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Have you thought about selling cosmetics online? Does joining the Younique MLM sound appealing? Before you find a sponsor and start selling, consider if Younique is worth the time and cost.

Then, you can make sure you won't waste money on this new venture. And you can make as much money online as possible.

Keep reading to learn if you should join Younique.

What Is Younique?

The Younique MLM is a multi-level marketing company that sells makeup and skincare products. It has been around since 2012, and the company offers a lot of different products that you can sell.

As a presenter, you can sell products to your friends and family, or you can sell online. You'll get an online portal where you can list products. You can then make money from home and on your schedule.

Younique aims to empower women to earn money, and it offers resources to help you start selling the product.

How to Join

Because Younique is an MLM, you will need someone to sponsor you to join. If you don't know any Younique presenters, the company can set you up with one.

Then, you'll need to pay about $99 for your starter kit. As you wait for the starter kit to get to you, you can go through the Youniversity Training program to learn about business and marketing.

When you sign up, you'll also get a personal website with an eCommerce store so that you can start selling.

Getting Paid

One thing that sets Younique apart from other MLMs is that they can pay you the same day you make a sale. You can receive your royalty payments a few hours after a sale occurs. After you make $50, Younique will send you a prepaid card you can use to spend your money.

You can also use Rewards Links to earn points when people click on those links to your website. When your link reaches 200 points, you can earn 10% of each sale in the form of Y-CASH. Then, you can use the cash for product discounts.

While this payment structure is like an affiliate program, you will need to recruit others to make a lot of money. Then, you can earn royalties on your sales as well as sales your recruits make.

The Younique Foundation

On the surface, the Younique Foundation sounds like an excellent part of the company, and it would be a great reason to choose this company over others. Most MLMs want to maximize profit so wouldn't set up a foundation.

The Younique Foundation claims to help victims of sexual assault with special retreats. However, the retreats are very exclusive and are only open to women who were victims of sexual assault as children.

Unfortunately, less than 1% of Younique profit goes to the charity. While this charity doesn't affect your ability to make money with Younique, it's something to consider if you want to make money while helping others.

Pros of the Younique MLM

If you want to help sexual assault victims or simply make money from home, Younique may be a good option for you. It works more like an affiliate program when you compare it to other MLMs.

Here are a couple of advantages of Younique.

Good Products

If you want access to a wide range of products, Younique may be the company for you. You can start selling the products you want, so you can focus on what you like or what your friends and followers like.

That will make it easier to promote your eCommerce store and make a few sales. Many customers love Younique products, so you also use those reviews to help sell products.

Easy to Start

Another benefit of Younique is that they make it easy to start selling. You can create your website as soon as you sign up, even before you get your distributor kit.

The company also offers training to help you learn about business and marketing, so you don't have to be an expert. And you can do all of this from home.

Cons of the Younique MLM

While Younique offers benefits you won't find with other MLMs, they aren't the best option for everyone. It can be hard to sell some of the products, especially if you don't have a huge audience.

Consider a few reasons why you shouldn't sell Younique.

Low Earning Potential

Unfortunately, Younique doesn't publish an income disclosure statement like other MLMs. Because of this, it can be hard to know how much you can expect to make when you sign up.

However, you can use numbers from MLMs in general. Overall, odds are you won't make a ton of money if you even make any profits.

You will need to spend money on products if you don't make any sales in a few months. And you won't be able to make much without a ton of sales or recruiting other sellers.


The product prices can make it hard to get sales and recruit other sellers. Some Younique products are three times more expensive than their equivalents from other brands. That can make it hard to convince others the products are worth it.

It's also expensive for you and any recruits to stay active. If you don't sell at least $125 worth of product every 3 months, you will have to buy that much.

Emphasis on Recruiting

As with other MLMs, Younique wants presenters to recruit new people. Not only will that help you make more money, but it will also increase the Younique profit margin.

However, recruiting people can make it harder for you to get sales because of more competition. If you don't have a big following online, it can be hard to find recruits outside of your friends and family.

When you recruit people you know, you'll have to compete with them for customers.

Is Younique Worth It?

The Younique MLM opportunity can sound appealing to a lot of people. You can make money from home, have your own website, and even help other women.

However, the Younique cost to join and stay active, as well as the recruiting focus, can make it hard. While you may make some money, you may not be profitable.

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