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Real Talk From Legendary Marketer

Real Talk From Legendary Marketer

How To Stop Sitting On The Sidelines And START Building Your Future

It's Time For Some Real Talk From Legendary Marketer

Why You Need to Stop Sitting on the Sidelines and Start Building Your Future.

Let’s have some real talk.

You want more—more income, more freedom, more time, more peace. You want it all… just not more work. And some of you have already taken action. But for others, you’re still sitting on the sidelines, watching and waiting.

So let’s have a real conversation about how YOU can GET WHAT YOU WANT.

Imagine this: You’re working on your own terms, spending your days doing something you’re genuinely passionate about, and you’ve got the freedom to be there for the moments that matter most. Whether it’s your kid’s school play on a Tuesday morning or taking a spontaneous trip just because you can.

Sounds like a dream, right? But it’s not just a dream. It’s the reality that can happen when you commit to learning, launching, and becoming a successful digital marketer.


You might be thinking, “I can’t connect the dots. It all seems too distant, too many steps ahead.” It’s easier to convince yourself that it’s not real, that it’s not possible. But seriously, stop the negative talk. You’re thinking too small, too short-term.


Please realize—it’s already been proven possible to create a thriving side hustle (or main hustle) for many through programs like Legendary Marketer, so WHY CAN’T YOU? Just look at the countless success stories. Since 2017, David Sharpe, CEO of Legendary Marketer, has been helping thousands of people learn digital marketing and launch their own online businesses. This isn’t a fad. What we do here at Legendary Marketer is nothing short of a leadership factory.

Now, I’m not going to sugarcoat it. This journey isn’t an overnight success story. Money does NOT fall from trees. So get out of that way of thinking.

It’s not about hopping from one shiny object to the next or collecting courses without ever diving deep into any of them. It’s about digging in, squeezing every bit of knowledge and value out of what you have, and applying it like your future depends on it…because it does.

It’s about taking the next daily step that’s right in front of you.

The Worry. The Wondering. The Questioning.

These emotions? They’re all part of the ride. They hit hard, especially when you’re starting out and stepping into the unknown. I felt them too. I remember family members asking if what I was doing was a “scam” (insert eye roll)—yeah, for real. At the time, it stung because I didn’t have the “proof” they wanted to see.

I was just starting out, no success story to back me up. But here’s the thing—no one can show “proof” of what they’ve accomplished if they haven’t started yet. It’s the most backward way of thinking. It’s like asking a freshman in college for proof of where they’ll be and what they’ll be making six years from now. It’s DUMB.

You and I both know success doesn’t just land in your lap; you have to go out and create it.

I was chasing everyone else’s approval and forgot the only one that mattered was my own. 💯

I realized those loved ones weren’t speaking out of love or care for me; they were speaking from a place loaded with misinformation, led by their own limiting beliefs.

If you’re in that same space right now, questioning if it’s all worth it, let me tell you—it absolutely is. But it’s not going to happen if you keep hesitating or if you keep jumping from one thing to another, hoping the next “guru” will be the magic bullet.

You also won’t see any growth if your messaging is so watered down to avoid upsetting anyone that you end up reaching no one at all.

YES, go back and read that again.

So what does taking daily action into the unknown look like?

Well, for me today…

It means never missing any of my kids' moments—big or small.
It means freedom to travel at the drop of a hat when a loved one is in need.
It revealed a new version of myself that is unrecognizable to the person I was 15 years ago. (And it’s absolutely beautiful.)

I’ve surrounded myself with people who share that same purpose, that same hunger for life, and that same desire to savor every single moment. I’ve seen countless students of Legendary Marketer go on and do the same.

This is what you’re building right now. This is what’s at stake.

It’s not just about making money… it’s about designing the life you want, with the people you want in it. Although it doesn’t feel like it, you’re in the sweet, beautiful beginning stages of something that could change everything.

And when you stick with it, when you really commit…

Those people, freedoms, joys, and moments you haven’t even imagined yet? They’ll start to show up in ways you never expected.

So to any naysayers out there…

I wave to you this week… from a cruise ship… surrounded by other marketers… others who have committed their energy and consistency to building something of their own for years.

Digital marketers with David Sharpe, CEO Legendary Marketer
Pictured above of fellow marketers including David Sharpe, CEO of Legendary Marketer

Entrepreneurs and digital marketers who know what it means to dig in and show up for their business and goals every day. People who know that life is just sweeter when you can enjoy every last drop and LIVE IT—without giving two cares about what anyone else thinks.

They don’t wait for someone else to decide when they’ll be happy, make a change, or give them permission to do something for themselves. Not these people. And not you.

Your Future Self

Your future self is waiting for you to take the action needed today. Your future tribe, your future colleagues and friends, your future freedom just need you to commit to action now.

So… get back into the challenge, book your calls, go to your live support sessions, ask the questions, post the reels, post what’s sitting in your drafts, write the emails, and forget the naysayers. Just wave with a smile as you continue to level up and they stay stuck.

As always… Stay Legendary.
Your future self will thank you.

P.S. Ready to GET STARTED and launch your own online business and learn how to effectively market any product or service and not sure how? Join the 5-Day LEARN LAUNCH LEAD CHALLENGE – TAP HERE.