Your source to stay connected, educated, and inspired.
August 27th-September 2nd, 2023
Well, I’m going to throw my husband under the bus here.
But with the best intentions…
Yesterday we had a PHENOMENAL virtual Mastermind.
I mean, nugget after nugget was being dropped.
Topics included…
Your very first post
Meagan Hall shared what content to create when starting out
Dave dropped serious advice on how to convert sales inside your emails
Tim Hewitt spelled out all the details of your first paid ad
An entire hour from Chelsea Ouimet sharing her Instagram strategy.
Every minute was jam packed.
And our virtual events are free bonuses to the Mastermind package?
Every minute increased knowledge and provided actionable items for those that attended.
Ya know what else was shared?
How they all had to overcome limiting beliefs.
How they all had to switch from a fixed to growth mindset.
How they all tackled roadblocks by sticking to the path they were on instead of jumping around looking for the easy way out.
Yesterday, Dave compared it to trying to start a home project when focused to “save money” but it looks like crap and all it does is cost wayyyy more time, frustration, and money in the end.
Here’s where the swiffer mop comes in…
Last weekend, my teenage son broke the swiffer wet jet mop.
Ya know the $30 mop that you can grab from any grocery store for quick clean ups.
No big deal right?
There are times, my hubby flashes back to old habits, a fixed way of thinking.
Well on this day, I walk into the kitchen and this man has the swiffer mop in pieces and he’s going to fix it to “SAVE MONEY.”
Ya know… save the $30 and the 20 minute trip to the store.
I roll my eyes…ok dude. You do you.
Well an hour later, guess who’s now cussing under his breath and still trying to fix the $30 swiffer mop?
But wait….it gets better…
In the process of trying to become the next Swiffer Mop Repair Expert without even attempting to learn in any form or fashion, he drops the only screw on this thing into the garbage disposal.
And can’t get it out…
A few more moments of frustration occur and 45 mins later he’s got his keys in hand, everything under the sink is pulled out and there's a frickin garbage disposal sitting on my counter.
“Garbage disposal is broke…gotta get a new one.” My husband shares as he walks out the door.
You’re kidding me…
Another 2 hours goes by, and he finally comes home with a new garbage disposal. (I'm not even confident the first one was actually broke at this point)
This man is not Handy Manny.
He has many talents, and he’s never put a focus or desire on learning those types skills.
Has he ever installed a garbage disposal? NOPE
Does he even attempt to learn how to install a garbage disposal? Maybe watch a Youtube video, the instructions even? NOPE
He saw others do it before.
He took the one off earlier, so doesn’t need to spend any more time on this.
He just wants it done.
It can’t be hard…
Another hour goes by, I hear more strong language coming from under the sink.
And then I hear this…
“JoAnn, find a repair guy to come out and install this, I’m out.”
Oh did I mention it’s a Sunday?
I found a guy willing to come out on a Sunday afternoon and install the garbage disposal.
He also shared that we didn’t have plumbers putty so even if he got it in correctly…it would have leaked. (thank goodness we avoided water damage!)
Sometimes we place our focus on the wrong thing.
My husband was so focused on CHEAP, that he never realized he was being pulled down a path that took most of his Sunday away and cost us about $500 when it was all said and done.
We start realizing what we want…but then we start looking for the easy way out.
We start making excuses like…
The tech is hard, there's too many videos, I have to talk to an advisor…
I see others just go live and make money…can't I just do that!
It's gotta be easier…
We try to skip the work, the learning, the phase to gaining confidence.
We don’t want to face the fact that we gotta learn first to do something.
Learning new skills the right way…the first time is so much cheaper in the end.
Vulnerable to all the shiny objects with big promises.
You are on an amazing journey right now.
You are learning high income producing marketing skills.
Skills you can take and build out your own amazing business with you as the CEO.
You are becoming a digital marketer.
With these skills, the sky’s the limit.
If my husband truly wanted to become a Swiffer Mop Repair expert…he probably should have learned the right way first.
Instead he focused on cheap and a false perception of easy.
Don’t forget the importance of learning…the right way.
You deserve it.
You’re worthy.
And in the end, you'll have actual skills to carry with you.
Check out this week's guests on Wake Up Legendary below and keep your mindset, inspiration, and skillset growing!
As always…
Stay Legendary!
– JoAnn
Khanyi is a life coach who has built a digital marketing coaching business where she helps to empower women to break free from people-pleasing and create lives filled with their own desires. Tune in live to hear her secrets to building a brand through passion and authenticity.
Robert Horvath is an ex business manager who left his 9-5 to go full time with his digital marketing business. Tune in live to hear his journey and how he is seeing results with his content on YouTube!
Attention Blueprints Members! As you know we provide 2 hours of live coaching Monday-Friday for all Blueprints members. On Tuesday, August 29th, Kellee Roberts is joining us as the guest coach! Be sure to get registered for Tuesday's Hot Seat live coaching call now!
Hilary Sawmiller is a Mom of Twins who’s done it all and is using the power of her authenticity to grow her digital marketing business. Tune in live to hear why telling your story is one of the most powerful things you can do with your online business.
Chelsea Ouimet is a former nurse, MLM’er and Mom of 3 who has blown past her expectations of building her dream life for her family. Dave & Chelsea talk the power of mindset, grit, & the strategy That Led To Massive Success Tune in live to learn her secrets to early success LIVE on Wake Up Legendary!
Kimberly Shaul is a law enforcement wife and real estate brokerage owner who wants to bring in more income for her family and give her husband the opportunity to retire. Tune in live to hear her journey of building a successful digital marketing business through using her passion of helping others achieve what she has.
We are always looking for new guests to showcase on Wake Up Legendary. If you are building and growing an online business we would love to hear all about it! Please click the button below, complete the form, and if you're a good fit someone from our team will reach out.
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Join The 5 Day Learn Launch Lead Challenge!
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