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Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: Yo yo yo what's going on, my friends, this is Dave Sharpe, welcome to Wake Up Legendary just get my little camera here set up. Alright, so hopefully you guys are doing fantastic today. If you're not, you will be by the end of our time together. I'm, I'm assuming, and we are going to be talking to a girl, a woman, a mom, somebody who is also a nurse for 13 years, who has decided to stay home and is now a stay at home mom, who's been building the business, and getting some pretty cool results that she's going to be sharing with us today. So with that being said, all the way from Ohio, Jessica what's going on. 

Jessica: Hi. Thank you for having me. 

Dave: Yeah, you're, you're welcome. Matt said you're a little nervous before the show so

let's shake off and name it and claim it, and let's have a little fun. So you're kind of new to all this stuff your husband's done a little drop shipping before, right, right, right. But that was him not really particularly you.

Jessica: I mean we kind of both did it, but he really was. You know the front runner of it. That was hard. I don't ever recommend that to anybody.

Dave: Was it his idea to kind of get in as he is the more entrepreneurial one, and he kind of got you in or I'm just assuming that because you were a nurse for 13 years, or do you have the entrepreneurial bug.

Jessica: Sure. So, what really happened was I did stop working full time, about a year and a half ago. But we still needed to, you know I needed to bring in money. Still, we were kind of looking for ways to support us. And he was on TikTok, and he was like oh all these people are talking about dropshipping stores, and he was like, why don't we try it, and I was like okay, sure, and then we tried it and we tried learning from YouTube and that’s just when we felt right on our face, so. Yeah, it did not go over very well. 

Dave: Interesting, interesting, so when is that?

Jessica: Was probably about six months ago. Okay. And what happened after that. Um, well, I was scrolling through TikTok, and I saw that. I know you can learn so much from TikTok. Um, but I saw a woman and she was telling her story and it intrigued me, and I got that you know what if she can do it I can do it. And, um, you know, she was talking so great about how legendary you know changed her life. And I was like you know what, I'm just gonna take a chance on myself, and I'm gonna do it. And so, I paid that $7 And I took that course, and I'm forever grateful. 

Dave: Has it changed your life as well just like hers?

Jessica: Oh my God, that's, and like not even so much in like the financial part is amazing. But also, like, I'm a nurturer by nature. So, when I stopped working as a nurse, I kind of got into this like, What is my purpose? Like you have so many titles in life like, mom, dad, you know, wife, husband, but I kind of lost the, what is for me, you know? I don't have anything for myself and I really was starting to lose my purpose, and it really, I gained so much more than just, you know, making money, and I came out of my comfort zone, and it gave me confidence, and it's just amazing because it kind of unlocks, like a part of you that you don't realize is there like I never would have thought that I was a creative person, or, you know, in those aspects so it's really cool to see how much I've grown in even a short amount of time, you know, so that's really cool.

Dave: And there has been some money that's made you've made some, some, some pretty some pretty, you know, for some, I guess, everything can be life changing it's all it's all relative to somebody's situation. But I think that you wrote in your pre pre game, little thing that it was more than you expected so you've been surprised by the results that you've got here in the last couple of months is that, is that accurate?

Jessica: Yeah, um, you know, I went into this with zero expectations that I was really going to get anything out of this. And for me to have committed myself and put the work in. And to actually see results. It's amazing. And like, nobody knows that I do this, you know, so like when you, you try unconventional ways to make money. Sometimes people just don't understand what you're doing or why you're doing it. And because we had failed in our previous endeavors. You know I really didn't want to talk about my affiliate marketing because I didn't want people to be like, oh it's just another thing that she's trying and, you know, so really nobody even knows that I do this. Yeah. In some ways it's better that way. Right. Yeah, because not, you know if the people in your circle are not going to give you the energy that you need to keep going, you know, sometimes you just need to do it alone. And that's okay.

Dave: And that's one of the benefits of affiliate marketing in this business that we teach here is that you can do it worldwide you realize well I've got 50 friends, and then there's seven or 8 billion people in the world. I don't need it. I don't need their money. I don't need their approval, I can actually go out into these seven or 8 billion people in the world. I can deliver value to them, in exchange for money. I can even get validation from them, I can build new connections. I can still keep these folks as my friends, we don't have to break up, but I don't have to do business with my friends and I think that's the difference between the old fashioned. We're just a good old town who kind of shares referrals and everybody does business and you got the banker and you got the plumber and you got the, you know, the hairstylist and the barber right and we all know our buddy's business and we all somehow are financially connected with each other. We all write for me. Same as you. I keep my friends, my friends, I don't do business with them, right, because business tends to muddy up relationships in my experience, many business expectations get, you know they're not expectations are clear, somebody doesn't live up to your expectations, so I get to keep my family and my friends, my family and my friends and I get to just have fun and enjoy their company and talk about dumb stuff. When my hoodies smoke cigars or whatever. And then I get to come over here with you guys and talk about something that, as you said, they don't understand. They wouldn't understand it, they don't want to understand it, they, if, If it was just like, sometimes they're like, man, what do you what it what is it that you do. And then you're like, you know, you're like, and I don't know why people really even ask that because it's like, not like they really want to learn it, or write it, or to write, they just wonder, Are you like, are you doing, are you like just did you just get lucky that I can't get lucky like that too, you know what I just, you know what a lot of times I'll just say I'll be like a marketing company. And they'll just. And they'll be like, okay, okay. Right. Lately I've been like, well, I've got some investments and stuff. Yeah, I had a neighbor that asked me, what is it that you guys do because my wife and I are fairly young, we've always been the youngest people in our neighborhoods that we've lived in. The other day I said, actually a real estate investor, right, it's like, I do have some real estate, but like I don't want to go into explaining and just because I don't need to. And isn't that. I mean I know I'm ranting but I just can identify with that I know that some of you who are listening, can't yet, but stick in there, and we're trying to give you some hope for what maybe the future will look like for you as you as you keep going down that journey, right Jessica right. 

Jessica: Absolutely, absolutely. 

Dave: So, what, what, you know, would you, would you describe from an internal perspective, as far as the growth you've been encounter coming out of comfort zone that kind of stuff you mentioned introvert, and you talked about this a few minutes ago and I said well has it changed your life too and you said, yeah, there's the financial aspect but there's also, also the growth aspect, could you talk to us a little bit about what that experience from that side of things has been like over the last couple of months.

Jessica: Sure. So, you know, like I was telling my husband, I'm like, you know, if nothing more were to ever come of this. At least I know that, you know, I was always be, don't take the risk, play by the book, you, you know, do what you're supposed to do, and I learned that it's going to be uncomfortable to come out of your comfort zone, it's going to be hard, but you grow as a person, when you do that. And, you know, sometimes you have to feel uncomfortable, and just do it anyway. And, um, you know, I know it's hard, and like this is what I tell myself all the time, is that like life is hard, but you have the control to pick your heart. And if it's gonna be hard, you might as well get something out of it. Right, so like I just keep pushing every day and I try to, you know, know that it's going to be uncomfortable, but it's okay to be uncomfortable. And, you know, it just amazes me how much because I never posted on social media, never, like, I never, I had a Facebook page, but like I never posted, and for me to create like three to five TikToks a day is completely something that would not be my norm, But I did it. And, you know, it gets a little, it gets easier the more you do it. So like in the beginning, if you look at some of my TikToks from the beginning, I was just like, they're terrible. They're absolutely terrible. But you get better, and it gets a little easier, and you know sometimes it's hard for me to like. I know what I want to say but sometimes the words just don't come out the right way. And so a lot of times, I really speak on my TikToks like it's usually just set to music and I'm, you know, pointing to words or I put the words on the screen, because the words don't always come up the right way. Um, but yeah, you just kind of have to go with it, and it doesn't have to be perfect and that was another thing that I really learned, like most of my videos that do really well, either have like a misspelling or, you know, it doesn't have to be perfect. And so that I learned that too is that you just kind of have to let go, and it'll be okay.

Dave: Yeah, I want to just tease apart a couple things you said. The first one was that life is hard, and also business is hard and online marketing is hard and vending machine businesses are hard and growing companies are hard and being a nurse is hard and being about, like everything is hard. And there's, having a job is hard, being more is hard. All the things are hard, right, and, and just kind of settling into that and saying you know what I'm gonna, I'm gonna learn what it takes. So this is not so uncomfortable. It becomes comfortable for me. I was watching this thread in one of our Facebook groups about, you know, page builders and funnel builders and they always tend to be some of the most popular posts in our Facebook groups because they're, they're a way for us to kind of look for something outside of ourselves some tool seven thing, it's gonna be the magic bullet. You know that's gonna be the magic solution, you know, and it's it's a great analogy would be like a golf, a golfer who maybe many of our husbands or brothers or friends golf, and maybe you know the golfer who goes out and buys the most expensive set of clubs, and any still sucks, or the or the guy like me who might buy the most expensive or best or different or try you know all the name brand knives. Still can't cook or, you know, or the fishing pole still can't catch a fish. Right. And so, what makes us good as marketers as online marketers it's learning the skills. It's learning how to navigate the platforms, the marketing platforms, you know, how do we drive more traffic, you know your funnels are not the problem. How can we get to a point where we can also be making enough money to where we no longer have to shop based on price for everything. Yeah, you know, there's, there's this same post that I'm talking about everybody's like, well this is a little bit cheaper and this is a little bit cheaper and it's like, aren't you tired of shopping based on price. Are you tired of not ordering, what you want from the restaurant, because you always because you're always focused on the right hand side of the menu, and never the left hand side of the menu, right, because your eyes always wander over there to see how much that T bone steak is so you're going to go with the chopstick. I just, you know, for me, I, I, you know, I think that's one of the most brilliant points that you make. And that anybody could possibly make especially for our community full of a lot of new and hungry entrepreneurs who want to succeed. But spend a whole lot of time shopping around in researching and getting ready to get ready, because actually starting is uncomfortable. Right. And so let me kind of play around here, let me hang out in the Facebook groups, let me out now back to research now. Somebody else said there was this other tool that's $2 a month cheaper, this one that's got one extra feature, whatever. So back to the drawing boards in the safe zone. We're I don't have to take any action because taking actions is uncomfortable, what comes up for you as I, as I say that I mean you brought the point up but I just wondered if you had any. If you had any thoughts that came up.

Jessica: Yeah, so, you know, I get that all the time, like when people messaged me, or, you know, they are like well what do you use What software do you use what do you recommend, or, you know I don't have a lot of money right now, and I really can't afford to, you know, buy the expensive software. I usually just tell them, you know, sometimes you have to go with what works best for you, like in a matter of, is it user friendly, because something can be free. But if you can't use the software or it's, you know, not as user friendly as other software then you're not, it's not going to be good for you, so don't look so much at the price of things, because more than likely you're going to be able to make the money to be able to afford the more expensive software, or, you know, the more user friendly software. Um, but yes, a lot of people do get hung up on, I want to get the best value or I need to go with the cheap route. And, you know, I understand that because I did that too. Yeah, no.

Dave: And I think it's natural human nature to want to do that right to shop around to get the most value, but I think that there's a transition from consumer to creator. Yeah, that we have to take where we focus in order to be successful, I found that I need to focus more on making money than saving money. Yeah, you know what I mean. I need to focus more on creating and marketing than shopping. Yeah, yeah, it's a mindset shift I feel less than it is about me trying to convince anybody I'm not trying to convince any of you guys to buy the most expensive software or anything like that, I'm just my point is, is that we do this kind of dance around the tools and the shopping and the software and you know the tool, what, what landing page builder and it's all just procrastination right, you just keep going in a circle, and then you just, you know, you go in the circle and you go through the motion and you never get anywhere, because you're so focused on. Which one should I use, you know, and, yeah, you kind of get stuck.

It's kind of like the carpenter, I mean who I use this is this analogy to who would he I mean you get to hang out in Home Depot for four months, you know, go back every day looking for a hammer, you might buy a frickin hammer, you know, buy the hammer you just, just, and then because then you realize oh my god, regardless of what hammer I bought, I take it out to the jobsite I still need to learn how to pound a nail. If I don't know how to use the tool and I don't get comfortable with the tool and I don't get comfortable walking around with the tool I need to be able to use the tool in my sleeve. And the only way for me to do that is I gotta get out of shopping mode, get out of getting started with somebody, somebody starts their business. This has been a traditional thing, weather, no matter what kind of business you start. The first thing is, you know, back in the day. Got to get some business cards, you know, and then it's like, right. Number one thing, got to get some business cards, you know, yeah. And then it's like, I don't register my business and then it's like much, go down and talk to the Chamber of Commerce or whatever right and and now online it's like my domain name, and all these things are, you know, all these things are fine or whatever but it's like they're also distractions, You know, because the most successful entrepreneurs that I know. Shoot first, ask questions later, break stuff, go fast and it's about speed of implementation. And it's about thinking less, and more, you know, I don't know if you find that at all, but I find what I get in my head and I think about things too much. I just, it's never my best work, my best work is when I get a thought I get a feeling it's raw. I take it to the market, and I shoot the video right away. And then I build on that.

Jessica: Yeah, you know, I tell people all the time, the way that I kind of have to look at it, or how I did look at it was like survival mode. Like if I did not take this opportunity and look at it as a survival mode, then I would have looked at it as an option. And when you look at it as an option, then that's when the excuses, or, you know, why you can't do it, or you know, all of those come into play. So I really had to look at it like, there is no failure, like I have to go in, I have to jump in, I just have to do it, and there's no room for me to not succeed.

Dave: I guess, if you were homeless right i mean like you you still had a home and food on your tables and some money in your bank right so how did you create a sense of urgency. And that sense of burning the bridge without actually in reality, having, like your back against the wall.

Jessica: Well, because here's the thing, I honestly believe that you have to hit your rock bottom, to change. You know a lot of people don't change until they hit the rock bottom. And I was in a situation that yes, my husband does very well. And yes, I was a nurse, but I stopped doing that, and you know, we spent our entire savings through COVID, just to survive. And it was becoming a pretty bad financial situation for us. And you know I don't talk about this a lot, but I do provide care out of my house for kids. So I, I'm not really a stay at home mom, but because I do you know I offer child care out of my house. But I don't want to do that anymore. You know, I don't want to do that. So it's not other people's kids. Right, right. So, I knew that one, you know, if our washer where to go. I'm like, Where would I come up with that money, you know, so it was kind of a, you know, an uncomfortable situation, you know, my husband doesn't have a retirement his company doesn't offer that. And, you know, because I stopped working as a nurse, you know, that my retirement was going away so I'm like, there are a lot of things that are not good, and that I need to find a way to, you know, help our situation. So it was kind of a, you know, an uncomfortable, you know, moment there, so.

Dave: Well, I guess, if we, I guess if many of us here who are listening and many of us here who are kind of, you know, dealing with a bit of complacency, really ask

ourselves, how, how many weeks away, am I from true financial disaster, right, like how many, how many weeks or months of savings, do you have set aside. How many, how many medical emergencies

are you away from total financial disaster. And because I think we get so used to living paycheck to paycheck. We don't really realize how close we are to potentially being homeless to potentially having to pause on our computer. If you have a computer, or sell something in your house, or I don't know. You know, just really be in a tough spot. Yeah. And so, I'm just saying that you, although you were homeless. Although you still had food in your pantry. If your washing machine broke. How would you get the money to pay for that and your family needs to have clean clothes, your children need to have clean clothes, and then if you didn't make anything happen after that. The next step is, I can't pay the rent, I can't pay the mortgage, you know, and now you're in a really tough spot. So I think that sometimes we get a little. We get a little, like I said, complacent and comfortable with living paycheck to paycheck, and having so little, because we're used to serving by you being like that. Yeah. And, and we've never really known I mean I know before I started to actually develop some savings. I didn't know what it was like to have saved $1,000 in the bank account to me was like, I'm good. It's like, I look back on that now, there's, there's, like, a line of thinking like you never really know how broke you are, you broke you were until you got some money, you know, and I look back on some of those times and I'm like, Holy shit, how was I not freaking out, you know, like how was I not totally freaking out. But you know I did put the work into my business and I did, I did kind of have that same, so what's our point Yeah, I think my point is is that, like, like, I think she's right, I think you're right that hitting rock bottom, is, is, is sort of a necessity to want to change. And I guess here's some of what I'm trying to say. Don't get comfortable at rock bottom. Right, right. Aren't you right? Because what is more rock bottom than a couple of weeks away from not being able to pay my mortgage or my rent if all of a sudden, I didn't have any work. That's, that's it guys, we need to wake up. We need to wake up. I mean I know we may have, we may have watched our parents live paycheck to paycheck, we may have watched our parents rack up credit card debt, we may have, you know, been taught that just have faith, it's gonna come in, but you know what, it's a lot easier to live when you got six months savings, it's a lot easier to live when you don't have a mountain of credit card debt over your head. It's a lot. You know what they say, Money doesn't buy happiness, but most of the broke people who are broke saved that phrase, yeah. You know what I mean. Because I want to tell you something when you're staying in nice hotels and you're driving the car that you want to drive and live in the house that you want to live in. You don't say those kinds of things, because you don't want to lose what you have. Right, right, am I, am I speaking crazy talk. Are you picking up what I’m putting down? 

Jessica: Yeah absolutely, absolutely. You know people just like that's the thing is, like, at least for me, I didn't even know what affiliate marketing was four months ago. And if, and this is what I try to tell people all the time. If I can do it with zero experience, zero knowledge, even what affiliate marketing was. You can do it, and like, if it can change my life the way that it has changed my life. It can change your life, and don't, you know, if you are struggling or if you want more money or need more money. That's the whole reason to start, you know, like you can't see more money coming in, you can't make commissions, if you don't start. But yeah, don't get comfortable. Don't get comfortable at rock bottom, that's absolutely right.

Dave: Well, I am thrilled for you and thrilled for your family. I'm thrilled for you to know your future excited about where this is going to take you where you're going to take you. I mean, and, you know, I'll let you have the last word if you have anything else that you want to share, for people who might be on the fence or, you know who have kind of stumbled into our community or need to start over. What would you say to those people?

Jessica: I would just say that you can do, you know, people. you can do hard things, and you can do more than you think you can, but you have to just get started. And, you know, there is a community of support. Oh my goodness, you know, Legendary Marketer has such a wonderful support system that, you know, I, again, I didn't have any experience in the marketing world. And if I had a question, all I had to do was either one when I was going through the course, you know, talk to my advisor, or two, there is an entire community of people that want to help you that want to answer your questions. So like, if you feel like you're going to go down this journey by yourself. Like, it's not like that, and I have met the most amazing people. Through this opportunity, and it just, it's wonderful. It's wonderful the support that you get. It's wonderful, the friendships that you gain, and just the confidence in yourself is, you know, let alone a mate.

Dave: Well, I don't know about this whole not being able to find the words that you said earlier, But you've found some amazing words to share with us today, and I just thank you for your time. Keep up the great work back and, you know, continue to share your journey with us if you'd be willing.

Jessica: Absolutely, thank you so much for having me, you know, like and honestly, like, one last thing. You know when I purchased the course, and I was watching your videos and sitting on my couch, like I never in a million years would have thought that I would be doing this today, you know, like, you buy things or you purchase things, and you know you see people, and you're like, that couldn't be me. That couldn't be me. And it is, you know, it can happen and it can happen for anyone so thank you for having me.

Dave: You are. You're very welcome. So we'll talk to you soon, keep inspiring Be Legendary and give my best to you and your family. Thanks. All right, my friends. Another fantastic episode, a lot of nuggets in there, a lot of hidden gems that if you have your ever sifting pan out, and you're looking for the gold you can find it. In today's episode, that's for sure I will thank Jessica once again for coming out and sharing her journey with us. You can follow her there. At nearly, marketing, as it's spelled @milimktg she's on TikTok, at that particular handle. Alright see ya later, get outta here, peace.

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