
LimeLife Review: Can you Make Profits From Professional Make Up?

David Sharpe bio

When you see the long list of complaints filed with the Better Business Bureau about LimeLife, you might start to worry that making money selling their products isn't possible. Worse still, you might feel like you've been roped into a scam.

Navigating any online business endeavor can be tricky, which is why we're always looking for the latest research and tips on how to boost your marketing skills. Now, we're going to take a closer look at one of the most popular MLMs in this LimeLife review.

To put your mind at ease right off the bat, we'll cut to the chase: LimeLife is not a scam. It's not a pyramid scheme. It's a bonafide MLM that has been around for decades.

The trouble is that making money selling LimeLife products may not be as simple as it sounds. Read on to find out why in our latest on the truth about MLMs.

What Is LimeLife?

The name “LimeLife” is part of a more recent rebranding process and is a shortened version of the full company name: LifeLife by Alcone. Originally, the company was simply called “Alcone,” named after the founder and original CEO, Alvin Cohen. In 1952, Cohen started with a simple specialty shop in New York City, where he sold theatrical makeup to both stage and screen actors.

Around the turn of the century, Alcone underwent some serious restructuring. The company started expanding its line to include professional makeup for every-day use and expanding its salesforce to include an ever-growing direct sales team. In other words, the company transitioned from a brick-and-mortar business to an MLM.

Today, LimeLife continues to sell makeup as well as skincare products and tools of the makeup trade, such as makeup brushes, makeup remover, and even the occasional accessory.

What makes LimeLife products stand out? They're all cruelty-free (meaning no animal testing is used in production) and as natural as they can be without affecting quality. LimeLife sellers, usually referred to as beauty guides, are quick to say that what you put on your skin will enter your bloodstream–and regardless of accuracy, it's a line that drives interest in no- or low-chemical products.

What Makes Selling for LimeLife Appealing?

Why do people like selling for LimeLife? For a lot of LimeLife beauty guides, the journey starts with consumption of the products.

LimeLife offers all sellers a generous discount on LimeLife products and often provides products as “gifts” or incentives for good sales performance. If you enjoy LimeLife products, this may be reason enough to join the team.

Like any MLM, LimeLife also offers a possible lifestyle that more and more people are looking for. Selling LimeLife products gives you the freedom to set your own schedule and your workload. Technically, you don't have a boss to answer to, although some upstream representatives may expect fairly regular communication.

Oh, and of course there's the promise of money, which is the real driving force.

Discounted products, increased income, and the perfect work-life balance? What isn't appealing about that? (Hint: the reality isn't quite as dazzling as the idea.)

How Much Are LimeLife Beauty Guides Making?

If you're considering signing up for LimeLife and have spoken with an active beauty guide or higher-up affiliated marketer, you've probably been told a lot of seemingly promising things. For example, you might have been told that with a starting commission of 20% on all sales, you can make hundreds of dollars in the first week. You may also have been told that the best way to get started is by reaching out to your family and friends to not only make sales but to build your downstream and earn even more money.

The question is, does that work? How much are LimeLife beauty guides making?

Truth be told, LimeLife's income disclosure is more vague than most. They list a monthly rate that LimeLife sellers are making by rank, noting that beauty guides in training are making almost $50 a month while “Star Platinum Directors” (the highest-ranking sellers) are making almost $60,000 a month.

What they don't say is how many of their sellers actually make it to that five-figure monthly salary and how many never make it past the training phase. They also don't acknowledge whether or not those figures represent an average for sellers and if so, what the low end actually is. Chances are, the vast majority of LimeLife sellers aren't going to make it past the mid-level status of beauty guide, who they claim are making $144 a month.

The Hard Truth About Teaming Up With LimeLife

The hard truth about teaming up with LimeLife is that it isn't going to be easy. After making your initial investment of at least $99 and the monthly activation payment of $9.95, you may discover that you aren't even breaking even. Why?

Selling any product, no matter what it is, takes marketing skills. Finding a massive market to tap into requires that you go well beyond your close friends and family and take to the internet. On top of all of that, you need to know how to convince interested buyers and possible downstream participants that they aren't just interested in makeup, but they're interested in LimeLife makeup.

How do you make that happen?

Go Beyond Our LimeLife Review and Learn Top Marketing Secrets

Now that you've read this LimeLife review, you're probably wondering how you can either a) boost your sales by sticking with LimeLife or b) abandon LimeLife altogether and start your very own online business from scratch. Both realities are possible, as long as you have the right skills.

Take a look at our 15-day online business builder challenge. In just 15 short days, we'll teach you all about the low-ticket business models that are keeping you broke and how to transition to high-ticket business models exclusively. We'll also provide you with the marketing skills you'll need to succeed at any online business endeavor, so sign up now and take control of your financial freedom.

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