Below is the transcription for this episode:

Matt:  Hey what's happening everybody, happy Tuesday. I am guest hosting this morning for Dave. And we've got an awesome show lined up with a really cool guest. So I'm very excited to hear from him all the way from the UK and I think it's probably early afternoon for him but it's early for me 7am For me, but if you're newer and you're just tuning in for the first time, maybe you've never seen one of our episodes before, a couple quick things and then we'll dive into our guests for the day. First thing if you'd like to get a quick text message reminder, every time that we go live, you can text the the number on the screen here it's 813-296-8553 you send a text message, the text message, say WUL and I have my phone in my pocket, and lo and behold, I just got my text message for the day. Boom, there it is. And it just lets you know hey, we're alive. Come join us. And we don't sell through this text message platform. You're not going to get a bunch of messages throughout the day. You get one text message on Monday through Friday at 10am. Eastern every frickin day. And that's it. There's no other ulterior motives or anything like that. The funny part is we're actually charged based on how many messages we sent. So we don't even really want to send you more messages because we're going to go over our limit and then they're going to charge a bunch of money and it's just not worth it. So we're only going to send you one message a day. All right. And also if you want to get any merch you can hit B legendary dot shop right there. You can get legendary hats and shirts and gear and all kinds of cool stuff at lead at so if everyone in the comments could give me a little hand clapping emoji or some sort of like party maybe like the streamers emoji or some sort of celebratory something. Let's bring on our guests for the day. All the way from the UK. Alex, what time is it over there?

Alex: It is six minutes puffs three in the afternoon. 

Matt: Alright, so we're you're I don't know where Birkenhead is. Where is that?

Alex: So it's literally just over the water from the famous city of Liverpool. And you know where the Beatles are from? Yeah, yeah. It's literally only about a five minute drive. So my accent probably sounds a little bit similar to sort of the Scottish accent as it's called. But no, I I say I'm from say so. Yeah, I'll come back.

Matt: Cool, right. All right. Yeah, you were throwing me off a little bit, but that makes sense. No, I got it. Alright, so brace any do your 22 Okay, so super young. Bring us into your world a little bit. Uh, how did you find Legendary? What got you looking for some sort of way to make money online? Or did you happen to stumble upon it or were you looking for it?

Alex: So I'd say I've been looking for a way to make money online for a few years now. And I've tried loads of stuff so I tried like the crypto I tried you know, invest into shares or tried Forex futures, even tried a little bit of real estate. And so I've been loving them for a few years. And after my last sort of one successful venture into cryptocurrency, I've still got some so to say but, you know, I started doing the futures and stuff and then I sort of got an advertisement on affiliate marketing. I'm asking now well, it wasn't Legendary it was with another company. And it got me really excited. You know, I don't know about webinars and I was like, sort of, I had my card ready to go. I was like, right, you know, get me signed up. I want to know more about affiliate marketing and so I stopped doing that and I told a few people what I was doing, and I was doing it out alongside were, so I was a process technician until just before Christmas. So I was doing it sort of after work on the weekend, but it wasn't really progressing as fast as I should. have been. And it was, you know, this sort of affiliate marketing training course it was with sort of, I'd say they're probably a bit of a competitor really won't mention them, but they specialize in organic Facebook groups, which I know a lot of affiliates still do with legendary. And at this time, I didn't want no one at work and none of my family to know what it was doing. And I had a mindset block. My confidence wasn't there. And you know, I had a lot of people at work on Facebook, so I didn't want to do it. But I think so. You know, one thing led to another. We are tasked to sell my business and sort of just talk a little bit of a back foot with it. And I started looking at YouTube and you know, I'm a soccer, football copywriting and, you know, a lot of other affiliates probably are and I just started doing different things and you know, with a shiny object syndrome sort of kicked in, and it was then that I stumbled across legendary. So obviously, a lot of YouTubers have got the big plaque in the background. And I was like, What is this plaque everyone's got. So I looked into it and then that's when I started promoting Legendary and did the 15 Day Challenge and the rest is sort of history. Awesome. I also I

Matt: Wanted to just say, you know, you might call it shiny object syndrome, but to be honest, at 22 years old, we should probably stop using that term. I think it's just called Curiosity. You know, just curiosity and like just feeling things out. It's sort of like when I visited when I've when I visited Italy and went to I think Florence and visited a few museums about Leonardo da Vinci and and the you know that in some of the museums they would say, nowadays, you know, Leonardo probably would have been diagnosed with ADHD or ADD, because of all of the different things and inventions that he came up with and never finished. You know, everything, everything that you walk into his museum and it's all these models and things from these crazy inventions that no one had ever thought of flying machines and all kinds of random crap that like he developed, you know, some of the blueprints for it. He got 70% of the way through and quit and just got bored and was like, Alright, I'm on to the next thing. And you know, nowadays, it's just interesting how people are like, you know, we sort of overdiagnosed things, you know, shiny object syndrome. It's fun, it's like a fun marketing term. You know, but I think sometimes, you know, with people, I just feel like I stopped using that term for myself because I was like, I am that kind of person. I'm not nearly as brilliant, not even remotely close or as brilliant as laid out. But, you know, I'm curious. I like to dabble and try things out for a little bit. And I find, you know, after trying 10 things, I kind of find one or two things that really stick but so, anyway, that was a little side tangent, but you know, just, you don't have to feel you have to feel guilty or shameful or something for starting something and then quitting. Dave has been on this big, big rant. I don't know if you've heard him talking about it lately about how, you know, just learning how to start something is a really valuable skill. And he's got little kids who are trying to teach them basically how to just start things. How do you start things and find something new and start it without knowing anything about it? 

Alex: I was just gonna say I sort of beat myself up about it, to be honest, you know, when you're, you know, you sort of take your foot off the gas a bit and I was sort of thinking about it to sort of raise it on, you know, to speak about it on the podcast, and I was thinking a good way to sort of look at it is, you know, if you look at your week's performance, and you might not have done as best as you had last week, you've just got to zoom out. It's like looking, say the footsie 100 or something, if you look at you know, the week, then you know, you might go down and next week you might be up but if you zoom out you are on the journey, and you've got to enjoy the journey like the man or the woman who enjoys the journey and the walk and will get further than the man or the woman who enjoys a destination. So yeah, you've got to out like that.


Matt:  Yeah, zoom out, get a little perspective, you know, not be so you know, I don't know how to see it, but just not so hyper obsessed with just today and right now and zoom out and see a little bit bigger. That's, I wish you know, I wish I could have done that a little bit more. Back in the day because I started when I was about 20. You know, 22 or whatever. And 10 years later, I you know, it's just 22 Feels like a different life. To me. It doesn't even feel like the same life. It's so long ago, and I'm 32 and most people were like, you know, middle aged like 60 years old. Or something or like to do like you're an infant, your baby, you know, and, and so I think that that helps give a little bit of perspective. I think, you know, beating ourselves up when we're young, like it's just I don't know what it is if it's nature or nurture. I don't know how we do that. But I would do that too. And, and feel like I should be you know lightyears further than where I was or whatever. So it's just kind of like, I don't know, I feel like at every age at 50 you're still able to reinvent yourself. And have 20 3040 good years, you know, like, I just think the game has changed a little bit in that arena. And I like that perspective. Just say just zoom out a little. That's a good therapy thing like just zooming out a little bit. Give yourself a little breathing room here.

Alex: And Hong Kong pretty much I think the hard thing for affiliates or as well like it's a sort of mindset block is you know, we have got an audience. And you know, when you take your foot off the gas as I said before, you sort of my thing you know my audience are waiting for the next video or the next batch of contents and you know, when you if you follow a routine, you've just got to think like, we'll be back and we'll be there again and you know, you've got to sort of lock right Well, I haven't give off but there's there's more to come and I think you've just gotta remind yourself and trust that you know you will return to it and it's something crops up. Just don't beat yourself up about it. Zoom out.

Matt:  You know, totally, totally what I'm so you get started in this training and you're it sparks even even I don't know if it's a competitor or what I don't there's so many different people out there that it doesn't really matter but you basically it sparks something in you right so what the per and and you know lots of people start our training and don't do anything and for some people was just the catalyst for them to try to look or find something online or for whatever reason, it just didn't stick and it was just like the it was just like this This got my wheels turning so that training did that for you. Right? It sort of got the wheels turning a little bit then you discover legendary and, and and you start what like what's your experience as you're going through the challenge? I'm curious what you thought about, you know, days one through 15 of the challenge and what that process was like. Was it meaningful to see some of the tech setup? Was it meaningful to have some of the mindset stuff? Was it everything combined? Like what was your What was your takeaway?

Alex: So I want to say first of all, the education is absolutely top notch with the course and you know, I do promote it very honestly when I'm promoting and you know, speaking to people in direct messaging and the rest of it, but on a personal note for me which you know, my affiliates might not the same story was because I went through this or the course I was looking for sort of the offset. My idea was I wanted to be able to send my audience or my followers to a community where I know they'd be nurtured and they'd be looked after properly, like, I couldn't imagine anything worse than, you know, promoting a product and then getting all these problems back. And that's the beauty about affiliate marketing is you don't have to handle customer complaints and all the rest of it, but you have to say you're still sort of liable if you send people down a route which you don't believe in yourself. So I knew as soon as all sat in the challenge like I was sort of sitting the challenge thinking of where I affiliate links because whilst I was ready to promote the course it's a cycle. When out when, you know, my experience with the challenge was you know, this is exactly where I want my audience to go and and know that, you know, they'd be receiving great training. So yeah, I did learn a lot from the challenge. But for me, it was just the confirmation that yeah, this is what I want to promote and this is a good community of people.

Matt:  Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. And it's definitely not a it's definitely not a requirement that somebody, you know, be like, hey, I want to sign up as an affiliate for your company or whatever. Not at all. In fact, a very few people who come through our challenge, sign up as an affiliate probably. I don't know this for sure, but probably in the range of like less than 5% probably much less than that. I just don't want to call it something I'm not sure about but I know for the amount of people who purchased our challenge in a month, we do not have that many affiliates. Not even close. But yeah, I feel like finding something and that's usually how it goes right? They kind of learn the business model and they look around and they're trying to find something that they enjoy and feel good about. Right? The main thing is like, what you just said is I didn't want to like, you know, send people who follow me to just nothing or something that's bad or something that's that I don't believe in or feel good about. or something. And then you know, what typically happens over time. People sort of people sort of get laid, right? They start taking action like you if they start making a little bit of money like you have. They begin to understand the logistics of content creation and lead generation and the business sort of comes together. And then you know, what happens is they either keep going down that route, which is cool, or they start selling their own product or they start coaching or they start consulting. And they stick in the four business models, usually in our core four business models. And, but what they, what I find at least is that they typically sort of find their legs and find what fits them best and that process takes a little bit and during that process, and sometimes people will give me feedback or say about our company, you know, oh, I just felt lost after I got done with the challenge or Oh, I felt but the truth is, is that like really discovering somebody's entrepreneurial fit and discovering somebody's entrepreneurial drive and motivation and and what's going to really feed them takes off takes time. It takes energy it takes hearing different voices listening to audiobooks, listening to trainings like the the the thought process that somebody would purchase $7 Challenge $7 And somehow magically just poof, like, I'm suddenly a perfect entrepreneur and I've got my business all set up and I'm running a business I think that that's a little bit misguided, as good as our challenge is, it's $7 You know,

Alex: I struggle with that to be fair, because obviously, you know, sort of promoting the course to you know, my audience saying like, you know, how great it is and all the different things that they'll get on the course. And about people sort of say, the $7 seems a bit too, too small the price and questionable about the price for the amount of value that they get in the course. And I sort of have to say, Well, yeah, it is hard to believe but they trust me and then, you know, sort of back it up again and reiterate what they'll get. So, you know, $7 as well, in the UK, it's like five pounds, so it's even, it's even cheap. It sounds even cheaper in the UK. I'm like, yeah, it's only a fiver that's what we call by pounds like a fiver. So it's, you know, it is hard to sort of justify the price because it is over, over and over given and and yeah.

Matt: Yeah, I don't know I've even struggled. I've personally struggled with that before we've had conversations about raising the price. Maybe we will someday but I, you know, to me also, I feel like it's a quick explanation to somebody where, you know, it's just like, hey, look, we just want you to get a taste. It's really like, you walk into a restaurant and you get an appetizer, right and the main entree is our business blueprints and our main course, you know it is maybe like our affiliate marketing business blueprints or something like that. But the truth is, it is like for people, I think for people who just want to get a taste of what exactly is going on? How exactly would I build this business? How exactly are people without any product without any coaching or without any sort of physical or digital product of their own? How are they starting to make money? This is crazy. How does this freelance digital marketing thing work? And I think for seven bucks, it's, it's, it's a little bit crazy. I feel like sometimes that we get refunds, we don't get a lot of them, but I just think to myself, I'm like, Man, I can't imagine the amount of value and stuff that's inside of that course. Somebody can look at it and be like, Nope, that was not worth $7 You know, a little bit like, hey, like, have you seen the things that you bought for $7 in the last year like, it's insane. We should probably just raise the price because it flakes honestly, we should probably raise 10 bucks or something. So it's more in line. But I think it is real. I think that that is really what you said about you knowing the price being too low and this sounds like this. I feel like it almost sounds conceited or something but there is an element of this which you're kind of hitting on that. It can feel like too low of a price. Like it can feel like it's like the price and the value and whatever else doesn't match up or align. But I think it gives I think it gives room for people to try it out and get a taste and then also just see just just also just kind of see what other upsells are going to be available and and it sort of it honestly leads the mind to think oh, there's probably more for sale here. There's no way they're actually going to make a business out of selling something for $7. And anybody who has any business sense at all would be like, of course there's obviously going to be more things that they sell and offer like any good business. A T Shirt Company doesn't sell a single t-shirt, they probably sell 50 of them. And when you go checkout, they're gonna offer you upsells on their socks and on their hoodies. And, you know, that's how businesses run. But anyway, so through your journey I'm really curious about your journey of getting into content creation of producing some digital content because I actually I feel like your content itself Alex, it looks really good, like your content is well produced and you came on here feeling a little bit nervous, but that feels different to me than what I experienced in your videos because you're some of your editing and some of your cutting and stuff like that, like you do a really good job and I'm going to tell everybody who's watching right now, in just a couple of minutes. I'm gonna put his TikTok up so you can go watch his videos, but so just hang tight until we do that. But doing your stuff is so good. Like how have you just learned those skills by yourself? Was it just a lot of time working on it and do you do most of your editing in TikTok? 

Alex: So when you know we'll go back to the 50 and challenge that quick and when was going through the 50 and challenge you know the was your video actually, you know when you were saying the you know the recreations strategy and you know, pick the virality the viral videos and sort of recreate them and sort of, you've got to put your sort of personal spin on them and I say to everyone, you've got to be creative. And I think with my videos, I'm sort of still sort of trying to find a style so I enjoy the longer form videos more and more of like, how to and step by step. So the thing with my channel is I'm also showing people how to do other side hustles so I'm sort of keeping it open and keeping the options open to my audience and saying yeah, affiliate marketing is there and I do and, you know, recommend everyone to do affiliate marketing because, you know, there's so many benefits and I just say it's, for me, it was my personal choice. But I sort of say well, you can do this as well if it's not for you. And the problem with that is I probably don't have a lot of you know, it's not a majority affiliate marketing audience. So, for example, my most viral video, I think it's about 800,000 views. That's nothing to do with affiliate marketing and I sort of got that off tube and then sort of put a personal spin on it. I like to put tips in my content as well. So you know, given I do believe in given value, and I think once you give value and you're, you know, you build that audience and that trust element, then the money will look after itself. And I think a problem with a lot of affiliates coming into it. If I'm not it does definitely work and for all of you as you know, you can do this, but don't just basically show people sort of teach them as well and give that sort of how to elements, you know, it's all well and good. And I've tracked you can have a look on my page and you'll see I've sort of done a little bit of that as well. And there's nothing wrong with that. But you know, if you're teaching people then, you know, you're then you're gaining that trust element and you're building a tribe. 


Matt: That's really big. I hope everybody heard that that whole part about teaching people how to do something, giving little tips and tidbits and nuggets that is the one theme of content in short form video content that I've seen over and over and over again, goes viral. And it actually builds in some goodwill as people are watching your content. It's not just virality, it's engagement and then it's also just a feeling. You're conveying a feeling to somebody that hey, I'm gonna give you this for free. It's sort of like the Gary Vee thing. I'm gonna give you this for free and later on sometime down the road. I'm going to ask you to click a link or to purchase something or to enter your name and email address but first, give me a few tips. Right. And the way I always explain this is we do this thing called a decade and a day and when somebody buys our Blueprints, they can go and come live with us for seven hours on a Friday. And the way that I explain it is basically you know, starting somebody out with a quick hitting hook right bringing them in with a really powerful hook something to grab their attention. Whoa, wow. Okay, interesting. You know, I'm going to show you how that's a great start to a video. I'm going to show you how to do it and then you give them whatever you're going to show them how to do right. Now, if I was going to do something with dog training or if let's say I'm a dog trainer, I would say here's how to then I'm going to insert some sort of really emotional topic, right? Like, you could say, if your dog screams at the mailman every time he comes, right every time he shows up at your front gate. Well here's how to get your dog to stop doing that as soon as today. Right and then and then you and then you cut the video and you go to you know you and your dog out in the front yard and here's sort of what you do. But starting out with these How To videos. The first thing that it does is if you start the video with that, the very first thing that it does is going to get you the right audience. And some people have debated me on this. I completely disagree and we've got years of history now to show that they're wrong. But the reason that you should start with something like that is because the people who are then going to watch that are people who are interested in it, they're going to get a little bit of a learning lesson from that. If they're not interested in learning how to train their dog to stop barking at the mailman. They're gonna keep scrolling cat owners, they're gonna be like, I don't care. I don't have a dog. So they're immediately going to be on and the algorithms are going to start really sorting out right like who's who's in this dog training sort of interest level, right? And then you give them a little bit of Alright, now let me show you step one, step two, step three, and then you gotta be very specific at the end. You've got to say something like, Hey, there's a little Follow button right here and I've got a lot more tips. Coming your way for free. Right? They start following you and then you know a portion of that following will start tapping a link in your bio, and then a portion of those people will purchase whatever you're going to sell them or recommend to them right. So I think that style on that thing is really solid. Do you do most of your editing in TikTok?

Alex: Don't know, I? At first what it was doing first was using an app called PowerDirector 365. And that's just basically it's a separate app and you know, it's quite easy to use. So I was using that. And I was fine. I was dropping a little bit of quality on the upload. So then I branched out to Adobe's Premiere Pro and started learning how to do that. But that's another sort of entity like that's another skill yet. You have to learn and eventually probably want to outsource that to be honest and sort of my sort of my videos and then sort of employ someone to say like, can you edit it and sort of familiarize themselves with my style of editing sort of thing. But I've started to learn the Premiere Pro, and you can edit and export that really well into TikTok and there's a lot of good easier photos on YouTubes around and I've recently purchased a you know, like a better camera rather than an iPhone. And so that's starting to show I'm still working it out and that's another thing you've got to do. You've got to learn some sort of thing so you know, you don't need a camera but you don't you don't need the best software. You can do it all in house. But I just thought you know what, I want to have a bit of fun with the medicine even though it does take a little bit of time. 

Matt:  What it was about the editing, it was about the editing stuff. And I feel like what came to mind as you were saying that too for me was when you start editing videos, right so for instance, you might take a training course like Legendary or something right? And you might start, you might begin the process of learning how to create these types of videos or create Jump Cut style videos. Then from there, and you can probably validate this but my guess is from that point of sort of learning the high level strategy and realizing oh my gosh, like there's there's content creators out there who are affiliate marketers, course creators, things like that. We're making so much money on the internet from TikTok and YouTube and things like this. That once you started creating that content, my guess is you probably spent a lot of time on YouTube and researching and watching different instructional videos on how specifically to do a little cut in your video or how to, you know, hyper zoom and you probably watched a bunch of other people's content who does that too, right? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And the reason for that is because Sorry, sorry to cut you off. I'll just finish my thoughts here. The reason for that is because entrepreneurship is just about being an engineer. It's about being a problem solving engineer who you figure out, Okay, I've got to figure out some way for me to be on this screen. And for this piece of content, be really engaging and capture people's attention. And now I've got to figure this out, and you start you know, you start learning how to Google and YouTube certain things to find what you need. And then you suddenly put together this video and the TikTok app, and you're like, alright, this looks cool. Like most posts, let's see what happens. And in your case, you get hundreds of 1000s of views. That's crazy.

Alex: Yeah. And I think, just off the buckle of you know, problem solving like this sort of industry and you know, getting into Marketing and Entrepreneurship, you comment against problems every day you know, like you may you know, the old saying, learn something new every day. Well, you know, you learn something new every five minutes and say when you're sitting at your desk, or wherever you are, keep coming up against problems, and it's so easy when you come up against a problem. You know, you've tried to fix it about three or four times and you still can't get your head round. I was doing something yesterday and I just couldn't get my head round. So it just ended up you know, walking away taking a few minutes. And so it's easy for me to come back and say, Oh, well, I'll do something else. Now. I'll do another part of the business which you have to cater to, you know, you've got to sort of have that resilience to just keep trying to solve this problem and, you know, use your resources use the forum and there's always people to ask and on the Facebook groups and that sort of things, and sometimes it might just say, you know, like I say put it on Facebook, you know, message someone you know, in the industry and we'll just give you a hand and you know, the thing about legendary is everyone is happy to help and if you're really struggling and you can't solve it on your own, you know, just just ask someone and I'm sure to find the answer.

Matt: Yes, yes. Yes. It was such a positive outlook on this whole journey, right. I mean, we've had, we've had so many people who purchased our products. And I've just seen this over the years not just that legendary who they'll come on, or though they'll come into the community and just, you know, I couldn't get any answers. Oh, I couldn't get a hold of this person or whatever. Right. But the truth of a lot of times and sometimes short, maybe they couldn't get a hold of somebody, but the truth in a lot of these cases, and what happens is that people buy something, and they have this sort of pessimistic or victim mentality, right? And so they're looking for ways in which they can be a victim in life or in business. And so they, they sort of create an atmosphere for themselves, where they're, they're more likely to be a victim or they're more likely to feel like a victim. So, you know, maybe they you know, let's say that you're my advisor, right? You're my business plan, advisor and I'm feeling this way. So when I want to reach out to you, I only send you one email, right. And I don't follow up at all. I haven't sent you another email for a couple of days, like hey, just just wanted to check. Do you have any? Did you get my first email, right? I only sent that one email and I didn't get a response. I don't hear back or you missed the email or something. Right. And I go and I feel like Oh, see, I didn't get the support I needed. I didn't know, and that's sort of a really good principle 10 years ago from a book called The Four Hour Workweek. And what he said is an entrepreneur bends the world to their liking, not the other way around. Right. You have to and I've said this to so many people that legendary people have purchased our challenge and immediately, you know, almost every single one of them will write back to me and say, I hadn't thought of it like that. That makes sense. And then they keep going, right? But when you understand that the world is in flux, things are moving and shifting. There are people whose minds can be changed. Facebook deactivates your ad account. Well, there's some human who wrote the code that deactivated your account. they can look back at it and fix your account even if they say it's final, I've had so many people write to me and say, well, they said it's final and nothing can be done. And I said keep pushing them, nothing's final in life. Nothing Yeah. Right. Like nothing's final. There's people who have been on death row who were you know, basically, they were sentenced to the death penalty who then eventually got out. Like nothing in life is final. There's always a way. And I think with that level, that's my takeaway from you. And your attitude today is like you gotta figure it out. 

Alex: Somehow you can figure it out. And I think when you know, we're starting off we don't have this mindset and we're not always trying to, you know, when we come up against a problem, it is easy to sort of go and grab a biscuit or something like that and just walk away and you know, forget about it, but you've got to, you know, your brain sort of doesn't like to be uncomfortable. And when you start off when you set up a business, it can be hard. And you can put yourself through a little bit of stress sometimes and you know, your brain might recognize that and say, Well, I don't want to get into that stress. So I'll walk away and that's the easy option, but like we should be saying you've got to just keep battling through it and you know, when you do eventually find a solution and you know the answer to what you've been trying to solve. You know, there is a real sense of joy in it and you know, that's a lot about the journey is that you get a real job satisfaction on getting stuff done. It's like when I worked in my old job, it'd be right as a process technician, so I'll just be my job to keep the machines running. And you have every answer in front of you. So you know, you don't have to press these buttons and occasionally do something else. And, you know, it's probably my brain sort of still getting used to the new problem solver. And the engineering as you said before. 

Matt: Absolutely. It takes a little bit of time, but it's a learned skill and you become really good at solving problems. What um, what uh, what for somebody who's, I'll let you have the last word today for somebody who's out there who's just got started. And they're sort of in that discovery mode that you were in when you were just sort of learning and figuring out this whole business model and how do I start this? What encouragement would you give to those people who are watching today and what would you say?

Alex: I'd say trust the process. Believe in the process, it does work. And off the back was saying before, don't sort of don't give into the shiny object. syndrome and don't you know, look for other other things to do, you know, trust the process, follow the program, you know, whether you're just starting off on the challenge or you know, you've bought the blueprints, it does work and just believe in, you know, as hard as it can get and, you know, it might take a few weeks or even a few months you know, everyone's different but you will get there. And you know, as soon as you start seeing results, then that's the ignition to keep on going and believe in yourself. 

Matt: Totally. I love it. Alex, thank you so much for everything today. And if you want to reach out to us you can hit me up via email, you can hit Dave or Roxy or whoever. Thank you for coming on. Thanks for taking the time. I'll put up your TikTok here and I'll let people give me a follow and find you on TikTok.

Alright guys, here's his TikTok. It's @digitalprofiting you can find him on TikTok or give him a follow, let him know you saw him on the show and hit like on his videos. If you see him pop up, give him some love. And someday, you know if you're on this show, and we're sharing your Tiktok you know he and everybody else here will do the same for you. So outside of that, if you would like to be featured on the show, there's a form you can fill out. It's legendary featured. And the reason that we're doing that is mostly just because there's a lot of people who come in our community. 1000s of people every single month 1000s and 1000s of people purchase our challenge training and there's no way to keep up with these people. There's no way I don't have any clue what most of you are doing on a day to day basis and your business or the results that you guys are producing. So we would love to hear from you. First of all, we'd love to hear what you're up to. We'd love to hear how the training has impacted you and if it makes sense. We'd love to feature you on the show. It's legendary It's gonna take you to a Google form. And it'll have a few questions. It's nothing crazy. It'll only take a few minutes. All right, guys. We're out of here for Tuesday, April 26. We'll be back here tomorrow. I'll be back here at 10am Eastern Time, same place. See you guys.

