wake up legendary

How To Use The TikTok Algorithm To Grow Your Online Business


Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends? It's Dave sharp. Welcome to wake up legendary in this morning we have somebody who, at one time worked in a supermarket. Okay, and then went on to do a little bit of university work over and I believe Australia they call that uni, loves the gym, loves working out his family's why, and in a very short period of time, as you can see he has gotten serious about his education. We'll figure out what that means. To me. That means when I got serious about my education, it just meant that I stopped looking at businesses like opportunities in jumping in and just hoping to make a quick buck without developing any skills. That's what that's what it means to me about getting serious about my education. Because at the end of the day, nobody's going to come. I'm not entitled to a job. I'm not entitled to a high salary, even if I go to college. That's the cold harsh reality that we find out when we become adults. Because as children, I just had the expectation. Well, gee whiz, if I just stay in school, get a degree I'll just get a job and I'll just be living the dream and when I became an adult, I found out that wasn't quite true. But you know my story. Let's hear Kristian’s. Welcome to the show my brother.

Kristian: How's it going? Hi, everyone in the chat.

Dave: Well, they're gonna be much better after talking to you here for a little bit of time, man. So are you calling in from Australia? Is it was I right about that

Kristian: Australia, in the middle of the night.

Dave: So it's like 10 or 9pm or 4pm now. Tell us your story. What brought you to Legendary How did you find us? What were you doing before this?

Kristian: Oh, to start it all, I was obviously going through the process of the system School University, picking a job, which periodically tended to a nine to five on the holidays and vice versa, casual during school periods and ologists I got to a point where I was not satisfied with with what I was doing is just repetitive, monotonous. And then also some of the friends I made in my university classes. They started to get jobs in the industry and then 2021 is all stressed in their mind that ready and I'm sitting there thinking, do I really want to be doing this for someone else? If I'm going to stress myself out, I'll do it myself at least but that's not the point. And then your curiosity Bekins I started to look for ways to break free and it was a long journey to start. I started looking into affiliate marketing on YouTube. Didn't get much out of that and eventually one day I'm TikTok. Earlier this year, I found you guys through who was actually but since then my life has definitely changed.

Dave: For the better or for the worse.

Kristian: For the better for sure. The education you guys have provided is just ridiculous. Honestly, the value just flipped upside down.

Dave: Tell us about the education experience because I mean, there's a lot of folks who, of course, don't buy our training. Our offers. Our training programs are really pretty simple. There's not 1000 different things that you have to know, basically we just say, hey, look, there's an appetizer here. And then there's a WAG Gu filet mignon. That's what we do. We serve wagyu filet mignon and we serve you know, a wonderful appetizer that's gonna get you somewhat full and, and in some people, you know, they come in, they take the challenge, they don't want to eat the steak. They don't want to stay for the meal and get into the blueprint. That's okay. Maybe they really don't have the resources or the resourcefulness I understand. What do you mean by the education you got seriously about it, it changed your or whatever other words that you've said it's changed your life for the better. Talk to us about the experience and maybe give us something to compare it to, just so people can understand that. What you mean by the education, you got serious about it, and it's then produced XYZ results in your life as a result of giving us a little bit more context my brother.

Kristian: What like Millennials are skeptical investing in forces and information online? And, boy, was I wrong? I'll tell you that for sure. It's a long period of time where I was constantly just looking for the free option and trying to get value out of nothing, but to be fair, you can be as intelligent as you want. Smarts from school, but school doesn't hate you. Obviously, endeavor in the online space. And if you really want to succeed, you're going to learn from someone who's already done it, the greats like yourself, safe time. By time I don't mean by three, four months, years on end. I spent it was close to a year and I got nowhere and within two months through the blueprint, so a month and a half it's been of my knowledge has excelled and not only it's not only is the content you guys provide, it's the inspiration to educate yourself beyond it now started looking into different resources, such as books that are pure content from like minded succeeding individuals as opposed to just the free options, you know, YouTube so it's definitely if I can recommend time to invest it's it's always now don't wait. I don't have the money. I don't want to spend the money sorry. 

Dave: This it's certainly going to save you time and it's going to make your money I mean when people say things like what you just said about you know, learning from greats and stuff like that I still like awkward and people think them wonderful surprise me can do something for long enough that I become really good at it. And then I learn how to teach it because it is a skill to take up really complicated but online marketing there's there's there's moving parts and make that something simple that people can understand. But I really feel like that because I have the same attitude that you do. I am a student so much in my life. And I have that same philosophy that you just described, which is I would rather pay someone more more than I even planned more than I even budgeted more than I even expected because if there's somebody who I know really knows what they're doing and can help me get to where I want to go without all the I'm sorry, guys, if you're watching this and your kids around but all the BS all the bullshit, you know, the fakery or people pretending like they know what they're talking about, or people who are teaching things without lots of data and experience to back it up. And you're right. There's a lot of that on YouTube. Man. There's a lot of that and all these freebies, and we have to be real careful about where we spend our time because it's not for me, I don't really care at this point in life. And I really do mean this whether someone buys education, invests with me or goes somewhere else and gets serious, it changes their life. But I just know there are so few at least in this industry. There's so few really, really solid places you can go to learn everything you need to learn and they'll be there to continue to coach you and grow with you and talk to you live. I mean, you and me right now have never had a conversation, except right here live in front of hundreds of people. And I'm willing to just because I have nothing to hide. I'm just a marketer. Who's trying to improve as well. And so YouTube can be a very frustrating thing and especially these other people who are on the internet, and we get stuck in a vicious cycle of you know, it's not always us that wants to have shiny object syndrome. Sometimes we just get sucked into the marketing and all you know before we know it, we come online that we're on, subscribed to a 100 email list. That's why it's really important to cut out the noise. And so one of the things I've done is like really trim down all my Facebook, all my email subscriptions to where I don't get hardly anything or see hardly anything that's wildly toxic or distracting. How have you managed to block out distractions and now that you're clear about where you want to learn from and who you want to learn from and who you don't? How have you put up blinds or built walls to guard your focus?

Kristian: It's a bit of a drastic measure and I've got my brother thankful he's very disciplined. We've just cut out through social media consumption less it's consuming content, like our own content, but we don't watch any content. So we just completely cut out any apps we used to use prior to deletion. You'll have Instagram TikTok with the main apps we function on. But we don't sit there scrolling or focus if we want to reward ourselves with the sort of instant dopamine as we call it. We might celebrate with a movie at the end of the night or some YouTube videos that during the day we just stay focused and either we learned from ourselves through your course or we read books, educate ourselves, continue to educate ourselves. Because at the end of the day, time, probably the only asset you can't get back. You can always get your money back, that's why you invest your money. It's going to come back to you one way or another way the next three months kind of come back and whenever we come back generation I don't want to sit around and wasted I've spent enough time in university in school I want to focus now even if it takes me two three years, at least lived less than my life.

Dave: It's amazing. I ask how old you are. I'm an old fart here. Dude, I am a grandpa right now. Like seriously, dude. I used to be a young kid. Like for real now. I am straight up a grandpa. But, man, the older generations as I've been growing, you know? Growing up, have always looked down or not all not everyone, but as if like kids are dumb or don't know what they're doing. And I'll tell you, man, this new generation, your generation and young people today are smart. They're they're tech savvy. They get what we're doing here. They're European and also intelligent, compassionate. You're deep. You're not just a, you know, superficial person. I mean, the generation is I am really, really just inspired and impressed and what would you say to other young people who maybe have not you know just seen and explored what all their options are yet you know and there may be there may be frustrated in life a little bit with kind of come into this. They're hoping to come to this climax and it's, it's not climaxing. It's not happening. They're just, you know, it's like shit, where's the top of the mountain and I'm getting frustrated when they're on vacation. But what would you say to the other young people who are feeling frustrated about what they've been told, and maybe it's not panning out the way that they thought or hoped?

Kristian: I think this might be a bit of a harsh reality, but I think it comes down to the fact that I was in the misconception as well as thinking Oh, I get wealthy quickly, quickly. People do create wealth within a matter of months. It's all the mindset you need it into the right mind space focus. It's hard to break some of the old bad habits and I was there. It took too long to break bad habits but it's later like it's not everyone knows what they want to do in life. Just going to put pen to paper sometimes, just even journal your emotions, thoughts, and some clarity. And then once you've got an expectation or direction to head into, try to eliminate like we discussed any bad habits or distractions. put the effort in because the effort will reward you. It might take weeks, it might take months and as often as much of a saying but people go oh this person got lucky overnight. Lucky overnight. It's not so much that they got lucky overnight. They may have been preparing for months for him. And that would have been that one night where they, you know, credit instant wealth. So much. So the efforts, the background work, and a lot of the time people look at other people's highlights online and compare themselves to where they work, but they don't see the grind they went through. It's important to focus on looking efficiently, productively and staying in the right mindset. That's advice I can give, I guess in that respect, and it's good.

Dave:  Do you think that same advice applies to older people as well? I mean, is it really just the same formula?

Kristian: 100% 

Dave: There's some older people who are thinking, yeah, these young bucks they got the world in the palm of their hands. I think somebody even commented that and it's like, Well, do you believe Christian that an older person in their 50s or 60s could have or 70s or 80s or 90s or however old I know some some kick ass people in their 80s and 90s. So I don't want to offend you folks, but you think that they can also change in a matter of months, have a breakthrough and then learn this? Not just it's not just something but you study and you learn it just for a short period of time commit to that. And do you think that no matter how old somebody is, it is actually a reality for somebody who's older to to get this and succeed in and are you seeing that out there on the internet, older people, a wide range of different ages of people in races and religions and all this. I just want to make sure that the other folks who are older and so forth, speak to that and give your honest opinion about what's possible for people even if they're older as well.

Kristian: I think it's a lot easier to talk, I can relate to the audience a lot more I find that generally a lot harder to relate in the easier categories of understand oh man, now I said I'm dad now because I can find that your three went through the hard yakka whereas I'm young man 21 So I worked for a little bit yes and went to uni but a lot of people can relate to me a lot of people have gone through those hard yakka years and 100% people that are running. What are the Australian hardware years?

Dave: We'll put your we'll put your we'll put your TikTok up here in a second. But I want to talk a little bit about it. It's amazing. It's amazing how simple this really can be. And I think there's going to be some correlation to what I'm about to show and then of course, we'll talk about your account as well. You know, every single one of these pieces of content is probably not that you didn't sit down and pray and meditate and it came to you. You went and learned it somewhere. What I mean is, I'd like you to explain what the strategy is that you're using here. But I saw a little bit of similarity there between, you know, the Snoop Dogg strategy and your strategy. And of course, if we go over here on Instagram and we look at, for example, let's look at Lewis Howe's account. Here's another guy who's, you know, invested a lot of, you know, a lot of effort, and doesn't seem to be doing it as much anymore, but he sure used to repurpose a lot of other people's content. Now, he's clearly doing his own interviews and stuff. But back before he did his views, you can dig in here and see

Matt: That he repurposed

Dave: A lot of other people's content. Somebody else that did a lot of that is Jay Shetty. I don't know if you've ever heard of him. Have you, Kristian. Jay, really, he repurpose is as you can see a lot of these other videos that are like feel good videos and stuff like that. You know, viral viral videos, just other videos that are going viral on the internet. You know, that everybody's just kind of, you know, snatching and grabbing and stuff like that in using that as content to sort of, you know, you know, mix in with I guess your own content. But, Christian, let's talk about let's talk about your, let's talk about your ear tick tock and kind of your strategy and how you know some of those other the concept of repurposing either ideas or literally other people's content is either true or untrue. You toss them often how you now came to this kind of what you're doing now, which seems like there's a bit of a pattern or a theme to what you're doing.

Kristian: So, when I first started out, I was close to starting. Yeah. And I had no idea what I was doing. whatsoever. And then for a little period, Oh, brother, I made a joint account together, mucking around a little bit, didn't get fired, and had about 1000 followers in two months. And then eventually we started our own accounts. And this about the time we bought into the blueprints, invested into the blueprints, and we started getting the ideas from you guys to start to look at content that's already doing well and mimic it if possible. And what we started to figure out was that that is a starting formula. Find content that's doing well and not necessarily the copier, but see why it's doing well analyze it if it's a because usually with this account, I do just text on screen takes for them to read through it by the time they read through it's played through two or three times so they'll sit down and watch it and watch it and watch it and watch it. That's one form of taking advantage of the algorithm. 

Dave: The reason why that is, is because why Kristian? Just for folks who don't understand or don't know yet why getting people to watch your videos all the way to the end or even sit there and re-watch your videos will help you on TikTok, TikTok love your videos and boost them up and show them to other people. Why is that Kristian?

Kristian: Well generally obviously ticked up on people to build the app longer. The longer they are on it, the more they'll push it out. So if you have your video shorter, people will watch it more therefore they'll push it out more because at the end of the day tick tock wants to actually help your videos go viral because now obviously in the run through there enough value in your videos to have them watch all the way through or watch multiple times. TikTok will reward you for and push your content out there for getting more views, followers likes, etc.

Dave: The brilliant strategy that you're using is you're basically creating a piece of content that has text on it that takes longer than you know, the seven or eight seconds the eight seconds that the video is so somebody has to sit there and watch it and rewatch it and rewatch it over if they want to read everything that's on the on the thing, which which which tells you gotta think we're the algorithm TikToks algorithm is a computer folks, it's a robot. So you have to be smarter than the robot. You have to be smarter than the computer. It's not a human being, you know it's just basically all it's saying is okay, people are sitting here in my chat room saying Yo, so I'm going to show it to more and more people. And that's how videos go viral. It's just that simple. And so you know, this is a brilliant little strategy to get maybe 3,4,5-10 views from the same from one person you know to say to TikTok. Wow, people are watching this video over and over and over again. So it's a really, really, really smart thing that you're doing here. The majority of your videos are between five and 10 seconds with texts that take longer to read. So they have to sit on it and let it play a couple of times in order to read everything. I see that as sort of a theme on this page, especially I think I've made a video and I've done a couple of talking videos.

Kristian: A lot of videos have been controversial so if you click on say a video with over a million views. I used to get very confused. I tried to mimic the content. And I want to understand why but sometimes a controversy isn't necessarily the text on the screen. There was a video I wanted to mimic. There was a quote there. Go ahead and this gets so many views and I made a video on it. Just put the quote on the screen, a political episode of seconds in mind Flucht and I'll see their thinking What Why did not go viral. It went viral. So this guy and it's odd use a similar formula and it's worked for me in the past. Sometimes it's the backend. The backend clip there was a funny clip. There's two brothers, one of the brothers was screaming in outrage as a joke. People were caught I looked into the comments and people were commenting on that and meaning or not forward with some more videos like this one in the comment it's constantly getting its especially if you do talking videos or text on screen, one provide value but you also want to look at a point where you can provide some controversy where people can talk about in the comments, different points. And while they're obviously talking in the comments, your videos are still playing in the background as well. So

Dave: You know because as a marketer, and as a perfectionist, I always compared and thought my stuff wasn't good enough and so I needed to have better camera equipment or I needed to, you know, it just wasn't good enough. But the truth is, the simpler the content, the better and any time in the history of my career where I just got it out and didn't try to overproduce it. It's done just 10 times better than when I tried to be super fancy. So talk to me a little bit about your thoughts on the simplicity of this and how simple really. It is these days and I didn't say it's easy. I want to be careful with that but it is simple. If we can keep it simple. You know, we don't even have to overthink it like right here. This is the theme. You know this is obviously how to text like an alpha and so you've got mindset masculinity motivation. So it's not even you know in your call to action right now to build your dream body. So it's it's, it's not even specifically about you're giving yourself enough room to also you know, kind of create content on different topics as well. And I love that too because so many people come in and want to just immediately jump right back into the make-money online space, but you can very easily give yourself two or three clicks here other content that's what you did. How did you come up with that Kristian? Well, it's, it's obviously a simple thing, but it allows you to kind of talk about multiple things and obviously so many more ideas can come to that and in they sort of also somebody who's interested in motivation is also going to probably be interested in making more money. So also could have probably been interested in mindset, right? So it's not like those topics are so far away from each other. Could you say a little bit about that?

Kristian: Generally, obviously like you just started yourself people in that similar mind space will be looking for content circles in their bubble. When it comes to something like TikTok in the way that app is designed, you know, I've tried longer form content, I've had multiple accounts, and I've got a second account as well, which is more finance related on site hustles or finance related content. And I find I get a mixed review on that. A lot of the time I'll get some long form content that will blow up but I get it as often as I would with shorter form content, because it's not like YouTube people don't come on here are my favorite YouTubers posts. I'm gonna sit here and watch his 15 minute video. We're just scrolling there for your page. You don't hook them in straightaway. Give them a reason to watch now and just keep on going. And when it comes to longer form content if you don't hook them in throughout the via continuous content isn't the best thing you can do because obviously going to get better results. If you can find areas where you can interlink between different topics. It can also benefit you in the long run as well because you'll find audiences in a masculinity. People who want to be more masculine strive to be a high class high value successful male so they'll look into the finest aspects as well want to motivate them I'll be motivated, fitness wise, they might be motivated financially. I mean, dating wise, I want to attract you know, attractive women, etc. How do you become more high status, high class, finance motivated, etc, etc.

Dave: And also, you know, how somebody who I just hold on for too much? Because obviously, the content is going to be coming from you or ideas that we're interested in or things other things that you're learning about, you know, you want it to be something you can talk about. So for somebody who's maybe an older person who doesn't have who has maybe grandchildren and who enjoys going out fishing a lot, you know, maybe it's like, you know, side hustles grandchildren fishing, I don't know it's, you know, or or, you know, come on, what would you think, you'd come up with some ideas bear with me for people who would might be might not be you know, your age and maybe somebody a little bit older. 

Kristian: The best way is to be relatable. So whatever you still want to produce is entertaining, relatable with your audience. So there's different ways my best advice is obviously of your passions or whatever you want to post content about that show up on TikTok and you can filter through you can have the look most like in the last three, six months, etc. And just look at what people in those niches are doing. And you can start to mimic the content posts in those aspects. It doesn't necessarily mean you have to travel to find ideas you can literally be whatever you're passionate about. If you can find a way to bring people on the journey within its training, or entertainment as you call it, time it and that's exactly what this.

Dave: We were chatting yesterday, Bree and I. And she was talking about how she's taken things to the next level. And it really is about the personalization, and she actually credits a lot of how personal she gets in her email follow up and so forth. As well, you know, but it's true, you're right, you really the thing that we need to focus on. It is sort of twofold. You know, it's what is interesting in what people want, that is something that is important. And the second thing is, what can I do? How can I get them to delight them and provide them value, right, what stories? What experience do I have? And you know, this is a great example of what people want, they want results they want and you can even get more. You can even get more results oriented with your bio up here, but this at least tells people what you're going to be talking about on the page. But something like you know, build massive confidence and become the, you know, a man's man. Get inspired, you know, like those would be more results driven. Out here, but I think the point is, is that what you're saying and I've said this over and over again. Don't be authentic, try to tie in your personal experience and knowledge to what you're talking about if you're going to be putting on your content, but I think what you've proven here is that it's not necessary. I mean, you don't, you don't in this strategy, and this is what so many people want to know and want to hear nowadays on TikTok. I actually think the better strategy is to have the text on the page because so many people are consuming content and give them a range, watch, give them some value, they’ll stick around, they’ll watch.

Kristian: The one thing I like to do with the connect to connect with moments because I don't you know, build the story necessarily through the video itself, but connect with my audience. I'll respond to almost all my comments. You'll see some videos have maybe 1015 comments, some videos will have hundreds of comments and I'm sitting there trying to respond to as many as I can. And I follow back. More regulars, the way they connect with them. They DM you probably have calls as we build an audience and sort of like building a report testimonials for your boys for a brand or for business you've got when they come in common with a lot more. Thank you. I appreciate you so much for your tips. And then when people come in and click on the comments, because people are curious, I'll see if the video is doing well, check the comments and see what's coming. Who's commenting? I think they are. Thank you so much for these tips. I appreciate you so much or you've changed my mindset on this or you've changed my life in this aspect to helping people so I'll follow along on the follow up. And it's not the end of the day. It's not just for the followers. You know, it's helping people and people you provide value to like yourself, will always come back and see you back in other ways.

Dave: You know, the comments section is a wonderful place to learn. You know, for me, the comments section is a wonderful place to learn. It's a wonderful place to figure out what people's objections are. That's what I can learn from the comments. Usually if people have objections, it's a common objection that you're seeing over and over again and you think that it's like something that's really stopping people from buying or taking action? No, I have something I can do. I need to focus my content on playing a problem to overcome that? If you know, I can learn a lot about what's keeping people from taking a lot of time. You'll just see real simple people commenting. How do I get started? Right? People just it's not usually people don't have massively complicated questions. It's usually just things like, how do I get started or, you know, what, what exactly are you selling or think, you know, simple questions that just we forget because we start learning and then we're talking about more complicated stuff. Have to remember that the board and You're not thinking super complicated things if we got to make sure we don't talk over their heads. What are your thoughts on that? 

Kristian: 100% agree and it's important to like, like you said, grant yourself back to the norm because once you're in a process where you've been learning for so long, like $100,000 I don't want to sound like I'm being overly content but $100,000 now doesn't seem like a lot to me. I've achieved it on a couple of counts on how to grow followers, but to a lot of people they'd be confused for a long time. How to achieve this. How do I get sometimes like they'll tell me on Instagram channel and wake lead off messages that call. Thank you so much. I grew so many followers in this amount of time. And it's like you said that they don't understand. They don't understand the level that you have worked towards. So you have to just sometimes be plain simple English. To basics for them.

Dave: And also now, once you begin, I'm speaking to all of you out there who are who are listening, then when you go to turn around and actually start marketing. You have to remember that to No, it's such a simple success. Clif Bars and when I look back at my extra we're like, yeah, I found Legendary somehow I don't really remember who like I challenge all of you to pay close attention to what, what worked on you and Christian I'm not, I'm not it's just something in the past just in the future, like we just like, and I know you do this, but because you've now got experience. You're paying more attention to things that are working on you too, right? Because you're like wow, it's like that works. You know, we also realize that we are our customers. No, it's not that we don't have to be your customer.

Dave: What are the things that worked on you? You know what are the things that drew you in? What draws you in? How have you started to look at the world differently Kristian, you know, or the internet or making money differently since you've been doing this and remind us again, exactly how long like when did you take the challenge get started? With the blueprints and begin really being serious?

Kristian: It's been March I'm pretty sure mid to late March. Like I said, it's taught me value wise that the longer you wait to invest the longer you procrastinate and put off longer your dreams they're going to be waiting and that's that's something I've been learning now. If you really want to get big, get your dreams, you have to stop putting in the work. It takes time to build up the habit and it takes time to get there. In a matter of months, if you can, if you can put down to focus. I've been fortunate in that I've had the time to do it. longer than two hours three hours a day, but you can put down four or five hours a day or maybe even three, four days or you will progress you're not going to like oh now seems to be too much.

Kristian: They will always come back. And one thing I say to a lot of people is if you invest even in law for lower cost products, if you invest this much now what is the absolute worst that can happen to a lot of the time people will say nothing.

Dave: It's education, the most important thing. Some shitty paper really has no value anyways, some shitty paper that some person invented or some government invented that we're all pretending has value. But you know what you know, no one has no paper in what you know, and make you think what you know can keep you alive. What you know keeps your kids safe, cash now might even pay somebody but that doesn't guarantee they're going to keep you safe. But you know, it will make you money and what you know will keep you safe. And I even said that, you know I'm sitting here right now and I'm going back through them editing some of the some of the you know the sales video and their sales sales samples right in that video. I refuse to just pump you full of hype. I'm not going to give you the typical hyped up claims of making money or earn six figures in six minutes. Because it's finally time for you to realize that becoming successful requires the right information from the right person in the right environment. And it also requires an investment of time, energy and some capital from you. Right. So if you're just going to look for the next hottest flavor of the week that will tell you what you want to hear leave go right now, because there's plenty of snake oil salesmen, right those lies that get in the 15 day challenge before anybody ever spends $1 here as a marketer on training and education and, you know, it's it's amazing how much how much I thought, you know, at one time as well that, you know, a few $1,000 Was I thought that was you know, I thought that was the most money in the world. I remember when I had $1,000 a week online I was like I am rich, you know, but as we really were listening to Clickfunnels talk about you know, he just battled and he's battling brain cancer right now. Dave Woodward, the CEO of Click Funnels. So everybody keep him in your thoughts, prayers, anything that you know, spiritual that you do for his recovery. He's fighting. He's battling. He had surgery and I believe he's recovering. He was talking about the Beatles. He did a live show and he was talking about the Beatles and how they used to say things like let’s go write a swimming pool, let's go write a swimming pool because if I put the work in to go write the song, it's going to occupy a swimming pool with it. Or they'd say, Let's go ride around the house. Or let's go ride a private jet. And it's like when I realized that this because remember, I was just talking about cash is trash in this is the most valuable thing that we have. It's like those skills that I learned money from that time while I realized that that's really not a lot of money. Now that was also my point. And what I was saying was that a couple of books can structure matter. Here you know, or at least it's getting full. I mean, I can even drive a car on half a tank of gas. I don't need to be totally full for me to get the thing going, you know what I mean? Once I got this thing, now all the sudden I can use those skills to let me go film a swimming pool. Let me go so let me go. Go record a G Wagen. Right click go let me go over here and write a Rolex. Let me go, let me go over here and film next year, but I'd like to definitely go with that. 

Kristian: The greatest asset of all time is your brain. If you can educate your brain and grow it with skill, knowledge, it's only going to benefit you. It is an expected perspective, like you said, you know how to write up a Rolex or quarter house. The average person won't know how to do that because they're not investing in their greatest asset, their brain, so the more you invest in your knowledge, the more you know to start making money online or doing whatever you do, that's the defining thing. It definitely is your knowledge.

Dave: This is your second TikTok account and I just wanted to put it up because it is more of your kind of side hustle. Is this one a new account or has the other one just grown faster?

Kristian: I started roughly about the same time but this was a Can I put less effort into it. I only posted one other kind of post 234 times a day. I've been trying this more like my test trial in terms of talking videos, textbooks want to as well just get it rolling in terms of finance, and everything. Everything is I think through your own experience as well. can be taught a lot and I've mentored a lot through you and through the education you've provided and the inspiration as well which is a lot better than signing up for some previous online courses. And they've given some education but they're gonna give you the inspiration whereas through legendary and yourself, always giving the inspiration to take on upon our own learnings and sometimes it's not so much just information by paralysis as I'm reading a lot of mine theory just how to do it and you learn from your videos in May Dave: So, do you and your brother Wow, you guys work together and you really a lot of the stuff we work on together where I am today 

Kristian: because of him for a 16 year old he's very disciplined. So we're grateful that I've, as my brother's always, somebody who has made but where we are today is because of the work we've combined and interdependency helping each other out and growing.

Dave: It's rare to find a 65 year old man who gets credit like you give credit who builds and lift other people up who you know, most people are and I was thinking about this morning because I was driving by a i was i have a Jewish family that lives by me and he's a rabbi and he they have a temple and they rented a or they bought or something a police car to park in the in the driveway because there's so many dangerous in weak people out there who want to hurt people. And I thought that was so sad. I’m sad that my friends and neighbors have to live in fear and I'm angry about it like I want to. I want to do something about it but I am doing something about it. I'm speaking out and I'm trying to do my part here. Business. But the reason why I said that is because people act out of anger and they act in violence in the act in their mean and they're toxic. I mean you see this even online when people are mean and they understand that your success is a result of mentors and a result of the help from your brother and your younger brother. And I just know that you're going to be a massive success because you have that attitude. And you don't know that you don't have to win with Manila jin or but with violence or anything like that as a young man you know. It's this and also this the heart you know the heart. Where do you think that is my you know, this humility and this outlook that you have on life that I think we all can learn a little bit from?


Kristian: As funny as it sounds it is from is it was a period of time where he went through, he had a very big change in mindset changing lifestyle to clean up his diet has become a lot more discipline for a 15 year old’s vision on life, on time progressing I had ambitions but didn't have the discipline to get there. And frankly, he's a newfound discipline. Fortunately enough for me to be his brother forced together and it's helped me grow in realizing it's not so much luck. Said are people who act out of anger or are trying to bring other people down. They are the weak people I encourage instead of criticizing. One thing I've definitely learned from my brother is sometimes like any other human being you know, you get frustrated sometimes you can't control your emotions. And instead of us fighting and beckoning back to remind ourselves you know, be grateful you have yes we're not super ultimate billionaires living the lavish lifestyle yet but ourselves be grateful there is people in a flick of a moment we want to switch positions with us is it's always grant everything comes with a grid. That's when everything comes down, I'm trying to bring people down or worry about things in the future and misplace your thoughts. And energy. Not in the present moment. You're never going to be happy. So the best thing to do is just focus on right now. Be grateful folks right now you're here alive. You're breathing important things without your health. Life is nothing.

Dave:  I think we're going to end it on that my brother it was a great message to end a Friday on even though you know I mean, Friday doesn't particularly mean that evening. What is CQC getting random anyways, man, it's a great a great message because we're going to take a two day break from the wakeup show like we do every week and give everyone a chance to catch up on other episodes that you didn't you know, you didn't listen to if you want to listen to this one with Christian, but tell your brother that we said What's up obviously sounds like a fantastic young man and I'd love to meet him and maybe have you both back on.

Kristian: Thank you so much for having me on the show. ever so grateful and appreciative you know, to be in the presence of a great individual like yourself, even though you said it was waiting to be called something like that. But you've achieved your successes and you've worked really hard. 

Dave: Alright my friends, there you go. There it is. Not to learn. Aren't they so valuable? They are so valuable. I have to make these lives more valuable than things that other people are out there paying for or charging for. And because our students here are gracious enough to come back and share with us how the training is in many cases, even taking it way beyond what you know what, what we say is possible. It's just that the goal of teaching something comes and takes. We had that conversation this morning. Kristian came in just lit himself on fire and made it happen. Now that you can learn something from somebody younger than you and learn something from somebody else who just got started, just keep your eyes and ears open because you never know when the next thing that you need to know is going to pop up and here's the other thing that comes back. If you're new here. Watch these wakeup lives every day. I guarantee you if you go through our education here and you also watch these lives of what used to be students you're well on your way to success. It has been proven so many times over and over again. I love to stand here and get pumped up and I think it's somewhat motivational, but who cares what I say. Look at everybody who's doing it right now and some are doing it quicker than others and slower and that's it doesn't matter just as long as you're taken. Alright, get out of here. Have a great Friday be Legendary. We'll see on Monday.

Learning New Skills To Improve Your Business

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey, what's going on my friends, it's David Sharpe here. And welcome to wake up legendary this morning. We have somebody who is experiencing more than just financial breakthroughs, as I have experienced from this industry as well. So I can very much relate to that, that it's not just all about the money for me, but I've transformed and in a sense this, this industry has, in a way also saved or given me a life I can very much so relate to our guests this morning. So please help me welcome to the show. Bree, how are you? Good. How are you? Thanks for having me. Hey, you're very welcome. I think you're calling in from the same state that I'm in. Is that right?

Brie: Yes, I am in South Florida. 

Dave: So, um, you know, tell us a little bit about what you were looking for? What, what, what, what, what drove you or brought you online? And then how did you either come across legendary or are you looking for something when you found us?

Brie: Right? So long story short. i In November, I quit my job. I was a club manager for private country clubs. And it's a very challenging and defeating job mentally and physically. And I just came to like a cracking point. And I was like, I can't do this anymore. I can't live like this. Right? Like, it's just, I was extremely depressed and I quit and I had no idea where to turn. I was on Tik Tok. Actually, as she was on your show, Shannon, who did phenomenal. I actually have something about her video. I just like, reached out to me and I was able to relate to her which was one thing that I took from her and brought to my own is being relatable to people. And so I messaged her and I explained and she was like, This is great, blah, blah, give it a try. So I started it and the first video, I was in tears. It was literally the intro video of your story. And I was hooked since then I spent every single day studying watching videos, educating myself and kind of experimenting. 

Dave:  I love that word experimenting. So have you ever now the reason why I love that word is because Bri Have you ever done or operated a business before?

Brie: No, that definitely is not. And it's a big learning experience. I actually did. I started in January. And I made a TikTok. And I had this idea of like, just didn't work out. I actually was reading through the legendary Facebook and I was an extremely great resource to take advantage of even just reading through comments. And so many people, like my first account, just failed horribly. The second one always goes better. So I'm like, Okay, well, I don't feel as bad anymore. So I ditched that tick tock and I started a brand new one with a whole different outlook and ideas, and it just happened to work well, for me. 

Dave: Sometimes when you just start over and just, you know, just just just kind of start from scratch. Sometimes it's easier to build a home than to try to remodel something that's already existing. And, you know, I think that's a good analogy for a lot of our social media. A lot of us have social media accounts that we've had for a long time or family. And so a lot of times, the smartest thing for somebody to do is just start a new profile, just start a new profile. Now, there are times as well, where you may be marketing on any platform, whether it be paid or organic, it makes sense to just go ahead and start a new profile. It's also not a crime in any way, shape, or form to have multiple profiles going at multiple times. I mean, real big marketing agencies and so forth, may have, you know, hundreds of accounts that that's, you know, that they're and you know, and they have access to them all inside of their either Instagram app or their you know, and so it's there are no rules. And I think that's one of the biggest things that it's difficult to communicate to folks is because we do have so many questions when we come in, right? We do have so many questions. But the word that you use to experiment, as long as you're, as long as you're setting up the pages, the way that we show you the way that you're generally writing, copy the way that we teach you, there is room for experiment. And that's, that's what we're we're I get so crazy, both excited and frustrated. Because I, it's so difficult to communicate that you literally can do anything that you want, and there's no rules, you can totally experiment, even outside of what somebody says. Even me, and I just wonder how are you? Open Space? Or is that something?

Brie: Yes, I do. I know, in the training, there was a lot of don't reinvent the wheel, which I love to try to do. So that's hard, I really do have all that open space. And there are no rules. And that's very hard to stick to and I like to say my greatest success are the videos that I did not reinvent the wheel, I found what worked for other people, but I did end up putting my own twist to it that makes it my own my own style. And those are the ones that did the absolute best for me when I didn't try to go too far out of the way to create my own work, it  just didn't work. Like the people have done that succeeded at it and my own methods didn't work.

Dave: So I want to talk just a little bit briefly about all the emotion that came up for you and how you felt so you know how you felt so moved or inspired or seen right by the video that I created. You said that you felt felt, I would assume you felt real seen and understood. As a matter of fact, you wrote to us that you felt no one ever understood your kindness and sort of felt like you're alone in the world. And I think a lot of people can relate to that. I certainly can. Talk to us both from your experience, but also as a spin off marketer. Why do you think that I talk to people every single morning because I want to stay really intimately connected with what's going on in people's heads that I'm marketing to. So it's almost a bit this is a masterclass every morning to learn about people's psychology ology and how they buy and what moves them in sales material right marketing material so are you able to go back and sort of reverse engineer the emotional appeal that is copy in the you know the angles that I used in it was real I was showing videos of things that I've done stuff like that, but are you able to go back and some what is dissect or analyze that process and now say what can I say about that into my marketing?

Brie: Yes so going back to the whole like emotional part it and why it moves me how I put that into my marketing was like I said I was working at private clubs and it's it's rough on you people are very mean and so that's my kind of felt like my kindness has always taken advantage of and then hearing your words how'd they touch me? I figure that that's the route that if you can connect with me that way that I can connect with other people by sharing my own story and so yes I said I feel like kindness is overlooked and I'm misunderstood when you don't really didn't really do it in my own marketing just because I feel like that should be more light and entertaining. So I like entertaining and educating. But it is for all of the people that opt in to my page that's when I really I got down and

emails were very descriptive into my own story and they were extremely personal to be completely honest probably a little too personal but I I'm open book and I like to share those things because that makes it real and I think because people started receiving my emails that's when I started getting greater success because I was opening up like you might see this girl on TikTok. She lives in Florida and has a great life but like you get in, see the emails there's a whole different side of me and I think that's going to be like oh my god like I get that it's easy to put on the way and they were really trusting me my greatest success can you do.

Dave: Absolutely and think about it from this perspective as well as as as everything that you just said which was complete like spot on we we need to capture someone's attention long enough to capture their heart and mind right we can do that in second videos on tick tock it's hard but you can do that in lives but it's hard to tell your story in 15 seconds and myself for somebody else so it it's difficult to tell your full story and connect emotionally somebody in 15 seconds but you're right it's entertaining it's educational enough you know really is all you're doing is you're just you're just really it's kind of like fishing that's why I call it the fishing


formula in the blueprint because it's like there's a bait a piece of bait in somebody just is like swimming by and I Oh, I'm hungry. I'll take that bait and it's like hey, you know now I can't stop watching it you know now I want more of it. You know? It's fish don't want Like the boat our customers ideally do want to come in to vote because they because they want more of what we're doing it takes time to expose people to you to your full story and to your to really connect with them emotionally longer than 16 seconds and even though we live in a in a tinder in a tinder connect with people than 15 seconds despite what what your fathers may have taught you out there young men it takes long connect with people Problem 15 seconds so we have to offer them something that's valuable enough that they'll say yes I'll give you my email in exchange for that. So we then can bring them to me yeah you know capture the their hearts in their minds which is exactly what you said I go into more depth on my bridge page well the beauty about it the reason why we can go into more depth on that bridge page it is because if for some reason they have to leave or if some reason they X out because of whatever reason we have their email address followed back up with them. And so I just am fascinated when I hear use which is that process was exactly the same process that you experienced as a buyer and it's important go back and dissect that because we can learn a lot made that this what I just told is exactly what you did you where you were you David Sharpe  

We've got time for you to watch a 20 minute sales video and if you leave Shannon can follow back up with you. It's just that what happened is exactly it's just, if you ever doubt the market. So are you imagining that they have a lot of the same struggles as you? How are you learning to really relate to them through your speaking so um yeah I just kind of feel the way that I feel and they just don't want to say it and I feel like that's specifically why.

Brie: I didn't want to show in my videos I didn't want to. I like to talk to people who really care, like if they read it they know Oh, they understand. But essentially I just kind of, I'm just honest and open with my own self and then whoever follows and agrees like I'm I guess I don't specifically go out and find the perfect one. I just say what I'm feeling and that works really well for me. Somebody said act like you're on FaceTime with somebody, you know, which is also kind of psychologically trying to train yourself to do it but I just kind of kept to myself that it just, I kept recording and this is I don't really know how this helps me but I got like one of the little green lights. So like when you're not holding your phone for some reason that made it a lot easier for me to just handle more natural when I'm like back here so it's not as forced in my case and awkward

Dave: That is such a good tip because I really, really also do much better when I'm not holding them plus and also the phone's not shaking around. You know what I mean? Like even if you're not a shaky person, like a lot like just the shaking of just your body. I've spoken about my microphone several times. It sits right there. There's some fancy thing that has buttons on it and stuff. One day I just plugged a couple of things in and it worked and I was just like, holy shit. Don't touch that again. Is just kind of like my point here is that I love that tip and low production simple solutions, right? That's what is winning right now. There's no need to overcomplicate or even think that you're not capable. Because just maybe a simple tweak, like putting your phone on a little tripod or setting it there might help you to be more relaxed. There's so many simple solutions for the problems that sometimes we feel like we can't get through or have you come up against anything so far in your journey where you were, like, close to quitting, but you didn't and what was that experience like?

Brie: Yes. So with the little defeat that I have for my first one, like I said, that was it. It is a little embarrassing. I mean, it's not really because I mean realistically, it's literally not embarrassing at all, but


Dave: You felt embarrassed.

Brie: I did it and it did feel really bad and I felt embarrassed.

Dave: But I just want to say that I do things that are embarrassing or that I'm that are it's I mean, you know, it's I just want everybody to know that it's actually I actually try sometimes now to embarrass myself because it's like if I can take that I can take anything and in now not by being vulgar or not by but just by doing silly shit just by you know popping up on the on the on the on the camera every day in the same shirt and people not knowing whether I've actually washed it and taking a shower or not and then actually saying that so people think to him, does he really not take showers or do his laundry? And I'm going to leave that up for your imagination but my point here is that you know that this is all just an experiment anyways. And here's the cool thing about our initial embarrassing content is we act like it's going to be the State of the Union address and the entire world is going to get to watch it and it's like, no, just you know, one person in India, you know, one person in Indonesia and two people in New York City saw your first video it's like get over it. You know what I mean? I just ranted. Sorry. You said the first one was embarrassing and I asked you how you overcame a situation when you wanted to quit?

Brie: Yes. So more. So the second time I was in the process of driving from Florida to Ohio. I was going through a lot of things going on at that time. So I was just kind of down again. And I kind of neglected my page for about like a week. And for some reason that gave me so much like hidden anxiety that I can't go back on what I want to say, like if I go back I pushed it off like oh my god, like what did I do? Like I just worked it out. Just get on your computer like what does it matter? Just do it. What did you miss or hurt yourself for not going back? I don't know why that bothered me so much. But I went back and then I made sure I was consistent every single day after that. And that's when things started really escalating for me.

Dave:  Yeah, yeah. And it's hilarious too, because we do really, truly hold ourselves to this presidential level. Don't we?

Brie: No, I didn't. I was very disappointed in myself. I only posted like two videos one day I'm like, oh my god, like gaming was more than that. It took me some training. I actually scheduled out my day and my content so that way I could stay on track with myself. And not get behind. I don't feel like I have to give up because I'm too far behind. But realistically, it's your own page. There are no rules or guidelines so rarely are you ever behind.

Dave: Never never I mean I know I know guys. Yet. They're out there though. It's either just a couple of guys who I've known recently in the last couple of years who you know made tons of money in affiliate marketing and built up huge YouTube channels and then just would disappear and not post on him for like 6789 months and then come back and post one video and you know, if you can do that you can do that. More. It's easier to do that. Once you've got some consistency. You've got some traffic flowing and you've got an email list you can work with. But yeah, the truth is, from a business standpoint, it's not smart to not show up and open the doors of your business 365 days a year. From a business side, man, it's not the smartest thing in Adel, from a short term to a long term. It's an unnamed matter. You know what I mean? Long term it does not matter one bed if you miss one, five. It doesn't matter. of showing up to your business. Yes. Yes. Is it going to hurt you next year? No. It's not. And I think that's one of the things it's difficult for us entrepreneurs and new entrepreneurs to do is to rise above the kind of week or month and look more long term. What's your experience with that has been that also difficult for I mean, sounds like you've had challenges like that, because I think that's the mindset that we're in when we are frustrated. And thanks for sharing that with me. But what are you, what are you focused on? Are you focused on the long term? Are you focused on what I am going to accomplish this year? Do you have something that you're aiming for? What are the milestones maybe that are milestones for you that you've already set in stone or things that you're aiming for? That maybe you haven't down and put up on a wall but you're aiming for?

Brie: Yes, so actually, I really I'm really glad you asked that. So if we're thinking long term. I mean, when I went into something like this, I was thinking long term because I was like I'm never stepping foot at a job ever again. Like it's my long term and my mindset was going to do this and you're going to make it happen. There's no other choice. So that's the mindset I gave myself with the skills that I learned from the training and courses that I took, I actually was able to get another marketing position certainly in my marketing and sales. I specifically got into every case as well as an actual job but I'm doing the same thing for both. So yes, it's really fun. 

I have the dream job and I've always wanted a brand new, huge company. It's amazing. So I have a long term and I have my tube. I have my own business and I have this one and the company and they've all seen my tech talk and so they're alright, like let's do that for us. Permanently and it worked out extremely well for me and I couldn't thank you enough for being your everything because I would not be here today without learning everything that I did both which is my problem I'm having right now.

Dave: There's always a challenge, breathers always a challenge and like Bill, our guests last week, a military guy of 25 years or something he said something I'll never forget. He said my challenge and that's why I like it. They're my challenges, not somebody else's challenges and I take pride in overcoming my challenges. I don't have to overcome your challenges. I don't ever have to overcome my neighbors' challenges. I don't ever have to overcome my relatives' challenges and all that because that's codependency and that ain't none of my business. But I got to overcome my challenges. I like how you caught yourself right there. I'm happy to talk about your problems and challenges with you but you know what the truth of the matter is is when you get off of this and you go into your daily routine and you go handle those challenges that will do way more for you way more for your self esteem way more for your confidence than me sitting here coddling you are trying to tell you it's okay or saying that I'll do it for you or anything like that. None of that we need to need to design ourselves the same way that we want to design our lives and we have to make ourselves into the entrepreneurs that we need to be when our parents weren't, you know, champion makers. They they weren't they were just sitting there trying to raise a kid and keep them alive for God's sakes, probably, you know, if we want to win, we have to go out and learn how to win and we have to overcome our challenges and that's what I hear in new breed and that's why why you've been successful and that's why I know that this is just the beginning for you. So thank you for sharing this unbelievable message this morning. I absolutely packed if you will. What would you leave? Leave us with this more

Dave: We need to hear one last word from you. What would you leave us with this morning?

Brie: My last words I would have to say are and this is because I had to teach myself this is to live the life that you deserve. And I have put that in all at the end of my emails because I feel like that is so important, like understand my worth until I had to take a step back and see things from a way bigger picture and see more opportunity opened up many opportunities as well I should say because a lot of people kind of looked at me funny when I told them what I was doing. And then when they saw how fun and cool my videos were they're like that is amazing. Amazing. Like I love that. Like how'd you do that? And I thought it was funny. But it made me happy that you live the life that you deserve. And anyone tell you that anything you're doing is stupid because if it makes

Dave: If you're happy, who cares if anybody else is happy, you know what I mean? Like that's where I'm also there in my life right now worry with with a lot of you know a lot of people where it was just maybe the older I get it and thankfully that happens as you get older or has happened with me anyways, you know, I've I've you know, I went and I got the dad body you know I chasing around the kids. I don't have time for bullshit. You know what I mean? So it's like, I think also we both start to care less what people think. But also, we've got less time for the bullshit and time wasters and people who don't believe in our dreams are not going to support us and I think we start to realize what support looks like. It's not a family member who says they love us but shames us or criticizes us. It's somebody who says, Hey, you shouldn't have told me let me just say, Hey, I'm here to support you. How can I make you feel loved? Because love and support is an action word, right? And so we have a choice. We concern ourselves with these people and that's what's so great about it. I think this community has so many different people that I can connect with it. Even if you know I don't have entrepreneurs and people in my family or whatever that understand that not all are going to understand. They understand. They know who Benjamin Franklin is and they understand that language but anyway, a lot of friends I'm friends with in this industry, man. You know, it's amazing. My wife was like not in my business and not a part of my business when I first started and now she's full time we work side by side every single day in a different room. In the same house, you know what I mean? It's cool, it's a cool thing. So don't give up and I'm not speaking to you, bro. Just just everybody. Don't give up on your family. Don't give up on your friends. Just keep doing you and you'll see who loves and supports you just keep doing you don't give up on them yet. Even if it seems like they gave up on you or whatever. Just keep your eye on the prize and don't let anybody get you off track. It really takes a lot of focus. And somebody said yesterday, really putting the blinders on. And you've described that in your own way this morning. Breathe is just that focus and that determination and that willingness to experiment. And I think they used that word earlier. So thank you. It's been wonderful and honoring your energy is wonderful. Thanks so much. We'll talk to you later. So connect with Bree, she's awesome. And I really enjoyed that conversation as I do. Each and every morning. So give her some support. Give her a follow, see what you can learn from her. Add her to your network of people who are understanding and supportive of what we're doing here. Right. It's like there's a new friend that you can meet every morning and there's somebody new even if you don't watch the show one morning, which I don't know why you wouldn't but you know, there's a lot of friends you can make in this community. So if you're new here, don't underestimate it was just, there was so much in that interview. Experience, Min teen it which taps into the hole, which taps into the whole initiative versus entitlement thing I've been talking about this week. I mean, there was just a lot to unpack in that. And the biggest thing that I hope everybody walks away with each morning is just the fact that really you're seeing people who are ordinary just like you or you're just your parents, whatever meaning that tells faculty what to think that's so valuable.

Dave: So make a decision today to continue to go through the challenge if you're going through the challenge to invest in yourself and your education if that's something you feel compelled to do here or somewhere else, get into our Blueprints if you can, they'll change everything. For you, if you use them if you use them, my friend and come back for another episode. Tomorrow we'll see it'll be Friday. 10am

How To Work A Full Time Job While Growing Your Affiliate Marketing Business

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt:  What's going on everybody? Happy Wednesday. June 8. I hope you guys are doing well. We're live and we are live every single Monday through Friday at 10am Eastern. If you're newer to our show you can text the letters WUL to (813)-296-8553. You'll get a little text message reminder, every single time that we go live. I can actually show you exactly what this looks like.

And then you know you can you can I just tapped it. Boom, there it is. You hit play your shot right into Facebook. So we are pumped to have you all with us and we've got a fun and exciting show. We're going to chat a little bit about how the legendary marketer education has transformed the lives of Lisa and Lance and talk a little bit about what they do and all of their businesses so we would love to we also have another special guest who's going to pop on as well which we don't typically do you and I'm excited about that. So we joined. Let's bring on our guests and before I bring on our guests can we do a little hand clap emoji. Just to welcome in. Lisa and Lance. How's it going? 

Lisa: Morning! How are you? Morning doing well. It is beautiful. It was good. Actually, I shouldn't say it's beautiful. It's hot. Here in Phoenix. We're expecting like 107 Today it's gonna be pretty brutal. But yeah, it'll be fine. So you know we when we go live with clients and people who came into our fleet and ended up having success. We typically don't do this but I'm gonna bring on a guy who is I think pretty instrumental, dear success, but I'll let you guys actually confirm that. Daniel is here with us. 

Lisa: Hi Daniel. How are you? 

Daniel: Hi, Lisa.

Matt:  Hey, what's up? I've actually never met Daniel like officially I don't we haven't actually like met face to face. We've been on different meetings and stuff but I just wanted to bring him on cuz he recommended that you guys come on the show. And I was one of the main reasons we reached out and said you guys have a cool story that you share with us and so how was your guys' time with Daniel What was that like and then Daniel, maybe you can share a little bit about your experience up to?

Lisa: Well, I'm the one who met with Daniel. And I did of course, you know, the challenge. And you know, meeting Daniel was very transforming. He used a lot of language that was, you know, action oriented, and very personable. And that's he actually, just meeting a person of Legendary helped me realize that it was a real authentic group of people. And then also we just got to know each other in a different way. I even shared my husband's story with Daniel and what he had gone through in his life experiences because Daniel shared a little bit about himself with me and I was like, You know what, Daniel, I'm going to share a video, a YouTube video of my husband and an interview. And it was you know, he had said it was impactful so, you know, that's basically the communication that you get when you go into one of these stuff into the community is, you know, you just, it's, it's very transforming. Cool.

Matt:  That's so cool. Daniel, and what, when you're working with them and working with most clients, what's that been like? And there's a lot of people on here who have never met a business plan advisor, I have no idea what you do. Maybe you can tell people in a minute what exactly it is you do and how you walk people through and then what was your experience chatting with Lisa like,

Daniel:  You know, as a business plan advisor I my main objective is just to really guide, advise, listen, and just give you the best direction on how to do it the right way right. And do it the right way the first time but working with Lisa was actually a little bit of home because she has such an inspirational story with Lance, what he's gone through I have very similar paths to that. And overcoming those objections in life was really very inspiring for me and then to hear the story come to light of how amazing that they're doing. I couldn't couldn't be less than anything but happy for them. Super cool.


Matt:  I love it. Daniel, you probably have calls to get on and stuff. I just wanted to bring you on. Thanks for coming on, man.

Lisa: Thank you, Daniel. Thanks for everything. Appreciate it.

Matt: Well, cool. I'm glad that he got to stop and that was awesome. Oh, nice. So you guys found us found Legendary in like, I don't know, way back in June of last year. So I think it was actually looked and it was almost a year ago to this day that you originally found us and tell us about finding us and then it I don't know if it took a little bit of time to get into our program or to start the training but tell us just a little bit about how you found us first of all, and then and then what happened after you purchased our course and how did that whole process shake out?

Lisa: So real quick when the situation happened. I was laid off from work. It was only like four months that I was laid off. Labs continue to work because Lampson is an addictions counselor at a prestigious Recovery Center here in Southern California. So he continued to work which helped us. He's been through a lot. I mean, Malibu fires run through all the addiction treatment centers so he was like home a year prior and so just we've been through a lot here in Southern California. But anyhow, so in about a month we were considered essential. And we were told to go back to work because I'm in the food supply chain. And when I went back to work, pretty much like one out of every third person went back to work. And I'm in my late 60s And I was just I'm personally speaking now to this day I'm just exhausted entirely physically it's laborious. And it's been like that ever since it's really hard to find workers. But regardless of that, so about a year passes and I'm telling myself mentally in my head, there's got to be an easier way there's got to be an easier way to make life gotta be an easier way and I went online on YouTube, YouTube, watch her and I want you to all the time, and I saw I typed in how to make money online. I came across a gentleman who did a 30 minute video. Yeah, I broke down into 10 different ways to make money online. I said wait until the end because I got the best one for you in my top 10. It was a 15 second three lead challenge and he didn't make any grandiose claims. He just said follow what they do and you know you will end up making money and he's but you have to follow up to the tee. So I signed up. It was like $1 Yeah, so after I signed up for the dollar, I was like, you know, it doesn't really cost me that much, it just seemed like just you know, added up a little bit. So I also purchased something else. But what he didn't say is when you sign up for TikTok because that's the 15 second free line when you sign up for TikTok. Don't get distracted, which I did.

Matt: You gotta you gotta mean case of scroliosis

Lisa: And my thumb's are not that strong. That generation you know, you guys have powerful bones.  So about so as the summer months came, it was getting harder and harder to work and that's when I started checking out 15 Second free leads. They showed me everything like how to take a portrait, a profile picture, talked about all the details anyway, going. I then realized I was getting emails from David Sharpe about other options and that did have the 15 Day Challenge. And around October is when I just pointed and clicked and I just took the challenge and that's when I met Daniel. And it took me a while after that. I was in my head all the time, about Oh, I gotta get this I got it. The structure doesn't reverse. And on Christmas day I told my husband I say you know what? I'm just gonna do it. And I put my first video out and like couldn't fit on the screen. But I said show up every day and you never know what happens. So I'm close to 7000 followers and it's pretty, it's organic.

Matt: Traffic 7000 Wow. That's super cool.

Lisa: And I post once a day, okay. Wow,

Matt: That's pretty amazing. Actually. How long ago did you start posting daily?

Lisa: On that day? Oh, by so up once a day there might be like, I make a couple of times. I've made a couple of mistakes or I thought I posted like, you were boarding on a flight and I go okay, great. I posted it. Show up later on that next day. I'm like, dang, and then go through. So you know, there's those things that happen. But once a day, it really does help, you know, just to show up and put something every now and then times a day. But I know my limitations and I know me. If I go full gangbusters like seven eight times a day or like people say we want to get you know, a lot of traffic. I'm going to suffer from burnout and you probably won't see me.

Matt: Yeah. Oh, totally.

Lisa: And this I've always said this and this is actually my tagline that this is a marathon. It's not a sprint.

Matt: Like that a lot. That is something that we're gonna get the sort of background behind the scenes in our company and legendary. We operate a framework, basically just, you know, Lord, please just don't let us eff this up like that's kind of the mantra that we've taken on. Just don't, don't f it up. You know? What we mean by that is Verizon sprint every day we come up as marketers with these crazy ideas. Oh, wow. We could change our whole business. But here we go with this stuff and the truth is, it is just kind of showing up every day, being consistent and taking action. Taking meaningful hard action, but just being consistent showing up every day. There's a lot to be said about that. It's especially amplified in an industry like ours where you might get a lot of people who are always launching new courses and here's the hot new thing. And we decided to take more of an approach of selling information about a business model that has really been done for a long, long time I could do 12 years ago and it was different. I mean, we didn't have Tic Toc, but we have blogs and we had, you know, forums and I don't know weird stuff, but it was just it looked different, but it's done the same exact thing that I've been doing. So anyway, that's cool. That's cool. And I'm guessing you've learned a lot and also probably grown a lot in you know, showing up consistently on social media after you know, never really having much social media presence. Like you know if you've grown.

Lisa: Well you know what's happened is not only is my is I could see what I didn't see before and that's through the knowledge that I've gained from the from the blueprints, but also just the association with legendary you know, I like I said I was a big YouTube consumer, I was a big consumer of content. And I would watch and then I even went on people's Patreon and because I liked their channel, and so I was open on Patreon, right? But I never made the connection that that is an income stream for them or clicked the link below. That's an income stream for them or we're gonna go out on boxing today because we got a lot of gifts from our fans. Right then comes through and you're going into this free and training it just you learn a new language and you learn a new perspective. And you start seeing what you've always seen, but you never really saw it. And you know, now I'm like this is possible. This isn't you know, the emails are an asset. You know, the platform and the Evergreen traffic, you don't learn that language. You know, this is all new language that you learn. So the Evergreen traffic, that's an asset. You start listening to some of the people that you like. I followed the Whoa on YouTube, and he did a chat, a walk and talk and he talked about how he's been posting daily on YouTube for 10 years. And the man since he started singing for 10 years he's got all these evergreen tiles on his page. He makes money on ad sets. He makes his money on a few merch things, and he doesn't for anybody. So he's 48 years old and is going to be 50 I think. And he's just got half a million people on him and daily. People come in and see that they couldn't see a tile or from like, five years ago. Right? Yeah. And it's just constantly running. Yes, all the time. It's everything.

Matt: I show that sometimes. You said something that I talk about so often but you said something about. I’m going to share my screen here real quick, about making money with Adsense and stuff like that. This is the part of the business that a lot of people don't think about. They're starting some sort of content creation, but this might be hard to do, but you don't really need to see it. This guy is Zack George and lots of people know about this guy, Zach. He does dog training. And you know, I show this in the decade in the day sometimes search for dog training or something like that. And usually when I search for dog training, one of his YouTube videos will come up and in particular, one of them is from 2013, I think. And that thing just lives on the first page of Google for one of the most hotly searched I had never clicked on a video either so it wasn't like they were remembering that I like him or something. And, and also a guy named Judd, Judd all bring he's really popular on YouTube. Last mastermind you know, he was talking all about how people were asking, well, how you know, whether certain streams of income can you do or whatever. And I think Judd has, you know, Judd has about 200,000 subscribers on YouTube. And he said you know, I'm I'm I do about $95,000 in just getting paid from YouTube, just getting paid from YouTube got didn't even have to sell anything or put any links in my bio or anything. And I could basically make $95,000 a year, but he makes those you know, when you talked about the 2030 minute video kind of thing, like he makes style content, some of them he's got a 51 minute video, long stuff like that, but people forget that if you can get good at creating content, especially on YouTube, you can monetize all of that content. And like you can just forget about selling anything. You should, I think but some people just don't want some people like us that literally stood out to me as he doesn't work for anybody. He's not reporting to where he's sitting at home, and his sweatbands in his kitchen. He showed each of us his first videos here. I don't know how I got on this rant. I'm sorry, but I did his videos from oldest to newest and he just wanted to show us you know hey look like my oldest first videos three years ago are kind of crowded trying to figure out and I'll show you how to reply from the internet. Like he's like, look, I'm sitting in our kitchen. In our tiny 700 square foot apartment in Chicago. We've got kids and stockings up here. I got kids' toys piled up behind me. Got a dog bed down here and I'm sitting here in a little V neck and and I got a pen here and and I'm off and running and I don't care as I just you know, and I just I find that funny because he it just boils down to getting started showing up consistently every day and he's obviously been really successful with us right now but and with other me also promoting things like click funnels and software tools and all kinds of stuff. So anyway, I don't know how I got on the Judd Judd all brain rant, but here we are. So you guys are also you do, Lance, a little bit of work on like YouTube and things that are on a podcast, I think YouTube on the brain. Tell us a little bit about that. And how did that start?

Lance: Well, you know, about 11 years ago I came home from a stay in upstate for those that know what that means, you know, and didn't have my compass. I didn't know what direction I was going to take. But I knew I was going to be responsible. So I had a little no kitchen job and then a maintenance job and because of my benefit over 29 years, I wouldn't say just sober is the people that taught me how to find my way back from that darkness really. It was like being taught by a master how to grow up. You know what I mean? Super Powers. And it was like, I love you. But I'm going to tell you a truth that you're not going to like, if you follow my direction, you're going to have an amazing life. You know, because a lot of times we don't want to hear the truth. We should shy away from it. But we know like somebody's telling it from a place of love. You can't run away from that. They've got your best interest. And so I came home and I was working on this for a friend of mine and one of the treatment centers here in Culver City and he was like, you know, you're going to school for this counseling thing. Today you're a counselor and I'm going to give you a caseload and it was like, okay, okay, and you know, it's not I wouldn't even call it counseling, I would just call it Life mentoring, and it goes beyond alcohol or substances because anybody can get sober but not a lot of people know how to live a good life. Especially if you've been using them for 5-10, 20 years, and you get sober data. But there's in the 25th century What the hell is this? And a lot of people don't understand that aspect of learning how to live a healthy life can be inspired by purpose and passion and to live and believe that you can actually achieve it. So you know, I've had really good success with a lot of the clients for that work there. And I usually get a lot of the guys coming home from prison or jail or the failure to launch kids that come from the rich families in Beverly Hills. Because they just needed some love and direction. It's kind of funny how you can get a guy in prison as an only kid out of Beverly Hills. It's a failure to launch and there's not a big difference. Wow. Yeah. And teaching them how to live their lives was a passion. It's what I do to this day even when I'm working in a treatment center. Because I don't really talk a lot about drugs and alcohol. That's easy. We get that how to live life is a whole other level of life and let go of the past narratives and like I can't do this. I'm not good enough or mom did this or dad did that and you got to get to that narrative to see today and never live well. So I left there because I was a little egotistical in my success and thought I'd be a high muckety muck in a treatment center and found out they were doing shady stuff. You know there's people like that in the universe and made a decision that I'm not going to have my name attached to something that doesn't have integrity on it because that's what I stand for. So I quit with a parachute. Wow. And yeah, exactly like okay, how am I gonna pay my bills? But right, I had built relationships with people which is really the most important part. I think of anything we do in your industry or my industry or in life. And I called a friend and she was an old supervisor who knew me and I said, Do you know anywhere where there's any work and she goes, would you not do process groups and I'm like, No, of course. You know, compensation is really the essence of everything we do as people to learn and grow. And so she goes, You know, I'm not a cliffside here in Malibu, and I can give you three groups a day and pay $100 a group and I'm like, Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. Like that beats $18 an hour for sure. I've probably been to the cliffside now. Six to seven years. Oh, wow. Okay. But in the interim of all of that a lot of changes are happening in life. Just like David. Is your partner David?

Matt: Yeah, yeah, he's the founder. 

Lance: Well, he had a while back on the set where everybody was trying to calm him down because he wanted to burn buildings. down around those rules that were fucking trashy by language.

Matt: He doesn't mind that. I don't mind.

Lance: I got him 100% Because just like in your industry, there's a lot of people that are all about the money and not about the clients and helping them grow. better lives. Yeah. And I've watched that over the years in the industry I'm in and I think in my industry is a little bit more heartfelt because we're not just talking about taking advantage of people for their money. These people are on the verge of overdosing on fit and all or dying on the streets are hurting a family again. And it's just something that's been a passion for me to really step in and just be the best I can be there but I'm growing my I have a company I started three four years ago. And it's hard, it's not unlike on my own trying to figure it out. But I've watched Lisa. I'm inspired by what she's doing with you guys.

Lisa: And now we're getting to the whole thing about YouTube and TikTok.

Lance: I had a guy. I hired somebody, a coach out of Florida who helped me like I guess get comfortable with myself on a stage. And I think that's a really big part of it. Because you know, you've got to have a presence and know who you are. And I'm not an egotistical guy, although I probably could be if I wanted to be but I'm more about helping people. It's like it's not an ego thing. It's a spirit thing. You know, because 29 years ago, I was in an ad seg cell in a prison with no hope of ever coming home. Instead of prayer, like on my knees, snot coming out of my nose and crying profusely thinking I was going to die in prison. God I can't live a decent life and continue to do the things I'm doing helped me and everything has changed since then. And me sitting here. I could get emotional so I'm gonna maintain it a little bit as but me sitting here is a result of a lot of people who got established and inspired to change. And I'm just an echo in that in that journey of many others before me. And everything I have is a result of all those people Bill Bob and even the people that came before that did the help of helping other people. And so now I'm sitting here today, and my company is called wide. Obviously we get addicted but what about your life and creating content that helps people connect to life and to it's more than just getting sober? It's about transforming your life. It really is like letting go of the things that haven't worked and stepping into something new and unknown. And I'm really big on changing the narrative that we have a conversation with ourselves about in teaching people that they can live in today and have a better future. So I have so many things on the plate that I've been consumed during COVID working in Malibu an extra day so I mean I was doing I tell the clients to have a balance in their lives, but we're doing the scheduling the other takes up teaching them how to do scheduling. They give a calendar, but seven days a week, 24 hours a day. And I feel it now.

Lisa: That's what we were talking about. This is what we're talking about the other day, the calendar. Yeah. Why don't you make a calendar? Why don't you make a journal? Why don't you make a program? You know, and this is something that you could watch on your channel. This is something you can launch as a platform you know, and that's where, you know, you can actually have a way to transform other people's lives experiencing something very similar. His story's not similar to a lot of but but doing this.

Matt:  I love it

Lance: With the clients because you know, I'm not gonna. I wouldn't realize that Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and four days a week. I've dedicated four hours a day to traffic and commuting through LA and eight hours to accompany that's not really I'm making somebody else's dreams come true and not mine financially. And so I've made a decision in the past two weeks to take that extra depth and giving them back to move that resource of time into writing the book or more it's not a book, it's a workbook. Yeah. But that and creating content and working on my website and on the YouTube and the TikToks and all this stuff, because I'm learning that exposure is in very, very important thing to get yourself out there right taking action. And so I am on a podcast with a gentleman where we interview a lot of people that have had life experiences, whether it's in prison, we just got done doing one with Theo Flurry, the hockey player. Yeah, he's amazing. We had a great hour long conversation with him as he's driving through some outskirts of Canada in the woods somewhere, you know, yeah, I was in the woods. But, you know, in talking about my friend Mark, who's one of the cofounders of the largest blood gang and Los Angeles case and how he's helping transform lives today. in Pasadena. I do groups on Wednesday night with him over there with gang members to help them see a better life. It's very active, but I'm also going to do a podcast where my own company was setting that up. 

Lisa: We're setting up our space. Mimecast

Lance: It's about creating somebody because I tell you this and I'll let loose and get back in here in industry, in an industry, where we help people sustain better lives and find sobriety and build lives. On a good day, long term sobriety is what we want. We want a better life. We want sobriety and a better life. On a good day. Most treatment centers have a success rate in that spectrum, including a or NA and there's gonna be a lot of people that don't like this but it's just faculty. On the best day, there's a 15% long term success rate. Now you have guys that keep coming back, which is great, but just overall somebody that says I'm done, I want a better life and I'm stepping into it. A 15% success rate. I'm disgusted with that. And I get it. It's both and it's the clients and the facilities. But if I'm a heart surgeon and you're coming in for heart surgery, and I say I have evidence based practices, I have the best staff, the best facility and I sell it. Yeah. And you go okay, what's your success rate? And I say, if 10% On a good day, you're not gonna let me do heart street. You are right yet. We're selling that agenda. And it's become about making money. And the quick fix of getting people sober, but we are not really addressing the long term aftercare things and that's where live over addiction comes in. So if you have a loved one that's in treatment, and you just spent 35 or $40,000, putting them through 30 days of treatment, and on the back end, they get a pat on the butt and good luck with the therapy or someplace they really don't know right? It's no wonder they keep relapses like prisons recidivism rate is about the same, which is sad. And so here I am saying for $2,500 a month, all walk with your loved one. That's his coaching. Walk with your loved one for $2,500 a month. Not much considering what you just spent right to help your loved one navigate and have a plan and a goal and a schedule. And stay after the fact. Yeah, yeah. To live their life and step into that world that they don't know how to navigate the mediation with the family and with themselves work. And right now, that's a really big void unless some companies are saying, I work with you, but you gotta send a document. We're gonna be there for hours a day, four days a week, we're going to make sure you get good meals to treat your ILP and that's $45,000 for three months on a contract and I'm like, What am I doing wrong? Well, you know, it's not that's

Matt: And that's everywhere because my wife worked in, my wife worked in a mental health practice and same thing. She was an inpatient or an inpatient place where people who had tried to harm themselves would come in and spend a week there. And it's sort of like, you know, rehab facility or whatever, where there's intensive care, there's some meds, there's some, you know, get people stable, right. And, and then after that, that's like, a, you know, like, nice little pat on the back. Hope it goes well, you know, and they refer people to outpatient and stuff, but getting insurance involved and getting all this stuff. It's like, you know, how much hope and how much real help is being given beyond that. I like to relate with that so much because I don't know what their percentage is, but their percentage of people who are coming back with another attempt or a you know, another threat to you know, overdose on pills on, same thing, it's happening all the time. I feel like just stepping in there and doing that, or, or by saying that, what a what a what a vision to see the exact solution that needs to be there. But also, I just want to say that that's really cool that you actually are executing on it because there's a lot of people that I know who sit in your role or people who worked with my wife who just talk about that a lot. They just talk about it a lot. And they don't really do much if anything about it. They just sit and complain about it. Like hey, this what a problem we have, what a problem that exists, what a problem and at some point, somebody's gonna be like, hey, look like there's a clear solution here. Let's solve this. And then the other thing. Yeah, the other thing that came to mind too, is just how if you've ever seen on TikTok or YouTube, I mean the amount of channels and videos and content that are centered around people who have gotten sober, and just how viral and how powerful some of that content is. I mean, I've seen comments where people are, are talking about how you know one video one single video they were, they were, you know, half a bottle deep of Jack and they were like, they will just watch one video and something clicked and I've seen people who are a year sober two years sober. From the moment they saw a tick tock video, which I'm sure isn't super common, but still, when you really think about it, you know, you have this opportunity to sort of intercept people. I always think of marketing as as like the ability to just sort of accept attention and just sort of step into their their train of thought, and you can just you know, somebody's just sitting here, you know, like Lee so I was just scrolling and just one message one the way somebody says something can just immediately have like, Whoa, I never thought of it like that. And it would be just such a shame if people who are experts in certain things or have had crazy life experiences and have grown and become new people if they didn't share those not everybody's gonna share their stuff. But you know, I mean, you hired a coach and got all of this. I mean, you've got this new business running. I'll just tell you that man. Dave said something to our mastermind that I thought was really impactful. He said people don't need more training. They need to hear more stories. They don't need more training. They just need to hear more people's stories and what because the stories transform people. The life experience is, you know, on my knees, not running from my nose in prison. That's the kind of shit where people are like, oh, man, yeah, I feel I've been there before you know, and you can give them all the training and calendars which the calendar is great, too, all of that stuff. But when they connect with something like that, man that's really transformational.

Lisa: And when you're doing it with them, yeah. Action, you're doing it. You're guiding them by hand, you know, and I think there's like the actors rule. I'm not an actor. I live in Los Angeles and I don't like not having a headshot, but everybody seems to have but there's that breaking that veil, right. I guess there's like a role where you don't want to. I don't know if anybody out there knows what that is. But TikTok breaks and you really expose yourself. You know, I'll show up with like, sit here and pre-stick the shirt, you know, because I just finished cooking all kinds of stuff. And, you know, there's no rules really except watch the language but I don't think there's something that you know, the model in my company in my life, and Lisa will tell you a brown public I'll just talk to anybody if I'm if I get an opportunity to conversate my whole principle and what I believe in is let's start a new conversation. That life is really what it's about. Because the old conversation if it's not working for you, why are you keeping it?

Matt: I just gotta say that reminds me of my wife's a therapist, and we would talk about this thing called narrative based therapy, which is it sounds almost exactly like what you're talking about, which is beginning a new conversation that's not centered around shame and guilt and all of the past baggage. But let's read what if we reach the whole new store what if a new store started to have that sound? You know, and I love it. So I don't know, I think for different people, different modalities. But man, for whatever reason, even just just hearing about that therapy, modality for me feels so empowering. I'm like, yes, let's start a new story.

Lance: Like I can let go of that and have something new. It's like, thank you. Oh, it's like, I tell them that the narrative that we've had our whole lives is a prison we've created, I think in the movie Shawshank Redemption. The clients love this. Because that's one of my favorite movies is the ATM that we create this prison or it's imposed on us by family or environment or trauma and we go around in this self imposed prison. And it's almost we've become comfortable with it because it's been uncomfortable. And we've learned to survive and live with it like that Linus blanket and Charlie Brown. And it's like, it stinks. And nobody wants us around and we're miserable. We're hopeless. We have no purpose. It's like, somebody shoot me please or eat me. Yeah. And it's like, I tell the clients, getting out of where you're stuck is not going to be easy, that comfort zone. Little on a lot of uncomfortability for a short period of time to get your freedom from that place, yeah, what's the value of that? And I said, movie Shawshank the guy had to climb down and break a shitty ass pipe and crawl through 500 yards of shit to get free. That's really the way there's there's the only way out for us is to say okay, and make a decision for our lives. Moving forward. And going forward means I gotta clean up a lot of stuff and leave it in the past. Yep, learn how to like it's a narrative that's like a book that doesn't have the emotional content that it wants to add anymore. Once you do the work. It's there but it's like it's there. I'm here today and I'm thriving, and that's what I want my life to be about. When people can connect with that. Man, there's nothing like I can be tempted by a lot of things. I will not compromise. I will not compromise my integrity that keeps me out of that prison.

Lisa: Just like me as well. I have a lot of workplace trauma. Yes, that I've actually had kind of like in that hole. I've held it in. Just posting and sharing my story. A lot of these memories are starting to come up and starting. Yeah, starting to go. You know what, I think I should do a tick tock or a short on workplace trauma. I bet there's a lot of people who don't even know that they haven't, you know, and if they can identify I'm helping somebody and adding value into their life. Wow. Magic is how you do that in 30 seconds.

Lance: Lisa is a great example of what I just shared about Legendary and what you guys are doing with her. Not about the money that'll come with it or not? It's not about TikTok. It's not about all those things. Lisa was in a prison with this trauma with this concept of I don't know what I want to do. And now I see her I come home. She's in a real office by the bed. Or she's like working on something you have perfect. She's inspired to live today. And that's the most important. Everything else that comes out like gravy.

Lisa: I think that's why I do one TikTok a day because I'm present. What I put out. I'm present. I'm thinking about it. I'm doing something I'm writing down and then you know and and there's no such thing as a flopped video. If you show 100 views, that's 100 people, right? That's a lot of people. So you know, some people came in to fill a restaurant with that many people. So you know the thing is, if you have an impact on one person, double the value of your life. You know, so it's, there's no way I would not have done this if I had not just literally I'm not selling the 15 Day Challenge. I'm saying if you want to transform by purpose, there's little gifts in there all the way along with that and it has an impact on your future. Wow.

Matt:  You guys are cool, man. You guys are just cool. I like you guys a lot. You guys have a lot of wisdom and experience. I feel like that all of us can get a lot from let's see, for social media means you want people to follow you on TikTok. Is that a good spot for them to find you?

Lance: @Live_over_addiction

Lisa: Damage Done Podcast. Yeah, the damage done podcast for me.

Lance: My website is lifeoveraddiction.com There's a link on there where people can go they can click the link it sets up like a free consultation, no money, you know, over like 1020 minutes to see if it's a good fit to help you or your loved one. And again, you know, it's because it's not for everybody and not everybody can afford it. I understand. I actually have a sliding scale depending. But those are the two key pieces. I mean, the website and the link set up a conversation which is what it's about working on file. 

Lisa: I made the funnel. I had done that for so long and I was like, Oh, my God, I did it in the TikTok start now I gotta do it again. All again. Today I was watching decade day like midway through I was like this my brain, the language I was like, what happened? Where am I?

Matt: Yeah, it's totally like beginning algebra and they start putting x's and y's in the math equations. Like it would happen to like four times for like, this doesn't make any sense. Well, cool. 

Lisa: And I'm starting another one that'll be coming up but that's not working. It's going to be a lifestyle. Awesome. People ask me every day about my hair color, some light, some on about lifestyle and things like that and I gotta lose weight. My health is not that good. So the doctor put me on weight loss.

Matt:  Well, you can you can you can bring all of that get all that stuff can be brought together. And yeah, you can absolutely do that.

Lisa: Six months transformation, six months.

Matt: A lot of you know you want to know you want to know funny. Here's what I'll wrap up with this. But here's a really funny example. A creative example of how people have tied together things like making money on the internet and health. We upload ideas, daily basis, looking at videos that will inspire everyone wanting to focus and most of his videos are like his videos. He's done a lot with shorts recently, but most of his videos yeah, here we go. Are like five early cancer warning signs or like how you know home remedies to treat toenail fungus and weird stuff. Weird stuff. Well, Chris, we've had him on the show before and he says financial concerns impacting your health. This may help even if he points people to heart voice people to our company and product. And he can kind of figure out a way to monetize this channel. He makes money from YouTube obviously but he just makes all the videos himself. He does all the editing and he just finds ideas. You know five foods you should eat if you want to lose weight. But he connected that all and you know he makes a decent little income from just not decent a little I mean, it just makes it come from YouTube channel. He's got some affiliate stuff he does too, but there's plenty. I just think I like when people do things that are creative, outside the box, because he's super interested in health stuff, but he's also really creative as a marketer and loves marketing and enjoys that aspect of it. But anyway, you guys are a blast. We're coming up in almost an hour or so. I'm gonna let you guys go for the day and anytime that you guys would like to come back on, I mean, if you guys are taking breaks or starting new things, coaching things going great. We would love to have you guys back on and I'd especially love for you guys to meet Dave and share a bit of your journey with him as well. And so just reach out to Roxy and maybe and see how many days we can have you guys back on. That'd be great. Yeah, thanks for coming on guys.

Lisa: Have a great one. Take care.

Matt: See? Alright guys, so you can follow Lisa and Lance right here. Let them know what was powerful today. Were a wrap for today. Wednesday, June 8. Dave will be back here tomorrow and Friday and have a good rest of your Wednesday. We'll see you back here. Tomorrow at 10am Eastern.

Why Mindset Is The Most Important Part Of Success

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends it's your boy Dave Sharpe. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. I just rolled out of bed about five minutes ago. So I am waking up legendary this morning. This morning we had a factory worker and teaching assistant of 23 years. Nichole is welcome to the show. What did you do in the factory?:

Nichole: An assembly line and inspection. And I remember wanting to make my son breakfast in the morning and take him to school.

Dave: That sounds like a good reason to want to get out of factory life. Explain to folks what it was like to be a teacher’s assistant.

Nichole: I didn’t like college. I help kids who are struggling with math.

Dave: You wrote in about your brother passing, I’m really sorry that happened.

Nichole: That is where my journey began. March 21st 2021 my 26th brother was killed on his motorcycle by a distracted driver. He was on his phone and his life was over that day. After some of the shock wore off time began a strange phenomenon. I could almost physically hear a clock tick. I started to feel like I was aging faster, my parents were aging faster, my kids were getting older faster. And I was aware that we’re only here for a certain amount of time and I started to look back on my life and ask myself Nicole, what have you done with the last 21 years? What will your kids remember about you? When they're older that you chose all the overtime you could get? You were always tired. You were always stressed about money even when you weren't working? What will they remember about you? And I wasn't happy with what my answers were. And so I knew I knew that I needed to take my time back. 

Dave: What a story, what a perspective and what a deep what a deep. Why, you know, and that doesn't mean that you can't still have bad days and that doesn't mean that you can still feel like given up sometimes and I don't want folks to listen to this and be like, oh Nicole's been delivered stone tablets itself and now has some motivational touch but my lord or do you feel connected and motivated by these by these things that you've just told us about?

Nichole: Absolutely, Barb McGowan. I do want to mention her because she's amazing. And we had a conversation, and I don't even think she realizes what a blessing that conversation was to me. But she said, Nicole, your Why should make you cry. And it absolutely did. And it does. And I think that as humans we're so used to feeling weak or vulnerable when we're in pain or an uncomfortable space, and that couldn't be further from the truth. The amount of strength and determination and power that is inside of your pain point or your unconscious base is unmatched. And I had to get inside of my why. And get in that uncomfortable space and stay there for a minute so that I could get my mindset right. You mentioned that in the first couple days the 15 day business builder challenge. Had I known the transformation that was going to create me, I had no idea. It was a painful, amazing, beautiful transformation. And I would purchase it over and over and over again. Yeah, it went so far. It went so far beyond affiliate marketing.

Dave: That's fantastic. Well, my journey has gone so far beyond I going I forget I'm doing affiliate marketing sometimes honesty and I until someone's you know, thinks this is just all about affiliate marketing. I'm like, Oh yeah, that's what we're doing here but it's, you know, the skills that we're developing here if one you and anyone else listening leans into this process instead of just stuck. We had a guy this weekend and God bless them. Okay, God bless him. But he bought our challenge on a gift card on Saturday and by Sunday, you know, was was emailing our customer support over and over and over and over and over again asking for a $7 refund. And it's like, those are two opposite extremes. You know what I mean? Those are two opposite extremes. And neither is wrong and neither is right and I'm not here to judge, but I'm just observing human behavior. And I've seen so many people over the years and it's amazing how hard we work to fail. You know, we just we work so hard to struggle, you know, because we're unwilling to let go of beliefs and we're unwilling to let go of different perspectives or we're unwilling to let go of certain identities. And like you've just talked about each person's transformation looks totally different. And that's one of the big things I really want to drive home. Is it if you feel anything going on some uncomfortability and you lean into it, some some some thoughts of, oh, I'm good. This is going to fail and I'm going to be a miserable failure, but you stay the course. And you don't let your feelings just totally dominate your life and get it i over II I learned that in drug treatment, and I'll never forget that. It's not that feelings aren't important. But my feeling is especially when I'm doing something new can be all over the place. I can be I can be walking around like my father's feelings that he gave me from his father and I don't know what's really real I need to take a step back. That's good. Listen to Wake Up Legendary and why we do it every day. Because sometimes I need to find a good trusted person. I need to listen every day and that will help lubricate the joint so I can start stepping into my own bit my potential is really what it boils down to. And Nicole, it's not that your job in the factory wasn't meaningful. It's not that you're, it's not that your teacher's assistant work isn't meaningful. It's not any of that. But you're but it's it's it's not where you want to be and it's not it's it's caught you know, you can do something about it. The thing that's the first big decision is really actually deciding that I can change this. And you look back at yourself and I do too sometimes at some of the things that I did for multiple years, do you ever look at the 10? Or how long did you stay in the factory?

Nichole: 23 years between two factories.

Dave: So do you ever look at it? Obviously that was a part of your big moment, right? You kind of looked at what you said with your own words just a moment ago. I was 41 and I said What have I accomplished? That sort of was the moment of truth for you. It was a question similar to that. Right? Nichole: Well, I look back at my children's legs, right. That's the most important part of my life. That is my purpose. My wife. And I realized that I believed and my firstborn is now 16 and my baby is now six, and I missed it. I missed it. Because if I wasn't working, I would be exhausted because I've always been a really hard worker. I was raised by a single mom who never complained and she taught us you don't have time to sit down and cry about it, get up and work. And so I always kind of patted myself on the back. You know I took pride in how much I worked. But I was trading the best parts of my life for that paycheck. And so when he passed away, my brother, I realized that I'm not here forever. He was 26. And what am I going to do with the time that I have left here? And I'm not I'm not trying to sound sad or depressing or anything but that was just my personal reality. That's real. For me. And I just became so aware of the choices I make and how they will affect not only my life, but my children's lives. And I needed to do better and I knew that I could but I had to get my butt up and work.

Dave:  I am powerful from what I heard right there also and I talked about this for a decade and a day the other day with that group and it was very simple, it was a very simple, very simple slide initiative over entitlement. And it really is early. It's one of the big differences between the mindset that a lot of us have coming in and the mindset that we need and a lot of us come in with an attitude of entitlement where you know, it's amazing. I mean, I think I am just now coming to terms with the fact that the world really doesn't owe me shit. But I haven't. I haven't really liked that's a big pill to swallow. Seriously. It is. When you really really just come to terms with that nobody owes me shit. Yeah, nobody owes me a damn thing. And I don't owe anybody anything. Really like today and I'm not talking about little things where maybe I owe somebody an apology or an amends. I'm just saying. on a large scale, nobody's coming to save you, me, anybody. They might send us a check for $1,200 to get through a global you know what we do? I'm sure everybody felt really saved. Right? Nobody's coming to save you and nobody owes you shit Dave. And and I and in that initiative, even to come up with your own why? I mean people, the divide between entitlement in having initiative seems to be so thin for a lot of people. Because you know, I don't know, I don't know whether it's that we had things done for us whether it was how we were trained in school or a job. But I see a lot of people struggling because they don't know the difference between taking initiative and having entitlement. How would you define the difference between the two and how that applies in this having your own business.

Nichole: I really think that we go back to our mindset. You really have to dig for why you really have to. This is a business where you have to take ownership of your actions. Then, I don't know how to. I'm trying to come up with the right words.

Dave: Well, this business and actually, as you were talking when you were talking about your why what I was thinking about is the fact that you said you have to dig deep but I actually think that you just have to open your eyes and have some awareness to look around your life. And I will probably find your right why real quick, but I think that most of us live in a pretty deep seated denial about how bad things are or about how much we're not paying attention to our children or about how much we're stressed out over money. And I think that if we just open our eyes like you did, you said that just a second ago you said, you know, I gained awareness, I gained awareness and folks that's what I think how you can find your why is just be honest. If I guarantee you any. look up the definition of entitlement dammit google it. Don't you ask that in the comments. Then I see you over to Google in order to learn how to You Be resourceful. Okay, yeah. So, man, I think we can all just open our eyes and look around and find a pretty damn good reason if we're honest. To get our app in gear that was a thought that came up for me.

Nichole: But when I say digging, it's because I think we go through life and not everybody. And it's me telling my story. So in a perfect post, we coast through life or I had coasted through life that it was just normal to send my kids to daycare because well I have to go to work and it's normal to be tired after you've worked 12 hours in a factory so my why was very pretty deep. And that's where again, I had to go back to the mindset.  I had to dig, I had to do the work was truly a painful process. And one that I would do over and over and over again. Because it was so worth it. And it all started with education didn't you know I told you I had looked back on my life and you know that all started with my brother but I had truly begun the process of going in and tending to my own mindset. And until I started the education and to be really honest with you, I started I bought the challenge and on February 7 started the rest of February, March and even the first week of April. I was creating content and just nothing was happening. I had to stop, go back. Because I would ask if Psy was my business plan advisor and he was so helpful. I'm so thankful for him but I would say Stein, why isn't it working? What if it doesn't work? And he said Nicole, you say it one more time and never help you again. What he was really saying was affiliate marketing works, your education works your networking or I would say die I don't know what what, what kind of content. I can't hear you.

Dave:  That's what you heard from sigh he didn't say exact words. But sometimes it's up to us to translate what others are saying or find meaning in a situation. That's the initiative versus entitlement. It's not sighs job to find your meaning for the

Nichole: Right. I would say sigh I don't I'm stumped on what kind of content to create, I don't know anything. And he would say this was what you do know what he was saying is have you not learned anything in the education? You took the whole education, have you not learned anything? I learned something but I learned it with the wrong mindset. So I stopped. I didn't create any more content. I actually took my tic tac down and started again. And I took a few weeks off and I went back through the education time with the mindset that I should have had the whole time when I went into it thinking I'm doing something great because I'm taking the first step and going through the education. What I was really doing was focusing on the result because I was so uncomfortable where I was, I was missing all the good stuff. The journey of all the good stuff was in the middle, and I missed it. So I had to go back and I had to do it again. And I encourage anybody that may be struggling, stop and go back. Education works. It's proven this is a business we have to take ownership of. Just have to and it's worth it.

Dave: It is proven, and I wish I could say that I invented it. I actually did it. You know what I mean? Yeah, I'm just the messenger. You know, I'm just a guy who's used the skills. I mean, I've invented some things that you know, that I think that anybody else could invent which are little systems or processes that you name so they kind of become yours. Like anybody can do that. You're right. Inside was right. And what you just said was possibly one of the most powerful things that's ever been said. Just that how you describe that and I think if we're honest, we really slow down and look at how we behave throughout this process. We'll see that we were also either excited or anxious about the result, fearful or, you know, excited are usually the two. The two two feelings that we feel that we feel excited and we feel that we suffer right, you know, and you're right, a lot of times we miss the magic of the, you know of the journey of the ride. It's sort of like going on vacation, right? And you know some of the best conversations happen on road trips. Sometimes you get to know people better than if you just have your headphones on the whole time, or you just have the radio on the whole time and you're only focused on the destination. Now all of a sudden, you're getting to know whoever you're with when you get there and instead of you. So you're right. There's a lot of magic that can happen. On the in the journey on the way there the things that you can see and the things that you can pick up the people that you can talk to and I'm actually speaking about of a physical journey, but the same thing happens with with education as I'm going through the challenge or the blueprints or whatever I've got in front of me to do. It is important that I lean into that and really take it in and then say how can I apply this. How can I apply this? How do I apply this in my business right now? And what most of you will find when you go through the education is it's actually purposefully not. I'm not one of those gurus who likes to speak over people's heads and talk about all these complicated philosophies. I'm sure we can all get fancy, but you'll find that the education is rather straightforward and that there's concepts like the fishing formula and the blueprints that help you just to go into any niche and figure out who your customer is how you can get them to come to you how you can funnel them in your funnel, how you can make more money from selling them more products. I mean, there's a lot here and you're right that training does work and even still with all that proof around some folks, you know, we'll come up with any damn excuse to work really hard to continue to suffer and struggle. And that's why I think that your comments about mindset and why we talk about it here so much even though y'all get tired of it. But it's true. It's so powerful. It's so needed and so much of the things that we bring in and are carrying around or not even ship it's ours. I mean it's you talking about your mother and you're talking about your family in fact, Come on Nicole, you're a product of your environment. And now you're stepping out into the global world and sort of saying, Hey, I'm here Nicole's here and I'm gonna, I'm gonna dominate some shit. But up until this point, you're really a product of your environment, right? I mean, did you know I grew up where I still live? So it'd be very easy for me to get involved in the local community and have a job like that. And you know what, folks, that's not a bad life. Nobody's here to say that's a bad life or that we don't look down on anybody. But it's about your satisfaction. It's about you. None of us came and knocked on your door and told you to come to legendary yo you are looking for something you are interested in. And in here you are and many just to finish this point and then I'll let so many of you be right here at the front door of your dreams. Even if it's just education in this industry, maybe you're like hey, this David Sharpe guy screwed him. But the information nozzle is this industry, this business model using platforms, digital platforms, is the way of the future and I think it's the way of the future that's a healthy bet versus NFT's and Kryptos which are still so speculative. We don't this is not going anywhere selling information, running ads, building organic profiles and then selling them information products. I promise you will never ever go away and most people I think will start to pick up on the business model and say I've ever I can't this person is literally selling information they're not even shipping manufacturing doing anything people are gonna pick up on like holy hell. This is an incredible business model. But what were you thinking? You look like he wanted to say a minute ago and I was just ranting,

Nichole: Oh, no, you weren't ranting. I think you know, when we were kids, our parents didn't have the opportunities we have now. Right? So that's just the way it was. Even 16 years ago. This opportunity wasn't wasn't available. There was barely even a MySpace. We have opportunities that we didn't have back then. And so we can move differently now. When I started this, I told three people and those same three people or only the same three people that I know to this day, and the reason I only told three people was because I knew how fragile I was. Even constructive criticism would have been enough to turn me upside down. So I told my mother because she's my best friend, my husband and my 16 year old son, and my biggest and only supporter was my 16 year old. He would see me on my computer and you're like, I am so proud of you. And yes, I love this. But the reason he was so it was so easy for him to be so supportive is because he is of a new generation. He has not been programmed to trade 40 5060 hours of his week for a paycheck. He knows everything is done online. Things are changing. The world is changing, and monetizing the internet and the social media platforms that we use every day has never been smarter. It's the best thing you can learn how to do and he knows that because he's 60.

Dave:  Right? Good for him. And I think you're making such a good point. You're a wise person. I mean, why did we not have the opportunity that we have today 16 years ago 20 years ago. So you son of a gun out there better take advantage of it never being this good before right. It really is something and you're right. I mean even back when I started MySpace was still kicking. Still had a little life left in it. And you know, Facebook was on the come up. You know, that was where all the older folks were on Facebook. It's kind of like a boomer hangout. Yeah, it's still kind of it. You know, I don't think the boomer generation has made it over to the other places yet but they're gonna comment and their Obi and they're buying people you think that they are buying off TikTok? You think they ain't buying off Instagram? Crazy they are buying is going out of style. So, I mean, we've got a potential now just a few months ago, I mean, the economy was going crazy. Now we're on the verge of a potential recession. I mean, who knows where things are going. How were you feeling about that? Now that you're in a different situation? Then you were? You know, with the factory and so forth. How are you viewing? Are you even paying attention to things like that? What do you think, okay, by going over the next year, where's the world going over the next year? What's your perspective?

Nichole: I really tried to avoid news as much as possible, some as unavoidable. You know, there's not a whole lot of great stuff happening. 

David Sharpe: So that's the last 60 seconds. They usually air some sort of positive news, Nicole now don't be so negative.

Nichole: Now, if we're heading straight into a recession like I feel like we are in we're going there. Now it's all built on Sunday bitches are going it just gives me all the more reason to know that I made the best choice and why everybody should learn how to create multiple streams of passive income. There's never been a better time than now. 


Dave:  2008 2009 just kind of happened. It's coming online and I don't remember there being any sort of nobody's buying online. I mean, people were buying online, just like the world for the big thing that happened over the last couple of years, you know, I mean, yes, would we ever have all the haulers and all this? Would they have ever imagined that it would have been like that? So, you know, we say recession that doesn't mean that everybody's going to stop buying people's behaviors are likely going to shift but I remember in the 2008 through 2010, whatever when the kind of housing economy collapsed, and everybody was in a massive recession, everybody was losing their and I was just getting clean. I was like, I kind of like I kind of rose up from like a pile of ashes. Like, my life sucks. I'm trying to get clean now. Everybody's in a recession. I just lost my house. And I never had a house you know? But now I do. Yeah, so I'm not going to change anything that I'm doing. You know what I mean? I'm not gonna change anything that I'm doing. I'm not I'm not we're not doing anything different here at legendary, because people are going to be buying in. It's already been proven people are going to be they might you know, traffic might slow down a little bit or sales might take a little bit of a dip. But get in the game long term. Don't compete like the month last month when you start and then this month and act like you've been doing it for 20 years. I mean, those of you who are just getting into this and this year if we have a little recession or a big recession, whatever. Understand that the traffic that leads to sales, they're going to fluctuate. They're just going to fluctuate and then it's important to your long term growth your year over year, month, over month or year over year, not your day over day. You know, sometimes we get to like micro on this and we want to. I'm not getting any, any sales in the last two days or whatever. Well, I can remember when I, you know, days and days and days where I didn't get any sales and I was getting sales I had started to get sales. That doesn't mean that you're in a recession. It just means that you know, people these are real human beings and I think sometimes we forget about that. And if you're looking at human beings like and I'm saying this is for anybody who's new and listening, like if you're looking at this business with an entitlement of a commission. What you're really doing is you're looking at people like a piece of meat and like they're just a $1 sign and not thinking that it's an actual human being on the other side who is not going to give you shit unless you give them something else. It doesn't matter recession or not, you're not going to win. You know, whether it's recession or not over the next year to whatever as the global economy expands and contracts like it's done for the last 100 years. It's important that we all stay consistent. Because what happens and this is what I did I started this wake up legendary show. We were doing it but Matt and I forgot he probably was like you should go live and I was like, did it and it was Ben Bosco. Excuse me, but in March 2020 of March, I was just like, No, yeah, let's do this. Let's do this. Let's go live every day. All right, well, we'll do it. And, man I'm telling you like we acted at the beginning of the last big world event. We acted. That's the definition of to do if you think the world or the economy or the marketplace is about to do some contract. You don't contract with it, you write when others are fearful and greedy. That's what Warren Buffett says and when others are greedy be fearful, right be concerned. Right. So as other this is a part this is how an entrepreneur wins. This is how you win in a market. If anybody is wondering what to do over the next year, expand as others are contracting because they're getting fearful. They're afraid they're scared. They're looking for leadership, they're looking for direction, they're looking for hope. And if you're there and can give that to them along with something that's solid, some educational plan. You're gonna crush it throughout this next year. But if you contract and get fearful along with everybody else, sorry. The world doesn't owe you anything. The world doesn't owe you anything either. You know what I mean? If that's what you try to do, and I'm talking to myself, I'm talking to everybody out there. I love this because I get to see things every day that remind me of the truth. And the truth shall set us free in our business. The truth shall set us free. We believe a lot of untruth or half truths about what creates success but as you've outlined today, very, very powerful in the few little nuggets that I've thrown into the real secrets are the real these are the secrets that you that you're willing to pay the big bucks for from Sadhguru or Goblin, but we just gave them to you for free. So use the call. Thanks for coming on and come back and see us any final thoughts or final words I want to share your ticket account with everybody as well so they can go and connect with you hustle with 30

Nichole: Alliance magazine by the way, nickname alright birdie, since I was born. I would just really encourage anybody who may be struggling to get back inside of your why get back inside of the uncomfortable space that drove you to make the decision to start affiliate marketing. We are used to feeling weak and vulnerable when we're in pain or uncomfortable and that can't be further from the truth. There is power there, strength there is grit and determination inside of that pain point inside of that uncomfortable space and to use it you have to take a step back and do it again. Do it again. Your followers, I have a very slow moving slow growing tic tac a few months ago that really hurt my feelings. Now I see that I have effectively narrowed down my target audience. And there's 3000 People not numbers, not followers. People are where I was a few months ago, and they're just waiting to take a leap. Keep posting, give them a reason to know, like and trust you and when they're ready. They will come back to you, keep going and back to their education. We're a powerhouse, powerhouse.

Dave: I hope you don't have to go back to the factory again. I know you won't if you don't want to know you know you your your spirit in your information, your wisdom and your ability to be able to now share with others because you've done the work Nicole is incredibly unbelievable, and you deserve and I'd like to just give you the utmost permission even beyond what you've given yourself already. To go out there and speak with unbelievable conviction and confidence. Because I don't care how much money you've made. If you were out there marketing, make money online or education. I would not care how much money you make, because you are a global leader. In your speech nothing but the truth. And I can tell that you've done the work by the thing that you're saying so seriously, you are a badass. So come back and see if you'd be willing for us. We'll get to the second round first and then we'll do a third if you're not sick of me yet. Absolutely. I'll talk to you later. Talk to you later. Bye. Thank you. All right, my friends. Hi, Matt. You're going to join us. We got Matt and we got Nicole on the show now. I didn't add myself but I don't know. Morning. Oh, how are you doing? We're actually wrapping up now. So get the hell out of here. All right, Nicole, I'm not gonna go out of here. All right, my friends. I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go do some real work now. That I'm all fired up. This was we're at work, that's Papa Don. Viewing right in the viewing speaking and if you ain't filming you a word, right man oh man. Oh wow. Just got to marinate when we put her tick tock link up there. This was a powerful, powerful, powerful episode worth a read. And I'm telling you right here right now if you're listening to this, and you need a reminder keep this one on in your play deck. You know what I mean? Keep this one on your saved playlist. Because the things that she talked about, about how she progressed to the beginning of her journey and how she chose to view things to empower herself, versus disempower ourselves was just absolutely breathtaking, masterful, and amazing. And every interviewer on every show is wonderful, but I thought that one about the mindset piece and how she just there's a lot of gold in there. All right, my friends in there make her do something. Yes, please rewatch my boy. please rewatch as equals these rewatchs are so powerful. Such gold nuggets. Theresa. Thanks for being Gail. Thanks for being on Maurice. Thanks for being here. Sarah. Good to see you, bro. Spiros. Ruth, Ruth, good to see you. Tammy. I see you too. Nice to see you too. All right, my friends all right, Brian. Man, Kevin. Good talk, Teresa. All right. We'll see you're getting that edge your education will not fail you will not fail you in neither will your mindset you have inside you what it takes to be successful.

How To Build Your Affiliate Marketing Side Hustle

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave:  Well, this morning, my friends, we have a personal trainer named David. And no, it's not for me to get fitness tips. Okay? I know some of you are looking at dad bod lately thinking, okay, I get it. We’ve got a personal trainer on and he's gonna let everybody kind of watch as he gets some coaching. Well, I'm always open to coaching friends, but this morning, we're going to hear how this personal trainer has learned from us. As usual I'm the one who's learning from a personal trainer. But it's a real honor to have a personal trainer learning from us. And I'm extremely curious to see what she's doing with everything. So, Morgan, you're really live now. Welcome to the show.

Morgan: Hello. Thank you for having me here.

Dave: Where are you calling in from?

Morgan: I'm from Pennsylvania. Okay,

Dave: Okay. Well, PA in the house, I was just up there. I, my wife, wanted to go to the city that the office was filmed in?

Morgan: Scranton?

Dave: Yes. It wasn't really filmed there. It wasn't really filmed in Scranton, just for any office fans out there. But they did take the intro. Just a couple of pieces of footage just for the intro. Did you know that?

Morgan: I did not know that. I watched The Office quite a bit, but I did not know that.

Dave: You thought it was filled with the right film right there?

Morgan: I honestly didn't know where it was filmed.

Dave: Nice. So what would lead a personal trainer online to legendary? And what were you looking for? And did you find it?

Morgan: So the big thing with being a personal trainer is if you're not training like 24/7, you're not really making a great amount of income. So for me, I really enjoy training people. And it's something that kind of is a hobby of mine, like it's fun to see them get results and see them progress with the things that you're putting them through just from my personal experience with my own progress. That's what got me into training, I wanted to help people see progress that I was able to also see for myself. But being in the field for like four or five years, I just realized that the amount of income that you get from it is not very sustainable, unless you're literally at the gym 24/7 training people back to back to back. And it's just exhausting. And you have no life outside of it, basically. So I was just looking for other career paths, other streams of income, other streams of just ways to be able to have more, I guess, financial stability, and still be raining on the side. And I had come across, honestly a bunch of different tech talks around affiliate marketing, and had or just like different online income streams. And then someone was talking about a 15 day business challenge. And I was like, You know what, let me just take it, see where it goes, see what happens. And honestly, like, what I learned in 15 days, just helped me to realize like, this is something that I can be passionate about. And I've had family and friends telling me like this is the most passionate, and most like excited you seem about doing something with your life with this. So like, I'm only 20 to figure it out. Just put that out there. So I'm still pretty young. And like there's obviously lots of things that I can figure out and need to figure out and do. But the fact that like, this is something that I'm passionate about, and it makes me excited. And I've started seeing progress with affiliate marketing and like doing online business stuff, like that's just how I got started with it and how I came across it. I can get a birdie and ramble.

Dave:  I can tell you you got nothing on me. So I love that I love the fact that you are that you. You went into training, but the grass wasn't particularly greener on that side. You know, and I think that's what so many of us realize when we're young, you're 22 Oh my gosh. I mean, my wife had a similar experience to her as a college student. You know, she picked a career in social work. It's like yeah, very fulfilling work, but doesn't really get the bills paid. And so similar, very similar, just a different industry. So it Is that message at all? What are you? How many people do you think are going through that same thing? I mean, how many of your of your of your friends how many people, young people in America right now do you think are waking up to the fact that maybe this traditional path that everybody's going on, maybe there's another option to that, and maybe some of the options might even be better for me than this whole go to college and do the traditional thing. Talk to us a little bit about what is the chatter going on amongst young people?

Morgan: Yeah, so I have honestly had people reach out to me even that, like, I went to high school with asking, like, what the heck is that you're even doing because, like, I went to college, I picked this career, and I got thrown out of college into nothing. I didn't have the courage or like, they didn't like the, I guess, degree that they went to school for. So yeah, like the people who are have reached out to me, even people that I don't know, that are my age are like, Hey, I'm trying to figure out like, I don't really want to go to college, I don't want to I know I don't want to sit in a desk for the rest of my life for 40 hours a week. But like, what are you doing, and there's just like, it's a different world now. And I've also had people who are older than me, like, a lot older than me, like in their 60s 70s. Like saying, this is stuff that like when we were younger, we talked about, like, I wonder what types of jobs or what types of things, years and years from now are going to be available that people don't even have to like, go to specific for or go and get a degree for but they can be successful and even more successful than people maybe that have certain degrees in different areas.

Dave: Yeah, I mean, I was the complete and total life loser. I was the ultimate high school dropout. It's all carrying over into adulthood. For me, you know, 2018 was my toughest year. You know, that's, you know, I can imagine what might be thinking about if I was a college student who had my head on straight, and I was actually, I was actually looking at what was available out there in the world to come in to at 24 got clean, went out on the corruption site, and I was like, this sucks. This is hot, you know? I mean, I was like, I gotta get out of here. You know, I mean, I was looking at my dad, I was looking at how hard he worked. And I was like, wow, this is, this is a lot. And I was able to do this. Thankfully, you know, I was able to build a business and build a message even around a lot of my struggles. That's why I always talk about turning my mess into a message. But for somebody who's coming out who has essentially. I think for many college students nowadays, it's not like they have similar pressure on them as I did. But it's but it's but it's, it's just a different. It's a whole different pressure. And as you said, you got thrown out, I would assume you mean you were talking metaphorically, like you just graduated college, and then you kind of felt like you were dumped on your butt? Like, is that what you mean? Is that what you mean by that comment?

Morgan: Yeah, that's what I meant, in general, for like people that I've talked to who have gone to college, I actually didn't go to college, Well, I guess it wouldn't be considered technically college. But I went into a sports medicine Academy to learn personal training, and like, different muscles and anatomy and all kinds of stuff, the personal training and then like nutritional dietitian guidance, so it was college, but not really. But yeah, essentially, like, you learn. You're just like, Okay, go figure it out. If you like.

Dave: Yeah, it's, it's, you know, it's interesting. I, I look at a lot of personal trainers who are also in the gym, and I think, and I've had personal trainers who have trained me, you know, over the years, and I think to myself, like kind of secretly, like, I think, how do you could be making so much more money if you knew what I knew. But I'm not there to educate people. You know what I mean? I don't sit there and try to impart my wisdom on everybody. But man, I've had a lot of trainers who over the years I think, you know, you could at least be in it takes work. I don't want to act like creating online content for online isn't work. I mean, it is work. It does take extra time to be able to do that. But I just know that the online fitness information space where you're selling meal plans and you're selling workout routines in I mean, there's even there's Even we all always joke about, you know, how only fans are a huge, you know, income opportunity for people nowadays? Well guess what, there's a lot of trainers who have only fans and Patreon and various different things like that, like they put their workout routines behind the paywall, and you pay a subscription, you pay $10- $20- $100 a month to have access to these things. So you know, Morgan, there's more than one way nowadays, to skin a cat and in everybody, not everybody, but so many people look at legendary when they haven't yet come in from the outside and they go, Oh, they're just teaching, you know, that must be an MLM, or they're just teaching how to promote Lagenaria. It's like, well, we can tell that you haven't been trained up when you say things like that you sort of open your mouth, and you remove all of our curiosity about how much you know. But my but but also, there's so many different places you can take the skills have you I know you're doing some affiliate marketing, I think in the make money online niche, what other ideas? What other things? Have you either already done it? Or can you see that it is possible to monetize? What you know, your information, or what somebody else knows, you know, through these core, four ways that we teach to sell information, courses, coaching events, or being an affiliate? There's so many different niches there's so many different products? Have you seen that? And does that excite you knowing that you're like holy smokes, I can do this digitally?

Morgan: Yeah, definitely, I haven't done too much in the field of personal training online type of stuff, just because honestly, there's like legal non conforming gyms when you work there. So I still take clients, sometimes just sporadically, because I enjoy training and I enjoy like, and I've built relationships with my clients, like some of the habits I had for a while. So a lot of times what happens with that is it can get very muddied with, like going from being an in person personal trainer to online, because if the gym finds out about it, there can be a lot of issues with that. Yeah, I understand that, though too much into that realm of things. But as far as being able to monetize, do a whole bunch of different things, even one thing that I've recently started to do and just started to look into and get like a plan in place for is people. Like, even if you're just telling them basic knowledge about something like they will pay to learn it, if they're truly serious about learning it. And they're serious about learning from you, someone who's been successful. So like, I am promoting or like guests, creating content around like the make money online niche, and, like, I have so many people reaching out to me that it's almost like I don't even have the time anymore to respond to everybody in depth and like, truly give them the amount of information that they're wanting. And like I want to be able to do that. But it almost feels like there's not enough time in my life to be able to put as much attention into it. So I've actually started to piece together and plan out a way for people to schedule a call with me. And if they're truly serious about naming, then they'll pay the 10 bucks that I'm going to charge to learn the startup and learn how they can progress and get started with making money online. And I'm offering it as this will take precedence over the DMS not to say still respond to my direct messages. But if you're really wanting to learn and you want to basically skip the line, then schedule one of these calls with me and I'll hop first and foremost before anybody else. And the DMS will come later and you'll have to direct messages. 

Dave: I love that. And it's a problem. Problem. You know, it's so interesting, you know, we always we think that we think that like getting rights and making money or whatever, like we're gonna get to a certain point it's gonna like our problems are gonna go away, but it's like, look, I mean, even six new problems look, I mean, you're you're having a hard time keeping up with everybody. It's just, it's We had a gentleman last week bill on military man. And he said, Look, gentlemen, it's when they're my challenges and some of you just haven't learned to love your challenges enough. You haven't learned to love your challenges. And what I just heard was you take a challenge that you had, and what a beautiful challenge to have. What a beautiful thing it's like when you start to find ourselves complaining about and having too many leads. We know we need an attitude adjustment but That's just you know, it's very easy for us to complain about things we get into these moments, like, but what you did was, you found a solution for it, you found a solution or you didn't let the comments and the messages overwhelm you from TikTok. You said, Hey, how can I qualify people more, because that's ultimately what we need to do when we have become the hunted, which is what we promise to teach you how to do. We can't promise to teach you how to know how to become a millionaire, that's an income claim, you can't legally promise it. But I can promise that I will teach you how to come to hunt rather than the hunter. And what you just said, right, there was that exact reality that manifested, you went from Hunter, hunted, right? You went, now you're being hunted by people. And once we get to a place to where we're being hunted, our job becomes different, we now have to qualify people who are going to use our time, because I don't want to be responding or on calls with people or, or even responding to DMS or comments that people who are not qualified to care serious buyers who are not, who are just trolls, right. The job now, as a marketer, as somebody, even in society, we qualify people, which means that we give people small task assignments, or, or choices like you did, here's $10, if you want to talk to pay the $10. And very quickly out of 100 people, you realize who the serious ones are, and it's gonna be two to five people. And at first, you're gonna go, oh, man, oh, where's where's the 100? Right, but what you are at first, you're going to feel attendance, you're going to feel an internal poll, to want to go back into a mess with all 100 people, right? That's why nobody wants to niche down, because we're afraid that we're going to leave people out. But when we're talking to everybody, you're talking to nobody. So instead, what you just did was you, you gave yourself a professional, but you gave yourself and your time, that the respect that it deserves by qualifying those people like you did. And now, those three to five conversations are probably going to take up more time than you even planned before. Right? So it's not like you're not going to have to invest, what these are the people that want to buy. They just, they got a question or something. And now guess what you do two days later, or the next day, you do the same thing. And that's how you build a business is you actually funnel people in, you make it very easy for them to just hit a Like button, that's the top of the funnel where it's easy to come in. Okay. Then as the funnel gets smaller and smaller, we make it more difficult or we qualify them more, so they don't waste our time. And that's what I think a lot of our marketers here in our community have not, you know, it takes a while to realize that, that I have to, at a certain point, start worrying about people wasting my time. Would you speak to that? I mean, there's gotta be a reason what I just said has to be whether it was you mapped it out in your head with exactly the same words or thoughts. But was it about you for respecting your time and also respecting your time as well? And what was this all about qualifying people better? So you didn't talk to time wasters? Is what I just went over relevant to the process that you've taken? Did I explain that? Well, in terms of the thought process that you had?

Morgan: Yeah, definitely. 100%. And like, it was basically taken out of my brain and put into words, because honestly, I was sitting down talking with my dad about just like, all this stuff that I'm doing. And I was like, so excited that I had all these leads, and like all these people that I was getting to talk to, and hopefully help out. And he said something that sparked this idea in my head about, like, I always knew time, my time is valuable, and like people that are serious will pay for your time to learn from you. But I was just like, so excited about getting started with it. And I was like, Oh, I have all these people and maybe all these people will, like, invest in something or be a buyer or whatever. But my dad was like, okay, great that you have all those leads, and I don't want to put it down or on it. But like, Are these people actually going to end up buying or are they just wasting your time? And I was like, that's a very good point. And like he is a business owner as well. So he has a lot of  experience and knows those things like if people want something from his business, he's not just gonna go meet with them for free and give them all this information like you have to pay to get stuff from someone's business. And that's just how it is. And so, yeah, what you said is like, literally, from my brain to words on why.

Dave: Glad I'm in alignment with your dad. So I want to give you the next step, right, because the next step is doing those group kinds of calls. So, right, because your time eventually is going to run out. And this is what I love to talk about people that are taking action, we can coach you, if you haven't done anything, there's not much we can do, right? We see the people in the comments. And, you know, I do have compassion for those of you who are not able to get started or you're feeling skeptical, or you're frustrated or whatever. But folks, listen, remember, this is entrepreneur school, this is not employee school. Okay? This is not, I'm not the CEO of Walmart, and we're not going to and I'm just listening, hear me out. I know, this is tough talk. I know, this is what you expect from your employer or whatever. But remember, I'm not your employer, I'm not your boss, you hired me to be a coach. And what I'm here to tell all of you who are listening is that this is going to be hard. It's going to be things that you didn't expect, if you're if you're frustrated, or it is it is I talked about this on the decade in a day, the other day, this is for all the people who actually are investing in their training, going and going through the blueprints, and learning how to do this stuff, learning how to set things up. Right, I said on the deck in the day, the other day, I said, initiative is greater than entitlement, right? Entitlement is what I had as an employee, you know, I expected certain things from my employer, I expected, you know, that if I was, if I showed up on time, I was gonna get paid. Well, as the business owner, I can show up on time, every single day, come and see my chair. And if I expect you to buy from me, I'm gonna be very broken. But as I take the initiative to provide value, I take the initiative to try, you know, we have a lot of people who say, Well, I'm I'm failing, or it was a scam or whatever. And they didn't even do anything they didn't even try. Didn't even try. You know, I went to many people who owned the blueprint, we had a mastermind, and there were a bunch of people sitting in the room and some didn't know where to start, didn't know what to do. And I pulled up the business blueprint. And I know that the exact questions that they had, they were answered in exact modules right there on the page. You know, and that's where the initiative is greater than entitlement, you know, to take the initiative. Also, I've got a question. Okay. Let me take the initiative to try to solve the problem. What skills are examples of things, Morgan, that you're doing? That maybe, for example, is a test, like you don't don't know how it's going to work, or you didn't know how it was going to go. And you were this close to not doing it. But you went ahead and did it anyways, and realized that there was no really even no blood, sweat or tears involved in it, it was just a small mental hurdle, or even maybe a large mental hurdle that you had to overcome. Talk to us a little bit about your initiative versus entitlement and how that might apply to your journey so far. 

Morgan: So there's a couple things honestly, that I could, like, relate to that and, and put towards an answer for that question. But I know right at the beginning, when I was first trying to like, get everything set up, I was trying to figure out what I wanted to promote, what I wanted to do, how I wanted to grow it. I knew I wasn't necessarily wanting to go with paid advertisements in the beginning, because I just did, like the financial risk of it just like, so much in it not working. So I was like, Okay, well, we're just gonna have to go organic, and run with it and see what happens. And in the beginning, honestly, I've had a lot of experience in social media, I used to do YouTube and like, through that really pretty well when I was a lot younger and like I had a lot of knowledge and research done on algorithms, social media, how it grows different platforms and everything. But in the beginning of everything, you have to just keep going and being consistent with it. And there were days where like, nothing would blow up or nothing would get views or comments or any type of engagement. I'm like, Okay, well maybe this is just not like the niche that I should promote in or maybe this isn't for me or maybe it's not good But then you collect yourself and you realize, and just from what I've learned is like, you're starting out with a new account, you have to just keep posting and being consistent, because it's not like, your account has been there for years, and it's flooded different areas of the platform. So that's just something that I've learned that the more you post, the more you're consistent, the more you stay true to what you have that gut feeling of like, this is what I want to do. And I'm going to make it work no matter what, then like, just keep pausing to allow yourself to get embedded into the platform, basically. Because if I post one video, and I don't post again, because didn't blow up, well, I'm not gonna go anywhere, because we're gonna see my face again, like, I might get 200 people that see a video of mine, and they see my face, and then they never see anything again, because that one didn't perform well. And I just gave up. So I think that answers the question a little bit.

Dave: But well, you can't, can't get anywhere unless you are actively working in your business and doing every day. And I hope you don't mind that I do this. But I was going to try to protect your information there. I've got your account pulled up. Can you see this? I'm hiding your sensitive information there. But June, look at as I go through, these are just simply your logins to our bathroom. Okay, and you've got your business up and running, look at this folks, every single day.I mean, we don't have to get into every single one of these login attempts, what you're doing, but my point here is, is that you are engaged, you are like engaged, you're not, you know, disappearing off for weeks on end, or I mean, you're looking back into our back office every day to either watch some sort of training to check some sort of, you know, statistic or something. And you're from what the evidence shows, plus you've invested in your education, you've bought the blueprints, you've done all the things you're taking advice from your dad, like you're sharing humbly with your with your with your dad. So somehow you're finding a way to communicate humbly and asking for support. I mean, I see so many people every day with all sorts of different levels, or all sorts of different levels of participation. What's your viewpoint on if you're going to be successful with this? What is it going to take like from the day to day, as well as the long term commitment? Like how do you see it? What are you saying to yourself right now? 

Morgan: Well, I am someone who is like a very big planner. And I found that it can be good and bad, especially with this because you can plan for something, especially in the online realm. And it can completely just crash and burn and your plan just goes in the trash. And you have to then figure it out, you have to solve the problem that didn't necessarily go to plan. And you have to then create new steps and like, it's just consistency with everything. And like knowing that for me knowing that, even if it didn't go crazy or blow up in the very beginning, as long as I continue learning, and I'm continuing to research how things grow because platforms, especially tick tock I've been learning will change their algorithm. Like you never know, they could change it every week, they could change it every day, they could leave the algorithm going for a month, like it literally is always changing. And so if you are stuck in a year ago of how tic tock was a year ago, and you're not up to date with how it's working now or what's being pushed now, there's always a way that no matter what your niche is or what you're deciding to create, there's always a way for it to be able to blow up and be promoted from the platform itself. You just figure it out and research it and learn it. So I guess like my best focus is like just learning and staying up to date with what's working And, like realizing that and taking either mental note or physical note, I'm a big note taker, and I like to write things down and see it in front of me of like, what hasn't hasn't worked for me. And so all the DMS and everything, yeah, it worked for me for a while. But now, I have literally like, probably three or four hard scrolls down my DMs to get to the bottom of the amount of people that I've talked to, and honestly, probably a fourth of them is that have actually taken action and started to learn what and what I've told them. So a lot of it was, even though I'm excited, and I'm happy to help people, because I truly am, like, someone who just wants to be able to help as many people as possible. That's why I got into personal training, but it is a waste of time, especially if you're putting all that time into it. And then like, No, that's okay. Just like they don't respond to you, or they're not taking to heart what you're really teaching them that could change their life. And so just learning from that, and learning, okay, well, now I have 10 times the amount of people that I had in the beginning, and yet it's still exciting, but it takes a lot of time, and I need to put some more value to my time. So just from your own experience and others.

Dave: One of my favorite things to do is design my business and design my life. And I never thought that was possible. But today, my life is exactly what I want it to be every minute spent doing exactly what I want to do, and who I want to do it with. And that takes some time to get there. But it all but it really is about what you just sit designing my life in designing my business. And a lot of us don't realize that we have that freedom when we start this that if something's not working, we can change it in design and it works for us, you know, here's a really simple example. Well, I've got kids and another job. So I do this from 8pm to 930 every night. That's a very simple example of how you're designing your time, you're designing your schedule. There's so many more ways, so many creative ways. And one of the reasons why I love marketing so much is because I'm constantly on a mission to try to see if I can do something easier. Or if I can do something simpler. Or if I can get a bigger result with less effort. I'm constant because I've already discovered the big life secret, that money is not attached to time. That's the big secret I discovered several years ago that a lot of people still believe that an honest day's work for an honest day's pay. Bill really actually believes that that's how the world works. It's not how the world works. That's how you're, that's how somebody taught you that their world works. But that's not how the world sees the world works in ways that a billion are seldom going up another billion 24 hours, or 3 billion, or five or 10 billion. I can make $100,000 in a day, more from the internet than I have. Right? I can also make $10 a day if I choose to not take the initiative, ask the questions. How can I work better? And Morgan? What I see is just what I see. Folks will run into the first challenge that you know, say it's like setting up the funnel builder or something just lay down just lay down and just say I can't get through this I'm just and I don't believe that they're lazy people I believe that they're bad people but what are you telling people out there? Who because this is not just in Legendary? I have a family member who's a coordinator with a university and they provide the education and so forth in the students behave the same way there. So it's not legendary, not online programs, human beings behave the same way no matter what sort of, you know, thing they're going or or doing. It's hard for humans to just follow through with things and not to so what are you what are you? What sort of things are you saying to people that are not shaming because I don't want to shame people. I want to teach people but we got to shake them a little bit and we got to let them realize and give them some straight talk and say ain't your boss I ain't your mama in this is a different game in your gob. 

Morgan: Yeah a lot of people I feel like just aren't necessarily like with the mindset of problem solving or figuring out something on their own. And like that's not to their fault. Or maybe they don't even realize that's how your mindset was wired. It's just a way that people are raised or how they grow up, and their different life experiences literally molded and shaped how they act, how they respond to things. It's literally how their mindset is wired. And it's not to say like, their, the way they were raised was to the fault of their parents, or the guardian, or however they grew up. But like, our mindset can change. We just have to, it's almost like, I like to be very blunt. And I think about like, has like blinders on. And they just can't even see, their mindset is one way and they could be so much better off if it were a different way. But it's like us and I was just shaking them. Like if we shake them, maybe those blinders will just fall off. And they'll be able to see like, oh my gosh, I've been living in this state of almost hypnosis to the mindset that I've had my whole life. And it's time to like, hello, Oh, snap out of your hypnosis. And like to change that mindset and just do a complete 180 and go the opposite direction. And like, I've been fortunate enough to have parents that have taught me like, problem solve, like figure it out. And like not that they didn't help me with things, but like that was there helping me and showing me how to problem solve how to Okay, you want to go buy that new toy at 10 years? Well go clean up some rocks from outside, and I'll pay you this much. So you can go buy that toy. So like little things of like, okay figured out how can I get this toy? Okay, well, I need to make 10 bucks so that I can go buy this toy. Even growing up having that little tiny teaching moment ingrained in you. And like I said, I'm so fortunate to be able to have that. I know that a lot of them haven't been able to have that. And that's not to their fault. Now being able to have those blinders off real quick. Let me figure it out. And let me solve that problem. It's just, it's a whole mindset thing. And I know that's talked a lot about within, like the training and everything legendary, which was just a reminder for me whenever I went through it all, but it's all in your mindset. And it's all just being able to problem solve and figure it out. I wasn't honestly 100% certain about starting to build a funnel, or an email list. When I first started, I was like, this crazy. And I was like, okay, but I don't know, I did the blueprints. And I know within the blueprints somewhere and the deck was in a day, I remember they showed me how to set it up. So I'm just gonna go back, take a little bit of extra time, rewatch, and even, I honestly had the decade and a day replay on one side of my screen and my funnel ready to get set up on the other side of my screen. And I would play, I would watch a step, I would pause and I would apply it. And then I would play again, pause, take the step and apply it and like you just have to figure out how to follow steps and problem solve. And like that's really it can work in anything in life.

Dave: Yeah, it really can. And there are no rules about how you learn and how you apply. I also think sometimes maybe we don't want to cheat or whatever. And it's like, there's no cheating, there's no, there's no rules. You know, there's a lot of people who I see come into our groups or wherever they ask, like, should I reply to people's comments, should I What should I do if they liked my post, and it's like, there are no rules, our education is is is is clear, specific, except in certain areas where we where we purposefully leave it sort of ambiguous because we have to have a little flexibility in you entrepreneurs and marketers have to have the You can't be so rigid. I Had a mentor of mine when I was young, just getting clean, said Dave, and he was trying to help me stay clean from heroin on a funnel. He said, Dave, you have a rigid person who is brittle, they flake, they break. You got to be flexible, buddy. You got to be able to adjust if you find yourself in a situation that's uncomfortable. You can't freeze up and go into analysis paralysis and do anything because guess what, you're probably going to have a needle in your arm here in the next hour. That was what he was telling me. If you are flexible, you have to if you're in a place that's uncomfortable that you're at you got to pick up the phone, Hey, I gotta go to the bathroom. I need to remain, you know, to where I can move I think and the same is true. I got to be able to go through us Section, I'm setting up my funnel or something like that, I need to not let it dominate and become rigid, but I gotta stay flexible knowing that, hey, there's no rules. And I can get this if I ask or if I keep trying, or if I rewatch it, or if I walk away for 20 minutes and come back, all these little simple self care tools are really helpful. That's why we try to talk about them a lot. But also, the, the, you know, the, the, the mindset is so important around this, because, you know, if I let something throw me off, and in, turn me into a spiral of self criticism, then where am I going to end up, I'm going to end up thinking, like the world was on Taiwan, I'm on top. And I found that the number one thing that can help us be successful outside of marketing skills is confidence, self esteem, confidence, because people believe you more when you say what you say confidently, that's where the word con man came from. I mean, because all these con men from back in the years were coming forward, they were they were so confident, they would open up their, their, you know, their, their jackets, and they'd have all the wares or they'd be doing the card tricks and you run into them in big cities, people were super confident on the side of the street doing these little things, but you get your ass took if you're not careful, right? So we have to use our powers for good, right? We have to use our powers for good, because people will live to us if we're confident people will listen to us if we're, you know, if we're direct. And so to believe that those skill sets working on that, in the beginning, overcoming your challenges and building up your mindset is actually more important than getting good at all the skills, because those are things you can learn any, anytime. Those are not particularly going to take you out. This will though do you agree with that? Morgan?

Morgan: Yeah, definitely.

Dave: So amazing. Last question. I only see about seven or 8000 followers on your Tik Tok? Do you have to have a massive following to start getting traffic leads and actually start to establish your business?

Morgan: Well, from my experience, not at all, either.

Dave: I mean, man, like like 10s of 1000s, hundreds of 1000s. I think that's how people define mass, if not, five to 10,000?

Morgan: No, definitely not. And I've had a lot of people even ask me that question like, Okay, I want to get started with this great, I don't have a lot of followers gonna be able to see success. And the number one thing that I tell them is what literally helps people grow on social media, maybe not so much on tick tock, because it's just about being good at both quality and quantity. But in general, on social media, your quality, and like your ability to push out quality content and quality responses to people will take precedence over the quantity of it. So I just tell that to people, it's all about quality over quantity. So if you have like, maybe 1000 followers, it doesn't matter. Because if you're creating that quality content, and teaching people like or quality will generate quality back to you. Because if you have 100,000 followers, well, maybe they just followed you because you had one video randomly blow up. But you have maybe 50,000 people that aren't serious quality leads contacting you and your time with them. But you could have 50 quality leads for people that are truly serious about learning. And then that's 50 people that are actually wanting to buy into that learning or buy into whatever you're promoting, versus just wasting your time on his 100,000 that aren't quality leads. So honestly, from what I've learned, I don't have 10s of 1000s. And I'm slowly growing there, but I found even in my times, I'm like, Oh my gosh, it's not growing fast. I want to grow faster, it's not so much about growing fast and about a huge amount of following because at the end of the day, if you are growing a little bit slower, what I found is you're creating a community that trusts you and that are actually staying there with you to learn from you. And so that smaller amount, that smaller community, will continue to grow and you'll get more and more people but it's okay if it's a little slower because you're creating quality first and establishing that good quality foundation. 

Dave: That's true. That is so true. There was a concept or maybe worse or something but it was a good theory. And I think it proved the point. Several years ago, there was a thing called 1000 raving fans, you can build it there was somebody who's who is talking about that a lot. And I tend to believe that I tend to believe that you can you can build a business with less than that with with a couple of 100 dozen raising raving fans. You know, I think we put too much value on vanity, I think we put too much value on numbers, how big are they? My followers are not? Followers are not. You know, we start to just again criticize and compare ourselves to others, instead of leaning in and focusing on those people who are listening. And that's one of the things that I agree with Gary Vee about? He's been saying this for over a decade, even if you got one person on even if you got one subscriber, right, you got one person who's listening, give everything that person, because how do you do it for that one person is how you're going to do it for that 1000 people in that 100,000 people. And I see a lot of people who think that, you know, well, I'm going to do it a certain way. Now we've got 500 followers, I have followers, and then when I have 100,000 followers, then I'll be somebody different. Like that's not how it works. You become the content creator and marketer that has 100,000 followers before you have that 100,000 followers, you act as if you already have that, and you deliver content as if 100,000 People are watching it, if that's what you want. And I see every comment that comes through. He disagrees when I say I think it's that your mindset is more important than your skills. Well, here's the good news is go out and create results and come back and be a guest on the show. And you can have the limelight and you can tell us how it is. Right now, though, based on 10s of 1000s of students that I've worked with over the past over 10 years. I see people's mindset taking them out every day all day, if any one of you inclusion isn't careful about your mindset, don't you want to just like it's taken me out before, we gotta be real careful about how cocky we are about what we think or believe is true and right about this business, because capitalism has a way of knocking us right off of our pedestal. But, you know, I, I really, I really hope that everybody hears this one thing and anything else today is that quality versus quantity, not. But I love how you said it. Morgan is the if I've got one or two followers, to give them everything that I got, let me give them everything that I got, instead of the 10. Or, or thinking that I need 10,000 or 20,000 Before I can really show up and I can really give everybody the best. That is a lie that we tell ourselves. That is bullshit, right? And it never that is the fantasy, you know, success at its best. We have to somehow figure out a way to begin to become a successful entrepreneur, in our mind, before we actually become physically, because we attract like, like you said, what we put out there into the world, we put out quality content, we are going to attract quality responses in quality people. But if we're putting out crap, we're only focused on and that's a hard pill to swallow. Morgan, that people say, Well, my TikToks are not taking our contents, not taking it off, take it off, we'll just say it sucks and it needs to get better. And that's okay. That's okay. It's like we're so afraid to suck at the beginning. It's like it's okay just to suck. It's okay for your content just to suck and not be good at the beginning. And we need to give ourselves permission while training our brain to become successful entrepreneurs, meaning that we sort of begin to act as if we're already successful. And that's a different thing, right? Because we're managing reality and we're managing what we want to happen, i.e. our vision. That's what this is called, that I'm speaking, called your vision. And if you're not out there every day speaking your vision confidently not arrogantly. But confidently. It doesn't matter if you have 100,000 followers. Probably not going to take much action because they're already sniffling. You sound or seem skeptical about what you're doing. Double whammy They're gone. So we have to pull up about that quality in what do you need to feel confident? Well, each one of us needs to be a little different to feel confident. Some of you need to have every single piece of information and perfect before you can sound confident. Well, that is a recipe for failure. So if that's you begin to work on that perfectionism. Others are a little bit more flexible, willing to kind of take and put some things out there. And then there's others who are maybe like Morgan, who are a little bit more flexible and a lot more willing to try new things. And that's okay. Just need to get ourselves some form of stability. Where we realize that I gotta put out quality stuff. Regardless of the response that I get, I need to begin to cast my vision, believing vision, actually begin to speak my vision, because guess what, if I don't believe what I'm saying, nobody else is going to believe it either. And that's the tightrope that we as new entrepreneurs walk and that's why I say it's a mindset thing. Because I have worked with broken funnels, I've worked with shitty funnels, horrible bridge pages, landing pages, that's hardly said anything at all over the past decade. But as long as the content that I said, spoke, taught, educated or entertained people with previous knowledge of getting it, as long as that content was on point, and created enough curiosity or value, they would win to the funnel, and they would go through the process. But if that content is at the end, that's why affiliate marketers or our original ads are so important, because that's the first touch, that's the first thing they see or hear. That's why you as an affiliate, it's your, your the first thing they see or learn out there about a particular product, but more importantly, what if they've already seen that before it is your attitude and energy? It's going to stop them as they're scrolling? Right? That confidence or something that you say something that's quality that you put out, versus all the other lackluster content out there? You believe what I believe it's actually easy to succeed out there, Morgan, because mobile phones are willing to do the work. I do.

Morgan: I mean, I certainly wouldn’t say easy, but it's achievable. Your whole mindset thing I know, we just keep relaying that over. But that is literally the number one thing from what I learned. I can also just speak for anybody that is also a perfectionist and like, isn't like to their true nature isn't very flexible time. And I truly am someone who has been a perfectionist likes plans and doesn't like when plans change or like I wasn't asked. But I learned along the way and for years of just growing up and like I'm 22. And I don't have like all of these years under my belt yet. But I've learned to be able to turn off that perfectionist button, a light switch basically and just be able to be flexible, like I've had to force myself to be flexible. And to realize that my level or my view of perfectionism isn't going to be the same as everybody else's. So I could put out a video that I'm like, oh, not every single millisecond of it is exactly perfect the way that I want it to be in my eyes. But to almost everybody else, it could look like an extremely amazing quality, good, perfect piece of content, because they're not looking at those little miniscule things that I'm noticing. It goes back to the same I tell my clients to in personal training, you are your own worst critic. You're the one that sees your body every single day. And so the little tiny things that you're picking out that you don't like or that you want to change. Someone else sees it and likes it and I have to tell myself that too. There's days where I'm like about my body or I hate this about my progress in something but like no one else sees it. It's just me so you're your own worst critic, no matter what it is that you're criticizing about yourself.

Dave: You know, one thing that I've started to do over the years as I've really kind of learned about how hard I've been on myself and how hard others have been on me to in life in certain periods of my life is really really try to be gentle with myself, you know really really gentle with myself because I think our biggest when we talk about mindset, and I absolutely continue will will go to my grave with your mindset being the most important and most difficult thing. Come. You know, I've talked about the mechanics and the dynamics here for nearly a decade. And in this industry, everybody thinks that what you have to have what they need is the mechanics, it's like, well show me how to set up a funnel. I just need somebody to sit down with me and, you know, help me point and click step by step. And there's somebody watching this right now. That's exactly what I need. And it's like, that's, that's available, we can email us and we'll do that for you. Drew is one of our marketing coaches, and you can email him Juru at legendary marketer.com. And he'll get on for a small fee or a reasonable fee and help you set things up. But also, what I encourage you to do is learn how to set it up yourself. You know, I'd love to sell your coaching and I mean, I we could sell coaching all day long here, you know, and we do we just prefer to push people into our video programs, because then they gotta learn how to do it themselves, you know, and everybody thinks they need the mechanics until they are face to face with those dynamics, meaning that mindset and all your limiting beliefs. Your mindset can get you through city set up funnels and learning new skills, but your skills can now be overcome by a broken mindset. It can't do it. I've seen wildly skilled people who I mean, they can overcome their limiting beliefs or their addictions, you know, they self sabotage. So this mindset piece is the big piece of the iceberg that we don't see. And nobody talks about it. It's one of the reasons why we talk about it so much. The reasons why I challenged let me show everybody this because I also want to shout this gentleman out. Troy Troy award over the weekend was inside of our legendary business blueprints group. And he said about giving up on click funnels and going to LeBron and other sites. I have been trying for three days, set up an account and can't get past the second page HIT button to make payment and says I didn't fill in the username and first step. Go back and it's always there. I have attempted at least 10 times the last three days and can never get a hold of customer support ideas, please. Now, simply trying to bike funnels, he's not even inside setting it up yet. He's just trying to buy it. And something is wrong. I know what it is. But what I do know is that we refer people to click funnels every day, here at legendary by the hundreds, they've got 100,000 customers, they're good at converting sales. So I had a feeling that it could be on the side. And this is a mindset about to give up. Okay, there's no sizzle. In this. This is a mindset thing about difference. Remember, this is a legendary business blueprints member too so I took it upon myself to come in here and talk to Troy. Roy never heard of a person not being able to sit down and buy ClickFunnels, they have over 100,000 active clients and we send clients every day who sign up with all due respect. If I were you, I would at least consider the fact that I might be on your end instead of running away from problem solving. Don't complain about it. Don't tell anyone how hard it is, just figure it out as long as it takes until you win. Not Click Funnels or anyone else. Don't give up and don't complain publicly until you win. Then go tell everyone how you overcame the challenge and how you can help them overcome it too. Because that's what entrepreneurship is all about. That's how you make money online or move on to the next one. The next one, I believe in you and that you say this right? And he came back he said wow, man appreciate the pep talk. It's a mini meeting with the owner of a multimillion dollar company to reach out for advice and encouragement. Thank you for showing me if legendary, you know, average Be Legendary and I just said look, I'm no different than you are someone who believed in me. I'm simply passing that on and thankfully getting paid for. But here's what's most important. The next day, he comes back in and he posts in our business blueprint regroup. A small relapse, and this afternoon went back into making excuses for something that wasn't for me instead of putting my head down and powering through with resolve that I can overcome that obstacle. Dave reached out with encouragement and belief in me to get my head right and back in the game. Nowhere else where you get support like that. It's just punctuation for me that markers of progress Um, they've allowed me to achieve F ledge F average. So why did I share that with y'all? We'll wrap up here in just a minute. And we'll let Morgan go as well. But I thought that was important and also wanted to shout out. Because Charlie was right in a certain scenario that many of us are in every single day where we're having some challenge, and we're about to give up. About to give up here. The cold, hard truth that nobody's told you before, is nobody really gives him worlds a cold place, the world is going to move on and they're going to buy from CES, nobody's going to come and rescue you. Nobody's going to usually urge you even, I can't encourage everybody. But when I see something like that, I'll come in, and I'll take time to respond if I can. And for me, that is the greatest gift that somebody can give an option is just to believe in them. It's just to encourage them. And that Troy and not not a skill thing, he probably is a skilled, professional or tradesman, I would think he's probably done a lot of things in his life that he's good at and skillful at. The mindset thing, and you always know, it's a mindset thing, when somebody says, I'm about to give up. It's fine. What do you tell me? Just give up? Right? I mean, a lot of us, we come and save us, and we want to be the victim. So we're always like, I'm about to give up. Because we, when we do that, usually people come running. But we got to stop doing that. Stop doing this wrong, people are coming to run, try jumping into enroll in a program, where I gave them some real talk and responded to it. He could have just as easily Morgan and you know, this too, you've probably come and confronted clients, he probably could feel a bomb out of here. But he took that in. And that's what this is all about. And you know, thank you this morning. I know I ran on those examples and so forth. But things were shedding light on that morning, Morgan and reminding us how important it is to, you know, stay mentally sharp and strong and work out our mindset as much as we work out our physical body. Yeah, yeah. And the final word goes to you, what would you like to leave people with this morning.

Morgan:  I'd honestly like to just say that, that whole thing of your mindset and working out your body working out everything goes all back to why I named my, basically my business wealth beyond boundaries. Wealth is in so many different areas. And if you're just focused on wealth in the financial aspect of what the world has created wealth to look like, then yeah, you might get a new one. But you could be really suffering physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, in every aspect, except for that financial and like finances, won't. Everything. Yeah, they can buy a bunch of stuff and everything. But you have to work on those other things, as well as your actual wealth to be thriving and be successful and just be living truly the way that I live. in all areas, being healthy and strong, and just living wealthy in every aspect of your life.

Dave: Yeah, yeah, it's interesting. I agree. So often, we go to do just not physical fitness, but we, you know, we neglect all those other parts of the emotional, the mental, and even the spiritual side of coming on Morgan, tell your pops up and come back and see us for round two, if you would. Yeah. Thanks. So all right. We'll talk to you later. My friend. Wow, you know, it never is. You know, it never is. It never surprises me. It never is. I'm always in constant awe of the people who are in this community. And no, one of you is mean to this community. And I know that this is a little bit sometimes can get a little bit rough around the edges with things that I say and it may feel like it's coming across in a way that I don't care or way that I hope it does. Because for each one of you, I want nothing but the most success and the most happiness. When I meet you all on the offensive. Can you tell me about, I mean, you know, a lot of you have become my friends. And I've tried so many different things over the years, you know, to try to encourage and empower others. And I think just sometimes now in my old age or older age, I just, you know, I just shoot it a lot more direct. And so if you're if you're new on this show, and you're just kind of listening in and tuning in to some of the things I say, and we say every morning, like before, I did just take it in, just sit with it for a minute, the way that I look at things to decide whether I need, just like, I need to gently ball that right down on the table and not eat. Or I need to really take a look at it. If it does a little bit. If it does move my stuff on my gut a little bit, or makes me angry. Sometimes I need to take a look at that. Because I know that I haven't had a whole lot of people in my life, who have been willing to look me in the eye and tell me the truth, even when it was uncomfortable, even when it was ugly, even when it didn't even when it made the Messer bad. And so I also feel like I'm at a place in my career, where I'm okay, just give it to you. How I think that it is and if you like it cool, chill, stay. Let's grow if you want peace. There's so many gurus and goblins out there. We can all find exactly what we're looking for. What we're looking for here is not average. It's Legendary. We'll see you back here tomorrow. 

How to Grow A Huge Following On TikTok

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave:  What's going on my friends? It's your boy Dave. Good morning. It's Friday So what is going on today, my friend, I'll tell you what's going on today is we have an introverted stay at home mom, who gains 90 to 5000 followers in three months. That's what we got. Kayla, welcome to the show. We are live now.

Kayla: Happy Friday!

Dave: Came on and I and I and I and I scared the living crap out of it. I was like, we're alive and she was like, and I was like, No, we're not actually live yet. But we got 35 people so far. Yeah. Hi. Welcome on. So what's up? How did you like what you were looking for? Tell us a little bit about your story and where do you live and why did you want to come join us in this crazy world of internet marketing and all that good stuff?

Kayla: Um, well, I'm in Missouri, and I became a stay at home mom at 19. And I knew that I didn't want to send them to public school or to daycare or anything, so I'm like if we ever need to get that extra income it's gonna have to come from me. So I don't know. I searched for a long time. The only thing I could ever really find was direct sales. And I knew I wasn't gonna go from house to house because that's kind of what that was back then. And then in 2015 I was invited to a Facebook makeup group party thing and I found out that she was in direct sales. I was like, Oh, well, this is perfect. I can't find it so I don't find it and I wear makeup so this is silly. And I found a health and wellness company that kind of did the same thing. So I'm like, Okay, well, I'll just go from this company, to this company. And I made a few sales there too. And I actually was doing okay, but then I didn't know about self sabotage, I guess and I quit and I was like, Oh, well, this company's doing this too. So I'm just from there. I just kind of went from MLM to MLM. Never really doing anything. And so I'm like, okay, MLM is not for me. I have to figure out something else. I found Amazon FBA and I did that. I did pretty well with it. But then I was getting a bunch of customers sending products back for silly reasons. I couldn't resell them. And then I was getting a bunch of I think it was IPA claims or something from companies. So I'm like, This is too much. I'm not going to do this. I'm barely even breaking even so I went on YouTube and tried to find something again. I did find affiliate marketing, but it was confusing and I didn't really understand it. The email stuff and funnels. I'm like this. I don't understand that at all. And I found Etsy print on demand and again, I did good with it. I got sales, but you know, after you make a sale on Etsy, then I had to pay this. And then I didn't get paid until they educated me. So I didn't like the transaction, that transaction. It was too much and then I was rolling on TikTok one day, and I found somebody talking about the, you know, 15 day challenge. And so I signed up for it. And I took the course and this was in August, I think of last year. And I took it and I was like, oh, again, the email funnel thing that's too much I don't get it. So I was like, let's try.

Kayla: So I did. I don't know why I did it. This is silly. Why am I doing this? I don't want to send hundreds of cold messages to people today. I don't want to do this. And I was talking to my husband in March, I thought of this year and I was like I've gotta quit MLM once and for all this is not for me. And I'm like, You know what? I took that $7 course last year. Let's do it. And I didn't retake it. I was just like, if I think about it too much if I take the course again, I'm just going to quit on myself. Again. So I made a TikTok and I just did it. And now I'm finally going back through the course again. And that's probably to hear

Dave:  Oh, holy crap. That's incredible. That's incredible. I love it. I love it. So you know, it's funny because I was . I'm just reading and working on a copy of our, you know, of our sales, our video sales letter that sells the challenge and kind of all that stuff. And it's hilarious. I was just I was it was looking at this, this part where it's like, where it's like Shopify Amazon pitching load pitching lotions, potions and pills to your Facebook friends for your latest MLM or Bitcoin Ponzi scheme agency consultant, this that Amazon's shot up right I wonder if you remember that part in the in the sales video in I just wrote man this guy's got me pegged. I was the same way though. You know what I mean? Like I, I'm able to write that and talk about that and I think Brittany probably says I feel like she's just my autobiography. Oh my god for me too, though. Like, like, I am Hey, let me tell you something. Folks. If you're listening to this show, we will never ask you for money we will never like on the show via direct message. Do like for real stop responding to these people, you know who are messaging you stop giving people money over you know random stop buying coaching from scammers just we won't message you and ever ask you for money. I don't own any bitcoin so I will never ask you to get into cryptocurrency just FYI. Okay, so um so yeah, I'm that sort of biz op junkie and I can say that because I was an actual junkie at one time. But but but you know, I was a biz op junkie man. I was an MLM junkie as well. And I think it's just like, I don't think there's anything there's nothing wrong with it. It just shows that you're really hungry and like you really like you're made for entrepreneurship in my opinion. Brittany, if that's your autobiography, then maybe you really want to be an entrepreneur. You know what I mean? And don't stop, don't quit before the miracle happens. Every entrepreneur's journey is one of massive rejection, massive failure at first, massive hopelessness even that's what life is about. And I don't think we want to. I don't think we want to talk about that as much as the struggle but life is oftentimes about that, that beginning struggle, like when you're learning to walk, like you say, you're a mom. Remember when your kids were, you know, they struggled with everything, you know, we struggle with everything, but then we get it, you know, and then we live the rest of our lives and don't remember the struggle. So I really can relate to that. And I think a lot of people can, whether it's Amazon, the UFC, or the UFC, the UFC is another thing we had to print on demand. That's another one that I guess is pretty popular lately and just the print on demand in general, right, you know, like the, the selling the T shirts, but what was your What did you think when you started going through the train and look like if you're selling just nothing but low ticket stuff, you're not going to have enough profit there to actually ever build any real kind of riches or wealth like it's you might make some extra money but you're not going to do that click with you like what is your going through the challenge and go into the training about this information and in this business model that we teach here, which is more premium price selling information, courses, coaching and events or being an affiliate. Click what light bulbs went off and you're like, wow, that's this is so much better or smarter or whatever. Then MLM or then low ticket product selling?

Kayla: I did like that. I don't have to really spend that much time really even setting it up. I know what you have on demand. It takes a while to kind of do the designing and all that and whenever you do sell one I think I profited. Like four to $5. And so I'd have to sell a lot of those to even equal just the one 1000 sales that I have had here. So I just really liked that a lot. It's a lot less work and a lot more profit.

Dave: It is less work for more profit. That's true. I don't I don't have a problem with that statement. I gotta be careful because I can't make it seem like the spokesperson like this takes no work. It does take work. It takes hard work, but it when you compare it to, which is what you just did. You compare it to the other things out there. Both the setup but also how about the marketing, the chasing friends and family in that is so painful. It was so painful for me to do that and I just didn't know any other. I got into Network Marketing, which is MLM or direct sales as you called it. I realized there was a lot of networking they were telling me to do, but they weren't teaching me anything about marketing. And so I was you know, I was going around like it was 1915 and our business cards and putting signs in my yard. And even in 2009 or so when I got started it felt outdated then it had to have felt outdated to you now, in recent years, right. Plus we just recently had what we had with I don't want to make. I don't want to trigger the algorithm here to block this video. But y'all know what's been going on over the last couple of years. Writing really couldn't be face to face with people you couldn't knock on doors. So how do you view these skills and like a business like this where you can run it from the internet, you don't have to interface with people like just as a mom in terms of safety for your, for your family and in terms of just the you know, the difference of getting out there and prospecting in hunting versus be hunting versus being the hunted and people coming and following you on tick tock how much how much different or better is one than the other.

Kayla: I mean, I like it a lot better because I am really introverted. I don't really like talking, talking on the phone. So it's like a miracle that I'm even doing this right now. So I don't know I like it better, a lot better because like I said, I don't like talking to people that much. So it's a lot easier for me to really second, like really think about doing this but I'm like you know if I don't do it, if I don't get out of my comfort zone. I'm never going to be able to better myself. My business online and stuff like that. So yeah, I figured you could do it.

Dave: I mean, even if it's just for education, I just don't like it when people are like researching and doing their research about spending $7. I wonder if they research that much before they go get a coffee for a new coffee. Then usually we just walk in. It's just the information whether you use some of it, use all of it. It just amazes me that we're so hesitant as people to buy something for $7 Especially that so many people are talking about and it has to be good there's you know, people are still Why do you think we're so skeptical is because we've been burned in life. Why are people so skeptical? Is it because they just do it because they don't trust themselves? Like is it because we've done so many things in the past but like, what have you found that's helping people to be a little bit more comfortable listening to you and in following your recommendations and actually buying into your links and stuff? How are you dealing with people's skepticism? You know, I guess overcoming it or helping them overcome it? 

Kayla: Well I do just tell them to ever message me on instagram if they ever have any questions so I feel like maybe just being personable with them maybe helps. But I do have a lot of hate as well. So I just try to ignore it as much as possible. But yeah, I do have people like saying, Oh, you're a scammer and stuff like that. But, I mean, I know I'm not so but I do have a lot of accounts already pretending to be me. So that's also kind of hard right? Now trying to get those kinds of cancellations but TikTok doesn't care.

Dave: You're a rock star. I mean, look at that. You've got you've got people who are creating accounts, you know, sometimes our problems, you know, we get into the business and then we're like, I can't believe this, but it sounds like a pretty good problem to have. I mean honestly it looks like you know, people are really making moves out there. You are making waves if people are trying to, you know, trying to be you, you know it poses you because you have influence out there on TikTok and stuff you had said something a second ago. What was it that I wanted to comment on? Maybe the well I talked about somebody had asked the question about how do you go live on tick tock as an introvert. How do you get in front of the camera? How have you been calm? I mean, I don't think being an introvert is bad. I'm an introvert. I just get extroverted when I need to be, but I actually prefer to be alone and prefer to recharge and rest up on my own. So how have you overcome any if there was any I don't know. Maybe there wasn't any sort of shyness or anxiety or anything that you had coming up in you. That maybe was from your feelings of introvertness or whatever. How have you overcome those? How have you overcome that to go live? To shoot videos? What do you tell yourself? Just what does that process look like?

Kayla: Well, this is the first time I've ever been live. So I I've over thought it like the last two weeks, like okay, what am I going to say I practice like talking I'm like when I'm even nobody's going to ask me. I am used to just doing tic TOCs where if I mess up, just delete and restart. So I don't know I have always really kind of liked making videos. So that kind of came a little bit easy to me, but again, I don't like it, delete it and do it again.

Kayla: So overcoming this I just kind of I don't know just did it.

Dave: So you've not even gone live a single time on Tik Tok and you've got 92,000 followers on TikTok. Yeah. Unbelievable. Absolutely. Unbelievable. What do you think that is? Due to what you know, what do you think ? Did you have videos that went viral? What is the large follower count from?

Kayla: I'm probably just sharing as much value as I can. But I do think a lot of them have come from one video which has four million views. So I think that is where most of them have

Dave: It was nice. But you're consistently followed. You're consistently putting out something of value every day multiple times a day and you're, you're you're not what I get what I get. The sense is that you're not just trying to go viral. Like that's, that's what it sounds like. Could you talk a little bit about your mindset around that even though you have had a video go viral? And how do you deal with that guy? Again? Like what's your mindset around the long term? Or what are specific things that you're doing? Do you try to create videos to go viral? Like, well, what's your mindset around creating content?

Kayla: Well, I am just trying to share value, but I'm also trying to figure out how I can kind of stand out and be just a little bit different than everybody else out there. So trying to kind of be more myself, just kind of like, odd and weird, and just sharing my story of hiring my husband because that is something that I want to do so at the very top of my very first video that I have pinned, it says follow my journey. So I'm just trying to kind of be different and have something for people to kind of follow along with and see if I can do it. Retire my husband so

Dave: Well, I think that is an incredible story. And you know what, it's interesting because I could really just pull it out of thin air. It's just a goal. And I'm not saying you're not serious about it, but it's a wonderful thing that you can just you can talk about and man if you all don't have something that you can talk about, like that of why you're doing it. And I'd really, really invite you to consider it because Kayla, that is such a powerful, kind of, kind of, it's sort of like the video of my dad where I bought him the truck. Have you ever seen that?

Kayla: I'm not sure

Dave: Man, you must not remember that sales video because it's right in the it's right in the sales it was so long ago. Remember you got started then you joined a few MLM since then. But you know, that is like people. People want to follow and support somebody who's on a bigger mission. Somebody who's doing the mission to retire your husband is such a powerful mission and it's something that as a fellow married person, and as a fellow human being who has loved ones, I can really connect with that. I can really connect with that. And so, man, that is a powerful focal point for your content. I love it. And I would personally say just sure there's probably a lot of things that you can do. And you will figure it out. As you as you know as you test things, but I would focus more on just honing that story in and honing that why in and then practicing, you know, how do I communicate that in the most powerful way to people? And that's what really storytelling is all about. It's like how do I tell this journey that I've been on for the past couple of years, like wanting to retire my husband wanting to be a successful stay at home? Mom but I got pulled in all these different directions and joined MLM after MLM and now I finally discovered something that's moving the needle and I could feel it. I'm so close to that breakthrough of being able to, to actually realistically have a chance to retire my husband. I love that message. And I just hope that you'll continue toward that main focal point of your of your kind of whole entire business because and it's just something that everybody can, can can can connect with whether they want to retire their husband, their wife whether they want to, you know, buy, buy something for their for their for their mother or father, you know what I mean or take care of somebody who took care of them. It's such a powerful storyline. Whereas if your goal is to make money for yourself in a bigger house or something like that, like that's not really a powerful storyline that people want to get that people will rally around, you know what I mean? So, that's why it's not it's just it's such a it's such a that video that I have given my dad that truck is probably a piece of content that I've got, like the most feedback on, you know what I mean? Because people identify with that, you know, it's something that's like a real dream for people. People know, that's what life is about. Like they're like, life is about like That's good stuff. Whereas you know if you and I were out there on there and it was just like Man, I'm really trying to get this Lamborghini man this thing is going to just crush it when I you know, people are like whatever. So awesome. Awesome. What else are you talking about that's working really well, what other things have or what's not working well? I mean, I always love to hear stories of things that you tested that didn't work out so well. But, what else can we learn from you? Um, I don't think I'm consistent.

Kayla: Don't overthink things. Don't compare yourself to people. That's kind of where I feel like I always messed up before was comparing myself overthinking everything. Not staying consistent. This is the longest I've ever stayed consistent with anything. And even now, I even kind of took a little bit of time off when my brother came to visit and so I didn't really do anything at that time. But I just got back into it and stayed cool.

Dave:  Do you know your passion? Do you know Are you aware of when you start to have a feeling or have something come up that kind of triggers that sort of that destructiveness? Or is there a certain story that happens that you begin to kind of tell yourself or a certain anxiety that happens that you think Oh, I gotta have more money or something? I gotta, you know, is there something that you have identified that happens that gets you started down? Like a distraction on to something else? 

Kayla: I know I have seen like other people. They're like, Oh, I made you know, this many 1000 a month, my second month, and I'm like, Oh, well, I didn't make that much my second month, so maybe I'm doing something wrong. Maybe I should move on to something else. Or like no I gotta just stay consistent. Everybody has a different story. Everybody has different results. And I know that if I actually stay consistent with something, then they finally work and do what I want it to do.

Dave: And also, also, you don't know if they're telling the truth. That too, that's the other thing. I mean, you don't know the whole truth. Sometimes they might even show you a screenshot but you don't know that they really spent a bunch of money on advertising. This is why we have to be so careful who we listen to. This is a great example. And this is a great moment to talk about this and um, I just want to talk to everybody because I feel like you. You brought this up, you know this thank you for that. But, my friends, we are too gullible. You know, we're too gullible is what it is. We're naive or gullible. I am an entrepreneur, I'm a business, I'm a business opportunity seeker so I see opportunity and everything. If I walk in and see something going on, and they're not it's not a business I'm what you could turn this into a business. I mean, that's just how we think. And the problem is, is that we're so motivated and positive and gullible that we get on social media we get in that email inbox and it's thing after thing marketing pitches from savvy marketers, and we get sucked right in. We got to stop being so gullible, you know, and I do too. That's that. I mean, we call a spade a spade. We can't, we can't, you know, we can't BS ourselves about why we get distracted. It's not because other things are better opportunities or we can't make money with this. It's just because we're just distractible and gullible and we haven't built the muscle of focus and we haven't built the muscle of saying no to things, which is your most profitable word you'll ever learn to say. Because the S is not it is not a yes is going to get you a loan, Baroque, and then you're gonna wonder why where everybody went, where is everybody? You know what I mean? I was just, I just had all this money in this amazing life. So, but people will use and abuse us if we do nothing but say yes, you know, oftentimes, even our loved ones, you know, will take advantage of us. So we really have to learn to say no and see through bullshit, because, and that's why it's important to learn marketing so we can ask people questions. Well, how much money did you spend on advertising? Well, is that your gross number? Or is that your net number? Is that the total amount of sales that you made? Or is that the total amount of money that you collected? A lot of different you know, you know, there's ways that people make things seem better than they are. And the truth of the matter is, we have to stop trusting other people, more than we trust ourselves. What comes up for you, as I say some of these things, Kayla.

Kayla: Yeah, a lot of people just try and make things look a lot better than they are telling you hey, you can quit your job in two months by doing that, and definitely need to learn to say no, because obviously you see where Yes, got me it got me from this to this to this within seven different seven years. I made so much and that's what yes got me was a 1000s wasted in MLM companies and nothing to show for it.

Dave: So yeah, yeah. The truth is, and this is the truth to swallow. But this is the truth that we have to come to terms with if we want to be successful at this. Is that all those MLM that you and I were both in? We could have been successful if we had focused on actually finding it if we knew how to market better. But the truth is, you and I were both the same exact way. Okay. Your story is my story. But seriously, I mean, I was in skincare. I was in numismatic coins. I was using cell phone MLMs. I sold everything from lotions, potions, pills, and everything in between. The only thing I haven't sold is the fat wraps and the sex toys. You know what I mean? Haven't haven't sold those. Yeah. Those are great. Those are great. If they work, they're fantastic. I'm just a little skeptical. So, no, no, no, no, no. You know, it's like, we hate to say no, because we don't want to offend people or let others down. But yeah, when you get in and you start a business no is going to become your most profitable word. And it also you know, it also comes in to invest in friends. How is your family you know, how are you navigating family? How are you navigating your husband or anyone else? Who knows you and your story with businesses and how are you approaching talking to them about this or telling them or what do you not tell like how do you integrate your family and for instance, in your business how do those go together or not go together?

Kayla: Well, they have known my back and forth and this of everything, and this time I told my husband I'm like, don't tell anybody. Just let me do my thing. See if I can actually do something. And then after I started making sales, you know he got excited. He's like, can I tell them? I tell them? I'm like, Yeah, sure. You are. Well, my mom thought about it. I think she was a little bit of that. I didn't tell her. But whatever I did, she's like, well, save me money this time. I'm not gonna buy the court

Dave:  No. Want to make sure you got that. So yeah, so yes, yes. Don't tell the family. How many times have I heard that? I'll just show you know, like, sort of like, you know, yeah, I didn't, I didn't, I didn't even tell my spouse. You know, because we had done so many different businesses or whatever. It's funny, but now it's amazing. Isn't it Kayla? How quickly do families become supportive when checks start coming in with all the words that you said? One was as powerful as that to check that commission right. Just to convince people right sometimes you just and I think I think that's powerful. I think that's a powerful mindset that, hey, I'm not going to get into this business and go trying to convince my spouse and even explain myself to everyone as well. Isn't that a lot of energy? What I would recommend everyone do is something that I learned a lot later in my marriage and I wish I would have learned that a lot. A lot sooner, is to really go to my wife with some vulnerability and say formula. I've done a lot of things. But I want to try this as your love and support through this. But I don't want to just tell you to tell me I don't want to just support you. I also want you to tell me how I can make you feel loved and supported as I'm as I'm starting and launching this business. So now suddenly, you're not just and this is the value proposition as marketers and as wealthy people. We have to understand what gets people to take action. How do we influence people, right? Because when we influence people, and we learn these skills, persuasion, we learn how to deliver value, like really stack value, so people can't say no wealth comes you will become wealthy. If you learn the skills that may not be now maybe later, but you will become wealthy. And my wife what I learned was, I can't just take, I can't just ask my wife for something I have to make. What I'm giving her is more value than what I'm asking her for. It's such a tip , it's such simple marketing that I overlooked for so many years in my relationship. And what ended up being more valuable was me just asking my wife how I can make her feel loved and supported. That was massively valuable to her. Instead of just asking her for something, support me and sacrifice something that you're doing so I can build my business. You know, I flipped the script. I said, Hey, I'm gonna be doing some stuff. Certainly have your support. But what I want to make sure I do is while I'm doing this how can I make you feel loved and supported? Just flips the whole script on him and now all of a sudden? You know, I really started connecting with my wife a lot more that way in our lives. In marriages begin to so but yeah, I mean, for anybody who's listening who's having a hard time connecting with their spouse over this. Your spouse is not the enemy. You know, your spouse is the person who's been by my side throughout all this. And they actually deserve to go above and beyond to try to make them feel loved and supported as I continue on this mission of entrepreneurship, which isn't always easy. And that's a little bit different than my initial attitude towards my wife because I was like, You're not supporting me, you're not being and she was like, Yes, I you know, it's a simple question. You know, it's like, I'm asking you for something without giving anything in return. Most people are going to be resistant to that. You know what I mean? Even if it's a loved one, so yeah, cool. So anything comes up for you on that with the family thing or you agree with that or or, I mean, does that have worked really well with your spouse and besides just going and making money?

Kayla: I mean, he's always been supportive. He didn't like spending the money that we spent on all the MLMs. But I just always, since I do stay home, I don't really talk to anybody. So I've just always been kind of trying to connect some sort of purpose to something. I think that's why he's always been there with him and I understand that that's that's yeah, as a stay at home mom, you want that purpose? 

Dave: Right. It's crazy. How a weird society I guess just thought that, you know, that was for almost like, there was a time where we're where society really, really thought that that was nothing. And I can tell you with my wife and person after person that I've talked to me and I'm obviously not a woman. But I get that I understand that like you want to, I get that. I mean that that makes so much sense. And I will know you know, women and even some stay at home dads who have really truly built some significant income and who feel so fulfilled because they are able to contribute and help out in the household. So I know that that is happening for you in a major way. And I'm happy for you and your family for that Kayla, like are really doing a great job, keep it up, stay Legendary and maybe you come back and keep us posted on round two and tell us how you're doing here in a couple of months. Okay, you will and to do that.

Kayla: Practice going live.

Dave: Yes, yes or just come back and do your second live with me. I mean, you seem to be doing okay without going live but absolutely. See that next step. But at the end of the day, you know, I like to do marketing and what I like to do so I just also want to remind people that just because everybody says “go live” Kayla has built up a decent amount of leads.

Kayla: My email list is between 2500 to 3000 something like that.

Dave:  I mean, she's got a 3000 person email list. She's got a 92,000 TikTok follower count if she's never gone live  you know. So I love to prove the status quo people wrong, you know, the people who say that it's gotta be done in the summer there. One of the reasons why here at legendary we leave so much room for that personalization. You know, it's not just one way there's principles that have been true. We teach them in the business blueprints, we teach a lot of them in the challenge. There's principles that have been true for the last 10 years, but the platforms are slightly different and your story is different. So own it and communicate it in a different way. But you know, going on, not only weigh it Sure. Is it a way should you try? It absolutely should. If you try it several times, and you just hate it. You're getting results with something else. And double down on what you're getting results with. And I think that's one of the biggest like most common sense marketing principles that a lot of us overlook, and I see a lot of successful affiliates do this. I've seen people who have made a million dollars in our affiliate program and then stopped what they do. What we're doing, and then just went off and did something else and made any money. I'm serious, like, are actual people who have this happen all the time. So if you're not going to be able to continue what you're doing sense of doing something for a month or a week, find something that works that you can continue to do my friends said and pointed out Kayla, the comparison itis of looking and watching everybody else in believing every word that they say automatically just assume that people are bullshitting. So you don't have to get all up in your head like oh, they must know so I don't know. You know what's working for you. And I assume that other people are lying about their results so you don't go and get sucked off. sucked into some rabbit hole, you know, some real acid anybody here today because it's not always about getting uncomfortable in doing what everybody else is doing. If you have something that's working, it's different. In the long term, it's probably going to be better. Right? So we don't always have to do everything. Should you try it? Yes. Yes. But we don't have to do everything. Find something that's working doubled down on it like a son of a gun. What's an example of doubling down on it? Well, if you had one account you you went live a couple of times you hated it, it you didn't get results from it like you really tried to get better at like yo, this is not the results that this other stuff that I'm doing is getting double down on it, create a second account, create a third account, right? And just posting videos that would be an example of doubling down instead of trying to focus all of his time and energy on something that maybe isn't working and that's not within your skill set or whatever. Double Down. Do more of what's working, focus on email marketing more focus on writing. Focus on the skills and multiplying that across multiple platforms and multiple accounts. Are you repurposing on Facebook reels and Instagram reels and Pinterest as well. And YouTube shorts. Good. Did what I just said make sense? What comes up for you as I say that does that does that is it does that make sense? Is that clear? 

Kayla: I mean, that's what I've always done is just compare, you know, this person is doing this. So that's what I should be doing. So I can do it. But then I do what they're doing and I'm like that I don't want to do this. I don't enjoy this.

Dave: And it doesn't work. For you. It might not work for you. What somebody else is doing might also not work for you. So you know, Kayla, God, I'm saying this. Right and so everybody else who has this issue and we all do in some respect to figure out what works for you have to understand that what works what works for you the exact strategy whether it's just posting videos, not going live maybe going live is the thing that is it for you. Will go on. What do I do every single morning at 10am but it works for me, works for us. It's a content strategy that I enjoy doing. I enjoy it as much or more than the films. It's specific and unique. I'm doing it for our community. I'm doing it for a specific reason. And I'm not worried about a million other things, right? Because what I'm doing works and then I get into a routine and then it becomes a system. And now we've got hundreds of people who expect it to happen every day. Right? You see how powerful it went from 7 million to 20 million from 2020 to 21. And that was the second year that we started doing the live show every single day. So there was also some compounding that needed to happen to really get into momentum with that content strategy. Do what works. For you and assume that other people are bullshitting. And I think that if we really look at other people like those results that you're talking about, you submit a claim and are you getting the full picture or what are you lying by omission? See, for me, we're a big enough company that I can't lie about anything. I have to be able to substantiate every single claim. Anybody asked. Hey, can you tell if the cleaning is real or deceptive? I'd have to answer that. I can, but every Tom Dick and Harry out there will have to do that. Right. They don't have to do that. There's just nobody at all enough. There were they're not on anybody's radar. So you have to be skeptical about these people. You even have to be skeptical about other marketers in our community. Because we're marketers, we market and sell shit. And we have to, especially once you've got started here with legendary when you're going through the training and you're getting things set up. You really have to begin when you start to look at what other people are doing. In kind you start to learn from the community. We have to take things with a grain of salt. You have to watch what people are doing, not what they're saying. You know, because for example, if somebody says, Well, I'm not really doing this for the money, you know, I don't. It's like I've said it before, like, I don't really need the money, but I still like making money. You know what I mean? Like, I like making money. So there's no bullshit there. You know what I mean? There's no bullshit, but there's a lot of bullshit and half truth there. And I've heard that over the years I was a marketer who embellished at one time as well as a young person who thought that I didn't have enough success to be able to actually really have a story worth listening to. And I just realized that my small argument was just hey, I generated two leads yesterday or hey, I got this dog not to bark for five seconds or hey, you know, I got my baby to sleep for an hour last night, whatever niche I'm in or whatever my result is. I've always been in the marketing niche. So hey, I generated two leads yesterday. It's really shared with people. It wasn't that I generated $1,000. Let me show you how to get five leads. Let me show you how to get 10 leads. I started to really just both use my strategies and my personality but also talk about my results and worked in content instead of embellishing or you know, thinking that I needed to have this massive success story, Kayla, your success or lack of success, whatever you think is not good enough and everybody else out there listening is good enough. It's enough. Your income is simply being capped by your creativity, not by the fact that you don't have the content and have the content and you just got to stop bullshitting yourself and others and thinking that it has to be different or better. You just have to learn how to talk out what you're doing and you have in an authentic way, and people will clamor for you. I mean, even if you don't ever retire your husband, no, no, you will. Watching that journey is something that people will clamor for. I remember Sarah Rab she was the same way young young ladies are fat. She became an affiliate for Legendary. She was our fastest ever platinum affiliate but very similar, and had very filming videos. She films videos, kind of quit her grocery store job and wanted to help her boyfriend quit as well and people love that people love that that at home person next door, grind story and nobody you don't have to lie and always assume that other people are embellishing or bullshitting until they absolutely prove you wrong and even if they show you screenshots and all this stuff, remember there was probably cost and there was probably advertising there's probably other things that they're not seeing that other people are bullshitting we can ignore them better, right, Kayla? Yeah, so if we just assume that they're bullshitting, we don't have to put so much weight on everything that they're saying. So anyways, Alright, I'm done ranting and I'll let you go. I know you have kids and family and your business and everything. 29 man, thank you so much. Keep up the good work and come back and see us alright. Well, alright, see you Kayla. All right, my friends go and follow Kayla at hustle with Taylor over on TikTok. She's also repurposing on Instagram, Facebook rails, Pinterest and YouTube so you can find on all those platforms but you can start on tick tock hustle with Kayla, my friends. Today is a fantastic day to make it a defining moment in your life. And if you've been sitting on the Getting Started with a challenge or enrollment make today. What is it? June 3 2022. It's halfway through the year. It's literally halfway through the year, make today a defining moment and use this Friday as a launch pad to launch into the week that has happened and start your week. Powerfully next Monday. You can make that decision and you can take that action today. You don't have to put it off until tomorrow. You can do what you deserve today. Alright so my friends will see on Monday. Get out of here be Legendary. Thank you Kayla again for your one too and we will see you all later. Get out of here. Peace.

TikTok Techniques To Grow Your Online Business

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends this is Dave Sharpe, CEO of legendary marketer and your friendly pilot this morning flying through the friendly skies of the digital marketing world. All right, get your seat belts on. We have a gentleman here. Well, Bill I'm gonna go ahead and bring you in. Welcome to the show, buddy. How are you?

Bill: I'm good. Good morning. Everybody.

Bill: Well, you know what, here's my backstory. So you know, you can probably tell I'm a little bit older. So I'm a little bit far in the game. So I'm part of that generation of, you know, get off my lawn and you're not gonna see me on camera ever. So I spent 23 years in the military after college. Thank you. retired colonel, engineer. And after that, I went into the corporate world working in mining and manufacturing, kind of taking some of the things that I did in the army and applying it in the corporate C suite. And so, I would say probably well, when we went into lockdown in 2022 or 2020, in March, you know, I was strictly working from home in my position and started kind of doing the you know, maybe there's a little bit more I could do on the on the side for me, kind of taking a look at what was going on in the in the economy and kind of working with some of the folks that I did in my company and seeing what was out there as well. And some of the things I could do on the side. And then probably two things and I kind of came across affiliate marketing in that timeframe. And I kind of got into that whole analysis paralysis where it just kept reading and reading and studying, you know, that's the whole engineer and me. And in November of last year, my position was deleted. So I went from being employed for last, you know, almost 30 years to unemployed, and what do I do now? Well, so I had been having, I had been studying the affiliate marketing space, and, you know, I came across Tyler wise, you know, in my readings and whatnot, and he's the one that actually went through to join legendary marketing. So I purchased the program and jumped in probably in mid December, I think it was last year and kind of went through the 15 Day Challenge and jumped into the blueprints as well. The other thing I was doing at the same time as as I was kind of going through some kind of job search and what do I want to do next and kind of really got to that point after studying all that is, I really don't want to go back to the nine five

Dave: How many people do you think have had that realization over the last six to 12 months?

Bill: I would say quite a few. You know, at least most of the family and friends that I talked to about it. They don't want to go back to the office even talking to some of you know, some of my former co-workers who are still there. They're like, I never want to go back to the office. And I'm like, I don't blame you. You know, I personally work better from home than I've found or you know, working on my own. And so I just you know, I continued to work on that but at the same time, talking with some kind of job counselors working on the resume and getting LinkedIn all up to date. You know, the whole standard package, I guess you could call it focus on branding, you know, all that kind of stuff. And in this kind of set. I just decided that hey, I wanted to really start my own gig. So I started my own business consulting. And at the same time, I was jumping into Legendary Marketer as well. So my path is probably a little bit different than many here in the community because basically focusing on starting two businesses at the same time. Yeah. The business consulting is taken off. I mean, I even have my website setup for it. When I signed on with my first client, I've been doing that solidly since the beginning of March. Well at the same time, I'm also getting the marketing off the launch pad as well. And really getting in and getting stuff on TikTok and Instagram and all that kind of stuff. Yeah. So, you know, in that, you know, of course that's the whole mindset of you know, a guy in my position of putting stuff on tick tock you know, I'm watching everybody else my kids on it, and here I am, you know, trying to trying to get myself on on social media like that when I'm always like, I really don't want to be on social media. So, you know, it's been quite a quick road. So trying to do two things simultaneously has been challenging, but it's been a great challenge because it's mine. And I really enjoy it.

Dave: That's really something that's really something. I love that last part. It's a challenge but it's your challenge. And isn't that isn't that special? Isn't that something and why do we why do you why do you feel? Why isn't everybody excited about their own challenge? Do you think Bill I mean, I can see that you're getting in and you're going after it and you're, you're you're both using these skills to build an affiliate business, you're also doing consulting. That's fantastic. You're going after this. And those challenges that are popping up no doubt. It sounds like you're you're you don't love them, but you're grateful for them because they're there. They're your own challenges to help you build your own business. What do you say to people or what do you think we could say to people to get them to see that? Even more, you know, the challenges that you're going to go through are blessings in disguise they're teaching you, giving you valuable experience , making you worth more than you are right now. Because you know, because you're going to know how to navigate them. And that's valuable experience in life that you can package and sell. Just like we teach here. You can package and sell that valuable experience. Right. You have to get some of it. How can I mean, you said something I said something? I think we're making our point here that these challenges are valuable, and they would just say more about the part where you said I'm grateful for the challenges because in their mind I just think our audience could benefit from that.

Bill: Sure. So a couple things. First of all, I think you know, the reason why many people do i mean you know when we kind of talk about you know there's there's the 1% and there's the 99% 1% are going to make that decision to change their lives and 99% don't and I think the 99% is more about fear. Fear of taking that leap. You know, honestly when I when I retired from the military and was looking at you know, what am I going to do next you know, trying to translate, you know, a lot, a lot of my counterparts will turn around and go right back into some sort of defense contracting job or something that, you know, with the military, instead of breaking out of it and doing something else because there's that comfort, right? It's what I know and how do I translate that out into the civilian world? I took the leap. And I think it's, you know, there's that fear portion of, you know, not wanting to kind of, you know, the fear of fear of failure, right. So, so, and I see that a lot when I talk with my counterparts, you know, they're still in or, you know, working, you know, I still live near a military base still. And, you know, they go to work every day and kind of do the same things they did when they were in uniform and I hear the same complaints and I'm like, why don't you change it up? Right? Well, I'm afraid, you know, and, and we were trained to go fight wars and whatnot, you know, and they're kind of ready to jump out of that world. Well, I took that leap. I made that decision to get away from government work and go into the civilian sector. So, I think there's that fear portion, that people don't want to do something on their own. And then the second thing is, you know, in the military, we look at challenges as opportunities. Or at least that's the way I was raised, you know, it's not always a, you know, a pain point. It's an opportunity. You know, we're, we're trained as leaders to go, how do we seize the initiative and move forward? And I look at it as an opportunity. Yeah, there. It's a challenge, but how am I going to overcome that challenge? So that's one of the reasons why I like to own it, it's mine. So that's the reason why I decided I didn't want to go back to the nine to five. I was in hell or high water. I was going to make that difference and make my own business go my way.

Dave: I mean that perspective of I'm gonna own this challenge. This is my challenge. Don't even come over here and try to take it away from me. Because I want the experience I want and I want the self confidence that I'm going to have when I complete and dominate that finish line or that completion point. And a lot of people don't, I would assume that something is the teamwork having each other's backs along with that, that completion, confidence in confidence. Building you experience a lot in the military. I've experienced the same thing though, even though I wasn't in service in entrepreneurship. You know, business is a lot like being careful here. Talking to a military man seems a lot like war, except there's no violence. There's no competition and I would love to take the other one out. And there's all types of strategy and everything else, right? Or there's just ignorance on fire where you just run into wherever you're going and you just hope like hell, whatever you're about to do works out. I don't know Bill, they sound pretty similar to me.

Bill: When he just moved, we call if we don't know what the situation is, it's called a movement to contact you and come up against it. And then you figure it out.

Dave: You move until you contact something, right?

Bill: Yeah, exactly.

Dave: I mean, in what you could contact a bullet in, in entrepreneurship, it seems like the fear that you just described was very real for military men and women. But there's no bullets here, man. There's no There's no, there's no there's I've not seen blood yet. Even though we all say Blood Sweat Tears. I've seen a lot of sweat. I've seen a lot of tears, but I've yet to see a single drop of blood from anybody sitting behind their computer or on their cell phone. You're using the Hey, it's my challenge to overcome your fear. I would invite all of you to come up with a perspective that you can use that will help you overcome your fears. Because I agree with your bill. There's 99 point something percent of people who will live their entire lives in fear and always second guess everything and will never do anything unless they have somebody sitting beside them. You know, some sort of authority figure who is going to tell them that it's okay or or in a tell you that is one way to live life. That is one way to live life. There are a lot of people who live life within those boundaries, right? But I was just reading a quote from I was just reading a quote yesterday from Steve Jobs, man, the late Steve Jobs, all right. And some of you may have seen this or know this, but it was a speech called here's the crazy ones. He said, Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. This is the gentleman who invented the iPhone. The ones who see things differently. They're fond of rules. They have no respect for the status quo. You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can do is ignore them. They change things they invent, they imagine they explore, they create, they inspire. They push the human race forward. Maybe they have to be crazy. How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art or sit in silence and hear a song that's never been written? Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels? We make tools for these kinds of people. While some see them as the crazy ones we see as geniuses, because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. What comes when you hear that?

Bill: I see. See what I was talking about earlier, it's the challenge of opportunity or opportunities of challenge right? You know, we live a very structured life in the military. But you know, when you're in a combat theater, there is no structure because we have a saying the enemy has a vote. So your best laid plans you know, will go to crap on first contact with the enemy, but you need to plan and that's the important thing is to think of how you're going to build your plan. I don't see that any differently than running my own business. You know, whether it be marketing or consulting, right, you know, I've got I had built it and you know, as I've come up against, you know, different challenges. I see them as opportunities to excel. And how do I overcome that? So yes, you have to kind of take a look at bras to talk about that, as you know, you know, think outside of the box. You know, does that put us in a different or larger box? Are we actually outside of the box looking at the big picture?

Dave: Well, I say and I think and believe that. As a business owner, your income is only capped by your creativity, right? So the higher your creativity goes, the higher your income goes. Now creativity consists of the things that you just said, the things that you just described, right? Like trying things, different things, being willing to have a plan, make a plan, and then adjust that plan. Make another plan making you know a pivot, which is exactly what we do every day in life. And there's also what you just described, a military has to do under attack or in war. I think that every I mean, even a football game, even a basketball game I mean when you are out there on the field, you have to adjust to the right business. It is no different. And so creativity, the higher your creativity goes, the higher your income can go and to be creative. It's really just about trying things, it's really just about taking risks. What are some of the things I want to molten clients and what are the techniques that you've used? But you know, I want to know, also, what are some of the examples of things that you've tried that work that you were like, wow, like, holy crap, is there anything like a video that you recorded that you just thought of? And I'll never do anything or you didn't edit it or there have been? Have you seen a pattern of things work out despite you?

Bill:  Well, you know, like I said earlier, you know, kind of like trying to get over that hump of putting stuff on TikTok, if you go back to I mean, I left everything on tick tock that I started out with. I haven't deleted any videos so if you go to like the very first portion of my profile, you can see just how rough they are. Here I am trying it, you know, so, you know and you know, I've looked at a lot of others in our in our community that have already out you know, input there, have been out there for a while so I started looking at their stuff to kind of guide me into know okay, how do I get going with the same right you know, I mean, you can you can look at it how rough that is. So, you know, we talked about I just got to that point where, you know, we talked about how ugly cells are, right?

Dave: Yeah. Thank you for bringing that up. You're right man ugly does sell and as and you ain't talking about face people. So Bill ain't talking about his bug. Okay, even though that's a mug only a mother can love. Same thing right over here. But we ain't talking about how you look as a person we're talking about the page or the in this case, like the thumbnails or whatever. And even the production level nowadays, ugly in low production cells.

Bill: I mean, I've had comments, you know, so a lot of a lot of the feedback I get, you know, is usually in the I'll get a message like, you know, I was in this day and age, you know, you can put out stuff that looks like that with, you know, the tools that are available, etc. And I'm just like, look, this is my genuine self out here. Right? First of all, it's getting over the hump of putting it out there especially you know, at my age so to speak and my place in my life because if you think about it, a lot of the folks in my position are figuring out how to wind down now they've been working you know, in I five or done something else where true or is that just something you? Have you been telling yourself? You know what I mean? Because I just wonder if that's actually true. Like do you have do you have do you have because I actually think the majority of people your age are freaking out are kind of going Oh crap. Like I don't have, I mean, I even know people who thought they were prepared for retirement and now realize that they weren't there looking at the amount of money that they have. I am there. saying to themselves. I actually have to live less because I don't have enough money. So I'm just saying that I think my personal experience is that people are freaking out at your age. They're not, they're not winding down, but that's just my opinion. Yeah, well, let me

Bill: Let me kind of clarify that winding down. Please. You know it's when I say winding down is yes, they're looking for retirement, you know. They've been in the working world for however long you know, in whatever capacity. So the winding down piece is like, you know, how do I get out of the working world? You know,

Dave: So probably not, maybe not pushing themselves as hard as maybe you are to, or getting as uncomfortable as you are, in order to do something that really is actually not harder. But there's just a little bit of uncomfortability here at the beginning. Right, right.


Bill: So that's kind of how I turned to you know, that's kind of my focus is, you know, I want to go into this, you know, this portion of my life, not having to worry. Yeah, and that's, that's that's kind of the message I keep trying to push out whether it be through the social media or my contact with others, because, you know, there's kind of two groups that I'm trying to appeal to, well, first, it's my group, you know, hey, you're trying to wind down and just like you said, you know, we're freaking out because we realized that I mean, my 401 K that I had from my own company took a 23 plus percent hit the last one, right?

Dave: All your retirement is 23%. Last, right. And here's this time that you're supposed to, and this is what I think we're what you were saying and where I think that this is marketing to show it's like society says that we're supposed to be retiring at 65 or whatever. And everybody walks around and acts like, oh, yeah, retirements coming up like this is and everybody believes that. Well, this is supposed to be when I do get to wind down and relax. This is when I should start. And so meant. Lee we're going Oh, okay. retirements going on, but but in our gut, you know, freaking out because and I'm saying I have relatives that are all in this. I have a lot of people who are a bit older than you are, but are in that place where some of them did okay. Some of them did okay for themselves, one of my uncles and aunts owned an insurance agency, but I'll tell you what, even as with an insurance agency, okay, they are not freaking out, but they're, they're not balling. Out here, throwing, wiping their butt with you know, $100 bills over here. They're there. They're there. They're selling V. They're mounting budgeting all this kind of stuff. So, yeah, and people are in the people. We have to know our audience, too. We have to know our audience and the majority of people for all of you who are sitting around on here, and who are thinking, well, there's nobody else out there who's who's kind of who's going to be interested in this message or there's nobody else out there who's the majority of people that we meet that come to our masterminds are a lot of them are our you know, people that are in their 50s 40s 50s and 60s, not people in their 20s 30s and 40s are 20s and 30s. Predominantly, there are some younger people but there's a lot of people who are older, because they realize that they don't have what they need. And so it's crazy, man, it's crazy. It's crazy. Also, when you think you have what you need and then all of a sudden stock markets go down things. I mean, look at this economy. You think anybody really has their nest egg? Do you think anybody's really feeling safe right now, with wars and dictators and pandemics and I mean, we're living in a crazy world and as a military man and survive survivalist not in the form of prepper but just in the form of a new are a man who is trained to survive it's a scary place not particularly because. I mean, if you're a young person who comes and you have plenty of time that it's so far off in the distance that you can, you just won't have to worry about it. anymore. Let me tell you something that time that day, that moment where it is a prop where it is a reality where you are worrying about it is right around the corner, right around the corner. It's a lot, right Bill? Yeah, I would say it's actually

Bill: Right now I'm going to here's why. You know, time is gonna go by faster than you really think. And before you know it, you know when you thought you like you know, I was talking about the whole Alice's promises over the last year and a half you know, don't wait start now and that you know, that's that's kind of how I try to message my you know, my stuff is is such that, you know, I'm trying to, like I said, appeal to the my group as well. Don't wait to start and it's never too late. To start. And then, you know, the younger groups out there like my sons who are, you know, just finished up their second year of college. You know, I've been talking to him about what I do, you know, but don't want to blast them with it, but they've asked questions and they know that going into the nine to five world is gonna have to support them doing additional things. So they see the world as well so that there's that group that you know, you either want to escape toxic nine to five or add something to you  know, increase your assets. So, that's kind of how I tried to set that messaging that, you know, to help you guys out so, you know, it's been a great opportunity for me, and it is for everybody, you just have to get over that fear, jump in and go. 

Dave:  This is a picture of our recent mastermind. We just got the photos back the other day. So, you know, you can see here in the picture, just the diversity of people in this community here at legendary, the age ranges, right. You know, these are the people, these are the folks that we're that we're working next to that we're marketing and communicating out there on the internet. It's real people with real life challenges, real fears, real, you know, real, real things that they've overcome to get here. I mean, people who have stories just like each one of us, you know, and, and they, you know, it's amazing when when you come and you actually look, it's not just, I mean, it's people from all walks of life who all had a similar thought, which is, I want more freedom. I want more. Basically, it's all about freedom. I mean, as a military man, I think that probably would resonate with you. Right? Yeah. But as an entrepreneur, that resonates with me as well. You know, when I speak to each person, regardless of their age, they want, they want more freedom, more freedom, freedom, meaning that I don't want somebody to tell me what to do. I don't want somebody leaning over my back. I don't want to have to answer to somebody for every little thing. I want to have some creative freedom, and I want to be able to make more money so I can spend more, you know, it all boils down to freedom. I want to transition a little bit over to your, your, your consulting client. What techniques did you learn that you use to help you close your consulting client that maybe you could share with people to give them a little bit of a different perspective on how they can use these skills and tools?

Bill: Well, you know, it kind of goes back to you know, one of the things that you say in your introductory video, you know, on our on the sales page or the landing page, right. It's you know, we're always trying to sell something, we're always selling something, and that really kind of clicked with me. You know, as I was looking through that, you know, that initial video that kind of stuck with me, as you know, as I was starting my consultancy, at the same time and so it kind of really helped that kind of clicked me into really focusing on you know, what, what's the message and the value proposition that I'm bringing to, you know, the my consultancy side of things, and you know, because you know how many business consultants are there in the world? There's millions, right? So what you know, what's gonna make me different. So that really drove the messaging portion of you know how I sell myself and then gaining clients. So, so that, you know, from the affiliate marketing side, I researched the market and took a look at, you know, who else was in the space, you know, what I was doing? And then it also helped me kind of work with a lot of folks that were currently in that space, of, you know, kind of jumping in and using that to help set things up. So a lot of the skills that I learned through, you know, even the 15 Day Challenge kind of helped set the foundation for a consultancy. Yeah, and you know, eventually you know, as part of, you know, the tools and the techniques that we have in legendary marketing for, you know, selling a digital product, or, you know, setting that up and selling it, you know, these are things that I was like, wow, these are potential opportunities that I can kind of incorporate into that consultancy going forward. So, a lot of great tools and techniques and I love the fact that it's constantly updated when I look in our back office, like I went back into it, you know, just I think last week to look at something and I was like, oh wait a minute, it's changed. And that's it. That's that's also a you know, let me let me throw out some great advertising, you know, for the program, and this is what I tell everybody, you know, and the reason why I chose legendary marketer is the fact that you guys still do it. It's not just hey, it was on a product, you know, get in, you know, Sally a couple of videos, and, you know, a couple spreadsheets, etc. It's the fact that, you know, you folks still do it. And when it doesn't work, you figure out how to make it work. And then we get the, you know, the benefit of that and I'm using that you know, as I go forward and you know, both the consultancy stuff and and the marketing as well. So, that's the main reason why I went with legendary marketing versus all the other guys out there that are, you know, putting out videos and digital products. You know, these are real people. You know, I don't drive a Lambo. I'm like, I personally don't want it, you know, that. That's not my freedom, you know? So I mean, like, Hey, I rotate built for Lambos. Why buy a $2 automobile that you can't drive faster and 75 miles without a ticket, right. Great your garage. So, I mean, if you want to drive a car fast, go to Germany and drive the autobahn. And then my wife took me to Vegas and we did the track out there where you can drive the Lambos and all that kind of stuff. It was a blast. It was a blast. We liked all the cars that were on the thing and went home and yeah, I've got the opportunity.

Dave: Renting is great. We also love to rent vacation homes. You know, instead of going and buying vacation homes, it's a novel concept. Why the hell do I want houses all over the world when quite frankly, I don't know what the heck's going to happen in that part of the world? I don't, I mean, it could be flooded, it could burn, it could be I mean, seriously. I want my investments to be compact, you know, I want them to be and I would rather be more at this stage. My investing strategy is a little bit different. We should have an entire call on investing strategies because it's, it's, you know, once you start making money, the question is, again, going back to the Cashflow Quadrant with Robert Kiyosaki and his whole thing, you know, how do you really become a true investor and make your money work for you? But again, that's a whole we could go down that rabbit hole I want to say you know, ClickFunnels just sent us this bell because of our number one affiliate status there a click funnels. Congratulations, not as a company. Just just you know, we have affiliates also who are sending you know, who are affiliates of Click Funnels and affiliates of system.io and all these different things, but we are also doing it we are also sending our own traffic, doing our I mean, it's I've been doing this for 12 years in one way shape or form. Affiliate marketing and combining the core four is the only business model that I'll let her run for the rest of my life. I'll never do another business because there's nothing that's easier than this. There's nothing that's simpler than this. There's nothing that's more low overhead business, and there's nothing that I can make a sale for today. I can make a sale today, and I can deliver the training later. They're nothing else except, you know, I can pre launch and say, Hey, we've got these bottles coming out in a month and a lot of people do crowdfunding, right crowdfunding. So yeah, I raised $100,000 from 100 people, and now I gotta take that $100,000 And I have to go make a bunch of crap. And then I have to ship it out to those people and hope they don't get pissed off. They take so long, whereas I can go out to my email list, or I can go out to Facebook and I can run a few $100 worth of ads or whatever and I can host a webinar, or I can go live on Facebook. And I can say I'm doing a training next week where I'm going to show you XYZ it's $37 to get in by now. I'll teach you and I could make 100 sales or make two sales or five sales or 10 sales anybody? You know, I was thinking about going last night. I was thinking about the fact that every single one of us that's I mean in a country that has an economy and has stores where you can buy I'm not talking about people in third world countries, and I am sensitive to people who do not have some of the blessings or a lot of the blessings that we have in America. I am sensitive to that with saying that I am going to now say that everyone, everyone means minus the people I just said everyone has the same opportunity to go out and make money on the internet. Everyone has the same opportunity. And no one can tell me no one can tell me that any type of person makes more money than any type of person. It doesn't matter if you're white, black, Muslim, Christian, old young. It is literally because you can find your target customer and you can find people who will buy from you. You can find them and you know why else it's the playing field. It is low because all it takes is a cell phone and a laptop. Yep. You don't even have to have both really but it's nice to have both. is All it takes is those two little pieces of equipment that if you don't have it get a cell phone and a computer you need it to be a part of this world these days. A laptop and a cell phone now think back on bills. Think back a couple years ago or a couple of decades ago or whatever, and tell me honestly tell me honestly. Did everybody have the same opportunity? Was the playing field leveled? Or has the internet changed the game and are things in your opinion? Is there opportunity? It is what I'm saying. Do you agree with that statement as well? Does this have the internet and these simple business models that we figured out how to do? Have they changed the game and can you honestly look in that camera and say anybody with willingness and resourcefulness can succeed in completely building a life that is totally different than there is right now in a better way. Do you agree?

Bill: I totally agree that if you have a smartphone, you can run your entire business on that smartphone. And you know, case in point, you know, I just got back last night from a week in Maine, on vacation, where I'll tell you what, anybody that knows me knows that the cell phone connection there is rough. Like in my mom's house where we stayed you know, if I was standing on a tippy toe with my arm, you know, up in the air on top of a roof. That's how you get a connection in her house.

I was able to connect, you know, with my systems and everything I needed to do to check. Heck, I even posted a tic tock video right from our deck. Yeah. So it's, it's possible in some of those, you know, those places that you can't mention in the world and believe it or not, there's still kind of activity in parts of the world. You know, where you can reach out and touch the world from, you know, an internet connection. And that's all you need. Yeah, so you know, running it from a phone, you know, an iPad or you know, a tablet or a laptop or both whatever the technology is and connects to the internet. It's way easier now. And I remember when the internet was just taken off. Yeah, yeah. 

Dave: Back when you can go back just for a second. You remember when you joined the military and back when you were a young man, where you're not that you still wouldn't have gone to serve the same way, but just talk to us a little bit about the options, right, how how, how the and I think it was an honorable choice. And again, I'm not insinuating you wouldn't choose it again. I'm just asking where the options are a lot less than they are now. Oh, yeah. Very much. 

Bill: I mean, because I mean, when you think about the expectations back then, you know, we even talk about some of our, you know, our slight females, you know, we were screwed. The whole belief system is, you know, you go to college, you get a job, and then you go out from there, you know, millet the military was a job to some, you know, it's really a profession in my opinion. It's not a nine to five job, it's 20% that you put yourself on the line every day. But you know, to your families in that job, they're a part of that as well as that career. They are everybody's everybody's in it when you're a military, I can imagine.

Bill: So yes, the options I think we're a lot more limited back then. In the sense that the internet was in its infancy you know, back then, and you know, nobody really knew what it was like, if you had a 56k baud modem, you know, you were like, King of the Hill, you know, and but nobody had email anything was still you know, phone calls and, you know, using snail mail or not the whole nine yards. So in today's world, Holy mackerel, you know, gone from, you know, a snail to lightspeed, you know, over the past several years and you can't beat it.

Bill: So, yeah, I would definitely say the options are much better now than they were back then. I mean, because even when I was back then looking at it, you know, just outside of, you know, I go to work. I'm gonna find a corporate job. And then I'm gonna retire. Right. But our entire life yeah, like, it's just that simple.

Dave: And you're just going to, you know, so yeah, yeah, like it's just all going to fall in place. So here you are. This is going to be one of, if not my last question. Here you are. You're a retired military man. You have little experience outside of that. Right. You have a family and you're an eligible intelligent guy well experienced and now you come in and you get on in you run in and across, you know, our content and my video and our president with you know, a you're presented with an opportunity to buy some training and learn from a guy. I'm not a millet, I'm not a veteran. I'm younger than you. I'm ex homeless. I'm a recovering addict, all these kinds of things. What that screams to me is just I don't know humility. I mean, what is your mindset when you're now in this chapter of your life, and when you're going back, you're buying training, you bought our Blueprints, you're going through this training as if you are a young man going through school? I mean, how is your mindset? Can you talk to us a little bit about your mindset around investing in training, then going through that training, learning from people who may not be somebody who you ever imagined you would be working with or learning from? I don't know. Can you just talk to us a little bit about just the mindset you're in now, buying training or investing in a following lead and learning a lot of things all over again, or for the first time at this phase in your life? Yeah.

Bill: So I kind of look at it this way, when I lost my job, it was like, Jesus, I'm starting all over again. What should I do now? So there's an introspection of you know, going forward, but just pack it in now with what I gotta figure it out. Or, you know, go back to what I know the easy part. That's kind of the foundation that I use in my introductory video. You know, on the landing page, it's like, I could start all over again, I could go back to nine to five or I could make the decision or finally just do something for myself. It was kind of like a turning point. You're talking about pivoting. This is a huge pivot. Like I could go back because like if you think about it, did all of this employment No, I use some of my unemployment money every week, you know, to buy the training. You know, I'm still paying the bills and you know, making a house payment. And I'm like, okay, so I can either invest in myself finally, do it myself. Finally, finally. Right. You know, I was invested in everybody else. If you think about it, there was, you know, the United States government or country or, you know, in the corporate world in my last position.

Dave: Or my family and the neighbors family, keeping us safe, right. I mean, that was your that is your that is your job, essentially, right? I mean, in one way, you're keeping your family safe, too, but and I still do that,

Bill: You know, now it's more from a financial standpoint than it is from you know, putting myself on my mind and not letting harm come to our country. Right. So, you know, at this age, the body just doesn't recover quick enough. And you know, the body just does not heal quick enough to get back in the game, so to speak. So it's definitely time to do something different. And so it's like, Okay, now it's time to do something for myself. And like I said, I was researching the snot out of it, and you get to that analysis paralysis. just faking is like, okay, $7 is not a big, big amount of money to get into it. You know, and, you know, I studied some of the others that are in the same space as you are, and I'm like, Oh my god. How do we get past the whole scam and get rich quick and the whole thing and you know, when you said straight up this is not a get rich quick scheme. It's work and I'm okay with work. i It doesn't bother me. Getting rich quickly means you're out of a lot of money and you'll just drop it by the wayside because it's not going to get you where you want to go. Because you're not building anything long term.

Dave: And we have to really be clear about what scam is. I mean, somebody made you a promise for a product or service or something in return for your money, and they did not deliver it and in most cases, they took your money and they disappeared with it. Legendary marketer is an education company, an online school for online marketers. And if you buy the train, and you don't use it or go through it, you don't get scammed. You simply bought something that you didn't use, sort of like when you go to Walmart or wherever or wherever the hell you go and you buy a shirt and you bring it home and you don't wear it. And then six to 12 months later or whatever you give it away to Goodwill because you never wore it. You didn't get scammed. You bought something that you didn't use, and we do that every day. And that personal responsibility is something that's really difficult for a lot of us to take on. But I'll tell you, for me, the quickest and fastest thing that I always like to do in any nation is try to own a ship, try to take responsibility for things especially if I was in any way part, you know, responsible for them not going as planned. Because now I've taken away everybody's criticism. I've taken away everybody's help. Nope. Nobody can tell me because I'm owning it first. And it's it's it's it's the way of the warrior. It's the way of the entrepreneur. Then we solve problems. We are a lot like service men and women who run to problems instead of running away from them. So, Hey, brother, it's been great to chat and say your service and thanks for your wonderful story and by the way, Bill came on this morning. And just to recap, you got an email from Roxy, who is on our team and you know invites guests to come on the show. And actually because they've had success and because they've because we want to hear from them and learn from them. Right. And Bill got that email and humbly just thought that Roxy was checking in on him to make sure he was gonna be at the show watching. So he goes up, you know before, right whether you thought you were just going to be watching that is and you were okay with that. That's the best part. Right. You showed up. 

Bill:  And that’s the biggest thing. Just show up. Just show up. I mean, that's the topic of one of my TikTok videos. You know, it has nothing really to do with affiliate marketing. It just showed up. That's, that's the biggest thing right there. You know, and nobody can take that away from you. That's the opportunity.

Dave: Showing up is the majority of the battle. I mean, without a doubt, I'm coming up with all the analogies today. I can't imagine why but yeah, man, you're never going to win the battle if you don't even show up right. I mean, I mean, let's, let's take a look at the Ukraine situation. I mean, guys are going at it. I mean, they're staying there and we got Americans that are going over there too. And all kinds of from around the world are doing are going over there to help and and they're showing up but imagine, you know, before that, remember when the Taliban invaded Afghanistan recently, in 2021, they took over and what are their president do what did the President of Afghan Afghanistan do? left the country? Doors right, open the doors, he left the country, you left the country, right. And the minute that you leave, you know you give up, walk away it's you know, there's it's half the battle is just showing up, just opening the computer, just sometimes staying put. And you know what, that's what I respect so much about Zelinsky. The President of Ukraine is that I'm sure they prepared but had really no idea what was going to happen, who was going to support them what but he decided to stay and what happened inspired an entire country to stay as well. And he showed up he didn't know what was gonna happen. He didn't know the world was gonna get behind him and all this stuff. But he did and I find the same is true. It's this again, we're comparing apples to oranges. So this is in no way shape or form. It's just an analogy for the analogy purpose. But entrepreneurship uses a lot in some respects because it's sort of like we don't know what's going to happen. We don't know who's going to rally around us. Until we make the decision to stay or to show up. That's when we get to find out how great the gifts are. Our entrepreneurship is not one of those deals where you get to find out all how great the gifts are before you start. It's not that kind of deal. You don't just get to say Oh, that's awesome. Oh, yeah. No, because I know exactly what's going to happen. I have to get started. You have to shoot the show up and probably overcome a few challenges. And then the benefits are to open up and the people start to rally around you, usually your audience, your customers, people that want to and you know things start to start to happen from there. And once again to remind everybody we, as entrepreneurs working on the internet, get to do this safely from the comfort of our homes. We just sweat and tears. Usually no blood, usually no violence. We can do this safely. Also, nobody can deem non-essential. Ever again. Nobody can send you home and say you're not enough. And also, there's anything else that you want to protect yourself from, whether that be you know, viruses or whatever. Stay home for your business. Stay home and work on your business. Spend time with your family. It's a pretty good gig. It's all the things that we've always wanted, but you're right we got a suit up and showed up to get the benefits. They don't come first and then we go win suit up because we got some sort of upfront signing bonus from the NBA folks.

Bill: Okay, so like I said, you know, I got off the plane after spending a week in Maine on vacation. And I can tell you for the first time in my life that this one week of vacation didn't actually come in April. I was able to enjoy relaxing and doing whatever I wanted without worrying about, you know, a phone call. An email coming through that I had to look at and then had to act on. I actually was able to relax, because I own my own business for the first time in my adult life, and I was like, you know, it was pretty amazing. Even Even my mom you know, because we went up there to celebrate her 80th and in she even said something along the lines of You know how brighter and clearer you know, it wasn't weighed down with something back at the office or what you know, also part of that freedom, you know, well, Mama knows her boy is it home safe. He's out of traffic and all the others are at home with his family. There's no better place for a man to be. There's no better place for a man to be than at home. And that's the lie that I believed for a long time was flying all over it just letting you know traveling speaking on stages all this bullshit, man I want the money nothing. You know what, I don't even want the money. Keep the money. I just want freedom. I don't want the Lambos, I don't want the bullshit. I just want the freedom to be able to stay home and be with my family. And I want that clear. Arrested. look on my face too, man. So keep up the good work, brother. Hey, thanks for your service, man. And thanks for showing up today. Appreciate you having me on.

Dave: Buddy. We'll talk to you later. 

Bill: All right. Take care. Everybody. Bye.

Dave:  That's Bill my friends. You can follow him free from nine to five on Tiktok. He's got some affiliate marketing stuff going, sort of business consulting stuff going. Pretty cool. Pretty cool episode. Pretty cool story. A lot of nuggets in there while we can walk away and learn from on a random Thursday. I mean, if this is not, like just the coolest, most valuable information in this. Like I don't know what I mean just learning from our students and our clients that are taking the information and not doing anything with it. You know, they're not extracting translations into multiple languages. They're just, you know, reading, they're just watching and they're just doing what we say in the training. And so if you haven't taken the challenge, go ahead and get on in online builder challenge.com. Get started with the challenge I'm sure you already are. And if you're considering enrolling in any of our other programs, specifically our Blueprints or blueprints, flagship program, we don't have tons of you know, lots of different courses and multiple different you know, the $50,000 mastermind, that we put all of our energy into the blueprints to make it the best, most robust and often updated as needed. training curriculum that you need to be able to win and succeed in this business. The biggest challenge that we have honestly, it's just getting people to watch it to just go through it. That's it. So if you can do that, you really really have a good chance. So Alright my friends, get on out of here. Be well be Legendary. We'll see you back here for another episode tomorrow. And thanks again to Bill, what an incredible episode.

How To Make The Switch From Drop Shipping To Digital Marketing

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt:  What is going on everybody? Happy Wednesday, new month, June 1, and we're live. And if you are new to the show for the first time here, you can text the letters, text the letters WL 132968553. You'll get a short little text message reminder, every time that we go live. It'll pull open on your phone. It'll say, Hey, here's a little show intro, whatever. We write up a little blurb, and then there's a link you can dive right into the live super easy if you would like some merch I've got all sorts of merchandise if you want some merch okay I got I got a whole wardrobe just you can go to belegendary.shop, I got people asking me all the time or email me where can we get it hats, shirts, hoodies, sweatpants, you name so every single Monday through Friday for the past I don't even know. We started doing this around 2020, early 2020 or something like that. We go live with a guest and it's unrehearsed and unscripted. Don't even give them questions that we're going to ask. We honestly don't even know where it's gonna go honestly. And we just unpack a little bit about their story and their journey. When we were at our last mastermind Dave said something he said you know, people don't need more training. They need to hear more stories. And it's really true and sent throughout my journey. I know that that sounds like I've had days where I'd be like, You know what, Dude, shut up. But the truth is, is I've had a lot of points in my journey where I was able to push through and figure things out and it was because I was inspired it was because I had the right people and the right stories around me that inspired me and helped me believe and so that's part of why we've taken this approach on the show. And so, we're going to bring on our guests for today. I think he's from Atlanta, but now residing in Florida. Is that right Mike?

Mike: That is correct. I am in South Florida. I grew up in Atlanta. So I made the trip back here. The perfect winter.

Matt:  Nice, nice. Well, thanks for coming on. You are sort of in our community. Tell us a little bit about the early days of getting started online. For those of you who don't know, we give a little a little questionnaire that we have people submit and you're talking about how you kind of started in drop shipping but do you go way back so tell us a little bit about your journey online and you've been in this about the same amount of time that I have which is pretty rare. Most people are out here by now. Tell us a little bit about your journey online and how you got started. Well,

Mike: I mean, online around the late 2000s before like around 2008-2009 ish. I actually got into drop shipping and so I was doing it was before the whole craze

Matt:  Yeah I didn't even know drop shipping was a thing.

Mike: I was an eBay hound teenager. I would always wonder how these people would get all these different things and posts on there. I've been wanting to make money since I was like 1314 years old.

Matt: Hey, me too. I used to steal my parents debit card and would buy wholesale calculators and resell them on eBay for like a small profit.

Mike: Exactly, exactly the same. So I came across it. I knew where to start getting the suppliers. I looked at all the different suppliers in the Asian market. And the biggest opportunity that came around was the whole p90x craze and I saw that I can get p90x DVDs. And wholesale super cheap and they were going where they were going up at that time for upwards of 100 bucks for a whole set. And I was getting them for maybe like $20 a set and so the market was crazy. And that's what I started doing and I was making a killing and you know it led from doing the p90x to start doing the iPhone chords like you know the iPhone was gaining traction at that time. And so all the little accessories associated with the phone were picking up steam and so I just started sourcing those things out over lunch on Alibaba and, you know, buying bulk and listing them on eBay. eBay was the place to do it. Yeah, and going really well. Then, you know, of course, eBay started to tighten their restrictions a little bit. It's always a battle. It's always a battle with them. But then you know, I switched out products. I switched out to a really nice product, which was a women's women's hair, flattening iron. Man, and those things were selling. Those are the good things, those things were selling. And so that's how I got my start, you know, it slowly started to decline because you know, more people got associated or got into the whole drop shipping game. And so, you know, eBay and Amazon started to tighten up their restrictions and they got to a point where I didn't want to be left holding the bag buying a bunch of supplies from overseas and not being able to offload it. So you know, I can just move out of there, but I was doing all of it. I was doing the arbitrage you know, Walmart Wayfair, those types of things. buying it from their marketing nope on Amazon, selling it directly from them. All of it. I've been doing this. I've been doing this for a while. That's how I got my start at least online and started making money online through the E commerce drop shipping area.

Matt: Cool. Now that's super cool. I've been around a while and didn't even really honestly realize that that well I guess I knew the eBay craze because I was a little bit in it. But man that's pretty wild. What so tickets from the beginning there were in the late 2000s Like 2009 1011. Two, how did you get to where you're at now? I mean, have you been working a job? Have you always been full time online and always been just making a living online? Like what's what's your life been like and what's How did you end up sort of in the Legendary circle? How'd you find us?

Mike: Okay, well, to bring it back. I am in the military. I was in the Marine Corps Reserves. And so that's all I was able to do in between because I wasn't active. So I still have a life out in the civilian world as well. So after the drop, the Drop Shipping type phase, I did jump into MLM around the 2012 timeframe as well and it was with Dave's previous company and I got to learn the basic skills of you know, what has actually taught and legendary you know, when it comes to blogging, SEO related, all those types of things. So, I got to get a taste of a little bit of my foundation from there, okay. And in 2014 I got a job in Afghanistan as a private contractor. And so I jumped on that and I went ahead and did that. Because it was either going to lose either dad or you know, maybe go back to school to you know, relearn some things, get my education up, but I decided to go to Afghanistan. And it was there when I decided like, Alright, I need to get back to the online game like this. I can't deal with this right here because while it paid well like the money was good at being out there. But man, it took maybe about the third rocket attack that we had out there for me to realize like I think I need to go find something else to do. Yeah, yeah, it's crazy. It's crazy out there. So saluting anybody that's been out there, they understand what goes down. But I really need to make a change. I mean, I'm out there in the desert. And, you know, you're risking your life, day in and day out, you know, and so you don't know what's promised for the next day. So it's just like, let me let me jump on my computer and I said, I gotta find something else to do. And so that's when I went ahead and I started looking at other Make Money Online type of stuff because it was a little weird. There were a lot of things going on at that time period like MLMs coming and going, all these different opportunities. So you just didn't know which one was going to be the best one to jump into. 

Matt:  And for everybody who's listening, what he means by that is, these companies would basically open up, do a big pre launch and get a bunch of people to join this MLM. And then you wake up one day, and like, literally, the office was closed. You're like, you're calling support, and you're like, they're like, they're like, We filed for bankruptcy. Sorry. And you're like, how do I get my money back? And they're like, you don't and that and the phone call and that's basically and that was that was Tom and I Dave tells a story about how he got into this like cell phone MLM plant in 2013 or 12 or 11 or something way back in the day, and before he could even I think he could only you only sold his data on it. And before his dad could even get the phone, they went out of business. He didn't even get something like that. Much of that. But you know what I mean? That's that kind of thing and people have gone through that a lot. And you know,


Mike: It was running rampant during the mid 20. Teens, like, that's what was going on. So you just weren't sure it was just, you didn't want to jump on the opportunity that wasn't gonna be there next month.

Matt: But you also didn't want to miss the opportunity you didn't exactly get in.

Mike: It was definitely the wild wild west in the online space. So I finally got out of Afghanistan. And while I was there, I was looking at different opportunities. This is all illnesses leading is going to lead into legendary but I started doing local degeneration, which I still do to this day, but it's more so of rank and rent. And so that's why I started doing it and that was going pretty well actually. You know if you can rank a website and local websites are much easier to write. And if you can do that, you can obviously sell the benefits to a business owner. And so that's what I was doing and I'm still doing that now in association with legendary, but it was creeping up onto when the pandemic started, it was starting to creep in. So around 20 about 2019 timeframe was when I could start seeing things changing. And I always loved the idea of affiliate marketing and all of that, but it was just like, I I got stuck when I got stuck in something that was making me money, and that's what I was doing. But I can read the tea leaves and see that things were about to change. And so it was in 2019 I actually came across Legendary. I saw an ad or something on Facebook that day and I was like oh man, so David Sharpe is back in the game. His training was always solid from back in the old days. And so I was like okay, let me take a look. And see what's going on. Because I was already kind of done with the MLM phase because it was just, it was unreliable. And so I saw that and I started looking into really what it was about. And I was like, Okay, this makes sense. This is something like the price point, of course, was the most attractive thing because you pay the seven bucks and take the online business challenge. And man, the knowledge you get from that there's people out here charging 1000s of dollars for the same information. So even if you only took that you'd be off and running. And so that's how it was me. So I was hooked. I went ahead and signed up to the Business Challenge, spoke with my advisor a few times when I was off and running and so once I got it once I got into the ecosystem were Legendary, and I said okay, I can see now how I can start pivoting to do some more affiliate marketing related things. Because, you know, dealing with just local businesses, I'm at the mercy of, you know, what happens to that business itself. And of course, you're also at the mercy of Google. So because it's the largest search engine around and if you're always having to play around with things every time they decide to do an algorithm change, and so that's too much. I didn't want to leave all the chairs there's too much control on. So I need to diversify.

Matt: And that's when many variables are controlled.

Mike: Exactly that is the most serious part and the most nerve wracking part of doing at least you know, Local Lead Generation and things like that is most of it really is out of your control. If Google didn't decide to just do an update, and all of a sudden, your different web properties are no longer on the first page. They're on page three, and you're trying to figure out what it is you need. To change and nothing happens overnight. All right. Let me put more focus into affiliate marketing, because that part of my business was good. And it was good that I did that because shortly after that's when the pandemic actually happened. And we know what happened with that. With a lot of local businesses. All right, customers, so your services weren't as needed, and you just didn't know how long that was gonna last. And so there was a decline, a temporary decline as well. And it was actually affiliate marketing that was I was able to make up everything and surpass. Everybody was hoping at the time.

Matt: No, I mean, the whole online space took a huge, huge leap and run at the beginning of that pandemic and honestly hasn't really slowed down since which is pretty great. You know, I even thought, you know, okay, summertime, summertime is here, people out of school are back traveling, but it's just it hasn't really changed.

Mike: No, not at all. Um, honestly, I mean, there's no better time now than to learn affiliate marketing and just learn that part of the business. I mean, there's so many places you can go once we actually learn the skills to do it. You can just apply it to so many different things. And now is the best time to do it. There's so many people that are unsure of what's to come. And there are at the same time, so many more opportunities being introduced, like with the whole crypto space and the web 3.0 And all the different things that come along with that. If we just tap into something that you are really interested in and learning well, you can start promoting those different products or services or those opportunities that come along. And so it's just it's so much that's happening. And so I think right now is a great time and I'm actually really appreciated that I did find legendary when I did because it got me it brought the spark back back in the early days over why I want to come online and working for yourself or at least learning the skill sets to do these things. is so beneficial. And so

Matt:  I wanted to well, where I was where I was thinking of going with that was exactly where you just took it which was, you said building the skill sets. And when I was I just you know, you found us almost exactly three years ago. And at that time. I mean, I hadn't even been working here that long. I was here but I'm working on that one. And I think that there's something really powerful about how long you've been in the online space because I think for context, a lot of times people will tune into the show or tune into our training or come to the 15 day challenge or whatever. forget sometimes that life is a pretty long journey. And, and and everything gets boiled into this like one moment, right? But when I think back to 2010 2009 and I'm first discovering you know, when I first figured out when I first heard about MLM it was I was watching this I was watching this training and you know MLMs get this bad vibe about being a pyramid scheme, right? Well this video is literally laying it out in the shape of a pyramid. And I was just like, and I was so I mean I was really torn, and I had no clue. But I was just sitting here talking about perpetual leverage. And I'm like, oh my god for leverage. Yes. You know, and I'm like, This is it. This is how I get rich. And so it's so anyway I found a way to get a couple of credit cards and get into this MLM travel club and all of this stuff right. Long story short, I had this. Here's what I think is interesting about this dynamic is if you would have told me 10 years ago as I'm getting started, hey, just build skills, right? Trust the process, maybe 10 years down the road, it works out. I wouldn't have felt that inspired. But if you told me hey look, not only can you can you learn skills that will be valuable for the next 1020 30 where you can have autonomy and total freedom, but also you can kind of earn while you learn as you're going and as you're figuring out these skills, you can earn a living like you can pay your bills, your rent your mortgage. And, you know, maybe you don't become a millionaire in five years, maybe become a millionaire and 20 but as you do it you also experience freedom and autonomy of not answering to a boss every day or you know going my wife quit her mental health therapy practice to start her own business and and you know, not going in and having management tell you out you're not you're probably not gonna get that promotion. And it's like what, excuse me, you know, and never dealing with that again. But I feel like there's also this element of which it would be it would be hard to to summarize all of the different skills and things you've learned in 10 years because you've put this into a career where you've taken all these bits and pieces and I know how that goes because that is the same thing. And now you've got this valuable skill set. That you it's sort of like wearing a tool belt some people only have a hammer, some people only have a tape measure, and you've got it all you've got all of these not everything but you've got a lot of different tools on that belt that you can pull out and reference in history and you know, fail that some successful ads and all of that stuff where you've seen it then there you've got the actual lived experience, which I think is really cool. You only been in our space for three years only in our company around our company for three years. But I think that from the time and let's add more to this. You're a blueprints member of ours as well, I believe right? Yes. And in 2019 We didn't have, for instance, a module on Instagram or Pinterest. We upgraded the business rents in 2020. From what they were before we took the affiliate marketing business blueprint and Dave update to give it a full update. And we keep doing that we're getting ready to update more of it. And I think that's an interesting sort of, isn't that kind of cool to have purchased something and then you know that the guys and gals in our industry usually when they do that they're like, Hey, you want to get 3.0 That's another extra 100 bucks. It's gonna go and how many times and you came into our atmosphere in 2019 Have we called you up and tried to sell you something for $20,000? Never. Yeah, yeah, never never. Because there isn't anything else to sell. It's just lifetime updates forever, which, for us, that's just how we operate and I sometimes don't make a big enough deal about that. So I'm a big deal now and I'm doing a little braggy thing here but it's fun. It's almost unfair. I haven't heard of it, but it's unprecedented in this industry. And as you go it is five years from now that we're still gonna whatever. I don't know what's going to come out in five years, maybe some new TikTok right or something. So the new app that's hot. And guess what? There's going to be probably me or somebody in our community who's got this brand new training, and we won't have charged anybody for it. As long as they've purchased our Blueprints. It's crazy. But how's your experience been in Legendary with our community with the training, and then also now as you're starting to really see some traction and things are picking up for you a lot of 1000s of followers you're making money. How has that changed things?

Mike: Oh, well, like when I first started the goal wasn't for me wasn't actually to promote Legendary. I just found the training so valuable that I can apply it just out in the world and on the online world. And so that's what that's where my focus was, well, you know, with the changes of everything going on, more people really need to have more options. And so, I always have you know, different family members, our friends are actually what I'm doing and how they can get involved. I just performed the legendary, and I was like, You know what, let me let me take this series and actually, along with doing my regular affiliate marketing stuff, let me actually put a little more effort into promoting legendary itself because more people need to see the opportunity because we don't know what and and so the little effort I started putting in I know you get the traction, you start getting leads and get the people joining this you get the sales, you know, you start you start seeing it happening and it's like okay, all right. So people are starting to actually see what it is that I'm saying, because it's not about me, it's not about getting rich overnight and getting all these fancy things. It's really It's, I really want to get better at the skill sets. And show people that if they learn skill sets, there are so many things that they can actually do with it online. Maybe they don't want to do affiliate marketing, that's fine. But everything that legendary teaches, you know, can be used for any field online. You're always you're always going to need to learn how to know how to market a product or sell products, how to how to pick up traffic, all that good stuff, all the different techniques and once you dive in, as the 15 they train then you go into the blueprints like I did, I went through the affiliate marketing, blueprint, both versions. And awesome. They're awesome. I always go back because I'm always learning something new. And so and I'm always you know, going back and taking notes, and all that good stuff. But, you know, you never know. And so the skills that I have acquired personally, I'm able to apply it to my you know, my rent and rent business as well are to all the other affiliate products or products that I am promoting to make affiliate commissions and things like that as well. And I just want to you know, have decided I just said you know what, let me show other people what it is. I'm talking about what I'm doing, because I'm just doing my own thing, because I don't care about being everybody's face, you know, so I but now I was like well, let me show people what it is I'm talking about I have enough people want wondering where they're making my mind they realize I don't work in nine to five. I haven't worked a nine to five for a very long time. And so this is what I do. This is this the reason I did it, not because it's going to make you rich overnight is because you're going to learn skill sets that could

Matt: Possibly make you rich depend

Mike: On what you're doing. Right but you got to learn how to do these things. And so it's not expensive. $7.07 hours, get on the ground and get on the online business builder challenge if you want to better hacking, go ahead and get the $1 training course. Sure you get the business, you get the business training. Dollar versus $7. I mean it's so many opportunities in the air, at any price point. You don't take advantage of it because you're not you're not serious, are your mind somewhere else.

Matt: And And for somebody who's I just feel like for somebody who is newer and has never delved into something like this before. I really feel like for seven bucks to actually dive into some sort of training like this. What a cool thing like being able to dive into some sort of course or a or training about how to make money on the internet. It's such a risk free Dave says I think what Dave says in the video he says something like, you know for less than apparel Wrangler Jeans at Walmart, you can get started or whatever. But I feel like if I'm thinking about it, and I'm like this normal person, just anybody out in the world, like what a cool thing to be able to just lay down seven bucks, which for a lot of us we do for much less like just stupid stuff, right? I mean a venti Frappuccino at Starbucks. You're gonna chalk up seven bucks, basically. But I just feel like what a fun experience to be able to go in and start to really unpack this world and even just, even through day three, you get on day three, you get a bunch of pre built funnels for you that are already ready to go. If you want to sell your own digital course here's one that you can use. But I also think that your strategy of coming online and how you went about that is super powerful because you came online and you use the training for whatever it is that you were already doing. You're like, Hey, I'm gonna get trained from the best. I'm gonna figure this out. And then also, I thought the other thing that was interesting is you then kind of looked around and you were like, dang, people actually need this. So for you, you sort of, I like your strategy of how you purchase training as relevant to solving a problem for you right now. But then also, you're always sort of looking down, you're looking down the road a little bit. Like, okay, what's going to be valuable for people? What do I see as valuable for people right now? People around me and you start to connect people to the right things. And as I think more and more I am trying to instill in affiliate or referral base marketers, people who come into our community, to be less of a one trick pony. And to be more of a matchmaker, a facilitator sort of you got, you can have all these different offers on the table. You can have sort of an ecosystem of offers. Sure you can have a core offer that you send most people to, but you can also the people who become really skilled and stick around for a long time are people who can sort of have the common sense and strategy to listen to people and guide them down. You know, correct paths based on what they actually need, which leads to higher conversions, which leads to higher lifetime values, because I'm just, you know, slamming everybody into one funnel, which by the way you can do but if you can, if you can keep in sort of a ecosystem that's branded to you, and then, you know, get people maybe to know, hey, what can I how can I help you? What are you struggling with? While I'm struggling with lead generation? Well, great. You know what I'm not going to do. I'm not going to send you a training on high ticket closing, because that's not what you need. I'm gonna send you a course. Here's a $1 course on how to get started on TikTok: start generating free leads right away, and then this person purchases your course that you recommend and you make a little commission, and that company starts to offer higher ticket products and education that gives more value. They're going to feel like they got scammed or played by you. They're going to feel like dang, you know what, Mike sent me to the right place. I got what I needed when I listened to Mike and took his advice. Maybe I'll take him up on this offer too, because he was right the first time. And it's, it's a more of a common sense thing. If we were all sitting in a room together. This would make so much sense but there's a piece of this that's online, that sort of convoluted things and people can be fused by it. But it's just like imagining just being in a room and asking somebody what do you need help with and sort of solving that problem for people? I just wanted to say I feel like your strategy around that is common sense. But also common sense isn't all that common. You know what I mean? The rest are all metal with metal with that with a lot of people. And there's a set but I'm not. I'm not the one I'm not creating the course myself. To do anything. I think a lot of people are very accustomed to the high ticket courses. Everyone has a course on some particular subject. And I'm just like, Look, I'm just practicing what I learned. And I'm just taking you to the source. This is where I learned it. At the end of day, you know, you can pay the dollar for the tic toc course, seven bucks for just the training itself, and then you'll be able to learn the skills that I have learned and that I've put into practice. And that's all I can actually do. I try to keep it really simple because I know I know people are already on edge when it comes to online and so you have to be aware of that. You know, and so just keep it really simple. And you don't have to be the person that knows everything to lessen the skills from Legendary. Here's the link. Go to it. This is how I learned. I'm not here to teach you anything. I'm not making any promises. I'm just going to take you to the source and what you do with it is on you. And what's great is when they do sign up, you know sometimes they're not ready at that moment but they can always look back around the lesson there but you guys don't put any weird paywalls are anything weird like that, like you can if you if you sign up today, life happens and you know six to eight months from now. You decide Alright, let me come back in here you come right back in the Legendary and pick up where you left off. And I keep as simple as possible in my business when trying to, you know, refer people to the source. And it's all about listening because things are changing so rapidly. You know, online offline, you don't know how the world is gonna look wherever it is that you're at this time next year. You don't know what opportunities wouldn't be around. I won't be around anymore. But if you learn these skill sets I mean the world when I said the world is your oyster. And so and that's and that's, that's what I try to do for my business and I try to relate that to other people as well. Just learn the skill sets and you can take those skills and apply it to anything that you are passionate about making money around, man. I mean, that's just what it is. 

Matt:  What else that's it? 

Mike: Well, yeah. And so, this business has been good after I focused on you know, referring more people to Legendary. You know, I started doing it. I started taking TikTok a little more seriously. It was hard at first, because all I used to see was just kids dancing. I was like, I don't know what to do with this. But I took the training and I was like alright, I see the opportunity. And that's what I've been doing. And so while it's still fresh on my mind, because I do go through the group, as well. I see a lot of people that are always struggling to, you know, get their first 1000 followers on TikTok so they can, you know, put the URL in their bio. I was there to start off TikTok just, you know, casually I had 100 and something followers and then when I took it serious, maybe like two and a half, three months ago and you know, I grew it over to now little over 4000 followers right now, and that's just, you know, maybe doing a few videos a week. But the thing that I found that helped me and I did this purposely now, I went ahead and I looked up through the you know, the whole filtering system of I found the I found videos of similar accounts that are, you know, digital marketers, affiliate marketers, things like that. Find the ones the videos that go viral and I particularly I specifically found the ones that were viral maybe three days ago, you know, that they posted three days ago and and went viral. And I sat there and I said, Okay, I know I took notes on how they put the video and what the video was about. I vetted it, you know, because sometimes these videos and people would like to paste tutorials up there but they don't know what they're talking about. You bet the tutorial first and make sure all right okay, I can see this works. And I am all flaring I'll redo the video myself and he's saying using music, same song. And I've done that two times. And my follower count went skyrocketing.  

Mike: You know it's really just research and you have to do everything with intention and not just by expanding, like literally, I mean, tick tock is always changing. Algorithms are always changing. You know, things are going to get more difficult, but you just have some attention and you research other people in your market and what's working for them and what they're doing. And as long as you're sitting there providing value on the platform, and not just throwing out make money online, make money online, you know, because that's starting to be that people are starting to get new to them. They're getting blind to it, because it's all over the place. So you just study what other people are doing. If you see that they have a successful video. You see why they have it. And then you figure out how to present the same information yourself the same way. We're adding your own personality, your own flair to it, and just copy the hashtags and then their hashtags, and topic music and posting and see what happens. You know, you might get some functions. It's usually just simple tweaks out there. And I found that you know, tick tock has helped me to bring out more of my personality and it's reflected in my own and my YouTube videos as well, because that's what his TikTok is very good camera practice. There are people who see the light on their screen or whatever, and they lock up and they freeze. Use TikTok and have fun with it. But be very intentional with what you're posting and why you're posting it and use it to practice on bringing out your business personality. who you are because at the end of the day, that's what people are falling for they relate to you. You know whether it is your parents sometimes that sometimes is your actual personality, you know, and how you present information and always test because that's what I started doing. I started testing you know, I love editing videos and doing different things so I find fun and doing that. So I started testing out different things. And you know, it's been working on for me and it's helped me to grow better in front of the camera and present my material out better as well. And so it's it's multipurpose it's, it's been working for me and don't be afraid and just just go out there and always try out new things. Always test different stuff out to get you a better camera if you can, you know, I know you can use the cell phone. But you know, TikTok has been around for a while. So you always want to look for the edge, something that can make you stand out just a little bit more. And you know that's what I did. So I just want to put that out there before I forget.

Matt:  Oh, that's dude that's real. That's yeah, that's awesome. I feel like I feel like the TikTok piece where you were talking about finding different videos going through that research. It's, I tell people all that and I tell this all the time and you know what I actually made. I did training last year about this late last year. And I got a bunch of shit for it. And people were like, people were like, oh, man, like, like teaching people how to make clickbait videos, teaching people how to copy other people's videos and I was like, hey, look, here's the deal. You want to know how many videos are on TikTok? You want to know how many video ideas are actually, like fully somebody's own thoughts? Like, like barely any. There's this old saying that there's nothing new under the sun. It's an old like, I think it's an old biblical proverb or something. But it's basically like there's nothing new under the sun and

TikTok. The thing that people forget is that like this platform, one of the main things that was built on is actually like copying people's ideas or playing off of people's ideas. Like that's actually the platform like it's a thing where people do the same dances, right? When somebody does the same dance to the same song and the exact same thing. No one's like, Wow, what a copycat. It's like, everybody's got to do their thing, right? And it's just funny how people in certain niches or industries have ideas or just funny videos or how to videos that you're talking about. I talk about this every week on Thursdays we do this business blueprint webinar with our business blueprint members, every single Thursday at 3pm. Eastern. And I say dammit, create educational, entertaining videos that teach people how to do something. Right. Here's a you know, here's the number one way to get your dog to stop barking at the mailman. Step one, step two step three like and follow from and then you do these kind of growth videos. I call them growth videos or I stole that term from Andrea who spoke at our most recent mastermind, but it's a growth video and in these growth style videos, the whole point is you're trying to grow your audience and my guess is you've got a couple of videos on your ticket, got over 100,000 views. A lot of your 1000s of followers come after those videos, because people enjoy watching little tidbits. And people are like, well, that doesn't even have anything to do with what you're selling that doesn't make simple videos about things or strategies or things that you're not even selling. Because the point is you're creating content that is beginner, the beginner isn't all concerned, every single detail. Somebody's sitting at home and they're a nurse and they've been working as a nurse for 15 years and they come across your video. All you're trying to do is open their mind to maybe the option that there's a way to make money online. That's it that's the only thing and in those how to style videos, you give them one little piece that they're like can I think I can make some money online? This is crazy. Alright, you know what? I'm not ready to sign up today, but this might go. I kind of like that I'm gonna follow this guy and see if he comes back. Two weeks later, you know, you post something about your journey or something more personal and then they're like, this guy again. Like, you know, I forgot that I forgot about this guy, but maybe I should check this guy out. Right? Or maybe it's on the eighth video of yours. Your link and then they opt in and they disappear for you know, a couple of weeks and you keep following up with them on the email and then you're on Tik Tok again, it's like Damn, I can't do this. Alright, I'm gonna try this. I'm gonna purchase it. Right? And it all started with this little video that just talked about one little, whatever strategy as a little side hustle or little, whatever. And you can do this in any niche training. You'll grab people's attention by just teaching them one trick. You don't have to turn them into a perfect dog in one video. Just one little behavior. Source guarding here is the best way to stop dogs from resource guarding. Or here's the number one way to get your dog barking. Elbows off, right. And these little tricks people are like, dang, that was cool. And I learned something in 30 seconds that I didn't know I'm reversing because I liked that. And this has been going viral since these types of questions early 2020. And then next up in our groups and in TikTok and all of these different things people have been saying, Oh, well, I think it might be over. I think it's not what it once was. And every single month I watch people posting educational entertainment and videos that teach people how to do something. They go viral. They start making money. It just, it's never ended. It's so mind boggling to me that it is pretty simple. But it ain't easy, because you know better than anybody to get good at those kinds of videos. I mean, it took work. 

Mike: It took it took work and it took organization, that was the probably the number one thing the driving factor that has propelled me is especially when it comes to TikTok

Matt: Yeah, what do you mean by that? 

Mike: Well it can be time consuming to generate content for TikTok or for any platform. You know, I just one day decided no, let me let me actually listen to what my wife tells me because she's a super organized person. Let me plan everything out. So I came across a software free software called like notion. And I liked it because you know if you can customize it, it almost reminds me of the old days of Myspace, a bit. You can customize a person in your personality into it while organizing out anything and everything you could think of. And so that's what I did when it came to my my content type of schedule. I have my I have what I call a content hub, where I have my tic toc slash real section, my YouTube videos and my blog posts, and I pick a day out the week where I you know maybe for an hour or 2 am researching what it is that I actually want to post what I want to work on so I'll go through TikTok and I'm looking at all the different you know, the high moving videos different you know, getting ideas sometimes I'm moving outside of my niche into different niches because you get different ideas that you can apply. And I organize out, organize it out, maybe about a dozen videos for that week that I want to get done. And I go deep, I outline what is being said and how it's being said. And then I go ahead and notate okay, how can I present? Maybe I'll do this type of angle, this type of style, whatever, sometimes I'll get around to different two or three different ways of presenting the same content so that you can make, you know maybe you can basically put the same video content message across three different ways. You know which face you are talking, maybe, you know, video in the background and your voice over or maybe just text, you know, the way you have more content to push to make the most out of one idea. I will take everything and I have a skill up whether I'm working on our published you know, I will put down inspiration so I put down a URL for Tiktok person or whomever it is if it's a YouTube channel, the video I'll put down the web link to it as inspiration so I can go back and refer to it and really when it comes to sexiest part of your business, but man, it can move mountains, if you just get hyper organized with what you're doing. And that's what I do. I do my TikTok. I do my YouTube content and I do my blog posts, and then I just pick a time to go ahead and work on you know with TikTok, catch up on my video. So I take maybe an hour and I just work on them, get them all filmed up. I do everything or you know almost everything on my Sony camera so I don't do it on my cell phone. But I'll go ahead and record it and upload it onto my computer and it will be there ready to do the iCloud that is already on my phone to post when I feel like posting it. But man that I have saved so much time and I have actually moved forward so much quicker by organizing my content and it's always the little things that aren't sexy that push your business forward.

Matt: And I think about my wife all the time because when it comes to, you know, office, business type stuff I'm not the most organized.

Mike: Let me go ahead and follow what she is saying. And I found something that worked for me, okay, because I'm not a Google you know, Asana type person. I use notions and I use Trello that's what I do you know, and what I like about Trello was on my mind. For those of you out there, document your process. I do this on Trello. I organized my process from A to Z. When I'm starting something from the beginning put it I put it on there because it's sort of my SOP is my standard operating procedures. So if there's if, if there's something I forget something I'm not sure of. I haven't documented from start to finish so I can go back if something isn't working right. Not trying to wrap my brain to figure out what's not working right. And I see, where's the leak? What I need to fix is step three step four. What do I need to change and do different documents for the process? If you're just starting out, document what you're doing? Note take what's working, what's not working, why you changed it. So the units never know because guess what you might decide one day. Oh, I'm gonna make a course. Well, you got your course right there. You might not know, like, right now, I don't have a passion to make a course but if I wanted to have my process right there for everything, for everything I just didn't tell you I have a wash business as well that I do as well. Totally separate from this. When you make money from one area

Matt: And you shouldn't. Again, we gotta get you back on the show. A separate episode of this show is talking about watches.

Mike: You know, so it's, listen, when you get good at one thing, you start to make money off of one thing you can always diversify. So that's how I like to do that. Now I like to keep all my eggs in one basket. Once I do well in something, I take some of that profit and I put it into something much like watching business as a passion project from services like I love watching. So that's just my thing. But you can always diversify your stuff once you get good at one thing you do affiliate marketing, it works well for you. Go ahead and invest. Maybe I want to get into the crypto game. All right, well, you can start doing some stuff in that. Or maybe you want to start this new other venture. You can put money and you can build those things as well. So you have multiple assets for you. And that's what I do. But Organization is key for me now. And I hate that it took so long for me to take my wife's advice. So it's been working, it's been working and I tell you that things will be so much easier you'll feel a lot less stress.

Matt: And you don't have to get crazy about it. You just You just start a little spreadsheet I used to I used to share a little spreadsheet with people that was just like, you know exactly what you just said topic, you know, and then I would have a bunch of stuff in the whatever dog training or stop biting or whatever. And then you know, you can do it in the make money online space where it's like, you know, inspiration, wealth building, you know, crypto, like all that stuff, right? advertising marketing, and you start to just like TikTok links them into a little spreadsheet and I actually ranked them by how many views they got. And I wouldn't do a free video but man that strategy every five to 10 videos. It is Yeah, you'll start growing a channel and you'll start growing that channel. So I want to create some content that's unique to you. But especially as you're just getting started, viewing yourself as more of a reporter and less of an expert is such a freeing way to look at and look at content creation. There's people there's people who you know, there's this I can't remember what her TikTok handle is.

So they just crawl under their desk and their angle and their video is like can see the depth at the bottom of the desk and like crawled under their desk and there was like a news report and this person's gone like super viral. I can't remember who it is or what their hands guarantee somebody in the comments is gonna tell me what their hands are and I just got a message. Yeah, LA Times hired this girl Joanne just messaged me and said I've totally seen this person. But they Yeah, Susan says I yeah, she's fantastic. Yeah, see, everybody knows who this person is. I can't remember her handle but under the desk area, @underthedesknews. She just like she just started it's like, like kind of like, Oh, well. Let's try this out and see what happened. All he does is she just um, she reports basically on, like, what's happening in the world. And people kind of like getting the news from her as opposed to like their Cable News Network. Right. And it's really a sign of like, our world is going but it doesn't claim to be the foremost expert. Mostly. It's just like, hey, let me convince some world news while you're scrolling. Like let me condense some world news headlines for you in about a minute or three minutes or something. You don't have to turn on CNN tonight. How's that sound? Cool. All right. Creativity. And think about the genius of that is there's literally there's never a moment where you won't have a headline. There's never a day where you're not going to have content, right? It's a genius, genius idea. But the same is true of most niches. If you go into any content platform, YouTube, Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, wherever. There's from 10 years back until right now, whether it's on a blog or on a video or whatever, there's always content about how to train your dog always in the in the day I showed this guy's video from like 2012 He's it's Zach something something dog Zacks dog training or something like that, and, and lots of academic like yeah, I follow that guy. I know that guy. He's super cool. And this is for 2012 He's on your social ranking for dog training. You know, just that keyword. And but there's training that goes all the way back people create. And you can come on as a reporter let me finish this idea. You can come on as a reporter, and you don't have to be the world's foremost expert. You can give little tips about dog training. You can get little tips about wealth. You can give little tips about crypto or just like you know common or common sense or big sort of universal truths in that space. Like crypto has a lot of basic facts about crypto that you can just record on that are like hey, there's remorse most important things to know if you're thinking about investing in crypto, and it's like sure it's subjective. But this is what you think. What's the most important thing to you if you just got into crypto, you can probably look at what are the things that I looked at to decide how to get into crypto, what were the things that were most important to me, right and then boom you've got a piece of code immediately. And you can also like what you did, what are other pieces? Most important? What do I think about that? Maybe I don't like that one piece. People, people and so many people who are getting started that's why we love this conversation. I love the way that you think about this because so many people come into this and I've got to have like three unique ideas today that I just came out with, or I came up with on thin air all by myself. And they're like that's too overwhelming. Can't do that. I don't even swear ravens start.

Mike: I started off that way. Well, it's like imposter syndrome. And so it's when you're presenting the content that all you need to do is to switch it this way it is to remind people of what's what, you know how to do this. How to do that. Don't Don't act like you are the expert of it just like you're minding, because if you think of TikTok or YouTube, whatever. And you see all sorts of different things. If you're constantly reminded over stuff, it's like it's like you've heard but it wasn't present. It was back there and all that video did was pull back to the front. Man, that's it, you know, because that's how that's how you need to look at other marketers as well. And it might be basic information, but it was right on my mind. And so it's almost like I relearn them, because they reminded me and so and that's the approach I take when I'm making my videos. That's the mindset I have. Make me feel more confident. What I'm doing is I'm not teaching you anything new. I'm not I'm not pulling something up from the universe and showing it to you for the first time. I'm just reminding that's all it is. I'm not minding my audience of this, that, that and that there's a way it's taken off but I don't feel like a fraud or an imposter or, you know, I'm trying to imitate this person. People there's so much going on. People need to be reminded of things all the time. And that's just what's your point.

Matt:  We're just gonna end on that note, that's awesome as a great way to say it. Great way to say it. In a way that makes sense. Mike, thanks for coming on that we had over an hour. Thanks for coming on. And boy is this episode a rewatch. If people didn't get through this. It's basically paid content. But it's free. That's what we do. And you prefer people to go find you on TikTok.

Mike: You can find me on TikTok. You know, basically all my handles are my name Mike Garvey Jr. or Brandon Bob, which is like you know more of my business handle. So it's fine

Matt: Mike, thanks for coming on. We'd love to have you back on a fee if you want to check in send us an email and a couple of weeks or a couple of months and we'd love to have you back on. We'll catch you all in Davidson that you guys can chat a bit about watches make sure to bring your best stuff and raise this up to alright alright guys, Mike Garvey Jr.

You can also find them at the brand of the boss so if you go to YouTube, type in brands a boss right away, give them a follow up, let him know you found him on Wake Up Legendary and then don't want to wake up later. Or return the favor and give you a follow up and it'll all come back around what would he call it business karma. So we'll give him a follow on content and go look into what he's doing. Figure out how he's creating this content. We're going to be back here again tomorrow, same voice here at 10am Eastern. If you're not already signed up for our message reminders, open your phone right now and make a commitment to show up to these every single day Monday through Friday 10am Eastern, even. I grew up in the Midwest, so even if you're out on the tractor or combine or something or even your warehouse and you're on the forklift don't do anything dangerous, but I don't know why. immediately went to the operating heavy machinery. If you're if you're you know mom says in the warehouse sitting at your computer in the office, just turn it on, put it in your ear. It's so much more refreshing and inspiring than the average sort of bullshit that we go through. And listen throughout our day. Non stop soft routine Yeah, just I don't even know monotony. Text W ul The letters to 813296 You'll get a text from us every single Monday through Friday. We don't we don't send you a bunch of text messages like, Mike and I were talking earlier. You're not gonna get a bunch of phone calls. Like hey, we got this awesome 10,000 Never call anybody as a result of this text message. We don't call you, we actually can't. It's just a text message. And you're not going to get text messages with a bunch of pitches and offers. We've never sent a pitch via text message. So you're not opting into any marketing, no offers, nothing. We just want to get you on the show. The show during the story will change your life. That's it. That's our agenda.

How To Stay Focused On Your Affiliate Marketing Business

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: All right my friends, this is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary. I'm excited to jump in to this episode this morning because I've got some fellow tradesman trades woman here on the line with me and I am super excited to hear how they have trend or are transitioning not transitioned but are in the process of well maybe just adding to who knows let's hear what their plans are. But they've made the amazing transition from HVAC, heating and air basically AC and heating contractor who comes in and works on your AC over to digital marketers online. Wow, Craig and Mary, welcome to the show you're actually live this time. Oh good. I scared him here a second ago and came on and said we were live before we're really live but trying to get you guys loosened up a little bit ready for the show. So where are you calling in from? 

Craig: North Carolina

Dave: Okay, nice. So tell me about your this this this I mean, what in the heck would bring you from you know, the trades doing heating and air all the way over onto the internet online and then eventually here to legendary marketer What were you looking for? And have you found it? 

Craig: Well, it's quite a story actually. We had been HVAC contractors for 25 years in Northern California. And between the pandemic and fires and the floods and everything that was going on out there. We were slowly going out of business. We tried pumping money in. We tried everything but it wasn't going to happen. And during that time, our son in North Carolina kept calling and saying, Hey, move to North Carolina. You can be with the grandkids. And so we finally shut down the business and moved here. And we were offered a job with one of his buddies by starting a trucking company. And so we're going to do that and then that falls through. And so you're I was on the internet looking for something and I came across Steven Droege and that's how it all started.

Dave: He's something else isn't he? Yeah, he's, he's, he's something else he was. He was our mastermind in December. I want you to think about this. Okay, think about this. Everybody who's listening. And obviously you know his story, Craig and Mary, but I mean, Stephen Droege, came to the mastermind in December of 2021. And sat in the background quietly with his pregnant wife. very unassuming, and quite frankly, I don't think he knew exactly what was gonna happen. I just know that he knew he needed to make something happen and did so much and achieve so much. I think a lot of ignorance is on fire. You know, it's not about having to know everything. Sometimes being ignorant is not a bad thing. Sometimes being ignorant is what we all are when we're kids and more playful and we're going 100 miles an hour and we don't have all these fears and all these limiting beliefs. But anyways, you know, before we learn too much, to where we get out there on tick tock and we start talking over people's heads. He took advantage of that early motivation. I call it ignorance on fire. It's where you don't know everything. You realize you don't need to know everything, and you just go like hell, and you don't waste a lot of energy overthinking things and you don't waste a lot of energy. You know, you know how it is Craig and Mary you guys have been in HVAC you forgot more about that business than a lot of new people know. And there's a lot of benefit when a young HVAC business owner or contractor comes into the industry, right? Because they're just, they're, they're on fire. As we get in the industry, and we know more and we have some success. It's sometimes honestly it can get harder because Steven took advantage of that early so I know that all of you thinking your first six months are going to be your hardest. But what I'm telling you is what Stephen Droege did, is he made his first six months his most impactful yeah and did so much in his first six months. He now has an income that's well beyond what I think he thought he could achieve. Maybe it's surprising to me, sometimes there are still things that are achievable. I'm like, Wow, is that possible? But in six months he went well. I think he quit his job, and is now full time at home with his wife and his baby. Came back to speak at the Orlando mastermind and did a wonderful job and shared and, you know, you can tell somebody who's ready for their moment because they seized it and they and he was ready for his moment. And in a short six months, he changed his entire life and is obviously changing other people's lives too. That's powerful.

Craig: Yeah, yeah. We followed his instructions. And he answered every question I had. And he told us to just start doing reels. And go crazy. Do four or five of them a day. And don't stop. And that's what we did.

Dave: Yep. Yeah, it's pretty you know, when I was looking at you guys's stuff, and it's real. It's real. Grandpa Craig there's your there's your I mean, it's talked to us about you know, coming in learning a new skill set learning a new business. What has this been like for the both of you? Well, we felt like we just had to dive into it. I told Steve from the beginning. We don't have any options. We got to be successful. We don't have anything else. And so we just dove in and at first we weren't very good. And we just kept trying and kept doing it and started getting good. And now we've got all kinds of people getting interested. And it's just amazing. It's blowing our mind.

Dave: It's amazing. You said we weren't very good and something like we kept doing it and then we got good. Now. Hold on a second. A lot of people make what you just said really complicated, like getting good at something is rocket science. But what you said was basically we sucked at first. We kept doing it, we kept practicing. And now we're a lot better and we're actually pretty good at this whole thing. I mean you made something that a lot of people really over complicated really, really simple. How'd you do that? Right there and you know what I mean by how others make this process very complicated because, well, what are people going to think of me and you know what, what? I feel uncomfortable in front of the camera. How have you overcome all that? Or how are you wrestling with you? Surely you're human, you have those same things. How are you dealing with it?

Craig: Well, at first, I didn't even tell Mary about this. I just paid the seven bucks and went through the first four days. And then I realized, realized this thing was a little bit bigger than I thought it was going to be. And so I stopped, went to talk to Mary and said, I need your help. You got to do this with me. And so we started from day one and started over. And then we got going well, we're going through the 50 Day Challenge. I started going online and posting Bible script just to get myself my face out there to get used to talking and it really helped. And then by the time we got to the end of the 15 days, Steve told us just run with this thing. Just get going, do it like crazy. And we'll just see what happens. And so that's what we did.

Dave: If you keep it simple, it can be simple. I like how you went and got Mary. How did that feel to you Mary when he went in and got you to stop what he was doing. He had went down this path initially without telling you but then he stopped and he went to you any asked for your help and support and tell tell tell me and I'm asking this for a reason because a lot of us husbands struggle getting the support of our wives and I'm sure that there's wives out there who are women who struggle getting the support of their spouse, can you talk to us about how that fell or what that experience was like when Craig came and sort of solicited your support but in a vulnerable way. It didn't sound like he was like a woman over here. It was like Can you talk to us about begging?

Mary: I'll tell you, I dragged my feet like they wanted to. He's pretty gullible and you got to reel him in sometimes. But seeing his excitement and us realizing that this is our plan A and we don't have Plan B right now we got to just dig in there and do it. So as far as getting in front of the camera, I'm still rather like this, but you gotta get out there. You're gonna look silly. You're gonna have fun. And that's where we're heading right now.

Dave:  I mean, I'm looking at, you know, Grandpa Craig's channel here, but I'll tell you what, I'm seeing a whole lot of Mary on here too. You know what I mean?  I mean, I'm seeing a whole lot of Mary here and there. He's still in the show here, brother. Yeah,


Craig: We've done about 240 reels. And she's probably half of them.

Mary: Wow. Yeah, I didn't realize that.

Dave:  I did realize that. Well, what is this? What? Now you both have? So I made some money, right? Which, you know, always helps with motivation. You know what I mean? Because it's kind of like, I don't know how people stay motivated in in other things that that take four years, six years, then you gotta go do insurance, IPS chips and all this stuff, which is what people do in college and they go to internship, but a lot of people can get really impatient and just maybe a month or two of getting this up and running or even whatever. Um, how long did it take you to start actually seeing traffic leads in sales? And how long would you stay disciplined and committed? Were you prepared to stay on this track? Until you quit? Do you know what I mean?

Craig: He had the mindset of we're going to do it however long it takes, but we had so much money, and so it turned out right when the right we started getting paid was right around the time our money was running out. And so it just worked.

Mary: I gotta tell you, we were so excited over $2.80 dollars and 80 cents and then it comes out it proves the concept you know, the first few Commission's prove the concept, and then the bigger commission came in, and it was just like, that's amazing. And it works. And so we just got super excited.

Dave: Are you both also? It's wonderful, and you're starting. It seems to be working in the make money online space, which was also something that you were looking to do, so it makes a lot of sense. A lot of people think, Oh, well the only thing legendary teaches is how to be an affiliate for legendary. Do you know, for those of you who are listening who are just you know, maybe sitting on the sidelines and haven't gotten to the trenches and are getting done the work and getting the results that Craig and Mary are getting, a lot of times people sit on the sidelines and they just assume or they just criticize or maybe they're trying to sell something else so they take shots. Number one is we never asked anybody to be an affiliate for legendary. We're blessed and honored and grateful that people think that our training is valuable enough that they actually want to also promote it. That's about that's just all there is to that. But number two point that or thing that I wanted to say was relating to that it is really amazing when those first couple of very small commissions come in and you celebrate and you feel almost like it's like a million dollars, but it's only a couple of bucks. But it proves the concept now. But I want to ask you, do you see how these skills in these business models that we're teaching you both affiliate marketing but also how to sell information? Do you see how that translates and transfers over into so many different things? Not only can you use these skills to maybe market an HVAC business, but you can even package all of your HVAC 25 years of knowledge and you can have a a category you know, a separate channel or whether it be Tiktok channel YouTube channel, to where you are speaking specifically to HVAC contractors and tradesmen. And as a matter of fact Greg and Mary, I mean, test maybe test that separately on a second account, no rules that we can't have multiple accounts folks, we all can have multiple tick tock Instagram, these are free accounts people. It's okay. So why not test the concept you've already got all this expertise, that you know how to talk to those people. Why not say I've been a contractor for 25 years. I could show you how to do HVAC better, I could also show you another way of how to get out of that business. Or at least create side income in case that business ever goes down. Right. But my point originally was the transferable skills. So I want to ask you about that. Do you see how the skills transfer and translate into promoting any product out there or packaging your own? Knowledge or somebody else's knowledge into a course or coaching program program or an event? 


Craig: We definitely said it's a definite possibility we could sell on our knowledge on HVAC, although right now we want to focus on what we're doing. But you never know.

Mary: That's a great idea to thank you.

Dave: Well, what you're doing right now is affiliate marketing. And I love that answer. I love that answer. See, there's always you know, if we pay close attention to people that are rocking and rolling and succeeding, we pick up little clues about how they're succeeding in the minds that they're in. And as I was just going over that with you, your response was that's a great idea. Dave may be awesome for another day, but we're focused on what we're doing right now. That's I just want to validate you for being in that mindset because it is so easy to get distracted. And especially, I was just doing a fellow entrepreneur with lots of ideas. All us entrepreneurs have lots of ideas. How real I want to say this, Greg The reason why you are succeeding is because you are focusing. So in what you just said to me, it was proof of that. But how do you stay focused on a daily basis with all of these differences and even your wife said, Hey, this guy's a little gullible. He's a risk. He's a risk taker. You know, he likes a good sales pitch and He probably likes to give one too. But how do you stay focused Brother, if you are somebody who has a little bit of the squirrel, the shiny object syndrome and you're an opportunity seeker, how do you stay focused day in and day out?

Craig: That's definitely me. I've been in every MLM since they began. I was in Amway 25 years ago. I mean, so anything comes along. I'm always looking at it. But this thing,

Dave: I love the I love you. You're the older version of me.

Craig: Steve told me from day one, that I was gonna be a success and was gullible enough to believe him. So I just told him, You tell me what to do. I will do it. And then if I'm not successful, I'll come back and engage in it. Now.

Dave:  Yeah. So you're you're you're willing to stay on track and you understand from owning an HVAC business for 25 years. That if you're going to have any success at something, you've got to work the business day in and day out. You can't show up one day in your town and say, well, we're not doing AC Today. Today. We're doing plumbing. Don't you guys want some plumbing work done? Right? And it's like, sure the AC guy was about to call you for some AC maintenance. Now you're not right. Wouldn't that be weird? You know, from running that HVAC business. You gotta be in business. Those doors gotta be open. Those checkout pages got to be working 24 hours a day seven days a week because they may not be ready right now. But next week when that system breaks, or next week, when they're actually having a feeling that they remember. Remember that guy on Tik Tok that was in North Carolina and was sitting around Grandpa, what was his name? Oh, yeah, I'm ready to buy now. I'm gonna go look at that. Guy. Oh, I pull them up on TikTok Oh, shit. He's talking about Oh no. How's he into now? He's in the Amway. Oh, gosh. Follow this guy. But there's gotta be an element of consistency. Because that's how this whole business works. You're set when you're sending follow up emails. There. They're now following your page so they see content from you. People usually have to see a few videos or emails or hear from you a couple of times, just to trust that you're not a scam artist who popped up one time and then you're off. So you guys both of you are doing that consistently and are you getting are does it seem like from the messages and in the interaction that you're getting people are? They see that you are leaders even though you may not consider yourself leaders. They can follow your suggestions and they can take your advice in their doing so you feel like that consistency, despite the fact that you're not really experts at anything, right? Do you feel that your consistency is still winning over the trust of people and making them bold?


Craig: We feel like the consistency speaks for itself. We've got a couple 100 More than 200 reals out there. And anyone can go on our page and see them and we do training and stuff whenever it comes on. And we try to learn we're trying to learn at the same time as doing it. And so we want to get better and do more.

Dave:  What other things would you think would be valuable for people to hear from you guys today?

Craig: Gosh, I don't know. Just our main theme is consistency. And every day whether we're sick no matter what, we get up and we're gonna do at least for reals no matter what. And that's our focus. We may have something to do with the grandkids. But around that we're going to get our reels out. And you know, it's just whatever it is it is and we're just going to keep pushing. Yeah.

Dave: Mary, How about how about you? What do you see in what people should know from your perspective, you've got a valuable perspective of having your husband come to you. And then now you getting involved in I mean, what got us such valuable experience? What could you share with other folks who may be listening in and maybe they're, I don't know, maybe they can take this to their spouse and say, Hey, see, I'm not trying to hurt our family. I'm trying to help. It may seem like I'm a little erratic, because I think a lot of people deal with husbands or wives or just partners, like Craig, like Dave, who we are. We do seem sometimes like we're erratic right are starting a bunch of things. How do you support somebody like that? Mary, how do you support somebody like that? And how, what experience would you give maybe to somebody who's a skeptical spouse loves the spouse, doesn't want him to get her in, doesn't really want to waste a bunch of time, but ultimately still wants to support their dreams and doesn't have a whole lot of other options. You have such valuable experience as just I'm just like, what could you share with us that might be helpful?

Mary: Well throughout the years you get to know your spouse and they go down a road that maybe is too gullible, you know, you reel him back in. If you do spot this in your spouse their desire to actually go through with this suggestive file and you'll see like the pride in his face for actually doing this for actually going forward and making something of this it is so exciting to see how excited he is every morning and make these reels. I just want to help them.

Dave:  Really, Craig, I mean you really got it made rather. You're really you know, you're surrounded by family. You went to you and you encountered a tough situation, like many of us did. Maybe not to that extent of business and having to move across country with chill with your kids, but man, you guys are figuring it out and doing it and now you're not sitting around saying what happened or you're going I just man, so much credit to you for doing that and for getting out there and making it happen. And thank you for your Yeah, I mean, I'm just really inspired by your story and I know so many other people are so we're gonna send people to your TikTok. @grampacraig 

Dave:  We'll go check it out, man and follow along on your journey and come back and see us in a couple of months. Would you too and let's keep the conversation going.

Mary: We'd love to all right. I'll see you.

Dave: Okay, Craig. All right. See you Mary and tell your family that we said hello as well and be well be safe and be legendary stay legend.

Mary: Thank you. All right. See you guys.

David Sharpe  

My friends. There it is. Once again, you know another amazing story. Go and check them out at @grampacraig over on TikTok and Grandpa Craig Marketing over on Facebook. And man I mean, wow. Move cross country to have to completely relocate with absolutely no plan and to not know what or where money's gonna come from. But to still have enough wherewithal to still be you know, in those moments, those are where we break down or we break through, you know, it really is like wow, this is it. This is the moment you know what I mean? This is where I need to act, and they acted, they acted well. Craig acted secretly. And then he came in and he shared it very vulnerably and honestly and wow. Look at the partnership, look at the support. Look at what's possible. Sure they're having their apps probably going to experience a lot more financial success if they stay on this path, who knows what's possible, but also look at the relationship and look at what it can do and has done for them, their love for each other. It's just magical what this business or a business can do. If you go into it and you're in, you know your limitations. See with Craig and I've done this too. You know, for me a big business with a like, for example, being a contractor might have even been too overwhelming for me personally, because it's a lot of equipment. It's a lot of things to take care of. But online marketing, affiliate marketing, it is a manageable business. All I need is a laptop in a cell phone, and I can do it and he's done it. He's doing that. Right and Papa Don's doing it at 78 and so many other people from young to old are doing it because they got in and they went through the training. They took if they needed support, they asked for it. They asked for it. There's just so much to learn when we talk to these people day in and day out, and we listen to how they did it. How did you do it? Well, I didn't have any other options. And I was at a moment where I was gonna break down or I was gonna break through, you know, I mean, he didn't say those exact words, but that's exactly what happened. And yeah, he and he went and did something even if it was wrong right. He took some action. That's what my dad used to say to me on the construction site, do something, son, even if it's wrong. Well, you don't know what's right until you start trying things. Just so happened to try something that was right. And then he said, Mary, I screwed up. I didn't tell you. You know what happened. But I want to tell you now I need you to write in and I mean, the magic every moment is an opportunity to create magic depending on what choice we make. What choice do we make? We are so powerful pieces to design our life. We are in control. I know that and I'm not trying to say play god. I'm just saying we're in control of these powerful choices that Craig and Mary have made, and it's possible for any one of us to do the same thing. So keep up the great work. Of course, Craig and Mary and all of you have a Legendary day. We'll be back here. Another episode tomorrow. Same time, same place.

How To Use Paid Ads To Grow Your Business


Dave:  Hey, what's going on my friends this is Dave sharp Welcome to wake up legendary. And yeah this this morning we're going to be talking about how pay the ads help this gentleman grow his business extremely fast listen a couple of housekeeping things as you're on this live if people are messaging you friend requests and you you know they are eventually going to try to pitch you some sort of something most likely be careful of that as you're watching you know as you as you come into our community or any other community online on Facebook, be careful of those people who are going to be looking to prey on naive people and pitch their wares and so forth. For the most part, ignore most people who are reaching out to you because they're looking to sell you something and you need to be focused on your business. You know, buying the right training from the right people uses your gut and then gets into action. And that's exactly what Edison did. So help me welcome Edison to the show. What's up my man? 

Edison: How's it going there, Dave? 

Dave: How's it going? It's going Excellent. My brother. Where are you calling in from? I am in upstate New York about 50 miles off of New York City. Okay, okay. I had a family that was from New York and I used to go up there every summer in New York state, New York City. But welcome, man, and tell us a little bit about who Edison is so everybody can get to know I see you have pictures back there. You must have a family, you must have a whole life. Right. And that's I think what sometimes we forget when we're dealing with people on the internet and we're talking to them and we're marketing to them is that we all have families while regular people and that's why I love to talk to people each morning. Because you know, they humanize this whole business for us. So tell us a little bit about Edison, you know who you are and how you found legendary.

Edison: Well, first of all, thanks for having me on here today because it's my privilege to be here. I've actually been here since inception, but I've been in the digital marketing realm since 1997. Before he was even called Digital Marketing. Back in the day when people didn't even know that the internet was gonna be a thing. You know, it was a fad. But you're absolutely right. Everything is about family. All these pictures here are special events we've had over the years that hang them up on the wall there to remind me of why I'm doing everything that I'm doing. I have the bar back there by the way, a mini bar. And that's so that you know, sometimes I want to forget some of the things that happened as well. So sometimes I want to remember these people, sometimes I want to forget them.

Edison: That's the tagline real life, right? But no, I've been doing this since 1997. We had a small advertising firm, my dead wife at the time. We grow it over 20-25 years. So my kids are grown now. You know, when they're both out doing their own thing. My daughter is working. She's a vet tech, very proud of her. My son is an entrepreneur, extremely proud of him. He's doing a lot of things that I didn't even imagine could be done and he's actually doing it. So it's all about getting your family through and giving them as much as he can and then teaching them exactly what it is that they need to aspire to so that they can do it themselves as well.

Dave:  So with the digital marketing experience that you have, and all the different things that you know and that you can do, what led you to legendary What were you looking for, and have you found it?

Edison: Yes, here's the thing, okay. You know, the shiny object syndrome, you go around and do all these different things. My main focus over the last 25 years or so since before 97, but I'd say 97 for the web. My main focus was helping small business owners, right. Small business owners retail locations, they need the internet more than anyone else, and they're the ones that like to find it the most right? So I found my niche with a small business owner. However, as you know, any service oriented business you're trading your time for money. So yes, I can scale up by hiring more staff. You know, the more work we get and the more staff I need and you know, scale up that way. What attracted me to the legendary pretty much any affiliate program out there is you can actually promote something and you can promote it as hard as you want or as easy as you are. And what I mean by easy is just put up a link somewhere, throw traffic to it every so often and forget that it's there. And every once in a while you get a check. I mean, like you know, I mean I don't get a physical check of course, but you know, you get to your paypal saying hey, you got a whole bunch of money here. Over the years, I've learned to do that with programs that supplement anything that I do. So my focus is my business and that's where I know, that's my bread and butter, right? That's what pays my bills. That's what pays the mortgage. That's what pays everything right. The affiliate part in my case, is that I used to call them Monopoly money. Because it's like the extra stuff that you get, you want to go on vacation and you know, they say, Hey, let me see what I can promote out there. Throw a couple of dollars in here, you know, because I do a lot of paid ads. So a couple of dollars here. Let's see if I could get a three to five return on investment and whatever we make for that amount will go on vacation as we had to actually do that with my daughter. We had to go off to spring break. And I used to say okay, whatever I sell this weekend, that's the money we're going to use to go out and to wherever we go and right. And sometimes you used to be like just 500 bucks and sometimes you'll be like, you know, not much.

Dave:  I want to I want to share something that you you shared with that you wrote into us when we asked you to come be on the show you said and I hope you don't mind me sharing this but I I think it's important because a lot of people whether you need extra play money, or in your case, when you you know Are you okay with me sharing about the divorce and what you did for your ex wife and yeah, yeah. So. So you wrote that, you know, in 2007, you were divorced and gave the company that you were just talking about and its residual income to your ex wife, and you started from scratch.

And everything was fine until the pandemic shut down 75% of your new clients and you wrote in if it wasn't that you dabbling in affiliate sales over the years, the pandemic would have wiped you out. And so you said the Commission I had built up from companies offering email marketing services hosting domain registrations online education helped me get through a very difficult time in the world. Now I'm restarting in business and it's starting to look great and I just, I just man, I thought that was really powerful. It's because Absolutely. If you want extra Monopoly money, as you said, or vacation money, but it's also we never know when something's going to hit when something and we don't know what it's going to look like. And it's last thing that we all went through was completely out of the blue. And Edison because of your previous affiliate marketing experience and the income streams that you have that carried you through and there were so many people that didn't have that. And I just wonder before we move on if you'd speak to Yeah, you talked about the vacations and all that but if you would speak to how important it is to have backup skills, savings and even income coming in because you don't like you said you didn't predict what happened, right you can you talk about that side of this business and how it's your HSS it saved my HSS as well. Yeah, absolutely. And, you know, thanks for bringing that up, because I was gonna segue into that because it's great to have monopoly money, but you need it back in 2017 You said 2007 But it's 2017.

Edison: Yeah, we built my ex wife and I built a beautiful business. We did very well. We put the kids through college, the whole nine yards. But in 2017, we divorced and one of the things that I did was I gave her all the residual income, all the hosting accounts, the websites, anything that had to do with maintenance, anything like that. That's the residual income. That's what I had been. That's what I strive to build over time. I was in a good place to do that. So you know, I handed it off to her so she didn't have to worry about paying the mortgage or taking care of the bills and all these different things. But then, because I felt that it was easier for me to start all over. When in reality, I was already making money online with the affiliate programs affiliate.

Dave:  I know we can't really talk about numbers here but it was enough that and with a proper disclaimer, which is that your Edison is about to give some numbers in no way shape or form. Should any of you take these numbers as that's exactly what we're promising that you're going to make in this business, but please give us numbers now that we've given that disclaimer. Alright, so from affiliate money at that time, I was only making about $30,000 a year, which you know, some people make that part time working somewhere. Some people make that full time. Let's be serious, but that allowed me to have a cushion, let's say so I can give away the entire company and still not be flat broke and really start from scratch. So I started a new company from scratch, which was the marketing side of things because I wasn't going to start competing against my own ex wife at the time. So I started the marketing side of it. Things were going fantastically well until 2019 with a pandemic hit. And everything just came to a screeching halt because my niche is small business owners and the small business owners, the one that suffered the most in this pandemic. I mean a lot of businesses suffered but they really, really, really suffered so about 75% of my income just went away. Again, the affiliate funds that I was getting was enough to carry me through all that so I didn't have to hit. I didn't have to go into all of my savings. Because I got into all of my savings and haven't been completely depleted if I didn't have some type of income. And you know, I still had a few clients, you know that they were you know, that survived and was still paying, you know, some bills but a failure. If you don't have a person, call it a Plan D and they call it whatever they want. I call it supplemental income, whatever you're focusing on. You have to do something to bring more money and you have to decide whether you're going to use it just to go.

Edison: You have to have something that supplements what you currently do because let's say you're working somewhere nine to five, and you're like go I mean nowadays they're hiring everybody that the writers,

Dave:  You know, I agree. I agree that if you have a nine to five, you should have you should you should be you should always be Well, I hate to say the word should. But yeah, supplemental income is an extra income side income can be helpful if you have a job. But what if you're a business owner like you are now Edison as a say you have an affiliate marketing business and you strive to do this full time can you speak a little bit to people how they start multiple things, and how having multiple things as an entrepreneur is very different than having multiple things if you still have a job, like if you still have a job and you have a side hustle or you're doing something that's that's that's very different. But if you have multiple businesses, meaning that you're trying to run an agency and do affiliate marketing you're trying to unless it's a business model that goes really close, that works really well together like the core four ways to sell information, you can sell a course and also do affiliate marketing. It's not a big deal. But I just want to make sure that that that I want to just delve into the details of what you said a little bit more, because there's a lot of new people who think Well, absolutely Edison, who's been in the business for 25 years, says I need to have lots of things going on. So as they're trying to start their affiliate marketing business. They're being marketed to a bunch of other things and before they actually have anything up and running. They don't even have the business started yet. They're in the mindset of multiple streams of income, but ain't got the first stream and if that makes sense. Can you speak to that?

Edison: Yeah, absolutely. And just to clarify everything. One of the things that helps any individual is first of all, let's differentiate two things. If you're working nine to five, and you have that job, right, once five o'clock comes around, you could show that off. Right, right. I mean, you know, you didn't have when you're an entrepreneur Dave, come on, can we really turn this off? We're constantly thinking about it, whether we're, whether we're working on it or not. We're constantly thinking of our business. Alright, so first, that's the big differentiator. So when the entrepreneur you're doing many, many things, so when you start doing the multiple streams of income, he was my secret. This is what helped me and I'm sure it can help many people. I always chose an affiliate program that's going to supplement anything that I was doing. Okay, so for instance, I offered domain registration hosting, web design, right. So what goes with all that? You need to do SEO, you need to do PPC, those are all services right? But which affiliate programs use their email marketing systems, right? So I became an affiliate for an email marketing service, right. Hosting outside of I don't have my own servers to put the company on and let them do it. So I went to a company. I became a reseller for their servers and now there is an affiliate program. Online education like this legendary marketing is one of the biggest things I loved about legends.

Dave:  It's how I became the number one affiliate of Click Funnels because we sell education about how to build internet marketing and for the past six or seven years, how many over the years we've been in business. I have been sending customers over to click funnels to get a funnel set up. And so that has made me and again, another big fat ridiculous disclaimer that this is absolutely not guaranteed for any one. But I think my affiliate income with ClickFunnels is somewhere between 30 and 40,000 a month, something like that, maybe up to 50,000 a month. I can't remember but it's literally a side income as you're talking that I was able to earn without doing any extra work because it is a what's the word Edison it is a it's like it's something that they already need in this business. Yeah. If I was a golf coach, what would I want? If I had clients coming to me 10 A day 10 A day, okay. Or five a day. I got five clients coming to me today. If I send somebody into the pro shop after a lesson and they spend $1,000 on golf equipment, do you think that the trainer out there should get a commission for sending them in and telling them everything that they need to buy? Absolutely that probably doesn't happen. But the beauty of affiliate marketing is that you get paid for everything you do and then you keep getting paid. Over and over again. It's all about getting paid per action and then getting paid basically. The beauty of affiliate marketing is you're literally splitting your profit partner with the company, you're getting 3040 50 60% of a sale, which in many cases is more than an owner. That more than the owner of the businesses a lot more. So Edison I, I'm, I'm so thankful that you brought this up that affiliate marketing doesn't just have to be a primary business. It can be something that you're using to sell your customer additional picks and shovels as they continue on their journey to mined gold in their industry. Right? Absolutely.

Edison:And this is something that I've been teaching small business owners, especially the ones with the retail locations, they don't realize they have a retail location they have foot traffic coming in every single day. And they have stuff that they don't sell, but they couldn't become an affiliate for and just have a sign there with a QR code that goes somewhere and the person buys it. That's supplemental income that is not costing them anything extra.

Dave:  Your email autoresponder series, the emails that you send that go out to somebody, you can write as many of those as you want. That's what sometimes I don't think we remember is that, you know, you can write 10 follow up emails, you can write six or you can write 600. And you can continue to find products that, you know, a lot of times it's the marketers responsibility to figure out an angle of how that product might tie in. Or sometimes you have to point out why the person might need the product. But because sometimes we don't know we need something until somebody tells us we need some bread. That's how the marketplaces work. Hello. But, you know, Edison, as soon as somebody gets on my email list, maybe I might sell them or market them my core offer initially whether it's my services, maybe it's a course, maybe it's my main affiliate offer, but they're still on my email list. And I can continue to market to them over and over and over again, while delivering value in my emails. And just making subtle recommendations for them to go grab other products. And it truly does the work once and the email, and that's the closest thing or one of the closest things that you come to true automation. It's true passive income because you did the work. Say for example, you paid the money and set up the paid ads which I'd like to transition and talk about a little bit with you. But the beauty of how you really make your money with paid ads. Is not or nowadays anyways. is not on the initial sale. All the big companies know this and all the companies that you see advertising understand this, we understand this as well. We're willing if we're selling a $7 challenge to spend 40-60 upwards of sometimes $100 for a sale for a $7 product. What the hell's wrong with your bath, Dave? Because we know what each customer is ultimately worth over, you know, a year's lifetime value. And those additional emails and stuff like that, that go out add to that lifetime value. So talk to us a little bit about that from your perspective and how you've used paid ads here with you lately to drive sales.

Edison: Well, I use a lot of paid ads for my clients and I'll give you a few examples. I have an attorney that we do content marketing for him because he needs to be in as many places as possible. And it's extremely expensive for attorneys to get high ranking on Google let's say, right, so we are doing interviews on a weekly basis posting the let's say the videos up to YouTube and posting it to his website. But then we do pay that so we send targeted traffic to those videos. So now he gets all these views and the people that are watching his videos then see that he they need his services and they go to their website we capture their email box in the follow up although you know sequence here you're gonna love it because it talks about this you're gonna like that because and then we just don't say you're gonna love this gonna say if you know someone who's in this situation has just forwarded this email to them. So pay that and email marketing. They go hand in hand like you mentioned, you have to not just throw money at sermon money or ads to go to a landing page in the funnel and that's it. You have to also capture that information so that you can do all the sequential email marketing for I have a client that we send out an email every three days for a full year. And in there, we can change the PS with what we sell the product and the PS because it's all valuable information. And the PS is what gets them all the affiliate sales and he has the grossest, his firm, they grow this audience and get some more business, his core business but then he's selling affiliate products on the back end. And again really an attorney and=

Dave: Attorney is using his selling products as an affiliate to his customer base or his audience. That's the end you've set all up is that what you're saying? Yes, the

Edison: The attorney right now is doing content marketing, right the attorney we're doing all of this with throwing money at their videos and the YouTube videos. We don't go on to the YouTube video to their website and we capture their email address, for instance. That particular client is not doing affiliate marketing. Right now. We are growing a base and one of the things who's going to do is we're going to get together with other attorneys that are not of the same discipline. That then they can do. They're gonna have a network of referrals back and forth and referral is different things. It's pretty much affiliate marketing, marketing, per se, it's not like you know, you're gonna go and sign up.

Dave: More referral marketing, but it's the same thing. It's the same thing. Affiliate marketing is you're sending somebody to a business and you get paid for the referral.

Edison: Exactly. So back in the day, we used to call it viral marketing. Now the color of affiliate marketing, you know, like digital marketing used to be online or you know, internet marketing so it's a Potato Potahto type thing. But getting back to paid ads is the fastest way you can know if something works. Okay, if you want to know that, you know that. Legendary for instance is like with legendary, I've thrown money, email, paid ads and everything else. And I learned that right, right, because what happens a lot of people throw a couple of $100 Couples of $1,000 at an ad and say, Oh my God, this didn't work. But they got a whole bunch of names right? They got maybe one or two sales, but because they didn't make enough to at least match what they spent. They think it didn't work, but they don't do the back end. Like I said before, they don't do the sequential automated, automated response emails that go out to then continue to add value to that person so they can see you or send authority and they can see you're someone who can help them because that's what we're doing. We're helping people, your educational products, or people that are looking to start an online service or an online digital service to offer their own business write their own core products. It's not just to sell Legendary, it's to learn how to use the internet to use this great divide and now we can sit on our laptops and just do it all day long. I wouldn't take it to a beach though. I wouldn't take my laptop to the beach. I guess there is sand in there. I tried but it doesn't work for me anyways, but I could take it anywhere else. Okay, I'm going on vacation to visit my daughter in Tampa and she's right by your office. I'm going to visit you if you want, by the way. And we went well, I took my laptop and I don't have to worry about work. All of my clients are 100% right now. All of my clients were pre-pandemic, I will go to my client's office and this and that. But post pandemic is also what we're doing right now.

Dave: Even if you're doing paid ads, but you set your funnel up, you set a you know, even a minimum of five to 10 emails that go out and get you started whatever you can always right I'm going to show you something here in a second. It's going to blow you all's mind in terms of I'm going to show you an affiliate marketing campaign that is going to blow your mind and in show an example of exactly what we're coming out with these email follow ups over months and even years you know but gosh, this is this is really this is really important. Because there is there's just there's so much there's so this whole business is a really simple, simple, simple simple model, that if there's only a couple of tools that you use, meaning of a funnel builder and an email auto responder, those are the only two tools that I have used in that that one needs to be successful with internet marketing. You don't need a WordPress blog, you don't need anything, everything else you can use. You don't have to own it. You can just use it, you can rent it, right you can rent the real estate, in most cases for free to set up your business which is insane to me. We can just go and set up a storefront on tick tock on Facebook on YouTube on Instagram for free. That's the free side of the business. So every so no longer does anybody and Pinterest already Carolina and Pinterest and several others Right. Or if I would have an email list we could just email out But I digress. I digress. Edison we can set up shop in any one of these. These malls tick tock instagram, youtube for free. And if so, we want to spend money. Just turbocharge we can with paid ads. And I am just having a moment right here where I'm just realizing how good this is and every single morning I love to get excited and resell myself on how good this is and how much opportunity we have in front of us. So I make sure that I keep going after it every day. And don't get complacent. I promised I would show that campaign but I just want to get over to you. If you have any thoughts on this. So we're talking about paid ads. We're talking about making those work. But we have to remember that any of us can set up an email TikTok YouTube, Facebook and have a free storefront. We can grow as big as we want in that even before we get into paid ads Edison, how different is this than when we were marketing back 10 years ago and especially how much easier is it before we even get into the paid ads conversation just with what we can all do? For low to no cost?

Edison: Oh my god. I can tell you as someone who has been around for a while. Back in the day. We used to have let's say direct marketing right? We used to have to create the postcard right then if it was just a simple postcard design it gets printed, mail it out. Wait to get a response together. Hopefully


Dave: They would have to mail a check back and then mail whatever information books, tapes, whatever. Think about that. It feels like the crud, the crotchety old man who was like, back in my day we had to walk miles both ways uphill. You kids got a good stop, complain. You know get off my grass while you're at it. So let me show that campaign. As I said, I want to show a visual of what we're talking about here with these follow ups. You know, I showed this in the blueprints, but I'm gonna give you all a little bit of a taste of what's in the blueprints if you don't own them yet. And also, if you do own them, I'm going to show you something that you may not have seen. It's in the phishing formula section where we talk about follow up. What else can I sell them for more money, okay. And this particular marketer who we found is just an affiliate marketer. I thought this was such a great example because he's not affiliated with us. He may have been a student at one time, who knows that would be cool. Maybe I learned from him I don't know or her but either way this was a this is an example he had in the blueprints and it's about a you know somebody who sells woodworking plans and as of right now, I've been on this email list let's see older than a year so I've been on it for more than a year. I've likely been on this for a cup for two or three years. Okay. He's away, as you can see, right. Okay. Oh, wait, let me go back to two bucks. So just this morning at 7:17am. And let me make this a little bit bigger. I can see. I still got an email. I subscribe to this email, literally, like two to three, maybe even four years ago, but he anyway every single day and you can look at what 26 May 20 May. Let me get out of the way so May 24, May 23, May 22 May 21. To on May 20. May 19. May. This is how you run a business. This is how you run a business right here for free. See single day and email goes out and originally the offer for the local marketer who was running paid ads and that's how I got on their email list. Originally they were selling, you know woodworking plans to build sheds and things like that and what they found is you know, should all things that might relate or be of interest because we you know, you know to people who are also interested in building and making piddling in their garages and etc. But look at all of the medicinal plants of North America, right? The most powerful remedies growing in your area. So what this marketer is assuming is that hey, maybe because this person likes to do their own piddling, they're a DIY or maybe they'll want to make their own home remedies for things growing the food are growing, you know, medicine in their yard or whatever. You know, it's like a 3d printer. What is he promoting here? Make sure you are connected to WiFi and click the link below so you can always click through. It's like a 3d printer for wood DIY and he turns a regular piece of wood into a coveted work of art see this guy has gone out and done to other and he's found them on Clickbank this offer looks like it's from Clickbank but he's found another offer that he thinks or she thinks would be relevant to the people on your email list. And, again, Edison, I've been on this list for multiple years. And here is an example of somebody who runs their business like a business takes us to really similar markets and sends an email every day even after multiple years. And I just can't imagine what this person's lifetime value is. Gotta be really high because they're doing follow up in a way that we all should be doing follow up.

Edison: Oh, absolutely on a daily basis and to send out totally there and I'm pretty sure if he goes through those emails you may find him asking for feedback. So what else interests you? You know what, what troubles or struggles or challenges you may be having? Because that's how you get more. What else to sell people. If they need something, you go out there and find it. And they'll get it and you'll make some money.

Dave: Yeah, no, it's very simple. So give us the story. It's not simple but it is simple. It's not easy, but it's simple. So let's talk a bit about low paid ads. Are you mostly doing your paid ads and comfortable on Google or Facebook? Let's jump back over there because that's titled The show here today. And let's just talk just a little bit about kind of getting a campaign set up and running and how would somebody get started? Wanted to test 2050 $100 in paid ads in your eyes.

Edison: Alright, the very first thing you have to know is you have to know first where your target market live, right? We know that Facebook and Instagram if you want you're going to advertise on the other. So if they're mostly there, and that's the right audience for you, you go there. I stick to Instagram and Google okay because Google has YouTube they have 10 different ways. I have a client tell you that he's a septic tank person. And Google has this program that you only advertise on symbols on one of these devices, right it shows up here. They click on it and they go directly to their phone and someone on the other end, of course has to answer it. And he's paying about maybe $20. Isn't that when they click on it and they get a call before every dollar and you probably get 10 of them. You've probably spoken for 100 hours to get 200 hours back in service. The lifetime value there is 6000 hours if they have a major issue when they go to know what it is. Your budget should go according to how you're selling first of all, it is simple if you want to do the simplest thing on Facebook, you just boost the net right? But when you boost the ad, you're adding a boost.

Dave: Pillar post, like from your fan page.

Edison: That's the easiest thing to do. However, it's gotten a little pricey when you start selecting demographics, you know male, female and everything else it gets a little bit pricier. However, if your message you should still target but if your message will only be read by the person who's interested in that particular thing. That's what you need to do. You need to pass your target market first, understand your avatar and understand who they are targeting. What else is done while their challenges are everything. Pros and cons of your product mostly speak about the benefits right and not the actual details but if you want to start off with a $5 a day budget, posting on a post store that will have something actionable in there. A lot of people do something that doesn't have an actionable thing because they want to get engagement and they want engagement because they want to show people that they have a lot of people following them liking different things. I do a lot of paid ads. If you go to any of my social sites, my personal ones, your posts here and there because I'm always working on paid ads. I could reach a million people with the right budget with a paid ad and have to put it organically naturally. My budget started off organically. Start off with five bucks 20 bucks a day, whatever it is, but you have to look at a number of hours. The next thing is instead of boosting and it was still on Facebook every step of boosting went into the business era where you can create all of their ads, you know business.facebook.com That's where you start developing all of that. And that platform is always changing. My thing is I show these video videos and I tell people how to do things and then Facebook goes and changes. I'm like I'm looking for that button that is not there anymore. So become familiar with the platform. But most importantly, I'm trying to portray because that's what's important. test different ads, see how we'll go and see it. Look at it, go to your competitors, go to see which ads they're going to, just go to the Facebook library and you can find out all the ads any of your competitors are running. See wasn't bad, because they actually tell you these things. Don't copy it outright. Don't do that because that's right. Frischmann copyright infringement a lot of things you could get in trouble.

Dave: I first started running paid ads back 12 years ago, but actually use company logos and all kinds of charter infringement clinics started getting a bunch of cease and desist letters from companies. You know what I shot first. That's the important lesson from that story. I shot my shot. And I got those heads up. I got sales and I got leads and motivation and then I got in a little bit of shit because I got some cease and desist and I was like, That must be the boundary. And then I came back here and I kept going, you know what I mean? 


Edison: To answer you know what the beauty is educating people on these things now so they think thank you and I made because man I gotta put in the times myself because you and I we go out there we get things done. 

Dave: And as an entrepreneur, you gotta let go. I want to point out just real quick, you know, in our business blueprints, I have a tool with multiple post examples that I give of the easiest way exactly what you're talking about here. If we go into the business blueprint, and we go down here to the Facebook funnel, we go to the Facebook friends campaign, these campaigns a lot of stuff that details the specifics back here in this education. And for those of you who are looking at exams, will I even link to the post here? I link to a given example of the post and I like to post here. You can see that I linked to it right here on this page. Okay. But it's it's it's so that that does exactly what you are that you're describing here as well as examples of where I've run these exact campaigns. I give you the templates I give you the ad copy to post. Again, I link directly to the actual Facebook posts so you can see it. And then of course I give screenshots and stuff as well but you can see there's a similar way depending on what you're doing to do Facebook ads if you're just getting started. And I love that you brought up the boosted posts thing because on Facebook right now, if you've got a small budget to get good quality leads because you have more time than evening. spend on your business right now. Then absolutely you can boost a post tell them below, four wins and nation and you take your five you're Texas and now all of a sudden you've got all this engagement you're you create a frenzy. I give you all the company give in you can you know you can put it to action in different niches if you want. It is interchangeable but I just want to remind everybody that the exit polls and that training is right there in the blueprints and if the series is about it, then the beauty is that most of what we teach in the blueprints is free. It's organic, but there's a couple of different places that we teach running paid ads. And I just love that you brought up the sibling list kind which is also the examples that I that I have back in there in the book which just boosting a post and not even really we do teach the business management game in a day and we do teach how to run a folks in the business blueprints as a cut. But you know, a lot of times we prefer that people start out ethically and then begin to sort of use paid ads as a way to kind of boost or a way to throw gasoline on the fire. If you're a seasoned vet like Edison, and you've gone back in you know how to navigate different platforms find a good fit, but it can be a huge disservice if you're now I need to go learn everything that he knows that he's learned in his 25 year did marketing and things that I'm just that I'm not going to get. So where? What other advice have you found to be the simplest to get started with you mentioned the boosting posts. Do you want to say more about that question mentioned another one that would be really that you think is simple or simplistic to get started with?

Edison: Well Google, believe it or not has made Google Ads they've made a call when you first sign up and they're doing this right now but they're giving you like a $500 credit $500 But they've made it so that simple. They have the ad there's a little button they say advance or so and in the simplest way possible do is answer their questions. And you just follow along. And you can have either a banner advertising a search ad or a phone to phone ad. You could have a video ad that's the least expensive thing you could do right? And video ads. And you could do it through Google ads or YouTube ads as well. But I like Gary and I advertise on YouTube but through very simply I go into the non of that stuff but if you're just starting off, start off with email so you can start a brand new account. When you do that. They'll walk you through it. You want to do it, you want more reach, you want to get conversions. People call me on the phone. You want to know that whatever it is they give you the options. It's that simple. They've made it very simple.

Dave: It is that simple. But we as human beings like to talk about what is the simplest and how to do and oftentimes are afraid to go in there and take a look at somebody who's with us with a flashlight. Tell me your experience with that shit and why you think that person nowadays thinks that they need a mentor or somebody that likes to show them how to do it. I'm not trying to throw stones at you or criticize but there is a very different approach to entrepreneurship and I'd like to know your perspective. As a 25 year vet who's been you know, who's been who's who's had hardships, but that had to pick yourself up in, in literally if you don't make money, my brother, your family has how many? How do you approach things? For example, if somebody wants to run paid ads, they need to reach out to you and have you fly out to their house and sit next to them. They need to hire you for one hour of coaching. And that's that's fine. They could . It's a capitalistic world and I listen for coaching for paid ads. I'm not saying don't do that. But what I'm getting at Yeah,

Edison: I think that the word that comes to my question is really accountability. One thing that I've realized was last year, they're not suddenly going into your portal by the way, I steal stuff from what you guys are doing because you guys are just rocking. 

Dave:  So today that's what that's what people do is we go and to learn some stuff and so they learn from me but thanks for coming here because I'm learning from you and continue with accountability.

Edison: Works in a different way than a file I get into Legendary and I see that you are doing something that has to do with you know, like the blueprints okay, I love that program. I mean, if someone doesn't have it, they need to invest in it. But you take people step by step there. You can either tell someone listen, I'm going to do this thing and if I don't do it, I'm gonna look like a total fool, right and then just follow the steps in there. Or you can hire someone else to do Hey, you haven't done this. You haven't done what you say you're gonna say and then you're wasting your time on that because that's what a lot of people do. They start doing the keeping your hands busy thing, right? It's like Oh, but I read this book and I saw that video and I did that. But what have you done today to make a buck? Every single day you have to do something that gets you closer to your financial goals as possible. Right. And we talked about finances right now we're not talking about health or anything else, right? 

Edison: Exactly. And you're going towards something or away from something right? So if you have your goal, right, and you're accountable to yourself that if I'm going to make $100,000 This year, right. And what am I doing today right now? Is it taking me 100,000 hours or is it taking me away from the $100,000 is reading this book here that has nothing to do with anything that I want to get me closer? Maybe it is because you want to read something you know, like to just zone out and then you know, like disconnect from the world. That's perfectly fine. You're

Dave: Likely if you're coming through legendary and you've read Rich Dad Poor Dad, do you not need more books? Oh, it's down. Yes, absolutely right the book reading in the YouTube inspiration video watching you know, about one here in the morning to get to go and I mean we got a lot of people on our team that watch a lot of inspiration to garden. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the Endless Aisle. I'm, how's your business going? Well, I'm waiting for a book to arrive on Amazon. Yeah, I asked how your business was. How many sales did you make? Today? Wait, whoa, Amazon. I gotta get started because I wanted to get into this book and really read. You know what, what, what he thinks.

Edison: Now, we're live in that instant gratification world. It's like YouTube. is bad at the same time because YouTube you go to any video how to make money right but they tell you do XYZ but they leave out a couple of things that maybe you know you that you should have known because

Dave: Books are a great leader to their course. I mean, folks, listen, wake up. And let's really look at this from creators, not consumers. Authors are starving, struggling and broke for the most part. So what they started to do is smart nup and all the business all the marketing books, anybody who's got half a morsel of marketing DNA in their body has picked up on the fact that books you can't get rich selling a book. You can't make money selling a book. It's simply a loss leader and it's simply a question of a person as an expert these days. That's it. It's not a moneymaker. Unless you're Dwayne The Rock Johnson and you're gonna sell 20 million the first day he's probably made a few but you and I are not going to be even great authors who sell a lot of books. Don't make money, like musicians don't make money on their music. They make it on shows, they make it on deals, they make it on other things. We have to understand that even if we're going and we're reading books and getting trained up and all this, that they're likely the loss leader, the front end that's their 15 Day Challenge. And for lenders what I tell people a lot is Look we got a 15 day challenge for seven bucks and then we got the blueprints and that's it. I mean, there might be a few other one off programs somewhere we got a marketers club but we got two flagship things. There's not any upsells you're not going to be spending 30, 40, 50 Nobody's going to come to you and buy $5,000 worth of coaching from a legend. We're just not going to do it. We're just not going to do because we know that that that the end of the day you can either get results or you can have and you can read endless books in be constantly taken into other people's sales funnels, and buy their programs and enroll in their things and be a lifelong student where you can get results and I am actually thinking Edison of stripping down more and more of our education and more. Because I think the problem nowadays is not that there's not enough, it's just that there's too much information. And we overcomplicate things we refer to God about as people as a people how to figure shit out. And that you know, so what we need to do is we need to tell people and we need to get people back in that sort of mode of look I have of realizing that if somebody is for you, it's a disservice to you. The best scenario is that you learn how to do it. And you go out there and you do it and you fail or have a challenge and you come back and we reassess. We watch the tape over what we can do on blueprints, coaching calls and all these kinds of things. You're actually going out there and you're taking action. Papa Don said a couple of weeks ago on our wake up pledge scenario, if I'm not filming, if I'm not speaking somewhere or writing this is to human beings to other people, then it's likely just busy work that's not really going to bring in any money and as a real true 25 year event. Even this, every moment that we sit here on the show is out of something that we could be doing with our business. How do you protect? How do you value your time? And how do you ensure that you don't waste it on bullshit or people that don't deserve it?

Edison: Well, one of the things that I teach my students because I teach online and offline everything else. It features a weekly calendar, and then the weekly calendar. Some people can't stick to this, but I showed them how they can and this is what you do. You say Okay, first of all, what's my blueprint? What is it that I'm trying to accomplish? Right? What are the 1235 things I need to do every single day that if I do these things, I have to go out and do anything else. But if I accomplish these five things, three things attend to whatever it is. It can take five minutes, it could take five hours. But if you accomplish those things, the rest of the day is yours. What are those things? And then I say Okay, put it on a weekly calendar. And say I'm going to blog. Monday, going to research. Tuesday, I'm going to blog on Wednesday. I'm gonna video a Friday, whatever it is, but every day you have to have some type of activity that you're doing that's getting you closer to what a financial goal is. Whatever. That amount is. And then you have to monitor it. You have to look to see if what you're doing is working or is not working. But if you write it down, okay, that's the you know, the brain dump is you took everything here, you throw that piece of paper, you hang it up. I have a whiteboard right here that tells me everything I need. To do. Because I have so many projects and they say Oh, I gotta do this by this date. But if you just put a calendar a white paper, I mean like I have on my wall here I have something that is like this to this day, but get it from here on somewhere else and then just say all I need to do is this test. And it's very important. Something you just said, which is let's see if we can get from all of this information to something more concise, right? That's the key. And that's a good way to look at things because what I love about everything that's in legendary is that you have a lot of different things so I can go anywhere. But if you have let's say an area that says hey, are you a beginner, medium or advanced and then in there and then you say okay, if you're advanced, these are the actions you should start implementing right away and then just concentrate specifically on your medium. just starting out, you know what the internet is all about? This is why you're you know, this is what you're gonna do. If you may want to do that, like Netflix, for instance just start doing if you want to watch a 30 minute show 60 minutes show a 90 minute show down by how much time you have on your hands. You know and if you need to watch I love people say Don't waste your time on Netflix watching football and all that stuff but you need downtime you know you need your brain to process stuff. So yes, you still need that. So it doesn't mean you're not gonna do the things you want to do. You're in business for yourself because you want to do the things you want to do. The minute that you don't have the tower. Why are you doing all this? Why are you? You know, like going out there and getting things done. You know, it's just you have to live the lifestyle you want to read. And that's the bottom line. Accountability to yourself or to someone else. Some people it works better if you're accountable to yourself, some people a lot better if you're accountable to someone else. Okay. Some people blast something on Facebook. Well, I'm gonna do all these great cigarettes. But then they didn't do anything and then they feel terrible, right? Tell a couple people don't tell the world. And then after you accomplish it, say hey, this is what I did over the last year, you know? So it's not better to speak from accomplishment than from what you're proposing to do.

Dave: And I love this comment that was shared by Letty Letty. He said I bought the blueprints almost when I had not put them in action. It's ridiculous on my part to need to get through the trauma of intention and learn it instead of being scared of it. Hey, man, I really relate to that. Here's what I would recommend to anybody who's feeling like the information overload is hurting you. Unsubscribe from all the things that you don't want when you when you go on to Facebook if you if you want to keep Facebook in your life or on Facebook right now every time you go on to Facebook, unfollow people stop taking in stuff you don't want it when I realized that, that I can unsubscribe from all the noise the emails that I've opened in a long time. Why am I still subscribed to them because I liked them. No, it's not good enough. Now. Why do I still follow this person on Facebook? Why am I still on this platform? Why do I still look? Why do I still have this app on my phone? Why do I still take calls from this family member? I mean when we start protecting our eyes and ears. Our life changes in all this extra time and all this extra data that we have suddenly opens up. How do I know how I can still Dave you're speaking to don't like your pontificating as your way is the best. I do think this way is the best. I do think that really taking control of your time and setting clear boundaries and letting others know that you're not a real serious person. You're like cutting people off, not taking their calls, letting it go the message of closing your door at home and missing time and saying family don't come in. I mean truly protecting your time in protecting your precious brain space. Because if you've cleared all this stuff that you don't want that you're constantly taking in, that's taking up valuable brain space and energy each day. You'll have more space and the energy for these few things that you want to do are training that you want to go through and then implement. And it's a wonderful thing my friends. If you have to get extreme, get extreme. If you have to get you know, if you delete every single app off of your smartphone except I mean, if you have to leave Facebook off your phone I mean come on, get radical, get extreme about your own life. And this is what I'm yelling from the rooftops every day to people. And it's it but it's not just here. I was talking to a family member in town last night who runs a program for multiple universities. It's their legitimate college programs. It's just that colleges actually hire outside companies to come in. Which is really interesting. So her company comes in and teaches the programs and she was explaining that the same exact attitudes are present in the universe, not just here. So we as a people, we as a people. It's not just internet marketers. We are not dummies, there is not anything wrong or broken about us. All human beings struggle with the same things whether they're in college, or whether they're over here trying to learn as an entrepreneur. This solution to it is what I'm talking about. It is cutting out distractions, getting clear with how much your time is worth and setting a jury. So you have more time and space and energy to be able to actually trauma or excuse me go through the training in the information and not feel traumatized by information overload what say you Edison?

Edison: Now Absolutely 100% You have to concentrate on yourself. You have to concentrate on the things that are going to get you to where you need to go. And when you need to know only you know where you want to go and the distractions, just distractions. I use Gmail the same way you do and one of the things I have that I love on the top, he says you haven't opened this person's email in a while. Would you like to unsubscribe? Yes, they do. They're making my life even easier now. But every so often I heard I go in there and I go and see what happened. I opened it in a while. What doesn't interest me anymore and I just delete, delete, delete and then just completely unsubscribe to those.

Dave:  If you're not looking at our unsubscribe from our stuff, not sure why you would but if you're not looking at it, then unsubscribe from it. I don't. It's not gonna hurt my feelings. There's 8 billion people in the world if one or two of you or tour 1000 of you. Unsubscribe tomorrow. Yeah, you're right. I'm done with this guy. Guess what? Cool, good for you. Because you cut out something that you're not focused on. And now you can be more clear just don't put something else in that place. But gosh, listen, and I look at your space so your space looks clean. Even is this office in your home that you're sitting in?

Edison: Actually, we just sold my home. I had the whole thing after the divorce. 

Dave:  Here's where I see a clean work environment so I can see if you have an office in your house. One of the first assignments we give the blueprint business owners is clear your space clean out your because I can't you know all these things matter my workspace how many distractions are there? How do I keep my space? How do I exist? How do I keep my email inbox? If I allow clutter everywhere I look I am also going to be overwhelmed. So it is really active purging a lot of that work, of adding extra layers of skin that you don't need. So you can focus on the things that you deserve to be focused on. Not that other people want you to be focused on.

Edison: And one thing you'll know that says I'm only half the things out that that I want to focus on myself just like you said, have my family here and the pictures. I have bookshelves here. So grab one of them and refer back to it or something to that effect. I have the bar right behind me because I chat on Friday, right? I mean, just the things that I want in front of me. My desk is nice and neat sometimes because it gets a little overwhelming but then you get back to it and you say okay, I gotta stop. I gotta put everything away. I got to purge like you said and now let's, let's get going again. Because we all falter one way or another we filter. The way we stopped doing what we're supposed to be doing. We started doing other things like you said, I got rid of all these emails and I unsubscribed but now I subscribe to twice as many. Don't do that. Okay, and if you do catch yourself, all right, usually, monthly checkup or quarterly checkup, right? You change your oil in your car every three months or every whatever number of miles right in the oil. You put it in, right? Why don't you do the same thing for your brain? Okay, give it every three months. See what's going on, what's working, what's not working. If you have your goals written out and you are clear they're all right. First of all, don't change your mind on them all the time because some people don't. They know I want this for now. I want this for now. And you have to change that and try to stick with something every three months every month or every two or three months. Check to see if your

Dave: Forgot about that goal and you've done five others since then. That's a great point. I mean writing now, if you're somebody who is constantly switching gears now I really do write things down as well. I actually use even a simpler system. So it's weird. And I put them right there. I put them right there. I put them right there. I've actually got five up now and use Trello. We do use Trello as well. We use Slack but I tell you what, the real simple stuff and I love that because I get to see what if somebody who's easily distracted then absolutely writes down. What you're going to do and be focused on over the next 12 months. And then you can look back at that every day and see. Hey, doing that. Hey, Am I still on that track? I love that. You know I'm not a big right journal. But I am willing to do whatever it takes to change something. And so if I was in a position where I was constantly switching, I would totally do any and all of these things. So I want to challenge even those of you who think that some of these things are silly writing stuff down, hanging it on your lawyer. I would just challenge you to be uncomfortable and realize that your absolute best thinking got you here and that ideas are good. And that's a humbling thought. It's like my absolute best thinking got me into a situation in life than I am right now. Okay, let me be me. Let me open it up a little bit more and be open to some new ideas. And not just which is another thing that I see a lot of students do. Just constantly seek out new saviors and gurus until maybe I'm the one who treats me the way I want to be treated and tells me what I want what I want to be told and or TV is a way that I think I should be taught and what I would challenge you to do and this is what I have to somebody at the recent event asked me Dave, what are your what's your morning routine? And that's a great popular question for entrepreneurs. I said I wake up every morning. I look up at the sky and I asked the universe and God to help me not wake up today. And that's my morning routine. That's my morning routine because I get up and I have a busy brain too. And I do all the same things that everybody else does. But there's nothing I'm not willing to change. That's what is required. And you know as we wrap up and bring this in for a landing, my final words and then I'll pass it to Edison for years. For those of you who are looking to make a real change on this fight on the 27th of May 2020 to be willing to do whatever it takes to change. There's a gentleman who's BPA here, Taylor, he was an affiliate of ours, another customer of ours and marketed well. He sold his to buy training.

Do I recommend that bed? No. But he had a friend and said hey, would you be willing to or No, he's not just by training but to to invest into his business. His mother had cancer and he went on to, you know, earn money and be with her and help her and, and he sold that bet man he sold that and you know when I think about that story, that's the guy who is willing to do anything to get uncomfortable change. And none of us have to fly it but it's a little bit of uncomfortability to sit there and if we find ourselves on Facebook scrolling and say you know what? Let me let me disengage from this. This is the trance I'm in right now. And let me get back refocused and or let me spend 10 minutes just unfollowing people because I can even make a new right decision once I've just made a wrong decision if I somehow land on Facebook, scrolling or tick tock and I'm scrolling. I'm needing to say okay, I'm transient out, right. Let me get back on track and I can get back on track. You know, and so that's my that's one of the things that don't leave people with this morning is be willing to do whatever changes in Edison I know, from 25 years in this business, divorces giving all business to your ex wife to make sure that she was okay starting from scratch, building it all up, going through that what you went through with losing all your clients through the pandemic continuing to be here teaching and training. It's just another day at the office for you at this point, because you've been through it and you've seen it's not to say that you don't feel and you're not a human, but I see a man in front of me who has been through a lot of stuff and understands what it takes to get back up in keep going in the pursuit of happiness in the pursuit of of winning, for yourself for your life for your family. And so that's my message for everybody here to wrap up and thanks for being a great example of that for us this morning. What say you wrap this up and bring this plug in that's been flying for one hour. 17 minutes in for a landing.

Edison: Absolutely. First thank you for having me on today. Dave. This has been one of my pleasures. One thing I need to emphasize to everyone is you definitely need to understand that you are worth everything that is coming to you. Right so if you want 100,000 A million dollars worth it. You got to believe that you're worth it first of all, okay, once you believe that you're I can lose everything and I have lost everything on three different occasions. I know that I'm worth it and kids are worth it and my family sports, but mostly worth it and I know I can just get up tomorrow. Money Money is just an end to a means to an end. Okay? Money is just getting you to the place that you want to go. I'm all about lifestyle. How do I want to live? I'm in this place here. I love it. That's all I need. I don't need any more money. It's just gonna get more things that I can help more people. It's going to help them. I recommend helping with all these things. So that's your reason. You have to know you have to know your workday. You have to have accountability. And you have to have a plan more than anything else. A plan. You know how many people don't have a plan when the small business owners don't have a plan. That's why 80% of them fail. Okay. One of the things that they always teach small business owners have a plan, create a blueprint, something that you're going to

Dave: Plan which is what we try to work with people on as the challenge is building out that business plan. It's so funny that you say that you have a plan.

Edison: That's exactly what you're teaching people to do is exactly what people are doing. If they just follow your instructions. Legendary. That's all someone needs to succeed. Well, they have to believe that they can do it First of all, but then follow them and know that you can do it. That's what I'm gonna leave everyone with right now.

Dave: Yeah, it's true, man just following the following instructions. I'm not good at that either. It's why I didn't do well in school but you know, entrepreneurs allowed me to follow a few instructions. Go out there screwed up a little bit you know, kind of have my fun and come back and and not you know, don't get kicked out of school. I don't get you know, I don't I just I get to come back and do it again tomorrow here in business and that's what I love about this. Thanks for the conversation. And you know everybody, follow and connect with Edison on Facebook there. And we'll talk to you later brother. Come back here for another follow up okay with you if you have time.

Edison: Absolutely. Well, thanks for having me on Dave.

Dave: Keep up the good work, brother. Samia. All right, Brian. There it is. happened Friday. We went way over today. Thanks for those of you who are still on. Yeah, really good stuff and get out here. Have a fantastic Friday. Do something really do something really powerful for yourself and your business status? And yes, decluttering your brain month is everything it really is. Jim. You all have a great day. Have a great weekend. We'll see you back here on Monday for another episode of Wake Up Legendary. Peace.

How To Find Time To Create Content With A Busy Schedule

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave:  Well hello there my friends, this is Dave Sharpe, welcome to Wake Up Legendary this morning. We have a former office manager with a master's. We just want you all to know that she has a master's degree. We've put it in the headline here: needed work-life balance and she has maybe finally found it. Let's hear from her. Cintia, welcome to the show.

Cintia:  Hi, thank you.

Dave:  How are you?

Cintia:  I'm good. How are you?

Dave:  I don't. I don't think you have enough time for me to tell you all about it. I am awake and alive this morning. And I was saying to my wife as we were about to go live. You know, my wife has also got a master's degree or HR and stuff here at Legendary. And what was the other similarity? She has three kids.

Cintia:  I got two so yeah,

Dave:  I was like am I talking to my wife here this morning? But anyways, it's not my wife's right there. Here you are. So tell us how you found legendary you know what you were looking for? And have you found it?

Cintia:  Yes. So while I guess starting maybe last year, I started seeing some friends of mine. Well, I stopped working about two years ago because I was overly stressed with my kids and the office was too much because I couldn't do too much at the time. And I also started to have a word balance because work life balance because I couldn't have that. And a friend of mine from Brazil because I'm from Brazil. He was always posting on Instagram, you know, because he was working with affiliate marketing. And I'm like, Okay, so let me check that out. What is that about? And I started talking to him and he explained to me what it was like okay, but I'm leaving us I gotta find something here ya know, cuz to to make it work here

Dave:  In Brazil, an affiliate marketer who is from Brazil and currently lives in Brazil.

Cintia:  Yes, yes. Yes. So so that's how it always started and I started looking for for ways to learn here because I know that the way they work in Brazil it's kind of different from here like the the strategies I mean, the goals same but you know so that's how I found legendary started looking no Instagram and I didn't even know how to talk at the time to be honest. Because I'm not going to be posting stuff ever. So yeah, so that's how I found engineering. I'm like, Okay, so let's give it a try. And here we are.

Dave:  So what's happened since then, give us some milestones or achievements or some things that have happened in a positive way since you started. Yeah, so

Cintia:  I started I think I took the 15 Day Challenge back in December. I kind of procrastinate a lot to be quite honest. You know, to put everything into place and I'm like, Okay, let me let me make sure that this is going to be right. I wanted to still have my life and at the same time, you know, do my work on the side. So I kind of you know, we started putting out together and on the website and all so I started posting I think back in March, but like one here one video here one video there wasn't much and one a day maybe. And then I was like okay, but I started to see results within a week, even though I was posting like once a day. And I'm like, Okay, I think this can work. So so. So that's what everybody sees, right? So after maybe a month, yeah, it took me like a month to start, like by mid April I would say I'm gonna go full speed with this. And I started like three times a day. I'm like, okay, I can do it three times a day. But let's go for it. And so that's what I did. And I started to see better results. And so I see that mostly you know, if you're consistent with everything that you're doing, and that's when you start to see it actually work out.

Dave:  Yeah, I mean, just like motherhood right like when you when you when you parent your children and you're there day after day, they begin to trust you. It's an amazing thing, you know? I mean, it's like if we think about just children, if we came and popped into the house every couple of days and just were like, Hey, how are you doing? I'm gonna make you dinner real quick or whatever. Then we left for a couple of days and then we came back. We wouldn't you know, that's not the way to build the strongest bond and relationship with our children. I think we would all agree with that. Right? And so, you know, human beings out there on the internet or adults, they work the same way there is somebody who's there every day. On this planet of 8 billion people, there is somebody who's willing to be there every day. And so it's a small price to pay. But it does take creativity. You can fit it into a small amount of time. But it does take creativity and it does take some dedication. So you're finding the time, how are you managing your time? I mean, what are some of the things that you're doing or that you started doing that are saving you most time with two small children? Yeah, so

Cintia:  Basically, because they go to school in the morning, so that's my golden time. So I drop them off, and I do my stuff in the morning, and then when they go to bed, I also do some stuff. So that's basically how I tried to manage it. Of course, you know, during the day if you have any time you know, to respond to somebody here because, you know, people are asking questions and they need help with whatever. But mainly what I'm doing is like in the morning, and then I can take care of them. I can not change their schedule. I'm gonna keep doing whatever I'm doing and at the same time I can manage my business. Yeah, so you know, just record stuff and you leave it in the drafts and then you edit later. And you go from there. So that's

Dave:  Really just within a couple. I mean, didn't What did you say about April you said you would procrastinate a little bit, but when did you finally get through the training and start marketing.

Cintia:  So I got through the training. That's what I said it was like back in December that I got through the training. But for me to actually put everything into place and build the funnel and the emails and all it took me like a few months to get everything together. And to finally start, you know, working on it.

Dave:  That's the time in which you said you procrastinated right.

Cintia:  Yes, yes, yes. Well, I started procrastinating since I met my friend in Brazil, because last year was like mid last year. And then I started searching and you know, and then I came through legendary by the end of the year. Yeah.

Dave:  Yeah. It's interesting. It's like imagining, thinking about all that time. You know, I know I get into something we get interested in. And yeah, we look back and we're like, wow, like I've kind of played around with this idea for a year and look at how far I've gone in just a month when I really committed. So you know what, knowing how powerful this is, knowing that you can take some training, learn the ropes to get out there and actually then build a business that is as big as you I mean, you can obviously see if you put full time into this, you would get a much bigger result. But you're you're putting lit you're putting in the minimum amount of time that you are the maximum amount of time that you have with other things that you got going on and your kids but now that you know how powerful this is, where do you plan to take this is this just something that is for you going to bring in some extra income which is is nice, do you do you plan to build this into something bigger? Talk to us about now that you know all that research or conversation or procrastination period is over.

Cintia:  Now I want to put full speed on it. Absolutely. Because when you see the results like the you know, bigger results are like okay, so you know this can change things and I've talked to many people that are with legendary too they took the training I think they spoke to Camila other brazilian girl one time so been talking to them and I see like everybody like is the if you put in the work, you can really get results and I started for myself. So it's not something that just oh, you know, I'm gonna do it once a day. No, you have to commit. And that's what I did. Not long ago, but yes, I decided no, I'm going to commit to this and I'm going to make it work. And, and it's working. Yeah. I, you know, I want to go from here. So

Dave:  It's working just like it's working. Just like we said that it would work right. It's amazing. And we know that it works because we do it. Look at this. I talked about this yesterday because I recently won a contest with ClickFunnels. I didn't even change anything. This is just my personal account. My Dave Sharpe affiliate account here at legend is still marketing, still making things happen, is still bringing in traffic and is the number one affiliate of Click Funnels as of last month. So you know, it's it's it if we do it and we teach it because it works. And this income for me, you know is an additional This is in addition to my ClickFunnels. affiliate income is in addition somewhere between 30 and 50,000 a month. I can't even remember off the top of my head what it is, but it is truly that. I mean just that one as I sit here you know I'm serious. It's like you know, I have several things that have worked like that over the years, several, you know, several different products that I've promoted. And I have, you know, even even after, even after I stopped promoting those products, I still was in some cases still getting commissions and I know that that is the case for a lot of people as well. When they sometimes run into difficult situations. And they really need that income. Thankfully, I haven't been in one of those situations where, you know, my affiliate marketing income, you know, basically like saved my life thankfully but what sort of things do you want to do specifically with Do you Do you want to travel more? Do you want to move to a different house? I mean, if you think, why am I doing this deep down inside? What is your answer?

Cintia:  My answer. I went to give more to my kids. That's my answer. Housing wise and like a bigger house or, you know, they went out and I want to be booked to travel to Brazil more because now prices are ridiculously expensive. So I want to have the flexibility to do whatever I want without worrying about the financial side of it. And also I can, you know, take care of them at the same time. So that's my goal right now. Yeah,

Dave:  That's incredible. Yeah. You know, sure, that stems from your own life and wanting to give your kids better than what you had in something different than what you have.

Cintia:  Absolutely, absolutely. I think all the parents say they kind of go missing.

Dave:  Yeah. And with craziness that happens in the country in the world, like what happened this week out in Texas. I'll tell you what, you know, obviously that hit from what it appears that hit a Latino neighborhood. I mean that's that even when I was looking at the pictures it looked like everybody standing around you knew it was Latina. And I thought you know, wow. The opportunity that I have, first of all to have been born in this country, but also to have this information I have this knowledge for and I'm speaking for me specifically for English doing my first language to have, you know, to have stumbled across some information on the internet that helped me to succeed and all that and I look at you, and I look at folks in this country who have come from other countries and who have especially now those folks in Texas that that community I'm sure is rocked by that. But I just look at folks like you, my Barber's from Cuba. I love his story and I just think about how hard it must have been and everything that you've been through in your family. It's just people who are in America whose English is not their first language and they were born somewhere else. They came here for opportunity, man and I don't know your whole story. At some point somebody either you or somebody came here from Brazil, right? You did. Looking for opportunity, right looking for a better life for you and your kids. And I look at a lot of people, by the way. There's a lot of people in our community and I just met one of them. From Peru, what's her name honey? Andrea, Andrea from Peru came to our mastermind event and I got to meet her. Do you feel that a lot of the things that you've been through and already overcome have given you now the tools to be able to do this too?

Cintia:  Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. Because when you get here it's like you know when I got here 12 years ago, I guess Yeah, 12 years ago. And when you arrive it's a different country. It's the language, it's sort of different even though you know I started English in Brazil. It's completely different. It's another language . You don't know anything when you get here. So people don't understand you and you try to explain things and it's like it's a little messy in the beginning.

Dave:  And I'm sure that all in your confidence too. 

Cintia:  Absolutely, absolutely. And you know, it took it took some time, you know, to get used to everything and you know, to gain respect from people when and you know, I got heroes young, but at the same time, you know, you still have to to to get your place and to you know so yeah, it definitely definitely

Dave:  It's up to you. I mean, I can't imagine I'm maybe you came with family, right but by myself this story is incredible. Are you serious?

Cintia:  Yeah. Yeah, I graduated in Brazil. And then I was like, Okay, I'm leaving. I came to us and I started our training program. And I was 2121. Yeah. So yeah. So I got here and I was doing training stuff. And I stayed from there. I never went back. So

Dave:  The reason why one of the reasons why I bring this up is because we all have something that we've overcome. We've all you know, we all have incredible things that we've done and achieved and learned. And I asked you to really power or just touched on two really powerful points, right. Why are you doing this? And what have you been through already that demonstrates that you can do this? If we all ask ourselves those two questions today, why am I doing this? And what evidence do I already have that I can get through anything that I can do anything? Let me tell you something. My friends, if you've come from another country, and you've learned another language and you have survived for this long, you can do anything my friend. You know, for those of you who have golly, we've all been through so much stuff. I mean, we all have things that we have overcome. That is your story. Now whether you choose to tell that story out on the internet and use it for marketing. You need to know that story in your heart. You need to know what you've overcome and you need to know who you are. You need to be able to see what looked back, what have I been through? And can I do this? Do I have evidence that I can get through things or do I have evidence that I can't? And I guarantee if every single one of us looked at what we've been through and what we've overcome we would really truly be impressed with ourselves in confidence, instead of critical when the bar goes up in comparing ourselves and tearing ourselves apart or down. You know I often say if you talk to me the way that I talked to you, I would have a real problem with you. Because I can be hard on myself. You know what I mean? But wow, if I was you Wow. I hope you feel a lot of confidence and I hope you feel a lot of dignity. Because you've got an incredible story and you've overcome a lot to be where you're at. And isn't it amazing to know that each and every person who's listening to this has that same story you can have just how powerful of a story if you really look at it. Like that. Look at this. Christina says, you know, I arrived nine months ago, and I bought the blueprint, I'm creating my funnel now. I mean, I don't know where you arrived from Christina, but I'm assuming you are from another country. And I just love to look at what other people have been through in what they have done and can do, because it also makes me look at what I'm dealing with and say I can do this, if that's what they have to deal with. I can do this right now because I'm the type who has to get motivation from wherever I can. So,

Cintia:  mindset, right. It's all about the mindset. Because sometimes when I was procrastinating like all those months, you know, I'm like, I don't know. You know, I was always in an office and doing, you know, HR stuff and office stuff. So it was me, the computer and the employees, okay, but it's not something that you put yourself out there. So you know, you have to shift your mind. Okay, so, if I'm going to do this, I'll have to come in and I'll have to, you know, change a bit a little like something's because many people were like, Oh, I don't want to show my face and it's totally fine. But when you see what he can bring to you. Once you change your mind and you're like, Okay, I'm gonna commit to this, whatever, whatever people think or do not think you know, it's my life so nobody's gonna do it for me right.

Dave:  I see that attitude a lot with immigrants who have been through hell is that you know Yeah, I you know, people are either gonna like it or they're not but you know, I've, I've done enough to get to where I'm at right now. And I at this point, you're not going to stand in my way. You know, one person or one person's opinion or five Pete ‘s opinions. What do you say to people who are really caught up with what other people think and so much so that, you know, they're hiding, they're hiding in their homes and they're hiding in their offices. They're there. If we think about it, folks, it's not just the internet. If you're somebody who's afraid to put your face out there, it's not just the internet. You probably have that pattern in other areas of your life. It's not like you're super fearless in real life, but then on the internet, you're you may feel uncomfortable, but you're we carry those we carry those things over. So what do you say to somebody who is really caught up in, you know, what other people say? Even there you know, hey, I just I don't I don't want to damage my reputation. I mean, whatever their reason is, whether it's first, let's start with this one first when somebody says hey, you know, I don't want to. I care too much what other people think and you can tell that that's really what and I think that's what most people's issue is. It's a real true fear of rejection. It's a real trophy, and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm not making fun of everybody. We all have it. But what do you say to somebody who deals with that and have Have you have you dealt with it at all and

Cintia:  That's why I procrastinated all these months and I was trying to convince myself okay, you know, and sometimes when I actually started putting things you know, into work and everything else, I saw a difference and I started seeing a positive outcome. of it from family friends and everybody that knew me. So it was kind of surprising because I'm not like I said, I'm not the one that is going to be on the internet posting on my personal Instagram, Facebook, you're not going to see anything basically. Because I was never like the one that is going to be posting I was always sleepy, you know, private about my life and everything else. And when I started doing this before, like, okay, so Oh my god, it doesn't even look like you. You're still going and like, that's not what goes inside. So I have to work through it. And it's like a mind shift. There is no other name for it. Because you really have to understand that it's not going to happen sometimes like I said, the results can be much more positive than what you think. You downgrade yourself. You're like, oh, but I'm gonna put myself out there and they're gonna think better of me. We're making fun of me and it's not the case. Maybe most of the time this is not the case. 

Dave:  So yeah. Wow. So absolutely. We all agree that we all deal with that. And so what you're saying, you dealt with it, too. That's what had you. That was the main thing that was broken was making you procrastinate, and you actually had the opposite. response from were you more concerned about family and friends or were you concerned about strangers?

Cintia:  No, I guess so. It's strangers. They don't know me, you know, I think from what I've experienced and what I've talked about, wherever they know because that's where I judge them in a way you know.

Dave:  I'm trying to think back to like when I first got started, was I more worried about what other people thought are my friends and family but no, you're right. Like we are worried about our friends and family more than anything, because those are the people whose opinions hold weight in our lives in their words.

Cintia:  Exactly.

Dave:  So yeah, gosh, you know, that's very true. So, so your family responds more in a positive way is what you're saying. They were actually yeah. You know, we've never seen this side of you before.

Cintia:  Because it's funny because I'm like, I didn't do much HR work you know, so I was like training and stuff but okay, that's fine because you're used to it and, and you know, it's one on one and you're with them and the employees and it's fine. I was fine at that time. But when I had to put myself in front of a camera, I was like, oh my goodness, if you see my first video, it's like, I know you're doing but then you know become more comfortable.

Dave:  Right? You just relaxed I think here's it here's what here's what I think. And I just just came up for me. I think being able to be in front of a camera is a damn near necessary skill moving forward.

Cintia:  Yes.

Dave:  I think just simply because what if we all go into another lockdown How are you going to communicate with people at some point? I mean, it's, it's not like a science fiction novel anymore, folks. We just were in some lockdowns over some crazy stuff. Okay, I'm not even gonna say what we went through because I don't want Facebook flagging the video here but we all know. So while we're sitting in lockdown, the next time the lockdown happens and quite frankly, there were billions of people who were sitting in the lockdown this time, who said, Oh crap, now I can't make money. You know, I actually and that's why so many people came on the internet and got started with Internet marketing so forth over the pond. Almost said it got flagged there. So yeah. Pancakes. But so, so Wow. So friends and family, man being afraid of friends and family. How do we deal with that? That's when you really it's really that we're afraid. You know, we're afraid. Here's how I deal with it. Okay, I used to run from everything and hide from everything and be secretive and all this kind of stuff. Because I didn't want to deal with things. I didn't want to deal with people and I didn't want to deal with their opinions or I didn't want to. I just didn't have the tools to be able to deal with them. Here's what I do now. And I've been doing this for quite a while. I try to just go ahead if I have somebody who I really care about their opinion sit them down and ask for their support and let them know that I'm really vulnerable and sensitive right now. Wow. You're not giving me tough guy advice right now. This sounds like soft stuff. Feelings and shit. Yeah, it's amazing. So I go to my friends, like I go to my loved ones. Now that I care. I go to my wife. I say I'm about to do something. You might think it's a little crazy, but I really need your support on this one. Because this is what I want and I'm just as uncomfortable as you are. But I need your support and so now what I do is and I see a lot of people doing things like not even telling their family, not even telling their spouses not and and I just really think that when we're avoiding something, it's a real opportunity to grow. That's where your moment to change your life is when something's really uncomfortable and you avoid it you change nothing, you do more damage but when you face it so you know I've been trying to do that. I've been trying to do that for some years now in my life. Go to people and ask for their support, you know, be a little bit more vulnerable. I tend to get my needs met a lot more when I do that. versus, you know, kind of automatically assuming people aren't going to support me or, you know, just make the biggest thing is just making stories up in my head about what they're gonna do or say. Instead I just you know, I just, I just try to communicate with people and let them know what I need and how I'm feeling and it works. It works fairly well. I realized

Cintia:  I think in our mind, it's the story, it's totally different. We think the words in our mind you know, like what people are gonna say but once you actually talk to them and explain whatever it's going on. It's the response. Usually it's totally different from what we made up in our mind. It's yeah, it's much better I guess.

Dave:  It's always much better. It's always much better. And I grew up with a couple of people that I watched just make things up in their head all the time about situations instead of you know, we always a lot of times we pick those things up from people around us that we grew up with if we're somebody who is always pre judging situations or pre judging people that you know, pre judging what they're going to say or what they're going to think that's pre judging. And a lot of times we'll pick that up from a family member that we grew up around, and you know, we're working on that a lot at the mastermind in that limiting beliefs that we may have picked up somewhere along the way. What did you grow up with? Or what did you pick up along? The way that you're aware is a limiting belief that you've been or have changed?

Cintia:  Definitely the judgment. And I guess that's one thing that was keeping me you know, from starting, because what other people are gonna think what, how are they going to judge whatever I'm doing week, and honestly, I think we judge ourselves much more than people are going to judge us or we tend to judge people for whatever reason, in Brazil, I think the culture is a little different, and people are more judgmental than here, from what I see. Maybe Latin America in general, I would say. So I guess that's a big thing. Because we're always worried about what people are gonna think, what they're gonna say, how they're gonna look at us, you know, in kind of way, and once you, you really understand that that's not going to change the outcome or whatever you do. And you're like, Okay, you know what, let's just do it because, but it's a mindset change. You have to change the way you think. Because otherwise, you're just blocking yourself from something that can be great. Just because of the fear of judgment. And that's, that's how I see it.

Dave:  And you're talking about an entire culture, not just a parent. Who influenced that you know, or planted that seed. And that's really what you want to ask yourself if you're if you're trying to be successful in your life. Now with a business. You may have seeds that were planted that you need to go in there and pull out of your garden that are keeping you from being successful and a lot of it is just mental seeds. You know that that was a great example of just calling a call center in general. People are really concerned about what others think and it's, it's, it's, that makes a lot of sense to me because most of the time people who grow up in small towns and communities, that those are the only people that you have, so you don't you know, in, in, in in past generations, when when travel wasn't as easy, you know, people didn't travel they were with their community, their village their town all the time. And so it was really, you know, I can understand why people in certain cultures may be really concerned with others thing because they don't want to get you know, but the truth is, is that we grow up now you grew up and you realize that the world is a big place, and that you know, what you grew up around culture, people you love, but place a place. You want to go to a different place. You got up and you moved in. That is also a really empowering thing to realize that as we become adults now, and I'm talking about even for some of you who are 3040 5060 70 that you can get up. Yes, I do have developed. You can get up and you can move. You can do something different and I don't mean just move physically. But for you, you did move physically and you came to America, you also I'm sure with internet marketing and are doing something that you know, is also a big change in Brazilian culture. I only know a few Brazilian marketers, you know, it is different there. I don't know exactly how but I know it's different. Yeah. So you're also doing something different than today outside of Pebble Brazilian culture, right? So you're really stepping outside, you're going to hell with it. Right. But, gosh, a lot of people you know, just really have a difficult time just having a conversation with their spouse, maybe just during this with their spouse and so what advice do you have for somebody who's just trying to take a small step to gain the support of other people in their family?

Cintia:  I think first of all you have to understand within yourself and understand that, like I said many times, whatever you think it's much worse than whatever, it's gonna be the outcome. And, and trust in yourself because that's the only person that you can really trust. It's yourself because you're going to take the actions you're going to do. So once you have them, you change your mind on how you think. And even though everybody has their fears, and everybody has, you know, their limitations on like, you know, mindset wise, I think that's the first thing you have to deal with. That changes your mindset, the way you're thinking about the home environment that you live in and the work related personally. And that's that's the first step I think, to to change something because that's what happened to me at least, I had first changed my mind and then to put everything you know, to start something new. My background is totally different from whatever I'm doing. 

Dave:  It is a big shift. But I want to zero in on the advice you gave in, in the perspective that it's never really as bad as we make it out to be. It's not. It's not it's never as hard as we make it out to be. It's never as easy as we make it out to be. It's never as good. It's never as bad. You know, it's always usually somewhere in the middle. If I go to my spouse and I tell her Hey, I'm starting new businesses. I'm going to get trained up. I'm going to spend a few $1,000. I'm going to invest in myself. Yeah, I mean, she might be like, Yo, what the hell, you know, she might have a surprise, shocking or shocked, or even a negative reaction. But that doesn't mean that now all of a sudden she doesn't support me, it just simply means that I'm bringing news to her that she didn't expect. So I mean, all kinds of little tools that I've learned over the years to even back up and just simply asked my wife, do you have time to give me five or 10 minutes right now and talk like, do you have the mental space right now to do that? Because a lot of times I'm just bringing questions in topics to people at the wrong time. And they just react like it's it can be things that are that small, but we can be so sensitive and you know, so there's little tiny tools that I can use all the one that I just gave an example of that can help me to get the support that it can help me to win friends and family and influence people. And so I think that's that's, that's, that's really important, but I also love what you said about trusting yourself. It's so true. There really I mean, even your spouse, even your partner if you have if you're married or you're in a relationship they are I mean you still have to be a whole person to have a don't make a hole in a relationship anyways. Two holes in trusting yourself and certainly when it comes to your business and if you have kids or whatever, really coming to terms with the fact that nobody's coming to save you or me. They might send us a couple of checks throughout a year-long lockdown, but we all know that's not enough.

Cintia:  And even when I first told my husband that I was thinking about it and you know, I don't know anything about it, I mean, he knows what I'm doing, but he doesn't understand exactly, you know what it is? So he was like, okay, you know, whatever. And then he started seeing Okay, so okay, you're getting results. Okay, so wait a second. Let me understand what you're doing. Let me let me try to you know, it's it's funny because

Dave:  We all have the chance to go from, you know, wherever our, our, our, whatever our status is, you in our friends and family circle, we have a chance to elevate that status. And what I mean by that is right now you just may be another friend or family member within your circle that nobody really looks to for anything, any advice or they don't really look to you as an example or they don't really look up to you're just an average person. And let's all just come to terms and be honest with where we're at in our families. I mean, where we're at in our friends circle you know, if we're, you know, are we, you know, we all we all if we're honest with ourselves, it's, you know, it can be a tough pill to swallow. It's like yeah, I'm, you know, I'm not contributing. I'm not leading. I'm not nobody's looking up to me. Nobody's looking for anything. I'm not, you know, so you have a chance with this business to elevate your status within your friends, family and community circles because it's not about becoming more powerful. It's becoming more influential. It's, it's, it's in with all of that with that success, which is financial success, and also, you know, popularity or whatever, if you grow your social media channels. There was a lot of a lot of a lot of people will treat you differently, the respect that you've always wanted, you may finally get it and the reason why that people will start to respect you and people will start to trust you more is because going back to that piece of advice you gave because you started to trust you more and you started to use stop relying on them to be there for you and you started being there. For yourself. And you save time. Yes. You're in your status raises even right, your husband now all of a sudden is looking going Hey, what are you doing? You become more interesting. You're more of a leader. You're more of a somebody that people look to as a more serious person. And so, I don't know about you, you all folks, maybe you've never experienced what it's like to go from non influential to an influential person, but I have I know what it's like to that nobody wants my opinion. I know what it's like that people think that I'm just totally screwed up. You know? I know what it's like. And now, it's amazing. People come to me and they want to know they want business advice. You know what I mean? They want to talk about life. They want my opinions. They don't bring just any bullshit to me because they know that my time is valuable. You know what I mean? If people are calling you with Jack, salute bullshit, and it seems like they're, they don't respect your time. They don't. They don't respect your time. And guess what? They're never going to respect your time until, like you said, trusting yourself. They're not going to respect your time until you respect your time. Exactly. That's exactly right. So well, what would you add to this, this powerful conversation? What would you say to somebody who may be sitting on the fence right now who's skeptical or who may be going yet? What would you say to that person who's brand new? Maybe they're that kind of getting started procrastinating?

Cintia:  Wow, yes, just do it. Basically. Because the longer you wait the longer you delay your success in any way you think of personal or business or I think one action you can change it all, basically, and you're going to commit yourself first. Commit yourself that you're going to do something and go through it. Go through it. Don't know how to overthink things. Just sometimes we're getting too much in our heads and and I think that's the biggest problem because once you start thinking and overthinking and that's when you start procrastinating and start you know, delaying everything that we're doing.

Dave:  So you see this right here. This is a bad neighborhood. Yeah, I try not to. I try to not go in there alone. Yeah, I tried to go in there only with a buddy. You know, a buddy system. It's a bad neighborhood up there. I mean, seriously, I can really get myself in trouble with my own thinking. I mean, I can sure think that I can creatively think my way, you know, solutions and creative marketing stuff. But I can also go down some pretty serious rabbit holes. They get me in a lot of mental trouble and a lot of mental stress for no reason. And so yes, this it's so important, but my friends, don't overthink it. It's the key and it's the curse. It's the journey. Getting is about for me it's the same way that the journey of getting clean from heroin, like I did back 14 years ago. I gotta connect my head to my heart. I gotta get out of my head and I got to get into my heart. I'm a living, breathing emotional person. And I can't ignore that part of my body. And that part of who I am. And yes, our mind mindset mindset mindset. Most of the things that we need to do with our mindset are simply unlearn a lot of the things that we were taught that's holding us back in terms of mindset that first year, be aware of when you go to do something and you don't want to do how do you feel ask yourself where do you think that came from? Who did that come from? Who gave you that? Do you want to continue to think like that anymore? Well, you don't have to, what can I do about it? Well, I'm aware of it now. I can walk through it instead of stopping the first year, I believe, I believe without a shadow of a doubt, and I wouldn't be doing this if I did not believe that within six to 12 months if somebody comes in and goes through our program and is a part of our community. And actually listens to everything that we have to offer including wakeup legendaries in six to 12 months. They can be a much more powerful and profitable version of themselves and radically change their life. Six to 12 months. Do you believe that?

Cintia: Oh, yes, absolutely. Absolutely. In a few months I already saw a lot of changes within me. And the community you see, like everybody talking and everybody's helping each other and it's, it's, it's, it's amazing.

Dave:  It's cool. Keep up the great work and come back and see us round two and I'll let you go. I know your time is valuable and precious. And yeah, keep up the amazing work. Keep adding in writing these chapters to your story. It really is. It really is a cool story and you've got a great you know, you've got a great thing going here so keep it up. Okay.

Cintia:  Thank you. Thank you for having me. See, you see you.

Dave:  Alright my friends, you can follow Cintia at Insite, Saito marketing. So let me spell it out for you. Ah, Insights marketing in Saito marketing my friends. Wow. You know what a powerful episode once again where we get to hear from somebody who overcame odds came I mean, it's just you know, even at the mastermind I looked out and there's so many different people of all ages from all different walks of life, you know, cultures backgrounds. You know, occupations that people did either before this or even while they're doing this. This is really, really something and it's really, really possible and doable for anybody who wants it and anybody who's willing to commit to it, just like Cintia said in this episode today. So get in there, get serious, go through the training, invest in yourself today. Make a big decision. Have a defining moment, have a defining moment in your life, to where you can draw a line in the sand and say, Okay, I've made a decision and from this day forward, I'm going to get serious and I'm going to commit, always a good day to get started, or start over and that way. All right, we'll see you back here for another episode tomorrow. Get out of here. Be Legendary. Peace. 

The Key To Getting Momentum Started On TikTok

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt:  Good morning, everybody. I'm here. It's Wednesday, May 25. We're live. My name is Matt and we are back for another episode of wakeup legendary hope you're doing well. Our guest today is Emma. What's up Emma? Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from? How'd you manage to find Legendary? What's the story behind Emma and her online business?

Emma:  Okay, so I'm originally from California, but I'm in Las Vegas. What set me up to start affiliate marketing and start an online business. I had been looking for a way to create passive income for a long time like this started maybe like five years ago, I think. Just because there I just had some life experiences like without getting into it too much. I worked with terminally ill children, which I know is kind of a heavy topic but it just put in perspective for me that life is so short and nothing is guaranteed or promised. So I wanted to be able to live my life based around my values. And that didn't always necessarily mean for me like being you know, being committed to someone else's corporate dream being committed to someone else's you know, schedule like because I knew I wanted to have children someday I wanted to be able to do all these things with my life and for me that meant having more financial freedom and time freedom and location freedom. So the hunt for passive income and for you know, some type of because I knew I wanted it to be online. Some type of online income started a while ago and so as many people do, I started with an MLM. Yeah, which, you know, I failed in the traditional sense that financially didn't really set me ahead but I will say that it did a lot for my mindset around business, my mindset around what it takes to run as a business professional. So I am happy that I took that away from it but yeah, after I stopped doing that, I just kept looking and you know, plenty of things come up, like when you look up, you know, if you were to go on Google like online side hustle. There are things like drop shipping, you know, and all that everyone's seen and this is so funny, because a lot of the weight of legendary that I've tuned into, like I hear the exact same phrase, so I'm just gonna say it and probably gonna sound familiar but scrolling on tik tok and talking about affiliate marketing, and to me it was like it was hitting all of the right buttons when it came to having my own online business because like an online business is great but like I didn't I didn't have a product that I had created. I didn't have a product I didn't want to deal with you know, inventory and shipping and customer service and everything. So she was describing what she was doing and how she was able to do it. I was like, That's pretty incredible. And so the rest is kind of history because it was a 15 day challenge that she was promoting. And that was that.

Matt:  Wow, super cool. How long ago was that?

Emma:  I took the challenge in November of 2021.

Matt:  Wow. That's super cool. Yeah. And then as you went through the challenge, you see you've already been through an MLM which seemed to say something about the MLM. What did you mean by it did things for your mindset or got you thinking differently? Like, was it just kind of employee versus business owner mindset or what because it's always good to take away something from I started with MLMs too, right. Easiest intro. I don't know why. It seems easier. Something I don't know. What did you take away from that experience? And in terms of what you said?

Emma:  Sure. Um, so like the I know like a lot of like when people think of MLMs I think of like, you know, I mean, typically it's very like hype up sign up pillows village like it's very kind of like based on like, they really get you based on like emotion that gets you very excited. The one that I joined, they actually were trying to, like kind of flip the script on that and they treated it very professionally. So they were big into developing your mindset as a business owner so that you were prepared for, you know, the highs and lows, the valley of despair, all those things and so like, they were big into mindset books, you know, reading and beefing up your business owner mindset, so that, you know, just to kind of anticipate the highs and lows of business ownership. So there were a lot of mindset books involved. And I read, you know, I still have all of them and I still read them frequently because they're great, but yeah, really, really what it came down to was just seeing how being a business owner is so much more different than being an employee in so many different ways like so just having kind of like that endurance to carry you through maybe some of the tougher times in Europe because you know, I mean, there are times you know, I mean, for example, like as an employee, we're so used to getting paid every two weeks, right, that's a big thing for new business owners to overcome is that you put into week or the work well, you're not necessarily going to get paid. Right. So yeah, just things like that. Things like that, that kind of help, that I feel like continue to help me to push through when there's dry spells or you know, maybe some self doubt and things like that. That's I feel like what maybe I have appreciated the most taking from all that experience in an MLM.

Matt:  Yeah, it's a different world. It's a different game. It's a totally different thing, but also, it's like yeah, I don't know. It's like, it does give you some sort of intro. There's always some sort of positive takeaway. It does give some sort of like, here's how to, here's what it's like to work and, and sort of grind and not have anything handed to you kind of thing. Same with any sort of business

Emma:  Exactly becoming very self-sufficient.

Matt:  Right, right, right. So throughout, you've got your full time job. You're working. Throughout that process, you end up finding us on tik tok, somehow, you purchase our challenge. As you're going through the challenge, tell us a little bit about your experience. Did you have an advisor? Did you go through all of the challenges? Did you go through the challenge then? How did you go through that? And how did you experience that? What was that like?

Emma:  Yeah, sure. So I was Yeah, I mean, I bought the challenge and started it pretty much immediately because I was very excited, very eager to just learn about it because I had zero knowledge of affiliate marketing prior to finding the challenge like I had never heard of it. So it was kind of like, on a whim. I was like, $7 I mean, what do I really have to lose, you know? Sure. So yeah, so I started it right away. And I was, I mean, like, the way that it's set up is great, honestly, because for it's a lot of information to take in especially if you've never heard of affiliate marketing before but to be able to go back and watch the videos multiple times to have it set up almost like a class everyone's learning style is different but my learning style I so appreciate the way that it was set up because I was able to go back and reread review rewatch and talk to an  advisor that was available. You know, it was, I mean, it was great. It took me I mean, it didn't take me the really the longest part was just, you know, like waiting for those appointments before you could get the next day and the challenge opened up. And I mean, that was only once or twice that I had to wait a couple days but other than that, you know, power right through it and it was you know, a lot of information and but it was great because there's so many resources and so much knowledge and that it's made available to someone that by the time I was done with it, I felt very confident and having like the foundational knowledge to set up and start my own affiliate marketing business. And then on top of that, you know, business blueprints just like beef that up and helped me to really get started. So it was, I mean, amazing. I thought that was very well done.

Matt:  Cool. That's so cool. And then as you transition into the whole content creation around so are you like a social media guru, or like, is this newer for you?

Emma:  This is all new. I mean, like the Yeah, it's all new. I have like one unrelated Instagram account where I post a lot about what I'm reading, but that's I mean Instagram posting a picture is a whole nother world from like, tik tok content creation. So yes, essentially, I am a novice. It's all beginner for me.

Matt:  Wow, cool. That's awesome. So, you go from virtually no tik tok content. I mean, especially short form video content creation is very tricky, right? And do you dive in any nerves or any worries? Are you scared? Are you nervous? Are you just like alright, here we go. Let's do

Emma:  Yeah, yeah. Yes. Now. It's all I mean, it's always like, I feel like really like most of my nerves come from like, putting the video out there and feeling like oh my gosh, I feel like I live with such a dork. Which is fine. As far as nerves around me, I don't know. I feel like I see. So a lot of people come to me and ask like they are nervous about, you know, like getting negative comments and things like that, which is fine. It's gonna happen. But as far as putting out content, like what my content is about affiliate marketing and how to get started in affiliate marketing. I think it's just all about being rooted in what you know, because the people that come on and make silly comments, they don't actually know what you're doing, you know what you're doing and if you're rooted in that, then you're not, you know, that's just kind of water on a duck's back. You just let the people on the internet say what they're gonna say.

Matt:  Sure. Yeah, it's always tricky, man. I mean, people. I always wonder what that's because when I first got started, it was like, there wasn't there wasn't when I first started making videos, there wasn't this organic reach. So like, I never really dealt with being a new video content creator and having actual people watching it was more like you create it and hope somebody would watch and usually no one was watching. And so it's just a fascinating thing. I always wonder about that. How people who are brand new to this brand new to the idea of this. Come on go on tick tock or something and you know, like you've got videos on your channel that have done 30/40,000 views. And lots of you get lots of engagement, lots of comments, lots of people looking at you know, given their unsolicited opinions on social media so yeah, we just wonder how people deal with that. Not deal with it, but how they perceive that and stuff so what's what's been your what's been like your content creation? Do you have a schedule? Do you just kind of post on a whim like what's been your system? How are you running your business?

Emma:  So the first month that I did tick tock I challenged myself to post five times a day, which is, yeah, yeah. And I mean, that's not necessarily a strategy. That's gonna work for everyone. 

Matt:  Yeah, Five a Day is a lot. Yeah, I've learned a lot. I usually tell people like, hey, just focus on good content. See if you can get one great piece of content every day. And if you get a couple more than one or two, awesome, but get one. Okay, so five. You started out five a day,

Emma:  Just because I felt that in the beginning being totally new to this. I felt that if I was shooting for five day, it was going to help keep me accountable as far as posting when and as far as creating content posts because, I mean, that's I feel that that's really the key for people that are wanting to get started on Tik Tok with content creation is to like I don't know if everyone out there has heard the term batch create. But I feel that that's the way to do it. If people are worried about being able to get videos out on a consistent basis just when you have some free time, block out some free time, create some free time and record it, record just a whole bunch. You don't have to sit and edit and post them all right then in there but then you have in your draft, you're able to edit and post as you go. And so that was what really helped me now. Yeah, so that was the first month and since then, I'm being a little bit more realistic. It's more like two or three today. Because at this point now it's like I created my target audience. You know that that's another thing that that first month really helped with having all that content with a screen and a good target audience. And so now I'm just able to do Yeah, like do a little bit less but it's still it's still getting the reach that that first

Matt:  Good on you for figuring out a rhythm that works for you. And it's sometimes Yeah, I don't know what it is. We come up with some crazy stuff sometimes. I mean, not that five in a day is not doable, but also I mean, is there enough time in the day probably, is there enough creative juice to actually show up? Because you're talking? I don't even know how to calculate that five a day. 30 is 150 a month okay. So, but I mean, like legit, like, good content. That's gonna get views. It's gonna get watched. A lot. And yeah, I'm glad to hear that you figured out a little bit of a little bit of a solution. So you're at seven What 8000 followers on us. What have you found most beneficial for? Let's start with the list? Let's do two things. One for views and engagement and growing your followers. And then two is converting those followers meaning, how do you turn them into leads? What types of things do you do to turn them into leads that start with? How are you getting those followers? What type of content and being found works best? You know, but what's been your takeaway over creating content and building that followership to now almost 8000 Sure.

Emma:  So I think that for the first part for getting followers for getting traction and an audience on Tik Tok, I think that if there were like, the best thing that you could do, I think it would have to be I mean, they talked about it on Tik Tok quite a bit but a hook in your video write something to engage your audience something because tick tock is very I mean if you if you actively engage your brain for a second while you're scrolling on tik tok usually like it's just like a pensive like, you know what, what, and you really are waiting for something in a video to catch your eye because that flip comes very quickly. If there's not something in the first two, three seconds that makes you say, then you're on to the next video. So

Matt:  The hook you for let's say, somebody's watching this and they're brand new day one hits what you mean by that? Tell me if this is right, in those first three seconds, you've got to come out with something that grabs their attention and stops them from scrolling.

Emma:  Exactly, I mean, a lot like there's a lot of like social media strategists that you can just look up their accounts and they're giving this away for free. That's a lot of what I do is you just go on Tik Tok and search social media strategy and they're like, here's 10 Great hooks. You can use any video and so lots of resources for being able to create, you know, eye-catching and attractive and intriguing videos on Tiktok. But yeah,

Matt:  Just, I just want to emphasize that it was like you just said that in passing, but that's like that's a real thing. there's sort of endless ideas and resources and if you were to just go search things like that on tick tock on YouTube with a little notepad and you're sitting writing down like all mannequins and smoke, I could use this. I have a safe. I don't know why it's in a safe here in our house. I have this notebook from when I started online, and it has notes, written notes, handwritten notes that I took at a conference in 2011 about headlines and copywriting and highlighting certain words in your headline and underline on a website split test all this stuff from 11 years ago. I'm getting old in this industry. And still, some of that stuff is crazy. I look back and I write that and I look at some of the headlines and I was like wow, that was like a great headline, a good hook and a video or but this would be like a good curiosity nugget in a training or something. But doing things like that is sort of taking a so I think you know with legendary you get sort of a small training, you definitely get some traffic and marketing training as well, especially deep inside the blueprints but you get this whole business model, but I just thought that what you dropped there in passing was sort of a key for people and the key being you've got to take it and actually run with it and actually implement it and then build on it. Right so like, now you're you've gone from just I'm a consumer consuming training. Okay, I get it. Now. Somebody tell me what to do. No, you're on the tick tock app and you're actually typing in, okay, like, I gotta find some books. I gotta figure this out, right? And really, you're just engineering. You're just sort of solving a complex problem of, well, what's going to be my next book? What should I do or where should I look right? And you didn't message me you didn't go on a date. You didn't open an email. And you're like, Hey, man, I need ideas for hooks. Do you have any ideas? And most of the best business owners don't. They're like, Okay, what resources do I have around me right now? How do I solve this problem? Let's solve it. And so kudos to you on that. I thank you.

Emma:  I mean, my my mind was blown, but there are people who entire Tik Tok account whose entire niche and social media like corner of the world is just putting out strategies to help other Tik Tok accounts grow and once I found that I was like, Oh man, like it's like, this is a game changer right here. It's great. Yeah.

Matt:  Yeah. And the interesting thing, too, is, you know, what some people will comment here on this live is, well, who's the right one to Follow? Who's the right one, but that's the wrong question. You could look up 10 of those accounts. Some of them will tell you the same things. What I used to do, for instance, was stuff like this. I used to look them up. And I would just sit down and type out like what their suggestions were on certain things, let's say hashtags, what's your strategy around hashtags? And I would get from a bunch of people who showed up first on Google, I would look up people on Tik Tok people on YouTube, and I would write down their suggestions that are cross referenced them so I would look through and see okay, these three things out of all of everything that they say, these three things are the ones they all agree on. So I'm absolutely going to do these things. And then the other stuff that wasn't as much I was like, these are opinions. So there's certainly maybe some facts but then there's also just opinions and you need to understand that when it comes to thinking everyone who's listening would do a really good service of themselves to just say out loud, there's people who give opinions online. And not everything is black and white, and you got to test it and you got to try it out. And actually see if it works, you have to figure out if it works for yourself for your specific style, your content, whatever. Absolutely. Yeah. So you're creating all this content. You're starting to get followers because you're using good hooks. And my guess is we've also figured out a way to sort of keep people on the video too, because how long a video is viewed is really important too. If you have a great hook that says I'm going to show you how to make a million dollars in three seconds, and then right after that, it goes into just you know, talking in you're kind of blabbing and you're talking slow and you're like well, you know, maybe not three seconds, maybe like three years and people just swipe they're like What an idiot, right? What do you do after that hook that you feel like has been successful or why do people you don't? You don't wake up in a 40,000 basement magically or by luck? What have you done to keep people's attention?

Emma:  One thing that I found actually really works for a video is to be like if you are giving the hook like you are going to answer a problem someone's having like, did you know that you can solve X by doing y? And then I say here are three things that I did to help me solve my x with y you know, and then going in a list format really seems to like lists. I love lists. Just very concise bullet point information that is easy and kind of really quick because they're able to ingest it quickly. Right? It's coming in easy short form, just bullet points they can take away and they are okay, and that way it's not. You're not like giving a long rambling monologue. Well you know, I started out by wanting to know that you can give them the answer to this great question that you've posed, and they're like, Well, I really want to know how to do that. Oh, and she's going to give me the answer. And just like ABC, you know, that's, that's very attractive. And I think that that the list format is I think one of the most successful things that I do in a video I feel like that when I look at the data on the videos that ones those seem to have the longest watch time which is important watch time like you know they have been ticked off I can't again think of all the analytics they give you on the video right now but they give you like the like the total watch time of your video they'll give you you know how long the average watch time is right how long you know if you have a 23 second video, people are watching on average 18 seconds that's great information. So I found that list format bullet points is a good one for people to stick around and see more videos. Wow,

Matt:  I hope everybody caught that go if you're watching this replay where you need to go back and listen to that. But you are right. That is marketing. I've read so many marketing books in my past and lists, things like that, like top seven was it? Yeah, all of those names and people. It's, I don't know, it's just human psychology. I don't know why people watch but

Emma:  Yeah, I think it's just compressing like a whole lot of information. You're posing a big question and then you're able to compress all of that valuable information into just like here's like, you know, four steps and people love that something so big data. So big is now just

Matt:  Yep. Yeah, totally. Totally. If you know one other thing, one other thing that I do see you doing before we move to how do you turn them into leads and purchases. The other thing that I see you do on your videos, is it seems like you have your little headline or hook in text at the start of the video to like a sticker or, or just you know, like you actually just type the words out on the screen. So somebody's like scrolling and they are immediately drawn to that little sticker or words that says like it's just the weirdest side hustle ever or is this like you know these are the top three ways to win or here's the one secret to getting your dog to stop barking or you could shed 20 pounds in in 30 days by not eating this one food or thing like that. I think that that's super powerful and I don't know if you've ever seen this account, but this is a really cool account to follow for everybody who's here. I'll share my screen real quick. Just to get ideas about hooks. It's in a weight loss niche and it's kind of weird . I don't know if it's just kind of weird. Let me see. There we go. It's kind of a weird cow. So if I zoom in a little bit, it might be a little more helpful. There we go. So this guy is Have you heard of this account?

Emma:  I have not.

Matt:  Okay. Yes, it got a little follow. But basically, if you really want to, like the copywriting, how to cut and how to use these little things, check the steps when we're talking about lists, right? Like nature's perfect food they're very low and they're fine. I mean, talk about not needing you don't even need to be an expert to deliver something like that you could Google search. What are the top 10 healthiest use five right or something like that? Five Foods You Should Never Eat again. But for anybody who's on here, you know five foods you should never eat if you're like wait. I've been watching this account for a while. And I'm just curious what people do with their Washington. He's posted this video multiple times to this channel. It's got 736,000 views, but these little stickers right as you start the video that show people immediately they might not like this dude's face. They might not think he's cool, whatever, but it's just him. And if you watch these videos long enough, you're gonna see that this guy is reading basically off a teleprompter and what appears to be a pretty dumpy apartment. And God knows wherever he is, I don't even know I mean, who knows where this dude is, but I will say this. These little unknown strategies are in 540,000 followers and he's an affiliate marketer who's promoting products on Clickbank. There you go, a Keto product. And you know, I don't know if he's the priming map, or whatever, but I will say that he uses those hooks in those stickers. I noticed you did that too. And I noticed a lot of the best content creators that's what they're doing is that right away that leads in, grabs people's attention, hooks them in and then they move them into a compelling list or piece of content or something.

Emma:  Right? Yeah, definitely. I think that's all just like me kind of what you were talking about. It's the human brain. Some people like that we're all wired a little bit differently and so certain people are just attracted to different things when you're scrolling. You know, some flashes through on the screen. Maybe it is, you know, words are not always going to be the person's fake voice. On the screen. Some people might just go mad but if there's something pretty on the screen, something flashy, it's kind of, you know, there might be like, Oh, that might attract their attention. So, like, throw everything out there. I was like, what is going to attract everyone's attention and then the people say,

Matt:  Oh, totally. And the other cool part is that this does it also by doing that and I think this is really sneaky. Yeah, I think this is super sneaky when you do that right away and you give that hook that's super relevant to the content and also to your channel. Basically, only people who are sticking around are people who are actually in the niche. That you're trying to sell to. And so now you're building in this algorithm, the algorithms just collecting, collecting, collecting these pools of people to show your videos to and that begins to get very niched in and very focused. And now you've got this captive audience where that is why going live is so powerful. This is why hosting, you know, occasional longer videos about you or your journey or where you're at in your business or where you're at in your weight loss journey or your dog training journey. Or whatever it is, is because at some point down the road, no matter how many times you've posted at some point, your audience is going to be so dialed and so focused and so curated that you go live and you're talking to your ID percent, non stop, and they're sitting there watching and they're like, I'm already ready to buy like, can you just tell me what I need? And sometimes we overcomplicate that process, but I just meant that the power of an algorithm or you know, a piece of software and app solves that problem for us. It's crazy. It's pretty amazing. So you get all these followers, how do you, how do you have a strategy? I'm just curious, do you have a strategy for turning these people into leads? Do you get calls to action? What do you do about

Emma:  it? Yeah, I mean, I do try to put a call to action on every single one of my videos and it's not. I feel like this is one of, like, the hill that I'll die on with this. Is that the call to action every single time doesn't have to be the link in my bio, which obviously is like where eventually you would like for people to go but truly, like if they are interested, they don't need all going into my link in your bio. It's the same profile, they know where it's going to be. I feel that I feel that you know, I mean, there are plenty of other call to actions that you can use, like you can use, you know, what you think which you know, helps with engagement on a video and then that's another I mean, that's a video of content creation strategy that I have too, is that the more people content more, you can reply with video comments, and, you know, generate more videos. That way. But, you know, you can comment, let me know what you think. Comment and tell me what your blank is. Follow For more, go to my profile and check out my other videos. There's lots of ways that you can use referred your followers to engage and it doesn't always have to be some I mean on an appropriate video yes, you can say like, this is exactly how I started my go to check that out. I'm sure not every video needs that on there. Sometimes it definitely I mean, and again, right away I kind of like learned as I was going but there were some videos that I would just stick them on. As I was learning and then I was like, like, that didn't really sound right. Like if I could go back and do that again. And I put the link in my bio because it just doesn't fit there. Yeah. Yeah, so I mean, that's uh, yeah, definitely. I mean, using call to actions is great because they do like if your audience's video and they're listening and paying attention they will be compelled to like, okay, you know, okay, sure. Comment, like, yeah, yeah. And so yeah, I mean, my one for engagement. Another thing that I just feel is super important for nurturing the leads that I do get for nurturing the followers and the audience is very, just being very authentic. And what I mean by that is like, and again, this is something I learned as I was going because starting out on Tik Tok, I think that I mean, at least for me, I was consuming Tik Tok content like It looks like a lot of lip synching it looks like all right and which is fun. I mean, those videos are, they're like fun to make and trends are fun to do. Like that's, you know, why not? Why be on tick tock if you don't want to have that and do some of the fun trends and things like that. But I found that people buy into you before they buy into what you're selling and so being authentic and anyone and I feel like letting your audience hear your voice in a video at least one time a day like actually talking, you know, and engaging and like being about like, who you are and what you're doing and essentially letting your audience know why they should care. I like it just like maybe the number one thing to earn just your followers from people who like to turn followers from people who are just following you to people who are like that. I recognized her. Oh, yeah, she was talking about this last time, like now I'm interested in her story. I'm interested in why she started affiliate marketing. This is where she came from. She's going and that makes it it makes I feel that it makes the process like a little bit more human and as a human element and people like can relate to that more and then want to

Matt:  find out more. Wow. Yeah, I feel like that to me, the whole you know, not needing to put a call to action and also not necessarily needing to do a bunch of trends all the time, but really bringing yourself to it. That to me sounds like you've really figured out who you are on social media. And that's really cool. Because you start to hear yourself and hear the message and hear the thing that's doing it. You're kind of like me, just that doesn't sound right. And that's the big last two words. They are being heard, not ignored. The words for me, kids once you've started to feel more comfortable as you know, doing the content yourself. More confidence and clarity on what you're trying to say how you want this to come across opens up intuition. And what happens I feel like it's that people begin to of course. Oh, like just like this, but there's so much on how the video is viewed. I've done some tests around this and with some really great results actually. But here's a little tip to anybody who's creating content on social media. There's two things you can do at the end of the video that are not calls to action, their total opposite, they don't get any. But yeah, sometimes. There's the option of giving a cloud action and other times if you're just going for a growth video, which is a video that's specifically a hey, I want to help my channel meet more people. What you can do is you can let the video go. And at the very end, you basically cut off you're laughing off the very last, like two seconds or something. And as you're going you're saying something like I do this. I did this when I created a video around how to make a shirt brand. And, and so very at the end of the video, I would say something like, like I was gonna give them a call to action or something and the video just stopped and it went back because sometimes when you do a call to action and you sort of set up as this like now if you like more information then people are gonna scroll right it's like yeah, it's it's if you're like, and you want more information about my product can go to the link in my bio, and it's like, oh, okay, yeah, I guess people are gonna start scrolling because they feel like it's the end. And so, what I did is I made this video and it was basically like, Would you like to so the hook was would you like to start a tshirt brand without needing any inventory or your own online store to show you go to this website, whatever and then step two, go to fiverr.com whatever. And then step three and I went through five steps. Step by it just kind of cut off in the video restarted. So starting to get a lot of people who viewed it again because I went really fast. They were like, I need to watch that again. They sort of paused, they started commenting, and this is the only video on their school channel where the channel doesn't even exist. It might still exist. I don't even know what it's called anymore. This was a year ago, and that one video at 340,000 and it was like I spent a lot. Not a lot of time but I spent a good amount of time a couple hours on that one video just in every clip. I knew it's gonna be really good. I also in that clip spell or I said five are wrong. So I gave this as a little tip to our viewers and said the word five r r. And the amount of comments making fun of me for saying five r r just destroyed. Like all of that engagement that you know if people would leave that I just ran to the comments just to see who caught that. Yeah. Me scroll up let you know that you're wrong. And man like the little creative humor bites, like, especially misspelling something or especially saying pronouncing something intentionally wrong, but just moving right through like you're on different comments and those comments are the best because it's people just having a good time and it's more positive funny humor base like calm. And a lot of times when you're trying to sell something or you're doing business online, a lot of comments are like, here we go, you know? But if you can call this more like, Hey, I'm just where we were playing around making fun like that's the point that's what the algorithm loves and so your videos light up a lot when you do that. And, and and then you end it, you know on board and before the year you're really wrapped up and get a call to action. People are like can we just start with the video just start over? Am I watching this again? And then they'll watch it again. And now the algorithms like oh my gosh, watching this video, this must be a really good piece of content we should hear. Let's push that out to everyone in the world. Let's get it in front of us. So sometimes an unconventional approach I think a lot of times people get on here and they watch other successful people's videos. Okay, that's exactly what I have to do. And it doesn't maybe fit them or it doesn't quite the I don't know it just doesn't hit their voice straightaway and just doesn't work. And I think a little bit of creativity helps. 

Emma:  was going on and checking out others like popular you know, marketing videos in your niche because it's great to get ideas but then you definitely have to make it your own yeah, it does your audience does perceive when you're doing something that you're not comfortable with and not you know thrilled with that does. Yeah.

Matt:  Wow. Thanks for all the golden nuggets today. I feel like you know, like between the two of us there was just a lot of stuff in there that took us right away, jumped in and got going. So thanks for bringing the heat and we're I think we're you kind of a last minute we need to or not

Emma:  I was but then I got plenty of time to prepare. It's all good.

Matt:  Well, thank you for being flexible and yeah, to keep rockin. I just want to say I feel like you know there's not a super secret to your success. It feels like you put in the work and you know, I sometimes like if people come on here and they feel like nervous or like, you know, like it just feels like you're comfortable and confident to where they need to go and that's a cool thing and keep it up keep rockin

Emma:  Thank you so much and thank you for having me.

Matt:  Of course anytime I want to put up Emma’s TikTok. Follow her @prosperwithemma And we'll be back here again tomorrow. Same time Emma, come back. Send us a message in a couple months. We'd love to have you back on that'd be super cool. And we'll be back here tomorrow on Thursday for another episode. Peace out everybody.

How To Overcome The Biggest Affiliate Marketing Roadblocks For Beginners

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave:  Hey what's going on my friends this is Dave Sharpe welcome to wake up legendary. Taylor Welcome to the show once again. How are you?

Taylor:  I'm great. How are you?

Dave:  Excellent. It looks like your your setup there in nature, you know, we, you know, in an undisclosed location that looks like

Taylor:  I'm actually in Miami so you can see. Very beautiful here. It's a nice change from Oklahoma.

Dave:  Living the best life I see. How many people would like to be on vacation right now in Miami, say hi. So, tell everyone a little bit about who you are and how you got started. Just the nutshell version of your story. For anybody who doesn't know who you are.

Taylor:  So I started my online journey actually just over a year ago. I came across a legendary program on Tiktok and decided to just go for it and saw a bunch of people having some great success with it. And ever since my life has been completely different and I've been so thankful that I was able to connect with this community.

Dave:  Yeah. What sort of achievements have you or milestones have you hit in your business? You know, what, whether that be with sales or earnings or and there's a big fat disclaimer, Taylor went through the training, took lots of action and her results are in no way typical. But give us some give us some specifics about and what I mean obviously we can see you're on vacation in Miami, but in what specific ways has this impacted your life in positive ways? And what milestones have you hit you know?

Taylor:  So not only is it just amazing to be able to rely solely on this online income, only be able to work for myself, but I was able to hit six figures profit and seven months with this online promoting and yeah, it's more money than I ever thought I would be able to make especially in this age, and I now consistently do five figures per month and it's just awesome. It's opened my eyes to so many other opportunities to make money online as well. 

Dave:  And you're 22 years old, right? And by the way, have you and I ever talked in any way you know live other than here on wakeup legendary publicly where everybody can hear exactly every word that we're saying to each other? We've never we've never talked or have you ever had any side-cover private conversations with anyone from our company or has it all just been either attending a coaching webinar or a training or wake up legendary Have you had any other side private conversations? Did anybody take you aside and give you any special training or special you know, you know what? I mean? Like any any handouts, leg ups, anything like that, or did you go through the same training in the same process that's available inside of our training still to this day?

Taylor:  Yes, that's exactly right. I just went through that training.

Dave:  Yeah, it's amazing. It takes dedication to actually go through the training, you know, to learn. I think maybe there's maybe there's maybe a lot of people just want to like kind of pick at it. Or they buy it and then they're like, well, I'll do it kind of how I want to do it. Why do you think that is? I mean, you're you're you're you're closer to turning in assignments to teachers than I am. But it still seems like there's this challenge that people have with actually going through and completing training without somebody standing over them or without them having to turn some sort of assignment into somebody else, somebody else holding them accountable. Which is the exact opposite school. So you're learning what we need as entrepreneurs. So what is your advice to people who are dead or are finding themselves struggling, just focusing on going through the training on their own? It is a new thing. So it's not about judgment, but what is your advice to people to have how to get through that so they can learn those skills before they just start acting in random directions, and then having to keep starting over again.

Taylor:  I think that's a really good question. Because I think with everybody when the class or if you have a job, if your teacher says to do a certain thing, you're going to do it most of the time, hopefully, or if your boss tells you to be here at a certain time you're going to do it. But when you tell yourself you're going to do something a lot of us don't give ourselves the same respect that we give those other people. So if you're accountable for your teachers and for your boss, you should 100% be accountable for yourself.

Dave:  So what has the transition over into entrepreneurship been like for you? Has that been an easy transition where I mean, did you immediately feel that drive to kind of take action, you know, or did you also struggle at the beginning or have a challenge with Hey, man, you know, it's kind of all on me. Now, the sky's the limit And that's really exciting. But it's also wow, you know, there's a saying that says something like too much or with lots of freedom comes lots of responsibility. And I've been saying that for a lot of years because you know what I realized Taylor was the more successful that I became, the more things I was going to have I was going to be responsible for, you know, so it wasn't like you know, oh, I'm just gonna get rich and famous and just have this you know, take selfies and post them on, you know, if I wanted to live a productive, meaningful life, that I enjoyed spending time with the people that I love, which are pretty much like my wife, you know, my kids, family, close friends, then I'm going to have to be responsible for some stuff. You know what I mean? I'm gonna have to be responsible for getting my work done. I'm going to have to be responsible for driving my business forward being the one who's actually pushing my business forward. Not some coach, you know, not some mentor and I think a lot of people get sucked into this. Hey, oh, it's not a boss. Now. It's a mentor. Now, it's a mentor that I need. And that mentor, it's when I find that right mentor, when I'm willing to do that and it's almost like hold on, you have to reverse those. You have to be the one pushing your business forward. Regardless if there's a mentor or a coach, or a consultant, or somebody that you're working with, you know, on the side to help you grow, you still, as the business owner, have to ultimately be responsible to keep pushing your business forward, day in and day out. And so, how have you you know, has that come natural to you, I guess is what I'm asking Taylor or what have what what sort of tips or things have you done that's made it that's made that sort of transition to sort of a you know, I wanted to be in the captain's seat. Now I am, you know, that transition a little bit better.

Taylor:  Yeah, so I think a lot of the time comes down to what situation you're trying to get out of, because I was working for a guy that was not very rational and was known for firing people out of nowhere. And I put a lot of trust into him and realized that I shouldn't have and so for me, I was very driven to be able to, at first I didn't think it was going to ever become a full time income. I really just wanted extra income in case you know, things went bad over here and I had something to fall back on. And I had the goal just like I said not having to rely on them worry that his decisions were going to change my entire life. And kind of I think it came more naturally to me than others. And I also think the way the program is designed with mindset and everything. You guys gave me a lot more confidence than I think a lot of other programs might not do for other people. And so from the beginning I was like convinced I was like this is gonna work based off of like, are you guys coached and how you guys you know, set up those videos and I think it came a little more naturally just because I had a drive to get out of that situation. And like I said the way you guys know, had the training set up it really just gave me the confidence I needed to keep going.

Dave:  It's amazing that us older folks don't look at you. younger folks, and just ask questions and listen. In learning, you know that we think we got it in some ways. We got it wrong. In the way in which we teach and the way in which we think that people are the wisest. You know, in entrepreneurship, what's important is confidence in creativity. And who has the most creativity and quite frankly, who has the most confidence in the world? A baby you know, a toddler does before the world begins to dampen that confidence and make us afraid of different things. Do you feel there's an element of tapping in you're young, but you know what I'm talking about your true child, the true, you know, child inside of you. With this entrepreneurship do you find yourself being playful? I mean, are you having fun doing this? And are you figuring out ways to make it fun? Because I say your income is only capped by your creativity. You know, and that's the same in entrepreneurship and in this world right now. There are no rules really to what we're doing except it has to be moral, ethical and legal. And it doesn't even have to be moral and ethical, but we really, we really invite people to consider the long term impact of their choices, but it has to be legal or else you're gonna get you know, it's not gonna last long. So as long as it's moral, you know, legal and ethical, then your income is only capped by your creativity. And so what I've seen is I have seen a lot of older folks Taylor who have who have allowed themselves to loosen up a little bit and not be so stiff behind the camera and actually let some of their knowledge and their playfulness and their wisdom and in their you know, they're just that who they are come out and kind of shine. How are you keeping it playful? What are you ? What are you comfortable with out there within your content? What's an example of something like you're not comfortable with doing talent, talk to us a little bit about that.

Taylor:  I think being younger definitely does help because I haven't had that conditioning as long in my life and being younger not having kids. Yeah, I'm able to take more risks. And so I do think that's helpful. I say, I read with you I wouldn't do anything immoral or unethical because I do care about helping people and I wouldn't want to just get legs up by screwing over others. And I think content wise, it is important to be creative and confident because I think what holds a lot of people back is they're scared of what other people think. And I've had this like that where people don't want to start posting because they don't want people from their hometown seeing them and different things like that. But if you can just get out of that fear of caring what other people think. I mean, the sky's the limit. For sure.

Dave:  It's interesting, you know, people there's also people who want to know what other people are doing. You know, and part of being an entrepreneur is really being able to look at something and listen to something with your ears and with your eyes and make a judgment call. Is this good for me? Does this make sense for my life? And I heard you really say that as you came into the challenge you listened to the videos and they made you feel confident. You know, you made your own judgments based on the actual product in the actual content. And it's so unfortunate, because we see people come in all the time and of course they get distracted by people hitting them up or other just shiny objects that they were already subscribed to and instead of making, you know, actually going through it and doing it themselves, they'll listen to other people, you know, whether it's Hey, don't do that come over here. Or it's Hey, did you buy the blueprints? Do we? We have that a lot. It's like people and it's like we have one program, folks here one flagship program, which is the blueprint. It's not endless upsells it's not, you know, it's not some bait and switch. It's not some secret that we have a flagship program and the blueprints. It's interesting because we also did a mastermind just a week ago, and everybody in the room who had everybody in the room had the blueprints, those who had gone through them were succeeding at massive levels, those who hadn't weren’t. It was really clear and it's interesting somebody asked, you know, in the comments here, does she own the blueprints? You know, because they wonder Hey, is there a shortcut? What's the shortcut and that's why I was asking you those questions before I just looked up. You know, I was asking you before like, did we have a did anybody give you a private secret edge here are you related to any of us are we but here's another thing I just looked up. You bought the business blueprints and the starter package that you get when we offer you know, new people right at the beginning for a discount on April 4 2021. Okay, so April 4 2021. You got those blueprints? You said? You went through them? You? Right. We just talked about that a second ago. About going through the training and here you are one year later, actually one year and just a month. So literally one year and some change later, talking about how you made six figures, how you know you are now consistently making five figures per month from doing affiliate marketing from simply applying what you learned in the training. And gosh, you know, success leaves clues in my head . I mean, success leaves clues you can either have results or you can have excuses and we see every single day. And it's it's it's hard because I want to travel out to people's houses and I want to I want to sit down I want to look them in the eye even we put on events and give people an opportunity for not a dirt cheap but a reasonable price to come and look us in the eye and spend time with us. Whatever you need to do to overcome your objections, you know that you have in your head folks. We have people on every single day. It's like how I ask people when we're sitting in a room. What more convincing do you need? What other questions do you have, what other things are popping up in your head floating around that we can answer for you? That you that at that point you can finally give yourself permission to take ownership over your life and actually go through and watch the go through the challenge. Determine if the blueprints are for you. Talk to one of our advisors and have a conversation before you make a judgment that they're just there to sell you. You might learn something that's way more valuable than $2,500 Just with a conversation with somebody from our team who's had 1000s of conversations and trust me, we're not professionals here. We're not begging and high pressure. We know how to make an offer where there's enough value we don't need to pressure people. But Taylor, Isn't it ironic that literally just over a year ago, you bought those blueprints, and here we are talking you know, 13 months later and but it's not just it's not just you we have these sort of stories every day. But man, it's so crystal clear to me. And how do we make it more clear to people how to, how do we mean, what do you say to people who you can just tell they've just been skeptical and it's not about you? If they're not assessing us, I feel like it's really a lack of confidence in themselves. So how do we instill more confidence in people the way that we instilled confidence in you or what can you say you think what do you say now? To people to instill confidence in them to let them know it's not the geophones, the training, not under investigation here. The track record is not under investigation. It's your limiting beliefs and whether you can focus and actually follow through with buying the training and going through and then applying it that's under investigation. And that's the cold hard truth that I had to come to terms with in my life if I wanted my life to get better. Do you agree with that and what advice do you have? Or what advice do you give to instill more confidence in people?

Taylor:  I completely agree and I think one of the first things I tell people is to read the book you guys suggest Rich Dad Poor Dad because that changed my perspective and like a whole 180 It opened my mind to a lot of things I never thought about before. And I think that was a really big piece for me. But also, you know, these lives are important because if you're seeing other people do it, then it means it's possible for you, especially when you can hear somebody's story. They don't have a background and stuff like this, you know, started from fresh with zero experience. And so that's like one of the main things I think too, when I'm looking at new business ventures, if other people are out there doing that. There's no reason that I can't as long as I have the discipline to work every day, learn every day and just keep at it.

Dave:  Yeah. And I tell people I mean pick something to just go in that direction. It's not that we're not convincing you to do what works, what's with what's in our training, the business models that we're teaching. I mean, I would rather somebody go in a completely different direction buy zero from me buy zero from us, but if but go in a different direction. And as my dad always said to me, do something even if it's wrong, you know, you know, you cannot sit around doing indecisive paralysis analysis. That's what I also see is a black hole that people fall into. They sort of, I don't know if it's overwhelmed by the tech. You know what I think it is? I think it's really that they just don't watch the training and just set it up properly. The way that the training describes it really is all inside of, for example, our business blueprints. The challenge that we offer has a lot of both mechanical stuff and also sort of the dynamics in higher level stuff. That's only $7. The blueprints are so step by step you come in. You start with the affiliate marketing business blueprint. We really suggest people start with that, because it's easier to do affiliate marketing, just selling somebody else's product, than it is to start creating your own digital courses. Doing what genius and running live events. Have you followed that process yourself of starting with affiliate marketing where you've made all of your money in what you love? What do you not love about the business model? You know, because a lot of people are torn off so when they come about business models, they've heard a lot about Amazon and drop shipping and they're getting pitched MLMs by all their family and friends. So, talk to us a little bit about your experience with the core four. Are you still on affiliate marketing

Taylor:  Right now I'm still just focusing on affiliate marketing. I plan to create a digital product at some point. I just not haven't gotten around to that yet. And actually I'm starting an online business before I do that because I'm not exactly sure what I would want to do my digital course over. But I definitely think what stops a lot of people is the social media aspects. People think that if they're not used to posting every day that they don't have a chance but I was active on social media. I would scroll and watch other people's stuff, but I never posted my own. I started on hours and I think the one thing I would say I don't like about it is the fact that people are deterred because of the social media aspect. They kind of look at it as an influencer. But I don't have time telling people that that's not what it is and that you don't need blogs and stuff about your life. It's structured around the products and you don't have to keep facing that you don't have to. You know people are like I said worried about what other people will think but you don't even have to put your face in it. So that's one of my favorites. I think people like I said are just a little scared when they know it's kind of based around social media.

Dave:  That’s so true. They the you know going you know, creating content, putting yourself on video can be can be can be uncomfortable, for sure. It's just like anything, you know. We do it for a couple of days or a couple of weeks and it's like you know you become such a natural and you know what, I'll tell you all not that I was rhetorical. But we did a an exercise actually Joshua Smith at the at the recent mastermind led us through a simple, powerful exercise and you know what he led us through to do record a video, you know, and all of us recorded a video, you know, right there in inside of this huge mansion that we were hosting the mastermind in just last week. And you know, it was amazing people were people were, you know, they were they were running around. They were screaming and they were wildly wildly nervous. Of course before we know, before we know when Josh was like we're gonna do this everybody in the room was just like a real big gas. But wow, the confidence in the room. I was obviously being silly. But my point was, was being playful on video and kind of let yourself really go you know, I mean, there's a little bit of that childlike kind of performing sometimes letting out or you're goofy yourself or just I mean those are always the parts of our personalities that are the most charming is is those kind of goofy parts. But back to my point. After we recorded that video, in that room, that entire room was on fire. You know, they felt so proud of themselves and confident many of them had never done that. You know what I mean? had just never been there. So, taylor it's hard to really build confidence in people because they got to do it. So how has taking action can you describe as you've taken action, you have developed confidence in how you are a different person? If you feel like you were one year ago when you started?

Taylor:   I grew up super shy, which I love telling people because like I said I wasn't active on social media. I was known as the quiet girl. Oh, people always told me I was quiet. I was quiet. I was a little nervous posting on Tik Tok, but I kind of got over that fear a little bit even from the beginning, but I think getting that first like good views on my video kind of started to give me that validation that I needed to be confident. I think that's where people struggle if they're posting for weeks and they're not really getting any feedback, their confidence just kind of takes away. But if you keep posting and the results will come as long as you stay consistent and that's really I think how I got my confidence was getting that feedback and knowing that people were starting to like my content.

Dave:  Yeah, yeah, you got to hang in there though, right? There's a period which can be short or long, but regardless, it will feel long at the beginning, when no one feels like it's nothing but tumbleweeds, right? And so, how, how do you hold on and how does one look at the small little miracles that are happening in our business instead of ice. A lot of people are looking for the big burning bush, and in almost all my 13 years of doing this, I've never seen a burning bush. There have been a lot of tiny miracles along the way. What has your journey been like in terms of just falling in love with the process, you know, that sort of kind of help drive entrepreneurship is it's less about arriving to the destination getting rich or you know, arriving there but it's about falling in love with the prospect about being on the court kind of like when Michael Jordan retired, and then he went to baseball. Then he came back to basketball because he wanted to be in the game and sort of like being in the game. So have you fallen in love with the present? Are you finding yourself beginning to fall in love with the process? I mean, describe what comes up for you as I say what I just said and ask you that question.

Taylor:  I think it's so important to love the process because I think if you don't love the process, you might not be able to do that when you get the result. You have to actually enjoy what you're doing. And I have from the beginning I've really loved it and why it's important to do something you're passionate about because you need that drive that passion for it to keep going when things aren't necessarily going your way.

Dave:  And what about challenges when they pop up? I mean to me falling in love with the process is taking the good with the bad, you know or the bad with the good however you want to look at it. And you know, in a way oh they just keep me sharp now there's no pun intended right there, you know I mean, but it was it was it was ironically clever. But many challenges keep me sharp. They really do write and that's one of the things that for me is important. I actually do want to keep my skills sharp. You know, I do want to make sure that I'm still staying sharp. It's kind of like there's also other ways to transition to different levels. Do you see a lot of NBA players or professional athletes, they become commentators so they can stay close to the game by a sports team or they become a general manager. See a lot of us, you know, we we and this is some advice that I want to give you Taylor if you don't mind. Are you open to some feedback and some just I want to based on my experience and something that I heard you said you say and so why, what why what I just said is and how it ties in to the advice I want to give you is that a few moments ago you said you know I have other I have other aspirations I want to do other things. You know what I mean? I want to create a digital course and I want to but I'm not quite clear yet and I might want to start another business. What do I recommend to you in any other person who's just started to achieve some success and as you said before, has a five figure income up going now? And it is kind of rockin and rollin. Don't Don't screw that up, just to move on and do other things. A lot of times what we don't realize is growing our existing business, to the levels that we want to grow it to whether that be income or also kind of fulfillment and impact with just by just staying in kind of nurturing that business to growth. Sometimes less is more. You know sometimes. For me I've been able to continue to branch out into selling digital courses and coaching and events while still doing affiliate marketing. I'm the legendary and Dave sharp affiliate not not legendary as a whole actually just me just the referrals that I personally send. I just want to have a contest at ClickFunnels. I'm the number one affiliate as of recently at ClickFunnels still doing affiliate marketing. So my point here is that a lot of times we think we need more businesses, more streams of income, more things, but my experience is that a lot of times if I'm doing more things, I end up only being able to put 20% of my energy into each thing. So I get a 20% return. Whereas if I grow one business, I just keep growing business, you know, and that's the commitment. That's the challenge, I think that most entrepreneurs have is growing one business to a multi million dollar level. Okay, and it's been a challenge here at legendary as we've grown this business, we're in our sixth year of business. Did you know almost 20 million in sales last year? We'll do more this year. But that's been a commitment to stay focused and stay in our lane. And this is my only business. You know, I don't have any other businesses. I have investments on the back end, but I don't have multiple businesses. I guarantee that any I would put my earnings and lifestyle up against any guru and any MLM leader, any person who's preaching the anybody who's running a you know, 16 hour a day FBA or drop shipping business, or anybody who's running around working 10 or 12 hours a day or even six hours a day. running multiple businesses, you know, and so at the very least, at the very least, the advice that I have to entrepreneurs is to get more successful and earn more money as if you are going to branch out and figure out how to operate the business that got you to where you're at. Because that is that in entrepreneurship you know how probably somebody along I know somebody said this to me in my life. Don't get a new Don't quit your old job until you get a new job, right. I don't know if anybody gave you that advice, but they gave me that advice. That's like some two generation ago advice that we're in it's good advice. It's stuck around. It's good advice. And I'm going to reiterate that advice in the entrepreneur sense. Don't start a new business to screw up the existing income you have because I have seen people who have earned a million dollars as affiliates. And then you know what they wanted more. But they didn't take the right steps to grow. And they got sloppy and they got unfocused on him more than they got him as an example. I was selling information the way that we do now, back in 2011 and 12. And then in 2013 i and i had a business partner then we're like, Let's build let's do software. Right and we built our own custom software project. The biggest mistake that I ever made was to say yes to vote, that was a good idea, because I wasn't in my lane. And it was a huge distraction. And it ended up being massive, he worked selling information and doing what we did. And now we wanted to be hot shots and sell software, you know, and so that's been a big commitment here of mine at legendary really is we've moved real slow. Come on, you don't think that we've considered building our own funnel builders and all these kinds of things here at legendary, but sometimes you have to stay in your lane. Because you know how you just talked about the guy that you worked for who made irrational decisions. I am that leader. If I'm constantly, you know, shifting gears that impacts people like you Taylor here, and you know what's interesting as you run your business, people are going to be looking to you depending on you your fault, they're going to be depending on you for a consistent message. And they'll keep buying from you year after year if you stay consistent and continue to give them attention, kind of innovate, but don't change too much. Be a place that they can go and know what to expect and it's like some of these brands that have been around for years like Rolex. They don't. If you look at some of their watches, they're the same as back in 1950. It's subtle changes when the market is always changing to be the Northstar for some customers and they'll keep paying you year after year. How's that feeling for you and what comes out for you as I give you that feedback?

Taylor:  I think that's really great advice. And I think that's why maybe it took me a year to look elsewhere to add a niche and to find out because I knew there's gonna be twice as much work and I wasn't willing to put in that work if I wasn't like you said, gonna be doing the same thing over here. And I think that's what's really great about this business model too, is the fact that I do only spend a couple of hours per day and so I do have a lot of extra time whereas some people are still working their nine to five, they don't have that extra time. And so I made when I was looking to, you know, other business models that I was gonna stay consistent with mine and that this wasn't just, oh, I just had to put in that extra work to make something out of that. And I do I do love that advice

Dave:  And you're young and you're young and full of energy and it's different as you get older you have less energy so do any, you know for those of you who are young or if you don't have small children, maybe you're old. Maybe you're retired or maybe you're an empty nest with your children you know on all levels. I don't actually think it's about age. So I know that for me, I have small children at home, so they take a lot of my energy. I gotta be real careful where I spend my energy. That's why toxic people do things of that nature. I gotta be real careful. Whatever I spend my energy each day, every minute and so that's that's, that's, that's incredible. That, you know, you have that sort of, I guess, ability to be able to play the tape through at the age that you are. Here's another cool thing. How much content can you repurpose? And how many things as you build a I like to call it like this to give the work that I do fancy name so watch this as you develop a body of work right with all of your content and that is gold all media all that that body of work those hundreds, even 1000s of videos that you have, you can save them and categorize them and repurpose them. So once you have a few 100 of them, you know you have them categorized as Hey, did really well or dogs, you know categorize them however you want. And how much extra time does that give you to I don't think people I don't think even me, I don't fully utilize my catalog. There's another fancy word that I've built in, done and written and recorded over the years. But I don't think that we fully utilize our own catalog of content, aren't you? I have to imagine after a year you have emails and things you've written in videos you can repurpose, right? Absolutely. It just makes it it will and especially once you find something that works if it's not broken, don't fix it. I mean before you think that your marketing is not working, understand that, you know, it may actually be doing better than you think it is. And oftentimes We're the last ones to see that we're growing, you know or notice growth. So, hey, look, I'm gonna let you get back to your vacation in Miami. Wow. Because I know you're gonna go back to Oklahoma. And I have a feeling you love it more in Miami. So I'm gonna give you a chance to get back to that soak up every second. Thanks for spending time with us. Your valuable precious time now that you've got this life that you've worked for. And you're spending in Miami. Thanks for giving back and spending some time sharing your secrets with us.

Taylor:  Thank you for having me.

Dave:  Alright, Taylor, come back and see us again. Okay. Okay, well my friends. Wow, man. Come on. I am like Monday. Who needs coffee? Who needs I mean, wow. Wow. I'm fired up. I mean, you just it's like if there's no way that if you're me, and you're talking to these people, or you're listening to this, and this is your main business and what you're trying to do, then if you plug into this just an hour a day listening to this, especially if you're new, there's no way that your life can't change that your perspective on yourself and success and they can't change when you hear these completely. Totally cool and real. Just no BS, no BS, just totally. It's just mind blowing. I mean, these are every day day in and day out and it just keeps getting better. That's because you know one of the reasons why the people who have gone through our training and applied it, they're coming back on to the show, you know what I mean? They're now tailors coming back onto the show. I think she said this was her third total. So, you know, here's what I want to, you know, here's what I want to say. If you haven't gotten started yet or if you for example, blog posts and haven't gone through them yet. Just go through them. Just do yourself that favor you deserve. Because you're looking at changing the year. There's no guarantees, it's not on us. The training is not going to change your life. You're gonna change your life. But man, you know what I mean? It's amazing because you even look at Taylor and of course, she began to make money and see results and all of that before but a year a year is not that long. A year is not that long a place where you can let your hair down, exhale a little bit relaxed and say, Wow, I'm more comfortable now. And you get more and more comfortable along the way. But I mean, come on. You know, if you went to most people out there on the street, and you said, hey, look, you sign up today and put in some work, you're gonna get zero next year. But after that, your life is going to be totally different and change. Most people are going to sign up for that. But here you can actually earn while you learn. That is something that actually is possible. If you apply you know, go through the training and apply it. So it's not like you eat and that's what I think is the difference between this and obviously college in the typical system is you don't have to wait four years or two years. But most people like I said, would sign up for hey, sign up today, work your ass off for a year or nothing but after a year your life changes. Most people would sign up for that. And here we can earn while we learn. So just man I hope you heard something today that changed your life because your life can change in an instant. When you make a decision to do something different seriously. Make it that day. You know if you are going to start work, start over one heck of an interview. I'm trying not to cuss too much or as much on this so I don't get flagged by Facebook anymore. They were flagging me at the mastermind event. Everybody was like what's wrong with the audio and it was because I was cussing like a sailor so All right, my friends have a fantastic mic. Alright. Let's end this month strong. We've got like one more week for May here 2022. I want to thank Taylor again for an incredible, incredible, incredible interview. Go follow her build wealth from home and make sure that you also subscribe to our text reminders text WUL for Wake Up Legendary to 813-296-8558 get into that training today. Get serious. Apply it and let's see what you can accomplish. We'll see you back here tomorrow.

The Technique To Convert Leads To Sales

Below is the transcription for this episode:


Dave: What's going on my friends? This is Dave Sharpe, it's your boy. It should be Captain Dave. Today is an exciting day because it's Friday and we also have an 18 year old who's going to be talking to us today. First of all, 18 Wow. That's pretty cool. That's pretty cool. And, and they're going to be talking to us today about how we go down in the DMS Gabe Welcome to the show.

Gabe: Ain't a day. Thanks for having me. You're welcome.

Dave:  You're welcome. So we'll talk about your marketing strategies here in a little bit, how you've been using, you know, private direct messaging, what you're doing what you're saying you know, how you're making the most out of every opportunity, that's that's, you know, when you're new, and especially when you're young, you probably don't have a big marketing budget. You got to make the most out of every opportunity out there. In a minute. So tell us a little bit. Changing your soul brought online integration, owning it. For 40, like 50 hours a week and the like, I always knew that's what I didn't really want to do for the rest of my life. So since I was young, I used to like, Oh, he's like searching YouTube videos like how do you make money online and stuff like that? One day, I actually downloaded TikTok just for entertainment like no I didn't really think about making money online or anything. And then I ran into a live from Calvin Hill. And he showed me you guys and I was like, Yeah, I want to do this.

Dave:  Nice, man. Nice. So what is different about this than other things that you've done? I think Did you say you were flipping or did you say flipping burgers or tried a little bit of drop shipping and it didn't really work out for me. I made like, I made a couple of 100 bucks and it was nothing sustainable. You know? And I mean, you're lets, let's be honest, you're 18 Right? It's not like it's not like you have it's, I mean, you're smart and you're probably more savvy than a lot of us. You're probably more savvy than I am in a lot of areas but I mean, drop shipping has some complications with it in terms of sourcing products, and it's a physical product that actually has to be mailed and shipped all the way around the world. 

Gabe: Yeah, that was a huge thing by Legendary for me. It's like digital products. are insane. Like

Dave: It's crazy, how much easier, how much simpler, how much faster. It's just that everybody gets their products. Immediately. You get paid faster. There's, you know what I mean? There's just not all of those roadblocks that you have with physical products. Yeah.

Gabe: You don't have to do all the customer service and everything.

Dave: Right. Yeah. with it. If you start any other business that is not affiliate marketing affiliate. Marketing is the only business that you only have to do the marketing. That's it. Every other business Amazon, Amazon FBA, drop shipping, like local SEO marketing, you know where you like to go out and prospect local businesses and offer to do their SEO services, social media, marketing agencies, all these different you know, all these different business models even even MLM to a certain extent. But all you know, because you gotta go out there and service products and get products and all this kind of stuff. But all those business models

Dave: You got to do one thing. Let's go out there and market. Yeah, and that's something that you've figured out how to make the most you figured out a strategy that works for you. Let's talk about that a little bit. You know, are you marketing on TikTok? Is that where I think I think you have two accounts.

Dave:  Many people's accounts, get flagged videos, get you know, flagged or taken down and that's the price that we pay. Don't get attached. Don't get emotionally attached to your TikTok channel, especially when it's early. You know, when it's a young channel. You have a channel that you lose, you lose it. It's got 100,000 followers. That sucks. Nobody's going to tell you not to be mad about that. But usually when you've got 100,000 followers or whatever the more established accounts are, you have a better chance to challenge it and actually get it back. And even if you have that many followers, you have a pretty big community. If you start bringing new accounts, you can build that up. way quicker than you go first. Yeah. So what you mentioned you want to talk about like utilizing direct messages to make sales and to make the most out of every lead opportunity. He explained to us a little bit about your kind of strategy so we can understand the direct messaging tips that you have, but also help us understand the big picture. So we know how they even get there in the first place. You know what I mean? 

Gabe: So basically, I posted a video on TikTok and I say if you want to learn how to do this, you comment, right? And then if they comment, I reach out to them, right? And then when we get in the messages, I basically like to talk to them, I tell them what affiliate marketing is, I get to know their story, their pain points and things like that. And then when I see it's a good time to talk about my offer, that's when I talk about it.

Dave:  So I mean, the bottom line is, it's a strategy to where you've got more time than you've got, you know, money. And I say that just because sometimes if somebody has more money than time, they might say, you know, hey, let me let me figure out how to run some paid ads or something like that. But in this case, your approach really is just I'm willing to spend as much time as I need to with people in the DMS to have conversations and then eventually, hopefully open up a transition point where I can talk about my offer and that's the mentality that you're in right now.

Gabe: Yeah, and mostly when you're in the DMS like don't worry about like the money just worry about helping the person out and the money's gonna come

Dave: Like, yeah, so what are some examples of some of the things some of the videos that you might do if you can think about one that did really well? That you might be able to say, hey, that you could give us an example of how you ended up telling them? Post a comment down below, you know, what did you talk about? And then what did you teach them with, for instance.

Gabe: And then under the ice a comment ready? If you want to learn how to make money online. And then I will do day two, the next day, day three the next day, every day, I would pretty much close that.

Dave:  And when that was obviously and that was just 12 Different people 12 Different marketers you were showcasing or what was it?

Gabe: No, it's just like 12 is just like a random number of like, I'm just like, how many people I'm just saying, like I'm looking for 12 people. It doesn't really matter if it's over 12 or 12.

Dave:  I got I'm looking for 12 people I misunderstood you i i Very much so no that that that strategy or that you know, looking for looking for 12 people today looking for one person looking for five people. It's yeah, I mean there's the power of that strategy when you say you know I'm looking for this is not for everyone, that I'm only looking for a few people I'm looking for a limited small group, a test group. The power of that strategy is that you don't look desperate just for everybody listening. I'm just explaining to people because this is something that you naturally saw and kudos to you. But I want to make sure that everybody is clear about the kind of angles, marketing angles, and it's what Gabe is doing is sort of a takeaway strategy, you know, it's like, Hey, I'm only looking for two people today. I just recorded a video and I want to share it with people. I have a video that, you know, I went through that changed my life and taught me about entrepreneurship and online marketing, and I'm looking for 12 people today who are interested in, you know, earning their first dollar online that I have time to work with and share this training with. Comment below if you're interested. You know, and now all of a sudden instead of saying, Hey, anybody, just anybody who will pay me any attention, just I'm looking for a million I'm looking for as many as I can get, you know, you know, come and get this training. It's awesome. It's going to change your life. It looks a little bit more desperate, rather than if you're like, Hey, I'm looking for two people. You know, it looks like there's real scarcity there. So scarcity, urgency. You know one of the things in and I'll even ask you about this game. One of the things that's important is what are you doing in your marketing to make them act now, instead of later? You know, I mean, obviously, one of the things that you're doing day by sea is you're making things only where there's a limited amount of spots, and so somebody will want to act and make sure that they get one of those spots if they're interested. Well, are there any other urgency or scarcity tactics that you're using to get people to take action instead of procrastinating or put it off till tomorrow?

Gabe: I think that's really the only one to be honest.

Dave:  Yeah, and that's fine. Yeah, no, it's totally fine and that makes sense. The strategy so early in the game you know, you're gonna play yeah, you know, a lot of you are trying to just sell to everybody. You know, anybody who will pay you any attention who will listen but if you think about all the brands that you know, that sell over retail that are so hot that people stand out in lines outside of the stores, thinking of luxury brands, like Rolex or like Gucci or like a tech, Felipe, you know, these are all watch and clothing brands that they make a limited supply of them. And so, when there's a high demand in a limited supply, guess what frenzy happens. People go crazy. They want it. So how can we all this is a question that we all can ask, How can we have people lined up? You know, I know one lady. She only opens up an opportunity to buy from her at certain times throughout the month or certain times throughout the year. So in you know, she'll, she'll just create free content and free value, you know, 70 80% of the time and then for you know, you know, a three or a five day window, she'll open it up and say okay, on these dates, I'm opening it up to buy from me or buy through me. And here's all the extra value and the bonuses that you're gonna get. If you buy from me so she's making that's another example of how she's making, you know, both selling digital courses and also doing affiliate marketing. She's using exclusivity and scarcity and kind of urgency. So there's a lot of different ways that we can get people to take action. And if people are not taking action, and you're you know, and I'm speaking to all of you listening, if they're not taking action, ask yourself, Am is this just something that I'm offering something that they can just come back and get tomorrow the same exact way? Because if it is, there's absolutely no reason for them to act today. They could just do it tomorrow. So, you know, every day is a great day to offer a little extra incentive. That's only good today. Throw in a little bonus that's only good today. What kind of bonuses, what kind of things could we include? Anything, you know, a YouTube video that changed your life and talked to you about how to invest your money once you start making it. An additional training that you record, have a small PDF that you write up in there are a little script a little template that you use or that I mean there's so many things in the toolbox and guess what you can repurpose them way this extra bonus if for anybody who enrolls today, see game then you can really say at midnight This is going away. This is gone. But guess what I can do the same way that I repurpose. And I am dumping gems right now. Elizabeth it's just they're coming out of my mouth just it's friggin diamonds. It's just unbelievable games going crazy. You just can't really tell because of the cool cat over there. But look. Now you know how we repurpose content: we take a TikTok video and then we take that same video and put it on Instagram when we put it on Facebook. And then we even take it and bring it back in two or four weeks and repost it again. Don't you think? I can repost my little gifts and bonuses and so forth. Don't you think I can reuse those the same way. See once I create something once I know, kind of create and build something.

Dave: Guess what it is? It's an asset. It's like a piece of real estate. It's an asset that you can reuse over and over and repurpose over again especially if it works. Now you know you got something that actually your target market is interested in. And you know, you can then create split new little bonus little things off of that as well. Again, Gabe, tell me what comes up for you when I say this. Our income is only limited in this business. By our creativity or lack thereof.


Gabe: Yeah, that's actually really cheap. I actually only really started like getting good quality leads and actually like making a decent amount of money when I actually started implementing the strategy because like, I started in January and for like the first three months I only made one commission. And that's when I wasn't using the strategy but like, I started like changing out my content style and like thinking about new new strategies and like new things I could do that's when it actually started working out for me. So yeah, that's very true.

Dave:  I mean, there's two things that as an affiliate marketer can really work in your advantage and like are really our big needle movers. And one of them is you know, using urgency and scarcity so you know, again that looks like hey, you know I'm making something available for you know, a limited time in the in the other thing is really using those those extra bonuses gifts or as some people call it because clearly aren't able to give you the the little extra that you give away that's specific to your target market that they you know, if you are in the in the in the weight loss space, you might say, Hey, here's here I want to give you a list of 12 foods you shouldn't eat, you know, if you're in the, you know, the parent, the parent, the infant space, you might say, Hey, here's here's three tips to get your baby to sleep through the night. You know, right away. I mean, that's very specific, you know, very, those are the kind of little gems that new kit as we say they're dropping, dumping gems here but slightly. Those are the little things and if you see even in our you know, inside of our marketing here at legendary, we have similar things. We have little places where we're giving away little templates and scripts and we're also giving people you know timeframes to take advantage of offers. And so it can really move the needle if I was to do a webinar game, you know, for example, if you were to go live, if you were to go live, if some of you are going live. Tell me. What do you think's going to make more sales? If I go live, and I and I and I just talk and answer questions or whatever for an hour and I just say, all right, a no go. We're done here and click the link in my bio, and go and check out that product I've been talking about throughout this entire life. You know, yeah, I can go tomorrow. exact thing. But clicking it right now, the advantage because there's no better time to take action and now you know, the big motivational speech. All right, here's, here's, here's, here's g number two. You know, I think I'm gonna do something special on tonight's live show since we've been here together this whole time. I am going to give away okay, I am going to give a way. My top 10 best video ideas along with the actual script for the videos, okay, that I used and I'm gonna link quickly for your convenience and these videos may be mine. They may be somebody else's. You don't know I'm not going to tell you that this is about.

Dave:  if you buy and you enroll in this product I've been talking about you know a few times here on this live if you buy tonight by midnight, I'm going to include this bonus okay. I can even say a few by by the end of the live show. I'm going to stay on here for 15 more minutes right now all the sudden folks now all the sudden your live is actually useful. You know, it's not just something where you're jumping on and you're just talking to people and you're just trying to build rapport. So hopefully they buy you're giving them a reason to buy. Now Gabe, what comes up for what do you think? Is going to be more definitely, definitely It is. So that's why you see a lot of offers out here when we get into offer creation. You know, which is when you have a digit when you want to create a digital course or you want to use one of the other core for business models that's not affiliate marketing. You want to actually sell your own course you know of a coaching program or event when you get into that offer creation, it's all about value stacking. You know, it's all about the product you're selling. And then what are you giving them extra and as an affiliate that it works the same exact way. You know some of you who feel oh well I can't compete with somebody who is you know, like you mentioned Calvin Hill or something like that. Well, first of all, there's a lot less people doing this than you think there is. There literally isn't is it just probably feels like a lot because on you all's it's like a little echo chamber of other people. But here's how you beat anybody. You make a better offer. You make a better offer. You just learn how to make better offers and include more value. Just like you just said game. It's all about value. So if I can throw in a little extra bonus or in again, where's it just, here's when you invoke your income is only limited by your creativity about pulling out sometimes a Word document or a Pages document and just writing a page of information that somebody would get value from.


Gabe: Right. Yeah, that's why that's why I actually love the shadows at the DM Saturday that I'm doing. Usually they'll just opt into your funnel. They like put their email in but like they don't feel like they got enough value to end up purchasing the product. But when they're in DMS I can provide so much more value to them and that's why I'm usually getting more commissions because of all the value of providing DMS.


Dave:  And the all and that is coming from your energy of just really just saying, Hey, what are you looking for? Right? What do you need? What do you want? How can I help you? Right? Is that your energy in the DMS when you first open up the conversation with somebody when they've commented say yeah, they comment on your video, like you said before, and your first message to them is what


Gabe: My first message usually means I can't wait to help you start your business, your online business journey. I asked them what they already know about affiliate marketing and then we just started the conversation right there.


Dave:  What do you already know about this? That's a pretty good question. I mean, simply because I want to respect your time and I don't want to. I don't want to tell you about things that you already know and it gets to the end and the question gets people talking right. Then that's really what you want. You want to be able to ask the questions and direct the conversation. You know a lot of you if you are going to use DMS and you are going to comment and look saying what I applaud about Gabe, is that you're taking action. Okay, I do believe that there will come a point to where you'll want to do less DMing and you'll want to, you know, scale your content more and stuff like that, but I applaud the fact that you're doing what you have to do to get started and get up and off the ground. I did the same thing. Right. I did the same thing but the process is really simple. And you really don't have to go and a lot of time. And I thought about people who get confused as to be an expert who's just yakking a bunch of knowledge and expertise. What you have to do is just simply get good at asking questions. And that was what you said, how do you kick the conversation off? Well, but might be another example of something that you might ask somebody that moves you further towards where you want to go and also keeps them talking and keeps them opening up.


Gabe: Pretty much talking about like, I would ask them why do they want to pursue an online income and like what are they what do they like don't like about their life right now that they want to change and things like that. It's like their pain points and things like that.


Dave:  Yeah, yeah. Hey, man, you're learning the real principles of selling early and and they work don't they? Don't they were when you just, it's not about it's not about hard slam dunking or some slick script. It's really just about and I'm just so impressed that at 18 you get this It's just about making people feel supported, right? Trying to identify what their pain points are, like you said and then, you know, just when they get off track because you know, people do people who don't have the life they want. If you talk to them, you'll hear why they're there. They go off track getting lost, you know, you're not focused. And so you're here as you're talking to people to say, hey, look, let's let's let's let's let's stay on track here. Let's What do you want? What you know, here's what I'll give you. I'll give you this added extra bonus or stuff or whatever, if you take action now. And it's sort of like this kind of compassionate guide. being effective and converts being persuasive you know, communicator is not being it's not about just eating in people. They'll take you there is all you gotta do is ask the right questions. They'll always give you everything that you need to work with. You just have to just ask questions.

Gabe: That's actually very true.

Dave:  Yeah, it's cool. The other thing is use the tools this is one thing that I'll say to you gave and I'll also say to everybody else who's listening, you know, a lot of times I will say, Hey, if you have a video that goes viral or something, don't, don't get, don't get caught up in the comments. It's just, you know, really figure out what are actual serious people asking and then create new content that answers that question. In helping keeps you creating new content. But in games case, you're really doing a strategy to where you're purposely telling people comment below. It's an it's a very on purpose thing that you're doing. It's not just a video went viral, and now all of a sudden a bunch of people in your comments that you're trying your way you're not wasting your time talking to people who are not somewhat qualified and I just want to make sure that i i say that difference because it is a big difference. You know, in you know what I'm talking about. The people who are commenting on a viral video are a very different type of person than somebody who's just watched a video, you know about your topic and then you say if you want more information, comment below and they've commented below. That's a that's a pretty warm prospect and is worth talking to, if you have the time to be able to do it. So what else could we learn from you what give us anything else? Anything else that we should know, as we bring this conversation in for a landing? I mean, what would you say to somebody who's who's getting getting started that maybe you didn't know before? And maybe you had some hesitation or fear or whatever and now you know.

Gabe: Pretty much. Not like some people like to start making $1,000 in their first week, but that's not how it is for everyone. So you're gonna have to stay consistent. There's gonna be ups and downs and you've got to stay consistent. I'm on my third tick tock account. Now, I got banned on my live, so we gotta keep going.

Dave:  Hey, man, I'm telling you, I mean, it's, it's hard out here. You know, it's the wild wild west. You know, this is entrepreneurship. This is just the stuff that a lot of people don't see, you know, and you're also doing a lot of messaging. That's probably another reason why you're getting your account banned because, you know, the TikTok robots think that it's like a spam robot or something. I'm not sure maybe you were doing a lot of copy. And pasting, like sending the same message over and over and over again. Were you doing any of that? Yeah. That will get you banned on any platform. But just so everybody knows, you know, if you're just copying and pasting the message overnight, you have to customize it a little bit. The other thing is on some of these platforms, they're not letting you like cold messages. Somebody who you've never messaged, you know more than like 20 or 30 messages a day is limited. Maybe having three or four Instagram or Tiktok accounts is not a bad thing. If this is going to be a strategy that you're going to use, that we teach the strategy and the business blueprints, we just teach it over in the Facebook section. Because it's, you know, but it applies over on Tik Tok. And it's just, it's about, you know, trying to find the most qualified people generating 20 to 30 leads a day if you can to talk to and sometimes even less, you don't even need 20 to 30 to make money. If you just have a little cheat day shooting and you'd be amazed by tiny bit of leads, what you can actually accomplish and how much you can earn and I think a a lot of people would be really, really amazed at what they could do with just a few good quality leads per day. Do you agree with that?

Gabe: Yeah, definitely. I used to think that I needed like 50 to 100 leads a day but like, it's not really like that.

Dave:  Yeah, 20 to 30 is even a stretch. I mean that you have good quality. 

Gabe: Yeah, it's all about the quality of the lead like you want to attack your target audience. So like, it just depends who you're targeting. Yeah,

Dave:  Yeah. And tTikTok is great. Because it puts you in front of new people. So you actually have a chance to, you know, you actually have a chance to get in front of people that you've, you've never been in front of before. So it's not like Facebook, where you've, you know, you're you're you're putting the same message in front of your good old warm, you know, you know, Uncle Aunt Betty over here, and they're they're seeing this like tick tock gives you a chance to put your content in front of more people. And then you can multiply those efforts because you can then repurpose that on multiple platforms. You know, on Instagram reels on Facebook reels on TikTok  shorts. It's just amazing you know, so if you think about it, if everybody could get to the place where they're generating and your only goal is five leads a day. It's like oh my gosh, I got there on TikTok, great, just do tick tock until you're getting, you know, five leads a day. And then you could multiply that by just starting to repurpose content on other platforms. You know, now you instantly go from five to maybe 15 or 20. It's just working smart, not hard to do direct messaging P for such people who are asking for information than people that you're just reaching out to. And we have it all the time in our Facebook group. It's like you know, the people like direct message our people they're coming into our group and message our people are like, Hey, I saw you or you know, join legendary and then start bad mouthing us and then want to sell their coaching and it's like, that's such a shitty business. But when people are reaching out to you, man, this is what it's all about. This is what we love here, too. It's what I love, because I didn't I don't do this every day . I don't want to sell a dream and be living a nightmare, you know? But anyways, man, congrats on your success. And come back and in a couple of in a month or two, maybe and keep us posted on your journey.

Gabe:  All right. Thank you. Thank you for having me, Dave. All right. Yeah,

Dave:  I'll talk to you later, buddy. All right, you can follow Gabe over on this profile. He also has a TikTok channel that we can share with you Gabes business hacks, okay, or excuse me an Instagram channel. So you can follow him on Tik ok and on Instagram on those two on those two accounts. And what a cool thing I was just talking about in writing some coffee and you know, talking about people who are 18 to 78. All who I've talked to a couple of weeks, people from that, my friends is pretty cool. So get started. Don't stop your training. Get the blueprints if you can. And here's the most important part. Go through them. Go through them. We're hosting a decade in a day. workshop right here today. For some of our Blueprints, students go through them. And my friends will be back here for another episode with another student. And another story and more tips on Monday. Get out of here. We'll see you there. Peace.

The Trick To Reposting Old Viral Videos On TikTok

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt:  What’s up everybody? We are back from the Mastermind last weekend. We are pumped to have you here. If you’re newer, we do this every single week Monday through Friday, we go live and there is no script. I chatted with Andrea for a minute before we went live but we don’t have any script or questions written. Kinds of stuff and try to convince them to move down to Phoenix because I'm like, dude, we'd never deal with that here. Yeah, so anyway, but it is hotter than hell out here. So there's that. Alright, so, tell us a little bit about you. Tell us where you grew up. Tell it No, I'm just getting your journey to how you got started online. You're a nurse, but you've also got, you know, a husband. I don't know if you've got a family and, you know, tell us about how you found Legendary.

Andrea: So I'm a nurse. I've been a nurse for 18 years. We have four kids. My husband works he's an electrical engineer. So unlucky enough. I work as a nurse but I've gotten to work part time for busy children. And he travels so I was able to cut down and kind of the busier that gets but I still work as a nurse. I love it and about a year ago, I was just looking at TikTok. My kids are kind of in that middle school age where we just run them all over the place where carpoolers for them. So I spent a lot of time in my car driving to Sioux Falls and stuff. So I saw some other moms on TikTok doing this and I thought I have these hours in the evening that I'm tired of doing things for my kids are busy that I don't want to go into the hospital but I could be doing something I could be you know earning instead of watching other people earn or running to target during those hours and spending money so that's what really just piqued my interest. My husband and I turned 40 this year and I think not only an extra income would be nice because our kids are really expensive, but there's nothing else that you could do that you don't have a boss that just intrigued us.

Matt:  Right. Cool. Wow, that's super cool. And so you got when did you find how long ago was that? When did you find legendary and start this whole journey and process?

Andrea: Yeah, so I would say like last probably about a year ago. We were just looking and we actually what we found first is like selling for Amazon. 

Matt: And a lot of people start with selling with Amazon. 

Andrea: We looked into it and we thought oh, that could be cool. And then I spent like one day with my phone secretly scanning things at Walmart and I'm like, I hate this. I'm like, This is not for me. And I'm away from home. I'm not gaining anything. So I dropped an idea and then I saw I think it was last summer like the end of July. August saw another mom that just reminded me of myself and just watched her for way too long. You know that kind of wasted time all gets the kids off to school. Well start then. So I think last fall through the 15 Day Challenge. And then we went through the blueprints for the decade in a day and it wasn't until after Christmas that we got everything set up. We just took a day, set everything up and then at the end of February just started posting and I've been posting on tick tock per day sense. I would just do it for a year, every single day and just and see what happens. 

Matt: Cool. That's so cool. And I love that you know sometimes people have this story where they get you know, any man out there get started they like, oh damn it didn't work for me like that. And I like the longevity and the evolution and the store and just how that takes a little time for some people sometimes and that's cool and there's plenty of time. Also feel like you know, there's people in our niche there's people in this industry who feel this way at age 2540 6080 We're just the mastermind. There's people there, you know, mid late 60s there's people there who were 20 I don't know, early young 20s And a lot of times people are feeling like I've gotta I gotta hurry up, I gotta go. And I'm kind of like, you know, 40s the new 20 like 60s and so forth. Like there's, there's so much time and so it's an abundance of time to reinvent yourself and to try something new. That's super cool. And now it's actually working right and you're figuring it out and it's like okay, I can I can start to make some money now and figure out how to I turn this education into an income but yeah, so you go on TikTok. Let's say that you start that one in February or something and you start posting every day. How I mean, was that tough? Were you a social media post or before that? What was it like

Andrea: I would post on Facebook or you know, just kidstuff posts and never like really, you know, just like this aroma kids are doing but I've never made a tick tock I had only really scrolled on tick tock maybe for a few months when I found a legendary but I didn't even It took me an hour to do my first tic tac, just the editing and I don't even know how to do this. And of course like a lot of people don't want to show my face. So I think I was sitting waiting for my daughter at a dance class. So it was like her feet walking in and because that's my life. A lot of my life in the evenings is in my car, driving clips here and there. So I think my first three I was like no I'm not going to show my face I don't. And then I would post it I'd be like, Oh my gosh, people are gonna start calling me and of course that doesn't happen. They don't know what you like. So anyway, after about the third night, I showed half my vase and after that I don't even care anymore. Like I got over it and it's fine and two of my best friend's finally I think maybe a month or two ago I showed up on there for you page because I really hadn't said anything yet. Like we thought your kids over the phone and tape do like what do you not knowing they were shocked and yeah, but very supportive and I just don't care. It's like talking to a bunch of strangers.

Matt: Yeah, totally. Isn't that funny? Like how I was, yeah, I talked with people all the time about how there's this big sort of lingering fear about like, oh God, like my friends are gonna see me. You know, and all this stuff, but it's just always it's always a stripped out, like, you know, people that we love or people who care about us, you know, when we're doing something vulnerable or trying something hard or trying something new and we're still unclear about how we feel about it. You know what I mean? Because there's always this span of time. I don't know if I should name this something that spans the span of time from when somebody starts something to when it sort of becomes a real piece of view. And it's so that the span of time feels so nerve racking and like oh my god, what am I doing? And then, you know, they find out and it's like, Oh, these are just like cool. They're actually usually just proud like, do like kind of cool. Like, I wish I had the guts to do something like that. 

Andrea: And I think until you like one of the biggest challenges is it's hard to start when you don't have success when you start because you really don't know what you're doing. You kind of have to fake it to make it because there's no trial run. You just kind of have to go for it. And you can do this and this and this and this is my successor. So four months, waiting six months out in a year.

Matt: You know that during that span of time, I was just saying I feel like you know, for back in the day when I got sore I got started in 2000 like 10 or 11. And you know, your, your window of time in that space is three to six months and our window of time was like three to six years. It was such a disaster. And now there's so much viral social media. tools you can use. It's just super powerful. Um, I am curious, you know, how do you balance like, all of the I mean, it's still a drive from where you live to Sioux Falls. It's still like you've got you know, a husband has got a full time job. You're still a nurse and four freaking kids. Like, that's no joke. I mean, and you're growing this posting every day and figuring out learning new skills like that's pretty incredible. Like how are you pulling this off?

Andrea: I well my husband will help I think like his strong suit is a lot of the behind the really helped me with the funnels and the emails and things like that because he's not gonna do anything on tick tock and I'm more task oriented those my job you know, as a nurse, we work in shifts, 12 hour shifts, what do I have to do this hour? What do I have to do in the next 15 minutes? Like that's my job for the last 18 years. So the thought process of changing over to like long term or there's nobody really telling you what to do. You kind of just have to know what do I need to do today? I know I need to promote and do some TikToks. But what else do I need to do? So I mean, a lot of what I do is in between games, I will batch my content. So I will take.

Matt: This is in between like kids basketball games and stuff.

Andrea: Got a baseball game or track need or whatever, video and then AdWords and if I'm home by myself during the day then I will try to do like 20 different clips, just add songs and then throughout the day, or whatever. The day is just add the text, add the music. And then the best content is when people like comments and then you just can answer the questions like that's the easiest content and really valuable. Yeah, as for training, I always mean, I take away so much just from tuning in to this every morning. And if there's a little tidbit, I'll text into myself. And as I just don't remember, I think I'll remember and then I don't I'll just text them myself and then look back at my text for ideas.

Matt: Oh my gosh, I frickin I just there's so many so good see watch this. You watch this pretty much every day. I have such a bad problem with that. I'll have this amazing idea or I'll either go on my notes and protect myself or something. But yeah, I ah, that's such a gold bar. I hope everybody just as you're listening like, oh my gosh, that was one that's Oh, that's a content idea. Oh, that's uh, you know, as you get those ideas, write them down, come back to them. A lot. of times when I do that, too, I'll just look back and be like, Man, that was stupid.

Andrea: I'll be on a run or on a bike ride. Like this. This would be such a good idea. And then you don't Yeah. You got some hits and misses. 

Matt:  I mean, yeah, if you're sitting at a track meeting, you got a couple of kids there. I mean, there's that you might go an hour or two. Nothing. Right, and they're over hanging with their friends

Most people are just scrolling or Facebook anyway. And if you can sit there and be creating and, man, what a beautiful thing. Think about, you know, when I was running track and field 15 years ago or whatever, and you know, my parents were there and they didn't have that option. It didn't exist. It's a very cool, very opportunistic, very opportunity full environment we live in which I just think more people need to wake up to that idea.

Andrea: I think this is perfect for busy people. yeah, you have time but it's like spurts of time it's 30 minutes here, it's an hour. Your family leave time is not available. It's also interesting in his stretch rect which it has to be. Being somebody

Matt: Who's task oriented works in an environment that's rigid and strict and like, I think in most cases, well, you could correct me if I'm wrong, but it feels to me like an environment where you have a rigid structure and you have you know, sort of policies and things.

Andrea: Yeah, it is completely different because as a nurse, it doesn't matter you know, the South Dakota snowstorms, it doesn't matter. You don't just show up at 10 when they follow the roads like no. So that murder I hate that it patients are still there. They still need to be taken care of. But I mean, that I and everything is there's checklists, and you're not creative. I mean, I love my job. I love taking care of patients. But I kind of feel like after doing it for so many years and just kind of focusing on kids and stuff, you kind of lose that creative side of yourself which that's what really excites me about this possibility, like being creative to do things your own way. Even just writing ebooks, working with Canva, all of these things like you can bring your own personality into it where you really can't do that. In hospitals and being friendly and talking with patients but you're more reacting to what's coming to you you don't know what you're gonna get. You don't know who walks in the door or what type of patient you're gonna get. So this is you can just kind of do things how you want to do them.

Matt:  So when it's like it, it kind of revives. A part of you are revived is a piece of you that's not lost, but just sort of it's like resuscitated.

Matt: Cool I kind of feel like yeah, I don't know it. It's also just for me, like I have friends who you know, they're like God you work all the time. And I don't know how this ever really started for me, but I found that this is gonna sound weird, but I kind of turned my hobby into making money. And I guess I've never really said it like that before, but it is true. I don't have a lot of hobbies. I don't spend a lot of time golfing or I go to the gym a couple times a week but I don't I don't do puzzles or like you know, binge watch TV shows a lie. Oh, just TV occasionally. But basically I was like, I'm going to spend my free time trying to make more money and try seeing where that leads me. And so I would just spend time. You know, I'd wake up really early in the morning and watch Google Ads trainings and I was just like at some level, the more education I taken the more action that I take like it's not a it's not an if it's not a maybe it's just sort of like it's a it's a formula. It's like, eventually money has to come out of this somehow or opportunity will show up somehow. And I have you know, I have friends who are just like, oh my god, you work so much like how you know, how would you ever survive, but it's just this very slight tweak and mentality and mindset effect on that's like, hey, you know, a majority of the world lives with a lot of stress around money and it costs people their relationships, their marriages, they're so the number one cause of divorce, it's you know, and overall just stress from a daily day to day to day basis is like alright, rents do here we go, you know, and I was like, I just don't really know if I want that. So I did that. And, you know, while I might have maybe a little bit more stress on it, you know, if I'm doing that every single day and let's say I've got a full time job, you know, like I did in 2013 2014 and I'm driving Uber on the side in an age where we now have the technology that allows it that allows us to sort of I the reason I say that is because it's cool to me that you're you're finding that creative piece, and it just so happens to be you're able to do that in a time where you can use it in to monetize it.

Andrea: Right. And I just think like people I mean, we kind of grew up like Facebook was around like right when you were getting out of college. We didn't have this in high school. So we kind of are right on the borderline of remembering what it was like without social media to know what it is just people 10 years younger than us. Yeah, it's just interesting how things have changed because even a few years ago, it's like, well, if you want to make more money as a nurse, you go back to school to be a nurse practitioner or NSC John or something like that. And my husband you just go get your MBA now because I don't think it be you know, you needed or whatever, but that's just what you do. You just keep going back to school. And so this is just like an awesome time where you can make money, a lot of money without having to invest a ton compared to getting a master's degree and all the time you know, spending away from your family and not knowing if you're going to love what you have to do afterwards. But you've wrapped up $50,000. So you have to take the job, so yeah, totally.

Matt:  Is it okay if I share one of your videos from TikTok? Okay, I because we're on this note of creativity and, and I was just I thought this was super funny. And the reason that I wanted to show it was just because I really felt like I wanted to share this because I think that a lot of times when people go on they struggle with just being funny or like doing something that's out of the ordinary or something. And I just every time somebody does something just a little bit different and a little more creative and kind of funny, like people are on TikTok. You have to understand. They're there because they want fun. They want happiness. They're there. They want to see something kind of unique and cool. And I just thought this I just thought this was kind of funny.

Matt: I think a product illustrates what you're talking about. And then you know it's a simple way to educate. But what you've done is you've balanced education, or you balanced education with entertainment right. And it's a perfect 52nd video. And as 50,000 47,000 views you posted again, got 10,000 views the second time right.


Andrea: Funny after watching Wake Up Legendary yesterday. The guy's like I repost my stuff all the time. I'm like, Well, what the heck, I'm gonna do that. So I just reposted that yesterday, so no, really? Yeah, the first one had I don't know how much but yeah, so that's a good tip. I mean, people don't know what you posted two weeks ago, let alone two months ago. 

Matt:  Or even two days ago. True. I mean, like I got I and even sometimes I'll see the same video posted on TikTok. And I don't, as a consumer, I'm not sitting there like, Wow, what a loser reposting this video. I just think the algorithm put it in front of me again. Yeah, that's literally all that I think. But that's all that any human who's watching whatever thinks, but, man Wow, super smart. So you're already at 10,000 views on that in a day. So that one's probably gonna get 20 I don't know. We'll see. But yeah, so smart and it's a great way to grow your channel because you can, if you're for instance in this make money online niche you can travel. I think it requires so much energy just to post because it's so vulnerable and it's like so much work that it's like, oh, now to think of a creative hook to come in. Yeah, that's too. That's like one piece too much. But if you can do it, everybody here can do that. Yeah, man. You can blow up a video really quick. I bet most of your followers came from that video too.

Andrea: Probably. Yeah, a lot of them. Yeah. And I think it's like you're gonna have those days where you have nothing to give. You don't have any ideas or you're not creative. And then you're gonna have those days where you can just pump out a bunch of videos. Save them. So I like having those extra videos that you can go back and repost if it's just one of those days where you want to get content out. But yeah, either timewise or brain wise just can't get anything out or you know, just have them saved in your drafts. 

Matt: It's good to know I mean, for people, also for me, I mean, it's such a good reminder that people who are successful on tick tock or you know, have a good following or whatever, have the days where they're just like, okay, it ain't gonna happen today. And that's okay. You can take a day like you take a day off.

Andrea: I do, I at least have like 10 in there. I mean, some of them are my favorite. So I don't think they're desperate. Like maybe and then I really just try like, especially now that it's gonna be summertime and kids are home like, I will try to take a day like three hours and just post or not post, make a bunch of videos. And then use two or three of those a day and then maybe one new one that just happens you know once or reply to a question. So how do I do it? I noticed like back in April, we were traveling a lot and some days I wouldn't post up, you know, three or four times a day. It'd be maybe one today and yeah, it did kind of slow my growth quite a bit. So I don't know if it's true for everybody, but it didn't happen to me. So we're gonna just go back to that and just keep going.

Matt: Yeah, keep doing what's working. Yeah. Yeah, there was a theme throughout our mastermind that was you know, to find something that's working Dave's Dave's phrase was just don't he? He said, I wake up every morning. And, you know, you've worked extraordinarily hard to get to, let's say your first $1,000 or whatever online, but that energy in that time, and that sort of the internal what that required won't be required probably for the next 1000 And for the next 8000 To get to 10,000 to get it, you know, it's not that it's not as hard but like you said, are right away and new. As we started. There's, you know, you're excited to get past the three six, you know, 12 month mark and have some of this behind you. That's a good perspective, because, you know, not to say it gets a lot easier, but there are certain things you know, getting started online, it's like riding a bike. with absolutely no grease on the chain. In fact there's probably sand yes and in in the chain and you're just like grinding and like oh uphill and


Matt:  And then when you're six or 12 months in, you're gonna have grease on the chain. You know, your tires will be pumped up, you know, it'll feel a bit more balanced and you'll have a solid rhythm and it will be a habit. 

Andrea: Right. And I think it's really great and reach out to some creators like I love the creators have been doing this for six months and they have 50,000 followers and, but it's really like they're not doing a whole lot some of them are and some of them aren't, then what you're doing, they're just six months ahead of you. But then it's also really nice to reach out to those small creators that have just started with you. You know, you can kind of just get the growing pains together like is this what you're going through? So what I do like about this community is just, it's not really like you're competing against each other for clients or things like that.

Matt: Yeah, there's, yeah. When you start to think in terms of billions and billions of people, I just don't understand how big billions is, you know, competition. And we're out there with one fishing rod. It's like yeah, I guess. To some degree, we're competing on the same earth do you know but there's totally different waters. And yeah, so you know, I think that that's an over general. It's probably too big of an example but I think I think for you know, whatever niche somebody's in whatever industry somebody's in, there are new people. There's more new people flowing in and there are new creators and competition or oversaturation is, people talked about that back when I got started in 2010? It was an excuse I made and I said, yeah, no, this it's gone. The opportunity's gone. It's been too long. And I've listened to people say that every year for the last 12 years. And it's like, but every day somebody new shows up on this frickin show. Somebody else is making, you know, five figures a month online, somebody else's whatever. And it just never stops. It only increased and then COVID hit and it increased even more. And I don't know.

Andrea: Yeah, I think COVID really brought out just different possibilities. Like you can do different things and go to the office and clock in and yeah, so that's really where I'm willing to change. I guess, like there has to be something else. 

Matt: Totally. Well, Andrea, for somebody who's getting started, for somebody who's going through the challenge and they're like, oh my gosh, posting on TikTok. What would you say to those people who are watching, maybe they're sort of in the same shoes you were in? Or eight months ago or whatever? What would you say to that person? What advice would you have for people now that you've, you know, had some success and you're still building and growing, but you've had some great success?

Andrea: I mean, I think just start TikTok and even though it's uncomfortable, if it's easier to not show your face for a week or two weeks, start with that it's better than nothing. If you want to use pictures or videos of a vacation I've done that. And then just try it out and it's really not as scary. I mean, I was in that same boat where I delayed doing this for months because of the same thing as a family thought. Yeah, just don't give up because it may be paired up with another newer affiliate marketer, so you can go through those because there are tough days and then they're, they're great days.

Matt:  Well said, well said. Well, cool. Thanks for coming out and having your TikTok up. And, you know, we would love to have you back again. Message our team in a couple of months and let us know where you're at. We'll have you back on.

Andrea: That'd be great. Thanks so much. Cool. See ya. All right, bye.

Matt:  Alright, so I've got her tick tock up here. It's Buildyourlegacy5c_legacy. So it's a long one. All right. So hang with me. Let me share my screen and I can pull it open here to see you can see it but it is tick tock. Build your legacy five See, underscore legacy. And yeah, go give her a follow up. Let her know you found her on wakeup legendary. And I was reminded by something she said at the very end there that I think is really powerful. Not to go back to the mastermind again, but to the last mastermind this weekend. Dave said something where he said you know, I've yet to meet a client who came through our training who set themselves a goal of one year and they weren't successful after implementing something for a year. And I would encourage you that the takeaway I had from Andrea there was just that. You know, I think she sets a goal for the year a lot of times. I'm hearing people say you know, I decided I'll give it a month. I decided I'll give it a week. I decided to help give it three months. I think that you know, allowing yourself to sort I think sometimes when we set those shorter goals, at least for me what it was when I got I did the same thing is I was so uncomfortable and unsettled with myself that I just felt like it had to come fast because I was unhappy. And I think there's a magic in being happily uncomfortable, meaning accepting and with you know, having some of her ability to not be so hypercritical to not feel like everything is on the line today. You know, the truth is not probably not when you're posting on TikTok or learning, probably not everything is on the line at every moment of your business. But if you can consistently take action for a year, chances are something really great is going to show up. So there you have it, go give Andrea TikTok follow at Build your legacy five the number five c underscore legacy and if you'd like a text message every time we go live we have just a simple to use text message service. You can text the letters WUL stands for Wake Up Legendary. So you text and in the text message body it just says WUL and you send it to 813-296-8553 It's on the screen right now. You can get a text message every single time that we go live. In fact, here's exactly what it looks like. We'll be back here tomorrow.

How To Repurpose TikTok Content To Other Social Media Sources

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Andy, welcome to the show buddy. Tell us about the experience with the mastermind, how you found Legendary and what you experience has been like since then.

Andy: I gained a lot of traction after the mastermind. I had like 600 followers during the mastermind and I got to 1000 on New Years Eve. Now I'm at 28,000. I had a lot of fun with it. focus on so I was like, Okay, I'm gonna focus on the business and just kind of, you know, go from there. So that's when I actually started really focusing on it in January.

Dave:  And so what happened in between January and now what happened after that?

Andy: So I in January was when I was doing more of the backend stuff and like creating the funnels and doing what I have right now. And I started posting consistently right off the bat I was posting two to three times a day even though I didn't really feel comfortable and then I just kind of pushed myself to eventually start making videos where I was talking on camera and I think I did that within the first two or three weeks. And as soon as I hit 1000 followers, I went live the next day. So I've just been kind of pushing myself through the process even though it feels uncomfortable.

Dave:  Yeah, so what do you think? I mean, what was that big lol that happened? I mean was that do you think that was really that life was busy or do you think you ran up? Do you think you ran up against a little bit of discomfort? Do you think that you did, did you get the blueprints and then you didn't go through them? So you actually still felt like you didn't know where to get started? I experienced that with a lot of people.

Andy: This lesson I had gone a little bit through the blueprints but I didn't fully, you know, set everything up, you know, for the business to run. It was just more like something new. Not wanting to fail and then just you know, doubting. And then also, I didn't tell anybody that I was doing this. So I didn't really have anybody supporting me. So it's just me that I had to, you know, push myself.

Dave:  Okay. So what has changed? I mean it's obvious that you started taking some action and you really kind of, you know, you mentioned that but what has changed? I mean, what do you think has thrown you into this? This state of taking action and now getting results? 

Andy: focusing on what my end goals are. So like why is it that I'm doing this? It's not just for the money, it's to live the lifestyle that I want to live. help anybody in the process that wants to either start the online business or just you know, get started with something you know, even if that's soon for their confidence, or try something new.

Dave:  And what do you think was standing like was it was it if we were to be if we were to try to be more, you know, descriptive with what was you feel was really at the root cause of you getting started and then kind of stopping or you know, drifting away for a little while. Do you believe that? Do you believe it was really all mostly up here? Was it mental? Was it emotional? I mean, more than that, it was your capabilities, right?

Andy: Yeah, it wasn't my capabilities because I knew I could do it. It was just me just kind of doubting myself and having to put myself in a position where I have to fail and where I have to step out of my comfort zone and try new things.

Dave:  Yeah, and I mean, define failure. What does failure even mean? I mean, basically put yourself in a position where you could succeed. I mean, because there are so many bumps along the road. But I mean, we throw failure around like it's a loose word, but I mean, when do you ever really fail, you know, when you quit, but how do you, you know, fail, but is it a fake fear?

Andy:  Yeah, it was just kind of a learning process. So I think what I mean by failure is, you know, not succeeding at it in the first place, but just kind of learning from that process.

Dave:  Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's scary. I mean, anytime we do something new, you know, whether it's a job or a business, or a relationship, but for some reason, starting a business and coming online has a different set of overwhelming things that come along with it. You know, when you get into a brand new relationship with a new person. It's not certain that there's a lot of distractions and so forth out there. But really, the challenges are more just with that one direct person, right? It's like, oh, how do we coexist together? How do we live together? What, when I came online, I didn't just have you know, there were now all a bunch of things that I started to see. And so I had, you know, things coming from lots of different people. And I had to learn how to cut off those distractions and really focus and I had to define what focus actually meant to me. How have you dealt with all of the many distractions? Do you try to juggle lots of different things with lots of people or do you really keep your inbox clean? Are you really trying to focus on, you know, creating content versus consuming content, basically how do you not get sucked into the distraction monster?

Andy: So in the beginning, I would get distracted, but I have gotten better at just keeping track of what it is I want to take care of. So like, so to do lists, I've been really helpful and just writing everything down. And if I get distracted, which I do sometimes, you know, it happens. As soon as I realized that, okay, I got back to what it is that I'm doing and just kind of brought my focus back to the important part like what it is that I need to focus on and why I'm doing this.

Dave:  Yeah. And the distraction can be big, right? It can be like, it can be, oh my gosh, every day I log on to my email I Love You know, it's the first thing that I check when I log on, and I spent 45 minutes chasing rabbit holes of other people's marketing agendas that can be one way that I get distracted. So for me personally, I keep my inbox really, really clean. I don't just have and this is just something that I wouldn't expect everybody here to, you know, it wasn't like that. At first I subscribed to 50,000 different email lists. But for me, I had to really think about it well, if I'm getting up and spending 30 to 45 minutes, just simply checking my email and seeing what everybody else is doing and then I get sucked into maybe something that they're doing. I just lost a lot of early days, precious morning time. So how do you manage your time? I mean, how do you know what day looks like for you and how do you fit in little pieces of recording content or things that you need to do?

Andy: So when it comes to recording content, I will batch create content. And so recently, I posted a video and it's been performing pretty well. I'm getting a lot of comments on it. So I took all those comments, made the video responses and I have them all drafted. So I have all that ready to go. So that helps so yeah, I just batch create content, I'll try to do at least 20 videos when I'm creating like in like one session or one day and obviously that ready to go.

Dave:  So a lot I mean in I would assume that if you're if you're batch creating even in one day 20 pieces of content. You don't have a whole lot of time to re-record every single video 50 times. How did you were you ever that person who was like, Oh, that's not good enough. I need to re record that 20,000 times in do you still do that? Or how did you stop doing that?

Andy: So now, if I re-record something, it's because I said a word wrong or there's some weird noise in the background. So probably like the most that I'll re record something is maybe three times at most, which isn't too bad compared to in the beginning where it would.

Dave:  Add up that can still add up if you're doing but anyways, you went from a lot more to three and now working on less you know, it's either between zero or three is what you're what you're not going to you're not going to stick around on one piece of content or one section of one piece of content for too long.

Andy: Yeah, because I would do that in the beginning and just kind of get in my head but in the end of it the more time you spend on something like it's, it doesn't really matter. Just put it out there and let people you know, watch it and if they like it they like it. They don't, they don't.

Dave:  Yeah, I mean, there's an element of being strategic and there's an element with advertising. It's not just posting videos on TikTok, it's even the biggest marketing firms in the world. There's always an element of luck. There's all in an element of throwing spaghetti against the wall and hoping that something sticks sure you try to use good principles you try to you know, include a good hook or good story good call to action, but at the end of the day, you don't really know which piece of content is going to take off. And usually it's the simple one. It's the one you didn't think was going to do well. And a lot of times it's because when you created that, you just did it and you didn't overthink it. And it was natural or it was just something about it that connected with people. Have you noticed that when you don't overthink it, that your content does better?

Andy: Yeah, that happened. I just posted a video on Monday that's performing better than my recent videos and that one took me less than a minute to make.

Dave:  Yeah, yeah, that's been the case time and time again, throughout my career is that I'll spend tons of time on something like an email or you know, a video that I'm recording and you know, then I might make another version or redo it and just throw it together or whatever. And it's so often the one that I just that I just naturally did that I just didn't overthink what is your current challenge right? Now with creating better content? Let me give you an example. Like a lot of times, there's people who are really smart who start creating content and they and they talk over people's heads. You know, they use words that are, you know, complicated or that a lot of people might not use or they just like that can be a challenge for me is to keep things concise. And keep things simple and speak at a fifth grade level so everybody can understand what I'm saying. That's an example of something in my content. That that I try to work on and be aware of. What's something that it's hard to tell somebody? If your business is not taken off? It's because your content and your marketing is not interesting enough. That's hard to say. But it's something that we need to say to each other because we have to keep getting creative and being creative. And we can't just rely on copy and paste or somebody to do it for us. We have to eventually take the skills and then apply them. So what is something that you're working on with your messaging or your content that you feel is like I'm aware of it and it's hard to do but I'm working on it.

Andy: I think for me right now I'm in the process of trying different things on like, like different editing techniques, the one that I'm putting the videos together I have a lot of videos where I would just be sitting in one spot and talking so I started trying doing videos where it would cut to different clips of me doing different things or in different location locations and I can see that those are performing a little bit better. So for me, it's just trying to make the videos a bit more engaging and not just be in one spot.

Dave:  Nice. Are you doing all that within the TikTok app? Yes, so

Andy: I did try using other apps for editing but I just mainly use TikTok

Dave:  It's amazing that you know, we don't even have to as you know content creators and marketers even go outside of that app. There's enough to learn there's enough to use right inside of that app. That's cool. And I know exactly what you mean you know, the what we've always called jump cuts are sort of the or what we used to call jump cuts. You know, it was not always popular. The quick cuts to, you know, in cutting out the space in between, you know, that became really popular as people's attention spans got shorter and shorter and shorter over the last few years. That kind of content, and now short form content, the 15 seconds to click Content is the content that gets consumed the most, because it's shorter. So what are you are you like, I don't know what your experience is or how much you if you had any experience before this, but as a young person, looking at this what we're doing here looking at this opportunity, are you like freaking out a little bit at like, how big of how exciting it is how cool it is that you I know you I think I heard you say you dropped out of either high school or college was in college. Yeah. Okay. So, I mean, that's obviously a thing that normally in past years, you'd be like, an outcast of society. frowned upon, drop out, you know, yuck. Go over there and stand in the corner. But, you know, now it's like the whole entire game has changed in all I mean, let's just be honest people. There's a lot of people out there, who went to college and are very successful, but there's a whole lot of people who dropped out of college and started companies like Apple and Facebook, and you are what a huge tech company. I'm a high school dropout. It's been proven that you know, those things are not necessary to succeed. But here's my question. As a young person, even with the experience of being that outcast, are you excited as hell about like, Do you see a big future with this? Is this just a bridge to something else for you? Can you share with us what you see?

Andy: So yes, I am when I first started getting into this, it was just more to like, make some extra money, but then the more I got into it, it's like, okay, like I can actually do something with this. And see, I get very excited because I know what I'm capable of, and I know what kind of life I can create myself by doing this. And eventually I'm going to be you know, working on my own offer and just helping people get started with the online space and build their confidence and just things like that for new content creators and business owners that you know, are doubting themselves or just need help getting started. 

Andy: Wow, society just conditions people.

Dave:  I mean, you can literally do anything and I believe that over the next few years, this style of business of Congress of, you know, our economy as a whole is moving more towards this one to one moving back to a say like a mom and pop. But it's not much. It's just person to person. Like what we're doing and what we're teaching, whether it be an affiliate, directing somebody the way that we teach or whether it'd be like you just mentioned, somebody wanting to learn something and seeking out somebody that they relate to on social media. Yeah,

Andy: I think also because not a lot of people can just sit in a lecture and learn that way. Some people need one on one mentorship and coaching. That's me. I can't sit and learn or teach myself I need help. I need step by step training just because it takes me a little bit longer to retain information.

Dave:  It's also Who are you learning from? I call it writing. I call it the right information, right person, right environment. It's not look like the person has to be relevant and the person has to have relevant experience. But the game has changed so much that if a professor was teaching business 10 years ago, and he's teaching it today, you better have a whole lot of continued education because the game has changed. Right information. I mean, the information has to be relevant. I mean, we're we're we're doing Wake Up Legendary. We're doing all these different things, because we want to talk to people today who were doing it and then the right environment I mean, you know, college classrooms, all these kinds of things, oftentimes inspire learning oftentimes, they don't know, does home inspire more learning. Lastly, a lot of people are so used to going into a class and having somebody stand over them, and therefore they turn in their assignments and do their work because of that. How do you hold yourself accountable to actually get things done? Because I see a lot of people buying training, and then not going through it, and then wondering why they don't know where to get started or So how have you held yourself accountable to go through stuff to then apply it without somebody literally, you know, saying, where's your homework? 


Andy: For me to do lists helps because it keeps me organized. But then also, I just think about my goals. It's just my end goal. Like why is it that I want to do this and thinking about how I hated my last job and not wanting to go back to a regular job. So I think that kind of helps. keep me focused on you know, the important things and what it is that I want to achieve. 

Dave: Yeah, it's interesting. You know, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a little bit of a conflict that I've begun to have with the way we throw around the word mentor in this industry. It just opens up a lot of doors for people, for example, to come along and just say, Oh, I'm a mentor, you need a mentor. And then all of a sudden people get, you know, kind of taken down in rabbit holes and they end up buying, coaching from people and mentorship that they don't really need and what I find is a lot of people like for example, Leslie, we literally just had a mastermind in Orlando, and there was 50 people let's It was between 50 ish people sitting in the room. And everybody who said I don't know where to start, or I don't know what to do. They had just simply not gone through the training. That's nothing they didn't do anything bad. But we I'd like to bring some awareness to the fact that before everybody goes seeking out another savior, another mentor, another guru, you know, and you do your own training, or you're considering for example, buying in our Blueprints. Go through the training because you may not need what you think you need, and I'm speaking to everybody here. Lastly, not just you, I certainly want your opinion. But I'm going to be beating this drum so hard every day, because again, people are stopping themselves from getting started. Because they're like, I need somebody to come here and sit, sit down with me and kind of show me how to do it in what I find from my experience. 10 years working with people is what they're really saying is I want somebody to come and stand over me and point and tell me exactly what to do. So I don't have to do any critical thinking, or I want somebody to do it for me. And that's not entrepreneurship, I'm sorry, sustainable and long term. And you never learn anything. If you do it that way. And so I'm going to be beating this drum, people are going to be like, Dave, I'm just so tired of hearing this. But you know what, I don't care. Because being in this industry for 10 years and watching people may, you know, say they have the same reasons why they can't succeed, and then actually being able to talk to them and see in here and you didn't go through the white hole. The question that you have is answered right here. Let me show you right in the affiliate marketing business blueprint. And so what's your opinion on that and what comes up for you as I rant about this, go through the training, and learn how to apply like an entrepreneur, rather than hoping and praying that somebody's going to come along and be that perfect person who's going to make it all make sense for you?

Andy: I would say for them to go through the training and see, you know, and try it out and like, you know, implement the stuff that they're learning first and see what kind of results they're getting. And then from there, if they want some extra help, then they can go for it. But even getting the extra help, it's just all on you either way. Whether you get that or not.

Dave: Yeah, I mean, you could sit on endless one on one sessions with a new MIT mentor every day. And again, what you do with that information after how you continue that's what matters. You know, that's what matters. It's kind of like I went to physical therapy yesterday. And, you know, I've got another appointment next week. But you know what? I previously had my last appointment over a month ago and I didn't do anything last month. I didn't do any of the exercises. You know what I mean? Like I didn't do any of the stuff you're supposed to do at home. And guess what she asked me so how's your shoulder? I had COVID and like it just hey, works. I had more things that came up and excuses than results for me. That's me. I gotta own that. And so she said, Where's your shoulder? I said it's exactly where it was when I came in here a month ago because I ain't done shit. That's a little


Andy: A bit every day to like sometimes I know it's nothing. Nothing at all.

Dave: But it's so liberating to just own that too. That's another thing that I talked to the mastermind about was just being honest about if you've done shit or not, if you hadn't done anything, just say I haven't done shit. You look so much cooler. Just saying I haven't done anything and that's why I don't have results other than trying to make up some shit or blame somebody else. That's the way of the entrepreneur. That's what I had to learn that this road is not about me finding blame. It's about me, the exact nature of my actions and web done and really own and then it's like radical honesty and kind of self responsibility because why? Well, because I had a job I always complained about somebody else being in control of my not my life. So now that I have it, I can't complain about it. 

Andy: It is different from the last job that I was working at. I was a supervisor at a warehouse so I had a boss working above me and then I had employees working under me so it's kind of in the middle. But that was a very stressful job for me to have. So now I am just coming out here and just you know, not having to deal with anybody working under me. Or working above me. It's very different. And that is why you have to hold yourself accountable. There's not going to be anybody there telling you what to do.

Dave:  I know and it's like, sometimes it's you know, people we complain, no matter where we go. It's like, you know, we really got to learn how to turn, you know, dirt into diamonds, you know what I mean? As an entrepreneur, it's really about looking at every situation and saying, you know, hey, I'm the ultimate one who's in control here and I'm gonna like I have a choice to make this absolutely the best I can make it or sit around and complain. And that's usually what people do. They hate standing around and they complain. So make sure everyone that we don't treat our business like we did our job. You know what I mean? And that's one of the reasons why I always tell people if you still have a job, work that job like get your business because how you do one thing is how you do everything, you know, work it hard until you get to leave it. It sounds like you've left or you quit your job and you're doing this full time now?

Andy: I quit my job before I found out about legendary because I just could not take I could not take it anymore. So I quit my job before. But I was still getting income from the military. So that kind of helped me out of it. Yeah, and right now I just kind of helped my dad or his shop, here and there. So that's just a little bit of extra income that I get. But yeah, I'm not working a regular job at

Dave:  A lot of stuff for hot rods and, and bikes and stuff but so yeah, you don't want to work for pops though. You want to branch out, you want to cut the umbilical cord. I can tell you're not as somebody who wants to hang out, you want to go, you want to spread your wings and travel around the world and you want to do what you want to do. 

Andy: I've always been interested in business actually when I was in college. I was going to college for business.

Dave:  Yeah, yeah. What's your dad think of your journeys and choices and everything? Can you support it? 

Andy:  Always all about this. I have a bunch of siblings. So my dad's all about, you know, pushing us to be better and make our own, you know, make our own income and because my dad's not the type to just hand us money. He wants us to work for it. So yeah, ever since I was young, I've always just been kind of working for myself during the military, after the military joined, joined a university and the reason why I did the military was to help pay for college because I knew my mom couldn't help and then my dad wouldn't just hand me the money. I had to do it myself.

Dave:  Well, Tara said thank you for your service, and I do too. Lastly, is there anything else we need to know right now before we talk to you again in a couple of months hopefully. 

Andy: For anybody that is just kind of interested in doing this, I would say you know, just go for it and don't think anybody or anything wants you back.

Dave:  Even yourself, but you know, we are mostly the ones who hold us back I have I have had a lot of make believe people and voices in my head that I tried to say there the reason why I'm not going to do something, but really all the voices are just me myself and I Yeah, it's always just me talking myself out or me. You know, fair enough that somebody is stopping me somewhere, you know, but it always just comes back to me. It always comes back to if there is a will there's a way if you like you said stay focused on what you want, and not what others say. We did this exercise this winter. You know, we broke through a board, you know, that had some sort of a limiting belief that was like holding us back. And on the other side of the board was what we wanted, you know, and it's kind of like if everything that you want is on the other side of something somewhat difficult. Or you not going to go on through that thing headfirst you know what I mean? Yeah, I'm not standing around on Facebook or wherever. In complaining about it. I'm not I'm not going to stand back in everything that I want. Everything that I want is on the other side of an uncomfortable, semi difficult moment, never ever in the history of mankind, past or into the future. That there was ever a moment where a person's obstacle suddenly just magically disappeared. And everything was handed to them. I know every single human being that's walked this earth has suffered through for what they want, have sacrificed. Sometimes it takes longer, sometimes shorter, but every person has had their own journey and had to walk in and what I love watching people walk their journey in glory and with courage and with creativity, and that's what I see you doing so keep up the good work. Thank you. All right. We'll see you back here maybe in a couple of months if you'd be willing to keep sharing with us. Yes, that'd be awesome. All right, Leslie, tell your pop. So we said hello, as well. Thank you. Again, keep up the great work. And we'll see you hopefully in a couple of months. All right, come back and give us an update. All right. All right, my friends. Whoo. There it is. That's a bad thing to say from the 90s. You know, I'm a 90s dad now. All right, my friends there it is, though. For real Thursday, Thursday. Where are we on May 19. Wow, we're coming up on 50% of the Year. I just like to, you know, occasionally get up above the weeds, you know, because so often we're down in the weeds of the daily grind. What time is it? What day is it? But occasionally, you get to pop your head up and say, Where are we at in life? Where are we at this year? And we're about halfway through this year 2022. And here's what's going to happen. Okay. Hold on a second. Let me get out my crystal ball. Okay, here it is. Here it is. Okay. I am going to rub my crystal ball. Okay, I'm rubbing it. Yes. It's a it's a large roll of toilet paper, but we're pretending that it's a crystal ball. And I am rubbing. I am rubbing my crystal ball. Okay, I have it. I have it. I have the future. I've seen the future before and I have the future again. Here's what's going to happen. The rest of 2022 You know, people stock portfolios, we're moving into what seems like a little bit of a recession, right? Because we had such growth, right? All through 2020 and 2022. Now that doesn't mean everybody did but just the main economy, you know the stock market, Wall Street, which we know is not mainstream. But anyways. Now 2022 is here and guess what, internet marketing in those of us who are marketing online, got to take advantage of all that growth. But here's what's going to happen. As I rub my light crystal ball. What's going to happen in the future is that things are going to be corrected and they're going to go back down and guess what? Once again, people are going to need opportunity. They're going to need solutions. They're going to need to access things online, just like they did when things were up. And guess what we're going to do? We're going to capitalize on that. Like we have capitalized in this business model the core for affiliate marketing, or selling courses, coaching or events. We've, we've capitalized on recessions, and we've capitalized so the rest of 2022 as the recession looms in craziness happens out there on Wall Street. What's going to happen on the internet, and with those of us who have prepared to get lucky, what does luck mean? It means preparation meets opportunity. And we're going to shift our message slightly to, hey, things are down out there on Wall Street, but guess where they're not right here on the internet. You need to create your own economy or whatever niche you're in, you slightly shift the message and guess what?

We continue to see growth. And we continue to be in a business model and in a business that thrives and has an opportunity to grow no matter what's happening out. There. Real Estate on Wall Street, any of that because why people are always looking for opportunity. And all you do is slay li shift your message just a little bit. You'll see a lot of people doing that, a lot of smart marketers doing that. Talking about and in and sort of getting what they're talking about to what's going on in people's lives. And we'll continue to capitalize my friends. There were a whole bunch of people who through all the last cycle of growth we had through 20, mainly 2021 You know once we kind of came out of that 2020 shift, but we had growth in 2022. All the people who had got started thought that they had got started then, so they could capitalize on that. And in this next cycle, whether it goes up or whether it goes down, will cap out because it's just a small shift in messaging out there and your content and stuff. All of you who get started right now who begin to build your own business and build your own economy are all going to be banking. You know, whoever is your home, you're gonna be thankful that you did that and you got started. And I promise you, I promise you the absolute best time to get started was last week. The absolute second best time to get started is today. See you tomorrow. Peace.


Live From The Legendary Mastermind 5/16/22

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: How y'all doing? Good. Excited to be here. I asked my wife, you know, normally. I guess all the videos in the back office, I don't have a hat but I have a hat on every morning getting paid a lot of money. Let me see your hair for guys. Right. You would think that a lot of you are here for the internet marketing lifestyle. And you probably thought that I was you know, probably having wild sex and snorting cocaine off my wife's butt last night, you know, actually, we were upstairs. We were taking each other's blood pressure. I mean, that's what it was. It's not a rockstar life. Just preparing you for the day, just preparing you for the day. Okay, just preparing you for what's to come. We're gonna have a great day. As Matt said, you know, a great weekend. We never know what's going to happen at these events. We have no idea, anything could happen. Everybody looks pretty safe though here. I hope nothing crazy happens. All right. I hope something crazy happens. You know I hope that you leave here with what you need.

And I'll tell you right up front, I don't know what everybody needs. You know, I'm not a guru or a doctor or a philosopher of marketing or life or anything like that. I mean, the truth is, we need to go live here in a second and that's the truth. Welcome, welcome. Wow, we are live you know, say I never know who's listening that's what I was gonna watch what I say. I did have an incident one time where I was new, and I went to the bathroom. And that didn't go over so well. I mean, it was entertaining for everybody else. I'll say that you know, we all love to see a train wreck. Well thank you for your service. If you were in the army, anybody else's service was about here. Thank you for your service. We never know how important these people are until we see some other crazy stuff going on in another part of the world right and then it's like oh shit, you know? Wow. So there's gonna be an element this weekend of you taking responsibility for your own success, you know, came all this way. So you came all this way. Who do you think came the farthest? So who drove and who flew to get here, right? I mean, I did and I only drove an hour and a half and I'm telling you just getting out of the house sometimes is the son of a gun. You know, actually getting dressed and going out into the real world versus just sitting behind the computer and we've been in whatever we've been into the last couple of years, you know, where I haven't interacted with many people. You know, I just recently had COVID Anybody else have COVID recently? All right. We know who to watch out for God oh my God. I recently had COVID. I am negative but shit. Okay, that's another thing. Even me getting here was a big deal. But you all but I've done these before. You have never been to one of these with me before. Have you ever been to a business seminar? Anything ever? Or is this your totally first one who's like, I am like a fish out. Everybody else has been like 13 MLMS they’re like alright, come on. Let's get to the point. You know, show me how to make the money for Christ's sake. Yeah, I know. I'm not speaking to all newbies, but a lot. As a newbie, wow, what a word right there I go labeling you. Sheesh, I'm sorry. We're going to talk about that this weekend. You know, like, how do we speak about ourselves and, you know, what do we think matters of fact, you all have a notebook. Could you open up real quick in just big letters and if you all want to do this at home, write your name. Just write your name for your entire name, write your entire night putting in the rooms growling their eyes on Oh great. This is what I came all the way from Canada for to write my frickin name. Oh my god this guy. He might be cool but he sure ain’t deep. I wish my kids thought I was cool. My wife has a lot of days. She's like, take the garbage out. And let's get on with the day. So somebody had a name written down? Does anybody not know their name? All right. That's good. So when you look at your name, what comes up for you?


Look at the name. Look at the name, read the name, actually read the name. Seriously, folks. I promise you. I thought you came all this way just fuck with me for a week. All right. Just Just fuck around and just do all the shit that feels stupid and dumb and uncomfortable. And let me just let me just let me do my thing. What do you do when you read your name? What does your name mean to you, seriously? We always just throw our name around like it's just a name to me. Is everything. My name is my identity. My name is my story. Name and my whole story right there in one name. And, you know, the things we allow others in ourselves to do with our name is unbelievable. Also when I look at my name, and you look at your name, who inspired me sorry, there's going to be some spit and DNA and all kinds of shit if you're in the front row, you're getting it all if for sure? Seriously, see, I'm going to ask you later. You know what are you? Are you doing this and ask you to just tap into some some reasonings and your real motivation for doing this because here's what I'm with eight up front before the weekend starts. I know you came for the technical. I'm really going to corner someone and tell them and they're going to show me what to do, where to click and all this and I'm gonna get it. But I would challenge that you don't need any more training. You need to hear more stories. We say that again. You don't need to hear more stories. Fuck I knew it was one of those story asked mode. He said oh rah rah van. Oh God. And oh, by the way, there's an actual whiteboard. That's going to be rolling out and I'm going to be pitching the latest and greatest MLM at the end of it. So just get ready for okay. What I find with people in this industry is that they're overtrained. We're all over-educated, there's too much information. So we get to this place where we're just lost in a sea of words, letters and numbers and we don't know what to believe and what to look at and what to follow. You're coming here. I don't want you to follow me. I don't care if we need to tell you my name. Because it's not about me. And it's not about this. I'm not trying to owe you nothing. You did nothing for sale this weekend. Just by the way. Nothing for sale this week. pitching the $20,000 seminar.  You can leave now you can leave at the end, I don't care. I have no benefit in what you do with the information this weekend whatsoever. Regardless, I'm not going to make any money. Who knows we may lose money on these events. I don't know where we're at. I don't think these vents are so powerful. It's just worth breaking even or whatever. It's not a massive profit center for us. It's a place for us to give our most, you know, motivated or curious members an opportunity to come in here directly from the horse's mouth and let you decide. Am I bullshitting or you're bullshitting. Have a whole weekend to size up equal whole weekend to sit in that seat and stare and listen and watch every single person who comes up here and we got what you do those thoughts what you do with that time if you sit there the entire time and be like this motherfuckers full of shit whatever you know I don't like that luck so much. Whatever it is

At the end of the day, we all get to pick our toys up and go home to our own houses at the end of the weekend. We all get to go back to our own little rooms and be whoever we want to be right back into our cocoons and back into our lives.

And you can go back as the same person with the same old you can go back to somebody with a totally different perspective. Same everything in front of you. Completely different approach, a completely different mindset and full ownership and responsibility over your future the rest of this year. Or you can leave and say these cats are all full of shit and that stuff probably wouldn't work for, you know, somebody like me, or whatever else that soundtrack plays in your head that gets you to, you know, quit things back out of things. talk yourself out of things when you get halfway down the road. Right? We've all got our soundtrack don't we

Your name, your name is a powerful thing. If you're It's you It's your brand to business. It's it's it's it's your reputation. You know that people, it doesn't matter. It's not. It's not just this industry. People are going to buy it because of that name or not because of that name. Doesn't matter what your self, who your representative felt you got behind you and you could pump them up. But I promise you, people are still going to business based on your name, how you carry yourself, your name is on the side of your building at all times. You know how some companies pay a lot of money to have their side of the building. And it's like ooh, you know what your name is on the side of your building at all times. In some of us the way we found our name out there on the internet we sign up for any damn thing. I mean, a name is also my space, my email inbox, my Facebook timeline, all this type of shit. Who's got my number who I'm still letting text me and call me or abused me or whatever. So when I got clean and I went and started to build a business, I thought I've been through a lot of stuff. I think I'm a piece of shit. I thought I was a patient. I thought that nothing was going to be you know, no opportunity was going to be available to me like I thought I messed all that up because I had gotten arrested and got felonies 24 years old sitting there. I got nothing. No one I got I had my really I didn't have my dad that's my dog. You know? But look I had my name my name I had my comeback story. And I don't know why so many people don't want a hero of their own journey. They don't. I think I'm good enough to be the hero of my own journey. I love your story. Oh never let me spend an hour listening to this other I don't do nothing in my name. So learning, sitting in school and clattering and all that stuff and if I told you more training this weekend I'd be doing you a disservice.

I would be like, you think you're overloaded now? And that's what all the time people do in this industry and I've done it before too. Wow, we got a bunch of people coming to an event. Let's buck and create an offer. Let's do something I mean just to sit in. This is an unregulated industry. And Tom, Dick and Harry who's selling any everything and we're taking them seriously like they're serious fucking people. We don't know these people on the internet that we're buying shit. From? Why say come here to me. If you don't buy into what I'm saying. I guess I didn't do it for you. Back to Guru land we go you know, signed up for the webinar on Monday gotta get home to get on that live that Stacy does every right? It's like, oh, use this weekend as a defining moment as a launch pad to raise that name up like the Phoenix resuscitate that rich man. resuscitate your name bro. You know what I mean? Pumped some life back into it. I don't know what, why that is but somewhere along the line. We're just, you know, made the belief that we're not that powerful. You know? And we believe in, you know? And what I find is people are unbelievably powerful and all this stuff that you see doing on the internet. I guess you might call that self esteem or the confidence to write. Really do you think is holding you back from getting what you want? Anybody? That's easy. Okay, that's the right answer. Scared of success? What if what would happen? If you succeeded and were scared about it? Are you free to get in? What should I do? Have you ever been there? You're scared to succeed in this industry because you don't want to have a target on your back. And that was a bad enough experience, a legitimate bad enough experience. That's what you believe is holding you back.

How to Create a KILLER Email Campaign

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave:  Hey what's going on my friends this is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary. We have yet another awesome episode planned for you this morning. a former banker as you can read if you're watching here on Facebook, a former banker finding huge success online and we have so many people from so many different walks of life. I'm excited to talk this morning to Aslam welcoming my friend.

Aslam:  Morning Morning, afternoon on my side but good morning to yourself.

Dave:  So tell us what led you, what brought you online and what led you to Legendary? 

Aslam:  It’s been quite a journey. I got started in network marketing back in 2014. After trying it a few years prior I just never took it seriously and then got back in 2014. I had some success with that company. In that first year I made a little bit of money wasn't that much but I made some decent money. And by 2017 I was like everyone else, I struggled to find leads. And I was in that NFL club with no friends and family left to show the deal to so I was gonna try to do that last time at the big team. And I started looking online. I was on Facebook searching for an answer. I came across an ad on Facebook. I clicked on it and I got into an attraction marketing program. I did some online training them no doubt about funnels and that sort of thing and that's where it all started. And I started getting into affiliate marketing literally only this year to be honest, I was having some success in network marketing. But I saw the previous company you know, as is sometimes unfortunately I have a common with near marketing companies. Sometimes they have issues. And with the previous one I was with I was not one of the top earners or anything like that. But I saw guys who had reached the top rank in that company and all of a sudden that company went through issues and these guys lost their business. And it was sort of an education point for me. And as I use my online skills I started becoming much better at getting leads online. I started building this cabin company about two years ago and they started having some challenges, you know, payments started becoming slow but I made some. I've been making some good money in it. But in January I thought you know what, I'm gonna get exposed over here. I need to start looking at how to diversify my income. So I had actually gotten involved with Legendary I think around November and I was just watching all the training in the back office. And I started implementing some of the stuff I had a TikTok account, which I wasn't really taking seriously. And I'm sure we'll get to it, but, you know, literally with some of the education that I learned in that. I mean, I signed up for the marketers club as well. And I was running through these training sessions, I was just watching the videos and taking notes. And I started implementing around January and my tick tock account went from about 1000 followers. And right now it's sitting at just under 21,000 followers. So it's grown really, really fast and it's exciting.

Dave:  Yeah, it's exciting. For those of you who have never generated leads online if you have done any network marketing, if you have done any sort of, you know, face to face marketing, sales, business networking, when you start generating leads online. I can remember it felt like magic to me. I thought oh my gosh, I've been running around face to face trying to call you picking up this 500 pound phone. You know, it was wow, that this business was hard for me before I found the internet. And I was unsure if I was actually going to be able to succeed. And when I found the internet, it said that I was 2425 years old. It gave this young ex high school dropout it gave me it gave this guy with no credibility. It gave this guy limited reach. I had a small warm circle so it was I didn't have a lot of people to actually prospect and I and I hadn't earned any of their respect because I was not. I was, you know, recently homeless. I was just getting my life together. You know, so it wasn't like anybody was looking to me for financial advice. So how has the business world in just money making an opportunity opened up to you now that you're learning these internet marketing skills and that you are learning how to become the hunted online rather than the hunter? Because there are multiple levels to this. You know, you get online and at first you're the hunter. Hey, I bet somebody's hunting watching this show right now. Hey, has anybody gotten a private message from anybody while you're actually watching the show? by somebody? What they're doing is they're prospecting you. They're acting like they're going to be friends with you and then eventually there's going to be some probably rather shady business opportunity that comes along. We also have this happen all day every day in our Facebook group. You know, people are messaging people and they literally that's that's their business and it's growing. And so there's that there's this. There's the second phase, there's level one, which is you're offline and you're grinding, you're just calling people and you're knocking on doors, then you come online, you get on Facebook, right and everybody thinks that's internet marketing. Now you can start private messaging, everybody harassing everybody on Facebook, right? And then there is a level where you start to build influence where you no longer are the one who's having to message everybody in your in you no longer have to get blocked by everybody on Facebook because you're that guy or that girl, right? But now you're actually doing what you're doing in a slum which is where you are now hunted. You have people that are now coming after you about what I just said and how powerful it is to continue to learn these skills till you can eventually get to that place to where you are the hunted not the hunter.

Aslam:  Firstly, I can relate to everything you said. You know, I think I had success in that first network marketing company because I did have a certain level of credibility. I was a bank. I was in banking for 18 years prior to leaving in 2019. So I started other businesses so people saw me as someone that was credible and they got started with me and I was that guy who was calling everyone. So I can relate to what you're saying because I just didn't want to lose any money when I got started that first time. So I was dialing the phone, going to people's homes, meeting them in shopping malls. I did all that. And guess what that level two that you are speaking about? When I was the prospector online I did what I literally had. And I still have a spreadsheet that I keep as a reminder, because I used to send 100 Copy and Paste messages a day. Every day I was that guy. I had a script and I would send that out. I kid you not it when 2022 Right now, I was sending these messages out somewhere when I was struggling around 2017 I still have people that are finding those messages right now. Five years later, they find the message. I'm not even with that company anymore. And they're like, what was this all about? And I find it weird.  So it was crazy. I mean, I still get them and I have conversations with these people. And I use that as a story right now and I'm showing people what I used to go through because a lot of people you right people do think that making money online is posting spam messages on social media and saying listen, yes, this cup coming by the cup, the cups or some it's made of plastic or porcelain or whatever. And, but you know when you start learning real marketing skills, because in the current MLM that I'm in I've probably recruited well over 100 people out of those 100 people. Man, I think maybe 95% of those people reached out to me, which was weird. Okay, because I was building an audience before them. And I didn't notice the power or the strength of building an audience, only until I got involved at this level, but nine out of both funnels, and I try my best not to get involved on a very personal level. But I do start out on the affiliate side. Notice that in my case, I have to get involved personally. But I think that's all about the solution as a marketer. That's the evolution as a marketer, you've got to go through that crawling phase. Before you can get to that automated phase. It's necessary.

Dave:  Yeah, and I don't know if automated is the right word, but it's I know exactly what you mean, because we all have to be new and we all have to go through the phase where we both are. Do we sort of describe it like this? And I think you said something to this effect earlier in the show where we'll buy a training like somebody will buy a legendary and maybe like yourself, you've you've You're certainly not a dumb person. You've got some raw sales and marketing skills, but you want to take it to the next level. You want to take it to the next level. However, we all have this thing in us that that sort of says, I don't know if I really want to do that guy might know better, right? And so we'll start the course and then we'll get into it. And then we actually won't implement it. We won't follow all the way through and will default back to what's comfortable. Or what seems like it's easier. And so a lot of times that's where we all become vulnerable for shiny object syndrome. Because once I get into a course or training and I realize oh wow, there's some work I got to do here. If my default thought to that work is maybe I'll hold off on it and try it my way. What I'm really doing is avoiding what I need to go through so I can continue the shiny object, searching for the easy button or the easier, softer way. And that's what happens when people I think get into shiny object syndrome jumping around. But you had mentioned when you first started that you didn't, you didn't take action right away or something you had, did you say that you had started the challenge right away and then you didn't actually start marketing for some months later. Did I hear you say that?

Aslam:  It was something like that. I found it. So I knew just so you know, I knew visionary marketer. I had seen it before. I wasn't sure what it was about but I had seen many other marketers that I know from other programs that have been in so some of the names and I'm like well if they are doing this, you know they are using the splendors it must be something here.

Dave:  Let me clarify my question for you because I want to. I want to make sure that I ask this clearly. When you started, were you hesitant or did you not start using the material or implementing it right away and leave and come back later? Did I hear you say that you came back later? Can you say more about that?

Aslam:  When I came across some of the training ways it showed me that you know tick tock is the way to go. I was avoiding tick tock To be honest, that's what I was avoiding. I didn't want to do tick tock because I viewed it as a good social media platform and I wasn't about to do the dance. That was the whole thing. I got there so that is why I delayed and then I watched. I think I must have watched Matt's Tiktok training in the legendary back office about five times. And I was like I was listening to it in the gym several times and I was like I need to implement this. I need to get over this fear and that's why I only started doing or implementing in January.

Dave:  Okay, so it was a fear of being on video. You didn't want to seem like you were unprofessional or like you're a serious person, right?

Aslam:  Yeah, I wouldn't say it was necessarily a video. I have done a Facebook Live YouTube video before but it was specific to tick tock because I couldn't figure out how I was going to use it because you are right. I mean a former banker of you know, but obviously that's awesome.

Dave:  So I totally understand I get, I did have that mindset that I don't want to be ticked off. Yeah, yeah. So I mean, that was your hesitation, that was your procrastination. And and as a result you you left and in how long was it before you came back and actually watched that video you said that Matt was in?

Aslam:  I watched it several times. I'm talking about November, December last year when I was watching all these videos and going through the 15 day challenge, you know, doing all of that. But I just wasn't sure if I was going to be implementing anything because like I said, you know tick tock was not something that I was excited about. So it was about months I would say and then I implemented.

Dave:  Okay, in what's happened since then, talk to us about what you know, how do you view that time looking back on it, where you were dealing with that fear or that concern of getting on TikTok? Tell us where you're at now, what's happened and what is it like now?

Aslam:  Oh, man. Firstly, I do wish I got started a lot sooner. On TikTok and I wish I found that training a lot sooner because, I mean, I've seen other TikTok training, I just never took the platform seriously. But once I got inside the back office and watched those trainings, I was like, Okay, listen, these guys are saying we should use this. I think I'm gonna pay attention. But it's been amazing. So, like I said my following on tick tock went from firstly 1000 to over close to 21,000 right now. I've had days. It hasn't been consistent, but I've had days where I've generated over 200 leads in a day, which was fine.

Dave:  But normally I define leads to find out how to define a lead because there's a lot of different ways that we can define a lead so how do you define a lead today?

Aslam:  Someone that's opted into my email list. So I had days where I had over 200 people opt into the email list, which was crazy because I had a video that went viral. And I mean, on top of that, this was just sort of a cherry on the top. I mean, just last week, I received a payment for sponsored posts because I've had companies and brands approaching me to do sponsored content and posts for them on TikTok on channel, which was not expected. I was like, wow, I didn't expect this to happen. But I welcome it. Right.

Dave:  Right. That's that's really that's really that's really cool. So, I had a thought about how many leads you generated, how many leads you've generated. Some days you set up to 200 leads and I know a lot of people who pay when they advertise with Facebook ads, or I mean even tick tock ads or Google ads. I mean, I know people who are paying over $5 per lead, you know, though you hear this $5 for a webinar registration. I know people were paying $10. I mean ultimately what they're going to sell on that webinar is hopefully going to make that money back and more. So keep that into consideration. I'm not, you know, I'm describing both the advertising cost as well as what they're going to do with those people. They're going to get them on a webinar and sell to them but I mean, to $3 just driving traffic to a landing page from Facebook ads to $3 a lead $4 A lead is not that's not abnormal. That's not a high cost for you to be so if let's just say we were paying $4 a lead. That's $800 that's $800 in advertising, right that you would normally have to pay to generate 200 Fresh, qualified targeted leads. And we have the ability through these very short form videos and these platforms if we use them properly. We can just go on tick tock and do any type of thing but if we use them properly the way that we train, how to use them. I mean, the ability to generate two red hot leads that would normally cost you $800 And to be able to do that absolutely free. I'm just sorry. I don't think people realize the power of this.

Aslam:  No, they don't. And I wasn't. I don't think I was taking this seriously enough. I came across a Gary Vee video of just not too long ago. I was doing one video a day on tick tock. Then I ramped it up to two and then I saw this Gary Vee video where he said listen, you only got 12 to 18 months more to benefit from this organic growth that you're able to get on tick tock specifically. And he said the number is four days, four days. I have failed at times. But I'm trying to keep up with four days a day now, four to four videos a day. And I don't think that's too much to ask. So like I said, don't get too under these emails. But every day I do get leads. It could be a guide some days or 10 Some days or 20 but for me what's important is the consistency of those leads coming in every single day.

Dave:  You, everybody , all of you would be amazed. You would be amazed at how much money you can make each month with 10 qualified leads a day. You would be amazed most of you could possibly replace your income with 10 Red Hot qualified leads. Now it's all about what you do with those leads. Of course, if I was only getting 10 leads a day, okay. What I would be doing was I would email not only having my email sequence go out but you can guarantee each 10 of those people would be getting a personal email from me. I would be connecting with people. And so I'm not saying that messaging people. Do you remember a slump just a second ago when I was talking about cold messaging people? I don't think emailing and messaging people is bad or it's a waste of time. But there's a big, big difference between messaging. People who didn't ask for your email or your message and messaging people who just opted in and have just recently been watching videos that you shot with just your phone by the way. And when you email them. A lot of times they act like I can't even believe you're emailing me right now. It's almost like a celebrity, even though you have been surprised at how some of the reactions that people have are almost like you're a celebrity, the power of the internet. It's almost like the power of Hollywood people watching you on screen. You folks don't realize how much more authority in posture is in influence. You would have during a change if they reach you first versus you reaching out to them first. Do you agree?

Aslam:  You know, it's so ironic. I don't know. Maybe this was just a coincidence that I got this call today. But you know what? Because I've been getting so many leads. I knew that I'm going to need to connect with these people because a lot of this with my affiliate programs we have been making the sales is we have actually had connections with people in the past and you know, we got to be in my Tiktok is very cold traffic. Just today I sent out an email to my list, where I invited people for a limited amount. I opened up about 18 slots for the month of May for a 15 minute private coaching session with me to get their online business started or just some guidance. And that email hadn't gone out for I would say 20 minutes and I already had like 10 of the spots booked. And one of the people that replied to this actually sent a reply and said you know what? And I think this is so important, especially for anyone watching this. When I sent out an email to this lady that responded to me she said I'm 64 years old, and most online marketers don't think they realize that sometimes they send out all these bulk emails without thinking about the person on the other end. And it just feels like we are numbers so because you sent out this email I don't know if you will respond to me which I did. But thank you for you know, taking this to a personal level and being willing to actually connect with me, you know, on that level. So when I saw that, I was like, wow, you know what? The market email is sort of bombarded so you have to stand out in another way. And unfortunately, this does take time, but I think it's necessary. So absolutely right. You do get that celebrity status, but it's welcome.

Dave:  And there's ways that you can automate that personal touch. You know, I was working with a coaching client, which I don't take coaching clients anymore. Here at legendary we, we I just I don't it's just a time thing. But But I did and one of the coaching clients was Sergio and I shared with him maybe nine months ago or something this this strategy for basically you know, sending out these you know, these personalized emails but doing them in the in an automated form and you know, a lot of it and it's a bit of it is taught inside of the affiliate marketing business blueprint of it really is revolves around this concept of you know, the nine word email that revives dead leads. And, and and basically what it is, is it's an email that you send out that basically just, you know, speaks to somebody like they're a friend instead of like they're a prospect on an email marketing list, like you just said. And so, what I see a lot of people doing with their email marketing is I see them kind of, you know, kind of always talking at people right, always just sending messages with a link to click. And the truth of the matter is, is that that's that's that's that's a good strategy especially as your as your as your list grows, right? But every once in a while it's actually a good idea to send out an email or or, or include in a PS line. Hey, respond back to my email, and let me know what you think about this. Or if you have any questions that you want me to address on the upcoming live I'm going to do tonight at 6pm or whatever whatever. And the reason why is two things. The first reason why is because all of the email providers like Google and Yahoo, if they see your email address, you know, Dave is a legendary marketer, whatever. That's the email address. That you're sending emails from, if there's ever only emails that are going in one direction, they're, they're probably going to put you in the spam folder more, because that's one of the things that Google Yahoo, you know, live, you know, MS or Microsoft or whatever. That's one of the things they look for. Does, does, does from this email address does nothing but things go one way. There's never any two way exchange, because two way exchange would indicate that there's a conversation there's real people. So one of the things that I think is really important to do and you can you can you can write this email, in your automated follow up series. Just do it early in your sequence. So, people get it so people see it early. It might just be something like, Hey, I didn't see any record of you enrolling in the fifth, whatever it is, right? You can, you can, you can replace this section right here with whatever you want. I didn't see any record of you enrolling in blank or in you know, booking your free coaching session. Are you still interested in learning how to blank again, fill in this blank. Okay. Hit me back, right. And then I might just write well, this was Sergio, right, so I just might write Sergio. So now this is something you might know, your email can allow you to put in the first name right, like AWeber, get a response, whatever you can put in somebody's first name there. And so it feels even more personalized. But when you send out an email like this, and you ask for a response back what it does is number one, again, it shows those email providers that you are a real person people are having with you and they're going to inbox you a lot more. That's a big problem that a lot of marketers don't really think about, Gosh, my email marketing is not that effective. Well, maybe it's just getting triggered as spam. Because you're also using words in your email like money or things like that. That might also trigger but this is one of the biggest things that if you want, also, can you do a slum when somebody responds back? Well now all of a sudden, you've got a red hot qualified prospect that if I'm only getting 10 leads a day or even if I'm getting 20-30 or 200. Those who respond back are oftentimes some of my hottest prospects. And if they don't respond back at least they saw me making an effort to make myself available. Islam what comes up for you as I go over some of these thoughts?

Aslam:  I think this idea was gold, you know, just what you mentioned. I was already thinking we're going to put this in my follow up series. In the emails, because I have found and that's why I decided to have this personal connection with people. I have found that you know, my conversion rates haven't been that good. And it's not about converting, right. It's more about connecting and building relationships. So I think what you just showed here is about entrenching that relationship because most leads that come to you anyway from tick tock, for example, are cold people who don't know you from above.

Dave:  They don't and you're absolutely right. It's not about conversion. It's about connection. I love that but it's not about connection. You know, me giving up my life and me having to become this you know, marketer online responding to everybody's messages and I need to quit and that's one of the traps. It's a trap. I see a lot of fresh new marketers fall into, which is okay, I have a video that just went viral. Now I have 100 comments or 1000 comments I need to get lost in the weeds responding to every single person, when instead the most important thing is create those two or three or four more pieces of content that next day and give people more clear calls to action to hey, I'm doing I had such a big response on my most recent video that I'm doing a free training. Go click the link in my bio register for the free training that I'm doing because I'm going to cover everybody's questions. Do you want to know how I make money? You want to know what products I sell? You want to know? I'm going to explain it all and answer all your questions on this live training. So go register right now. If I have a video that goes viral over the next two or three days one to two of my videos that I post are going to be calling out those people in referencing that video. I don't need to get lost in the comments though people I don't need to get lost in every Tom, Dick and Harry who said cool or who said BS or whatever. They don't need to respond to every little thing. As a matter of fact, if you respond to every little thing, it takes away from some of my busy posture. My professional I'm busy because I ‘m really that busy that I got that I'm down in the comments. Do any of you ever see any major celebrities down in the comments of their posts? Rarely. So we have to use when you say you and use the word automated. Automation is an opportunity. But more importantly just we got to work smart. We got to know, it's all about how we use the tools. And you know, it's not so much about what tools we have. It's about how we use the tools and and, you know, social media can use us or we can use it and it's a lot more fun and a lot more profitable when we use it. Versus it using and abusing us. So what is some other advice that you have for new people? What should they look out for? What did they learn from couple of things that you've experienced that you would maybe say to your earlier self that you know now

Aslam:  I think this is one of the most important things to know because I have a bit of a problem. I'm a bit of a student. You know, I study and read a lot and you can get lost in the education system. But I think a better approach is to try and implement as you learn so I've not I've not got a philosophy that the moment I learned something any training. I bought one of the training inside legendary just recently and every single thing that I thought made sense I went and I implemented it as soon as possible because that allows you the learning actually takes place when you implement the learning doesn't really take place that much when you are sitting and watching a video. You know, so when you implement you find out what works and what doesn't work. So I think the main thing is don't procrastinate with education. That you're getting. And then put off the implementation because that's what I did for two months. I was learning these things. And then I had the spear. And I didn't implement it. You know, we could have been not two months, maybe I could have had 40,000 followers by now. You know so yeah, life is best lived in hindsight. So I think that's one of the most important things. And then consistency is vital. You know, take advantage especially of tick tock. I've also been seeing some success. I've got a Facebook group. So I started posting some Facebook reviews and I had one video so far go viral. I don't know why I think it was like 28,000 views. And now what I do is I take every video every day and I multipurpose it . I take off the branding from tick tock and then it goes on Instagram reels, YouTube shorts, Facebook. You know, I'm just making sure that I'm everywhere. And I actually have some guys sign up, come into my Facebook group and you know, you ask questions before someone gets into your group. And one of the guys one of the questions I have is, you know who introduced you to this group? And the guy's response was I saw the ad on Facebook it wasn't really wasn't an ad. But he said I saw the ad on Facebook. So that's working so I bought one of the first things I also bought I have to say this one of the first trainings I bought in legendary when I got started was that your training that omnipresent formula, training, multi purpose, you know, your content creation, that training, I promise you was probably the biggest eye opener for me when it comes to content creation because something I hadn't thought of which you speak about in that training, which was the biggest takeaway for me was that you don't need to come up with your own content. All the great ideas have already been, you know, found. You just need to go and find that information. And then you know, put it out in the world in your own voice you know, under your own branding. And people will basically come towards that. That was one of the biggest things I learned in legendary hands down because I saw it in multiple training sessions. And I don't think people understand the significance of that because that takes away a big issue, which is content creation. Most don't know what to create as content because when you think four videos a day, you're like, oh, man, how do I do four videos a day? I'll do five videos a day.

Dave:  Like I gotta write five, five Hollywood scripts or something for that right?

Aslam: Yeah, so I mean, I go onto YouTube, I go on to Tik Tok. I go on to Instagram. I look at some of the products following other affiliate marketers. I don't copy them. I take the message and then an idea pops in my head and as I know I'm gonna do this and I gotta put that on tick tock. I take a YouTube video that's 15 minutes long, but I like one thing in it and I make that my content for that tick tock video.

Dave:  It's so true. You all do not have to reinvent the wheel. It's all about the delivery. It's all about the delivery. You are not the message You are the messenger. You don't have to come up with the message. You just have to become a messenger. And if you become a messenger you're in the game. But if you don't, you're not in the game. You're just going to live the rest of your life receiving messages from messengers, you know. And every great leader in life was a messenger. Every rich and wealthy person if you look at religious figures, if you look at it back in history, political figures, you look at anybody who made you look at everybody laughs through their own culture and others and you'll see how people didn't really invent information. We as a human species have been doing similar things for a long time. But when you take a complicated idea, and you communicate it in a simple way, or you communicate it in an entertaining way or you communicate it with a unique analogy, like you relate it to something in your life. Now, it's brand new, you've taken an old message and you've made it new with a new messenger. And it's sort of like basketball, but he is coming up with new rules to the game. Nobody's coming up with any new ways to play the game. All the ways have been done. Nobody's doing anything new. As a matter of fact, new players are trying to go back to the basics, you know, play defense and get rebounds. All you gotta do is watch the polls and listen to them. They're not philosophers. They're not like, Oh, yes, I was out on the court and gravity took its course and I threw it up and then all of a sudden, you know, a wheel came and jumped out of the crowd and flipped around and did a Git No it's none of that. It's just hey, we were on the rebound we write it's but it's but it's a new messenger. It's a new person. That's bringing the game to the world. You know, new messengers, new players are playing it with their own unique style. And that makes it exciting. And so the same thing happens with us online. Nobody's going to. I'm never going to say anything that's brand new. Nobody's ever going to stop time and say, Oh, Dave:, that was oh my god, let's watch what you just set in stone. No, it's not that important. I'm just taking what I've learned. Or if I learned something, and then I did it. Now I have my own experience and I'm just simply talking about that, but not a single thing that you or I or anybody else says is going to be a groundbreaking brand new word sentence or idea that should never been heard before. And yeah, that takes a lot of pressure. Because I don't even really have to be creative. If I don't want to. Literally if I need to get started. I can look at other people and simply model there. It's that simple, but you do not need to be a brain rocket scientist, somebody who you don't need to be a Hollywood writer, writing and storyboarding out scripts and ideas for your videos. No, just getting on camera and talking about shit can help people be valuable. Pass along ideas that you heard, there should have been 50 to 100 things that anybody could have taken away from this conversation and have four videos for the next four days. It's all about listening and saying, Oh, I can, I want to pass that along. And I want to add one other thing to something that you said. Not only when you learn something, should you implement it right away, because that's the best way to learn something but you should teach it to somebody else. Because the best way to learn it or the best way to learn it is actually to explain it and teach it to somebody else. Do you agree with that?

Aslam:  100% 100% you know one of the earliest online trainings, one of my coaches told me because I was I had a fear I don't want to do videos because I'm like, What do I know that I could repeat people and he said to me, remember, every third grader wants to be like a fourth grader. So just teach the person one step behind you something new that you may have learned today, and then love you for that forever because the third grader is not looking at the guy in 12th grade and saying I want to be like him. He's like, I want to be like the guy in the grade above me. How and that's where people want to be they just, you know if you can just take people along on that. journey with you with every little thing that you learn. Automatically. They start resonating with you and they relate to you a lot better. There was another training that I watched while I was watching in the marketers club in the legendary marketers club. And one of the videos, one of the guys you interviewed, said something very, very similar. He said, You know, when we were driving fancy cars, and no one was relating to us, people couldn't relate to us, because they were seeing these painted houses and fancy cars and they're like, Well, I don't have any of that. So I can't be successful. But when they took all of that away and they started speaking about the daily grind and things like going through, they started making more sales. Why? Because now people could relate to them a lot better. So the less you know, the more you know, the less you know, you know because you actually know something that someone else doesn't know and you don't you know when you know they say that what's given us or what we already possess, we never value. So value the education that you already possess, and teach it to someone else because that's also how you're going to learn and become better.

Dave:  Yeah. I couldn't agree more. And I've experienced everything that you're that you're talking about in it. I also when you said the more the more you know, the less you know, I really know what you mean by that because the more someone learns as a marketer and an entrepreneur, the more difficult it is to connect with that brand new person because now the more you learn, the more times we start speaking over people's heads. And one of the best skills that any of you will ever learn is how to dumb things down. And I know that sounds weird, like why would I want to dumb things down? It's not that you want to sound dumb, but it's not really that you want to sound smart. Because if you sound like a frickin genius, then the people who are listening to you are gonna go, this guy's a genius. I'm not a genius. I probably can't do this. But they look at you and they can relate. And they can identify and they say hey, I get what this person's talking about. He's he you ever heard ever heard somebody describe somebody as down to earth. He's really down to earth. You know what that means? It means he speaks in plain language. He doesn't use big words. He doesn't try to speak over my head. And the best influencers in the world are not the people that you see on Instagram with 100,000 followers there. A lot of those people are broke. It's people who really know how to, you know, work and connect with people. Just speaking in plain language. You know, a lot of those people are CEOs of companies, a lot of those types of people are very wealthy. You know, a lot of them are not on social media. But the real influencers, the real people who are making money. I've done fairly well. Russell Brunson has made a ton of money, you know, there's a few other people that I can, I can say, have done really well. I know they've made 10s of millions of dollars in the online space. Man, they're really smart people. They really, really focus on keeping the things that they say in their videos and their sales letters and so forth. Really, really simple and easy to understand. And I don't know who it was that said this quote, but it was somebody that said the market is not somebody who can make simple things complicated. It's somebody who can make complicated things simple. And so my question to all of you, as you've listened to this today is, you know, how can you go out be the messenger instead of trying to invent the message? And then how can you? How can you communicate that people understand it? Because the more that you try to, you know, act or try to sound smarter than you are? It's futile. It's worthless to do that. What instead everybody should focus on as being the messenger in keeping it so dang simple. And just trying to like I love I love that analogy of the fourth and the third grader no third grader wants to be a ninth grader. They just want to be a fourth grader. So each and every one of us can teach somebody. All you have to do is really teach them how to take the next step. How do they take the next step? You don't need to teach them how to take the step that's 10 steps down the road. Just take them out, teach them how to take the next step in what most of our content should be if we're in the make-money online space, but also really in any industry we should be marketing to the people who want to get started. Not people who have already gotten started. The biggest thing that most of us are trying to get people to take is to get started. That's why I always talk about inspiration stories. You hear me every day on this wakeup show, asking people what would it be? You got started. You notice I don't talk about a lot of technical stuff, because it's unnecessary. And quite frankly, that's the 10th step. Most people haven't taken that first step. So my job really is to inspire them to get started. What do they need to know to get started? Well, they need to know that. There's others who are like them that have done it. They need to know that it's real, they need to know that it's there's there's there's payoff with the risk that they can earn that there's earning potential here with these skills. You know, they need to think that it's a scam. They need to know everything. I know that people need to know those things before they need to know all this complicated stuff about funnels and everything else. They need to take that first step. And that's actually rather simple. I'll talk about if we just keep it focused and simple on those pieces. Instead of trying to go on live streams. Go live and do heavy technical training in any of our content. It's unnecessary. And what it does is creates more questions for people because you're giving them step 10. When again, they need step one. How do I get started? Do you agree with that?

Aslam:  No, that's 100% You know, people get confused. It's information overload. They bombarded every single day. You know, so the simpler we can get and, and that's what gets people started eventually. You know, a lot of the people that you're going to find, especially in this space, when you speak about online business, online marketing, they think about highly tech. They think they need to become coding. They don't understand what an online marketer stands for. So what videos I did on Tik Tok. I sort of knew it was going to do well, but it was a video where I just spoke something about the fact that I was a banker. And I had people reply, they were like, I'm also a banker. How do I get out? How did you get out? You know, so that story. They know they say Baxter tells stories to sell. You know when you can tell stories if you're looking for a way to dumb it down. That's what I found personally, that that's what works for me. Because I find if I become too technical people sort of switch off because I'm speaking to that logical brain that understands what I'm speaking about. But when I tell a story, I relate to them a story as an example, they understand it better. And I speak about the pain that I experienced. That connection is almost instantaneous, you know, so I did a live training several months ago, we had to stand on stage and I told personal stories, and every person that came, it was not because of the technical stuff. It was all the stories that were being shared from the stage. And they said, I could relate. I went through the same struggles you went through. So when you want to relate to people and sell more, tell them more stories, because that's gonna dumb it down as much as possible. Nothing. Nothing is simpler than a story Dave, I'm not sure if it's just me. You muted I think yeah,

Dave:  sorry. I was muted. We listen to stories as young children so we're prepared and programmed to listen to stories from a really really young age. Man, these, these, these steps that you're given away are really really, they're simple, but they're powerful. And I I hope that those of you listening can really take it away today. The power of keeping things simple. The power of the dynamics versus the mechanics, dynamics are and I've been saying this for a long time, they are the stories and they are learning how to tell they are you know, learning how to tease and tickle somebody's you know, their emotions Well, while engaging them intellectually. You know, I can't just tell stories the entire time in a sales video I have to make an offer and it has to make sense so that the rabbit hole goes very deep in terms of how much we can learn and how we can use these skills to make money but it all starts with each one of us learning how to just either get in front of a camera or sit down in front of a blank piece of paper and create an ad. You know, ultimately what we're doing in great ads is funny. Great ads tell me you just sit down on your TV. Maybe we've all been watching too much Netflix and we haven't seen a good commercial in a long time. But sometimes you gotta sit down and just watch a good old fashioned commercial. Sometimes you gotta go through, you know, good old fashioned advertising and sit down for 50 years and look at the consistency and the simplicity of their messaging. And remember that it's, you know, complicated ideas don't scale, simple ideas scale. And so your message has to be simple. It has to be easier to test. Be easy to comprehend. Nobody wants to think too hard. To make it easy for people I always ask people who work closely around me. I say How easy do you make it for people to give you money? Do you make it really hard I see. Make it incredibly hard for people to give them money. You know they're in business and it's like I gotta jump through hoops to come give on money. I gotta. I'm the customer if a business has not made it so simple. That is all I have to do. I don't have to think I just have to reach from my wallet. to click a link on my phone or in my email and it's because I don't want to do any of the work as a consumer. If I'm buying, if I'm paying, if it's hard I'm also going to leave the page. So How easy do you make it for people to give you money? If you're if you've made difficult by always talking about complicated things or you know, trying to be too smart or overcomplicate this well, you know, you're probably not going to make a lot of money because you're making it hard for people to people know how to get ahold of you if they want to if they want to give you money. What if somebody wants to buy but they're having an issue on the checkout page? Do they? Is there a way they can quickly respond to an email in your inbox? Did you tell them David, your address? Right? I don't know. Just and I relate that sometimes to this to our advisors here. Sometimes we have people that want to buy our programs. And their email and customer support is Hey, John, you haven't made it very easy for this person to know how to get a hold of you because they're there. They need money, and they don't know how to get a hold of you. Right. So, you know another part of this game is how easy we make it for people to give us money and all of it goes around really just simple messaging, simple stories, simple tips, and then clear call to action. And then when somebody clicks that link and lands on your landing page, make it crystal clear every step of the way. Ask yourself if I was the person going through this, would any of this be confused? Would any part of this be confusing? And it's one of the reasons why I don't like to put multiple offers inside of an email or multiple things. I saw these emails and got 50 links. It means tick tock, follow me on Instagram. If you can get a human being to click on one link, and do one thing from an email you're doing good. So don't don't ask the person to do 50 things. That's the other way that we make it simple for customers. Ask somebody to do things that are hard. Don't ask somebody to do things that you don't want to do. I don't want to click 50 links and follow you on 50 platforms. I don't have time for that right now. Right? But I have time to click one link and watch a quick video. Right, something simple. Islam thank you so much. I can talk marketing all day but I actually have to get in my vehicle. I'm going to drive to Orlando. We're gonna host a mastermind this weekend. I gotta stop talking. I shouldn't have been talking this month because I need to have some voice for this weekend. But we're going to be in Orlando. Stop talking now. A salaam you need to stop talking because you've given way too much away. This morning. That's what you do, right?

Aslam:  Yeah, I'm a bit of a teacher so I love teaching people stuff every time I watch knows that every time I love something she knows she's about to learn something because I'm going to be talking

Dave:  Take care of yourself. My friend will come back and see us again in the future. All right, and keep up the good work, buddy. All right, my friends. You all have had a fantastic day. Yeah, I'll see you guys at the mastermind who are coming. I'm really excited that they're going to stop talking though. So I have a voice and we are going to be going live tomorrow morning as well from the mansion in Orlando. Do not miss that. Thanks Islam for a wonderful episode. Go and follow him, show him some support and get on out of here. Have a fantastic day be Legendary. See you tomorrow. Peace.

The Key To Growing A Following On TikTok

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt:  Good morning, everybody. Happy Wednesday, it's May 11. We are live. This is not a pre-recording Wednesday, May 11, we go live every single day, Monday through Friday at 10am. Eastern. You can get text message reminders like every single day that we go live Monday through Friday. We send out a little text message that just says, Hey, by the way, we're alive. Join us. And it's a great way to get just a little tiny dose of inspiration. And also, the really cool part is you can hear a story from somebody who's actually making it work right now. So it's not outdated stuff. It's not stuff that was, you know, working a couple months ago or anything like that. It's actually working right now, for real people like you. So these could be people from any niche, any industry that could be affiliates of ours, it could be not, it's kind of a random bag. But if you do know somebody that you would like to be featured on the show, or if you yourself would like to be featured on the show, you can always go to legendary marketer.com/featured. I think currently right now we've got about three to four weeks, maybe a little bit longer. Wait time to be on the show, something like that. But we're always looking for new people. And we always love to tell stories of people that maybe we haven't heard of, or maybe we weren't able to get in touch or something. So always welcome to fill that out for us legendary marketer.com/featured. And you don't have to be a millionaire. You don't have to get Jillian air. It's totally cool. We have lots of different people who have earned lots of different amounts of money on our show. So you know, we'd love to feature you or somebody that you suggest. All right. Joining us live today. If you could all give us a round like a big hand clap emoji. And welcome in. I think he's from New York. We're going to find out. Let's bring him in. Hassan, what's up?

Hassan:  Hey, what's up, everyone. Calling you guys from Brooklyn, New York. Born and raised.

Matt:  Cool. All right, apparently.

Hassan:  I'm actually 20 years old. I usually tell myself I look like 16 anywhere. But I'm 20

Matt:  So tell us a little bit about you. So pre med students are working through school and also starting some sort of online biz. You've got like what, I don't know. 27,000 to almost 28,000 followers on social media. Well tell us. Yeah, tell us a little bit about you, man. What's your journey been like to get here,

Hassan:  Man, my life's been like, honestly, amazing. I'm grateful for every part of it. So like, basically, to be here at 20 to basically find something like this. I grew up in New York and was born in Brooklyn. I told you I lived there until 16. And then my parents were like, Guys, we're going to Massachusetts. We're gonna live with my sister and go to college. So we all went up to Massachusetts. We sat there for a year and made new friends and my older cousin over there that's like six years older than me. He's like a huge figure to me, you know, a huge inspiration he has. It was like he was all part of my mindset shift. That's very important. I would say your mindset is everything in life will take you very far if you let it. So I lived over there then my parents actually stayed there for a couple months. And then they came back to New York and I told them hey, I'm not going back to New York. I'm gonna stay over here. They bought a house there so I'm gonna stay in this house alone. I'm gonna live in a safe like when I finished high school over here and already made some friends. I'm living like my cousin. Everything's great. I finally started going out like doing things. I'm getting older. So it was just like a lot of maturing for me. So I lived there by myself. My parents left me with, like a nice suburban house. I was 16 and a half. A few years ago, I just got my permit. So you know, you can already imagine how like, like, when I was doing but so I lived there and then I came back to Brooklyn. For my freshman year of college. I'm doing pre med now. I've been doing, I mean, my junior year right now, but going into my senior year, that's been great. It's very, very hard. Anyone that's ever done it. I know, there's a lot of nurses in this new dawn. See, that's what like really, really got me inspired. Personally, I've seen people in the medical field like wow, like, to me, like my dream for a long time was to go be a doctor. That's my goal. But then to see a lot of people in the medical field actually turning away from that hearing the widespread hearing my whole life with the medical field about the debt and not being paid enough in the stressful hours and stressful life. So it got me thinking about what I want to do. And then one day, I came across a legendary marketer, I forgot exactly who it was. But it was like it was a real person speaking to you, and it's a real person telling you like, exactly like, the things you want in life that they're being able to do from putting time and, you know, like really consistency to an online business. And in today's world, like, Who wouldn't want to do that, especially when you're young, like, honestly, I would love to travel, you know, buy a couple Airbnbs go live in I'm a little bit a couple of different countries, that's like the golden line, just get to travel the world. So I think that's the biggest thing for me. That's my goal and try to achieve it through legendary.

Matt:  So you're, that's cool, man. So you're, you're pre med student currently, how far along in that are you?

Hassan:  So first, I'm gonna have to get my biology degree, because my Bachelor's my first four years, and then I have to apply to go to med school. I gotta take my MCAT in August. So I have to apply to med school. And then that's another four years. So we're eight years already. And then I have to apply to a hospital to work residency, which is basically like training, but they pay you for it. It's like maybe like, get like 6070 grand a year. I'd like your natural salaries, whatever you're doing, and you're gonna go the extra for probably like 400 grand a year. Yeah, that's all the debt and everything. I'm not sure if it's worth it, all the stress all the time you put into studying, I still love to do it. But it might be something I try to pursue later in life when I like, building my financial life up a little more. Because I don't want to

Matt:  What's the driver behind that? I mean, what got you interested in it because I would say most kids who got to 16 and had their own house, and we're living on their own? to it. It's surprising to me that you'd be like, Yeah, I'm gonna, I'm gonna be a pre med student.

Hassan:  Okay, so basically, it's, it's definitely my parents talking into my ears my whole life. My oldest sister's a pharmacist, she's 26. My other sister is a nurse. She was working on COVID shots and everything. She's still specializing in something else in that school. So personally, I always like to, I think naturally, I like to try to one up my sisters, my siblings and everything we've ever always done. I'm extremely competitive with them naturally. So it's like, pharmacists, you're a nurse. And so I'm gonna go out there. Like, I fell in love with it. Because I was competitive with my siblings, I always looked into it. I fell in love with medicine, with biology, with something I always love, like understanding the basic building blocks of life. That was interesting, naturally, but making money on the internet was something that, honestly, took a beautiful natural spot in my heart.

Matt:  So when defined legendary, how long ago I

Hassan:  found legendary last year in I think, April or May.

Matt:  Okay, wow. So like a year ago? Yeah. So what? And then what's your journey been like from basically last April until this April, but last 12 months? What is that been like in terms of implementing and learning and growing

Hassan:  So last April was, I'd say, like a pretty busy time in my life. Since COVID, was hitting everything. I actually went back to Massachusetts and I rented out an apartment for a year and I lived there with my girlfriend. So I was alone again, I just love being alone. Yeah, like there's something about it. So around April, it was just like it was getting warm outside. It's like I love being outside and it was like, I'm ready to put something legendary to my life, but I wasn't really ready to dive into it wholeheartedly like I did. I think I believe J back or not even January. I think at the end of February is when I really like Dove Dove in. Wow, that last year

Matt:  When you purchased the challenge and purchased the blueprints and dove in and stuff, there was a big delay. So what I mean when you decide to come back to it, when you decided to come back to it? Did you like what reminded you have legendary that's that's like wow, 

Hassan:  never even left my brain. I'm telling you I would think about it when I woke up and like to think of it when I went to sleep. It was something everyday like it just kind of depressed me a little bit. I wasn't putting my time into it because I I looked into the training and I watched every single blueprint when I bought it and I got bought in and just through the site. Like I watched everything I did. And I was like, Okay, I'm gonna do this when I can dive in. So like, and then basically, the summer went by and I went and I went to Lebanon. I'm Lebanese, so I was visiting family and stuff over there. I have grandma, she's very old. So I was visiting family and towards the end of the summer and then school started and it was extremely busy just diving in because I came back to live in New York and just shifted and moved and all that stuff was just kind of a lot. I never went into legend, but it wasn't something that I ever stopped thinking about. It was something like every day I had to like, Okay, what am I gonna start this? How am I going to start this? I need to get myself together. Because school was never enough for me. Like even being in school. It was like, like, I knew I could be doing something more, you know. So like, that's what it's like. And I was like, Okay, enough is enough. I need to start.

Matt:  Yeah, cool, man. That's awesome. And it's already really, like, good for you.

Hassan:  And good for your business. Yeah, they have. They've been amazing. And honestly, it's like, the last 30 days, it's like, every month. It's just, like, a new series of accomplishments that you just never met. And it's like, wow, I can't imagine getting better than this. And then it does. And it does. It's just always like a ladder. You just keep climbing that sort of like, I feel like it's amazing. And with that you just keep learning to. It's just, it's great. It's like a great platform, especially with these lives every morning and talking to someone who learned something every single day from every single person. It's never, it's always there's always something for you to learn.

Matt:  So when you started creating content, was that like, was that new for you? Was that like something you've done before? Are you just on Tik Tok? Are you on other platforms?

Hassan:  So I'm actually only like on creating on Tiktok nice are done before like even on Instagram and Snapchat like my personal life I like I don't even like I post the picture by like every six, seven months just like update my people have fallen like and I wouldn't do it. But it's never social media has ever been something that was really big to like, a person that to create on but I would definitely like definitely swiping on Tiktok by like three, four hours a day already just in between, like free time. Yeah, I was never like a creator. But when I started creating, it's so fun. Honestly, it's really it's, it's just you find it fun.

Matt:  Was it easy or like hard or

Hassan:  At first? It's not hard, but with anything like you need to learn and you need to take a trip a couple times. You're like okay, like if I go watch like the first 10 videos I make now like you know, I might laugh a little bit like this looks a little weird. But it's funny. Is it something you learned from and I leave them up so other people can go watch and look at them to maybe publicly say things like go watch my most recent go watch the first one. I love it. 

Matt: when did you start this channel

Hassan:  So I started it in I think January when I was on vacation. I went to St Lucia with my girlfriend and I went to the Bahamas in February. In between that I was making high two videos a day five skip a day take a break that is let me tell you everyone breaks will honestly kill you. Consistency is everything like you'll make if you're a content creator, like whatever you're doing, no matter what it is talking about creating, content creating. Like if you are gonna put a little rust on the engine if you know what I mean. It's like when everything is like doing something it's part of your daily life it gets not only easier but like you pick up things a lot easier it is very nice to keep things like grinding.

Matt:  Yeah, totally totally. Man. I just feel so powerful. It's just so powerful. We're living in this weird age, man. I mean, just for some context. When I got started I was like 20 and at the time really all that you could do to make money or generate leads was just to create a blog and hope that over like multiple, multiple months you started ranking on Google for something right? And or you could pay for Google ads or you could make the virality piece of social media right now for somebody to start a channel and you know, in their first year online, just start making 1000s of dollars. Have people in less than a year made six figures online? Mostly.

Hassan:  They're my idols. And that's very important. You need to like, Oh, you guys watch and learn from is extremely important, and that legendary really had the best people. I swear, it's amazing.

Matt:  There they are. And just as a disclaimer, I, you know, I said that people have done that, that's not super common. And I'm not going to, you know, say anything more about that. But other than that, those types of results are not typical. And people watching this should not expect that but, but to be totally transparent. I've just been shocked watching that. Like,

Hassan:  It's crazy. It's crazy. Fire. It's not even like something that's luck, either. Like, it's from consistency and hard work, and you see them like, I go back and see their posts, like from a year ago, and I see where they started. And they really started as everyone else asking everyone the thing that things like people make all like stupid, basic questions, but everyone starts somewhere. And that's like, what's really important you guys all started step one, everyone starts at zero. And like, even a week, you start to feel amazing what you accomplish, and you get addicted to that feeling of accomplishment. And that's what I've noticed. It's it you never ever, like stop, like being addicted to that feeling. So identify it and just keep doing the things that make you get that feeling, keep working towards a better you know, yeah, that's cool. Sal by tik tok, I really dove in, like posting content. When I got back from the Bahamas at the end of February, when I had probably at that point, maybe like 700 followers from like the previous two months of you know, just, I call it inconsistency compared to what I'm doing now. So now I post probably like 10 times a day. I try to not take breaks. I took a break last weekend. And honestly, it did hurt my count like I was climbing, climbing, climbing, then taking that to take a break. You think it's not going to hurt you? And it does. It really slows everything down. But then everything started to pick up again. Just dive back into the consistency thankfully. Yeah, since the end of February to now I've gained what like 25/26/27,000 followers from being consistent. Can't be mad. Yeah. I've seen other people get way more. And I've seen other people get way less, you know, you just have to be consistent. I've always seen that with consistency. It's always people gaining more followers and providing value is the most important thing.

Matt:  Yeah, right. And by value, what do you mean?

Hassan:  So by value, I think it's basically like on the internet. It's not necessarily driving traffic to your specific product. But what's really successful is just helping people out, like on like, giving people let's say, side hustle ideas or showing them that easier way to do something online. It drives people to your page, knowing that you're a knowledgeable person, they can trust you to give valid information. That's what really, it's about building yourself as a brand.

Matt:  That's cool. You know what's cool, too, is I noticed that you took one of your videos, your most watched video and you reposted it to your channel again. Six times.Yeah, you, you Oh, yeah, you're right. I only saw the first time.

Hassan:  Cool. Tiktok stopped pushing, I stopped posting. But like, it's not like getting the same people every single time if there's new people coming into your account. So like, no one's gonna really be mad at you for reposting a video. It's like, I'm sorry. I don't have to do anything except repost it like it is.

Matt:  And isn't it funny that if you think about it from a consumer's lens, when you're scrolling through tik tok. You know, there's times where you see the same video twice. And it doesn't occur to you as a consumer like, oh, he probably reposted that to get onwards. Right? Refiltering through the algorithm. Right? And that's us as marketers are the only people who would be like, Oh, what a loser he's reposting. No one else thinks that. And for everybody who's unfamiliar with what we're talking about, basically. He posted a video on his tic tok. It got 300,000 views. And he said, You know what, like, what if I just took that and posted it again. And what happens is, if you've got this, you've got this core group of your followers, and they're going to show it to them first. But then they're also going to just blast it out to the mass public. And they're going to share it with a lot of people on your page. And that's where it gets really cool if you start to go viral. You start to get a lot of likes and all those people every time you read a Post that they ‘re just hitting a bunch of brand new people, though it's all a brand new audience seeing a video that he did that five times with this video, which is super cool. Yeah, it was great. So when you're posting and creating content, like do you have a schedule you stick to do you have

Hassan:  I used to and then I forgot who it was, someone in the affiliate group, they posted this long, like really helpful tips. Like they said, like, a lot of people were saying, like, it really doesn't matter what time you post, and I honestly stopped caring. Just when I was posting 10 times a day, I was posting pretty much like, four in the morning, three in the afternoon for the evening, five in the evening. So it wasn't like I wasn't really strict with the times. I was more strict with putting out the content. They're like spread out through the day as well as I can think that's what's most important. You shouldn't really be based on the hate for pm, I got put up these videos. I think it's actually better than the algorithm if you're posting like four videos straight out of your drafts that one second that didn't really work out for me. Right? But do good. And like usually the first one I posted out of the draft, so I was like, I'm not gonna do this anymore. It's not really helping me.

Matt:  Yeah, you got to spread those things out. That's for sure. I mean, there's nothing, there's nothing that AI or an algorithm reads as fake or phony. Nothing like that is like four or five videos getting posted all at once, right at the same time. And then also, I mean, if you think about when you go online, and you make a post, and like generally speaking humans, when they're making posts, they're posting about they're, they're making posts, sort of spur of the moment, right, you can obviously keep drafts, but they're making posts for the moment. And when an AI algorithm like tik tok sees, and why is this guy posting, like, you know, five or six videos all at once?

Hassan:  It's a little alarming. Exactly. Yeah.

Matt:  So what's the plan now? I mean, what's the plan for the future? And you're obviously working on school, but you also got this business going last month, you've exploded? What's your day to day look? Like? What's your sort of mode of operation? Still doing 10 pieces A day? 

Hassan:  Um, yeah, I am. And honestly, it does not take that long. To make videos, it takes like a good two hours, like total in the day, and everything else is just pretty much doing whatever I feel like doing. I stopped like four months ago. Okay. All right. I have saved up the most money from working clothes. I pretty much hang out over here. My friend's backyard. It's a great setup, we got a ping pong table with the pool usually

Matt:  have a heated pool because up in the northeast, that’s got to be cold. 

Hassan:  90 degrees there right now. So it's been great. And honestly, digital marketing has given me that like, like, sitting at home on Save Money is a different story. But being able to accomplish something at home and learn things and have something that really makes you feel good about yourself. And standing behind an amazing product. There's like nothing I could really ask for like anything better I could have asked for at this age, honestly, I've looked in stocks, I looked at setting up a Shopify store like it was not a good kind of screwed over. So like before going into legendary, I was really skeptical, extremely skeptical, like probably every other person on the internet. But you do your research, you look into people that have done it. Like the products, they're the information. They're just like, you need to implement it. Your mindset of like, honestly, the poor mindset as it's true. And it's like you don't realize it's true until you try to find a way out of it.

Matt:  Totally, man, totally. Well, that's cool. And for I'll give you this morning for everybody who's here for everybody who's new for anybody who's like 10 pieces of content a day. This is crazy. Is this really possible? What would you tell those people?

Hassan:  It's really not bad. And the more you do it, the easier and quicker it gets. And I am even about it being quick. I'm telling you, it's fun. It's honestly fun, real people talk to you. They talk to real people, you help them out. You meet some of me pepsin like you're amazing stories. There's like so many other things besides money and it goes into it. It's an amazing business to be in. I recommend it to everyone and the content is not something that should be stopping you at all. And I've seen people doing this without showing their face and they've been successful.

Matt:  A lot of people, a lot of people Yeah. Well cool, man. Thanks for taking the time out of your day to come on. I'm really excited about what you're doing and you're crushing it. You're really crushing. So congrats on that. That's super cool dude, I am very grateful for you. I'll put up your Is this the right place for people to find you? Yeah, that's awesome. Well thanks for coming on the show man

Hassan:  I appreciate it

Matt:  Alright guys, we've got Hassan on Tik Tok @simplyaffiliate hey go give him a follow and Cheese Louise 10 pieces of content crazy go give him a follow and let him know Hey, I found you on wake up legendary and and like his video comment on his blow his channel up and yeah, thanks again sign for go get some ideas for content and and stock his profile a little bit for ideas on how he's been able to create such a huge following so fast. We will be back here tomorrow. Same time, same as 10am. Friday we'll be joining you live from the mastermind. So make a note, set a reminder on your phone, Siri , tell Alexa, whatever that you need to tune in on Friday. We'll be joining you from a big mansion in Florida. And then same thing on Monday as well. So rain, sleet, hail. Snow doesn't matter. We're here at 10am Eastern every single Monday through Friday. See you guys, peace.

How To Hold Yourself Accountable For Your Business

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave:  Hey, what's going on my friends? This is Dave Sharpe and welcome to Wake Up Legendary. Yet again, we have someone that has gone through our education and is here to talk about her experience. And she shared her age with us as we've posted here on the headline she's 62 she's kicked procrastination to the curb, and now has a successful side hustle, but I'm even going to challenge her to say she has a successful business. Jamie, welcome to the show.

Jamie:  Thanks, Dave. Good morning. 

Dave:  Perfect. Okay, how are you? You look wonderful in your background. It looks cozy there and looks wonderful. So where are you calling in from Jamie?

Jamie:  Well, I am outside of Dallas Fort Worth, actually between two little towns. That Venus Texas, okay. Okay. The planet little tiny town between Venus and Microtex is right out here in the middle of nowhere,

Dave:  Just as long as it's not, you know, it's not that other planet, right between Venus and Pluto. Right. So, tell us, tell us. What brought you to our world and I'm assuming that you know, you are not an internet marketer. You are not a digital entrepreneur and I don't know how you have ever done anything like this in any way, shape or form before? Tell us what led you to us?

Jamie:  Okay, so, you know, when we came home from the pandemic, I'd been in the corporate world for 40 years. And so when I came home from the pandemic we started scrolling on tik tok and I was like, Oh, look at these people who are following people and watching them become successful. And so I knew I was gonna get ready to retire because I thought oh my gosh, I love working from home. I don't want to ever go back to the office. I'm sick of nine to five. I'd never done it. I've done MLMs a lot of MLMs but I've never done anything online. And I'm like, but I'm watching these people do it. And I came across something about side hustles because I knew when I retired I was gonna need some extra income. So I thought okay, side hustle. These are great. And so I started just looking at different side hustles which led me to the course. And I was like, Oh my gosh, this is how they do it. I had skills, you know, got 40 years of corporate experience and I found out this education that I got, allows me the ability to take my skills and incorporate them into an online business. Yes, it is a business because I do treat it as one even though it's a part time business right now. But I so I that was in October actually took the form in the decade a day, July 1, okay. And I didn't do anything with it until October 13. I was this close. Like, when I was like no, you're gonna do it. I have a lot of freelancers in my family and they encouraged me they're like, What do you have to lose? Give it six months a year, and then see what happens. And there's so many times along the way. It's just like you, you'll talk about. You have that valley of despair when you're sitting at 500 followers for 30 days and no leads. But I didn't give up. I kept going. And then I started getting it but then I changed the way that I do things. I started doing it my way using my own voice and instead of trying to copy these people that are making five figures and have done it for a long time. So let's take a step back. Right. And I don't post every day. I don't post because it's too much pressure for me. I'm sorry. I don't want to work that hard. I'm done working hard. That's what I love about this is you have a card, right? Yeah, that's a lot, I mean, five figures a month and yes, you do. You do have to work hard, but you want a great side hustle, steady little income or, you know, four figures a month. So go with that. So nothing

Dave:  Well that's wonderful and welcome to our community and and you know, it's incredible, you know, how many different walks of life people can come from to ultimately end up here thinking that it's really cool. I mean, I'm always kind of blown away by that because you know, I think that's cool, you know, because I think what we're doing here is really cool. And sometimes, you know, well, when somebody really gets it and it's like yeah, but yeah, I've done lots of MLMs before I've of course had legitimate jobs. This is really cool. There's the you know, you don't have to go in, to recruit friends and family. You learn real skills. that quite frankly if you had to completely pivot tomorrow in say You know what, oh my gosh, all this whatever I'm promoting today disappears. Now all of a sudden, Oh gosh, I'm gonna go. You know, somebody is holding a gun to my head and saying you must take your corporate experience and package it into a valuable training course that you can sell. If somebody held a gun to your head, you now have the skills to be able to do that. If you had to do that. Or if of course you want to do that.

Jamie:  If nobody and I do want you to know, I haven't even I mean, I'm only doing this for six months, a little over six months. I haven't even scratched the surface of all the other business opportunities that are available. You know, my brother's an artist and I want to help him create a digital course. An online course I was like you could do this. And so there's so much it's cheaper. I tell people all the time. It's cheaper than a semester of college. You can get an education that can lead you to so many opportunities. And it's less than a semester of college. I even made a Tik Tok video about it and showed some numbers.

Dave:  Do you have a degree?

Jamie:  I do have a degree. I didn't get it till I was 46 years old.

Dave:  do you have a bachelor's, a masters

Jamie:  bachelors in business? That's enough for me.

Dave: It's a lot more credible coming from you than it is coming from me. Because you actually have a degree I don't have a degree. So that's why I asked that question. I mean, I'm not I know my lane and coming from you. You know, everybody hears that? That's somebody who went to college and who has a degree and that's a powerful statement. I do feel a little bit guilty when somebody like, I've had a lot of young, we've had a lot of younger people who've come on and I've talked to them and of course they're in our community, but I'll talk to him on the show. And, and, you know, they'll be like, Yeah, I'm like halfway into my college but I want to drop out and I want to do this, but part of me is like, I know, I get it. Like, I understand why you want to do that. And I was like oh, you know, like, I hope their parents don't. But anyways, they're adults so it doesn't matter. I mean, they're at this point, these people are 19/20/21 years old. But in many ways, I'm actually grateful that my parents didn't go into massive debt or something to put me through college. And then I ended up not using it not saying it's not a valuable experience, but man, I some days. Thank God that I was a high school dropout. And didn’t make me go down that path of almost, you know, if we think about it, I know this is dramatic, but it's almost like a conveyor belt of human beings that are just getting pumped from high school into, you know, Junior community and university colleges all over the country. And it's sort of a system right. And and there's a lot of profit in IT people that that money greenbacks

Jamie:  Yeah. Did make you a good little citizen and don't get a nice little corporate job and put in your taxes.

Dave:  They pay some taxes, you know, because I'm almost in a way thankful that I didn't, that I don't have to, that I don't have to reverse a lot of that stuff. That is so what I'd like to ask you is, like can you give to people? What is different from being an employee to being an entrepreneur in your eyes, and what advice can you give to people about how you have to show up differently?

Jamie:  Well, you've got to show no one's going to tell you what to do. I find that with a lot of people, when they want to say they want to do this, they want someone to tell them what they want to be as an employee. You're not an employee. It is a business and this is your business. You know, one of my mentors said to me We were talking about posting because I really don't like posting two to three times a day. I’ll post two to three times a week, let alone two, three times a day. And so she said at the end of the day, it's your business and you could do whatever you want to and that was my epiphany. And so I did. Listen, social media is a gigantic pie and you can carve out your slice of it any way you want to, but only you can do that, your skills and your uniqueness. So you need to find out what your skills are. If you don't have skills you need to get some skills and how you can parlay that online, because it's a huge, huge online world out there and there's room for everybody to do it however they want to. I would say don't quit. I would say make more than one channel. I have lots of channels.

Dave:  Three different Tik Tok accounts. We're gonna we're gonna show one here and he recommends you have three. Yeah. So to say more about that,

Jamie:  Well, this particular channel was really slow to grow and I got frustrated. And so I was talking to someone that might just make another channel so I made several other channels and some of them took off and last year I dropped the other ones. I made one for the blueprints watching Mat and the blueprints Weekly. I'm in one account that I didn't even tell you all about where I never used my voice and I've never used my face. And I have over 1000 followers in that account just looking for the right product to put with that account. So there's a lot of ways to approach this. So I make three different accounts and I post listen, I repost this is this my on this account that you're looking at here? My most viewed video was a repost, I was tired. I didn't want to post anything. So I went scroll back and found a video that had 54 views on it. edited it because I use a video editor I do all my videos outside of Tik Tok re Vamped, reposted it and it's got over 200,000 views today. So don't be afraid to repost. Don't be afraid to use the same video but use different words. You really have to use your own voice at some point. You could do like lifelines where you are, you know, pointing the camera just like it's just music and you're just words. You're really not going to get my guess and leads but you're probably not going to get anything from that you really at some point are going to have to use your voice. Tell your story and do it your way and then you'll attract the people. I have a huge following and that's okay. Because you know I've seen some of my mentors with huge followings. And we're all one community guideline away from violation from oblivion. Yeah. So you need another account, just in case. Yeah, I've had the same video on one account, get a community guideline violation and not get a community violation on another account. Same exact video.

Dave:  So there's no rhyme or reason people need not freak out about this kind of stuff. You're saying now I don't want to get lost in the weeds, folks. So I'm gonna stop sharing the screen and I want to make sure that everybody's dialed in to what's being said right now. I like how you're treating it like a business. Who are doing it consistently in You really seem to understand that. A blue jay just flew into my window and is now sitting on my car you know scratching probably my these birds have no respect here in Florida. But I what I what I really notice about you, Jamie, is that you? Really don't let things bog you down. I mean, it's almost like you immediately have you ever seen an ant Have you ever seen an ad you try to block it and it immediately just tries to go another way now some animals will roll over in play dead. Some will lay down some will, you know cower back, get afraid of backup but man will just just keep going. Just keep going. And you're, you're like and and you're like, you know you just won't. So can you can you tell us more about that. And have you always been like that and how valuable is that one piece? Can you even name it for us? What do you call that? How valuable was that for? You? And what is that?

Jamie:  I have a lot of confidence. You know, I would say if you have problems with the Toastmaster so I'm not afraid to get up and talk to people. And when I started out my channel originally I was my target audience. Which was an admin assistant to high level executives. So I worked in the boardroom. You know, I was assistant to CEOs and presidents and event planner. So I'm used to running and being in charge of things. So that's where my confidence comes from. And I don't have a problem. I have a challenge and he's got to pivot. So back to what I was talking about. My first target audience was administrative assistance. That was getting me nowhere. And I've pivoted several times you can go back to my videos and see how I've

Dave:  changed. Why am I getting nowhere in law? I want to ask you that and how did you pivot so fast? Well,

Jamie:  I think because IT admins, they're interested but I wasn't really getting any leads. And I don't

Dave:  I think they'll be interested. When are they motivated? They're not. Yeah. They want security right? Like, and they're skeptical. They're too skeptical. Right? Sometimes corporate people are just too skeptical.

Jamie:  They are. I was and I did a lot of research before because I did a lot of MLMs. And I've looked at other things online. I looked at other things that were in mlms. Legendary marketer isn't an mlm This is a real education. This is a top right education that when you go to college, you're not going to get your books and all your courses online forever. That's the value that you get with this education. Is that and you can go back to the videos and watch other people and that's one thing. Watch other people in this community, get connected into the community. Watch it because you're going to attract certain people. We're going to connect with you. I'm not going to resonate with 18 year old guys. I'm going to resonate with moms, retired women and retired men. Obviously, I went from 95% women to 80% women 20% Men in my analytics. You need to learn how to look at your analytics that will help you pivot because look at what's working. Watch look at your and that's one thing you need to learn the skills back to sales that you need to learn if you don't know those skills, you need to find them. Learn them, find somebody else that learns them. And as Matt says, sometimes you just gotta figure it out. And that's

Dave:  how you really utilize the stuff because you've you've you've interacted with Matt a lot and I know where Matt interacts with our clients and that's on decade and a day that's on those Thursday blueprint coaching calls. So I can really tell also, my friends, I just want to point out that I can really, really tell that you have engaged in and actually used the resources that you paid for, you know, that are available here. And I would even bet you sound like somebody who's really used them as much or maybe more than just about anybody and I still bet you haven't tapped all of the sources. And you know, there's so much more to go through just because we're in our sixth or seventh year or something here and just all of the training that we've compiled and then sort of curated it's, it's it's a lot, you know, we try to find a balance of not just just slapping endless replays of just stuff but trying to be somewhat organized with it while still making sure that our decade and a day and our blueprint coaching program as a whole is relevant and up to date and we're actually talking about stuff that I think that's one of the most dynamic things and I'm not, you know, trying to ride the Pat us on the back train here. I can say that, I think one of the most badass things now that's a technical professional term about legendary and what everybody here has created is man we are relevant in in the know about what works actually really works for the brand new person, the average person, how can you actually get results online in in our community has tapped into that. And it's not just me with you know, up on the stage with the sleight of hand no Funds catch up. And blah, blah, blah. It's just a mess. So, what say you about the difference in I think the timing right now, you know of how how, I don't want to say easy but man, it's achievable for anybody to come on behind and get results right now and they can learn how here isn't that different than so many of the things that you've tried in the past where everybody keeps coming to the motivational seminars to keep getting pumped up to stay in but but it's just like faith, like, like, keep coming and sticking around on faith because people up on stage training all the time and you just eventually you're like, Okay, this is I gotta get out of here.

Jamie:  Well, you know, I would also say that the masterminds also help a lot. Those are incorrect, I haven't gone, I wanted to come to this one. I was kind of this one. So you know, if you have that access to that and watch those, watch the people that are successful, that will give you motivation. Right now. You know, this is 2022 We're just getting started. There's so many ways you can go and the opportunity that you can get one reason I procrastinate was I was trying to sell the materials like I will never get through all I've got to take action. And that's what you need to get your skills and you need to take action. You need to be consistent, but you can do it your way. When I say consistent, that doesn't mean posting five or six times a day. I just mean overall it's taken me six months to get where I'm at today because I'd have gotten there faster if I was posted more probably, but you can do it your way. That is the beauty of this business model is you can do it however you want to do it. But you have to show up and you have to put in the work. You have to put in the effort. No one's going to tell you what to do.

Dave:  Yeah, you can do it your own way. That's a very big difference between a lot of things that I had done in the past, various side hustles or businesses. There was always so much shame and pressure to do a certain way. And also you've I you know I know a bit a lot of people felt shame. They felt shameful because they, you know, weren't producing as much. And the truth here is that and I said this yesterday to people on a coaching call. I want to offer personal coaching here as a group coaching program and we've since we don't offer that anymore because it's the time to do it quite frankly. So I just finished up the final call yesterday from a group that started a year ago and I worked with them for a year. And one of the things that I said and I think I also said on yesterday's Wake Up Show, I said every here's how I determine whether somebody stays in my life or not, is whether when I make a mistake or I don't do what they want or whatever. Do they roll their eyes and go or do they go stay in the game and keep going like a good coach does on the side of the basketball court or whatever. And so I think the reason why I told that story. Determine whether somebody should stay in my life as I continue to become more successful is because it's also important that a community when you're learning new skills, a business community when you're learning new skills and you're starting from scratch is going to encourage you and you're not going to feel pressured or ashamed to do it a certain way. And like there's something wrong with you. If things don’t happen super fast. This is a process that each of us like you said, each of us has the freedom really to take the skills and apply them out there and in a multitude of ways. You people you can bring it on you can begin to find your own voice. You can ease into it. There's so many different and there's lots of different platforms so you can focus more on written content or sudden video content. And in there, you can find how you can live up to your potential here. You can do that. And I like how you're pointing that out because in other places that I've worked, both jobs and other business opportunities. There was a lot of shame and pressure to do a certain way and do it a certain way and when it didn't work out quickly. I was made to feel like it was my fault. And I know that members and students struggle that way. So I liked that you're pointing that out and in you know Jamie that's that's got to feel that to know that you've got both creative freedom, but also freedom that nobody's so how do you hold yourself accountable if you have all you have in your job? Know that you have it for you? hold yourself accountable and tell us a little bit about what a day looks like, just a nutshell version of you getting up and how do you integrate your side hustle into your life?

Jamie:  Well, you know, I actually would have a lot more free time when I retired and it's actually the opposite. So I write down, like okay, I look at my videos and if the videos are doing really good. I'll just let it run. And if it's not doing very kind of like Okay, I gotta make another video. So today I'm gonna make a video. And I'll work that usually, in the morning and then I'm done. I'm done for the day. I'm like, Okay, let's go. Let's see how it does for the rest of the day, or interact with people that reach out to me. You know, I do get emails when I go. You don't have different campaigns. When someone goes to a certain link, I might switch them to a different campaign. So we haven't talked about how emailing is a huge opportunity to reach out to people. So my writing skills are on point so I have no again, I've taken my skills and use them for what I want to do. And then I will get caught by other people that I usually watch wake up legendary. See what other people are doing. Go and let it go and look at their channels. Because there's so many people there's so many different ways to do it. Found myself on a search somewhere on Tik Tok. I was like it's my video that just came up with a search. I kept wondering why I wasn't where I was getting leads because I wasn't posting on that channel, please. Yeah, so don't be afraid to try something new. If you're not getting leads, and you're not getting people to sign up for your email, try something new. That's your cue. You need to try something different. And don't be afraid to try something different. Don't be afraid to fail. You know, always thinkWell, Milton Hershey and Hershey bar he tried seven seven candy companies to get it right.

Dave:  Every every successful entrepreneur has a story like that, every successful entrepreneur, you do too. You do too. You know, we love to tell stories about other people. But the magic comes when you can really look at this very moment in your life. And you learn how to tell the story. And you learn how to tell micro stories within that larger story use and you learned how to use those little stories in your content in in your so when people are watching your content they get they can get to know you and trust you it's not a mirage, it's you actually allowing people to to build a bond and a relationship with you. Because it is true that people do business with people that they like with people that make them feel with people that you know it's so funny. I have you know i i This, this Instagram profile that's just just just for watches. It's just, you know, I'm weird with social media. I'm real I haven't posted on Instagram or Facebook in like my personal accounts in like well over a year. I just stopped doing that. I just stopped posting in places that I wasn't focused on. And of course I do wake up legendary and we post on Legendary marketer in YouTube and all these other places. Those are the places that those are the places that I need to focus on boosting but but I haven't posted on my personal profiles and and but I got a little older it just has you know I follow a couple of 100 people and I just look at you know, watches every now and then but anyways, I there's random you know, I've got 200 friends and I've done I bought a few things from a couple of people, little straps, things that people make, you know, chains, things that people make little you know, things I've just I don't why did I buy those little things from people? Those little, you know, these two 200 people that I follow on this little account. I've probably spent, you know, six, seven grand on little things. And it's because I like them. It's because I just randomly found them online. And they engaged me and I liked him and I trust them. I liked their work. I was interested in what they had to say. And that's how business is done nowadays, folks. Absolutely. I'm still going to wherever, you know, large stuff like that. So I buy from regular people, and I prefer it. I prefer to buy from somebody that I can actually nowadays Jamie i you i won’t buy unless I have relationship with a with a with a salesperson at the company. For example, I was just in Miami for my anniversary and I met this this is my wife and I went shopping and we went in David Yurman jewelry place and it's a big brand but I met a lady and she followed up with me and has been sending my wife and I stuff and I got it engraved a little charm with my kid's name on it and you know she's been texting me and like it's a it's a personal like personalized relationship and I just don't think people understand how powerful that is and how much the direction of our marketplace and economy is going in that direction and how important it is to have a presence online. Even if you only have a couple of 100 or a couple of 1000 followers. You have no idea how much and what you can do with what you were just saying, you right you have a four figure income that's been created from scratch with a few profiles that have a few 100 Or a few 1000 followers on it. Right Jamie?

Jamie:  And going live. That is really how you build I get so many comments when I go they appreciate

Dave:  When did you start going live? Have you in a long been doing this all together? Remind me again

Jamie:  since October of 21. So six months to be 37 months. Okay.

Dave:  Seven months and when did you when do you? How long have you been living for?

Jamie:  I've only gone live maybe a half a dozen once a week out over a long time or I've only been going live for like six weeks. Once a week maybe twice. 

Dave:  you're finding that it's worth the time.

Jamie:  It is especially that we're going to clinics when your followers are on the best time for you to go live. And you can see when is the best time for you to go live. It's minus eight o'clock at night. And I'll get on there and obviously all these people start coming in. I'll talk for two hours. I finally have to say I gotta go, I can't, I can't talk anymore.

Dave:  So everybody would you talk about

Jamie:  I talked about the same things I've talked about here. I talked about how I freelance and how I got started. I talked about the course that I took and how the skills that I have because I'm 62 about Polish. And so I needed to have a lot of corporate skills, your business skills, zero online. And then this, that's what I loved about it gave me everything I needed to bridge my skills to bring me online to create the business I want to create. I've very, very changed my life and I'm so thankful I found the community.

Dave:  Well, that's really that's really incredible. And I'm proud, I'm happy for you. You know you deserve it. And I can tell that you're going to help a lot of people you're going to help a lot of people because it wouldn't matter what age you are. I'm grateful that that you are wanting to stick around and and you know carry this message and this information to other people Also, love and want to point out that you know, each one of us what we did leading up to this point or what we've done in the past, we can apply that person's little here. And we have communication skills, you mentioned your writing. Now there's a lot of you who are listening that have fewer to grade your writing skills compared to mine or others when you start when we started. Mine were horrible. A lot of you can write really well you just need to learn how to write more persuasively in write cop versus writing corporate emails you know but you have the skill sets there you get it, you know, a few tweaks, a few adjustments, but yet the end of the day, it's not much. It's just a different platform. Right, Jamie? I mean, it's not a boardroom. It's your room with a phone sitting in front of view. But it's still human beings who still feel the same way and react the same way like the same things, don't they? And one of the things that I like to remind people of is this is not so different than what you’ve done and it's a new thing so there's gonna get some getting used to and it's people and haven't you been interacting and meeting and dealing with and convincing and manipulating and you know, we come on we've I mean come on. You ain't you ain't to say you've been doing your thing getting your needs met your whole damn life. And now you come on here and hey, look, a lot of things are at stake. If you want to use all your skills and put them on table and when we say skills, I mean all your skills. It takes everything, don't be afraid to use everything. Right? I mean, listen, Jamie. I was I was in the car this morning with my six year old and she's she's really artistic and musical inch and she likes to dance and she likes to sing and she likes to perform right and she's really passionate and she's gonna be feelings and we were listening to a song and in the F in an F bomb came out and I had a moment I had a decision to make. Did I want to do that? I want to shame her for wanting to listen to that song or shut it off. Right? Or did I want to try to focus on nurturing the passion that I want to try to focus on? Did I say hey, look, we've already talked about bad words you know? Or or cuss words. We know that those will repeat those and you're not old enough. And when you're an adult, you say whatever you want. Okay, it's clear. So at that moment, I decided and I always tried to do this. Focus on the passion. Focus on the art, focus on what's good, focus on building yourself and others up and in you know what my hope is is that you know, she's going to turn into a child, that as an adult that in every situation she can put it all on the table. All of her past experience put it all on the table, learning how to embrace new things and my friends. This is what I want for all of you the same way as you're watching this fire and this passion in Jamie's belly and in Yes, it's new. And yes, it's awkward and yes, it feels uncomfortable. But I can assure you that you have the skills that you have the experience that you know what? There's a lot of things that you can shame and blame and get hung up on just like I could have this morning. got hung up on the F bomb and passionately singing and performing in the backseat to the song. But what I instead would invite you to look at is all the passion and excitement that you have and just keep going knowing that if you make a bad or a wrong decision. There's another decision that you take after that to remedy it. Nothing is ever set in stone. You know, and Jamie I think that you know you've. I hope that what I just said it's our interview and sort of how you also view stepping into this business.

Jamie:  It does and you just need to be you and keep going trying something new. Don't be afraid to try something and don't stop because you're never a failure until you quit. If you give up. You're never a failure. You'll never fail. Just keep going.

Dave:  Well all right Jamie we'll be watching you and hopefully talking to you again here real soon. All right.

Jamie:  Hey, thanks, Dave. Have a great mastermind this weekend. All right. Thanks

Dave:  So much. I'll talk to you and hopefully meet you real soon.

Jamie:  Okay, bye bye.

Dave:  All right, you can go and follow @mimirecommends she does have a couple of other tik tok profiles. Like Jamie just said we do have a mastermind coming up this weekend. I'm looking forward to seeing those of you who are going to be in Orlando. There. Alright, this is her first profile @mimirecommends. Then her second one, @mimimarketsonline. Our third one is digitalmarketingMimi, and then she's got a YouTube channel. Mimi makes money online.and an Instagram Mimi_recommends you can get plugged in, follow along with her journey, share, interact. And remember that you know, one of the best ways that we can support each other out there in the marketplace you know out there on social media is by simply leaving encouraging comments you know, making good are you the type of person that makes people look good? Or do you make people look bad, right? Or do you not notice people whatsoever? Do you not do not make people feel seen? One of the most valuable pieces of wisdom that I've ever received was sitting in an auditorium full of about 10,000 women and about five men. And it was at an Oprah Winfrey event. I went with my wife and she said People want to feel seen, heard and understood and that changed my life. Because in that moment, that was exactly. I was searching. I was like what really? Marketing is not just about converting people. Marketing is not just about saying the slick thing. And oh, that's you know, or all the big bait and switch right making the big promise or anything like that. Marketing, to me, is about making people feel seen, heard and understood, you know, and then putting a solution in front of that problem that they're having to God and make them feel seen, heard and understood, you know, and so, so yeah, I have no idea what the hell I was talking about before that, but that that I hope was valuable. But anyways, man, we can Oh, I was talking about supporting Jamie, in supporting other people inside of this community. You know, one of the things that you can do when you're new is you can focus on making other people feel seen, heard and understood. And when you can do that with other members right here in this community, when you find somebody and you listen to a legendary show, and you go and follow them on social media, you're building your network right here from this community. Then when you see that person's con and you're sitting there doing your research, make them feel seen, make them feel heard, support them, right. Because not only are you lifting people up, guess what, they're going to do the same. Usually some people will do the same in return and don't get butthurt if they don't, right, some will do it in return some won't. But man, you're practicing making people feel seen, heard and understood in the digital world. That's a powerful skill. It's an opportunity to both leave comments. You know, so goodwill out there. But also man, you're practicing making people feel seen, heard and understood. And I think that's just, it's not just about in other words, another point that I'm making here is it's not just about what I get from Jamie. I look at Jamie and I say Hey, this is another person that I can focus on lifting up. Right? I can. How can I add value to Jamie's life and I'm trying to add value right now to it because what she just added value for an hour here. And what I want is I want us to support her and in return, you know us to support each other. But hopefully that is a shift in perspective for some of us who think that you know, in the beginning there's no way that I can begin to add value even worse than if I'm doing things like this, they're not good uses of my time. They are good uses of your time. What's not a good use of your time is dwelling being indecisive. You know, or only focusing on what others can give to you as a business entrepreneur is about adding value to other people's lives. And you got to become a master at that. And the more that you can add value to other people's lives, the more money you will make. And that scales when you can do that on a scalable basis. So you get in front of more people, more followers, etc. Bigger list. So Okay. All right, my friends. We'll wrap up with that really powerful episode today. Looking forward to seeing we're coming to Orlando this weekend. We're going to still go live every single day and wake up legendary Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and then also Monday. I'll go from the mansion, where we're hosting the event both Friday and Monday morning once it's once it's once it's over. So make sure to tune in because I'll have some unique thoughts about that. All right, get out of here. Be Legendary. Have a fantastic day. Thanks Jamie. Again, really really appreciate it and get on out of here everybody. We'll see you tomorrow. Peace.

How To Tell If Affiliate Marketing Is For You

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave:  Hey, what's going on my friends? This is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary. Now, this morning we have a returning guest, somebody who we've actually had on the show once or twice. We have a mastermind coming up this week which is something that I'm really excited about. You know, we actually I'm really excited about this one because, you know, we've got returning guests who were literally guests at the last mastermind, who are now speaking at this mastermind and that last one was just, you know, a few months ago. I can't see the months running together for me, but whenever the last one was, I think it was in the beginning of December 2021. You know, here we are. Matt says yes, here we are. Where are we? We're so what, five months into this. I mean, we're talking about six months ago, when the last mastermind took me like five minutes to do that math. But yeah, I mean, that's pretty exciting. That's a pretty cool thing. So you know, when everybody's listening to these every day and you're wondering, where is this going? And of course, you hear from guests, you know, every morning, but also know that there's people who are coming to masterminds. There's all kinds of ways that you can engage and grow. You know, whether you're going through the challenge right now, whether you're wanting more accountability and wanting to get more serious. So you've gone with the blueprint program. Maybe you've even said hey, I want to put myself in the environment. I want to meet people I want to network. I want to just be there in person because there's a different level of learning that happens in person. You can see people for some reason, it becomes more real. And also you get to see that other folks are really actually just human beings just like you. They actually put their pants on the same exact way. And a lot of times you walk away from situations, a lot of confidence that you didn't have before because now you're like, wow, you know, there really is no difference like that. Everything is all in my head. It's just about what I believe is possible. It's just about what I believe is possible. And I'm only going to grow, I'm only going to earn, I'm only going to, you know, I'm only going to achieve what I believe I can do. If I don't believe I can do it. I'm usually not even going to give it an effort. I'm not even going to try because I'm scared. You know, so there's a there's a unique take away from live events where you get to meet somebody and just really sit down, have a cup and humanize this whole process instead of you know, it being this faraway thing with these people on video that look you know, sometimes we idolize people when we see them on video. And then when we meet them in person, we're like wow, this you know, this person is a real human being. So in other news, this weekend. Let's see here if I can actually share this we'll see. In other news this weekend, my son, my youngest son, got his first haircut, and there he is. He's doing his thing. He's taken after my dad. On the mechanical side of things there. Maybe he's gonna get into some plumbing or something like that. Who knows if he wants to. He's got a pop pop who will teach him so anyways, with that being said, let's welcome Sarah, to the show what's going on Sarah, and today everything's good.How many times have you been on the show so far? Is this your second or is this your third?

Sarah:It's my third time.

Dave:  Unbelievable. Yeah. So

Sarah:  I started this time last year, like just getting started. So

Dave:  Okay, so for those who don't know who you are, give us that nutshell snapshot of where you were a year ago?

Sarah:  Okay, so a year ago. Honestly, I had a vacation planned in July that I didn't have money for seeing these people on tick tock making money. I thought I might make an extra $500 If I do this, that honestly was my goal. I mean, I never I never dreamed it would go as big as it is. And that's this morning getting ready for this. I was just thinking I actually hadn't even started making content yet. It's just so crazy how far I've come in a year, just because of that simple decision I made to take a little course you know, I never dreamed it would be this big for me.

Dave:  Well, what does that mean? I mean what has happened over the last year is that it is big for you because I actually, you know, your last time I talked to you I'm sure you've done much more since then. So give us a little snapshot and earnings disclaimer: what she's about to say isn't average or isn't what you should expect. You should expect to get out really whatever you put in and I'm not going to do the old Well, she's not typical and you shouldn't be either because the truth is, if you know Sarah isn't typical. And I think anybody who comes in and actually even finishes the challenge is typical, because I get to see the behind the scenes of a lot of statistics of people who are just statistics, I'd never actually know who they are because they're just buying and then they don't even start or finish things. So that was my earnings disclaimer. So tell us you know what, what this big actually means? How is your life different?

Sarah:  Well, first of all, I never went into it wanting to quit my job. I really like my job. I'm a PTA. My job has meaning. Everything's good. There. You know, as far as that goes. But big for me is that I've almost doubled my income doing affiliate marketing as a side hustle. And so, you know, I see other people like you just said with your earnings disclaimer. I honestly do. This is completely a side hustle. I have a full time job. My husband owns his own business and he's an umpire and a referee. One of my kids does travel. I mean, I don't have time like this. It is totally one to two hours a day for me sometimes at the top. Honestly, I don't have a lot of time. And I've still nearly doubled or I have doubled my income as a full time healthcare worker. That's big for me.

Dave:  Just so I'm clear about what that means. You've kind of taken the same amount that you're making as a health care worker and you're making that same amount in your online business. Is that what you mean? Or you're making twice as much in your online business? Or you're not making the same amount as much in your online business I didn't like I'm trying to be to understand and I want to make sure that we're clear for everybody else who's who's watching because, you know, there was another you gotta be careful out there on the internet because the gurus and the goblins say they did a million or $2 million. And you don't well, they're you don't know what their overhead star is. And so if somebody says Oh, I did a million and said, Well, there's a big difference between gross and net and leave and ask you a question. What sort of expenses do you have on a regular basis on a monthly basis? I guess if we want to just look at it from that standpoint. So we can understand how much of that income is actually you're putting in your pocket versus is going back out into advertising or whatever like that. Are you doing 100% organic or, and I'm not talking about taxes? So everybody, you know, just assuming that you're paying taxes. What are your expenses on an ongoing basis?

Sarah:  Yeah, we for sure pay taxes unfortunately. I'm 100% organic. I have not done paid ads. I'm not saying that's not something I want to look into. When I get bigger I'm able to quit my full time job and do this full time. Also, obviously I did the blueprints which was just a massive value to me. And it's so hard when people ask Yeah, but did you buy the upsell? I'm like, yeah, and the return on investment is amazing. Like anyways, I bought the blueprints and it was great. And then I have AWeber and click funnels, and those are monthly business expenses. I don't mean, I really it's so obvious I've paid some out, but nothing like I don't pay $100 in ads every week or anything like that. I had a lot of fun.

Dave:  Yeah, I mean, most people who are probably earning what you're earning are, you know, if they're running ads, it's certainly taking more than $100 a week. It's probably taking 1000 But yeah, you have no idea because you're not you're not even you're not even dipping your toe there yet. And you don't need to be and that's one of the things that I really want to ask you is how do you decide where you put your time because what I hear a lot, okay, what I hear a lot is somebody will have a video that goes viral. It's almost a gift and a curse because now all of a sudden they've got tons of messages and comments and things that they're responding to. And now it's like, where do I go from here? You know, everything was simple and clear. Just a day or two. I was just creating content, but now I've got actual people that are responding whether I'm growing my accounts, growing my list, whatever the bottom line is. Now I have people who are noticing me and responding. So now what do I do on a daily basis with my time? Do I continue to create content and email my list at least one email a day or do I respond to all these DMS? Do I try to do both? Can you clarify that for us? What does that look like for you?

Sarah:  Yeah, so that's so funny that you say that because I have an Instagram and a Facebook that I'm not consistent with at all. But when I have like I'll post a video maybe on Instagram, let's say and it'll go viral. And I'll get all these DMS and I'm like, oh, wait a minute. I don't. I don't have time for that right now. Like so. Most of my content is through Tik Tok. Obviously that's where I get most of my organic traffic from. And I just honestly, moments when I find time to work and I am an early bird I get up early and I probably do about 20 minutes to my business and then sometimes during the work

Dave:  Like is that like responding to messages or are you creating content right off in the morning?

Sarah:  Well, you know, I've had a few Tik Toks go viral of me and my robe without my hair done. I mean, it's rough. But people respond to reality I think and that is I think

Dave:  It's almost a better word that authenticity is reality. Because it's like there is I think the funniest kind of memes or like you know, little pieces of content that go around or the Instagram versus reality. stuff. And everybody can relate to that. Like people just know when they're looking at reality and when they're not. You know what I mean? When they're looking at you've Okay, you got that's a perfect picture for Instagram. And we're all like, we know the difference though, don't we?

Sarah:  Well, I mean, it's obvious if you've watched any of our Tik Toks and and sometimes I'm like oh my gosh, I can't believe I'm even about to hit post. And then I do and there's like 6000 views and I'm like, Okay, well, people like that for some. But I tell people there's a few people that I know that if started to do this are interested in it. My best tip is to just be yourself and be honest about it. You know, and like you said with the guarantee on what I've made, honestly, it's just I've just learned what to do and I'm doing it you know, you can't guarantee that for anybody else. There's people who have started after me who are blowing my results out of the water, you know, and some art that I just take solo moments like yesterday. I did three Tik Toks while I was trying to get sun on my kids' trampoline. I was laying on the trampoline and creating content, because it was just coming to me, you know, stolen moments. That's when I have time.

Dave:  Yeah, I like that. I mean, there's, there's a need to think and I was having a conversation with Papa DOM last week. And he said that, you know, he was talking about the fact that you need to think and I could relate to that, you know, entrepreneurs, creators, we need to think if you ever think that you're going to be creative, where you're not creating space for those moments to come. And then when they do come those ideas to come if you just immediately shout out, say oh, that's stupid. Imagine saying that to you, like you are a little person as a little child. I mean, really? Let's take off the tough guy suit for a second and just really imagine, you know, and I'm doing that right now with my 16 month old son that I just put a picture up I mean, I'm being reminded of how delicate, my inner child is my you know what I mean? And I'm not going to say Let's all hold hands and sing Kumbaya. But what I am saying is, is that when an idea comes up, if we just are like, Oh, that's stupid, I'm not going to do it. Of course we're gonna stop bringing our creative mind and stop bringing ideas to the table. But I love what you said I was laying on the trampoline. I was getting sun. I was doing some self care stuff and an idea, you know, and it took some time for me to think and just or just clear my head. Sometimes thinking means clear my head. And guess what when I when you did that, ideas came in when they came you ran with them instead of pushing them down and saying that's a stupid idea. Sara and I love that. I just wanted to highlight that.

Sarah:  Yeah, also something I saw yesterday we were on a golf cart ride. And we went to a gas station and it said the sign at the gas station said, your dreams only work hard if you do an ideal market. And I was like, Well, nobody's dreaming of working at a gas station. But the first part of that is so true. Like, I had a dream that I want to take my family on vacation. I just don't want to struggle through life. And so I didn't think about it like, you can only achieve those things with some action money. And I'm not saying this is for everybody. And I'm not saying everybody's gonna make enough to do that. But if you have a dream, if you have a goal, but you're not doing anything to achieve it, then you can't really have any complaints with that. Like, you've got to have action behind your desires. That's kind of what keeps pushing me. Because, well, I've never wanted to work from home but the reality of it in my mind is almost like it's here. It's right here.

Dave:  You mean like You're like not only do you have the opportunity, it's about season or not season it but also, society as a whole is kind of moving towards that in a way. Right.

Sarah:  Right. Well, I mean, I just see it as an opportunity for me more than ever before. It was just never like I said at the beginning when I first started doing this, I never dreamed I'd be thinking about quitting my job. Ever.

Dave: Did you have any experience doing any other sort of business or work from home? Anything? No Okay. So that's why it's really a big kind of like you never imagined doing that. You know, that's, that's interesting. There seems to be a lot of people like that in our community who this is legitimately their first time. Be even starting a business having a business you know, and that's really ultimately what we're doing here. We're starting a business. I mean, throw around so loosely, you know, as if it's just a hobby. I started collecting watches and I started to trade baseball cards. You know, I started a business how do you have how although you have little time, do you treat your business like a business at home? How do you communicate that to your family? How do you set certain boundaries so you ensure that you do have that time if one day your kids are all over you or somebody? How do you treat your business like they're at home?

Sarah:  Well, luckily, my husband is very supportive and sometimes it's even, Hey, I just need 15 minutes. I need 15 minutes in this quiet room by myself to do this. It's funny to my daughter, she has traveled softball, and because I'm on takeoff, it's amazing that I have as many followers as I do. And so sometimes between games I'll be off by working on my business and they're like, can we be in your Tik Tok? It's amazing. They think it's so cool. Oh, I'm sorry. I just want to step away. Even though like I said, if it's just for 15 minutes to make time, because if not, every other parent that's listening to me is going to understand your time can just be consumed by anything. And sometimes I even catch myself scrolling through Tik Tok instead of working, you know, constantly looking at ideas or you know, just stuff I can pull from because I want to, like I do relate to most other people. But I just want to communicate to them that if I can do this they can too. I never dreamed this would be my reality, but it is. And like you just said I knew nothing. I had nothing and I just took this course and went for it.

Dave:  Yeah yeah, that's that's that's crazy. That you know, somebody from where we're in the Midwest or you from, from Kentucky, Kentucky. Yeah, I remember you telling me when I first talked to you about sort of describing your town and your upbringing a little bit and how difficult it was. How has that evolved at all? Have you people still not know what you're doing? Do they think they know? How do you handle those conversations? Those comments, those questions.

Sarah:  Well, you know, when it first started noticing that I was doing it, they would be like, Hey, I saw your tic tac toe. Those are pretty funny. Like that kind of thing. Like out there, but maybe you're

Dave:  kind of crazy, like, kinda like but almost a little shaming too and passive aggressive, a little bit too right?

Sarah:  A little bit. But I don't, I don't like to say I brag. I told everybody how much money I've made. So at the time, maybe I'd made like, you know, over a certain amount and I'm like, Yeah, they're pretty funny. It's pretty awesome. You know? So now people are like, Oh, and you can admit I need you to tell me what you're doing to make that money. And I'm like, Okay, I mean, cuz now I see that it's legit. I wouldn't be spending this much time on it. If it wasn't something but something I don't do. And I'll never forget because Matt said this in the training. If you're not a person, like if you see something come up that you don't understand, or that you're just like, I don't get this. If you're a person who would rather have somebody tell you how to do it and do it for you. Like you might struggle with this you've got to have in your mind. I'm gonna learn how to do that because I want to know how to do it. You know, you've got to have that desire not to have somebody do it for you. You've got to have the desire to want to do it for yourself. And so sometimes people ask me how I'm doing it. I'm like, Hey, listen, this is the course I took. It's $7. It's gonna teach you all about it. And if you're hungry, go for it. You know, I don't try to sit there and explain every step I took too long because they've got to have that desire and motivation to do it themselves. It's not something I can do

Dave:  Wow. You know, I wonder if you'll get to the point or if you already feel like this because I certainly do. It is, you know, I really like to prioritize my, for the people that I feel like deserve it nowadays. And, you know, what I what I've realized is that, you know, most people, oftentimes, even my friends when they're in a tight situation, you know, when they, you know, it's difficult for a person not to be selfish, you know, it's difficult for them, not to just think about themselves. And so it's hard for a friend or, you know, sometimes not to see us as like, I don't know, you know, as like a almost like a source of information or like, like, like, let me sort of, let me not now I don't have to do the work because they did or something and you know, maybe at one time like you described they they sort of laughed at you or world it and now they want to come back. And it's hard sometimes for me to know, the nice part of Dave says, Hey, man, I don't know maybe you've got you got blessed or something. Give back what you can. People are struggling. And there's another part of me that says, I don't have time for this guy right now. what the hell's values he'd bring to my life in the last five years or 10 You know what I mean? Like, I mean, people that kind of pop up or become successful, something weird in this world. I mean, you know, people treat you differently. They treat you differently and you have to protect your time and you have to protect your reputation, because people will also know all of a sudden they want to get into business with you and all this and you got to protect your reputation. It's a whole you know, you go from and it's fun, because your options now, you know, I'm not gonna say it's overwhelming. You have choices. Now you're the one with the you know, and there's pride that comes along. You know, no shaming yourself or shaming others is never going to get you you know, anywhere. You know this one thing that I noticed about? I've been watching the NBA Playoffs a lot lately. And one thing that I noticed is each and every play even when a player totally screws up the coach's job. The coach's job is to not do this. Jesus, you know, like everybody in the crowd is doing okay, all the other assholes and idiots in the world. That's what they do. And everybody does that. When you screw up now when you do something good, they go. You're my favorite person. But when you screw up, I'm telling you you can do the whole thing and relate this to life. So I'm using this as an analogy, folks. And I keep looking at these coaches. You know, players screw up, they go stay in the game. The game, stay focused. You know, that's the kind of people that I'm trying to be around. So Francis, you may be feeling shame, but hey, let me let me tell you something. Stay in the game. I mean, stay in the game. There's no shame about it. And here's if people make you feel ashamed. If people make you feel badly about yourself, that you know what I'm taking it way back to just real simple humanity. This is like just real simple human principles that will help determine whether I keep people in my life these days. If you're like the rest of the peanut gallery, and you're only when I'm helping you, But you're gonna when I don't do something that you like, I need a coach and I need my teammates even when I screw up because this road is hard, this road of success in this road of entrepreneurship. I need some people that when I screw up they go stay in the game.

Sarah:  Right? Look what you've already done. Like look what you've already done like for Francis, you bought the course so you already know that you think you can do it just keep going you know nobody's seen you not nobody in this community. And you guys I will say that for legends the community support is amazing.

Dave: I mean, you know what, there's people even in this community eventually, when we got to work with them, to just remind them, here's how we talk to our teammates. And here's how we talk to ourselves. Because I mean, it's just a big deal. It's a big deal, the strategies and all this kind of stuff that we teach in the course the mechanical aspects of this are important, but but this road of life and business is difficult and meet people in your corner and I need people in my corner, that when I screw up when it's when like you described your husband, your biggest supporter, like right, it's like stay in the game. Sara, you got this.What Would you say to people who maybe are having a hard time getting their sports spouse to support them? Would you say just make them money and helping them right over or advice that

Sarah:  You have that's hard for me to relate to because Jay has been supportive the whole time. But there are just so many people who have done it, it's proven. You know, if you do the work, if you do the time you're you can be successful you can and I have people that I know now who are doing this and when they get discouraged and just like just stick with it, just stick with it. It's proven. Just do not give up like every step is not going to help you reach that goal, for sure. And that same friend we're gonna talk about, she started because of me and Sarah, how did you do this? You jumped into this and you didn't have anybody like you didn't know anyone that had done this. You had nobody that you could speak to and say Yes, I did this and it worked for me. And I was like no, but I don't know these. See these people like because when I first got started, and I will tell you that I was all in you know, when I walked I listened to wake up legendary every single, you know And just drawing from people in this community helped me build my competence and what I can do, because you've got to have that confidence in yourself. Because if you're going out there and all you're seeing is no results because you've done it for two weeks. You just have to keep going. You know, it's gonna take more than two weeks. Here I am. I know it might be easy for people to say oh, she's just been doing it for a year. But like I've had to grow in that year to get here. You know, it's about growth and continued dedication to what you're doing.

Dave:  It is and it really it really it really takes a mental toughness and the mental strength is really what this is all about. I mean I would love to I would love for it to be just a mechanical thing like I would love it to be like is all you gotta do is is just follow steps one through through 10 and just set this up and then press that final button and but it's all about the mental toughness in each moment. You know, whether you're recording a video or whether you're getting ready to go through a piece of training. There's something that you say to yourself and there's a there's a you know, there's an inner soundtrack plays, what is some common things that you say to yourself, that are the opposite of limiting beliefs like, oh, I can or that, you know, nobody's gonna care to hear what I have to say. What do you say to yourself instead of those things in those moments where you're about to record or whatever, and you might be feeling a little bit insecure or whatever it is, what do you say to yourself to, to, to to, you know, get yourself in that mindset to do it verses to not do it?

Sarah:  You know, I just think you can't talk too seriously about it. It's funny. I just recorded a tic toc before I got on post before I edited the caption or anything and I was like crap. And then I thought oh, well, I mean, it's out there. Just don't take it to your area. You know, just let yourself give yourself some grace. You know, this experience and something I say often is every affiliate marketer everybody who's done this even you dive because you talk about it. You all start with no idea of what you were doing. You know, it's not something that or I know it's not something I was taught in school for sure. No, but you can work from home and make this kind of money. They want you to go to work and work for somebody else. So I just tell myself, you know, I've got the training. I've got the knowledge. If I don't have the knowledge, I know where I can go find it. And just don't do it, just be yourself. Put yourself out there. It's working people. You just need confidence in what you know. And just once.

Dave:  That's true, I saw a goodwill one time when my wife and I had just gotten together so I was probably 24/25 years old. And we said it was a sign and I bought it. I don't know where it is now. Maybe we must have thrown it away. I don't know where maybe it's buried somewhere but I'll never forget it. Don't take yourself too seriously, nobody else will and caught that stuck with me for so many. Until this day. It's one of the things that I remember the most. And God I live by that because it's so true. The guy who takes himself so seriously. Is such a deep being like yeah, bro, you know, it's like it doesn't matter where you're at, like, if Let's smile and just like laugh it off. And I don't know if it's really the secret to life. I feel like the people who can relax a little in like what I when I see somebody like in a real high pressure situation like like watching an athlete perform like watching the NBA playoffs and I see these these guys and WNBA in their in these moments of complete and total just, you know, for a lot of people thinking about the moment would be so scary but man they're laughing and they're having fun. Because they've they know I mean if you really thought sure you could totally freak yourself out, you know, but it's like every day, you know, it's what I do is really that not that consequential. One video, or this one email that I'm about to send is not going to shift humanity you know, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna my entire following or so I might polarize them and get more people to love me and more people to hate me and that might be a good thing.

Sarah:  Yeah. you misspell a word and and tik tok and it gets like 10,000 views and you're like, Oh, well. I don't know how to spell but people really liked that. I saw a quote one time that said Stop Hating Your Body. Nobody else does. Because I like so many talented people. Tick tock like oh man, like my shoulders look big or my nose looks huge or whatever. But really, number one, nobody else is probably thinking that number two, if they do forget, like to care. Like you've just got to be who you are and put it out. Because that's the kind of people I asked do I have to make videos which you don't see all

Dave:  Right. I mean, this is totally not a conversation. I really want to go down the rabbit hole on because it could just go in so many different directions. But one thing I will say is I know like obviously I've been with my wife for 14 years. And I mean, you know, I've heard all of the things that a woman says, and I chase her around the house now more than I ever have in my life. I mean, you know, and I'm just just overwhelmed by everything about her beauty and body and everything. And you know, she's had a couple of kids and, you know, I’m 38 She's 40 You know, neither of us look the way that we did when we met each other. You know, we're not trying that hard right now. But you know, we'll get back there. Actually, she's getting ready to go to Pilates here and in 10 minutes, so I actually got to jet soon, but man, it's amazing how critical we are of ourselves and I have no idea. Uh, you know what you experience as a woman and going through everything that you go through. I just know how critical I can be of myself. I mean, so I can imagine if it's equal or greater to that, then you know, it can be painful and they're there. What do you do? I mean, what do you do, what do you do? Do you just kind of throw, you know, kind of close your eyes sometimes like you were talking about and then you just are blown away by the feedback and that's made you kind of not care anymore. Did you? Not care? I mean, what would you say to the ladies and the guys who are hung up on body image? And you know, who really think that who really have a real legitimate fear of rejection and quite frankly, the world can be mean anyways. So what would you say to those people who are maybe somewhat paralyzed by that fear?

Sarah:  Well, that kind of goes back to what I said in the beginning. The reality of it is that most moms who are my age, like your wife, had two kids. We don't have time to go to the gym for an hour every day. I'm just a real mom. I don't have you know I don't have a Beachbody. I don't know if I'm not always well manicured. But I think people respond better to that realness. I just, I feel like I feel like people like to see reality. That's just me, like, who gets on here and it's, you know, 510 and weighs 100 pounds and it's perfect. I'm like, well, good for them. But that's not me. So I'm not going to be able to do that. You know, like, here I am. I've just made two kids crazy busy making this tick tock and the five minutes I have to do this tells you that you can do this too. You know, to me, that resonates more with me than shows other people in my situation. Wow if she could do it, so can I because none of us are perfect. And so the perception of perfection shouldn't even be out there. So it's just not.

Dave:  Yeah, perfection is a you know, it's a complete fallacy. It's a fantasy, but we love to chase it and we love to fantasize. about it and we love to romanticize it. And just, you know, will go on, it's just not perfect. I can imagine that I'm going to redo it and then you're going to redo it 100 times and you're like oh my god, this business is so hard. You're right. Oh my gosh. I mean, I take so much pride in what I do these days. You know, I just I think that's one of the real powers of going live like when you go live you will get comfortable on camera with all your you know, oohs and ahhs and arms and or whatever you do, and because you're not going to stop the live every time you'll be better not. And you'll just realize it's not that big of a deal. Nobody cares. I mean, if you're editing or redoing something, it should only it should never be, you know, because you had a human. You said a human word like ooh, or um, you know, it's, you can. The other thing is a lot of times with content, you can edit it and nowadays with the tools you can kind of edit it down and stuff like that. But are you I can imagine that you rarely allow yourself to have multiple takes just simply because of the time that you give yourself.

Sarah:  No, I don't. It's rare that I do multiple techniques. I mean, even sometimes, like when you're making a long video, I like shooting. If I erase that, I'm not going to remember what I said. Right? I mean, so if I say um, or if I look in the distance, that's just me and like

Dave:  I'm always looking in the distance.

Sarah:  Probably just kicked the dog outside and I'm like, Dude, I gotta go out there and take care of that after I make this video. Right but

Dave:  That's fine. I mean, that you're not looking right at the camera. Like, that's so natural and normal and

Sarah:  Yeah, it's not serious. It's real life. You just roll with it.

Dave:  Yeah. It's it's a skill you you know, you do have to do it. I don't want everybody to think that the way we're describing this is like you either got it or you don't know you got to do it sometimes into a place where it's not so awkward and brand new. And yeah, exactly. Just like anything. When you first you do it. It's weird and you're bad at it. And then practice, practice. Practice never makes perfect but right. That's the that's the lie.

Sarah:  Yeah, well, and then you've got to think about who you're marketing to. And you learn that and the challenge so I'm not marketing to people who already have perfect laughs like I'm marketing to the parents and the moms who are just tired and busy and if you can't relate to me being tired and busy then not that I don't want you to follow me. I don't mean that but my content might not be for you. You know, it might not, it might not be what you're looking for and that's okay. If you're looking for perfection or for something else, go somewhere else because this is just me, you know, you're just gonna get me and why do you think you got confident in who you are and what you're doing and not worry so much about the people who aren't doing that work, but people who are

Dave:  Well, what I just heard from you is clarity, clarity about who you're talking to and clarity about your message, which is so important. You're very clear. You're not talking to people at the country club, not talking to everyday people who are working nine to fives, who are essential or have just been deemed non essential sitting around wondering how they're going to pay for that vacation that they booked during the summer, right? Well, hey, listen, congrats on your incredible journey. And yes, we'd love to have you as Matt asked you sometime in the near future to mastermind in or not, you just I love having you a part of our community here and just keep rockin in doing your thing. And thanks for you know, coming on here and sharing for the third time.

Sarah:Thanks for having me. Always enjoy it.

Dave:  Alright, Sarah, I'll talk to you later. Yeah, see ya. All right, my friends. Have a fantastic Monday. If you want a text message just quickly, text the words WUL to 8132968553 and get a little text message reminder when we go live each and every weekday. I don't think we've ever missed a weekday rain shine, you know, sleet, snow, holidays or not. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. We go live with a show at 10am Eastern time. And, you know, it's just there's a lot of valuable things that I heard Sarah say was, you know, when I first started, I listened to this every day and it really helped. And, you know, success leaves clues. What are you listening to? Who are you listening to with that half hour that you have when you're walking the dog or maybe that you need to just clear your head? What are you listening to, you know, sometimes if we want to replace the soundtrack that's been playing, you know, full of limiting beliefs and all those I can send I shouldn't send whatever. We got to put a new soundtrack on, play a new soundtrack to get that brain on a different, you know, on a different path. Sometimes we need to rewire things and just be listening to different people in total immersion. That's one of the things that I agree with Tony Robbins about is that if you want to really have a big change, totally immerse yourself in the world. And when you get to do that, you have an opportunity to totally immerse yourself in this world if you want to learn it, know it, and be able to win at this game. And so we'll see you tomorrow, and we'll see those of you who are coming to the mastermind meeting at the end of the week in Orlando. Alright. Going out of here. Be Legendary Peace.

How To Grow Your TikTok account to 48k Followers In 3 Months


Dave:  What's going on my friends, it's your boy Dave Sharpe in the house. Big Friday, big Friday, coming up for those of you that are coming. See you there, it's gonna be lit, it's going to be on fire, it's going to be epic as always. For those of you that don't know, we put on masterminds a couple of times a year, for our most, you know, I guess, excited students to come and meet us and learn in person. You know, our students that come to masterminds are not better, or they're not more committed. They're not I mean, they're just, you know, they just want to come and learn in that live environment. And I think it's, I think it's, I think it's, well, from what I, from what I know, there's a gentleman named Steven, at this mastermind that is teaching Steven He is teaching, because he's gotten some degree from what he learned sitting in the audience of the last mastermind. It's unbelievable. It's unbelievable. But that's what's happening next week. What's happening this morning is that Boston jumped into digital marketing at 48 years old. 90 days later, has 48,000 followers. Welcome to the show, brother. Hey, Dave, how are you? Man? Are you going to match your age as like 4050? That's a long road. But How the heck did you manage to do the 4848 thing?

Austin:  Well, I'm now at 50.2. So I'm not going to hundreds. It's the latter. But it just worked out. And I did that, um, I tried to make it happen today. But I beat myself up by a couple of days. Man, I just showed up every day posted everyday like I was supposed to. At first I struggled. I went back in on some of the training and I'm gonna give Matt a lot of credit. Because of his little section that he does. On modeling, I think especially when you're first getting started, even invaluable, and very important. And the best way to grow probably when you're brand new. Yeah. So it's amazing, dude.

Dave:  No, I just, I'm just sitting here, you know, pontificating and just, you know, kind of thinking about how incredible this whole process is. I just came off of a decade and a day with, you know, 150 or 75 excited people who were ready to start their journey and just talked about, I've just, you know, I was I was rubbing I was I was sort of reminiscing on the past week of talking to Papa Don, who's 79 of us, and all the people that I get to talk to you, you included, I'm excited to learn about you. What did you do before this? I mean, what you know, was this, it's just incredible to me yesterday, we had a will on and he could be a computer illiterate driver, whose man you know, is well on his way to achieving his next goal, which is to emulate and eliminate it totally. Just, do you ever look, I mean, I'm saying this after many years in this industry, are you? I'm assuming you're brand new. Do you ever just sit back and go? This is really incredible.

Austin:  It is incredible. And I, you know, I've tried a lot of different stuff. And, being online and, man, I didn't realize that this was something that was possible. I know, everybody says this guy, which I wish I had figured this out a few years ago. You know, I actually remember, there was one point and it had been at the very beginning when another well known product was starting that I came across it probably eight years ago, nine years ago. And I remember seeing it and the guy was talking about how you make money, digital marketing their product, you know, be an affiliate for them. And there's you know, I don't know how cool it is to say stuff and also I'm not gonna mention the company name. But when I started this, I had a flashback, remembering that I was thinking of counting it. did. But anyway, this time, I did not understand it.

Dave:  Yeah, so you're a, you're a and of course, that's not the only option here. I mean, folks coming in, you want to be an affiliate with legendary and you're welcome to take these skills and use them as an affiliate for any company that you'd like to be an affiliate for. Sell your information or partner with somebody else to sell courses, coaching or events, you know, affiliate marketing the core, four courses, coaching events, and then being an affiliate, the four ways to sell information. And so are you still reading your info there? Are you still a pharmacist and roofing estimator and you do all of those.


Austin:  I'm a pharmacist, that is my, that is my circuitous path to where I have come today. You just use

Dave:  the word that brother you got, I'm a ninth. You've been in college for a bunch of years and have a professional job. I'm a ninth grade dropout. And I'm an internet hobo, you know. So

Austin:  That is my long and checkered history.

Dave:  So are you still a pharmacist? Are you currently a pharmacist? Yeah,

Austin:  I am. I'm in school full time. I'll go in here a little bit after I finish this word, my eight hour day, I actually just started a new pharmacy job. When I started this, at about the same time I was in the middle of COVID stuff, working at an independent pharmacy, but we were essential. And I mean, COVID made people crazy, there was way too much of it. We started, you know, having to give all those shots, and it wasn't great before and you know, just being a new job that when that stress, it's a closed door facility. And I took a little bit of pay cut to do that. And I'm always looking for other side hustle businesses online. But it was a little more serious than that. I needed to find something that made up some of that difference. And probably that's why when I was on Tik Tok, or whatever, that's probably why this Yeah, in

Dave:  marketer, who is listening? Who is listening, cuz I'm hearing something that's a that's a that's, I wonder how many other people are dealing with that same exact thing? Because listen, I know my story. And I know, most of the pains that my target market experiences, but I didn't even think about that one, really, that a lot of people are leaving their jobs? Not I mean, because of you say, stress of the job, the potential public exposure to, you know, various different all the elements out there, let's not say any keywords that are flagging videos and stuff, but the elements, right, you're exposed to the elements out there. And

Austin:  wow, man, you

Dave:  know, that's what we're talking about people who, who, at one time may have worked like yourself. In a, that's a pretty prestigious job, man, I mean, to be able to get to be a pharmacist. That's, that's a, I mean, that's, that's something that you grow. You know, kids say, I want to be a pharmacist, when I grow up, I want to be a doctor, I want to be a lawyer. But then to get there in 2020 2021, and the reality not matching the dream, right? And you're like, Wow, this is more like a nightmare. I'm willing to take less money to have less of all this.

Austin:  And it goes even deeper than that. Because for a long time, I've wanted to do something different. But I have massive student loan debt on top of that keeps you locked in without having much choice or the ability to make changes, because you have that over here.

Dave:  How do you feel about that? I mean, do you feel like that's it? Are you pissed about that? Or is that you? Do you integrate that into your content and use that? Are you able to talk about that? Or is it something that is not? You're not really

Austin:  I've talked about it and it made it a super focal point there have been some videos where I really Yeah, suppose that I've really focused on on the student loan and then it's, it's and it's not the student loan it's stuff it's the band locked in without choices, like if you if you want to own guns and do the things that you agree do. specific job and a specific time He had for a specific amount of money. Yeah. And student

Dave:  loans. My limited legal understanding is that they're one of if not the only debts that can't be forgiven in a bankruptcy. Is that correct? That is that is

Austin:  accurate. That I'm glad as I've

Dave:  I've spoken about marketing videos for years. I heard that from, you know, I'm sure I've interacted with an attorney at some point. But let me go ahead and ask a non-lawyer for legal advice. I mean, just because you're a pharmacist.

Austin:  My dad was an attorney and my brother's an attorney. So I think that qualifies me right. So, man, wow. So

Dave:  where, I mean, talk to us about the Getting Started journey of just, you know, seeing the video on tick tock, and what fears came up for you? What, what skepticisms did you have? What made you almost not follow through? Like, can you help some of the brand new people who are watching sort of just relate to billing days?

Austin:  So I don't even honestly, I don't even remember who on tick tock, I eventually really signed up for the course. It could be a lot of people. I think it's Josh's, dad, intrapreneur? I'm not sure. But anyway,

Dave:  if you're interested.

Austin:  Anyway, whatever. You know, I remember seeing that and my hesitancy was like everyone thinks like, I'm not sure that this is real. There's such an abundance of people. And then I think people get that by the number of followers that people have. And like, I don't think those results are real, or these results are distracted

Dave:  by any messages. Did you get into our Facebook groups? Or any Facebook groups? And or did you start getting pounded with direct messages from on any platforms from people? Because I did.

Austin:  Facebook has. So I didn't have a Facebook account, though. My son was born in 2018. So I was gonna spend a lot of time. Like most people, yeah, every time I

Dave:  come in, I put on, I put on the hazmat suit, and I

Austin:  log on to hear all this or be abused. But, you know, you're skeptical. Everyone's skeptical about making money online. And I knew it was a real thing. But how real is it for most people, especially with that experience, or without having a large amount of dedicated time every day? Which and, you know, so you start seeing it? Okay, maybe that's true. I started looking at things and reading things. And, you know, I kind of go overboard and research and on stuff, and I went to the Better Business Bureau pharmacists

Dave:  going overboard, and the reason not the super

Austin:  analytical, accurate, and what's bad negative press. I wasn't looking for a reason to not do something. I was looking for reasons to do

Dave:  something. And that's cool. I just want to say that there are negative reviews. And Pete You know, it was somebody's experience, if you really think about it. And you think about last year, we had over 100,000 people take the challenge. And that was just in one year, this is our sixth, I think it's our sixth year of business. And there's probably, you know, probably I could count on all 10 fingers and toes the like, and there may not even be 20 like legitimate people who didn't have a motivation and weren't trying to get a refund outside of the refund period. I mean, saying anything they could say because they didn't want to follow through with the program. I mean, think about the hundreds of 1000s of people folks who have come through and what is it the exception, or is it the rule and the exception and you match that up against just simply solicited reviews on this very Facebook page? I think we've got over 500. The statistics are there. So just not No, I'm not responding to you. I'm responding. I saw a couple of really negative reviews on these guys. And it's like, yeah, they are out there. Here's the other thing we have to learn to look out for is is this scam article a legitimate, you know, unbiased review, or is their affiliate recommendations down at the bottom of the post for their number one business? They're their number one training I mean, come on. Just read and be smart. You know, now with the bit of information that we all have about affiliate marketing, we can begin to discern information on the internet. And I really think that that's a big problem that our society has, is we really get duped by a lot of this, what is becoming real marketed kind of fake content, you know, out here on the internet that's just skewed for somebody's agenda. And right, we believe that as human beings, we do it in politics, we do it in online and a lot of times unfortunately, and, you know, this Austin, we will normally allow it to talk us out of moving forward with something and ultimately,

Austin:  you know, we're gonna go through and benefit we found

Dave:  and so I want to go back to your point and

Austin:  I knew what to look for there, something to work on, I wanted something or wanted some information that could provide me with what I needed to get started, that was generating some income, you know. And I found it, you know, sounds like good information. I found positive things, you know, I have a background in knowing kind of what to look for based on what my dad did for a living at one point in his life. And he was a corporate attorney for a very large network marketing company, a very large MLM. And suddenly, I have some really bad back sided nature of knowing that and he was their attorney. So I know what the scammy side was versus this about him for everyone who says and thinks it is. I know more about him and probably than almost anybody based on the experience I had with my dad and this is kind of one of the big things that I didn't not not not be good at but I didn't want to get involved in that. So yes it was not that it was that after that came up I knew I didn't have to tell friends and family to promote other people. This was this was 100% strength which is what I love cold market

Dave:  cold market market market I wanted to

Austin:  call not wet market

Dave:  if you heard the words warm market you're on

Austin:  right? Now you know, they're gonna get them

Dave:  in the business. They're tired is really the truth of the matter. MLM I know, I did lotions, potions, pills. I did numismatic coins. I did cell phone technology, you know, cell phone tech. Now I had a company shut down. I enrolled in the business and bought the cell phone in the company that shut down before I got the phone. I never even got the phone.

Austin:  I saw your deal. Is that the one where you had the rat put on your car? Was that right? Yeah,

Dave:  I had a patent I couldn't. Okay. I remember I couldn't afford to get my magnets from Vistaprint for free. That's why I got the mag and I would and I would leave. You know we would be going to leave to go to dinner or something like that. And you know, the truck the 1990 Ford f150 And you know we go out there and we

Austin:  hold on them in the house and grab that because the next time you Ford f150 was the signal Money Magnet

Dave:  Money Magnet but I love you that guy I got stares but they weren't of interest. They were gonna make eye

Austin:  contact. He's gonna tell you he's gonna talk to him. He's gonna get a credit card. It's not

Dave:  MLM for everybody. This is not an MLM and you know what? You really don't even this is such a wide area, there's such a wide opportunity with these skills. You don't even have to get in and promote legendary. You don't even have to be an affiliate if you don't want and

Austin:  That's what I was gonna say. I didn't even I didn't even know honestly, I started the training. I didn't even know that being an affiliate for legendary was an option. When I started the training, it was just the training. So that was it. That was the thing, because I knew that you could promote and at least promote, you know, a file. I thought it was like 600 bucks, I'm gonna learn how to do this, I'm gonna promote that, whichever, and get my 10% commission on 600 bucks and see how many times I can move back. I didn't even know. Well, and you know, you

Dave:  knew. And that was actually a really smart thought because you knew that customer because you are that customer and you just purchased. And so I assume that now you're not promoting the woodchipper you think you are doing? Make Money Online or kind of financial literacy or business content? And

Austin:  and you're I

Dave:  assume, since we're showing your Tiktok and Instagram account, have gone through some training and decided that Tiktok and Instagram are platforms, you're also going to do video content. Walk us through the kind of going from getting trained up to now putting that material to use in taking action. What's that transition? Like? I mean, I love how Brian Brewer calls it the valley or the valley of despair, it's kind of those first 30 days are tough. And a lot of people I think expect the first 30 days to be the best days of their life. It's the most fun. I'm supposed to be the most knowledgeable I'll ever be in this business. Right? And it's like, No, you're the least knowledgeable and you're the most new. So this is going to be the most difficult time of the first 30 days in the analogy that I just used in the decade and the day I asked everybody. Do you remember when you started walking?

Austin:  Everybody was like, no.

Dave:  Is that weird that I don't I was like, Wait, you guys don't? You don't remember when you restart? Whole comments. We're just No, no, no, no, no, no. And I said well, okay, do you at least believe that you busted your butt fell down, scraped your knees, elbows, forehead, had a hell of a time, probably cried a bunch. Believe that that happened? Because you've seen babies, right? Like, they fail, they cry and they get back up. And in the belief also sense, you don't remember that. You have memories. Man, I don't have any of your business, it's gonna be a little like that. You're gonna fall down and scrape your knees, bust your head in a couple of years or maybe even a couple of months. You're not even gonna remember it.

Austin:  Right? And that happened, probably to an extent. So anyways,

Dave:  I don't want to project that onto you.

Austin:  In the analogy that I used, it made me say something. And it didn't last. But that did make me watch my son grow up as an older dad. And I've made the comment to so many talented people as I watched him progress. Man, could you imagine if you could live today with the wonderment of figuring something out at that age and having that knowing how amazing it is every time you learn that. And, you know, it didn't happen all the time. Honestly, that's kind of where I am in my journey right now. Because I haven't stopped my education. I've continued on. And every day I learned something that's just like, holy shit. Like, this is something new that thank God. And a lot of that goes back to the training. But, you know, I realized every day that there's a never ending cycle of things. But anyway, they just made me do that. But back to the first month. Yeah, the first month was terrible, man, if you go back and look at my first video. Just like a robot. There's no relaxation and whatnot. And so I went back and watched some more of the content creation stuff, especially with Matt and started modeling. And I think the modeling was important for comfort and it's still uncomfortable, but it's just repetition. It's like anything else, you build that muscle memory. And part of my preparation was early on, like one of I mean, this is probably my first 20 videos I did want to post and it means it was taken off. I was watching it take off. And then it got asked for violence. And I haven't of course appealed that Nick was gone. And that really did lose your

Dave:  Did you say you lost your channel or no just


Austin:  just happened while it was floating. And actually, it just happened to me two days ago, two days ago as well. Same thing went viral and it got there. But you know it all came back. But that was the Waiting, you kind of have to like, Well, no, I'm playing against a stacked deck here. And you're not, it's just part of what's going to happen. And you have to experience that to learn that that's just part of the knocks of learning something new. And so as I have gone along, you know, I did the modeling and credit, the modeling with me made the first 1000 followers. What I have learned is your voice when you start being who you are, is going to be the content. And it may not be the content that gives you the greatest number of followers. But it will be the content that gives you the greatest number of interactions. And the greatest number of problems leads in all honesty. So I've spent a lot of time on sales, yes, yes, sales, I spent a lot of time and then I started talking. Once I started talking, things really started happening. And you run through hot and cold, like, I'll go where I do some speaking videos where I'm talking and saying my stuff. And man, I'll have so many so many views, and then all of a sudden it dies off. When that happens. Now I go back to modeling. Sometimes Tik Tok, like the modeling, sometimes it likes the original content. It's crazy, but you kind of have to flow with it. It's but you don't learn that you don't know that. So every time, you know, like, Well, this was working yesterday, this was the day before why is it not working today? And so you're back in that frustration? So you just have to, you have to be like that study that they did that gives them the marshmallow man, like, you can't just want that marshmallow right. And you've got to delay the three marshmallows two months from now. You know, it'd be the person who would have you do the incident presentation is not an issue where you're probably not going to live it forever. Yeah, well,

Dave:  I mean, isn't that delayed gratification? That's a very, very profound concept for for a market for us entrepreneurs to discuss, because it's scary, but it's powerful. It's scary, because, well, if I put in a day's work, I want to get paid at the end of the day. Right? Right. Or if I put in a past, if I put in a week's worth, I mean, you know, we have we see this a lot. And it's okay, it's not, I'm not, I'm not judgmental about this. But, you know, oftentimes, we'll, we'll have somebody come in at a, you know, a salaried position or something here at legendary. And in, they'll want to, you know, get paid the first week, and it's like, well, you know, there's there's a week withholding. And that's pretty, that's pretty standard. But just, you know, the that instant gratification of doing the work and wanting to get the instant result. And if I don't get the instant result, if my if my accounts don't grow right away. If I don't start making leads and sales, it must not. And I showed this I don't want anybody. Anybody come into the mastermind? Because I was just working on some some content in one of the slides. Can you see this? I put my glasses on and then I'll be okay. So, you know, limiting beliefs are all over the place, you know, in there's, there's there's lots of indicators. Oh, I'm struggling, I can't won't work for me. I guess that's just the way it is. It's too good to be true. Fuckit why bother? Last? No one cares. It's always happens in my family, about just how much to offer? Who would listen to me it's oversaturated these are all you know, these are all very, very common soundtracks, that play in our heads when, you know, things don't happen in that instant way. When that microwave success doesn't happen in you know, we got to you know, a lot of times we just we that's, that's the soundtrack. That's the fat lady singing It's over. When that soundtrack starts playing. in you. We all have it. It's just it made yours may be unique. And at the mastermind I left space for people who are going to work and help people identify what their actual soundtrack or the actual words that you say, because there are words that you say. They get that slippery slope of quitting, and then it really is a vicious cycle. We stopped something, you know, we feel guilty about it or maybe even shameful about it. Because deep down inside we know we didn't put forth the effort. So then we try to solve that with a new shiny thing. And we got really excited and then we started. And then that same soundtrack plays, and it's like a vicious cycle. You know, that's been my experience. Did you do you have those and we were just talking about the instant gratification thing, that's a big thing. What's coming up for you as, as I'm sharing some of the limiting beliefs stuff combined with the instant gratification thing, because I think they kind of play together. Right? For

Austin:  me, it's my, like, my motivation. My motivation is like, I want a $3,000 vacation. It's not, oh, I want this shiny, whatever they're, my motivation is I'm trying to move on, I have in my life, that's missing. out overnight, that's gonna I mean, I know my brain for me to get myself in a financial situation, that opens up my options and my choices from what I can do, I've got to do something that's gonna require some real work, put in some real effort. And it's going to take time, because in the end, I'm treating this like it is a business, which it is, and creating a business. I'm not just trying to make money, I'm trying to change my life. I'm trying to change what I can do on a daily basis, I'm trying to change my time, freedom, all the buzzwords, keywords that you see, like all the main pain points, those are the things I'm trying to fit, I'm trying to pay off student loans, I'm trying to not work so much. I'm trying to have more time with my kid as he ages, you know, my motivation is to get to those things, big things, things right now that are painful for me, because I don't get enough time with my kids. I don't get to choose when I go to work and do all those things. You know, I don't want to do that shit anymore. I want to get to a point where I'm in control. So for me, you know if that takes six months or a year, and that's awesome. And I didn't think I'd make $1 I mean, like, really, when you start doing it, I think most people think I'm not gonna, you know, I told him, I was like, if I make $1 online, it'll be. And then I got my first commission for $2.60, or whatever it is, a month later. And I'll tell you right now, that $2.60 Man, a lot more than if I got a $20 an hour, for every hour, I work to get that deduction. 16 I know, it was very, very, very important. And I'm sure I'm tired of using all my free time to do this. But it's important, it's important to me, it's important to my wife, it's important to my family, you know, I want to be more present. That's, that's, I mean, that is the end of it. I want to spend more time with all of them. And then also have the freedom to help people out as I go along. You know, I'm a pharmacist, I give back to the community, whatever, that's what they tell you that, you know, that's the deal. I don't think that work is as important as what I could do if I had more free time. Well,

Dave:  That's, that's saying something, you know, you mentioned your, your $2 and something percent commission and how it was more important than if you would have been paid $20 for every hour it took that you were working to get that and you said that that commission was really important. That first commission was really important. And I know, I know it is because I made it. I took a picture of it. And I've been there and I know how proud I mean we were just talking about my we were just talking about my truck. I was so proud that I went outside to see if I could find it here real quick. I was so damn proud

Austin:  of you. By the way, I love all your old pictures by the way.

Dave:  Thanks. This is one of my most valuable experiences. Well, I just tried to document it as best I can along the way. But you know, we talked about my truck, but this picture just completely shut off. But anyways, here's a picture of me with my, you know, some commission checks as I began to, you know, earn some commission checks. Here I am proudly standing in front of the gray beast. Yeah.

Austin:  Well, it's important because it's proof of what you're doing. And if, you know, I mean, you just need that one. It's a victory like that one victory. You know if I can, if I can make that one victory. I can turn that into several victories. Get this at this point. My base is only about this big. And so if you can understand that if you keep at it for six months Now you're going to grow that and through no fault of your own, you're going to start making more money. I mean, you're gonna make more money because you're, you're gonna grow that business that that $2 gonna spike yourself you're


Dave:  gonna do it by yourself if you have to do it every day. Well, and you know, I was reading something from my good friend Russell this morning and Russell Brunson. And he said he posted something and I just happened to catch it as I was, you know, coming on

Austin:  to our our group in our

Dave:  my show actually, I do this for every single person I coach. I don't let them have multiple businesses. They're also not allowed to have multiple funnels, they work on focus as long as they're focused on one thing at a time, and it's interesting because I mean, we're here at legendary the number one affiliate for ClickFunnels, we recently won a big affiliate contest for them and but but I have no interest in doing anything more than that, you know, just sending affiliate traffic it just is you know, our we're focused at on Legendary we're focused here on this business in you know, obviously that benefits all of our customers and affiliates. It also benefits us because it benefits me because the moment I get over here I just wonder how much money I'm leaving on the table by not having this Forex bot going over here. And not you know, learning NF T's and cryptocurrency and all this other stuff. You know, I saw a video yesterday from rapper Rick Ross. Okay. Named after famed drug dealer Rick Ross. And he made a funny video he made a video where he's you know, he's got probably a million dollars and diamonds around his neck and he's standing in the lobby of his he's standing in the lobby of his of his mansion. And he's like, Where Are y'all crypto, you know, NF T O billionaire yo, I'm out here getting real money. I'm still getting I'm, I'm, I'm a verified multi millionaire with real money that I can go spend at any store in the country. And y'all are just out here just running your mouth on you know. So say that to say that I kind of relate that video to to our business and that this is a proven business model that I when I first came on the Internet back in 2009, I used affiliate marketing, I began to sell my own information products, and there's been so many different things that have popped up that are new and trendy.

Austin:  huge profits

Dave:  go into the moon, all this kind of stuff. But what I've done is every year made my half a million million three four or $5 million a year doing the same as doing that real proven thing you know that real money not this kind of so how do you deal with distractions hot I mean you know that you need to make a major change you know that building a business cash flow money is your ultimate it's it's it's the it's the currency it's the it's the beat, you know, it's the thing that's not what you're going to talk about your

Austin:  unity wallet, which is brand new.

Dave:  Come on, you're one of the smartest guys that I've talked to in a while. I mean, you know, I've had lunch with you guys like me this week, you're a pharmacist. You started the call off with words that I didn't understand. How do you stay focused with an analytical brain somebody who, and I'm more speaking to your analytical brain because I'm a go off and, you know, I get lost in rabbit holes and stuff. How do you stay focused on your business and not start analyzing, researching, verifying and validating other things that could possibly potentially speed up your financial goals? So

Austin:  I took an aptitude test from a company When I was in my 40s, which I wish I'd done on my board when I was like 14, and one of my major aptitudes was problem solving. And this company relates your aptitudes to job satisfaction. As a pharmacist, my job satisfaction for my aptitudes was zero. So they told me, I needed to find things outside of work to satisfy that part of my brain. Oh, what is a bigger problem than doing this every day, and trying to figure out all the nuances, how to maximize every part of this business, and solve the problem of going with chocolate. That's a new Sudoku for me. You know what I mean? Like, a new world, a new world, you know, and sometimes it bogs me down, like, early on, I got my funnel up, I got everything going. And I did spend way too much time messing with the funnel, which split tested, what colors best what's gonna come?


Dave:  I just saw a comment, I gotta redo my whole funnel. Now, I just saw that comment come through. No, man,

Austin:  because I made that mistake, changed the funnel, and changed the coach. And what I was doing was avoiding ignoring my content, and crafting the skill of storytelling, creating content, making my offer more appealing, learning how to, you know, how to communicate, or this particular market. And, you know, I got caught up in the analysis and the analytics. And what I learned is, that's not what works. What works is the connection I'm making with you right now. That's what I needed to work to do all that other stuff to figure that out. Now, don't even think about that. Now, I'm on this constant quest to learn more. How do I explain myself? quicker, faster, shorter, the short content I'm used to rambling on for an hour and a half? I need to squeeze that hour and a half into this. So that's what I'm all about. Yeah, that's what I'm doing right now. I'm focusing on as poppadom as we are, we are in

Dave:  the communication business, my friend. Right, you know, yeah, I mean, you know, as a pharmacist, you're partly in the communication business as well, because you have to communicate with patients. But you know, but not as much as this honestly, in my opinion, because you have more time there to actually have, you know, you can bring in another co worker, if you're having a hard time getting the point across or whatever. And a lot of times, most people probably say no, I don't have any questions about Medicaid. I mean, I usually do so. You know, I mean, occasionally you get a question you got to problem solve, but but for the most part,

Austin:  It's a big puzzle. Yeah. So you

Dave:  come over here. And yeah, this will keep you this will keep you this will keep you busy and engaged. How do you keep it exciting, and not let it get frustrating Austin,

Austin:  because I have a new epiphany. Every day, I learn something new and exciting. Every day. It's clicked in everything else like this is this is ramping up my game with my whole life. I've had to learn how to be more efficient with my time and learn how to be more efficient with family and work. Together. And every day, I learned something new about myself on how to do that, how to create and locations like it's just, it started firing off every neuron that no hit has gone dead in the last 10 years, doing the same thing. Every single day. Like this has taken me on a whole new learning journey. And I mean, I like education, I wouldn't go back to college. Again, I spent way too much time in college. But I want to learn the things that I want to learn. So you know, that $2.60 cent that we were talking about earlier, that was my mission. That was my ticket. That was my ticket to this particular ride concert, whatever you want to call it. That man, I'm on it. And I mean, I'm consumed with it. And I don't mean to the point that I'm neglecting everybody because I'm taking that into consideration. But it's just exciting to me. Because something new that I learned today is going to translate into results tomorrow. And then tomorrow I get to learn something new again, where I get to reflect back or I get to tell somebody I'm excited to tell my wife on this new storytelling formula. We're interested in one Listen, she is so supportive, and it's amazing. But that's what I mean. You can tell right now I'm excited talking about learning new stuff. I'm learning new stuff, and it's making me money. No, I,

Dave:  I've been there in my marriage, I've been there. I mean, in everything you're saying I can identify with 110%, my wife would be non red right here if, if she was sitting right here. I mean, I've found a way to work together with her, that allows her to be in her strengths. And me to be in mine and us to appreciate each other for the differences that are strengths are because they're really different. And I really had to learn, you know how to appreciate not not being resentful because my wife was an entrepreneur. Like, frankly, if she was an entrepreneur, like me, we'd be broke, because we both have taken risks. And she's always been a steady hand in terms of what we do with our money. How do we keep it? You know, how do we, you know, and you know, a guy like me, on the loose, it's never, I mean, I'd be broken homeless in some gutter somewhere for one for my wife, probably. But I found I found a

Austin:  hack in my 30s. Because I was the same. I was all over the place. I was trying, I was done. I didn't didn't have any results. I had to be responsible for those animals for a long time, and I just needed to have something that I had to be responsible for. And once I had that, everything checked. Yeah, I can also give you

Dave:  a couple of ideas of what I'll have a couple of kids. That'll also up your your

Austin:  45. I had my first one. I'm a three-year -old running around right now. Good for you, man. Good

Dave:  for you. Best thing. Yeah, I mean, my kids, and you know the thing for me, and we'll wrap up here in a moment. So you can see you can take off. But one of the things that I've realized is that I just want to be rich, I don't want to be famous. I don't care about fame, you know, I wouldn't even care about being rich if it didn't equal freedom. So let's just put that out there. It's not materialistic for me. I could care less about material. I like watches. I really actually do like watches. But I mean, that's the only thing I have one car. I don't have a garage full of cars. I don't have a reasonable house. We love our house at home. It's in a mansion. But we love it. And, but I don't care about fame. I want to be one on one. I want to be traveling based on age. By traffic strategy, I would be but do you feel that same poll? Are you? Do you feel like hey, I want to get out there and get, you know, get my kind of run out a little bit of limelight and get out there on some stages and do that kind of stuff? Or you look into Are you like, hey, working from the internet, at home or wherever and I want to be with my family? What is your goal around the fame aspect of things, they know that the money equals freedom for you. But Limelight exposure, those kinds of things.

Austin:  I don't want any of that. I don't want any of that. You know, I'm the guy at the end of the road that all the neighbors avoid. Not because I've done anything, but because that's the time I've put out because I just like to be left alone. You know, you know, I mean, and that's it. You know, it's nice, but I'm appreciative of this opportunity to be here. And, you know, early on early on a month ago. I was like, man, it'd be kind of cool if I got on that show. And

Dave:  just right, crawling, crawling and crawling, and now you don't even remember it. I mean, my story.

Austin:  Just absolutely. So, you know, I'm like you, I just want to be here and my family thinks with debt. It's things like do I drive and you know, continue, I mean, I could afford to drop pretty much anything I wanted probably. And I drive a 10 year old expedition with 140,000 miles on it. And I love it. That's the car that I had. My wife has a nine year old Jeep, you know, we you know, I don't have any material things that I just want time with my family and the freedom to make choices. That's it. I don't want anything. The thing is I am no longer.

Dave:  Am I anymore, you know you can buy the same. You can buy same folk, you can buy time,

Austin:  and that's the time thing for me. It's more urgent for me. I want to be 63 years old when my son graduates from high school. You know I feel like I didn't have my dad for a long time. He died when I was in my mid 20s. And it's been a crappy 20 something years without him. Yeah, I wish I had more time with him. I don't know, my son is always gonna feel that way after I've asked whatever. But I want there just to be this just huge encyclopedia in his brain of all the amazing.

Dave:  You know? I know. We're talking about

Austin:  got a huge screen right here.

Dave:  I won't take it. I won't turn the whole computer around. But every time a really cute picture comes up, I send it to my wife. But, you know, I mean, you know, the kids, they are looking at his face. I mean, that's my, that's my son and daughter, my youngest. But yeah, man. I mean, you find your pain points, and you let that motivate you folks. I mean, it works the same on you, as it does on the audience. I mean, instead of, you know, hyping up all this BS, you're traveling the world. And, you know, I mean, I think traveling is cool. But honestly, I get sick of traveling, sometimes I just want to be home, go home. I mean, I know. Like, I know, a couple people who want to just do nothing but travel all the time. Like literally I know, like one or two. But most people want to go on vacation. And they want to come home, and be in their home, with their families, in their routine sleeping in their own bed. And that's what heaven is to me. I mean, he's writing right in my own backyard, and he's running around, usually come home finding what is motivating you. And as you heard, you know, sometimes you just have to look around and be honest, like you did and say, Hey, I'm an older dad, and I got less time. And also got some painful memories, that I'm using all that stuff as motivation to be the best version of myself right now. And give it everything I've got given a good honest effort, and effort that I will be proud of an effort that my son would be proud of, you know, an effort that my father would be proud of those kind of, like, that's where you find deep and I just got goosebumps saying, you know, I mean, that's where you get that. And for me, my motivation over the last decade plus has really never been to become rich. It's always been to make my struggles in my mess. Not in vain, make it worse, something, turn my mess into a message turn my all these unbelievable difficult things that happen in the UK, quite frankly, in some cases, I'm still

Austin:  mad debating for myself,

Dave:  you know, just that piece alone. See, we just, I hope this weekend, since we're doing this on a Friday to one of you can spend some time marinating this weekend on what really, you know, it we were talking about MLM, earlier, they always say, you know, find your why and there's all the picture why? There's some truth to that, you know, as high up as they may get in sometimes as there's some truth to that. And it doesn't matter whether you're starting a gym club, whether you're starting a new business, I mean, honestly, if it's going to be two different mindsets, but really at the same time. You know, it's, it's, it's how you do one thing is how you're going to do everything. So even if you have a job right now that you suck at it, or that sucks, and you want to don't just crush it with your business and do a shit job at your job. Because how you do one thing is how you're going to do everything. And the other thing that I took away from what you said was, if you want big change, it requires big commitment. It's not going to be a big change from MIT. This just changes, I need to be willing to make big sacrifices, big commitments. And it's probably not as hard as you think it is. If you just get through that first few weeks of really, really uncomfortability that we know, the uncomfortability that we talked about.

Austin:  Yeah, and even to

Dave:  the point to where you don't remember some of those most difficult moments, right? Just like When we were walking, so, hey, man, thanks for your time and thanks for being here. And, you know, from pharmacy to digital marketer, man, I mean, you know, what a what a interesting journey that your life is taking, and who would have ever think that you and I, you know, paths would have crossed one day, the pharmacist who's you know,

Austin:  you know had a day wasn't always a pharmacist

Dave:  there's a story prior to using that and your market and I mean it's a good it's a good you are right. I mean, that's a good angle. It's like, hey, look, I'm the pinnacle of what you know, people, you know, strive for and in our world, at least and in the field I don't know, you find the message. Did you find that? You know? Yeah. We'll keep it up, brother and come back to see us. Okay. I will

Austin:  be back and, and anyway, have enjoyed it. Thanks for the invite.


Dave:  All right, man, we'll talk to you later often, but I do appreciate it, like, All right, go and check them out. Austin, J. E, official, Austin, J. D official, all right. Friends, a lot of nuggets in that a lot of nuggets in that conversation there with a man who knows what he wants and I believe is going to get it. When I see that look in here that type of talk from somebody. I know that that person is going to be doing big things in the future and and I would just invite everybody to go back and listen to the way that Austin was talking about the commitment the focus, you know, matching the change that he wants with the commitment levels, I mean, it was a there was a lot of nuggets dropped. you have time this weekend and catch up on the other episodes that you may have missed this week. You can check us out on all the major podcast platforms YouTube, you can listen to the replays right here on this Facebook channel. Get on out of here. Have a fantastic Friday Be Legendary make this weekend count both with things you need to get done with your business but also with time that you need to take to spend with yourself and your family. Get out of here. Peace

How To Become A Savvy Digital Marketer In Just A Few Months

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: All right, my friends. Let me ask you a question. This is Dave Sharpe on the hot seat. Good morning. Have You Ever Have you ever said to yourself I'm computer illiterate I'm not I'm technically unsavvy. I don't have the computer skills to be able to do this to get this done. Well, today's guest said the same exact thing. And quite frankly, a lot of times we say things and they're not even true. This may have been true for this guy. You know what I mean? Let's find out because that's not the case anymore. He's now succeeding and thriving with his digital business. Let's find out how he did it. Will, welcome to the show, buddy. Hi. How are you man?

Will: I'm doing great.

Dave: Yeah, nice to Nice. Where are you calling in from

Will: From Edinburg, Texas.

Dave: Okay. Nice. Nice. So completely computer illiterate hmm. And, and that was about four months ago. Now you would say that you are still computer illiterate yet having success or you're not as computer illiterate anymore in your head. Tell us a little bit about the story and what's happened over the last four months?

Will: Well, I just started off like Not, not understanding anything. It was basically going starting from scratch. I haven't touched a computer in many years. So I just started you know, little by little I take little pieces of information and I'd apply it and learn it and then move on. To the next step and, and eventually the little bits that I put together turn into you know, more knowledge.

Dave: Yeah, yeah. So what did you do? What do you do besides this? Can you fill us in about who else will be and why you were motivated? To want to come online and earn extra income?

Will: Well, I've been a truck driver for 18 years now. And I started as a factory worker back in the 90s. And you know, the factories were closing down and moving to Mexico. So my factory moved and I needed to figure out something to do. So it was easy to get a license and start driving a truck. So that's what I did, you know, on the money, but I never wanted to do it. It was just that I was forced into a situation. So over the years, I was always looking for a way to get out of truck driving, because I never liked it. And turns out, you know, I came across the legendary 17 years later, and that's when I was like you don't want this. This could work. This is something that I need to focus on because this can change my life. So that's why I went ahead, you know, did it.

Dave:  So have you seen other things over the past 17 years? That I mean, what was it about Legendary you think? I mean? Because there had to have been other things that you may have heard or seen or that have come across your desk or phone or whatever, what was it this time? Or was this the only thing I mean how have you pretty much been offline, if you will for 17 or 18 years or whatever and in kind of you just now came on social media. It's like I'm just trying to connect the dots about also what was it about legendary that that converted you if you will, from offline to online.

Will: You know, I spent most of the year doing anything online that was just, you know, political, it was like political stuff. Never really focused on anything with business. Until I got into TikTok. And I fell in love with the business side of TikTok and that's where I started realizing that there's a bigger world out there than just, you know, finding a job, because that was what I was. focused on finding another job.

Dave:  I love this. It's so simple yet powerful, right? You're conditioned to just go find another job in you stupid effing app and now all of a sudden it completely you know you start seeing somehow, you know, as, as most of us do, you start getting fed that kind of, you know, business or, or financial or investment or make money kind of content because there's a lot of it and, and you're going hold on wait a second, you know, as you're literally just looking for a job that your brain is being opened by these little 15 second videos about the possibility of working completely for yourself online in using the internet. Is that kind of how it went down? 

Will: Yeah, yes, absolutely. Yeah, it was like opening a box. 

Dave:  What even made you get on TikTok I mean, was it were you just you had your you had kids on it? What even made you download the app? And were you a big social media user before that?

Will: Yeah, I would just scroll you know, Facebook, that was my only social media. And there was just mentioned to me one day, you know, hey, you know, like ever checked out TikTok. And it took me a while before I decided to download it. And, you know, when I did that, that's when everything. 

Dave: That's crazy man. So, you come across this legendary, you know, what are they? What are these people talking about? And you watched the 20 Something minute video that explains what we do our challenge you enroll and you begin this process? What about the initial video even maybe before you bought the challenge or the videos in the challenge? I mean, what really made you believe hey, I can do this. Did you look around and see other people? What it was was that you began to build that belief back when you were watching the initial TikTok videos. Tell us where you built your at least confidence if you're still somewhat computer illiterate because I know you it's only been a couple of months. I don't know how long I've been doing this but I'm not over. I still hunt and peck for Christmas six people. I can't even look at the keyboard and type fast like this. I can't do that. I actually have to look at the keyboard now I can write some some copy I can i i have figured out and you know what I could have gone and take some classes people I do want to throw this out there I in the last decade I could have gone and taken some some classes to learn specifically how to type. And I still might do that because I like to grow. But what I'm saying is, I've been doing this for over a decade and I'm still computer illiterate. What really converted you to build your confidence to make you smile. Think to yourself, at least I can do this.

Will: Yeah. In the beginning. Of course. Like a lot of people you're skeptical. Any question or abilities, a new question Is that real and it's too good to be true and like in October of last year is when I actually got into the program. But I didn't. I didn't continue with it. I stopped because I was questioning everything. Gotcha. Well, I continue to watch this person I came across on tick tock was Calvin. So I continue to watch Calvin and all his lives. And he's the one that really showed me like okay, you know what, this, this is real. This can actually happen. And I went right back into it and continued to finish the 15 days and then i Then I had another roadblock like okay, you know what, I need? Money. Everybody's question is money. How am I going to get the money? Well, I had to realize that instead of telling myself that I'm broken, I don't have the money. I need to find a way to get the money so that I can start this business. And I just did it and I took action. You became resourceful. Right instead of complaining about your resources.

Dave: Which we've been doing all of us in any area of our life whenever we really want something. I don't know a human being unless they are in a cage. That does not ultimately get what they want. If they don't stop trying. And I'm talking about if a human being wants a Big Mac, ain't nothing gonna stop that person from going to that McDonald's. If a person wants a lot of times, if a person wants enough we're gonna pursue them until they get it right. I mean, a lot of times or else I mean, I know some people that get thrown in jail for God's sake, right because it became creepy, but they tried. They gave it they gave it hell, you know what I mean? But, my point here is that what I'm hearing from you is a couple of things. I'm hearing one other thing that really stood out to me is the fact that Calvin Hill practiced good old marketing. And what happened was if we can just go back and dissect a little bit of wills conversion point, right. You became converted, I was like, Well, what was the magical thing that made you convert and believe that all this stuff and you're like, Well, you know what? I initially spent a couple of bucks and didn't believe it and then I kept getting follow ups re-exposed by a marketer. And I just so happen to be on TikTok and I watched one of his lives. Look, we got 200 Nate people right now. Are you all here on what we're talking about? Because what will be laying out is how Calvin has made multiple six and seven figures in this business over the last year or so. Okay. It's called riq. Here's what it's called. Get up every day in the market. Yeah, that's it. I mean, it doesn't sound like you and I are about right here in terms of our computer literacy, and probably just good old blue collar boys. But here's what I do know: that if I get up and I mark it every day, seven days a week I have something going out on the platforms that I'm marketing on. I got a good chance to convert some people because I'm not going to probably hit the first conversion. That's okay. But like what you just said, You're caught alive. You caught what he was doing and it was probably just holding his phone up to the computer just to shut nothing fancy. He probably had a little slide or maybe even a little piece of paper. Maybe he was explaining, you know, something like Well look, Uber is kind of like a big affiliate marketing company. They connect people. I mean, that's a great, very simple example to explain to people kind of, you know what affiliate marketing is like, you know, it's like Airbnb. You don't own any of the stuff, you just connect the people who want the service or have the service. Same with Uber. And so Calvin simply instead of and here's another thing that I want to point out because I want to ask you about you creating content and marketing next but what what Calvin what Calvin did was nothing magical thing that anybody out what Calvin, the great Legendary Marketer that you see out there who you're enamored with, and you're saying, wow, they must be really different. I mean, they really know some No, they don't. They're just, they went there and got a cool education. There every day. Every day did you do something for your trucking business? You know, when you were driving a truck? It wasn't like you took days off and we're just like, hey, what know your ass was on that? Seat putting in miles aren't up? Because I know because I read your thing and time is your biggest why? So you spent a lot of time behind that wheel. And you know what? The same thing applies to folks the same time that you put in your gob. You have to put similar time in your business, at least in the beginning. Owning your own business doesn't mean you work less. It means you can make more. That's what it means. It doesn't mean you can work less. I mean, you might eventually get to a place where you can work less but in the beginning, it will be Who of you to at least match our first sense it completed. Well, you've already proven that you can work that many hours anyways, you know, so going back to Calvin and how he converted you which was you bought and then were skeptical. And Calvin being an affiliate and Calvin is a pretty well rounded marketer. He's got you know, he seems to have quite a bit of things going on. But still, he is an affiliate for legendary and guess what, I'm sure when he reengaged you there's a possibility you went and bought more. You bought more training, or you bought more this happens all the time, whether you did or didn't. There's a possibility that you went and you bought another product, and in that case, Calvin reengaged you to then go buy an upsell or to to buy more education or or maybe now that he's converted you now he's making other sales from sending you emails about other things. The point is, is that if Calvin would have just said oh, I'm not going to do live because I'm uncomfortable. I don't know what to talk about. Or I'm not going to follow through. I'm not going to create content on a daily basis. No,  he would have none of this. You wouldn't even be here.

Will: Probably. Right. Yeah, probably wouldn't be.

Dave: Okay. So everybody looks at somebody like him and says oh, you know, he's so and he is good at creating content. But you know what, it's because he's fixing his time and he's still putting in his time. It's kind of like he's still doing it. It's such a magical thing to talk about. Right? Well, because it's not as if I'm talking about somebody. These marketers are still out here because it's the name of the game. You're still always creating content just like Papa Don said yesterday when I'm writing, speaking, and filming. I'm making money. Anything else is probably busy work, but I'm making money and guess what Calvin still does? Writing, Speaking, filming, making money so so Will, what did those first beginning weeks look like in terms of you getting out of learning mode and actually transitioning to action, which is a difficult thing for a lot of people to do because learning is really safe. And nothing can really happen to me when I'm just learning. But then when I go to take action and actually start my business, that's when the rubber hits the road. So how did you transition through that period?

Will: You know, I just had to dig deep because I'm an introvert.You know, when it came time to decide, okay, this is it. This is the time. I just had to suck it up and get it done. Really, and pushing the button to send that first TikTok. Really was a relief because I was like, I did it. I did it you know and then I realized, well, nothing bad happened. Nothing happened to me. I'm okay. So let's do it again. And again, and I just from that point on, you know, I broke the ice and I just kept going and it got easier after that. Then it's kind of fun now, to make really

Dave: That's how all fears work, isn't it? I mean, nothing is ever as scary as we make it out to be. You know, in time after time in life. I've had that very same thing happen to where I made it out to be a nuclear explosion. If it was going to happen if I did X, Y and Z and then I do like I'd expect to get laughed at or you know, whatever my fear was, I was talking to my my, my my daughter yesterday and she was talking about getting laughed at for where it's I can't remember what it what it what we were talking about. But it was just the fear that this general fear she had was like, Wow, where did that come that it's almost like it's a natural thing and then maybe we see one thing or one little thing happens and it just ignites that fear, but it's one that follows us throughout life. It's that fear of rejection or that fear of criticism or that you know, fear of just getting made fun of and I think it's a really Elementary School fear that probably happened to them. They're all of us. We got laughed at at one time and we were like, Oh, that hurt. I'm never gonna let that happen again. And it's like, you know, some of us you know, I do believe in personality types but what you just you know, and that were extroverted, introverted, all that stuff. I do believe in that but I also love your story about overcoming fear because it's such a simple one. And it's the only way to get through it. There's no way around it right. We didn't. I didn't send you a secret email and say, I just wanted to let you know this is how not to have any fear through this program. And I'm just giving you this secret. Well, I'm not giving it to anybody. I didn't send you that email. You know, your answer was something along the lines of I just did it and had to get through it. I had to get uncomfortable when I came to do this and am unwilling to go through that 10 to 30 ish day period, where things are really uncomfortable because you're brand new. How many people will bury their dream of their business? Do you think we'll bury it in a nice little grave and put a tombstone on it? Who could have had success like the percentage of people who want to do it but let that fear stop them? What would you guess that number is?

Will: It's got to be pretty big. I'd have to say percent at least. Wow. Yeah, yeah. There's, there's a lot of people I talk to and I don't make videos is one of the things that they talk about, like well, I want to do what you do, but I don't make videos. You know, I don't. I don't like to get on camera, and there's quite a few that do. And they're the ones that admit the fear. There's probably no more than that. I mean, they're just gonna come out and say this just in their mind that they're gonna do it. 

Dave: Yeah. Well, I'll tell you what I mean, you're not only crushing it on tick tock, but you've also monetized yourself on Facebook. Is that right to where your reels are actually now and have become another stream of income for you. Can you tell us about just you know, how you've what it's been like to market first on the platform that you originally were just a user of? So you went from consumer to creator and you find yourself over to Facebook reels where you just repurposing content and then it took off, talk us through a little bit of your content strategy.

Will: Yeah, well, I started on TikTok, and TikTok just seemed to be the place to be and I didn't repurpose any videos for a while. I was just doing TikTok. So yeah, it wasn't repurposing anything but you know, going through the morning shows and you've talked to people and they'll mention repurposing so I you know, when I got to start doing well, I started repurposing kills in the real world and just blew up. That's where I started getting all my traction. TikTok was where I had its moments but really didn't do a whole lot. But the reels just exploded. So I just started expanding on Facebook. You know, I got a group and a page and you know, now my Facebook is just killing it. And yeah, I'm getting monetized on my real thing too. 

Dave: What do you feel? I mean, are you Billy badass over there or what? I've been holy shit you go from not knowing your ass you know from a hole in the ground and now you're monetized dominate crushing it on Facebook. I mean, what the hell?

Will:  Yeah, that was completely unexpected. I never thought that, you know, I was going to have that much success on Facebook of all places. 

Dave:  I mean, did you think that'd be an easy success in general, though, I mean, you know, Were you one of those guys who came into it. I believe. I believe I'm gonna succeed and I can see it, or are you one of those guys who's like to pinch me. I can't believe that this has actually taken off the way that it is.

Will: A little bit of both. Whenever you start something, you have to have some sort of belief. If you're questioning if you're not a fool in, then you're probably not going to succeed. You have to believe that you are going to succeed in some fashion. The surprises like with the Facebook thing, that one is kind of like wow, you know, I never expected that. But I didn't believe I was going to succeed all along. I just didn't know how well.

Dave: So are you going back to trucking?

Will: Well, I still drive. Still drive. Yeah, I'm in a situation now where I can drive part time. So the first part of the week, I have to go and then the second part of the week, I can focus on my business here.

Dave:  And it's not like if you had to if you were a truck driver, if you had to continue to do this side by side with driving trucks. It is very doable. That is actually very doable. And clearly you've got yourself in a position. How have you gone from full time to part time is it because hey, now I've got income coming in, and I'm eventually going to take that part time. Down to no time over there driving.

Will: Yeah, that's pretty much where I am. And I'm, I guess, in a unique situation where I don't drive for a big company. I left the big companies and my brother in law has a trucking company. So I work with him and he allows me to have that freedom, which is really good because then it frees up some time to do what I need to do.

Dave: All right. So let's you mention what he and any other of your family or friends think about what you're doing and or do they even know. 

Will: They know but I haven't gone into a real in depth explanation, because they really don't understand.

Dave: Right, right. Well, it will neither do my friends and family after you know, after 12 or 13 years or whatever the hell they're like still don't they? I got family members now we're just like, hey, how are you doing? Nice to see your business. They don't. We don't even talk about the details because for whatever reason, you know, it's also difficult for people I want to. I want to remind everybody listening, it's not just this business. It's hard for people to understand there's a million industries in jobs out there and businesses that if you tried to explain what it did, the majority of the population would still be confused. So I do want to dispel that myth. The only thing I mean if I tell somebody hey, I'm a truck driver. Yeah, okay. That's pretty simple. What I do nowadays is I tell people, friends and family that I'm not prospecting them. i i Actually at this point in my life, thank the good Lord. And, you know, because it was a long, hard road to get here. I don't even talk to my friends and family about what I actually was like. How do I do this? When is this gonna get easy? And now I just don't ever even bring business up ever. And if somebody asks me what I do, I say, Well, I'm in real estate and I'm also into online marketing or E commerce. E-commerce is a word that a lot of people think they understand and know what it means. So sometimes I'll say, I have some real estate and an E-commerce business and they're like Oh, nice, nice, nice, nice game, as if they know, but they don't really know. You know, but, but anyways, so your friends, they don't really understand either. So you're not doing a whole lot of explaining right now.

Will: No, not now. In the beginning, I was really excited and I would try to explain to him you know, like, what I'm doing and what I'm into. And yeah, I just gave up on that.

Dave: When we think what we're doing is like the most important thing in the world when we first started and that is how a lot of us get let down. You know because we're like, oh my god, we're good. What I'm doing. This is the greatest opportunity, this is the best thing in the person is just like, don't give a shit. It looks like a school is a scam. You know, they just say whatever they say off the top of their head. You know, and then you're like, you know we're all hurt, you know, because our fans just don't even bother. Let me save you new people. Don't even bother, right waiting till you know what you do. Buy something nice like a car or a nice watch or something and then people will be like, hey, what are you doing and just be like, on the side, you know, just some investments just aside because you know what, because nobody ever even believes that you have a business or that you know, you're going to be doing anything until you actually have physical things. Money doesn't matter. You can earn all the money in the world, but your friends and family won't even begin to believe that you're actually a real entrepreneur until you start. Wait for this one, buying depreciating assets. Which is what impresses the masses.

Dave: So, what is next? Where do you see yourself going? You know, the rest of 2022 What are you just trying to kind of dial in your content? Are you trying to grow your list? I mean, are you just hey, I don't know what the hell I'm doing next week. But today, I know what I'm doing. Like, kind of how are you approaching? Are you approaching things right now a day at a time or have you begun to look into the future and say, maybe, you know, maybe this is where I want to take this.

Will: Yeah, I pretty much day at a time. I have difficulty trying to plan simply because of my driving. Because sometimes it may take up more than just a couple of days. So I just tried to plan for the moment but right now I've gotten this so let me see what I can get done in the next few days. And I know the ultimate goal will not be the ultimate but at least a year from now the goal is to quit driving. By this time next year I want to not be driving anymore and that will be 100% full time. That's my main goal.

Dave: You know how reasonable and doable that is, man. Like seriously, if you came with some real bullshit, you're like, hey, I want to be making a million a month by an x out event like we'll come on. But, man that's a realistic goal that can not only absolutely you know happen but what I've what I've seen happen with me and I've said this before, is that I've really short changed myself on what I thought was possible. You know what I mean? Like if it back in that's the reasons why us as marketers make a mistake when we talk too much about what's possible, like in like you want to zero in on a result instead of just selling a product like, Hey, this is a bottle of water and it's got really awesome packaging, isn't it pretty? And it's got water inside that you can drink versus you're probably really thirsty right now. Right? You've probably been talking for a little while here. Well, and your mouth is probably pretty dry as and feel that right? And that that kind of sucks. When you're talking and you've got an interview and you're in your mouth. And you know what this right here will do? It'll wet it down and make this interview so much easier for you to finish. So here would you like this just 50 cents a drink? Right? So I'm single. So what this will do for you, but did you notice that I sold it from the place of a pain point, rather than then selling like you know all of the glory and all of the things that this water is going to do for you to make your life better. What this water is going to do is going to take your pain away. And you know, how could I know how could a prospect who has who's in their pain be really thinking about all of this, you know, all of this basically this ecstasy that you're trying to sell them at the end of the rainbow. They can't even you know, and I see a lot of people selling make money online and or business, your finance stuff and they're like, What kind of car do you want to drive and you know, how many square feet you are and it's like man, they can't they're not thinking about that. They can't think about that right now. They just want the pain to stop. So they want to stop answering to a boss they hate. They want to stop being away from their family for 100 hours a week. They want to stop, you know, feeling like they're throwing another decade down the drain to somebody else's dreams or whatever, you know, whatever the real pain is, that's what is going to motivate somebody. And so you know I thought that when I asked you to look into the future, I thought that was kind of a cool point that we both made without even trying which is sometimes can't look into the future. And we've all and we're the marketers were the ones who are marketing and sometimes it's difficult for us to look into what we want in what you know. So market to people's pain points. That's what you need to get good at talking about. That's what you need to get good at speaking to. And also I want to throw this in because I see a lot of like, like guys out there who just don't get it because we're not emotional beings. You got to insert that with some empathy instead of arrogance into Don't be the guy who's like, do you hate your boss? Are you tired of talking down to people, connect with them? Be like I've been there. That's when you tell your story. When you line up a couple of pain points just like I did. Hey, do you hate your job? You're tired of working for somebody else's dream you're tired of, you know, being away from your family. While I was two I got it. I would lace up my construction boots early in the morning and not come home until late in the afternoon. Sometimes in the evening. The most I could do was to eat dinner and then go to bed. I was not spending time playing with Mike. Right. So now I'm telling my story. And then I transition into the solution. What it was like what happened, what it was like now or what it's like now and you know again I've told everybody where I learned that formula. I mean, I learned that when I began telling my story in 12 step recovery and it still is such a powerful way to connect with people. And what do you mean is that you are using some form of that? Or is that?

Dave: How have you taken your ideas and turned them into little 15 second videos that actually work? I mean, are you doing most of your content by talking to the video? Are you doing a lot of the texting and not really talking? And what comes up for you as I talk about dialing in your your messaging to people's pain points that you know have you noticed that your content takes off more relates more when you do that when you tell your story or are you are you finding that that people want to talk about Lamborghinis and Rolls Royces and mansions and dream about those kinds of things?

Will: No, yeah, you have to touch on the pain points and I tried to focus on that. And I've noticed that maybe it's just the way I speak or just these talking videos but those don't do as well. Whenever I try to do a video where I'm talking about something it doesn't work as well as me just I could just be looking in the camera and shaking my head but text way better blows up.

Dave: Yeah, I think that is because you know, you got to think about folks and this is one this is a this is a nice one of our man what's going on my brother he says this is over delivering million dollar coaching session going on right now. And it's true. I mean, will your business take a major step when you were just listening to the Wake Up Show and decide, Hey, man, I need to start repurposing so you'll be amazed. That's why I like these is because there's no plan but when two marketers get together and start and two entrepreneurs start talking, you know, ideas come up and we can talk about what works and what doesn't and that's why these are so powerful but I was gonna touch on something there that you were just talking about. What did I just ask you? Oh, about my wife's laughing at me. Well, I got I got I got so you know, I got so full of myself about how great they started ranting about that I forgot what the video is talking about versus versus what I was going to say was this is another million dollar that's what I was gonna I was gonna I was gonna put a price tag on what I'm about to say. That's the thing that marketers do. You put a price tag on what you're about to say, giving it more perceived value. So let me give you a million dollar nugget. Right. See, see how that works. Leaning leaning, but you get ready for this one. No, there really is one. Think about the end user and how are they interacting with the content? Where are they at when they're watching it? Do you think that they're in a quiet room and they can play their speaker up as loud as they want? Because they're probably financially free and at home all day. This guy the one that no, they're, they're in a cubicle, or they're you know, sitting in line at the DMV, or they're in a restaurant. You know what they're doing? They're scrolling. And the ability to read the text allows them to be on the app when they're in the middle of class or their job or whatever. So that's another thing is that you know, one of the reasons why I think this style of content has absolutely taken off is because we're now delivering the best of both worlds and in TikTok really, really kind of perfected this for us. It's the video content. With no sound there's something that because we all like I look at tick tock and I say me and this is like a living meme. You know, it's like a video meme is all it is. In human beings. We are in a meme culture. Every piece of wisdom is now shared on a little JPEG somebody wrote it, they designed it or screenshotted somebody's Twitter, tweet or whatever. Now it's a meme and we're all passionate around like it's, you know, some some scripture or something like you know, we share it on social media and all this kind of stuff. But guess what? The day that people are not sitting on them pulling up in watching video videos that are the sounds coming out. They can. Sometimes they can. But a lot of times people can't. They can't do that. So you're going to get your initial follow or you're gonna get a comment or you're gonna get back in that person's timeline or or they're, they're there for you page or whatever. But oftentimes first just getting them to engage, getting them to follow you and then you're going to follow back up. And I think that's so overlooked. I think the TikTok content is how you're doing it with reels and how so many people are doing it, and I see. I mean, you know, it's just incredible how really, you have to be creative. When it's really simple. We'll compare to what you know, at one time we really none of this you had to talk I mean that you had no option. You were either talking or writing. You weren't able to utilize this video content without talking and just let out the words. I mean, it is powerful and it's exactly what people want to consume content. They want to watch the video, but they can't have the sound blaring and so if you shoot what would you tell people in terms of their content? I saw this yesterday again, you know, somebody said I don't have my views going down. Do you think I'm shadow banned? What do I mean? And obviously, we need to be honest with each other. We need to tell each other your content needs to get better. We can't just blame it on tick tock we can't. So my first default response always to all of you and to me not just to everybody else but to me too, is Dave. Your shit has to get better. Don't just complain about Facebook or Tik Tok or whatever. No, you got to get better. You got to get you got to make your stuff more interesting. However, that's not to say that shadow banning and all this stuff doesn't exist or whatever. I just don't want to lean on that. So what would you say about that topic about the shadow banning and have you experienced any up and down with your views and how did you address address that or is that a complete non issue that you've never even seen or heard from anybody about the kind of shadow banning and my views are going down? What is your experience with that? 

Will: Well now see, I I thought, you know, Shadow banning could be a real thing, but I haven't experienced it. Like when I first began. My views were terrible. You know, I get you know, five views and you know, 100 views. I mean, it was content cuz your content sucked. So did mine.  And it's gotten way better and my views have gone up and I noticed whenever I make a video that may not be out there. Yeah, and it's a flop in one area, like, TikTok. I'll put it on a TikTok. And it just it just bombs on TikTok, but then I put it on Facebook, and it goes viral over there. So you've got two different types of viewers. Your TikTok people are different from the Facebook people. And they need that help.

Dave: So how so why do you think that is? I think I know what to tell you. I don't I just read all the boomers are at, you know what I mean? I just think that but now the boomers are starting to come over to TikTok aren't they? I don't know if you are or not. But boy, I'll tell you what if you're in that age range, but I mean, it has been funny to watch boomers come over on TikTok. I think a lot of the audiences are, you know, intertwined at this point. But as the generations have mixed and mingled it's really been exciting for me to watch man because I mean, I still have people or see people out there who say like a lot as if they're too good for it, or if their generation doesn't go on it. And I'm like, I don't give a shit. Nobody misses you there. If you're too dumb to you know, you think that you got it you you're the king of Facebook or what it like, TikTok is crushing. I mean for all age groups, and I've said this, you know since the beginning, I mean, there are buyers, a lot of times you would like to look at a platform or particular traffic source and say well, you might get a lot of traffic off of there but they're not buyers. By right like people might have said that about tick tock Well, it's all just kids. They're not buyers.

Dave: People are buying like crazy because of the multiple generations that are on the you know, that are on that app now. It's people who will watch who will follow like yourself who will come back and listen and be like there's something to this. It's real people of all ages, who have real problems in life. And if you put a solution in front of them, there's a good chance that you're going to convert that you're going to grow a following and convert a sale in any in any niche you could do this same formula that we teach and do it of course, you know, I know that there's people out there who say, well, legendary only teaches people to be affiliates for legendary. I'm going to tell you something right now. We never even mentioned our affiliate in all our affiliate programs in all of our education. People can take this, it's it's all it can help you build a business in any industry. And many people do. Many people go off in other niches and oftentimes it's hard to track them because, you know, it's just hard to track people who you know, hard to track students from these colleges because they do more outreach like that. We don't follow up on you know, I'd love to but we have people going in all different directions with this information. And I think that you know, if you're listening right now in your you know, quite frankly, it does not matter how old you are your past experience, degrees education, work history, or computer or technical literacy levels like you can be an internet computer dummy like Will and I and still be successful with this trick. Because what it requires is less advanced skills in God given talent and more or almost all the ability to just push through some uncomfortable shit at the beginning. Until it becomes second nature because here's the thing and I don't know about you but for me, this business is second nature because I'm already using the technology. I'm already on my phone. And quite frankly, I'm already on these apps. It's just a matter of whether I want them to use me or if I want to use them in a way that you know I can serve and I can make money, or I can just let it use me. It can suck up all of my time. And I think we all have that choice nowadays. And I think that the workforce is going to continue to see this opportunity. But understand that you can work from home societies waking up will need our truck drivers. We need people to transport that is something that unfortunately, I hope for the driver's specific hope that never goes away. I hope those jobs are always there because you saw what happened with the supply chain issues. It's important, but a lot of these people go to the office and all these types of jobs man and people are waking up and realizing they may need to go there. I can be just as good from home. So now's the time I just feel like this is a moment in our history to where if you don't wake up and get the skills, you are actually going to be left behind if you don't at least learn how to use social media and not let it use you your job is to keep getting smaller and smaller until you're painted into a corner to where you're forced. And I know that it's difficult sometimes to build a business when you've got another stream of income because it can make us complacent. What did you do? What did you do or what are you doing to motivate yourself and keep yourself in the game? Although you do have other ways to make money.

Will: Well, getting in that truck every Monday is motivation itself. That pain ah the pain Yeah, I never really cared for it. And now that I See the Light and I know that I don't, I won't have to do that. When I when I'm in that truck the whole time I'm thinking about okay. What am I going to do when I get back home or what am I going to be able to do on I can park for a little while to further my other stuff, you know my business so that I can get out of this damn truck. And that's, you know, this living that pain every week every Monday Yeah.

Dave: And I love that. I love that because you just proved the point that we were talking about a second ago, which is we're still we, you know, all of us no matter where we're at with certain things. You're all motivated by pain. I mean you know, I hadn't gone to the dentist because of what happened. I hadn't gone to the dentist in like a year and a half for two years. Right. And, and it just to get a basic cleaning and stuff like that. You know what I mean? I was just doing home maintenance, if you will. And but I'll tell you what, man I all of a sudden had a pain in my tooth. And I no longer cared about anything. I no longer cared about what I could get. I mean, mas no mas just make it stop. Just make the payments. And, you know, I was in that dentist's chair the next day, you know, and so I think a huge takeaway for me today is really just that consistency. So perfectly, you know, explain that example of you actually converting. And I always like to go back to look at what is your true origin story of coming into this industry because you can learn a lot from that conversion. You can learn a lot from your own conversion. You can learn a lot just from marketing material, or your own behaviors because you're a consumer, you know, at the core we all are or we work consumer. I'm still a consumer in this industry, too. I'm still buying training going through people's funnels. I'm looking at stuff. I'm more you know what I mean? I'm a consumer of this. So I you know, I have to I had to learn from any place I can as a marketer anywhere I can get the advantage and oftentimes your own experience your own buyer's journey, not your marketers during your buyers journey just going through in going back through saying what really converted me what brought me back what made me skeptical. What helped me overcome that objection? A lot of the secrets, the messaging that you need to write like Papa Don said, right, speak in film, a lot of that stuff actually lies right in your own experience. You don't even have to go outside of your own experience. You can just talk about your own experience. And it's enough will. Is that true, Ian? Do you agree with what I'm saying here in terms of what you need to know your entire career is just your own life. What did you do and you can then use that to talk about those feelings or experiences and relate them to people and they're like, yeah, that's how I feel right now. Right? Because we felt the same way. We were also human beings.

Will: Exactly. Yeah. You know, and those, I think the hardest part is being able to convey your thoughts and your emotions, finding the street or whatever, that's the hardest part being able to do that. At least for me.

Dave: Well, that's hard anyways for us, man, right. To express ourselves. I mean, you know, I have become more. I'm still very introverted, but I become extroverted when I have meaning when I'm speaking, filming or writing, writing, I just kind of get into a different energy. You know, I feel like whenever I'm speaking, filming or writing I'd have to get into sort of my extroverted area. And but, but wow, man it's just, it's, it's been, it's been a great talk. There's been so many different things that you've brought up that are so relatable and so many nuggets in this interview. definitely one worth going back and re-listening and we'll just appreciate your time and hopefully, you'll come back and keep us posted for round two here in a couple of months. Oh, yeah, definitely. Cool,

Will: Man. All right. Well, keep up the great work, brother. And do you want to give a last message for the beginning of this journey and are just looking for some experience, somebody who came before them?

Dave: Maybe they're also a little skeptical? Who knows? Maybe they just started the challenge, and they're wondering if it's worth their time. I mean, what would you say to that early? Will? It also has dozens or hundreds or who knows? How many people are in that place right now? What would you say to them?

Will: You just gotta do it. Get out of your head about it. Don't overthink it. Whatever. You know, your mind is thinking you know, that's where thoughts are your actions. So instead of thinking about how I don't have the money, you have to think about, like, how am I going to get the money for example, or the time makes the time don't say I don't have time because if you don't have time, you'll never have time. If you don't, if you say you don't have money, you'll never have money. You just got to change your mindset and then focus on being able to accomplish it and you will.

Dave: And that is coming my friends from a computer, illiterate truck driver who's now a part time truck driver, full online marketer. So we'll Congrats man on that accomplishment. It's really, really something to be you know, not that that kind of, you know, I feel like anytime after 35 ish 40 That you make a real major life move is some big right because, look, I'm getting older just like you are man and the energy levels ain't where they were at one when I was 24. You know what I mean? And so, you know, also taking a moment to just stop and really giving yourself some kudos in just you know, one of the things that my wife, we say to our daughter is, you should be proud of yourself. You know, because building stuff is self pride not getting external validation from everybody else around us in all our people liking my content, or supporting my business, but actually feeling proud inside of yourself that you're making a big life change? That you're just not sitting around? taking shots from life as if you're helpless, you know, but actually, you know, you're taking control, you're getting your priorities in order, I mean, to make a big major life move. When when, you know, society has told us hey, you should be making no moves in this time just kind of chillin out right now at 40 baby you know, getting ready to get ready to go, you know, work part time at Walmart and greet people, you know, until you until you hit the deck, you know, and it's like, man, you know, when I see I mean Papa Don yesterday 79 years old. I mean, as I mean, anything's possible man. And I mean, then it's too late, to make a move to make a change to grow, you know, to change your entire life. And I just love when we get to, you know, have these countless examples every day. So just thanks for that. Well, thanks for thanks. If you should and all of you who are taking actions you can be proud of yourself, but we'll keep it up, brother. 

Will: Thank you. 

Dave: All right, man. We'll talk to you later. All right, my friends. We've had his banner up but he's on TikTok. As we talked about William Hallabaugh. It's all spelled out there on the screen. And if you're listening on Spotify, or something like that, I'm gonna spell it out. @Williamhollabaugh Okay, and you can just look his name up on Facebook. All right, we'll How about All right, friends, family, legendary fat chosen family. You can't choose your blood family, but you can choose your friends and be really, really grateful to be related to each and every one of you. We are all cut from the same cloth even though we may look a little different. And I think that's why we all kind of know why this information resonates? You know why? This information resonate? That there's more to life than just working a job, paying bills, paying taxes and dying. You got to be legendary. All right. All right. See you guys tomorrow. We got one more day this week. And then we're gonna be into the weekend. And you know it's just unbelievable how time flies. And we've got a mastermind coming up here, down in Orlando, Florida. So I'm looking forward to seeing those of you who are going to be coming to that mastermind. It's going to be on fire. Just like they always are. So we'll see you back here for another episode tomorrow. Be Legendary. Get out of here. Peace.


Where To Focus Energy In Your Online Business

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey friends, it's your boy Dave Sharpe. All right now listen, I've got a special day. It's a very special day. I've got a returning guest, one of my favorite guests of all time. I'm gonna go ahead and bring them in. Why waste any time, where we live? Papa Don, welcome to the show.

Papa Don: Hello young man. How are you?

Dave: I am fantastic. It's a special day. Both because I have you here but also look at the shirt. This is a never released version. Okay, who do you know that actually has enough Coronas to put their own face on it. The only thing that would make this shirt better is if it had your face on it, Papa Don.

Papa Don: No it would wrinkle in the wash

Dave:  So how have you been?

Papa Don: I have been fantastic. I have. I have just enjoyed myself. You have. That's really all I can say.

Dave: Wow. So can you take us back just a couple of steps for those who don't know your story. How you got into this. Give everybody a brief. You know, a short cliff note version of who Papa Don is and how he has come to be on this live stream interview here this morning with me.

Papa Don: Well I'm all about the interview because I've got a bunch of new people screwed up in your hands but the story is very simple. I know I'm obviously old. I'm 78 years old. I have 5 sons and  I have four grandchildren from the ages of 44 down to 14. I've had a very rewarding and successful life. I started my career with IBM. Long run with them. Enjoying the benefits of that relationship came to that point that we all talked about what we gave up. I gave it up and they paid me well, but I gave it up. And I finally the issue back then was the ultimate field you made your objectives you did good and so forth and you got promoted and you do a staff job and you come back and you do it again and then you just move up the ladder and I always knew that the load and I've been I've been fortunate because I've always been able to remain in Seattle because that's what my wife and her whole family and everyone's so anyway I got the I got the job offer my everything I had ever wanted and I got the job offered on a Friday evening. And I went home that night and I knew that if I did this, I would have to relocate. If I relocate, I'm gonna take my wife and my children out of their family environment. And I'm gonna be working the same 1012 hours a day that I always work. And that wasn't fair. But once you take your name off the leash and you're out of the deal. So on Monday I got that on Friday. On Monday I resigned because the idea Corporation didn't have a clue what I was gonna do. Got a lot of job offers because I was known in the community. And my wife said, you know you've always talked about doing your own thing. This time, you know, we can afford to just take this time and go do something. So I bought my first little company and I built that company up. Sold it for a lot of money. Repeat, you know, the same thing I did that two or three more times. I refunded 22,000 I really have retired. It's just my wife and I traveling, playing golf, reading, and having fun. And I learned about online marketing when I started getting interested in it. And I did what a lot of people did. I went down a little rabbit rabbit holes. I wasted a lot of money more than I wasted my time. I don't remember who actually I do remember that was known but I clicked on the deal like everyone else and I took the 15 day challenge and what I knew is that this was real. That I think the last time we talked to you but I am related because I did one of my staff jobs and I damaged the Education Center for a period of time. So I was very in tune with what they were doing and the training and staff support of Legendary goes absolutely on par with anything I have ever been exposed to. I said that then six months ago, but as I continue working with the company and watching the people come up through the ladder I think it's superior and I anyway so I'm here I got into it. And you know I've had all the challenges that everyone out there is having and I'm we're all at different places and I'll be happy to share first questions, I'll be happy to share where I am. So I'm an old guy. I love the money coming in. I truly do. But what I have learned in the last six months since we've talked I've learned is what I truly get out of those. I love the ability to help people to influence them moving forward to wrestle them from the grips of fear and doubt that they're in and try to try to make a difference and I think I enjoy getting those emails about Thank you. As much as I enjoy getting the commission checks. Oh, that's not true. I enjoy the money. That's true, but no I do mean more is better. So anyway, that's actually why I have a lot of experiences and have lived life and I can tell you, I can tell everyone that it's just worth busting your butt to be able to live life.

Dave: Hey, I want to go back a little bit in your in your story in your life where you made that decision about leaving IBM I mean, that that was a I would I would say that that was the that was the breakthrough decision or the breakthrough moment, at least a defining moment where you did two things. Number one, you started your entrepreneurial career. But number two, you actually put family at least that's what it seems like to me. That's what I heard you actually put family first if you looked into the future and said, Hey, this is going to take a lot of my time over the next 10 Or how many every year I'm going to be doing this. And I don't know what plan B or another option is. But I know that I'm not willing. I've already given up enough and I'm not willing to give up more time to hire. Can you sell those precisely? 

Papa Don: I won't bore people with what my life and IBM was like except I'll say it this way. There were a lot of very bright people doing what I did and IBM and I you know I'm blessed with a little intellect but there I was competing with great intellect. And I worked my butt off. I would be and this was before the internet before Google. I would be in the office at six o'clock in the morning. I would work all day and as on the marketing side I ran up several marketing programs for them. And so we're always entertaining customers and so in my evenings I was always having dinner with someone. I was always having drinks with someone. I was driving them home because the hours you were putting in at the office from 10 to 12. My day started for me at the office, around five o'clock, six o'clock that time. I would typically get home between 10 and 11 at night. That was that it was five days a week that just happened over and over and over again. So I was offered this job on Friday by my district manager and it was it was the exact job that I couldn't have dreamed for a better job or a better location or a greater opportunity for this next step for me would have been a district manager which is high because that's one step below vice versa. And I was on my way and I had to draw the perfect picture. That's exactly the job I would have wanted. They offered me a job and I went home and I didn't even tell my wife about it because it's something in May. Didn't bother me. And as I thought about it over the weekend, I realized I had a son that was like 10 or 1210 and one was 12 or in that range. I had seen maybe a couple of soccer games, maybe a couple of baseball games, maybe one football. I had missed my oldest boy from 12 to one. I mean I watched my wife raise those children. They were always in bed when I left. They were in bed when I came home. I should know if I take my family out of it. First of all, for me to do this extra job I gotta give even more. So it's, it's gonna take it's gonna take even within I don't know if I have it but I want to do it. But if I do that, I'm going to just this is this is stupid. And I look back and I should have paid for my flights. They paid me well. they changed my life that way, but I can't. I'm not gonna do this anymore. I'm gonna go watch my son play soccer. I'm gonna go watch my son begin to play. I want to participate. I I had a lot of job offers because I represented IBM at the Chamber of Commerce in Seattle. And I have people that I found out, I left. After a few weeks she said Why are you doing this? Why are you talking to us? It's just more of the same you're gonna do the same thing. Why don't you start your own take a deal and it was on that that I didn't have any and I got into it I just bought a small I didn't know my button and the whole group just like when I joined I joined legendary I didn't know if a hole in the ground as to what you guys were doing or how to make this work. But I just got in and I started doing things and I took a piece at a time and I built it up I learned how to do that. I learned how to do it very well. So I did it a couple more times throughout my life finally.

Dave: I want to talk about that. I want to talk about the ability to get started but I want to touch on just putting a bow on this last piece, which is the fact that number one I can relate to making decisions and actually getting my priorities in order. I thought that I had my priorities in order for a long time because I was only making money. And as a man that was my priority. You know, it wasn't to actually be physically or emotionally present with my family. It wasn't even just to be super crystal clear and reiterate, it wasn't even to be physically present. That wasn't important. It was simply in my mind. My priority was being successful in a career or with my business or making money and so I've made a few decisions along the way that have allowed me to have my cake and eat it too. I actually didn't have to sacrifice anything. And it was that I made decisions that basically put my family first you know, and when I did that I was still able to be successful in business. And I've you know, I would say over the past. I mean, it's been good, it's been, I would say legendary has been a maturing phase for me in terms of learning how to get my priorities in order before this tour. I was I was too young and dumb. I did not have my priorities in order. And as a result, I almost lost my family as a wealthy person. Like as a man who had succeeded financially that ultimately almost cost me my family because my wife and I were at odds and quite frankly she was everything that you described your wife to be, I had just not yet made prioritized her. So which leads me to the piece of you know, I don't think we put enough value on simply how you can have your cake and eat it too. With this style of business. You may not become rich and wealthy. You absolutely can make enough money to get by and be comfortable. But more importantly, the freedom that you have with this business to not have to travel in to not have to spend eight hours in an office to not then have to travel home and then deal with all that extra curricular stuff. You were talking about poppadom with the drinks and dinner and the meetings and the travel and all that that comes with working in corporate America. It's just that extracurricular stuff comes with the territory. The freedom that we get to just simply be home or to take our business on the road with us as we travel is something that a lot of people got a taste of over the pandemic because they were sent home to work from home. And now all of a sudden working from home it's almost like it's kind of funny poppadom Because for many years I got made fun of for Dave works for whom he doesn't have a real job. And then over the last couple of years everybody's wanting to know, they're like, oh, you know, I want to stay home now that I do you notice nobody wants to go back to work now. That's why there's, you know, people who have found other ways to make money. So just a couple of pieces there. What's coming up for you?

Papa Don: Well, I just wanted to say that I totally agree with what you just said. But there's another freedom that comes out of comparison to corporate or your nine to five or so forth. The other freedom of what we get to do now is we get time for ourselves to think we get time for ourselves to do our thing and I don't mean social things or other things but we get to do what we want. We are not doing because that job we like with me I succeeded because I did exactly what they told me to do. I didn't know what to do when I joined the company, but I did exactly what they said. And I was very successful. But I did that. And that's all I knew. Yes gives us the ability to run from working for someone else. We're not taking their directors. We're not following their game plan. We're following our own game plan. And that's a tremendous additional addition to what you said to control over your life, control over your life's destiny. How far you go, how much you make, you know, the idea of Dave: Yeah, it's you know, it's been so long since I've had those sort of captivity around my location, independence and how much money I'm making. I can't really even imagine what it's like. But, you know, it's it's something that a lot of you who are transitioning from employee to entrepreneur, it's going to be rather shocking when you first start, you know, because now all of a sudden you've been told where to be and what to do for so long that now all of a sudden you have all this additional freedom in sometimes it can lead to self sabotage because I don't know how to be organized. I don't know how to, you know, have order. I have these two small children that I was blessed to have as my children, my two kids and they have this wonderful skill of order that they got from their wife. And it's such a beautiful skill because I don't have it. And so even today I struggle with that, but Papa Don.. What would you mean, what are some of the things that people who are employees do? That's all they know, they went from school to being an employee. What are some of the things that they can focus on to get a little bit of that or to enjoy that freedom, but also to not let it become basically our demise? Because now all of a sudden, pop it down, be honest, social media can be a trap, we know, it's difficult. So all of a sudden now, oh, I'm going to start up an internet business. And they just become consumers of the internet. Because it's hard to move from that consumer and even that learning. You know, everybody likes to learn but then when it comes time to start that TikTok channel or launch that ad and take action. It's really scary. You touched on that fear. piece. Can you talk about some of the things that you're seeing out there in the trenches that people are dealing with? And what are some of the advice that you give them each day to overcome the fear to overcome the independence in the freedom that we now have? That we wanted, but sometimes it's difficult to know how to manage our time.

Papa Don: Well, I'll answer that in two ways. One way is in talking with I have over the last several months, I have talked to I have no idea of hundreds and I literally mean hundreds of process prospects become into legendary because I went on a thing some time ago that I want to talk to the people I got tired of the email stuff and I know I don't mean

Dave: Well, I love it. You're somebody said in the comments. Oh, a couple of minutes ago, they said, here he goes, David, he said we'd love to hear them old school marketing strategies that Papa Don is implementing now. We'll get your notepad ready because he's about to give them.

Papa Don: Get your notes because I have two things. I want to address those questions. One is how to answer his question specifically. And then I want to talk to you about what I have learned and what I'm doing differently. Which is changing me and I throw it out if it helps you. I hope it does. In terms of coming into this and being new to entrepreneurship, very new to this whole program. And you cannot walk into this and not be overwhelmed with information coming from so many different levels. So let me just say categorically get rid of shiny objects. Don't put that in a big lump bag of shiny objects. That's all those emails you get that you respond to, that's all those things that you are supposed to review that you do. You're wasting your time. You're just wasting your energy. Your mess will be out drinking or playing football or doing something else but you're not doing anything for your job. That's one way to get rid of that. Just absolutely draw a frickin line through and I'm going to tell you how I do that in a minute. But because I went through it I mean I am coming from my exponential. I got into this and I'm a curious person, I can be distracted and I frickin I see something I want to read on my own. I want to understand what the guys are. I may even start doing research on this frickin article that didn't have anything to do with what I should be focused on. But that's me. 

Dave: I'm thinking if anybody can relate to Papa Don, let's get an amen. I won something because I'm right now relating to this, even where I'm at in my career right now. Please continue.

Papa Don: Well I'll just say absolutely. Do not be sucked into the shiny object. Get it off if you're good at off your plate. The only other thing that I have to say about what to do is to you have to you built in your going through your training, you get a business plan, go back and read your business plan because at that point when you are entering, you have some thoughts, you've had some dreams, and you've been those things have gone by the wayside. For most of you. I know that I know that but I expect that to be true for most people. Go back and relate to that. And a cup deals with one task at a time. So many people that are entrepreneurs think they're entrepreneurs or want to be entrepreneurs think there's so much freedom we get to do so many things all at the same time. That's right. You do get to make your choices. But successful entrepreneurs are people who do a very few things very well. And so narrow, narrow your scope of activity down to where you can set objectives and accomplish those objectives and don't move to your second task until you've finished your first task. And isn't this good? I'm tired of talking about that. I gotta go talk about that bullshit. You go back and spend the time to get the task done. And when you get it done, reward yourself and move to the next task and be on your way. That's the only two pieces of that I have things I think I have a value to say.

Dave: Yeah, well, I'm sure that's completely untrue. But there's enough there to talk about. So I want to talk about the first one which was the shiny object syndrome. Okay. And how in the staying in your lane peace, okay. If any, if you're brand new on this, and I just want to tell you two things here real quick. What you just heard come out of the mouth of Papa Don who by the way, is very simply a customer, a client here of our education and he's also an affiliate so he promotes in markets. There's no other relationship here. There is no there was no other script for that. That there was no claiming that he was going to say that but that last two minutes if you need something to listen to, to focus on advice, what you just heard was was probably one of if not the best pieces of advice that's ever been shared on wakeup legendary now that's that's a that's a big thing to say. But here's why because what you just said, are absolutely the two things that plague both new and experienced people. The shiny. I was reading and I don't remember who it was from. I was reading something the other day. Someone very successful said if I could give one piece of advice, it would be to find something and focus on it. And in it do not let it do not let any distractions and do not start other businesses do not just go all in on what whatever it is that you're doing that you want to grow. And that has been my saving grace. I will tell you that every single time that I have tried to do too much or I have tried to get it. I have to be focused on one thing at a time because when I start getting into multiple income streams and all you know, multiple businesses, there's a difference between multiple income streams and multiple businesses. For me, I gotta be honest about my limitations. If you're Mark Cuban, or if you're some of these guys on Shark Tank who are investing and have, you know, you know, you have a role in 20 or 50 Different companies, you they probably have big teams that are doing that that are helping them with that because as an entrepreneur who right here at legendary is running a mid size, you know, for America. We're running a mid sized business here. We did about 20 million in sales last year. Overall, we've got about 85 people that worked full time and we had 100,000 new customers come in last year. Not a crazy, huge business, not a tiny business, a medium sized business. And it is foolish of me to go get involved or start another business. Well, but Dave, aren't you the CEO? Don't you have time to go in? Can't you multiply your money? That is what all the people on your Instagram and Facebook feed and probably even TikTok may be saying, but the truth of the matter is from somebody who's doing it right now, I can tell you that I barely have time to do the things that are actually on my plate, my existing plate and I'm talking about including time for family fellows, including time date night, including time with my kids. I mean, including being home on the weekends and having dinner. My wife and I have two nights and our nanny stays late so every other night I'm home having dinner with my kids in my family if I include that stuff. The truth is I don't have any time for anything else. Sure I've got investments in stock real estate, things like that. But the truth is that if I was to start getting involved in this business over here, or getting involved in this business that you know what Legendary would suffer. Legendary would suffer and people would sense that I wasn't all in and people would be they would match my intensity in terms of how they purchase and how they participated in our programs. Because your customers are not going to give more to your business, more time and more energy and more dedication than you are you know what I mean? So that shiny object syndrome What have I done Papa Don well I my email inbox is a constant battle because you know what? I like to put my email in the stuff out there too and see what's on the other side but what I really do every couple of months is go through a book I've shared this 1000 times on the show. There was a time period when all the political toxicity and it's still here of course but it was really bad during the in every time I went on Facebook. I would just unfollow people you know instead of looking at their stuff out because I you know I was going on anyways because we have groups and stuff which are a whole nother topic but you know, instead of going on in consuming, you know, I created a trigger that when I went on instead I would unfollow people which was not very entertaining, and then eventually after five minutes, I would leave the app. So man that shiny object syndrome. I mean Papa Don, what? Yeah, go ahead. Well, no,

Papa Don: I'm just gonna say shiny focusing on one thing and I think you got something you want to say on that as well. What are you really doing? You just covered? Yeah. So let me let it be. It's a way to do it alone. It is a way for me. I'm just going to share with you one of the things I've learned and what I've implemented, and it's been very helpful, if that'd be appropriate. I had a mentor. He's helped me come up. My objective was to create daily discipline. I wanted to get my time just dealing with dealing with my life as well as legendary. And so I came up with the idea that I have to control myself and one of my mentors told me to manage my time. You said it comes down to your big money since I said What in the hell is big money? He said it goes like this not when I'm doing this, or this. Or lists are making money. For me, as I went through that exercise, and I tried to write to my son My son says when I'm writing, filming or speaking, I'm making money. That's the only time I'm making money. Everything else costs me my time, my energy, but I make my soul my deep. My deep work is primarily writing and coming up with ideas. Writing leads to being a better speaker. Writing leads to video ideas and better videos. My schedule is simple. When I wake up, I do a few stretches. Oh man has to do some essential warm up stuff. I read for 30 minutes to an hour. I do 5-10 minutes of meditation but by seven o'clock this thing starts then I do my deep work until 10am and what that means is I don't check my phone and say can I be I don't look at my email. I don't do anything with social media. I commit myself fully to those segments at work and for me, those three hours if I am totally focused, I get more done than I historically got done. Because now I am on target. And what happens is, there's a lot of things I enjoy. I enjoy chasing shiny objects. I enjoy doing research, I enjoy that. But first I have to get my work done. And so I'm now at a point by 10 o'clock in the day. I'm on the west coast. So at 10 o'clock, days over I mean my day I have achieved my objective or if it takes me till 11 o'clock, I will achieve whatever I targeted the night before to get done the next day. I've written what I've created and I'm on my way and folks, I'm gonna tell you it may not work for you. It works for me. And there's a there's a power and I and I encourage people to not to not miss estimate the value of increasing your copywriting skills of giving yourself a chance to sit down with a piece of paper and take a pencil and write it out by hand because one of the things I learned through some courses that I took is there's something that happens in your brain, that when you're writing on a piece of paper as opposed to typing, something that occurs that's magical, and I have watched myself. I've watched myself improve tremendously in terms of my writing and we all need to be able to win emails or it's coffee or it's doing or TikTok whatever it is, we all can improve ourselves with our ability to write. So that's what I'm doing, David.

Dave: Yeah, I mean, that's, that's, you know, that's really that's really a simple, powerful, powerful strategy. And I want to just speak it back because I want to make sure that I got it and also to recap it for everybody else. And it was very, very simple that you identified what and first and foremost the statement, you called it your money statement is that or your income statement or impact statement, something like my money. My money statement, when I'm doing X, Y and Z I'm making money and there's two. There's a couple of things that I thought were really powerful about that for your speaking what you want into existence. And I see every day that I'm struggling. I'm a newbie just declaring from new people and it's okay, we all did it. But I challenge each one of you to stop, stop talking about what you don't want to happen and start talking about what you do want to happen, because it's the only way that it's going to happen. It's the only way that you're going to believe it. And it's the only way that anybody else is going to believe it if nobody's going to give you the respect that you want and deserve until you command it. Nobody's going to respect your business as the serious business is that it is the future multi million dollar empire until you start treating it like that. And so I think that's really powerful. That's the first thing that I think is really powerful about that when I'm doing right and I think that's very similar for all of us when I'm writing, filming. Or there was one other thing: writing, filming or going live when I'm writing, filming or speaking I'm making money, everything else is a distraction or it is a filler, I call it it's all filler, no killer. It's just filler. You know it's sort of like a piece of food, you know that has, you know, it has a lot of this a lot of this this man made food hasn't maybe has a little bit of nutritions it a little bit of killer all filler you know our time is something that I want my time to be all killer, no filler. And so the other thing was really really that window, that window of time, how often Papa Don, do you think you could probably speak from experience? I know I can. That we entrepreneurs who are sitting at home, you know, we're going from law entrepreneurs to try and turn into entrepreneurs and that's what we're doing, you know, and how often do you think we turn what should only take an hour in tailors? Because of all the bullshit going on to Facebook, that email? Could you just touch on that and try to send something that gives people an idea of how much time the average person wastes?

Papa Don: Well I have no idea and they waste a lot I know. But the point the point that that everyone needs to understand is that if you get your if you get your hard work your real work done and saying Give yourself three hours give yourself four hours, whatever it is, but get your work done. Just what happens. The rest of the day you get to think the rest of the day you get to do whatever you want. And if you're truly going to build your business, you need free time for you to develop the future. You need free time to go down thoughts to think about how you're going to start building your expanded business plan. But you can't get that confused with the time you have to spend making your money which is what you've got to focus on first. And so the only way, David, I can go on.

Dave: No I what you're saying is there is a lot of what I want to want to say and what I want to teach but you're just putting it so simply in just really powerfully so I totally can relate to that. I mean I want and need time to goof off. I need and want time to dream and daydream and think about the future. You're right to come up with new ideas like those are all things that I need to give myself time to do with my personality and also as an entrepreneur, but a lot of times I don't separate and confuse those two as being the same. And in order to keep my business running to bring the money in I got to focus on those basics, those income producing activities. That writing, the filming, the speaking that you mentioned, is really just daydreaming and this kind of scrolling and I need to give myself time to do that. But it is a separate thing. It's where I get in trouble is when I start to overlap those and then my whole fit because here's the other problem Papa Don, is that as I'm writing, speaking or filming, and now all of a sudden I go over here on the tick tock or wherever I'm gonna go. What I leave room to creep in is start questioning myself and start comparing myself to others. And then that fear and that doubt sets in and there is one thing that is kryptonite right that's what we can Superman right? The kryptonite there is one thing that's kryptonite to an entrepreneur's execution: it is when they let fear in doubt creep in. Tell me I gotta go.


Dave:  If I'm constantly paying attention, I'm walking the hot high wire and I'm looking over at this person and I'm looking over here, I'm bound to fall. And I think for the things that you laid out and how you view those income producing activities and how you close off that time. It's so brilliant, but it's so simple. We miss it every day. Because it's, you know, I want to reward myself I've put in 15 minutes of writing. That was hard because I haven't built so five or 10 or 15 minutes, right and I feel like I need a reward after that. So now I'm over here on Facebook and guess what happened to the rest of that hour. The other 45 minutes I just wasted but if I stay focused like Papa Don saying, then that 15 minutes or writing will turn into 20 will turn into 30 will turn into an hour because you'll you'll work that muscle you'll practice you'll exercise that muscle, like any muscle. You'll exercise it and an hour of writing will soon you'll you'll say where'd the time go? You know I've sat down when I write I get lost. I mean I can write for hours because you know I know that the first 10 to 15 minutes I'm going to need I'm going to have that writer's block or blank page syndrome or whatever it is. But But I got a swipe file and I got you know in I'm not I'm not scrolling Facebook for ideas. I'm not scrolling, right. I've already I've accumulated ideas because what I do poppadom is when I am in that kind of screwing off period. I will save stuff. I will I will email myself stuff. So then when I go to sit down I actually organize those pieces into a swipe file. So into Google, my Google Drive folder, sometimes Dropbox. But but so when I'm writing, when I go to sit down and write an email or sales letter or something like that, I actually have the resources in the inspiration if I do need additional ideas or something. I have them already in a swipe file. And I have them in a group Google Drive folder so I can pull them up and maybe scroll through some sales pages. I want to look at examples. Papa Don. I want to make sure I'm looking at Winners. Losers you know, so I'm also real selective as to who I'm copying while I want to know that it's working. 

Papa Don: Sure if people are having a problem with writing and by the way, I'm a disciple of learning how to improve your writing skills. If you're having a problem with that, one of the things that helped me a great deal was I started copying sales letters I went through a lot because we're giving a tremendous amount of money. I just took my yellow pad and my pencil and I just copied word for word. sales letter after sales letter Dave talks about running for 15 minutes. I started off doing that for one hour, I would just do nothing but fill out page after page after page of copying sales letters. And well what happens with that if you're reading anything of value, you start thinking pretty soon anyway, there's a way to get it. You don't have to sit there by yourself and be frustrated saying I don't know what to do. Just get used to writing. Copy some sales or there's a ton available on all the stuff that Legendary gives you but I just say that's a tip just to get started. If you're at that point,


man, this is valuable stuff. Pop it on. I just said to Pete to our team I said man this this guy's got some some nuggets to share. So you know I'm really just grateful and I know you're not. I know you say it because it's true for you that you enjoy making an impact on other people and you are but I also know that you're the type of guy who, who you want to stay sharp, no pun intended. But you want to stay sharp, you want to stay, you'd like you got to be doing something and you know, I just I'm really really grateful that you chose our company and community to be a part of and add so much value. I know. You may think that and we have. I think you've gotten value here but we've gotten value by you being here. So thank you very much and I have received tremendous value not that we need to exchange kudos, but for those people listening. You're not gonna find any better support anywhere. I probably and I haven't been everywhere, but any place. I've been to a lot of places. This is as good as it gets us as training. This organization is when Roxy sent me a letter or email yesterday saying we would be on the morning show to win a holy shit. I watched Sarah yesterday morning. Yeah, that that was he talked about a classical thing. If you want to do a replay you don't listen to this stuff. Go watch Sarah's thing she she laid out. That was just brilliant. And I thought well, how the hell do you follow Sarah? I mean, I don't have anything to say. But anyway, I am. I'm deeply appreciative of all the all the education I've gotten. I look forward to it. Thank you all, I appreciate it. Tell the people out there they could ever want to just give me a call or something. I'm up to talking to God damn many people that you know.

Dave: Well, they can find you at PapaDon..recommends right?

Papa Don: Yeah, I stuttered so there’s two dots.

Dave: Your finger did a double tap. 

Papa Don: Well, hey, take care of yourself and look forward to talking again real soon. David. Thank you for the invitation. Have a great day.

Dave: All right, Papa Don. See you buddy. All right, my friends. There it is. If you want to listen to his first episode, when he was on I guess it was six months ago as I think he just said you can go back and find that just scroll back through, you know, the, the, you know, the replays or go back through the podcast. You can find us all over I mean, these replays we post them on YouTube, we post them we leave them here on Facebook. So you can go and watch them on Facebook. You can also get them on the podcast platforms, at least Apple and the major ones. So yeah, there's a lot of value. There's a lot of gold hidden in these lives every day these interviews and one of my favorite things is meeting people for the first time and then having them come back on the show like Papa Don has done. I think Sarah yesterday I think she was on for the second time or third. I tend to lose track, but that's a good problem to have. So my friends go and follow Papa Don at Papa Don that's pa pa do n dot dot recommends okay Papadum dot dot recommends. This is somebody you know who has a lot of wisdom and experience and for a lot of you who may be like me, it's never a bad thing to have somebody who has experience in life and experience in business. Sure, we all look to everybody in this community who's doing well and we say hello and let you know that I can learn from them. But man, there are so many people, Papa Don being wonderful, who have unique life and business experience that is helpful also in this business because the truth of the matter is that you know, these are the skills that make a successful art or not. It's not something that's special here. It's the same things that make you successful in every business. I would need to take what he laid out today and apply it to some sort of a local contracting business. It would work you know the distractions, the shiny object syndrome, the carving out that window, the income producing activities like if like that that's a Blueprint we didn't even talk about tech talking and Instagramming because quite frankly, that's just the details of how to be successful in this particular business. But the principles that he laid out were the same principles that he use. Whatever the hell he started his first business 20 or 30, or how many every year. To me that's mind blown. And I can see her in talk to and learn from a guy who has been successful in multiple businesses and now is using those same principles to be successful here. And understands that the small details like learning how to Tiktok or whatever, are just details. It's the principles how you show up that the basics and most people can't get the basics right. Why because the temptations are too powerful in quite frankly, because some of us have never heard from somebody like Papa Don, who can lay it out with so much simplicity and that's why I love you know what we're doing here. I love these shows. I love the opportunity to learn myself. And regardless of when or whether any of you assholes, we're gonna go use any of the information that he just went and laid out. I know I am. Because at the end of the day, you got to get it wherever you can get it from. You kind of learn wherever you can learn from in for me, what a better I mean, I get to do it every day. It's not like I'm preaching the dream living a nightmare. I get to roll out of bed throw on a t shirt that has my face on it. Never released before. Okay, that's a limited edition right there. In interview, a student who I actually can learn from it's just unbelievable. Unbelievable people into think, you know, we have a couple 100 people on here. Well, why is it there a couple of 1000 Why isn't there 20,000 You think it's so hard to succeed? It's really not because most people are not willing to do those simple basic things, or even sit through a live stream long enough to hear them from somebody like Papa Don. Quite frankly, that advice that he just laid out, was worth 1000s Could 10s of 1000s hundreds if not millions, depending on how you use it. So anyways, my friends will do it again tomorrow. Thanks again to pop it on. And thank you all for being here for listening now go implement Be Legendary get out of here. We'll see you later. Peace.

The Top Digital Marketing Tips

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave:  You know what time it is? It's your boy Dave Sharpe back in the saddle after a week with Rona, my friends. I'm back. Not quite better than ever yet, but I'm getting there. So my friends I have missed you. I have missed you. I think I did last Monday. Maybe I can't remember. But I always like sitting down and you know having conversations with our students and people who are brand new and seeing how they did it and letting you hear those stories as well. And you know, this morning is no different. I was just listening. You know, looking at some of her content was produced here in a second. And you know, she's been doing this here for five years. So there's gonna be a lot that we can learn from her. And, you know, I'm looking forward to doing that. So with that being said, Sarah, welcome to the show. 

Sarah: Hi Dave. How are you?

Dave:  Five years you've been doing this, huh?

Sarah: Well, you know, time flies when you're having a good time. So it's just it's been a good time. Yeah. Since 2017.

Dave:  Okay, yeah, five years is only 2017. That's weird. We're getting older. We're getting older. You know? So, what attracted you to affiliate marketing and ultimately, as, as you all know, or if you don't, very briefly, let me just tell you and explain to you this is what we're doing here is not just a biz op. It's not an MLM, nothing against that. But what we teach for anybody who's new as the core for I don't know, do we have things against those? I guess we do have things against MLMs and stuff. We make fun of them all the time. 

Sarah: We're not judging but we're kind of

Dave:  We're judging ourselves because we are you. I am you anyways, I mean, I've gotten my fair share and lotions. But what I discovered almost by accident, was out of frustration. was my first you know, discovery of selling information was when I couldn't succeed in MLM. And I instead went to go start sell training, I took training and then I was like, hey, I'll be an affiliate and sell training to other struggling MLM errs, who were just like me, and that was the moment that I realized that there were people involved in the Gold Gold Rush who are going to, you know, get that dirt under their fingernails and you'll get that gold. And then there were a lot of people along the way during the Gold Rush who were selling picks and shovels and things of that nature, that we're going to make their money regardless of whether the person found gold or not. And so there was a whole group of people that made money. And then there was a whole group of people who went there to make money, but only some of them made money right, those who want to dig gold, but every single person standing along the side selling those picks and shovels those tools. And so that's where I really started to learn about information, selling information. And so we have the ability to sell our own courses, coaching or events, or we can be an affiliate marketer and sell other people's information products and, you know, Legendary has an affiliate program. There's lots of other people with no cap, you know, despite what a lot of haters say out in the marketplace, less than 5% of people who take the challenge, turn around and become affiliates of legendary. So there's a lot bigger things that are happening here. Behind the scenes, people are learning how to sell those picks and shovels along the side of the road. What attracted you to this business model of selling information? And ultimately, how did you find us?

Sarah: Yeah, so affiliate marketing definitely was shining like a shining thing for me. It stuck out in really good ways because it didn't. It wasn't going to be fully passive. I don't know if there's like a fully passive business model out there when people are like, Oh, it's fully passive. I'm like, I think you like because, you know, you have to actively be working on the business and stuff. But it was something that I knew I could learn how to do. And I could apply my background in blogging because a lot of bloggers how they make their first Penny online is affiliate marketing. And so I love it because you can integrate it in almost any business model. Really, if you're an E commerce, if you have an Etsy store, if you have, like a dog training facility, you can integrate it into any business model. So you could be really successful at what you're currently doing at your current business or at your current nine to five your current side hustle whatever you're doing, and then you stack affiliate marketing onto that and it just, it just blends beautifully, like they're very good together. So, you can't say that about a lot of other different business models. So that was the first thing

Dave:  Although a lot of people do try to stack like in MLM with like, with like a Massage Studio, they sell like, the essential oils and stuff like that. You know, I go into the dark that every time I go into a doctor's office, and I see a Melaleuca or herbalife, you know what I mean? Or whatever it is in kudos in respect to Melaleuca and herbal life and all the MLMs out there who build billion dollar businesses. Okay, I hate it here. But MLM is the only business that I've ever seen that a doctor will be holding a tape recorder up to a guy who just rolled out of a trailer, who just made $5,000 in his bid, I swear to God, the doctor is like hanging on every word like how this guy you know, he's been in school for 12 years and doing brain surgery and the guy who just rolled out of the trailer make $5,000 Now mind blowing up in the doctors like you know, at a live event like literally holding it, you know, they used to hold up tape recorders and now it's it's cell phones but every time I go into a doctor's office and I see an MLM like product line or something I almost roll my eyes because I'm like, you could be monetizing your your traffic so much better. By doing either affiliate marketing, having joint ventures with other experts or professionals to get affiliate referrals to where I'm at, you're referring people out to other specialists or you're referring them to you know, you're just sending them to websites. You know, if I was a doctor, I would have a follow up email that went out to every single person that had almost I may even do a short course. Or something to where I'm educating them. And then yes, absolutely, if I have a rehabilitation product, there's going to be an affiliate link for that. That's going to link out to that website for that customer to buy. Or if there's some sort of a supplement that I recommend. That's passive income. Why would I leave that on the table? When, when, and when that's almost like the three ways to do business with a customer, the Jay Abraham thing that I teach in the challenge that a lot of people overlook, because there's three ways you can make money and you can do it over and over again with the same customer. There's the person you're willing to buy, right I got a Rolex. There's a lot of weird, regular normies who just buy one watch in their lifetime and they're like, I like it. I'm the idiot who keeps going back you know, in my In other words, it's been more but you know what? I raised my head and said to that guy, so they kept calling. Yeah, that's how billion dollar brands are made. So what you're saying is, you mentioned passive income, but kind of how we just laid it out is actually pretty passive to me. It's just multiplying dollars,

Sarah: Right? Yeah. When I say passive income, because like on talk, there's people who are making it sound like oh, you just like press a few buttons. And then all this money is flowing into your account and like I don't, and I know you don't want to ever make it seem like that's how it is because it is active. You have to put in the work. There's consistency that's involved.

Dave:  Wow passivity on this income is it's this shit is passive it's the passivity levels are high like you know what I realized there I was having a laugh watching your stuff before this. I was like this funny. And it was I was watching a living I mean, it's what it is really. We know I'm sure not you specifically I'm talking about TikTok videos TikTok videos. TikTok videos are a real it's a living meme every year always like, like, so many of your videos are literally hilarious, but they're being acted out.

It's the meme that's been acted out. It's just so funny. Here's what I'm trying to say. We are taking ourselves way too seriously with this making money online thing in 2022 way your boys and girls, get up in here and think that you're about to walk into a boardroom in 1980 You've got your you know, I mean, guys, I just rolled out of bed with a Rhona for the last week. I don't even remember if I've had a shower. I pick the shirt up off the floor, throw a hat on. It's been covered in dust for the last month and can you speak to that? I mean this is almost funny. Where we're at. It's just not that serious talk about creating content and in and kind of how you're doing it and how you approach it.

Sarah: Yeah. So with this specific channel, I just, my goal is just to have fun with it. I had zero attachment to the outcome of it. I'm just sharing. I don't feel like I'm selling anything. I'm just sharing that there's a huge difference between those two things. And I'm just having fun with it and trending. Sounds definitely help with that. And just talking to people in a casual way, and then like as if I was talking with a friend I used to because like what I'll do is I'll have people go to my Instagram and Bill message me and there cuz on TikTok, they're a little finicky about that. They're like, Oh, we don't know if you might want so they'll go over there and they'll ask questions and I take my background in. I used to like high ticket selling when I sell high ticket products from my own coaching and, and then I kind of stepped away from that. But I applied the same principles that I learned from getting on the phone with people and just being like, Hi, how are you? Like, what's your problem? Let me help you. And I applied that same thinking process. In my opinion, DMS just engages with people one on one, and most people haven't had that experience and they really want that like they just want someone to listen to them. And they don't feel like they're pushing anything like I have no attachment to if someone buys from me or not. Because sometimes on the bridge and maybe they're gonna buy a year from now I've had that happen. Or maybe they won't buy it all or sometimes they buy it on the spot just kind of depends on the person. But having kind of that laid back approach where you're not obsessive like no you have to do this like otherwise you're gonna feral and like like, that's not my thing. I'm just like, hey, look, this is who I am. If you want to be a part of it, great if not great like I don't really want to.

Dave: Hear but you can't be so passive in the way that you're directing and giving people calls to action. Are you in?

Sarah: No no not like that. I just mean in the like, I'm not. I feel like when we overly obsess about the end result of something where you just make your whole identity. That's where it can be like, I'm not going to put my business over my family.

Dave:  Over obsess about every little piece of our business. When we first get started I want to really know whether it's good enough, because I just agree with everything you're saying I'm just trying to poke to pull out more of your knowledge here in your in your in your perspective. So when somebody is getting started, think back, you know, we over analyze every single thing. You know what I mean? They overanalyze and it's really hard to relax. I think I think when you're first getting started I think that it this is a this is a gift marketers out here listen, the gift that I'm really close to the to the to the beginning, I remember what it was like and I often talk about what it was like to get started and be new at something because it doesn't matter what niche you're marketing in your marketing mostly to new people or people who don't have the knowledge that you have. So you're always marketing to the newest people. So yeah, I'm just I'm just wondering, you know, when when somebody is starting out, they are over analyzing everything. So was there a period when you were doing that? And you did. I mean, you said that since you were on the show last you had a couple of big shifts. One was a mental shift your mindset on make getting on top of your finances. Okay, that sounds like a different thing. When did you shift into becoming more relaxed? Versus so kind of over analytical of every move that you made? Or did you never do that?

Sarah: Yeah, no, it was literally in the last year that I felt this huge shift of over analyzing everything and I learned how to trust myself more and remember from the beginning like, wait a minute, if I can do this once. I could do this 10 More times or 100 more times, if I can sell one thing this way and learn how I did this way and then refine, redefine, and perfect it a little more, get better, get better, practice more, practice more. If I focus on that versus the obsession of like, an over analyzing overanalyzing of it. I would have more peace and I would feel more relaxed. That's what I meant. I think it's, it's natural and it's a good thing to sometimes like, really just be okay to have all my bases covered. Am I good in this area? Okay, if it's not, if it's not converting over here, well, what what do we need to shift? What do we need to do? I'm talking about the mental, like, obsession where you just can't sleep at night and if you haven't had a result in like two days after starting then you're making that mean that you suck at this?

Dave:  Yeah, I mean, that's exactly what she just said. I mean, who can relate to it being that dramatic that you know, you go from on top of the world to the world on top of you just a couple of days into starting something new, and then you quit and likely the pattern happens all over again. There's something that ensues. Thank you for your honesty. You know, so it's definitely me, anybody else? I mean, who really feels like it's one that you can relate to what was just said and Sarah? I think that for all of us. It's a real gift to remember that time. And to stay close to all of you who feel that right now and who can really relate to that. It's important to stay close to that. I know everybody wants to just just get rid of that skin and leave it in the past. But it's such a gift to be able to empathize with somebody who's just getting started in talking because here's the interesting thing. Is that it's the same no matter what niche you're in, you're scared. You're just getting started out. You don't know if it's gonna work out. You know, you're great at starting things, but you're not so great at finishing things. So you're wondering if you're wasting, you're wasting your time and money. I know I've been there, you know, and so it's something that is being, you know, remembering that everybody wants to escape their newbie period. And in look, I mean, I was just thinking about this. Before I came on here. I was like, I was like, man, I've been sitting in front of this wall for a couple of years. Just a lot of people on the internet don't know me because they just see me here every day and it's just this is my thing. I'm not in a different city each day taking selfies. I'm not I'm not I don't have a camera Cuf crew following me around. I'm not you know going from seminar to seminar doing all this thing needing to spend money on planes, private planes, helicopters, all this crazy shit. I'm 38 years 37 or 38 years old, living at home with my family every day going around the corner to another house. To work and then going back around the corner to go back with my kids and family and this is the life that I this is the life that I want. You know it but it's simple. I don't have to get in front of the camera and be doing all this crazy shit. buying new cars taking selfies with my vehicles taking wrist shots, you know, getting all dressed up each and every day to go on camera. It's a lot simpler than we make it out to be. And that just kind of blows my mind. I was thinking about that right before we came on. Literally. I'm even sitting here with a simple message just being consistent. So ultimately, my point here is that what's more important: being perfect or being consistent?

Sarah: I would say consistent. Yeah. And I mean, I think people can relate more to what I just said than that little clip, I think is so beautiful. And so for so many people because I feel like it's been a permission slip to feel the freedom to not have to live a life that isn't authentic to them because like I remember I was a part of this one like a teaching academy where I was, you know, just teaching business stuff for a while. And everybody in the academy all the different teachers they were they were all like into like cars and like it's like jets and this and that and I was just kind of like I'm content with like living in a tiny house or like I'd be content living in an RV traveling the US and just like being able to do like some like just like the simple debt free debt free not not not hang over your head like you know, that's not about stuff to you. It's about freedom, right?

Sarah: Memories, like my family, are so important to me and being able and they're all over the world. So I'm like wow, I want to stay home. I guess I have to just go all over the world. And I find more contentment in that versus like, I'm not I'm not attracted to owning a Lamborghini. Like if that was my why I would have quit a long time ago because that just wasn't my thing that wasn't a driving factor for me. And I think it's important for anyone who's starting out in their journey. Like if I could go back, I would say that to the beginning. I would say get really clear on why you're doing this and why you want this so badly and why it's important that you don't think for a second that you have to subscribe to any sort of feeling or lifestyle that isn't real to you. Because you're one you won't you'll quit to you'll you'll you're not going to get far to begin with because you're able to see like wait, that's not even you. Like you're not even allowing them to see from miles away and it stinks. So they will already set themselves up for failure. So just find peace and contentment in what's true to you. Yeah, it could be that it can literally be the thing that makes or breaks your journey. And some people they're like two years in and they still don't know that or three years in. Wherever you're

Dave:  You got to figure out who the hell you are. I mean, this is a big thing that we didn't do and you know, they didn't give us the skills and teach us this about getting clear. I went through what I want to share with everyone. This is a powerful lesson that I didn't learn in school that I had to teach myself that relates to what you were just talking about. We really were never taught to Hey, who am I? What do I want, like, Get clear who What is What does authenticity mean? I mean, does authenticity to most people we were talking about put on that smile and just this just just smiles it out. You know, especially prying a lot of girls growing up I had to do that as more than a lot of boys I would think because it's kind of like the boys were like get out there and it's okay to be dirty in the so look I mean we mile war. Exactly, exactly. I liked it when if I hear a guy say that to a girl, I just I think man I wish you would say you should fuck off more. Because it's just a problem. We stopped doing that. But my point here is that if I can even remember what the hell my point was. My My point is, is that we, when we're when we're let me try to try to bring this back in for a landing here. My when we're when we're when we're when we're when we're doing this and we're building this business, finding our own voice is a difficult thing to do. We weren't taught that. You know, we weren't taught how to speak our mind. We weren't taught how to go against the grain. You know, most of us were taught how to stand in line to be good little boys and girls get good grades, whatever. And don't met don't make a lot of noise. And yeah, and so and so, you know, getting clear on what we want, which is the sentence that you just shared a minute ago. It's an important skill in just being clear in general. And I would say if all of you want to grow, you really want to grow and it's okay if you just want your bank account to grow but you don't want to grow. I hear you, I hear I want that too. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen. But um, but But check this out spend the next year only focusing on the word clear clarity and here's what I mean. What I realized was that I was unclear in all areas of my life. I was unclear about what I wanted and who I was. I was also unclear when I was speaking to you. I discovered this about three or four years ago and I had been successful in marketing and I thought how I was successful when I was never thinking about this, but it's so important. I've become so much more effective now that I've focused on clarity. Every single time I write something out Sarah I read it and I asked myself if I was reading this would I be clear in what I'm saying? And I swear to God, a lot of y'all want to be digital marketers if you do not read what you wrote. It's not clear. It's not clear. The other thing is when we're talking the same thing happens we're even more unclear. Because I'm the worst at this. We use too many words to say what we want and that's why it's hard. TikTok is an art of these 15 second videos because you have to use less work, stay lacquer, right. Whether it's our marketing, whether it's our communication with our internal team or whether it's simply our communication with ourselves getting clear with what we want. I find that new entrepreneurs and sometimes even experienced ones lack clarity in damn near every area of their life and business. What would you do as I'm saying this?

Sarah: I fully agree and we're all guilty of it. So there's no judgment or condemnation? When speaking about that, because I can totally relate. I think we also have, we have two ears and one mouth for a reason. I think if you are lacking clarity in your life, it's because you need to listen more and learn from other people who've been able to find that for themselves. To not always speak what you would like what you're saying like oh, I think I should say this because that sounds cool. Or I think that this is what I should do as an actor and it's just this production versus who you really are. But it's funny. So the more we work on ourselves internally, and we're every day even if it's just a little bit progression, a little bit progression, how that affects how you show up in business, because how you show up in life is how you're going to show up in your business and you can still be successful like how you had said like you went 3534 years of not really understanding the clarity aspect and still have a lot of success and then you find clarity and then what it just it just takes off and you're like oh wow, like I  used to become so much more effective in life just able to get what I want more is what happened.

Sarah: Yeah, and then help other people get what they want to

do because you're teaching them that skill. I mean, I went on a rampage in our internal team here at legendary with this communication clarity piece for a year or so. And it changed our whole team, our whole team because we were all running. We were completely 100% virtual. So we've got almost 90 People in between 85 and 90 people here full time who are all working virtually. And so when we write it because we don't like to be on endless, you know, I don't want to meet for no reason other than me because I'm building reports I want to meet because there's something I need to see you need to see me or something. Body language is important, sometimes more meat when we're working with people when they need to be able to read us, but man, it changed our whole dynamic. You know, it changed our whole dynamic. We just became so much more effective and what just everybody likes, what if here's a way to really know and I think this can be a big needle mover for a lot of you who are looking for something that you can wait from the show today and begin to implement and it's this. If you find a lot of people coming back to you not clear about what you mean. They ghost you or disappear. Don't respond back. I want you all to really think about this. Does this happen sometimes or often in my life? That I feel like people don't understand what I'm saying? I feel misunderstood. This is good. Seriously understood. You feel like people are hearing you. You feel like you can't get fit. Okay, who can relate to this? If we were in a room right now, hands would be just watching this. Watch this. Watch this. Because I'm speaking things right now that you can relate to, right. This is what marketing is but I'm also going to give you a solution. So I felt like that too. I was like, Man, I'm not getting my point across but here was the real sign of people coming back to me when I gave them a directive here. I'm the CEO and I've given somebody a directive and they're coming back to me and there's back and forth. And then I just throw my hands up and here's where the real hit comes. Watch this, y'all. Then I just say if I want to do something, I'll just do it myself. That's the trap every CEO every business owner falls into. And I'm telling you y'all don't hear this right now. Holler at me in 10 years when it's manifest and I promise it will or even 10 months. We just say oh, you know what? If I want to do something I just need and I want to get it done right? I just need to do it myself because nobody I start to know, in my head, a character assassinates people around me. They don't understand it. They don't get it. They need smarter people, whatever. The problem is, and the same thing happens in my marriage to my wife's problem. She doesn't get it and hears me and doesn't understand me. Bla bla bla who's suffering the whole time? I am not her suffering. Why? Because I'm not getting what I want. So watch this. I turn the responsibility instead of on all these people and the same thing happens in my business. Nobody's responding on Tiktok if y'all listen to this, you can walk away today this will change your life and your business. Same thing happens. People are not responding. What's wrong with these people? What's wrong with this business model? What's wrong with tick tock? What's wrong with all these things? It's so easy to get into this whole blame game. You know, the problem is, I'm just not being effective with my communication. And people don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. They don't know what I'm asking. Right? They don't know what I'm asking and only what I'm talking about. And so I had to go back to the drawing board. And I had to start some real basic shit. Like reading what I just wrote in saying, Would I be confused if I wrote If I read this would I have a question? And you know, when I started instead of just firing off shit to people, Sarah wouldn't just send random text messages. You know, those emails were? I'm just thinking it's important. I don't even need to read it because I'm the CEO and I just fire it off and figure it out. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Because that's hurting me. Now. They're going to come back and ask, What are you talking about?

Sarah: Here's what I do. Yeah.

Dave:  And that's how I operate and run a company, with developers in different countries and people all over the place. And with minimal meetings, hundreds of 1000s of customers all over the world. Here's how I do it. When I want something done, I take the extra time. This is some rocket scientists shit. So you'll hold on to your butt cheeks here on this one. Take the extra time. A lot of times, I'll bust out a Google Doc. And I'll take the extra time and I will really clarify what I want. If I gotta bust out some bullet points on that beach. I'll bust out some bullet points. And that thing will be I mean, it's not just a big old clump. I really, and I'm a ninth grade dropout. There's no excuse. You can't make a damn bullet point. Okay? Go knock. Okay. Sarah, I'm going to tell you something. My life has changed without how much freedom I got and all y'all who are in sales out there and all this shit. And it's just this constant back and forth. I cannot stand why you're unclear with why not just send one text in and just spend an extra five minutes on the text. And just number one, question number two, instead of this 50 back and forth. I just can't, I don't have time for those people. Don't have time for that. That's why you're

Sarah: I know. I know.

Dave:  I keys, it's the keys to the kingdom. And I tell people this all the time. We are not in the business of selling. You know, I know it's a communication business. Everything in life is communication. And you can't use these. You got to use test people and you got to use these. It's so easy, but you got to commit to this shit that I'm talking about. Because without it you're just you're that you're that loud asshole who just likes to hear himself talk. But never and I know so many guys like that. They think they're so busy. They're on the phone all day long. These guys' phones are ringing all the time. I'm hanging out one day around them and I'm like, Dude, I need Xanax. I need we, I mean, I don't even know. I am so stressed from that. 

Sarah: I mean, I'm related to someone like that. I can only like two minutes in that, like, I'm sorry, I have to go and what's funny is the incessant having to be on the phone and emails and it's like the self importance thing. It's like looking at all these texts and messages and meetings and emails that I have as if it's productive and it's not that I did it right. And for them. It's because they don't know how to communicate. But what I would say is that I agree with what you're saying. If you just take the extra one minute 2345 minutes to over communicate. If you don't make time to do something, right. You're gonna have to make time to do it over. Yeah. Literally.

Dave:  Do follow up answers. And I'm telling you it is I've I've picked apart like I've got a few unique relationships with like, client sales advisors at like Tiffany, and a couple of high end places where these people have been, you could just tell in the way that they write the way that they communicate. It's just, there's, there's, there's a lot of places where you can learn how to do things and you can learn how not to do things. It happens every day in your life. A lot of y'all think oh my god, I can't get any knowledge until I buy a course you know, and it's like just start looking around. Just put your marketing glasses on. TOS put your marketing in, stop looking at everything in life through the lens of a consumer and look at it through the lens of a creator and say, God I'm frustrated as shit right now. This is a horrible customer service process. What's pissing me off? Let me make sure that I you know, how can I apply this to my business? Look, when you are in business, everything's a lesson. Everything around you should be Ooh, let me learn from that I either had a good or a bad experience and how can I implement that into my business or make sure that I'm not doing the same thing?

That was just done to me to somebody else, you know, and I think we live life with such little self awareness. A lot of this stuff is real basic shit, but it's not even taught in school. I mean, for me, I think back to some of my English lessons and stuff like that. And it was almost like, right, more complicated, right? Right or confusing. That's what we want you to do today, I'd come with some simple ass way. I solved some math problems. You know, who knows, probably looked over on my neighbor's paper, but then they'd be like, Well, you didn't work the problem down five sheets and do it that way. I'm like, Well, who gives a shit? I got the same answer. And now all are using the calculator. You know, life teaches us to do shit the hard way. And what I'm telling you is, there's no shortcuts in terms of the ladder to success. Everybody's got to climb once one step at a time. But, man, there's so many things that we can do that require no investment of capital, they require no additional energy. This requires less energy, it just requires higher self awareness. And in Yes, Brian, it's self awareness. It's about being aware of how what we're doing is impacting the situation. Whose responsibility is it in the situation who can actually fix the situation? In every situation? I always say, I can. I'll fix it. Let me watch. Let me clarify. So then I'll come back to somebody if there's one other thing, if somebody comes back with a bunch of questions or a or, you know, I can tell that I've communicated unclearly I'll instead of answering the question, I'll say, Hold on. Let me go back to my original thing and add in the pieces that I've clearly left out. Yeah. So, here's the other thing. A lot of you, a lot of you who are doing it doesn't matter if you're doing affiliate marketing, it doesn't matter whether you're selling your own courses, whatever. Here's the other big secret. Stop saying the same shit 50,000 times a day. Start creating tools that communicate what you're trying to say. Literally, that you can use every time. So these one on one chats that so many people are doing is black. Doing it I would make a page on like a Click Funnels or whatever, Wix wherever. And I would set it to answer every question that I get asked or at least I'd make one video that answered the top five questions.

Sarah: Yeah, I did. Yeah, I did that with like the top seven questions. I got in and included disclaimers and stuff because I was like, I'm not answering this over and over. I don't have the grace or the we I did that and it helps so much. And I was like, look, it's there. Like if you can't even read that. If you can't take time to read that then like I'm not gonna

Dave:  Like it always puts it on the customer to qualify themselves to meet. Right so what I want to do in my marketing as well is I want to get those micro commitments. So I never want anybody waiting on me. I never want a lead or a customer waiting on me if I can help it and that's a challenge right because there's certain places in the business where but anyways when at that very beginning stage with somebody and every person goes through this it doesn't matter if you start to grow social media profiles. Your DMS blows up mostly with people who are wasting your time. It doesn't matter what niche you're in, all y'all think you're unique because you had a video go viral and you got a bunch of messages. It happens in every industry, every YouTube channel, every social media influencer account that has hundreds of 1000s or 10s of 1000s or has videos, all get messages from people who have nothing to do and don't even remember that they sent the message. It's not like they're sick, they didn't they didn't send it and then set their phone down and say no, I'll just, I'll just quietly and patiently wait for Sarah to get back to me now that I've said that DM here, or respectfully? No, they don't give a shit. They say BMG, you're a loser and they moved on or what's what and they moved on. They don't give a damn. So what I do is or what I would do as an affiliate is, you know, if I had one response to somebody, that's fine, but I'm not going to count on, you know, I'm not going to count on me having to follow up with them or whatever. In order to be active. I'm gonna give them an assignment and when they come back to me without assignment, that's a hot qualified lead, you see. So if I have 1000 people who messaged me and I give everybody the assignment or set or send everybody a personalized first message, right, sending them to the page that has all the answers or, or the other thing I would say is go through and watch the 20 Whatever you're promoting, go watch the 25 minute video, and then all your questions will be if you have questions after you watch it, let me know. Exactly. That's the other thing that I would do. But instead of going back and forth so much I know that a lot of people you know, they're like Well, I'm doing a lot of one on one chatting and stuff like that. But you have to, you have to evolve and grow. And there's ways that I can, that I can, you know create tools that can very clearly answer questions because remember, we were just talking about clarity. I can create tools, videos, pages, PDFs, things of that nature, that can answer the question really, really well. And then I'm just using those instead of and that's one of the things that we've done inside of legendary is I didn't want you know, that's one of the reasons why we have the challenge and everything else is because, you know, I don't want people having to explain things all the time. All the answers to everything in our business and companies are right in our videos. If you want to learn about them, you want to know what we're talking about. Go watch the videos. If you're unwilling to watch the videos you're probably not going to buy and anybody who's gonna get on the phone with you in our company is not going to sit there for an hour explaining stuff in a video because they've also been trained to do that. Right? So we use it to be effective, because we, just like many of you have 10s of 1000s of people coming through wanting to message and customer support. So we have to also run our business in a communication wise effective way.

Sarah: Right? For me, I'm not. I have to look at let's say if 100 People are messaging me about whatever, like I'm not going to the ones who are showing me the bare minimum are not going to get the highest priority in communication with me. I once had this girl. I still have the DM from her because I just thought it was so funny and I was like I feel like I'll use this one day but she felt like there were too many words on the sales page, which they weren't. But she felt that they were too and she wanted me to send her a synopsis of the sales page to see if she wanted to buy it. And I told her straight up I said please leave the sales page because this clearly isn't for you. I was like, if you can't handle reading a sales page and listening to a 10 minute video, then there's no way you're gonna be able to go through videos and challenges and PDFs and swipe files. I was like this isn't for you. So just I'm gonna give you permission to delete and she was so shocked with my bluntness, but I was like I don't want you to waste your time because you're clearly a waste to be mine. And so she you know, that was like a lesson for me, but I just felt like I had to tell her but you have to pay attention and it's like, you know, if someone's giving me the bare minimum, and they can't handle a simple few steps 123 Little steps and I just don't think I could genuinely like, this isn't like oh, well you know, we might just go to you know Disney World and have a cool experience like no like you could you could potentially like be able to alter the trajectory of your life. So however you want to approach that is up to you, but I can't want it for you. You can't want it for them. And a disclaimer, you know, most people who come into working online Don't you know, make money, you know, because they don't put in the work and stuff but the ones who do, their possibility of doing that is higher and everything. It takes words from people who buy stuff, don't even open it. I mean, I've been looking at statistics for over a decade in this industry. And, you know, it's not uncommon for people to buy a course and just not even log into it. We get messages from our affiliates sometimes saying, you know, why do my people know what's wrong with the challenge? It's like sticking around and I mean, these are your fellow human beings, IKEA. I'm not here to explain human humanity to you. I'm not here to explain why people are lazy as shit. Ian could have the entire world by the you know, Coronas and do nothing. Just do nothing. And then play dumb and then blame you. I mean, that's, that is humanity. That is one I mean, why do you think we celebrate greatness so much? Why do you think Michael Jordan got, you know, almost mummified? You know what I mean? Like this guy is like the, the type of guy like who who we wrap in put in why? Because greatness is so rare. Average is so common. Why wear this hat every day? It's sure it sounds cool, but it's it's so mediocrity is so common

Sarah: Here's a quote and it's called, choose your heart, I'm sure some people have heard it and it says like, be broke. And it's hard to become wealthy. Like it's hard to be overweight. It's hard to maintain a, you know, healthy physique. Choose your heart. You get a choice though. And at the end of the day, you are the person who sounds a little more of it, but like the person who dies at the end of your life is you. And so if you're if you're going to live your life, and you're going to be faced every single day with certain decisions that could and it could be a micro decision could be teeny tiny such as hitting the snooze button. That's usually the first decision that people make during the day. You know, so, if you're gonna if you're the one who has to die at the end of your life, and, and the whole Lego like life is so short, it's the longest thing you ever can experience. So that's worth living. Make it a life that even though you're faced with hard decisions every single day choose one that at least gets you somewhere. Choose one that actually helps you, your family, your community, the people around you. And if your why, when we were talking about at the beginning of the video, like help people don't know why they're in this, what they're doing, why they're doing it. If you're wise just about making money. I don't like I don't mean this in a mean way, but like I don't see you being in this for that long. Because you're gonna have to find something outside of yourself that pulls you forward because you can only push yourself so hard. At some point you feel you're going to something's gonna come up. There's been a million challenges that have come up in my journey. I'm sure you have a billion and you have

Dave:  Mostly all internal external challenges, all the ones I've made up in my mind, right and that my friends and family won't support me. Or, you know, you know, the internet's meaning or whatever it is, is all stuff that I could mentally work through it. It's right here. Nobody's coming over to my house and saying, gun to your head Dave. You're You're a loser. Don't you dare touch that keyboard. Nobody is doing that.

Sarah: It's so true. You're gonna be faced with a lot of decisions and, and I I know this business works because I've been doing it for so long and I work with a bunch of different affiliate products and, and I love that but I would say focus on the one that's in front of you, which if you're on this call, I would imagine that's legendary. So focus on that. Give that your all. Learn as much as you can. grow as much as you can and take some responsibility for your life. And your business. It's not the algorithm's fault. It's not the challenger's fault. It's not Legendary’s fault. You're the common denominator in your business. People aren't responding back to you. There's something wrong. If people are responding back to you, but take action. There's something wrong and it's just kind of like a little. It's like a little math equation. It's like okay, this just goes down the pipeline. Okay, this work is work. Right here they stop. Why is that clearly there's something in this area that isn't working. Okay, let's patch that up and fix it. Oh, you don't know. How to do that. You have a private Facebook community. You can ask questions. That's worth its weight

Dave:  Calls daily. This show is more valuable. If I would have had this show to listen to when I was first getting started. I would have had a lot of fun and learned a lot of stuff. I know. So mad. Shout out, shout out. Yeah. Listen, it's been Sarah , this is valuable. i i This is your second time on the show. Yeah. So I mean, let's do it with 30. Let's do a third round here in the near future. Let's see. Is everybody down for that is everybody down to have Sarah back for the new Metro three so we can get that passivity going up.

Sarah: I don't know we're gonna make

Dave: The passivity of the episode. Much chest. We need this. Alright, Sarah, we will be good. Okay, thanks for all the value.

Sarah: Thank you. 

Dave: Okay, we'll talk to you later. All right, my friends. Go and check her out. She's at the social affiliate. Okay, and we've had her username up the entire episode mostly. So if you're listening, the social affiliate, you can find Sara TikTok and Instagram a lot of nuggets. Sometimes I wouldn't when I'm saying these things and they're coming out free. I'm like, man that's that's hope they don't I hope they don't just ignore that just because that was free. You know? What do I mean? Sometimes we don't pay attention to what we don't pay for. Don't make that mistake. These are really really valuable calls and they just keep getting more valuable. We'll see you back here tomorrow for another episode.

How To Turn Negativity Into Productivity

Below is the transcription for this episode:

JoAnn: Hello everyone and welcome Happy Friday Welcome to wake up legendary. For those that don't know me my name is Joanne I am a part of the marketing department here at legendary marketer. You may see my emails on Saturdays when they come out when we do a recap and all of that good stuff. But I am so excited to host today and we have an amazing guest. I can't wait for you to meet him and learn about him and all of that good stuff. Before we jump into that, if you are someone that wants to be a guest on the show, you have seen success in getting you some nuggets of knowledge to share with our audience. We would love for you to fill this out. Just go here legendary marketer.com backslash featured, and just answer a few questions and maybe we'll get you on the show soon. So be sure to do that for me. So without further ado, please welcome Chris.

Chris: Thank you for having me. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to be here. I'm very excited to be here. Yeah, well,

JoAnn: I'm so excited to have you so share with us your backstory. What were you up to when you found legendary and how did you find us?

Chris: So luckily I actually found you guys like probably 95% of us out to find legendaries for TikTok. So one day, I was actually home during the Florida pandemic. Scroll through tick tock every day to see what's going on out there. And I came across a video I clicked on. It took that 15 day business challenge to the next step and yeah, here I am. I kind of like morphing myself into an online marketer. I work construction. So this was totally new to me. I didn't know how any of this stuff works, but you guys actually really gave me the step. by step guidance and showing me exactly what I need to do the formulas and the tools. And yeah, thank you guys for that because you guys really like changing my life in a totally different avenue that I don't even know existed.

JoAnn: So you're working construction now? I do not. Okay, so I'm a marketer. 

Chris: I'm all in here. I'm all in.

JoAnn: I love it. Awesome. Okay, so we were doing drop shipping. That was our first adventure.

Chris: That was my first online adventure. So I was really into flipping. So I would buy resale flip, go to yard sales, flip it around and stuff around the house. I just went to the eBay Facebook market page. And I kept saying to myself, There's got to be an easier way so I'm dealing with shipping or products and dealing with returns so and so then I kind of got involved with drop shipping. And that's a lot of work. I mean a lot of work for a little bit of capital and a little bit of return, which is not great. A great place to first start out like the online community and see how it all works. I highly recommend giving it a shot but when I got involved with affiliate marketing, I kind of just ran with it and never looked back.

JoAnn: Oh, I love it. What do you think the biggest difference for you between those two models was?

Chris: So I can't say dropshipping. I mean, I wasn't having as much fun as I am with affiliate marketing because I really, really enjoy editing videos and making videos talking on camera. I just like that approach a lot more. And instead of always copying and pasting stuff in the description and uploading pictures of barbecue grill or whatever I'm selling for dropshipping but I just like the whole dynamic of like the whole digital marketing world on how really, you build your own brand. You are your brand. So I really enjoy that and I believe that there's there's a lot more to capitalize on in this industry than then to dropshipping

JoAnn: Right so when you found legendary hawk and the 15 day business builder challenge were you like all in started day one that day? Did you take some time? What was that process for you?

Chris: So I was I was all in I was I was the I jump in and I just said to myself if I'm going to do this, I'm going to commit every bit of energy into this and and, and one thing I've always I've always seen in a lot of people's tick tock videos is are fake certificate and stuff like that. So I always saw that and I envisioned holding it. I just didn't visualize everything. And it took me a little while to get started to be honest with you. I did the 15 day business challenge. I wasn't I wasn't making money by day 15 or anything like that. I was still learning the whole process and after them 15 days are still more of a process to learn. So if they're if they're, I would say three months of me giving it pretty much every day. Then I started seeing success and I started seeing things like everything actually starting to fall into place and I'm actually working.

JoAnn: Right Okay, so we have that three month period. Yes. Where you have to just kind of Oh yeah, blinders on walk us through that process because a lot of our viewers today will watch the recording or in the middle of that and they're going so give us your tips for your business.

Chris: The best tip I can really give you is just don't give up. If something's not working, give it a week, week or two if it's not working you want to change up your strategy. Obviously I was going in on things where I thought I thought it was going to work, but I had to retract from that and actually take a look around and realize, okay, this isn't working. I need to move on to something else. And that could be you tweaking your Tik Tok videos and the way you're looking at the camera and anything like that. But one thing I really recommend for new people that are past that 15 day business challenge and you're trying to build their brands. You want to have some kind of an offer that helps people get involved. You want to actually teach them exactly how to do affiliate marketing. So you want to actually be you really want to be a coach but you don't have to be the coach that everybody probably sees online. But you just want to give valuable information to people and you want to be sincere and honest with people in the best possible way.

JoAnn: Right and that that's really that's the key right there is absolutely showing up as your authentic self. Yeah, yep. bringing in people that are like you that love your personality. Yes. Easier to make content than right it is

Chris: It isn't it comes more naturally and it's more fluid and it just comes natural to you.

JoAnn: Right. So I saw you also have a Facebook group too. So yes. Did you start that in this process and journey? Did you start it like right out of the challenge? Wait a little bit.

Chris: So I did wait a little bit. I waited a little bit, just because I still really wasn't sure what I was doing. So it was all kind of like a learned thing and I would drink on Facebook Lives I would watch people's videos. So I was always doing research on how I can do better? How can I do better because this isn't it? You can always walk up the steps. So I would actually say within probably six months so it took a while for me to realize that I should start a Facebook group. And so I would say about six months I started pulling traffic off the Tiktok and seminar group and given valuable information, making YouTube videos and showing people how to set up sales funnels in and talking about the 15 day business challenge and things like that just given knowledge that help people to really succeed with their online journey.

JoAnn: Do you feel like you build a stronger connection with your group members than what you do on TIkTok? Is that the reason? For you?

Chris: Yeah, it's definitely more of a personal touch. Because, I mean, people reach out to me, we'll chat. So I always kind of refer to them as anything that they're looking for. They'll reach out to me, Hey, I'm having a hard time sitting on my sales funnel. And I'll say oh, here take out this free video. Check it out. Tell me what you tell me what you tell me what you think. So yeah, it's definitely a whole different approach on Facebook than TikTok. And when I realized that the whole different the whole there's a whole different approach from TikTok versus Facebook is really when things started kind of falling into place for me.

JoAnn: Okay, so where do you spend more time

Chris: you know, so I mean tick tock is a tremendous, tremendous way to gain organic traffic. And I know it can be hard when you're first getting 10,000 followers because you're not really pressing TikTok Not really throwing out too broad or broader, a broader audience, but starting out can be kind of tough, but I didn't say honestly, I would say my Facebook page, like right now developing an ebook that I'm going to literally give out for free in my Facebook group, that that kind of just helps people exactly showing you exactly how this whole process works. And it's going to be totally free. And I'm very excited for it. So I'm probably going to have it in my Facebook group this coming weekend.

JoAnn: Right. I love it and I hope people are really as our audience is listening right now if you can really understand what's happening. So he's you're very you're you're making changes. You're constantly adjusting, tweaking, making changes. And you know, there are some people here. Oh, you can't change, you can't do this, but it's not like a big picture change. It's small. little tweaks. I'm going to add this, maybe now for the next three weeks to my TikToks. I'm going to have a little bit different hook or a little bit different style. So it's not these huge, massive changes where it's like starting over from zero every three weeks. Exactly. Tiny little adjustments that you're along the way and seeing how it works.

Chris: Exactly, exactly. That's the whole thing. I mean, I started from Tiktok, Facebook or Facebook. Now. I'm moving on to an ebook.

JoAnn: I love it. That's awesome. So fun. Very cool. I love that you have a Facebook group and you're directing them. So are you talking about your group at all in your videos or is it just a link in your bio and all of that good stuff?

Chris: I am talking about my Facebook group in my TikToks Or yeah, I'm sorry. I'm talking about sorry, my dogs barking everyday kind of things. So yeah, so yeah, I do talk about my Facebook group and I get all my traffic, most of my traffic from TikTok into my Facebook group, just because I just want to give free guidance on helping people.

JoAnn: Right. Do you ever feel like you could give too much information?

Chris: Yes, absolutely. I do. I see that in a lot of TikTok videos too. Because but I don't want to. I don't want to bash that at all because people putting too much information out there actually made me realize the changes that I need to make. So that kind of thing helped me elevate but yes, you do want to draw a fine line of giving a little too much information. So you do want to watch what you're saying. So because you're going to send you're going to send your audience to work really different than where your endgame really is.

JoAnn: Right? As Dave has said, even this week previously, don't be the hunter be the hunted? Right, exactly. Three to where they're weak. What is he saying? What is this person talking about? Let me look into this more. Absolutely. seek you out. Right. Absolutely. Yeah. And that's, that's, I think, a hard concept. For those starting out. Right. I've gotta go hunt. I gotta go find my people. But really, you want to door them in?

Chris: Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. You want to create that hook that Fishel? Dave talks about the fish that you know you're fishing for?

JoAnn: Are you going live?

Chris: Yes, I am. So not as much as I would actually like to go live but I've been pretty focused on things right now, especially with affiliate marketing. So if they're after this weekend, I definitely want to go live a lot more. Right now I might be doing a live show once a week. So I would like to do that a little more than what I am doing now. But like I said, I kind of have all my eggs in a basket on one thing.

Chris: Going Live is a little bit more of a struggle because you kind of I mean, people come out with questions and you might not even know the question, but um, so it is a little harder because you're kind of it's raw. It's raw content. I guess. It's really what it is. It's not prepared. It's not written out. It's raw. It's all raw. Yeah.

JoAnn: So you kind of feel like I have to be ready on the spot. One of our guests I love was really one who was struggling with it. I have to have a lot of people. What do I do if there's just one person and we had another guest that came on and it was just an amazing mindset of, man. If there's one person, imagine how much value I can give that one person like, coffee shop, yeah, friends, figuring things out and just helping one another and going through that.

Chris: Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, that I mean, I've been in plenty of lives where there's one person watching or nobody watching. So yeah, absolutely. It's all about just given the value and, and helping that one person out one person at a time. 

JoAnn: All right. So what is your next goal? What's your next pretty business? We have an ebook. Yes. Yes. What's after that? What's looking forward to that?

Chris: So I'm really going to promote that after this weekend. I'm going to really press that I want to start doing Facebook Lives and I want to start doing more blogs and things like that.

JoAnn: So what's gotten you interested in blogging?

Chris: I'm just building character, my character, my brand and I didn't realize that really, the major thing to this is building your brand yourself. So that's, that's like the number one thing that I'm really trying to achieve now and, and really go all in on this

JoAnn: Right as you build your own brands, or business?

Chris: Exactly. Yeah. You don't want to, you don't want to sell, like you're pressing something you want to like, like you just want to you don't want the same you don't want to can't do what you want.

JoAnn: All right. Oh, a lot of people are loving in the comments if you're having an ebook and stuff, which is great. Awesome. So tell us a little bit more about that. What's been that process for you?

Chris: So I really kind of gave him my all on that. Like doing a lot of research on best things like the right thing, what not the right, what they put in how to really how to set the whole thing up. So I've been like the past. I would say the past three, three weeks to a month I've been really like this . Given this my all I am a father of two and I am married so I obviously gotta make time for them. So I like to wake up early, like to be up before everybody 435 o'clock and I like to put in a good two hours before the family starts waking up. And so that's when I get the juices flowing. And I drink a cup of coffee and I just really dive into it. And then when everyone's sleeping, I'm right there grinding. I guess you could say so yeah, so pretty pumped about it.

JoAnn: Okay, so you're working full time on your business at home. Yes. We have a wife, two kids. Yeah. How did you make that transition to where you are? It sounds like you're pretty structured with your schedule. Yeah. Is it not? Is it all over the place?

Chris: I mean, anybody who has like two little kids, no, you're all over the place. So you try to keep his structure. But, you can only hold that structure for so long. But, I always say to myself, if, like, I mean with things in your life and things come up, there's always an opportunity for you to do better. Like, if you want to be successful, you have to give up sleep. And I can't I can't stress that enough because my best working hours are when people are still sleeping. So yeah, one of the things that I like to do is to do three videos a day. I like to hit up. I like to get them done around four to five o'clock in the morning. Work on the ebook, and then throughout the day, I like the posts given all throughout different times, but yeah, things can definitely be all over the place.

JoAnn: Yeah, I think it's not necessarily to lose sleep. It's fine

They want to do all the things once their kids are asleep. Yes. Right. Yeah, it's really diving in and really looking at yourself. Most optimize the time of the day, right? All in for those two, three hours.

Chris: Absolutely. Yep. fully commit to it. And yeah, I mean, everybody waking up early might not be the thing for you. You have to figure out what works for you. And what's best for you.

JoAnn: Right? Definitely. I definitely I could not be working at 3am Or

Chris: Yeah, it took a while. I was not a morning person. I used to sleep until 12 o'clock and Yes. Huge adjustment but you gotta ask yourself what your goals are and where you want to be in life because you're the You're the writer to your own destiny.

JoAnn: And love that you read on your questionnaire is to stay hungry. Yes. You mean by that? Explain that to us.

Chris: Like putting in the hours, waking up early, staying committed to it. Just because you read one bad comment that somebody wrote about you. I mean, turn that negativity into productivity. Don't Don't let somebody take you away from your dreams or pull you away from your goals just because they're pouring their negativity and their lack of knowledge on you. Don't listen to it. Don't listen to anybody. Do what's up here. Follow your heart. Follow yourself and I mean, you'll thank me later. It Doesn't sound ridiculous. But yeah, just to stick to your heart and follow it.

JoAnn: Yeah, that was huge. So how do you turn negativity trolls making comments into productivity for you? What does that mean?

Chris: I will work harder. You go harder. If somebody says what you're doing is a scam or something like that. I then step up my game by giving more value showing them exactly what they need to know, to realize that this is 100% legitimate. This is a legitimate business model that a lot of people are doing and they're making a lot of money doing it. Right.

JoAnn: Okay, so, you you're almost like

Chris: Yeah, absolutely. I'm a person who likes to envision things and when I envision those things, I feel it with my hands. So I really I really I'm a really I guess you could say driven kind of person like this is this was all new to me. Back in July I thought July so and I realized this is something that I really want to succeed with. And this is really something that I want to do with my life. And I want to teach my kids exactly how this all works. Right? Give the internet an option. Not giving up is not an option. I'm here for the long game.

JoAnn: Right. I love that. Love that. So a couple of people are mentioning and I think it's important to bring up how do you handle negative comments? Because they're always going to come up. It's just a part of our life. On social media and it doesn't matter if you are a bazillionaire you're gonna have negative comments.

Chris: You know, it's funny though, because like I'll, I'll be sitting on a couch and talking to my wife and I'll read a negative comment and not sound ridiculous. I literally laugh about it. i You got to because unfortunately the person giving you that that negative comment is this narrow minded person. So you can't, you can't fall into a trap. It's just a trap and you can't fall into that hole. You got to laugh about it because unfortunately I mean even the videos that we make are all tick tock . Yes, it can be grimy sometimes but fix it, make it sound better, make it look better, work on the way you're speaking. Look at the way I said you're talking to the camera. Just just laugh about it because it doesn't mean anything. negative comments,

JoAnn: It's just it's really more about them. Exactly. Your limiting belief and you know what, I don't want to do the work. I feel absolutely changes in my life. Yeah. I don't want to hear about anyone else. Absolutely. Because I want to stay stuck.

JoAnn: Yeah. And if anything, it's like thanks for adding to my comments. I've read in my engagement for helping me out in that way.

Chris: That's a great thing too. When people write in your comments. Tick tock is going to press you to a broader spectrum of people on tick tock. It doesn't matter what they say. I mean, they just see it. They see it in the comments and then they think that's engagement. So use that negative comment thing and to your advantage.

JoAnn: And if you do reply , tick tock no with their comment. Yes, it goes even further. I was even on my for you page. Reply comment. Before the actual one. Exactly. That's what went viral.

Chris: Absolutely, absolutely. Use their negativity to your advantage.

JoAnn: Exactly. Yeah, because they shouldn't control your future. Your destiny. It's some random person. Absolutely. Online you don't even know, don't make decisions for your life. Exactly, exactly. And if you stop posting stop creating content

Chris: Absolutely. Give it your all 110% every day and turn the negativity into productivity.

JoAnn: I love you, I love your whole mindset because he just has to keep going. Absolutely. Absolutely wasn't overnight. Not wake up money falling from people think this, you know it and it's not that it's really learning.

JoAnn: I have a long standing saying the day you stop learning is the day you stop succeeding. Absolutely. Absolutely. And now you're stuck. There's always something changing. Right? Not online space. Absolutely. You can do this today what you did, right. A year ago. Absolutely. Three years ago, it was a totally different market online.

Chris: And I'm noticing right now that big shifts in the way things are going right now I can definitely see like there's a shift just literally happening. I would say within less this month. This whole thing just kind of stays on top of keeping learning.

JoAnn: What do you feel the shift is that you're seeing?

Chris: I would say that. I mean, there's more. There's more. There's more social media platforms that people are bringing their business to. So when I first got started there weren't any Instagram reels there weren't YouTube reels. It was all a tick tock so now that there's even a broader community where you can really kind of target more.

JoAnn: Yeah, it's just you just need to be ready to make those small pivots.

Chris: Don't stick to one thing, right?

JoAnn: And be stuck like this is it I'm doing than only this and I'm not changing my opt in page. I'm not going to adjust any of the copy. I'm not going to try different types of videos. It has to work this way. So before we go today, what is your one piece of advice for anyone that's starting out with the challenge of starting out with this journey to help them just keep going and all that good stuff.

Chris: If you're 100% serious with this and you want this success and you want to make the income that you desire you dream up, don't stop. Keep going one step at a time. Learn something new every day. It doesn't even have to be every day, it could be once a week. If you have a full time job and you have a full time family, once a week challenge yourself to learn something new every day in the industry that you actually want to achieve. And don't stop. Just keep going forward and be hungry like we originally spoke about being hungry every day and don't give up because you can literally be one video away from going viral. You just have to keep going. That's it. That's all that's that's that's all it is. Just keep going. Yeah.

JoAnn: So we'd love for you to go follow Chris. Please note this is not a spelling error. This is just how the profile is spelled @sidehustleswithChris. So that way you'll know you found the right guy to give him a follow go comment on his videos. Let him know that you saw him on Wake Up Legendary and just really support one another, build each other up and help each other out in the community. And it's just been great having you on Chris.

Chris: Yes. Thank you for having me. I'm ecstatic to be here and it was a great time.

JoAnn: So we love updates. I love updates and repeat guests. So you don't have to wait for us to reach out if you've hit a new milestone. Knit something new you want to share with our audience even if it's small. You need to be like I have now made a million dollars. Yeah, a goal on your journey that you would love to share with our audience. Please reach out. We'd love to have you back on.

Chris: Definitely I hope they thought you guys did on my successful real how my ebook goes.

JoAnn: All right, be sure to follow Chris. I hope everyone has a fantastic Friday, a killer weekend. Be sure to check out all this week's episodes of wakeup legendary if you missed any. And we will be back on Monday. Have a great weekend. Everyone. Bye.


How To Keep Your Business Running

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt:  Hey what's going on everybody? Happy Thursday, April 28. I'm used to just hosting a Wednesday so I almost said Happy Wednesday but it's actually Thursday. Hope you're doing well welcome to wake up legendary if you're new we go live every single Monday through Friday at 10am. Eastern on our Facebook page. We go live. We bring on a guest somebody who's been through the challenge or gone through our training or has gotten some cool results that we want to share with our community. If you are again, newer and you're like, What the heck is this all about? Typically, we just bring people on for 30 to 45 minutes and we chat just a little bit about their business, about their marketing, what do they have going on? How are they creating content? What types of forms of freelance digital marketing are they doing that kind of thing? And it gives you an opportunity to connect with people in our community. It also gives you an opportunity to sort of like I have these little blinds right here. And imagine if those blinds got kind of opened it's almost like you can look through the blinds on somebody else's business right? You can just sort of take a peek and see what's going on and see what you know, learning lessons that you could take away if you would like every single morning I just got mine. You can see right here I just got my little text message right here. And if you'd like to get a text message reminder every single morning at 10am. Eastern then you can text the letters W U L stands for Wake Up legendary Wu to 813-296-8553. And we'll send you a message every single morning at 10am. Eastern we won't send you spam. We will not send you a bunch of scam links or anything crazy or a crypto Ponzi scheme. Whatever. We're just gonna send you a reminder every morning. All right. We've been doing these for I don't know, maybe two straight years now and just loaded with guests every single day for pretty much two years. Maybe a little longer, but I know that we've had guests for about two years straight. And I don't think we really intend on stopping so we love doing these episodes. We love bringing people on and today we've got another awesome guest. I'm really excited to chat with her. I think she's in New York. Shannon what's up? 

Shannon: Hi good morning. Yes, I am in New York.

Matt:  Okay, cool. Right on right on. Welcome to the show. Thanks for coming on.

Shannon: Thanks for having me. I'm excited to be back on here and talk with you guys.

Matt: Yeah, of course. Is this your second time?

Shannon: Yes, I think I was there last December for the first time.

Matt:  Right. All right, cool. Well, we've got an interesting journey because I just got an alert. I just got a message that she got her TikTok count back or something. And I think our title was like she had her van or  something like that. So anyway, bring us into your world of finding Legendary thing he found us last June or something like that. And so almost a year ago, and you've been just cranking away and working hard, and you've made a lot of money. I mean, you've really blown up and did a great job. Tell us a little bit about how you found legendary and just like for everybody who doesn't know you. Tell them a little bit about your story and journey to come in online. 

Shannon: For sure. So I'm Shannon obviously I'm 24 so I'm legendary. Last I think it was last June. I was living at home in Jersey and I was reading an online fitness business personal training and I was just like, so burnt out from doing and I was working like 10 hour days constantly trying to do my marketing sales chasing clients and it was just not what I had imagined. And so I had decided that I was going to move to New York City and I had signed a lease, but I had no income at that time. So I was like, I need to figure out some way to start making money online again. And so I was actually scrolling down my TikTok one day, and I saw a girl pop up and she was a Legendary affiliate. And I was like, like, I had never heard of affiliate marketing before. And so I saw her. I checked out her profile and I was like, sounds too good to be true. I'm not gonna do it. And then a month later I was like okay, I might as well check it out. I have nothing to lose. And so I did the 15 Day Challenge. And then I was like okay, this business model like this is what I have always wanted, like the freedom to work from where I want only having to work for a few hours every day like this is what I thought I would have in my fitness business. So I might as well like to go all in on trying this so I got the blueprints and I went through the program and for me it was just like it was crazy how quick it all blew up. I think I started posting on tick tock by that and maybe at the end of July or beginning of August and I think by September 1, I had either 20 or 40,000 followers already. And I really just blew up and I was like what is going on? So yeah, so that's kind of how I found you guys. I saw somebody else doing it and I was like I want to get a yeah and so once the ball kind of started rolling with it. It never really stopped which is why oh,

Matt: That's super cool, man. I just my mind keeps getting blown by just like, you know, back when I first started online, it was just like figuring out a way to get 20 or 40 or 50,000 followers. It was just like, hello, there's no possible it's gonna take you 510 years and you're 60 days in and it's just like, it's it's stupid. I mean, it's cool, but it's stupid. It's crazy. The opportunity.

Shannon: Yeah, it was wild. And I feel like a lot of people were so used to social media in the age of like Instagram being the main platform we're on there. It's like you could be posting for 10 years and still have like 500 followers and so that was my first time ever actually liking posting on TikTok. And once I had I think it was my fifth day of posting I had a video that went super viral. I think it's at like 500,000 views right now. And so that went super viral and blew up and that's when I kind of saw how big of an opportunity that Tiktok and affiliate marketing is. Because it was like the power of one video. I think it was like a 15 second video. The power of one little 15 second video blew everything up for me and completely just changed my life.

Matt:  That's crazy, so I want people to also connect the dots like what started in terms of like your lead generation and building like an email list or maybe didn't build an email list or, or art or whatever but like in terms of how your lead flow went from a viral video was there a correlation between you know your your 500,000 view video and like your you're you started to get a lot more leads to and sales.

Shannon: Yeah, for sure. Because I had to go with a 15 second free lead course. And I watched all of the case studies and so I was like okay, I have an idea about how I want to set up my account and get started with it. So I already set up my legendary funnel and then I had that connected to an email list and I think I only had one like five to send the emails like with the copy I think that you guys gave us like I copied and pasted it. And so I had my funnel set up. I had that connected to the email list. And so I had gone into TikTok kind of giving a little background on who I am and then going right into talking about affiliate marketing talking about different side hustles and stuff like that. And so when that video blew up it was a video on like, I think it was like a step by step walkthrough on like Clickbank or something like super simple, super easy. And it just blew up. And so at the end of it, I think I had a call to action like if you guys want to learn how to do this in more detail go head to the link in my bio and check that out right there. And so that was definitely directly correlated to the amount of leads that I had and I started getting right to optimize this.

Matt: Yeah, that's super cool and a nice job doing the whole call to action. Like that's money. Perfect.  So you went through this process of you doing a couple things. We could talk about doing some PR too, but when so throughout your journey, you started generating quite a few leads and sales from that and then what you did is remember when that was well you could tell us when you had your entire account banned or shut down. That recent or Had that been a little while ago and then I just learned that that might have come back now tell us a little bit about that whole journey. Tell us what you had to do in order to try to get it back and stuff.

Shannon: Yeah, so this is very recent. I think it was probably about a month ago. I woke up one day and TikTok had banned My Account and shut it down completely. And that was like I have my Instagram, my business Instagram account connected to it. Um, but like I said, it's a lot harder. To grow on Instagram that on tick tock so I had that shut down overnight, and basically lost my business overnight, having that shut down and so I was able to get it back which is awesome. But it's still I haven't posted on it and I think a month just because I'm still under very heavy watch. I don't want to get shut down like then I got it back. But I've been keeping it very much like on the download. So that's why it was really important for me to have like other systems in place like, my business Instagram account connected where I always like to tell people to go follow me or message me and then I have an email list which I think has like 20,000 people on it. And so I was able to like send out just like an email blast being like, hey, my account was shut down. If you still want to follow along. Here's my new Like Backup page. So I had some backend systems in place or when it got shut down. So I was still able to get in contact with all of my life email subscribers and all my Instagram followers but still definitely not ideal. So I got it back. I did start with a new Backup page, which I have been posting on that one is definitely not growing as good as the last one. So I've been kind of exploring some different ways to go about TikTok and Instagram.

Matt: Yeah, yeah. Well and and learning and rethinking, right and also, one thing that I think is like super key super important is in when when people have account shut down, which actually happens so a lot of times people think that just happens in like the make money online niche or if you're teaching people how to invest or pretty often happens in virtually every industry. I talk with a lot of people and deal with a lot of people in lots of industries and it happens more frequently than you would think. And then I think the takeaway from that is one you kind of learned to expect it and to actually build into your bit. I think this is the more powerful approach. The empowered approach is to build it into your business model like so what you are saying is to have email marketing, Instagram, other platforms and channels where people can follow you. But if you build in the reality that okay, it's not going to be optional. It's not really a possibility that this will happen. Like at the beginning of creating a business model. You typically sit down and you'll write things like what are the main obstacles and hurdles your business is going to face. This should be one of the first ones, you know, if I go viral and if I create a really great social media following I'm probably going to have videos taken down. I'm probably going to have my ad account shut down or my Instagram is gonna get restricted for weeks on end. And if you write that in, then what you start to do on the front end of things is start to strategize and make very strategic marketing decisions about how to spread your audience across multiple platforms. So you did that maybe intentionally or unintentionally through email and just collecting email addresses along the way, right. Because we had this guy, we have this guy. Oh, my gosh, what's his name? Josh on recently, and Josh just talked about how he basically quit his business for a year, came back, had a decent following, but just really made a focus to re-engage his email list. And it was that little piece that alone that took him up to six figures. And it was it was a big driver and he I was shocked. It was kind of like I thought maybe he had gotten super viral on TikTok. Again, because usually when people start really ramping a bunch of sales that's what's happening. But he said, No, it was all from email. And I like what you did. I wanted to reflect this back. I like what you did about emailing out to letting them know, hey, go follow me. And a lot of times people will say, well, aren't people sick of hearing from me or I don't want to like blow them up in their email. And stuff. You have to remember that these people opted in and followed and are interested for a reason. And just because you're a marketer, and you've become jaded to getting people's marketing messages all the time, doesn't mean the average person is Does that make sense? Yeah, exactly.

Shannon: I'm for me, like sending out those little email blasts being like, hey, everyone follows along. I was like, Oh, I have no shame. My business has basically lost my main platform. So I have no shame in sending it out. And I framed it in a way like, thank you so much for following me for so long. If you want to continue to follow along to learn more tips on how to make money online like here's my new account, go follow it if you'd like. So I framed it very much in the way of like, Thank you for being a loyal follower for so long. So if he's wanting to continue to do it, then go for it.

Matt:  Super smart, super smart. Because that frames it for people too. And you know what, the other thing that that does for the few people who might not be like a super loyal follower, like maybe they just opted in to see like, they were just curious. They frame what's going on for them. It paints a picture for them like, Hey, I have 20,000 people on this email list. And it sort of frames like, okay, like this person had. It gives you a little bit of authority. Which is super smart. Yeah, I love that framing. And I also just love that absolutely no shame whatsoever, because there shouldn't be, I mean, you're really talented, really skilled marketer, and they should want to learn from you like that's what they should want to do. So cool. That's awesome. So between that getting shut down, you're getting it back. Have you done any, you're just kind of, you're just kind of taking it easy.

Shannon: I'm kind of taking it easy right now. So I have been hesitant to post on that account. Now that I've gotten it back because I've been like, I don't want to get shut down again. So I have a new account that I've been posting on. It's been growing very slowly. So I've been posting on that. But I think my main thing right now is I still have like, I want to say at least like five brands every single day. We'll reach out to being like, Hey, do you want to do a collaboration and post on your feed like my old feed that I just got back that I've been posting on spawn? Like I've been taking it easy, I've been making videos on my new account, but my old account right now is being like dominated by brand outreach being like hey, do you want to do a sponsored posts for us on XYZ so that's like my main thing right now I'm like, Okay, I need to like so still wait some time to start posting again. But that is what has been like my man. I guess like focus right now is like I have a ton of brands reaching out. Yeah, so I've been doing that. I've been doing a lot of market research and trying to prepare myself for what I will do when I start posting back on that site. That's awesome

Matt: And how many followers is on that one?


Shannon: The new one?

Matt: The old one that you got back

Shannon:  I think there's 107,000.

Matt: Yeah, that's pretty crazy. I mean, 107,000 followers. It happened pretty quick. And I feel like people reach out for brand deals and stuff like that. I mean, I think people need to expand their mind about what's possible. And also, when we talk about building things into your business model. You know, you can build into your business model that you can have side additional portions of income coming in to like, you can you can just as easily in your entire business as you're running it take on you know, $1,000 or 5000 or $10,000 for a batch of sponsored posts or something or you know, if it makes sense with the branding, right, but

Shannon: Definitely people like and I like affiliate programs that I am in as well. I just went through and looked like yesterday because I forgot that I was even like a part of that. I went and looked at ClickFunnels and I have like $500 waiting to be paid out and I went looked at AWeber and I have like another 200 And I want them looked at like the like three day challenge and I have like another 400 So I'm like I have like affiliate offers or like affiliate companies that I like signed up to be a member of like, ages ago and I just put them like I put a little link to them in my funnel like on my like, intro page. Like I'll put a little link to the other posts that I have or the other affiliate offers that I have. And I like to forget that they're even there and then I go and check and it's like you have XYZ waiting to be paid out. So I'm like how cool is that?

Matt: Super cool. It's super super cool

Shannon: Oh, no, that was that. I was just like

Matt: No no in my my Stream Yard just froze and I you were like you were just I thought you were just about to say something cool and then you so you've got the whole social media route going you've also done I thought was really cool was like on my end I just I watched sort of how people are marketing and evaluate stuff and you you recently wrote an article or had an article written I'd love for you to just tell us about that. But that just went really viral via like PR which is super cool too. And that it was really funny because like I had I had our COO it randomly came up on her Facebook news. Like, I don't know there's like a little news portion. She was just scrolling it was like what like that's like versus like our affiliate or something. Not that we own your love but in an affiliate of ours. And then and then one of our legal guys who just like he reads business stuff was just like hey, this looks pretty this looks pretty cool. Like I saw that she linked over to a challenge like this randomly came up in my like news app or something on Apple or something like that. And I was just like, what, like how do I have random people like messaging me that they're seeing this article? Anyway, tell us how this came about. I'd love to know how that was sort of fished out. opportunity to write an article on CNBC and then and then how did it get published? And what types of editing did it go through and stuff like that?

Shannon: Yeah, for sure. And I'm just adding something that's cool. I actually had CNBC reach out to me again and I just wrote another article for them yesterday. So that one will be going up as well. I'm definitely going to do another direct link to legendary in that one. But so the original article I had an editor at CNBC reached out to me via email and she was just like, Hey, I found your tech talk. And what you do sounds super amazing. We would love for you to write a contributor article for us. So I was like, of course, I would love for you to get that free. PR is amazing. And so she gave me a kind of topic idea. I think the caption was like, she is 24 years old and makes $8,600 a month in passive income working for like two hours a day or something like that. And so she was like, hey, like I have been watching her TikToks And so I think going about it from this angle would be super cool. So maybe just kind of like writing about how you got into it. And then give like five tips for people who want to get started and so I wrote out just my experience like going from my sales online personal training business into affiliate marketing and then the overnight success of it. And then in the like five tips that I wrote for people who want to get started. I think number one was like always getting a mentor because that's like that's been what I always do. Like when I started my online fitness business. I had to like teams of coaches or mentors that like to walk me through how to do it. Same thing with affiliate marketing online. I started working with legendary so I had somebody like guiding me through. So I think that was my first like tip at the end of the article and I put a direct link like my affiliate link right in there. I was like, if you guys want to check this out, like there's the challenge right here. It's $7. That's what I used to start and that's what got me to where I am today. So I put a direct link to that in the article. Um, and so the process was kind of like, I did a rough draft. I sent it back to the editor and then we went back and forth like, I think like two times of like them editing it like me just kind of like fact checking, making sure everything looked good. And then it finally got posted, which was awesome. And so once it got posted, it was crazy. I had like so many people sending me the article, people from high school being like, how are you doing this? What is going on? Yeah, so I had I think I remember I think you emailed me as well when it came out. I had so many people reaching out to me and I was just like, This is so cool.

Matt:  It's crazy. It's crazy. I feel like it's also we I've seen like people go super viral on social media. On Tik Tok stuff like that, but man, like the amount of traffic that came from that was wild, like really cool.

Shannon: Yeah. Like, I think it doubled my income and crazy

Matt: Well, it's the power of some of those like, it's the power of some of those PR articles and things if you get a good headline, right? The headline was so good. And the entire article was just nice and short and concise but you know it has five you know five things or three things, you know, and people like number lists. So the marketing on that was so perfect, but it's also just an eye opening thing, I think for affiliates for people in our community for any business owner, like, Hey, if you need some attention, if you need like lots and lots of impressions, something like that getting an article written or paying a few 100 bucks to have an article written and submitted into something like CNBC or whatever. It's like that's a great way. I mean, it's for some businesses like the primary way for them to get, you know, attention and to get in front of people, you know, especially news driven stuff, but yeah, that was so good. So on the second one are you going to focus on anything different? Are you going to try to change things up at all?

Shannon: So on this one, the angle that we're kind of going for as I think it's like five tips to becoming a successful digital marketer that like the industry leaders don't want like the newbies to know and so it's gonna be like, five tips on how to like successfully market yourself on tick tock on Instagram. And just like some things that I've learned, like don't like try to indirectly market your products like don't try to like, like, try to serve instead of sell, like try to I don't remember the other ones right now, but it's all about like, some like tips for beginners that industry leaders don't want you to know if you're getting started. And like either content creation or digital marketing.

Matt:  Cool. I love that. Super cool. And a slightly different angle. And that's super cool. When is that going to come out? Do you know?

Shannon: I actually just sent it in yesterday. To the editor. And so we're gonna go back and forth. I'm thinking the turnaround time for the last one was like I was long. I think it was like three months so it'll probably be like at least another month before it comes out. But yeah, I'll definitely keep you guys posted on when that one's gonna come out. So I'm definitely going to plug legendary and again like I said, the last article, like completely blew everything up for me, so I'm definitely gonna put that link in there. hook you guys up again.

Matt: We'd love to, we'd love to also, you know, hook us up. But yeah, we'd love to post. You know, we can also post in our groups and you know, email blast out to our our email list and let people know to go read it and check it out and sort of help right you know, right when it gets out. sort of push that a little bit.

Shannon: Oh, right. Amazing. Yeah, yeah, totally.

Matt:  We'd love to do that. Well, cool. SHAN is super cool. Super cool. You've got so many good things going on. And I feel like I'm listening and sort of watching your marketing and just like where you're going and stuff. Like let me just be totally candid. I had no clue who you were or what to expect when I first saw your name pop up last year. I was just like, Oh, that's interesting. That's cool. And then I was like, man, like, just got a lot of followers. And then I guess when somebody hits 100,000 followers, that's like, okay, we're not joking around anymore. It's like that's real stuff. And, and then the article came out and then I started, you know, I just started watching a little bit more content, and I was like, reading that and I was like, Man, this is like, really smart marketing. And I just wanted to give you props for that. We probably, you know, learned a lot through your fitness business. You probably learned a lot from blueprints, and then, you know, kind of tying all of that experience with education and actually just like, actually implementing it and then, you know, I what I find to be really cool is you sort of grabbing opportunities as they, as they're put in front of you, you know, like something like an article like that and just being able to be skilled enough to take an opportunity like that capitalize on it and and do that and then also to grow you know, your Tik Tok or, and social media to 100,000 plus and 20,000 email list is ludicrous. So, especially in less than a year, like that's so super cool and great work. Thank you, anybody who's here, for anybody who's here and maybe a little bit newer, just getting started. Maybe they're, maybe they're just starting the challenge, and they're a little intimidated. They're like, Oh, my gosh, I can create content. How could I ever get 100,000 followers? There's no way I could ever do that. What would you say to those people?

Shannon: I would say to them, I mean, I definitely did not think I ever had either, but just trust the power of social media right now. Like literally one video could change your entire life. That's exactly what happened to me in a 115 second video that took me two minutes to make, changed my life, changed my income, changed my following so don't doubt yourself that you can't do it because I was in your boat as well. I'm thinking I will never get there. Like I just went into affiliate marketing being like, Oh, this just looks like something fun that I might as well try to have nothing else to do or nothing to lose. And then I was never expecting to be where I was today. So just take it day by day, focus on learning, like Tiktok and Instagram, learn the skills to go viral and one video. Literally.

Matt:  Yes. Learn that. Yeah, get into the training, learn the training. I wanted to just echo something you said earlier that I forgot what you mentioned, that you had watched the 15 second free leads training, and you watched through the case studies, and you started building your philosophy. You're sort of like alright, I can see how I could do this. And between learning and getting deep into the training, learning the strategies, learning the skills, and then I think what you've been able to do is really apply yourself and who you are to it. And that's a really, really powerful, valuable skill to be able to take outside things and sort of internalize them and then poof they're gonna go out into the world via content. That's super cool and really impressive.

Shannon: Yeah, definitely, definitely within 15 seconds. Really, it's like all the case studies. I feel like so many people had so many like different angles and different success stories. So I was like, let me just kind of like pick and choose different strategies, add them in and then I think something that is like so so important with tick tock, especially that people forget, is it's so easy to like, make the same videos as everybody else and like get lost in the crowd. So it's very important to kind of like, put your own twist on it like be sure that your own like personality is showing through on your page. So that way people like to have a reason to follow you. And they know what to expect from my videos. It's not just like everybody else. So that's kind of what I did. With my strategy. I saw what everybody else was doing. I was working. I took bits and pieces and then I added in kind of like my own twist. And it worked really well. So don't be afraid to put your own personality in there to show who you really are.

Matt:  Totally, totally, totally. That's Yes. 100% and it's more likely that you'll build a loyal following if you do that because people are going to be really endeared to you. they're really excited and happy to feel like they know somebody who's unique and cool and you know is their own person. Should we have people follow you on your original TikTok and IG or would you rather people follow you on your new TikTok?

Shannon: Let's just go with the original line. I think I'm gonna go back to posting on there anyway. I think I'm just gonna stay with the TikTok guys. Hopefully this is the original line so hopefully TikTok does that. You know what,

Matt: You know what? A few people have done basically they have these two simultaneous accounts. And now they'll post the same video but it's not the exact same clip. It's, they'll record it and they'll be like alright, I got it and then they'll just literally change a few things, change the background behind them and post a different time and posted to accounts just in case. And they've actually had great luck with that. A couple of them fit easily into six figures. But anyway, we're gonna have people follow you on that. We're all gonna say a prayer to the TikTok gods.

We're gonna just, we'll, we'll go follow you and make sure that you know on your next however many videos you're posting that you've got plenty of likes and good engagement, and I love this on your videos.

Shannon: Thank you guys.

Matt: Thanks for coming on. 

Shannon: Thanks for having me.

Matt: Of course anytime soon. All right, everybody. Hey, her TikTok and IG are right here. You know, with the way that TikTok. People can lose profiles the way Instagram people can lose profiles doesn't seem to happen quite as much but what you should do is the call to action that I'm giving you is to go follow Shannon on both of those things. So just follow her on TikTok and then go follow her on Instagram. So you never lose and you always know where to find her. And then you know, as you're scrolling, you know, looking for marketing ideas and that flow there Shannon because she started posting videos on this account again, when you start to see that just give her a little like it doesn't take that much just tap the little heartbeat like hey, Sharon, good to see you, you know or give some positive engagement. And that's, you know, that's what our community is about. It's helping each other out. Anyone who is listening on podcast recording or whatever, if you're just listening it's @hustlewithshanboth Instagram both on Instagram and on TikTok. Alright, tomorrow's Friday, we got another awesome guest who will be here at 10am Eastern Same time, same place as always the most consistent in the industry or here every frickin day. So we'll see you tomorrow for Friday's episode. Peace.

How To Start Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt:  Morning everybody. Happy Wednesday. It's April 27. We've got another awesome guest lined up for today. If you are just tuning in with us whether you're live or you're here as a recording, either way, I'm going to give you a little tip. If you text the number 813-296-8553 trying to point it out on the screen. All you gotta do is text the letters WUL to 813-296-8553. And what happens is you get a text message every single time that we go live. I haven't gotten mine yet. It usually comes about one or two minutes after we hit Go Live. And you'll get a little reminder that just says Hey, what are you doing with your morning? Tune in? Come on, what are you doing? And then you can just join. You can literally tap right from the text message to come in every single morning in case you didn't know we go live with a guest from our community. That can be somebody who went through our training. Usually it's somebody who went through our training, it can be an affiliate of ours, it can be totally random. The other thing that I want to just put in front of you before we bring on our guests Kelly this morning is if you would like to be featured or if you know somebody who you would like to be featured on our show somebody who's successful somebody who's killing it online or maybe they came through our training and they're in a totally different niche or industry. We would love to see that person featured on our show you can go to legendary marketer.com/featured Just because you know on our radar of people that we reach out to you know, we're probably missing some people that would be cool to feature so you can go to legendary marketer.com/featured and recommend somebody for the show if they've you know, gone out and got great results from our training. So today if you all are in the end, thank you for all the good morning comments in the chat. If you all can give me a little clapping or round of applause emoji to welcome our guests all the way from Kansas Kelly. What's up? Hey, hi.

Kelly: I'm learning, doing okay.

Matt: Right on. Welcome to the show. Thank you for coming on.

Kelly: Thanks for asking me if I was on Joey and I. I am still trying to figure out why you guys did but hey, here I am.

Matt:  Well, I mean, even from the time where you like you filled out your even from the time where you filled out your questionnaire I think you had like 13,000 followers or something like that. And you have 19,000 now so it's pretty cool. And it's also really fun to see a teacher. Are you still teaching?

Kelly: I am still teaching. Yeah, I took the day off so it was super cool.

Matt: Even in the chat Rowena just said Is she the high school teacher, like, literally, they're literally famous on the internet. That's why we wrote your book. Cool. Tell us a little bit about Yeah, what do you do for teaching? What do you teach? Tell us a little bit about your bowling career that would be awesome. And bring us into your world but you've got what got you looking for something to start online?

Kelly: Well, um, I've been teaching business. I've been teaching high school business for last 15 years. I've been coaching, softball and bowling for the whole time that I've been teaching and obviously teaching is a pretty busy or is a pretty busy life. Um, but one of my favorite classes that I teach is entrepreneurship. I've taught that for 15 years and my kids, really over the last several years have been asking me how people make money online. I couldn't answer that question. I you know, I we've, for 15 years I've been taught to teach brick and mortar our curriculum was always you know, teach them how to run a shop, teach them how to make T shirts, teach them how to, you know, various things, but it's to me starting to be a little dated. And so after I'd had so many kids are like, tell me how to make videos on YouTube and make money. How do people make money on Tik Tok? Well, I guess I better figure that out. So I started looking. Once I started researching that, that's how I came across the course. So I joined the 15 Day Challenge and halfway through that, I was like, wow, I think I can do this. So I jumped in and my kids have been basically following along with me ever since they kind of taught me TikTok. I'd never think I'd been on TikTok one time before I actually got my account going. So my high school kids kind of showed me how to put music and how to do certain things. It was it was pretty funny. They we talked about it all the time in class and so they love it but yeah, so I coach bowling. It's something that I've been doing for a long time. I started bawling when I could walk. My mom was a professional bowler for a while and so it's something I have in my blood. I guess both of my parents both in college I bowled in college. But it's something we do. 

Matt:  Yeah so that to me is crazy. That's super cool. You've got people from that that's like a little bit more rare, I would say for our show to have so many different people in so many different areas of your life pitching in and sort of helping and so when you get on TikTok the post will take us through your timeline. So when did you purchase the challenge? When did you find legendary and were you just kind of searching just generally like how do I make money online kind of thing or how did you find us?

Kelly: Okay, so when I started doing research I was on Google and YouTube of course, looking for basically what you can do to make money online and I knew influencers affiliate marketing was something that was a pretty viable option. And so I started searching for some of that information and I found a whole bunch of YouTube videos, and they're great and you can learn a lot on YouTube, but there was no flow to how it was supposed to work. There wasn't anything that I felt like I could just be comfortable going ahead and jumping into with enough knowledge to get myself started. So anyway, I purchased it. I want to say I started once I purchased it in the middle of February. I think I finished the 15 Day Challenge in like four days. I don't know why I binge watch instead of binge watching Netflix. binge watch the champions.

Matt:  I've definitely been there before.

Kelly: Bonnie was my business plan advisor and I talked to her so many times. And she was fantastic. I actually had to sell a car to pay for the blueprints. My husband looked at me and he was like, that's a lot of money. And I said yes it is. And I think it's going to be worth every penny. And he said, Well, he goes this has to be something that if you're going to do it you actually have to commit to doing it. Like you're not just going to pay for it and then not do it and I said well I'm gonna do it because I want well I love teaching I hate I don't like everything that goes with it. The requirements on teachers are becoming quite overwhelming. And I've just worked really hard over the last couple years and watched my health just kind of decline. So I told my husband I said this is my opportunity to find something that I can do and still teach people but not be in the classroom. So I purchased the blueprints. And I took two weeks to get well. 10 days took me 10 days to go through everything that I kind of needed to go through to get myself started. And then I set up my back office processes so I set up my funnel builder, my auto responder and some of my emails which I didn't even have my emails ready when I started posting on TikTok. I was building them as I went right because I've been busy you guys

I mean I just because I really didn't know what I wanted to say. My husband made fun of me because it took me a solid like two or three days to do my bridge page video to like, get that ready because I just couldn't. I couldn't do it. I just couldn't do it. I teach audio video production and I hate being in front of the camera. Is that so um, my kids always ask me Hey, can we do an interview? No, I don't want any part of that. So I got on TikTok the very first day that I posted on TIkTok was on February 27. And we, my students and I, every single day I tracked how many followers I had. And once we got close to 101 of my students, Marissa. I told them I would give them a shout out to my budding entrepreneurs. Hi guys, because they're gonna watch later. I love it. Um, but they, Marissa was like, I'm getting you to 100 followers because I was at like 95 And my goal was to get to 100 before the weekend was up and so she got me to 100 and then from there I went to like 436 And then from 436 I went to 1200 and then from 1200 I've gone now I'm at 19,000 I guess or 19 Yeah 19,000 I guess so. It's been a wild ride. It's been a lot of fun but I have two kids. I have a wife, three kids. I have a 22 year old daughter and a 19 year old son who both are on TikTok and my son makes fun of me all the time because I'll be in the house doing my TikTox and he'll walk up the stairs and be like, Are you kidding me right now? I'm not kidding you.

Matt:  I love it. I love it. I think you know for me personally I just feel like that's one of the coolest, like most inspiring things ever. It's like watching a parent do something vulnerable, hard, new like that. It might sound cliche or it might sound weird, but like, I don't know that to me is like that. That's the coolest thing. It's something that very few parents I think take on and I think it's a really powerful lesson. Like, sure people learn by hearing things in the classroom or whatever, but like watching and observing so somebody model entrepreneurship to you or like, you know, something like content creation or making money on the internet like it's a really cool thing. And I just want to commend you for that because they're, they're really lucky to see that like, so for instance, like my mom when I was growing up, I was like, I don't know, I was 10 years old, but she was always entrepreneurial. So she worked a job, but then started a hair salon and our house because she needed to be home with me when she had my dad and she built our little Hair Studio in the front, literally the front room of our house. I mean it was like I don't even know how like I would wake up in the basement from from sleeping in the morning walk upstairs and there would be people there and my mom would turn the chair the other the other way like rotate the chair so people can see are like grungy kids walking through their hair salon was just life and we had a sliding door so I was like eating cereal. And you get to hear the bowl clanging in the other room. And and so anyway, but she she then she did that and still does that now like 35 years later or 30 years later, but she also what she did when I was really young as she she forced me to do a paper out and she basically forced me to work at drop from like 10 years old or something but she did the paper out with me on we did it on bike so we each had baskets and like bags and stuff that we have and and she forced me to do that and I hated it but we would wake up at 5am every morning and and we would bike around our little town and like deliver papers. And I looked back and I was thinking back and kind of reflecting not that long ago in therapy and I was like you know what? Like I was trying to figure out where this whole entrepreneurial thing came from and then it just became so clear it was like wow, this was modeled to me from basically birth and and it gave a sort of empowered me to try new things or try hard and things like Dave is always talking about, you know, one of the most valuable lessons that he's he's sort of teaching his kid right now or he feels like it's valuable is showing them how to start something like how to start something that you don't know how to do and you just do it and you're like you're you're wildly successful like I don't want to over like height tests or anything. Even very successful in a few months. And it's impressive. It's really cool. What like learning lessons or Takeaways Have you had throughout this process and journey and stuff.

Kelly: What I'm learning is, I just need to be me when I'm on when I put my TikTox out there. The the videos I put out that crap and tick and are just me talking and what I would normally do in front of my high school kids or just with my friends or whatever those seem to be the ones that people relate to the best and just kind of get that has always been a strength of mine in my classroom. It's just something I do. I'm really good at building relationships with my high school kids. We just get they just get me and I don't know if that's my crazy sarcasm or if it's I'm not really sure what it is but just something that I do. So I find it easier to just get in front of the camera and talk than I do getting in front of the camera and pointing and playing music and doing that kind of stuff that I like doing that too but that's definitely one of the takeaways. But the big one for me was when I built my TikTok when I started my TikTok on February 27. I told my high school kids, I said it in class. I looked him in the eyes and I said I'm going to do this for 30 days, two times a day. I'm going to do this for 30 days. So they hold me accountable to that. And they looked at them and watched my videos. They liked my videos all the time. Sometimes they'll comment on my videos. I mean, the funniest part about them is that they send me sounds like they'll send me trending sounds or videos that they think that I should do something like or were a big help. They are a big help but what do I was like when we were first trying to figure out how to get it going. One of my girls, one of my girls, Gary said you need to find a trending sound and then just turn it down in your video and put it in the back. And I was like, oh, I need to do it. She was like yeah, okay. So I met a lot of people. I do it every time now.

Matt:  Right? Yes. Even if you're talking just just turn it all the way down because you might as well try to leverage as much of the algorithm as you possibly can. Yeah, yeah.

Kelly: I will say one of the other takeaways I have is that you guys talk about a lot in the courses and the classes and all the videos. You have to take the bits and pieces that you need. And then you got to put them into action. And then you learn more and then you put that into action. The trouble that I have a lot I am one of the people who will learn, learn, learn, learn, learn, and in the 30 days that I was waiting to make my first commission I did get distracted like I was looking at all kinds of things like oh gosh, what what else is out there? What can I know, I'm waiting for you to get it's like, like you're just sitting there twiddling your thumbs and trying to figure out what you want to do, like what you can do next. That might work faster, you know? But the more I looked around the more I realized it's not going to work any faster. Regardless of what I do. I can watch all the YouTube videos I want. I can pay all the money I want to look at other courses or to do whatever but it's not going to work any faster. So I just put my head down and got to work and that was it. I just stayed consistent. I posted every single day and the first time that I made my very first commission was like so little. And I was doing happy dances in my house. Like my husband was laughing at me. He gives me high fives. That's his job when I ask questions he gives me high fives but um so instead of getting distracted, I just said, Okay, what else can I do now? What else can I do now with this business to make it better? And so then I would start working on my emails. I am terrible at writing copy. Terrible. So I know that I need to get in and watch all the videos on how to write a copy. And that's something that I'm working on. I've watched like half of them and as I watch them, I do something and then I'll watch another one and then I do something sneaky you just have to do you have to put it into action as you go.

Matt: Wow, cool. That's super cool. i i Wow there are so many takeaways from that I feel like the thing that really just stood out to me the way that you explained that was the the process of of like yes, you could go through a bunch of more courses you can go through more courses, more information, more information, but I liked first up commitment again like to actually do something and then the follow through on it, but also like I you know, there's a lot of different one thing that's like standing out to me a little bit is like there's a lot of different business models. You can run online. There's a lot of different businesses. But it's interesting to me that even just in a short amount of time, a few months, you were able to sort of identify the faculty, were able to know yourself and kind of look at the platform, see what's going on and be like, okay, like, I'm gonna match my existing skills. And my existing what I know and sort of combine this stuff into, into into a little cocktail and mix it together and spit out some content. And I do what I find. I'm a little bit perplexed but I yeah, you have sort of this. I think it's confidence. I was trying to find the word but there's sort of like, but it's not like off putting, it's more like sort of just like it feels a little bit like damn like she's just doing our thing. And like doesn't really care and is gonna really be her. I think that's it. I think it's like there's some there's some realness. There's some like vulnerabilities a buzzword these days, but it feels a bit like vulnerability. And I just think that's super cool. And it's no wonder it works so well. The other thing I wanted to say about the algorithm was you're kind of mentioning how you know, you can do the point thing but you like to talk about it through sort of looking through a lot of different tick tock accounts and stuff. I do find that people who do a lot more talking and a lot more like sort of self expression and who are a little bit more vulnerable, but still confident. Like there's a difference between being like, Oh, I was up all last night because I was, you know, like I was depressed or something and it's like people were like, Why didn't come here to feel that way. Like, you know, there's a difference between that and like being really honest about you and your process and, you know, whatever. But I do feel like you know, that type of account and that type of content tends to get shadow banned less tends to get reported less, rather than just sort of pointing like, Hey, I'm just gonna point for a few things and people are like, well, like, Who is this person and this doesn't seem real or legit or something. As is where I do feel like sort of people having a bit of self expression in their content. Helps Pete helps their viewers connect and there's probably a higher level of quality built into that account. It makes it a better long term account, less likely to be banned or have your content taken down or something like that, which happens to everybody in every niche and industry. 

Kelly: I feel like I agree with that. I get that a lot. A lot of the comments that come up on my posts are just telling it like it is and my high school kids laugh about that because they're like, that's exactly how she is in the classroom. I mean, you know, they step out of line and I'll just let them know what you're doing isn't right and it needs to stop. You know, I'm just very straightforward. I always have been, I think honesty is and being very transparent. It has always been really important. To me. So that's just something that I tried to bring across in my posts and you know, I just do my best at just making sure that it's me and it's authentically me because I don't know that I could be any other way. I just really don't think I could and yeah, the pointing thing while I have fun with the dances, I don't know, just talk is easier. But like I can get up in front of a group of high school kids or even an auditorium of high school kids and have no problem. But coming on here knowing that there would be adults watching this is completely different. Check Now I'm just like, oh God but that was the same with TikkTokk so no one in my family knew that I was doing this except for my husband and my kids. I kept that a really, really downloaded kind of thing. I didn't post on Facebook because I was worried that my family would just be like, Heck and then I found out the other day that some of the teachers at school follow me

Matt: How do you deal with that, like how do you not deal with it? But what do you think about it? Because a lot of times people are like, Well, I'm just like, do this thing and like I don't want the whole world to know because it feels it is a little vulnerable. It's like this is like, really vulnerable to create content every day. You know what I mean? Like it's just a real thing. It's like people are gonna see you. Sometimes, you know, with bad lighting or a bad angle or like, you know, and it's just like, you have to be able to deal with that. And but how have you because I feel like you're more open about it than most I mean, you've got, you know, students and your husband, kids and just people who are just like really in the mix and you're just sort of like, Screw it. I don't care.

Kelly: My thought process? Well, you know, at first it was just it was just my classroom kids and my husband and my children that knew and so but then I think my high school kids started telling people you know, we're gonna Roberts Facebook fame or Facebook Fan we're gonna make Mrs. raps tick tock famous, right, like that was the thing. And when I legitimately had 10 followers on Tiktok, all of my kids were like, listen, you're gonna be detecting this. I said, No, no, no, no, no, I'll be lucky if I have 100 100 followers. Get to 1000 I was thinking it would take me like, I don't know six months to get to 1000 And anyway, so now I have other kids that just walk into my classroom and say, I hear you have like 15,000 followers on Tiktok. And I'm like, yeah. I told her at Easter dinner with my husband's family. And my sister in law found out because I shared a video with her on Tik Tok, and she got my username from there and then started seeing my posts. So we were at Easter and we were talking about it with my family. And my niece who's like 13 I think she goes, you're on Tik Tok. Just kind of I said, Yeah, I'm on Tik Tok. And she goes, Oh, and I said, and my son says, yeah, she has like 15,000 followers. And she goes, Well, are you serious? I do. I mean, the kids get mad because I have more followers than they do. And it just bothers them.

Matt: Way more, way more?

Kelly: Yeah. But I mean, I, you know, I kept it kind of a secret but then I was in. I went on a field trip with some Future Business Leaders of America students, and we were in a hotel for a couple of days. And mind you, I'm committed to Yes, I feel like and I did a post about it too. But um, I am committed to two videos per day and I don't batch create normally. Sometimes I do like if I know I have something going on, but we were in this hotel. And I'd like to make some videos. So I just started making videos while it's in the hotel room and one of the teachers that was with me just died laughing while I was over there, like because I was doing the lip synching one and, and dancing one I think and she was just dying. She was laughing. So hard. She's like, What are you doing? To the point where I'm pretty comfortable like I'm pretty comfortable doing it outside. I'm pretty comfortable doing it in my living room like I did one the other day while my son was playing video games on the couch. But um, yeah, so yeah, but I you know, I have a nine year old that is pretty high needs. And he he's, he's part of the reason why this was something that I really wanted to kind of look into to maybe have a little bit more freedom to be able to spend the time that he needs for me to spend with him.

Matt: Good, that's awesome. And I mean, not awesome, but it's awesome that you're doing this for that reason. And you I mean, okay, so I wanted to also just come back to the fact that earlier for anybody who's watching and didn't hear this earlier, Kelly basically likes I don't know what this looks like but a solo car to purchase our blueprints and without giving any sort of crazy income claims. Basically your income wise if you basically recoup that investment, right? Pretty much yeah, really close. Yeah. And that's basically been the last 30 days for you. Yeah, yep. And you're, I'm guessing from just how your account works and stuff. It's really been recent, like, it's really real. Have you ever tried going live just curious.

Kelly: Okay, so I went live one time for about 10 minutes.

Matt: I was just curious. I was just curious because I feel like the reason I was gonna ask that and we can talk more about it, but the reason I was gonna ask is just, you know, this whole journey of you know, I just I feel like you've got a very inspiring story, a one that's filled with confidence. And bold risk taking. And a lot of times, Dave, and I talk often with people on things like decades in a day or in the blueprints or at masterminds, for instance, right. Like, we talked so much about how people in universities and people in schools are filled with people who have never done with their teaching. So it's like, I'm not a perfect teacher. I get that. Like I you know, I did take teaching. I'm not I don't know, I don't have a degree in teaching. 

Matt: Right, right. But we just talked so much about how it's, it's such a difference maker to have somebody who's a teacher who is actually willing and committed to living it out and sort of doing it themselves and how that changes teaching. And I just felt like you know, if you get up in front of a classroom already and teach people every single day for a job it's like, saying like, you know, you're going to live. It would be easy, like super easy for you to know what I mean? But you've already sort of supercharged your account and your whole business is on fire. So congrats on that. And just as a final you know, for everybody who's listening I'm just because she's had a killer 30 days or whatever. I'm not trying to make any crazy income claims. I'm just saying Kelly's on fire. She's, you know, you'd be good to go look at her channel and tune in and watch what Kelly does. That's the best way to learn, I think. And for everybody who's here, and for everybody who is newer, they're trying something out, maybe they're going through the challenge. They're just, you know, figuring out who legendary is or what the 15 Day Challenge is or whatever. Like, what would you tell those people, probably something similar to what you would tell your students but what would you tell our audience to inspire them or give them a little bit of advice?

Kelly: And I just say, Make sure that the most important part is being consistent but also be consistent with your message and be authentic with it. You need it to be something that you can get across and continue to get across and just be yourself while you're doing it. You know, I? I think that's really important. The consistency part of it and you need to continue to learn it but put it into action. I've been really learning through reading some books. Vulnerability is not a weakness. It's not a weakness. It's actually how you move forward. And so putting yourself out there. It's scary at first and what's scary at first, it will help you get where you need to go. So

Matt: Yeah, what have you been reading or what have you been learning in the realm of anything interesting.

Kelly: Oh, Brene Brown, she's great. Um, Daring Greatly is what I'm currently reading and just in the first half of that book, I'm just wow, she's amazing. Um, I've also read audio but I read audiobooks. I listen to audiobooks while I'm getting ready in the morning, because that's like the time in my day where I can actually do it. So I'm getting ready and I listen to him in the mornings. And so you're a badass was another one. I really love that one. And I'm terrible about affirmations. But I've really started to get into doing daily affirmation multiple times a day. Actually, I write things down to keep myself where I want to be and know where I want to go. So super cool. Yeah. And of course Rich Dad Poor Dad.

Matt: Yeah, of course. On a note, I just downloaded Brene Brown's most recent book. I haven't got it sitting on Audible right now. And it's called Atlas of the heart and, but I've read or listened to everything by her. She completely changed.

Kelly: She's incredible.

Matt: He's really amazing. Yeah, she unpacks things and ideas and I'm like, Oh my gosh, like she's the reason I went to therapy for three years and like, and honestly, I credit. I first heard of her book called The Gifts of Imperfection. And I struggled with shame my whole life. And I read that book and I was like, Oh, wow, like there's a whole different side of this that I've never seen. I spent three years of therapy and healed from Wow, that didn't require anything. And then and, and sort of figured out who I was and developed emotional regulation skills and emotional intelligence to that whole process. And a lot of times people will ask me, you know, like, how did you get this job at legendary, like, What's your most valuable skill, right? Like, are you a coder? Are you a web designer? Are you a great marketer? And mostly, I think there's probably marketers out there better than me. But I think that the skill that I've learned and developed most is sort of the ability to emotionally regulate and also to be intelligent about emotions and what's going on in other people and in myself, and how to make solid decisions or contribute to decisions in a solid way. And it's a very underdeveloped skill, and I honestly have, so much in debt to Brene Brown for that.

Kelly: I mean, I have my nine, my nine year old is very, he has had a lot of emotional issues since he's lived with us for three years. And, man, I've learned a lot just about what you're talking about. Right? and just trying to teach him how to figure it out, how to be emotionally at a level where we can live a daily life, right, like where we can, where we can just even go school for a whole day without huge problems. So that's been quite an adventure for me and I do think that he has changed who I am. He's changed how I look at things in the world and how I empathize with people, and I want to help people do what I'm doing now. Like I. That's my goal. I want other people to see that kind of success and to not have to go to a stressful nine to five job and to, you know, not not be able to spend time with their kids when they want to spend time with their kids. Another big one my son is is a college baseball player, and I never missed games ever when he was growing up and now I miss them. And that kills me. I hate it because he plays in the middle of the day and I don't. I don't get to go see it. So that was another goal of mine was like man, I don't have to teach. I can go watch my kid play baseball like this would be great.

Matt:  Well cool. Let's this has been this has been really insightful and really, like amazing work. And I don't know if it is very rare these days. So like, I feel like finding somebody who's going to say something, say they're going to do something, follow through on it and see it succeed and so it's really cool. Thank you, Kelly for taking the time to come on the show and finding time in your day and stuff. I really appreciate it. This was a really cool episode.

Kelly: Thanks for having me. I appreciate that. It was great.

Matt:  See, Kelly, see? All right, guys. I'm gonna put up what I already did. It's building you online. Alright, so you can find Kelly on Tik Tok. You can find Kelly on Instagram. Building your online BUILDING While you are online, and I always tell people to give Kelly a follow teller founder on wakeup legendary and make sure to like her videos blow up the algorithm for and you know in a couple of weeks when we feature you on the show will do the same for you too. So go find her followers. watch her videos, watch her content. Look how she delivers it, get into the nuts and bolts of how she delivers the content. How did she start videos? What are the hooks she uses? How does she bring people in? Does she talk, you know, what does she talk about? What are some of the topics, get some ideas for your own business for your own content? We'll be back here tomorrow, same time, same place 10am Eastern, every single Monday through Friday with another awesome guest peace out everybody

Best Tips To Overcome Doubting Friends & Family

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt:  Hey what's happening everybody, happy Tuesday. I am guest hosting this morning for Dave. And we've got an awesome show lined up with a really cool guest. So I'm very excited to hear from him all the way from the UK and I think it's probably early afternoon for him but it's early for me 7am For me, but if you're newer and you're just tuning in for the first time, maybe you've never seen one of our episodes before, a couple quick things and then we'll dive into our guests for the day. First thing if you'd like to get a quick text message reminder, every time that we go live, you can text the the number on the screen here it's 813-296-8553 you send a text message, the text message, say WUL and I have my phone in my pocket, and lo and behold, I just got my text message for the day. Boom, there it is. And it just lets you know hey, we're alive. Come join us. And we don't sell through this text message platform. You're not going to get a bunch of messages throughout the day. You get one text message on Monday through Friday at 10am. Eastern every frickin day. And that's it. There's no other ulterior motives or anything like that. The funny part is we're actually charged based on how many messages we sent. So we don't even really want to send you more messages because we're going to go over our limit and then they're going to charge a bunch of money and it's just not worth it. So we're only going to send you one message a day. All right. And also if you want to get any merch you can hit B legendary dot shop right there. You can get legendary hats and shirts and gear and all kinds of cool stuff at lead at BeLegendary.shop so if everyone in the comments could give me a little hand clapping emoji or some sort of like party maybe like the streamers emoji or some sort of celebratory something. Let's bring on our guests for the day. All the way from the UK. Alex, what time is it over there?

Alex: It is six minutes puffs three in the afternoon. 

Matt: Alright, so we're you're I don't know where Birkenhead is. Where is that?

Alex: So it's literally just over the water from the famous city of Liverpool. And you know where the Beatles are from? Yeah, yeah. It's literally only about a five minute drive. So my accent probably sounds a little bit similar to sort of the Scottish accent as it's called. But no, I I say I'm from say so. Yeah, I'll come back.

Matt: Cool, right. All right. Yeah, you were throwing me off a little bit, but that makes sense. No, I got it. Alright, so brace any do your 22 Okay, so super young. Bring us into your world a little bit. Uh, how did you find Legendary? What got you looking for some sort of way to make money online? Or did you happen to stumble upon it or were you looking for it?

Alex: So I'd say I've been looking for a way to make money online for a few years now. And I've tried loads of stuff so I tried like the crypto I tried you know, invest into shares or tried Forex futures, even tried a little bit of real estate. And so I've been loving them for a few years. And after my last sort of one successful venture into cryptocurrency, I've still got some so to say but, you know, I started doing the futures and stuff and then I sort of got an advertisement on affiliate marketing. I'm asking now well, it wasn't Legendary it was with another company. And it got me really excited. You know, I don't know about webinars and I was like, sort of, I had my card ready to go. I was like, right, you know, get me signed up. I want to know more about affiliate marketing and so I stopped doing that and I told a few people what I was doing, and I was doing it out alongside were, so I was a process technician until just before Christmas. So I was doing it sort of after work on the weekend, but it wasn't really progressing as fast as I should. have been. And it was, you know, this sort of affiliate marketing training course it was with sort of, I'd say they're probably a bit of a competitor really won't mention them, but they specialize in organic Facebook groups, which I know a lot of affiliates still do with legendary. And at this time, I didn't want no one at work and none of my family to know what it was doing. And I had a mindset block. My confidence wasn't there. And you know, I had a lot of people at work on Facebook, so I didn't want to do it. But I think so. You know, one thing led to another. We are tasked to sell my business and sort of just talk a little bit of a back foot with it. And I started looking at YouTube and you know, I'm a soccer, football copywriting and, you know, a lot of other affiliates probably are and I just started doing different things and you know, with a shiny object syndrome sort of kicked in, and it was then that I stumbled across legendary. So obviously, a lot of YouTubers have got the big plaque in the background. And I was like, What is this plaque everyone's got. So I looked into it and then that's when I started promoting Legendary and did the 15 Day Challenge and the rest is sort of history. Awesome. I also I

Matt: Wanted to just say, you know, you might call it shiny object syndrome, but to be honest, at 22 years old, we should probably stop using that term. I think it's just called Curiosity. You know, just curiosity and like just feeling things out. It's sort of like when I visited when I've when I visited Italy and went to I think Florence and visited a few museums about Leonardo da Vinci and and the you know that in some of the museums they would say, nowadays, you know, Leonardo probably would have been diagnosed with ADHD or ADD, because of all of the different things and inventions that he came up with and never finished. You know, everything, everything that you walk into his museum and it's all these models and things from these crazy inventions that no one had ever thought of flying machines and all kinds of random crap that like he developed, you know, some of the blueprints for it. He got 70% of the way through and quit and just got bored and was like, Alright, I'm on to the next thing. And you know, nowadays, it's just interesting how people are like, you know, we sort of overdiagnosed things, you know, shiny object syndrome. It's fun, it's like a fun marketing term. You know, but I think sometimes, you know, with people, I just feel like I stopped using that term for myself because I was like, I am that kind of person. I'm not nearly as brilliant, not even remotely close or as brilliant as laid out. But, you know, I'm curious. I like to dabble and try things out for a little bit. And I find, you know, after trying 10 things, I kind of find one or two things that really stick but so, anyway, that was a little side tangent, but you know, just, you don't have to feel you have to feel guilty or shameful or something for starting something and then quitting. Dave has been on this big, big rant. I don't know if you've heard him talking about it lately about how, you know, just learning how to start something is a really valuable skill. And he's got little kids who are trying to teach them basically how to just start things. How do you start things and find something new and start it without knowing anything about it? 

Alex: I was just gonna say I sort of beat myself up about it, to be honest, you know, when you're, you know, you sort of take your foot off the gas a bit and I was sort of thinking about it to sort of raise it on, you know, to speak about it on the podcast, and I was thinking a good way to sort of look at it is, you know, if you look at your week's performance, and you might not have done as best as you had last week, you've just got to zoom out. It's like looking, say the footsie 100 or something, if you look at you know, the week, then you know, you might go down and next week you might be up but if you zoom out you are on the journey, and you've got to enjoy the journey like the man or the woman who enjoys the journey and the walk and will get further than the man or the woman who enjoys a destination. So yeah, you've got to out like that.


Matt:  Yeah, zoom out, get a little perspective, you know, not be so you know, I don't know how to see it, but just not so hyper obsessed with just today and right now and zoom out and see a little bit bigger. That's, I wish you know, I wish I could have done that a little bit more. Back in the day because I started when I was about 20. You know, 22 or whatever. And 10 years later, I you know, it's just 22 Feels like a different life. To me. It doesn't even feel like the same life. It's so long ago, and I'm 32 and most people were like, you know, middle aged like 60 years old. Or something or like to do like you're an infant, your baby, you know, and, and so I think that that helps give a little bit of perspective. I think, you know, beating ourselves up when we're young, like it's just I don't know what it is if it's nature or nurture. I don't know how we do that. But I would do that too. And, and feel like I should be you know lightyears further than where I was or whatever. So it's just kind of like, I don't know, I feel like at every age at 50 you're still able to reinvent yourself. And have 20 3040 good years, you know, like, I just think the game has changed a little bit in that arena. And I like that perspective. Just say just zoom out a little. That's a good therapy thing like just zooming out a little bit. Give yourself a little breathing room here.

Alex: And Hong Kong pretty much I think the hard thing for affiliates or as well like it's a sort of mindset block is you know, we have got an audience. And you know, when you take your foot off the gas as I said before, you sort of my thing you know my audience are waiting for the next video or the next batch of contents and you know, when you if you follow a routine, you've just got to think like, we'll be back and we'll be there again and you know, you've got to sort of lock right Well, I haven't give off but there's there's more to come and I think you've just gotta remind yourself and trust that you know you will return to it and it's something crops up. Just don't beat yourself up about it. Zoom out.

Matt:  You know, totally, totally what I'm so you get started in this training and you're it sparks even even I don't know if it's a competitor or what I don't there's so many different people out there that it doesn't really matter but you basically it sparks something in you right so what the per and and you know lots of people start our training and don't do anything and for some people was just the catalyst for them to try to look or find something online or for whatever reason, it just didn't stick and it was just like the it was just like this This got my wheels turning so that training did that for you. Right? It sort of got the wheels turning a little bit then you discover legendary and, and and you start what like what's your experience as you're going through the challenge? I'm curious what you thought about, you know, days one through 15 of the challenge and what that process was like. Was it meaningful to see some of the tech setup? Was it meaningful to have some of the mindset stuff? Was it everything combined? Like what was your What was your takeaway?

Alex: So I want to say first of all, the education is absolutely top notch with the course and you know, I do promote it very honestly when I'm promoting and you know, speaking to people in direct messaging and the rest of it, but on a personal note for me which you know, my affiliates might not the same story was because I went through this or the course I was looking for sort of the offset. My idea was I wanted to be able to send my audience or my followers to a community where I know they'd be nurtured and they'd be looked after properly, like, I couldn't imagine anything worse than, you know, promoting a product and then getting all these problems back. And that's the beauty about affiliate marketing is you don't have to handle customer complaints and all the rest of it, but you have to say you're still sort of liable if you send people down a route which you don't believe in yourself. So I knew as soon as all sat in the challenge like I was sort of sitting the challenge thinking of where I affiliate links because whilst I was ready to promote the course it's a cycle. When out when, you know, my experience with the challenge was you know, this is exactly where I want my audience to go and and know that, you know, they'd be receiving great training. So yeah, I did learn a lot from the challenge. But for me, it was just the confirmation that yeah, this is what I want to promote and this is a good community of people.

Matt:  Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. And it's definitely not a it's definitely not a requirement that somebody, you know, be like, hey, I want to sign up as an affiliate for your company or whatever. Not at all. In fact, a very few people who come through our challenge, sign up as an affiliate probably. I don't know this for sure, but probably in the range of like less than 5% probably much less than that. I just don't want to call it something I'm not sure about but I know for the amount of people who purchased our challenge in a month, we do not have that many affiliates. Not even close. But yeah, I feel like finding something and that's usually how it goes right? They kind of learn the business model and they look around and they're trying to find something that they enjoy and feel good about. Right? The main thing is like, what you just said is I didn't want to like, you know, send people who follow me to just nothing or something that's bad or something that's that I don't believe in or feel good about. or something. And then you know, what typically happens over time. People sort of people sort of get laid, right? They start taking action like you if they start making a little bit of money like you have. They begin to understand the logistics of content creation and lead generation and the business sort of comes together. And then you know, what happens is they either keep going down that route, which is cool, or they start selling their own product or they start coaching or they start consulting. And they stick in the four business models, usually in our core four business models. And, but what they, what I find at least is that they typically sort of find their legs and find what fits them best and that process takes a little bit and during that process, and sometimes people will give me feedback or say about our company, you know, oh, I just felt lost after I got done with the challenge or Oh, I felt but the truth is, is that like really discovering somebody's entrepreneurial fit and discovering somebody's entrepreneurial drive and motivation and and what's going to really feed them takes off takes time. It takes energy it takes hearing different voices listening to audiobooks, listening to trainings like the the the thought process that somebody would purchase $7 Challenge $7 And somehow magically just poof, like, I'm suddenly a perfect entrepreneur and I've got my business all set up and I'm running a business I think that that's a little bit misguided, as good as our challenge is, it's $7 You know,

Alex: I struggle with that to be fair, because obviously, you know, sort of promoting the course to you know, my audience saying like, you know, how great it is and all the different things that they'll get on the course. And about people sort of say, the $7 seems a bit too, too small the price and questionable about the price for the amount of value that they get in the course. And I sort of have to say, Well, yeah, it is hard to believe but they trust me and then, you know, sort of back it up again and reiterate what they'll get. So, you know, $7 as well, in the UK, it's like five pounds, so it's even, it's even cheap. It sounds even cheaper in the UK. I'm like, yeah, it's only a fiver that's what we call by pounds like a fiver. So it's, you know, it is hard to sort of justify the price because it is over, over and over given and and yeah.

Matt: Yeah, I don't know I've even struggled. I've personally struggled with that before we've had conversations about raising the price. Maybe we will someday but I, you know, to me also, I feel like it's a quick explanation to somebody where, you know, it's just like, hey, look, we just want you to get a taste. It's really like, you walk into a restaurant and you get an appetizer, right and the main entree is our business blueprints and our main course, you know it is maybe like our affiliate marketing business blueprints or something like that. But the truth is, it is like for people, I think for people who just want to get a taste of what exactly is going on? How exactly would I build this business? How exactly are people without any product without any coaching or without any sort of physical or digital product of their own? How are they starting to make money? This is crazy. How does this freelance digital marketing thing work? And I think for seven bucks, it's, it's, it's a little bit crazy. I feel like sometimes that we get refunds, we don't get a lot of them, but I just think to myself, I'm like, Man, I can't imagine the amount of value and stuff that's inside of that course. Somebody can look at it and be like, Nope, that was not worth $7 You know, a little bit like, hey, like, have you seen the things that you bought for $7 in the last year like, it's insane. We should probably just raise the price because it flakes honestly, we should probably raise 10 bucks or something. So it's more in line. But I think it is real. I think that that is really what you said about you knowing the price being too low and this sounds like this. I feel like it almost sounds conceited or something but there is an element of this which you're kind of hitting on that. It can feel like too low of a price. Like it can feel like it's like the price and the value and whatever else doesn't match up or align. But I think it gives I think it gives room for people to try it out and get a taste and then also just see just just also just kind of see what other upsells are going to be available and and it sort of it honestly leads the mind to think oh, there's probably more for sale here. There's no way they're actually going to make a business out of selling something for $7. And anybody who has any business sense at all would be like, of course there's obviously going to be more things that they sell and offer like any good business. A T Shirt Company doesn't sell a single t-shirt, they probably sell 50 of them. And when you go checkout, they're gonna offer you upsells on their socks and on their hoodies. And, you know, that's how businesses run. But anyway, so through your journey I'm really curious about your journey of getting into content creation of producing some digital content because I actually I feel like your content itself Alex, it looks really good, like your content is well produced and you came on here feeling a little bit nervous, but that feels different to me than what I experienced in your videos because you're some of your editing and some of your cutting and stuff like that, like you do a really good job and I'm going to tell everybody who's watching right now, in just a couple of minutes. I'm gonna put his TikTok up so you can go watch his videos, but so just hang tight until we do that. But doing your stuff is so good. Like how have you just learned those skills by yourself? Was it just a lot of time working on it and do you do most of your editing in TikTok? 

Alex: So when you know we'll go back to the 50 and challenge that quick and when was going through the 50 and challenge you know the was your video actually, you know when you were saying the you know the recreations strategy and you know, pick the virality the viral videos and sort of recreate them and sort of, you've got to put your sort of personal spin on them and I say to everyone, you've got to be creative. And I think with my videos, I'm sort of still sort of trying to find a style so I enjoy the longer form videos more and more of like, how to and step by step. So the thing with my channel is I'm also showing people how to do other side hustles so I'm sort of keeping it open and keeping the options open to my audience and saying yeah, affiliate marketing is there and I do and, you know, recommend everyone to do affiliate marketing because, you know, there's so many benefits and I just say it's, for me, it was my personal choice. But I sort of say well, you can do this as well if it's not for you. And the problem with that is I probably don't have a lot of you know, it's not a majority affiliate marketing audience. So, for example, my most viral video, I think it's about 800,000 views. That's nothing to do with affiliate marketing and I sort of got that off tube and then sort of put a personal spin on it. I like to put tips in my content as well. So you know, given I do believe in given value, and I think once you give value and you're, you know, you build that audience and that trust element, then the money will look after itself. And I think a problem with a lot of affiliates coming into it. If I'm not it does definitely work and for all of you as you know, you can do this, but don't just basically show people sort of teach them as well and give that sort of how to elements, you know, it's all well and good. And I've tracked you can have a look on my page and you'll see I've sort of done a little bit of that as well. And there's nothing wrong with that. But you know, if you're teaching people then, you know, you're then you're gaining that trust element and you're building a tribe. 


Matt: That's really big. I hope everybody heard that that whole part about teaching people how to do something, giving little tips and tidbits and nuggets that is the one theme of content in short form video content that I've seen over and over and over again, goes viral. And it actually builds in some goodwill as people are watching your content. It's not just virality, it's engagement and then it's also just a feeling. You're conveying a feeling to somebody that hey, I'm gonna give you this for free. It's sort of like the Gary Vee thing. I'm gonna give you this for free and later on sometime down the road. I'm going to ask you to click a link or to purchase something or to enter your name and email address but first, give me a few tips. Right. And the way I always explain this is we do this thing called a decade and a day and when somebody buys our Blueprints, they can go and come live with us for seven hours on a Friday. And the way that I explain it is basically you know, starting somebody out with a quick hitting hook right bringing them in with a really powerful hook something to grab their attention. Whoa, wow. Okay, interesting. You know, I'm going to show you how that's a great start to a video. I'm going to show you how to do it and then you give them whatever you're going to show them how to do right. Now, if I was going to do something with dog training or if let's say I'm a dog trainer, I would say here's how to then I'm going to insert some sort of really emotional topic, right? Like, you could say, if your dog screams at the mailman every time he comes, right every time he shows up at your front gate. Well here's how to get your dog to stop doing that as soon as today. Right and then and then you and then you cut the video and you go to you know you and your dog out in the front yard and here's sort of what you do. But starting out with these How To videos. The first thing that it does is if you start the video with that, the very first thing that it does is going to get you the right audience. And some people have debated me on this. I completely disagree and we've got years of history now to show that they're wrong. But the reason that you should start with something like that is because the people who are then going to watch that are people who are interested in it, they're going to get a little bit of a learning lesson from that. If they're not interested in learning how to train their dog to stop barking at the mailman. They're gonna keep scrolling cat owners, they're gonna be like, I don't care. I don't have a dog. So they're immediately going to be on and the algorithms are going to start really sorting out right like who's who's in this dog training sort of interest level, right? And then you give them a little bit of Alright, now let me show you step one, step two, step three, and then you gotta be very specific at the end. You've got to say something like, Hey, there's a little Follow button right here and I've got a lot more tips. Coming your way for free. Right? They start following you and then you know a portion of that following will start tapping a link in your bio, and then a portion of those people will purchase whatever you're going to sell them or recommend to them right. So I think that style on that thing is really solid. Do you do most of your editing in TikTok?

Alex: Don't know, I? At first what it was doing first was using an app called PowerDirector 365. And that's just basically it's a separate app and you know, it's quite easy to use. So I was using that. And I was fine. I was dropping a little bit of quality on the upload. So then I branched out to Adobe's Premiere Pro and started learning how to do that. But that's another sort of entity like that's another skill yet. You have to learn and eventually probably want to outsource that to be honest and sort of my sort of my videos and then sort of employ someone to say like, can you edit it and sort of familiarize themselves with my style of editing sort of thing. But I've started to learn the Premiere Pro, and you can edit and export that really well into TikTok and there's a lot of good easier photos on YouTubes around and I've recently purchased a you know, like a better camera rather than an iPhone. And so that's starting to show I'm still working it out and that's another thing you've got to do. You've got to learn some sort of thing so you know, you don't need a camera but you don't you don't need the best software. You can do it all in house. But I just thought you know what, I want to have a bit of fun with the medicine even though it does take a little bit of time. 

Matt:  What it was about the editing, it was about the editing stuff. And I feel like what came to mind as you were saying that too for me was when you start editing videos, right so for instance, you might take a training course like Legendary or something right? And you might start, you might begin the process of learning how to create these types of videos or create Jump Cut style videos. Then from there, and you can probably validate this but my guess is from that point of sort of learning the high level strategy and realizing oh my gosh, like there's there's content creators out there who are affiliate marketers, course creators, things like that. We're making so much money on the internet from TikTok and YouTube and things like this. That once you started creating that content, my guess is you probably spent a lot of time on YouTube and researching and watching different instructional videos on how specifically to do a little cut in your video or how to, you know, hyper zoom and you probably watched a bunch of other people's content who does that too, right? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And the reason for that is because Sorry, sorry to cut you off. I'll just finish my thoughts here. The reason for that is because entrepreneurship is just about being an engineer. It's about being a problem solving engineer who you figure out, Okay, I've got to figure out some way for me to be on this screen. And for this piece of content, be really engaging and capture people's attention. And now I've got to figure this out, and you start you know, you start learning how to Google and YouTube certain things to find what you need. And then you suddenly put together this video and the TikTok app, and you're like, alright, this looks cool. Like most posts, let's see what happens. And in your case, you get hundreds of 1000s of views. That's crazy.

Alex: Yeah. And I think, just off the buckle of you know, problem solving like this sort of industry and you know, getting into Marketing and Entrepreneurship, you comment against problems every day you know, like you may you know, the old saying, learn something new every day. Well, you know, you learn something new every five minutes and say when you're sitting at your desk, or wherever you are, keep coming up against problems, and it's so easy when you come up against a problem. You know, you've tried to fix it about three or four times and you still can't get your head round. I was doing something yesterday and I just couldn't get my head round. So it just ended up you know, walking away taking a few minutes. And so it's easy for me to come back and say, Oh, well, I'll do something else. Now. I'll do another part of the business which you have to cater to, you know, you've got to sort of have that resilience to just keep trying to solve this problem and, you know, use your resources use the forum and there's always people to ask and on the Facebook groups and that sort of things, and sometimes it might just say, you know, like I say put it on Facebook, you know, message someone you know, in the industry and we'll just give you a hand and you know, the thing about legendary is everyone is happy to help and if you're really struggling and you can't solve it on your own, you know, just just ask someone and I'm sure to find the answer.

Matt: Yes, yes. Yes. It was such a positive outlook on this whole journey, right. I mean, we've had, we've had so many people who purchased our products. And I've just seen this over the years not just that legendary who they'll come on, or though they'll come into the community and just, you know, I couldn't get any answers. Oh, I couldn't get a hold of this person or whatever. Right. But the truth of a lot of times and sometimes short, maybe they couldn't get a hold of somebody, but the truth in a lot of these cases, and what happens is that people buy something, and they have this sort of pessimistic or victim mentality, right? And so they're looking for ways in which they can be a victim in life or in business. And so they, they sort of create an atmosphere for themselves, where they're, they're more likely to be a victim or they're more likely to feel like a victim. So, you know, maybe they you know, let's say that you're my advisor, right? You're my business plan, advisor and I'm feeling this way. So when I want to reach out to you, I only send you one email, right. And I don't follow up at all. I haven't sent you another email for a couple of days, like hey, just just wanted to check. Do you have any? Did you get my first email, right? I only sent that one email and I didn't get a response. I don't hear back or you missed the email or something. Right. And I go and I feel like Oh, see, I didn't get the support I needed. I didn't know, and that's sort of a really good principle 10 years ago from a book called The Four Hour Workweek. And what he said is an entrepreneur bends the world to their liking, not the other way around. Right. You have to and I've said this to so many people that legendary people have purchased our challenge and immediately, you know, almost every single one of them will write back to me and say, I hadn't thought of it like that. That makes sense. And then they keep going, right? But when you understand that the world is in flux, things are moving and shifting. There are people whose minds can be changed. Facebook deactivates your ad account. Well, there's some human who wrote the code that deactivated your account. they can look back at it and fix your account even if they say it's final, I've had so many people write to me and say, well, they said it's final and nothing can be done. And I said keep pushing them, nothing's final in life. Nothing Yeah. Right. Like nothing's final. There's people who have been on death row who were you know, basically, they were sentenced to the death penalty who then eventually got out. Like nothing in life is final. There's always a way. And I think with that level, that's my takeaway from you. And your attitude today is like you gotta figure it out. 

Alex: Somehow you can figure it out. And I think when you know, we're starting off we don't have this mindset and we're not always trying to, you know, when we come up against a problem, it is easy to sort of go and grab a biscuit or something like that and just walk away and you know, forget about it, but you've got to, you know, your brain sort of doesn't like to be uncomfortable. And when you start off when you set up a business, it can be hard. And you can put yourself through a little bit of stress sometimes and you know, your brain might recognize that and say, Well, I don't want to get into that stress. So I'll walk away and that's the easy option, but like we should be saying you've got to just keep battling through it and you know, when you do eventually find a solution and you know the answer to what you've been trying to solve. You know, there is a real sense of joy in it and you know, that's a lot about the journey is that you get a real job satisfaction on getting stuff done. It's like when I worked in my old job, it'd be right as a process technician, so I'll just be my job to keep the machines running. And you have every answer in front of you. So you know, you don't have to press these buttons and occasionally do something else. And, you know, it's probably my brain sort of still getting used to the new problem solver. And the engineering as you said before. 

Matt: Absolutely. It takes a little bit of time, but it's a learned skill and you become really good at solving problems. What um, what uh, what for somebody who's, I'll let you have the last word today for somebody who's out there who's just got started. And they're sort of in that discovery mode that you were in when you were just sort of learning and figuring out this whole business model and how do I start this? What encouragement would you give to those people who are watching today and what would you say?

Alex: I'd say trust the process. Believe in the process, it does work. And off the back was saying before, don't sort of don't give into the shiny object. syndrome and don't you know, look for other other things to do, you know, trust the process, follow the program, you know, whether you're just starting off on the challenge or you know, you've bought the blueprints, it does work and just believe in, you know, as hard as it can get and, you know, it might take a few weeks or even a few months you know, everyone's different but you will get there. And you know, as soon as you start seeing results, then that's the ignition to keep on going and believe in yourself. 

Matt: Totally. I love it. Alex, thank you so much for everything today. And if you want to reach out to us you can hit me up via email, you can hit Dave or Roxy or whoever. Thank you for coming on. Thanks for taking the time. I'll put up your TikTok here and I'll let people give me a follow and find you on TikTok.

Alright guys, here's his TikTok. It's @digitalprofiting you can find him on TikTok or give him a follow, let him know you saw him on the show and hit like on his videos. If you see him pop up, give him some love. And someday, you know if you're on this show, and we're sharing your Tiktok you know he and everybody else here will do the same for you. So outside of that, if you would like to be featured on the show, there's a form you can fill out. It's legendary marketer.com/slash featured. And the reason that we're doing that is mostly just because there's a lot of people who come in our community. 1000s of people every single month 1000s and 1000s of people purchase our challenge training and there's no way to keep up with these people. There's no way I don't have any clue what most of you are doing on a day to day basis and your business or the results that you guys are producing. So we would love to hear from you. First of all, we'd love to hear what you're up to. We'd love to hear how the training has impacted you and if it makes sense. We'd love to feature you on the show. It's legendary marketer.com/featured It's gonna take you to a Google form. And it'll have a few questions. It's nothing crazy. It'll only take a few minutes. All right, guys. We're out of here for Tuesday, April 26. We'll be back here tomorrow. I'll be back here at 10am Eastern Time, same place. See you guys.

Why TikTok Isn’t Going Anywhere

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt:  What's up everybody good to see you all we've got an awesome guest coming on today. And we first had a wake up legendary show way back a long time ago. And he was crushing it and he has made a massive resurgence again and is he's just been a consistent force in our in our both like Facebook groups, but also in our affiliates group and he for us is somebody who's hit six figure ranks in our affiliate program which is very cool as a full disclaimer and disclosure you do not have to be an affiliate to buy our courses or to go through our training or anything like that. We don't have any requirements like that. You can use our training for any niche or any industry and Josh for us. He fell in love with the course, fell in love with the product and community and has really made a lot of money and changed his life completely. So I don't know how many times this dude's been on. But Josh, how many times this this,

Josh:  I think it is the fourth time now since 2020. So yeah, Thanks. for having me back again. 

Matt:  And for those of you who are maybe newer or for those of you who are like the first time to the show. We have guests on every single Monday through Friday at 10am Eastern Josh has been on a couple times. And for anybody who's been on before. If you want to reach out back to us, we'd love to have you back on again. And here's some updates. Josh for those of us or for the people out there who maybe didn't hear the first go round. Tell me a little bit about you and your journey online. I know now you're kind of in a place where you're getting a house built. You're semi homeless. But tell us a little bit about your journey online.

Josh:  Yeah, so it's been it's been a heck of a ride, to say the least. You know, it's been a lot of ups and downs for me specifically for our family specifically. And, you know, there's stuff I'll probably share with you in just a minute but there's something I shared with Dave at the virtual mastermind he literally stopped me dead in my tracks in the middle of the presentation. It was like, wait a minute, he's like I had no clue about that in your life. So I've been with legendary for where I first got introduced to the training at the beginning of 2020. I think so. little over two years now. 

Matt:  That's yeah, like 80 years and in internet marketing years.

Josh:  Yeah. Yeah, it's funny because, you know, there's been all kinds of ups and downs and different things happening and you know, different programs that come out and people that reach out to you want you to do different things. And for me, it's just been a no brainer, you know, I wandered off one time, like, I think most people do, they kind of, you know, get shiny object syndrome a little bit even when things are working. And, you know, I wandered off one time, and I realized, you know, it wasn't what I thought it was. It didn't make sense for me to promote anything that you know, I didn't use myself, you know, like, the training helped me so now I can go out and be an affiliate. And it's really easy for me to communicate with people, you know, how it can help, how can it impact them? And, you know, for me, it hasn't even really been a question about, you know, what I'm going to promote or what I'm going to do so it's been a fun to yours to see everything that's gone on and how you all just kind of you're, you're right there, you're right there and it's just over and over again it when whenever I start seeing other things, it's like, Oh, look who's standing at the end so

Matt:  Well, it's just yeah, I mean, I guess it's just been a little interesting to me and just that, you know, over the span of quite a few months and even the last year and a half. You know, it's been that I have a lot. I have a pretty standoffish approach with just like, for instance, I do a lot of affiliate management. I have a pretty stand up approach with people just promoting whatever they want. Like we just it's not our job to really try to get in the lives of people like that, but it has sucked over the last you know, year if I'm like really honest and transparent where people have people have not been conned, but just people have been kind of persuaded to try out and promote different things and some of those were just kind of bad offers and I wish I had done a better job. Not because it hurt us necessarily. But because I know others. Other people's businesses got sort of hurt by that because they started promoting offers that look, they might have had the best intentions in the world. But even when I sat down and looked at the offers I was like oh you know what, they just don't know how to craft offers, you know, they just don't know how to put together a good offer that's going to serve their affiliates well, and that's a big one is just you know, you might have the best comp plan. You might have, you know, 85% commissions, all of this stuff. Lifetime commission all this up to tiered commission. And then the offer just stops and the product sucks and it's like, shit. And I feel Bad because there's people who I mean, you know, their businesses took a huge hit, and you know, anyway, I'm glad that you kind of came back and that that didn't have too big of an impact on you and your business.

Josh:  Yeah, yeah. You know, it's one of those things it was, it was hard to see. I know around probably last year around this time, maybe maybe june july type of time, you know there was a big there's a big program that was introduced are a big name in the market and you know, I saw one girl specifically I won't I won't mention any names or anything like that, but I saw one girl specifically who was probably one of the fastest to platinum rank with legendary ever if not the fastest and, you know, got shiny object syndrome and went from having this business that's literally life changing to you know, I haven't heard from her ever since it's like she dropped off the face of the earth. So, you know, it's just it's sad to see unfortunately, you know, go out promote whatever you want, right but at the end of the day, like you know, you're building a message, you're building a story, you know, around yourself and around, you know, the product that you're promoting at the end. And if you know that's changing every day or every so often, like you're not you're never gonna build any trust with anybody. 

Matt:  yeah. Well, the nice part is though it's a long, long game, you know, life long and that person and any other people that I saw that happen to, you know, the beautiful part about this industry, unlike what a lot of people say about it. A lot of people say you know, you create some videos on Tiktok that's your whole brand and you know, you might tarnish your brand forever. That's a bunch of nonsense. I mean, people reinvent themselves online like that, and the rest of the world is happy to watch you do. The rest of the watching world doesn't give a shit about you know, if you suddenly delete your Tik Tok with 50,000 followers and start over tomorrow and grow an audience and change your name and move across the world. It's just like, Who's that guy? I don't know. There's billions and billions of people online who cares? You know, so I think that should give people permission not to go out and scam people but it should give people permission to try out new things. And I think you know, I've seen a lot of people. For instance, Andre, Andre Yemanja, who is also like you a six figure affiliate. You know, he got his entire Instagram poof, gone. And I think it was like, he was either just a little before a mastermind or I wasn't. I don't remember exactly what it was. But I just found that to be so interesting, because he he, there's there's a lot of people that I've watched to investors, crush their business just destroyed it and I don't want to make this out to be this kind of thing where we're trying to say you know, if you go out and promote something else and your business takes a hit that it's all over for you that's that's not the message the message is find a good winning offer if it takes you a couple of tries, that's cool, but find a good winning offer. And when you find one, realize what you've got. And make sure to make sure to hook your train to a winning offer because that's really big. So okay, Josh, tell us a little bit about the first stage of your journey as an affiliate. And then and then there was a little kind of blip in the road. And then tell us about this second piece and kind of walk us through that journey as an affiliate.

Josh:  It's actually kind of like three pieces now. And you know, you mentioned Andre and I really identify with him and kind of his story as well. Because what happened to him on Instagram happened to me on Tik Tok actually, twice now. So, you know, I built in 2020 I was a part of the program and I finally realized So, little further back then 2020 Initially I was introduced to digital marketing. And I thought I wanted to be like an online fitness coach and I was going to build a funnel and do the whole fitness influencer thing and have my own coaching and consulting program and, you know, I tried different MLMs in the fitness industry and it just never really worked out. I was never really all the way in with it. And I was actually funny, I tell this story a lot but it was funny. I was scrolling Facebook on purpose trying to get hit with an ad that I had seen in the past because I wanted to model my fitness coaching business after this ad so I was trying to funnel hack it. And so in the middle of all of it here comes Dave Sharpe on my screen. I get hit with a different ad. And I just get sucked in. I get sucked into the thing completely and I'm like oh man, like I'm really identifying with this guy's story like what is this that he's teaching like, this makes way more sense? Like I don't, I don't even want to do fitness coaching anymore. I want to do what this guy is doing. And so I joined the challenge and everything just kind of clicked for me from the start. I was like it all made sense. And it was like it clicked and it was like this is exactly what I've been looking for. I've been struggling online for a couple years now. Nothing really makes sense. I can't figure out how to put everything together. And you know, he mentioned in the ad that I think I think he refers to it kind of as freelance digital marketing, which is affiliate marketing at the end of the day, same thing. I was like, Man, that makes perfect sense. I don't have to spend all this time trying to create my own products. Anyway, so I went down the rabbit trail, purchased a challenge, fell in love with everything and it all made sense. And then just a couple months later as I'm really putting everything together and my business is kind of alive and started to go live. You all did a tick tock challenge. And I was like well, I've never I've never really heard of Tik Tok. I know there's like 12 year olds that dance on this app and I was like, Well, I don't really have any other traffic right now. Let me see what's going on. And so sure enough, I I posted like four or five tiktoks Then all of a sudden I had one like, go viral during the middle of the challenge. And I went from like, no business to like, what the heck happened? I didn't even know what was going on at the time. You know. So that was my first experience with Tik Tok and it took off really, really quickly. And I built that first account to about 70,000 followers. And that's where we poop kind of hit the fan for me. So and this is something I revealed to Dave in the community that was part of that virtual mastermind is not something that I'm proud of, but I was building the business. Behind my wife's back like there was zero communication with my wife about what exactly I was doing and what I was getting into. And she's at work one day and the girl that watches our kids was watching them at her work at the time. And she goes into my wife's office and goes, I didn't know your husband was Tik Tok famous. And my wife was like I didn't know my husband was Tik Tok famous either so that ended up being kind of a turning point where I actually after a couple months and a lot of success real quickly. I gave up my entire business. I stopped working on it for about eight months. You know my wife and I went in and out of counseling. We worked on our marriage and we got a relationship in a spot. You know where we wanted it to be where it was on the right track. And then a year later around this time in 2021 I relaunched my business, I relaunched it brand new tick tock account, was able to grow that one from April to about June July ish time grew to about 205,000 followers, and then all of a sudden out of nowhere, just boom, they were like you're done your account you're banned. It's over like you can't, you can't Tik Tok anymore. So anyway, I got my account back. But what happened was it was the infamous you know, Shadow ban that everybody talks about got the account back and never hit the for you page again. Like I just couldn't get new traffic and couldn't get anybody new and so I restarted my Tik Tok yet again.And you know, I did it at the time as kind of just an experiment before my 205,000 follower account got shut down. I just happened to start another one. It's kind of an experiment and I was like, Well, let me see. Let me see if I can do this again. You know, I'm going live every day telling people like oh, you don't need a following like you can start from zero at any time and you can build the thing the right way and you know you're in a better position than me at zero followers because you can build your audience. You don't need a ton of followers. So I'm saying all this stuff to my audience every day and I'm like, You know what, dude? I had a moment where I was like, do I even really believe what I'm saying? Or if I just said it so many times and it comes naturally now. I started it as an experiment and I was like, Look, I'm gonna see if I can do this again. And sure enough, you know, I've followed exactly what I've been telling everybody in, you know, I've got another tick tock account now almost a year later, and we're at like 185,000 followers, I think now. So it's been a lot of a lot of starting over a lot. of, you know, learning and a lot of roadblocks, a lot of setbacks. But, you know, it's kind of like Andre, you know, when the first thing happened with my wife and I'm like, you know, I could have I could have stopped then and never got back to it when it happened, you know, with the TIC tock account the second time after, you know, some pretty good success. Should I quit then Right? But you know, you just keep going and you know, you got it you got to fight through adversity and I think that's kind of, you know, the message that I really want to communicate now with my story is like, like it's not always going to be perfect yet. You know, you're gonna see a lot of the highlight reel type of stuff. A lot of you know the call outs and the legendary group and like the, you know, for the success that's happening, and that's it, but it's not, it's not all rainbows and butterflies, you know, the fact that it's, I would say it's probably 90 to 95% You know, like struggle and trial and error and learning in you know, continually figuring out how to grow and move forward. And then a very little bit you get to experience the success, but, you know, and, and I think I've really kind of embraced that. And I just, you know, it's all part of the journey for me now. It's like, you know, what, what roadblock am I going to run into now, you know, it's never perfect. You just have to figure out how to keep going and keep moving forward.

Matt:  So totally, totally. There's this there's this period of, for a lot of people of just rapid growth, right, just rapid, fast growth. And then I feel like man, you just articulated that so well once you're at, let's say, high five figures, six figures, maybe you're making five figures a month or something. You know, for a lot of people, they assume that everything is just unicorns and rainbows. But most people are functioning at a high level of stress, anxiety without that money and without that income and without that business. And the moment that business enters into their life, I mean, it shakes shit up, you know, and suddenly the anxiety of keeping that and maintaining that for a lot of people becomes too much and they end up quitting which people think I'm crazy for even saying that but it's the truth. A lot of people end up just like, dude, honestly, I'd rather just go back to my job because this is a hell of a lot of work. And it happens every day. You know, the thing sometimes in people's heads becomes less motivating and inspiring. And it becomes more like this. Oh, man, you know, you thought you were a failure before Well, what if you piss away a six figure income online? What does that say about you? Right? And I think that that game for me became really intense. And just all I remember early on when I first discovered internet marketing is stuff that became so overwhelming and often stopped it from success, but or even from really earning anything. I was, I would, it was just crazy, but I thought that the way you worded that was really important. Because I think for a lot of people, when they hit that point where you're at your stride, the way you worded that makes me assume that you're starting to get to a place where you're now figuring out the rhythm of that type of a business. And as somebody figured that out, that's where they break into more of a career as an entrepreneur. And it almost shifts from being an entrepreneur to being just a kind of operator owner business manager. And that becomes, I think, for people, it becomes a little bit more like and it allows the brain space to open up and sort of, okay, I've got my business going now. I can operate this, I can keep this going. It's not going to fall apart overnight. I kind of figured out the algorithm. I figured out how not to get blocked or banned as much. I figured out how to tap into my email list. I figured out little things to do right. And then over time, that game becomes a little bit easier. And not to say that it's never gonna happen Calton hill gets blocked or banned with one point they're going all the time, right. Everybody does. It happens to everybody in every niche in every industry. But I think that once you get into that headspace it becomes a bit more of like a little routine, things start to feel a little more like a job and things feel a little more familiar, as opposed to just the nonstop chaos. That is this startup entrepreneur thing. And, and that's cool. I just wanted to affirm I feel like it's cool to see you like in that place because maybe you don't have it figured out perfectly

Josh:  And I don't know. I mean, nobody does, right?

Matt:  Yeah, but But in that process, I feel like you've got it pretty much pretty well figured out and yeah, like see, man.

Josh:  Yeah, it for me. It's like you know, there's you just gotta pay attention to what works and what doesn't work. And you know, I've identified in my business and in my messaging, you know, what works and what I can go back and look at is, you know, these times where the business is going like this, it's like, okay, I'm doing XYZ. At this time. Now business starts to flatten out a little bit and it's like, well, am I still doing the things that put me on this trajectory or my, you know, scatterbrained everywhere trying to figure out the next thing, and it's like, you know, it's a really simple formula. Honestly, it's like, you know, for me, tick tock is the platform that I've chose and you know, when all these other people were running away from tick tock last year, it's like you had a I don't remember if it was in the blueprints or if it was a wake up legendary call, or what it was, but you talked about the lifecycle of social media, and that that like, that really just stuck with me, because last year, you know, around August, August, you know, Instagram that's kind of when Andre started popping off on Instagram, and everyone's like, Oh my gosh, Tik Tok is rest in peace. It's all done. It's over bla bla and I'm sitting there. I've got content, all my pages. That said, Hello, you all are missing out on a massive opportunity right now, like all of these people, all of these creators are running to different platforms, having shiny object syndrome, and, you know, great if you want to repurpose your content, that's fine. But if you've got something working on a platform, don't run away. I like it, because the traffic is going to come back to Tik Tok. And you know what, the more people that fall for it and run away to the other platforms, the less the competition goes down on Tik Tok, and I'm trying to explain this to people like right now is the perfect time to get involved with Tik Tok. You did not miss the boat like it is still the perfect time especially when people are running away. And sure enough, what happened was I believed what I was saying. So I was sharing it with everybody. I was doing it in my own business and then No, late November hits December, Jan, early January, that like six week timeframe, my business exploded in a way that I had never seen because I stopped being consistent with the Tik Tok platform. And you know, so being I don't even remember where I was going with that

Matt:  You referenced this and I wanted to pull this open because that's a really good analogy. And this was a live show that we did about four weeks ago, March 23. And I'll put it in the chat for anybody who's watching right now but you can just go to our Facebook fan page and look at March 23. Wake up legendary. And you should watch this because this is something I call the nonstop social second. What Josh is talking about is you know, these Instagram became really hot and everybody oh my god, Instagram. Oh my god, Tik Toks are dead. It's over, you know, and people started freaking out. But the truth is, these platforms go in cycles of virality. And you know, right, you're gonna we're listening to this right now. You're gonna hear a lot more about Facebook reels over the next probably three months or so because people are just getting jammed with leads and followers from Facebook reels right now. And then it's going to be something else in three months. Maybe Pinterest goes through that huge round majority on Pinterest. But the point is, is that sticking with a platform, even through maybe a low or something like that means that once that platform makes it tweak in their algorithm or starts capturing more attention or there's a viral moment on social media that some video on Tiktok or something like that. It doesn't really matter what it is, but you're ready for it because you're not catching up every time. You're already there. You're already creating content. 

Josh:  That's super you know, the reality of the situation at least from my perspective is these other social platforms. You know, they're all fighting for life. Like Tik Tok came in in did something that I don't know if any other social media platform has ever done this, but it might have been, you know, similar to Instagram back in, you know, 2010/11/12 whatever it was when they you know, became the big dog but Tik Tok has done something in the reason all of these other platforms now have, you know, vertical vertical video is to catch up with Tik Tok and to catch up with what Tik tok is doing, and they're all fighting for life and what people don't realize is yeah, the algorithm, you know, came strong on Instagram reels, it's strong on Facebook reels right now, but the reality is, they're just catching up to the level that tick tock is already at. So as long as tik tok keeps innovating, tick tock is going to be a step ahead of everybody. Else for the foreseeable future. And like you said, when the algorithm comes back on tik tok, those who stay consistent in you know, stick with it through the low periods are going to be greatly rewarded. And then all of a sudden, the other platforms are going to slow down and they're gonna be like, Okay, how do we stay relevant? How do we catch back up the Tik Tok because tick tock is the number one downloaded app every single day on the App Store. It is past YouTube, it did months ago for most watchtime. week over week, month over month, there's more people coming on Tik Tok every single day. And you know, people are like, Oh, tik, Tok is saturated. There's a red ocean and like you cannot have a red ocean and saturation on something that's growing that quickly. Like every single day, especially people, people my age people, your age, Dave's age, there's people that are coming on that platform every single day. And it's like you're it's for some reason, people just panic, you know, traffic slows down and they're like, oh, my gosh, you know, tik tok is down the opportunities are over and I'm like, You know what, to me? Yeah, I don't, I don't even think it's close to peak yet. I think we're just scratching the surface still on Tik tok and, you know, if you've been waiting to start on tick tock like, Get started now and the cool part is, you know, you can make content on tick tock, you go to, you know, one of those websites like snap tick dot app and you remove the watermark and you go post that on all the other social platforms if that's what you want to do, but, you know, to me, it's a no brainer like tik tok is still you know, they're they're growing the way they are for reason. So, yeah,

Matt:  totally. And everybody who's, I think, it's just, I don't know, it's crazy. I mean, we've been saying this for two years now. Basically, I remember saying this like summer of 2020 that you know, I was gonna I said something to the effect of every person who hears us talk about the opportunity that's on tik tok right now to grow an audience will be kicking themselves in a couple of years. If this opportunity on tik tok doesn't exist anymore, the way that it does today. And I don't know if this is ever going to end. I have no clue. I've been a little bit shocked that it's stuck the way that it has deserved. I mean, even for people who have said you know that thing is going to die out or slow down or something. I mean, there's just even to the degree that we saw in Twitter, you know, late 2020 2021. Man, maybe it's like 5% less or 10% less, but I'm not really sure it is. I'm still watching people go from zero followers to hundreds of 1000s of followers in like 30/60/90 days. And I you know, for anybody who's really willing to go crazy and be really really, I don't know if this is the right word but kind of psychotic about mastering that platform. I mean, yeah, I just wish I could communicate that the sky is kind of the limit on that. So yeah. 

Josh:  sorry. I was gonna say the fun thing about Tik Tok too, is people don't realize like, I've got those two other accounts, you know, they don't get any for you page traffic are very, very limited. Like, I can't grow a new audience, really. But what happens is, you know, they're still just sitting there. I've still got links on those and every now and then, like, from my channel that had 205,000 followers, it's down to like, 195,000. Now a year later, but what happens is, I don't know what's going on right now. But I'm still getting sales from that, like, probably, you know, it's only a handful every single month. But still, it's like I see the tracking tag come in. And I'm like, Huh, okay, cool. So if you'll hear from like the SEO experts out there that all you know, everybody's launching a new SEO program now to that it's like, this is the real way to do affiliate marketing, and you can do SEO, but there's no real way. Okay. It tik tik. They cataloged things now. They're making a transition towards what Google does and what you know, the SEO experts are telling you about these other planets, just transitioning that way. So if you have a piece of Tik Tok  content out there, don't ever delete it. Okay, unless your post gets removed for Community Guidelines violations. That's the only time you should ever delete it because when tik tok cataloging all their content now, you might have some of that you created a year ago and now all of a sudden, randomly it kind of revised a little bit and it's driving traffic to your affiliate offers to your websites and you're like my account from 2020 Got me a sale last month. I haven't done anything. I haven't even logged in. I didn't even know that still existed. I had to like to research and figure out what was going on. So anyway, like people don't again, the message I think is clear from me like you know, just don't panic. You know, don't don't fall for the next shiny object. You know, the next guru thing telling you that tik tok is dead, you know, it's further proof that if you look at the advertisers, right? I know this is kind of next level and a lot of people you know, watching the show may not know a whole lot about advertising, but you look at the advertisers in They're all leaving. They're all panicking from Facebook. They're leaving Facebook. Nobody wants to run Facebook. Ad Well, I mean, people still want to run them because they're profitable, especially if you know how to do it, but a lot of them see the opportunity on tick tock is like hey, tik tok is gonna be around. They're inviting more advertisers onto the platform. In these businesses, these companies, they're running tik tok ads and getting incredible results. So it's like me, to me, it's simple, the more advertisers that go there, the more people that download the app every single day, like it's here to say people know Don't Don't panic, don't pay, like, I'm all for repurposing your content and you know, maybe you're brand new you want to focus on you know, Facebook reels right now, that's awesome, but don't miss the opportunity. That is tik tok because it's still strong, and I don't think it's going anywhere. 

Matt:  It's definitely not Yeah, it's Yeah, that's a good message. Right? If you if you gravitate towards one platform, or if you like a certain platform most just make sure that all of the other ones, especially when creating the content to start with, and I think creating the content initially on tick tock is the easiest, especially for people just getting started. It seems like it's easiest. Yeah. So the other thing though, is you know, on Facebook, the thing that I've been telling people recently is just my opinion, but I think that on Facebook. There's a really big opportunity right now because Facebook sort of figured out how to turn reels, pretty viral, and then how to take the reels and turn them into followers. So most people don't know this but recently, maybe just in the last month, people are growing humongous amounts of followers to their pages or profiles or whatever. Sort of Facebook rails and it's all just repurpose Tik Tok content. And, you know, that kind of happened on Instagram, but I think what didn't happen on Instagram is the transition from organic content to followers. And it didn't happen to the degree that it happens on Tik Tok like you get a million views on a Tik Tok video. You're gonna have 50,000 followers or maybe more. And if you put on Facebook recently, they figured this out. And the benefit there I think of of kind of cross pollinating, and you know, maybe having your Tik Tok followers Hey, go find me on Facebook or follow me on Facebook to it or get your email list Hey, by the way do you follow me on Facebook is you can post images you can post long story posts that are written Word where people can actually read and you can engage people in multiple different ways video written image, you can get them on your email list, and then You're everywhere. No, it doesn't matter what social media app they open. It's like they open and they see Josh and they go to Tik Tok, and there's Josh and they go to YouTube and there's Josh and it's just like, down, you know, and eventually, they don't even have to consume all of your content. But at some level, like the 10th time that they see you. It's like if you put something in front of them, they're just like, this guy is everywhere. And there's a certain level of trust that comes with that. As opposed to if I just see one of your videos on Tiktok and I happen to see it and I'm like Oh, that's interesting. Whatever, I will never see you again. It's like well, you know, who knows I don't know that person is a scammer, I don't know. But um, if I see everywhere, not here's the big takeaway that many people don't know. Not only am I more likely to buy something, I'm old I become a lifetime customer of Josh. And then also I'm more likely to become a high like a my, the lifetime value of me as a customer is likely to be higher, I'm more likely to purchase higher ticket products from Josh. Because I now have this sort of inherent trust. He's everywhere. And if he's everywhere, and all of his followers aren't saying, Man, this guy really sucks. He's a loser. He scammed me out of 1000s of dollars or something like that. Like okay, I'm generally probably going to trust the guy. I don't know. Does that make sense?

Josh:  Well, no. It's funny that you say that because I said I created a Google form. And I just wanted to get a survey and kind of gauge my audience to kind of see where they're at. And I've got an email list now of 3000 plus subscribers, where my open rates are above 100%. So it's funny that you say that because one of the questions that I asked I was talking about, you know, what it would look like for them to get, you know, additional coaching from me if people wanted me to kind of like, do my own coaching thing on the side, like for people that needed mentorship or something like that, I just want to see about my audience and kind of see some of their pain points. And what I realized was two things. I have an email list of 3000 people who literally open everything I put out there that are just waiting to see the next thing that comes that are highly interested in whatever I put out there. And then the other thing I asked the question I like, I listed off I think it was for four or five different affiliate programs about legendary marketer 15 Day Challenge and then some other things that teach similar affiliate marketing, and I asked how many of you have ever even heard of this in about 60? I think it was 68/66 or 68% of the people that responded to that survey had never even heard of the main thing that I was promoting. So it showed me that not only do I have a huge audience of people who will probably I could put out something tomorrow and they would buy it. I could promote something else tomorrow. They would buy it but there's also a massive portion of that audience. Who still follows me? They follow my content, but they haven't interacted for whatever reason it is with the main offer that I'm promoting. So it's like I need to keep emailing my list. These people need to keep hearing from me. Eventually. Like you said it might take eight times you know, I say seven times because that's you know, statistically people need seven interactions with your brand or your company before they trust you enough to buy but it just shows you the amount of opportunity and this is what I spoke on at the virtual mastermind is like, especially affiliate marketers, a lot of us don't pay attention to what Matt and Dave say every single day like you get your email list that is your asset. And there's so many people just sitting on your email listening to hear from you and you're not taking advantage of it. And so to me, it was like it was confirmation that what I spoke on at the mastermind lives I'm on the right track but I need to be emailing more because there's 68% of these people that still don't even know what legendary is and I promote it hard every single day. Like how are you following me and don't know what it is, you know, so yeah,

Matt:  no, totally. And people what happens is marketers, they get in their own heads and they start so they get on a bunch of email lists, right? And they go through this process and it's hard and they're overwhelmed. And so they get a little bit jaded to marketing. And then they start to hate getting all these emails. This is what happened to me. I hate getting all these emails every now and then and then they assume or they project their own feelings onto their email lists. And they say wow, they're probably really sick of hearing about this offer all the time, or they're really sick about hearing from me all the time. But the truth is, is if you what you have to do as a marketer, is you have to go back to the initial and here's what Richard Lewis just said the initial pain points, and you have to remember initially, the very beginner level pain points are and you've got to keep reconnecting to those. So, you know, if you're in the dog training niche, you have to go back to that you can't. You can't take your expert level knowledge and just only talk about that and assume that people don't care about the basic level heel or the sit or the stay or anything. Those are the things people care about most. They just want to know how to do the very basics and if you can share with them some real basic shit then maybe you can then sell them on some private coaching or some dog boarding or something like that, right? Where it's higher ticket stuff, but you've got to you can't just go straight for that to teach. You know some dog's advanced tricks or advanced stuff and they can barely even sit and stay for more than three seconds you know, and the same goes for your niche which is making money online. People especially in this get so in their head about oh, people are sick of hearing about marketing, marketing, marketing market. It's all marketing, right? But the truth is, is that remember back to the day, if you can when you discovered there was people who are on social media, creating videos, and making hundreds or 1000s of dollars every single month, and you were like oh my god, and I'm an open every email I get about this because I want to read what everybody's doing. What's Joshua, what's Matt doing? What's Joanne doing? What's Michael doing? What's Sam doing? You know, how are these people doing this? And it's like I you know, if I think back 10 years ago when I started doing that, I would open every email and I would read every frickin word of that email. Sometimes I've read it twice and just like what are they doing? I'd even look for little sidebar notes from some of my mentors and they would send out an email I'd look for like the stuff they weren't saying and I was like, why are they trying to get through? No, I really feel like they're doing so you've got marketers out here who are like, they're really sick of hearing from me, but the truth is, it's like people who are in their very early stages are actually the total opposite. They're opening emails maybe twice, three times. And they're reading every letter they're trying to read between the lines. And so this is this is what struck me is so powerful, because for those of you don't know, Josh presented at our last virtual mastermind, and talked a lot about reengaging his email lists and how he had this big email that's reengaged it and started pulling huge amounts of revenue out of his email list. And there was just untapped revenue. And that's that's the piece for me that's so insanely powerful is you have to go back and you have to remember hey, these people want to learn very basic shit. And then from there, sure, maybe you've got a small percentage of people who are really interested in deeper level stuff or, you know, heavier hitting high ticket stuff, but the truth is, most people they're hanging on every word. more from you, you've got to give it to them.

Josh:  It's funny that that point you just made that's really sticking with me because since that mastermind, we've been on the road, you know, with everything that's happening right now, we were you know, semi homeless, like you mentioned at the beginning, and so I haven't been emailing as consistently but when I have I realized I didn't notice that at the time while I was doing it, but I just actually sat down a couple days ago, it was like, Okay, why is my email not really performing the way it was before? And it was because I went from this, you know, third grade level, just speaking about the really basic things and hitting on people's basic pain points to I made a transition. I don't know why I did it, but my emails started to get, you know, more technical and like, more advanced and I was wondering why they weren't converting at the same rate. And I went back and looked and I'm like, well, holy crap, you know, I'm just in this one over here. You know, I'm just talking about basic things like hey, this is how this is literally, you know, changing my life like I used to struggle with finances you know, now, you know, because of affiliate marketing and been able to do XYZ, you know, just basic things in like getting started with affiliate marketing and you know, those were converting like crazy, and now all of a sudden, it's not converting and I'm like, well, crap, I'm getting super technical here. You know, I think I kind of fell into my own little trap like, Okay, I spoke on email marketing. You know, people are asking me questions about email marketing. I have to be this big email marketing guy now and so I think I kind of like to put pressure on myself to try and get better at my email marketing, and I changed what was already working but so now I'm making the transition to go back to doing what I was doing. They got me those results. And, you know, again, I think it's the second time I've mentioned something similar now during this, this vibe, it's like stop getting away from what's working people. Like we all do it and it's just human nature. For some reason, I always try to see what the next thing is and figure out the next day. What should I do? I just focus more on what's already working, and double down on the things that aren't working. And your business will consistently grow, like, do less of what's not working, do more of what is working. It sounds so simple. I know it sounds simple, but

Matt:  It's a huge reminder and, and, yeah, it's there's so many different psychological elements that are at play there. I don't know where to start sometimes, but it's a good way to sum it up. It's just, you know, the ability to just not screw something up is a powerful trait of a good business owner. 

Josh:  It's weird when you say it like that. Like, even five we went through a recent transition and a whole internal restructuring because one of the big bosses lost focus and you know, they it was like, You should have been focusing on how not to screw this up and say, You screwed up, you know,

Matt:  It's like, right, right, right. No, it's really true. It's really true. It's really true. And you know, I've interviewed people to work in our marketing department and I always steer clear from people who give off this sort of vibe or energy of like, hey, we can just revamp and redo and re re Re and, like, cool, but, like, we're actually looking for people who don't want to screw up something that's working better than we'd ever imagined. And that's why I have such an incredible love. And value for like the team at legendary to is, you know, Dave's Dave's really given off a huge vision of, of, hey, we're going to be steady and rock steady and will outlast everybody who comes in and says whatever they want to say about us or creates competing products, will they will just outlast them and we'll keep updating our products and serving our customers well. And then the team, like the leadership team, and the people who are in management are so bought into that vision that it's really hard to screw it up. I mean, it's really hard. You know, sometimes Dave, myself or Julie or anyone in our management team will bring up some marketing idea and they're just like dude, like, no, that would be done. That would be a huge diversion from what our core thing is, and we'll go down the whole road. I mean, we got so deep into developing a website builder, page builder and looked into all these different options, all this stuff. And finally, we just kind of looked around and we said, we're not a software company. We just closed the door on it. You know, that's not that's not who we are. It's not what we do. And, you know, so we've been distracted before with others who are brand deals and different things and all that it's ever done is hurt legendary and so I Why have such a value of what we do. And sometimes I think you know, for a marketing company, some of that seems and feels maybe a little bit boring, but the truth is, is there's something really good working here and in terms of both the marketing angles, but also the offer and also just the level of kind of company support and stuff like that. And so, you know, we get criticism sometimes from people who are brand new and they and they kind of start out with legendary and maybe they have a one off. I don't know if it was a bad experience or support or maybe a bad experience with me or something. And they're like, oh, man, they don't really support you that well. And then they go to other people and they go to other companies and their support is I've just discovered what really bad support looks like. There's a lot of individuals or just people who are like, it's like a guy and his mom, you know, like the support team is his mom and, or his wife or something. It's just them too. And, and it's literally like, you know, you asked for a refinance like no, we're not going to refund you, you know, you gotta jump through 18 hoops to get a refund and all this stuff. And then suddenly you discover Oh, this isn't really a business. This is just a dude who has a merchant account open and is trying to help some sort of product and it really is a little bit sketchy. And so anyway, I don't know where I was going with where I was going with that was I don't know where you were at before that but this slow and steady and doing what's working has been basically the theme of the last few years here at legendary I think doubling down on that has really worked 

Josh:  Yeah, and I think that's why I identify with legendary and it's so natural for me to keep you guys as you know my core offer is because you you said something there at the start of all that that last little round of what you were saying and I hope people caught it you know there you mentioned legendary is just continually Outlast everyone else. And I think that's kind of the the reason behind my success like a lot of people see me on Tik Tok and a big following and they think it you know, I'll happen overnight and it was just like this consistent thing but really at the end of the day, you know, it's more so I've just been able to outlast a lot of people and now. You know, I look at things I don't even realize sometimes. I didn't even realize it until you know, I created a post talking about the truth behind the legendary 15 Day Challenge and why you know sometimes you see it in people. What did I say? I mean, remember the truth behind the legendary 15 Day Challenge. I think I've got like, over 100 people now who have dueted that video, and I'm like, holy crap, I didn't even realize that many people looked at me as an authority like in this industry. And you know, I think people don't realize that the biggest one of the biggest keys to your success in entrepreneurship and in this online business is like, are you in it for the long term? Are you willing to do what it takes to outlast the competition? Ones who outlast the ones who stay consistent and keep pushing forward when things get hard, are the ones who experienced the long term results. And that's just at the end of the day. You have to be willing to do what other people aren't willing to do and you have to outlast people. And eventually you'll get to a point where things just start slowing for you and you know posting on Tik Tok becomes second nature for you like in my business like if I want to want to grow my business I got to post two to three times a day. That's it. I got to email my list every single day. Like if those are the two things that I've identified in my business. That's literally all I have to do. Now I can get that done in sometimes 15 minutes. Most of the time. It's between a half hour to an hour but you know, so it's about being consistent and just you gotta outlast. Yep. There's nothing pretty about it. People want the pretty, you know, they want the pretty, they want the fun solution. You know what success most of the time is not the end of the fun, but the process is not and it's 90% about the process, you know, is it a lot of times it's just mundane, and you just gotta keep pushing through and be willing to do things when you don't feel like there's your secret everybody you've been waiting for a secret for me. do the dirty work. Yeah. Okay. And do it consistently over and over and over again. Right

Matt:  Now, I love that by the way, so you will be our mastermind, right?

Josh:  Yep. Three weeks, isn't that already? Wow.

Matt:  So Josh is going to speak at our upcoming mastermind in Florida. And you're going to probably hear a little bit more of this I would guess. And I'll be there excited to meet you in person should be a great time, man. Yeah,

Josh:  yeah. I'm excited to like, I appreciate you all having me on and it's gonna be fun, that's for sure. Good to actually meet you all in person. Now. You know, I've met you a few times like this, but you know, in person, you can't beat that type. of stuff. So,

Matt:  Yeah, it'll be fun. I'm gonna put up your tic tac toe. Thanks for coming on, Josh. We'll have you back. Maybe for like a fifth and sixth time.

Josh:  After the mastermind. Yeah, there we go. Cool. All right. Thank you very much. Thank you to the community.

Matt:  We'll see you soon. All right, guys. I've got his ticket here. It is the dad intrapreneur. So it's @thedadtreprenewer you can find him on Tik Tok the best place to go find him. If you search the @thedadtreprenewer on Pinterest. You can also go find them on Pinterest. I'll throw that up real quick. And if you want to pause the video on a replay or whatever to see his interest. You can go check him out there. But yeah, go give him a follow. Let him know what stood out to you. From today's episode. What did you learn, what was important, what was impactful? Because as you heard, Josh is pretty tuned into what are followers liking to hear where what are they what do they need to hear? What are they listening for? And he's a good marketer and so he could use your feedback on that. So go give him a follow on tick tock let him know you saw him on wakeup legendary and guys, we'll be back here tomorrow at 10am Eastern we've got another guest lined up in fact, let me I was gonna go look at I was gonna go look at our guest list. I don't have to tell. Our guests list is pretty packed. And I think I think well I got you all here. Joanne, do we have a link to the questionnaire? I can't remember where it is. Yeah. All right. Thank you. If you want to if you're still here, we still got a lot of people on the live if you want to be featured on wakeup legend or maybe you've got you know, you got 10,000 followers on Tiktok or you grew a huge social media following or maybe you've made your first $100 or something like that. You don't have to have a massive result. And that can be in any niche. We'd love to have you on the show. And, you know, a lot of the times the people that we get to be on the show are affiliates of ours, but that's only because we can really only track that like that's the only people that we can actually do some tracking on and be like hey you know you made $100 and and outside of this niche and outside of this industry and see how people have taken this training and you know used it in real estate and investing or in dog training or in motivation, health and fitness, all sorts of different niches and industry. So right here, legendary marketer.com/featured And it's just a little questionnaire that you can fill out let me see if I can pull this out open. And let me make sure that this link actually works. Oh link actually does work. Hurray. You can recommend somebody else or you can recommend yourself and we would love for you to do that. We've probably booked out three to four weeks. So we don't have a lot like we don't have a huge need for that. But we do want to give you the opportunity if you'd like to be featured. There's no guarantee that we're going to feature you, filling that out is no guarantee that you'll even get an email response or a phone call or anything like that. If we don't respond to you, don't take it personally. But yeah, we'd love to hear from you and we will have to validate your results somehow before bringing you on the show, but fill it out at legendarymarketer.com/featured And there we go. We'll see you back here tomorrow. At 10am. Eastern

How To Share Your Story Quickly Through Social Media

Below is the transcription for this episode:


Dave:  Hey, what's going on my friend? This is Dave Sharpe welcome to Wake Up Legendary, the infamous show. Heard round the world, my friends round the world, in the marketing universe, and we'd like to welcome you here to yet another exciting week of stories and interviews. Just an enormous amount of value in training. That is, it is pretty much right at everybody’s fingertips a lot of times we even have people that want to be like us. The gurus and the goblins out there who copy our you know our strategies, and wonder how so many people in our community are succeeding and they can even Come on wake up legendary and listen to the strategies that we share with them. Like friendly so openly. And so and so hopefully and also and also, hello to anybody out there who you know, you know, wanting to copy our strategies, a special shout out to anybody who's in the DMS who’s actually showing up the Facebook lives and hitting up our clients and students trying to pitch them what are garbage courses are, quite frankly a waste of time and money. Let’s jump into it though, From Fast Food Worker To Digital Marketer. Davis, welcome to the show. tell us how you got started and you know how you found Legendary Davis.

Davis:  Actually, I wanted to say this. I've been visualizing every single day, to be on a call to be on an interview with you, Dave like every single night I imagined talking with you and now it comes through so I'm very excited today and a bit nervous as well.

Dave:  That's a real honor man. Thank you for sharing that and and it's it's it's just as much of an honor for me to be speaking to you, buddy. So but that is the power of visualization, isn't it and and just thinking about what you want to happen and I think the majority of the people that I meet, think about all the bad things that they don't want to happen. But when you step back and look at it well, you're spending all that time thinking about all those bad things in the world. It has a weird way of giving you exactly what you're thinking about, and also giving you exactly what you're most afraid of. Right. So thanks for sharing that man. And that's really powerful. A lot of people wonder how I have become, you know, where's my training and where's my speaking training or public speaking training or any of that kind of stuff. And it all comes from that same thing, visualizing myself being in that environment, whether say I'm going to do an event, visualizing myself speaking in that environment and rehearsing that over and over again. And then when I get there, it's almost like I've already been there. I've seen myself crushing it and it's not as scary because I've already prepared it so we could talk about that for an hour. 

Davis: But first you know, there's lots so much to talk about. But anyways, tell us a bit about you. And thank you for sharing that you know what you just did?

Davis:  Okay, so my name is Davis and currently I'm 19 years old. I live in France for my studies and I've always been originally from Vietnam. And I'm currently I do affiliate marketing beside having my first year in college and my goals on on this call with you on this interview is to share as much value as possible to inspire others and you know like to talk about my biggest defeat mistakes so that everyone can avoid that or maybe if someone has already done that, then you can find the way to fast track so that you will never make that mistake again and you have to get out of it.

Dave:  So you're 19  And you say that you're currently where right now.

Davis:  So I'm in France right now.

Dave:  You're in France right now and you're originally from Vietnam?

Davis: Yes. Exactly. 

Dave: And you're there at a university , is that what you're doing? And on the side you're actually also doing affiliate marketing?

Davis:  Yes, I'm doing good marketing on the side.

Dave:  Sheesh, I know grown people in my town that've never gotten on an airplane for God's sake. And you're and you're halfway around the world and you know, doing studying and then you're also doing so that's a lot first and foremost. I want to know just what is driving you to do so much. I mean are you are, you know, it's got to be something more than just your parents want you to do it because you wouldn't then be taking additional action there in France.

Davis:  So actually, like I've sworn in a low income middle class family and you know, like, I've been through a lot of rough times. So have I in my entire life. I've been working hard to, too , like to try to live a different life, to try to do different things from my family because I don't want to do the same thing that my parents did. I don't want to be stuck struggling financially and never have enough time. So I always go up and hustle whenever I have time to be able to have my dream life in the near future.

Dave:  Yeah, How are you going to college? How is that being financed?

Davis:  So actually, I have spent like one year learning French and I came here I think since 2020 to have navigated to learn French here. So this year I am able to learn from the college. And actually when I learned French, in French, the tuition fee was basically free.

Dave:  Oh wow. So So Wow. So you figure that out? If you learn French you can go to France and go to university for mostly free for low to no cost. Is that right? 

Davis: Exactly. Exactly. 

Dave: Okay, friends, I want to just point one thing out. I mean, I don't. I'm just meeting you now for the first time but just the resourcefulness of that alone is really impressive. So now you get to France. You've been practicing French back in Vietnam. Now you're also continuing to practice French there in France and you're learning but you're speaking to me in English. Now where does that come into the picture? Because you know, that's not what your family says? Is it? They speak Vietnamese, right?

Davis:  Yeah. So most of the time I have been watching a lot of YouTube videos and I tried to talk the way they needed and just, you know, like to intimated what they did and try to speak fluently in English. And I know that I will be doing business in English in the future. So I try my best to speak fluently in English.

Dave:  Unbelievable. Unbelievable. Davis. I mean, The reason why I'm asking you these questions. You are giving us value by just helping us to see everything that you're doing and everything that you've done. And you know, we sometimes I know, I know I sometimes I have no idea what it's like to be born into a country like Vietnam. I don't know. Maybe you had a wonderful life. But you were just saying that you had a lot of poverty that you grew up around. And the other thing that I'm noticing is that you had to leave your country for a bigger opportunity. That's also something that is a whole that's a whole different level of having to go after it. I mean, it's just so so that's helpful to me and to people who were born in America who there's all the opportunity in the world really is here. And that's one of the things that I scream out to my American friends for god sakes. You know, and I'm not you know, I love America. And I love my American friends a lot of the time, you know, I'm just like, hey, look, there's a lot of opportunity here. So did I get that right? Did that feel like that fit that you grew up around a lot of poverty and then had to watch your parents struggle and you basically had to leave your homeland for a bigger opportunity. And eventually where do you see yourself going?

Davis:  So I've been dreaming of big scenarios when I was really young, like, I've been dreaming of living life without worrying about money. Different life. Wow. Really? Yeah. So like, I didn't know how I could do that? i The only thing that I knew when I was young was to study really hard at school, trying to get the best rates so that I will have the opportunity to go to another country. That's the only thing I know and I was just thinking that I am going to learn really hard. And I'm going to get a new high paying job in another country. So that I will be able to live a new life and also help my parents.

Dave:  Okay, so ultimately you're just where you're probably thinking and been dreaming about just traveling the world and just exploring and who knows where you're going ultimately. Maybe you're gonna have a house in America, a house in Vietnam, you'll have a house in France. Alright, let me ask you this question. Where does affiliate marketing in online marketing fit into all this for you?

Davis:  So actually, it is a long story like, last year I started my first ever job in my entire life. I didn't have any prior experience or experience in the pandemic, so it was really hard to get a job. And eventually I found a job in a fast food restaurant like the Japanese fast food restaurant, and I was paid like $8 Now minimum wage, and I was working really hard

Dave:  worked and that pissed you off? That pissed you off. You're like no, this is not good enough. You're like this does not fit my dream. You know, this is so so again what happens tell us see he's talking about some pain right now, folks. He's talking about something that's uncomfortable that is the worst thing possibly that could happen to you right? You've been dreaming about being wealthy and successful your whole life and now you're making minimum wage, continue with the story.

Davis:  So I because I didn't have any experience like I have never been cooking for others my entire life. And that's why my boss mistreated me, not only my boss, but the college ministers that bullied me and verbally abused me and that made me really hate my job. I felt stressed. I lost my self confidence. I had low self esteem. Like basically I felt really crappy when I had to go to work. And at the time, I also liked that it was an equal social life changing because I was also reading the book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad. And I just adopted every single book that he gave me like Robert gave me and I just embraced the mindset and that made me even hate my job. I hate my job even more. And that's why I tried to find a way to make money online.

Dave:  Oh, wow. You were reading that book before you came online?

Davis:  Yes. Because I was looking for ways to I want to find a way to get my dream life and I couldn't just do the same thing like most other people are doing so I need to read more books to expand my mindset, because I know that current version of myself and my mindset couldn't get me to my dream. So when I started everything okay,

Dave:  So what led you to Legendary and bring us current now to what's happened here over you know, when did you find legendary How long has it been? To give us some timelines and some ideas of, of how things are happening. You're looking like you're more excited to talk about this part.

Davis:  Sure. So, in March last year, like 2021 I started my first entrepreneurship journey beside my restaurant job. So I actually got into growing thin pages on Instagram. I bought a really successful entrepreneur on Instagram and I tried to learn every single knowledge by good. And actually, that cost was four promises because the guys who sold me, he told me that if you bought this car, you're going to learn how to make three paid by PayPal, but it didn't didn't have to continue because that cost just taught me how to, like on mass on your novel strategies on Instagram, but they didn't teach me how to do it. They didn't teach me how to monetize that. So I started just selling my service for $90 Trying to help artists to create a brand on Instagram. And I have been dealing with that from March until August. It has been like five months of hustling for $90 on my service, and it was really tiring for me. And that's when I I saw many, like real flip modules on Instagram. Hi, I just give it a go like, Okay, I need to change. I couldn't do it anymore because I couldn't just tell him I searched for $90 and help a lot at the same time. It just led to the now so I discovered good marketing. I watched your videos and I just enrolled in Legendary Marketer right away.

Dave:  In August last year? And what's happened since then.

Davis:  So I started actually like in real struggle where like many people are watching this live stream. So in September, in the beginning of September, I started to post my videos on TikTok. I was very fortunate to have three days of posting on TikTok on Pinterest on Instagram. I got my first commission, but it took me one month to get another commission. And the thing is that I was just thinking that affiliate marketing is just about to have the pre made sales funnel pre made even marketing part. And I just need to create as much viral content as possible. My mistake was that I didn't have any target audience. I didn't know what I was doing. I just think I was just thinking like, okay, so I'm gonna create a lot of bio content and I got a lot of news so that I can make a lot of money but I wasn't sure.

Dave:  Yeah. So you so you, you learned you're saying are you saying that you thought that getting in and being successful in affiliate marketing was just about creating viral content?

Davis:  Yes, that's what I was thinking back then. 

Dave:  And what have you learned? What what what how would you describe if I was to ask you now how I can be successful in affiliate marketing? How would you describe the formula if it's not simply making viral content in doing that only? What is that formula?

Davis:  Okay, so, before I go, I'd like to talk about my device so that I can lead to the lessons that I have learned. So I

Dave:  I want to talk about your defeats first. Yes. Yeah, that's great.

Davis:  To November last year, into Monday through my TikToks, zero 40 to 43k followers, and afterwards majestic top thing is that my videos went viral in the countries where Legendary doesn't work with and people replied in common in their own in which we which I cannot understand and they reply to my email marketing in their language has grown so I have like almost 4000 subscribers in my email list. They were in the target audience and they couldn't be monetized as well. So when I discovered that, and whenever I saw the videos, I was really, I was feeling really terrible that whenever I fought a video, myself going viral, I changed the privacy of that video to only me so that it couldn't go by anymore because I don't I didn't want anyone who, who who are not from the countries that I want to watch the videos. And, and I have been at that point for like, two three weeks. Yeah. And then I was in a really big benefit. And I was in a really terrible situation. And one two weeks of being really depressed, feeling terrible, and myself feeling like a loser and that was the biggest defeat that I have. I decided to you know, I'm gonna start over again and I deleted my email list of 4000 subscribers and also, I thought that the new Tiktok with a brand new thing i Because failure I discovered managing new and I treated the failure as a lesson as a teacher not something that could make me quit. So

Dave:  So what did you do differently because what I'm hearing that happened was every time and let me just make sure that I got this correct. Every time I do I begin to go viral. It would attract people from countries that didn't speak a language that you understood and like for example, this has absolutely positively nothing against people from this country. But we found that India will, you know, eventually basically have to stop taking customers from India, because we experienced a lot of fraud and stuff like that. 

Dave:  That was from countries that, you know, either, you know, places like a company like us didn't accept customers from or spoke a language that you didn't understand. And so every time a video would take off and go viral you would actually set the video to go private. And so it didn't go viral. And then you had an email list also with 4000 subscribers who are mostly you're saying, these, these, this group of people, and so basically you looked at that you said, Hey, this, this is a defeat. I'm going to start over. I'm going to start from scratch. And you did, was that right? Yes. Okay, I just wanted to make sure that I got so then what happened? Anybody who's just coming on or needs a refresher? I said what do you know? How would you describe the formula to be successful affiliate marketing, and he said, Let me tell you first about my defeats. Let me tell you about my failures. So what you just described was sort of you described it like, Hey, this is defeat. Let me start over and with a new outlook. And with new wisdom and tell us what happened next.

Davis:  Okay. So first, I tried to find out who my target audience is because I know that when we try to target everyone when we do, like general content on any type of social media, we would attract a lot of different types of people. So I want to make sure that I only attract my target audience. So I tried to define my type of audience. I tried to look back at myself, like in the past, when I was an actor, what makes me to table and like try to figure out my pain points and my desire and try to put that into the content. So first of all, to have a target audience, you need to target audiences who can relate the most to you and you can understand the most so it should mean the old version of yourself. And then what I do is that I've changed the content strategies and also started to learn copywriting, storytelling, funnel building, so I tried to write my own email.

Dave:  You changed you changed the messaging in your content is basically what you're saying and what it what did you change it from and what did you change it to?

Davis:  So before I was creating content like how to do like, make 20 bucks per hour with Google, for example. 

Dave:  See, we're doing the quick, the quick, whatever ways to make money, blah, blah, blah, but everything everybody does, and what do you start doing?

Davis:  So I started to target my boss. So I started to create content for my audience. I tried to, like, try to be authentic, tried to show myself tell my story.

Dave:  And your stories are wonderful, by the way. I mean, the real challenge that we all have is how do you tell and I looked up at the clock, right when I said, when you had gotten when you had told your story about going to France and being in college, and doing affiliate marketing. You know, we were about 15 minutes into the show and the question or the challenge that everybody has is how do I take that story and condense it down into 30 seconds or 15 seconds? And that's, you know, you all have heard me do that over and over again. You know, I'm like, Hey, my name is Dave Sharpe. I'm a former high school dropout. You know, teenage father, you know, recovering heroin addict who had no future, you know, convicted felon. I mean, I got arrested right when I was 18 for running from the cops and they put you know, so this business allowed me to overcome all that in build a life and a future despite not being able to get hired for dang near a minimum wage job in my city because of my you know, my past and kind of mistakes that I've made. So anyways, I you know, I've been telling that story over and over again and for you and for all of us when we're creating the content is getting shorter and shorter. And, you know, we've got to figure out how we can deliver value, how can we tell a story, how can we create, you know, how do we do that in 15 seconds, or do we have to do that in 15 seconds? Maybe we don't. A lot of it is putting more effort into your bridge page video. You know, that's where you have a bigger opportunity there once you've collected the email to tell more of your story and bond with your potential customer, right before they go in and see that sales page. So maybe we don't have to tell our story all in 15 seconds, but But anyways, now that you've told us a little bit about your failures and your messaging, I want to know a little bit about more about your messaging and how you went from the kind of copycat content that everybody else does. We all do it when we first come in to finding your own voice in finding your own message, telling your own story. And you know what, here's the other thing, folks, when we talk about delivering value, that means let me break it down and you’ll understand this because I'm going to speak real, you know, I'm not going to trust me. I'm going to speak in plain English right now. Okay. Don't make shit too complicated.

Dave:  What do I mean? That's how you deliver value. You just say okay, is this some shit that I understand right here. Landing Page you know, the concept of a landing page, okay, because if I don't understand it, then I'm gonna go over here and try to deliver value and no, it's not going to work. What I realized, my friend, is that delivering value was a lot simpler. It was just, I'm delivering value all day in my life. I'm trying to be helpful and valuable everywhere I go. If I enter into a conversation, and I know something about the topic, I say, Oh, here's my experience. Wow, that was helpful what you shared. Here's my experience. If I walk up to a group of people, and I don't know what I'm talking about, I don't add value by just popping in like an asshole. And talking about something that I don't know anything about. Right? I listened a little bit and I learned but here's my point, I'd like to know if you believe this to one somebody's gone through the 15 Day Challenge. Let's say marketing and making money online is your niche. You've got enough information to talk about some things you understand enough to be dangerous, and you know, say dog training is your niche. Well, if you've been, if you're even thinking about doing dog training, you've probably owned dogs, and you know stuff about dog training. And so that is stuff you talk about. That's how you deliver value. But we make it so difficult because we say oh delivering value must be talking about something like rocket science or something. And it's really not. So So anyways, you found that telling your story in doubt, that was authentic to you was more helpful than just kind of, you know, here's five ways to make money with with Amazon and just doing a video that you saw somebody else do, which by the way, folks it's not a problem. We're not saying that. That doesn't work. It just might attract your wrong audience.

Davis:  So actually, like I've tried to, including myself in the content like why did I start? What pain did I have when I and what was my desire? Like I want to quit my job. I hated my job. I was working in a stressful place. I hate to have to come out of the restaurant at 11pm Almost every single like three days a week for example. So attractive, included my pain, the reason why I started my my journey like goes

Dave:  and that like most important stuff. That's that, you know what? Because before there ever even before they even ever care about the mechanics of what you're doing to make money. They just want to know that you really understand what they're going through. And that you can relate that you understand that you're not their asshole boss, but you're somebody who's been in their position. And you're saying, I hated my job. Maybe you do too, or I hate my job. Maybe you do too. Right or whatever it is, but in your case, it was hey, I hated my job. Right? And you started talking about the pain, even abuse. You're talking about things that are real stuff that evoke real emotion that they bring out real motion. I think a lot of people can, can, can relate to. Did my boss just verbally abuse me? Well, I think that more than then people talk about and so for you to come out and be so courageous to talk about that. What has been the response to you sharing really powerful and vulnerable, you know, vulnerable in a good way in a courageous way, not in a weak way. What's been the response to things like that?

Davis:  So like I started doing that I got a lot more DMS from people who also felt the same pain, like they shared their story in the DMS with me on incidents and I also felt to them and I tried to, you know, like so I totally felt how you feel. So this is what I do. And this has helped me to do this, do that and I tried to give them the opportunity, provide them more value like how you can do that step by step. And then tell them to you know, like, this was the challenge, though, you can do it too.

Dave:  A lot. of times they don't even need a call to action. I mean, you just it's, they already see what you're doing. They know and a lot of times people are watching you and they're just waiting to really see if you're that person who they really can trust you know, and the way that they big the people trust you as the you open up in give them a piece of your dirty laundry or a skeleton from your closet, or a secret or something that's vulnerable. And you say that's the way that we bond with other humans. We bond in the way of giving, hey, I give you some bread or some food you give me some food my son's doing it right now. I see he's one and a half. And he's like trying to feed everybody because he thinks that's everybody's feeds everybody because we've we've some he's, he's very independent, but sometimes he still likes to be fed right so he could. So also, the other way we bond in society, you know, as humans is, through, obviously love in romantics. Sexual attraction, we bond with with parent and child we bond with siblings in relatives, but we also bond with with with friends when we open up and share something or even strangers we bond with strangers. Actually up to better strangers when we open up and we will reveal something about ourselves.

Dave:  That I want to share with you and you would be amazed you know, I know people who are running such simple businesses, such simple businesses in affiliate marketing is such a simple business. They have an email list of a few 1000 people, you know, anywhere from, you know, usually if they've been in the game these people have 10-20,000 people or more on their email list but but not hundreds of 1000s and, and they have such influence over their small audience because they bond so deeply with their audience, their audience loves them so much. It doesn't require a huge audience. Because the people that are following you and listening to you are more trusting of you. And I think that's been one of my big secrets is just I open up in my videos and my sales videos in all of my stuff. I kind of open up and I give every single stranger a piece of me right out right in the beginning. And I say hey, here's something that you can use against me. If you want to hold it against me you can use it against me if you're that in or but you know this is but this is who I am and here's what I've done about it and here's what I've done with it. And in absolutely the person could take it and run and go oh this guy's a piece of shit or oh, I don't like this person or whatever. But you know what, that rarely ever happens. The worst thing that happens is they either leave a shitty comment which is never about me. It's always about how shitty they feel about themselves. Or here's the worst thing that can happen to them X out of the screen.

Unknown Speaker  That's it that I don't believe just I don't even feel that I don't even know. Or

Dave:  The opposite of that is I've I've won over a fan of you know, somebody who's, who's who I've earned the respect of somebody. I've earned the trust of somebody. And that is so much I mean, people don't give what is the same, they don't know how much you care until you care how much something like that. They don't, they don't care about how much you know until they know how much you care. What's coming up for you and tell us more about how you know how this has played out for you.

Davis:  So, also I tried to focus on storytelling because it is one of the keys to success in online marketing, which I believe because like when you tell your story, more people will relate to you and they will know and trust you more and they will understand that they can do it too. And the more you share your story, not not only in content, but also in the funnel or especially in the email marketing. I will suggest that like everyone's has like pre pre-made funnel or pre-made email marketing that suggests writing your own emails, so that you can truly learn skill, like maybe create the funnel in your way but you also share your story. And then you actually learn a skill and once you learn a skill, you will actually get on the right way instead, instead of just near like a great continent. continent having like premade things to make fun of or even nothing you need to share your story like write your own email, create a funnel, and that's how you develop that skill and that skill, a long term success for you.

Dave:  Yeah, yeah, I agree. I agree. And it's one of the reasons why we at legendary here have moved away over the years from like, too much pre made stuff, you know, done for you emails. Done For You traffic done for you funnels, you know, the reason why people sell that kind of stuff is because it stops looking at things from the eyes of a consumer and looks at it from the eyes of a marketer. You could sell done for you stuff all day long here at Legendary, it's easier to sell.

Dave:  To deliver a quality product to somebody it's hard to deliver a unique product, a product that's actually going to stand out in the marketplace and it's one of the reasons why when I was doing network marketing back in the day, I I you know, the number one way to fail was to use the company replicated site, you know the same and send people to this, you know, it's just if and that's even affiliates a lot of you out there using the same bridge or the same landing page as everybody else and it's like, customize a little bit. You know, customize it like Davis is saying customers stop asking to stop being addicted to you. Stop being addicted to doing your email, stop falling for this stuff, stop falling for all this bullshit out here. I'm serious. I'm on another level lately. I think from now on just about you know, look if we're in and I've got this to get people's attention or else nobody's going to listen. Nobody's going to listen. And they're going to keep getting either hurt or falling for the gimmicks that are sold because people are always going to be selling it. Always going to be selling done for you easily. And I'm not saying I'm perfect. I'm just saying I'm a guy who even when I use the word easy, I think twice like damn, is this really an appropriate use of this word because I don't want anybody to think this is easy. It's so easy that you just pay and then press a button. It's not. But here's the point is there's about 30 to 90 days of just learning stuff or just being new and just being the new person. You're just a new person. And you know what you're doing and maybe you've made a you know, maybe you do what Davis did I don't always recommend just wiping everything and throwing stuff out like I don't I don't personally think that that's what everybody on this on this live should do. But it's what Davis felt was right for him and now he's back rocking it and you know, do you have any regrets? And if so, what are they?

Davis:  So, probably my biggest regret was that at first I didn't truly learn the skill. I was just creating content and I didn't learn copywriting storytelling. I didn't learn anything except for contemplation. But right now when I started to spend time learning skills, and things, you need to learn a skill before you can succeed, but not only the skill, but you also need to work on yourself, on your mindset, on your own limiting beliefs. Like notes, most people will never succeed in the first three to six month years of their business. I wasn't successful at all in my first three months, only four or five months. I wasn't like that right now. So I would suggest the learn skills and also 90% of the time like magic percent of the work you should be focusing on your own mindset, your limiting beliefs you need to work on that because if you think yourself like a failure then you will always be a failure you need to change the paradigm the way you think you need to. Like most of us quit because we listen to our own emotions, but like to use your mind to decide, don't use your emotions to decide when you feel bad. Don't make any decisions because you only make worse decisions. Try to use your mind more and then track anything that can make you be more positive and learn how to do the exact opposite of what your emotions tell you to do. Because when you learn how to discipline your emotions, your life has changed. That's how I am happy to be learning in this journey.

Dave: It's weird man. I've got quite a few Asian friends that I just feel like you guys are really skilled at this. Is that just something you learned on your own and you're just 19 years old you're just like, Hey, I gotta get a hold of my emotions here. Or where did that come from? Because I think that's a big thing, there's a lot of other things to talk about. on that.

Davis:  So you my entire life I was surrounded by and we just like undisciplined people and I just didn't want to be like them like to watch motivational videos. I tried to read books like Think and Grow Rich, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, something like that. It changed my mindset and whenever I go to bed, I try to watch motivational videos and any number of things keep running in my mind. Whenever I feel like quitting I need to rethink why I started. I need to persevere through this. I need to stay consistent. And that is like the mindset of an achiever. So I tried to adopt it. And I know that when we change our thoughts we can change our life. And everything just starts with your own mindset.

Dave:  Yeah, well I couldn't agree more. And basically what you're saying is, that what you're what you're doing right now, it has just simply come from looking around as a young man in really having some examples of some things that you didn't want to be like and I can I can absolutely relate to that. So there's actually more similarity in, you know, in our culture than differences. Isn't that interesting? Isn't that interesting? Isn't that always the case when we really look deeper? So this is an amazing story and an amazing, you know, journey that you're on and the beautiful part is, that you're just getting started. I mean, you're just this is it's it's it's sometimes the show I feel like I'm like, hey, congratulations. But it's like I mean, congratulations for getting started. Getting started. I mean, and that's what I want everybody to also realize and understand is that you are sitting where you are in an apartment in France right now?

Davis:  So I'm in a shared hostel.

Dave:  You're, you're just in an apartment, you're you've got room. I mean, you're, you're just the very beginning of your journey. I mean in it. It doesn't even matter that you're 19. I could be talking to anybody. The majority of people that I talked to that are on the show are at the beginning of their journey, the majority Now occasionally somebody comes through and has maybe a year or three under their belt but most people are new like you. What does that mean? Are you able to even imagine what's possible and I asked it that way because I could have never imagined how my life is today. I have time freedom in the most valuable thing that I'm not willing to give up. It is the flexibility and the freedom that I have to pivot on a dime in go and just be with my son or be with my wife or that flexibility. I don't want to be famous. I don't want to be traveling around speaking on stages, being the guru of gurus. It's just not that I'd rather be rich than famous. Now you let me know in the comments if you want to be famous. I mean, look, there are some people in our community that can teach you how to be famous. But let me tell you, being rich is so much more fun than being famous. Because being famous. You can't go anywhere. You can't do anything and everybody's all up in your business but being rich is the ultimate life. It's the ultimate life being rich and nobody knows who you are and that's what the internet does for me is that I have my business life here on the internet in a section of the internet. And then once I turn the camera off or I go offline, or I put my phone down because I can enjoy it with my wife and my kids. And I can turn it all off by just going right into relaxation mode. And I don't think people really understand that. For me, let me go back to what I was talking about. What I was asking was I would have never imagined how good that would have felt. Also financial freedom, all that being able to buy the things that you want and all that but can you begin to see some of those childhood dreams about being financially free, even wealthy. Can you see a path to those actually becoming a reality with this with these business models?

Davis:  I actually right now I can see it but before I couldn't see it because like I didn't know about this opportunity and if I didn't take action that I could never believe that it can come true. So unique to like, dream big. Give yourself at least six to 12 months of learning this business model to actually learn how to do it the right way. And try to think the way successful people think track to this and do their live stream like every time like when I first started for three months, three, four, almost every single day. I have been watching your life. And that's what I did. I tried to think like the way successful people think and like to try when we take action when we imagine it , like it just comes to like the law of attraction and like some principle of the subconscious mind. It just comes in, think about because an obsession becomes your dominating thought. And the more you think about the more you can imagine the life and possibility of achieving, like everything you want with this.

Dave:  Here's the other thing. For those of you who hear what Davis is saying, let me add to that. Here's what I also think is really important is those dreams in that vision and that obsession that you have inside of your head that you're talking about. Find a place to speak it out all the time. Because if you just keep it in your head, it eventually is gonna take a washing machine. It's eventually just gonna you know, another loads gonna come in, you know, and if you get it you got to speak it out because then what happens is you get a reaction from people. You either get a oh, you know, that's stupid or grow up and then you're like, Alright, next, next, and then you get from the next person or two people or three people, they're like, Damn, you know, I'm listening, you know? And or they like or they comment or they go and give their email address or they buy and then you're like, oh shit now you got some competence. Now you have some confidence. Because I am involved in this business and the internet is the perfect place to do this, because it's not like you have to go stand on your street block with a microphone. You don't have to do that. You can do the video in the privacy of your own home, you know, just speak it into the phone or whatever. But you got to see what happens. Follow it up with action. Now what's the action? First of all speaking is action. But also, you know, write the email, take that same story and put it into the written form. And then just every day, just practice that, that storytelling, that delivering of that message both verbally and also in the written form, and eventually, both of you get better. You get better at doing it. You get better at doing the video you get better at delivering the message, but also, you've built up momentum and people are buying now that's where the obsession goes to addiction. And now all of a sudden it's like man, I'm not just obsessing about potentially this happening, it's happening. Now all of a sudden I got people who are responding and even even relying on pieces of content, new things from me, new emails, you'd be amazed how people will know how many of you right now this show and what we're doing here at legendary is important to you. I don't know that until I get on the live and speak to you but I have to trust that it's important to until somebody comes on and tells me that it's important and then I'm like, oh shit, okay, it's really important to them, and it matters and then I keep doing it and the sky's the limit. But I'm glad that you can begin to see a little bit of a path to some of those dreams that you had as a child coming true because what will happen in my opinion and this is my experience, is that the goals that you have right now. You'll shortchange yourself. And you'll achieve things that are beyond what you can imagine beyond your little goals list that you made you cute goals list, we all love to sit down and make you write your goals. That's what we go to a seminar and they tell us right? Oh, wow. You know, I learned how to set goals, you know, and it's like, let me let me show you how to execute. You know, I don't want to show you how to set goals. I want to show you how to make the goals that you set look like a child wrote them to where you look back on them and say I can't believe that I wanted so little for myself. I wanted so little for myself. I really didn't feel that I deserved more than a two bedroom house. Do you know what I mean? I mean, just seriously. I mean, I encountered this all the time. I mean, I understand. Look, I understand you get to a level of greed. We're seeing it happen over in Russia right now. We've got a man who's insane. He needs to be taken out. I said it. He's greater. You know what I mean? It's like you got a lot of land, bro. Chill. But he wants more. You know what I mean? And it's like, I understand they're sick, toxic greed. But what you know from reading books like Rich Dad, Poor Dad and also seeing Sara says this. That's a passion and that's a passion. If you've not experienced that somewhere before, it's okay to stick around. We'll show I'll show you more passion. I'll show you more passion, and you'll see a lot more from a lot of people on the show. I see everything that comes through but just I gotta focus on the guest when something funny comes. I like to occasionally respond to it. But here's my point really is that you know, we shortchange yourself, when we set goals and when we try to try to imagine what's possible and much better the majority of us to focus on the pain of what we want to get away from at the beginning, rather than what we want, what we want to achieve, because it's hard to even imagine what's possible. But what I am crystal clear about is what I want to get away from and what I want to stop hurting. And that's also what people can relate to the most when they're watching my marketing and and that's why marketing that talks about, you know, people's pleasures, and hey, this is going to help you achieve all this in you're gonna get you're going to take your your four pack from a four pack to an eight pack or you're gonna get healthier or you're gonna get more motivated. People are like, cool, man. But I'm telling you, if somebody's got, you know, tooth pain, or they're about to get evicted, they're down to their last little bit of money. They just lost their job. They're like that pain. Is so motivating. And that's why it's really important as marketers to get really good at talking about that pain. In that, you know, I won't forget that you originally started this conversation off by saying that was one of the things that you've really started to focus on. In more of your content. So that's fantastic. Davis:, what would you leave us with? What final piece of information, advice or experience would you leave us with as we wrap up?

Davis:  So I would like to share more about how to overcome negative thoughts because I know that when we first start we have a lot of self doubt and like negative thoughts around it. So when they whenever you think about a possibility, like whenever you think about failure you just think about it, that's a fact or is that just your own opinion? And if that's your opinion that that's not true, then just forget about it. Write out every single thought like, boss you have, at the end of the day like journaling and like to eliminate the old negative thoughts about yourself in your life, and new ways of thinking. Instead of thinking like I'm a failure, I could make money online. You can even think I'm learning how to make money online, and I'm gonna be successful even though I fail at first. Check, try to change the way we think. And then our life will change accordingly. Yeah,

Dave:  yeah. powerful men. A lot of this game is about mindset and the dynamics. I mean, it's more than just a mindset as you've . We've covered a lot of this in the last hour, a lot of the really important and really, I think simple ways to get started to help yourself to be a little bit more focused in a little bit less emotionally volatile. And, you, I have another way of saying what you said earlier, which is something that I learned in treatment, you know, I had entered into treatment in December of 2004, I think and did 16 months back then. And that was sort of my first experience into sort of treatment and in recovery, but I over II was one of the ways that I remembered intellect over emotion. Try to remember to make decisions that were based on that really, yeah, we're not those big emotional decisions. And one other thing that I wanted to add to your amazing advice from earlier, is that oftentimes a good night's sleep can do absolute wonders for your your mental, your mindset, you know, if I'm tired, I can want to throw the business out the window, but if I'm rested, I've got a different perspective. Sometimes it's something as simple as that. That will change the game. For your simpler eating habits, you know, to where you're not, you know, not eating for, you know, half a day or three quarters of the day and then all of a sudden, you know, panicking because you're starving. I mean, there's little things that we can do. I learned that it was self care. I didn't know what that meant for many years, caring about myself, that wasn't a priority. But self care is something that helps me be a better entrepreneur, and helps me be a better marketer. When I take care of myself I don't have to be you know, I don't have to be Mr. Olympian. I just try to get a good night's sleep have some exercise when I can fit it in and try to eat in a way that doesn't leave me panicking or rushing to go get something and then I'll just grab some fast food and maybe then I'll be in the bathroom for the next hour and a half, you know anyways, Davis, my friend. It's been a pleasure and honor Keep up the great work and please come back and see us again in the future.

Davis:  That's for sure. Thank you so much. Thank you to everyone who is watching the live stream. I hope that I can deliver as much value as possible to you guys.

Dave:  You did, my friend. It was wonderful. And we'll talk to you really soon. Okay,

Davis:  Thank you so much. Goodbye. Have a great week. See you Davis.

Dave:  All right my friends. You can find Davis of course we've had his instagram handle up on the screen at masters wealth, Masters wealth, spelled exactly how it sounds masters with an S masters wealth. You know, sometimes it requires a clean slate. Sometimes it just requires a good night's sleep. You know, I mean, it's amazing what some of us need to feel like we're in a position to start over. And I think the skill of starting over is as powerful as the skill of getting started. Because a lot of times we feel like well, this is old, it's done. I've screwed it up. Forget about it. But starting over, coming back. Trying again. Do over is an important skill to learn how to come back to something, pick up the pieces, put it back together and continue to stay in the game. An athlete when they get an injury. They don't throw in the towel completely. That's the last thing they want to do. They need to recover and then they need to get back on the field. That's what they want. That's what we do as well. Tune in tomorrow for another episode. Thanks again Davis. Have a great day. Get out of here. Be Legendary. We'll talk to y'all later. Peace.

How To Convert “Followers” To “Customers” On Social Media

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt:  Hello, everybody happy Friday is seven. And it's 702 where I'm at. I'm on the West Coast. I'm an early bird with 10am Eastern Time, as usual, we're live and it is April 15. And we're halfway through somebody posted recently and it's the 100th day of the year I think something like that. I don't know why that became a thing. Anyway, if you're new or this is your first time tuning in, welcome in. Let us know in the comments where you're tuning in from. It's always fun to see where people are tuning in from and where they really came from. We bring on a guest typically would bring on a guest every single day we'll talk about their experience. Their experience with our training or their experience with creating content or setting up funnels or basically turning themselves into a freelance Digital Marketer how they did it, and if they've got any good tips for us, and I've been screaming, kicking and screaming about going live on social media for a long time. I feel like maybe at least a few months, if not six months or so. Just because I've seen the power of it and the ability to turn followers into customers. By doing that is super powerful. It's been proven over and over and over again. And it just works and so today we've got a guy from Georgia watching a guy coming in from Georgia, his name's Phil and we're gonna bring him in. So everybody who's here if you can give me a clapping emoji just to welcome him in with like a virtual sort of round of applause to welcome in Phil.

Phil: Hey, man.

Matt: Thanks for coming on. 

Phil: I appreciate that. 

Matt: Yeah, of course, of course.

Phil: I can check this goal off.

Matt:  Yeah, it's a goal for a lot I feel like and I, I was I got really excited when I saw the topic for today and what you were interested in talking about because that's something that I always am encouraging people to do and to try and figure out and I'm really curious about how how you went about it and everything like that, but before we get into like strategy or whatever. Tell us a little bit about what you do for work and just how you found legendary and what got you looking at Legendary training?

Phil:  Well, my full time job is to run an HVAC supply house. So what that is, is where the guy that comes to your house and fixes your air conditioner, so and the air conditioner, so I've been doing that for about 19 years. That job was temporary because I used to be an IT guy for a while. So that was a temporary job that just turned into a full time job but that's what I do for a living now been there a long time and found legendary about June of 2021 but I just flipped in my kids want to take back worse just like everybody else. I wanted to check out Tik Tok. It was all about you know, the first thing that comes up with course is somebody twerking in my face. Not too happy about that. But after 20 minutes of going through all of this. I didn't. You don't have to just catch your eye for a little while. But that evening I started the first day I just saw somebody talking in their life about a digital marketing umbrella. Right. Which pretty much caught my eye because for me my whole life I've always wanted to be some somebody different, right? I've always wanted to have that thought and grow rich book in the back of my back pocket. I've always had that burning desire to be somebody else, right, not the norm. And I've tried things in the past. You know, I've been you know in the 80s I sold insurance right and I was recruiting people when I was doing stuff like that so and I was hoping that this wouldn't ever be something like that and I was so happy when I found out that legendary was Yeah, so it was happy with you know, those those were the weird days and all that kind of stuff. So I was glad that I didn't have to put soap in my garage and tried to sell soap for a living and potions and things like that. But he had been through all of those things. You know, I'm not a young chicken so I've seen it all. And when I became across legendary the first time I heard about it, of course I just wanted to go out there and kind of figure it out. I went on to YouTube, you know, spent two weeks on YouTube trying to see how everybody else was doing it. I just got more confused. So I just said, You know what, I just need to step by step. I’ve got to figure this out. I can't figure this out. I need to so somebody had the same gentleman I saw. I mean his life and went out there and had a little I saw him come out there again. And he said just go take a look at this video and see what legendary is all about. It gives you a nice little step by step process. And that's what I needed. And I started in June and then in June. Here's the funny part about this. In June, certain things that happened, you know, my mother went to hospital. I was going through the 15 day challenge, and I finished it but I couldn't remember a damn thing because my whole life. My life was just crazy. So I went through it twice. And then, you know after I went through thrice I really, really put my head down and just said let's get to this. I really was interested after day four. I was like man, man, let's just get this done. I know I can do this in the training that was just what I needed. Right? And I just put my head down and started going super cool, super cool.

Matt:  Man see you've been in and around our community even for a while now. Yeah, that's pretty interesting. Because there's a there's the longer I've been here almost four years, the longer I've been here. It's kind of cool because a lot of these companies they'll start up and disappear. Like education companies, I do feel like over time it's kind of cool to see how people are sticking around and kind of stand you know around our community. Maybe they'll come and go, maybe they'll disappear for a year and then wow, hey, you're back. Cool. I haven't seen in a while. You know, it's a new thing for me too in that way and I've really enjoyed that. Well cool. So you go on TikTok Whoa. So the transition goes from inside women and girls working on TikTok to us suddenly making content on TikTok. How's that going?

Phil: Well, you know my first video I made, I was on a vacation. I was at a friend's house on the beach and my first video was like right after my birthday in July, right. I started this in June, did something in July. I didn't know what the hell I was doing. I just went out there and just did a couple of videos. tried to figure it out. You know, for me. If I do get that shiny object syndrome, I do get that fear of missing out. I do have a little bit of anxiety and I want to get things done. Right I want to just keep moving and moving and moving. And then you know sometimes you get to the point where you're like, Man doesn't work and it's not doing I'm not doing this well. If I'm doing this right. What do I need to talk about? And you know, I went through the Facebook community that Legendary had talked to some people out there. I made some friends. I couldn't believe that I had a community of people, which I thought was my competition. So you know, they wanted to help. And I couldn't, I just couldn't believe that. So I made some really good friends and people were helping me. And I enjoyed that part of it. And then it just I really thought you know, at some point you have to get your head anyway. Stop looking for your belly button. I mean, because when you look through the belly button, you really can't see where you go and so that's that's what it was for a little while and then once I did that I just said you really got to get moving. I really had to start making a lot more videos. I really had to figure out how this thing works. And I went back, you know that thing about Legendary and I was able to go back into these videos and just go through it over and over again just to help me relearn because I'm not a young chicken. Like I said earlier. I haven't been to school. And 35 going back to class, especially online, was a little difficult. So I'm not saying it was something that some people have it easy. For me it was a little hard. So I went through it twice and I love having that login. So I can go back here and go through it as many times as I want to, and especially that you guys updated all the time. And I was able to learn more stuff, especially with Pinterest, and all the new things that are coming out. And I'm able to build my business on a lot more things as you guys update which is awesome.

Matt:  Yeah, that's super cool. That's super cool. And I do feel like so. To me, it sounds like a lot of your motivation and stuff was just sort of self motivated. Do you get this kind of entrepreneurial type that just has that energy?

Phil:  Yeah, I've always had the drive. But it's the outside world you know that will kill your drink. You know, the outside world will always say that you can't do things and the outside world will always pick on you. Because it's not the norm but I don't want to be normal. Normal is boring. I want to be somebody different. I want to be able to do the things that I've always wanted to do. You know you only live, you're only in this world like this. I mean , your life is a flicker. It goes quickly. And I want to be able to do what I want to be able to do and legendary has given me is the vehicle for me to get to where I want to be so damn

Matt:  Yeah, that's super cool. I wanted your strategies that you mentioned in your questionnaire and one of the strategies I see you already talked about but it is people going live. I'm curious from the time that you started creating content, you got 90,000 followers, like there's only a small handful of people that I know that I've talked to who have that many followers. Going Live though, is a different beast than sort of creating 15/62 You know, bite size content pieces. It's a whole different animal. So one thing I want to know first is how many people showed up to your first live show.

Phil: One, he was a friend of mine.

Matt:  Okay, great. Awesome. Because the only reason I ask is just because everybody comes on Thursdays. I do these business blueprint webinars and I keep telling people you got to try out going live you got to try this out. You got to try this out. And people always comment about going to be one personal life, there's only going to be one person and I'm like, hey, look, everybody had their first day. Day one. I had zero people on my first webinar. David zero people answer so I'm gonna like there's no way to do it other than just to do it, but I just I figured, you know, you probably had like one or two people max you gave on the first

Phil:  It took a while for that one to get in there. I didn't know I mean, I was in my basement.

I didn't even have a light or anything I had like, the crazy looking light behind was very dark. And I didn't know what I was doing. I just talked, you know, that's what they say. They said just continue to talk and I wanted to practice and I'd rather just talk to nobody in practice than to somebody be nervous about it, but I did it you know, I went through it. I did it. And I got better at it. I'd rather do live Believe it or not, than the TikTok videos. I do the TikTok videos because I don't mind doing them. And I really like to get my word out there and I really want to tell people how things aren't authentic, my authentic self to people. But for me, life isn't exciting. Very exciting for me because I really want people to see who I am and really kind of show my enthusiasm towards this whole thing. I love to be positive about it. When people come into my lives they tell me that they know that I can explain things in a simple manner to them. And they thank me for being there. You know I'm not trying to be you know, I don't want to say that I'm the best at it but I really love doing it. I do it twice a day. Believe it or not. I do this at lunchtime. Yeah, I'm gonna go out at one o'clock in the afternoon during my lunch time. And sometimes I'm stuffing my face and I apologize when I do that. But I just want to answer people's questions at lunch time and I let them know that I do it at night 7pm Eastern Time and I'd say look, this is what I do at night. If you want to learn a little bit more about it. I went through a little bit of a presentation and a nice little webinar. I can teach you more about it and just give people as much value as possible. And it kind of resonates with people so am I you know the thing about it is when you go on these live especially me I go on for two, three hours, you know, you know, I guess the bearing can go on for four or five, six hours a day on this kind of stuff, but I can certainly see talking for that long. Yeah, and I do. I go for about two hours and I have to cut it down a little bit because I used to do it downstairs in my other office and it's right near the living room. And my kids would be screaming and yelling and stuff and my wife is like man look I'm gonna be with you gotta be with the family sometimes. So then they moved me upstairs to my bedroom.

Matt:  That's hilarious. You, I feel like that's so fun. Dave tells the story about how his first webinar had like zero people and he had built it up. And so he was like, shit. There's nobody here. I just got to the present so he's in the other room and she's out there and he's like, he's like, Well, he got baptized. Everybody got cut. Maybe he's just doing this big and it's funny, but we joke about that, but eventually people started to show up for that you market it and I feel like so here's like a trend that I've been seeing a lot not just in our particular group of affiliates, but I'm also in different e commerce places too, which is which is kind of one of the things that sparked the idea for me initially to sort of look at, there's people like Calvin Hill, we had this guy Paul, who you mentioned, he presented one of our masterminds calling it the micro webinar strategy and you know, back in the day, when you wanted to host a webinar or you signed up for a GoToMeeting or go to webinar account you paid $100 a month to just be able to go live for nobody to show up to your webinar. And you're like What the hell am I paying? For nobody's gonna show up anyway. And you know, you'd have to sign in on a computer and you'd have to, you'd have to manually, you know, admit people into the room, and then he says this crazy thing. People would do it, but now, I mean, it's just so easy. It's like, here's my phone, hit, go live, and just show up for people. And what I find. Here's, let me let me return back to this what I find really powerful and compelling to me is the fact that people who do that, almost always without fail, make more sales and more money than people who don't like it's an it's pretty drastic, like the rate of growth I see for people who do. I don't know if you do it seven days a week or five days a week. What do you do? I try to do it as much as I possibly can. It's crazy, but I feel like it doesn't seem crazy to me. I feel like that makes perfect sense. Especially especially in the early days where there's so much evidence that it helps the algorithm build your channel. There's so much evidence as well that it helps when somebody sees the difference between somebody seeing a 15 second clip and then seeing you live is like night and day you go from just this person who created a clip somewhere in outer space. I don't know who this person is now. I'm in real time with them and there's just something totally different about that.

Phil: I find that too. I find that what I kind of do sometimes is I'll put out a video I put out tick tock about 15 minutes before I go live and people that are in my following will see that and then when as soon as they see me go live they'll just want to come back in and plus I'll share out my life or a bunch of people that I have just met or that have you know spent a lot of time in the in the DMS trying to talk to people direct messaging people. And you know, I just keep telling them look, if you want me to explain more instead of texting me and I keep my fingers heard from people all the time. But instead of texting people I say look, I go live twice a day. You can see me at one o'clock in the afternoon. And I can explain things for you. You can come in and ask questions. You know, you can email me with questions. I just want people to have as much access to me as possible and be able to answer as much as possible anything I can possibly answer for them. Anytime you know tick tock is a great form of the algorithm is a crazy algorithm that gains over 60,000 followers in a month. So I mean, that was nuts. To me. It was just great. But like anybody says in the past, it's really not that this is a tip for anybody. It's really not the cloud, right? It doesn't matter how many followers you have. It's really the quality of people that you're reaching. I mean, it doesn't matter. I have a lot of followers that are there. I appreciate all those people that follow me. It's fantastic. But you have to remember that some of the people that are in there just might not be your avatar, right maybe not be the people that are interested in doing what you're doing. But it's nice to have those people and maybe at some point they will be and that's where the rest of your marketing comes in.

Matt:  Yeah. Because I feel like you know, I feel like building the audience is one thing, and we've had a lot of people build big audiences and stuff, but finding the combination. So one thing that I feel like that I've seen you do super well and I just wanted to commend you on this because it's hard to do I think, is you've done sort of like a I call it the promotion of sort of attention grabbing videos that are short. Some people would call them clickbait but the truth is, they're attention grabbing pieces of marketing and then which are designed to build followings, right? They're designed to get lots of engagement, build followings and help you grab somebody's attention when they're when their train of thought is just moving, moving, moving their scroll, scroll, scroll. I mean you got to come in and hammer on what's something that's going to school Oh, snap out of it, you know, and you did that really well. And that's part of why your channel is growing so well but you've also done something really well. You've the second part of the trio if you've mixed it up a lot with videos that are more personal. And so yes, you've got attention grabbing videos, but when people tend to do just the attention grabbing videos, it sometimes will hurt their channel because the people who are following them are like okay, I get it do like I get I can make money by typing you know, or whatever. And they'd never actually meet you. So you did that. And then the third piece I feel like is going live. So, you know, the way that I taught this a couple months ago to our Blueprints members was I was like, you know, you might have one or two of those attention grabbing videos, maybe they get 20,000 views 50,000 Maybe 100,000 views or something. And but you've got to be mixing it up with personalized content that helps them get to know you or if not you the business a little bit better. And then and then going live I feel like it's that final piece that really takes people from Wow, that was kind of an interesting video I've never thought about you know, whatever. I never thought that I could train my dog just by watching an online course. That's cool. That's interesting. Maybe I'll watch a few more videos about dog training on TikTok, and then they watch a video about hey, by the way, our dog training company, we have online courses or in person courses, blah, blah, blah. And then suddenly this dog trainer is live with his dog and you're tuned in and now you know maybe you thought initially some of those videos were scripted and they were fake or maybe he's not you know, maybe he's just making shit up about his ability to train dogs. And he's like, Hey, this is our first lesson with this border collie. And this is the rowdiest dog ever. I'm going to show you how to train this dog in just 30 minutes. We're going to go live and I'll show you and then it's like oh my god now I'm buying his course. For 500 bucks to train my dog because it all sort of comes together and I feel like that's kind of what you've done.

Phil: There's one video that I kind of opened up personally about when I was diagnosed with anxiety years ago. Right? And the story is, and I told the story of my life is that you know, I found myself laying on a bathroom floor thinking that you know thought wasn't gonna make it to Christmas. You know? When I was having a heart attack and went to the hospital and throughout the night, you know I was apologizing to my wife like saying, hey, you know, sorry, you know, I haven't been eating well. Maybe I'm gonna die soon, right? So eventually they come back and say look, you just have anxiety. And so long story short, I got on my TikTok one day and I just started talking about about my anxiety and telling people that it's it's rough sometimes and and that it just takes a little bit of time to get over it and I've been able to accomplish different ways of dealing with it and and I kind of related to my business. And I got more people talking to me and relating to me about their anxiety, thanking me for opening up and letting them know that which not only did and not only let the people know who I am and what I am and what kind of issues that I might have in my life. It shows them that I'm a real person, right like just out there just talking to anybody about a business and that brought more people into my lives and it brought more people more personable and wanting to talk more about what I do. So it was helpful in that manner. And you know, I really kind of didn't mean it that way but I just wanted people to know who I was in certain parts of my life.

Matt: Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. I wanted to. I thought it might be cool to put this up on the screen. I don't know if you can see this, but Kim just asked when you go live to the comments  really fast. So how do you keep up?

Phil: When I see comments go through. The first thing I do when I go into my labs, I just tell people look, I'm gonna go through a nice little training here. I'm going to talk to you about how this stuff works. And I'm gonna go through everything and if you have any questions, I'll be pausing at certain points throughout my life. And when I get to a certain point through my live, I will hear and I will answer certain questions. You can certainly put some questions in the question box, they can put it in and I can look that way. Or you can ask those questions When I pause. If I missed your questions, sorry if I missed your questions, I have an email address. You can certainly send me your questions to my email. But I'm here to train you and if you have any issues about that. Just ask me. I will . It's not like I'm ignoring them. I just tell people, I'm not ignoring you. There's a lot of people here. There's a lot of questions coming up. I might answer your question throughout this line as I go through it. So your question might be answered. But at the end, I have three points where I can stop. And I'll even switch back and maybe answer some questions as I go through. But a lot of them are questions that I answered throughout my life and that's kind of how I built to live a little bit so that I know some of the questions that people are asking. So I kind of put that into my little webinar if you want to call.

Matt:  Yeah, yeah, that's so cool. I like what so for your flow and for your formula, what you do, like let's say over the course of two hours, is there an outline you do? Are you teaching people certain things?

Phil: Look, you know, success is copying people who are successful, right? So I walk through all the successful people that do this, and you know, Calvin Hill is one that I watch and then there's Paul Griffith that I watched, you know, Paul, live free for Francis. And I've spoken to him and he's been a great support for me. I watch Amy, you know, a hair airs and she does a great live so we were all collaborative. We all talk to each other. And we're all good friends, and they've helped me and supported me when I've been down and out and these people are just wonderful at what they do. And I became more successful by watching my lives are just built around that and I put my own little flair in here just like anything else. And everything. You know what I was you know, throughout the years, you figured out that everything is really been done already, right? Things have already been done. I just gotta find what, what's your way of doing it right and you just find the successful people doing it and you just make it your own. So that's kind of how I did this.

Matt: It makes total sense, right? So you take the principles of marketing, direct response marketing, figure out how to market to people, and then you bring in your own flair, you bring in your own kind of thing, you know, whatever you bring in your own personality and once you get caught I don't know for me it took a long time. Before I started doing live. It took me a long time to get comfortable. In my own skin, I think I mean, there was a sweat fest on my arm. So then I'm like, Oh my gosh. But I do really feel like yeah, you touched on a few things, a great community of people who are super kind and willing to help anybody at any cost really, which is pretty unique. Especially in this industry. It's a really unique thing when people sometimes view each other as opponents or as competition or whatever. And, the people in our community don't really operate that way. They're really nice and kind and they aren't and I love them. Yeah, I think it fosters that you know, the more that that happens, it draws people like you who are drawn to that and also help people and I think that makes a lot of sense on your on your lives when you one other question that I had that was that I thought on your lives, especially in the early days, you know, when you maybe didn't feel like you had all the knowledge or that it was all perfected or something which I'm sure you still don't I don't think really anybody does. But when you were first going on there will ask What the hell am I supposed to talk about? I mean what do you just do? Just pick out one topic and just kind of start talking about it and rant and then maybe answer some questions?

Phil: Well, yeah, the people that I talked to said what I know about the most, and that's myself so people know about yourself. Right? So I set in my first couple of lives were like, what my life was like before I started the 15 day business builder challenge and what I was going through, and I would just say you know I talk about things like you know, I've always been the entrepreneur type and I just couldn't find the right way of doing of getting the vehicle to get to where I want to be. I've tried this, this and this and this and then all of a sudden, I came across this and and when this came up when I came across this, this is how it happened for me. And I would give general statements on that and I'd go through, you know, the course and how it's helped me. And people will say, Well, you're just selling a course and I would just say look, I'm just telling you what, what, what's what I'm going through. And let's own anything if you want to hear anything. To me. That's why I came out here and so but people will ask me that and I'm like look, this has helped me if you'd like to help you if you're resonating with I'm talking about it might help you too. And, and that's how I started. And then as I went through and I watched other people do their lives, I kind of wanted to form my own little. I want to be able to teach people. I wanted to be able to be more. I wanted to be more valuable to people because I saw a lot of people going into other people's lives. And I was like how are they getting hundreds and hundreds of people coming in? I can't believe it. You know, I got the two I don't mind and I don't mind listening to those two people and I in fact I turned it around. I don't make it a negative thing. I just turn around and say look, the less people that are in here, the easier it is for me to talk right to you. And we can have a nice little intimate conversation and I can answer your questions right away. So it's not a big deal for me. It doesn't I don't even look at the numbers anymore. I just try to talk to you like one person.

Matt:  Oh, yeah, that's good. Many people talk about speaking from stage and things like that. Hey, just chat with one person. Right like I just have a conversation and Dave's really good at that like at our masterminds and stuff. I mean, he's always just kind of talking with one person. Having a conversation with a single person is a lot easier than Yeah, that makes sense. How do you differ from somebody like Calvin to Calvin does a lot with crypto and kind of like higher he's just an interesting personality. I feel like his background is everything. He's kind of gifted in a way that it's just kind of not fair. You know, the average Joe.

Phil: My wife listens because I listened to him at night when I'm laying in bed before my wife again and she says that your man said look I like listening to the guy that guy's so in. I mean, the guy knows so much. I learned so much from this. You know, although I like crypto and the guy knows so much about that. I'm not into that yet. But when he does digital marketing, he starts talking about digital marketing. And he explains it so well and he just shows people how he's been doing it. It just resonates. I don't know. I mean, it's hard for me, I just know that eventually I will get there. I know that eventually the more knowledge I get about this business and the more knowledge I get from more people and the more I stay into it and learn more. There's no thing is just the more competent you get is how much more you learn about and that's how I mean that's with anything that you do. You know, when you're a baby, it takes a little bit to walk and when you start walking, you'll feel more confident and then you start banging into it then so you know just baby steps and that was a huge baby step for me. When I first got started with doing lives. I really wanted to perfect it so I kept doing it over and over and over again. And I started doing it twice a day and sometimes three times a day, you know, but you know, I have to regulate life with my family as well. 

Matt: I you know, I feel like I don't know, I you know, you said I'll get there eventually. I mean, I don't know I guess from my perspective. I'm just kind of like Dude, you're already there, man, like everything that I watched and certainly your earnings and everything that you're doing with just just thinking, you're kind of just on a really big upswing in the last kind of month, I guess and you're not just on the right track, but you're on an awesome track.

Phil: I often struggle with myself and with other people compared to somebody like Calvin or whatever. I'm just like, Look, guys, it's just not fair. But also, you know, you don't have to be Calvin, you don't have to, you know, that guy. Some people tune into his things. And they genuinely don't like it. You know, it's not their thing and that's okay for Calvin. It's okay for you. There's different audiences for different people. And you got to have some level of belief that, you know, there's an audience out there for you. 

Phil: I guess, right. He's a master teacher. And he's, he's mastered what he does, right? So, you know, for people like me, I get to watch people like him and learn from him. So, like you said, everybody will come into their own. Everybody does their own thing, then people, everybody, not everybody doesn't like certain people just like this business is not for everybody. Right? So you know, for me, when I go out there, I tell people, Look, I still have a nine to five job, right? I'm not the guy that makes 1015 $20,000 a month. I'm just a regular guy just like you. I do this business. Because it's a vehicle to get me to certain places of where I want to be in my life. So from nine to five, you know, I work from five to four in the morning. Afternoon, I'm sorry. And you know, so they people resonate with that they don't want they don't want I'm not going to you know, blow smoke up anybody's ass and just say look, this is that you can do this and make millions of dollars. Because I just tell people you don't even tell them in my life. So if you're in here and you think this is what it is, then you might as well leave because I'm not going to tell you that this is what it is. And in fact, I scare some people away when I tell them that. Look. This is a simple business model. But it's not easy, right? It's not easy. It's gonna take some work. And if you want to do this industry, it's gonna take some work doing it so nothing that's worthwhile is going to be easy.

Matt: It's good advice, but I'll leave you with the last word for everybody who's here, and this is typically the question that I asked but Carlos asked it for us. He said, words of advice, Phil, for those just starting.

Phil: I honestly think that you need to and this is what I tell some people that have gone through the 15 day challenge that I talked to. You have to get your mindset straight and you really have to really think that you can do it and you can take your blinders and get the people from the outside out. Right, get them out of your way. Because those people will kill your dreams. Those are the people that will kill your dreams. I said that earlier. And I really believe that doubt will kill anything that you want to do . If you believe in yourself you can do this kind of thing, right? It's gonna happen where you're gonna fail the 100 times I continue to fail. I went through this course thinking that I wasn't going to be able to do this right. But you have to keep picking yourself up and moving forward and moving forward moving forward. If you keep the competence within yourself, and you just keep failing forward. That for me, 75% of his business is up here. It's all up here. And once I get past that and like I said early to get your head on the button. Just just move forward and keep the goals in line and your lane. And because gotta have those goals because if you don't have your goals, you're gonna keep driving around the block and you're not gonna get anywhere. You have to have a place where you're going so you know, keep those goals in line. You know, my whole goal when I first started this and it still is, is I want to get my wife at her job. Although now she has changed her mind because you know, she likes her early beginnings. She didn't want to be there. But I still my goal is to kind of try and get her out of her job. And you know my also my goals are you know, get my, my investments funded and all that kind of stuff. And those are my little goals and I and those are the things that I keep in mind. And I have little things on my mirror right by where I brush my teeth just to remind me of things that are going to keep me positive for the day and keep me motivated. So the only person that's gonna keep you motivated as you really is my wife is very supportive. But you really have to keep yourself moving, motivated to move forward and believe you can do this.

Matt:  That's awesome. And I like hearing out kind of stuff from somebody who's successful as opposed to, you know, somebody who's just, you know, kind of doing this and doing that. I don't know him but you know, thinking about growing rich, you know. I like that. You know, to me, it's always really carrying a lot of weight and it feels really inspiring to me. When it comes from somebody who's like really going after it and making waves so that's, that's really cool. I appreciate that.

Phil: Thank you.

Matt:  We're gonna put up your TikTok and Instagram here for people to go give a follow and, man, please reach out in a couple months and we'd love to have you back on the show.

Phil: For sure. Well, thank you so much.

Matt:  Thanks. Alright guys, so what I would do if I were you is I go follow this guy on TikTok. Immediately. It's @makemoneywithphil l and I would go watch his lives. And if you're on TikTok, and you're listening to this, and you're like, Oh, I can't go live. I don't know. It was scary. I would go watch his life and I would rewatch this episode where he talks about, you know, my first live there was nobody there for quite a while and then one person came on and it was my friend which is the same story for everybody. And sometimes that feels overwhelming and it feels like oh my god, what would I ever do you know, but the truth is, you can have fun with it. You can just pay, it's not a big deal. It doesn't say anything about you. It just says you're getting started. You're figuring it out, and so go give him a follow and then make sure to let them know hey, you know I saw you on wakeup legendary that was a cool episode. Tell him something you took away from today's episode, but lift him up for and next time when you're on the show. And you're the up and comer and you're killing it. You know Phil's gonna come over plop on over to your profile and give me a follow back and you know, that's that's the way for communities like ours that support each other and yeah, so make sure to give him a follow make money with Phil it's on TikTok. It's on Instagram. Give him a follow on both. And we're going to be back here Monday. I believe Dave will be back on Monday but no guarantees. I'm pretty sure and take it easy everybody peace out. See ya.

How To Break Out Of Your Comfort Zone As An Affiliate Marketer

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on morning to welcome to the wake up show it a is a special one, okay because we are going to be bringing on here in a second who is an affiliate for legendary marketer she has, you know gone through our education has gone through our training did decide that she wanted to become an affiliate and and help us to get the word out about our products and our programs and our training and in in along that path. What she's done is she's gone ahead and she's she's she's went all off and hit platinum you know, she's just gone off and done that. All right. So you know I'm traveling, and I am you know I'm out on a little family vacation. But just a little long weekend trip. My wife's best friend is here with her kids. And so, you know, we're just, we're just living the dream. I mean, you know, there's a lot of business models out there where people get on with their lives in these podcasts. And I'll tell you what, they preach the dream, but they're living the nightmare. And they're not they're not being they're not being really honest about what they're doing in their business and what it's really taking to operate that business and that's how it's how it's felt for me and a lot of businesses but not in this business. Have never felt like that in this business. I have always felt freedom. I've always felt like I can, you know, that I can. I can create marketing that is authentic. I can create marketing and I can talk about things that I want to talk about. And I can make it specific to me and I can make it I can make it my own. And I didn't always feel like that and certainly some of you who have done drop shipping and some of you who have have I talked about on the now infamous makeup legendary episode on Tuesday. Some of you all have also tested and tried out some of these you know, these, these, these these gimmicks in BS programs ran by you know, people who are not really interested in in in, you know, in building something legitimate, but But it's never felt like that in this business. And I'm thinking that that's the same with Jessica. So let's bring her on now and check in with her and of course recognize her for accomplishment. Jessica, welcome to the show.

Jessica:  Hi. Nice to be here.

Dave: Nice to have you and you know you have done something that you know quite a few people here at legendary have also done but I'll tell you what it takes a lot of a lot of hard work to to achieve that. And not a lot. I mean, I don't want to make it sound like it's something that everybody's doing because only a small percentage of people have achieved platinum. But it's you know, there's there's there's more and more that's happening lately and I think that's because of you know, the things that I was just talking about a second ago which is that this business is is simple to get into. You can feel good about what you're doing. And you know you really can align your business with your values and you don't have to do the things that I used to do or think that I had to do to be you know, a work from home person which was basically you know, drag people to home and hotel meetings and try to push lotions, potions and pills, and I didn't really even take myself you know, so anyways, how does it feel to be here and be recognized for this accomplishment when just a short while ago? I'm sure you were starting with the same apprehension and maybe even skepticism that are a lot of us start with

Jessica:  Yeah, yeah, I mean, it's, it's definitely been a roller coaster, you know, like they say, I was not one to just like skyrocket to the top like it took me a little longer but, you know, I truly, I truly believe that if I would have gotten everything that I wanted at the time that I wanted it right like on my timeline, I wouldn't have learned anything. You know, and it's been a roller coaster, but I'm just so happy to be here and I'm happy to just keep learning and stay a student you know, like, that's really what I had to do. I had to put my head down and I really had to, you know, learn because I think that in the beginning people kind of come into it and they're just like, I just need to get my funnel up. I just need to get my email going. And there is one to it, you know, but you always have to surround yourself around the right people that are going to elevate you and you know get you to where you want your business to be.

Dave:  I love that it took you longer and the reason why is because there's so many stories that make it seem like it's just an overnight like so many people are just succeeding so quickly and I really want everybody to understand that. But yeah, so anyway, I'm gonna turn it over to Matt to timber, but I want to come on, recognize you and just say Congratulations. We'll be right here upstairs and and Yeah, Matt Come on brother and and take it from here. And Jessica once again, congrats and keeps up the great work. Any more sessions that you have in the future? Okay. I'll talk to you so much. I'll talk to you guys later. 

Matt:  All right, cool. Well, yeah, congrats on everything. And I'd love to hear more. I think everybody would love to hear more about you know, the backstory of like, how you found legendary and what you were looking for and how that all went?

Jessica:  Sure. Sure. So, you know, like most I was scrolling through TikTok and you know, we were in. So I'm a nurse, and I haven't worked bedside since 2020. And I stopped working full time and I started an in-home daycare out of my house because I needed to bring money home. But my little boy, I stopped nursing because my little boy was struggling with some developmental issues and a speech delay kind of stuff and I just wanted to be home with him. And I knew I could not do the in-home daycare forever. Like I just knew in my heart that I couldn't. I was like losing who I was. I was becoming depressed. It was just not a good situation. So I'm scrolling through TikTok. And, you know, I found a woman and she was talking about affiliate marketing and how she got started in it and we had tried previous things. I've tried different MLMs and I've tried dropshipping the stock market. I mean, we were just trying, pulling at straws like changing things. And nothing did. I fell flat on my face. I was trying to learn from YouTube and I just fell on my face. And then I started affiliate marketing and I really honestly truly believe that it takes a good training to get you where you want to be. And I realized that I could not I could not learn from YouTube. I couldn't learn affiliate marketing from YouTube, because it was just going to be the same result as all the other stuff. So I knew I needed to take a course and train something that was going to teach me what I needed to know. So then I took you know, I took the 15 day challenge and it all you know went from there. You know, I didn't give up and it's been a year now. So yeah, I've been able to, you know, quit the in-home daycare and I'm a full time digital marketer now.

Matt:  She's been there for a year now. Wow. Remember like, what it was? Like, first, like purchasing a challenge and like, what were your thoughts like? So you were doing like a bunch of YouTube self learning. That's what you meant by YouTube, right?

Jessica:  Yes.

Matt:  I just kind of like searching around on YouTube like how do I do drop shipping or? Okay, so then you come into a course that is like, become into the challenge. Okay. What was that like in terms of your edit hitting your learning style, you feel like or what? What?

Jessica:  So, you know, I think it was just structure, it was the structure that I needed, I needed to have the information. One I needed one instructor right like I needed I needed someone to explain to me like what I needed to do because I was just going to this YouTuber to that YouTuber trying to you know, too many cooks in the kitchen type thing and one person was saying to do this, and then another person was saying that so that's what I liked about the course is that it was all structured in one spot and it was just here's the information, it's good information. Go with it. And not get it. First round. It's okay, a little lighter. Took me a little longer. You know, I had to do it a couple times before I was like, oh, okay, light bulb moment.

Matt:  I mean, like setting things up or starting content or what? Yeah, yeah.

Jessica:  So like, obviously the technical part was probably the biggest, my biggest, like hurdle that I had to get over. Well, I'd say content too. But, um, you know, it was just a learning curve. It was a learning curve to learn how to set up a sales funnel. And, you know, I tell people all the time, like, I went to nursing school, I had to learn a new set of skills. I was not perfect at it. In the beginning, I didn't know, go into a patient's room and know how to start an IV you know, or change a dressing. And this is the same concept as just because you don't get it the first time around. The more you do it. The more you practice, the more you build. You know, the easier it's going to get and the more familiar you are going to get with it. So, you know, just keep going. Just keep doing it. Practice, practice, practice, and now it's second nature email. So it's, you just have to keep going.

Matt:  It's so clear to me. In the last 30 seconds why you've been so successful, like your ability to communicate that even just that small point of like, I went to nursing school, the first time that somebody walked in with a huge cut on their arm. It's like Oh, shit, I gotta figure this out. And then you slip up, all right, like you figure it out, then you're like, Oh, I could have done a lot of things better on that. And then the next time then the next time and I think sometimes people don't think the way you frame that is like I think a lot of times people don't give themselves permission to learn. So when we go into the decade of the day, one thing I talk about is I basically explain it like hey, remember when you were a little kid and you were just toying around the sandbox or something building a sandcastle or something. And this is your two or three years old and you're just playing around with tools, right? I mean, you're just like, looking around. What's this? What's this? Okay, I'm gonna try to build this. And when the castle fell over or it didn't work, you weren't telling yourself I'm not good enough or Oh, wow, I'm such a loser like See, I knew it would fail. It's just like, oh, wow, interesting that fell over. Okay, let me try it a different way. And sort of like, there's this innocence that that kids have when they're learning and over time. I feel like humans have lost that because other people have told them they're not good enough where they missed the shot at the basketball game and somebody said, wow, like you're, you're not good enough or you weren't up to the moment and they start to we start to self doubt or I used to self criticize and self doubt and it hurt my self esteem and the way that you just explained that as a totally normal process for people. I find it helpful, because it is true. I mean, you just start out, you start. You're like, Okay, I got a sales funnel. Like I don't even know what the hell that is. Content and being able to explain that that's really helpful. That makes a lot of sense.

Jessica:  Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I mean, in the beginning, for me, I liked it. I truly believe people don't give themselves enough. Enough credit like, nobody in the beginning starts this. Well, I would, I shouldn't say all but like most people start this and they don't know what they're doing. You know, like, everybody, right? You know, you too. I started this and you know, content was one of the things that I struggled with, just because when I started, I had zero confidence in myself. You know, I was at probably the lowest part of my life, and I was like, you want me to get on camera? Oh my gosh, that was not my comfort zone at all. So I did what I thought and what I thought was wrong. So I showed up as the person I thought people wanted to see because I wasn't ready to show up as me. So I started creating content. And it was okay, I'm gonna kind of like, make this imaginary person that I really wasn't. And then I sat back and I was like, Why? Why am I not connecting with people? Why is this not like working? Right? And it was because I was not showing up as myself and you know, your ideal customer lead, you know, person is really just a reflection of yourself. So if I'm not showing up as myself, how am I supposed to attract you know, my ideal customer? So it was really that pivotal moment, probably about one fourth of me just saying, I gotta I have to stop caring what people think. I need to stop caring about opinions and just show up as myself and kind of make this fun because I almost lost that. Like, it was almost almost like another thing I had to do, like, content was not enjoyable for me because I think I had this wall up. And when I brought that wall down, and believe me, it did not happen overnight. I know you guys are probably sitting there. Jessica. It's easier said than done. Believe me? No, because it took me like seven months to do it.

Matt:  Well, I don't, you might not be able to see the comments but everybody here is like you're just telling my story. This is exactly my thing.

Jessica:  Yeah. I swear you know, when you just stop giving a beep really you know, things start to turn around. It really does. 

Matt:  Are there any things that were like that that were super influential in that process as your let's say, your month to month three. You're starting to make some shifts in your content. And you're starting to show up really as you like, what Who are you listening to? Do you have people in our community like books or podcasts? I mean, like, what is it?

Jessica:  You know, I think that everyone has a different learning style. You know, you can learn from many people you really can but I love listening to motivational stuff like that. I think working on myself is really like, what was that pivotal moment of just making Jessica better as a person as a mother as, you know, everything. And that helped me so I listened to her, like a really motivational person and I just got my mindset. I had to get my mindset right. So I listened to a lot of TED talks you know, but I just had to work on building myself up because it's hard to do.

Matt:  I just, yeah, I've read all of Renee's books, and it was probably the most influential. A lot of things, my marriage, my business, everything kind of started turning around when I started internalizing a lot of what she said but I think the bigger point there is super important to which is like, like I can tell from talking to you on this that there's just this very positive force. That is Jessica right and a lot of people have said in the comments like I love your videos or like your real got me hooked or like, I just love your energy, things like that. And I feel like that makes a lot of sense to me that that was what was going on when that shift happened because just i A lot of times there will be people. I just want to give a quick example. I talk with a lot of people who are on Tik Tok, and they'll get to 1000 followers, and they'll start going live and stuff and you can sort of feel the sense of anxiety or worry about who I am and what am I doing? Why am I here? Like what's going on? And when people feel that they're like, I don't really want to listen to your live or I don't really want to watch and you can grow out of that which you're proof of but also like I feel like going through that internal growth process, working on yourself. And then taking that out into the world. It really is probably the best way to build. I'm gonna say a cult following but build a loyal group of people who love their stuff because the truth is, people really gravitate towards hope. People really gravitate towards positive energy just in general. And yeah, sure. People like the sarcastic, you know, whatever social media to but generally, there's a huge, massive population of people who, most humans internally are just drawn towards that journey. They're drawn towards somebody. They can almost sense it. It's like intuition through a camera through a phone. There's like there's something about this person, something is turning there and I want a piece of it. I want a part of it, which I feel like you know, to everybody who's out here listening or watching whatever that was, that would be a huge golden nugget I would take away because for for Dave, I know his story for me, for a lot of people on our team, like that internal work has resulted in massive amounts of money, and not just money, but like overall happiness and success and wealth. The last thing I want to share about that is in that realm, my therapist a few years ago, or something and it was pretty expensive is $130 A session. Couldn't afford that. So I took out a couple of credit cards and put therapy on a credit card. Which, you know, whatever. I don't know if I'd recommend it to people, but for me, it was like Hey, I know my marriage is falling apart. I can't figure this business thing out. And I had just discovered Brene Brown, this is like 2012 or 13 may be 14 And I discovered okay, like I need to do some real work here. So I got a great therapist, very expensive for the time and basically I spent 25 to $30,000. I calculated on therapy over three years. And what he said to me was something I'll never ever forget. He said years later, after finishing therapy about five years after we hadn't spoken, we hadn't met anything. I'd moved to a different city. I called him just to update him on life and I was in a much better place and marriage and relationship and business and everything. And so we were talking and I was kind of explaining and he was like man, that's just super cool and everything and I wanted to tell him I said, you know, like a lot of our time there and therapy was really impactful. That internal work I did was really impactful. And he said that you know, I tell a lot of clients that therapy or that internal work pays dividends, it doesn't just pay off in small ways, pays big dividends for years and generations. And I thought that that was really impactful and what you said today reminded me of that because it's amazing shirt cash flow. But also, how that internal shift impacts kids and marriages and bank accounts for sure too. And, I think people really undervalue that piece. Everybody's like I want to teach me how to make a funnel with me, you know? And then at the end of an hour-long session that I have with them making a funnel I'm like, Hey, I think you might need to go there. Read this great book by Brene Brown affection. We're going to make this funnel and we're going to make some content. And then you're going to discover that it's you that needs to grow. Which comes in tandem. Certainly, parts of the training were massively helpful for you. And that parts of the internal work it's sort of a both and not either or, but yeah, that's really

Jessica:  cool. Thanks. No, no Well, honestly, like I think that people undervalue their story. I really do. And you really, really, if you look at what drives people, it's emotion. And if you can, if you can spark emotion in someone, you know, hope or whatever it may be, emotion may be through, you know, your story or storytelling. They're, they're going to, they're going to attach to you, you know, like, they're, they're going to be relatable and they can be like, what, yeah, that's my life, or, Oh, I had a similar situation. So if I could, if I could just give advice to anybody, your story is worth telling. And it really can be powerful and be that like, malt you know, and it doesn't even have to be like a fantastic story right? Like, you don't need to have 1000 bad things that have happened to you to relate to someone but just, you know, be you and there's so much Sorry, I just keep talking I guess. going keep going. Um, there's so much noise in the money, space. Right now. You know, there's so many people that do this, don't do that. You're a bad marketer. If you do this, you know, stay away from that. You have to do it this way. And at the end of the day, like, do what works for you? Right because my content is not like a lot of people like I don't go on. I don't make short form videos as I talk. Like right now I'm having a very good life. But when I get on the camera to create content, I'm very like long winded. So for me to create videos where I'm speaking, they don't do very well like not views or anything. I just can't get my point across very well in speaking videos. So I do a whole lot of just pointing to the screen or putting words on the screen because I know what Instagram in Facebook or Instagram, Facebook reels tic tac they're that like top of funnel awareness platform. And, you know, I just want to give people awareness and then pull them into a Facebook group so that I can go live. People can see me talk to me. You know, that's kind of my strategy. So it may not be the conventional way. You're going to have people say, oh, you know, you're just playing to the screen or you're this or you're that you know, you need to teach people. I do my teaching in my Facebook group. I don't do my teaching on Tiktok and Instagram and my reels. Because I don't know if that's really the case if you're going to tick tock to learn how to build a business that's probably not you're probably not going to do very well. Right? Like, I want you to see my content and then take you into my space where I can help you. Yes, that's my strategy.

Matt:  That's a good strategy. What you said there was top of funnel so for anybody who's just brand new or whatever, in a sales funnel, you're gonna have people who are cold, you're gonna have people more warm, and then you're gonna have people who are hot and ready to purchase so there's cold traffic, warm traffic, hot traffic and what Jessica's talking about is in the cold traffic realm, giving them just a little dose or a taste is is appropriate for that part of the funnel. Because your goal isn't just to give away everything or sell everything or even really fully teach them everything. Because everything's in context. And so it's also a way to warm up leads, right so like, you have the ability to sort of touch them with it. The way that I explained this is that in the in the social media platforms when you're creating content, the main objective is just just to basically break their train of thought and our curiosity which is watching videos work so well and putting words on the screen and to sort of have people or people or their brainwave is just sort of flowing and flowing and flowing and flowing and flowing. And a boring lesson about marketing. Sale is like, cool, that's a weird swipe, you know, whatever. And so I think part of the reason that you've been so good at being able to do that is recognizing and having a strategy called top of funnel, which is which is getting curiosity and then calling them to action and basically forcing them to reach out some people call this the mouse and cheese strategy, basically getting them to reach out for more, right, come back, reach out for more of that cheese. And so you sprinkle it out a little bit and you don't give them everything. You don't give away absolutely everything. You don't need to teach everything but you can give them a little dose. And once you've got them a little tiny dose, you can then maybe sprinkle in a little bit of that mid funnel stuff that you're talking about which is some more training and support in a Facebook group and get them off the platform right off of and and the beautiful part about that i I wish more people would recognize and take advantage of is as you get people on different platforms and different places. You're able to still interact with and still engage with your audience regardless of what types of things, so we have people who get Tik Tok accounts shut down all the time. I was just talking with a guy who had an Instagram account shut down. And it happens all the time. People appeal it, they'll get it back. They'll disappear and videos will get taken down all kinds of stuff. Pretty par for the course. In fact, it's not even par for the course just for our industry. Like I've seen people who are dog trainers who have had videos removed. I've seen people who have motivational videos, videos get taken down all the time. It's just it's there's the algorithm is when people are reporting stuff, there's no way to get around that so which is fine and learning to become not super dependent on one platform is a powerful, it's really no way to learn that aside from having something like that happen but my larger point down a rabbit hole there was basically that getting into a Facebook group or something. The closest thing you can have to your own self hosted community is sure you can try to build out a website that has a community function, but frankly, like even for legendary, that would be a really difficult task for most affiliate marketers. That's insane to ask that. But a Facebook group, you don't really run into a lot of issues with getting a Facebook group disabled or something like that, that doesn't really happen. So it's usually a pretty safe environment, to run a community and to foster a good, healthy community of people. Where you can, you know, monetize them monetize your list and also just give real value for I mean, yes, make money and monetize that list but also build a long term community of people who are really loyal who you give value to, because then at the very end of it all, at least you've built an asset, which is well with people that you enjoy a community that you love, and those people will buy from you for life if you do it, right.

Jessica:  Yeah, yeah, yeah. And, you know, I say this, I was live and my group ate the other day, and I don't, I don't consider it my group. I consider it our group. Right. Like, it's not just it's, I I want everyone to feel like it's a safe place to be. You can because remember you have to put yourself in your shoes. You know, I tried to put myself back into my shoes nine a year, you know, nine months to a year ago. And I'm not gonna lie like large News Facebook group, kind of intimidated me, you know, like it was, I was afraid to ask questions because I didn't want to look silly, or I didn't, you know, so I want to create a space where people feel like and I'm picky, too. I'm picky who comes into my group and, you know, but it's not it's not my group. It's our group and we all just kind of learned together and I try to give as much as I can. And you know, I hope that the people in my tribe appreciate it but um, you know, it Yeah, Facebook groups are a great place to because again, like not everybody purchases on the first you know, the first aware Ill first time they see you or whatever. So, it's just like, you know, creating an email list, getting them on your email list. But you know, a lot of people just want to see more information. Just want to see okay, what is this about? What if, you know, I'm going to join your community because I just want to watch for a little bit. Know how many times I get so many people that are like, You know what, I'm ready now. Right? Yeah, I joined your community. You're giving me what I need. I'm ready now. 

Matt:  So good. That's so good, though. You explain things so well. The way that you just explained that, when people join that group or that community and they're like, there's maybe nothing specific, but it's their intuition that's just sort of like it needs to dive down a couple rabbit holes before it's comfortable. Is she like actually running something that's fake or like, is this actually real? Am I gonna buy something and get scammed? And then she's like, somebody's sitting on your life in your Facebook group and you're just like, okay, like these people are going to live here. She's posting giving support, like, there's a certain level of and this is probably the word trust that gets built over time where these people come into a group. And it's sort of like, you know, it's cool. It's almost like a little mini mastermind to share ideas and like, Hey, I just tried this. This really worked and it's, it's a fast moving, mini mastermind where you can make huge leaps and in a very quick amount of time, that's super cool. That's super cool. I'm glad to hear that you've got a really good group and because that's a valuable asset and it's a really good way to pull people off of different social platforms where all your content is and bring them into a group and that's that's really powerful. So cool.

Jessica:  I hear this all the time to like specially new affiliates saying, I don't think I can do a Facebook group. I can't start a Facebook group because I don't know enough. What about if it is, okay. You start, you start that Facebook group. And you know, if you don't know something, just say it. I don't know everything. Nobody knows everything. Just say I don't know that answer. You know, it's okay. But realize that you know, more than you see, yeah, you have more to offer than you think you have to offer. So the state started that Facebook group.

Matt:  I love it. I love that so much. We tell people that all the time. But it means so much more coming from somebody who's accomplished all of this in the last year. Because we always remind people I do a live webinar and have for the last three years every Thursday 3pm Eastern for our Blueprints members and I'm like nonstop unlike look, everybody has a day one. Everybody has the first day they put out content. The first day they opened their Facebook group. And guess what it says zero members, everyone has that day. So you look around at legendary 40,000 members, no matter how many members you have, and lots of these big influencers have groups of 1020 to 100,000 people, whatever, and you're like Oh, I could never do that. But there was a day when they signed in and they hit Create Group and it said zero members. It just slowly started to build from there. They sent an email out to a small email list and then 10 People joined and somebody was like, hey, you need to join this group. And then Whoa, 50 more people joined out of nowhere and suddenly before you know it, you're at 500 people or whatever. Yeah, that's so true, and so freaking relatable. So everybody's journey and I feel like I feel like one of the things that I've learned from you in the last just in the last like, whatever 40 minutes is like you're super relatable, but also kind of like willing to say things that people aren't or don't bring up a lot, which I find to be like really refreshing and kind of scrolling comments. And you should look at the comments when we finish but everybody's just kind of like this is so true. Like this is so good. This is so fire. This is so amazing. And yeah, I just wanted to thank you for that because that's a breath of fresh air and

Jessica:  Well, good, good. That's my goal is to be that breath of fresh air. So

Matt:  I'll we'll start to wrap up but I was thinking it'd be good for you to get the final word to people who are just getting started and thinking about Hmm, this freelance digital marketing thing like how, you know, what can I do? How could I start this? Give them a little bit of encouragement from your experience and what you've done and accomplished over the last year.

Jessica:  tell them so, you know, I think that we don't give ourselves enough. Grace. We don't give ourselves enough credit. We are stronger than we give ourselves credit for it. I know it's difficult to start something new. But you know, you have to come out of that comfort zone. I know it's hard. I know. It's hard for me to ever grow if you stay there so, you know, just start something new and don't quit because you can't get to that finish line if you quit. There's been many times in this whole entire year that I've been doing this that I wanted to quit, you know, I would sit there and I would say this isn't happening for me. This isn't happening. For me and instead of me saying this just isn't gonna happen. I put my head down and you know, I am a numbers person. I track everything. I want to know what is doing good and what's not doing good because if you continue to do things that aren't working, then it's just not going to work. So, but anyways, you know, just give yourself time. I know that it's hard to be patient. But I promise you that if I would have gotten everything that I wanted when I wanted it, I probably wouldn't have been able to receive the success the way that I can receive it now because I wasn't in that mindset. I wasn't a strong person. You know, when you start to see success this is another thing that people don't talk about. The wolves come for you. And if you're not ready, you know if you're not personally ready to unfortunately deal with those roles. You know, I know that if I would have just skyrocketed to the top. I wouldn't have been able to foster the you know, the not so nice things that come when you start doing well. But anyways, just keep going. Just keep going. I promise you I feel like you want to quit. That is when you shouldn't. So just start and stay a student. I still learn something new every day. I acknowledge that I don't know everything and there are still things that I want to learn and then I can learn. So just stay a student and surround yourself around good positive people that you strive to be right like if you are going to sit in a group of people that are not in the place that you want to be. You're not going to go anywhere. So surround yourself around people that you want your life to be like or that you want you know because those will be those will be the people that will help you get to where you want to be.

Dave:  Down. That's really cool.

Matt:  I I want you to, I want you to read the comments. Because it's quite a comment filled show of people who are very thankful for your words today. So yeah, make sure to make sure to do that. Where

Jessica:  because we were talking about how people in Facebook groups start at zero Well, both of my tic stock accounts got banned. So my tick tock is sitting at 25 followers. So we all start it. We all start at the bottom right or

Matt:  follow Jessica

Jessica:  I think I have like six videos up 25 followers so let's build it together right

Matt:  now. We there's been multiple people in our community

Dave: who has hit six.

Matt:  And I know I know one of them right now who's I think her name's Taylor who's on like her fourth or fifth account and is still growing, still pumping them out. And I think also maybe got one back like randomly a long time. Later. It was really weird, but yeah, I think a lot of people anyway, yeah, everybody her TikTok is up. And you Yeah, you can go get a fall. And Jessica, thank you so much for coming on. We'll have you back on again.

Jessica:  Okay. Well, thank you for having me. It was fun chatting.

Matt:  Yeah. I just mean I hope everybody goes and rewatch it's a subset. I feel like something in me was sort of filled with a bit of just hope and positivity. There was a very I felt like forward moving energy about Jessica and so I would go give her a follow and I asked her how, you know, you can get into her Facebook group to which would be a really powerful place for you to get more support and help and get in a community where you know, people are positive and things are positive and there's there's help to be hard there. if you're listening on Apple, podcasts or whatever. @Jessica.milioto. And we'll be back here again on Friday, same time, same place, David out so I'm going to be hosting tomorrow again. And we'll wrap up the week with another awesome see everybody has a good one.

How To Create Content While Working A Day Job

Below is the transcription of this episode:

Matt:  Good morning, everybody. Happy Wednesday. It is Wednesday, April 13. We're live, it's 10am Eastern as usual. If you're watching via replay, we go live every single Monday through Friday at 10am. Eastern, and you can find us on our Facebook fan page legendary marketer official. My name is Matt. I'm the CMO here at Legendary. I host occasionally and we have another awesome guest today. If you weren't on the show yesterday. We had a fun one yesterday. You should go back and watch yesterday's show. But we typically will bring on a guest and we'll interview them and share a little bit about their story, their journey. What's new in their business, those kinds of things. We're gonna bring out a guy Christian if we can all give me a little hand clap emoji in the chat. That'd be awesome. And we'll bring in our guy Christian what's up?

Christian:  Hey, morning. Nice to meet you. Thanks for inviting me here.

Matt:  Of course, of course. Where are you calling in from?

Christian:  Yeah, I'm from Germany.

Matt:  Okay, sweet, right. All over there in the afternoon. Yeah. 4pm

Christian:  Okay, cool.

Matt:  Not too bad of a time. Time overlaps. Yeah, cool. Well, welcome to the show. And for everybody who hasn't met you yet or doesn't know of you. Tell us a little bit about you and your story, who you are and how you found legendary?

Christian:  Yeah, so my name is Christian. I moved here in Germany a couple of years ago. I'm originally from Romania. And you know, last year, I didn't do anything productive. You know, I just wasted time watching rails and some things like that. I always tried to start ways to make money online, but I always get told that it's a scam. Right. And I think everybody thinks that at the first time, and I was watching reels and a guy popped up, always talked about like, he makes this kind of money, that kind of money, you know, and I was like, Okay, that sounds a bit interesting. And I reached up, reached out to him, you know, and he told me about affiliate marketing. I never heard about this before. I didn't even know what great marketing was. And yeah, I did some research and I gave it a try. At first I saw that this course cost $7 Right. I thought that okay, maybe if this didn't work out for me. What I lose you know, I will waste a little bit of time but I am doing that anyways, right? afterward I was watching only rails. Nothing special. So that is how I found it.

Matt:  Very cool. So have you taken any sort of training like this before? Or you know, like what? What was it like diving into the training and getting started and stuff?

Christian:  Yeah, so this is my very first try online. So I didn't need anything like this before. It was everything. New to me. And yeah, it was pretty awesome. But I tell you the truth at the beginning when I started it i My first thought was, what the hell am I doing? You know? Yeah, so it was a bit overwhelming, but, but yeah, it was good.

Matt:  You made it through cool. Yeah. So what? What was what stood out to you? Well, I'm actually curious as you're going through the training and everything. What was that process? When you say it was a bit overwhelming, what exactly do you mean? Was it like a lot of information or was it also new to you what did you mean by that?

Christian:  Yeah, I guess a lot of information, right. I didn't even know what the sales funnel was. But the beauty of that was that I always had questions like, what is that? What is that and I always got my answer. At the next challenge. So it was pretty hot.

Matt:  Yeah, cool. That's awesome. So you, you go through the challenge. You get started, you're starting to figure things out. Did you get into content creation or what happened next and what was your story saying starting the challenge?

Christian:  Yeah, so basically, I enrolled in training last year in August, and before Christmas, I moved to a new apartment. I knew that I wouldn't have time to create content and things like that. And at first I wanted to, I didn't want it to show up. On camera right? I want to hold on to some random stuff, you know, pictures, motivational quotes about affiliate marketing. I still don't wanna get some pictures, you know, and edit some quotes and Christmas time I was thinking about it that after occasion, I would go in deep into affiliate marketing and I was thinking, You know what, I want to do this for me, you know, for my future, why should I roll my face? Now, that was a pretty big step for me. But I didn't need any content creation or something like that. So yeah, that is another new thing. Also,

Matt:  Super cool, man. Super cool. And you're now I mean, pretty much omni present on multiple different platforms. You're doing a really good job of content creation. You built a little audio not a little 1000s of people following you. What's been your experience of being on multiple different platforms like Pinterest and Instagram now that you kind of really took the curtain down and just, you know, basically said screw it. Let's just create some content. Let's go for it. What's that been like? Were you shy? Was it overwhelming, you know, how did that go?

Christian:  Yeah, at the beginning, I was really shy so Exactly. Last week. I watched some of my very first videos, you know, at that time, I thought that okay, this is good stuff, you know, but when I rewatch them, it's totally bad, you know? So yeah, it is good to be on multiple platforms because yeah, I picked up I didn't have only positive experiences, you know, I got restricted multiple times. And it's good if you aren't online on multiple platforms, but then because at that time, you can focus on another platform, right? So it's pretty good.

Matt:  Yeah. Yeah. Cool. That makes sense. That makes sense. And I feel like with you you've got a good start so you've been doing kind of an opera strategy, meaning like, starting to repurpose some of your content. How long have you been doing?

Christian:  Yeah, I've posted my very first video on January 21. On Instagram, and I think like, three weeks after that, I started that Pinterest. I am still trying to figure out the algorithm and everything like that, but yeah, takes time.

Matt:  Cool, I love it. And you're getting lots of views and you're building followers and that's super cool. And what I'm, I'm I'm a little bit curious. Are you on Facebook reels? Not really. Are you on Facebook at all?

Christian:  Yeah, so I only have a personal account. Yes.

Matt:  Okay, cool. Yeah, I would encourage you to try it out. Give it a good go with your Omnipress because you're already on Instagram rules. So if you've got a Facebook fan page, it doesn't require a lot more work to take the Tick Tock video and you know what I mean, just repurpose it the same way you do on Instagram. But the reason that I was saying or the reason I bring that up is lately we've been seeing a lot of people get some really big growth on Facebook reels. Like really big, bigger than Instagram. So just a thought, just throw that out there to you. Thank you. Yeah, of course and you're already omnipresent. I mean, you're already reposting to all these platforms and are sort of in a rhythm already. You've got a system so it's like it's not actually that hard to just add another one. And most of these, most of these social platforms are just learning from each other. They're just, you know, Instagram will make one tweak and then Facebook will make a tweak and then tick tock will make a tweak and then Pinterest makes it tweek. And it's sort of become this thing where they're all kind of copying each other. But, you know, they make money through paid ads. So the more time people spend on their platform, the more money they make, the more profit they bring. In. So, you know, Facebook over the last two years has watched Tik Tok basically, you know, not destroy their ad revenue. But think about Facebook's perspective where iOS 14 came out and made it a lot harder for people to advertise and then tick tock came in and stole all the attention and now people are just scrolling tick tock the way they used to scroll Facebook. got exposed, you know, I mean, it got exposed for being a lackluster algorithm. subpar social platforms and so what ended up happening is Facebook and Instagram and YouTube and all of these platforms copied Tik Tok to the best of their ability. And, you know, there's two takeaways that I have for this and I'm going on a little bit of a rant but hang with me one is tick tock was created for short form video content. And the reason that these other platforms have struggled so much to get the traction that they have is because they weren't built for that. Right tick tock is absolutely built for it. That's the whole point. Is short form video content. And so it's what people go there for. But Facebook and Instagram that's not what they were really built for. Instagram was a photo sharing app Facebook's more of a storytelling app, or like a photo sharing kind of thing like a memory sharing thing. And so when so on, on on Facebook, now that they're trying to come out with the short form video, it's taking a little bit of time to adopt and figure out how they can put that into the feed and how they can push more of those videos forward and make it more of a native thing. I don't know if they're ever going to get to the level of Tik Tok and in terms of their organic reach but I will say this I'm I'm currently right now watching multiple different marketers who are taking big tick tock audiences hundreds of 1000s and growing by the 1000s on Facebook, and using those exact same tick tock videos just literally reposting them. And here's what I think about that. I think that Facebook is probably a better platform overall to grow audiences than tick tock tick tock. You can grow fast. But if all things are equal if you're growing an audience at the same rate, the benefit of Facebook is that number one you can you can post images, you can tell stories, you can use the written word, which is really important because in the in your ability to connect with people the ability to write something so say a 500 word post, you simply can't do that on Tik Tok, it's impossible. The other thing is not so much if I believe one is better than the other. The other thing is that the whole point of Omni presence is that your followers follow you on multiple different platforms. They open Facebook and dammit there's Christian again they open Instagram dammit, there's Christian again. They opened Tik Tok. Here he is again you know, and when that starts to happen, what happens? They build your trust, it becomes a trustworthy sort of familiar face. And that's how you build a really powerful audience. Does that make sense?

Christian:  Yeah, you're all right here. Yeah, and I'm Victor who can really grow fast but people are commenting you know that they are interested and things like that. And in the next second they leave you know, but I think that on Facebook you already bring your targeted audience like they are really one step ahead of those people like they are really more interested in this whole thing.

Matt:  Yeah, I think that's a good point. That makes sense. So on a daily basis, tell us a little bit about your content creation, how much content are you pushing out? Is that a couple times a day? Is it once a day? What's that? What does deep batch content look like?

Christian:  Not really. I still work on that. So because I'm still working a full time job, it's not so easy to find everyday time for that but I am trying to do it. I try to post that at least three times a day, but the minimum of two. So two times a day that is what I want to make every day. Sometimes there are four but

Matt:  yeah, yeah, makes sense. It makes sense. And I've been there, man. I mean, what's your full time job? You work with metal?

Christian:  In SF.

Matt:  Yeah. I when I was 20. So exactly when I was your age 26 Good that day when I was a youngster. I I worked in a coffee Roastery and I would pick up these big I wasn't only like 130 pounds myself, but I would pick up these big 130 pound sacks of coffee and I worked that and then sort of like you you have you know, you have another job that you do on the side too. I had, I was driving for Uber and Lyft and and I was taking all my money that I earned on Uber and Lyft and I was spending it on Facebook and Google and basically paying for ads trying to figure out and how in the hell am I going to get rich online? Basically, like how am I going to make some money on this internet thing? I mean, I know money is flowing out there sort of viewed like a pie like I was like, man, there's this huge pie and a bunch of people that I know who are not more talented than me or not more gifted than me are like claiming their little piece of this pie. How do I just get my little slight you know, like how do I cut out my little piece and certainly I think I would earn maybe like four to $800 a month or something from Uber and Lyft and just driving people around. I mean it sucked but yeah, I mean,

Christian:  Well, pod work pays off with time.

Matt:  Yeah, and you're right, and I think it's all perspective, too. I mean, you've got like two jobs basically. And I think sometimes people are like, Oh my God, what a grind. But isn't it funny how like you know, you earning your first $1,000 online changes perspective a lot, right? Because now it's like you see that you're working towards something and you see what that's building towards and helping you. You know, I just feel like everything is sort of the glasses that you're looking through. You can have glasses that are very opportunistic and then you can have glasses that are very pessimistic, and you could drop another human being right into the shoes that you're currently in. And they might have a totally different approach and a totally different outlook on their business. Their life, everything. It's just

Christian:  Yeah, you know, it's not a bad thing to work two jobs at a time. So if you want to achieve something, we just have to work for it. You know, we have to work hard.

Matt:  Yeah. Well, and you have to work smart too, because what I learned was, as I was as I was going through all that was like, there was just an absurd amount of work that I was doing laboris work and I ended up just kind of learning like, hey, you know, you could put in all of that work sitting at a little desk into something that's going to be an asset for you. And I learned well, and what I found out years later, about five or six years later, after I quit at that company, is they ended up selling to one of the biggest food manufacturers in the world. And, and what I realized when I thought back on that was one I should have negotiated some sort of ownership in the company. But number two was what I learned was that all of that labor, that hard work that we're talking about never built me an asset. I never built an asset for myself, right? So it was like it was work and work and work and work and, you know, wake up at 5am or, you know, I had days where I would wake up at 4am and go through a Facebook or Google training because I was so in love with it. I was so obsessed with figuring out how to master something like Google ads, right? And so I would wake up at 4am. I would watch a little training for a couple hours before going to work at six. get done around three or four. Come home basically pass out on the floor. Just like just completely exhausted. And kind of do it for a couple more hours. Right. I'm sure you understand that. And I just learned at the end of it all that I'd never built a hard asset for myself. And now looking back on it, I was like, okay, if I'm ever going to do that again, which I actually mean, I work for legendary, right? So, for me, I'm an intrapreneur. I enjoy functioning and working inside of a company structure because it's where my talents are and it's where my skills are best used. So for me I enjoy working with a team. I very much am introverted, but in a remote team where I have people who are smart and talented and work hard and produce great stuff like that, for me is life giving that's really important for me. And so, but anyway, I just ended up learning that building a really valuable asset for myself is probably really important in this whole thing and I could work smart and I did work smart on building a great blog and worked hard on building real skills in myself. That would pay me regardless of if I quit a job or got fired or got laid off or whatever, you know what I mean. So you have all of your hard work that you're doing. But you've also got smart work that you're building, online business, and you've got these different social channels that over time as those build there's, there's I'm not saying you should sell them but there's real hard assets there. Because what'll happen is what happens with any real hard asset. Let's think about companies who are traded on the stock market. People want to invest in them. People want to do business with them, right? And so you're at like almost 4000 followers, but it doesn't take that long after where you're at for brands or other people to start reaching out and being like, hey, you've got a lot of followers, your content is really cool. Can we possibly pay you 5000 bucks to advertise our whatever, right? Like a couple of videos about you know, our funnel builder, drop a couple of videos about whatever, right so that becomes a situation where, yes, it might be hard work at first, but it's smart work because you're doing something that can pay you big dividends over time for not doing that much more labor. You're certainly not breaking the hell out of your back end meal or whatever the hell you're doing. I don't know if you did a good job. But for me, I was like, Yeah, I'm pretty much done with the whole backbreaking coffee bag thing like this. You know? Yeah.

Christian:  So it's particularly that in a very short period of time you what you can achieve, you know, so I didn't really talk about that I made my 1000 followers on Tiktok in three weeks, you know, after starting it, I thought at first that it will take two months or something like that. So in a very short period of time, you can achieve a lot. Yes, it is awesome.

Matt:  Yeah. And also, I mean, think about this, so this is when I was kind of blown. Away with your story it is like you got our challenge and purchased our Blueprints like last September. Is that right? Yes, yes. So September, like eight months ago, nine months ago or so? That is crazy. Right? Like eight, eight or nine months ago. In our world we like instant gratification. Everybody on this call is gonna be like, oh my god that that's so long, right? That's what takes you so long to see success. But the truth is, it is like in most cases, you go to whatever, 12 or 13 years of schooling and then you go to university for maybe another two years at least. And then maybe another, maybe a full bachelor's degree, so maybe four years worth of schooling, and maybe you go get a master's degree too and you end up with a ridiculous amount of money in debt. And all of that time. And so when I look at somebody who's eight months in, has actually looked at and studied some training and then implemented it. Like that's really powerful to me, you know, and it's a really short amount of time and like you said to I thought your point was really well taken. 1000 followers in just a couple of weeks is pretty quick. I mean, that's really quick, given how social media has been the last 10 years. It's the fastest I've ever seen. Not not your story in particular, but I mean, like the overall trend on Tik Tok in the last couple years, the ability to get that many followers is just crazy.

Christian:  Yeah, and I would like to point out here I think that yeah, of course legendary marketer and this training is pretty awesome. Whoever says something like that is just simply jealous, but the community that you have in Guysville is really powerful because you know, when I started out with creation, I had lots of questions, right? And they reach out for the marketers, you know, and this is the duty of the war thing. Every one of them has tips and hacks on how to do this, how to do that. And I think this is the worst thing that you guys are teaching in the lessons. So this mindset is totally awesome. And also other marketers reach out to me that, hey, your content is great, but if you try something like this, maybe it will be better. So this is something powerful.

Matt:  Yeah, that's super cool. That's yeah, that's that's something that's happened organically over time. But I will say this. When it comes to growing communities, I've thought a lot about that, right? Because, you know, there's a big, big value in being integrated into our community. At legendary. And I always thought and wondered, you know, what's the cause of that? Like, how does that just happen? What, what elements and pieces have to be there? And you know, when it comes to growing a community, my takeaway was basically, that you have to be the person in order to attract people like that, right? So I look at somebody like Dave, who leads our companies, the CEO, everybody in our company looks up to him, respects him, and he has a very genuine like behind the scenes wants to help people and he wants to see the people in legend succeed. And also the other. The other piece of that is he's done a lot of internal work himself, to not be reactive, and to not shame people and to not so sometimes you'll go into other Facebook groups in this niche or in this industry, and I've, I've been in this sort of online marketing education niche for 10 years or so. And we've even got reports of this from other people, but there'll be sort of this toxic environment where the leader of the group or the leader of that course or whatever is kind of like he feels he or she feels a little insecure or whatever. And so when he's giving feedback, it comes across just kind of like, you're kind of an asshole, you know, and, and, and that's just all sort of led from the top down. The leader of the crew, if he's like that, the community's probably going to be like that, too. It's all just sort of a reflection. And so, over time since I started about four, three and a half, four years ago, with legendary, I've seen that grow and adapt to you know, people who don't really resonate with that they slowly kind of disappear, and people who do resonate with our community. Stick around and like you said, really enjoy that communal aspect. And I think it's just a real testament. I mean, props to Dave for that, but also to people in our community. I have to say, you know, thanks to all of you who volunteer your time, who volunteer your energy, and it's really created and fostered a place that's good for people. And I think that that's really powerful. I'm glad you brought that

Christian:  up. Yeah, yes, indeed. That is exactly the topic that they talked about yesterday. That is,

Matt:  right, right, right. You saw that

Christian:  you know, I would I would make a new headline for that haters gonna hate

Matt:  It was so funny. I was. No, I mean, I mean, yeah. I just yeah, it's super powerful. I think everybody in our community was or has been really helped by others in our community, especially successful people and and, yeah, I really feel like, you know, here's a good example. Let me say this is my last thing about our community. Here's a good example. You're a great example. You got about 4000 followers on Tiktok, which is a solid amount but you're not in the 250,000 follower range, right. And sometimes people think that in order to give back to the community or teach people or show people something, you have to have a huge following. You got to have made a ton of money online. You got to have all this stuff. And, and you know what I think the beautiful part about legendaries community is, is that people who have smaller followings, but have learned and have grown and have implemented they make a shift in our community from going from learner to doer and teacher quick and and we have such a value at legendary of making sure that people don't just take from our community but that they're they they quickly turn around and begin to give back to our community. There's two reasons for that. It really stretches people, and it fosters a healthy environment, but also the best way to finalize a learning experience to really cement something you learned. Psychologists have found the best way to do that is to begin teaching it to somebody else the moment somebody takes information they've learned and they teach it to somebody else. It cements it and it really sets in that they understand it in a new way. So it's twofold. We're trying to help people stretch and grow but we're also trying to make sure that people actually learn these marketing skills for the long term as well, if that makes sense.

Christian:  So it does take time. I still have to learn a lot, you know. With retirement, everything can be good.

Matt:  Yeah, yeah. And I just You're so you're so at the beginning you know Gary Vee always talks about how you know if you're under 30 You're basically infant you're just getting started you know sometimes when you're ambitious though that's hard to hear. You're like hey, you know fuck off, dude. Like, you know, I'm trying to go here like quit telling me how good I have it or how, you know, not how easy I have it, but just how early on my journey I am , like I don't want to hear that from you. Or I want to hear what I am supposed to be doing? You know, but I do think you're super early on in your journey, you know, and that's cool. And there's a lot of people in our community who wish they were in that spot, you know, and who wish they had the internet and social media, like they like you have today and the affiliate, the ability to reach millions of people. In a with a thing you can hold in your phone, and a video you can create in 60 seconds. And you could be in front. I mean, think about the guy. Do you remember the guy who made the Ocean Spray video that went super viral where he was the Fleetwood Mac song and I can't remember his username. It was like the most viral video two years ago. It was here I'll show you on my phone real quick. Yeah, his name's Nathan Apodaca. Just look up Fleetwood Mac's dog face on TikTok. You'll find it right away. And it's just dude he's on a skateboard in the middle of quarantine. It's like May 2020. He's listening to Fleetwood Mac, and he's got a huge bottle of cranberry juice and he's just chugging cranberries. And yeah, dogface. Yeah, he went super viral. Ocean Spray invited him to their headquarters and it's like, the dude just popped open his frickin phone and was just like, Alright, here we go. Yeah, you got a truck. Like somebody got him a truck from that video Like, like, what I'm trying to say 26 You know, and don't view this as a short term game but view this as a long term skill building experience where you can earn while you learn which is exactly what you're doing. You are earning while you're learning. And, and yeah. Future is for you. What Um, tell me tell me actually, I'll leave it at this. Give the people here one, one nugget or one little thing that you've been learning in the last 30 days that's changed things for you or that you've had a big shift and want to encourage them with? Yeah,

Christian:  So don't overthink it. Because when I got started, I posted lots of trendy videos, you know, that help you to grow fast. But I didn't implement any storytelling, you know, and like, three or four weeks ago, I started doing that and I think that I have found my targeted audience right. So implement more storytelling, talk about yourself like I have here that my English is not so good, right? But that is the way my content will be unique. So just go for it. I love it.

Matt:  I love it. Don't overthink it. Get go and I liked that part. I liked the note that you dropped there about not doing any storytelling. That's huge because you're trying to create videos to get some form of virality right and go viral. But what you were missing or maybe what you were missing is a balance there of storytelling and the bigger broader picture of the brand as a whole. Right. So cool. I love that. Christian that man. Thank you for coming on. They will put up with you and follow you and check you out. But yeah, or do you prefer people to find you on Instagram on tick tock on where you prefer?

Christian:  It doesn't really matter. Just drop a follow up. Thank you.

Matt:  Cool. We'll put them all we'll put them all up All right. Thanks, man. How thank you so much for coming on. Stay in touch. Let us know if you ever need anything.

Christian:  Yeah, thank you for inviting me. Have a good one. See ya.

Matt:  All right, guys. Give him a follow. For those of you who are listening. You can follow him on Tik Tok @christianfogasofficial. You can find him on Instagram. You'll find him on Pinterest and find them anywhere. Thanks for tuning in to another episode of wakeup legendary be legendary. And when you go follow him when you go follow Christian make sure that you let him know. So I'm on the show. You wanted to give him a shout out and like his videos, you can follow him. Just help boost his channel a little bit. Give him a little stuff. Take it easy, everybody. We'll be back here tomorrow.

How To Avoid Awful Affiliate Opportunities

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave:  Hey what's going on my friends? This is Dave Sharpe and welcome to another episode, another episode of Wake Up Legendary. Now this episode is going to be a little bit different. This is going to be an episode where I'm not actually going to have a guest this morning. My guest is going to be the experience and the knowledge that I have about this industry to help you to know how to pick and in when to see an affiliate opportunity that might not be worth your time, you know, an affiliate product or program or training program, you know, affiliate, kind of like here at legendary we have our products and programs and then we have our affiliate program, you know, that people can sign up for and there's a lot of companies out there who don't even have to have a real product or program. They just have an affiliate program, and they're selling worthless products because the only real value of the company is to recruit more people to earn commissions and then recruit more people in earning commissions and it begins to have more of an MLM feel than than the feel of you know, a training program or a good affiliate program. And, you know, so what I want to do this morning is I want to help you to just come inside my head and see what I see. I want you to make your own decisions. I want you to have the information and the education to be able to, you know, look at all these things that are going to be coming your way. All these people who are going to be hitting you up in Facebook groups, all these people who are going to be you know, messaging you you know, when you come into this space, you're now all of a sudden going to be a target you're going to be you are in a new niche. So you are going to have other marketers that are marketing to you. And you have to be aware of that. Not everybody wants to help you. Not everybody who shows up in your DMS is there because they genuinely want to help you, they want to recruit you into some quite frankly, some BS program. And we here at legendary marketer have this happening all the time. I gotta be real honest with you guys like I always am. I've often considered deleting the Facebook groups that we have here at Legendary Marketer because so many people prey on our clients, they prey on our students. Here in this community inside of our Facebook group in particular it is the number one place where this sort of real I mean it just comes across and it looks and it appears and it fears feeling sleazy. You know, in one of the reasons why is because the only thing you know, the only thing that most of these people have to offer is for you to turn around and then go try to recruit other people out of a Facebook group and it's just it's ridiculous and most people don't don't really understand the difference between like a good solid program or company in one that is sketchy and scammy and may even be illegal. And so what if I'm all of a sudden inside of a company that you know in the government's eyes is illegal, you know, because they're not running a legal operation. And I see this all the time in this industry. And the only reason why I have the compliance knowledge that I have is because I've been doing this for over 10 years and I've made all the mistakes and I've paid all the attorneys and I've I've you know I've this is this is the the second big company that I'm operating in this space. So I've had the phone calls with the attorneys I've been here whereas somebody who comes into this industry thinks it's easy, pops up a quick company, throws together a quick affiliate program and then comes into a community like ours, which is thriving with solid good training, not overnight success. Get Rich promises, but good solid training where people can actually get results fairly quickly. If they follow our instructions, you know, and then then they innocently and naively come into this Facebook group that we have or probably any Facebook groups out there any marketing or any affiliate marketing Facebook groups, and all of a sudden, you're flooded. You're flooded with people who want to help you. Help you, right? Wrong. They don't want to help you; they have also gotten sucked into a crappy program that probably has no value. Okay? That they probably have no value. Nate mockers. Nobody's left except for you, dude. Nate is a great example of a guy who is I think we I'm not sure if we terminated you or not. Oh, I remember you canceled your subscription. But now you're in our lives every day. Keep coming back brother. We see this guy and many more like him. are an example of people who hang out around our community to try to pick off people out of our community. These are the type of people that look at customers and look at people like their prey. Like they're nothing but $1 You know, and it's sad you know, if they have no self awareness, they will literally even pop on to our lives in common. I mean, the idea of building a real business has left a little gift. They've given up on it. And the reason why they've given up on this to this program that has no real value, and I can just come in and you know, pick people off in and maybe sell something that's cheaper. Maybe sell something that's easier, whatever. And really what I'm doing, okay, really what I'm doing, because I've been there before, right? I regret the decision that I made to go and join this other thing. And now I'm just simply trying to pull more people over with, right so I can commiserate with them. Right. And then all of a sudden, what I'm doing is I'm just trying to pull more people into this thing so I can make my money back in my learning skills. No. Am I having any real straight talk like what I'm giving people right now? No, no, you know, there's there's there's nothing but you're gonna get rich tomorrow. Just go get more people out of the Facebook groups. Right? And the truth is, is that guys, this is a bad crappy let me even say it's a shitty strategy. How's that for censorship? All you snakes in people who are in our lives every morning trying to pick off our people, right? Because this is the reason why so many people come to the legend because it's real. Because we have conversations each and every morning with our actual students, and a lot of the people and it's sad, right? It's sad. People like this guy Nate, learned everything he learned from here or at least most of what he learned, instead of adjusting strategy, instead of when a campaign no longer works or your Tik Tok channel starts to lose a little bit of steam. Instead of going back to the drawing boards, and actually learning, Hey, how can I blow up my marketing? Like how can I take things to the next level? How can I pivot? They just jump to the next thing because it's the new hottest thing and then come back and try to pull people into that next new hottest thing, but the problem is, is that these next hottest things, you know what I mean? These next hottest things? They aren't legitimate companies. They'll be gone in a year. They'll be gone in two years. Legendary marketer, what are we in our sixth or seventh year of 2017? I think we're in our sixth year. Most people in this industry can't do anything for six years. I got people I got haters like Nate Cohen Oh, my life, criticizing me. I've been in this game for six years telling the truth. You know so seriously, this is just a great example this morning. I'm glad this guy talked up because he's the type of dude that you should look out for. He's the type of dude that you should look out for. We had another incident not too long ago. I don't remember if you guys remember this, but we had a couple of cats pop up on Tik Tok. Talking about the death of Legendary. Do you guys remember that one? Well, everybody, we had a lot of people inside of our community that were like, oh, yeah, this is awesome. Plus we had a guy who we put on our stages here and legendary, who is a part of that operation. And was trying to get all of our people to come over to buy their product, recruit them or promote their launch. The death of the legendary, the death of the legendary right? All a lot of people were like, Oh, is it really the death of Legendary? Oh shoot, I better hop over there. I've been and you know what happened? 2022 January, February, and March. I want you guys to turn the volume up on this. I want you to hear this clearly. We're record breaking months. Record breaking months. It's one of the reasons why I'm not always on TikTok like, I don't need to go out there in a lie. You know, I don't need to go out there. And deceive people. You know what I mean? Because the truth of the matter is the numbers don't lie. The facts don't lie. So, the only place I'm going to have a conversation with anybody. You know, most of the time I'm not afraid to have a conversation right here and say what I got to say right out in the open right out in the open right online. But be careful of the people that only want to talk to you in your DMS only want to talk to you in your DMS. That reminds me of toxic people who are afraid to talk in front of other people and they want to pull you aside so they can isolate you. So you have to be careful. You know what I mean? You have to be careful in this industry. I've had this happen to me my whole career. And I think there's a big lesson in what's happened and what goes on inside of this community and what goes on inside of this industry every day. There's a path that you can choose when you look at this industry. And I hope that I'm providing an example of a path that's full of integrity, right? That I don't give a shit if you like me, I don't give a shit if you like my white, gray beard. I don't give a damn if you like that I wear the same shirt. Every day or you don't like it. But I'm telling you that I'm going to tell you the truth and I'm going to tell you it publicly and all of my information is for sale for everybody to see. There's nothing secret. There's nothing that I say in the DMS to you. There's nothing that I'm going to go and I'm never ever, ever going to ask any of you to turn around and promote legendary. People think that that's what we do here at legendary. But what they don't realize is that students here are a tiny percentage of our affiliates our customers like five or 10 presentable so all these programs that are that are in your inbox that are in you know what the only way that you can make money in this program and the other programs out here and this is how you really need to understand whether something is a play, pay to play, MLM, like pyramid type thing, or whether it's a legitimate education opportunity. A legitimate program is if they force you to buy a product in order to become an affiliate. If the product is the affiliate opportunity, if you have to buy the product. Not good. Not good, not good long term. So you have to be careful. You have to be careful what you're buying and you have to be careful what you're promoting. There's a very big distinction in the complaint in the eyes of compliance in the eyes of regulators as to how you sell your products and programs and what is included in them. Is there actually a standalone product? In many years ago, we went back to the drawing boards at Legendary Marketer and we said how can we be absolutely compliant How can we if we got to cut people if we got to lose money short term if we've got to shut down, I want to be 100% compliant so we can be around for our clients. So we can be around for our affiliates in 2,5,10 years. See those are the questions that I'm asking that Matt Hetzel asked. It's one of the reasons why I don't go to a bunch of events. It's one of the reasons why I don't hang out with all these stupid marketers is because quite frankly, a lot of them out here. Don't roll like me. I'm not in this game anymore because I need your money. Trust me, believe me. I'm here because I really truly have a passion for a business. They gave an old junkie like me hope they gave me a place to come in to have a career. And we got all these bums out here. These cats who want to coattail, they want to ride coattails, right? And they want to whisper in your ears. Inside of the DMS. And you know what? I don't even stop it because I believe in capitalism. I believe that you can go and sniff out the snakes that that's always been our philosophy here at legendary is let people experience the bullshit. Let people experience all the scammy just shit. I've had people who have had coaches, screw them out of $5,000 right from inside of our groups. I mean, it pisses me off it pisses me off. I'm gonna start calling names out on the show every morning. Like I called them weak ass Nate’s ass out this morning. I'm gonna start calling people out. I'm just I don't give a shit anymore. Like I'm serious. I'm here to make money and help people build a business This ain't a nonprofit. Okay, I'm an entrepreneur. I'm here to help you build a business. I'm here to help you. Just get your business and your life off the ground. I'm not here to tell any but this is the first episode in six years where I've called a man out by name. I don't do this. What I'm up to here with it. You know, I mean, I'm up here with it. I'm about to bring the hammer down on some folks about the mess of your careers. So stop playing with me and stop playing with our name. And stop taking our kindness for weakness here at Legendary. Like we don't know what we're doing. We're playing the long game. We know exactly what we're doing. We're having record breaking months for all you haters out there who think that we’re dying no, it's not. Your business is dying. Your business is dying. Oh try to predict your death on me. We're private. Legendary marketers never been stronger. Never had more people who are both working on the internal side of our team and also our clients. Give me Give me a couple of like two minutes. All right, my friends. So I hope that you got a lot of value out of that. I'm out of character this morning a little bit but you know I get fired up you know, I get fired up. I really do. I get fired up. Because, you know, the the the industry is it's kind of like it's kind of like this industry is an industry that gave me a you know this industry is is is unbelievable. This industry is an industry that gave me a life man. You know what I mean? And when I when I see people using abuse it and not try to be better. You know what I mean? Like, just try to be better try to do better. Like if your company is nothing but a basically if if anybody from the government ever saw your company and you know they would probably shut it down. Come on and do better. Just try and guys you know what, here's the problem that I see. It's kind of like is it's kind of what's going on with Russia and what's going on in the world. You know, it's like, do you know what Putin is doing? Okay, yes, okay. If you support him and do not condemn that, then you are in a certain way supporting it. Right. That's like a lot of sustenance with a lot of people, especially in Europe, and I think where I stand, I don't stay with Putin people. I just want to be super clear about that. I also don't stand with shitty companies. I don't stand with shitty companies. With who putting a shitty effort to, you know, to just grab a quick buck. Like if you go through our company and it's one of the reasons I think why we have so many people who try to rip us off you know, it's unfortunate because in some ways our we've had a few students who have tried to do that. And it's it's been like, come on guys, you know, like really like we just not a cool thing to do. You know what I mean? But that's just people that's humans. You know what I mean? That's, that's, that's what people do. We we, we take the path of least resistance, but here's my here's my beef. It's not really that. It's just do better. Like learn about compliance. Learn about what you know, learn about customer service, learn about community, look, start your own Facebook group and see how you feel when you know that your clients are being preyed on by, like, you'll get, you know, protective too. So, you know, because all I want people to do is just be just, it's just no, it's just have the information. Have the information, understand what you're looking at, understand what you're doing, understand who you're getting involved with, and understand the business model. If a business model requires you to buy the product, this is something that I didn't know many years ago, and I had to make changes to my own business model. Because I didn't know that this was a non compliant business model. But if the company requires you to buy the product to turn around and sell it, run for the hills, a product program or training should have life changing or result oriented information in it that has power in value. Stand Alone from an affiliate opportunity. Every single day at legendary marketer, we have people who are enrolling in our challenge in buying our Blueprints who have no interest in being affiliate marketers for legendary and they are not required to be affiliates because it is a separate thing. Because we want to be crystal clear. With all regulators. We want to be crystal clear with everybody in the marketplace. This is not a pay to play gimmick. This is not a recruiting game. Legendary marketer and the gimmicks that you see on the internet are not the same legendary marketer and the other programs that you see legendary marketer affiliates promoting are not the same. I just want to be clear about that. Because there's a lot of people who just throw everything together. It's not true. It's not reality. We are not equal. Not because I am better. Or we are better, because we've tried harder. We've tried harder. We've tried harder to be better. We've worked on our material courses, put just years of blood sweat and tears. We've worked on our funnels, we don't have to, you know, I want you guys to think about this for a second. We don't have to. I don't have to roll around in my Lamborghini or show a picture of me at the beach. I got nice cars in my parking lot. I got big numbers in my bank account. I got nice watches on my wrist, but I don't feel the need to shove that down everybody's throat to try to get you to buy something. Right. So that was another thing that I mean that I'm talking about some of the sacrifices in the work that I've done to look at the long term. I've said you know what, if I have to do those kinds of things to sell people, if I have to do those kinds of things to sell people, I shouldn't be in this business and I'm probably going to lose it all one day anyways because somebody's going to take it away from me. If I got it the wrong way. I'm probably going to lose it. If I got it fast and easy. I'll probably lose it fast. I've been down that road before. I didn't have any. My childhood in early adulthood wasn't, you know, squeaky clean. I know about the consequences. And I know about karma. And I don't think a lot of cats in this industry know about karma. You know what I mean? And I don't think a lot of cats in this industry really understand how your reputation is everything. And how do you know what? This is a small industry and rumors go you know what you start ripping people off or you run to you know, everybody wants to just start a company and be like legendary but guess what have you thought about what happens if you're not successful that in that crashes, and how much that's going to tarnish your reputation. If you're going to do something, prepare for it, do it right. That's my whole philosophy. That's my whole philosophy at legendary is that you're not gonna get rich overnight. That's not my promise. You're not going to be you're not going to be the next I don't know if you're gonna be the next Master Magic marketer. And I don't think it's going to happen in 30 days. I think like Brian Brewer says you're going to have a valley of despair, the first 30 days is going to suck and you're going to wish that you quit and all those messages that come into your Facebook inbox about just come over here and it's all you know, it's just easy, just so and so just made $50,000 so and so just made 75 During that 30 days of despair, when you're set when you're going through what every single person has to go through to be successful when you're going through that valley of despair when you want to quit when you regretting that you even started because it's totally hard as shit and you're you're running up against all of your old you know, your old stories in your mind all of the things that the old soundtracks, the limiting beliefs, and then all little slithering snake, you know, come in says Oh, it's just so easy right over here. So and so just made $50,000 You know, so until we just made $30,000 I mean, I've seen people scream. I've seen Photoshop on the screenshots. I'm talking about people who like manufacturing screenshots. It's one of the reasons here at legendary if you're an affiliate of legendary in our affiliate program, we actually said no, don't take a screenshot of your Commission's so not only am I sitting on this live, talking shit, but every single thing that I'm saying, we've already backed it up. We've already backed it up. So I'm not saying oh, you know, I don't use screenshots but anybody else should use a screenshot to make a sale as an affiliate for legendary now I'm trying to teach people how to do things. You know, the long term way and quite frankly, it works better anyway. So I'm not saying you never show income and never elude to it, but you've got to be more. You've you've there's ways that you can tell stories. I use stories like I bought a truck from my dad, or I paid off my house those are things that I can do and say there might not be as and I also can give disclaimers and disclosures like we teach you to at legendary, where you give affiliate disclosures that hey, I get paid if you buy something and by the way, I don't recommend anything that's not fully worth your money like so we're teaching you all the ways that at first they seem harder and you might look at over at this, you know, gimmick over here and say, none of them are doing it, they're just talking about all the money the guru’s made and all this kind of stuff and and it's like yes, we are not the same there. Get all costs at anybody's expense, even if you get it taken away later. And what I'm trying to teach you how to do is make a buck that you can think about that comes to you just as and that you're gonna get to keep forever. Choose. Peace.

How To Create Content That Converts For Any Offer

Below is the transcription of this episode:

Dave:  What do you guys do in Texas, man? It sure isn’t internet marketing.

Adam:  What you know and that's funny is that I was never into any of that. I mean, my family has marble floors and fields and things like that. But I was really hooked into more of the job and working out, worked in hotels, 15 years and then did some other things after that student housing, things like that. So, but no, I just never I never got into it. And so you know, Ian from Australia, the entrepreneur guy, he gives me a hard time when I talk about the West Texan, you know, rustling up my cattle and things like that. So I give him a hard time when I talk to him. So he gave me a he asked me how much a steak is here and I'm like about three bucks because I have the cows right here in my backyard.

Dave:  That's amazing. I would love to have my own food and my own cattle to be able to to have wow, that'd be that'd be a that's a that's a bucket list thing for me. 

Dave:  I you know, I want to talk I'd like you to mix in your story but I'd like to you have so much valuable information I was reading over your your answers about just how to win when you're when you're getting started on tick tock, for example, you've been doing well on TikTok, you've got a lot of it's a matter of fact, you suggested that we you know that we name this episode. You're not a shadow ban, you just need to pivot and you know, we've named it creating content that converts ready offers Here's how. Let's first talk about the shadow banned piece because it is the nuts I mean, the quickest when somebody's content is not exploding, blowing up or whatever. What's the first thing that we love to say, Well, I must be shadow banned. You know, it must be you know, I must so it's I think I think we've we've heard that it's scary. Because it's it's it's it's the ultimate trick as it's almost like we don't want to be duped. And tricked by TikTok and that really feels like oh, I need to really am i I'd rather you just shut my whole channel down don't shadow bam. Right. So first of all, Adam, do you believe that shadow banning even exists and for those who don't know what it is, would you give us your explanation? Yeah,

Adam:  So I really, in the beginning, when I was going really hard and I was making things happen. I was moving and shaking and all sudden, everything just completely stopped. And I thought about what was going on and then I heard the words shadow ban. I was like, That's me. I know that's happened to me, you know?

Dave:  And it automatically. It's like well, that that must be the reason why I'm not going more viral or whatever. So thank you for pointing that out. I want you guys to be able to identify with this story. That's why I want Adam to explain it. So continue on. You thought it applied to you. You heard it and you're like that must be me..

Adam:  So what I started to do was do some research on what shadowbanned was. And man I went everywhere all over the interweb trying to figure it out. I started to realize what it is. So people think that the algorithm or the TikTok app itself, the AI is slowing down your content to where people can see it and shutting it down as quickly as possible and moving on to something else. Or really I started to do some research. That wasn't it at all. I was making my content too long, or I didn't have a hook in the beginning that was working properly. I didn't have a good story that was working or capturing people with certain things that you can do as in shifting the way that looked coming in and out. And then at the end having a really good CTA call to action. And so really at that point, I had to pivot. I took a couple of days off and really started to analyze what I was doing and realize, Okay, I've got to make some changes. And this is what I did. And I went in with something with some music that was viral. That was working,

Dave:  trending and give me some trending stuff.

Adam:  And I went shorter than normal. I was doing like 20 seconds. I went down to 15 seconds and sometimes seven seconds and Bono things just started rolling because of the things that I've learned. And so one of the things I really learned was, it isn't a seven second video, having good content that was just boom, boom, boom, boom, boom to where it was made. People have to watch it, not once, not twice, but three or four times to where they were like, wait a minute, what do we say? What do we do? What do you do there? You know, and it just started to go. 

Dave:  Just hailing nuggets right now for the audience. Just so you know, I don't know if anybody is aware right now. It's just I wanted to let everybody know as sort of a meteorologist too for the show. Its hailing nuggets would continue on. 

Adam:  I really dug in at that point and I went full blown. I've gone from the recommended to the three videos a day I went to fortify. And I really started to push for heavy new pieces of content. And when I had enough good content and previous posts, I would use that as a late last post at 10 o'clock at night. I would repurpose something and I cannot tell you the difference that it made to where I then had to learn how to focus on my replies to people to not then you to me it became new problems.

Dave:  New problems. Thank you because a lot of people think that once I get this going, it's going to be but then you've got problems that might not be Oh, I'm so broke and I'm out on an island and isolated. But now all of a sudden you got too many comments. You got too many views. You got too many leads. So just understand folks, that entrepreneurship is about solving problems. It's not about making problems altogether go away, except the annoying ones of having to always obsess over the right side of the menu when you go to dinner. That problem will go away. We could possibly help with that. But in terms of eliminating all challenges.

Adam:  What a good problem to have continuing. Yeah. So then that's when I learned phase one. You're where I pivoted was a call a hook. Good, good content and a call to action. Well, I had the shortening and shortening.

Dave:  And shortening.

Adam:  Shortening down the TikTok video to where I was really getting people involved more to where they wanted to ask more questions. But then at that point, just when I started to also realize I needed good content to be able to bring to people to have them pull them off of an app into my Facebook posts. And so I Facebook post, okay, and so I had to pull them out of that because I wanted to be able to touch them in a different direction or be able to speak to them. More directly link a more of a length of time. So I had to learn how to do a hook again, with the messaging that I was given so that I could understand. And this is where it really became I had to learn was the hook had to be me opening up and explaining Hey, you may not know what this is affiliate marketing. Tell me where you're at on this journey. Explain them and man it just flooded. People started asking questions. I don't know this. I don't know anything I know a little bit and learning how to navigate through that and my messages to get them over to Facebook was a challenge in the beginning because, you know, I not only had two or three people asking questions. I had 20, I had 50 and 100. People ask me questions. And so like you said, maybe you learn from your mistakes. You learn so much of what not to say but also what to say. And to open up dialogue with the people that are reaching out to you to see how you can do things online. 

Dave: I want to mastermind and brainstorm with you a little bit on on this on this idea because I'm curious and I want to I want to I want to know why you're taking people from TikTok over I would assume into a Facebook group and then given them the opportunity to comment when you'll watch an introduction video, probably a welcome video in your group that's pinned to the top and then they can comment on that post. I absolutely see the value in that and I absolutely think that building community and so forth, obviously we have a thriving Facebook group and we're doing this live on Facebook. It's a love-hate relationship with Facebook. I'll be honest with you, I love everything about Facebook. I hate a lot of things about Facebook, but let me ask you this. All of y'all who are dealing with the comments that are blowing up in the post and all this and trying to reply to everybody I mean why why not? Extend your bridge page video. As you guys get more talented, be able to talk about this stuff intelligently and answer questions. Why did you choose in in maybe you didn't even consider the the bridge page piece that I'm asking but what I'm trying to understand is right now a lot of affiliates that go they have the same problem, okay because tick tock, you can blow up and now you have 1000 replies and everybody feels like they need to respond. To every comment. And so why not extend and broaden your bridge page video. So you can absolutely get the opt in. And then once you get the email opt in and you can promise something on that bridge page video Hey, look, you know, I don't answer. Dress and you can ask me any question, you know, on my website or something like that. So my question is: Why push people to Facebook immediately right off of TikTok versus first getting the opt in by pushing them to a landing page and then even offering the Facebook group once they opt in. Are you also doing that?

Adam:  Yep. So I do offer that as well somewhat. I kind of see the value in what you're saying too. I mean, that's kind of a nugget that he just dropped there as well. So I think it's more of us understanding. There's multiple ways to do this. I think the beginning of what happened was the fear of losing that particular one sale and the beginning kind of matriculates over and so you freak out when you don't respond to someone. Now, it got to the point where I really started to realize I couldn't, there was just I mean, I would spend seriously six hours a day, going through comments, replying then still trying to get them to understand I would still have conversations on you know, the TikTok messenger.

Dave: And I just see everybody thinking that they need to respond to people in the comments, and it's like, those are not your most qualified people. Those are not your most qualified people. Who are just leaving a comment on a post. I mean, a lot of times people will comment on something just because of that. That is literally why they exist on the internet to leave comments. Whereas Adam, I would assume you exist on the internet, because you ain't you ain't. You ain't here to play around, right? I mean, you don't mind scrolling every once awhile, but you're trying to build a business. So you got people who are absolutely looking at this as just a you know, it's just a social media and it's not it's nothing and I'm leaving a comment. So why would I want to spend my precious time when probably at least 50% of those comments are probably people who are never going to do anything. So instead, what I would prefer to do is and this is actually the suggestion that I gave to somebody over the weekend who said that I am trying to respond to everybody's comments. I said make videos pull out the most common questions from those comments, and then make videos and instead of trying to respond to everybody which you're never going to do and you're going to end up hating this your business instead. Make videos follow up with the most common questions in those videos. Create hype, Look, I get so many messages and so many comments. I can't respond to everybody but I'm going to answer the most common question, you know, and in that you can do a part one, part two part three of a totally overwhelmed inbox series. You know, and you make it fun, there's no rules and I'm talking to everybody here as I hear so often that you know, yeah, I'm gonna I'm gonna go back to posts that I've already created and posted and try to go into those, those people have already moved on. They don't even likely remember if there is a big theme or or I guess rumor or or maybe it's true for some people but the people who are commenting out there, do not always respect you more. If you go back and respond to every comment. You do not build more authority by doing that. I'm sorry, but human beings pursue people more when they're ignored. Unfortunately I'm sorry to say this. I wish it wasn't the truth. I really do. I wish that we weren't so immature or weird as human beings but we are and oftentimes in my opinion, when when when a when somebody is going back and responding to every comment, it makes them look like they don't have a whole lot else to do you know and so instead again, for some of you again, Adam, if this I just want to share also what I was thinking about this weekend that kind of applies to this, which is if you get a post that blows up, blow up, don't go you know going back and getting stuck in the weeds is I think the least powerful way you can you can seize that opportunity by going back and getting lost in the weeds of the common of that post. instead. instead. Use the comments as content ideas to answer more questions for all the common questions that are coming up. Or all the they may not even be questions if people are making comments if people are saying making negative things then man that's the most potent content you could make because it's fresh out of the horse's mouth and it's you're also picking up themes and patterns of what there's probably going to only be about four or five major themes and all of the comments. So it's fairly easy. And the other thing that I think a lot of people don't realize that I've done and and it's just because at this point it's natural, but it's it's you have to create excitement. You have to create excitement about what's next about what you're doing next about what's coming next about where you're going. You know, people want to go and follow somebody who's going somewhere, has a vision. Who everybody's commenting on any buddy's posts and see if they're at all in their heads. They're not at all and I'm not saying you guys should not comment and interact in close via DM I'm not saying we shouldn't do that. But I'm saying that the game nowadays if you've got a video that takes off Adam, you can have 500 messages. I mean you can have you know at the very least if you're gonna respond to every message, get a VA and and don't I see a lot of people who are exhausting themselves trying to get to every message in every DM and instead what I'm what I'm sort of suggesting here is how can I take this event and I still I don't want to ignore the opportunity of one on one and all that but not if it overwhelms me and doesn't produce a lot of results anyways, instead, take the questions, the content, the comments, turn it into more content ideas, create more hype and invite everybody on say hey, if you guys I'm going to answer all your questions. All you gotta do is click the link in my bio. I'm doing a live free training this Wednesday at 5pm Eastern time or at 8pm Eastern time. And now all of a sudden, you're pushing all those people on to opt in to an email list so now what well after that webinar, I can offer something on the webinar. But now I also got all these highly qualified people's email addresses who were interested and opted in for the webinar and then I could follow up with them with the replay and say these bonuses are available for the next 48 hours only. So now you've taken a simple TikTok that went viral. And instead of going back and trying to close everybody one on one and you probably will close people there's no if you're if you're if that's something that you're going to try to become good at you will close people but also when we talk about the Cashflow Quadrant and getting from the left to the right hand side of that there's a difference between the thing that makes somebody a business owner is using system and level enlever or having leverage from systems and people so if you're doing all the work yourself responding to the comments and so forth, you're actually really still behaving in a self employed way is also my point. And so, and that's not and that's not particularly a bad thing at the beginning. Okay, but as you have multiple videos going viral, and this becomes a problem, there's no way that you're going to be able to keep up if you continue creating good content like you're doing, right. What's coming up for you as I'm saying some of this stuff? I'm just trying to stretch everybody a little bit to think more about systems in leverage systems and people versus you know, the sort of the hand to hand combat the guerrilla marketing of getting in there and trying to respond to so many comments and then messages. 

Adam:  What you're doing really is you're giving people freedom to understand look, there's a better way to do this, you know, Dave's done this he's been through this he understands the process, and those I'm not gonna say they're few and far between there are those moments to where you have momentum that you really need. To me it's important because like you said, you can get bogged down in the weeds. If the momentum and you use that. 

Dave: Look, I mean, I've got Bob Joseph right here who says I was in comment hell last night. What guys listen, there is no need. You have a good problem here. This is a good thing and I've seen way too many people in this community and maybe today is a shift. I don't know, maybe we start getting loud about this. But we have to stop behaving, you know, in this way to where we want to, in my opinion, jump back in and do kind of, you know, jump back into the weeds and get lost in the weeds and go right back into that and hand combat. We have to keep, I think , stepping back in our business and saying, Okay, what's the expansion move here? Not the contraction move. But what's the expansion move? How do I grow this? And how do I think you mentioned a big point you got momentum. You're excited you got a video taken off. And then how do you feel after you've just responded to 1000 comments and I mean, you're exhausted.

Adam:  So I just, I'm sitting here and I think I've lost if I start to think when that happens when we start to get that hourly, hourly mindset, instead of the CEO of our business mindset. You know, and, like you said, step back, think expansion, think about the momentum you can use to expand your business. Instead of dropping down to that back into that desk clerk mindset. I've got to respond to everything that's in front of me, step back. There's nothing wrong with being an hourly employee at a company but you understand that you have likely a job in front of you. And it's clear but if you're running an operation and you truly are either the owner, operator or CEO, you have to use your time really wisely. Because if you don't, then you will absolutely get pulled into situations that at the end of the day, you'll go. I can never get this day back. I just wasted that time. And you only get 365 days in a year and after weekends, much less. So you know, probably about 250. So you know, 250 days in a year. We got to use each day wisely. And for me again. I'm always asking myself and I think of something to write down to remember what we're talking about. How can I go and speak one to many versus one on one. There is always a time and a place for one on one. Always a time and a place for one on one. But if I can speak one to many, then let me try to do that first. And then if that doesn't work, I can have a fallback campaign or at least let me qualify people better. So let me qualify and that's why I suggested the webinar campaign the q&a. Look if I'm going to respond I don't mind responding to you at your demand you've earned my time. But somebody who's done absolutely nothing and is just trolling my post. They don't deserve my time. So let me make people jump through a few more hoops to really show to me that they are interested in their worth my time. And usually that's just them either opting in showing up to a webinar coming back to a live show that you're doing later that night. There's all kinds of different ways for you to have more leverage or for us as marketers to have more leverage and not get lost in the weeds. So that was an art major diversion there of our conversation but I hope it was valuable. I just have heard this come up so much. And I think that we need to start focusing on this a bit more in our community because I think it's becoming a challenge for people. They have stuff start taking off and it's like, okay, you know, I that's what causes

Adam:  burnout. That's what hurts people is that they're stuck for six hours and they look up and they missed an opportunity and then they've got to really try to build up momentum again. Maybe not from the ground floor, but they've also they've got to start to build things again and so one of the things that I have going now as I have two other guys that are in Legendary that are working through this as well just like I that we started a group together, just on just on you know texting each other Hey, yeah I'm gonna try some content like this this time and see how this works. I got this response. And so I'm thinking about going this direction and trying this. I'm gonna try these three types of posts this week and see how this goes. I'm really seeing that that is valuable information but also it broadens you out to where I don't feel like I'm alone. Not to say that I do. But we as people that are trying to be entrepreneurs, we do get into that mindset of feeling alone, or feeling that yeah, I've got connections to where I can ask questions, but if I'm relatively in time that I'm struggling moment, or I really need someone to look at something for me right now. It's great to have a couple of guys or a couple of people where I feel they can jump in there and be like, Nah, man, you're hitting it or I think you need to tweak this. I really think that's important. I really do. Well, absolutely. 

Dave:  Man, we got blind spots. And I mean, we're only all doing exactly what we what we think we should be doing. I mean what we think we're supposed to be doing and quite frankly, you all are I mean even even you heard him and I do the same thing. I mean anybody I mean when I first got started out anybody who was willing to watch the video on my note watching you want to watch it, you know, I'm like totally, you know, desperate for a view you know and ready to pounce on anybody who needs anything. But there is an element of that we need to what would my day look like if I was had a million dollar business and and, you know, had had had multiple major traffic sources and was in was generating you know, 2030 40,000 a month in affiliate income. What would my time look like? I need to act like that. I need to act like that. I need to act as if I'm already successful. And I need to begin to build my business in my day and how I protect my time like that. Otherwise, I'm not going to get there. It's not going to be just one day, you know the sky's going to sky and you know God himself is going to come down and tell you it is now time for you to move on to the next phase of your business. You know, I mean, it's not going to happen. You have to recognize that you have well if we're speaking about God, Free Will I mean, I don't you it's up to you. I don't know how else to say this. So everybody understands it, but we got we really we at Legendary don't say when you can move on to be in demand. The we don't say we don't hand out certificates here. I mean, maybe we should but I would prefer not because you need to act as if you're a million dollar successful CEO on day one, unfortunately. Well, how do I do that Dave that just feel inauthentic. Well, it's a mindset. I need to begin to. Look at my time. That's how we do it. Look at my time. It's not that I walk around like an arrogant ass. It's that I just look at my time as if it was in such high demand that every minute counts. And so do I want to spend the next two hours responding to DMS, or do I want to spend the next two hours mapping out a funnel a campaign that I can run over the next three days that can capitalize on this momentum from this video that just went viral in for me, I'm choosing the latter every time. The minute that I have a video that goes viral or something takes off. I'm just like you said I'm building on that momentum. I'm answering questions in the next videos that I'm posting that are answering questions because these people are giving me all this great content in boy, do you have something that I want to reveal to all of you now that I know you're actually interested in this? I'm actually going to show you the number one strategy to go viral on Tiktok and make money on an app that you're already using. Oh to my web store right now. Now you've just generated and grown your email list. And all those people who opt in are really qualified people. Now you can also follow up the webinar. So now you're just creating all this moment. You're getting email opt ins, and you know what the people who are really interested you can also come back and you can say hey, you all I get a lot of messages every day, but today is the day that today is the day that I'm actually for the next two hours gonna monitor my inbox and answer any question that you guys have. So if your questions are important, and you want me to answer it, the next two, so all these time limited things. This is what we're missing a lot in our marketing is that you're not making it urgent enough. You got to make an urgent and then it's got to end because if it doesn't end then Adam, if you tell me Dave come on over to the house any time over the next couple of weeks, man. And you know my wife, she makes that meatloaf man. She's gonna be making it every night, you know? And I'd be like, Come on, get over there. You know what I mean? But if you're like, Yo, my wife's making meatloaf tonight, homie, last time you were over. You said it was the bomb. It's gonna be gone. They're gonna be a little leftover. While I'm over there, I'm trying. Right? So anyways, that urgency and also that scarcity. See if I do that webinar, and I offer some bonuses. Hey, guys, if you got a lot of value, did you get value from this webinar today? Yeah, leave me a comment. Let me know the comments start blowing up. Well, hey, here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna do three more of these coaching classes. Absolutely live. And in the first one, I'm going to take you through and show you exactly how to get set up. And here's what I'm going to do. Normally I would charge for this 200 500 1000 How much is your time worth? Normally I would charge for this. But for the next 48 hours, I'm going to let anybody who enrolls or who buys the product that I'm recommending. I'm going to include those free those next three webinar coaching sessions for free, but you have to buy in the next 48 hours. So now all of a sudden, I'm creating campaigns with urgency and scarcity out of a viral video. And again, Adam, I'm not saying that's the only campaign we could run but it's an idea of a campaign that we can run from a simple viral video. As you said, I'm just using your own words to build on that momentum.

Adam:  I think it's great because what you do now is you create, like you said, you create that urgency, but just in this conversation that's been going on for 34 minutes. Think about the nuggets that you have dropped here, just from having a conversation. That's why it's so important for these live calls. I think, to me, they're extremely valuable because of just what has just happened from what you brought to the table. And so I know that I will go back now because I'm on this one, but I will definitely download this to watch this again to have the conversations right now. Yeah, so I think it's important for people to understand what's happening within what you're seeing.

Dave:  It's not to say that you can't do everything that we've been doing that we all do, which is all gold mining and in life get one on one calls when I first got started, anything to close sales to to get business off the ground. And that is appropriate for the first phase of your business. And what I'm a lot of you are getting through the first phase a lot faster than we did when I got started because there were no platforms where you could get this sort of traffic back multiple years ago, dude. Like I'm serious. This is all a new problem that we're having when I say problem, right? It's a problem. This is all a new problem that we're having. Is that you guys, you know, the platforms have gotten more potent. And for all of the ignoramuses out there who think that you know, it's all going to disappear, these platforms are only going to get more potent and for the average person like you and me, they're going to be more and more powerful because the platforms are realizing that we hold the power. If you're not going to treat me right and pay me for my content. I'll take it to YouTube. I'll take it to Facebook. I'll take it. I'll take it where they're gonna pay me 100 million to bring it over to Spotify, like Joe Rogan did, right? Yeah. So content platforms are competing for us now. And they're rewarding us with better algorithms. Back in the Facebook days and even still with Facebook. You can't you can't be you can't really be exposed to anybody who's not your friend unless they share it. Whereas TikTok's now figured out a way to put our content in front of people who we're not connected to. Right. And so they built a better algorithm for us. And so, you know, we still think, you know, so it's different. It's different than it was even five years ago. And but I'd say the principles are still the same because even whenever I've run in one of my one of my last big affiliate promos before we started Legendary I was actually selling a you know, an annual thing worth of training similar to what we teach here. I was selling an information product. And you know, my favorite campaigns are the simple little short campaigns that I run on my list where I invite people onto a webinar and then on the webinar, I offer bonuses for them to buy the affiliate product. And then I make that available for a couple of days. And the surge in sales that I see from that it's just like anything else. And that's what I would always do with my list. And this was without this was without tic toc and all these So nowadays, I think we have an opportunity as affiliates to have evergreen traffic that's coming through just from us posting content on platforms. Like TikTok. But the ultimate goal is to get those people on our email list, because then I can crank up these campaigns where I'm inviting my list hey, look, guys, and I can even email my list. Imagine that I have a video that goes viral on Tiktok and now certainly I can create videos on TikTok that I post on TikTok that build on that momentum that say, you know, I'm answering questions and then having training coming up. I will tell them, hey, I'm going viral on TikTok right now and I've gotten 1000s of comments and it's way too many comments for me to get back to and actually even get to. So what I'm doing is I'm putting on a free training this Friday and I love you to come be a part of it as well. Here's what you're gonna get if you show up right now. Not only have I used the momentum from a tick tock video to create more momentum and hype on my own tick tock but now I've also brought my email list into the new campaign. And I like that because it really allows me to give the people what they want. versus me always manufacturing campaigns I'm building off of something that's natural and organic, which is a video that went viral versus me just coming up with something out of nowhere emailing you I'm saying hey, I got a video that goes viral. It feels more natural you know it's and then the list people on the list. You're like, holy shit, he's blown up on social media. Like let's figure out what the hell's going on.

Adam:  You got something that I need to see. Yeah, exactly. So I think it's great stuff, man. I really do and I think it's, you know, with, with a lot of the things that I've been doing my life would definitely discuss kind of what you're talking about what I would really try to help people understand the market itself, how it's not saturated, how it's we're just so infinite in where we're beginning. That, you know, the big thing I would tell people is there's seven over 7 billion people in the world. And there's over four and a half million people that are on the internet. And out of that, you know, I mean, it's just ridiculous. They spent two and a half hours a day on social media, and they have six different social media accounts. I mean, it's just infinite almost what you can do, who you can touch. It's just learning the process and being comfortable being that CEO of your business. 

Dave:  It's also I like that it is getting comfortable and what that's making me think about is, you know, this isn't going away. It's not even remotely saturated. And what's happening right now like the things that we're using right now with TikTok or whatever may not even be what we use in a year TikTok may be gone but it'll be similar. So learning how to navigate an app, you know, on a cell phone on a smartphone, is something that's a skill that everybody should have. If they want to run a business in 2022 They should learn how to use their thumb and navigate around on some of these apps. It's a really simple thing. And it's awkward at first. It's, you know, it's you know, we were just my wife and I have some friends in and we were joking last night about how their parents, you know, how we're tech support for our parents and stuff like that. And, you know, the truth of the matter is, if I know, my wife is tech support for them. And sometimes I need her tech support. I mean, the truth of the matter is, it is that, you know, you don't have to be a technical genius. You just have to know I have never gotten into fancy graphics, fancy editing, fancy anything in my websites and my landing pages and my sales pages are always all huge white, or black backgrounds. So it's always just about the message. And that's to know how to do the most basic things on whatever app that you're using in the same with your Clickfunnels or your funnel builder. A lot of you think you're gonna build some big Christmas sales. It's just a simple thing. Just get it set up and then leave it alone. You know, I mean, we think we need to be funnel masters. It's like, we're not you need to get to a point to where you don't you just I know people who set up their funnel and don't even touch it for a year. It's just it's not something that you need to tinker over and become some programmer in Adam. I'm saying this because Is this something that you hear and even something that you thought was the technical challenge is going to be the wall that's going to keep me from getting into this?

Adam:  I hear that probably that's about 40% of the problems? Is people saying, Hey, I'm technically illiterate, I can't figure it out. And that's when I explained like, just relax. I, too, had no clue how to build a funnel slash website. I didn't understand that stuff. And I said, technically, that's really not the biggest piece of your business. It is imperative that you have one Absolutely. But what you're wanting to do is to create the content that drives people to that you're wanting to build that momentum. And so your part is creating content. And I explained to him like this, and every one of my lives that I would say is a gear within your business. And you pushing your content is you moving those gears to get things going and you're working your business. You all that funnel is is a piece of the gear just like your email automation sequence. Those are all gears that are working your machine to where it works 24 hours a day and your content. It's what keeps pushing that out and making those gears work. 

Dave:  The business has become content and this is true in multiple in multiple niches man, you know, I like watches and got a collection of watches. So sometimes I'll watch some content or Instagram posts or whatever. And it's so funny because even those guys know that content is king. You know, and they know that and many of them the smart ones have have built their business by just documenting their their daily deals or you know, holding up their watches or inventory in front of their phone and just kind of just simply bringing the people who are who are who they can kind of into their world a little bit and letting them just in it. And that has exploded their businesses, the guys who have these YouTube channels or these tick tock channels who are simply selling watches they're not it's a totally different industry and niche, have more leads and more people hounding them for watches these guys are it's just unbelievable the difference and exposure and how build big you can build your business. I was talking to a friend . You know that when you use the strategies that we teach, they apply to anything. I was talking to a friend who has a landscaping business and I said look and it's a specialty landscaping business. It's not, you know, simple landscaping. It's a specialty landscaping with edible landscaping and all this guy said look, I said there's a girl out of Texas and she's a bee she goes into rescues big beams. Maybe somebody who's seen her before knows what she's on Tiktok and Instagram. She's weird. Excuse B's 715 second videos on Tiktok and she's got you know, she's got, you know, hundreds of 1000s if not millions of followers. And I said the difference in how your business is struggling right now as you're kind of marketing to your friends on Facebook trying to get them to buy your different things and that's what we all do right when we start a business we post on Facebook started business post a couple of pictures no likes now because it's weird that nobody really everybody goes into the witness protection program when you start a business all your friends and family but um, but I said you'd be amazed if you got on Tick Tock and you started creating content the way that we teach how to create content in started driving people to an email list in practice this model almost to a tee of just exactly what we do and on the bridge page just have a call to action to have a free you know, landscaping plan built up on the phone for free that they can either take and implement on their own or they can hire you have to implement it for them right now. Which is the best offer for a jet ? Like if somebody said gun to my head, come up with an offer in 30 seconds that might work for this business. That would always be the offer that I would come up with is a driving traffic free gift or something to get them to opt in for free training. I want to show you how to grow your landscaping business. Let me show you how to grow your roofing business and double your leads without any advertising costs. And then on the bridge page, I'd say hey, I will build out a marketing plan for your roofing company or I will build out a marketing plan for your you know, for your landscaping company and you can either go and when I used to do coaching in the marketing space, I'd say I'll build out a marketing plan or a funnel for your business and I'll either you can hire me to help you implement it or you can go and implement it yourself. You'll have the plan who won't show up to a call like that. Right? So now all of a sudden you've got the person who's struggling for business locally. Now all of a sudden, they become almost a celebrity as they build their audience on TikTok. Maybe it takes six months on social media. But now this landscaper who is struggling for business locally has more leads than they know what to do with and a waiting list of people who are looking to fly them out all around the world. And or you begin to create information products. Do it yourself, do it at home. You know, I was actually telling my friend this the other day blowing her mind. Because I'm like, and why would you even want to do the work if you can just create like a little course or do a Saturday workshop on Zoom what if you did a Saturday workshop on Zoom where you took people out and explained in gardening

the possibilities in your Oh, it's only kind of Yeah, it's your creativity. Your income grows with your creativity and how we come up with these campaigns. Right, right. There's no rules, Adam, none. 

Adam:  Do what you want. Wild.

Dave: I mean, y'all are crazy as hell out there man. 

Dave:  You know what I mean? 

Dave:  I've got to do a follow up where I was you talk I mean, I've been just as I must be in a spunky mood this morning or something because I've just you know, ranted, so But leave us with a final piece of it. But it's your work and it's your results that have gotten me fired up this morning Adam and that's one of the reasons why I still do this show is because I want you to come in and do this at the very beginning of your journey. It gets me fired up, brother. 

Adam:  Thanks man. Enjoying this is so much fun. I think with this. It's like a drug. Really. People will always sit there and say that. I know with me this is the way it was for years is that I had jobs and they did great. But I always knew there was a piece that I was missing somewhere. There was something that I wanted to do and prove to myself. And this is it. And this is something that I met. I'll wake up at three o'clock in the morning, and I've got a notepad and that is no joke. And I'll write down things that I'm like, Oh wow, I've got to do this, I've got to talk about this all my life. And so I just love to be able to tell someone here tonight or today is just to say to them, be confident in the direction that you're going every day is going to be a new journey. Some days you may not get everything done that you want. But believe in yourself, know that you can do this. This is something that can change your life. But you have to believe that it can and have that dream because I know it can happen. I see it happening in front of me in my very own eyes. In my life and others that I'm trying to help as well. And Dave, I'm gonna be honest, this really goes back to watching the very first video that I saw of you and just explaining in that 15 day challenge how you can do this. This is something where you can really step into things and so I just appreciate what you guys bring is so valuable. And the way that you have helped me to understand that put my finger on the pulse of what we do to be able to learn how to pivot and be comfortable in that and like you said today having that big broad mindset you've got sometimes you get stuck in the weeds you do. But that's why it's important to be able to have these conversations like this and be able to step into a wake up life here with great nuggets that are dropped. So thank you. 

Dave:  I want to still be able to offer something here on these wakeup legendaries. I do try to highlight the story of people like you. I remember your chair 11 years ago, something like that and I was invited onto a to you know, a webinar or live show or something back then maybe it was a Facebook Live I can't remember if they had Facebook. It was something review and shit I might even might even be able to find real quick. But you know, I was just as fired up to come on. Look at this man. Let's take a little look. We'll do a little, we'll do a little travel. Dammit. Go to System Preferences. My dad. Chrome is not letting me, it's not letting me share my Hey, is anybody else on Matt, are you on? Could you share your screen? I just for some reason I can't share my screen. But anyways, if you look up MLSP You'll see 11 years ago I was interviewed by a lady named Roxy and you know I'm right there on YouTube and I was just as excited to come on. And there he is. So Dave: MLSP but go to YouTube. It's on YouTube. There it is right there, remember the month, the member of the month if you go up who shares it. Is that you Adam? That's not make no oh, it's bad. Okay. Yeah, it clicks Look at that. Look at that baby face. Come on. Come on member of the month right there. You know what I mean? Like I came from network marketing and you know, I was chasing people around. You can go and watch it. I mean, Dave:, MLSP anybody can go and check that out. But that's 11 years ago. I mean, I was so excited to be on the show to dude and so like it's also it's all I remember that feeling. You know what I mean? Like if being recognized for my new efforts that, frankly, even deep down inside I was pretty doubtful that I was going to be able to, you know, succeed. I mean, I had my own impostor syndrome just like everybody else. But you know, I, I was doing network marketing knew I was doing network marketing, and I was sucking so bad at it. I came online and I found some training on how to generate leads online and I was like, Screw doing the network marketing. I'm just going to sell the training. To other struggling dumb asses like me. That's how I got started on affiliate. This is the best thing ever. I'm just gonna stop digging for gold. And I'm just gonna get over here on the side of the road, and I'm going to sell the picks and shovels to the other they're trying to buy so All right, well, let's wrap it up because I've got an 11 o'clock and I'm sure you got lots to do in Texas, my brother so thanks for coming on. We'll schedule a follow up so we can learn more about your journey here in a couple of months. I'm sure there'll be less new things to talk about and keep up the good work. I'll put your handle up here so people can go connect with you and your time. Thanks for your time.

Adam:  I had a great time. Thanks so much, Dave. And have a great day. Have a great week. All right, man. I'll

Dave:  Talk to you later. Alright my friends go and follow Adam @The_West_Texan1

Even more, we'll try to have another powerful conversation and see what comes up you never know. And quite frankly, I never know either. I never know where we're going with ease and where we're going to end up. I think that's part of the fun of it. See you tomorrow. Let's make this week a Legendary week. 

How To Start An Online Business At Any Age

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey, what's going on my friends, this is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary. As you can see, I'm in a little bit of a different location. Because I'm having some work done on our office house, it's kind of noisy over there hanging in, I'm gonna, I'm gonna walk around in my backyard here. And, you know, we might be joined by my son right over here. He was just, he just joined me on the last call. And it was pretty exciting. So if he decides to come, I don't know. But we'll, we'll find that out. So this morning, I'm gonna be welcoming Mel to the show, which is yet another amazing and wonderful student that has gone through our training and gone through a challenge there. It's just, you know, it tends to become a pattern here, when people are, you know, succeeding. They've gone through education. And then, you know, surprisingly, they've, they've applied it. And it tends to be the, that tends to be the defining mark, between those who are successful and unsuccessful. I guess, as a matter of fact, yesterday, we had somebody post in the Facebook group that what was the word she used, you know, she wanted to celebrate, she'd made her first sale, she followed all the Legendary training to a tee, and she made it for sale. It's like, golly, you know, when you follow it when you use it as directed, you know, and, you know, I can't complain about a medication if I don't use it as directed. And I say that it doesn't work, you know. So our education, the directions are, use it and then apply. That's the direction if you know anything less than that, you're probably not going to get very good results. So with that being said, Mel, welcome to the show.

Dave: How are you? Where are you calling from?

Mel: So I am in the UK in a place called Pall Mall which is right down the bottom of the UK. 

Dave: Very nice. Great. So tell us how you found Legendary, you know, how did you get started online and eventually make your way to us.

Mel: So I guess at Christmas time, I was feeling pretty rubbish. I have a product based business. And it wasn't doing so well. And kind of pretty, pretty rough time and felt like we really needed something to bring in some extra income that I could actually do alongside my product based business. And this one really stood out to me, the link went through the funnel and came across the 15 day challenge. And I literally did not hesitate. I signed up for $7 there and then bang done. I just felt $7. You know, it was worth a risk. Because if it's absolutely rubbish I'd have wasted $7. It wasn't like hundreds of 1000s of pounds or going to university or signing myself up for something for six months. And I felt like it was something I could do there and then sign up and learn and earn, learn and earn at the same time. So that's really what brought me here.

Dave: I literally don't know because I wasn't able to read your kind of bio stuff before we got started. So I don't know anything about how that panned out. Tell us when exactly was that start date and, and what has happened since?

Mel: Oh, sure. Yeah, so that was around Christmas time. So between Christmas and New Year, kind of had, you know, the major meltdown of what should I do? And started going through the 15 day challenge between Christmas and New Year so once I started I was oh just immersed myself in it. I loved it like literally the values that I felt within the challenge for $7 was incredible. I think on day three, that was really good. I just felt very inspired. And yeah, like immerse myself in the Facebook community and watch all the Wake Up Legendary shows. So like, really thrilled to be here, because I saw so many. And they just gave me some inspiration, I just, I really felt like this was something as an older person that I could do, and that I wouldn't need to have like, wasn't massive skills, like anyone can do this, it didn't seem like out of reach, it felt like something that gave me hope, is what it did is it gave me hope. Yeah. And I literally got onto TikTok and thought, well, while I'm learning, I'm going to set up my TikTok and just begin to feel familiar with that app, because that seemed to be the place where people were getting a really good result. And that felt like the right platform for me, like, I'm not much of a Facebook person, I do a lot of Instagram with my other business. And I know how long that takes to build up a community. So I said, that's what I did. So I leapt onto TikTok, and, you know, spent hours of my life falling down rabbit holes on tick tock. And just, you know, and then thought, right, I've just got to start making videos, and you know, they were fringy, I have to say, they were bad. But I just did them and just thought just do it. You know, if you're gonna do something, commit and do it. So that's what I did. So I didn't mess about when I just started. I just started

Dave: Nice. Nice, nice, sorry, if I'm doing this, I'm just making sure that I'm hearing what you're saying. I mean, did you say, Did you refer to yourself as older? So what business does an older person have? You know, starting an internet marketing business in 2022? Could you maybe speak to that point? I'm sure there's some folks that are your age that are like, Okay, wow, I didn't know I was too old. Or I didn't know that I could still do this. Like, can you speak to people who are thinking, Oh, I'm too old for this?

Mel: Yeah, sure. That's exactly how I felt. I'm 55. And I've come from an era that we didn't have tech. So you know, I didn't have the best I didn't have a phone. You know, when I grew up as a youngster, we didn't even have mobile phones, let alone computers, you know, the sound box at the end of the street. So I, you know, and I went into my work life without being in a technical environment. So I think that was the biggest point for me, where I felt challenged would be I haven't got any digital skills . You know, I see a lot of nerdy type people. What even is a digital skill? 

Dave: Are you able to navigate like a piece of hardware like a computer, turn it on, navigate it and use a cell phone is kind of how we all are? I think what you're saying is great, whether we're technically savvy or not, right?

Mel: Yeah. 100% 100. So yeah, literally that like even going onto Facebook, and learning how to become part of a community on your own private Facebook, when you've never had that it just is overwhelming. And as an older person, when you haven't grown up with it in your life, signing up to anything in online banking, or online shopping can feel overwhelming. 

David Sharpe: Well, I can't say that I don't feel like that everyday, to be quite honest with you. I mean, I'm being serious. I mean, there's things out here that are just like, really, you know, it's, it's, well, I want to speak to those folks for a second because, you know, I really am, I'm serious when I am not overdramatizing how the overwhelm I feel with some tech. I mean, it's real. It's, it's not, we got to not combine it all together, because it's really just certain hardware and I guess, software or whatever. But here's what I found. I mean, I was really uncomfortable with my iPhone and all my computers and devices when I first got them and now some, you know, months or years into it, I mean, it's like it's like an extension of my arm, you know? So there also is that if somebody is quote, technically savvy or whatever, I mean, what do you need? Morals quite frankly, and you feel technically challenged. Sure, or whatever feeling like, maybe that might not be your strong suit? What are some of the things that can make up for that? You know what I mean? What are some of the things that if you're on the air, you'll be okay. In your opinion?

Mel: I just think you just need to know that you want to do it. So have a bit of what would be the word persistence? I would say, So be persistent in your desire to do something. So if you really want to do it, then you can, you can learn the skill you can't use. So the technical stuff is challenging, but you can learn it, there's always somebody that will know the answer, there's always someone you can ask, but what they want, no one can tell you to do is to do it, is to be able to use TikTok is to go and make your video and, and put it up there. So I think there's a lot of people where I am included, that I will procrastinate over something. So I will think of all the reasons why I shouldn't do it. Or maybe I should just do this bit first. Or maybe I should just do that bit first. And you know what, it really doesn't matter if it's perfect or not. It doesn't matter. You just have to if you want to do something, whatever it is in life, you just need to start taking a step forward, and then another step and then another step and have some common sense. And know when to ask for help. 

Dave:  What you just said is so important. I mean, you know, it's imperfection. I think there's a saying something like perfectionism is the enemy of all things good. Or I don't know, maybe somebody can drop it in the comments. So, perfectionism is really the enemy of all of all creation, you know, in my opinion, and what you said there was just really important, because I think what I found with older, older folks is that they, you know, they really care about things getting done, right, you know what I mean? Like, that's my experience with with my older relatives and people, whereas the younger generations are like, okay, with it being like, if you look at memes and stuff, like look at the meme revolution on the internet, like those photos, and those images are not highly produced, they're thrown together, you know what I mean? So, the younger generation doesn't care as much about things being kind of put together and looking perfect. They just care about the, you know, the content. Whereas I think the older generations because of, you know, just just, there wasn't an internet, there wasn't as much, you know, there wasn't as much content being created. And so everything was more stylish, and style was really important. And it being done, how it looks, the presentation, kind of all those things. And nowadays, we just, I mean, you got COVID that kicked in, we're all working in our underwear from home. Memes are everything nowadays. And they're being shared all over the world. We just live in a different world where if you really pay attention, and look around, nobody expects anything to be perfect. And quite frankly, nobody wants anything to be perfect. Because it almost looks out of place in this world of just, like hodgepodge stuff that's thrown together. I mean, honestly, like, if you look at all the things that we love on the internet, it's YouTube channels that people are filming, just like vlogs or what like things from home or we're spending time on tick tock watching people on their phones versus sitting and watching Netflix, I mean, people would prefer this style of content. So if you're listening and you've struggled with perfection, then please understand that nobody even wants that from you anyways, and but I want to validate and acknowledge the fact that it's probably not perfectionism, it's really just that you want to do a quality job.

Mel: When that's the key at the end of the day, isn't it? You're putting a message out there, regardless of what you're doing if you're trying to get something out there to get something back. If you're doing marketing, then obviously, not sending 100%. 

Dave: Yeah, and your speed is important. This is the other thing that's really important, is not so much like how it looks. And oftentimes even like the message and the speed at which you get it out is the most important, not how it looks not if there was misspellings, not if the pictures perfect, not if the video is perfect, not whether you say whether you go on the radio, I mean, that's not that doesn't even what matters is is the quality of the content, and then the speed at which you get it out. And the reason why I say that is because the moment you have an idea, every second that goes by that you don't execute on it is the second that it's going to lay down and die. And the ideal graveyard. Do you agree with that? 

Mel: Yeah. I mean, I feel my content on the hoof, you know, I try and sometimes batch create, so that helps, and keeps a load of stuff in my draft folder on TikTok, but quite often, it will be inspired in the moment. So I'll see something and think, Oh, I'm gonna go make a video on that. And I'll just do it there. And then so, you know, I've always often got the dogs in the background. And like, the other day I was filming one, I've got a really big dog. And halfway through the filming, she suddenly leapt off her arms and my shoulders and added a little dancer there. So I've just kept it in the video, you know, it didn't look ridiculous, but actually silly little things like that, actually, you know, you can put it out there because people are scrolling through scroliosis. And off, they go scrolling. And it's something that catches people's eye. So, you know, you could spend half a day setting it all up to make it look perfect, and nobody's looking at it. So it's much easier just to so many people say about tick tock in particular, it's the really crappy videos that they've made and put out that took them two seconds to make are the ones that go viral are the ones that get a lot of views, the ones that interest editing, do nothing so and you'll grow your tick tock channel will just grow naturally will the more you put out and the more consistent you are, you will you will gain a following. 

Dave:  So yeah, regardless, you got to be clever with content. It's like how have you not just become a copycat of everybody else's stuff, but figured out how to learn from what other people are doing and even model it, but yet still maintain your own, you know, identity or, or message or is that difficult for you? Like how are you coming up with ideas and executing on them?

Mel: Yeah, sometimes it can be difficult. I think what I did is I picked out probably half a dozen marketers that inspired me, and then I followed them and then I, I literally went and studied them. So I went and studied what they were doing. So during the period when I was still learning, I studied them a lot. And I watched what they were doing and how they style things. And some of the messages they were putting out and then recreated that in my own way. So maybe change the music, not that I didn't reinvent the wheel. You know, some of it was very similar. But I filmed it in my home, and it's me, it's not them. So, you know, and I am older, so maybe some of the more useful stuff with the dancing, I don't really do that, because that's just not me, I don't feel particularly comfortable doing that. So actually, I try and you know, so just do something that feels right for me. So it's natural, that's what it is. So it comes across as me. And I've mixed it up a little bit. So I do some fun ones, and do some educational ones. And then I sprinkled a few just about me so a bit about my life and who I am. So trying to give a little bit of a balance.

Dave: That's fantastic. And yeah, that really helps. You know, if you are finding yourself, you know, looking after and modeling a lot of videos from other people and you kind of are or want to make sure that you don't come across as just another copycat channel. You know, that's just, you know, or copycat profile or whatever, you just don't sound like this. Because that's why you get shitty comments guys is because you sound like everybody else. You know, I mean, let's just not let's just not bullshit each other. I mean, I don't have time to bullshit you and I don't give a damn to somebody who never buys another thing from me doesn't really matter. If that upsets you, then you know, go buy from somebody else. Learn from somebody else. But nobody, you know, these are just these are just facts. It's just a lot simpler and it's a lot easier than we make it out to be. I find that I complicate a lot of things. Now that I don't need to complicate, and, and I make things a lot more difficult on my own self than they need to be, you know, and I find that you can, you can take a test of that very easily by being honest with somebody about the actual things that you say to yourself or about yourself, and then ask somebody if they've ever thought the same thing about you. And what you'll find is that, you know, if others talk to us the way that we talk to ourselves, we'd beat we'd beat him up, you know, because we're so hard on ourselves, we're so critical of ourselves. And the truth is, it's just not that important. You know, I'm a freckle on the pimple of a gnat's ass and this big universe. It's not a big it's not I'm not you know what I do? You know, I can't say that one human being doesn't make that much of a difference because if you look at what's going on in Russia and Ukraine, you can see that one piece of shit does make a difference. But you know, I'm not invading countries with tanks and shit, I'm just posted on tick tock so nobody reads, you know, it's not that big of a deal. You know what I mean? It's, it's, it's just, you got time to evolve your skills, and you have time to, you know, get better in quite frankly, people might like this new, this, this brand new, rough around the edges version of yourself better than they like whoever you think you need to be. And that's what I found Mel was that I was the scrappy street kid who hadn't, you know, an eighth grade education dropped down to ninth grade, I didn't go to high school or college. And I don't know a lot of words, like in terms of, especially when I first started out, I would get words confused, I thought ends meet meant you were so poor, you could only afford the, the ends of the meat, you couldn't get the center slab, you could only buy the ends of the me, you know, I mean, this, this is the stuff that I come up with on my own in my own head. And, you know, it was a challenge. It was a challenge to really accept myself for who I was. And in the things that others were going to Oregon to accept me to. But as I, the further away I got from who I was, you know, when I would, when I would comb my hair with a perfect part and put on a shirt and try to talk a certain way and you know, all this kind of stuff. It was like people could sense that wasn't the real Dave No, that was when I was really looking like a lookalike. And the more I started to tell my story, that was a big breakthrough. And then the more I just embraced me, and just my, like, who I really am in my content, not it's not about you know, I just my own personality. That's all I'm saying. Each one of you has a unique personality that is special and funny, and people love it when they're around you when you let your walls down. When you're not, when you don't have all the masks on the walls, right? And that's what life does to us. It makes us put up my mask and wall so we can protect ourselves from you know, bullies, and it makes sense. But it's not a survival skill that's so much needed anymore. That was what you needed on a childhood playground. Ironically, I'm walking across the childhood playground in my backyard right now. But I think you get my point here.

Mel: Yeah, I was the same day. You know, I literally, I went to normal school. I never went to college and never went to university. My two sisters were the bright ones. I was the you know, obviously no hope or in the family. I got married when I was like 19. I had my child when I was 20, I couldn't make ends meet, you know, never had any money but always had that bit of entrepreneurial spirit and would do anything to bring some money in and provide for my family. Funnily enough I was only talking about it the other day. I lived in this tiny village and we were miles away from anywhere and I took on some cleaning around the village to clean people's houses to make some money. My car broke down and I couldn't get to this lady's house and the next village I walked to my neighbor,  rode their horse to the next village, tied the horse up, did what I had to do, and rode the horse back home.

Dave: I think we're embarrassed as humans a lot about our history or our past or family or where we come from. So there's a lot of shame around that, and, and we it's just, it's just misplaced shame a lot of times, I think it's just shit that's passed on from generations, and we don't even know why we feel that way. But to have pride in yourself, and to be able to turn your struggles in the strings or your mess into a message is a real gift that you give people. And it's a real gift that you give yourself. Because when you combine that with a product, it's what gives the product a story. You know, and people like to buy products with stories, they don't like to just buy products. So if you the marketer, you the affiliate, now I'm going to include a story when they get to me better believe it. So, you know, if you ain't gonna tell his story, you know, I'm just saying for you, if you're an affiliate of ours, if you're not, then make sure that you include a story, you know, because if you don't include a story with the product, you're no wonder people are just treating you like a product. No wonder people are shopping you around, no wonder people are in your DM saying, Well, this business over here or this training over here look, because you got to, you got to make it to where they're not. They're not contrasting or choosing between two products. They're choosing between a product in a story they're choosing between a product and a brand or choosing between a product and a team, a real company, you know, it's just different. It's just like the difference between buying from Tiffany in the mall and at the flea market. I don't know how to explain it, but because all it takes is a story. It's just a story. And that's, that's what you're giving people when you just include these little pieces in even as Mel said, you can still model other people's videos. But the real, the real thing that I think you're doing that is so smartest, you're sprinkling in videos, which tell your story. And here's some other examples that maybe some of you guys could do. Hey, I want to get real about something that I haven't told you yet. You know, we did an episode a couple of months ago on hooks. If you scroll back through wakeup it looks like it was a valuable one, it was all about the hook the first three seconds of the video how you catch somebody's attention. And hey, you know, I've been I've been keeping something from you that I want to tell you, those sort of intros those hooks to where then in that video, you can go and get a little bit more deeper, get a little bit more real, you know, tell somebody, for example, I was watching this bit on ESPN last night about a golfer who has secretly had a club football, you know, all his life. And he just came out with that. And it's like making this news all over the place. Because, you know, he's bringing people into his life, in giving them just, just just, it's not effortless, because it takes courage. But he's not doing anything except just opening up and letting people in. And you know, he's making all these headlines and making all these news, he's getting all this attention. So, you know, I've just found that when I'm, I'm embracing my, you know, you've been looking at this morning, hard, you know, because I was about to get on live. And I've done this before. There's just, there's just like, oh, is this going to be professional? Like, are people going to be okay? But then when you do it, and you just embrace it, whether you're shooting a tech talk about something that's more personal or what I don't know, or whether you're just deciding to go live and walk around in your backyard or at a park or whatever. The rules of what you're used to playing by don't apply here. And then probably if you can do the opposite of what you're feeling, you know, the opposite of what you learned in corporate America, the opposite of what you learned in school, you'll probably be okay. Right?


Mel: Well, funnily enough, yes. Because like, the flip side is that the product business that I've got is all on Instagram. So that Instagrams are all very slick and professional, and, you know, everything is aesthetically pleasing. So it's almost the flip of what I've done with the marketing. So it's an interesting contrast.

Dave: And that's, that's wonderful. So you're saying on Instagram, you're more, just this my sound is bad, so I didn't hear as well, but your Instagram is more kind of polished and your TikTok is, is that what you were saying? Yeah. Yeah. And that makes sense. I mean, that makes sense to offer a different feel on a different profile. I mean, it's, we're already repurposing enough content. And I often find that, you know, if somebody follows you on one platform, they're probably going to follow you on another platform so people are seeing it. So for you to offer a little bit of a different look is definitely smart.

Mel: Yeah, very cool.

Dave: Well, what else can we learn from you? Give us one last nugget, give us one last tip Mel that you think would be helpful to somebody who you know is just like you. Maybe at the beginning what could help somebody to get started?

Mel: I think the overwhelm so I see a lot in the Facebook community where people are in such a panic about getting their funnel spill and getting their link out and getting to 1000 people on Tik Tok, I just think don't put so much pressure on yourself because it will happen, whether it takes you It took me three weeks to get my funnel bill it you know, it just did. And I did have a few moments of yours and stress and a little bit of overwhelm. But eventually it does get there. And then I put my link out and then guess what Tumbleweed you know, it was Tumbleweed. So take some pressure off because it will happen. You know, take a couple of when you're trying to build those first few funnels, take a couple of days off and go and do something nice and then come back to it. That's probably my biggest takeaway when I was beginning.

Dave: Don't go in and mess with it 1000 times after you've gotten it. It's not when you're getting 12 hits to your landing page a day. That's not enough traffic to know whether your opt-in pages are not converting well. Okay. So get up, get that thing up into hundreds of visits per day. And then we'll talk about your split test.

Mel: Yeah, exactly, exactly. Just get it built. Don't give yourself too much grief. Try not to cry your eyes out with stress, you know, just get it bill and then get it out there. And then just enjoy making the content because the rest of it will follow. It just takes time. It's a process. Follow what you've been taught step by step and it'll happen.

Dave:  Yeah, awesome stuff. Well, thank you for being so patient with me this morning. And it's been wonderful to have loved this and I can't wait to see you continue to grow. Come back in a couple of months. Just keep us posted on your journey.  All right, my friends. You can follow Mel the dot affiliate. Now that's where Mel is on Tiktok and Instagram @Melthe.affiliate  It's already past the first quarter. It's if for whatever reason, whenever we go to end the show, I always like to start reflecting back on the previous months of the year. But, you know, we're in the second quarter of 2022. already. It's just important to pay attention to the calendar and sort of where we're at, I think because, you know, I like to take my years from the first to the 31st of December and what did I accomplish in that period of time. But anyways, what's most important is the moment in the day, so use this day to do something powerful for your business, at least one powerful thing if you can make a list. What's the one most important thing to put it right at the top? And make sure that you accomplish that one thing today at the very least, and it should be a successful day for you right if you accomplish the most important thing on your to-do list every day. Isn't that a successful day? All right, my friends. Be Legendary. We'll see you back here for another episode on Monday.

Tips for Posting on TikTok, Instagram, and Pinterest In 2022

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends? It's your boy Dave Sharpe, back in the saddle today. What's going on? I was on a little trip with my wife the past few days for our anniversary. Yes, it's a big deal. We'll take our prize for, you know, staying married in 2022 It ain't easy out here people. It ain't easy, but we've made it seven years, 14 years together. So I love my wife more than anything in the world. And that's where I've been for the past few days. And I'm glad to be back and even more excited to get back. I got to talk to Ebony this morning and we're going to hear how she went from waitress. Ebony, what does SHAM stand for?

Ebony: Well, it stands for stay at home mom, but I'm only mom to two fur babies. 

Dave:  Okay, so, gotta gotta freshen up on my acronyms there. But, well, congratulations on that first and foremost and tell us where you're calling from.

Ebony: I am calling from Mississippi. 

Dave:  Well, awesome. So you were a waitress? Tell us how you got into digital marketing. Tell us how you came online. Tell us how you found Legendary and why you decided to join this bunch of crazy marketing weirdos.

Ebony: Yes. Okay. So I waited tables coming straight out of college. It was a quick way to get an easy job. I've always kind of been a people person. So I figured it was something I would be able to do. Okay, good enough anyway, until I can actually find a job in my field which is business.

Dave:  And did you stay local and or at least at home in your state for college or were you somewhere away from home?

Ebony: a little bit of both. So at first I was in Georgia and Atlanta, Georgia. I went to a private college there. And then I came back and finished up here in Mississippi at home.

Dave:  As long as that graduate young we're also moving all around your waitressing okay, we're caught up

Ebony: yeah. So I actually did waitressing on and off. I actually found a job in my field, but they laid off twice. I found a job twice in my field and they were laid off and each time I will go back to waiting tables. I know I can make money there. I can go back to waiting tables. I'm good at it. It's fine. I'll keep doing it until I find something in my field. And that never happened. Waited tables for 12 years waiting for that to happen.

Dave: Wow. Wow. That's just a lot. To be looking for a job in a particular industry. How many people do you think that happens with like you know, they've got a degree.

Ebony: Yeah, I feel like it's something that happens quite a bit unless you have maybe a trade or something or something lined up, maybe a program with the school or something like that. It can be difficult to find a job that pays well enough for you to live on your own.

Dave:  Can I do something totally off the wall? You tell me if this sounds even because sometimes I say things that are my wife's like that's not even remotely true, but it's almost easier nowadays to start a business than it is to get a job in certain fields.

Ebony: It is why I joined Legendary Marketer because it was a few clicks of a button. And it was something that I had done affiliate marketing before. I had done marketing online before, but it was okay the company wasn't you know all that. So when I found out about legendary, it was something I really wanted to join because of the training that's there and just the community that we have with Legendary. So when I saw it, I found it on social media, somebody's talking about, you know, doing your own thing and I say well, not waiting tables anymore COVID took that away so let's go let's do it. Why not?

Dave:  You know, Famous last words of every, you know, either, I guess you know, probably person who jumped off a cliff but also people who became really successful was exactly what you just said some say effort, some say less go, you know, it's just, it's kind of that moment to where it doesn't really make sense. But it feels like the only choice right? Because you've done so many other things. You've you've I mean in your case, does any could any. Would you take anyone seriously who came to you and said ebony just keep looking for that job? I mean, does that

Ebony: I mean been looking for over a decade, nothing happy? Or it would happen and they will close down or get laid off or? Yeah, something else so

Dave:  I don't know what the field is but it doesn't matter. Mississippi is not the epicenter of the world. I mean it is a beautiful place that doesn't want to go to the Mississippians coming after me. But it is not like it is not Los Angeles. It is not. It is not Dallas. It is not Atlanta. It is not New York. It is not Miami. It isn't you know, it's uh, so I can understand that. A lot of a lot of us. You know, when we're when we're young, and we're just believing what we're being told. It's like, well, of course I'm gonna go to college. And do this and then we come right back to our town that has absolutely nothing going on. And it's like you didn't tell me that you didn't tell me that I was gonna have to relocate to another city or I was gonna have to be open and willing to make adjustments. So now comes along this opportunity for us to work at home or on a laptop or whatever. And of course, who wouldn't? Who wouldn't do that? But what is different about this and what is what you are doing to succeed because with freedom, more freedom comes more responsibility. Do you agree? With that? Evany

Ebony: I do because freedom can be an enemy if you allow it to be. Excuse me. The pollen is killing me. But, um, freedom can be an enemy if you allow it to be but at the same time, freedom can be freeing. If you use it the right way. And so I took some time to research legendary marketer and just I wasn't sure if I wanted to do it, you know, but like I said, I didn't have a job. I was waiting tables and I didn't have that job anymore. So just at home, stay at home wife, I got my twofer baby so I don't know if you want to call me a stay at home mom, but I have a wife and I said I'm gonna go for this because I know that this is something that if I put my all into it, like I do when I work, maybe okay, maybe okay, I don't see why I wouldn't be okay. So when I went in, I jumped all the way in two feet. Hold my breath. Let's go. And I got the training from legendary and I ran with that training. I implemented it instantly across all social media platforms. Let's do this. I got the training. Now. I just got to do the work. And so I show up for myself every single day I put the work in. Oh, you're talking

Dave:  some powerful I mean, this is just a marketing show any Be easy on you know because we're talking about really an attitude of, of success, self care. I mean, you're talking about this ain't about you know, this is not about everybody else. This is about you and how you feel about you, how you, would you hire you? It's a question that I asked people a lot of times at live events, would you hire you? Would you be your number one employee? And the faces in the room are often you know, unsure and like I don't know if I'd want me I don't know if I'd want to pay somebody who works like me. You know what I mean? I want to pay you to work. Unlike me, I want you to do way more than I'm willing to do. And that's not what leadership is about and as business owners and entrepreneurs. We are the first employee so our business actually only goes as far as that first employee takes it you know, if that first employee sucks, you know, then in then that that first employee don't want to get out of bed and that first employee want to show up to work late that first employee want to, you know, leave early, take a lot of breaks. I mean come on, think about it, folks. But what you said was I'm ready to show up for me. I'm ready to show up regardless of what other people think and regardless of what I'm getting the added girls or I'm getting the Pat's on the back or I'm getting the people, the family agree in me with the Abbas given me as a girl or whatever. I'm doing it for me. Was that a shift in mindset from how you once thought, Is that how you bought I mean, what what? That's a big that just seems like a big thing that I just would like you to say more about, um,

Ebony: I guess it was a little bit of a shift because I mean, when you show up to work, I guess you kind of show up for yourself because you're making a living. So if you don't show up, you're not gonna make one but when you get to work at your job, and you're working for someone else, you're really more showing up for them and their company. And their dreams. Okay, you're forever in them. And they're in turn, you know, giving you a wage. So and as far as that goes, what I did work for someone else. I always showed up on time, ready to work, ready to give it my all and just kill it for the day. That's the way I've always shown up for work every day, see my seat and happy, my happiness. That's the way I was when I was no longer working for someone else, and I said I'm going to do this for myself. I'm going to start working for myself basically, I took that same attitude. So instead of showing up for someone else and furthering what they're wanting to do, I'm going to take that same attitude and put it back into me and this thing that I'm trying to build for myself and for my family. But it has a little something special added to it when you're showing up for yourself. Because you're not furthering someone else's dream. You're not furthering someone else's wealth, or whatever it is you're furthering yourself or furthering your dream and your income and just for you and your family. So it's the reason for showing changes. It shifts into I'm showing up for my family now. So bring out the big guns like let's show up we're gonna show working as hard as we can we're gonna give it our all because why not give your family your all Shurflo Yeah, because motivated because of that to just do it. tunnel vision.

Dave:  Yeah, and I can understand after 10 years of not getting it, you know what you had imagined and expected. I would I would assume I mean you go to college, I'm sure there was a lot of hype and a lot of people telling you and selling you that you're going to get out and get a job and get a career and it was going to you know, I mean as if almost as if it was going to be waiting for you when you left. And so I can understand having that attitude and having that mindset. I also will say that, you know, I think there's another level which is where you begin to build a company and lots of people are able to achieve their dreams within that vehicle. And I think that's when you become you know, for me, that's what I've loved about entrepreneurship. I think this is how at least I run a business or look at business and how other people feel or look at businesses. And the way that I look at businesses is this is a vehicle that can not only make me wealthy, but it's also a vehicle that can make others wealthy and I also have this opportunity in sort of this teaching, marketing and teaching you know, it's so not only do our clients get to build wealth, but actually a lot of people inside of our team here at Legendary are beginning to build serious income in be able to invest serious money and have an amazing opportunity for growth and to make more and to do more and to be in to feel fulfilled. So there's levels to this stuff. And I can tell you that you're on the right path if you have the attitude that you need to have in order to get to any next level in entrepreneurship. Which is, look, I've been on this earth. Quite frankly, I've been thinking about working to take care of it. I think women a lot of times have that, that that sort of assumed role of and I think it's also a caretaker, the caretaker in the nurturer in you guys as well. Which makes you more like that. But yeah, it's like I've been really caretaking and thinking about and worrying about and working for and all this other shit for all these years. I'm ready to do me. You know what I mean? Like I'm ready to do me like and I think that is an attitude that if a lot of you really adapted like ebony is describing, forget all the other stuff. That attitude is a really powerful attitude to have to get through this first phase. To where the Body grows your company. Maybe you hire on a virtual assistant or you or you maybe you have a team or a small team and then and then now all of a sudden you're in the leadership position and you get to decide how are you going to act in that lead in that role of leadership in which you had a lot of judgment for for many years. Right? And I'm gonna talk about you, Ebony:I'm just talking about us in general as employees well, I don't know about you, but anytime I was an employee at a company, I had all kinds of ideas on how they could run that company. better and be more human nature. Okay. But now all of a sudden, as if I become successful in my business, I have an opportunity to do it differently. How am I going to treat people now that I'm in this role of leadership? Am I going to be shouting, you know, command all in pain and the absolute least that I can pay him and try to get the most out of them? I mean, am I going to be that type of leader so I also get to feed and fuel my self esteem which you are talking about showing up for me. I get to feed and fuel that by now. I'm in the lead up and I'm going to do my power. And that's a that's a fun place to be because you can either be a total ass, like somebody like, like a Putin over here, some of these other dictators or you can be a leader and you know, a people's, you're people's person, man, I look at somebody who is I try to be that and I look at leaders and look up to leaders who are like that, who are willing to stay in the trenches and and help others. So, anyways, I'm ranting, but this is the journey that I've gone on with entrepreneurship. And so what I mean we're ultimately do you see this going or are you just having a ton of fun in the moment in really just trying to build your affiliate marketing business and focus on that exclusively right

Ebony: now? I'm both really having a blast. I really didn't expect it to be this fun. But I am in this for the long haul.

Dave:  That's always a plus. Because sometimes you can make some money or whatever, and hate it. When I hate. You'd be like but you'd be like the money is good, but the money is good.

Ebony: We were waiting tables. I didn't particularly care for waiting tables, a very thankless job, but it was good. I basically got paid every single day and cash, you know, and you have regulars that come back to see you and you know, so you know you go to work and you almost turn into you put on the work personality and you shift into gumbo when you get to work and that's what you do. But it doesn't always mean that you just love it like that. But what I'm doing now, work in my own business, from the training that I've gotten from legendary putting it into action every single day, coming up with new ideas, fresh ideas, and just having fun with it being myself and just going forward. You know, it sounds crazy. It's like okay, whatever somebody's gonna like it. I put it out there anyway. So I'm happy to be doing this work and I want to do it as long as I can do it forever, you know, until it's over.

Dave:  And you never really complete you. You really do. Seems like you understand that. What you have to say has value even if it's not the most expertise 10 years into it. You're not comparing yourself to somebody who's also has knowledge and information and saying I'm better than or less than you're just like, hey, I know some stuff. I've taken some training, I've put it into action. And you know what, I'm qualified to sit here and teach you at least how to get started. It sounds like you're really only in that mentality.

Ebony: Yes, because I feel like the way that our brains are made. I mean we have the capacity to learn more, and to put that into practice once we learn it. So the education is what you get first. So when you do something new, maybe you've never done anything working for yourself before. Well, you get training on how to do that. And then you are taught how to put that into practice every day inside your business. And so I'm just here to teach people how to do it, you know, show them there's a way out. I know for a fact because I did it. I got out and this is what I'm doing now. So if you want to get out to join me, let's go out. I'll help you out. And that's really the attitude a lot of people have. They don't want to wait tables the rest of their life or they don't want to, you know, work for someone else the rest of their life, but it is what they feel like they don't have a choice right now. And so just want to let them know you got a choice. There's something else you could be doing that you could love more than you love any other job. And it doesn't even feel like a job. It just feels like you're just having fun. So

Dave:  like you're playing around on social media all day. Yeah. What you're doing anyways, which is doing anyways come on out. Now you are the only reason why you have a job. So you can try to get somebody to you to be on social media. You know if we're on it, let's just stop all trying to be like each other and I'M trying to build a business and I'm trying to be this professional. You ain't trying to be no professional you're trying to sit on social media all day. Like you want to sit in the house. You don't want to get dressed. You don't want to leave the house. You don't want to pull up your computer if you don't have to. So it's about honesty, right? It's about

Ebony: like, do you want to sit and have your pajamas on and just make little videos all day? Sure. For sure. You what happens when that

Dave:  You should come out with a headline in a sales video. That's like I'm going to teach you how to be like a playful, childlike sitting around in your spouse is going to start trying to put you on a screen time locked down as you're messing around on social media inside your house all day long type of build a business. One of the richest people in this world or at least not the richest but the people who are making the most money in entertainment and in content creation podcasting YouTubing I mean even shows I mean, I like that squid games, you know, movie that came in and that was the only series in 2021 that like was going crazy amongst a lot of my friends and it was a highlight and it was really out there. And here's my point is that in 2021 It's the crazy stuff that's making money. It's almost like human beings' tolerance has gotten so high that anything that isn't so real and so potent has galvanized them almost there. We're almost like we're immune to you know, because there's so much stimuli. There's so much violence, there's so much you know, we're scrolling fast things are happening. We want it instantly. And so, if that's what the entire human race wants, will it only make sense that those of us who are willing to go on video and say, you know, you want to sit here and stare at your phone all day? Here I am. And why don't we tell you how to get richer. Get your shitty little baby to sleep through the night or you know, whatever it is right? It's like a human race just stares at their phones all day. Why shouldn't we be there in our home? Telling them information that maybe will be useful to them and selling it to them? It only makes sense to me but it is a wild world we live in.

Ebony: Who would have known that it will go this way. But it's this way and it's here to stay. It is only going to get bigger and more and better. So I'm just happy to be at the at the beginning of it riding the wave all the way

Dave: It really is your your see you're saying a lot of really important things and your mindset is so right and it's so in the right place because this is the beginning i get i laugh i don't get aggravated or try to talk people out of it because that's just a waste of my time at this point. If you think it's saturated or oh my gosh, I mean, what do you think we're going back to IOUs we're gonna go back to writing checks people, what do you think? All the sudden the world's going to wake up one day and say I don't want to, you know, run my entire life from a little device that I get to carry around the entire world. Do you think we're going to wake up one day and say no, let's go back to having a frickin pigeon fly in my letters across the country. I mean, we're not going backwards people you know, it's like the technology's only gonna get to a place to where you don't even have to hold the thing in five years. It just pops out of your glasses and you I mean, I don't know where we're going. But we are at the beginning.

Ebony: It's gonna be digital, it's going to be technology. We do know that.

Dave:  Yeah. So you're here for the ride is what you're saying. You don't know where you're going. You don't care where you're going. You just know that you want to be where it's going. Where things money, attention is going.

Ebony: Yes, yes. So it's monetizing it all the way all the way through to the end. I'm on the train.

Dave:  It's just being honest about what you want and what you're trying to do and what we are doing out here. What are we doing? Are we Yes, I mean, you know, legendary, and what we're doing is, is, gosh, we could maybe get accredited one day and just stand along all these other people and just act like Hello. They're the University of legend. I don't know, but I just rather teach people fast. ins with simple ways in where because, because if let me just tell you this. If getting money doing whatever you're doing is hard. It's old. It's antiquated. It's because you shouldn't be doing it that way anymore. Getting money should be simple. It should be. It should not be complicated. It should be clear about how, you know, if you're you got to go like some of these jobs, you got to I mean, it's just it's it's you know, getting a paycheck nowadays at some jobs is, it is weird. It's hard. It's like you said about getting a job. Yeah, getting the job and then you know, I mean you know, they're they're anyways, it's just there's a lot of there's a lot of industry that's antiquated. There's a lot of industries that are antiquated, and it's going to be difficult to make money in those industries. It doesn't matter. Even as they try to evolve technology, it's going to be difficult for you if you're in retail. For example, if you've always been in retail, it's going to be difficult for you to evolve and continue to make more and more in the industry. Why is it chitin yo ass out?

Ebony: They couldn't do that and I did retail for a while too. I've been all over the place. So it's one of those things you know, they start cutting back when you first want to go and you think I brought in, you know, the most sales last month. What do you mean, I'm the first one to go? Dave:  Whenever I'm shopping from their apps, and they're, you know, my wife and I get cars anymore. Well, my wife and I just went shopping today and she made a comment she said, you know gosh, it's almost I almost enjoy getting stuff shipped and trying it on at home and they make it so easy to ship it back. So, you know, my mom sold shoes for many decades. You know, I have a lot of friends and family. I grew up seeing them working in retail and so forth. I mean, it's just not it's not, you know, that's an example of an antiquated industry. I think. I think, you know, I think unfortunately, I don't think waiting tables or the service industry will ever be an antiquated industry. But I mean, we already see signs of automation in those places. When you sit down you can order on your own. You can pay on your own. I mean, there's signs of automation. And you know, I don't think you know, my wife and I just went on our anniversary dinner to one of our favorite restaurants in Miami and you know, there were lots of people serving us. I don't think that will ever go away for that style of restaurant. I don't need you serving me at a place that I just want to get in and out. You know, I mean, like, I don't need to. So I would rather use a machine and that's not to say that I want people to not have a job. I'm just being honest with my personal preference. Yeah. So we have to make sure that the industry that we're going into is not antiquated and I think that and be real clear about it. It's hard when we're young, but my wife went into, you know, the social working industry. Why? Well, I mean, ultimately, she had a heart for that. It sounded like a meaningful career. And it was until we got serious and then wanted to grow a family and realized, well, gosh, this is not going to get us very far. You're whatever you're making and this was before I was we were together making more money in our business. She had to quit working that job. I mean, it didn't make sense anymore. You know, it didn't make sense anymore, because the pay wasn't The pay wasn't there. So, I mean, at least let's be eyes wide open that if we go into a specific industry, it can't be about the money motivated at all or your or you even need there's a lot of arguments right now about what is a living wage. A lot of outrage right now about the living wage isn't $15 an hour, which has been what everybody's fighting for, or is it $25 An hour because of inflation , you know what I mean? Minimum and I've got even buddies who want minimum wage wage to be raised and they want that 15 an hour. They're offering 15 hours. I said, Hey, homie, that ain't gonna cut it for a lot of people. The reason why nobody responds to your post is because ain't enough any more. So maybe back

Ebony: in the 80s or 90s, it would have been okay, but 2022 is just not you may have that and you're just barely getting by. And so that's actually when I'm on camera and I'm making my videos. I try to be as real as I possibly can be, because I've been there. I've been there so I know what it's like to be working as hard as you possibly can. And it just doesn't reflect in your paycheck. 

Dave:  Once you're away from your family all day long. 

Ebony: Exactly. Yeah, to hear. Yeah, I used to do 10 hour days waiting tables. So I will be going all day and when I come home my husband wants some dinner so we feel something together real quick. We've got a little bit of time together and it's time to go to bed and do it all over again. 

Dave:  I'm gonna do all that to possibly contact who knows what out in the open air because who knows what the hell's going on out there. I'm no scientist, but let me tell you some main ad and up here then the risk reward doesn't seem like it makes sense for me. You know what I mean? To go out and leave my house for $15 an hour. You know, it's really in the service industry. It's even less than that, isn't it? Because they don't have to pay you you rely on tips. And then you get these my wife and I were just outraged. Just thinking about bad tempers we were talking about it.

Ebony: Has a special place in my heart too. Yeah, the bad tip. So this is pretty bad. I'm just so glad I found Legendary because with the training I've been given and learning it and then putting it into action. 

Dave:  So I want to do a follow up with you and I want to signal my team or everybody to follow up and get something scheduled. Maybe in 45 days we will bring you back in. I want to talk about Pinterest with you. And it looks like you're doing some Pinterest stuff. And that's really exciting. I mean, you're also doing tick tock which we've got your tick tock you know ebony brown hustle if you're listening to Vinnie brown hustle spelled just like it sounds. But you're also doing you're also doing Pinterest. Let's give the people one tip on each platform. And then we'll bring you back for round two. Let's start with tick tock. Then we'll go to Instagram then we'll go to Pinterest.

Ebony: Post every single day on TikTok. Make up how many?

Dave:  How many times because some people say five times a day. Some people say once a day. Are you going quantity or quality?

Ebony: I would say starting out from zero followers like I did. You need to post three times a day. You either make up some content, put it in your drafts post three times a day consistently. Once you start getting some traction you can go down to once a day but if you want to just keep exploding your views and your followers. Try to post three times a day and stay consistent with it every single day Monday, all the way to Sunday and do it every day, every day.

Dave:  So these are folks how to get started which is what most people need even though so many of us go through training and we still are like what's the first step but it's not because the training doesn't tell you the first step it's just because that's human nature. So don't don't don't feel like it's just getting started. Sometimes the best way to go in the polls is belly flopping and now you're in. Oh, let's go to Instagram. Give us one nugget there that has really helped you.

Ebony: So Instagram is more of a nurturing platform. So you want to also be posting at least once a day. It's good to post your stories and let the people see you. You and your personal life. Maybe you're just cooking dinner. You like making delicious tacos tonight. Post every single day consistently every single day. Post on your stores every single day. Pinterest, Pinterest. Also again, I'll say it again, posting every single day on Pinterest is also one of the most important things on Pinterest, realize that it is not a social media platform. It isn't a search engine. So you want to have searchable when somebody types in the search bar they want to find you find out how to make yourself searchable and as it across all three platforms. Be consistent and show up for yourself every day. And that's it.

Dave:  And I like that perspective because it also allows you to if you're truly motivated by, I mean, you being happier and having a better life, which I think everybody is. I don't know if everybody's motivated about making everybody else happy. I mean, we are I think in some parts of our lives and now. Now it might be time to be focused on making you happy, right and building your not even building your dreams. But what do you want? What do you want to be doing? I was listening to something, a guy that was talking about how he has really gotten in shape. And he says he gives himself a he's, he has to get started and do five minutes. I have to at least get started in five minutes. And then if I get there and I don't want to continue, then I don't have to. I can stop if I get on the elliptical and I've done my five minutes and get off and I can stop but what I find is, is the majority of the time when I start something I want to continue I want to keep doing it. And so anyways, there's been a lot of things that you've said today that are helpful in helping us get started. And that is what I believe and what I've found. The number one challenge is just getting started in that it's such a simple yet complicated thing and it's even something that I'm working on and it shifted my view on how I view child development because I used to view it with my own children, specifically my five year old daughter. Well, she's riding horses right now. She needs you know to keep her in it so she can continue so she understands what commitment is so she understands what stain was something for a long time is my trend. What am I training in order to be here? I gotta be careful, right? I mean, because Stan was somewhere for a long time. 40 hours 40 weeks. We better be careful here. But instead I read something that changed the perspective that I have on her forever. And it's that what's most important for a child when they're young is to learn how to start something. So they try many different things. It's not a bad thing. It's not that they're, you know, can't stick with something. You know all the ways that we label children and try to make them as if they're doing something wrong. They're just being children. Like, she can't stick with anything. She's always she's always, you know, it's like what was wrong with me as a child learning how to get started with something. It's a skill, it's a skill and so, man, my daughter has done gymnastics. She's done horse riding and I mean we've done baseball and all this kind of stuff in the backyard. She's doing acro in dance. Baseball didn't stick but now she's getting started with baseball at school. I mean, I've just watched her get started with things and that's a skill set. And is in with you. I really just recognize that in you because you got any you got started in just that is one of the biggest challenges for people. One last piece of advice on the psychology you've laid out for us : you've got a unique psychology that I'm doing it for me and I'm showing up for me and that's how I show myself respect and have dignity. But give us another practical tip or something else about the Getting Started piece about going insane getting started or even if today somebody has you know, fumbled or procrastinate or whatever or just they've been marinate, let's not even label it. Let's not even label it negatively because maybe this is the exact time that you've needed to take. Okay? Let's not shame ourselves because we haven't got started or whatever. Well let's just say hey, you know what I took the training I'm getting started is not coming as naturally to me right now. So Ebony What do you think might be helpful for you? 

Ebony: Do you use the word procrastinate? I am a terrible procrastinator. So this is something that I have been working on. I feel like my whole life. So when I started with Legendary, I just pulled the trigger and started. I didn't let myself, I didn't allow myself to procrastinate because I realized that I have got to do something. And so when you know that in your mind, it can create a sense of urgency within yourself and within your situation. So when you rent when you realize that urgency you get started. Do not wait. Just do it. Just do it. Getting started is the hardest part. But once you get started you will see that it is not as hard as you thought it was gonna be. You have a lot in you and you just have to get started and start bringing it out. It's not the most comfortable thing because it may be something you've never done. before. Never even heard of anybody that you know, doing this. And you may feel like you're not one of those people that's going to be able to do this. You can do anything you want to do. You just have to get started. And once you do that you use the training that you've been given by legendary you put that into practice, and you just start doing it. Little by little, don't overwhelm yourself, do a little bit every day, but you get started and you remain consistent. Get started. Be consistent. Get started. With us. That's the secret sauce. Get started. Be consistent. That's it

Dave:  because you're because your customers are on in their email every day, aren't they? Every day. They're on social media every day, aren't they? Every day they take days off. Did they take days off? I doubt it. I don't there's not there's not a single day that I take a day off from I mean it it's a big deal. I mean, it's really like bringing the National Guard if we're gonna put our phone away for the day. You know what I mean? It's like we take it into Fort Knox and lock this thing up. I'm going off the grid for a day. Everybody. Let the CIA the White House. No, I won't. I will be unavailable off social media and messages. Please no. I mean, you see cats on social media. They're like, I won't be responding to messages. For the next era haven't gotten back to you the next day. It's like shit, I ain't got meglumine Six months you know these cats are apologizing for not getting back to in a day. But it's true. Your customers don't take a break. So why would you and it's so easy nowadays, to just create content, throw it up in drafts and schedule it? I mean, I don't think enough folks are working smart. I mean, this is really a business where you can work so smart and the only gift that you get from working smart is more leverage. You get more, you get more, you know, more fuel. Why? Because if you're working smart and you're getting results, your channels are going to blow up and your email list is going to grow. Your TikTok is going to grow and your YouTube videos are going to start getting recommended to more people to not even from you pushing them so it snowballs and really only positive things can happen from you getting started and, and and you know, taking action right away. It's really quite a phenomenon. You can get burnout, but it's very different from a traditional job to where you are going there and driving home and you're both mentally and physically burnout. It's somewhat difficult to get burnout on this website. You'll get bored before you get burnout and begin to self sabotage because you're bored. And that's another level of entrepreneurship we can discuss when any of you are there, because I've done that a couple of times in my career just because I was bored. So sabotage your entire business and that's going to be the next chapter of this conversation. Oh we're gonna leave that cliffhanger there. Thanks, everybody. And Ebony, you keep up the rock star effort with absolutely amazing attitude and incredible work and we'll get you scheduled for a follow up if you'd be willing to come on and keep spilling the goods. Yeah. All right. All right. Well, hey, keep up the great work and stay legendary my friend and we'll talk to you soon.

Ebony: Thank you, Dave.

Dave:  You can follow Ebony everyone on TikTok and Instagram at a very simple handle even if you're listening. @Ebonybrownhustle spelled exactly like it sounds. And you can follow me on Pinterest which maybe we can get her to come back here pretty soon and spill all her secrets about Pinterest. At ebony brown hustle, make money in marketing. Let me bring her right back in here real quick and ask her something. Is your handle ebony brown hustle on Pinterest?

Ebony: It is it is the same thing across the board

Dave:  Across the board. That consistent branding. Gotcha. All right. We'll talk to you later. She's awesome. All right, my friends. Good episode. Awesome conversation. With Ebony and go go really lift her up and show her some support. Okay. Everybody in this community has something to contribute and you know, has something to offer both to people who can potentially become customers but also to us. And I hope that I'm showing you and leading the charge by coming and learning from our own students. I mean, these are people that shouldn't be the guru and no, because I've got to learn as hard as students are. So I just want to learn from people who have taken maybe a piece of education that I've created, and maybe they've taken it and they've done something more incredible with it than I could have ever done. Don't you think I know that? Yes. So this is about really learning from each other. And it's just incredible what we can learn in 45 minutes from somebody who's recently gone through this training and applied it like that. I think what's rare, it's somebody who's done something 10 years ago. It's somebody who's recently used the same training that you're going through and applied it to get results. You heard that multiple times throughout this interview. So there's nobody better to listen to and learn from them than that person I mean, that's just my opinion, because they're succeeding right now. Right? So anyways, okay, amazing interview to go back and re-listen to as well. If you're new and you feel like maybe there were some things that slipped through the cracks there. And we'll see you all tomorrow. Same time, same place. For another episode. Be Legendary.


The Best Time To Upload Content To TikTok

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Good morning, everybody. Happy Wednesday, April 6. Well, good morning, anybody. It's morning because I guess there's some people around the world who think it might be evening or afternoon, wherever you are, whatever time it is. Thanks for tuning in and welcome to the show. My name is Matt and I post this occasionally, here and there typically Dave is Dave sharps hosting four days a week and I host one day a week. I've been covering the first few days of this weekend. They will be back tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. We live five days a week and have been for a really long time. We go live with people who are in our community, brand new people, people who have years of experience. It's kind of a wide range of people who are just all over the place in their journey online. A lot of or I should say most of them are just discovering. Discovering the sort of business model that they like to run. They're discovering how to get traffic, things like that. So we try to unpack a little bit about how they're doing that. Before we dive in with our guests for the day. I also want to just quickly mention, you text the letters WUL  to 8132968553. We have lots of people subscribed to our text message subscription. Every single morning that we go live you'll get a text message and it's just It simply gives you a little Winky just tap right in there. Super simple. And this morning we are living with a guest. Her name is Christie and she works full time as well. She has a full time job and then also has a full time job as a mom too. And let's bring in Christie for everybody who's here. Can you give us a big round of applause in the comments and welcome to Christie. What's up?

Christy: Good morning.

Matt:  Morning. Where are you calling in from?

Christy:  From my house. From my house in Florida.

Matt: Awesome. Well, thanks for coming on the show. Tell us a little bit about how you found legendary. Tell us a little bit about how you know you're doing pretty well. Now you're earning money. This is making you money. Tell us a little bit about how you know we're working overtime hours and how this sort of supplement works. This supplemental income from your online business has sort of changed a bit about your life and I find your questionnaire answers and stuff to be really relatable. So tell us a little bit about that.

Christy: Yes, absolutely. So I used to work 50 plus hours a week. That includes weekends. So Saturday and Sunday. And then like you mentioned I'm a mom of a one year old son. So 50 plus hours for me it's a lot of hours, maybe for some people it's not like that, that much of hours but it is a lot for me. But I never got to see my son because I had to leave for work really early. He's still asleep. And then by the time I got home, it was time for him to go to that so I never really got to see him and then I feel like I miss out a lot. And this is growing so much so fast and then I just want to be there you know, like experienced the whole thing and then I was actually on Tik Tok. I came across a legend on Tik Tok and I feel just like most people, I was skeptical at first I told my husband. He was skeptical at first, but I did my research. I did my research before I finally decided to start and I read a lot of good things about legendary from people's reviews and then I went to the website and there's just a lot of good, convincing information. So I finally decided to do the course. And by that I mean, it changed my life. Like right now I am able to like transition to work less hours to just 40 hours and it just changed my life in a way that I I don't have to worry about not making enough anymore and yes, I still work full time I still work my nine to five job but that's the job that I choose. Not the one that I feel trapped in so.

Matt: Super cool. I love it. And as you're sort of building out it will take us back to the you know, the moment you find legendary and you purchase it you start to get in the training. What's your thoughts as you're going through the challenge Are you like wow this is really cool Are you like I don't know if I can do this like

Christy:  I'm really grateful like I'm extremely benefited by it. It's really resourceful. So what I remember is what really got my attention. So when I did my research, like I said I saw a lot of good reviews about it. And then when I actually went to the website, I liked the fact that the emphasis is on. It's not like it's not like oh, it's easy, you know, like take this course and then you'll be successful. I believe you'll be able to do this no like the emphasis is on this course as it will be helpful to you. If you put in the work like if you're not if you don't want to put in the work. If you don't want to do that then don't take the course and that what really got me is knowing that he has the course will be helpful and it is really helpful like I started with zero knowledge and then and then I learned everything. I'm really thankful but the fact that I like most of the contribution is from me putting what I learn into action that is what really got me by and the course is really really helpful like it's so structured. It's literally it can be a little overwhelming at first by yeah but as I go like it starts to make more sense. And it's great.

Matt: Super cool. Did you when you got started so have you ever really liked doing content creation at all before like, what was your social media life like before this?

Christy:  Um, I like to not really No, I mean, I like to pose like something like random fun, but I never really like creating content like seriously.

Matt  Yeah, like it's what did you find? It easy or was it hard or like

Christy:  it's hard and easy at the same time. Like in my mind, I was just just enjoying the process like I don't need to stress out about it. Like you're not wasting your time you're learning might as well have fun with that. So yeah, that's what I've been doing just to enjoy the process. And just have fun. That's cool.

Matt: That's cool. So you've got what you have on Tik Tok? No, like 8000 followers. When was when you first started creating videos and what's how many like Do you have a set amount that you post or like what's your How do you go about the content creation?

Christy:  Yeah, so my first Tik Tok toe video I posted back in December. 2021. So in my mind, like, I'm gonna try my best to stay consistent, but I don't want to stress about it. Like I feel like part of the learning like don't stress about it, just enjoy the process. So my goal is to just stay consistent. Like if I could only post like two or three times a week, as long as I stay consistent, then it's fine for me. I think in the beginning, I was able to post like, I think two or three videos a day, but now I think I do like at least once a day.

Matt  Okay. Cool. I like that routine of like, once a day. Sometimes people are like, I post like, eight times a day and I'm like, dude, like,

Christy:, if I could do it, I would like yeah, that's really impressive. Like I would do it if I could, but

Matt  yeah, but I've also been telling people I think it's really important to make the pieces of content that you're putting out like to make them quality, rather than just non stop like just posting garbage. You know,

Christy:  right. Yeah, no, that's true. Be like even if I don't know what to pose like, I would go back to my comment section and then because like at one point, I get like multiple comments and then I try I will try my best to answer all of their questions so that I would go back and then if I can make a video out of it, I will. Or just like if I don't know what to post, I would be like, Hey, if you have any questions, let me know. Email me and just try to be helpful, like, yes, you're right. Like it's quality over quantity. Right? So just provide value, and all that good stuff.

Matt: Yeah, totally. I feel like you're from a content perspective. It looks really good. Like the quality is really good. And it to me, the reason I was asking about like, you know, did you find it hard or whatever it seems like you kind of jumped in right away and it was just kind of like you're off and running but from your first content videos, to now I definitely see an improvement to like, it's it's definitely you can see how over time you've started to learn and adapt and like feel out the algorithm a little bit more. That makes sense. What um, what are you on any sort of are you on any other platforms at all? Have you heard of any other platforms?

Christy:  Just Tik Tok for now. Wow.

Matt  Cool. Mastering Tik Tok. I like it. Um, and then, over time, do you feel like what's sort of the bigger picture like are you gonna? Are you going to stay in this job that you're currently in for a while until you sort of prove the concept bigger with more income? Are you going to build out on other social platforms like where do you see this going? I'm so curious.

Christy:  Right? So right now, I've been enjoying Tik Tok. I will want to do Instagram eventually. I will have to like to learn or I might as well just do it. We'll see. But yeah, so right now Tik Tok. The next step that I would take is probably I would take it to Instagram. Cool. That's the plan and then just, you know, build like, build another community, a great community on Instagram.

Matt  Yeah, yeah. You know what? I've been telling everybody this for the last couple of weeks on our Blueprints, training and on these lives. You know, when you go and do that, make sure that you don't miss out on Facebook reels also. Those are the amount of energy and sort of algorithm power that Facebook is putting into Rails right now. Is, is getting close to I think is getting close to what Tik Tok is that I don't think any site has really gotten super close, but I think that the amount of views and people following Facebook fan pages right now is something I haven't really seen since like 2010 or something like a long time back. Back when Facebook fan pages were a thing. And then and then maybe five years ago or so, Facebook, maybe four or five years ago, Facebook made this change, where they basically said we're not going to give any organic reach to our Facebook fan page. It's all going to be groups. And they're kind of backtracking now and realizing that was a mistake and because now everybody's on Tik Tok because it's the only place you can post organic content and grow a business. Yeah.

Christy:  Great.

Matt  Yeah, but don't you know if I were you Yeah, look into Instagram but also make sure that you know, cuz you can post things to Instagram that also go to your Facebook and it just connects directly over to your Facebook. So like just when you do that, it would be crazy to not also have your Facebook fan page set up so you can start growing that day because that's the beauty about the beauty about Facebook. If I can just rant for a second the beauty about Facebook is there's a lot to hate about Facebook. First of all, I know a lot of things about Facebook but the beauty about Facebook is that it's a storytelling platform, right. So the level to which you can engage is much broader. You can post photos, you can post long, written posts that are basically blog posts. You can post images, videos, all kinds of stuff. On different platforms and stuff like that. So yeah, it's it's yeah, it's just super, super powerful. And I think it seems like it's over the last 30 days. It's really been on the up and up and I'm telling everybody you know you should be omnipresent when you're creating your videos. You should be honest ceramiche Man, you already know this but yeah, so cool. This is awesome in your content creation and everything and you've got your side job like how are you finding that time? I'm mostly curious how you're finding the time for this like, Do you Do you now work typically like 40 hours a week and you come home afterwards and do it in the evening after the baby sleeps or like what? What does a typical day look like? This is crazy.

Christy: Yes. So after work, I would guess. Well, I do most of my work on the weekend. Like I said, work by it's just like one to two hours a day, sometimes less just to. Well, I check my email every day. But, like, on the weekend, I would just check my finals. And my email is to see if I need some improvement. I'm going to come up with a marketing strategy like a content strategy. I also record most of my content like on the weekend. So yeah, but yeah, it only takes like one to two hours. A day, sometimes less. And then yeah, after work. Now that I work like 40 hours, only 40 hours a week. I have a lot of free time. I mean, I come from working with people's hours. So anyways,

Matt  it's just funny because like, you know, I hear people all the time are like well, I've got a full time job or you know, 38 to 40 hours a week and I just don't have any time and you're like, Yeah, everything's like perspective.

Christy:  Yeah, no, I really love my job like I do. That's why I'm so thankful for the Corps from like, the fact that you know, I'm like at this point because like I said, like it's the job that I choose like it's great. It's like having an in house daycare for my son. So yeah, like being able to like transition. So like, I'm really grateful that after work, I would just respond to email and basically I'm trying to get back to people who ask me questions as soon as possible.

Matt: Yeah, that makes sense. And doing the content on the weekends makes a lot of sense, too. Because do you like batch content when you do that?

Christy: Yeah. I tried to do that. Yes. Nice.

Matt: Yeah. I feel like you know, batching maybe like five to 10 videos, and then you can post them over the course of the week which just makes your job and life a little bit easier. Have you ever played around with posting it at different times throughout the day? Do you have a time that you post that works best?

Christy: Yes, I do. But like even then. Even then it's not always 100% guaranteed like during this time yesterday it performed really well doesn't mean that it's gonna perform well for today or like the same day next week. So right now, yes, I used to have a specific time, okay, I have to post at this time, but now I just like whenever I have time, I'll just post it like I don't really care. Like I mean, I'm not gonna post at two o'clock in the morning. I feel like that's silly by you know, like, lunchtime afterward, just whenever I can. Yes. I don't really.

Matt: Yeah, it's just fascinating. I've had people from like, I've had people on the East Coast tell me that posting like, around nine or 10 pm has worked good for them. And then I've had other people who post like around then tell me you know, I didn't get any traction until I posted at like 6am. And for some reason I posted at 6am. And it just sort of like, take that in. And I just went super viral.

Christy:  It's just funny like with Tik Tok. I feel like how you say it, like sometimes I don't think it Matters what time like I used to think that it matters, but I don't think it matters anymore. Because let's say that you post at seven o'clock and then your views are low. And then at 11 o'clock, it would get like so many views so I don't think the time matters as much as the content that you post. Bingo. Yeah. Yeah, don't stress about it. Like for any of you watching, like don't stress about when to post, just focus on posting good quality content.

Matt: You just did. You just yeah, you just did something that I really like every week with people on webinars on our training webinars. I'm always asking these questions. And then I just did that dumb thing where I'm like, Well, what about the time that you post and you're like, Dude, it's you just did exactly that. It's dude, it's not the time that you versus the content that you pose. And it's so true, because there's people who asked me if this happens with hashtags. How many hashtags Should I post? Which hashtags? Should I post one hashtag and 10 hashtags? What should I do? And it's like, dude, like, videos could go viral with zero hashtags, like no hashtags at all. If the contents are amazing and you've got a great hook, the first three seconds, you've got a really compelling like, sort of quick moving video and a good call to action, or just things and then it starts over quickly. It can absolutely go viral fast, and basically all that other stuff doesn't even really matter. In fact, I recently saw this guy, you know, because people talk a lot about how hashtags put you into the right sort of place or, you know, whatever a topic and and, and, and I've seen multiple people in the last couple of weeks as you know, I stopped using hashtags because it helps me get more exposure. It helps me dive outside of this small little niche, make money online and actually new people are discovering me again. Fascinating. Yeah. Do you typically use just like a couple hashtags? Is that your strategy?

Christy: Yes. Just throwing. Yeah, I mean, you don't want to use a random hashtag you want to like, you want to make it as relatable as possible to your content. Yeah, you can't and then I wouldn't like coffee to use the same exact hashtag in the same order. I would Yeah, like, make it as relatable as possible.

Matt  Yeah, the more that you the more that you just use the same thing, same same caption and hashtags and stuff there their platform is going to look at your profile and be like, hey, something's a little bit fishy

Christy:  here.

Matt: Well, cool. This is awesome. Congrats on all of your success and see you Oh, yeah, okay. 8400 Yeah. Was it Oh, yeah. I was just saying congrats on all of your success. And if there's people out here who are watching, listening, tuned in. For those people who are maybe hesitant, they're going to set up their Tik Tok or their Instagram or their Facebook or YouTube or something. This week, and they're a little hesitant or something. What advice would you give them? What would you say to them? They're, they're nervous, and they're just like, they're feeling like geez, I don't know if I can do this.

Christy:  Um, so first of all adults press out about it. And during the process, have fun. Believe that you can do anything you can be whatever you set your mind to. Like I had several people email me, and then typically they would start with like they would give me like a little bit of their background like, Hey, I'm a mom are like, let's say for example, I'm a student, I'm trying to like they have my student loan. So can you help me with this? You know, affiliate marketing business and then what I always tell them is that, yes, you are more than capable of making it happen. You can do anything, you can do anything. You set your mind to set a goal. Stay focused on that goal. Stay consistent, put in the work and you will be doing just fine. Results will come and then I will be a beginner myself. And it's really hard because you want to see results right away. You want to see big results right away. Like I remember when I first started, I have this goal, like you know, a big goal. I won big results already. But over time I learned to just celebrate the small victory. You're new to it. Enjoy the process. Have fun, celebrate that. That first first email that you got your first lead like your first sale like my first commission. It's just like it's a really small commission, but I was so happy because it means that it works like you know, like until a beginner and it works and um, yeah, just celebrate the small picture victory and then just know that everyone's journey is different. And yeah, so yeah, and then I was gonna mention something about and then the thing about the course. The thing that I love about the course is that you can find answers like it has answers for everybody. It has training like legendary is there. No matter where you are on your online business journey, whether you're a beginner, whether you did something in the past, and you were really successful, and then you want to try again, like legendary has all the answer. I feel like for me, personally, that I think, Oh, that's cool. Yeah,

Matt  yeah, I feel like between Yeah, that's really well set between the training and then just the people that you connect to and are in the community. That's, I think everybody who comes on the show says, you know, the people here, and the people around are so helpful. Oh, that's really cool. Thank you. For that word of inspiration. That's really cool. And I also you know, I also just wanted to say for everybody who's listening or watching, you know, Chrissy did this, when she was working like 50 hour weeks and had a kid at the time under one right they were like six months or something. I mean, it's funny because there's so many differences and I don't, I don't know if excuses are the right thing, but there's maybe it is the right word, I don't know. But I like to think of it just more as like stories we tell ourselves in our head and we tell ourselves this story of like, Oh, I just don't have enough time or oh, you know, because we don't want to make our spouse mad or we don't want to take up time, you know, that we have to spend with friends or something but the truth is, is if you want something bad enough, I think like to get proof of this. It's like if you want something bad enough, you'll set up boundaries. And you'll say hey, this matters to me. And this could be a lot of things in life, relationships, Online Business, Education, whatever it is, but I think you know, what I took away today was you know, in the midst of a pretty hectic chaotic life, I would guess. You've got a lot going on and you found time so you didn't find time you made time. You made the time by setting hard boundaries. And and you went after and did it and and I feel like you're just getting started to your contents like going up. You're getting tons of leads. You're making sales, your incomes are growing month by month. over month so you're just crushing so well done and congrats on the success any final words? No.

Christy:  Yeah, just give any of you watching this keep crushing it like I said, just enjoy the process and yes, make the time to make it change in your life because your life will change. And you have that chance to make a change in your life. Take that chance and just just go for it. Just do it.

Matt: Super cool. I love it. Thanks so much. Christy I'll put up your TikTok so people can follow you and thanks again. Yeah, thank you. Yeah. All right. Here is Christy’s TikTok you can follow her at @christy.cdj and go follow her and watch some of her content. There's some really impressive, like viral videos that she's had that you know, when I watched them I thought there was interesting little algo the algorithm things that she's done in her videos that I think you could take away a tip or two from for everybody who's watching listening, make sure to go give her a follow and just give her a little shout out. Just say I found you on wakeup legendary and let her know what was inspiring to you. And someday you'll be on this show and Christy will be watching and then she'll go follow you. For everybody. Have a good rest of your Wednesday. Dave. We'll be back tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. For more wakeup legendary so make sure you tune in. We'll see you back here tomorrow on Thursday. Peace Out

What To Do When Your Marketing Isn’t Working

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt:  Good morning every Tuesday. My name is Matt if you don't already know me, I put this up here on the screen this side text and WL 813-296-8553 If you're new if this is the first time you've ever watched our show you can text those letters WUL to 813-296-8553. And you'll get a message every single time that we go live. It's well I don't think mine has come through quite yet but it's just a simple little message and Nope, there we go. I got it. So it just pops up right on your phone. You can tap and I mean it literally just shoots you right into Facebook Live and bows there. So it's a super easy way to get access to the show to never miss an episode and always, always show up on time. And yeah. Excuse me, I woke up with allergies today. Also, you can get a shirt just like this. If you would like it is BeLegendary.shop. You can go there. And there's all sorts of clothing items, things like that, that you can purchase. They're very fairly priced. And they're cool, man. They're cool. Here you can see we've got hoodies, we've got cups, mugs, all sorts of cool stuff so you can get that to b=Be Legendary. Got to the shop and we got a little bit of a late start this morning. We were figuring out our guests. I think we figured it out although we have not done a video or soundcheck So, no clue how this will go. We'll see. But I'm really pumped that our guests were able to make it today. So if you all can give me a little bit of a hand clap emoji in the chat just to welcome in our guests for the day. Nicole, what's up?

Nicole:  Can you see me?

Matt:  Yeah, it's all working. Well, it was meant to be. How are you? Good. Good.

Nicole:  So sorry for the delay. I actually had to change a doctor's appointment this morning and luckily they got me in and out right away. So everything's good. That's awesome.

Matt:  That's awesome. I am I yeah, I read through your bio and we're super bummed that you work and we'll make it and then I was super bummed that you are able to make it so awesome. Cool. So where are you from? Pennsylvania.

Nicole:  Yeah, Erie, Pennsylvania. It's actually really nice out today. I'm sitting in my car because I literally ran out like I gotta make it. So I'm sitting like, the lake is like right to the left of me. It's really nice out.

Matt:  Awesome, super cool. I love it. And you are you've got a full time job. You're doing other stuff you've got just tell us about you tell us about like I just love the way that you wrote your body. So for those of you who don't know, we have a little bio that people fill out before they come on the show and I just love the way that you wrote your bio. And Stephen tells us a little bit about you and your passions and what you do for work and how you found us.

Nicole:  So I like to have my own horn and talk about myself so I live in Erie, Pennsylvania. I work in the insurance industry. So I work at Erie Insurance full time. I'm actually probably one of the few that actually loves my nine to five so awesome. I picked this up as a side hustle because I previously worked as the director of marketing for five years for a custom automobile shop. So I wanted to learn more about affiliate marketing so I could start building out affiliate websites for things like reviews on auto parts and stuff because I know a tremendous amount about lifting and wheels and tires and whatever. So I decided I needed something for myself, because the insurance industry for me is awesome. But it's not like I'm not in the marketing department yet. So I was missing marketing and I needed something for myself. To do like, just to like get myself back because you know, during COVID You kind of lose yourself because you're not around people. You kind of, you know, have to figure out who you are again, and that's kind of where I was going with this. It's like, I really want to do something for me and learn something and stop making excuses because I knew about affiliate marketing for like years, but I just never dove in. And legendary honestly is like the one thing that I needed to kick my butt like to get me into gear to show me what I needed to do step by step on how to do it. So now I'm here because this is my fourth month with everything set up. And I love it. It's so fun. It's challenging. You can, you know, broaden your horizons just from you know, obviously, selling the course and you know doing the course so here I am. 

Matt:  Wow. So you started like are everything back in like December?

Nicole:  Yeah. Yeah. Kind of took my time with it. Going back and forth. And then I think I was finally set up. I want to say it's like the end of December. I finally was set up with everything. So

Matt:  yeah. Wow. Good for you. That's super cool. And you're sort of like to tell us about how you said I think you said you were familiar with affiliate marketing or have been for a while. How have you been familiar with it? And what's that been like?

Nicole:  So beforehand, I knew all about Amazon and Amazon's affiliate program and I actually tried so I'm really into fitness as well. So I teach boxing three days a week. So I started Yeah, it's really fun. theory class worked out. So I started using a website called Change Your Life with fitness and I had no idea what I was doing. I was just like throwing links on there hoping that people would buy stuff from it and it just was awful. And didn't work so life got the best. May I get really busy. Making excuses really puts time for myself. I really just kept putting my last career job before myself. So then, that time I was like, Man, I saw it on Tik Tokk again as I got to do this. I'm just gonna take the chance. Probably like most people, they're like, oh, I don't know about the core. So I don't know. It seems weird. It's kind of scary to put your credit card on the internet. But I'm so happy I did because like now I know what I'm doing.

Matt:  Yeah, no, you know what you're doing. I mean, at the very least you have a really good sort of, like, it's obvious that you've, you've got a good business going. I mean, you're just at the very beginning but you're generating lots of leads and you're making sales. And that's cool. And it's a testament to you know, something. I mean, you guys something I mean a lot of people go through training online and do nothing and can't ever figure it out. Not a lot but there's definitely some and yeah you're crushing. You're crushing. What I'm curious about is content creation, so going from a standard kind of marketing job is very different from being a content creator sometimes. What's that process been like? Have you found it hard? Easy? What's the content creation game but like?

Nicole:  There's a lot of parallels actually. So I have to figure out obviously your target market which I think that's for me the hardest part because you know, I'm all about women empowerment. But I'm also like, I love cars on that side of the thing. So it's really hard for me because I think that the people that are most successful with legendary, they pick a target market like parents or single dads or moms or the busy working you know, they pick a very specific target market. So I think that's why I've been struggling on my side. It's like, I just love everybody. I target it will be whereas my previous job, there was a very targeted market like you know exactly who you were targeting, you knew exactly how to target them. So for me, it's been like a lot of like, putting content out and then learning from it. Checking your analytics and learning from the content that you put out. You obviously know what videos do well, what videos don't, what photos do well, what photos don't. So I think that a really important thing for beginners is like don't be afraid to put a lot of content out there to learn from, but make sure that you're looking back at using it. So that's kind of been my strategy right now is just putting the content out and then learning from it and figuring out what people like and what people don't like. 

Matt:  Yep, makes sense. And for you I mean, you've been creating a lot of videos with a lot of content. Are you mostly on TikTok?

Nicole:  TikTok, the most successful platform, so I'm on Instagram. I started a Facebook group, but for me, like being in the marketing world, it's important to really like strategize and put your time into what works so I am like, dabbling in Pinterest and Instagram but mainly putting my foot on TikTok just because like, I mean, I do work full time. Job, and then I teach well, and then try to be a family person. So I want to concentrate on what's actually working. So yeah, mainly Tik Tokk, and every Tuesday so today's Tuesday, I usually create my content and I batch it out. 

Matt: Yeah, that makes sense. And so are you reposting it across multiple platforms and stuff?

Nicole:  Yeah, yeah. So I do pretty much what most of the other affiliate marketers you see do is you know, you're screenshotting the video from TikTok and then sharing it across platforms and that seems to work but I think that there is strategy in Instagram and Pinterest. They're very different from TikTok. So I think I'm going to try to start changing that strategy just because honestly, I think Instagram people really like to see photos. I mean, real schoolwork, but I honestly think photos work the best and then Pinterest I honestly think showing the product when Yeah, so I'm trying to see what my theories are right now let you guys know but yeah.

Matt: Cool. I like this. If you know, I have this, I have this thought here that I'm going to share my screen but since you're on a phone, I'm not sure this is going to work. But let me see. Let me see if I can share my screen.

Nicole:  Okay, yeah, I can see.

Matt:  Alright, so I'm gonna have Roxy email this to you but also put it in the comments here for everybody who's watching or listening. But what this is is this is a life that I did for wakeup. It was March 2013. Okay, so anybody listening, you can go to our Facebook page and go to legendary marketer official Facebook page, go to videos go to march 23. And I did something called the nonstop social cycle. Or I talked about something called the non stop social cycle. And the reason that I talk about this so much is because of what you just said and it brought this up, or it brought it to the forefront of my mind. For those of you who are alive with us, I'm going to put it in the chat but don't leave because I want to tell you about why this is so important. Just copy that link and save it for later. Um, the reason this is so important is because you were talking about you know, Instagram a little bit there a little bit on Pinterest a little bit. They're mostly on Tik Tok. What I think is happening and you should go watch this, Nicole. What I think is happening is a lot of these platforms are competing against each other. And in their competitions against each other. They keep updating their algorithms and stealing pieces of algorithms. And so a lot of times people what people do is they say, Oh, no TikToks not hot anymore. It's no Instagram. Oh no, it's Facebook. They're hot now. And so I'm going to focus more my energy here, when in reality, the goal should be to be omnipresent meaning you should have a piece of content going out on each platform once a day or you know, however, often you're able to do that there's no right or wrong or golden, perfect amount of posts. But you know, you're talking about Pinterest, you're talking about Instagram. You should also hop on Facebook reels with a business page. There was a time about 10 years ago where Facebook business pages could grow and then suddenly they couldn't anymore and that's kind of been the case for like the last six years. But we're seeing that change now. Facebook has made huge leaps to take. You know what TikTok has been doing in terms of the short form video content on reels Facebook reels and anyway just doing a really good job of helping Facebook pages grow and the benefit there is you can post to your Facebook page to you know written word you can post photos images, you can make a full brand for people on that page too. So anyway, I would encourage everybody just to go take a look at that. I wanted to share that because being omnipresent allows you when these platforms change if you're on Instagram, if you're on Facebook, if you're on TikTok. All of those the moment one of them goes hot, it doesn't really matter for you. You're not like oh, the TikToks are dead. It's just kind of like well, yeah, I'm on all of them anyway, it doesn't really matter. And you get to ride every single wave rather than trying to chase the wave. After it's sort of already starting to break and you're like, dang it, I missed it again, you know, it's the shiny object syndrome thing, but a good marketer is kind of out there and in front of it. So, tell me why you think Well, first of all, does that make sense? Yeah. Okay. Tell me tell me your thoughts on that whole Pinterest thing about? Is it just observation where you're like product photos that seem to work really well?

Nicole:  Yeah, I would definitely be observation and searching like other people's Pinterest as well and seeing how they have been successful with their Pinterest is kind of shifting the focus to showing people the product and obviously putting it in front of them and then making it the shiny toy, you know, rather than talking about the product and then then maybe getting bored leaving the feed. So that's like my observation. Again, I could be totally wrong. But this watching the algorithms like you're saying, the popularity of each platform, that's kind of what I've noticed cross platform, because they may be making their algorithms the same but the users on those platforms. are different. So like, Tik Toks. Now it's kind of crazy. Now you have all kinds of people because before it was like teeny boppers on Tik Tokk and it was very seriously now you have like, actors and actresses and quote unquote famous people on their platforms, but Instagram has always been primarily people who just love to look at photos and don't really want to see the drama. Facebook's really been the people that like stories. They've they're storytellers on Facebook, after people's text and then Pinterest has always been quick . How do I do this? The How to or the products that people want to try to look up and buy. So I think that's the strategy I have always followed and maybe it's changing, you're probably right. And that's why marketing is so fun, because it's always changing and you always have to stay on top of it. And marketing spends tools because your strategy has to change, like you're saying and staying in front of you know, those changes. So I love that. That's awesome.

Matt:  No, it's so true. And I even think, Oh, that's such a good point. Just about like, I feel like it would be so beneficial for somebody to read like a really long blog post or some sort of ebook or something on just the history and evolution of social media and how that applies to marketing to like, the way that you know Facebook or storytellers, Instagrams, that kind of a photo driven thing. And you know, I think you're making a really, really subtle but huge point in that sometimes the original intent of a platform is the type of content he ought to be creating a lot of on that platform. Right? So not that not that you shouldn't ignore that Instagram reels are hot on Instagram right now. But you also have to realize if you're getting followers from that content on Instagram, you need to go post photos and images and lifestyle type stuff and you need to care about the images that you're posting, because people are there to look at them.

Nicole:  And the thing is, too is I think Instagram, I mean, all platforms, especially in affiliate marketing, you're selling yourself as much as you're selling the product, because let's be honest, if you're scuzzy and scammy looking and like your lifestyle, this is gonna be really fit. People aren't gonna buy from you. They're not going to trust you. I think Instagram is a really cool platform to really gain trust with people in them to see because you're posting actual photos of yourself. Like I tried to post photos of me traveling in my family and in my life, because this is what you know, affiliate marketing is helping me to better and so I think Instagrams just a really great place to show who you are, and why you're trustworthy and why you're important. And then TikToks are really a great place to do like those really quick stories on this is what's helping me with my journey, and this is why the course is awesome. And then Facebook, you can really drill it home and be like, hey man, like this is the steps I took. click my link, check it out, you know, you can bring it that step further. I'm also on LinkedIn, too, because I don't really ever see anybody posting their stuff on LinkedIn. And for me, LinkedIn does two things. It's a social platform for your career. But it's also a place where people look for jobs. So they could actively be looking for a work from home job. And you could be putting yourself right in front of them at that work for Home jobs. So that's why I'm trying out LinkedIn as well. People aren't as active but I just started as well, like three months ago.

Matt:  I think it's just valuable for people to have more ideas like I know. Well, look, I think that you've got a treat on LinkedIn, which is kind of like a blog. And you could do video there as well. But you've got to treat it like a blog, but you've also really got to like, You got to spend a little bit of time making that content really great, right? It needs to be readable. It needs to be compelling. I think it needs to almost be like a little bit of a sales letter. Where you know, you hope somebody in but the principles of marketing are all there you need a hook. You need some sort of story or nology or or powerful sort of just a compelling angle, I would say and then a call to action. But what I think is I wanted to I wanted to bring it back to sort of your your analyses of different platforms and stuff for everybody who's listening and watching if you if you don't have a really long history in social media or the internet, one thing that'd be really beneficial is like is basically getting some history and discovering what these platforms did when they first opened up and first started and Yes, they've evolved and changed over time. But really, for most of them, I would say their key core algorithm is still the same. For instance, YouTube has been long form video content, they've tried shorts and you know shorts for some people have worked a little bit but they've tried them and still the core driver of YouTube's business and for creators is long form video content. For people on Facebook, it's still like what you said storytelling. I think that's such a good point. The best ads that we've ever run on Facebook have been story ads that tell a long story and the saint and and have lifestyle style images like just selfies, like I've split tested at least six figures worth of ads with with like perfect stock images, and like really great photography images, versus me literally going like this, and just being like, ah, you know, and that image crushes every time every single thing else, because that's what the platform was designed. To share life with people like organic moments. Same with Facebook or Instagrams a little bit more image driven, Tik Tokk. They launched the thing called stories, right? But that's not their core thing. So there's always the new things that you should be trying and playing around with but if you're going to be on those platforms, you know, and I hadn't thought of that you articulated this. So what builds up something in me, if you're going to be on those platforms, you really have to discover what the platform's intent is and play with it with your content. It can still be the same sort of content structure or ideas. But you've got to sort of make those small tweaks.

Nicole:  Sort of prominently with the algorithm Yeah. That's such a good point.

Matt:  So and that's probably coming from a little bit of history that you have in marketing and now with this because this is this affiliate marketing is a little bit newer, but the truth is like you've been doing marketing for a little while and a lot of sets what's been has anything that a struggle in your marketing, Have you struggled with anything has anything been like? What's been the most difficult part?

Nicole:  I think the biggest learning curve for me just because at the last job I had when I was really in the marketing, we didn't do a whole lot of email marketing because the people that came to us it really wasn't a huge fit, email marketing I mean it would for promotions and stuff to try to get the buy upsell on wheels, tires or whatever. But I think for me, the hardest struggle right now is the email marketing portion of it just because I have a ton of leads coming in like a ton of leads but not all of them are converting which tells me I need to do a better job with the email marketing portion. So I think that's been the struggle for me. And one more point on the social media thing to broaden. I think the biggest thing is that TikTok is really about transparency. ever look at it. It's super genuine. It really follows the trends of Reddit like Reddit will hit it first and then TikTok\k will get it after Reddit. And it's because both those platforms are completely genuine. They like to see the inside and outside of your life. 100% phony baloney and you're putting out you know this stock stuff that doesn't work. It doesn't work for tickets because they want to see you like see the raw version of you and really learn from the Robert and the view and that's why a lot of people will do really well on Tik Tok because they're being genuine like this is them learning and they want you to learn with them. That's how I thought about it like, Man, this is so cool. Like affiliate marketing and legendary is so cool. And when people bash courses, I'm like, why are you doing that? It's like, not everybody learns the same way. Not everybody can jump on YouTube and just learn from YouTube. That was my struggle so there's a second struggle as I tried to learn from YouTube. There's no accountability. There's no structure and there's nobody to be like, Hey, what are you doing? Like are you doing this or what? I think the big thing for me to struggle with is email marketing. Yeah, and just the accountability of getting the course done and trying to learn.

Matt:  Totally, totally. It makes a lot of sense. I think that people would be good to learn to sort of ignore people who are like, you know, just, you know, throwing shade on different courses or different people and stuff, but mostly just because it's like it's it's like yeah, there's I here's what I here's my opinion is I've been in this industry for about 11 years. And I think that people, largely, especially people who come into our community, right as their first real exposure to something online. Generally speaking, and I could say this pretty objectively, I think we have a pretty good team of advisors and support people in most cases, unless we've got some sort of crazy staff shortage, which has happened, and it's happened in most companies over the last year. But unless there's some sort of crazy staff shortage or something, generally speaking, you're going to be able to get your questions answered. You're going to be able to get a refund if you need a refund or something right like, like in this industry, there have been so many irresponsible people who have created courses and not set up a company and have denied people refunds and different stuff like that and and really shady kind of and and so when people first come into legendary they, there's so much accountability, there's really good support. And when maybe when they get like a little glitch in that, like maybe we don't respond to support. They're like, Oh my god, like this, you know, whatever, you know, they suck or whatever and it's like, in 11 years, I can just tell you that there's a lot of places out there who I mean, you're lucky to get an email back from the course creator. You're lucky enough to get an email back within like three weeks. It's almost embarrassing and because they don't have the money or resources or time to hire support person or support team and they're overwhelmed and yada yada but I think you make a good point that the second point you made there too, is about just the accountability piece and I think that people learn different you said this, but people learn different ways. And I think it's important to know yourself, but you know, try and do YouTube stuff. There's debt. The thing is, and this is why some people don't like digital courses, or think they don't like digital courses, they'll say things like, Well, you could find some of this information on YouTube and it's like, yes, you definitely can. Like that's actually true. You can find information about sales funnels on YouTube. But the reason that courses and coaches and things like that are so incredible and you know, this is so incredibly powerful is because it's a guided experience. And many humans mostly it's learned through experience and doing and getting feedback and doing and getting feedback. And it really, really helps you know, with people connecting this part of, you know, let's call it like freelance digital marketing with their identity because it gets you know, when you've got a community around you, it's a much different experience than you tucked behind on a YouTube thing like Oh, shit. I do and maybe today I'm dropshipping. Tomorrow, marketing. Today I'm going to be starting the knitting business, you know, it's like, it's like there's no sort of guidance. There's no short of confidence from somebody else about what you should do or about how you know, all of that. So. Yeah, anyway, just my thoughts on that, but, I mean, we've got a person in here who just said, you know, I had to ask for a refund. And he said, legendaries are really responsible in this aspect. Because I live in Brazil and I just couldn't ask, you know, whatever. And, you know, he's like, he's like, you know, we got my refund. It's like, for us, it's, you know, for some, I think for some companies, they're a little scared. They're hesitant to do that. They don't understand the larger consequences, whatever. But for us, it's like, hey, it's just not a big deal. Like, there's never a reason

Nicole:  Other human beings should. I mean, everybody, I think that's the biggest thing in marketing itself is like, you have to realize that on the other side of that phone or the other side of your computer, it's a real human being like this is not just like you're not just the sale, you're not just like an ad you're like somebody that I want to connect with. So if that human being something happened in their life where they can no longer do it, like, I think that's so cool or legendary to be like, listen, we understand that you have like, that you're a real human being and that things happen. And here we go, here's your money back. I think that just proves even more that success and that you believe in this product and you believe what you're doing. Because if you're willing to give somebody their money back, you believe that hey, maybe down the road, if you treat them well now that they'll come back.

Matt:  So totally. And that has actually happened. We've had people who have bought our Blueprints refunded and realize they made a huge mistake and came back and purchased after they went out and explored these other offers. They have people saying in their ear you know, hey, are offers way better? You shouldn't have done that. And she kind of freaked out was like, Oh my God, what did I do? So then, you know, so then she, you know, went out and explored and she realized like, oh my god like, this is really amazing. Like, there is far and away better than what I experienced elsewhere and came back and purchased it to get Jeff you know, again, like not to just keep harping on my 11 years in the industry, but like, I have a long history in this industry. I have never seen that. That was a new one. But yeah, I think for the most part, I think a lot of times and we've I've seen this a lot, like just people come back around, they just they slowly kind of come back around. There's a lot to explore out there. And also, some people don't and that's also fine. Like it's it's, you know, I'm not going to pretend that everybody comes back around. It's it just doesn't work that way

Nicole:  But fit their life too. I mean, everybody's gonna find what fits them best. And if that's Nelson, probably not somebody that you want in your community anyways because they're just maybe not a fit, but it's the wrong thing. It just means that they found a different way to go about it.

Matt:  So okay, so you're creating content, you're putting out content in the world. You've got sort of your nine to five that you're killing and you love and by the way, like congrats on that, like so many people should have jobs and it's just like, to me, I'm just like, it's just not a big deal. Like that's like, it's just a much better life. If you have something that you're doing every day that you find value in and you're happy to be like, I'm just pumped for you. Because it's a cool thing. And you've also got a side hustle and you've got dreams and visions for that. And so what, I'll give you the last word, I'm excited for you, by the way, but I'll give you the last word to anybody. Who's here who's thinking about putting out their first piece of content, maybe they're a little scared or nervous or something. And what would you say to those people?

Nicole:  I love this. This is such a good editor. So I myself used to be terrified of making content like terrified gonna judge me, what if it stinks? You know, whatever. I have some advice for you. And this may be very simple 10 thinking but they don't pay your bills. They don't pay your bills. They're not going to be able to come to your doorstep and be like hey, listen, I'm taking your rent money this month. Blah, blah, blah. So take the chance in like, the more you build content, the more comfortable you're gonna get. And you're gonna realize like, there's a lot of people that probably will cling to you for you being transparent and for you just being you just be you. That's like, my biggest thing is like my biggest like, I don't know, my, I guess my trademark. I don't know, just be you. Because transparency is everything in this world. And people want somebody who's honest and transparent and straightforward. With them, like not trying to trick people because they're gonna see right through anyways. And that's like, the fastest way to kill your content, honestly, is if you try to trick people so a Don't be afraid. Just build content, you'll get more comfortable with it. And honestly, nobody can take your birthday and they don't pay your bills. So just go for it. And just be yourself. So that's like my best advice to people is just be yourself. People will see right through it because even though we're on camera and you can edit you can be you know, whatever. So going to see her you try to help as many people as you can. That was my biggest thing starting this is like I really wanted to provide a different kind of lifestyle for myself and for my family and people around me like I want to travel more. I want to explore and see life. I want to be able to give back to my community more. I want to be able to donate money here and there to different charities. And, you know, if I'm living paycheck to paycheck, I can't do that. So for me, it is big to really push myself to do something for myself, but also the people so don't be afraid. Take the leap and do it. You're going to regret that I was two years ago when I was researching this. I wish I would have found legendary then and then been on this journey. Alright, so just go for

Matt:  it. Super cool. I love it. I love your energy too. I'm gonna put up your social for people to follow you and to check out what you're doing. Is that cool?

Nicole:  It's awesome. Yeah, awesome. And guys have questions or anything. I'm always open to it. If you have suggestions, or let me know Do you

Matt:  I feel like yeah, I feel like you've got a really good idea for people to get into your world. You've got great positive energy and sometimes when people are starting this, people can become jaded or people can kind of get this. Like, I don't know just sort of insecure energy about them. And I just don't, I don't get that from you. And I think people would be good to get in your world. And yeah, so thanks so much,  over to your profile. Thank you everybody. Sorry. I was a little bit late. But thank you  for showing up. It was awesome. Worked out

Nicole:  Running out of the doctor's office to have me and I hope you guys all have a great day and just go for it. Just do it. Like Nike.

Matt:  Very cool. Enjoy the warm weather.

Nicole:  Thanks. All right, bye everybody.

Matt:  See ya. Alright, so she is @maake_money_online_today Go give her a follow and like her videos, say hello to her. Let her know that you found her on Wake Up Legendary. And, man, great episode, great episode. I referenced a video in this particular live show that we just wrapped up right now. That was from, I believe, March 23. And that is in the comments if you wanted to go find it. It's about 7:17am In the comments, but it's March 23 Wake Up Legendary. We talk about the nonstop social cycle and how to be omnipresent. I also go back if you have a few minutes and go watch that video. Some good stuff in there but go follow Nicole on TikTok. Hey, we're gonna be back here again tomorrow with another great guest to wake up legendary peace out everybody. See you have a good day.

How To Overcome The Fear of Being On Camera

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: What's up everybody, Happy Monday. It's April 4, and we are live. It is another edition of Wake Up Legendary. If you don't know me my name is Matt and pumped that you're here if you're live with us, our guests for watching this replay. You can leave us a little comment. Let us know where you're tuning in from. It's always fun to see because people tune in from all over the world, Europe, Africa. Just kind of all over the place and it's kind of fun to see where people are from. We are live and we go live every single Monday through Friday. At 10am. Eastern. We've been doing this show for quite a few years now. And we bring on people who have maybe gone through our training or have experienced some sort of success online or maybe unlocked a secret that we haven't yet heard of or something like that and mostly it's to give a little bit of inspiration from the day you wake up. Alright, sometimes I like to wake up on a bad day. I'll pull open my phone, and I'll open the news and I'm reminded that it's a terrible idea to open any sort of news app or something because the very first thing you're inundated with is just a bunch of shit. It's just terrible. It's like it's nothing but negativity. It's all the worst that's happened in the world. So we decided to do this show. As a way to start off the day and really have a piece of every single day. Be an inspirational piece of like, hey, I can do this, Hey, somebody else is doing this. I can do it. So today we've got another awesome guest lined up and every single day we bring in somebody new, somebody fresh, and with a story with a journey with, you know, a business that's making them money. And we want to share that with you guys. So today we're going to bring on and if you all can give me a little hand clap emoji in the chat. That would be awesome to welcome our guests. Julie. What's up? Hi. Hey, welcome in. Where are you? Where are you calling in from?

Julie: So I am in Baltimore, Maryland. 

Matt: Cool. You're in Baltimore. Tell us a little bit about you and your journey to starting online. Like how did you find legendary and what got you looking for a way to make money with digital marketing.

Julie: I guess a few years from 2018. My father passed away in May of 2018. And then I quit my job and I knew that other people could make money online. And so I was doing my journey that way and so I did drop shipping in Amazon or whatever and then that didn't work out. You know you just do one thing after another trying to figure out what your thing is. So then I discovered this last year when I was watching some YouTube channels. And I was actually very skeptical because I had so many problems with the other you know, the other ones and failures and so I just thought of this is going to be another scam or whatever that I'm not going to be good at. So um, it took me a while actually to do this because for one you know, I don't like being actually I don't like being on camera. And I don't even like not even Facebook to post stuff. I stopped doing that. And Instagram very little. I put my dogs there because I just don't want to put my personal information. So I think that was the biggest challenge for me like a lot of other people were not putting yourself out there in front of the public. And so I just watched people, month after month, several months and then I decided to just do it because I did a lot of network marketing, and I decided if I spent like 500-1000s of dollars on those programs, why can't I spend $7 for this one. I just did it and then I opened a TikTok account. I didn't know how to use tick tock so I have to say the few months in the beginning were very challenging for me because I am not tech savvy. And you know, I'm not using any social media. So I had to go and learn that. I don't get it. I mean, in the beginning it was awful. And I was so nervous on camera. You can see my face anyway, so it has been challenging but at the same time. Yeah, you go you know, you get over your fears and you know it has been developing me as a person to just say, okay, you know what, forget about it. Just do what you know. And yeah, it's mostly friends and family because you don't want them to find out but it's been good.

Matt: What a journey. It's like, it's so you're at 26,000 followers and, like, real like, whoa, kinda getting set up and getting going was like intense because you're not tech savvy, and you're like, oh my god, what am I doing? My family is going to find out that I'm a tick tock star like, Am I really going to do this? It's just because we like that it is such a common story that I hear, right? It's like such a common thing. And I deal with that too. Like I totally remember that. And I find it actually easier. Like just going about my day and living if I don't have to talk a lot about my work because people are, although right now, it's gotten a lot easier in the last couple of years because everybody kind of expects that somebody is doing some sort of side hustle these days. But back in the day, it was just kind of like man, I don't even know how to explain to you what I do. Like and I used to like to come up with these things like you know on Amazon like, well, I could get like a link and you know, share with people at Amazon. It's like a referral thing and they're like, oh, okay, I kind of get that but that's weird. I know. So you are getting on TikTok you got on six months ago. And you started posting? Was your growth slow? Was it fast? How did that go?

Julie:: I think in the beginning it kind of depends on what you're posting. You know, I'm sure that one typing thing that kind of blew up and I was like what is going on here? Yeah, I helped a little bit and then I did a lot of cut and pasting because I was nervous. And honestly I didn't know what I was doing. You know, you just go and you watch everybody else and you're like, Okay, this seems good. And I would spend hours in the beginning trying to figure out the best, perfect video and you know, a lot of it was just whatever wasted time. Yeah, and some of them it's good, but I mean, like in terms of like me wasting time because I wanted to be such a perfectionist, because my hair has to be perfect, whatever, but it wasn't, you know, but if you watch other people and they don't care. They only have been in there. I think together because I was on camera, this kind of insecurity kind of stuff.

Matt: Well and also it's just kind of like so I feel like in your realm and your world and stuff like I for me at least. You know, for instance that typing job thing. A lot of people have that response, like a lot of people are are like, Oh my gosh, this is just stupid. You know, like, why would I make that? But I think that so for instance, you're in the world of trying to sell products that teach people how to make money online, right? And what people forget, I talk about this all the time. What people forget is that you're so deep down the rabbit hole that you assume everybody has some sort of base layer knowledge, right? But a key ingredient to marketing is you must be able to sort of have people on a track and their minds are basically like a little locomotive and it's just sort of they do the same thing every day, same thing every day. And with something as big and significant as money or making income right that is a key piece of every person's life. They learn to sort of habitual eyes and this is the same is true with weight loss or relationships, things like that. And that style video that I'm talking about for the guests listening or watching that style video basically is like here's three typing jobs that can make you, you know, $1,000 or something. And people are like, dude, are you serious? Like this could never work or whatever, right? And you get a bunch of comments that say that right? My point is not, not necessarily that's the reason you use the hood Not that that's so powerful and goes viral for so many people and gets you a lot of followers is because it sort of tosses you know a big chunk of steel right in the train tracks of their mind. And the specific thing that it does for people is it snaps them out of this reality or just all I can do for income is my nine to five job. And they have this realization of like, whoa, like there's stuff online that people are doing that is making the money, right? So some people who comment like, Oh, that would never work. Sure, fine, whatever. But a majority of people aren't really even digging that deep. They're just having this high level realization of like, oh my god, like there's okay like, Sure, maybe this is just weird and whatever. But, you're telling me there's a way to make some money online? Like that's pretty cool. Like, I've never really thought about it. And that's the words. Those are the words that every good marketer can get someone else to say. Never really thought about it like that. Right? Now the sale is over right. I've never really thought about it like that. Okay, now, there's been a huge paradigm shift and it's just all about creating paradigm shifts. People are too worried and nervous. About what their people are gonna say and that but they also just don't understand that the customer journey starts with a big paradigm shift. And that's why I think you know, the formula on tick tock is so easy because really, you go out and you find other people's paradigm shifts that they've created for people. And you just kind of look at it, investigate and say, Well, what do they do? They're like, I could probably do something similar to this, or, Oh, that's the paradigm shift. So let me make a piece of content that's a little clearer. And you can make a few of those throughout your journey like you did and get to get yourself to 26,000 followers and then sprinkle in a lot more, right because I get great videos that are about you know, remote jobs, for instance, right or leg. Six, yeah, a lot of remote jobs stuff, which I think is cool. But you've also just got stuff about like, just like overview videos and like responses to comments, I think is one of the best things people can do. So I just wanted to say I think your channel looks like your TikTok looks really healthy. You just recently had a video that went to like 500,000 views or something. They're super smart, but I really want people to get it through their head. I mean, whether it's weight loss, whether it's making money online, whether it's dog training, right, like your dog is such a big part of your life. Create a big paradigm shift, even if it seems exaggerated to work, but exaggerating is so huge, and it's the first key piece to marketing. Some people think that's all just clickbait; it's not the exact definition of clickbait. That's wrong , it's a false definition. It's, it's, it's more so paradigm shifting. And in order to get somebody off the tracks or something that they've been doing for. 

20, 30, 40 years and have been trained their whole life. You've got to, you've got to, you've got to bring the heat. You can't just bring them some diluted nonsense that's maybe more realistic, but it's just boring and it's never going to grab their attention. You don't have to, you don't have to lay things out for people from day one. They're just going to be like Dude, it doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't do in the brain what it needs to do to snap them out of it. I don't know. Am I making sense? Sorry?

Julie:  Perfect. Yeah, definitely, most definitely. So what

Matt:  when you create those videos? Are you just kind of going around? Do you do a lot of investigation on other channels? Do you look around and sort of how do you how do you figure out what videos to create and try out

Julie:  something you know not? Well, it depends on the day and what I want. I do try to look at a separate tip from people that I've been following that do that and legendary marketers and you know what they do to succeed and try to, you know, tweak that to kind of I, you know, to my thing, but um, I guess I try to you know look at other people's and see what they do, and try to bring some fresh stuff because some things I think it's kind of stale and old, you know, and they keep using it over and I don't want to use the same thing over and same material.

Matt:  Yeah, so that makes sense. It makes sense but also in what I typically tell people is in those until about, I'd say maybe until about 100,000 or so, really like when you're out 100,000 You can really, really get some traction and I think that a lot of people quit around that time or before that time. Not around that time. Most people don't make it there. But I would. If you're open to just a suggestion. I would, I would. I would push back on that just slightly and just say some of that stuff is over done. I think you're right first of all, but it's overdone for a reason. As long as it's still remotely currently getting views and going viral. It's a proof of concept on the platform and especially a proof of concept with the algorithm. So you know when I'm looking I'll look first for how many views we are getting a lot of views on these videos. And then the second thing that I'll do is look for a house . How recent are those views? Because if they're all hitting like a year ago and they all went viral or whatever, and it's kind of a similar style video. Well, I don't know. I mean, I could try it now. But what I really look for is like, are they getting lots of views currently? Because that's big, you know, that's a big sort of thing, maybe there's algorithm changes here or there. I don't actually think they've been that big with algorithm changes, but they happen. So you see you go out and you look at and sort of do investigative work. We call this you know, like marketing we call this a swipe file. Right. So most good copywriters. If you take a course online about copywriting or something, they'll have something called a swipe file, which is a big catalog of all their best articles, headlines, everything. And the way they instruct that is they basically say hey, look, here's, you know, for the last, let's say 10 years I've accumulated this big swipe file, and it should serve for you as inspiration not as a copycat but as inspiration. So that when you sit down to write a copy, you can take a look at this and get ideas and get sort of oh, that's, I can do that. And I think people here's what I think happens. Let me just spell this out as clear as I can. I think what happens is a lot of times when we start something new, we are prone to imposter syndrome. So not only is it in the online space that we feel that way, but just starting anything new, especially like business he would tend to feel and I see this every single day people feel this imposter syndrome, but it helps when you realize that skilled people very skilled and the highest paid skill people have humongous swipe files of ads and headlines and all kinds of stuff. So when you go a lot of times, in fact, there's a lot of offers that compete against us that use very similar or the same headlines as us, or very, very close. Why do they do that? Because somewhere in our swipe in their swipe file, they've got a little screen grab of our sales page and they're like well down as you guys have been doing this same headline for five years, there must be something to this right. And they piece together different things throughout it and it's like sure it's a different offer but they've used things and most people as they're sitting watching a sales video or something don't realize that but it's happening all over the place. And I think that it's part of growing your skill set. And if you do it with the intention of hey, someday I'm going to have 500,000 followers and at that 500,000 follower Mark, I'll have it all figured out to some degree and I'll make all maybe organic, just fresh, creative content. Because I will have created so much by that point and use so much inspiration that now I'm sort of in this place where I understand it better. And that's where people go from, you know, let's say Julie: park at 26,000 followers to like Calvin Hill at 1.3 million followers, right. So you used a lot of that inspiration to get himself to 200-300,000 followers and then he was like, damn, I got this figured out I can I can figure this out. Now I'm going to launch my own short video style. That's just me. And it took off anyway. Does that make sense?

Julie:  Oh, yeah. Perfect sense. Yeah, I guess I need to get to a point where I'm a little more at that threshold, where you're like, Okay, you know, like, I got this and I'm just gonna get it out. Yeah, but it's so much easier because they're on the camera all the time. And it's not, you know, some people are more private. They don't want to have everything on social media where people all over the world watch you, you know, it's different. Yeah, it's good. And bad at the same time because you don't know half the other people are more than happy that other people have other side worlds.

Matt:  Yeah, makes sense. I understand that very, very well. Yeah. And also, yeah, I feel like you know, no Matt:er where, or what stage of followers or whatever, like, I also feel like people just, you know, need permission to just be okay with where they're at in that journey. You know, Calvin, for instance, had years of content production and music production experience before he got on TikTok. So it was like, Dude, I have all the cameras I have all the lighting like I could set up from day one and just go you know, most people are like, Dude, I got an iPhone for sure I could shoot video on this thing. Yeah. Right. Right. That's me. Like that's super relatable, you know, like, I think I think a lot that's a majority of people. To hear that is refreshing, right? Sometimes, if we brought on Calvin Hill every single day here and just be like, dude, like, you're playing a different world than all of us. Others you know, normal humans. You're an alien. Right? It's amazing. It's important to hear what you just said there.

Julie:  I think it's like, I wanted to go online but I get so nervous even though doing this thing is a little unnerving. But yeah, because you're putting yourself out there and then you have to answer questions. I was so nervous. I just was like, Okay, I gotta go by. Like, that's it. I can't do this. You know, I have to get the courage to, you know, get warmed up on that.

Matt: Sure, but all the comments coming in are like, I can totally relate to this. And I think it's very true. But you know, the other thing that's really cool though, is you know, going live you'll sell more than you've ever sold. In your history as affiliate marketer especially if you get comfortable with it, but I just wanted to like whatever you are. It won't Matter to me. But I just want to say that basically, I just get the vibe I get from you that like you're kind of not a bullshitter and like, you're a pretty straight shooter and I just think that a lot of times online, people really appreciate that. Like people really appreciate sort of going online like like scrolling through and just getting somebody who's just like refreshingly honest, and it's just sort of like, hey, this person feels like somebody I would go out and get beers with like, this seems like a normal person, because you go on some of these lives on tick tock, and there's some crazy people out there like, there's some wild stuff going down, you know, and it's just like, Man, how on earth like, What is this place? And so, you know, I feel like number one I haven't got really, I know that you're talking about this nervous vibe or this kind of like anxious vibe, but I don't think I've got that and I would guess if we pull it the comments like I don't really think people are feeling that from you. Like, I don't know if that's created in your head or whatever. I don't feel that at all. I just wanted to say that like, I just feel like it feels pretty now. I don't know, like weirdly natural at least from what I'm experiencing.

Julie: Well, that's good. But yeah,

Matt: Yeah, I'm not making it up. Like I don't know. I wouldn't tell everybody that but yeah, I would say, you know, we were watching going live is one of the best ways to sort of take for instance, you got 26,000 followers, and some of those people just followed you on a whim because you made this one video about being a millionaire and you got 500,000 views. That's the reality, right? When they're scrolling through, and they're like, hey, this person made this one video. I've never seen that weird, millionaire video. That's kind of funny. And now she's online, like the degree to which you know, let's say 15,000 of those 26,000 followers are totally cold. Like they only watched that one video and they hit follow, right? For whatever reason. Maybe it was by accident. Maybe it is. Maybe they were just like this is cool, whatever. But those people are sitting in this cold category. And, over time, they're going to warm up but you've got to, you got to do certain things to warm that audience up. And when you start to do that, you'll find that your conversion rate, your click through rate, and then your conversion rates start to skyrocket. And it really takes this sort of L you know, this hockey stick curve kind of growth, because you're sitting on all these followers and suddenly now you're putting the work into really massage them and respond to comments, but also go live and sort of do some email marketing and now they're seeing you all over the place. And now you go from maybe a 1% click rate to like five to 10 and then you go from like a one to 2% conversion to like a three to 5% conversion. And suddenly those numbers start to really compound on each other. So anyway, I just wanted to encourage you with that because, you know, a lot of times, people don't realize the goldmine they're sitting on for instance, this guy Joshua just went platinum with us this last year. He said basically, he was sitting on about 150,000 followers on a huge email list. He built that email list from all this TikTok and he just said, You know what, I think I might be sitting on a goldmine started reengaging with really personal emails, just funny, witty emails, and lengthy emails about his journey online and all this stuff and his his income exploded. And he was like, I couldn't believe that I was sitting on this huge Goldmine this whole time. So anyway, just food, food for thought. I want to encourage you, okay, most people find it really hard to get 1000 followers. So you got 26,000. That's incredible. And then the second piece is don't underestimate the goldmine you're sitting on. Because, yes, you've made money, made sales, but it's only really like the pressure art. You know what I mean? It's only the very tip of the iceberg of what's possible. Especially even just from those followers.

Julie:  Yeah, I mean, you know, so there are days you know, there are good days and bad days and honestly, there were times when I did I feel like I can't do this anymore. I don't want to do it, but then I just kind of push myself and I feel like I'm in it also. I need to kind of tweak my marketing. You know, like okay, I got the followers now, and like you're suggesting I should do more live or things like that to get to the next level. And we always had to go to the next level in order to push ourselves. I think that's what we need, you know, and that's probably what I need to do. setting myself up. Got to do it, you know,

Matt: I like that. No, that that is so perfect. It's so perfect. And what was that? You know, ironically. Let's do this. I think this is a very great way to make this your first video. Let me see if I can make sure. Oh my god. Do you remember that? Do you remember your very first video on Tik ok? While we're sitting here talking about basically going through, you know, their thing. Isn't this like the most appropriate thing ever? To see how to defy it. Oh, it's great. It's great. I think this is muted.

Matt:  All that it's saying is start putting some pressure on. Get out of your comfort zone. Start getting comfortable out of your comfort zone. If you stay in your comfort zone. That's why you will fail.

Julie:  And that's where I was talking to myself. Yeah, I was posting about that kind of thing.

Matt:  Of course you were, it's real.

Julie:  I mean, yeah. Be comfortable.

Matt:  It's real. Start putting a little pressure on. Yeah, I mean, well, I don't know. I mean, you can say it's embarrassing. All day, but I'm kind of like shoot like, that's actually a cool raw inside look into, like, you know, the day one journey. And here's my first freakin video and the video is basically you psyching yourself up which I find pretty cool. Like, there's just a lot of people in the world who aren't willing to do that, Julie, that's so funny. There's a lot of people in the world who just aren't willing to do that. And, you know, like to try something like that right? And to be like, Man there might just be like people who think that I'm crazy. Like I might have lost my mind. But you know, you're on your own journey. It's cool and ironic that you know you're having these moments throughout your journey. Of like, I got to go to the next level and your whole entire journey was basically starting with that mantra that energy.

Julie: So that's where my next thing is, and I feel like I'm at that threshold. So like, you have a couple months this year that has been a little challenging for me, because a friend of mine, a close friend, passed away like a month ago. So yeah, a lot of different things have been happening. And then I think I think I got COVID I don’t know if you could get it twice but I had bronchitis. I couldn't speak and just kept coughing. So I'm just getting over that. So here we are in a zone, you know, or have it is gone. So, yeah, I feel like now this is where I need to dig in and just kind of go to the next challenging level two, my journey, you know, totally,

Matt:  Totally. And I feel like that whole thing for you like every time that you were saying, oh that's so embarrassing. I was thinking I was just thinking I would, for me at least I would replace that word with inspiring. I felt like it was very raw. Like that's super inspiring to me. And I also just you know why that is because humans are drawn, I think at their core to somebody who's like really trying something that's uncomfortable for them. There's something really honestly vulnerable about that. And I know vulnerability is kind of a buzzword in our culture, whatever but there's something really vulnerable about that. And I think everybody here listening and watching would agree with that, that like that is that is the rawest form because with most people who are like extroverted, for instance, or who really really like like the limelight, I'm mostly just like, Dude, I just I don't find you that inspiring. For instance, Mr. Beast, the most popular YouTuber in history. look him up, Mr. Beast. He's the probably most viewed YouTube viewer in history. And he's this young 22 year old kid and I'm like, Dude, your stuff's cool. I don't find him inspiring. Maybe his work ethic or something, but I don't like to me it feels like he's like not being super real or something. Something about like he's doing a bit and it's cool. Fine, like he does a great job but I don't know something about you and your story. It just feels different. And yeah, I think you shouldn't underrate that as like an embarrassing start. I would say it's and it's to me it's inspiring like, damn, yeah, you're right. Like you got to put a little pressure on yourself. You got to like, what's the next level? How am I going to level up next time? Like, what am I going to do? So it's cool that you're now coming on this show and you're feeling like you're at a threshold. That's really cool.

Julie:  Yeah, I think um, my other thing is, you know, to get through that is like you know, do the storytelling thing. I think I'm not good at my storytelling. Like, if I want to do it, I'm gonna just gush it out. So I have to, I know you have to, like give them piece by piece, you know, and just kind of like lure them in a little bit. Kind of stuff. So yeah.

Matt:  No, and that's a learned skill, right? I’m not here to really promote somebody else's course or anything but like, for instance, that's not like a natural thing. That's why people like Neil Gaiman, who is like an award winning author, I think, yeah. He's an author. He's and he's taught an entire class on storytelling, like writing like you take massive classes on storytelling. And it's just something that's learned over time. So, you know, you might say, I'm not good at storytelling or whatever. But you know, you should put the word after that. I'm not good at it. It's always a good way to sort of couch that in like, it's like an internal subconscious reminder to your brain, like, hey, you know what, like, we're gonna figure this out. We just haven't figured it out yet. And that's a powerful way to look at life. It's an empowering way to look at life because, you know, people walk around and say, I can't I can't, I can't, I can't. I can't, I'm not good. I'm not good. I'm not good. But using the word yet, is such a powerful three letter word that retrains your brain to be like, we're gonna figure this out. Like, we haven't done it yet, but we're gonna figure this out. For sure. And helps you push through problems and yeah, that's definitely Yeah. Totally. Christmas day. We're in April. What's the plan? What What? What are you excited about? What's what's new on the horizon? You know, what's your daily operation? You know, what are you doing for a daily marketing routine? Yeah, what's new, I mean, give people a little inspiration to leave the show.

Julie: So yeah, so definitely. I do go on TikTok just to find some motivation. He says to and before I will literally drown myself in tucked up because I was like, I would need to find the perfect video. But now I, you know, I'm there for maybe 1520 minutes, and trying to figure out then I write down what I need to write, do you know, on that particular piece, and then do take care of that, but I do like the fact that somebody did say like, do some batch work where you're constantly, you know, you for a short, you know, short period of time, kind of make several videos, and then just put it in, you know, saving in your draft. And I had several videos in my draft and so when I was sick, actually, it kind of helped with that, you know, process because they were old and just like, Okay, I'm just gonna hit the post kind of thing. So that is I think that's very beneficial and that helps a lot, so don't spend too much time and wasting time. On tick tock. I know it can suck you in because I've been there. But yeah, go in and get out. Make your you know, do your work and fun but

Matt:  Yeah, what we'll just do all of that work online, like, sorry, on your computer, because

Julie:, it's alright. To get copies and stuff. Yeah.

Matt: Yeah. Yeah. Well, cool. Yeah. I think I started doing my investigative TikTok work on my computer because there's no scrolling and it doesn't. It's not even remotely close to as addicting if you're just like doing it in a Google Chrome browser. It's so much easier. Well, and then, you know, the other powerful thing that I do is I'll go to like, well here like, I'll go to here. Let me show you this real quick. Here's basically my strategy on this is, you know about Sort For TikTok?

Julie:  I think you mentioned a guy one to one or two times.

Matt: Yeah. So there's this app on Google Chrome called sort for tick tock and it will sort all the videos by most watched the least watched. So you don't have to do any scrolling. You don't have to do any of that. You are just in Google Chrome and here let me start it. Okay, so you can see now it's spinning, and all it's going to do is sort this guy's dog training videos, but most watched to least watched. And it takes about 10 seconds or less. And so now you've got like these videos that you know, by definition, these are the most watched on a channel with 1.2 million followers. There's probably videos here that we can mimic or do something similar, right? So I don't know. And so you can do this in any niche. But what I typically do then Julia is, is I click on them, and I copy the address and I just put it into, um put it into a, like I put it in sheet, and I create this spreadsheet. I have a row that just says like, did I create this, and I'll put an X if I've already sort of created that one. Also sometimes I'll put the amount of views next to it, and then I'll sort it. So I have all of these channels, you get hundreds of videos in a Matt:er of like a day or two. And, and, you know, then I sorted by the millions of views or how many views and then I've got a cross bunch of different channels, these different videos, and the top ones are obviously the ones that are probably most likely to go viral. And I start to just look like how could I change this up? Could I make something similar, but you can batch all that work and you never really open the TikTok app once it's way more focused work. And then you've got this massive swipe file of videos and what you'll do is you'll start to see trends if you click on one, and then you'll watch it. Oh, that's interesting. And click on another and pretty soon that formula that people are using for virality really starts your brain starts to be like okay, I get it and it's not that hard for your brain to start sort of mimicking not as much the the content I think the contents important but also the flow the pace, the speed, all of that stuff. So anyway, just a tip. I think that using Sort For TikTok going into a spreadsheet and creating that spreadsheet is huge. A very, very powerful strategy for figuring out how to find viral content, how to get inspiration from different ones. And a lot of times I'll end up finding videos that are pretty much the same but people have done different stuff and it helps me get like oh my gosh, like that'd be cool if I actually changed it like this or change it like that or you know, whatever, and use the that type of thing. To grow your channel and in between that tell your story. Tell me about your journey. Explain why you're different. Explain what you're trying to accomplish, right. Use those kinds of viral videos, maybe a couple times a week, and then fill in with a lot more meaningful content to warm up your audience in the meantime. Okay. That makes sense.

Julie: Yes. It's been so helpful. Thank you so much.

Matt:  Of course, you're killing it. You're killing it. You're at 26,000 followers. Like if you can do that once on social media you can do it a bunch of times. The other thing is to start looking into reposting your content, right Facebook business page to all of these different short form content, you'll sort of multiply your efforts and that doesn't take super long either once you start to figure that out, but hey, look, you're on an incredible journey and you've already got a hot start. So just keep rockin and I think you know, things can really take off from here. Excited for you.

Julie:  Thank you. Appreciate it.

Matt:  Yeah, thanks for coming on to I think everybody has been like just I love this. This is so good. 

Julie:  I hope people get something out of it because you know, just to share that we are normal people. We're all you know, doing the same thing trying to make some money online and at the same time live our life and go through the woods or whatever it may be. 

Matt:  Cool. Well, thanks for coming on. Hey, keep us updated. I'd love to get an email from you in a couple months.

Julie:  Most definitely thank you

Matt:  awesome to see it's really our guys you can follow Julie on  TikTok @entrepreneurjulie very simple. TikTok handle the follow go give her a follow and give her some encouragement say Hey, I found you on Wake Up Legendary and you know, I heard about you and just wanted to give you a little shout out and say hi and you know, give her a little word of encouragement because someday it's going to be you on this show. And she's going to come back and she's a hi remember James I remember Samantha remember Vanessa and and she's gonna be like, dang, you know, I'm gonna go follow them back some love. So it's all sort of, we call it business karma. But you know, really it's just to encourage people and to say thanks for giving us value and yeah, so that is all we got for this. Monday, April 4. I'll be back here tomorrow and Wednesday. And Dave will return with us on Thursday, Friday, after his Yeah, after he's back. And yeah, we'll see. you're back here tomorrow at 10am Eastern peace.

How To Grow Your TikTok Account To 29k Followers For Affiliate Marketers

Below is the transcription for this episode:



Dave: Now we've had contractors, my friends, we've had attorneys, we've had doctors, we've had cashiers, we've had stay at home moms and dads. And this morning, we had the pleasure of meeting a machinist who has grown his business Tik Tok profile, I believe to 29,000 followers. I mean, I'm starting to really believe that it doesn't matter where you come from or what skills you had before you got here, you can do this if you really apply yourself. Let's hear how Eric did it. Welcome to the show, brother. Thanks, brother. How are you man?

Eric: I'm doing very well. How are you? 

Dave: I'm good. I'm good. And I'm interested to hear about your story and what brought you from knowing the world in the trade of machining. Now online marketing seems like quite the opposite end of the spectrum there.

Eric: Absolutely. Well, through various moves and I mean, literal moves. My wife and I have put ourselves in a position where we're pretty much debt free. And we've been able to keep her as a stay at home mom. Last year we moved to Sioux Sainte Marie. Here we are about seven hours away from where we lived. And I got a job in a machine shop and was not afraid to say at 26 bucks an hour, which is not phenomenal. But when we moved here, it took care of our household needs. And in that year with the not to suppose that 5.7% that people are talking about but with the way inflation has truthfully gone with the price of gas, almost doubling groceries, everything that didn't cut it, so I had to look for something online to make ends meet. And that's where we're at right now.

Dave: You know, it's funny when I first started being a basically an eighth grade dropout, but I officially didn't make it to ninth my vocabulary was rather small and I thought that making the ends meet was you're so poor, you had to go to the grocery store and you can only afford to buy the ends of the meat. You couldn't get in the middle of man Dave , it's embarrassing. But so, um, you know, what have you discovered? Have you discovered that this is something that you want to continue to do? Part time full time as a phase to get through this situation that we're in right now. Talk to us. About what's different now and how do you see things moving forward? Well,

Eric: I'm gonna go way back in history and be extremely brief here. But I remember geez, I would say 25 years ago, I was in the like, I was involved with Amway. I've always been looking for something to do at home but never really been successful with it. Until I found it legendary , but I've always had that passion to be a stay at home dad and finally, it's coming about now with four kids, three of them still at home. I'm not there yet. But that's still so this is not a phase or anything like that. This is something where it's like alright, I'd love to go through the kitchen, grab my coffee on the way down to the office. That's my commute. And, you know, do about two to three hours of work and then have the rest of the day to spend with my family.

Dave: It's my commute right here and I'm blessed enough and lucky enough right here to have my wonderful wife. Bring a cup of coffee.

Eric: Right now my wife has taken her mom out grocery shopping so she's not home.

Dave:That's very sweet of her. It is a beautiful thing, you know, to be able to stare at your wife all day long. I just, you know I mean, I mean I just love it. I love it. I love this. I love this line of work. You know what I mean? You're probably annoying to her quite often. I mean, chasing around the house. She's probably wishing that I did have it as something different. So awesome, man. So how did you get it, you know? How are you doing so well on Tik Tok that looks like you've kind of planted your flag there. At least you're focusing there. Or you have been focusing there. Or I don't know how to tell the story. I mean, did you have a video that went viral? Or tell us how the journeys have been since you put the rubber to the road?

Eric: Here's the thing and to be honest with you, I don't know how, like one of my videos, hit 1.3. It might even be at 1.4 million views right now. And you can ask why my wife drove her nuts for about four or five days because I kept getting comment after comment after comment. And I'd be spending time just trying to respond to all those comments because people were asking me how to do it. But if you look at that video, I mean, I've tried trending sounds, I've tried trending effects, you name it, but that video was me standing in front of a 12 foot snowbank. I gave a 10 second little speech and I said if you want to know how to ask me how I comment, it went nuts. And I find that those videos are just a quick little blurb, nothing trending. I might use a trending sound here and there. Nothing trending but the ones where it's just me speaking, telling people about what I do and how they can do the same thing online. Those are the ones that are working.

Dave: Yeah. And have you tried to recreate sort of that same video and then not worked because there I the reason why I'm asking is because I feel like people are always looking for an exact you know, if I do this exactly. It's gonna work and it doesn't now, there's something wrong with me, or it's not going to work for me or I knew it so I just wonder if you could, you know, have you done Have you tried to recreate it? It didn't work? What do you know? What can you tell us about that? 

Eric: A week and a half, two weeks later, and I only got 10,000 views on it. Right? And so it's I think it's the most important thing that I find. And it's the same as with you, what you teach in the 15 Day Challenge and then the other programs that you go through we go through it's just relate to people's pain relate to people story. Yeah, and that's that's what I try and do that that's and I'm sure you know this.  So that's the majority of my videos relating to 40 plus, that have absolutely nothing ready for retirement and they need to do something. So and then that's it. That's, I don't know what else to say on that one.

Dave: It's well put because you've got a message. You've got to go in . I think it's really important to take away from this conversation this morning that you really do have a message and it's to a specific audience. And if it relates to your life, you're able to tie it back to your life and that's what I've been able to do over the last decade in this industry. It was never really any. It was never really any formal marketing skills that that I can point back to and say it was that skill of running paid ads, or or it's never been that for me. It's always been exactly what you just outlined that it's made me successful that I have a message. It's for a specific audience and it ties back to my story. So I can really pull passion. I can pull authenticity and I can speak from experience. I am talking to people who don't like their job, don't have enough money, and don't have enough time with their family. Too much pain too much, you know, in all the pains of sitting in traffic and all those things that we all are familiar with. And and and I've not deviated from that in over 10 years. I've never come out with fitness training or with another message, you know, in and that's good news for all of you. Because the message has always been the same. It'll make money out like if that's the niche that you decide to go into the business, online marketing makes money online, the message has never been this different. It's never been different through recessions, crazy economies. I mean, you just take little tidbits like I've done recently. Maybe you guys have heard me say hey, do you want to never ensure that you're never deemed non essential? Do you want to take control over your future and not put it in a boss or a President's hands? So I'm taking from a current event and I'm putting I'm putting pressure on the lack of money and the lack of time and the lack of just, you know, the pain of getting up and leaving family and not coming home until late never changed and I just want to want to want to point that out because what you're doing really is quote the secret, you know, not focusing on trying to copy people and then get mad that you don't get that that same result or whatever. But you have a message for an audience and it's tied to your story. Absolutely. And it's reaching people right? It resonates with people because you're not talking about mansions and Ferraris. You're not talking about things that people can't relate to sure they want but they can't relate to that. You're talking about things they can understand the pain of inflation, the pain of trying to really decide, do you want to buy groceries or do you want to put gas in your tank?

Eric: That's exactly that's actually one of the was one of my posts. You know, I said I'm not talking about Ferraris, Lamborghinis, mansions, yachts , I'm talking about having a full fridge and pantry, not worrying about putting gas in the car. And I related that to a couple of weeks ago, we went down south to visit one of my daughters for her birthday. That was an eight hour trip. And I relayed that to the fact that I didn't worry about the tank of gas that I put in the car for that trip. Yeah, right. Yeah. A tank of gas for a little four cylinder nowadays is 100 bucks, dude.

Dave: That's crazy. I was saying that is crazy because I mean my car which is an eight cylinder and has got a big gas tank is what used to be $100. So yeah, it's like people just keep getting pummeled with what happened with the illness. With what happened now with inflation, with what's happening with war, with what's happening with all these things, people feel like they're not understood. People feel like they're being left behind. People feel like nobody cares about them. So when you come along, here's the other thing. I think, if we go deeper into the psychology of like a human and how they respond to people marketing, a human wants to be understood. That's it. Damn sure. Don't feel like their boss understands them because the boss didn't get back about them. The boss just says I don't care about your family. Beyond Time. You know if you're not a buyer your ass and I'll find somebody else to come in and replace you. I don't understand you. And I don't care about you for cheaper. Yeah. The world they don't feel like the world or or politicians or anybody else understands them. Now. You know, they're probably feeling misunderstood by friends and family and they've not even started their business yet. They're in for it right there. It's a real treat. But they're feeling misunderstood and they're feeling unseen in their feeling like nobody gets the pain and the pressure that they feel if you're looking at a frickin Tik Tok video. And they feel like this guy understands me. Yep, under not talk about shit that I can't relate to Lambos and all this bullshit but he understands me talking about traffic. He's talking about inflation. And he's talking about the idea of not having to choose between groceries and filling my pantry. Yeah, and that resonates with people, man, that's the message. That's the message. You know? Good for you, man. If you know, what you're doing is you're also being real and authentic. And I think this is what I can get on board with by being authentic. And I think we'll get a little confused about this. All you gotta do is be authentic and be yourself in your videos. Well, fuck. I know a lot of people who are train wrecks so you might not want to be like your life is your emotionally volatile or maybe you shouldn't just we don't want to go on and just spill our problems and just be just right. We want to be careful. Yeah, we have to make it about other people. And we have to be the leader that at least seems like you know where you're going. Because if you don't have that confidence and you're not, you know you're not. You don't seem like you know where you're going then people are not going to, they're not going to follow, but I really think that the authenticity of your talking about your life. Yeah. In telling your story of the retirement piece is something that I just I think I hope is that a lot of us can learn from that this morning. What is coming up for you right now and what else is on your head and heart for us to know and learn from you this morning?

Eric: Well, one of the things and actually I was just scripting out a Tik Tok message and this was going to be a bit of a longer one. Because one of the things that I've noticed about a lot of the posts that are coming out on Tik Tok is they're talking about making money online and people think that you have to focus on the make money online niche. Well, I'm helping a guy right now in Manitoba, set up a funnel. Like he's going through the 15 day builds a business builder challenge and he's setting up a funnel in the automotive industry. He has absolutely no passion in showing others how to make money online. And I think you know, there's so much focus not not only in the legendary community but I mean throughout the entire niche on your very why this program and we'll teach you how to sell this program. I'm helping this guy in as I said in Manitoba, set up a funnel with I don't know if you know, like I'm a car buff. I don't know if you've seen my profile picture. It's my trans-am. And I'm helping him set up a funnel with Summit Racing. It's an online aftermarket parts company. I'm setting one up myself because that's going to be one of my income streams in Africa. Now this fellow lives in Nigeria he didn't have access to legendary in Nigeria, but I helped him set up a funnel in the housing industry. It doesn't have to be the make money online niche and that's one of the things that I think people are getting away from. Why did I choose this niche? Because I love seeing people get their first bonus check. I love seeing people reach their first milestone that to me is exciting. That is like I got so overjoyed with that one when a fellow in Africa created the funnel. I asked him for the link and I went through and I tested it out with him. It worked. He was so overjoyed. Now he's on Tik Tok going through and figuring out how he can start marketing what he's passionate about.

Dave: I mean, you're I couldn't agree with you more. I mean, I think a lot of people get into the make money online niche in this community specifically and even decided to promote legendary because they see other people doing it and it's it's it's it's monkey see monkey do and that's not particularly a bad thing at the beginning. Right because we can see we can watch like, like a baby does watch somebody. Oh, they're walking, that's what I did. I was a baby when I first came into this industry and I literally just watched what other people were doing like many of us do and went through a few courses and here I am. But you're right. There's a lot of different niches there's a lot of different. We don't force anybody to buy our courses or products if they want to be an affiliate and if they buy our courses or products, they're not forced to be an affiliate. I mean, that's a personal choice that everybody makes. And, and, and what I find is that oftentimes people start in this niche, and then they branch out or they may kind of decide, you know, like, I really do have a lot of knowledge in this particular niche over here. And so I'm going to take these skills that I've been learning and now I see how I can apply it to my existing knowledge or my existing business. You know, everybody's journeys are a little bit different but you make a great point. I have a friend that was calling me the other night and I usually don't take personal, you know, console calls from friends. I just unless they really cornered me, you know what I mean? But like, we're at a party or something, and they've just got me cornered but yeah, they have a landscaping business and I was talking to him about that. There's so many different ways that you can use both you know, this the sales funnels. in these in these in these platforms. Not even mentioning the business models of selling information, but as you mentioned, the business model of selling cars, the business model of selling any you know in the here's the other thing that we forget in the information from any one of those industries can be extracted and sold. And that's what I was trying to tell my landscaping friends the other night, I said you may think right now that you want to generate leads for your landscaping business, but when you start to see that you can package the information that you have that special and unique and then sell it to people or sell it to other landscapers or whatever. Yep, that becomes really fun too because all of a sudden your fingernails go from black.

Eric: So true. So very true.

Dave: And you know, for me that was in construction and in what do you think I would have rather gone in swinging the hammer, or I would have rather created a course for contractors on how to get more leads. Using platforms like Tik Tok using platforms like I mean everything and you guys might be saying Oh, good for you, Dave. But every single one of you has that same knowledge to go into say, Hey mister for whatever I can help you get more leads. You don't know anything more than I do.

Eric: That's exactly it. I think one person I remember way back when my wife and I were when our kids were still little. We would go out rollerblading a lot. And one person said why are you rollerblading? It's not a very effective exercise and they said it's the most effective exercise for us and they said why? And I said because we love doing it. If you don't love going to the gym, you're not going to go to the gym, you're going to get a you know you're going to get huge but if you love going to rollerblading if you love walking one person, loved Skip rope, and he he freakin danced with the rope. It was his passion. He didn't have a $55,000 home gym he had a $7 Skip rope and it doesn't matter what nice you're passionate about. That's the one that you'll be successful and because of that passion, and that's what I find.

Dave: Yeah. Yeah, I agree. I agree. I mean, there's been an argument for many years between some people about do you really need to be passionate about it to do it like because there's a lot of people and marketers who say turning your passion into profits, you know, and it's just such a kind of a headline that's buzzy and stuff like that. And then, you know, can you really make money in that niche or not? But, you know, the truth is, I believe I can get behind your statement. And here's why. Whereas I believe that before I was like, Who out? Should I really ever say that anymore? Because I mean, some niches are just really stupid to go in. Because there's no money to be negative there. You know what I mean? Like, that's my point. That's what I'm trying to say here. You know what I mean? Like if you want to pick up dog shit, I mean, you better be thinking about scalability, because if you're going to pick it up one pile at a time, you know, it's not good, hard to charge a high ticket for that. It's like well, this is a pile this is going to be $1,000 I'm sorry, to pilot really high and really deep brother. So I, you know, I think that I can get behind the statement. If I say you can literally down there take any passion that you have. If you combine it with timeless, true marketing principles like we what we teach here and if you do, you'll find out very quickly, whether that's a profitable niche or niche or not, you know, I mean, whether you can, you know, because I really do think and even as I was talking to my friends with a landscaping business, I really do think that not only a lot of the platforms and strategies apply, but also the business strategies of selling something higher ticket, the the road, the path to freedom for a small business is to have something that's a significant ticket, because otherwise you literally have to have hundreds or 1000s of customers per month. New customers have fresh blood and that's hard. It's easier for a small business to have less customers but to have higher prices, it can provide better service, it can take their time, and it just doesn't take as much to be able to get to 10000 a month which is pretty minimum for what most people need. To survive and in these days anyways. So you take a you take, you take a landscaper you take up a plumber, you put them through our 15 Day Challenge, they start to see oh wow. Here's how I can generate leads. Wow, maybe I should be collecting email addresses right? So I get to contact people when I'm low on work and I can send an email to my list of 500 people who have done work for and I can say I'm running at a 20% up, you know special or, Hey, you want to replace that sewer line or whatever I can drum up business I can communicate with people. And then so on and so forth. But it's amazing, really what you can do with this knowledge, Eric:, I think that's what we're both trying to say.

Eric: Absolutely. Absolutely. I mean, I just had an epiphany right now like, what my industry outside of the Affiliate marketing is machining. And I just thought to myself, you said you know, sell the knowledge and I'm thinking to myself, I've got 25 years of knowledge right. Am I building a course there? You know?

Dave: Yeah. Or or, you know, just just simply sometimes. You know? Yeah, I mean, you could either go into that niche. I mean, there's so many things you can do. There's so many things you can do. You know. It doesn't have to be complicated. You know, it doesn't have to be complicated. I mean, I know that we're all stuck on sales funnels and everything. But the fact is, you can actually build a business nowadays without using a sales funnel. I mean, just using the platforms the reason why we why I still use sales funnels is because I like to collect email addresses and I like to follow up via email because I found in the past that when I don't get an email address, I don't have any other way of contacting somebody if they've visited my site. So literally every day at the end of the day I was left with zero when I wasn't collecting email addresses. And when I started to collect email addresses, I still wasn't making sales, but I at least had a way to follow up and potentially make a future sale. And that proved to be very, very, very true. But you know with some of these other industries, you know, that we're talking about just coming in and going through this information and understanding how to correctly use these, these these social media platforms. You know, my friend that I was talking about a second ago and many other people, you know, really just default to posting something on Facebook or god forbid, going live on Facebook and, you know, Facebook right now, just giving a little bit more exposure organically, but I mean, they've been the shittiest organic platform to post on forever. If you weren't poaching people out of Facebook groups like people do in our Facebook group all day long. Then you weren't really in any money on Facebook. Unless you're running ads because they completely cut down the organic reach on Facebook unless you are working from your personal profile, which oh, by the way, it was against their terms and conditions. So you are packed, you know. And so I said, Hey, you know, I mean for somebody who has an offline business in your hunting right now. You need to go from hunted to hunter or you need to go from Hunter to hunted. And one way to do that is you build a big audience on a platform like Tik Tok or something and you have people all over the world all over the country who love your work. And once your work is so bad, they'll come to you. They'll pay you to come to them. They'll pay consults for your knowledge, there's so much that you can do. Right now you're fishing in a very small pool of friends and family who are not very proven to support your business. I can tell you Oh, yeah. All about that, right. But you're fishing in a small pool of friends and family and you need to get out there into a larger audience. Well, but Dave, these people on Tik Tok are not in my local community. How am I going to install grass in their yard or whatever and it's like listening to what I just said. There's so many more opportunities to sell courses to sell consulting and coaching to be flown out to be hands on for a much higher price than what you were charging before. Because now you've manufactured your celebrity. You've manufactured your celebrity. You've said I'm not going to wait for a break. I'm going to create my break by creating content and growing an audience now I went from a nobody local nobody to nationwide celebrity almost on Tik Tok. If you don't think that that's going to bring in so many more financial opportunities in 2022 You're insane. So I told them even if you're not going to do that and not going to go all in you should at least start filming in order to get good at creating media to post on Tik Tok. Because you may not be willing to do it now. But when you're asked to still grow your business in six months, you're probably going to surrender to it because guess what? This form of marketing ain't going anywhere. We're not going back to passing out business cards to people.

Eric: Tik Tok is the new business card. I agree. Yeah. Good. As we said, look at some of the videos that are out there. And I'm not talking about the fluff in the junk. I'm talking about genuine people. One of the fellows that I follow Chris I don't ask me to pronounce his last name, Yeah He makes a video and he's frickin within one video handing out essentially 500,000 business cards.

Dave: Exactly. Let me show it. Let me show you them. Okay, I had it. I had it out because I've been using it a couple times. I realized I had it. I was like, Look at this gem. You know, let's pro business cards. Back in 2008 -2009 I was collecting business cards. I was like, oh, let's exchange business cards. You know, and Amway days I know. Not a single sale. Not a single sale. There's 1000 business cards here. Not a single sale from it. And you're right. Chris, yourself. Me. We're handing out business cards every day. As a matter of fact, something that's really hilarious is what I often have when I'm actually being a regular human being and out socializing. People are like, you know, do you have a business card? I've heard of your business guy. You know what I mean? Like, I'm like, No, I'm I don't have a yeah, getting business card. Business cards have never done anything good for me, you know? But if you want to get on my email list, I'll happily take your email right and I'll blast you with the other 100,000 people that I'm blasting at the same time, you know, my own personal email that you'll think I wrote directly for me to you, right? Yeah, absolutely.

Eric: Absolutely. That's, you know what, that's, that's the way it is. Nowadays. Yeah.

Dave: And even restaurants should be doing that. It'd be like walking into a restaurant all the time. And they're not taking either my phone number or my email. They've been forced to know because a lot of these automated systems like toast and stuff that they sign send out the Swiper thing and it's kind of like a merchant account system and accounting system for restaurants. Well, you know, a lot of restaurants are benefiting from those kinds of things, you know, because those systems are now building those kinds of communication marketing tools into them to where you know, whether the business actually uses it or not, is a different thing. But yeah, the world is his as a family man and a father Eric:, do you also have a desire to want to be a he did this last 2020 2021 wake you up not just from a financial perspective. But also from a safety perspective, like wanting to be home with family and have the ability to be flexible to where you don't have to go out? And particularly be in harm's way, if you will? What did you take away from that and how did that influence or was that not really as much of an influencer?

Eric:  never really put that into perspective. Never really thought about that. You're gonna laugh at this before the pandemic I was still machining. I got laid off from my job before the pandemic actually hit. I was working part time in a pizza shop, a local pizza shop and there he did delivery but it was a rural setting. The little town had maybe 1000 people, maybe 1500 people in it, but we delivered within a 25 minute radius of the pizza shop. So I was let go from the machine shop and the boss looked at me and said, Well, you know what? The pizza shop needs some renovations done. And I need some help with the prep work. And I started off working there earning five bucks an hour plus delivery fee and tips. Well, because of the fact that I fixed his dough machine. I fixed his ovens. His water heater went down. I fixed that and I renovated the front dining room. I I did all this work for him. I would do the prep work for him. He upped my pay to 20 bucks an hour so he paid me for my skills and knowledge plus the delivery fee plus the tips. Well I frickin 35 hours a week I doubled my pay in the machine shop while working at the pizza shop. Throughout the pandemic. He got busier, my income went higher. 

Dave: So it's like and that is a testament to skill sets. Isn't it? Eric:? It's a testament to skill sets. Absolutely.

Eric: I was able to diagnose things and figure things out and take it apart and put it together. His dough machine would have cost him about three $4,000 to fix because the guy would have had to come two hours from Toronto up charging him time. diagnose it, go back, get the part, come back up, fix it and then go back. I went in, and I charged him 250 bucks. He gave me an extra 100 Because I did it for him. Yeah. And I did it that day. So all these things and and I've always said, Well, no matter what's going on around you, no matter what's going on in the world, though the global economy can be tanking. You could see doom and gloom all around you, but you can still create your economy. I'm gonna say that again. Your people can still create their own where there we are their own economy. When the whole world was talking doom and gloom, my income doubled because I opened my eyes and I wasn't doing anything regarding make making money online and affiliate marketing then, but I opened my eyes and I saw a need and I filled that need

Dave: I wonder how that applies in online marketing too because there's a lot of needs and a lot of opportunity all around all the time. And I actually think here's my opinion, once you have the glasses that you know you have the lenses in which you see the world through opportunity instead of through lack and in doom and gloom and so forth. It's actually difficult to hold yourself back and not say yes to everything. I have that problem or that challenge on a regular basis. And you know, some might think and I want to be real clear and loud. Some might think that I have more opportunity today than I did back when I first got started. But I'm a little bit more insulated right now, meaning that everybody either doesn't or can't get to me meaning I mean, anybody could message me on social platforms but but believe it or not, I don't get a ton of messages because I think people might think that I'm too far away don't answer my messages. I don't know why. But I know when I first got it I still did get one or two opportunities each week. You know, I had a guy hit me up. I've got several people with wisdom, opportunity, another guy that just hit me up yesterday with a consulting thing, and he paid me for consulting back a couple of years ago. $50,000 or something and it's pretty pretty. I didn't have to do much, you know, I just had to share knowledge and stuff and I said no to that. I don't know what you know, there was no number the other day that could have been less, could have been a lot more. Here's my point is that, that nowadays I have one or two things that come across my desk each week that I consider when I first got started everything was an opportunity mean everything, you know, in in so I really had to focus in I really had to go by trial and error. I didn't know what was a waste of time, but I would do something I would take on a coaching client when I was just strictly focusing on affiliate marketing and then all of a sudden, I get a month into this coaching client. I'd be like this client, you know, because I got one client over here that I'm trying to, you know, instead of saying okay, I'm going to have a coaching business and I'm going to try to get lots of clients okay, that then will be more worth my time and that'll be you know, but I just because I said yes, somebody wanted coaching, okay, I have a coaching program and now I got this one coaching client over here or you know, a company wants help with something or whatever and or a new business opportunity or a new hot deal or a new ground floor or a new this or a new crypto. And it's like, I was spinning. You know, every day was something new. And that's why I can talk about this every day. It was something new every day. It's a new business every day. It's new coaching. This is a new thing. I really had to learn how to focus in learning how to say no, and in how to really kind of stay consistent. So with you now in this place to where you're getting results. You're finding momentum you've you've made some money. How do you avoid it? How do you deal with all of the distractions? More specifically, when things aren't going exactly as you'd like them to go one day or week and you see a great marketing message that somebody is promising. This is easier than anything you've ever done before. You know all good marketing says that, but you've already started here on this path. Yep. How do you deal with that when somebody is rarely making it when I'm a marketer making a really convincing point in an email or on Facebook? In that entrepreneur part of you wants to and multiple streams of income and ruin your own shit. How do you handle that?

Eric: Okay, it's funny you mentioned that yesterday was a down day for me. I posted about I think I posted six videos and I think I got a total with all six videos a total of about maybe 3000 views and I think maybe one person entered their email and actually followed through and confirmed and and went through into the autoresponder and it was just like I was like I'm because my Tik Tok feed, I would say 90% of it is online marketers. And so I like to watch and I like to catch ideas. I like to see what they're doing. I like to see what works. I like to hear what they're saying all these different things. But when I'm having a low day like that, you know what I do? I shut off my phone. I shut it off. I put my earbuds in at work, because we're allowed our phones while the machine is running. Right. In that one. Respect. I really appreciate that because I do a lot of my research at work right but if I'm having a really low day, and then say for example, I see Chris come online and he says he's had a 10,000 dollar day It's like oh my god, what am I doing? Am I and to keep from the shiny object object syndrome, where it's like, well, well, you know, you know, to keep my head from snapping and looking at that beautiful shiny object. I shut my phone off. I put my music on. And I just, I focus on me. I then read and start focusing on this thing up here. Because if I'm having a deal, I And so when I'm having a bad day like that, and I'm looking at shiny objects, I stop. I focus on me and I just let everything air out as you say, get covered under there and then fall and move forward. Because that funk will come through in your videos. This morning, I posted a video and within an hour I had 2000 views. Now I have no idea what's been going on because we've been here but the funk is gone. So it is but whatever state you're in will come out. People aren't stupid.

Dave: No. No, they can. They can sense it. i It really takes discipline. You know it really takes discipline folks, I mean, all these people that you see on here they they they they it really it really takes a lot a lot of folks and a lot of discipline and it takes a lot of remembering that you know it doesn't matter what you do the first month is gonna suck you know and maybe one Brian burr calls it the valley of despair. I mean, it's just that you're so excited. You're just starting a new business and then it's like you fall off a cliff. You know all that excitement of buying and all that extended dopamine, the adrenaline, you're starting something new you bought it that's why we love to buy stuff, guys. Why do you think that you want to go shopping? Why do we think? Why do you think we attend the next webinar to buy the next course to find the next guru so we're always looking for something new. We're always looking for someone new. We're always looking for the next hit. The next dopamine hit. 

Eric: Why do you think I've got a trans-am It was a dopamine hit

Dave: Trust me I know I know. I know all too well about that. So you know and then you put in a you combine that with an addictive personality and then you know you before you know it you got 10 businesses. I mean I have to actively because I am somebody who will say yes and start things and have just so much going on. I am so I am almost I'm almost I would say like, like militant about it's almost like I mean my default is always no, always no, it's never Yes. You know, because it's just that it's gotten me in trouble so many times to just say yes to things and even say yes to people who are not in business. You know, just being a yes man and overextending myself and volunteering to do things makes me feel resentful about that. I wish I hadn't volunteered. I had to really and constantly, really be on purpose with my time every day because I started this business and I said I want to spend more time with my family. But I'm over here doing this all the time. Well, I thought you wanted to spend more time with your family date. So now I've matured a bit more and realized what's important in this journey. I've been doing this since I was in my early 20s. So I've really grown up a lot in this industry. You know, and and yeah, I've learned that the best thing in the world the happiest that I've ever been, is right now, when I have a singular focus with a community of people that I'm serving and helping I have investments that I'm taking that money and then putting it to work like in the CashFlow Quadrant. You I went from self employed or I went from employed to self employed to owning a business. Okay, where I have systems and people working for me leveraging you know, then I take the money that I earned from that business and I put it down in investments for me those investments are stocks, some real estate, some hard asset, you know, collectibles, things of that nature, some cash, but it's not a complicated no complicated, you know, I'm not looking you know, Mark Cuban on Shark Tank. I don't want to own 100 businesses. I don't need to be that rich guy. I'm not a future billionaire. I don't give a fuck about being a billionaire. Yeah, I just care about my sanity and my happiness in my family. That's it. And if I can have a nice watch on my wrist Great. Yeah, but if not, or a nice car, you got a car you drive that you enjoy. If I can have a few things in life that I enjoy. I'm getting a new boat. That's kind of one of my big things. I finally bought my first boat. I mean, yeah, if I can have a couple of things, but yeah, man, I'll tell you the sanity of having a business that I can come to work and I know I've got a business and I'm focused on every day. It's not 15,000 things. I got investments that are simplified that I understand. And I'm doing what I said I was going to do with my business, which was to spend more time with my family. I've got two little ones. So that's my life, you know, and that's what I've come to after a decade in this industry of, you know, all the shiny objects, all the dreams of being a billionaire and being mega rich living in a mansion and driving 50 Ferraris and all this and what I've learned is that to have one solid business, you enjoy the pumps off good cash flow, and I don't have to have multiple streams because I don't have to worry I don't have to live in fear that a business is going to crash or something. I have one good solid business, just like all great entrepreneurs do. They have jobs at Apple and Microsoft? You know, you know, Elon Musk has a couple of companies but for God's sakes, let's we're not Elon. Okay, so I got one business that I focused on. I got something simple in that I'm not playing cryptocurrency. A lot of you guys are exhausted because you're trying to go through a course and start a business but you're day trading cryptocurrency in the emotional rollercoaster of that. So I stay away from things that suck my emotional energy. And Eric, my point is this is about enjoying life, not just getting rich for me.

Eric: And that's it. That's one of the messages that I've been talking about. One of the things that I do when I have a little bit of time with people and I'm in my life, I say to people, you know, money doesn't buy you happiness. But if your bills are paid, your car payments are up to date, you've got a full fridge and you don't have to worry about the electricity being shut off. All of a sudden you've got a little bit of peace of mind where you can start discovering what makes you happy.

Dave: You can enjoy those things that are so important in your life while on your child's face, right stead of worrying if you're going to be able to, you know, put food on the table. You can know that's taken care of so you can truly enjoy your time. I don't know about you err, but when things are not right in finances, or I'm fearful of something I'm not present with my family and that's been one of the greatest gifts of becoming financially free for me is that I can truly be present with my loved ones and I don't have to, you know, be so preoccupied with fear or that I'm going to you know, I'm going to miss something

Eric: or whatever. Yeah, because when things aren't right, you know, you know you're there with them. But you're not as Yeah,

Dave: I think we've all had a lot of time with that. We know what that feels. Like. And some of you may be feeling that that's a pain point, people. What we're talking about we're giving you guys a lot of language in a lot of things that you can talk about in videos, relating and referring to people's pain points. It really is all you gotta do is you got to look at your own life. You just have to look at your own life in order to learn how to articulate and communicate the pains that are happening in your life. Absolutely. I mean, that's what a marketer's job is. I can't just go booboo, I mean, we're not cavemen. We have to communicate. My heart is hurting because I'm away from my family every day working for a boss that doesn't appreciate me and I feel misunderstood. Do you feel like that too? Am I the only one now ? All right. And we're off to the races.

Eric:: That's it, but you got to talk to them. You can't talk about your pains. You have to talk to their pain. Because they don't. As you say, Dave, all the people out there. Don't give a flying fuck Cardinal language but don't they don't give a flying fuck about my pain and your pain. They only care about their pain.

Dave: Oh, Eric's got some hard feelings today. Let me stop my life and worry about your feelings. No, they're going I don't give a shit about how you feel. But I feel like that too. So I really and they're actually saying that but yes. What's in it for me?

Eric: That's exactly how you feel as this person not not? That's it. Yeah. What can I say man?

Dave: Look, we could have this. We could keep talking for hours but I'd like to have a second around. Come back in a month or two. We'll have Roxy reach out to you and find out how you're doing and come back and continue the conversation.

Eric: Absolutely.

Dave: If you're willing,

Eric: is always willing, you know what, you know my passion. Dave is just helping people and if coming out on a show like today, goes out and helps people even have a glimmer of hope that they can actually do something to better themselves. I'd love to.

Dave: Well, this conversation today has been way more than that. Way more than given a glimmer. I think it shined a big ridiculous spotlight on a lot of areas that might have been unclear. A lot of folks, thank you, my brother and keep up the great work and you know, I just am so happy that your story and life is turning out in a positive way and you deserve it. I mean, you're clearly a guy who is a solid good dude who takes care of his family and deserves all of the success that's coming your way, man.

Eric: Thanks. Can I just say one last thing to the audience? Dave keeps talking about being real. All right. Now, I don't know if you see what's going on behind me Dave but it's raw. I don't have a microphone. I don't have a big computer. I don't have a nice shiplap board on the wall behind me. I've got the drywall wrong but I still have to do mudding and taping here. You don't need everything in place.

Dave: Are you going to mud and

Eric: tape that? That's actually tomorrow's project brother. Okay,

Dave: well I was just wondering because now I was like this cat either just moved on from this room and said, I'm just done with it or is literally right in the middle of it. And so now I know this

Eric: actually, if you follow my pinpoint there and I'm not going to show it to you. We bought a three bedroom house. We have three kids still living at home. And my wife and I for the first couple of months were in the living room upstairs. I built a bedroom down here. And this is half of the bedroom. That's going to be my office. So I still have to have half of the room mounted and taped tomorrow. What's the other half? Next week we're going to cover everything up. Do a bit of sanding modern tape again. And man if you saw my stills Dave as a contractor, you'd laugh at me. But you know when

Dave: I'm pretty impressed that you're spearheading and leading in addition in this entire remodel. I mean,

Eric: do you know what you um, if I can, I'd like to send you a couple of pictures personally. Just a house that I rebuilt, remodeled whatever down south. Before we moved up here. I did that all by myself with my wife and on occasion her cousin who's a contractor came up and helped us. I'd like just so you can see it.

Dave: Yeah. Then the email that we've we've we've been communicating I see all those rock rocks. He just replies to those who are going to be on the show. Just send it there. I'll see him

Eric: Alright, sounds good, man.

Dave: All right, Eric. Keep up the good work brother and the best to you and your family man.

Eric: Thanks, love you guys.

Dave: See, buddy? All right, my friends. Wow. What a great conversation with a great guy. And you know you can go and follow him. Eric: W Becker 71 over on Tik Tok and joined his journey. Learn from the guy who clicked clearly. He's got a lot of skills and a lot of areas of life and now he's coming into this industry. And what I see in Eric: is something that my wife and I would like to, to, to, to cultivate in our own small children. And that is the ability to be able to get into something and get it up off the ground. You don't have to be the absolute, you know, most knowledgeable person in the world about it. You just got to know enough to be dangerous. You got to know enough to get in and get it done. And that's what I saw Eric:, I saw somebody who is not afraid to go into a new situation, a new trade, a new one and get it, you know, start to start. You don't have to be perfect. You don't have to be the most knowledgeable. You just got to get in and you got to have the skill sets to start to start my friends. That's a skill set. And he clearly has the skill set to get started. And you can figure all the rest of it out. Once you get started. You can figure it all out along the path. I promise you I'm still figuring it out. But he has the ability to get started and you can tell whether he's fixing a pizza oven, making a pizza, delivering a pizza, or adding an addition to his house. He even said it is not the best. But he's got the skill to start it. And if he runs into a problem I'm sure you can call a buddy. Hey, you know you have a problem here. Don't know what I'm doing. Right? Call somebody, you know, just like we do. I have a question. I'm right in the middle of stuff that over here on Tik Tok. Can anybody help me out with this or right? I want to do this. Let me know who has experience on this. But the question of I'm trying to get started I've not started yet. There's no it's hard to help somebody with that. It's hard to help somebody with that. It's almost impossible. But if somebody calls and says, I'm right in the middle of a shit night, I need some help. Like, you know, calming. And we'd get in there and we would figure out how to course correct or fix the situation. And that's easy. But it's hard to coach a guy or a gal who's sitting on the bench man. And Eric: is the guy that clearly likes to be on the field. So if anything, take away from the show this morning that no action, no money, no payoff happens on the sidelines. You got to get started. That's the number one skill. And once you get started, there's nothing you can or we can help you figure out. Get your asses out of here and have a fantastic Friday. Be Legendary. We'll see you back here on Monday. For another episode. Peace

The TikTok Strategy For Not Showing Your Face

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: What's going on everybody, Happy Wednesday. See y'all my name is Matt, if you don't already know me, I am the CMO here at legendary. And I got kicked back into my old office because I have parents in town this week. So they took over my other office. And you might recognize this backdrop from times past, but we are live. And we're excited that you're here. If you're here in the comments, let us know. Give us a little shout out there at the heart. And we've got another great guest. As always, we bring on a live guest every single Monday through Friday. You know, last week, we had a last second cancellation. So maybe we missed one here, there. But for about the last two years since the pandemic started. We've been doing these lives every single Monday through Friday, and just sharing success stories of normal average people. And, you know, one of the really funny pieces, one of them really funny things. I was doing some research and I was looking around on the blog and I happened to find somebody talking about our live shows. And check this out. They mentioned you know, it's hard to find income claims from people on the show on the wake up legendary show or from people who have taken the training. And, you know, they said you know, even if you watch the wakeup shows, it's hard to tell, you know, how much money people make or whatever from our education. And little did most people know we went on a pretty big compliance run from about 2019 to 2020. Trying to sort of remove those because most people think oh, well that's how I validate everything. Well, not not really, how that can actually be a way in which you get sued or get in legal trouble by making huge income claims and putting, you know, $10,000 a month or $50,000 a month, on your, on your videos and on your website. And so it's kind of funny because he was this blogger who was saying, you know, go on these wakeup shows and, you know, watch these wakeup shows you don't see any big income claims. So it's like, Who knows if the trailer is basically a review training? How do we know if this training works? But in fact, the exact opposite is true we try not to mislead we try to show average people who are you know, they might not be making six figures, they might have been just made their first commission and it's more of just the ability to sort of unpack what they're doing in their marketing and, and explore what they're learning and how they're growing and also making an income making money. So without further ado, let's bring out our guest today, Connor. What's going on, man? 

Connor: Good, how are you?

Matt: I'm good. Where are you from?

Connor: I'm from Houston, Texas, but right now in college at TCU. Some in Fort Worth, Texas. Sweet. Cool house. How's Horned Frogs? Right? Is that right? Yeah, it's what it is. It's just the busy time of the year finals coming up. So stay busy.

Matt: Do see are at least at the time of putting in your questionnaire your 20 Are you still 20? Yes. That's crazy, dude. Congrats. So you are you're you're in college now what are you studying?

Connor: Entrepreneurs should have been in marketing. Affiliate marketing is somewhat of a combination.

Matt: Yeah, totally. That's super cool. So how would you compare so far what you're learning with what you learn in the challenge? And do you feel like there's some overlap? Are you getting some benefit from your regular course and how would you compare it with what you've experienced ? That's an interesting comparison.

Connor: So right now I'm a sophomore. So I haven't really taken all the upper level I'll say marketing entrepreneurship classes. I've taken all your basic classes but nothing really advanced to say I could compare them because I've really taken pretty much all lower divisions at the moment.

Matt: Yeah, that's fair. What so you're probably doing like some sort of affiliate marketing and in just your spare time, I'm guessing what did you find us like? Like, I feel like everybody I found you know, affiliate marketing when I was 20. So I kind of resonate with that, but my journey was a little interesting. But what, how did you find this and what sparked your interest?

Connor: So my entire life I've always wanted to have my own company run my own business. I've always seemed like another reward of not leaving the nine to five I guess. And last summer, I was working a job or summer job, and I didn't really like my boss too much. And so I was looking for other ways online to make money. And I guess I was on TikTok. And I remember exactly how I found it wasn't very, but I just clicked someone's wind or whatever and just went through that and I guess, went through the APA business builder challenge and just ran with a score.

Matt: So I feel like a lot of people discover us on TikTok and just somehow down the rabbit When you When you said you saw the value or the benefit of like, not working the nine to five, did your parents teach you? Are they entrepreneurs? Or like, did you just learn that yourself?

Connor: My parents have their own businesses, pretty much everyone my family, my grandparents, uncles, they pretty much all run their own businesses. So it's always been something I've wanted to do.

Matt: Yeah. Fascinating. That's cool. What types of stuff do they like, what type of business? Is it brick and mortar stuff?

Connor: My parents run like real estate photography. My grandfather ran a printing company, my uncle, my uncle's own drug testing companies. So it's not, or my cousin owns a spray tanning shop. So a combination of everything.

Matt: Sprinkle in a little bit of everything. I like it. Yeah. So then you find this, you're working a job, you're 20. And you're like, Alright, let's go. Let's do this little side hustle thing. Let's figure it out. Now, I think what I'm super curious about is just the whole, you know, like, basically not showing your face thing, which I think is pretty impressive. You've created a lot of content. I don't know that you've ever shown it, at least when I looked through I

Connor: No, I haven’t my face at all. 

Matt: Yeah, that's impressive. That's a hard thing to do. And well, I shouldn't say hard, but it's, it's probably a little bit easier to go about showing your face I would guess. Guess I've tried to both show your face in terms of like, just content creation makes things a little bit easier. Why that would be my first question is just like, why did you choose that route? Not that there's anything wrong with it or anything, but just Why'd you choose that route? And what sparked that and then how have you gone about creating content without showing your face? And, you know, like, like, did you have a model for that? Or like, where did you learn how to do that?

Connor: So the reason I don't shy faces I've never really been someone big to want to show my face online. And I guess I've seen others I've been able to do it without destroying their face. So they can do it and I can at least attempt to do it as well. And the way I do it is I find pretty much just testing in 10 different methods see what blows up, see what as well as you know, work. So I guess keep doing it and repeat the same content making. So I found a stock video of mine. And I I guess try to move it into like a TikTok size as most videos are too wide for TikTok. And then try either. I either use the TikTok, just putting, like you writing a text on it, or use like or use Canva to make a difference. I guess you can see the one on the right. There's like different clips. And then I made that and there's another website online, I can look for it right now you know what the name of it puts it on top of the background video that I import it to my phone. So it's a little comprehensive version, once you get the hang of it, I find it really easy.

Matt: Yeah, so like this behind here is just a stock video, right? Yeah. And then so like, for instance, like like this, in particular right here is like the strategy with that is like to create something on the screen. Let me make this a little bit bigger. There we go. The strategy is basically on that one to make a really short video, but it's really long so that the video is replaying, and they have to rewatch multiple times. Right?

Connor: Yeah, so they're about 6-7 second videos, so they're pretty short, but there's a lot of content on screen. 

Matt: That makes sense. I've seen those before. And you probably got that idea just from kind of watching other ones like that?

Connor: Yeah, I really just look up a lot of similar content online and twist it to my own.

Matt: And for everybody who's watching I just use this tool to sort Connors videos on his channel. I use this tool called sort for tic toc. And then that just basically sorts like some of the most watched ones to the top and you've got quite a few videos that I've done like, you know, 40,000 plus views.

Connor: Even reposting the same video gets the same amount of or more and better interactions. 

Matt: You did four more times. Well, that's that's cool because that's one thing where you know on the second end of the day I show that Spencer did that. And he's done that with multiple different types of videos. And there's a lot of time for people who will get lots of these types of views and stuff. And they'll get that many views or tons of views and start to go viral. And on most of their videos, they're really only showing their face in the first couple of seconds. I mean, it's like the Hulk mark. So I think what you've ended up doing is basically just to me, it looks like It reminds me of this channel here. Have you ever seen this channel? It's called Manifestation365. I think I've seen Yeah. And basically it were the style of your content reminds me a lot of that which is it's all faceless stock videos. They've grown to 300,000. I mean, that's a lot well And for the most part, a lot of this stuff is all just stock video. There's nobody's face. And then it's just basically putting words on the screen. I don't know. It's just super cool. But it's a really smart way to create content. Because also, it doesn't require quite as much work. It's easier to model. It requires less personality. You don't even have to talk in it. Do you do any voiceover ones?

Connor: I've never done that before. Like different sounds that are, I guess, good online or something. Maybe if I want another sound, someone else will use it as well. So

Matt:  Yeah, like, it's mostly you just sort of investigating and seeing what's working and discovering. Okay, this works. This does this work. This does. Yeah, man. That's super fascinating. And pretty cool. So you've been at this now for how long?

Connor: I started last July, or August.

Matt: Cool, man. It's super cool. I feel like this also reminds me of one other thing. And when we talk about sort of building out, you know, full content to healthy bodies. This video automatically started playing. So this is from the tab I just pulled up, as is his channel on YouTube called healthy bodies. And we've had this guy on our show before, but he basically runs like a nutrition, health and fitness YouTube. But if you look at it, so you're talking about faceless videos, he's I don't think he's ever showed his face. On any sort of video except the wakeup show, which is similar to you, but no, so he's got all these shorts. But before all the shorts were uploaded, you can look at some of his old videos. I mean, he's got on some of them. 25,000 views, uh, definitely has a million or more views on some of these. And it's sort of a similar approach to you in that, although these are more short form content. But my point We do is is, you know, in, in the case of, I think a lot of times people see, for instance like that The Tick Tock channel that you pulled that I just pulled over of yours, like and sort of just think like, Well, how would I turn this into like a full blown content thing, right? But when you start to investigate, you'll see all of these different motivation channels on YouTube that are just like most repurposed images and videos and with like a voiceover or something like that people even do it with like Warren Buffett's investing. Like I don't know if you've seen that but they do voiceover videos. Yeah, for Like, you know, 11 tips from Warren Buffett's speeches, you know, tip number one, and it's like, and they're kind of interesting to watch, but you have no clue who the guy is behind. They're doing this voiceover right. And so I just think the reason I was bringing all of that up collectively will I was just thinking about how you know it can start as this thing which yours isn't small anymore your cheese now you're at 28,000 followers like doing that with a totally faceless thing is pretty impressive. But I think is really just the beginning of what's possible in that world and I think this is a really grant, you've put a really great example for everybody to sort of model or follow or or, I don't know, lock in on because there's also all of this potential and I think a little bit of creativity would help people to see what's possible with this faceless video thing. Because I think most people think about it. They're like, a lot of people scared to go on video. A lot of people don't want to show their face like that. But the truth is it is like a lot of people don't really know how to execute that right they don't know how to sit down and execute those things so for the most part are in the real execution. I'm curious. Let me let me run that because we've got people joining since you kind of walked through this process but let me pull this up one more time on these types of videos just so I'm clear. Are you doing most of the editing on your phone or on a laptop?

Connor: Everything's on my laptop  other than the ones, let's say the one on the second row that is on the left. TikTok makes up for all the other ones on my computer. But I import that back onto my computer. So my background is important for my computer.

Matt: I got you I got your got your so you're using what's your what's your favorite like go to for those kind of stock things?

Connor: I have tried looking in other places, but you can pay huge amounts for stock videos. I mostly use Pexels.

Matt: So yeah, Pexels man, it's free for commercial and personal use. And yeah, I've used it for years, man, it's so easy to use. And you can even download videos in vertical format if you want. But they have a specific section for verticals. But yeah, that's cool. So you just literally go out on Pexels to find those things.

Connor: Just bring them quickly into your you know, AirDrop home or whatever into your phone and then and then put them in the TikTok out and type the words over the top of it in TikTok. do

Matt: Super cool man. So you've got you've got here's a here's a good question is Stacy says, Sorry, logged in like so I'm gonna explain how you're making money with this. So basically, boy, you can unpack that. I mean, that's pretty simple. You just got a link in your bio right?

Connor: Yeah, so people that are interested in my videos then they click the link in my bio and go through the funnel then it connects them to Legendary.

Matt: Yeah, and like and like so his goes over the legendary. Here's another example that we just pulled up in a few minutes ago. Maybe you guys saw it, maybe it didn't. But here's manifestation 365. And, this particular one is more in the manifestation mindset niche. Right? So funny. It's kind of funny that you would go to this, but check this out. So when I click on their link in their bio, imagine that I'm on my phone and I'm on TikTok, and I'm scrolling and I'm like, Man, I really like this manifestation stuff. You know, I'm starting to get into this. Well, right here. This is an affiliate marketing funnel. I mean, this person is promoting an affiliate marketing product called manifestation 3.0. And it's I think as a Clickbank product, and then they have another one about dating. And it's promoting this app. Right? So I don't know if they own the app, or if they have some sort of affiliate agreement or something or a referral link, this might be their referral link. So the point is, as you get those views, right, so, Connor, I think sometimes I teach this decade and a day a lot. The formula that people sometimes miss or don't get fully is, you start out by getting like the first step is just getting views, right? So it's like, how do I get more eyeballs? Second step is that engagement. So starts with views. Once you start to get some views, you get some engagement, start to get some followers, start to get some clicks or traffic, and then you start to make sales or you start to generate leads and sales. Is that right? Connor: Yeah. Pretty much. 

Matt: Basically, there's a certain percentage of followers that you get on social media who are going to eventually explore and tap your link or you're going to give them a specific call to action. That says, follow me or tap the link in the bio or whatever. But that's true across the board. I mean, in every single niche that I've seen, I mean in dog training, in manifestation of wealth in crypto, in just freaking everything out, there's dating coaches on TikTok, there's relationship coaches, I mean, there's just all kinds of stuff. But in every single case like that, it's the same formula, get views by teaching something or creating an interesting piece of content. get followers from all those views, which on TikTok app. and really naturally and organically. Three is get well, get engagement, get followers, start to get leads and start to produce sales. And for everybody who's watching, that's a formula that has been working for people on TikTok for the last two plus years and without fail and really without stopping, which is pretty crazy. Dang, man, that's super cool. That's super cool. So, on a day to day basis, you've got school you got a lot of shit going on. But you got all this stuff going on? How many? Do you have a content creation kind of schedule? Are you now just kind of posting when you have free time? How have you laid the business out?

Connor: So I make content or only have a schedule for that this summer when I have more free time to kind of make a schedule try to keep it rolling even more but with posting I found that posting in the morning works really well for me so many times before noon is when I post so I try to post like a video an hour apart from each other trusts so I found that that works that kind of doing it and midday for me doesn't work as well as in the morning. So I tried to start my day, losing every hour and then I was making 34 times a day if I'm able to then switch to the next day.


Matt: Fascinating. And then do you? So with that, do you then envision going into any additional niches? Or have you explored other niches? I'm always just curious because like, I just don't think that any 20 year old can not think through them. But like, what, where do you see taking sort of the affiliate business model? And what other ideas where, you know, what's the future like?

Connor: I have kind of my other niches but at the moment, I'm trying to make the most out of what I'm doing right now. So it's pretty busy at the moment. So I'm thinking about going into YouTube, Facebook, it's just I'm trying to learn more about that at the moment. And I guess I'll try to keep going to TikTok for now. And I thought about images. I haven't really thought too much at the moment, but maybe, like coaching or something one day, create a course. 

Matt: Yeah, that's and that's something then you can always do down the road and whatever dealing with freaking refunds and crap and coaching can sometimes get annoying but, you know, you can charge a lot and it's, it's cool when you and you know what's really cool Connor I think that like, you know, having a bigger vision for you just your channel in general is also important because, you know, you can build this to 500,000 or a million followers and you know, you can easily sell coaching on your strategy and how you did it for you know, 2500 bucks or or 5000 or 10,000 bucks or something, you know, and you could take one or two clients a month and pay for your college tuition.  That's a cool thing. You know, that didn't exist before the internet. that wasn't a thing you know? And it's a huge opportunity and seeing that with opportunities to guys is really important. But I also want to say if I can just give you a tip based on kind of What I'm seeing so I spend a lot of my day just really evaluating things like What the hell's going on on social media. How are people getting traction? What's happening and I'm starting to see a lot of traction on Facebook organically. With reposting or with reposting of basically or just literally taking TikToks stripping the watermark off of them you know how to do that right?

Connor: Yeah

Matt: Yeah just taking the watermark off of them using Snap Fake or something and reposting them to Instagram reels but you know through the app you can also have that real be posted on Facebook. And so posting the reel to Instagram to Facebook. And then YouTube shorts too. I'm not sure that I'm seeing a ton of traction on YouTube shorts the way that we are on other platforms. But the way I describe this is, because the work is so minimal, really, like once you post a video, it's pretty minimal work to just get that content onto other platforms. And I just explained it like right now we're in this cycle that's going on. And in this cycle of content, these different platforms are basically fighting for your attention. And so if you're omnipresent, meaning you're posting to all of them, whenever one sort of sort of goes hot for like, a couple weeks, or a couple months, or a year or something, because you're omnipresent, you'll already be on all those platforms posting and stuff. So you'll be able to capture exponentially more traffic over the span of six months, 12 months a year, you know, versus just being on one platform, then hearing about Facebook that's like, oh my god, Facebook's hot. And then by the time you're there, and any catch up, it's kind of gone. So yeah, I think that that's a smart thing to eventually look at, you've got a lot going on, but it doesn't take that much extra energy and time. And we're seeing like, it's kind of weird that we spent a long time since we saw Facebook. Since we saw Facebook pages grow organically. Like that hasn't really happened since like 2010. And I'm starting to see that now. So very interesting. It's an interesting trend. And yeah, keep your eyeballs on that. Because that's a really hot spot where people are getting massive, massive amounts of views on their content. That hasn't happened on Facebook in a really long time. So it's good to know what to look into for the summer. 

Connor: Yeah, for sure.

Matt: You headed home for the summer?

Connor: Going over two or three weeks, and I'm coming back over the summer to stay here so Matt: You own the house?

Connor: Renting it with a few of my friends. 

Matt: Cool. Yeah, still. That was probably one of the best years of college and so for me, it was just like renting a house out with friends and having a whole house like it's super fun. Cool, man. For everybody who's here, they're just starting the challenge. They're just getting going. What would you tell them about the challenge? What would you encourage them to do? In turn it specifically in terms of taking action and actually getting out there and starting to create some content or create a blog or create a tic toc or whatever? What have you learned that you feel would be a good bit of encouragement to those people?

Connor: I wouldn't say just like start somewhere you have to start somewhere and then I guess picture ideas on paper and just there's a lot of different niches you can go into to see what you're most interested in. And then once you get going just go along with that and I guess just test out everything that's what I've taught. tested out so many different things that won't work so well the one I like so can't go wrong with testing, testing things. 

Matt: Try new things don't be scared to and I would I would even echo that and you know there's people out there and TikTok who are kind of shit kickers I call them and they're always willing to tell you, what you're doing wrong and and Oh, you know, you're gonna ruin your brand by doing that or whatever. It's like. You have so much life to live. You've got so much. You know, there's just so many freaking things you can try and do and start over. Like just be willing to try everything and see what you gravitate towards and call us great adventurers. Love it honor man Nice meeting you and I mean you've been around our community for a while now so you know in three or four months hit us up, send us an email and be like, Hey, here's what's new. I'm making some progress on this. I think this would be interesting to share on the show and we'd love to have you back.

Connor: Thanks for having me. I’ll do that.

Matt: Of course. So you gotta go alright guys, dang thing if you guys haven't gone in and found Connor here's his TikTok it's @themoneymindsetman. That's such a cool name right here so give him a false kind of on my face but turn this down a little bit. money mindset man. Follow him on TikTok. And if you want to learn or want to learn a strategy for not showing your face on tick tock, there you go. A lot of people ask me about that. So he is a powerful example of how you're able to do that. Guys, have a good Wednesday. We'll be back here tomorrow and Friday day. We'll be back Thursday, Friday, with more guests and more incredible stories, people making money from their social media, from their blog, from their content, from their ads, from their marketing and have a great rest of your day. We'll see you back here tomorrow.

How To Make Affiliate Marketing Work Around Your Schedule

Below is the transcription for this episode:

JoAnn: All right, everyone. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary. You don't know me. I'm JoAnn from the marketing department here. And I am so excited for you to talk with our guest today and just meet her and get to know her and hear her story. And this is Ashley. So welcome through all the ups and downs of going live. Sometimes that happens.

Ashley: That's fine.

JoAnn: So why don't you share with everyone first? how you found us and what brought you. Why were you even looking at what? brought you to Legendary in the first place.

Ashley: Well, I'm just a small town, mom. In Ohio, and I had actually had an accident where I fell through my garage ceiling, and we were supposed to take a vacation, but once that happened I couldn't. I was fine, but I was pretty banged up so I spent the next few days on my phone and I came across, Legendary on TikTok, just like so many others, and I was like well, I don't. I've tried so many other things to make money at home. You know I've done the Beachbody and I've done different things and I've just done so much and it never seemed to work for me, it just, it does for some, it wasn't my thing. Right, and I was like, it's a $7 course, what, what am I going to do? be out if I take the $7 course and it doesn't work. But as soon as I did it, everything on the internet made sense. Like all the people that you follow on social media sites that are promoting things that they like, and I was just like, this is how this works. This is how they do this. And I knew from right then that that's something that I could do at home without having to have a babysitter. I have a seven year old son and I work full time so I didn't want to give up my evenings and my weekends. But I needed to change our life by making more money.

JoAnn: Right? What did you do so you jump in. So we still have our nine to five, right? Yeah,

Ashley: I still have a nine to five. So okay,

JoAnn: So now we're balancing building a business. But really what's your driving factor? It's not necessarily money, right? We always can get, you know, figure out what's really driving you here to put in that time, energy, effort, time freedom.

Ashley: Being a single mom and working full time. I feel like I don't get enough time with him because you get off work. And you have to make dinner and you have to mow the grass and you have to clean the house and you have to do laundry. And I feel like your evenings go so fast. And he's growing so fast. And so eventually I would like to leave that nine to five and be able to do whatever I want with him and have that time freedom.

JoAnn: Right. That's huge. Yeah, I think most people don't realize how that's really the reason they're here. Yeah. Is to have almost, I like to call it freedom of choice. to go today we're going to do this. Yes. Tomorrow, I'm going to do this. I'm going to go to Little League, I'm going to be able to just go on vacation or I'm going to choose to sleep in or I'm going to choose to not take overtime at my nine to five because I can right it's right. Choice is really what we're looking for. Right and the closer we get to summertime and summer break with his school,

Ashley: I just keep thinking I'm ready for where we can spend every day in the summertime doing whatever we want with you know, I can get up and I can work on my business for a few hours while he still sleeps. We have all day to do whatever. So that's my drive. And that's why behind every day I just don't feel like working on my business. But I know what my goals are.

JoAnn: Right? Okay, so you find the challenge you jump in, you start going through the days, how did you do you? How did you set up your time management to make sure you're meeting with your advisor, getting through each day, and still leaving time for your son and all of that for anyone that might be struggling with going through that process right now.

Ashley: He was actually with me for two of my calls. He was sitting right beside me. And you have to just include him. And he knew that mommy's doing some work now on my phone. But you're right here with me. And, you know, there's times that I try to get up early, and I try to stay up late and respond to people and do emails and set up things that way. And sometimes it doesn't work that way. And I have to do it while we watch a movie. And he's right here with me. But, you know, I just have to figure out that time frame and make it a priority.

JoAnn: Yeah. And I think when kids see that, too, they're also learning. Yeah, okay. Mom's working on this. This is how you make things happen. This is how you can find time. It's not like okay, you have to go away and be with a babysitter and I'm alone in a room at a desk. It's not my job. You can do it while watching a movie.

Ashley: I also try to make it a priority to put my phone away and have, okay, I'm not going to touch my phone, I'm not going to look at notifications. I'm not going to focus just solely on our life and what we're doing because otherwise it can be overwhelming, sometimes.

JoAnn: Right? What do you think was the most overwhelming point for you? As you were starting this?

Ashley: I'm just being confident and knowing what I was doing. I mean, I still learn something new every day. And I feel like that's something you have to be comfortable with is not just getting to a point where you think you know, at all you're going to continue continually learn,

JoAnn: It's never a place of perfection. No, right? We're, we wait for perfection, or we're trying to achieve perfection. It's just, we're gonna have a lot of disappointment.

Ashley: And you're gonna let yourself down. And I try not to be so hard on myself. Like if, if I'm a few days past a goal or a week passed ago, I'm still striving for that goal. I'm going to hit it eventually. So I just keep pushing. Right? I think there's so many people that I get messages from that call this a scam, or they say it just doesn't work. But I think those people just didn't take the time to put in the work and learn.

JoAnn: And I think you can find that with every business and everything. Somebody decides they're stuck. And that mindset is a scam. Yeah, I think it's gonna work. They're alive, but they're choosing that. Exactly. They're actually choosing to stay stuck instead of choosing to have that growth mindset and really open their eyes and thoughts to options.

Ashley: Exactly. And I realized that last summer when I found this because, you know, being a single mom, I wanted that stay at home mom life. Where they can go to the school parties and participate in stuff and always be there and being a single mom, I only have one income so I had to go to work. And then when I started this and I was in the middle of my 15 days and I called my mom and I said why can't that be me? Why can't I build my own business to where I work from home for whatever hours I need to and what why can't I still go to his school and be the helper mom and just because I'm a single mom doesn't mean I I have to go to a nine to five

JoAnn: Right, does it? There's already a lot that there is struggle there's challenge challenges but it doesn't mean well this is my life.  you always get to really go after that and yeah, no. See how it goes. So how's it going? After you finish the challenge, what was your biggest first milestone and first goal that you achieved?


Ashley: I struggled for a long time I would always get the smaller commission's and but it took a while and so I hit my first really big day and I hit at 1,800 in one day and I thought that's my whole that's over my whole monthly House bills like people don't realize that they don't

realize that you hit one and one day it can change your whole life and it just makes you just keep pushing even further to take this further and learn further and but definitely to focus on one thing at a time. I think that it can be super overwhelming to be trying to promote multiple things and too many irons in the fire just stick to one thing.

JoAnn: Well let me first preface obviously we don't guarantee income Ashley's just sharing. So I want to say that because she gave a dollar amount. Yeah. But something after that, he said it's huge and I think this is and it's a little kind of goes along the lines of the email I sent out this last weekend, is pick one thing and do it really, really good. Yeah. Just keep going and keep going and keep going. Jumping around over and over to this and that, this week I'm going to try this  and I'm going to try that next week. But it's not like trying ways to build traffic. Don't change offers.

Ashley: Right. And I do see that on TikTok a lot or Instagram where they'll be promoting the one thing and then the next time you see a video, it's something different. That would be confusing for viewers. I know it would be confusing for me if I didn't know what they were doing. Right? Well, the whole point is you're building a relationship. You're building trust with your audience.

JoAnn: Right? And if they start following you all right, I'm gonna check Ashley out. What'd she have to say? Okay, and then all of a sudden you switch and you're like, that one is out. This one is in and then two weeks later. Oh, that second one's out. This one's like, Wait a minute. Ashley's not so confident in her offer. what's, you know, actually it's not here to help me Ashley here to help yourself, and they want to feel you're here to help them.

Ashley: Right. And this is definitely something that can change anybody's life if they actually take the time to learn and put into action what they learn. 

JoAnn: One- take the time to learn. And two- put it into action. Did you feel like you ever had a roadblock taking action?

Ashley: Just my own mentality, you know, you've got people that, especially like the older people like my grandma, was a huge thing. If it sounds too good to be true. And, but, but you don't understand, like, you have to put in work it's still work. It's not just, oh, I want to take this course and I'm just gonna quit my job. Right. You have to build it, we have to go and sell as I'm going. Because it's something that I haven't told everybody in my life and it's not. any of their business. I tell who I want to tell and that is what it is. But when you don't want to share, you know, everybody has those days that they don't want to show up or they don't want to do it. But you have to treat it like your nine to five. You go to your nine to five when you don't want to. So if you eventually want to leave your nine to five. You have to do this too.

JoAnn: Right? I think that's you probably nailed one of the misconceptions that I see is people will give a nine to 510 years for like a 1% Raise. Yeah, one day, I'm going to get that little tiny, measly raise that will let me like, get another Starbucks into, I'm going to give it 10 more years. And then they come to this. And they're like, by day six of the challenge, I better have five grand falling from the sky hitting my account when I wake up, never having to work. I can just sit on a beach and it's just landing in my account. And it's like, Oh, it doesn't work that way. There's no, that's involved here. It's still work. But it's not. It hasn't been helping you get to where your goals are, and it's a hell of a lot faster than 10 years so it's like if you're giving it you're willing to give yourself a decade at a job and you frickin hate, right. You hate it. Why not give yourself six months and 12 months that could change your life.

Ashley: Right, and I noticed as I was learning. You know there's times that you could spend an hour, two hours on your business, or you could spend a Saturday and spend five hours on your training courses and setting things up and getting, you know, you kind of set your own speed, yeah you can do it. Once everything's set up, you can do it and one, two hours maybe a day. But it takes time to learn what you're doing.

JoAnn: Right. Well and it doesn't have to be every day. Some can do this every day. I'm going to put four hours into my business. I'm going to put you know, whatever that timeframe. Just look at your schedule. What can you do with your life with everything that's going on that you can commit to and then stick to that. Like and like you said on a weekend Yeah, if you have four hours free, match content, add a whole bunch of stuff to drafts. You can repurpose where you're going across and posting things to different channels. There isn't. one way or no other way, but make it work for you. And just keep moving.

Ashley:  Yeah, I That's exactly especially working full time. I have to be able to prioritize my business, but I'm also working eight hours full time and then I get my evenings and depending on what we have that evening, so I will be pulling from my drafts or pulling from older videos and repurposing them and it might take me a little while to get back to some messages, but I always respond. 

JoAnn: Yeah. And that's okay. Now, let's say that it has to be you know, immediate, exactly. Okay, so we have our tick tock channel now with almost 15,000 followers on it. So definitely.

Ashley: Try it. I just started a second page also and tried trying.

JoAnn: Okay, so how did you get started with your page like how, when did you, are you going live, when, what were your steps with going through that for anyone that's in that early stages of TikTok.

Ashley: Just tell your story. I have not gone live yet, I really should. I don't know, I guess I need to just to be honest, just to be honest. and tell me your story. I seem to get a lot more views on replying to comments. and talking that way and just telling them about the training. 

JoAnn: Right, okay. So what's holding you back from going live?

Ashley: I don't know, my nerves. I need to just get over it and just do it because I'm sure I'll be fine.

JoAnn: Right. What's the little voice telling you what's the biggest worry?

Ashley: I don't know. Just be you know, be the little insecure, insecure bug. Maybe after doing this today, maybe I'll go live tonight.

JoAnn: Yeah. Our guests yesterday. It was an amazing interview, and I really loved his perception because perception is reality. Yeah. And he was all about serving. Anyone that showed up. So if he had one person, pop into his life. If you were I was live, and you were my one guest some go, oh my gosh, I only had one. It was awful. And he's like, awesome. Ashley, how can I help you? Right? What are you working on right now? And it became like a one on one mastermind session. Live? Yeah. And it was just how his mindset approached it, instead of like to have to have 1000s on or I have failed. One if I only have one or two. Imagine the amount of value in conversation. I could have helped somebody better in a small group than something big. So maybe that will help you. I don't know. 

Ashley: I like that view of things. 

JoAnn: I when I heard that yesterday, I was like, Oh, that is such a beautiful thing because I think that's a big roadblock for people going live.

Ashley: I think I'd be intimidated at first, to have all the 1000’s of people on there, but because I do like to be able to just email back and forth or comment back and forth, or answer questions just. directly to that person. It's so much more personable I feel than being overwhelmed like in a live with all these comments, and you're trying to get back to everybody and then you might miss somebody.

JoAnn: So yeah, yeah, definitely. Okay, so what's the next milestone for you in your business? What are you close to achieving and reaching?

Ashley: I don't know. Like, I just have so many goals. First, I want to be debt free. So I'm working on that. And then as soon as that happens, I'm hoping by fall to leave the nine to five. So I love it. That's my goal so far. 

JoAnn: So you're definitely going to come back when we are absolutely at a milestone and you’re going to share with us so that we can celebrate with you for sure. Cause that's huge. That will be huge. So anyone getting started, what is your biggest piece of advice?

Ashley: Don't give up. Even when it's hard, even when you don't understand. The community and those groups. They answer everything. I mean to see Dave even pop in on comments and help and answer things and the community helps so much. So don't be afraid to ask a question. There's not a question that's stupid. I think a lot of people feel like they shouldn’t ask. But just ask. When you’re going through the training that business plan advisor was so helpful to me.

JoAnn: The people that work in support and answering all the things on our group pages and stuff are always really here to help so that's a great piece of advice Never be afraid to ask because if you need to know it, you deserve to know it right? If you're unsure about something there is no level of worth to get a question answered.

Ashley: Well and if you let one question stop you, if you would have just asked it could have changed your whole life. 

JoAnn: And sometimes it's and I've had people reach out like so sorry, I'm asking this but it's their biggest roadblock was some small piece of tech or understanding or they couldn't find a link somewhere. Just getting that answered, that takes about 30 seconds changes their day. It keeps them moving forward. And that is the goal and that's what we want for everybody at Legendary is to just keep moving forward.

Ashley: It's not a competition. You want to see everybody succeed.

JoAnn: Everyone can win. And right, everyone can win. And everyone is worthy of winning as long as you are willing to learn and be willing to implement. 

Ashley: Exactly.

JoAnn: Those are the two keys for sure. I loved chatting with you today. Everyone go find Ashle on TikTok it’s @makemoneywithmcbride. Go follow her and comment on her stuff and cheer her on. Thanks so much for coming on.

Ashley: Thanks for having me.

JoAnn: Keep in touch, okay?

Ashley: For sure.

JoAnn: Thanks for hopping on today. Tomorrow we will be back on with a new guest and stay Legendary everyone.

Why Communication Is Key To The Success Of Your Business

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends this is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary and here we are excuse me back again another Monday. Another incredible lineup this week of obviously lots of sips of coffee, but great get right into it as of today a former basketball player who scores big by doing this one thing, Daniel, welcome to the show. 

Daniel: How are you doing Dave? 

Dave: I’m doing good, my brother. How are you? Where are you calling in from?

Daniel: I'm doing great. I'm doing great. I'm calling in from North Carolina.

Dave: All right, man. Awesome. So you're a baller. So tell us about how you got into internet marketing?

Daniel: Yes. Obviously born and raised in London, I came over to the states and saw kind of that success there and as I got into the internet marketing space, I was actually in network marketing. I was in a network marketing organization and I've been Yeah, still and still have some affiliation there. Great mentors, great scenario. And then I'm very thankful for Thanksgiving. I think it was like November for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner and I was just scrolling on TikTok. And I think I saw, you know, Ian Maclaurin, Brian Baron here McCaw. I saw his two passive incomes Eric sold. And I was just like, You know what, $7 to learn about a market space. I already knew back in the day that I really wanted to understand how to leverage social media more, or even just leverage the online space and I felt like where I was at in the network marketing space. Even though I had many great blessings. I felt like it was slightly limited in how much I could expand just based on you know, different circumstances. So paying $7 didn't really pay attention to it. So again, emails and emails and emails so a couple more videos and I was like $7 to learn again, a space and for me, I like to see stuff. So I'll pay seven just to see and make sure I'm not missing anything. And it turned out to be incredible. So yeah, so that's how I got into the 15 Day Challenge.

Dave: Nice man. So mainly you were doing offline stuff in network marketing. And that's, you know, mainly includes, you know, prospecting people out in society, you know, which, which actually a lot of online marketers who are just getting into, you know, just discovering online marketing, just discovering entrepreneurship, quite frankly, and I don't want to go into the all back in my day, I had to walk to, you know, miles both ways, uphill stories, but, you know, I'll tell you that offline network marketing, it ain't a Yang. And trust me this is hard you know, compared to that and that's not to minimize everybody's experience of going through the uncomfortability of just working with whether it be your computer phone camera, I get it, but try 50 calls a day 20, 3 way calls home and hotel meetings galore. Right. Daniel, you know the game.

Daniel: Yeah. And the funny thing is I got into it. I was very proactive before the pandemic happened. I was pretty very proactive with my team to go online. I wanted a place to go online, to make sure that we can do business from anywhere so we kind of transformed a lot of stuff online on Zoom and everything. Yeah, we got to a space where, you know, you know, what I love about your program, Dave is you promote, you know, starting learning skills, build your own brand while learning the skills were in that space. I don't think it was as much about building your own brand and I thought I was starting to get limited. So yeah, we did go into online space. But you know, I felt that it was more than I was calling my name, especially the income goals I had I just didn't see it quite, you know, enlightening gave me then the time I went into my family.


Dave: Yep, yep, that makes perfect sense. And, you know, I think that network marketing is a fantastic way for a lot of people to, you know, to, you know, get into the game and oftentimes, you know, we kind of like the gateway drug, if you will, to entrepreneurship. I know it was like that for me. So in a lot of ways, I make fun of it all the time. Only because I've done a lot of it and and I know I know what it's like but I wanted to just if I can hold on a second. I wanted to try to see if I can share this real quick because what you just said is really really important. And it's it's uh, yeah, it's looking like I need to update Chrome and I'm sorry, but the thing that you talked about with a change in the business blueprint in the phishing formula, so if anybody wants to know well, it's in there. And it is an upgrade. It is an a, an upsell, whatever, you know people want to call it obviously you can go through the challenge, you can get into the blueprints, and for those of you who are new, there's no pressure to do that. There's some incentives as you're going through the challenge. If you want to get deeper into education, want more accountability. There's you know, there's a lot of detail in that and it's, it's, I think you'll find long term when you use the information, everything that you spend here at legendary, you'll make that you know, it's there's an ROI of 10 plus 100 plus 1000 plus in this in this business, and I think that's what I don't think a lot of people Daniel, realize about the skills is man the skills once you develop it once you even get a foot into the industry. I mean for network marketing. I have you know, I got a foot into the industry by just signing up as a distributor like everybody else and then within a year or two, I was selling tools and training in network marketing as I was all in the industry, right. I got a foot in and then I'm all in I'm making 1000s of dollars and all of a sudden, you know, a week for me that was I'm rich. I'm working from home. Right now if I made that today, I'd be poor, but here's my point, you get a foot into the industry, and it changes your life. I mean, Daniel, how do we convince people that $7 Even $2,500 Whatever you invest in yourself in this space, if you use it it's going to possibly be the best ROI of your life.

Daniel: Yeah, that's a great, great question, Dave. I think the biggest thing is for me, I think understanding my story will help people understand it, you know, I felt like I had to catch up. Right so seven to me it was almost $7.20- $500 whatever it could be, whatever, whatever the case, like you mentioned, to catch up, right? Because when I was in the network marketing space, you know, phenomenal mentorship, phenomenal, great leadership there. But I needed to learn different skills that will allow me and for me, I'm a busy Dad, I'm a global sales leader. I'm a busy dad, right and husband, and for me, I wanted to get to the goal, right? So I feel for many people watching this. If you want to get to the goal sometimes I mean, $7 it really wasn't a joke's on me. I just felt like, I mean, I know there's so many things I could spend the money on. So I think to get people don't understand that is to just think more about what you could be missing, rather than what people could gain. I think sometimes we think oh yeah, maybe $7 Maybe $7 benefit. Well, if you think of it like Hey $7 could make me, in short, I don't miss out on a hundreds of 1000s of dollar benefit right and that's the opportunity cost and I studied accounting too. So opportunity cost is always my biggest fear. So I think what could you miss?

Dave: I like that. And that's a real that's the real that's the real mindset. I feel like I have somebody who's trained at success. And what does that mean, train that success train to be successful if you've never trained to be successful? Why? Why would anyone think that you're going to be successful? So for some of you who are feeling frustrated, maybe you've never trained to be successful, you know? Here's what I mean. A guy like Daniel, similar to so many people who have been successful in other businesses or other industries, comes into this industry. And instead of looking at it like, well, there's just too many people here it's oversaturated or who would want to hear from me are all of these different imposter syndrome. soundtracks that we play, when we are not trained to success? Somebody like you who you weren't born to be successful, unless you unless you were born, but I don't know. Were you born royalty? Were you born automatically successful? I'm assuming you were. So you trained in success over the years and now you're coming into this industry? As late as you could possibly come into it. I mean, a better time to come into it would have been six months ago, 12 months ago, 10 years ago, but you're coming into it in 2022. It's like brother where are you Ben? But you're trained in success. So it's like what I'm picking up is you're not going oh, it's oversaturated Oh, you're going? Who can I pay? Who can I hire? Who can I get around to catch me up fast so I can blow past all of these cats around me who ain't willing to work as hard as I am? Does that fit?

Daniel: No, that's true. I mean, to me, there's no point being skeptical from a lower platform. You know, like, for me, I have to say to myself, you know, let me pay to get to where I can get caught up. And then my skills, talents and abilities now can shine, right? So I think for most people it is look, you know, you have to understand that I'm only 32 years old, and there's some people out there you might be 40 or 50 and you feel like man, like it's too late. Everyone's saying it's oversaturated. So I'm pretty sure you know, the amount of people that say it's oversaturated probably ends up being the fact that only two people even do it anyway. So, you know, the more I hit oversaturated the more I realize, wow, there's less competition out there. So, you know, it just makes it easier to go out there and have success.

Dave: You're right about that. You're 1,000% right about that. And when I discovered that little secret that it was actually a lot easier to succeed than I thought it was because what I really had to do was just be tenacious about it and not give up because around me, if you could imagine a battlefield of men and women we're just getting taken out all around me. I mean, just people were dropping, you know, another month. It's like, Where'd Sally go? She hasn't posted for a month, you know, or where'd Bob go? I haven't. And I used to be on his list. I haven't gotten any emails from him anymore. You know? People just drop off, they get distracted, they move on. Other opportunity, new opportunity, bigger opportunity, whatever it is. And usually it's just Oh, Bob's doing the same thing. He started, he started something new, didn't follow through, and then he started something new. And I know people like that. Who I've literally known for 10 years who just the amount of times that they start and stop somebody if they did just put all that energy into that one thing, whatever it was, and it's and I tell this all the time to people. You don't want to do it here. You don't want to learn here. I don't mean, I'm just a guy who's here. You don't have to listen to me go do it somewhere but do it in don't spend 20 years trying to get rich quick.

Daniel: And I think the biggest thing to Dave is what people don't realize is you will always be successful. You've built multiple businesses. That you know you've gone through the grind of what it looks like to be a rock bone, even learning your story. You know what it feels and I think sometimes when people feel with the hesitancy is that why would someone that's done so much when it helped me right? One of the put programs together that can help you but not realizing that the pain that you went through the pain I went through growing up in London and why I had to go through in the streets of London and Boston will get me out of so many tough situations that pain actually turned into the wanting to help and serve other people. And that's why you know, your program is so incredible because it's putting something together for $7 to say, Hey, I know we have to make this a lower cost and most people can get into it, but be able to now expand and grow. So I think that's another component to it too.

Dave: Yeah, that there's all kinds of reasons to be skeptical, And I'm just not even any type of guy I'm like everybody else and that's, you know, we get people put on pedestals. It's a weird thing. Human beings are just weird in the way that we put some people up and put others down. But the truth is, is that you know, we're all we're all you know, sitting in a chair right now listening in on a similar device. And some of us are talking and some of us are listening and we're all just humans. Having human experience in the secret of this business is really just all about attitude. You know, my daughter who's sitting over here is home from school today and bringing her to the office says a positive attitude changes everything. And I just I wonder somebody like yourself who's obviously come from some you named it brother your story, their tough. Early life London streets excetera probably done seeing and experiencing things that some of us haven't and are glad that we haven't. How have you kept a positive attitude and not gotten beaten down from some of your experiences, obviously, probably some of the situations in life that were major letdowns for you? How have you not become pessimistic? How have you not become negative? How do you maintain a positive attitude?

Daniel: I think the biggest thing is, you know, for me, what are the major things I love about people in my life? I truly believe rejection is not a thing. You know, because I think sometimes people's attitude can waver when they feel that they get rejected but to me I look at it this way. Rejection is just a misunderstanding. And rejection is never personal. You know, to truly be rejected, someone has to fully know you. So for me to stay positive every day if I have someone that doesn't get side or if I have someone that doesn't want to, you know, go wherever the case is, to me, I realized that probably there might be some misunderstanding, right? That's just gonna just interact with more people, you know, create more content. So I think the positive is one might, you know, my belief too, and I'm a strong believer. Another situation is just that I read a lot. I read daily, daily habits that I stick to, I have habits and skill sets. I said to myself, hey, when you don't feel like doing it, a habit will take care of that emotion. And I just feel like people have just put themselves in a place to understand rejection is impossible. It's not really a thing. Rejection isn’t an ending, and it's just people just need more time or maybe you're not talking to the right person in the right place in their lives. But the grace you give when they want to get started and you know, maybe they've had a couple questions for you or whatever it is, the grace you give people is usually going to come back and you know, you don't you don't reap what you sow you what you sow.

Dave: Wow, you reminded me of this thing that I read and I just have to share right now because it's so so on point from what you're talking about. It says people who can't you know, it's just one of these things. I just saved myself from the internet, you know, somebody posts, you know, I mean, you know, people who can't communicate think everything's an argument. Yeah. Oh, yeah. What you just said was exactly that. And I see that day in and day out and and I even see in dealing with little opportunities where I might want to be passive aggressive or I might want to be you know, like, like, like, like, offended by somebody being you know, frost or whatever in what you're talking about. Right there. You're right is the secrets, it's literally what Zig Ziglar was talking about. I feel when he says help enough people. It's those little moments where you have somebody with, with the same like kind of toxicity that they're projecting onto you and instead of doing that turn around and showing them grace and letting them save face, and being compassionate in kind in that moment, will win you money in prosperity in in respect, in what you're talking about Daniel is is I don't know. I just What do you think about people who think what do you talk to me about that meme or that quote, people who can't communicate with Kate think everything's an argument. Do you think that that's true and how eloquently does that sum up? What we see every day day in and day out in this industry and in life is just conflict and miscommunicating?

Daniel: Yeah, no, absolutely. You know, the funny thing is, and this does relate, I was thinking about what you were saying. And it's just like statistics, right? If we think about communication, we have statistics. Someone might say 1% of people make it right, wherever they make it . Well, statistics really has a lack of communication because it doesn't really communicate to you how many people actually have what it takes, right? If you look at the 1% The 1% did what it took to succeed. Maybe like 9% got distracted like you said because they started and didn't move forward. So that itself is a lack of communication. That kind of relates there but the biggest thing is, you know, what, you know, arguments a lot of times are started by people who are not secure in themselves. And a lot of times we give the other person too much credit. Sometimes you might be incredible at how you deliver information. You might be incredible at how you explained how to get started or what the 15 days are gonna be about. You might have had a great delivery, but the person might be as secure as something that has nothing to do with you. So if you just stay consistent and the right person will connect to that fact. That person will actually sit in the audience and find out that Oh, wow, you actually spoke to him in this way. I wouldn't get treated that same way. Also, some people don't see it the first time like you had, like you mentioned, I think you said 7% of people purchase on their first look, I believe or, you know, it takes seven times to come around. I mean, that's just people being insecure about people's past experiences. It's never personal. And that's why it's not ever, you know, miscommunication. It's not. It's not that it doesn't need to be side by side. We understand what people go through and just be consistent.

Dave: Yeah, I think one of the really easy ways to kind of tell whether you're in a good place, a place to be prosperous and profitable or a place to be basically where you're repelling people in money. And the question is really it's how are you treating people when they say no, how are you treating people and they either reject you or they say no, you know, because the most common trait of a toxic business person or or just toxic person in general is when they don't get what they want. What do they do? And they start throwing a fit so I've actually seen a lot of marketers, and entrepreneurs and salespeople who when they don't make a sale when they don't close on that very first try, you know, because somebody is just I mean not they didn't wake up that morning and decide. They didn't wake up that morning with the intention of spending hundreds or 1000s of dollars with you. Give them a break. Give them a day. You know what I mean? But I see people, it's man, they're the kindest when they're on that first but the moment that somebody says I'm not right now, or I can't right now or it's not a good fit, or even if the person says not leave me alone or whatever. The salesperson or that professional will follow. Going all off, right? I mean, just everything in a niche sitting around and wondering, why am I broke? You know, why can I not get ahead? It's like I've tried 15 businesses, well, everywhere you go there you are, you know, it's nothing changes, nothing changes. And I see people Daniel, they want to understand the science of the code in the funnel builder. They want to get real technical. And I say, forget that. Just learn how to talk to people and treat them with dignity and respect and clearly explained things and then when they buy shit from you, actually over deliver have surprises in bonuses there that they didn't expect. Do more stuff than they paid for. It's like, this shit ain't rocket science. And I know that as professionals, we like to sound like it's complicated and let me deliver the secret marketing formula and blah, blah. But here's the facts, guys. What we're talking about Daniel and I right now is it it's just learning how to speak to people. That’s it.

Daniel: That’s all it is. And connect with people and understanding that you know is is Miss undecided is a big thing rejection honestly, like I said, so we definitely write and I love

Dave: That rejections not a thing because it really removes all of that. They don't like me or they're out to get me because you know what, really we go into when we're when we get rejected. We get angry like what do you do but you know what we really are is afraid and scared. And you know, it's just fear we interpret to perceive this person's words to be all about me. You know, and yes, you're so right. I realized this cat must be having a bad day.

Daniel: And the funny thing is Dave is even in my life, I get more I get more leads from my lives. When I just have conversations with people and just ask them about them. If you know people find out about you I have a little banner on my lives. You know my tell them you know what I do have wherever it is, but all I do is talk about others and just ask them questions, see what they're about and connect with him because I realized, and even some of my you know, the people that you know, connect to me in general, I like to just say hi to them. That's the important thing. Say Hi, to them . How are you doing? Oh, man, I've never had someone connect with me. Yeah, because we're human beings right? So I think that's another thing too, if you don't have to connect with people or human beings. And I mean, I still haven't finished it. Now. I always say to people, when you're in interaction with someone, in communication with someone, right, then that movement is never again, to know that hey, I might have a bad way. I said something but it's never you because you just have holding your ground and being confident to communicate information, communicate this program to someone. A lot of times people come out of their shell and say, hey, you know, I apologize. I shouldn't have said that to you. I shouldn't have because they realize that they were secure. And they just wanted to throw something at you to see if they broke you down to see if you can match them. But really, and truly, they really do respect you. They just put you in a quick test and you failed the test. But you reflect and say, man, what can I do have a better conversation, maybe the blueprints were trained and kind of listen to again, what you'd have said that would be I never, you know.

David Sharpe: I just had that situation happen last night with my wife. She asked me a simple question. I got defensive and she's going hey, I just you know, it's just a question, you know, and she wasn't, you know, she could have said made it all about you know, she has gone into her own you know? Yeah, that to where to but she's wise enough and has have been been at this long enough to know that it's not her it's me, you know, and and she doesn't take on if I'm going to be immature, if I'm going to be defensive, but she's not going to take that bait. And she just says, oh, you know, wow, okay. I'm curious as to why you're so defensive right now about this, you know, and she keeps the pressure on me and, and the focus on me not to Hey, can I want to catch you, but babe, what's up? Like, why are you okay? You know, and instead of arguing, this is what we used to do when we first got into a relationship, you know, she would ask me a question. I get defensive and you know, how we get we puff up and all this and, and then she would, you know, pursue and engage in it would end in toxic fights. And you know, I mean, you know how it is. It's the honeymoon phase where you get a lot of highs are high, but lows are low, if you know what I mean. Yeah. And so, this is so true. And the the this communication thing, learning how to communicate, realizing that you're in the communication business, realizing that you're in the people business, this is really you know, all of you folks who say you you like people and you know, you just you want to work around people that you like and all this kind of stuff, will you create that atmosphere, and now that you're on your own and you're your own boss, and you're in charge of facilitating your energy in the environment, on your pages and on your profiles. Well, you control that energy, and so you get to have the energy wherever you want it, you know, and I'm really empowered by that even on this show, is because I really get to bring people on whereas where the normal what I usually experience on podcasts and things like that is a guru bringing on another guru, you know in for me what about this when enter this kind of scrappy hey, here's all these new people who are using this training, succeeding, let's learn from them. Let's listen to them. And you know, I think most gurus would say I never bring on somebody that just bought my course 15 or 30 days ago, you know, afraid to talk about to them afraid they might, you know, have bad feedback or something and I'm just like, you know, let's let me let me quite frankly, let me keep my communication sharp with my audience with my target customer. Because if I can have a conversation with you and listen to you, and it helps me so much more when I go then to do other lives or create other content and stuff like that. So I guess in a way I still have after 10 plus years, this desire to also because I know if I don't Daniel my communication will get rusty and I could get right back into a place where my words are not connecting with people. Because I'm, I've been too much in isolation and not keeping my I have to keep these skills and that's why I like going live so much. So maybe you could talk about that and how that's maybe helped you and give us a couple of tips about how to practice empowering communication with people and engage in an audience instead of just feeling awkward on the live you know, like you feeling like you don't have anything to talk about. And then you might get into care and sort of freeze up. What do you do to make people engage and even feel them and make them feel empowered?

Daniel: That's a good question. I always take the focus off of me because I think what happens you know, when I first went on live on TikTok out like, hey, you know, you know what to do, like, you know what to do, right? 

Dave: What like link in bio, right? That move

Daniel: Exactly. And I realized I wouldn't have taken the skill sets I built in leadership of basketball, play for my country and go to and be able to be the network marketing and leadership. I thought I wasn't taking that into space. So for me the way I must have that was taking myself off. You're completely understanding the science, you know, days. If people come to my page if they like me, they go with the pace, they will scroll, they'll click on the link, they will do this. So if I focus too much on the other things that people are going to do anyway if they like, the less we do. So what I focus on, I focus on building trust and connection with the people that come with my lives. You know, how can I learn more about this story? How can I connect with him? I already know and here's the one thing I learned too. And I've learned this many times, you change one person's life that can lead to an impact that you could never you could never even imagine. So in my live even I have one person there. Guess what? I was saying to speak to them like hey, what's going on that you look familiar? Have you come to my live before?


Dave: Here how can I help you? It's all about you, dog. You know what I mean? Like and let me know how I can serve you. Otherwise, I'm going to talk until more people come. But it's you, man. That's such a good point. You got one person a lot. How can I help you? You know, it's like, Look, nobody else is here. We're one on one. How can I help?

Daniel: Exactly I used to be the guy take advantage there's about 10 people or 100 people guess what oversee but what I realized is guess what? You know, the people will come. The leads will come if you connect with people and build great content. But the most important thing is that when people come to live, they don't think hey, how can I make Daniel's life amazing?” Certificate, basically you like, do I want to stick held Why do we keep scrolling? Oh, that guy said my name. Wow. Let me know. Let me talk more about myself. That's what makes people feel happy and educated and connected.

Dave: Such a good point. Yeah, it's not their job to do that. What? I'll be done in a minute. We'll get some food so you know. That mentality is such a big one in this business when you stop looking at numbers. That's one thing I like about Gary Vee. Gary Vee really talks about that a lot. And while everybody over the years has been, you know, critical of him and how much energy, how much grind, how much hustle. I mean, everybody has opinions about his work life balance and always marriage must be in crumbles. You don't know that. We all just want to come run in our mouths about stuff you don't have an opinion on. And the truth is, is that all of that time, you know, who knows his family and his marriage may be 1000 times better than all everybody else's and and simultaneously he's putting in that work that consistency and having those conversations those one on one conversations out events are you know, and he is that guy you know, that's his personality that he's you just know that what he's saying is true because he's been saying it for long enough. But his point in all of it is to do what makes you happy. And and and don't focus on the numbers, focus on the individual, focus on the life, the life that you can impact. Because another thing I'll give you another practical example of how that domino effect happens is that now all of a sudden you have a raving fan, who's who's you know, or a friend who's commenting on your stuff and liking your stuff. And that's how you create momentum with your content. Right, Daniel say it's just the simple things. How do you think that people engage on post? Well, they feel some connection, they had some one on one interaction, they have some sort of relationship with you. And if you don't have enough trouble to comment on your stuff, that's how people get people to comment. So those little investments are really important. Those one on one conversations, not only can you know resulting in somebody buying something, obviously, but even more so like you said that raving fan, that's how you get people to come on to your stuff and actually pay attention and want to support you, you know, and want to like your shit and comment on your stuff. And you know what I mean? I mean, it's, it's such a simple formula, and I think we, we just I guess in society today, Daniel, everything's so fast and everything's so instant gratification, that we forget what you know, the equivalent online of opening a door for somebody or smiling at somebody, or just what if somebody goes off on us in public just like not wanting to fight them, but saying Oh, my God, like, I'm so sorry that you're so upset. I can tell you having a bad day. Like, is there anything I can do to help, like, that's an act of God man in today's world, but really, it's not. It's just sort of lowering my ego right and just putting others, either equal or before me and not always having it to be about myself.


Daniel: Exactly. Exactly. And, again, a lot of times people you know, there's certain actions you can do, you know, like, you know, tick tock, right, you know, if you have someone like Shin watch time, and all those things are a factor. Well, guess what? People don't necessarily come to tick tock and say, Man, I want to I want this post to go viral for all right, they usually and you've made it you know, the way you can get that same result by caring about them, connect with the people that do engage and having a great conversation and you know, what will lead you to my page what made you want to follow you know, you know, what kind of goals you have, what are you looking into those type of interactions and one of my good friends told me to

Dave: try what have you tried so many quick little questions, but that really, your friend said what?

Daniel: Yeah, my friend said to me one time you know, good to maximize it. You know, sometimes taking people off the road, right? What does that mean? Everyone's used to the Hey, how are you doing? How's it going? Everybody wants to ask, what about a question that takes them off road a little bit? Hey, you know, you know what's a lot when's the last time you really felt fulfilled in what you did? What what, you know, what's the drive you have? What's the one thing you're afraid of losing if you keep everything the same right now, now people have to wait, oh, wait, hold on. They don't have to go into their phone and pick out the generic. Oh, so they go. Now think about it. Now they will come back. We feel something before guessing what sells the connection. That's it.

Dave:  Yeah. And sometimes it's about not being salesy, not you know, the best sales interactions and experiences that I've had are not people who have tried to, you know, get that one up positioning on me. You know, and there's a lot of strategies that people use in sales, you know, like trying to remain the one who's asking the questions and, you know, leading the conversation and all this but, you know, I've really found that just not trying to get an angle or a position on somebody and really just trying to connect with them in as if they're a friend. Although being intentional with your questions and not just totally going, you know, off the, you know, off off brand or off message too much, but I just I just I just don't think that we realize, especially coming out of what's happened last couple of years and all the hate and pain in the world, how just lonely people are and how just giving them some gentle kindness in treating them like a human being with dignity, even in a sales process really makes a big difference. And it's, I see people who are so even people who come on our team advisors who come on and they're so they want a script, they want this, they want that. I don't hand out or give away scripts. Just kind of just kind of here's a guide for some kind of what the conversation and what a good quality conversation might look like. You know what I mean here's a couple of different questions in ways that I like to follow up with the question that I just asked. So I can dig deeper and make somebody really feel like I give a shit about that question I just asked. And like, it's not just a list of questions. I'm trying to get through on a script. You know what I mean? I mean, people can sense that and I think that we, it's not the 70s people. It's not where, you know, it's the same thing that is happening in Russia right now. You know, I feel like Putin feels like, you know, for those of you who are keeping up on what's going on over there. Putin basically has eliminated all of the communication and the news organizations, there's no freedom of press. It's all state controlled. And and, and, you know, I think he feels like it's like pre internet times, because people can get on the internet and get information man. Patients they can get on the internet. And our people are no different. Our customers are no different. We can't talk to them like it's the 1970s and they don't have every single piece of information along with 50 other options right at their fingertips. All they got to do is just here's here's you, cause right here, this is what you are nowadays. Think you're gone man. the flick of a thumb Daniel Is it a crazy world out there man. I mean, we are more replaceable than ever. You know, as people who are in business and you see this every day, a Mom and Pop quality store that was on the corner of the street? Sure. It's good. Sure. We wish that it stayed but guess what, your eyes had Chipotle last night? Because you didn't want to leave and you wanted to UberEATS right. So the truth of the matter is people have more choices. We can't just come on the internet, spend our $2,500 and be like where's my money? You know, get up there. On TikTok and start talking all kinds of ways to people.So that's why I think this conversation is all the more important about just learning how to talk to people and treat people with respect and realize that every little answer or response that you get, that's not exactly the one that you want. That doesn't mean that it's an argument. It doesn't mean that somebody's you know that you're a piece of shit or that you're never going to be successful. It just means that hey, maybe somebody's having a bad day or maybe I'm filtering this in a way and I'm hearing it differently than it's being said. And that's another scary thing. Daniel is a text on how things can get lost in translation. I have to be intentional in paying attention to what I'm writing to ensure that it's clear and ensure that it's coming across in a way that doesn't rub somebody the wrong way. Because I'm sure you've had a few of those situations to where it's like, let's hop on the phone. This is not coming across the right way. Right?

Daniel: Yeah, absolutely. And even before COVID As I was in the network marketing organization, I told people the time the team I had, I had a pretty good team. And I always talked about let's try our best to create the experience that people felt when we were in person. We can't just go online. We have to create the experience that people felt when we were in person. So that's why a lot of people contact me and ask some questions. About getting started and everything. I like some videos. I'd like to say video Hey, this is me. This is because I wouldn't have if we met in person there'll be able to see that. They can't touch me right now. Right? But I would have died. I think that's a good thing to do if you are just a swipe away how you are and if you're if you really want to have a good return on investment, and people always have what they say all the time. People always have time to do it a second time. They never want to do it right the first time right? Well, that's why that's why I go into blue. That's why I've got everything in the blueprints. So I will do this right the first time. I wouldn't get the results the first time but create an experience for people that you wanted to experience. I mean if you think about that it will just change the game but it's been working out for me.

Dave: Yeah, yeah. Really. I like to look at it like a game. Although, you know that's not to minimize anybody who might be saying to themselves, well, these bills ain't a game Dave Yeah, I get it. You know, I understand but you can't take yourself so seriously because unfortunately, the way the world works if you do nobody else will. We have to have fun. We have to treat people with kindness. Everything we need to know in this business we learned early on in life is treating people the same way that we want to be treated. And it's just we're doing that just in new ways for some of you whether that be through apps like TikTok or whatever. But it's all the same rules. It's the same principles and that's why I never ever worry about the game or business getting away from me and me not being able to keep up because I know the important thing is never the technology. It's never the you know, Facebook ads platform its net there's always going to be a new tool. There's always going to be a new webinar platform, a new Metaverse, a new virtual reality, but you know what it is. There's never going to be a new way in which people are going to want to be treated other than with dignity and respect. That's never going to change. It's never gonna be that people are going to be like, please talk to me and confuse me more. Please make this more difficult and more overwhelming. That's never going to be the case. So these rules of communication that we're talking about today, this is such an important conversation are always going to be true. So this may, for those of you listening, be one of the most important conversations that you've heard here, Daniel, thanks for sparking it today, brother.

Daniel: Absolutely. Thank you for having me.

Dave: All right, man. We'll keep you posted. Come back and join us here in a couple of months. And let us know how you're doing okay. We'll talk mindset and communication and all that stuff in round 2.

Daniel: Awesome, ppreciate it Dave thank you so much..

Dave: All right, my friends. My little buddy here and I gotta go get something to eat. Okay. Have a great day be Legendary, my friends. And we'll see you back here for another tip. Borrow of wakeup legendary you know, basically as Daniel was talking that I just want to say real quick is one of the reasons why I never you know in sitting on here, you know, say you know giving strong calls to action telling people to go buy stuff every you know two seconds is because I don't need to Daniel's right that if you deliver value, if you people already know they're not dumb they know about your link in your bio, and you can gently give a call to action just like I gently see that in our Blueprints today. But oftentimes, it's more powerful to gently seed something in because you create curiosity. What was that that he mentioned? People always pay attention to those little offhanded comments that are sort of said under the breath. Because it's like planting a little seed more so than if you're putting something in their face, right? Tell them to go do something because a lot of times when you tell somebody to do something, human nature kicks in and nobody likes to be told what to do. We all like to make our own choices. Right and that is a more true statement than a lot of people don't like to you know be sold they like to buy well. At a deeper level. They like to make their own choices. And so it's another reason why I don't sit here and give endless calls to action to go buy our training and programs and products because you know what? If somebody got value from this episode, say you're new you came on you heard to have a quality conversation, and you're like, dang, this is what they do for free. I can't imagine what's in their paid training that they actually prepared for. That's human beings are not stupid. That's what they think. So I don't need to insult my audience's intelligence every two seconds by saying click the link in bio or go buy our Blueprints or whatever because you know what, you know they're there. If you want to go by him after we've demonstrated that we can help you by actually helping you then you know that they're there and that's how every business works. That's how all the big giants visit when you have a product that is so quality you don't need to talk about it all the time because you're just proving it's good. Buy my favorite business one of my favorite businesses. You know, the bourbon chicken right in the mall, right in the food court. What are they doing? All they're doing is handing out samples. All day baby. They're saying here's our product. And if you want to play with this bourbon chicken, just get in line, right? But that's all it is. That's all we're doing here is we're handing out appetizers all day long. We don't need to constantly say if you want a full plate of this chicken you can go get in line, right people know that. Focus on get handing out appetizers and make sure that it's quality stuff, just like we're doing every single morning at least five days a week right here on Wake Up Legendary and if you want the blueprints if you want to take your game to the next level, if you want more accountability, if you want to join pretty much every person that's been on this show and it's getting results. You could dive headfirst into the blueprints just make sure you put your seatbelt on. It's going to be a wild ride. Alright my friends, we'll see you back here for another episode tomorrow. Be Legendary. Get out of here. Peace.

The Do’s and Don’ts of TikTok

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on guys? This is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary Alright my friends back again here for another episode on another Legendary Tuesday shall I say as I take a sip of coffee we're going to be bringing in my friend Maynard. Welcome to the show my brother.

Maynard: Hey, Dave, thank you for having me on the show. Thanks, man.

Dave: You're really welcome. I love your shirt. Legendary shirt, but it's pretty close. Yeah. Where are you calling in from?

Maynard: So I'm actually in Saudi Arabia now. I was in Cleveland, Ohio, but I moved back here. So I'm actually a graduate. So I came back here

Dave: Same thing right. Chicago, Saudi Arabia, pretty much the same thing. How'd you like Chicago coming from and growing up? I would assume in Saudi Arabia. You said

Maynard: Yes. But actually I was in Cleveland, Ohio.

Dave: Cleveland. I'm sorry. How did you like America in Cleveland growing up in Saudi Arabia?

Maynard: So we have some things that are really similar, but because my sister actually lives there, it wasn't really a big deal for maybe the first few months, but then after that, it was okay.

Dave: So but you might move back to something I mean, do you have family there what I do, okay, I do mean family. It's all there still. Exact closer to them. Okay,

Maynard: That's not all the reason I got my first job here. Yeah, so they actually wanted to move me here to Saudi so I came here anyway. Since I have my family here, I moved here.

Dave: Well, that's actually fairly convenient for you, right? That's actually a pretty good pretty good little setup there. Go to Cleveland. Get a degree and then get a job back in your hometown. hometown. 

Maynard: And then four years later, I quit my job. 

Dave: Alright well tell us your internet marketing story. How in the heck did you go from, you know, college at Cleveland back to a job in Saudi and now your online marketing and have found legendary and are working with us tell us how you found us and how you got here. 

Maynard: I think it was like during COVID Usually, so what I do is not actually like a nine to five job. It's basically I'm on like, rotational schedule. So basically, I work six weeks or six weeks on, so I go to remote areas. I stayed there for six weeks, and then I came back for four weeks, and I stayed home for four weeks. So during COVID This is this wasn't the case. I would stay all the time in remote areas. I go from one location to another for about eight months straight up. I did not see my family. And basically the job environment is toxic and you know they have status. If you're an engineer, if you're like an operator, they all have all these kinds of levels. And like most of us, I just got sick, you know, no leaving my family and I got married I think three years so and really I did not spend my time with my family, my wife. So what I did, I did like most of the people that that would they do basically. I think on Instagram first I was scrolling and I did see one guy I don't remember his name actually I still don't know who he is. But he had another side hustle and videos you know make this in one hour and listen to hours, and I was like they can do this in one hour. And this is actually my daily rate.

I did what I did, you know, I stayed. I watched some of his videos. One video led to another. You know, I just looked into affiliate marketing and I found the 15 Day Challenge. I took it and I think I finished that challenge in less than 15 days. You know, it'd be seven or eight days because I just wanted to, you know, find something that I can do that I actually saw I can quit my job eventually. Here we are today. It happened.

Dave: So you quit your job?

Maynard: I did it back in December. I gave them December 21. I gave them my one month notice. And now I'm officially you know, I don't I don't work there anymore. 

Dave: As a direct result of now transitioning into this way of earning a living and making money and exactly the direct direct result of going through this education and being exposed to this community and seeing other people doing it and now you're doing it yourself. That's exactly what that's.

Maynard: Yeah, and the reason why I was actually what I was I think I stayed six weeks and an offshore rake. And I was making content there too and I think I made 25 sales in that month but I was actually working. And I just had in my mind I said I bet if I can focus on this, you know, making my full time I would be able to make more than 25 sales a month. And I took the leap of faith and now I'm actually making more than 25 sales a month.

Dave: Yeah, that's great, man. That's great. You know, I mean here we are sitting here once again making art I've I've never I've never met you. I mean I was late this morning and I was two minutes late so sorry. No disrespect you know and here we are you know you're a guy from Saudi Arabia. I'm just fascinated by this Maynard. I mean, you went to college in Cleveland, so you also sought out and have but you're a guy who's grown up and living in Saudi Arabia and and you know, I think I think Maynard the world is depressing place I mean, look at what's happening with with in your in Ukraine and Russia and what's happened in the Middle East and what I mean, we've been surrounded by so much conflict and and in. Just, I mean, hopelessness. I mean, you mentioned what has happened over the last couple of years. And that was another thing. We're just coming out of that now. Something else is happening on stage. That's a fair I think it's hard to you know, it's hard to believe that somebody can make this dramatic of a change. You know, it's hard to believe sometimes because the world is so full of things that make us hopeless. And here you are yet another person. I've never met you before. Until now. We didn't even talk offline and you're somebody who randomly from across the world found this course in this community and have now set yourself free essentially because of it. And I just find that to be the most fascinating phenomenon in the world, man, don't you think so? Hope that's my point. There's hope people let me finish my rant with the cherry on top, which is, there's hope. I mean, turn off the news if you have to, tune into the show every morning. I don't know what you have to do. But there's hope and here's yet another story of I Maynard. I'm going to be dead honest with you. I say and I am always honest, but I'm going to be very vulnerable right now. I say to Matt often I say when are these success stories going to stop coming through man? There's something special that's happening here that we can have a new student on every day with a waiting list and two years to talk to you guys. And to hear stories like this. I mean, it's beyond anything that I've done. I mean, I've just put some education together. What do you think is the ingredient whereas so many people are finding freedom in hope here?

Maynard: I think the way that the 15 Day Challenge is structured is specially after thing, day five, where you talk about the mentality, the mindset, and I think a lot of people just don't believe in themselves. And I didn't honestly but when I listened to you know, the mindset, programming and all that stuff, and the rewire your mind, think of the audio that you did. I think this was the main reason that it allowed me to believe in myself and I think a lot of people would agree with me. It's the mindset. It's just not the education of the 15 day challenge, but actually the mindset that was taught in it as well. I think this is why it's just the ingredient.


Dave: It's an intangible thing, right? You can't put your hand on it. And it really is about having not just one but a whole group of people really, truly believe in you. I think in not I think this is what you're saying. And this is what's coming up for me also. And especially as I checked some of the comments too, because I'm fascinated by when things really work and what makes them work. But sometimes you can't even duplicate it, you know, you can't even remake it because there's just a perfect storm of both, you know, whatever you need that that's fueling the fire as far as education or whatever but then you need or you have here people in community that not just are believing in you and instilling confidence but giving you practical skills to be able to in making it make sense that was one of the things that was always troubling for me was mindset work never made sense to me. Because it exists. It was just like well, what are we doing here? Affirmations are we praying, what are we doing? I mean, because I've never learned how to work on my mindset. You know what I mean? I never learned that we've learned about that before. And it's also not just the rah rah. It's not the MLM that gets hyped up and nothing against that or any other motivational event. It's really truly looking at, you know, what makes what makes me tick and what am I afraid of, and then really addressing those finding out they're not that big, it's just adding that to appear and then and then you know, practicing taking the step and practicing these things. Was there anything that was difficult for you? I mean, Maynard, I don't know much about Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabian culture or anything like that, except that I think it's fairly conservative.

Maynard: Not anymore. Not anymore. Okay. Yes, not anymore. It's totally different. Totally different. We actually had Justin Bieber here. A while ago, they have concerts. 

Dave: Wonderful, wonderful. And you know what? I've never been to Saudi Arabia or Dubai or anything. So I'm really just speaking very out of my realm here. But what I'm asking is how did family and friends react to this? I mean, how did it happen? Did you deal with any blowback, negative feedback, criticism, questioning, talk to us a little bit about because that affects the mindset as well, that affects the confidence if we don't have the support of friends and family, and oftentimes, that'll knock us off of what we're doing. So talk to us a little bit about that.

Maynard: So what I did basically I told no one and the only person that actually knew and it was only my wife, when I tell you the only time I told my family and friends and even my co-workers. When I gave the one month notice and I told them I'm quitting. And everyone was like, oh, did you find another job or what is it that you do now? They're trying to find out what I'm doing. Even my family every single day, they're like, so what do you do? What are you doing? Medical? What should I tell them? I do freelance. I'm not going to tell them but some

Dave: Some of them are my friends. Freelancing Right. Exactly. So you can be home more with your new wife. I mean, that makes a lot of sense to me.

Maynard: So I never told anyone to this day like it said, my friends and my co workers or ex coworkers they still said contact me and they try to get something out of me. But I tell them the same thing. Every single time. I do freelance work. I do this and I do that. And I never told them what I do. Because I know if I tell them they would be looking for me.

Dave: You know, it's so funny, man. It's a real challenge, I think, for everybody. And this is something that I'm just gonna offer to everybody in sort of just I'm going to see this. I'm not even going to challenge you to do this, but just think about this for a second. There was a time Craig Douglas and this is top secret stuff lol Yeah, friggin totally top secret. Um, you know, I was just gonna say I was gonna talk about Oh yeah. There was a time when man and I still really caught myself doing this because you know, just because it doesn't matter whether you make 1000s Millions, multi millions. I mean, people still treat you like a person. So it doesn't matter. I mean, I'm just living a regular life. I'm no different than anybody else. And I've got neighbors and, you know, they, they're there. I've always had nosy neighbors because I've been kind of like, you know, I dress like I'm homeless every day. You know what I mean? I wear sweatpants and Birkenstocks and socks and just walk around the neighborhood. You know, walking my kid in a stroller. And people are like, I got this one neighbor who's very curious about what I do. And yeah, it's very different. The energy is very different now than like, when I first started because I was when I first started. I'd be like, Oh, let me explain to you and he, you know, just sitting there explaining, you know, because I just wanted anybody to believe in me. Do you know what it was? I just wanted somebody to believe in me and if you were to, like buy my products, or show any interest that meant that you actually were taking the serum. It's been really cool for me and now dude, I try to avoid talking about work like a plague because it does not matter how successful you get if somebody doesn't understand it, they're still going to criticize it. And it still couldn't make it still could turn into an awkward and weird in even conversation where you get your feelings hurt. You know what I mean? Because you didn't get the support or the response from your family member that you wanted like that, you know what I mean? So I really tried to avoid it and I just I know I spent a few minutes talking about that piggybacking on what you said, but I just would offer all of you listening who right now it's just so important. You feel rejected by people you feel like you're not supported. I mean, you're you're pivoting doing something bold in different outside of the system, kind of, you know, curriculum for your like or or the system kind of, you know, to do lists like do this when you're now do this now get a job now, like, this is a bit outside of that. So you're gonna get some criticism, you're gonna get some you might, you might end and you have to make an adult decision about whether it's important for you to continue to get validation and recognition from friends and family, whether you need to go to them to get that or whether you can build a business and get that from your audience and get that from the customers that you serve. Now, that's a real challenge, right? Because those people are actually like, if you want to challenge yourself and entrepreneurship in this doesn't have to be because you're some savage entrepreneur, but just shift your focus and let's try to get the recognition and let's try to get the attaboys from the people that we're serving, because that's legitimate feedback that we can actually believe because they're using our business. They're a part of our systems rather than a random bystander, what comes up for you as I'm ranting about this a little bit.

Maynard: So honestly, my dad and I thought about my brother in law, when I told them that I was quitting. They were like, now don't do this. Your job is the only source and you know what, you know what? Because I was like you said because I was trying to do something, you know, different from what they're taught to do. And I told them, This is, you know, this is my life. This is what I'm not gonna ask anyone, you know, like, giving money or anything like that. I believe in myself, and I know I can do this and, and I kept telling them, and they keep telling me the same thing. Do you think it's what you're doing? Is it gonna be here after 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, but it's so hard to explain to them and I tell them yeah, like, like,


David Sharpe: Do we even know if the world's gonna be here? I mean, losing control of nucular bombs around this planet. I'm wondering if we're even going to be here for another six months for God's sake. living every day to the fullest people. Okay, I'm telling pop that I said 10, 20, 30 years if I'm still alive and dead 20,30 years, I ain't going to be more than nothing. No, just two guards all day long, laying by the pool.

Maynard : So that's what I told him I told him now this is the best decision I have ever made. 

David Sharpe: We got to watch fanatics in the house. Riley never heard about paddocks. Come on. Now. Let's go. You got to be like a jeweler or something to know these things. It's like some of the pieces that I wear at one store. You know, one in a million would know what they are. But there you go, Riley Alright, let's have a little watch moment. All right, back to you. maner we're back on marketing now. I got distracted for a second. Someone complimented my watch. Come on. I gotta take that in. You know what I mean? Yeah. So what's up TikTok, that's your deal. truck traffic generation coming from tick tock mostly, or also Instagram and tell us what you know, what do you know now? What are you doing now that you didn't know? Back then? I mean, drop a few nuggets on us.

Maynard: Okay, so I actually believe it or not, I had six Tik Tok accounts. Three of them. I said, Yeah, so three of them I made and I got strikes. So basically, I started from the beginning. Then I have one account.

David Sharpe: Shut down you say three actually three shut down. Yeah, that's that I know of.

Maynard: Yes. So but that did not stop me. The fourth one actually, I got too close to 50,000 other words. And the thing about this account, I did have I think five or six strikes. So I still have one and it's not my main account. I don't use it anymore. And I was actually attracting the wrong audience. And then I started another account, which is now my main account, to make my dream into reality. And basically, I took you know my experience of trial and error of making the slides. You know, the hoax, how to attract the right audience. Everything that I learned is actually what I did, and I just try to replicate what I did, but in a good way. So I don't get sent down. And now, basically, this is what I'm doing. I try to stay away from you know, a complaint. Now, anything that you say that is related to affiliate marketing, it can't get flagged as an MLM. 

So if you put affiliate marketing as what I have seen from my own experience, if I put affiliate marketing, you know, as a text inside the video or set it at it triggers so TikTok doesn't push the video as much as if I just put digital marketing. So I'm trying to test because I've seen a lot of people that they've said the same thing, that they're experiencing the same thing as they say affiliate marketing the videos, they're not being basically pushed. So I tried to stay away from saying affiliate marketing and I tried to say digital marketing and freelance digital marketing. But, but honestly, thing I've learned in the past six months from you know, getting my account shut down. I've learned a lot of things. You know, the hugs in the first three seconds are really important. Sometimes what I do I have a video and I do split tests. So I changed the first three seconds and I saw what it might mean or what it might change. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

David Sharpe: That's for people who don't know what a hook is. I mean, you see, like you could do this for I can too. Could you diamond, could you What is an example of a good hook and a bad hook and it'd be great if you can actually demonstrate It's as if you're holding your phone there. What would you say or do or what have you said or done in a video that worked really well versus a hook that you could have used that might not have worked really well so people don't really understand what you mean by that.

Maynard: Okay, so I use one hook that I've tried to use most of the time and it always works, and it can guide strike so it goes something like this. I should probably tell you this but then you can add something like I shouldn't probably tell you this because I use it for myself something like this. And yeah, I got one video that went over like 100 100k views and one video about Amazon and something like this. Do not buy from Amazon until you watch this. So these are two examples of a good one hook that I think worked really well one time, but then I tried to do it another time, but it didn't. I don't know why. But it was something like this. I can't believe no one is doing this side hustle or I can't believe nobody's doing this. And then I showed them and the video so it worked one time but it didn't show them time. Another bad example would be what I've seen actually in the sort of videos they perform really well. But because of TikTok now. You can't really say how to make this amount in. In this period of time. You cannot do this or your account. Your video will be taken down. But you can say things like how to make 5k or how to make five figures but that's okay if you say that it's okay. TikTok will not take down your video. But videos, bad hooks that I've used used a lot, but I just can't remember.

Dave: Yeah, and really a headline is like a hook is like a headline.

Maynard: Yeah, exactly. The first three seconds. 

Dave: The thing that they're there they're basically reading when or or he you know, it's kind of like if you land on a sales page. Then you know the text at the top of the sales page which is also important. And you know, I have a Mulan document right here that I just pulled out. And it's 250 you know, different email headlines why firing your blank could save you blank. Increase your blank and reduce your blank, the most boring blank in the world is a national myth. Can an old school blank be better than a blank? 10 reasons you won't buy 10 blanks . You won't regret buying blank. Finally did something right? Don't overlook these best. I mean, what I'm hearing from you and this is what came up for me and surprisingly, I never thought about it like this, but what an amazing link together they're so similar. Eight the first three seconds of a tick tock video or a piece of content Youtube, Instagram, you know, whatever. Really is like an email headline. It's the determining factor of whether the person is going to watch the rest of the video. It is the determining factor whether somebody is going to open and read the email. Would you agree with that?

Maynard: Exactly. Yes. If they don't open email, they're not well, if they don't, if you don't write something that will grab their attention. When the hell they're not going to read it. If they don't read it, you're not going to make any sales.

Dave: So how many of you, how many of you are here today, and this is the benefit of being here, right? Maybe you know manners. This is what I like to do. I like to say what's holding you back now from getting traffic leads and sales. Now, today, today's the day you changed your life. Today's the day your future can change in an instant the trajectory, the path you travel, the road you're taking, boom, right turn, you're on to a completely different trajectory. So how many of you are here to live? Would you like a direct Share link to that document that I just showed that had 250 different combinations of email headlines that you can both use in your emails, of course and anywhere else that you want because marketing is really interchangeable? But also so you can use it from the beginning . Maynard gave you some amazing, amazing little nuggets there with those first hooks, but I want to give you 250 More, because I want you to have zero. Okay, Bruce, zero no excuses. I know I would. Alright, here we go. I'm going to just drop the share link right into the comments, Maynard, I'll send it to you so you have it as well. You don't have to thank my friend. Because you know what, you're the reason why, you know, we're here and we're even talking about this. So we'll make sure that you as a matter of fact. Yeah, Roxy's on Roxy, I'm going to drop this in the marketing channel. And let's get an email sent out to Maynard with that link and I just put it in the marketing channel. Thank you. So Maynard, I mean, what next? What now? I mean, from a marketing standpoint, not not really just where you're going to take this on. But from a strategy standpoint, where do you go from here? Do you continue to stay in the basic stand in the trenches? Building traffic? I mean, are you sticking with affiliate marketing for right now laser focused? Just focusing on building traffic assets, you know, various different pieces of digital real estate that will bring in passive traffic such as a YouTube channel, TikTok, whatever. Are you going to want to create your own courses, coaching programs? I mean, tell us what your strategy is to take over 2022.

Maynard: So what I'm trying now, probably after a few months, is probably mid June. I will start working on it on my own towards my coaching. Definitely because I want to do it with the four business models. You know, the affiliate marketing, coaching and consulting, digital product masterminds. I'm going to be doing all of these but for now, probably until June. I would still focus on for then I would start you know, building my own courts and my coaching business and in the future, maybe my mastermind So, but this is 2022

Dave: I would just ask one favor. Go ahead. Is that as you do this, and this is not some BS listen closely, folks what I'm about to ask him. Please don't stop what's working when you move on to continue to build on your business. And what I mean by that is I see so many people who start with affiliate marketing and get that going. And then stop that because they want to go on to do their own thing. You know, expand their business really and what they end up doing is stopping what's working to then go and replace that with what they think is better. And I've seen this happen to people all the time. Top affiliates who are Legendary have done this. They've they've they've reached huge status and stopped driving affiliate traffic to wherever they were driving it from to go on and spend, you know, months or years building their course or program or whatever. And all the while they have no funding for that. And there's this big lull and they don't know what happened. They don't know what happened. They were doing so well. They were doing so good. And now all of a sudden, they don't know what happened because they were going for bigger and better things. And the reason why is very simply because they stopped doing what was working. One of the best ways to transition into launching your own course coaching program is very simply to do it to the existing email list of the folks who have bought products and services from you already as an affiliate, just simply to launch it to those people on your email list. You don't have to stop what you're doing. And that's simply because I see people get all this hope and then lose it a year later after having massive success because they're confused why all the sudden their business you know, and there's a golden rule in business in honestly, one of the one of the people who says it is Warren Buffett, look, he says I'm not an investing genius. I just follow the rules. Don't lose money. And there's a there that applies here. You know that there's nothing worse than losing money, cutting off money, you know, so anyways, Maynard, you don't have to respond to that. I just wanted to offer you that because I've seen it so many times. And I just it's not a it's not a it's not nobody wants to ruin their business. But sometimes they transition to do bigger things. We think that we need to stop doing what we're doing. And we should never stop an income stream. When it's streaming.

Maynard: It's exact I'm not going to start affiliate marketing now driving traffic, all of that I'm going to do still do affiliate marketing. And at the same time I don't think that I will be doing deals here. Actually, you know, at least the outline of the course and the digital product that I will be doing, but it's not going to be my main focus. It would be like a side project that I do beside affiliate marketing. So I would still do affiliate marketing, make content, send emails, you know what I'm doing? I'm going to still do the same thing. But I will try to finish at least you know this year you know, making the outline of some videos and some modules, but it's not going to be my main focus. Yeah.

Dave: And you know what content men can be created very quickly to you know, Brian Berg gives away a free a free course. You know, there's a lot of different things you can do to begin to warm up your content creation skills, you know, because it's a different type of content when you're going and making a course versus making short TikTok videos and so forth. Or even YouTube videos. So there's so many different things that we can do as marketers to level up our value in so many different places that being an affiliate can take you I mean, we just won and we are actually I am just with my single account the number one affiliate and click funnels, which is a massive company with 10s of 1000s of affiliates and they're doing 100 million a year and not legendary if they were to count all of our sales come in there. We would be blowing their roof off but I just wanted an affiliate contest last week for legendary just for my account. I didn't do anything different. The ironic thing is I actually didn't lift a finger to send an email. Nobody. None of us did. You know, I didn't say Hey, Matt, go send an email or anything just that's the power of automation that you know my ClickFunnels account can grow passively into the number one affiliate for Clickfunnels. And last week, there was a five day trial contest and were you just driving traffic so you know my accounts driving tons of traffic and that's just as an affiliate and now I'm, I'm I'm pretending you know, I'm getting a big belt, lots of exposure. You know, talking to you know, potentially in some talks about doing some other stuff with maybe with ClickFunnels. Who knows? I mean, those, it's just it's called the Big O baby. opportunity, opportunity. Okay, and affiliate marketing, just affiliate marketing. We're not even talking about all the benefits because you're talking about a course coaching program. I'm doing all of it and it's all wonderful. And you know, as I have built courses, coaching programs, live events, all this you can see that I'm still doing affiliate marketing that was the reason why I brought that up not to toot my own horn although, you know, in no humblebrag humble brag Come on. There's a lot of gurus out there, man. There's a lot of people on the internet gurus and goblins. It's full of them. And a lot of people in this industry give this industry a bad name, snakes, and I'll tell you what. Who woulda thunk to just say you know what, this shit is going to be hard. It's not going to be easy. And it's not an overnight success, but you can actually build a real business and we'll support you and walk with you every step of the way. As you do this and even talk to you have you on the show. You come on the show and say fuck off day I don't even like you. I mean anybody can come on the show and absorb that because, okay, let's work for your frustration and I'll find a solution to your problem. I look, I'm fine with anybody saying that because I want people to succeed and that's why I'm saying the things that I'm saying about you know, don't quit what's working. Don't quit what's working. I see people do this every day in the manner that I know I'm dwelling on it, but as well as humble bragging on myself, but I'm bragging on YouTube. I am unbelievably blown away by the stories in this community. And here yet again, somebody from around the world Vayner from around the world is sitting in Saudi Arabia right now and I'm sitting in St. Petersburg, Florida and we're talking, you know about marketing and turning our dreams into reality. I wonder if I can do a quick Spitfire with a couple of questions. people struggle between picking a domain name. They want to maybe put their own name in it or they want to go more generic with something like dreams into reality. Why did you go the direction that you went? 

Maynard: So dream into reality? That's the only username but my own domain is actually my first name. First three letters of my name may and then oh, and then July which is my middle name. So I use a generic name because in case I want to change my niche or something and I want to go probably promote another product not in the Make Money Online. Then I can basically use my generic name, no dash, you know, the past and I can say for example, my own domain slash, you know, dog or Worldcom or so I can use the generic name so I can use it for different products in different, you know, markets. So I would say basically use it generically. If you don't know what you're going to be doing.

Dave: Yeah. Here's another thing that is interesting to think about. And I talked about this with my private client coaching group, which we don't, which we're totally falling for, and I'm not accepting any clients right now, but we had a call. We had a call a couple of weeks ago, and I talked about, you know, building or it was actually a couple of months ago. I talked about building sellable assets in an industry that's not very common. It's not very common to build. Nobody ever thought of little marketing businesses like this, like YouTube channels. And Pete, you know, affiliate marketers with email lists, those being saleable assets. Like you know, normally you can sell a business folks, that's one of the big benefits of owning a business is that you it makes you money all the years that you own it, and then at the end when you're done with it, it's a sellable asset that you can sell for usually a multiple of the total profit that you made that year. It's called your EBITDA. And if I did 5 million in EBIT last year, I might have multiplied five times depending on the industry is usually what determines the multiple. I might get $25 million for the business, you know, when I'm done with it, so a lot of times it's better to build something with a little bit more generic element to it. So when you sell it to somebody else, your name is not attached to it, you know, something to consider for you know, you didn't do it here but other people who are putting their names and their things it's not a bad thing, guys. I mean, the truth of the matter is, nobody seeks out your domain anyways, that's never how you generate traffic. 99% of traffic that's generated on the internet is generated through somebody clicking on something, not through somebody remembering, oh, legendary marketer.com. Let me type that into the URL. Nobody does that. Nobody does that. And I know because we've tracked stuff. I mean, there's a certain small percentage of our traffic that comes from organic search, which is usually people putting in typing in things to Google and finding it through keywords, but very rarely are people typing in legendary marketer unless they are already customers coming back to the back office. So you know, yeah, the more we can make it generic, I think it is better. I think I just commit to that Personally, myself these days as well. So if you're deciding about your domain name, how about hooking up and messing with your autoresponder getting that set up? Did you use templated messages or did you write your own emails? How did you navigate that setup of the funnel technology and in personalizing it with your own content?


Maynard: So what I did, it really depends on the product. So for example, any product that you basically promote most of them will have email swipes. So some I use but what I did basically from the copywriting playbook I think I use some of this, some of it, you know the content inside of it to make my emails. I've also read the top secrets, copywriting secrets. And basically I'll use what's inside of them to make my own emails. And like I said, but some of them I use email swipes, which they're already been written and I can just basically you know, get a subject line that body and basically try to tweak it sometimes. But yeah, I do a mix of both, you know, email swipes that they're already ready to use and some that I use myself. But as for you know the using the Clickfunnels the you know, the tech side of it, mostly YouTube, and sometimes I go inside the back office. I sometimes go back to decades in a day to see how they, you know, this is what I started. But this is essentially how I do it, you know, mix between both email swipes that are ready and ones that I basically make myself.

Dave: And you know what guys? I mean, I get the majority of my inspiration from looking at somebody else's ad or you know, so there's nothing wrong with that. I urge you to begin to try as early as possible. And what that means is just a swipe copy is when somebody gives you a pre-written email that you can use. We call it swipe, I mean I don't know why it's called that. I have a swipe file that has lots of different ads and you know that in various different tools and stuff like the 250 email, you know, that 250 email, headline, swipe file, I have other large swipe files, you know, with with, you know, with lots of different, you know, from different things that I've bought and you know, I've shared, I shared some of that swipe, which is a beginning swipe file for those of you who bought the blueprints when you log into your back office and you go to the affiliate marketing business blueprint when you go here to underground secrets of direct response marketing. You know, you can go in here to the resources section and you're going to get some of the best email and sales pages ever written. And you're going to get download access to, you know, all of the sales letters that I've given you to begin to sort of build your swipe file. So you can begin to you know, really look at what's worked and again, not copy it, but but begin to model it and that's what we hear, you know, so many people talking about when they get on some of these platforms, they just look at what other people are doing, and just try to copy it. But there's a difference between copying and modeling. Modeling is where you infuse your own personality and your own story and just your own content and product. Whereas copying is no bueno. 

Maynard: Right I would say one thing. It just stays consistent, especially with Instagram. And the last I think, the last two weeks my account grew from 1000 to over 6000 in just two weeks, because I stayed consistent by posting three times a day, every single day, I think for the last three months or four months and in the last two weeks, my account just blew up close to 7000 followers now in just two weeks and I know Instagram is really hard to grow. But the key is that it just stays consistent. Martin you may not see results right away, but you will be blown away by your consistent basically hard work will just pay off eventually and you will see.

Dave: I think I'm gonna have to just stick with I want to offer one tip and it's a tip that you gave but it's to use a hook at the beginning. He gave some absolutely golden tips earlier with some hooks that you can use as an episode that's working and finding those and then I gave away a huge bonus gift to anybody who's listening live don't mess don't message support. You know later I'm sorry, I just we're not gonna have enough support tickets to respond to and enough. This is a bonus for being here live. You know this is a bonus for being here live to 250 headlines. That you can use plug and play to get you started today with the main arts. That hook strategy that he went over and gave you examples that was his work, something that he's doing and combined what he offered you with you know this 250 headlines that I gave you and I believe you are going to see a big difference for that for me starting off a video and in even just it's not just catching their attention. It's also finding my momentum and my rhythm is so much easier when I have an initial thing to say, You know what I mean? And I think everybody can agree to that. Like when you have an initial thing to say like whatever it is, you know, it just you can flow and it gives you just, it's just it just makes it so much easier. So for that alone. No, I'm not even including all the other values from this morning. Thank you so much. And yeah, brother, you know, anybody who's sitting on the fence today, you know who might even just be deciding to go through the challenge. I mean, what would you tell them based on what has transpired in your life today from quitting your job and can you just summarize that in 15 seconds to remind that person that today is a worthy day for them to get started? 

Maynard: Absolutely. What I can really tell them is only just up to the day free. I would have paid more than $7 Just to start the first three days, let alone all of the other days that come with the mindset, how to build your business. And truly if you want a way out of your I don't know your situation, but whatever the what you whatever you are in on a 15 day challenge will basically give you the skills that you need not to just do something you know, but to also give you some high income skills that you can use given even at your job. But that's what I say you know, just start with it. And don't bridge it to finish the 15 day 15 days and then basically you know do what you


David Sharpe  

tell yourself four shots give yourself a chance right exactly don't say to happen. It's crazy. Would you have ever thought I mean here you are sitting in wherever the hell you are home or some hell I mean no. beautiful home we have all day so how does it feel to sit in your own home knowing that you're there for the day unless you want to leave in you can go you know, have a meal with or walk whenever you want to do with your wife and you don't have to I mean how honestly this Are you feeling in your life right now?



I still believe it sometimes now and then because I'm used to having my phone call me anytime. It's definitely different. I still don't believe it. But I would pay 1000s millions to have this what I have right now. It's priceless. You know, having to basically sit at your home, doing what you do. And basically you can, no one is going to tell you and call you when you need to come into work. Because you're basically your own boss, and no one can tell you to do anything. So it's priceless. There is no price. 

Dave: You know you're being called probably in various places around the home to go and do various activities right? 

Maynard: Not really, because I do. Basically I have six to eight hours that I do in my office. And I do everything you know the content, emails, all that stuff. But I do have a job, like I'm working my job or a job so I do have time that I do for myself. 

Dave: Well yeah you're treating this like a business, like a job. You go into your office and you say, babe, I know you. I know you can't keep your hands off me. And I know I'm here in the house all day when I need eight hours. Right? Exactly. All yours at 801 You know what I mean?

Maynard: Exactly. Alright, thanks. 

Dave:  Well my man, keep living to your fullest and come back and keep us posted. Okay in a few months and let us know how you're doing. We'll thank you for having me. All right, brother. We'll talk to you later. Thank you. You can follow main art at dream into reality on tick tock and Instagram and for me today might have been a broke breakthrough for me if I was new to really kind of see somebody who who was trapped in this was a powerful day plus you really got a practical like nugget that you can go in use now, like so I'm going to give you the 250 email headlines one more time that you can use as you know that you can use as you know, hooked in the beginning of a TikTok and Instagram or YouTube short anything like that or really even a video, even a sales page. I mean, so much of this is interchangeable and there's really no rules to it. You can use, you know, copy is applicable anywhere. So I mean, these 250 email headlines could be the hook or headline of a Facebook ad. The headline of an email is the headline of a sales page. You know the verb the words that you verbally say at the beginning of a TikTok video. So I want you to also know that just because it says 250 emails, all this marketing is interchangeable. My name man James O. Sullivan said a great webinar today. And you know what I mean? These are not even like quote webinars. I know what you're saying. These are just things that we're doing here for free as an interview and you know, we have so much more training going on inside of our community. And I just say that, for those of you who don't know, I mean, we have weekly webinars that are going on back in with our blueprint members we have you know, decade and days that are happening virtual mastermind, so get plugged into what's going on in the community, so you can earn and learn a life changing skill and change the direction of your life forever. Be Legendary. We'll see you back here for another episode.

How To Become A Full Time Digital Marketer For College Students

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends this is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary. Turning down the AC there is a little hot in here and it's going to this morning. I have a feeling we have a wonderful guest whose name is Chase and he went from factory worker to 80,000 followers hours. Let's hear how he did it. Welcome to the show brother.

Chase: Thank you thank you so much I'm excited to be here thank you for having me

Dave: So what what took you from factory worker to find Legendary and starting an online business and affiliate marketing?

Chase: Yeah, well, over the summer actually is when I got into it. I was just scrolling on TikTok. At the time, I was obviously still working my factory job and saw scrolling on tick tock and I, I come across a TikTok about a guy explaining affiliate marketing and how you only have to work one to two hours per day, how you can make $1,000 commissions and happy to make those commissions even as a beginner. And so to me that sounded great.

I was like, Yeah, I'm outta here as soon as I can see that I can leave. So yeah, obviously that resonated with me. You know, making 1000s compared to making 10s a day. So I went through his funnel. Yeah, I went through his funnel, ended up on the sales page of legendary. I love the video, so I decided I was going to invest in this 15 day business builder challenge. That was what I got brought to. So I decided I was going to invest in it, I decided I was going to really focus on learning and then implement it. So I went through the challenge. Got through the final day, and then got introduced to the business blueprints, decided to invest in that. And I mean, that's how I started and now I'm here.

Dave: So, what gives us an update on life now. I mean, where did you start all this? And what's changed since then?

Chase: Well, I started in the summer of 2021. Yeah, the first couple months was good. I was growing followers a day I was I wasn't making the best content, but I was still making content. wasn't making a lot of money wasn't seeing a lot of results. So that kind of led me to kind of drift away from affiliate marketing I kind of stopped posting on TikTok. stuck with it. But I still had made, you know, a couple commissions, I still hadn't made, you know, a couple sales. So, affiliate marketing was always in the back of my head, it was always something that I wanted to add first into 100%. And so since the beginning of January this year is when I really decided that I was going to no take this is a full time business for myself. I decided to focus on education, the business blueprints, I decided I was going to try to actually understand what was being taught, trying to get the message that was trying to be portrayed to me. And then once I started doing that, that's when I really started to see big results on TikTok. That's when a lot of my videos went viral. 

Dave: Like you bought the training, and then that and then actually, what you say is you went through, you finally went through it. And when you listen to what was being said, and then you you follow that advice, and you got results?

Chase: Exactly. 

Dave: Wow, that's Unbeliev great formula. I've never heard of anything like that before. Right. I just think we should end the interview, right? It is just like, what else really is there to say, you know, I mean, I think that, that we all buy stuff and never read the instructions. And then we wonder why shit breaks or it doesn't work out or whatever, you know, and I think that goes with books, in courses and everything to businesses, you know, webinars are so many. There's so much information online nowadays. I mean, if you're, if you're just you actually just take some time to pay attention to what's being thrown at you every day, it's just information. It's like, all day, every day, it's information for you to buy more information, for you to get more information for you to ask for more information for you to request more information for you to receive more information for you to have mailed more you automate and share more information. And so of course, when you buy a course you get, I would say, you know, built up in energy energized up over the marketing and the opportunity, but then it's like, okay, I got it now. I actually need to go through it. And that part gets, for some reason, that part, you know, it's not as exciting. It's not as fun maybe, I don't know, the dopamine has already worn off from the excitement of just the purchase. And now it's on to something else. Nobody wants to do the work. I don't know. I've done it, too. I've done it, too. So I'm not exempt from this. But I'd like you to try to say more about that because what you just said was earth shattering to those who's even over preprints are not getting the results that they want. So can you just elaborate a little bit on what happened for you? Did you buy the blueprints? Who is more excited than you? That excitement kind of wore off? It was like I don't really want to do this work for this learning. Let me just go try to shortcut it. Oh shit. Let me go back to the drawing boards and actually good. Like how did it happen for you? Because I think this is a big thing for a lot of people and if we can get them to see if they're going to buy the blueprints to actually go through them so elaborate a little bit on the kind of buying and leaving and coming back and what was going through your mind.

Chase: Yeah, well when I first bought the challenge a couple weeks later I bought the blueprints And obviously I was excited. My main goal with starting affiliate marketing was to get out of my nine to five because I hated it so much. We had a lot of problems like I said in our marriage, and I just couldn't do it anymore. So yeah, I was excited. And I will admit, when I was first starting out, I was trying to shortcut it. I was just completely copying other people's videos. And you know, looking at what was going viral on TikTok related to affiliate marketing or making money online and a lot of videos that I was seeing that was going viral or the videos that would show no your Commission's you know, first day $50 Second day $100 Third Day 540 Today, you know, 1000 So those were the kind of videos that I was making, but those weren't the numbers that I was making. So I was pretty much just lying in my videos trying to shortcut it trying to make a quick buck. 

Dave: Because we've all done some shit like that before. And it's like, it's like, you know, there's no there's no, there's no there's no, there's no fault in that. I mean, we've all done silly shit, crazy shit thrown Scandi at the wall. But what you're talking about is growing up in your business, maturing in your business, and continuing to tell us what you found out or what happened from learning the skills I guess going back and actually going through the training like you were talking about.

Chase: Right. So I mean, after those videos were working, you know, after the first couple of months, I wasn't seeing the results I wanted to see like I said, I kind of drifted away from it. And just continued being comfortable with my nine to five and then it just got to a point about four or five months later this past January where I'm like, okay, it can continue to work this nine to five. I hate it. I hate waking up early. I hate staying there for eight hours a day. I can't leave when I want to leave. I gotta stand up every day and pack a bunch of boxes, this is making me tired. I'm coming home sleeping. I cannot do it. So the only thing I could think of to get out of it was to revert to what I had already started which was affiliate marketing on TikTok and like I said I had made a couple commissions so I knew that the potential was there. And so I just said to myself, well I invested 2500 into this business blueprint. There's got to be something here that can help me get more results. As I said, You know what, I'm just gonna submit to this education. I'm going to hear what it's telling me and I'm just going to do exactly what it says

the best of my ability and that's what I did. And it's yielded me great results

and I couldn't be more happy, I couldn't be more excited. I couldn't be more energized I'm happy to wake up now and mature and and grow see more results provide value

and it's just a really exciting man. 

Dave: You quit your job?

Chase: Yeah. 

Dave: Wow. Finally got out of packing those boxes and waking up early and coming home tired. That laundry list of things that everybody else did was gone. That just sounds like a regular day to work but you're going that's too much. Not for me.

That's all I'm saying this month for me.

Dave: Good stuff. Well, I mean, really, dude. So, you know, you really talk to us a little bit about I mean, there's so much in your story by the way, how old are you? 

Chase: I'm 20. 

Dave: You’re 20. So, I mean, really, really? Nearly we've got the 18 day, you know, thing going on here. You know, I don't know that I met you at 18. And maybe, maybe we think Darrel Ray Jr. was 18. Or maybe 18 or 19. Now, maybe he's 20 Now, you know, everything. The last couple years have been a big blur, but that's really young. And in what what? What are your other friends doing? I mean, what are other people doing nowadays? Who is 20? Like, I sound like an old grandpa. But seriously, I mean, how does that feel? How have you managed having an online business that likely many people don't understand or do kids urine? I shouldn't say kids do people your age understand online marketing. I mean, how has it changed your schedule every day on Earth? Or do you just not talk about it? I mean, because explain to us a little bit about how it's changed. Just that you know, your regular life dynamic. Yeah. Why are you home every day Chase? I mean, are you selling drugs? Like what are you doing? Like, you know, I mean, I've had people say all kinds of crazy stuff to know and just not in basically not my personal friends know much about what I do even after 10 plus years. 

Chase: Yeah, I don't really tell them anything. Most of my old friends you know because recently for me I've just kind of isolated myself to focus on myself I often kind of find my purpose in life Maybe one day Good friend and then I have my brothers too I would say he's right

You're in a Like you're you're really also evaluating who you want in your life and what you You want to do and what people you.

Dave: Absolutely But I don't think that's particularly an age thing. Some of it has to do with saying if i want to change some things I have to sacrifice other things.

Chase: Yeah that's no we I kind of stopped hanging out with the boys when I first got my nine to five Job because when I first got my nine to five job, I moved out on my own. And that's actually the point right cut off a lot of friends and then kind of just worked in that nine to five job you know I found myself kind of out No pilot doing the same things every day just be uncomfortable with my situation but rarely Being comfortable And so You know I just I got fed up with my job and I always knew there was more for me. 

Dave: It’s interesting. I don't give a shit if you come on here and say Dave Sharpe’s an asshole, I'd say well you're fucking asshole. And then we argue in front of everybody and then we'd end the call and it would just be another day in my life. I'm not I don't love conflict, but it's entertaining, right? We argue and say a couple of bad things about me over the webinar here and we hang up. It's not a big deal. But, you know. My point is, we've all done that, started something, bought something, bought the 15 Day Challenge didn't go through it bought the blueprints didn't go through them folks, what I'm Chase I just want you to say that one more time that you bought them, abandoned them did it your own way. And then what happened? I want to reiterate that because you know, people on Facebook there, people aren't even paying attention right now. They're scrolling. No, they're just going on in the background. Folks. Listen up. This is important shit. I know you're used to listening to Howard Stern or whoever in the background. And it's just noise but I'm telling you chase is about to drop something that can and will change your life. Chase you bought the blueprints and then you said oh, okay, I'm here. To tell us that story one more time.

Chase: Right. So I decided to invest in the blueprints. One of the guys modified the blueprints to help me. Then I decided to abandon them. Not really investing. And I said, Oh wait, I invested in the blueprints. So then I said wait, let me go back to these blueprints. Actually focus. And then when I did that, I ended up being able to quit my nine to five job. So yeah, so for everyone listening. If you have bought something and you've abandoned it, my advice to you would be to go back and actually focus on it and implement it and it could change your life.

Dave: It's about changing patterns, you know, it's about changing patterns. So look, if one or all of you goes and buys the blueprints there, anything else that you can find that I'm selling on the internet that I might get a piece of or a chunk of or a commission or whatever, trust me. I'm going to be very grateful for your business, honored and privileged that you trusted me but it's not going to change the quality of my life. It's not not if every single person on this call today goes and buys the blueprints. I promise you, I promise you I don't need the money. And I promise you I don't even give a shit if you buy it for me. Seriously, but if you bought something from somebody and you really believe that they know you, Chase said he said he came on to the sales page. He watched the video. He believes this could help him if you believe what you have can help you and you are really honest with yourself and also you look around. Chase this may be like your first, maybe it's not but I for me it's like my 1000 business. I've tried everything under the sun for the past 10 plus years to sell lotions, potions, pills and everything in between. I don't think I sold sex toys or fat raps but I sold everything else. When you're having a lot of horses. That's like the truth of the matter is that most people don’t see. I’ve sold a lot of things. But the most powerful thing that I've ever sold has been the most life changing thing has been information. And even when I was in businesses that were selling products and stuff, it was the training that people were getting that was life changing, you know those who really listened in dialed into it and didn't insert in didn't see you stopped yourself from a very, very like sabotaging and detrimental pattern in your life. Which is buying shit and then it not working because you didn't do shit with it, and then blaming other people for it. You know what I mean? Exactly. I don't know what that's called in the world of psychology and we can label and all that. But to me, it's just the guy who buys a lot of shit. He's a dreamer. He's always wanting to change his life he wants, but isn't willing to get in there and actually even go through I mean, the learning phase of things Chase is not even the it's just you're sitting there watching videos. Can we sit our asses down stats are data like goes in, take some information in do we have to be able to do that without being told to sit somewhere without getting a slap on the wrist? If we're late to class. Can we sit down and be disciplined in that? That's another? I think that's another determination that you can make about yourself, am I am I where am I at in being ready for entrepreneurship? Well, if I can't sit or even focus long enough to go through a course that I spent $2,500 But they're not. I need to be ready for entrepreneurship. I need to guess I need to get disciplined. And exactly. We weren't ready. I mean, you went off and did all the other dumb shit we all do. You know, and I did lots of that stuff. too. And I wasn't ready for entrepreneurship because I was shortcutting and had unrealistic expectations, all this stuff. But then I came back and got serious at a certain point just like you did and said okay, I need to slow down and I need to actually go through and listen to what's being said in the same thing that happened with my career. It just took off. It just took off. Right. So where do we go from here, brother?

Chase: I don't know man. I don't know You tell me. 

Dave: Have you found what a day looks like for you?

Chase: Yeah, so I've recently quit my job about two weeks ago. So it's been a little bit difficult adapting to all the time freedom that I've been having. So as you know, I don't have a set schedule. You know, I've been a little lazy here and there sleeping in, you know, a little too late. So I'm still trying to get you know a routine going. Schedule going to where I'm spending most of my time on my business and doing research. You know, testing things, tracking things. But yeah, you know, I'm not gonna lie. It's been a little bit self adjusting to all this time that I've had. So yeah, I mean, I've just been, you know, waking up when I want, you know, when I feel like it, making videos looking at content, but that's something I'm trying to get out of, I'm trying to wake up, get straight to work, you know, make some content, do some research. As of right now, it's definitely something I'm still working on.

Dave: Yeah, well, you're two weeks into a new life and it's going to take a little getting used to and I'm sure you'll go in phases, I mean I've gone in phases in my career. The good thing about me is that I also really struggled with structure and so forth at the very beginning, similar to what you're describing is and for me, and I don't know about anybody else, but I just wanted to work like I was excited to work on this stuff. And so I  would work and I would lose time working, you know, on my business when I first started and was 2009 ish. I was 24/25 and I didn't you know, I was just I didn't I didn't have any computer experience I just learned everything. You know, I learned everything about both computers from how to turn them on. When I started online I had already been doing MLM and stuff offline. But when I came online because several businesses had shut down and I'm just like shit, I needed to learn how to maybe do something online or something. I didn't know this was back in 2009. And I literally put a computer on my wife's credit card. It was like a $500 computer paying up paying it off $50 dollars a month and I learned everything from how to turn that computer on and navigate just the the Windows operating software to how to you know build in mess with in great landing pages and setup model responder mean every single thing that you all all of you are going through and working on I can remember those days of learning and setting all that stuff up for the first time and setting my account up for the first time. And I just find it hard for me to give people advice about how to get motivated. You know what I mean? Like how to get on because for me, I've had to learn in my career, how to not work so hard, how to not work so many hours, and I was just getting to that point in my life right now. For the past 10 years I've worked 50 to 80 hours a week not because I have to because I love it. I love this. Yeah. I've made millions of dollars. I love this. Why would I not? It doesn't feel like work, but still sometimes to the family. It does. family does it will begin to burn you out. So I just want to tell everybody you know in your groove at the beginning that it can take some time and effort in trying to be so militant about it, but do it for the love of it. Never. That's what you always got to stay tapped into why you're doing this in the love for the love of Freedom, the fact that you do get to be free to fit in the fact that you get to talk about things that are so exciting to me. I love to talk about the stuff that I get to talk about every day. And the stuff that we talk about in this niche. I mean in the make money online and online marketing niche it's about freedom changing your life, I mean developing your mindset. I love to talk about this shit, so I can talk about it and things and write copy on and all this stuff for 10 hours a day. It's it's it's it's a great time. So just anybody who's who's in I'm saying this because this is what came up for me when you said that you're sleeping in and you were kind of beating yourself up almost a little bit but because we were dynamic human beings that are both happy and proud that we just quit our job but also feeling guilty that we haven't got on our business yet. We're dynamic human beings. So we can have multiple feelings at one time. But I just say tap into the passion in the love for this. Don't forget why you're doing it, don't get so caught up in the minutiae in the frustrations of trying to screw with some piece of software that somebody else could do for you in five minutes to show you how to do it. It's not a big deal. Right? We try to learn everything on your own. It's going to be frustrating. But don't allow yourself to get so frustrated that you convince yourself to stop working, stay tapped into the love in the passion that you have of why you started and I'm speaking to everybody for this and do this until it's fun if you're good enough at it. That it becomes addicting almost.

Chase: Yeah, right.

Dave: That's kind of something I want to go back for the hits. You want to go back for the money. You want to go back for the interaction with the people who are saying thank you for helping me. There's a lot of fulfillment that comes along with this.

Chase: Definitely. Yeah, and that's something I've kind of been trying to tap into you know, a part of me really does love marketing. And yeah, so I'm just trying to tap into that, that that. That thing in me that loves to do marketing that loves to provide value that loves to teach. And so that's really what I've been working on recently is like you said, focus on why I'm doing this and love what I'm doing.

Dave: You know, and I fall in love with lots of elements of marketing, copy page design, mostly and more specifically direct response marketing. And if you guys own the blueprints I mean the the the the part in there, the affiliate marketing blueprint where I'm where I'm going through the history of the you know, the direct response marketing industry you know is is is really kind of where I you know, some of the greats you know, the section two sitting on a goldmine mind underground secrets of direct response marketing this this particular you know, and how getting rich became my business in my hobby, you know, this entire section, but mostly specifically these last two. You can see well in this entire section how I fell in love with selling information in direct response. Marketing So, but there's, there's there's, to me, I appreciate. I appreciate persuasion I guess and I appreciate the ability I appreciate the influence, maybe even the power I don't know what it is. It's so it's not like I'm power hungry. That's not what I'm saying. It's just unbelievable that you can write something on a page or say something in a video or AD and then get somebody to go all the way through to buying and purchasing and going through some course and then changing their life. I mean to me all because of something that I wrote something that I said in a video I mean, to me, it's just based on being believable. I just even to this day, 11 years into this over a decade. And I'm just blown away by I guess the power that an ordinary person can have because Chase, some of the best marketers have not been your gurus and the suit and tie driving the rented Rolls Royce on Facebook. It's the guy like you and me who is sitting in the basement rocking out the copy that's going to be converted millions of dollars worth of sales for the next decade. You know, it's the grinders. It's not the guys who are fame hungry, who want to be buying followers on Instagram. It's the real in the trench marketers like us who are learning how to write copy and learning how to run real campaigns and learning how to make good content and are real, really a student of the game. You know, so you can if you're gonna do it, why not do it to make the most money you can make an impact. I mean, that's how I think about it. I'm gonna do this. What do I want to make? $100 a month? I don't need $100 A month. No, I want to do it. In maximizing I want to stretch everything so you know, that's what's been in, in return. What I've gotten is more money than you know, anybody who lives on my street and I don't mean to toot my own horn right here. This is what the industry has given me back as a result of having that mindset. And having that work ethic I guess, there's doctors and lawyers and everybody else living my people that I interact with. Probably none of them make you know in the old ninth grade dropout you know teenage father addict and all that good stuff homeless what fell in all this shit. You know, have had an opportunity to do along with many other marketers and people like yourself, go out and build multiple businesses hundreds of millions of dollars in sales. Who could say that? Give me an industry. Tell me an industry besides athletics that you in even in athletics, you can't fuck up as bad as I did. I mean, you got to actually stay in school. Yeah, for sure. There's no industry that has this upside that you can that you can influence if you can have this much. You know, I guess and I don't mean this in an evil way because there's some people that are using power right now in a really shitty way in this world. But the money, power and influence that you get from this and the money, power and respect and influence that you get from being successful in this business. It is extraordinary. And along with that actually comes fulfillment and I think in most jobs or businesses where you have that money power respect you know, the fame I don't think a lot of fulfillment comes with a lot of those types of gigs. So this is unique, I think in a couple of different ways. You know, a real exciting opportunity. But we already know that I think this is an exciting opportunity. So I'll stop talking about that. But anyway, Chase, what would you leave our listeners with today? Just a piece of wisdom or advice that you know now that you didn't know when you first got started? And I'm gonna put your tick tock banner up so people can find you on TikTok while you give it this wisdom delivered on stone tablets hear down from the heavens please.

Chase: Oh man, I can only speak from personal experience, I would say the best advice I could give anyone is to invest in some education and focus on that education, and then implement that education. That's been my formula. And that's what's at this point in my business and in my life. That's what's made me all my money. That's where I've seen all my results. So my advice would be, again, invest in some education. Learn the education and then implement it. And I would say make sure you're investing in an education that is proven and respectable.

Dave: Alright, man will chase Keep up the great work. Get some rest brother. You know you deserve it. Like many, many hard years and a difficult relationship. They're in a factory job. Enjoy the single life, enjoy the freedom of life. Don't beat yourself up. You should be proud of yourself and stay tapped into your Why brother to keep telling a story that we've talked about. We've pulled out some of the golden nuggets here of the story in your experience today. So use those. The powerful, you know, and it's not any it's not any manipulative or deceptive shit. It's just a you know, and that's in many respects, that's the best place to be an affiliate marketer is hey, look, I had the same problem you have I don't have the answer. But this product that I'm recommending you over here has the answer. So go buy it. That's affiliate marketing. Exactly. You're doing all the setting up shit that you're doing is just a couple of things you need to set up to make sure that people can get to the product. Exactly the whole message of the affiliate marketing. I'm giving you a million dollar lesson here for free. It's just too bad for the people. Who doesn't tune in to Wake Up Legendary? But seriously, affiliate marketing is not a problem and I don't know shit. When I find somebody who has the answer to the problem, it's amazing. I've reviewed it. It's awesome. I've even gone through it. It's great. And then guess what I bought it for, it gave me great results. I no longer have the problem or pain that I had before. At least I'm on the way to not having the power button before. If you weren't paying yourself then go check it out. If you don't then keep scrolling but that's affiliate marketing. So simple. That's all it is. You don't need to be an expert. It's better if you're not an expert. Everybody wants to be an expert nowadays. I don't even want to be an expert. Many people are looking to me to be an expert. I don't want to be an expert. I don't want to be your guru because then I got to know all the questions the answers to your dumb questions, right? No, I don't. I don't want to be up all night, answering questions to everybody in the world. No, you know what I mean? And that's what you're gonna get if you're the expert all knowing guru. So what we do instead is we build community. We do you know, we do affiliate marketing, we say we even somebody like myself, who may be considered an expert, I refer to my Henry Ford. And I say, Henry Ford back in the early 1900s. The press came and said, Henry, what about this? What about that with your new Ford truck? What about this what Henry said Come to my office tomorrow morning. I'll have all the answers for you. Henry Ford, the Ford Motors of us, came to his office the next morning. Top staff behind us. And Henry said Hey, John, why don't you take that one? Sandra, why don't you take that one? Hey, Timmy, why don't you take it? Right. Henry knew how to assemble great people with answers. He didn't know he didn't need to have all the answers. Right so even as some even as you acquire more information, even as you maybe go out and create your own courses doesn't mean that you need to know every single thing. It's too much pressure doesn't mean you need to be a funnel expert. Get out there, set up the very basics that you need and get out there and start marketing. Start with affiliate marketing. That's why we start everybody there, folks, and that's your message. I had a problem. I don't know the answer. I've learned some stuff. Let me show you a couple things that I have learned but I'm not the guru. Right, I can lead you to the direction where you can really get the solid information that you're looking for even more than these little appetizers I'm giving you here on this TikTok channel. So go click the link in my bio, go through and enroll if it makes sense for you. That's it. That's affiliate marketing. We gotta get out of this role of trying to be the expert trying to know it all.

You're filled with so much joy because you're just hearing the truth. You're hearing the truth, not a bunch of bullshit. You're hearing truths called artifacts, facts. The facts of this business are really simple. So I'm not trying to give you any sort of bullshit just straight up, stop. You know, this is simpler than we make it out to be. And sometimes it's just as simple as going back and actually listening to some of the stuff that we actually bought. So thanks for pointing that out. My brother. Come back and keep us posted on your progress here in a couple of months Chase, for sure. Anything never never hesitate to reach out to me. I'll be happy to help however I can. And we'll talk to you soon, brother. 

Chase: Okay, I would like to give a shout out if that's okay. You know when I first came into the challenge, obviously you get a business plan advisor. And so you know, I’ve just got to shout out, Trevor. I told him that if I made it here, I would give him a shout out. Trevor. We made it, man. I hope you're watching this shout out human. Thank you for all your help.

Dave: Very cool. Very cool. I'll let Trevor know. Alright, my friends go follow Chase over on TikTok at @Chasehartz You can find them on tick tock there and man. I say this a lot. But I really feel that that would be one to listen to again this weekend and my friends, invest in yourself. You're worth it. Go through the training, apply it and come back and share the results. With us. Alright, have a fantastic day be legendary, my friends. We'll be back here for another episode on Friday.

What To Focus On As An Affiliate Marketing Beginner

Below is the transcription of this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends this is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary. We have an amazing story today. I think many of you guys are going to appreciate it and relate to it. As you can see, the title of the show is how passion, persistence and community sparked success. But this gentleman has, you know, some, some, some, some other ways in which this business has benefited him. He's gotten his passion re sparked, it seems, once again for entrepreneurship as well. So let's hear a story. James, welcome to the show, buddy.

James: Thanks for having me.

Dave: You're welcome, man where are you calling in from?

James: I'm calling in from Hamilton near Toronto, Ontario.

Dave: Okay, okay, nice man. Nice. Well, I thought it was cold down here, as you know, it is like 55 degrees 5055 degrees. So I throw on a sweatshirt but that's probably summer weather to you huh?

James: Yeah, absolutely.

Dave: You'd love that.

James: Yeah, I would. Yeah, it's time for a change. 

Dave: So, what brought you online? Tell us a little bit about your story. In essence, what led you to Legendary and what were you looking for? And were you looking for nothing at all, and something appeared just to tell us a little bit about how you found us?

James: Yes. So it started. I was working as a financial analyst in Toronto. And it's a little bit of a backstory. It started about six years ago and so I was working as a financial analyst. And I was looking at the time before tic toc for ways of making money online. So I went into the foreign exchange industry to try to make money and I found a guy through Instagram at the time, who was flaunting it and had a completely different mindset about money and wealth, but he was he had he was doing like wealth marketing. So he's like flashing his cars in his mansion and everything and he positioned himself as like a best forex trader online on Instagram and so he started a program where he was charging $97 a month to teach people how to trade Forex. And so long story short, I reached out to him and he ended up hiring me to be a financial analyst to help run his company. So I ended up moving to his mansion and we had about 10 Guys for about three months running his company. And that awkward like that opportunity really opened my eyes to how you can actually make money online. So you gotta get a different perspective. I witnessed him making a lot of money he had between 3005 1000 monthly active users paying for a subscription so I use making between 305 100,000 a month from his kitchen counter when I was like in the same house with him, right so really revolutionized my mindset on how to make money and so I stopped pursuing the CPA at the time and dove headfirst into digital marketing tried to bend to learn everything that I possibly can. And that was six years ago, I registered and I paid 1000s of dollars for training all over the internet. I ended up getting burned a couple times trying to figure this all out and I came across Russell Brunson and learned everything about ClickFunnels. And, then ultimately, I was hit with a mental diet, a mental illness two years ago, and I ultimately thought I was crazy with trying to make money online because my friends and family couldn't understand it and the same experiences I did. So they couldn't understand what I was trying to achieve. I was having this mental illness so I was like, give up on my dreams like I just like I thought I was crazy. So I was like I can't. I don't have the guidance to keep getting ripped off online. So it's gonna happen so fast forward to November of last year. I'm just on TikTok. I just randomly downloaded TikTok for the first time and I came across it. I'm not I can't remember who it was. But I came across someone promoting the 15 day challenge and I was like, okay, like, it's $7 it's a no brainer, like, what do I have to lose? So I got into this 15 Day Challenge and as soon as you start talking about ClickFunnels, I was just like, everything that I tried to put together in the last five years and failed. I knew that what you guys were doing was legit, and I needed to know more because you had laid it all out step by step in a way that made sense to me. So I immediately knew that the value of the blueprints so that like my first thing, I couldn't afford it, but I found a means to I was resourceful and I found a means to get my hand printed, because I knew that I didn't want to spend another five years trying to figure it out on my own. So I got the blueprints and I implemented one hour of learning to three hours of implementing and I quickly grew my TikTok channel to over a third and upset almost 40,000 followers in under 75 days. And I have over 1200 email subscribers and commissions like crazy with Legendary and I'm so thankful that I found Legendary and the community here that you have built online. So thank you.

Dave: Wow. Hey, man, you're welcome. You're welcome. That's that's incredible, really incredible story. How does that feel to be where you're at right now you seem grateful you seem happy, but tell us what your what's coming up for you and how this all feels.

James: It feels completely natural to me like I got 1000 followers on TikTok and I started going live immediately and not now I don't like it's kind of similar to being in an MLM. I tried MLM to sell lotions, potions and pills to your friends and family. Like if you want to clear a room just join an MLM. Right? And so, yeah, now I've I've, I've turned I don't have to bother my friends. And family. I've just turned to tic toc. And I found an audience of people that are interested in what I have to say so I don't want to bother anyone anymore. And I can just talk about what I'm passionate about and continue to grow and document my journey online and help others do the same. And implement for their online business as well.

Dave: So was that a big source of stress, anxiety and tension for you was previous business models that you were trying were directing you to market to your friends and family and that's where you were getting all that feedback from them.

James: Yeah, I was getting feedback from them. I was not only trying to market them but I was also trying to like them. I really see the end goal in mind of like making money online but like just trying to getting in the trenches and trying to actually make that happen. I was trying to explain to people the vision, but they were looking at like where I was and then because my vision wasn't aligned with where I was they weren't really taking me seriously. So I was like

Dave: That's the challenge of every visionary, isn't it? Yeah. The hardest people to sell and convince about division are always going to be family then friends. And then the general public, you know.

James: Yeah, so I did what I learned with the blueprints, and I started posting a tic toc on November 26 was my first video and I started posting then I realized I was like, well I know how the chances of going viral on Tik Tok are pretty high. So in the case that one of my videos does go viral I'm gonna need my landing page ready, my ebook set up and like my life, everything lined up so that I can capitalize on that traffic. So I took some time off and I took about 10 days off on tick tock and I built my e book by Cisco. My affiliate links everything lined up to a tee and then as soon as I got 1000 followers, I dropped the link in there. And then literally like a day after I did that my first video went viral, which now has over a million views and I was able to capitalize on all that traffic. So I saw these. I have a video of me waking up and I just have a phone that just says every time I get a lead in Aweber it notifies me that a new person has been subscribed. I just have a whole list of leads coming in so you're feeling and wouldn't have been possible without the blueprints. I truly believe that and without the community to be able to bounce ideas off of Yeah.

Dave: Oh, that's fantastic. As if it was yesterday, and I still have this challenge with various different autoresponder lists in sale notifications and this and that, that go off I've got an email inbox with 109,000 unread emails. You know, just because you know, I passed an email from many years ago, this one particular email and it's just just signed up for all of our accounts. And it just gets sale notifications and email notifications. I mean, there was a time in my career that those lead notifications like every time somebody opted into an opt in page and those were welcomed emails into my inbox because there wasn't much else activity happening. So it was like, Oh, wow, yeah, it's it's exciting to see those emails come in from a company that I you know, just a few days or weeks or months by I had no knowledge even who they were Aweber whoever it is that I'm getting notifications from who's ever sending me stuff? Right? It's usually me sending other stuff, you know, to get other people's attention sending them customer support tickets. Oh shit, now I got you know, so I know that feeling when my first check was $2.50 or something like that. And it was as if it was 2.5 million. But I think for many of us who you know, whether it be and I also just want to mention all the family feedback in conflict combined with mental illness challenges, and then you start to question yourself, you know, maybe I just belong you know what, I don't know. I mean, the things that we say to ourselves are horrific. I've been through it with various various things in my life, whether it be addiction or mental illness, and I've got anxiety and depression and all kinds of, but with with what you mentioned there about, I think the journey to entrepreneurship, whether you when you're listening to what James said, matches exactly to your journey, your journey you can identify because I could with that point at which you just really say, am I crazy for doing this? I mean, and I know that you were, you know, aligning that with specific medical feedback you got, but I mean, I could relate to that just because of this business, I think entrepreneurship will break you down before you break through. I just thought that your particular breakthrough was interesting because it was combined with an actual medical experience. That validated in a way right, maybe I am crazy. Well, what do you feel now about all that? I mean, do you feel that Oh, I may still be on the brink of total breakdown any moment or do you feel that hey, here's a business model I can do and I can manage my, you know, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual health outside of this and this can fit I can balance these pieces with this particular business model versus other things that you've tried.

James: So now I've been in recovery now for about over two years, and I've done a lot of my blood work. I've been taking a lot of natural medicine. And I've been able to wean off the hard like antipsychotics that I was on so I was able to really do a lot of work on myself and because I was actually on disability for some time. So I was in a position where I just had nothing but just time just just to recover. And so I've been able to really like hone in on my online business in the spare time that I have and really start to see some results for myself.

Dave: Yeah. Good. Good, man. Good. Well, I think a business that we can run from home that doesn't have too much risk, but gives us the ability to be able to stay home and work, where we can still have balance in our life, and thank God the internet's a gift and a curse. You know? It's a curse because we can be on it 24/7 And then that creates a work life imbalance but besides that, let's imagine back in the day before all this existed, James we would be forced to go out and pound the pavement and hand out business cards and sell out of the backs of our trunks. So nowadays, we've got this tool, this internet, this phone, this laptop, we can if we find the right business model, and here's what I mean by I think this business has less risk and more upside than any other business model. Here's why. Because really is all you're paying for if you really think about it is education in a bit of software, versus other business in look, you can go on educated or you can go educated, it's kind of like you can go out there and you know sow your seeds protected or unprotected. It's a choice right? You go educated, you go on educated. I'm not saying some people don't go on education, you fail your way forward. If you have no money, you have zero, you hang out in the community, you watch Wake Up Legendary every day, you be resourceful. Right? Right. Yeah. So a bit of education is in your door versus some of these drop shipping various different FBA, various different ECOM, various different branded, physical products, ecommerce products, even MLM where you have to buy up front merchandise, indoor products. This requires you to store no product, it requires the only thing you have to watch out for and I'll be just straight up with everybody here especially if you're new is when you join legendary. Because we have such a big community. You have to be cautious of people hitting you up in the DMS in pitching you on their coaching and then all the sudden, you know, somebody got you for five or 10,000 because they promised you the world in the DMS you've got to be careful of the endless guru cycle. Look, I'm not trying to say buy or don't buy or don't explore but with this business model, James My opinion is it's so simple, that oftentimes we can overlook, like we actually can get set up and started in a weekend. So we can actually overlook and over complicate it. So now all the sudden we're looking at other things, we're getting frustrated, we're now paying attention to other webinars, ads, people pinging us in the DM so we're susceptible to now being distracted or pitched by some other thing. How have you overcome overcomplicating things? Is it a battle for you? I don't know. I said How have you overcome it as if it was an issue? I don't know. I just know most people overcomplicate the tack and over complicate the plan is not the case at all with you.

James: Yes. So like I said, I spent five years five whole years trying to figure out on my own, like YouTube videos, reading books, listening to podcasts, not having expert guidance, like I spent the internet jungle just taking over. There's so many different things that you can like like oh, you learn about a new software package that you can like, figure out and apply to your business in some way. And then you find another one and then another one and then another one and you get constantly in this loop of learning and it's very difficult but with a bear, it's really like it's everything. So if you're new, it is all it's gonna it's gonna be a lot of hard work in the beginning to wrap your mind around the concepts but once you understand that and you follow the steps that legendary and the blueprints has laid out for you then it's it's really a matter of just executing on each step until you see success. Really, it's all laid out for you. And I also got to tell you about education. Like before I found legendary during my recovery, I actually went back to college here in Ontario, for marketing, and so I spent more money than the blueprints and I spent more time in college and they didn't even mention affiliate marketing. It didn't even mention TikTok. So you learn, you'll learn a hell of a lot more with the blueprints in less time. 

Dave: You don't have the perspective of what to compare this to until you do Yeah, you know, and so if you're somebody who doesn't have any other experience shopping around at other options, and you're just sitting at your job or you're just sitting on the couch and you're just saying, pointing 500 racks, that's a dead GM rip off, you know, the truth is, you likely don't have anything to compare it to, you know what I mean? Because the fact is, is that it is a freckle on the pimple of a gnat's ass compared to some of the things that we can we can choose some of the paths that we can choose and oh, by the way, college, two years, you know, cheers in some cases, depending on what you want to do. So, you've got the perspective there. Gosh, you've got a ton of experience man. You definitely have a very unique experience. I mean, that

story that you were telling about going and in actually living with that person and I mean, wow. I mean, you've really gone to great lengths to pursue entrepreneurship. I mean, after all of the years and in the miles that you've traveled in the places that you've gone to be where you're at now, which really is executing on a simple business model. Right it really is, it's just connecting an audience with products. I mean, and ultimately if you wanted to do your own course or coaching program, that would be another conversation but how does it feel to be here? where you're at right now, do you feel like you're finally on the road that you've been trying to be on for a long time? Or, or tell us where you feel with where you're at right now?

James: Yeah, I feel like I've come full circle like I've put in the work already in the past like with with failing forward the number of corporations that I tried, MLM Lead Generation, building a website, real estate, all these different ventures I went in I realized that the fundamentals of digital marketing apply to any niche like anywhere you you're at, and that's that's exactly what legendary offers is. That is the building blocks of being able to go out there and start your online business in whatever niche that you're in and just just having that confirmation from all the past work that I put in seeing that all be reflected in in a step by step form. And a step by step process with Legendary was just, it's just it just made me feel at home. In a way like I wasn't, I knew that I wasn't crazy after years of thinking that I was crazy. You know, like, I was reassured with myself. And it was very, it was very good. So I have I have no problem going on TikTok and talking about this program to anyone and everyone because I know for a fact that it's like the best training that you can find in my opinion on the internet like in five years of buying training and being ripped off and all this stuff like legendary is is the best that I found and I found results in literally 60 days and not only that, but just by learning with with the blueprints on just how to grow a TikTok account if I just took that section of blueprints and apply that now I have now I have a TikTok channel with 39,000 followers, I'm able to charge $1,000 For one branded Partnership deal. They'll say I do like however many in the rest of the year like that. That alone is worth the blueprint. So it's just amazing to me that the value and I'm just so so grateful that I've come across the program and I am here where I am now. It's great.

Well, in you just mentioned the strategy we don't even teach so I mean, you're there's so many things that you can do with this particular vertical you know, which again, why do we stick to what we stick to and why do we not get into all of these other you know, guys there's so many different shiny objects and multiple this we could get into E commerce. We could get into Forex, we could get into you know, Legendary because we have so many entrepreneurs. I mean gosh, we could do a new training and have a new business model class coming out every other week. But the truth is, that this is the simplest thing that you can do with the least amount of risk and if you invest in some education, invest in some good, a good support system. I call it the right information from the right people in the right environment. Those three ingredients, what we'll bake out of that is in our community anyways. If you take the advice as an asset, you'll begin to build assets for yourself. The asset that you'll build will be an email list. The assets that you'll build will be a tick tock channel and or Instagram and or a YouTube channel. These are assets. These are pieces of digital real estate, and it's the closest thing that I could. I guess they're like mining Bitcoin or something because you're literally creating them out of thin air. And what makes these so valuable is like you said, you now have a tick tock channel of 33,000 and a list of 1200 or whatever that you can email to in market to over and over again in some folks if you continue to deliver half decent value will stay on your list for 10 years. Some won't even buy for a year, they'll just get your emails. The business is not even warmed up for six months. So now you have an email list. You have a TikTok channel, you have a YouTube channel. My buddy just bought a YouTube channel from an individual a guy literally a college kid from over a million dollars and that is now kicking off over six figures per month in net revenue over six figures per month. He's had it for a couple years. He's got back his investment. It's all pure profit. So the guy who didn't know that was an asset that started cost nothing to open. But guess what? There's still hundreds if not billions of Facebook accounts, billions of tick tock accounts, billions of YouTube but guess what? There's a small percentage of accounts that are worth a lot of money. It's just like watches, right? There's billions of watches but there's only a small percentage that are worth money. You have to know in this business, just like you have to know in real estate, how to buy low and sell high. It's all about buying, it's not about selling so there's tricks to the trade. And with all the ease of getting involved, the low cost out of pocket, the low risk, the biggest thing you're risking is your ego in most cases. Do you agree with that, James?

Yeah, it's humbling to get into a new industry where you don't know much or anything at all. If you're a complete beginner try to learn everything. It's definitely, yeah, you have to be able to ask questions and really, yeah, work with others and let your ego go for sure.

I mean, because now as an entrepreneur, you're in a service based position. Oh, shit, way time out. I said I wanted to get rich and be the boss of people, not serve people and learn to be a good steward of money. Am I signing up for the wrong class? Yeah, with great freedom comes great responsibility. And the richer you get, the more responsibility you'll have. And, and, and so that'll be a conversation for another day. But James, I'm incredibly happy for your success, your turnaround story. I'm grateful that we were able to be a part of it. I'm grateful that you're taking care of yourself. It sounds like you're doing good self care. And now you've got this financial peace. That's a lot more hopeful than it was some time ago. You know, that makes life a lot easier. A lot of people say money doesn't make you happy, but you know, I'll tell you what, I'd rather cry in my penthouse apartment than my you know, cardboard box out under a bridge that's for damn sure I'd rather be depressed and sleep Number bed than a milk crate. You know what I mean? Yep. I mean, just personally, that's just my style. That's just how I roll. I'd rather I'd rather camp in a hotel than in a tent. I mean, I'm sorry. You know, guys get rich for long enough, right? Why do we can't most of the time because it's the cheaper option. Let's just be honest. I mean, there's a very small percentage of us that want to go out there. And, you know, basically kind of, go Commando out there. Funny story. I was traveling to a men's group men's recovery. And you know, I'm a knight. So my vocabulary sometimes can be a little a little bit limited, kind of like how I just used commando in that sentence, and it was just kind of like what are you talking about? Commando of course means not wearing underwear, right? going commando, right. So anyways, so I was, I was joining this new men's group, and it's kind of like a mastermind where we travel around the country and stuff and stay at each other's houses. And a lot of these guys make any of any success I've achieved look like a drop in the bucket. So it's a good group, and I had never met any of them. But it was my first weekend. This was five years ago and I emailed you. They had sent out an email to the guy whose house we were staying at had sent out an email saying, hey, you know, we're gonna have a lot of beds. It's a big house, but some of you might need to sleep on an air mattress on a sleeping bag or on the floor or something like that. And so, in the reply, get serious 16 guys or something, you know, successful guys, great guys, guys in recovery, you know, you know, addiction recovery and stuff like that. And I replied in the email, oh, I don't have any problem. I'm good at going commando or sleeping on the floor or whatever. Right? It was just me not knowing what that word was. You know, this is five years ago or so. And I'm thinking that the word means just, you know, sleeping on the floor. You know what I mean? Not walking around with no underwear.

James: They give you a bed?

Dave: No, I slept. I slept on an air mattress. But here's this group, email back from this guy who's just joining the group none of them have ever met. And who's saying that he's gonna go Command? It's just funny his life in the time of Dave Sharpe. So anyways, now I know the definition of Commando. One of the things that I said with my wife back many years ago when I first got started in this industry. She makes fun of me about these. A couple of other things that I said ends meet. I thought the ends meet when people said this is just me, you know how you can be really smart at one thing but totally like, lacking common sense and other shit. You know? That's like me like I'm, I can I'm brilliant at like one thing and everything else. I'm a complete savant, right? You're like an idiot savant. Isn't that almost kind of what that is like, you're really good at one thing. are here. Am I misusing another word? Hold on. Let me look it up. This is like Google is.

James: So we had the CFO of one of the companies that I worked for when I was a financial analyst. He's like a genius with Excel and can like program companies like no other like I've seen anyone work like him. And when they were in the kitchen, and he pulled out he's looking for food and he pulls out a can of soup and he just asks how do you prepare this?

Dave: All day long. All day long. I walk into the kitchen and my eyes just glaze over. But yeah, so anyways, going back to a couple of the things I miss said, misused and by the way, yeah, I don't know if I'm an idiot savant. I just think I'm an idiot. But the ends meet thing was I thought that making ends meet. Now this was like 12 years ago. So this wasn't just five years ago. I was that you? You were so poor. You could only afford the ends of the meat at the grocery store.

You've come a long way. And you should be proud of yourself. And I know we are, we'll send some folks here in the community, your way to follow you there on tick tock and try to support you and thanks for supporting us by sharing your knowledge or experience today. Absolutely. I hope you'll come back and keep us posted my brother. 

James: Absolutely will do for sure. Thanks for having me again today.

All right, James. Take it easy, man. Stay warm up there in, the north of North America and we'll talk to you soon Okay, brother. All right. Take care Dave. All right. Alright, my friend. You can follow him on TikTok at @sidehustleswithjames.com See, he got sneaky there with that.com and went on ahead and put his whole calm right in the handle. Like that. Like that. Kind of reminds me I mean, like that's it. I don't know if any of you guys ever saw wicked tuna. But it's a show on. It's a show on. One of those stations on Discovery, Nat Geo, something like that. And the wicked tuna in the show is about them going out and catching tuna you know, big ass tuna like, like 1000 pound tuna like when they go out. I used to love the show. I still do but I used to like watching it back in 2014 time frame a lot. But look at this. There were, you know, all these different names. There's, you know, they're what the show did was attract like four or five votes as they went out. But then there's the f v tuna.com. So ever. So here's a guy who's just like all the rest of the guys on the show and every single time that he got any airtime any screen time any mention of tuna.com You know, he was getting airtime for his website. So it was just a kind of creative little way. I'm not saying everybody should go and change their handle on TikTok to do what James did. I'm not saying that at all. I'm just saying that if you can make the name of your company, or that your name, something that directs people automatically to your website, kind of like the 100 Ask Gary, I don't know if any of you guys have ever seen or heard of that service. It's a lawyer referral service. So if you get in an auto accident, you can call one 800 Ask Gary, and they'll refer you to a lawyer and then if the lawyer wins your case, I'm sure they'll kick back, Gary. It's like an affiliate business will only have 100 Ask Gary is basically like affiliate marketing. But you know, the name of the company is the phone number. So when you say the name of the company, you're saying the phone number, so it's easy, you know, one 800 411 Pay and that's another one down here in Florida anyways. So I don't know, neat little thing just to point out so go and support James and lift him up, comment on his stuff, like his stuff, and that's a great way for us to support each other in this community. Make sure that you text w l only if of course you would like a text message reminder in the morning on your phone. I got mine right here. Just come in right at about 10am right when we get started with what we're doing, with a link to join the show. Every morning. So if you text W L to the phone number 813-296-8553 You'll get a text message reminder in the morning when we go live. Get outta here, my friends. We'll see you back here for another episode tomorrow. All right, Wednesday be Legendary. And have a kick ass day.

How To Develop Content Strategies For TikTok

Below is the transcription for this episode:

JoAnn: Hello everyone, welcome to Wake Up Legendary, happy monday. My name is JoAnn and I’m from the marketing department here at Legendary. I’m so stoked about our geist this morning who I’ll bring on in a second. Send us a text to get notified every morning when we go live. 

You won’t. get spammed or anything like that. And you'll just text WUL. Two. Let’s bring on Leo. And share with us a little bit of your journey and why you got started with us.

Leo: So I’ve been in the media and events industry for 20 plus years and the Live Events obviously took a beating during the pandemic, with many of them not happen here. In 2020, it was brutal, but in 2021 felt like it was going to get better, but didn't seem to be getting any better. So I had been toying around with different online businesses in the past from Amazon to various other things and marginal success here and there. And I came across a video on TikTok from one of the legends. And it was very interesting to me, and I jumped on it and started learning more about it for the 15 day business challenge back in, I think it was October or November of last year, and went through that and said, Wow, this is pretty cool. This is very different. This is a different kind of company that's doing this. And I also found that affiliate marketing for me personally was a good fit, because I've got a sales background, and also a marketing background. So to be able to do that, to be able to market and sell other people's products that I didn't have to create or source or find to me just seemed like the right fit. So I jumped on it. I bought the blueprints. And I also went to the mastermind in December in Orlando and didn't look back.

JoAnn: You went through the challenge in October, mastermind in December. What was what you did between starting the challenge and attending mastermind and what changed after?

Leo: I was not a huge immediate media. eyes towards Facebook just to see what MySpace is doing in the past and just like most teenage daughters or sons do to their parents when they say they want to make tic tock videos. But I started just building my channel, I got it up and running, started posting really bad videos back in like November. Maybe I got a little bit better as I went along in December. And then I went to the mastermind and learned some of the great things that some of the other legends were doing. And realize that I don't have to try to figure everything out and be the expert and to be able to see what others are doing and to try to mimic that and make it my own. I thought it was for me it was a light bulb that went off and I said well I can do that and that will help me understand what kind of content works well and then maybe I can put my own spin on it and and that's really what I was doing is really building my TikTok channel to try to learn how to bring the traffic to the to the offer.

JoAnn: Hey, okay, Love that. So I saw on the questionnaire that I'm going to ask you about the board breaking exercise. share with our audience a little bit about that, and what your, what you really took away from that.

Leo: Yeah, so at the mastermind, you know, I didn't know what to expect, I've been to Tony Robbins, various Tony Robbins programs. And so I had an understanding of what I might expect, but the mastermind was really eye opening and a great experience. Being with other folks who are already doing this is really successful. And then newbies like myself were in the room, learning and getting an understanding, we all had our kind of our, our limiting values or our limiting beliefs. And for me, it was fear of failure. And, you know, I've been through a number of different types of online businesses that had marginal success. And I think that one of my biggest beliefs is that I can't do this, or just, I'm too old to do TikTok videos, or, you know, something I'm just gonna fail at. And for me, it was about getting through that fear of failure. And breaking through that at the mastermind was like walking on hot coals at Tony Roberts event. So being able to take that board, right, my limiting belief, which was fair failure, and then smashing it to pieces, was really powerful for me. And I know from a lot of other folks that I've spoken to that were at the mastermind that was really powerful for them as well. And it's something I still have, I have it framed in my office upstairs and, and it's something that I've used in video. And in fact, I think I made a video that's same or next day that I was in Orlando with a little clip of me breaking the board. And it was powerful for me. And it's something that I know a lot of folks struggle with is, you know, we're new at this, we don't really understand exactly what we're doing the 15 day business challenge walks you through it. And then when you go through the blueprints, it takes you even deeper, but you're still new, and you're still figuring it out, and you're afraid you're gonna fail or you're afraid you're just not good enough to do it. And what you find out is that anyone can do this business, you just have to be consistent with it.

JoAnn: Right? Okay. So is anybody sitting there right now? Going? Yes, I have the fear of failure. Yes, he's speaking to me right now. We all can talk about it. But actually putting into action, how to overcome that what really helps you take action, because you can talk about I'm going to break the board, I'm going to smash through this. But until you're ready to really do, what do you think helps you keep doing it? And when you start having that thought creep back in your mind, right?

Leo: The valley of despair, as Brian brew would say, for me, it was really about looking around at some of the other folks that were successful in this business. I think the young lady's name, I think her name was Sarah, she was 20 some odd years old. And, you know, she started doing this and just rocking it so fast. And then, and then you see, you know, basically people of all ages, races, color, it doesn't matter, like, who is successful at this. And I said, if they can be successful, so can I. And I think that's what kept me going is realizing that for other people who are doing this and being successful at doing it, and all the only difference between them and me is that they're doing it. And so for me, that was like I said, Damn, I just got to keep doing what they tell us to do in the 15 day business challenge in the blueprints. We worked on the plan. And once you work the plan, holy smokes, you start making sales and you start getting customers to start talking to people who are in the same place or the same exact situation that you were in and you're saying, I was there. I know exactly what you're going through, let me help you because I was exactly in the same place as you were. I was the believer that all these things are a scam, I was a believer that only the people who were at the top make the money. And that is just not the case. And so, you know, I think the other big thing for me was getting my first commission, which happened about I think 35 or 40 days in making TikToks. And getting that first commission. I think the first thing was like three bucks, but the large commission was, you know, five figures and you're like holy smokes, this really does work and I think that's what kept it in the plan. 

JoAnn: Alright, so obviously we talk to me a little bit about what you're going through, you're starting to make TikToks. What's your process to come up with ideas, content and stay consistent?

Leo: Yeah, so for me, what I do is, every morning I build a studio here in my basement. It was a large closet that turned into a music studio. And that was my studio for creating TikTok. But what I do is I come down here, and I go through tick tock, and I look at all of the best folks in affiliate marketing. So there's ways to sort. As we all know, there's a SnapTik or Sort For TikTok. And so I look at the biggest producers in our industry and affiliate marketing. And I look at some of the things that they've done that have been successful with the algorithm of tick tock, and then I write those all down, like come up with what my hook is that beginning part, figure out what my story is around that subject matter, and figure out just the call to action at the end. And so what I've done is I've tried to maintain two or three videos, but trying to do three every day, which is a motivational, which is usually a duet from somebody else that I just resonated with me, for whatever reason, mostly about, you know, believing in yourself about small business. And the next one is about affiliate marketing, specifically trying to answer a question around affiliate marketing. And then the third one is usually something about, you know, getting out of the rat race of the nine to five and breaking free of that rat race. So those are typically my kind of three minute goals of how I create content. And for me, again, what I learned at the mastermind, I don't have to be the expert at creating that content, I can look to find what's successful out there, try to duplicate that in my own way. And that to me, was really powerful. Because coming up with content ideas is not easy. And it's something that, you know, I think a lot of folks struggle with, and the reason why a lot of folks don't stay consistent with it. So that's how I create my content every day.

JoAnn: Well, and also, I think, and only speak to this on your thoughts on it, some people aren't consistent, because they're expecting a quick return if I made three videos. I didn't get a commission, I didn't see, you know, my leads, I didn't get all these notifications of new leads. So I'm terrible about how do you keep going and not play the long game, this is a marathon, not a sprint that keeps you moving and producing even though you weren't seeing immediately within, you know, a day, those early results?

Leo: Yeah, again, I think for me, it was about breaking my limiting belief, which was the fear of failure. And knowing by looking at all of these other folks who were doing it, I, you know, I follow a few folks that are very similar and age me that had jobs that they hated and are succeeding at this in a big way. And so I think, for me, the thing that kept me going was saying to myself, these folks did it while they had a full time job, some of them still have a full time job, and they're still doing it. And they're making six plus figures from doing this, because I see them on the scoreboard. And I'm just saying, Man, if I could just stay consistent with this and continue to do the steps that have been taught, I can conceivably succeed at this well, as well. And, again, my first commission happened, you know, 45 plus days in or 50 days in. But I know that what I'm growing here is a business, not a short term, you know, get rich quick, I'm trying to build something that's long term. And I think if folks remember the fact that this is something that we're building a long term business for, and not just trying to get quick hits, quick hits feel good, those quick hits, really, what's building that long term business for you. And I think that's the thing that I kept in mind is that I'm not looking at the short term, I'm looking at the long term. And I've always seen this, and I think it was said in the mastermind, you know, people get into these businesses, and they just say, Oh, I'm gonna make $10,000 In my first month, and then they get upset because they only made you know, $1,000 in their first month or not. And, and, and what I've seen is people say, if you can just put your head down, commit to this business for a minimum of six months to a year, you'll never go back to your nine to five job again. And for me, that was super powerful. And after three months, I stopped my full time job. And this is what I do full time. So it can happen. It is a reality. And really that's that for me, that was so powerful.

JoAnn: All right, we got to take a moment, folks, if you hear that he has left his nine to five, which was 50 plus hours a week from time. What has that meant to you and your family and your life at this point?

Leo: So again, one of the reasons why I wanted to do something like this was because I was traveling a lot pre-pandemic, all over the US overseas. And the amount of time that I was spending with my family was getting less and less and less. I was putting more and more hours in. I was making great money with my job but Again, I was trading time for a paycheck. And that time I was losing for my family. And so for me, getting that time back, I'm going to go to lunch with my daughter, today I do I go to lunch with her a lot of days, we do breakfast in the morning, my wife and I are anything I wasn't able to do before, because I was getting home till seven, eight o'clock at night. Getting that time back from my family is everything to me. So that really, for me was the most important thing. And, you know, I also took a look at my life and said, Do I really need to make X number of dollars to be happy. If I continue to grow that y into x, y, z, then eventually, I won't have to worry about the money, it won't be a thing anymore. So for me, I reevaluated my entire life. Instead, I can live off of this amount of money. If we just made some small changes to how we're living right now. We'll be able to go back to having all those same lifestyle changes, maybe a year from now. And that's really how I looked at it.

JAnn: Oh, I love that. And I mean, freedom of choice. Maybe I will come into the challenge. I want financial freedom. I'm looking for that quick cash in. Right. But really, most of us are looking for freedom of choice, who we spend our time with, what we do when we do it, how we do it, still being able to support ourselves, right?

Leo: Yeah, that freedom is everything. JoAnn, it's, um, you know, I know a lot of folks who I've spoken with that are now going through the 15 day business challenge. And just going through this, they said the same thing. It's like, I'm working my ass off and making decent money. But I'm not spending quality time with my family, or I don't get to choose when I go on vacation, or what I do each day. And I just say to them, listen, stick with this, work the plan, and you'll never worry about that. Again, you can do whatever the hell you want. You spend two hours, three hours in the morning every day, or do it in the night, and you spend your day however the hell you want to spend it.

JoAnn: Exactly. That's huge. And that's really what most people are looking for. Whether they realize it or not, you just have to process. And like you've mentioned a few times today, you don't have to be an expert. Sometimes people get stuck. In this a I have to keep learning. There's more to learn, more to learn, more to learn. I can't post anything until I'm, you know, the expert, but you can't ever get to that place until you actually do it.

Leo: Yeah, I think a piece that I heard during the mastermind was, you only have to know a little bit more than the person below you. Exactly. And because you're continuing to learn and become more and more proficient at this business, they're still new in where you were two, three months ago, or four months ago or a year ago. And as you're continuing to learn, you're able to provide those folks the same nuggets that you learn from others, as you started to grow your business. And that for me was something that was really important too, because I was like, I know this enough to be dangerous, but I don't feel like I know enough to teach somebody else the business. But then when I was talking to folks and understanding their same challenges that I had, I was explaining to them that I was going through the exact same thing and just to start to learn the business. And then I will provide whatever guidance I can with what I've learned and together, we can be successful. So the newbie thing, the whole thing about, you know, imposter syndrome. That's all in your own head. It really is. 

JoAnn: Yeah, It's our own roadblock. Why don't we realize it or not? We're actually stopping ourselves.

Leo: 100% Yeah.

JoAnn: And people love to see when they show up authentically. So when you share your journey, this is where I'm at, this is what I've already experienced. This is what I've already learned. They appreciate that they can relate to that. And you can relate to your audience. Do you feel like that's happened with your following?

Leo: Yeah, you know, I think the other thing that I heard a lot was, you know, do your videos, go after your traffic and you will find your tribe. And I have found my tribe, most of them tend to be either men or women in a very similar age range as mine, they, they resonate with my message. And those folks are typically going through the exact same things that I am, they either hate their job, they want to spend more time with their family, and they're just trying to figure out a way out. And this can be that way out if they just work the plan and can stay consistent with it. And that's kind of what Ion TikTok about every time that I talk to somebody new is this can happen. I'm a perfect example of it. Gotta follow the plan. You gotta do what's explained. Dave didn't create this just for fun. He created this because he was successful. He knew he could help people with it. And if you just follow it and stay consistent with it, it'll work. 

JoAnn: I love it. Love it. Love it. All right, so you are mostly on TikTok?

Leo:  Correct. Right now I'm only on TikTok. But I am breaking into Pinterest and Instagram and I started my Facebook channel, I'm starting to slowly bring people into my Facebook channel. But I've been in talks with folks through DMS.

JoAnn: Oh, how do you warm up your cold prospect that just saw your video for the first time to where they end up taking action? Are you going live? What are you doing with that? Or is it only in the DMS?

Leo: So what I do is typically through, I follow up directly with every comment that comes through when I want to do a TED Talk video, and then what I explained in my link tree, I actually have my email and I tell people just email me, that's the easiest way and they email me direct at my email address. And then I started communicating there. And then I schedule a call with them through Calendly. And utilizing Calendly, I set my schedule with calls. And then I actually just do real calls with people and I just walk them through and I explain to them what's going on. And I hear what their situation is. And that's really how I nurture those folks, I have my AWeber account. And I nurture people continually through that. But for me, I'm a people person. So I like to talk to people. And I feel like it's really powerful to have that conversation.

JoAnn: Oh, okay, I love that. That's a huge golden nugget. So you know what your strength is. So you've added that piece, essentially, to your funnel. And because it's something you love, that's something you're good at. And that helps you convert members. And it's really important that even though you have the blueprint, you found a little piece that you know, you're like, you know, I can add this little step in at, I'm good at that something that you can add to it. I know a lot of people don't necessarily make phone calls. But if someone's good on the phone, they love having that conversation, it's definitely a great option to add it. So I love that. 

Leo: That's one of the things that I had heard again, I think, through the mastermind, somebody who was speaking. I think it was the couple that was there. I can't remember their name, Megan and Ryan, I believe it was. They talked about how you know, the power is in the DMS and in getting, you know, one on one with folks. And to me that was again, another nugget that I took out a mastermind that just said, I got to be talking to these folks. It's something I've done for 20 plus years on the phone with people. And I do it either through a phone call or even a zoom, or I see them face to face and I talk to them. Again, really powerful. And I know a lot of people don't want to do that because they feel like it's time consuming and you got a lot of tire kickers, but I can assure you that most people who are reacting to this have an agenda and they want to do something with their lives. And this is a way for them to get out of that grind that they're trying to get away from. So having a conversation with them, letting them know that you're a real person who went through the exact same thing. That and that you're no different than them except for that you've applied the principles and are consistently working them. 

JoAnn: Wow, that's huge.

Leo: It's just not something magical. You just have to decide to take action. Right? That's it

take action. Massive Action equals massive results. 

JoAnn: Oh, I love that. Massive action equals massive results. I hope everyone that's watching is listening to that, maybe pin it up, write it on a board somewhere, write it down, put it on your phone screen to look and see every day because that's that's huge. I think that's really the biggest hole is people want, but they're not willing to do. That's it. 

Leo: And you know, I don't know where I heard this. But you know, and the reason I left my full time job is because I was always told, in order to make a business of your own successful you have to burn the bridges. And in some of those bridges are people in your life that tell you you can't do it and tell you you're you don't know anything about TikTok. You have to burn some of those bridges. But for me the bridge was there was no way I could do this business and really commit to it while I was working 50 plus hours a week. It was just for me there was no way. And that's why I reevaluated my life to figure out what I really need and can I live for three or four months before I start receiving commissions. Some people can do that. Some people can't. But burning that bridge for me, allowed me to focus 100% of my time on this business and so that's why I'm doing what I'm doing. 

JoAnn: I love that and really identifying what's the bridge you need to burn you exactly does it mean and sometimes it's friends and family, right? But it doesn't mean you know, to stop talking to them, but drawing clear boundaries even with them. Yep. Allow those conversations to be. 

Leo: Burning the burning of that versus just to listen to the negativity. Because then once you start doing like I think in my first 60, less, almost 60 days, and my daughter was like that you had 10,000 followers already. I'm like, yeah. And that was like, oh my god, okay, wait, he's doing something right. And then my wife was like, start seeing Commission's come in, and they started getting deposited into our account. And we're like, yeah, okay, this, this business can actually work. Yeah, naysayers will come around, whether they're family or friends. But you just have to be able to shut them off while you're focusing on the business.

JoAnn: Right? I think even Dave, last week said, opinion switches once they see the money.

Leo: That's very true.

JoAnn: Literally, they see cash and they're like, Oh, this is great. This is fantastic. But if they're not going to support you don't share that part. Yeah. Normally, you're going to just stop, stop that part of your journey. So Jason shared the enemy is in my head in the comments, what would it be? What's your piece of advice for Jason and anyone feeling like their biggest enemy is themselves and it's in their head?

Leo: Yeah. My advice to that is, again, get out of your own way. And realize that if you just stay consistent with this business, put your head down and do what you're trained to do, based on the training that we have, it will work that the process does work, it takes time doesn't happen immediately. But if you just keep doing it, and keep doing it, and keep doing it. Next thing, you know, you got people on the 15 day business challenge, and then you've got people buying the blueprints and going into the masterminds and this works, it just works. And then you start to think about what other affiliate marketing programs can you take these principles and apply them to with a passion that you have one of my passions is the dog is dogs. And so I've started a dog channel recommending dog products, food, treats, toys, and became an affiliate for Petco for Amazon, and applying the same exact principles to that business because I love it. 

JoAnn: Oh, I I love that. So when did you start that channel?

Leo: I just started that channel about two weeks ago, I believe.

JoAnn: Okay, you feel about it. So you're applying the principles from blueprints in this channel? And how is that starting off and kicking off for you

refer so good. I mean, you know, you start to start slow, just like everything, start creating content. And I've just started creating content for it. And the authority comes a couple small sales from it. But it is what it is, it is for me, it's not so much about the money that it's eventually I guess it will be but for now, it's just fun. And it's also a passion and one of my taglines, I think with my Facebook channel, and even my TikTok  is helping people turn their passions into profits. And for me, affiliate marketing is about helping people take something that they really enjoy, and turning it into money. And the first part of that is legendary, and understanding the business and if you want to help other people, if that's a passion for you, you do that through legendary, but if you have other passions, there's a million different types of things that you can be an affiliate marketer for. Just find a niche. That's, that's a passion of yours and go after it.

JoAnn: Right Just take your education, follow the blueprint, the plan and apply it to whatever you're passionate about and excited about. Right. Exactly. I love it. And you're a perfect example of such an inspiration that you can do this. This isn't about promoting legendary after you go through the education. This is about changing your life business that you're proud of that you're excited about.

Leo: Yeah, that's it all the time on this, you know, you don't have to promote Legendary he would love it. And it's great because the high tech affiliate program, it really does work. But you don't have to use these principles just to promote Legendary. You can find a passion, you have your niche and use the exact same principles with that niche and go after that business as well. You can do both or you can just do one. It's completely up to people to decide on their own but the principles work on any passion. Exactly.

JoAnn: I love it. There were a lot of golden nuggets on a Monday morning. I think anybody watching it will probably go back and watch this one. This is great. We are coming to you if you would like to follow me on stuff @leojosephrecommends But definitely go give Leo a follow comment on his videos let him know that you saw him on Wake Up Legendary open up that conversation. See how he's looking at what others are doing but making it his own adding his own twist his own spin in really making it unique and authentic to himself. And that's why he's connecting with his audience. So definitely go check it out and give him a follow. So thank you so much for coming on today.

Leo: Happy Wednesday everybody be legendary. Thank you so much. Appreciate joining. JoAnn: All right. I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday and I hope that on Valentine's Day they will be back with us with tomorrow's guest for another episode of Wake Up Legendary hope you had your notebook if not go back. Take some notes from this episode because Leo dropped a lot of gold for you to apply. Have a great day everybody.

How To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone And Go 100% Online

Below is the transcription of this episode:

Dave: Hey my friends. This is Dave Sharpe Welcome to wake up legendary. We have another guest this morning, a student of our programs and material. She ditched her brick and mortar business to go 100% online. All the way from well, I believe she's from Kentucky. Help me welcome, Tiffany. Welcome.

Tiffany: Hi, thank you. Yes, cold, Kentucky.It's been snowing and ice. But I think we're gonna have a heatwave today and things are gonna disappear a little bit. So I'm looking forward to that.

Dave: All right, well, I'll send you a heatwave. But it'll be 80 degrees from Florida. But that might knock you might overwhelm you, you know that way. So tell us Tiffany, how you, you know, found legendary. Did you have no online experience? Or not online? You know, real connections? Because you were so because you had an offline business? Give us a nutshell, look into your history. What motivated you? I mean, what were you looking for? When you found legendary? And in? In what sense has it been like this?

Tiffany: Sure. So I was at a ball game, I think or practice, I think it was a game. And my friend, another parent, was talking about it. And she's actually joined this company. And it's really fun she was with you guys before I joined, obviously. And so it's really funny because she too recommended the person who ultimately did buy my most recent brick and mortar. So she played a huge role in this chapter of my life. But I had 11 years in the corporate world, just, you know, a little backstory. And I had already dabbled with the online industry, or direct sales. And I had a lot of success with that. But I knew there was also a much larger picture that I could see and almost tasted, I can almost feel it, if that makes sense. But I just didn't know where to start. I didn't know how to like it, even dip my toe in it. Just start to see and explore that world. And so she was telling me about emails she got. She was getting emails of her commission. While we were there. And I said, “Tell me what you do”. Because she also worked full time and had kids, it was a very similar lifestyle that I have. And I just wanted to understand what it is she's doing. It's getting her paid while our daughters are on the ball field. So she shared the link with me, I watched it and I am just a student, I love to learn. I have a master's degree. I just enjoy learning. But I feel like what I've learned since completing all my education is I know you guys have talked about a lot in the training. But all of the real life experiences I've had, whether it be in corporate world or post corporate life that I've built through this entrepreneurial journey have almost taught me more than you know, the classroom because of, you know, the failures and that and then and then the victories too, but like you just learned so much from doing and I'm just in love and obsessed with this journey, I guess and so excited to see what's in store I think, you know, this online industry is is literally where it's at right now. We saw a major shift with the pandemic. So if it wasn't already big enough it sure is now I feel like so anyway, that's what got my interest and how I got started and why I'm here. 

Dave: Yeah, that's really interesting that you're sitting at a baseball game. You know, which is? I mean, yeah. And somebody shared a link with you, who was sitting next to a friend of yours. And that's how you ultimately did you sit right there on the baseball stands, and watch the sales video? Or did you just have the link and then go and watch it on your own time later? personal curiosity. Did you wait to watch the sales video until you got home?

Tiffany: I did. Wait. I was very curious. But I did wait. I watched it that night, I think and then the next morning, I was like, Tell me more, I want to know, like, so how do I do this? And I was like, $7. I mean, I've had two brick and mortar businesses.

Dave: Alright, so you've opened to brick and mortar that you're an entrepreneur, right? And so you watch the sales video, and you didn't immediately just buy for seven, you went back to her and said, What is this? Like? It's only $7. That's, that's how that went out? I mean, just like me, I'll draw. Yeah, I'll drop. God knows what shoes are a lot right on the spot. And you know, you'll drop, God knows what on a bag, or whatever, right in the mall, if they got the one you want, or one you love or whatever. But even us seasoned entrepreneurs, we're gonna watch a video. And then it's only $7. We're gonna go back to the person and be like, Okay, what is this, Too good to be true, right? So yeah, I mean, I get it. It's just that that's one of the problems with doing business with friends and family, and I'm glad you're here. Ultimately, I'm glad you're here. And I'm glad you found us. And I'm glad you're getting value and all that great stuff. But the problem with businesses where you have to have your friends, your marketing directly to your friends and family, is that they do that shit to you. But honestly don't think they can go give them something. And then they come back and hit you with 100 questions as if you're their personal concierge. We do it to others. Others do it to us. It's just a thing that human beings do to their friends and family, you know, you won't barrage a stranger with questions like that. Right? Yeah, I mean, it's just funny.

Tiffany: Yeah, yeah. So you know, I didn't ask her too many questions. But it was nice to have that third party validation

Dave: I just think it's funny because if you just, there's a good chance that if you just saw that on a random post on social media, like you, you would just watch it and sign up. If it was from your friend, who you knew you could go back to, I just think it's funny. It's just human nature. I love marketing to cold prospects. Because back in the day, when I marketed to my friends and family, they would do the same thing, because it's human nature. All humans do it. We go back to our friend, instead of just signing up instead of just spending the money and just seeing for myself, I gotta go back and hold him hostage on the phone for 45 minutes. And really paint this picture for me, really helped me with questions while he's trying to cook dinner for his kids. And it's just human nature.

Tiffany: Well, even having the experience in direct sales watching people like when the value was this to join, because online businesses weren't quite as popular now we've been able to make it more affordable for people. Now they have even more questions. 

David: And of course, if it's $7 opposed to 700. If it was 700, there's less questions in itself. Sure. And that's one of the things that, you know, I've realized that a lot of people have is that a lot of times your best paying customers or your high ticket customers. Now you happen to be somebody who's serious and who eventually, you know, you got started and you like to invest in your education, all that. But usually the people who want things for free are usually not your best customers. Right? Usually they're your worst customers. I mean, at least make the most noise. But anyways, so now that you've signed up and gone through the 15 day challenge, I don't know, blueprints or not but you've, you've invested in your education, you've, you've spent some time and energy here. Are you? Are you glad that you did it? I know that you were talking earlier about the excitement of, you know, online business in the future. But have you now transitioned fully from your offline on offline stuff to 100% online, in order to buy online? Are you doing affiliate marketing and stuff like that? Tell us now what you're doing as a result of discovering this training and in making this transition and, you know, talk us through the transition,

Tiffany: So I did start this, I took this training in the fall, sold my brick and mortar at the end of the year, so I closed out the year. So it was very, it's a flower and gift shop. So our busiest season, of course, is November, December. So it's a very, very busy season with my other business, which was also tying up loose ends, etc, etc. But this was easy enough to make time for I was able to grow a following. You know, I don't have the following, obviously, that I'd hoped to have by now but I'm over 5000, you know, so and that's on TikTok that I'm speaking of, specifically, so I'm like, there's there's a milestone, okay, we're gonna set the next go and, you know, just chip away. And I continue to remind myself, you can't compare my chapter one or two to someone else's chapter 30 first of all, and second of all, it's also it's really not not a race. So what if someone else did this much in this amount of time, and, and maybe it's gonna take me twice as long to have those kinds of results. I'm just finding the consistency and the creativity, ways that I can pull all the different things that I love into one hub and share it with my people. And I'm really just falling in love with that journey and how I can use all of my experience, all my education, the things that I've done to kind of help avoid this training being one of those, if that makes sense. Just so you know, if you want to start an online affiliate marketing business, here it is, if you love you know, this or that, here's what I've found, this has helped me in my personal development, you know, the things that have just helped me in my journey and share those with people through through affiliate marketing primarily.

Dave: And your TikTok handle is @path2freedom? So how has it been like for you to transition and do some camera marketing? Has that been something that's been difficult for you to get used to? Or did you feel somewhat natural talking on the phone? Was it like FaceTime to you? Tell us through some of the things that you've had to get a little bit uncomfortable or comfortable being uncomfortable doing?

Tiffany: Well TikTok was an uncomfortable period. My Account existed only to watch, you know, what my daughter is doing is, you know, who's following her, But as I began to like the things because obviously the algorithm caters to the things that you're giving attention to, as I began to like the things that let you know, financial freedom and in personal development and all the growth, you know, just business in general, that began to flood my for you page and I'm like, Oh, well, I get it now. Like I was, so I don't have to dance.

Dave: So let's go. So business content, you saw content that made you say, Wait, okay, well, this is cool. I can do this. Yeah, I'm gonna do that. But this makes sense.

Tiffany: Yeah, and I mean, not that there's anything wrong with that. i That's just not what I was comfortable doing. But can I talk about the things I love? Absolutely. I still feel funny sometimes the little you know, the trending songs and the funny faces you make and whatever but like, again, I don't know if it was yesterday, recently you shared on a wakeup legendary she was talking about, you know, again, just letting go of what anyone else thinks. Who cares if you look like a fool for seven seconds like nobody's gonna remember that in a year. And one thing that I've learned in this industry or even during sales, but like, literally until someone else's opinions pay your bills, they don't matter. So I've learned to let go a bit, I guess. But it's still way out of my comfort zone. But it's been fun. You know, I mean, I've enjoyed it.

Dave: You look in and feel worse, if you quit, rather than you know, if you fail or something like that, which I don't know, how do you define failure? I really, I really don't know, I think each person has their own definition. But your words and feel worse if you quit. And I think that's what is more important to focus on it's have I disappointed myself, or am I living up to an expectation that I have of myself that makes me feel good about myself, if we turn our direction to impressing ourselves, living up to our own standards, or doing things that makes ourselves feel proud that we're willing, for example, if I go and tell my men, I'm a plumbing superintendent, and I'm going to tell my my six guys to dig a ditch, I better, I'm going to feel a lot more confident if I've already dug a ditch and I know how to dig a ditch, rather than if I'm just standing there, you know, you know, just just telling somebody what to do. So, um, you know, I think that anyways, you know, it's, it's, it's, it's interesting. So what's coming up for you, as you think about the future here with your business and kind of what you're going to do next.

Tiffany: I've really, I think I want to revisit the blueprints and look into a bit more of the organic approach with things via Facebook and or Instagram. Because I think to tie this all together, I've got to kind of step back and brand myself a bit. I am and hopefully continue to evolve. So I guess that's part of it. And it makes it sometimes hard, I think because maybe it's the entrepreneur's brain, maybe you can validate that this is just how we are wired. But like I love a little bit of everything. And, and I like to know a little bit about everything but but I really have a hard time sometimes honing in on what it is that I love the most. And so that that's where I am in my journey, I guess you could say like to share about the $7 course I was able even able, I wrote an ebook, it's just like a little on Canva and put it out there. So it's free to people. So then within there, I've embedded the links to the course and things like that. So I can do that and share that all day long. It's coming kind of second nature on that. But I need to find ways to just get more traffic for that, but then for everything else, how to pull it all together. So it's not confusing to people, because she likes this and she likes this, but here's who she is. And then you have access to all of it. Like, I just want to like, I feel like I've rolled over here and a roll over here. And I want to try to figure out how to pull them together and still offer all that all that I have to offer. So you know, I'm in a major transformation, I guess, stage of my career. But it's pretty exciting.

Dave: Yeah. And I can I can, it sounds exciting. And I can completely relate to being all over the place. And here's the challenge that I've faced and the things that I've realized is that, you know, I'm never I'm never really going to be satisfied. Because here's the challenge, whether I get multiple streams streaming, and I'm, you know, I feel like I'm satisfied because I'm spinning 10 plates, you know, because that's what we do, we're not satisfied until we're spinning 10 plates, and then we get overwhelmed, right? And then we gotta get rid of some stuff. I gotta get some stuff off my plate, right? And then we get stuff off our plate, and then somehow we get back to spinning plates. But, you know, for me, these last many, many, five, six years have been about total and absolute simplicity and focus. I mean that I only focus on, you know, too many entrepreneurs who want to get multiple streams streaming. Before they got that first stream. You know what I mean? multiple streams. of income, but you ain't got that first stream. And so you know, what, what my plan is, it's so similar I can understand it and it just makes so much sense to me is that I have one business and you know what that business can produce meaning this business, right legendary marketer can produce enough income in legendary marketer, we do affiliate marketing, we sell information, products, courses, you know, events, we essentially eat our own cooking, we do the things that we teach. And so with this business, and this is what my vision began to be clarified about a couple of years into it as I felt a little bit itchy. And I felt like oh, man, I'm Bitcoin and there's all these other things that I'm missing out on all these other businesses that I have these other, you know, plates I want to spend, but I just, I decided to focus 100% on my one cash cow. And that's yeah, instead of having a bunch of little tiny, you know, baby cows that are all producing, let's just say 10,000 a month, or they're all producing 100,000 a month, however you want to think, but just focus on having one that produces a million a month, right? And so I've done that, and I take that money from that business. In I invested in different categories or buckets on the back end, real estate, precious luxury assets, stocks, you know, things of that nature, you know, investments, things that typically then produce cash flow and or a dividend and or somehow they grow without me doing anything to them, versus just setting money in a in a in a in a savings account, or buying other businesses right now in my career, it's not a time for me to buy other businesses in get involved in strategy and stuff with other businesses. I'm not 60, I'm not 65, I'm not ready to sit on boards, I'm still actively running a company. And so that's been helpful for me. And it helps me because I've only got one business to stay on message on my content. Every day, I'm thinking about one thing: the black and the white, you know what I mean? I'm thinking about legendary, the company that I'm thinking about every day, day in and day out. And we've grown as a result of that, we've grown as a result of that focus, we've grown, we used to do shitty numbers.even if The business has always made money. And I've always made great money in this industry. But over the years, what happened was our business grew from, you know, a couple of you know, 100,000 a month or 50,000 a month or whatever, to a couple 100,000 a month to, you know, 20 million in a year last year to 2 million in a month, last month. You know, think about that.

Organically starting over with nothing legendary started with none of my customers or hardly, maybe a couple of customers who knew me, but none of the affiliates from previous things. I did anything but give credit to that focus of not getting distressed. I'm on distractible and I'll tell you I even find myself some days going wow, it's actually nice, I got a free afternoon or something. Which is weird, you know, because I always have had a to do list and I got things that I could do in creation if I wanted to project things to get into. But my point is, is that I think way too many entrepreneurs burn themselves out get spread too thin, get frustrated, overwork, I see people having 10 year streaks of just being all over the place scatterbrained starting things stopping when they could have built a small Empire if they just saw a project through to accompany through to something that it takes a few years and this even goes for everyone who's even building an affiliate marketing business. I still do affiliate marketing to this day. It's a decent portion of our bottom line at the end of each month. And but we're focused we're not in E commerce we're not doing this and that mean for God's sakes if I wanted another stream of income, I do it in the information space with the new affiliate product and in be a campaign that was designed like the rest of the campaigns is why do I want to go out and complicate the shit out of every day of my life in my business. Find my entertainment elsewhere, stick to baking and serving and selling cheese pizzas in my business. That was one of the best pieces of advice. Real Estate mentor who wasn't a mentor at that time. But I was working with my dad like a poor homeless teenager junkie with my dad and I happened to ask this investor that he was working for back when I was 18. I said, Hey, why don't you sell or rehab in flip like, million dollar mansions and all this like, seems like there's a lot. Here's, I don't know my ass from a hole in the ground, I’m an 18 year old punk kid who doesn't even have a pot to piss in. And I'm thinking that I'm gonna, you know, I'm gonna open up an untapped market for this guy who's got his shit together. And he's an investor and a flipper, and my dad's one of his contractors. But anyways, he goes, he gave me a piece of valuable wisdom that in that moment, I didn't know how good it was. And I'm glad I remember it because I was probably so stoned. I couldn't see straight, but I happened to remember it. And he said, Dave,Dave, I stick to cheese pizzas, man. I don't get into all this other hoagies and subs and meatballs and all that shit, I stick to cheese pizzas. And that was a valuable business lesson, probably one of the best that I've ever had. It's been invaluable in my journey. Because this, this sticking to something instead of introducing other complicated shit to your business, and we do this all the time, we'll be moving right along home and building your business. And then we'll get into that we'll want it we'll say, Okay, we'll get somebody who just lands on our Facebook Messenger and says, they want to be a client or something. So we take them on at 2000 a month, we're unqualified, we don't have any system setup, we're not even actively taking clients, but somebody is willing to give us money. So we're ready to create a new department in our business, to just take that person's money to give them some coaching sessions, you know, and we've got to get to a point in our business where we're so focused and dedicated to cheese pizzas. And keeping it simple that even if somebody came with a stack of money, but wanted us to do some shit, that was outside of our daily struggles, gave us peace in, in produced results, we would be able to say no, now I'm ranting, what came up for you out of the things that some of the things I just said, Tiffany,

Tiffany: A lot of the same experiences. I think that's where I found myself spreading my desire to be involved in everything. Well, you know, we're in a small town, both businesses I opened for here, they were both something we were lacking, something we needed. I saw an opportunity and it was void and I got excited. And I love the startup and the challenge. And then I'm like, Okay, what's next? Once it's done, once the hard part's over, you know, and I was like, I've got like, while it's been rewarding, and I'm glad that they're here. I'm at a point in my life, like when I started this, my kids were really young now. And they're still young, they're still at home and don't drive. But now they're both old enough to be involved in multiple sports, travel sports, you know, all the things and so we're on the goal. And I've been married to my career for so long that I learned, you know, I wanted to start refocusing my priorities, you know, family first, but obviously, with finances to support that and so the fact that I can work this wherever, whenever, at the ball field at practice at, you know, wrestling tournaments, whatever we've got going on. The kids don't miss me. I try to make sure they’re gonna understand Mommy's gonna do this, like, Yes, I'm on my phone, because then my teenager won't get off her phone, like you're losing, like, hours of your life. You know? Yeah, I've been on mine, you know, but like, I just try to help her understand the difference and without being such a hypocrite. But anyway, I just love that flexibility, it's been able to give me a lifestyle that I you know, for the kids and so that my husband can continue to do you know, he actually owns a business too. And then I do the administrative stuff of it. So we are just busy. And this works. You know, you can do a couple of you know, some days that's been more than two hours, but if it's a busy day, an hour of creating content is enough. You know

Dave: The things that I say is I and I actually don't say this, but I'm gonna say it and it's gonna start being something that I say, I don't have the time to have a job to be honest with you. Like I don't have time to be driving a half hour hour into some office city. And then some place for all day. And then driving home. I mean, it's raining outside right now, like in some shitty weather, you know, all hold and stuff being away from my house being away from my toilet, you know, being away from my shower, being away from my smoothie maker, my magic bullet, you know, like, I just, I mean, we are busy, we are busy, and then you, you introduce kids into somebody's life, people. If you don't want your life to not be yours anymore, don't have kids, because when you have kids, your life is not no longer even yours. Even having a business, what in business is expected of you, if you're an adult is this is to both being an amazing way was being an amazing parent. Right? But also to provide, right? Yeah, but not be on your phone in, follow all the social norms and all this stuff and your spouse, I mean, it's just, and then, you know, you're also supposed to have a job that has a 401k, or insurance or whatever. And it's like all of these people in society in general have this opinion. But it's like, it's like, life is hard. You know, and it's like, it's like, you know, you know, sometimes we don't get support from the people who are we get criticism from the people who are closest to us, when it's like, these types of businesses give us the freedom to be at home and be around our family. And oftentimes, even if that's more, you know, I don't know, in some way more stressful because honestly, when I leave the house, I mean, or whatever, drop my kids off at school, they're not even my problem, really just keep them alive. You know, when they're with me there is a lot of work. Honestly, I got a one and a five year old. And the truth of the matter is, I'd rather be with them than away from them, you know, and so this business in businesses like this, gives us the ability to do that. And even though it may be crazy at times, it's what we want, right? Because we want to be able to call the shots and have freedom over our own time schedule. 

Tiffany: Yeah, because my corporate career was crazy, too, but not on my terms. You know, I was in, I am so thankful for my family, but I promise you, they thought, and both, and my parents thought I was absolutely crazy. When I said I think I'm gonna quit my job at the hospital, I was in administration, I had a very good job. In fact, I was continuing to grow. And what I was realizing was I was kind of maxed out at that location. And I was going to need a further commute, probably longer hours, but I'd been paid salary for about 95% of that career. So I was working 60 getting paid for 40. So when you really, you know, anyway, whatever. And my kids at the time were like one and six. So by the time I did decide to leave and open the gym, actually, that's one of the first I did . I think they were two and seven. And they get to be a part of that they want to help to paint even as we opened it, they would come in and greet customers, they learned how more customer service was, I mean, I just tried to make it even during the pandemic, when they were out of school and we were homeschooling everything, they were at the flower shop with, you know, what's important here, okay, to help with inventory cannot take care of customers, you know, like, even my son delivered flowers, you know, it was like, Alright, now this is how we treat a lady. But, you know, I just made every little moment count, because like, but then I was still locked into that nine to five, you know, and it made it hard with our schedule. So this has allowed me that freedom to put their schedule first and then I just weave this into whatever's left of my day. 

Dave: And you know, there's, there's, there's news, a lot of there's a lot, there's a lot of noble things about having a job and I'm not here to bash jobs. I'm not here to bash college even though, you know, I can be opinionated on some of these things. The truth of the matter is, is that you know, being able to work from home used to be a dirty little secret, you know, I almost felt guilty sometimes that I thought about Dang, man. Like, there's no literally nobody else that I know in the 1000s of friends and family or whatever that I know who do what I do. And man, I just wonder if they have this lunch freedom. Now becoming a little bit more mainstream because of how things have pushed people to work at home and stuff like that. But, you know, I'm not here to say that I don't really have it. It's not really mine. But this knowledge, the skill sets, if you can achieve them, there's not a single item that can give you freedom. I mean, I guess, I guess if a Brinks truck backed up in your driveway and dumped hundreds of, you know, millions of dollars in your driveway, but realistically, that's not going to ever happen. That's, the likelihood of that ever happening is next to nil. And so, the next best way is to kind of acquire skills that, you know, you can use. And, you know, I don't I'm not here to preach. And I'm not here to oversell because, honestly, you know, we have, we have people who are buying at more rapid paces this information right now than they've ever before in the 10 plus years of doing this. Because they do realize they do understand that they've been now they've not I mean, they've been insulted by their bosses for years, but now they've been insulted by the government. They've been insulted by society. A lot of you talk about the healthcare industry, a lot of them feel underappreciated right now, a lot of our law enforcement feels underappreciated. A lot of our just regular, everyday good ordinary citizens feel underappreciated, because they were deemed non essential, sent a couple of $1,000 checks and said, figure it out. You know, what, when, when that probably wouldn't have been, they probably would have rather stayed at work and took their chances. But they were sent home. So people are pretty crazy about this information right now. So I really say to folks, you know, look around, it's not like, it's not like, like there are, this is the world moving at a rapid pace right in front of your eyes. This is the economy and the marketplace shift. And you see so many people who are going to drive for Uber and do bite squat and these gig jobs and they're quitting their jobs. They're moving online, they're making things and selling them on Etsy. I mean, there's lots of business models, I happen to think this one's the best, but people are are, I just heard of another story the other day, I just can't remember right now about somebody else who quit their job and started doing some random kind of entrepreneurial thing and is having success with it, you know. And so I just think we're under this big kind of revolution that's been somewhat hidden, or shaded by what's going on with the medical stuff. But under the current, there's a whole shift of humans who are citizens who are shifting to more online stuff. And I'll tell you, folks, if you don't do it now, what after what's just happened in how you've been? They've told you we're not coming to rescue you. Yeah, what would possibly motivate someone to do it? What else could one say? Or to motivate? I don't think anything. It's almost like if you're not motivated, maybe you're now a little bit more motivated, because I pointed it out to you. Right? What would motivate you more than to see and experience what has just happened recently in our world and say, nobody's coming for me? I better do something. How do you unsee that? How do you unthink rewind that right now I'm speaking to a lot of our non entrepreneurial friends who maybe haven't started something isn't as easy as it is for others and or even following through. But why don't you tell us one thing that you wish you knew when you started that you know, now that would have helped your newer self in this online venture? 

Tiffany: I think probably just let go of everyone's else else's expectations. Again, I kind of did that a while back, I guess. So that part wasn't as hard for me yet. It was still new, so different. Again, as I mentioned, it's a small town when people's kids start discovering that so as mom is on TikTok. The talk is interesting, you know, and you know, just letting go of that because the opportunity is a giant industry that can be your business. And no matter what business you have, even my gym, my flower shop, someone will always have something to say, should i just close my doors because they hurt my feelings. No, and nor is that why I sold it. I mean, I've shared with you why I sold it, it is an absolute value to this community. But I was at a point where I needed time with my family, and I knew that there was a way through this, this is what I absolutely could seek to make more. And again, it's not always about money, but my time was worth a lot. So to make more, doing less, if that makes sense, I don't want to act like it's not work. But you know what I mean, it didn't take me away from my family as much as I could contribute to my family to create that lifestyle that we want, while taking me away from them less. So it just absolutely, I wish I had just kind of came in with this gung ho like make it big right out of the gate instead of tiptoe into it. I mean, not that I held back much. But I think just understanding how big this platform is. and where it's going, you know that that's huge, because the opportunity I feel like is endless. And you don't mean, you pick your niche, like you get to be you like you don't have to be David Sharpe, like you, you take other things that are taught by David Sharpe and use them to promote the things that you love. And hopefully, you know that you're able to share your course with them along the way, so that they can be more successful there as well. But just just, I mean, it's not a cookie cutter, you know, going to college and then graduate school and getting my job. And then the next promotion was the cookie cutter. You know, this is not you setting your own pace. 

Dave: It's funny that we don't think of the college's cookie cutter. But it really is. What, what has been something that's been, whether it be the community or something about how the training was laid out, or something that was said, or an experience with an advisor or something about your, what would you say here if you were talking to one of your friends? Or what did you say? Or what do you say when you're talking about legendary, and maybe that they might want to give it a try? And at least I mean, selfishly, at least to get the information. What do you say? And what would you say to somebody about what you like most or why you think somebody should go through at the very least our 15 Day Challenge?

Tiffany: Honestly, I can admit that I'm almost tech-tarted if you will, like I am. So like the back end of things. And that's what when I'm reaching out to Jen, that's still what I have questions about. And it's because I'm thinking about the bigger picture like, how do I connect it all now, but the way that you guys walked me through a click funnel, and it was already and then I can just copy it in? And it was there, and then do this and how to put a link here. I mean, I didn't have a clue about any of that. So sure, I could go to YouTube and learn it and figure it out. I'm sure it's there somewhere. But it's not going to be as hands on, it's not going to be as direct. And I didn't. I wouldn't have had a human to ask a question if I was stumbling, which I did stumble. So I mean, it was nice to have someone hold my hand. Because that part is just, I'm not. I don't understand the back end of all the technology side of what happens in this industry. And I'm very thankful for that education.

Dave: Yeah, I'm not either. So all right, well, awesome. Well, Tiffany, listen. Thank you so much for your time, even though you're feeling a little under the weather today. You it was all great clear. Good info. Thanks for your story in your work so far. And keep us posted. Come back here in a few months and let us know how things are going. Okay. Okay, thank you. Alright, Tiffany will talk to you later. All right. All right. You can follow Tiffany on Tiktok @Path2freedom. She's also got instagram, path_2freedom so you can find her on both of those platforms. Alright, my friends, get out of here have a fantastic Tuesday, make a decision today to do something powerful for your future. Invest in yourself. But do do extra, do an extra five minutes. You know, make a commitment. Push yourself a little bit harder. We're right here in the middle of February 2022. And like it's so early in this year, to still make it the best year of your entire life. There's a lot of momentum behind you. And we're here of course to support you every step of the way. So be legendary my friends, get out of here. Have a great day. Peace.

How to Repurpose Content For ANY Social Media Platform

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What is going on my friends, this is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary, another show just keeps on going. It's like it never gets canceled. You know why it never gets canceled? Because we don't answer to anyone. That's why it never gets canceled. So even if the content did suck, we couldn't get canceled because we're entrepreneurs and we would find another way but the content doesn't suck. It's awesome and it's awesome because of our guests. And our guests this morning. are a husband and wife team who started to have an amazing story and seem like fantastic people. We're gonna get to know him right along with you this morning. Brandon and Dijunae. And I heard that you are expecting another bundle of joy as Brandon put it here in the coming months?

Dijunae: Next month.

Dave: Wow that that baked potato is ready to come out of the oven now how many have you had so far?

Di: Two other daughters and this will be your third

Dave: The world needs girl dads. Nothing wrong with it. So you know I loved your little right and you wrote a little story when we asked you to be on the show. What? You are currently working for a cement company Brandon. Di, are you a stay at home mom or what? Remind me what you're also doing besides running your online business anything.

Dave: And I'm not trying to minimize that. stay at home mom because especially if you got two little ones and you got one in the oven. I'm gonna tell you something. I know Brandon comes home every day and complains about how his feet hurt but he's preaching to the wrong choir isn't because Job ain't a joke. I'm with my kids for like, two hours and I'm overwhelmed. I'm like where's the nanny? You know what I mean? So what stuck out to me about your little write in that you gave us which was really helpful for me to get to know you is you know you both work 60 hours a week. You want to quit your job, although you're grateful for it, it seems Brandon, you said that you came online during the events that have happened over the past year and there was one specific thing that stuck out to me is that you said I researched and looked into other ways but Legendary stuck out to us and honestly seemed like the most legit and achievable. Especially with us being beginner's and not knowing much. We were willing to learn so that we could build the life that we really wanted and felt we deserved. So talk to us a little bit about that beginning of wanting and looking for something and then what ultimately attracted you to us. 

Brandon: So we're lucky that I work. I have worked seven days a week ever since the pandemic started. We got just thrown into the whirlwind of seven days, 10 hours or 12. Whatever it takes. So being at work every day and then having our second daughter which she's only a year old. And just being at work all day and missing out and watching her learn how to walk and do all this stuff with the baby. It really hit home with me and just seeing it over video chat and stuff. So I started getting online, started first off, started just reading and getting my mind right and I said so I bought a couple of different kinds of books and started reading and then I started following different pages on Instagram and stuff like that, just to kind of prolong that and other stuff started coming on. Well kept seeing stuff about e-commerce drop shipping. We even got her involved with doing epoxy art because we’ve seen a lot of that as well. So we built up a whole little epoxy art business and everything like that. Didn't really do all that great. We didn't know what we're doing with it first of all, but yeah, I just kept seeing stuff pop up with affiliate marketing. Andre was one of the main ones that I followed and was following his stuff. And with affiliate marketing, we didn't do a whole lot of research on what it was when we first started. Kind of just look at a couple of different ones. Seen Legendary seeing the reviews from people who were just Googling it. Yeah, and then kind of just jumped right in with this looks like the best option for us. We can afford it because the main thing is very affordable. And man it just took off after that. Once we repaired we procrastinated a little bit. At first when we got the program we didn't really do much with it at first and then finally we buckled down and started hitting it and it's been working great for us ever since. 

Dave: Awesome. Di, Can you give us your perspective on that same question.

Di: Kinda like when he said at first I was like, I got to get back to work you know, finances were getting tight and then I found out I was expecting again. So something has to give whether I can work at home or just something. But he was like, No, I want you to focus on kids. Which is completely fine with me that I just wanted us to, you know be okay like we were making it but we were sacrificing a lot and I just didn't want us to be in that spot anymore. Yeah. So when he showed me affiliate marketing you know, I'm the Research nerd. So I did all my research. Before I do anything. I was like, okay, you know, I like where this is going like I can do it on my own time. I don't have to worry about being on someone else's spot. Especially with a toddler running everywhere and screaming in the background. I don't have to worry about it either . It seems like something that you know, it's a lifelong process, something that we can build and then share with our kids and then they can do it if they want to. And that's what I really really liked about it, the flexibility I really want to travel. So the fact that I can travel and work was like a big thing for me.

Dave: Yeah, yeah. So I love where both of your heads are at because you understand there's some immediate results that can happen and have happened for you. And you also know that it's a long term game and you're looking ahead versus just looking at what's why, you know, am I going to be a winner in 30 days, you know, which we all know is an unrealistic expectation. I'm not saying it can't happen. I'm just saying it's very unrealistic. When exactly did you sign up for the challenge? When was that kind of day that you pulled the trigger on that? One, I think she's right at the end of July ish. And you procrastinated a little bit, so you kind of signed up and then didn't really start going through the training. What brought you back? I mean, do you remember having a moment of clarity or something that you talked about or what ultimately brought you back to focus? 

Brandon: For me it was dealing with the stuff I deal with that work with people, the management team there, it's kind of everywhere. So they're kind of scattered and don't know what they're doing a lot of times, so it's just I got tired of that. It's like, I got we got to do something about this. We got to dig in and get this going so we can do something better and I don't have to deal with the stuff I deal with there anymore. 

Dave: So pain motivated you? Isn't that interesting to everybody who's listening. If you're wondering where you're going to get your motivation from? Stop looking for your stop looking at your goals. Now that might sound odd at first. But when you're looking at your goals, it's not even something that you relate to because you've never achieved it. You don't even know what it's like, what it's going to be like to have those things. So it's hard for that to pull you in action. Eventually it will write eventually, when you get to a certain phase, you can begin to be more specific about your goals. But at the beginning, the most powerful way to get into action is dial into your pain. What hurts? What do you want to stop? You know, nobody ever goes to the doctor when they're feeling good, and says Hey, Doc, I wonder how I can just be more healthy?

You know, but I'm telling you what, when you get a canker sore in your mouth like I do right now, that's painful to eat. That thing is top of mind every day, I was just in the dentist's chair already this morning. Okay, and I said, Hey, look, what's up with my mouth? Right? So I think that's an important thing for us to kind of just bring to everybody's attention what you just said because sometimes we're looking for motivation in the wrong place. And if we can just ask ourselves, what's hurting? What do I want to stop and focus on? That might seem like well, why shouldn't we just sweep that under the rug and pretend that's not happening? No focus on that. Talk about it. Feel the pain. And Brandon, you said that you use that as a way to get back in action. And now that was July-ish. What has happened in How has life changed? If you could describe that briefly, since you made that decision to take it seriously and focus? 

Brandon: Well, I mean, you can see the light at the end of the tunnel right now. Like we haven't made a ton of money but we have been making increases. You know, we've been building it up and it shows you that this can be done and I can supplement my income. And she can be doing the income is low and we can work together and I won't have to be in that situation. I don't have to work till seven eight o'clock at night and miss all day with my kids seeing them for an hour. That goes with the pain thing again missing out on the time when you get there too. But you can see light at the end of the tunnel and it's a great feeling knowing that you can have a means to an end with that kind of life. Dijunaecan you answer the same question to you what has changed since you both began to focus on getting more serious? How would you describe how things have changed? Whether it be you know knowing that this is real and can happen because of initial Commission's rolling in whether it's a mindset shift, what has changed within you and you think within your maybe your marriage or whatever, since you guys got focused

Di: I definitely would say our mindset changed. Because at first you know skeptical, kind of worried, jumping into something totally new that I had not really a lot of information on until he did the challenge. But it's helped us stay focused. It helped us stay motivated. And, you know, just look forward to your likes. I'm actually excited about where we're heading and it's because of what we're doing. At first I was always nervous and had anxiety about the future. And where we were going and how we got there. But I think this was a great first stepping stone to get us on the right path to where we want it to be for us and our kids and then us being on the same page has made us better marriage partners. Because now we're like two peas in the pod. You know, if I ever get discouraged he's there to lift me up. 

Dave: What sort of advice would you give to other partners out there and Dijunaewhat ultimately did Brandon do? To pull you in to get your support initially because a lot of times there can be a lot of conflict there, husbands who are trying to provide and we want to go and find solutions. You know, we bring these things to our wives or our spouses the way that we present it and also creates conflict or mistrust, and then we end up feeling unsupported. So can you talk us through a little bit about how Brandon was able to bring you in or what that looked like for you now ultimately, to be on the same page?

Di: Communication and trust, you know, you're a team, you got to work together and like, you're gonna take some risks in life. You know, that's part of it. I mean, if you make it you know, that's great. If you don't, you don't at the end of the day, you still have each other and, you know, that's what makes it even better. It is having each other to support, you know, he'll support me through anything. I'll support him through anything. I’m very stubborn, I've always been independent. And that actually helped me become more reliable.

Dave: It makes sense to me, Brandon, let me shift that question to you. What do you think your strategy is when you're presenting something to your wife to get her on board to get her support? How do you present that? Do you talk to her before you buy? What is your strategy as a husband to get your wife to support you in a new venture where there's going to be risks, there's going to be more time there's going to be more investment upfront. How do you go about getting her on board and getting her to be supportive and eventually be a part of?

Brandon: I definitely talk to her first with her and like she said, She's more of the research one, me I jumped headfirst in.

Dave: I think a lot of guys are like that. So that's why I'm asking you guys who like to shoot first, and then bring it home and tell our wives Hey, I just spent a couple of $1,000 or Hey, I just signed up and I'm starting a new business and our wives feel thrown off. Right like Wait, hold on a second. Now I don't trust you because I feel like you’re dropping this on me even though this is a positive thing. So continue with your kind of strategy. 

Brandon: When I had a feeling about it, you know I wanted to jump right in but I talked to her first I kind of brought to her attention some research points to where she could look at it and feel more comfortable but I also tried to paint a picture for her of what it could do for us and how it could change our lives and me being at home more will help out and I tried all day and it seemed to work out pretty good. 

Dave: You sold right? Okay, this is another thing that I think y'all need to just keep in mind what you know, again, when we are if we can't sell our husbands or our wives, why do we think that we are going to go out there and market and convert anybody else? out there? So we really need to learn how to have empathy and compassion and build trust in our homes first. One of the biggest power moves that I ever learned was to say first and foremost, honey isn't a good time to talk because I want to talk to you about some I'd come running in the house. She's got kids on both hips, you know, and I'm like, hey, I got an idea. It's like, another thing is I used to always bring my stuff to her, not taking into consideration where she was meant at mentally and emotionally. You know, when I learned to ask her, Hey, is it a good time to talk to you about something that's on my head that's in my heart, you know, I want to make sure it's a time that you can focus on. Right away. Wi Fi feels respected like time is respected and she's not just there to be my, you know, a sounding board at my disposal. I started to focus on making her feel supported, instead of always complaining that she wasn't supporting me. So I started using a specific language like babe it seems like you're having a tough day today. How can I make you feel more loved and supported? Now this is completely separate from business stuff. But what it does is it begins to create an equal dynamic in the relationship where whether she wants to participate in my business or not. She knows that I'm willing to ask her how I can love and support her no matter what she's doing. What I did at first was I just did all of what I just said, and I would complain. Well, I feel like you don't support me and I feel like you don't believe in my dreams. And I realized that was being selfish. I needed to grow up emotionally. And I needed personally my own self to learn how to be you know, to treat her as an equal. And one of the things that I wanted to show you I think this will make sense because I sort of grew up in this business. This was me, when I first started out, you know, like you can see me now. I'm 38 and I look like I'm 50 you know, just I don't know, you know, but this was me when I started out. I was 24, 25 so I mean I was also young. But I also believe that no matter how old we are, we can always improve within our relationships. But again, back to my point that it starts at home. Us being successful has a lot to do with you know, us not having additional stress at home. If we have additional stress we have conflict with our spouses at home. Brandon, does that not add an immense amount of pressure to you, no matter what work you're doing, whether it's cement, whether it's online if you are not on the same page. If you guys are arguing or fighting that you don't it feels like you are almost unproductive and not able to focus. 

Brandon: Oh definitely because you're focused on what's going on now. You're not focused on the business itself. You focus on what happened outside of the business. It was one of my sole points here is she kept saying she wanted to help out financially though she wasn't doing enough and I kept telling her that she was but this was that was another selling point was hey, we can both do this. We can both do it. We can both have income coming in from this. So that was another selling point right there was or why not help out me listening to that. And maybe putting that in the conversation as well. 

Dave: Yeah. So tell us a little bit about you've been doing some TikTok and Instagram. She's been doing some Pinterest. Tell us a little bit about how that's going like give us one or two things that you've learned that you could share with the audience. Maybe some advice you would have given yourself when you first started out.

Brandon: With TikTok, I would say the hashtag is a very important thing. And keeping the light and fun heart trying to have a little bit of fun with it. Don't be serious on that because that doesn't work very far with it. We're trying to keep your hashtags consistent. Because if you keep switching your hashtags, it seems like you don't get a lot out of it.

Dave: Yeah. I really, I really resonate with that. There's an old saying that comes to mind if you take yourself too seriously, nobody else will. And you know a lot of times we get online and we want to be you know, we want to spread positivity. So we come out here with these motivational messages and then we're like, why is dude over here who's pessimistic, negative and just sharing memes? Why is his stuff blowing up in why over here am I spreading positivity and motivation and motivational quotes and so forth? And why is my stuff not why is my stuff dying? I wanted to touch on that point, though, about if you're out there trying to be too positive and too serious. I know this sounds weird and odd. But it's like people almost don't want that people don't want that. It's almost like toxic positivity. You know what I mean? Like it just for some reason. You have to find a balance in humor and also self deprecating humor making fun of yourself, not taking yourself too seriously. And just again, I don't know how to make this more simple, but be careful of being too positive. Because people that's not real life. People are not happy, joyous, happy and lucky every day. They're going through shit and I'm honestly pulling up their phone to feel validated that other people are also struggling. That's how they feel supported, saying positive messages here and there. But just be careful not to be too positive. If your positivity and your motivational messages are taking off and doing well, great, but I had a guy in our blueprints and coaching recently who was doing a lot of positive motivational content going nowhere. And he just toned that down, added more humor, added more sarcasm added a little bit more self deprecating humor making fun of himself. And he is just being more real, you know, balancing his struggles with his wins. And his content just started to blow up. Dijunaegive us some advice on Pinterest, which is something that we don't hear like tons about but give us a little bit of advice about how you've been making that work and what would you tell yourself when you first got started with that platform that you know now that you didn't know then?

Di: Just stay genuine and you know, just be 100% honest, because that's what a lot of people are looking for. Especially with, you know, a lot of scamming and stuff going around. You know, it's not a problem to share your story or to share some of your struggles, you know, there's a new be surprised how many people you actually relate to on a day to day basis. So they completely understand where you're coming from. And Pinterest threw me off completely because Pinterest is the last place I would have thought to put any type of content on besides my DIY projects. So, I’m actually doing a lot better on Pinterest and I am on any other social media platform. So that is something that everybody should look into. 

Dave: Now are you just creating graphics, are you posting pictures, are you using a tool like Canva to create like, what sort of content? What sort of images I guess, or are you also doing videos? Are you posting on Pinterest?

Di: I'm repurposing my own videos from TikTok and then putting them on Pinterest as well.

Dave: Wow. That is it. Really? That is really so if all you're doing is repurposing your videos from Instagram and TikTok. I assume you're posting Are you taking off the watermark through one of the apps that takes off the watermark from Tik Tok, right and then you just keep seeing that same video on Instagram. And then you're saying you're posting that same video on Pinterest. Is that right? No. Pinterest is where you're getting the most traction?

Di: Yes.

Dave: Y'all. It's so funny because we do the same thing here with a show. Like I do the show live which I love because it's just consistent. It's at the same time like it's just such a system and I try to model that but also want to point that out to everybody is that like for me, this is such a system I do it live. Then we take this content and transcribe it we posted on our blog, so it becomes blog content. We also post the video on YouTube and we also post the video on the blog post so on our legendary marketer comm if you go there, there's a blog with all of these episodes where the YouTube video and the transcriptions are getting all that good SEO content in that traffic from there. We then also leave them on Facebook so they're here. We then also take these interviews and put them on a podcast. So if all we're doing is repurposing and is all you're doing different that is such an awesome hack that I don't hear people doing enough is simply repurposing yours. Everybody's doing TikTok and Instagram, but then taking it one step further and just repurposing the same piece on Pinterest. 

Brandon: We're also doing it with the YouTube shorts. Now. we're repurposing them there as well too. So we got four different things: she does Facebook and mobile. We got four or five different platforms we just went around repurposing. 

Dave: Doesn't that save time, like isn't that the bottom line is is that you don't need to make multiple pieces of content per day and sitting there you know, just endlessly creating content, make good content, awesome content put more work into the content, so it's better quality, and then put it everywhere. So you're omnipresent because all you're trying to do is get that prospect to see your face, or have an opportunity to see your face every day. As long as you stay in front of them. That's how you build relationships. That's how you build knowledge and trust. That's how eventually you get those multiple exposures to where they're like, you know what, eff it. I'm going to see what this person's talking about. Hit the link to go buy from you. 

I’m gonna let you get back to your beautiful family. You guys are incredible. I love love, love, the relationship synergy that you have going on. Here. I love how you brought her into the fold and then how she did her own research and thinking and then she made a choice to come together with you versus this anything being forceful or there's just a beautiful synergy that I think we all can take a lot away from this morning from your story. And congrats on taking action. If I look over here at my crystal ball which I have. I foresee a lot of prosperity in 2022 for both of you. So please, please please no matter what you do, no matter how bad of a day you have, don't quit. Because people need to hear from you. And in return of you delivering that value, you're going to be rewarded highly. And you know, this is just the beginning. So thank you for your time. Thank you for making time, even today, which I would assume you have off and this is valued family time.

Di: Thank you. We appreciate it. And thank you for the opportunity and for your wonderful 15 Day Challenge Without you none of this would have been possible for it. So we really want to thank you for that. 

Dave: You're so welcome. Stay awesome. Stay Beautiful. Stay Legendary both of you. And I'll talk to you soon. All right. Take care. All right, my friends, you can follow Brandon on TikTok. @makemoneywithbeardguy And you can follow Dijunaeon I guess all the platforms @Deethemarketer. Go check it out,especially when she's getting tons of results with Pinterest. You know what, how she's doing that. It's just a simple little add on. It's just a simple little tweak. Right and that may be a breakthrough for those of you who took the time to tune into the show or listen to the replay on a podcast or whatever, man, like, I know that sometimes we don't pay attention when we don't pay for something. But I'm telling you, there's gold in these shows every day and that's why I'm so grateful and motivated to continue to do these because not only do they give people like Brandon and Dijunaeand opportunity to, you know, do something maybe outside of their comfort zone or get recognition, but also they give back to us and show us and talk to us about what they're doing. And I know there's always only going to be a small percentage of people who actually take action on the stuff. That's why it's not a big deal, right? Not a big deal. You know, most people are just listening and that's okay. We welcome you to listen in. You know, just continue to have those mental shifts until you feel prepared. To take action. But man, what a simple little tweak that one can make by just adding that additional platform repurposing content in so much gold there in the relationship. Just story. I hope you all have a fantastic Thursday. We're also going to be back here tomorrow for Christmas Eve. It is Friday. And remember I told you rain, shine, Christmas, New Year's, whatever the holiday is. If it's Monday through Friday, we're going to be here delivering consistency leading the way in doing what we teach and preach. So we'll see you back here tomorrow for another episode. Happy holidays. You're not here. Have a great day. Peace.

The Secret To Getting Results Without Making videos

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Hello, everybody, welcome back. It is Tuesday December 21st. And we're live. We had a little bit of a technical headache there for a second, but we're back and we're rocking. So, as always, we've got a fun guest today. He is a returning guest I believe. I'll find out here in just a second but I'm pretty sure we've had him on before. I'm pretty sure I remember episode two and he's got a powerful track record of a history in the digital marketing space. And I'm excited to chat with him today. And if you are newer to our community, or if you're newer to these lives, typically we go live every Monday through Friday at 10am. eastern. Every day at 10am Eastern we go live on Facebook, we bring in a new guest, we talk about their experience with Legendary or their experienced digital marketing stuff like that, and we just unpack their strategies and what they're up to. It's a way for us to get a little bit of inspiration, a little motivation as we get our week going. And especially right now I feel like it's really important as we're gearing up for a new year and when you get into a new year, especially in the online space, there's a lot of buying there's a lot of commerce that happens and people are excited to set new goals to try new things and so it's a great time to be an online business owner in this in the stage where you're gonna go from end of year to New Year and fresh energy and so anyway I’m excited that you guys all made it here live with us again, we got started just a few minutes late. So if you're just joining us, we just started and if you don't mind, leave us a little comment in the comment section with a wave or clap emoji or something and help me welcome on today's guest you see that I pronounced that right.

Jussi: Yeah, you'll see Yeah. Perfect, awesome.

Matt: All the way from Finland. Tell us a little bit about yourself. Tell us you were on the show. months back. And but for those of there's there's lots of new people here obviously you've never met you don't know you. Tell us a little bit about you and your story and your journey. You were in it and then you've done a lot online. 

Jussi: This is my second time on the show. It was almost one year ago. Last January was the first time that I have been an online entrepreneur. Almost before he was, I was an IT guy in a big big company in Finland but I didn't turn into an entrepreneur. Four years ago on the first day I did some Amazon FBA and that turned out to be a little bit difficult and so I started my own blog and I've done some consulting as well. But this year, I'm mostly concentrating on my blog. I haven't done so much coaching anymore. 

Matt: So you did a little bit of coaching, previous and prior but now you're focused mostly on your blog. We talked about I think it wasn't me, but I think it was you and Dave talked about, you know, basically making money without making a bunch of videos. Tell us things like what you do and also how do people go find your blog?

Jussi: Yeah, it's my name. 

Matt: How did you learn SEO? What was what got you into it? I used to be into it back in the day too.

Jussi: I didn't know a lot about online marketing when I started my blog. So I have learned mainly from year to year. I have also purchased some courses. But mainly by mail by doing it myself and trial and error. Yeah, that's the best way to maybe learn.

Matt: Yeah, that sounds about right. I started in 2011. I started my own blog, and I thought man, this is going to be the best blog ever. And it was just all about like, an MLM product that I like trying to sell or whatever. And, you know, I got a few pages ranked and then I created this course called The first page formula. I don't sell it anymore, but it was back in the day before Google Panda and all that stuff. And it was just funny because yeah, it's just a total trial and error. You start installing some seo wordpress plugins, you watch a couple YouTube videos, maybe I bought a course. And I was like, man, I'm full in on this SEO thing like I am. I'm completely in. I'm, I'm going to figure this out. And I can rank pages pretty quickly. You know, now it takes a little bit more time. But I mean, if you write a really, really good piece of content, and a really good article, it doesn't take that long and you can get a lot of free traffic from that kind of thing.

Jussi: Yeah, it usually lasts maybe, maybe, maybe one month or so. It's going to be around. It will be about a month. When you hit first base and once it's there it can stay for a very, very long time. Maybe maybe even a year, two years and unable to get passive traffic all that all the time and you can make a decent amount of money with with passive income when you when you rank on Google, yeah, I like it very much because I don't I don't have to do anything like stocks or Instagramming results or stuff like that. Right? It's my cup of tea, you know, to write blogs and try to run my stuff on Google.

Matt: Yeah. I feel like there's a lot of people in our community who might gravitate towards that but just because they've only seen people who have been on tick tock or making YouTubes they assume they must do that too. Now there's nothing wrong with creating it. I mean, video content is a great way to go viral.

Jussi: Of course.

Matt: Yeah, but I do feel like there's a lot of people who gravitate more towards your sort of line of thinking and stuff and towards that strategy and specifically, and I think that a lot of them miss out on that. And the other thing I was gonna say is I don't know if you think this is true, too. But I think in the world of TikTok and short video content, the art of writing and creating a really great piece of content has sort of been lost, because people now use transcribers. They use all sorts of AI to write articles for them and all sorts of this like technology that, you know, they claim is going to write an article that's amazing, and it'll be just like a human but the truth is not really. And then it doesn't it doesn't really produce the response of a really quality human written article. And I think that there's a big opportunity there. At least that's my thought. What

what do you think? 

Jussi: Yeah, that's correct. Absolutely. All right. And yeah, I think this is really hard, you know, to rank on Google with a website but it is doable. And once you do that, it's it is you know, it's long, it's a long term business and, but it's I think it's more maybe a more sustainable business model than you know, making all the TikTok and Instagram reels and the sort sub base of business content. That is of course, only my opinion, but in fact that that is how I see things, at least right now.

Matt: Yeah, I think that makes sense. I feel like with the writing of the content and creating content specifically in that way, I think you're able to do a few things that you're not able to do necessarily on video, but there's pros and cons to each side. I think that you get some real intimacy and closeness with people and they can see you right. But I do think that especially with a review type article, which is what you know, you said if you google search for Legendary Marketer 15 Day Challenge, you'll see my blog is there on the first page, and I did some nice work on that. That's awesome. And it's pretty high too. It's not just like the bottom one on the first page. But you can you can bring them into your world and you can really, really educate them in a format where they're looking for that, like, if somebody goes and searches that number one, you're not just barging in in front of them, you know, sort of doing interruption marketing, you're, you're more so you're just positioning yourself in front of somebody who's already looking for that. So there's a big difference there. They're probably already warmed up or even in hot traffic, and you're just simply positioning yourself right in front of them for the exact keywords they're searching for already. As we're, you know, on TikTok, you can get in front, probably reach is going to be bigger, you're going to have you're going to get yourself in front of more people. But then, after you get yourself in front of all those people, there's only a very small percentage of those people who are even remotely interested. And so it's just a different game.

Jussi: Not only totally different from that, it's absolutely absolutely correct. So I think it is at least warm traffic. And they assume they know Legendary Marketer and they want to know a little bit more about Legendary Marketer and your challenge and therefore they are maybe more willing to enter in during your ecosystem than maybe perhaps with TikTok.

Matt: Yeah. And the other thing that I was just that struck me about sort of the review style article thing is, we get a lot of people who come to us and they say, you know, because they're new. They don't really know what to post or their content. They feel like they're a newbie; they feel like they're just brand new to their whole business. So it's like, well, what do I even post about? What do I talk about, you know, like, I'm not the action. 

Jussi: That was my problem. Oh, so I didn't even know but, you know, every day, you know, to do a different kind of video. I didn't know I didn't know what to say in those videos. So therefore, I tried it but that didn't work for me because in TikTok, the audience is mainly from America. Many are living in the US and TikToks then you are living in Europe, even into Europe. But especially in Finland. 

Matt: And it's so powerful because, as a reviewer like Dave would talk about this, in the sense of like, if you're a reviewer, you're basically just a reporter like you think of yourself as just reporting the facts right. Which then changes your whole outlook on the content. Because you don't have to know absolutely everything. You just have to be able to report and review what it is that you're seeing and experiencing. And that is anybody can do that. Right? So anybody can write that style of review. Anybody can write that style of a report, basically, of maybe it's a product or maybe it's a webinar, or maybe it's whatever, you know, I don't know what it is, but there's people who have created entire TikToks, entire blogs, entire YouTube channels, just around unboxing things. I know this lady on TikTok who does products from Amazon, you didn't know you needed and she just it's just products that she just loves and just shows them off on her TikTok and makes and makes Amazon commissions. I just really like the aspect of having a really well balanced blog. It's the number one content you always control and there's people out there who have lost TikTok channels, there's people out there who have lost all sorts of stuff. And you know, you're not unless you're fringy you're not going to lose your blog, you know, especially if you're writing good content, too. If you're writing well reviewed content, it's got images, maybe some videos tucked into the content. It's written with the right structure, meaning the right SEO. You know, that stuff is going to sit there and rank for years without doing a single thing. I think that's really powerful. I think more people you know, if they had the long term outlook, would choose that route, or at least add that route to their existing marketing. 

Jussi: Every block is kind of like a mini business. So I have I have many, many affiliate programs that I am in and so Legendary Marketer is only only one of them, but of course, it's one of the best affiliate programs I've ever tried, but it's only one I can write more content upon and join into more affiliate programs and make more money that way. So I don't have to, you know, depend on only one affiliate program.

Matt: Totally, totally. Are you mostly doing just reviews?

Jussi: Yeah, yeah, reviews and listicles.

Matt: Do you have any kind of formula? Do you have a structure that you try to follow? And how did you come up with that?

Jussi: Yeah, I have a certain outline, I follow all my reviews and all my listicles and I don't know how I came up with that. But it's you know, evolved when I have become better and brighter now than what I was when I started. And now, I have a certain structure there and I think I have seen that. That is very good and Kugler even loves my articles and sometimes ranks them really high. So I don't need to say that anymore. I think I have found it already.

Matt: Nice. Yeah. And for those of you who are like, you know, sitting here watching, you're like, Well, what do you know what he does? Let's see, well, his blog link is right there on the screen, you can go to his blog, and then you can click on one of his articles, seven best Amazon research tools 2022 And then just go look, I mean, just go look at one of the best Amazon research tools. And then he's just going to show you exactly his formula in the way that he writes in the way that he puts together his articles and goes through a few of his articles. You can kind of see the formula for the actual articles that you're writing. I mean, you do some good research on those. And then you put together a pretty good art. Are you writing all the content yourself?

Jussi: No, not anymore. No.

Matt: How did you find a writer?

Jussi: I have a job listing on one One website, and I got over 70 Answers to it. 

Matt: Nice. That's awesome. So do you do the initial research then on like what you want the article to be about and then you send it to your writer?

Jussi: Yeah, I did. 

Matt: Yeah. Cool. That makes sense. Cool. That's awesome. It's a heck of a lot better. Once you've got things rolling and you've got a little bit of income from the stuff you're doing to be able to do that. That's super awesome. When did you start doing that?

Jussi: Just recently. 

Matt: Very nice. So you're so I'm looking at your blog. How many of these do you pump out a week?

Jussi: I'm trying to maybe do two good blog posts per week now or something like that. 

Matt: Cool. I like that we've got somebody on who isn't just another TikTok or not that there's anything wrong, I like bringing a little diversity to that.

Matt: So what's what's next, what's next on the horizon? What's the next way to continue to put out blog posts? Are you thinking of doing more blogs?

Jussi: Yeah, I think I'm trying to scale my blog to the next level and write more content and also build backlinks to my blog. So that is equally important. Right? When you're trying to rank your stuff on Google's unit, you need content and links, content sub links, and that's that's the secret sauce of a successful blog.

Matt: Cool. That's awesome. Well, man, thanks for coming on this morning. Thanks for showing us another different route a little bit more behind the scenes. A lot of times people come up to me and they're like, Well, how do I do this without showing my face on video? And this is a really perfect example of how I got started and how I made my first few dollars online. And you know, I think everybody would, would be really you know for all the video marketers out there that I know that have lost their entire channel. Man, people do well to learn long term skills like blogging and SEO and to commit to building a blog that's going to be there forever, and playing that long term game. It's such a smart thing to network. Thanks for coming on Jussi, and for everybody who's here, go to his blog, maybe leave a comment saying, Hey, I saw you on Wake Up Legendary. I think actually on his blog, there's probably a way for you to follow or get updates on his blog too. Not sure if that's actually the case or not, but don't what I want you to do is I want you to go study that blog and study the way that he does. Reviews write best asset management software SCR serve surfer SEO review, Alli dropship review, right and and to look into that setting up a blog is not that hard. And creating these types of articles is not that hard, but if you do it the right way. You're able to get traffic from one piece of content for months and even in some cases, years. On the decade in a day we were working through. We were actually doing a search for a dog training review. And we found that this guy had a blog and also a YouTube video from 2013 still ranking on the first page of Google. And it's those little pieces of content he created years ago that are still bringing in leads. It's still, you know, feeling his business. So thanks again Jussi, and for everybody who's here. We'll be back here tomorrow, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday for more Wake Up Legendary, thanks again you see for coming on and have a great rest of your Tuesday.

How To Create A Profitable online business With A Huge Following

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends this is Dave Sharpe, welcome to Wake Up Legendary in as you can see by the title of this show this episode this morning. We have a wonderful guest Sarah, and freedom has been achieved. She's gonna tell us how she did it. Sarah, welcome to the show.

Sara: Thank you. Good to be back on.

Dave: Hey, you're very welcome and good to see you back and so freedom has been achieved. Tom, why don't you give us a little bit of the backstory about how you originally found legendary to catch people. Up and then we can come and bring ourselves to the present day.

Sara: Yeah, so in August of this year, I was on TikTok found an older woman probably around my parents age saying that she had quit her nine to five job was working when she want whenever she wanted and making 1000s online and I was like okay, if this woman can do it, what is stopping me from doing it? So I took a leap of faith, bought it for $7 and have never looked back. It was the best investment I have ever made for myself. Leading to the present moment. Tomorrow is my last day at nine to five so I'm pretty excited about that. So starting Monday it’s just me and I working for myself when I want how I want where I want liberating.

Dave: I wouldn't be able to tell by the smile and all that you were happy and thrilled. Yeah, yeah. So how's it feel?

Sara: Literally like a breath of fresh air like chains have been broken off of me that I have achieved and continue to scale my business. I'm just so excited for this next chapter in life.

Dave: I am too. I am thrilled for you to experience that way of living and being that I think we were born to have and be and what are you looking forward to most?

Sarah: I'm looking forward most to owning my time. So figuring out my own morning routines. Being able to travel and help other people who want to be you know, financially free or you know, start their own business just help people individually work their way up to you know where I am, I can help people you know, on the path that I was on to where I am now. So just helping them with the learning curve for sure.

Dave: So imagine that you hadn't taken action. And when you did originally had taken our 15 day business builder challenge that was when that was

the middle of August and then I posted my first content at the beginning of September.

Sara: So in the middle of August this year. Yes. So hold on. So will will will will. Whoa, whoa, whoa. So wait. So I want everybody to be super clear about this. And I want to be super clear about this. So August of 2021, too. I'm bad at math and a ninth grade dropout. So I'm going to use my fingers here in August, September, October, November, December. So we're talking about not even four months that you've gone from being skeptical as you said you saw a woman around your mother's age online talking about being marketing online and building a business and this challenge thing and this legendary thing and this weird guy named Dave and all this stuff, right? And you're like, Hey, hold on a second. And then you ended up like taking the leap. Whoo seven out you're like okay, it took you forever though that $7 To peel that out of your off your credit card was as if we were you know, right pulling up pulling up a band aid that was going to pull your offer so isn't it funny how you know sometimes spending that that $7 is but anyways from August the middle of August to now the middle of December so it has been roughly four months you've completely transformed your life. And you're about to put in your notice and completely quit your job and go full time for months. Yeah. Let's just take that in for a second. And let's have a moment of silence for your past life Yeah, cuz you didn't take your tombstone you didn't take your you gave your job your to the tombstone, right? I talked about this with our mastermind. That's so many people in this industry. Take their tombstone in their in they lay their dreams down to die in the graveyard of entrepreneurship. And they say I'll take my tombstone, and you didn't take your tombstone, you're given your old job, you're given your old boss, you're given that past life, the tombstone and you are rising up like the phoenix from the ashes to do your thing. And that is just so I get all those facts right for months and all that other. The other drama that I've just included? 

Sara: Yeah, my two weeks were put in almost two weeks ago. So Tomorrow's my last day and I'm just looking forward to this new adventure of life. I get to tell who and what when to do because I'm in charge. It's awesome.

Dave: Yeah, so what about that lady who is your mother's age? I mean, what does that tell you about us? Being out there and doing this no matter what age you are, where you're at, where you come from, what you look like you know what your beliefs are? What would be what have you learned from this experience?

Sara: What I've learned is definitely you know, you are your worst enemy. You are putting yourself in front of your goals and your dreams. So if you don't change your mindset of hey, like I can do this and get away from the what ifs and I can't and that what other people think about you, it doesn't really matter as long as you're doing what's best for you, and what you want to do and so once I put all that aside and actually just learned the skill, took action and was consistent with action. That's all I've ever done in my results show. I mean, if you go into the program, knowing that you're going to commit yourself an hour a day to learn and take action as you're learning there's no doubt in my mind that you will succeed but you are in charge. And if you aren't going to put in the time or take the action, well then of course you're gonna fail. So you really have to look in the mirror and figure out okay, am I going to commit myself to this? Am I going to put in the time and effort and potentially change my entire life? Because it can be done. 

Dave: Yeah, I totally agree with that. I totally agree with that. And we'll talk about your strategy here in a second. I know you've got a tick tock. You've been doing some Instagram marketing. It's not like you've exploded your channels to hundreds of 1000’s of followers and you're this big guru now. You've got a modest tick tock channel of 34 ish 1000 followers, which really nowadays you're one video away from anybody getting 30 or 40,000 followers on on TikTok, I mean, I'm sure any day now as your content gets better, your account is just gonna snowball. You've got a modest eight what is it? Eight almost nine, are we talking Instagram?

Sara: Yeah, like almost 900. 

Dave: That's modest. 

Sara: I'm happy. I mean, the people that are following me or you know, intrigued and, you know, communicate back and forth. So I do love the community that has followed me.

Dave: Yeah, I mean, we'll put all of your links up here in a moment, but I want people to really hear this and really realize that you can, you can really build freedom in a chief. I mean, Sarah is quitting her job tomorrow, everybody. She's quitting her job tomorrow. She put in our two weeks notice, and she has a modest following on Tik Tok of 34,000 followers. And as of right now 895 followers on Instagram. So it doesn't take you, it's about the strategy, and it's about are you monetizing your audience? You can the I know people who can make more money with a list of 1000 people than many do with an email list. Of 50,000 Because it's about how you build relationships and communities and how much they trust you. So what are some of your tips about how to build a business with a modest sized following? What have you done to be able to turn that modest sized following into buyers and into consistent profit?

Sara: Okay, yeah, so I was new to TikTok in August of this year. I didn't post anything. I had zero followers. So I have grown that account from zero to 34,000 in this time span. So consistency and action are the two number one things that I would say are the most important, aside from learning the skill because you have to learn to be able to produce but you switch the mindset from consuming you know whatever's on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook to to being the producer of it. So I purposely just go on my phone now to post and I'm very in and out and then I have a set time frame in my day of when I go on to respond to comments and to respond to emails. So I'm taking action growing from zero to 34 was just consistency posting, you know, in the beginning three times a day and now I've cut back to two times a day because I also take really good control of the drafts in Tik Tok and Instagram so I have content that I produce on one day, but then I have you know, 15 to 20 videos ready to go out so I just, you know, monetize my time and have a alarm systems going off to Hey, this is what you should post each day every day so I don't miss a beat. That's helped.

Dave: So what I'm hearing is you are so on purpose with your time and so on purpose with how you use your devices such as your phone, so you ensure that your devices and these platforms don't use you. Absolutely. Okay. I think that's huge. And I really hope that is really heard clearly by everyone. So what are some of the things that you have done in terms of your content in terms of getting people to, you know, to consume the content and then actually turn into a lead to you because a lot of people will have videos and be getting views, but they're not not actually turning those views into leads.

Sara: Gotcha. So I definitely utilized the blueprints from legendary and then I would always go back and walk through the TikTok aspect as it has really good resources. And tips on what to produce for your content as well as the same thing for Instagram. And so I use those and then I never break the wheel. I just make my own spin on the wheel that's already working. So I go out there and look at the creators that are producing. Well, you know, maybe I am in the next step or ahead of me in this game or in this entrepreneurial pathway. So I look at them, see what they're doing, what's working already, and then I just make it not essentially copy but make it my own. So not breaking the wheel. You don't have to reinvent anything and that has been also a major key point for how people are engaging in the content and then actually taking steps to clicking the link in my bio and then seeing that, you know, my results produce. I mean, it just makes sense. 

Dave: Well you mentioned the blueprints and you know I know we do this show every day it's free. And maybe there's some of you who have taken the challenge and think that you know, the challenge is you know, the challenge and maybe this free show and you've kind of got maybe a freebie seeker mindset to where you're going to try to build a business by just kind of hanging out on the college campus versus actually getting in class. And maybe you're viewing the investment into the blueprints as something that's cost rather than an investment. But what you just outlined was that you started our training four months ago, you bought our Blueprints. You've used the exact steps in the exact instruction, step by step without deviating and by managing your time which ultimately is your responsibility. I mean it does not unfortunately, we can't do this. The blueprints don't come along with a personal accountability person that's gonna fly out to your house and sit next to you on the couch and say, Alright, Sarah, it's time to get up and you know, it you have to actually do your part, right so you've taken the step by step instruction from the blueprints that we provided an outline there, combine that with good time management, and be really being a creator and not a consumer and in basically it sounds like from those two ingredients. What you've cooked up here is freedom. In my right, yeah, I couldn't have said it better. And why do you think so many people will spend so much time trying to avoid what they view as a cost. Instead of just putting the money where their mouth is sitting in class, learning the skill sets in the strategies. Why will people spend so many months Why will people spend so many years freebie seeking YouTube? Diving, Guru jumping, instead of just when they see it day after day, especially in a community like this and legendary? Why do you think what you think is holding people back and what do you tell people about the ROI that you've gotten from that blueprint investment?

Sara: Yeah, so the one word that keeps coming to my mind is fear. People are fearful. They don't want to, you know, spend the money to purchase the blueprints because what if it doesn't work? What if they don't succeed? And then they just lost that money, right? So they're not thinking it as if they're in control because if you're in control and you're putting your money where your mouth is, then there should be no need that you're not going to succeed because you already have in the back of your head like I'm purchasing this I'm investing in myself there's no way for me not to there's no way for me not to check sale because I've invested time and my hard earned money into this. That's exactly how I thought about it. I was like, Okay, there's just no way that I'm going to fail because this is my money. This is my time. This is my life. And I wanted more than what this world has told us about, you know, to I went to college I got a degree I got a job. And you know, now minimum wage is $15 an hour. I didn't make $15 an hour until I was at my full time salary job that I am now resigning because I had made in three months more money in this side hustle business than I had in my three months salary that I went to school for. And I went to school for business management. I took marketing classes, but never once that I hear what affiliate marketing was. And I don't think it's a coincidence that they don't teach that because it's lucrative. They want you to be in the rat race of life for your entire life. You can work for somebody else instead of making money work for you. And people don't understand that you have to grasp that concept. And that other mindset that's just not out there. It's the unknown. And once people realize that there's a different way to live your life, not by somebody else's terms or time then we're going to be living in a world that's just full of abundance and opportunity for everyone. 

Dave: So I think we're moving in that direction. I think that's why you're seeing the job numbers go down. People are figuring out ways to stay and be able to work from home or work for companies like legendary where we allow we don't micromanage our people. We hire top notch people who are intrapreneurial, which means that they're entrepreneurial, but one who works inside of a team. And they're just moving away from, as you said, the rat race in the factory worker scheme that I believe in this country and a lot of the world but I'm going to speak specifically about America, the American dream, okay. Is a lot and that is the American Dream is a is is a mountain of debt in the world on top of you, by the time you're 30 Okay, and you want to have kids and you're you're you've got $100,000 in student loans, you've got a job that you can't afford to to to support kids. You don't live in the neighborhood that you want to live in and all you did your entire life was follow everybody else's instructions about what you should do. And they told you that if you just do this, you're going to live the American dream. And you're not living the American dream. You're living the American nightmare. And the powers that be whether it be the government heads of big corporations, I don't know I don't give a shit. I have known about this scheme for decades. Okay, this scam of starting us out little Johnny sitting in the front of the room being trained to sit there and take instruction from a boss, a teacher, right? And then graduate college takes on debt, takes on credit cards to where now I've got so much debt by the time I graduate college. I have to take whatever I can get. I have to take whatever I can get, because I have no confidence. I can't breathe. I'm already in debt. So I have to take whatever I can get. And then I get stuck in the rat race. And by the time I meet somebody, if I have a family, I don't have time and energy to focus on learning how to build a business. So my friends, you're hearing it laid out in plain speak if this doesn't speak to you this morning, nothing will nothing will if this doesn't speak to you this morning. Stop watching our shows. Stop being a part of our community. Just go back and just live that American nightmare and stop looking around. Because this doesn't convince you what we're saying here this morning laying it out in such plain speak with results like Sara’s of course but what what hundreds of days, day after day of putting people in front of you who said, Look, I stopped walking around on campus. And instead I bought the class and I sat in class and I learned the strategies and then I put them to work and now I'm free. If this doesn't speak to you this morning, stop watching. Like stop tuning in, stop playing with yourself. Because it's not going to get any more clear than this. And it's not going to get any more real than this. What comes up for you as I say all that Sarah?

Sara: So if I was 18, again, just graduated high school, figuring out what I was going to do if I would have known about affiliate marketing five, six years ago, I would have never went to college. Never because I couldn't imagine what I would have gotten done in four years and then the four after that I've been out where I would be at right now. So if I could just tell anybody who's thinking about maybe going to college, don't know what they want to do hate school, like pay the $7 and then invest in yourself to learn the high paying skills to make your own business. I mean, I'm living proof that this works. So if you and I can speak about until we're blue in the face and some people aren't going to understand but the people that this resonates with, I think will put a fire in them to skyrocket and you know, flip that switch in their mind to go after what their purpose in life is for because it's not for it's not working for somebody else until they're 65 and then they can't maybe retire. But if not then they're too old to go traveling do things that they wanted when they could have when they were in their 20s When they were mid 30s.

Dave: I think it’s also about happiness. And I think it's also about feeling good about what you're doing in knowing that you're moving in a direction that is going to be rewarding, and that you're going to ultimately when you lay your head down at night feel good about and not dread waking up the next day do you agree with that?

Sara: Oh 1,000% Yes, I am looking forward to each and every morning. And it's just getting more and more surreal as tomorrow comes so yeah, I couldn't agree


Dave: Yeah, yeah. Well, listen, there are a lot of things we could get into a lot of details. But you know what, you already said it, the details are in the training. That's where you got the information. And so there's really no need to you know, rehash that it's kind of like the the the you know, the entrance to freedom is for you to put some skin in the game like everybody else has and if you don't want to do that, you know if you don't if you just want to hang out on campus in free be YouTube dot you know the YouTube Live dive down into the rabbit holes and jumping from webinar to webinar and you want to continue to do what Sarah I heard you so clearly say that I own my time on my devices. I only get on my devices to create not to consume because the truth is, we have 1000s of ideas like if you really apply yourself, you've got 1000s of ideas, just simply from the training that you've gone through in attending these wakeup lives. You don't need any more ideas. You don't need any more. You don't need to do any research and development alone. We lie to ourselves tail I'm scrolling because I'm doing you know what the truth of the matter is, is that our problem as entrepreneurs is not ideas. We got ideas for days. Our problem is execution. And I heard very clearly about today from you. So thank you about how you manage your time and if you all miss that this might be the episode that you need to go back and re-listen to just like on the way to the office or my other house this morning. I really listened to a song a few times. So if you're capable of re-listening to music a song maybe some of y'all are bumper that Mariah Carey All I Want For Christmas whatever you got on repeat. This might be the episode that you need to go back and re-listen to to light that fire under your ass to remind you that there is no secret the secret is to invest in the training, listen to the training, use the training, and then manage your time in don't let the platform's use you. Can I drop a mic right there? Sarah, thank you for your time and thank you for your wonderful energy and your amazing action that you've taken so we can have such an inspirational show. I can't wait to have you back. I love everything about you and I want to try to give you as much of a platform as I possibly can. I just messaged Matt, as we were talking and I said that this chick is gold. She's awesome. It's not because you're there's anything like that anybody else is not capable of, it's that you just are a prime example of what's possible. When you just have an open mind. You put your skepticism aside, you open your mind up, you take training, you follow the instructions, you also go with your gut you say hey, are these guys like right? You followed your intuition? And you got connected in the right community, took our training and put it into action? Four months later, you're quitting your job? Are those results typical? No. Does that happen for most people? No. And that's what we're trying to change here is because that can happen for you or anyone else. And so Sarah, it did happen for you. And you know why? Because of you Because you did the deal. And so I hope that today you can take in from me those words, add it to your self esteem, add it to your confidence and know that I am both impressed and proud of you and can't wait to continue to work with you. Help you and give you a platform to speak and inspire people like you did this morning.

Sara: Thank you so much, Dave. It's really really much appreciated. I love Legendary, I’m very, very grateful for it. 

Dave: We are grateful that you're here and that you found us so thank you to the older lady, as you said Who is your mother's age who ultimately you saw something that pointed you in this direction. All right. We'll talk to you soon. 

Sara: Thank you. Bye. All right, you can go and follow Sarah on TikTok at Sara Simmons underscore underscore, okay, @sarasimmons__ there's a double underscore there at the end at Sara Simmons underscore underscore, folks. I feel like Ric Flair. Whoa, baby. I'm fired up. I'm fired up. I don't know about you. Fired up this morning, baby. Let go. Who's ready? Come on now. This is one of those that you need to re-listen to, my friends. Peace and love. Be Legendary. Get your asses out of here. Let's have a kick. Ass Thursday. Peace.


The Secret to Staying Consistent In Affiliate Marketing Social Media Posting

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Hey. Hey Greetings, everybody. Welcome in. Happy Wednesday, December 15. My name is Matt, if you don't already know me, I am here. I'm live. And we've got awesome guests. To this. We go live every Monday, Friday at 10am Eastern time. And so I'm out here in Phoenix at 8am. And we go live, we bring on a new guest every single day. We've been doing this for nearly two years, every single day. People in our community affiliates of ours, people who have taken our challenge with purchasing our blueprints and got started advertising or whatever. And long story short. There's just a lot of people who are doing cool stuff. And I'm going to bring on Chris here. So if you can, if you're in the comments, help me welcome on to the show, Chris.

Chris: What's up, everyone? Thanks for having me on the show.

Matt: Heck, yeah. Heck yeah. Where are you calling in from? 

Chris: I'm from Marlton, New Jersey, on the east coast.

Matt: Right on. Awesome. Okay. So tell us a little bit about your world, your journey going from? Well, you still have a full time job, which is cool. By the way. A lot of people hate that. I think using a full time job to help fund a side hustle is smart. That's just my opinion. But you're so you tell us how you got started online. Tell us how you service and drop shipping. I think I read through a little bit about your questionnaire. Yeah, tell us why you got started in the onset. What were you after? What were you seeking?

Chris: So obviously back in 2020, we had a little issue with a pandemic. It didn't affect me with my livelihood. I was still working. But I asked myself, There's got to be a better way to generate some kind of an income from home. I mean, I work with my hands, I'm an electrician like a mechanic, so I'm always out in the grind of working with my hands. So eventually I said to myself, I need to develop something where I can work from home, and I can start making an income from home. So what I did was started doing some research and started dropshipping. And when I was dropshipping, there were a lot of negative comments about it, but I wanted to try it. So I used eBay for drop shipping and I was pretty successful with it. Like right off the right out of the gate. It actually worked really well for me. And now I wasn't only doing drop shipping. I was actually buying and reselling. So I started like an ecommerce Store with Shopify when I moved on to eBay and then, like one day, I'm just scrolling through tick tock, just like everybody else. And you hear about this affiliate marketing program. And yeah, I clicked on it and one thing led to another and yeah, here, here I am really? 

Matt: Dang good. That's crazy. Yeah, I mean, that's cool that you had access to with the Drop Shipping. Tell us about what was your experience in terms of workload and just overall and you don't have to hate it. I don't bring people on that just talk about dropshipping, but more to talk honestly about it. What was your experience with it?

Chris: Honestly, it's a lot of work. Especially when, I mean, you got all these orders to fill, and you got to make sure you're sending them to the right address. I mean, you got to stay on top of it. You gotta be on top of if the wholesaler has a sale or the price. You got to make them adjustments on a on a daily basis. You really got to pay attention to, to that. That process because because you can lose a lot of money if you're not paying attention to it. So you Because I don't recommend it for beginners, just because it is a lot. It is a lot of work. 

Matt: Yeah, it is a ton of work. I used to not really drop shipping but wholesaling. I used to buy these TI 89 calculators when I was in high school. And I took my parents debit card, bought them in bulk on eBay, and then I would sell them individually on eBay. And I have always been dropshipping. I was always like, man, that would have been so much easier. So, okay, so you're popping around on TikTok, you find TikTok. Yeah, you find Legendary, you find our challenge, you start getting into our challenge, you start going through the 15 Day Challenge. What was that experience? Like? Was that all new content to you? Have you heard some of this stuff before?

Chris: So I knew a little bit about affiliate marketing. So I did have a little basic background on it, because of me, going through drop shipping and E commerce stores. So I had a little bit of background for it just because that's how I started with drop shipping. So I didn't know what I was doing. But, I really didn't have any clue what I was doing. So at least I thought I did go through the process. And I mean, I had helped along the way. And, and I just mean I probably want to say I started back in. I want to say I started back in June. I went through the process of using TikTok to run and get a lot of traffic. And I wasn't really having success. In the beginning. It was actually the heart. So then I was actually taken. I was watching some of your videos, I kept asking myself, What am I doing wrong? Because everyone else seems like they're doing it right? But what am I doing wrong? Two weeks. If it doesn't, if it doesn't work in two weeks, I need to scrap it and move on to the next thing. So finally, I was like I need to go back in and I need to really watch Matt's videos of how to properly do this. And I'm not even kidding, dude, as soon as I liked it, I watched the video from start to finish and went through everything. It was like, like, boom. Like, yeah, it was kind of unbelievable. I mean, it just happened to me recently, like all through the summer, I was probably pushing out about I don't know, I would say maybe three, four videos a day. Not getting too many views. The same thing everybody else has a problem with, or most people have a problem with. But, yeah, so once I watched some of those training videos, I mean, it really brought me to the next level.

Matt: That's cool, man. That's really cool. And what happened when you got on TikTok? So you've been on TikTok and social media a little bit. Yes. As opposed to drop shipping. This is if you go on social media and try to start video content and stuff. It's a different ballgame was it? Was it easy? What was that? Like?

Chris: No, it was very, it wasn't easy, because I mean to videotape yourself talking to a piece of plastic, and then watching it. It's a little grimy. It really is. Especially if it's your first time doing but but I mean, you have to step outside that box and you have to step outside that comfort zone for you to succeed, especially in this kind of business.

Matt: What was that? What was that first video like?

Chris:  I mean, it was me talking really fast. Throw my hands in the air. Yeah, not really good money. 

Matt: Did you feel like over time, it's gotten easier, but also, what have you I mean, what's your routine? Like? Do you create a couple videos a day or what's your routine look like?

Chris: So what I do, so I have to be, I'd be my nine to five at 630 in the morning. So 40 Push out work and then I'll respond to a couple people that messaged me. We're all if I have time I'll push out a couple more videos. So yeah, I might store 30 in the morning to start pumping out videos just because I work full time as well. 

Matt: Wow. That's crazy, man. Yeah, I'm hungry. It's a regiment at all. I love that hunger. I I did this Same thing when I was working in coffee, I'd be there at 630 to start coffee roasting and I did the same thing. 4:30am Wake up call, grind and hustle. I go to work every minute during my lunch hour. Definitely guys. The guys that I would work with at the warehouse there, they all passed their cars and went down to Wendy's. I had a salad that I kept in the fridge. plug in my phone charger. I was just locked in. I was listening to training, listening to the stuff that was pushing me. And you know, those guys, they're still there? Yeah, they'll be there, they'll be private forever. It takes that hustle, it takes that sort of spirit of like, I want more and I'm hungry. And then you know, when I get back home from work, I would like I get done with work around three or something. And it back at it. And it was just that I just had the energy for it. When you've got the energy for it. You got to go in. 

Chris: Absolutely. Yeah, you got to be driven.

Matt: Yeah, that's cool. That's cool. For the people who are on here who are trying to create content. What's been your most successful sort of video style? What have you found success in?

Chris: With a nice hook so they stay until the end of the video.

Matt: What do you mean by hook? 

Chris: How to like right away to get to the point. Big bold print. How to generate figures from the comfort of your own home? Things like that. Something big and bold. 

Matt: Absolutely. Okay, and then, and then bring them in with a hook. What's next?

Chris: So then you deliver. So you bring them in with the hook. And then you kind of walk along the process? You want to keep it high energy all the time. Fast paced? 

Matt: Absolutely. Yes, fast pace, because realistically, I mean, TikTok really destroyed almost everybody because our level of concentration literally lasted 15 seconds anyway. So you gotta be quick. And speak clear and speak. Believe in yourself, that's all you gotta do is just believe in yourself that you can actually do it. And I'm like, you know, like, you know, coming in with a sort of, really captivating focus is key. And usually. Yeah, we can say for 30 seconds, man is everything, you have to capture their attention. Also got to deliver something that's a value and I usually tell people to make that edutainment educational, entertaining. And you know, I've also had videos where I ended the video before a call to action, and I was like mid word on the last one. And then it just ends. People end up watching again, because they're like did I miss something there? There’s little viral hacks you can do too.

Chris: Yeah, yeah, I’ll keep that in mind.

Matt: Yeah. You gotta play around with it. And I think I think one thing that you know, I guess this is just coming up for me right now because I'm, I've been sort of thinking about it. But one thing that I've been thinking about is how, largely, people underestimate their creative abilities, especially when they're new. Right? So what people in this industry do a lot of times is they just look at what other people are doing. And then they are wrong with that. But I will say people who have really taken off in our community and grow exponentially not just linear but hockey stick growth curve. They’ve taken ideas from other places and industries and modeled content after other people but what they've done is elevated or taken it to a really funny or creative space and when I see it it's not that hard but they really take a belief in their creativity. Like this guy Ian for example. He stuck a little apple on his finger and people were like what the hell's he doing? Which gave him a couple 100,000 followers in the course a month. And not just him, his front end sales by at least five if not 10x. So it wasn't a good idea that was really powerful. That was a video that learned that and we'll see if it works. And I'm going to cut a hole in this apple and put my finger on it like this and flip it behind my head. For those of you who are out there watching this thinking about how do I create some really valuable content, just don't underestimate yourself and your ability to do so eight people assume that they can't do something as good as you know, somebody who has 100,000 or 500,000 followers or something, that's just not the truth, right? Truth is, you could probably do it better. There's actually as much as there's a bunch of creativity in the business sense where people are actually running businesses. When people get really creative, they explode. I've seen dentists, chiropractors, ah fat guys, construction guys, every niche industry on TikTok, and those are those people who are creative and make it a little bit fun. Absolutely. Especially the dentists and lawyers and stuff, they make it fun when their business blows up, right. And I think that people need to tap in more to that fun element of TikTok, while also being a great marketer, that sort of the magic formula is bringing fun and just happiness and joy to people. You're also being calculated specifically. Clear market or to what right up to you, as I say that.

Matt: What comes up for you as I say that?

Chris: Yeah, I mean, I would definitely say creativity is definitely key. I mean, it really, it takes one video for you to really take off like you were saying, but yeah, being creative and not thinking of new ideas. And, being on top of that. I mean, the key is being creative.

Matt: Yeah, for sure. I think Russell Brunson says something like Are you familiar with Russell Brunson? He's the owner of Clickfunnels. He says his big thing is you're only one funnel away. Right? Right. And I ‘ve recently started in our team saying you're only one video away. isn't true. You really are. I mean? go in a week, go from zero to maybe in a couple of weeks. But oh no, I've seen people grow 10s of 1000s of followers a little bit. It's been a couple months since I did that, but I just have one video way. You're one video from going viral away and everything exploding. And it's just a very unique platform. It's a very unique time. So for people who are, I want to give you the ability to speak to people who are just starting, maybe they've tried drop shipping, I can't tell you the amount of times that people have come on the show for them like, I started with drop shipping, I started to drop shipping. So common, but they're just getting started. I want to give you the last word to speak to them and give us a little bit of inspiration to not stop to stay hungry for those people who are just starting. Maybe they tried dropshipping or Amazon or E commerce or something like that. What would you say to those people?

Chris: Don't give up. Just because you're posting three videos a day, and you're only getting 50 views doesn't mean anything, you're just you're just starting the process. The process just started. As long as you stick with it, you show up every single day, you don't get discouraged, and you keep putting out content every single day, you're going to be successful.

Matt: It is true with a little bit of consistency, especially over time, I find that staying consistent over time, especially in this industry where people come and go so frequently. Being consistent over time is a big thing. Well, Chris, thanks for taking time out of your morning and in the midst of a full time job in the midst of all sorts of life going on. Yeah, we really appreciate that. And we'd love to have you come back. Your business is still crushing. If you want to come back in a couple months, and we can check in and see how things are going we'd love that. 

Chris: Yeah, I’d love that too. So Chris, thanks for coming on man. Hey, thanks for having me

and guys stick with it. Don't give up. 

Matt: Awesome All right. Kill some allergies today. Guys, I'm going to put up Chris's TikTok here. You can go follow him and let him know that you found him on our show.

Give him a follow on TikTok @CJT8619 He's a good dude. Good deed to follow. Make sure to follow him on TikTok and also put it in the comments just in case you lose it. And yeah, we'll be back here at the same time, same place tomorrow. 10am Eastern. Peace out everybody.



A New Take On Fake It Till you Make It

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends? It's Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary. Yeah, yeah. All right, my friends. Look, we have a guest this morning. Her name is Robin. She has a new take on fake it until you make it. Alright. As you can see this morning, I'm showing off some beautiful art from my daughter. She gave it to me recently for my birthday so please enjoy it. And also help me welcome to the show. Robin. What's up? You're really live this time.

Robin: Yes. Really live. Really here.

Dave: Welcome to the show. My family is from upstate New York. Part of it anyways, my mother's side. Jamestown Where are you calling in from?

Robin: Awesome so I'm actually I'm from upstate New York but I live in Wisconsin in Madison

Dave: Have you been there all your life

Robin: I lived in New York pretty much my whole life.

Dave: Tell us how you found legendary and a little bit about who you are?

Robin: Yeah, absolutely. So my daughter is 17 year old. She obviously loves TikTok as like any other teenager, I think so she kind of introduced me to tic tac earlier this year, I would say and then I just kind of started going on there a little bit more. And then I saw people making money there. And I was like, This can't be real. And I'm just gonna keep ignoring it. So I did for a really long time. And then I started to, you know, get more interested. And the more I looked into it, and like looked into the programs and stuff, that's when I found legendary. There was one person in particular that I kept following, and I'm like, she is such a real person. Like she's not scammy or anything. Like I can't believe that she's putting all this out there if it's not real. So she's the one that got me to sign up. So, yeah. 

Dave: And who is that? 

Robin: Jessica Zion

Dave: She was just mentioned yesterday. She was just mentioned yesterday. And I know Jessica, I just anyways. Well, that's awesome. She must be kicking some major tail out there and, and touching some hearts and some minds of some folks. So. So what happened once you signed up and began going through the challenge?

Robin: Yeah. Um, so I signed up. Gosh, I want to say it was like late September. And my current job is like, regular job. I work a lot. I'm like a pharmacy retail manager. And it's very demanding. So I was like, I don't know if I'd really devote even an hour or two or two a day to it. So I was really nervous starting so I signed up and then I didn't even start for probably like a week later. So I Yeah, so I finally did.

Dave: So you just kind of signed up like you bought it and then you just like clicked out. And then you were like, I'll get back to this kind of thing. 

Robin: Well, I think I signed up. And in my mind, I was like, if I do this, I know that I'm going to have to come back and actually follow through with it. Instead of if I just keep scrolling. Like it was one of those times where I was like, You know what I'm doing it. So I signed up. And like I obviously didn't start right away, but I knew I couldn't. It was probably like a Monday or Tuesday or something I don't know. And so then yeah, it was probably a week or so later than I was like right today is today like this is When I'm going to start, and that I did pretty decent at doing it like once a day after that, but then, like waiting for the decade in the day, I think it was like, had like a week in between. So it probably took like, a little over three weeks to get through all the training and stuff.

But yeah, that was that's kind of how I got started. It was like, I knew I wanted to do it. And I think just that first little step really pushed me to kind of get going instead of snapping like the scroll.

Dave: Right, right, right, the old scroliosis. Has anybody ever come? Do you have any medication for that at the pharmacy? That diagnosis, the old scroliosis? Because I think we could all use a couple of doses of that each day.

Robin: Yeah. If there was, it would be out of stock daily.

Right, right, right. Like go to the farmers and be like, my thumb just won't stop doing this here. Dave: We need to put our thumbs, we put our hands and our thumbs in like, in like those thumb braces. Yes. Wow, that I better quit sharing that might be a million dollar idea. Like I come on, like, and I'm like, Are you struggling with the unstoppable scroll? Well, you may be suffering from scroliosis and we have the gear, put your hand in this thing. And your fingers can move, but your thumb can oh my gosh, seller, it would be absolutely two easy payments of $19.95. And if you buy now we'll double your order, one for you and one for your spouse.

And not only that, you're gonna throw in another one too. Yeah, my wife Yeah, she's talking about the things you can lock your phone in a box, and you can open it for a certain amount of time. But like, I know, people who have done that, and then broke into the box. So, okay, so like this, fake it till you make it thing. You know, we titled this show a new take on fake it to make it. So explain to us what you mean by that.

Robin: So like I said, my current job is pretty demanding. And I probably worked like, I don't know, a really easy week, it's 40 hours, maybe 45. But then it just goes up from there. So I would say especially in the beginning, there were times where I would get frustrated, like I wanted to put more time into this and into learning in and out really quickly. That even though you think you have time to do it, you have to be mentally ready to learn and to like, like, receive that information so that it's actually valuable to you. So I feel like I spent too much time getting frustrated and you know, getting down on myself for that and then learned how to turn it positive. And so that's where like the fake it till you make it kind of comes in, like instead of being negative, and having that mentality that, you know, this is harder than you think it is. Or it's gonna take more time than you think it will. As soon as I turned it into a positive like, Okay, I have the half an hour, I can truly devote myself to, you know, me doing a video or relearning this bit. And that's what I can do today. So as soon as I was I kind of changed it to just be positive about it instead of being negative. Like I wasn't getting further really only like baby steps and but it still changed everything because I was retaining what I was learning and then growing from that instead of just getting frustrated with things

Dave: Yeah. So basically in our our use let me let me repeat back to to see if I am understanding kind of how you're you're the context of what you're saying. Are you saying that basically even though I'm frustrated even though this is difficult and hard? Basically, I'm I'm going to just kind of pretend it's fun in pretend that I'm happy doing it. And then it somehow if I speak that into existence in pretend that it's fun Like, eventually, after a couple of minutes or whatever, it becomes fun, because I'm unlike almost going back into my I don't know, inner child and like, pretend it like is that what you're saying is that the perspective that you're kind of viewing things through?

Robin: I think kind of that's kind of exactly what I'm saying, like, because I think the more that I was positive about it, like, I could see that I was making progress. And even though maybe it wasn't exactly where I wanted to be, it will still progress. Whereas before, like, I was being really negative about it. I wasn't making progress, I was just feeling defeated, you know. And I would just, you know, make it a point to stay positive, and just to try to learn one thing, like every day, and even now, I still do that, because, obviously, there's so much more that I can learn, I think everyone can always learn more, that that's what's so great about this community. And, you know, the Facebook group, for me, has been like the best source to go to, it's amazing. You can go in there and just search keywords, and that will bring up loads of discussions, and then you realize you're not on an island by yourself. And there's other people that had the same questions that you did, and maybe you don't even have to post in there, because they've already answered it for you. 

Dave: Also, as you said that your blueprint student, is that right? 

Robin: Yep. 

Dave: So if you go into the replays of the weekly coaching calls, you know, you can also search that page. And you can even do a quick search command F. And that'll bring up a little search bar on your, you know, your screen. And if you got a bridge page or an email question you could quickly in likely, there's already also a training on that. Over 100 replays of those weekly training calls. So for those of you who are blueprints, students, there's a lot more gold in there. Sometimes the gold comes from just the discussions or the training calls. It's not always in a video where it's like me training and just speaking, it's a lot. There's a lot of gold in those Thursday coaching calls in the discussion. And you're right, Robin, somebody has had there's not an if it's who had the question, and how recently was it and exactly what you're dealing with. And I'm glad that you're finding it just simply in the Facebook community, which we have a couple. We have one that's kind of a general public, we have one for the blueprints, and then we have one for affiliates. So we also try to keep our Facebook groups here at Legendary, very specific and on topic. So keep in mind, if you're new to the community, we do have those three, Facebook community groups. So you could be a little bit more laser targeted with your question, depending on what it's about. Absolutely, yes.

Robin: I should have mentioned that. Also, I think there were a couple times that even when I went into Facebook to search for something, it was redirected. Like the conversation that I was following redirected you back to the blueprints, and I was like, Okay, so that's exactly where that is. And then I could go back to that piece too. Whereas I wouldn't even have thought of that before just going back. But sometimes it's like, it's a lot of information and destroying neckpieces Search and narrow it down really helps.

Dave: Yeah, yeah, I think the way that we've ended up being able to structure our education, you're fine. Relax, like, whatever sounds and things that are happening in your life, like are totally cool. And you can mute yourself out on this as well if you want to do so just but no, totally, totally chill. It's all good. If your dog barks or your phone goes off or whatever I'm I'm not gonna I'm not the the Angry Grandpa over here who's kind of we want people to know that this is real and this is live and this is what you know, we, we I want to with this show, allow everybody to be more comfortable with themselves on camera and know that perfectionism is one of the number one things that will kill both your happiness in life because I've struggled with that in my life. And I and I'm really really growing through a lot of perfectionism right now and have been recently but also in your business, trying to put out content that's perfect trying to make the perfect video trying to it doesn't exist the perfect relationship the perfect Perfect video, the perfect landing page, like, the perfect, anything does not exist. And I think that, you know, the quicker that we can, you know, accept that and not just accept it but embrace it, like celebrate it, like really film it in, put it out, like the speed of implementation is a lot of times one of the, the biggest, I think steps that we can take in terms of, okay, this now that I'm recording and uploading without watching it and picking it apart and cringing, and blah, blah, blah, because you know what, I'll cringe at my own content too. I don't go and rewatch these lives. I don't go in to rewatch my videos, I record them once. Because we all cringe at our own stuff, our voice, we've been picking ourselves apart our whole life, we can be completely beautiful. And, and, you know, with with, just like you, Robin, I mean, you know, somebody, somebody would look at you and say cut and people have, I've seen the comment, she's beautiful, you're beautiful. But I bet that all through your life, there's been certain things that you've picked apart about yourself, right lately, and, and we all do that. And so the quicker when we get into this marketing game that we can create and launch, like get it out, like just post it don't get and I think that a little bit of a challenge with tick tock and some of these things where we're going back through editing things, is it we're almost forced to rewatch them, which can be a barrier to ours posting it. But man, I'm telling you, the one of the biggest if everybody can just grasp that like that one concept of speed, success follows speed. And nowadays, it's about especially with TikTok putting out three to five pieces of content per day. So, you know, if you want to have a full time job, or you just want to work less hours, creating and then just posting versus picking it apart, and re-recording all this stuff is absolutely a major success hack to get eaten results faster.

Robin: Absolutely. I think the time that I spent on like in the very beginning making videos, it just blows my mind to think back like man, I could have made like, three or four videos and that time that it took me to edit one video, and nobody cares. Nobody cares if your hair is parted weird. Like, they don't notice that it doesn't matter. You know, and that's just, that's a huge piece too, to learn and hopefully embrace like very early on so that you don't waste all that time. Because that's you're not going to get that back.

Dave: Totally. And like, just just for me, I like to be totally transparent and even call out the things that I've done that have helped me. You know, my old self would have been ill or no way that's not possible. Like I used to even as a guy like when I was going to record a video, I thought that I would want to pick out an outfit and you have a different outfit and every video and all this different country. I mean, I'm telling you, you know, it's not just women who feel like they need to get ready for the camera. It's also men. I mean, men deal with that as well. Clean shaven, you know, oh, I got a zit. I haven't had a shower yet today. Right. And when I started doing the Wake Up Legendary show, because we had always done it. But when I took it over and started doing it every day besides Wednesday, when Matt does it, I can't remember exactly at what point when I was like, Okay, this is too stressful. And I just was like, I'm wearing the same shirt every day. And I'm gonna wear a hat every day. Because I don't want to worry about how I look at my hair or what I'm gonna wear. And that's what I've done. For literally two years I've worn a black shirt or would have worn a Be Legendary hat. Sometimes the shirt is the same shirt and it's just laying on the couch that I wore three days in a row. And I just pick it up and put it on. I don't care anymore. I don't care if I'm clean shaven. I don't care if I got a big gnarly zit like I do right now on my neck that feels like there's three ingrown hairs in it. Do you know what I mean? I don't care anymore. You know what I mean? And I think and you know what, the content is better, we've been more successful with it. And I'm just having fun, and people love it. And they can tell that I'm more relaxed. You know what I mean? That's been my experience with getting comfortable in the speed of implementation piece. I would imagine, you know, you are not really being a fan of probably wearing a hat. Right?

Robin: Not usually no.

Dave: How do you deal with that? I mean, how do you deal with the feeling like you need to get ready for, you know, all that kind of stuff? Like, are you? Are you battling with that at all? Like, what right now is keeping you from publishing? Fast as fast as you could possibly be? And what do you think that you could do in the next week? Or a month or so to? To kind of speed that up?

Robin: Absolutely. I think from where I started to where I am now, I think I've improved drastically and care about what I look like on camera. But I can definitely still improve. Like, I remember the first time that I did a video without makeup on. And I was like, Oh my gosh, this is horrendous. And I just hit the post. And it was fine. And I'm like, like, Why? Why do we care about that so much, you know. So I think, I think it's just going to be like a continuous kind of progress to improve on it. And you're, you're probably going to get better every day. But now, I give myself time limits, and I tried. I have a 17 year old and a two year old and the two year old is refusing to nap on the weekends now. So I used to do a lot of videos on the weekends. And even some of the last ones I just posted, you can see he's like, on the side of me, because he snuck in last night, get a video and I'm like, all right. But it's, you know, I tried to do them in groups, and I'm like, I haven't any more and I'm going to do, you know, shoot 10 videos, at least an hour. And then I can go back and edit them when we're, you know, watching TV at night or something like that. But I like just setting that time and knowing what my goal is for that time and being like, alright, can't worry about that, because I got three more to do at least that helped me to not spend too much time on it.

Dave: Yeah, it's a goal. I love it. And I think that it makes you more relatable and more. More real, you've got kids, you know, especially if you're in the make money online, side hustle, entrepreneur niche. And you're talking about building a business, having time freedom, being home with your kids, like, like, stop trying to hide your kids from like, talking to all of us, you know, like we don't need to hide our kids in the fact that we're at home in life is happening inside of our home. You know, I'm not saying go put your kids on camera. If you don't, we'll put it but if a kid runs by in the background or climbs up on you during a video, it actually only makes the video cuter. Yeah, actually only makes the video like more relatable, and relatable.

Robin: Yes, exactly. Makes you look like a real person. Because those are the people you're trying to talk to, oh, they're real people, and they want to make more money or want to start making money online because they're probably not ready. Oh, they want to find a way to work that into their everyday life. And that's Yeah, I agree.

Dave: Totally. Well. Gosh, thank you for a really powerful conversation this morning. And I know that you're breaking out of your comfort zones. You said that in the email that you wrote us when we invited you on the show. And you know, it looks great on you. You know, it looks like you're getting outside of it. I know this show was probably even you stepping outside of your comfort zone. So it looks fantastic on you. You're doing a fantastic job. Keep up the great work. We got your TikTok. People can go and reach out and follow you and support you and lift you up and gain inspiration from you and follow your journey. And please come back and keep us posted here in a couple of months on how it's going.

Robin: Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me, this was awesome.

All right. Robin will talk to you soon. Okay, see. All right, my friends. You can go and follow Robin on TikTok @sidehustlehackswrobin short for with Robin. Yeah, wow, a lot of powerful, a lot of powerful topics there in that conversation from the fake it till you make it, which to me is about getting a different perspective, you know. And even Yeah, I mean, tapping into your inner child and just pretending, you know, I think sometimes we forget, like, what it's like to both pretend and what it's like to dream, and what it's like to play. You know, a lot of times, I tell and have been told, learn how to play, learn how to play again, you know, you don't always have to work, everything doesn't always have to be hard and miserable. We forget how to play and be playful. And I think that's one of the biggest things that we can take away and implement into our marketing is just playfulness, and, and pretending. And we don't have to lie. But we can be whoever we want, you can be the most confident version of yourself, you can be the most, you know, outrageous version of yourself, you can be the happiest version of yourself, you know, like you can be that you can give yourself permission to pretend at first, to be the most confident, most successful, most happiest version of yourself. And then what's weird about it is that, you know, some really smart scientists that know a lot about brains have told us recently that we can rewire our brain, if we act yourself into a new way of thinking will eventually start believing that about ourselves, that we actually are the happiest version of ourselves the most confident version of ourselves. So, yeah, really listen to this one. If if that resonates with you, and really give Robin a follow and follow along with her journey and see how she's doing it, because I can tell you that her primary job is working, you know, managing pharmacies, and in all that stuff, those people are stressed out, I see it. I was just in the pharmacy the other day, and it's a demanding job. And so every day, we're seeing people, you know, plus two year old, 17 year old. Come on, we're seeing people who are building businesses who also have lots of other things going on in their lives, and they're still doing it. And they're coming up with creative ways to do it and be happy about it in bringing out their most confident and happy versions of themselves. I mean, there is so much gold in this conversation. And in these conversations that we're having every day with our actual students and clients. It's just unbelievable. So make sure that you text WUL to 813-296-8553. I'll leave that up on the screen. So you can get a little notification in the morning. It's a reminder, it's a text message that'll send you right here to the show every morning on Facebook and make it a routine to tune in and listen in common and engage and and just soak up all of this gold because it's so powerful to immerse yourself in this community. For a significant amount of time you will come out on the other side, a changed person, the best version of yourself why? Because every day you're listening to powerful, powerful, inspirational invaluable conversations and content that will help you break through your limiting beliefs. And that my friend is how you become the best version of yourself. Be Legendary my friends, get out of here. We'll see you back here for another episode tomorrow.


How to Create KILLER Posts For Social Media


Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What is up, my friends welcome to wake up legendary. My name is Dave Sharpe and it is Monday and we've got yet another guest, another student to talk to, to have a conversation with see how she's doing with our training, see how she's doing with her business and that's what this show it's all about. It's not about having gurus on and, you know, just talking over people's heads and talking, you know about how many jet planes they’re riding in, you know, unrelated in their life. This is about relating to the person who's trying to build a business from the ground up and hearing from people who are just only a few steps ahead just a few months ahead, or a few years ahead so we can deliver real tangible, practical nuggets in tips and experience in stories to help move you along past that first phase of your business whether you're starting or you just need to start over so with that being said, Help me please welcome to the show this morning. Jessica. What's up, Jessica?

Jessica: Hi, how are you?

Dave: I'm fantastic. So you're a full time surgery physician assistant. Is that correct? 

Jessica: Yep. 

Dave: And you still do that full time, right?

Jessica: Yeah. For now.

Dave: What's your goal?

Jessica: Well, I have two young boys, four and 13 months old. I do like my job. I'm not going to bash it or anything like that. I went to school to become a physician assistant. I think it's pretty cool. I work with open heart surgery patients. And I just feel that I do want to continue doing some kind of health care. But I definitely don't want to do it full time. I don't think right now is the time to leave the healthcare industry because it's so needed, but I do need to be home with my kids a little bit more. So my goal ultimately is to do you know, have a little bit of both worlds. You know, I still want to take care of my patients, but I still want to take care of my kids, you know, more.

Dave: Yeah, that's great. That's awesome. And I love that you have a sense of you have a sense of purpose for your work that you do. And I'm sure that that's probably going to carry over to your online business as well. So tell us about that. Tell us how you found us. Tell us how you got started.

Jessica: Like most people are finding it, on TikTok. I actually started following and I know she's been on a lot of the shows and she's been doing really well Jessa Zion. And she's been amazing. We actually formed a little bit of a friendship as well which is pretty motivating and I learned a lot from her. So then I decided to sign up and then I did the challenge back in the summer, like towards the end of the summer. Once the full started, I kinda lifted off a little bit more with it. Once I got used to it and kind of you know was a little bit more comfortable with it. So you know, it's been awesome.

Dave: Yeah, Jessica, you know, I'm gonna be honest with you. We have so many people in our community who are crushing it, that it's hard for me to keep track of everybody. I mean, I'm serious, like, and I'm not. I'm not saying that to joke around. I'm saying you know, there's a lot of I think training and companies out there that I've been a part of before. I don't know what your experience is and sort of the you know, in the the online training or network marketing or the whatever, you know, business training gurus they usually are prancing across the same testimonials the same success stories over and over and over again. And it's always the same faces. It's literally overwhelming for me to keep up with everybody who's succeeding and crushing. So I am so thrilled that you found somebody in Jessica that you know was inspiring to you. And now I'm sure that you are going to turn around and be inspiring and are being inspiring to other people. So how was that? And how has that been like going from student or consumer, one who was being inspired, one who was then consuming content and then getting training to now transitioning to taking action and being that creator who is delivering value and inspiration to others?

Jessica: Well, in the beginning it was a little like I had a little come out of my shell a little bit. I'm usually like the shy type and it was a little hard for me. So I think that it took me a little bit to kind of jump into it. But then you know once I just I you know and I just say just but I do see a lot of people who have done the 15 Day Challenge and who do online marketing and stuff. I do learn a little bit from each and every one of them and I found that the more I know more people are asking me about it and then I'm learning even more by teaching them.

Dave: Nugget alert, nugget alert.

Jessica: So I do talk to people in Facebook groups and stuff. I do like a lot of mom groups and people who are kind in my situation. Actually I'm one of my bigger successes. Finding people who are interested in affiliate marketing are one of the PA mom groups that I am part of on Facebook. And you know, kind of in the same situation as me they love medicine. They love their patients but they're all moms and they want to be home more. And I actually found

in those groups to connect with them and make that transition over from talking about medicine and your jobs to talking about online marketing. So there's a group that close that's called it's a PA mom group with side hustles and a lot of them have like, whatever kind of side hustle that they do and and I've been a part of it I've done and melons in the past and obviously never really was successful with it because of you know, some you know, whatever reason it was for me I know it's you know they could be really successful for other people but for me, I just didn't get it. So every once in a while people are looking for ideas for side hustles I kind of like mentioned. I do where I create, like the canvas, some posts, and then I'll just post it in the group as well. And you know, a lot of people actually take to it.

Dave: Yeah. Canva you mean? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. What a great tool. That is, isn't it? I mean you can take control of your entire designing and creating post so you're using Canva. And what would an example of a Canva post that's done well for you look like or what would it say on it?

Jessica: So there I did a few of them actually. Sometimes when I'm at work if you have downtime, I'll just click create some and I'll basically you know you don't want to give the whole story away on like one post, obviously you want people to ask him more about it. So I would write a little bit about like what I do as far as how I learned affiliate marketing and I would write basically, you know how much time it would take me to do for like a few days and per day and you know, and just the opportunity of staying home in a blur basically, you know, in one to two sentences and make it look pretty and you know, some people like oh, what is this all about? I kind of keep trying to keep them guessing because I feel like the more I chat with people, they're more intrigued about learning about it. So that's how I do it.

Dave: Yeah, nice. So yeah, so Canva like, is such an amazing, it's such an amazing tool like it really is. It's truly unbelievable. Like it's, it's amazing how much stuff we actually create and use from Canva as well. It's hilarious. I'll just show you guys real quick. Like if you're not using Canva then you know what I mean? I don't know. I don't know why you're not. So you can see that we've created in Canva like a bunch of our a bunch of our like, name tags and stuff that we've used event images itinerary like I mean, obviously post and stuff like that. You know, various different images and things. This was an ad that we had made as a quick example of something that we did for a Facebook ad or something like that. But just to kind of show people how like fast it is, you can go in here, Facebook post, it just says right there Facebook post, you can pick a Do you usually pick one of these or do you just make it even simpler and uglier than do not try to get into all these different

Jessica: I don’t really use those, I kind of just create something myself. Like I make it look pretty but simple too, because I feel like you know you don't want to you know, distract and run either you want to kind of go to the point but with them like kind of looking for more. Yeah, so that's what I do. And I also actually also post them whatever I make a post in the group, also post it on Pinterest as well.

Dave: I gotcha. I gotcha. So I'm just scrolling through some text here to try to find something that's super clear because I agree. Like Like, like, you know, ugly converts. And what we mean by that when when marketers say ugly converts, is that is that it's not about how like a lot of times if you were to go into some of these templates in use some of these cheesy templates like that you would make maybe make for a party invitation or something and then you try to use that as a way to, you know, bait people on or use it as as what as I call chumming the waters you know, to get people to come to your content and pay attention. It's like bringing fish to your bow. These things come off as corny and they come off as just non personal because they look like a template. So a lot of times I do the same thing. I go right for something clear, you know, something that can be easily read. So for you, you might write what might be some of the copy that you've used on some of these posts inside of these groups to get people's attention.

Jessica: So what I would I would do is on like the top of write, you know, affiliate marketing and then I would write basically how much time I usually spend on it, which is usually about an hour to two hours a day I tried to do and I feel like we're you know, we're spent once two hours a day on your side hustle can convert into a full time hustle. Right, something like I kind of like to write a little bit about like the course and the 15 day challenge but I wouldn't write like 15 days or whatever I just write. I would write like, learn how I learned in a two week time frame. And that's pretty much it. I don't like to write that much on it. And then other people be like, what's affiliate marketing? How did you do? What did you do? And I think the idea that I mean for me at least the fact that I can only add that I spend an hour to two hours a day and so you know, I mean I'm still new I'm still as successful as I want to be yet but I know I'm getting there. I think that a lot of moms need to, you know, need to see that. They don't have to, you know, spend every waking moment trying to, you know, do a side hustle, which I was doing and I was doing MLMs. It's like every minute that I could be on my phone I was trying to make a sale. And I felt like that's why it didn't really work. And then it was I was struggling, being home you know, even like spending time with my husband or, you know, being at work. I would try to like you know, do what I can at work and I feel like it was hard for me and I feel like when my mom sees that they don't need to spend all day every day you know, doing a side hustle to make it work. I feel like that kind of, you know, hits people right in the face. I don't have all day to do this. But if I could spend an hour to two hours a day on it and make me successful then, you know, I'll try it and so far that's been working.

Dave: Cool. Yeah, so I'm just like, I love to play with words. You know what I mean? Like, I love to play with words. So like, one of the things that I would, you know, I would encourage everybody here to do is just, you don't get good at writing ads. And this is really an ad like I look at everything as an ad because everything that I'm doing we may be free. It may look like it may look like it's just free content like but it's it's it has a purpose. Right. So I could come in here and I could make 20 variations of this. You know, I spend one to two hours a day working on my side hustle and soon it will be my full time hustle. And it's not MLM Shopify.

Amazon or a hotdog stand right. Like, like or, or and I could duplicate this real quick or or baking cookies.

Dave: Right? So I could duplicate this again, I spend one to two hours a day working on my site and it's not MLM Shopify Amazon or chasing or pitching friends and family. So listen to the sound that she just made. Jessica, you just laughed because you can relate to that. Yeah, right. You can relate to pitching friends and family any ending ending up in the NFL, right? No friends left the club. And so an ugly ad like this? No, I don't have to. I don't think this is a cure in the first thing that somebody is going to think when they when they when they when they when they read this is what is it right yet because you're not telling them what it is this image is simply created to attract attention to pull somebody in. Right. And in the post that you posted, this will be the image of the post. And as they like the text when you go to post it on Facebook. You could just simply say something like, happy to chat. I see so many moms struggling in here and not making progress with the side hustles that they have. Let me know if I can help with something like that. You know what I mean? Yeah, it's so simple. That's just curiosity based. I think you would agree with us. Too many people do too much in their content. They oversell, they over explain, and they give away the goods and as a woman. I never I never understood this until my wife had to literally break it down. For me. She's like, she's like, babe. I don't like to wear, you know, clothes that reveal everything because I like to leave something for the imagination. And I was like, Oh, wow. Right and I got it. You know what I mean? And I think that that same concept I'm speaking to us dumb as fellas here who need the shit broken down, you know a little bit simpler, right? We it's like we you know, we need it broken down on a fifth grade level but it doesn't that makes sense. Like it's like leaving something for the imagination and not doing too much. But anyways, what do you think of my work here? Just within a couple of moments does it align with kind of what you're doing?

Jessica: Yeah, pretty much. I like the fact that it kind of leaves people guessing and I actually, I mean, there was one day like so many people had messaged me on that one post that Facebook blocked me from messaging people like that because there's like so many people wanted to know what I was doing and and how I was making money. So yeah, it was you know, I do like that. I mean, I tried to, I post on TikTok. I post on Instagram. It's just one of those other ways and, and I feel like with doing it that way, you kind of talk to people TikTok, you don't really get a chance to chat with them and people unless they're messaging you. And I like chatting with people. I like talking to them about it because I feel like not enough people understand what affiliate marketing is. And they're, you know, too quick to kind of just scroll past it. So if you leave them guessing you chat with a dog. Oh, I didn't know that. Or, oh, that sounds really cool and really interesting and then I'll send them my link and you know, hey, message me on whatever or I'll even tell them all. Feel free to contact me. I don't know, I don't mind talking to people if they need help. And you know, one friend who did sign up for the 15 Day Challenge and she even purchased the blueprints. Like I'll just check in with her from time to time Hey, do you need help with anything? How are you doing? You know, and he kind of just likes, you create relationships that way and I feel like you're more like, for me it was a little bit more successful and in a sense, where like, I feel like they trusted me as well.

Dave: No, no, totally. That's awesome. That's awesome. Check this one out. I told you I just love words and I could just play around with these with copy. This is just what I struggled for so long until I finally stopped chasing friends and family and learned how to become the hunted instead of the hunter. Doesn't that resonate?

Jessica: That does really 

Dave: I don't know man like are y'all are y'all getting value from this? I'm just going to stop sharing all these behind the scenes cop however, is everybody in what's up guys in the comments. Are y'all are y'all picking up what we're putting down here? Because we're dropping? These aren't nuggets. These are boulders missing. These are avalanches. I mean, Jessica's here is letting us into her strategy in we're writing copy live. I mean, come on now. Come on now. So um, any other things that you would share with your early self you know, that you that you know, now that you didn't know then or that you would advise yourself if you were just getting started marketing today?

Jessica: To stay consistent. For me in the beginning, I did the 15 day challenge but doing my posts and reaching out, you know, in kind of advertising. I didn't, it wasn't consistent in the very beginning. And then once I started saying, You know what, screw this, I gotta stay consistent. I got to do this. I invested and invested in myself. And once I started getting consistent, I started seeing a big difference. So I'm just gonna continue doing that and making sure I have time, you know, at least an hour even if it's a half hour just to do a few posts a day. You know, I just have to stay consistent and continue doing what I'm doing.

Dave: Yeah, and I love the fact that you said that you just you know, if you have time at work, you just sit down and play around on Canva I mean, just like what I just did. And in case you're just tuning in. We took you right there to Canva and we did it right in front of you. Row copy right in front of you ended it in minutes, and that post and that was then ready, right and if I go in if I want if I go back to Canva. Okay, I could grab that. I could grab that. Okay, and I can download it right here. You know what I mean? I can download it right here. I can either download all of the pages, or I could download like say I really like not one not two because it says right here I just want to grab for the right real quick. Just give me the page number. Just give me page number four. You know, and boom, done. Download. And there it is, you know, I got it right there. It's ready to be posted. I could post that right now. It's ready to go. And it's so fast and you know what I got from that I got not only a cool little ad that I could use real quick a cool little thing that just like in something like this is so much more. I like this is what we mean when we marketers say ugly. converts better because what is the beauty, the brilliance of an ad like this an image like this using it on a Facebook ad or using it inside of a Facebook group if that's what you're if that face if you're only allowed to do that within groups. You know what I mean? The brilliance of this is that it's just so it's like it boggles your mind because there's the it's all about the words like there's no design here. So it's almost like a hook that design itself is like a hook. It hooks you in and makes you stop reading it versus being appealing to your eyes. Like how something could be well designed or whatever and it's just kind of like oh, that's pretty and then you move on. You don't even pay attention to the words. And the words are what are most important, not the design. So that's what we want people to do is read the words on our ad versus make a judgment or be like the design is nice. So it's actually better to, you know, make uglier ads, which take and you know what I did for a long time. I just pulled up Keynote or PowerPoint and I would do this in PowerPoint. Like I could go back 10 years, Jessica and I before Canva we had tools that allowed you to work so quickly in them and do so much like Canva like I literally designed ads and images and all kinds of things that I did. I would just pull up the keynote and I would design it right inside of the keynote. You know what I mean? Grab, I grab a blank page, you know, and, and, and I do the same exact thing and if you like I could I could pull up a shake right here, you know, and then I could put my copy right there inside the shape. And it's like, as all I gotta do is just then take a quick screenshot of it. And it's like that's how I used to do it and still do sometimes, because I don't need all these fancy tools. I don't need a graphic designer. I don't need you. I don't need a team like we literally do not even have a graphic designer at Legendary marker that works here. Yeah, we don't. We don't need it.

Jessica: No, I think that the simple like I said the more simple it is the more that they're intrigued but you would think it would be the opposite but I feel like when they see so much then they just keep going and they'll keep scrolling kind of like arm whatever they want to try.

Dave: Yeah it humanizes you to like when you use templated stuff with templated stock images and stock graphics. If there's no place for somebody to make a personal connection with you, which is why I never ever in the history of my marketing. Have you ever used a stock image or a stock graphic like a picture of somebody else or a picture of another face? When I say stock image? I mean like when you buy a frame it comes with a stock image of a family that's not your family, you know what I mean? So what do you do to make it personal, you put a picture of you or your family in there. And so I've never added if I needed a graphic that didn't have a picture of something that was about my life, if I was using some sort of a picture. So if I was mixing it up and putting my you know, if I used a picture of me or I was using a photo, it would always be of me it would never be of something else or someone else unless it was a an unusual example or I was using a graphic to try to catch somebody's attention. So anyways, this has led to a really interesting conversation. I really appreciate you taking action in you doing what you've done so we could have this powerful conversation this morning and give back to our community and like I'm just I'm really really thankful and grateful to you. 

Jessica: No thank you. I'm grateful to be here. I was a little nervous. But then, you know, I figured, you know, why not? And if I can help other people. I know there's a lot more people in the world that are just like me and whoever else signed up for the 15 Day Challenge who wants to make a difference in their lives. Others? We're here to help each other out. I'm sure. 

Dave: So what would you say to somebody who's sitting on that checkout page saying, is this real? Can I, you know, get results with this? Should I do this?

Jessica: Well, it's real. It's definitely real and I questioned it myself. That's why it probably took me a little bit of time to even sign up for it. But I was seeing so many people that were finding success and I actually chatted with that girl just before I even signed up and just you know, people want to see real results and that's what I wanted to see. And once I saw the real results of other people, that's what got me going and she didn't sugarcoat anything. She basically told me Listen, you got to work but you know, it's real. It definitely is real and if anybody else is watching, it is definitely real. I definitely became a little bit more successful from the beginning and I do plan on continuing the success and hopefully you know, keep working on my favor, as long as I keep working but nothing comes easy either.

Dave: So, very good points will keep up the great work. I know. You will crush it and I know that you are on the right path because you're learning the skills not just the hype in the not just let's go make a list of friends and family and it's not successful. To Be successful in business you have to be able to convert cold prospects. You cannot rely on building your business based on the pity of friends and family. You cannot do it. It's not a real thing. That is not a real business. Okay, any sale that I ever made in network marketing when I was doing it, they'll make your list of friends and family, let's do your launch party, all that kind of stuff. was all just petty sales. Yeah, meaning that my friends and family felt obligated to support my business. And you never ever will scale or be successful. If people feel obligated to support your business. You have to deliver value and you have to know how to convert people once you have their attention into leads and then into sales. The beauty about affiliate marketing is you don't need to convert them into sales. You just need to convert them into leads and simply get them to opt into an email list. That's it. That's your only job is just to simply create content for billions of people on the internet. Not a single friend or family should be marketing to the billions of people on the internet who all have something that's valuable, say things that pique their curiosity, tell stories that they can relate to and say I have found the solution to this pain to this struggle. And if you want it, it's here and in open that floodgate of leads and then if you're doing affiliate marketing person who is the product owner, worry about converting the sale and then if you ever want to go on to sell your own course or coaching program or something, you can then develop those skills to write copy and deliver courses in training and coaching. But the beautiful thing about what we teach with selling information, the core four ways start with affiliate marketing and learn the skills of generating leads at a million dollar scale. So Jessica, thanks for your time. I know you have a busy life and thank you so much for carving a little bit of time to share with us today.

Jessica: Oh, thank you for having me. I really do appreciate it and hope to be back soon.

Dave: For sure. I want you to come back and keep us posted. All right. Okay,

sounds good. 

Jessica: Thank you again.

Dave: See you later. All right. My friends. You can find Jessica as well on TikTok @mamajessie6. We didn't even talk about tick tock but we didn't even talk about Dig Dug with Jessica. Okay because why? Well, she's fishing in multiple pots. She's not relying on just one strategy. She's fishing in multiple pots. Another brilliant thing that Jessica's doing that we didn't even get to but I'm pointing that out. And for those of you who are still listening, who didn't scroll on, right, who didn't get scroliosis in the middle of the episode, right? That's another valuable point that we can all take away from today's show. Don't just fish in multiple ponds. That wouldn't make a whole lot of sense. Like I'm a fisherman. I love to fish if I went to the same exact spot every day, and that's all I ever did. Would that make sense? Long term now maybe there's going to be fish there every time I go there. But should I also be looking for any other honey holes that I could start that and what's my What if I actually needed to catch fish to eat? Right? Well, I would I should have as many different multiple. We all need to stop worrying about multiple streams of income. And because most of us ain't got that first stream streaming yet and start worrying about multiple streams of traffic. Write that down. Tattoo that on your head. Put that on a sticky note and stick it right to your desk. multiple streams of traffic is the key to freedom in online marketing. Mic drop, I'm out. Get out of here. We'll see you tomorrow. Peace. Be Legendary. I have a great Monday. And thank you Jessica. Again for a fantastic episode. Go and follow her. We'll see you back here for another episode tomorrow. Peace.

How To Improve Your Online Content And Start Earning

Below is the transcription for this episode: 

Matt: What’s up everybody? It is the first of the month. December 1, hope you're doing well. We are 100% live. I just got my text message that says what does it say? I get a text message every morning from David himself. Benny’s been working for quite some time trying to make this work. And he's got a little online business that he's got rocking and rolling now, and I'm excited to unpack a little bit about his journey because I know that he's been and this guy's been working crankin he's been on our Blueprints calls for a long time. I mean, a really long time. He's a great example of somebody who's been consistent, hard grind and going after it. Man he's just been around our world for like, honestly you know, I'll let him tell his story. I don't need to go into this but honestly Check this out. I didn't even I didn't even know about Legendary Marketer when you had purchased our Blueprints dude. I didn't even know they existed. I have known Dave from like empower stuff, but you've been around our community for three years. That's crazy.

Benjamin: Yeah, when I first joined it, I was just kind of like, taking my time and learning everything and at the time, I was working as a tow truck driver so I pretty much put in the time that I had like free time. Just basically up until recently, I really started to focus and that's what helped me grow a lot on TikTok and allow me to see a lot more results.

Matt: So bring us back into Alright, it's April 2018. And you hear about this company, Legendary Marketer. I came around and became part of the legendary team, late 2018. So not that long after you but so funny to bring us into your world back in 2018 tow truck drivers tell us about just what was life like Then what were you looking for? And how things are since then, and what's your journey been like over the last three years?

Benjamin: Back in 2018 While I was working as a tow truck driver full time, five days a week and I was just basically looking for any other way to make money online. I started looking online before just typing in what most people do on Google and YouTube, how to make money online. And I saw people talking about drop shipping, Amazon FBA, print on demand and affiliate marketing. So at the time, I was kind of messing around with the idea of creating my own custom clothing brand and I just needed to learn how to market it. So that's what kind of led me into the affiliate marketing part. So I started looking more and more into it and basically, it caught my interest. So that's when I actually stumbled on Nathan Lucas's videos on YouTube. And I just kept watching these videos and watching them and then I just finally said, You know what? I want to check yourself and so that's when I started and that's when I joined Legendary. 

Matt: That's awesome. So you find legendary tried some other stuff and other stuff? What was there anything in particular, like, tell us about what your experience at legendary has been like and just, you know, what's your? What's it been like?

Benjamin: It's been pretty cool. I mean, I've learned I mean, way more than just what most people do is just looking on YouTube trying to learn new skills. I mean, they teach you basically everything that you need like the fundamentals, the basics, the foundations to start an online business. And I haven't really found that anywhere else.

Matt: That's cool. I've seen you. I mean, I've seen and chatted with you. Every Thursday we do business blueprints, webinars. I can't even remember how long ago but it's probably been like two years or so ago. We started doing those so you bought the blueprints? 2018 We weren't even doing those webinars. We've been a part of the thing. And just because you've been a part of our community for so long. That piece got added on and so did the decade and a day which was something that you didn't even have access to when you purchased. All of that has been just sort of added by guests' value. And we haven't called you up and been like, Hey, by the way, you've got to pay another $500 for this or Yeah, no one's no one from our team. Right is calling you up and being like, Hey, you want to buy something else? You want to buy something more? You wanna pay us for extra add on to the blueprints right now that I know of?

Benjamin: No, it's yeah, that's a good point about the blueprints. Like well, once you invest in the blueprints you guys pretty much just, I guess, grandfathered me into any future updates to the blueprints?

Matt: Yeah, which we do with everybody. I mean, like, we just sometimes we'll just add stuff on into the blueprints. When Dave this last January updated the entire business blueprints course the affiliate, the affiliate marketing business blueprint. Everybody just got it uploaded in their back office for free and it was like hey, by the way, this is brand new. This is the best training Dave's ever done in his career online. kariega You know, you didn't sell a 2.0 or something else or whatever. We could have done a launch around it. We could have done a lot of stuff. But we just it was like here just let's keep this thing let's make this the best. We can possibly make it so anyway. For you with where you're at now. Like, tell us you're sort of had there been struggles over the last couple years. Have you? Have you tried different things and what's working for you now?

Benjamin: Yeah, there's definitely been struggles. When I attended a decade in the day, I started running Facebook ads to Clickbank offers and I've had my account banned like four times. So it's just a matter of learning from mistakes, just overcoming problems and basically just moving forward. And what's helped me a lot lately these past couple months is Eric Forner has been mentoring me and he's helped me pretty much grow my followers on TikTok from like 17,000 to 100,000 in the last two months. Awesome. And that was also due to because back in September, my youtube channel was suspended. So yeah, so that gave me more time to focus on my TikTok account.

Matt: So you were putting a lot of time into YouTube.

Benjamin: Yeah. So I just recently got it unsuspended like two weeks ago. So I got to focus on that as well. Yeah. So yeah, there’s been some struggles.

Matt: Yeah, there's been well, there's always lots of struggles and there's always people in our community who are willing to help people like Eric, people like Brian, people like Sarah people, like Stacy Calvin. Lots of people who have had success and are still doing really well and are just willing to help people and do a good job at that. End of the story. What's your journey on TikTok? So you're creating videos, you're making videos you're posting. Was there anything that was key or that changed or any big shifts that you did in your content that helped you grow so much over the last two months?

Benjamin: What I've noticed is that those How to videos like up to two lakh in blueprints, both those are pretty good. They get a lot of views and followers, you're in there. But what I've noticed is that when you tell your story, or you have a video that has some type of emotional hook, people really gravitate towards that more because people like to follow other people's journey. They like to see what's going to happen next. Kind of like when people watch a movie, wanting to know how it's going to end. You know, I mean? So yeah, so it's my main takeaway from that.

Matt: Have you been putting together like a string of multiple videos or what have you been doing?

Benjamin: I have a lot of videos right now on TikTok. So, my strategy now is that throughout the week, I'll create three new ones a day and then I'll post two new ones every day and then one of them is going to be a repost. So after a while, I'm just kind of building up a library of TikTok videos. 

Matt: Yeah, that makes sense. What Um, is there any part in particular that you feel like it's gotten the most engagement on your videos and stuff? Or like what? What do you focus on? What do you tell people? What do you explain?

Benjamin: I just kind of like to break it down as far as affiliate marketing but like, I make it simple. I don't say I tried to avoid saying like, here's some affiliate programs that you can sign up for. I just, I kind of rephrase it and say all these companies will pay you to send them new customers and then I just go into the company. And then I just pretty much explain the process but just for people who don't know what affiliate marketing is.

Matt: Bingo, so not talking a bunch of insider language, but instead speaking, yeah, a little bit more to like what people are, like, like what they're used to hearing about, right. So making it sound like something they already understand. There's this concept that when I started 10 years ago, I started reading some of the best old school copywriters in the world. And one of them I'm blanking on the name said, you know, you have to enter the conversation that's already going on inside the prospects mind. And so if you're, if you're putting out videos hoping to sort of get some response from people who might be interested, you gotta ask yourself, what are they already thinking about or what language would they already understand? So I love that because there's a lot of people out there who just post non-stop talking about the niche inside or terms of their industry that other people just don't know about. That happens a lot in weight loss. That happens a lot in lots of industries, but the industry you're in is the Make Money Online industry or affiliate marketing industry and that happens a lot in that industry where people start talking about like, number one way to get started with affiliate marketing and it's like, no one on tick tock wants to know that they want to know that that's not a benefit to them. Right or, or here's some really bad marketing. Here's how to get one year of coaching with me for half price, right? No one wants coaching with you for half price. Right? They want a benefit. They want an emotional benefit or, or in your case, like if you're talking about making money they want a fiscal benefit. Right. So like, here's how I've I was formerly a tow truck driver three years ago. And here's how I built my little piece of the online pie over the last three years. Check this out. Right and giving people some sort of emotional benefit a little bit of a feeling of like, what am I going to get out of this? Right? Yes, you're sharing your story, but also, if you're gonna if you're gonna spin and start to go towards like, here's a call to action that should be based around terms that people are already aware of, and making it something that's understandable. It's why people in this industry are successful in many ways, what they'll do is they'll frame things in terms like big companies, right? So it's super smart. That you're doing this, like, Hey, here's a company that will pay you to bring them new leads or new customers, right then it's like, oh, Amazon pay me like, Okay, now I'm listening, right? Because there's different things that are going on inside the person's mind when you're doing marketing. There's, they're thinking, is this credible? Is this a scam? Is this real? Is this something I can do? Is it legit? Are there other people doing it? They want to know all of these different things and they're scanning? It's like a scanner, the old school scanners. It's like they're scan scan scan scan that either comes out clear, and it makes sense or it comes out. I don't know this doesn't seem that legit. And I'll just tell you the scanner is like the scanners going down. It's like if you're just talking about network marketing, affiliate marketing and all that stuff. They're like cheese, dude. You know, the amount of scams and like bad people I've met in that industry. I'm not interested. You know what I mean?

Benjamin:  I think that's why it's important to break it down into simpler terms, and I try to avoid the curse of knowledge. So what a lot of people do as they learn business, they learn the lingo, and then they expect or they just think that everybody's going to understand what they're saying. So that's what I tried to do is avoid the curse of knowledge.

Matt: Yeah, right. Right. Right. And, and I I agree that I do that. I tried to do that a lot of my training, but I think sometimes I even struggle with that. That's a good reminder for me, because the times where I've put out training or those times that I've helped somebody with training or I've, we've put out a course or something like that. The times where it's been most impactful or it's had the most impact is where every point where I've made a point or I've talked through a topic, I've unpacked exactly what each of those terms means, and why it matters and so Damn, that was a good reminder. It looks like I learned something this morning. So over the last couple of years, you're building this out 100,000 followers look, however the hell you get to 100,000 followers is a big accomplishment. You've learned something about the social media algorithm. You've learned how to tap into that. But you've also forgotten about all that junk. You've also learned how to tell your story and be authentic and connect with people, probably that's my guess. And from what I know of you for the past couple of years, like I would say there's probably a good chance that you've had to learn something that didn't come easily and you've had to learn it. You said you were nervous to come on today's show. So like maybe that's been a little bit of nervousness. Or you know, whatever. But how is that part of it being the part where you're connecting with people, real people sharing a bit of your journey and story? What's that been like? 

Benjamin: No, it's been pretty…It's been kind of tough actually telling my story. That's something that I really had trouble with mostly because it's not that I don't think I don't have a story. It's just, uh, I feel like if I tell my story, it feels like I'm looking for sympathy or I'm trying to get somebody to feel sorry for me. So I try to incorporate it more into my deals, but I'm not trying to make every video just about my story. 

Matt: Yeah, yeah, you don't have to. I mean, even doing videos, even doing stuff about your story, even doing stuff about other people's story and journey. I feel like this sort of melting pot of different types of content can be really helpful. For instance, like, there's a guy Ian who does that and he does his videos or day in the life of a bodyguard, right? And he does those and he tells funny, interesting stories about his days as a bodyguard, and it's his way of having fun with it, but also allowing people to attach them and people in, in particular content creators undervalue that ability for people to connect to them or be attachable there's this like psychology term called, or a theory called attachment theory, and making yourself attachable and giving people ways sort of like sticking out tentacles and allowing people to grab on and be like, hey, I want to take me along for the ride, you know, is super key super important. But also you can create different styles of content based on the algorithm and what's going on in the algorithm to get more of those followers right so it's, it's a both and combination. And also, then the last piece is, how do I convert these people? Right, like how do I get them to take meaningful action and help build my business and also help start their business and get themselves going? So yeah, super cool. I love it. I love it. That's awesome. What what, in terms of like, where you're going? In terms of like, what you're doing, where you're going? What's the plan moving forward? Like what are you going to do moving forward? What's Yeah, what's what's, what's the next step?

Benjamin: I'm gonna keep on doing what I'm doing on TikTok and then also continue to build my YouTube channel and then also, I want to start moving into mentoring and coaching. Because I also have a Facebook group that I direct people to, and I'm starting to go live a little bit more on my tick tock account. So I actually went live yesterday and I was just hanging out. I was just like, pretty much posting stuff. video on my YouTube channel. And then people are coming in asking me questions, and asking me like, oh, what's the best way to make money online? Or, like, what is it like? I posted a video about a sales funnel, and then I just went over it like in my life, and people were just like, saying, Oh, that's pretty valuable. Thank you, you know, thanks for the information. So that's something I'm looking forward to going into as well. Just mentoring and teaching other people.

Matt: So awesome. That's cool. mentoring and teaching other people is yeah, something I was just actually saying. She said that I just jumped quickly over to your Facebook. He only made that a month ago, and it's already got 63 people. So nice work. It's awesome. And I feel like you know, from what I know of you from the time that we've, I mean, it's not like we chat all the time or anything but just from what I know of you. You're such a quick implementer like You're so quick to implement things and you can. It's not like you just implement it and then quit or something like you really stick with stuff you really are learning really really valuable skills and, and earning while learning. Right. And I will say that it's great to hear that you're going live more as well because for anybody who wants to know What do I see on my end when I watch people make a ton of sales. They're going to live because it breaks this psychological thing. I won't get too far into this but the psychological element of seeing someone's life that you've been following for a couple of weeks or a couple of months or whatever, man, there is a big psychological wall that is broken down when somebody sees you and experiences you in a live format. Especially. I don't know what it is but especially on TikTok especially on TikTok where it feels like it's just real raw, candid conversation. You can you can touch and and almost like reach out and touch somebody it's just super cool. So I'm glad to hear that. That's something that for people who do that regularly, in particular people who have done that in a while for me on a daily basis, I've seen them go to six figures faster than anybody else I've ever seen. Online ever like mind numbing fast, where they spend an hour to three hours a day on a live at the same time or around the same time, maybe not every day, but most days and it's it's, it spins my mind when I have messages with Dave in our Slack channel. Where we're just like, What the hell is happening, like, how is this possible? And we just think back, you know, to 10 years ago or like how we do not have this but it's just an opportunity that's that's, that's in front of people right now. So I'm glad you're taking advantage of it because that's huge. For anybody who's sitting here, who's thinking about, for anybody who's sitting here and is thinking about how do I get started, how do I get going online? How do I get moving? What would you say to them? If they're thinking of putting in their first video or their stuff in their drafts on TikTok, and they're waiting to hit post because they're nervous. What would you say to those people?

Benjamin: I mean, I want to say what everybody else is, it's just posted you know, like my videos weren't good at all. I don't think I mean, don't go like my TikTok and go all the way to my first videos because they're terrible. But I just posted them and I just had the mentality like, nobody's gonna see these. So I just kept posting and posting and then eventually I got better. I learned pretty much the tips that you've taught us. Thursday webinars like to start off with the hood, giving a call to action, and I just got better over time. So just, I mean, yeah, it is kind of scary to post and just think about what other people are going to think about, like oh, this person on Tik Tok, you know, but just post it, I mean, I mean, you're going to get better after after a while.

Matt: Totally hit post, and post keep hitting posts. And the cool part is, is he posted so many times? That honestly to like scroll to get to your first videos would just be like, the goal. Right. So it's like part of it is like if you're barest about the old stuff that you've put up. It's just like, just keep making more and just bury that shit down at the bottom. Like, just bury it doesn't matter. Cool, man. That's awesome. Well, thanks for coming on today. If you need anything, let us know. We're happy to help, obviously you know where to find me. And, and if you let me see if I can put up your tick tock, there we go. And, yeah, come you'll always be around so I, you know, sometimes if it's the first time meeting somebody I'm like, Hey, come back around, but you're always around. We'd love to have you back on here in a couple months and see how things are going. 

Benjamin: Definitely. Thanks for having me on.

Matt: Again, anytime. All right, guys. Give him a follow. All right. You can see his link and also just put it in the chat. Just in case but it's Benjamin.  How do I pronounce your last name? Benjamin: Zuniga

Matt: Zuniga. @BenjaminZuniga1, all right. I put it in the chat there as well. So you can give him a follow but watch his stuff. He's been around for such a long time. And he's a good dude. He's just a good guy. And that's like, you know, yes, he is probably a lot of marketers out there. They can follow you, but this guy's got a lot of humility. He showed a lot of resilience. It's actually pretty rare to find somebody who's hung around in this industry for that long three and a half years that's in like, marketing years or in like online digital. Space years. That's like three decades. So kudos to you, Benny. You've been cool and it's been fun having you around in our world for such a long time. And just as a few final notes, guys, if you want you can text the letters WUL to 813-296-8553. If you text the letters WUL we will send you a text message every morning reminding you that we're going live. If you guys want any merchant advice that says like Be Legendary or F average Be Legendary you can go to the Legendary shop. And that's all we got for the day. I'm going to put his handle on it for more time. You can find many on TikTok, go give him a follow and get into his world plug in. And he's a good dude, help me out. And yeah, we'll be back here tomorrow, same time, same place. Tomorrow is Thursday, and I'll be flying out tomorrow afternoon to go to our mastermind in Florida, which is over this weekend. Our masterminds are awesome. You're gonna see some photos and videos from there. We might even go live from the mastermind on Friday. So if you're here watching right now, tune in live at 10am Eastern on Friday because I think we're probably going to go live from our mastermind mansion on Friday. It's going to be bombed so Alright, see you guys. Peace. Out


How To Use Micro Webinars To Promote And Give Value In Your Business

 Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends? Welcome to wake up legendary buddy Dave sharp if you don't know me, and I have a guest today, and his name is Paul Griffith, and he has a Well, first and foremost, he's an incredible marketer. He also has a secret micro webinar strategy. He's talked to us about it before now. When I hear that somebody is still using a strategy, what that tells me is, wait for it. It's working. It's working. Okay, it's working. Right? I got a smile out of Paul there. What's going on my brother, welcome to the show.

Paul: Thanks for having me on. I'm excited about this. How are you doing?

Dave: It's good to talk to you again. I'm great. I am. It's all good. It's all good. Okay, we're doing our thing. We're dumping computers, webcams. It's all good. Like, hey, so listen, is that the truth or what man, when you see an ad that's been running month after month or year after year, there's one thing that you can know for sure is that ad is working for that person.

Paul: 100%.

Dave: So as much as it is you as the whoever is a TV watcher or radio listener or Facebook scroller, you may say, Oh, I've seen that ad millions of times. And let's just say that you're a marketer. And you're saying often, instead, I'd like to. I don't know if I've got a nearby Of course, I got if I put on my marketing shades, right, if I, what I can instead say to myself is that boy must be working. There's something that I can learn. And I can remember when I had you on the show, what was it a year ago? 

Paul: Yeah, we got on the show pretty quick, after you know, getting into learning what I've learned. It probably was about a year ago. Yeah. Almost. Europe. Yeah.

Dave: And you're still kind of perfecting and running a lot of the same things that you did back then

Paul: Continuously learning, but I'm doing the exact same method that I was using. And it was less than a year because I think I learned from you guys and came on, like around January. So it's been less than a year for sure. 

Dave: All right. All right. So we're going to be talking about that micro webinar strategy. We're going to be talking about what you've been doing. And you're going to be teaching our audience the nutshell version of how they can use it too. And of course, we'll give them your links, and they can go check you out as well. But for those who don't know who you are, take people back just a little bit and give them that snapshot. As to how you got started. I found Legendary back in January of this year.

Paul: So I'm a regular guy, I worked a management job at one of the largest retailers in the US, a largely intelligent world. And I ended up quitting my job I started a digital marketing agency, I was doing drop shipping, I was doing all of these things off tried it were entrepreneur minded, or we want to get a race. We've all dabbled in a lot of different things. And honestly, I said, very and probably years ago, honestly, I've seen the ClickFunnels community, I've seen a lot of different things. And I never took action. And then over the pandemic, my digital marketing agency advertising for brick and mortar locations, obviously those doors closed. So I pivoted to affiliate marketing, as we all know, everything's digital and elearning space is huge. And I wanted to get into legendary a year ago, and I started learning from the community, I started learning and that and then I found my way, which was educating people through what I call a micro webinar. And I do that through a live training on tick tock as we are all having a lot of success on that platform.

Dave: Yeah, so what has this transformation life change, I mean, what is different about your life now then back right before you kind of got started, you know, lost your job or your agency, all those businesses went down in your agency, I would assume there was a bit of panic and scrambling there. Anyways, take us through just how your life is now and how it has changed compared to that time.

Paul: I think that a lot of people when they get started, they are looking for income, right? And I was looking for freedom. So when I started I actually quit my job before I found legendary and I was just doing it and stuff to make a living but I enjoyed the freedom so much and then I got into my agency and it was going okay, but it was a roller coaster, you know, it wasn't consistent. Then when I found the training, I went through the training I took. You know, I won't say any numbers, but I'm doing really, really well. You know, I'm able to take that money, invest in other things and really put it back into my business. And I think that with the training, and now that I have all this freedom, I can not only help my mom and my family around and do the things that I want to do, cars, traveling, and it's all because of the training that I went through here. So what I like to say is being consistent and doing what I actually do every day as educating people through micro webinars has allowed me to get a know how and trust where people are inboxing me and contacting me on levels, even if they don't actually convert into actual commissions or anything. I feel like I have more impact over people than I do, then anything I've ever done before. And it's because I'm really out there educating and trying to change people's lives. So right now, for me it is much more important from an income because I didn't start this for money in the first place. I started it for freedom. So how did I get to connect people? Now, on that level? I have a lot of fun, honestly.

Dave: Yeah, that's great. Do you find affiliate marketing to be less stressful than the agency work you were doing before?

Paul: Locally, absolutely. agency work, you have to understand, working with businesses and clients, they're busy working in their business. So they have this idea of what they need to happen and what they want us as marketers to go out there and try to do what we think we'll work in the business and actually get their results. So it's always a conflict, to try to not only get results, do what they ask you to do. And sometimes you lose clients that way. Because if it doesn't work, you're not going to keep that client. But if you don't do what they tell you to do, it's going to cause friction at the beginning of your interaction. So it's a real struggle with affiliate marketing, low barrier to entry, no products or services, I cannot go out there and promote things that I know that people have success with. Without this education, it wouldn't have been possible. So I have to love the fact that I'm here and I'm one here for less than a year. And it's absolutely amazing for the results that I got. So I'm grateful as ever.

Dave: I think one of the things that people you know, when they get into the social media marketing agencies, which Ty Lopez was pushing that, and you know, now he's, you know, I made a post in our Facebook group about Black Friday how we don't discount our products here and Legendary, and that $2,000 course that he was selling, I'm not mad at I think he's a he's a stud he's a hustler. He's a great entrepreneur. He's doing some big things, but that Social Media Marketing Agency course and what's also ironic is he was making his money selling courses keeping that in mind. Don't watch what people say. Or don't listen to what they say. Watch what they do. Paul, are you still with us? Matt, if you can have him leave and then come back in. Yeah. So check this out. I don't want to lose my train of thought and we'll try to get Paul back in you know, I was talking about Ty and a couple of years ago he was selling a social media marketing course that's been recently discounted. Now he's selling it for, you know, a couple 100 bucks. But what happened was because he had such a big reach we had all these people now starting social media marketing agencies and and and the problem was is that they went from wanting to quit their job to then now they're, they're going out there and if they were able to close clients say it was a local business now you don't just have one boss at your job. But you have to remember when you're getting clients now you have multiple bosses, okay, from all of those different clients. Right, Okay. Looks like we got Paul back. Paul, what what I was saying was basically was that what I think a lot of people don't realize with agency work like marketing agency, which is fine if you I know a lot of people who use these skills to go out and run Facebook ads for people or do copywriting for people and become a XYZ Sultans or paid ads expert or copywriting expert. The problem though is you have to realize that say you have a job and you want to quit it at that job. You have one boss. Well, for each one of those clients, they're a boss. So if you have 10 clients, you have 10 bosses, right? And, you know, sure you can still have boundaries you can but sometimes managing both this marketing and sales of getting that client but then also the delivery on the back end is too much for a brand new person. So a lot of these business models where they're like newbie, friendly or not Really newbie friendly. And the reason why selling other people's products as an affiliate is the most newbie friendly business model, because you only need to focus on one thing, which is selling other people's products doing the marketing, you don't have to worry about the product. And it's not, although I don't, I'm not, I'm not dissing network marketing, it isn't network marketing, right? It isn't, we're going out and recruiting friends and family pushing lotions, potions, or pills or whatever kind of products that that company offers. We're a freelance affiliate, so we get to market and promote multiple different products. And again, we're not even worried about the merchant processing or the customer service, which those two things alone are massive, only the marketing. And so that leads us into your strategy, which is this micro webinar, so talk to us a little bit of how you discovered this.

Paul: So if anybody is in the course creation elearning space, we understand that one of the most successful ways to promote something is through a webinar, but a lot of low end offers that you have, it's kind of not, I would say worth it, if you will, but I go live a few years ago, people were like, if you're a marketer, if you're this time now there go live on Facebook once a day, and they're saying this because we have the reach, and for me, on TikTok, when I go live, I do a presentation. And it's clunky, it's literally me turning around my camera, showing different levels of how to introduce people into this space. And there's a lot of people out there that use hashtags and different things about affiliate marketing. When they get into the space, I show the process of whatever product, whatever service that I am looking at, I show the process and let people understand what it is. And then I bridge that gap from them being successful by letting them know how to learn. So I don't say anything about my product or service until the end of my presentation. People are staying there as long as my presentation goes, they're probably interested in learning more. And then that is when I let them know, Hey, this is how you want to get into the space if you want to learn more, or this is the product that can solve this problem for you.

Dave: Or the training that can solve this problem more.

Paul: Absolutely. So when people get in that space, I literally that micro webinar is me literally teaching them when what they're going to be doing or how to learn or go through a training. And I pull up different tabs on the computer, I show them what the beginning of it is getting in space, how to find traffic, how to leverage other people's videos and things like that, how to learn how to connect with people to get them to like know you interest rate, and then I actually point them to whatever program and at that point, people are usually begging for me. Like I've had days where without high tickets, I'm doing very high numbers because of the amount of people who lie and that my webinars are working for me 100%. So I've been doing some presentations on my own to show people how to do it. And people have been inviting me and other groups and asking me to do things. And for me it's mind blowing, because at this point, it is literally me going out there to try to teach not very technical as you guys can see our boss, internet service or whatever it is, I don't think

Dave: You dumped your webcam at the beginning of the live, we were wondering if Paul was even going to come because of technical difficulties , but you're just like me, dude, I can hardly set up my iCloud and get them all connected and stuff. And I don't know, if I set up a new phone, if I'm going to lose all my pictures, I don't really still understand all that stuff yet. They made a lot of these simple things when you get a new iPhone where you just hold it over. And it just I don't know, it just talks to the other film for people like me. And I think people really think that I'm a technical genius, they, you know, they think that I'm this coding guru. And the truth is, you know, I log into Aweber ClickFunnels, and I get a headache, too. I mean, it's not like I love doing that stuff. I just set it up once. Make sure to test it, make sure it works and then turn to the content creation and the teaching in the value of vein and just send people into that funnel, some will have some wall who cares who's next.

Paul: And another thing I tell people, a lot of people here have different strategies to what they do. Micro webinar has been working for me consistently and there's up and down months. I lost a family member throughout this time and I just didn't have the energy to do my method. But I had to remember that staying consistent and really understanding that life will happen and I have a duty to go out there and do what I love. I wholeheartedly believe that there was a webinar that I probably was on five, six years ago, and I was looking at the process and mimicking the movement and understanding what was going on there. And I went through so many different trainings, even if they were webinars where I didn't have the money to actually invest in when I had the opportunity, I went out there and figured out a way to invest in myself, I went out there to say, hey, and even about money that I'm putting out there, it's been 60, 70 $100,000 in college, and no offense to college, I won't tell anybody not to go to it. But the culture is very, very odd how we are willing to go straight out of high school, wet behind the ears, not knowing what we're doing the banks, handiness, 1000s, and 1000s of dollars for something that is not guaranteed, especially if you're not going into medical, I'm not trying to preach here. But if you're not going into all of this stuff, yet and still, some people are very afraid to invest in a non-traditional education, it blows my mind. So when I go out there, sometimes I'm not even talking about the actual product that I'm promoting. I'm talking about what got me to take that decision. And if people know anything about sales or anything like that, we move on emotion. And when I can connect with people on how, what kind of emotion that they have, because they felt like me when I said that, I think a lot people, a lot of people get into it with a more emotional standpoint, which is going to be going longer than a logical, there's many different things out there to sound logical to do. But when you move that logical understanding with emotion, people get fired up and they get ready to go. So those are one of my things that during my life webinar is after all the logic is done, and the training is here and all that I let them know my purpose, my why what got me into this, and it moves them in a way to really take action. So that would be one of the biggest tips for me is don't be extremely logical. When you're going into things. People don't buy off logic, they move to emotions. And if you can just connect on a level and stop trying to necessarily make it seem like everything is sweet. Everything is amazing. I believe if people tell their genuine story, people really connect with them. You'll be surprised how many were in places, Jessica. And now they're getting fired up because they feel that they can have the success or the freedom that you are that you've got with the same process. If that makes sense. Hopefully it wasn't too much.

Dave: No, no, I was I was I was I was, it was not too much at all. And as a matter of fact, there's several things that I want to work off what you just said, first and foremost, what you were just talking about was, you know, non traditional education. Now I did an interview that went live on Thanksgiving with Dana here. I don't know if anybody who's listening in on today saw this interview with Dana, but she's an education administrator in Massachusetts. And well, quite frankly, if, you know, if you can't take it from her, who can you take it for? Right? It's just somebody who runs and designs public education programs here, although she is doing her best to be of service to the public and a great citizen, and is obviously passionate about education. She's also what, what is she doing in her other time in her personal time? Well, she's using non traditional education, which she went through our 15 Day Challenge. Now she's turning around, and she's doing affiliate marketing and in moving towards, you know, selling information in non traditional ways. The other thing that I brought up on that particular interview with her was this, this graphic from Eugene Swartz, which is the five levels of customer awareness. And, basically, it's the kind of people who are totally unaware of even what the hell you talk about to people who are aware of the specific, say, course product or company that you might be promoting. Okay, and so everybody falls into one of these categories. It what I'm hearing from you is that you're talking mostly been like to people who are most aware, but what you're doing on these webinars is you're just talking to people who are unaware that that what you're talking about May that what you're eventually going to promote to them may even exist. And the only thing that they may be aware of is that they have stress in pain around their job or what they're doing or the amount of money that they have saved or how much you know, they have saved them. And, and and you're also talking about sort of the traditional system of education and so forth, you're getting into technical details of software, etc. You're because After all, and you tell me, Paul, you've been doing these micro webinars on TikTok now for a year, the majority are the majority of the people that you're running into. Somewhat unaware or simply problem aware of the meaning that they're, they just want a solution to their problem, but they're there, they're they're not even really clear about what the problem is. And other solutions are available. For example, they may not even know what affiliate marketing is.

Paul: But I'll tell you what, 90 I would almost say 95% of my followers have no clue what affiliate marketing is, I think people obviously, you have, you know, fitness, industry, relationships, health, wealth, and you have things that are generally the population wanting to improve on their, you want to improve on your finances, you want to work on your relationships, you want to improve on your, your health. So for me, when I go, when I go live, the one thing that I always establish, before I do anything, is let them know who I am, what I've done, where I am now in freedom and how I did it. And I'm going to show you how I was able to escape the nine to five, learn a new skill set through non traditional education. And oh thing that I asked right after that is to engage where my audience is coming from. Have you ever heard of dropshipping? Have you ever heard of affiliate marketing? Have you ever heard, and almost all the time, 90% of them have never heard of affiliate marketing? So I'm like, Well, let me show you how without a product or service, blah, blah, blah, you can actually leverage big companies like Amazon, Target, Walmart, I go and pull up tabs of all these programs. So I can validate that this is something that it's real, because these people come in and they're telling me, oh, this might be a scam. This is multilevel marketing. I'm like, stick around guys. And I promise you, you'll be grateful after this presentation, I have nothing to pitch to you guys unless you want to learn more. And from there, everyone's relaxed, their guard is down, I can get into the presentation.

Dave: And oh, by the way, at the end of this, this like live session, because we don't even use what what I want people to realize is that people who are listening on your lives, don't even know the jargon probably if you say webinar, they wouldn't, they wouldn't even know what you're talking about. And so, you know, just saying, you know, what I love about affiliate marketing is also the ability to say, and hey, when we're done today, there's nothing for sale. I personally have nothing to sell you. I'll point you to some different places that you can go and potentially take a course. But I personally have nothing to sell you. So now you're like all the pressure is off of you. And I think for those who feel awkward about being salesy. It doesn't get any easier than that.

Paul: People are begging me at the end of my webinars, how do you learn? How do you learn? Let me learn and I'll be honest, I have a unique following. And the algorithm on TikTok is very, very unique. And I think I have like 66% women. And when I talk to my peers and other people that percentage. How interesting, and I think I said this the first time we met, but at one point, I was like almost 70%. And I'm like, not that handsome. I'm definitely not like you know what I mean?

Dave: Give yourself a little bit more credit now. That I'm not, I'm not into guys, but I'll tell you, you ain’t ugly brother.

Paul: I appreciate it, brother, I appreciate it. So I had to pivot my jargon and the way I talk to people on some things, and I even make content, believe it or not, I have not made a video on TikTok in probably 10 days, I don't have to because I understand that the algorithm and how my live webinars gave me three to 500 to 700 followers every single day, the way I structure it. And this is what people don't understand about the algorithm. When you go live. Your life's going to go out to different people, there's no hashtags, they're not going to go out to people that are most likely to stay on in their lives. So for me, 90% of them don't know about affiliate marketing. So at the beginning, I make sure I get them to engage. Hey, tap that screen, I'm going to show you guys exactly how I was able to do XYZ and monetize. And I'm going to do this for free to show you guys because I want to be like I want to be known I want to be trusted I literally say that I want to program it into their head that that's my goal at the end of the day is for you guys to help me build my personal brand. So one day I can hop on stage and I can motivate, I can inspire, I can teach people how to become free because the world is going digital. And right now we're in a weird space. So it motivates people to do all the things that I want them to do. Let me know where they're from. Let me know what they're, they're not in all that engagement in those comments. The other day I had 1000 people in my life and I didn't make a video for seven days. 1000 people and

Dave: That’s insane. Do you know how hard it is to get 1000 people like on a zoom or a Gotowebinar? 

Paul: It is impossible. The fact that I can get people near the end of my life, I usually have about 100 people in there. And that's okay with me. Because 15-20 People listen to me, if I was in a room somewhere, and there were that many people, I probably would be like, holy shoot, these people want to hear me speak about stuff. And I am not the brightest person, guys, I, I hate to say this, but I read it like a fourth fifth grade reading level. In my senior year in high school, I also graduated all academic. So put things in perspective, I'm not going to let my little things cause me to be your or fail at things, I'm going to figure out a solution and go forward. And for me, freedom is so important that I've figured out a way to make this work for me. 

Dave: And I don't know how long maybe tick tock will be this great as ads get on a platform. I tell everybody right now, it is a great time to get on here and start pivoting people from TikTok from Instagram to YouTube, or whatever you guys want to do. This is the time to be alive, like what is on your email list in your Facebook group, I mean, as many places as you can get them in, sort of have them. So you want to connect. Yeah, you're obviously not going to own your Facebook group or your TikTok profile. But get them on that email list, get them on a community text message list. I mean, there's so many different ways, and it's getting cheaper and cheaper to be able to use these tools. I want to go back to just a few details for people who are thinking you know how you've given so many great tips about how to introduce the webinar and sort of kick it off. We've also gone over the fact that we're not really doing a lot of technical jargon, for example, breaking down landing pages and breaking down autoresponders. And all of those different tools. If you want it to bring out a diagram of how something works, that might be fine. But oftentimes, the more detailed you get into it, the more questions somebody is going to have or the more confused they're going to be if they want to buy the course. For example, our business blueprints you want. If you invest a significant amount of time and money and say, I really want to do this, we're going to take you in, we're going to show you a finger by clicking step by step how to set everything up. But up until that point, we here at legendary who are converting more, I mean, as high as any other offer that's out there online for as long as we've been doing it. We're not converting that high because we're getting people lost in the weeds. We're converting that high, because we are also telling stories. And we're helping people to understand the big picture that, look, there is a big shift that's happening right now it's digital. It's got to do with information. And it's easy, and it's simple to get started. And you can start with a really easy business model. And you can even do other things from there, which is where we came up with a core four ways of selling information. And just getting people to understand that pointing out to them. Look, watch what people do, not what they say. So let's go to amazon.com let's scroll down to the bottom of the screen if in let's look by chance. I don't know. Do you think that actually, let's type in Amazon. Let's just type it in right here. Okay, wait affiliate program dot Amazon, hold on a second. So Amazon's affiliate program Welcome to one of the largest affiliate programs in the world. The Amazon Associates Program helps content creators, publishers and bloggers, TikTokers, Instagramers, Facebookers and just human beings or their cell phone, be able to monetize their traffic with millions of products and programs available on it on Amazon. Associates use easy link building tools to direct their audience to the recommendations and earn from qualifying purchases and programs that challenge each one of you. And I'm just pretending that I was doing a micro webinar. I challenge any of you to go to any of the large sites anywhere on the internet, scroll down to the bottom of the site. You can even go Command F and you can type in An affiliate. And you can see, well look at that become an affiliate right peasy.

Paul: So right there before you even click on that link. So right there one of the things that I do, I go to Amazon, everybody shopping on Amazon and I say, Hey look, we're gonna scroll to the bottom because you guys are already buying things you want to do, I'm going to show you how to get paid. And then I show them that thing that says make money with us, of course want to make money with the biggest online retailer in the world, they're begging you guys to make money with it. You can sell your product here. You know, this is my, this is my spiel, if you will, you can sell your product on here, you can develop that you can do all that stuff. But if you're anything like me, you don't have a product, you haven't developed the app, you're not a coder, you can leverage their product to become an affiliate for free. I click when I like to go there. And then what I do is I go to hashtags in TikTok, and I show them people that are showing their face and not showing their face opening the boxes and reviewing products. I do some numbers with them. I get them excited about that. And then from there, go over there and I say look, Now me personally, I like promoting digital products in the information age, they solve a big problem. They really help people, whether it's relationships, whether it's fitness, whether it's how to actually be an affiliate, and I go through that spiel, and I show them digital marketplace. I show them Clickbank. I showed them Digi store 24, then I let them know I said I'm giving you guys a lot of fish. But I want to teach you how to fish. So I'm not here. Just being that person when I'm going you don't know what to do. This is a digital marketplace for affiliate products. So when you search that in Google, you're gonna find more websites like this, and you can do that research. Then I go in there and even after that, they're like, Well, how will we promote these digital products? I said you can leverage other people's content. There's things called stitches, duets, then I go into products, like maybe a keto diet, especially right now I'm talking about health and fitness. I asked people in my life, I'm saying, Hey, you're gonna have a New Year's resolution, what's the number one thing you guys want to solve? Everyone's saying health or make money. Perfect. I show them a health or keto diet program. And I show them exactly how I would leverage existing videos on the internet by using either us or actually showing, hey, this is a keto friendly cookbook that I use. And here are some of the best recipes that I found on TikTok. That video, I give them the credit. And I tell them how to actually start that business. After I get done with this, this is at that point where people are like, Hey, how do I learn how to do this step by step. And I say, Well, if you want to learn exactly how I learned, this is the program I got to. And to go back to the point that you were saying about jargon, you'll have one or two people, a few people are like, Well, you got to set up an email list, you got to do that. So I look. And I start talking about all the other small little technical things, I'm going to discourage people and make them feel that they can't get started. Because of those things. I'd rather cross those bridges when you get there. Because if you start now, then you can pivot and start learning those other things. But if I tell you guys, so much really technical stuff that you don't understand, it's going to stop you in your tracks. That is why I'm pointing you to such a low offer that you can learn the foundation of this, and you have more education, if you happen to want to get into this full time. And when I say that guard goes down, people convert. And it's exciting for me, because I know on the other side, it's education, what it did for me, and if they work hard, they stay consistent, consistent, and they follow this path. Detach yourself from the end goal, just by the process. Anyone can be successful doing this, I want to say that, again, following the process and detaching yourself from the end result in the goal, you will be successful. The issue a lot of people have is they do this consistent work consistently. Some people say in two weeks, they haven't had any conversions. And then they get discouraged and they quit. It might not happen in your first week. Like other people, it might take a while to get people to know you like you and trust you. But the body of work that you do is going to compound and you're going to get those results. a little long winded. But I want to make sure people understand that.

Dave: Yeah. Yeah. There is a lot of gold in there, it is hard to really add to that. Then, you know, I think one other thing that has been helpful in my webinars is whether it be little lives that I've done and quite frankly, each one of these this morning that I do on wakeup legendary kind of a micro webinar, right. What we're doing here is we're educating a lot of the new people who are new to the community who are kind of scoping us out just going through the challenge. Why do you think I'm doing these every morning? I mean, do you think I'm doing these because I just you know I have nothing better to do or I am getting paid by Sirius radio and I know I'm doing these because I want to demonstrate to people who are existing or who are new. That a we Got a lot of people in our community and you can get a lot of different perspectives and see a lot of success stories. So that's number one, there's huge social proof. That's number two is, is that each and every morning, you know, I'm having conversations like this, educating folks, not particularly on the mechanics and details of things. That's not what these, this is a this is, although it's a value based show, what I'm trying to do is I'm staying at a high level, and I'm, I'm helping to, I'm helping people understand that this is a real business model. And I'm helping, of course, pointing a lot of our community to different people in the community to network with and learn from as well. But that's what I'm doing. I'm bringing up graphics, and showing little, you know, walkthroughs, like we're doing here, these are all micro webinars. And, and I don't five days a week, you know what I mean? That does Wednesday, but that along with our other advertising, along with our other things that we're doing here, as well as having affiliates, we're also doing, essentially micro webinars by going live and the truth, here's the truth, I don't prepare for these lives in the morning, I don't, it's not like, there's a big production team that's behind the scenes, I pull up to the table running over here this morning, just finishing up a yogurt, you know, having a coffee, you know, and and I'm going to just kind of go through whatever comes up, whatever questions come up, it, the point is showing up, and I'm showing people more than anything that what I've done using this business model, what I've done has changed my life. And it's changed the lives of 1000s of others. And overall, that's the biggest point that you're trying to make, is that what you're with these micro webinars also with your content, that what you have is real, in what you have to say and what you'll show them and where you can point them can change their life, because it's changed years and 1000s of other people too. Only not to teach the mechanics and get into all of the little details. And the truth about even webinars where you're selling a multi $1,000 product, when you get into the weeds, you actually hurt the sale. Because again, if you teach too much on the webinar, then they're going to go and try to implement what you've taught them versus buy. Or you're going to bring up questions and cause confusion and overwhelm. So your best strategy on any webinar, whether it's a live micro webinar, like you're doing on tick tock, if it's what like what we're doing here, or even if it's a, you know, webinar, where you're pitching a multi $1,000 product, you do not want to get into details, because you will overwhelm people and they will feel like it's too hard. You want to sell the story, you want to sell the testimonials more than anything. You want to show them the potential and that it's real. And then say, Would you like me to help you get started with this? If so, then let me talk about where we can send you to do that.

Paul: 100%. And I think people overcome complicated things. And there's a lot of people that get in this space. And they want to talk about the jargon because they're proud that they know this stuff. And they don't understand it. It's really alienating people. And they're following because they're like, they're watching this stuff. And I see a lot of people. And it all works for everybody differently. Like if you go through all these weight legendaries and you look at people, people talk about different strategies, some are the same. I think that I found out early on that I just like talking to people, you know, and I don't mind going live. It actually strokes my ego to get to talk to people, because the people that I'm talking to that's above me, I'm obviously trying to get there. And then the people that are next to me or want to learn what I've learned, they're really looking up to me when I come on, and people are like excited about this. And really, people are talking about my energy. And I'm like I'm getting from you guys. And you guys are not engaging and saying things. It's crazy to me. So for anybody that's going out there and you're proud about what they learn and they want to get into this. Leave the technical jargon out here. And I think you're trying to home in on that because the more you sound technical, you're going to get people to say, Hey, this is too much for me. This is how to make a website. I don't have to understand how to do this. And some people don't even know what funnel builders are. And you guys are talking about, like, oh, do I need a website? No, you don't need a site you were going to get a funnel builder and you're going to have this and I'm like, What the heck is a funnel? What is a builder? might be easier than somebody building a website from code, but they don't even understand what that is. So That's one of the conversations that I have when I'm around people. I'm like, anybody come in and start talking about technical stuff, because they're proud of what they've learned. I'm like, You're just confusing people at this point, let me show you how simple this can be for TikTok, and those pages, and I show everybody how they can leverage other content and mimic unnecessarily copy at all, but model other people's success, they get excited about it, because that's, that's one of the one you know that, that is, I'm going to do this. And I'm gonna promote this. And this is how I'm gonna get eyeballs on that offer. And it converts. So yeah, don't overcomplicate this, it is not that complicated. And you guys, at the end of the day, you're learning marketing skills. So you can go out there and one day, you might start your own product or service and, and I think affiliate marketing, I can do this for the rest of my life. But you never know what kind of passions you'll find when you start making some really good income, and you start doing multiple streams that spill all our dreams. So yeah, I think I think it's really important to go out there and, and then start doing affiliate marketing. I love it. I'm so grateful, honestly. multiple streams, what was that multiple takes multiple streams to fulfill the dreams, right? You have to have multiple different income streams to get what you want in life. And I think that that's very important. So a lot of people that get into affiliate marketing, I think that's the only thing they can do. I'm starting a brand right now, that is a clothing brand new apparel brand. And I am sourcing trash from the ocean, we've been into apparel. And this is not like slang was plugged in because I don't have a website or anything up. But I'm sourcing trash and trying to make a sustainable clothing brand by reducing the energy and the consumption of water for my clothing. And I'm really passionate about cleaning up the ocean, I know if we lose the ocean, we lose our life. And a lot of people are not paying attention to this. And I think it's a great time to get into this because I'm able to take my profits from my affiliate marketing business to dump a niche. And I would not have been able to do that if it wasn't for affiliate marketing. So I get to follow my true passion. Because I'm making income from this. And I believe I'm going to manifest a $100 million apparel brand through this actually and it's all because of Legendaries education and what I can do here as an affiliate marketer, changing other people's lives, and creating some really active income in the process. 

Dave: I am right behind you supporting that vision every step of the way, bro,

Paul: I appreciate it man.

Dave: Like, this is what I do this is why I do this is why I'm here is because I have you know, I hear dreams and visions, like what you just shared. And I want to try to help make that become a reality. Like, that's, that's how I fill my heart. And where I get my joy, you know, is from 1%

Paul: You're 100%. It's like every time I wanted to invest in this, it's like life happens and other things. And when you have just one job and an income, that job is nine to five, pay all your bills, wherever it is your side business. Start thinking about, you know, wealth, like everybody, some people get into this and that they can get rich quick, one of the things that I love, I think it's like a four and a five. And it talks about how to master the inner games of wealth. And I have the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. And it was on my desk the first time I went through the training and I'm like, this is a sign for me because this is what I understand that elusive but also attainable generational wealth, you can create that income. And you can start looking at things like I don't want a Lamborghini. I mean, it'd be nice, but I don't care about that stuff as much as the next person. But I do want to create products and services that impact the world in a positive way. And I think this program literally does that. And it's also positioning to me to do what I want to do on the back end because well, affiliate marketing, so yeah.

Dave: Well, gosh, I love the ocean. I mean, I'm right now in the process of shopping trying to pick out a boat that I like, just a fishing boat like nothing crazy. Not a big yacht. I'm also not like I'd rather rent somebody out if I'm going to go out on a yacht. I don't want that kind of maintenance. You know what I mean? I'm uh, I don't you know, I want to control things. I don't want to own everything. You know what I mean? I'm kind of more of that sort of wealth builder. I don't need lots of maintenance on a bunch of things I'd rather invest in. Yeah, like you said generational wealth and to just be smart with my money, teach my kids good values and stuff like that. But I am jumping a fishing boat because now that I've got my kids kind of to a place to where in this business to a place to where I have a little bit of time to be able to go back out and get into the ocean. It's one of my favorite places to be. And so, I love that we share that. You know, that love for the ocean.

Paul: For sure. I grew up in Michigan so the Lake Michigan was like the ocean for me if you've ever been to Lake Michigan If you haven't been there day, you have to go in the summers most beautiful thing, whether you're going up to capacity, Charlotte Boyd, Traverse City, or you're just going to like Grand Haven, but you can see 15 feet 20 feet clear through this lake up north and it will amaze you. If you start looking into it. I think it's rated like, third best beach for music and upper north Michigan, Northern Michigan, the third best beach in the world. So yeah, yeah, that's my TikTok right there, you can go follow me, like I said, my content is, it is interesting compared to the other affiliate marketers that you might, but I tried to do a really good job with connecting through my life. So like I said, I haven't posted a video, and probably 10 days or something like that. But I go live almost every day connecting with my people. So

Dave: It's kind of fascinating to think that Matt sent an email out because on Thanksgiving, we had that episode with Dana, the educator, the administrative educator from Massachusetts, we pre recorded that. And then we hit live on Thanksgiving, it was live, you know, so it looked live, right? Because you can do that on stream yards here on Facebook. And, Matt wrote, we can send out really powerful emails because we send out the replays of all these every week to our entire community. And he was talking about just the power of in that case, I spent the day before Thanksgiving, an extra half hour doing that interview. And people want to live as if it was live. And I don't know what I was doing. Right. But I was alive. And just to think for you in this business, not to say that you're not doing other things, I don't know. But you could be doing other things after you go live for 30 or 45 minutes during the day or an hour or whatever it is. And you say you haven't made a video on TikTok for 10 days. I mean, if you wanted to, and it sounded like you had some healing and grieving you needed to do this this year. Also, I love that this business model allows you that sort of time freedom when you set up a system like you've looked up to be able to not just ignore the business because this isn't a unit, because it's automated.

Paul: Yeah. So it's interesting that you say that I told myself and a lot of people try to do things really advanced, I told myself, I can make $100,000. And in a year that I'm going to take that process that I proved that it's successful, to run some type of ads and make this where it's even more automated. So I can focus on my apparel brand. And I'm going to do that. I literally told myself, I was not going to open up any of my awards, or plaques or anything that I got during this process until I literally have them in the boxes behind me still, like I don't care about them as much. I love them. And I'm proud of them. But I don't want to have my brain think I accomplished something. You're still working bro. Like still working like I mean, literally those boxes are right there behind oppo. So for me, those accomplishments are great. But I have a lot of work to do. And I'm learning and I'm feeling men to really understand what it is to build up big. I am fascinated by what you accomplished, honestly. And every time I'm thinking about it, I'm looking at things I'm like, how do people do this? How is this working and I'm, I'm really, really excited about her and I want to. I can't explain how grateful I am that I went through this program that people are on the fence and they're watching this video. Stop it You spend so much a year you went through education. The reason that you're on here watching this is because you feel either avoid or side you are saying like I want something more, I need to have some type of purpose and I want to create. And this is one of the best ways you can do it without having to go out there and don't know I just would. I've done drop shipping, running ads to horrible products that I spent more than the blueprint has cost me you know, so like, you might spend $1,000 testing a product that doesn't work, and your second, your third and your fourth product and then you say it doesn't work. It's not that you might not have found a successful product. In affiliate marketing, you can find products that are already converting and attach yourself to the process that they already have in place by understanding the marketing aspect of itself. That's how I feel about it, man. I'm grateful for nothing else. I'm trying to remind myself that every day

Dave: Yeah, well a good theme coming off in the holiday season. I do want to let everybody know and also congratulate you for hitting platinum rank, which would put you at that six figure earning Mark within a year. It's not a guarantee of income that anybody else is going to do the same, although we have many folks who have done that. But I just, you know, as you were talking and you said that I'd like to make 100k a year and I know you have other mult. I know you have other income streams, and you're doing other things, but just with us, the income that I know, it just was ironic. I went over and I looked at your back office in case you had hit Platinum with 100k in earnings on November 3.

Paul: Thank you, man.

Dave: That's a good way to end that's a good note to end on. We didn't even throw that out there at the beginning. No, y'all know that right here? In just right off of the back of him saying he had that goal, what if I can just earn 100,000? Well, I know. Because you have multiple streams that you've surpassed that you've made just from the income that I know about. So again, that's no guarantee most people who try online who joined any gym who invest in buying courses in our businesses, they all fail, mostly because they quit and don't do anything with it. Maybe they don't feel supported, whatever. But you did it. And we have a lot of people that have done it. And if you want it bad enough? Well, I don't think I need to add to anything that you've said. Because you've made the point clear. And the truth is, if any of you who are listening, want it. It's here, it's here for the grabbing and coming up at the beginning of another year. My question to you is, how is this going to be different than all the years before? And how can this be a defining moment in your life? How can this be a fork in the road for you not not to continue to do the same thing expecting to design. But to make a different decision, a powerful decision, and not a decision that requires a ton of work, we're not talking about going to the gym, and working out every day, I know, everybody's big, I'm talking about sitting your ass down at your desk. And just staying there for a while. Until you can give yourself a chance to actually get some results. And then you build on those results you get excited than you but I'm not even talking about you even got to lift the dumbbell you can eat whatever you want eat five guys in fat is as you want, I mean dad bought to make enough money, then you can take some time off and go to the gym and hire a nutritionist and you can have a you can challenge yourself to lose and all that weight that you gained from sitting your truth is that that, you know, I'm not going to say that health and fitness is not a great goal to have being healthy, is being wealthy. But I want to be financially free and get your time back.

Paul: Money is a tool if you can, if you can leverage it to get your time. It's the one thing that you guys can't get back is your time. So I'm more inclined to tell you guys to get your freedom and like you said, you are spending eight to 10 hours a day, 12 hours a day at a job fulfilling a person's dream who started that business that you're working eight to 10 hours fulfilling their dream and we get home and we're like, oh, I'm exhausted. I'm sitting on the couch, I'm gonna do this. I'm literally closing with this. But you should work at least two hours a day on your own dream. If you can dedicate eight to 10 to 12 hours for someone else's dream. Just keep that in your mind. You're going to work to fulfill someone else's dream. They started a business and they hired you guys to help them get their next Lamborghini or or whatever it is go out there and spend two hours on your own dream and figure out a way to make yourself because this is proof every single day you guys go live with people that are successful in it that have stayed consistent. And these are normal everyday average people like myself, so I'm rooting for every single one of you guys watching this video and I'm grateful for Dave sharp and legendary. I really appreciate you guys.

Dave: Alright brother, I will talk to you soon. We'll see you soon. Keep up the great work and I'm looking forward to talking to you to back on the show sooner than another year. We'll have you back hopefully in a couple of months. Absolutely. Take care brother. All right, but Alright my friends, you can see his TikTok handle and you can absolutely be Paul a part of your network and a part of your community as Paul's a part of our community here. @Paullivefreefrancis, the man with a plan this Monday and the man that you all heard it from the horse's mouth. It is possible that One year transition doesn't matter where you're at where you came from what you did before this it's possible we're not here to blow smoke up any answers we're not here with smoke and mirrors, here today gone tomorrow, banana in the tailpipe and all the other tricks in stuff that the goblins are using out there. I made a post in the Facebook group, it triggered a couple of people about not doing Black Friday. Well, you know what ain't gonna be no damn Cyber Monday deals either because you know what? Why would I want a product that one of our other customers paid full price for learn to know your value. This is not retail. We're not selling a t-shirt here. We're selling information that will change your life if you apply it and we're going to keep talking about it until you believe it. I love you. Get into the blueprints, finish the challenge. And my friends we'll see you back here for another episode tomorrow. Get out of here, be Legendary.

Making The Best Decision For Yourself And Your Business: 6-Figure Mastermind Week


Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends this is Dave Sharpe, welcome to Wake Up Legendary and we have a phenomenal guest this morning Stacy law so many of you know who she is. Without further ado we're running a few minutes late. Help me welcome to the show. Stacey La what's going on Stacey?

Stacey: Hey everyone. Hey, Dave, how are you?

Dave: I'm hanging out in Orlando. I'm not in my usual spot. Like I'm hiding in a basement somewhere. But, you know, at least a Wi Fi connection is good, I think. And so that's really all that matters. You know?

Stacey: That's right. That's right. 

Dave: You're in Quebec, Montreal.

Stacey: Close to Toronto. Yeah.

Dave: Okay. Okay. That's right. That's right. We were talking about the last trip that my wife and I took up too. Nice. So you are rockin’, you are going to be speaking to our mastermind. I'm so excited to hang out with you. Are you excited to come down here to Florida?

Stacey: I'm super excited. I can't wait. It's cold here now so it'll be great.

Dave: Hopefully it's not rainy then it's going to be, it's going to be a nice fall season. Nice winter season down here and we're gonna have fun. These masterminds are great. We do a mat for those of you who don't know, who do you know, 15 20,000 square foot mansions, and they're, they're just a lot of fun. We're gonna have some awesome guests. Stacy. Brian or Andre. Sarah Ravel is going to be there. There's going to be a lot of our teammates there, a lot of our advisors there and it's going to be a great time. So have you thought at all about what you want to know about what you want to train on?

Stacey: Yeah, I think I have. I mean, when I think I know what I want to talk about. It's pretty clear. It's kind of the basis of how I run my own business. That's really all that I can talk about is my experience in what I've learned and what I know and how I operate. So I know exactly what I'm going to talk about. And I'm excited to share it if it's not really like one specific thing. It's kind of just like my system and I'm excited to share it because I know a lot of people think things have to be complicated, but it doesn't, it doesn't have to be complicated. You can make you know your life and your business. As simple as you want. And you can be profitable at the same time. So excited to share that.

Dave: So tell us back a little bit just for people who don't know, you know, who you are and how you started with all those just give us that nutshell version of where you came from.

Stacey: Yeah, so I mean, I was like you know how everyone kind of starts their journey. I was working nine to five, sometimes more than nine to five I worked 12 hour shifts. They rotated from day to night and it was at a nuclear station. So my journey started because I also have a young daughter and as a mom, it's really hard work. Those long shifts and being away from your family and you miss out on so much and you miss out on things like birthdays and holidays and everything because I mean, you have to be at work because I mean you have to pay the bills, and I think everyone can relate to that. And then you know, a few years ago I started seeing different ways to make money online and that's I know, I started searching for that because I wanted to stay home and the only way I knew to do that was to try to use the internet to to make money in some way. I didn't really know how to do it, but I was starting on my journey to figure that out. Similar to you know, Andre kind of said the same thing to I started with dropshipping as well which is much more complicated and I think a lot of people realize it is it's much more expensive that a lot of people explained that it is and it didn't really work the way I wanted it to and it didn't provide the life that I really thought I wanted because I was still working so many hours I was working my shift, like like 12 hour shifts, but like come home and work, you know, hours on this and I need to get two hours sleep. So, you know, I kind of struggled with that for a while. And eventually I was like, You know what I don't have time to do, and I don't suggest anyone necessarily follows what I do because this is my own story. So I'm just telling it like it is, but eventually I was like I can't work 12 hour shifts and tried to start a business at the same time. Like I'm killing myself like my health was awful. I was exhausted. I still kind of spent time with my daughter and two hours of sleep was just awful. So I just decided to quit my job and go for it. Like I just decided to go all in I'm like if I don't do this now I'm going to like kick myself later in in and wish that I did. So I did what you know I don't necessarily suggest this. I just decided to go for it. I trusted myself and like I'll figure it out. And my husband was super supportive too and was like thank you just do it. Like we got this we'll figure it out. So um, I kind of struggled along for a couple years trying to figure trying different things like all kinds of different ways to make money online and then December last year, I came across legendary in affiliate marketing and I knew what affiliate marketing was. But it was just kind of like the last thing I hadn't tried yet for whatever reason and and I think it was meant to be because once i i decided to kind of go all in with the 15 Day Challenge. I decided to go for it. I was like what do I really have to lose at this point? I've tried everything out. I learned that like I just kind of said before running an online business doesn't have to be complicated. When you have like a process that works like what they show like in the 15 Day Challenge in in with affiliate marketing in general. If you have a business that runs well like that you can have like a great income and free time at the same time. So I mean, it's kind of all history now, since I started the 15 Day Challenge in December and now we're What 1011 months down the road for almost a year to when I started and like my life is it's completely changed and and it's been like a journey of learning, right? Because when you take any training course, you learn what you're supposed to do but then your job after that to continue learning and building on that and perfecting that process because it's up to you to make sure that you get what you want. And you need to always be like growing and learning and becoming a better person especially when you're building your own business. And try to do that for yourself because there's no boss that's going to tell you you know what, you gotta get up, you got to be here at this time. You need to do this for your business that doesn't exist when you quit your job and you're running your own business. So you need to be the one that's on top of that. So maybe a little bit more than a nutshell but that's kind of my story. 

Dave: There wasn't a word wasn't a word too long, or word too short. Perfect. It's yours and all that in fact to be your story.

Stacey: It feels amazing, because I think a lot of people can even relate to that when you're going through it. So when you first decide to do something new no matter what it is, in my case, it was starting this new online business idea when you decided to do that. It's a big mental struggle because you don't know if you're doing it right, right. You're following steps but you don't have the proof that you are necessarily doing you're doing it right you know it's possible because you see that it's working for other people but you're just going through the beginning motion so to go through 11 months and see that the following the steps that are set out for you and being you know, consistent and dedicated to that, that it can result in something amazing is such a great feeling because a lot of people I talked to just don't believe that it can like work.   Everyone uses that thing like will it work and that's not really like that concept is like false belief like everything works. But what you need to do is be dedicated and consistent and work through it. No matter what because if you don't go through the post that process like from beginning to end, it will never ever work. It won't work. So to see that when you actually do follow something through and it results in exactly what you want. And more is like an amazing feeling. It's great.

Dave: You have I mean your your with with the skills that you've developed obviously the hard work that you've put in I mean you're legitimately on your way to basically millionaire status I mean to build a millionaire business to generating a million dollars in in your in your, you know, solopreneur kind of button. I mean, you have no employees, you have no office building that I know of you have no you know, it's just it's such an unconventional business model. You have no you know, tools or equipment that you need. To buy like a restaurant and you're not going to be profitable for two or three years, like so many brick and mortar businesses. I mean, how does that feel to know? I mean, you've already accomplished huge, huge numbers. And I mean, both from your audience that you've built, also income that you've generated. I mean, how are you in your family taking all of that in?

Stacey: It's kind of surreal, really because we still live like we did before. Like we're not big on like, like flaunting and anything like that we're very like conservative that way because we we just want to live a life or we can just beat up and I think like knowing that we can like what you just said like what like we're about to achieve I say we because I mean I'm in the front of the camera but like my husband is definitely behind the scenes so like if it wasn't for him, I swear I wouldn't be where I am today use my my work. With them for sure. But I mean, knowing that you can accomplish that. And what we're about to accomplish is such a great feeling because we've always talked like, like, my husband's name is Craig, Craig and I have always dreamed of and knew what we were capable of, but we just didn't find the right path to get us there. And seeing that we're on that path like we're well down that path and we're we're able to achieve the things that we've always dreamed of is is very kind of surreal, because you know, I know a lot of people kind of like once they start making a lot of income they change their lives and they're like buying expensive stuff and sometimes they you know, kind of lose track of like reality and, and things like that. But, you know, we really try to stay grounded and be realistic because we know that like the work we put in now, if we're trying to build a foundation for our future for ourselves like our kids, we want to make sure that it's there forever. Like it's not really for us that we're doing it. It's for like, you know, our future generations of our family that we're hoping to build this for. So we're putting in the work now to really work hard to lay this out and hopefully solidify something that maybe you know, my daughter can take over one day or at least learn from and create something of her own using like the tools and using what she sees us doing every day. So if a lot hasn't really changed in our day to day life, we are still regular people. I mean like I get up every day in the same house, I drive the same car, I think about the other schools and the difference is I have so much more time to enjoy those things. And I didn't get to enjoy any of that before like we actually just renovated our house as well. And in working at my job I never would have been able to afford that ever, ever like it. It's kind of like I can't even put words to what it feels like but having the time to enjoy these things. It is better than the money in a way because you could have all the money in the world and if you don't have time to enjoy it, then what is the point? Right? So you need to find that balance between income and quality of life. That's what I think we're doing right now.

Dave: So do you have any new when you say I'm building something for my kids and building something for future generations? I mean, I think a lot of times that it is in for me. In the past I've heard people say that it sounded ambiguous. One of the things that my wife and I have begun to look at is like 15/20 years down the road. What is the world going to look like? You know where we live right now in Florida? Is there a possibility that that could be you know, underwater, that hurricanes could be not category fours and fives but sixes sevens and eights and it's no longer even a safe place to live. We don't know that that's going to happen for sure. Maybe that might be extreme thinking. But we've got a lot of, you know, real estate rental properties, our primary homes there so we're going in January and we're looking for some property in a different state somewhere. We're going to be looking for some homes in the mountains. To where we could potentially, you know, go there, retire, go there if need be, or also set up a place for our children in the future. That is already established in case there's a need to move out of where we live right now. I know that you had mentioned turning the business over and I kind of fantasize about that to my kids. I have no idea. Right? But have you have any other things come up for you and Craig about what other ways you could create both generational wealth but also, you know, pass along something that is valuable to future generations? I mean, and I don't want to minimize just skills and values in information. But what other conversations have you had or have had in the past that are now more of a reality like what are your goals now that you've started to accomplish some of them as Maslow, as Maslow says in his hierarchy, right until you meet your basic needs. You can't begin to make you can't move on to the next level to kind of focus on some of those higher level needs. Now that you've met and exceeded a lot of your basic needs, you know that for so many of us it was a struggle at one time. What are some of your bigger goals now like what do you want to do in the next year or five years or 10 years that may or may not even be business related, but because of your success, you're now able to talk about or even plan.

Stacey: So, I mean, it's funny that you're even saying what you said about potentially looking at like relocating in real estate and things like that, because I mean for us and what you just said kind of like hit the nail on the head because I actually had this conversation with husband just a couple of weeks ago and I said like now that we know how to generate income because and we've we've not really perfected it, because if you're always constantly learning, but when you do step one, which is having the ability to generate income when you need it and like you said fill your needs, that gives you the ability to then now grow the income who's generating it is one thing, but then if you really want to build something that is really valuable for for years to come, you need to learn how to also grow the income that you're that you're generating because if you just you can only generate so much right. So we've been thinking of many different things that well maybe not many, but like at least a few key ones that we're looking at. Now that we have like the income that we can actually invest into things like real estate and and maybe not necessarily even living here in Canada all like forever because I mean, Canada is great, but I mean, these last couple years that really put things in perspective and you need to sort of keep your eye on where the opportunities are and where you can take your income and play it in the best place. So real estate is definitely one, maybe not necessarily here in Canada, maybe in the state. And also my husband is very into it. He really enjoys learning about investing in different things as well. So having kind of a chunk of your income that you are willing to invest into something and just let it roll or you know see what happens with it. Not a lot of people have that ability to do that. Like when you have a savings account. A lot of most people your savings account is like for the rainy day emergency fund. And you don't touch it right because you kind of leave it but when you have the ability to create income when you need it. You can take a chunk of money that you can say I'm going to maybe take a risk on and put it into something that I'm not sure of and it could turn into something else. So that's something that we were never able to talk about before. We never had those conversations before because we like I mean, we barely had a savings account for like it didn't really exist. So like that has changed everything and it gives you a peace of mind knowing that even if you know all of that doesn't work if everything feels around, I still have the skills I know to just do it again. I can start over anytime and that's a great feeling. And we can do it all over and we'll be good no matter what.

Dave: Yeah, and you've learned and developed all these skills in the last 11 months. Yeah, most of you who are wondering, you know, how long is it going to take me to develop skills to enter into a new market or career and start? You know, here is a great example and you see these day after day as we're as we're interviewing people here on the show live five days a week. Stacey's story is beyond inspirational and it's truly an example of what you can do if you're super focused. And you take this in treating your business like a business and like a hobby, but you see this every day and we hear this over and over Stacey that people have started three months ago or four months ago. And maybe there's something that's magical and unique about Legendary I don't know because I'm not paying attention to what everybody else is doing. But we have a lot of people who in the 3469 month period have gone through our training and have taken those skills and truly built something that is not just a couple of dollars here or there. That's a significant income stream significant windfall, but most importantly, what you what you talked about is a skills that you cannot take away and that is also what I think so many of us underrate and undervalue is the fact that even if you took everything away from me today, even if you took everything away from you, Stacey today, you and together with with your your partner, your husband, you know how to go in generate revenue, you know how to generate leads, basically, you know how to generate leads, and you know, how to generate sales and quite frankly, as I was talking about in a decade in a day training for new blueprint students this morning, these are skills that you can actually take to any industry promoting any product and make it a success. It's not you know, marketing always takes work. You have to find angles, you have to understand the psychology of who you're talking about. So it's there's there's there's both mechanics and dynamics of this process. But the truth is, I call these transferable skills, because Stacey, even if somebody said, Whoever would be too powerful to come in and say, Okay, you can never work on the internet ever again. You have to go and start an offline business, right? You could take the lead generation and marketing skills that you've learned and developed over the last 11 months. And you could be much more successful with that business than if you didn't have those skills. And thankfully, there's nobody that powerful yet yet who can tell you that you can't use the internet. So, you have this power, you have the skills, you have these powerful platforms that you know, even if you and this happens all the time, like we lose a channel or we something happens where you know, we have to pivot or we have to, you know, something, something stops working as well and we have to go and start marketing on another platform. Whatever you have the timeless principles, the skills that it requires to generate leads to first understand who your target customer is. speak that language that hits makes them feel understood. generate those leads, collect emails, build a list, and then pass them along. To to at the very minimum. If you weren't selling a coach course, or a coaching program course or doing an event, pass it along to a product that you're an affiliate of, and have a stream or multiple streams of income that is so underrated. I think people just have this mindset of like, get rich quick in the middle and understand the long term value of possessing the skills.

Stacey: Absolutely like I did not agree more with that when I talk to people in their first question: do you know about money? Like how much can you really make that much? I always have to stop and say, Okay, first like it's definitely possible, but you're like you're missing the big picture. Like those questions are very near-sighted because when you learn something like that, like what you just explained, and you literally have the ability to take that anywhere like you just said and in generating revenue, like those skills are assets that are so much more valuable. than the money because Okay, yeah, sure. Let's just say you just follow steps mindlessly without taking in what that what you're actually doing and you didn't learn and here you go, like here's however much money right, that money will be gone and then what do you do? What do you do, you know, that's gone like you don't have those steps to take again. So I mean, the skills alone are much more valuable than any money that anyone can give you because then you can do it on your own. You don't have to wait with your hands out for somebody to put money in there like paying your bills like you can do that for yourself and it's a forever thing, right? It's something that you can always do continually. So I try to, you know, put that into perspective for people when they're just so focused on, you know, how quickly I can make the money because it's not about that. It should never be about that. And if that's what your main focus is, you most likely won't succeed either because you're not focusing on the right thing when you're going through the journey of starting your business. Because when you're starting a business, that should never be how much money we're making today. It should always be how much more am I improving my business? What additional things that I learned today that I could put towards the business later to improve it? And what other opportunities have I looked for today that I could maybe get into later? And how am I continually improving my business and myself along the way, because when you focus on those things, you will generate income naturally without even really focusing on it because it will come to you when you're focused on that and actually genuinely helping people solve their problem because that's really the heart of any business, solving a problem. And helping people do that like that is when you will succeed. It really doesn't have anything to do with focusing on money.

Dave: You can see my email, right. Yeah, I can see it. Yep. So what you said is, it's all just so perfect. And it's I hope that I hope everybody we said that in a way that you were able to really hear it because it's just such an important part of this whole, this whole process. And I know it feels like what the hell are you talking about? Don't focus on the money and we're not particularly saying, just do things mindlessly. Even if they don't make money, surely pivot if what you're doing isn't working. But what we're saying is focus on, on adding value, on understanding the needs and the pain points of your customer. So when they hear you speak, they can say wow this person really understands me. And once you get that language down, you know, generating leads building an audience converting sales becomes much easier because people can sniff and smell whether you're being desperate and just trying to sell them something versus whether you're really you know, whether you really understand that I want to go back to something that we were touching on a second ago was this Maslow's hierarchy of needs and the fact that where most of us are is just in these kind of two first two categories of of life and we never get out of them, which is just trying to meet our physic physiological and our safety needs. And kind of what the what the concept of this this, which this guy this guy you know, Abraham Maslow was definitely somebody who kind of, you know, learned a lot borrowed a lot from a lot of, you know, psychology, legends like Sigmund Freud and auto rank and Carl Rogers and I could go into a whole I'm going to be releasing a really in depth training on a lot of a lot of these concepts here really soon. But what I want to talk to you guys just briefly about that I think will resonate with a lot of you is that, you know, a lot of us are just trying to meet these basic needs and his concept his philosophy is like what you can't really move on to creating space and focusing on some of these other needs until you meet the need below it. So we can't really focus on love and belonging, like friendship, intimacy, family sense of connection, because we're always so busy trying to meet our safety needs, like our employment or resources. You know what I mean? Like our money we're trying to, like what happens in this modern society is everybody's so focused on physiological and safety needs, that you know, the divorce rate is well over 50% You know, kids are growing up without their parents and it's not just because their parents left home, it's because they're always at work. You know, we have a society full of people with low self esteem and why Instagram and social media blew up so big is because everybody's trying to take selfies and get status and recognition and self actualization like the desire to become the best version of yourself. And doing true inner work never really happens because well, I mean, we can't even get past our safety needs because we're always working trying to make money. And what happens is, these first three to four needs are like really deficiency needs, so your motivation decreases as your needs are met. So for a lot of people, like once if you're always just focused on money, and then you get a little bit of money. Like if that's the only way, if you're not moving up trying to take the next step in where you can like, like once you meet your money needs you were talking about like really leaning into family and stuff. Well, the motivation for getting more of these needs. If you don't continue to grow, it kind of decreases whereas the motivation increases once these needs are met. Like once your self esteem and your self actualization needs are met. You actually know, if you can focus on that on a regular basis, your motivation to continue to do that increases, right so it's kind of like this, it's kind of like this you know, this is weird, like it's like a backwards its backwards in a sentence. You can also see, this is I think, a great great graphic that shows you that you know, your psychological, your physiological and your safety needs. Are more of your surviving needs, right? Whereas these love, belonging, esteem and self actualization are more of your thriving needs. And the reason why and maybe you guys can relate to this who are listening and I know I can't write because I mean, I was in surviving mode for so long because I could never get past those physiological and those safety needs and if I go back to my addiction days, like back in pre 2008 Like I wasn't even in the safety I was just in the physiological like shelter and food. You know what I mean? Like before we got clean and started putting my life back together. But for those of you who are wondering why you like it, why it feels difficult to get out of just always chasing money. You know, it's because we have until we meet that need, we can't lean into some of these other needs because those are based on needs. You know what I mean? The air, water, food, shelter, sleep, clothing, reproduction, that's a basic need till that need is met. That's going to be the predominant need that you have to focus on in your life. And then once you do that, you move to safety, your personal security, your employment resources, health property, like until those needs are met. That's going to be the primary need that you focus on. So it's going to be very difficult to move in to focus on family, and in a sense of connection and then into esteem and self actualization. And that sucks, right? That sucks. Because I, you know, the people for me when I when I was focused on just making money and but only my personal security and so forth, like of course I had low self esteem, because, you know, I would never really I was never able to focus on meeting that need of focusing on building my self respect my self esteem, my status, my freedom, right? Isn't that interesting that freedom is connected to a steam like having freedom, the freedom to be able to do what you want and move about as you wish is connected to a steam versus being told to sit in a cubicle. Or report to a job and clock in right. Of course that's attached to esteem because that's not how we were designed to be, you know what I mean? We were designed to roam freely and have freedom. So like what I'm hearing from you, is I'm hearing that now that you've met like a lot of like that, that need basically that safety need that financial need that that that you know that need to have safety with within your property, you know, within your career you've met that need now you're moving into, you know, family to intimacy to self esteem, right? Even self awareness and self actualization to where you're getting with your husband and you're looking into the future does that resonate with you and did that graphic of when we look at it from that perspective, does that make sense?

Stacey: Absolutely, because like in let me know if you can hear me cuz I think my head's just turned off. But like, that chart is exactly like it's funny seeing that because that is exactly how it felt. It felt like it was constantly a struggle in the order of like that, that pyramid is, is is almost like what my journey looked like. I mean, I'm definitely not anywhere near the top yet. I mean, I'm working my way up there. But when you're constantly just wondering how you're going to pay your bills, and what are you going to do it's like it's impossible to even think about anything above that stuff. You just can't even if you try for a minute. Maybe you could distract yourself with something, you know for short term but in the back of school for me anyways, in the back of my mind, I'm constantly thinking of that. And it's kind of a funny process when you actually make it to a step you've never been to before because it's almost like that way of thinking is a habit too because when you know that you are you know you're good with you know, you your safety is good. Like your needs are met. And now you have like you said the freedom to think about your relationship and what you're going to do with your time. You have to almost train your mind to not think about those bottom two steps anymore. Because you're so used to doing that that it's really hard to not worry and that's kind of some that's one of my personal struggles like a being like really open is is like the worry of you know what's going to happen I'm I was always I've always been that warrior, but I think I'm realizing now that it's a habit. So that whole path up to the top of the triangle is really like a personal journey you have to take because the smaller the step, the more difficult it becomes mentally. So the bottom two, I would say are kind of like it's almost like a physical struggle because you're going out you're doing the work to get past those steps to actually step up to the next one. But once you get past the personal you know, the safety and the physiological needs, the everything above that is all a mental thing. So it's a shift. So it's, it's like this whole experience has been so amazing because you learn so much about yourself and what you're capable of and that things that you didn't think maybe you you had the ability to do, like maybe you thought you weren't really great at relationships, or maybe you thought, you know, you weren't great at interacting with people or things like that. But really what it was is that you didn't have the freedom to actually think about those things and give yourself permission to do that. So, so many great things come from, you know, you know, and everyone says, oh, you know, like, it's just starting an online business but it's so much more than that. It's fulfilling every part of your needs. Like it's fulfilling everything. It gives you the ability to be who I think you're actually meant to be and you see your real personality and your strengths come out when you are able to actually just step up and meet those needs that you've been struggling with for so long. So it's just like I'm beyond thankful for this. Everything that I've learned and everything that all of the people that I've met and helped me along this path during this, you know, last 11 months. It's things that I never ever thought I would ever be able to do and it comes from hard work because it isn't easy to step up past those last two steps like you just said those are the most difficult things to do. But if you're willing to really put in that work and dedicate an amount of time and is a short amount of time, in the grand scheme of life to really like if you know somebody told me it would take a year you have to work your butt off for entire year but if you do that you will have like, what you always dreamed up like would it be worth it? And of course I don't know anyone who would say Oh, I know and maybe there's people who would say no to that. But to me, like a year of investment in working my time is so much it's worth it like it's worth like I can't even really explain it but like I think you kind of see where I'm going with this. It's just an amazing feeling.

Dave: Well, I'm gonna say exactly where you're going and I see where you are and I see how your words match your actions. And to me that's what's inspirational and what shows me and I think everybody else like what's possible with this and so, like I just I want to give I want to give everybody so much of you but I also want to I want to encourage those of you who are you know coming to the mastermind to get registered and come and you know, meet you in person and listen to you talk in person and like kind of sit next to us and be in the same room with us. And see that we're just, you know, regular people who sometimes, you know, you know, it may seem like we're, you know, I don't know, I don't know how it seems when you're looking at somebody online or whatever. I think we can tend to put people on a pedestal, but we're really just, you know, I know Stacey when I meet you, you know, just a regular person just like me like anybody else and I know that some of you who have mastermind tickets, you know making that decision to come it's you know, it's it can be it can be a scary one like to come like might feel intimidated or something I just want to assure everyone that you know, this oftentimes when you get in the room with people who are succeeding at high levels in and you see that they're really no different than you you know, they're really they just it's it's in here and the thing that's different it's just in here there's there's been some small tweaks. There's been some you know, maybe that person has worked hard enough to get through but and you're going to talk about your day to day kind of operations and process. You've used that to get past that kind of grind and need to meet your financial needs. So now you've grown in other areas you've you've evolved now you're starting to lean in, and when you bond more and spend more time with your family, you become a more well rounded person, you have less guilt and shame because you're not, you know, away from them so much. So you begin to speak with more confidence because you know, you're taking care of the things you're putting your priorities in order you know what I mean? You're in you're in, then you're building your self esteem because you have freedom. And I'll tell you if you folks want to have just like in that Maslow's hierarchy pyramid said if you want to have the ultimate confidence if you want to be able to believe in yourself and you look at are you here, Stacy or some of these other folks talking and you think they sound so sure of themselves? How do they sound so sure about what they're talking about, and they speak with such conviction? Well, it's because they've gotten to this place to where they've been able to access some levels of freedom. And with freedom comes just great like it says esteem and you feel more powerful you feel more like You're almost like your ancestral self you know what I mean? Like you're you're not, you're not shackled by the the cubicles in the chains in the punch clocks, you know, in the bosses, the jobs in the traffic of today's society, and I'm telling you that can really that can that can man that can bring a brother and a sister down, man that can make us feel just like the world's on top of us. And when you get you start to push that off of you and gain back some of that freedom. You feel more like you're on top of the world, not egotistical, but just more empowered, right.

Stacey: Oh absolutely. Like it's like being able to when that moment when you achieve the thing that you kind of always been holding up there right like you've been reaching for like that moment, and it doesn't matter what it is, whether it's something small like it can be like, it honestly can be anything, but when you get that like that feeling like the day that I walked on my job, like I'll never forget that like looking at that that nuclear station behind me I'm driving away and knowing that I never have to go in there, wear work boots, put on a plastic like never do any of that again, was so liberating. And I didn't even have anything I didn't. I wasn't making any. I didn't know what I was going to do. Tomorrow when I'm locked in there. But just being able to do that is just like a boost to your inner self right? Knowing that you actually can make a decision for yourself. It's possible because people tell you your whole life. It's not that they tell you you have to follow the system. Do all these things. Get a job you know, work to your hover over time, then when you retire. You get to make choices for yourself but not until that. So when you actually finally realize that you are quite capable of making decisions for yourself that are in the best interest of yourself. That feeling alone is bigger than anything else and that is what's going to drive you forward when you realize that you are capable of choosing for yourself and making decisions to choose what your future is going to look like. That is where your strength and where your drive comes from in at least for me that's where it what it is for me knowing that I can provide for my family in the way that I want to and I can create the future that I want to see for myself is is what keeps me going and really drives me because you don't a lot of the times you just don't realize that when you're just going through the motions of regular life and going to your job and getting up and driving in traffic like you said and sitting there and the same thing every single day that you didn't necessarily choose you're just doing it because you have to. So I mean that's a lot of it is just coming to that realization and I think when people like finally succeed it's when they finally that clicks when they finally realize I am capable of doing this and I can make decisions for myself and I can do what I want.

Dave: Yeah, it's not just an empowering moment. It's a way to literally take back your power, you know, and move back into a sort of mindset of owning your life. You know, and we all tie this back to the skills that we're developing here. I mean, it's all just about stepping out of what the stripping off of the road that others have paved for me, right which is basically a road from you know, high school to college. That's the next step on the road to the factory, you know, in the factory can be the New Dealer plan, it can be just the EPA office, it can be the, you know, it could be the grocery store, it can be what other other, you know, Job is there on it along the way. There's exits, you know what I mean? There's exits off of that, and those exits are scary. Those exits, you know, in many cases, they're they're they're mirages right because there's people out there sure many of us have tried lots of different things. But but when you you know when you sit on these shows every day and you tap into this community that we have here, and you hear this day after day, and you see people did morning after morning, and all of the stories of people who have essentially kind of taken that exit off that highway Have you know had somebody else paid me that's that systematic. You know, I think maybe, yeah, there's definitely I gotta use the right words too, because for some people, it's right like we, this is not right for everybody. You know? Like, this is not right for everybody. But I mean, if you're sitting here and you're listening to Stacey and me this morning, and you're shaking your head and you're going oh, my language like and I think a lot of for a lot of us our whole lives, we felt like we didn't speak like the same language like they were talking literally a different like we're sitting here, going into an office with a boss and they're all kind of joking around the watercooler and I'm sitting I remember me, I'm sitting around going, how do I get out of here? Like how do I get out of here? I never want to be comfortable here. I never want to be comfortable at nine to five. I never want to be comfortable and complacent. Because eventually I'm going to forget you know, like I'm gonna lose that, that drive and that motivation. I think that's what happens after decades and decades of being in that environment. That sort of society has been built for us . We stopped when I was five years old. She's like such a big dreamer, like you can look and naturally we are dreamers. Naturally we want to build naturally, we want to be free. And I think just from over years of just this sort of societal, you know, kind of road to, you know, a prison without walls. We, we kind of lose that, that, that dream that dreamer inside of us, and we'll get that back and or we get around people who are talking the language that we're talking, if this is getting fired up in you, then you're probably meant to be here. You're probably meant to hear this message. So don't stop until you fulfill those needs at the bottom. So you can get into those families so you can get into those self esteem needs. So you can begin to not just not just benefit from the physical rewards of this like the money in the house, but until you can, as you said, the experience some of that that esteem growth right some of that, the freedom that is for me, I think been one of my most empowering, you know, experiences that I've ever had. It's just a matter of fact, I was talking with my wife the other day and we you know, we were we were all we're always so aware of any situation that I might get into to where I feel like I'm sort of being told what to do you know what I mean? Not Not that I'm not able to follow rules enough that I might not able to be a good citizen, because I can follow you know, societies, like for example, like, you know, over the last couple of over the last couple of years, like I've gone along with doing what I can to keep people safe, right? I'm not talking about that stuff. I'm talking about like, on a day to day basis, like with work and stuff like that, like I want to feel free. I want to be able to be creative, I want to be able to make my own hours, and even if it's a struggle, focusing and being committed and being disciplined at the beginning, like I want to have a chance to be able to develop those skills. And for me, it took a little bit longer to develop like structure and like I didn't get my wife's help, honestly because she's really structured and organized, but I want to be the one who has a chance to develop that. You know what I mean? Like I don't want to be told you have to be here at nine and you're like, I don't want to be told that I want to develop that structure in that plan. If I'm going to work out I'm going to eat better. Like I want to develop that. I want to have a shot to design that lifestyle versus you know, having somebody tell me when to eat or when workout you know, and yeah, you know what I mean? Stacey: So yeah, I've been really empowering for me, and I feel it adds so much to my self esteem. So yeah, it's almost like it gets to the point. Yeah, it's like it gets uncomfortable when you've been. It's uncomfortable when you almost try to fit yourself back into that box. Again, you don't fit anymore. You just don't fit and that's the easiest way I can explain it is just, you don't fit so it's just not even worth it to try to go down that path because you know, I know who I am now and I know what I'm capable of. So I'm not. I would never like there's no, I would never go back. There's no way I couldn't. I'm not that same person.

Dave: Well, listen, I could obviously talk with you for hours about this stuff, because it's just so interesting. I think there's a level to this, right. I mean, I think one of the one of the really cool things that we do around here is we talk about the different levels not just you know not we were teaching people how to fish versus just giving them fish I think why this is I think that's that's my hunch. This is my guess why we have a lot of successful people who are growing. We're learning we're earning in lots of different levels and lots of different ways just because we're focused not just on the mechanics, but also on the dynamics and that's what I'm going to be talking about. A lot of the mastermind coming up is going to be a lot of these dynamic pieces. I'm going to bust out some of my training that I haven't done before that I've been developing sort of behind the scenes and go over some of the concepts that have helped me to grow to these next levels and achieve things that I wouldn't have ever guessed were possible. So, again, I could talk with you about this for a long time, but I'm going to let you go because we have to leave a little to be desired for those of you to remember, you know, and I'm just Stacey. I'm looking forward to seeing you there and thanks for your time today and, and just just stay Legendary and keep rockin. 

Stacey: Okay, all right, thanks. Can’t wait to see you guys in person!

Dave: Alright, see you later. All right, you can go and follow Stacy at the link here that I'm showing on the screen and she is a force of nature? Yeah, I mean, she's awesome. She really she really is and it's so cool to see to have these conversations, you know, kind of behind the scenes with all these great entrepreneurs and marketers in our community because, you know, it's one thing to watch them do their thing and it's another thing to hear the the journey behind you know, their business and how they got to where they're at and kind of, you know what, it's what it's like, and, you know, it's just it's really cool, like, as you can see, like, it's really cool. Like I get so fired up to hear these stories of that kind of startup entrepreneur who you know, just 11 months ago, you know, got started so, and now has rocketed. So go get registered. If you have a mastermind ticket. We'll see you in Orlando. I'm actually right around the corner from where we're going to be just right here this weekend. So it's awesome here. It's going to be a great event. There's obviously the house, the surroundings, the environment is going to be great, but the best is the people, the people who are going to be there, you will feel safe, you will feel connected, you will feel a part of because that's the vibe that we have within our community. And within our family. And so come with an open heart and with an open mind get registered today while spots are still available. You have to have a mastermind ticket. And yeah, we'll see you there and we'll see on Monday. Peace out, get out of here. Love you all bye.

Why Affiliate Marketing Is your Best Side Hustle Option: 6-Figure Mastermind Week

 Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends this is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary and Six Figure Mastermind Week, why do we call it that? Well because we know most people have a goal of making six figures and everybody that you're listening to is building a six figure multiple six figure on their way to a seven figure business this week and those who are speaking at the mastermind and those who will be masterminding with in Orlando on December 3, fourth and fifth of this year, are all going to essentially have what you want and that doesn't mean in every respect of life, but you know, when I got clean back in 2008 I was looking for a sponsor or mentor. It's kind of typically what you do when you're going down a path that you've not gone before and they said find somebody who has what you want and if you want, what they want, or if you want, what they have, do what they do. And so, this week, we're going to try to give you a deeper look at what they do. And then of course at the mastermind, as I said in the in the letter that I wrote you which will link to that if you look in the pin down in the comment section that I believe that people just speak a little bit more or with less filters right let's put it like that in person in a mastermind. So I found that you get a little bit more behind the scenes a little bit more real talk a little bit more. This is what happened a little bit more of the Hey, it looked on purpose, but it was actually a big mistake and I ran with it, you know, the real stories, the juicy stuff, you know, which I have many of as well and I oftentimes share sitting around a table at a mastermind or as I'm smoking a cigar or whatever right or in front of the room and today's guest is no stranger to all kinds of different experiences as an online marketer. He's somebody who is well known within our community and quite frankly, well known at this point. All over the internet. So if you all would help me welcome Brian Brewer. What's up brother? 

Brian: Hey, what's going on? Dave, thanks for having me on here today. Thanks for everyone who's tuning in on the live and of course watching the replay later on as well. Good to be here. Dave: Yeah man, I'm looking forward to hanging out in Orlando

Brian: So excited, I got my plane ticket. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it.

Dave: What are you looking forward to most?

Brian: You know, in person, that there's just something magical about it. You know, it was an in person event. Well, two months ago now it was in September and excited to be at another one. And this is just a different dynamic. There's different things that happen like you said, people are more real, more raw. You get the opportunity to really ask people questions about their business. what's working what's not working, and you really get the good stuff because, you know, we're here on content and trying to add value and stuff like that. We're trying to help people get results and we're trying to get reached, let's be honest, you know, so it's a little bit more buzzy when you get the man right. That's when stuff gets real and that's when the life changing action happens. So I know I'm gonna learn a ton. You know, I know I'm invited. There's a speaker and it's a tremendous honor and I really appreciate it. I plan on bringing a ton because I know I'm going to learn a ton while I'm there. So I'm super excited. 

Dave: Yeah, when you're putting out content, you're focused on marketing. You're focused on generating leads and sales. I mean, ultimately, whether we, you know, whether we all want to believe it or not. I mean, oftentimes, and I know Brian's your content is so good that a lot of times if somebody is watching it, they feel like you're talking right directly to them. But the truth is that you're a fellow creator, in each one of you who are here who likes it in our community or fellow creators. The truth of the matter is that Brian is talking to you but he is talking to other people talking to consumers who are thinking about becoming creators. We're thinking about building a business online. And so there's a different conversation with a bunch of creators you get in a room, versus if it was just one Creator, and then all consumers right. If you're at say, for example, a Tony Robbins event right? He's not there with the same mindset as everybody else in the room. He's there to basically deliver a bunch of value that's his TikTok, his TikTok is the stage and he's gonna deliver a bunch of value and ultimately he's going to make a pitch on Saturday night. How do I know? Well, because I've been there for right and it was literally a six hour pitch, you know what I mean? I mean, it started after dinner and he actually gave us action at like 11pm at night. And I don't know if his strategy was to just get us so exhausted that we were just like, Okay, we'll buy let us out of the room, but either way, it was very effective. And when you get if it was all just a bunch of like Tony and you and me and you know Dean Graziosi and Russell Brunson or whoever a bunch of creators in the room, there's going to be a different conversation and that's kind of the field that I get at our masterminds. We've got a lot of creators in the room and people are kind of sharing secrets and so forth. I know you were at the Clickfunnels event, not too long ago, and this is going to be a bit different. It's going to be smaller. It's going to be at a big mansion in Orlando. You know, it's a different vibe. Brian, I know this is also going to be your first mastermind it's a little bit of a different vibe to to bring people into an environment that can help them dream a little bit, you know, to look around at a house like that and say, I could live in this one day, you know what I mean?

Brian: Yeah, that's it. And that's, that's I mean, that's what's so cool is you come out of those events, you come out of there inspired because, you know, obviously, I love my family, but none of them do what I do, obviously, I love my close friends, but none of them are in the same business that I'm in. And when you start talking to people who are either in the same business or aspiring to do very well in the same business, it's a different dynamic and you end up coming away like you said, dreaming a little bit bigger and a lot of times, that's what it takes because if your goal is to make 1000 a month, you'll probably hit it if your goal is to make 100,000 a month you'll probably hit it so you know obviously it's gonna take a little bit longer but that's what that's what can happen when you get in a room with all those type of people just start setting the bigger goals. 

Dave: Yeah, so what are you thinking about? holding back the curtain on the upcoming mastermind? 

Brian: Yeah, it's gonna be great stuff. I'm super excited. You know, obviously I love getting on camera. Nowadays. Let's not get it twisted here when I first started getting on camera back in late 2016. I absolutely hated it. And I was terrible at it. But now I really love going out there delivering the value. But But But speaking in person is gonna be amazing and there's going to be a lot of good stuff. And I really have a more principle focused right like there's always tactics, there's things that are working right now. But when you can break it down to principles, tried and true things that help you become a better marketer, a better entrepreneur, a better seller. You know that that's really what changes lives. So I'm really gonna dive into that, you know, it's funny you were talking about earlier in this live here today and you were talking about value and content and all that stuff and things change a little bit your marketing. I will most definitely talk a lot about value at the mastermind because this idea that I've started to become obsessed with a little bit is the idea that not all value is created equal. And I think that's what's lost on a lot of newer marketers and newer entrepreneurs. They see the value that I try to bring they see the value that you bring not only with your paid products Dave and and everything that legendary marketer has, they see the value that you bring, you know, on these, you know, daily lives or five day a week lives and just all the stuff you're doing to try to help people out. I know Matt, when that goes live with special training, you know, that's, that's, that's great. But there's a little bit of confusion, I think, to what value really does and in what value actually moves the needle in your business. So what I mean by that is people see these values, these people create value, so they think okay, cool. I'm gonna go put together this worksheet that helps people well, I'm going to go give people my seven secrets for for creating tic tac to go viral and I'm going to hand this out and I'm going to send them an email list and I'm going to offer this as a lead magnet on tic tac and I'm offer this as a lead magnet, a Facebook group or reengagement, my Facebook group, and then they wonder why people don't buy why they don't make more money every time they release more value. In really well focus on and I want to focus on and help people understand is value really, is to sell in the simplest way to think about this value has to break down false beliefs and rebuild them with new ones that give people the confidence and give people the desire to buy the things that we want them to buy. Because if we don't sell if we're not, you know, helping people move up the value ladder if we're promoting Legendary Marketer if we're not selling that high ticket stuff at the end of the day, we're just not going to make a whole lot of money. And that's unfortunate. You draw I mean that is a killer little motto or something that I think can really stick to the brain. All value is not created equal. 

Dave: And you're right. Value is, you know, value is a big ambiguous word that is thrown around a lot that a lot of people think that they understand what it means. But if what you're saying or what you're teaching, or what you're training or what story you're telling inside of a piece of content does not frame the next step properly. It's not going to be effective. And that's why I think a lot of people when they first get into the kind of copycat marketing game, which happens a lot when people first get started. And in sort of, I think try to avoid actually getting good training and understanding the principles like you were talking about. Because if I go in and I just start throwing spaghetti at the wall, look at what other people are doing and just try to copy I might get lucky here might get lucky there but I didn't really know why it worked. And if it fails, it becomes even more frustrating. And so these principles that are around and have been around since the dawn of time, I mean even before the internet when guys were writing sales letters that were going out to mailboxes and people had to sit down and read the sales letter and they had to they had to you know then then mail a check back with you know, cut the little piece of paper out and say check I want this Here's the address to send a little info pamphlet or book or or VHS tape or eight track tape or whatever it is that I'm buying. Right, send it back to this home address. Then they ship the check off and they wait another 14 or 21 days for the product to get there. I mean that requires a different element of salesmanship. And ultimately, I mean, we'll have to sell, we don't have to become great at selling. Right? But I do believe there's an element of salesmanship to where you have to know, you have to sell somebody on your idea. And I think that's why people from Gora financial which is like a big umbrella of, you know, information marketing financial products, different newsletters. This is a company that's doing upwards of a billion dollars in sales. And if you Google agora, you're not gonna find anything because agora owns a bunch of different mini brands Right? Like I believe Stansbury research, and like the Palm Beach letter. If you go look at those, you'll see what I'm talking about if you kind of get into their funnels and such but these are these are these are companies that use nothing but direct response copy nothing but copy in any time in nothing but their whole business model is driving paid traffic to a landing page. To a sales page that sells a $49 usually $39, $49 $69 one year membership to a newsletter, which just gets sent out every month. And then there's various upsells and then you just get hammered with emails for the next two years, selling $2,000 products, other information products right from the email. So you look at a business like that and you ask, you know, they don't, they're not even really generating traffic from TikTok. They're not even on Instagram. These are guys whose sole focus is copy and they deliver. They're big ideas, right? What is the big idea that I can that I can that I can lay out using stories using examples using data from the past and all of that is basically going to be embedded in my sales letter to where at the end I'm going to ask for a purchase. And I think that because we see so many Brian like content creators out there nowadays online. Who are only creating content just to go viral just to get views we confuse content creation and adding value with that with true direct response marketing salesmanship which has value and stories and all already embedded. That's a part of direct response. salesmanship. And when you look at the greats like the John Carlton's the Gary Halbert, the David Bencivenga has the the, you know, the Eugene Swartz that Dan Kennedy's you look at even the modern day legends who have created offers if you go and look at any of my sales videos or any other great sales video webinar that you sit through, there's a portion the majority of that portion is its its its value, but what it really is, is it selling somebody on the big idea through stories and examples. And it's framing that offers for them to buy it. Do you agree with that? And that is absolutely 100% That's exactly what I'm talking about. So it's interesting when you start talking about how you make that simple, Brian? 

Brian: Yeah, so simple. Yeah. So I'll give you an example of something

that I do in my marketing on the back end. That is a perfect example of what we're talking about here. But before we do that, you know, when you talk about, you know, agora publishing stuff like that where you say, they are, you know, selling a $49 product. Let's say and then hammer you with emails to sell $2,000 products on the back end. If we look at a principle of that, really, what's the point of that front end product just to generate leads, hopefully at breakeven to generate leads for free they're more than happy to spend $49 to acquire a buyer for a $49 product. Honestly, they're probably spending $1,000 or $400 to acquire the buyer. But that's not the point. The point I want to get at is the principle where when you're creating TikTok, all you're doing is you're just acquiring a lead at breakeven. Obviously there's some time investment but the cost for that lead is ultimately zero. However you do that advertising where you're paying and selling the self liquidating offer or generating content. The bottom line is the principle is we're generating leads at breakeven. So if you want to make some money, there's got to be some back end stuff, right? We're gonna have to sell stuff via email. We're gonna have to get people to move up the value ladder, we're gonna have to sell additional products. And, for example, when you're talking about how we make that simple, right, that creating that content that sells adding that value, one of the emails I send in when I'm talking about simple series here, this just full disclosure, this promotes Legendary Marketer. This is using a simple two page bridge page funnel that that many people have seen and a lot of people are using. Somewhere down the road, I don't know off the top of my head, if it's day six or day seven or day nine. There's a training video and that's what it is. It's a training video. That's what I call it. It's a video. It's a training that's hosted on my website. Below that video. There's a button with an affiliate link to the checkout page for legendary marketer and inside that videos about eight or nine minutes I talk about what type of side hustles you're going to want if you're a beginner. And I start in that training by talking about the problems and identifying the problems. What's the problem? Well, you're busy if you're working a full time job, you can't very well go start an agency where you got to go take out a bunch of clients because how are you ever going to service those clients right? From there, I run through a very simple whiteboard presentation and some people on this call may have seen this. I just have this whiteboard here. And I draw it out in real time. Basically, I break down business into five segments. There's cross product creation. Their sales, there's marketing, there's customer service and there's fulfillment. And all I do is go through that training is show how a traditional business model I use the air quotes in the in the train the traditional business model, whether it's physical product, ecommerce or whether it's creating a coaching company or an agency all is good in the beginning, you're focusing on sales, then you're focusing on marketing, or excuse me, you're focusing on product creation, then you're focusing on marketing, the product created or the or the agency, then great, we're focusing 100% of our energy on marketing. But what happens is after that you're selling now you're worried about fulfillment of the product. Now you have customer service issues. And basically in that training, all I do is show how everything that comes into play in a quote unquote, traditional business takes away from the revenue generating activity, which is marketing and then eventually sales. And I show that how are you ever going to get over the hump if you can't focus every time you make a little bit of money, you get taken away from revenue generating activity. So then to your conversely, I show the affiliate marketing model where we don't have to create products we start on day one, we focus 100% of our energy on marketing. We let you know the third party company we're dealing with handles the sales, the fulfilment additional product creation to increase the lifetime value of the customer, all we have to do is focus on marketing. So that's really cool. That's training that's teaching people things but really all I'm doing is I'm making affiliate marketing the only business model that they can possibly do. Right now. Now obviously we know that's not true. But the point of that presentation, the point of that eight minute training is to say if you want to get started right now from scratch, you must start making some money on the side you want to get a side of the only thing that's gonna work for you is affiliate marketing. Now I don't say that, but that is how I'm preparing the people with the training and oh by the way, if you want the best affiliate marketing training, here you go. So at that point, there is no decision to be made. It's either I'm in or I'm out. It's not what do I need to do? What do I need to buy? It's like, okay, cool. This is what I want. This is what I have to do. This is what I need to buy.

Dave: Yeah, you're teeing it up. You're like a lawyer who's building and making a case. Right? It's now I think we all need to think of ourselves. Sometimes it's like, look, you've got a jury and your jury is your customer, your potential customer who's sitting there scrolling or tick tock or Instagram or Facebook or wherever you're marketing. They're the jury. Okay? They're gonna decide whether you're guilty of some bullshit, okay? You're guilty of you look like a scammer. You're guilty of having no value and not building a case or you're not guilty, right? You're innocent, right? You're You're they want to, they want to celebrate they join you. They say he's let the man free. He's got freedom. Give him freedom. Right. I want freedom. Twos matter of fact. Right. So you are the one you need to get out of that jury. You need to get out of that jury seat and you also need to get off that witness stand. A lot of us are on the witness stand on the defensive, trying to blame like what happened in why this is this. We got we we allow our audience to become the the prosecutor who's who's, you know, we get on the defense. We need to be the attorney. You know what I mean? We need to be the attorney who's building the case. Right? Who's building the case and if you listen to any great attorney, and their opening statement, they begin to build the case by by framing the big idea, which is you know, if it doesn't fit a quiz or whatever is right there. There's some big idea that every piece of content has now for us, and those of you who are promoting legendary, it's a fairly big it's a fairly simple big idea and Brian just made right which is the difference between selling physical products in selling information is night and day. And if you can't just automatically commonsensical II see that then just just use some common sense. I mean, it's it's like you're you're fulfilling physical products that have to be mailed and shipped and delivered in from China or Mexico or wherever. Or you're, you're in business with Amazon, who, quite frankly, just cut down affiliate commissions, like a significant amount. I think we're down to 3% and some categories. We think Jeff Bezos Gibson, is he going live every day? You know what I mean? Does he give a damn he's but he's going to space with William Shatner, okay. They don't need you. You know what I mean? They don't need you. So it's about finding companies out there who can deliver and if you want to sell physical products, that's fine. But getting in the business of physical products or getting in the business of servicing clients, local clients, who expect now that they're paying you a couple of $100 a month, right? You better be working 24 hours a day for me in general, right? I mean, do you want a boss or do you want to be the boss, right? So what we do is as freelancers right, who can basically go around to any company and pick and choose who we want to send our traffic to. We can send our traffic to them. And ideally, I prefer to sell information products because the person can get access to the training or get access to whatever they bought right away. There's in there for the company containing higher commissions, because there's less overhead right now the challenge becomes right, how do I you know, how do I fit this sort of case, into a, you know, into a 62nd, TikTok and so forth. And that's where it really just becomes a lot of testing. It becomes right. I have to try different things. I have to know, I have to find my group and I have to be building upon something more than just, for example, a TikTok profile. You just mentioned your email list, and I think it's underrated. We don't talk about those types of things. Enough Brian, like the email list, the Facebook group, the other supporting features where you're able to deliver more value, aka continue to build your case. In other places where you customer may feel a little bit more intimate with you. It's kind of like TikToks like friends having a conversation with me in front of 20 people on the email list. It may feel like it's just you and me. Right. And so I think there's also an element of making sure that we're reaching people to continue to build our case in more places than just a 62nd clip because Brian, you can I can write as long as an email, or I can write an email that sends people to like you said a video to where I can hold them hostage for eight minutes because that video is posted on a standalone page on my website. Now all of a sudden, I don't have to try to make my case in 60 seconds. I now have an opportunity to make my case over the course of eight minutes, or over the course of a five minute read email. So hopefully some of you folks are starting to get the idea that if you're aren't going viral on tick tock and week one. It's probably a good thing, because that's probably going to give you unrealistic expectations about what this business is even about. 

Brian: You're absolutely right. I was talking to someone the other day and they were seeing renewers in the game and they've seen a little bit of success but certainly not the sustainable and consistent success they want to achieve and they're well on their way but we were talking about length of emails and her concerns. I don't like reading long emails. Said well, that's fine. You don't have to communicate everything in an email if you don't personally like long emails you want to write and that's fine. But then you have to send them to a longer training session. The bottom line is you have to hold them hostage so to speak for a significant enough amount of time so you can actually make your case and people a lot of times the objection is but so many people aren't going to sit through these entire videos or somebody people aren't going to read these entire emails. And okay, yeah, some might not but you know, who does the buyers, the buyer sits through them and so that's what that's who we're focused on. And,

you know, I think you see that a lot with the copycat marketing that you were talking about earlier in the live here where anybody who wants to promote the same things that I can promote or I am promoting can go look at my tic tac and see which TikTok are performing well, then pretty much recreate the TikToks. And more often than not, it seems like on the TikTok platform. They do pretty well. That's great. You may generate as many leads as me. You may even generate as many front end sales as me but what's being lost in this whole copycat marketing are the principles. If you're not doing those trainings on the back end that help build the case, as you say, strengthen the case, then they're not going to move up the value ladder. It's easy to spend seven bucks or 10 bucks on a front end product that feels like progress. People feel great when they buy into something. But if they don't actually go through, do the work and continue to believe in the opportunity, then they're not going to buy the next thing and if they're not buying the next thing. 

Dave: We're just we're just not gonna We're just not gonna make a whole lot of money. Well, we're on track this year to do $20 million in sales. Just you know, I mean, I don't have anything to hide here, you know, you know, I mean, find another company out there that's doing that many sales that that big volume selling just all information, right? It's hard to find. And all of those sales are generated from presentations that are 25 minutes to two and a half hours long. You know, so there's a lot there if we say how does that apply to our business as affiliates, whether we're sending traffic to Legendary, a company like Legendary, whether we're selling, you know, whether we're selling, You know, dog training, parenting, whatever it is. I think if we go back to your original point about what you're going to talk about at the mastermind, because as you folks can see Brian and I can I mean we can just go right down any rabbit hole that has to do with marketing. It's just, you know, it's in our DNA. I mean, we get a lot of fun, free hours, but I want to get back to what you said you're going to talk about at the mastermind, which is the principles and what Brian and I are both trying to say. And I'm speaking for you here, Brian you can add to it. Is it that a lot of you are asking, Well, what what, what do I talk about in an email, you know, how do I go from copy and pasting templates? And just sort of throwing spaghetti at the wall not really understanding what I'm doing right to actually understanding what I'm doing. So I can. I can not just be a carpenter swinging a hammer but I can actually be the boss of my business reading the blueprint, understanding the blueprint and then being able to communicate it to my leads in a way that makes it make sense to them. So they go yeah, like I get this right. If that is all you're trying to do, I think we can relate this to people who are in the construction business. If it is all I'm ever trying to do is just grab a quick check to get a six pack in a pack of cigarettes every day. Then I'm going to be willing to do day labor and just go out and swing a hammer. And that's going to be my life. I'm going to be living paycheck to paycheck for the rest of my life. And guess what? There's a lot of marketers online who are also living paycheck to paycheck, because all they want to do is they want to just get a six pack in a pack of cigarettes and I'm Metaphorically speaking, right like I'm not saying that each one of you all drink and smoke. If you do, that's fine. I don't care. No judgement for me. But my point is, don't be a day laborer. Don't be a guy or a gal who's just working two jobs swinging a hammer but never really learning how the blueprint works. And I think if we go back to what your original point was, which is what you're going to talk about at the mastermind, and I'm excited to take notes and see your perspective is is is the principles and understanding the principles and understanding how the principles of this game works and the psychology of producing content and how to weave in stories, when to use analogies. How to make a case in 60 seconds or make a case in eight minutes in weave in some of that solid timeless salesmanship and marketing chip that has been used since the you know, since the direct response marketing was basically invented since the first I mean, you know, in the 1900s 2020 when tick tock was invented was not the first time that anybody ever started selling, you know, information or or selling stuff via direct response marketing. Again, we go back, and there were books that were written in the 1950s. There is Eugene Schwartz, there is Gary Halbert. There are some of these folks that we could go back forward, who understood and even taught and quite frankly, in the business blueprint, I actually go over the history of direct response marketing and give tons of examples. So our clients and our students can actually begin to understand that what we're doing here is not something that was invented when tick tock came up the success of our business and our top affiliates and our top students is not because some new age platform came up that all of a sudden made it possible and before we were all just scrounging around for crumbs. No. We were applying the same timeless principles to other platforms. Whether it was YouTube, whether it was Facebook, whether it was whether it was paid ads, whether it was mail, and that's what I think I'm so excited about this this topic, what personally because if tick tock went down tomorrow, there'd be a bunch of day labor marketers, who were only focused on getting a six pack of beer and a pack of cigarettes who go oh shit. Marketing Online is over. I'm sure legendary is going to go tank and then all of a sudden, they'll see a little blip right to where a little bit of our traffic goes. And then they'll see us just continue to grow because it's not a platform that's made us successful. It is the principles that we understand, Brian and you know, that we could apply to any platform.

Brian: It's just the only difference is where's the attention? And that's where you're going to take your principles and go make some money. And that's what it comes down to. You know, when we talk about he said something about writing emails, you know, how do you go from the point where you're just a, you know, a day laborer marketer or a copycat marketer to actually writing emails, and I think I just kind of made a few notes while you're talking about that. And it really comes down to I think three things and it's pain points, desires and metaphors. And what I mean by that is, if we understand what people want to get away from, right their boss, the fact that they can't take vacations, the fact that they're living paycheck, whatever it is, whatever their pain points, okay, if we can, if we can understand that. And then also understand what people really want. I tell you right now, it's not money. It's what the money provides to create a security all that people really want. Then once we understand those things now we just wrap them into metaphors or stories. And really, the thing about email marketing and marketing in general is we don't have to reinvent the wheel every single time we write an email. We don't have to reinvent the wheel every time we make a tic tac toe. Most people know who Gary Vaynerchuk is, Gary Vee, because he's pretty big on social media. If you really dive into his content, he seems to do the same six things over and over and over and over and over again. And that's self admitted. Because he's like, people call me boring. What do we do? Like no, it's these six things that you need to know are seven things or two things or whatever. But it's just really wrapping these pain points and desires into different stories, different metaphors. Once you understand what people really want to get away from, and where they really want to go. Then it's just fun telling different stories. You know, tell a story that somewhat loosely, relates to your point from your life just to get people interested. Just get people involved just to get people to remember you because guess what they might not buy on the first email that you send in they're probably not going to but if they if you told an interesting story, or they remembered you and say, Hey, Brian Brewer I read one of his emails was pretty good. Guess what they're gonna open the next email. And then you can attack a different pain point or a different desire or break another false belief with a story with the training, and eventually, you're going to get them and it's not if they're going to buy it's when they're going to buy some. I don't know if you want Dave, you want to do this really quick. This might be some actionable stuff that can help. About a month ago, I emailed my list and I really just wanted to get into their desires and their pain points. It took a lot of responses that I got. It kind of jotted down some patterns if you want to share that really quick. I don't know if anyone wants to watch this live or watch this replay. Maybe you can start a comment and you could take notes really quickly if you're on a laptop or desktop or something that's really easy to type. Basically, the three main things that I focused on are what I was asking people, what's holding them back and the struggles. What are you struggling with? So I'll just kind of go through these really quickly. So the first heading would be what do people really want and this is not me trying to decide what people want. This is from the words of the folks and people who want to do their own thing. They don't want to be held accountable to a boss. Honestly, people want to be rich and not work. Okay. People want to make progress. And that came up time and time and time and time and time. Again, people want to make progress. They want to see results. They don't necessarily have to go start making million dollars tomorrow. They just want to make some progress. They want to feel like they are ready and well prepared. They want to know how to get traffic from social platforms. And what was really interesting to me and I don't want this to come across as cocky or arrogant, but this can relate to everybody who's watching this because so many people said they just wanted to be like me. Right? They wanted that life that I had. And even if you're just getting started even if you're not making you know, six figures or whatever you whatever, whatever it is you think I'm doing. If you're out there making progress, if you're out there as someone who's learning affiliate marketing, guess what? People want that. I already told you people really want progress. So share that in your story. Share that new content, share that journey. And guess what? I understand that people are going to want to be like you even if you're just getting started, even if you've got to make your first commission. If people are paying attention to you, they're gonna want to be like you so help them get to the point where they can where they can do that. Whatever it is for you. What's holding people back this could be another comment or another heading. What's holding people back? Fear. Fear is the number one thing holding people back from creating content getting started. belief that this thing will actually work for them. Lack of confidence. Scared to try something new, right?

Dave: People are scared that they're gonna sign up for a course and left hung out to dry when in my promotion of Legendary Marketer, I talk about the community. I talk about the updates to the blueprints. I talk about the five days a week live just to help people understand that when they sign up, they're going to be taking care of what's holding them back. People still believe that imposter syndrome is real. These are things that people are struggling with so we can help them overcome these things and then show them what they need to do next, which is obviously buying the thing that we're promoting. Then we're going to be somewhere and finally struggle. What are people really struggling with? A lot of people tell me they're making good money. They're making six figures at their job. But they're not happy. Okay, so how can we relate that into stories? Because if we get inside the conversation that's already going on in people's heads, they're gonna be likely to pay attention to us because they're, they're gonna look at that person and think I was struggling with that person. I'm going to listen to them. I'm going to go get on their email list. I'm eventually gonna buy that thing that they're selling. If you understand these things, you can use them as a weapon as long as you do so ethically. People struggle with stepping in uncomfortable situations, indecision confusion, shiny object syndrome. One of my trainings, basically talks about shiny object syndrome. And what you can do to avoid it and that does great for conversions into things like blueprints. And a lot of people struggle with COVID changing their situation. Kind of the last one I had, they were in one situation now COVID Completely changed it now. They just don't know what to do. So I know what those quickly but if you kind of rewatch this and really kind of take those notes or find someone in the comment who took those notes and figure out like those are the things that people want and work them into your stories and your content and just get people not to say that you don't have to go there and say hey, this thing I'm selling is the greatest thing on earth. It's gonna change your life. We have to get people to say hey, this guy understands me or this girl understands me, and they can probably help me. Then they're going to start paying attention. Then they're going to get in your training, your emails gonna go by the thing that could tell him to buy. I love it. I mean, I heard Oprah say one time and I've never forgotten it at a live event. Actually. I went with my wife and I was probably one of, you know, 100 men instead of a room of 10,000. A state auditorium of 10 or 15,000 women. Quite frankly, I think more men should pay attention to what she's doing because she's a brilliant marketer, and she brilliantly brilliantly makes women particularly but in general everybody but makes women feel her and seen and understood and that's what she said. She said all people want is to feel seen. And that's my entire intention when I'm telling a story or when I'm framing something or when I'm speaking about one of these lives. I want my audience to feel like I'm one of them. Like, I want them to be like yes, this is my dude kind of like if you're listening to a sports podcast, and you felt like the guy or the gal who was talking wasn't really a sports nut. Didn't really get fired up. I mean, you see me sitting here getting a dead GM fired up. And it's like, you know that quite frankly right? Even sports dude, I wouldn't get this fired up. I mean, I liked sports but I'm more of a playoff like championship watching cup kind of guy that's probably because of time. But marketing man marketing because it's changed my life so much because it's made a basically a dysfunctional, ex homeless recovering drug and alcohol addict who was a high school dropout in a in a not that great construction worker into a multimillionaire right i mean into somebody who who has more time freedom and options than I know what to do with sometimes it's a it's almost a burden. It's like shit, it's like, you know, kind of lay what I need some I need to, you know, I need to fill some of this time you know, because listen, when you start to really build a business and you have investments going and you and your business become systematize it's like should I need to get a hobby you know, I need to, you know, I need to really, you know, work can't just be everything to me, I need and I can do this, you know, the one year I went fishing, like 50 times, like at least once a week you know, now I've been obsessing about watches and mixing some golf here and there, but I promise I'm gonna I'm gonna get a hobby to fill some of my extra time that I have because as you know, when you develop systems and when you when you when you get good people great offers around you. You don't have to work as hard. You know, when you understand the principles like what you're talking about, you don't have to grind as hard because your content becomes superhuman. Why? Because when you're speaking, people really really really feel seen, heard and understood. So you don't have to. It's like I believe today my superpower is that I'm almost like one take Drake right I get in the booth, I record it or I write the copy one time, and I don't have to keep doing it over and over and over again because I know my customer so well. I know their pain points. So well. I know exactly how to speak to them. And I know exactly how to build my case in Bridge, that pain point to the solution, which oh, by the way, I've also uncovered and discovered so I've got personal experience with both the pain points, and the X, you know, and the solution. And as all I have to do is build that case, build that bridge over in any video that I make in any conversation that I have in any webinar or sales video. And so, you know, I'm excited to dig into more of this obviously over the weekend in Orlando. We're going to be talking about this in a much deeper way with live feedback and people in the room. And so I didn't encourage all of you who are registered for the mastermind to go ahead and or who have who have a ticket to go ahead and register click the link down in the in the comment section, you can go over to that page, it should open in a new window, and you can read through and then you can click the link down at the bottom of the page which will take you once you log in, it'll take you to it'll take you directly to the registration page. And when you get to the registration page, fill out your information. And on that next page will ask you your dietary, you know request and restrictions and all of that and give you an informational pamphlet about look, you know nearby hotels and so forth. And you'll have all the information that you need. And oh by the way, if you have a mastermind ticket, there's no additional purchase necessary. So we're not actually selling anything, which is kind of weird. We're not, we've already purchased it right. And now even though we delivered way moreover 2020 In the beginning of 2021 with all those virtual masterminds that we were just an additional bonus, because that's how we like to roll we weren't able to do these live masterminds so we did lots of virtual masterminds. This is our first back in person mastermind. I understand that some of you guys are maybe used to staying home now or you know, unsure about traveling and when it comes to your personal health, that's something that you're going to have to make a decision about. We will have masking coded tests there if anybody wants to take them. We're not mandating anybody do anything. We just request if you don't feel good, stay home, we'll probably take temperatures or whatever, anything that's non invasive, and that's respectful of everybody's personal space there. We'll do everything that we can to make it as safe as possible. And again, just ask that you stay home if you're feeling unwell, but get registered because I think the bigger thing that that people are feeling is, you know, I've tried things before and it hasn't worked out the way that I sold it to my wife or folded to my husband was going to work out or or I failed with things in the past and do I really want to put more time and energy into this. And the truth is, I believe right before you're feeling like you're having a breakdown or about to quit is a chance to break through. You know, and it's another moment to add to your story where I was just about to quit and then I discovered the real meat and potatoes and secrets to this business. And I'd like you to know, they all become parts of your story. So for those of you who are feeling like oh, I don't know this is a stretch or this is a you know, whatever it is you know whether it's the support of your family that you don't feel like you have and you need to go get humble like I talked about on yesterday's live and have a conversation and say I'm committed to this and I need your support or whether it's you need to kick your own self in the ass literally, you know, bend your leg and give your acid actual kick. And remind yourself that right before breakthroughs often breakdowns feel like they're going to happen. And this is truly a moment for you to add to your story to where maybe you almost quit or maybe you were feeling like you weren't going to make it and I assure you that if you come with an open mind just like everything else that we do and ready to learn and apply, then you will get more out of being in this room over 40 days with us than you could ever imagine. And the only people who are going to miss out are those who you know who let fear or who let you know those feelings. I think they're all derived from fear, kind of overtake you know, like fear that you're not good enough for fear that you can't do this or fear that you're going to fail. Let us continue to believe in you until you believe in yourself and understand that it takes time. It takes time to both learn the skills but most of all, like Brian said, learn the principles and really build back up that self esteem from maybe a job or maybe a society that you've been a part of. That's quite frankly probably chipped away at that self esteem over the last 10, 20 or 30 years. So Brian, I am so thrilled to both hear you share but also just hanging out with you. Thanks for your time today. As always, it's way more than I ever expected. It's just in your nature. And any final words for our listeners about getting your land or just digging in, in failing forward in keeping going in their business.

Brian: Yeah, you know, one thing you talked about, I remember what you said if you call them a one take Jake or whatever, whatever you call it. You know I see that now to where you know I used to be I spent literally a week, a week and a half writing one webinar or sales letter. Now I talked about the whiteboard training, I go up, throw it up there and eight minutes it converts like crazy. I watched back and they had pretty good and it's because I put in the work for years and years and years and years and years and years and years right so that is part of the process and like you said, you're gonna get more in three days at a mastermind than you will three months watching videos. It's just something about it that can't be explained if you've done your research and and and you're afraid to travel in that respect. But don't let fear keep you from coming down and attending what's going to be an amazing event. I hope to see you there.

Dave: My brother will see you there thanks for your time today as always stay Legendary brother and we'll talk to you soon. Bye. Thank you. Bye. Alright my friends. Get to the mastermind. Listen, I'm gonna throw Brian's TikTok up as well. Just because he's somebody you should have in your network. And whether it's your personal network that you're you know, you're gonna have a chance to be able to hang out with him and learn from him in Orlando or whether it's of course continuing to follow him online. He's just a wealth of knowledge, a wealth of experience, somebody could be doing anything really in the online space. And we're really blessed to be able to have him in our community because he really is super experienced with selling, you know doing multiple different business models online. And the fact that he's, you know, a focused affiliate marketer who's sort of setting the pace and setting the tone for so many of our members in our community and stuff. We're really really blessed to be around somebody like that. I mean, for many of you, you know, the It's who you are around in the early days, I was listening to the Braves first baseman last night Friday. Some of you guys may know who I'm talking about. But anyways, he was talking about basically how he went through. He's been and they just won the World Series last night. By the way, they beat the Houston Astros seven did nothing last night and they took the trophy last night but he was doing an interview in which the interviewers were asking him like, you know, how does this feel sticking through this? You know, you were with the team back for 15 years back when the team sucked, you know, when you guys were the worst team in the league and he said, Well, I was a route. I was around the team though, back in, you know, in the early days in the minor leagues and so forth. And I did get to be around that last group of guys who did take it in to win a championship some of the guys like Chipper Jones, who is the breaks third baseman for a long time. And some of these other guys back if some of you remember when the Atlanta Braves were an awesome team when they had you know John Smoltz and Tom Glavine And anyways, he said that I was around these guys earlier, who had won championships in who didn't know how to win, and they taught me how to win. They taught me how to be a winner. That was his response. It wasn't that oh, I've worked so hard. This group of guys is so great. And we're just kept it was that it was that he was able to become a leader, even in carrying the breaks through a really tough time over a period of about five years, when they were a great team 15/16 years ago, and then they really took a big slump. And he said, because the guys that I was around, when I first was young and early in my career, taught me how to win. They taught me how to be a winner. And I think that it's really undervalued and really underrated. The ability to be around people like Brian Brewer, right, be around him because he can teach you how to win. Just like he did for Freddy, the first baseman of the Atlanta Braves, who just won the World Series last night. He credited success to those early mentors who knew how to win and even when he wasn't winning, even when he wasn't a winner, right? They taught him how to win. Sometimes we need to be taught how to win. We need to be taught how to be a winner, doesn't mean to have anything to do with who we are as people but we need to understand what it takes to play this game. We need to understand what it takes to be a winner, as a business owner, to be a winner as an online marketer to create winning offers. What is the mindset, what is psychology and what are the principles that we need to understand. So we can win, no matter of TikToks here, Facebook, meta YouTube, whatever it is, you think that the opportunities are going to get smaller folks over the next couple of years? No, they're going to get bigger. Right now we're at the we some people think we're at the top of the mountain it's only going to go what are you are you crazy? Has it ever gotten smaller the opportunity ever gotten smaller? No. It's only gotten bigger. So if you're wondering, you know, if you want to look at this business like Bitcoin or something, let me explain it to you in other terms. We're at the bottom. We're at the bottom right now. It's not peaked yet. It's not saturated. The opportunity does not run out here. It's just getting started. So learn how to win now around people who can teach you how to become a world champion, just like those guys at the beginning of Friday, how to become a World Series world champion. We got to be taught how to win in this game. How do you do that? You get around people who are winning. And you have them explain the roadmap, the blueprints, the dynamics of this game. Alright my friends. I'll see those of you who are coming to Orlando. Okay, I'll see the rest of you tomorrow for another episode registered if you have a ticket. Stay Legendary my friends get out of here. Have a great day. Bye bye. Peace

How To Set Your Goals And Achieve Them: 6 Figure Mastermind Week

Below is the transcription for this episode:


Dave: What's going on my friends this is Dave Sharpe Welcome to another episode of Wake Up Legendary but it's special this week we call the six figure week well, quite frankly because, you know we couldn't really think of anything else. So why not just call it six make your way? Well, quite frankly, that's what most people want when they start a business any business offline brick and mortar online, they want to get to the place to where they're making six figures, six figures a year. is roughly about 80 Something $100 per month, so it's just under $10,000 per month. And you know, most people look at $10,000 per month and they think, well, that's, that's the place that if I can get to 10,000 a month, then I'm going to be right, you know, I'm going to be comfortable. Well, we're going to hear from somebody today, a gentleman named Andre, who actually over the past year has been able to not generate six figures once but actually twice. Okay, so and more all right. Now, before we introduce Andre, big income disclaimer, those results aren't typical. The average person who starts any business online, makes no money at all. I don't know how much money you're going to make. I don't know what skills or what dedication you're gonna have to be very, very clear about all of that. So we make sure that we don't mislead anybody to think that all you gotta do is press a button and hit go and just six fingers just gonna pop out of your computer. We all know that that's not true. So with that, being said, let's meet the man who has generated six figures not once, but twice. Okay. And more since December of last year. It's my privilege to introduce yet another speaker who's going to be our upcoming mastermind, here and that's the whole premise. That's the whole theme of this week is we're introducing you to the speakers who are going to be speaking in training at our upcoming mastermind in Orlando, Florida. On December 3, fourth, and fifth. Andre Andre Andre Welcome to the show. My brother.

Andrei: Thank you so much. How's it going?

Dave: Hey, man, it's going fantastic. Even better now that I get to connect with you. You know, I missed you on the last Wake Up Show that you did. This is your second time on the show. You were with Matt last time so I'm just excited to meet you. I've heard so much about you. Matt has told me so much about you and just your story of what you've been able to accomplish over the past year. First of all, how does it feel?

Andrei: Oh, my guy is setting accomplishment. My family's happy. I'm super happy. I definitely just hit 30 years. Old. So right hitting that mark? I feel like I accomplished so much. You know, it wasn't easy to get to this point. But it's amazing, honestly. 

Dave: So tell us a little bit about your story. Just give us the nutshell version for anybody who doesn't know who you are and how you got started with how you found us. And yeah, just let us get to know you a little bit of you know, where you came from and where it all started. 

Andrei: Yeah, so my whole story started in September, actually, my whole online trying to find something that works online. In September. I was doing drop shipping so I came across drop shipping first. I think a lot of people here drop shipping before anybody anything else I did for a couple months and he wasn't gay. I got a couple results, but I realized that you needed a lot of capital which I did not have to get going to make it sustainable basically so I tried it for two months from there. I stopped doing it. I mean, I was just scrolling through TikTok, you know, like everybody says that and then I found affiliate marketing and they just are super excited about it. I did not take action right away. And it took me maybe like two weeks three weeks. I was just scrolling, you know. At the moment, I did have a family emergency. So I had to stay home with my wife to take care of them. And I was just focusing on Okay, well, what am I going to do? You know, I am not working right now. To stay home. I had to find different ways to make it work. And then that's when I found affiliate marketing I ended up ticking so I bought a challenge and then started learning basically from there. So yeah, from there. I made sure everything was set up correctly. No need to learn the funnels, email autoresponder and how to set everything up, just honestly it's really I think, he noticed, especially for a beginner to learn all of that. But when you're training, it's amazing. As soon as everything was set up correctly, I found out what I actually liked doing which was creating content. So from there, I just focused on that basically.

Dave: You haven’t looked back, you haven't looked back, I mean, you've achieved with us as an affiliate two times platinum over the course of the last year basically in 11 months, right?

Andrei: It took me less than a month.

Dave: And then of course you have some other income streams with various things that whether it be software autoresponders or other things that you're promoting to customers that they may also be interested in. And that's just fantastic, man. I mean, where do you live right now? 

Andrei: I live in San Antonio. San Antonio, Texas. 

Dave: Okay. Where are you from? Are you originally from Mexico? 

Andrei: I’m from Peru

Dave: You're from Peru.

Andrei: Yes. So I made it here when I was 14 years old.

Dave: What, you did?

Andrei: My family and I, Correct.

Dave: Wow. So that's what I was. That's what I was wondering. So the last big vacation that I took with my wife was to Peru and actually flew and flew into Lima and then went out to the big city that is out by Machu Picchu. Cusco Cusco Yeah, we spent some time out in Cusco and then we went over to Machu Picchu. And, you know, I did some hiking and it was magical. It's a really magical place. So you immigrated here at 14 Did you know Did you know? Nothing. So what did your parents do when you came over? What did they do for work and what did a little of what your childhood look like? Just you know a little bit of when you were 14 and when you first came over here what did that kind of look like? 

Andrei: I mean, a lot honestly. But my dad had a really good job. He was a regional manager for I don't know if you remember the brand Nabisco I didn't know he became Kraft. He was a regional manager for the whole northern area of the EU. So we always were traveling from place A to place B but we had a good life growing up. It was amazing. Now, things happen in Peru. Things were that great with the military and whatever is going on with the country. So we decided to leave an exam here. And then this changed completely. I mean, my mom had to start working because she was a stay at home mom. She started cleaning houses like that directly from business. He was also cleaning houses and doing installation for offices. And then I was just basically going to school. I mean, I started in middle school. Like I said, I don't know any English. No, I didn't know anything. I only knew how to say I don't speak English. No, that was the Yeah, I went out four years in high school. I did a little bit of college, but I realized he wasn't for me. I didn't make bad choices, like going out, you know, going. I was fired so I didn't get a chance to complete my college role. But there is no way I was going to call it to become a manager basically like a business manager. I think at that point, I was working at a restaurant and then I worked my way up from the beginning all the way to management. So I ended up accomplishing that was my, I guess one of my first goals in life. Now I've been given about a year of what I wanted to be and then soon I realized, oh my god, like it's a lot of work. You know, I did it for eight years.

Dave: A restaurant you're eight years as a restaurant manager?

Andrei: Did it for eight years. Crazy hours, working so many hours. I ended up meeting my wife so I'm super thankful we had a child. My daughter is five now, but all those five years oh my god, I miss so much. You know, I missed holidays. I miss birthdays. This had to work. You know, he was there's no days off for you know, restaurant, you know, you just have to keep going. And yeah, eventually I knew this wasn't gonna last you know, and I wasn't happy myself. Like I love what I was doing but I was not happy. I was not content anymore. And then I needed some. I knew something needed to change. And I started doing this. I started focusing on this even more.

Dave: So I just, I want you to talk a little bit about your history in your, where you came from and what that was like because we have people all over the world here that are listening. We have people who are in Italy and who are in you know all countries in Europe, you know, Australia, South America. And you know they're they're wondering you know, do I have to do I have to come to America, you know, to succeed and what I think has changed about the you know, opportunity in 2021 Is that Well you may not be exactly where you want to be right now. And that may even be that may go for you if you live in America as well, I don't know. But you can tap into the internet and use the opportunity to be able to jump on these platforms like Legendary our community and tick tock and Instagram and all these platforms and build a business that can generate the resources to you. You don't have to go to the money. You know, you don't have to come to America to succeed. You can do it from wherever you are in the world. And I just want everybody to realize that this opportunity is global. It's worldwide. And not only can you do it from anywhere in the world, you can generate customers from anywhere in the world as well. Oh yeah, you know, and I'm sure you've seen that. Are you overwhelmed by the amount of people that are now following you that are now listening to you that are messaging you saying, Andre your contents change in my life, you're inspiring me? You know, are you just, would you ever have thought that this was possible?

Andrei: Honestly, no. Honestly, I never knew I never thought I was going to inspire people like how I have been inspiring people. I get messages all day. Not all day, but like I do get some messages saying you know, I can't wait to meet you in December. And I'm like, what? Like, what what? This mindset is kind of new. You know, like people are people who want to see me who want to see what I have to say now. So it's just it just blows my mind. You know, like how far I've come to this point.

Dave: Do you think you're that much different than everybody else in this community who's trying to build a business and who's, you know, do you think that there's? Do you think that you have something special or different that they don't have? 

Andrei: Not at all. Not at all, like I feel like I'm like the average guy that the thing that I know that I have is I always want more basically, like, I don't have that mentality where, okay, I'm content. I'm happy here. You know, like, I always want the next step. I always want to keep learning within me. So that mindset, not everybody has it, you know, and I'll give an example for example, I tried to get my wife into affiliate marketing as well, you know, cuz I still felt good. It was correct. So she started doing it. She's here for a couple months. She did really well. I mean, she was getting good results, but then she does not have that same mindset as lacking entrepreneur mindset. And then that's okay, that's totally fine. You know? But at least she tried it. 

Dave: Do you really think that it boils down to mindset?

Andrei: I think so. I think he's, it's really big. What I tell people is something new. Basically, when somebody says something on the internet, it's a little scary to me. Those are seeing but then I just tell them to just, you know, close your eyes for a second and look around. I mean, totally terrible. Opening a rifle. I look around to see where you are right now. And then ask yourself, you know, you have to hear what can you do differently, you know, and then this is the perfect opportunity, you know, people are scared to take a chance. But then those people that are not scared to take a chance, they're just basically building their curriculum in order just learning that keep learning and yet it's like the resume you know, they just keep growing and growing and growing. It doesn't matter what you do. As you know, as long as you say yes to the opportunity, you're gonna keep growing.

Dave: Yeah. But you think that the difference really with you is that it's you. You feel like you've never, you never want to stop growing. Like it's never enough you feel like when you look at whether it be your wife and I can relate to that my wife's not an entrepreneur either. She's become more entrepreneurial, but she she's not as much of a kind of hardcore hard wired entrepreneur like like but you know, when you look around at people, you think that the difference really is that you feel like you're never done and growing. And that's a perfect segue into and I want you to confirm that but that's a perfect segue into this mastermind because we have people who are coming from all over the country and all over the world to fly in and we rewrite, we usually do these every, you know, every every three or four months because of what's happened. Yeah, we've not been able to do them but but it takes commitment and it takes somebody really wanting to grow and be around people like you that they can pick up different nuggets and different ideas from how important I mean, did you ever do any events when you were doing drop shipping, or did you not and did you feel like that was maybe a missing piece?

Andrei: Maybe? Yeah, I honestly never did drop shipping. I mean, sorry. I never went to like it, I never took a course for drop shipping. I never I never talked to anybody about it. It was just basically me doing the research. Yeah.

Dave: So are you excited? Personally, I know that you're going to be speaking here and yeah, and sharing and teaching at the mastermind. But are you also excited just from a perspective of coming as a student, or as somebody who's going to be also looking to pick up different ideas and different nuggets to take home to apply to your business? 

Andrei: And that's been one of the main reasons why I'm going because I want to learn more like I want to I want to see what happened and learn basically,

Dave: Right there everybody, Andre speaking and he's somebody who we're extremely excited to have come and speak. But the main motivation for you to come is you want to come in, you want to learn.

Andrei: I want to learn. I said it's an opportunity that I cannot make as soon as I got that email, I was like, I'm there, you know, I'm gonna be there. And then I'm super excited. I mean, I'm excited to share my secrets to how I was able to get to this point as well.

Dave: Yeah, well, I'm excited to learn them because I mean, it's very, very rare that I see somebody who creates content like you do that goes, as you know, goes viral and generates as many sales. I see people who create content and they may go viral, but they don't create sales. And what you've done is you've had this magical combination of being able to create content that both grows accounts and generates lots of followers. But also from that audience, you've been able to filter out and generate lots of buyers literally hundreds and hundreds. And hundreds of 1000s. I mean, if you've done with us two times platinum. I mean, you've done nearly a half a million dollars in total sales, right, roughly. So I mean, think about that. I mean, here's somebody who started after having a drop shipping business that didn't it didn't take off that you know, you never did any, never got the education, never got any mentorship kind of just went out there on your own and it didn't work out for whatever reason. You were a restaurant manager. You know you immigrated here at 14 didn't know English, right, became a restaurant manager and tried drop shipping. And then And then, you know, found us started what took the challenge started getting educated and started marketing. And here over the last 11 months, you've done over a half a million dollars in total sales. If we probably combine other things that you've sold as well. So how does somebody think this is the question that we all need to ask ourselves. If we're on the fence about coming to this mastermind, how does somebody generate, you know, basically create money out of thin air. I mean, it's like, you know, people, there's lots of people who are out there creating TikToks. There's lots of people who are out there posting on Instagram. There's lots of people who are even trying to build businesses on TikTok and Instagram and social media but there's a small percentage of people who are both building audiences, but generating hundreds of 1000s of dollars in sales from that audience. So, you know, for me, even though I've been doing this for 10 years and have done hundreds of millions of dollars in sales, what what applied yesterday may not apply today, or until when you're speaking what I'm going to be doing is listening very intently on what your strategies are because I may be able to apply that to things that I'm doing to be able to generate more sales from an audience because I think the important point that I'm trying to make here is there's there's there's audience building, but then there's monetizing that audience. And one thing that you've been really what you've done a great job at is monetizing your audience. And so what you're saying and I've got your verbal commitment right here on the show, is that you're going to reveal the secrets that you've used to be able to both grow your audience but also to monetize that audience and do hundreds of millions of dollars over a half a million dollars in sales conservatively from the audiences that you've built with getting an account shut down and banned. And then having to restart, right?

Andrei: Exactly. Yeah. So had I had an Instagram account of 35,000 followers, which I think for Instagram that's even way more than a big following you know, this is really hard. It's harder to gain more followers on Instagram. But yeah, it  got shut down actually on my birthday. Like he was completely on as well. What am I gonna do? You know, I ended up wanting to give a shout out to Matt actually, because I sent him an email. And then he replied back saying wow, okay, well, now it's time to work in like the real business starts now. And that actually motivated me even more. I ended up reading any of them. I think I started from zero. And then a month later, I grew to 10,000 followers, you know, so it's possible you know, anybody can do it even more, you could go through those hurdles. Just hop on again, keep going, basically don't stop, you know.

Dave: Yeah. Yeah, no, it's I mean, that's why I was telling you I've, I was talking to Matt as he was working with you and I mean, I think what is really what is really what is really enlightening. For me, that always seems to be true. It's a pattern amongst people who are succeeding if they are amazingly humble. They're amazingly just way above what you would think with willing to sit down and listen and ask questions and learn if they don't feel like they know it all. And then you got people who, you know, you talk to him or you but they've got an answer for everything. They've got it all figured out. But then you look at their results and they're not. The results are not there. You know what I mean? But they've got a big ego and they've got it all figured out. And, and I just, you know, if there was one thing that I would like, if I had one chance to, to say to my kids, hey, this is my last piece of wisdom. It would be a lifelong learner. Like, never get so big for your britches that you feel like you don't need to humble yourself and learn because even more so today, technology is changing so rapidly. Like platforms are changing so quickly, that you really have to be plugged into a community of people who are in the trenches. Doing it. So you can stay up with like, what's going on with this algorithm or what's the new hot? Is there a new hot platform that's taken off? It is really rocking and rolling right now. So for you, you know, we've talked a little bit about being that lifelong learner. What is something else like and I think my hope is, is that people are really going to stop looking for the secret. You know, waiting for the skies to depart and stone tablets to be delivered and you know, Jesus to come down and sprinkle magical fairy dust or whatever on them and now all of a sudden they're gonna be anointed with amazing money making skills. It doesn't happen like that. You know, sometimes, depending on whatever your spiritual belief is , the answer is right in front of you. A lot of times, we just miss it, you know, because we're looking for some big burning bush, you know, and, you know, right now, there's an opportunity for some of you to come down to Orlando in December and connect with a lot of really smart entrepreneurs. And the question is, are you going to do whatever it takes to get there? You know, I remember an event that I did, Andre, where, you know, a lady raised her hand in the middle of the event, and I said, I mean, you know, who, because sometimes I like to say, who traveled the farthest. And this lady said, I don't know about traveling the farthest, but it felt like forever because I I drove in my car and I'm sleeping in my car outside, it was out. She was like I'm sleeping in. I remember Sean Lowry, who's another guy in our community. I remember he sold his car to get to an event that I put on, so he sold his car, to get a plane ticket to be able to fly to this event. And, you know, I mean, there's just for you to talk, what is a sacrifice or what, what are some new sacrifices that you're making inside of your business, or inside of your life? To be able to make the business work? What is it, some sort of you not going out? What sort of sacrifices have you had to make in order to make this the success that it is for you? Yeah, I live.

Andrei: Going forward with this business. I knew I wanted to work full time. So I guess the sacrifice that I was making in the beginning was I was focusing a lot on the business and not on my family, my wife, my daughter. So those beginning months, he was really tough. You know, there was a lot of mental illness, like family issues. And stuff like that, but she understood my wife understood the end goal you gave me was okay, well, I'm going to stop doing this full time. I first started doing this full time, my relationships are growing with my wife. Yeah, I had a relationship with my daughter even more now you know, like I think I'm hearing you know, so I guess the sacrifice right now is not as bad as in the beginning. Right? But then look now where am I you know, like, all those sacrifices you needed to happen in order for us to still be together in order for us to get to the point that we are right now.

And I know what that's like, man, because I've had to sit my wife down and say, I know that I've tried things in the past before, and maybe they didn't work out, but I need your supportiveness like, I need to go to this event, or I need to buy this course. Or I need 90 days to where I need to basically lock myself in this office. When I get home from work, or maybe I don't have a job. Maybe some of you are sitting at home right now and you don't have a job. And it's like instead of you know, sometimes I think we're afraid to ask for our partner's support because maybe we've tried things in the past that didn't work out. And there's another guy named Andre Miller. He's a BPA. He also was and is a successful affiliate. He's somebody who started as a client. As a student here and then became an advisor on our team and wanted to work more closely with us. But when he was starting his business, he had come from Jamaica, and he was working on cruise ships and stuff and met his wife in the cruise business and, and they ended up getting together to come into America, and they were broke, man, they were broke. And basically, you know, Andre said I want to start an online business and she's like, you know, no, why don't you need to get a real job, man. I mean, you need to get into the system. She's like, You need to get into the system. That was a phrase that I'll never forget that she said, when Andre was telling that story. We need to get into the system, right? Because he had come from Jamaica, you know, and he wasn't really in the American system. And basically, he goes, Well, I don't want to do that. You know what I mean? Not that I don't want to pay my taxes, but I want to build a business. I want to start a business. Yeah. And she said, Well, I don't want you to do that. And he looked at her and he said, Well, do you have a better idea right now? Right? It wasn't rude. It wasn't rude, but do you have a better idea? If you don't, I need your support. And what I'm going to challenge some of you to do as you're listening to our Andre that we're talking to right now. And you're listening to some of these other examples that I'm giving you. I want to challenge some of you to really sit down with your spouses in re ask for support. You know, re you know, go back to them and say, Look, I may have been rude before or I may have been passive aggressive before, or I may have been defensive before, right because I felt insecure about what I've done in the past that didn't work out. I may have been defensive right? I may have been giving you the cold. Shoulder. As you know, I may have been distant over the last couple of months. But here's what I want. I want to be connected. And I need your support, because we're coming to the end of another year. We're in the beginning November 2 Today, we're coming to the end of another year. And guess what we're going to be back up on January 1 where everybody's going to be making their New Year's resolutions that's right around the corner that's two months away. And the last thing that you want is to be sitting in jail and on January 1 saying what I accomplished last year in order to say nothing. I didn't accomplish anything. Why did I accomplish anything? Well, because I didn't ask for what I need. I didn't go for what I wanted. Right if you're talking about that family unit. Andre and you're talking about at the beginning, you did sacrifice a little bit of time and you know, we live and we learn and we you guys, actually that was necessary. I had to do the same thing. Now what I didn't do Andre was I didn't sit my spouse down like I'm recommending everybody do because of my communication skills. So 10 years ago, I was you know, I was quite frankly I was a little asshole I didn't know how to I thought I was great at sales but I realized the biggest sale that I ever was gonna make was convincing my wife to support me that was the biggest that was the biggest you know, and then marry me, crazy. Seriously, you know, this guy's you know, this guy could either take us to the moon or you know, take us right down the elevator to hell, you know? But that's my challenge for a lot of you is to sit down and ask your spouse or whoever is in your corner there and say, Look, I do need to sacrifice some things like what Andre just said, I do need to sacrifice for 90 days. I do need to sacrifice even through the holidays some time to focus on my business and here's what I can promise you. I don't know what the outcome is gonna be. But I can promise you that I'm going to give it everything that I got. And then when you make that commitment and you are verbally accountable to somebody, particularly somebody that's as important as your spouse, when you're verbally accountable, then you follow through. Then you follow through and you take action, right whether it's in you do both you take action with your education, and you also take action with your business. And that's my challenge. And I think we're gonna meet a lot of people in December in Orlando, who made that commitment and who have had that conversation with their spouse, Andrei. And now you say that you're the benefits of making that early commitment and making those early sacrifices are the benefits far outweigh that little bit of pain in the beginning, right.

Andrei: Yeah, so now everything basically has paid off, you know, I'm able to have more time. Now when my wife gets home from work, I disconnect, you know, an hour before I would get home to work, keep working basically. Now she gets home. Everything is taking care of me and my daughter, our relationship has grown even more now. You know, now we have actually done something to connect, and it's kind of sad. How it had to happen. But it's just like if you never choose what life's gonna be, what kind of life you're going to leave, you know, I mean, you do but as a man for a year I was stuck there. You know, like, that was my stuff. I was getting money, I needed to pay things off. So I needed to stay there. You get me and then after that she supported me, um, something that I did with all of my goals. My personal goal was to make my wife go to school. So I will go to eBay. I'm gonna pay off our debt. I'm gonna pay your debt off. You know, I'm gonna buy you a house. I'm gonna do this for you. I'm gonna do that. And that was how I found my motivation. And that's what kept me going. Like, what my goals became her goals, basically.

Dave: Wow, wow. That's powerful, man. That's powerful. I think, you know, sometimes it's the I know it is I know it's the things we're talking about today that move the needle the most for people. It's the mindset that you mentioned early in the conversation. It's this really getting on the same page with our spouse that that nugget that tip that you just gave is, is amazing, because now all of a sudden, you know, if you have a spouse who's a little bit skeptical or who's really they're just scared, you know, really they're just scared. Yeah, it's not that they don't support us. It's that they're just unsure. They're scared. They want to make sure that we have a roof over our head. We want to make sure that there's food in the fridge. And so when we begin to future pace and paint goals, for for ourselves that are in alignment with them that also benefit them, you know, I don't I want to I want to start a business because I'm going to be famous one day I'm going to be speaking on stages honey, you'll see well that's that you know, that how does what's in it for her we have to be or what did it for him? If it's just all about you speaking on stages, but what you just said, Hey, one day I'm going to buy us a house. I want to buy you your dream home. You know I want to buy you your dream car. I want you to start thinking about the car that you want to drive because I want to buy you that car. That's what I'm working for. I want to pay off your debt. Those are some. Those are some things that you can begin to talk about with your spouse. That gets you guys on the same page. And so now all of a sudden, it's not just about you and your own selfish goals, like being famous on Instagram and because think about it as well. You start getting famous on social media and your spouse might be thinking shit you know, Hey, who are all I know my wife. I was just sitting on the computer, you know? And then all of a sudden my wife came to one of my first events . This was the first event I'd ever done and there were all these people there. They all knew my name. Other women coming up saying oh Dave, you know, can I get a picture and all this kind of? I was like, yeah, like, you know, I'm going absolutely am I worth going with though? You know, but it's he opened now 10 years later, you know, it's very different and he got very different very quickly. She understood, but still the point here is that I had to learn that if I wanted to be this great marketer, that I needed to learn how to create irresistible offers to get my spouse to get my family on my support. Train. And sometimes when you want to get to a mastermind event, sometimes folks when you want to invest in a course and you want to start a business or or you want to, you know you need 90 days or six months of total focus and for them to support you in that mission. You need to go sell them on that, you know, we just came in, I think that the best. The best conveyancer is obviously money. It's like you want to get your spouse to support you. Then you got to get some money flowing in but to get some money flowing in you need to be in go mode you need to be in flow mode. And I don't know about the rest of you but for me when I'm in conflict with Andrei with my wife, I'm not in flow mode. I'm not because I've got conflict in my house and if I've got conflict in the most important relationships in my life, there is no way that I can be in total flow mode in total go mode, I get negative, I get depressed, I get sad. Okay, so I need to be in alignment with these important relationships around me. So I can be in go mode and I can be in flow mode. And so Andre today folks has given you some incredible tips along with some of the challenges that I've given you to get in alignment with your relationships, get in alignment with your spouse, you know, if you want to come to this mastermind, sit them down and tell them what is going to be in it for them for you to come to this mastermind, what's in it for them, not just what's in it for you, what's in it for them to come to this mastermind and get registered in come down and meet Andre meet the other speakers meet up me hang out for the weekend. And Andrei I'm just I can't wait to hang out with you my friend and I can't wait and learn from you brother. 

Andrei: Yes, I'm super excited to meet you in person actually. It's gonna be a blast.

Dave: Alright man, well have a great day brother. All right, keep up the great work super proud of you incredible story like super inspirational man. We'll put up your handle there so people could go and follow you on TikTok and Instagram and get connected in your network as well. And stay Legendary. We'll see you at the mastermind.

Andrei: Thank you, that's what I think I'll see you guys there.

Dave: All right. All right, my friends. There is a pinned comment. Okay, there's a pin comment. You can go to that page, read about the mastermind. Get registered. This is for those of you who have bought the mastermind, okay. So you already have mastermind access or mastermind. You know, you've already purchased your ticket. You've already bought the mastermind. And now all you have to do is you just register, there's no additional purchase that's necessary. If you want to come to the mastermind, you can reach out to your advisor and see if we have spots available. We may not be opening up any other tickets right now. It's kind of on an hourly basis as people register. But if you already have a mastermind ticket, we are holding registration space for you to go get registered. Alright, so hit that link. You'll log into your back office, you'll fill out the registration information. You're going to give us your dietary stuff like all so we can make it a comfortable and amazing experience. We're going to feed you lunch and so forth at the event. We'll give you hotel recommendations and so forth to tell you where to fly into all that stuff. So hit the link down in the comment to go over to that page, read about the mastermind, and then click the link to log into our back office and get registered. We'll see you back here for another episode. Tomorrow my friends will have another guest who's going to be speaking at the mastermind. We'll save it so you can go to the page and see who the speakers are. But you can guess we're gonna have it tomorrow. We'll see you back here for another episode. I want to thank Andre again for half the story. Have a great day folks. Get out of here. Stay Legendary and go get registered for the event.


Marketing Secrets From Austin Becker: 6-Figure Mastermind Week

 Below is the transcription for this episode: 

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends? This is Dave Sharpe Welcome to Wake Up Legendary and this is officially six figure mastermind week. Why do we call it that? Well because every single guest that you're going to be speaking or listening to speak this week has has a six figure multiple six figure even soaring into the seven figure mark and it's going to be it's gonna be great episode after a great episode and all of these folks this week are also going to be speaking at the upcoming masterminds that we're having on December 3 through the fifth. Okay, so you can register for that in your back office. And we're gonna have an incredible group in an incredible setting as we always do, and I can't wait to get back live in person with so many of you. So with that being said, our first guest kick this week off the one the only many of you folks know who this man is already. In some ways he needs no introduction. Austin Becker what's going on my brother?

Austin: What's up? What's up? What's up, Dave, thanks for having me. Thanks for being on. Glad to be here.

Dave: Yeah, man. I'm excited to hang out in Orlando here in a few weeks, December 3 through the fifth man. You know, this is going to be your first mastermind here with us. Because it's been a couple you know, it's it's we all know what's gone on over the past year and a half so we haven't been able to get together live but these are some of the coolest parts of Legendary Marketer What are you looking forward to the most?

Austin: Dude networking just getting together, getting everybody in the same room with the same community like minded people trying to aspire to grow the businesses aspiring opportunity was just starting right? I just love the atmosphere personally. In person, right? It's totally different. I know we've transitioned a lot in the past few years, a lot of virtual and a lot of people seem to like it. So it's not a bad thing. But it's just a whole different thing. When you do things in person. You actually see people's hands, you meet them, you have different conversations, and that just brings a different fulfillment to you. Right? People go home with a whole different outlook on where they're going to go in the future, what the plans are and stuff like that. So I'm just looking forward to actually meeting everybody in the community and stuff like that. Help people grow

Dave: How has, you know, do you have some sort of an event scenario or story or somewhere that you had a breakthrough from some sort of an in person meeting where you kind of got away from the internet and got away from sort of the screen time or the watching or connecting and learning online? versus you know, something that happened at an event or happened even just in a moment with two people in real life versus online?

Austin: I can't pinpoint one exactly because there's so many, but yes, like just in general, like one of my very first events ever I went to a mastermind with some like minded Social Media Marketing Agency experts. And like, it was my first one. I paid like 5000 bucks to go to this event. And it wasn't just… First off, being around people. It opened up my eyes a lot more than seeing because we can always see ads. We always see influencers, to actually meet people and then realize that the like, literally show you the business, the relationship that was built so like what happened was not personally like even though I just had this belief in myself and just actually like high ticket kind of like like what we do in affiliate marketing industry, high ticket just some traffic and marketing in general. Like business owners, we sell websites for $1,000, $5,000 and sometimes $15,000. More like I didn't believe that you could charge that much money for something. Prior to meeting people in person, like younger people actually doing it. There's people out there that will pay that and it's not about the cost of things. It's just about the relationships and the customers you require. Because you have people that like I've got a Range Rover I think you probably do too. And it's just a different customer. They require that when you get a customer, they're usually more invested in themselves. They want to take better care of us and they don't have the expectation of fulfillment is different, right? Because a lot of people come into this industry with the wrong expectations and that's the data being crushed when you go to these live events, right? Because you get to hear the real story behind the scenes and what it really takes and all that kind of stuff. Right? So it just gets crushed with some of the things and then also crushes disbelief because you get to really see this stuff. Right? You get to see what goes into filming and you take anything from anybody and you actually go home with intention, then you can see if it works or not for your business, right and so I just really liked it in person meetings. I can't pinpoint one directly. But I know that it changed my life. 

Dave: Well, I know that was an on the spot question. I mean, kinda like everything else here on you know, I mean, there's nothing that's scripted. So sometimes I just dropped questions on people that they're, you know, that they're not prepared for but yeah, I mean, I get it I agree. I tend to believe that basic human nature is that people share more secrets in truce in cap, you know, in casual conversations in person than they do on the internet. It's just human nature, sort of like when you're with your good friends. You tend to talk more honestly, you tend to talk more openly to each other than you do on social media. You know, you share juicy secrets, you share gossip, you share exactly how you do things versus what you portray on social media. Where everything is always happy. Everything is always perfect. And really you're only seeing the show sort of like you write you came from E commerce. You know when the pandemic hit you transition to affiliate marketing found us went and exploded your business you know hit Platinum with us. I don't know how fast but it was pretty fast right?

Austin: We're with you guys 70 So when you correctly was just shocked by when we did that? Three months. 

Dave: Okay, so you're you're crushing you're you're well on your way, but

when all this happened so fast, you just kind of came in like if you were looking at it from the outside looking in, you know, you made it look really easy. You know, you make it look like it's no big deal like you know, sort of like it's effortless. But behind the scenes there's a lot more going on. There's a lot there, right? So that would be an example and you and I are talking about it just right now, just on the internet. We will talk about it even more on an intimate level here at the mastermind But that's an example of kind of what I mean by things that the intention of a mastermind is sort of like what happens when you have friends that are sitting around gossiping, basically talking, talking shit, you know, talking about the UPS talking about the downs, versus the showmanship, the performance the execution that will be seen online, how different is what we see online, and how effortless you make it look versus what goes on behind the scenes?

Austin: It's why everyone in the room knows we don't post on film until we review it 12 times. Right? So like when you put stuff out on the internet, like it's always we always try to perfect it versus so like we're spending so much time behind the scenes perfecting these doing all this work and it looks effortlessly but that's because that's what we posted posted the video we posted the version of our video that looks natural right so there's so much that does go on behind the scenes that you won't see whether it be writing emails writing copy, studying intently doing your business actually executing works on integrating different pieces to the business so you can grow up sustainable, right? Yeah. We can post videos and maybe we'll work to make them work but there's a lot of these people who don't see for the version to happen. There's still a lot of pieces that come to play outside of just marketing material. We can market all day and not get conversions, right so like there's so many other pieces that a lot of people would look at and like you said people think it comes naturally especially when people see success quickly in a certain industry. Like tick tock, for example. We all know our followers in months, like five months, six months, right? It seems effortless but what people see is that we all hit plateaus. We all hit the same levels, right? Like my account has been shadow banned since July 1st 100%. Like I have done in the for you page on any video ever since July 1st. Yes, I have other accounts, but that right there, it upsets me. I'm like how can I get someone to see my posts so we all experience it at every level. Whether you're a beginner you're not getting traction or you have a viral infection like it makes me not want to post and makes you want to want to do it. So there's always these battles that hold up even if it does look good, we'll still be our own. What was your take? Tell me because I know it's not going to be abuse and so I don't want to do it right. So that battle stays with us the whole entire entrepreneurial journey. It's not as easy as a book. Sometimes people think it is really not as long as you know what you're going out from what your why is.

Dave: Yeah. And I was looking at that. What I could see a bit behind you is the success of the price list there. You know, there you go, man. It's like here's, here's the price. It's not $9.95, it's not three easy payments in 1999. It's not $7. It's not $2,500. It's not 4500 Money, essentially and this is what I think everybody's gonna learn from this mastermind when we sit in a room with us for three days. Over the weekend. What you're going to discover is that money is a small price that you pay just to show yourself that you're serious, the other skill sets the other and whether it be the psychology, the skill sets that you can develop all of which are in your total control. We can give you some of the pieces and kind of gets you started down the road. And everybody is capable and has the potential of succeeding in developing these skills in these characteristics. But what everybody's gonna see who's in that room. You're coming up in December for fourth and fifth is going to see that you me everybody up the Brian Brewers’ of the world the Stacy La’s of the world, the Sarah Ravel’s, the Andre’s and all of the other heavy hitters, you're gonna see that we really are no different than you we just are paying the price right we're paying the price. And so we just listed a couple of things and your pain right now your pain, persistence, right because it would be so easy to quit your pain. A couple of others you know, your pain, your pain, sort of humility, right? You're deflating the ego, right? Because here's half a million followers having to know in a sense, having to pivot in that's what entrepreneurship is about. Right? It's about what do I do now that things aren't going exactly as planned? And some would think often at your level, the you know, the your skills and your ability to be able to kind of create income and traffic as well as you do. I think most people would think that you don't have any challenges. It's just all Range Rovers and mansions and all this kind of stuff. So what I'm most one of the things that I'm most excited about, talking about this upcoming. Not just our successes, but the challenges and how you overcome how you're overcoming this time right now, where you had such a big run up on your TikTok profile, you got a shadow ban, and how are you pivoting? Are you doing we're going to talk about that but I just want to give people a history of yourself here with the E comm. Just nutshell your sort of your story where you came from, what you were doing before you started affiliate marketing joined our community, and then sort of in a nutshell, what that journey has looked like just with a couple of the ups and downs?

Austin: Absolutely. Yeah. So for anybody that doesn't know I started in ecommerce. Much like everybody else helping money online. My daughter was just born right. And the job I was taking I just accepted a job in the oil and gas refinery industry. When I first started I didn't want to do this job right but it took the job at the same time on sorting out all the different things Amazon drop shipping anything like that. I started with Amazon FBA. Yes, it's a good business. Yes, it was capital intensive. Luckily, I had a job that made me six figures a year. So first things first. I first bought a course on this back when courses were not as known as they are today Started the course, got some information, or more, or a little bit more information and then I started implementing all this stuff. I already knew this but Alibaba problems right? So I started doing it right. So I'm starting to spend the dollars here $5,000 On a product, get it shipped to my house and realize the quality is not good, right? But the very first issue I had I had fallen in and I don't know, I'm just holding tours. I don't have a mentor. I don't have a coach. It's just the very first thing. The very first issue I have is manufacturing. The first there's a delay that takes three to four to six months. To get shipped and imported. And then there's taxes and all kinds of delivery companies that I have no idea but this one's right. Like hey, your shipment is right but like okay, cool, where is it? Oh it’s on an import dock somewhere in a different state. I'm like, okay, not a freight forwarder or somebody that you get the freight off.

Dave: Right now it's sitting in a ship on the coast of California. Can you imagine how many dropshippers right now have their product sitting on the coast of California or can’t get it in from China. 

Austin: We are sold out with a lot of our products and we are still active on Amazon. And it sucks. I have so many friends in the industry that activity sites are the pivotal moment right now. For our E commerce in goods is pivoting from sourcing in China to us pivoting in Mexico and driving across the board. We don't have the same, we'll keep it simple. It's all these different facilities out there as far as manufacturing plants, so we're limited on what we can produce. But as far as our goals we can pull it off it's still good across all shipments but it's just insane that the Reliance people had on those ships getting over here now like you said they can't and then air freight isn't just more expensive now because fuels up in shipping by air is expensive, especially if it weighs or ways in your mouth or any piece of science right? So much in my very first policy in Amazon. I didn't know how to have a suffocation warning label affixed to the bag. So I'm stranded with 5,000 units of product like $1.50 pieces like 70-500 bucks of product. It took six months to get to Amazon now since I'm getting emails by Amazon Oh, we can sell a product. There's no suffocation label on the polybag. I'm like why? So now I'm having to go through loopholes to pay Amazon to stick the stickers. On there to then sell the product to them four months later, six months later, we first page on Amazon we get traction and then we assume Right? So there's like a design. So we had a design patent infringement on our first product. And I'm like, okay, cool, but it started with ceaseand desist letters. I didn't know what this was. So those like those quickly changed to something else. Then we launched after all of that stuff settled down. I really want to make more products. And then I launched a supplement company right. We launched a supplement company in 2017. And again, finally got some traction, on Amazon that's a problem. on Amazon and you get recognized. Sometimes I was on Shopify, nobody knew about me before but the recognition on Amazon, then the big players, they're like, Oh, hey, look, you know, patented since 2008, on the branding of your supplement company. I'm like so now it's a whole brand new. It wasn't just a small thing. It was like hey, you have to rebrand everything. So we got sued for patent design for tax. On rights to our supplement company. So that was the second show. Your second ecommerce store closed now. Not including all the Drop Shipping failures we had where we spent 1000’s of dollars to drop ship stuff from who knows where they would be if something nice happened. You don't know the customers are getting into that. That was the journey for E-commerce. Yeah, we made money but we lost a lot of money. And it's been a journey. And then like you said once we started with pivoted obviously that ran out for four years and pivoting to affiliate marketing just made sense. With everything going on in the industry, the timing was right, the market's good fulfillments differed in switching over to high ticket and digital. It's just where everything's going right by our understanding of keys and digital products. Even our land is digital these days, right? So it just makes sense. So again, just following the entrepreneurial journey, even when times require you to pivot it's just what we have to do and that's what we have to do. Right and that's what we'll continue to do for all of us here for the rest of life.

Dave: Yeah, so you come in you do you become an affiliate for Legendary you do 70 grand in commissions in three, four months. Did you say you kind of knocked that out pretty quick. income disclaimer, that's not typical. Okay, so that's not the average. That's not the average result that people get. The average result is zero. Okay, so just the average result is you lose money and never take financial advice from me ever again. Right? That's the average result. Stan Stan, super clean and compliant here. But uh, but yeah, you you you you kind of discover the potential of digital products and in marketing without all the fulfillment hassles and headaches and yeah, it's not that drop shipping. It's not that Amazon doesn't have potential but I mean, it's nice to hear. And like you said, You even got some apparel stuff that is still cranking and you still got a hand in that in that business, but it's nice to hear it from somebody who actually has experience versus me. I've never done drop shipping, or e-commerce. So if I'm sitting up here bashing it. It might be because I know some people but you're speaking firsthand experience you know, and so, you know, I appreciate that transparency. So, so question, are you doing NFTs and stuff like that as well? Are you into all that?

Austin: Yes. cryptos and NFT’s, I’ve been into that since about 2016 as well.

Dave: Have you made some pretty good money with that or has that been up and down and all around? Has the profit been worth some of the stress? Like for me it was a very stressful thing being involved in crypto. I don't know if it's the same for you, but what's been your experience?

Austin: So I treat crypto like any investment. So when I first started it was stressful. Now it's not as much because now it won't do any rolling faster is investing by all right. I'm not trying to turn a box into the wealthiest are the two I guess wealthiest. The largest portfolio is based on very bored studies are people that also passwords to log into their stocks or people that know festival holdings towards portfolios and history right in those are the types right so investing for the long term that is how I treat crypto because I actually crypto as the future, because that's my belief right to each his own but I believe that's where crypto will go. So in 2017 when we had the first run up 40, 20, 1000 Bitcoin that's when I lost a lot of money because I tried to time the market and then I'm like I'm not an investor. I was spending all my time in E commerce trying to tie markets in a trade and stuff like I did wasn't I didn't know what I was doing right? Yes, you can make money doing that. Yes, you can make money doing anything, but it's not suited for me. It wasn't. So since I was all that money. I've only ever since then I've never sell so it's made it easier for me to like so I know that NFT games a little bit different because with the new NFT craze we do want to buy and sell right now as like you buy pumps for like 50 grand or like 200 or 300 but it's just understanding really what again, what you do when you buy an NF T is you're buying into a community like a mastermind you're buying a network of people that help like that to get around the right people that's all the same thing because can't grow by yourself and money is useless money is literally just perceived value of what's of greater value. Which are networking opportunities, right? It's just people. So understanding that as far as my strategy, I buy a union in like Shiva, like I know that's a thing right now I bought Shiva a couple months back I told people to buy Shiva and play K. And then people ask me Hey, when are you selling? When do you sell them when I'm like, do I invest? I don't sell most people when it's a penny. Also, I'll liquidate a little bit. So like I still sell, like I'm not trying to make money to pay my bills. I do that every day. Like so, my investments weren't there to pay my bills. They're there to set my kids up. Right?

Dave: Yeah. Interesting. Interesting. Yeah, I I I made I made $20,000 on Bitcoin back in like 2017 and it was literally the most stressful 20,000 in my entire life because like I was I was checking it so much. And just, you know, oh my god, you know, you see all the people everybody you know, it's up, it's down. It's, I mean, it's literally to me, it is it is the most stressful thing and maybe that's just my personality. So yeah, I haven't I don't do any crypto. I don't do any NF T's any of that shit. And maybe you'll convince me otherwise at the mastermind, right? That's what masterminds are about. Right because, you know, I may be missing the boat, but, but I'm uncomfortable in my lane. You know what I mean? In my lane is real estate and, and, and in stocks and a couple of other stores of value because I don't I don't think we always need to be making money with our money. Sometimes we just need to keep our money from losing money right now. Right now right now and with a lot I mean, most of us would be a lot more rich if we just hadn't given all of our money away. Right in don't businesses in training with people who weren't didn't really know what they were doing, or or really by buying, you know, starting something and then and then stopping it and starting something else and then stopping it I saw a comment there about somebody's got you know, three bedrooms full of products that they're trying to drop ship or Amazon or whatever, you know what I mean? Are some of the people who write I mean, we just we make sometimes we make irrational decisions. And sometimes we make dumb decisions as entrepreneurs just because we can be we can be impulsive, and we can be irrational. And we tend to not think things all the way through, right, so I used to be really impulsive. And now I tend to move really slow with decisions, you know. So, so yeah, so like, but this is so you may pick up a few nuggets from my investment strategy because I turn my estate into like, eight or nine pieces of real estate, with not much more money out of pocket. You know what I mean? And because my wife and I have this, this kind of savvy little real estate strategy to acquire rentals, you know what I mean? And we started acquiring rentals back a while ago. So now you know, our house, which is a million dollar home, it's risen from, you know, 100% In five years, we've got you know, a million dollar home that's paid off all of our stuff. All of our cars are, you know, we've got a lease for cars paid off. Those are both strategic. We don't have a lease because We can't pay it off. All of our real estate is pretty is pretty leverage so we're not, we don't have tons of money tied up in that. We have, you know, money over here in the stock market. That's just you know, that's been climbing in for me, that's my lane, you know, that's it's not stressful to me in the way that I've set that up by letting my wife give her the real estate stuff because she's smarter with it. You know, she's smarter with she's better at finding tenants. She's more organized, you know, in working together in partnership with my wife, to be able to execute on our investments and also leaning on her personality which is slower and more analytical and logical versus my, my personality is more impulsive and addictive and risk, high risk tolerance, right. So for me in our marriage, I'm the one with a high risk tolerance that has always made it rain on the front end. And she's the one on the backend who sort of helps drive investments because we want lower risk tolerance with investments because we don't want to lose all the money that we made. And what I see a lot of times with entrepreneurs is that they, they'll make some money, but then the same, they'll take that same thought process that made the money which was probably super risk tolerant, and then they'll turn around and try to invest that money with that same mindset and oftentimes go off and lose it. You know. So these are some of the things you'll share some of your strategy with me about NFT's and crypto and how do you run your investments and how do you turn? How do you either keep $1or how do you turn $1 into two? I'll share with you some of my strategies and we'll do it in front of everybody in the room. So all of you who were there, can hear how you know, probably two totally different strategies have learned a lot along the way and made some pretty decent money. Austin, how old are you? 

Austin: 30 

Dave: You're 30 dude? I mean, you know, and also the other thing that we're going to I'm going to be picking your brain about a little bit is your fitness. You know you were talking about counting calories. Now I just started because I got just sick and tired of all this extra baby weight that I put on, you know, especially during our last son when he was born 11 months ago. So papa Dave just got back in the gym and in the kitchen. Okay, it's been a full week now. Okay. And you know me, extreme all the way. I'm either all in or I'm all out and I've been all out five guys. Batman city for the yo Yeah, baby. All of it. Give me all of it. Just eat all the lunch meat at night, cheese, pizza, everything because I'm all out. So now I'm all in and I want to hear about your fitness strategy because the first thing that I noticed when I came on was you look slimming trim different than you look last time so you're also on top of and a real high achiever when it comes to your health. You want to just say a couple of words about that without giving away all of your secrets. But I want to understand a little bit about Has that always been something that you've been on top of or are you counting calories? Like you were talking about that? Like what does your strategy look like? 

Austin: Yeah, so like as far as fitness goes. I've been in business for a very, very long time. And in fact, we're actually launching our fitness consulting business. My girlfriend is here this week, right? She's gonna be at the forefront of it and all of that monitoring because she's like you and your wife, right? She's all analytical, she's I'm aggressive. I'm gonna help people and we're just customers. Money, right? She's gonna fulfill me actually, the analytics, the data in the running and stuff of it, but I've been at this war since I was like, honestly, like 15 years. It's been a thing of mine. We were both actually very athletic. And that all started because being borderline diabetic, my mom's type one grandma type one. So friends and family. And currently I just came in. I'm pre diabetic. I've been battling it for 15 years. So I just choose a normal, healthy diet. There's times when we go off track like last year when we were just focused on business 100% As we were pivoting in automating autonomous business model, like then I was spending a lot more time on a computer just eating whatever was quick and then pretty nice like you just eating whatever pizza or a piece of it's easier to do. Now she cooks anything, she weighs all of our food. And we eat really, really good. Like I'm talking about pancakes for dinner every night with protein like bagels, we eat about 400 calories a day right now, and we're progressing. 4000 So I eat a ton of food. I'm not heavy. I'm only 190 pounds right? My body fat is 10% So we're frugal. We'll progress up that way and then we'll cut a 16 week open. A 12 week cut for the summer of next year. But I've actively been at it for about 15 years and we just go through cycles this a little bit where sometimes we'll go out and we'll just take a week or two off, eat whatever we want and then move forward and get back on track count macros because there's no calories of what you're actually eating the percentage of each of the carbs, proteins and then putting it together and eating the right types of hormones. That's actually all that I like. I actually like it a lot. So we're actually pivoting down. We were starting that industry as well, for that business really reverted on and automated as well. And then we by far as investments and stuff goes like you said, you do rentals we also do cars we do car rentals. I started that recently we're doing our course and we're trying to build that out. 

Dave: Like on Toro and stuff. Yeah, you're a serial entrepreneur. I mean, you know, it's interesting, we'll talk about that too at the mastermind because I mean, for some people that works for people like me, it doesn't work. You know what I mean? Like having tons of stuff going on. I think we're going to learn. I think we're going to learn a lot about each other. We're going to learn a lot about a lot of various topics. And I think what a lot of people who are attending this are going to really kind of discover is that there's a lot more to being a successful entrepreneur than just you know marketing. It's really also about health and fitness and how you approach how you do things, how you do everything kind of I guess to say is simply also how you feel is how you feel both energetically but also how you feel about yourself. And one of the things I know about me and I think this is probably true for everybody is when I feel good when I feel my kind of best self like I'm got my swagger right? I got a few cuts on the tries and the biceps. If you know what I mean, right when I throw that tank top on, and that's just it's just a straight arm kind of like it is right now. It's just like, you know, I mean like there's it's just kind of a straight arm. Right but there's some cuts and I got to develop them, you know, but when I see Yeah, I mean look at my dog when he puts on a tank top it's like it's like shredder up in this bitch. You know what I mean? So when I'm looking and feeling my best, that's when I'm most confident. So if I want to be better on camera, right if I want to be more confident on camera, if I want to be more confident with clients, if I want to be more confident during my sales calls, if that's what I'm doing if I'm closing high ticket clients over the phone into a fitness consulting business, or if I'm again recording TikTok videos, man, the better I feel about myself both with energy but also feeling my best swaggered self, the more confident I'm going to be the more I'm going to execute. The more rested I am, the more clear and focused I'm going to be. And another reason to discover is that the more balanced I am in my family life and by balancing both non you know non working activities and working activities, the more happy I am and the more successful I am and I don't know about all of you regardless of what age you are, but what I've realized is that I want to enjoy my life. Now no matter what my income level is, part of this transition from employee to entrepreneur and running my own business is about freedom, and it's about happiness. And so it's not just about working myself to death, right? I don't want to work 18 hours a day. Even in my own business. I want to have a nice balance and when I sit down to do my work, I want to be focused, I want to know what I'm doing. I'm confident I want to knock out my workout. And then I want to make sure that I transition to family time or to like fun activities and stuff. So I can enjoy the journey in get out of this. What I believe is vicious, it's like chasing the carrot at the end of the stick. It's like Oh, when I get this much money and I'm this successful, then I'll be happy and all enjoy life and the truth is, we can enjoy it all along the journey. Right? We can't enjoy it. But it's it's it. It takes focus, I have to have intention and I have to have a plan to be able to do that. So those are some of the things I think that people are gonna see that it's not just it's not just going to come and grind grind grind.

Austin: Yeah, I want to say like whenever people create that expectation, right, if they create a fictitious expectation on like, say, like grinding to make a million bucks or something they creep with this expectation that they arbitrarily made up, that's going to be the builder, right? Like, once I hit a million bucks, I'm going to feel better, I'm going to feel great. So the point is you want because if you create an expectation, and there's this deficiency from this expectation that you created, you're not going to keep yourself in a slump the whole time. If you ever achieve that level that you expected. There was already an expected loss. There's never any fulfilment from it. So you're like, it's still like, you wanted to be happy all the time. That's how I'm like you. We spend most of our time like our days must have one o'clock. We did the gym like that, like that's our routine. I don't work. At one o'clock me and her go to the gym, we do our thing, spend time with the kids. We spend our day living life, right? And we just enjoy our time after that in the mornings. I'll work and it's very intentional, right? Everything I do is with intent. I don't want to sit down without intention. That doesn't make sense. That's a big thing. They do a lot of things without attention. Do they never actually achieve anything? They didn't have any attempt to achieve by the time they were finished with whatever it is to do and watching YouTube watching the course and not executing it right. So yeah, I just jumped in there.

Dave: There's a lot there's a lot so much to talk about and you know so much to learn about each other and to learn from each other. And so I'm excited man about you know, December 3 fourth and fifth. I'm super stoked to hang out with you and have you down. And I appreciate your time today bro. And I'll let you get back to your work that I know you have scheduled for today. So you can make sure that you hit that one o'clock gym time so you don't have to sacrifice that with the wifey. And you know just you know just just bring all of the amazing Austin Becker energy with you when you come down and let's just have a kick ass a kick ass mastermind.

Austin: We're gonna be there, we're gonna love it. We're gonna we're gonna we're gonna show everybody that they only have to get rich once right and then when the proper investment strategies you to live the rest of your life, that's it, you'll make enough money to invest properly, and then your investments. Most people forget that, like you said, instead of taking that money and starting a new business, put a million bucks in the right, right? Right ETF right. If you can pay yourself your bills, and you're still gonna make more money than what's your interest rate.

Dave: Yeah, I think people don't realize that they know that they don't need $20 million, right? You need enough to start earning interest on it and most of you at most people's age, which is most everybody in this community, besides you are in their 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s Right, and we've got some 20 and 30. Who are you know, we've got we've got a few who are focused right and some that are that are, you know, trying to get there but I mean for most people, you're absolutely right man. And so we're going to give them our strategies, they can take the meat leave the bones, and, and I think walk away with with a lot of ideas and a lot of clarity and a lot of confidence from seeing that. We're also just regular people, ordinary people doing extraordinary things. You know what I mean?

Austin: That's it.

Dave: All right, bro. We'll take care of man. And we'll see you here in a few weeks. All right, brother.

Austin: Thanks for having me. Thanks, everybody. We'll be we'll

Dave: See ya Austin, take care. All right, my friends. We are going to play a couple of words from some folks who have been to some masterminds in the past. Now as we sort of transition and end this episode this morning. For Monday. Each day of the week, we're gonna have another guest speaker who's going to be the mastermind. So go and register right now. There's only so many spots. Okay? This is for those of you who have already purchased the mastermind, okay, so it's not it's not for sale. Go and register if you've already purchased the mastermind right in your back office. If you're having any. You can go to legendarymarketer.com forward slash mastermind. believe that's going to take you into our back office and register. 

Matt: It's actually gonna take them to the page that I set up. 

Dave: Okay, fantastic. So it will take you to the page that you can kind of read through some details about the mastermind. It has a video of how to register and I look forward to seeing you guys. Our masterminds are, you know, they are the best experiences inside of this industry. And it's not just because, you know, it's not just because of, you know, there's a bunch of flash and trash, you know what I mean? Like most events are kind of all flash and trash, and then you get their quote and you get pitched for three days. You know what I mean? There's not going to be anything for sale. You know, it's going to be straight helping you take things to the next level, because that's what these masterminds are all about. They're not about, you know, getting a bunch of people in the room pitching from the front of the room. Like, like so many events are. That's fine. That's just a different model. That's not our business model. We want to help you to grow. We want to help you take your psychology to the next level. We want to help you take your skills to the next level. We want to help you take your income and investment strategies to the next level. So go check out legendarymarketer.com forward/mastermind. Listen to a few people who have been to a mastermind in the past. We'll see it tomorrow. And we'll see those of you who are coming at the upcoming mastermind in Orlando, Florida December 3rd-5th. Peace.

The Do’s and Don’ts Of TikTok

Below is the transcription for this episode: 

Dave: Hey what's going on everybody, this is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to another episode of Wake Up Legendary. You know what the routine is, let's jump into things we've got a returning guest this morning. Her name is Kelly Olsen, she's a rock star. She's awesome. She was on our show, whoo, I lose track of time but it was probably anywhere between six nine even 12 months ago. And as you can see from the title. If you're listening to this, I'll read it for you One Year and 100,000 Followers Later. Here's Kelly's Advice. Kelly, welcome to the show.

Kelly: Good morning. Thank you for having me.

I remember when you were on. You are a, if I'm, if I remember correctly, an attorney or were once an attorney and are not practicing anymore. You were recently divorced, and you were building and beginning new chapters in your life and you were somewhat at the beginning of that journey here you had found us. You're somewhat excited. And, you know, I don't have a crystal ball. I can never tell if people are going to stay excited, are going to stay in the game or are going to continue down the journey. And here you are one year later, and as we said one year 100,000 followers, and you're going to give us your advice today. Based on that experience, if I nailed everything. As far as the last time you were on in give, would you give our listeners a brief nutshell of what your beginning look like, just, just sort of encapsulate how you started.

Kelly: Yeah, that was a pretty good summary. Yeah, so I got divorce, almost three years ago and had a transition period where I really needed to find a job and figure out how I was going to provide for my kids. I have four kids. So it was, it was quite an uphill battle. And I knew I needed to be close to them, and be present. And so I started researching online, how I could make money online, how I could get work from home so I could still have proximity to, you know my kids and be able to take them to school and their activities and all that. And now I did, I did the usual Shopify store and then I found Legendary. And it was what is just one of those things that clicked in my head, it just made sense. I thought I could do this, I know I can do this. And so I jumped in and I’m here a year later.

Dave: And your expectations have been met, they've been exceeded. Give us, Give us a perspective about expectations versus reality.

Kelly: So that's an interesting question because I think a lot of people come into this expecting to make money very very quickly. And you can, but sustaining a lot of money quickly is difficult. So, my expectations have been blown out of the water. But it took a while to get here. So, I think my, my road my path might have been a little slower than some others because I was, you know, working a nine to five, with four kids as a single mom, so I think I was very precise and like I really planned out how I was going to leave my job, and how, like, what steps to take in my business to make it successful and sustainable. I think that's really important for people to understand that, you know. You just have to be realistic, you know, making a gazillion dollars your first, you know, three weeks, probably not realistic.

Dave: Sure. Well, it's interesting. Well let me ask this before I reply back with my thoughts on that. Have you met goals like transitioning out of your nine to five, and now working full time online?

Kelly: I put my two weeks in at my nine five, about a week and a half ago. So I'm done as of Friday. And I'm so excited. So excited.

Dave: Okay, okay, fantastic. Well let's, let's all give Kelly, a huge, you know, round of applause there, digital round of applause in the comments for putting in her two week notice. So here's my reply back to you and I just wonder what comes up for you as I say this, I have learned over a decade that short term goals. Usually, I make them unrealistic to big, long term goals I usually make them too small. And I think that's pretty common amongst most US entrepreneurs, we get into something and have big dreams and aspirations of making a lot of money fast, because sometimes we're in a pinch, we need it, and it ends up testing us, because it takes longer than that initial week or month, or even two months or three months or six months to really get cash flow going consistently, but what we can accomplish if we stick with it over, a year for example or 2418 months, or 24 months is, in my experience, beyond what I had initially, even thought was possible because when I stick with something, it builds up momentum, and it ends up, it ends up becoming like compound dividends from, if any of you have studied what, you know, what compound interest is with an investment, it's really kind of the eighth wonder of the world how, if you put $100,000 into an investment, and it makes 10% over 15 years, the amount of money that you'll have, and how much of that will be interest versus your initial principal, it's really fascinating. Right. And I believe that business success happens the same way, if you stay on the path, it feels like you're not earning anything for the first, like, little while, similar to an investment, it's like oh my gosh I only made. You know I only made $10,000 on this 100,000 The first year like, it's cool, but I wanted to I wanted to double my money, you know, but then all of a sudden you look at it over 10 years and it's like, holy crap, Like, I've got more from interest here than I do from principle. Do you agree with that with that perspective, does that align with your experience

Kelly: 100% 100% Yep. I don't think I mean I might have this backwards. But isn't it Tony Robbins who says, People underestimate what they can do in a year, and overestimate what they can do in like a day or a month.

Dave: It's actually Dave Sharpe Tony stole that from me. I don't know who it's from. But it's, it's really true, I mean, I think we've all sort of recycled and repurposed. A lot of these little quotes. Tony's probably repurpose a lot from the late Jim Rohn, who was his original mentor and many other people but it's all, anything that has that vibe yeah it's like you're not going to get rich quick. But you can get rich, realistically, and you can probably get rich quicker than the traditional path which leads me to my next sort of perspective shift on your journey. You know, you have been able to, you know, quit your job. Essentially we don't need to know the exact but get close or exceed replacing your income. Within a year, and I didn't go to college you did but getting a degree in law takes how many years.

Kelly: I mean, law school is three, but then you also need your undergraduate so that's at least another four.

Dave: Okay so we're talking, let's say seven years, and how much money on average, are you investing in that college degree. In those degrees.

Kelly: I mean, right now, I've, I mean when I was a lawyer I was making well over six figures. I am on track for doing this. And it's not in a high pressure Law Firm, where I'm working.

Dave: Where I'm going with this, but, like, you're it's like you're on the stand and I'm leading the question right of course you're familiar with that. But my point here is is that being a lawyer is being a doctor being a plumber being a carpenter being a secretary being a grocery store clerk, anything to where you're making an honest day's pay for an honest day's work is an honorable thing to do, and in no way shape or form, do I ever want to put anybody down who's works. A, who, who works to make a living. However, when we look at even a year, even 18 months, even two years to get on track, to even earn 50,000 A year or even earn 30,000 a year I know people who are surviving on 30 40,000 a year. I know people who are surviving barely on minimum wage, which is a little bit less than that, but we're talking six figures that you were precise and on purpose with your activities and just over a year or right around a year you're now, get on track to do six figures in a year and we look at that compared to the traditional path, which is student loans unforgivable debt right that can't go into a bankruptcy. It's the only type of debt that can fact check me right you're the attorney in fact check me I mean that's the only debt that cannot be forgiven in a bankruptcy from what I understand, and you know I think there's a lot of attorneys and a lot of architects and a lot of engineers and a lot of folks who are coming out of college right now with a mountain of debt, and especially from what we just came out of with this pandemic probably having a tough time even getting work, Right, even, even going and finding a place to work right and here we are with this amazing opportunity that you can be an attorney, you can be a plumber you can be a carpenter and if you get online and you get educated from the right people in the right environment. You have an opportunity to develop skills, put them into action and build a company and build a brand for yourself, and that's what you've done and it's what many other people have done so what, tell us based on now you've been doing this for a year. What do you know now that you didn't know before?

Kelly: So many things. 

Dave: Just fill them in, condense them and consolidate them for us into a couple of key points.

Kelly: So, one thing that I really struggled with for a while was, and I'm a huge mindset person. And it's, it's a struggle, knowing what you need to do and actually getting there. And so, the mindset is huge, like, and I knew that I guess that's one of the things that I kind of knew but it just took me a while to figure it out and how to get there. Imposter syndrome is very real. And I think even when the first, even the first time I was on the show. But I knew what I was doing but I didn't feel like people would actually look to me for advice or anything like that and be like an authority in the area. But, I mean, I'm, I'm not helping other people do this, and the competence builds, like, you know, I don't know, another, another influencer that I love always says success breeds success. And so once you start you just, you have to keep going and building on it, because it, like you said compounds. Another thing is reaching out to people and networking so if you see somebody that you know on TikTok or Instagram or on Wake Up Legendary or whatever and they resonate with you, reach out to them, like send them a DM like ask what their experience is, start making those connections because those are really important.

Dave: What if you're a what if you're somebody who is hesitant to reach out, what if you have this, what if you have this feeling or mindset that you're, that you don't want to bother somebody, or that people are too busy to, you know, respond to little me, I'm sure that when I'm sure we all feel that I feel that sometimes when I'm calling friends, when I'm calling just people just in my personal life like I don't want to bother them you know what I mean like, even though they may be thinking that too and a lot of people say that I know you're busy, I don't want to take too much. They say that to me too. And I'm like, Oh no, no worries dude I'm, I was just sitting here, you know, having a cup of coffee, you know, how, how have you overcome that or are you still, you still. How do you overcome that feeling, small, I guess in feeling like a small fish in a big sea with sharks and whales in like your like your like Nemo, you know you're like swimming around and like a little fish who's getting bounced all around feeling unnoticed and unseen, and maybe like you don't matter how, how, give us a perspective into somebody now who does get have people reaching out to you, and how do you feel when you see somebody who reaches out and wants to connect?

Kelly: So, I definitely still feel like that sometimes. I guess what I've sort of come to is, you reach out to people, and I mean if somebody reaches out to me, I love that, because then I can try to help them in some way, like, and I hope that I do. But it's, yes. When I reach out to other people. I just have it in my head that if they respond. That's like, that's great. Right and then that's sort of meant to be like if they don't respond, then that's okay like I don't take it personally, I think I used to take it personally. I don't take it personally. I, you know, maybe, Maybe they are too busy, maybe they miss the message, maybe reach out to them again, like I, it's, it's a tricky thing to overcome, but you just have to jump in. It's sort of like making your first TikTok, but you just have to, like, you just have to turn the camera and jump in and do it, and not worry so much about what other people are thinking. So people want to help.

Dave: So much of that is easier said than done. However, there is no easy way around it, you, you do build I, my way of saying, self esteem breeds self esteem is that self esteem is the bedrock of success. And back to your point, we can talk about the mechanics of marketing here in a second. But back to your point on the dynamics is that success. Success is the excuse me self esteem is the bedrock of success. And what that means to me is that if I, if I practice something and become better at it. I feel more confident. And the reason why I believe many people do not experience success similarly, they do not do things that are on their bucket list is because those things scare them. For example, jumping out of a plane, for example going on vacation to a different country, for example, walking up to the girl or the guy in a restaurant or the bar and saying hello. Can I get your number? We experience a lot of pain in loneliness and isolation, and a lot of what I consider, and I think many of us would say the worst in life is regret because we don't overcome the fears that we have about doing something, whether it's in. For many of us in business. How many of you I wonder just, if, if, if there would be some we could, we can know that we're in a safe place to be honest right now I would say that there's been one or two specific things that have held you back for years in your, in your online business, for example, getting in front of the camera. For example, running a Facebook ad, for example, launching a TikTok profile. Right. There's a lot of people who hide in education, who jump from course to course or guru to guru or, you know, they get all excited about starting one thing, but then when they're met with that. That challenge that they avoided in the last venture, they're met with it here again, it might have a little bit of a different gift wrapping on it but it's the same present. And it's just too scary to open it because you just don't know what's going to be inside. So you do nothing and then it's easier to just move on to the next guru or move on to the next course or move on to the Facebook feed or whatever. And we then, and that because that turns into a regret, right, Kelly, because it was like, dang, you know, here I am once again starting over with another business, because the last one I didn't just simply lean in to the fear in lean into the uncomfortability of doing some of these things. So what were some of those things that were what were the biggest things for you, the behaviors the activities in your business that you were that were painfully scary, that was it, video, was it reaching out to people one on one, was it buying a course like, what, what was the thing that you were like okay, this is fear mountain in it, and I keep avoiding it, but I need to conquer it.

Kelly: Okay, so I think that I definitely have the tendency to get stuck in education. Like, I definitely do that. And I actually remember very vividly a decade and a day at the very end, you came on, and you talked about this exact thing. And I remember like I made a comment and you, and then you addressed it, like while we were alive, because I know I do that, I know I do that like I don't, I, the amount of YouTube videos I have watched about all sorts of online you know Amazon FBA drop shipping was like everything I've, I've, binged it all. But, so when you sort of address that particular point head on and decade in a day, I was like, That's it, like I'm doing it like I'm just doing it and for me it was like I was always the kid in the back of the class that never said anything. Like, I like totally, I mentioned this on my. The first time I was on, I flew under the radar like nobody noticed me. So, getting on camera. We're, you know, people would see me was very, very difficult, but in that decade in a day like I made a promise to myself that within two weeks, I was going to be on tick tock, and I just did it like one Sunday, like, you know, took a shower when running outside to the backyard, my kids thought it was totally insane films like four or five peacocks, over and over and over again. I just started posting.

Dave: If I were, if I, if I remember correctly, You grew up in an abusive home, and your brother was abused and you flew under the radar. And that behavior is part of you, it became part of who you were as you got older, I'm sure you. I'm sure it was a survival mechanism that became an asset because you were able to study and get through school and obviously do a hell of a lot of schooling and graduate. And then when it was time to get into the real world in it, especially as an entrepreneur, that childhood survival mechanism that certainly was a survival mechanism and this is something that I think a lot of times, I look at trauma. And I agree and disagree with a lot of the approaches to trauma because it was a survival mechanism that kept me alive and kept me safe. As a child, but now it's no longer productive, but it's deeply ingrained in who I am, and I now need to overcome it. Did you have that awareness, that that was a part of your, you know who you were a survival mechanism that you needed to address in face as you were, as you were doing this

Kelly: 100% Yeah, I knew I mean I knew that I flew under the radar because, I mean people told me people didn't. People like thought I was you know the dumb kid in the back of the class, because I never said anything, which was not the case. So, I knew, I mean I knew it back then, and sort of as a result of my divorce and some of the things that kind of came out from that. Deciding how I was going to address some of the rumors and gossip and all that kind of stuff. It's another one of those things where I was like, oh, like I need, I need to I need to figure this out for myself, and then getting online and doing this, doing it. You know the 15 Day Challenge and in deciding that I'm going to implement it. And, you know, like, to hell with the fears like forget forget like this isn't working anymore and I need, I need to do something else like I need to be seen, I'm, you know I smart, I'm capable, there's no reason that I should be hiding in a corner anymore. And I pushed through it, and it was damn hard. And, you know, like, it took some therapy. And, you know, there are times I still think about it, you know, I still, I see and there's definitely days I'm still nervous getting on camera but it's a lot less. Yeah, it's a lot less and, You know, I'm a lot less worried now about what other people think of me. So, that has been a huge, life changing perspective for me, that came out of a 15 day challenge that I never, I never would have expected. Right, I mean you expect to like to learn how to make money online, but I've met countless people now that have had these major life transitions and fears overcome because of this program.

Dave: Yeah. Well, I think, first of all, congrats on that because that's leaning in and in coupling, you know, emotional in mindset work with getting out in the real world, in doing what my therapist calls corrective behavior, right, and corrective behavior is. For example, when I'm, when I've always had the, the, the sort of survival mechanism that's a result of childhood trauma of being quiet in flying under the radar. When I'm aware of that and I feel the feeling, and I feel like my eight year old self, or I feel like my 12 year old self, or for me a lot of it is my 1415 year old self, very rebellious and and also scared and confused in seeking safety but not knowing where to find it, and I'm feeling that, and I'm aware of that that's going on with me right now, basically the, the 14 year olds running the show right now. And instead, I invite my adult self to step into the room, I invite my adult self to step in to the situation, and let him take over and say Hey, little buddy I got this right, and then do it anyways, right move walk through it, you know in in almost invade, you just sit over there, you just sit over there in that chair you sit over in that couch, you're good, you're safe. I got this, the adult version of Dave has this, and, and then walks through whatever the situation is and does it anyways. With the feelings, and then eventually, because I can't think myself into a new way of acting, but I can act myself into a new way of thinking and feeling eventually if I repeat that corrective behavior and experience again and again and again. Eventually, the person who shows up first is not the 14 year old Dave anymore. It's the 37 year old Dave. It's the adult version, and that happens almost magically, you know, it's my brain rewiring itself, it's my, it's, it's me, healing, old trauma scars and I think that for many of us, we think that we are incapable, and we think that we are a failure, but very simply, it is old survival mechanisms that are no longer productive for this situation and likely it's the child version of ourselves, who's running the show. And we need to step in and take over the adult version of ourselves even if we are inexperienced and have never done it. We need to say, I'm gonna walk through this with you. And it's a conscious in as you said, an on purpose behavior, you said you were very precise and on purpose with your business. And I imagine this is an example of what that is and I like to add context, Because a lot of people try to be on purpose. They try to be precise, but it's old, skeletons, it's old trauma, it's old habits and behaviors that have now become the software, aka the unconscious programming of the software that's running the show. And we try, we do, I imagine that so many of you have tried so hard. You have tried business after business, you have tried thing after thing. It just always seems to result in the same result, which is some sort of a pattern, and I don't know what it looks like for you, but it's some sort of a pattern, Kelly could have easily been that you just said, You know what, I'm not an extrovert or whatever story you may have told yourself, but really that wasn't it at all. It was simply childhood trauma, showing up flying under the radar in your adult self needed to walk. Little six or seven or eight or however you old you were five year old Kelly through the situation. And now I would imagine, the adult version of Kelly shows up. Most days first. Is that right?

Kelly: 100% It's, it's, I mean like I said, it's just, it's life changing. It just really is. It's taking responsibility for behaviors that you have that, even if you don't even if you don't understand how they recreate how they were created, or why taking responsibility for those behaviors and how you're going to now address them, or work with them and make like there's certainly plenty of things from my childhood that I like. And, you know, left those perfectly intact because they work for me. But taking the responsibility to change the parts that don't work. That's, that's difficult, it's a really difficult and challenging thing, but, you know, if you want something that you've never had, you've got to do things that you've never done.

Dave: When I was getting clean, that I was 24 years old I had just gone in, dove into an addiction to places that I never would have imagined that I was gone I was coming out of the fog in February of 2008 going How did I get here, and I just couldn't make sense of it, you know, I came from a mostly good family, they had good values good parents, you know and I just couldn't make sense of it. And there were some specific trauma points that happened in my life. And, and I didn't learn about these till later. But somebody came up to me and said one of the most powerful things I've ever been told, which is of course me trying to get clean. It was my recovery, right. And they said, Dave, you're not responsible for what happened in the past, you're simply responsible for your healing in your future. And for me, that made a lot of sense because I didn't need to I need, I can put the hammer I could put the punching gloves down and stop beating myself up for the past, but I couldn't become curious and I can become diligent about figuring some things out and learning about myself, why are these patterns in my life, why does this keep happening over and over again and for many of you, it shows up in relationships, it's like why are relationships failing over and over again when I'm giving everything that I have. Right. Why do I continue to attract people who are abusive? Why do I continue to attract narcissists, why, or whatever, why do I show up and have certain behaviors we have to look at our side of the street to. But I think for me, in business, it shows up because I get to see people. I get to see patterns showing up in people. And, and, again, that for me is similar to you is the most powerful part of this process, because I don't get the money and then become the person I become the person and then I attract the money. And that's why so many folks who win the lotto are coming to a lot of money or broke some years later, quickly is because they didn't have the, they had all of their old habits that they, that made them broke right and that made them have a dysfunctional lifestyle and then they came in all this mean you think that money is gonna solve your problems. Right, I mean, I was listening to an interview with Mike Tyson and he said, Look, I made $400 million. And I even knew that many of the boxers that came before me, ended up broke as well, because there were many generations of boxers before Tyson. Tyson was hot in the 90s. And he said, but because of my upbringing, my financial literacy, because of my trauma in my habits and patterns, I could not stop myself. I could not help it. And now that I'm broke and I have a lot less money to manage. I'm going to therapy. I'm healing a lot of these parts and I'm a lot happier, and maybe I'll build it back, maybe I won't. But there's a big clue to success in those words, somebody who made $400 million, not generated in September but somebody who made $400 million in his broke now. This can be the most powerful process, and you can combine the success of your business, and the healing of trauma and old scars in development of the best version of yourself you can combine all of that together into this process and I think that's what keeps me passionate is not because one can make a million dollars because I honestly know that if you made a million dollars and you had shitty habits in old software that you're just going to lose it anyways and it's going to result in a lot of pain, but because here we talk about the shift that we're talking about right now, which may be encourages somebody to also look at this mental and emotional dynamic side versus just mechanics. I think that's for me what Legendary Marketer what this community is, what these conversations are, why they're so powerful. And I think what makes I think our success rates are higher than the average course or whatever company is because we're not just talking about, sell, sell, sell, you know, add, add, add skills skills skill, talk to more people were saying, what is inside of you, that is keeping you in a loop of self destruction. Why are you self sabotaging because the common denominator and all the businesses that you've done in the courses that you've done and relationships that you've been in is good old you incorporate it. And that's a tough pill to swallow, I think for a lot of people, but when you do, you take total and full responsibility. It's the most liberating experience, would you agree with that?

Kelly: 100% It's, it's almost like this sense of freedom, because you've just decided to like, you know, cut the cords with it, like, you know that that was tying me down and I'm gonna cut the cords and then you kind of are floating around like, well now I get to do anything. Like, I don't have that anger anymore so I mean, really, you just get to create what it is you do want. And that's empowering. 

Dave: It is. So, let's touch on your marketing here for a second. Since we've covered the dynamics, let's talk about some mechanics for a second. So you kind of dove right into tic tock marketing. And if I remember correctly, that's what you were doing initially. You've stayed pretty consistent with that. What would you say are a couple of big things that you learned that were the sort of things that you would recommend others avoid, and then we'll talk about a couple of things that you, that have worked the best for you, like if you had, if your kids were sitting here and they wanted to do the same business that you're doing, what would you what would be the couple of things that you would tell them to avoid say the two things so you could only give them two into two things to avoid, and two things that have worked really really well for you. And they're, they're sort of secrets to your success.

Kelly: One of the things to avoid, is trying to talk to everybody on tick tock, because if you try to talk to everybody you're talking to nobody. So, one of the things that has helped is to counter that is to sort of focus on who's sort of my target audience who, Who's is resonating with me. Who'd want to help, because that will target your message down and you'll attract those people that you want to work with. It's very easy to get caught up in the numbers game on TikTok like my video going viral is going but you know, very easy to get caught up in that. So, like the numbers don't really matter, like the leaderboards don't really matter they're not, they're not an accurate picture of how successful somebody is doing so focus in on, you know, not income claims not following numbers not virality but focusing on, who can I help and who resonates with me, and like really fine tune your messaging. And then the other thing that I think has helped a lot. And this I think this is a shift in how, at least for me, how TikTok seems to be headed is and. And right now I do still have the Legendary link in my bio, but directing people in my Facebook group where I can talk to people in DMS, and more directly and do live training, has been a, like that's been a game changer. So directing people sort of off of the viral platform into something that's a little more stable, like even Instagram is better in my opinion, being keeping people just on tick tock because you get reported. Many people have had accounts taken down lives get reported. It's much easier to live on Facebook and Instagram, and really connect with people in the DMS on Facebook and Instagram but it's much more user friendly and easier to talk to people. 

Dave: Yeah, I can see that it's interesting because I would have never guessed that as quick, you know, you call it as viral. I think it's the same thing viral fast quick like videos can take off people use the app super fast, right, like they're there, they're there, they're scrolling fast, you know what I mean quick thumb movement up boom boom boom boom boom boom, where you might, you might, you might scroll or or your blood pressure might be lower on like Facebook or Instagram and I'm not saying it's, it's super low because we all know, you know, you get it, you got to slosh through this is the one of the best things that I heard about social media, and particularly Facebook the other day was you got to slosh through everybody's propaganda and political bullshit to see pictures of your grandkids, you know, and eventually that's, you know, I think people are kind of tired of that, in a sense, but anyways, the point is, is it tick tock fast app, I would have never imagined that it drives the amount of sales that it does but it really does. Like, it's just so fascinating how people will buy off of TikTok. In my experience as much or more than any other app, but I want there's a reason why we do lives on Facebook, you know what I mean is because, you know, people tend to always be at least checking Facebook, it's still a pretty, you know people are gonna go on there and scroll through and check, but we also get people to subscribe to our text list as well so we can we can send a text notification. We've got 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of people on various different lists that we can reach out to them on, no regard, you know, based on what we're doing. And so, so yeah, I mean I can I can I can see the Facebook group thing I think. The downside of Facebook is that it's easy to get lost on the platform, in, in, in crap. But the truth is if you can get people interacting with your post, then your post will show up high on the newsfeed and your group posts will show up high on the newsfeed, if people are interacting with your group. And so my additional tips would be, and I know a few other people who are doing that by sending people to Facebook groups and beginning to build a community, maybe a mini or micro community within Facebook. In addition to collecting emails, in addition to collecting text if you're building a text list which I think is smart in community is, is the text platform we use, and it's fairly inexpensive to use, and it has super high open rates. But, but is to is to. My recommendation for the Facebook groups is to do things that are, it's the same as all platforms do something to get people to engage with your post it run, you know, ask questions to ask, you know, offer to do a free training on something specific that is super appealing to your target market. And then, to tell them to comment if you know yes and below what if I get 100 comments, I'll do it, you know, just to get people engaging with your posts so when you do go live or you post something in your Facebook group, you know people are seeing the post. Okay so you gave us kind of one on one, anything else that you would avoid doing. Now that you know one year later?

Kelly: I think one of the things is sort of shiny object syndrome. I think one thing to also be very careful of is how, how quickly you jump from program to program or try to add new affiliate offers in, like, don't add those in on the front end, like, you know, make sure that you're collecting emails and add, add your additional offers on the back end in emails because, I mean, I think we go over this and even in the training. If there's a lot of links in your profile, like in your bio, people don't know what to do, they don't know what to click First they don't know what it is or actually recommending, so keep it to one program that is your like upfront offer, and everything else in the email list. 

Dave: Yeah, and I would even add to that, I've seen people's profiles get harmed when they're pitching a product or program right from their profile. Right. Instead, offer a free training, offer a free download, offer something free for them to opt in. And then once you have their email address. Give them a call to action in your bridge page to click the link below, and even add curiosity to that don't go over selling on your bridge page video, because if you're doing affiliate marketing your number one goal is to get them to click your link. So they get tagged and cookie to your affiliate link so if they buy, You get credit, and I see so many people selling from their TikTok profile or their Instagram profile, selling the product or program. And it's like, is all people do there is they say, Well, what was it, let me watch it again, and then I'll go Google it or I'll keep it in the back of my mind and then if I hear other people talking about maybe eventually I'll go and buy it or click on it, but even if you're selling your own product, free, free, free, free, click the even make whatever the product is a free video. Like if you're sending somebody to a sales page, go watch this free video that will reveal the XYZ, the business model that I've used that will break down the number one income engine that I recommend that will that will show you exactly how the strategy that I use that I recommend to train my dog, the strategy that I use to get more sleep right, not go over and check out, you know, Dave's, you know, Money program or Jim's dog training because curiosity, there's two things that will get somebody to opt in or click More than anything, something free something valuable. And something that gets their curiosity. And what most people do is they, they just punch. All three of those right in the eye, right in like a tick tock video, I'm gonna tell you that it's a paid program, I'm going to tell you what it is, and I'm going to tell you the name of it right here. So why would they go opt in. Why would they watch your bridge page video? Why would they sit through the sales video, when you need them to sit through the sales video to get sold. So just something to piggyback on that, you know that recommendation that you just gave to avoid what you said. Don't leave too many, you know, offers on your link. Yeah, these, these damn link tree things are like, they're like a marketer's worst nightmare, because think about this logically. A person doesn't know who you are, what the hell you're talking about, doesn't know how to make money online, doesn't know how to get their child to sleep better at night, doesn't know how to get their dog trained, doesn't know how to read faster. And then you're going to bring them to a page that has five different options and say, well choose one, they're going to go, I have no idea I'm not doing that work back to scrolling

Kelly: 100% I did that, I buy 100% Did that if, like there's somebody whose video catches my attention and I click on their bio, and there's a whole bunch of things listed about

Dave: It's too, it's too overwhelming.

Kelly: Yeah. And it's not even clear what any of these things are like. None of the buttons actually are descriptive enough for me to know what. So yeah, that's definitely, like, limit the amount of upfront offers, and also like provide value, like, you know, DM people but don't be spammy about it, like this DM people and ask if they need any help with anything and then help them. Don't try to, don't try to constantly be selling people and throwing your links at them. Like if you just help people. You, you will be making money eventually

Dave: Prove that you can help them by actually helping them, a novel concept I know, right, but it's like proving that you can help them by actually helping them. The only thing that your perfect customer wants, and they will buy from you in the hundreds and the 1000’s of people will buy from you 1000’s of people, because they want to be helped. And if you can prove to them that you can help them by actually helping them, you will never work for money again. Yeah, you can prove to them that you can help them, not by convincing them, not by overselling them, not by some magical secret that you're going to learn. If you just find the right guru. But, by actually helping them. Right, by making videos that are helpful invaluable that show people things that explain complicated ideas simply so many of you are overlooking so many ideas that are so simple that you could explain that you learn right here from the show, then you could just, I mean there are literally 20 TikToks from this interview or more that you could go through rewatch, listen to the concept, pause, write it down, that's a video listen to the end, those are all would be valuable so many of you are like oh this is valuable. You know, I'm going to catch the replay you guys are. But listen, learn, do teach, right, this is all a, you know we do these shows because we want you to get value, but we also want to teach you things, each one, teach one so you can use this content these concepts to go and be more valuable in the marketplace, to be more valuable. So, any final words that you would leave you know our listeners our audience your, your friends, your community members here with for them to maybe somebody who's on the fence somebody who's just starting their journey, or you know somebody who's listening who's kind of at that, that, you know, break down or break through crossroads?

Kelly: Yeah, um, I mean the biggest thing is, like with this. There's so little risk to just trying it, like, just, just, just go to the training, try it, See if it resonates because if it does, it could be life changing. And if you see something you're like I am, I don't know, you really, you're not really out anything. It's, it's a whole community of people that are willing to help all the time, it's, it's fascinating to me to watch the community and how everybody rallies around people like you that is huge, and that will help carry you, when you're in the valley of despair and you're doubting yourself and you're not sure if it's gonna work. I've seen so many people reach out in that and there's literally like 10s or hundreds of comments under these posts of people supporting. So that is really, really huge, and, like, just what I said a few minutes ago, like for everybody else who's already doing it, just help people, like, just focus on helping people and providing value, and if you can help one other person believe in themselves, or earn a $2.80 cent commission. Like, that's the best commission of their life, like everybody, everybody remembers their first commission because it proves it solidifies that this actually works. And so you can help people get to that point, like, I mean now, that makes me so happy. I am so happy when somebody tells me that they've got a $2.90 cent commission, it's, it's, it's like brightens my whole day it's, it's, it's just so amazing because they did it. So just help people help people succeed and help people get there. So that's, that's really what I think, I mean that's really what this is all about. Yeah, and the rest takes care of itself.

Dave: Well congrats to you again on your two week notice, it's your job and you know I'm excited to see what happens. Yeah, you know you'll get a large part 40 hours or so of your life back, you know, which, gosh, big deal, you know it's a big deal if we think about it. Yeah, there's, there's, there's 120 hours in a week, right 40 hours a week, if we're working eight hours a day, I think my math right there 120 hours a week back, Or excuse me 40 hours out of 120 hours a week back that's 1/3 of your life, you know, and then if you if you put into, you know, travel times. Yeah you're over 1/3 of your, of your, of your life, you know, back and some of you are working, You know, 50, 60, 70 hours. But just imagine that, you know, just imagine getting all that time back in, being able to work from home or being able to work from your cell phone. And in travel around or, you know, respond to messages and make videos sitting at your local coffee shop or right before you get ready to walk into the grocery store, I know a lot of people who create in their car, like, and they just go to the store the grocery store then they make videos either going in or coming out. And just to integrate your business into your life. Not so they have to be separate right where you have to leave kids leave house, leave, where you're comfortable and safe at, but instead, stay in integrate and in build in design, your lifestyle, you know, even work while you travel, there's so much you can do with that level of flexibility so I'm excited to see where you go, what you do over the next 12 months come back again, you know, in the next, you know, four to six months if you will at least keep us posted and updated, I know you've been so valuable to so many people because I hear about it. I hear people saying oh Kelly Kelly helped me Kelly Olson this Kelly Olson that, so it's just amazing to see somebody go from, you know, no one knowing you, you know, being, you know, afraid to reach out to somebody to be somebody who people are looking up to and following and leading and and being a great example for your children. And, you know, really kicking off this next chapter of your life in an amazing way so keep up the great work. Thanks for coming on and delivering so much value and being a part of our community.

Kelly: Thank you very much. Thank you for having me. I'm like, really grateful for the whole opportunity, the whole, the whole, the whole thing that'd be a thing like it just really shifted my whole life so I'm very grateful every day.

Dave: Nice. All right Kelly will talk to you later. Okay, so yeah. Alright my friends, my friends, my friends, you can follow Kelly at Kelly_Olson on TikTok, if you haven't connected with her then do so she's 1,000% Amazing. Awesome, has always been and still is and I can imagine will just keep getting better and better as time goes on. So my friends, we will see you back here tomorrow for another episode. As always, right, five days a week, rain, snow, hail, allergies, COVID. I shouldn’t say that I might get flagged. It doesn't matter what's going on, man, we're here each and every day, showing you what's possible, reminding you, what's possible within you, and encouraging you to step into the best version of yourself, which by the way, is already there. I don't give you that I'm not, you know you're not your savior, I'm not your guru, we just have the tools the picks the shovels to go into the trenches of the belly of, you know, the core of your onion and help you to peel back some of the layers, so you can discover who you truly are and who you truly can be with some good support some good information in the right environment so you know how to Be Legendary. Have a fantastic day. We'll see you back here again tomorrow.

How To Have A Big Affiliate Marketing Breakthrough Regardless of How Long You’ve Been On or Off of Social Media

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey friends, this is Dave Sharpe, welcome to Wake Up Legendary if you ain't woke up Legendary so far, this beautiful wonderful Monday morning, you will by the end of this show, I want to welcome on as you can see in the title of today's show 10 years off social media, but our breakthrough came fast helped me welcome to the show, Lady. How are you, Lady?

Lady: Good, thank you. 

Dave: Where are you calling from? 

Lady: I'm in Sydney, Australia.

Dave: Wow, I'm sorry I interrupted. What were you gonna say before that,

Lady: I want to say thank you for this opportunity, thankful for. I'm here.

Dave: Yeah. Oh, you’re so welcome, thank you for being willing to come on. It's a pleasure to hear from our students, our members and you know that's what makes this show great is not me, even though my ego would love to tell me that it's, it's the, you know, it's the guests that we have here people like yourself were willing to come on and share so let's talk about a little bit about your story Lady I mean, it tell us what 10 years of social media look like being being off, and then now finding Legendary and, and how your life has changed since.

Lady: Yeah, when I had my, my, our first baby was like 2010 I totally turned off my social media because I've been reading a lot of stuff that's been depressing for me that time. And then, but at the same time I was looking for something to, like, earn online. So but nothing in social, not through social media. Yeah, try doing some networking stuff. I even went to this one company that they asked me to, to buy, please, and then some doing some cold calling, so I did that with my kit. I didn't like the product, honestly, and then I thought to myself, how would I be able to market this to other people, if I myself, I don't like it, I think, I don't want to, for them just to be in the company or buy my stuff just to me to have the commission so yeah, it's all for me. And so I kept on trying, almost every year. I've been looking for something to do online to earn online because I've got two kids now so I really wanted to be. I mean to stay with them. And then yeah, it was just last May that I was watching online, and I think it was a big mark in YouTube, I was just trying to look for, like, just to like a side hustle. So, I watched his YouTube video, it was really good and then towards the end he gave his suggestion of how he prepared online so I clicked the link and yeah, I think the rest is history.

Dave: Yeah, yeah. So, you're, you're, you're using Legendary Marketer in the training that you're, that you're using here that you're learning here, to, to basically get into affiliate marketing is that right you're selling other people's products in your you're working with. Excuse me. I had a massive allergy attack this morning so you'll have to excuse me. I woke up basically in a panic this morning because my eyes were itching and my throat was itching and I'm gargling without water and I'm free. Just bear with me here. I might be a little sneezy today but I'll try not to be dopey. so are you. So you’re doing affiliate marketing and what has. What has changed since you've gone through our training here? How is your, you know, tell us the story of what has happened and what has changed since May of this year.

Lady: Oh yeah, since May. So I found this opportunity, I said, Oh, it is really good affiliate marketing, but then we found out we were trying to get to look online, and then an article was researching about affiliate marketing, you know, a lot of stuff popping up on the internet so i got this. I just heard it. Shiny, shiny objects syndrome, so I got hooked up to, for, for almost two months, three months. So I said, I think this is not working for me, I like it. I like affiliate marketing but I think it's because of that shiny object syndrome, that's why it took a while for me to really get the results and then like after I think it was just, just at the end of August I said, I need to focus now. I was speaking to myself. So yeah, that's when I got the result in just within the amount that I got. I was really amazed. I think yes I think that's one of the key days you need to focus and just do so. 

Dave: Another thing, another thing that you wrote to us that you said that you had that had really changed your perspective was realizing, and you learn from going through our training and also being a part of the community here and listening to other people's experience that if you don't, that if you don't put yourself out there, and, and, in market yourself, then you're not your pop nobody's gonna know who you are, nobody's gonna know where to find you in we, you and I both know Lady, because I've done this in network marketing before to that chasing friends and family, and trying to sell my, You know I've got, I've got multiple friends in my life right now, and this happens over and over again, they get passionate about something, they get excited about something. And the first people that they go to are our friends and family. And those are the worst people to go to, because even though they're your friends and family, they're your loved ones, they almost never support your businesses right out of the gate, it's, it, they're the worst people to try to get as customers, and I want to just be super clear to any of you who are here today, who are wondering why you don't feel supported in your business ventures, and why you haven't felt supported in your business ventures by your friends and family over the years. I can't tell you why it is, I really honestly don't know. It's just, it's an experience that we've all had, when we've gone to our friends and family, and we try to sell them our products, our ideas or lotions, potions pills, whatever it is that we're selling. They're the last people to buy, they just give us all kinds of excuses, well maybe later, sometimes they make fun of us. They say, Oh, not this again, oh here he's dreaming again Dave just came to get a job, they try to avoid us, all the sudden, we become drafted into the NFL, lady. Do you know what the NFL is? Lady: No

Dave: It's not the National Football League, it's the no friends left, no friends left, right, so all of a sudden, We're the star in the NFL the no friends left club, and we're going, how did I. How have I pushed my friends away or why aren't my friends and family supporting me and my business, and it's it's it's a weird phenomenon. I don't know why it is, but they are the worst people to try to initially launch your business by doing business with his friends and family. That's why for me, lady, when I was 24-25 years old. I did the same thing. I took all my business ideas and products and services that I was trying to do back then and network marketing and so forth and talk to my friends and family, they all shut me down, they all said later they all said maybe another time they all said, I'll think about it, let me get back to you. I'll call you back. I'll have my dog call your dog, I got every excuse in the world. And then I came online, and I started marketing to people who had no idea who I was right. I didn't have all that previous friendship baggage, or they weren't, they didn't know who I really was. I could be a brand new person in their life, and for whatever reason, I had more success selling to strangers, people who I've never met before, because they couldn't prejudge me, they didn't feel like they already knew me, or they didn't know all my baggage or whatever. And so I started generating leads, and I basically built an online persona for myself, and I started generating leads in affiliate marketing, and then my life in my career took off from that, and it sounds like May of 2021, was that defining changing moment for you?

Lady: Yeah, it was because I think for me, affiliate marketing is different from the network marketing that I've been with some of our spin. Because in that affiliate they have a marketing strategy but yeah, they want to pull people in, I don't know that I have to buy these people online. And then I have to talk to them to buy my stuff and then I have to leave my friends, names and then relatives names and offer the product to them. 

Dave: Yeah, I know. I've been there, I've been there. I, you know what I know I started in network marketing, which basically is MLM for those of you who don't know, it's like Amway it's like Herbalife, it's like, you know, it's like where you build a team. And I heard it a million times in my life. Is this one of those pyramid things, you know, and that's, that's the thing that people default to seeing it's just a stupid thing that ignorant people say all the time because the truth is that their job is a pyramid scheme, you know, there's a guy at the top and everybody he's getting the most money, you know, the government is everything is a pyramid for God's sakes, but, but anyways. Yeah, I got into these network marketing companies when I was when I was young, and they gave me, you know, very, very little marketing knowledge they say oh we're gonna train you up and basically the training was go harass your friends and family, until they basically either, you know, hang up on you and don't want to be friends anymore or they finally buy. So I still remember my very first network marketing meeting, you know where I was presenting to friends and family. I invited a bunch of people, and two people showed up, the girl that I was dating at the time. And one of my mother's friends, And, and then, and you know my mother gave me a pity sale, my mother's friend gave me a pity sale, she bought something out of pity I think at the end of the presentation because she was so embarrassed for me. You know I was up in front of the room and I'm, you know this, I had a lady my sponsor trying to do this demonstration with McDonald's food and a pantyhose trying to squeeze it through like this is what your body is on fast, I mean it was a it was a disaster. Right. And I said, I have got to learn marketing somewhere because this ain't marketing. And when I came online and I found people like you and me who were talking about landing pages and generating leads through social media and generating, you know, cold leads and bringing them into a funnel and building an email list, I'm like holy shit. This is a world that I'm interested in right because I'm sick and tired of running around at network meetings, thinking that I gotta I'm going to be successful by handing out business cards and riding around town with a magnet on my truck, you know, I never got a single lead, and I rode around town with a magnet on my truck, Lady, for over a year. Nobody, not a single person ever called, said, I saw that magnet on your car that you were selling, you know, selling telecommunicator, you know, selling cell phone service. You know, I'd like to sign up with Never. Not a single one right I needed to learn online strategy so anyways I'm rambling about it because I can relate to it so much.

Lady: I've done that too. Putting flyers in the, in the mailbox.

Dave: Right. How about putting the full wrap on your car, you know, I see the people they put the full wrap on their car, you know, and it's like, with a company named blasted on the back mirror and it's like, oh my god, you know, I mean, it's like the worst, you know, it's the worst but yeah so you What were you you were putting fliers on mailboxes and there's all I know people who would put sticky notes on gas. Like at gas stations, you know, they would, you know like looking for extra income or, you know, want to lose weight in on us on a sticky note and put it on a gas on a gas pump for somebody who came in, and then of course there's prospect in places like Walmart where you bump into people on accident you're like, I'm sorry, you know what you look like a sharp person, you keep your business options open. Oh my God, it is unbelievable. Somebody should come up with and try to teach you here to build some of these companies but anyways, I digress. So, so, so, you're, you're, you've had some financial results just in the last you're doing affiliate marketing, you've done some for legendary you're also doing it for other companies as well. That's what I understand, and. And so, financial results have come since May, also some personal developments and personal growth has come to tell us some of the   big lessons that you've learned over the past couple of months that would maybe be helpful for those listening.

Lady: Yeah, because when I joined the legendary I read the book that you recommend that is rich that Robert Kiyosaki's book Rich Dad Poor Dad. Yeah and it changed my mind about being an employee, because I work as a nurse and then they have been working during this job for like almost 20 years or 18 years now. Yeah. Yeah. For me that was the only thing that I could do, to put food on the table but yeah, because as I said, for almost 10 years I've been looking for something that I can do at home or online but yeah there was no luck.

Dave: So what so basically you had a big breakthrough in understanding that, you know, having some leverage and using some systems versus just trading time for money is, is you know is a big is a big important, you know, pivot that you need to make at some point in your life, to not just rely on your own output, you know your own hours, if you will, but you have to get some leverage in the way that he describes it in that book is pretty is pretty clear and simple. You know you, you first start with a job, you're an employee, and then the next, and it's in it's a quadrant, you know, so there's, there's basically four slots, there's two on the left, two on the right it's like a square if you can picture up, across, you know, there's, there's, there's two slots, upper left, bottom left upper right, bottom right. If you're looking at it, the upper left is the employee, the bottom left is the self employed, and that left side is where you have no leverage, you know, and the right side is business owner and investor. And, and so a lot of a lot of us we go from employee then we go to self employed, which is still on that left side, and we think, you know, well now, I've left the I've left the nurse my nursing career I'm going to be at home on call nurse, just on my own, but I'm the only person in my business I'm self employed, and I'm just, you know, I've now got my own business, but you really still trading time for money, because until you become a business owner in the definition of a business owner, as he puts it, is that you use, you utilize people and systems. People in systems, okay, you have employees or teammates or virtual assistants or whatever or systems right systems can mean, you know, TikTok, you know I'm posting videos in generating traffic leverage, it's happening 24 Seven, an email list and a landing page is a system, you know, a high ticket sales system that you're an affiliate of that of the company that you partner with uses some sort of a sale system to be able to sell for all those, and then of course you have that last final box, which is investor, where then that money that you earn from your business, you take in you invest in real estate, you invest in stocks, and you invest in other asset classes that produce or, or at least hold your value, and help you earn more than inflation over the years. And so it yeah it's a big shift and he does a great job of telling the story about his father's right. His poor father and his rich father and the difference between the two. And I think we all have that person in our life if we think about our own story we know. You know for me I grew up learning a lot of poor lessons, you know, because the majority of people that I grew up around were on the left hand side of that Cashflow Quadrant, you know, they, you know, and I heard a lot of things growing up like we can't afford it and I'm not saying we were poor, I was a middle class family growing up but seeing, you know we still cut our own lawn and we you know we spent the weekend cleaning the house and we which are all good things, right, but I was talking to my oldest the other day and I said well you either, because he's renting out a house of mine, and I said well you either get your ass out there and mow that lawn because we got a letter from the city, they had, they had let the grow the lawn grow, and I said well you either get your ass out there and mow the lawn, or you give us $35 And we'll send our lawn service people over there every week and cut the lawn for you. Right. Do you eat. Do you want to use leverage and systems to get your lawn cut or so I'm trying to instill some of those lessons in my children, while still teaching them the value of $1 and the value of an honest day's work. So how do you foresee things will change with you communicating and teaching your children in the future, versus what you've done over the past 10 years, or even 20 years?

Lady: Yeah, when I learned about this I said, Oh, this is an opportunity for me to teach them as well this, the system. I mean, they're still young now but yeah, I would, trying to teach them this one.

Dave: How old are your kids?

Lady: 11 and nine.

Dave: Well, look, it's never been, ever. There are children watching us now. I don't know what motivates all of you listening, I don't know what motivates you, lady, but one thing that motivates me probably more than anything is if I want to I don't want to let my children down. I need to be having kids, I understand I'm not, I don't need to live up to unrealistic expectations, I'm going to do some damage to my children. I just hope it's not a lot right there is going to be something, all no parent is perfect. Okay, but I don't want to let my kids down. And one of the ways that I think we, that I, that I can let my kids down is not exposing them to different options. For example, the traditional education system says College is the only way. Right. I know that's not true. So I want to make it a point to be able to show them that there are other options that as they become adults, they have options, they're not forced to go in a certain direction that resonate with you, lady. Does that make sense? Yeah. Yeah, cuz you went to school right and you have a good career as a nurse, right, but you also are, you're also exhausted right?

Lady: Yeah I love working as a nurse, I mean, I'm still working as a nurse because I'm using the income earned to grow this business. And, yeah, and I. Which reminds me, one of my friends asked me, I mean we were talking about becoming a nurse and then I said, we remember the time that we were case when people ask us or in the interview. During the employment interview, he would ask us how, why did you want to become a nurse, we always say, Oh, we want to help people or we want to help other change people lives for how to see people, but then now, when we get the family like we get the obligations we have to pay the bills. If someone asked us Where are you, where are you working as a nurse, our answer is because we have to pay the bills. It's not, it's not that thing that we have to help people now. I don't like to be, I want to have the same feeling that when I go to work, I want to help people when someone asks me, I want to help people.

Dave: So, just wrapping up here. You said that English is your third language. And you said that, you know, you'd like to, you'd like to express thankfulness and gratitude here, and you said it was because if it wasn't for legendary marketer you would have lost your belief, and that you can earn online after all the bad experiences that you had before you were looking for integrity, honesty, in something with a genuine heart I just wondered if you could say, say that in your own words here, what how your spirit has been renewed in your hope and inspiration and motivation has been renewed. Since, going through our process and becoming a part of our community, and if you would recommend somebody who's brand new who might be on the fence here, if they're thinking about going through Legendary becoming a member of our community, what would you say to them?

Lady: Yeah, yeah, I really like being in this community because yeah, as he said, I've learned that there that legendary has the integrity of, I mean, when they're doing the marketing they have the integrity, I don’t want to be spamming people or scamming them, because I don't want, because I've been through that experience and I don't want others to be in that situation too.

Dave: Well thank you so much for your time lady I really appreciate it. Keep up the great work, and, you know, keep us posted on your journey. Okay.

Lady: It's my pleasure to be here. 

Dave: All right, great job, and we'll talk to you soon. All right. All right, see you. Thank you, Lady. All right my friends it's Monday, we have a big day today, let's get to it. Let's make it Legendary. See you back here tomorrow for another episode if you haven't made a big decision to invest in yourself and take action, get started and make today the day that you do that. We're rounding out the first week of the last quarter of this year. All right, now is the time to make it happen for yourself in your future. See you back here tomorrow at 10am Eastern Time for another episode. Get out of here, be Legendary. Peace.

How To Have Your Biggest Month In Affiliate Marketing

Below is the transcription for this episode: 

Dave: What's up friends and family legendary family this is Dave sharp Welcome to wake Up Legendary another day another episode and another dollar. We are going to be hearing from a repeat returning guest here. Okay, this is somebody that I know, I've been working with over the last nine months, six, nine months. She's a coaching client here at Legendary and she is a hard worker and I love seeing this process at the beginning that she’s doing. And that is the game. Do today what others won't say you can have tomorrow, what others don't. alright with that being said Lori Richardson, welcome to the show again. Good to see you. 

Lori: Good morning. It's great to be here. Thanks for having me back. 

Dave: And you are from Washington State. Right? So it's 7am there?

Lori: Oregon. And yes.

Dave: And it was Northwest. So okay, yes. Awesome. Well, welcome back. Thanks for getting up early. And, you know, being here, you showed me you have your Legendary hoodie on as well. So loving, loving, we'll have matching, matching hats and hoodies there. So, you know, give folks a brief snapshot. If they want to know your whole, I guess, three month milestone story, or so. So six months, wherever you were when we had you last, they can go back and search through the episodes and find your version of your story and what I like about life, but also this business is where things can change dramatically in a short period of time. Mostly, we feel like new people or like we've learned so much, certainly results can change. I don't typically find incomes go up within a six month period super dramatically. It's unless something happens that maybe you just have a great launch or you have a huge influx of income. Some particular unique reason but that's a gradual curve. And then it begins to compound after a certain amount of time. That's my experience anyways. But with growth and feeling like you're a new person or like what you knew three or six months ago, you almost are like I can't like how I even lived life back then how I even turned on my computer because I feel like I know so much more now. So give us the updated October 1st 2021.

Lori: Well, after a lot of the people are on here have talked about the training that was put in the back office. Once I put that into effect, everything, the whole game changed, it literally changed for me. Some people agree with it, some people don't. And I just have to know everyone's entitled to their journey. And this is my journey. And what it has done for me. My journey is by posting the How To videos on other side hustles as well as affiliate marketing has changed the game for me. I have, I planned it ahead of time. We've been talking about it in the blueprint meetings for four weeks about how you get traffic, this is how you drive people through your funnel. This I can't believe, you know, people talk shit about that all the time, do I really want to go that route. And I decided to try and I built a chunk of them and to put in my draft so that once I started doing it, I would just have that reserve started posting once a day. And it blew up. And I went from having some leads here and there you know, it was kind of a slow trickle to getting tons of leads daily, getting followers, I mean it literally the followers, I was getting at one point in time, like a 1000 followers an hour. And it was mind blowing. A lot of those followers were not necessarily looking for affiliate marketing and the first part of this last 35 days I was overwhelmed with what I do with all those other people? You know, those are how I can't just necessarily ignore them. I still need to address people that aren't interested in affiliate marketing. And so I literally just started owning it, you know, I'm here to help them. I'm not necessarily here only to shove Legendary Marketer down their throat. I am here to help people. And that's what I say in my videos. I say it on every live I address, all kinds of different ways to make money online. Sometimes I can help people. Sometimes they're like, Wow, it's so interesting, but it's not for me, and it's like that's awesome. Did you learn something today? You know? That was the biggest thing this month, I reconnected with people. And it has changed everything. I mean, I already had the mindset of I'm not in it for the money. Yes, the money is great. And that's awesome. And I you know, that was a big driving point for me to start with.

Lori: But they told me you're going like my business plan advisor Bonnie, she's like, you're going to be coaching you're going I'm like, right you know that's not me and that's what I'm doing. And that's not just with Legendary Marketer in affiliate marketing. 

Dave: And she's on. She says hello.

Lori: I love her. She was great. And it was really exciting. And I literally am spinning. Time on every live you know people are sending me direct direct messages that you know you're and I can't believe how much you're helping and this is great and a lot of them are signing up in a lot of them are just like wow you took that time to explain this to me and knowing are not going to buy and you still went out on and and helped me so it was that for me is worth everything. You know and the fact that the money is following that? That's just the icing on the cake

Dave: It will continue to, you have had the shift. And yeah. The shift is where you step just really into your best version of your future self. Okay and the reason why I say future self is because a lot of times you don’t believe it yet, like you aren’t fully convinced that you’re a Legendary badass but you’re going to act like it. I like it because you have to act yourself into a new way of thinking. You cannot sit around, think yourself into a new way of acting. For those, I would understand what I just said. But if you're more analytical, let me explain what I've meant. Everybody has their own version of imposter syndrome. And for most people who come into this industry, meaning that they want to start any sort of online business but in particular affiliate marketing or selling their own courses, coaching or event. What we teach you they're playing to the imposter syndrome syndrome and the biggest thing that holds them back is right between these six inches you know, it's about 12 I don't know, cubic inches I whatever the space is that holds that thing called a brain is the danger zone and that's my problem. It's our problems as human beings, it's not the business model, it's not the techniques or the strategies. It's not our phones. These things although can be Scary. They are friends. They give us more power and potential than we've ever had as individuals to make money and build a business, but it's right here. We feel scared. We feel like we're not real. We feel like who is going to want to think or listen to me. We think as you said, Bonnie said, you're going to be coaching you're going to be kicking I've seen it. I feel it. You're like yeah, right. We can't See that vision for ourselves because We don't know what we don't know. We don't know what we've not experienced yet, And so in Instead, we do this because transforming self is the hardest thing that a person will ever do. We jump from external solutions like the new business model, the new guru, the new hot this or that Facebook scrolling and then I'm into a new webinar funnel and then I'm buying a new thing. Here I'm going to start doing Amazon or drop shipping or whatever it is. But you've leaned in to be consistent, and although you were hungry at the beginning you had your own version of imposter syndrome. It was, shutts what we all do, which is will people really take me seriously?. Can I really do this? Can I be valuable? Can I deliver knowledge and actually, and I saw that you struggled with that and you stuck around long enough to have, it is not a breakdown but a breakthrough to where suddenly, not only things start to transform externally, and yes, it was a training or a technique. We can talk more about that in a second. But it was not leaving before the miracle happened. Because your biggest breakthroughs will happen right before you feel like you're having a breakdown. And I saw you a couple of times because we communicate. Having breakdowns, meaningful break depths, can I do this, I'm frustrated, I've not you know made any money this month, etc. And you leaned in and stuck with us. I want to first applaud you. And I second want to spell it out for everybody that the lorry today is not the lorry of two months ago. of three months ago. So for you folks who think that this has to take forever for you to step into your biggest bossiest badass Legendary self and start kicking ass and taking names? It doesn't. I give you full permission to do that shit. Today, nobody takes that permission or not is completely up to you. But I give everyone permission to do that, right? Because maybe you're waiting on somebody else to give you permission. Well, you've got it now you have to give yourself permission but Laurie does that feel like it fits for you what I just said?

Lori: Absolutely, absolutely. It's just like you said it's a shift and it's like, man, I felt it. It is literally night and day differen’t. And it's a lot of it is just being more comfortable in really truly, I mean I was giving my authentic self before this, but there was just the seed of doubt that you know why is it not growing? Why is it? Why am I stuck here? Those are just getting through that and knowing, totally knowing that I knew it wasn't going to happen overnight. I've been a business owner before. Before I was in my business for 23 years at my management job. That first year I made like two and a half dollars, two and a half dollars an hour compared to what I was making, you know in my real manage my job and that first year was awful and the fact I'm making what I am now, in that first year then I'm still learning all this stuff.

Dave: You’ve still got a full time job.

Lori: Yeah, I'm working roughly 50 hours a week and, you know, I've come home and I've got five cats at my house. Three of them are mine and two of them are my daughters and I don't ,you know my kids aren't here but five cats are pretty demanding too you know? And a dog he's just there to stir. Stir the cats up. 

Dave: Yeah, I think that sometimes we get a little because a lot of people say and I want to tell you like, people are like, I'm watching your videos all the time and people are always saying I love you Lori. Because all the time you're consistently helpful and love the Lord. I mean how did that feel? From going unknown and being that consumer, that watcher, that viewer to now being somebody who people are like, yeah, I recognize her stuff. I love her stuff. That's really helpful. She's awesome.

Lori: So it's mind blowing, but also along with those comments you get the haters.

Dave: You get the hairs, right? But you blew those off just a second ago like I heard you and you were like you which was really cool because two things stuck out. First of all you you you I can tell that you've now transformed from being an affiliate of a single company. Whether it be Legendary or any other company to be in business owner and Laurie incorporated. It's not that you're not an employee, you're not an affiliate of one company. You are Laurie incorporated and you have, your main product is the value you deliver on your platforms and then your email list though the things that where you make your money is after you deliver your product which is your value and your support and your encouragement or training you then can recommend other things back here that people can go in, learn more and go deeper in things that you recommend in this might be a fit or this might be a fit or my coaching might be a fit. That was one shift that I noticed just a second ago. The other shift was yeah, you said there's going to be soma haters and that used to drive you crazy and be so time consuming for you. What's changed?

Laurie: A lot. You and Matt have helped that change hugely as well as knowing just that it works you know, and being able to To live through that change and know that I’m helping. And seeing the people saying thank you, thank you, thank you. And the haters, and it's like, just tune them out. You know they are dealing with their shit, let them deal with it that's not yours. You know what, they're projecting their shit onto you. I mean that's their journey and their issues. They're voices coming from what's within them. Not so much what I'm doing and what I'm saying. But they're crap and they're just they need someplace to put that.

Dave:  Not gonna I'm not gonna be there garbage today, right? And I want you guys to think about that today. They’re like dogs. Some have rabies. That same way as people on the air rabies, some have, you know, upset stomachs and they're spewing diarrhea all over the place. Some are throwing up. You know, there's some healthy ones. Sure. There's some laid back and lazy ones. There's some encouraging you know, like there's some manic ones and some exciting ones. But you know what? You ain't shitting on me today like I'm not going to collect your shit and that's I think how you can comment and you can do what the platform allows you to do, but I'm not going to allow that shit to, I'm not going to open up for that to go down into my system and that's a hard thing to do at first. I don't want to minimize, but when we start getting a little bit of momentum and you see those comments in that hate start rolling in, we're scammers or whatever you’re promoting, every niche you're in, there's always going to be skeptics because people are now actually skeptical because They feel like they've been burned and you know, building trust is something that takes time. So people are not automatically going to trust you. So they're going to be skeptical and then they're having a bad day. They're gonna go on the internet. Like the good thing about driving in a car is that when somebody has road rage, they may have their windows up and you can't hear them. But you know you can't hear them on the internet. They can read every lie and just mean shit because people are mean and it takes a special sort of conditioning of your skin to thicken it up and also set sort of boundaries, I'm not going to take on your shit today. Block, delete, respond to some. It's always important to respond to some so you can see that you, you know, can rise above and yeah or take things with humor or allow the good and the bad. I actually think that’s a good thing. I see the shift. Any other nuggets or mindset tips you give people for just dealing with strangers and weirdos online?

Lori: Block is your best friend. It has been trying to, like you said, trying to respond to them kind of feeling out how bad it's going to be, the direction of the conversation will go on a public platform because I don't want it to go to a place where I'm looking like I'm having to defend myself or the product I'm promoting, but I also don't want to just let it stay there and let other people feed off of that, you know, and make it bigger than it is when I think I'm seeing some of that with this program. Afew haters out there are very vocal. On their lives and then on their posts, and people are buying into that shit and it's it's you know, that's when I realized I need to address that kind of thing. It needs to be addressed. It's not it's not going to go away but neither am I going to take it in and shiver in my boots. So yeah, and that was a shift for me. 

Dave: So right Right, right. Yeah, it's like some people you know, I'm honestly in some respect for the content that's being put out there in the ultimate target of people's you know, the people's, whatever, their skepticism, dislike, hate, distrust, whatever it is, you know. Maybe I can't say that because I've often I think a lot of times I also hear and see online that will I will like the company but how you're promoting is the problem how you’re promoting it. You know, so there's a variation of different things. complaints or or kind gripes that people have. People have but at the end of the day here what I learned from Donald Trump. And you know, I'm not a big political guy, honestly. And quite frankly, you know, I'm not a big fan of his. Or really any other politician to just be really frank with you. So I'm going to say this objectively but what I learned from him is that really any advertising in people talking about you is good. You know and we’ve heard that before but I really saw that, you know, I saw that kind of transformation with him, good or bad marketing can be good. If you use it cool. All right. For me People talk like shit and try to put our company down or what we're doing, I would have to make a decision on how much time do I want to spend on that person? And and most of the time I think at least where I'm at in my career now, I choose, I might even get fired up like I'm going to do something and I'm going to respond And turn it in into a plot twist and You know, try to start to plot a little bit, but then I'm just like I’ve got other shit to do.

Lori: Exactly.

Dave: I legitimately do have time. Well, I might get a little fired up or whatever. Then I actually just realized how much other shit I have to do and I'm like, I just don't have time. So in many, many times, I just don't get to it then it just is not as important tomorrow. Yeah, yeah yeah And in another way that I look at it again, going back to the Trump comment is that I just kind of look at good press or bad press it’s all press. Like if you're not doing too, Grant Cardones says this all the time. Other folks say this,  If you're not stirring the pot. you don't have people talking about you whether they're one liking, loving you or hating you If they're lukewarm about If there's just you know, if they’re apathetic towards you. Then you know what?

Lori: You need to stir shit up?

Dave: You're not making as much money or as much of an impact. You're not polarizing people enough. And I, you know, I really I really find that to be a helpful way to look at it, it just helps me to kind of not take everything on personally, anyway that's how I tend to view those types of things, any other thoughts or comments around dealing with haters or just dealing with these, the other thing is dealing, when you start to go live more often there’s More people in your audience. There's more things to do. How do you balance  where you put your focus, especially when you have another full time job? Are you balanced responding to comments or responding to DMs or writing your email for that day you're creating content. How do you actually find what is the priority for me today and even more importantly right now?

Lori:  Because I work full time I try to take advantage of every break I have at work every you know anytime I can get away from my actual work to respond as they're coming in, if at all possible. If it goes viral like some of them have, that's just not possible. But I will try to respond as they're coming in so we don't get And there's, you know, 60, 70, 80 people I need to be responding to. Sometimes It works. Sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes I can feed the animals sit down and start responding to the comments and the DMS and then all of a sudden it's 10 o'clock at night and I didn't eat dinner tonight. You know, I do what I can. I tried to go through the car And if if they're comments are really pertinent those are the ones that I'm going to answer first. I tried to do a chronological order. The reason I try to do it chronological is because otherwise I get lost

Dave: Look I, here's my hope for you is that you get so busy that responding to comments now in the near future is something that's impossible for you to do. Yeah that you're that you're creating you're creating new projects and new content new marketing becomes that becomes the excitement and the intrigue and the mystery of how that something new will work and new angles and all becomes the dominating thing on your plate. Yeah, and and when you have when you look at your day to day you become you prioritize creating more and more that up to the top.  And let me give you a practical example of what this would look like in your marketing so I'm doing a video and I might mention in my video or in my lives look I get so many messages each day there's no way for me to respond to them all there's so many there's I get so many comments each day there's no way right when you start to say that here's the psychology. Let me share with everybody if you don't know might be sharing something you know, but people don't want to work with people or follow people who have nothing to do, who are not doing any so what I used to do when I first started was you know, back in 2009 and 2010 Facebooking and all that stuff was not as prevalent. I would actually make a lot of phone calls like I would call a lot of leads, and I didn't get as many leads. So I would ask for the phone number on the landing page and I would call everybody who walked into my landing page and I would say hey, look I don't have a lot of time . I've got an appointment coming up here in five minutes, but I didn’t. You know like I didn't have anything going on? And some might say that's a lot. Yeah, I did. I don't lie today but I did back then, you know, and I said I was busier than I was, you know part of what I was doing was I was trying to ,I'm not I'm not advocating lying I'm just at the very beginning. I was getting lower and lower. I had nothing, I had no money coming in and I was young. And I had to be in look, I had to overcompensate because not only was I immature, but I also was young so people didn't trust me as much because I so young so I was overcompensating in ways I wouldn’t do anymore but I wasn’t intentionally trying to hurt anybody I don't think karma came out to really get me I didn't become really busy. I did become busy, my schedule did become busy. As Kurt said, I was acting as if. And and then eventually yeah, like I said I did have people my calendar did fill up but I would still call people who say look, I wanted to just reach out for a lot of time I have other things I need to get to other people that I need to get back to and that you know giving off that energy, versus giving off the energy of I have absolutely nothing going on. And sure, I'm here to do anything for you, as long as I can sit here and direct messages and go back and forth and any endeavor receptacle question that you have and offer a full overview of what's being sold and explained in a video I'm also about to go show you, to give you a full preview of that video right. The person who's willing to do that or puts off that energy is going to be a little less attractive than the person who was a lot busier, think about an attorney. If your life's on the luck of somebody saying you murdered somebody. Do you want the guy who's got no clients who's got no experience, or do you want the guy who's busy as hell hard to reach everybody knows and he or she is the top dog in their industry. They're expensive as shit. You might not know if you’d be able to get them. There's a I think there's an aura that I also There's that, that level business that I wish for you and everybody here on this call. There's also a boundary that I am not sitting here waiting for your direct message. I got a fucking life. I am not sitting here waiting for you to know over there in Vermont or wherever you're at or down the road I don't give a shit who's sitting here looking at my video or what I'm doing online. It is like a method. It seems he's not waiting for that guy just so I can sit here and explain myself. Right so there's also that having boundaries with my time and I'm just not going to be here for your every need. I'm here to deliver value on my terms, right and I'll be fair to you And I'll over deliver when I'm in the mode of delivering but when i'm not, I may not ever get back to you.

Lori:  I Make sure to Let people know that I'll get back to you as soon as I can. It may not be you know right away, but I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I'm working a full time job and I’ve got a lot of comments and a lot of emails and I've got a business to run but I  will get back to you as soon as they can. 

Dave: Robert Doyle. What's up, Robert? I see you. He says just say you have a very important meeting you cannot miss. That might be a meeting with your computer but it's still a meeting.

Lori: Or my five cats here.

Dave: Yes, I have a meeting that I need to get into with five other individuals In five minutes. Bonnie says boundaries are key. A lot of our folks inside of our company here who we're working with clients and students and helping them through the challenge and helping them decide if they want to go through the 15 day challenge. Take this more seriously, more accountability is talking to dozens if not multiple, dozens of people per day and we work on that. A lot. You know, it's never Something that we ever perfect. It's not something that we even strive for. We're always going to feel a little bit off, so we don't strive for perfect balance. We strive for boundaries and managing a calendar and putting the people who we feel are deserving of our time as highest priority. How do you become deserving of my time? Has nothing to do with who you are or what you look like, ithas to do with the level of effort that you put into things and the respect that you have for my craft in what I'm doing. I look at my marketing as art. So if you're going to spit on by painting, I'm not going to be as nice with you. I'm going to say stop spitting on my painting, dude, you know, asshole. Block delete or just whatever. But yeah, boundaries, boundaries, boundaries. What else has been important for you over the last 35 days and with your growth here in this last season?

Lori: I would say that the biggest shift was having the traffic, you gotta have the traffic coming through. Otherwise, you're not getting anywhere. The traffic is the biggest change and the going live consistently. With having that Traffic because that is giving you a much larger live audience whereas before I was getting, you know a handful, maybe of people coming on my lights maybe if I was lucky. And of those handfuls, I had a seven year old, a 13 year old and a 16 year old.  I don't have that anymore. So I Have fun Already leads on everyone. In life, I'm not saying that there aren't some people who come in here skeptical and they’re gonna give me crap anyway but it's a totally different audience and it's because I have the traffic and because they're coming back to learn what I have to say, and you can ask me really great questions. And some almost all of it has to do with affiliate marketing, but I also because I am putting those posts about other side hustles I do address them as well.  I make it known that I don't do every side hustle that I'm showing you. I am literally showing this. You know, my whole point of this new account is to show people how to make money online and you know, open their minds to think outside the box. People are wanting to spend money and you know with affiliate marketing if you don't have money and or affiliate marketing is not for you. print on demand is it. That's you may not earn as much that way. It may be totally different, but if you're creative or whatever, that could be a great way for you to learn, earn money online and yeah, I can show you a little bit about it, you know.

Dave: Getting some directions I can at least I can at least I can at least give the terminology of what it is so you can go do your research yourself in, I don't don't really understand the challenge that people have with with marketers who in this day and age are using the multiple side hustle kind of angle, as a there's a, why would anybody see that as a problem? I I'm going out TikTok Facebook, YouTube Instagram and I'm saying Look built an online business this is the business model I use however in this may be for you if you want to make money online, maybe affiliate marketing is for you as well if it is, this is a training I took it really helped, check it out. And there's other business models out there like print on demand, let me tell you about that one. It may be for you, it wasn't for me, but it might be worth checking out in your research or becoming a copywriter or doing gigs on Fiverr, or whatever it is, right? Going out and running for ads on Facebook prospecting local attorneys, plumbers, contractors and saying hey we'll handle your marketing for 2000 a month for we'll do it for free the first month and see if It works out just that one too. Okay, here's how to get your first client. It's your first time doing a testimonial which will then snowball into more clients. Go to five contractors, roofers, electricians per day and say my price. I charge 2000 a month but I'll do yours for free for the first month. If you love it on that 30 day mark. I'll take your credit card information today,  you can cancel and tell me that you don't want to continue, but I'll do the first month for free. All right, getting that tip alone could spark an idea for somebody even though that's not what I'm doing. Because I'm a marketer and because I think like a marketer because I develop the mindset of sales, of marketing, and of turning nothing into something right because that’s entrepreneurship. I have the ability to look at other things, even if I don't do them and act as a consultant, if I did do them this is how I would go about it. There's nothing wrong with that and if you need you can clip this part of this video out and download it from YouTube. You have my permission to use it. There's nothing wrong. Step into if that's the angle. Yeah good Golden Nugget. It's damn sure. Stop being scared of what other people think and start Looking at yourself as somebody who can help any business grow. My job is to pull people in the right direction and As you said, open their minds to the possibility of scrolling on TikTok and just consuming only waiting and dreading to go answer to a boss that you hate day after day, okay? is not the only way to live.

Lori: Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. And that's I mean, I'm getting people that are doing that. I have people that are reaching out to me and, you know, a young woman that has just got her LPC. She's going to be a licensed counselor, a therapist, and she's like, how do I? How do I even start? It seems like okay, I'm in the mental healthcare industry I can tell you, I shifted to that and I'm like, I know this is what we did when we had this new therapist come in. Come on and you know, I walked through some of the things he said I knew from my my day you know, and she's like, oh, and I didn't even think of that. And I'm like, you know, that had nothing to do with affiliate marketing, but I was able to pull affiliate marketing into it a little bit in how you're going to market your therapy to get your name out there and you know, and we talked a little bit about that, but It was actually pretty exciting to be able to help a young, new professional into what she had just been trained however many years to do, to help give her ideas to launch for her to be a great confidence builder. 

Dave: These professions and trade schools, all right, whether it be a college or trade school, the traditional ones teach you how to do this thing after you get the client. They teach you nothing about how to get clients. Let me walk that back a little bit. There's traditional ways like going to network meetings,  joining the chamber congress but something happened in 2020. This little thing that made everybody to where they actually couldn't even leave their houses coming into contact with other human beings. So they were all whether they had counseling therapy. Matter of fact, my therapist transitioned to zoom meetings. In person meetings to phone meetings. My couples coach for my wife and therapists transition to zoom meetings so that she already had clients. He already had us as clients. Those two people in his life. What if what if they didn't? What if you were a new therapist or counselor like you said? So the point is, is these strategies that we're learning and use I've always called them transferable skills, right transferable skills because they work in any industry and one of the reasons why I have now after over a decade of doing marketing the way that I have, I have all kinds of people in my life which I'm not saying I'm a fan of because they're just looking for free advice. But they are asking me Hey, I'm just starting a new business. Let's get together and have lunch. I'm like yeah, I can't be sorry but you know, you're a friend. I've been a friend for many years, call me on Friday at 2pm and we'll talk for 15 minutes and tell me what you're doing and I'll see if I can help. Because I feel like I was given this gift. This is how I choose to view it Lori, I was given this gift back in 2009, when I was working construction and grateful for what I did with my dad but I was really looking for something new or different. I didn't have a degree. I had some felonies from my years and addiction. So I couldn't even get a job at a you know many companies, you know because I had to check that off you know, are you a felon and you know. I feel so great. A light came upon this information, you know, and I studied and I became a student and I put all that effort and energy that I would have put into a trade school or put into a college. If I had gone a traditional route. I learned a skill or transferable skill now that's paid me 1000s of times more than I would have ever imagined or ever grown, if I would have gone a traditional route. So I feel like I have this treasure of knowledge and my hope every one of you understands the power of the knowledge that you have it just the simple idea of building a traffic source in a funnel that collects email so you can follow up with people or you to go and hand out business one of the biggest shifts with. Here's another tip, you make a TikTok or Instagram or YouTube video out of one shift that I had. And I've shared this for 10 years and it's always blowing people's minds instead of handing out business cards that no one would ever call. I never got a single call from a magnet that I put on the side of my truck or a business card that I printed out. And when we print out our business cards, we're in business you know, all I think about is what I'm going into business. Let's make a list of what we got to do to start our business. Let's get our website up and print our business cards. Now we're business and then we do that and then it's like You know, and then we hand the card out. And then it's you know, like tumbleweeds, and what I learned to do was when I was early in internet marketing and was struggling getting leads. I would ask for people because I knew how proud a son of a bitch was to hand out their business cards. Yeah, I've got a card in here. Pull out the wallet. All right, I got the card. I'd say Hey, can I add you to my email list? So I can follow up with you about strategies to grow your business. Yeah, no problem. That's cool. So I would take their information, add them to my email list but I would also now have their contact information. So I would call them.

Lori: Smart. Very smart.

Dave: You know, and so I've still got somewhere around here. Honey, do you know where the box of business cards is? Can you get, can you bring that to me real quick. Watch this I it's it's actually sitting right here we have archives of stuff that we used to that we had in our early days.

Lori: Hey, that's my card. No kidding.

Dave: Yeah, I got a few of my business cards in here too, you know business cards that I had printed but I never had, I didn't get to hand out. I got these printed, this was an MLM that I was in and you know I had to get, it was Wow Mobile. This was the company that I ordered the cell phone from that shutdown The company shut down. Literally went out of business and the owner of the company literally disappeared before I got the phone. I spent every dime I had back in 2009, but I was just so infatuated with it. Refer three get yours free. I was going to get Anyways, I'm rambling getting into the old archives like an old grandpa. So anyways, Lorie looks like this has been a pleasure. It's always great to connect with you and I am just proud and excited for you as the journey is just beginning so let's not act like it's over. It's coming to an end. We're like you've got to the top of the mountain you're just beginning to climb. So yeah oh yeah. Good work. And do  you want to give anybody a way to contact you here and talk to you. I didn't have a link to send people here. Just so you know there’s 5 fake accounts out with versions of that exact username. They all have my face, I’m being impersonated now yeah. I must be TikTok famous. There's five fake accounts for me. I blocked them and recorded them and I have five, only six total followers actually, you know that they've actually attracted. I’m the one that's actually active that there's videos on and that's me.

Dave: You are famous, you have made it. You've got impersonators out there. Well hey, have a great weekend. Have a great Friday. Stay Legendary my friend, I'll talk to you soon. 

Lori: That's great. Bye!

Dave: Peace my friend. It's Friday. Have a great day, have a great week. And I don't give many calls to action on the show to buy our stuff but have not proven yet that it's good shit. It's good stuff and you are worth investing in yourself. Right? So take a leap of faith and take a leap of conviction in the idea today, October 1 2021, that you are worth it and that you can do anything if you put your mind to the right information from the right people and the right support inside of the right environment. And with those three magical ingredients, you can know with a sprinkle of grit and determination. You can do anything, you can be any version of yourself that you want to be. The best of the worst. We all have that Every day and I believe Each one of you has the desire to be your best self. You're here and you don't need Get a motivational talk. That's why I don't do that often. You're already motivated. You just need the encouragement and the knowledge and then the follow through to put it into action and Lorie is a great example of what that looks like so go follow her to make money with Lorie on tik tok. Connect with her, learn from her model, what she's doing. My friends We'll see you back here on Monday for another episode of Wake Up Legendary.

How To Bring In A Six Figure Income Through Affiliate Marketing As A Married Couple



Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: I have been looking forward to this show all week. When I found out that we had Megan, Ryan Hobbs, on this Thursday. I said in my best Ric Flair. Woo! It's going to be a good day. Alright, with that being said, What's up people how. Y'all doing?

Megan: we're doing wonderful. Oh man, what a hype man. 

Dave: Yeah, yes, yes, gotta, gotta, gotta channel that in a Rick, you know, When I, when I need it. So look for those who don't know, or weren't around our new YouTube channel. It was my first time ever meeting you. This was what nine months ago? 

Ryan: Over a year and a half, it's been. 

Dave: Yeah, Okay, right, about a year. So over a year and let's call it in the middle of 2020. You're in a different spot in your house. Okay, I remember it like it was yesterday. Ryan was sitting there, reminding me very much of myself, you know, basically saying, honey. Just trust me. We're gonna do this, we're, we're gonna make it happen. And Megan was sitting over there, like, I'm here, and trusting my husband, and I'm not really sure what we're doing exactly, But I know we need to do something. And as Andre Miller, one of our BPaaS in his story. He and Brittany have a similar story to where Brittany was like, what do you do and you can't do this, and Andre said, What do you ever plan, and she said no. And, and. And so they began, as did you and you both were brand new, just getting started, and we talked, and Ryan, you kind of acted as if you were, you're already successful in a sense you had television, and an excitement for what you were doing, and Meg and I can tell that you were excited to learn and go along for the journey. Now we're in here a year later, and you guys have, it's almost been like, what it feels like like longer to me like you guys are like Staples now in this community, your staples on social media platforms you have people who look to you as leaders and mentors, and you have a following, and an audience. And, obviously, I'm telling a snapshot, a little bit of your story, but I just want to ask, first of all, How does that feel?

Megan: Never in my wildest dreams did I think that this would have been, where it is now. Never. I mean, we are blessed,

Ryan: Very blessed to be where we're at right now, Dave.

Megan: It’s taken a lot of frickin hard work, but it's been worth every up till 3am answering comments or stressing over this email or that email or taking an hour to edit a freaking TikTok video. It's all blood sweat and tears that we've put into this.

Ryan: So, yeah, as you stated, When we first got started. I remember that first call just as well, because we've just gotten our first commission. And so I think that's where my energy was coming from in that call, even though it was 12 bucks.

Megan: Just because it solidifies like this can work. This can work. And then it was shortly after that we had our first high ticket commission. I was upstairs in the kitchen making cocoa bombs to sell to try and get some extra income. I hit my knees, because I was just like, holy crap and then Matt told me once he said you know you're asking the right questions and it's gonna snowball, and when it starts to snowball. It does, and yeah, he was absolutely, absolutely right. So, it's just getting over those, those hurdles, asking the questions. And having that as Ryan says that I'll be damned. If you really want to make this work, you're gonna make it work. Yeah,

Dave: I can imagine, both of you are proud of each other. I can imagine that Ryan You're proud of your wife. I can also imagine that Megan, you're proud of Ryan, am I right?

Megan: Oh, yeah. 

Dave: Ryan, how does that feel to know where you guys were in probably some of the conversations that you had that we didn't see or hear that all of us married couples have and to and to know that you know you have Megan sitting by your side today, in, in tears, literally, in tears. With excitement and pride. How does that feel brother?

Ryan: Amazing. I remember the day that I lost my job. Last year, and you know that. A few minutes ago you were talking about that, and, you know, yes, I had an idea of what to do. And, you know you've made the comment about Meghan maybe not so much have any idea but actually when I got home after I cleaned out my office today I lost my job and I sat down on the couch and but it took me like 30 minutes to get home in that 30 minutes magnet already found like five or six places for me to put my resume or application and I mean, so as far as the plan goes she was thinking she and I remember telling her, okay that's fine. But I've been seeing this stuff on Tik Tok and online I think I want to start a business online and I can remember her, it's vivid in my head, she just kind of chuckled, and she goes, Yeah but you remember we got bills to pay her, like, I'm like, trust me I get I know what our responsibilities are, but, you know, and that's what started this whole thing. And just knowing that I have her support on this day, you know, and obviously it took some time it took some, you know, kind of explaining showing her some of the things that I had seen. And just talking about it together, and realizing that, alright, if this is really what's, what's best for us and for our family. Let's give it a try and she knew that those last few months, at my nine to five were miserable. And I wasn't happy and as she always tells people you know they liked me but, you know, they loved me but they didn't always like me because I was bringing that that toxic environment home with me as far as the mental and the tiredness and and stuff like that so for her to sit there on the couch and, and say, Okay, let's, let's see what we can do. Let's try this. That meant the world to me. And it has.

Megan: And then, you know. Fast forward seven months, he had actually put in, and we because we still hadn't made, like, really dollar one. Honestly, online, went through the 15 Day Challenge, things like that fast forward, he had actually put in an application at Home Depot, and he knew he was going to get the job as he had to insiders. And for me to sit there and the first time when he lost his job I had already sent him like I said, like he said like five job postings, and then he's like well I have this I have an interview and I just said, Hang on. We're okay for now, in the pit of my stomach, I know this is going to work. There's just something different about this there's something different about the training, the environment, the network, I'm like, I know this can work. And it wasn't, what, three days later, three days later he had a call with our mentor. Now, give him a swift kick in the ass. And it wasn't. Two weeks later, he had 10,000 followers on tape talking we're certain pulling, pulling money and keep

it, keep in mind for the first render I lost my job for about the first five six months we were trying to do drop shipping and ecommerce, and for those that don't know what that business model is, you know, go to Alibaba or AliExpress and get stuff from China and so you're right in the middle of a pandemic anywhere.

Dave: The only thing we got from China was a virus, right?

Ryan: So six months later, here it is, you know we have, we haven't really made a spike. We spent a bunch of money on ADS. And, yeah. And so, you know, I was actually scared to even tell Megan, that I paid $7 and signed up for the 15 day challenge, because I was like, what she's gonna see this as I'm just flailing around trying to find something that's going to work and I've done a 180 we were doing drop shipping now what was that what do we do, you know, I was afraid to you're like No, don't get a job. So, but, like she said, You know, we've had our ups and downs, obviously, as you know we're learning, still as new entrepreneurs that this is a roller coaster ride. And, you know, celebrate your wins when you have them, figure out how to get through your failures when you have those

Dave: As our job right, as I always, I always tell people to choose your adventure. Do you want to be on the adventure, as you know somebody working at a brick and mortar business and ice cream shop or Home Depot or whatever, or do, or do you want to be on the adventure of entrepreneurship. Neither is the right choice. It's about what is the right choice for you. And the beautiful thing is that we get to make that choice and. And when we own that choice and what I'm hearing, it's interesting because I was just leaving a comment on somebody who had made a post in our Blueprints Facebook group about, you know I still believe in LM and I still, you know, there's so many negative comments out here on the internet and so many people doing this strategy and that's, you know, and I said well, first of all, this is a business model that's bigger than LM. As a matter of fact for the last two years we've had, how to become an affiliate of our actual company down at the bottom of the site, a little link that you have to click, and people have found that and become because I think they want, they feel proud to represent those products and they know the sales material converts a business model here, we're teaching also strategies that you can use to sell information of your own or as an affiliate, there's tick tock, there's, there's, there's Twitter. However, the biggest thing that has made a difference in me is not believing in a company, but learning to believe in myself, and when you said Megan, stop. I feel differently about this one, and about what we're doing now. I wonder if there was also a shift in belief in you, and also in Ryan, that you knew that you could do this, because you had seen your work ethic, and you know who you are and who you can be at your best.

Megan: It went back down to, you know, the network of people that we were talking to and that we were seeing and what we're seeing on the white gap and we're like, I like this, this works. This is not some all smoke and mirrors smoke show, This works is a business model, it's not how to be an affiliate for legendary. It's exactly what you said you're teaching a business model. And that was what some of the grams and whatever that we had seen or researched. It wasn't that they were teaching that they were teaching how to do their product. Now we like to say that and that's why we keep bringing people into Legendary because okay well you, you learn this, you climb that first mountain, and then if you make money online is not your passion or fine. Take that out, plug in what you're going to do.

Ryan: Yeah, the strategy strategies in the business model are the same and we actually I'll be I'll say we actually struggled with that a little bit you know we rose to quick success with legendary. We're like, alright, things are going great, and we kind of got caught up and we, at one point time we had to learn to pivot, you know, and figure out okay how do we extract that product, if we're going to continue to promote that product and find other products that we could plug into this business model and this system that you taught, and you know we struggled with that for a little bit but we finally found our ground again with the help of, you know, mentors of ours, we were able to, yeah, we were able to, you know, get in there and make it successful. And we continue to make it successful and what you said as far as when she told me. No. All right, let's just hold off on that whole interview with Home Depot and things that, Again, it gave me a shock of support there. And, you know, determination that all right, she's willing to hang in here with me to do this, that means I need to get my ass in gear and get don't because I knew, I knew at the time what I needed to do and it was to make the videos that was what I struggled with the most when we first started, like, a lot of people. Yeah. And, you know, I like I said we got our own phone from somebody who is now our mentor, and he basically said, Look, this is what you need to do if you really, truly want to make this work. Here's what you need to do. How's golf that call I'm like, alright, I'll be damned. This is what I want to do. She supports me, if this is really what I need to do that I want to do it. Now that the videos were horrible and they suck yeah they were bad, but that everybody started out. 

Dave: Yeah, yeah, I'm beginning to run ads on TikTok. Now, because it's a great platform to run ads compliance is a little bit different than Facebook because it's a new platform so they're accepting more variations of different content so forth and, you know, I'm changing, I'm taking my hat from market or from CEO, and a business operator to back into marketer, and I swear to God, Ryan yesterday I was, you know, I'm recording tick tock videos man, on TikTok.

Ryan: I love it.

Dave: I've got the phone up, you know, I'm sitting here on the desk and you know I'm coming up with creative ideas in creative ways, you know, as a matter of fact, I'll show you here just super quick. You know, I was sending them over to Matt asking for his feedback, you know what I mean, like, Give me, give me feedback, you know, I'll show you our Slack channel right here. So, you know, here's, here's the folder to put them in so I just start, I don't even put them in the folder I just want them to see them real quick, but I'm just recording them. Right, you know, I'm just doing my thing, right, like, right, you know, um, yeah, I do and then and then I'm like hard to make these short you know me as being back on those, right I like them, I think there may be hair on the adze side, but I think they'll be completely fine let's watch them for a few days and see what we get. I'll keep you posted. The ability to rapidly test these is game changing. I said I won't stop creating just want to get a few going fast. He's like, hell yeah, here's the big kicker: people watch these videos and start with a really kick ass headline here's a side hustle with almost no competition or here's that right. So, yeah, my point is, is that right, Matt and I are. It's never ending. Get back into the game and try new strategies and try new things, and I think people look at me, I like to show those behind the scenes moments that literally just happened yesterday, because that's what it's like. This is the adventure that I chose, and it's a damn adventure every day right but you mentioned doing the videos in there yesterday and I'll be today also doing videos.

Ryan: Yeah, this strategy, the strategies change, I mean you have to kind of roll with the punches and roll with the tide there and figure out exactly, you know what's, what's going on right now, to be in front of everybody and try to be in front of everybody. And so, the strategies are constantly changing. You know, whether it's your video content or your messaging or you know how you're reaching people you know, it's always changing. And I think that's what's kind of fun about it. You know, when I first started making videos like I said, I couldn't string two words together that made sense on a video whenever I put my phone up and hit the record but I just sounded like a bumbling bumbling idiot. And so, what my strength was, was to like take some music and I could sit there and just point at things that would come up, and that's how I got comfortable with doing the videos I did for a couple of months like that. But before I finally got to the point where I would, you know, actually talk on camera, where I felt like it, you know, made sense or looked decent. 

Megan: I still can't be in the basement if he's talking. Yeah, he actually bought, okay, you know, he goes like recording studios if they had the red light on the studio they're recording. Yeah, this guy over here, bought a color changing bowl to put at the top of our basement stairs and when that suckers red I'm like, I'm not doing that. I’m not going down. 

Dave: That is the corniest thing I've heard in a long time. I love that.

MeganL We also have three kids. Yeah, during, you know and you know going forward. During the summer, you have kids you know how hard it is to get work done.

Dave: Listen to what we did, we bought a separate house to work. We can’t work out of our house.

Ryan: My wife but with our kids and you know, we talked about renting office space, yeah. So yeah our basement is this the studio this little corner of our basement here and we turned into our studio and it was it was getting to a point where, you know, our son and Megan would be at the top of the stairs over there and they'd be carrying on a full on conversation while I'm trying to record a video, and I don't always do where I'm recording already audio, so it's not that big video but those times that I am getting up the courage to record audio and I'm already nervous enough as it is and I've got the courage and then I'm like halfway through it and then somebody starts a conversation upstairs, I'm gonna start all over again. So I'm like how can I, I kept, I kept thinking about this and I'm a bit of a tech nerd, myself, so you know we have home automations with lightbulbs and stuff like that. I am so I'm like you know what, I've got these color changing lights right above me I can put one of those on the stairs, I can tell Alexa when I wanted to turn red when I'm recording and that can be their sign that, even though you know our smaller kids, it's a visual for them now. If they start to go down the stairs and they see that red lines. I can go down here.

Megan: For me it’s that technical like if people want to comment I can't see the comments cuz we haven't been right out but if people are like oh that's really good. You have to have that kind of frickin piece of paper and write or something and post it on your damn door that's gonna help you create the videos to get your thing going.

Dave: No, I mean, I don't know if you guys recall during Christmas. Our son was born in 2020 . I stayed home for a month. My wife and I stayed home. I stayed home for a month and she stayed for longer. With him there full time, because we're blessed with a fantastic nanny, as well who, you know, helped out with him at this point. But, um, and I was in the garage, you know, I was in the garage. And I was just a lot, I was the weirdest thing too because I got, you know, a huge spark of inspiration that a lot of awesome work was done over that time period. And I was, I was just in my garage, you know, and I didn't even, even, whatever 10 years into the game. I didn't let being in the garage stop me, you know, I didn't let, I didn't let it be obvious that when I'm on camera I'm in the garage. I didn't let it stop me. I didn't need a cool background, you know like, and this isn't even a cool background now I mean it's just a, just a wood wall it's it's I got a light socket there and a broken light in the back here actually

Ryan: Peel and stick flooring and glue on the wall is like 50 bucks.

Dave: Yeah, I love that you guys are finding space in your home in doing a real, you know, let's make it work. It's just so I think what the comments are saying is my people love these two, I mean, you guys have really gone from, you know, where everybody is in starts in just over a year to now becoming sort of like internet famous in a sense, in our, in the community, right, and so many people know who you are both in our community but also out there. How, how does that feel and how do you how do you manage that, you know it's not different in it, it's got to be, you know, maybe there's some pressure there or like how do you how do you feel about that, do you yesterday we were talking with a guy from Switzerland, who, you know, doesn't have the sort of personal brand that you guys have he focuses more on YouTube and kind of doing review and tutorial videos. And you guys definitely have more of a personal brand where people know who you are. Give us that angle and talk to us a little bit about what it's like to have that sort of a business.

Ryan: Real quick before we do that, actually, it's very ironic that Simon was on yesterday because Simon is actually the one that got me to purchase the 15 day challenge that was his review that actually got ready to sign on with Legendary.

Megan: How cool? 

Dave: To get those reviews right that's, I think that's one of the things that it's important to remember is that you know when somebody for example buys the blueprints or just listens to the show every day we try to meet people no matter where you're at financially here, we you can learn, you can grow here. If you want to. But it's not just tick tock, it's YouTube, and it's Twitter, and there's all these different strategies that we can use and approaches that we can use. Simon's happens to be less about personal brand and more just about the content. You were looking for that information, you googled it or YouTube did his video pop up, you felt you felt confident or informed enough from his video to click his affiliate link, you bought. He got paid. You guys have focused more on Tik Tok and in sort of building more of a personal brand, again and Ryan recommends. So, yeah I'm just interested to hear that perspective and what that's kind of been like running that kind of a business.

Megan: It’s funny, so he does a lot of the content, and if he has to take a break or something like that and I'm starting to content, the messages or the comments on those videos where like, where's Ryan? Is Ryan okay? What's happening? Like, thanks guys. But it is, we are Megan and Ryan so if one of us has a simple way or something. People know we've branded ourselves so that people can put a face to the name. We were trying to build something that people can trust. And now we're now hiring people to help us in that and we're very selective of who we're bringing in because they are the face of us. It's humbling, but it's scary as hell, because for somebody to trust us to help them get to their goals. It's, it's, it's a heavy burden to lift sometimes, it's like, are we doing enough for these people, are we giving them enough value. Are we doing this right?

Ryan: But I think also, you know, it still hasn't as much as we are out there and as much as you know, we've made a brand or a name for ourselves. It's still. I don't think it's really hit home. As far as the reach that it's, that it's gotten we ever have to lead up to us in public that's when it'll hit. Yeah, it was still at a point where we're trickling where people that we do know, will come up and say, Hey, I saw you guys doing such and such on Facebook, Or I saw you doing such and such on Tik Tok or, you know, things like that so I don't think it's really like hit us or sunk in that there's, there's much of a reach but like what Megan was saying though. We have people that reach out to us and obviously we help them. We help them with their goals and their struggles and figure out you know what we can do to help them. You know, we've helped people that got started in this journey, and have been able to walk away from their nine to five, to reach their goals and things like that and so at first, when we do you know start helping someone it's like, like Megan says it's almost, it feels like it's a heavy weight on our shoulders, just to realize, can we actually help this person do what they need to do but then we look back at what we've done. And that's really all we do Dave is we tell them our story we tell them how we started, what did we use, how did we do this, how did we do that, how do we get past that failure, and things like that it's all personal experiences, and it's, again, it's been an amazing ride, and we're building confidence every day with the people that are helping and the testimonies that we get from the people that we have helped people that we help walk away from their nine to five, or, I mean we've got some, some pretty interesting stories of people that reached out to us that we had no idea when they first reached out what their story was, I mean, we're learning now months later after they're finally starting to see success with affiliate marketing we're learning now that you know, they had just lost their house, their family was living in a car, you know, they were down to their last dollar, that's when they reached out to us. We didn't know that. We didn't know that at the time when they, when they reached out. No, we start working with and we get to where they need to be and then you know four months later after they're making, you know, two or $3,000 online, Then they open up and they're like yeah man if it hadn't been for you this is where we were at and so we have a list of people that have given us those types of stories and it just warms our heart to know that what we're doing is really helping people.

Dave: How do you feel?

Megan: When you Oh crier can't help it. They go softer, I mean, I believe that, but um, so when I hear things like that. I'm like, and then it goes back to, you know what we were kind of talking about at the beginning, these people's mental health was just gone to crap, and then they saw a tick tock of ours decide to follow decide to reach out and it's like, wow, we've had an impact on somebody's life. And again, we didn't know that at the time and a lot of the young people who are watching you might be making videos or pinning pins or tweeting or whatever it is, keep doing it, because you may not think you have an audience but you've got an audience, and what you're doing very well may, may help somebody.

Ryan: So it's just one thing that we've tried to do Dave. I was very impressed with you in the very beginning, when, when we purchased our Blueprints. It wasn't just a few minutes after that, I got a video recording, personally from you. And so, we always thought that that was absolutely amazing. And so the people that reach out. That same personal touch, reach out to them, you know, no matter if we've got, you know, 2000 comments on a video, we try to hit every 2000 comments and reach out to those people. Anybody that sends us a message, we message them back, and that is, you know, again by being able to do that and help those people whatever stories they may have wherever they're at in their life, trying to you know put that personal touch to help them most people and then again like I said, hearing those stories along the road, it just, it, it lends it lends validity to the entire process of what we're doing. Yeah we originally started this, so that we could, you know, make an income with it, but now it's become a true passion of ours, I believe, to help people. 

Megan: Well, It became income for us when we put the income aside and focus on providing value to people on the money thing I have to make this I have to make this put them aside. And I don't care if it's health, wealth, training, woodworking, it doesn't matter what you're promoting, provide value to people, make that your focus.

Ryan: Rand that was a hard thing for us to to do really, honestly, when we first started, you know, we were looking at the dollars of things, and we weren't doing that great and finally Meg and I we were sitting down at dinner one night, Everybody keeps telling us, if you put the money aside and just provide value and start helping people, the money will follow. And I'm like, that's just a bunch of baloney it can't work that way this is a business, you gotta have money to run a business that's what we do this for but we decided that night, that anybody that reached out to us, we would honestly just answer their questions start answering any question that somebody asked us, and start helping people and how we damn, I mean it that it's like everybody goes, you put the money as people provide value and money will follow. I don't understand why it works or how it works but I know it works. I'm a true believer in it now.

Dave: Yeah. Well, Tony Robbins says the secret to living is giving, I don't know if that's his quote or he just repeats it. The secret to succeeding is giving to the delivering value, that's, and I say it's the secret, because even though it's hidden in plain sight, even though everybody's always saying it to us. It's one of those simple things that takes for some of us a long time for it to really sink in, or a long time for us to truly believe it or like faith, a long time for us to truly trust it. And especially when we feel like the walls are caving in around us, like the bills don't stop coming. Well, how it's almost like an, like an oxymoron right like it doesn't make sense, it's like, well, how can I not worry about the money. If I have bills to pay. Okay let's get practical here, you know, And it's like, well, it's, it's not particularly that you don't worry about the money. You have to have a plan, over here, maybe you have to sell something, maybe you have to have a garage sale, maybe you have to take a loan from your mom like I did when I first got started. Maybe you have to sell your truck like I first did when I first got started $4,000 Maybe you have to. For me I was done with construction sell some tools. Maybe I have to not go out to dinner as much, maybe I have to look at where I can save money, maybe you have to cut coupons, you know, maybe I have to become a real budget conscious person, if any, to really learn what it means to live below my means. So I can not make not be desperate. And that's that desperate energy that I'm about to quit energy that I don't really believe in what I'm doing and believe in myself but I hope we won't believe it breaks, like a pile of I want everybody just to stick, like a pile of big juicy dog shit that I want you to buy this and believe in this, but I don't. And I want you to believe in me, but I don't believe in you. It doesn't matter if you have the greatest product in the world that reeks, and it's not a bad thing, you're not. You're not a pile of dog shit in it, people can smell that vibe from a mile away. So we have to shift away from looking at people as dollar signs, and instead, figure out how I can have more personal connections. Somebody in the comments said that right, that's I struggle with personal connection. I'm shifting that today. Thank you, Meghan and Ryan, because I only have two people that have ever reached out to me but you know what, I didn't reach back out to them. And what I think is that if only one person delivers to them. Like, it's 1000 people, if you only have one person on your webinar is to have zero by my wife to know that because Ryan I know how to I know that job of selling my wife on something. And, when I deliver that son of a gun webinar, zero or two next week when there was one who showed up, I'll go for a full hour for one person.

Megan: Yeah, yeah, yeah, we tell people that all the time we're like, terrified to go live on TikTok, I'm like, I never have any viewers like first of all, you might actually have viewers, they're just not in there, if they're not in your life, you're not going to see him on there, so they may be there, talk as if you're talking to 2050 100 people quit worrying about them views. Because even if you reach one person, and that one person buys. Okay, that's still one person. People depend too much on frickin algorithms and shit like that. Stop. Just do you. What's the value out there. 

Ryan: Same thing with views on videos people get so caught up, while this is the only had so many views. This video had only so many views, just do you. Be consistent, trust the process, and just keep going. Yeah, I mean that's, that's the best advice we can give anybody because many people get tied up with those views of their videos and you know they may put a lot of work and effort into a video and then they post and it doesn't get that many views just go on to the next video, or even make the next video.

Megan: Or they're like you were talking about, they give off that vibe of imposter syndrome. Oh fine if you don't want to go on a video saying well I may, you know, want to learn how to make $2,000 a week, and you haven't? Then don’t don't you just say something like, did you know it's possible to?

Dave: You know, we believe, my mentor, whatever, there's so many different players. We lack creativity, and we don't put in the work to practice for me, when I've got a low, you know, viewed or demand, sometimes I'll go harder and I'll be more like dramatic and more sort of passionate to know viewers, because I get to really try new things out, right, it's almost like I look at that as practice, if I've got nobody on alive. Well nobody's seen what I'm doing right now so let me rehearse, because I am live, so I am going to go. And let me rehearse, let me practice that's me out in the batting cages, taking swings, you know, that's my dad and I think back to when I was I was I was little and I get my dad, and my stepdad, a lot of credit for working with me and my mom, who I just saw her coming she's on hi mom would be at the baseball field too. And what am I doing? I'm out there taking practice, no audience, no game, nobody's watching. My dad's taking pitches, and I'm just, I'm going as hard as I can, like it's the bottom of the ninth, two out, and I got, I get all the pressure on me. And you know what, how I became good is all that practice, you know, if you're I was 10, 11, 12 years old. I was a smoking pitcher. That was what we practiced. 

Megan: How many swings, do you think you took for you, you hit that, hit that sweet spot. How many times did you take the house? 

Dave: A thousand.

Megan: Right? That's what we tell people, I've made five videos, I just don't get it. We can go like it's gonna take at least 100-200 videos before you feel comfortable, that's okay. We don't compare yourself to somebody that's been doing this for 10 freaking years or comparing this to somebody that's been doing it a year and you're just on day three of making videos,

Dave: You’re going into the challenge and you’re out here  trying to do some shit, and it's not working and you're like, that doesn't work, it's like, congratulations for swinging but bro you just picked up the club.

Ryan: Exactly, exactly. We tell people all the time that they are starting out, and there's a lot of people out there, they're just like I was when I first started nervous to get behind a camera, So look at your backyard. Go do 20 videos right now, one right after another. The 20th one is going to be better than the first one. The more of these, you know, you don't necessarily have to post them, but just get comfortable being behind that camera and doing what you need to do. Just be consistent and show up every day to do those things. I mean, you'll get better with anything, the more you put into it, you're going to get better at it. 

Dave: Yeah, yeah, for sure, and I really do believe that, like, that acting as if that is what I remember, sensing relating to you, Ryan, I was like, This guy, this, he gets the acting as if because a year ago when you were. Bill broke, busted disgusted, sitting around, didn't know what you were going to do at the next job at Home Depot, Meghan sat next to you going, I don't know if this is gonna work out. Who the hell's his name guy okay he's all right but, you know, we've seen a difference but I don't really know. Ryan, you're up there like you talking like a million. I mean, I'm like, This guy, he gets it right, he understands that you've got to act as if you're already successful. Even if inside, you're feeling nervous or afraid or insecure or uncomfortable in your skin. And so I just want to hit on that one more time. But one of the most important things. If you're going live or doing a video, is every video you're making is from a hacked stadium of 50,000 people, 1000 people, every video, and I mean, right now, we're performing in doing this with everything that we have in we would do the same if there was one, or if there was 160 202,000 2 million because it's not about them, it's about us, and how the standard that we hold ourselves to, and the main way that we have that, you know what, somebody may see the replay of this. This is also an opportunity for me to be able to get better, to tweak and perfect my story, and also to remember, I believe, and you guys tell me what your experience with this is, every time right here I tell my story. I remind myself of the things that I've overcome, and that makes me feel inspired and proud of myself. And I gain confidence from that.

Ryan: Definitely, yes. Oh yeah, every day, every stinking day, every time. Yeah, I mean, you know, we put out videos, everybody's gonna have videos that you know, may not do well, or you may put a post out that doesn't do well or something like that, and you have times where you start to maybe doubt yourself, but then like you just said, you start to think about, over all the accomplishments that you have been successful with over the, you know, over the last year, all the different things that we've done to be successful, you start to think about those and you just shrug it off. Alright, moving on to the next one, because that's what we do, that's what we have to do.

Megan:  First of all, here, those creators on TikTok, that you see are like viral video after a while video millions millions millions II know that they post videos that flop, they just private um so you can't say hello, because they don't want their audience seeing something that flopped. Now I'm not saying that, that people need to do that here. Because that, whatever. But, yeah, don't do that. You ain't that big yet, don't worry about it. It's even when we do get to a million viewers, or a million followers, or whatever.

Dave: Do that, because that's what you did yesterday anyways, traveling the world we live in today. 

Megan: That doesn't matter. So that's why I say quit comparing yourself to somebody like you. Do you know where you are, know where you came from and know where you want to go? You can't. You have to do you

Dave: It’s crazy nobody nobody remembers what you did yesterday, you know, I mean we get so caught up on every word that we say and everything we do is proof in the State of the Union address and we got the eyes of a world on us and we can't, you know, and then we forget that our, our, our authenticity and our being real. In today's internet world is actually what makes us more believable it's one of the reasons why I don't get fancy with my stuff and while I'm still on my computer webcam, I don't even have even have a special camera setup and I'm surprised I got this microphone I know it makes me look fancy but it's, I don't know even how it's working, I just plugged some stuff in, and it's, I swear to God, there is no, it's I've got this, this equalizer right here. You know, it's just, it's a card I just got from my mom because I bought her a car. Hi mom, I got your card. Thank you. Lines are right here it's and I don't know what I mean there's there's buttons on this thing, I could not tell you I have, there's one plug in, and there's one plug out in the back.

Ryan: Your IT person probably right now is going to pay for that now but then add your, you know, your, your own pet something camp right

Dave: Ryan I don't have an IT person, I am the judge, jury and executioner, and you don't always have to Hello, Matt He said there's the IT person. Yeah, yesterday as match, walking me through in giving me tips on, on, on making tic tock videos for ads, you know, I go, oh yeah okay I think for a few of these, I'm going to get like a, like one of those wide lens fish fisheye things I can put on my phone because I can get a, because I think that looks cool and then I'm going to get one of those selfie sticks, because I, and both Matt my wife was sitting over there tuition that Matt goes, Dave, you don't need to do that. You don't need it because I always have a tendency in limiters. I got 10s of 1000s of dollars worth of video equipment and in a room over there, that over the years, I would always be like, oh I gotta get something, I gotta upgrade audio equipment and I got to get a better camera for this and I got to get better. This and that drone and, you know, all this fancy shit that Cirrus. It's like a car that's got, you know 50 miles on it this stuff, sit. I don't know how to use it. It's never gotten used, and the thing that works is just going live or doing the video on the camera that's already inside the computer. And I don't have to be go to college, or take some courses on lynda.com or be some AV expert from learn how to or the lighting, I just, I don't even know what that light is, I obviously need another ball, I default versus the other day, I'm thinking, he wasn't here that, but this thing. I mean, in 10 years I haven't figured out the lighting Woody, I just put a light back there, looks good from Thomas' parents just have a light back there, but it's just, it's just, I don't need a fisheye. I don't need a selfie stick. I don't need it, my wife too was like no more, not a single nother thing from Amazon.

Megan: If you get a selfie stick, I will make fun of you for a while. I'm with Erin on that. But Ryan: You're exactly right. I mean, that we even. Yeah, we've spent some time putting some stuff together here in the studio. Yeah, that's who I am, but what I've learned.

Megan: He does the concerts and the shows and things like that they're in the stadiums, that's who he is.

Ryan: But what I've figured out is the more that I do here in my quote unquote studio. I get better results with things that I do on the fly, whether it's driving in the van and just hit the record button or walking through the backyard and hitting the record button, you're exactly right, people I think see that made up stuff like, you know this studio here, you know, they see that, but they prefer. The average everyday Joe that just picks up the camera and hits the record button. Why, because that relates to them. Yeah, and then that shows that they can do this.

Dave: I mean if I want to watch a highly produced series, or something like I'll turn on Netflix, but but but you know what I rather do, which is always annoying for me whenever I try to sit down and start watching something, maybe it's phone addiction I don't know but I get that damn phone in my hand, and then I grew up, I'd rather watch videos from regular people, you know what I mean like just I tend to kind of gravitate towards that I don't spend a whole lot of time watching TV. Maybe I don't know. I mean, my wife and I watch a show here or there together. But, you know, just that content of good, solid people that I, I either think are funny or knowledgeable or I can learn something from them is, I don't care what within that still, still takes time for me to learn that I still have to remind myself that I think it's a way for me with some of this video equipment and stuff, I don't know about you, out there what why you do it, but maybe it's a way for me to overcompensate to think that what I have to say is not good enough or is, you know, I mean like, I have to look, I have to look more professional or I have to be more professional than I am because I'm like the most unprofessional dude ever in terms of like, just, I mean right now. It's, it's, it's, with, with, this is me every day, and, you know, this is who I am to I want to be. I've never, ever changed. And, and so I don't know maybe it's a way for me to think that I got to learn about whatever. But, yeah, it's, it's been a, that's why I really, I say that self esteem is the bedrock of success it's not the only thing that matters Strategy Matters business model matters but the more we do get the more we get comfortable with our own message and our own voice, and we practice practice practice we build that self esteem and that confidence and that becomes the foundation and we know that we're good enough that we have, what we say is valuable mean something, and then our personality and the way that we look, and who we are, exactly as we are, is also good enough. You guys have been on that journey. 

Ryan: We're the same way as far as when it comes to watching TV, we don't, there's not really a whole lot of TV that we watch we're on our phones quite a bit, looking at things that I mean, for one thing. We've got a seven year old that she's just figured out the world of Survivor on CBS. She's all about this and we watch that you think about it, that is, that is, you know, that is real life people and you know so it's kind of similar to the same thing we're watching on our phones and stuff so but yeah it's the same way we spend time on our phones, looking for inspiration and following other people and getting knowledge from people that know like Megan said, when you start this out, find somebody that has the lifestyle that has the lifestyle that has the mentality that you want and go emulate them, you know, try to follow them and do that and so we do a lot of that, do you, right, find somebody to model yourself after.

Dave: So, you guys are fantastic models for us for this community, and we're going to try to show as many people this video as we possibly can. If you guys want to see a cool transformation, search back our YouTube Channel or Facebook page and find that first interview with Meghan and Ryan, so proud of you and happy for you too. And I know that your journey is just getting started.

Megan: And now you guys have us on TikTok down there, we're also Instagram. Follow us on Instagram to keep up the great work you do too, and give us a part three here.

Dave: Let's make it sooner than a year if you guys are not signed up for the mastermind you can meet. Megan and Ryan in person at one of the futures of, we're going to have as many masterminds as we can because just your story and your vibe, and your transformation is just so incredible. And, yeah, the future, this is just such a small, your success and where you're at and I know it's just a sprinkle just drop in the bucket for what the future holds for you too, so get excited, I know you are but really get excited because life gets better, freedom becomes more free, and you begin experiencing and doing things and be able to afford things and live a lifestyle that you never knew was even possible. That's been my experience so just a look into the future for you my Dave Sharpe crystal ball.

Ryan: All right, thanks a lot, they would appreciate it.

Dave: Alright guys, take care, see ya. Well there you have it, and then, if you're listening to this, for some reason, on our podcast which everybody remembers we take these, these shows, we leave them on Facebook. We also put them on our Legendary marketer, YouTube channel. We put them on our blog, we actually put the transcription on our blog. If you want to read, and you can search wake up legendary and find the podcast audio version if you're listening, there TikTok, and Instagram is Megan.Ryan_recommend they are fantastic, incredible people. You heard it from the horse's mouth, though yourself. Get out of here one more day left in the week, and I believe that's going to be our last Friday of this month, okay. Actually, tomorrow is going to be the first of October so let’s make it great, get out of here. Have a fantastic day. We'll talk to you later.

What Content Gets The Best Results And How To Post It

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What is going on my friends, this is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to wake up legendary I am back after a week of being out. I had nasal surgery, and it was because I had something called a deviated septum. And that was where basically my nasal canal was like a zigzag or a curve.

We actually breathe through my nose because I can do that now. I had 25% breathing capability on one side and 50 on the other so I finally got it fixed after almost 40 years of it being like that. And I can breathe now. So, my friends, we are bringing back a returning guest. Simon, who is a pilot, is making more money online than he does in his regular salary, and I'm excited to talk to him once again so you guys may recognize him. He's in the same spot he was last time, Simon. Welcome to the show, buddy.

Simon: Thank you very much for having me again.

Dave: Now are you in Norway or tell us where you're calling in from?

Simon: Switzerland.

Dave: Switzerland. Yeah and I want to go to Switzerland. It's one of my dream spots to travel to. I want to go there to pronounce Geneva or Geneve?

Simon: Depends on what language you're trying to pronounce it in. So in English it's Geneva, French, it's generic. And we are German because I'm in the German speaking part near Zurich. And we just say it again. So it's different ways of pronunciation. 

Dave: Okay, so I want to go to English speaking Geneva. I want to go to some of the watch manufacturers and just kind of do a tour of Switzerland, so I'll have to make it over there. Over the next 12 months hopefully. And maybe we can have coffee or something, my friend. 

Simon: Yeah, for sure. 

Dave: That's really cool. I think that's one of the things that is so cool about this business is that, you know, we may not know a single soul in our city, you know, who actually does what we do, but we know people all over the world and when we travel, there's usually always a friend that we know, in the country or the state that we're going to, so. So are you still are, because of what's been going on recently were you out of airline work and that's why take us in give us a brief kind of history of how you got started online, and what you've been doing here, that led you to legendary, and then ultimately, earning now more in your online business than you do as an, as a pilot.

Simon: Yeah, so the last time we talked, I was actually grounded from flying because of the Corona crisis. I don't know exactly when it was but I think it just started a couple of months back. When we talked then. And as of July this year I am actually flying again after like 15 months of being grounded. So during that time I did have a lot of time to focus on my business actually so that's also why I actually have been able to grow it to a point where I'm actually making significantly more online, then I'm making it my job but going back to when I started online. It was I think like four or five years back now when I first kind of got the idea that it was possible to make money online I actually was looking for a job at this time but I wasn't able to find any because I was studying a lot and then I was doing private training, when I had to break from studying, so I was looking for. I was just typing in YouTube how to make money online, and then you can see all these kind of gurus that tell you okay you can make money like this you can make money like this, and then I just simply tried a couple of things, and tried kind of growing Tumblr pages and then I went to trying to start a blog, then I tried to grow Instagram pages which is the first thing that has worked, which we've also talked about last time I was on here. But then at some point. I kind of fell into creating YouTube videos, then because I was creating videos for, for my clients who were buying those Instagram accounts of me because they were asking me how I can keep growing those accounts. So it's basically telling them how to put them in an automation software and automate everything so they keep growing, even after they have bought them from me, and that's when I realized there's a thing called affiliate marketing, where I was able to join the affiliate program of the software that I was using. And then, it is a tutorial that I've created on YouTube, I simply said, you can use the affiliate link down below in the description to get the software, and then I started seeing some commissions coming in over the couple of months that the these videos have been online and it wasn't that much in the beginning but the thing I realized is that it's so passive. And eventually, when you compare how much time you have put into creating this video, and then taking a look back on how much money this video has made over the course of like one year or two years. Then I noticed that I can put in like a day's base work, and I make, maybe, I don't $2,000 or even more. Over the course of a year or two, it doesn't seem like much in the beginning but after a lot of time has passed, you have more clicks on the video. This is a lot more lucrative than what I was doing at this point so now since then I've been focusing more on YouTube. And now I'm kind of looking back into getting into also starting a blog and kind of outsourcing more trying to optimize.

Dave: Well, you really just defined digital real estate. Very simply, right there. Yeah, I mean, it's sort of like, actual real estate where you, you buy a piece of property and you're at first you have $100,000 loan that you pulled out to buy the property, maybe you put a deposit down, so maybe you put 20,000 and you borrowed 80,000 And at first, you put a tenant in there, and you're not making any money. You know, it's like well you know I'm not getting rich. I'm not getting there, I'm not even rich in the first five years hell it's gonna take me 15 years to pay this mortgage off if I, you know, if I continue to pay the payments as they're structured on this 15 year mortgage but once I buy a house, and then I use the equity, a year in, maybe I'd make double payments, and I've got some equity now I can refinance the house, I pull out $20,000 Now I go put a deposit down on another house, and each year I do that, after five years I've got five houses, and then I start making double payments triple payments in the next five years I own all the houses outright. And then, after 10 years, I've got 10 or 15 houses that I own outright that are all paying me $1,000 A month in rent, and before you know it I'm rich.

Simon: Yeah, you're building cash flow, investing. 

Dave: It doesn't see it's doesn't feel fast at first in that story that I just told about real estate is something that I actually do. I can tell that I was able to say that because that is what I have actually done in real life with real estate, and what you described is exactly a perfect analogy, it could go either way for digital, real estate, it does not feel fast at first look at things. After a year, as you said and you look back and say, should know that video took me 15 minutes to make and it's made me $2,000 I just made basically, you know, if I was to run that on an hourly rate, I just made eight, you know that's an $8,000 an hour, work one or $2,000 an hour work great, no so I love your perspective of long term, looking at things and. And so, your YouTube channels have been mainly tutorial style videos, and also you got into some cryptocurrency and so forth. Tell us the content that's worked best for you.

Simon: Yeah, so I tried to make content that would work well for affiliate marketing, and to content that works really well my opinion, my experience is reviews and tutorials, and maybe like kind of explainer videos where the viewers that actually watch your video, they are kind of before they make the decision, do I want to go with this software or program or platform or whatever it is, and then they make the decision after watching your video, then you have the link right there, maybe they get an additional discount or something like that. So then you get a high conversion ratio from your videos and actually also make affiliate commissions, which is the main source of income when you start out because you don't have any ads on your videos because you don't have enough traffic and subscribers yet. So, this is kind of how I got into the tutorial review kind of video style. And another thing is that it's very, very evergrowing and very passive, so I have, I don't know like 65,000 subscribers on my channel, but when I upload a video. I only got a couple of 100 reviews because when I created a tutorial about how to create. I don't know of an online shop or something. How many of these subscribers. Want to know at that specific time, how to do that right now so it's not too much, but I don't really care about that. What I care about is that the video will be kind of relevant for a long time, and. And the cool thing is that I don't really have fans on my channel so I totally feel the pressure to need to, to having to upload like one video a week to video two videos a week, so that they won't forget me, Because most of my viewers that come from search, and suggested, and those are just the people that are looking to learn the things that I teach in my videos, and they usually don't know me when they first see my video. But that doesn't really matter because it's kind of just like a blog where they want to solve the problem and then I'm giving them the solution right there, and then they can leave again. Maybe some of them subscribe to my channel, some of them don't, that's fine because my traffic is pretty stable as well, which is very nice in this kind of niche that I'm that I'm doing and I'm also like free, because when you have like subscribers that are fans of you, then you always kind of have to keep making the content that works for your fans, otherwise you will see a sharp drop in views, the algorithm doesn't like you anymore, but with my channel, I know that I'm not getting many views in the beginning, I'm relying on the algorithm. Finding the right place on YouTube and on Google for my content so after some time, like, two to three months. Usually, the algorithm will know exactly where they should place my video, and then they will start getting used and he will kind of get abused pretty stable, so that it will bring in us for like two to three years, until I don't have to make a new tutorial because some things have changed.

Dave: This is a, I mean, you guys are you guys, hearing that, this is, this is a content creation mat mini masterclass session this morning that Simon's putting on, because he's telling you what's worked for him, but he's also explaining it so simply and clearly, so thank you, Simon for that, and I, I hope, sometimes, you know when, When people don't pay for things unfortunately they don't pay attention, you know, and that's one of the reasons why I don't believe that you should give everything away for free. Right. That's, especially if you're, you know, if you're, if you are a regular person who's not going to, you know, sell a bunch of books or has a different business, you know, like a Gary Vaynerchuk, you know, even All right, well he's got a agency and he sells books and all this other stuff, regular people need to get a certain amount away for free as you stated, And then, and then most purchases, although people do their research, when they buy it is going to be an impulse buy because they feel like they've become educated enough in that moment, to make a buying decision. That's usually what people are waiting for their waiting to feel like they're waiting to feel my experiences confident enough, and they're some sort of urgency. There's some sort of scarcity and in us the content creator or the reviewer have instilled enough confidence in that person to follow through and make the buying decision and then hopefully whatever, whatever, sales funnel that you've sent them to as an affiliate has a good sales video and sales process. And, you know you get paid for the work being put in. But what you just broke down there was so valuable in terms of creating like personal branding style heavy content versus value driven content. There are ways to insert your personal story in a, in a bit of personalization in your own twist or stick as as American as an American comedian say like a stamp like what's your step, What's your, what are you known for. There's a way to put that in, but not make that dominate the content, like for example in this show. I've been gone for a week, you know, the show doesn't rely on me because it's not about me, it's about the guests that we bring on their stories in their strategies and their success. But when I come back, you know I gave it to you. 32nd intro of what's been happening with me over the past week and then got right into the content and the value that you have as our guests to offer, and that seems to be true with YouTube and it's also showing to be true with tick tock and other platforms that you can focus on trying to be an entertainer and you can focus if that's the route you want to go if you want to eventually do comedy shows to where you're traveling around, and you want people to come to your, your, your comedy show them. Sure, try to be funny, tell jokes, you know, but if you want to sell affiliate products if you want to sell affiliate training. Then teach people. And when I say affiliate products I mean software's digital courses, books, things that people can buy online, give them an appetizer of value, or educate them on how that product or that course works, why they need it, give them a 30,000 foot perspective, give them a behind the scenes look without, you know, showing content that's behind the paywall, make it make sense why the content is right for them, or why it's not right for them, and make that the dominating focus give them something that can instill competence show them that they can do it, and then make it clear and easy for them to click your damn link, so they get to track to you. So if they do buy your ass gets paid, you know, and that is the name of the game and I. One other thing I did was, I subscribed to a couple of watches. Right, they like one run these watch dealer businesses like

they're, they're, you know there's authorized dealers like Rolex and then there's gray market deals. There's a whole freakin massive market of just people who buy and sell and trade like luxury watches that are not authorized dealers, and one of the ways that these guys have gotten customers is they do a YouTube show, but the YouTube show is all about family in a game of life, and like a vlog right, it's about their personal life, and it's more entertainment. So, one guy this last week didn't upload a video and I saw him, you know, be like, I'm getting a bunch of messages where you guys are pissed off that I didn't owe you anything like, you know, and thanks for the loyal ones but it was the sad thing that you talked about, that he had this big fan base that probably a lot of them weren't even doing business with him, they were just watching his content, because they feel entitled to be entertained by him. But, but it's it's what he's probably only doing business with a small percentage of that audience so he might get a lot of vanity metrics of likes and subscribers, but he's probably not making a huge live, probably a small one or 2% of the people that watch your show are actually but now that may be a lot for him. A lot of leads a lot of customers but the point is you don't need to do that, and that's what I love about what you said is that you, there is no pressure. If you miss a week or two, or even a month, you have videos that, over time, the strategy on a platform like YouTube, that's why you have to understand the platform that you're on the strategy on YouTube is over time, people are searching for that software, or I saw a video on your channel that says, what actually eight months ago. It's your second most viewed ever video on your channel, Google Ads tutorial 2021, step by step. You're relying and you know that people are going to come to YouTube just like you did in the beginning, and in search, Google Ads tutorial best strategy step by step of 2021, and you know that Google is is eventually, the more people watch that video, click on it and then watch all the way through. That tells Google they liked the video, the more Google is going to look that up on the first page, or that that video is going to get views and make you money over time. And that's the review and the sort of tutorial. Even side hustle, or what, you know, those videos where you're showing people how to do something, or doing a review of a product in person, or, or, or course or something. That is how that game is played, and it is very lucrative for a lot of people who understand it. What did I leave out?

Simon: I think that was a good summary. One thing I also wanted to mention is that when you're doing it. I think there's a difference between doing a tutorial and doing a review, and sometimes when you do a review, I mean, probably the extrinsic motivation of doing a review is eventually to get people to click on your affiliate link and you make some Commission's right so otherwise you wouldn't put in so much time creating a good review. That doesn't mean that the review has to be dishonest and you have to push people to a product that you maybe don't really believe in, but I sometimes felt kind of the, kind of, what's it called, you know you have a interest that people actually go for the product, and that's kind of a problem when you do a review because when you do review, people want to see somebody being totally disconnected to the product, so they can have an honest opinion. And that's a cool thing with tutorials because you don't have that problem, and you don't need to convince people to go for the product, people have already decided they want to go for the product, you just explain to them how to use the product, and that's kind of, you don't have that conflict of interest, where you actually do you want people to sign up, but you also want to have to be honest review. Now, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't create reviews, but if you kind of feel bad you have a bad feeling or something, doing a review. You can also go for tutorials, that's what I mainly do because I don't have to judge your product. Also, sometimes I do tutorials about software or platforms that I don't know, maybe they are better. There are better opportunities out there, but that's not my job in this video. In that video I simply explain how to use that specific product and how to use that platform or software. And that's a very cool thing you have an easy time creating that video, in my, in my experience, and also what you said with having fans, compared to having a channel where we simply upload like tutorials or evergreen videos, both strategies are good. I just think you have to decide on what kind of lifestyle or what kind of channel you want to run actually because for me, having a job. Next to doing my online business, I, I don't want to have, I don't want to feel the pressure and I don't want to have fans basically I don't want to feel the commitment and like you said, people do feel entitled to seeing like this weekly video of you even though they don't pay anything, and you can't turn it off. So you have to handle it. But I think if you do a channel where it's entertainment or you know you have to show up once a week at least. Then you should be able to do that otherwise it's very hard for you to grow, to maintain your, your base and for me, I like to have the freedom to be able to stop at any time have one that's why I went for the other way or the other way, having fans probably even have has more potential, but it's kind of a different animal there.

Dave: It is a different animal. And we're talking about, you know, We're talking about the grant cardones the Gary Vaynerchuk's of the world, you know, these in I mean there's a lot more lesser known content creators and marketers who have more personal branding style. Style stuff that it means it very much relies on you being charismatic, and it relies on you. You know, almost scripting your life in many ways, it's always been camera ready, you know, sort of, for me, I found that style of marketing. Always carrying my phone around and doing stories, you know, and trying to try and to capture cool moments, you know, I found myself sometimes missing those moments because I was too focused on trying to capture them, some audience who was just, you know, wasn't really going to make any money and for some reason I just had to keep feeding the content, animal. And, you know for me personally I have, like, I don't. I also care more about being rich and then being famous. Okay, not that I'm some money hungry. I just need to be a billionaire. I mean being a billionaire is cool. I don't need to be a billionaire though, I want to live. I want, excuse my French, anybody who's listening and, you know, forgive me but I want to fucking lifestyle. I want freedom. It's called the Big, my favorite, F word. Besides, the one I just said, Freedom. Can I get an amen in the comments anybody else likes for read, writing? I want freedom. What I realized was a lot of internet marketing strategies were a trap that I felt like I needed to do. I felt like I needed to be always updating. I mean I saw, I was just pumped on Facebook for a moment this morning, and was scrolling, and came across this, this woman that I, oh she's such a brilliant person, but she is the one who does these long posts on Facebook. She said she'd been up since three o'clock when she was doing a live show. And I thought this girl exhausted herself doing content that most people don't see in the newsfeed. Within five minutes. And when I realized the platforms in had in how they work and how to start creating content that as you said can be evergreen. And it's not just feeding the animal for the sake of feeding the animal. It's not just about trying to be famous, but being broke. And that's why I found a lot of these famous people who have hundreds of 1000’s of likes. That's why I say stop comparing yourself to other people who get a lot of likes, and they're really popular online because they might be making no money. They might be making no money, they're just famous or like the popular person who peaked in ninth grade, bullying people and now there's some asshole on the couch, who does nothing with their life. We can't compare ourselves to other people because they may not know, they may be lying. So I need to design my business in a way that suits the lifestyle that I want to live in for me that's why it's interesting on certain platforms, like, like my personal profile on Facebook in on my like personal profile on Instagram, as much as all the people say if you ain't building a personal brand you're missing out and I may be. I may be missing out on the future of whatever is going to happen. But you know what, I've been happier. I haven't posted a single thing on those particular profiles in 2021 and I've made just as much or more money as I've ever made. With my marketing activities.

Simon: Yeah, I'm exactly the same like you, I was a time when I was very, very active on Instagram and stuff, and people that preach, you have to build a personal brand I also see that a lot like the future is having a personal brand building an audience and stuff, which is, which isn't wrong but you have to know what you're getting into, because many people think I'm escaping the hamster wheel of doing a nine to five, but then you're entering the next one, of having to post one Instagram picture a day doing one YouTube video a day doing a couple of TikToks a day, which is another kind of hamster wheel where you can really get out because if you get out you will lose your audience. This is why you kind of have to decide which route you want to go, do you want to have a personal brand, a business where you are the face of the business, but can't ever get out of it, if you get out of it, the cash flow but stop as well because you can really sell it. If you go the other route where you're building a brand, where you're not the face of the business. Then you also have a lot of potential to make a lot of money, but then you have the freedom to leave the business at some point, when it's big enough that you can sell it. And that's also realization that I had, I don't know a couple of years into my journey, because I realized that I don't want to be famous, I don't want because I have also I took my instagram or my YouTube and stuff because I don't want to have people follow me on these pages, and because that's, then you get comments like all day asking you questions and you feel obligated to answer them. Because you want to be good to your followers right so I tried to kind of distance myself, like the longer I mean, this business, more I tried to distance myself, and kind of just stay at the key place where I'm actually where my expertise is needed. The same thing with outsourcing at some point. I mean it makes sense to, to, Maybe if you have a blog to hire somebody to write your content, so that at some point you are able to just manage your business, and don't work in your business anymore, which is kind of where I'm trying to move into in the next couple of years. And so yeah, at the beginning I have to make a decision, what lifestyle do you want to have because eventually your business. I think you once said that as well, your business should work for you, and not you shouldn't work for the business. In the grand scheme of things, of course you have to work for the business, otherwise you will die. But eventually, why are you building a business. One reason is you want to build value and you want to help people. Another reason is you want to build a great life and lifestyle for yourself. So make sure it's not kind of doomed to failure. Starting out because eventually you will have all these people following you but then you are kind of committed to them.

Dave: Learn the game, learn the game, and that's why we do these, these wakeup shows I mean, honestly, every morning and every day, iron sharpens iron, I'm getting, I talked to a guy like you halfway across the world, man this is incredible, isn't it, I mean this is what I love. You're sitting in Switzerland, which is a dream place of mind to go and hang out, you're a pilot just a cool dude, and we're talking about how to gain, how to win the game and that's what it is, understanding the game, it's sort of like, it's sort of like sitting around in the in the in the tape room, and looking at the soccer or football, who's the opponents, how can we win how understanding the game, you wouldn't go out on the field in a professional soccer or football league, without understanding the game without understanding your competition. And so, I only thing I'm inviting you all to do is understand today as Simon here has brought on a pretty different perspective than a lot of people that we've had on the show recently because tick tock has been so hot, like hot for so many new people because they're getting they're able to get a result fast there, and they, the content, sort of, it can't it has the potential to last for days or weeks or even months on that on that platform now. It can also die out, it's, it's, you know, I just saw somebody post yesterday that well I just, you know, following Matt's advice I just got a million views, like in 24 hours and then all of a sudden like I stopped getting views on the videos, so it's not guaranteed that it's going to be evergrowing content, but but TikTok has been a video platform that anybody can get started with. And that can produce a result for you really fast. And it can be one of those platforms that you need to sort of be present on. And that for me, honestly I think everybody should have a taste of that. I think everybody should do that at some point you decide, I love this, or I just heard this interview with this Simon cat and this is interesting. And let me think and learn more about designing my business and be more aware of the various options that I have, you talked about, eventually, how would a business operate without me or how might I be able to sell a business well, let me give you an example. There's a person who had a YouTube channel that was old clips of sitcoms from the 80’s. Like, I Love Lucy and stuff like that. And I Love Lucy, my grandmother loved Lucille Ball, who was the star of that show because they were from the same town. That's why I remember him telling me because I was like what the hell, because my buddy bought this YouTube channel for a million dollars from this guy. So I was like, Holy shit, I was like, tell me more about it so he was like yeah it's like old clips of old sitcoms and stuff. And I guess people from that, like, grew up in that era like to watch that kind of stuff and so it's just like the hell out of here, so you paid a million dollars for that. And he said yeah, because, because we make $100,000 the channel itself generates over $100,000 a month in ad revenue. So within 10 months we'll be breakeven and we think we can grow it to double and triple. Now he's been able to do that. So the other interesting thing is he bought that channel. So, think about this guy who started that channel. Sold it for a million dollars, made the money that he was making from the channel while it was operating, sold it then for a million dollars. That's a pretty good payout for a platform that allows you to create free content. Now my buddy owns it. It's creating now, multiple six figures per month in YouTube ad revenue for those who don't know what that means, YouTube, the ads that pop up on YouTube, as, as, when you own the channel you can decide whether you want those to play at the beginning the videos in YouTube will split that advertising revenue with you. That's, people like us who are advertising on YouTube will pay in YouTube that's where they make their billions of dollars and they'll split that revenue with you from that advertising. And here's what's interesting about that channel is all of the content that's run and posted on that channel is edited and kind of like curated from a few people, you know, who, who work. You know, I don't know if they work in India or the Philippines or something like that but they're basically basically virtual assistants, and obviously great at what they do, quite frankly I think a lot of people in the Philippines in India and in countries besides America can be better than people in America, like, frankly, but the entire channel is run by virtual assistants.

Simon: Do you have the name? Do you know the name of this channel?

Dave: I forgot what it is.

Simon: It's very interesting.

Dave: Isn’t it?

Simon: Because it's also something I've been looking into because I've seen many big channels getting a lot of views, and the major risk with these kinds of channels is that you get d monetized because you're using copyrighted content. 

Dave: Yeah, this is kind of the main thing that's also happened in the past couple of months and years, YouTube has been going off these channels, a lot more than they used to. I mean, there's people having like 10 to 20 channels. Just reposting content, and being able to play ads and getting 50% of the ad revenue, which, like you said is, sometimes over six figures a month, and I still see channels today reposting content, and they save ads on a channel which means they make money from YouTube channels. And if I had more time, and maybe also if I was starting out and I was like afraid to show my face on camera, I would really try this route of creating YouTube channels, kind of doing compilations doing top 10 videos and optimizing the process outsourcing the creation of the video, and then creating multiple channels, and what you're gaining that extra knowledge of how you can create a channel that is easy to maintain that you can outsource creating content but still is able to put ads, through to be able to be part of YouTube Partner Program and this is the channel, the channels. The challenge I think, because a lot of channels try to do that and then they get demonetised, then you have a lot of views but you don't really, it's hard to monetize them. The only thing you can do is put a link in description cells and merge the affiliate link, but mostly it doesn't work that well, you can post content that you know is, is not, is, is what they call royalty free. All right. And I'm not able to find the channel. I swore I had written it down from my buddy, but. But yeah, it's so I don't know if I if we were to look, I Love Lucy clips, and I may be able to find it. I mean there's, like if I was to scroll through I Love Lucy clips, I mean there's, you can see how many different clips and you can go and find various different channels. But what I wanted to show people or talk about real quick, was when there is tons of content on YouTube that you can find and repurpose, you can download it and repurpose it. And, and it is called something, I forget what it's creating comments, probably, creative comments. How do you get to that, how do you find that on YouTube?

Simon: You have to go to YouTube and then you go to a song, somewhere you can filter search results. And there you can type in that you only will see creative calm, so go to YouTube, type in some keyword go to Filters and then under features you will see Creative Comments. But in my experience, the videos you find there it's sometimes really hard to create a good video out of them. So I looked into this kind of business model, a while. Yeah, but I decided it's too. Too risky because I would probably get demonetised but I have to take another look at this type of channel that one could potentially do could potentially if it does work. If you can create viral content. It's very nice because you don't have to, it's very easy to outsource. You don't have to be the face, and it's very passive.

Dave: I just texted my buddy for what his YouTube channel called but yeah, I mean, like if you scroll through here just on these top on this particular topic. Yeah, I mean there's not they're, they're certainly not getting. You're not getting a lot of content from here but just know that they're, you know because I Love Lucy there was only a couple of clips on top so right, this just to be clear, all of this content under Creative Commons is royalty free content. And there is also, you know, royalty free videos and content. And I can I, if I wanted to be a detective, and I wanted to spend some time around this, I could research this and figure out, you know,

how to find royalty free videos. I'm not particularly saying that this is the route. I'm just, this is what people should do, I'm just giving you an example of another. Another pretty, pretty common, you know, pretty common strategy of content would be current event issues and things like that. I mean, there's, there's, there's a lot of ways to get into this, and create a channel I think the way that you're doing it with just simply your, your, you know your tutorials and your reviews of various different tools and in products. Looks like you had a channel that you were uploading with cryptocurrency. I don't know if you're still building that channel or not, but certainly, you know, the channel that you have there, on the, the medics media is, you know, a channel was 62,000 followers, it's got, you know, almost 3 million total views since 2018, which is pretty which is pretty powerful, you know, it's pretty powerful. That's a lot of free views, you know, free views on pawn on videos, and the truth is, if you continue to build this up. It will not only earn you ongoing revenue both from ads but also affiliate income if you're sending traffic to affiliate products, but it will become a sellable asset. Now, in order to make this a sellable asset. You may have to transition your face out from the thumbnails, right, which is something that's real, you know, go back to something more like this. Look at your top most popular videos. If you know, the data shows us that the majority of the top videos that you have do have your face on them, however there are some here that don't. Okay. And I'm sure that now, knowing what you know you can make a better thumbnail than this. Not that there's anything wrong with this thumbnail really but you could probably improve the clickability of this thumbnail with your design skills that you've improved over the years in make one, to where it's, it's an even test, Simon, having other people doing the videos for you to where it's not you anymore in seeing if you can eventually make that transition, right, or starting other channels as you as you said, you know, a few, a few minutes ago.

Simon: Yeah, so it's something I have to look into. At some time I started my cryptocurrency channel with. I still have my face on it. The reason being is that I split test the different thumbnails on TubeBuddy, which is an extension you can download for YouTube, if you go for the Legendary. I think it's called Legend for legends plan, you get the thumbnail split test feature, which is an awesome tool by the way, I've kind of been able to revive videos that haven't been getting any views to getting a lot of views now by simply split testing thumbnails getting another, another 1% click through rate, and that showed the algorithm that that's actually a clickable thumbnail and then started showing the video so

Dave: You have a video review of TubeBuddy?

Simon: Yeah, that's the last video, another review I did, tutorial I have a complete tutorial for

Dave: All right well here we go we're gonna post that we're gonna put it I mean not that folks can't go and get your can go and follow you but let me show you guys. Yep, the latest video you guys can go check that out. It's a great example of exactly what we've been talking about inaction. It's Simon's latest video here to buddy, it's a solid 56 minute tutorial. And there's his affiliate link so if he has convinced you or educated you enough that you know you're interested in that product, make sure that you click his link, and, and he'll get affiliate credit for that, and that'll be a way for you to experience, you know, how the process of, you know, building a YouTube channel, and then rec, you know, reviewing, I like I like the point that you made about trying to be unbiased, try to show the goods and the bads so people can get an honest review of what the product does and you know people want to know its strengths and its weaknesses they want to feel like they're, they're learning from somebody who's, I think, I think a common. I think a common mistake that people make is trying to oversell things and trying to make them sound like they're only all good. I see affiliates of ours doing that, no trying to make it seem like it's only all good, you know, when it may not be for everybody, and adding some of that sort of not getting down on what you're reviewing and saying, well it really sucks and, you know this, you know a lot of people think it sucks. I mean, you're probably not going to do too many affiliate sales that way, but just, you know, if you go and you look at some of these, these larger kind of reviewer or unboxers out if I view the Tesla S plaid I was considering being one of these, and I watched some review videos from some dudes like this guy right here, marquees, I think that's his name or Keith brown Yes, probably. Yeah, real, real smart cat, real smart cat, and, you know, he, you know he's got 14 million subscribers and if you watch one of his videos, it's not all good. He's like, you know, this, I don't like the steering wheel it's, we're like, you, you may love it. I don't personally like it, you know, it's taken some time to get used to him giving his honest opinion of his experience, and it makes him more believable because it's what he would share with his best friend, you know, so. But anyways, man we could talk about this stuff for so long, I just, I encourage everybody to go check out your channel, watch a few of your videos, both to learn about things, and subscribe to your channel. If you're gonna buy something that, like a two buddy or another product, buy through Simon, go through that process and feel and experience what it's like. And then, you know, you, you then have that knowledge of experience if you would like to go in and model that sort of a strategy and I just want to thank you again man for your time we'll have you on for part three, it's always, you know, I looked up at the clock at 10:25 and I was like, Crap by, maybe I'll wrap this up and it'd be a short one today and it's like I can't I can't stop talking to you because it's, it's just, you're smart, and you're, you're hungry and you and you've taken the time to think about what you want. And I really like to respect that a lot. Hey man, if you're willing, keep coming back and sharing this incredible experience that you have and if I come over to Switzerland I'll certainly hit you up.

Simon:  For sure, yeah let's meet up then. Can I say one more thing because, the thing you said about this YouTube channel that actually just reposts content like Lucy and stuff. I think that's a great thing to try and get going. If you are just starting out because I think many people listening here are looking for something that works trying to make their first dollars online, and honestly if I would start out now, because I know I would. I didn't want to put my face out there in the beginning. So, what I would do is I go around YouTube try to find channels that are actually doing this so try to find compilation channels, try to find, like I saw it into crypto space, people just doing a compilation of Michael sailor talking about Bitcoin, which really, they got the channel got a lot of you I think it's related. You are late for something like this. And you did. They try to change the content a bit so that YouTube doesn't D monetize them so you kind of find the patterns of how you can create a channel that you don't have to create content yourself you can do like compilations, and then you can still get ad revenue, and with YouTube. They just don't want you to do lazy content, they don't want you to pull something from another channel, put it on your channel and then get ad revenue so this is kind of not allowed on the platform, but there is a line between what is lazy content and what is just a compilation style content. And this is something that I wouldn't get into when I would start right now might get into it as well when I find some time for it so this is how I'm doing.

Dave: Well, I will try to find that YouTube channel that my buddy bought and come back and post it in the comments and shoot you a message, just so you can check it out as well and things we'll talk more about on the next you know Mark Three when we have you back. So,

if I get some more knowledge of this I will share it here. All right, man. We'll talk to you later. 

Simon: Okay, thanks for having me again.

Dave: Thanks man. All right my friends go check him out Simon at medics media, it we'll see you guys back here tomorrow for another episode. As usual, five days a week. Does this incredible value I'm here to learn? Just right alongside each one of you, be Legendary, get out of here. See you tomorrow.

Going From Accounting To Affiliate Marketing: What You Need To Know

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Good morning everybody. It is Tuesday September 28. I always have to look up at my screen and see what day it is to be happy to see you guys here. Let me adjust a little bit of a spike care thing going on here. There we go. Alright, good to see everybody here. Well, we've only got 11 People, people are coming on texts or giving us a comment, let us know where you're tuning in from. We've got Paul's in the house with Murray's in the house, good to see Murray again, I think you were here yesterday, what's up, and we think our text message just went out, so we'll have a lot more people joining now. Sarah, what's good to see you. Sonia, Paul, where are you guys tuning in from? It's always cool to see people tuning in from all over the world. And, yeah, we've got a great guest in the house for those of you who are newer who haven't watched rubes, What's up, who haven't watched wake up legendary before we go live every single Monday through Friday at 10pm Eastern here on our Facebook page, and afterwards we post it to Spotify and Apple podcasts and. Geez, where else you too, so it's kind of all over the place but the live version is always on our Facebook page okay so. All right, now we've got a lot more people in the comments, good to see everybody here. Awesome, awesome, good to see. So, each day we'll bring on a new guest or some sort of a guest, whether it's an affiliate of ours or just a client somebody who's purchased our Blueprints or something like that. And today I'm excited to bring on Dustin so for everybody who's in the chat if you can give me a little hand clap emoji, and welcome, Dustin on. Dustin what's going on?

Dustin: Hey how you doing,

Matt: I'm great. I'm great. So you're in South Africa, right.

Dustin: Yeah.

Matt: Awesome. Well thanks for what time it is there, it's got to be. Yeah. Yeah, I was gonna guess like six or seven viewers. Cool, well, why don't you let people here who are tuning into our show, let them into your world a little bit and kind of just tell us, what do you do for work right now you've got a full time job, family, you've got a lot of different stuff. And so this has been kind of a passion business for you. What, you know, what led you to serve it coming online, maybe take us back in like into your career and sort of your thoughts of doing something online?

Dustin: Well, consequently, I am the financial director for a national consulting director. We're a large national mall and nature is entrepreneurial. And being an accountant. You see a lot of business, but you don't actually get to be entrepreneurial, because you’re always getting into the numbers. And I would say about a year and a half ago, as we were coming out of covid I was thinking about just what kind of business I would want to go into. A lot of people were working from home. Businesses were closing, and even our business consulting engineering, a lot of projects were put on hold. A lot of budgets, and loss of jobs is gone from new brain rovers. I want to launch. May or May June last year I was trying to come to a position. I don't have that much. And I really only have an hour with the weekends. I’ve got boys. And there they keep me busy. I needed to find something in the house. I'm searching. It took until about January this year. I stumbled across a Facebook post making a pitch on doing a lifestyle business, doing it on Facebook, and actually something I'm passionate about which is writing. I'm able to do this online. And that's what sparked the interest in learning about affiliate profit in the first time that I'd ever heard about. And so that's, yeah that will continue researching and reading up on it. That’s where I started.

Matt: That's cool. In your journey of discovering sort of, what, how did you select a business model? Because you're already in consulting, basically. So, affiliate marketing, why didn't you go into launching a consulting business or something like that or what, what appealed about the affiliate marketing business specifically?

Dustin: A lot of things. Practically zero overhead. That's what appealed to me the most. Many businesses have fixed overheads like electricity, leases, and other things. If you're not making any money you can’t pay it. Today, with affiliate marketing, online business you just have to spend a little time. That's it. So your return on investment grade. It's a no brainer.

Matt: That’s so true. And you are an accountant. So my wife owns, like a real brick and mortar therapy practice right, and you know we do all the books for that, so I'm also a side accountant. Not really but my sister's a CPA, and, and, and so any questions I have I go to her I've really learned how to do, you know, decent, small business accounting, and I've just had. But here's what I'll say is, I would seem most people in this industry in the, in the digital marketing industry, affiliate marketing industry have no idea what the real margins of most businesses are, which are very small, and so my guess is, when you came online and you were like oh my god there is no overhead to this, especially if you can, organically, figure out how to organically without paying a ton in ads. How to generate new leads and customers predictably.

Dustin: And also when I discovered organic marketing and not having to pay for ads which was another thing I just couldn’t get over, it was amazing.

Matt: Yes. It's so true. I, yeah, for me, you know, we hosted this webinar a couple weeks ago for our affiliates, and, and we kept calling it the greatest opportunity ever in this industry. And that's because it is being able to sell even mid ticket or high ticket, digital products that are fully digital that have massive margins, is, is crazy and then on top of it, zero support, zero people to help you with merchant accounts. Zero legal fees, you know, to have consulting on the legalities of the business. I mean maybe you get a little, you do some reading or something online about, you know how to cover your asses as an affiliate marketer, but for the most part, like the big costs land on the actual business doing the fulfillment they handle all that the affiliate just has very, very little. It's, yeah, it's crazy. It is, I think you're right, I think it is, at least to my knowledge, the simplest sort of least amount of friction to get something started and get going and start selling something, I think that's true. Maybe the other one is like creating content getting paid by the content providers like just being a content creator alone and not dealing with sales funnels that couldn't be more, but your income is really capped in that scenario, and it's fully dependent on you being able to be, you know, in that world you've got to be a top 1% of content creators in the world, in order to pull it off as an affiliate.

Dustin: I understand and also if you want to go away for the weekend or a week you can just get up and go you don’t have to worry about requesting off. Ultimately everything just gets better and better.

Matt: What, what do you feel has been most successful for you and what do you do to drive leads and how's that gone and how have you learned that?

Dustin: Well, I have a mentor and I honestly believe everyone needs some sort of mentor or program that guides them, because no matter where you are on your journey you never stop learning. It doesn't matter where you are, you are always going to need someone to help you that can help you learn something you don’t know. So I started out doing a lot of paid ads, and it wasn’t the best investment for me so I started researching organic marketing and the Legendary Marketer program helped me learn to do organic marketing through trial and error and just trying out and learning about it and realized it was a lot easier to just do organic marketing and ou build your relationships with organic marketing and you start to learn and build relationships. With the pai ads type of marketing you get more leads coming in but people don’t really know who you are and you're not building your relationship.

Matt: Yeah, yeah that's a good point. I think a lot of people don't realize that with paid ads, your conversion rate on everything in your sales funnel is going to be a little bit lower and you have to build that into your costs. But yeah, if you can generate a highly qualified lead the way that you're talking about. We see people who have large TikTok channels who cultivate and curate those tick tock channels, and people who go live on tick tock or on Facebook or on YouTube, and they speak directly to their audience their conversion rates are 235 times higher than to cold traffic. And there's reasons for that, I mean, you're going to do a lot more work because you're going to be creating content for them, you're going to be going live with them, but I wrote about this in an email that we sent out as a weekly roundup, that it's called the mini webinar strategy. And, Yeah, you can do that in multiple different ways. You can do that through messaging people, you can do it through actually conducting a live webinar or going live on Tik Tok or whatever, but man, if you can break through the barrier. There's a lot of internal hurdles to getting on in life. You know a lot of people struggle with like oh my gosh there's nobody here there's nobody who's tuning in. Oh god, I'm nervous, you know, all that stuff but when people start to break through that and they go live. The results are crazy. They're crazy. And the sales pour in, so anybody who's on here as if it was a TikTok on Instagram or YouTube, I mean, just go live with like a quick little 10 minute training, like a, like a 10 like have something planned out like three things to consider when starting three things not to do. if starting an online business in 2021 and then just talk through three things and just go live, but the contents important but it's not nearly as important as just people feeling a level of transparency from you and feeling like wow, okay, this guy that I, you know, saw one time out there in outer space on the internet messaging me, or creating these tic tock videos is a real person. Answering my questions that's pretty cool. People love to win people. I've looked through comments before this one girl Sarah. She goes live a lot to her audience, and she stopped going live for a little bit, I think she had like COVID or something, and the comments on her on her channel were like, when are you going live again. I miss our lives, I miss your lives like everybody was just like, up in arms you know cuz she wasn't too anyway. So my point is, whether you're doing that as a live, that's just one example, or you're doing it through messaging or through however you choose to do it. I wanted to emphasize that when you sort of nurture that audience when it's real, when it's like, you know, when it's, when it's like, basically a human conversation. You can really warm up that lead and get a really highly qualified lead. I think that's true. Well I know that's true, I've seen that in practice, but also. Here's the next step to that, the next step is taking that feeling because really, that's a marketing and sales lesson for everybody. What you're doing Dustin is taking you're transferring a feeling to somebody right so you have a sense of confidence of clarity of knowledge. You have a feeling, and you are essentially transferring that feeling to another person. Now, that can be done in marketing automation as well, but it takes a little time and it takes a little bit of nuance. So, you know whether you do that through pre-recording webinars, or whatever it is, there's ways that you can do that in automation, which might be the next stage or the next level for you, if that makes sense. Cool. What do you what, what's like the future got for you like what is he so you're at this place now you're seeing some success, what's down the pipe so to speak. What are you excited for?

Dustin: There’s a lot to be excited about in this industry. I think the most exciting thing for me is meeting new people, I think that's the best thing about this. I enjoy meeting new people, you find a lot of people that need encouragement in the online community. Even if I don't get sales on them, just making sure I try to help them. But I think for me it’s just being in a different environment. Moving away from the corporate environment but at this point it’s not one of my goals, I do enjoy what I do, but this is just one of the passions I have. I can’t wait to get up and work on my affiliate marketing business. It’s a hobby and it’s a hobby that makes me money. Which is great because I can take my family on bigger holidays than what I have been. But I think for me it's just that opportunity to be able to in maybe five years time have the option to be able to say I’ve had enough of the corporate life, I want to settle down and work from home and spend more time with my family and it’s nice to have that option.  It’s almost like a retirement thing, because this is the kind of business you can do until you’re 100. I am currently talking to a guy going into the 15 day challenge that's 86 years old and he's so passionate and I couldn't believe it when he told me how old he was.

Matt: That's cool. That's cool. That's really cool. I feel like there's a lot to pull out there but I like what you said about. I liked what you said about the just the social element of the business meeting new people, like I think that this is such a side like it's really weird to me so like 11 years ago, this was 11 years ago, I was like this 22 year old kid 20, 21 year old kid, like, super young could barely grow facial hair like and. And this, this mentor of mine did a did a webinar, and it was called the fast JV formula fast joint venture formula, and he said, Hey look, many of you have skills, and you have the ability and you might even have an email list that you started to build, or you have a Facebook group, and, and they, you have a you have a good audience but maybe you don't have a product right now that you can promote in an instant, and produce some commissions, and then there's others of you who have a little product that you created because you and I can create this little product. And so we connected so anyway, it was all about sort of messaging people, You basically message and be like hey, do you have a list that you know maybe a joint venture and I have this product so I created this product called the first page formula, which was in SEO product teaching people how to rank their sites on Google, I learned really quickly how to rank sites on Google using SEO and I joint venture with this lady, Andrea. Andrea had a smaller list but just like you had really cultivated that list, so really built relationships, and that list was incredibly valuable. So, so maybe only like a couple 1000 people or something not like 10,000 people or 100,000, smaller list and. And that was the first like sales of my product that ever happened was we joint ventures, and also included a done for you, website that I built for her audience whoever bought the product so it was only a couple sales that came through but it generated and started, but was way better than that. Yes I got, I got a little bit of. I got a little bit of traction for you know a little excitement that I that I made some sales, but what happened was, Andrea and I kept in touch for years and still are to this day still friends 11 years later, and she was the one who introduced me to Dave and got me hooked up with legendary to start. Basically I started as a consultant to legendary in marketing and in education so just edging at creating training videos, basically, and it turned into this which is like, I've been here for three years now. It's my home. It's where I love to be and it all, you know, stemmed from that one relationship, and that same mentor who kind of made that connection for us, he said to me one time he said, Hey look, getting from getting from zero to six figures is about talent and skill. It's about learning hard skills and getting from six to seven figures is about relational capital. So, relational capital online in the form of who, along the path from $0 to six figures, who did you screw over, who did you shit talk. Who did you, you know what bridges you burned, because if you're lucky enough to make it to six figures. Right then, going from six to seven is going to require a lot of partnerships, it's going to require you to have a great reputation. It's going to require that you haven't, you know, should talk to a lot of people so then they go out and they're like, now this guy's not actually very good he's not a good guy. And I think a lot of people miss that element. I mean, a lot of people who are here, like, trying to get to six figures and I get that. I'm not trying to speak to the wrong audience or anything but I feel like that piece for me, became very true because every relationship that I had along the way, maybe with the exception of one or two that I had a learning lesson from where I screwed up or I kind of shared. I just made bad decisions, but for the most part, I have. Yeah, I have really been careful with relationships. And when I, When I got to the point three years ago where I was introduced to Dave and Hangouts. And I don't have any water, but when I was introduced, it was like he went around and asked, and was like, and he went around and asked, bad feedback right it was like, oh yeah. He's a good dude, like he could probably dress. He's a good guy. So anyway, all that to say, I just saw some comments, and basically, for anybody, I didn't make some weird comment about Bitcoin, I'm not watching so I don't know what's going on but no I did not make a comment about Bitcoin or anything so anyway, that's all. Keep going to us and. So, I'll give you the final word today. Speak to our audience, speak to the people who are just getting started, the people who are just trying to feel out the online space. What, what would you say to somebody who's maybe a little hesitant, a little skeptical. And, you know it is in your shoes, back when you first discovered Legendary in affiliate marketing, what would you say to that person?

Dustin: I would say just jump in the water, and go all in. It’s not easy, you have to have commitment, drive, determination and all those things. But if you stick it out it’s probably the best business you’ll ever come across. It doesn’t benefit me by saying that but being in business my whole life I've never seen a business model that helps people and builds relationships and you can also do part time which is really really great. And don’t give up, it doesn't happen overnight. A lot of people want to make that first sale. And they give up after a few weeks and I know people who have taken three months to make their first sale and then it just explodes. It’s all about preparation and learning and my advice is don’t give up, go all in.

Matt: I love it. Well thanks for coming on and taking a little bit of time out of your busy schedule, I love that. I just wanted to say I love that you're, I love the way that you said, I'm excited to work on my business and I always love getting out with people who are like. Now, when I get off my job, I'm excited. Back in the day like I was, I was the same thing for me like I was working in a coffee roasting warehouse. And, yeah, I, I basically, I would get up in the morning at 4am, I would work on my business for two hours I go to work, I would come home, I was so exhausted I would like pass out on my floor next to my dog for like 30 minutes, and then I'd work on my business the rest of the day, and I was watching Google Ads courses anyway, I just, but I felt the exact same way I frickin loved, I was absolutely in love with it and I just love that energy and, and I'm excited for it. If you need anything from us, just let us know. 

Dustin: Thank you for the opportunity.

Matt: Yeah, thanks for coming on. Alright guys if you want to get in touch with Dustin I didn't put his stuff up before but you can find him on Facebook, it's right there. You can add him on Facebook, let him know and say hey, we just, we just say yo and Wake Up Legendary and, and just, you know, give a little bit of feedback on the show. Tell him you know I was encouraged or felt inspired by your story so anyway guys thanks for popping on, I'll be back here again tomorrow, Wednesday, and then I think we're gonna have Dave back Thursday, Friday, through his little nose operation that he had done on his deviated septum so anyway. Dave, we'll be back, I think there's a Friday, we will, it'll be a touching go kind of feel it out kind of thing. otherwise, so for sure be back next week, I think, later this week he'll be back, and it good to see all you guys on here go give Dustin a little follow up. And, Yeah, take it easy. See you guys.

NEW Omnipresent Content Strategy

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt: Greetings everybody. Happy Monday. It is Monday September 27 We're almost to q4 of the Year break q4 October. Good to see you guys let us know in the comments if you're tuning in with us, let us know where you're tuning in from. We've got Who do we got here, Crystal Clear Marie, I like that James in the house. What's up, James, Angela, good to see Angela Susan, who else let us know if you're tuning in live Say hello. Say hi, Welcome to what's up Austin Samantha. Bruce, what's up man? Good to see you. Vernell, Luna, what's up Michael Hall Bloom. I love that name. British Columbia, Sarah, what's up, good to see you. Amanda, Eliza. What's up, Brian, James in the house I tried to click it but it ran away from my screen too fast, or hey, Dennis, what's going on, Kevin from Arkansas. Don't know. Josephine Samantha What's up, Morgan. I'm trying to click with everybody. It's just they're flying kind of a little quick but Leah what's up. Let's see. Tija. I like that name. Andrew What's up, Josephine Laurie, Nico, Diana, Andrew, it's Andy at the taiju, FedEx in Memphis. Alright go we got people tuning in from their jobs, Andrew Mike, Kurt. James Marcus Pavle and Eliza, or Elisa selenia okay, You get the point. Bruce crystal, Dave, we've got a few more fires. What's up, Shawn, great product. Sorry if I'm butchering names here I know Robert what's happened and that good to see everybody on here. We've got an awesome guest and if you're newer, or you're not familiar with legendary. We do these five days a week, Monday through Friday 10am Eastern, we bring on a guest typically not everyday but typically, and today we've got an awesome guy all the way from Romania. He's young and he's a part time programmer I think we're gonna find out we're gonna kind of dive into what he's up to and just you know he's got lots of cool stuff going on so guys in the chat if you can just give like a little clapping emoji or give some sort of like, like a fist bump or something. For Teodor here. How's it going?

Teodor: It’s going good Matt. 

Matt: Good to see you, thanks for coming on.

Teodor: Thanks for having me.

Matt: Yeah of course. Hey, so you're from Romania, and I'm so curious like, how did you find us, and if you could tell us a little bit about you and your journey online that'd be really cool?

Teodor: So, when I entered my senior year in 2000. I was struggling because I wanted to search for ways to make money online because I was desperate because I didn't like school at all. And I can set my goal in life, like, what should I do, what should I learn something like that. Sure. And I had no idea what to do with my life. I had no passion. And I want to break out of that. So there's a point when I wanted to make a change in my life, I was researching ways to make money online, I started doing drop shipping, drop servicing. I was also selling on Fiverr and Upwork, but it didn't quite work well with dropshipping and drop servicing. I was making some sales, with over, selling on Fiverr, but I was not having a consistent monthly income, like I felt living from it. Yeah. Yeah. And in December, 2020, I stumbled upon a TikTok user. And he was saying that you should try something like affiliate marketing, it's a very profitable business model and stuff like that. At first I was very skeptical about it. But I was completely wrong.

Matt: What were your first thoughts, like what were the first thoughts that you had?

Teodor: The first thought was, like, affiliate marketing. I didn't know what marketing was at that point so it was like a complete newbie into this. Sure. Yeah, and I decided to give it a try. I've done some research on it, I heard. It was very profitable. So I just took the opportunity. And now it’s the best opportunity I have ever taken.

Matt: Yeah, I'm trying to figure out that sort of online space. It's funny because I know I think a lot of people kind of have that, like, a little bit of skepticism, right away you know they're like, I don't know about this. So you found Legendary through like, like Instagram or Tiktok or social media, yeah just social media and seeing stuff. Cool. Awesome. So you go through the check. Had you been through anything like that before like Had you taken a course before or was that kind of a new experience?

Teodor: I was taking in the past programming courses, I was learning C++ if you're familiar with it, or Java stuff like that. Yeah, programming languages. 

Matt: So like programming stuff?

Teodor: Yeah, that's what I was selling on Fiverr. I was offering my services to program something for people.

Matt: Okay, cool. Are you still doing that?

Teodor: No, not anymore.

Matt: Yes. But you, I know I would say, like, you would consider that still a valuable skill right.

Teodor: Yes indeed. Yeah, to an extra profit which is like marketing. 

Matt: Yeah, for sure. Do you enjoy it? I'm just curious.

Teodor: I was enjoying myself up until one point because I was only programming and not having enough time to spend with my family and friends. It was very consuming assuming

Matt: I heard a statistic a while back, because I'm, I'm like, I don't, I'm not a programmer, and I tried to learn like, I do Ruby. Ruby, like rails or something. It's like a probing language, I think it's called Ruby on Rails. It's kind of like the realm of Python. But a lot of people like tech startups. In, like Silicon Valley, use Ruby. For a lot of their programming stuff. But anyway, they, I was trying to learn it and bought this course I was just like, Dude, I got I got like five minutes it was like, What the hell am I doing, and it was, you know the first time it's just like, well, you need to have all of this other experience of like, you know, C++ and like all of that stuff like, if you don't know this, you're definitely not going to know anything, so I was like did forget this, but I am interested in that because I taught myself how to code like HTML and CSS. And, just out of necessity, my blog broke and I was like, Dude, I need to be able to like my header looks terrible, like, how do I fix this. So it's just, you know, like, one windows open on my screen, and then the other windows like how do I fix head to, you know, had the other code on my WordPress blog

fun days so nicely anyway. 

Teodor: The most time consuming thing to do during programming is just researching on the internet.

Matt: I feel like the highest paid programmers must just be the ones who don't have to Google everything, because it's like, even, I think, a little secret is like, even the highest paid people and so like in programming or, you know, web design, marketing and all of this kind of stuff they were doing around and Google stuff.

Teodor: Everyday we face problems and we have to overcome them. Eventually,

Matt: That really might be a big takeaway from today is, he's like, I think that that's probably true in programming, but it's also just true in life, you know, like, I think there's a lot of places in life. I can think of finances, I can think of. All kinds of stuff where you have to figure it out, you know, like so, in your journey, there's been sort of you've been helped by education, by courses by training, but also there's probably been elements of like having to figure it out like what elements. What elements do you feel like you've had to sort of figure out and and our elements that maybe no one could have taught you in programming, or just in more like digital marketing?

Teodor: So, more like the technical stuff I had to figure it out, All by myself. I was searching tutorials on YouTube, integrating an email autoresponder. Other than that, but at least I figured it out, and I'm very happy I did.

Matt: Yeah. Well, we are too. But it's interesting, because I feel like, you know, figuring out an email autoresponder is the point is, that's one of the main things that people say that they can't figure out, is like, how do I integrate this damn thing and I'm always just like just Google it, like, yeah, it might take a day of your life, if it takes a day of your life, you know what you're never gonna have to, you'll never have to research and do it again, just, you'll figure it out. I think there's real power in that. I just feel like there's real power in Google searching and YouTubing solutions like I think that once people sort of find out and like my dad had this discovery recently with his cars and with his motorcycles, is like, he couldn't figure. He had no such thing as the muffler. I don't know. And he couldn't figure it out, and, and he was, We were just talking he's like yeah, geez, I just realized like there's 50 or 100 videos just on this one, make and model that I have of all the cars nor there's 50 videos just on this weird old car that I have and just on this specific fix, and he can figure anything out and I think that that's really empowering thing that more people would benefit from the mindset of, like, I'm going to go around a Google search, YouTube search everything and just figure it out. That's basically what business ownership comes down to is like you're presented with. So know your problems.

Teodor: You can learn anything from the internet, in my opinion, you just have the, you just need to have the willpower to do so. Yeah, the drive to do that.

Matt: Yeah, yeah, I feel like I agree with that a lot. It's interesting to me because I see a lot of programmers, and web designers and developers and stuff come into the digital industry and fail, and here's why. So let me give you a little context. I am a more technical guy kind of like you and I struggled getting going in marketing for a long time because I felt more comfortable with the problem solving techie stuff. So it's like there's a lot that I don't know but at least I can spend all day long, messing around with my bridge page or messing around with my blog right or like screwing around with just stupid stuff that doesn't matter. Do you feel like you've struggled with that at all like staying on task about actually marketing or do you feel like it's been pretty easy or how's that gone?

Teodor: It's like, it's been pretty easy for me. I mean, after one problem I solved it appeared another problem and so on and so on, like, I always told them, I never let them stay they're like, No, that problem I can solve. I didn't say I couldn’t, I said how can I do that, that's the thing.

Matt: Yeah, not just like, I can't figure this out I can't figure this out, it's always just how can I figure this out, I feel like maybe you're at an advantage because, well, not an advantage but like maybe it. I don't know. Is it easier for you because, like you're younger and you're still in such like a learning phase of life.

Teodor: Maybe, but I think everyone can. Everyone can learn marketing and everyone can learn, they want to just have the work and the motivation to do it.

Matt: Yeah, agreed. 

Teodor: I was using this question, how can I do that, how can I solve this problem, because these questions. This question opens up possible opportunities that you can use, like, when you use that question you go on Google, how can I do that, how can I do that. You need to constantly learn. That's what we do in life. Basically every day, more like. 

Matt: Yeah, for sure. Yeah, and I shouldn't say that it's an advantage for somebody who's young because I was just looking at this guy here I'll pull this guy open. I was just looking at this guy's TikTok. While we were chatting and before we were chatting. He's 82 years old, and found Legendary online and has 377,000 followers at 82 frickin years old man, like he found his voice, and even, you know he struggled with, with, he had a, he had a vocal sort of problem, I can't think of the right word but basically he had a hard time, like, Actually speaking up. 

Teodor: Pronouncing? 

Matt: Yeah, yeah, his, his, well it was his voice level, he couldn't get loud. And people always ask like, I can't hear you, stuff like that, if I'm remembering that right from our live I might be misremembering parts of that, or what it's called. But he, he's an awesome dude and he found his voice on TikTok, and does digital marketing, his made money online, and he's just, he's a super cool guy and I think that, you know anybody who sort of sets out to, To, to figure something out can really figure it out. I think that's kind of a takeaway from that.

Teodor: Problem solving is the mindsets for this.

Matt: Yeah. Yeah, for sure. What, uh, like I'm just curious, of all the different social channels you're on and I'll pull your Instagram up here for people to follow you. What, like, What do you enjoy most, like what's most enjoyable for you in terms of liking like Pinterest more. Do you like Instagram, and why?

Teodor: Well, I like YouTube, the most. YouTube is a portal to news shorts, for example, was basically going to 2000s 30,000 views in just one day from one short, which is mind blowing from one single for. 

Matt: Yes. Yeah, so, so is this before you add any commissions here's, here's what I'm gonna do this guy, Kevin. I've seen Kevin in our lives before and he's a good dude. He said, Ask step by step, what were the first commission checks like so, with what you're going into here, was it before you'd ever earned anything, and then you posted this short

was after I earned the contact faster.

Matt: Yeah. So, before that, take us back before that, then, like, what were you doing on a daily basis to produce your first sale?

Teodor: Oh, on a daily basis, I am over content uploading, I was luckily I was uploading two pins on Pinterest, there'll be two reels on Instagram with TikTok, TikTok, to shorts on YouTube. Firstly I was uploading on TikTok first, and then from TikTok I was repurposing my content through all of other social media. Yeah, I was basically re-uploading those videos there. And I could see that on what platform, it performs better.

Matt:  Interesting. Here I'm gonna pull this open, it might be a little bit small on your screen, but I'm gonna pull up in the Sketchpad real quick and run me through that one more time. What's the first platform you put, if you're going to do what you're talking about is you're doing sort of omnipresent content creation. So, meaning you're posting on multiple different social media platforms so you can be everywhere for your audience. So, and also you can diversify your, your social media presence right so the, you know, like there was talks before with Donald Trump where he was gonna ban TikTok from the United States and everyone was like oh my God, our businesses, and, you know, but if something crazy world to happen like that then you know you've got multiple different platforms that you're on. Okay so, but your first place that you're posting on is where

Teodor: I'm posting three videos on TikTok. 

Matt: Okay, a day?

Teodor: Yes. Before I was posting five videos,

Matt: And say, say, say that part again.

Teodor: In the past I was posting five videos on TikTok per day.

Matt: Okay, well let's play conservative let's say, let's say there's three pieces of content on TikTok. So, we've got one. We've got two. And we've got three then what?

Teodor: Then, those three pieces I will download are used to download videos from TikTok with no watermark. 

Matt: Sure, snaptik.app. 

Teodor: Yes, Yes, for example, that's the most important, download them without the watermark.

Matt: Yes, snaptik.app is a tool where you can download your TikTok videos straight from TikTok and it removes the little TikTok watermark from the video.

Teodor:  Indeed yes.

Matt: Perfect. And you can use multiple different apps. you don't just have to use snaptik.app, you can use lots of different apps. Alright then, what?

Teodor: Then download them on my phone. Then, I'll post two reels on Instagram. 

Matt: And then we're going to go to reels, so you're going to take these three videos to reels?

Teodor: Two reels, both to reels. 

Matt: Got it.

Teodor: And twp for Pinterest. Okay. And then I will also download them on my PC where I would upload them on YouTube.

Matt: Okay, cool. So, if we downloaded them, snap check that out before putting them on the phone, we can go to YouTube and need to be on YouTube shorts right?

Teodor: Yes, YouTube shorts, they are hot right now in my opinion, they are hot.

Matt: Yeah, I spent I think especially if you do it right and, yes, you know I wrote a whole email. This past week or maybe the week before about how the social media companies are in competition basically with each other to get as much viewership as humanly possible on these apps. And that's why all the ins and outs, guess what Snapchat, just launched their new thing, and it's basically the YouTube shorts, It's the reels, it's the TikTok version of their app that can allow you. Yeah, it's brand new. And some people are talking about it like it's going to be pretty hot, but the power of your strategy here, which is a strategy. You know we've, we've taught this for quite a while, I think they've taught the army burning formula first at a mastermind about two years ago. This is, this is a lighter version of that, this is a lighter shorter style version, a more modernized version I would say, you know that's specific to 2021. But this, this, this formula were what was I gonna say about that. Oh, I was gonna say, you know, maybe even do Snapchat here, but this whole omnipresent, beautiful part about this is it doesn't require that much work, right, you're learning the core piece of your bulk of your work happens right here, right?

Teodor: Yes. 

Matt: And then the rest because this is just sort of basically reposting.

Teodor: Yes, downloading reposting.

Matt: Yeah, downloading and repurposing, yeah, yeah, it's, it's super powerful and I think also, you can start to see what styles of content go viral on different types of platforms, too. So then you kind of know, and then you can sort of curate content so maybe today, it's a matter of running for 90 days or six months or something in this formula, and then maybe what you figure out is, Topic A works really well for shorts. And, for reels. Or maybe you start to realize that shorts and rails the same style videos go viral on those, and they're a little bit different maybe than TikTok videos or something right and then topic V. Let's just say topic B is more like TikTok and I'm just kind of making this up, don't take this literally here, but like, will go viral on these two platforms so then you start creating content for TikTok, and Snapchat, and then you start creating content for youtube and reels and Pinterest, because those sort of have correlating virality to them anyway. I'm just throwing that out there as a side note, but that's sort of your strategy for getting going with Kant. I think it is smart to have a system like that because it keeps you honest and keeps you motivated. Do you feel like it's, do you ever wake up and it's hard to create content?

Teodor: No, for example it's one of my favorite things to do.

Matt: Awesome. It's a beautiful thing when something that you're passionate about or happy to do is also something that will help generate more leads and make you more money, right.

So I want to express myself and also show my message to the world. Super cool man. That's super cool. Yeah, of course, I think you're doing a really good job with your content I think your channels and, and everything that you're I don't I just, I like your vibe and I like what you're doing and I like you. I mean it's a vulnerable thing to step out and do something on your own. It's a vulnerable thing to like step out into a space and try something brand new, you know I'm saying?

Teodor: Comfort zone is peculiar if you stay in it. So you better do something than nothing. 

Matt: Yeah, totally. Well, cool man, so I'll let you have the last word to our audience here, we can wrap up for somebody who's newer, right, somebody who's new or maybe a little skeptical, maybe they're unsure, maybe not as skeptical, just unsure, unclear. Maybe this is for me, maybe it's not. I don't know. Um, what would you say, what would you say to that person and what advice or what, you know, sort of direction would you give them?

Teodor: Just take that step, because after all it's either gonna help you or just make you realize that this thing is not for you. You mean, you should also try something new when you have the time or opportunity for it. For example, to be able to find what your passion is, to be able to find what it is that drives you insane that particular, you need to try out a lot of different things. 

Matt: I like it. I think that's great advice, And I think it's very wise advice, so that's super cool,

Teodor: I guess, your comfort zone is gonna kill you if you just stay there to do something rather than nothing. 

Matt: Yeah, for sure, for sure. Cool. Well awesome. Yeah, Thanks a lot for coming on and if you're on here, go give him a follow, and if you need anything from us let us know, just, I'm here to help. I'm happy to help. If you need anything. 

Teodor: Thanks so much. 

Matt: You got it. Alright guys, Hey his Instagram is where he prefers that you follow Him, follow him on Instagram. And you can, you can see it right there on the screen. And what a cool dude does awesome. I want to just encourage everybody here to put this back up on the screen. I don't know if I can. Let's see. There we go. I just want to encourage everybody that you know something as simple as this might look a little complicated or this might look a little bit overwhelming to people but the logistics after you do this for maybe four or five days or a week or something. The logistics of this isn't actually all that difficult, and doesn't actually take as much time as you would think so. If you're, if you're newer and you're like wow that's a lot of stuff but stay consistent with content that's one of your biggest. That's one of the biggest hurdles, most people have it's just stay consistent with your content and work on putting that content out to multiple different platforms and just see what sticks right so every good marketer is gonna throw spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks and there's no shame in that there's no shame in doing something a certain way or trying something else. So, you know, bust out of your comfort zone and get after it. So anyway, guys. Have a great rest of your Monday, it's Monday, it's time to rock. Let's go. And we'll be back here tomorrow at the same place at 10am Eastern. Peace out. See ya.

Why Funny Imperfections Equal Perfect Marketing

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on, my friends, this is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to wake up legendary. We are going to be talking to Amanda, and as you can see, or I'll tell you the title of the show today is funny, imperfections equal perfect marketing, and I am excited to hear her stories about this, I've done this as well over the, over the years and oftentimes, when I've made a mistake, or I've spelled something wrong, or I, I gave the link didn't work for example in one of my emails or something, you know, it would cause this sort of frenzy of people wanting to tell me that it was broke or wasn't working and just created a lot of engagement and interest in what I was doing so amongst her story and how she got to where she's at now we're going to be talking about some of her kind of cool profitable mistakes that she's made. With that being said, Amanda. Welcome to the show.

Amanda: Thank you for having me, Dave. 

Dave: Hey, you're so very welcome. Where are you calling in from?

Amanda: Michigan, the western part of Michigan

Dave: Yeah, okay. That's actually a state I'm not sure that I've ever been to. So we'll have to make it up there. At some point, maybe, hop in Detroit or whatever and and say hello to you folks up there so tell me a little bit about your background in a nutshell, and what led you online and eventually to Legendary?

Amanda: So, I have always done, kind of like direct care for people who have had brain injuries, and so once you know, kind of COVID hit I had gotten pregnant with my oldest I had decided, you know, I kind of want to stay home more I want to, you know, have more flexibility in my job, especially you know being a brand new mom, so I did, I feel like what everybody does, when they first start trying to find like an online business and I just Googled how to make money online. And that turned up zero results that were actually legit, which I feel like a lot of people might experience with. So I was just on tick tock at the beginning of, you know like March 2020 When the lockdowns first happened. And I had found dropshipping and I was like okay, like, I'll give that a try and as many people that showed before, have said it's not, you know, not that lucrative it takes a lot. So then I found a couple of creators on tic tac. After kind of like doing my own manifestation of like I just need to give this a shot like I know I can do it. Like, I have the power and the capability and everything to do this, I have found a few other creators, and one of them had posted a tech pack like hey, reach out to me on Instagram if you have more questions and so I was like okay I'm taking that as a sign to reach out to somebody. And he actually was like hey, my 2:30 Meeting canceled today. Do you want to do a zoom call like I can tell you more about, you know like, what, what this online thing is and I was like, Heck yeah. Like, let's try it out, fully expecting it to be like, you know like, hey, you need to sign up under me and you need to recruit people and you need to do all of this stuff and he was like No, this is what I do. This is how it works, you know, if you want more information, you know, Here's a link, and I got some secondary, and the rest of it is history.

Dave: Well that's, that's interesting. That really makes me think about the different calls to action, sometimes we can give people in our content. and I talked about this quite a bit in the last couple of weeks, it doesn't always have to be link in the bio click the link in the bio, you know, sometimes that gets kind of old, or it's, it's said a lot, I think, especially with affiliate marketers on like tick tock and Instagram and so forth, because you only have, you know, you have less time to give a call to action so it's easy just to go, Lincoln Mio, you know, but to actually give somebody an invitation. Hey, direct message me, shoot me a message and I'm happy to answer your questions, or, or to give them a specific call to action to direct message me what your what your goals are and I'll tell you if that's realistic. There's so many unique and creative calls to action that you can give somebody to send you a direct message, and what you're saying this guy did at that point was actually offered to jump on a zoom call with you, which I'm sure it for you, that made it all feel very legitimate you much felt make you felt feel much more safer to move forward, versus feeling like there's no real human beings to talk to in, and you're kind of, you know, taking a chance, walking through a door that you don't know what's on the other side. You felt a lot more safe to move forward after that interaction. That is what I'm hearing?

Amanda: Oh yeah, definitely. Having like that more personable, being able to ask questions, whether that be on a live or Zoom call or things like that definitely felt more inviting, is how I would put it, I definitely felt more invited into instead of getting like a generic message through messenger or, you know, a DM and my Instagram of being like hey this is a great opportunity here are the benefits, here's a link. So since that's, that's what I have sort of integrated into my content as a call to action. So I put on, you know my videos or in the first comment on my videos on Instagram in case I'm your DM if you have questions, like if you're ready to get started. Send me a DM, the link in my bio actually has a phone number that is linked to my phone so people can actually text me. I'm like, send me a text like I respond as best as I can, like, I want you to know that I'm a real person. I want you to feel comfortable reaching out to me like I don't want to be known as like, Oh, she's just on here to promote she's here to do this like, no I want to help, I want to help.

Dave: Right. You know I've done that a couple of times. Oh, in my career both gave out my phone number. And then, what I then ended up doing was getting a phone that was just for texting business stuff. All right, so if at a certain point, you get too many messages, or you are feeling like, well I don't want to give out my personal number going down there in adding an additional phone to your plan. And in an older generation iPhone or something like that you don't have to have, you know, just something that has texting  is a really cheap option. And I think, you know, nowadays people have that ability to be able to get a hold of you in ways that are familiar to them versus ways, you know you want to go to people versus trying to get them to change their habits to come to you. So I like that a lot it's a matter of fact, we've got a text message list that all of you who are listening can send a simple text right now, the words with the letters, WUL to that number that's on the screen 813-296-8553 And will actually send you a text message. I just got mine. Every morning, we'll link right to the show and will actually give you a link that you can click right in your phone right to the show. So, speaking of text messaging. So you found Legendary, and you went through our challenge, tell us what that was like.

Amanda: Oh, it was great. Honestly, so I have never actually taken an online course, like training like where it was just specifically about, you know how to build a business online and then. So, the first day was great like your first video I was like, oh yeah, this is awesome and then I scheduled, I think my business plan advisor called like the next morning, and I talked with my business plan advisor and I was like this is what like honestly this is great it was training it breaks it down, like I am still working full time, I have two toddlers like if, like if I can do this in like 30-45 minutes a day, and actually learn really good information and skills that I can apply to an online, you know, business. This is wonderful. So the training is great. I learned so much, even from Jessa, for the first 15 days. And I'm pretty sure my business plan advisor would log on to his emails in the morning and go oh man there she is again because I would send like four or five emails overnight while I was doing. Yeah, you'd be like, you don't like Michael was my was my business plan advisor and he was great he answered every single question so like just having that like I kind of made him hold my hand and that's what I tell you know some people when they're like, I have no idea what I'm doing, like, you know, you've got me, you'll have this personal business plan advisor who will answer all of your questions and I was like, What do you have to lose at this point, you know, like there's, there's two people right here right now who are ready to guide you. Plus you get access to a wonderful community of people I think I've asked 100 questions in both groups that I'm a part of for legendary and also you know, just having the ability to reach out to people and have that community connection to get help, instead of, you know, having to wait three or four days for a response from from somebody.

Dave: Yeah. Yeah, well we want to provide the same experience that we were talking about, which is that human interaction, to help people feel safer to move forward, and also to give them a more personalized experience because cookie cutter doesn't work, you know, and as much as we want to automate things and love automation. Still, one person, one market or one entrepreneur helping another is still the fastest way to success. And it's the right information from the right people in the right environment, I've always believed is the right formula. And so, now you're at and the most. The coolest thing to me is when that process comes full circle and the student then becomes the teacher, and that's the case, right now, and congratulations for being here so you're on the show because you've gotten results because you went through training and you applied it. And so talk to us a little bit about what's happened since you've started implementing and taking action, what are some of the results that you've got and what are you most excited about?

Amanda: So, most recently, and also the title of this Wake Up Legendary. I've gotten over a million views, by just doing some math wrong. And I didn't do it on purpose. I'm actually not super great at math, but I had seen on your, one of your Wake Up Legendary’s, where you had said that somebody had said five r r instead of Fiverr. So, I had started to kind of like implement like these weird things into my videos like I would spell something wrong or I even did like the like the five RR thing with like the speech that like talks over the text or like go read the text on tick tock, and wasn't seeing like crazy like I would get, like, you know, a couple 100,000 views whatever not a big deal. And then I didn't map wrong, where instead of, you know, multiplying by like 52 weeks out of the year I ended up only doing 48 and I posted it right before I went to bed because that's you know one of the best times for me to post is at around 10-10:30pm And I woke up the next morning and it was like, you have 99 plus notifications and I think I had like 700 comments of like, who's gonna tell her she did her math wrong, it's actually this amount and I was like, this is what's working, okay I get it. This is great. And even now, I checked my account right before I came, live with you. And I think I had about seven more comments posted that are like, you do know your math is wrong, right. We do know you didn't do that. And, like some of the comments that I get, you know, they're, they're not the nicest, you know like that that's hard sometimes, or you know Thanks for engaging with the post like it really appreciate it like you're really just boosting algorithms and thank you for that. Even with TikTok brand new algorithm change. So really just finding what people want to see. I tried to do that as much as possible. I know Matt talks about that a lot. When does the wake up show, so just trying to genuinely help people but also make it a little bit funny. Even if you don't mean to make it funny. Sometimes people just engage with that stuff.

Dave: Yeah, I mean there's some major takeaways there from that which is that people like to criticize, more than they like to compliment. In many cases, right, and they like to be right. And we see this a lot with some of the polarization in the bickering back and forth politically and the bickering back and forth between the… I don't even want to say the word because we can get, you know, we can get penalised for it but yeah, all of this, all of this really is, is generated from people criticizing and bickering and arguing and pointing out where people are wrong and that's exactly what people are doing on that particular video for you they're pointing out that you're wrong. Right. And, and, and I think that what is beautiful about what you've done is that you've embraced the idea that you. You've prepared yourself in a sense and I think maybe you, You might not have been ready for it at first, but at this point what I hear is that you're prepared to receive the criticism because you are not taking it on personally you know it is literally people typing into their phones. It has nothing to do with you as a person. But what they are doing is contributing to the boosting of your content. It's helping your actual viewership in bringing more people to your content. Is that what I'm hearing? 

Amanda: Yeah. So, definitely I was not prepared to receive hate on that first month I remember my first couple of hate comments that I read out to my husband, he's, he works out from our garage and I walked down I was like, we're being need and he goes, That's just part of the business, like that's you're going to get that posting on social media like that and he's like it's not you personally like, you know, take it in stride, like, what, what's the benefit that comes from that and I was like, well they They boosted my posts they commented so now more people are seeing and I was like, Yeah, this is crazy. So then, you know I make it a point to even on the hate comments that I get on TikTok and Instagram I reply and I go, you know some people have said like, oh this is just a scam or oh you can't do your math right, and I'll be like Kim, what's your reasoning, like what's your reasoning for this like why, you know and I don't engage more than like one or two times. So if somebody's like, I know I can't change their mind, I'm like, oh okay so you're just gonna be stuck in your ways, that's fine, but you know if you really want to hear what I have to say or you want to, you know you want to have like a good conversation like reach out to me in the DMZ would love to. I would love to talk about this further, and then I'll still get more of that engagement of people coming to my profile. When I say hey, like, Let's not argue about this in the comment and let's not talk about this here like Let's go somewhere else and talk about it and I think about seven, seven out of 10 times, I will be able to start changing people's minds of this is what I'm doing, sorry you've been burned before. This is different, like, Can you, can you just hear my side of it and set so another 10 times I would say I would get people going like, oh, all day or oh sorry I was just trying to be funny, like okay like that's fine, but you also have to remember, you know, even though I, I have learned not to take it personally. There are other people especially like younger creators, or people who are new to this, affiliate marketing or building a business online who don't have those resources or that support system yet, you know, being able to reach out to somebody having and be like, okay, comments.

Dave: Well, I would like to prepare everybody listening and everybody in this community, to look at that sort of engagement as success, not as failure. Not as taking that on personally in it, meaning that you know that you're not good enough, in, in even believing or giving any credit to people's comments, I would actually like to prepare our community here. And all of you listening to, to receive those, and even to create content and marketing that polarizes people, which, which, which means that some people are going to love it and some people aren't are going to hate it. So that's one thing is actually standing in a position, taking a position, and standing for something. Being on a side, right, is another way to polarize people, because here's the truth is you're not going to, you're not going to resonate with everybody. It doesn't matter if you're nice and you try to stay in the middle, and you try to be somebody who makes everybody happy people are not, You're not going to please everybody, there's always gonna be people no matter what you say, I don't like his voice, I don't like his face something rubs me wrong, there's always people are always gonna have something to say and I even think that a lot of people talk shit about whoever they're listening to or watching right as they're buying they're like, I think this guy's an asshole, but I want to know what he knows, you know what I mean. So, this we got to, we got to, we got to release the addiction to people wanting to like us to refer to meeting people to like us, that's step number one. Step number two is to pick a side of whatever you're talking about and I'm not looking. I'm not talking about politics, I'm not talking about this. There's a lot of, I mean if that's the route that you want to take and you want to talk, there's a lot of, like, content creators that are, you know, moving towards freedom right now because of everything that's going on politically, and that's fine but I'm just talking about whatever content you're creating, pick a side. Don't be the middle pitcher, if you're trying to be down in the middle because you don't want to offend people and you're trying to make everybody happy. You will not reach anyone. And here's the third thing is, if your only message is positivity, and you're just always Mr or Mrs positive as much as I think that's cool, and as much as I think it's great to have a positive mindset, that is, that is not the news that people love to watch. If it was then, then the news stations would all be playing the clips and the top stories would be how the fireman rescued the dog out of the sewer, but you know what, as much as that. That's not what people, it's not what will make people keep watching. People want to know the juice, they naturally we are gossipers, naturally, we are RubberNeckers naturally, we are. We can't not watch. We can't resist a train wreck. And so, what sort of juice, what sort of comedy, what sort of even criticism of people. Can you, can you come up with in your content versus, here's the thing that I see all the time that just fails, and it sucks that it's this way, but it's the guy who's getting up every day, taking the videos and selfies from the gym going, it's time to get up and get moving. Right, and rock this day, you know, that stuff, that stuff's got five views, and nobody's watching it and you'll want to know why, because it comes off as toxic positivity.

Amanda: It does. 

Dave: That's like the phrase that I could use to describe that. And most people, especially the audience that has money to spend on whatever it is that you're promoting, is not living their life in positivity all the time, we as human beings have an assortment of feelings. And I think the older we get, the more chromogen we get, I know that's been the case for me. I used to be a super. Everything was happy and positive, and now I'm like an old curmudgeon. I'm like, I'm like the guy who's like these damn kids, you know I'm having work done at my house, they're installing some turf and then I'm gonna have a playground bill, and I was like walking my son on the road today. You know, in a stroller I went over and I looked at the grass where they're kind of carrying the things up and there was, I was thinking to myself, you know before I make the final payment. They better clean this mess up, you know, they fucked up my grass there by bringing in all that old dirt, I’m old like an old curmudgeon, you know what I mean. So, you know, I know that was long winded, but there was three pieces there that I think are important in ending with that sort of, don't be afraid to be critical, don't be afraid to be negative, don't be afraid to reveal the chromogen any parts about yourself in your life, and instead of trying to you know have your appearance be that everything's perfect and you're always happy, what comes up for you as I say that Amanda?

Amanda: Actually a really good example I had recently shortly after I started posting on Tik Tok. I had some, a close family friend, reached out and she was like, you know some of your videos are kind of sassy, and I was like, Okay, like that's that's who I am, that's, I mean, but look, I'm getting, I'm getting some feedback from people she's like, you're not gonna be able to retain customers if you're sassy. I was like, and here I am actually sending her. I sent her the link to this show and I was like, why I've retained some customers I would say even with my sass, right, and she just sent back like, oh. Like, I don't need to be everybody's cup of tea. As I can't take credit for this quote. I heard it from another creator, but she had said I would rather people hate me because at least they know me, I'm scared of people not knowing who I am. Yeah, yeah and I'm like I don't want to you know put on this facade for social media I don't want to have to, you know, put on a face or a different hat when I show up, if people were to you know see me walking around my neighborhood or walking around town and they were like, you're and it'd be like, yeah. Yep, that's me, like, I'm the same person. In person that I am on social media I don't base my needs for genuine self is like the most important thing.

Dave: And tell me if this is true for you, this seems like it's true. But I of course I'm not a woman so I want you to, to validate this, I feel like it's harder for women to show that sass, to show that we're to show that sort of hair down trash talkin you know, like, just to like, be not not be lady like you know what I mean like, like, I feel like guys get a pass to like say whatever we want and talk shit. And that's, like, deemed okay cuz he will, he's a dude. But then when women talk like that, or, or, sort of show their Sass, Right, that kind of like who you are when you're around the people you're most comfortable with, you know what I mean, like when you just let your hair down sweatpants you're talking shit, and it's just like you're with your husband or your with your best friend. Like, I feel like, women don't get that same pass. And it's even more difficult for y'all to kind of really get sassy, in, in kind of have personality. I don't know. Do you feel that that's, do you feel that that's true?

Amanda: Yeah that's definitely true. Not only the fact that I can't do math and then I respond with like the cute little emoji. In some of the comments, it's just kind of like passing subtasks out there. But, even outside of, you know what I'm doing on here I get like people aren't gonna like you if you're like that or you need to change who you are to make lady like or women don't talk like them, it's like, okay, okay, but then you know my husband and I have very similar personalities, but he's able to just go off and everybody's like, Oh yeah, he's good. Real man. Yeah, look at him go. And then, you know as soon as a woman does it. Oh, you're being Karen or, oh you know you're doing this or you're doing that and it's like, oh my dress. Give me a minute. 

Dave: I know right, I feel, I like that care thing I got like, like, like two sides of my feelings for that because, like, for real. And I know that's also targeted towards, you know, sort of middle, like, kind of Midwestern white women, like in a sense, like, and I've seen my mom do that shit before you know what I mean and I'm like, oh my god don't like and I love my mom, I just, I love my mom with all my heart, but I, I get I get that. and I get the whole where that came from but in this, in the other sense it's just another way I feel, to criticize women, you know what I mean to like to criticize women for being outspoken too because it gets overused, and it gets then generalized across, like all women. Women, now it's just another way for us to know if a woman is speaking out or being sassy or right, then we can call her this other name. You know what I mean. And so, yeah, I think there's a lot of comments, you know, and even, you know, even Tony, women should want to be like men, ears, this is a this is a hot topic, you know what I mean, like, there's in all the women, and they're like, oh yeah I kicked that shit out the door. A long time ago you know what I mean. So, you know, I think, I think, even what we're talking about right now is a great idea of a hot button topic that gets opinions getting engagement, you know. And for me, like, it's really interesting because, like I, I, the ego sort of fantasy side of me. I want to be king and I want you know, my wife to submit to My orders and I want to walk in and, but the other part of me loves when she makes fun of me and treats me. You know what I mean, like, kind of makes me submit to her a little bit, you know what I mean, she kind of tells me off and stuff like that. And I think we all sort of have that. And I think when we're watching content on the internet, it's a great place for us to sort of go into, and get a lot of those fantasies realize, and I'm not even really talking sexually, right, but certainly we know that a lot of people get their sexual fantasies realized on the internet, there's, there's no disputing that. But even just watching content and having somebody who we would normally have, as a man, right, want to, you know, like Tony, women should not want to be like men and Tony shout out to you I'll just use an example. But, but, you know, maybe secretly Tony likes to watch content to where women are sort of dominating him, I don't know Tony, you know what I mean. But it's what I'm saying is the Internet is a place to where we can realize a lot of those sort of fantasies, or we can engage in that sort of content, because we can put our headphones on and we can kind of have our phone here where nobody and it's just us in the person who's talking on the other side of the phone.

Amanda: Yeah that's exactly, that's exactly, you said it perfectly.

Dave: Yeah. Yeah. So I would encourage, particularly all you ladies to do your thing, you know what I mean do you think that they're gonna ruffle some feathers, you know, I think that, you know when, when a for me I've seen women be just as or more successful as men on marketing out there on Instagram and TikTok and so forth. And I'm and without I'm talking about creating content, not just, you know, not just, and I'm not saying women are the only ones who flashed body parts I know, I know all the fitness dudes out there are flashing their six pack, I would, I would do that too. Honestly, but nobody wants to see my one pack right now. I still haven't launched my pregnancy, you know, from our son who was born nine months ago, but I'm talking about women who are really crushing it. Women like yourself, women like Stacy law in our, in our, in our community, and the many other women who are on the show every day. Women like Jenna Kutcher. She's got a great Instagram page. Women like Marie Forleo, you know, there's a lot of, there's a lot of really, really successful successful women, but there's also a ton of room for the ladies to step up and capture audience, and I think you're finding some of the creative ways to kind of do that, and, and it's it's really cool to watch. So, what would you say to people who, well, what would you say to women or men I'm really interested in, in, kind of, I love to see. I love to see people. This can be a male dominated sport, you know what I mean just like a lot of things. But I love love love to see women crushing it, and I've been, you know privileged to be around a lot of really successful and talented women in the last decade in this industry. So what would you tell the ladies who are maybe you're going through some of the fears or anxieties you did at the beginning and now that you've sort of overcome at this point?

Amanda: I would definitely say what somebody else says about you doesn't matter what you believe about yourself, matters. So to kind of expand on that, you know, a little. If I was talking to me, you know, early, early May, late April, I will go. Who cares, you know, what you look like when you get on the camera. Who cares how you sound, who cares about your attitude. You know, if you were being your genuine self, and you love who you're seeing, and you love, you know, what's being replicated on the camera and going after sassier type sounds that you can use on tic tac, go for it. And if you receive hate, that's okay, because you know who you are and you know who you want to be and you're going to crush it harder than anybody else ever has. That is what I want to say to anybody, especially women, because we do get a lot of personal things when we come online and we have that sexy attitude. And you know we don't conform to what everybody wants us to want this to be societal norms of you need to look perfect and, like I do my makeup in my videos, because what I like to do. I've also posted videos where I've literally just rolled out of bed and I've got baby fingerprints over my shirts and I'm just like, Yeah, you know, it's fine. As long as I'm happy and as long as whoever you know the creator is is happy, like let's just, you can do it you can crush it. Let the haters get to you, man.

Dave: Yeah. And somebody said, Does Amanda have an IG in @theaffiliatemom is both her TikTok, and her IG handle so go give her a follow and stay Legendary Amanda, and come back and give us an update here in a few months.

Amanda: I will for sure. Thank you so much for having me on the show. I don't think any of you guys understand how excited I was when I got invited. 

Dave: Yeah, well, I mean, you know, we, we, we love to do this. I love to do this, and I wish I could see some of the reactions. I know what you mean by being excited to do these kinds of things. You know, when I was when I first got started I was the member of a month in, in a community that I was a part of and, and I get an interview like this, and you could have swore I was delivering like the State of the Union address or something, I mean I was I was I was super stoked, you know, So, yeah, it'll be like second nature and you'll be doing this stuff all the time in the near future, so I'm glad we could get you early before your, your big startup. 

Amanda: All right, yeah. Thank you. Thank you, Dave. You're welcome. Tell your husband that we said hello as well. All right, I will for sure.

Dave: All right, see ya. All right, my friends, my family, I hope you guys have a fantastic Friday, be Legendary. If you haven't taken the challenge yet of course do that and get into the blueprints if you can. We have our next decade on the day coming up next Friday. And, and, of course, our training sessions in group coaching calls for our Blueprints community. Every Thursday. But regardless of where you're at, and what sort of membership level you are here in Legendary. You guys know that we do these every Monday through Friday, and it's, it's people, it's men, it's women it's, it's, it's, it's folks inside of this community who have gone through the training who are willing to now come back and come on the show and share their experience that makes this show, great. And I think, so cool, at least for me, from my perspective, I would absolutely get sick of hearing myself talking, every day if it was just me. So thank you all. Thank you, Amanda, of course, but all of you who are yet to come on the show that when we reach out and invite you, you say yes, thank you in advance for that I look forward to having as many of you on the show, lifting you up giving you a platform to share your experience and results with us all just made this whole community. And if you didn't know you can also go and grab the transcripts of the show over on legendarymarketer.com you just hit the blog, and each week we put up the video and the transcript of every interview. And if you want you can also go and grab them. You can listen to all of these episodes on podcast, just go on your favorite podcast platform, and type in Wake Up Legendary and you'll be able to find us and you can also listen to these throughout the week or weekend the replays right there via audio on most of what we talked about, you can listen to and be able to make it useful by by just listening to audio so we've got those additional resources, plus the entire library of all these wakeup legendaries on our Facebook page, so plenty of content plenty of interviews plenty of stuff that you can dig into to keep learning. And then eventually, some sooner than others. Start earning and blow your business up. All right, and make this year especially leading into the end of the year, and then the beginning of 2022, the best next 12 months of your life. Alright, So have a great Friday, have a fantastic weekend, get out of here. Make it Legendary, be Legendary my friends, and we'll talk to you on Monday. Peace.

One of The Most POWERFUL Ways to Identify Your Target Customer

Below is the transcription for this episode: 

Dave: Alright my friends what's going on this is Dave Sharpe Welcome to another episode of wake up, legendary I can tell you, I'm feeling legendary this morning, there are some mornings that I am not, and I have to Wake Up Legendary I woke up, Legendary this morning. I already have been training how to have a great morning and excited to speak to our guests this morning, helped me to welcome to our show virtual stage. Okay. Ruben Hernandez what's going on my brother?

Reuben: Hey Dave, thanks. Thanks for having me.

Dave: You're welcome, man. You're welcome. Where are you calling in from?

Reuben: Wichita, Kansas, USA right in the middle of the country.

Dave: Man I don’t think I’ve ever spoke to anybody in Wichita, Kansas.

Reuben: Yeah, we're right smack dab in the middle of the country that is the air capital of the world, all we do is build these airplanes.

Dave: Okay and that's exactly what you've been doing for the past 25 years?

Reuben: That's exactly what I've been doing for the last 25 years. I am really not that happy to say that but, you know, that's sort of what my story is.

Dave: So you've, you've tried other businesses you've always dabbled. What led you to Legendary in online marketing?

Reuben: Well, like you said, I've been an aircraft for 25 years, and for the 25 years I've always had a side business. I had a vending machine business. I had a bounce house rental business for the last 15 years. I just sold a couple years ago and I was about to go full time with that. Okay, so I've always had, I've always had another side hustle on the side but I've never really had enough money to quit my full time job. Okay, so what happened was, when I had the bounce house rental business, I started to learn how to do web, how to do web. With SEO design, and that kind of stuff. So that sort of led me to, it was a natural transition over to like affiliate marketing because I already knew how to market my business much myself. So when it came to the point where I decided to walk away from the bounce house business, I got all these marketing skills and I have always heard about affiliate marketing but didn't know exactly what it was exactly. So that sort of led me just, just a normal transition from marketing my own business, to finding affiliate marketing. That sort of thing happened.

Dave: Gotcha. And how did things make sense for you, was it the 15 Day Challenge did you go through that and you got clarity and you decided that you liked our community and you were looking at other people that tell us a little bit about how you found clarity about what affiliate marketing was and why you decided to start with that business model.

Reuben: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Like I said, I was sort of a traditional SEO website builder. And so, fillip marketing was sort of backwards. I don't know exactly how to explain this when you're more one on one. Affiliate marketing made more sense because I could actually directly talk to the customer via, via a sales funnel instead of just building a website, just going to broaden that out there with affiliate marketing it made sense to me because I was able to build a little sales funnel and target the exact person that I that I wanted so he cut it, cut to the chase with your program, I was able to streamline exactly what I wanted target exactly who I wanted in the sales process made so much sense and it made my life so much easier through your course to ultimately get to the goal of what I wanted to do, if that makes sense. 

Dave: So it does. I mean if anybody's not familiar with, with, with SEO and building, blogs, I mean, you know, basically, is setting up a WordPress site, which is something that you know you need a hosting account, you can pretty much upload a wordplay, press site to that hosting account and you just kind of begin writing articles, you know, you begin putting content on the blog and you're targeting specific keywords or key phrases that people might be typing into groups or for example, you might have an RV blog. And so you're, you're going to write articles about what are the best RVs to buy. Under $50,000, you know because you're thinking, What will somebody type into Google, and then on that blog, maybe you have, you know, I don't know, a guide or books or courses or some sort of affiliate links out to various things that you're selling on that blog. And the challenge with that, it's a great model, but you have to be dedicated for a long period of time.

Dave:  Absolutely, and it's really a, it's, a solid foundation of a business, if you're committed to it for a long time, but it's slower than molasses. What else would you add to that?

Reuben: Yeah, absolutely, that was sort of what might be attracted to affiliate marketing was because affiliate marketing, actually, as you will know is passive income. So like you said, when I'm, when I'm building a website you know the SEO process is just slower, so it's time consuming, and with my story with me, still working a nine to five job and having to work 50 hours a week, you know, having to come home and then continuously building websites we can keep updating websites and continuously, the SEO world is always changing so all the changes where you have to keep up with everything. So it really is trading time for money you continuously are working what I was doing was creating another job for myself, you know, whereas affiliate marketing. My goal was to create passive income. Okay, and that's what the business model affiliate marketing does is it absolutely creates passive income, but my, my goal is I like to sort of join both worlds because I believe there's a place for both of them, as far as being an affiliate marketer building the simple sales funnels that are really automated and can create passive income via there but I think as a business model just in general, I think an affiliate marketer has to have both worlds because I think you have to have a website to act as a hub for your business. Yeah, so I think that's maybe the challenge that I'm trying to do is that I'm trying to join the two worlds where I want to have affiliate marketing, and have passive income I want to build sales funnels, but the same time I want to have a guarantee of a website for long term. For my long term goal of having an affiliate marketing, slash digital marketing business online and omnipresent, sort of ways.

Dave: And really it's just about driving traffic, it absolutely is, you know, so. So, in terms of your,

your approach, since you already know a bit about blogging and writing, and kind of ranking content online for various different niches or search terms, you know, there's, you can never have too much traffic, absolutely online. So, if we know that you're building up we just throw up your TikTok handle Ruben Hernandez on TikTok and you built that profile up to over 40,000 followers in a short while. And also, also we talked about multiple streams of income, but on the internet, multiple streams of income, what you what, more importantly, is a better thing to talk about is multiple streams of traffic, which you're also doing with still blogging, so we'll talk about that in a second but I want to know more in a second how your blog, what give us some tips on that but first, since you said that was crazy about the TikTok, 40,000 followers. What happened was crazy and how has that gone for you?

Reuben: I'm really not an outgoing person as far as being comfortable on cameras and I don't know how I'm doing now, but, you know, great, great, thank you for that. I have no idea what I'm doing I'm just sort of going on a whim here, but anyways once I found TikTok I just sort of got down there I just said what the hell just this let's see what happens right. So, the first I had some success I had a couple 1000 followers involved you know that's that's pretty cool. At the same time in my mind I'm trying to figure out, okay, am I going to go to ClickFunnels website and I'm going to go to WordPress website. So I had that in the back of my mind but I thought well I got plenty of time, you know, there's, I'm not, you know, the first month I really didn't get any leads for a couple of weeks so I thought I have plenty of time right. So anyways, I'm about to close to the end of the second month, I started getting another couple of 1000 followers and I thought okay, you know 2000 followers a month. I haven't quite figured out exactly how to do the sales funnel WordPress and stuff, but then at the end of the second month in one night I went to 15,000 followers in one night. So at that point, I was just blown away, not for one that, you know, we all have this complex if you want to follow me or whatever but it just blew my mind that overnight I had 15,000 more people that want to follow, you know, and then I was really failing forward, because at that point, overnight I had 25,000 followers but I didn't have my funnel set up, because it was a crossbreed sort of between a my WordPress site and then your landing, squeeze pages and sales pages that you provide, and I had a double opt in on there like I had leave an email twice and had an all messed up. But to answer your question, yeah with the traffic TikTok was a wild ride. I just continuously gained followers and, you know, and I'm trying to learn exactly who my market is because at first I was getting a lot of people that I was getting a lot of older people and then I was getting a lot of UK people so part of the challenge for me now that only driving traffic is trying to find out who the heck am I talking to you know who can relate with me and who I resonate with. So that's sort of where I'm at with that.

Dave: What have you discovered about who you're talking to and, and what are some of the looming questions that you still have that you're trying to answer right now?

Reuben: Well, one of the common factors. One of the common feedback that I get is because I'm an older gentleman, I think I come across with this trust factor so people tend to trust me. And I think that's, you know, I don't know my face or maybe just seem like an older gentleman whiter wiser guy not that I'm old. But I think that people trust me. To that effect, and I think that my biggest obstacle may be would just be to find that, find my target demographic so I can target them exactly and tuck exactly to them because I didn't really confused at this point, and I don't have any problem you know saying that because I'm trying to fail forward, because I love that phrase, trying to find exactly who I'm talking to so I can say hey, you know let three days, I'm talking to you, this is exactly what you need to do this exactly right. 

Dave: Yeah, well, I just want to give you some feedback on that question and on that on that issue, because it's, it's the answer for you, I think, is right there in front of you in the challenge that I think we have is we want to cast too big of a net sometimes, you know, we don't want to leave anybody out. And what happens is, is, you know, we end up trying to speak to everybody and we speak to nobody. And so I think that, I think that what's important, yes we need to figure out who we're talking to, but who. But if, if, let's just pretend that everybody was, was you, right, everybody knows you, just pretend that everybody was you everybody was your same age, and had your same challenges because are you marketing products and to make money online niche?

Reuben: Yes. 

Dave: Okay, so what's most important is, is that you understand the problems that the person is having that is would be interested in the, in the solutions that you're selling, right here that you're marketing and what those problems are, or those pain points are, are telling me what are the pain points that you have or have had that have made you interested in wanting to make money online?

Reuben: Okay, well, like I said before I've been with the aircraft company for 25 years, and it is a great job and I do have great benefits and I was able to support my family through the whole time. So in a perfect world, someone would say, Yeah, you got to make you get there, right, but I've always had this voice, I've always wanted to have my own business, I wanted to have my own thing, I wanted to live on my own terms. 

Dave: Keep going with that, talk about your story, tell me what you're paying for and points are.

Reuben: Okay, what would that what my point is, is I'm tired of always going into my nine to five job every day and not feeling fulfilled. You know I go in there, in the mindset of all the people there are just sort of just the humdrum going through the motions, you know, it's a factory blue collar setting, you know, and I'm walking around and I've always had with my head in the clouds so to speak. I've always wanted something more. I've always wanted to be for myself, I think myself not to go into my hope, not a victim mentality or my background but I know. I expect it. Dave: Don't be afraid to speak it.

Reuben: I can come from a little rougher background and a poor background and I know that I'm not sure I think I know that I broke the generational curse. You know, because I come from a line of people who have families that's poor, we really haven't had a lot of opportunities or a lot of We come from poor families. So with me, I broke the generational curse by having a steady job and raising my kids and I've been married for 20 years, so I've totally gone across the grain and changed everything right. So now even, even from that aspect whenever people say, from my neighborhood or from my area, they say, man, you know Reubens life is easy, but he got this big time job and you know, he because my job is and which is that we build aircraft that is a good job, packing it in, he's this he's that and then he came from the neighborhood and now he's doing this. But me, I still want more, you know, not only more for me I think it's my turn. A lot of people in this space don't want to work the nine to five for their whole life. I did it for 30 years, so I'm like the opposite. Yeah I'm looking, I'm looking to retire in the next three years, maybe sooner, though, the way things are scaling maybe sooner because I want to retire I want to do it for, for, for, for me, for my family and I want the freedom, and I want the opportunity to finally live. You know I've been putting in work for my whole family, which is fine. I've been working for a whole family, and they're all provided and they got everything, and they're good to go. And now it's going to be my turn. That's what I'm waiting for. Does that make sense?

Dave: Now I don't know about any of y'all who is listening in right there. But if I came across that video we just took that clip, and that was on Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, I don't care where I found it. Somebody just held a phone up to my face, and was like, listen to this guy real quick. I would be like, I feel that right now. I feel that.

Reuben: Well thank you that you actually brought that out of me I didn't know what I was gonna do this you know what was going on. Yeah, bring it out man cuz sometimes people are a little hesitant to bring it out you know I don't want to write it.

Dave: You see it's in there in, what, when you speak your pain points your own personal story about a product or you know, a why you pursued a particular venture product, you know, you know, I wouldn't I mean if we were sitting here talking about, you know, we were sitting here talking about a health supplement or a pill, and you were like, look, all my whole life, I've wanted to get ripped I've wanted this six pack I've I've walked around I took my shirt off and I felt embarrassed like I had a dad bod or a little flag hanging over land boobs or whatever, right, and now look at my six pack, finally got it, it's my turn. So, now, you know, you, I want you to check this out because it worked really well for me. So my point is that, that it's less, I got to figure out, less who exactly the person is that I'm talking to, and figure out more. What are my pain points that I can talk about that I can share? Honestly vulnerable, right, that I can, that when I share them, It hits other people in the gut, and then you know what the right people who are attracted who do trust you know what it might be an older crowd it might be a Hispanic crowd we don't know yet. Right. We don't know yet, it's less important to know exactly who I'm targeting and more important to figure out and go inside me, and bring up that good shit that's in there.

Reuben: That's making so much sense it's almost like I'm doing it backwards . Is he that's my analytical brain with SEO? I'm trying to target everything whereas what you said. He just brought it out on me that I need to just be me and tell a story, and then that's going to happen.

Dave: Yeah. I mean, be me, it is a generalised statement. It's, it's, I need to figure out a way to tap into some, some emotion. I need to tap into some passion. I need to tell a story. You know, that's what I need to do as a as a marketer, I need to, you know, I need to figure out what story can I tell that people can, that will touch on the pain points that people will say, some of them, ditch i i It's my time to I've been working my ass off for the boss, this job that I like that I'm grateful for, or that I hate that I know what it's my time now is I've put in my work, I've taken care of everybody else my entire life. And it's my time, you know what that does psychologically to people. It tests, from a marketing standpoint, right, because it's all about psychology, right, right, we want to, we do want to understand people. What that does, when I, When I told when I told the story that you just told us that taps into that sort of almost like nature of, I don't I'm not calling you self centered. Yeah, but everybody, there's a law of self preservation. Nice. Yeah, everybody wants something for themselves, right, they want to be first in line, they want the best.

Reuben: Yeah, that's exactly, you know, once I talked to my wife. My wife has been totally supportive. The whole deal is I sort of tell her because my youngest son is 15 so in three years, he's going to be 18 of course, so my daughter just started college now. Okay, and I have their colleges basically paid for. Okay, at that point in three years my son's gonna graduate. Okay, and I have everything all my ducks lined up in a row. Yeah, you know, so they're in my mind at the actual I certify, not that I have to justify so you know what I did, bam, bam, bam. Now, my thing, and then I don't think that's gonna be a problem because I've always been able to make money I've always been able to see the opportunity, like I said, the shoe wants foreigner, afraid to leave my job, but now I'm gonna be afforded the opportunity, because of this program because this community, the people that I'm with have been awesome they've been manager has been teaching me and it's just man so awesome right and I'm ready for me. 

Dave: Yeah, well I think a lot of people can relate to that, and it's, it's, for most of us who have tried things in the past, whether it was a vending machine business or whether it was, you know, it's, there's tons of products that are absolutely game changing life changing save lives, whatever that are sitting collecting dust on a shelf because the creator, the founder or the inventor, couldn't tell a powerful story about the product. Exactly, exactly. And so what we need to do is we need to figure out which is why my number one thing. For over a decade now, this business has been story selling. I need to figure out how to unleash that inner, you know, passion and vulnerability, and I need to be willing to talk about that, those ugly pain points that I might think are embarrassing or whatever, because that allows people to kind of relate and until I can get somebody to say, I am having that pain to see we talk about people's we touch on people's pain points and get them to listen to us. One of the best ways is by telling our own story, not just looking at the camera and saying, Do you hate your job? Do you hate your boss right? Right I mean because we can do that, but it gets old when we have somebody screaming at us, trying to just pitch us that feels like a pitch, absolute whereas nowadays, marketing, you know, native style marketing where we're just creating content like all the other content creators out there is better. It's better. It's better absorbed by our viewers, our potential customers. When we tell it in a less threatening way that lowers their, their, their buying defenses, because we're just telling our own story and that's why I asked you what's driving you what are your pain points. Now what's going to happen as you tell that story, and that becomes your message that you just told and I want you to go back and listen to this and I want you to crystallize this and clarify this, is you're going to see the people who resonate with you, there will be some commonalities with your customers, you know maybe there'll be Hispanic as you said maybe there'll be 40 to 60, maybe 50 to 55 We don't know yet, but that's less important to focus on them right now. Right, And more important to figure out how to unlock some of these hesitancies that we have to communicate a powerful message and a powerful story is that,

Reuben: That makes so much sense and then with all the different social media platforms out there, it makes it so easy to be able to be able to relay that message out there, you know, just like just TikTok, and I started reaching out on Pinterest and Instagram reels like, like, well, of course you know a lot of people are doing that, but, but yeah now I feel a lot better. That made me come out and say it because I was probably lacking in that area. I was probably lacking in the area of them saying okay, who's this guy that's on TikTok pointing around saying you're tired of work he is tired of this. And instead of being the genuine mice myself and, you know, I do have a story to tell, and this mine is genuine, it's going to resonate with somebody, so I'm learning a lot right right now like I said, I'm loving it, right, right now you're throwing knowledge right now. I love it. 

Dave: Well, it's just an experienced man I mean, absolutely. You know, it's just being in the marketing game for a long time and in, you know, just seeing what works and what doesn't and after a while you just, I have focused so much, so many times on other stuff over a decade, and, and what always works, what's built this company what's built other ventures in the past has always been that powerful passionate, vulnerable, let me tell you my painful story, what it was like, What happened and what it's like now. And so you can, because my listeners are in that first phase, like there's that painful place to where they haven't found a solution yet. And when I tell them what it was like, what happened and what it's like now, selling the structure that heroic journey story I unlock. You know, I unlock a connection between me and my viewer that nobody else has with them, because everybody else is out there, you know, everybody else is pointing and doing all right. And, and, and that's cool, that's that that works to a certain extent, it gets you started, you know the pointing and the music and the trends and so forth that gets you started that gets you kind of from that kind of that that zero to like to like that level one or two, but to take it to the next level, you have to begin to build your brand identity. 

Reuben: Exactly, that's what I'm working on now. 

Dave: You understand?

Reuben: Yeah, no, that's exactly what it is, as I've said, I think I've been fairly successful with the pointing with the driving traffic which have and all that but now I'm at like, Okay, now what, and that's where I go more to the point where I think that one thing I'm going to be able to offer to potential clients is not only getting them started with affiliate marketing, but building their brand and building omnipresent via a website and learning how to host and learn learning how to build your business and an operating from from one centralized website.

Dave: Yeah well you have a lot to offer. I mean, just like the majority of us have a lot to offer. It's just kind of like that, that life changing product that I said that so many people have invented or the skills that they have, but they don't know how to market it so it just sits on the shelf or it stays inside of them. You have a lot that you can package, and offer both as an affiliate and also as your own course creator coach, or running your own events virtual or live right kind of core four that we teach here you. You have a lot of knowledge and a lot of information that you could charge for easily. Okay, easily, and I, this is not a guarantee of income, but easily generates a six figure income, I mean that's the starting point for you based on what you know and how you could add value to other people's lives. That's not the problem. The challenge for you is to dial in that message to attract people to where you become the hunted. Instead of the hunter, as the way that you do that is now that you've done the pointing and the music's and the trends and you've gotten a couple of videos to go viral, You got a little bit of a list and a little bit of a following. The next step is you need to develop that brand identity, like I said, which is Reubens own, you want people to be thinking about you. I want to do business with that guy because I relate to his story. He makes me feel comfortable. I trust. And, and I and I know him because he's told his story. I relate to it. I've. He's been where I've been. And this is the guy that I want to connect and work with. Does that make sense? 

Reuben: Yeah, no it does because I think that I do resonate with a lot of the people that are in the nine to five, drive, drive because I am a blue collar worker as well. And I do do like a lot of people do I don't get up at five o'clock in the morning and work 10 hour days, and work this Saturday, so there is a trust factor when they are sure that somebody, you know, knows that that I'm going through the exact same thing they're doing. I'm making sure I'm waking up sometimes a couple hours earlier or staying up late or when everyone's asleep to put the work in to try and accomplish where I'm at, or what I'm trying to do.

Dave: Well, you are a trustworthy guy brother, and you are a guy that is worthy of listening to following and doing business with pain, pain premium fees for your knowledge and your advice, and, and what's most important in combination with dialing in your message and your brand identity is continuing to build your belief, because for you to be able to, this is a challenge for all of us we have to believe that we are worth a $5,000 price point, the question is, what's your hourly rate, you know, that's a question, it's a mental exercise to say, right, somebody asked me to work with them right now for a half a day, what would I say my fee is, you know, and it's a mental exercise to, to, to, to look at how much do I believe I'm worth. And can I confidently without hesitation, without laughing without looking down without I mean looking somebody's dead in the eye and say, that'll be $5,000 If you want me for a headache consulting, right, because it's a lot of people think that selling high ticket stuff is about the tricks and gimmicks of sales funnels and all this kind of stuff. It's 1,000% it's what Well, let me say, 1% of it is that it's the mechanical stuff, 99% of the dynamics, it's the confidence in the belief in yourself, and the belief in in the conviction that you have when you tell them the price, and what it's going to do for them, and then not have to act, desperate, not have to beg just say this is what it is, if you want it or not, if you don't, there's other people out there who are will be willing to pay that, that the next level of building you in your business in your brand what's coming up for you as I say that?

Reuben: Yeah exactly how I'm going to continue to, to go through the process of what I've already built. I'm going to, I'm in the process of writing an ebook to use as a lead magnet to sort of help give more resources, and of course I'm building a website, all about all about affiliate marketing. So my goal now is just to continue to drive forward, and the community I can't talk enough about, but how much help that I'm getting just with with you spit knowledge today and just everybody that it's just, I'm getting all the help I can and I want to in turn help people as well, doing that but my endgame is to, to, I know everyone says this and everyone's familiar with, with, with Calvin Hill, you know, but that sort of I think I think that's sort of how my direction is going to go because he talks a lot about the WordPress sites, he talks a lot about doing the SEO and being out there so I think my long term game is going to be the affiliate marketing niche to make money online of course but, but, broadening it out a little bit more with the with the website, SEO, and helping people, not only start affiliate marketing business we have a 15 day business challenge, but also a built a brand builder built their business. Yeah that's my goal.

Dave: Well brother, the sky's the limit and we're here to help in, you know, take what we talked about today, put it into action, come back, and let's keep working on it. Let's capitalize, keep clarifying the questions that you have and see sometimes it's just and this is the power of, you know, call it coaching mentorship feedback, whatever you want. But, you know, sometimes, a quick conversation, a little bit of feedback, a little bit of perspective can make all the difference in the world to give you the clarity that you need to now know, you know, the focus.

Reuben: There's other people that I've that I've talked to that's in the same space, and just a little bit of feedback that that they gave me on what I'm doing, necessarily wrong or I'm doing right, but the feedback has been huge, you know, for me, and that really helps just like today I'm taking away so much information, taking away so much knowledge it's going to help me moving forward. And I just know after this, a lot of people are gonna reach out to me and say hey, I saw you on the show. This is what I think are this this that and that's only going to help because, you know, lots of times when I first came into this space you'd hear people saying that, I'll just want to help people you know I really want to help people and at the beginning you think they're probably not genuine, they're just saying that. But really this community, your, your community to build that we're a part of really does help, we reach out and in turn, I built that man, that man mentality. I'm not just saying, I want to help you but really meaning it, I mean who does that shit I you know I really mean it. You know, because the change is just making my life. And everyone says this and it sounds cliche like yeah whatever but the changes making in my life on my bed I want to have. I want you to have that chip, real, you know, and I'm being honest, I'm just saying. It's crazy.

Dave: Well, and, I mean, people can tell when you're genuine and when you're not Not I, I feel your genuineness and it's also the beautiful thing is, the more value that we add, the more we attract income into our life, we give, we have to deliver value, and then ask somebody to do something. So I'm going to give you this value, I'm genuinely here to help. And if you want more than go check out my course, Right, or if you want one, and that's gonna have to blend. You know, giving value but not becoming just people pleasers right because that was a lot of what you were talking about in the beginning of the show was, you know I've done so much for so many people that now it's my time. Well, he is correct in the formula for taking this business and blowing it up to the moon is, you know, doing whatever I gotta do to get my business off the ground which you've done pointing to the trends. The music. The TikTok viral videos but then developing that brand identity, and adding value telling your story and giving invitations and recommendations for people to come and get more from you, by following your recommendations buying your courses, going, and, you know, taking your recommendations for the products that you're promoting so you know. Look brother, you're on the you're on the path, you got the passion to you got the excitement about it you're, you're, you're open and humble and willing to take the feedback, and I appreciate you being so open for the feedback because it's helped a lot of people on the show today as well who were just listening in, so I'm sure everybody is very grateful for you being so willing and so and have taken action that we can actually give you feedback on. 

Reuben: Absolutely, yeah thank you for that Dave I feel a lot better. I mean, I didn't know what to think, coming into this of course, you know, a little nervous but I feel comfortable with the way this is going and, and just the fact that you were able to bring out what was inside of me. You know what I mean and I think that resonates with the people just being genuine and just trying to do the right thing and trying to just push push forward. 

Dave: Yeah, we'll keep up the great work. All right, brother. Have a great Friday. Thanks for sharing your time with us. Okay, come back and see us here in a couple of months, and let me know if there's any other ways I can help, okay buddy. 

Reuben: Alright, Dave, thanks for having me. Alright, see, Ruben. All right my friends go follow this man, RuebenHernandezJ1 on TikTok, get connected right, lift them up, give them some comments, give them some likes, give him some feedback, you know, reach out. Alright, that's what this is all about. It's about, you know, lifting each other up supporting each other's ventures and businesses. We'll be back for another episode. As always, on Monday, have a fantastic Friday, a Legendary weekend. Get out of here, change the world, start by changing yourself for. All right, We'll talk to you on Monday. Peace.

How To Build A Side Hustle Business That Pays Hefty Commissions

Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on, my friends, this is Dave Sharpe Welcome to Wake Up Legendary episode today with a guy from down under. As they say, at least here in America. They say that over in Australia but this, this guy is somebody who is a blue collar guy, just like myself. I'm just a few years ahead of him in this online space. And he is quickly working towards a better life for he and his family just like most all of us are so with that being said, let me welcome to the show Simon Clark what's up brother? 

Simon: What's going on man, oh man I'm excellent thanks for having me

Dave: The pleasure is all mine, my brother. The pleasure is all mine. So, what time is it there in Sydney? Is it 10:10pm?

Simon: No, a few minutes past midnight is looking to be like.

Dave: Thanks for staying up for us bro I know you get up early.

Simon: I wouldn't have missed this man, this is a long journey, long, like I started in April, and learning everything up until now, I remember from like, I think it was April 18 And then I knew I said I was going to be on the show, like many other people have come on the show and I watched the show every single day without fail, might put me in the best state of mind frame of mind to be where I need to be do what I need to do. And yeah. 

Dave: Wow, man. That's awesome bro. That's awesome. I love to hear that. So you started in April of this year. Yeah, yeah. All right, I'll talk to us about just that beginning journey I mean, what led you there and how, how did it kind of all happen, how did you get started?

Simon: 2020 I was baggage handler for from 2011 to 2020 so for years I was doing baggage at the airport, and obviously the pandemic, big effect with us, and we got the snip, and it was the best thing that ever happened, like at the time I was freaking out right but in hindsight, it was the best thing that could it happen. So I sat at home for six months for those six months and I ended up searching for jobs, freaking out, you know that as the story goes, and I finally found work in a warehouse, doing just forklift driving. My hands are like callous to the death robot permanent like, just me and I cannot get this grease out of my hands me and so it's just, it's, you know like, and working in high views, especially outside of Western Sydney, and it's like the blue collar area, you know, it's like the rougher area of Sydney. And in saying that the workplace is the workplace, but it can be toxic. And this warehouse was, I've been there for over 10 months now, and I'm still full time just pumping it, but it gave me that push that I needed to search for No, because I always say, Man, I hate, I hate my nine to five, I hate it but I hate it. And I never in my life. I never read a book, bro. My mother was always telling me, pick up a book, don't don't get involved in the bullshit that's going on, you know, don't run with your friends and be crazy, you know, and get into mischief and whatnot tonight yeah yeah. And so a lot of things happened, I lost my mom, I lost my dad quite, quite young, and from financial situations like financial struggles and stuff kind of couldn't figure out why so many people have been shit together when it comes to their finances, and some people don't. So I finally thought about my mom and I picked up my first book, and it was all the book called Barefoot Investor. That book led me to Rich Dad Poor Dad, that led me to thinking Grow Rich, then. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. It's just like my mind started exploding also like people actually have done this, and people like to document this, so other people can learn from it, it was just, I never read a book with my wife and my mind just opened a whole new world. And it shifted my entire mindset on how I look at money especially after my rich dad, poor dad, and being in a container on unpacking shipping containers for a living at this warehouse, so it's 1000’s of boxes, we're just talking about the pallets monotonous work that is boring as hell. But with the boys, the conversations mostly consist of you playing on the pokies, you go into the pub you're having to be, you're going into a fight on the weekend, you lost all your money, Iraq back up at work. Can you do the same shit over and over and over. And, um, they're like hey man if you live like you stepped on our book like, and they're like, you know. 

Dave: So, and, wow, that's, that's really stumped and man, I mean, information really expands right it's like, it's almost like us humans are like a sponge, and we get so dried out, You know, and then knowledge is like water, and when we finally, when we finally get some. It's like we, you know, if, if we're open, if we're ready for it. We just soak it up right.

Simon: A lot of it is timing at the right time, you know, a lot of things in my life started coming together and this information. They're just, it was mind blowing. So, in short, up, went to Google, how to make money online, started seeing drop shipping Amazon FBA, all these things popping up. And I finally found a review of a drop shipping course that I was going to be looking at getting into, but they were asking for so much money up front and I was like, this is not rock rocking with it. And at the end of the video. And it was a fellow called Jason Foster, he's been on the show before, and that guy's a legend, shout out to Jason for racing from Jamaica. Yeah man, Yeah. This year, champion, so I linked with Jason and sort of asked him like a marketing you talking about, and he guided me through it step by step.

Dave: How did you find it? How did you find his stuff? Did you find a video on YouTube?

Simon: I was never on TikTok. TikTok like, I'm not gonna download what is the purpose of that, like for years. I was DJing, like often, I don't really talk about it online as much, because it's like an alias. But I created a solid foundation in DJing in Sydney, and a big following where I was like, hustling mixtapes through Facebook, through Instagram, always creating content for my DJing, but it was never making enough, and especially when the pandemic hit. It was never, you know like, I was like, what, what else can I do I know I can create content. But how, how else can I, you know, one of the MSI multiple streams of income, the income generating activities and whatnot you know want to say like Rob, have been harassing me for way so a few marketing is like, it was just mind blowing to me, it was mind blowing. And it's yeah it's very powerful, very powerful, very nice. Anyway, so, so, from Jason did you go through our 15 day challenge is that what happened and then. Okay, tell us about the next chapter. Okay,

I found the 15 day, and that was the whole thing, it was like seven bucks and I'm also kidding and expensive to sleep so jumped in, in several bucks come through the 15 days, shout out to Bonnie she was the business environment. And when I got to the end of the 15 days I was like, okay, backseat, my car but now it starts, and all of a sudden, from April to June. So for two months I was like, getting ready to get ready, putting it off like seating me like too scared to jump in a fight. Okay and then I finally was done, and then one day I just once I hit post I racked up all these videos with TikTok already had 60 videos really bang, he posts. That's just started. He posted again posting and posting and I was like, once I was in it and running in the, in the marathon I'm like y'all want to come doing this, and then I started seeing things happen, And over code, and then a commission control. I'm telling y'all like. So, that's my honest man like this is me like my Mrs. is gonna be like, I know you're on Wake Up legendary but she took a while to come around. And then once she started saying commissions, you see. Okay, keep going, keep going. 

Dave: Yeah now that it's almost like my story to a tee. I think people for, I don't know how people view me like I really don't. I feel like some, you know people on some pedestal or something, but it's like what you just described is exactly what happened to me. That's exactly how it happened. It was just some time ago, and not too long ago like 10 years ago, something like that. 11 years ago, whatever. And, yeah, same exact thing man I was just I was, I got a couple of leads first and I was like what, and then, because I mean I'm chasing people around, doing network marketing, you know what I mean and I was 25 years old and I was offline chasing people then when I came online and I started generating traffic and getting getting leads and then I made my first commission I did the same thing with my wife. She was super skeptical and then, you know I got like a commission of $2 and I was like, you know, could have thought it was, you know, millions of dollars but yeah it's great, it builds that initial confidence and so what, so that, April, May, June, but basically you You screwed around for and got ready to get ready as you said for two months, so that would be, April, May, June, so July, I mean, are you talking about basically the last 30 to 45 days you've really started kind of.

Simon: Yeah, so from June 13 I've just been tracking and writing down like everything. Like, I found out about Power of Publish. Calvin Hill started seeing the, you know, people that are really, you know Brian Brewer and whatnot. I mean, Darryl Grey Jr, a young fella. Yeah, it was just it's amazing to me but what's even more crazy is like people doubt, like that imposter syndrome that you guys talk about, and I had that, but at the same time I'm like wow man like I've done great things I can do great things and I can achieve great things like, I truly believe in myself like I tell my children and they’re young, like a four and an eight year old and I instill that in them you can do you can do amazing things with your life, you can do anything, You know it's, it all comes down to that.

Dave: That’s really important man. I mean, you know, it's, it really does. The, the, the most successful people in the world are oftentimes, those who simply just have the confidence and the self esteem, to be able to go after something and try and really just get in the game, you know, I've watched so many people from my life who are so wildly talented skilled I mean masters at their craft, but they just lacked the confidence they lack of belief within themselves. And so, although people don't want to read the book don't want to work on the mindset, don't want to, you know, we have so many people who come through our, our training and are just like, I'm waiting to see if this is BS, you know, I mean, they're they're looking there, they see that we're selling other advanced training for hundreds of 1000’s of dollars and they're offended, like, I can't believe this. You know, and it's like, if you would educate yourself by reading the books by learning marketing by expanding your mindset. And, you know, developing a mindset of abundance versus just such a mindset of lack, then you would see it, in being learning from other people who are marketing now as I learned marketing, instead of looking at the world in this confused way like how are they making money, how are they so successful. Is this a scam? I started to look at things and say, Wow, that's really interesting how he just how he just use that angle at that car dealership or I would look at restaurants and say, Wow, what's really interesting, the less options they have versus these restaurants that have huge menus like Taco Bell or like a Five Guys Burgers or a Chipotle where they only one type of food, they tend to do better, that must mean, because people have less options they get less overwhelmed, and probably also in the back of the kitchen, there's less things to go bad, right, I just started looking at the world differently from a mindset of business in marketing, and I realized that it wasn't that I was getting cheated, it wasn't that people had an advantage that I didn't have, it's just literally that they do things that I didn't know and as I began to learn them. And as they began to build my belief that bigger things were possible, even for me, that this little $1,000 I had in my bank account wasn't the last money I was ever going to have in my life and I needed to protect it and, you know, nobody got it from me right nobody can get this $1,000 Thieves and scammers right instead. Right. It's like money to invest in me because this meant that I can make, whether it's $7 or $7,000 the best investment that I know is, In my education, and it's not particularly in college, you know, I just, I made this joke to my wife because a friend of ours just graduated who is literally the worst communicator in the world, and in, in, graduated with, like, you know, a master's degree in Communication I'm going. College is a scam, this, this is, this is bullshit. You know this is incorrect, but the education from one person who's succeeding like yourself to me, or me to you, is the real world. That's the, I think that's the way that people, That's where we need to seek our information now and 2021 and so you're doing that right now and you describe your work environment, what is that like for you now to be around people talking about the same old shit all the time. Are you like, Is that becoming intolerable?

Simon: It's hard to make it. It gets harder and harder to rock up and be there and be around it every day, but I use it as fuel, like, regardless, I just use it as a fuel bike. For instance, let's say that like this is slightly off but it's still on the day that I posted my first, like TikTok you know, in doing whatever. The day I posted it. I'm like no one's going to see this, it's not going to happen. And I walk into work on the Monday, I posted it on a Sunday 13th of June, I walked in on a Monday, and one of the boys ran off and he's like, so you will take four bro so you clear off occurring on anybody knowing about any of these, and I was like super, you know, so, what gets what I'm saying is like to use it as fuel is like. I'll come into work and the boys are talking about the same old same old like it is bickering in between or the boss isn't paying me he's not doing this for me, that's what I wish. It's bullshit like this is our wives like like she like where I'm like, bro, like, you know you can do you can hustle another way like I worked with one fella, and God loving men, one of the, one of the, one of my best my stays is a good dude. Yeah, one like I've tried to tell him I'm like, bro, check some invest $27 or 20 bucks into your brain and pick up a book, or go check out this book my rich dad poor dad man it's switched everything on how I'm looking at things, and he's like gay but I need more hours bro, I need more, I need more hours this is bullshit and I'm like, bro, like, come on man. It's not the analysis bro it's not about, I'm like the Cashflow Quadrant. I'm like, his employees they're self employed, and they like the cash flow what I like on my bro, you want to be a business owner, and an investor. I'm telling you man, I'm like, I'm there, I have a pen. I get the copper box. We're chucking it onto the pallet and I'm writing the Cash Flow Quadrant on the box and I'm like, boys, I'm like boys, have a look. Have a look problem, and then like, what is this you're like you're crazy dude. 

Dave: Like you're worshipping the devil or something. 

Simon: Yeah, and I'm like, bro, it's Robert Kiyosaki and Robert Kiyosaki isn't his weapon. Anyway, it's hard. It's hard to, it's hard to rock up every day and do that but at the same time, when the negative comments come from the boys that know what I'm doing. It never comes to my face but I know when I leave, and then come back. You know sometimes it's you know, there's talk or it'll get back to me and I'm like bro like whatever man like, Bro, I can show you how to do this stuff like this, right, right, I'm helping me, and a song you know. 

Dave: Yeah, I think we have a hard time. It's sort of like growing up when somebody is like I used to tease the girls that I was into, right, yeah. So So in a sense, but that was still hard for probably those girls to deal with me right, I mean it's not it's not easy. When somebody is teasing you, we, as human beings, have a weird way of going about being jealous or being actually interested. A lot of times, what I find is people just have a hard time, you know, humbling themselves and saying, I actually look up to you for having a set, and having some guts and doing something different instead, you know, but instead so they come across and we'll we'll make fun of poke fun of, you know, give. I think that's a real common thing I think that was spot on that, that we feel embarrassed like we don't want anybody to see us and I think the reason why is, is because we know how people are going to react to us trying to do better our lives, we know they're going to say, oh look at Dave he thinks he's better than he thinks he's smarter than you know, I think, I think, you know, I think. I know that in order to be successful, you have to be willing to walk through that uncomfortability of what people are going to say, the jealousy, the hate you have to be willing, what's coming up.

Simon: So, getting uncomfortable, getting comfortable being uncomfortable. Yeah, and it's like, Man, I love that. I love that because it's like, I pick my uncomfortable. I have to, like, you always say my beauty in the shows, you know, you got to pick your heart. Both paths are hard and painful. It's hard being rich is hard working the nine to five or doing all this is, is, is hard both is hard, and a formula like this. Get screamed at Brian my supervisor that belittles me on a daily is always an article, but a lot of the time you'll play the power card and he'll, he'll ensure deal with the boys talking shit or break my son's heart because I'm coming home late, I say, I think for like two minutes, and he's like, why are you always working, why you're like why are you always working on working for you man, but at the same time I'm like I'm doing things for to not have to do this for the rest of my life. So it's like, what else is hard on the other flip side is like the TickTock comments people that are coming in the comments and like you're a girl. You don't know what you're talking about, you're Derrick. Oh, these these I'm throwing some Aussie slang at you man like you. 

Dave: Right right right. Yeah. And he's like, looking up like the words like what is pokey mean what is on the on the right,

Simon: You know, but it's, that's hard but at the same time, I'd rather not have to scrub the grease out of my hands. For the, you know,

Dave: And kids don't understand man you know like when you have worked for you they you know they don't understand and quite frankly they don't really care, they just want to spend time with you.

Simon: Just play Nintendo with me man, like, yeah, that's yeah.

Dave: I, you know, I, I'll say it just in case anybody hasn't heard it, You've got to pick your heart, you know, being being being broke is hard and be in a work in a job for a boss that you hate is hard being poor is hard, it's hard. It's really hard, and being successful being wealthy is hard too, it's hard in a completely different way. Both, but there are similarities. Both require a lot of work. It's different work though. For me, the work is very different today than it was 10 years ago, 1112 years ago when I was so broke I couldn't afford to pay attention, you know I worked a lot harder back then. So you got to pick your heart, you know, I think for being broke in poverty. The hard thing is, it's both mental and emotional, it's also physical but I can promise you being successful. The heart is mental, it's mental, you know what I mean. So, so, you know, for me being poor means physical hard Ness, I got to be out there digging ditches, I got to be working in the sun 10 hours a day, I get to be eating shittier foods, you know what I mean, I gotta be sleeping in a shittier bed. Right, I gotta be sleeping in a bed that's uncomfortable that has springs poking through it, that's how you sleep springs broken through it. I remember sleeping on my mattress that was just laying on the floor. When I was starting, when I started this internet marketing journey my mattress was on the floor.

I’ve got like, 30 new crates with zip ties in the mattress, and I'm like, it'll do for now, but it doesn't have to be forever you know I can change.

Dave: Now, one of the things I value most is my Sleep Number bed. You know, it's a $10,000 bed where I can adjust the frickin firmness and my wife can adjust her. It's, those are the things right. A lot of times we don't understand. We don't really realize what it means to have money, how does the quality of my life improve? The reason why we don't know that is because we've never experienced it before. Right, so we can't even imagine. Wow, what it's like to sleep on a bed that has the ability to adjust its firmness by a, you know, just, just, you know what I mean I mean, just a couple of of whatever you would call it I don't even know, know what the fuck, I mean, but, you know, or to eat a better food just uh but not have to eat McDonald's every day or, you know, I mean just to feel better, you know, to be able to pick up we have Uber Eats I don't know if you guys have that over there but I have a clean, eat this this food, it's $10 a meal but it's it's they deliver it right to the door. I never have to worry about whether I'm going to, you know, the delivery fee, you know what I mean. So I can just keep working, you know, The food just comes to the door and then I just eat a clean meal, and if I was to me that shitty greasy ass meal which I do sometimes. I got to ship for 24 hours, you know,  I'm, you know, I'm blowing up, you know. Yeah. So, but so I think that, that, you know, the quality of life that we I was talking about the hardness how the heart it's hard to be poor, but it's also hard to be successful and wealthy, that we have to choose our heart, which, what, what have what hard do we want. And and and I, you know what I, what I suggest everybody do is get real, get real loose with your money when it the beginning, right, because I think for me, the more successful I've got the more I've had to be smarter with my investments in my money and I don't want to get too flippant with just blowing money because then I end up like an athlete who played, you know, sports, and now is broke, and that's a lot of like professional football players and stuff. There's a big one, people who win the lotto they win the lotto but then they don't know how to manage their money so they end up broke, but most of us are, are tight with our money in the wrong place or the wrong time. You can't be tight with your money. When you're not successful, and I know that sounds, What the hell are you talking about Dave, but, but you can't be on a on a on a budget, all the time when your show broke because then you're afraid to invest in things that can expand your mind. Now here's what I mean, go and stay at the nicest hotel in your town for one night. In the next 30 days, that should be a goal that everybody has. So you can only experience, what is it like to be in a room, to be in a building, to be in a bed. That's the best money can buy. Right? to eat the food. That's the best money can buy. Because if we never experience what that's like, then you only always know what you have. And so you don't have anything that you're, you're actually striving for, what actually you know sometimes we just want to get rich, but what can getting rich get us? Right. And so, there's one thing which you mentioned which was the reading of the books and expanding our mind and beginning to see the world and ourselves differently, but then there's also another thing of, of going to a car lot and sitting in a Mercedes Benz, or sitting in a Rolls Royce, don't just look at it on the internet. Go touch it, feel it, smell it, experience what it's like. And now you get to see the difference between what your life can be like, and the quality of your life. Go into a Sleep Number store, lay on the bed, order one, a bed that has a 90 day beyond 30 Day roof. You know how some of these things are like the mattress sending it back. Order the goddamn thing, and send it back just sleep on it to know what it's like to experience better quality, and definitely think is a life changing thing it's one of the reasons why we do our masterminds in 20,000 square foot mansions, because when you walk into a home light, you never know what you, what you have until you know what somebody else has, right when you walk into a, what you don't have into your experience or somebody else has. When you walk into a 12 thousand square foot mansion, and you look around and you experience the kitchen and you experience game rooms and you experience just what it's like to just live, or just hang out in that house for a day. It changes everything. Right, it changes because you know what you don't know, it's just, it's an exercise of expanding the mind, and having, you know, something that you're actually striving for, versus just this arbitrary, I want to make more money, or I want to just, I want to just stop working for this boss a lot of times we're running from things I'm and we're just trying to get away from pain, but we never give our Tan's self a chance to actually dream for something pleasurable. 

Simon: That said, this makes sense to me. I think it's like, you know, in the cycle, I'd say like my upbringing and experiencing what I know. Yeah, my mom was always, she was horrible with money she wasn't she wasn't the best with money, My dad, not so much, and the book, like ask yourself who taught you about money.? Yeah, right. I take a look at my parents and I'm like, yeah, they taught me and they're like how good they were with the money. I'm not very good. I'm like, Okay, so maybe I need to have financial work. I started learning, developing my financial IQ.

Dave: So I'm going to talk to you about money. One of the powerful questions. What a powerful question. It's true. If you look back at our history, if we look back at our childhood, all the answers are there. They really are. I mean, I mean, a lot of times you know like when you're fixing a car or fixing something at the warehouse of formula, or something, you know you backtrack okay what's, what's happening and then you go back and you kind of reverse engineer and you say, Okay, well the, it's not going it must be something with the hydraulics and then it's like, you backtrack it, and you work kind of backwards to try to find the problem, right, in the same thing, I believe we can do with ourselves, right, it's like okay, I have this, you know, I have this kind of tightwad budget, you know coupon cutting hoarding money, you know, thinking that everybody's trying to get it from me or I got to, like I said before I've got $1,000 I need to protect it like it's the only money I'm ever going to get. It's like, Who did I learn that taught me that, who taught me that. Think about money like that who taught me to think about abundance and lack right who taught me to have such a lack mentality. When, When, when the government is printing money, when there's people that are making 1000s of dollars an hour, when there're people who are making, I mean imagine making 5, 10, 15, 20 thousand a day, forget a month. Imagine making it a day. There's so many millions and millions and millions and millions and millions of people who're just there every day, just existence, every day whether or not $20,000- $50,000 just drops in their bank account. What because they have a business, a system you talk about the Cashflow Quadrant, they're on that business they have people and systems in investments that are working for them. Right. And then it takes time to get there right but I mean, that reality that's April's reality. So imagine growing up around somebody like that which your kids can as you continue to grow and you know you can give them a different experience. But imagine how much more abundant thinking they'll be.

Simon: I didn't understand assets and liabilities, but can be understood, and that's even, you know that goes further into it but it's so simple, the way it's explained in that book, were, like, the general outline is just understanding the difference between an asset and a liability and investing more in assets than you would liabilities, and I'll just say like I was one for years spending, getting the latest Jordans or the latest Nike TNT. You know all the, all the shoes and collect and then I was like, how am I doing this, and this is like four years ago. And then, my own personal, you know I lost money here and lost money there are lost parents, you know, big things big life changing things happen in my life and I was like, Holy shit, like, I've got two males two females I gotta figure me why am I wasting money on shoes for. And then, you know, the financial education started coming into it and then obviously, I'm like, oh, what's the acid, gonna put money in my pocket, or liabilities. Let's take it out, and it's like it comes down to it CSL is powerful. They say knowledge is no longer. They say like, they say knowledge is power, but I read this the other day thinking I would grow rich, but when I read it like two months ago. And in saying no, knowledge is only potential power. When you have a direct plan of action and like it just, you should see me in a way of me and I do, I do the voice. Constant every single conversation I can get into the we're talking about like, yeah, to better themselves, I'm like yo man you can either bury yourself in a 15 day challenge when you can do this.

Dave: Well keep up the great work, bro. We'll definitely have you back and keep us updated on your journey. 

Simon: Okay, and, like, yeah, just just just keep the fire blazing bro. All right.

Dave: Appreciate your time. Alright my friends go follow this guy okay he needs the support. This guy's fired up and ready to support you as well. This is what it's all about. All right, I look forward to having those of you who also want to put this knowledge into action because knowledge is really only power when you put it into action. And have you guys on the show as well to, to share your story in your experience, once again, massive shout out to Simon go follow him there's his tick tock right there Simon side hustles. Give him a follow, support his stuff, lift him up like his stuff is common and stuff. As I say, every day, that's the best way that you can support others but also support yourself by putting out that positive energy and lifting these people up. Got the comments blowing up for love for Simon. Appreciate all his work, and what he shared, Especially being up at midnight, staying up at midnight, to be able to come on with us so we'll see you guys back here tomorrow for another episode. Get out of here, peace be legendary. Talk to you soon bye.

How To Monetize Your Passion For Music

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Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on, my friends, this is Dave Sharpe welcome to Wake up Legendary. I've got a quick announcement for everybody. In 2020 people were not able to come to any of our masterminds because well quite frankly we didn't have any. We have dates scheduled, if you have a mastermind ticket for this particular event, turn your mess into a message that's going to be the theme for this particular mastermind, and it's going to be happening September, 9, 10th and 11th. All right, so as you can see right there. This is an exclusive limited t-shirt. We're going to be giving them away. Okay, so not here to not here to sell merch, just to make that announcement so we sent an email out over the last couple of days, we'll be sending more out over the, you know the next couple of weeks. It's first come first serve in terms of booking the slots, or the seats, and then we're going to be having another mastermind if you can't meet. Make the September 9 10th and 11th, December 3rd, 4th and fifth now remember this is for those of you who have purchased a mastermind ticket or took us up on our blueprints and mastermind deal as you're going through the challenge or as you were coming into Legendary Marketer you saw us. Hopefully you saw us make an offer for you to get all of our blueprints and mastermind tickets, you know, for that kind of bundle deal anyway. Turn your mess into a message, baby 2021 Okay 2021 September, 9th, 10th and 11th that we're going to talk to somebody who actually I think is selling a little bit of merch. With that being said, I'm going to this girl's gonna, we're going to, we're going to go into all the details, she's going to be a really cool and exciting guest with that being said, Bre, welcome to the show. Hey, what is going down, how are you and where are you calling in from?

Bre: I'm good. I am currently in Tucson, Arizona, that's where I live right about now.

Dave: Nice, nice so you are doing some interesting stuff you've been starting this, you've started this affiliate marketing business. In May of 2021, so this year so May June July, and we're basically about to move into our third month now, like doing this. We also have a full time job, give us a little bit of, like, who you are, in a nutshell, and what led you to Legendary Marketer and and just let us get to know you just in kind of a two minute drill here. All right, cool.

Bre: Well, I'm originally dated with a degree in diagnostic medical sonography which is just a really fancy term for ultrasound. And then I got hired at a clinic out here in Arizona. In 2018 So I've been out here since then, I started TikTok in 2020 like when pandemic broke out. You know, I just got on there for fun and I started my personal page. I had no idea how it worked. I was just posting like crazy videos and I'm obviously obsessed with country music specifically Morgan Wallen, and I was that guy has gone through so many scandals 2020 It's not so like, yeah, like my videos have just blown up because I was just making like, you know, hilarious videos referring to, like all this stuff and give it like a baby like the poor dude had a rough year.

Dave: Basically the videos that you were making in 2021 were about this, this country music singer named Morgan so like a lot of your content was about this is, this guy.

Bre: Yeah and it's just like, like I just left a joke around and mess around and age like I didn't know anything about trends I didn't know anything about hashtags I didn't know anything. So I was just making these videos it's been crazy and my friends would be like you're so funny like that's good stuff, but when I talk to other people like maybe I’m funny.

Dave: Right, right, it's like it's like you live your whole life going I'm the funniest person I know it's about time people notice right.

Bre: My mom thinks I'm funny like that. But, my page blew up so big. Considering that, I'm just an average person like I have like 30,000 followers on it. And that's not reposting consistently, it's not from interacting with people and I had known then what I know my page would be so much different than marketing unknowingly this whole time for Morgan wallet. If I could have been making so much money because I was by like Morgan Wallen, coffee table I have a coffee table I have coasters I have all this stuff and

Dave: Hold on a second let me, let me. Your microphone is kind of like being off your shirt or something and I think it's still then, is that better yeah well either take it off, or hold it still. Yeah, because it's kind of like going boom boom boom.

Bre: I'll just hold it because it's connected to my earphones and I don't think I'll be able to hear you well and that's okay. So, I was actually marketing without knowing it and I just wasn't making any money, because I was posting all these cool things and I was finding and these videos are blowing up like getting hundreds of 1000’s of views, and I mean if you could do the math and you figure you know people are asking me for links, they were like, where did you get this Where did you get this, and I was just giving that the link and I was just like, hey, like check it out. And then, you know, come to me and I find affiliate marketing, obviously Legendary, and I'm like, holy moly, I could have been making money, this entire time. And so yeah I started doing that and then I fell in love with Legendary I fell in love with you know the mindset change because right out of school, I was making a lot of money like I made pretty good money, but I had never had money before in my life, and so I didn't understand how to use money, and that was so important, and I definitely got into debt extremely quickly because I never had money before and now I have all this money and now I think I read it that this wasn't the reality. And I think for me the biggest thing I've got here at Legendary besides all of these awesome tools and resources and skills. It's just a mindset change, like no matter how much money you have it's not going to matter if you don't know how to use it properly and if you don't understand, like to live within your means and things like that so that's kind of where I'm at.

Dave: Yeah, well that's great and that's one of the reasons why I don't personally do a lot of flexing on the internet or within this community, Even though I have the ability to do so. I thought that was fun. See these kinds of things you know what I mean to where you, you, you drop a dad joke or something and then you look at your kids and your wife and nobody's laughing and you're like, I thought that was funny. So, like because there's such a huge flex culture, online, and in the entrepreneur space, you know, over the last couple of years, we've all been on Instagram, particularly Instagram has been, been the worst for the flex culture, but you know, we see private jets, we see we see we see exotic cars, we see iced out jewelry we see all this stuff. And we think that that is success, like that's like I gotta look like that, and I gotta have those things to be successful. So, when we get a little bit of money, or we get a credit card, we go we spend on on drip right clothes on jewelry on all this stuff early in the game cars, houses, and before we know it you know this dream of entrepreneurship of building a business, or even having a good job is now a nightmare. And so it's a great thing that you bring that up because that's not just a problem in entrepreneurship, that's a problem in society because once you turn 18 You start getting bombarded with credit cards, as well as student loan debt, and you could graduate call, I mean, most of the time you do graduate college, with six figures in debt.

Bree: Yeah, yeah, for sure, and it's funny that you say that because I was actually thinking about going to school. I would have my lifelong dream to be a doctor, and that mindset has changed completely. See, like entrepreneurship has changed my mind for what I really feel like success, is it's definitely not about the money anymore, it's not about the house or the car, it's about like what I'm worth towards now is like, I would love for this to like business to blow up and I could you know quit my job tomorrow but even if that doesn't happen. I just want to come to the point where it's like okay maybe I only have to work two days out of the week, or maybe I'm like you know I want to have that freedom, More than the money, and I think you like just having that mindset of recognizing your freedom is so, so much more than money.

Dave: Yeah. And I think that living in America anyways we have a lot of freedom that we don't realize that we have, and is all we have to do. We start traveling, and we kind of, you know, we take our problems back and say, I'm grateful for my problems. I don't want other people's problems. But there is, there is another level of freedom, right, because, because as much as, as much freedom as we do have just to kind of move about freely and live where we want and kind of do what we want, say what we want right the freedom of speech and all these kinds of things that we have the freedom to bear arms all these all these rights. There is another level, you know, there's levels to the, to the freedom game. And I think that's something that a lot of people are kind of shocked by when they're exposed to a community like us, where we're like, for me personally, I've not. I wouldn't even know what to do with myself driving into a job, or having to go somewhere for eight hours a day, or, or sitting in traffic like I haven't done that in so long. And just detaching now there's nothing wrong with that because I did that for a period of time, because I had to get to where I was where I was going, but there is there is a there is a there is a whole new world sort of waiting for people to kind of discover when they are their skepticism and they lower their pessimistic attitude about what's possible and just,

you don't have to be a super duper positive person positive thinker. It's just, were you ever skeptical, or did you just not know this world existed.

Bre: I was always wondering how like people were making money online, like I've always wondered that and I just didn't know how they were doing it, and I've had people tell me like you could be one of those influencers, I'm like, I know I'm just a regular person like I didn’t even know I would get started and so whenever I first came across Legendary It was obviously on TikTok. Yeah, I was super skeptical and whenever, even when I started the seven day. I mean the 15 day challenge, I actually locked my card. So that like no other charges could be

Dave: For real you thought that there was going to be just like just we're going to start kind of dinging your card. 

Bre: I just thought it was too good to be true, you know, like I just had that mindset, I was super skeptical about the program I was super skeptical about the process and chinos obviously I went through the challenge and I was like, Well, I'm going to give it a shot, you know, I'm going to try and see and sure enough it worked like, it would just, it blew my mind because it just, it works, and I couldn't believe that it actually worked. So yeah, I was super skeptical about it and just seeing the opportunity that is here online, you know, it's definitely changed my mindset of my life direction. Absolutely.

Dave: So, let's talk about what kind of you're what you're doing. You, you, in, you're not, it doesn't seem to me which I don't really know yet, really what you're doing. Because, I mean, for those of you who are new to the show or whatever like there's not a big interview process, I don't. I didn't even talk to Barry before we went live, I just said hey how you doing and so I'm learning right along. Everyone else here is listening and I think that's one of the cool things about the show is that there's no prep, and there's no script, and you could say some crazy stuff. I would have no control over it, I would probably respond and shoot the shit with you and figure out where you're going with it right but. But what exactly are you doing, how have you turned this hobby on? This passion. Now, how have you begun to monetize it in your own really cool and creative way because that's what I want people to hear today. Is that you, instead of looking at what everybody else is doing and trying to sort of follow the crowd and really get this kind of big comparisonitis that we all have kind of naturally I think we all want to kind of be with. I feel like it's a natural thing and I'm only saying that because if you feel like you're wanting to look at other people and see what they're doing and do what they're doing, I just want to let you know it's normal, something unique here So walk us through what you have done, and kind of how you're doing and so we can kind of understand a little bit more.

Bre: Okay. Absolutely. So, um, the first thing that I noticed is on Morgan Wallens page, he actually doesn't have an email list, like I've put my email into that. Well, maybe they just didn't get my emails, like I don't know. So then I talked about on his website or his Yeah, on his on his personal website, you know, and people are always like, What is he doing what is he doing I'm like okay, so what if I build an email list and just give them updates because I'm obviously paying attention to what this guy is doing anyway so I'm obviously you know, doing all these things so I kind of built an email list of quite a few people. And then, you know I just honestly like there's so many affiliate programs obviously Amazon's a big one but like Etsy has an affiliate program, and I didn't even know about that so many cool things on Etsy. There's so many different places that have affiliate programs that I had no idea about until I started researching them. And so I started applying, and then I would send out a few emails like Hey guys, this is what he's up to today, this is the things he's doing and hate, by the way, check out these cool other things that I found right. And so sure enough, I'm sending out those emails. Those people want the emails they want to know what this guy's doing these people are crazy they put up billboards in Nashville when he got banned from the CMAS hey these people just want links. I'm in a Facebook group, with the Morgan Wallen fan page. These are literally asking for you to find things that they want. So, all I had to do was go on the internet find things that they want make sure they have an affiliate program, and share it with these people so it wasn't a lot of times it wasn't necessarily that I was just out there like throwing my links at people, people asked me, Hey, he would, you know, where did you find these things. And so yeah now I do that a lot through my email list. One thing I did have my other TikTok page banned and I was almost at 10,000, which is super disheartening, but that actually shifted my focus to maybe building a more permanent platform because now I see that the process works, and I see that, obviously it's successful. So that's been my focus the last month, as I am actually super interested in blogging, it's a really really really hard thing to start. It's not easy, but as I've been giving a lot of my attention and time to that because I want to build a platform that is my own that nobody can ban, nobody could take down, you know, a God forbid that my other pages get taken down or something happens on YouTube or whatever, right, like I want to have something that is mine. No one can take it down and people know where to find me. 

Dave: And some of the most successful sites like for example, back when I was doing network marketing. Back in the day, like these new sites like MLM Help Desk and business from home, they were sort of, they were the, they were the news. they were the, they were the. They were sort of the bullhorn, right, that communicated that news about the industry. Similarly to news channels, who, when you want to know what's going on in the world or you want to know what's going on with the president or you want to know what's going on with you don't go to whitehouse.gov, you turn on your TV and you let that station communicate those things to you, right i mean that's tip I'm not saying use personally but just society does. So I think we underestimate the power of having that hub, and even that website to wear on a specific topic, particularly with this sort of kind of strategy to where you're communicating news about an artist or a musician, or somebody, or, or a sports team or something. This is a, this is like the true definition of niching down. Right, so a lot of people might think okay hey I love country music I'm going to get into country music. But the real power. I think that you're showing us all and teaching us all right now and reminding us of is the power of super niching down like niching down all the way to a specific artists, because the contents that much more potent, because it relates to a specific person and even as you said in 2020 He had a bunch of drama.

I mean that's like to say because I so if you can find an artist or a musician or somebody who has a lot of drama, who has a lot of things going on in their life, who's not just cute, who's not just to somebody who we all like to look at or like them grow their family but who's going through divorces who's having kids who's having I mean like Drake would be a good example, like Drake is somebody who he had the kid who was sort of a secret there for a while, and, and, and then he finally kind of let everybody know that he had a son, and they remember he brought up to the music awards here just recently, and everybody got to see like him kind of walking beside his dad and I don't know, I'm sure this boring guy is much more interesting than Drake is but that would be a good example of somebody who you already know 10s Or hundreds of millions of people around the world, like this person. Love this are obsessed with this person, and if you can become the go to hub for news for drama for like TMZ for show dates for appearances, where they were spotted at what talent they might be in right now today because you looked at an Instagram picture and Instagram story and identified that you know that was this Seattle tower, you become almost like a stalker right, but people love that because they want to stop these people they want to potentially go and catch them coming out of the studio somewhere, and these are the type of fans that will go and drive hours to just maybe get a glimpse of it am I, am I hitting the nail on the head right now?

Bre: Oh heck yes these people, myself included, are bonkers. I can't even tell you the amount of money they're willing to spend on this man is just insane so yeah if you could be that middleman, on whatever.

Dave: It could be like you said sports teams that's huge to like have blinders on a sports team, what about that, that's even more niched down, right?

Bre: Yeah, this, I mean these scandals all the time like I mean, obviously now it's past like a rod would have been a crazy one like right when he was going through all his scandals. There's so many things that people

Dave: Like, they may follow your Britney Spears right. She's going through this whole thing to where she's trying to get her life back right now. And if you became obsessed, like say you were Britney Spears fancy you're already interested, but like that's somebody who I'm sure a lot of people are sleeping on right now that's just one that popped in my head.

Bre: Oh yeah, that's huge right now I can't tell you how many like posts, it's like free Britney right, okay. But, but definitely I think finding, and then another thing too is, I've made a lot of friends with these people right so I built this page and I share similar interests with these people so when I share things with them it doesn't seem like I'm trying to make money off of them. To them it seems like, oh, brief on this really cool thing, she wants to share it with us. So focus on building a lot of relationships too, and the money is going to come later, you know.

Dave: Yeah, no, so I like how I like you. You've. So would you say that you've positioned yourself as, like, the number one fan, or would you say that you've more positioned yourself as somebody who communicates like what's going on with this guy. What would you say kind of if somebody was to describe you who followed, or maybe who's bought some merch or something from you. Like how would they describe you?

Bre: I think initially it would have been the number one fan, but it's definitely transitioned now to like the news center, more or less my email list is more so where I share a lot more detailed things obviously my TikTok is more like the entertaining thing. So I would say now it's more they come to me like hey, what's, what's going on and Morgan like we had heard everything and like Well dude he's been off the radar, you know like his sister actually followed me on Tik Tok. I was blown out like if they know me, they know. Right. Yes, I would say that they come to me more so just for like news but also they view me as a number one fan. He hasn't reached out to me to like give me backstage passes or anything like that yet which I'm really like, come on dude,

like, come on. But, yeah, I definitely think that it was initially number one fan but now it's transitioning more to like a news resource because he doesn't have an email like he doesn't have any updates going out.

Dave: Do you think that you have a part of you that is, is potentially hoping, or open to, if he and his team reached out, or his team reached out for you to come in, maybe onboard him as a client or work, or have him hire you, I mean is that, would you be open to something like that?

Bre: That thought has actually crossed my mind a lot and a lot of people have asked me that they're like, What would you do this team reached out to you, you know because you're actually doing a lot for him like right now, you know you are marketing for him not only his music but obviously his merge and other things like that. What would you do and then like, well, I have the skills out like I know how to do these things now thanks to legendary but yeah I think I would actually do that and like I love country music to be able to do something like that. Amazing. I think it's a huge opportunity for me. You just never know what's going to happen. And so, I haven't gotten that email yet. 

Dave: See, I, even I mean, I think that's just the tip of the iceberg for what's, what's like your potential and the opportunity for you now that you kind of understand how to navigate these platforms and you understand kind of the psychology of a, of a target customer because that's ultimately like what you've learned in, in, I think the one of the easiest ways to understand a target customer is, is kind of, is kind of be that target customer first. And that's exactly what you were and I think a lot of people miss that. I think a lot of people, for example, you guys. Many of you came in and wanted to learn how to make money online, I mean I would think that that's why the majority of you're here or else you love this, this, this beautiful baby face showing up every day I don't know what it is, but I mean it could be, it could be my good looks, I just don't think it is, I think most of these people want to build a business online. And what I think a lot of, a lot of us miss is, is just looking at what drew me, like, what did I like, what would How would I like to be communicated to like what message resonated with me. Did you do, did you and do you have that awareness to stay to both speak to your audience like you'd want to be spoken to, and how are you staying connected because I think sometimes we'll move we become the creator and the communicator is sometimes marketers get they get far away from, who they're talking to. One of the reasons why I do the show is because personally I want to stay connected and attached to my target client, right. You are somebody who I love to market to people happy you've got a good personality or we're super grateful. But in general, somebody who wants to build a business online. Do you understand what I'm trying to ask here, like how, how are you? How are you working on improving your understanding of psychology? And what do you think has worked so well I guess to be able to connect your writing and your emails in your, in what you're saying on your videos like, what do you think is, what do you think is your kind of secret sauce that's resonating with people and getting them to kind of know like and trust you?

Bre: I think just being like I said just being friendly and being myself, these people that are on my talk page have followed me on Instagram, that we actually have exchanged phone numbers like a lot of these people I know on a personal level. And so obviously I can't be in 3000 places at once so going live definitely getting to know people over live, you know, in the Facebook group, a lot of people messaged me and say hey, like I've seen your videos are so funny, like, do you have an Instagram and so they know how I speak they know my voice they know my personality. And so, when I write my emails, or when I'm posting videos or whatever, I try to stay within this spunky, like high energy vibe, that is me, like, I know that's not everybody, but that is me and that's how these people know me, and so on my page. Yeah, sometimes I post a few personal videos, they usually don't do as well because that's not like what my page is about. But I want these people to know me and know who I am and know my personality, so they're so they know me, you know, it's like, like branding, kind of, you know like, yeah.

Dave: So yeah, I mean, no I totally get it and I think that's really important. I think that's kind of like, I think you could do it either way. So any of you who are listening who are kind of having kind of thoughts come, I think you could do it either way. I think you could do it without showing your face at all like totally behind the scenes like I really, I know that that's possible. I've seen it done before. Of course, you know, it's hard to kind of connect with those people and get them on shows and stuff because they are literally behind the scenes and nobody knows who actually kind of runs the business. But I do think the way that you're doing this is the perfect combination of about 90 to 95% your topic and then sprinkling in bits and pieces about yourself, maybe even 90 to 97% your topic, because a lot of what people in, I'm a good example of that to people will connect with you, not because you're constantly talking about yourself in your personal life but just because of the way that you deliver your content, you know, you build connect with your quirks and that's one of the things that I, I really constantly try to remind all of you about, is that like you got so many of you, all of you have your own unique personality. It's beautiful, it's cool, it's funny, I know some of you are sitting there thinking you're beating yourself up thinking, No I don't. Right. And if you turn that frown upside down and get out of your pessimistic

glass half empty beating yourself up mode, we can, we can get to this place where you'll admitted you know that you have, you're a special type of snowflake, right, you're a unique person. And the more you bring that out, the more that you kind of, that is your brain. Breathe. What are some of the kind of things that you do that are quirky, that you know that people like about you, and that is one of those kind of intangibles, it's not just the content about this guy Morgan, but it is certain things that you do or the way that you do them and now maybe even you do them intentionally because you've realized people like them about your kind of know you for those things, you're smiling is something specific coming up for you?

Bre: I don't know if there's anything in specific but like on my page I'd actually like to do a male, like makeup of Morgan Wallen, which was just like, painted on moustache and like I made myself a mullet and he wears it like an earring. And that was hilarious, in my mind and I was like, oh my god like there's nobody that nobody sees this and then it blew up, it's like, and then you know people are like, oh my gosh like do another Morgan skit, you know, and I like, okay, like I look like an idiot, but that's the thing is like I grew up in a really small town so I had, like, oh my goodness, like what are people gonna think of that and I realized there's crazy people out there just like me that like this and think I'm funny and like me as a person, and, and just who I am at the end of the day, and you're going to find those people online like you're going to find your tribe, you're going to find the people that love you for you. And so I would say that just, they know that I'm crazy and I honestly would post pretty much anything these skits are just hilarious, in my opinion, if you don't understand the scandals, you probably won't get the humor but you know I just think just being willing to put yourself out there and some people aren't as funny and silly but maybe you have a different story to tell, you know, maybe you've been through a certain thing in life. People will resonate with you and they'll connect with you, and sometimes you don't even know why, it's just, it's just who you are, but just being yourself and people see that and they love that. 

Dave: Yeah, I totally agree. So one of the things that I like about what you've done is that you basically have just like all the, like, basically said, kind of, I gonna try to be perfect with this, I'm just going to do this right, and I don't give a damn how it, like, looks like I'm not gonna worry about having a fancy website and all this kind of stuff to get started. And you basically just on your, your link bio have like links out to like, literally, like Amazon, like pages, right, it took for various products, right, this other one, the iPods case. Right. I mean it's just, it's literally just it's linking right out to the particular product and then this was Matt's favorite before we went live, you know the Morgan Wallen make Molyneux great again Flack, you know 1499 Every time somebody buys that you're going to get a commission because you've, you've used your affiliate, your Amazon affiliate link, and then you've got a little product site here it looks like on RedBubble to where, you know, people can order it looks like T-shirts and stuff and did you are in iPhone covers and stuff like that. And it looks like maybe these are designs that you made or something or had made and somebody, somebody can get them on a t- shirt or something. Is that right,

Bre: Yes I do, I mean there's a lot of ways to make money online. I definitely think affiliate marketing is one of the easiest ways after trying other ways. But yeah, I do a few print on demand things and I create the signs myself. Yeah, but obviously I think affiliate marketing is way easier and that's what people ask me like, what's the easiest way I like affiliate marketing.

Dave: Right. I mean, in your doing just affiliate marketing and like such a simple and easy way like you're not, you're just linking. I mean, in that particular way you could certainly ask you this, your email list, how are you actually getting people's emails?

Bre: Yeah, so I did have my ClickFunnels in my in my bio at one point but because I shifted my focus to building a website, I took that down, I've just left the links of things that I've made videos on, you know that had that are still trending like I still getting likes people viewing those things coming in every day. So I leave those links there so people can find them, obviously, but as far as the email list I did build it with my Click Funnels, but like I said I'm transitioning to a website or blog, where these things will be on there forever, you know, and so that's how I built the email list, initially but like I said I'm in a transition stage. 

Dave: So, yeah, that makes sense. I mean, I just wonder, even during this transition stage. Would it be suitable to, like, what do you have your email list in Aweber get response or something like that, 

Bre: AWeber.

Dave: Yeah, just to just to at least keep a link up with a little Aweber form that because AWeber, you can build little landing pages and Aweber as well, just so you can continue to collect email addresses, like, I just, for me, lead generation is the blood flow, it's the, it's the lifeblood of every business and I think a lot of times when things are working, and we want to grow to the next level I've talked about this the other day, we stopped doing what is working and what got us to where we're at right now because we want to grow to the next level. And I think my personal opinion now after doing this myself right and seeing just 1000s of other people. As we grow, we just want to make sure that we don't stop doing what was working and we can never ever underestimate the power of lead generation, it all starts with building your list with generating leads, and then curating those leads by sending emails and sending communication to them, you know, on a daily basis or regular basis. And so, anyways, I don't have to answer and you don't have to commit and I just wanted to throw that out there for you to think about to just at least tenue generating those leads because we just it's such a valuable thing to have somebody's email address, and even, you know, another thing that you could start is community. There's a product named community which is exactly what we use every day to send out messages. Okay. And you can get people to also text you so, so you can have your own personal number to where you can message alert list to where to where. And you can also allow you to respond back to people in this app. So it's kind of it's kind of a, it's kind of a, it's kind of a, it's kind of like an email autoresponder to where you can blast the entire list. You could also make like segments, so if you wanted, you know, if you wanted to segment down, you know, people who were interested in shows, or people who were interested in just general information or whatever, but most people just have one number one big list, it's easiest to do it like that. You could also set up, you know whenever somebody has a birthday you can send them out. A birthday video like it's just cool, it's another thing that you can kind of more own and control. I know you don't own community, but it's sort of like an email list, like you can kind of own it, control it, and it's not gonna get banned and deactivated because you're paying for it as well, and the prices are really reasonable so I'd invite you to kind of think about that maybe as well.

Bre: Yeah, thank you for that Dave I honestly didn't know that you could just put the little Aweber thing in there either like I'm really new to this. I am not like an expert. I get it like I don't know, I really do. I'm still learning so I appreciate you giving me those tips, because I had no idea.

Dave: Yeah, and I understand you wanting to transition into and have your own site. I think that when you lose an account you start looking around and going, Okay, What other shit can I lose. Like, what else can people take from me? And so you want to transition in, you know from maybe a click funnels to a blog that you own on your domain or you want, like there's like you start thinking about how can I, you know, if that's more of your strategy matches that as well, like your strategy matches having a blog and a website to where you can post more long form articles or post to where you can give more information and people can essentially read things sort of like they would read, read news on tmz.com

Bre: Yeah, I appreciate that and I definitely think about it because, yeah, I don't want to stop collecting emails.

Dave: You shouldn't. And I would, I would even potentially, I would even potentially, if I was you, I would take the links up at the top and I would just drive them directly to a landing page, and I would make some, some irresistible offer for them to opt in to that page, and then once they opted in, I would have links to all those products.

Bre: Yeah, that's definitely what I was doing at the beginning because I was like, Oh, you'll get email updates and people like it. People are crazy like they just want to know where he's at and that want to know that. So that's what I was doing initially but like I said, in this process of transition. It's a lot of learning to, you know, it takes time to like okay, sit back, okay what do I need to learn and what do I need to get going here. So that was definitely where I was going, that's how I built the email list initially.

Dave: How many emails did you generate so far?

Bre: I would say like 3000. 

Dave: Wow. You don't want to stop collecting enough from these people. I mean because they're so willing to give you their email address, and you could so easily, every day, send out an email, which would, if you want to blog you need to work on the written content. So on top of, and that's your whole business right if you're going to continue down this path of marketing to artists or musicians audiences, and you remember you could duplicate this right you could duplicate this win if you, and there's many out there. Other artists, musicians who have fanatical followings. But if you're going to be blogging right if you're going to be writing content on a blog, one of the best things you can do right now is begin to practice writing, and I know most people think well I know how to write, but writing succinctly, Clear, concise, and persuasively, with comedy humor stories sprinkled in is an art. It's not just a science, not just something that, oh, I'll do that when I'm ready. No, it's something that you work on and get better as you go. And so right now, if I was in your shoes, I would drive everybody in all of my content, just simply opt in to my landing page, and then I would offer all those free kind of swag and recommended cool stuff on the on the on the thank you page, but everyday or every other day or at a certain set time of the week, right, I would send out a weekly newsletter, or a daily newsletter, write daily, daily Morgan update whatever. And in that email, practice my writing tell the story deliver the news deliver the drama, whatever, but it also gives me an opportunity to make a call to action in put more product in front of these people's face every single day and it's proven, at least in my career, that people buy more from email than anywhere else. It's just for some reason, it's just like people go to their email to do business, I feel like, whereas they go to social media to socialize and scroll. I think we get lucky that people buy so much from social media. But, you know, it's just another place that you have an opportunity to be able to put something in front of somebody's face, and it's also easy if they can't do it right then for them to go back into their inbox, and pull up that email, and find it and follow through with what they wanted to do, like, bought, like maybe they're standing in line and they see the email, they wanted to buy that iPhone cover, but then they get called on, it's easy to go back to the email and pull up that email and find that link, versus go find that video that they saw on social media. Does that make sense?

Bre: Yeah. Yeah absolutely and I'm really green. I'm like a new baby, marketers, so all these tips are amazing. I really appreciate you sharing them with me.

Dave: Yeah, well, thanks for doing the initial work to make it so I could give you feedback. I mean, that's one of the biggest challenges in this in this kind of whole process here is that it's difficult to coach somebody while they're still on the bench but it's easy to coach somebody while they're on the field, because they're taking swings, you can step back and look at what they're doing, and for you to have met you know taking just absolutely this is what we talk about guys when we talk about taking action. Take, we all get tired of hearing, take action, pick action take action, but this is the, this is what can happen. Firstly, your dreams expand, you make money, you get results, you get excited to get fired up. But then also, if you're a, if you're in a community like this, you have stuff that we can give you feedback on. You know what I mean, which is like, that's how the whole coaching process works and I think the reason why people get burned out on coaching is because a coach needs a player. Yeah, you pay me to coach somebody who's on the bed so I think that that's the part that we play as clients and customers, it's sort of like I was talking to my therapist yesterday, I come to those calls who act as a coach for me. Right, I and I have multiple coaches I have a couple of my life right now, and I come to them, ready to work, and I come to them and I say this is what I've done over the past two weeks, and I come, I came to my man yesterday and said, Look, I made a commitment, two weeks ago, I didn't do it. I didn't follow up on it. Here's how I felt, here's why I think I did it. Here's the field that I had, and I want to bring it. I want to be accountable for it and work on it and process it, man. A coach can work with that.

Bre: Yeah, that'd be coachable. Absolutely. Yeah, and don't be afraid to try what they're saying, like, what's the worst that could happen, it doesn't work. Okay, well, you're exactly where you were before you tried it right. I mean, chances are it's going to work if you execute properly but I know I've stopped thinking about what could go wrong, but think about what could go right, you know like, stop, stop selling yourself short. 

Dave: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I mean, and taking responsibility, I mean, like I see so many people who, and I'm looking at one of the comments Suhana says I bought get rich quick programs but, and I'm not calling you out or trying to embarrass you, but it's like, what I learned is, and what I've what i've what I've like seen over 10 years in this industry is that most people buy things and don't do anything with them. You know, like, there's literally nothing that I've bought that I didn't learn something from, even if it was marketed as a scam yes thing and it was like it was mostly BS. Like, I still found something that I just like taking total responsibility for my success, not anybody else's responsibility to come to my house and sit next to me and coach me and get me up off the couch and point out things for me. Well, did you notice this did you learn this, did you see this did you try that, like that's my responsibility and that's the, that's the responsibility if I buy a gym membership, it's not the gyms responsibility to bring the equipment to my house, it's my responsibility to go to the gym and workout and nobody ever buys a gym membership and says, Yeah, I bought a get get ripped fast program and it didn't work like we don't do that, right, because there because gyms have been around for a long time, the internet's new and selling information is new and in this is, it's such a it's, it's such a typical common thing for people to say, well, in the easy thing to say, well I got scammed. Right. I don't have to take any responsibility if I say that right I could just blame it on you. Right. I bought your program, and I didn't do anything with it, and it's just, it was a scam. Right. It wasn't a scam I wasn't scared. I'll tell you what a scam. College is a scam. Taxes are a scam. Right, there's a lot of shit that you do every day, willingly your job in many respects is a scheme. You could look at it and say, I'm showing up to this, I'm driving, two hours, air each way every day to go and bust my ass, to you know make minimum wage. Well this a holes out on a yacht every other business skit right. We don't call it a skit, we call it a job. We're grateful to have a job, right. So, I mean, I'm going to get down off of my soapbox here, but, but, you know, I just I say all this to praise you, to praise you, to say, you did this, you went out there and took action, you're on the show because we noticed you because you're kicking some serious tail, and doing some cool stuff, and you hit me up and say, ou know what I want my $7 back, you know, I see people who literally call their credit card companies over $7 It's like you didn't get $7 worth of value. In the end, you couldn't, you want to refi you couldn't just email customer support, and just say, Oh well, but $7 back well I'll mail you a check. I'll put, I'll put $10 and quarter's in your house, like I don't want your $7 you know what I mean. So, well, I'm going to call my credit card company right now and get my $7 back. Who has time for that?

Bre: I have been amazed, like that's another thing too about going viral. I always feel like How cool it would be to go viral, you'll see how many miserable people there are in the world and it's just mind blowing. How many haters there are for no reason. So, yeah, definitely.

Dave: I love talking about making money online and I'm saying that I can show you some tips and tricks, but you don't have to buy my shit. You don't have to come in, sign up, I'm not coming to your house and say, pulling out a nine millimeter and saying, Cornell spent $7 Like, it's like, don't buy it you know who you are, you know that when you buy stuff, You have a tendency to be skeptical and look, he's just, look, I mean, obviously, this is 10 years worth of dealing with this and that's where this is coming from, it's not right I get fired up over this, but what I mostly get fired up over, is when I see somebody like you. Oh excuses, who just, it's like,

what, it's just like, you know, I want to do this. It's either I want to do it or not, I mean it's like, why waste your time completely complaining and bitching and moaning and whining. If you're not going to do anything with it just move on with it. The other thing I tell people is, Maybe you weren't cut out to be an entrepreneur, maybe this isn't for you. This isn't for everybody. We're not sitting around trying to convince everybody that this is easy. It's like this shit takes work, you have some hustle, you gotta have some hard. You clearly got that girl. 

Bre: Thanks Dave.

Dave: Well, any final words for the folks out there that are sitting on the fence today wondering if today's gonna be the day that I go out there and start kicking some major ass.

Bre: Yeah I would say just go for it, just, you have, you have nothing to lose, you have everything to gain. Don't be afraid of what people think about you, or what people say, just don't just don't hold back because the longer you wait, like, for, for me, obviously I lost a lot of money that it could have made, Had I acted sooner, but I just, I honestly was a little bit skeptical I didn't know if this was going to work, but don't wait, because you're going to, you're going to lose more money waiting, than if you just invest in yourself now.

Dave: Well, you are a rock star. And, yeah, I hope it's dude reaches out to you like asking me to come and work from, I hope you're like, Nah, bro. You know what I mean like I'm not even, like, all out, you can hire me. Right, but I got I'm running my own business here. I mean, I'm running my own business here, because you know that you got a lot of potential and a lot of opportunity that's ahead of you, just simply because of the way you approach things and the way you take the bull by the horns and start rocking it so, keep up the good work and let me know if there's anything I or we can do for you, and we'll have you back if you'd be willing to come on okay. Bre: Thank you guys so much, you guys have a great day. 

Dave: Alright see you Bre. 

Bre: Bye! 

Dave: Alright my friends go and follow her for sure you really, I mean just a rock star is so worth having in your network and learning from and getting a different perspective on how to build this business and do affiliate marketing. So, guys, again, what I said I threw in the shirt. If you haven't registered for the event and you have a mastermind ticket, go ahead and do that now. You can do that. We send out some emails where you can contact customer support, support at legendary marketer.com We'll see you back here tomorrow for another episode. Get out of here. Have a great day, be Legendary. We'll talk to you later. Peace.

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How To Balance Your Personal Life And Affiliate Marketing Business

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Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on, my friends, this is Dave Sharpe, welcome to Wake Up Legendary. I am excited for a returning guest today so you guys may know this gentleman. Some of you will be meeting him for the first time coming all the way from across the pond, from me anyways. Okay, he may be local to some of you, my friend, fellow marketer, a platinum affiliate here at Legendary and somebody who is crushing it and I'm very proud of James Neville-Taylor What's up my, my friend, my man, the legend, what's up?

James: What is up Dave how's it going it's awesome awesome to be here again, thanks so much for inviting me back, always good to see you my friend.

Dave: Hey man, it's a pleasure. It's a pleasure. So where exactly are you now? Where are you living? You were traveling there for a long time. And now you I think you've been home for quite a while because of a pandemic and so forth where, where exactly do you live?

James: Just near Cambridge in the UK at the moment I've been travelling around the UK obviously we haven't been able to travel internationally lately. But yeah, a couple of years ago it was all over the place, all over the world and hopefully all things going well, I'll be able to start that up again real soon. They've just opened the borders in the UK, not able to travel to the US yet that's what the biggest one I'm aiming towards at the minute, but shouldn't be able to get started traveling again real soon.

Dave: Yeah, you did a lot of traveling there and that's one of the things your business has afforded you to do. For those that don't know who you are, take us back in a nutshell, and tell us how you got involved online in the first place, and what attracted you to it and kind of just your kind of origin story.

James: Absolutely yes. To cut a long story short, I had a pretty messed up and troubled upbringing suffered a lot of different abuse, moving into a lot of different kids homes as a child, and pretty messed up, up in the kind of mid 20s Really, and when I was in 2017, I took an overdose, and almost died. And that kind of spurred me to want to try again after not wanting to try and kind of locking myself away for almost 10 years. It's led me to realize how much time I've wasted and made me want to try again so I jumped into digital marketing and jumped into affiliate marketing. And six months later I made my first commission in affiliate marketing. And within under a year from content arrival was actually a top affiliate for, for a certain company. And since then I have been at the top of it for a number of other companies, launched my own successful digital products as well, and configured around so far since early 2017.

Dave: So I want to point out a couple of things. First of all, he said he earned his first commission within six months, but now he is running and operating a multiple six or seven figure business here. And for those of you who are thinking that your business is not successful, and I really really want you guys to lean into this for a second. If you're thinking that if you're in your first month or 2 or 3 or 4 whatever it is 5, 6, 7 Whatever. And you've yet to get any results in at least what you would consider results money because results come in many different forms, but if you feel like you are failing, or that you are not going to be successful because you have not generated income, or earned a commission within your first six months, or plus. You're short changing yourself because listen to what the man just said, over the course of how many years has it now been James when exactly was that when you got started over four years now. James: It was January 2017 When I first kind of jumped into digital marketing I made my commission. I remember the day that I made the first commissioners the third of August 2017 So it was about six months, pretty much all I know.

Dave: And now you've earned well over a million dollars. You're top affiliate, you're creating your own products. And, and, and just think, just think that's always say, Don't quit before the miracle happens because just imagine, and this is something that is kind of powerful and humbles me when I think about what if I would have quit. What if I would have quit before I got that first commission result, whatever. Just imagine how different your life would be James just just just talk us through that for just one moment how different your life would be if you had quit before you had gotten that first sign of success and how many other people who are probably even listening right now who are potentially on the brink, you know, on the edge of quitting. That same way right before that miracle happens, could you just speak to that for a moment.

James: Yeah, I mean I can't even imagine how much different. My life would be I don't even know, who knows, I could have gone completely the other way I might not even be here anymore, you know, if, if I'd have with the way I was back then, if it's some setbacks and stuff, you never know I might not even be here anymore but I definitely know my life would be very, very different to how it is now I wouldn't be able to do all the amazing things that I've been doing traveling around helping my mom with like medical stuff and getting her the medical care that she needs, and other things as well so everything would be a lot a lot different and I've been an inspiration to many of my family members as well so it's not just my life has been changed, but with what I've been able to accomplish over the last few years I've also inspired a lot of people I've changed a lot of other people's lives. From my time speaking on stage and everything so it would be worlds different absolutely worth different to where I am today and that's, I think I want to speak to what you said a minute ago on the kind of instant gratification thing. And there's, there's a lot of people out there, especially in the online make money world there's a lot of people claiming instant riches, you can get rich overnight you can earn a million dollars with just like an hour a week. And although there is some truth to that point, once you've put in the work beforehand, like I just recently went to Devon with my mum for a couple of weeks, and I still earn well over 20 $20,000, over the course of a couple of weeks while I was there, even though I worked about an hour a week, while I was down there, but I put in 1820, plus hour days for the last couple of years to build that up to build to the point where I am now. Now I can take a month off and still earn multiple five figures a month, but I had to put in a heck of a lot of work more work than most people are willing to put in on a weekly basis to get to the point that I am right now so if you're willing to put in the work. What I'm saying is if you're willing to put in the work for six months for a year, even if you don't see anything for those first six months that first year. Once you hit that point when you start getting some results, you can then take your foot off the gas pedal a little bit and start enjoying yourself a little bit.

Dave: Yeah. And you've been able to do quite a bit for your mom. You mentioned your mom. I know that you've been able to help her out. What, what, what has that been like for you to be able to actually be a blessing to your mom to your family, like you've been able to do.

James: It's been absolutely amazing. I mean, some of the health care that she got in the past, like on the NHS and stuff like that it was not. It wasn't great, let's just put it like that so they kind of left her to kind of not, they kind of gave up on her and didn't give her the care that she needed. She didn't have physio and stuff like that so I kind of took matters into my own hands over the last year and I've been paying for, to get better to be able to get treatment and stuff like that so it's kind of given her a new lease of life so to be able to see that and be able to have a direct impact on that it's, it's freakin priceless.

Dave: Yeah. And I don't think that maybe it's just the case if people didn't hear it is that you're on the brink of basically suicide, You're, you're at rock bottom and I can certainly relate to that. Could you just speak for a minute so people kind of have an idea of, of exactly what what you were like or where you were at mentally, just, you know, four years ago or so when you, when before you started this journey, and of course I'm not asking this to say that, starting a business is any sort of supplement for getting mental health care, or support or doctors or therapists or medication or anything like that so I want to be very clear to all of the listeners, that's not what I'm saying. But I do want to. I do want you to speak to those who feel like there's just no hope, whether it be for their personal life for their business life and how you've sort of transformed that over the course of the last four years, and of course how a lot of that, how you've maybe figured out a way to use your business as a way to contribute to healthy mental health.

James: Yeah, I mean, when I was suicidal back in 2017 I kind of didn't find any joy in anything. I like I said I locked myself away for almost a decade, and my social skills were absolutely terrible actually back in 2017 I was so scared to even put a profile picture up on Facebook like literally I thought my self confidence was so low I thought people would make fun of me I thought people would joke about the way I looked. And I thought, I didn't have anything useful to contribute so I never posted anything original, never had any original thoughts or anything, and I was just really kind of beating myself up whereas it was all in my head. really but I was really beating myself up, self confidence was at ridiculous lows, and I just didn't find any joy in anything, I didn't think that I'd ever kind of feel any happiness again i i used video games for a lot of years to kind of supplement to kind of get away from the real world and kind of get lost in a make believe world and when that started not bringing me any joy either, like what is the point of living anymore. I just don't feel I'm almost numb, I don't feel anything anymore. But after that near death experience that kind of woke, a new, a new purpose for me and kind of made me realize, not how stupid that I've been but kind of how COVID to try and get over the struggles and stuff that I've been through, it kind of like just brought out a new side of me which I didn't even know that even existed anymore. But yeah, going through the actual transition of, when I first got into the market and it was a quantum leap from the first year, because of the results that I've been having because of putting myself out there. I have a saying whenever I speak on stage I always say, feel the fear and do it anyway, because if I hadn't have taken advantage of all the opportunities that I've got, like, kind of like the first time that I first time that I made a post on Facebook, the first time that I, and these may seem like small insignificant things to a lot of people but when you're that beaten down, even just making a simple post on Facebook or putting a profile picture up can be a monumental step to your growth. But all those first times are the first time putting a profile picture, the first time speaking on stage for the first time being on a, on a summit or a podcast or anything. They all were incremental steps to me growing as a person, building my self confidence, and being able to transform into the person I am today.

Dave: Yeah, that's, that's incredible and very well said. You know, we have a lot of guests on the show, who like using TikTok and stuff. And it's you, you didn't, you haven't, You're not even on TikTok bro. I mean, you're not. That's not the primary way that you built your list, and that you've generated traffic so before we get into some of the mindset stuff, the balance stuff that you're kind of learning about now as you're building a bigger business and you have more things going on in your life. Can you talk just for a second for those people who just think that one platform is the only way to have success online and you know everybody's kind of maybe gets a little bit kind of narrow minded with with kind of the blinders on and focused on one thing, you know, you've built your success before, or at least the foundation for your success before Tik Tok was ever even here, it wasn't even invented yet. As did I. Can you talk a little bit about what you did at the beginning, and sort of drove, how you drove traffic and even some of the things that you're testing and trying today.

James: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I have been tempted by TikTok because I see that there's a good opportunity there but you've got to remember you have to focus on what's working, don't get distracted by the next shiny thing, when you should be focusing on what's working right now. So I've kind of stayed away from TikTok because I've got other things that are working for me right now. And I got my start on Facebook. Facebook organic. When I first started, I spent. I've got a few credit cards out and I spent probably 10,000 on courses on this on trying to make stuff work. So I didn't have a big budget for ads. So my first, my first success was with Facebook organic so posting in Facebook groups, the right way obviously not spamming Facebook groups, that kind of engagement post on my wall and stuff like that. With Facebook, that was where I got my first start and then when I started to build up a little bit of recurring income then I started going to paid traffic. So we're on a lot of Google ads. I want to go to YouTube ads. And they're the two biggest platforms that I pay for on Facebook. Honestly, Facebook ads are a pain in the ass. Like, they, I've tried so many times with Facebook as they changed their interface every week. And they are just so confusing once you think you've got it nailed down, they change everything, they change rules and they're a nightmare to be honest. But the ads and YouTube ads are my two biggest ones that I've paid to play on and Facebook organic is my biggest one as well.

Dave: Yeah, that's that's that's cool, you know Yeah. Facebook is, Facebook. Facebook is kind of its own monster. I feel like Facebook is where I learned to advertise, and I feel like Facebook is kind of like New York City, like if you can make it there you can make it anywhere. Yeah, which is, which is kind of one of the reasons why, like we, in paid ads, even in our Blueprints, we kind of start people out on Facebook, because if you can, if you can learn and understand Facebook, Then you can advertise anywhere that that knowledge, translates over to Google, acknowledge translates over to Yahoo, Bing, YouTube, which is Google, but I felt that that was like really important for me to ask because, because, Guys, there's, there's millions of people on the internet, there's, there's, there's hundreds of different ways to generate traffic, you know, right now there's a, there's, you know, there's, there's a couple of platforms that are getting more attention than others. For example in our community TikTok gotten a lot of attention, but there's tons of different ways to generate traffic and that's really the name of the game, whether you're, whether you're, I mean, especially in affiliate marketing, but even if you sell your own course or products or coaching, it's generating traffic and how you do that is, is, is kind of the same way the only additional thing that you could do is you could you could you could have affiliates promoting your products for you, which is just another way to generate traffic once you've built your own courses. But, you know, you've now sort of, you've now sort of climb that ladder of doing affiliate marketing of creating your own courses of even having your own affiliate program and having enough streams of income, and in doing enough of the right things that you've that you've now increased your income, significantly, and you've got a lot more on your plate, and one of the things that I know that you're encountering now is, is, is having to be more decisive, with what you do say yes to having to be more, I guess Careful what you allow onto your plate, you just said, I mean that's a statement to say that I've said whoa to one of the hottest platforms to generate traffic in 2020 and 2021, because I'm focused on what I'm doing, because it's working for me. Right, that's a big statement that's that's how successful people are successful for those of you who are wondering, it's not looking at what everybody else is doing and saying, oh I have to do that and I have to be disliked them, there's a point at which you become the Ilan musk and you say, You know what, this has never been done before, or I'm going to blaze my own trail and in be different, right, and that's a little bit of what you've what you've done, but you're also encountering sort of now, figuring out how to balance, more, more money, more income, more people who want things from you as you've grown. What talk to us about the current state of some of your challenges and some of the things that you're, you're having to learn about and learn how to do to give those who are just beginning maybe an idea of, of kind of what's the common some of the, the new challenges that they might face as they grow as well.

James: Yeah, it's kind of like a balance you know it comes down to a certain point, you've got, you've got to decide what is best worth your time because as you grow as you get bigger. People will try and take your time from you. And you've really got to be careful with who you give your time to where you choose to spend your time because there was a point, actually, not too long ago. Towards the end of last year where literally, I found myself jumping on like 10 calls a day. I had like 10 different projects on the go, I had a Trello board, the size of New York. It was ridiculous how many things I had going on different projects, different stuff. What is the highest use of my time and what is going to have the most impact. And where can I be most productive so now I'm in the middle of building a team. I've got a couple of awesome team members who were to handle a lot of the stuff which I used to do manually. And a lot of new things are going on, which don't require me to be at the center of things so I had a struggle. Obviously, you heard a little bit about my story. I've been let down a lot in my life. I find it hard to trust other people. So I was trying to do 10s of dozens of different things when they could be outsourced, it was like, I know how to do this, I want to do this myself want to make sure it gets done properly so handing over the reins of that stuff but people can be really really difficult especially when you've been through stuff like myself, and you have, it's hard to hand over the reins to your business professional baby right it's you've spent all this time, kind of nurturing it and building it up to the point where it is right now. And then, when it comes to kind of stepping away it's really really hard to kind of give it to the babysitter, if you will, to, to kind of help it along so that's one of the biggest struggles that I'm that I'm facing at the moment. But the biggest struggle for me was, especially when I was growing was not comparing myself to others, you know like, you can't compare your step one to someone else's step 20 You know I used to look when I first got started online I used to look at other people and I was like why can't I be like them, why can't I be successful like them but they may be like 10 years into the business and you're like one year into the business, and I used to be really hard on myself, I was like, really really really really hard on my, my downfalls and my kind of struggles and stuff like that. Whereas, you are always going to be hard on yourself, you're always going to be putting yourself down a lot more than anyone else everyone else's kind of struggling with their own stuff, you can't really be that, be that hard on yourself and kind of compare yourself to others so much so that's that's kind of the things that I've been struggling with more than anything, recently, and especially towards the beginning as well.

Dave: Yeah, and I want to point out something just so people are clear. Now I want to do just a quick public service announcement, okay a lot of you guys are interacting here and commenting and I just want to just point out that there are people that, that build their businesses specifically by coming on our show, and trying to direct message, those of you who are interacting in here trying to learn, and then they slide into your direct messages trying to put our training down and, and then sell you something else, and they do it secretly. And they do it snake Aliy in your, in your direct message and I'm a capitalist I'm all for doing business with whoever you want to do business with, but just if you're new, and if you're naive about some of the people, and some of their intentions in this industry, that is all I'm gonna say is just be aware and be careful, if people are sliding in your direct messages secretly. Just be very wary. Okay, and be careful and protect yourself. Okay, here's one thing that I want to say that I want to sort of point out which is something that you touched on, which here at legendary we teach people how to sell information right through courses coaching and events, and then also starting out as an affiliate marketer. And one of the reasons why affiliate marketing is so powerful and so perfect for a new person, is because the only thing that you have to focus on is the marketing. You don't have to focus on team building, you don't have to focus on customer support. You don't have to focus on all of the other things that come along with doing the marketing, doing the product creation, the delivery, the customer support, and the customer happiness, I'll just call it right when you've got somebody who maybe is not happy or maybe it's just kind of a problem person who just kind of, is it just wants to cause problems or maybe isn't is generally kind of disgruntled with most things that they do. And that's kind of what I found is that, you know, there's not a lot people are not just unless you have a shitty product. People are not just unhappy people have patterns. And so sometimes we can even get hard on ourselves if somebody complains, but then we realize that they just are at kind of a generally disgruntled person and they kind of have patterns of being negative, and in putting the responsibility on other people in their life, and that's just kind of part of the business you have to learn how to not take it personal, but law, a lot of you guys are wanting to eventually create your own courses you're wanting to maybe have your own coach programs you're wanting to sell a course or a coaching program or an event for multiple 1000s of dollars and have your own high ticket products and programs and. And that's an awesome aspiration to habit, it's something that you have my permission to do it at any time you want. But one of the reasons why we, we recommend starting with affiliate marketing there's so you can just focus on that one piece of the business, which is affiliate marketing, selling somebody else's product because if you can sell somebody else's product successfully, then you're more likely to know that gene in the copy in how to structure an offer that people actually want to buy your more because you've because you've, you've focused on that area of the business exclusively for a significant period of time, whereas the moment that you go and now you are selling your own products and programs, all of these other departments, now suddenly are open right James yield suddenly they're like, oh shit, customer support merchanting certain product delivery, all this different kind of stuff, and hiring people is, is can be a challenge. I like to, I like to, you know, I have found James one of my, one of my best skills in one of my most valuable skills is finding the right partners and say I'm very careful I consider the people that I work with, essentially partners, and I try to treat them like that and I try to think of them like that and I, because really, really essentially I am partnering with them, and if you're smart, you figure out ways to make it, win, win, right, maybe, is an element profit sharing or paying them as much as you can pay them so they are doing what needs to be done. But, I found that one of my, one of my, most valuable skills is knowing how to find good people. And I think that that's something, James, that is a part of it can be, you know, kind of you're born with it but I think most of it. Most of it is really a learned skill. And I've made a lot of bad choices in the past, I've made some awesome choices here. More recently, and I'm really proud of the team that we haven't Legendary. But what I wondered if, if, you know, if you know the kind of trust issues that that you had, as you as you spoke about, you know, how are you learning to, what are some of the things that you are personally looking for all commented on as well but what are some of the things that you look for when you look for people to your team, and, and help build the business that you're building.

James: I totally agree with you, it is a learned skill. I've made a few mistakes with our team members as well. But the biggest thing that I'm looking for when I hire someone is loyalty and trustworthiness. I mean, skills, skills can be learned, as long as they've got a kind of adapted intelligence skills that can be learned, but they aren't actual, what's the word that I'm looking for, character, integrity. 

Dave: Integrity Yeah.

James: Yeah, That's, that's something that you can't teach no matter what you can't change someone's integrity, you can't change someone's character skills can be taught. Yeah.

Dave: I wholeheartedly agree with that, I, one of the things that the number one thing that I look for in somebody is, Is their integrity. What do they do when nobody's looking. And I like to gauge the first couple of months that I'm working with somebody. I like to really, really try to pay attention to how this person operates when I'm not looking. And what I found is that everything always comes to the surface. There's a saying that I love which is if it doesn't come out in the wash it comes out, rent, and, and that's been true. Every single scenario situation, and I've got enough experience now over a decade, with, with people that I've worked around and worked with that, that, that I, that I know that with enough time, whatever it is, whatever it is, I mean I've had people steal money, who were in charge in the accounting department I've had people who have ended up having wildly different personal built over into the business, and basically, we're, we're, we're, we're so big that I had to leave the relationship. You know, I've had people who abuse power, you know, whether that's just kind of a position to where they're like just mainly it's just when somebody who has insecurities gets into a position of power where they're in charge of other people, and they just abuse that power they just, you know, I mean, whether it's, I mean, I've had people who have, who have, you know, sexually harassed people that was an abuse of power, right, those are things that you now suddenly have to be aware of human nature. I've had people who, you know, just mistreat people, and sort of treat talk down to them or or treat them as if they're less than, because they're in more of a leadership position. So I've gone through a lot of these, these, these, these situations with people and that's why those first couple of months when you're working with somebody. It's so, so important in my opinion to pay attention to their level of integrity, how they operate, you know, What do they do when nobody's looking. And also, do they constantly need to be managed. Like for me, I don't like it. I'm not a manager, I've never been a manager of people, I like to lead people and I like to work with people. So one of the big qualifications for somebody to work with me and me to work with them is that I don't have to ask them to do things they kind of know what to do. Now if I want them to do something. I do take responsibility to be very clear about my communication and very clear about what I'm asking them to do and not beat around the bush or not, you know, expect them to read my mind. But the general things once we kind of get into the flow of things of operating the business and kind of what needs to be done. You know I don't want to have to, like, you know, I don't want to have to hold somebody accountable for doing the things that, and I don't want to have to hold people accountable for, for also brainstorming and thinking about new ideas and stuff like that, like I want people to be motivated to do that. Part of it is their nature, part of it is compensation, making it a win-win for them as well. And, and, and, and, you know, I can say that after 10 years, you know, I'm a lot better at it now that I was at the beginning, you know, I really, I would say James my picker was broken. At the beginning, I don't know if you can relate to that at all, but, you know, if you're smart, and you're aware you really learn from those experiences and you really begin to value different things and people like you, like you said.

James: Yeah, I've had a number of horror stories myself where people have changed their payment details to their own to try and siphon money off there's been people who've instantly had some very, very big personal problems like you say who've completely derailed customer support and everything you've had to do, then you've got a big mess that you've got to clear up afterwards and it's just your prevention is, is so important on that. You don't want to mess up.

Dave: Another thing that I've learned and I think this is important for all of you new marketers to hear as well is that I've realized that a lot more can be done with, with, with, with good people than it can be with more people. A lot more can be done with good quality, smart, like people who take care of themselves. I mean these are nuggets right here, letting all of you know because the majority of people think, to get to six multiple six seven figures you got to have, you know your team's got to grow huge, etc, etc. And, I've found that it's about quality. It's about good quality, smart people who have the characteristics and qualities that I've been listing out versus more, because what happens when you have more. A lot of times it's the 80% of the business that's generating only 20% of the results so now you have somebody who requires more management, more accountability holding hand holding etc. And they're working in a part of the business that's not generating the majority of the income anyways. Do you have any experience with that James or is that just something that you can put in your back pocket as you grow?

James: That's definitely something that I can put in my back pocket, I mean, the. I've always had, I think my maximum was three members of stuff at once so I haven't had too many. And I know it's quite lean at Legendary as well considering how big Legendary is you've got quite a small team for what you do so.

Dave: We’ve grown quite a bit. We've got 79 People now. Wow. Yeah. Yeah 79 People now. But you know the way in which we, the way in which we, you know 79 People for the size of the business that we are, is, is it's not unreasonable. And, you know, it's, yeah, it's, it's, it's, it was lean for a long time, and you know I think that for me, it's as important as James who I'm working around every day, as it is how much money I'm making. Now I know that's a, that's a bold statement, but it really is. It really is, it's, it's important, it's as important as I'm working around, I do not want. I can't deal with constant crises from people. I can't deal with people who can't take care of themselves. I mean I've just, I've done too much work on my own life, to get to a place where I've got my priorities in order. And I'm not in constant crisis in my personal life, that I just don't have time to, to do to to basically be somebody. It's not even about mentorship, it almost becomes a lack of boundaries at a certain point, you know, when, when you, when you basically allow somebody to continue to work with you around you. When they can't take care of themselves you know that's one of my expectations, is that I expect people to take care of themselves. And I talked about that self care piece quite a bit. It's one of the reasons why I like talking to you because you're big into mental health and stuff. So, sort of as we bring it.

James: I would say that working with who you work with is actually more important than what you do, you've got to be around people that you enjoy working with that you've enjoyed being around it's kind of like when you're, when you're at school right you had some lessons that you really hated, but they were all right if you were around your friends if they were if it was people with good people and then if you have a lesson that you liked it was even better when you were around good people, so it's kind of the same in your business when you're working with people that you love people that you like and get on with it doesn't matter what part of your business that you're doing as long as you're doing it with people that you get on with people that are good at what they do, then it's going to be infinitely better doing it right.

Dave: And you're gonna have more fun solving problems, you know what I mean it's kind of like being married like I feel, I feel like in a sense, this will be weird for some of you guys to hear but in a sense, I'm sort of married to some of the people that I work with in a business sense, you know, like we're, and like I've been in toxic relationships with people in work environments before. It's like, it's just as stressful as a toxic relationship in your personal life like marriage, you know what I mean. Like it's literally just as stressful. And so, you know Yeah, I think, I think, like, for if you think about my wife and I like we've been through crisis and we've been through a lot of shit in our in our marriage or in our relationship pre marriage, but now we're to a point to where we're not in constant prices we're not in crisis, hardly ever. And, and solving problems with my wife and things like that like dealing with our kids and how to take care of them and keep them alive and all of this shit, right, right, because it's kind of the bare minimum, some days, right, just keep them alive. Keep getting them fed, right, just keep them fed and don't let them hurt themselves. And then, and then most days we can nurture their brains and their spirits but other days we're just exhausted and it's like kind of trying to figure out with my wife, how do we navigate life, and it's a lot more fun when you really love and you're, that you're, that you're in a relationship with, I think, in business, the same goes, you know when you respect, I think that's what it boils down to also you respect, mutual respect, you know, mutually respecting people. And I don't really feel like I'm above anybody. I feel like I understand my responsibility which is, if a final decision needs to be made. Ultimately that's going to fall on my lap. But I also don't think I'm the only one who can make a decision. I actually rely on people around me to make decisions to be able to make decisions, and I think that's another thing that you it's your responsibility if you're going to hire and bring people into your business to challenge them to make decisions, because oftentimes they won't, James I could really talk about this for a long time, seriously because there's so much here to unpack, but I just want you to know that I love the conversation in your business so we can have these kind of type conversations because we don't always do it because most people are kind of at the beginning, so I'm super proud of you, man, and I'm really really thrilled, and I'm here to help you as I have been in the past. In the future, to help you continue to grow my man, and I just hope you can take that in and really be proud of yourself because I know for much of your life like me. We've been down on ourselves, we felt badly about ourselves and I really hope that you can you can you can hear my validation and my affirmation to you about how proud I am of you and how good of a job you're doing, of building your life in your business in a way that, that, that anybody could be proud of my friend.

James: I really appreciate that my friend and yeah, it's, it's good for good for ones to be told that as well because a lot of people during my life didn't say that. So, I appreciate you, my friend and I appreciate the help along the way. And I know it's gonna be an awesome few years, so to go on, I'm super impressed at how you've grown legendary as well. It's been an honor watching you grow from, from, from legendary as well. So, really, really excited for the future and really excited, into the doubt.

Dave: Well I know that you send a lot of people our wage as an affiliate and you've gone through our training and you've come to our events as a matter of fact, you're a member of our mastermind which is, which is awesome. You've come as a student, and we actually have asked you to speak on our mastermind stage before. For anybody who knows you or doesn't know you or that are thinking about it, hey it's lit I've seen a couple of people in the comments. It is Legendary work that is their training worth it, is it a good place that I can grow? What would you tell those people about Legendary?

James: I would say definitely go for it. There's a lot of different training out there, and legendary is definitely one of the best. I've seen the tips and tactics in the training there and stuff that I've used to help build my business as well so I definitely recommend it wholeheartedly.

Dave: Yeah, so if you guys know James, and, and you've, you know found us through him then. You know, now you've got now you've got multiple people in your corner who will support you and help you, and, and not do it for you. But route you on as you're growing, and, and, and hopefully one day you guys will also come and meet James and hang out with us at an upcoming mastermind, which I can't wait to see you, if you're, if you're able to make it over.

James: Yeah, hopefully we'll be able to start traveling and do events soon. I've been in withdrawal from the lack of events that I've had over the last year.

Dave: Could you just speak on that just for a moment before we wrap up, could you just talk about the impact of going from live, getting out from behind your computer and going to live events and meeting other people from the industry and being in rooms and, Like, how that has impacted you. 

James: It's definitely helped. I mean, depending on what stage of the journey you're at obviously when I first started in 2017 there was no way I could go out and and socialize with other people I was too too nervous at some points I even had panic attacks being around people so if you're at that level, then the best thing is to gradually step out your comfort zone but when you get to a point, you've, there's only so much you can get from behind a computer screen you've got to go out there make the connections, meet new people, and push yourself out of your comfort zone, and you cannot get that same level of of kind of pushing yourself behind a computer as you can out with other people, it's been integral to my growth going to think I went to like 17 events in 2018 So I was all over the place going to lots of different events, meeting new people, and it was part of pushing myself out of my comfort zone and growing, as I have over the last few years, pushing, every single day, step by step, little by little, to kind of push myself every single day so it's been incredibly important for me to be able to go out and meet new people actually meet people face to face as well. Yeah, we do get a ton of what's the word, you get more of a bond with people when you're, when you're face to face.

Dave: And we've met before our mastermind I think we met face to face, I mean, we have hung out and been around each other multiple times now, in real life, not just virtually here. And yeah, it adds an element of also humanity to this, hopefully a confidence booster because you're looking at other people and you say, I mean I'm not trying to talk down about the guy or gal but for Christ's sakes, if, if they can do it so can why they put there, they seem to have their pants on the same way that I have my pants on. Right, so they must have just put them on the same way that I put mine on in that room over there, right, you know, and I think sometimes we put people on a pedestal. And we think because they're on a TV screen so it's like we're conditioned to look at somebody like they're a celebrity but when, when, when they're just sitting next to us or standing over they are in the same room where we get to shake their hand and talk and hang out and laugh and just be normal people, man for me it's also, it's really a confidence booster it's really, like, it's really just a, it just is. Yeah, I look at people and I'm like wow man like it's inspiring like the person is legitimately if I passed, so and so in a grocery store, I wouldn't look at them like oh there's the millionaire market or I'd like I wouldn't do that like I just like there's a person, you know what I mean. So I think that's an aspect that also a lot of you guys, I think could gain a lot of confidence from coming you've been asking when our mastermind is coming in, it's coming up, we haven't scheduled the date, make sure that we're all good with restrictions and people be able to, but we've got, we've got several masterminds to do live upcoming, I can't wait to hang out. See you guys. One of my favorite forums that we haven't been able to do here for the past year and a half or so or whatever feels like 20 years. But, but anyways. Brother, I am. I'm proud of you. I'm looking forward to hanging out with you. If there's anything I can do to help please let me know, and please keep coming back and giving of yourself and teaching and sharing your journey with us because it's really really helpful.

James: Likewise absolutely my friend I'm always happy to come on and speak. One of my passions is speaking about mental health and stuff like that so come on any time we can I'm looking forward to the platinum ring that you're going to be sending me out real soon as well. Have a blessed day stay legendary my friend and I'll talk to you soon. 

Dave: Okay, thank you to my friend, take care James. Alright my friends. Go and find James Nevel-Taylor on various social media platforms, he's not hard to find, not huge on TikTok. So, I mean he's got a TikTok account. You guys can go and follow him but, as he said he's not, he's not a big bear doing other things. He's, he's doing, what's working for him, and he started this journey before Tik Tok and some of these platforms, we've been hot, so there's a lot of takeaways from today's lesson. There is a element of, of taking care of yourself, of seeing your story through and turning your mess into a message of using business, although it's not a substitute for, you know, professionals, medicine and whatever is going to help you and it's not a substitute for that but I found that my business can help me to find purpose, it can help me to learn more about myself to realize that I've got more inside of me than I thought that I had, and eventually it's been therapeutic for me because I have been able to be myself, and share my struggles challenges stories with you guys and get in most cases positive feedback, positive affirmation, and even occasionally be inspirational to other people so I hope you were inspired by today's message, and also the fact that James has gone from the bottom of the barrel, complete near suicide overdose. And, and, and, and a childhood that we wouldn't wish on our works to me to now be a blessing to his mom, his family, and building a life in a business that he can be proud of and I'm certainly proud of as well. So take that with you today. As you may be you worked yours right on the edge of stopping or quitting or throwing in the towel and know that your time is coming, it is your time now, and the only way that you can seize that is, is to put one foot in front of the other take action today, and keep in stay in today, not in 10 years from now, not in 10 What do I need to do. Tip day to move my life and my business for it. That's the question, figure it out, and we're here to help you be legendary. We'll see you back here tomorrow. Peace.

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Why It Isn’t Too Late To Start Your Affiliate Marketing Business In 2021

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Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends? Good morning. How are we, Legendary Marketer in the house!

Alright my friends. Let's go. Yes, I am hyped now. I need to bring our guest on so I can actually clean this protein bar out of my teeth as he's talking because I eat these are RX bars. I don't have the wrapper, I already threw it away. I've never had a protein bar that sticks to your teeth like these protein bars do, I mean literally, I think half of the bar actually is just sticks in your teeth and then you get the nutrients and everything over like the next hour, as it kind of melts out of your teeth. But anyways, that's how we do right. We do and we got to do it, baby. All right. So, listen, as you guys can see in the description. We're going to be talking to a former security contractor getting back on his feet with affiliate marketing and I'm excited because I always like a back on your feet type of story so with that being said Daniel Welcome to the show my brother. 

Daniel: Hey Dave, how are you? How are you guys, man?

Dave: I'm excited bro to talk to you. Are you actually from New York or do you just like New York and you just like hats?

Daniel: Well, I used to live in New York. Okay, I was originally born in Taiwan, and I moved to New York in 2003 and stay there for a while, and to pursue my education and also did my job there. Then I moved to Los Angeles in 2009.

Dave: Okay, so that's where you're at right now. Right, yes. La baby la wonderful melting pot isn't it. Yeah, LA, it's a lot cooler than Florida and I don't mean temperature wise I just mean. Florida is like where you come to retire, so it's like, tons of, you know, senior citizens, which we love our seniors, I mean don't get me wrong, I love my seniors, particularly, I have many family members who are seniors but LA man it's just kind of vibe to it, doesn't it, it's got a, it's a vibe. 

Daniel: Yes, Yes. 

Dave: So talk to us about what brought you online, like, like, what, what, talk to us about how, what is, what does it mean for a former. I don't know if you're still doing security, okay former security contractor so talk to us about a little bit about your journey in a nutshell.

Daniel: Yeah, I mean, for me personally, I'm very honored to get on this show with you. I'm kind of emotional right now, because you don't know, I mean, actually get to know you or I actually follow you, before I even know what video marketing is about I was back in 2017, and I shifted my career, away from security contractor, because I don't want to travel to all those countries anymore after my first son, Ace was born. And it was not easy because I didn't have any online experience in the past, so I wouldn't have a lot of struggles, okay and especially finance wise, as well. While I was following you, I started another business. I did Amazon FBA for Hollywood Movie Star for like three years. That was not easy, and I lost a lot of confidence, okay because that's another area I have the media with.  I came from business security. I'm in the security business background. So I went through a lot of hard times, especially within my family, and also myself, I don't know what direction I should go. And your story is very inspiring. Okay, I learned a lot from your story and you. I should, I should say that you are power. I mean, I learned from that keeps me keep going. Then, in 2020, I decided to start my own business. And that's when I got into media marketing. And I started my own video marketing back in May, 2020. Initially, I just made a lot of beginner mistakes. I tried to learn from YouTube, I tried to do everything by myself, and that journey was not was not enjoyable. I should say, a lot of fights are going on between me and my wife. Yeah, she's thinks I'm stupid. Okay. She thinks I'm stupid, why, why should I do this why can’t I just go to get a normal job, just like regular people? Then, after trying this for a while without going to the professionals, I decided to give myself a chance to really learn how to do this properly. And in November, I started learning the basics to remote yourself, Then my entire business just went from there. 

Dave: Well, thank you for that and I'm so I'm so thrilled that we, you know, you kept me in your eyesight and we stayed connected I guess online even though you were good, you know you had found me and were following me for a little bit of time then you went off and you did some other stuff, but you kind of stayed connected to me and I'm glad now, this moment, we're sitting here talking to each other, and it's it's pretty cool right that's how, that's how this thing works, you know about that 2017. That was four years ago, right, you had initially connected with me online and started following me and now here four years later, you circled back after some other ventures and a few shiny objects and a few fights with the wife. You know you circle back around and, and we're having a conversation here talking about your progress and your success. I just really think that that's cool and I'm, I'm just as I'm talking, I'm soaking up this moment. And I'm just, I'm really happy to be connected with you and sharing this moment with you right now, brother. Thank you. Really cool man, really cool and I can certainly relate to the fights with the wife, you know, I mean when I, when I, I mean I've got tons of stories and everything but I mean, I, I can talk to people about those fights and those, it's really more of just a misunderstanding, you know, and the biggest thing, I mean my wife we, we've had some knockdown drag outs back in the day, you know, when I was just spending money and it looked like I was losing money and I wasn't going anywhere and things weren't going anywhere and and life wasn't getting any better, but of course I was, you know I was, I was kind of at that point I was more popular than results, you know, I was great at selling the dream but, but we were still living a nightmare. You know what I mean. And, and, you know, I wish I would have learned early in my career to just ask my wife how I can make you feel loved and supported right now? Because I realized as all my wife was just scared, you know, and she didn't understand she just wanted to feel safe, she just wanted to feel secure, she just wanted to know that we were going to be okay. And of course I took her doubt and her skepticism as a personal insult. She didn't believe in me, and that really wasn't the case. I've learned that over the years, and she still has those tendencies to be skipped. She's not as entrepreneurial as I am. She's not as much of a risk taker, but what I found is that that balance of her being more conservative and her being less of a risk taker has worked really well in our marriage because if there was two of me, I would have been broke, busted and disgusted a long time ago, you know what I mean. Man, if there was to me. Holy smokes, I probably would have, you know, I'd be dead or in prison for God's sakes or something I don't know, I would have done something crazy but I try to surround myself nowadays with people who disagree, who, who have different opinions, who can give me different perspectives. And that's one of the things I actually value most about my wife nowadays. And I know you guys will get there. It doesn't matter, it's a matter of time so I'm rooting for you. So talk to us about what the journey has been like you're getting on tick tock of course you've got a follower count now of almost 50,000 people, which is pretty cool. And what is, what is your business, I mean, what are you doing that's working and what have you learned top lessons over since 2020 When you started?

Daniel: Yeah, when I first started, I mean, because when I look back, okay if I need to restart again I probably would do this in a more efficient manner. When I went back in May 2020 Like I said, I messed with a lot of low ticket items, and also I started doing YouTube reviews. And, number one, financial wise it’s not rewarding enough number two I do need to put in a lot of work, just like a full time job and going after each different low quality software product, and making YouTube videos, and the later on in November, I keep hearing I keep hearing this, you should do high ticket. Then I decided to pursue the 15 day challenge, and all the education that you guys provided to learn how to really do a video marketing business as a beginner, especially focusing on the high ticket of feeding and monitoring. And when I started my YouTube channel. In January, and my regret is that I didn't learn how to do this properly, early enough time and money, and mess around with other products in the marketplace. So just give you an example: get started from YouTube, and probably a lot of our viewers are thinking about doing YouTube. I got about my first and two other subscribers that took me over like a month of time getting. And, but, after learning from from you guys, I started my channel, I started my channel back in January 2021 So within four months of time, not only on building a good size of email list by using TikTok, and also I have over 50,000 followers and so my regret is that I didn't join this party early enough, at the beginning of my business career.

Dave: Yeah. So what would you say to somebody who's thinking now, today, six months later, only six months but you know how some of us are we think oh I missed the boat, you know, Oh man, what would you say to the person who's sitting on the kind of fence of action in inaction. Today, or as I pointed out in one of our Facebook groups over the weekend. A lot of people are shopping for software tools and setting things up and kind of procrastinating getting ready to get ready because of course that stuff makes us feel busy but it's not really taking action. What would you say to the people who are not going all in. Right now taking advantage of the opportunity that's in front of us, which to me is a massively viral, organic platform that you can build huge audiences in big businesses with free traffic, And also an entire planet. The now completely opposite Daniel from back in the day when people were like, Why do I need to make money online or from home? I've got a job, now everybody's like, I need to figure out a way to make money from home. So what would you say to the people who think that they missed the boat, who are sitting sort of on that fence of inaction today?

Daniel: Okay, so here's my honest advice. Okay I'm telling you from my own experience, if you're gonna do this. Okay, number one, you learn from professionals, okay, and forget about all. I know some of you guys, including myself, we all have shiny object syndrome, okay, we chase after different software and look for that magic pill. Okay, there's no magic pills, okay. And you've got to learn from a professional how to do this properly, and trust me the effort, if you know how to do this correctly, and utilizing the best tool, which is TikTok is an amazing organic platform that you should start with before you expand your reach to other platforms. So for all the beginners who are sitting on the fence right now, I will suggest number one, you learn from the professionals. So you will. I mean that's gonna save you money and time down the road. So you learn from a professional, and also utilize this opportunity, as your first step, and to get at least to get it going. And then you should keep learning, okay it's never non stop learning. You should keep learning, and take action, and most importantly is to, number one, believe in yourself, and also believe in other people who have walked the path before you.

Dave: Yeah, so I love that. So, what, what, in your opinion, is, you know, Actually let me ask you this. There's a lot of people who look at themselves and they think, you know, I could never be like this and so or English is not my first language, or I don't look like her or I don't sound like him or whatever. I'm asking you this because I assume that English was not is not your first language . Okay, okay, I'm glad that I'm accurate with that because, although your English is clear, and it's, it's, it's perfect. I had a sneaking suspicion that you speak other languages, correct. So, what, and I would also assume that you're primarily marketing to people in America. Right, exactly. English speaking people in America who are predominantly probably even more white. Right. Or maybe I even think the African American population in the Americas is around 13% And I think the Asian population is, is quite a bit less than that, so. So there's a lot of things that people like for example that you have, if you wanted to tell yourself a story. Oh, I I can't succeed because of this or I can't succeed because of that, how are you, or what would you say to people who are also counting themselves out in making up reasons why they can't be successful, before they even get started right and you know what I'm talking about we all have these maybe it's not some of the ones that I listed but I just wanted to point to guests some of the ones that somebody who's not has an English as their first language, somebody who is, you know what, maybe not. Were you born in Taiwan?

Daniel: Yes

Dave: You were born in Taiwan? So you weren't even born in the United States of America?

Daniel: No

Dave: So you've overcome a lot of mental obstacles to be able to, I mean I can't even imagine Daniel like moving to Taiwan. And, and, and marketing in, I don't know I just like I have a lot of respect and obviously America is full of people who have come here from other countries. That's what America is all about. But, but, I just, I just really want to validate you for overcoming, like a lot, and, and, and really clearly having a mentality and a mindset that you've worked on, what would you tell somebody who has limiting beliefs around what is possible for them, and maybe comparing themselves to other people or looking at who they are and saying I'm not good enough.

Daniel: Right, I mean, okay, here's buying a device, okay because I also came from a place that because, well my last business, Amazon business failed okay and there was a lot of conflict within my family also within, within my team okay my coworkers, so I had to leave. And after that, I mean, I feel, and also a video marketing I just didn't. I just didn't get any results. Okay, there's no results, I can show so my, my self esteem was quite low, at that time, okay. And here's one thing I do learn okay sometimes just look at me as an example, English is not my first language. And also, I was so afraid to be in front of the camera. And so it took me a while to get used to it. And, but here's what I learned. Sometimes, you cannot trust the voice inside of you, telling you that you are not good enough, okay, you don't have white takes, because sometimes that means that that small voice is actually the thing that's stopping you going after what you really want in life. So you should seek an end just number one handout with like minded people, like the community within the Legendary Marketer and just learn from other people's story, I mean if other people who are in the worst situation than you are at right now, they can still push through, okay, because they have something better. They feel they deserve it. Okay. And if you always want something better in your life, then find that courage, find some support, and really go after what you want to have in life, that's my advice.

Dave: Yeah. Wonderful. So how did you get over the camera fear, Daniel like how did you are you are you completely over it now? What what did it look like and how, like, like give us some examples of like for me, when I started, I would record something and then if I fumble just a little bit I would stop and re-record the entire thing because I thought I had to be perfect or whatever. I did that to exhaustion. I did that, I would record one simple video 50 to 100 times. I mean it was insane. It was exhausting, and it wasn't fun. So not only was I not making money because no business makes money right out of the gate, but I was also exhausted and miserable because I was being a perfectionist, and, and I just, it took time to feel comfortable, so what, what did the beginning look like for you coming on camera, and like, what are some of the things that you could, that you could recommend to people to overcome some of those fears.

Daniel: Well, initially, okay, when I first started my TikTok videos, initially okay I will spend like two, Three hours just to make one video. So it was very time consuming. And later on, I learned that I tried to kill myself as a friend, as the person who is relatable to people. Okay. And initially I was so any part of me that I was not comfortable with the camera because I want to be perfect. Okay, I want to show my best size out there to the world. So hopefully that people will like me, but I was actually locked wrong, okay, and you need to learn how to be the real you, be authentic and because people can relate it to your authenticity, and when people, is less people are less interested in what kind of achievement you have, because that is not really relatable to their lives. So, number one, you have to recognize who you really are, and people will appreciate who you are and also the value, okay you can bring to the table, even if it's not perfect. Okay, maybe that's some dark side story of your life, but other people can learn from that, use yourself as an example. Okay, I think, in order to really be good with a camera. Okay, you have to, in a mindset of helping other people, okay even if I'm not perfect, but you can use my example. My story, hopefully, is what inspired you to move towards something better. That's my goal. 

Dave: Yeah, I think that I think that the the greatest freedom that any of you guys will ever get the greatest freedom which will also be the most profitable, move that you ever make is to completely let go of the need for acceptance from other people in the read and what, what, who that is, that's looking for acceptance is the 10 year old you. It's the 10 year old you who is in school, who's looking around, or, or is afraid that people are making fun of them, or afraid they're not going to get, make friends, or afraid that you're not going to get picked on the basketball Corps, or you get laughed at in the lunchroom, and we all have had that experience and that literally is our 10 year old self. And as an adult, oftentimes what I find is that I can still operate from my 10 year old self, I can still that person is still there that inner child wherever you want to call it is still there. And and I can still get into that mindset of who I hope, I hope, I just hope I don't get made fun of, I just I don't want to get made fun of because there's nothing like getting laughed at, it's that that that feeling of rejection of that people are laughing at me or don't like me. It's one of the scariest things in the world for human beings, it's probably right up there with public speaking as one of the most feared things his tip is to not be like to not be accepted. And so that's why it's so profitable, is because most people can't get over it. Most people can't step into their adult self, and put all of the self absorbed self centered, insecurities aside, which are not which those are actually part of who we are. So it's not that we need to get over them, it's that we need to talk to our 10 year old self and say, little Dave little Dave buddy. It's okay, I got you. We don't need to, we don't need to be afraid of that anymore. We're adults, we're grown now. And I'm serious, like if you have to talk to yourself. If you have to get up a little teddy bear or a stuffed animal and set it there on your desk in front of you in that your 10 year old self, and you talk to him and say, little, little Dave, you're not running the show today. You're not running the show today, adult Dave is running the show today. Adult Dave is running the show today, not 10 year old Dave. We're going to get up here and we're going to serve people and it because you know what people don't give a shit about how we look, give a shit about whether we took a shower, people don't give a shit about what clothes were wearing they simply care about what we do in what we say how it can add value to their lives, how it can help them that's all they care about. And so as my adult self. That's who I'm going to step in and that's how I'm going to deliver on this video as my adult self and I'm telling you. As for me, as I've as I've nurtured that little boy inside me. Who's afraid of rejection, who's not that I don't try to deny him. I don't try to abandon him. I don't try to throw it outside and say, Get out of here you little shit, or try to act like he doesn't exist, because he's still here man. He's still here. But if I just say you know what today, little guy. You're not running the show adult Davis, and I'm going to serve some people even if, even if the haters don't understand even if other people and here's the other key, even if other people are going to project their 10 year old self onto me in the comments, right, because that's the other thing that happens is that other people's child self, their 10 year old self, they get in the comment section, and they get me, just like they did in the lunchroom, just like they did back in elementary school and middle school they get all me know you little shit. You don't know anything, you're a rich scammer, whatever, right, yeah. And so now all of a sudden I because their 10 year old self now brings out my 10 year old self and I'm like oh my god, they don't like me they're calling me a scam right, we just call get up in our 10 year old selves, and that's why you got to step into the room with the adults people, you got to be the adult in the room. If you want to make a lot of money, do you want to be successful in business, you've got to be the adult in the room, and that's what I've learned over the years it's come through a lot of therapy, it's come through a lot of personal development I've gone, you know, I don't just go to seminars and jump up and down and say I'm healed, I battle through this stuff in lots of different ways including facing myself on camera and being aware of how I'm feeling. Insane. This is not my adult self. That 10 year old is running the show today. Why is that, and maybe I need to give him some love. Maybe I need to step away from the camera and I need to do some self care, maybe I need to go take a nap, whatever, right, but I got to have my adult self running the show. Not the 10 year old I'm ranting what's coming up for you right now, Daniel?

Daniel: No, I'm just learning from you. I mean I'm just learning. 

Dave: Yeah, it's, it's, so here's the other thing I look at, I'm not perfect. I'm not perfect, I still have more money. I have a 10 year old self that pops up every now and then I get insecure I get scared, same thing, but I'm telling you I think this is the thing that we don't talk about enough in this entrepreneur world of Lamborghinis on Instagram and all this bullshit is that it's, it's not about, you know, not feeling. It's not about not being scared. It's not about not feeling insecure. It's about feeling those things, acknowledging them, and in walking through them, saying, “My adult self is stronger than this my adult self is, I can handle this, maybe 10 year old Dave couldn't handle this. But adult Dave can handle this situation. And I'm going to take care of my business myself and my family. And one of the things that's really helped me Daniel, do you have any kids? I have two, you have two boys, and you know how they don't know it's so it's, it's so clear when you're around children because they really don't. They're pure and they're beautiful, but they're, they don't know how to operate in the real world, when we have to protect them, right, we have to look out for them and that's one of the things that I think is important for us to do as entrepreneurs, adult entrepreneurs, is to look out for that little tiny kid inside and not treat ourselves badly, not, not, not chastise ourselves not not get down on ourselves, but just realize that, okay, that's okay, Like I'm feeling scared. Today I'm feeling sensitive today, because some of these comments hurt, but you know what the adult version of Dave is, I can handle this stuff, man. I mean like I can handle this. And I think that's one of the most important things for us to remember is that we all can handle this Daniel. One of the things among my now five year old is, you can do hard things you can do and I love how you said it's not easy, you got to work your ass off. But haven't you realized that you can do hard things brother that you can actually accomplish Tough shit and you are absolved. When you work your ass off, you actually can. How has this business, you know, and being an entrepreneur taught you about who you are and how much you really can handle?

Daniel: Well, I mean, we, everybody I mean everybody has more than what they do, they can give me okay, if you find a purpose. And also I also would like to enhance the last subject, which is that for people who are on the fence, okay here here's how I look at it. Number one, you have to find your why, Why you want to start this business, okay, even though you are scared, even though you have fears, you have to find out your why. First, why you need to do this for me is my, my family, okay, it's my two kids. And that's, that's, that's the, that's the power of the fire you had, you had to find first, okay your why. Number two, there will be a lot of challenges when you are doing a new business, for example, how to get over my fear of being in front of the camera, how to deal with those negative comments and all that good stuff. So they would challenge the stock, but how I looked at it, is that by doing this business, or by doing this new venture. Instead of focusing on what you get on it, which is why I always started, okay we want to make more money, but to take it one step further. Is that who you can become by doing this business? Okay, so I like, I would like to become a powerful presenter one day in front of the camera, and not just the, just the Dave how you doing, I was totally blown away. Okay, by the details how, how you talk to people in front of the camera. That's something I'm looking for. So there are a lot of pieces that I don't have. And I know by going after this new business is going to bring me more skills, okay become the person I want to become, and also become a better father to my kids.

Dave: Yeah, I mean, it really is amazing how many different areas of our lives can be improved. When we use entrepreneurship in this business, as the sort of the way to grow, you know, it's like, it's like there's not a whole lot of things that challenge you, the way that being an entrepreneur does, you know, there really isn't. There's not a lot of things, and, and what I have found is absolutely in combination with really good personal development I've done therapy I've done. I mean, obviously, a lot of you guys know I'm in 12 step recovery because I'm a recovering drug addict, you know I've been, I've been clean and sober for over 10 years, so that all is a lot of personal development work and stuff too like real work not just sharing fucking memes on Facebook, you know what I mean like, like, like a lot of times we think we're doing personal development because we're, you know, listening to a bunch of audio books, it's that's fine, information is fine. But, but, but, execution is where real power comes from, you know, information is just information, it doesn't it's not anything until we do something with it. You know, and lots of people get lots of information. I know people who sit in front of the boob tube and they just watch documentaries and they, they, they've learned so much but they don't do shit. They just sit on their ass, you know, I know people who go to. I know people who go to college for decades, and they don't do shit, they get a bunch of degrees, and that's fine. I'm not putting that down, I'm just saying that there's a difference between, you know, getting information and then using that information, you know, executing on that information, and then finding out who you really are, and there's not a whole lot. I believe this. I believe this is my belief Daniel is that every single person here that's listening to every single person just in general, but each one of you guys and gals, has everything inside of you that you already need to be successful. It's just that, as, as you said Daniel, sometimes the pros can help you to go inside and find what you didn't know is there, like, I don't, I don't need anybody to, I don't want anybody to be in, like dependent on me, like, I don't, I don't want I know there's a lot of gurus out in this industry, who want to be like, oh I got the secret and they keep moving these you know what I mean it's like, oh, you know they dangle the carrot, it's like go to this seminar then go to this seminar, then go to this seminar then but it's like, you know, it's like that's that's that's a that's a that's a predator, you know, we all have what we need inside of us, we just need the right information from the right person in the right environment, but in order to get that information out of us, and get that personal power up out of us to feel courageous enough we look around if we're in the right environment, we look around we see other people doing, like, I can do it, we say something people validate as you come on the show people comment supportive stuff, you're like, I can do this like, I feel supported, that's why environment is so important. But those three pieces: right information, right people, right environment can help you all to bring out what is already inside. So a lot of you guys are searching for the right guru or the right opportunity or the right this or the right, that things outside of yourself thinking those things are going to fix you or make you happy or successful. And the truth is that you need to. My opinion is, get in, get the right information from the right person in the right environment, who will help you to find your best self, the best version of yourself that's already waiting to be uncaged inside of you. Right? And, and then and then you run and you know what a great mentor or a great coach is not going to give a shit if you fly the nest, they're going to be happy that you fly the nest, they're not going to feel like they need to have control over you. You know what I mean like they want to keep you down or only support you if you're doing a certain thing. Right, I've had in my decade in this industry people, maybe as many success stories as anybody, organic, I don't, I don't work with gurus, I work with regular people who are, who have no experience. And if you look at our community the amount of people who are just brand new never been entrepreneurs before but are having success. It's on matched in the real reason is is because of what I'm talking about right now. And the problem with this industry is there's too many predatory unqualified coaches and mentors who are pretending that there are people saviors, and instead of creating a supportive community. And I think that's one of the biggest assets that we have here, and, and. And anyways, so I just I'm passionate a shit about this stuff and I think that if, if we all just took a breath, you know, I saw somebody who said in our one of our Facebook groups yesterday I just made my first commission any advice, like the fucking advice is do more of, like, the advices don't ask for advice. Okay, that's the advice, the advice is don't ask for advice because you're making, you're making, you know what Daniel, I'm ranting like a son of a bitch right now but it's Monday I'm going hard. You know, look, here, here, here's my here's my. Here's my thing. When I stopped listening to everybody else, all these assholes out here on Instagram and Facebook and all this other shit when I stopped listening to people is when and when I started listening to this, in this. That's when my life in business blew up. You know what I mean, because I was like, Look man, I, for so many years I felt insecure and I felt inadequate and I felt like I needed somebody else to tell me what to do. And it's like, you guys know what to do, but you got to you gotta quiet the voices in clear out the Creativity Channel, because right now it's like you're you're like, You're like an artery that's blocked, and I feel like my job here at legendary is help you guys unblock that passion artery that that that vision artery that confidence artery unclog it. It's like a sewer pipe man. It's got shit all in, in, throw a router in there to clear it out. So you guys feel more confident in yourselves, and you begin to listen to yourselves, because Daniel, what you're going to find as you become a better and better presenter and speaker is that you have amazing confidence and amazing value. When you get into flow state, right, when you, when you when you when you just really just because you you know so much, and when you get into flow state and you're comfortable in your skin and you're feeling confident you show up as your adult self and not, you know, little 10 year old Daniel like little 10 year old day laborer, show up as that adult self the guy you are. Your father to your kids like that guy, that guy who is the guy who if your kid ran out to a street, you'd snap that little fucker. Right that's instinct baby that's instinct, if your kids run out into the street you don't turn to book and Joe Schmo next you know, what should I do, you know, do that,

you get back over here you snapped his arm and it's instinct, man. I'm going to tell you something. We all have that instinct inside of us, we all know what we need to do next. And it's just a matter of sometimes that is that we just need to keep going and keep doing and stop looking for others to tell us what to do. And that's exactly what I see you doing brother, so a big round of applause for you, and I want to give you the last I've been talking my ass off, thank you so much Daniel for letting me rant and rave. 

Daniel: Thank you for having me here. I'm learning. I mean, learning from you. Oh, great advice. Thank you so much.

Dave: So, what if somebody was on the fence about getting involved in our company, our community and coming and joining us and locking arms. What would you tell them about Legendary Marketer today Daniel?

Daniel: Okay, I'm thinking this because I've been, I've been to a lot of courses, okay, I came from the product review aspect. So I pretty much see what's out there in the software shiny object and all that good stuff. So, the regret I'm having Okay, is that I didn't choose to do this properly, and then foundation during marketing earlier enough, so I wasted like six months of my precious time. And if I can start like six months back, my business will be at another level. And that's number one. Number two. Why does it take that small step, with just a little bit of fate? Okay, you believe you can do this. Okay, and just take that first small step, that's gonna lead you to a totally different path, because I came from nothing, and after learning from Legendary Marketer, I started doing my affiliate marketing business properly. I'm still small right now, but I can see other members inside this community. I mean they have crazy results, I admire them, I should say, Okay, so those are the role models and learning, and also I tried to, I tried to build my business, following their path. So they are inside this legendary marketer community, okay. You don't need to wait till you are perfect, because that is not going to happen. you just need to take a small step, and that small step will lead you to the entire new opportunity, and also by building this business, you're going to become a better person. Okay, you're going to build your confidence by doing shit okay by doing things, not by sitting on the sidelines.

Dave: Right. And there it is, folks. You know, I also want to say that we're not perfect, right, we're not perfect, there is no perfect course or program out there. Right, there's no perfect, and I'm not perfect, and it's not me that makes legendary marketer what it is, it's, it's, it's actually you. It's actually, people like you, because if I was just standing alone out here on the internet, screaming and talking and shit like I do every day. And nobody like it didn't resonate with anybody and they were like, you know I'm not. I'm just gonna sit here and do nothing, right, it's because of like people that, that also have like you that have the same visions and goals, and this message resonates with so I'm eternally grateful for you. Daniel, and the fact that, like you've taken the journey from Taiwan to New York to LA, that you've done everything that you've done up until this point that you started following me in 2017 and went off and did whatever you did and that eventually you found your way back we've connected now, and I've helped you, you're now helping me you're helping our community just with the inspiration of what you've done, because we all need that man six months, look at what you've done, I can't imagine another six months imagine six years I've been doing this for over 10 years imagine where you'll be in six years, you can imagine, Daniel, you actually can't imagine if you tried to right now you would shortchange yourself. You will shortchange yourself, of what's possible brother. So keep up the great work, man. Come back and see us in a few months and keep us updated, keep learning, keep growing and keep up the great work, brother. 

Daniel: Okay, Thank you, Dave. Thank you for having me.

Dave: All right, Daniel, see you later. Right. Later, tell your wife and your family I said Hi

Hey, tell him that you crushed it, brother. Okay, I wouldn't tell them to put on their seatbelt and tell them to get ready for the wild ride because this next year, Daniel brother, it's going to be a wild ride for you my man so keep it up. 

Daniel: Yes, sir. Thank you. 

Dave: See you man. My friends, get the hell out of here. Go do something productive this week for God's sakes, I love you all. Be Legendary, we'll see you guys back here tomorrow. All right. Peace.

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How To Gain Back Lost Time With Your Affiliate Marketing Business

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Dave: What is going on my friends, this is Dave Sharpe Welcome to Wake Up Legendary hopefully you guys are doing fantastic. We've got a great show, as usual this morning. Listen, we've got a guest. His name is Matt. He deployed to the military in 2018. And, you know, I can imagine being away from family overseas, you quickly realize the value of both money but also more importantly time. And so now he's using online marketing, digital marketing and specifically affiliate marketing to get back. Not only obviously make money, but to get back time. And that is something I think that is so undervalued in this space, everybody's always talking about money, looking to make money, but the question is, why do you want money? What can money really do for you? Because the truth is is that this is just.. money is just paper, right? It doesn't really, it doesn't do anything in its current form, right, just a bunch of just a bunch of five skis right here, no big deal right doesn't do anything in its in its current form holding in my hands, right, just sits there, dirty, right. It tears, it's, it's actually, it's actually fairly, you know, probably one of the most, one of the most vulnerable things that we put importance on, you know, like a home is strong, you hit it and you could break your hand. Money is, is, it's, it's horrible, it's right, it's you could tear it, but it's what money does for you. It's what money does for you. It's just the currency, it just happens to be this. It could be gold right if we're still, you know trading gold bars or coins or whatever say we were pirates back in the day, you know, slangin booty. That kind of booty folks get your mind out of the gutter, come on, I know it's Monday but for God's sakes. So, this stuff buys time, this stuff buys your actual most valuable resource in the world, and that is time, something that you can't get any more of you can get more money but you can't get more time. So, with that being said let's bring in our guest, we'll talk about it. Matt Moxley from Mississippi what's going on my brother.

Matt:   Hello, what's going on.

Dave:   Not much man. Did I get that right, you are from Mississippi right? Is there I'm from Mississippi, and MI SSI SSI PPI that was the first one of the first words that I ever learned to spell Look at me go. Well first of all, brother, thanks for your service. And, you know, it. Did we lose you there brother you still there?

Matt:    Yeah, I'm here. Okay, I got to just cut out there on your camera.

Dave:    First of all thank you for your service. Okay, I wanted to tell you that straight up. First of all, and anybody else who's that on the, on the in the audience today. So, Matt, tell us, you know, what you deployed, or I guess were gone in 2018 is that right. 

Matt:   Yeah, so I was gone in 2018 served overseas for 15 months overseas. 

Dave: Yeah. Wow. So what was that like man, tell us a little bit about what what that was like, being away from family and just that what that experience was like just in a nutshell, I'm just curious because civilian life is much different, and I just wanted to know, in your experience, what that was like. 

Matt:   So, overseas. You're living in tents. Well, I was living in a tent that was probably in a jacket, I was in a gigantic tent with about 50 other people, privacy, there is practically none of. You're talking to your family, you know, online, do your video if you can manage to get the internet working correctly. And I probably would talk to them once a week. I get to see my newborn boy, and my little girl, my wife and whatnot you know about once a week. Yeah, and yeah, just, just trying to survive, I guess. 

Dave:   Yeah. And by the way guys, we realize his cameras, missing, it's whatever, no big deal, We can still hear His voice. Well, I can still hear you and that's what's important. So either way, we're gonna, we're gonna get there, we're going to get the info from you. So, coming back from being overseas, talk to us a little bit about what motivated you to look online and start looking for a digital marketing business online. 

Matt:   So, I, when I got back home I really, you know, I knew I was gone so long and I wanted to figure out a way to get some time back with my family. And the thing that really turned me on to it was because I had, when I had to go overseas, my newborn boy was literally a month old, and I went overseas, and I lost an entire, you know entire year of his first life. So when I got home I started digging into, you know, how can I be home with you know, my family, and did some Googling and found affiliate marketing. 

Dave:   Nice, nice. Yeah, I can only imagine I have a four month old right now, and those are precious years. I also have a four year old I, have a 21 year old so there's plenty more time for you to enjoy brother, but I can only imagine that that was a motivation for you to never miss out on any of those important, precious years that you can't get back anymore. Right?

Matt:    Right. 

Dave:   It's a big deal. So you came across, affiliate marketing what attracted you to that business model? 

Matt:   Time. So, within my research, you know, with dropshipping you're, you're still putting in a whole lot of work you know and I've done some eBay flipping and stuff like that and you're still putting a ton of work. What I liked about affiliate marketing was pretty much, you're focusing on the marketing aspect of it, and it's, it's the most passive of all of the online businesses that I can, I can find. And that's what I'm after is passive, you know, like I said, time is my most important resource and whatnot. So I spend time with my family.

Dave:   So you went through our 15 Day Challenge made your very first commission within a couple of days after the challenge. What about the challenge was impactful for you. How did it open up your eyes to the opportunity that's, that, that is affiliate marketing, that is sort of being a freelance Digital Marketer working for yourself and being able to kind of, you know, create your own hours, what was the big aha moments for you?

Matt:    Pretty much what you said was I, you know, the things that you learn going through that challenge or at least what I learned was, I can I can literally take this business model, and let it work for myself. All I have to do is set about put in, you know, some work in the beginning, and then just do a few hours of work every day, after I get everything set up, and let it do its thing.

Dave:    So, that you made your first high ticket commission within a couple of few months? And you sort of begin to realize the power of leverage, right, like those three. Those three sort of had those, those profit activators, if you will that, Jay, you know I talked about in the challenge that I learned from Jay Abraham which is there's three ways to grow a business get new customers do repeat business, make high ticket commissions or or charge higher prices, more premium products. So, how did that did that change the game for you to see that you could make from one customer,  an equal amount to what you could make from, you know, dozens of customers, selling lower ticket products? How did that sort of change your mentality?

Matt:   So, pretty much. It was like, it just opened my eyes, once I saw my first high ticket commission come in, it was just like, you know I made that in a single day with one person. And I was at home doing it, where, you know, I've enjoyed being so that just completely blew my mind. And I remember I was outside working on my fencing, and I get a notification on my phone, so I will look and I was like, you know, your first I could take it commission I'm just like, wow, you know. I did that online without going to a nine to five, work in, you know, a week to make that, and I just did it at home. That's fantastic.

Dave: Which would if we normally been a week or shows worth of salary right? Yeah, that's, like, five and maybe even a little bit of extra time right I mean I don't know about you but when I was working a nine to five. Back in the construction days, you know, I might have even had to put in a little extra time little weekend time to get into that four figure mark. You know guys and I want to say this also that high ticket doesn't always have to mean four figures, you know high ticket, can be what it's all relevant right so high ticket can be $100 I mean because low ticket for sure to me, is, is you know a couple of dollars. What you're normally going to sell a trinket, or a fidget spinner, or a mug or a t- shirt, you know 20, bucks 15, bucks five bucks, something like that. Right, whereas high ticket is really where you get into, you know $100, $300, $500 Certainly 1000 and more, but just just think about how even $100 the difference between 110, make it 110 You, it takes 10 customers to make $100 by making, earning $10 at a time. To where now all of a sudden, maybe you have an upsell, you know, selling something for $10 on the front end have an upsell for 100. Now all of a sudden you made the same from one person that you would have made selling that front end product at 10 different people. That's the leverage guys that's leverage. So if you're looking are wondering how do I get leverage? Sort of like an investment, how do I get leverage? You know, Warren Buffett said that he learned this from Charlie Munger, there's, there's three L's that'll, that'll, that'll make you broke. I was, I was looking at this, I know two of them were liquor and leverage, I can't remember what the other one was, I don't know if it was, it was ladies that would have been pretty misogynistic but I wouldn't particularly put it past him. But anyways, leverage, lack of leverage, right, lack of leverage, a lack of leverage will make you broke and that's one of the reasons why I'm personally so against low ticket business models is because you can you can get into it put forth the same amount of effort towards a low ticket business that you're going to put towards a business has the potential to have front end customers, repeat business and high ticket customers. If you have the right business model, you put in the same amount of work and one produces 10x The amount of revenue that the other one does. That's called leverage. It's the same as making a smart investment. It's the same as buying a stock low, you know, it's, it's not an investment, it's not this is not a financial investment move but leverage can be leveraged is the same as a pulley right if I right, I'm using a pulley to get leverage so I think it's really important for us to understand how leverage can be applied in in lots of different ways. When you have the right business model. So, you've been having some success with TikTok, it's been a game changer for you right?

Matt: It has the reach, I mean, because TikTok is so new, you know and everybody, you know, that's getting into and everything you know I keep seeing everybody using TikTok and everything and that's where I started my thing with TikTok. And since the app is so new, the reach is phenomenal. You can you can get a million views on a single video, you know, in a day, it's ridiculous. Yeah. 

Dave:   Yeah it is. It's crazy. So do you see yourself using TikTok, like for the long term? Are you setting up multiple streams of traffic?

Matt:   So I am actually working on multiple streams of traffic, pretty much using my TikTok to funnel. My other followers into, you know, I started a new YouTube and Facebook and all that stuff pretty much it's my funnel, that's what I'm using it for. 

Dave: So you've gotten about 10,000 plus followers on Tik Tok and that's been in how long has it taken you to generate those 10,000 followers, 

Matt: About four months, 

Dave: Okay, and you're at @thevetrepreneur is your TikTok handle if we want to throw that up on the screen here. It's actually @thevetrepreneur just like Matt Moxley @thevetrepreneur right there. There it is. So you guys can go and follow him, and as I say, with all of our, you know, all of our all of our family here, go follow him, lift him up, like his stuff, comment on his stuff. So, What has been the most, most effective technique that you've used on TikTok?

Matt:   So what I like to do is all the bigger names that are having, like, what, like a whole lot of success on their videos, I'll just simply go find out what they're doing. And just like, I'll take their video and I'll mimic it, and pretty much make that video my own. Use same hashtags and whatnot. 

Dave:   So you're basically just straight up modeling, other successful content.

Matt: Yeah

Dave:   I think guys that might have been the, the simplest explanation I've ever heard. When I've asked somebody that question. Other times people go into like this kind of complicated explanation and he's just like, I find stuff that really takes off, model the video, use the same hashtags, period. 

Matt:   That's it, I mean just mimic what works.

Dave:   Yeah. So is there anything in the way that you do thumbnails or use text or anything else, in terms of your top one or two tips that you would give us that's worked really well with using TikTok for your affiliate marketing business?

 Matt:   Just, just, like, if you're not mimicking other videos and you want more original videos make sure you hook that follower within the first three seconds. Like, that's about the attention span anybody's on TikTok, you got about three seconds to hook them, and I'm just going to swipe up. 

Dave:   Yeah, yeah that's the old swipe, swipeidydoodah right? You just, just like everybody's getting swiped nowadays, it's like we're but people are dating, right swipe to the right swipe to the left, right and that what you know, people are TikTok and you're swiping up you're swiping down you're swiping all around. Holy smokes. We're all just trying not to get swiped that much, that's what life has come to now, Bro, just trying not to get swiped. Try not to get swiped like jeez, man. So, what else would you, what else would you recommend to somebody who's starting out in their first couple of months? Something that you did right? Something that you would have done different?  

Matt:   I'm gonna say put the work in, like, it's… So when you first start now, it's going to take more work than you're actually thinking it's going to, and I remember staying up late. Late nights trying to get all you know building my landing page, making sure my funnels are working, checking my email sequences and all that stuff. So it's, you know, people don't realize that, yeah, you're gonna need to put in a ton of work at the beginning, but once you have all that figured out and all its tested and everything like that, it's smooth sailing. After that, All you have to do is put in you know, two hours of work a day, you know, if you're wanting to, and it's smooth sailing. 

Dave:   So what does a normal day in your life look like? Where do you carve out the time to, like, what is your morning routine or your daily schedule or structure look like?

Matt:   So, my wife gets up and goes to work. I'm usually up at about seven o'clock AM. Coffee is.. I’m a coffee addict. So, coffee is like my first thing to do in the morning. Then, my kids are usually awake, you know playtime, breakfast, so I'm a stay at home dad. Hang out with the kids usually carve out business time. If they're taking naps sometimes they don't get to take a nap. And once my wife comes home, and we have supper and whatnot I’ll carve in some time around bed time and just work late at night. 

Dave:   So you're really blending building your business with, with, with kind of doing a stay at home dad deal right now. Oh yeah absolutely up for you, bro. Good for you. You know I really am happy for you man, since you were away from your kids for so long, you know, serving your country and now you're, you're coming home and you're staying, you're staying home with your kids and you're taking on that, you know, there's a lot of guys who are too, who are too quote on quote tough for that brother. And you know what, just what what a what a, what an unfortunate story that they've got in their head and you're just soaking up all that time and building a business on the side. It's a real honorable thing, man. Your kids are going to remember that, you know?

Matt:   Yeah right, it's, it's my favorite thing, just just to be able to you know sit on the couch, watch a movie on the TV and just, you know, snuggle up to my kids. Well, we're just hanging out, it's fantastic. 

Dave:   How old are your kids again?

Matt:   So I've got a five year old and a three year old 

Dave:   Man, just what a great, what a great age, my daughter, or she's about to turn five and she's just, it's, it's just the best time and my son he's four months and he's just starting to laugh, of course, I've got an older one as well but those times when they're, you know, when they're, when they're in that those toddler phases, it's just a beautiful, beautiful time man, and I'm so glad that you're able to get that now, and that this business is helping you out, to be able to, to, to spend more time at home, to not miss any more of those moments. And you missed it for good reason. I mean there's honor in what you did, brother. But now, that time is behind you, and you're, you're blazing a new path, a new trail. I think in the, you know, not only are you looking to get back time or make more time, but also your, you're going to, you're going to change the dynamic for your family's future. In what your kids see daddy doing. And I think, I think those of us who are not setting our kids up with the skills, these digital skills, not just sitting in front of YouTube all day, but I mean really understanding how the internet works, and how digital marketing works and how to leverage the internet, to be able to build a business to be able to, you know, reach hundreds of 1000s Millions of people instead of just those who were at our local area, I think are really setting our kids up for success. It's really, I think, a great gift that we give our kids just them seeing us doing it. And then if they're interested as they get older, you know, my oldest is working for me now, and it's, it's, you know, I hope that that we all, if we have little ones have the, you know, I think just realize that remember that that it's not just something, it's not just the money that we make, or the time that we have. It's also the skills in the way of living and doing business and blending work in life together, Matt, blending work in life together to where they're not two separate things, to where daddy leaves the house, and then he comes back, but I'm blending the two together. I think that's a real powerful thing, I, you know for me I obviously have some separation, but there's not a lot, right, because I have to have separation and boundaries but there's not a lot. Right, so I don't miss a whole lot of time with my kids. What final piece of advice, my brother would you give to people who are, who are sort of at that place to where they…this is not just the newbie, you know, those, those who I don't like that word but people who are just starting out.

Matt:   Right

Dave:   What about the people who have been at it for a little bit, right, is that are at the same, at the same kind of maybe milestone that you're at? What are you thinking about what is keeping you motivated every day? Is it the results that you're getting? Is it the vision? Is it what you see the opportunity that you see in the future for this business? Tell us what is pulling you towards continuing to build. 

Matt:   So pretty much it is, as long as I continue to build what I'm doing. I continue to have the time that I want, and that's that is my, My, my thing, I guess. So, what I see is the future, you know, as my business builds, I'll be able to go on more you know extravagant vacations and maybe go travel around the world and things of that nature. I can have experiences with my family instead of, you know, going to work, coming home and then, you know, setting out a time of year to have vacation and time and all that stuff the fun time with my family, as long as I continue to build and focus on this business, I will be able to have time to go do what I want to with the, you know, the time that I have with family I have make more memories. 

Dave:   Right, yeah, that's all about the memories, and even if you and your wife want to go away for a couple of days you don't have to stay gone for 15, 16 months right you can just come home. The kids will only miss you for a few days. 

Matt:   Yeah, absolutely. 

Dave:   That's a very healthy thing to do by the way, very healthy thing for us parents who feel guilty for going in doing some r&r Don't. It's a, it's a needed thing that we all, I've realized is a very healthy behavior. And for entrepreneurs like us. Sometimes we have a hard time doing that right we have a hard time relaxing. I know I do. I always think that I should actually be doing something. Yeah. So what's your final question, what's been your experience here at Legendary what, what, what have you. How has it been I mean what's, what's been the experience so far for you. 

Matt:   It's. It's been phenomenal. You know I wouldn't be here without legendary and the, and especially the community, it's, it's awesome, you know, jump on Facebook, if you have a question type it up every you know, help is always there, and the education is phenomenal. I would not be here being able to you know be home with my kids and have the time that I need without going through all the education stuff, and having the community that can back me up, if I have any questions and things like that. 

Dave:   Community is a big deal, you know, one of the things that I think really matters, just in regular life, in terms of, you know, the where we end up in life, unfortunately, which is something that we have no control over, is our family environment. When we're growing up, right, how much support, do we have, how much trauma and drama is there. And so I think that, you know, and that's why I think it's probably so important for you to be the dad that you are saying with me. We always want to be better than our parents, right? And our parents want us to be better than they were. But, what, what, what I also the reason why I say that is because I think that family, environment in business community support is also important, too, and can determine a lot of our success. So I think that every day for me I know that every time I hear somebody say something about our community and the support. I know that we're doing the right thing because at the end of the day, just like there's no handbook for parenting. You know there's books and stuff like that. The same thing for being an entrepreneur, I mean we do our best to try to teach, but a lot of times you have to just a lot of times it really is damn I just busted my head and I need some people to just remind me that I'm gonna be okay. Yeah. So, we're here for you. Brother, if you bust your head know that it's gonna be okay. If you need us to pick you up, we will. Thanks for sharing your time bro, and, you know, a little bit about your story. I know you're busy, you've got the kids there so I don't want to keep you too long, thank you for your service man, let me know if there's anything I can do for you, and I hope you'll come back here in a couple of months and keep us posted. 

Matt:   Absolutely. 

Dave:   All right, Matt, be well, give your family. Our best man. 

Matt:   Oh absolutely.

Dave:   We'll see you buddy. All right, my friends. It is Monday, it's game time, it's time to rock and roll, it's time to be legendary. Right, this is the moment. Okay. Have a fantastic week, the month is still young. Okay, we've just crossed over the middle part of this month. Hopefully you're tracking your results for this month. You can track and compare from month to month, we've got also really three quarters of the year left. So those of you who are looking to make 2020 your best year ever. You've got plenty of time to do it, plenty of time to do it. Now the small intimidating insignificant moments, like an old Monday morning. These are the times that are the difference makers. So have a great day, be legendary guys we'll see you back here tomorrow 10am Eastern Time for wakeup legendary with another guest I want to thank Matt, you can go follow him on TikTok at the vet printer Johnson love. I'm sure it'll be there to help you and support you anyway he can as well, and flip each other up. Okay guys, we'll see you back here tomorrow,peace, get the hell out of here.

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How To Stay Motivated During Moments of Doubt In Your Online Business

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Dave: What is going on my friends, this is Dave Sharpe Welcome to wake up Legendary. Happy Monday. Happy Monday. All right. I'm excited about Monday, some people dread Mondays not me, you know, I mean, I love to get back on the grind, baby. You know, weekends are full of, for me right now, diapers, and, you know, kids, and I love it. I love it. But I'm excited to get back with my people here in Legendary. So today, this morning we're going to be talking about overcoming doubt. This is something that we all deal with. Even myself, oh my gosh, if you deal with doubt, yes. Come on, don't be ridiculous. Yes, I'm a human being just like the rest of us. So we are going to be bringing in our guest, another Canadian these Canadians, I think they're taking over Legendary Marketer. Jasmine, Welcome to the show, my friend. 

Jasmine: Awesome. Good morning everybody, thanks for having me, Dave, definitely happy to be here. Watch these lives a bunch so didn't really expect to you know be here but it just shows how the Legendary community is. You don't have to be someone that's you know, on top of the leaderboard for, you know, Legendary marketer and actually reached out to the community, and that just shows how much Legendary and Dave actually cared about their community, they bring everybody from all walks of life onto the show. So it's just great to see the diversity of the people that they bring in from, you know, completely new people to people who are, you know, extremely successful. So it's really great to see. I'm happy to be here.

Dave: Dude, I'm happy to have you and well said.

One of the things that we try to focus on being different is, is, you know, not making this a scripted guru show, you know what I mean, like, you know there's enough of these podcasts where you can listen to people who, you know, who knows how long they plan the episode before they actually recorded it, everything was carefully scripted everything was the questions were set up, you know, nobody wants to look bad, nobody wants to you know. We hear about the story where they're at 20, 30 years later, not where they were when they, when they got started, and that's what matters to most of us is like how did you actually start to become successful? So, you know, these, as you saw, we, we had you on 30 seconds we're going live every, we'll talk about anything behind the scenes, everything that we talk about is out in the open out in the public and for everybody else's benefit not just ours right not just mine, not just yours but for everybody's to learn from. So Jasmine take us back, My brother take us. Give us the nutshell version so we can understand sort of where you came from and what even led you online to be exposed to be excited. And to get started with digital marketing?

Jasmine: For sure. Awesome. Yeah, so, for me personally, a little bit about my backstory, I was actually like oh from my you know career as I would say back in June, I worked for a company called Enterprise Rent A Car which I'm pretty sure if you're in North America even Europe you guys are familiar with.

Dave: We’ll pick you up

Jasmine: Right, exactly.

Yeah, so I was with enterprise for about five years and then obviously COVID came around back in March, I was let go in June, and I kind of took that opportunity. You know, honestly I didn't really know what to do. Right. I knew that I always wanted to make an online income as they would say, so I took about three months from June, just to like relax. I honestly I didn't really think about much of anything.

And then, you know I was scrolling through TikTok, right back in like October, I mean I was always scrolling through TikTok, June, July, August, September, October came along I was scrolling through and I kept seeing people promoting you know Legendary marketer, Like this digital marketing course and I'm pretty sure I went to the checkout page of a couple of people, and honestly I didn't actually check out.

I kind of just let it go through and I'm pretty sure I saw back in August. And then in October, I decided to you know, take a deeper look into it. After seeing it on TikTok, you know, I, you know I have made some money online in the past. So I have so on Amazon. I imported my own products from overseas and resold them, but obviously I had no idea what affiliate marketing or even digital marketing was at all before October.

So I kept seeing it on TikTok, I decided to Google Legendary marketer, I ended up signing up.

And it just, it just, it’s just kind of amazing because, like I went from not really knowing anything about digital marketing or affiliate marketing to seeing like a random TikTok about it, and taking, you know, a $7 course and actually being able to start my journey in digital marketing, which is kind of crazy, because the amount of money I've spent on, like, importing products, like, I'm talking about like 15 to $20,000 importing like these arrangements here in this room, and reselling them like amount of capital projects you have to spend to start businesses. And then you come across something like digital marketing and it's like, you can get this started for, you know, a couple 100 bucks a month 100 bucks a month, you know, taking into expenses all your expenses, as long as you're willing to learn, so I mean, that's kind of how I got started I know I didn't really want to go back to a nine to five, which is why I didn't start looking for another position right away. I, I trusted the process of trying to make something work, and I'm still a complete beginner like by no means have I been able to, you know, make a full time income out of this yet. Yeah I know truly deep down in my heart that, you know, as long as you put the work in regardless if you're a beginner or if you have 10 years of experience. This is something that you can make work and that was quite clear in the beginning, so I kind of deep dove into it and yeah. 

Dave: Nice. Well, I mean you're you're new, you're six months, not even six months into it, you know what I mean. So, yeah, you know, so it's like, just the fact that you are making progress, you're off to the races you have the right mindset. You're in the right, you know, maybe I'm biased, but I believe you're in the right community around the right people, you're getting the right information we're not, you know, we are not pumping you or anybody else, full of smoke, that just do, just get three who get three who get three and you're going to be, you know this is not an MLM hype show nothing against MLM I just, you know, there's too many.

And I think this happens with Amazon and I think it happens with E commerce drop shipping, I think, I think there's a lot of people who are framing their whatever they're selling or are doing as something that you can make millions overnight with and the truth is, the reality is, is that some do move quicker than others maybe somebody has a unique. A unique talent for creating engaging ads or content or something, and they maybe take off a little bit quicker.

Maybe the numbers work in their favor a little bit differently but the truth is is that, you know, any, any solid business that you're going to start online is going to take a year to really pick up momentum. And that means that you're going to have to do it, you know you're gonna have to do it every day too, or you're going to have to set up systems to be able to drive a consistent flow of traffic. yYou know somebody I was talking to somebody over over email, and they, they, they asked me- a coaching client- they asked me you know how much is it going to take to be able to make this much money he had a he had a, I had a number, and of course my first comment was, I have no idea for you I can't guarantee any income. But, you know, Overall, you need to look at how many, how many, you know, what are the conversion percentages of certain of certain, you know, products at each kind of point and you know you really should do this with any product that you're promoting any, whether you're doing drop shipping whether you're doing affiliate marketing, whether you have a brick and mortar business, you should know how many people do I need to get in my front door every day? Because out of every 100 people that walk in five buy, And each one of those five is traditionally worth $100 to me. So if I want to make $500 a day I know that I need to get, you know, 200 people into the front door and that was my recommendation to this guy, you know, he said, you know, how much to make $10,000 a month and it was like, Well, if you take the law of averages, you know, ideally in a perfect world you need to drive about 200 quality clicks to a sales page that's converting at about 4%, with a back end offer that's converting at about 4% Right? Because if you do that math backwards it works out to be about 200 people to see a sales page, so.

So how do you get to a place to where you're driving, you know, a couple of 100 quality clicks to your sales page, each and every day. Well Your first option is you can you can run a paid ad, and you can pay for those clicks, right. That's one option, you know, and that and you might pay $1 or $2 per click, right, sure you can get it for cheaper if you find if you get really good at ads or you find a little honey hole maybe on bing ads or Google but Facebook ads traditionally is running one $2 a click, and more. So if I, so my other option is I can go the free content route, TikTok, for example which Jasmine will talk about here in a second and you overcoming your doubts, but the TikTok route, well how long is it going to take me to get 200 people to not just click my link in my bio every day, but to actually go to my landing page and make it all the way through to the sales page, because you're going to get a certain drop off each and every, you know, 50% of people are going to opt into the opt in page, right, probably at 75 or 80% or who make it to the bridge page are going to continue on, there's going to be a drop off at each step.

So I may need to drive 300 clicks, well how do I drive 300 quality clicks to a sales page every day. Well I need to build up enough content that I have both videos that are being seen, that are being pushed by TikTok. I have enough credit. And enough followers and enough. What do they call it? Just authority with TikTok right to where when I release a video maybe I get five or 10,000 video views at minimum on each video; and then I've also got an email list that I'm sending emails to that are driving a certain number of 50 100 clicks back to a sales page every day. And that takes a bit of time but if I can do that and get to a point to where I'm driving two to 300 clicks to a sales page every single day, that's where the magic happens. And that takes a bit of time to be able to build up but you have to A. understand that that's what it takes, I see so many people Jasmine I know I'm ranting and I'm gonna let you talk a lot here in a second but I just have to get this out. Because I see so many people who come in who are new, and they say oh well I uploaded a couple of videos to TikTok or I uploaded a couple of videos to YouTube where I ran a couple of ads and nothing's working out and it's like you are. You're, you're really far off, what it really takes to be able to create an income, you need to consistently, you need to get to the point where you're consistently every day driving dozens, and then hundreds of clicks to a sales page not video views, not not your clicks on your bio.

People landing on a sales page. Jasmine as I'm going through this sort of rant, which is the facts and the truth. What's coming up for you?

Jasmine: Yes, you made earlier on in that in that speech there, you had mentioned, everybody is different, right, and I think that's like a super important point, because even for me in the beginning, where I kind of got lost. I got lost in the leaderboard, the Legendary marketer leaderboard. I kind of got lost in it, and it can do one of two things for you. For me at the beginning it was kind of like, you know, you look at the leaderboard, and you know you're not on the leaderboard right, you might not ever be on the leaderboard or you're not on there that often. And you look at people who get, you know, 2,3,4,5 sales a day right. And you might look at that and you can take that as kind of like, Oh man, I'm not succeeding, or you can take that as motivation. Because those people that you see on top of the leaderboard, they're doing something right. But you can look at it as, oh my gosh like I'm getting you know, one or two high ticket sales a month, whereas they might be getting, you know 10, 15, 20. So in the beginning, I used to look at that as like a de-motivator, I was like man I'm not getting there. But what I didn't realize is, you know all these people that you see, They've set themselves daily goals daily goals weekly goals monthly goals yearly goals. And I think you got to look at the leaderboard as kind of like a motivator factor, instead of like, oh man I'm not on the leaderboard I'm not succeeding because everybody is different right. And, you know, going towards like TikTok and how you're driving like driving traffic. My issue in the beginning, I spent three months, literally, November, December, January, so I spent three months trying to grow one TikTok account without really being any like, original at all. So within that three month span, I gained maybe like 9,000 followers, my, my conversion rate was really awful, right, really terrible. And then I talked to somebody in the community and they, they suggest that I try it like a new account, but try and be a little bit more original, you know, don't talk about, don't talk about random side hustles. I know those get views ,right, those random side hustles those click-baity ones that everybody sees on TikTok, you know make $3,000 a day, you know, do like voiceovers, those might get you views, right, and for the larger accounts, it does. But what it also does is it gets you, it gets you banned, right, so I had a couple of videos, and honestly that can it can be detrimental, whatever, regardless of what anybody says you do those clickbait videos and you have one or two videos removed, regardless of what anybody says that's going to destroy your views. So, a recommendation for people on TikTok right now. As Dave said, views, okay views are great, but if they're not quality views, they mean nothing. Right, so if you're attracting people through clickbaity, you know, make $2,000 in voiceover $3,000 Listening to listening to music, and you see those, those might bring you followers but at the end of the day, your follower count really doesn't matter that much because there are people in this community that have 10,000 followers and they have you know, two or three times, gold, and there's people who have 200,000 followers, and they haven't made 5,000 bucks. Right. So I mean, it really comes down to the quality, and oh, a lot of people on this live are hopefully I'm not ranting too much but I know a lot of people on this live on Tik Tok. If you've been on Tik Tok for a while- and this is just my personal suggestion what happened with me. If you've been on Tik Tok per se, you know, two, three or four months, and you've had videos taken down because of community guideline violations for whatever reason might be like random, random videos got taken down, and your views have dropped for over three or four weeks. A lot of people suggest changing your account when trying a new account, which I've tried, but the only time it's actually worked, is making a new account with a new phone and a new phone number right now just on the same phone because I tried it and I got a new use. But on my new account to make moneywithjass with two s's. I did it with a brand new phone brand new number, I took my mom's phone. And within about three weeks like my videos just literally all exploded.

Pretty much all unexploited, so I was able to gain like 40,000 followers in three weeks, whereas I wasn't even able to crack 10k followers with my account, just because of those silly community violations by trying to be literally trying to copy these clickbaity videos so if anybody's trying to grow on Tik Tok and they're having an issue because of low views because of those violations. Honestly, I suggest trying to do it, brand new phone number, brand new phone. That's, that's one of the only ways that I have been able to, yeah exactly make moneywithjass exactly like that. 

Dave: But yeah so I mean, don't it's not a lot of dude that was like brilliant advice it's fantastic, don't, don't, yeah I mean, look guys, we're not we're not here to tell you what to do and what not to do.

It's just, it's just, you know, this is all from experience, you know, jazz, Jasmine you got great experience you've, you know, and the same thing has happened with Facebook ad accounts too it's like you go in, they, you get a, you get an ad account shut down or banned or whatever and it's like, And you may not be doing it, not particularly even doing anything wrong, and in some cases you may not actually be certainly not doing anything illegal, and in some cases you may not have even broken their terms, but their algorithm thought that you did. Maybe it picked up on a certain word or for whatever reason. And then you kind of just go and start another one with the same credit card and everything and it's it's the systems are smarter than that. You know what I mean. So, don't, don't, you know, don't, don't, don't insult their intelligence if you're going to start anew, if you're going to start, if you get an account banned or something. First of all know that we've all been there, like we've all been there. Some people are like, oh my god like this is the end of the world and it's like, no, it's actually not it's just really a learning lesson for you to say, ‘what can I do different and better? What can I do to clean up my compliance? How can I pay more attention to those aspects of the content of my advertisements?’

The other thing that I really wanted to say Jasmine and I just like I know you were referencing our leaderboard and stuff and obviously you're, you're an affiliate for us and you're kind of in the make money online niche but, you know, a lot of you new folks, you come in, and you, you don't have to go into that niche, you don't have to go into the make money online niche. You know, one of the things that we do with all of our books, you know that's one of the reasons Jasmine why in our, in our challenge, we don't talk about our affiliate program, you know, we talk about the general concepts we talk about we talk about various niches: health, wealth, relationships. Some of you guys are just not thinking wide enough, you're, you're just, you're coming in, and you're trying to do, what you see everybody else doing, and there's really a whole big wide ridiculous sea of opportunity out there in so many different niches, meaning topics, there's parenting, there's, there's, I saw a lady the other day, Texas B. Let me see. No She obviously had a, I followed her instantly because I was like this is like the coolest thing ever.

But she, she, she, she's a beekeeper. Texasbeeworks is her TikTok channel, and she's got 3.9 It's blurry there but anyways it's called Texas B works. That's the handle, and she's got 3.9 million followers, and she's got less than 20 videos Dude, she's got like probably 12 videos 369 1215 1821 So she's got 25, 28 videos, something like that. And she's got 3.9 million followers, She's talking about, just she's doing cool shit. You know what I mean like I don't know how to say this, it's just like, I don't want to talk over anybody's head I don't want to be like this weird dumb show that talks in technical jargon, she's just doing cool shit she's talking about cool shit. And I think that, that sometimes, I think that we just need all need to take a step back and really tap back into our creativity, and in even be willing to try to grow channels in different niches, Right? One of the reasons why, when somebody goes into our Blueprints we take them through a 90 day process to help them to pick a niche, to be sure that that's the niche that they want to go into. And so a lot of times when people don't invest in training, and they don't go through those sort, of those sort of blueprints, those, you know, that sort of kind of in advanced higher level, kind of, take your time, we have a proven plan for you- which is totally fine, we don't, we don't try to force our products on everybody and or shame anybody for not buying something, but I'm just, I want to give you guys all some of what we tell those clients right now, which is what the opposite, what what the college in traditional school system does is they say, just day One day, 18 years old. Pick a, pick a major. And then, Jasmine you're off to the races man in your, in your, your, three, four years into that major, you maybe go to an internship, and you're like, ‘I don't like this’. So, what what we do in the in our Blueprints chaining and what I'd like to invite all of you guys here to think about is that we try to be the opposite of, of the college system, right, the traditional school system, meaning that you don't have to just jump into a niche because everybody else is doing it. You don't have to do that, you can actually sit back and take your time by your time I mean, up to 90 days, and in play with some various different niches. And say, What am I excited about what can I actually talk in create unique content where can I take these copywriting skills, I'm learning these content engagement skills by creating awesome hooks on content and getting people to pay attention to what I'm saying in the first second or two of the video and then you'll all of which by the way we've talked about and taught right on these wakeup live shows, by the way. But, by 90 days, then I can make a decision about going into a niche that I really can create some engaging original content, instead of just going into make money online because everybody else is doing it. And certainly, we as a company, appreciate even, you know, basically evangelist of our, of our training, like we appreciate that, you know what I mean like it's, it's obviously, we're doing something right and it's, it's, it's a, it's a nod to us that people want to promote our products, awesome, but I just want you guys to know that we don't need you to do that. Nobody's asking you to do that so if you're sitting on this show this morning you're listening to this later and you're thinking that this is a narrow career, that this is a narrow venture, it's not, it's there's a really big world of affiliate marketing and things that you can get involved in. And I just invite each one of you guys to be open to that idea. Jasmine. I want to talk about the doubt thing, of course, anything that come up came up for you from from those comments, but I want to talk about your doubt, and how you have overcome some of that doubt, are some of that uncomfortability so feel free to share about anything that came up for you in my last rant, or talk to us a little bit about overcoming doubt. 

Jasmine:   Yeah, so just about what your what you said last that's one of the most important things is to get into something that you actually enjoy doing. Don't get into something just because people say you can you can make X amount of dollars or like a particular niche, a particular niche because you're gonna end up getting burned out, or you're not gonna end up loving what you do. So regardless if you're able to make money or not able to make money in it, you're gonna end up quitting anyways and going back to what you were doing before, which is I think like a fatal flaw, so don't don't chase the money, chase what you want to do, Chase what you love doing Chase what you love creating content around because if you're able to, if you love the content that you're creating, you will eventually see success with it as long as you're setting your daily, weekly, monthly, yearly goals for that and looking at it long term in a niche that you actually enjoy, and you're implementing what you're actually learning, you will eventually see success, but if you go into a niche just because, oh you know XYZ is making XYZ dollars you know my friend Jay over here does this niche so I'm gonna do it too. You're likely just gonna end up quitting because you don't actually love what you do. So I think yeah, as you mentioned really important to actually get into what you love doing, whether that's, you know, X Y Z program or ABC program just pick what you actually love doing, you know, go into that niche, and create content around that. 

Dave: One more thing before we move on, Laurie asked did you use a new domain link for your new account? 

Jasmine: No so what I did was I still have two domains up but one what is actually going through beacons like my old one I put through beacons just so they don't maybe like track it or whatever. And then for my current one I just use my, my same domain but I think because I tried to create again I tried to create an account on the same phone with a different email, and it literally got no views but I tried to do it on my like my mom's phone. And like my, again this is just my experience with it. My first video got like, 900 likes and like 50,000 views. 

I'm just saying like, the views. Okay, let's remove that okay that took a couple of weeks, but like, even like normal videos, like I reposted similar videos from my old account, like, same style. Not sure. And they got, you know, on my old account they get, you know 300 views but on my new account they get, you know 1000 or 2000. So from what I've noticed and I'm no TikTok expert, by far, I don't think anybody is. The first few videos that you put out honestly in my opinion are super important. And I've heard that from multiple people as well, like the first couple of videos that you put out kind of beer. Beer TikTok, TikTok isn't the end all be all right. Like, there's people out there that are successful without TikTok. I know a lot of people are talking about Pinterest now. So I don't know if anybody on here has heard about Calvin Hill.


Dave:   The other day, and, and, yeah, we had him on here and he went through Pinterest and what was going on with Pinterest and what he was doing with Pinterest and it's, it's just a beast. Are you on Pinterest?

Jasmine: I'm looking into it. I don't watch Calvin's lives, Calvin Calvin's Calvin's a different breed. I can tell you that.

But yeah, for anybody that's looking at like other avenues because some people don't like showing their face, right. So, TikTok isn't, it's not like if you don't succeed on TikTok, you're not gonna succeed right? 

Dave: There's Pinterest there's Twitter we had David dill, the other day on Twitter, bro. I was like, oh, Lee. Yeah, you're right. You don't have to be on TikTok, I mean everybody's tripping out about TikTok because it's this kind of just craze. Like, it's almost, you know what it's doing bro, in a sense, like, it's creating like this crack like epidemic. You know what I mean, like how, like how crack exploded on the street in the 80s and 90s, or whatever, like, like it was never like this man, like internet marketing was a different, it was just a different approach you were doing the Pinterest you were doing the Twitter's you were doing the YouTube span, you know where you were kind of had lower expectations, and it wasn't this, you know, overnight kind of thing. And so, in a sense, Tiktok has been sort of this double edged sword for everybody because they can have all this crazy exposure and success, success. I do call even getting video views success like any sort of feedback, any sort of progress is success. I'm not particularly just only talking about money. But yeah it's created this expectation that everybody should get results that fast and guys I'm here to tell you that I don't know what the future brings, maybe we're gonna have tons of TikToks I'm sure it's going to be exciting and there's going to be ways to get results a lot faster than ever before. But just remember that the fortunes, the real fortunes that I know about on the internet, you know in affiliate marketing and course creation and stuff haven't been created on Tik Tok, like they've all been created before Tik Tok was ever invented. So just keep that in mind. What you're saying Jasmine I think is really important and that's why I wanted to just add that piece to it because most 99.999999999999999% of fortunes have been created without TikTok. So don't be don't become an internet marketing crack attic to where all the sudden now you are chasing that high. If you get that high be grateful for it right if you get that high be like, Yo, that was an epic ride, but don't get addicted to it. I mean, don't get addicted to it to where if you don't get it or have it like now all of a sudden you're let down and you're going through detoxes and you, like thinking about offing yourself, you know what I mean basically killing your business, don't do that, you know, remember that most fortunes, if not all fortunes have been created without TikTok.

I interrupted you a little bit I don't know if you wanted to finish your thought but but let's keep moving and eventually find our way to this, you know, overcoming the doubt piece. 

Jasmine: Yeah, so just trying to like the the doubt for me, I cannot go back on the pages mentioning, like, TikTok, it's like, like for the people that are just getting into the digital marketing space just like me, we have to think like, what if TikTok wasn't here? Right so he's removed TikTok for just a second, even though it's the low hanging fruit. And if it's not working for you there's other avenues that people obviously have been super successful. So just because one avenue isn't working, like say remove TikTok. TikTok’s not working for you? TikTok wasn't here, not too long ago right or wasn't being used for you know, digital marketing content. Focus on other content, focus on Twitter, try that focus on Pinterest try that, try and start a YouTube channel. Right so don't don't get lost in the TikTok isn't working for me so I feel that this, I'm going to go back to doing what I was before I quit. Don't do that. But in terms of overcoming adversity. It really comes down to mindset and mindset is so important, and what you do on a daily basis so I was getting super discouraged because I wasn't seen, I wasn't really seeing any success through TikTok. Right.

And for that, it's like you have two options you can either say hey man like this isn't working for me, I quit. I'm gonna look, I'm gonna go back to looking for a job and you know I tried digital marketing but it didn't work out for me. Or you can say, You know what, I'm going to try this again, whether that's, you know, I'm going to go all in. Like I believe Dave Dill right, I believe that he was all in on Twitter, right, let's go all in on Twitter because people are making that work. Let me try and educate myself regarding that, and let me do that. So for me, really it was eliminating me looking at other people's success, and then portraying that onto me. Like, oh, you know, they're posting this content and they're seeing success but I'm not doing it. You have to be like, kind of like unique in your own way. Because at the end of the day, you know you can copy someone else's content and you can copy their funnel and you can copy their bridge page and you can copy their hashtags and what they're doing. But what you can't copy, and what other people can't copy is you. So you have to really try and sell yourself, rather than trying to try to push, push the content even though the content still has to be good, some content works better for some people and some content works better for others.

So for me it was really just trying to find myself and not really, you know, and stop comparing myself to other people because at that day. Some people have been in the industry for five years, 10 years. And some people are relatively newer than seeing success but don't look at someone else's success to put yourself down. Use it as motivation. And I think a lot of people, even myself and you know, in the early days which they're still early, I looked at other people's success and I was like man, why am I not there?  You know, we're doing the same thing we started at the same time, it's like you can't, you can't compare yourself to someone else because everybody's different, right. Yeah, you're gonna you're gonna attract people like you, right and they're gonna attract people like them. So if one thing is not working, try something else. Don't just quit. And people quit, I think way too early, Right, like they're out for a month, two months, three months, four months they don't see success they're like oh man, this sucks like I'm out of here I'm gonna go try X, Y, Z like I'm gonna go try dropshipping I'm gonna go try Amazon I'm gonna go try import products right stick to one course until you start seeing success because like it's an even playing field. Generally speaking, it's an even playing field we all, most people have access to Twitter Tiktok, YouTube, Pinterest, Facebook, like those are just common things that most people have access to. 

A lot of people have similar resources so if someone else is able to make it work, you can make it work, you just have to, you just have to educate yourself around it. And don't like please don't compare yourself to other people, and for the people that are for instance in, let X, Y, Z community, like, don't look at the top people in that group and look at it as like why am I not there yet. Look at it as how can I get there?. Daily goals right? People look at you I want to get to 10k a month, right, I want to get to 10k a month. I'll quit my job if I get to 10k, but they don't say like, ‘Okay, what am I going to do tomorrow? What's my, what's my plan for today? What's my plan for tomorrow? What's my plan for the next week?’ right, my goal is, you know, one conversion day or two conversions a day or five conversions day not 1000 conversions a day right off the bat. Right, so don't get, like you have to, you have to kind of fall in love with the process right so there's roles, you know, one, one conversion two conversions a day, you know, and then you move on from there. Now, I want to get 100 conversions a day I'm going to compare myself to someone who's been doing it for 10 years, right and then get demotivated, so it's really just fall in love with your niche fall in love with the process and just stay consistent right like just put in that effort every single day, whether it's half an hour 20 minutes, one hour, two hour whatever you got for you and just like stick with it, cuz like your goal should be long term not short term and I think that's why a lot of people fail, they have like the short term like, I'm gonna quit my job in two months, even though he or she did it. It's like no, like, stay consistent with it over time like focus on you know, one year, five year, 10 year, right, like, well I believe work it out. 

Dave: I believe Jazz that, you know, people shouldn't quit their job, dude. He definitely not no, because, because here's why. Let me tell you why. This is my opinion. If, If you can't be successful doing this with a job, then you're not going to be any more successful without a job, because now you're gonna have all this time on your hands. So what having a job does, in my opinion, is it, it makes you super on point with your time.

Because you know you've got limited time and you've got specific windows. So now you got to get really good at not only making the most out of your time but you also got to make the most out of your sleep, like, you got to make sure you get good sleep. You got to really learn how to take care of yourself, you know, I mean, like, I remember my wife and I, we separated. Many years ago, and we had a couple of separations early in our relationship, but like we, dude, this was when I learned how to take care of myself. You know what I mean, Because I didn't have my girlfriend going around, washing dishes and doing laundry and, you know, I mean, making sure I was taking care of myself. Right. And, and that was, that was good for me, you know, so I think that, that, you know, what I realized and I had already had some success in business by that time, but what I realized was that, like that ,like I really didn't know how to take care of myself. Like I really didn't know how to do self care, I really didn't know how exhausted I was. I was staying up late, I was like, I was all messed up. And I think if we have a job, and we have to fit in building a business, and, and, and even taking care of kids and getting sleep like it really brings out.

It's gonna make you or break you. Right, it's gonna make you or break you. And especially if you have the ability, you know you have a job, and you don't have kids, right, you got all the time in the world I'm gonna tell you something if you guys, if any of you guys don't have kids, you, you actually don't realize how much free time you have on your hands, like you don't, you do not realize how much. If you want to take care of your kids like if you want to actually, you know, pay attention to them. Like when I'm in the house. It's one of the reasons why, why I don't work in my house that I sleep in, is because, well I do, but it's in the garage, and it's, I got a, I got a desk set up in the garage, and it's like, it's I try to, you know, be like this I'm not in the house, I'm in the garage. So, but, like, if you don't have kids and you got a job. All right. And you don't have kids. The, the, you have all the time in the world. You have all the time in the world. Trust me go get kids, go get you some kids. And I'm going to show you, you're going to come back and say that ‘David that son of a bitch. I don't have not a God blessed second..I can’t breathe these kids are down my friggin throat’. That it's unbelievable. It's unbelievable. I have two kids, let me tell you how onpoint I am with my time. So, you got a job, now all of a sudden every minute counts, right, and we learn how to make the most out of our time do self care get in bed at a good time. And I believe just how you do one things how you do everything bro how you do one things how you do everything. So I see a lot of people also like, oh I'm gonna I'm not successful in affiliate marketing, I'm gonna go do, Amazon, or I'm gonna go do this or that, it's like, but how you do one thing is how you do everything. Wherever you go, there you are. So it's like you bring those same bad habits, that same bad attitude into this new business model, it's not going to be any different. Because the truth is that every one of you guys could be successful at anything that you do, if you wanted to. If you knew how to be not that if you wanted to because I believe each one of you guys want to see that's that's unfair, but I believe if you knew how, which really boils down to dynamics that I'm talking about not the mechanics of the business like, oh, you know, TikTok. No, it's the dynamics, it's this shit I'm talking about with doing self care, just talked about this attitude overcoming doubt not not comparing yourself, not leaving before the miracle happens not comparing your insides to other people's outside it's like all this stuff you just said bro is shit that I've been talking about for years and I've got even got these little phrases for, like, don't leave before the miracle happens, don't compare your insides with other people's outsides, you know, all this kind of stuff because it's true.

I don't know what you're laying out is just a lot of facts bro, a lot of facts, we got to bring this in for a landing. Give us some final like what, First of all, what's been your experience with Legendary? Like what are you, have you been loving this journey in this community and have you gotten a lot out of this sort of process here within LM?

Jasmine: Yeah, definitely. And I'm going to say that for a couple of reasons. The first is like Legendary marketer, regardless of what anybody like what people think like they actually want to see you succeed, as Dave always mentioned like they're a for profit business, but they care about your success so whether you know whether you go into a lab or whether you go into like a different program wherever you go into whatever you should go into, I truly believe that Dave and and Legendary marketer want to see you succeed, which is why they put so much content and so much effort into what they do. But for me, like I again, I didn't know anything about digital marketing. I knew nothing about affiliate marketing before I went to the Legendary marketer course. So that really opened up my eyes and I really do appreciate it, and for the community you know I've been fortunate enough to talk to some pretty successful people in the Legendary marketer community. And I've never met someone that's doing, you know, more than what I am, that hasn't been willing to help. So for anybody that's in, in the community, whether you're like with LM or not with Legendary, like reach out to those people if you see someone on on like TikTok that's doing like really well honestly jump in their lives like ask them questions, send them an email. Like these people are willing to help. Right, and I know people you know you might see them on a top 30 leaderboard like the Top 10 Top 50 People like, I guarantee you, each and every single one of those people in that community, are willing to help you with whatever questions you may have. And that's been my experience so like the community that you know that you and Legendary, you guys have been able to build is, I think amazing truly amazing everybody's willing to help.

If anybody has any questions for myself, reach out to me and like, I think the community you've been able to build is just in my opinion, and I haven't had experience with a lot of them but it's really second to none. Just because everybody wants to see the next person succeed and I think that's what separates the community from others, right, so nobody wants to see you fail, right, everybody wants to see you succeed. So yeah that's kind of that's kind of my thoughts, 

Dave: And you make a good point because it's like buying by jumping onto like if you're interested in what somebody is doing by jumping on their live, you're also helping their business. Yeah, because you're jumping on their live, you're commenting on their stuff so it actually brings value to them you're not you don't need to worry about bothering them. You don't need to worry about you, that is helping them so I want you guys to really understand that if you jump on one of Jasmine's lives or jump on a Calvin live or something like you're actually helping their business because you're giving them viewership comments, social proof, showing that people are interested in their content so it's this wonderful giving take and that's why I say every single show we do is go to Jasmine's profile, like his stuff, comment on his stuff. Sure, like, you know, if you need inspiration, if you need help, if you if you have a question about some of the things that he's been talking about here, go lift him up every single time that he posted a video, I, I'm telling you guys, I'm telling you to do this, not just inviting, I’m  telling you go lift other people up, it will come back to you tenfold, it will come back to you tenfold. By lifting them up I mean, commenting on their stuff, your content’s incredible thanks like that takes two seconds. And when that person sees you commenting on their stuff. Each time they post a video, and then all of a sudden you show up on a live or you hit them with a question, how excited do you think that person is going to be to over deliver on an answer for you? They're going to be incredibly excited. It takes two seconds to do that and I think we all should put forth, you know, 15, 20 minutes per day to just say, ‘I'm going to go and just show love. I'm just going to go and support fellow entrepreneurs’. I try to do it. I try to go in, in, like people's posts and common on people’s stuff like, you know, there's tons of stuff I don't see at all, but I try to do that too. And so, Jasmine, brother. You know what I realized when I, when I asked this whole time you've been talking about overcoming doubt, and like the whole show has been about that you've just weaved it wonderfully into each, you know, thing that you've said and shared and I've just really enjoyed hearing what you've had to say. Your perspective on things is really really wise, It's really smart. I think that the mechanical tips you've given us are excellent, but if people really listened to this episode about the things that you said, they could they could they could save themselves a lot of frustration, a lot of disappointment, and not only probably be more successful but also enjoy the journey a lot more. So appreciate that my man. 

Jasmine: Awesome, thank you for having me and stay Legendary as they always say.

Dave: All right. My brother will talk to you soon. Okay, we'll have you back. Please come back. Alright, thanks so much. Alright man see ya. 

Alright guys, I want to put his a couple of things go follow him if you're just coming on, make moneywithjass with two s's. Read that carefully, makemoneywithjass. Alright, if you guys want some of this gear, you can grab it it Be Legendary dot shop. Okay. If you want a text message reminder, then go ahead and text this I know we didn't send one out this morning, we got mixed up, it's, it's, it's our bad, but you can text this number in we'll send a little, a little text message to remind you of each episode when we go live. You can also grab all of these, the replays like what I would recommend that you do is, every day, show up live it's a great way to start your day, it's a great way to build a routine, a success driven routine, but you can also find us on Spotify and Apple just type in wakeup listener and you'll find all the replays of each episode that we've ever done on those platforms as well we try to upload a daily. Okay, so as they kind of get done, we try to get them up right away so you guys have them. So, lots of resources, lots of support here, lots of real talk, join us back here tomorrow, once again for another episode wake up Legendary See you then, be Legendary. Get the hell out of here now. Go change your world and worry about changing the world, change your world first. Alright, see ya.

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