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Did you find the LegalShield MLM while searching for unique home business opportunities?

When comparing it to typical multi-level marketing or network marketing companies, LegalShield definitely is unique because instead of selling products like skincare or health supplements, it sells pre-paid legal services.

If you're looking for a business opportunity that doesn't require you to manage inventory, LegalShield could be it.

But how successful can you really be selling legal services as an independent associate? And is there a better way to earn money online with your marketing skills? I'll touch on each point in this LegalShield review.

LegalShield MLM Review

LegalShield provides pre-paid legal services. This is a way to retain legal representation at a low monthly fee (starting at $24.95 for personal plans or $49.00 business plans). When you need to consult a lawyer, one is just a phone call away.

Additional plans can be purchased through LegalShield including a Commercial Driver Plan and an Identity Theft Plan.

These lawyers are equipped to provide legal advice, review contracts, and advocate on your behalf in writing such as a cease and desist letter.

LegalShield associates can review and customize these plans for their customers. They provide important sales information and can meet with clients personally to go over plan details.

How to Become a LegalShield Associate

Interested parties can become a LegalShield associate by signing up on the official website. They will submit information about who recruited them and the team they'll be on. The LegalShield cost is $99 for sign-up and depending on the state there may be some additional fees.

Associates can then start selling pre-paid legal services to friends, family, and acquaintances in their social network. Here they will use marketing skills like connecting with customers and problem-solving by offering a service that meets customers' needs.

Eventually, they can begin to form their team or downline. Forming a team can boost their earnings.

Earning Potential with LegalShield

As with most MLM setups, earning potential is potentially unlimited. However, there are some very real limits on what people actually earn in practice.

LegalShield points out that new associates can earn up to $230.21 per day by selling a new plan each day. This would total a monthly income of $6,906.31.

Associates who have created a team could potentially earn $1,496.43 a day and $44,829.90 a month.

However, when you look at the real income disclosure documentation from LegalShield, it tells a different story about LegalShield profit potential.

Associates who had been with LegalShield for two years or less in 2019 made an average of $798 for the year. In that same year, 73% of all associates made under $1,000 for the entire year.

Like all network marketing businesses, LegalShield benefits the earliest associates who have the biggest downlines and earn commissions on all of their sales.

For the average new member, finding new customers and establishing an independent business in an area that may have other LegalShield associates targeting the same customers is difficult.

Earning potential exists, but as someone who has also worked with an MLM, getting all of your ducks in a row to make it in network marketing can be a challenge.

Marketing Business Opportunities

So if network marketing isn't all it's cracked up to be, what kind of marketing skills did I mean when I said there was a better way to earn online through marketing?

Have you heard of affiliate marketing? If you felt like you had an aptitude for network marketing, you'll likely find similar skills are applicable in affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing does not require you to buy into someone else's business or manage an inventory. Instead, you use your marketing talents to reach out to a wide audience online through promotional content that you create.

Affiliate marketing is a legitimate business opportunity that does not rely on an external sales or business model. It is yours alone to do exactly what you want with it on your own time.

Transferrable Marketing Skills

If you want to do affiliate marketing as a job, you'll need to look at the skills you already have from doing network marketing or which would make you talented in both industries.

Do you connect with people easily? How are you at problem-solving? Can you talk or write about a product and showcase its best qualities?

A huge part of any marketing job is being able to pose a product or service as a solution to a problem. If you are able to do that, affiliate marketing might be a great fit for you.

The Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity

Affiliate marketing is the practice of promoting products or services for sellers and steering customers toward them. Unlike an MLM, you do not have to stock or sell the product yourself. Instead, you create promotional content.

Examples of this are all over the internet, but you see it frequently on social media posts or video product reviews. If the creator says, “Use my coupon code Jess10 to save 10%,” they are participating in affiliate marketing.

Each time someone uses a link or code they provide to make a purchase from the original seller, the seller compensates the marketer for steering sales to them.

Getting started as an affiliate marketer takes only a few tools, most of which are free or low-cost. You need a platform to host your promotional content, like a social media app, video channel, or personal blog.

Then you should get connected with some affiliate programs. These will match you with sellers who need content. You can also research more affiliate opportunities from other companies.

Get a Real Marketing Education

If after reading this LegalShield MLM review you're starting to think MLMs aren't for you, consider affiliate marketing. The same skills that you would use in network marketing are applicable to affiliate marketing, and you'll have the same type of adjustable work schedule in this business opportunity.

If you've reached the end of this review and decided you'd rather try your hand at affiliate marketing, please consider checking out our free online webclass which will walk you through our #1 recommended way to earn money online from home and teaches affiliate marketing strategies including how to make multiple high-ticket affiliate commissions each month marketing valuable products people already want to buy.

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