Below is the transcription for this episode:

Dave: What's going on my friends? This is Dave Sharpe. Welcome to Wake Up Legendary. And this morning we're going to be talking about something that I don't know. Maybe I'm the only one who can relate to this but I just have a feeling I'm not from anxiety, to depression, right? These are kind of two to feelings. And conditions that go hand in hand with each other. And I think there are way more people than one might know that can relate to feeling those feelings and in battling both of those things. So we're going to be talking to Ricky who's going to tell us how he went from anxiety and depression to building his personal legacy. Ricky, welcome to the show, buddy.

Ricky: Thank you for having me.

Dave: Where are you calling in from my friend?

Ricky: from the east coast of Canada in Halifax

Dave: Okay. Wow. Wow, man. It's amazing how we can connect with each other from all over the world here on a simple little, you know, morning show like this. It's low production and just, you know, it amazes me man, I'm down here in Florida. You know, you're up there. In Canada, and, and it's awesome. And welcome to the show. Thank you. So talk to us about how you found us in a little bit of your backstory where what, what was it like with this anxiety in depression? How did it show up in your life? And how is it changing now?

Ricky: Well, for me, like, I've always been the person to kind of bottle up things. So, you know, as you go through that, you kind of just try to go day by day and go, you know, go through the motions. So when I found you guys, I was actually in the midst of another career change. Like, I'll get back to that, but I found you guys I guess back in January of this year. And I just, I left it at that I didn't really pursue it. Because I was just trying to get through you know, every single day just step by step. And then finally, you just hit rock bottom, like you just get to a point where just like enough is enough. Like I got to make a change like I gotta say, taking care of myself because you know, there's people that depend on me. So, yeah, that's kind of the gist of like, what started to motivate me to say, hey, like, you know, you're not in this. You're not alone in this. Right and even some of the you know, some of the videos like in the challenge, like those resonated with me, like all the mindset stuff, because you know, I wasn't in the right mindset. What I think just, you know, once you get into that once you start opening up, and being a bit more vulnerable, then you really start to see like, what kind of support is out there that you might not think that you actually have, whether it's family friends, or, you know, people on the internet, whoever. 

Dave: So, yeah, have you found some of that support here in this community? I mean, not maybe not specific mental health support, but support that's come that's benefited your mental health?

Ricky: Yeah, definitely. I mean, you know, just even when you're creating content and people like I appreciate the information you're giving me you know, I appreciate you, you know, I enjoy your facial expressions, it gives me you know, positive vibe. So those kinds of things really help especially, you know, going into this space and it can be intimidating, and I think that's kind of like what also pushed me to be like now like, there's, there's more out there, there's people out there, there's people that can relate, so you got to kind of share your story and, and help yourself by helping others. 

Dave: Yeah, wow. You know, I think that's, that's exactly and I think I mentioned this just earlier on another episode this week with somebody when I got clean from drugs back in 2008. I couldn't imagine how I was going to stay clean because it was all I knew, you know, like I just knew I didn't know a career I didn't know. You know, I had it that was my rock bottom. And that's kind of all I knew, it was just depression, dereliction. I mean, I was really in a bad place. And as I was trying to stay clean, you know, the ultimate secret ended up being exactly what you said, find somebody else to help, you know, stop, stop making it about me. So I started going to 12 step meetings and stuff like that, and instead of making it all about me, I started to be of service to other people and that's just like you said, that's the exact same thing. It works exactly like that. In business and in marketing, at least in this industry, is that when I stop being the newbie, you know, the newbie here who can help me who can support me, you know, I need to build a support group. Surely, you know, but the whole world can't help me. You know what I mean? Like everybody was not put on this earth to help me. Right. What I can do, again, is I can build a support group, I can be a part of a community. But if I can muster up the energy to go and be of service via sharing my story, stories of value in my marketing, it is amazing. Not only does my business become more profitable, but I also yeah, now I begin to get positive feedback from people. They're like, Thank you for helping me and I'm going holy shit just a couple of months ago. I'm in the pits of despair. I'm the one who I think I need all the help. It's just isn't it? It's almost like magic man.

Ricky: Yeah, definitely. But, you know, even though I'm starting to have not just success in my business, but in my personal life, you know, mentally it's still a work in progress. Like you constantly have to work there's, for me, there's always you know, there's gonna be feelings of inadequacy or you know, I used to look at failure in such a different light like, even now I look at failure as an opportunity to learn opportunity to grow before that was the one thing that's keeping me down. You know, like my parents, you know, God loved them. They did everything to give me a good life growing up, they immigrated from other countries. And so that was kind of the thing like where I was like, you know, I'm not living up you know, I'm not living up to the expectation or, you know, I need to do better because they did for me. But yeah, so it's always in the back of your head. But if you can look at it in a positive way, and kind of have another purpose. You know, whether it's helping others are providing value, whatever it is, then that kind of centers you and brings you back, you know.

Dave: Yeah. It's amazing how much our childhood and or family of origin stuff affects our business. And I just don't think that we give it enough credit, you know, we're always looking for one of the ways that over the past four or five years, really since the beginning of legendary, I had been in business and been in this industry for, you know, six years before this. We're in our fifth year of business and I've been doing this for 11 years. I don't know 2009 So maybe almost 12 years. And I was good. I was you know, and I hadn't had some significant Signet success before I launched Legendary but what's happened over the past five years or so? Is I really got into some deep inner work and did some hardcore therapy. i really dug deep into David and not just trying to build my skill set, you know, and become, you know, become the next what's my next business hack? Or, you know, I always used to be looking for the answer to my problems in a business book, and it's got to be some sort of a business solution and earning more money and all this stuff. And instead, I looked at my personal life, my personal psychology, and a lot of my you know, childhood, where there are a lot of these habits and patterns in limiting beliefs that I have coming from. And as I did, as I went back down to the root of those issues, I have evolved into a much better businessman, I've evolved into a much better marketer. And of course, I'm a much happier person, because I've healed and I understand where a lot of these limiting beliefs that I have come from. So it sounds like you're at the beginning of that. Journey. And you've you found Legendary you're starting to build your business and you're opening your mind to different ways to grow and to give yourself a break, and to address your limiting beliefs in that what what an amazing awareness that you have about that need to please and live up to a certain expectation that your parents probably didn't even aren't even putting on you. Or putting on yourself right

Ricky: 100% It's crazy that you say that like the reflection piece like that was huge. For me. And then it also became a goal. It's like, okay, creating this legacy, like breaking, I guess the cycle of think like negative thinking, maybe that was ingrained in me growing up in some way or another. Sure. But now looking at it for the future. It's like you know, when I have kids one day, I don't want them to go through that. I want them to see that, you know, there's another way that you know, their dreams or their goals are possible, but there's also support. And then I guess I'm going back to reflection like for me, you know, journaling has become such a huge thing. Just writing my thoughts out and then putting that back into my business. It's like okay, like, alright, let's plan things out. Let's, you know, it just became like it went from something negative into like, such a focus on a positive thing in my life. And it's crazy because like, now, like, even my wife, she can tell like, if I kind of like go back into one of my like, you know, where I'm like a deep dive into like, oh, like, self loathing or whatever. She's, like, snapped out of it. Like, you know, we're talking.

Dave: Good for you. To have such an amazing person to be there to support you like that. So, can I ask where your parents immigrated from like, where are your roots in what, how, where and how did they grow up? Just just not a long story? Just a country in Nutshell.

Ricky: Yeah. So my mum came from the Philippines. She actually flew over 30 years ago now she's my brother who was actually born there. So crazy enough. She had to leave him to come to Canada to make a living and then bring him over. And then she met my father, who came from Poland. Six months after she arrived in Canada, and you know, they just, they they hustled and hustled and made things happen to get my brother over and then I came along and

Dave: The reason why I asked that is because things were a lot different for our parents' generation. How old are you? 

Ricky: 32 

Dave: Okay, so we're about the same generation. I'm 38. I just turned 38 the other day, Wednesday, but you know, our parents struggled in different ways and had different, you know, we got to think about the information that they were getting even from that previous generation. There were a lot of you who got a hard day's work for a hard day's pay. There was, you know, money doesn't grow on trees. You know, there was a lot of there's a lot of I would call them limiting beliefs around money limiting beliefs around maybe opportunity, I'm not sure, you know, for each of our parents had their own had their own sort of special set of issues, or struggles, challenges, whatever you want to call them. But, you know, my point here is that a lot of what we learned and what we got, has just been passed on from generation to generation. It's what our parents were taught, and then it's what we were taught. It's why so many of us have limiting beliefs around money. And limiting beliefs around you know, ourselves feeling inadequate feeling, you know, the need to either live up or be better than our dad or mom, right men, you know, either want to be better than their dad or have a hard time living up to his right it's usually one or the other. And, you know, my mother grew up. We just had this conversation the other day, it was very enlightening to me. With her parents not really caring about her grades. She had four other siblings, a couple of boys athletes in them so she was almost like she was a middle child afterthought. So then in my childhood, she sort of was was super hardcore, critical. I was one of the smartest kids in elementary school, but if I got 99% She'd say, why didn't you get 100 Right? And so that made me a perfectionist and highly critical of myself. And I had to learn how to give myself a break, you know, just because I don't do it perfectly. Doesn't mean I shouldn't do it. Because that's sort of how I've looked at a lot of things right. If I can't do it perfectly, Then there's no sense of doing it right. That's me, too. I had a hard time with failure. And I had to learn how to give myself a break. Sounds like you're going through something similar sounds like you're you're there's a certain flavor there that's that similar between you and I would that seems like you you were maybe who knows what your parents told you when you were growing up? Maybe there was messaging, messaging to you from them that we worked our ass off to get over here. Now you better do something. It doesn't matter. The point is, you had that pressure whether it was put on you or somebody else and you got to give yourself a break. Just like I got to give myself a break, realize that I'm not going to do this thing perfectly. It's not going to be perfect. It might not be pretty. But like you said, the failures and the challenges are opportunities to learn and grow and that's all that matters. The only thing that matters is that I don't quit.

Ricky: Yeah. 100% and even, you know, getting those thoughts. You know, it's ingrained into us early on about, you know, you know, financial education, everything sometimes it's not even spoken sometimes it's just you see it and hold it like the same thing like I just recently I had a conversation with mom and she was like, you know, like I back in the Philippines, you still work 16 hour days and she had four or five brothers. But you know, in her time it wasn't really like she wasn't supposed to be working like crazy. It was supposed to be the men doing that. But she was like no, I want a better life. And so her life was always just hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle, and even coming to Canada. I saw that going up. She was always working. Right. So like, you know, she was always working. My dad was always working. So I saw that every single day. And it never was like really they pushed me to say like, oh, you need to get good grades or you need to do better at this. I was just like ice. I saw how hard they're working. I was like, I need to do that. I need to find a way to be just as good as that. And, you know, don't get me wrong like they spoiled me. Like the spoiled spoiled kid in the family. And so maybe like, you know, it just took things a little too lightly on me but deep down personally I was like I took it the other way from one extreme to the other.

Dave: Sure. That was the messaging you got words you have to live up to the what, at least what they did. And if I want to be, I want to do more. So, you know, that means work even harder, and it's unrealistic you know, it's unrealistic most of the time we set ourselves up for unrealistic goals. And that's another thing that I have often worked with people when they say you know, we asked what do you want to make? What's your goal? What's your financial goal? I want to make 100,000 a month within three months. It's like, Is that realistic? Probably not. Right? You know? Like, it's not realistic and we also hold ourselves to unrealistic standards. Personally, you know, and we have to give ourselves time, you know, specifically relating it to business, we have to give ourselves time to to succeed, because it's not going to be overnight. And also we have to give ourselves a break from living up to most of the time, fantasy, unrealistic expectations that we've placed on ourselves. What came up for me as you were sharing that story about what watching your mom was, I would imagine that working from home, working on the computer, you know, having even striving for a great lifestyle. You might even feel some internal guilt about that. Right? Like I should be out working harder. He does that. Is that an internal battle at all for you?

Ricky: 100% Especially I guess even three months ago, because you know, I guess kind of like their generation. It's like, Well, you got to go get a real job. Right? Yeah. Oh my god. I've now accepted it to the point where I'm just like, I'm just going to show you right and I take the time to do things right, learn, and you know, the comments and stuff may come. I understand it. Now. I see it from a different perspective. But I'm just going to show you I'm going to prove it to you. And then there's like this determination factor that comes in and so yeah, I just, it's funny how those thoughts you can just totally flip them. 

Dave: I am just sitting here relating this to myself because my dad I grew up watching him just just work his ass off. As a plumber and a construction worker. Basically, both doing commercial plumbing, but also doing you know, feminine kitchen rehabs, but either way, it was hard work back breaking work. And, you know, when I got clean, he blessed me with the opportunity to come and work with him. You know what I mean? Like that was a blessing. That was a gift he gave me and I'm eternally grateful for that. But when I wanted to switch gears, and I wanted to go from the hot ass hard working construction site to the air conditioning carpeted internet marketing life, man, I had some guilt about that man. You know what I mean? In there. I had that a lot. Because here he was still busting his ass and getting older and older and older and still having to work hard and here I am taking a right turn right going here in this completely different path. And yeah, I feel much better about it today because my business has allowed me to be able to do things for him that I never could have done. If I followed that other path financially, right time wise, like just the other day. Well, I've been golfing with him once per week lately. You know, there's been different periods where we would go out fishing once or twice a week. Right? Bought him a car and a house to help him out. In a way so you know, I've been able to deal with that like guilt but I had that initially at first myself right. It's interesting that you sharing that brought that guilt up that I had of taking that right turn in that more cushy internet marketing life, instead of that hardcore 12/14 hour day on the construction site.

Ricky: And I think you know, like it starts from you know, in your case or my case, whatever, just taking care of yourself, you know, mentally and your health because then you are able to look at it and we're like okay, you know, am I going to mom's going to show you I'm going to prove it to you. And then now because I'm doing it and I'm consistently working at it and in the right mind frame. Now I can help you out. Right now I can, you know, spend more time with you. You know, take care of something financially, whatever it may be. It all comes down to how you take care of yourself. Right and then you just keep growing from there. Like, especially for me in this business. Like just I look at myself as leading by example. I think maybe Brian Brewer said like, we're in the business of leadership like, you know, so, you know, that took for me not just leadership like with like the viewers but people on my family like my closest inner circle like you know, I just messaged some friends the other day and I'm like, like, this is by no, we haven't spoken a few months, but like this is the success of starting to happen. Like are you serious? Like yeah, like, you know, so I think yeah, it just all goes back to going back to that taking care of yourself. And then you can, you know, start taking care of others. Yeah.

Dave: Or you could cut the fat, man. You know what I mean? Like with a lot of relationships, we realize that we just need to trim down. I mean, I went and saw Sebastian Manosque Alpo, a comedian last night. He's got some Netflix specials, the Italian guy and he was like at 48 I'm looking to build a new relationship he was talking about like meeting other dads at his kids school and stuff. He was like, I'm gonna get rid of a few you know, and it was so funny man because, like I can relate to that in my life. You know, as well, like, I'm like, Damn I, you know, maybe even for different reasons. It's like, not just because I don't want to have relationships. It's like I do want to have relationships, but I don't want to. I don't want to waste time with people who are not going to be on the same page with me. You know what I mean? Like, like, like, I have a hard time hanging around people who just have not done any growing like, you know what I mean? Like, my wife and I have both lost friends. Friendships kind of faded. And we're like, sometimes we'll see somebody or see them on social media or something like damn, wow, I was such good friends with them at one time. And we just grew apart like, and they're still doing the same shit. You know what I mean? And it's like, that also applies I think, I think also the older we get, you know, and I don't know there's people that are watching and listening that are much older than both you and I. But, I just don't have time to be convincing. People or spending any time if I start to get like, like low vibes from somebody like they're just getting by and not doing anything to grow or be better kind of further their life along that. I'm just like, Fuck, it's almost like it's almost like I can feel it and I'm like, Man, I gotta get out of here because my, my, my vibrations are just they're dropping, maybe I'm losing power by the minute, you know what I mean?

Ricky: It directly affects you. And like, you know, for some people it takes so long for them to figure that out. Like, you know, because again, you're seeing it you're just whether you're seeing on social media with him, you know, couple days a week or you're seeing, you know, the negative and then it just affects you until you actually, you know, realize okay, like, now this isn't, this is just not what I want to do with my life. These are not the people I want to surround myself with. It's like, the inner circle is huge. In terms of that growth, support, you know.

Dave: So Kevin asked I’m 63, what are the top two or three things that helped him get his stuff off the ground? You've shared a few things, share a few other things. Over the past few months that have helped you to kind of really get your head screwed on right and start turning some of these struggles into strengths and get your actual business growing. We can talk about some of the marketing you've done as well some years on TikTok. We'll throw that up as well. You're on, I guess, Instagram and TikTok at Kuyawealth. So give us two or three things that have helped you to get things off the ground and really start moving here with your business.

Ricky: So I guess the main thing has just been the consistency of everything. You know, whether it's being on TikTok or Instagram, Pinterest, whatever, just kids just join up every day. You know, putting content out there, you know, interacting with people responding to comments, messages, whatever it may be, but also to actually you know, I like watching this show and watching some of like, I call them like the oh geez, because they're the ones that kind of like inspired me. You know, like, you know, like the Stacy laws and Brian Brewer and all that like, seeing them and then even seeing like newer people, and hearing their stories and finding something that you can relate to was like, okay, you know, I can do this. And even early on just, you know, when you're starting to post content, again, for me, like the whole, you know, trying to be so self aware that can almost just affect you negatively. I used to be the very first time you post I was like, oh my god, like, I gotta keep checking up on it or like, Are people gonna like it? You know, not like, let's, I know my message on it is put out there. The things I want to relay out to people. I'm just gonna do it. And whether people like it or not, or they relate to it or not, if they want to stick around or not. That's cool. But it also has become another tool for me to kind of like, you know, an outlet almost. 

Dave: Yeah. I totally get that man. I totally get that. I also like how you talked about consistency. You gave some kind of what you mean by consistency. What does that day look like? I mean, talk us through walk us through kind of like what do you have a routine do not stick to routines? What kind of an average day in your life in business and how do you how and where do you fit your marketing into it?

Ricky: Yeah, so you know, I routines are huge for me, because I know now if I'm stuck in a rut is because I've gone off and routine. So the routine kind of brings me back. But yeah, for me I still have no other full time job, which I also work from home. So that's kind of been the beauty of that and this is that I can kind of schedule things around that. But you know, it's usually it's, you know, a couple at the beginning of you know, I spent a good amount of time every day just getting things organized because I wanted to automate things as much as possible. But now it's like, you know, I commit myself to at least two hours a day. You know, whether it's putting something out there on TikTok, you know, posting three times a day, whatever it is, and then responding the people you know, like, that's the big thing is I want to connect with people you know, even on an individual level let's and see what they're about. And if we click then yeah, let like this. It's another relationship that let's work on it. If not, then we just keep moving. 

Dave: So well, I like how you pointed that out. I'm either creating content or I'm connecting with people. I'm not endlessly watching other people's content, thinking about getting ready to get ready, thinking about one day what it's going to be like, when I get ready to get ready. It's actually I'm either creating or I'm doing what I call, listening to everybody. You're either doing non income producing activities or you're doing income producing activities, listening to an audio book, not an income producing activity, messing around with your funnel every day, not an income producing activity, watching other people's TikToks and social media content, not an income producing activity. And you can bullshit yourself and say, Well, yes it is. I'm getting ready to get ready or I'm getting ideas or whatever bullshit. you're procrastinating. It's all bullshit when you start to call bullshit What bullshit is then you sort of free yourself to be able to say, okay, look, look, I don't need to lie to myself. I don't need to lie to myself. I've done that for long enough. I don't need to lie to myself. Let's just call but if I'm in freakin research mode, and I want to procrastinate and beat the dead horse, then I can do that. But don't call it an income producing activity. Because an income producing activity is something that actually from that action can produce income. You know what I mean? I look as much as listening to audiobooks and reading business books and watching training courses. Hold on a second day, but you know you I bought training courses from you. What do you mean that's not an income? Nope, that's not an income producing activity. That's education, activity, a different category. Right. And that's, I think one of the challenges that people have is, it is moving from the education to the action in the income producing activity. So your content you're both creating in marketing, posting content, you're also following up with people who are DMing you who or who are leaving comments. Now, you know, some people might say, Well, I haven't gotten comments yet, or I haven't any DMS yet. What do you say to that? Because obviously, you were at that point to where you didn't have any comments. At one time you didn't have any DMs to respond to. What do you do?

Ricky: You just keep moving. Like, especially in the beginning, like, I was like, oh, man, like this is supposed to originally just be supposed to blow up, right? Like, you get like one comment in the week and I'm like, I'm gonna respond to it. And then next week, it's like, Alright, now I got five. I'm gonna respond to all five. And, you know, you can just you can't, again, we're in this for the long term, like for, for me, at least, you know, this is a tool that's going to help me financially in the long term, because I have goals. So why am I going to be so hung up on the short term? Dave: Okay, number of followers or a number of views or, you know, this is, this is what I want. I want to build a legacy. I want to build something for my future. So I'm not just in it for the next two, three and four months and you don't want to have that short sighted view. It's okay. Well, I'm building a community. I need to connect with people I need, you know, continually consistent action. So what's going to get me there? Okay, am I going to focus on the education piece? Alright, again, let's say what it is. Do I not feel like doing anything today? Am I gonna procrastinate, okay, like it's fine. admit that. But don't claim that you're doing something that you're not right. It just doesn't, it doesn't. It's not productive. It doesn't help you. And it

doesn't help your mental health either. 

Ricky: 100% 

Dave: Because now all of a sudden what am I doing? I'm lying to myself. I know, I'm lying to myself. Now I'm starting to feel shitty, you know, it directly affects my self esteem. You know, so, you know, labeling things really helps me labeling things, what they are identifying what feelings I'm feeling which is crazy. Like I had to literally go and get a feeling wheel. And say, like, learn to actually identify my feelings. Like what am I actually feeling and I'll show you all what I'm talking about here. Like, you know, a lot of people don't know what they're feeling. And if you just Google the feelings wheel, you can pull up these you know, you can pull up a graphic or an image or a blog post or whatever, have an actual feelings wheel. And you know, in identifying the feeling that I'm feeling don't just don't just bullshit yourself. You know, this was when we talked about mental health. This was one of the biggest things that has helped me to actually identify a feeling that I'm feeling instead of just saying I'm fine right? And what that also does, you mentioned this way if you have a spouse, particularly for us, guys, right? Women are oftentimes better at identifying their feelings than guys are. We're just fine, but fine. It is oftentimes fucked up, insecure, neurotic and emotional. You know what I mean? That's what I am, that's what fine is, to me. That's what that's when I say I'm fine. That's often what I am. So if I can identify what I'm feeling in, hey, if I have a wife or a spouse or something around the house, I can say, I'm really feeling rejected today, man, you know what I mean? Like, I'm just feeling rejected, and that's bringing on a lot of fear in my business, because I'm feeling like people are not really vibing with my content, they're not you know, it's like it's not resonating or whatever. If I identify that instead of just getting defensive, insane, well, I'm fine. I'm good. Just leave me alone. Right. Now. I can bring somebody in. And this is one of the things that I realized that getting my spouse or my family on my team, is that if I can instead of re like, like, if I'm feeling rejected a lot of times, maybe I might feel like rejecting somebody else, right? Because it's like, and we often take our biggest frustrations out on the people that are closest to us. But if I can say, Hey, honey, I'm feeling rejected bringing out a little bit of fear. Like I need some support right now and I'm going to take some time off and today off and I'm going to clear my head and in can you give me a couple of extra affirmations today? Can you be mindful to try to help build me up because I want to get back in the game tomorrow because of it. And a lot of times when I identify a feeling it also helps me to overcome it more quickly. So I might just identify it properly, and say, Hey, I'm feeling insecure right now, which is bringing on so I'm feeling rejected. I'm feeling insecure, I'm feeling a little anxious, bringing on some fear here baby. You know, if I claim it, I can let it go.

Ricky: 100% When you identify it, and become vulnerable with some type of support. Yeah, then you understand that? It's okay to feel that way. It's okay to feel angry. It's okay to feel, you know, rejected. Those are, those are completely normal like that. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Even something as simple as like, maybe being an argument. It's okay to argue with someone. Right? It's, again, all these things, all these feelings. It's just a way for us to like to understand ourselves and to learn about ourselves. You know, what triggers what triggers those emotions. And, you know, if I'm feeling shitty about my business, because whatever, someone's not commenting, okay, now I understand it. I understand why I'm feeling that way. And what's the solution? What should I do to fix that? Right, so Yeah, huge identifying that 100%

Dave: It's a big deal. I didn't invite all of you. I literally carried around the feelings with me for a significant amount of time just printed one off and just kind of had it folded up in my wallet. Or if I put it in my pocket. It was always on me though, and I tried to identify the feelings that I was feeling. Because I just realized that I had never actually done that in my life. And most of the time, I didn't know how I felt. And so here I am trying to navigate, working with other people. And this is a big deal because we're what we are doing? We're working with other people we're working with, I mean, the most wealthy folks in the world are in sales and marketing. You know, they are they're in sales and marketing they're not in, you know, politics, they're not CEOs, they're, you know, even the best, you know, the best CEOs and founders of companies focus on sales and marketing primarily, you know, because if you can't market your product, there's tons of great products that sit on the shelf, and inferior products sell more than them because of their sales and marketing. You know, so, as the founder of your business as the CEO of your business, you got to really focus on sales and you got to focus on marketing. And what that boils down to is psychology. And it's understanding who you're talking to. It's understanding the human, the human being, and what's one of the fastest ways to help understand the psychology of another human being is to understand your own psychology because you are a human being. And so, working on yourself in getting deeper and more closely and more clearly in touch with how you operate what feelings come up for you in different situations. Labeling feelings in correctly labeling them and understanding what's happening. Allows you also then to communicate and be more empathetic to others. Instead of judgmental or arrogant, or instead of you know, coming off insecure a lot of people because they may feel rejected, insecure, and be having fear. So what do they do to overcompensate for that? They end up coming off as arrogant. Because they want to pass on those feelings whereas if they just name them and claim them and say this is what I'm experiencing right now. I'm vulnerable and just humble about it. Now I can go out and I can be more comfortable in my skin because I'm not trying to mask something that makes sense to everybody. And what comes up for you as I say that, Ricky, we get so hung up on, like, I guess like the business side of things that, you know, we always talk about marketing like we're trying to solve problems, right. We're trying to solve someone's problems. 

Ricky: But we forget that these are real problems. These are real feelings that people have about their life or their financial situation, or whatever you're promoting like, you know, you are actually trying to solve someone's problem. So if you understand their feelings towards it, whether it's a relatable story from your own life experience, right? If you get a grasp on who you are, then you really can help solve someone's problem.

Dave: This is powerful stuff. I really appreciate your vulnerability in sharing such meaningful nuggets with us here this morning. This is what I think is what I enjoy. I enjoy this so much versus just you know, there's so many shows and so much content nowadays out there online. That's business building content and how to build your business and it's just all it's a lot of it's so fake and it doesn't it's so shallow. It doesn't have any depth and I like having these conversations because they're dealing with real stuff that we're actually dealing with. And it's going to the roof not just to you know, the fruit on the tree that is beginning to turn sour and let's just, you know, quickly try to squeeze all that lemonade out of that lemon but going down into the roots and saying okay, what's infecting this tree? What's infecting this person? What's effecting and affecting them and and how can we address it not trying to just put a quick Band Aid over so we can become a whole entrepreneurs both physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, because when we're able to show up more powerfully as a whole person, then it comes across in all areas of our lives. And my goal here with our community is not just to build financially, right financially and or physically healthy and wealthy people but it's to have a community of people who are healthy physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Ricky: 100% And that's, I guess, you know, for me, that's been the beauty about this process and being you know, here with you guys at Legendary is the community aspect. You know, even when you're a complete beginner, you know, there's the Facebook group, right, there's people out there, supporting you, wanting to see you succeed, wanting to see you grow. And that's so important. Like it's, you know, you can't beat that support network is huge. 

Dave: Well, Brother, listen, thanks for your time today and have a fantastic weekend. Keep up the great work man, stay Legendary, my brother and come back and keep us posted here in a couple of months if you would. 

Ricky: 100% Thank you very much.

Dave:  All right, Ricky. See you later, buddy. All right, my friends, family look. It is Friday and it's an opportunity to both rejuvenate, recharge the batteries a little bit and also, maybe throughout the weekend, carve out a bit of time to be able to knock some additional things out that you didn't get done this week. Now, today's Friday, there's at least for us here on the East Coast. There's plenty of time here left to do that as well. So whatever you do this weekend, my hope is that you do what's best for you and what's right for you. And you Be true to yourself. And maybe one of the best things that you can do today this weekend is to take a good honest look at yourself, not your business but yourself like we've been talking about on this episode. And you know, print yourself a feeling wheel and maybe practice you know, just try to identify what am I feeling this weekend? Maybe share that with somebody and name things and claim things and don't let them dominate you. Right? Because when we don't understand what's going on with us, you know, or we're just feeling things and trying to mask them. They end up dominating us right? What we don't name and claim dominates us right and if you want to like a major lever mover like something that's gonna really move the needle in your life in business, what we talked about today, is really it so Alright, we'll see you back here for another episode on Monday. Be great, be Legendary. Get out of here. Have a great day. And we'll see you on Monday. Bye bye. Peace.


