Youtube affiliate marketing

Monetize Your Hobby Online

Is it really possible to create an online business around painting figurines?  David Sharpe, CEO of Legendary Marketer had a chance to sit down with an online marketer who's done just that! 

If you are looking for ways to monetize a hobby or unique interest of a niche, this interview is for you.

On Tuesday’s episode of Wake Up Legendary with David Sharpe, Dave sat down with Lloyd Davies, a painting coach from South Wales, UK. He has been in the painting hobby for about 15 years and has been monetizing his hobby and turning it into a business for around three and a half years. Lloyd paints Warhammer 40,000 and Dungeons & Dragons figures, which are small pieces used in role playing board games typically painted by the person playing the games with custom game pieces. 

Lloyd started out as an affiliate marketer for a company that sold Warhammer products. He was given a product he was able to paint and from there his hobby-turned-business started to blossom; he began to create close up detailed videos of himself painting the products. These details include what to paint, what brush strokes, colors, and products to use, and a thorough description of the painting process. 

While his YouTube and Instagram accounts have gained popularity over the years, his TikTok account is just taking off at over 55,000 followers and his YouTube is currently at 65,000 followers and growing daily. From Day 1, Lloyd created content to build a business, not to just share his hobby.

Producing Content That Will Stay Evergreen

Lloyd specifically plans out his content to be Evergreen, content that will last and still be relevant several years from now. He feels as though some of the first videos he made were the best and wants to continue to create video painting tutorials. Most of the monetization of his content comes from his YouTube content but also from his affiliate links to Warhammer 40,000 painting products. At the end of each YouTube video he lets his viewer know that if they click and purchase from his affiliate link he gets a small commission that doesn't cost the viewer/buyer anything, but might be a good way to support his small business and provide value to the buyer as well.

His painting channels bring value to his life, which was something he felt was more important than doing his regular 9-5, which he is slowly transitioning out of to do his painting hobby/side business as a full time career. 

Improving Digital Skills And Adding Value To Your Content

He didn’t have the digital skills before, those were something he has developed along the way, which has added more value to his life. He invested time and energy into building his marketing skills so he could continue to grow his online business. All of his content is filmed with a Galaxy S20 FE smartphone, his video editing skills were self taught and part of the development of his business. YouTube keeps track of his videos and how well they perform, like how many people watch them and for how long. One tip he shared with David Sharpe during the interview was  he needed to shorten his content, but that the structure and style of his videos were popular for his audience. 

A highlight from the interview, Lloyd shared with David Sharpe, that his content creation and painting hobby has changed his life. Once the first commission hit his bank account, he knew it was real. Up until then it could sometimes make him feel like he was making the content for free and like it maybe wasn’t hitting the right audience but Lloyd feels it’s important to keep persevering and remember that eventually the content will hit the right audience. “This is not a habit, but a hobby that you enjoy that brings value to your life. And I do think that a lot of people underestimate the value that a particular business can contribute to their happiness versus just some number in their bank account,” David Sharpe said.

He says that his biggest reward is when someone tells him that his methods for painting Warhammer 40,000 gaming figurines work. “It’s about driving the value and everything I put out has to have value in it” Lloyd said. This means anything from explaining the painting process to explaining what happens when the paint dries, how it can sometimes look too shiny but will become more matte once dry and the brightness will dim. Lloyd adds value to his tutorial videos by explaining his painting process and gives step by step instructions to his viewer while painting an example himself. Whether that person is brand new to Warhammer painting or whether they have experience painting doesn’t matter because Lloyd’s content is for everyone. “Everything I do is always around value, (and) value proposition.”

Choosing The Content Platform That Is Right For Your Business

Sometimes this can be a time consuming hobby. Platforms fight over content and the algorithm doesn’t always push videos and content out to the right people, but there will be a lot more value added through TikTok content in the future so his content will hopefully be pushed to a larger audience. Lloyd shared some tips with David Sharpe that helped him decide that YoutTube would be the main platform that he would use for his content.

Tip #1- Lloyd said he originally chose YouTube as his main content platform because it’s the largest content site on the internet, along with the largest search engine and people typically go to YouTube to learn information such as how to do or create different things. “People go there to find out how to do things and I’m showing people how to do something so I want to post my how to do content on the biggest how to do platform in the world,” Lloyd said, That’s one of the things to really consider, going somewhere where your audience already is, because the audience is already there and I know the audience is already there because there are other similar channels producing similar types of content.” Choose a platform where you know that your audience will be looking for content from your niche there instead of chasing your audience. 

Tip #2- Take advantage of the tools already on platforms like YouTube and TikTok. YouTube does all of the hard work for you such as the technical and back end work, so all you have to do is create the video and upload it. YouTube is a content platform that will be around for years to come, you just have to have the self discipline and resilience to sit down and edit videos, even if you don’t always want to. YouTube is long form content, Lloyd tells us, and there will always be a market for long form content and tutorials. “All you need to do is create a video to put on YouTube that's probably simplifying it a little bit but certainly the heavy tech stuff is done,” Lloyd said. 

Dealing With Insecurities When Producing Content

When first starting out, you have to know why you’re creating content and what your motive is behind it. When first starting out, Lloyd had insecurities but knew that there were other channels in his niche with 350-400 or more subscribers that had just started and accounts that also had only 1-10 subscribers. Some Youtube channels started creating content before he did and can make you question yourself, but Lloyd says the most important thing to remember is that the only person that you are your only competition.It’s really really important to understand what your race is and to run your race, the only person you’re competing against is yourself,” Lloyd said. Another strategy that is helpful when you are first starting with creating your business, is the way that you ask yourself questions. He explains that when asking yourself a question, instead of asking yourself “why”, for example, “why did this happen?”, ask yourself “what is going on?”. The question of ‘why?’ can elicit an emotional response and can be accusatory even in your own self-questioning, but asking yourself ‘what’ stead will elicit a logical response.

The way Lloyd has stayed focused and has not lost or changed his vision is because he knows he is not the best content creator in the world or even in his Warhammer 40,000 niche.  He has accepted that and knows if someone does something better than him that it’s okay and will create his content in his own way because his way resonates better with his customers and followers. Every job you have there’s going to be someone already there who’s better at it than you,” Lloyd said. 

He knows his business growth will be successful because he is committed to it, and to him, that means that he'll continue to grow his business and master his painting hobby in years to come. He wants to be a content creator and enjoys sharing valuable information with other people in his niche. He enjoys helping others have more fun with their hobby along with delivering value to his customers and subscribers. 

His number one value is freedom and this is freedom and the path he has chosen to take in his career. It’s much easier for him to get out of bed in the morning and do his work now and he gets to connect with like-minded people with similar values to him each day. If you want to learn more about Lloyd and his Warhammer 40,000 painting hobby turned business, follow him @thepaintingcoach on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram.

 Would you like to find a profitable business you can do from home so you can bring in much more substantial income? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to earn money online from home.

How To Get A Million Views On Tik Tok Video And Grow From There

David Sharpe bio

Spencer Mecham is a Legendary Marketer client who went from 0 followers to over 207,000 followers in just three months. His videos have gotten over two million likes and views, and his Tik Tok channel continues to grow every day.

Keep Your Viewer’s Eyes Glued To The Screen By Packing Your Video Full of Curiosity

Spencer’s Tik Tok: @Spencerhacks

Spencer’s biggest key to his Tik Tok success: the element of curiosity. Tik Tok’s algorithm works very similarly to the Youtube algorithm. This is because the longer someone continues to view a video on Tik Tok, the more likely it is to rank in the algorithm. Tik Tok wants a lot of views and engagement with videos, and as long as a video has both of those factors it is pushed into other people’s feed. 

Spencer’s videos that have done so well and have gotten a lot of likes and views, all contain the common theme of the curiosity factor. He strings the viewer along throughout 30-40 seconds of the Tik Tok before he’s explained the point. This keeps the suspense going and keeps the viewer watching. Keeping the curiosity in his videos is always what’s made them gain so much traffic. 

When he makes a headline for a video he always tries to be vague and keep the curiosity even when the viewer is reading the title. Most people like to give away the concept of the video in the title or even in the first few seconds. Using terminology in your headline that is curious and ambiguous enough leaves room for the viewer’s imagination to wonder. When a video gains a lot of traffic he will repost that video to see if it can gain more traffic.

Repurposing Content From Tik Tok To Gain More Traffic From Youtube

Spencer began repurposing his Tik Tok videos into Youtube videos to gain more views and traffic on them. He removes the Tik Tok logo from the bottom corner by cropping it out of the video with an editing app on his phone. Then he reposts it to Youtube with the hashtag #Shorts. 

Youtube Shorts is a new addition to the app being tested in America right now. It is Essentially Youtube’s version of Tik Tok. By posting a vertical video with #shorts it pushes it into the Youtube shorts feed and algorithm. This caused Spencer to gain a lot of subscribers and gain a lot more views on his Tik Tok videos. Some of his repurposed videos have over 2,300 likes. 

If you enjoyed this article and want to learn more affiliate marketing secrets like the ones Spencer shared with us here, including how to make high-ticket commissions and supercharge your earnings, watch this free video while access is still free.

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The Journey To Getting 9,000 Subscribers Per Month On Youtube

David Sharpe bio

Spencer Mecham is a Legendary Marketer client who started out his Youtube channel adding about 1,500 new subscribers every month. Within 3 months he began getting 9,000 per month. We recently interviewed him on our morning show, Wake Up Legendary, to find out how his subscriber count skyrocketed. 

Outsource Your Content For Better Quality And Results

Spencer operates multiple streams of income at once, but one of his biggest income streams is his Youtube channel. He has 2 people he’s employed to help manage his multiple streams of income. Two of them are full time and one is part time. He finds that outsourcing his content this way helps him to maintain his income sources and stay organized. 

His editor is typically the one who writes his video scripts. He was hired on as an editor but has begun adding more tasks to his job, such as putting together thumbnails for videos as well as writing video scripts. All Spencer has to do is sit down, film his video, upload it to his computer, and move along to the next task. 

Spencer uses a full scripted procedure to better cater to Youtube’s algorithm. One big thing he focuses on in his video is quality. He wants the viewer to stay watching for as long as possible, and a lot of that has to do with the quality of the video they are watching. This doesn't just have to do with aesthetics of the video, but also the value, which is why he likes to fully script his videos ahead of time. 

Spencer’s Youtube channel @buildapreneur

Taking A Unique Approach To Your Videos

In the beginning of Spencer’s Youtube career he was trying to be tricky and do ranking tricks to get his videos to rank in Youtube’s algorithm. He found that wasn’t working for him and realized that if he made content people were actually watching, he would rank higher in Youtube’s algorithm. 

Spencer decided to take a unique approach to his videos and create a curiosity factor to keep people looking at the screen. Spencer says that as long as you keep that curiosity factor going in your Youtube video and pack in as much value as possible, your video will rank higher. 

When outsourcing someone to help edit your videos, the best way to start is by watching a lot of videos you really like and identifying what you like about them. Once you do that you can hire on an editor and present that list to them. Give them five examples of videos that you like with specifics from the videos and let them know that’s what you want done in your videos. 

The cheapest editing price he’s been able to find for good quality is about a hundred dollars for fifteen minutes of video editing. However, there are sites like Fiverr where you can outsource video editing amongst other things for cheap, though the editing quality may vary on those types of websites. 

If you enjoyed learning about how Spencer  jumped from a few subscribers a month to 9,000 consider watching this free video. You’ll also learn techniques and strategies Spencer uses to gain high ticket commissions and supercharge his  earnings. 

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How To Grow Your Affiliate Marketing Traffic By 10x

David Sharpe bio


Spencer Mecham is a client who has not only mastered having multiple platforms to work off of, but has also mastered bringing income to those multiple platforms. We recently interviewed him on our morning show, Wake Up Legendary, to learn about how he turns his multiple streams of traffic into income.

From the very beginning of Spencer’s affiliate marketing career he found himself worried about his social media accounts being shut down. He decided that after an Instagram account along with a Youtube account being shut down it was time to work off of multiple platforms. 


When Spencer finds a new platform to work off of, he masters the platform to the best of his ability and then writes down a system for it. Once he’s written down how it works and what he wants out of it, he then passes it along to someone he’s hired to work on his account on each platform. 


Outsourcing Quality People To Help You Create Quality Content


He can’t operate a Youtube channel, instagram account, Tik Tik, blog, Facebook group, email list, etc. all by himself. He typically hires multiple people to help him do things like edit videos and thumbnails. When hiring someone on, Spencer says to not be afraid to move through people. He likes to have weekly meetings and follow up with the people he has hired. He wants to make sure that anyone he has hired is on the same page as him. 


Spencer will typically give practice tasks for anyone who he is considering for the job and makes sure they know what they’re doing. He typically hires three people at a time. Two of them work full time and one of them works part time. 


Outlining And Scripting Videos To Cater To Youtube’s Algorithm


Spencer outlines each video before filming it, and has passed on the outline job to one of the editors he hired. This creates less work for him so that he has more time to focus on other tasks in his day. The outlines he makes for his videos aren’t just what topics he’ll be speaking about, but includes an entire script for the video. He caters to Youtube’s algorithm by scripting the video and deciding what A roll and B roll go into each video.


Youtube tracks how long each person who views a video is watching it for. If someone is viewing a video for just a moment and clicks out of it, Youtube won’t push it into the algorithm. If a video is watched most of or all the way through often, it is more likely to come up first in the search results or be suggested to watch next by Youtube.  “A high click rate and a high watch time equals a viral Youtube video,” Spencer said.


In order for Spencer to keep his videos from being clicked out of too soon, he began using a tactic that would keep people watching until the end- curiosity. 


When scripting videos, Spencer spends a lot of time planning. He plans out how they’re going to generate the curiosity factor that runs throughout the video that keeps people watching. “A high click through rate and a high watch time equals a viral youtube video,” Spencer said. Since catering his videos to Youtube’s algorithm, he has grown his Youtube channel to 43,000 subscribers. 


Create Unique Content That Generates Value And Curiosity


Spencer says that in order to get more views on videos, take a unique approach to the videos you create. Instead of doing ‘10 ways to make money with x’ Spencer says that a more unique approach would be to spend 8 hours clicking through sites, or take surveys for 5 hours straight and do a video on that experience. That generates a story with the videos and gives the viewer something more to connect to rather than a generic video.


Spencer says to get comfortable on camera it’s okay to go generic videos but as you get more into it to begin throwing in the experiment style videos where you document the process of something like taking surveys or watching a particular type of video.


Don’t Waste Time Editing Videos If You Can Outsource A Skilled Editor


When he first started making Youtube videos, Spencer spent a lot of time editing them. He found that it was easier and a better use of his time to hire someone to edit his videos for him. This way someone else who had more skill than him could do ten times what he could edit on a video. 


He watches a bunch of videos and writes down what he likes about them. Then he hires someone and gives them that list with five example videos he’s found that he likes. Spencer has found the cheapest video editor for himself has been about a hundred dollars, but there are sites like Fiverr where you are able to hire someone for cheaper, though the quality may differ. 


Videos that you create can still blow up without a bunch of fancy editing. When Spencer was starting out, he did a few videos where he shared his screen and those have gotten over 300,000 views. 

Spencer’s Youtube channel @Buildapreneur


Visualize What Your Business Can Grow To And Move To Multiple Platforms For More Income 


Spencer’s Tik Tok, Youtube, Facebook group, and blog are his main streams of income. His project manager does the pictures, categorizing, and outline for his blog and then sends that over to his blog writers. 


Spencer turns his Youtube videos into blog posts and bases posts off of certain keywords to drive in more traffic. When repurposing his youtube videos onto his blog, he also re-purposes his Tik Tok videos into Youtube videos. He edits the Tik Tok logo off of them and turns them into something called Youtube Shorts, a new program similar to Tik Tok. By doing this he grew more subscribers because once you hashtag a 60 second or less Youtube video with #shorts it is pushed into the algorithm. Youtube is testing Shorts in the United States and pushes videos into the Shorts algorithm to test how well they are performing.


Structure Tik Tok Videos To Hook Your Viewers


     Spencer’s Tik Tok @spencerhacks

The Tik Tok algorithm is very similar to the Youtube algorithm. Spencer uses the same curiosity factor from Youtube to keep his viewers watching his videos. He structures his videos so that the viewer doesn't really understand what he’s trying to tell them in the video until thirty to sixty seconds in. Once the viewer has reached that point, they’re been watching the video for so long that it doesn't matter if they scroll out of it. 


Spencer hooks his viewer and strings them along in the video. He shows his viewer the process and in the end explains the point. This allows him to keep the curiosity going as long as he can in the video. He uses terminology in his videos that keeps the viewer hooked and gives them something to think about while they watch.


It’s important to differentiate yourself from people on Tik Tok who make videos from similar videos. People don’t want to watch the same video over and over again. When starting your video, say that it’s something different than what your viewer has seen before. That way they want to keep their eyes glued to the screen in suspense. 


If you enjoyed this article and want to learn more affiliate marketing secrets like the ones Spencer shared with us here, watch this free video while access is still free.

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How I Grew To 200,000 Subscribers! Step-By-Step Youtube Growth Plan

David Sharpe bio

Ryan Hildreth is a client who started off working a 9-5 straight out of college. He stumbled across affiliate marketing and found it to be the best business model for himself. He started his Youtube channel in 2017 and now has over 240,000 subscribers on Youtube and over 250,000 subscribers on Tik Tok. 


When Ryan first started out he was finding videos on Youtube to replicate and turn into his own words. Over time it became difficult to find new videos to replicate. He wasn’t getting much done trying to come up with ideas every day. He was missing one key factor- structure.

Creating Structure And A Schedule In Your Process To Become Successful

Ryan began putting out two to three videos a week. When you’re just starting out, he recommends you make two to three videos a week so you don’t overwhelm yourself. In order to do this he had to create a weekly schedule for himself and begin planning out his videos one step at a time. 


He says that getting ahead is important in case there is an emergency or something comes up that you need to spend time on. That way you have videos done that you are able to post while not working.  


Ryan’s process starts on a Monday. The first thing he does is grab a notepad and a whiteboard. You can also use Google spreadsheet to organize and list your topic ideas. He lists ideas he wants to do videos on. He also plans out topics he wants to expand on and trending topics to make videos on.


Monday is his administrative day, which means no filming or content creation is done. Instead, he uses Monday solely for a planning day for idea generation. He plans out ten video ideas. He scours Youtube and finds trending videos in his niche. 


Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday are the days Ryan creates, films, and edits videos. He creates three videos and edits them, and then uploads them each of the three days. He typically spends three days a week on Youtube related work and the remaining two days on his email marketing.

Ryan’s Youtube channel


Outsourcing Thumbnails From Affordable Creators To Deliver High Quality Images That Stand Out


Ryan outsources his video’s thumbnails. He does this through FIverr, where he finds a nice inexpensive thumbnail creator. He sends the person creating his thumbnails thumbnails for other videos that he likes. Then he asks them to be made to look similar.


 He typically keeps his thumbnails 3-5 words if he can. Videos that only have a few words in the thumbnail tend to perform better. He gives the creator the title of the video and then they create his thumbnail for him.


Finding Inspiration From Other Content Creators In Your Niche


In order to find videos to gain inspiration from, Ryan types in ‘make money online’ into Youtube and makes videos around the topics that come up. He isn’t looking for a particular time stamp on the videos. Videos can still be popular and relevant years after they are uploaded. Youtube will push the top trending videos for the keywords ‘make money online’ towards you. If a video is uploaded less than a month ago that means that it's performing really well and Youtube is pushing that towards you. 


Ryan doesn’t use any Youtube video filters when finding videos to get inspiration from. He leaves on ‘sort by relevance’ to ensure that he’s getting the most relevant videos to his topic. A video has to be at least eight to ten minutes long to add revenue to it. However, don’t create a video that is too long. 


Youtube tracks how long a video is being watched for. If it is not being watched all the way through or too many people are clicking out of it in the first few minutes, it may not rank well. Ryan waits for a video to hit a home run. If one video starts to take off and gets over 20,000 views he will create another one like that. 


Ryan stays within the broad niche of how to make money online. He says that if you just do ‘make money with Facebook’ videos for seven days straight the topic may not still be trending. However, if you did ‘how to make money online’ videos, one of those may take off. You have to have a broad topic to create from.


Get the idea?…


There’s probably not going to be a lot of videos you come up with that are original ideas. But that’s okay. Finding inspiration from videos is a great way to take parts of other videos you watch and expand on them. Getting information from other content creators and videos is a form of inspiration. Don’t get discouraged if you can’t come up with an entirely original idea for a video.

Using Free Easy To Use Software To Create A High Quality Video 


Ryan uses the free software that came with his Macbook when creating and editing his videos. He uses the screen recording feature on Quicktime Player  when filming. He does this by going to ‘file’ on Quicktime Player and then clicks ‘new screen recording’. Quicktime Player is free and easy to use because it saves right to his desktop. This makes videos easier to find. 

He also films himself as he’s screen recording with his Cannon T6i camera. He likes to have high quality video of himself. He combines the two in iMovie, another free app for Macbook. iMovie is an easy app for Ryan to use as well. “It’s all about what you’re comfortable with,” Ryan said. Showing a video of himself makes it more personal.


Another easy to use tool is Loom because you can record yourself and screen record at the same time. Loom is free to use for videos up to five minutes. Ryan says that over time it’s better to show your face. Showing your face links your viewers to your humanity. When Ryan films and messes up he keeps going. He takes out the parts he messes up on when editing. Each of his videos take about 20 minutes to edit.

Consistency Is The Key For Successful Results 


Ryan schedules his videos to post at the same time every day at 8am. He posts at the same days and times every week because having consistency in your business is good. You will see results from videos you upload three to four months down the road, but with that consistency you will begin to grow.


Showing Humanity And Building Relationships With Your Email Lists 


When Ryan adds someone to his email list, he likes to follow up with them for thirty days straight. The first two emails are conversational pieces. He likes to have a conversation with people who join his email list to get to know them and build connections. The third email he sends is typically when he pitches to them. 


He doesn't send people on his email list his youtube videos. He doesn't want them to affect his watch times. This is only because he has so many subscribers and gets several thousand views on his videos within the first few hours. If you are just starting out, you should be emailing your Youtube videos to your email list. 


Using Tik Tok To Generate Youtube Subscribers


When Ryan first created his Tik Tok, it took a while at first to build up followers. When he started, he started from scratch. He didn’t tell anyone about his Tik Tok and wanted to see how big he could grow it to challenge himself.

He posted at least twice a day and did mostly ‘make money online’ related posts. His posts were mostly previews of his Youtube videos. He put only his Youtube channel link in his Tik Tok profile. He wanted people to click on his Youtube channel from his Tik Tok videos to use it as a lead generation to his Youtube videos.


Ryan hit a record month in commissions the second month he was creating Tik tok videos. He was growing 1,000 to 2,000 subscribers each day on Youtube that were coming from Tik Tok. 


If you would like to learn strategies to apply to your business just like the one Ryan applies into his business in affiliate marketing, including how to make multiple high-ticket affiliate commissions each month marketing valuable products people already want to buy, watch our brand new free webclass while access is still free.

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The Exact Plan To Succeed In Affiliate Marketing In 3 Just Hours A Day

David Sharpe bio

Zeb Summers started off the year as an IT Manager, but after 15 years of hard work was laid off when Covid hit. Instead of deciding to go back to corporate America, he took the leap to turn his affiliate marketing side hustle into a full-time career. He wanted to do something that gave him full control of his time. As a 45 year old father of 2, he was looking to get some time back to spend with his family. 

Zeb loves affiliate marketing and has grown a passion for it, which is why he decided to do it full time. By full time I’m not talking 8 hours of labor each day. Full time as in 3 hours of work each day, and the rest of the day to spend with his family and do whatever he wants. 

We recently had him on our morning show, Wake Up Legendary to talk about his strategy for success. So what is Zeb’s strategy for success?

Planning A Month At A Time To Focus On Money Producing Activities

When Zeb first started his full time affiliate marketing career, he felt he wasn’t producing the results that he should be. He began focusing all his time on money producing activities. He plans out his schedule a month at a time, and makes weekly and daily schedules for himself.

He schedules everything he wants to do in his 3 hour work window in his planner. He does this by focusing on certain things each day. For example, one day may be a planning day for his Tik  Tok videos, and the next may be a day where he creates his Tik Tok videos. 

One key to this process Zeb feels, is getting a good night’s sleep. The human brain cannot function to its fullest potential without a good amount of sleep. Whenever Zeb feels like he has an idea for the next day, he always makes sure to write it down. By writing it down, it helps him to sleep better because he doesn’t have to think about it while he’s trying to sleep.

Zeb creates 3-12 Tik Toks to post throughout each day along with creating Youtube videos. He plans out each video and it’s headline. Planning is a huge factor in keeping his work day to only 3 hours. 

Create Goals For Yourself To Accomplish And Create To-Do Lists To Keep Track of Them 

Zeb takes his goals for the month and the week and divides them down into weekly, then daily goals. He creates an amount he wants to make for the month. He then decides how many emails he has to send, how many Tik Toks he has to create, and how many sales he has to make to get the commission. 

Once he has created his monthly goals, he takes them down to weekly goals. Every week he knows he has to send out a certain number of emails each day, a certain number of Tik Tok’s, and a certain number of customers to follow up with each day. 

But he doesn’t stop there…

Zeb says that once he breaks down his goals into daily goals, the magic starts to happen. Zeb says he has to tune into his daily goals and be self disciplined and present. 

“It’s not about taking action, it’s about taking daily action,” Zeb said. 

He starts off each day writing emails to his email lists. Sometimes he spends up to an hour writing emails and interacting with his email list. He creates a goal number of emails to write and sticks to that goal. 

He wants to humanize himself to his customers and stay present because that’s something that is very important in affiliate marketing. The more authenticity you show, the more your customers can relate to you and build trust with you.

He also creates a goal amount of Tik Tok videos and Youtube videos to create. Once he’s planned out and created those videos, he spends his 3 hour work day creating those videos to be readily available to post throughout the day. 

[Image description] Zeb’s Tik Tok @zebsummers

One great tool for this that Zeb uses, is Trello. Trello is a planning website that allows you to create to-do lists and organize different lists to check tasks off of. Trello also shows you a percentage of how much you have completed each day and can refresh so that you have a clear list of tasks to plan for each day you’re working. 

Zeb typically uses a pen and paper for his planning. For more tech savvy people, Trello has a mobile app. Another useful tool is the notepad or calendar on your phone or computer. 

Becoming The Creator And Tracking Your Progress

Zeb always says that at the beginning you can’t focus on the money. He says to focus on creating the foundation and creating content. Once you create the content, the money will come. At first, it’s hard to figure out where to start. He says that when starting out create goals for yourself and get out of your comfort zone. 

He says to take 60 to 90 days and track the progress that you are making. Focus on your goal and track the progress of your videos and work. If you aren’t meeting your goal, take a few steps back and figure out what exactly you need to do to meet that goal. 

The money might not flow in at first so it’s important to make a realistic goal for yourself that you can track. Once you’ve reached your goal you can assess what you did that month to reach that goal and continue to repeat and tweak that process. 


In the beginning when you’re creating your baseline, it’s important to consistently do content creation in a channel or two, such as Youtube, Facebook, Tik Tok, or your email list. Once you’ve succeeded in making content, you can track what is working and do more of it. 

When Things Don’t Go As Planned, Keep Moving Forward

When a day doesn’t go as planned, Zeb says to always keep moving forward. “You’re going to be on top of the mountain and you’re going to be in the pit of despair,” Zeb said. It’s important to move forward and try your best to not let the little things bother you. 

You don’t have to get analytical to keep track of your progress. Just simply writing things down and keeping track of them is enough when starting out to monitor what’s working and what isn’t. Don’t give up even if it feels like you’re not being successful. Behind an unsuccessful day could be a thousand dollar day, but you won’t know unless you stick it out. 

Would you like to find a profitable business you can do from home so you can bring in much more substantial income? If so, I recommend you watch this free video which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to earn money online from home.

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How A Car Sales Manager Grew A Profitable 117K Sub Youtube Channel Part-Time For Free

David Sharpe bio

Learn how this full time manager built an online business while working it part time.

Victor Paredes has been the general manager of an automobile shop in Texas for 24 years and was looking for a challenge. He loves his job, but he wanted to challenge himself to branch out and do more than just his normal nine to five because he wanted to grow more. He started in online affiliate marketing on the side and found himself learning from other affiliate marketers from Youtube on how to become successful. He started learning the ins and outs of affiliate marketing as he went along and soon enough, created a Youtube channel and was making videos himself. We recently interviewed him on the Wake Up Legendary show to hear how he balances his nine to five job with his affiliate marketing side business and finds success in both.

For Victor, Youtube was the last thing people thought he would find success in, but it’s become his #1 source of traffic. He has over 360 videos and over 123,000 subscribers. He also uses his Youtube channel in his business for motivation for his team and to help with their training. All of his employees are subscribed to his Youtube channel. One great thing Victor loves about his working with his affiliate marketing business and his 9-5 combined is that he can choose when to retire. “The plan is to not retire right away but to retire when I choose to retire,” Victor said. He loves working both jobs and still has time to spend with his family.

[Image description] Victor’s Youtube channel 


Victor said that one thing that stands out to him the most in his affiliate marketing business is the growth he’s had with the people he’s connected with. He’s connected with a lot of inspirational people and not just the super affiliates but also the people who are just getting started in the Legendary community. “I have the best of worlds. I still am able to go to a job and interact with people on a one on one basis and I have my online business where I’m learning so much, and I’ve made some incredible relationships online with people that I never would have met had I not decided to start an online business,” Victor said. He says that it has helped him grow more by supporting other people and have others show the same support for him. 

Victor says that you shouldn’t be ashamed or embarrassed about what you’re trying to do. Don’t ever quit, chase your dream, go after it, hold yourself accountable, make a commitment, verbalize it to yourself. Make a commitment that you are gonna see it through and then if you don’t you’re lying to yourself and that’s the worst thing that can happen,”Victor said. People now ask Victor for advice with their online business now and he says that has really stood out to him. Now he gets to help other people grow that are in the same position he used to be in not too long ago. 

One message Victor gives is to never give up. “Don’t ever quit, chase your dream, go after it, hold yourself accountable, make a commitment, verbalize it to yourself. Make a commitment that you are gonna see it through and then if you don’t you’re lying to yourself and that’s the worst thing that can happen,” Victor said. If you run into hardships and obstacles, you can overcome them with the right support from your community. He says to find a mentor or a program like the ones we offer at Legendary Marketer, that can help guide you in the right direction when you are feeling stuck. “If you have a mentor there’s no reason anybody can’t get results unless they decide to quit,” Victor said. 

When it comes to creating an online business, it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. It’s something you can ease into and do part time and still get somewhere. Victor is an example of that. If you want to learn more successful marketing tips just like the ones Victor uses here to grow your online business, check out this video while access is still free

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How To Get 19,000 Views Per Video On Youtube For Your Affiliate Marketing Business

David Sharpe bio

Simon Gorges is a full time airline pilot with a Youtube Channel that has 26,000 subscribers. He’s also a client of ours and we recently interviewed him about his affiliate marketing business on our daily show Wake Up Legendary to hear how exactly he does it.

Simon has been filming tutorials, reviews, step by step guides, amongst other types of videos for his Youtube channel Metics Media for two years. “I actually started to look for different ways to make money online when I was studying aviation, I had a lot of free time so I was looking for a way to make some money on the side,” Simon said. He started creating Instagram accounts and building them up to sell them to other people as well as using E-Commerce. This wasn’t stable enough income from him and he found it mentally exhausting. He had to deal with a lot of customer support and a lot of customers had unrealistic expectations.

Simon wanted to do something online for a second income and found his way to Youtube affiliate marketing. His channel that started with a few videos that didn’t even show his face now has 26,000 subscribers. His videos get anywhere between 19,000-20,000 views per video on average. “I realized Youtube is pretty cool because you can teach people and you get very cool feedback because people comment on your videos and you see how you help them,” Simon said. The reason he likes affiliate marketing as much as he does is because he is able to bring in a more stable amount of income and you don’t have to have your own product or customer support. He feels that having a blog or Youtube channel is “crazily passive”.

The aviation industry got hit very hard during Covid and Simon hasn’t been piloting since March. Luckily, his Youtube affiliate business brings him in just about as much money as he normally would make as a pilot. “Especially in this time right now I realize how important it is to have a second income stream or multiple income streams in case something happens. For me it gives me a lot of security and also a way to now spend my free time and increase my online business to kind of grow that on the side,” Simon said. He first kept building his Youtube channel until he had a couple hundred subscribers. Those couple hundred soon turned to a couple thousand.

Some of the videos that Simon first uploaded to his channel still occasionally bring him money. He tries to make sure his videos will still be relevant in a few months or even a few years when he makes them so that they will still gain views. “I see (Youtube) as you being a teacher that is teaching 24/7, but you don’t physically have to be there, and if you combine that with affiliate marketing you can make a good amount of money,” Simon said. However, his videos didn’t build traction and get views right away.

When Youtube recognizes that a video a channel uploads is a video that people are searching for often, they rank the video according to the keywords mentioned in the title and description. The more his videos showed up in a search, the more views they started to get. He said that every week a couple hundred people would be searching for the same keywords he was using in his videos. They would find his videos, click on them, and find the result they were looking for. “You can’t go in with expectations that your videos will get tons of views from the beginning. What I think is very important (is that) you, from the beginning, have a strategy that is working for your niche or your Youtube channel,” Simon said. For most niches the best strategy is to do keyword research and try and find long tail keywords people are searching for. 

Long tailed keywords are more than just one word, and more like a question or phrase that people are searching for. Simon’s strategy is to find keywords that aren’t as competitive. These keywords are the ones that don’t have as many good videos linked to them. When coming up with ideas for videos and doing his keyword research,  he says to think about what the person will be typing into the Youtube search bar.  Then it becomes his job to create that video.

When uploading videos to a channel, Youtube will test the videos, put them on the search engine, and once those videos have received a certain amount of views Youtube then determines where the videos will be ranked during a keyword search. “You have to trust youtube to be able to do that and give youtube time to gather the data to be able to rank your video and to show the video to the people that are looking for it,” Simon said. This takes time and if a channel doesn’t have any videos on it, it takes time for the channel to grow and get subscribers. 

Simon says that it’s important to really focus on targeting the right keywords so that his channel can deliver what people are looking for. “What I would think is the most important thing is don’t create one video a day. If you can create one quality video a day, okay, but the thing is you have to do a better video than your competition,” Simon said. It’s better to have one video that does very well compared to 10 videos that don’t gain any views. It’s all about quality over quantity. 

On Simon’s Youtube channel he has a total of 47 videos, which averages out to him uploading about 2 videos a month. Simon says that buying a good camera first is not the most important part of the video making process. Viewers have a problem they are looking to solve by viewing a video, and that having fancy gear isn’t necessary in doing that. The more important part of creating Youtube videos is the content being put out. Avoiding rambling and getting to the point as quickly as possible is major because the viewer wants to know the end result and what exactly is going to be covered in a video.

When creating a video, Simon advises that the things to remember are to have a good title, have the main keyword in the title, and that the thumbnail should have the same words as the title. Have a high quality thumbnail for the video that is not only colorful but also stands out to the viewer. Look for what videos are performing well and get inspiration from those videos. According to Simon, engagement is important. Ask for likes and comments. Give people a reason to comment on your video. The more likes and comments on a video, the more it will come up in a search.

It is important to put a call to action at the end of a video. “At the beginning of the video it’s important to get right to the point and suck them in to let them know that what they were looking for they can find in your video,” Simon said. Attention spans are so short that if every video started off spending thirty seconds to a minute to get to the point, viewers will be lost in the first minute. Youtube will see that and track how many people actually watch the video the entire way through and that’s how Youtube will base the ranking on a video. If viewers are clicking out a video in the first minute, Youtube won’t show it first.

When filming, Simon stays on track by scripting his videos. “I try to not make it too robotic but I want to script my sentences  so that I don’t veer off and ramble on,” Simon said. Simon says that he has a lot more respect for actors because of the difficulty of scripting a video, but even actors have bloopers. The important part is to be authentic and sound natural. Viewers knowing that they are watching real people is important to them because there are so many scams nowadays, people find themselves skeptical. “Any natural stuff that happens is funner than when people try to be funny, Simon said.” Everybody needs to think of themselves as a media or advertising firm. If someone is insecure about filming themselves, a great way to accept themself is to do a few live streams until they are more comfortable filming. In an industry where people want to get results out of videos, people need to create high quality, authentic videos.

If you’d like to learn more of the strategies Simon applies to his affiliate marketing business, including how to make multiple high-ticket affiliate commissions each month to supercharge your earnings, watch our brand new free webclass while access is still free. 

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