Your source to stay connected, educated, and inspired.
January 28th – Feb 3rd, 2024
I got 2 things for you today…
I had a recent family experience about online marketing, but it revealed a bigger truth…
You can truly build a business around what you love.
As an entrepreneur, there will always be family that just wants to sit in the negative pool of negative comments and thoughts.
Well, it’s been awhile since this has happened to me.
Heck I’ve been doing digital marketing for over a decade, you’d think it wouldn’t be a topic.
But here we are, sitting at a local sports bar and what I do as a profession becomes the topic.
Ya see, my brother had a friend in town who I’d never met.
We met up for dinner and the friend asked me, now what do you do JoAnn?
As I share a brief description of what I do, one of my family member’s chimes in with THIS comment…
“Well, I would NEVER buy anything online. It’s all scammers, I just don’t get how you get around that. No one does legitimate business online.”
Did I really just hear that?
Talk about a palm to the face moment.
I could go down the road of piss and attack and defend what I do, but I chose a different approach…
I “changed the subject” as I had a plan…
How’s quilting going? I asked.
As she spoke, she shared she was heading to Quilt Camp.
Ahhh, I think to myself, even more perfect!
I asked how she found it?
“From a Facebook group of quilters that I’m a member of,” she added.
Oh…how did you find that group to join?
She then shared – “From a lady that has a Facebook page where she teaches how to use a long arm and shares different quilts and patterns each week.”
She then added that this lady shared her quilt camp in her email newsletter.
I'm thinking to myself, this is going better than I even hoped for…
So I dive in…
OHHHH so you found a lady who quilts….ONLINE.
You loved her content so much you then…
followed her social media accounts
joined her EMAIL list
joined her private Facebook group
and now you’re going to a private small 3 day event (also known as a mastermind) to be in the same room with other quilters.
PLUS, she buys quilting projects off this lady’s recommendations…regularly.
So of course I then explained to her how she's a consumer of affiliate offers, digital products, and a live event and purchasing quite a bit online and clearly this quilting lady she’s following and trusts is not a scammer.
This lady also has multiple digital products and online courses!
There was silence from my family member.
She was shocked.
She never realized.
I went on to eat my fries as that soaked in for her.
A spark was ignited and she started asking more questions about other Facebook groups she’s in and started pulling up people she follows on Instagram.
I showed her how all of them had a link in bio, that she's clicking…and BUYING from.
Instead, they served their audience by building trust, engaging content, and community.
Whether your passion is quilting, fitness, investing or even raising chickens…
You can absolutely monetize it.
That’s what I love about what we do here.
We get the opportunity to teach our students skills that hopefully ignite a spark to think BIGGER for themselves and grow something that could truly bring more joy.
Anything is possible when you harness the power of digital marketing skills.
When we start looking at what we consume each day, we realize just how much digital marketing is woven into everything we do.
It’s frickin awesome!
Heck this quilting lady took her passion, creates content, has an email opt-in, a private Facebook group, and is running live events.
She's using all of the core four business models we teach her within her quilting niche.
And I’m goin’ to bet, she LOVES showing up to her business everyday.
Which leads me to this one question…are you in a unique niche you love? Are you building an online community that is connected to your passion and now you’re monetizing it?
I would love to hear about the business your building around what you love and your unique niche. Let Me Know Here
As always…
Stay Legendary,JoAnn
P.S. Don't forget to check out this week’s episodes below.
Caroline Hannay is back! A former mental health counselor who wanted to be able to watch her children grow up and be a present mom for them while also being able to bring in income to her family. Tune in live to hear her share her strategies for building her own brand online.
Gieshala Medy is a full time insurance Agent who wants to bring home more income to her family. Tune in live to this episode to hear how she gained 60k followers in 2 months and is still adding to her follower count each day!
Erin Rogers is a former cyber security saleswoman who felt burnt out and ready to try something new. Tune in live to hear her share her experience quitting her job to do digital marketing full time online and how she is building a thriving business through fostering genuine connections with her audience.
Jennifer Glick is a former hair stylist and softball coach who decided she wanted to have more time at home with her family and less time in a 9-5. Tune into this episode live to hear how she is growing a fast and consistent following by creating confident content and connecting her former business skills to her digital skills.
Rachelle Davanzo is a full time digital marketer who travels with her daughter for softball tournaments and needed a job that would allow her to be on the go. Tune in live to hear how she is applying her skills to multiple niches to boost her business!
We are always looking for new guests to showcase on Wake Up Legendary. If you are building and growing an online business we would love to hear all about it! Please click the button below, complete the form, and if you're a good fit someone from our team will reach out.
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Join The 5 Day Learn Launch Lead Challenge!