SNEAK Your Side Hustle Into Everyday Life

SNEAK Your Side Hustle Into Everyday Life - Tips To Implement Immediately

Ever feel like you're too busy to work on your business? 

Between family, work, and everything else, finding hours of uninterrupted time can feel impossible. 

But you don’t need hours to make progress. 

You can actually build and grow your business in the small cracks of your day!

Yes, those everyday moments like waiting in line for coffee, sitting in the car at school pick-up, or winding down after dinner are golden opportunities to make big moves with your marketing. 

And the best part? 

You don’t need to spend hours working at a time. 

It’s about using what you’ve got, when you’ve got it.

And if you're negative voice kicks in with “but I don't have any followers” or “I can't do this…” or “I can't do that….” 


You can do ALL of the below. I don't care if you have 0, 2, 5 or 5000 followers… you won't get better at marketing until you put it into action. 

So get going with these tips below. 

Here’s how you can start making the most of those small windows of opportunity:

1. Morning Coffee Break – Share a Quick Story!

You’ve brewed your coffee, and the day is just getting started. Take five minutes to hop on Instagram or Facebook and share a story with your audience. It could be something behind-the-scenes, a quick win from the day before, or even just a snapshot of your morning routine. People love authenticity – and a story like this keeps your audience engaged and connected to you.

2. Waiting at Your Kid’s Practice – GO LIVE!

You’re sitting in the car while your kid’s at practice, the perfect opportunity to go live on social media. No need to overthink it! Just hit that “Go Live” button and start talking. Share a bit about your journey, offer a tip, or answer a question from your audience. Going live creates real-time connection, and your followers will love the authenticity of catching you in the moment.

3. Making Dinner or Doing Chores – Hit Record for B-Roll

We all have to cook, clean, or do some sort of chore during the day. Why not use that time to capture some behind-the-scenes content? Set your phone up on the counter or a shelf and hit record while you’re working. You can use that B-roll later for videos, overlay it with tips, or add a motivational quote. It’s easy content that requires zero extra effort.

4. Lunch Break – Check Your Insights

Use your lunch break to check in on your social media or email insights. Spend five minutes looking at which posts are performing well and where you’re getting the most engagement. Use that information to guide your content for the next day. Knowing what works will save you time in the long run, and it’ll help you make smarter marketing decisions.

5. Waiting in School Pick Up Line – Record a Quick Video

Next time you’re standing in line waiting to pick up the kids, use that time to record a quick video. It doesn’t have to be polished or perfect – just whip out your phone, hit record, and share a tip, thought, or something fun with your audience. People love seeing unfiltered, spontaneous moments.

6. Commercial Break – Refresh Your Bio

While you’re watching TV, use those commercial breaks to refresh your social media bio. Take a few minutes to update it with your latest offer, a milestone you’ve hit, or something fun and fresh. A small tweak can go a long way in keeping your profile relevant and interesting to new and existing followers.

7. After Dinner – Plan Tomorrow’s Content

Once dinner is done and you’ve got a few minutes to relax, take five of those minutes to plan out tomorrow’s content. Whether it’s a helpful tip, a funny meme, or a quick personal story, jot it down so you’re ready to post the next day. This small effort ensures that you’ll wake up prepared and ready to engage your audience with zero stress.

8. Post-Workout – Repost Old Content With A Small Adjustment

After a workout, while you’re cooling down, take a quick look at your old content. Find a post that performed well and make a small adjustment and repost. You don’t always have to create something new – re-sharing content can help you reach a new audience, continue to build trust with your current audience, and drive fresh engagement without the extra work.

9. Before Bed – Turn a Post into an Email

As you wind down for the night, take one of your recent social media posts and repurpose it into an email. Add it to your automation sequence so it goes out to your subscribers. This is a quick way to create an extra touchpoint with your audience, helping you stay top of mind, even while you’re off the clock. Remember each piece of content SHOULD have some value in it – right? That's the same value to share in an email. 

Making the Most of Your Day

The secret to growing your business isn’t about finding huge chunks of time. 

It’s about using the small moments wisely. 

Whether you’re waiting for your kid at practice, catching up on chores, or enjoying a coffee break, an extra 30 mins before bed, 20 mins before you head to work in the morning…there’s always a way to move the needle in your business.

By taking these quick actions, you’ll not only build momentum, but you’ll also keep your audience engaged and excited about what you’re doing. 

So next time you find yourself with a few spare minutes…

Remember that’s your business-building moment.

Every small step adds up to something big.

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