Archives for January 2018


When you think about making money online, did you know that how you set up your offer is as important as the offer itself?  This is critical to whether or not your prospect says “yes” or “no.”  You can't just toss out an offer; you have to “package” the offer in an attractive, irresistible way.  This is what we will cover today as we dive into the final part of our 4-part series, “how making money online really works.”

Check out PART 1, PART 2, and PART 3 here in case you missed it.


Chess is my all-time favorite game for many reasons, but as it relates to business and making money one of the principles stands out to me as the key to success:  BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND.

Making offers that turn into money begins with reverse engineering the entire process, which simply means we start with the outcome we are after, then work backwards from there.  Here's what I mean.


Remember when we began with giving a “fix” for something that is “broken” in your target market?  Here's why that's so important: the thing that you fixed isn't likely to be the MAIN issue; it's probably a symptom of a larger problem that needs a full solution.  Since it's your goal to make money with your full solution (i.e. your product, service or opportunity) we have to get our foot in the door to ensure that we are on the right track by providing a small fix.

One of the oldest “small fix” techniques used by dentists is to offer free teeth whitening.  Let's assume that the dentist wants to serve smokers who are challenged with yellow teeth.  So let's chart the path of the dentist:

SMALL PROBLEM – yellow teeth
SMALL FIX – complimentary teeth whitening

Once the dentist gets the smoker in his chair and they open their mouth, he now has an opportunity to identify additional challenges if they exist.  He starts to examine the condition of their teeth and gums and notices the early stages of gum disease, which means he's now identified a bigger problem.

A skilled dentist isn't simply going to jump in there and say, “Hey you've got gum disease.  While I'm in your mouth, I'll fix that up for you and it's only going to cost $5,000.”  That dentist is going to starve to death.


During the teeth whitening process, the dentist observes (and totally expected) that the patient shows signs of discomfort with the procedure.

POWER QUESTION: “Do you normally experience discomfort or bleeding when you brush your teeth?”

All great offers begin with great and powerful questions.  Power questions such as the one above serve 2 purposes:

  1. To qualify the audience and get them to identify with the problem
  2. To set up the details of the solution – which LEADS to the offer

Let's make a clear distinction.  The SOLUTION (to the bigger problem) and the OFFER are two different things.

The SOLUTION is  your product, service or opportunity details that gets rid of the bigger problem which consist of:
FEATURES – what the solution consists of
BENEFITS – what the solution actually does for you
RESULTS – the final  or “better” place that the solution brings you to

The OFFER includes the details such as:
METHOD OF DELIVERY – i.e. videos, audios, membership access, private coaching, etc.
RISK REVERSAL (if applicable) – i.e. money-back guarantee, bonuses, extras, gifts, etc.

IN THIS VIDEO I take time to fully illustrate this process so that it's crystal clear. WATCH IT NOW.



If our dentist can deliver a powerful presentation of the solution, with the appropriate details surrounding the benefits and the results his patient can expect, his offer will be quite irresistible.  Here are the final steps in his process:

BIGGER PROBLEM – Gum disease
SOLUTION – “Nu Smile Dental Care System”
OFFER – In-office treatments, guaranteed financing, free teeth cleaning for 6-months, $(PRICE)

PLEASE NOTE: There's no such thing as closing 100% of those who you present your solution to.  The goal is to line up as many qualified candidates as possible, ask the right questions, and present your solution with authority.


At this point, you can decide to work towards mastering all of the components of this process on your own.  The benefits are life changing, but the process to learn and master it all can prove discouraging for many.  If you have the “DIY (do-it-yourself)” mentality, chances are you'll take much longer than you need to in order to reap the rewards.  I typically recommend a nice mix of “DWY (done-with-you)” and “DFY (done-for-you).”

Would you like an opportunity to test drive a hybrid system that's 10% “do-it-yourself” and 90% “done with/for you?”  If so, I would recommend test driving the Legendary Marketer system.  Your test drive includes a complimentary “driving instructor” (i.e. coach) that can answer some of your key questions, help you solve your most challenging problems that have prevented you from making money online, and ease your discomfort with respect to implementing the principles we've discussed.

It all begins with you accepting our offer to get a FREE COPY of our book, which you can GET RIGHT HERE.

Thank you for allowing me to guide you through the process of what it takes to truly make money online.  If you have questions, please comment below and I will follow up.

Do you believe this content is share-worthy?  If so, please share it with those who you believe could benefit – specifically those who are looking for the secret to making money online.

Until next time, go forth in victory!

Coach Larry



How Making Money Online REALLY Works – Pt. 3 – Building Authority & Developing Relationships

CLICK HERE TO GET A FREE COPY OF THIS BOOK! ->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->–>->->->->->

Have you ever heard the phrase, “people only do business with those whom they know, like and trust?”  I don't think there's any disputing this, however the problem for most people trying to make money online is they do a poor job of building trust.  Today in part 3 of our 4-part series we will deep dive into getting your “friends” list to know, like and trust you.  If you haven't checked out part 1 and part 2 of this series, make sure you do that before going on to avoid any confusion.




At this point you have successfully started building a list of people who had a problem that you successfully fixed.  Congratulations!  For 95% of people looking to make money online, this is the most difficult.  The next step is to KEEP THEM ON THE LIST.

How is that accomplished?  Think beyond the original reason they entered to include related topics that are likely to be additional issues (i.e. things that are broken) that need your attention (a.k.a. your fix).


Remember when I talked about the collar stays in part 2?  Once I received that fix, I joined the “friends list” of the gentlemen who created that video for me.  Within 24 hours I began to receive “fixes” for other things that may (or may not) be areas that could help me.  The point is, he was smart enough to know that collar stays wasn't the main category to serve.  It represented a sub-category (i.e. professional dress) that needed attention.

I began to receive daily “fixes” that came in many forms:

-lifestyle showcases
-equipment training
-news/fashion updates

Sometimes I was surprised by the value that I received because I discovered areas that needed to be fixed that were total blind spots for me.  I can remember being “fixed” when it came to knowing what height my shirt collar should be based upon my neck size.  Pretty empowering stuff.

In the following video, I deeply illustrate my point of going into other areas to help your “friends” list.  WATCH THIS VIDEO.


Here's a very funny story that I once heard from someone on my list.  One day a “friend” from my list and I were having our first phone conversation per their request.  In their excitement, they conveyed to me how much they appreciated my value by sharing with me their habit at work.  At one time, I would release content at the same time everyday, and when this particular person saw my update, they would duck into a bathroom stall in order to consume the content!  I was totally blown away at this level of risk just to get my content as quickly as possible.  It was in that moment that I fully understood the power of giving value.  That person went on to buy hundreds of dollars in products from me.

One of my early mentors put it this way: “True selling is when you can reveal your value to those you serve so well that they are happy and excited to give you their time, attention and eventually their money in exchange for it.”


Another example of the power behind giving incredible value happened to me on a conference call.  I did an hour-long training on a particular subject and at the end I made an offer (more about offers in part 4).  As people were making their purchase, I decided to do what I call “The QVC Technique,” where I pull someone onto the line and ask them to share with others why they decided to buy.

One young lady gave a response that completely blew my mind.  She said that her decision to purchase had nothing at all to do with what I covered in the previous hour.  She said that I had given her so much value over the previous months that she felt as if SHE OWED IT TO ME to buy my training!  Talk about a mind-blowing experience.  I will never forget the feeling I had when she said that.

If you practice and apply what you've been learning in this series, I have no doubt that you will have similar stories to tell.  Real value has a way of transforming how the market views you.  When you can build a flaming hot audience with your value, you will quickly build a flaming-hot, life changing income.  You will know what it means to “print money on demand.”

Tomorrow I will teach you how to make offers that SELL.  You will have the final piece to the puzzle that has made millions for others before you.  Until then, here are a few things to do:

  1. Start compiling a list of other “fixes” that are tied to the main category of things your target market needs help with
  2. Begin to build up your inventory of tips, tricks, do's and dont's, etc. to prepare your list for your amazing value
  3. Determine how frequently you want to deliver your “fixes” (i.e daily, weekly, etc.) and commit be consistent.

Do you believe this content is share-worthy?  If so, please share it with those who you believe could benefit – specifically those who are looking for the secret to making money online.

Come back tomorrow for part 4 where I will lay out an in-depth blueprint on how to present your offer and GET PAID!

Until then, go forth in victory!

Coach Larry
P.S. In the RIGHT MARGIN of this page, there is a book that we would like to give you as a FREE GIFT.  Some of the principles in the book were featured in today's training.  Click on the image and get your copy today.


How Making Money Online REALLY Works – Pt. 2 – THE “FRIENDS” LIST

Did you check out part 1 in our 4-part series entitled, “how making money online REALLY works?”  If so, you now understand what it means to give value as the first step towards making money.  If you have not seen part 1, check it out here so that you can keep up.  Today we move on to STEP 2 in the process of making money, which I like call the “friends” list.  Let's recap the 4 things you need in order to make money online.

  1. A Quality Value Exchange Between You And Those You Want To Serve
  2. A Growing List Of People You've helped From Step 1 Above – TODAY'S TOPIC
  3. A System For Building Relationships & Authority With The List
  4. Make The RIGHT offer at the RIGHT Time Unapologetically


Your first and most important objective online, if you ever want to make money, is to move from being a stranger to being “trusted,” then on to being a “friend.”  If you never make it to the realm of a friend that's fine; that's the ultimate way to maximize your results.  However, you can do everything you need to do to make money online at the level of being trusted.

In our everyday life, we have given our trust to both friends and non-friends.  Take for instance your primary care physician.  Can you really say that's your friend, or just someone you trust?  The real question is, how did they earn your trust WITHOUT developing into a friend?  There's 3 possible ways this happened:

  1. Their marketing convinced you to trust them
  2. Their credentials convinced you to trust them
  3. Their results convinced you to trust them

Once you conclude this training you'll be given the secrets to using marketing, credentials and results to earn trust.  Once you have that, never do anything to break that trust.  More on that in part 3.


I can remember one time being panicked because I couldn't find the little brass strips to put into my shirt collar, called “collar stays,” which is what kept my collar from flying up when I put on a tie.  So I jumped onto Youtube and typed in “DIY collar stays.”  There appeared a young man in a 3-minute video that showed me how to cut up an old credit card and use it as a replacement for the brass collar stay.  Genius!  His marketing (of a solution to my problem) is what convinced me to trust him.  I immediately subscribed to his channel and have revisited him from time to time.

But here's where it gets good – he invited me to download a list of DIY tricks for men who wear suits, and I jumped all over it.  He added me to his “friends” list.  I use the word “friend” very loosely here, but the focus is on the fact that he's no longer a stranger because demonstrated perfectly what we talked about is part 1, the value exchange.

This young man understood that a lot of men who wear ties (i.e. his target market) carry this “broken” item, so his video was a demonstration that he had the “fix.”  He was skilled enough to immediately direct me to a place where he could continue building trust, which is why I ended up on his “friends” list.


Your second and most important objective online after building trust is to build a list of those whose trust you have earned.  If you can appreciate that my problem with collar stays wasn't the ONLY problem I would have, then you understand the value of building a “friends” list.  Other things that may be “broken” that he could fix (via email) could be:

-How to get scuffs out of my shoes WITHOUT damaging them
-How to remove wrinkles from my suit WITHOUT ironing it


In tomorrow's training we will discuss how to build a relationship and authority with the list, and why that is the final step before getting paid.  Before I go I want to address something I've heard since I began marketing online.  You'll hear every online guru utter the following line when referencing building your email list:

“The money is in the list.”  In other words, if you can successfully build a strong, thriving list of people who are on that list because you fixed something that was broken, and you make offers to them, you'll get sales and therefore make money.

This is partially true, and here's why.  It's not the sheer accumulation of a list that leads to money.  It's building an AUDIENCE from the list that is the essence of what they are trying to say.

Check out this video and you'll better understand what I mean.  WATCH IT BELOW.

Tomorrow I will dive into part 3 where we focus on building that relationship to the point of being a friend and trusted advisor.  Until then, here are a few action steps you can do until then:

  1. Identify the MOST COMMON broken items that you target market would deal with on a regular basis
  2. Make a list of the top 3-5 that your can create a “fix” for (i.e. video, audio, pdf, etc.)
  3. Set a goal to build a list of 100 people who you have provided your “fix”

Do you believe this content is share-worthy?  If so, please share it with those who you believe could benefit – specifically those who are looking for the secret to making money online.

Until tomorrow, go forth in victory!

Coach Larry
P.S. In the RIGHT MARGIN of this page, there is a book that we would like to give you as a FREE GIFT.  Some of the principles in the book were featured in today's training.  Click on the image and get your copy today.

How Making Money Online REALLY Works – Pt. 1 – THE VALUE EXCHANGE

Are you battling with the details of what it takes to actually start making money online?  I know that battle all too well.  There's so much BULL circulating that it seems like those who really know what to do only want to share it AFTER you fork out a small fortune – and even then they still hold back.  Sound familiar?


As we gear up for our annual Sales & Marketing Experience (February 2nd-4th in St. Petersburg, Florida), I thought this might be a good jump-start in your efforts to make money.

Today, we begin a 4-part series that will explain in detail the necessary pieces that have to be in place in order for you to start making money online.  

Here's the secret: there is no secret!  It boils down to basic principles that have worked in marketing for 1000's of years.  It has very little to do with the internet specifically.  However, what you're about to learn over the next several days is the adaptation needed for it to work online – and work for YOU.  Make sense?

So the question is, what's the first step in the process to making money online, even if you've never made one red cent?  Let's first list the 4 things you will need.  The remainder of today's training will completely focus on the FIRST thing you need to start making money online.

  1. A Quality Value Exchange Between You And Those You Want To Serve
  2. A Growing List Of People You've helped From Step 1 Above
  3. A System For Building Relationships & Authority With The List
  4. Make The RIGHT offer at the RIGHT Time Unapologetically


When I first attempted to make money online nearly 10 years ago, I kept hearing it said over and over, “you have to give value to the marketplace.”  Can I be brutally honest here?  I had no freakin' idea what that actually meant!  In my day to day life, that kind of talk wasn't happening, so it confused me.

Imagine someone carrying around a box that has a broken item inside.  They are searching for someone to teach them how to fix it.  They come upon you and you are also carrying a box that has the “fix” instructions inside.  You exchange your fix for their broken item.  THAT'S THE DEFINITION OF GIVING VALUE.  It's an exchange that you make that leaves someone better than they were before connecting with you.

In other words, when you are able to do one of the following 4 things, you have successfully given value:

  1. Give a quality solution to a problem (“I'm having a problem with _______.”
  2. Give a quality answer to a question (I have a question about _______.”
  3. Give quality relief to pain (I'm suffering from _______.”
  4. Give quality advice to a given situation (I need advice on how to _______.”

In the following video I break down an example that should anchor the point.  WATCH IT BELOW.

Tomorrow we will pick up where we left off here and talk about the next piece of the puzzle when it comes to making money online.  What I want you to do until then is identify:

  1. Who do you serve with your business?
  2. What are the “boxes” that they carry around with “broken” items?
  3. What is the “fix” in your box that you can exchange with them and make them better?

Do you believe this content is share-worthy?  If so, please share it with those who you believe could benefit – specifically those who are looking for the secret to making money online.

Come back tomorrow for part 2 where we dive into how to grow a quality list of people who you've helped from step 1 and exactly what needs to happen to get you closer to the cash.

Until then, go forth in victory!

Coach Larry
P.S. In the RIGHT MARGIN of this page, there is a book that we would like to give you as a FREE GIFT.  Some of the principles in the book were featured in today's training.  Click on the image and get your copy today.