Below is the transcription for this episode:
Matt: Hello hello hello. It is Friday, August 27 What's happening everybody welcome to another edition of wake with legendary we're pumped that you're here, and if you're tuning in live with us. Leave us a comment, let us know where you're tuning in from. And it's always fun just to see the sort of wide array of areas and regions around the world that people are tuning in from. So people tune it like midnight. Across the globe, and we appreciate that. My name is Matt if you don't already know me, I'm filling in for Dave this week so Dave is coming back next week. He'll be back hosting the show as normal next week. Until then, I've been holding down before on Wake Up Legendary. We've got another awesome guest, and I was trying to look back on the last time that we interviewed Alex. And I think it was like it was like six months ago or something it was, it was early this year like February or something, when we interviewed Alex,
the first time, and since then. The funny part is, not a lot changed except that he's earning more. He's got an even more cool setup than he had last time, and his room. And yeah, I mean he's a 21 year old guy who's living, I mean when you say living the dream I know that that sounds a little kitschy or a little bit, you know, I don't.
It just sounds kind of weird but it's kind of the truth like he's killing it he's making great money online, and he's earned it, he's earned every dollar of it So Alex, what's going on.
Alex: I'm doing great, thanks for having me again.
Matt: Yeah, I'm glad you're back. I'm glad you're back. I, you know secretly have been just impressed I think with your ability to maintain consistency over time. That's a really hard thing to do and keep posting keep creating content to keep, you know your name and face in front of people at all times is really tough dude like it's very difficult, especially over the long span that you've been doing it, which is like, I don't even know like, you know, eight months on which
In our world it has been a long time these days because people come and go off TikTok like clockwork, I mean he started TikTok, and then a week they're done right but, I mean you just been going at it hard. For those of for everybody, there's a lot of new people here, for people who haven't met you, tell us a little bit about you, and you're working at a bank and then you know you found legendary started affiliate marketing, started learning how to create content, what did that, what did that all look like for you, and tell us a little bit of your story for people who don't know you.
Alex: Right. So, before I even got into affiliate marketing stuff, I didn't really use social media that much. Yeah, I wasn't a big fan of TikTok actually I don't even know like a lot of things you can do I actually thought I was pretty corny to even have a TikTok, and I wasn't really like social media involved I don't even have a Facebook until a few months ago. Wow. Yeah, so I've been working at a bank for about two years. And, you know, it was a good experience. I was kind of part time, full time at times, but it was a good experience but you know it wasn't what I wanted to do long term. And it was this pandemic now at the end of the year, December 2020 So I ended last year. Man, I'm just looking for different things to, you know, add to my income stream right another side of income, which a lot of us, that's what we hope to be, and then eventually scale it on, and I came across some videos I saw some people talking about affiliate marketing. I was like you know what, let me give it a go. And over time I started to just really love it and you know you'd alluded to earlier that I've been doing for so long, because I love it, you know, it's something I love doing. I look at it, less of a job, and more, you know, a hobby. At this point, and they say if you, if you're doing what you love to never work a day in your life, and it's been a lot of fun, and it's been a great journey and I'm looking to consistently grow and get better as time goes on.
Matt: Nice. That's awesome. I feel like when I, yeah. And you just bought a Tesla congrats, I just saw.
Alex: Yeah, I should be picking up next week so um so, so I you know that's really exciting.
Matt: Well I mean, you've earned it. He really went to work, and, yeah, I mean your earnings were proven, so. So tell us a little bit about sort of your content creation, how did that go like, so you're, you mentioned you're brand new to like social media, you're like I don't even have Facebook, I don't I definitely don't have a TikTok. That's funny to me. But also, like, when you get, not only do you go and create those accounts because you're going to try to figure this whole thing out, which is kind of funny because, you know, a lot of times people have an older generation let's say baby boomers or whatever Gen X, they're a little bit like well you know you're an advantage because you're young, but they don't realize like, people like you and me like we don't like. It's not like we're born with some innate ability to create content like maybe navigating apps is a little easier for us but not really like creating content is a totally different beast. Was that hard or easier ? How did you go about that?
Alex: It was immensely hard. If you like a lot of my first kind of videos are still on my TikTok, so you can go back and look. Yeah, the quality was horrible. It's absolutely terrifying getting on a camera and recording yourself in your natural environment like it's horrible. It's terrifying. But I told myself, you know, I can't get any better unless I keep putting out content and performing over time right, that's the only way you can improve. And it's a terrifying experience and throughout these last six months, I've had the privilege to help people start their journey as well, and that's the biggest thing that stops a lot of people right. I don't know what to say. I don't know you know I don't like my parents on camera, and you just kind of have to tell yourself you're not doing this for you, you're doing it for someone else, the type of content we make. It's to inform other people, and you learn really quickly like no one's really caring what you look like or your presentation. As long as you know feasible people can see you and hear you properly. It's mostly what you're saying and how you can make that difference or change, that's what's really going to allow people to stick with it because I love this era that we've grown in into, especially at my age where a lot of just casual mainstream media now isn't about being the most attractive person or the bus speaking person. This is about being yourself. That's always going to win out in the end, and I learned that as time went on, when I had one viral video I think it was like the quality was horrible. So one of my most viral videos now the quality was horrible, the background I had like a blue sheet behind me was horrible my mic was disgusting. But it went viral like people were like, If you look at the comments not once in common was about my parents. Everything was about what I was actually saying, and it was that moment I really learned very early on, like look, people don't care what you got to, what do you look like or anything it's really what you have to say what do you have to bring to the table right it's. What have you done for me lately? If you can help someone, you know, solve a problem, you know you can make that difference and you get over it, you know you get really used to it.
Matt: That's cool, that's cool. I do feel like we're moving into this little state of being yourself, and I do really feel like, in general, for the most part I think that there's fringes of the internet that are still a little crazy and aggressive, but I think for the most part. Yeah, you're right, we've moved into this sort of new place now where we've got the ability to sort of just look at somebody and, and it's like, who's reporting the news I don't know, I mean it's just somebody, TikTok, you know like the other day I was watching somebody reporting live from Afghanistan right like all this stuff that's going on right now. They didn't look like some super attractive put together dude who's, you know, been in news media for 40 years, it was like some guy who's like, he's kind of pretending that he's like a news anchor, but he's just like, holding his phone out on the on the freaking runway and called, like, the news and how we, and how our generation, especially I mean, you're in a little bit of a different generation but not really, I mean we're only 10 year difference like we consume things very differently. Like I do not watch cable news like That's insane. We're literally like, if you want to get news to us, you'd better find a way to get it through the you know Twitter or Tik Tok, or some sort of like media that's not a typical media, a YouTube, right, like if I'm, if I'm going to end my day and I'm turning into something newsworthy, like, I'll go and stream it live on YouTube, I won't go switch on NBC. I think our generations really caught on to that and I also think that it's sort of a search for, like, authenticity, and we're way more interested in sort of just somebody who has a thoughtful insightful interesting personality bringing that to the table. Right, exactly. I'm way more interested in that,
you know, and it's actually really interesting. I've been doing a lot of research of just what's going on in the world in the market and one of the biggest numbers that has really stood out to me was a lot of people have been more inclined to quitting their jobs right, yes. Ever since COVID and stuff. People have gotten the ability to work from home, or some people just lost their jobs altogether and since that a lot of people are starting to realize they have a lot more power within themselves to go out there and it doesn't necessarily have to be digital marketing but just to essentially be your own boss and work on your own terms and also I've been analyzing that and really looking like there's a lot of potential. Now, I mean just from your phone alone there's so much potential, that you can really achieve just really willing to put the work in and learn. And I also feel like
Matt: That's such a good point. I also feel like now that bigger companies are seeing that and experiencing that they're even seeing ways that they can monetize their platform over the long term, by doing stuff like that so not only is it causing like you and I and everybody who's on this call wanting to go try something like that but also these bigger companies are starting to offer ways of doing that, which is, which is offering even more opportunity right so a lot of times people think. Alright, so it's always a one to one equation, if demand goes up, the opportunity goes down because there's going to be more people and it's going to get crowded, but the reality is it is like a consumer like you and I, who's just like a normal kind of consumer. We're just like, we're very small fry in the grand scheme. And when people like for instance Coinbase, they just started doing this thing where you can earn Bitcoin or whatever crypto just by watching videos or doing little activities in their app. And, and a lot I've seen a lot of other investment types, you know app based investment type companies doing that to like even Robin Hood meta started doing that. So I just think, you know, once those big people start pulling levers like that. All of you know, the opportunity online just even increases with. So, but what I thought was interesting is you, your, your, your step, kind of, you're becoming a student of markets and stuff like that, how is that informing sort of your digital business and how you create content and stuff?
Alex: Well what I've learned is that the more people you help, you know the, you know, the more successful you'll be so for me it's analyzing what are people struggling with, and one of the things I learned early on which might be simple to me might be rocket science to someone else. Right, so it's really analyzing what people are struggling with, like, as simple as designing a sales funnel, for example, you know, something as simple as that, to me, is help for other people, so it's understanding how I can help people and put the information in such a simple way that anyone can understand. And it's played a big role because, you know, I don't, I'm always about being I'm trying my hardest to be different from everyone else right follow what works, but do it in your own way, and it's important for me to know how, in my mindset how I can help someone, and maybe something in a different way, you know, other people might do it this way. I personally like doing things my own way, and being able to help someone in a unique way. That also goes a little bit farther in my book as well.
Matt: I like that. I like that a lot. And I do feel like a lot of people are mad. I just, I, were always reminded of. I was at a mastermind, and Dave, I think, I think it was, it said, you know, stop comparing your day one to somebody else's day 500 And when you're on day, whatever day you're on, you're probably on daily 200 or something I don't know. You know, your day 200 is so far more advanced than the average person, and also people forget that people like there's new people who are just discovering the internet right now, today, right now, they just discovered the internet, and, and then you've got people on this call here who are saying, you know, things like in their head, they're saying things like, well, cheese I can't teach anybody I've never made $1 online well know that stuff but that's the wrong perspective perspective changes as you gain sort of. As you gain knowledge so the right perspective is, wow, there's a million people who just discovered the internet today, and I know how to extract money out of the internet, I just learned that I'm going to, I'm going to help people who maybe they're from a different country or maybe they're from the US, and they lived in a rural part of the world, and they only got to go on the internet, you know once every month or something because they don't have good broadband, and I'm going to help show them how to do this or you know, there's probably in huge numbers millions of people who are coming on learning how to train their dog, or whatever, right, like, doing stuff like that they're trying to figure that out, and people underestimate what they know. And so they share it.
Alex: Right, I mean, there was a quote, and I'm gonna try not to butcher it but it says, You don't have to be great to start, but to be great, you have to start. And it's, I want everyone that's listening to hear me like your biggest teacher is going to be experienced, right you can't get that unless you try. And it's so important that you understand, like, you know, as time goes on, you'll still make mistakes and that's okay I made 1000 mistakes, and I learned from those mistakes and now I can teach those exact same instructions to people, and that is always going to be something valuable. And people will follow you for your authenticity and learn lessons you learn and that's the biggest thing even if you don't have a lot to give starting some ways better than not starting at all.
Matt: So you're, you're running, I love that, by the way, you're running on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok. What do you feel like, you know, take us over. Cuz you've got a good body of work now take us over the last, like, eight months or whatever, however long you've been creating content, and can you sort of unpack a little bit about like, where you feel like your traffic has moved from and where it's at now like, did it start off hot on TikTok, and sort of picked up on Instagram and now it's on YouTube or what, how did that go?
Alex: It started off on TikTok so I remember I think it was December 12 When I finished the challenge completely. And then, from that moment on, was posting on Tik Tok. And that was literally the only traffic stream I had, it was doing really great for me, it was very popular. And then I realized people wanted to, since I was being discovered so quickly people wanted more information from, right 30 seconds to 62nd video isn't enough to explain a whole entire process so in about January I discovered, you know, why not just really need to give information and refer that to people. so I created a YouTube channel while still doing tic tac. And as time went on, I was seeing great results, but I was starting to plateau, right I was starting to plateau with the median traffic and I'll be honest, TikTok. Over time it started to become filled with a lot of digital marketers and that's not a bad thing but it was, It was becoming harder and harder to stand up in the crowd. And then I discovered Instagram. Thanks to a good friend of mine Chris you guys actually had him on here. You know, Chris. Yeah I know pretty well he helped me actually discover Instagram. So I decided to go on Instagram, repurposing my existing content on TikTok, and it started to grow there. And from that point on, you know I've been growing TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, but the thing I realized is going from one social media platform to the next, you know, doing what works is always good. But one thing that I, one of the many mistakes I made is that I wasn't doing my best to create a community, kind of like how you guys have here right you have a Facebook group, you've built up a strong community. That's how long lasting businesses become long lasting right you have to build that community, and I was so focused on getting the next fall again the next follow up, and not doing a good enough job of nurturing the existing ones. So my advice to everyone, you know, do whatever platform works for you, currently for me Instagram is probably one of the biggest platforms in YouTube as well. But what I really recommend everyone do is to create a community right don't look to just grab the next following nurture your existing ones, whether that be creating a discord Facebook group, whatever you can do like the emails and make sure you're nurturing your leads, because that's the biggest thing that's how you can roll a long term so if you had a slow month, you're not looking and being desperate to get a new set of followers, you're just nurturing the existing ones.
Matt: Yeah, yeah, what is. What's his name Jay Abraham, you can, you can get new customers. And one of the ways that he says to grow revenue is, yeah, you can go out and get new customers but that's the most expensive way to grow a business is to go out and constantly get new customers, Although you do I need influx of new customers you need to have good traffic and new customers, but the ability to build that community what you're saying and sort of help grow and nurture that community, and sell to that community product services and stuff over and over and over again. That's really powerful my first mentor when I came online in 2011 I went to a live event in Orlando is called live the dream too, and he had built a massive, massive email list of people, and he had nurtured it in such a way and been so raw and candid with them in such a way that his email list, they've, it felt like they knew him. And so everything he sold, they would buy, like he would even sell live webinars. So basically what he would do is he would set up a checkout page, and he'd send out an email and I would help read his emails, that's how I got started online. I was like, he's like here, teach you copywriting and here's, you know, I was like this. And, and that's where I was like, oh my god he's selling like 10s of 1000s of dollars of his course, they just selling a live webinar, and they, and literally people would purchase for $37 the way, Alex that people would go to the movies like people go to the movies they bring a family discussion 50 bucks they buy a few tickets, and spend 100 bucks, buy some popcorn drinks all this stuff. But people would purchase, just the same way, they're like, well this is going to be a Thursday night, you know, I'm already going to be stuck on the couch, having a beer like might as well hang out with my buddy, you know, and, and 100 other people while we learned some marketing skills. And I think that people underrate that, and I know for me, like when I watch your content, you have this infectious smile you have a great personality, like, I think that, you have a lot of that style thing going where people just want to hang out with you, like people just want to be in your presence and hang out with you and like, you know, if you were to put up a checkout page email, like how big is your email list now?
Alex: I’d have to clean it automatically but around like 10 to 12,000 Heck yeah.
Matt: So, I mean, like, like people who have purchased anything, you know affiliate products for your people who are just randomly on your email list and like tuning in, or they're on your social media me if you were to blast on social media for a couple days and then email it to your list for a couple days, like, be proud of 100 people like, buy a product from you for 50 bucks, and just hang out with you on a webinar and unpacker affiliate marketing strategy, you know what I mean like, I just think that like, you're so right on that building a community thing because what happened with him over time and I think it's already happened to you, like, I know people who are in your community and just love you. I think what happens over time is, is, as it consistently happens there's a bond that's like humans attached to each other and. And the way we attach to each other is consistency. It's, you know, I'm not going to attach to a girl random girl that I'm dating, if, if she's inconsistent all over the place, shows up 50% of the time or you know I'm expecting, you know, an email from you one or two times a week and I only get an email one or two times every year or something you know it's kind of like, well, maybe he's in maybe it's but it's sort of that consistency that you bring. I feel like you're consistent on your YouTube posting you're consistent on all of your social media postings, so kudos to you man. I mean, you've done a really good job. But the cool part is is I think you would agree, like, I think you're here early, getting started.
Alex: That's the crazy part I have a lot of a lot more things to learn but I'm definitely investing in myself, I always, no matter what point, I will never get complacent and always look to consistently grow and just be you know a better instructor to all the people that, you know, follow me and stuff so I think there's a lot of potential, and I can't wait to consistently going, I say all this to say though I have school next week, I'm entering my last year of college. So, bouncing, I don't have a job this time around so that's going to be great, I'll be able to manage things a little better, but you know it's all fine. It's all a part of the journey and I've been enjoying it.
Matt: That's awesome. That's hilarious. By the way, what do you do? What do you get your degree in?
Alex: Communications and a minor in marketing. So there you go.
Matt: See the cool part though is like a lot of times people will put that down or like, oh, call it, you know, college sucks. And I honestly like, I don't feel I don't love college I was just like, yeah, that was kind of a waste of my time, but I do really feel like if I was to if I was to undo everything. I honestly feel like a degree with something in the realm of marketing or something in the realm of finance even, would, would have been super helpful and worth it, because I do feel like those sort of hard skills you can learn a lot here in the digital space, but I do feel like from a higher level business standpoint and marketing and analytics and everything like that I think that you'll be at a huge competitive advantage.
Alex: Right, the analytics for sure, I mean the stats class have to take and just Digital Analytics has helped a lot now especially going forward now really the numbers game right and you can look at statistics all day long and be able to kind of predict things. That's one of the biggest things I've been able to just take away from school. But yeah, I mean, entering the last year of college, you know, the thing for me. My biggest fear was to go to college, and finish and then be sitting down saying what's next. What next, is the most terrifying thing for me. So I kind of, I was so happy that I was able to get started on something in my junior year, and know that as soon as college is over I'm already working towards something pretty special. It's awesome.
Matt: That's super cool. What's the plan after college, you're going to figure that out?
Alex: Right. So my plan is currently I live right now in the state of Connecticut, go to the University of Connecticut, and I want to get into real estate, I mean digital marketing is great, but eventually I want to be able to find up enough money to start getting some properties, my parents do real estate as well so probably down, down south in Florida. I bomb. I went to Miami for my birthday. And it was awesome. I love, love there. So I was thinking about going down there, getting some real estate. And dad just consistently scales and grows. I love having a digital business because I can make money anywhere. So that's great and then they're gone.
Matt: Yeah, you can roll that into something that's a hard asset right so like your, your, your cash flow comes from your digital business which, by the way, man, I mean it's so great. Like, I wish that people would have that kind of perspective, that, that you have with sort of the real estate game and stuff and even investing is like you, at some point yes this is a business but also it's not the end it's a means to an end, and our means to an end have totally transforming your financial future meaning like, you could actually take all of that cash flow coming in and put it into a hard asset that, by and large, you know, if there's an asset out there that really has held over a long period of time. Granted, we have the, you know 2009 housing thing but even, even if you went through that 2009 housing thing and you just held, you would have been fine. But I do generally just think like, you know, what a great perspective I hope that if I have kids, like I have them in the mindset at 21 where they're, you know, killing it online business generating ton of cash flow digitally building hard skills and also already looking down the pike of like, All right, now I'm going to invest in assets that will become true passive income for me.
Alex: Right. It all comes down to the mindset of it all. I mean, I tell people every day. I can tell you exactly what you need to do, and you still won't see results because of the mindset you have. So, I always recommend people read and and kind of surround themselves I listen to different podcasts I listen to, you know, read different books, you really got to surround yourself on a day to day, you know, informing yourself with all the mental, you know meta needs that are out there, there's a lot of information on how to improve your mental strength, going through. It's for me personally, I had to make a lot of sacrifices, I mean it's all great and everything but unfortunately I've had to make a lot of sacrifices I don't haven't been able to socialize as much as I wanted to and be able to enjoy a lot of the youth that I have, and that's all in the idea that I say to myself, you know, work hard for two to three years and enjoy the rest of your life so it really is a mental game. It's not easy. It's definitely tough at times it gets exhausting but I mean yeah the last time we're here, we were talking about how you manage it at all, and it's all about taking breaks occasionally but you gotta keep telling yourself and one of the biggest lessons I've learned in my statistics class in like high school is that eventually you'll get the result that you want. You just gotta keep rolling the dice, you know, it's really that mental game where you got to tell yourself, no matter what happens, I'm going to keep pushing forward.
Matt: It is, Man, it is a mental game. And I think that, I think that, you know, sometimes I wonder if there is some sort of magical switch that gets flipped or something. I don't really think that's the case, but I do think it requires a bit of modeling, I one thing that I think on this entrepreneurial mindset is, I'm not sure if reading books is enough, I'm not sure if the education piece is enough, I think, to an extent it is to get the wheels turning. But for me at least. I needed somebody to, You know I needed, full immersion for a long time, and, and part of what did that for me was constant non stop having Gary Vee in my ear to the point where I heard him say so many times over podcasts and books and things. It's as a business owner, it's always your fault, and that, and I would struggle with personal responsibility and taking responsibility for my failures and you're solid enough to. And eventually, you know, now every time that something's going wrong or I have some sort of issue or something or whatever, I might get a response at a core level. Alright, well this, I somehow mess this up, or what did I do wrong here, what could I have done better, you know, and I think with the whole entrepreneurial thing it's like, you have to have the mindset and the mentality, this is all going to be have to be a game that has to be solved. It's a puzzle that has to be solved if no one else can solve it for you. That is the.
Alex: And, you know, that accountability, I mean if you want all the glory, you need to be also willing to take all the failures as well. So it's an up and down lifestyle to live but I'll tell you right now it's worth every penny. Every hour of your day that you're spending working on your business because it's something, you know, a part of it all away from financial freedom. The biggest thing is just being able to reflect and say wow I didn't, you know, when I was working at a bank, you know, it was, It was, I enjoyed the people I worked with, but it was, was rinse and repeat and I think that's a lot of the problems with everyone's contemporary job that you go in there, you do the same thing you go home and it's rinse and repeat. You're not really working towards anything. You know, so I, I know that every day that I wake up and work, I'm working towards something that one day, reflect on and be like, Wow, I did that, you know, and so there's a lot of things that go into it I also say to myself, if this doesn't work average, then you don't have any other choice and that's partly partially why I quit my job as well as telling myself like I don't want to have a plan B. You know I want to go all in and, to some people, they might need to plan B but I'm of the mindset if you have a plan B, you're not doing what you could be doing when you visit and so part of me was like I'm gonna quit my job I am financially stable enough, I'm gonna quit and go on percentage so.
Matt: And I think that's a clarification. Well you just said at the very end there was, I'm financially stable, right like saving money, you're not blowing all your money. You've, you've set up this business for you where you've got good cash flow. We've also got good savings, so if something falls apart like, you're not gonna, you're not defaulting on a mortgage next month and I see some people who hear messages like that, and they are like yeah, I'm gonna go all in my post already behind my mortgage payment, but here we go, you know I'm it's like, just keep that nine to five and like, what are we doing with the other six again this is another Gary Vee thing, what are we doing with the other six hours you're awake. Right, let's leverage those six hours, and what are you doing on the weekend, like maybe let's do that for six months and see where we're at.
Alex: Right like that goes back to the sacrifices I made before considering quitting my job. I had to tell myself, Where can I scale back on leisure time and work on my business? I mean, it is worth waking up at 6am Going to bed at like 12pm. It was unhealthy but it was, I knew I was what I needed to do, and it was worth every, every hour of it you know it all paid off in the end but the biggest thing also like for me during this journey was having a balance, because I still had family members and friends right you know having that balance because what good is all this if you don't have any relationships by the end of it, you know you want to be able to share the experiences with the people you love so it's also about having a nice balance as well,
Matt: True, very true. Yeah, I kind of feel like, yeah, I don't know how to add to that, actually, I had moments where I was in my 20's. Let's say 23, 24, 25 and it sounds weird to say, when I was in my 20s. I had days where I could go on four to six hours of sleep, and I don't know how I would do that these days, like, If I do that these days, I literally wake up and I'm like, Oh my gosh, I am dying. And, but I feel like there's seasons, so I've also learned to tune out people who tell me you know here's exactly how much sleep you need and all this stuff it's like well you know I can go a year or two with four to six hours of sleep because my body actually has the energy and like the energy and all of that sitting inside my body is there. So I'm going to use it, and I'm trying to get ahead a little bit. But there's also seasons where it just isn't going to work, you don't have the energy inside of you don't have the, you know, you don't have sort of the game, but I don't know. I was just, you know, I was on Instagram this morning light but it's my son Gary Vee say something about how he created his first piece of content at 30 years old 30 years old and he's got, he's, he talks about how he goes in waves of energy to, but he's always getting eight hours nine hours of sleep every night, it's like it's what do when you're awake, but, you know, work hard sleep hard kind of thing, but I you know, ultimately Alex I just feel like, you know, every time I talk with you, Here's, here's a couple of takeaways I have one you have amazing parents like I don't know that that well, but I do see, you know, anyone who has a 21 the consistency and, and just the ability to sort of go at it with, With a little bit of, you know, resilience, that says, I think that says a lot, but number two is like, they don't get all the credit. I mean, you know there's a lot of people too who have that kind of parenting or have, you know, sort of a good foundation to build off of, and do nothing with it. And, and, and don't take responsibility, I think, and it's just cool to see you take real hardcore personal responsibility, because I think it helps our community a lot, and so I'm really thankful for that. And thankful that you're in our community and that you sort of set that example because I was talking about how I feel like it needs modeling. In order for a lot of people to sort of pick up on what we say when we say you know, take responsibility for your business, and it's cool that we have people like you in our community who do exactly that. They model it so thanks man. So, I'll give you the final word and then we'll wrap up. We've got people on here from 18 years old man to probably 70 years old, like it's crazy. People who are maybe a little scared to create that first piece of content are people who are a little bit nervous. I don't know if this is for me, what would you say to those people or what do you say to those people because I'm sure you talk to those types of people all day.
Alex: Right. So actually, I've created some That's Brian Brewer, used to be on this. Essentially, you have to make the videos you're making, the content you're creating, about the person that you're trying to help, not about yourself. You're worried about all the minute little things, you know, like lighting or if you look good, you know what it's really you're making a video, helping it's designed to help someone else so focus on you know what you're saying and how that those 30 to 60 seconds or continue to video 10, 15 minutes how you can actually help someone make a difference or change because that goes way longer than how you look or you know especially in today's society, you know, to some degree, You know that guarantees is the biggest thing anymore, especially on like TikTok and Instagram. You need to focus more on how I can help someone what time braces they need if you don't know anything, learn, you know a lot of people will tell me why Alex I don't know this well, there's information out there that you can learn for free, or you can invest in yourself and then we're going to get that information, verbatim, so it's all about his if you don't have any knowledge or knowledge, and make sure you can recite that back to people in your own words.
Matt: Yes 100% Dude 100% That's awesome. I love it. Well, cool man. Always good to see. We'll be in touch. Thanks for coming on. Thanks for volunteering your time, and, and for giving back to our community. I love it.
Alex: No problem. Thanks for having me. You guys take care.
Matt: All right guys, I'm gonna put up a few of his, his social media handles so he's, he's on TikTok there. This guy's everywhere so he's on Instagram at financial free Alex, you can see that there, he's on YouTube financial free Alex there. So, go give him a follow up, financial free Alex on YouTube, financial free, Alex, on Instagram, and I'll see affiliate on TikTok, which we've had up for the majority of the show, so you guys can go give him a follow and follow him around on social media, he's good at. He's also a great example of being omnipresent. He's everywhere right so his audience goes out. Are you guys going out and going to follow him on all these platforms, and now guess what you tune in on social media and boom, there's our boom, there's Alex boom there's Alex He's everywhere. So, he's a good example and a good model of how to go about this online business in a way where you're in front of your people and in front of new people all the time constantly. Alright guys, happy Friday, good to see all you're on here, live with us, and we'll be back here Monday. Same time, same place stable return on Monday, and we'll pick up just where we left off, see you guys, Peace out.