Your source to stay connected, educated, and inspired.
August 13th – 19th, 2023
At 23 I was a year into owning a business. (brick and mortar)
And in those early days, I almost killed that business.
We had seen massive, quick growth.
We had this booming business with a ton of moving parts and zero formal “business” training.
Behind the scenes we were winging it!
We were navigating payroll, growing and training staff, insurance, taxes, rent, customer service and more.
For my customers, I needed to remain confident.
I needed to continue to serve the amazing customers within our doors.
But one day…I got an email from a prospect. (or so I thought)
Asking a lot of questions…questioning the business, my ability due to my age, the questions went on and one and was actually quite rude.
She got to me.
I started to worry about this one random lady.
Then I heard, she called one of our customers…
And the thought “EVERYONE thinks this” entered my mind.
And my whole focus switched to trying to combat this one lady and her small group of friends.
Business decisions were starting to be made with this lady and her friends in mind instead of our current happy, raving clients.
And that’s where she almost won.
You see, I later found out she was from a competitor trying to stir the pot.
I allowed her to switch my focus to the few people that weren’t raving fans, weren’t our ideal customer and only had an agenda to poke holes in my business.
So ask yourself, where’s your focus?
Has comparison-itis crept in?
Are you allowing that opinion of an uneducated family member consume your time?
Are you focused on learning?
Focused on serving?
Focused on growing and connecting?
Maybe you switched your focus back to being the consumer instead of the creator?
All because your focus has switched back to self doubt.
Ya see…
I let the loud one, the one that got in my face pull my attention away from my community.
Just because someone is loud or in your ear doesn’t make them right.
Regardless of what stage you’re in with your digital marketing education and business, where you place your focus is key.
This last week our Wake Up Legendary interviews had one key lesson weaved throughout:
If you’re brand new and still learning – keep going!
If you are getting ready to post content – post the video! You got this!
If you have a small audience – continue to love on them and serve. More followers will come.
If you have a large community – keep showering them with the value and personality that they followed you for in the first place.
Every day this week, double check where your focus is placed.
When we serve instead of sell…
When we create positive communities instead of drama filled ones…
That’s when the magic happens.
That’s when you truly have built a business you can be proud of.
And it all starts with focus.
As always…
Stay Legendary!
– JoAnn
Stephanie Hulsey is a stay at home Mom who is striving to give her family a life that they deserve after hitting network marketing dead ends. Tune in live to hear her journey of success through digital marketing.
Expert Tom Nagar shares his entrepreneurial insights on digital marketing. Tune in live as he shares his tips on the best way to set up your online business!
Christine Gillis is a full time teacher who is passionate about connecting with her audience. Tune in live to hear how she is using digital marketing to create an impact on the lives of her audience and bring in income at the same time!
Andrea Sullivan is a homeschooling Mom of 4 who wanted to spend more time with her family and lessen her financial stress. Tune in live to hear how she is finding financial relief through digital marketing.
Attention Blueprints Members! As you know we provide 2 hours of live coaching Monday-Friday for all Blueprints members. On Tuesday, August 15th, Kristie Chiles will be joining us and taking over the Hot Seat Coaching call! Be sure to login to your back office, click on Register For Live Training and then get registered for Thursday's Hot Seat Coaching Call.
Lucy Drees is Mom of 2 who quit her 9-5 after twenty years to pursue her digital marketing business. Tune in live to hear her secrets for creating viral content!
Attention Mastermind Members: You're invited to join us on Saturday, March 4 from 10am – 4pm EST for our next Legendary Marketer Virtual Mastermind!
This event will be held on Zoom and is open to ALL INDIVIDUALS who have paid for a Legendary Marketer Mastermind ticket. If you attend this virtual event, you are still able to attend an in-person mastermind, too!
Mastermind Members: Mark your calendars for March 1st!
All first time attendees can register for the June event beginning on March 1st. All returning Mastermind attendees can register beginning on April 1st.
We are always looking for new guests to showcase on Wake Up Legendary. If you are building and growing an online business we would love to hear all about it! Please click the button below, complete the form, and if you're a good fit someone from our team will reach out.
For Anyone Who Wants To Start An Online Business But Doesn’t Know Where To Begin
Join The 5 Day Learn Launch Lead Challenge!
If you want more sales and marketing tips like this, plus my #1 recommended business model to make high-ticket sales online
Join The 15 Day Online Business Builder Challenge!