass half full, you know, do we want to focus on the struggle? Or do we want to focus on how to turn that struggle into a strength? You know, same thing as people who stay in victim stance versus turning that situation and where you may have been a victim in turning that into a victory for a victorious situation? That's a choice. You know, we you, you absolutely were a victim of, or maybe some callousness at your employer. And instead of staying in that you chose to take back your power and become victorious. And that, I think, is the underlying dynamics and entrepreneurship of Byron that not a lot of people understand. I wonder if you could do just what comes up for you, as I say what I just said, do you have any perspective on that mindset piece of this game and how it's so important?

Byron: Yeah, absolutely. Well, I know, like I said, being in the middle level of management. In the restaurant business, I had a salary, I had benefits, I had all that. So I was, quote, unquote, chasing the American dream. But realizing that I could take back my own time, to, you know, start leveraging my time in entrepreneurship to make money online, so that I could have more time with my family and my kids, you know, just separating time and money. And just focusing on delivering value. And providing a solution ultimately, has led me to have the mindset I have now. But ultimately, you know, being able to show up every single day, and serving and helping others has really given me a sense of ownership and pride as an entrepreneur. And that's something that, you know, like I said, you know, burgers and fries, I did that for like, 10 years. So you really don't get a sense of fulfillment, all that. But when you can help people to create and scale profitable online businesses so that they can live that life that you're living now, it's a whole different game changer. And, you know, I see that everyday like, with me helping dads, you know, we shared similar pain points, you know, I have those pleasure points out there. And looking forward to it. We have a strong chemistry, just because of, you know, where we're coming from and what we all wanted to achieve, essentially, yeah. 

Dave: Yeah, very, very good. That sense of purpose is important. And something that's often missing, you know, is more important to people, at least in salary and hourly positions all over America, at least as recognition over money. And I think that also plays into having purpose, you know, with your job, both being recognized and appreciated. But also feeling purpose in fulfillment is something that's missing from a lot of jobs. And when you get into entrepreneurship, and sounds like what you're doing is working in the online business, slash make money online space, and you're helping people to start businesses and kind of following your footsteps. And, yeah, that, you know, seeing somebody succeed, seeing people have that first kind of that being restored with hope, is, there's really no fee, there's no feeling like, I mean, there's no, it's, it's because you know, what's at the end of that, you know, what comes with that is more time with their loved ones, more income, more freedom. And, you know, you do fulfillment in comparison to how much money you make from someone as a customer as a referral. If you're doing affiliate marketing, the fulfillment is much higher than even the money that you make, you know, which I think is a great thing, if your fulfillment is greater even than the money that you make, you will continue to be pulled back to that until your, your money starts to equal the fulfillment, and that's when, or even, or even, you know, go above and beyond the fulfillment, you know, which is when things get really exciting. Let's talk a little bit about your omnipresence and kind of what you've learned or what that means to you. Check that word in your, your questionnaire that you sent us a couple of questions that we asked you and I, I just wonder, what does that mean to you? What does that look like to you in? Sort of? What are you doing now that maybe you would have advised your brand new self that you didn't know when you first started? 

Byron: Yeah, that's a good question. So what I would advise my newer version, or who I was then, to where I'm at now, I would advise them to really just focus on creating an omnipresence. And so I'm on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and I just started up YouTube. And it's important to put yourself out there and a lot of people struggle putting their face out on the camera. And I was, I was kind of the same way to like, I really didn't want to put myself out there. Again, I was a restaurant manager. So I didn't really have a lot of online marketing skills. And then if I put myself out there like what should I say, you know, that sort of stuff. But you know, once you create an omni presence when you put yourself out on multiple platforms, then just nailing down your niche understanding like who you're targeting, understand their pain points. and then delivering content based on their pleasure points or what they wanted to accomplish. So, when I first started, I was like any other affiliate marketer, I was just creating content, kind of like spaghetti to the wall, essentially just hoping something will stick. And it wasn't until I started creating content based around, you know, Dad winners, like helping dads become dad printers, and understanding like, the same pain points I had, you know, struggling to waking up kids, my kids, you know, good morning, they're not even awake, and I go to work. And, you know, I'm calling them to say, hey, you know, it might be 10, 15 minutes. You know, just delivering on those pain points and serving. 

Dave: Wow, wow, that really is as big as a big old boulder there of value. And that's it. That's it? I mean, because you're speaking more to somebody, specifically. And I'll tell you what, you know, there's a lot of people who have kids. And quite frankly, what I know about human beings is whether they fit the bill of who you're talking to or not, if you're saying things that they can report or can't relate to, at one point in what you're saying, are making them think cut, I wish I would have done more of that. When I was younger, I wish I would have, you know, we have a lot of guys who are grandpa's, who say they want to, they want to learn skills, and they want to start a business to be able to share with their son or their kids and even their grandkids. Yes. And so the reason why I say if some of you were thinking, Well, what if I talk, or what if I talk to dads, I'd be leaving 20 other people out. So the more specific you can be, the more you're going to reach those that you are trying to talk to. And the more the more even others that might not fit the identity are going to be like, well, could you help moms too, right? They'll start asking themselves, they'll feel excluded, and they'll want to be included. Okay, that's some of some unique marketing psychology that I've learned and realized over the years, is that if you're talking to a specific person, and they feel excluded, then they will want to be included. And they will begin to ask themselves questions in their mind. Like, well, I know I'm older than the people that you're talking to. But I like to be included in this, you know, because nobody wants to be left out. And I've seen this happen in a couple of different ads that I've seen over the years, I'll give you an example. One was an ad on Facebook where a girl was talking, she was in the make money online niche. And she and I actually have this ad in the blueprint, I share this ad down in the Facebook funnel strategy. She says “attention, nurses”. And then it's all in she's got a picture of herself in a nurse outfit. And then basically her message is a message that anybody can relate to, right? Because she's talking about working a lot of hours at a job, not spending time with family. And so down in the cup, she goes her ad was type info down below if you'd like more information I'll send you so of course, her ad just was blowing up with comments. And people were like, Well, hey, could you help a carpenter too? Could you help a lawyer? Because nobody wants to be excluded. They said, Hey, this sounds like it. It relates, it could relate to me as well. And they'll literally type it in. So I wanted to validate that and I wanted to also address that objection with some of you because many times when we think about niching down, we think well, what about all the other people we're leaving out, but when somebody feels excluded, they will mentally try to do gymnastics to make themselves included, they will come up with some reason about something that they can relate to, or almost, they begin to sell themselves and try to sell you on why they should fit into your group or tribe or why they belong with you. So when you say omnipresent, let's dig in a little bit. Do you post the same content? Do you make a TikTok video and then you repurpose it over on Instagram? How are you creating content and then is it unique for each platform? Can you say a little bit more about that? 

Byron: So it's not unique. All my content is very targeted specific towards yield dads that want to become dadpreneurs. So what I do is I create all my content over on TikTok. And then I go ahead, get the watermark removed, and then I cross post on YouTube shorts right now I think I have about 200 subs on my YouTube channel just on YouTube shorts. So okay, now that on Instagram, and then also on Facebook as well, what I have done is I've tied my Instagram, to my personal Facebook page, just for the organic reach. And then when I post up on my Instagram that automatically shows up on my Facebook. So there's not a lot of room involved with it. So it's just presenting the material targeting the right niche, and then just showing up every single day consistently providing solutions to certain pain points of your ideal clientele. Dave: Are you doing anything on Pinterest? 

Byron: I tried Pinterest and Pinterest, but I just haven't had a lot of traction with Pinterest. And I've just been you know, I've just been kind of hyper focused on those four platforms.

Dave: Are you posting the same exact video over on Pinterest or is that what you were doing? Byron: Yes.I have done that. But like I said, I just haven't had. I'm not excluding Pinterest, by all means, like, Pinterest. There's some affiliate marketers I work with, you know, they do real rather well, on Pinterest. I just don't have a lot of experience and exposure with Pinterest. Yes, really speak to that platform. But I've had a lot of luck with TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook. 

Dave: I wouldn't call it luck, my brother. It sounds like it sounds like you're putting the work in? Byron: Well, yes. This is one thing I also want to mention on Facebook, too, because I get a lot of people when I talk to them in Zooms. They feel that Facebook is kind of like a dying platform. And just given the importance of leveraging Facebook, in their Facebook groups has been a huge game changer. So like I'm involved with like 10 Different dag groups on Facebook I'm actively involved with. So to this, this, this is the way I can get in, create some sort of authority figure, and then establish that know, like and trust factor to then build my business. But not you know, not I don't wanna use the term siphoning prospects from those Facebook groups, but to overall just build my community in that sense. Well, we know we know all about siphoning out of Facebook groups, because there's a lot of people trying to siphon out of our Facebook groups. Yeah, I mean, we're all kind of familiar with it. So

Dave: Yeah, we know the game, we know the game. And we like to play the game too, it's a little bit, it's a little game of cat and mouse. See, it's all fun and games until you build your own Facebook group. And then you have people such, you know, being the siphon, but it's all throughout our career, we're all going to be the cat. And we're all going to be the mouse, you know, it goes full circle, it's and then at your house, you know, so we're the cat, or we have a big group. So we're the cat, we've got a lot of mice in there. And, and then you know, we're the mice, other other places on Facebook, when we're running ads, we're trying not to get slapped by the big cat. When we're on tick tock, and we're running ads, we're trying not to get slapped by the big cat. So you know, a lot of marketing is a game of playing cat and mouse and we have to embrace all the differences. How can I say this, all the different layers and all the good and bad with this business? You know, I think that's one of the things that entrepreneurship and kind of being your own boss, we don't talk about enough. Sometimes you gotta make tough decisions, you know, sometimes, at the end of the day, when nobody else is there to make the decision, you have to make it, you know, or when you're working for yourself, and you're just getting started out. And this may be the case for many, many years. You know, you may just be a solopreneur, right? Yeah. You may not have staff or even a virtual assistant, I know plenty of people who are making great money who don't have any assistance or any staff whatsoever. But you know, what you will have, you will have multiple hats that you have to wear. Yes, you will have to make decisions. And I wonder, you know, coming from a manager restaurant manager position, I would assume you made decisions. But I wonder what you have to say about that. You know, because I have so many people I know so many people and that's just such a big challenge but it's not really talked about is being indecisive and not being able to make a decision and stick with that decision. So a lot of times we jump from Business to Business or we shy away from tough decisions. What would you say to people say to yourself how you view that it's a topic of going from an employee who may not be very used to making decisions. And a lot of dads, hey, even, you know, our wives say, What do you want to have for dinner? Well, whatever you want to have, yeah, you know, we're not very well versed at making decisions. And then you say, you get into business for yourself. And now all of a sudden, the buck stops with you every day, all day, and you have to make lots of decisions throughout the day. What comes up for you, as I say that? Yeah, I mean, that's, that's, that's an interesting question. 

Byron: So, yeah, as a restaurant manager, you know, I was in charge of making a lot of decisions, rather, that's operational, or if it's personnel, whatever it might be, obviously, my decisions as a restaurant manager impacts by the mind probability in the restaurant. But the difference between being a restaurant manager, and that decision making habits compared to being an entrepreneurial, entrepreneurial position, you know, stay at night, because with, in retrospect, yes, you have some sort of structure, some protocol that you would have to follow. And entrepreneurship, I mean, your next decision you can make can either, like, challenge you to have a 10k a month, or you can be completely broke. So you have to be a bit more decisive, Dave: Don't freak out over what he just said, right? It's just, you could just go totally broke and potentially die in your head and actually explode and come off of your shoulders, but no big deal. 

Byron: I mean, I don't want to be dramatic about it at all. But I mean, at the end of the day, you know, I mean, our decisions are habits decided on, like, how we're going to be in the next week, you know, a month, a year from now. So what we are doing today, ultimately, channels while we're going to be in the next, you know, X amount of months, whatever. But, you know, with making a decision, it's I look at how that decision is going to impact my family, I don't really look at so much on, you know, myself, like, I look at my wife, my kids, like if I wake up every day, and I show up consistently on TikTok and Instagram. And you know, I just like put my nose to the ground, and I just start grinding and grinding, you know, what could that wait to do? And about a month, a year from now? You know, could it mean more vacations, could it mean that I can start putting money away for their savings and their college tuition, like, my decisions are just for me, but it's also for my family and my kids, and you know, better in their future. So when I take that spotlight off myself, and put it on the ones I do love and care for, it changes the perspective, it also changes the urgency of the matter to, you know, I'm not, you know, well, I got, I gotta, you know, pay these bills. And, you know, that's, that's, that's it. But, you know, I also focus on, you know, the lasting effect decisions. So, I mean, hopefully that answers that question.

Dave: It answers it perfectly, because it's what came up for you when I asked it, and I and I love taking yourself out of the equation, you know, so often, we don't do things for ourselves. And I can answer why that is, but I'll tell you what, you know, if our granddaughter calls or all our son needs something, or you know, a friend, you know, needs something. That's why accountability and accountability partners are so powerful, because oftentimes we'll do something for somebody else that we won't do for ourselves. And I don't see that as a guide. You know, I don't judge that because we all have that to a certain degree, or have had it. It's a real, it's a real high level, I'd say high awareness and in very, I think it takes work in development to get to a place where we're doing things for ourselves out of self love and self care, you know that that that is that is a real gift if you get to that place. But oftentimes we struggle with that. That's why you know, that's why we end up in the places that we do is because a lot of times we don't feel we deserve better, I guess. But what you're doing is you're putting you're taking yourself out of the equation. I hear that I think that's a tool we could all use, because there's somebody in our lives a lot of times. If we can vocalize our accountability, if we can, I call it making a public declaration. And I think it's a really powerful thing. Because until you make your presence in your purpose vocalized and known as long as it's in here, you can hide from it, and you can quit on it. And nobody will know. Please tell me that everybody who's listening and understands, and it's picking up what I'm putting down, because as long as I keep it inside, as long as I keep it to myself, nobody has to know. Nobody has to know nobody, and nobody can hold me accountable. And then I don't have to answer for anything. You know, in a lot of times, if I can just make the declaration, even if I don't think anybody's listening, what happens is, is now all of a sudden, I feel more accountable, because I see, your is a lot of fantasy, there's over 6500 thoughts our brains make each day. So there's all kinds of thoughts that I have, that you don't know about. And a lot of times those thoughts will shit, you don't want to know about a lot of them, right, but they just come in, and they come out. And it's not really a big deal. My brains just think you know that. So things are not really real when they happen here. That's why mindset work is mostly all bullshit. Because our brain is just it's a muscle, it's just it's a it's a, it's a it's an operating system, it just makes thoughts, right. And that's why only actions in speaking verbalizing something is an action, I take it out of the software, I take it out of the computer, which is just fantasy. And it's just the operating system, it's the code, and I put it out into the real world, I put it down on paper, I make a post in a Facebook group. However, I can make myself accountable and do that public declaration. Like if I say it to my kids, if I say it to my family at the dinner table, ooh, now, that's heavy duty stuff, I've got to be real. That's why on the opposite side, the deepest, most powerful way to heal trauma, to heal things that you know that are haunting us doing our job, is to talk through them. That's how processing works. We process things to make sense of them. And a lot of times we don't process and we're not effective with doing it on our own. We can't, we can't be because the thoughts get jumbled inside of our head. That's why great ideas often happen between two people, or three peoples, why a lot of great partnerships. If you look at any great business, they didn't happen alone, they happened when two people came together. That's how healing happens. That's how breakthroughs happen. That's how ideas start. Because once you get it out of here, it becomes real when you put it out there. So I would just encourage all of you who are listening to make a public declaration today about what you're doing, because that's going to move you closer to your goal is going to make it real, okay, versus just this thing inside of your head. And when you put it out there and you publicly declare it, you write it down, you type it in a Facebook group, you discuss it with somebody, anybody. It makes it real. And now all of a sudden you feel accountable to it, because it's and it's not like one of these things that we do where we sweep it under the rug, that's what we do with a lot of our problems, we just sweep them under the rug, meaning we don't talk about them. So therefore we don't ever believe that they're real when they really are. So Byron, what would you say to somebody who might be considering taking the 15 day challenge or going through our training in joining our community based on your experience, buddy? 

Byron: Yeah, it's a game changer, I highly recommend it. I make it a personal goal. I go and revisit the 15 Day Challenge at least once every few months. Just to refresh on the information but like I said, being a and I've had people ask me that sign up was legendary, you know, isn't worth I'm like, you know, I spent 10 years as a restaurant manager, like I don't have any extended marketing, online business education. Like I can show you how to make burger fries, you know, because that's why I did for 10 years, but going into Legendary the 15 Day Challenge. Was I skeptical at first? Yes, the but spending that $7 has really moved me up, push my needle to the next level in my online like I was able to, you know quit my job and stay self employed because of the systems and the foundations that legendary has provided for me And then you know, I'm just continuously showing up every single day, you know, watching your guys's trainings being active in the community you know it's it's a real game changer and I highly encourage people that they're on the fence you know it's only seven bucks you know you know don't don't be like me like I couldn't started a couple years ago when I said you know, you know I wanted to get out of the restaurant space I'm tired you know I don't want to tiptoe around you know take the plunge make it happen it's changed my life it definitely can change yours. Dave: Yeah, nice man. Well bro you know I'm still sending my best to your family, your children and keep up the fantastic work there in Iowa even though it's minus two degrees brother. You know, maybe we can get you down to an event or something, get some sunshine on your back you can make it a you know, a family vacation or something. Go to take your kids to Disney or something now that you got some extra time and some extra funds coming in. You know what I mean? Those are the kind of cool things that we get to do now. And I hope you'll come back here in a couple of months and keep us posted on your journey. 

Byron: I would absolutely love that. 

Dave: Alright, Byron will have a fantastic Monday my brother and I will send everybody to give you the following connect with you on TikTok and Instagram. And stay legendary my brother Bye. Take care. See you later. Alright, my friends. You can go and give Byron a follow at @byronpringleofficial. And I think I feel like I say this on so many different episodes. But these shows are like such a gift, even to me to be able to sit through people’s stories and their strategies and what they did to be able to get started and have success. I mean, the reason why these are so powerful, even for me, is because as complicated and as advanced as you think that you need to be, you don't. And if you never leave the basics, you never have to come back to the basics. And the basics are what make you money. Everything else is a distraction. And a lot of times, the more successful we get, the more years in this business we get, we start adding tons of shit to our plate that we don't need. And if you don't leave the basics, you don't have to come back to them. One of the basics for me is listening to people's stories every morning, listening to their strategies about how they got started. And you know, there's always a theme, and it's, you know what, I really started embracing the basics of being consistent with focusing on traffic, a focus on value generation of turning my pains and my struggles into my strengths. So if you're not yet, sign up to our text message list to get a text message. Look, there's not even anything for sale. For God's sake, I want to sell something. But all I have for you is to sign up to the text message list. Text WUL to (813)-296-8553. Just to get a little simple text message reminder about when we go live every morning. And you want to take things to the end, get in there, especially if you're going through the challenge right now. And take action and our business blueprints, get deeper with more accountability into our community. Put a little skin in the game. Take your education seriously. Invest in yourself for maybe the first time ever or in a long time. You deserve it, you're worth it. And the majority of the people that you see who have come through this process, all of them have taken their education seriously. It's a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things. So be Legendary my friends, get out of here, and we'll see you for another episode tomorrow at 10am Eastern Time. Peace.

