
Infinitus Review: A Ticket Towards Wellness or Total Scam?

David Sharpe bio

China-based Infinitus has been around for almost thirty years and has started to expand its service on a global scale. In 2018, market reports found that this health and wellness MLM was worth over $4.5 billion.

Though this MLM hasn't quite made it to the states yet, it is expected to in the coming years. Back in 2016, they opened up business in Canada, marking their entrance into the North American market.

Whether you're living in a country where Infinitus is already active or anxiously awaiting its arrival in the US, it's important to ask: is Infinitus a legit business endeavor or is it a scam?

Read on for our complete review of Infinitus and find out what you can expect from becoming an Infinitus affiliate–and how to boost your sales.

What Is Infinitus?

Infinitus is a Chinese MLM that sells health and wellness products that employ ancient Chinese herbal medicines and natural remedies. The company aims to help buyers optimize Qi, balance Yin and Yang, and regulate Zangfu–concepts that may seem foreign to Westerners but have a lot to offer.

The products are broken down into five categories. Infinitus sells:

  • Health foods including herbs, vitamins, and minerals
  • Skincare including face creams and cleansers
  • Personal care including shampoos and toothpaste
  • Home care including laundry detergents
  • General health care

One thing that sets Infinitus apart from a lot of other health and wellness MLMs is that many of their products are award-winning. For example, products like the Dried Tangerine Peel Pu'er tea and Phytocare toothpaste have received Gold awards from Monde Selection, an international institute that tests for product quality. In other words, Infinitus does sell products you can be confident in.

Is Infinitus a Money-Making Opportunity?

In case it isn't entirely clear by now, Infinitus is not a scam. It's an international business that uses the direct sales model to sell high-quality, award-winning health and wellness products. Now, that doesn't mean that every affiliate will discover that Infinitus is a money-making opportunity.

Like other MLMs, Infinitus offers a few different ways for affiliates to make money. Affiliates will receive a commission on every sale they complete. They can also receive commissions and bonuses based on the growth and sales of their downstream. The commission rate is typically 2-10% depending on your rank and ability to generate sales, although that commission rate can go as high as 12.5%.

How does that actually pan out for most Infinitus sellers? It's not as easy to track down Infinitus income disclosure forms, possibly because the company is selling in such vastly different markets across the globe.

One income disclosure form released after the company's first year in Canada claims that typical earnings range from $49 to $964 annually. That being said, this particular form is limited in what it reveals. For example, we don't know if this is an average of all affiliates or if it represents only a certain category.

In the end, even the high end of that income disclosure–$964 annually–isn't nearly enough to live off of. What makes it difficult to turn an Infinitus affiliation into a real paycheck and why are people still doing it?

What Perks Come From Working With Infinitus?

Perhaps the biggest appeal of working with Infinitus is the products. Many of them are one-of-a-kind, renowned, and reasonably priced. Once you tap into your market, it won't be that difficult to keep these products moving.

For US affiliates itching for a new opportunity, there's also the perk of working with an MLM that is brand new to the US. While we still don't know when Infinitus will open its doors to American affiliates, we can expect that anyone who jumps on board in that first year will do fairly well. (It's almost always better to join an MLM in its infancy when the market isn't already oversaturated.)

Plus, if you can build a big, high-performing downstream, you can start to make some of your income in a somewhat passive way. For a lot of people hoping to build an online business with the help of an MLM, that passive income is the driving force. However, it can take more work than you expect to get to that point.

What Drawbacks Can Infinitus Affiliates Expect to Encounter?

Even if you do manage to join Infinitus when it first becomes available in your country, it may not be as easy as you think to start making those sales. It can be even harder to build up a reliable downstream.

The problem is that a lot of MLMs suggest that you reach out to the people you know–your friends, your family, and members of your community. Why is that a problem?

When you're only looking at people directly in front of you, you're limiting your market too much to get the ball rolling. Imagine that you add a few people in your social circle to your downstream, but you happen to know all the same people. If you don't know how to reach a wider market than that, you're going to actively oversaturate your own market and theirs.

In order to prosper with a company like Infinitus, you need real marketing skills. You need to understand how the internet works and how you can use it to your best advantage. You need to build an audience, capture their attention, and finally, give them a reason to trust you.

These skills aren't innate. Even for the brightest extroverts with stunning people skills, marketing requires a commitment to learning. Fortunately, you don't need to go back to school to get the know-how you need.

Go the Extra Mile and Boost Your Online Business Endeavors

Infinitus is far from a scam and possibly one of the best MLM opportunities out there. The only problem is that no matter how strong the company's products are, you're only going to get out what you put in. If what you put in isn't reaching the right audience, you're going to hit a wall pretty quick.

If you want to learn the online business skills you need to maximize sales, take a look at this video. It's free, it's comprehensive, and it will translate smoothly to any online industry. Whether you decide that Infinitus is the right match for you or it's time to take it in a different direction, you'll learn everything you need to know right here at Legendary Marketer.

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