digital marketing services

Why Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone Is The Key To Seeing Results

Below is the transcription of this episode:

Dave: Hey what's going on my friends this is Dave sharp Welcome to wake up legendary. This morning we're going to be talking to a young lady from Phoenix. Her name is Christianne and she's truly working from home. So let's hear from her how exactly you know that getting out of her comfort zone helps target results. How would she'd done it? Christianne Welcome to the show.

Christianne: Hi, how are you? Good morning.

Dave: Good morning, I'm fantastic. Alright, so Christianne, are you in Phoenix? Am I right about that?

Christianne: Yes, I'm living in Phoenix right now. I've been living here for like about three years. I have lived my whole life in Guadalajara, Jalisco, which is Mexico. And like about three years ago, I moved here.

Dave: Okay, nice. Very cool. So how did you start marketing online like what took you online and then how eventually did you find  Legendary Marketer?

Christianne: Yeah, so you know, my life has changed a lot in the last couple of years. So, first of all, I was in Mexico, I was starting to become a dentist so from healthcare to business, completely different things. But yeah, I remember, like about two years ago, I was on YouTube and I started to see videos from a lady called Tatiana James. You may not care and she started sharing about how to start making money online. She is an expert on Amazon FBA. also creating a Shopify account so I got so inspired, that I decided to give it a try. And I started with an online business selling Bluebeam face masks. I don't have any right now.

Dave: Do they look almost like ice or iced out right? Like almost like they got. What does that sequence mean? All on the front? Did you make those or are you sourcing those from somewhere? Like doing drop shipping or worrying?

Christianne: No, I got them from Alibaba from China and brought them here to my home. And, you know, I was doing pretty much like a hybrid business. Because I have my Shopify account. Which was, you know, what's a good business? But at the same time I was. I met the owner of a club here in Phoenix. And he allowed me to put a table outside of the club because they wouldn't allow people without masks. So I was like, this is my opportunity. This is gonna look amazing on The Club.

Dave: So during, the pandemic? You know, people are trying to get into the club, but you're, you're helping them to be safe, but also fashionable to lead. If you need to go to the club in the middle of, you know, a pandemic. Let's make sure that you're safe and like sure, let's make sure that you look good doing it right. Who's in the club with one of those ugly blue medical masks? I mean, come on.

Christianne: Nobody looks good in those.

Dave: I get it. I get it. So anyways, what happened with that? So did you and everybody. Yeah, she is so smart. So you're, you're I like this. So what happens next?

Christianne: Yeah, so after a few months, then must stop being required for a well, you know, now, they're being required again. But yeah, so I decided to just stop selling them. And then I decided to start with Amazon FBA invested in my location, so I bought a course. But yeah, in the end, it didn't really work for me because you need a large amount to invest on all the inventory and the Amazon fees and all that. So I decided not to continue. And so those are my two online business experience that I have.

Dave: So how did you find a legendary marketer and what did you decide to do, you know, get started in that direction? Tell us what happened then.

Christianne: Okay, so, like most guests, here on Wake Up Legendary. I was lost working a deadend job. I hated that I always worked in call centers. And yeah, so I don't know. I would always just start a job like I was so excited. But you know, after a few months, like you start getting used to or I would just start feeling like just a number more in the company. Yeah, so yeah, I just decided I was so depressed. I don't even a member but you know, all the bad things that happen in our life. If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger. So I decided to quit that job. And I was unemployed for a few months. And then I found out about Legendary. I found myself and she inspired me a lot. I started to see all of her Tik Toks stories, from anatomy to you know, building a six figure income at that time. It wasn't that much. She was just starting, but I felt so excited. And I decided, You know what, I'm gonna give it a try. But to be honest with you, I don't know. Like in the beginning, I felt like how can I explain it? Like I was just waiting for somebody to save me. You know, like, I was not doing my part that much. Um, but yeah, after, you know, going through the course and of course, reading a lot of books, self help books, and all of that I understood like, nobody's gonna come see you. So you are the owner of your own life. And if you want to succeed, you have to take action. So yeah, I eventually bought the blueprints and started working on that. My journey has not been super easy to be honest with you guys. Yeah, it's been a lot of ups and downs. There are some days that I would feel like why am I doing these? I'm about to be a really shy person and I don't know sometimes. I get that anxious like a lot of people are gonna listen to my accent or criticize when I'm doing it. But yeah, you know, at the end, I understood that. I just had to get over this fear step by step and I know we all can do it. It's just we just have to take it one step at a time and keep working.

Dave: Well, that's that's a really that's a really incredible story and journey. And you know, I first of all, just want to congratulate you for, you know, sticking with it. You want to obviously have the entrepreneurial spirit. I mean, you you you saw entrepreneurs are people who see who see difficult times they see opportunity, they see recession, they see opportunity, they see thriving market, they see opportunity is always seen opportunity, no matter what you look at, if you're the type of person who you thought, you know, I could turn this into a business like if you've ever said that before, you know, you might just be an entrepreneur. You know, and I know I've said that a million times, two minutes into a business or man that you know, that'd be a great business. But you know, you described some of the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. Before you started your affiliate marketing business. Or you're, you know, information, your freelance business, you may go on to do coaching, you may create a course, you may do an event, but right now, you're mostly focusing on affiliate marketing. And so you're also going through challenges in your affiliate marketing business, you're describing the journey of entrepreneurship. I mean, you know, we all go through tough stuff. We all have ups and downs, every single one of us have days that are better than others or months that you know, something really difficult happens. And that's literally just the journey. And I think for for what was most powerful about what you said, in my opinion, was the mindset shift that you had from somebody, please come save me and I'm waiting for somebody to come save me to hey, I need to take ownership and responsibility for my my future and my my present my actions, my results. And that to me sounded like when you had a major shift, I just wonder if you could say more about that. I mean, that just seems like a big moment where you realize that and something that just we all maybe should hear a little bit more about.

Christianne: Yeah. Every time I remember, the other day, I was telling my boyfriend like, oh, yeah, like back when I had this mental crisis, depression and all that and he says, You know, I would say that exactly like, what was the word he said? I think he said it was like a spiritual awakening. Like I started to understand that. Nobody really cares what you do. Okay, they might start criticizing you, because I received on the beginning, a lot of hate comments, but eventually I learned even what I don't have to listen to this. It's so easy. You can just look on Google or YouTube. How can I block certain comments? Right. And that helped me a lot also with my mental health because there were people like they weren't criticizing myself knowing what I was doing. And you know, that some things hurt. But yeah, I've been reading a lot of self books, self development books. And that has helped me a lot.

Dave: That's great. I mean, you're just you're, it is difficult to come online all of a sudden, I mean, think about just being in school or being in a job and you have one difficult co worker or you have one mean boss. But online, you can have 100 people leave a hateful comment. And yeah, you said something that's important just a second ago that it's not what they're saying is not even about you, you know, it's just their own. It's just that it takes a hurt person. To say something hurtful, you know, Healthy People don't hurt people, you know, hurt people hurt people. And then one of the things that that helped me realize is that when people were criticizing or saying hateful things that it wasn't even about me it was really that they hate themselves. And so they're taking that out on me and taking that out on others. And, you know, it's one of the most difficult things to do but if you're spiritual or religious, one of the things that that that that I've done in the past that I try to do now is when somebody is really paid for or somebody I'm having a difficult time it's just pray for them. Almost like praying for my enemies. And it's it's it kind of, you know, it kind of takes these people and takes them from these big people who have all this power and shrinks them down to size. Because really, you know, people who are making hateful comments are, are, scared, insecure people who are typing through a screen. It's not like they're saying it to your face, they would never say it to your face. You know, they're just hiding behind a computer and that's sometimes when the worst of people can come out. But you're right we can block comments and spend zero energy on people's hearts, you know, you cannot fix somebody. If somebody is being hurtful or hateful in the comments. It has absolutely nothing to do with you. And it has everything to do with that person being hurt. Or sick, or mentally ill or spiritually ill spiritually bankrupt. Right. You talked about spirituality. It takes a spiritually bankrupt person to sit on the phone and make a mean comment to a woman who's trying who's who's who's creating content, building the business. It takes a no, I'm going to speak to men. It takes a small tiny little man. Just very in not, he feels small to be that hateful. And we got to remember that, that it's not about us. And it's about people. People are projecting what they're feeling onto us. And, man, I'm telling you, when I asked me this, or tell me this, Christianne, how has it been with your family? How has it been with your boyfriend? How have you navigated those relationships?

Christianne: Yeah, so to be honest with you, I still keep this really private. Just the closest people to me are the ones that I know like my best friend, my boyfriend and my mom. That's it. Oh, yeah. In my name, my aunt. But yeah, just those four people. Because you have a small tight circle. Yeah, because the truth is that in everything when you start something, then people are gonna start telling you are not that I'm not going to succeed. You should just stay in your secure job and a normal life but for me, if I want to be a business, then I have to start getting out there.

Dave: Wow, very true. And I mean, how inspirational to other women. I don't know I'm not a woman, so I don't know how it feels. But I just wonder about those ladies who are listening in and watching Christianne and I right now I mean, it How does it feel to see other women in this community? You know, saying what she just said if I want to succeed if I love that, I mean I you know what? You're your spirit and your energy and your mindset is really, really a cool and a beautiful thing. And I know that as a man, I'm inspired. So I would think that the women are inspired and you know what's cool? And you mentioned Camila? Right. Yeah. Okay. And you mentioned that when you first started following her, she was unknown, right? Okay, so I want everybody to hear that and see that that Camilla actually has attracted people like Christianne to her content and into her, you know, onto her, you know, to her personally, as as a as a as a leader and as somebody who people look to even when she had a small following so, so don't discount your small following. As a matter of fact, your small following might be a lot more powerful in a profitable way than you think. And so Christianne, how have you, you know, how have you begin to build your following and deal with that uncomfortable, you know, that uncomfortable first couple of weeks or a couple of months where you know, you don't have a lot of followers or you just you don't feel comfortable and how did you get through that phase or how are you getting through it? And, and, you know, talk to us a little bit about this topic of, of the, you know, you said that and we've titled this show getting out of your comfort zone is the key to seeing results. And in so, did you need to really get out of your comfort zone in the first couple of weeks. Is it something that you're continuing to need to do? Talk to us about it? 

Christianne: It's been a really long process. So, like I mentioned, I've always been so shy, and I don't know why. I think I got traumatized from my call center job because very often a lot of people would say, like, transfer me with someone in the US or something like that, you know, just because of me and my accent and it made me think, I don't wanna talk. Because I'm ashamed of my accent. Yeah, but no, I've been working on that. And what is cool is that people actually speak two languages. And who knows if they even speak another language? What was my process ? When I first started making videos on Tiktok, I was, you know, just doing what I liked, which was dancing. Some of my first videos were dancing in just like, pointing and putting, you know, that text bubbles and all that. I was really enjoying that. And then eventually, I started like, just making videos, you know, showing a little bit more of my fat , not that much dancing against the bubbles. And then in the last I would say in the last month, I started to say, okay, so I need to start getting more out there because if I want to be like the successful woman, like Camila, like any other successful woman, I have to start, you know, talking, like sharing what's on my mind. So I started to make some videos talking, not a lot of them because I'm still struggling a little bit. But yeah, making a little bit more of a story on my Instagram talking. Yeah, it's been a process. I'm still not 100% I'm a big fan of Shannon. 

Dave: You know, there's a million comments coming through people, you know, saying how beautiful your accent is and how you know how nice it is to listen to and and I would say the same thing. I mean, I could really listen to you talk all day long. So, you know, I just want to commend you and validate all this hard work this attitude that you have, because these these these beginning you guys are looking at a young woman right now who is in the beginning stages of her journey and she is absolutely has the right mindset Christianne you just you are a perfect template of somebody who has what it takes to succeed because of your attitude and because of the way that you're choosing to see things you could absolutely you know, and also I want to also commend for just being so real, it's it's it is hurtful. I can't imagine working in a call center and having a an accent whether that be a you know, an accent because I'm you know, you know, Mexican or Latino or, or, or because I'm Indian, or because you know, wherever I'm, I happen to not have ever had to dealt deal with that really. And so I don't know what that's like, but I cannot imagine how difficult that is. And what you've had to overcome mentally to now do what you're doing. So I am just impressed and inspired by what you're doing. And yes, yes, yes, I always go when people are giving me compliments I go stop it so Christianne I you know I I'm gonna put your TikTok up here for everybody to go and follow you know they can they can check you out @Christithegirlboss Oh, hey. Oh, you're really stepping into your power. I mean, even with that handle Christithegirlboss, It's almost like it's almost like there's there's you you know who you want to be right? I mean, it's almost like you can visualize and see, that's what I sense what I'm talking to, is that you can visualize and sort of see who you want to become. And you're creating and building that Christianne. You're building that boss girl. Is that right? I mean you're naming yourself. I love somebody who's confident enough to name their handle Christithegirlboss. So you're really, really it seems like you're intentionally building yourself up to be the best version of yourself instead of mentally tearing yourself down.

Christianne: Yeah, that's right. And also follow my creators on TikTok about, you know, self help and manifestation and personal development and give people a great comment. Okay, so where do you see yourself in the next 510 years of devising myself as a business woman helping a lot of other women and men as well because sometimes I receive comments. But yeah, I mean, I wanna, you know, do more. You know, sometimes right now, I'm still working on my full time job. A different one not not the one and you're doing this array now as a part time job the the affiliate marketing thing. But yeah, I've been working on myself because no other name, that's another thing. I'll tell you right now. But, yeah, I've been trying just to think where I want to be in the next 5, 10 years. Okay. So, I want to be like these people. Well, I have to start talking more and sharing more. You know.

Dave: For if I want to be a you know, if I want to be a great singer, I have to practice singing. I mean, if I want to be the best version of myself, I have to practice being that person. You know, and becoming the best version of myself takes practice. And I see you practicing that right now. I see you practicing being the best version of yourself: that millionaire boss, woman, that independent entrepreneur and you know it looks beautiful on you, everybody in the comments showing you wonderful love. We're proud of you. You should be proud of yourself as well. Christianne. Yeah. Wonderful. I'm glad that you are because that's what I want for you. And that's why I feel proud of you. So I hope I'm glad to hear that you're feeling proud of yourself too, because that's important.

Christianne: And you know what, I've always since I was young, I wanted to, you know, start making videos. Back when I was younger, I wanted to be like makeup orr lifestyle YouTuber or then right before I started with affiliate marketing in my first picture, and I was just making little dances because I wanted to, you know, get out there but then I found about affiliate marketing and all this valuable information you're making, like a real change on these niche because you're helping more people, not only you. So I think this is more what is the word like? It has more feeling 

Dave: We're more rewarding more there's more. There's more. There's more payoffs. Yeah, I think we all understand what Yeah, it's it's it's a powerful thing to be able to share you know something with somebody that can change their life. We know what you're talking about.

Christianne: It's super fast but due to this thing, so I've been preparing myself and soon a lot of videos are coming.

Dave: Awesome. Well, when you do that, you know and get that up and going let us know and come back on the show and keep us you know, posted. Let us know what you're doing. Let us know what that channel is and let us subscribe to it and support you on your journey. Okay.

Christianne: Yeah, of course I will. 

Dave: Thanks for your hard work and your story. Thanks for living your life. So you could tell your story. And you know, best of luck but I know you don't need it because you're a powerful woman who's going to rock this business and so stay legendary karate, and come back. Okay, we'll talk to you really soon. Okay, we'll have you back on the show and a couple months

Christianne: Of course. And I just wanted to take a quick second to say thank you because really, and thank you Camilla because all of this information that I now know wouldn't be possible without both of you as well as the legendary marketing team in Yeah, so I am so excited that I was able to be here. This was one of my dreams. 

Dave : All right. All right. Christianne will talk to you soon. Okay. Bye. All right, my friends. You can follow Christianne over on Tik Tok and Instagram @Christithegirlboss. Alright, my friends. Wow. You know every day it's just you know, a new flavor of inspiration from the show and from the people on it. So, you know, let's have a rockin day. It's Thursday. And you know, we've got one more day left in the week. If you've got a job that you're still working at, go do that job to the best of your ability. How you do one thing is how you do everything. It's not like you're gonna suck at your job and then go crush it in your business. If you're working full time in your business, then you know the biggest question that you can ask yourself is what I hire myself and what I continue to pay myself, you know, a good salary to continue to work in my company. And you know what I like to have a bunch of me working in my company. And the reason why that's such an important question is because even as the owner of your business, that doesn't mean that you get to work less, it means actually that you have to set the pace. You know, you have to be the leader and we're seeing some great evidence and examples of leadership around the world right now. Right. What a great leader, we see President of Ukraine Zelenski down in the trenches with his citizens. While, you know, Putin sits in an office, you know, 50 feet away from anybody and lets nobody around them, you know, the difference in leadership there. And so, what I see on the show everyday is true leadership, people taking the initiative in ownership over their lives, and in being real leaders. I mean, what Christianne explained today, that is a story of leadership and inspiration. And somebody who's taking ownership over their lives not waiting for somebody to come save them. But saying, hey, you know what, if I'm going to, if something's going to happen, I'm going to be the one who needs to get the ball rolling, get the ball rolling. It doesn't mean that you need to carry the ball the entire way. But if something's going to happen, you need to be the one who gets the ball rolling. That's the important part, then others will help you carry the ball the rest of the way. And I love that about the message that was shared this morning. So have a great day, my friends, be legendary. Get out of here and go do something impactful. And that's profitable. Focus on income producing skills today, right? Not all this fluff, things that make you feel like you're doing work but are really just busy work. Go directly from this show. take a brief break, come back back to focus on income producing skill sets , what are those? Those are activities that are going to connect in drive traffic to generate leads, period. If it doesn't do that. It's probably just busy work. Oh, I'm playing around in my website Oh, I'm building another funnel. busy work doesn't matter. Right. So focus on income producing skill sets. And really, you know, tapping into as we saw with Christianne, that best version of yourself creating the entrepreneur in the person that you want to be, you have to create that person. It's not going to just magically show up. My friend was telling me that he heard an episode of Joe Rogan who interviewed Mr. Beast and Mr. Beast has a YouTube channel Christianne was mentioning YouTube. Mr. Beast has the biggest YouTube channel in the world, more subscribers than anybody else. And he just did an interview with Joe Rogan on his podcast. And what Mr. What was interesting about this interview, my friend was telling me and I'm going to listen to the interview. As well as that Mr. Beast is a 23 year old kid who just looks like you know, he's making videos, but behind the scenes, the amount of work and the amount of focus and trial and error and testing of things that he's done is unbelievable. My point is success doesn't just happen. It's created the same way that leaders are. They're created. The way that Christianne named her, you know, go for the outfit that makes you feel a little uncomfortable because you feel like it's you're being too cocky. You know, grab the handle for your TikTok that makes you feel like oh, man, this is Whoa, this is should I really call myself a boss? Yeah, damn it. You have to create the leader that you want to be leaders are not born. They're created you know, and I love that about just one of the many things that Christianne shared with us this morning. So have a fantastic day, my friends. I know I will. And we'll see you back here tomorrow for another episode.


How to Sell Digital Information Products

David Sharpe bio

Selling digital products is one of the most attractive ways of doing online business.

You are showing your expertise, your authority, and your insight on a particular subject. The advantage of selling information products is that its passive income. You are earning income without actively trying to sell your products.

While there are a lot of benefits to consider selling digital information products, you still need to know the process of receiving these benefits. You need to know the strategies involved in selling products.

Here's a guide on everything you need to know on selling digital information products and how they can help you earn more in your business or by yourself.

What Are Digital Information Products?

Digital information products are videos, eBooks, articles, courses, and more that are insightful to your target market.

They are often a way to promote your business while earning an income. You don't need a brick and mortar store to get started with digital information guides, you just need your expertise.

What Research Do You Need to Do?

While digital information products may seem easy to create and sell, there are still some challenges you will have to overcome. As with anything, there's a process.

You have to figure out what you want to create and who you are creating for. The research process is the initial stage of what it takes to sell digital information products.

You have to assess what digital products are selling. You can't expect to create a digital product out of anything and be successful. The research process is looking at competitors, your market, price points, and types of informational guides are selling.

When you do your due diligence, you are more likely to have success in what you sell.

Who's Your Target Market?

Research your target market. You need to figure out what your target market is craving or needs to overcome a problem.

For example, if you were an expert on the housing market, you should research what questions people have about the housing market. They might be looking for when the housing market will drop or how much to put down on a house.

When you take your target market's questions and put them into a digital information product, you are more likely to have people buy that digital information product. People want to buy answers to their problems.

But in order to understand your target market, you need to do some research. You need to figure out demographics, their age, where they live, and most importantly, what kind of problems they have.

You can also create a buyer's persona that helps you understand everything about your ideal customer. The more you know about your target market, where they hang out, and what kind of problems they have, the more you know what kind of information guide to creating for them.

Figure Out What You Want to Sell

When you understand your target market and their problems, you have a better idea of what kind of content you want to create for them.

You can create tutorial videos that teach your market about your product and why it's essential. You can also create courses or articles that teach people a new skill.

When you think about what you want to sell, you have to consider what value it provides your market. You don't want to create any kind of information product and assume it's going to fly off the shelf.

You have to think about what people want that is going to help them the most.

Market Your Products

Now that you know who your target market is and how to help them with your digital informational products, it's important to figure out how to get your target market to see these products.

You need to market your products so your audience knows where to find your website and can buy your products.

One of the ways you can market your products is with social media. You can talk about the guides or other digital information products you sell. You can also post testimonials of people you have helped that have bought your product.

Another way to market your product is by email. You can send out email campaigns that discuss the value of your product. It can be a friendly way of reminding your subscribers that you have a product.

You can also send out emails that discuss when you're having a sale and when it will be ending.

The more you market your product on social media, email, or with paid advertising, the more your target market will see the value of your product. The more they will become aware of your business and your brand and how it's different from your competitors.

Ultimately, marketing is a critical part of the process if you want people to see what you have to offer. You need to show people through different platforms what kind of digital information products you have.

Now You Know Everything About Digital Information Products

Creating digital information products may seem like a daunting task, especially if you've never done it before. You may not have an idea of what to do or where to start.

That's why this guide can help you. It shows you the process of what you need to do to create something for the right people. The ultimate goal is to figure out what your target market is looking for and how to create something that they want to buy.

If you want to learn more tips and tricks on how to supercharge your earnings and bring in high ticket commissions, check out our online webclass while access is still free.

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What is Digital Marketing: A Beginner’s Guide

David Sharpe bio

With 3.5 billion people in the world having a smartphone in 2020, marketers know that they need to step up their game. That's where digital marketing comes in. It has completely changed the way that people advertise and sell their products or services.

If you haven't been exposed to the world of digital marketing yet, then we have a lot to catch you up on.

The digital marketing world is always changing as new and improved trends are introduced into the internet world. Thanks to technology, it is easy to adapt and modify our marketing techniques to appease our target audience.

Be sure to keep reading for our complete beginners guide on digital marketing.

Benefits of Digital Marketing

When trying to figure out what is digital marketing? It helps to know what the benefits of it are and why you should use it. When comparing digital marketing to traditional marketing, you can see which one is easier to use and attracts more clients.

Digital marketing is the method of advertising your products and services to your audience online. Yet, as someone who does digital marketing, they know that it is so much more than that.

You'll find that the benefits of digital marketing include expanding your audience online whether they follow your brand on social media or regularly buy your products.

Another benefit that you will find is that through digital marketing, you can help to create better branding for your company. Your brand's personality will get a chance to shine through on social media.

Digital marketing is also excellent because it is a form of marketing that you can measure. You'll be able to see exactly how many people saw and clicked on your ad to buy your products.

The analytics for digital marketing can help you see if campaigns are doing well or if you need to restructure them. With digital marketing, you can easily pull a marketing ad down and put it back up with a click of a button.

Social Media Marketing

Now that we know a little more about digital marketing as a whole, we can talk about each facet of it.

Social media marketing is one of the most common ways for companies to start marketing online because it is free unless you want to use digital advertising by paying for ads on social media platforms.

As a social media marketer, you can start advertising on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or any other platform, right away. Want to know the best ways to do it?

Build your brand and start interacting with your followers. Social media is the best place for businesses to engage with their clients and build relationships with them.

Doing this will help you attract your target audience and get them to trust you. You'll find that if you have a good relationship with your clients on social media, they will want to buy more products from you.

Content Marketing

Another way to get clients to engage with you is by creating content that will be appealing to them. Content marketing is another approach to digital marketing.

Many people refer to content marketing as creating blog posts for potential customers to read or find through search engines. Yet, content can mean so much more!

You can think of content marketing as the photos you create for Instagram, videos you make for YouTube, eBooks that you create, or anything else. These are all forms of content that you're using to help market your business.

Email Marketing

Emailing marketing goes way back for a lot of businesses and has similarities to direct mail. Except when you use email marketing, you'll find that the people you're emailing have signed up for your list and will want to receive emails from you.

There are lots of different things you can send when email marketing. Many businesses will send updates about products or services. As well as new deals, coupons, or even a friendly reminder to let their clients know that they can still shop with them.

For some businesses, building their email list is the hardest part. You need to find the best way to start collecting email addresses from potential clients that will want to buy your products or services.

Many companies will offer something in exchange for an email address. Whether it is a discount code, eBook, free course, or anything else, make sure you have something to offer your clients so you can get their email address.

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is another one of the most common forms of digital marketing. That's because businesses have found great success when they manage to pull it off.

You might be wondering, what is SEO? Well, search engine optimization is when your content is optimized so that it ranks higher in the search engines. That means when someone is searching for something related to your brand, your blogs, website, or other content will appear near the top of the search results.

Many people strive to get their website at the top of Google. Yet, it is all about knowing which keywords to use and finding the right links to include throughout your content. You also want to make sure that your website is being linked to through other websites.

There is a lot that goes into SEO and having your page rank high. Yet, if you can successfully have a page rank on a search engine, then you'll find that you get more organic traffic and people purchasing your products.

Using Digital Marketing for Your Business

As you can see, digital marketing is a lot like traditional marketing except completely in the online world, which makes it a lot easier. As a business owner, you'll find that digital marketing can improve the way your company handles clients, advertises products, and even manages its brand.

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What Type of Digital Marketing Services Are Right For You?

The Internet is a bottomless goldmine of business opportunities. For starters, there are currently over 4 billion Internet users on Earth. That's nearly half of the world's population.

With the Internet being so extensive, it gets increasingly difficult to get noticed. In 2018, digital marketing revenues reached 100 billion for the first time. That's only going to continue to grow as the Internet continues to grow and evolve.

Digital marketing is a major component of being successful in eCommerce. Traditional marketing and advertising still have their place. Digital marketing is a whole new level of sourcing leads and spreading the word on your brand, however.

Not all digital marketing is created equally, however. There are also a lot of different kinds of digital marketing, as well. We're going to cover the different types of digital marketing services out there, to help you decide where to put your energy.

Different Types Of Digital Marketing Services

Digital marketing has evolved so far beyond simple SEO and email marketing (both of which are still great, of course, but more on that in a moment.) As the Internet's evolved to accommodate Web 2.0, and beyond, we've been seeing new, innovative digital marketing practices emerge.

We're going to go through a bunch of different digital marketing approaches, to help you know which digital marketing tools will best suit your needs.


SEO is the first approach that comes to mind when people mention digital marketing. That's partially because it's been around the longest. SEO is the blueprint that the Internet is built around.

SEO should be a part of your digital marketing strategy, even if you're investigating other methods as well. First of all, SEO is forever. Or at least until the next algorithm, that is.

SEO is one of the only digital marketing strategies that yields in actual organic traffic, as well. Your audience grows as your website gets closer to the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs.)

SEO involves a few different aspects. There's on-page SEO, which is the process of including keywords throughout a web page. Then there's also link building, which is incorporating internal and external links in a piece of web content to enhance your search engine ranking.

The difficulty of getting quality inbound links for your web content is a great reason to work with a digital marketing agency. Marketing agencies often have connections at high-quality websites like Forbes, which can get quality backlinks to your website.

SEO is an important part of…

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

SEO isn't the only way to get found on search engines. Search engine marketing (SEM) is where you pay for sponsored posts to show up on the top results of the SERPs.

These links are nearly identical to organic search results. A tiny green box reading ‘ad' is the only thing that differentiates a sponsored post from an organic search engine listing.

The two most common SEM networks are Google AdWords and Bing Ads. Both networks allow you extensive targeting capabilities, allowing you to your intended audience by location, demographic, or target keywords.

Search engine marketing using involves pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. This is where you pay a set amount every time someone clicks one of your links. It's advisable to spend some time fine-tuning your PPC campaigns to get the most ROI.

SEM is similar to SEO. The two disciplines work well together. You might come up with a list of keywords you're trying to rank for when conducting SEO analysis. Those keywords could also form the cornerstone of your PPC campaign, as well.

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

While it's always a necessity to be thinking about evergreen content, sometimes you need a quick burst of traffic to your web content. You've also got to build brand awareness and customer loyalty. Getting people to talk about and engage with your content is one of the best ways to accomplish all three goals at once using one powerful digital marketing strategy.

Social media marketing (SMM) has been one of the leading digital marketing strategies of the last 10 years. It helps your customers engage and interact with your brand, helping them to understand your brand's values and what sets you apart from your competitors. It's also one of the easiest and best ways to get people talking about your brand, essentially doing your advertising for you.

With social media being so prevalent, obviously there are a number of different platforms that are suitable for SMM.

Some of the most popular networks for SMM include:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Instagram

If you're going to undertake a social media marketing campaign, you should spend some time researching where your target demographic spends the majority of their time. 66% of Americans use Facebook on a daily basis, for instance. That demographic might be a bit wide to be ultimately useful for highly targeted ads, however.

Consider that 81% of Pinterest users are female, by comparison. That makes it a perfect candidate for creating targeted content that will appeal to a certain section of your customer base.

To make the most of SMM, you should spend some time developing your buyer's personas. Going into an ad campaign blind is never the smartest way to go about making business decisions. These buyer's personas will help give you an idea of which social media network to focus your energies on.

It can also lead to even more useful metrics which will help you further optimize your digital marketing strategy.

Remember, for marketing to be ultimately effective, it needs to be measurable, actionable, and repeatable. That requires eliminating as many variables of possible so you can derive clear insights on how your SMM is operating.

You might consider constructing SMM campaigns around a hashtag, for instance. You schedule your posts to publish to social media at a set time. Then you can see the engagement rates around that hashtag and make decisions accordingly.

You can also run paid ads on most social media networks. SMM also intersects with some other recent digital marketing techniques, such as…

Influencer Marketing

There's no over-stating the power of community in digital marketing. Customers are much more likely to trust advice and recommendations from their peers than they are from paid advertisements and direct marketing. Influencer marketing also gets your audience to market your business for you, which is the kind of press you simply can't buy (which is why influencer marketing is so powerful.)

Influencer marketing has been growing and evolving like wildfire in recent years. It's been like the Wild West of digital marketing until recently, with a similar level of casualties.

Brands like Sony and Disney have learned the risks of allowing contracted creatives to create their own branded content. Both experienced major fallout after unethical influencers tarnished their name and reputation, forcing them to backtrack in a hurry and conduct damage control.

If you're going to engage in influencer marketing, it's incredibly important to vet the influencers you'll be working with. Don't just get swayed by the numbers, either. It's not the follow count that matters as much as the engagement and their authority in their niche.

Thankfully, there are growing numbers of influencer networks that you can work with that does the filtering for you.

Similarly to SMM, you should do some soul-searching and decide which platform you'd like to build an audience for. Instagram is the go-to, with high engagement rates and a particularly attractive, aesthetic platform. Twitter and Pinterest can also be useful for different demographics.

Content Marketing

Content marketing has also been trending in recent years. It's also an amalgam of different marketing techniques combined into one powerful package. It can also be a part of other aspects of your digital marketing to make for a robust, comprehensive campaign.

Content marketing is similar to SEO and SEM. Simply, it's creating great content around a keyword or phrase you're trying to rank for. Then it's a matter of getting your audience to engage with, perhaps using SMM.

Don't limit your content to just blog posts, either. Content can also include whitepapers, infographics, or eBooks. You might offer these as an incentive for something, like signing up for your mailing list or sharing something to social media.

Content marketing can be an excellent way to help guide your customers through their buyer's journey. It's also an easy way to assess where their currently at in the buying cycle. This helps you deliver content that will appeal to their individualized, personalized needs.

This prevents trying to convince your customers to buy too early. Customers are taking longer than ever to navigate the buyer's journey with so much competition and information out there.

In the earlier stages of the buyer's journey, it's better to build a real connection with your audience by delivering content that will bring actual value to your customer's lives.

It's also an easy and essential way to increase thought leadership in your niche or industry.

It's no longer possible, or advisable, to just conduct one marketing campaign and hope for the best. Think of these different marketing techniques as interlocking chains or intersecting Venn diagrams. There's quite a bit of overlap.

That's one of the best things about digital marketing. It helps you to think ahead about building your business. It optimizes your workflow, eliminating redundant and inefficient tasks, so you can focus on bringing the best to your customers and audience.

Looking For Digital Marketing Services?

We're glad you found us! Digital marketing is endlessly complex but also infinitely powerful. Digital marketing services know how to make the most of emerging technologies and the latest trends, to create powerful, compelling digital marketing campaigns.

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