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Compliance Agreement

Affiliate Compliance Agreement

IMPORTANT: You Must Watch

The Compliance Training Below

Affiliate Compliance


You must comply with all of the terms and conditions of the Affiliate Agreement, the applicable agreements policies referred to below, and all applicable laws, regulations, and rules when you use Legendary Marketer and our Services.


We own or license all intellectual property and other rights, title, and interest in and to Legendary Marketer, our Services, and the materials accessible on or through Legendary Marketer and our Services, except as expressly provided for in the Affiliate Agreement. For example, and without limitation, we own trademarks, copyrights, and certain technology used in providing our Services. You will not acquire any right, title or interest therein under the Affiliate Agreement or otherwise unless expressly provided for herein. You may not use our intellectual property on any social media accounts, pages, or websites.


You may not claim to be Legendary Marketer, David Sharpe, or similar in any capacity. You may not use the company name (Legendary Marketer) or David Sharpe's name on any social media accounts, pages, URLs or Website names.


Anything you communicate in marketing or advertising any Legendary Marketer service or opportunity must be true and accurate. Claims that relate to any Legendary Marketer service or opportunity that are untrue or fraudulent are strictly prohibited. You may not claim that any government, person, or entity endorses or supports Legendary Marketer. You may not use the intellectual property of any other person or entity in advertising any Legendary Marketer service or opportunity. You may not make income claims about Legendary Marketer in your advertising.


You may only have a single membership account. You will not be paid any Commission or Bonus for payments made on your own account(s). You are not permitted to open a Legendary Marketer account under the name of another person or entity, or under a fictitious name. You are not permitted to open a Legendary Marketer account under any name merely to obtain Commissions, Bonuses, or any other compensation, including without limitation incentives or prizes which may be offered from time to time. You may not pay for another person’s account. You are not permitted to offer cash rebates or other monetary incentives to actual or potential Sales.


We ask that you respect the Legendary Marketer online community. Your conduct when using Legendary Marketer and our Services should be guided by common sense and basic etiquette. To further these common goals, you agree not to:

1. Disparage the products or services of any company or individual.

2. Impersonate or represent us, our staff, or other industry professionals.

3. Link to or post content not allowed on Legendary Marketer.

4. Solicit a user’s password or other account information.

5. Harvest user information for any purpose.

6. Use racially or ethnically offensive language; discuss or incite illegal activity;
use explicit or obscene language; or solicit or post sexually explicit images.

7. Harass, threaten, or embarrass anyone.

8. Post anything that you do not have the legal right to post; and

9. Violate any law, or make any untrue or misleading statement.


We may suspend or terminate your use of Legendary Marketer or our Services, including without limitation, if We believe, in our sole and absolute discretion, that you have breached a term of the Affiliate Agreement. You acknowledge and agree that all suspensions and terminations shall be made in our sole discretion and that We shall not be liable to you or any other party for said suspension or termination.

“Dos and Don’ts” of Legendary Marketer:

1) Identifying yourself as an affiliate and making proper disclosures

2) Income claims using proper disclosures


Stephanie is giving a video testimonial on YouTube about the benefits of her network-
marketing company’s pay plan. She states that “In this business, when I recruited just 20 people, I was making over $2,000 per week!” In that particular program, the average distributor earns $235 per month.

What Stephanie wants to do:

Stephanie would probably not want to provide an income disclosure at all. I’m just being candid. Rarely in videos prepared by affiliates do you see any kinds of income disclosures.

What Stephanie needs to do:

First, Stephanie needs to remove the income claim of monthly income. Next, the safest bet is a text disclosure displayed simultaneously to the claim in question in addition to a more detailed audio/video formatted disclosure at the end of the testimonial. Or Stephanie could provide a “visual cue” during the video where the claim is made to communicate to the viewer that disclosures can be found at the end of the video. Visual cue example: Results not typical. See earnings disclaimer at the end of this video.

Audio/video earnings disclaimer that is to be added to the end of any video where an earnings claim is made.

“This is not a get rich quick program nor do we believe in overnight success. We
believe in hard work, integrity and developing your skills if you want to earn more
financially. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about
your ability to get results or earn any money with any of our products or services, or the
products and services we recommend. The average person who buys any “how-to”
information gets little to no results. Any references or examples used within this page,
or by someone on this page or video, are real and documented but are used strictly for
example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors, including
but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk
as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that,

Adding this will no-doubt make you more trustworthy, of integrity, law-abiding and most likely help to convert more quality leads into sales.

3) Selling products vs. selling a “business opportunity”

Legendary Affiliate Terms To Be In The Know About



The #1 Free Tool To Help You Write More Clear

Whenever I’m coaching someone to become a better copywriter….

I always start by helping them write more clearly.

More simply.

More understandably.

Because even if you have something good to say, if you’re confusing when you say it…

….it won’t matter.

One tip is to space your paragraphs out like you see me doing here.

I even like to separate sentences.

It just makes it easier to read.

Watch this video to lean more, and learn about my secret tool, plus….

I’ll tell you embarrassing stories about how I used to send emails to my wife to edit for me when I first started online.

Drop a comment below, and let me know your thoughts.

Should you use income claims in your marketing?

Hyped up marketing as we know it is DEAD.

Regulations are tougher and they are cracking down hard.

Consequences are worse – do you really want to risk long term growth for short terms gains?

Trust is at an all time low and people are sniffing out the schemers and scammers of the internet faster and easier than ever before.

What does this mean for you?

Two words: Massive Opportunity.

IF (and that’s a big IF)… you know how to market the new way.

Watch my new video for an honest and authentic discussion about using income claims in your marketing and how it could help you…or…hurt you to continue doing it.

Leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts.

My top 4 business models online


Yes, my friend…

The Internet is HERE TO STAY and digital marketing is the best way to ride the wave and get your piece of the pie!

In today’s video I’m going to break down the FOUR smartest online business models of 2018.

Yes, yes…. I know. There’s a new, hot and “trending” business opportunity popping up every other day, but these bad boys have stood the test of time and they’re not going away any time soon.

I like longevity.

I also like quick income with little to no startup costs.

These FOUR business models give you both.

Tune in and make sure to drop me a comment under the video with your thoughts.

The Power of Routine in Your Life and Business

Look, I get it. No one wants to be “tied down”, told what to do or locked into any one thing. Especially not entrepreneurs. We want to live, be free and flow like the wind throughout our life and business because that's what we think success is all about. Right?

I'm here to challenge that.

Let's be honest… we endured some boring, monotonous and repetitive stuff growing up that made us want to stick a fork in our eyes. Between both school and our jobs, we've sat idle for years while someone told us what to do and when to do it…

..and we're ready to break the hell out! But going too far over into “I'll just fly by the seat of my pants” could be the worst thing you do for the success of your business.

Here's why:

Thoughts? I'll see you in the comments 🙂
-Dave Sharpe

A Simple and Reliable Wealth Building Strategy Anyone Can Do

Over 10 years of being a full-time entrepreneur and much of that working with over 300,000 people as a coach, trainer or consultant – I've begun to see patterns in successful and unsuccessful people. (both invigorating and painful to watch!)

Successful people are decisive, consistent, committed, focused. They have routines they stick to and great work ethic. They don't try and re-invent the wheel but instead focus on simplicity and elegant ideas (over complicated ones).

While unsuccessful people are indecisive, inconsistent, uncommitted and lack focus. They are all over the place and lack structure and give up way to easy. They also are always obsessed with the next “secret” hottest way to get rich instead of the obvious paths that have stood the tests of time.

Yeah. I used to be that way, too (the unsuccessful dude). I was a “free spirit” who wanted nothing to do with structure and needed to be able to fly by the seat of my pants. I also thought “multiple streams of income” meant have “multiple businesses” …and that idea prevented me from making any significant money for many years.

Here's what I focus on instead today:

I'll see you in the comments 🙂

-Dave Sharpe

3 Lessons From Inside A 15,000 (sq ft) Mansion At Our Marketer Mastermind

I don't know about you, but everything I learned growing up hasn't served me as an adult. Whether it was the grueling math lessons, the idea if I was creative and unable to focus I had to be “ADD”, or that “money doesn't grow on trees”… I have had to unlearn so much as an adult.

We recently hosted a Legendary Marketer Mastermind at an amazing 15,000 (sq ft) mansion and here are a few important lessons I wanted to get on film while they were fresh in mind.

Let me know what you got out of the video and if you can relate down in the comments.

I hope to see you at a mastermind soon.



Congratulations on your decision to attend our next 2-Day Live Email Marketing & Story Selling Certification class. You'll get the chance to come to Legendary Marketer's corporate headquarters to learn directly from Coach Larry Beacham and his entire team. You'll also get to spend time with David Sharpe which includes VIP access to his closed-door exclusive training, along with getting a signed copy of his book and a photo opportunity!

Mark your calendar for the following dates to come down to see up LIVE:

The address to our corporate office is as follows:
4020 Park St. N.
St. Petersburg, FL 33709

6 Email Marketing Mistakes With Disastrous Results

If you are anything like me, your email inbox is stuffed to the rafters with unopened messages. Just for fun, I logged into an old email that I no longer use and there's more than 30,000 UNOPENED MESSAGES!

Over time, we subscribe to a variety of different email sources which is the reason why we get bombarded with so much crap – and that doesn't even include spam. However, there are certain emails that get opened by me to the exclusion of others on a regular basis. Does any of this sound like you? As an online marketer the $64,000 question is, why is it that some emails get “the royal treatment” while others get completely ignored – and how can I get my stuff opened?

If you rely on email marketing as part of your core marketing strategy like I do, the most important thing is that your emails get opened. However, many marketers find themselves frustrated with their email open rate and can't figure out the problem.

Today I will share with you 6 mistakes that email marketers make and what you need to do in order to avoid making them. Let's dive into it.


There's usually two extremes when it comes to your email subject line; either its too bland, or its over-hyped. If its too bland, there's little chance it gets opened. If its over-hyped you're likely just using click bait to get it opened and that's a dangerous strategy.

Dan Norris, Co-Founder of WP CURVE says, “The one mistake I see is overhyped subject lines. Writing headlines is a fine art and while the BuzzFeed style baited headlines might get more clicks, people forget about the impact on the trust of their brand. It's OK to encourage people to click but if they are constantly let down when they get into your content, it will have a long-term impact. I would rather sacrifice a few clicks to maintain the integrity of my brand.”

Since it takes time to develop the skill of writing good headlines, I wouldn't suggest winging it. Here's a cool tool that will give you the power of a pro headline writer.  A great website that teaches copywriting is


If I open your email, you better make sure that I'm better for having opened and read the content. Did you answer a question? Did you solve a problem? Did you relieve pain or make my life easier? Did you deliver VALUE? If not, say goodbye to me ever opening another email or just flat-out unsubscribing from your junk.

Noah Kagan, CEO of AppSumo says, “Focus on your emails being so valuable your potential customers read them, share them and are excited to use more of your product and pay you money. Just ask yourself if your emails are valuable even if your potential customer never buys.”  This advice is pure magic. I suggest you take it seriously and adjust if necessary.


How do you know if your email is selfish and self-centered? When it's more promotion that substance. Are you pitching and promoting, or are you serving and helping? If you are constantly thinking about how you can get someone to buy from you, bingo. You're an ego-maniac running wild.

Matthew Smith, creator of Really Good Emails says, “Emails should serve the customer not the product. Often times the marketing team, not the product team is in charge of the email flow and their directive is to grow. If you get myopic about that task you forget that the most solid growth comes through simple, repeatable, service that is so good it's sharable. Serving customers comes by meeting them in their email client with simple tasks and giving them more than they expect or more than they are paying for with their time.” This is a great filter that you should run your next email through.


Have you ever opened an email to the shock of what looks like a million words? My eyes glaze over every time I see an email like this. “Delete.” Next. Like the one viral video says, “Ain't nobody got time for that!”

“I often see people spending hours, even days, crafting long emails filled with many topics, ideas and news that would need a minimum of 10 minutes of uninterrupted reading to get through,” says Dan Levitt of Mad Mimi. “These monster emails lower your engagement and worst of all, they suck up your time and energy and become a chore. Keep it short and simple! Pick a goal and write a simple, short email that leaves the reader in no doubt what their next step is. It should be engaging, fun to read but most of all, it should take a few moments to grasp and act. If you’ve got a lot to get off your chest, send short emails more often.” ENOUGH SAID.


Jimmy Daly, head of content at Vero says, “The biggest mistake I see all the time is marketers ignoring behavior.
Here's what I mean. You see a lot of promotional email, lots of newsletters, etc. That's the easiest place to start with email marketing so people focus on it. Then, you get lots of content around optimizing subject lines, writing better copy, when to send emails, etc. We're missing the point! Email marketing campaigns should be sent as a direct result of data and behavior. If a user is inactive, they get a nudge to come back. If they are active, they get emails about features they haven't tried yet or inspiration to engage at an ever higher level. Data-driven lifecycle email is so, so, so powerful. And I believe it's where most businesses are missing the boat on email.”

I love the way Matt Hodges, Senior Director of Marketing at Intercom puts it: “Not considering your audience. It's like writing a love letter and then addressing it “to whom it may concern.” OUCH. Don't do this, please.


Are you sending your emails too much, or too little? According to a recent survey, 53% of consumers reported getting too many emails from retailers, while only 44% said they get the right amount. Here are a couple of tips that can help with knowing how to keep things in balance:

1. Just ask up front. Find out from your subscribers how often they want to receive emails, either at the time of subscription or shortly after. You can then segment your list accordingly. Didn't think of that, huh?

2. Get to know them better. Survey your email subscriber to learn more about them, and not just to find out how often you can send emails. If you know them, it will help gauge frequency because you are more service focused.


Hey, there are other mistakes to avoid and a ton of things to do that are awesome, but at the end of the day its all about making sure you cultivate a “loving” relationship that stands the test of time – and gets them to buy eventually. We train on this subject here at Legendary Marketer. Grab a copy of David's book, its a great place to start your learning.

Go Forth In Victory,

Coach Larry

David Sharpe’s 5 Offbeat Money Making Habits

I have the pleasure of being around Legendary Marketer's founder, David Sharpe, every week as I take the 55 minute drive from my home in Odessa to the corporate headquarters in St. Petersburg, Florida.

We are located on the second floor of this building.

When you are around a person on a regular basis, you get to see them up close and personal. I've said it many times that it is important to get within “arm's length” of highly successful people so you can witness for yourself what makes them so successful. I can remember when I first met David about 3 years ago when a buddy of mine dragged me to meet him at the office of his previous company.

I had only known David in passing at that point, but I had great respect for his success especially knowing his back story of overcoming multiple addictions and severe health challenges. When we arrived at his office, he appeared in the doorway and greeted us. I can remember very vividly being quite uncomfortable in his presence. At the time, I didn't understand why I had that experience, but looking back on it I realized that his very presence challenged me. Not the fact that he's slightly taller or that he had a nice smile. It was his energy. He exuded something that was more than just, “I'm successful,” or “I make a lot of money.” I believe it was, and still is, a deep sense of self-worth, humility, and clarity of purpose that forced me to return home and do an inventory of myself.

In the time since our first meeting we lost contact. Then one day a mutual friend put us in contact with each other, and the rest is history. Today I want to reveal to you 5 habits that I've noticed that make David Sharpe a true Legendary Marketer and continue to propel him and the company into amazing levels of success.

HABIT #1 – David Walks To Work

I'm not sure if this was intentional, but the corporate office is less than 5 blocks from David's personal residence. I have tried to get to the office to catch him walking down the street, but because I don't know his schedule of arrival its difficult. At least a couple days a week, David scrolls down the street with his leather briefcase hanging off his right shoulder. In this time, he's able to get some free time to mentally prepare for the day and get some fresh air.
HERE'S WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT. Many of us don't take enough time to stretch our legs or feel the warm sun in our face. We tend to be in a hurry all the time and fail to take time to simply think. We don't live in the moment enough. When was the last time you WALKED ANYWHERE? How often do you take time to think, be thankful, or prepare yourself mentally for the day? I respect this as one of my favorite habits of David.

HABIT #2 – David Packs His Lunch

I have the bad habit of eating on the fly, and I find myself in a drive-thru more often than I care to mention. There's a lot of money spent being unprepared and this is one of those things that David pulled my coat tail about. One day I asked David very directly where he felt I needed to grow. I braced myself for what I knew would be a very straight forward answer. My insecurities were on high alert and I became a bit tense. His answer shocked and surprised me. He said, “Figure out what you are going to eat everyday before its time to eat.” He went on to tell me the importance of removing this from my mind in order to leave room for more valuable things to think about.
HERE'S WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT. Too often we live our lives with the “drive-thru” mentality. If we're honest, we spend the bulk of our day flying by the seat of our pants. Little to no preparation goes into our day, other than the fixed schedule given to us by our employers. I struggle with forming this habit, but by watching David flow through his day I realize how this little habit yields big results for his productivity.

HABIT #3 – David Takes Care Of Himself

It's no secret that David has struggled with addiction as he shares this regularly. If we are honest, many of us do a very poor job of managing and caring for our minds and bodies. I've had many candid conversations with David about some of my own issues, and he's gently pointed me to the fine art of self-care. He takes time to unwind to be with his wife and young daughter. When he's working, he's working – and when he's not, he's REALLY not. He has surrounded himself with a tremendous support system that keeps his mind and spirit clear and in balance. He's careful to remove himself from anyone or anything that would challenge is sobriety or sense of well being.
HERE'S WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT. It's very difficult, if not impossible to operate at a level of peak performance if you are out of balance in your mind, body or spirit. Ignoring our self care is a big mistake and could cost us more than we care to lose. Today, I have sought out a professional therapist and joined a group to help me to overcome some of my demons and work for a plan of genuine self care. David won't take credit for that, but I will say he has directly influenced me to do that. I told him just the other day that his influence regarding self care is making a difference in my life.

HABIT #4 – David Loves His Family

A few times throughout the week David's lovely wife, Erin, pops into the office. Sometimes she's there just to visit, while other times she's helping out in some aspect of the day to day operations. You may think this is a weird observation that “proves” how much he loves his family, but I saw him kiss his wife goodbye one day and it wasn't one of those half-second near miss swipe of two pairs of lips. As a husband of 21 years, I know how routine it can be to “kiss goodbye.” That's not how David kissed his wife. That kiss was one of a man who honors and respects his wife and doesn't put his work, passions, or pursuits in front of her. He works to be the best husband and father he can be. Yes, I saw all of that in how he kissed her goodbye. I also know that outside of work he's dedicated to getting tools, resources and support that further builds his skills and keeps him accountable.
HERE'S WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT. Many ambitious men sacrifice their families on the alter of success and use their hard work as the excuse for not pouring into their lives. Too often we hear about how successful a man is in the boardroom, but a total failure at home. Not so with David. He's not perfect, but he is actively working on being the best husband and father he can be, and I can only respect that.

HABIT #5 – David Honors and Values Integrity

One day David pulled me into his office to participate in one of our many brainstorming sessions. On this particular day, I could see that he was uneasy and clearly troubled. He started off by telling me that he wasn't comfortable with the level of value being delivered in one of our products. So, for the next 2 hours we dissected that product until we came up with a new set of deliverables which met his expectation of genuine value. For our members, they now know this as the Builder Masterclass 2.0, Leader Masterclass 2.0 and Traffic Rolodex 2.0.
HERE'S WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT. The moment that David felt in his soul that there needed to be a change, he changed. He didn't continue selling something that he came to believe wasn't good enough. Many companies will knowingly continue to sell their stuff simply because its selling with no regard of whether the end consumer is getting everything they should. I wish more people could have seen his anguish because it would be apparent how much he really does care about his people.

I could list 100 more habits that I've witnessed in David since working with him that I admire and respect. In the world of internet marketing, there's a ton of unscrupulous owners who hurt people and give our industry a bad name. I guess I'm just proud to be around someone who's not drinking his own Kool-aid and feeling himself. If you know David like I do, or he's done something to positively impact your life do me a favor and give him a shout out. These days he's not one for a lot of attention, but sometimes you just have to give credit where its due.

Go Forth In Victory

Larry Beacham (Coach Larry)
Dir. Of Training


3 Utterly Bizarre Misconceptions About Making Money Online

On last Friday, one of our members posted a pretty bizarre message in our Facebook group that tells the story of how so many people misunderstand what it really means to make money from home. I'll share with you what they said in a moment. In the meantime, I'd like to talk very frankly about what may be your thoughts about making money from home, and whether those thoughts will help or hurt you.


As a coach, I often cringe at some of the things that people say about their “make money from home” beliefs, and it shows me two key things:

1. Most people have formulated opinions and conclusions about a home based business that will cause them great frustration

2. Frustration leads to anger, and that anger will lead to them leaving the home based business industry with a bad taste in their mouth

I remember when I first joined the home based business industry at the age of 19. A mortgage broker attempted to introduce me to my first home based business in the conference room at my job. As he began to get into his presentation, my boss at the time burst into the room and threw the guy out. I was horrified and afraid for my job. It turned out that my boss was involved in the very same opportunity that this guy was pitching to me, but he'd never shared it with me. Later that week, I came to a business meeting at our office. Upon seeing “circles” drawn on a white board, I became mesmerized by the potential and, after borrowing the enrollment fee from my boss, I joined this amazing home based business industry.


For nearly 10 years I struggled to make any money in that opportunity. In that stretch of time I never made more than $500 in any one month. Depressing, right? It wasn't until I hit my mid-thirties and started working with a mentor that I began to see where some of my challenges came from. The bulk of my problem is the same as the guy who posted in our group.

He said, “I've been in Legendary Marketer for about a month now, and I still haven't made any money. Showing people this thing, and they aren't signing up. I'm doing everything that I'm being told to do, AND ITS STILL NOT WORKING. What am I doing wrong?”

This is a very common complaint, and its unfortunate that many people feel this same way. So, here are 3 misconceptions about making money online that have to be addressed before you can ever make any real money.

MISCONCEPTION #1: “Making money online is quick and easy to do”

The home based business industry has a lot of blame here. The constant promotion of “easy steps” and overuse of terms like “simple,” “effortless,” “quick,” and others perpetuates this faulty belief. It is “easy” once you do the work to learn the basics and master them. However, its painful to make changes in any aspect of life. Learning a new skill like marketing online is not exempt. As it relates to “quick,” that a matter of personal opinion. Entrepreneurs who understand business don't focus on “quick.” That's an expectation that will deplete your energy. Don't put a 2-week paycheck expectation on a business opportunity. It's apples and oranges.

MISCONCEPTION #2: “Working part-time from home will make a full-time income”

Have you ever heard this one before? I hate to admit it, but I've actually said this many times with full belief that it was true. Of course, I did this during the time when I still had a full-time job and I just trusted this to be true. To be clear, you don't need to work “full time” in the same manner you would on a typical 9-to-5 job to be successful. However, a full-time effort is absolutely required to create the leverage necessary to have the option to work “part time.” In other words, you have to build a system that works for you when you are not “working.” Until then, you'll need to do EVERYTHING (i.e., marketing, lead generation, list building, etc.). David Sharpe, CEO of Legendary Marketer, doesn't work “part time.” All of the great and successful online entrepreneurs I know work “full time” even though they could technically work “part time.” In the beginning, you will most likely sacrifice time away from things that matter to you in order to get things working, or to educate yourself well enough to take actions that yield results. This isn't a negative. The good news is, some day you'll have the CHOICE to pick whatever schedule you want, but not in the beginning. Get your head out of the clouds!

MISCONCEPTIONS #3 “Making money from home can be done with no investment”

NOT! This one right here is really misleading and gets a lot of people into trouble. This belief is usually centered around the marketing of the business opportunity. I'll speak to this in a moment. At the very least, you need to invest in quality training in order to understand what you need to do to get things to work. You can't expect to build a solid knowledge base googling everything, or searching all day on Youtube. Most of the time that stuff is fragmented or just enough information to get you taking action. What happens when you run into the gaps in your understanding or have questions? Help costs money. Also, if you are signing up for “free” or low cost opportunities, you'll soon realize that sooner or later SOMEBODY has to spend money for YOU to make money. If not, its probably not a legitimate opportunity. There is an exception to this rule of “no investment” (assuming you are involved in a legitimate opportunity) and its surrounding the idea of free marketing. If you are going to work a “free” marketing strategy, get ready to wait a LONG time to get a return because its not quick. Also it will require a ton of your personal time. This doesn't mean you shouldn't try these strategies. I'm just bringing you to a more realistic perspective about what it will take to get results.

In the Legendary Marketer's membership area, we have a lot of training on how to work in a home based business and get real results, whether you use our affiliate program or not.

I want you to get the success you dream about, but you can't do it in a cloud of fantasy beliefs. Millions of good people have been able to use the work at home industry to leave their jobs and live their dreams. That much is completely true. In order for you to join them, someone has to tell you the truth from the beginning with no B.S. We can help you. Just reach out to us and we'll be there for you. For now, grab a free copy of our book to get started.

Go Forth In Victory,

Larry Beacham (Coach Larry)
Dir. Of Training


[INTERVIEW] How To Develop Longevity As An Online Marketer Feat. Super-Affiliate Keysha Bass

Most of us don't take enough time to think about the long-term impact that we want to make as online entrepreneurs. That's pretty evident by the tactics used to attract people with the “right now” focus. The truth is, we all need to develop the skills to last the test of time, because only then can we experience real success and have it be there long after we desire to work.

On this week's Legend's Webinar Series (9pm EST), we've invited super-affiliate Keysha Bass to come and train on her strategy for longevity. For more than 5 years, Keysha has been an amazing testament to what hard work, dedication, integrity and mental toughness can get you.

Check out this revealing interview and make the decision to join us for her training tonight. Thank you, Keysha, for being so willing to deliver life-changing value to our industry at large, and to our members here at Legendary Marketer.


TRAINING CLASS: Your 6-Figure Webinar: How To Create ONE Simple Webinar That Consistently & Predictably Makes You $10k Per Month Or More Featuring Marquel Russell

Many of us have attended webinars and recognize how powerful this tool can be for delivering amazing value and selling stuff, and most of us would LOVE to benefit from this amazing tactic. The question is, what will it take to host a webinar and actually get results?

In this training class, master trainer and webinar marketing expert Marquel Russell deep dives into the world of webinar marketing and lays out in great details all of the pieces necessary to host webinars and successfully pull in thousands of dollars in sales, profits and commissions.

What's cool about this training is that its effective even if you have no list, no one has ever heard of you, lacking in techy skills, and have not made one red cent online. NONE OF THAT MATTERS, and Marquel proves that in this training. When its over you'll see how quickly you can start leveraging webinars and before you know it, you'll be the proud recipient of multiple $1000's in new income. Don't believe me? Just watch below!

INTERVIEW: Marquel Russell – The 7-Figure Webinar Marketing Machine

On Monday, March 12th we've invited acclaimed webinar expert and trainer Marquel Russell to come and teach us his 1-2-3 step blueprint for how he's able to consistently (and on auto-pilot) generate $3000-$10,000 PER WEBINAR (results not typical)! We were able to grab Marquel for a quick introduction to his story and get him to give some insight on exactly what he's going to cover on the training.


Webinars are one of the “go to” tools that nearly every top earner uses. As a matter of fact, a webinar is the next best thing to a live event, and the amount of income earned on webinars is the direct rival to event revenue. The problem is, most people in our space ATTEND webinars, but very few HOST webinars.


TRAINING CLASS: How To Build A Following, Authority & Generate Leads Using Organic (FREE) Marketing

Posting in social media promotional content with the intent to generate interest in your Legendary Marketer business works…IF…you do it the RIGHT way. The question is, what exactly is the right way?

This is a question that demands an answer, and in this training we will deliver! Recently we reached into our Legendary Marketer community and invited “The R.U.N. Guys” to come and teach on exactly what they are doing with social posts to CONSISTENTLY generate those coveted $1,000 commissions.


Over 100 hours of training to help you build a profitable online business.

TRAINING CLASS: The Blueprint For Becoming A Top Earning Affiliate Featuring Steph Perez

Affiliate marketing is the #1 easiest way to generate a full-time income online.  The question is, how do you go from -0- to full time income with the least amount of obstacles?  We invited top earning affiliate Steph Perez to train on how to become a top earning affiliate and do just that. With over 11 years of experience, this former nurse has developed a set of skills that has enabled her to earn a 6-figure income from home (results not typical) and the privilege of being able to work full-time from home.

In this training she breaks down in great detail her tried and true strategy. WATCH NOW.

BONUS: If you are a Legendary Marketer member, you can share this training and get credit for any enrollments.  Simply add your affiliate ID number after the (=) below.  Then copy the entire link and use it as you see fit.

Wake Up Legendary – ARCHIVE

August 29 2018 “Study Success & Become Success”

August 28 2018 “Fear Of Action”

August 27 2018 “Don't Let Fear Paralyze Your Purpose”

August 24 2018 “Free Coaching Friday with Mark Harbert”

August 23 2018 “Own Your Future”

August 22 2018 “Let go of the DRAMA”

August 21 2018 “Is Balance possible today?”

August 20 2018 “Accepting Failure and Learning From It”

August 17 2018 “It’s FRIDAY!!!! What does that mean??”

August 15 2018 – “High School Dropout to Iron Chef”

August 14 2018 – “Growth Is The Key To Success”

August 13 2018 – “Falling Off the Bike”

August 10 2018 – “Do Mentors Really Lead To Success?”

August 9 2018 – “Turning It Around”

August 8 2018 – “The Results Formula”

August 7 2018 – “Struggling With Momentum”

August 6 2018 – “Stop Snacking on Your Business”

August 3 2018 – “Free Coaching Friday”

August 2 2018 – “Stop Killing Time”

August 1 2018 – “Do What You're Not Good At, Anyway”

July 31 2018 – “The Print Reality Formula”

July 30 2018 – “No More Minimum Wage Living”

July 27th 2018 – “Free Coaching Friday”

July 26 2018 – “The Great I Am”

July 25 2018 – “Find Your Potential In The Realm Beyond Reason”

July 24 2018 – “You 3.0”

July 23 2018 – “Pain That Hurts, Pain That Alters”

July 20 2018 – “Free Coaching Friday”

July 19 2018 – “Let Go Of Wilson”

July 18 2018 – “Crash Through The Wall”

July 17 2018 – “Who Do You Think You Are?”

July 16 2018 – “It's Called Self Worth For A Reason”

July 13 2018 – “Free Coaching Friday”

July 12 2018 – “Get Off Your BUT”

July 11 2018 – “You Can Hit Your Goals, If…”

July 10 2018 – “No More Junk Food”

July 9 2018 – “The Camel or The Cheetah?”

July 6 2018 – “Free Coaching Friday”

July 5 2018 – “Saying Is Believing”

July 4 2018 – “Independence”

July 3 2018 – “Read Your Way Out”

June 29 2018 – “Free Coaching Friday”

June 28 2018 – “The World's Greatest Motivational Speaker”

June 26 2018 “It's Happening To You For A Reason”

June 25 2018 – “Build Yourself Up When Nobody Else Will”

June 22 2018 – “Free Coaching Friday”

June 20 2018 – “Step Up To Giving 100% Towards Your Change”

June 19 2018 – “It's Never OK To Disappoint Yourself”

July 18 2018 – “Stop Talking About What You're Going To Do”

July 15 2018 – “Free Coaching Friday”

July 14 2018 – “Your Trauma Requires Treatment”

June 13 2018 – “Learn How To Care About What People Think Less”

June 12 2018 – “Mind Over Mattress”

June 11 2018 – “False Mental Burdens That Could Defeat You”

June 8 2018 – “Free Coaching Friday: Productivity Hacks Feat. Coach Andrew David”

June 7 2018 – “Start Here To Fix your Money Problems”

June 6 2018 – “Find Your Red Paperclip And Trade It”

June 5 2018 – “Don't Resist Resistance”

June 4 2018 – “You Have More Choices Than You Think”

May 31 2018 – “Simply Keep Moving Forward”

May 30 2018 – “Beware Of Who You Get Approval From”

May 29 2018 – “Let Go Or Hold On?”

May 25 2018 – “Free Coaching Friday”

May 24 2018 – “If You Don't Believe That's Your Problem”

May 23 2018 – “Find A Way To Stay Connected”

May 22 2018 – “Your Efforts Are Not In Vain”

May 21 2018 – “There's No Point In Thinking Small”

May 18 2018 – “Free Coaching Friday”

May 17 2018 –

May 16 2018 –

May 15 2018 – “Emotional Intelligence – Get Control Of Yourself”

May 14 2018 – “The True Source Of All High Level Results”

May 11 2018 – “Lead Generation Basics, LIVE Q&A – Free Coaching Friday”

May 10 2018 –

May 9 2018 –

May 8 2018 –

May 7 2018 –

May 4 2018 –

May 3 2018 –

May 2 2018 –

April 26 2018 –

April 25 2018 –

April 24 2018 –

APRIL 23 2018 – “It's Happening For You While Happening To You”

April 20 2018 –

April 18 2018 –

April 17 2018 –

April 16 2018 –

APRIL 13 2018 – “Learn How To Learn, Live Q&A, and more – FREE COACHING FRIDAY”

APRIL 12 2018 – “How To Build Up Your Mental Strength For Success”

APRIL 11 2018 – “Finish What You Start”

APRIL 10 2018 – “Production Is Better Than Perfection”

APRIL 9 2018 – “Get Real With Yourself”

APRIL 6 2018 – “Getting The Attention Of Your Target Audience, LIVE Q&A, and more – FREE COACHING FRIDAY”

APRIL 5 2018 – “Put Your Heart Into It And The Results Will Follow”

APRIL 4 2018 – “How To Prepare To Defeat Your Frustrations”

APRIL 2 2018 – “Comparison – The Hired Assassin Of Your Self-Esteem”

MARCH 30 2018 – “Going DEEEEP on Lead Generation, LIVE Q&A, and more – FREE COACHING FRIDAY”

MARCH 29 2018 – “Finding and Tapping Into Your Inner Strength”

MARCH 28 2018 – “How To Go Deeper In Your Personal Development”

MARCH 16 2018- “Free Coaching Friday”

MARCH 15 2018 – “Finding A Focus That Unlocks Your Greatness”

MARCH 14 2018 – “Content Wins Over Everything”

MARCH 13 2018 – “Getting The Most Out Of Your Value”

MARCH 12 2018


MARCH 8 2018

MARCH 7 2018

MARCH 6 2018

MARCH 5 2018


MARCH 1 2018

February 28 2018

February 27 2018

February 26 2018

February 23 2018

February 20 2018

February 15 2018

February 13 2018

February 12 2018

February 8 2018


When you think about making money online, did you know that how you set up your offer is as important as the offer itself?  This is critical to whether or not your prospect says “yes” or “no.”  You can't just toss out an offer; you have to “package” the offer in an attractive, irresistible way.  This is what we will cover today as we dive into the final part of our 4-part series, “how making money online really works.”

Check out PART 1, PART 2, and PART 3 here in case you missed it.


Chess is my all-time favorite game for many reasons, but as it relates to business and making money one of the principles stands out to me as the key to success:  BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND.

Making offers that turn into money begins with reverse engineering the entire process, which simply means we start with the outcome we are after, then work backwards from there.  Here's what I mean.


Remember when we began with giving a “fix” for something that is “broken” in your target market?  Here's why that's so important: the thing that you fixed isn't likely to be the MAIN issue; it's probably a symptom of a larger problem that needs a full solution.  Since it's your goal to make money with your full solution (i.e. your product, service or opportunity) we have to get our foot in the door to ensure that we are on the right track by providing a small fix.

One of the oldest “small fix” techniques used by dentists is to offer free teeth whitening.  Let's assume that the dentist wants to serve smokers who are challenged with yellow teeth.  So let's chart the path of the dentist:

SMALL PROBLEM – yellow teeth
SMALL FIX – complimentary teeth whitening

Once the dentist gets the smoker in his chair and they open their mouth, he now has an opportunity to identify additional challenges if they exist.  He starts to examine the condition of their teeth and gums and notices the early stages of gum disease, which means he's now identified a bigger problem.

A skilled dentist isn't simply going to jump in there and say, “Hey you've got gum disease.  While I'm in your mouth, I'll fix that up for you and it's only going to cost $5,000.”  That dentist is going to starve to death.


During the teeth whitening process, the dentist observes (and totally expected) that the patient shows signs of discomfort with the procedure.

POWER QUESTION: “Do you normally experience discomfort or bleeding when you brush your teeth?”

All great offers begin with great and powerful questions.  Power questions such as the one above serve 2 purposes:

  1. To qualify the audience and get them to identify with the problem
  2. To set up the details of the solution – which LEADS to the offer

Let's make a clear distinction.  The SOLUTION (to the bigger problem) and the OFFER are two different things.

The SOLUTION is  your product, service or opportunity details that gets rid of the bigger problem which consist of:
FEATURES – what the solution consists of
BENEFITS – what the solution actually does for you
RESULTS – the final  or “better” place that the solution brings you to

The OFFER includes the details such as:
METHOD OF DELIVERY – i.e. videos, audios, membership access, private coaching, etc.
RISK REVERSAL (if applicable) – i.e. money-back guarantee, bonuses, extras, gifts, etc.

IN THIS VIDEO I take time to fully illustrate this process so that it's crystal clear. WATCH IT NOW.



If our dentist can deliver a powerful presentation of the solution, with the appropriate details surrounding the benefits and the results his patient can expect, his offer will be quite irresistible.  Here are the final steps in his process:

BIGGER PROBLEM – Gum disease
SOLUTION – “Nu Smile Dental Care System”
OFFER – In-office treatments, guaranteed financing, free teeth cleaning for 6-months, $(PRICE)

PLEASE NOTE: There's no such thing as closing 100% of those who you present your solution to.  The goal is to line up as many qualified candidates as possible, ask the right questions, and present your solution with authority.


At this point, you can decide to work towards mastering all of the components of this process on your own.  The benefits are life changing, but the process to learn and master it all can prove discouraging for many.  If you have the “DIY (do-it-yourself)” mentality, chances are you'll take much longer than you need to in order to reap the rewards.  I typically recommend a nice mix of “DWY (done-with-you)” and “DFY (done-for-you).”

Would you like an opportunity to test drive a hybrid system that's 10% “do-it-yourself” and 90% “done with/for you?”  If so, I would recommend test driving the Legendary Marketer system.  Your test drive includes a complimentary “driving instructor” (i.e. coach) that can answer some of your key questions, help you solve your most challenging problems that have prevented you from making money online, and ease your discomfort with respect to implementing the principles we've discussed.

It all begins with you accepting our offer to get a FREE COPY of our book, which you can GET RIGHT HERE.

Thank you for allowing me to guide you through the process of what it takes to truly make money online.  If you have questions, please comment below and I will follow up.

Do you believe this content is share-worthy?  If so, please share it with those who you believe could benefit – specifically those who are looking for the secret to making money online.

Until next time, go forth in victory!

Coach Larry



How Making Money Online REALLY Works – Pt. 3 – Building Authority & Developing Relationships

CLICK HERE TO GET A FREE COPY OF THIS BOOK! ->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->–>->->->->->

Have you ever heard the phrase, “people only do business with those whom they know, like and trust?”  I don't think there's any disputing this, however the problem for most people trying to make money online is they do a poor job of building trust.  Today in part 3 of our 4-part series we will deep dive into getting your “friends” list to know, like and trust you.  If you haven't checked out part 1 and part 2 of this series, make sure you do that before going on to avoid any confusion.




At this point you have successfully started building a list of people who had a problem that you successfully fixed.  Congratulations!  For 95% of people looking to make money online, this is the most difficult.  The next step is to KEEP THEM ON THE LIST.

How is that accomplished?  Think beyond the original reason they entered to include related topics that are likely to be additional issues (i.e. things that are broken) that need your attention (a.k.a. your fix).


Remember when I talked about the collar stays in part 2?  Once I received that fix, I joined the “friends list” of the gentlemen who created that video for me.  Within 24 hours I began to receive “fixes” for other things that may (or may not) be areas that could help me.  The point is, he was smart enough to know that collar stays wasn't the main category to serve.  It represented a sub-category (i.e. professional dress) that needed attention.

I began to receive daily “fixes” that came in many forms:

-lifestyle showcases
-equipment training
-news/fashion updates

Sometimes I was surprised by the value that I received because I discovered areas that needed to be fixed that were total blind spots for me.  I can remember being “fixed” when it came to knowing what height my shirt collar should be based upon my neck size.  Pretty empowering stuff.

In the following video, I deeply illustrate my point of going into other areas to help your “friends” list.  WATCH THIS VIDEO.


Here's a very funny story that I once heard from someone on my list.  One day a “friend” from my list and I were having our first phone conversation per their request.  In their excitement, they conveyed to me how much they appreciated my value by sharing with me their habit at work.  At one time, I would release content at the same time everyday, and when this particular person saw my update, they would duck into a bathroom stall in order to consume the content!  I was totally blown away at this level of risk just to get my content as quickly as possible.  It was in that moment that I fully understood the power of giving value.  That person went on to buy hundreds of dollars in products from me.

One of my early mentors put it this way: “True selling is when you can reveal your value to those you serve so well that they are happy and excited to give you their time, attention and eventually their money in exchange for it.”


Another example of the power behind giving incredible value happened to me on a conference call.  I did an hour-long training on a particular subject and at the end I made an offer (more about offers in part 4).  As people were making their purchase, I decided to do what I call “The QVC Technique,” where I pull someone onto the line and ask them to share with others why they decided to buy.

One young lady gave a response that completely blew my mind.  She said that her decision to purchase had nothing at all to do with what I covered in the previous hour.  She said that I had given her so much value over the previous months that she felt as if SHE OWED IT TO ME to buy my training!  Talk about a mind-blowing experience.  I will never forget the feeling I had when she said that.

If you practice and apply what you've been learning in this series, I have no doubt that you will have similar stories to tell.  Real value has a way of transforming how the market views you.  When you can build a flaming hot audience with your value, you will quickly build a flaming-hot, life changing income.  You will know what it means to “print money on demand.”

Tomorrow I will teach you how to make offers that SELL.  You will have the final piece to the puzzle that has made millions for others before you.  Until then, here are a few things to do:

  1. Start compiling a list of other “fixes” that are tied to the main category of things your target market needs help with
  2. Begin to build up your inventory of tips, tricks, do's and dont's, etc. to prepare your list for your amazing value
  3. Determine how frequently you want to deliver your “fixes” (i.e daily, weekly, etc.) and commit be consistent.

Do you believe this content is share-worthy?  If so, please share it with those who you believe could benefit – specifically those who are looking for the secret to making money online.

Come back tomorrow for part 4 where I will lay out an in-depth blueprint on how to present your offer and GET PAID!

Until then, go forth in victory!

Coach Larry
P.S. In the RIGHT MARGIN of this page, there is a book that we would like to give you as a FREE GIFT.  Some of the principles in the book were featured in today's training.  Click on the image and get your copy today.


How Making Money Online REALLY Works – Pt. 2 – THE “FRIENDS” LIST

Did you check out part 1 in our 4-part series entitled, “how making money online REALLY works?”  If so, you now understand what it means to give value as the first step towards making money.  If you have not seen part 1, check it out here so that you can keep up.  Today we move on to STEP 2 in the process of making money, which I like call the “friends” list.  Let's recap the 4 things you need in order to make money online.

  1. A Quality Value Exchange Between You And Those You Want To Serve
  2. A Growing List Of People You've helped From Step 1 Above – TODAY'S TOPIC
  3. A System For Building Relationships & Authority With The List
  4. Make The RIGHT offer at the RIGHT Time Unapologetically


Your first and most important objective online, if you ever want to make money, is to move from being a stranger to being “trusted,” then on to being a “friend.”  If you never make it to the realm of a friend that's fine; that's the ultimate way to maximize your results.  However, you can do everything you need to do to make money online at the level of being trusted.

In our everyday life, we have given our trust to both friends and non-friends.  Take for instance your primary care physician.  Can you really say that's your friend, or just someone you trust?  The real question is, how did they earn your trust WITHOUT developing into a friend?  There's 3 possible ways this happened:

  1. Their marketing convinced you to trust them
  2. Their credentials convinced you to trust them
  3. Their results convinced you to trust them

Once you conclude this training you'll be given the secrets to using marketing, credentials and results to earn trust.  Once you have that, never do anything to break that trust.  More on that in part 3.


I can remember one time being panicked because I couldn't find the little brass strips to put into my shirt collar, called “collar stays,” which is what kept my collar from flying up when I put on a tie.  So I jumped onto Youtube and typed in “DIY collar stays.”  There appeared a young man in a 3-minute video that showed me how to cut up an old credit card and use it as a replacement for the brass collar stay.  Genius!  His marketing (of a solution to my problem) is what convinced me to trust him.  I immediately subscribed to his channel and have revisited him from time to time.

But here's where it gets good – he invited me to download a list of DIY tricks for men who wear suits, and I jumped all over it.  He added me to his “friends” list.  I use the word “friend” very loosely here, but the focus is on the fact that he's no longer a stranger because demonstrated perfectly what we talked about is part 1, the value exchange.

This young man understood that a lot of men who wear ties (i.e. his target market) carry this “broken” item, so his video was a demonstration that he had the “fix.”  He was skilled enough to immediately direct me to a place where he could continue building trust, which is why I ended up on his “friends” list.


Your second and most important objective online after building trust is to build a list of those whose trust you have earned.  If you can appreciate that my problem with collar stays wasn't the ONLY problem I would have, then you understand the value of building a “friends” list.  Other things that may be “broken” that he could fix (via email) could be:

-How to get scuffs out of my shoes WITHOUT damaging them
-How to remove wrinkles from my suit WITHOUT ironing it


In tomorrow's training we will discuss how to build a relationship and authority with the list, and why that is the final step before getting paid.  Before I go I want to address something I've heard since I began marketing online.  You'll hear every online guru utter the following line when referencing building your email list:

“The money is in the list.”  In other words, if you can successfully build a strong, thriving list of people who are on that list because you fixed something that was broken, and you make offers to them, you'll get sales and therefore make money.

This is partially true, and here's why.  It's not the sheer accumulation of a list that leads to money.  It's building an AUDIENCE from the list that is the essence of what they are trying to say.

Check out this video and you'll better understand what I mean.  WATCH IT BELOW.

Tomorrow I will dive into part 3 where we focus on building that relationship to the point of being a friend and trusted advisor.  Until then, here are a few action steps you can do until then:

  1. Identify the MOST COMMON broken items that you target market would deal with on a regular basis
  2. Make a list of the top 3-5 that your can create a “fix” for (i.e. video, audio, pdf, etc.)
  3. Set a goal to build a list of 100 people who you have provided your “fix”

Do you believe this content is share-worthy?  If so, please share it with those who you believe could benefit – specifically those who are looking for the secret to making money online.

Until tomorrow, go forth in victory!

Coach Larry
P.S. In the RIGHT MARGIN of this page, there is a book that we would like to give you as a FREE GIFT.  Some of the principles in the book were featured in today's training.  Click on the image and get your copy today.

How Making Money Online REALLY Works – Pt. 1 – THE VALUE EXCHANGE

Are you battling with the details of what it takes to actually start making money online?  I know that battle all too well.  There's so much BULL circulating that it seems like those who really know what to do only want to share it AFTER you fork out a small fortune – and even then they still hold back.  Sound familiar?


As we gear up for our annual Sales & Marketing Experience (February 2nd-4th in St. Petersburg, Florida), I thought this might be a good jump-start in your efforts to make money.

Today, we begin a 4-part series that will explain in detail the necessary pieces that have to be in place in order for you to start making money online.  

Here's the secret: there is no secret!  It boils down to basic principles that have worked in marketing for 1000's of years.  It has very little to do with the internet specifically.  However, what you're about to learn over the next several days is the adaptation needed for it to work online – and work for YOU.  Make sense?

So the question is, what's the first step in the process to making money online, even if you've never made one red cent?  Let's first list the 4 things you will need.  The remainder of today's training will completely focus on the FIRST thing you need to start making money online.

  1. A Quality Value Exchange Between You And Those You Want To Serve
  2. A Growing List Of People You've helped From Step 1 Above
  3. A System For Building Relationships & Authority With The List
  4. Make The RIGHT offer at the RIGHT Time Unapologetically


When I first attempted to make money online nearly 10 years ago, I kept hearing it said over and over, “you have to give value to the marketplace.”  Can I be brutally honest here?  I had no freakin' idea what that actually meant!  In my day to day life, that kind of talk wasn't happening, so it confused me.

Imagine someone carrying around a box that has a broken item inside.  They are searching for someone to teach them how to fix it.  They come upon you and you are also carrying a box that has the “fix” instructions inside.  You exchange your fix for their broken item.  THAT'S THE DEFINITION OF GIVING VALUE.  It's an exchange that you make that leaves someone better than they were before connecting with you.

In other words, when you are able to do one of the following 4 things, you have successfully given value:

  1. Give a quality solution to a problem (“I'm having a problem with _______.”
  2. Give a quality answer to a question (I have a question about _______.”
  3. Give quality relief to pain (I'm suffering from _______.”
  4. Give quality advice to a given situation (I need advice on how to _______.”

In the following video I break down an example that should anchor the point.  WATCH IT BELOW.

Tomorrow we will pick up where we left off here and talk about the next piece of the puzzle when it comes to making money online.  What I want you to do until then is identify:

  1. Who do you serve with your business?
  2. What are the “boxes” that they carry around with “broken” items?
  3. What is the “fix” in your box that you can exchange with them and make them better?

Do you believe this content is share-worthy?  If so, please share it with those who you believe could benefit – specifically those who are looking for the secret to making money online.

Come back tomorrow for part 2 where we dive into how to grow a quality list of people who you've helped from step 1 and exactly what needs to happen to get you closer to the cash.

Until then, go forth in victory!

Coach Larry
P.S. In the RIGHT MARGIN of this page, there is a book that we would like to give you as a FREE GIFT.  Some of the principles in the book were featured in today's training.  Click on the image and get your copy today.



How Linda Went From Foreclosure To Full-Time Digital Marketing Success Story

Linda's story is one everyone needs to hear. She went from being in foreclosure to becoming a full-time digital marketing success story. She goes into great detail about how she did it and drops a clear blueprint anyone can use to follow in her footsteps.


It's your time,

David Sharpe


P.S. Leave a comment below – what was your biggest take away from Linda's episode?!

We’re Looking For Great Coaches

Hey Legendary Marketers! We're looking to add a few more coaches to our Core Step Coaching Team! This is a HUGE opportunity to work closely with the inner circle, internal team of Legendary Marketer AND earn a great income.

Our Core Step Coaching Team is lead directly by me, David Sharpe and our coaches are best in class.

Our Core Step Coach's role is to guide our new members through our 15 Core Step Training Process and introduce them to our core products.

To be considered you must:

– HAVE A GREAT ATTITUDE. Feedback, ideas and constructive criticism is always welcome. Negativity is never tolerated.

– BE GOOD WITH PEOPLE. You must generally like poeple and want to see them win. If you don't enjoy interacting with poeple this isn't for you.

– MAKE CALLS AND WORK THE PHONE. Yes, coaching and selling requires hustle. The phone is your weapon of choice. If you don't like hustle and don't want to use the phone this ain't for you cowboy/cowgirl.

– BE ABLE TO ASK FOR THE SALE. Our “sales process” is entirely based on value and education based selling. We overdeliver on value first before we ask for the sale. But we do ask for the sale. If you can't ask, this ain't for you.

– WANT TO GROW FINANCIALLY. If you don't want to earn a minimum of $100,000/year…and if you aren't hungry enough to hustle for it…this ain't for you.

If you're still reading, here's what to do next.

To be considered do the following:

Send your resume, 2 references and a short 1-2min video of why you're the right person for this role to the following email address.

Philly Kid Goes From Prison To Producer And Earns $44,000 in 45 Days | Podcast #2

Our first guest on the Legendary Marketer podcast is Kai Lo. He went from prison to producer and earned over $44,000 in commissions through our affiliate program by licensing our products and digital marketing system, and most importantly, taking action!

Listen to his story and enjoy the banter back and forth between Kai and I — he was a lot of fun to have on the show!

It's your time,

David Sharpe

ps: Comment below – what was your biggest take away from this episode with Kai? 

The Digital Revolution | Podcast #1

We're launching a brand new podcast where we're going to teach, talk and and showcase some Legendary Marketer's that are “doing the deal”.

I want you to know this: I want to feature YOU, so keep working, hustling and getting results. Because Legendary Marketer is here to lift you up and help you share your message so you can be an inspiration to other poeple who are walking the same path as you!

In this first episode of the podcast I talk about the Digital Revolution and how I started a digital marketing business with nothing but a laptop and a WiFi connection and went on to do over $200 million in sales.

It's your time, 

David Sharpe

ps: Leave a comment below and let me know if you picked up a copy of the new Legendary Marketer book!

VLOG #1: The episode where David saw the Legendary Marketer book for the first time

The new Legendary Marketer book is here! (finally). I've been asked, pleaded with and nearly begged for over 5 years to map out my digital marketing strategies in a simple to read book and I just haven't had time!

So this year, in the midst of launching Legendary Marketer Inc. I carved out time to GET-R-DONE! From it came what I believe it the most impactful book (maybe) ever written about how to START, GROW and SCALE a digital marketing business from NOTHING to 6-figures and beyond. Best of all, this IS NOT a formula to start a huge company and have 100 employees. It's a formula to start and grow a digital markeitng business, earn unlimited income from anywhere in the world.

In today's VLOG you'll see where I saw the book for the first time (and other shenanigans). Enjoy!

About the Legendary Marketer book:

This is a true story (with a very weird twist) about how before I made millions of dollars with a digital marketing business… I should have been dead, banished from society and long forgotten about.

Nothing about my life before this was glamorous. I was a homeless, high-school dropout who was addicted to drugs and destined for early death. By 24, my life was shrunk down to the spare change in my pocket and the bag of clothes I had slung over my shoulder.

I wasn’t Legendary. I was a loser.

By God’s grace I got clean from heroin in 2008 (I still believe I got clean the day before I died). For the next 18 months, I sweat my ass off working construction saying with every swing of the hammer…

“There’s got to be a better way!”

Then suddenly my life took a very weird twist. And instead of going on living a meaningless and mediocre life, like most people do, I discovered something that changed everything for me (and will change everything for you, too).

Inside the pages of this book I’m going to hand you blueprint for how I started a digital marketing business with nothing but a crappy laptop and a Wi-Fi connection, that went on to do over $200-million in sales.

And how I went from a homeless, high school dropout to making every teacher, judge, police officer and ex-girlfriend who ever wrote me off… Eat Their F*cking Heart Out.

Get your highlighter out. This is going to be a page turner. Most people who pick this up don’t put it down until they’ve fired their shitty boss and reclaimed their God given freedom to wake up whenever the hell they want to. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get to work.

It’s your time,
Dave Sharpe

ps: Question: Are you a digital marketer? And if so, why did you decide to start your own business? Comment below!




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Award-winning customer experiences with zero fees and zero uncertainties make up the company – Stream Energy. Stream Energy is not a scam. In truth, Stream

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The Weekly Legend July 23rd-29th

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The Weekly Legend July 16th-22nd

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The Weekly Legend July 9th-15th

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We're Looking For Great Coaches

I've worked with hundreds of thousands of sales professionals in my career. I train them every day.

Self Growth

Online Marketing Education
Delivered Simply And With Integrity.

Money Management


Join The Team

Marketing Coach Team Member

Do you LOVE all things funnels, automations, DNS records, and fixing tech? Do you have a passion for teaching, sharing and encouraging others as they embark on their own online journey? Are you an effective communicator with an upbeat personality and finds joy in helping others, especially beginners?
If so – we may have the perfect supplemental position for you! 

Please note: This is a position that requires extensive knowledge in the tech side of digital marketing prior to applying. 

Our company creates and publishes marketing and business education products (books, courses, etc.) and hosts events and conferences throughout the Florida Area. Our company and CEO, David Sharpe has been featured on Forbes, Entrepreneur and many other major publications. In other words, in our little world… we're a pretty big deal!

This is a 100% remote, work from home, position. You MUST be located in the United States to qualify for this position. The expectation for this role is to have a designated & distraction-free work area, with a working laptop or computer and stable internet connection is a must. 

If you read these characteristics and think to yourself – “How the heck did they describe me so well?” …then we are looking for you!

  1. You get super pumped for all things tech!
  2. You can’t wait to build another funnel, set up another automation, or get a new domain launched!
  3. You love to teach and love to encourage beginners to launch their own online business.
  4. You have a servant's heart.
  5. You have great attention to detail and can uncover a tech problem and communicate the issue with ease and care.
  6. You're a team player.
  7. You're loyal to the cause.
  8. You're teachable and like to learn.
  9. You have a positive attitude.
  10. You're on time; accountable; dependable.
  11. You like people and truly love to help others.
  12. You want an opportunity with a great company, not just a “job”.

Skills required for this position:

  • Strong ability to communicate all technical related questions of any digital marketing product. Ie-funnels, autoresponders, social media accounts, domain management, ad management, and content strategy.
  • Strong ability to effectively teach and coach students through roadblocks as they come up through their education.
  • Strong understanding of all education that is provided by Legendary Marketer 
  • Ability to maintain your composure under stress
  • Be a direct communicator and have the ability to speak clearly and concisely so teammates and students know what you are asking and expect of them. 
  • You must demonstrate compassion, respect, and empathy for both teammates and new students who require patience and mentorship at all times. 

Work Hours:

We are looking for candidates with flexible hours (up to 5 days, approx 20 hours per week) and with the ability to work weekends, nights and non-federal holidays. (Based on the Eastern Time Zone)  The ideal candidate will be open to working outside of the typical “9-5” timeframe. YOU MUST BE WILLING TO WORK EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS on a regular, ongoing schedule to be a match for this position. 


This is an hourly, part-time position, with the potential for further growth within the company. Rate of pay will be determined by your experience.

If this sounds like the right opportunity for you, please apply below. Best of luck!

Other Current Available Positions:

We currently do not have any additional, active positions available. Please check back regularly for updates. 

Affiliate Agreement Old


Authorization and Contract

By executing the Legendary Marketer Affiliate Agreement (“Affiliate Agreement”), you apply for legal authorization to become a Legendary Marketer (the “Company”) Affiliate and enter into contract with Legendary Marketer. This Agreement is created to provide detailed guidelines and limitations for all Legendary Marketer Affiliates.


The purpose of the Legendary Marketer Affiliate Program is to provide individuals with the opportunity to sell exciting products and enroll additional Affiliates into the Legendary Marketer opportunity. In exchange for successfully making sales and referring Legendary Marketer to other Affiliates, the Company offers compensation pursuant to the terms of the Referral Plan.

Becoming a Legendary Marketer Affiliate

To become a Legendary Marketer Affiliate, an applicant must comply with the following requirements:

  1. Be of the age of majority (not a minor) in his or her state of residence (Legendary Marketer is unable to pay out commissions to anyone under the age of 18);
  2. Submit a properly completed electronic Affiliate Agreement to Legendary Marketer.

Modification of Terms

Because federal, state, and local laws, as well as the business environment, periodically change, Legendary Marketer reserves the right to amend the Agreement and the Referral Plan in its sole and absolute discretion. Notification of amendments shall appear in Official Legendary Marketer Materials. Any such amendment, change, or modification shall be effective thirty (30) days following one of the following communication methods:

  1. Posting on the official Legendary Marketer Web site;
  2. Electronic mail (e-mail); or
  3. In writing through other Legendary Marketer communication channels.

Term and Termination

The term of this Agreement will begin upon our acceptance of your application and will end when terminated by either the Company or you upon thirty (30) days notice. In the event of a material breach of this Agreement, Legendary Marketer reserves the right to terminate this Agreement immediately. Upon cancellation or termination, all property rights are forfeited regarding any commissions, referrals or other remuneration derived through your sales. Legendary Marketer reserves the right to terminate all Affiliate Agreements upon thirty days’ notice if the Company elects to: (1) cease business operations; (2) dissolve as a business entity; or (3) terminate distribution of its products via Affiliate channels. No termination of this Agreement will relieve either party for any liability for any breach of, or liability accruing under, this Agreement prior to termination.

Independent Contractor Status

The Legendary Marketer Affiliate is an independent contractor, and not a purchaser of a franchise or business opportunity. Therefore, each Affiliate’s success depends on his or her independent efforts. The agreement between Legendary Marketer and its Affiliates does not create an employer/employee relationship, agency, partnership, or joint venture between Legendary Marketer and the Affiliate. All Affiliates are responsible for paying local, state, and federal taxes due from all compensation earned as an Affiliate of the Company. Affiliates have no express or implied authority to bind Legendary Marketer to any obligation or to make any commitments by or on behalf of the Company.

As a self-employed independent contractor, you will be operating your own independent business selling products and services available through Legendary Marketer on your own account. You have complete freedom in determining the number of hours that you will devote to your business, and you have the sole discretion of scheduling such hours. In the event you earn over $600 in a calendar year, you will receive IRS Form 1099-MISC reflecting the amount of income paid to you during the calendar year. It will be your sole responsibility to account for such income on your individual income tax returns.

Selling Legendary Marketer Products

You agree to make no representations or claims about any products or services beyond those shown in official Legendary Marketer literature.

Income Disclosure Policy

In an effort to conduct best business practices, Legendary Marketer has developed an income disclaimer. The Legendary Marketer income disclaimer is designed to convey truthful, timely, and comprehensive information regarding the income that Company Affiliates can earn. In order to accomplish this objective, a copy of this income disclaimer must be presented to all prospective Affiliates. Copies of the income disclaimer may be printed or downloaded from the company website at

Legendary Marketer Referral Plan

Affiliates must adhere to the terms of the Legendary Marketer Referral Plan as set forth in Official Legendary Marketer Materials. Affiliates shall not require or encourage other current or prospective customers or Affiliates to participate in Legendary Marketer in any manner that varies from the program as set forth in Official Company Materials. Affiliates shall not require or encourage other current or prospective customers or Affiliates to make any purchase from, or payment to, any individual or other entity to participate in the Legendary Marketer Referral Plan other than those purchases or payments identified as recommended or required in Official Legendary Marketer Materials.

In an effort to alleviate administrative burdens, Legendary Marketer reserves the right to postpone commission payments until such time the cumulative amount exceeds $20.

A Legendary Marketer Affiliate must review his or her monthly referral statement and report any discrepancies within thirty (30) days of receipt. At the conclusion of this thirty day “grace period,” no additional requests will be considered for commission recalculation. For additional information on payment of commissions, please review the Company’s Referral Plan.

For more information on how we track sales and referrals, please review the Affiliate Tracking System.

Errors or Questions

If an Affiliate has questions about or believes any errors have been made regarding commissions, bonuses, or charges, the Affiliate must notify Legendary Marketer in writing within thirty (30) days of the date of the purported error or incident in question. Legendary Marketer will not be responsible for any errors, omissions, or problems not reported to the Company within 30 days.

Product Sales

The Legendary Marketer Referral Plan is based upon the sale of Legendary Marketer products and services to end consumers. Purchasing Legendary Marketer products solely for the purpose of qualifying for commissions is strictly prohibited.

Bonus Buying Prohibited

Bonus buying is strictly and absolutely prohibited. Bonus buying includes: (a) the enrollment of individuals or entities without the knowledge of and/or execution of an Affiliate Agreement by such individuals or entities; (b) the fraudulent enrollment of an individual or entity as an Affiliate or Customer; (c) the enrollment or attempted enrollment of non-existent individuals or entities as Affiliates or Customers (“phantoms”); (d) purchasing Legendary Marketer products or services on behalf of another Affiliate or Customer, or under another Affiliate’s or Customer’s ID number, to qualify for commissions or bonuses; (e) purchasing excessive amounts of goods or services that cannot reasonably be used or resold in a month; and/or (f) any other mechanism or artifice to qualify for rank advancement, incentives, prizes, commissions, or bonuses that is not driven by bona fide product or service purchases by end user consumers.

Returned Product

The initial fee paid by a Legendary Marketer Affiliate comes with a thirty (30) day satisfaction guarantee. However, subsequent payments for Legendary Marketer products and services may only be refunded within three (3) days from the initial purchase date. Because the digital nature of the products and services and the immediacy of the benefits make a refund commercially impractical, all subsequent fees are non-refundable after the conclusion of this three-day period.

In the event that products or services are returned to the Company, commissions/bonusespaid out to the individualLegendary Marketer Affiliate as a result of the initial sale of the returned product or service shall be returned to the Company. Although Company provides for a return period for products or services to be returned for a refund, there may exist particular reasons for which the Company shall determine, in its sole discretion, that a return for refund is justified in the particular occasion presented. In signing this Affiliate Agreement, all Legendary Marketer Affiliates agree to this policy and grant Company the right to extend certain return periods and to also recover any commissions/bonuses paid to the respective Affiliate as a result of the return even though it may extend upon the expected return period for that particular product or service.

Pay Period

Affiliates will receive commissions weekly, on Fridays, for sales completed two weeks in arrears. The minimum commission payment will be $20. If you earned less than $20, your commission will roll to the next week until the $20 threshold is met. If you wish to be paid via Electronic Funds Transfer or ACH, please submit the required forms available in your back office.

Use of Sales Aids

While promoting the Company, Affiliates must use the sales aids and support materials produced by Legendary Marketer. If Legendary Marketer Affiliates develop their own sales aids and promotional materials (which includes Internet advertising), notwithstanding Affiliates’ good intentions, they may unintentionally violate any number of statutes or regulations affecting a Legendary Marketer business. Accordingly, Affiliates must submit all written sales aids, promotional materials, advertisements, websites and other literature to the Company for approval prior to use. Unless the Affiliate receives specific written approval to use the material, the request shall be deemed denied. All Affiliates shall safeguard and promote the good reputation of Legendary Marketer and its products.

An Affiliate may not build third-party sites that contain materials copied from corporate sources nor create his or her own website to promote the Company without receiving express approval from Legendary Marketer. An Affiliate may not use or attempt to register any of the Company’s trade names, trademarks, service names, service marks, product names, URLs, advertising phrases, the Company’s name or any derivative thereof, for any purpose including, but not limited to, Internet domain names (URL), third party Web sites, Web pages, or blogs.

Legendary Marketer’s Proprietary Information and Trade Secrets

You recognize and agree that information compiled by or maintained by Legendary Marketer, including the database of prospective and existing customers, constitutes a commercially advantageous, unique and proprietary trade secret of the Company, which it keeps confidential and treats as a trade secret. During the term of your contract with Legendary Marketer, the Company grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable and revocable right to use trade secret, confidential, and proprietary business information (Proprietary Information), which includes, without limitation, access to the Company’s customer database.

During the term of this Agreement and for a period of one (1) year after the termination or expiration of this Agreement between the Affiliate and Legendary Marketer, the Affiliate shall not use the information to compete with the Company or for any purpose other than promoting his or her business with Legendary Marketer. The Affiliate acknowledges that such proprietary information is of such character as to render it unique and that disclosure or use thereof in violation of this provision will result in irreparable damage to Legendary Marketer. Legendary Marketer will be entitled to injunctive relief or to recover damages against any Affiliate who violates this provision in any action to enforce its rights under this section.


You agree that during the period while you are an Affiliate, and for one (1) calendar year following resignation or termination from the Company, you will not encourage, solicit, or otherwise attempt to recruit or persuade any other Legendary Marketer Affiliate to compete with the business of Legendary Marketer. Furthermore, for the same duration, you agree not to recruit or solicit any of the individual customers or companies listed in the Legendary Marketer customer database for a competing enterprise, unless you can demonstrate a pre-existing relationship prior to this Agreement.

Constructive Criticism

Legendary Marketer desires to provide its Affiliates with the best services and fee schedule possible. Accordingly, Legendary Marketer values constructive criticism and encourages the submission of written comments addressed to Legendary Marketer leadership. However, negative and disparaging comments about the Company calculated to dampen the enthusiasm of other Legendary Marketer Affiliates and disparage Legendary Marketer represents a material breach of these Policies and Procedures and may be subject to sanctions as deemed appropriate by the Company.

Intellectual Property

Affiliate agrees to use the Trademarks and Copyrights in the form and manner and with appropriate legends as currently used and permitted by the Company. All promotional materials supplied or created by Legendary Marketer must be used in their original form and cannot be changed, amended or altered except with prior written approval from the Company. The name of Legendary Marketer, each of its product names and other names that have been adopted by the Company in connection with its business are proprietary trade names, trademarks and service marks of Legendary Marketer. As such, these marks are of great value to Legendary Marketer and are supplied to Affiliates for their use only in an authorized manner.

Jurisdiction and Governing Law

The formation, construction, interpretation, and enforceability of your contract with Legendary Marketer as set forth in this Affiliate Agreement and any incorporated documents shall be governed by and interpreted in all respects under the laws of the State of Florida without regard to conflict of law provisions. 

Contract Submission

An emailed copy of the Agreement shall be treated as an original in all respects.

Dispute Resolution.

All disputes and claims relating to Legendary Marketer, its products and services, the rights and obligations of an Affiliate and the Company, or any other claims or causes of action relating to the performance of either an Affiliate or Legendary Marketer under the Agreement or the Company terms and conditions shall be settled totally and finally by arbitration in Florida or such other location as Legendary Marketer prescribes, in accordance with the Federal Arbitration Act and the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association, except that all parties shall be entitled to discovery rights allowed under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. This agreement to arbitrate shall survive any termination or expiration of the Agreement. Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent Legendary Marketer from applying to and obtaining from any court having jurisdiction a writ of attachment, garnishment, temporary injunction, preliminary injunction, permanent injunction or other equitable relief available to safeguard and protect its interest prior to, during or following the filing of any arbitration or other proceeding or pending the rendition of a decision or award in connection with any arbitration or other proceeding.


An Affiliate is fully responsible for all of his or her verbal and/or written statements made regarding Legendary Marketer products, services, and referral fees, which are not expressly contained in Official Company Materials. Affiliate agrees to indemnify Legendary Marketer and hold it harmless from any and all liability including judgments, civil penalties, refunds, attorney fees, court costs or lost business incurred by the Company as a result of the Affiliate’s unauthorized representations or actions. This provision shall survive the cancellation of this Agreement.


If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable, and the balance of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one instrument. The provisions of this Agreement, including all documents incorporated herein by reference, embody the whole agreement between you and Legendary Marketer and supersedes any prior agreements, understandings and obligations between you and the Company concerning the subject matter of your contract with the Company.weel


We Provide Robust Digital Courses, Personalized Virtual Coaching And Highly Dynamic And Supportive Live Mastermind Events.

Legendary Marketer Mastermind

Our live in- person mastermind covers the most cutting edge traffic, lead generation and conversion strategies from the world's top online marketers. While most masterminds overuse the word mastermind and underdeliver on value, we’ve created something unique for our members. We deliver on two fronts: content and membership. First, the content of our Marketer Mastermind is a marriage of tried and true curriculum we revisit frequently, while simultaneously facilitating a space for new experts to bring cutting edge ideas to the table. Second, membership: once a member has paid their membership fee, they aren’t charged for membership again and they’re considered fulfilled at their first mastermind (whether they attend or just watch recordings). However, as a huge bonus they’re also granted abilities to attend future gatherings for a simple, low cost seat deposit which essentially allows them to be apart of the group for as long they choose. This concept is nearly unheard of since most so called masterminds require you to renew your membership every year. The value this mastermind delivers to members is evident in the speed at which our masterminds fill up when dates are announced. There is nothing like them in the “education” industry. Book an appointment with an advisor to learn more!

Legendary Entrepreneur Mastermind

Our live in-person mastermind covering health, wealth and wisdom hacks, growth tips and performance strategies to create and protect your wealth and become the best version of yourself. The Entrepreneur Mastermind is a marriage of tried and true curriculum we revisit frequently, while simultaneously facilitating a space for new experts to bring cutting edge ideas to the table. Similar to the Marketer Mastermind, once a member has paid their membership fee, they aren’t charged for membership again and they’re considered fulfilled at their first mastermind (whether they attend or just watch recordings). However, as a huge bonus they’re also granted abilities to attend future gatherings for a simple, low cost seat deposit which essentially allows them to be apart of the group for as long they choose. Masterminds are held in unique settings, like mansions or creative event spaces to ensure the environment for growth, intimacy and creativity is ripe. Book an appointment with an advisor to learn more!

Our Story

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[av_heading heading='The Legendary Marketer Mission' tag='h1′ style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' size='40' subheading_active=” subheading_size='15' padding='10' color='custom-color-heading' custom_font='#ffffff' av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” admin_preview_bg=”][/av_heading]

[av_textblock size=” font_color='custom' color='#ffffff' av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” admin_preview_bg=”]
Our Mission: To help people start an online business or grow an existing business using online and cutting edge marketing strategies.

We Help People: Learn the necessary personal, business and marketing skills to thrive with confidence in an ever-changing and highly competitive online marketplace.

We Do This By: Providing robust digital courses, personalized virtual coaching and highly dynamic and supportive live mastermind events.

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[av_heading tag='h1′ padding='10' heading='A Message From The Founder' color=” style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' custom_font=” size='40' subheading_active='subheading_below' subheading_size='20' custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=” av-desktop-hide=” av-medium-hide=” av-small-hide=” av-mini-hide=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=”][/av_heading]

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My name is David and I want to get real with you for a minute.

Our system is broken. I’m a classic example.

Throughout my early years in school I was made to feel “bad” because I was creative and high energy. I was reprimanded, disciplined and sent to detention because I couldn’t sit in my seat for six hours a day. In 5th grade (ten years old) I was stuck in the corner for hours at a time in a cubicle backed against the wall, isolated from the classroom.

Even though I came up with the same math answer as the teacher, I was “wrong” and given consequences because I didn’t work the problem the same way she did. (By the way, I haven't used 98% of the math in my real, adult life that I suffered through learning in those early years)

My entire early-life school years were simply preparing me to become an employee. A robot. Someone void of creativity and ideas and groomed to stand in line, be quiet and blindly take orders from a boss.

By age 12 I had little-to-no self-worth. I was insecure. I doubted myself. At times I even hated myself. My grades were my only value and when those began to slip I suddenly felt like I had no purpose in life.

Going into high school drugs and alcohol became my new best friend. They eased the anxiety of test taking and homework.

I had no social skills. I had no healthy coping skills. I didn’t know how to talk about my feelings. I felt alone.

I dropped out in 9th grade, became a teenage father and my drug and alcohol addictions took over. For the next 10 long years I went from casual user to everyday heroin addict. All the dreams and aspirations I had of growing up to be professional baseball player at 5 years old vanished like a thief in the night.

This is my story, and as grateful I am to be writing this to you today clean and sober for many years away from all drugs and alcohol and a successful business owner, husband and father….

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[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” admin_preview_bg=”]
Similar stories are happening to millions of people all over America; all over the world.

Those who do “make it” and graduate to higher levels of education are forced into choosing their career path at 18 years old and taking on tens-of-thousands of dollars in personal debt (before their brains are fully developed to make life-altering decisions of that magnitude).

The American Dream for us is camouflaged as “opportunity” when in reality we’re simply preparing to become slaves to debt and work the next (and best) 40 years of our lives to pay it off.

Enter: Legendary Marketer.

The Mission Of Legendary Marketer: To Help People Start An Online Business Or Grow An Existing Business Using Cutting Edge Sales, Marketing and Management Strategies.

The internet has created a whole new world for startup entrepreneurs and existing business owners to leverage cutting edge sales, marketing and management strategies….

….and learn from anywhere in the world! Whether you’re near our home office or located halfway around the world, we can deliver the training and support you need to succeed in an ever changing and highly competitive marketplace.

Whether you….

  • Have a degree, but now desire a career change or second income stream
  • Have tried the “magical money machines” and “get rich quick schemes” and now know you need honest, reliable and robust training to learn the skills from coaches and trainers who care
  • Want to get your “stuck in mud” existing business off the ground using cutting edge (and online!) sales, marketing and management strategies

…Legendary Marketer (and our awesome staff and community) can help educate you, support you and do everything in our legal, ethical and moral abilities to ensure you succeed.

[/av_one_full][av_one_full first min_height=” vertical_alignment='av-align-top' space='no_margin' custom_margin='aviaTBcustom_margin' margin='0px,40px' padding='0px' padding_sync='true' border=” border_color=” radius='0px' radius_sync='true' background_color=” src=” attachment=” attachment_size=” background_position='top left' background_repeat='no-repeat' animation=” mobile_breaking=” mobile_display=”]

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We Help People: Learn the necessary personal, business and marketing skills to thrive with confidence in an ever-changing and highly competitive online marketplace.

We’re not just a narrow minded one trick pony. We know to succeed in business you also need life skills and a well rounded education experience. So we focus on teaching you the mechanics of cutting-edge sales, marketing and management strategies while never leaving out the dynamics of productivity, healthy living and self-care.

Too many “successful” entrepreneurs end up financially well-off yet divorced, overweight and unhappy. Or worse, with empty and meaningless relationships with friends, family and children because work and the number in your bank account was priority over everything else.


We All Do This By: Providing robust digital courses, personalized virtual coaching and highly dynamic and supportive live mastermind events.

We go out and find the top experts and commission them to create world class training courses for our students to learn from.

We find the best coaches and trainers money can buy and employ them to guide our students through their business building journey, as well as educate our prospects about our products and programs.

We host and facilitate safe and powerful spaces in our masterminds where members learn, ask, strategize and grow into the best versions of themselves; as entrepreneurs, husbands, wives, moms, dads, friends and family members.


Our Core Beliefs At Legendary Marketer Are….

  • We believe there are no magic pills. Only hard work, consistency and commitment get you what you want in life and business. 
  • We believe creating a new career or additional income stream doing something you feel passionate about is no longer a fantasy, but a reality. 
  • We believe inner-peace is huge a part of success; not just the number in your bank account. 
  • We believe healthy living and good self-care equals a great lifestyle. 
  • We believe other positive people can become family, even if they aren’t blood related. 
  • We believe education doesn’t have to be hard  – or boring – or confusing – and there is no one way to learn. Learning is a constant evolving process of getting new information and testing it in real life situations. 
  • We believe personal growth and awareness is necessary to become financially successful.


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To me, that’s what being an entrepreneur is all about! 

It’s your time,

David Sharpe

CEO Legendary Marketer



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Forbes Write Up On David and Legendary Marketer


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Online Marketing Education
Delivered Simply And With Integrity.


We are honored to be on the INC 5000 published list, it does not mean INC endorses our products and services.

What is Legendary Marketer?

Our Mission

To help people start an online business or grow an existing business using online and cutting edge marketing strategies.

We Help People

Learn the necessary personal, business and marketing skills to thrive with confidence in an ever changing and highly competitive online marketplace.

We Do This By

Providing robust digital courses, personalized virtual coaching and highly dynamic and supportive live mastermind events.

Meet The Founder

Leading the charge as CEO of Legendary Marketer is David Sharpe. A digital marketing vet who is focused on teaching others the skills to launch their own online business or enhance their current business with digital marketing strategies. He’s been quoted by Forbes as “one of the masterminds of this industry.”

Legendary Marketer Blog