The Weekly Legend

Your source to stay connected, educated, and inspired.

September 3rd – 9th, 2023

Your Weekly Legend for September 3rd-9th

Can you relate to any of these? 

Paralyzed from taking action
Sitting for months on the education before posting your first video (or you still haven't posted)
Experiencing enormous self-doubt
Consumed with worry
Filled with fear
Concerned what others may say
Questioning if you can actually start your own business…

This week, we had a guest who shared her journey as she went through ALL of those limiting beliefs I listed above. 

She felt them all. 

She thought them all.

And she overcame every last one of them.

She started to work on her mindset, her outlook, and that she was worthy of her goals. 

It took Chelsea months to post her first video

Her first commission didn’t come fast.

BUT she kept at it. 

9 months later, she’s running a WILDLY successful online business. 

All because she decided to go all in on herself. 

Her story is a true example of grit, determination, and worthiness.

Take an hour this holiday weekend and watch this interview.

Click HERE to watch, take notes, and then take your own action. 

Every day we bring you another guest, with a similar inspiring story.

It’s a free hour of tips, inspiration, and strategy.

In fact, we just celebrated our 800th episode. 

800 stories or people just like you and I.

800 different people that ultimately decided to learn new skills, to chase their dreams, and do something awesome even when it felt uncomfortable and new. 

And I know we gotta a spot on a future episode waiting for you.

Where you’ll share your story, your roadblocks, and your wins.

Where you'll be inspiring others just starting out. 

But ya gotta keep going to get there. 

Just as Chelsea did.

Just as all our guests have.

You absolutely can too. 

As always…

Stay Legendary!
– JoAnn

P.S. You can also catch this interview on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! Just search Wake Up Legendary.

Mark Your Calendars

Monday, September 4th

Wake Up Legendary at 10 am EST

Corissa Capps is a speech-language pathologist who has had major burnout with jobs and is ready to bring in more income with less physical work. Tune in live to hear how she gained 16k followers in under 3 months!

Tuesday, September 5th

Wake Up Legendary at 10 am EST

Toni Thelander is a hairstylist who wanted to spend more time with her family and less time in the salon. Tune in live to hear how she is finding success through building trust with her audience.

Wednesday, September 6th

Wake Up Legendary at 10am EST

Chelsea Burnham is a Virginia Mom who left her sales job and started her digital marketing business to spend more quality time with her kids. Tune in live to hear her tips on finding success online with a small following.

Thursday, September 7th

Wake Up Legendary at 10am EST

Rodney and Amy Hiers are a couple that decided to start digital marketing businesses after feeling burnt out from their 9-5 jobs. Tune in live to hear how they are using their strength as a couple to inspire each other and their audience!

Friday, September 8th

Wake Up Legendary at 10am EST

Aycen Angel is a full time digital marketer who is building a successful online business through multiple strategies and social media accounts after struggling with dropshipping. Tune in live to hear his secrets to success!

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Apply To Be A Guest On Wake Up Legendary

We are always looking for new guests to showcase on Wake Up Legendary. If you are building and growing an online business we would love to hear all about it! Please click the button below, complete the form, and if you're a good fit someone from our team will reach out.