Are you a stay-at-home mom or someone that loves the idea of helping children learn new skills through fundamental toys?
Discovery Toys might be compelling for someone like you because it hits close to home. You'll be able to sell children's toys that the children in your life love using.
When we think of an MLM company, the first thing that usually comes to mind is nutritional supplements, slimming teas, or even beauty products. Who would have ever guessed that a toy company could be involved in network marketing?
Whether you're a parent, teacher, or anyone interested in helping children, you might be wondering if Discovery Toys is a legit way to make money.
Be sure to keep reading for our Discovery Toys review and see if you can make money selling children's toys.
What Is Discovery Toys?
Most MLM companies sell products that are meant for improving your health, beauty, or even your home. You might be surprised to find out that Discovery Toys sells products for your children!
The company has an emphasis on play and learning new skills for children. You'll find when you're browsing the catalog categories of toys meant for play in language, logic, motor, numbers, reading, outdoor, fun, and more.
These toys are made of secure and high-quality materials so you can ensure each child is safe. You'll even find that the price for Discovery Toys is reasonable.
Overall, toys from Discovery Toys are unique, which is why many people enjoy selling their products.
Joining Discovery Toys
The first thing you might be wondering is how to join Discovery Toys. Almost every single MLM company is going to require some type of setup cost, and Discovery Toy is no different.
Their website says that you pay $79 to join and can pick $140 in toys to start selling. You can also pay more for a deluxe kit, which will give you more toys as well as excess to a Discovery Toys website that will help you sell your toys to potential customers.
Discovery Toys also offers training guides and materials to new people that sign up to help you get started.
Making Money by Selling Toys
The first way to make money when joining Discovery Toys is by selling the product through direct marketing. It sounds easy enough!
On your very first day, you will be earning 25% in commission on each sale. As you continue to grow and build a team, your commission can increase to 34%.
Having the toys to show off to potential customers is a great way to help sell them. Of course, they can sift through the catalog on their own, but it is always better to be able to demonstrate the product.
Many people have turned online for selling Discovery Toys so they can expand their audience.
You will get a website when you sign up, yet it is the same website that everyone gets. You won't find sales or signup rolling in from the website alone. You'll need to keep up with social media or build your own website to attract your target audience.
Hosting Parties
The best way to make money and sell toys is by hosting parties so more people can be exposed to the products. Parties tend to be hosted by someone that you know. That way, they can invite their friends and family to the party to see the products you have to offer.
These hosts can even earn free products and prizes, which is an incentive for them to invite more people.
In 2020, virtual parties became very popular for MLM companies, and they're not going anywhere. You'll be able to invite friends and family to a group on Facebook and host a party for everyone to join. You can have virtual games, post memes, and even give away prizes like a real party.
In-person parties are also coming back, yet they tend to cost a bit more. You're going to want to find a venue, purchase food, drinks, and even find party supplies.
As someone working for an MLM company, you might find that a virtual party is more cost-effective and a great way to get the word out there about your products or joining your team.
Build a Team to Make Money
Besides selling the products, one of the common aspects of MLM companies is that you need to recruit other people to sell with you. You'll find that building a team is a huge part of network marketing.
If you're able to become successful and convince other people to join your Discovery Toys team and start selling products, you'll be able to make a 7% commission on their sales as well. You can even be included in some other potential bonuses for adding people to your team.
That means once you've found people to start selling toys with you, the money starts rolling in. Right?
Well, as long as the people you're recruiting have a different audience than each other. You'll want to find team members that can sell to more and more people.
If you are unable to widen your scope, you might run out of people to sell to and recruit.
Another problem that you can run into with adding people to your team is they tend to be your customers. That means you'll be adding a team member but losing out on a customer to sell Discovery Toys to.
Deciding if an MLM Company Is Right for You
After doing the research, it all comes down to deciding if working with an MLM company is right for you. You'll find that you're going to have to put in a lot of work to grow your client base and even add on recruits.
If you're not convinced that Discovery Toys is the appropriate way for you to make money right now, don't worry. You'll find that there are plenty of ways to make money online. For example, with affiliate marketing!
In order for you to develop your skills, you should consider taking a free or paid marketing course. There are a variety of digital marketing courses you can take from businesses that can help you enhance your skills. As of writing this, over 80,000 new marketers have taken the Online Business Builder Challenge (only $7), and that might be a good starting place for you as well.