Your source to stay connected, educated, and inspired.
June 18th – 24th, 2023
What if the tool you needed was a hammer…
So you hop in the car and head to Home Depot.
You start asking everyone you walk past which hammer they got.
You hear a variety of responses…
All saying, the hammer they have is great, it gets the job done.
But instead of just picking a hammer to complete your project that’s waiting for you at home…
You hop in the car and drive home, to only return tomorrow and do the same thing.
What if you spent 2 weeks, 3 weeks even a month driving to Home Depot EVERYDAY and asking about hammers and never actually getting the bigger project done at home?
Does the brand of hammer really matter?
Dave shared this story at Mastermind and I had to share it with you…
Ya know why?
Many of us do the same darn thing when it comes to which funnel software to use, which autoresponder, or even which website to remove the Tiktok watermark.
You see, they're all just tools.
Tools just like the hammer.
They’re needed but the specific one won’t make a life changing difference.
Worrying for weeks on what hammer to use is placing the focus on the wrong thing.
The true focus needs to be on the bigger project at home.
The thing that will actually be built and create change.
The same goes for your new business.
Don’t stress over the tools, yes you need them but none will make/break your business.
Don’t allow the brand of tool stop you from taking further action, continue to learn new skills, and stop exploring and growing your digital marketing business.
There is no wrong answer.
Don't allow the tool decision to be the the reason you quit.
Do me a favor and scroll down and check out the guests that are coming on the show this week so you don't miss a single interview.
From 6-Figure earners to paid ads marketers, we have a ton of variety of guests this week!
Wishing you a legendary week ahead!
As always…
Stay Legendary!
– JoAnn
Emily Walcott went from being a basic Mom to growing a successful marketing business. Tune in live to hear her secrets to building a 6-figure online business!
This week at Marketer's Club, Drew will talk about essential soft skills that everyone needs to grow an online business.
Izabela Fukano is an affiliate marketing Mom who wants to be able to spend more time at home with her kids. Learn how she became her own boss through the use of paid ads to grow her digital marketing business!
Alexander Hernandez is a stay at home Dad looking to spend more time with his family. Tune in to hear how he is using his skills from his past job as a wedding filmmaker to build a successful digital marketing business.
This hospitality professional traded in her apron for a digital marketing business! Learn how Kristin Camacho gained 26k followers in just 3 months!
Anna Nickens is a corporate Mom who is tired of trading her time for money! Tune in live to hear how she is using digital marketing to retire early.
Blueprints Members: Mark your calendars for June 26th!
On Monday, June 26th, Meagan Hall will be joining us and taking over the Hot Seat Coaching call! Be sure to login to your back office, click on Register For Live Training.
We are always looking for new guests to showcase on Wake Up Legendary. If you are building and growing an online business we would love to hear all about it! Please click the button below, complete the form, and if you're a good fit someone from our team will reach out.
For Anyone Who Wants To Start An Online Business But Doesn’t Know Where To Begin
Join The 5 Day Learn Launch Lead Challenge!